NOTICE OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTION IN PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given that the PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT will conduct a Trustee Election in and throughout the Pasadena Independent School District on Saturday, May 6, 2017, in accordance with the Election Order and Notice passed and approved on January 24, 2017. Election day polling locations for the Trustee Election will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The eleven election day polling places include the following: Beverly Hills Intermediate School , 11111 Beamer Road, Houston, Texas 77089; Bondy Intermediate School, 5101 Keith Road, Pasadena, Texas 77505; Jackson Intermediate School, 1020 East Thomas, Pasadena, Texas 77506; Miller Intermediate School, 1002 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Park View Intermediate School, 3003 Dabney Drive, Pasadena, Texas 77502; Queens Intermediate School, 1452 Queens Road, Houston, Texas 77017; Keller Middle School, 1711 Magnolia Street, Pasadena, Texas 77503; South Houston Intermediate, 900 College Avenue, South Houston, Texas 77587; Shaw Middle School, 1200 East Houston, Pasadena, Texas 77502; Thompson Intermediate School, 11309 Sagedowne Lane, Houston, Texas 77089; and South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. Early voting will begin on Monday, April 24, 2017, and will continue through Tuesday, May 2, 2017. Five Pasadena School District comprehensive high schools will be locations for early voting: J. Frank Dobie High School, 10220 Blackhawk Blvd., Houston, Texas 77089; Pasadena High School, 206 South Shaver, Pasadena, Texas 77506; Pasadena Memorial High School, 4410 Crenshaw, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Sam Rayburn High School, 2121 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 and South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. Hours for early voting will be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on each day for early voting which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal state holiday. On the last two days of the early voting period, May 1 and May 2, hours for early voting will be 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Qualified voters may vote early by personal appearance in the Pasadena Independent School District Trustee Election at any one of these five early voting locations. The mailing address of the early voting clerk for the Pasadena School District election is the following: Early Voting Clerk, Pasadena Independent School District, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502. The email address for the Early Voting Clerk is cawi [email protected]. AVISO DE ELECCION PARA LA JUNTA DE SiNDICOS EN EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE PASADENA POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE SE INFORMA que se llevara a cabo una Elecci6n de Sfndicos dentro del DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE PASADENA y en todo el distrito, el sabado 6 de mayo de 2017, en conformidad con la Orden de Elecci6n y el Aviso de Elecci6n aceptados y aprobados el 24 de enero de 2017. Los lugares de votaci6n para la Elecci6n de Sfndicos estaran abiertos de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Los once lugares de votaci6n del dfa de elecci6n incluyen los siguientes: Beverly Hills Intermediate School, 11111 Beamer Road, Houston, Texas 77089; Bondy Intermediate School, 5101 Keith Road, Pasadena, Texas 77505; Jackson Intermediate