COMBINED CATALOG CERTIFICATION Specialty Show & Obedience Trial: Event #2014631101 • Rally Trial: Event #2014631102 AKC Sanctioned Four-To-Six Month Beginner Puppy Competition: Event #2014631103 Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF THE ROCKIES, INC. (LICENSED SHOW - LICENSED BY THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 EIGHTH INDEPENDENT SPECIALTY SHOW WITH JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP OBEDIENCE TRIAL PUPPY AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES AKC SANCTIONED FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH BEGINNER PUPPY COMPETITION AKC OWNER-HANDLED SERIES EIGHTH INDEPENDENT RALLY TRIAL ISLAND GROVE REGIONAL PARK NORTH 11 TH AVENUE & "D" STREET GREELEY, COLORADO - THESE EVENTS ARE UNBENCHED AND HELD INDOORS SHOW HOURS: 7:00 AM TO 10:00 PM CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM FOR TIMES OF JUDGING. THESE EVENTS ARE HELD UNDER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS. UNOFFICIAL RESULTS THESE RESULTS ARE UNOFFICIAL UNTIL ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED BY THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ROBERT MILLER, SHOW SECRETARY 15281 WEST ARCHER DRIVE • GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401-5076 (303) 278-8384 • FAX (303) 278-2779 EMAIL: [email protected] President................................................................................................................Mary Ellen Guy Vice-President ...........................................................................................................Lori Kennedy Secretary .......................Laura Haupenthal, 103 Blue Heron Ct., Greenwood Village, CO 80121 Treasurer .........................................................................................................................Sara Karl BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF THE ROCKIES, INC. Cathy Davis • Joanna Hughes • Candy McDanal • Dottie Schulte • Patty Wellinger BOARD OF DIRECTORS Show Chairperson ...............................................................................................Dottie Schulte 1943 Montview Drive, Greeley, CO 80631 -- Phone: (970) 392-1806 Obedience Chairperson...........................................................................................Beth Dennehy Rally Chairperson...................................................................................................Patty Wellinger Chief Ring Steward............................................................................................... Jolene Segelke Trophy Committee ......................................Valerie Horney and Sharon Keefer, Co-chairpersons Ribbon Committee .............................................................................Dottie Schulte, Chairperson Advertising Committee .............................Sandy Dunaway and Sharon Keefer, Co-chairpersons Hospitality Committee..........................................................................Lori Kennedy, Chairperson Banquet Committee..........................................................................Beverly Hilmes, Chairperson Raffle Committee ..........................................................................Barb LeTourneau, Chairperson Reserved Grooming Committee.........................................................Dottie Schulte, Chairperson Ways and Means Committee.......................Sharon Keefer -- Sandy Dunaway -- Valerie Horney SHOW COMMITTEE OFFICIAL SHOW PHOTOGRAPHER..................................BILL KOHLER AND ASSOCIATES 2202 W. Edgemont Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009 • (602) 271-9953 • [email protected] OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN (ON CALL) .....................SHEEPDRAW VETERINARY HOSPITAL 6297 W. 10th St., Greeley, CO • (970) 351-0936 Directions from show site to Sheepdraw Veterinary Hospital: Go south on 11th Ave. to 9th Street (Business Highway 34); go west to 62nd Ave., clinic is on the right side. AFTER HOURS VETERINARIAN .............PET EMERGENCY TREATMENT SERVICE (PETS) 3629 23rd Ave., Evans, CO 80620 • (970) 339-8700 Directions from show site to Pet Emergency Treatment Service: Go South on 11th Ave., turn right onto 9th St. (US-34 Business Route), go west on 9th St. (US-34 BR), turn left onto 23rd Ave., go south on 23rd Ave. to 36th St.; clinic is located on the west side of the street. Approximate distance 7.5 miles. EMERGENCY PARAMEDICS WILL BE ON SITE THROUGHOUT THE EVENT JUDGES AND THEIR ASSIGNMENTS MRS. DEBORAH J. WILKINS.............20560 Huntington Way, Prior Lake, MN 55372-9725 SPECIALTY BREED CLASSES AKC NATIONAL OWNER HANDLED SERIES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH BEGINNER PUPPY COMPETITION MS. CAROLE LYNN EVANS...............499 S. White Tail Drive, Franktown, CO 80116-8828 OBEDIENCE TRIAL MRS. JULIE M. YAMANE .......................716 Parkview Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525-2733 RALLY TRIAL MRS. KATHY DEYO........................................................P. O. Box 2003, Orofino, ID 83544 VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES • Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 2 - BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB SCHEDULE OF POINTS For complete Conformation Championship requirements see Chapter 16 of the American Kennel Club, Rules Applying to Dog Shows. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES The Points toward a Championship shall be awarded to the Winners Dog and Bitch of each breed or variety based on the actual number of dogs or bitches competing in that breed or variety. Puppy Dogs (6 mos.- under 9 mos.) Puppy Bitches (6 mos.- under 9 mos.) Puppy Dogs (9 mos.- under 12 mos.) Puppy Bitches (9 mos.- under 12 mos.) Junior Dogs (12 mos.- under 18 mos.) Junior Bitches (12 mos.- under 18 mos.) BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the six (6) classes. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES CLASSIFICATION If the dog designated Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is also awarded Best of Breed or Variety, the dogs of both sexes that have been entered for Best of Breed or Variety competition and that have been defeated in such competition, shall be counted in addition to the dogs that competed in the regular classes for its sex in calculating championship points. If the dog designated Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is also awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed or Variety, the dogs of its own sex that have been entered for Best of Breed or Variety competition that have been defeated in competition for Best of Opposite Sex, shall be counted in addition to the dogs that competed in the regular classes for its sex in calculating championship points. After points have been computed for Winners Dog and Winners Bitch subject to the above two stipulations, the dog awarded the Best of Winners shall be credited with the number of points calculated for Winners Dog or Winners Bitch, whichever is greater. In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, or that is dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge, or from which all awards are withheld shall not be included. Any dog which shall have won fifteen points shall become a Champion of Record, if six or more of said points shall have been won at two shows with a rating of three or more championship points each and under two different judges, and some one or more of the balance of said points shall have been won under some other judge or judges than the two judges referred to above. SCHEDULE OF POINTS FOR DIVISION 7 DIVISION 7 is comprised of: Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas. EFFECTIVE MAY 14, 2014 Scale of Points Dogs - Bitches Bernese Mountain Dogs 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points D B D B D B D B D B 2 2 6 6 8 11 11 14 14 18 NOTICE REGARDING AGENTS: An agent is a person 18 years or older, other than an owner or co-owner, designated by the owner or co-owner of an exhibit to be the handler of, and the person responsible for, the dog at the show. Agents’ names may be followed by the initials which represent their AKC recognized professional group affiliation or certification. Persons seeking the services of such an agent should familiarize themselves with the requirements for professional group memberships or certifications, which are available at a superintendent’s office. Page - 3 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES JUDGE: MRS. KATHY DEYO BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES. PUPPY DOGS (6 MOS. - UNDER 9 MOS.): 1st Place: $21.45 • 2nd Place: $12.87 • 3rd Place: $8.58 2 (103) ALDERFER WHEREFORE ART THOU . WS468445/02. 3 (105) JENDA’S QUICK GRAB MY BUTTE. WS470249/01. 1 2 02-14-14. Breeder: Catharine Davis. By GCH Great Lakes Danish Treasure---Ch. Ella Bermondo Bohemia. Owners: Katerina Cviklova, Viktor Krejci, and Catharine Davis. 03-04-14. Breeder: Jeni West. By GCH Alpenspirit Who’s On First---Ch. Jenda’s Hail the Queen. Owners: Jeni West and Dave West. (123) WYNDRIFT’S ROLLING THUNDER. WS460786/01. 01-07-14. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Arundel’s Diezel’s Nobodys Fool---GCH Wyndrift’s Steal Your Heart Away, CD, BN, RE, DD. Owners: Tracey and Chan Keith. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES. PUPPY DOGS (9 MOS. - UNDER 12 MOS.): 1st Place: $21.45 • 2nd Place: $12.87 • 3rd Place: $8.58 (107) BACKCOUNTRY SAY ROGER THAT. WS466170/01. 11-14-13. Breeder: Wendy Bennett. By GCH Indian Hill’s Unleash The Dragon--Backcountry Katje. Owners: Valerie Horney and Wendy Bennett. 3 (109) STONEHILL’S FEAST YOUR EYES ON BERYL. WS457387/02. 1 (111) MIAMI BLUES IZ KLANA LEGATO. WS477858/01. 11-06-13. Breeders: Kerry Waltersdorf, Robin Krummow and Rebecca Krummow. By Ch. Stonehill’s Colorado Rockies Balboa---Ch. Stonehill’s Star Saphire From India. Owners: Jody Bogdan and Kerry Waltersdorf. 10-28-13. Breeder: A. Morozenko. By Bern Star’s Beehive Lord the King---Dolce Vita Vittoria Iz Klana Legato. Owners: Jeni West and Dave West. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 4 - BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES. JUNIOR DOGS (12 MOS. - UNDER 18 MOS.): 3 (113) BLUMOON’S IRON CHEF. WS445476/02. 1 (115) BLUMOON’S THE MORE HE MOTOS. WS445476/03. 2 4 2 1 123 BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES WINNER ......................................... # ____________ ($17.60) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES 1st Place: $22.88 • 2nd Place: $17.16 • 3rd Place: $11.44 • 4th Place: $5.72 120 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES WINNER .... # ____________ ($17.60) 05-21-13. Breeders: Christine C. Mann and Michael W. Mann. By Ch. Fourpaws Off The Map---Ch. Blumoon’s Goodnight Kiss. Owners: Marcia Eckhardt and Christine Mann. 05-21-13. Breeders: Christine C. Mann and Michael W. Mann. By Ch. Fourpaws Off The Map---Ch. Blumoon’s Goodnight Kiss. Owner: Brooks Bernard. (117) SAPPHIRE’S MAN IN BLACK AT LAZY PAWS. WS436382/01. 03-21-13. Breeders: Carol Arbuthnot and Roger Arbuthnot. By GCH Beowulf Av Hiselfoss---Ch. Sapphire’s Double Helix. Owners: Shari Curran and Kevin Curran. (119) OYARON V. KOPFREIN. WS461736/01. 08-26-13. Breeder: Monika Gerber-Rindisbacher. By Nino De Marais Champagne--Riana V. Kopfrein. Owners: Glenn and Deborah Hotze. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES. PUPPY BITCHES (6 MOS. - UNDER 9 MOS.): 1st Place: $17.16 • 2nd Place: $11.44 Veteran Dogs (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Bitches (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Dogs (9 yrs. - under 11 yrs.) Veteran Bitches (9 yrs. - under 11 yrs.) Veteran Dogs (11 years and over) Veteran Bitches (11 years and over) BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes will be chosen from the first place winners of the six (6) classes. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASSIFICATION (110) PRAIRIEFIRE’S HITTING THE HIGH NOTES. WS464289/04. 02-08-14. Breeder: Owner. By Bernerdalen Kodak---Ch. Prairiefire’s Happy As A Lark. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. (112) ALDERFER BE MINE. WS468445/01. 02-14-14. Breeder: Owner. By GCH Great Lakes Danish Treasure---Ch. Ella Bermondo Bohemia. Owner: Catharine J. Davis. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES. JUNIOR BITCHES (12 MOS. - UNDER 18 MOS.): BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES 1st Place: $22.88 • 2nd Place: $17.16 • 3rd Place: $11.44 • 4th Place: $5.72 4 (114) BLACK ROSE VON DER BERNESSEHOF AT BIERGARTEN. WS461349/01. 2 (116) MAGIC BERNERS RAISES THE DEAD. WS452536/01. 1 (120) LEMARK BRIARCLIFF REVERIE. WS448533/01. 3 (128) TANZANITE’S STUBBORN LOVE. WS437944/02. 07-11-13. Breeder: Lucie Prudilova. By Werlwind’s Polar Express To Deikowa Dolina--Eglanttine Von Der Birnenallee. Owners: Beverly Hilmes and Michael Hilmes. (Christina Secord, Agent). 07-12-13. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Enchants No Rest For The Wicked---Ch. GoodCharm Van’t Pachthof. Owners: Bruce Bauersfeld and Diane Kelley. (Martin Cabral, Agent). 08-29-13. Breeders: Dr. Mary Ellen Guy, Murray and Gilbert Johnston. By GCH Blumoon Tanzenite v Blackrock, CD---GCH Lemark Briarcliff Tiger Lily. Owner: Dr. Mary Ellen Guy. 04-15-13. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Nashem’s Homebrew---Ch. Sapphire’s One In A Million. Owners: Sharon L. Montville and Carol L. Arbuthnot. (Wendy Oelrich, Agent). Page - 5 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. JUDGE: MRS. KATHY DEYO 1 2 3 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. VETERAN DOGS (7 YEARS - UNDER 9 YEARS): 1st Place: $21.45 • 2nd Place: $12.87 • 3rd Place: $8.58 (131) GCH B-HAVEN’S SHERPA’S MTN ENDEAVOR. WS229464/02. 08-21-07. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Geesey’s Sherpa’s Ascent---Ch. Blue Mt’s Valley Girl. Owner: Jill Byers. (Wendy Oelrich, Agent). (133) GCH LORIENDELL’S SWORD OF ELENDIL, CD, MDD, ANDD, BNDD. WS186612/01. 07-13-06. Breeders: M. Lynn and George Wood, and Alice and Jim (135 Warino. By Ch. Nashem Play It Again Sapphire---Loriendell’s Sleeping Beauty. Owners: Joe and Kim Giannone. CH. WAGONTALE’S SING ME A MIRACLE, CD, RE, GMDD. WS212876/07. 03-26-07. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By GCH Ebnets Hired Gun From Zanzbern, CD, OAP, OJP, NFP, AXP, NJP, NAP, GMDD---Ch. Wagontale’s Mirabelle, CD. Owners: Pamela and Barry Solomon, and Stacy Temples. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 6 - 1 2 (BERNESE (137 1st Place: $14.30 WAGONTALE’S KANYON VERNORS. WS046543/06. 06-20-03. Breeder: Stacy Temples. By Ch. Wagontale’s Ivanhoe---Wagontale’s First Noel. Owner: Barbara Clark. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. VETERAN BITCHES (7 YEARS - UNDER 9 YEARS): 1st Place: $22.88 • 2nd Place: $17.16 • 3rd Place: $11.44 • 4th Place: $5.72 (136) ASHFLAT PRINCESS GRACI, CD, RA, CGC, ANDD, ABNDD. WS184514/01. Lori Kennedy. (138) WAGONTALE’S PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA. WS176050/05. 1 (140) CH. WAGONTALE’S PUCKER UP. WS176050/03. 04-21-06. Bitch. Breeder: Stacy Temples. By Ch. Riverhaus Jed V. T. Rijkenspark---Ch. Wagontale’s Mirabelle. Owners: Jerry annd Candy McDanal and Stacy Temples. (Obedience #206) Ab (142) 2 3 1 (152 CH. WAGONTALE’S LADY OF THE LAKE, CD, RAE, BN ND, BNDD, DD, BDD. WS044909/02. 06-21-03. Bitch. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Barry and Pam Solomon, and Stacy Temples. Ch. Ahquabi’s Bank On It, CD, NDD, BNDD---Ch. Wagontale’s Daphne. Owners: 131 BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES WINNER....................................................... # ____________ ($14.30) BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 144 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES WINNER .... # ____________ ($14.30) 04-08-06. Breeder: Edwin Miller. By Artur Z Louccke Kotliny---Ashflat Molly. Owner: 3 1 2 MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. VETERAN DOGS (11 YEARS AND OVER): 04-21-06. Breeder: Stacy Temples. By Ch. Riverhaus Jed v’t Rijkenspark, TD---Ch. Wagontale’s Mirabelle. Owners: Vicky L. Whitney and Stacy Temples. GCH HORTON BAY’S WEATHER REPORT. WS230775/03. 07-15-07. Bitch. Breeder: Lori Jodar. By Ch. Adesa’s Pushing The Limit---Horton Bay’s Alice of Rosewood. Owners: Pam and Kevin Swisher. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. VETERAN BITCHES (9 YEARS - UNDER 11 YEARS): 1st Place: $21.45 • 2nd Place: $12.87 • 3rd Place: $8.58 (144) CH. PRAIRIEFIRE’S KIXITUP FROM MAINE. WS145546/03. 07-28-05. Breeder: Libby Kesner. By Ch. Prairiefire’s It’s Showtime---Ch. Labernese Maine’s Christine. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. (146) KIMBERLITE’S OBSIDIAN LACE, CD, RE, NAP, NDD. WS144331/02. 04-24-05. Breeder: Debra J. Tripp. By Ch. Tertzo’s Jester---Ch. Kimberlite’s Fire Opal. Owner: Vicky L. Whitney. (148) GCH LORIEN DELL’S YORK PEPPERMINT PATTY. WS098086/06. 07-19-04. Breeders: M. Lynn Wood and George W. Wood. By Ch. Sapphire’s Orion the Hunter, CD, RN---Ch. Lorien Dell’s Luthien Tinuviel, CD. Owners: Elaine Sheridan and Jim Meigs. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. VETERAN BITCHES (11 YEARS AND OVER): ELIGIBILITY AND REGULATIONS: The Four-to-Six Month Puppy Competition shall be for dogs and bitches that are four months of age and under six months of age, on the day of the event. • AKC registration number or an AKC litter number will be required for entries in this competition. • A foreign born dog may enter this class if they are registered in the country of origin. • All entrants are to be vaccinated (including rabies) in accordance with their veterinarian’s protocol. • Dogs that are owned or co-owned by a professional handler may compete in this class, but must be handled by a non-professional handler. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay. Dogs may not be exhibited by current assistants and household members of a professional handler. • Exhibitors should plan to open their dog’s mouth for examination. If the judge finds it necessary to open the mouth they should disinfect their hands prior to examining other dogs. • Breed standard disqualifications such as color, height, weight or dentition (as related to age) shall not be a point of consideration in the judging process for this 4-to-6 Month Puppy competition. • AKC Rules in Dealing with Misconduct will be applicable to any person and dog entered at this competition. All applicable rules found in Rules Applying to Dog Shows will govern the conduct of this competition unless these regulations state otherwise. PUPPY DOGS & BITCHES (4 Mos. - Under 6 mos.) One combined class, not divided by sex. CLASSIFICATION Best Four-to-Six Month Puppy ...................................................................Orange Rosette Best of Opposite Sex Four-to-Six Month Puppy .......................................Lavender Rosette ROSETTE PRIZES 1st Place: $17.16 • 2nd Place: $11.44 (150) BRIGHTEYE R QUESTA WIN, CD, RN, NA, NAJ, NJP. WS032412/02. 