M.I.N.D. over weightВ®: how to stay slim the rest of your life, William M. Macleod, Prentice-Hall, 1981, 013583385X, 9780135833858, 126 pages. . DOWNLOAD FULL VERSION HERE "Why I Am Not a Painter" and Other Poems , Frank O'Hara, 2003, Poetry, 93 pages. Frank O'Hara composed poems "any time, any place", collaborating with artists, dancers, musicians and poets. The city was a place of endless possibility, and he captured the .... The Business Plan for the Body , Jim Karas, 2001, Health & Fitness, 237 pages. A personal trainer shares his sensible approach to lifetime fitness explains how to adapt the principles found in a classic business plan to a comprehensive program of diet and .... Weight loss for everyone the TA way , Frank Joe Bruno, Jan 1, 1978, , 198 pages. . The Skinny Rules , Molly Morgan, Dec 1, 2012, Health & Fitness, . "The skinny on getting back to health." -- Art Smith, celebrity chef, bestselling author Skinny girls. You know the ones. Those girls who seem to eat whatever they want, yet .... Mind Changer A Sector General Novel, James White, Sep 15, 1999, Fiction, 304 pages. Focusing on the Sector General's Dr. O'Mara, the huge medical complex's fearsome Chief Psychologist, a story of cafeteria food that resembles aliens and aliens that resemble .... Goddess Aloud! , Michelle Skye, 2010, Goddess religion, . . Weight Watchers Coach Approach How to Motivate the "Thin" You, Weight Watchers, Weight Watchers International, Mar 28, 2003, Health & Fitness, 283 pages. For those who cannot afford a personal trainer, this guide provides tactics for changing environment, habits, self image, and food attitudes, and includes easy recipes .... Act thin, stay thin new ways to manage your urge to eat, Richard B. Stuart, 1978, Health & Fitness, 222 pages. . Get Smart Samantha Heller's Nutrition Prescription for Boosting Brain Power and Optimizing Total Body Health, Samantha Heller, Jan 19, 2010, Health & Fitness, 243 pages. Diet & Nutrition.. The Marshall plan for lifelong weight control , Edward M. Marshall, 1981, , 116 pages. . Mind Over Weight The Miraculous, New, Easy Way to Lose Weight, Martyn Dawes, Aug 1, 2002, , 192 pages. Forget the diets and the crazy exercise regimes. Now, with this easy technique, you can really lose weight and keep it off forever. Martyn Dawes draws on the unique technique .... 50 Ways to Lose Ten Pounds , Joan Horbiak, Jan 1, 1995, , 128 pages. . The Thin Book , Jeane Eddy Westin, Jun 1, 1993, Health & Fitness, 371 pages. . Be Your Best Body Every Woman's Fitness Guide to a Strong and Graceful Body, Suesan Lazarus Pawlitski, Sep 1, 1999, Health & Fitness, 118 pages. Aren't you curious about an exercise system that doesn't require the tenacity of an athlete, yet promises to get your friends asking if you've discovered the fountain of youth .... Losing Weight--Permanently , Gregory L. Jantz, Jun 1, 2004, Health & Fitness, 202 pages. Presenting evidence that diets don't work, Dr. Jantz offers readers freedom from food obsession, yo-yo dieting, and deprivation by providing a tested program that will move .... Don't diet-- live it! successful weight control for real people who enjoy real food, Mary Guay, Jul 1, 1998, Health & Fitness, 219 pages. For dieters fed up with their weight and eating habits, here is an easy-to-follow but firm approach to lifelong control of weight, eating habits, and nutrition. Based on .... NO HALO of romance hangs over the head of Harry Tracy. He does not belong to the old West. He had no Bret Harte complex. There is no chance that blended fact and fiction will make of his life a legend. He was a criminal at heart, a cold-blooded killing machine. But it must be admitted that in his own line he was preГ«minent. The most thrilling man hunt America has ever known began on the morning of June 9, 1902, at the gates of the Oregon Penitentiary, and continued with unabated vigour until August 5th. Early on June 9th Harry Tracy, murderer and convicted burglar, assisted by his partner, David Merrill, escaped from prison after killing three guards, wounding a fourth, and shattering the leg of another prisoner who attempted to wrest from him the rifle with which he was armed. For nearly two months this keen-eyed, resourceful, and desperate outlaw wrote in blood the most thrilling melodrama ever enacted in real life. No "penny dreadful" ever bristled with such fascinating impossibilities; no character in fiction ever combined with such wonderful nerve and daring so much shrewdness, dogged determination, deadly skill with weapons, and knowledge of human nature as was displayed by the outlaw Tracy. To say that not once, during the months in which he was hunted by hundreds of armed men and by bloodhounds, did he show the white feather, or even the slightest excitement, is to tell but a small part of the truth. Many men on the Western frontier might have emulated his coolness and nerve, but not one of them could have paralleled his smiling audacity, his contempt for fearful odds, the skill with which he eluded his pursuers, and the unfailing accuracy with which he executed his carefully planned manœuvres. Whenever the arm of the law was stretched forth to gather him in, Tracy like a tiger at bay, showed his teeth and bit so suddenly and so fearfully that brave men stood aghast. His fight for liberty was the most desperate in the criminal annals of America. The exploits of the famous Jesse James gang are not to be compared with the lurid escape and subsequent pursuit of Harry Tracy across hundreds of miles of unfriendly country. For daring, fertility of resource, and cold-blooded nerve his fight for liberty against almost impossible numbers is without a parallel. Hunted by thousands of armed men, with a reward of $8,000 on his head, dead or alive, Tracy for months defied capture, leaving dead and wounded men behind him whenever he was hard pressed. On June 9, 1902, the foundry gang of prisoners at the Salem (Oregon) Penitentiary was marched to its work as usual by Guards Girard and Ferrell. The convicts were counted in and announced as all present by Girard. While the words were still on his lips a rifle shot echoed through the yard, and Ferrell fell forward with a cry of agony. He had been killed by Harry Tracy, a convict, who had already murdered two men in Colorado and was serving a twenty-years' sentence for burglary along with an accomplice named David Merrill. Tracy, seconded by his partner in crime, now turned upon the other guards and began shooting. A life prisoner, Ingram by name, leaped upon Tracy with the intention of disarming him, but was immediately shot down by Merrill. In the confusion the two desperate men scaled the prison walls by means of a ladder which they found near at hand. Once over they turned their attention to the fence guards. S. R. Jones, patrolling the northwest corner of the stockade, fell, pierced by two bullets. Another guard, Duncan Ross, was wounded. Guard Tiffany emptied his rifle at the men but failed to hit his mark. He was himself wounded and fell from the wall to the ground, where he was picked up by the two escaping prisoners, who calmly used him as a shield while they retreated to the woods. At the edge of the forest they shot him, took his rifle, and disappeared into the underbrush. Tracy and Merrill were well armed with short Winchesters, which it is thought must have been secretly supplied to them by sympathizers who visited the prison in the guise of excursionists. They had already killed three men in order to escape, and while at liberty were a menace to the community. So an urgent call was sent for assistance. Sheriff Durbin, with a heavily armed posse, immediately answered the telephone message sent him, and appeared at the prison to assist Superintendent Lee, of the penitentiary, in recapturing the escaped convicts. The two criminals, however, managed to elude pursuit during the whole day, and under cover of night passed through Salem. Here they held up a man named J. W. Stewart, made him disrobe, and took his clothing. Later an expressman named Welch discarded, at their orders, an overcoat and a pair of overalls; and the stable of one Felix Labaucher furnished them with two fast horses. One notable fact in the escape of the desperado Tracy is the fear which he somehow managed to instil into the minds of the hardy frontiersmen among whom he lived for the next two months, and which stood him in good stead on many occasions when he was hard pressed. Bloodhounds sent down from the Washington State Penitentiary followed the scent of the fugitives for some time, but finally lost it. The pair were seen next morning at Brooks, a station on the Southern Pacific Railway eight mlles north of Salem. During the night they had found it necessary to get rid of their horses. On June 11th the two men were surrounded by a posse of fifty men near Gervais. They were still on the line of the Southern Pacific and were headed north for the State of Washington via Portland. The couple were known to be exceedingly well armed, for during the night they had had the audacity to hold up two of the pursuing posse and relieve them of their weapons! Before noon a hundred men surrounded the woods in which the men lurked. Every man within a radius of ten miles who possessed a gun was summoned to join the posse, and Company F of the Oregon State National Guards also arrived upon the scene. A complete cordon surrounded the apparently doomed men, but during the night the two desperadoes slipped silently through the lines and escaped. The escaped prisoners pressed forward to Clackamas County, where Sheriff Cook with a posse and three companies of militia took up the chase. As they continued north the desperadoes lived on the country, holding up farms for food and horses as they travelled. They always boldly announced who they were. A dozen times they were shot at, several times they were surrounded, and once Tracy fired and winged one of his pursuers. The reward for the capture of the convicts was doubled, and doubled again, and public excitement grew intense. For five days the sheriff and his posse continued the chase, and then gave up, weary and discouraged. Meanwhile, Tracy had forced a farmer at the muzzle of his revolver to row him and his companion across the Columbia River into Washington. They dined at the house of a farmer named Peedy, whom they tied and gagged before leaving. Sheriff Marsh, of Clarke County, with a very large force, took up the chase with energy. A four-cornered duel took place between the fugitives and two of the posse who came in touch with them, but the convicts again escaped unhurt. For some days after this episode their trail was completely lost. It was on July 2d that Tracy reappeared to enact the most stirring scenes of his melodramatic career. He had been heading for the Puget Sound country, and after holding up a farmer or two for practice he modestly decided to honour the city of Seattle with a visit. It was early morning, and the sun was just breaking through the mist and fog that hung over South Bay, near Olympia, the state capital, when a man entered the tent of an oyster fishery company and ordered Mr. Horatio Alling, the manager, and his two men to furnish him a meal. A launch lay at anchor near the tent, and Tracy ordered one of the men to call her captain to breakfast. The convict waited coolly till Captain Clark and his son had finished breakfast and then ordered Clark to get up steam at once, as he desired to go to Seattle. Before leaving he tied Mr. Alling and the cook hand and foot and helped himself to any clothes that took his fancy. From 1894 till 1898 I had lived near Seattle and at this time I was back there visiting my parents. Alling had been a very close friend of mine, and his adventure with Tracy stimulated my already keen interest in the chase. Later, in the capacity of a newspaper correspondent, I saw a good deal of the men who had charge of the capture of the out- law and was at one time with the posse (entirely as a pacifist) which operated near Bothell. During the launch ride to Seattle Tracy remained at one end of the little cabin, his gun resting in his lap ready for use in case any of the actions of his crew appeared to him suspicious. For twelve hours the bandit was complete master of the situation. He was easy, unconcerned, and debonair, ready to joke and to laugh with his unwilling servants, but his steely eyes never relaxed their vigilance for a moment. Someone asked him where his partner Merrill was. "Yes, I killed him. He had no nerve and he was a traitor. I read in the Portland papers after our escape that it was due to information from Merrill that I was caught in the first place--that time I stole the engine and was knocked senseless by a glancing shot. Merrill had told them where they could find me. Then, too, he was a coward, always ready to bolt. He was no good. The man was frightened to death all the time. It made me angry when the papers gave him half the credit for our escape. I told him he was a coward, and he got huffy. Then we decided to fight a duel when we were near Chehalis. We were to start, back to back, and walk ten paces each, then wheel round and begin firing. He haggled so in arranging the terms that I knew he meant to play false. I couldn't trust him, so when I had taken eight steps I fired over my shoulder. I hit him in the back. The first shot did not finish him, so I shot again. He only got what he deserved. The fellow meant to kill me treacherously and steal out of the country through the big timber, leaving my dead body among the leaves." All day Tracy displayed the greatest carelessness in regard to human life. At one time he desired the captain of the launch to run in close to McNeil's Island, where a government military prison is located, in order that he might get a pot shot at one of the guards. During the day he dozed slightly once or twice, but, as his rifle was across his lap and the slightest movement awakened him, the crew dared not interfere with him. At Meadow Point, near the city of Seattle, Tracy finished his yachting trip, tied the captain and crew up, and went ashore, forcing one of the terrified men to accompany him as a guide. The ascendancy this man acquired over everybody he met is remarkable. The outlaw headed toward the north end of Lake Washington and was recognized more than once before he reached Bothell. Here he lay hidden till morning in the dense brush and secured some much-needed sleep. It was raining hard, but there is no doubt that the escaped convict found shelter from the storm under some big logs Meanwhile, Seattle was full of wild rumours about Tracy Every stray tramp was an object of suspicion, and the greatest excitement prevailed among people. Before night the excitement had increased tenfold. Harry Tracy, it was reported, had come into touch with two posses, had engaged in battle with them, killed three officers and wounded one, and had himself escaped unhurt! Persistent reports came to the city of Tracy's presence near Bothell. It was said that he was surrounded in a brickyard; that he had several times been definitely identified by men who saw him skulking in the heavy timber. Sheriff Cudihee, of King County, a fearless and efficient officer who had a good record for running down criminals, at once ordered posses to the scene and hastened there himself. It may be stated in passing that from that moment to the time of Tracy's death Sheriff Cudihee hung doggedly to the trail of the flying bandit. Other sheriffs took up the hunt and dropped it when the convict had passed out of their bailiwicks, but Cudihee alone followed him like a bloodhound wherever he went, until the question of Tracy's escape or capture came to bc a personal issue between Edward Cudihee and Harry Tracy, two of the most fearless and determined men that ever carried a gun. At Bothell the posse separated, and every road was guarded. Two officials from Everett, several from Seattle, and Mr. Louie B. Sefrit, a reporter for the Seattle Times, started down the road toward Pontiac, part of them following the railway track and part the wagon road. About a hundred yards southeast of where the railroad track and the wagon road cross again there were two small cabins standing in a yard which was much overgrown with grass, weeds, and old tree stumps. Three men, named Williams, Brewer, and Nelson, jumped through a wire fence and started toward the cabins, while the others went down the track to examine the cabins from that side. Said one Raymond to Sefrit, the reporter: He never finished the sentence. From behind the stump arose Tracy himself, his rifle at his shoulder. There came a flash, and Anderson, one of the deputies, fell. Still another spit of flame belched from the rifle, and Raymond fell back with a stifled cry. He was quite dead before help reached him. Sefrit took a shot at the desperado with a Colt's revolver, whereupon Tracy wheeled and let drive at him. Sefrit, realizing that he was in an exposed position, fell as if shot. The outlaw fired again at him, then waited watchfully to make sure he had killed his man. A bunch of grass lay between Sefrit's head and Tracy, but the reporter could see the convict crouching behind the stump and knew that the slightest movement meant death. So for some minutes the Times reporter lay there in an agony of suspense, expecting every moment to feel a bullet tearing through his breast. Then Tracy slowly began to back away in the drenching rain. Two more shots rang out, and Jack Williams, who had been coming forward from the rear, fell, desperately wounded. Tracy scudded away in the thick underbrush, and half a mile from the scene of battle relieved a rancher of a horse he was riding. This he presently discarded, impressing into his service a farmer named Louis Johnson, with his wagon. He forced the farmer to drive him to Fremont, which is a suburb of Seattle. By this time the escaped convict was very hungry. He made Johnson hitch his team to the fence outside the home of Mrs. R. H. Van Horn and then invited himself to dinner. Mrs. Van Horn at once recognized Tracy from his published photograph. "Food, madam, and clothing," returned the urbane murderer. It chanced that there was a man named Butterfield in the house, and from him Tracy coolly took the dry clothing which he wore. Being in a good humour, the bandit dropped into the kitchen and conversed with Mrs. Van Horn while she prepared his meal for him. Nevertheless, she took occasion to nod her head toward the door and whisper the one word "Tracy" to the boy. He understood, and two minutes later was lashing his horse along the road toward Fremont. When Tracy rose to depart an hour later Sheriff Cudihee lay in ambush within six feet of the Johnson wagon. Tracy thanked Mrs. Van Horn for his meal in courteous fashion, then stepped down the path to the road with Butterfield and Johnson on either side of him. Meanwhile, the vigilant Sheriff Cudihee lay in wait for his man near the wagon. As Tracy sauntered down the path the sheriff of King County covered him every inch of the way with his Winchester. There was just a shadow of doubt in his mind as to which of the three was the man he wanted. He decided to wait until the outlaw climbed into the wagon. The desperado wheeled and fired point-blank. Breece fell over, a dead man. Twice more the convict fired, this time at Rawley, and the game warden went to the ground mortally wounded. Tracy dashed through the fence and made for the woods. The sheriff levelled his rifle and fired twice at the disappearing convict, but owing to the darkness neither shot took effect. Harry Tracy, burglar, outlaw, and murderer, had again broken through the death trap that had been prepared for him. Had it not been for the recklessness of interfering officials Cudihee would undoubtedly have caught or killed his man. With the curious mania which he had for continually doubling on his tracks Tracy again headed for Bothell, near which point he held up Farmer Fisher for clothes and provisions. Cornered in a strip of country not twenty miles square, in the midst of which was a city of one hundred and twenty thousand population, though three bodies lay in the county morgue to attest his unerring skill and others lay wounded near to death in the hospitals, yet Harry Tracy still roamed the country like an Apache, uninjured and untamable. Whenever men bearded him he left a trail of blood behind him in his relentless flight. He himself condoned his crimes because, as he said, he killed to satisfy no lust for blood but simply to keep his cherished liberty. In order to understand how one fearless man was able for so long a time to defy the law, the nature of the country must be considered. The Puget Sound country was at that time the most densely timbered on earth. The underbrush is very heavy, and a rank growth of ferns some four feet high covers the ground like a carpet. A man might slip into the ferns and remain hidden for months within a dozen yards of the roadside provided the food question were eliminated. The one thing that Tracy feared was the bloodhounds which were set on his trail, and after he had shot these, his mind was more at ease. After holding up another household of Johnsons, Tracy--accompanied by their hired man, Anderson, whom he forced to attend him as a human pack-horse--doubled back to Seattle by way of Port Madison. He skirted the city till he came to South Seattle, and then cut around the end of Lake Washington to Renton. At this point he made himself the uninvited guest of the Jerrolds family. Walking up from Renton with his unwilling companion, Tracy met Miss May Baker, Mrs. McKinney, and young Jerrolds picking salmonberries. Tracy stopped them, smiling. "I guess you have heard of me; I am Tracy," he said; then added, "You needn't be afraid of me. I never harmed a woman in my life, and I don't intend to begin now." Talking easily with the women, Tracy walked along to the house, in the rear of which he tied Anderson to a clump of bushes. He called the Jerrolds boy and handed him two watches, which he wished sold in order to buy two 45-calibre single-action Colt revolvers and a box of cartridges. He threatened to kill everybody in the house in case the boy betrayed him, but the lad was no sooner gone than he told Mrs. Jerrolds that this was mere bluff. This iron-nerved murderer and outlaw actually shed tears at this point. Presently Tracy brightened again and was laughing and talking with the three women just as if they had been old acquaintances. It was nearly time to prepare dinner, and Tracy carried in wood and volunteered to get the water from the spring. Rifle in hand, he sauntered down to the railroad track and filled his bucket with water. As he did so a special train, bearing the posse which hunted him, came round the bend. He ducked into the bushes to let it pass. "I reckon there are some gentlemen in that train looking for me," he remarked carelessly when he had reached the house. "I saw a reporter there. They are always in the lead. First you see a reporter, then a cloud of dust, and alter a while the deputies. It's the interviewer I'm afraid of!" And he laughed. There was much gay talk and laughter during the meal which followed, in which Tracy took the lead. His repartee was apt and spirited, and his sallies were irresistible. The Jerrolds boy had informed the sheriff's officer of Tracy's whereabouts long ago, and by this time the deputies were beginning to surround the house. Everybody was alarmed save the outlaw himself. He strolled to the window and looked out at an enterprising photographer who was trying to take a picture of the house As the day wore on the deputies gathered thicker and thicker around the house, cautiously drawing closer and closer, for they knew that the outlaw was a dead shot. Finally Tracy concluded that he had better be going. From his Chesterfieldian manner he might have been bidding his hostess good-bye after some elaborate function. From the back doorstep he waved them all a merry good day and wished them all manner of luck. As it happened, just at that moment poor Anderson had been discovered tied to a tree. One of the deputies gave a shout, and the others crowded round to see what was the matter. In the excitement Tracy quietly slipped down to the river and disappeared! Day after day the chase after this extraordinary man continued. Hundreds of men beat the woods and patrolled the roads in vain. Once Tracy was wounded, but managed to keep under cover until he was again able to travel. He played hide-and-seek with the officers of King County for weeks, then suddenly broke away for the Cascades on horseback. Weeks later he turned up in eastern Washington en route for his old stamping ground, the "Hole-in-the-Wall" country. More than once his fondness for loitering for days in the same spot showed itself. His effrontery knew no bounds. At one place he made use of the telephone to call up a sheriff in order to tease him about his ill-success in capturing Tracy. Before he left, however, he gave the poor official one grain of consolation. "You've done better than the other sheriffs," he said. "You've talked with the man you want, anyway. Good-bye; I'm afraid you won't see me again." But he did. Eastern Washington does not afford any such hiding ground as the big forests of the western part of the state. From point to point the telephone handed on the message that Tracy had just passed. He doubled here, there, and everywhere; but he could not shake off his relentless pursuers, aided as they were by the telephone wires. Sheriff Cudihee, now thoroughly aroused, swore never to leave the chase till Tracy was taken. Sheriffs Gardner and Doust and Cudihee held the passes and closed in on him. Tracy had reached the rough country south of the Colville Indian reservation. He had become gaunt as an ill-fed wolf. Hunger, cold, and exposure have tamed more bad men than fear. They sap the physical well-being which in some men is the spring of courage. But they did not affect the iron nerve of his man. He was still as savage and as dangerous as on the day when he broke out of the penitentiary. For two days and nights the outlaw hung around the Eddy ranch, not far from Creston, until a young man who saw him there raced with the news to Sheriff Gardner, who hastened to the scene at once. Meanwhile, a party of five citizens of Creston, which is in Lincoln County, stopped forever the evil career of the man who had travelled four hundred miles and baffled thousands of pursuers. C. C. Straub, deputy sheriff, Dr. E. C. Lanter, Maurice Smith, attorney, J. J. Morrison, section foreman, and Frank Lillen Green, all armed to the teeth, proceeded to the ranch of Mr. L. B. Eddy, where the outlaw was known to be in hiding. The country thereabout is very rocky, and the party took every care not to be caught in an ambush. They saw Farmer Eddy mowing his hay, and while talking with him observed a strange man emerge from the barn. Like a flash Tracy jumped behind Eddy and the team and bade the terrified farmer lead the horses to the barn. When near the door he made a break to reach his rifle. A moment later he reappeared, rifle in hand, and started headlong down the valley. Again his iron nerve had brought him out of an apparently certain trap. Two shots he fired at his pursuers, but neither of them had effect The man hunters took up the chase at once. Tracy dodged behind a rock and began firing rapidly. It was growing dark, however, and he missed his men. Then he made a dash for a wheat field near at hand, the officers firing at him as he, ran. Suddenly he stumbled and fell on his face, but dragged himself on hands and knees into the field. He had been hit. Sheriff Gardner and his posse now arrived on the scene and surrounded the field. Presently a single shot was heard by the watchers. That shot sent the notorious bandit into eternity. In the early morning the cordon cautiously worked its way into the field and presently stumbled upon Harry Tracy's lifeless body. The most famous man hunt in the history of the country had ended. Crippled and bleeding, hopeless of escape, the bandit had shot himself sooner than let himself be taken. After escaping from a dozen sheriffs, slipping cleverly out of death trap after death trap, and leaving behind him everywhere a trail of blood that would not have discredited an Apache chief, Tracy fell at last by his own hand rather than lose the liberty which he apparently prized more than life itself. I went to get tested because someone with whom I’d had sex with contacted me to say he’d recently tested positive. He had been a risk - the condom split and in a moment of weakness we carried on anyway. He advised me to go and get tested myself. So it was on the back of him getting a positive diagnosis just through routine testing, and for me the diagnosis was unexpected and out of the blue. I was 27 at the time. I went for my test knowing I had been at risk and this experience was tiring and stressful. When I got tested the staff at the sexual health clinic were kind, helpful and accommodating - sympathy and advice, not judgement. They were pretty clear about the level of risk that I had. They made it clear that it was not guaranteed that I would become positive, but that I had been exposed by someone who had recently contracted HIV so that makes it a higher risk since the virus in their body is at high levels. I felt a sinking dread at the point of diagnosis, I had been tested on a Friday so had the whole weekend to stress and worry about the results. At the end of the day on the Monday I called the clinic and asked for results over the phone. I felt that (thankfully rare) woeful feeling when you’ve spent lots and lots of time imagining every scenario, good and bad and it happened to be worst suspicions confirmed. So, it wasn’t a surprise really, I had geared myself up for it but it was still a shock. It wasn’t a slam-in-your-face shock since I’d had so much time thinking about possibilities, but it did still feel quite shocking and quite a bit of bewilderment. It was like, “Okay. What do I do next? I don’t know what to do or how to feel or how to go through this― Health care has been absolutely fantastic. People bitch and moan about the NHS all the time but I have had nothing but positive experiences when dealing with my sexual health care and all the other bits-and-bobs that have been going on with my health; even referrals to GPs and things like that. Whether it has been my imagination or whether it is the case I think the GP seems to pay a bit more attention to me now than they did before. Everyone else has been willing to go to the extra mile, whereas before it might have been, “Come back another time― or “take two Asprin and see how it’s going― everyone seems to be more, “sit down and lets get to the bottom of this―, paying attention to what I say. It felt quite good to be able to get it off my chest and talk about it. Every time I was able to talk to someone new about it, it was going over the feelings & thoughts again for me and iterating through dealing with it, exploring how I felt about it, it felt like each time I was able to process and get to grips with it a little bit more. Telling my partner, whom I met not long after being diagnosed was a strange and different experience. I umm-ed and arr-ed and worried about it, and spoke to some support agencies for advice, because it was not something I had thought I would have to deal with so soon after being diagnosed. I thought it would be something that would be far off in the distance, not months after being diagnosed, but I seemed to be plunged in head first. Telling him was actually really good and rather unexpected. I had imagined and anticipated a lot of scenarios including questions that he might ask and how he might take it, but when I did tell him, his biggest question and concern was for my health, not about the risk to him but all about me. I hadn’t anticipated or expected that at all, so it was really sweet, kind and disarming to be able to say “I’m fine and I’m not going to drop dead any minute― I guess that condoms are more on my mind than they once were. I am a bit ‘Captain Contingency’ so I have to always have condoms & lube there ready, just in case. I guess I think about it more, but I’m probably no more extra prepared than I used to be. I have always been quite good at remembering condoms and being prepared. I am looking forward to trying out a whole range of condoms, I didn’t realise until after diagnosis just how many options there are. It no longer feels scary or frightening, but feels like a background responsibility in the same way unfinished work or unwashed dishes do; something that is always just in the back of your mind as a very low-level burden, demanding occasional attention. It feels like an extra responsibility that I’ve taken on (and will have to consider to some degree every day for the rest of my life); while it’s not a huge stress and doesn’t demand all my focus all the time, the fact that the consequences (to me or someone I care about) are potentially so major means that when an HIV-related situation (health, sex life) does crop up, I do properly think about it. It feels like I now have one strike against my health; HIV won’t kill me, and the next serious or long-term condition I’m faced with probably won’t either. But it might give me a second strike against my body, and then there really will be no more safety net. I can’t feel complacent about my health, or risk pushing my body too hard anymore, because I don’t have that spare strike to spend that most of my friends do... becoming diabetic or contracting hepatitis-C would be serious but manageable for them, it would be very dangerous for me. When I was diagnosed I was single and decided that it would be easier if I had a partner who also had HIV. I looked on the internet and found several dating sites specifically for HIV sufferers, and have met several people through these sites. Some of these became partners, some of these long term friends. When I was told I was HIV I didn’t react in any way as I was expecting it to happen, and I just carried on with my life in the best way I could. My initial thought was ‘ Well I was expecting that’, so it was no surprise. I was sad of course, but all I could do was carry on as normal, the best I could and do as my doctor at the sexual health clinic asked me to do regarding taking meds etc As for my brother and his partner they guessed I was HIV although I have never confirmed it to them. They were very cutting and spiteful and me and mum and have cut them out of our lives for three years meaning that mum never got to see her grandchildren. My brother is back in our lives now, he has a new partner and life is good, we get on well and HIV has never been spoken about since. I have been very lucky as I have never had any problems with my medication. I have never had any side effects, I am one of the few people I know who hasn’t. I have never missed taking my meds nor have I ever missed an appointment at my HIV clinic. It is very important not to. I do as I am told by my HIV doctor and I carry on as normal. My GP also knows and they are fine about it. They were pleased I told them just in case they prescribed any drugs that might interfere with my HIV Meds. I think I get appointments more or less straight away with my GP. I don’t know if my name flags up on their system, but I can call in a morning and get an appointment in the afternoon which is great. The first time I got the meds I read the leaflets inside and thought, ‘Why would you possibly want to take these tablets that could possibly make you feel 10 times worse than you already are feeling now?’ and I nearly didn’t take them at all. It was my siblings who said to me ignore the leaflets and take the meds. Initially I was unwell for about a month of taking them, feeling sick and tired but that soon passed. Compared to how some people have reacted to their meds it was nothing really. In 1990 I got tested for HIV at a sexual health clinic in Fulham. I had been working in Zambia and had a brief affair with a man I worked with. At the age of 18 I was told I could not have children, so I had never asked a man to wear a condom. I didn’t know how to ask the Zambian man to wear one, plus he looked healthy and I naively thought HIV was more a problem for gay men. When I phoned to get my test results, I was told I had to go to the clinic. I immediately knew it was not looking good. The clinic were very kind, they told me I probably had eight years to live if I looked after my health, gave me a leaflet and the number of Positively Women. The next day I went back to work but I never felt the same again. For a while I felt very separate from the world around me, I was suddenly an outsider. And although it has since become part of who I am, the burden of secrecy and stigma means that I can never return to the me I was before that day in the Fulham clinic. Last year I had to come off meds for six months. I felt vulnerable, anxious and unwell. My viral load shot up and made me feel ill. It is the only time I have felt unsupported by GUM. But my consultant and the clinical nurse have been wonderful. I have become so used to the relationship they have built with me,that I was taken aback by the impersonal nature of clinical reviews that I have experienced in other hospital departments. I was 26 at the time that I got tested and living in Brighton. My boyfriend was away on a trip at the time I got tested. It wasn’t a shock to me at the time because my partner had been recently diagnosed with HIV. I just went down to the beach, it was a lovely day. I stood there taking photographs of the sea and the sky. I thought “That’s it; I’m going to die. I’m not going to have a future―. The first medications were terrible. I was fit and toned and muscular at the time and the medications stripped me of my body. I got peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet. I started to walk funny and I would fall down the stairs. I had diarrhoea, weight loss and I couldn’t sleep. I went to see a neurologist and decided to take a break from the medication. I had about one and a half years off work as a result of the side effects to the medication alone. After I became more stable my health improved and I was able to return to work. However, I suffered from nerve damage. The first three years were really negative. Now I am stable I feel like I have a future, like my life has been extended. The irony is that I mucked up the treatment as soon as I started it. I was taking the wrong pills at the wrong times. The side effects were interesting; it was like I was drunk for two hours every time I took them. This went on for a couple of weeks too. I still have very vivid dreams (which I don’t mind at all) and I used to get diarrhoea sometimes too, but since I quit smoking and changed my diet it’s all fine now. Luckily I’ve had no other side effects. It was 2004 when I got tested. I had gone along because I had an NSU and when I was at the clinic they asked me when the last time I had been tested, it had been a few years, so they suggested that I got tested. It seemed to make sense to do it. And funnily enough I almost knew, I had like a second sight about it. My partner at the time even came with me for the results which they didn’t normally do, and I got called into the room and it almost felt like a death sentence really. I still can remember friends die from HIV. Really my knowledge of HIV was still in that vain that it was a death sentence. I hadn’t really kept up to date with my education, the latest med or anything like that. So the only thing in my mind was ‘this is it!’