A new concept for sprint start and acceleration training f r g g i •€• by I M F 7,4: 65-72, 1992 by Remi Korchemny ^ ^ The tradititmat ajyproach to coaching the sprint slarl concentrates cm the initial starling effort. The aulhor proposes a ncw ccmcepl based on a starling model which stresses the importance of making the first few steps of acceleralion dynamic and of making the transilion between initial starling effort and these steps smoother and fasler. He completes the concept by giving a description of training drills and a sample training programme which will help to develop the skills demanded. A A 1 Introduction An a n a l y s i s of the a c c e p t e d c o a c h i n g approach to sprint start training reveals ihat coaches have taught their athletes to initiate an explosive starling drive while ihey arc in their blocks, lo project the b o d y ' s centre of gravity forward and then lu sprini. In Ihe past, few people have questioned this approach. However, a close examination of c o a c h e s ' training instructions s h o w s Ihat often Ihese i n s t r u c t i o n s are limiled to Ihc m a n n e r and effort used in leaving the starling b l o c k s as fast as possible. For example, though coaches will normally stress: • either a one or a iwo leg starting effori, • a vector of effori in ihe 45-50" range. • vigorous arm movements, Dr Remi Korchemny is the Chairman of thc USA Track di: Field Sprint Development Committee. He has worked as a sjirinis and hurdles coach in holh ihe fonner Soviet Union and America. Among the athletes he has worked with are 1972 Olympic 100 metres and 200 metres chumpion Valeriy Borzov, I9SS Olympic 200 meires silver medulli.st Grace Jaek.son and 1991 World Cham/7ionship 200 metres brcnizc medallist Alice Mahorn very few coaches combine these instruciions with advice on the actions needed during ihe first steps of acceleralion, Sludy of the starting action, using v i d e o , and e v a l u a l i o n of Ihe force exerled d u r i n g g r o u n d c o n t a c l , using impulse signal m a t s . show that athletes who concentrate solely on Ihe execution of a powerful starting effori are unable lo control their momentum during the firsl coniaci with the ground, Hvcn physically well developed athleles may stumble during Ihis firsl step and be forced to apply additional effori to regain horizontal acceleration and balance. Thc compressive forces over the hip and knee joints during this phase are .so high that athleles lacking e c c e n t r i c (elastic) s i r e n g i h 6.5 Table I: Compelititin m a r k s for 5S metres achieved using new training concept Female participants Athlete First meet 1 2 3 4 7.33 7,35 7.13 7.06 Male participants Last meet ' Athlete First meet 1 2 3 4 6,54 6.54 6.48 6.37 7.10 7.01 7,00 6,94 Last meet ' 6,47 6,38 6.30 6.12 First meet - after 6 weeks of training; Last meet - after 15 weeks of training; (Male athlete 4 ran his fastest time, 6,56 for 60m, after 16 weeks of training) there will take longer lo recover from the comp r e s s i o n of the first s t e p s . T h i s i n c r e a s e s ground coniaci lime and retards acceleralion. (Elastic slrenglh can be defined as the ability of muscles lo develop tension while external forces such as graviiy lengthen the muscle) T h e main purpose of this arlicle is to propose a revision of the traditional approach lo sprini slarl Iraining lo a new concept based on a model which makes the transition belween the drive from the blocks and the following sleps during acceleration much smoother and fasler. 