EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 1. Use Dodson’s equation (equation 2.37) to calculate the closure temperatures of biotite for the cases of a slowly cooled intrusion discussed in Section 2.3.1, namely at 10°/Ma and 100°/Ma. Use the data given in Figure 5.1, which corresponds to EA = 196.8 kJ/mol and D0 = -0.00077m2/sec. Assume a = 140 µm and A = 27. The value of R is 8.314 J/K-mol. If we were to do K-Ar dating on these biotites long after they cooled (say 100 Ma later), how much different would the two ages be assuming the intrusion cooled at these rates from an initial temperate of 600°C? (Hint, you can easily do this in Excel, either using the solver, or iterating manually following an initial guess of the closure temperature – you can base that on the discussion in the text. Be careful to use consistent units). Tc = EA æ ARTc2 D0 ö R ln ç - 2 ÷ è a E At ø To answer this, we first need to solve the above equation to obtain the closure temperatures. Problem is that we can’t, at least not directly. The problem is very suitable for iterative indirect solution, for example using the solver. Doing so, we get closure temperatures of 551.7 K (279˚C) for 100 K/Ma and 524.8 K (252˚C) for 10 K/Ma. In the former case, it would take 3.21 Ma to cool to closure, in the second case it would take 34.82 Ma to cool to closure, so our dates would differ by 31.61 Ma. 2. You measure the following K2O and 40Ar on minerals from a small pluton. Calculate the age for each. What do you think the ages mean? Use the following: branching ratio is 0.1157, e = 0.58755 10-10 yr-1, total= 5.5492 x 10-10 yr-1. (These are newly recommended values). 40K/K = 0.0001167, atomic weight of K is 39.03983. K2O (wt. %) Radiogenic 40Ar, mole/g biotite 8.45 6.016 x 10-10 hornblende 0.6078 0.4642 x 10-10 Are the ages the same? If not, speculate on why not? Our first step is to convert K2O in wt percent to moles/g of 40K. To do so, we divide K2O by the molecular wt of K2O, divide by 100 (convert from percent), then multiply by 2 (there are 2 moles of K for every mole of K2O). This gives us moles/g of K. We then multiply by 0.01167 to get moles of 40K. The age may then be calculated by solving equation 2.33 for t: t = ln(40Ar*/40K x +1)/ These calculations are shown in the spreadsheet below: 1 EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 K2O% biotite hornblende 8.45 0.6087 mole wt K mole wt K2O 40K/K Lam total lam e.c. 39.398 moles K 0.00178 0.00013 moles 40K 2.0805E-07 1.4987E-08 40Ar* 6.02E-10 4.64E-11 t, Ma 48.6 52.0 94.796 0.0001167 5.55E-10 5.88E-11 The older age of the hornblende likely reflects its higher closure temperature. 3. Use following data to answer this question: Rb 1.42 10-11 yr-1; 86Sr/88Sr: 0.11940; 84Sr/88Sr: 0.006756, 85Rb/87Rb = 2.59265, atomic weight of Rb: 85.46776 atomic masses of Sr: 88Sr: 87.9056 87Sr: 86.9088 86Sr: 85.9092 84Sr: 83.9134 Calculate the abundances of the isotopes and atomic weight of Sr given that 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7045. The abundance of an isotope, for example, 84Sr, is calculated as: (84Sr/88Sr)/(84Sr/88Sr + 86Sr/88Sr + 87Sr/88Sr + 88Sr/88Sr) where 87Sr/88Sr can be calculated as 86Sr/88Sr x 87Sr/86Sr and 88Sr/88Sr is, of course, 1. In this way, we calculate the following abundances: 88 Sr: 82.63% 87 Sr: 6.95% 86 Sr: 9.87% 84 Sr: 0.558% The atomic weight may be calculated by multiplying the mass of each isotope by its fractional abundance and summing the result. Doing so, we obtain a weight of 87.617 4. The following data was obtained on 3 minerals from a pegmatite. Calculate the age of the rock using the isochron method (you may use conventional regression for this problem). The data and approach used in question 3 will prove useful. 