School, 1020 East Thomas, Pasadena, Texas 77506; Miller Intermediate School, 1002 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Park View Intermediate School, 3003 Dabney Drive, Pasadena , Texas 77502; Queens Intermediate School, 1452 Queens Road, Houston, Texas 77017; Keller Middle School, 1711 Magnolia Street, Pasadena, Texas 77503; South Houston Intermediate, 900 College Avenue, South Houston, Texas 77587; Shaw Middle School, 1200 East Houston, Pasadena , Texas 77502; Thompson Intermediate School, 11309 Sagedowne Lane, Houston, Texas 77089; and South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. La votaci6n anticipada comenzara el lunes 24 de abril de 2017 y continuara hasta el martes 2 de mayo de 2017, inclusive. Cinco escuelas preparatorias generales del Distrito Escolar de Pasadena seran los lugares de la votaci6n anticipada: J. Frank Dobie High School, 10220 Blackhawk Blvd ., Houston, Texas 77089; Pasadena High School, 206 South Shaver, Pasadena , Texas 77506; Pasadena Memorial High School, 4410 Crenshaw, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Sam Rayburn High School, 2121 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 y South Houston High School , 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. El horario de la votaci6n anticipada sera desde las 8:00 a.m . a las 4:30 p.m ., cada dfa de votaci6n anticipada que no sea sabado, domingo o un feriado oficial del Estado. El horario de la votaci6n anticipada los ultimas dos dfas del periodo de votaci6n anticipada, 1 de mayo y 2 de mayo, sera desde las 8:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. Los votantes habilitados pueden votar de forma anticipada en persona para la Elecci6n de Sfndicos del Distrito Escolar lndependiente de Pasadena en cualquiera de los cinco lugares designados para la votaci6n anticipada. La direcci6n postal del oficial de votaci6n anticipada para la elecci6n del Distrito Escolar de Pasadena es la siguiente: Early Voting Clerk, Pasadena Independent School District, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502. La direcci6n de correo electr6nico de la Oficial de Votaci6n Anticipada es cawilson@pasadenaisd .org . THONG BAO VE CUQC BAU CO' BAN QUAN TR! T~I KHU HQC CHANH £>QC L~P PASADENA Theo day xin THONG BAO r~ng KHU HOC CHANH BOC LAP PASADENA se tien hanh mot Cuoc Bau CU> Oy Vien Quan Tri trong va tren toan Khu Hoc Chanh Boe L$p Pasadena vao thl.f Bay, ngay 6 thang Nam, 2017, theo Thong Bao va Lenh Tuyen CU> dU'qc thong qua va phe chu~n vao ngay 24 thang Mot, 2017. Cac dia diem b6 phieu trong ngay bau cU> cho Cuoc Bau CU> Uy Vien Quan Tri se m6' cU>a tCY 7 gi& sang den 7 gi& toi. MU'&i mot dia diem b6 phieu vao ngay bau cU> la: Beverly Hills Intermediate School, 11111 Beamer Road, Houston, Texas 77089; Bondy Intermediate School, 5101 Keith Road , Pasadena , Texas 77505; Jackson Intermediate School , 1020 East Thomas, Pasadena, Texas 77506; Miller Intermediate School, 1002 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Park View Intermediate School, 3003 Dabney Drive, Pasadena , Texas 77502; Queens Intermediate School , 1452 Queens Road, Houston, Texas 77017; Keller Middle School , 1711 Magnolia Street, Pasadena, Texas 77503; South Houston Intermediate, 900 College Avenue, South Houston, Texas 77587; Shaw Middle School , 1200 East Houston, Pasadena, Texas 77502; Thompson Intermediate School , 11309 Sagedowne Lane, Houston, Texas 77089; va South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. Giai do~n bo phieu s&m se bat dau tCY thl.f Hai, ngay 24 