2 Starting and acceleration models For many ye^rs. 1 have experimented wiih my students {elite, advanced and novice athleles) using differeni models of starling and acceleration. These include: 1) short choppy strides (greater frequency) 2) long strides, or power drive with a transition lo frequency at the moment when the siride L-ngth stabilizes (optimal target length) 3) a c l i \ e firsl siride, similar to ihe depth jump with rebound, followed by actions similar lo uphill running (stride lenglh and frequency are increased concurrently) 66 Il transpired Ihal model 3) proved lo be ihe mosl effeclive aclion, especially in terms of improvemenl of acceleration and better conirol of effori. 3 Introducing a new concept T h e preferred model requires athletes to learn a new w a y of performing ihe starting aclion and acceleration p h a s e s . Alhleies are taught to aim for an extremely active and powerful ground contacl during Ihe first slep, Ihen i m m e d i a t e l y rebound upward and forward, m a k i n g better use of muscle clasticiiy (the ability lo accumulate potential energy during slrelching and lo relurn this energy during the following activily) and the ability lo reverse efforts from ecceniric lo concenlric. A four month experiment using a new concept of training based on the preferred model c o n d u c t e d d u r i n g p r e p a r a t i o n for Ihe 1992 indoor season resulted in the achievemeni of more efficient acceleration. This is shown by the following dala: 1) The number of steps over the first 10m was decrea.sed on average by one siride (for males from 7,5-8 to 6.5-7 steps and for females from 7.5-8.5 to 7-7.5 steps). 2} While stride length was increased, lhc average frequency r e m a i n e d almosl u n c h a n g e d during Ihe first .^Om (4,2-4,4 steps per second). 3) The 20m lime from blocks was improved by almosl 0,15 seconds, 4) Nearly as much improvement was also seen in compelilion results over 55-6üm {see Table I). Results achieved in lesls of other direci and indirect characteristics after Ihe experiment can be .seen in Tables 2 and .i. Table 2: Test results of indirect characteristics following new training concept experiment Test Squat to 90° (one repetition) 5 fast squats to 90^ with 80% body weight Clean & Jerk Results Ma/e Female 181-227 kg 140-181 kg ^^^^^ 4 3 ^ ^^^^ under 5 sees 90-5-113.5 kg 54.5-68 kg Standing long jump 3.0-3,30m 2.55-2.70m Standing triple jump 8.23-9,14m 7.62-8.23m Standing vertical jump 80-85cm 70-75cm 87.5-90cm 75-80cm (45cm) 6.75m-6-90m (30cm) 6,30-6.60m 1-step approach vertical Depth/rebound jump from box (landing on one leg and then jumping horizontally) \ Table 3: Test results of direct characteristics following nc« training concept experiment Results Test Male Female Vmax {10m flying from 30m approach) 0,91 sec or better 1.0 sec or better Vmax ^ Distance Time 11 .Om/sec 10-Om/sec Stnde length 2,35m or longer 2.15m or longer Stride frequency 4.65 per sec or better 4,70 per sec or better 30m from start (timed first movement) Vavg 3.85 sec or better 4.20 sec or better 7,80m/sec 7.15m/sec Stride length Stride frequency 1,82m 4,30 per sec 1.72m 4.15 per sec Number of strides 16.5 17.5 % of V 30m avg to Vmax 71% 71% Reaction time 0.130 - 0.160 sec 0 . 1 5 0 - 0 . 1 8 0 sec b7 4 Practical Application of preferred model 4.1 Slrength and skill requisites In order lo master the skills required for the preferred starting and acceleralion model, the athlete should work on the deveiopmeni of: 1) Eccentric strength in the muscles ihat surround the hip. knee and ankle joinls (hip and knee extensor and especially Ihe soleus), 2) A w a r e n e s s of the e x e c u t i o n of specific actions during Ihe ' s e i ' position, block clearance. Ihe first ground contacl and thc following transitional steps. 