03-20-03. Breeder: Deborah Hotze. By Ch. Eur-Am’s Enough Already, CD---Ch. Motte vd Glockensteinen. Owners: Elaine Witulski and Deborah Hotze. class continued Page - 7 - AKC SANCTIONED - BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG FOUR TO SIX MONTH (BEGINNER PUPPY) COMPETITION Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. TROPHY PRIZES BEST FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH PUPPY: A Puppy Star Chew Toy, offered by Sharon Keefer. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH PUPPY: A Puppy Star Chew Toy, offered by Sharon Keefer. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 8 - BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG FOUR TO SIX MONTH (BEGINNER PUPPY) COMPETITION JUDGE: MRS. DEBORAH J. WILKINS SPECIALTY BREED CLASSIFICATION REGULAR CLASSES Puppy, Dogs (6 mos.- under 9 mos) Puppy, Dogs (9 mos.- under 12 mos.) Twelve-to-Eighteen Month, Dogs Amateur-Owner-Handler, Dogs Bred-by-Exhibitor, Dogs American Bred, Dogs Open, Dogs WINNERS, DOG BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. FOUR TO SIX MONTH DOGS & BITCHES (BEGINNER PUPPY) COMPETITION: 101 BPOS 102 104 106 BPB Ab 108 WOLFGANG’S MOUNTAIN SPIRIT. WS470218/01. 04-16-14. Dog. Breeder: Elizabeth McDonald. By Lambo Van’t Stokerybos---My Legacy’s Whispering Breeze. Owners: Courtney Housam and Campbell Levy. CLASSIQUE VOYAGE HOME V SPRINGS. WS470015/03. 05-05-14. Bitch. Breeders: Dawn Gabig and Timothy Gabig. By GCH Ayehlis Keeper of the Keys---Classique’s Bella Notte. Owners: Nancy M. Fuselier, DVM, Dawn Gabig, and Mary Bugg. Puppy, Bitches (6 mos.- under 9 mos.) Puppy, Bitches (9 mos.- under 12 mos.) Twelve-to-Eighteen Month, Bitches Amateur-Owner-Handler, Bitches Bred-by-Exhibitor, Bitches American Bred, Bitches Open, Bitches WINNERS, BITCH NON-REGULAR (ADDITIONAL) CLASSES SPECIALTY VETERAN CLASSES Veteran Dogs (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Bitches (7 yrs. - under 9 yrs.) Veteran Dogs (9 yrs. - under 11 yrs.) Veteran Bitches (9 yrs. - under 11 yrs.) Veteran Dogs (11 years and older) Veteran Bitches (11 years and older) First Place Winners of the Veteran Dog Classes and Veteran Bitch Classes are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed Competition, if otherwise undefeated at this specialty show. Ribbon prizes will be awarded for first through fourth place in each Veteran Class. JURA’S FOREIGN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER. WS467208/01. NON-REGULAR CLASSES INVOLVING SINGLE DOG ENTRIES 03-30-14. Bitch. Breeder: Kristen McIntyre. By Keepintouch Della Torre d’ Ovarda--GCH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa. Owners: Barbara LeTourneau and Kim McIntyre. JURAS FOREIGN AFFAIR WE’LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS V SUMMIT. WS467208/03. 03-30-14. Bitch. Breeder: Kristen McIntyre. By Keepintouch Della Torre D’ Ovarda---GCH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa. Owners: Sandy Dunaway and Kim McIntyre. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION JURA’S FOREIGN AFFAIR JEWEL OF MONACO. WS467208/02. AWARD OF MERIT Following Best of Breed Competition, the Specialty Breed Judge, at his discretion, may present Awards of Merit, to up to 10 percent (rounded up to the next number) of the total number of dogs competing in the Best of Breed Competition; which shall include move-ups, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, and first place winners in Veteran Dog and Veteran Bitch Classes. The dogs selected for Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed are not eligible for an Award of Merit. The dogs selected for Select Dog and Select Bitch are eligible for an Award of Merit. 03-30-14. Bitch. Breeder: Owner. By Keep In Touch Della Torre D’ Ovarda---GCH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa. Owner: Kim McIntyre. 106 BEST FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH PUPPY ................................................... # ____________ BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS - FOUR TO SIX MONTH (BEGINNER PUPPY) BEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR FROM THE BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR CLASSES 101 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX FOUR-TO-SIX MONTH PUPPY.................. # ____________ NON-REGULAR CLASSES INVOLVING MULTIPLE DOG ENTRIES BRACE CLASS BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS SPECIALTY BREED CLASSES JUDGE: MRS. DEBORAH J. WILKINS 1 2 Page - 9 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY DOGS (6 MOS. - UNDER 9 MOS.): 103* 105 ALDERFER WHEREFORE ART THOU . WS468445/02. 02-14-14. Breeder: Catharine Davis. By GCH Great Lakes Danish Treasure---Ch. Ella Bermondo Bohemia. Owners: Katerina Cviklova, Viktor Krejci, and Catharine Davis. JENDA’S QUICK GRAB MY BUTTE. WS470249/01. 03-04-14. Breeder: Jeni West. By GCH Alpenspirit Who’s On First---Ch. Jenda’s Hail the Queen. Owners: Jeni West and Dave West. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 10 - 2 1 3 4 3 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY DOGS (9 MOS. - UNDER 12 MOS.): 107* 109 111 113 115* 117 2 119 1 R 2 1 WD 3 127 123 5 14 WINNERS DOG_________RESERVE_________POINTS________DOGS_________ STONEHILL’S FEAST YOUR EYES ON BERYL. WS457387/02. 11-06-13. Breeders: Kerry Waltersdorf, Robin Krummow and Rebecca Krummow. By Ch. Stonehill’s Colorado Rockies Balboa---Ch. Stonehill’s Star Saphire From India. Owners: Jody Bogdan and Kerry Waltersdorf. MIAMI BLUES IZ KLANA LEGATO. WS477858/01. 10-28-13. Breeder: A. Morozenko. By Bern Star’s Beehive Lord the King---Dolce Vita Vittoria Iz Klana Legato. Owners: Jeni West and Dave West. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. TWELVE-TO-EIGHTEEN MONTH DOGS: 1 2 BACKCOUNTRY SAY ROGER THAT. WS466170/01. 