WPCA/DUKE SCR Seminar Tuesday June 7, 2005 1:30PM-2:30PM NH3 Injection/Gas Mixing and the Effect on Reactor Performance Presented by Kevin Rogers The Babcock & Wilcox Company .1 Subject Breakdown Two General Areas of Discussion: (1) Influence Ammonia & NOx Molar Ratio Blending has on Reactor Performance Distribution Contour Plot 60 50 NOx conc. (ppm) 40 30 20 A B C 10 1 2 D 3 Point E 4 5 Port F 6 (2) Ammonia Injection & Gas Mixing to Achieve Molar Ratio Distribution Goals .2 Distributions Descriptions Distribution goals commonly stated as X% of the Data to fall within Y% of the Mean (Arithmetic Average): 80% of points to be within 10% of the Mean 80% of points to be within 20% of the Mean 85% of points to be within 15% of the Mean 100% of points to be within 25% of the Mean Often more than one is applied to single distribution goal (i.e. – velocity or NH3/NOx molar ratio at a given location) System blending and reactor performance can be more easily correlated when the distributions are adequately defined by a single parameter. .3 Coefficient of Variance Provides a Single Description of the Degree of Maldistribution Coefficient of Variance (COV, Cv, CV): Standard deviation as a percentage of the arithmetic average Often called ‘the % RMS’ The Root-Mean-Square of the Deviations (σ ), expressed as a percentage of the mean (x) Cv = σ = n σ x 1 2 ( x − x ) ∑ i ( n − 1) i =1 100 % 1 x = n n ∑x i =1 i .4 Normal Distribution Relationship Need to measure many points to capture ±3σ 50 pt or less profiles often have Maximums and Minimums below 3σ .5 Relative Effect of Distributions on Reactor Efficiency @ 70% DeNOx Average NOx Removal Efficiency Velocity Mole Ratio 70% NOx Removal @ Uniform Conditions Temperature 0 5 10 15 20 Coefficient of Variation (Cv), % .6 Relative Effect of Distributions on Reactor Efficiency @ 90% DeNOx Average NOx Removal Efficiency Velocity 90% NOx Removal @ Uniform Conditions Temperature Mole Ratio 0 5 10 15 20 Coefficient of Variation (Cv), % .7 Relative Catalyst Volume vs Inlet NH3/NOx Cv and NOx Removal (@ 2 ppm Ammonia Slip) 1.35 90_500 1.30 Increasing Catalyst Volume 90_300 90_100 CVR 1.25 85_500 1.20 85_300 85_100 1.15 80_500 1.10 80_300 1.05 80_100 1.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NH3/NOx Molar Ratio Cv, % 11 12 13 CVR Plt_KR040802_1 .8 Local Peak Ammonia Slip vs Molar Ratio (NH3/NOx ) Cv Increasing Reactor Outlet Localized Peak NH3 Slip Local Peak Slip 90% DeNOx 500 ppm Inlet NOx Out-of-Range above 8% Cv Local Peaks Caused by High Inlet NH3/NOx at 2 Standard Deviations above Average Constant Avg NH3 Slip = 2 ppm 90% DeNOx 100 ppm Inlet NOx Effect of Inlet NOx Greater as Efficiency Increases 80% DeNOx 500 ppm Inlet NOx 80% DeNOx 100 ppm Inlet NOx 0 2 4 6 8 10 NH3/NOx Cv, % .9 Relative Influence of Inlet Distributions on Reactor Outlet NOx Cv Reactor Outlet NOx Profile Cv, % Increasing Reactor Outlet NOx Cv 60 Inlet NOx = 300 ppm 50 Slip = 2 ppm Ammonia-to-NOx Cv @ 5.0% 40 30 20 10 Velocity Cv @ 15.0% Temperature Cv @ 2.6% 0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Operating DeNOx Efficiency, % .10 Consider the following Example DeNOx Efficiency: Inlet NOx: Slip: 90 % 270 ppm 1 ppm Average Mole Ratio = 0.90 + 1/270 = 0.9037 NH3/NOx IN Excess Reagent = (0.9037-0.90)/0.90 = 0.0041 NH3/NOx REMOVED At an Inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 5% Maximums could easily range between +2σ and +3σ Or 2 x 5 = +10% to 3 x 5 = +15% Or 1.1 x 0.9037 = 0.994 NH3/NOx to 1.15 x 0.9037 = 1.039 NH3/NOx Need Much More Catalyst to approach 100% @ 99.4% efficiency not easily achieved – thus higher local slip An Infinite Amount of Catalyst will Not Allow Excess Ammonia > 1.0 to be Consumed (NOx has been Depleted) .11 Assume a Typical Reactor Gas Flow Profile Flow Cv ≅ 4% 10.00 8.00 % Deviation from Mean 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 -2.00 -4.00 -6.00 -8.00 -10.00 A B C D 4 E 5 6 7 3 F 2 G 1 .12 Then Consider Two Possible Inlet NH3/NOx Distributions 30.00 One @ Cv ≅ 5% Avg Slip ≅ 1.0 PPM % Deviation from Mean 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 A B C D 4 E 7 6 5 3 F 2 G 1 Another @ Cv ≅ 8.5% Avg Slip Increases to ≅ 2.4 PPM to maintain 90% removal % Deviation from Mean 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 A B C D 4 E 5 6 7 3 F 2 G 1 .13 Resultant Outlet NOx Distributions 80.0 70.0 Avg Slip ≅ 1.0 PPM Cv ≅ 46% 50.0 PPM When Inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 5% 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 A B C 4 D 5 6 7 3 E 2 F 1 G 80.0 Avg Slip Increases to ≅ 2.4 PPM to maintain 90% removal 60.0 50.0 PPM When Inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 8.5% 70.0 Cv ≅ 69% 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 A B C D 4 E 5 6 7 3 F 2 G 1 .14 Resultant Outlet NH3 Slip Distributions 40.0 35.0 Avg Slip ≅ 1.0 PPM Cv ≅ 120% 25.0 20.0 PPM When Inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 5% 30.