4.2 Instructions for thc specific actions I) Teaching the set position: The hips should be raised slightly above shoulder level, bringing Ihe angle belween (he front leg and thc g r o u n d lo 6 5 - 7 0 ° . and the knee a n g l e o f Iheback leg to 140-150° (Figure 1). t h e n s l i g h t l y p r e s s the b o d y d o w n w a r d , increasing lension in the arms and leg extensors, thus activating elastic resistance. However, the athlele should keep the elbows siraighi and avoid o v e r - f l e x i o n in thc legs (Figure 2). This eccentric loading will assist the leg muscles to respond wilh stronger concenlric efforts during block clearance. 2) During block clearance: T h e inilial drive should project the b o d y ' s centre of gravity forward ihrough belter utilization of: • exiension of the fronl leg and hip, • c o m p l e l e flexion of the rear leg as il is pulled through, • f o r w a r d - u p w a r d t h r u s t of o n e arm and u p w a r d - b a c k w a r d Ihrusl of the o p p o s i t e arm. similar lo Ihe arm action used during Ihe allack on a hurdle (Figure ?•), 140 - ISO' 65 -75• Figure I Figure 3 Instead of shifting the body forward, as Ihey lend lo do when Ihcy adopt the set position, athleles should distribute Iheir weight evenly b e t w e e n lhc starlintz b l o c k s and h a n d s , and f)8 Figure 2 Concurrent with hip extension from ihe front block, lhc well-loaded front leg should drive the b o d y ' s c e n t r e of g r a v i i y f o r w a r d . T h e resulting \'ecior of driving efforts (laken by drawing a line from the athlete's fronl block lo his head as he makes his firsl starling efi'orl) should be al about an angle of 40-50° (Figure 3). The dislance between the fronl block and the projeclion of the body's cenire of graviiy should be 100-12{)cm (Figure 4 overleaQ. The rear leg should m o v e forward, in the mosl economical way p o s s i b l e , lowards the chest. At this momenl the fool should be dorsif l e x e d ( c o c k e d ) , a b o u t ^-5 cm a b o v e the deplh jumps, vertical plyometric iumps, conlrasl jumps (resistance-release). • fast ground contacl with increased magnitude of foot torque and acceleralion of the cenire of graviiy from Ihe momenl of fool c o n i a c i to t a k e - o f f . T r a i n i n g e x a m p l e s include one leg mulliple hops, leg bounding, running wilh pop-ups, walking over a box. Figure 4 ground, wilh Ihe lower leg almost perpendicular lo the ground. Our experiments prove that Ihe effectiveness of the firsl siride depends upon: • lhc heighi to which the fool is lified, • the dislance the cenire of gravity is projected forward, • the amounl of leg separalion executed. See Figure 5, In addilion to these faclors a vigo r o u s arm Ihrusl plays a significant role in assisting the greal drive exerted upon Ihe firsl impact with the ground by providing additional momentum. T h e more powerful the fool torque and the greater the acceleration of lhc centre of gravity, the more ground reaciion forces arc delivered from behind the forward moving b o d y ' s mass. This leads lo better horizontal acceleralion. The alhlete who executes efficient landing a n d d r i v e will h a v e t r e m e n d o u s e c c e n t r i c slrenglh in the knee joinl muscles, and will be c a p a b l e of r e v e r s i n g efforts in a very s h o r t lime (the elapsed lime beiween eccentric and concentric efforts is within (1.02 sec.) These strengih and reversibility abililies will permit very fast and powerful first and following transitional steps. 4.3 Transitional steps model T h e actions of lhc transitional sieps should correspond wilh the preferred model of acceleration over the first, second and third 10m segments. The transitional steps model consists of: 1) Thc number of strides over 10. 20 and .'^(Im. Elite male spriniers can run .'^Um in 17 steps or less, and achieve opiimal stride lenglh (23Ü250cm by slep 17.) Figure 5 2) The frequency of these strides. 