11-14-13. Breeder: Wendy Bennett. By GCH Indian Hill’s Unleash The Dragon--Backcountry Katje. Owners: Valerie Horney and Wendy Bennett. BLUMOON’S IRON CHEF. WS445476/02. 05-21-13. Breeders: Christine C. Mann and Michael W. Mann. By Ch. Fourpaws Off The Map---Ch. Blumoon’s Goodnight Kiss. Owners: Marcia Eckhardt and Christine Mann. BLUMOON’S THE MORE HE MOTOS. WS445476/03. 05-21-13. Breeders: Christine C. Mann and Michael W. Mann. By Ch. Fourpaws Off The Map---Ch. Blumoon’s Goodnight Kiss. Owner: Brooks Bernard. SAPPHIRE’S MAN IN BLACK AT LAZY PAWS. WS436382/01. 03-21-13. Breeders: Carol Arbuthnot and Roger Arbuthnot. By GCH Beowulf Av Hiselfoss---Ch. Sapphire’s Double Helix. Owners: Shari Curran and Kevin Curran. (Clint Livingston, Agent). OYARON V. KOPFREIN. WS461736/01. 08-26-13. Breeder: Monika Gerber-Rindisbacher. By Nino De Marais Champagne--Riana V. Kopfrein. Owners: Glenn and Deborah Hotze. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS: 121* WHITANA TWO-TO-ONE ODDS. WS346707/01. 123* WYNDRIFT’S ROLLING THUNDER. WS460786/01. 05-27-10. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Ursa Minor’s Zeus v. Havochil, NDD---Kimberlite’s Obsidian Lace, CD, RE, NAP. Owner: Vicky L. Whitney. 01-07-14. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Arundel’s Diezel’s Nobodys Fool---GCH Wyndrift’s Steal Your Heart Away, CD, BN, RE, DD. Owners: Tracey and Chan Keith. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. OPEN DOGS: 125 127 129* BRIGHTEYE WILANIE DASH OF BRILLIANCE. WS425838/02. 11-28-12. Breeders: Glenn and Deborah Hotze. By Ch. Brighteye Dashing Casanova, VCD1, UD, VER, RE, NAP NJP, NFP---Brighteye Su Anne Big Crow. Owners: Stephanie A. Biksacky and Deborah Hotze. NASHEM’S I FEEL LUCKY. WS417335/02. 07-22-12. Breeders: Sara and Helen Karl, and Jeni West. By Ch. Arundel’s Diezel’s Nobody’s Fool---Ch. Jenda N Nashem Party Like a Rock Star. Owners: Valerie K. Murphy and Sara Karl. ANDREAS Z MALANEK. WS464528/01. 12-21-09. Breeder: Aranka Valvodova. By Super Foot Elysian Garden Sotel---Brenda Bermondo Bohemia. Owner: Katerina Cviklova. Page - 11 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. 2 1 2 1 R 1 1 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. PUPPY BITCHES (6 MOS. - UNDER 9 MOS.): 110 112 PRAIRIEFIRE’S HITTING THE HIGH NOTES. WS464289/04. 02-08-14. Breeder: Owner. By Bernerdalen Kodak---Ch. Prairiefire’s Happy As A Lark. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. ALDERFER BE MINE. WS468445/01. 02-14-14. Breeder: Owner. By GCH Great Lakes Danish Treasure---Ch. Ella Bermondo Bohemia. Owner: Catharine J. Davis. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. TWELVE-TO-EIGHTEEN MONTH BITCHES: 114 116 BLACK ROSE VON DER BERNESSEHOF AT BIERGARTEN. WS461349/01. 07-11-13. Breeder: Lucie Prudilova. By Werlwind’s Polar Express To Deikowa Dolina--Eglanttine Von Der Birnenallee. Owners: Beverly Hilmes and Michael Hilmes. (Christina Secord, Agent). MAGIC BERNERS RAISES THE DEAD. WS452536/01. 07-12-13. Breeders: Owners. By Ch. Enchants No Rest For The Wicked---Ch. GoodCharm Van’t Pachthof. Owners: Bruce Bauersfeld and Diane Kelley. (Martin Cabral, Agent). BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES: 118* PRAIRIEFIRE’S CALLIAQUA HOME IN PARADISE. WS398219/08. 01-02-12. Breeder: Sharon S. Johnson. By Ch. Gatekeeper Vom Gipfelfeuer--Prairiefire’s Turkish Delight. Owners: Becky Shuris, Bob Shuris, and Sharon S. Johnson. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES: 120* Ab 122 LEMARK BRIARCLIFF REVERIE. WS448533/01. 08-29-13. Breeders: Dr. Mary Ellen Guy, Murray and Gilbert Johnston. By GCH Blumoon Tanzenite v Blackrock, CD---GCH Lemark Briarcliff Tiger Lily. Owner: Dr. Mary Ellen Guy. JENDA’S SOMEONE LIKE YOU. WS409625/01. 03-23-12. Breeder: Owner. By GCH Beowulf av. Hisselfoss---Ch. Jenda’s Hail the Queen. Owner: Jeni West. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 12 - 3 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. OPEN BITCHES: 124 1 126 WB/BW 4 128 MU 130 130 MOVED UP TO BOB 2 132 134 AYEHLI’S AMAZING GRACE V RATCLIFF. WS352680/05. 09-15-10. Breeder: Fara Bushnell. By Ch. Freemen Van’t Stokerybos---Ch. Ayehli’s Liadan V Lakland. Owners: Tracey Carpe, Fara Bushnell, and Jennifer Necker. PRAIRIEFIRE’S WONDERSTRUCK. WS426959/07. 11-07-12. Breeder: Owner. By GCH Gatekeeper Vom Gipfelfeur---Ch. Fortuneia French Kiss v Schaetzend. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. TANZANITE’S STUBBORN LOVE. WS437944/02. 04-15-13. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Nashem’s Homebrew---Ch. Sapphire’s One In A Million. Owners: Sharon L. Montville and Carol L. Arbuthnot. (Wendy Oelrich, Agent). BIERGARTEN’S WINTER ABBEY ALE. WS435973/07. 02-03-13. Breeders: Owners. By GCH American Ale Von Der Bernessehof--Biergarten’s Miracle of Love. Owners: Beverly Hilmes and Michael Hilmes. (Christina Secord, Agent). ALTA NIEVE’S LAURELIN BRIELLE. WS389383/01. 1 2 3 1 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN BITCHES (9 Yrs. - under 11 Yrs.): 144 146* 148 2 150 1 140* Ab 142* BRIGHTEYE R QUESTA WIN, CD, RN, NA, NAJ, NJP. WS032412/02. 03-20-03. Breeder: Deborah Hotze. By Ch. Eur-Am’s Enough Already, CD---Ch. Motte vd Glockensteinen. Owners: Elaine Witulski and Deborah Hotze. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION, DOGS: 141* 145 GCH B-HAVEN’S SHERPA’S MTN ENDEAVOR. WS229464/02. 08-21-07. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Geesey’s Sherpa’s Ascent---Ch. Blue Mt’s Valley Girl. Owner: Jill Byers. (Wendy Oelrich, Agent). GCH LORIENDELL’S SWORD OF ELENDIL, CD, MDD, ANDD, BNDD. WS186612/01. 07-13-06. Breeders: M. Lynn and George Wood, and Alice and Jim Warino. By Ch. Nashem Play It Again Sapphire---Loriendell’s Sleeping Beauty. Owners: Joe and Kim Giannone. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN BITCHES (7 Yrs. - under 9 Yrs.): 136* GCH LORIEN DELL’S YORK PEPPERMINT PATTY. WS098086/06. 07-19-04. Breeders: M. Lynn Wood and George W. Wood. By Ch. Sapphire’s Orion the Hunter, CD, RN---Ch. Lorien Dell’s Luthien Tinuviel, CD. Owners: Elaine BERNTIERS CRYSTAL BALL. WS411617/01. 