. My partner was then called in the room and it all felt a bit clinical at the time. The person that gave the results said, ‘you will be seeing a lot of us’ and one thing they said at the time which really sticks out was ‘get a good dentist’, which seemed bizarre at the time. I remember going for a drink at Gun Warf in Portsmouth and me and my partner looking out over the water and being very tearful about it and my partner saying ‘What am I going to do without you?’ I was trying to be upbeat about it and saying it is not what it used to be, but all the time feeling that ‘this is it’. I feel very different now, HIV changed a lot of things for me. It changed my relationship, I had been in a long term relationship for 15 years when I got diagnosed. We went on for another 4 or 5 years after my diagnosis but the relationship really changed because my partner and I suppose something changed for us. We had an open relationship but I guess I had over stepped a mark. I was in the vain that all the time I was not taking medication everything would be fine and that I could just keep going on not taking medication. When I eventually had to start, that was another watershed in so many ways. Saying that, I didn’t have any bad reactions (excessively) with the medication and very quickly my viral load became undetectable and CD4 was 500 plus. I have always been very good with taking my medication, my adherence has always been around 100% I had a bad experience with my dentist to be honest with you. I made a decision to tell all my health care providers, my GP was superb, just so supportive. The dentist was ok, but I always had to have the last appointment, which got up my nose a bit really, because it was sometimes difficult to have to have the last appointment of the day. I just thought, ‘Hang on a second; I have declared to you, you know about my status, exactly my circumstance. There are people out there you are treating who don’t know that but you are singling me out for preferential treatment’. I just couldn’t understand that because they should be treating everyone else the same, but you just have to go along with that. I have subsequently changed dentists, they know the score and they don’t treat me any different, so that was the only negative thing that has happened to me. It was an immense relief to tell my children. They are old enough to understand, they were in their 20s when I told them. They were great. My daughter doesn’t ask all the time but asks if I am okay and they are always there really. I have no regrets about telling them and just felt I had to, just in case anything happened and then at least they could understand. I decided not to tell my parents because they are quite elderly. My mother died about 4 years ago and she never knew. My father may have got a suspicion because he knows I go to the hospital every 3 months and has seen the big bag of meds that I get, but he doesn’t ask and I think it’s best that way. Trading in your sports coupe for a minivan was bad enough, but nothing says “I’m an adult now” like buying insurance. No, it’s not fun to think about the disasters that could befall you, but for anyone with a family or property to protect, insurance is a necessity. The good news is that a few minutes of preparation can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in premiums. Read on to find out how. A much better name for life insurance would be income replacement insurance, because its main function is to provide for people who once relied on your income after your death. If you have kids or a spouse or a business partner who depend on your earnings, you need insurance. On the other hand, if you’re not supporting anyone else, you don’t. Children definitely don’t need insurance on their own lives. If you do need life insurance, shop around. Compare quotes at Term.ca, Term4sale.com or MoneySense.ca, and always buy from a broker, who represents several insurance firms, so you can compare prices. Keep in mind that the premiums that different insurance companies charge for the same coverage can vary tremendously. For instance, 10-year term policies for $500,000 of insurance for a 35-year old male smoker in Ontario have annual premiums ranging from just over $500 to more than $1,000, depending on which insurer you choose. You’re wasting money if you buy more insurance than you need, so think about how much you contribute, after taxes, to your family’s income. You should buy enough insurance to replace about 75% of your lost income, plus a bit extra for funeral expenses and legal fees. For instance, if you figure your take-home pay is $60,000 after taxes, you’ll want to leave a lump sum that could supply your family with an annual income of about $45,000 for however many years you think appropriate. How many years should that be? It depends on how old your kids are and your spouse’s job situation. There’s no single answer that fits every situation, so talk matters over with your spouse before settling on a figure. When you head out to get quotes, ignore the insurance company’s pitch for complicated whole- and universal-life policies. These add a savings or investment element to your insurance, but are only appropriate in special cases. Instead, stick to renewable term life insurance, says William McLeod, author and insurance expert. Often, he says, combining your investing with your insurance leaves you vulnerable to large, hidden fees. “Under no circumstances should you buy a whole-life policy, and universal life is only appropriate in rare cases,” he says. “It’s usually only for people who are in their 50s or older.” You can often find good deals on home and auto insurance through university alumni associations, says McLeod. Engineers, teachers and other professionals can also get breaks through their professional associations. If you don’t qualify for such plans, check out quotes at MoneySense.ca and from a good independent broker. Sometimes you can negotiate a cheaper bundled rate if one company provides both your house and car insurance. And you can reduce your rates even more by raising your deductible — it’s not unusual to reduce premiums by 25% or more by raising the deductible to $5,000 from $500. If your car’s not worth much, you could drop collision and comprehensive insurance altogether. Supplementary health insurance pays for medical bills the government doesn’t cover, such as prescription drugs, dentist visits, glasses and care outside your home province. If you can’t get this coverage at work and you’re not covered by your spouse’s plan, you still may be able to get a group rate through your alumni or professional organization. If you decide to get your own coverage, be prepared for sticker shock — these plans are expensive. But you can lower your premiums by choosing a plan with a higher deductible. Disability insurance, which covers you in event of disabling injury or illness, is important but often overlooked. Most people get disability insurance through work. If you don’t, says Bruce Cohen, author of The Money Adviser, you should arrange your own. “Disability insurance is even more important than life insurance,” he says. “Statistically, you’re more likely to suffer a disability early than you are to die early.” I precisely wanted to thank you so much again. I do not know the things I would have followed in the absence of the entire secrets provided by you regarding that area. It became an absolute alarming scenario for me, nevertheless witnessing a well-written manner you managed the issue took me to leap with happiness. Extremely happier for this work and as well , hope you really know what an amazing job that you’re providing training people thru your web blog. 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I felt challenged to step out of my limited perceptions and assumptions, and I felt compassionately guided by David, Nitai and Scott. The experience allowed me to see the common goodness and sincere appreciation of participants, and gave me a safe space to give up a false sense of being alienated from fellow humans. I recovered my sense of trusting. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!― “Satvatove 3 is comprised of awesome exercises, deep spiritual truths, and tools to create mental peace. I got immense value from this course. Much of what I have gained from it is a progression of aspects of myself which I have been fostering for some time. I feel I now have the most established and tangible sense of peace with myself and gratitude for my lot, that I have ever had. Since the Satvatove 3 course, life has brought me a couple of disturbances, things which before would have bothered me for some time; and I found I was able to completely move on from these and return to happiness, gratitude and peace, very quickly. It is as if my innate being has become set in a higher level of awareness and appreciation.” “I found the Satvatove 3-Day Foundational Course to be one of the most positive and empowering experiences in my life. I cannot put a price or real words to the value of welcoming the core principles of the Satvatove Institute into my life and I deeply thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously. “I really enjoyed the Satvatove Foundational Course. I found myself at various times inspired, awed, moved and transformed. Sometimes I felt all of those emotions at the same time. I walk away from this building (to start the “actual seminar―) a lighter, clearer, more engaged person. I feel very privileged to have met the 14 participants and to have had the opportunity to learn and be inspired by the founder of this program, David Wolf. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be part of this wonderful process.― “Right now, I have to say I feel like I need a hot bath and a good cry! This weekend has been incredible and not always happy happy. I was shown a lot about my character, my rackets, and lack of backbone and it wasn’t always pretty, but I appreciate the mirror. This is why I came- to face my junkyard of broken agreements, get rid of my defensive armour and dance in the field of heavenly abundance! I have made a few commitments that I know I will keep, one being deepening relationships and the other, my career path that I have been procrastinating on for months. From now on, my Be-Do-Have is I am happy, creating consciousness-raising events, and have a full, meaningful, amazing life! Much love, Lisa― “I have come to so many realizations through this course- I will try to list the more profound. I have been struggling with stress in my life for what seems like always, and most recently have been trying to find some way to combat it besides ulcer medication. When David suggested stress was nothing more than a crutch- to help stave off others increasing the demands on my time, also that it may be a way to deal with and feel important in life- it was like someone turned on a light- I now have a handle on how to deal with it and eventually I will overcome it, sooner rather than later. ……The second realization was how I had been holding on to a broken promise and anger- I believe now thanks to this course I will not only be a better communicator but also a better person. Thank you!― “Thankful! I am so very thankful and appreciative that I came to the Satvatove Seminar this weekend! It seems some (a few) realizations have slapped me hard across the face! I’m aware there are more to come and I am afraid and excited at the same time. In various processes I realized false perceptions of myself, society, organized religion, and family. Through these three days I dropped so much resentment that I wasn’t even aware I was carrying. I am excited to take the Foundational Course again! Thank you so very much for showing me the tools and demonstrating how to use them!― “I had several personal realizations throughout the course but there is one in particular I care to share. I came into the course with what I thought was an open mind but which in fact was full of skepticism. By giving me the space to be angry with you, I was able to confront my own limiting beliefs that I have used as a protection mechanism. I feel that the confronting of these beliefs in the class is part of the necessary process by which I will be able to make deeper and fuller connections with others. Thank you.― “Most involving and transformational course I have ever taken. I realized how much magnificent capacity I have to express myself in a myriad of ways. Also I realized how connected I feel, to myself and others, when I truly choose to be open in my communication with others. I feel enlivened and realize at the core of my being that I can choose to connect to my essence. I have breathed into the possibility of being in a life of love and importance. I see how lack of unconditional self love has been stopping me and I have connected to loving myself and expressing myself unconditionally in this course. …..I also realize the power of the spoken work and the commitments we make to ourselves.― “My realizations are so many. To start, I have the power to let go anything that has caused me any damage in my life. I created my lie and everything that happens in it. I’ve realized that where there’s a will, there’s a way. I am capable of forgiving, and I am more than willing to do it. …I have realized that I can connect and communicate with everyone I know in a deep way….I’ve realized that if I am, then I do and then I have. Nothing can keep me from being happy, successful, safe, reliable, trustworthy….I’ve realized that I can keep my promises to myself and that will make me stronger and my confidence levels will go up…I’ve realized that warmth, empathy and genuineness are more important than any degrees I have.― “David had the ‘sight’ to see into an aspect of a disowned part of myself and confronted me on it, helping me to realize something that I had cast into my shadow. David also, through his astuteness, tuned into how I was using transcendental ideas to deflect painful realities for myself. The way I see it is that David handed me a pin and helped me to see the inflated spiritual ego bubble I had wrapped myself in and then presented me with the opportunity to pop the bubble. This occurred in a demonstration to the group where he used empathic listening and mirrored back to me my own emotions and words. It was life-changing to see this divide between the spiritual ideals that I want to govern my experience and where I’m at. It was very valuable to see where I am at in several ways on my healing journey. I also now see myself as competent to communicate with people in emotionally heightened or distressed states, which I didn’t prior to the course. Profoundly life changing!― “It was a wonderful course. The content was enlightening, the exercises inspiring. I have done similar work in group therapy sessions but the careful scaffolding of exercises, the clean and concise explanations, the examples, each step of the seminar is so well conceived that I felt I was able, in 3 days, to surpass the 3 years of progress in other contexts…..this course helped me move beyond a plateau I’d been on for a while. Thank you.― “…I have identified areas of my life where I must give greater attention- communication, pulling weeds, being sattvic = BEING…….I experienced transformation- FOR SURE and I am totally stoked to do it beyond this wonderful intentional community….I have found greater stillness, gentleness and preciseness in my communication….I am no longer afraid to feel my pain…I have seen my own light again…I want to experience profound connection with others and with my own spirit….Thank you, David. I was and am inspired by your skilled teaching, inspired techniques and your quiet radiance. Your smile is wonderful!― “Satvatove 3 is a beautiful experience, one that I wish for everyone to get a chance to experience. It is a proof that God exists, that Spirit exists, that we are Spirit, that life force is within us, waiting to unfold itself, urging us to sing and dance through life, eager to spill itself out and create a joyful experience of life.― “I learned so much about myself through my experiences in the Satvatove Advanced course. I was able to look deeply and honestly at the deep, dark places that have been causing me to live my life in fear. I connected with sadness, trauma and anger. I had insights about my feelings and actions that I hadn’t been aware of before. I was able to accept who I am and what I feel – to accept and forgive myself. I am incredibly grateful for Satvatove for essentially helping me to find a new invigoration for life.― “My experience at the Satvatove Foundational Seminar this weekend was profound. I became aware that spiritual concepts can actually become a box in which ego can hide. David helped me open this box and find more baggage located inside. I decided from then on to approach the weekend from a human perspective instead of from a spiritually knowledgeable perspective which in turn opened up more doors than expected. Insights are too many to write. The course is extremely effective. Thank you.― “I have received more insight and clarity into myself and who I am. I feel more grounded and confident to speak my truth in any situation. I have acquired the communication skills I have only dreamt of for so long. There is a richness and depth in my personal life that is without price. I feel more open-hearted and less fearful to speak what’s on my mind. “ “Realisations were very numerous. To keep things brief, I was not helping myself or the people I love. I was not a very good community member, and I found that out very quickly. This is a good beginning, and I am very grateful I even took these small baby steps towards being a better wife, daughter, mother, friend. I fully expect and hope to take this experience into the rest of my lifeall the good and the bad. It will change the tone of all my future interactions for the better and for that I am deeply grateful.” “Powerful experience! I found it very productive to find out who I am as a person and clear out many of the blocks I am experiencing in my life. I feel like I have some very useful tools now and a real experience of how to apply transformational communication. I’ve never taken a course quite like this before and I was hesitant to take this one, but very glad I did!” “I have taken all of the Satvatove courses, been involved in a Life Mastery Program, and am also attending the Life Apprentiship program in the fall. Of all the courses, Satvatove 3 was the most impactful for me. I feel that I walked away from that course a totally different human being with a whole new perspective on life. I was finally able to grasp the true concept of what taking full responsibility for my life meant. I was finally able to detach from my expectations that I held for certain loved ones in my life. I was able to look upon a situation and clearly detach the emotion from the reality of what was going on and then clearly and responsibly choose how I am going to react. Now, I live in higher state of ‘God consciousness’ and remembering how I co create everything in my life. I am fully responsible for the results in my life. I highly recommend this course to everyone I know. I want to take it again. It integrates much of the knowledge from the other courses, but it still impacted me tremendously beyond what I ever thought. It was a beautiful gift to my soul, my emotional well being, and it has helped my life in every single area. I encourage you also to give yourself this gift.” “Satvatove 3 has inspired me in ways that I did not know were possible. I have been involved with Satvatove programs for several years and am now building my own client base. Satvatove 3 has given me a huge boost in my effectiveness as a coach and facilitator. I am truly astounded with the value I received taking this course. During the course I touched a part of myself that brings so much more to my life. I am a richer and wiser person with deeper compassion. “I went into Satvatove 3 full of anger and rage in regards to a personal situation in my life. This was an issue I had been struggling with for months. Within 3 days it had completely gone and I no longer carry the burden of that hate, it literally vanished overnight. I am now friends with the person again and we now laugh and smile together.” “Thank you for this experience! It allowed me and my brother to face our business in a clear and conscious way. It allowed me to be a witness and to be witnessed in a sacred space… It helped me to find my voice and to deepen my relationships to strangers and old friends. It strengthened my confidence in being able to face any challenge or obstacle. I began to touch the truth of what empowerment means. I learned about the power of keeping agreements… I realized that I am my only obstacle to true self-exploration… Thank you for all that you have given me.” “I am grateful to David Wolf for his honest work, well designed, and motivated by only one thing, the well being of others. I have a picture in my mind of a teacher that teaches you to fly with your own wings and once you are ready, happily encourages you to continue to fly on your own, in your own space, on your own way. Thank you very much.” “This course has been for me an unforgettable experience. I really loved it. I was impressed by the joyful and serious atmosphere. Some persons that I think I know since 15 or 20 years or more and I discovered them anew as there was no more barriers of false identification. I saw many participants endeavoring to reveal themselves with simplicity. That’s it. This course is helping us to develop that spiritual quality, simplicity. Thank you from the core of my heart.” “The Foundational Seminar, for me, this time was both humbling and very enriching. I feel I could take it ten times and continue to benefit every time. This has helped me feel stronger and more rooted in my path. The more I use and commit to this communication, awareness , and accountability practice ; the more connected I feel to myself. For this amazing gift, I wish to share my deepest appreciation and gratitude for your work and the opportunity to be a part of it. Thank You” “The first thing I would like to say is that I have attended personal growth and transformational seminars all over the country for the last thirteen years of life and nothing has touched me so deeply or assisted me so quickly in discovering deeply embedded patterns and also offering the tools or ‘the way out’…thanks for changing my life. I have never encountered anything like Satvatove before. How powerful. Thank you.― “Thank you and your staff members for leading us through this seminar very successfully. I felt really cared for and it was done professionally but it didn’t interfere with the feeling that you are doing this seminar as a service to all of us. This seminar is the best start and foundation for future good communication and relationships even with God. Thank you” “This course has expanded my ability to express myself and truly helped me uncover why I am so valuable. I can listen with full intention of hearing in a place that suspends judgements and allows people to be comfortable … I have and continue to make many realizations in my life that are continually helping me connect with who I truly am.” “My experience of the Advanced Seminar was, to say the least, life changing. I am extremely grateful to David for putting the seminar experience together, because it impacted my life in such a remarkable way… I feel much more in integrity with myself, and everyone around me, and it’s a great feeling.” “Thank you very much for having this seminar. It was a dynamic change in my way of thinking, in my realisation, and in my dealings with friends and family. Although my English is very poor still these processes that I learned in the seminar dynamically worked for my wife and me. Now I have strength to keep my promise and am conscious of myself being sat cit ananda” “Enlightening! I don’t recall having so much positiveness – nothing is impossible any more. I went through some hard moments and sometimes felt angry at David. But when the exercise was done, my heart flooded with gratefulness … I commit to not turning back to my old habits of self-denial and negativity. From the core of my heart, from my guts – thank you.― “Thank you very much to all the staff, and especially to David, for helping me to see and unlock sides of myself I had not been aware of. This was truly a life-enriching experience for me and I’m very excited to go deeper, look deeper, relate deeper in a truer genuine way. I feel I have some very brilliant tools to help me in many aspects of my life and the life of others.― “There are not words to express my thankfulness. Taking the advanced seminar has made an amazing change in me. I feel awake and aware of myself; even if it is dark, I see hope. I feel open to challenge and ready to fight. I appreciate so very much your kindness and support. I feel more connected. I am very thankful for all of you. I feel I’m back from under the rug. I feel rescued and ready to face the future.” “I came to the Advanced Seminar knowing something was missing in my life – and left knowing what it was: ME! Satvatove allowed me to clear space for mySELF, and experience the wonder, power and peace of my own being. I am glad to say that I underestimated Satvatove – being who I am now is thanks to my courage and the facilitators expertise. “The key realization, which was a theme to the rest of my realizations and experience, was my understanding of self-worth. In the seminar I was able to get all I wanted just by being myself. I was able to find a new-found confidence and trust that allowed me to be more accepting of situations and of how I handle those situations. This new feeling of acceptance allows me to feel more at peace and that is something I’ve been struggling to find for a while – until NOW!” “The Advanced Seminar helped me learn how to take responsibility for everything I do and how to build relationships that will last forever. It opened me up to myself in such a way that made me realize that I was living/experiencing life only at 50%. Now I am choosing to live my life 100%.” “I am so grateful for the opportunity Satvatove provided me to connect with my true authentic self. The self realizations that have occurred have been so powerful and I feel my life has transformed. I will choose to embrace the awareness I have gained and to go further into my own self growth forever. Life is awesome.” “Thank you again for designing the Satvatove Advanced course. It really allowed me to get in touch with myself. Allowing me to communicate and understand others around me in a far deeper and richer way. I have already used some of the tools in my communication with my partner and understand where she is coming from and what she is saying.― “It has catalyzed my being more the master and source of my experience: what I might call the freedom and creativity arising from taking responsibility for my life… I felt empowered and encouraged, respectfully, lovingly and firmly, to go beyond where I’d been; to be the leader I want to be; the creator and master of my own results… The name of the seminar, “An Adventure in Conscious Living―, suits it to the “T―. I got new tools – and experiences of applying them – that will serve me the rest of my life!― “I realized that some people view me as not being fully present all the time, which is kind of true, but I didn’t know that I was revealing that to people. I also realized that I definitely have a long way to go to where I want to be, but I’m ready for the journey. I learned a lot about communication and the things possible. I also realized that I have a good head on my shoulders and that I can go places with my life that I haven’t even imagined possible. A process on the second day of the seminar was awesome and I realized that I sometimes let other people lead me down the path I don’t want to go.― “This seminar exceeded all of my expectations and I left feeling complete, peaceful, fully satisfied and deeply connected to myself and my eternal relationship with God. I experienced resisting in the beginning, and through that experience, finding my grounded self and where I really stand. My overall experience was one of watering my creeper of divine devotion and nurturing my soul deeply. I noticed that many subtle weeds were removed without even putting energy towards them. I left with a newfound urgency to live my life on purpose.― “In this course I realized many things about myself that I was keeping deep inside, or that I know but didn’t really want to face or name. I mostly learned about my “dark side”, the things that I couldn’t be proud to say I have, I learned about my deepest fears, and where they are really coming from. I learned about my desires in life, my hopes and my dreams. I also learned how to look at life from the positive side and how much the thoughts I have or the way I see things influence the way my life will manifest, turn out to be. I learned that I am a pure, powerful, beautiful person who has full power and control over her life and there is nothing and nobody to fear.” “I really appreciated the very practical skills that were taught about empathic listening, communication skills and building effective relationships. Normally I don’t like emotional processing. However I was able to get in touch with deep emotions during the broken promises exercise. This was quite a turning point for me… It is the first time I have come across such a universal programme that works for both people on a spiritual quest and also corporate managers.― “To retake the Foundational Seminar was an extremely valuable experience for me and I’d like to thank you for this opportunity. I didn’t think it would be such a deep and meaningful experience I could have in only three days… I feel that in the processes I went through I could really leave many doubts about myself behind and fully accept myself where I am at…― “I experienced the Satvatove 3 course as very powerful. I was able to connect with subtle blocks I didn’t even recognize were keeping me from connecting with God and living on purpose. I left the course fully aware and connected to the areas of my life that I need to focus on and the blocks that are holding me back. Since the course ended I’ve experienced more awareness, connectedness and meaning in my actions and interactions. It was an invaluable course that came at the perfect time!” “The workshop was brilliantly designed so that it was perfect for my self-development and spiritual realization. The rich, vital experience was filled with blessings and resulted in lasting changes. Through it I am learning about living as a distinction… has been the most powerful experience I have had so far. During the thrill-filled four days, I found the “1″ that makes the string of zeros valuable. In the process of finding the “1″, I also let go of baggage that I thought would be forever with me… My heart feels open, at last, with a tremendous new sense of peace, calm, and acceptance of myself and others that I have not known before.” “… With each process I felt closer and closer to my soul, the ultimate divine power and my life purpose in connection with that. I am still amazed at the height of blissful spiritual experiences some participants had. At first I thought, this is the height of spiritual experience, it cannot get better, but quickly realised there is no limit to such spiritual experiences…” I experienced what a conscious world looks and feels like and I am more confident about a conscious world happening now rather than some day in the distant future. For me, the Satvatove 3rd Level Course is a uniquely powerful vehicle for conscious living and being happy and free for no particular reason. “Satvatove 3 gave me the opportunity to experience myself living consciously moment-to-moment. I saw myself with fresh new eyes and I began the journey of discovering what it means to be me as a distinctly unique person. I experienced a sense of community that honoured the individuality of each person. I realised how nourishing and soul-enriching relationships could be when each person is real, genuine, and courageously themselves. Somewhere deep inside me the lights have come on and I feel purposeful and clear.” “In 6 days the Satvatove Advanced Seminar Experience liberated me in a way years of therapy would never be able to. I can only describe my experience under the loving and inspirational eyes of Dr. David Wolf and Marie Glasheen as an awakening from inhibitions and self limiting beliefs and a journey into a solid sense of joy and self-love that I hadn’t felt in 18 years.― “It was beyond my expectations and imagination. The experience was deep and healing. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself and my growth. David and Marie knew exactly what I needed during the seminar. I highly recommend Satvatove Advanced Seminar to anyone who is committed to their self growth and creating the life that they want.― “Satvatove allowed me to get back in touch with myself. It unlocked some deeper truths that I had buried very deep. I am no longer sleepwalking through life. Things that seemed hard before are now easier. I am not stumbling in the dark, instead I am now walking with eyes open. I encourage everyone to give themselves this gift. It’s repeatable science, it works.” I feel alive, happy, and brand new after having completed the course. I have reconnected with so many long hidden qualities such as assertiveness and self confidence. I am definitely feeling empowered to speak out and let my voice be heard. I have turned self hatred into self love. My commitment to maintaining my spiritual practices has deepened and for this I am most grateful. “This has been a truly invaluable experience. The quality of your attention and your education is beautiful and powerful. Thank you for helping me uncover my personal value and room for growth, and for hold me accountable for my self realisation. I am very grateful for your clarity, and your intention. The love in the room abounds and I thank you for that.― I first discovered Satvatove Seminars when my daughter sponsored an event in our home town. After participating in that event I knew I still had some emotional baggage which was triggered by ongoing patterns in my life that needed changing, especially with close family members. I knew this but had not been able to ‘figure it out’! It was too personal. So I enrolled in the Advanced Seminar held in Florida. “I truly enjoyed the personal transformation life skills workshop. What really enforced the concepts were the role-playing and the games. The experience I felt while putting into practice what I learned is something I can draw on. I know these skills will only serve to enhance my work with my clients and my relationships with my family. Thank you.” “I thought that this course was very valuable. I learned skills I will apply in my personal and professional life. It was very helpful the way the class was set up – when we learned a skill we immediately applied it so as ‘to use and not lose’. I was amazed at how quickly we were able to penetrate and get to the real issues… On a scale of 1-10 I would give it a 10+.” “I feel greatly benefited from taking the course and feel confident that the effect will begin to snowball as I continue practicing what I’ve learned. In particular, I feel an increased awareness of how to communicate more effectively and how to be a real helper to another person. Besides all the helpful skills I learned and increased awareness I experienced, I had a lot of fun! The loving mood of our group and our growing experiences together made me wish it would never end. Keep teaching the course!” “I so relish the taste of mastery and excellence that permeated the course… I love poetry. The course stimulated poetry-in-motion – i.e. all styles, lengths, meters, euphony, cacophony – produced interesting and diverse strains of music, planting seeds of remembrance of who and what we truly are and the potential we all possess for reclaiming our divinity.” “During and upon completing the Advanced Seminar Experience, I found that it was possible to feel completely free from the anxiety, confusion and pain that was a constant part of my life before. I may not always be free from it now, but I know that it’s possible, and that brings hope, positivity, and the power to reconnect with that soaring feeling of the true me – without any covering.” “ “Living as the soul―. That realisation has been the most powerful for me, having taken the Satvatove Advanced Seminar. Throughout my life, I have heard that we are spiritual beings, not of this mundane body and mind. That our material experiences are due to the mind and ego, but that the goal is to transcend these things and live as the soul.” “… In the course I really plugged into my true, genuine being, and the courage and self-respect to express myself and BE myself, whatever that may be. It’s still a work in progress, but I know now that I have the tools and experiences necessary to keep that going in my life. Thanks Satvatove.― “I enjoyed the course. It exceeded my expectations in all ways. There was a mixture of lectures, brain-stimulating activities, and group interactions… I found the whole process made me so much more aware. Not only did you present knowledge on specific skills, but you also gave knowledge that improves and empowers our overall state of consciousness. I feel totally rejuvenated because of that… I will definitely recommend this course to others.” “The course has given me invaluable tools for dramatically increasing the quality of my life. I can openly and honestly say that it is the best course I have ever taken. The facilitation created such an incredible atmosphere required for transformation to take place. It seemed like you knew exactly where everyone was coming from, where they needed to go, and how to get there.