3) During firsi slep: During the ground coniaci phase, the leg is loaded and unloaded within hundredlhs of a s e c o n d (the ground t i m e should be close to 0.10 s e c ) . Skills to learn then, should include: ?>) The percentage of maximal velociiy (VTf) achieved in each 10m segment of a 3()in interval (measured bolh from a starling posiiion andfrom a tlying siari wilh 30m approach). T h e 'Slick drill' (see section 5.1) with prog r e s s i v e l y i n c r e a s i n g s p a c e s b e t w e e n ihe slicks, is highly recommended as an exercise lo masler the requiremenis of the transitional steps model. • a loading and unloading impulse, similar to compression and instant decompression of a coil s p r i n g . T r a i n i n g e x a m p l e s include 69 4.4 The pursuit of stun perfection Although I would advise sprinters to learn the specific actions detailed above, il does not m e a n that they s h o u l d i g n o r e other faclors which contribute to whal I would describe as start perfection. Relevant actions include: • double fool force application • reaciion • an explosive burst B e s i d e s these s k i l l s , Ihe s p r i n t e r should learn ti) make the transition from the reaciion effori into the first and subsequenl steps and lo perform acceleralion to the maximal speed level, gaining speed constantly and progressively. This can be accomplished by increasing bolh stride length and frequency. Explosive starting actions require Ihe application of c o n c e n l r i c forces ihrough the hip. knee and ankle joinls. while the execution of the fast r u n n i n g strides r e q u i r e s tremendous elastic strength in the h i p a n d knee regions. Excelleni hip joinl mobiliiy is also required. Hip joinl mobility will enable athletes lo have good leg separalion during the knce-lifl phase. Elastic (eccentric) strength shouki prevent thc leg from collapsing al the knee and hip during impact wilh the ground and reduce elapsed time for the amorli/alion phase, Concenlric strength in the legs is also a very i m p o r t a n l c o m p o n e n t of s t r i d i n g e f f o n s , Concenlric slrenglh benefils the fast forward rolalion of the body over the supporting area a n d thc p o w e r f u l drive off the Irack (ankle torque), 5 A training p r o g r a m m e I have d e v i s e d a i r a i n i n g p r o g r a m m e lo nicel the r e q u i r e m e n t s of the practical application of the preferred starling model. This p r o g r a m m e w a s followed, wiih considerable s u c c e s s , by the athletes m e n i i o n e d in section 3. 70 T h e p r o g r a m m e can l^e a c c o m p l i s h e d in 21) w e e k s b y i n t e g r a t i n g t w o s e s s i o n s p e r week into the a t h l e t e ' s overall training s c h e d u l e . I n the f o l l o w i n g s e c t i o n s I will describe the various drills w h i c h are used. In T a b l e 4 I g i v e an o v e r v i e w of t h e p r o g r a m m e and the drills which m a k e up each session for the 2 0 w e e k s . In addilion. flexibility and joint mobility e x e r c i s e s s h o u l d be i n c l u d e d in the w a r m up. specific m u s c l e strengih e x e r c i s e s wiih r e s i s l a n c e can be a p p l i e d d u r i n g w e i g h l training sessions, and j u m p i n g drills can be inserted al the e n d of s p e e d related s e s s i o n s . 5.1 The stick drill As m e n t i o n e d in s e c t i o n 4 . 