Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 Analysis of stresses in aluminum±silicon alloys Anil Saigal a,*, Edwin R. Fuller Jr. b b a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA Ceramics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA Received 2 September 1998; accepted 10 August 2000 Abstract Two-phase aluminum±silicon-based alloys are widely used for premium quality castings for aerospace and automotive applications. While it is clear that silicon improves ¯uidity in the molten state, providing excellent castability to the alloy, and increases the tensile strength of the alloy, much needs to be done to improve the understanding of the structure±property relationships in castings. This paper deals with the application of a microstructural ®nite element method and the OOF program to study the eect of size and shape of silicon particles on the stresses in the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix. The highest stress in the matrix increases with increasing particle size for a given volume fraction of silicon particles. Therefore, the yield strength of a microstructure containing coarse particles would be lower than one containing ®ne particles. Once the silicon particles with large aspect ratios crack or the microstructure containing large silicon particles yield, the eective stiness of the aluminum matrix decreases which signi®cantly increases the average stress in the silicon particles and the highest stresses in both the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix. This indicates that once the matrix yields, the potential for particle cracking increases dramatically. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Hypoeutectic aluminum alloys containing silicon as an alloying element are used extensively for producing premium quality castings for aerospace and automotive industries for use as structural components primarily because of their excellent casting characteristics. The re®nement and modi®cation of silicon particles, the size, distribution and shape of which in the resulting eutectic microstructure are decided mainly by the cooling process variables, such as cooling rate, pouring * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-617-627-2549; fax: +1-617627-3058. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Saigal). temperature, etc., are found to signi®cantly eect the bulk mechanical properties of the aluminum alloys [1]. In general, it is found experimentally that the as-cast mechanical properties of aluminum alloys are a strong function of the microstructural features of the eutectic structure. The sharp edges of the coarse acicular silicon phase that occur in the microstructure promote crack initiation and propagation, which result in poor mechanical properties [2]. The mechanical properties improve as one reduces the size and aspect ratio of silicon particles by increasing the cooling rate and/or re®ning and modifying the grain structure. Gundlach et al. [3] found that the thermal fatigue life decreased with a decrease in the degree of silicon modi®cation. Two unmodi®ed 319 alloys displayed the lowest thermal fatigue resistance, 0927-0256/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 7 - 0 2 5 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 2 4 - X 150 A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 while two of the most highly modi®ed alloys had the greatest thermal fatigue life. Mandal et al. [4] has clearly demonstrated that re®nement of silicon particles is extremely important with respect to tensile strength. Voigt and Bye [5] concluded that crack initiation or propagation is preceded by fracture of the b-silicon particles at relatively low values of strain, and the size and shape of b-silicon particles control the resistance to microcrack initiation and propagation. Besides experimental studies [6], there have been signi®cant developments in the computational micromechanics and damage mechanics techniques for ®nite element based simulations of stress distributions and mechanical behavior of alloys [7±9] and fracture processes [10]. In the use of experimental techniques, however sophisticated, it is impossible to independently vary the various microstructural parameters and thus isolate their eects. Brockenbrough et al. [11] captured the digital image of a microstructural ®eld of an Al±Si alloy and performed the ®nite element analysis. They approximated the shape of each silicon particle by an equivalent circle. This research attempts to independently quantify the eect of size and shape of silicon particles on the stresses in the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix using ®nite element analysis. 2. Finite element analysis Two-dimensional ®nite element simulations were performed using the program OOF; an object oriented ®nite element program developed at the Center for Computational and Theoretical Materials Science (CTCMS) at NIST, on a Silicon Graphics workstation. 