REFORM GROWTH IN ARAB-EU TRADE Winter 2012 With Media Partner This report reflects the conference rapporteur’s understanding of the views expressed by speakers. Moreover, these opinions are not necessarily those of the organisations they represent, nor of Friends of Europe, its Board of Trustees, members or partners. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted, providing that full credit is given to Friends of Europe, and provided that any such reproduction, whether in whole or in part, is not sold unless incorporated in other works. Rapporteur: Lorne Cook Publisher: Geert Cami Project Director: Nathalie Furrer Project Managers: Jacqueline Hogue, Federica Torcoli Project Assistant: Claire Muurmans Photographer: Ilaria Dozio Cover image: Heini Järvinen Table of contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 REFORM GROWTH 6 ANNEX I – Programme 11 ANNEX II – List of registered participants 12 Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Friends of Europe’s Café Crossfire, entitled ‘Reform Growth in Arab-EU Trade”, provided an opportunity for senior policymakers in this field to discuss their views of how the evolving trade relationship between the EU and its Arab neighbours can best be managed in order to ensure a mutually beneficial future. Several speakers highlighted the need to ensure that the changes taking place in Arab countries benefit all sectors of society. In particular, Alar Olljum, Advisor for the European External Action Service on North Africa, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq, emphasised the importance of dealing with youth unemployment and of empowering women, a stance backed by Ilham Zhiri, President of the Moroccan Women’s Network for Mentoring and Networking. A number of speakers, including Ahmed Tibaoui, President of the Arab-EU Business Facilitation Network, Louis Telemachou, Cyprus Ambassador to the EU’s Political and Security Committee, and Peter Balas, European Commission Deputy Director General for Trade, discussed the potential of the EU to contribute to such positive developments. Practical steps that could be taken in this regard, particularly in relation to support for the private sector, were outlined by Fadel Allabadi, Industrial Development Department Manager at the Amman Chamber of Industry, and by Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Secretary General of the Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC). Sajjad Karim MEP, Member of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries and EU-Egypt Task Force Representative, noted that the ultimate responsibility for such changes lies with the states themselves. Despite the challenges involved in redefining the Arab-EU trade relationship, all speakers were confident that mutual engagement would lead to lasting benefits for both sides. SPEAKERS PANEL (from left to right): Louis Telemachou, Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Fadel Allabadi, Sajjad Karim MEP, Shada Islam (moderator), Ahmed Tibaoui, Alar Olljum, Ilham Zhiri, Peter Balas Friends of Europe | Global Europe 6 REFORM GROWTH The political transformation taking place in countries around the Mediterranean and in the Middle East has the potential to create new wealth and quality employment for millions of men and women. In the context of the global economic crisis, the Arab uprisings also provide an opportunity for companies to bring more business to Europe, and indeed the EU could win at least as much, if not more, than its partners in the South through improved trade and investment, said experts at a Friends of Europe debate on Reform Growth in Arab-EU Trade. “Corruption, cronyism and the absence of democratic representation are all of the things that have led to the types of revolutionary change that have happened” Sajjad Karim MEP, Member of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries and EU-Egypt Task Force Member The political and economic tracks in these fast-changing nations are deeply interconnected. "Corruption, cronyism and the absence of democratic representation are all of the things that have led to the types of revolutionary change that have happened. They have significant effects on economic activity and investment decisions. All of these things need to be addressed", said Sajjad Karim MEP, Member of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries and an EU-Egypt Task Force Representative. “Economic growth and political stability are sustainable only if the growth is inclusive” Alar Olljum, Advisor for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq for the European External Action Service Success on both tracks can only be assured if economic growth is inclusive; shared through all sectors of society, rather than kept for the wealthiest as was often the case in the past. "Economic growth and political stability are only sustainable if the growth is inclusive. We have to ensure that the growth will