GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, VOL. 5, NO. 3, PAGES 261-273, SEPTEMBER 1991 METHANE CONSUMFIION AND EMISSION BY TAIGA S.C. Whalen, W. S. Reeburgh,and K. S. Kizer Institute of Marine Science,University of Alaska Fairbanks Abstract.Taigaor borealforestenvironments are a poorlyunderstood component of the globalCH4 budget.Resultsfroma 1-yearstudyof CH4fluxes at a rangeof representative floodplainandupland taigasitesin theBonanza Creeklongtermecological research area show that soil consumption of atmospheric CH4 was the dominantprocess. Methaneemissionoccurredonly sporadicallyin the earliestsuccessional stages in thefloodplainsystem; all otherfloodplainanduplandsiteswerenet CH4 consumers. Our resultssuggestthat upland and floodplain taigasoilsareanatmospheric CH4 sinkof upto 0.8 Tg yr-1.Point-source bogsandfensarethe onlyimportant CHn-emitting sitesin taiga. INTRODUCTION Recent observationsof increasingatmospheric [Adams et al., 1990] and continuesto accumulatein taigaandcoastalplaintundraenvironments [Billings, 1987]. Thereis concernthatregionalwarmingand changesin precipitation mightmobilizethisreservoir andmakeit availablefor biogeochemical conversion into productslike CH4 and CO 2. The possible mobilizationand releaseof theseradiatively active gasesis generallyviewed as capableof causinga positive climate feedback [Khalil and Rasmussen, 1989]. Tundra and boreal forest environments account for approximately equal amounts (13% and 14%, respectively)of the Earth'sterrestrialsoil carbon [Post et al. 1982]. Boreal forestis a generalterm describingthe mixed deciduous-coniferous forest biome locatedbetweentundraand temperateforest. Taiga is an equivalentterm used by Soviet and Alaskanworkers. The taiga is one of the Earth's largestsingle circum-globa!forest units, covering CH4 concentration [Rasmussen andKhalil, 1984; some11.1x 1012m2 [Billings,1987]andrangingin Steele et al., 1987; Blake and Rowland, 1989] have stimulateda reexaminationof controlson the global latitude from 70øN in Scandinavia and central Siberia CH4 budget[Cicerone andOremland, 1988]. Highlatitude terrestrial environmentsare of particular interestbecauseof their large storedsoil carbon contents[Postet al., 1982]. This carbonis believed to haveaccumulatedsincethe last glacialmaximum Copyright1991 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. to 45øN in eastern Siberia [Kimmins and Wein, 1986]. Tundraenvironments haverecenfiyreceived attentionas a CH4 source[Sebacheret al., 1986; Whalen and Reeburgh,1988], but we are aware of onlyoneestimateof CI-I4 emissionby taiga [Whalen andReeburgh,1990a]. The goal of this studywas to obtain systematic CH4 flux datafrom a rangeof representative taiga sitesto determinethe sourcestrengthof taigain the Papernumber91GB01303. globalCH4 budget.This paperpresents CH4 flux measurements obtainedduring the first year of a 0886-6236/91/91GB-01303510.00 continuingstudy. Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmission by Taiga 262 METHODS BCEF LTER thusprovidesan ideal areafor a study of taigatracegasfluxes. Sites Van Cleve et al. [ 1991] summarizethe statefactors Our studywas conductedat sitesin the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest (BCEF), a 5000-ha researcharealocated20 km westof theUniversityof Alaska Fairbankscampus(Figure 1). The BCEF was establishedin 1963 througha 50-year leaseby the U.S. Forest Service from the State of Alaska. Resultsfrom researchperformedwithin BCEF are summarizedby Van Cleve et al. [1986]. The 1983 Rosie Creek Fire burned some 3500 ha and involved approximatelyhalf of the south-facing uplandsin the BCEF [Juday and Dyrness, 1985]. A long term ecologicalresearch(LTER) program was initiated within BCEF in 1987. The activities of the Bonanza Creek LTER program focus on two successional sequences: primary succession on a fiver floodplain and secondarysuccessionin an upland region following fire. This focushasled to establishment of a rangeof representative andwell-understood