1 OOF is a public domain program that is available for free downloading via the Internet at oof [12]. 1 Disclaimer: Certain trade names and company products are mentioned in the text in order to specify adequately the equipment used. In no case does such identi®cation imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the products are necessarily the best available for the purpose. The program OOF is a combination of two programs. The ®rst program, PPM2OOF, is designed to read an image ®le such as a micrograph. The individual pixels that constitute the micrograph may be collected into groups and their material properties assigned. For example, the elements corresponding to a speci®c grain in the micrograph may be grouped together as a single unit. Material properties such as Young's modulus, Poison's ratio, the single-crystal thermal expansion coecients, the orientation via Euler angles, and the stress-state (plane stress or plane strain) are then speci®ed. PPM2OOF is now used to create the ®nite element model/mesh that OOF then reads. OOF performs elastic ®nite element calculations on the ®les created by PPM2OOF. Boundary conditions, changes in temperature and thermal loading, and distortions to the ®nite element mesh are applied using the OOF interface. The user can also reassign the properties to any group of elements, modify the element groups and ®nally equilibrate the microstructure model to determine the stress-state in each element and the residual stress distribution. For example, Fig. 1 shows randomly generated microstructures containing equiaxed particles having a size of 1, 2, 4, and 8 pixels in radius. In each case, the microstructure contains approximately 11 vol.% silicon particles. The region is 128 128 pixels and consists of 16,641 nodes, 32,768 triangular elements, and 33,282 degrees of freedom. The properties of aluminum and silicon used in the analyses are: EAl 70 GPa and ESilicon 114 GPa. All microstructures are subjected to a uniaxial mechanical load of 294 MPa. The average stresses were obtained by independently loading the microstructures in the x- and y-directions (the edges were unconstrained in the transverse direction) and calculating the average stresses in the particles and the matrix along the loading direction. 3. Results Table 1 shows that as the particle size is increased from 1 to 8 (including the eect of nonuniformly distributed spatial arrangement), the A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 151 Fig. 1. Microstructures containing silicon particles of size (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 4 and (d) 8. Table 1 Eect of particle size on stresses in Si particles and Al matrix Size Average stress in Si particles (MPa) Average stress in Al matrix (MPa) Highest stress in Al matrix (MPa) Stress range in Al matrix (MPa) 1 2 4 8 355 341 333 333 286 288 289 289 360 379 383 384 166 198 213 213 152 A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 Fig. 2. SYY stresses in (a) aluminum matrix and (b) silicon particles for the microstructure with size 2 silicon particles. A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 153 Fig. 3. Microstructures containing silicon particles of aspect ratio (a) 1.125, (b) 2, (c) 8 and (d) 18. Table 2 Eect of aspect ratio on stresses in Si particles and Al matrix Aspect ratio Average stress in Si particles (MPa) Highest stress in Si particles (MPa) Stress range in Si particles (MPa) Average stress in Al matrix (MPa) 1 1.125 2 8 18 333 334 351 403 417 450 459 462 504 505 160 174 181 195 202 290 289 287 280 279 154 A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 Fig. 4. Dierent microstructures containing silicon particles with aspect ratio of 2. average stresses in the silicon particle decreases. However, the average stresses, the largest stress and the stress range (the dierence between the highest and lowest normal stress along the loading direction) in the aluminum matrix increases with increasing particle size. As the highest stress in the matrix increases with increasing particle size, one would expect that the yield strength/tensile strength of the microstructure containing coarse particles would be lower than the ones containing ®ne particles. This is in agreement with the experimental work by Mandal et al. [4] on alumi- num±silicon alloys containing 17±27% Si, in which they found that Tensile strength MPa 252:8 3:73 particle size lm: 1 In addition, the microstructures containing coarse particles have a lower interface area per unit volume, which reduces the strengthening due to dislocation density. The stresses in the silicon particles or the aluminum matrix do not seem to change signi®cantly as the particle size is increased A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 155 Fig. 5. SYY stresses in (a) aluminum matrix and (b) silicon particles for the microstructure with aspect ratio 2 silicon particles. 