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 A B C D 4 E 5 6 7 3 F 2 G 1 40.0 Avg Slip Increases to ≅ 2.4 PPM to maintain 90% removal 30.0 Cv ≅ 220% 25.0 PPM When Inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 8.5% 35.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 A B C D 4 E 5 6 7 3 F 2 G 1 .15 Distributions other than NH3/NOx Velocity Distributions - Less Critical to Performance - Typical Concern - Deposition & Erosion - Cv ≤ 15% For Catalyst Approach Generally Acceptable Temperature Distributions - Typically Less Critical to Performance - Sintering & BiSulfate Formation Concerns - Min/Max ± 20F to ± 50F Generally Acceptable .16 NH3/NOx Molar Ratio Distributions Less Critical Below 70% DeNOx Efficiency Becoming Rapidly More Important Above 80% 90% Removal of 300 ppm Inlet NOx @ 2 ppm Slip (Not Practical/Possible with NH3/NOx Cv = 10%) Critical for 90% DeNOx and Above Cv < 3% for 95% DeNOx Excess Reagent Reduces Sensitivity [slip/inlet NOx] (Gas Fired - High Slip Æ Coal Fired - Low Slip) .17 High Efficiency (≥ 90%) = More Stringent Requirements Increased AIG Flow Uniformity Increased Dispersion @ AIG Increased Mixing Energy Interrelated Increased Flue Length Sacrifice of Velocity Profiles to Improve NH3/NOx Profile Blending of Peak Slip Downstream of Reactor Tolerance to Mixing Error Rapidly Reduced for High DeNOx Removal Efficiency (Cv drift 5% Æ 8% is a problem) .18 SCR Ammonia Injection & Gas Mixing Technology •Why Mix ? •Technology Fundamentals •AIG & Mixer Design •Field Performance .19 Representation of Blending Decreasing Scale of Segregation Decreasing Intensity of Segregation Decreasing Intensity of Segregation .20 AIG & Mixing Fundamentals Mixing is Dominated by Three Primary Factors 1. Original Distribution – How well ammonia is deposited over the space or profile of an initial NOx distribution (Scale of Segregation) 2. Stretching and Folding - How larger regions of varying concentrations are being thinned and spread across the area via macroscopic turbulence (Scale of Segregation) 3. Molecular Diffusion – Occurring simultaneously throughout and necessary for the final an approach to complete homogeneity – influenced & facilitated by the increased surface area brought about by 1 & 2 (Intensity of Segregation) .21 AIG & Mixing Fundamentals Aspects of Initial Ammonia Dosing 1. Flow Dosing – The relative matching of regional or local ammonia flow to the regional or local flue gas flow (Fairly stable flow profile contours through the plane of ammonia injection typically allow for stable flow dosing) 2. NOx Dosing - The relative matching of regional or local ammonia flow to the regional or local NOx Concentration (NOx profile contours are often not as stable with regard to the positioning of high a low concentration regions and can thus be difficult to adjust to). .22 AIG & Mixing Fundamentals Aspects of Initial Ammonia Dosing – Cont’d 3. Spatial Dosing – Defined by the spacing of the injection points and thus the injection point quantity: (Initial Scale of Ammonia Segregation) 1. Increasing the number improves the final blend to a point of diminishing return. 2. Too few reduces system effectiveness and efficiency. 