No.1 in"G ~ 11l,()J2 11%013 II%()!% ('0 SOLE MIa! ) NEAJDL1lA.N SERENADE "Words by Cl.A.UDE AVELING Music by ....,. ---- Price , f' -1 PRI CE -- 75'"r IN U.S.A. RICORDI Printed in U. S. A. (CopyrIght I'll, by G.Ric.ordi& Co.) '0 SOLE MIa! (BENEATH THY WINDOW) ITALIAN. NEAPOLITAN. 1 1 Che bella cosa 'na iurnata 'e sole, n' aria serena doppo 'na tempestal pe' 11' aria fresca pare gia na' festa ... Che bella cos a 'na iurnata 'e sole. Ma n' atu (t) sole cchiu bbello, oi n.e', '0 sole mio sta llfronte a tel Qual dolce cosa un giorno pilOn di sole, un bel sereno dopo la tempesta; nell 'aria fresca par come una festa. qual dolce cosa un giorno pien di sole! Ma un sol piu bello sorride a me, it sol chI' splende negli occhi a tel 2 2 Lucene 'e llastre d' 'a fenesta toia; 'na lavannara canta e S6 ne vanta, I' pe' tramente (2) torce e spanne e canta, luceno'e llastre d' 'a fenesta toia. Ma n' atu sole cchiu bbeUo, oi ne', '0 sole mio sta nfronte a tel Brillano i vetri de la tua finestra, la lavandaia canta e se ne vanta; I' mentre torce I' spande i panni e canta, brillano i vetri de la tua finestra. Ma un sol piu bello sorride a me, it sol che splende negli occhi a tel 3 3 Quando vien sera, a1 dolce addio del sole, mi vince quasi una malinconia, giu a la finestra tua restra vorria, quando vien sera, al dolce addio del soleI Ma un sol piu bello sorride a me, it sol che splende negli occhi a te I Quanno fa notte e '0 sole se ne scenne, rome vene quase 'na malincunia, sotto 'a fenesta toia restarria, quanno fa notte e '0 sole se ne scenne. Ma n' atu sole cchiu bbeUo, oi ne', '0 sole mio sta nfronte a tel ENGLISH. 2 1 Beneath thy window, waiting love in sadness, All through the dreary night love's tale Ive told thee, Alert to hear thee, eager to behold thee, Yet doomed to wait till dawn should bring me gladness. Awake and greet me, The dawn is here, Come forth to meet me, For I am herel When all unwilling yesternight we parted Yet didst thou promise me, to ease my sorro~, That I should surely see thee on the morrow, And aU night long I've waited eager- hearted. Awake and greet me, The dawn is here, Come forth to meet me, For I am herel 3' The birds I've wakened, roused them from their slumber The lark Ive bid unfurl his drooping feather, ' And for the dawn we two have watched together, For long and weary hours that none can number. Awake and greet me, The dawn is here, Come forth to meet me, For I am herel Capvrilfht MCMXI 0Il G. Ricardi <! Co. 114012,013,014 3 BENEATH THY WINDOW CO SOLE :MIO l) Neapolitan Serenade Words by Music by CLAUDE AVELING E. di CAPUA Andantino 1\ e. Piano ""'"" ~ . I ,- r' J ..J r' J ..J f' Voice p l · f'- - • . '-"- -. j f' - 4' Be-neaththy win - dow, 1. 2. When all un - will - mg 1\ ~ ·· ·· -------.-- sad - ness, _ _ All through the part - ed, Yet didst thou r'- .J r'.J r' J /., r I .J .--. "'-"~ ~ : J J • wait- ing love in yes - ter-night we "'-" - p r' .. l r r J 3i .....-. , tJ oJ ",- I /., /0. r' J .J. - k r-, Iv , , 1\ ll- mf r' " Nil 2. . .....--. r J ..I 1\ . .J --1 l - e. dreary promise ~ ............. - --- r ~r night _ _ love's tale I~..e told thee, _ _ A -lert to hear thee, to ease my sor - row, _ _ That I should sure - ly me, " ----..- tJ f' R.n. - ~ • ..--.. /;;, ·· 11401.3 .--- ~ - - f" All r"gnts of J r' .. ~ ~ J r' "----" .J J CopyriGht MCMZI 611 IJ.IUcordi <E Co. tranBlation~f"ep,.oductiotland trQnJllcription are ril86rVtld. r' J cresc, , II , . , It.! ea-ger to be see thee on the - r ~"i'" '--' me ger hold thee, __ Yet doomed to wait till dawn should bring ea mar - row, _ _ And all night long lye wait - ed 1'\ I~ ~ ------------- " " j' . / r - J .. " ~ "!:.. . c,'esc. / J r J . - 1'\ ~ '" - ~ '" . ---------- r A-wake and . greet -t J J ,.. 1'\ I me, _ _ For I am ~ / - r"- ..--;---.. 1\ I~ " 114013 R.n. . I .-J me, J I ,." J , , I am here, " for I am ~ ...... L~: p /fe- e- . j" J ,.. - J r- {.\, ,.. ."'-. I rr.c.. " I ,." p For --- --- ~ "- . meet ,.. Come forth, ~ r I _c6me forth to , I I • J - I here, - f" f I ......-: 1 " , meet - ,.. .J - '-!:.- r"- ~ :::- I j" J • '" near, L "1' I _ Come forth to 1'\ I The dawn is me, I .. c- "- "- ~ - f' J b,. 1'\ ~ r-- .J J " . j' /' b,. glad - ness. heart- ed 1'\ .. " " _r~ " =i" ~' IS a tempo /l . h~ ------ 1\ ~ .....-..... br Ie ~ I" - ---..-:ti ___ 3~ a tempo --- I /' f- /' /;0, /' 0 0 r o r... ...J ~ o .J r .J o r o - .J - J fO - J r~ P 1\ . 0 0 .1'" r 3. The birds Ive wak- ened, roused them from their b.-/""""II..~ /l II! < .. -.J I 0 0 -. "--'" .3 ~ P .....- ..... /'. 0 0 0 0 - r ~o J f_ o o r ...J r ...J- o - o r ...J . o J 1\ ~ .. • , .~ The lark Ive bid un - furl - slum - ber, ---..--- ~ -::: ---- .....-. 0 0 r ~ r .....- 0 - ~ 1\ to oJ _. ~ .....- 0 ---- -::.. . • ./ fO jO J , l ~ ----;0, ...J - ~ his droop-ing II .. .feath - er, _ _ .~ .J cresco , 0 J ' ,. II! r '-' And for the - dawn we two have watched to - ~r' geth - er, - For long and 1'1 . 0 ~ ----! '-' "!:. ~ cresco ...-. .....- F;o, ° 0 114013 It.?s. r o J jO - oJ oJ jO oJ J r r 0 6 . 1'\ ~ I~ , 'DfI'. . wear-y hours that , none - ...f' 1'\ ~ - ... f' J - - j' .-J "1' - ~ ~ near, - " , • '1 - .J - f 1\ :l1 --- , Come here, e I I ·· j ""' f' - ,.. -- -,.. ---- ~ /' am I I come L.-- For I me, f'. -..... forth, 1'\ ,.. r .....""' , Ie J ------J f' f' • , ......-.. ...... ;- r' . , meet Come forth to . ·· r'" " " _ The dawn is r_ I I 1'\ I ~ - tor -- ~ me, __ greet A-wake and num - ber. , -- , ---------- ~ can , 1'\ --- .b.- --- forth to meet me, _ _ --I n .. -- , r·.J - j'.J ~ - ...J I I j' .J p _ For I am here _ A t:\ p wake! ------~ dim. -------_ .J
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