sites where ancillarydataare collectedcontinuously;the controllingtaigaforestsuccession. The floodplain successionis controlled by river erosion and depositionandbeginswith baresandbars.Theseare populatedwith grassesand shrubsand the soilsare frequently salt affected (gypsumand calcite) as a resultof evaporationof soil pore water following capillaryrise. Fluvial depositionof silt and sand during high fiver stagesleadsto developmentof terraces,which are populatedby alder and willow. This stageis followed by developmentof balsam poplar standswith an understoryof white spruce. The longer-lived evergreenspruceovertopsthe poplar, and an insulating feather moss layer develops. Shading by the evergreenforest and insulationprovidedby the moss surfacelead to developmentof permafrost. The climax in this successional sequence is a blackspruce community, whichdevelopsinto a bog. Soil pH decreases, and soil carbon and nitrogen increase during the 148ø20 ' 1 10 / :-F ............... ........•, .................... "'•'" :if:' :•:','-:'"•' •....' ::: ':'(..'.'••F P3A :"'i' . I lJ _• . <'AS..2.) .•._ "'• •... . •1• .• :":"..i•:-',:.:. •::"/s/aria ..... .::'"•:.:' ....... .' '":.:11,7::' ...... ,,•.':':"':".' '• g .IW. //.•:::;:.:....:.:.:':'. FP5A."'"' .......... •al ...':•:7 "•:•:'" FP4A.. • • 148020 ' • ::-'.::::"i::::,:i• I............ ...:i:?' .... 0 I N -'• 1I 2I miles / I 148010 ' Fig. 1. Sitelocations, BonanzaCreekExperimental Forest,Alaska.Hatchedareashowsextentof 1983 Rosie Creek Fire. Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmissionby Taiga succession. River erosion or fire resets the successional sequence. The upland successional sequence is firedominated,and progresses on micaceousloesssoils through herb-shrub, hardwood, and evergreen conifer stages, all governed by longevity and overtopping.North-facingslopesreceivemuchless radiation and are dominatedby black spruceand permafrost. The sitesat which we measuredCH4 fluxes are representativeof each stagein the floodplain and upland successional sequences,so they cover the rangeof conditionsencounteredin taiga. Our flux chambers were permanently deployed in the vegetationcontrolsite adjacentthe primaryLTER sites. A variety of data are collectedat thesesites, including incident radiation, air and soil temperatures, precipitation,and water table depth. Complete vegetation and soil descriptions are availablefor each site. Table 1, which is largely adaptedfrom Van Cleve et al. [1991], summarizes the sites involved in this study and contains information on the biota, soils, and disturbance historyat similarsites. Flux Measurements 263 collected from each chamber over a 0.75-hour time courseandwereanalyzedfor CH4 in thelaboratory by flameionizationdetectiongaschromatography. Our CH4 standards arerelatableto NationalBureau of Standardsstandards.The net CH4 flux was calculatedfrom a leastsquaresfit of concentration changeversustime within the chamber. Details are given by Whalen and Reeburgh [1988]. The minimum detectableflux dependedon chamber area:volume ratios,but wasusually_-_4-0.2 mg CH4 m -2 d-1. Flux values below the detection limit are reportedas zero. Additional Measurements A soiltemperature profilewasmeasured adjacent to one chamber at each site with a portable multithermistor probe(2-cmintervals),andthemean soil temperatureto 15 cm was calculated. Soil moisture (w/w, oven-dried at 105øC)[Black,1965] was determined on 2.8 cm diameter x 10 cm soil corescollected1 m fromeachchamber.Soilorganic content(w/w; losson ignitionat 550øCof oven-dried sample) and pH [Black, 1965] were measuredon similarcorescollectedfromeachcontrolplotin late September, 1990. These data are summarizedin Table 2. Determinations of netCH4 fluxweremadeusinga staticchambertechnique [WhalenandReeburgh, 1988]. Each chamberconsistsof a skirtedaluminum base,which is permanentlyseatedin the soil, and lucite vertical sections and lids that utilize a waterfilled channel for a seal. Flux chamber bases were