A Brief History of the Glendale Sugar Mill By NR Kandasamy 1985 I OONTENTS PAGE I 'Introdu.ction I ~e Ear1iest Sett1ers At G1enda1e 3 '~e Introduction Of Su.e;a.r Cane ,'!he Seoond owner Of The G1endal.e ·;.Under Indian Oontro1 10verseas British Ta.keover SUgar Estate' 4 5 IO 10 ;R1stert Of Traasport The .lI'arII.ers ilar1T :rarmers II 12 :Lease Farmine; .~ ,lw& Zulu Developaent lrObleas of, the Paraers 12 14 16 '.I!he W.rkers 20 ,Conclusi.n 21 Appendioes Source List 29 Page 15. They also showed undoubted jealousy at the intrusion of Europeans but when they saw their lands were not being unduly encroached upon, and that the settlers wou1 d 'not interfere with them .they were tempted from idleness to da l1y toi 1. Small farmers could not afford a stable labour force because they could not provide adequate accomodation and they consequently rely upon casual workers whom they hi re on a eta i'l'y bas is. ~lenda1e's climate also poses a lot of prob1ems\for the farmers. and sometimes frost affect the crops. Drought, floods During heavy rains and floods the fields become 'waterlogged' and impassable for days. One of the farmer's greatest enemies is drought, the severest of which were during the 1980/81 and 1983/84 seasons. During the 1980/81 season Glendale and Zu1u1and were the hardest hit . Many farners left to seek a 1terna te employment. • One newspaper wrote: Sugar cane farmers of Natal are facing an estimated R25 million loss a year for the next seven years and now an exodus has started with thousands of people out of jobs ~, 'moving into the cities because of the drought.'100ne farmer said liThe 1eve 1 of . the river is so low and the drought has already taken a heavy toll. We don't have much chance because payments have to be made on bonds, capital expenditure ,and equipment,only the government can help us with financial support.II:U Government Land Bank Loans and the Financial Aid Funds of the sugar industry have helped farmers get back on their feet. During 1984 the farmers were IIreeling under the financial strain of the drought and the recent Cyclone Demoina which aggravated the situation and they were therefore unable to repay the land loans. II ~2 tis~;e and pests also contribute to the farmer's problem. - 20~' 2\· 21. Post: Drought forces farmers into cities, 1:bid· Sunday Tribune, 12 February 1984. 31'May 1980. I .zDO - ,.4Hlia pUll 1'8- .r8'tvNl, ~p ",1I.Jod'o-oo 04 8IIIfR1lCO CI\ -110"-_ .m., 10 81lO'p.a. ..- paw .tl\.",q .1ft. 10 'IftI'O.d ~ -, a.J.Jo tJIIIt .l.\nIIl 0\ ~ It ill ,~.... ell . . - • •'Poi.. ,~~8.t 1I0l\GLap ~ 1l\lA' U:.q M .t:rBI r' ,,' -9 ' ' .-pe.ma- Aaaoo~ paw AbaIllDUJe pue . i UMq ~ u...-q ....ot ,tala.t ~ 111" .~. InIO'f.ftI8 0!lU1' 1I~ , ... SO ~4 etft'lIO ~ ..1ado.zd JO ~ ~ e~ uloieaooat enol( Jumoq. ,trWU . . . 8q\ ;0 tIDOlO8tIOCt ~m. 811»aq p:nt ••pb8p :.(avar .m.J ~ "'11ft at ,= -"'0'[ ..,., ' ... J -.eelott1nJII "A " . ;;",1 -,fiNd ecn. al1P'PPI'~ ADa Mlrq M p~ot<ba U8eq, ~ "~ t'ItIIAYH .~ " ./, , .,. . ·an ~ 8ft1JO Tt"P' am tal' pelot<IItlXD. . ··....r:dWlP MIt :0 uonu let ,.~ ,nq ,e.up:ru • JO .lGqlitU ~ 2'l!:rrJ:C\T.JDI 814""', e!.xr[" act tnA &Ian. • . 'P8.lM" .tnda.tt:(a IIq ltao ,oa '['[tIl . . JO~. ..,tuee Rl\ em e1:l\ '''PIOdsw p8p11t'4:lrr IMft. ,0 1I.8'P. at D'II& -c .~l"8J P"J'I .ft:tv.tat 81.8a.tapll "t JJrtrI. , uT tfn ,t(Jtio.zq \'Id u.zoq 11-.. aA1IIq f t JO ..ttPrw •.-rq noM, .ttqwaq "~DI q .. , - 't'rPl 8 \uvpi.clep .:no 11\1'" .zllDdO\ a.&.l't N . - ~J .db "-t pa.1t uo.( .bt pa.(o't~ . . .Il_' 811ft. PJ8 CtJO."Bt 8UWO u,'JIId!IX. baa.'.:rt:II3l. 10 ~o&w. , ,..,. --."'. '" .ltqd:rq , - - 1I"P' eft GUGp 2tIqaq I'm so ~ erA It J.'nl ~.p~~" .!a'lPtO'll ~U• ..raol lD . .odiIlP 0\ 1Iot\tr8IJ1Il .zoaol I' \. \'11ft. '.., ..... ~ ,-.d 30 . . . . . . . . . e!pe'[Nlll'.D[ .zDO ~ aaaO nq 'T DIll -1 " ' "'Ol\'8.ZappilOO \8ea.xua ',mal .JtJJ .ta:op. paj.. .' . . . . . . . .lrt'ltaoec!su __.lqe.M.r cap fsselor;c!la . ' JuFM1j ~apan left. ...... . . "1 .. ~~ ~I ~ ~."""01-' 4 . Z'7b\ I -,atnll .;;.; ~ ~~.<lt ~ ~_I "'~.. ",. ... .. - ~ .. )I ......
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