― “Taking the Foundational after the Advanced Course was like taking a completely different course than the first Foundational experience. I have undergone a rapid transformation since the Foundational and approached this Foundation with a completely different consciousness and was able to gain just as much if not more this time than last time. I was able to be a sponge this time, taking in as much as I could.” I have never seen it’s equal and I have studied with the best, with the inventors or those who studied with the inventors of processes from rebirthing to EST, Gestalt, Rolfing, Somatics, kundalini yoga, and other psychomeditative processes. I have found your work to take people to just the right places. I am impressed to see all that I have studied come alive in such a concentrated and devotional form. “Satvatove was the best decision I’ve made in 2009 and it’s not my habit to make poor decisions. Since that weekend and because of what I learned about Kyle, I’m now closer with friends & I communicate in all aspects of my life (business, family, friends, dating) with much more assertiveness and understanding.” I’ve had two main careers and several other ‘jobs’ in my 51 years. Taken a plethora of courses in self-help and improvement. Grown spiritually, emotionally and mentally. NOTHING compares or comes close to this experience as a catalyst for personal growth. This 3-day course is intensive as advertised, and very well organized. Marie and staff, thank you for what you do and most of all- sharing who you are. The mobile phone Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is among the latest releases of Sony Ericsson. It is the first model that was really conceptualized and created from within the Sony Ericsson company. A grand vision is behind it and this mobile phone aims for a lot of things. If it does or does not fulfill its goals is still to be determined once it becomes available to the general public. Still much can be expected out of this mobile communication device. It does not only make communications mobile but also does that to entertainment aspects. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is a one true multimedia device. Two notable things about it are that it is a Windows Mobile phone and it has A- GPS. Moreover, it also comes in an arc design. This gives it a distinct characteristic and a unique overall feel. It also offers multiple ways of interaction. One way you can make the most out of it is through its QWERTY keyboard. Just by sliding the screen upwards, you can easily access the keyboard and write anything easily and speedily. Indeed, the Xperia X1 is one convenient little package that is by no means little in terms of performance. As mentioned, the Xperia X1 has Windows Mobile. This means then that the rate of data transfer (HSDPA / HSUPA) is at its highest. Along with the Wi- Fi support, whatever entertainment demands you have will be met. No matter how constant you are on the move, the Xperia X1 will work seamlessly for you. Because it has A- GPS, you now have the freedom to widen your horizons. Things and places that you cannot explore before will now be right there at your fingertips! Truly, the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 surges towards its goal of giving premium services! JCV provide different types of Landscape Product for providing a rich appearance for landscapes. Landscape architecture can range from the creation of public parks and parkways to site planning for campuses and corporate office parks, from the design of residential estates to the design of civil infrastructure and the management of renovation of degraded landscapes such as mines or landfills. The landscape architecture can visualize the overall concept and prepare the master plan, from which detailed design drawings and technical specifications are prepared. Computer-simulated renderings enabled the Landscape Architects to depict the finished colors and textures of the cook center. Colored, salt rock, poured-in-place concrete paving complements the structure of the roofed with stucco columns and built-in cook center in the rear yard. A pilaster is an architectural element that looks like half of a column, or a column built into a wall those projects slightly from the front of a building. Pilaster attached to and projecting slightly from the face of a wall and equipped with a base and capital like a column and also it is a similar form used decoratively. Stone landscaping products are used in many areas in a landscape design including patios, lawn pathways, decks in pools, frames, columns, foundations for cottages, gazebos, porches and other concrete structures. The shape of the stone is also important to consider. If the landscaping around the home looks drab and dingy, it could benefit from a fresh planting. Just like painting, planting and landscaping is well within the skills of most homeowners. A steel landscape edging over other products is the ease of installation. You can easily install this type of edging without having to consult landscaping companies. The edges are very smooth and straight and provide clean lines for the edge of your project. Generally, this product is perfect for providing the finishing touch to any of your landscape projects in your yard. Contemporary landscape architecture can be used either unify architecture and the surrounding landscape, or it can be utilized to starkly contrast the differences between the two. The contemporary architecture into unity with the landscape itself, variety of species in plantings is frequently replaced with geometry as a means of mirroring the structural features of buildings. Terra Nova Biosystems deploys over 200 strains of powerful, biological microbes specifically designed to break down non-native contamination in soil. After microbial bioremediation of the contaminants, the byproduct is clean, contaminate-free soil, containing enriched, natural fertilizers. The benefit of such a process is clear: it gets rid of the pollution instead moving it, burning it, or simply leaving it. For quality assurance, Terra Nova Biosystems' process has undergone extensive third party, EPA-approved lab testing for certification. This has shown that the Terra Nova remediation process is so effective that it can pass even the most stringent EPA and state level requirements. The three following cases are provided to show just how powerful this bioremediation process is for complete soil remediation. Terra Nova Biosystems successfully remediated oil sludge from a former steel mill facility which is now in a redevelopment phase. The chart shows what we were able to achieve in only 21-days with our treatment. The dark brown column is the level of the contaminant prior to any treatment. The cream colored column is the EPA/DEQ hurdle level for residential soil for the various contaminants. The green column is the level that Terra Nova Biosystems was able to achieve after 21-days of bioremediation treatment. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) are some of the most common sources around the world for soil contamination. In just weeks, Terra Nova Biosystems is able to efficiently remediate the contaminants that would commonly be found in leaking underground storage tanks, which often include, but are not limited to: Benzenes, Ethylbenzenes, Naphthalenes, Toluenes and Xylenes. The chart shows Terra Nova Biosystems' remediation results. The dark brown column is the level of the contaminant prior to any treatment. The cream colored column is the EPA/DEQ hurdle level for residential soil for the various contaminants. The green column is the level Terra Nova Biosystems was able to achieve using our proprietary remediation technology. Coming as a surprise to even the most ardent Apple fans and supporters, on May 26, 2010, Apple officially became a higher valued company than Microsoft. At the close of the day, Wall Street had valued Apple at $220 billion, verse a valuation of $219 billion for Microsoft. While Microsoft does have much stronger revenues ($58 billion vs. just shy of $43 billion for Apple), this only makes the closing numbers even more interesting. Much of the value placed on stocks hinges on how the company is expected to perform in the future, clearly the feeling on Wall Street is that Apple will enjoy a brighter future than that of Microsoft. Obviously, this news is of great interest to Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specialists, as the shift may create new opportunities and introduce different methods and strategies to their processes. However, in this article we will examine how Apple overcame Microsoft, and what it will take for them to remain in the lead. After surpassing Microsoft, Apple has now become the second most valuable company in the western hemisphere, behind only Exxon ($278 billion). Obviously this growth on behalf of Apple has much to do with the success of its hardware, as its computers, phones and devices have become household objects and must own products for people across the globe. However, they also have some very profitable software suites their loyal customers can be counted on to keep moving off store shelves. Despite this software success, they have not been able to make much of a dent in the Operating System wars, as their install base has remained relatively flat over the last few years. While they make money from software, they are making history with their hardware. Microsoft can almost be viewed as a polar opposite of Apple. Making most of their money off software, Microsoft has long supplied the vast majority of Operating Systems to the computers of the world. They also enjoy huge sales from their Office products and many other software suites. Where Apple has seen limited success with software, Microsoft has suffered the same fate with their hardware experiments. Their game consoles are constantly losing them cash (though they make up for this with profitable game software), and their hardware such as the Zune and their tablet computers have failed to catch on in the marketplace. Additionally, they have made some poor investments (purchasing tragically underperforming game developer Rare for a staggering $375 million), and are hit with multiple hundreds of millions of dollars in fines and legal fees every year. Still, none of this has stopped them from being the second most successful business in the country, until now. Apple has earned their lead through constant innovation, both with product designs and functionality. When the iPod launched, there were already dozens of other mp3 player solutions on the market. Apple's product became the standard due to its clever design, large capacity and the support of the iTunes platform. The iPhone has earned its popularity on the strength of its design, functionality and support of the app store. The common thread in these two success stories is the supportive environment Apple launches its products into, and the constant tweaking and improving these products receive. If Apple can continue to put out quality products, back them with impeccable infrastructure and keep a steady stream of upgraded versions available to its customers, there is no reason their dominance should end anytime soon. They do have to be on the lookout for a few things, however. First, you can never count Microsoft out. The folks at Redmond could, any day, surprise the world with a new product announcement. Also, while their hardware offerings have been less than stellar thus far, this does not mean that the trend will continue in the future. They got where they are by being aware of their competition, and outdoing them. In short, they will not take this lying down. Secondly, Apple must be careful to not alienate its customers. Many Apple buyers are hit with intense waves of buyer's remorse when a purchased product receives an upgrade shortly after they acquire it, leaving them with a brand new, yet outdated piece of hardware. Even as the iPad was in the pre-release stage, its noticeable lack of features showed consumers that Apple was no longer truly innovating, but holding back features strictly to roll them out in future product iterations. Finally, there is the possibility that, in trying to conquer all types of media (TV, music, hardware, computers, devices, etc) they will spread themselves too thin. A similar situation was already seen with their Apple TV line which, when it did not launch to an enthusiastic reception, seemed to drop down on their priority list, leaving customers disappointed at the lack of follow through their device received. With that said, as long as Apple can keep a solid perspective, remain alert and stay the innovation course they have ridden to this point, there is no reason why their lead over Microsoft cannot continue well into the future. Need aÐ’Â Windows Mobile Scanner that you can use to begin scanning, recording, and finding out what a windows mobile phone is doing?Ð’Â If you are interested in finding out the phone calls, text messages, web browsing activity, GPS locations, and all that other stuff - then this article is just for you.Ð’Â I'll go over how you can get started tracking very easily.Ð’Â Let's get into it below: It's really easy to get set up, and all you need is a bit of time.Ð’Â By tonight you should be able to begin tracking with your windows mobile scanner.Ð’Â What you're going to do is find a good windows mobile scanner (software,) and I'll show you how you can do that below.Ð’Â Once you get the software on the phone you can begin tracking it forever - meaning that you never have to touch it again.Ð’Â You'll see everything in real time - phone calls, texts, GPS, etc. Sometimes it's really hard to know which one is good and which is bad, so I'll give you a few tips that you can go by.Ð’Â For one, you always want to make sure that the windows mobile scanner you're looking at downloading has good reviews.Ð’Â If it doesn't, then don't download it.Ð’Â You need to make sure that they have a good reputation and a stellar track record, otherwise you may wind up installing a virus or some other kind of malicious software that will just ruin your computer. I think that the best windows mobile scanner that I have found is SpyBubble.Ð’Â They are really, really great for all the tracking that you need to do on a windows mobile phone, and they have great reviews.Ð’Â Their existing customer base writes amazing things about them and I believe they are really simple to set up.Ð’Â Check out below for a download link and you can get set up within a few minutes. Download your windows mobile scanner from their site now, and then check out the cool guides that show you how you can use it.Ð’Â You can check what the phone is doing from anywhere in the world, and they guarantee that you will never be caught.Ð’Â So I think that this one should work out for you, good luck! As a Apple certification exam, it is well known that passing the Apple content manager ondemand iseries 9L0-007 exam has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Are you preparing for the 9L0-007 exam? Examsoon 9L0-007 Exam will provide you with exam questions and verified answers that reflect the actual exam. Furthermore, we are constantly updating our Exam 9L0-007. Each candidate who decide to take the 9L0-007 exam can receive the most reliable and up-to-date information here. The Examsoon 9L0-007 study guide is guaranteed to be 100% braindump free. We value the quality of training you receive through the 9L0-007 study guide and will never support 9L0-007 braindumps, or any 9L0-007 brain dump site. 9L0-007 braindump sites cannot compare to the understanding, learning and comprehension you will gain from a non-9L0-007 braindumps site, based on facts and case studies, like Examsoon. When the Apple launched the much awaited Apple iPhone, it just shocked the telecommunication industry with the features and quality it has provided with this device. These days there are a number of handset manufacturing companies, which are coming up with the new mobile phone models equipped with the latest technology. In such a tough and competitive environment, Apple is providing the new and upgraded versions of the Apple iPhone giving a strong statement and challenge to the other companies. The users can go for the cheap Apple iPhone deals where they can find the stunning features of this gadget along with the eye dazzling offers on various networks like Vodafone, Virgin, 3, O2, T Mobile and Orange. The most attractive feature is the 3.5 inches wide screen providing the resolution of 320 x 480 pixels. It is a TFT capacitive touchscreen with 16M colors. The availability of the proximity sensor with auto turn-off, accelerometer sensor for auto rotate, scratch resistance surface and multi-touch input method are making the display and viewing experience just amazing. The delight comes in using this handset when you use the stylish virtual keyboard that allows the smooth navigation through the wide touchscreen. You can also magnify your text by pressing and holding your finger over the selected text area. The Various Apple iPhone contract deals are promising the availability of the Mac OS that is operated with fast ARM 11 processor providing the speed of 412 Mhz. Other features include the built in music player that comes with the touchscreen music controls. The gadget has a new age Safari web browser that makes the Internet browsing experience very exciting. Talking about its stylish and attractive design, the Apple iPhone has the dimensions of 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm. Also it has the very light weight of just 135 grams and can easily be carried anywhere.To enjoy the attractive and amazing features of this device, the various iPhone Deals can be compared in order to get this hi-fi gadget. This hi-fi handset also provides the integrated youtube player . The battery of this gadget has up to 8 hours of talk time and up to 250 hours of stand-by time. Also it provides the facility of up to 24 hours of music play. The storage options in the Cheap iPhone Deals can be 4GB, 8GB or 16GB. It can be chosen according to the requirement. The data transfer is possible through various techniques including GPRS, EDGE, Wi-Fi and Blue-tooth technology. These all features of the Apple iPhone are enough for providing the satisfaction to the users. Users can compare various cheap Apple iPhone deals and can find the best deal suiting their interests. Macintosh computers come complete with almost everything you need built into the computer. Let's take a minute to check out just what comes with a Mac right "out of the box". With the built in software included, you can edit movies, pictures and music, as well as manage your email, calendars and contacts. In fact, so much is included pre-loaded with the computer that you probably won't have to buy a lot of additional programs later on. Let's go over what you'll see on your dock at the bottom of the screen when you turn your computer on. The next application you'll see on your dock is Dashboard. Dashboard allows you to access Widgets. You can access Dashboard by clicking on the icon in the Dock or pressing F12 on your keyboard. You can add and delete widgets by clicking on the "+" sign at the lesser left hand side of your screen as well as download new widgets on apple. Mail is the next application you'll see, it's the basic mail application. You'll be prompted to input your email account's information into the application when you launch it for the first time. Mail also allows you to keep notes and make To Do lists along with the usual, compose, send and automatically receive email from your account. Address Book is the next app you'll see. Address Book lets you input all of your information for contacts for anyone you know, including phone numbers, web pages and, of course, addresses. You'll find this application also has excellent integration with other applications on your system and is more useful in other applications more than on it's own. Next up you'll have iCal. iCal has become the standard for calendaring applications on the internet. iCal lets you easily manage your upcoming events and easily syncs with your iPod, iPhone, the web and other computers you may have. Preview is another application that is fairly desecrate within your computing experiences. Preview is what opens whenever you open a PDF document or an image. You probably won't open this from the Dock very often, but it is most likely crucial to normal computing. Next up we have the iLife suite. The iLife suite is probably the most interesting part of your new Mac. iLife includes iMovie, Garage Band, iPhoto and iDVD. iPhoto is a photo management application, whenever you hook up a camera, iPhoto is what you'll see. iMovie is a video editing application, if you ever have a camcorder that is digital and you hook it up to your computer, this is what you'll see, as well as if you ever want to manipulate video. Garage Band is a music creation and editing app. Garage Band comes with many built in instruments, loops and many useful features that you can use for your music creation. iDVD is just what it sounds like, it lets you take videos and convert them and dress them up so you can simply insert a DVD and have it burn so you can play it on any DVD player. iTunes is probably the most well known application on both the Mac and Windows computers. iTunes is the largest music store in the world as well as an excellent music management application, if you have a music file, iTunes can probably play it. Next you'll see Spaces. Spaces can be used to form virtual desktops, which can help you split up where your applications are on your Mac and help free you from screen clutter. Spaces can be accessed by pressing the icon on your Dock, pressing F8 or assigning a hot corner in System Preferences. Time Machine is the second to last application on your Dock. Time Machine is a backup application. Time Machine will backup anything you ask it to to an external hard drive that you attach to your computer via USB or Firewire. The last, and arguably the most useful application you'll see is the System Preferences. System Preferences lets you set up your computer exactly how you like and lets you configure any of the built in features of Mac OS X. Remember, all of these apps come standard with any Apple computer, weather it's a Mac Book or a Mac Pro or anything in between no need to buy all those additional programs or applications like on a PC. If you are like most people who own an iPhone, you most likely go out of your way in order to ensure that every aspect of your iPhone is protected.Ð’Â Due to the cost that comes with obtaining an iPhone, most owners care for these electronic devices very strongly.Ð’Â However, no matter how careful you may be with your iPhone there may come a time wherein you will need to seek out and obtain Apple repair Miami services to upgrade or repair basic damage that may occur to your iPhone.Ð’Â The most common repair that people seek out is for the iPhone screen. Ð’Â The good news is that you can easily obtain a cracked iPhone screen fix Miami service that can quickly and effectively repair your cracked screen in limited time so that you can get back to using your iPhone again.Ð’Â Just be sure that when you are seeking out a cracked iPhone screen fix Miami service that they are well respected, affordable, and have the proper training needed in order to properly and effectively repair your cracked screen with little effort. The worse thing you can do when it comes to obtaining a cracked iPhone screen fix Miami service, is choosing the first repair service that you find in the phonebook.Ð’Â Not all Apple repair Miami services are built the same.Ð’Â Just because a company offers cracked iPhone screen fix Miami repair services doesn't mean that they have the training or skills necessary in order to carry out this task without incident. In fact, if the Apple repair Miami service that you select does not have this proper training they could end up causing additional damage to your already damaged iPhone. There are a few things that you can do in order to ensure that you are only taking advantage of the very best Apple repair Miami services.Ð’Â If you are seeking out a cracked iPhone screen fix Miami service you should first consider seeking out consumer reviews.Ð’Â Consumer reviews are considered to be more honest and informative than general company information that you may find on an Apple repair services website.Ð’Â With the use of consumer reviews you can learn about the dealings and experiences that other users have had with various companies.Ð’Â This can provide you with important information that you can then use to obtain the very best Apple repair services ever. In 2008, Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland launched an entirely new active cosmetic ingredient based on apple stem cells. In line with their motto ‘inspired by nature; realized by science', Mibelle Biochemistry has created a basis to combine nature & science to obtain new Phyto-ingredients that were previously unavailable. At this time, the apple species 'Uttwiler SpГ¤tlauber' was grown in many areas as this apple was particularly suitable for storage. This was due to its high content of tannins and its long-lasting cells. Today, however, this species of apple is almost extinct. It has been replaced by more modern, optically more attractive apple species that also taste much better. Storability is no longer an issue, because nowadays fruits can be imported in the winter. Mibelle Biochemistry has established a plant cell culture from one of the few Uttwiler SpГ¤tlauber apples from one of the few trees that still exist. Thus the valuable ingredients of this species of apple - that in principle only exists on postage stamps - are now again available to the cosmetics industry in the required quantity. There are epidermal stem cells in human skin. These are effectively the ‘mother cells' of all cells in the epidermis and are thus responsible for the formation of new cells and for the regeneration of damaged cells. As the skin is a tissue that constantly regenerates itself, the skin stem cells (epidermal stem cells) are considered to be the most important skin cells. PhytoCellTecв„ў Malus Domestica offers entirely new opportunities in cosmetics. By using plant stem cells to protect skin stem cells skin chronological and environmental induced skin aging can be delayed. PhytoCellTecв„ў Malus Domestica maintains the power of regeneration for a young and vital looking skin. In a recent edition of US Vogue it was revealed that even Michelle Obama is a fan of this ingredient. Apple said earlier this week that it will hold an event on March 2 in San Francisco, with all signs pointing to an iPad 2 unveiling. This lit up the blogosphere with predictions about what might be in the iPad 2, whether or not Steve Jobs will be presenting, and, of course, what might be the "one more thing" Apple is famous for at these events. Consensus has the iPad 2 sporting at least a front-facing camera, more memory, and a thinner and lighter body. There is a good chance of a rear-facing camera, more storage, a more powerful graphics processor, better speakers, Replacement batteries and iPhone 4-like sensing capabilities such as gyroscope. If Apple can keep the iPad 2 price on par with the original iPad (starting at $499) or even lower, this would take the wind out of the sales of the Motorola Xoom being launched today. The Xoom tablet and iPad rival costs $800 (or $600 with a two-year, $20-a-month Verizon data plan). It doesn't take much imagination to envision a smirking Jobs teeing up the iPad 2's unbeatable price tag on the heels of Xoom's launch. Predictions are risky business in the world of Apple, but a tidbit from Apple's annual shareholder meeting this week offers a clue (or at least a possibility). Apple said its massive $1 billion North Carolina datacenter, wrought with delays since late last year when it was supposed to open, is expected to open this spring. The data center will support iTunes and MobileMe services. Apple's "one more thing" might be that the long-awaited iTunes in the cloud is coming. If so, you'll be able to store libraries and backups in the cloud, stream music and video, save precious local storage space. More importantly, you're days of syncing to iTunes on the desktop would come to a happy end. Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is defined as the unique value you or your business offers to its audience or customers. It\'s why your customers, employers, constituents, patrons, members, etc. will want to do business with you. Here\'s a personal example of one thing that differentiates me from my competition: my interpersonal ability- my ability to connect with all kinds of people on a real level and get clear on the goal. Understanding your UVP is paramount to the level of impact that you can have in your endeavors. Typically, it\'s mainly corporations and entrepreneurs who are encouraged to have a solid UVP. Personally, I think it also applies to working professionals, consultants and others who are looking to \"sell\" anything. For example, even if you are requesting to be on the PTA board for your child\'s school or to organize the food drive for your organization or association, have your UVP honed and be ready to articulate it when asked why you\'re the one for the job. Whatever work role you may have at this point in your life, crafting your UVP statement can be very advantageous and potentially help land you that great opportunity! 3. Next to your measures in the second column you can rate your competitor(s) on the same competencies. You may or may not know of a specific competitor. In the case of trying to get that big contract or dream job, you may not know your specific competitor, but you can generalize based upon what you know about \"typical others\" going for the same gig. Take your best shot based upon the knowledge you have or do some research. 4. Circle the competencies that are unique from your competition. Even if you\'re a \"53 on something, but you\'re competitor is a \"3,\" that\'s a unique competency. Now step back and look at your unique competitive strengths. How are you different? How is this different from others vying for the same audience? Our lives seem to \"fly by\", as the saying goes. So, when you are unhappy with the progress you are making in your life or work it can weigh you down and affect how happy you are in general. I know what this feels like. I found myself going in each day to my corporate job with VERY LITTLE sense of meaning, purpose, appreciation and satisfaction. I felt \"stuck.\" I took action to change that, and now I am doing creating the life I want, pursuing what I am passionate about. Whether you want to make a change in your relationships, work, etc., you can step out and take action too. I can help you get crystal clear on your goals and partner with you to create change through my PROVEN 6-STEP PROCESS. You will quickly start moving forward and feel more happy and in charge of your life right away. The S1500M is my fourth ScanSnap. they simplylely keep higher and better so albeit you have got an older unit, provides it to a lover and purchase this one. The S1500M feeds higher, will a way higher job with completely different sized paper, has new paper guides and generally simply works higher than previous models. My workflow is straightforward. I feed documents into the unit scanning them in pdf format into my "unfiled scans" folder. When I've scanned a document I mark it as scanned, method it and shred it. I hate filing my documents unless necessary. From time to time is use spotlight to go looking for "scansnap manager" within the meta information. the chosen documents get dropped on the Finereader OCR converter where they're converted and dropped back to the folder. When I get a batch of docs, I launch Yep (just makes it easier for me) to appear at the docs and provides them higher names than the defaults from the snapscan. Then when i am feeling like filing, I file the digital pdf's into varied folders. I will notice something i need via spotlight; or if that may not hitting a keyword, I will perpetually verify the varied folders I've filed documents into so as to search out what i want. what is nice is after I would like a document, I will sometimes notice it in seconds. My accountant loves it. those who expect me to not have receipts or documentation should hate how quickly I will notice supporting documentation for no matter issue i am researching. I've found it's easier to simply scan everything that may not already on my laptop or already in pdf format. If I never would like the document once more, I've solely wasted a couple of seconds and that i never ought to believe "should I save this", or "where did I place that thing". modification a couple of settings and you'll be able to quickly scan recent photos into jpg format. a lot of faster than a flatbed scanner, and therefore the 600dpi quality is far higher than I expected. good for recent reminiscences and sharing recent photos with members of the family and friends. Whenever you hear the name of cell phone, there are a lot of different things that come up to your mind that are related to the recent technology and more than that, the advancements and techniques which are introduced within a cellular phone within a short span of time. You might not even know about a single bit of the procedures and phenomenon which were followed for the these innovations but now, cellular phones are capable of doing a lot more than you can expect from them to do. Latest introduction and innovation in the field of cellular technology is the introduction of window mobile. Window mobile is defined as a kind of mobile phones which are the latest introduction in the market and involve emailing and data transferring system that wasn’t a part of such devices before. Window mobile users can have the privilege of staying in touch with their family, friends and relatives via their cellular phone while they also enjoy all the other features of Microsoft windows at the same time as well. With the introduction of the latest window mobile projects with the course of time, you don’t have to worry about typing your emails while using a personal computer or even a notebook laptop. Thanks to latest window mobile projects, you have every option in your cell phone that would facilitate your different causes related to the windows. You can now chat using your window mobile because these are programmed in such a way that you can enjoy internet facility anytime and probably from anywhere you want; you have multiple and I should say infinite options you could consider. If you are wondering about the price range, you should know that these cell phones are available in proper and affordable costs so you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars buying just the cell phone. These phones perform enabled functions according to the user’s demands and needs. If you think you need organization and management, there is nothing positive except using windows mobile phones. Professional MySQL DB converter tool transfers all database attributes, constraints such as data types, rows, columns, primary key, unique key, foreign key, default and null values from any version Mysql database to MSSQL server DB. MySQL to MSSQL database migrator is an efficient, less cost and time consuming software which converts full mysql DB or selected table records into MSSQL database. Database synchronization application creates completely new database of MSSQL or merges table records with existing MSSQL DB tables with all DB attributes and properties. MySQL to MSSQL server DB translation application facilitates multibyte character support without braking database schema limitations of both MySQL and MSSQL. Migration tool for MySQL DB also maintains Unicode architecture and database integrity after converting DB into MSSQL. Mysql to mssql database conversion utility stores all migrated database at a secure place on your PC. MySQL DB transformation tool supports all version of mysql, msql and major versions of windows OS with complete install and uninstall support. Features: * MySQL to MSSQL converter software merges selected tables or translates complete DB with table attributes, constraints such as data type, rows and columns. * Mysql DB migration utility maintains Unicode structure, database integrity and support multibyte characters. * DB transformation application instantly stores all migrated DB at user defined location for future reference. * Migrator tool for MySQL to MSSQL is an easy and cost effective conversion program which provide GUI interface for windows OS such as 98, 2000, XP, NT, 2003 and Vista. * Mysql to MSSQL translator utility does not required any special training for technical or non technical users for software operations. Windows Phone 7 is Microsoft's latest attempt at making a mobile OS that somebody might actually want to use. And this time around, Microsoft seems to have been extremely successful. Windows Phone 7 is a sleek, sophisticated operating system with all the power that one would expect from any version of iOS. This is the takeaway from the hands-on with various Windows Phone 7 devices. The Media Player in Windows Phone 7 is extremely strong. Microsoft has chosen to integrate the Zune software into the phone, which is mature and full-featured, having been in the Microsoft Zune for years. Windows Phone users can even use the online Zune features, and therefore play any songs that they bought or rented for their regular Zune on their phone. Microsoft Office is probably the best reason to use this phone. It is Microsoft's flagship software and something that is not available for any other phone or mobile operating system. Every program that is in the standard Microsoft Office will be included, and with the excellent on-screen keyboard, it could make a road warrior much more productive. So far there are no third-party applications, which is the feature that many base their phone decision on. However, Microsoft has been paying Apple developers to develop for their platform, so it is likely that at launch there will be many more applications available. While not as many applications as for other platforms, there is nothing to worry about here. This is perhaps the worst part of the phone. Microsoft is using Internet Explorer as the integrated browser, which has never been very well-represented in mobile. It is extremely ugly and lacks for many basic features. One can only hope that there will be good third-party browsers available. Adobe Flash is not supported. HTC Phones are the which works on both Android OS and Windows Phone7 as well there is a long list of these mobile phones. Those phones which works on the Windows Phone7 one are HTC Mozart, HTC HD7, HTC 7 Trophy, HTC7 Surround and all of them are with the GPS and Wi-fi . The phones which are mentioned right now are with the Camera from 5 mega pixel to 8 mega pixel which is quite commendable. The phones which runs on the Android OS and here and includes HTC Dream, HTC Magic, HTC Hero, HTC Bravo, HTC Legend, HTC Desire Z, HTC Gratia and many more . All of them are with the superb features like the Camera , the Internal memory, the processor, the wide display etc. There are some coming soon HTC Phones also like the HTC Flyer, HTC HD3, HTC Ozone, HTC Touch Viva among which some are announced while some are in the rumored status. The mobile phone deals which are there with these phones are contract deal, pay as you go deal, SIM free deal and the Sim Only deal as well. Lets discuss these in brief starting with the pay monthly deal or the Contract deal in which the user can pay the mobile phone bills at the end of the month and after availing this deal by singing the Contract with any of the service provider you cannot only pay the bills at last but can also have th free gifts also like the free laptops, free TV , free Nintendo Wii, free Xbox games, free mobile phone accessories, free Vacuum Cleaner, free Play Station of the latest version etc and along with this you can also have the incentives like the free text, free monthly minutes, free Internet allowances, free mobile phones etc. You can have the pay g deal as well with these phones in which you can make any of the credits very easily and can talk a lot. Orange has been one of the most popular telecommunication brands in the world. With its wide and extensive network coverage and a number of other services like mobile telephony and broadband services, Orange has always stood to the expectations. Giving an edge to its innovative evolutions, it started manufacturing mobile phones. These Orange mobile phones have succeeded well in winning appreciations from the users world wide. The developers Orange mobiles seem to have understood the needs of the professionals and business men well, as almost all the gadgets produced have very high-end functionalities. Most of the Orange mobile phones are based on Windows platform namely SPV M3100, SPV M700, SPV M600, SPV C550 Music and SPV M2000. All of these phones have their own specialties. The SPV M3100 is an elegantly designed handset which runs on Microsoft Windows 5.0. Its connectivity features like HSPDA, EDGE, GPRS and CDS make sure that one does not lag behind the world. It has a 240 x 320 pixels colour transflective TFT screen and there's a slide out keypad for the input of texts. This gadget is embedded with two cameras and a built-in media player to suit the multimedia needs. The SPV M600 is one of the Orange mobile phones which is embellished with almost all the features of today. This gizmo comes in a 2.8 inches touchscreen TFT display. It has a pocket Internet Explorer embedded with the connectivity supports like EDGE, GPRS and WiFi which can connect the users with the other parts of the globe at a very fast speed. The data transfer can be possible through all the popular means like Bluetooth, Infrared and a miniUSB. This is indeed a nice phone with its all the supporting functions. The other model from this house of production is SPV M5000. It's an another example of excellence. This again is a Windows mobile which is competent enough to sync well with desktop versions like Microsoft Windows 98, 98ME, 2000 and XP. The syncing functionality makes it even more useful for the office and home users. The documents viewer which can view the files of Word, Excel, Powerpoint and pdf adds value to the needs of professionals It is not so that the Orange mobile phones are meant only for the professionals, rather they cater to the needs of most of the individuals. These phones provide an ultimate messaging experience. The media player creates a truly different ambiance with its soothing sound. Some of these phones have preinstalled messengers which make chatting possible. Hence, a wide array of features has made the Orange mobiles successful in winning the users' appreciations. The apple diet is a question I get asked by weight loss clients every once in a while when they first join my program.