permanentlydeployedin or near the 15 m x !5 m vegetationcontrolplotwithineachof thefloodplain and uplandsites(Table 1) duringSeptember1989. Baseswere deployedin triplicateat all floodplain sitesandat uplandsiteUP3A. Basesat siteUP1A were deployedin duplicatein areaswhere ground coverwaspredominantly Calamagrostis(bluestem) or Equisetum(horsetail). Experimentalplots (also 15 m x 15 m) adjacentall otheruplandsites(AS2, SB1, NB2 and BS2) have been fertilized (1:1 mixtureof ureaandNH4804) twiceper year since 1988atratesof 5 and20 g N m-2yr-1.Thelow-N treatmentrepresentsa doublingof the natural N input; the high-N treatment was intended to overwhelm microbiological contributions(F. S. Chapin, personal communication, 1991). Two chamber bases were deployed in the vegetation controland low-N plotswithin thesesitesto assess theeffectof N fertilizationon CH4 flux. Methaneflux measurements were madeweekly at each upland and floodplain site from late May through September1990. Syringe sampleswere Soil CH4 depthdistributionswere measuredat uplandsitesNB2, SB1, BS2 andUP3A on samples obtainedby insertinga steeltubeprobeto knownsoil depthsandpumpingsoilgasintoTedlarsamplebags [Born et al., 1990] with a battery-powered diaphragmpump. The bags were sampledand analyzedfor CH4 in thelaboratory. Methaneconsumptionthresholdsand capacities were studiedat theabovefour sitesusingchambers with ambient and amendedatmospheres. The ambientatmosphere experiments involvedallowing chambers withfreeairatmospheres (-1.7 ppmCH4) to "randown"withperiodicsamplingovera 24 hour period. The amendedatmosphereexperiments involvedadjustinginitial chamberatmospheres to concentrations of ~20 ppmCH4andsampling overa 24 hourperiod. Methane fluxes were often below the limit of detection. We reportthe medianand interquartile range(IQR; rangeof central50% of data)of theCH4 flux dataasmeasures of centralvalueandvariability. This procedure is recommended by Helsel[1990] for analysis of censored(i.e., many values below detection limit) data. Nonparametricstatistics [Conover, 1980; Zar, 1984] are usedbecauseof the largenumberof valuesbelow the detectionlimit and becauseno singledatatransformation consistently homogenizedvariances. Statisticalanalyseswere 264 Wha!eneta!.: Methane Consumption andEmission byTaiga , , , , ++ 0 0 0 0 •0 <<<<< < Whalenet al.' MethaneConsumption andEmissionby Taiga i i 265 i i i i i i 266 Whalenet al.' MethaneConsumption andEmission byTaiga m-2d-1,witha median of-0.23 mgCH4 m-2d-1for performedat a significancelevel of a--0.05 in all cases. the entiredata set. Overall, CH4 fluxeswere low, with 43% of the observations below the detection RESULTS limit. Fluxesfrom the floodplainsitesand uplandsites are are presentedin Figures2 and 3, respectively. Table 2 givessummarystatisticsfor the CH4 flux measurements.Both positive(net CH4 emission) and negative(net CH4 consumption)fluxes were observed.Fluxesvariedfrom -1.81 to 8.37 mg CH4 floodplain sites,but there were clear differencesin fluxes among sites (Figure 2). A transitionfrom FP 1A -Sandbar No seasonal signalfor CH4flux wasevidentin the CH 4 productionto consumptionwith advancing plantcommunitysuccession is evidentin Figure2. Methaneemissionwas frequentlyobservedin the earlieststageof succession (sandbar,Figure2a), and a - Alder-Poplar 8 b ß ,r 4 o• 2 hi' 0 ....... H -- • ----• -------' 3I -2 , i , ,. June May , i ,l July " , Sept Aug , . May ß June 199O , i July i Aug , Sept 1990 , FP4A- WhiteSpruce FP3A - Poplar d 1 1 E • 0 0 0 E -1-2, 'i May , June ß July -2 •i Aug i May Sept i June ' July 'i ' Aug 11 Sept 1990 199O FP5A - BlackSpruce i May i i June i iI July e i Aug Sept 199O Fig.2. Methane fluxes (mgm'2d'1)fromBonanza Creek Experimental Forest floodplain sites, May 24 to September 25, 1990.(a) FP1A, sandbar (notethatflux scalediffersfromothersites). (b) FP2A, alderto poplar.(c) FP3A, poplarwith spruceunderstory. (d) FP4A, whitespruce.(e) FP5A, black spruce. 