156 A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 Fig. 6. SYY stresses in (a) aluminum matrix and (b) silicon particles for the microstructure with aspect ratio 8 silicon particles. A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 157 Table 3 Eect of eective stiness of aluminum matrix on stresses in Si particles and Al matrix Eective stiness Al matrix (GPa) Average stress in Si particles (MPa) Highest stress in Si particles (MPa) Highest stress in Al matrix (MPa) 70 63 56 49 337 347 357 369 447 513 567 631 391 412 434 460 from 4 to 8. Fig. 2 shows the SYY stresses in the aluminum matrix and the silicon particles for the microstructure with particle size 2 loaded in the y-direction (the stress range is from minimum to maximum in GPa). In order to study the eect of shape of silicon particles on the stress in the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix, Fig. 3 shows the typical randomly generated textured microstructures containing silicon particles (volume of each particle is a constant) with aspect ratios of 1.125, 2, 8 and 18. The average stresses in the texture direction were obtained by loading four dierent microstructures for each aspect ratio: two textured in the x-direction and loaded in the x-direction (see, e.g., Fig. 4(a) and (b)) and two textured in the y-direction and loaded in the y-direction (see, e.g., Fig. 4(c) and (d)). Fig. 4 shows the microstructures analyzed containing silicon particles with aspect ratio of 2. Table 2 shows that as the aspect ratio of silicon particles increases, the average stresses, maximum stress and stress range in the silicon particles increases and the average stress in the aluminum matrix decreases. The maximum stress in the aluminum matrix was found to be independent of the aspect ratio of silicon particles. As the average and maximum stresses in the silicon particles are signi®cantly higher at higher aspect ratios than the stresses at lower aspect ratios or any particle size, it is expected that the high aspect ratio silicon particles are most prone to cracking. Figs. 5 and 6 show the stress distribution in the particles and matrix having silicon particles with aspect ratios of 2 and 8, respectively. In each case, the microstructures in Fig. 3(b) and (c) were loaded in the y-direction. Once the aluminum matrix in the microstructure yields as a result of cracking of silicon particles with large aspect ratios or the presence of large silicon particles, the `eective' stiness of the alu- minum matrix decreases. Table 3 shows the average and highest stresses in the silicon particles and the average stresses in the aluminum matrix, for the microstructure loaded in the x-direction containing silicon particles of size 4, as the eective stiness of aluminum matrix is varied from 70 to 49 GPa. The average stresses in the silicon particles and the highest stresses in both the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix increase rapidly as the eective stiness of the aluminum matrix decreases. This indicates that once the matrix yields, the potential for particle cracking increases dramatically. This agrees with the experimental observation that there is gradual fracture and debonding of silicon particles, which initiates at stresses slightly above the yield stress and that the extent of this damage increases with increasing applied strain/stress [13±15] (see Fig. 7). Further, Fig. 7. Fraction of broken silicon particles as a function of strain during early stages of deformation [15]. 158 A. Saigal, E.R. Fuller Jr. / Computational Materials Science 21 (2001) 149±158 larger and elongated silicon particles fracture and debond preferentially [16]. 4. Conclusions The size and aspect ratio of silicon particles in aluminum alloys have a signi®cant eect on bulk mechanical properties. As the highest stress in matrix increases with increasing particle size, one would expect that the yield strength of the microstructure containing coarse particles would be lower than the ones containing ®ne particles. Silicon particles with large aspect ratios are most prone to cracking. Once the silicon particles with large aspect ratios crack or the microstructure containing large silicon particles yields, the eective stiness of the aluminum matrix decreases which signi®cantly increases the average stress in the silicon particles and the highest stresses in both the silicon particles and the aluminum matrix. This indicates that once the matrix yields, the potential for particle cracking increases dramatically. Acknowledgements One of the authors (AS) would like to thank The Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science at NIST for providing the ®nancial support for this research. References [1] M.M. Tuttle, D.L. McLellan, Silicon particle characteristics in Al±Si±Mg castings, AFS Trans. 90 (1982) 13. [2] W. La Orchan, J.E. Gruzleski, Grain re®nement modi®cation and melt hydrogen ± their eects on microporosity shrinkage and impact properties in A356 alloy, AFS Trans. 100 (1992) 415. [3] R.B. Gundlach, B. Ross, A. Hetke, S. Valtierra, J.F. 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