Ð’Â What is it?Ð’Â Does it work?Ð’Â Is it safe?Ð’Â All valid questions for those looking to lose weight quickly.Ð’Â Asian women get their skinny bodies by using natural fruits like apples, but in a different way than you might expect.Ð’Â Let's take a look at how apples can either help, or hurt, your chances of burning fat quickly! The problem with this method is that we as human beings are not able to get 100% of the vitamins and nutrients we require from just a single food source.Ð’Â We evolved over time by eating thousands of different types of food, and taking the best parts of each one of them as we digest what we've eaten. By eating an apple prior to dinner,Ð’Â you get a tremendous boost of fiber and healthy calories.Ð’Â This has two effects in that it makes you feel more satisfied and less hungry when you sit down to eat the main meal, so you eat less, and you also will eat more slowly because you're not so crazy from hunger. You eat less, and you eat slower, both of which allow your body to better absorb the calories you're consuming without exceeding your metabolism's ability to burn those calories for energy.Ð’Â Just that simple action, one apple before dinner, can cause you to eat between 200-400 fewer calories at dinner...which in a month means you saved between 6,000 and 12,000 calories that you otherwise would have eaten! Not just losing your phone, but there can be other incidences like hardware failure, upgrade your device. How much of that data would you be able to get back? It's important to know that your files and contacts are all secure and in a place that you can easily reach out to whenever you wish to or need to. Your files on BackupandShare are stored securely at a central location so that you can access and work with them from any computer and NOW even from a Windows Mobile phone, from anywhere in the world. Full Backup – Backup all your important device data – contacts, sms, applications, settings and much more! After you backup your data, it can be accessed using the available BackupandShare web and desktop applications. Using the BackupandShare web based mobile version, these files can be accessed on any other mobile device as well! The BackupandShare Windows Mobile application is an easy to use, portable application that can be instantly downloaded and installed on your Windows mobile based pocket devices. You can now backup your documents/pictures/music/contacts on BackupandShare.com’s secured servers, and restore them safely, assuring access to your mobile data anytime, anywhere! This backup solution works seamlessly with the versions 5.0, 6.0 and 6.1. No fees, no expiration and no more hassles for safeguarding your irreplaceable files! This tool is available to you for free! You need to grab a free account with BackupandShare.com for this please visitÐ’Â http://www.backupandshare.com/signup-free.jsp. Download BackupandShare Windows Mobile solution on to your mobile from here http://backupandshare.com/mobileversion/BaSWMSetup.CAB. Install the CAB on your mobile and you can get going.. Bluetooth headphones and accessories are one of the fastest growing trends in electronic technology today. Those little gadgets that fit snugly to the ear are fast becoming the hot piece of electronic equipment to own if you want to compete. This hands-free opportunity to communicate with other headphones, PDAs, laptops, and now, iPod technology makes it one of the fastest growing consumer purchases. Bluetooth headphones come in a variety of model and price ranges. For a moderate $40 dollars, you can purchase basic Bluetooth headphones with a standby time of up to 120 hours. This model is able to also receive calls while not attached to your ear, and has voice dial and regular dialing options. For a little more, consumers can try the BlueTake GT400 G3 Bluetooth headphones. This one incorporates a sleek style in a nice shade of blue that offers an attractive alternative to other headsets. This one also offers a full line of accessories. Fans of Bluetooth headphones might also want to check out the VR-3 wireless cell phone speakerphone designed for a Bluetooth headphones set. For less than $50, this handy gadget can be used in your car. Another, larger speakerphone is also available for less than $75. Moderately priced between $50 and $100 dollars, consumers may also opt to purchase Scosche wireless Bluetooth headphones, still less than $100. These Bluetooth headphones are a little more stylish than other models and come with a docking base system that can plug into your cigarette lighter. When you dock the Bluetooth headphones into the docking system, they immediately go to speakerphone mode. Moving on up the Bluetooth headphones models and price ranges, any fan of Bluetooth headphones may want to take a look at the I-Phono Plus Bluetooth headphones and Transmitter kit. This model enables wireless music listening capabilities. For less than $200, users are able to control play lists and listen to either music or incoming telephone calls with the easy flick of a switch. The kit does contain the Bluetooth headphones and a Bluetooth transmitter that will work with any stereo or audio equipment. Another choice for Bluetooth headphones, and one that still ranges below the $200 mark, is the Scosche Bluetooth headphones. These nifty gadgets have a flip down microphone and come with a full range of options and accessories as well. Besides being the hottest selling item on many consumer electronic favorites listings, Bluetooth headphones and accessories will continue to ride the popularity wave. Newer models boasting additional options and capabilities continue to hit the market every few months. As prices come down, more and more people will be able to afford and enjoy such convenient technology. Be advised however, that bugs are still being worked out on several Bluetooth models, so make sure to do your research before you buy. Check out forums and feedback on various websites selling Bluetooth technology to learn more about particular models of Bluetooth headphones to make sure you purchase the one that best suits your wants and needs. An important feature in Chinese architecture is its emphasis on articulation and bilateral symmetry, which signifies balance. Bilateral symmetry and the articulation of buildings are found everywhere in Chinese architecture, from palace complexes to humble farmhouses. When possible, plans for renovation and extension of a house will often try to maintain this symmetry provided that there is enough capital to do so. Secondary elements are positioned either side of main structures as two wings to maintain overall bilateral symmetry. Contemporary Western architectural practices typically involve surrounding a building by an open yard on the property. This contrasts with much of traditional Chinese architecture, which involves constructing buildings or building complexes that take up an entire property but encloses open spaces within itself. These enclosed spaces come in two forms: the open courtyard () and the "sky well" (). Although large open courtyards are less commonly found in southern Chinese architecture, the concept of a "open space" surrounded by buildings, which is seen in northern courtyard complexes, can be seen in the southern building structure known as the "sky well". This structure is essentially a relatively enclosed courtyard formed from the intersections of closely spaced buildings and offer small opening to the sky through the roof space from the floor up. These enclosures serve in temperature regulation and in venting the building complexes. Northern courtyards are typically open and facing the south to allow the maximum exposure of the building windows and walls to the sun while keeping the cold northern winds out. Southern sky wells are relatively small and serves to collect rain water from the roof tops while restricting the amount of sunlight that enters the building. Sky wells also serve as vents for rising hot air, which draws cool air from the lowers stories of the house and allows for exchange of cool air with the outside. A stone-carved pillar-gate, or que (), 6 m (20 ft) in total height, located at the tomb of Gao Yi in Ya'an, Sichuan province, Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD); notice the stone-carved decorations of roof tile eaves, despite the fact that Han Dynasty stone que (part of the walled structures around tomb entrances) lacked wooden or ceramic components (but often imitated wooden buildings with ceramic roof tiles). The projected hierarchy and importance and uses of buildings in traditional Chinese architecture are based on the strict placement of buildings in a property/complex. Buildings with doors facing the front of the property are considered more important than those facing the sides. Building facing away from the front of the property are the least important. As well, building in the rear and more private parts of the property are held in higher esteem and reserve for elder members of the family or ancestral plaques than buildings near the front, which are typically for servants and hired help. Front facing buildings in the back of properties are used particularly for rooms of celebratory rites and for the placement of ancestral halls and plaques. In multiple courtyard complexes, Central courtyard and their buildings are considered more important than peripheral ones, the latter which are typically used as storage or servant's rooms or kitchens. Classical Chinese buildings, especially those of the wealthy are built with an emphasis on breadth and less on height, with close heavy platform and a large roof that floats over this base, with the vertical walls not well emphasized. This contrasts Western architecture, which tends to grow in height and depth. Chinese architecture stresses the visual impact of the width of the buildings. The halls and palaces in the Forbidden City, for example, have rather low ceilings when compared to equivalent stately buildings in the West, but their external appearances suggest the all-embracing nature of imperial China. These ideas have found their way into modern Western architecture, for example through the work of Jrn Utzon. This of course does not apply to pagodas, which are and limited to religious building complexes. The use of certain colors, numbers and the cardinal directions in traditional Chinese architecture reflected the belief in a type of immanence, where the nature of a thing could be wholly contained in its own form. Although the Western tradition gradually developed a body of architectural literature, little was written on the subject in China, and the earliest text, the Kaogongji, was never disputed. However, ideas about cosmic harmony and the order of the city were usually interpreted at their most basic level, so a reproduction of the "ideal" city never existed. Beijing as reconstructed throughout the 15th and 16th century remains one of the best examples of traditional Chinese town planning. Usof large structural timbers for primary support of the roof of a building. Wooden timber, usually large trimmed logs, are used as load-bearing columns and lateral beams for framing buildings and supporting the roofs. These structural timbers are prominently displayed in finished structures. However, it is not known how the ancient builders raised the huge wooden load bearing columns into position. Sweeping: Roofs with a sweeping curvature that rises at the corners of the roof. The types of roof construction are usually reserved for temples and palaces although it may also be found in the homes of the wealthy. In the former cases, the ridges of the roof are usually highly decorated with ceramic figurines. The roof apex of a large hall is usually topped with a ridge of tiles for both decorative purposes but also to weight down the layers of roofing tiles for stability. These ridges are often well decorated, especially for religious or palatial structures. In some regions of China, the ridges are sometimes extended or incorporated from the walls of the building to form matouqiang (horse-head walls), which serve as a fire deterrent from drifting embers. Unlike other building construction materials, old wooden structures often do not survive because they are more vulnerable to weathering and fires and are naturally subjected to rotting over time. Although now nonexistent wooden residential towers, watchtowers, and pagodas predated it by centuries, the Songyue Pagoda built in 523 is the oldest extant pagoda in China; its use of brick instead of wood had much to do with its endurance throughout the centuries. From the Tang Dynasty (618907) onwards, brick and stone architecture gradually became more common and replaced wooden edifices. The earliest of this transition can be seen in building projects such as the Zhaozhou Bridge completed in 605 or the Xumi Pagoda built in 636, yet stone and brick architecture is known to have been used in subterranean tomb architecture of earlier dynasties. As for the commoners, be they bureaucrats, merchants or farmers, their houses tended to follow a set pattern: the center of the building would be a shrine for the deities and the ancestors, which would also be used during festivities. On its two sides were bedrooms for the elders; the two wings of the building (known as "guardian dragons" by the Chinese) were for the junior members of the family, as well as the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen, although sometimes the living room could be very close to the center. Sometimes the extended families became so large that one or even two extra pairs of "wings" had to be built. This resulted in a U-shaped building, with a courtyard suitable for farm work; merchants and bureaucrats, however, preferred to close off the front with an imposing front gate. All buildings were legally regulated, and the law held that the number of storeys, the length of the building and the colours used depended on the owner's class. Some commoners living in areas plagued by bandits built communal fortresses called Tulou for protection. There were certain architectural features that were reserved solely for buildings built for the Emperor of China. One example is the use of yellow roof tiles; yellow having been the Imperial color, yellow roof tiles still adorn most of the buildings within the Forbidden City. The Temple of Heaven, however, uses blue roof tiles to symbolize the sky. The roofs are almost invariably supported by brackets ("dougong"), a feature shared only with the largest of religious buildings. The wooden columns of the buildings, as well as the surface of the walls, tend to be red in color. Black is also a famous color often used in pagodas. They believe the gods are inspired by the black color to descend on to the earth. Only the buildings used by the imperial family were allowed to have nine jian (, space between two columns); only the gates used by the Emperor could have five arches, with the centre one, of course, being reserved for the Emperor himself. The ancient Chinese favored the color red. The buildings faced south because the north had a cold wind. Beijing became the capital of China after the Mongol invasion of the 13th century, completing the easterly migration of the Chinese capital begun since the Jin dynasty, the Ming uprising in 1368 reasserted Chinese authority and fixed Beijing as the seat of imperial power for the next five centuries. The Emperor and the Empress lived in palaces on the central axis of the Forbidden City, the Crown Prince at the eastern side, and the concubines at the back (therefore the numerous imperial concubines were often referred to as "The Back Palace Three Thousand"). However, during the mid-Qing Dynasty, the Emperor's residence was moved to the western side of the complex. It is misleading to speak of an axis in the Western sense of a visual perspective ordering facades, rather the Chinese axis is a line of privilege, usually built upon, regulating access - there are no vistas, but a series of gates and pavilions. Numerology heavily influenced Imperial Architecture, hence the use of nine in much of construction (nine being the greatest single digit number) and reason why The Forbidden City in Beijing is said to have 9,999.9 rooms - just short of the mythical 10,000 rooms in heaven. The importance of the East (the direction of the rising sun) in orienting and siting Imperial buildings is a form of solar worship found in many ancient cultures, where the notion of Ruler is affiliated with the Sun. The tombs and mausoleums of imperial family members, such as the 8th century Tang Dynasty tombs at the Qianling Mausoleum, can also be counted as part of the imperial tradition in architecture. These above-ground earthen mounds and pyramids had subterranean shaft-and-vault structures that were lined with brick walls since at least the Warring States (481221 BCE). Generally speaking, Buddhist architecture follow the imperial style. A large Buddhist monastery normally has a front hall, housing the statue of a Bodhisattva, followed by a great hall, housing the statues of the Buddhas. Accommodations for the monks and the nuns are located at the two sides. Some of the greatest examples of this come from the 18th century temples of the Puning Temple and the Putuo Zongcheng Temple. Buddhist monasteries sometimes also have pagodas, which may house the relics of the Gautama Buddha; older pagodas tend to be four-sided, while later pagodas usually have eight-sides. Daoist architecture, on the other hand, usually follow the commoners' style. The main entrance is, however, usually at the side, out of superstition about demons which might try to enter the premise. (See feng shui.) In contrast to the Buddhists, in a Daoist temple the main deity is located at the main hall at the front, the lesser deities at the back hall and at the sides. The tallest pre-modern building in China was built for both religious and martial purposes. The Liaodi Pagoda of 1055 AD stands at a height of 84Ð’Â m (275Ð’Â ft), and although it served as the crowning pagoda of the Kaiyuan monastery in old Dingzhou, Hebei, it was also used as a military watchtower for Song Dynasty soldiers to observe potential Liao Dynasty enemy movements. Although mostly only ruins of brick and rammed earth walls and towers from ancient China (i.e. before the 6th century AD) have survived, information on ancient Chinese architecture (especially wooden architecture) can be discerned from more or less realistic clay models of buildings created by the ancient Chinese as funerary items. This is similar to the paper joss houses burned in some modern Chinese funerals. The following models were made during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE 220 CE): Staying connected has become indispensable nowadays when your near and dear ones are away from you. But with the help of innovative technology, you can talk to them anytime you want. And now, most amazingly, you can see them too when talking with the cutting edge technology of VoIP. Skype is the name that resounds if we talk about communicating with distant people free of charge. Yes, all you need to do is to buy a skype headset that can be fixed to your computer through which you can talk. Why Skype Skype is one of those remarkable brands that allow people to make calls over the internet. This is extremely useful for people whose loved ones reside abroad. And the outstanding service of Skype help them to communicate free of cost. The basic technique is that the service allows Skype users to call other Skype users, be it in any part of the country or globe. You just need to download its software from its web site which is free of charge. The best part is that Skype service itself is completely free and you only need to visit them at zero cost. The Allpervasive Brand When entering into the world of internet, you find Skype as the most cost effective and user friendly software & service. Wherever you are and whatever you do, their headsets are everywhere available for you. You can also opt for the Bluetooth headset with Skype services enabling you to go hands-free without any entangled wires. The brand has received such acclamation that when you go for the Bluetooth headset with Skype, you are pretty much convinced that you are buying the right product. You can combine your Bluetooth Skype headset with PC adapter to get maximum experience from their services. Apparently, a Skype wireless headset can be considered as one of the most opted for and enormously sold product in the market. The brand has strived for giving the best and convenient services that has made them so popular. It has revolutionized the communication method in a simple and cheap way. And their endeavour to bring out the best at lowest prices has been a boon for the tech geeks. Their effective headsets are sold worldwide and have proved their efficacy by delivering perfect sound quality and ease of talking with your loved ones. Talk free and comfortably Run your Skype software through internet and hear the voice which you have been yearning to hear. The amazing concept is that you can talk and see the person using this software. Their headsets are out and out ideal devices which stand out from the rest of the bunch of hardware accessories. Most people are thoroughly satisfied with Skype as it has brought them the convenience to talk and listen freely. With its adjustable microphones, you can easily adjust while talking. Get this powerful device to have uninterrupted conversations with your loved ones abroad! Windows mobile 6.1, WIFI, GPS, MP3, MP4, Handsfree, SMS group sending, Voice recorder, WAP, Handwritten input, Bluetooth, GPRS download, MMS, Opera, Youtobe, E-book, Coming call firewall, E-dictionary, online stock, incoming call show, IP dialing, to do list, alarm clock, editing ringtone, calculator, stopwatch, world time, memo, schedule, remit converter... Used to describe the symptoms of physical and emotional over-strain, the term of burnout syndrome refers especially to the consequences of professional overload. If in the past it was the harsh working conditions that overworked a person (overcrowded, ill-ventilated and poorly-lit rooms; very low or very high temperatures; rude tools and equipment, etc., nowadays it is too heavy an amount of activities and responsibilities, prolonged working hours, less time of rest, relaxation and recreation; less time spent with family and friends, professional demands exceeding the employee's training, very high standards of productivity and efficiency, etc., that does it. One other aspect that must be taken into consideration is the personal perception of the situations that we deal with on daily basis. A stress factor may be positive or negative. It is our mind that gives these factors an emotional charge, matching information from the environment with former experiences and with our present emotional state. Therefore, tasks and events in our professional or private life may bear a positive charge for some people or a negative one for others. It is believed from a medical point of view that, if prolonged, a state of professional over-strain will trigger a number of specific reactions in the body. They damage the organic, metabolic, immune and cardiovascular activity. Consequently, a good ground is created for the onset of a number of more serious diseases. In the traditional medicine, treatment of burnout syndrome is centered upon relaxation and tension release of the central nervous system; reconstruction of the hypo oxygenated or poorly vascularised cerebral areas; relieving the osteoarticular and muscular system of stress; dealing with the tisular and the organic disorders; balancing metabolism and immunity; improving concentration and memory; restoring the physical and emotional balance. Acupuncture procedures and medicinal herb extracts tonify the thesaurus organs and the cerebral areas, regulating their activity: lungs, to improve cell oxygenation; kidneys, to revitalize the body; liver and spleen-pancreas, to purify and to detoxify the body, but also to manage a better absorption of the food nutrients. The physician-patient dialogue is centered upon the professional and personal reevaluation; reorganization of the emotional and affective life and upon stress relieving. Consequently, the intellectual and emotional resources will be reactivated and the patient will get reintegrated into his professional and familial environment. Stress and physical and/or intellectual stress; anxiety and nervousness; discontentment caused by career accumulate a nervous tension with bad consequences upon the cardiovascular system, especially upon artery tension. Hypertension is betrayed by profuse perspiration, palpitation, tachycardia, headaches, fatigue, vertigoes, insomnia, tinnitus, pressure in the temples and on the nape, blurred vision, numbness in the arms, etc. Should artery tension show high values over a long period of time, and tension fits are also recorded, there is risk of myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, retina hemorrhages, or of other, more complex, diseases (myocardial infarction). Digestive disorders occur mainly because, in the absence of regular meal hours, foods are quickly ingested; people eat foods with low nutritional value or fast foods. Excess of coffee, instant coffee, and fizzy juices upset the gastric balance. As symptoms, the following can be mentioned: bloating, nausea, burning esophagus, pains of the xiphoid process, soft stools or constipation, slow digestive transit. Digestive discomfort upsets emotional processes. Therefore concentration and memory are diminished and so are body's resistance and endurance. Immunity is affected, too, taking into account that a balanced intestinal flora helps maintain a strong immunity. Unless the alimentary habits are corrected, there is threat of more serious diseases, such as: gastro duodenal ulcer, gastritis, hepatic and pancreatic (pancreatitis) diseases, biliary dyskinesia, biliary calculus, obesity, etc. Intestinal transit, hepatic and pancreatic functions are restored with the help of a diet with detoxifying and revitalizing effects; also by stimulating the energy centers that regulate the recovery of the intestinal flora; also by administering medicinal herb products with detoxifying, antispastic and cicatrizing action; protective of the digestive tube; antiseptic and anti-fungal action; regulatory of the intestinal transit; hepatic stimulatory and protective; with cholagogic action (it helps evacuating bile into duodenum). Scoliosis, kyphosis, inflammation of the vertebral discs, of ligaments, and paravertebral muscles are pathologic manifestations caused by a bad body posture, which is maintained for a long time during work. Spinal column disorders must be treated without delay, especially because of the negative impact they have upon the entire body. There are many nerve centers in the spinal column. Therefore, any vertebral displacement will affect their activity and, consequently, the activity of the innervated organs. Work at computer for more than eight hours a day, without a break at every hour; reading of official documents without a pause and working rooms without natural light or poorly lit strain eye muscles. The accumulated eye tension will travel to the optic nerves' ramifications, posing the threat of irreversible lesions. Vision grows poor because of overstrain, and an extra effort is required to fulfill professional duties. Eye tension will be restored, too, within physiological limits with the help of certain medicinal herb extracts, which restore local metabolism, tonify and fortify eye muscles, but also by acupuncture procedures with similar action. All these therapies will recover the elasticity of the eye muscles and they will restore the circuit of ocular humors. 1.Ð’Â Ð’Â Ð’Â Audio quality – Crystal clear sound quality and volume control is a must, as it is useful during weak connectivity. Look for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Technology, which lets headset speakers to automatically boost the listening volume level and balance the background noise. You can try many outstanding brands, such as the Aliph Jawbone Bluetooth headset, an excellent noise-canceling headset. 2.Ð’Â Ð’Â Ð’Â Comfort – Ease of use is another primary element you should take into consideration. If the headset has an ear clip, double check if it fits perfectly around your ear. If it has a boom, most likely, it has size selections to make it more comfy to wear. The “in the ear” Bluetooth is the least suitable option, however, its crisp sound quality and precision still make it a good choice if the positioning is not a concern. 8.Ð’Â Ð’Â Ð’Â Compatibility – The headset should use at least Bluetooth 1.1 technology. 1.2 version is quickly catching up and becoming more widely-used, as it helps lessen radio frequency interruption through a frequency hopping selection, improving security. 2.0 version has been also launched on other devices, which has faster transmission and lower battery consumption. 10.Ð’Â Ð’Â Ð’Â Look and style – Appearance may sound unimportant, but it’s actually a major factor to most. There are two main styles available for Bluetooth headsets: Boom or No Boom. Boom is a mouthpiece accessory that looks like something a telephone operator would normally use. While it’s quite heavy and bulky, it offers enhanced clarity. No Boom can either be “in the ear” headphones (less snug to wear but more secure), or headphones that are worn around the ear using a foldable clip. Bluetooth technology is constantly developing as time goes by. Likewise, Bluetooth accessories are becoming more and more modern. So make sure to choose a wireless headset that is compatible with a wide array of Bluetooth versions and devices to allow greater usage and worthy of any future improvement. It's rather apt, when you think about it, that Sony Ericsson should be the ones leading the way in the revolution in camera-equipped mobile phones. After all, it was them who began it all, long ago, in 2002. Let's not forget that they were the first phone-maker to unleash a mobile phone that had a camera built in, within the British marketplace. That mobile was the Sony Ericsson P800, but it didn't get the mass market penetration Sony Ericsson wanted, as it was an amazingly (compared to other mobile phones at the time) top-end smartphone. But, their most iconic mobile in history was about to be unveiled, and that one DID get great market penetration. That was the Sony Ericsson T610, and it entirely altered the mobile landscape. Here you had a phone that stood proudly over the rival mobile phones around it. It was compact, it was slim, and the country went MENTAL for it. Plus, let's not forget that the Sony Ericsson T610 had also got a built-in camera, and that it was actually the first mobile to go to the mass market, and make them think, 'Wait a sec, we really do want our mobile phones to have cameras in 'em!' There's no denying power, and one thing is for certain: the Sony Ericsson C905 has loads and loads more raw power than all other mobile phones you can get in the UK. Why is it so special? Simple, this is the first camera phone to be unleashed upon the UK that's got an 8 megapixel camera. Yes, you read that right. 