267 Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmission by Taiga 2 UP1A- AS2 - S. Aspen Burn Site b 1 E -1 -2 i i i i i i June May iii May Sept Aug i i i July i , i June July , i Aug Sept 1990 1990 i 2 , SB1 - S. Birch i i i i c i i , UP3A- White Spruce d 1 E •.0 0 E -1 -2 -2 May June July Aug June May Sept July Aug Sept 1990 1990 2 NB2 - N. Birch i ,,- 1 i i BS2- N. BlackSpruce e f 1' 'E 0...... O -c,•.,, '--•- ..... •['% ',,•,.,. "'•" • •.."&" ..... ' r'.; : •'-1 -2 i May I i June i July i ii• , Aug ,. , Sept 1990 -2 , May . , June . . July l Aug Sept 1990 Fig.3. Methane fluxes (mgm'2d'l) fromBonanza Creek Experimental Forest upland sites, May 22- September 27,1990.DatafromtheN-fertilized plots atsites AS2,SB1,NB2,andBS2are plotted astriangles. (a)UP1A,burn site(Calamagrostis, triangles; Equisetum, open symbols). (b)AS2,aspen. (c)SB1,birch. (d)UP3A,whitespruce. (e)NB2,north birch. (f) BS2,north black spruce. sporadicallyseenin middlestagesof succession (alder-poplar, Figure2b; poplar,Figure2c). The magnitudeand frequencyof emissiondecreased along the succession for thesesiteswith some stationsshowingconsumption aswell as emission, depending on date. The late stagesof succession, whitespruce(Figure2d) andblackspruce(Figure 2e) showedonly CH4 consumption when fluxes were detectable. Differencesin CH4 flux among siteswere statisticallysignificant(Fa-uskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance or ANOVA). A posteriofianalysis by Dunn'snonparametric multiple comparisonclearly showedthat the sandbarsite (Figure4a) had the highestCH4 flux (dataranked lowestto highest,i.e., greatestrate of consumption to greatestrate of emission). The remainingdata showedthreesetsof overlapping similarities(Figure 4a). The meanranksfollow an order that showsthe 268 Whalenet al.' MethaneConsumption andEmissionby Taiga (a) Floodplain Site FP4A FP5A FP3A FP2A FP1A n 45 45 42 48 48 Mean Rank 57.4 89.9 104.4 139.9 174.6 , , (b) Upland Site BS2 UP3A SB 1 AS2 NB2 n 38 55 38 38 38 Mean rank 60.8 95.8 128.9 129.8 152.9 , , UP1A 76 223.2 • Fig. 4. Multiplecomparisons of rankedmethane fluxmeasurements forBCEF(a) floodplainand (b) uplandsitesby Dunifsnonparametric procedure.Meanranksfor thesitetypesarearrangedin increasing order. Sitesunderscored by thesameline haveno significant differences; sitesnot underscored by the san• line showsignificantly differentfluxes. transitionfrom CH4 emissionto consumption with increasing ecosystem maturity. There is no difference in CH4 consumptionbetween white spruce(FP4A) and black spruce(FP5A) or between black spruceandpoplar(FP3A), but consumption is greaterin white sprucethan in poplar and in black sprucethanin thealder-poplar(FP2A) stand. Methane emission was never observed at the othersitescouldnotbe clearlyclassified.However, ranksandoverlapping similaritiestogetherindicated thatwhitespruce(UP3A)wasmostcloselyrelatedto blackspruce(latesuccessional stage)andnorthbirch (NB2) was most closely related to other midsuccessional (southbirch, SB1 and aspen,AS2) sites.The lack of a significant differencein CH4 consumptionbetween south birch and north birch (Figure4b) indicatesthataspecthadno influenceon CH4 flUXfor thisplantcommunity.Net CH4 fluxes were significantly lower(i.e., higherrate of CH4 uplandsites(Figure3; Table 2). As in the floodplain sites,there was no clear seasonalsignal for CH4 flux. The earliest successionalstage (bum site, Figure 3a) showedthe smallestflux, with only 4% (3 of 76) of the flux determinations above the detectable level. The latersuccessional stages,white spruce(Figure 3d) and black spruce(Figure 3f), exhibitedhigherratesof CH4 consumption thanthe middle stagesof succession (aspen,Figure3b; and birch,Figures3c and3e). Differencesin CH4 flux at control stationsamong sites were significant (ANOVA), and multiple comparisonof fluxes (Dunn's test) suggeststhat consumptionincreases floodplainsiteswhenthe entiredata were pooled (Mann-WhimeyU test). The soilpH at thestudysitesrangedfrom slightly basicto acidic(Table1). The highestvaluesof pH were observedin