3. Too few can over-sensitize placement of injection points relative to mixer vane elements. .23 B&W Mixing Approach Efficient Use of Duct Length with Rapid Shear, Controlled Turbulence and Duct Macro Flow Patterns Ra Di pid sp Fu ers ll ion Duc AI t G .24 Mixer Development Test Stands • From Simple to Complicated – Size, Cost, Testing & Run Times • More Complicated for Analysis of Arrangement Performance (the performance of devices in complex arrangements) Predictive Formula • Structured Array of Test Programs • Initial Application & Optimization Field Performance .25 Mixing Effectiveness CO Tracer Concentration COV, % 40 35 ξ 1' = 1 − 30 27 ≅ 0.23 35 25 No Mixer ξ 3' = 1 − 20 12 ≅ 0.64 33 ξ 7' = 1 − 15 8 ≅ 0.72 29 No Mixer 37.5TL 10 Forced Mixing 4x6PVM40S 37.5TL 5 0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L/D .26 NOx COV, % Influence of Bend Design 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NLTS_004_A ξ’a ξ’b No Mixer ξ’c Mixer_Std Bend Mixer_Modified Bend 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Equivalent Centerline Distance, ft AIG Mixer Bend Hood Catalyst .27 Influence of Injection Point Quantity Mixer Inlet Location 200 180 NLTS_004_A 160 NH3 COV, % 140 Na = 1.9 pts/m2 120 100 80 Na = 7.5 pts/m2 6.7% Na = 15.0 pts/m2 4.8% 3.1% 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Equivalent Centerline Distance, ft AIG Mixer Bend Hood Catalyst .28 Operating Unit Molar Ratio Drift (w/o Static Mixing) Inlet NH3/NOx Molar Ratio COV, % 12 87% 10 8 87% DRIFT 83% 6 4 85% 90% 85% 2 TUNING 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Reactor Outlet NOx COV, % .29 Operating Unit Molar Ratio Drift (with Static Mixing) Inlet NH3/NOx Molar Ratio COV, % 5 92% 4 DRIFT 93% 90% 3 90% 2 TUNING 92% 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Reactor Outlet NOx COV, % 60 70 .30 CFD Based Sensitivity Analysis 25 NH3/NOx COV, % 20 No Forced Mixing 15 With Forced Mixing 10 5 System Configuration: 1.5L+2L Mixer Type: 4TV 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Inlet NOx COV, % .31 Design Considerations Forced Mixing for Stable Uniformity Stability • W/O Forced Mixing: Molar Ratio COV 2% Æ 8% Æ 15% • With Forced Mixing: Molar Ratio COV 2% Æ 5% Important Optimization Parameters • Initial Dosing (AIG Design, NOx profile, Flow Profile) • Injection Nozzle Quantity • Directivity of Mixing Effectiveness • System Length vs Energy Efficiency • Arrangement Design (Dampers, Exp/Con, Bends, Hoods, etc.) .32 Design Considerations – Cont’d • NOx removal duty (Inlet loading, % removal, allowable slip) • NOx & Temperature Profiles • Allowable draft loss • Straight flue lengths available • Bends & overall flue geometry • AIG inlet gas flow profile • Quantity of injection points • Mixer Placement • Flow correction prior to catalyst .33 Poor Arrangements for High Removal Simple Close-Coupled Arrangements Will Not Work for High NOx Removal SCR Projects Insufficient distance to inject and blend for very low and stable molar ratio maldistributions Short opportunity to blend peak local slip concentrations prior to AH .34 Arrangements for Promotion of Mixing All mixing considered complete prior to flow straightening into the catalyst Permanent sample grid Location Greater opportunity for blending of peak local slip concentrations prior to the AH Good mixing distance prior to bend Mixer Location AIG Location Flow correction ‘as required’ prior to the AIG (Often perforated plate and/or vanes) .35 AIG Field Tuning Decrease ammonia flow in region of lower gas flow through the AIG for improved initial ammonia dosing Increase ammonia flow in region of higher gas flow through the AIG for improved initial ammonia dosing When units are designed with static mixers, this simple initial tuning trial, based on model study results for the flow profile through the AIG, is often sufficient to obtain an acceptable blend. .36 AIG Field Tuning Reactor Outlet Distribution 275 MW 275 MW 350 lb/hr 90.0% Initial Load Final Load NH3 Flow % Reduction port/point 1 A B C D E F 2 28 19 16 19 22 21 3 15 13 14 20 22 23 4 28 29 21 21 24 22 5 6 40 37 36 28 29 21 36 38 33 29 29 25 26 29 30 41 47 38 Std. Dev. 8.27 %RMS 30.72 Average (ppm) 26.92 Distribution Contour Plot 60 50 NOx conc. (ppm) 40 30 20 A B C 10 1 2 D 3 Point E 4 5 Port F 6 .37 AIG Field Tuning Given: 270 ppm Inlet NOx 0.50 ppm ammonia slip Md = 0.90 + 0.50/270 = 0.9019 Outlet NOx Cv Target ≅ 44% - 46% @ inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 5% NOx Cv is 30.7% Achieved Æ Solving for the inlet NH3/NOx Cv @ outlet NOx Cv is 30.7% yields an inlet NH3/NOx Cv ≅ 3% .38 Field Uniformity Performance Field Site Æ A B C D E Mixer Design Other Other B&W B&W B&W Removal Efficiency, % 87% 86% 92% 93% 89% SCR Outlet NOx COV 18% 23% 16% 10% 24% SCR Inlet NH3/NOx COV 2.5% 3.8% 1.9% 1.2% 3.2% Relative Mix Length 1.5 3.3 1.0 2.7 2.8 Relative Shock Loss 2.0 1.0 2.7 3.3 1.3 .39 .40
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