8. That's a disturbingly huge pixel count, and it means that with the Sony Ericsson C905, you have the ability to take the absolute most incredible pictures you've ever experienced, from any camera-equipped mobile phone, ever. Oh, and of course, don't forget that Sony Ericsson have packed it full of Cyber-Shot technology, and that's going to make the pictures it produces even more sumptuous. Combine that with a stunning multimedia player, WiFi, HSDPA and built-in GPS, and you have to come to the conclusion that the Sony Ericsson C905 is, basically, the number one! I've done a few articles on the Sony Ericsson X1, so I'm not going to get too bogged down in the features here. I could do, and I COULD go on about the 3 megapixel camera, or the GPS, or the media player, or the brand new interface, or the fact that the X1 is the first Sony Ericsson mobile phone to use Windows Mobile. But I won't. Instead, I'm going to focus on what features make it the king of internet-enabled mobile phones. It has to be said, that most of the reasons for it being so good online come from it being based on Windows Mobile, so you get things like MSN Messenger, Internet Explorer and Outlook, built into the Sony Ericsson X1. Combine that with the blisteringly quick HSDPA internet access, and the absolutely marvellous QWERTY keyboard, and you get one heck of an internet device. Between the camera-tastic Sony Ericsson C905 and the high-end X1, I'd say they really do have the chops to dominate the world of mobile phones, this Christmas. Apple iPad fully supports both iPad-Exchange Server 2003 and iPad-Exchange 2007 synchronization, which allows businesses to access their corporate Microsoft Exchange server for email, contacts and calendar. The enriched email experience provided by Apple also allows email to be seen in landscape view, so the entire email can be seen, or in portrait, for easy email browsing. The Apple iPad email feature can be turned into a touch-screen keyboard for new email creation or replies, contains a spell check / correction, automatically inserts punctuation and offers word suggestions. Though a computer, the Apple iPad is not a laptop. For example, the viewing screen is also the keyboard and mouse, integrated into the screen through multi-touch capabilities. Thanks to applications built into Apple iPad and available through the Apple App Store, many people use the Apple iPad for relaxation purposes, such as book reading. However, due to the built-in and extension applications, it is also uniquely suited for business purposes. Apple iPad is based on the Apple Mac OS, and integrates many of the features of the full-blown system. With the Safari browser, it can be turned into a powerful on-the-go research tool. Information retrieval is quite easy, with full access to the Internet and all its resources through Wi-Fi. For areas where Wi-Fi is not available, AT&T offers no-contract, month-to-month 3G and 3GS service for continuous connectivity. Bagaimana Cara Memilih Laptop yang Baik dan Bagus - For a worker might need some tools that can assist in his work. And to choose good equipment that was easy easy difficult, because in addition we must know the specifications and requirements and usability of the tools that will help us buy in our work. many workers and students may already know with NoteBook or Laptop. Although the price is "cheap", buying a laptop is not the same as buying candy that you can get by spending money in the amount of hundreds to thousands. Cheap laptops remain in the range of millions. Therefore, to avoid losses that might be obtained after buying a laptop, you should find the various references or tips on buying a laptop. A wise buyer always pays attention to important information about the product will be bought, including laptops. Moreover, buying a laptop including activities that require you to spend enough. Well, here is some important information or tips on buying a laptop that will keep you from all harm. Cara Memilih Laptop yang Baik dan Bagus To purchase a laptop, you should adjust your laptop to be purchased as needed. If you intend to buy a laptop to support the activity or hobby of writing, it's not too expensive laptop that was enough to help. Choose a standard laptop with specs "daleman" or hardware that is not too high. That way, you can trim the budget that had been prepared. Tiny laptop with a design course was created to assist all forms of activity that you live. There are two laptop screen sizes to choose from and most appropriate to the activity. Small screen or big screen. Small screen sizes ranging from 7 inches to 10 inches, while the big screens ranging in size from 12 inches to 17 inches. If you feel that your activity will be helped with small screen sizes, make a small sail laptops as an option. Similarly, on the contrary. The presence of a laptop with a design and size of the mini, you no longer have to stare at the house in front of a PC while working on something related to your activities. What is meant by public services here is the availability of outlets or the warranty and service center of the products we buy. It's useless if you do not have a good brand of warranty and repair outlets. You will be harmed if, after buying it turns out there is damage or other issues that hamper the performance of the laptop. The cost of improvements to the product you just bought, if not accompanied by warranty, will be borne by you. Moreover, if corrected in public outlets. Usually, the price will be different to those applied in the authorized service center. More expensive. Also, make sure you buy a laptop also been bundled with a number of original software. Typically, the seller will give a bonus to the laptop directly install an operating system on your laptop. An Apple iPad DVD Video Converter Pack giveaway was announced today by MacXDVD Software (www.macxdvd.com). All Mac users can free download and register MacX iPad DVD Video Converter Pack (regular price is $59.95) without any payment from March 3 to March 10. For flawlessly matching up with iPad and new released iPad 2, this iPad DVD converter pack features ripping and converting any DVD and videos to iPad, iPad 2, MP4, MOV, YouTube FLV etc on Mac OS. As the new tablet, the release of iPad 2 has been a hot rumor-mill topic for weeks now. Rumors surfaced recently suggesting that Apple has delayed its iPad 2 for a release date in June, a couple of months later than the initial April expected release date. Fortunately it is finally online now since March 2, 2011. The Revolutionary iPad 2 release tends to change the digital life of the world. For better enjoy the digital entertainment, MacX iPad DVD Video Converter Pack is specially designed for iPad users and has been to updated to fully compatible with new iPad 2, which helps all iPad and iPad 2 fans to get maximum enjoyment in digital life. "MacXDVD software is always dedicated to the development of new software which can cater for the market needed. MacX iPad DVD Video Converter Pack is one of our flagship products for Apple iPad users. Because of the new release of iPad generation 2, we decided to giveaway our iPad DVD video converter pack as free gift for them to enjoy their DVDs and videos on iPad even the new iPad 2 without any hassle.", said from MacXDVD Software CEO Jack. Combined with MacX iPad DVD Ripper and MacX iPad Video Converter, MacX iPad DVD Video Converter Pack owns the functions of ripping both homemade and commercial DVDs as well as converting HD& SD video such as AVCHD, MKV, M2TS, MTS, MOD, TOD, AVI, MP4, WMV, MOV, FLV, 3GP, ASF, WebM, etc to iPad MP4, FLV, H.264, MPEG4, MOV etc with lossless image quality and high conversion speed. On top of that, this iPad DVD video pack software has been updated to fully compatible with new iPad 2. MacX iPad DVD Video Converter Pack is priced at $59.95, during the giveaway period, it is available to download for free. For all readers can completely download the iPad Pack software for your iPad or iPad 2. There is no functional limitation for giveaway version, but free upgrade and technical support service will not be provided for giveaway edition. MacXDVD Software is a division of Digiarty Software Company, owns a professional multimedia software development team, providing a range of products for Macintosh Computer users, including MacX Video Converter, MacX DVD Ripper, DVD Author, DVD backup tools, etc, series of apps for Apple video player, and iPhone, iPad 2D and 3D video games. More information, please visit http://www.macxdvd.com. For editor or blogger who would like to request a free press kit with register key and full version of any MacXDVD products, please feel free to contact the public relationship representative Sarah at [email protected] I recently was asked by a friend to take a look at his computer because he was getting frustrated by how slow it had become. My first question to him was, "What version of Windows are you running?" and he replied, "Windows XP". Not being surprised, I told him that I would be happy to fix his PC. If you find yourself having this same problem and wondering what makes Windows XP slow, you're most certainly not alone. As with all software developed these days, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. I have yet to come across anything that I could honestly say is perfect, although there are some applications out there that get really really close to it. Having said that, Windows XP is by far, less than perfect. If you're interested in the reasons what makes Windows XP slow, I'll give you a short explanation, otherwise you can just scroll down and follow my list of things to speed up your PC. To be quite blunt, it's everyday use of your computer. Unfortunately, Windows XP was released with a whole bunch of problems, and that's why they keep issuing Service Packs. Basically, they try and make it work a little better than before, but it doesn't always work out that way. If I had to put it down to one thing that makes Windows XP slow, it would have to be the Windows Registry. This small component of the Operating System (that's computer speak for the Software that controls your computer and is exactly what Windows XP is), causes the most problems amongst the average computer user. After a while, the Windows Registry begins to fill up with a number of entries that are not always valid. The best way to think about it is to consider the Registry to be like the phone book for your computer. It stores all the programs and settings for your computer (the equivalent to a person's name in the phone book) and what the computer should do when it has a request from you, the user (the equivalent to the phone number). As you can imagine, this can get rather large over a long period of time and it's the reason why your computer is slower now than when you first purchased it. Add to that a number of entries that are no longer valid (phone numbers that are disconnected) and you have what we experience a really slow Windows XP computer. Change your Virtual Memory Pagefile Size: Right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties'. At the bottom of the screen, take a note of how much RAM you have. Then click on the 'Advanced' tab at the top and click on 'Settings' under the Performance section. You'll then need to click on the 'Advanced' tab and click on 'Change' under the Virtual Memory section. Here is where you'll need to select the 'Custom' radio button and enter in both the 'Initial Size' & 'Maximum Size' boxes with the number that you get when you do this quick calculation. The amount of RAM that you noted above multiplied by 2. E.g. If you have 2,024MB (equal to 2GB) of RAM, then you would enter 4,048 into both boxes. Then click OK- Disable Automatic Network Search: For this, you'll need to open 'My Computer', select 'Tools' from the menu at the top of the Window and click on 'Folder Options'. Select the 'View' tab and un-tick the box next to the line that says 'Automatically search for network folders and printers' Run Disk Defragmenter: This can be found in the start menu's AccessoriesNow that you have a better understanding of what makes Windows XP slow. You should be aware that these are great ways to help speed up your computer however, like I mentioned earlier, you'll need to fix the Windows Registry eventually. This is what will make the most significant improvement. For that, you're going to need some specialised software. For the uninitiated, Point and Figure charting is the only charting method that analyzes price without the noise of time. The noise amplification of time in other forms of charting – Candlesticks, Heikin Ashi and OHLC is visually disruptive as you toggle between daily, minute, weekly and monthly charts. Jeremy trained as an automotive engineer, then studied as an economist, but gave both up to become a Technical Analyst. He founded Indexia Research in 1983 and pioneered the firm’s development of PC-based Technical Analysis. In 2002, he led the merger of Indexia with Updata plc, where he is currently the Head of Technical Analysis and software design.Ð’Â While most of the clients of Updata are institutional clients, namely European and US commercial and investment banks, the Point & Figure methods he teaches in the book are universal and relevant for retail trading purposes.Ð’Â He is aÐ’Â Fellow of the Society of Technical Analysts (FSTA) in the UK, and a member of the American Market Technicians Association (MTA).Ð’Â The MTA awarded him the designation of Chartered Market Technician (CMT). The engineering precision coupled with the factual economic rationale forms the solid cornerstones of this almanac on P&F methods. With 456+ pages and over 300 charts in full color, the book is aptly sub-titled “A Comprehensive Guide to the Theory and Practical Use of the Point and Figure Charting Method.” Jeremy is the alternative and consummate “financial engineer”. He avoids heavy economic jargon and Fundamental Analysis is dismissed early on in the book, referred to as the “F” word. What he needs to say is effectively captured in the way he visually communicates through the charts. 2.Ð’Â Characteristics and Construction. This chapters deals with the logic for chart constructions using Xs and Os, Up and Down moves, Xs and Os called boxes, Box size, Reversal Size, Variable Sensitivity, Gaps, Price on Y-axis but no time on X-axis, Two-dimensional charts, No Volume, Demand and Supply and Naming Point and Figure charts. Chapter 2 covers the foundational attributes for building Point and Figure charts. What is covered here, that is glossed over in most P&F books, is the added emphasis on varying the sensitivity of charts by changing the box size and reversal size.Ð’Â Gaps are eliminated and do not feature in the charts at all.Ð’Â Volume is already embedded in the Reversal counts of the P&F chart, without having to graph volume separately.Ð’Â There is no need to fuss with reconciling price against volume-based studies.Ð’Â P&F chart construction excludes time altogether.Ð’Â Unlike time-based charts (e.g. Candlesticks/Heikin Ashi/OHLC, etc.), where a minute/day/week/month chart results in different views causing visual confusion. The sub-section on 1-box, 2-box, 3-box and 5-box reversal charts is what makes this chapter different. Most literature on the subject concentrates on 3-box sizing with token treatment of other box sizes.Ð’Â This where Jeremy’s depth of experience becomes evident.Ð’Â 34 pages are dedicated to the effects of raising price sensitivity (1-box reversal and 2-box reversal) for intra-day/day trading purposes versus lowering price sensitivity (5-box reversal) for trading multi-month positions or highly volatile products. A 3-box reversal chart is the default and is more relevant for trading positions held for weeks going a month. It is applicable to the majority of Indexes/ETFs. Practical reasons are given for changing the reversal count, which adjusts the weighting given to the prevailing column and the underlying’s statistical volatility. This affects the intensity of price continuing or discontinuing along its trend. 3.Ð’Â Understanding Point and Figure Charts. The topics covered include: Point and Figure Signals, The strength of the pattern, differences between 1-box and 3-box patterns, Traps, Broadening Patterns, Bullish and Bearish Patterns that reverse, Poles, Congestion Analysis, Signals with the trend or against the trend, Trend lines on Point and Figure charts. Ð’Â Clear illustrations are given on demand pushing price up a column of Xs, whereas supply pushes price down in a column of Os. Thorough examples are given of how patterns vary according to the reversal size used. There are binary rules to ignore or trade buy/sell signals that are part of a larger, more complex pattern and patterns that can trap the untrained eye into a trade that should have been avoided in the first place. 45В° degree Bullish Support and Bearish Resistance Trend Lines are used to remove subjectivity if a certain price level qualifies as Support or Resistance.Ð’Â Congestion Analysis looks at the width of patterns, where the area taken up by a pattern determines the strength of price advancing or declining that signals potential trade entries or exits. 4. Projecting Price Targets. P&F price targets are established on vertical and horizontal box counts. This section deals with Counts on 1-box reversal charts, Counts on 3-box reversal charts, Nearest counts must be achieved first, Clustering of counts, Negating a count, Opposing counts, Combining counts with trend lines, Unfulfilled counts, Improbable and impossible counts, a Good counter or Bad counter, Counts of log scale charts and Risk to Reward ratios. Estimating a price target with P&F charts is not subjective but a clearly computed forecast based on box counts. Each box is sized as an identical square without exception.Ð’Â As box sizes are uniform, the counts identify unambiguous targets. They target may not be 100% accurate every time but they are unambiguous. Establishing the vertical and horizontal count of Price Targets is necessary to determine the intensity of strength and weakness in price trends.Ð’Â There is a uniqueness in using 3-box reversal charts, which enables both vertical and horizontal counts to assess the viability of a price target. Whereas, a 1-box reversal chart is limited to horizontal counts only.Ð’Â The more counts that cluster around a particular price target, the stronger the target is. Ð’Â 5. Analysing Point and Figure Charts. This chapter integrates the foundational techniques covered in chapters 2, 3 and 4 with practical trading examples. The emphasis is on application and covers these topics: Reversal Size, Choosing the correct box size, Choosing the data series, Log scale charts, Analysis of 1-box, 2-box and 3-box reversal charts, Stops in Point and Figure analysis and Early entry points. Changing the box size affects the time horizon, not to be confused with time frame, as P&F charts exclude units of time (day/week/month/year).Ð’Â The smaller the box size, the shorter the time horizon, e.g. 1-box reversal charts suit intra-day trades versus 3-box reversal charts are geared for trades lasting 30-60 days.Ð’Â All trends lines are standardized to one standard of a 45В° degree line. This is not a rigid but consistent methodology and is possible as variability in time as discreet variable has been removed from the charts altogether.Ð’Â Trend lines are the most important element of any P&F chart and must be given first priority above buy/sell signals. The more complex a Bullish/Bearish pattern becomes the more significant it becomes.Ð’Â To validate trades to avoid, enter or and exit continually assess the price target, trend lines and vertical count of a column’s height and horizontal count of row’s width. 9. Advanced Point and Figure Techniques. This chapter is what sets this body of work apart from other P&F literature.Ð’Â It covers how to use moving averages on Point and Figure charts, the need to differentiate between moving averages on a 1-box reversal chart versus a 3-box reversal chart, using the Parabolic stop and reverse (SAR) Indicator on a P&F chart and the Overbought/Oversold analysis on P&F charts with Bollinger Bands. The moving averages are a straightforward confirmation to accept or reject a Point and Figure buy or sell signal.Ð’Â The Parabolic SAR pinpoints trends to qualify a P&F buy/sell signal as one to avoid or take for trade entry. With Bollinger Bands, there is a further refinement of the methodology on Squeeze points – statistical volatility contraction/expansion is considered significant where the column length between bands is equal to or less than the previous squeeze. In conclusion, Jeremy du Plessis revives a revered ancient craft of pure price analysis to transform demand/supply analytics into relevant trading practices for current market conditions.Ð’Â It is the depth of his insights that gives you the foresight to thoroughly understand why charting price using only P&F methods is conclusive, without the need for other forms of charting. ThisÐ’Â USB Flash Drive is compact and easy-to-use devices that are similar in use to your computer hard drive. USB flash drives slip into your pocket, conveniently around your neck or on a keychain for ultimate portable storage. USB flash drives finally fulfill the real promise of the digital age: complete freedom and mobility. Our products are all pluggable, portable, and powerful! The apple is a native of Caucasus Mountain and has been cultivated from Pre-history times. It is now grown in all parts of the world. Apple is a fleshy fruit of the tree of the species Malus domestica and it is in the rose family Rosaceae. The apple is a pomaceous fruit, prized for its high yields and long storage life. The tree is believed to have originated from Asia, and now more than 7,500 varieties of the fruits are grown all over the world. The apple tree usually grows to about 5-12 m in height. They are available in a number of sizes, shapes, colours, etc. Apples are very helpful in the maintenance of good health and in the treatment of many diseases. Apples are indicative of good health as shown below: They are a source of mineral called boron, which helps promote strong bone growth. Apples are useful in dry hacking cough. Apple juice is useful in kidney stone trouble. Apples aid in the lowering of blood cholesterol level, with the help of Pectin present in them. Good for asthma, heart disease, and cancers such as lung, breast, colon, and liver Apples are very useful in acute and chronic dysentery among children. To maintain urinary tract health. For the treatment of constipation apples are very helpful. Granny Smith apples are freckled green. They have a mild flavor with a good balance of sweetness and tartness, moderately juicy flesh. Available all year round. McIntosh apples were developed by a farmer named John McIntosh. It has a bright red skin sometimes tinged with green, and a medium-crisp, tart-sweet. Available September to June. As the name suggests, these are not your standard plain, black headphones. In a wide range of colours and designs, Skullcandy really are a fashion statement. Aimed at the extreme sports market, skateboarding, skiing, surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, bmx, moto cross, basketball and motor rally, they really have the designs to suit the market they aim at. Skullcandy recently announced the Snoop Dogg Skull Crusher, the only headphones with their own sub woofer. Their recent announcement of partnership with NBA will have basketball fans going wild. Available in December the headphones will carry the names and team logos of six of the NBA’s hottest players with plans to launch more in the coming months. Apple cider vinegar has been used by women since centuries, for getting a soft, clear and beautiful skin. It promotes circulation in the small blood capillaries that irrigate the skin. It is antiseptic and combats yeasts, viruses and bacteria that can cause infection. Apple cider vinegar also dissolves fatty deposits on the skin's surface and reduces scaly conditions; thus, promoting a softer, smoother appearance. It serves as a good topical treatment in most cases of acne. This is because it helps in dissolving the oil and sebum that clogs pores. The vinegar has been used in various toners and masks to clear acne and get a smooth appearance. Read on further to know some apple cider vinegar facial recipes. How To Make Facials With Apple Cider Vinegar Boil 1 cup of water. Remove from heat and add 1 heaped tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves. Cover and steep for 20 minutes. Strain out the leaves and add 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Stir well and pour into a bottle. You can add a drop or two of lavender or tea tree essential oil. Use this as a toner, after cleansing your face. Store in the refrigerator for best results. Boil 1 cup of distilled water. Remove from heat and add 1 tablespoon each of chamomile flowers and green tea. Cover and infuse for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and add 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera and rose water and 3 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix well and pour into a bottle. Store in the refrigerator. Soak a cotton swab and gently cleanse your face with the same. Dilute Ð’Ð… ounce of apple cider vinegar in 4 ounces of mineral water. Crush 5 plain uncoated aspirin tablets and add them to the mixture. Apply this toner to the areas with acne, rough skin or enlarged pores. Store in the refrigerator. Mix 4 ounces of distilled water, 2 ounces of rose hydrosol and 2 ounces of strong green tea. Add 1 teaspoon each of vegetable glycerin and apple cider vinegar and stir well. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 5 drops of geranium essential oil. Mix the mixture well and pour into a bottle. Using a cotton pad, wipe your face with this mixture and follow with a good moisturizer. Keep refrigerated. Pat apple cider vinegar on your face before going to bed. This will reduce blemishes and make your skin softer, smoother and more youthful. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of ground oats and Ð’Ð… teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Use this cleanser once a week, to remove the excess oil. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply this on your face, using a cotton swab, concentrating on the problem areas. Let it dry and then rinse off with warm water. Mix some honey, wheal flour and apple cider vinegar to form a paste. Use the paste to lightly cover the areas with pimples. Keep the paste on overnight and rinse off in the morning. CafГ© Seating Columns are basically ashtrays that stand up and stand-alone. Mostly they are made of metal and allow outdoor smoking without leaving cigarette butts on the ground. This keeps the cigarette trash out and keeps the area clean and free of debris. There are many different types of CafГ© Seating Columns, and it depends on what color, size and costs that you want in a CafГ© Seating Column. Most outdoor venues have some type of outdoor ashtray for smokers. The one that is most popular is the CafГ© Seating Column. This is a type that fits on a table and it requires little maintenance. You can’t even tell that the CafГ© Seating Column is an active ashtray. It looks like part of a tabletop. This is also vandal proof, which saves on repair bills and replacing the column. There are different costs depending on who you get your cafГ© seating column from and where. You can order this from anywhere and have it installed or install it yourself. This keeps a clean place for people to smoke and it gives them a place to dispose their used cigarettes. This really is an innovation for a smoker. The cafГ© seating column is very popular with restaurants and other outside businesses who have smoking patrons. This is a way of keeping both smokers and non smokers both happy. This is also in accordance with laws and regulations regarding smoking areas. This has to be taken into consideration as well as comfort of your patrons. Most cities have quite a lot of regulations regarding outdoor smoking and smoking areas in general, and the rules are getting stricter. To keep in accordance with local laws, let me suggest that a cafГ© seating column will be your best bet if you have any type of outdoor cafГ© or outdoor business that have smokers as patrons. This will help you keep in line with the laws of your particular city, state, or county. The beauty of this column is the fact that it basically looks like an umbrella so that it does not look like an ashtray. On 27 February 1917 Sir Alfred Mond, an MP and First Commissioner of Works, wrote to the Prime Minister David Lloyd George to propose the establishment of a National War Museum. This proposal was accepted by the War Cabinet on 5 March 1917 and the decision announced in The Times on 26 March. A committee was established, chaired by Mond, to oversee the collection of material to be exhibited in the new museum. This National War Museum Committee set about collecting material to illustrate Britain's war effort by dividing into subcommittees examining such subjects as the Army, the Navy, the production of munitions, and women's war work. There was an early appreciation of the need for exhibits to reflect personal experience in order to prevent the collections becoming dead relics. Sir Martin Conway, the Museum's first Director General, said that exhibits must "be vitalised by contributions expressive of the action, the experiences, the valour and the endurance of individuals". The museum's first curator and secretary was Charles ffoulkes, who had previously been curator of the Tower of London armouries. In July 1917 Mond made a visit to the Western Front in order to study how best to organise the museum's growing collection. While in France he met French government ministers, and Field Marshal Haig, who reportedly took great interest in his work. In December 1917 the name was changed to the Imperial War Museum after a resolution from the India and Dominions Committee of the museum. The museum was opened by the King at the Crystal Palace on 9 June 1920. During the opening ceremony, Sir Alfred Mond addressed the King on the behalf of committee, saying that 'it was hoped to make the museum so complete that every one who took part in the war, however obscurely, would find therein an example or illustration of the sacrifice he or she made' and that the museum 'was not a monument of military glory, but a record of toil and sacrifice' . Shortly afterwards the Imperial War Museum Act 1920 was passed and established a Board of Trustees to oversee the governance of the museum. To reflect the museum's Imperial remit the board included appointees of the governments of India, South Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. While the Act was being debated, some Parliamentarians felt that that museum would perpetuate an undesirable war spirit and Commander Joseph Kenworthy MP said that he would 'refuse to vote a penny of public money to commemorate such suicidal madness of civilisation as that which was shown in the late War' . By November 1921 the museum had received 2,290,719 visitors. In 1924 the museum moved to the Imperial Institute building (demolished in the 1950s and 1960s to make way for Imperial College) in South Kensington. While this location was more central and in a prestigious area for museums, the accommodation itself proved cramped and inadequate and in 1936 a new permanent location was found south of the River Thames in Southwark. The building, designed by James Lewis was the former Bethlem Royal Hospital which had been vacated following the hospital's relocation to Beckenham in Kent. The site was owned by Lord Rothermere, who had originally intended to demolish the building entirely in order to provide a public park in what was a severely overcrowded area of London. Eventually the central portion of the hospital building was retained while its two extensive wings were removed and the resulting space named Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, after Lord Rothermere's mother. Sir Martin Conway described the building as '...a fine building, really quite noble building, with a great portico, a distinguishing dome, and two great wings added to it for the accommodation of lunatics no longer required. This particular building can be made to contain our collection admirably, and we shall preserve from destruction quite a fine building which otherwise will disappear' . The 'distinguishing dome' was added by Sydney Smirke in 1846 and housed the hospital's chapel, and is now the museum's reading room. The museum was reopened by the Duke of York (later King George VI) in its new accommodation on 7 July 1936. With the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, the museum began to collect material documenting the conflict. The museum initially remained open but was closed for the duration of the war in September 1940 with the onset of the Blitz. On 31 January 1941 the museum was struck by a Luftwaffe bomb which fell on the naval gallery. A number of ship models were damaged by the blast and a Short Seaplane, which had flown at the Battle of Jutland, was destroyed. While closed to the public the museum's building was used for a variety of purposes connected to the war effort, such as a repair garage for government motor vehicles, a centre for Air Raid Precautions civil defence lectures and a fire fighting training school. In October 1945 the museum mounted a temporary exhibition, the first since the end of the war in August, which showcased technologies developed by the Petroleum Warfare Department. These included the submarine fuel pipeline PLUTO, the fog dispersal method FIDO, and flame weapons such as the Churchill Crocodile and Wasp Universal Carrier. However, due to bomb damage to both the building and exhibits, the museum was obliged to reopen its galleries piecemeal. The museum reopened a portion of its galleries in November 1946. A third of the galleries were opened in 1948 and a further wing opened in 1949. In 1953, with Commonwealth forces engaged in Korea and Malaya the museum began its current policy of collecting material from all modern conflicts in which British or Commonwealth forces were involved. However, despite this expansion of remit, the early postwar period was a period of decline for the museum. Dr Noble Frankland, the museum's Director from 1960 to 1982, described the museum's galleries in 1955 as appearing 'dingy and neglected' and in a 'dismal state of decay' the museum's 'numerous stunning exhibits' notwithstanding. In 1966 the Museum's Southwark building was extended to provide collections storage and other facilities, the first major expansion since the Museum had moved to the site. The development also included a purpose-built cinema. Two years later in 1968 a pair of 15-inch naval guns were installed in front of the Museum. Both had previously been mounted in Royal Navy warships (one from HMS Ramillies and the other mounted on HMS Resolution and later HMS Roberts) and had been fired in action during the Second World War. Later that year on 13 October the Museum was attacked by an arsonist, Timothy John Daly, who claimed he was acting in protest against the exhibition of militarism to children. He caused damage valued at approximately 200,000, not counting the loss of irreplaceable books and documents. On his conviction in 1969 he was sentenced to four years in prison. By 1983 the museum was again looking to redevelop the Southwark site and approached engineering firm Arup to plan a phased programme of works that would expand the building's exhibition space, provide appropriate environmental controls to protect collections, and improve facilities for visitors. The first phase of these works, started in 1986, created 8,000m2 of gallery space of which 4,6002 was new, and saw the conversion of what was previously the hospital's courtyard into a centrepiece Large Exhibits Gallery. This gallery featured a strengthened ground floor (to support the weight of very heavy exhibits), a first floor mezzanine and second storey viewing balcony. Into this space were placed tanks, artillery pieces, vehicles, ordnance and aircraft from the First World War to the Falklands War, and for some years the museum was marketed as 'The new Imperial War Museum'. This atrium, with its concentration of military hardware, has been described as 'the biggest boys' bedroom in London'. This first phase cost 16.7 million (of which 12 million was provided by the government) and was opened by the Queen on 29 June 1989. Panorama of the atrium. Ground floor exhibits include: 'Devil' a Mark V tank; 'Ole Bill' an LGOC B-type bus, V-2 and Polaris missiles, and (sand-coloured, extreme right) a Grant tank used by Bernard Montgomery. Suspended aircraft include a Sopwith Camel, Heinkel He 162 and (partially obscured) a Supermarine Spitfire which flew in the Battle of Britain. A second stage of redevelopment, providing a further 1,600m2 of floor space was completed in 1994 and a third stage in 2000. The latter expansion, the Southwest Infill, was partly funded by a 12.6 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and provided 5,860m2 of gallery space and educational facilities over six floors The development included the installation of the museum's Holocaust Exhibition which was opened by the Queen on 6 June 2000. This was the first permanent exhibition dedicated to the Holocaust in a UK museum, and had taken five years at a cost of 5 million. This period also saw the use of the surrounding park for purposes of commemoration or the promotion of peace. In 1999 a Soviet War Memorial was unveiled by the then Secretary of State for Defence George Robertson, and the Russian ambassador Yuri Fokine. The date of the unveiling (9 May) was significant as that day is marked as Victory Day in Russia. Also in May 1999 the Dalai Lama opened a Tibetan Peace Garden, commissioned by the Tibet Foundation, in the park. The garden features a bronze cast of the Kalachakra Mandala, contemporary western sculpture, and a pillar inscribed with a message from the Dalai Lama in English, Tibetan, Hindi and Chinese. In August 2009 the museum announced the creation of the Imperial War Museum Foundation. Chaired by Jonathan Harmsworth, the great-grandson of the 1st Viscount who had secured the museum's Bethlem building, the foundation is charged with raising funds to support the refurbishment of the museum's permanent galleries. At the time of the announcement, the museum was planning for the refurbishment of its First World War gallery by 2014, the centenary of the outbreak of the war, and for the refurbishment of its Second World War and Post-1945 galleries by 2020, the museum's own centenary. From the 1970s onwards the museum began to expand onto other sites. The first of these sites, a former RAF and United States Army Air Force airfield at Duxford in Cambridgeshire, was opened to the public on a regular basis in June 1976. HMS Belfast, a light cruiser moored in the Pool of London, has been under the care of the museum since 1978. The Duxford branch of the Imperial War Museum houses its large exhibits, including the aircraft and military and naval vehicles collection. The museum has seven main exhibition buildings with nearly 200 military and civil aircraft. A historic airfield, used for military flying since 1916; the last operational flight at Duxford was made in July 1961. The museum originally only used one of the site's hangars as temporary storage for part of its aircraft collection; however, following a series of popular air displays from 1973 onwards, the museum acquired the entire site for its use in February 1976. The aircraft collection includes types such as a British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 and the only SR-71 Blackbird on display outside the United States of America. The military vehicle collection includes command caravans used by Field Marshal Montgomery. The naval collection includes an example of an X-craft midget submarine and the Vosper motor torpedo boat MTB-71. The site provides accommodation for a number of regimental museums (including those of the Parachute Regiment, named Airborne Assault, and the Royal Anglian Regiment), and also provides additional collections storage. The site remains an active airfield and hosts regular air displays. Care of the light cruiser HMS Belfast, which had served throughout the Second World War, was transferred to the museum on 1 March 1978 after Shirley Williams, the then Secretary of State for Education and Science, accepted that the ship was "a unique demonstration of an important phase of our history and technology". She had been preserved for the nation since 1971 in the Pool of London under the care of a private charitable trust, the HMS Belfast Trust; the first such preservation of a naval ship since HMSÐ’Â Victory. The museum, along with the National