the first stage of succession with advancing plantcommunity succession (Figure 4b). A significant increase in CH4consumption rate wasobservedat blackspruce(BS2) relativeto the bum site(UP1A). The CH4 consumption rateat all floodplainanduplandsites,respectively (Table1), withthelowestvaluefor eachsequence occurring in thefirstsuccessional stage. The soiltemperature duringtheobservation period consumption) in the upland sites than in the (FP1A, UP1A), and the lowestvalueswere found at theblacksprucesitesin boththefloodplain(FP5A) and upland(BS2) areas. The soil organiccontent varied from 2 to 45% and from 9 to 37% in the Whalenetal.' Methane Consumption andEmission byTaiga variedfrom about2ø to 21o C in boththe floodplain anduplandsites(Table 2). Meansvariedfrom 10.5ø to 15.7 øCfor floodplainsitesand from 8.9 to 12.9 *C for uplandsites.The meansoil moisturecontent showeda higherrangefor uplandsites(112%) than for floodplainsites(51%), dueto thehighmeansoil moisture at BS2 (Table 2). The effect of soil temperatureand moistureon CH4 flux at eachsite was assessedby correlation analysis (Table 3). Correlations werenot statistically significantin many cases. However, statisticallysignificantdata show threetrends.First,CH4 flux is negativelycorrelated with soil temperature,indicating that soil CH4 consumption (negative flux) increases with increasing temperature. Second, CH 4 flux is positively correlated with soil moisture at sites showing no CH4 emission(Figures 2 and 3), indicatingthat CH4 consumption decreasedwith increasingsoil moisture. Third, increasingCH4 emissionis correlatedwith decreasingsoil moisture at the only site showingCH4 emissionand no consumption (FP1A, sandbar). Nitrogenfertilizationhadno consistent effecton 269 CHn flux in the uplandsites. Neitherstationwithin the fertilized plot at SB1 (Figure 3c) showed detectableCHn consumption duringthe entirefield season.Comparison of N-fertilizedandcontrolplots within other upland sites (Mann-Whitney U test) showedsignificantlyincreasedconsumptionin the fertilizedplot at AS2 (Figure 3b) and no difference betweenplotsat BS2 (Figure 3f) and NB2 (Figure 3e). The CH4 concentrationin soil atmospheres decreased rapidlywith increasingdepthat upland sitesNB2, SB1, BS2, andUP3A. Figure5a shows resultsfrom NB2, which are typical of the other sites. Methanewas essentiallydepletedbelow a depthof 40 cm, andconcentrations between40 to 60 cm wereconsistently at or belowthedetectionlimit. Soils at upland sitesshoweda low thresholdand high capacity for CH4 consumption. Methane concentrations in unamended chambers at NB2, SB 1, BS2, and UP3A decreasedto a thresholdvalue varyingfrom below the limit of detection(0.1 ppm) to 0.87 ppm over 24 hours;resultsfrom NB2 are shown in Figure 5b. Methane concentrationsin TABLE 3. Kendall'sRank CorrelationCoefficientx for CorrelationsBetweenCH4 Flux andSoil TemperatureandMoisture Kendall',s•: Soil Moisture Soil Temperature Site , Station 1 , , Station! Station2 -0.59 FP1A Station3, -0.52 Station4 - FP2A FP3A FP4A -O.43 0.53 0.49 0.63 FP5A UP1A AS2 -O.57 O.70 SB1 -0.38 0.47 NB2 -0.60 0.46 UP3A 0.62 0.39 0.46 0.41 0.79 BS2 The numberof observations at a stationfor eachx variedasfollows: Floodplain temperature, 14-16;Floodplain moisture,10-11;Uplandtemperature, 19;Upland moisture,15. Stations1 and2 arewithinthecontrolplotat uplandsites;stations3 and4 arewithintheadjacent N-fertilizedplot. Onlystatistically significant correlations are reported.A dash(-) indicates nodata;a blankindicates nosignificant correlation. Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmission byTaiga 270 CH4 (ppm) 0.5 1 chamberswith atmospheres amendedto-20 ppm decreased to valuesvaryingfrom belowthedetection 1.5 limitto 1.08ppmwithin24 hours.Figure5csh6ws resultsfroman amendment experiment at NB2. 