87Sr/86Sr Rb, Sr, ppm ppm Muscovite Biotite K-feldspar 238.4 1080.9 121.9 1.80 12.8 75.5 1.4125 1.1400 0.7502 2 EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 Note: very important! In order to calculate the 87Rb/86Sr ratio, we need to (1) calculate the atomic weight of strontium for each sample and (2) calculate the fractional abundance of 86Sr for each sample. Because of the large variation in 87 Sr/86Sr, we cannot just use a standard value. Doing that was the point of the previous question. Rb, ppm Sr, ppm 87Sr/86Sr Moles Rb moles 87Rb moles Sr moles 86Sr 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr Muscovite 238.4 1.8 1.4125 2.789 0.7764 0.02055 0.0019 409.62 1.4125 Biotite K-feldspar 1080.9 121.9 12.8 75.5 1.14 0.7502 12.647 1.4263 3.5202 0.3970 0.14614 0.86174 0.0138 0.0846 254.65 4.6908 1.14 0.7502 fraction 87Rb of Rb 0.278346 slope lambda 87Rb (Ma^-1) 1.42E-05 intercept Age=ln(slope+1)/la mbda 84/88 86/88 87/88 (=87/86* 86/88) 88/88 SUM 0.00163 0.737790 787 114.58 Ma Muscovit e 0.006756 Biotite Kspar 0.006756 0.1194 0.168652 5 0.1194 0.136116 0.00675 6 0.1194 0.08957 388 1 1.2948 1 1 1.2623 1.2157 abundances 0.0054 0.0056 84Sr: masses 83.9134 0.0052 86Sr: 85.9092 0.0922 0.0946 0.0982 87 86.9088 0.1303 0.1078 0.0737 88Sr 87.9056 0.7723 0.7922 0.8226 87.571 87.588 87.614 Sr: atomic wt 3 EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 1.5 1.4 87Sr/86Sr 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0 100 200 300 400 500 87Rb/86Sr The above was done using simple linear regression in Excel. Using Isoplot gives an age of 115±48 Ma. 5. The following 40Ar*/39Ar ratios were measured in step heating of lunar Basalt 15555 from Hadley Rile. The flux monitor had an age of 1.062 109 yrs and its 40Ar*/39Ar ratio after irradiation was 29.33. The 40K/39K ratio is 0.000125137. Calculate the age for each step and plot the ages versus percent of release. From this release spectrum, estimate the age of the sample. 40 Cumulative % Ar released Ar*/39Ar 3 10 27 61 79 100 58.14 61.34 72.77 80.15 83.32 79.80 We use equation 2.42 first to solve for C, then to calculate the ages: We see that the last 3 release steps, which cumulatively represent 73% of the Ar, form an approximate plateau. Averaging these three steps and weighting each for the amount of Ar released, we calculate an age of 2.10 Ga: 4 EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 6. The following data were measured on phlogopites (P) and phlogopite leaches (LP) from a kimberlite from Rankin Inlet area of the Hudson Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada. What is the (1) the age of the rock (2) the uncertainty on the age, (3) the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio, and (4) the uncertainty on the initial ratio? The relative uncertainty on the 87Sr/86Sr is 0.005% and that of the 87Rb/86Sr is 1%. (Hint: this is best accomplished using the Isoplot.xla Excel add-in written by Ken Ludwig and available at http://bgc.org/isoplot_etc/isoplot.html). 87Rb/86Sr 87Sr/86Sr Sample P1 46.77 0.848455 P2 40.41 0.828490 P3 34.73 0.810753 P4 33.78 0.807993 P5 0.1829 0.706272 P6 0.1373 0.705616 P7 1.742 0.710498 5 EAS4561/6560 Isotope Geochemistry Problem Set 2 Due Feb. 16, 2017 87Sr/86Sr 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0 20 40 87Rb/86Sr 6 60
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