Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 | T: (718) 295-3770/ 3771 | F: (718) 367-2240 | Parish E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, July 19th, 2015| XVI Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year B PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Fr. Jonathan Morris PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues PARISH CENTER 2380 Belmont Avenue Monday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR Sister Edna Loquias, S.M.C. PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Schedule of Masses & Services Saturday: 8:30am | 12:00pm | 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English) | 9:30am (Spanish) 11:00am (Italian) | 12:15pm (English) 1:30pm (Spanish) Weekday: 8:30am / 12:00pm / 6:30pm(English) Confessions: Satur days fr om 4:00pm to 5:00pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/HOLY HOURS Every Thursday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Every Saturday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm First Friday of every month from 12:30pm-6:30pm Novena Devotions: After each Mass Monday: Miraculous Medal Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Thursday: Saint Joseph Friday: Divine Mercy Chaplet BAPTISMS: 2nd Sunday of every month in Spanish at 2:30pm 3rd Sunday every other month in English at 2:30pm Please stop by the Parish Center to register or call for more information. MARRIAGES: We will be happy to help any couples who are preparing for marriage. Please make an appointment with a Priest at the Parish Center. PASTORAL VISITS TO THE SICK: If you or someone you know are in the hospital or homebound and would be served by a pastoral visit by a Priest, Religious Sister or a lay Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Center. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We invite new parishioners to register at the Parish Center as soon as possible after moving into the parish. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: For information and to register your child for Religious Education Classes, please call the Catechetical Office at (718) 295-3770. MOUNT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Ave. For information please call (718) 295-6080. July 19, 2015 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL “From the Desk of Father Jonathan” ANNOUNCED MASSES Sunday,July19th|XVISundayinO.T. 8:30am Daniel Zinzi Jr. 9:30am Pro Populo 12:15pm Angelina, Francesco e Michele Corvino e Famiglia Michelle Racioppo Tres años de Monserrat Andrea Coyotl 2 Happy Feast Day! Today we celebrate the patroness of our beloved parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It's inspiring to know that still today, in the year 2015, we continue to walk spiritually in the footsteps of the early Carmelite hermits of the late 12th century who lived on "Mount Carmel" in the Holy Land. Tuesday,July21st|Weekday As I walk the streets of our neighborhood and hear you speak of your love for our church and for our patroness, I am in awe of the fact that the faith and devotion of these Carmelites of a different age and continent, is still alive and well here in Belmont of the Bronx! This can only be explained by the power of God's grace and the intercession of the mother of Jesus and the mother of us all. 8:30am Anna and Cosimo Lavacca 12:00pm Joseph Lauro 6:30pm Deda Elezovic Like every good mother, Our Lady encourages us and corrects us. She points us to Jesus and says, "Do whatever he tells you.". Wednesday,July22nd|SaintMaryMagdalane As you know, this year we are having a small family gathering after the 12:15pm mass on Hughes Ave, celebrated by our friend and mentor, Archbishop Antonio Ciliberti. Let's have a great time together, as family but let's not forget the reason for our joy. Mary, our mother, loves us, and points us to her soon, the source of all real happiness, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Monday,July20th|Weekday 8:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm 8:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Mary Marziliano Marie De Dominicis and Family Pierino Appollonio Richard Pizzonia Calogera D’ Angelo Marcella Fortune Thursday,July23rd|SaintBridget 8:30am Father Nicholas F. Basile 12:00pm Michele Sabatino 6:30pm Anthony Cioppa Friday,July24th|Weekday 8:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Rocco Cifone and Deceased Family Members Alfredo Ferrante and Carolina Ferrante Skouras Caryl Borgatti Saturday,July25th| SaintJames 8:30am Nancy Ruda 12:00pm Luisa and Casimiro Cibelli & Deceased Family Members 5:00pm Helen Sassano