10 2O DISCUSSION 3O Resultsof this studyclearly indicatethat welldrainedtaigasoilsarea CH4 sink. Seasonal studies havealsoreportednet CH4 consumption for other undisturbed, moist forest soils. Temperate deciduous andevergreenforestsshowedmeanfluxes 4050- 60. NB2 4 Oct 9O of-4.15 and-3.51 mg CH4 m-2d-1 [Steudleret 70 1. a1.,1990], and tropical forest soils had average fluxes of-0.14 [Keller et a1.,1986], -0.57 (dry season) [Goreau and de Mello, 1988] and-0.8 2t. NB2 27 uly90 , [Kelleret al., 1990]mg CH4 m-2d4. Ourmedian flux of-0.23 mgCH4m'2d'1 is closest to thelower meanreportedfor tropicalsofts. The significantdifferencein CH4 flux between E O. , 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (h) 25 floodplain and upland sites may be related to drainageand water table level. Early successional stagesat floodplainsites(lowestterraceelevations, Table 1) showedepisodicCH4 emission(Figure2a to 2c) following heavy rains. Sites at higher floodplain terrace elevations (late successional stages)andall uplandsitesconsumed CH4 or had fluxes below the detection limit. Soils in the floodplainanduplandsitesalsodiffered; floodplain soilswerea sandyor siltyalluvium,whiletheupland soils consistedof a micaceousloess [Van Cleve et al., 1991]. ,, 20 Nitrogenfertilizationhad no influenceon CH4 consumption at ouruplandtaigasitesbut resultedin significantly lower CH4 consumptionrates in temperatehardwoodand softwoodforests[Steudler • 15 et al., 1990]. The studies differed in form of N -,- 10, NB2 10 Aug 90 E . Time (h) Fig. 5. Methanedepthdistributionandconsumption at siteNB2. (a) Depthdistribution, October4, 1990. (b) Chamber methane concentrationvs. time with ambient (-1.7 ppm) initial atmosphere,July 27, 1990. (c) Chambermethaneconcentrationvs. time with amended(-20 ppm)initial atmosphere,August 10, 1990. added, relative N loading, and frequency of application, so their results are not directly comparable. Soil CH4 profiles(Figure5a) stronglysuggest that soils at deciduousand coniferousupland sitesare well aeratedat leastto 60 cm. The organichorizonin thesesoilsis generallylimitedto depthslessthan20 cm. Thus it is likely that methanogenesisis nonexistent or confined to anaerobic microzones [SmithandArah, 1985]andtheimportantbiological processinfluencingthe soil CH4 distributionis oxidation. Keller et al. [1990] and Born et al. [1990] found similardepthdistributionsfor CH4 in moist soilsfrom tropicalandtemperateforests,whichalso suggestsCH4 consumptiononly. Yavitt et al. [ 1990]reportCH4 oxidationin theupper0 to 20 cm Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmissionby Taiga and productionbelow 20 cm in CH4 profiles for temperate mesophytic and spruce forest soils. Collectively, these data indicate that forest soils supporta community of methanotrophsor other CH4-oxidizingbacteria(e.g. nitriflers[Bedardand Knowles, 1989]) whose CH4 sourceis largely atmospheric. Our taiga sitesshowedno strongseasonalsignal for CH4 consumption(Figures2 and 3). Keller et al. [1983] found no seasonaltrend in CH4 consumption in soilsof a temperatehardwoodforest, and no seasonalvariationsare evidentin the May throughOctoberrecordat othertemperatehardwood sites [Steudler et al., 1990]. These reports are consistentwith our observationthat the atmosphere is the majorCH4 sourcefor microbialoxidationin many forest soils. The moist surface zone of microbialactivitycanbe expectedto thawandwarm quickly in the spring. in contrast,the gradual thawing and warming of saturated,biologically activetundrasoilsunderlainby permafrost resultsin a pronouncedseasonalsignal for CH4 emission [WhalenandReeburgh,1988]. The low thresholdand high capacityfor CH4 oxidationshownin theCH4 amendment experiment (Figure 5½) is in agreementwith our previous observationson end-member CH4 oxidizing environments, namelywell-drainedsubarctictundra [WhalenandReeburgh,1990b]andthe surfacesoil of a retired landfill [Whalen et a1.,1990]. These resultsindicatethepresence of a ubiquitous bacterial communitycapableof rapidly oxidizing CH4 at concentrations well aboveand below atmospheric levels. Theseresultsalsosuggestthat the ratesof CH4 consumption reportedabovefor forestsoilsare governedby