02-16-12. Breeder: Eva Sundell Johansson. By Keepintouch Della Torre D’Ovardo--Berntiers Imagine. Owner: Catharine J. Davis, BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN DOGS (7 Yrs. - under 9 Yrs.): 1 133* NOHS BB KIMBERLITE’S OBSIDIAN LACE, CD, RE, NAP, NDD. WS144331/02. 04-24-05. Breeder: Debra J. Tripp. By Ch. Tertzo’s Jester---Ch. Kimberlite’s Fire Opal. Owner: Vicky L. Whitney. BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. VETERAN BITCHES (11 Yrs. and Older): 143 131 07-28-05. Breeder: Libby Kesner. By Ch. Prairiefire’s It’s Showtime---Ch. Labernese Maine’s Christine. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. Sheridan and Jim Meigs. 09-06-11. Breeders: Rick Everett and T. Thompson. By Ch. Werlwind’s Quince Puntos Del Klaus---Ch. MTF Harmonie. Owner: Rick Everett. (Jean Gauchat-Hargis, Agent). 126 116 3 11 WINNERS BITCH________RESERVE________POINTS_______BITCHES________ 2 CH. PRAIRIEFIRE’S KIXITUP FROM MAINE. WS145546/03. ASHFLAT PRINCESS GRACI, CD, RA, CGC, ANDD, ABNDD. WS184514/01. Lori Kennedy. 04-08-06. Breeder: Edwin Miller. By Artur Z Louccke Kotliny---Ashflat Molly. Owner: CH. WAGONTALE’S PUCKER UP. WS176050/03. 04-21-06. Breeder: Stacy Temples. By Ch. Riverhaus Jed v’t Rijkenspark, TD---Ch. Wagontale’s Mirabelle. Owners: Vicky L. Whitney and Stacy Temples. GCH HORTON BAY’S WEATHER REPORT. WS230775/03. 07-15-07. Bitch. Breeder: Lori Jodar. By Ch. Adesa’s Pushing The Limit---Horton Bay’s Alice of Rosewood. Owners: Pam and Kevin Swisher. Page - 13 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. 147* SD 149 151 153 CH. DE-LE’S LEMARK BELIEVE IT OR NOT. WS343712/01. 05-24-10. Dog. Breeders: Lilian Ostermiller and Michelle Scott. By Ch. Lewa’s Raising the Bar---Ch. De-Li’s Hot Lips. Owners: Dr. Mary Ellen Guy and Lilian Ostermiller. GCH INDIAN IVANHOE FROM ORSINA’S LAND, CD, AXP, AJP, NFP. WS353111/01. 06-07-10. Dog. Breeder: Darja Kozamelj. By Hunter’s Hill Xander--Blackquintta From Orsina’s Land. Owner: Valerie Horney. GCH SNOWBOUND’S ANGEL FIRE. WS364881/01. 02-08-11. Dog. Breeders: Sarah Tennessen and Nicole Lennon. By Ch. Wynsome’s Urban Legend---Zanzebern Remember Mtn Spirit. Owners: Deborah Hotze and Sarah Tennessen. GCH MOUNTAINAIR’S LIMA BEAN, CD, BN, RE, CGC. WS277394/02. 07-25-08. Dog. Breeder: Darcy Babb. By Ch. KimberLite’s Not Yer Av Joe---Ch. L-Sin’s Mountainair Navy Blue. Owners: Elisabeth Dennehy, William Rogers, Jr., and Darcy Babb. GCH PRAIRIEFIRE’S WINTER HAWK OF SNOWY PINES. WS334670/02. 01-13-10. Dog. Breeders: Colleen Smith and Greg Cox. By Ch. Prairiefires Torch O Kinvarra---Werlwind’s Baroness Von Bruno. Owner: Sharon S. Johnson. GCH NASHEMS HOMEBREW. WS364634/02. 01-07-11. Dog. Breeders: Sara Karl, Helen Karl, and Jeni West. By GCH Nashems He’s the Man of Woodmoor, CD, RN, HT, NDD---Ch. Jenda N Nashem Party Like a Rock Star. Owners: Dottie Schulte and Haley Curran. CH. PRAIRIEFIRE’S MUSIC OF THE NIGHT. WS331844/01. 01-05-10. Dog. Breeder: Darcy Babb. By Ch. Prairiefire’s Bedtime Story---Ch. Mountainair’s Journey Home. Owners: Becky Shuris, Bob Shuris, and Sharon S. Johnson. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 14 - 155* 157* 159 OS 161 163 MU BB 180 GCH WYNDRIFT’S DRIVING HEARTS WILD, RA, CGC. WS412617/02. 06-18-12. Dog. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Beowulf Av Hiselfoss---GCH Wyndrift’s Steal Your Heart Away, CD, BN, RE, DD. Owners: Tracey and Chan Keith. CH. LAVISH’S HIT YOUR STRIDE V AYEHLI’S. WS361605/03. 01-06-11. Dog. Breeder: Layal Douaoun. By Ch. Ayehli’s Wickdgoodtimeatenchant--Ch. Hogandens Fraulein Leisel. Owner: Daphne Price. (Holly Leifwich, Agent). 164* 166 CH. ADESA’S STONE PONY. WS436877/01. 03-29-13. Bitch. Breeder: Bobbi Kinley-Biewett. By GCH Great Lakes Danish Treasure---Ch. Adesa’s Name That Tune. Owners: Bruce Bauersfeld and Diane Kelley. (Martin Cabral, Agent). 166 BEST OF BREED .............................................................................................. # ____________ CH. BERNTIERS ATLANTIS. WS401870/01. 149 GRAND CHAMPION SELECT DOG............................................................ # ____________ BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS 126 BEST OF WINNERS......................................................................................... # ____________ 03-14-11. Dog. Breeders: Nathalie LaChance and Mylene Turbide. By Ch. Alpenspirit Remember Me---Dourakine Alpenspirit’s Angel. Owners: Diane Kelley, Bruce Bauersfeld and Mylene Turbide. (Martin Cabral, Agent). 161 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED................................... # ____________ 174 GRAND CHAMPION SELECT BITCH ........................................................ # ____________ 11-08-11. Dog. Breeder: Eva Sundell Johansson. By Bernerdalens Uno Amigo Bueno ---Berntiers Front Page. Owners: Bruce Bauersfeld and Diane Kelley. (Martin Cabral, Agent). 133 NATIONAL OWNER HANDLED SERIES - BEST OF BREED............. # ____________ 150 153 157 133 AWARDS OF MERIT...........#________...#_________... #_________... # ____________ 123 BEST OF BREED BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR .................................................. # ____________ CH. B-HAVEN’S RUBY MTN OF MANITOU. WS412336/04. 06-29-12. Bitch. Breeder: Jill Byers. By Ch. Blue Mts Blk Diamond-Timbrdg---BHaven’s Sherpa’s Guided By Angels. Owners: Rick Meinig and Jill Byers. GCH VINN OCTOBER IT HAD 2VV YOU. WS389672/08. 10-01-11. Bitch. Breeder: Sharon C. Smith. By GCH Taplacs Invincible Vinny RN -- Vote For Venus Av Hiselfoss. Owner: Eric Buonpane. (Jean Gauchet-Hargis, Agent). CH. NASHEMS LUCKY CHARM. WS417335/03. 07-11-12. Bitch. Breeders: Sara and Helen Karl, and Jeni West. By Ch. Arundel’s Diezel’s Nobody’s Fool---Ch. Jenda N Nashem Party Like a Rock Star. Owners: Shari Curran and Sara Karl. (Clint Livingston, Agent). GCH PLAINSONG’S VIRTUOSO V SUMMIT. WS348937/04. 08-07-10. Bitch. Breeders: Pam Swisher and Kevin Swisher. By GCH Summit’s Lord Greystoke V Loriendell---GCH Horton Bay’s Weather Report. Owners: Sandy Dunaway, Sharon Keefer, and Pam Swisher. 172 GCH TANZANITE LEARNING CURVE. WS424147/02. 174 GCH NOBELHEART’S RIGEL. WS381473/01. 176* GCH. JENDA’S HANKY PANKY. WS361212/01. 11-08-10. Bitch. Breeder: Jeni West. By GCH Azure’s Chunk Off the Ol' Doc---Ch. Jenda’s Hail the Queen. Owners: Jeni West and Steve Sedlacek. GCH ALPENSPIRIT IT’S OUR GAME. WS392268/02. 