thang TU', 2017 va tiep tl,ic den het thl.f Ba, ngay 2 thang Nam, 2017. Nam tm&ng trung hoc toan dien cua Khu Hoc Chanh Pasadena se la cac dia diem b6 phieu s&m : J. Frank Dobie High School, 10220 Blackhawk Blvd ., Houston, Texas 77089; Pasadena High School, 206 South Shaver, Pasadena , Texas 77506; Pasadena Memorial High School, 4410 Crenshaw, Pasadena , Texas 77504; Sam Rayburn High School, 2121 Cherrybrook, Pasadena , Texas 77502 va South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587. Gi& b6 phieu s&m se la 8 gi& sang den 4 gi& 30 chieu vao moi ngay b6 phieu s&m khong phai la thl.f Bay, Chu nh$t ho~c ngay nghl le chinh thl.fc cua tieu bang. Trong hai ngay cuoi cung cua giai do~n b6 phieu s&m, ngay 1 thang Nam va 2 thang Nam, gi& b6 phieu s&m se la 8:00 a.m. den 7:00 p.m. Cac cU> tri hoi du dieu kien co the dich than t&i b6 phieu s&m trong Cuoc Bau CU> Oy Vien Quan Tri cua Khu Hoc Chanh Boe L$p Pasadena t~i bat ky mot trong so nam dia diem b6 phieu s&m nay. Bia chi bU'U tin cua thU' ky phi) trach b6 phieu s&m cho cuoc bau CLY cua Khu Hoc Chanh Pasadena la nhU' sau : Early Voting Clerk, Pasadena Independent School District, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena , Texas 77502 . Bia chi email cua ThU' Ky phi) trach Bo Phieu S&m la cawilson@pasadenaisd .org . J.t•-t"lll¥li1'n PASADENA ~1z:.¥1!1 %':Jl:ti~H;IJ, PASADENA ~.ll_~jg]µ,J{t(P,~ 2017 if: 1 2017 if: 5 Fl 24 8im~R :tltftt81 ~!~IUP-4-.f1Jim 9;1J, ~ 6 B {E~® Pasadena ~.ll_~jgflifflllP\JW11Tr£fi:~~l!L :@$~WlB~ ~W18t9:~±ili ~.ti ml JJ)I:~ rai ~ _t q:. 1020 East Thomas, Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, Pasadena, Texas Pasadena, Pasadena, Road, Houston, Texas Beverly Hills 11111 Beamer Road, Houston, Texas 77089; Bondy Intermediate 5101 Keith Road, Dabney Ori ve, r: 7: 00 ~ a§E_t 7: 00 o +-® ~Wl 8 t9:~±ili~E~ ~PIJ Intermediate School, School, Fl Texas Texas Texas 77505; Jackson Intermediate School, Intermediate School, 1002 77504 ; Park View Intermediate School, 77506 ; Miller 3003 77502 ; Qu eens Intermediate School, 1452 Queens 77017; Ke ller Middl e School, 1711 Magnoli a Street, Texas 77503 ; South Hou ston Intermediate , Texas 77587; Shaw Middle School, Thomp son Int ermediate School, 900 College Avenue, 1200 East Houston, 11 309 Sagedowne Lane, Pasadena, Houston, Pasaden~ South Houston, Texas Texas 77502; 77089 ; R South Hou ston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Houston, Texas 77587 0 1JH1Jt9:~ff!{j:(2017if:4J=l 24 8 C~-) m\M'~J~2017if:5J=l 2 8 ~ig~*..g-?fl:ii:p)µ,Jf'F)g1~ITTrt9:~±ili,B: J . Frank Dobi e High Schoo l, Houston, Texas 77089; Pasadena High School, c~ = ) o 3iJiJTPasadena 10220 Blackhawk Blvd., 206 South Shaver, Pasadena, Texas 77506: Pasadena Memorial High School, 441 0 Crenshaw, Pasadena, Texas 77504; Sam Rayburn High School , 2121 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 R South Houston High School, 3820 South Shaver, South Hou ston, Texas 77587 0 1~ITTrt9:~~~i~§t~_tq:. 8:00 ~r'i=- 4 : 30, ;l't9=1~1\, ~8:!1,IUt'.iEJ+lifIH~B~i:>'~o 1:E:t~mrf9:~j!J§ 81 :ll 1&~~ . .ta 5 J=J 2 a, ep 5 Fl 1 B :t~mrt9:~~rai~_tq:. 8:00 ~at_t 7:00 0 ..g-~fir~~PJmrtt_tj£3i®t~mrt9:~±ili ~.tii:j:t 81fffOJ-flm, i!fr Pasadena ~.ll_~jg:@$~!if181tt § Pasadena ~jg~ !if1811~ ITTr t9: ~ ~ §[. ~ 81 jJ) ~ ±-It! ±ll:: PIJ tt\Jl1~ ITTrt9: ~o r: Early Voting Clerk, Pasadena Independent School Di strict, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas °§[.~ 81~-Tlil)f!f ±ll!±ll::~ cawi l son@pasadenaisd. org o 77502 0 mmrt9:~~
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