physicalsoilconditions(morphology, porosity,moisturecontent,and temperature)that regulateCH4 diffusionto microbes,ratherthan intrinsicbiologicalfactors. Further supportfor physicalcontrolof CH4 consumption by forestsoils is shownin Table 3; increased CH4 consumption (negativeflux) was correlatedwith increasingsoil temperature and decreasingsoil moisture when significant values of z were found for sites that showedCH4 consumption only. It is likely thatsoil moisture content exerts the greatest physical influence onCH4 oxidation ratesin forestandother soils. We demonstrated experimentallythat CH4 oxidation rates in moist soils from a retired landfill were reducednearly ten fold when saturatedwith water [Whalen et al., 1990], and $teudler et al. [ 1990]reportedsignificantdecreases in ratesof CH4 consumption by temperate forest soils under conditions of increased moisture. 271 Theincrease in CH4 consumption withincreasing ecosystem maturity(Figures2 and3) alsopointsto physicalcontrolof the CH4 consumption rate. As the taigamatures,mineralsoilbecomescoveredwith decaying organicmatteranda thickcarpetof feather moss [Van Cleve et al., 1991]. We observedthe highestratesof CH4 oxidationandgasdiffusionin experiments involvingbothchambersandsoilcores frommossyenvironments [WhalenandReeburgh 1990b; also unpublisheddata, 1990], and attribute them to rapid gas phasediffusion in the pillowy, moist surface matrix. Taiga has been considereda net CH4 source [Sebacheret al., 1986;MatthewsandFung, 1987]of ~15 Tg yr-1 [WhalenandReeburgh,1990a],largely becauseof high ratesof CH4 emissionfrom point sources(bogsand fens) [Crill et al., 1988;Hatrisset al., 1985; Moore et al., 1990; Moore and Knowles, 1990] distributed throughoutthis environment. Usingtheoverallflux resultsfrom thisstudy(IQR of 0.0 to -0.42 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, Table2), an active periodof 150 days,and a globaltaiga coverageof 11.lx106 km2, we estimatethat uplandand floodplaintaigahavea CH4 sinkstrength of 0 - 0.8 Tg yr-1. This is smallerthanthe previousboreal forestsoilconsumption estimates of- 1 to -15 Tg yr-1 [Born et al., 1990] and -0.3 to -5.1 Tg CH4 yr-1 [Steudler et al., 1990], which were based on fewer data. Resolvingthe contributionsof point sources within taiga environmentswill require a high resolutiondatabasefor theglobalextentof eachsite type. The results from this study extend beyond establishinga firmly based estimate for CH4 consumptionby taiga. The data clearly show quantitativeconsumption of atmosphericCH4 by moisttaigasoilsandsupportcontrolof oxidationby physicalprocesses.Recentstudieshave indicated that moist soils in both natural and managed ecosystemsare net CH4 sinks (summarized by Steudleret al. [1990] and Born et al. [1990]) and suggestCH4 consumption equivalentto 1 to 11% of the540Tg CH4 yr-1emittedto theatmosphere from all sources [Cicerone and Oremland, 1988]. Consumption of atmospheric CH4 by these ecosystemscould provide a significantnegative feedbackto increases in atmospheric CH4. Changes in soil physical characteristicsresulting from temperatureand precipitationchangesare likely to influenceratesof CH4 consumption.Water table andtemperature manipulation experiments (1 to 10 m2 scale)are an approachto understanding these relationships. 272 Whalenet al.: MethaneConsumption andEmissionby Taiga Acknowledgments.Keith Van Cleve (University of Alaska), Leslie A. Viereck (U.S. Forest Service), and C. T. Dyrness(U.S. ForestService)provided the opportunityto work within the BonanzaCreek Experimental ForestLongT-ermEcologicalResearch program. Advice on site selectionand logistic supportin thefloodpl• studieswasprovidedby the aforementioned individualsandby Bob Schlentner. Terry ChapinandEric Vanceadvisedon uplandsite selection andmadetheirN-fertilizexl plotsavailableto this study. Glenn Juday provided Figure 1. UndergraduatesummerassistantHeatherAnderin assisted withfield samplingandlaboratory analyses. 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