3 , the ' s l i c k drill' is an imporlant exercise for achieving the transitional sieps model. In training, place a stick as a mark 90-lOOcm from Ihe front siarling block and add 15cm for each subsequenl mark (first 5 steps). Then add lOcm for the nexl 5 marks and another 5cm for the next 5-7 marks (15-20 sticks). Run this drill frum the ' t h r e e p o i n t ' p o s i t i o n ( o n e h a n d o n ground, similar to Sprint relay take over position) before the alhlete Iries it from blocks. A d v a n c e d athleles can be c o n t r o l l e d for 7 steps over ihe first 10m segment, for 5 sleps for the nexl 10m, and for 4.5 following the 10m interval (about 16.5 strides over 30m). A d v a n c e the d r i l l by a d d i n g w e i g h t e d shorts (2kg-7.5kg). by running downhill (for 2-3°) or by adding an clastic dragging device. If pholo liming is nol available, the coach may test this skill by counting the sleps and hand liming 20 and 30m s e g m e n t s from the first m o v e m e n i . If a pholo liming device is a v a i l a b l e , t i m e can b e d e t e c t e d e v e r y 5 o r 10m, If the r u n n e r ' s fool l e a v i n g the rear block lands on the 10m line, Ihe number of steps will be odd (7 or 9). If the runner lands wilh Ihe fool that has lefl Ihe fronl block, the number of sleps will be even (6 to M). It is uncommon in praclice to sprint 10m in 6 or 9 s i r i d e s . F o r e x a m p l e , o n e c a n assume a sprinler runs ihe first lOm in more than 6, but less than 9 sirides. In this case, do not counl the number of s l e p s . bul look for Ihe leg which lands closer to ihe 10m line, and nole whelher it was the rear or fronl leg in Ihe blocks. Once this is known, add or sub- tract a fraction of a stride if n e c e s s a r y . T o further clarify: • If the rear leg lands before Ihe 10m line, the frequency is more than 7 sleps, backwards while the front leg drives the body forward forcibly. Pull 'escape' drill: T h e coach or anoiher athlete holds the runner's • If the rear leg is on lhc line, the frequency is 7 steps. hips wilh hands, towel or harness in order lo • If the rear leg is over the line, the frequency is more than 6 sleps, from the blocks. He is ihen released and runs. • If lhc fronl leg lands before ihe lOm line, the frequency is more than S sleps. • I f the fronl leg lands on the line, the frequency is H sieps. • If Ihc front leg lands over thc line. Ihe frequency is more than 7 steps. Similarly, we can deiermine the number of strides for 20 and 30m using lines. 5.2 Addilional drills Crawl + run': The alhlcle crawls from Ihc set posiiion in the blocks, he lakes two or three 'steps' wilh the arms, steps on lo the ground and then runs, 'Rocking run': In Ihe set posiiion. the alhlete leans forward as far as possible. He then rocks backward and forward twice and then runs oul of the blocks. 'Tap-lap -f- run": In the set posiiion. the athlete moves the shoulders well forward so Ihal a greal deal of weighl is placed on the hands. He then lifts ihe rear fool 3-5cm off the ground, pulls the rear leg t h r o u g h to a m a x i m a l hip flexion wilh Ihe lower leg perpendicular lo the ground, laps the ground with the fool 2-3 times and then runs. "Crack drill': F r o m the b l o c k s the alhlelc drives forward from the front leg. with the trunk taking up an a n g l e of 5 0 - 6 0 d e g r e e s . As the rear leg is b r o u g h t t h r o u g h , the alhlete tries lo hold il close lo his chest for a moment before actively striking the ground (like cracking an egg) The c r a c k is e x e c u t e d d o w n w a r d s and s l i g h t l y restrain him while he b e g i n s the firsl drive Push 'escape' drill: Similar lo above, but he runner is now held back by his "partner' sianding in front of him and pushing against his shoulders. 