Sunday,July26th|XVIISundayinO.T. 8:30am In Honor of Saint Anne 9:30am Pro Populo 11:00am Pasquale, Michele, Concetta, e Donato Nigro e Famiglia 12:15pm Louise and Andrew Deceso, Ann, Philip and Emilia Longo, Mary and Anthony Ferraro 1:30pm Ausberto Soto WEDDING BANNS III. Michelangelo Accardo and Nadia Appollonio II. Salvatore Di Maggio and Daniella Baccari Christopher Luna and Kiara DeLeon I. Anthony J . Bianchi and Toni Anne Perri Richard Osei and Alexandra Nmashie One way we could make this feast day a spiritual success, would be to ask Jesus if there is any way that he wants us to change, to become more like him. Take a few minutes today, if you will (I promise to do so too), to pray for the grace to "do whatever he tells you." Mary will be there to support us all the way! Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us! Father Jonathan Sanctuary Lamp In Loving Memory of Caterina Di Noia “Happy Birthday Nonnie” - Your Grandson Joseph Lupo REST IN PEACE Please pray for the deceased members of our parish: Daniel Nuñez, Maryann Avellanet and Eric Woods & our fallen military. MASS COLLECTION - 7/12/ 2015 Collection ........................................................$3,094.24 Last year’s Collection …..................................$3,280.65 Thank you all for your generosity!! LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE - 7/12/ 2015 Adults: 585…...…. Children: 140…...……… / Total….725 July 19, 2015 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 3 REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Sunday Gospel: Mark 6: 30-34 RIFLESSIONE SULLA PAROLA DI DIO Vangelo della Domenica: Marco 6: 30-34 Jesus knew that he and his disciples needed occasional Come mostra la prima lettura, e il Vangelo stesso, oggi time alone, so they went “to a deserted place” to rest. Are you over-working, over-volunteering, overextending yourself? Saint Benedict (485–547A.D.), the founder of many monasteries in Italy wrote a set of instructions, called the Rule, to ensure the monks could pray, work, and live in harmony. The Rule is a blend of moderate and reasonable instructions, requiring everyone to participate in an orderly balance of daily activity. This is hard for us to accomplish ourselves, with the demands of the workplace and family. One busy mom uses her bathroom moments to pray; a man who takes many business trips prays as he drives. Parents caring for a disabled son rely on the help of friends for a necessary time-out. An overworked single mother takes a nap every day while her children do their homework. It is essential to refocus and refuel for your God-given calling in life. Living Stewardship Now Look at your life and try to add up how you spend your week. How much time is devoted to God, family, work, and service? Do you rest and relax or just change activities? What are your time-wasters? “ROOTED” Our Youth Group has chosen a name...ROOTED in Christ Jesus! If you are in 9th to 12th grade, come to Fatima Hall on Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm. For more info please contact Jesus Vargas at the parish office. al centro della parola che la liturgia ci porta c’è il fatto che Dio ha concretizzato le sue promesse in Gesù di Nazaret: attraverso il suo Salvatore egli veglia sul suo popolo. Il Vangelo descrive la “piccola” gente di Galilea che si affolla al seguito di Gesù come una comunità di uomini sfiniti di cui nessuno si occupa. Essi hanno sentito che Gesù si preoccupa sinceramente di loro, e che ha il potere di venire loro veramente in aiuto. È ciò che fa, portando l’indispensabile salvezza a tutti quelli che si rivolgono a lui fiduciosi, nella loro disgrazia sia fisica che sociale o spirituale. La Chiesa non cerca oggi di distrarci con delle belle storie che parlano dei tempi passati. Attira la nostra attenzione sul fatto che Gesù Cristo risuscitato continua ad agire come il Salvatore di Dio. Egli può e vuole aiutarci nella nostra disgrazia. Compatisce le nostre preoccupazioni. Nella nostra miseria possiamo rivolgerci a lui. Egli ci consolerà, ci darà la forza, ci esaudirà. È lui che ci fa trovare le vie per uscire dalla disgrazia, che ci mette accanto delle persone che ci aiutino. E soprattutto, Gesù Cristo conosce l’ultima e la peggiore delle nostre miserie: la nostra ricerca di una salvezza duratura e felice, che sia per noi o per tutti quelli che amiamo, dei quali ci preoccupiamo, e che abitano con noi questo mondo. Block Party con la Famiglia Parrocchiale REGISTRATION CAMPAIGN OGGI Domenica, 19 luglio, 2:30 p.m. Hughes Avenue, tra la 187ma e la 188ma Strada Cibo, Musica, Sorteggio Portate il vostro piatto preferito! ~ La processione sarà dopo la festa~ Please pick up your new box of envelopes before or after Mass this weekend. The envelopes are for one entire year. Thank you for your continued support! ANNUAL PADRE PIO DAY Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Parish Family Block Party TODAY!! 