be inclusive, that it will address the issues of women's empowerment and youth unemployment", said Alar Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 7 Olljum, Advisor for North Africa, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq for the European External Action Service. The strength of Europe's engagement could have a decisive influence. "There is concern that perhaps, given the global crisis which is hitting Europe and the euro, the EU might disengage itself vis-à-vis the countries of the south and from the commitments it has made to them", said Ahmed Tibaoui, President of the Arab-EU Business Facilitation Network. The European Union is the leading trade partner and investor in the countries around the Mediterranean rim. The EU is seeking to negotiate deep and comprehensive free trade agreements (DCFTA) with many countries in the region. EU foreign ministers decided, almost exactly a year ago, to launch DCFTA talks with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. The accords cover a range of areas, such as trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade, health measures, investment protection, public procurement and competition policy. "This process has been very useful" in Eastern Europe, said Peter Balas, European Commission Deputy Director General for Trade. "We think that investment inflows are a major growth factor for the countries of this region, and creating more stable conditions for investment is an extremely important element of our relationship and the way we can help these countries". “We would like this to turn into a wheel where all along the rim countries are liberalising among themselves. This the EU can promote, and encourage, but the decision is clearly in the hands of the governments” Peter Balas, European Commission Deputy Director General for Trade The DCFTA negotiations, which are likely to take three years to complete, also allow the EU to focus on ways to improve economic integration and cooperation between the countries of the region. This is important in helping to reduce dependence and also helps Arab countries to help themselves by improving inter-regional trade and travel. "Very often what we see, and frankly do not enjoy and appreciate, is that the EU is in the centre, and that there are spokes leading out to every single country bilaterally", said Balas. "We would like this to turn into a wheel where all along the rim countries are liberalising among themselves. This the EU can promote, and encourage, but the decision is clearly in the hands of the governments". In order to fully exploit business possibilities, speakers and members of the audience - many of them from the region - urged the European Union to reach out to the private sector. "We are looking for better and stronger relations with our friends in the EU, and we truly hope that they will continue to support the private sector. We need a 8 Friends of Europe | Global Europe focus on education, training, transfer of technology and know-how", said Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Secretary General of the Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC). “We are looking for better and stronger relations with our friends in the EU, and we truly hope that they will continue to support the private sector” Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Secretary General of the Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce Fadel Allabadi, Industrial Development Department Manager at the Amman Chamber of Industry, echoed those sentiments, and also encouraged Europeans to address the needs of both the public and the private sectors when it comes to aid. "We need more EU aid programmes. But we need to make sure that these programmes, which are mainly designed for the public sector, are done in consultation with the private sector, complying with private sector demands to have more impact on the business sector", he said. “We need more EU aid programmes. But we need to make sure that these programmes are done in consultation with the private sector” Fadel Allabadi, Industrial Development Department Manager, Amman Chamber of Industry To foster relations between business communities in Europe and the South, Allabadi called for a number of concrete steps to be taken. "We need more match-making events with European business partners, and why not have trade promotion offices, export trade houses, that can promote and provide services for all Arab exporters, not only single countries?" he said. European investment, he said, could be a main driver for creating job opportunities and should be channelled into high-added-value and hi-tech industries. Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 9 Speakers also drew particular attention to the need to empower women in the Mediterranean region, where they have traditionally been underemployed and their talents neglected. "Women in my country, and perhaps the whole region, total 52 percent of the population", said Ilham Zhiri, President of the Moroccan Women's Network for Mentoring and Networking. "We only have 25 percent of those who participate actively in the workforce, while 65 percent graduate from university. And again; 70 percent of women in my country are still living in precarious circumstances, if not at the level of poverty". “We are agents of change, and we are looking for an effective, strong, sustainable partnership with the European Union to empower women and also to help the next generation of young people” Ilham Zhiri, President of the Moroccan Women’s Network for Mentoring and Networking “It is through public-private partnership that we can make things happen and really have women playing a role. We are agents of change, and we are looking for an effective, strong, sustainable partnership with the European Union to empower women and also to help the next generation of young people", she said. Zhiri and other speakers also voiced concern at the chronic unemployment among young people, and particularly well-educated people, including university graduates. “We want to extend a hand to help these countries to include all members of society in the new societies that they want to create” Louis Telemachou, Cyprus Ambassador to the EU’s Political and Security Committee of the EU Louis Telemachou, Cyprus Ambassador to the EU's Political and Security Committee, emphasised that Europe was doing its best to help in this regard. But he sounded a note of caution, as the EU is wary of imposing its views. "We want to extend a hand to help these countries to include all members of society in the new societies that they want to create. We are not going to do the work for them, we actually should not interfere, this is not our job", he said. "But we should encourage 10 Friends of Europe | Global Europe the new societies being built to be more inclusive in terms of minorities and to be more inclusive in terms of women". Touching on a contentious topic that found resonance among many listeners, the FGCCC’s Naqi urged Europe to further open its market to Arab businesspeople by cutting red tape for those seeking Schengen area visas. He said it was far easier to obtain visas for Britain and the United States than for continental Europe. "We need to facilitate visas for the businessman from the Gulf area. It is a shame, in 2012, to be asking Europe about visas", he said. But Telemachou noted that Europe had taken many years to create the Schengen area, and that travel is not very easy for people in the region wishing to do business with their neighbours. "What are the initiatives taken among the Arab world to help business people travel within the region? How easy is it for a Libyan businessperson to visit one of their neighbouring countries and promote their exports? So, I would argue that the first step on this is to facilitate visas among the Arab states themselves. Then we, as the EU, will also have our homework to do", he said. “The EU must consider the countries of the south as real partners, and encourage companies to invest there because the environment is favourable” Ahmed Tibaoui, President Business Facilitation Network of the Arab-EU Above all, the European speakers emphasised the so-called "more for more" principle, whereby the EU has stood ready to reward nations in the region for any additional progress they might make with democratic reforms. "Ultimate responsibility rests with the states themselves, to want to bring about the sort of changes that are required", said MEP Karim. Yet those from both the North and the South acknowledged that, whatever the challenges, the Arab uprisings could become a well spring of economic opportunity for all. "Yes, there are fears that there will be a flood of cheap goods, of cheap labour, etc. But actually it's a win-win situation. In fact, the economic gains quite often come to the more advanced partner. Both sides would win, but we would win more in fact." said the EU External Action Service's Olljum. Tibaoui said: "The EU must consider the countries of the south as real partners, and encourage companies to invest there because the environment is favourable and because today, Europe is in crisis. It can reclaim some of the market share that it has lost in our countries through investment and co-development." Meanwhile, Naqi had a final word for the European business community: "In 2010, 51 billion euro was invested in the Gulf area. Your investment is more secure in Arab countries than in Europe, and it is guaranteed." Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 11 ANNEX I – Programme 10.00 – 10.30 Welcome and registration of participants 10.30 – 12.30 FORGING A NEW EU-ARAB PARTNERSHIP FOR GROWTH AND STABILITY The forces unleashed by the Arab uprisings are transforming the political landscape in the Middle East. To be successful, however, political change must be accompanied by a simultaneous economic awakening which can generate quality employment for millions of young men and women. The European Union, which has long-standing economic, trade and investment relations with the Arab world, can play an important role in helping to transform the economies of the region. Does the EU have a new vision for improving its economic and political relationship with Arab countries in order to support growth and political stability? Are the Arab world’s new leaders interested in a stronger economic partnership – including investments and trade - with the EU? What is the potential for enhanced cooperation between the European and Arab private sector in promoting jobs and investments? How open is the EU market to manufacturing and agricultural exports from Arab countries? FEATURING: Fadel Allabadi, Industrial Development Department Manager at the Amman Chamber of Industry Peter Balas, European Commission Deputy Director General for Trade Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Secretary General of the Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC), Saudi Arabia Sajjad Karim MEP, Member of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries and EU-Egypt Task Force Representative Alar Olljum, Advisor for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq for the European External Action Service (EEAS) Louis Telemachou, Cyprus Ambassador to the Political and Security Committee of the EU Ahmed Tibaoui, President of the Arab-EU Business Facilitation Network Ilham Zhiri, Founder and President of the Moroccan Women’s Network for Mentoring and Networking Moderated by Shada Islam, Head of Policy at Friends of Europe 12.30 – 13.30 Networking lunch Workshops organised by the Confederation of Danish Industry and the Arab-EU Business Facilitation Network: 13.30 – 14.45 WORKSHOP 1: Specific instruments under the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) and Rules of Origin 14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break 15.00 – 16.15 WORKSHOP 2: Specific instruments concerning food safety and veterinary policies in Arab-EU trade 16.15 – 16.30 Conclusions and final remarks 16.30 onwards Cocktail reception & end of conference Friends of Europe | Global Europe 12 ANNEX II – List of registered participants Nabeel Abdulrahman Ahmed, Senior Service Manager, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ahmed Abu-Nahia, Assistant Acting Director Public Relations Department, Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Elsayed Abuyoussef, Minister Plenipotentiary for Trade, Mission of Egypt to the EU Hussein Abdulrahman Al Athel, Secretary General, Riyadh Chamber of Commerce & Industry Basil Al Awami, International Director, Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC) Noor Al Deen Al Sagheer, Assistant Professor (Modern History + Islamic Studies), University of Sharjah, College of Arts & Sciences - History & Islamic Civilization Department Najeeb Al Hamer, Chairman, Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Moosa Bin Jaffar Al moosawi, Foreign Affairs and Exhibition Director, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ahmed Al Saati, Public Relations Manager, Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC) Saleh Al Sharqi, Deputy General Manager, Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jasim Alabdouli, Second Secretary, Embassy of the United Arab Emirates to Belgium Khalifa Alktebi, Acting deputy director for community services sector, The Emirates center for strategic studies and research (ECSSR) Fadel Allabadi, Manager for Industrial Development, Amman Chamber of Industry Mohamed Allam, First Secretary, Mission of Egypt to the EU Shaban I. Almentaser, Board Member, Libyan Businessmen Council Sami Alshammas, Political Analyst, Mission of Kuwait to the EU Mohammed Alsharif, Secretary General, Medinah Chamber of Commerce and Industry Abubakr Anwar, Project Manager, ThinkYoung Mose Apelblat, Principal Administrator, European Commission:, Directorate General for Enlargement Hassaniya Aqqad, Journalist, Maghreb Arab Press (MAP) Belal Ateya, Second Secretary, Mission of Iraq to the EU George Ayash, General Manager, IFP Qatar Ahmed Bin Saleh Ba-Abood, Director, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry Isa Babaa, Executive Director, Libyan Businessmen Council Yahia Bakour, General Director, Arab Region Center for Agricultural and Developmental Studies and Consultancy Peter Balas, Deputy Director General, European Commission: Directorate General for Trade Mohamed-Raja'l Barakat, Independent Economic Expert Jean Barbe, Administrator, Head of Section Middle East Gulf and DPRK, European Commission: Directorate General for Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid (DEVCO) Abolfazl Beheshti, President and Professor in International Relations and Energy Economy, European Network for Environment and Sustainable Development (ENEDS), Nadjet Belbachir, International