828 Davis Rd., League City, TX 77573 Toll-free: 888-306-LAND (5263) Phone: +1-609-412-0555 [email protected] Web: www.landviser.com Blog / eLibrary / Support: www.landviser.net Typical Values of Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of Soils and Waters measured with LandMapper LandMapper is the only device you will need to reliably measure electrical properties in wide range of conductivities: from ultra-pure water and rocks to salty brines and ocean waters! Hand-held and portable, LandMapper utilizes the most accurate 4-electrode contact method, uses one 9-volt battery and can measure down to 10 m (30 ft). Air Dry Granite/Gabbro Ultra-pure Water Distilled Water Non-saline Sandy Soil Non-saline Silt Soil Non-saline Clay Soil Nonsaline water Saline water Slightly saline Medium saline Highly saline Very highly saline Brine Atlantic Ocean Great Salt Lake Dead Sea Electrical Resistivity, ER (Ohm m) Total dissolved solids, TDS (ppm) - reading of non-connected Landmapper => -5 6 10 10 N/A -6 -2 5.6 * 10 178,571 3.6 * 10 0.02 500 12.8 -5 0.01 - 1*10 100-10,000 N/A 0.05-0.5 20-200 N/A 0.1 - 2 5-100 N/A <0.7 >143 <500 0.7-47 0.24-143 500-30,000 0.7-3 500-2,000 3.33 3-6 2,000-4,000 1.67 6-14 4,000-9,000 0.71 14-47 9,000-30,000 0.21 >47 <0.24 >30,000 43 0.23 27,520 158 0.06 101,120 -2 ~516 2 * 10 330,000 Measuring Mode: Display reads: Base unit Measuring limits: Unit modifiers displayed 3 K - kilo Ohm m = 10 Ohm m -9 n - nano S/m = 10 S/m -6 mk - micro S/m = 10 S/m -3 m - milli S/m = 10 S/m Salinity of Lakes is taken from http://www.duluthstreams.org/understanding/param_ec.html EC (conductivity) 000 K1*C= S/m -6 ER (resistivity) 000 K1*R= Ohm m 6 10 – 10 S/m 0.1-10 Ohm m n, mk, m ~390n 1000n 5.6mk 2m 1m-1mk 5m-50m 10m - 200m < 70m K ~2560K 1000K 178.5K 500 100 - 10K 20-200 5-100 143 300m 600m 1.4 4.2 >4.7 4.3 15.8 51.6 3.33 1.67 0.71 0.21 <0.24 0.23 0.06 -4 2 * 10 EC 1 ER ER range of reliable measurements with LandMapper ERM-02 Typical Water or Soil* Salinity Electrical Conductivity, ECw (dS/m) 1 EC EC <=> ER conversions only valid for base units S/m <=> Ohm m! Soil salinity is routinely evaluated in the labs from electrical conductivity of liquid soil saturation extract (ECe). The resulted total salinity is reported either directly in conductivity units (dS/m) or converted to TDS (total dissolved solids) concentration in ppm (parts per million) using formula: 1 dS/m = 640 ppm = 640 mg/L = 0.64 g/L = 0.064% = 45.7 grains per gallon
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