Maritime Museum and the Ministry of Defence, had been involved in an earlier plan, which took place in the late 1960s, to preserve the ship, which the government on that occasion had declined in 1971. HMS Belfast was a notable vessel. Launched in March 1938 she served throughout the Second World War, participating in the Battle of North Cape and firing some of the first shots of Operation Overlord. She later served in the Korean War. The ship left Singapore on 26 March 1962 for the UK where she made a final visit to Belfast and after an exercise in the Mediterranean was paid off on 24 August 1963. In service for 24 years HMS Belfast was, in the view of historian Noble Frankland, capable of representing "a whole generation of [historical evidence]". In 1984 the Cabinet War Rooms were opened to the public as a branch of the museum. The War Rooms are an underground complex that had been used as a command centre by the British government throughout the Second World War. Located beneath the Treasury building in the Whitehall area of Westminster, the facilities were constructed before the war in anticipation of extremely destructive aerial bombing of London. They became operational in 1939 and were in constant operation for the duration of the war. The complex was abandoned in August 1945 after the surrender of Japan. The historical value of the Rooms was recognised early on, and the public were able to visit the War Rooms by appointment. However, the practicalities of allowing public access to a site beneath a working government office meant that only 4,500 of 30-40,000 annual applicants to visit the War Rooms could be admitted. During the 1970s the Cabinet Office and the Department for the Environment, which was responsible for the Rooms after 1975, raised the possibility of the museum taking over the War Rooms. The museum was reluctant due to its new commitments related to Duxford and HMS Belfast, but agreed in 1982. The scheme was keenly supported by the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, an admirer of Britain's wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and she opened the War Rooms in April 1984. Following a major expansion in 2003 a suite of rooms, used as accommodation by Churchill, his wife and close associates, were added to the museum. The restoration of these rooms, which since the war had been stripped out and used for storage, cost 7.5 million. In 2005 the War Rooms were rebranded as the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms, with 850m2 of the site redeveloped as a biographical museum exploring Churchill's life. The museum, the development of which cost a further 6 milion raised from private fundraising, makes extensive use of audiovisual technology. The centrepiece is a 15m interactive table which enables visitors to access digitised material, particularly from the Churchill Archives Centre, via an 'electronic filing cabinet'. The Imperial War Museum North was opened in Trafford, Greater Manchester in 2002, the first branch of the museum outside of southeast England. The museum's first floor main gallery space houses the permanent exhibitions. These consist of a chronological display which runs around the gallery's 200m perimeter and six thematic displays in 'silos' within the space. The walls of the gallery space are used as screens for the projection of an hourly audiovisual presentation, the Big Picture. Though exhibiting fewer large objects than other museum branches, Imperial War Museum North features in its main gallery a Russian T-34 tank, a United States Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jet, and a British 18-pounder field gun which fired the British Army's first shot of the First World War. The museum also hosts a programme of temporary exhibitions, mounted in a separate gallery. The project to construct a branch of the museum in the north of England, was launched in January 1999 by the then Culture Secretary Chris Smith. The new building was the first of the branches to be purpose-built as a museum. Designed by architect Daniel Libeskind, it was his first building in Britain. Libeskind building, overlooking the Manchester Ship Canal at Salford Quays, was based on the concept of a globe shattered by conflict into shards and reassembled. These shards, representing earth, air and water, give the building its shape. Originally budgeted at 40 million, the museum was eventually completed for 28.5 million after anticipated funding was not forthcoming. The museum was funded by local, national and European development agencies, by private donations and by Peel Holdings, a local transport and property company which contributed 12.5 million. The Imperial War Museum has had three homes. Originally housed in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham Hill, in 1920, the museum moved to space in the Imperial Institute in South Kensington during 1924, and finally in 1936 the museum acquired a permanent home in the former Bethlem Royal Hospital in Southwark. The hospital building was designed by the hospital surveyor, James Lewis, from plans submitted by John Gandy and other architects, and construction completed in October 1814. The hospital consisted of a range of buildings 580 feet long with a basement and three storeys, parallel to Lambeth Road, with a central entrance under a portico. The building was substantially altered in 1835 by architect Sydney Smirke. In order to provide more space, he added blocks at either end of the frontage, and galleried wings on either side of the central portion. He also added a small single-storey lodge, still in existence, at the Lambeth Road gate. Later, between 1844-46, the central cupola was replaced with a copper-clad dome in order to expand the chapel beneath. The building also featured a theatre in a building to the rear of the site. The building remained substantially unchanged until vacated by the hospital in 1930. After the freehold was purchased by Lord Rothermere, the wings were demolished to leave the original central portion (with the dome now appearing disproportionately tall) and Smirke's later wings. When the museum moved into the building in 1936 the ground floor of the central portion was occupied by the principal art gallery, with the east wing housing the Naval gallery and the west wing the Army gallery. The Air Force gallery was housed in the former theatre. The first floor comprised further art galleries (including rooms dedicated to William Orpen and John Lavery), a gallery on women's war work, and exhibits relating to transport and signals. The first floor also housed the museum's photograph collection. The second floor housed the museum's library in its west wing, and in the east wing the map collection and stored pictures and drawings. This division of exhibits by service, and by civil or military activity, persisted until a wide-ranging redisplay of the galleries from the 1960s onwards. The original hospital building is now largely occupied by corporate offices. A 1966 extension? houses the library, art store, and document archives.Redevelopments in the 1980s created exhibition space over five floors, along with the acquisition of the All Saints Annexe, a former hospital building in Austral Street off West Square. The 1867 building, which backs onto Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, was originally an orphanage opened by local philanthropist Charlotte Sharman, then later used as a hospital. It houses the museum's photographic, film and sound archives, and offices. The Imperial War Museum's original collections date back to the material amassed by the National War Museum Committee. The present departmental organisation came into being during the 1960s as part of Frankland's reorganisation of the museum. The 1970s saw oral history gain increasing prominence and in 1972 the museum created the Department of Sound Records (now the Sound Archive) to record interviews with individuals who had experienced the First World War. Since the opening of the Holocaust and Crimes against Humanity exhibitions, a collecting department has been established to support them. The museum maintains an online database of its collections named Collections Online. Material from the collections are displayed at each of the museum's branches, and on five levels at the Lambeth Road site. The basement is occupied by permanent galleries on the First and Second World Wars, and of conflicts since 1945. The ground floor comprises the atrium, cinema, temporary exhibition spaces, the permanent Children's War exhibition (extending into the basement), and visitor facilities. The first floor provides the atrium mezzanine, education facilities, and a permanent gallery, Secret War, exploring special forces, espionage and covert operations. The second floor features the atrium viewing balcony, two art galleries, a temporary exhibition area and the permanent Crimes against Humanity exhibition. The third floor houses the permanent Holocaust Exhibition, and the fourth floor provides a further exhibition area in the vaulted roof space. From November 2010 this area will accommodate the Lord Ashcroft Gallery, exhibiting the museum's own collection of Victoria and George Crosses, and the private collection of Victoria Crosses amassed by Michael Ashcroft. The Department of Documents holds private papers such as letters and diaries from both individual soldiers and civilians to high-ranking officers such as Field Marshals Bernard Montgomery, Sir John French and Henry Maitland Wilson. Also of note are manuscripts by war poets Isaac Rosenberg and Siegfried Sassoon. The Department holds the official British records of the Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals and a variety of other official records. The Department also houses the UK National Inventory of War Memorials. The Art department holds much of the work of official war artists from both world wars, and contemporary art from after 1945. As early as 1920 the art collection held over 3,000 works and included pieces by John Singer Sargent, Wyndham Lewis, John Nash and Christopher Nevinson. The collection expanded again after the Second World War, holding around 70% of the 6,000 works produced by the Ministry of Information's War Artists Advisory Committee. The collection also includes a large number of propaganda posters from many countries and periods.[a] In 1972 the museum's Artistic Records Committee was established to commission artists to cover contemporary conflicts. The Film and Video Archive is one of the oldest film archives in Britain and preserves a range of historically significant film and video material. The collection includes the official British film record of the First World War and the 1916 feature film The Battle of the Somme, which is inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World register. The collection also includes the official British film record of the Second World War, amateur film and film of other conflicts since 1945. Material from the collection was used to make a number of well-known TV documentary series including The Great War and The World at War. The Photograph Archive preserves the official British photographic record of both World Wars and conflicts since 1945. It currently holds more than 6,000,000 images and the Second World War collection includes the work of photographers such as Bill Brandt, Cecil Beaton and Bert Hardy. Both the Film and Photograph Archives are official repositories for material produced by the Ministry of Defence and so include material from contemporary operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Department of Exhibits and Firearms is responsible for the care of the Museum's collection of three-dimensional objects. The cores of the collection are the firearms collection, collections of artillery, ordnance and vehicles, and medals and decorations such as the Victoria Cross and George Cross. Many of the department's larger exhibits are on display and can be seen in the photographs below. Other exhibits include artillery pieces whose crew won the Victoria Cross, a Lee Enfield rifle used by T. E. Lawrence, and a Colt 1911 automatic pistol owned by Winston Churchill. The Department of Printed Books is responsible for the Museum collection of printed materials including books, maps and ephemera. When the Museum was established the distinguished historian Sir Charles Oman was given responsibility for the library. In 1922 the library collection contained a reported 20,000 items and 60,000 items in 1953. Today the Museum gives the size of its library collection as 270,000 items. The Sound Archive, originally named the Department of Sound Records, administers a collection of over 56,000 hours of historical recordings and was opened to the public in July 1977. The core of this collection are oral history interviews with people who were affected by war in the 20th century. This collection has been used for a series of radio programmes and books, called Forgotten Voices, about war in the 20th century. The collection also includes historic broadcasts, and actuality sound effects recorded during conflicts. The Department of Holocaust and Genocide History supports the Holocaust and Crimes against Humanity exhibitions. The department seeks to acquire archival material and artefacts to illustrate its subject; notable acquisitions include the Gianfranco Moscati collection which documents the persecution of the Jews during the Second World War. The department also answers public and academic enquiries, advises other bodies working on related subjects, represents the museum at relevant events and supports the museums' educational activities. It also occasionally undertakes external consultancy, for instance assisting with the establishment of a memorial room at Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 1917 the museum has had six directors. The first was Sir Martin Conway, a noted art historian, mountaineer and explorer. He was knighted in 1895 for his efforts to map the Karakoram mountain range of the Himalayas, and was Slade Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Cambridge from 1901 to 1904. Conway held the post of Director until his death in 1937, when he was succeeded by Leslie Bradley. Bradley had served in the First World War in the Middlesex Regiment before being invalided out in 1917. He later became acquainted with Charles ffoulkes, who invited him to join the museum where he was initially engaged in assembling the museum's poster collection. Bradley retired in 1960 and was succeeded by Dr Noble Frankland. Frankland had served as a navigator in RAF Bomber Command, winning a Distinguished Flying Cross. While a Cabinet Office official historian he co-authored a controversial official history of the RAF strategic air campaign against Germany. Frankland retired in 1982 and was succeeded by Dr Alan Borg who had previously been at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. In 1995 Borg moved to the Victoria and Albert Museum and was succeeded by Sir Robert Crawford, who had originally been recruited by Frankland as a research assistant in 1968. Upon Crawford's retirement in 2008 he was succeeded by Diane Lees, previously Director of the V&A Museum of Childhood. She was noted in the media as the first woman appointed to lead a British national museum ^ "History Today - Guns and RosesÐ’Â : The Imperial War Museum has appointed its first female Director Diane Lees. Juliet Gardiner asks her about her vision for the museum, both in London and at its various outposts around the country.". http://www.historytoday.com/MainArticle.aspx?m=33216&amid=30275177. 2009-08-21.Ð’Â www.historytoday.com. Retrieved ^ Conway was addressing the House of Lords and his words recorded in Hansard. Quoted in Cooke & Jenkins, 'Discourses of Regeneration in Early Twentieth-Century Britain: From Bedlam to the Imperial War Museum', Area, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Dec., 2001), Blackwell Publishing for The Royal Geographical Society, pp. 387. Available via JSTOR at . Accessed 13 August 2009. a. ^Ð’Â The Visual Arts Data Service (VADS), hosted by the University for the Creative Arts, provides online access to a large number of images from the Imperial War Museum's collections. The images are copyright cleared and free for use in UK education and personal research. This includes over 7000 images from the museum's poster collection, digitised and catalogued as part of a project in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University, and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. See: Posters of Conflict, Concise Art Collectionand Spanish Civil War Poster Collection British LibraryÐ’Â British MuseumÐ’Â Imperial War Museum (Churchill Museum and Cabinet War RoomsÐ’Â HMS Belfast)Ð’Â National Army MuseumÐ’Â National GalleryÐ’Â National Maritime Museum (Queen's HouseÐ’Â Royal Observatory)Ð’Â Natural History MuseumÐ’Â National Portrait GalleryÐ’Â Science MuseumÐ’Â Tate (Tate BritainÐ’Â Tate Modern)Ð’Â Victoria and Albert Museum (Museum of Childhood) Courtauld GalleryÐ’Â Dulwich Picture GalleryÐ’Â Firepower The Royal Artillery MuseumÐ’Â Horniman Museum and GardensÐ’Â Hunterian MuseumÐ’Â Jewish MuseumÐ’Â Kensington Palace (Dress collection)Ð’Â Library and Museum of FreemasonryÐ’Â London Transport MuseumÐ’Â Museum of Domestic Design and ArchitectureÐ’Â Museum of London (Museum of London Docklands)Ð’Â Petrie MuseumÐ’Â Sir John Soane's Museum Advisory Committee on Historic Wreck SitesÐ’Â Advisory Committee on National Historic ShipsÐ’Â Advisory Committee on the Government Art CollectionÐ’Â Advisory Council on LibrariesÐ’Â English Marketing Advisory BoardÐ’Â Legal Deposit Advisory PanelÐ’Â Public Lending Right Advisory CommitteeÐ’Â Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural InterestÐ’Â Spoliation Advisory PanelÐ’Â Theatres TrustÐ’Â Treasure Valuation Committee Categories: Department for Culture, Media and Sport | Museums established in 1917 | Archives in England | Archives in London | Film archives | Photo archives | World War I museums | Military museums in London | Military museums in England | Museums sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport | Buildings and structures in Southwark | Defunct hospitals in England | Domes | Non-departmental public bodies of the United Kingdom government | Visitor attractions in London | Art museums and galleries in London | World War II museums Today, the Apple iPod is considered the market leader; it attracts all the attention from tech- savvy consumers across the globe. Infact, 2007 industry statistics show that the Apple iPod has sold more than 110 million units worldwide. This makes it the best-selling product in the history of digital audio players. Let us know why: Apple iPod is considered the best MP3 players till date and why not, its interface is simply great, and has only improved over time. It is the most user-friendly gizmo; you just have to love music and you can start playing the moment you lay your hands on an Apple iPod. Moreover, the iPod is typically the smallest and lightest music player available. And to top it all, Apple iPod has a large memory capability built into a compact concoction, and little headphones that fit right into your ears. If there is one thing Apple is known for, it is constant product releases. Each of their products has several different sub-types, and the Apple iPod is the prime example of this practice. Among the popular models of the Apple iPod are the iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle. These too have subtypes or what is popularly known as different generation. Infact, there are as many as 20 different avatars of the Apple iPod. The Apple iPod is not only good for music but also if you prefer it to watch movies and play games. The iPod indeed has superior memory that efficiently performs these functions. Of all the Apple iPods, the iPod Touch is the frontrunner. This amazing device can be summed up in two words: style and ease. The media player's touch screen controls, 'cover flow,' album art, EQ settings, play list management, and even screen transitions are simply beautiful. Apples are delicious fruits that are also very nutritious and it has been discovered that eating apples prevents various diseases from affecting the human body. It is for this reason that you should know how to grow apples. Growing of apples is a process that needs to be adhered down to the last detail. The first thing to do when thinking of growing your own apples is getting the seeds and this can be saved whenever you eat an apple in order to save of buying the seeds from a store. The seeds should be laid out for a few days in order for them to dry so that there is no moisture on the outside. After the drying process the seeds they should be covered with a damp paper towel and placed in the refrigerator for a month and you should check regularly to make sure the paper towel is still damp. After this the seeds should have sprouted and then you can proceed to put them in a small cup of potting soil where they should be watered daily. A small apple seedling should appear after a few days and this is when you should transplant it to a larger pot and maintain the daily watering. You can then proceed to pick a location for your tree and this should be somewhere that gets full sun and also convenient as well as big enough to grow. Note that a matured apple tree can go as high as 20 ft. after the little sapling has gotten big enough you should then transplant it and be sure not to cut off any roots. It is advisable to plant in spring and the planting hole should be dug much wider than the roots in order to allow them to grow easily. The tree is supposed to be watered so as to eliminate air pockets and then spread a mulch of hardwood chips a few inches thick and this is in a 3 ft circle around the tree. You are not supposed to add any nitrogen resources such as fertilizer when planting so you should wait a month or two. Nature should take care of the rest as after one year you can stop watering the tree unless you live in an extremely dry area. You can try and mesh fence the tree to avoid it being damaged and spray it with homebrew spray. Pruning is supposed to be done as little as possible in the first few years and this is so that the fruit bearing will not be delayed. It is not a must however that the tree will produce a fruit so you should be hopeful that it does. The growing of the fruit will take pruning, thinning as well as keeping insects and diseases at bay among other things. It is for this reason that you should also research on the pests and diseases that are in your area in order to know how to avoid them from affecting your apple tree. People in UK are demanding for various Htc phones. Handsets of HTC have gained lots of popularity from its very first handset. Most of its phones runs on Microsoft Windows Phone 7 operating system. Its almost handsets are touchscreen. One of its recent handset in touchscreen section is HTC HD7 Deals . All networks of Uk like vodafone, virgin, O2, orange, three mobile etc are offering the best HTC HD7 Deals with attractive schemes.This smart amazing handset of Htc has 4.3 inches LCD capacitive touchscreen and weighs 162 g. The screen resolution of 480 x 800 pixels gives clear view. It also allow you to store various data in its internal memory of 8GB and 16GB with 512 MB ROM and 576 MB RAM. It is also equipped with various smart internet connectivity such as GPRS, EDGE, WLAN, 3G. With these connectivities users can easily access Facebook and Twitter integration, YouTube client. It allows to have fast internet. It has inbuilt Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8250 1 GHz processor which supports both 2 G and 3 G networks. Its inbuilt high defined camera of 5 MP with resolution of 2592?1944 pixels offers crystal clear pictures. It supports various formats of audio and video like MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player and MP4/WMV/H.264/H.263 player. Its feature of Pocket Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, PDF viewer) which allows you to carry office in your pocket. Various HTC HD7 Deals are available in formats like contract deals, pay as you go deals, sim free deals. You can buy HTC HD7 Contract and avail various free gifts along with heavy discounts. You only need to sign a contract with the company for 18, 20 or 24 months. The best offer is also offered through O2, it offers the handset for ВЈ55.00 and you have to pay monthly cost of ВЈ15.00. The discounts which is offered are free monthly minutes, free text etc along with free gifts like TV, laptop, gaming consoles etc.you can buy the best HTC HD7 Deals through various mobile shopping portals. Monster Beats Turbine can be superstitious about their hats and glasses. This is another element to consider when shopping for Beats By Dr Dre. If your lucky hat is going to be worn every time you shoot. You may want to look into hearing protection Monster Beats Studio that offer a behind the neck style band. It may not seem like much but it can be uncomfortable to have your hat jammed under your headphones at the shooting range. If you wear glasses consider going with ear cups that will be a little bit more forgiving. From wired to wireless - this is now the trend that a lot of gadgets seem to follow. Everybody has their own opinion on what's more important. Whether it is style, or comfort or convenience, there is no one perfect set of Beats By Dre Headphones for running. Some people like to wear earbuds when they run because it drowns out the sounds of the world. Others can't stand to have anything sticking in their ears so they prefer to have the style of headphones that loop around the back. When buying a good pair of running earphones, make sure you know what style suits you best. Microphones, telephones and internet connections have followed this trend and now, even wired headphones are now shifting to a new look - Enter the Monster Dr Dre Headphones. Tangled wires and bulky sized gadgets are now making way for these new wireless babies.Monster Beats Turbine the best for enjoying music The HTC 7 Pro follows the HD7 with Windows Phone 7 as its operating system and offering the many special features including a fully customisable Start screen and the ability to share photos instantly on WIndows Live or Facebook. The handset also has a 5 megapixel camera for HD video recording as well as Bing Maps for directions and more. The handset has a Pictures Hub for photos which displays not only the photos you have captured with its 5 megapixel camera featuring auto focus and flash, but also photos you have uploaded to SkyDrive for Facebook and WIndows Live integration respectively. The same as the HTC HD7, the handset allows you to easily share the photos and High Definition videos you can create with the camera with all your friends. Meanwhile, the music and Videos Hub allows you to download form many video and music titles powered by Zune. The same hub also allows you to listen to live radio and the phone itself features impressive SRS surround sound, as does the HD7. You can also use stereo wireless headphones via the Bluetooth 2.1 A2DP profile featured, or stick with traditional headphones and use the 3.5mm jack connector.Ð’Â The 7 Pro offers a compact 3.6 inch display with simple touch control along with a full slide out QWERTY keyboard for fast text input. The WVGA resolution provides a vivid and clear display on the screen. As with the HD7, the handset also has an internal GPS antenna which allows it to offer Bing Maps for directions, local points of interest, or just telling you where you currently are. There is also a digital compass to ensure that you are always being guided in the right direction. For gamers both the 7 Pro and other models such as the HD7 running the WIndows Phone 7 operating system enable you to play XBox Live games, with the same quality on the handset. Other exclusive features of this operating system include the Start screen with customisable Tiles to display photos, missed calls or more. Meanwhile, you have 8 gigabytes of storage memory to fill and can use multiple apps at once too.Ð’Â The HTC 7 Pro is a delightful handset with a compact 3.6 inch display and featuring a 5 megapixel camera with flash for both photo capture and video recording (in High Definition) those special times. The phone also offers great social networking and messaging features along with fast text input via the lids out keyboard. HTC is one of the most successful brands which has gained the most trusted and respected position in the mobile market. The company is inventing many hi-tech smart phones which are fully capable of satisfying different needs and requirements of the users. The company has brought a latest mobile phone in the market named as HTC 7 Surround. It is one of the smart members of this family. The phone is designed very beautifully and thus, looks different from the other mobile phones. There are many cheap HTC 7 Surround deals, which provides these ultimate gadgets at very cheap and affordable prices. HTC 7 Surround is provided with a large touchscreen of 3.8 inches with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. The gadget is equipped with an Accelerometer sensor which is used for UI auto-rotate and for auto turnoff, it is provided with a Proximity sensor. The handset is very efficient in saving songs, videos, and other data, as it boasts an internal memory up to 16 GB of storage with 448 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM. A 5 mega pixel camera is incorporated in this mobile phone along with a resolution of 2592?1944 pixels, which provides excellent image quality to the users. EDGE, GPRS, WLAN, USB, 3G, Bluetooth are some of the best attributes which provides high speed internet with uninterrupted services. HTC 7 Surround deals are the best offers which provides these multitasking devices at cheaper rated, thee deals are highly profitable for each and every person as they save their hardly earned money. HTC 7 Surround contract deals offers these gadgets at very cheap prices. These deals are to be coming soon with all the renowned network providers of UK such as T-mobile, Virgin, Orange, Three, Vodafone, O2 and others. Apart from the above, other deals are HTC 7 Surround Pay as you go and SIM free deals. These ofers are different than contract deals and are much profitable. In both the offers, users are not required to enter into any contract with any particular network provider. Users are also free to change their network after some time. If background noise has ever bothered you when listening to music, then noise cancellation headphones may be just the thing you need. There are many places where listening to music on headphones can be a relaxing escape, such as on a commuter train or bus. However, surrounding sounds such as traffic and conversations can be very annoying if you've ever tried this. Sometimes even your home can lack the peace you want, with the unwanted sounds of lawn equipment, TVs and radios, and neighborhood children. How do noise cancellation headphones work? The headset contains a small circuit that samples noise in the environment and then creates a sound wave which has the opposite polarity. This sound wave cancels out the noise in the environment for the person wearing the headphones. This leaves only the music to be heard. It can be challenging to find a pair of noise cancellation headphones that really work. Some low-quality brands just eat up batteries without really reducing your unwanted noise at all. Paying a higher price doesn't necessarily mean you will be getting higher quality noise cancellation headphones. The best thing to do is visit a store that sells a wide variety of options and test them out yourself. One thing to keep in mind as you try out different noise cancellation headphones is how long the batteries are expected to last in each model. You should be able to use the headphones for at least 20 hours with a set of batteries. If you find a pair that work well but require a lot of batteries, think about using rechargeable batteries in your noise cancellation headphones. Are you bored and want to release your tension? Then music can be the best option for you and its very helpful from very old times as well. You can have n number of Audio systems which you can have in market of the brands like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc. You can go for the loud music, soft music, soothing music etc as per your choice. There are music lovers who are really involved and want to have the lovable music for themselves. Through our website Xpert4u, you can have the most loving and attractive information ever about any of the Audio system. You can also have the music through the headphones which are available in great variety and they are also with certain other things like the mics which you can use during the Video Chatting etc. Now a days the music systems are so powerful that they are not only used for listening the soft music but can also used in terms of party also there are so many other things which are really mention able. There are some points which must be taken into account before going through any of the system like the Voice quality, Bass, Treble, Volume, which must be very accurate and one thing which must be there is while increasing the volume the sound should spread properly every where and it should not come with the creaking voice. Through our website Xpert4u , you will also come to know about the powered speakers and the brands of phones also. Some of the lovable things which are commendable are dedicated buttons there in the system through which you can increase-decrease the volume. You can also have them with the Combo TV in which you will have the Audio Player , Video Player and TV all in one. You can also have them free of cost with the Contract deal in which you can pay the mobile phones at the end of the month with incentives as well but the best information can be acquired from our faithful website Xpert4u with the best bargains. So what are you waiting choose therm either Online or go for the Offline store and buy them with lots of happiness. In a smart phone market dominated by the iPhone, Blackberry and various Android offerings, Microsoft certainly has its work cut out to stake a viable claim on the market. In this spirit, it has recently released 10 new phones running its Windows Phone 7 operating system. These phones are manufactured by a range of companies – 5 by Android specialists HTC, and others by LG, Samsung and Dell. With so many to choose from, which are the best and what are their key features? The HTC HD7 comes with some great features, including a massive 4.3inch touchscreen. It has HD video recording capabilities, a 5 megapixel camera and up to 16GB of storage, all of which make it one of the most eagerly anticipated offerings from the Windows Phone 7 range. Apps such as Notes and Photo Enhancer are good and a definite plus point. The screen is a good size but there's a comparatively low number of pixels, which leads to the display quality being reduced. The build quality is also not brilliant. By contrast, the HTC Mozart boasts excellent build quality more familiar to regular users of HTC phones. It's also thought to be the most successful Microsoft phone and it comes with an impressive specification, including an 8 megapixel camera with Xenon flash. This provides good picture quality. There's a 3.7inch touchscreen, making it an ideal size for carrying round. The apps are similar to those on other HTC phones but they're definitely worth the money, as is the 8GB storage capacity and attractive phone appearance. Samsung's Omnia 7 is another good example of a Windows Phone 7 phone. It comes with a 5 megapixel camera and the high contrast AMOLED screen blows other LCD out of the water. The loudspeaker is good, too, with barely any distortion. The apps from Samsung admittedly aren't that brilliant, but the camera is excellent although you have to be patient with the focus. The build quality and appearance of the phone are brilliant and the layout is also excellent, with the exception of the location of the power button. The LG Optimus 7Q gives you the best of both worlds in that it's (as yet) the only Windows Phone 7 phone to offer both touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard, although the addition of the keyboard does add considerable bulk. It comes with a 3.5inch screen with 480 x 800 pixel resolution, plus a decent 5 megapixel camera. The phone has 8GB storage capacity and good connectivity, which is a plus. Overall, it's a good phone but its bulk and slightly uncomfortable keyboard let it down slightly. Boot Camp tool is a comprehensive part of Apple's Leopard and Snow Leopard OS that assists Mac users in creating a partition and installing Windows on Intel-based Macintosh computers. Although it is designed for non-destructive repartitioning of hard disk, but sometimes it might work different from what is expected. According to many Mac OS X users, Boot Camp has often been found to corrupt or delete Mac OS X partitions, making it impossible to access the data by normal means. In most of such situations, running fsck or Disk Utility doesn't bring any affect and thus the only option left with the users is to recreate the lost partition. Doing so can no doubt be a suitable workaround for this problem, but data restoration is possible only if you have a valid data backup in place or use a Mac Data Recovery Software. After a general description, here is a specific problem that narrows down this issue. Suppose you as a Mac OS X user use Boot Camp to create a Windows partition. After the installation is successfully done, when you view Mac OS X partition(s), they appear to be missing. More specifically, just a single partitions that doesn't correspond to any of the existing partitions. Reportedly, many Mac OS X user cannot view their partitions on trying to install a Windows version that Boot Camp doesn't support. Most of these problems have been reported when attempt is made to install Windows XP SP1. Service Pack 1 of Windows XP is not supported by Boot Camp, so you should instead try to install Windows XP SP2 or later version. This is the case of partition map corruption, so the prime solution to make your Mac workable is to recreate lost partitions and restore from backup. In cases, when you cannot restore from backup, running a Mac File Recovery utility can aid in recovering all lost files and folders. Mac Recovery Software are exclusive products that can scan your crashed Mac drive and recover all the possible information safely. Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data Recovery is one of the best ever-designed Mac File Recovery utility. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.x Snow Leopard, 10.5.x Leopard, 10.4.x Tiger, and 10.3.9 Panther, this software recognizes almost all file types for recovery. In addition, it provides you advanced options like, disk cloning, RAW data recovery, and others. Since the advent of Windows XP in 2001, there has been little change in the world of Microsoft operating systems. However, in the intervening years, Apple OS X has taken the lead in the "ease of use" stakes for operating systems. Windows Vista was Microsoft's challenge to that. It failed, as it was not widely accepted, and was generally criticised by the IT community at large. Microsoft learnt from the problems it faced at the initial release of Windows Vista. There was wide incompatibility with various devices (all NVidia products were incompatible – that's over 50% of graphics cards in the world) and other problems. These were eventually addressed, but Microsoft didn't want to face the same problems with Windows 7. Thus they decided to run a very extensive beta test of Windows 7 before release. By providing free beta versions of Windows 7 to anyone who wanted it, Microsoft managed to iron out the major bugs before release. Windows 7, due to its extensive beta testing, is one of the most well rounded and secure operating systems ever released. Utilising the same User Access Control mechanism that Vista introduced, it can provide an incredibly secure environment, especially for children. Parental Controls mimic those found in Mac OS X, and can be set to restrict a child's exposure to unsuitable online content. Of course, unlike Vista, in Windows 7, you can set the level of User Access Control that you would prefer for your own usage. Windows 7 is also covered for viruses by the free suite of security tools from Microsoft – Microsoft Security Essentials. Deemed as a very competitive alternative to paid suites, Microsoft Security Essentials will cover general day to day usage of the computer – from online banking to youtube. For business users, all major internet security suites, including Babeltech favourite AVG, now run on Windows 7. The problem is that 32 bit computers can only see up to 4Gb of RAM. That includes all RAM: video card RAM and main system RAM. As programs get more complex, the use more RAM, so things start to slow down. By using a 64 bit structure, the computer can see up to 192Gb of memory – not currently available to any consumer computer. Along with this, Windows 7 makes use of ‘prefetching', which basically means that it loads up the available memory on login with the programs you use the most. This means that those programs appear to start up much faster than normal. Essentially Windows 7 is much faster than Windows XP on a day to day scale. The general user interface in Windows 7 is called Aero. Aero is a glass like theme, allowing the user to change the opacity of windows, and generally get more out of multifunction of a computer. By using Aero Peek, you can quickly flip through the currently open windows and see what's happening real-time. The taskbar has changed as well. No longer will each open window list as a new item in the taskbar – they will be grouped under the program name. When you scroll over the program icon, you will see a popup of all currently open windows, which you can click on to pull into the foreground. Of course, if you don't like this, you can always change it back to the traditional taskbar arrangement – that's another option in Windows 7. The file structuring has changed slightly as well – Windows 7 is trying to introduce library folders to the file system. Essentially this means that instead of having to root through directories to get to a specific file under My Documents Say you want to have all your backed up documents on your external drive and all your normal documents viewable under the same "folder". This can be achieved by setting them all with the "documents" library tag. It's very simple, and works well. Windows 7 is designed to make everything easier. Not only is it infinitely customisable, but it's far easier to get everything going. No longer do you have to install specific drivers each time you plug something in – Windows 7 will simply look for the driver on the internet and install it automatically. In fact, in the majority of cases, when we initially installed Windows 7 on a client's computer, by the time the main screen booted up, the computer was fully functional, requiring no more drivers to be installed. When Windows XP came out, there was no concept that it would survive as long as it has. Whilst it has been patched in the form of several service packs to provide operability, it is still not designed to work that well with modern computing components. For example, 64 bit processing wasn't considered to be a consumer level option in 2001. Since then, there has been a 64 bit release of Windows XP, but it is not widely compatible. Windows XP in general will not be able to keep up with the increasing requirements of RAM in modern computing. More and more, we'll see programs come out that require substantial amounts of RAM, such that it will make Windows XP non-functional in a multifunctional world. Windows 7 has been designed from the ground up to take into consideration the modern components available for computers. The Mozilla team has released version 3.0.11 of the Firefox web browser. Mozilla provides Firefox 3 for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages. You can get the latest version of Firefox 3 here. For builds for other systems and languages not provided by Mozilla.org, see the Contributed Builds section at the end of this document. Basically, a headphone has three parts: the driver, the earpiece and the attachment system. The driver is the ‘sound producer’. It is a transducer which converts electrical signal to the audio sound that you hear once you place the headphones on your ears. The earpiece is the physical part which you put to your ears. There are a lot of types of earpiece that you can choose from. Finally, the attachment system is the part which holds everything together. This can either be the headbands - for types which have one - or the wires which hold two ear buds together. The job of the attachment system if to make the earpiece somehow fit your ears. Headphones can be attached to any music player, to mobile phones or to a personal computer. If you want to get rid of the outside noise and you just want to concentrate on the sound, there are noise-canceling variants that you can choose from.Ð’Â The open-type headphones generally have better sound quality than the noise canceling type. When it comes to the design of the headphones, then you can choose one that will best suit your application. Clip-on headphones do not have headbands, the earpiece can easily be attached to your ears. There are also wireless headphones that are available. Ear buds are made up of earpieces that can fit the inner part of your ear. Headsets combine the functionality of a microphone and an earphone. Street style headphones are best used for music-listening purposes. Ear pads have two flat pads as earpieces. With all the designs and brands available in the market now, you will surely find the type of headphones that will best suit your need and lifestyle. Spandex is a rapid development in recent years, the high elasticity of synthetic fibers, it is an extraordinary extension of and respond to performance makes clothes fit better and more comfortable. Spandex bare yarn can be in the form of use, but in most cases is to be further processed into bare wire core yarn, covering yarn, or co-twisting, so as to different proportions with natural fiber, chemical fiber mix, knitted or woven through the formation of multi - the various forms of elastic fabric. As the yarn is a spandex core, outsourcing one or several non-elastic staple fiber spun into yarn. Get a good feel spandex core-spun yarn and appearance, with natural fiber yarns for the outsourcing of fiber moisture absorption, and can be used according to the product flexibility to choose different values. Spandex Core-spun elastic yarn compared with other notable feature is the yarn tension state in the core wire is not exposed, so dyeing effect is good, should do so, including a variety of colors, including dark-colored products. And compared to other types of elastic yarn, core yarn strength low, most single yarn strength is only equivalent to the same size outsourcing fiber yarn alone 80% -90%. Is a spandex as the core, inelastic filament or staple fiber yarns by spiral-shaped way spandex elongation of the state to be formed coated elastic yarn. Spandex Covered Yarn is a hollow spindle with a special equipment for processing the whole machine is divided into elastic core yarn feeding, stretching and relaxation-coated take-up such as three parts. Covered Yarn and other elastic yarn is one of the most obvious difference between the core wire-free twist. Spandex Covered Yarn in the silk and the outsourcing of core-sheath layer of the relationship between the clear layer of the core wire and the outsourcing together hold between the degree of harmony was significantly lower than core yarn twisting, so the elasticity is higher than the latter two. Covered Yarn Tension state has exposed the core phenomenon, it would be inappropriate to do a dark-colored products. Covered Yarn touch, a more hard-core-spun yarn, its strong outsourcing layer filament or yarn strength, so strong compared with core-spun yarn with a high specification. Covered Yarn winding for relaxation, depending on the use of their take-up rate is generally 60% -95%, which is different from the core yarn Hop twisting, weaving process parameters for greater impact. Will be stretch Spandex side while the other inelastic two twisting yarn blend made, and generally install a special yarn feeding devices produced on ring twister. Spandex yarn or filament yarn with a variety of stretch combined with the production of twisting, and are suitable for small batch production of many varieties, and even a twister can simultaneously process several varieties. In the tension state, the spandex yarn and other yarns twist around each other between the relations, and therefore a state of spandex yarns in the yarn tension exposed staining could easily lead to color flower color, not so dark products. Spandex combined with the twister's strength is equal to the non-elastic yarn with the powerful, it is more spandex core-spun yarn with high strength specifications. All twister in spandex spandex with other non-elastic yarn holds together have less than between the spandex core-spun yarn, reflected in spandex core-spun yarn is higher than the degree of retraction, it combined the flexibility of higher core-spun yarn twister . Spandex core-spun yarn on a spinning frame spinning in general, for the production of Slub Yarn, slub yarn device needs to be added, but also to transform the existing spinning machine. In stabilizing the front roller speed at the same time, after the adoption of the changing speed rollers to achieve the purpose of a bamboo, which is mentioned in front of the slub yarn long bamboo production methods. To stabilize the product quality, the first roller gear at close to adding a switch sensors, to control the front roller speed, due to mechanical reasons, the 5% range of fluctuation within the servo motor can be adjusted by the weight of the yarn irregularity. Spinning the front, rear rack column to double column yarn for the installation of spandex yarn guiding body, which may be changed to single-column two-column, rear column because of location too small, the double column yarn shelf bracket transformation, in the care Block Center for drilling, re-create column wick will not affect the strength of demand. If spinning hairdryer Department by space constraints, can not install spandex sprocket bracket, you can observe the mouth of the hairdryer to retain under the premise of the hairdryer truncated, re-welded case back. In line with spandex Situo seat width, the installation of a bracket, to facilitate the front roller chain adjustment, so that chain roller seat can be adjusted freely in the horizontal direction, and sometimes need to re-processed according to the width of cradle handle custom spandex wire wheel bracket, so that the guide wire with the right wheel and cradle. Equipment modification, due to the cotton fibers coated with polyurethane, the original use of leather roller pressure arising due to the higher hardness does not open, spit hard-head phenomenon, the need to replace the low hardness of soft rolls, in order to improve the level of the base Yarn uneven . Equipped with gauge blocks and wire ring in the interest of some of the base yarns and bamboo mixed numbers to consider, with a relatively small gauge blocks and wire rings, bead cross-section in order to use the friction coefficient is small, does not damage spandex prevail in order to ensure yarn quality. Spinning on the cradle, if used for too long, uneven pressure will lead to drawing force and drawing force gripping areas are incompatible, resulting in abnormal bamboo, therefore, need to re-adjust the cradle pressure, if necessary, replace the part of the spring in order to solve the problem unusual bamboo. As part of Spandex slub slub twist is small, easy-coated spandex yarn can be adjusted periodically based guide wire wheel hand position, so that spandex should be maintained at locations and with a roving yarn guide hooks, so that smooth roving yarn guide and found that timely processing of non-performing parts replacement. In order to prevent hollow yarn, yarn and broken wire dual-core yarn, tube yarn breakage is no longer joints, after re-insert the air traffic control, the joint use of the media, and yarn, spandex yarn should always check whether the tour to normal feeding, bamboo is normal, to ensure that the operating normally. Equipment has been modified after the spandex core-spun yarn, spinning 5.83-7.28tex Spandex slub good effect, spinning regular and irregular bamboo two kinds of bamboo yarn to substantially increase the value-added products, we can use a smaller input to obtain a higher economic efficiency. Slub Yarn Slub parameters include bamboo roughness, slub length and slub spacing three parameters, different combinations of these three parameters directly affect the style and thickness of knitted fabric, knitted products and thus the different parameters of the bamboo different requirements. Are classified into thin bamboo bamboo slub thick, coarse bamboo slub; slub slub slub length is divided into short-and long bamboo slub yarn; bamboo spacing generally have short-term and long-pitch festival distance of the points, short pitch slub yarn pitch in the context of 2cm-10cm long slub yarn pitch pitch is generally 20cm-40cm range. The bamboo roughness, slub length and slub spacing are referring to general situations, special circumstances beyond those limits may also be a breakthrough. Knitting with slub yarn spinning process to apply basically to the traditional knitting yarn process. After the district in which spinning drafting multiple, generally should be between 1.2 times -1.3 times, and that means drafting the appropriate multiple of enlarged area, appropriate to reduce distraction force, reduce the volatility of drawing power will help to reduce a "hard head . " Under such circumstances, the base yarn, the smaller numbers of Fine Slub is particularly important. Gauge block matching Spinning JAW should facilitate fiber drawing force control and stability, slub yarn, it should be in the average numbers and the numbers have to choose between the base yarn. Knitting with slub front roller speed settings generally lower than regular knitting yarn 10% -20%, for the bamboo coarse, long slub yarn, in order to reduce the yarn strength evenly, reducing spun yarn breakage, front roller speed should be further low settings. Clearly, the size of the front roller speed settings and a resolution of the base yarn, bamboo roughness, length and other parameters of bamboo. Choice of rings should be conducive to reducing the size of the fluctuations in gas-ring tension, whether it is medium or coarse yarn numbers are appropriate to adopt the self-lubricating ring. Wire ring spun Slub Yarn-matching are the difficulties of cross-sectional shape of wire loop with high arch is appropriate. Spun yarn twist factor generally set at between 340-360. In order to spin a good knitting slub, slub yarn according to the basic requirements and quality characteristics to ensure that spinning in a good state, for the drafting system, to ensure pressure stability, rubber roller, rubber ring, the pin without playing Gordon, For the winding twisting system must be steel collar, spindles, guide yarn hook mind, to minimize fluctuations in the tension during winding. Strengthen the spindle disk, spindle with the maintenance, to reduce the differences in twist caused by mechanical factors. Spandex fiber, there are two varieties of a type that polyester-based polyurethane, and the other for the polyether-based polyurethane. Spandex fibers in the molecular structure of human chains are rigid and flexible chain segment, form a mosaic copolymer structure, making spandex fibers have a strong flexibility and extensibility, maximum elongation of up to 700% of the original length, while the elongation of 500% the flexibility of response rate of up to 95%. Two-way stretch Spandex warp knitted fabric, only to wear a spandex yarn, combed through the flat pad to make yarn, needles, after sliding due to a short extension lines are short, and by looking hair mat yarn, helium-lun yarn combed yarn covered by the former. Not easy to damage. Other bars have taken under the regular nylon fabric requirements yarn, polyester yarn or cotton yarn. Since the formation of nitrogen-lun yarn coils, therefore, through the direction and weft have good flexibility. In the ordinary Tricot machine knitting, the spandex yarn let-off to be completely positive, and lead screw with a flexible alternative to rotary tension rod: playing with ways to ease the volume cloth, so that warping, warp the course of spandex yarn Stretch a certain recovery of the cloth to form a good roll. Plain elastic fabric is actually woven through the velvet, the fabric has a good two-way flexibility and plain cloth appearance, reasonable control of spandex stretch yarn warping ratio, and two guide bar of the let-off amount of the content of spandex yarn can be controlled in about 15%, widely used in small swimwear, skating clothing, women's gym and other sporting events, clothing. Would not fall stretch velvet fabric is actually a single-needle-bed 2 comb fabric. In the comb and combed for weaving cloth elastic manner, the former Salisbury multi-pin back-sliding away from the needle to form a long extension cable. As the role of spandex stretch, the former combed yarn to form an extension line of arch similar to the terry, finishing when the first conduct a mild nap, and then shearing, the former hair extension line of yarn to form into a dense and difficult to erect hair-like down , plush highly dependent on the length of extension lines. Reasonable control of spandex yarn warping draw ratio and the guide bar of the let-off amount of spandex yarn usage can be controlled within 7% of the total weight of less help to reduce production costs. The product has elegant appearance and feel, a good two-way flexibility is a very good clothing and home decoration warp knitted fabric tomorrow. One-way stretch Spandex warp knitted fabric generally use thicker spandex yarn in Raschel knitting machine integration, wearing a spandex yarn to make a special post-comb pad weft insertion yarn, spandex yarn to make the main show in the fabric of the vertical, and is clip among other local organizations. The more rough spandex yarn, spandex yarn showing the direction of the flexibility the better. In recent years, spandex and the type of very rich variety of materials, including various specifications of plain, twill, satin, small jacquard spandex refined stretch wool fabric woolen fabric, and a variety of yarn-dyed stretch shirt face Branch, stretch denim, in the a long stretch fabric, various elastic dyeing cloth, stretch poplin, stretch khaki, stretch velvet, stretch knit fabric, as well as supporting various types of clothing such as elastic rib and cuffs. In addition, the spandex warp elastic corduroy for the development of non-woven fabric also has good prospects. How important is the Quality Score? Well, for many, it determines whether their PPC campaign is worth investing money in. It is the key factor that determines how much you need to pay to secure a strong position in the search engine results page. So if you have a good Quality Score, your marketing dollar will stretch even further. Because of this, you should monitor this factor regularly. It will let you know how well your campaigns are performing. If you have a low Quality Score, it means that more needs to be done in terms of organising keywords, modifying the text ad, and improving the landing page. It can also entail ridding your campaign of keywords that are too specific because you're missing out on convertible traffic from a wider range of audience. Below are some helpful hints that will let you know how to find your Quality Score in Google Adwords: This option lets you know whether the Quality Score is "Great", "Ok", or "Poor". The first step is to sign in to the AdWords account before selecting the campaign. Look into the ad group and opt for the Keywords tab. On the top of the ad group table, select Customise Columns. The drop-down menu will be displayed; you should choose Show Quality Score. Click on Done when you have defined this metric. Actual numerical figures are provided to let you know what the quality score is. After you sign in to your AdWords account, select the campaign and ad group you want. Repeat the same process outlined in the first option. But instead of clicking Customise Columns, you should select the icon found in the Status Column. Keyword Analysis will be shown; look at the second section. That is where the Quality Score is located. Select the Reporting at the top once you sign in to Google Adwords. Click on Reports and choose Create New Reports. You will see a report type segment there, go to "Placement/Keyword Performance" and use the Advanced Setting. Choose Add or Remove Columns before putting a check on the Keyword Quality Score Detail box. You can get this incredible phone at low rates and also win many incentives along with it, under iPhone 4 white contract deals of top networks.Apple is known for its high – end features and also for the class of their products. Starting from Mac computers to Apple iPad, their products have always manged to create a benchmark for their counterparts. Apple iPhone, since its launch has remained the dream phone of all mobile phone freaks, around the world.There was four released in the series, namely the Apple iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and the latest and the last one being Apple iPhone 4.Apple iPhone 4 is available in white and black colors. Apple iPhone 4 white is compatible to Apple iPhone 4, but is available in an immaculate white color. This 3G phone is based on the Apple's patented operating system, iOS 4 and it gives a super high performance rate with its 1 GHz Apple A4 processor.Apple iPhone 4 White is now available in the UK market, at affordable rates, for all those who want to binge, with the mobile phone deals of leading service providers like Orange, Vodafone, three, etc. There are cheap contract, pay as you go and SIM free deals available on the same. With iPhone 4 white contract deals, you can also win many exciting incentives like free connection, unlimited data usage and free calling minutes and texts.The iPhone 4 is also available with different internal memory capacities, either 16 GB or 32 GB. The deals of this incredible mobile wonder can be easily compared online so as to get the cheapest bargains and the iPhone 4 White O2 deals so as to get the best schemes with this amazing phone. Ð’Â The apple was the first fruit mentioned in the bible, not always allowing the noble apple to prove the life enhancing powers it does possess. The pectin in the reddest apples has among the most antioxidants of any natural food. Science continues to show cases of high priced medications contain potent versions of what we are eating naturally all the while. A healthy recipe for healthy living does include the humble apple. Apples help our bodies fight cancer; studies have shown that there are several components in juicy fruit, such as apples, which help to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Healthy apples are most potent when the fruit is eaten whole, including the skin, and by choosing the darker apples, such as deep Red Delicious, Fuji, Jonathan, Rome Beauty and Red Spartan. Apples are a good source of vitamin C and fiber. Italian researchers found people who ate more than one apple a day lowered their risk for oral, esophageal, colon, breast, ovarian, prostate and other cancers by 9 to 42%. Apples benefit our health by helping to fight cholesterol. Two key components, the pectin in the reddest apples and poly-phenols, which have the most anti-oxidants of any natural food, can help to lower cholesterol, and prevent the oxidation of LDL, which is the bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol results from the chemical process that fills the arteries with clogging plaque. Save the apple skin; it has two to six times the antioxidants that the actual flesh of the apple has, science shows, and most of us need all the help we can get when it comes to healthy eating. Apples make us smarter. Apples boost the production of acetylcholine, which is a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells. In a recent study from the University of Massachusetts, researchers suggest that apples may keep your brain 'smarter' as you age and the components help boost our memory, potentially lessening the possibility of getting Alzheimer's disease. Apples help us to breathe easier. United Kingdom researchers found that children of pregnant women who ate apples during pregnancy, were less likely to wheeze or develop asthma by the age of five. This healthy fruit may also protect the lungs of adults, help in the prevention of asthma, lung cancer and other diseases. Many people have eaten apples all their lives but ppeled for them in order to not take in all the pesticides used in apple growing. Recently, many have changed their thinking and have taken to organic, whenever possible, or washing the regular treated apples thoroughly, in order to eat the healthy peel. Organic is wonderful, but not always available. The next reason to eat healthy apples daily is, that apples are a difficult food to eat; they require chewing a great deal, as they are dense and firm. This healthy food is packed with fiber, approximately five grams per apple, and is low in calories, approximately 80 for a medium sized apple. Apples contain a natural sugar which enters the bloodstream slowly, keeping our insulin levels steady; a much better choice than a sugary snack, which will give us a fast high, then a low in our sugar levels, creating hunger faster, as well as giving us little nutritional value. Apples are truly a beneficial choice for healthy living. It is highly recommended you keep eating apples, as they are one of nature's perfect foods, and after eating these gems, you will feel full longer, keep your cholesterol lower, be smarter, breathe easier, help to boost your memory, and keep your insulin at a decent level. What more could we ask from one healthy food? RF Headphones is an acronym for radio frequency headphones which is a wireless system that transmits radio waves all around your home. This basically means that you would be setting up a mini radio station right in your home which gives the ability to emit radio waves and then converted into pure music at the receivers end. The best thing is, only you can receive those radio wave transmissions through your RF headphone. The wireless headphones act as the receiver of those radio waves. It is really great to be able to move around the house without being confined to wires. The only problem is, you will need to have batteries to charge these RF headphones. It would be a great idea if you get a couple of rechargeable batteries. This way you can keep the other one in the charger awhile you use the other. So when the battery dies out, you would have a new one to replace it immediately. These RF headphones come in different technologies. Some versions use light to transfer the sound. These are IR headphones and IR actually means infra red. You would need to be in a location where the light is visible for it to transmit those music successfully. If you are in the same room as the transmitter, it works great. As soon as you move out, you will not be able to receive those transmissions anymore. If you move around the house often, you will need to go for the radio frequency headphones. It works wonders even when you are at a considerable distance away from the transmitter. Some of these RF headphones are Bluetooth compatible. So if your computer or laptop has a Bluetooth adaptor, you can listen to music if you get connected to the computer. If you desire total freedom and mobility, then an RF headphone would work wonders. You can take them out with you when you are in the lawn or sitting next to the pool. If you want some music when you are exercising and you do not want the house to hear it, then you will need an RF headphone. You are free to move about when the headphone you are using is wireless. It is always relaxing to listen to music no matter what you may be doing currently. And if you encounter a task you do not want to do, music help to make the job easier and more pleasurable. The latest organization and lowest price, good caliber of creation effort every caliber at one place in day today is not easy. Many companies sell these digital accessories but they are not comfortable and affordable for ordinary person. The creation same turtle beach Bluetooth handset, iphone 3g cases, and wireless USB adapter is expensive. In this competitive market to find every this caliber is to same finding reddened in darkness. To intend every this caliber under one roof was not easy earlier but now you can intend it by movement on your pc with prizewinning low price and better quality. To intend every product online is now easy for you just click and intend your creation with different designs, different colors and some more quality. The prizewinning caliber of turtle beach Bluetooth handset, laptops cases, and wireless USB adapter these every creation you will intend online i.e. qfonic. Qfonic gives you indorse and warrantee for it creation. This company has reputation in different fields and has awing creation in digital product. We have professional and high skilled engineers to organization our product. They ensure you with there creation much as turtle beach Bluetooth handset, laptops cases, wireless USB musician and some creation by giving guarantees. We do survey the market and then launch the creation in the market .We keep in nods every your needs and requirement to attain product. Turtle beach Bluetooth handset, wireless USB musician and laptops cases are cheaper at rate as compare to other companies. We give indorse to our creation and you can attain sure by reading experience given of our customer. When it comes to caliber we don’t compromise. Only here you intend good caliber with low price. The price and caliber are kept in nods that a ordinary man cans effort it. Turtle beach Bluetooth handset, laptops cases, wireless USB adapter such digital solution crapper be obtain online buy movement at home. Turtle beach satisfy his client by many ways as they hit varieties above our imagination. You crapper get this entire creation online. Yes meet you hit to keep tapping your finger on some keys of keyboard and you come near to our creation it sometimes farther from you. The class is awaiting your attendance to buy such products at low price. It is meet the correct abstract for you at the correct time. We sell our creation with such a confidence that no one crapper compete us and wander our client with their useless creation because we known that our client will recognized us by our quality, design and its comforts. Our aim is to satisfy you with good quality creation with commonsensible price. We are eagerly waiting to provide our humble service to our customer. So you crapper class skullcandy headphones, laptops cases, and wireless USB adapter these entire creation online. By shopping with us you crapper get good digital solution and digital accessories. We provide you creation which you dream to hit it at your price. We serve you our better and best. So hurry up and contact us! You churned out a resume that rocks. They were impressed enough to invite you to a face-to-face interview. They grilled you in the first round, invited you back for a second interview, and then a third. You went through round after round but they didn't knock you out. You just kept coming back for more. And just when you thought to yourself "When are they going to offer me that job already", you get the call. They want to make you an offer. You did it! Smooth sailing from here. Right? Not so fast. What happens when the job offer letter doesn't meet all of your expectations? Don't despair. You don't have to accept the offer as is, and if you go about properly, you need not worry that asking for more is going to jeopardize this career opportunity you worked so hard to get. Here's how to negotiate a job offer without turning you future employer off. 2. Evaluate all of the elements of the job offer letter and determine how each one measures up to expectations. The best way to do this is in writing or on a spreadsheet. Create three columns on the page. In the first column, write a vertical list of categories such as salary, bonus, vacation, benefits, 401k, etc. At the top of the second column, write "Job offer letter", and at the top of the third column, write "Expectations". In the "Job offer letter" column, summarize the main points of the offer letter next to each category. So for example, next to salary, indicate the salary offered in the offer letter. Then in the "Expectations" column, write down the salary you want. Do that with each category so that you have a concise view of how the job offer letter compares to your expectations. 3. Focus on the things you want most. I'm a proponent of win-win negotiation and I believe that to succeed at negotiating a job offer letter, you need to be ready to make some compromises. Don't try to have everything your way. Decide which elements of the job offer letter are most important to you and put forth your counteroffer on those items in clear terms. But it's important to remember that there are some things you may want that they may not be able to offer because of company policies. It's always a good idea to keep several options in mind so that if they can't agree to something you want, you can offer them an alternative that will make both parties happy. For example, if you want three weeks vacation but their company policy is that all employees get two weeks vacation, consider if you'd be willing to forego the extra week of vacation in exchange for flexible working hours. 4. Of all the elements of the job offer letter, people tend to worry most about how to negotiate a higher salary. But it doesn't have to be that difficult. If the salary offered doesn't meet your expectations and you want to ask for more, be prepared to explain why you deserve it. There are lots of websites that provide in depth salary information. If you do your research, you'll be in a position to show why someone with your skills and experience should get paid more for the position. But again, company policy may dictate what the employer can offer. If you can't get the salary you want, be prepared to propose alternatives such as a higher bonus. 