Relations Commission, Head of Africa Zone, Forum des Chefs des Entreprises (FCE) Mehdi Bendimerad, Board Member, Forum de Chefs Entreprise, Algeria Esme Berkhout, Policy Advisor Social & Political Participation (MENA), Oxfam Novib Nuray Beyhan, Director, The Union of Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Sophie Bichon, EU Policy Analyst, Airbus, Brussels Office Aicha Bouhjar, Responsible Committee Partnership, Moroccan Women Mentoring Networking Aïcha Bouhjar, Committee Partnership Representative, Moroccan Women’s Network for Mentoring and Networking Necati Bulak, President, European Africa Arab Development Council Myriam Buyse, Administrative Assistant, Coordination and Planification, Interinstitutional relations, Communication, European Commission, Directorate General for Home Affairs Geert Cami, Co-Founder & Director, Friends of Europe, Les Amis de l'Europe Laura Carre-Diaz, Consultant, Cambre Associates Joohyun Chae, Project Assistant, Korean International Trade Association (KITA) Mohamed Charfi, Pu/Couns & Adviser, Saudi Arabia Mission to the European Union Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 Juneho Choi, Research Assistant, Korean International Trade Association (KITA) Sinne Conan, Director, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) André Corrado, Administrator, European Parliament Omar Cutajar, Permanent Delegate, Malta Business Bureau (MBB), Brussels Office Mohamoud Daar, Representative, Representation of the Republic of Somaliland to the European Union Sarah Daum, Chief Executive Officer, Bohen Olivier de Laroussilhe, Head of Unit, South Mediterranean and Middle East, European Commission: Directorate General for Trade Sanne De Mayer, Comminications Manager, Arab-Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce Quentin de Roquefeuil, Policy Officer, European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) Shelley Deane, Senior Middle East Advisor, International Alert Ioannis Dimitriadis, Correspondent, Azzaman Newspaper Iana Dreyer, Analyst, Institut Montaigne Maria Elena Efthymiou, Administrator, European Parliament Sakib Ershad, Assistant to Sajjad Karim MEP, European Parliament Mert Ersin, Director, Euro-mediterranean Networks Fouad Ferhat, Diplomatic Secretary, Mission of Algeria to the EU Meriame Filali, International Director, Confederation of Moroccan Industrialist (CGEM) Nathalie Furrer, Director, Friends of Europe, Les Amis de l'Europe Claire Gillespie, Research Assistant, Malta Business Bureau (MBB), Brussels Office Nikola Gjorgonoski, Executive Assistant to CEO, Kapital Invest, Despina Gleitsmann, Consultant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Rasha Gomaa, Counsellor, Mission of Egypt to the EU Ingrid Habets, Research Officer, Centre for European Studies (CES) Mohammed Hamiddouche, Correspondent, Morroco News Agency (MAP) Nathalie Hanley, Dow Amanda Hansen, Analyst, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Sophie Hau, Student, University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) 13 Mouloud Hedir, Adviser, Forum des Chefs des Entreprises (FCE) Samia Herrag, Political Counsellor, Mission of Morocco to the EU Qaisar Hijazin, Secretary General, ArabBelgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce Mathieu Hoeberigs, Principal Administrator, Tourism & International Relations, European Commission:, Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry Ziad Homsi, Vice President, Jordan Chamber of Industry Henna Hopia, Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies (CES) Christof Hoyler, Founder and Chief Executive, Global FairNet Shada Islam, Head of Policy, Friends of Europe, Les Amis de l'Europe Kristoffer Jensen, Analyst, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Osagumwengie Egheosa Jesuorobo, Managing Director & Chief Executive, Creates Sajjad Haider Karim, Member, European Parliament:, Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq Countries Dina Khayyat, Board Member, Jordan Chamber of Industry Maen Khreasat, Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission, Mission of Jordan to the EU Olga Kikou, European Affairs Manager, Compassion in World Farming Nestan Kirtadze, President, Profesor, EUGeorgian Abkhazian and Ossetian International Movement (EUGAO) Peter-Paul Knops-Gerrits, Research & Innovation Liaison Officer, The Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe (VLEVA VZW) Aris Kokkinos, Journalist, Athina Kylafi, EU Government Relations, BASF EU Liaison Office Pierre-Jacques Larrieu, Head of Unit, Rules of Origin, European Commission:, Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union Wolf-Martin Maier, Policy Officer, Desk for Mediterranean Countries, European Commission: Directorate General for Health and Consumers Zohra Majoul, EU Director, Union of Tunisian Enterprises (UTICA) Antonio Malta Reis, Policy Officer, European Commission Diego Mellado, Deputy Head of Division, European