2:30 pm - Hughes Ave. between 187th and 188th Streets -Food, Music, Raffle Bring your favorite dish! - Procession afterwards O Mary, Beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Virgin Mother of the Son of God, pray for us Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Washington, New Jersey Saturday, August 22nd ~ Confession, Adoration ~ Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Most Rev. Gerald Walsh, D.D. Tickets - $27 Available at the Parish Office Bus leaves 7:00am & returns 6:30pm REFLEXIONEMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Evangelio del Domingo: Marcos 6: 30-34 Jesús sabía que él y sus discípulos necesitaban ocasionalmente un tiempo a solas, por eso se los llevó consigo a “un lugar solitario” para descansar. ¿Estás trabajando en exceso u ofreciendo demasiado tu tiempo voluntario? San Benito (485–547A.D.), el fundador de muchos monasterios en Italia, escribió una serie de instrucciones, conocidas como la Regla benedictina, para garantizar que los monjes pudieran orar, trabajar y vivir en armonía. La Regla es una combinación de instrucciones moderadas y razonables exigiendo la participación de todos en las actividades diarias de una manera ordenada y equilibrada. Esto es difícil de lograr para ninguno de nosotros por sí mismo debido a las exigencias del trabajo y la familia. Hay una mamá que ora cuando está en el baño; un hombre que reza mientras maneja en sus muchos viajes de negocios. Los padres que tienen un hijo discapacitado dependen de la ayuda que sus amistades puedan brindarle para tener un respiro necesario. Una madre soltera con exceso de trabajo toma una siesta todos los días mientras sus hijos hacen la tarea escolar. Reenfocarte y reabastecer tus energías son cosas esenciales para responder al llamado de Dios en tu vida. Viviendo la Palabra de Dios Reflexiona sobre tu vida y trata de hacer un recuento de cómo pasaste la semana. ¿Cuánto tiempo dedicaste a Dios, la familia, el trabajo y los servicios? GRUPO JUVENIL “ROOTED” Invitamos a todos los Jóvenes de 9 a 12 grado a participar del Grupo Juvenil todos los Sábado de 2:00pm a 4:00pm en el Salón de Fatima. ¡Te esperamos! CAMPAÑA DE REGISTRACIÓN Continuamos con nuestra Campaña de Registración. Por favor, sírvase pasar por el frente de la Iglesia para que se lleve su caja de sobres. Muchas gracias. SEGUNDO ENCUENTRO DE PAREJAS “La pareja que ora unida siempre se mantendrá unida” Domingo, 26 de Julio, 2015 2:30pm a 5:00pm Salón de FATIMA HALL Invitación Parejas Casadas, no casadas Parejas de Novios ¡¡LOS ESPERAMOS!! Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Three Year Old Program September 2015 Please Register Now! If you stay for our UPK Program, you pay one year (PK 3) and get the second year (UPK 4) FREE! Please contact the main office to register or schedule a visit: (718) 295-6080 REGISTRATION - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Registration for Religious Education Program will take place Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 12pm and 2:15pm to 4:30pm If your child is already baptized, please bring a copy of the baptism certificate Registration Fee - $60 ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Classes for adults will begin in September. We ask everyone interested to please contact or come to the office and leave their name & number. Those who have already been baptized are asked to bring a copy of their baptism certificate as well. Thank you! Lectors for July 25th– 26th 5:00pm 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm Maria Gerbasi Nicky Watson Adriana Trujillo y Manelis Mendez Carmine e Rosanna Bizzarro D. Miantsoko Yohan Garcia y Lucy Ortega VIRGEN PEREGRINA Si deseas recibir y pedir gracias a la Virgen Maria en tu hogar, junto a tu familia, por favor, dejanos saber, dejando tu nombre o bien llamando al Centro Parroquial. Nuestra Madre quiere entrar a tu hogar. Vacation Time Is Upon Us – Enjoy! But remember: Don’t take a vacation from Jesus! INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Bulletin number: 697400 Date of publication: 087/16/09 Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 2 full & 2 half text pages +this page Special instructions: Please call Sebastian @ 718-295-3770 or cell phone: 917-334-0361
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