^一 4 ヽ ﹁ 討 / 1・ Batthtia五 Youtll Center′ Nortll Nazimabad′ Karac‐ NO BIEん ヽDMIN GEN./ h_74700 /2014 Datcd:31‐ 12‐ 2014 Shdh G● vt Websitc 3oard's Webste ヽ ヽ ヽ VW sin(h gO■ 。k ll● プソ w、、 、 v PPRA Sind Govt WcbStc bick cdu pk ■ヽVヽ V ppraSindh筐 ovl ok TEN 諸F:詰 蹴11疵 棚 ξ 7激さ 鶏 憮尋lttl亀:蜘 撫 せ雛∫ 器 権 PAPEItS'lying in thc Omcc OFtllc Board :1 3) 総驚槻 WSCH口 S α dghng 35000● 50,00o Ш O g枷 ゅ pЮ Hm“ り wastc Papcrs Tcndcr Pclfo..1la may bc Obtalncd iom thc OfEcc OF tllc Adlllin Ccnclal ScctiOn On l舷 蠅 盤 硼 Tclldcr may bc submitcd latc,by0230 P M On21‐ 01_2015 and will bc Opcncd On thc samc day at(3:00 P M in prcscncc Ofthc tcndcrcrs or thcir rcprcsclltatiVcs、 vho wish tO bc prcscnt on thc cccasion Thc Tcndcr accOmpallicd by``BID SECURITY"of Rsl,00,Ooo/=① ,pcCs Onc HIIndrcd Thousallld Only)apprOximately 5%of thc tOtal valuc in shapc of pay Ordcr in falour Of 鉾 cnay Btt J hemd“ E“ c“ ¨ ,,Ka縦 `TENDER FOR USED ANSWER SCRIPTS 鋼 識親轟搬∬ピ 識 Pho10cOpy Of Tax RcgistratiOn Ccrtiflcatc/1ncOmc Tax Ccllincatc must bc accOmpallicd 輛 ぬ thc Tcndcr Procllrire Agcncy mtt rcJcct al1 0r ally bids stlbJcct tO tlle rclcvatlt pro宙 sion OfPPRA rulcsI (QAZ ARSHAD HUSSAIN SIDDIQUI) SECRETARY Copv 10: i)P S 10 Chaillllall 五)P A to Sccrctaly 五うI T Ⅵallttcr iv)PPR A Go■ Of Sindh (SYED NAJMUL HASANl p Phoncs: Bakhtiari Youth Center, North Nazimabad. Karachi-74700 NO:BIEttDMIN GEN/ /2014 ︰く l ヽ■ コ V ノ Board Of lntermediate EducaliOn 99260211 99260212 99260213 DATED: ヽ4/s KAItACHl SUBJECT:_TEND SCRIPT.NEWS PAPER&wASTE PAPER ETC 演 聯鞘齢織鱗鰤 TERMS&coNDITIoNS 1 Tcndcr Pcrf0111.a may bc Obtaincd tOm tllc ottcc Of tllc Admin Ccncral ScctiOn On 避樹薇 理壁 Ъ∝ 掟 d蹴 302性 "ゅ “ Wncc 脳器栽胤I犠胤朧喘 w`hぉ rCd鉾 lful£ M:黒 ∬ maD bc stlb血 3 Tllc Tcndcr accOmpanicd by``BID SECUttTY''of Rsl,00,000/=(Rupccs onc Hllndlcd Tllousand Onl,apprOximatcly 5%of tllc tOtal valuc in shapc of ptt ordcr inね vOur Of 」ぼ 5 DER F■ 1:W¶ u:Ъ 錦 駅 鵠 留 喘 ギ 留 :8寵1鵠yttS留 網寝 yォ 盤 《恩:枇霊 :霊 co]nplctiOn OfthcjOb lξ 鵠 tt鵠鳥『 f蠍 Tl'Wtti雌 ∫ t諄 n龍 ′υ 無響鵠靭梶 鑑淵螺轟ξ 『ぷ量 寄甲絆 翼 馳臓侵 滉 :lも 認 “ 冊器1:¶:3:留 t油 儡l常篤:懸 鑑I畷 1::織 :s響 棚‰膝 ↑ ム 、 ′ 。 ぃ ′ i 7 ^:_l..^r. ^.^_:^1 _l.^11■ ^^、 ^^ ,_^,L´ ^.´ LD^k^__^^^^,+0´ :ゥ _月 │. crT口 ._.。 Li ` ` Board of lntermediate EducatiOn Bakhtiari Youth Center, North Nazimabad, Karachi - 74700 9. Rates should be ,O 11. quot.d ut p". KG buri,. ' 02 ' who quoted rhe highest rate will be entitled to lift the wasre paperc and used I:\nswer l:.:*:ry. t,ooks etc subJect to approval oflhe Chairman. 'fhe successful Tenderers will have to deposit in advance l00go of last year,s payment of rhe value ofthe Waste papers and used Answer Books before fit ng tte eitlre tots. 12. The successful Tenderers will be required to lift the entire stock of the Waste papers and ljsed Answer Books within 07 days from the date ofreceipt ofjob ordet or by such date as rmy be communicated to him officially failing which Bid Securiry wili stana forfeited and rrork shall be assigned to other bidder as per rules. 13. I I any dispute a ses between Board and the party concemed, decision of the Chairman shall be final and acceptable to both the parties. ,, oa:t ol;rt, on^anlpretext after submission ofthe Tender the Bid Security of l.jl1t]:l!::l ,re party concemed shal be forfeited and the Tender shall be subject to canceflation. 15. Procuring Agency may reject rrrles. a[ or any bids subject to the relevant provision of ppRA (QAZI ARSHAD HussAIN SIDDlQUl) SECRETARY oEPUTY SECRETARY) ADMIN GENERAL SECTIoN
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