External Action Service (EEAS) Emilia Miloiu, Consultant, Interel European Affairs Armal Moussallem, Board Member, Association of Lebanese Industrialists Friends of Europe | Global Europe 14 Lirim Muharemi, President, Kapital Invest Sebastian Müller, First Secretary, Economic Policy & Growth, Mission of Switzerland to the EU Sofia Munoz Albarran, Deputy Head of Unit and Co-ordinator Trade Aspects of Barcelona Process, South Mediterranean and Middle East, European Commission:, Directorate General for Trade Abdulnaser Ben Nafaa, Chairman, Libyan Businessmen Council Ali Nakai, International Director, Union of Tunisian Enterprises (UTICA) Abdul Rahim Hassan Naqi, Secretary General, Federation of Gulf Chambers of Commerce (FGCCC) Hala Nusairat, Third Secretary, Mission of Jordan to the EU June O'Keeffe, Administrator, European Parliament:, Committee on International Trade Montaser Oklah Alzoubi, Ambassador, Mission of Jordan to the EU Catherine Olier, Policy Advisor, EU Essential Services, Oxfam International Advocacy Office (Brussels) Alar Olljum, Advisor to the Managing Director for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq, European External Action Service (EEAS) Yan Omelchenko, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Ukraine to Belgium Philippe Orphanides, Member of the PSC Team, Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU Jakob Oster, Consultant, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Saad Ouieni, General Manager, Association of Lebanese Industrialists Anabela Pereira, Coordinator for Internal Communication, European Commission:, Directorate General for Translation Remi Pierot, Administrator, European Parliament Toufik Rata, Health Attaché, Mission of Algeria to the EU Olivier Sautière, Policy Coordinator, Bilateral Trade Relations with Algeria and Libya, European Commission: Directorate General for Trade Marietje Schaake, Member, European Parliament:, Committee on Culture and Education Shahat Selim, Deputy Director, Chamber of Food Industry, Egypt Shaheen Shaneen, Deputy Secretary General, Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry Mohamed Shoukry, Chairman of the Board, Chamber of Food Industry, Egypt Marlene Simeon, Policy Officer, Représentation de la Région Provence-AlpesCôte d'Azur à Bruxelles Anna Sobczak, Policy Officer responsible for EU-Mediterranean Dialogue on future of textile industry, European Commission:, Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry Cecilie Solstad, Analyst, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Burak Soranlar, Commercial Counsellor, Mission of Turkey to the EU Barbara Stacher, Desk Officer, Jordan, Agadir & Iran, European Commission:, Directorate General for Trade Michael Stopford, Executive Vice President and Senior Corporate Strategict, Powell Tate | Weber Shandwick Public Affairs Abdurazzag Ben Suleiman, Board Member, Libyan Businessmen Council Leila Talani, Lecturer in European Studies (International and European Political Economy), King's College London, European Studies Niels Tanderup Kristensen, Manager, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Louis Telemachou, PSC Ambassador, Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU Lorenzo Terzi, Head of Unit, Bilateral International Relations, European Commission:, Directorate General for Health and Consumers Sid Ahmed Tibaoui, President, Arab-EU Business Facilitation Network Yousri Tinawy, General Manager, Chamber of Food Industry, Egypt Elisabeth Tryselius, Student, University of Uppsala Andrey Tsyvov, Second Secretary, Mission of the Russian Federation to the EU Adrian van den Hoven, Director, International Relations, BUSINESSEUROPE Stephane Vandam, Public Health Officer, World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office for Europe Gulsum Varli, Commercial Counsellor, Mission of Turkey to the EU Pi Wegefelt, Adviser, European Affairs, Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Ulrich Weigl, Deputy Head of Unit, Agriculture, Fisheries, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Market Access, Biotechnology, European Commission:, Directorate General for Trade Mohamed Taher Yousef, Board Member, Libyan Businessmen Council Serena Yu, Third Secretary, Taipei Reform growth in Arab-EU trade | Winter 2012 Representative Office to the EU & Belgium Ramy Zaki, Government Relations Manager, Procter & Gamble Zhengfu Zhang, Correspondent, Xinhua News Agency, European Regional Bureau Ilham Zhiri, Founding President, Moroccan Friends of Europe – Les Amis de l’Europe Bibliothèque Solvay – Parc Léopold 137 Rue Belliard, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: + 32 (0)2 737 91 45 - Fax: +32 (0)2 738 75 97 Email: [email protected] Website: 15 Women’s Network for Mentoring and Networking Michael Zumot, Program Coordinator, EastWest Institute With the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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