130 BIERGARTEN’S WINTER ABBEY ALE. WS435973/07. MOVED UP FROM OPEN BITCHES 170* Ab 178 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION, BITCHES: 168 SB TANZANITE THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES, BN, RN, CGC. WS424147/03. 10-01-12. Dog. Breeders: Sharon L. Montville and Carol L. Arbuthnot. By GCH Indian Ivanhoe from Orsina’s Land, CD, OJP, NFP, AXP, NDD, DD---Ch. Sapphire’s One In A Million. Owners: Julia Ann and Michael A. Smith, and Sharon L. Montville. 10-01-12. Bitch. Breeders: Sharon L. Montville and Carol L. Arbuthnot. By GCH Indian Ivanhoe from Orsina’s Land, CD, AXP, OJP, NFP---GCH Sapphire’s One In A Million. Owner: Sharon L. Montville. (Wendy Oelrich, Agent). 05-03-10. Bitch. Breeders: Sarah Champ and Catherine Mellalieu. By GCH Alpenspirit Who’s On First---Nobelheart’s Arabian Night. Owners: Catherine Mellalieu and Jody Bogdan. CH. JURA’S LABOR OF LOVE JULIET. WS419060/01. 09-01-12. Bitch. Breeders: Kristen McIntyre, Kim McIntyre and Steve McIntyre. By Odysseus---GCH Jura’s Premier Vintage Quintessa. Owner: Kim McIntyre. Page - 15 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION JUDGE: MRS. DEBORAH J. WILKINS 1 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP. OPEN INTERMEDIATE: (J01) KAMI WEST. 90978356002. 12-03-01. (Daughter) Dog Substituted MIAMI BLUES IZ KLANA LEGATO. WS477858/01. with BOB 10-28-13. Breeder: A. Morozenko. By Bern Star’s Beehive Lord the King---Dolce Bitch #178 Vittoria Iz Klana Legato. Owners: Jeni West and Dave West. (Breed #111). WS361212/01 1 Vita JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP. OPEN SENIOR: (J02) HALEY CURRAN. 70996622001. 03-26-98. GCH NASHEMS HOMEBREW. WS364634/02. 01-07-11. Dog. Breeders: Sara Karl, Helen Karl, and Jeni West. By GCH Nashems He’s the Man of Woodmoor, CD, RN, HT, NDD---Ch. Jenda N Nashem Party Like a Rock Star. Owners: Dottie Schulte and Haley Curran. (Breed #151). J02 BEST JUNIOR HANDLER ...................................................................... # ____________ Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 16 - BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS OBEDIENCE TRIAL JUDGE: MS. CAROLE LYNN EVANS 1 _______ 188 (201) HT NOVICE-A CLASS BLUMOON’S CIRCLE UNBROKEN. WS287100/04. 11-19-08. Bitch. Breeder: Christine C. Mann. By Ch. Ebnet’s Hired Gun From Zanzbern---Ch. Blumoon’s Cuervo Gold. Owner: Holly Foster. NQ (202) TANZANITE THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES, BN, RN, CGC. _______ WS424147/03. 10-01-12. Dog. Breeders: Sharon L. Montville and Carol L. Arbuthnot. By GCH Indian Ivanhoe from Orsina’s Land, CD, OJP, NFP, AXP, NDD, DD---Ch. Sapphire’s One In A Million. Owners: Julia Ann and Michael A. Smith, and Sharon L. Montville. (Breed #155). 201 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 188 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 3 _______ 172.5 1 _______ 184 2 _______ 183.5 NOVICE-B CLASS 203) CLASSIQUE’S MIDNIGHT SERENADE, BN, CD, RE, CGCA. WS311633/05. 08-16-09. Dog. Breeder: Dawn Gabig. By GCH Patricia Wellinger and Dawn Gabig. NQ (208) KIMBERLITE’S OBSIDIAN LACE, CD, RE, NAP, NDD. WS144331/02. _______ OPEN-A CLASS 04-24-05. Bitch. Breeder: Debra J. Tripp. By Ch. Tertzo’s Jester---Ch. Kimberlite’s Fire Opal. Owner: Vicky L. Whitney. (Breed #146). FIRST___________SCORE___________ 1 _______ 182.5 (209) OPEN-B CLASS ANDREAS Z MALANEK. WS464528/01. 12-21-09. Bitch. Breeder: Aranka Valvodova. By Super Foot Elysian Garden Sotel---Brenda Bermondo Bohemia. Owner: Katerina Cviklova. (Breed #129). 209 182.5 FIRST___________SCORE___________ NQ _______ UTILITY-A CLASS 210) ZUZU’S PETALS, CDX, RA, OA, OAJ, AJP, NF, DD, BNDD. PAL203431. 08-28-08. Bitch. Other particulars unknown. Owner: Vicky Hall. FIRST___________SCORE___________ Classique’s Rhythm to Spare---Classique’s Starry Starry Night. Owners: 204) PRAIREFIRE’S MIRACLES CAN’T WAIT, CGC, PCD, BN, NDD, BNDD. WS397241/02. 12-06-11. Dog. Breeder: Sharon Johnson. By Lori Kennedy and Sharon Johnson. Backcountry Iago---Ch. Prairiefire’s Worth My Weight In Gold. Owners: 205) WAGONTALE’S CLASSICAL COMPOSITION, BN, RN. WS420047/03. 09-15-12. Bitch. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Ch. Berntiers Sunshine Boss---Ch. Wagontale’s Pachelbelle Canon. Owners: Alice and Steven Clark, and Stacy Temples. Exc (206) WAGONTALE’S PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA. WS176050/05. _______ 04-21-06. Bitch. Breeder: Stacy Temples. By Ch. Riverhaus Jed V. T. Rijkenspark---Ch. Wagontale’s Mirabelle. Owners: Jerry and Candy McDanal and Stacy Temples. (Breed #138). 204 184 201 188 Novice-B Class: # ______Score: Novice-A Class: # ______Score: ______ ______ REGULAR CLASS FIRST PLACE WINNERS: NQ 209 182.5 Open-A Class: ...# ______Score: ______ Open-B Class:...# ______Score: ______ NQ Utility-A Class: ..# ______Score: ______ Open-B Class:...# ______Score: ______ 201 188 HIGHEST SCORING DOG IN THE REGULAR CLASSES: #________SCORE: _______ Exc (207) WHITANA TWO-TO-ONE ODDS. WS346707/01. _______ 05-27-10. Dog. Breeder: Owner. By Ch. Ursa Minor’s Zeus v. Havochil, NDD---Kimberlite’s Obsidian Lace, CD, RE, NAP. Owner: Vicky L. Whitney. (Breed #121). 204 205 203 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 184 183.5 172.5 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ Page - 17 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 18 - OPTIONAL TITLING OBEDIENCE CLASSES BEGINNER NOVICE-A CLASS 2 _______ 189.5 1 3 _______ 133 (218) 211) BLUMOON’S BUTCHER HOLLOW. WS287100/01. 217 216 218 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 11-19-08. Bitch. Breeder: Christine C. Mann. By Ch. Ebnet’s Hired Gun From Zanzbern---Ch. Blumoon’s Cuervo Gold. Owner: Holly Foster. 195 (212) BLUMOON’S THE MORE HE MOTOS. WS445476/03. _______ 161 145 133 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 05-21-13. Dog. Breeders: Christine C. Mann and Michael W. Mann. By Ch. Fourpaws Off The Map---Ch. Blumoon’s Goodnight Kiss. Owner: Brooks Bernard. (Breed #115). Event #20142631102 212 211 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 1 195 189.5 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF THE ROCKIES, INC. BEGINNER NOVICE-B CLASS JUDGE: MRS. JULIE M. YAMANE 188 (213) RIGHTEYE WILANIE DASH OF BRILLIANCE. WS425838/02. _______ 11-28-12. Dog. Breeders: Glenn and Deborah Hotze. By Ch. Brighteye Dashing Casanova, VCD1, UD, VER, RE, NAP NJP, NFP---Brighteye Su Anne Big Crow. Owners: Stephanie A. Biksacky and Deborah Hotze. (Breed #125). Ab (214) GCH WYNDRIFT’S DRIVING HEARTS WILD, RA, CGC. _______ WS412617/02. 