5.3 Drills from 'three point' starting position (crouch position with one hand on track) a) 6-K X 30-40m "slick drill' (see section 4.4). Progressively increase distances belween slicks, up Io the target stride length. The first s l e p is e x e c u t e d s l o w l y and all s u c c e s s i v e steps al moderate pace. Athletes execute full hip extension (fronl leg) and near m a x i m u m hip flexion (rear teg). Practise aciive and powerful fool placemeni on ihe track with a powerful forward pull of the body over the foot. b) 4 X 30-40m slick drill wilh weighted shorts -*- 4 x 30-40m wiihout. c) 4 x 30-40m slick drill with weighted shorts downhill (2-3" gradient) -1- 4 x 3Ü-40m without. d) 4 X 30-40m slick drill wilh elastic resistance + 4 X 30-4nm wilhoul . c) 4 X 30-40m slick drill wilh elastic resistance d o w n h i l l ( 2 - 3 ° g r a d e ) -t- 4 x 3l)-40ni wiihout. 0 4-(i X 30-4()m long stride/frequency drill from three point start posiiion (IO-20m of long strides of almosl Jumping slyle 4- l()-20m al near maximal frequency) + 2-4 x 30-40m at near maximal efforts emphasising stride increase and frequency increase. 71 c.3) 4 X 30m wilh ankle weighis where 10m is run in 7 or less sleps + 4 x 30m wilhoul c.4) 4 X 30ni d o w n h i l l wiih a n k l e w e i g h t s where 10m is run in 7 or less steps + 4 x 30m downhill wilhoul c.5) 4 X 10m lime trial (7 steps frequency) Table 4: Overview oftraining p r o g r a m m e for introductory a n d advanced athletes Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Introductory a) a) t-a.l) a) + b.1) c) + c.1) d) -f b.2 e) + b,3 f)+c,1) g) C.2) C.3) -h C.5) C.4) + C.5) d.1)+f.1) d.2) + f.3) d.3) + f 3) d.4) + d,5) f.1) + g.1) Advanced a) b) c) + c.1) b.2) +b.3) 1 f)+c.1) g) 1 c.3) + c.5) c.4) + c.5) d,l) d,2) d,3) d.4) e.1) +f1) + f,3} + f3) -^ f.4 +f.2 e.3) + e.5) e,4) + e.5) 9,2) + f.2) c.3) +g,1) c.4)+g.1) f.2) + g.i) f.2) +1.4) e,3) + f 4) f.3) f.3) f.3) Note: codes refer to drills in sections 5.3 and 5.4 g) 4 X 30-40m long stride/frequency drill wilh ankle w e i g h t s + 4 x 3 0 - 4 0 m sprint w i l h o u l weights. .''.•/ Drills frt>m starting e . l ) 6-8 X 5()ni where .^Om is run in 16.5 sleps or less (moderale pace) e,2), e,3). c.4). e.5) - same modifications as c.2). c.3), c.4) and c-5) above f.l) 4-6 X 3()-40m 'chasing' starts (partner/s l-3m in front) f,2) 4-6 X 50m 'chasing' starts (on sound, an assisiani ' h o l d s ' a s p r i n l e r in b l o c k s for a moment and Ihcn lets him/her go lo run and 'chase" ihe fronl sprinters) f.3) 4-6 X 50m 'chasing' starts. T w o spriniers slarl in the o u t s i d e lane on the bend a b o u l I ! 5 m -120m from the finish- The sprinler on the outside stands a little ahead of the sprinter on Ihe inside, they bolh start together and run in a siraighi line (aboul 15-20m) towards the finish- Thc sprinter on lhc oulsidc should outrun the inside sprinter and arrive in Ihe straight alongside him. f.4) 6-8 X 50m relay run (outgoing part) blocks a.l) 6-S X 20m ' c r a w l i n g ' + run a.2) 6-X X 20m ' r o c k i n g ' (front and back) -irun a.3) f>-X X 20m ' t a p - t a p ' + run b, 1) 6-S X 20m -crack' drill + run b.2) 6-S X 2()m pull e s c a p e " efforts/active c r a c k ' + run b,3) 6-S X 2nm push ' e s c a p e ' efforts/active 'crack' + run 72 d . l ) 6-S X 40m where 20m is covered in 12.5 Sleps or less (moderale pace) d.2). d.3). d,4). d.5) - same "modifications' as c.2). c.3), c.4) and c,5) above c l ) 6-S X 30m where lOm is run in 7 or less steps (moderate pace) c,2) 6-S x 30m d o w n hill {2-3") where lOm is run in 7 or less Sleps g . l ) 3 X 30m + 2 X 60m lime trials with pariners (from blocks/full procedures) 6 Conclusion This arlicle has outlined a new concept of sprini slarl a n d a c c e l e r a t i o n training w h i c h stresses the importance of an exiremely aciive first slep and of making lhc transilion belween an athlete's drive from the blocks and the firsl sleps of acceleration s m o o t h e r and faster. I have also iried to show how a coach can put Ihis new concept inlo praclice lo improve alhlete s race times.
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