06-18-12. Dog. Breeders: Owners. By GCH Beowulf Av Hiselfoss---GCH Wyndrift’s Steal Your Heart Away, CD, BN, RE, DD. Owners: Tracey and Chan Keith. (Breed #157). 213 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 188 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ NQ (215) GCH MOUNTAINAIR’S LIMA BEAN, CD, BN, RE, CGC. _______ WS277394/02. 07-25-08. Dog. Breeder: Darcy Babb. By Ch. KimberLite’s Not Yer Av Joe---Ch. L-Sin’s Mountainair Navy Blue. Owners: Elisabeth Dennehy, William Rogers, Jr., and Darcy Babb. (Breed #147). GRADUATE NOVICE CLASS FIRST___________SCORE___________ 2 1 BRIGHTEYE R QUESTA WIN, CD, RN, NA, NAJ, NJP. WS032412/02. 03-20-03. Bitch. Breeder: Deborah Hotze. By Ch. EurAm’s Enough Already, CD---Ch. Motte vd Glockensteinen. Owners: Elaine Witulski and Deborah Hotze. (Breed #150). NON-REGULAR OBEDIENCE CLASSES VETERANS CLASS 145 216) KENNEDY’S MURREN, CD, RE, CGC. DD, ABNDD. WS168953/03. _______ 04-01-06. Dog. Breeder: Kevin Sorrell. By Kevin Sorrell’s Dillon---Blue’s Zoloto Tess. Owner: Lori Kennedy. 161 217) DASHING TO THE RESCUE, CD, RE. PAL204095. _______ 04-25-07. Dog. Other particulars unknown. Owners: Alice and Steven Clark. Page - 19 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. EIGHTH RALLY TRIAL 1 94 _______ RALLY NOVICE-A CLASS 225 SOMMERFELD JULIA OF WAGONTALE. WS257460/02. 03-13-08. Bitch. Breeder: Samantha Lovett Judge, DVM. By Ch. Wagontale’s Norsk Uller---Sommerfeld’s Isle Of Jersey. Owner: Barbara Clark. 225 SCORE___________ 94 FIRST___________ 1 96 _______ 4 74 _______ 227 WAGONTALE’S YAZI. WS324667/06. 3 87 _______ 228 TALKABOUT A HIGHLAND BRAWNY LAD. WS372456/02. 2 93 _______ RALLY NOVICE-B CLASS 226 WAGONTALE’S CLASSICAL COMPOSITION, BN, RN. WS420047/03. 09-15-12. Bitch. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Ch. Berntiers Sunshine Boss---Ch. Wagontale’s Pachelbelle Canon. Owners: Alice and Steven Clark, and Stacy Temples. (Specialty #205). 12-10-09. Dog. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Ch. Sandpiper Augustus Wagontale---Ch. Wagontale’s Princess Alexandria, RA. Owners: Jerry and Candy McDanal. 03-16-11. Dog. Breeder: Lynne Farrell. By Ch. Bull Valley’s Special Blend V Shadai---Highland’s Majestic Oak. Owner: Jody Bogdan. 229 DEERPARK DARK STAR V VALENTINE, RN. WS360469/01. 12-29-10. Dog. Breeder: Denise Dean. By Ch. Bull Valley Deerpark Benjamin---Dearpark Kazzi. Owner: Rae Valentine. 226 229 228 227 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 96 93 87 74 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 20 - 3 91 _______ 1 95 _______ 2 93 _______ 4 82 _______ RALLY ADVANCED-B CLASS 230 CLASSIQUE’S MIDNIGHT SERENADE, BN, CD, RE, CGCA. WS311633/05. 08-16-09. Dog. Breeder: Dawn Gabig. By GCH Classique’s Rhythm to Spare---Classique’s Starry Starry Night. Owners: Patricia Wellinger and Dawn Gabig. (Specialty #203). 231 PRAIREFIRE’S MIRACLES CAN’T WAIT, CGC, PCD, BN, NDD, BNDD. WS397241/02. 12-06-11. Dog. Breeder: Sharon Johnson. By Backcountry Iago---Ch. Prairiefire’s Worth My Weight In Gold. Owners: Lori Kennedy and Sharon Johnson. (Specialty #204). 232 NASHEMS SWEET TALKIN MAN, CDX, RN, NAP, NJP, DD, BNDD. WS262802/02. 05-29-08. Dog. Breeders: Sara Karl and Jeni West. By GCH Nashems He’s The Man of Woodmoor---Ch. Swiss Star’s Criminal Intent. Owners: Vicky Hall and Sara Karl. 233 ANDREAS Z MALANEK. WS464528/01. 12-21-09. Dog. Breeder: Aranka Valvodova. By Super Foot Elysian Garden Sotel---Brenda Bermondo Bohemia. Owner: Katerina Cviklova. (Specialty #129 and #209). 231 232 230 233 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 3 1 2 95 93 91 82 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 79 (230) CLASSIQUE’S MIDNIGHT SERENADE, BN, CD, RE, CGCA. _______ WS311633/05. 08-16-09. Dog. Breeder: Dawn Gabig. By GCH RALLY EXCELLENT-B CLASS Classique’s Rhythm to Spare---Classique’s Starry Starry Night. Owners: Patricia Wellinger and Dawn Gabig. (Specialty #203). 92 234) KENNEDY’S MURREN, CD, RE, CGC. DD, ABNDD. WS168953/03. _______ RALLY TRIAL NON-REGULAR CLASSES RALLY PAIRS NOVICE CLASS 1 _______PAIR 192 #1 _______ 236 BLUMOON’S BUTCHER HOLLOW. WS287100/01. _______ 237 BLUMOON’S CIRCLE UNBROKEN. WS287100/04. 11-19-08. Bitch. Breeder: Christine C. Mann. By Ch. Ebnet’s Hired Gun From Zanzbern---Ch. Blumoon’s Cuervo Gold. Owner: Holly Foster. (Specialty #211). 11-19-08. Bitch. Breeder: Christine C. Mann. By Ch. Ebnet’s Hired Gun From Zanzbern---Ch. Blumoon’s Cuervo Gold. Owner: Holly Foster. (Specialty #201). 2 _______PAIR 185 #2 _______ _______ 238 CH. WAGONTALE’S WHODUNNIT? RE, CD, GMDD. WS319135/09. 09-21-09. Dog. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Ch. Wagontale’s Sing Me A Miracle, CD, RE, GMDD--Sandpiper Anneka of Wagontale. Owners: Pamela and Barry Solomon, and Stacy Temples. 239 CH. WAGONTALE’S LADY OF THE LAKE, CD, RAE, BN ND, BNDD, DD, BDD. WS044909/02. 06-21-03. Bitch. Breeders: Stacy Temples and Howard Ramsdell. By Ch. Ahquabi’s Bank On It, CD, NDD, BNDD---Ch. Wagontale’s Daphne. Owners: Barry and Pam Solomon, and Stacy Temples. (Veteran Sweepstakes #152). Pair 1 Pair 2 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 192 185 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 04-01-06. Dog. Breeder: Kevin Sorrell. By Kevin Sorrell’s Dillon---Blue’s Zoloto Tess. Owner: Lori Kennedy. (Specialty #216). 83 235) ZUZU’S PETALS, CDX, RA, OA, OAJ, AJP, NF, DD, BNDD. _______ PAL203431. 08-28-08. Bitch. Other particulars unknown. Owner: Vicky Hall. (Specialty #210). 234 235 230 FIRST___________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ 92 83 79 SCORE__________SECOND___________THIRD___________FOURTH__________ Page - 21 - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies, Inc. Eighth Specialty Show & Rally Trial • September 5, 2014 Page - 22 -
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