5. Always maintain your professionalism. You must be prepared for them to say no to things you want. Don't let your emotions get the best of you and don't make any rash decisions. Take a day or two to think about their final offer. You may come to the conclusion that the opportunity is worth foregoing a few perks. Keeping pace with the current times, Apple has come up with various different products. For example, in the market you will find the Apple laptops, desktops, iPod, iPod Touch and iPod Nano. All these products are phenomenal products from Apple. They are actually very highly rated in comparison to those offered by the competitor. Apple has strived to maintain its competitive edge over the other competitors. They are always giving us something more. Apple has introduced new excellent features to its iPods. This has left the competitors challenged as none of them has been able to match this features so far. The iPods new features have kept Apple at the top of the game. As the saying would go, the more the better. So why not celebrate with this new features. They are just perfect additions for the users. Apple has modified its iPod and actually reduced the size. The size is very small and portable. This Makes it very convenient to carry around. Though, the question one would ask is, has the reduction of the size had a positive or negative impact? The answers to that rests on the customers' reactions, but remember tastes and preferences differ. Apple has got a very powerful desktop PC. They have also added additional components making it perform much better. The Apple PC has been the preferred choice for many especially those ambitious professionals. The MacBook is a very good and promising feature introduced for the desktop PC and is very easy and enjoyable to work with. Apple can proudly boost of its diverse range of quality products that are readily available in the market. Therefore, if you are looking at getting yourself a new iPod, consider one from Apple. Though it is always wise to gather product information and acquire all the knowledge you need before you make a purchase. Look out for Apple; we don't know just what additions they will introduce next. After looking at the operating systems (OS) coming from Google (Android), Apple (iOS4) and other Microsoft has come up with an intelligent OS in Windows Phone 7. Although, the OS name may not sound good to you but it has been the problem with the Microsoft. However, it is making a lot of buzz in the Mobile Phones market for its excellent and intelligent features and applications. LG Windows Phone 7 is known as LG Optimus 7 device, it is more or less similar to other Window 7 smart phones from different mobile phone makers which mean it keeps the slate like looks with three navigation buttons on the front. It is no different from other Window Phone 7 in the market; it is mostly because Microsoft has standardized the WP7 hardware for everyone. But, LG Optimus Window 7 phones offers a little more than what other phones have. I think there is no need to tell that LG Window 7 phones run on the Window Phone 7 platform by Microsoft and is supported by 1GHz Qualcomm snapdragon processor. The device comes with a 3.8 inches capacitive touch screen display which is responsive to the finger touch and easy on eyes with its brightness and contras. The Window 7 phone from LG Mobile Phones offers a bright camera proposition to the mobile phone users with their 5MP (mega pixel) snapper that also offers LED flash to the users to capture pictures in the dim light. The overall quality of the camera is quite appreciable. The camera also performs the video recording function of 720pfs of HD quality. Code 58292 is the column 1 code whereas 58294 is the column 2 code. You won't get reimbursed for a column 2 code performed on the same day as the associated column 1 code - unless the edits permit you to use a modifier, says Marvel J. Hammer, RN, CPC, CCS-P, PCS, ACS-PM, CHCO, consultant with MJH Consulting, Denver. Explanation: Reversing the order corrects the fact that 58292 has a higher relative value unit (RVU). Also, CMS does not consider the two codes mutually exclusive as the only difference between these two vaginal hysterectomy codes is that one includes removal of the tubes and ovaries, while the other does not. IPPE: CMS bundles G0402 (Initial preventive physical examination; face-to-face visit, services limited to new beneficiary during the first 12 months of Medicare enrollment) as mutually exclusive to all problem E/M codes (99201-99215, Office or other outpatient visit …). In order to bypass this edit, you'll have to use modifier 25 (Significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other service) on the problem E/M code. Hysterectomy: The first set of ME edits have an effect on hysterectomy procedures. The codes 58263 (Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with removal of tube[s], and/or ovary[s], with repair of enterocele) and 58270 (Vaginal hysterectomy, for uterus 250 g or less; with repair of enterocele) are now part of 58280 (Vaginal hysterectomy, with total or partial vaginectomy; with repair of enterocele). You cannot report more than one vaginal hysterectomy on one patient. Hence, these three codes are mutually exclusive procedures. Portable Mp4 Digital Players attract more consumers all the time with features that have some definite advantages over smart phones. While many people wouldn't be caught without their smart phones, other people are realizing how smart it is to go with portable players. From the latest MP4 and Digital Mp3 Player to an Internet tablet, people are rethinking their portable investments, which can not only save a bundle of money, but also provide a far more satisfying multimedia experience. It Costs Nothing to Run a Portable Media Player Portable MP3 digital players with Windows Media Players cost nothing to run, but smart phones can get expensive. Smart phones lock users in to long-term service contracts with monthly billings that can add up quickly, even for the most basic data service plans, which can then restrict users from certain Internet access and communications. Many people are learning that for one flat upfront cost, they can have free unlimited access to the technology and possibilities of a media player. Portable players make it possible with Wifi technology to access the internet and email-and even to access internet phone services with the use of add-ons. The best portable media players not only provide access to the internet, but to countless applications and ample storage for every kind of movie, video and entertainment across the world. Larger Screen Sizes Look Better in Your Hand Portable MP3 digital devices have evolved and people are discovering they can have a larger screen on the go, with the same lightweight convenience of a smart phone. An Internet tablet still remains small enough for a purse or pocket, but large enough to make a movie pop, with 5" or 7" of screen space. The sleeker, lighter designs of portable players make entertainment a bigger and richer experience in the palm of a person's hand. Superior Movie and Video Quality Portable MP3 digital players are designed to show cutting edge quality of entertainment with high efficiency. A current model MP3 digital player can have high-resolution for stunning details and the most vibrant colors. Many portable players have operating systems and processors as powerful as PC desktops to run videos and movies with speed and dependability that a smart phone can't match. Crystal clear displays on wide-angle screens are radical improvements from the standard smart phone interface. More people are experiencing the advantages of trading MP3 digital players. Source by http://blog.topons.com/index.php/2010/08/i-wanna-mp4-digital-player-not-smart-phones/ To the solution for this problem, many other software companies have developed anti-virus software for mobile and Smartphone. Window mobile Antivirus software is referred to the anti-virus software package that has been designed for anti-virus protection that use in Pocket PCs, Smartphone, Palm OS and other based devices. Window mobile Antivirus Software is run on Windows Mobile and Symbian operating system. A mobile device can become infected via download, via sharing memory cards with other devices, via MMS, SMS or email, and via Bluetooth. The most dangerous viruses can render a phone useless or steal money from users through pricey messages or calls to unwanted numbers without the user's knowledge. So, window mobile phone antivirus software provides state of the art mobile phone security systems and mobile phone antivirus solutions that are developed specifically to protect mobiles. It is not a good idea to leave the computer without anti-virus software. Some virus can destroy document, software, cause any trouble in computer, some time even hardware. To protect computer from viruses, worms, Trojans, anti-virus software is needed. There are some features of window mobile antivirus software such as it easy to use and maintains, automatics updates, real time virus scanning and support for all window mobile phone. If you are facing such dangerous viruses then this the time to use the antivirus because it is the only solution for your all threads that may be appears anytime, anywhere with you. You can go to online shopping and get the best reviews, deals and features on your desired antivirus and off course it will protect you to the full extent. Regarding this antivirus software some of the experts said this is a best idea to use a window mobile phone antivirus to protect your window mobile. There are many antivirus companies are here with their product, choose the best product and safe your mobile phone from viruses, worms, Trojans and other infections. April wasn't a great month for Apple. The tech giant endured the lost iPhone 4G debacle, and CEO Steve Jobs' strongly worded post against Adobe on Apple's official blog has now caught the attention of the federal government. The New York Post reports that the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission are negotiating over which agency will begin an antitrust inquiry into Apple. Apple is accused of hindering competition by excluding Flash support, limiting app development to Apple-only gadgets. Though an investigation is unlikely, a change in Apple's stance on Flash could encourage positive changes in the future. The antitrust inquiry would focus on one key part of Apple's developer agreement which restricts iPhone and iPad app development in third-party technologies such as Flash. Without the option for Flash, developers are required to use Apple's approved programming tools. The Post reports that by limiting development options, Apple is essentially blocking its competition. Antitrust suits are notoriously difficult to prove, as it must be found that the company in question is not only a monopoly, but that it also abused its power as a monopoly. Apple is clearly not a monopoly – its market share in the U.S. smartphone market was only 25 percent at the end of the last quarter. Fortune's Philip Elmer-DeWitt commented on this fact, writing: "Apple's doesn't enjoy that kind of market share. Its slice of the U.S. smartphone market is smaller than Research in Motion's, and Google's Android share is rapidly catching up. And while there are companies that can legitimately claim they have been harmed by the success of the iPhone вЂ― Palm comes first to mind вЂ― Palm can hardly blame Section 3.3.1 of the SDK for its troubles." In Steve Jobs' blog on the subject, he points out that Apple chooses not to include Flash support on its products because it makes the products weaker, not stronger. Though the post is full of technical details, it's clear Apple's decisions are made with customers and developers in mind – not for the purpose of killing competition, as the Post reports. If anything, Apple encourages healthy competition and creativity by requiring development outside of the Flash environment. Apple may exclude Flash, but it supports many other popular programming formats such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. An excerpt from Jobs' post says, "Our motivation is simple – we want to provide the most advanced and innovative platform to our developers, and we want them to stand directly on the shoulders of this platform and create the best apps the world has ever seen." Every once in a while, Microsoft releases Service PacksÐ’Â that are primarily a bunch of updates to the Windows operating system that have been packaged up into one download. These Service Packs serve as new versionÐ’Â of the operating system so much so that some applications and programs require that your PC be updated to the latest Service Pack before installation. However, until Service Packs are released, the updates trickle in fromÐ’Â MicrosoftÐ’Â as individual installations. Although generally tested to be stable, these updates occasionally behave in ways the company did not intend. Luckily, Microsoft built into Windows 7 an easy to use interfaceÐ’Â for uninstalling individual updates.Ð’Â Computer Service Hong Kong tells us step by step process to uninstall Windows 7 Updates. Begin by logging into Windows 7 with an account that has administrative privileges. Then, click onÐ’Â Start. Under theÐ’Â Programs and Featureslink, click on the link titledÐ’Â View Installed Updates. You should now be looking at theÐ’Â Uninstall an Update window. You should note a few things here. First, note that each update is automatically categorized by program. Second, note that the next column indicates to which program the update belongs.Ð’Â Third, the next column indicates the version. Note that few updates use this column so don't be alarmed if almost all of the updates have this column blank. Fourth, the next column indicates the publisher of the update. Microsoft often makes use of this column but many other publishers do not. Again, don't be surprised to see this column mostly blank. Fifth, the last column indicates when the update was installed. This column is particularly important because it can help you diagnose a malfunctioning computer. If you install an update and your computer starts to act strangely, you can sort the updates found in this windowsÐ’Â by date and uninstall the most recent updates to try to fix your PC. You can uninstall any update in this list simply by clicking on it. How the update uninstalls depends on what kind of update it is. For example, Microsoft updates prompt you to ensure you really want to uninstall it. Other updates may simply uninstall without asking you to verify the un-installation. For this reason, be careful what you do in this window or you may inadvertently uninstall an important update. However, don't worry because you can always download it again by running Windows Update. Windows 7 makes it easy to view and uninstall individual updates. HoweverÐ’Â Computer Upgrade Hong Kong recommends unless you have a good reason for doing so, don't start uninstalling updates to fix a problem with Windows. You may make matters worse and open up your computer to malwareÐ’Â and other attacks from which the update was protecting your PC. Microsoft was once the dominant handheld devices, but in the Apple iPhone launched in 2007 after the market had changed the wind direction, laptop,along with Google joined the fray birth of Android phones, smart phones have become the duo hegemony, Microsoft almost edge of the. Microsoft's return, be like Mike Tyson return to the ring last year, the overall results of several non-Microsoft cheer, this year, they are targeting youth market 2 social platform for mobile phones, but just 2 months to end in failure. But the rush to war with these different products, Windows Phone 7 of the product level worthy of their pride, or even break the current smart phone specification. They do not use clusters of small icons to provide tap, but in colorful rectangles, which they call "live tiles" of the tools to operate. This tool supports the software will tell you some basic functions, like you miss those calls, dial out, then the tips; some will let you link to frequently used applications, such as IE browser. Others will let you into the design of the main Windows Phone 7 – "hubs", by extracting a single integrated interface for the service. Phone offers six kinds of major hubs, including people, pictures, music and video, marketing, Microsoft Office and games. In the "crowd" the hubs, it may be to include your address book, Facebook friends list and the like, "music and videos" option is mainly based on Microsoft's Zune software, to facilitate the archiving and computer synchronization. "Picture" can help you integrate a snapshot, and a number of platforms such as Facebook and photos. The design of these hubs are easy to use, but it is difficult to fully support. For example, in the "crowd" does not list using Facebook, but Twitter does not support. In the "picture", the use of Facebook and Windows Lives are great, but run into Flickr, becomes difficult. Of course, laptop battery,retain their phone home screen customization features, but the actual use, but very annoying. This series of new features, renewed in the November 8 will be provided in the sales of models, including HTC and Samsung Surround Focus, before Christmas, there will be more than 20 models of new mobile phone market. Next, Microsoft will drop a lot of money intensive advertising to fame started. Can only say that Microsoft has finally launched in the mobile phone market, a good product, but is it good enough to be accepted by the market, currently do not see too many optimistic tone. This is an age of behaving individual character, people all started to have oneself original vision on things, they want to highlight their own style both in dress collocation and selecting electronic products. Besides comfortable wearing and possess of good sound, fashion appearance is also essential, it is time that portable earphones is a very good choice. When choosing fashion headset, Japanese series brand is we thought first. Of course, when Germanic and American series pay much attention on the quality of headset department, meanwhile, appearance also has quite a change in recent years, more bold coloring used and advance designs let a person surprised at the moment, providing us more abundant choice in buying headsets. Editor's comment: People who are familiar with headphones must know of Sennheiser PX100 when mentioned,and Sennheiser PX100 - II is just the upgrade edition. Sennheiser PX100 - II headset still continued on the generation style on exterior design, material for head beam is more solid, and thickness for sponge part is increased,wearing comfort degree is also upgrade. In the part of tuning, the character of Sennheiser PX100 - II headset low-frequency is improved, reducing the quantity feeling, triple frequency is more balanced, which are very suitable for interpretation of pop music. The price of Sennheiser PX100 - II headset is different from before, whether black or white paint,their price are unified. "Eyeglasses box" equipped with the product exchange to fashionable bag, user-friendly used when traveling.It is also worth to say that this kind of headset plug complete support iPhone products,which bring great convenience to the iPod/iPhone user's use. monitored, its resolving power is the strongest in the three portable headset . The sound of K430 is extremely clean, no excess sound dye,is very suitable for the interpretation of light music and vocal music. The range of AKG K430 headset frequency response is from 11 to 28000Hz, sensitivity is up to 125dB, impedance is only 32 ohms, such a easy to drive parameter is almost made for carry-on equipment. In addition, this kind of headset is also designed to have independent wire control device, making it easy for MP3 user to adjust the volume, what a thoughtful design ! Editor's Ð’Â comment : I'm sure that without hearing voice, merely its red appearance design can let friends like it feel blood boiling! Yes, this is Monster SOLO HD earphones, it appeals to enthusiasts who pursue for surging sound. Although the price is high, but personality appearance and the outstanding voice are Ð’Â still making people enchanted. What is more,Monster SOLO HD adopt folding design which is user-friendly and convenient to take with. Monster Solo HD adopt super precision of titanium coating sounding unit ,improve the resolving power markedly, and provide more obvious deep feelings of low frequency. In addition, Monster Solo HD headset have incident ControlTalk wire, which is able to control Iphone for hands-free conversations, and also handy for the manipulation of songs. Editor's comment: Pioneer SE - MJ2 headset adopt the design that totally closed in on the structure, the effect of sound insulation is also outstanding. This type of headset's appearance is with fashionable silver primarily, and continued the refined facture of Japanese series , especially the processing of edge crack is well arranged.In terms of sound,the represent of Pioneer SE -MJ2 headset low-frequency is really strong and exciting, the ssubmergence is in place, very suitable for rock deduction. Pioneer SE - MJ2 headset rated power output is 32 ohms, frequency response range is for 12-22000Hz, sensitivity is for 103dB, from the parameters perspective, its performance is not common. What is worth mentioning, Pioneer SE MJ2 headphones Ð’Â adopt rotating and flexible design and is convenient to carry out. the Triangle ATH - ON300 edition of headset has bright silver and pink this two styles for the user to select, has no difference with normal version on exterior design, but the work is more delicate ,shiny appearance and smart color are Ð’Â very eye-catching. Because this is limited edition, quantity is less, you'd better grasp opportunities. Triangle ATH- ON300 limited edition headphones equipped with 30mm drive unit, frequency response range is for 12-23000Hz, sound pressure sensitivity is 102dB/mW and impedance is 32 ohms, which is very suitable for carry-on use. In addition, the soft degree of triangle ON300 headset's ear cotton is moderate, you won't have tiredness even after long-wearing. Above is the all today we recommend the 5 personality earphones. When choosing to buy,fashionable headset appearance is important with no doubt,good quality is also essential. Hotsalesmart.com is a comprehensive enterprise with integration of research, development , design manufacturing and processing, the main products is famous brand multimedia headphones and earphone. We are occupying a leading position in headphone/earphone market gradually by our excellent production technology, strict quality control and perfect after-service! In order to meet the different requirement of customers, our company will develop and supply various headphone/earphone with different specification and We aim to build up an international brand and made the great exploit. Our products become more and more popular in the domestic market. And so far, various products are exported to Europe, America, South-eastern and Middle East. Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are the kind of micro phones which are used to listen songs on different audio devices as these Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are the latest technology invention they did not have any wire they work through Bluetooth and infrared which was not much reliable and accurate but Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones have the perfect rays detector so that it can effectively. Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are large in size and can cover your ear they are much comfortable and their voice quality is excellent you really enjoy listening songs with Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones. The Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are much comfortable as some of the large headphones cause headache and pain in ears but Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones provide you the complete comfort as they have perfect stuff and they are much soft which can cover your ear and you will feel much relax after listening songs with Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones. The technology is growing day to day and these Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are found in IPods and game boy advance. You can also use the while going on long drive and your car does not have any stereo system. The Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are much reliable as they provide you the wireless headphones as we have heard that wireless technology not works more effectively so I must tell you that these Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones can gives you everything that you need in the headphones with wires as they are easy to use because no wire is attached to it. The Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones has the powerfull rays which can make the effective wireless utility this is one of the best feature of Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones as all that you need in wireless technology that it works properly as there are some wireless computer mouse which can not work properly but these Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones can fulfill all your needs. These Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones can be easily available from any mechanic and audio shop. You can also get it through any games stores as these Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones also used in games. Well the easiest way to buy Sennheiser rs130 wireless headphones are the online stores which are dealing in different types of headphones Chop, impaling, blood splatter / spurting blood / blood merger or gore. Exploding parts of the body. Guns / weapons pointed at the user / recipient. Suffocations / strangulation. Humans and creatures on fire. Cruelty to Animals. Audio and animal suffering. involuntary or physically resist the sexual overtones of violent interaction, or illegal. We like the benefit of getting high-quality photographs as well as video clip on the go by having an iphone Four or even fourth-generation iPod touch -- but unfortunately, The apple company still hasn't supplied ways to easily sync this particular press back to the personal computers, or possibly a method to back up precious pictures in the cloud which means you don't need to import all of them so frequently. Due to the $1.99 general CameraSync iphone app through Organic Software program Ltd., this is now as simple as simply starting the application as well as letting it to perform the factor. Following beginning CameraSync in your iOS system, you'll be greeted having a listing of cloud-based providers will retailer your photos as well as video clip -- included in this tend to be popular options for example Dropbox, Package.net, Amazon S3, MobileMe iDisk, Reddit or even the File transfer protocol host of your choosing. The actual builders associated with CameraSync suggest Dropbox, which is the easiest method in order to add your own press as well as like magic sync it to each pc or perhaps gadget which you have the customer computer software set up. Additionally, you'll have the ability to effortlessly look at these types of documents from your Dropbox application upon iOS or perhaps Android os devices. In order to hyperlink CameraSync back, basically touch about the Dropbox image and also get into your own qualifications in the form of an e-mail deal with as well as pass word. Should you don't curently have the Dropbox accounts, faucet "Create a good account" to start out 1 -- your own very first 2GB associated with storage space is totally totally free, so there's pointless to not try it out. Any time completed, faucet the hyperlink option as well as go to Synchronize Choices. Around the next display, you'll hold the choice of syncing almost all existing pictures on your own iOS gadget or even just fresh pictures you take from this level forward, as well as options to possess CameraSync produce a file on Dropbox for your press, or even selecting one of the own. Any time you've produced your alternatives, faucet Completed to check out the particular Options display screen. Following establishing your own Dropbox account, you'll end up in the actual Configurations lite. From this level you can include additional balances in order to upload articles in order to, as well as designate what sort of content to connect, and the way. CameraSync leaves absolutely no natural stone unturned and provides an individual optimum overall flexibility to determine the way you want to deal with the press. If you tap with an present accounts, you'll discover 3 choices: Modify Consideration, Content label Accounts as well as Erase Accounts. The very first enables you to make positive changes to Dropbox connect to an additional accounts, as the next allows you to change the account name : ideal for offering a unique identify to a FTP account, for example. Finally, you will find the substitute for get rid of your bank account entirely from CameraSync. During the principal Settings pane, you will find a few options beneath "Content in order to Sync" which can be toggled upon or even off: Connect Photos, Connect Video tutorials as well as Connect Camera Imports. The first 2 provide you with the substitute for upload just one kind of press if you undertake to do so -- you are able to accelerate your own syncing by turning away movies, for instance. The 3rd choice lets you disregard press imported for your Digital camera Move, which include files preserved off their apps or imported from the camera using the ipad tablet Camera Relationship Package. The following area, "Sync Settings", lets you manage how big your own submitted pictures along with four choices: Complete quality (that offers the most top quality through posting your own authentic pictures), Big (optimum size 1600 by 1600), Method (optimum size 1200 times 1200) or perhaps Small (optimum size 400 times 400). In the event that you're worried about possessing excellent backup copies of the iOS device media, you'll desire to select Full here. There are also three selections for choosing how your own sync is shown: "Show Percentage" gives you a visual signal as to what lengths together your own sync is actually, whilst "Show Icon Label" places the badge on the app's symbol, showing the number of documents are still to visit; "Disable Display screen Sleep" enables you to maintain the display conscious during upload so you can observe it's development. Lastly, there's a choice to be able to Totally reset Published Storage, that will pressure a brand new connect of the info just in case one thing goes completely wrong. As soon as you depart the actual Configurations pane through tapping Done, you'll see the principal CameraSync display populate together with your Digital camera Move press plus a synchronize begins -- because every record is actually submitted, it'll fall in the the surface of the display into the open up package at the bottom to point success. To prevent an add beginning, faucet the little whitened octagon, that will after that change to a good inverse arrow. Touch the icon to create the actual add continue; you can also leave the actual application and also return later on in order to complete importing. From now on, each and every time a person available the particular iphone app, CameraSync can look for brand new press in your iOS device and add what ever this locates to be able to Dropbox (along with other services a person include). In the event you remove personal files from your Dropbox file, the actual iphone app will disregard the removed document and never try to add this once more. CameraSync can also be a great or free proposal - as you can easily manage which type of articles you need to publish, a person can't choose which photos or even movies acquire submitted. If it's brand new, this will get send to the fog up; if it's recently been synced prior to, it's disregarded. This makes the app incredibly easy to make use of, because each and every time a person open up CameraSync, it will what it's programmed to do without having overthinking the procedure. There are some restrictions, nevertheless. Currently, it is possible to just use a single account for each service : which means you can't include several Dropbox accounts, or even make use of more than one MobileMe iDisk at any given time. However, should you create several several types of storage, CameraSync will add your press to each simultaneously, which is quite useful. Furthermore, the application is just made to sync a proven way -- in the app for your impair safe-keeping, not really the other way around. Finally, CameraSync uses its own naming structure on your photos and videos, as the year, month, time and date when it was taken. Which means if you use iPhoto in order to straight transfer photos out of your gadget, you may get replicates if you opt to import CameraSync's exported data files also. Fortunately, the actual iphone app will contain all the graphic and Gps navigation data, which is why the application is needed to require your own authorization just before making use of your place info whenever this very first starts. When you've utilized CameraSync in order to publish media from the iOS gadget, you'll without doubt end up being asking yourself in the event that there's some way to automatically importance individuals pictures as well as movies straight into iPhoto with out handbook treatment. The fact is, the actual designers perhaps you have engrossed in a good AppleScript which makes brief perform of the job, so long as you're using Dropbox or even iDisk regarding uploading. Following doing your preliminary sync along with CameraSync, down load a little piece of software in the developer's web site. Open up a Locater eye-port and browse to the /Library/Scripts/Folder Motion Scripts/ file of the Macintosh HD (not your own person directory). Drag as well as fall the actual "add - importance in to iPhoto.scpt" record to the place. Yeah! Football season is almost here and I am stoked because I can watch the NFL Hall of Fame Game online (Dallas Cowboys vs Cincinnati Bengals) this year. You could also if you grab this great software I discovered on the Internet that gives you access to the televised live streaming video of the annual classic game. Yes sir, 2010 NFL action starts Sunday, August 8 with kick-off at 8 p.m. In Fawcett Stadium, Canton, Ohio with the game broadcast over ABC. But, with this incredible software, you can watch all the action from the comfort of your favorite chair pulled up in front of your computer. All you have to do is easily download the software, install it on your computer and then just as easily operate it. There's a version for PC and Macintosh, so everyone can enjoy all the heart-pounding, bone-crunching professional gridiron action kicking off the 2010 season from the Hall o Fame. Get hooked up with a high-speed Internet connection through DSL or cable and you'll be all set to watch the Cowboys take on the Bengals. The Cowboys own the highest winning percentage of any NFL team and face the current AFC North Division champs, the Bengals. It's been more than a decade since Dallas appeared in the pre-season opener (1999) and more than 20 (1988) since the Bengals plated. Fans everywhere are eagerly anticipating watching the game. Catching all the action online through using this software means you are sure to not miss the game and will never have to pay any exorbitant high price for any "sports package" typically charged by satellite and cable television companies. Plus, you do not need any extra hardware or software to enjoy watching liver streaming video coming over the Internet onto your own computer screen. This is a great benefit when installed on your always take along laptop computer. High-speed Internet connections are available everywhere you roam. So, you will not miss the opportunity to catch the beginning of NFL Season 2010 when you watch Dallas Cowboys vs. Cincinnati Bengals online (NFL Hall if Fame Game). iSkysoft Apple TV Video Converter - Convert video to Apple TV video and Apple TV audio. iSkysoft Apple TV Video Converter is a professional Windows video to Apple TV converter. iSkysoft Apple TV Video Converter is very powerful Video to Apple TV converter for users who want to convert regular video formats to Apple TV video and Apple TV audio. This Apple TV movie converter provides a series of practical settings such as setting video brightness, contrast, saturation, video crop, batch conversion, and joining multiple files into one file. Watch your videos on Apple TV with iSkysoft Apple TV Video Converter! Ok, Mets fans -you did make the World Series in 2000, but you lost to the Yankees. Does losing in a World Series really count for anything? Beyond that, the Mets have wandered woefully through many losing seasons and have suffered because of some inept management and decisions at the general manager level. The Yanks have a rising star in Robinson Cano, while the Mets can counter with 3B David Wright. Carlos Delgado is the Mets big bopper, while Alex Rodriquez holds that title in the Bronx. Pedro has the scandalous background as does Jason Giambi, and both bullpens feature a large amount of money invested in closers. At one point in the winter, the Mets were a 12-1 pick to win the World Series, and now, that has been lowered to 7-1. The gap is closing between the Yankees and Mets, but in the end, it probably will not be enough. The Mets were the hot team last year, but faltered at season's end. The Mets might still be a year or two away in the National League, having to overcome the powerful Cardinals and the flying Phillies. Either way, the Yankees and owner George Steinbrenner know how important this series and the final set of games back in the Bronx are. It is all about image, and until the Mets can prove year after year that they are contenders and can win down the stretch, New York will always remain a Yankees town. have purchased Iphone recently. The problem is that I am unable to connect my Iphone to the desktop system. I have recently upgraded my desktop system with Windows 7 operating system. I connect the phone with the data cable provided but still unable to get it detected. The suite application drivers are been installed in the system but still no response from the system. What could be the problem? Please help me out. The problem that Iphone is unable to get detected in your desktop system under windows 7 may be due to the incompatibility issues related to the operating system to the phone. The phone might not be very much compatible to the operating system and due to which it is unable to detect under it. Try the backup operating system of Windows 7 that is windows XP. Check it out if it gets detected in it. This shall lend you ti a solution. Upgrading the firmware for your phone might help you out in making it get detected to the system. The phone might not be upgraded to the extent of windows 7 operating and due to this reason your device is unable to cope up with the same. Check out for the latest firmware forIphone on its official website or take it to the manufacturer or local dealer form where you have purchased it. The PC suite application for the Iphone may not be installed properly in the desktop system. This might be the reason that you system is unable detect Iphone on the system. Basically the operating system does play a vital role in this as per its compatibility and functionality with the same. This should work well with MAC Operating system. Check out for the thing may be you might end up with a better conclusion. Uninstall the application and the reinstall it again. This shall work. The compatibility is the issue then you can make it work by running or executing it in safe mode. All you need to do is to boot your system and then run it under safe mode option. This will allow the system to work under a low feature or downgraded version. This mode do not require much of advanced features or updated firmwares in order to get the things to work perfectly. If the device is able to getdetected under this mode then basically it requires an upgradation of the firmware. Try it out. You can make the the device to work by disabling the MTU device to detect the device. When you plug the Iphone to the system let the MTU device start to detect the device and get it fail. Then after the thing is been processed go to the device manger option from the control panel to the system information. remove the MTU device. Then scan for the new device that is been attached. It should then be able to detect the device. This will sort out the issue. Basically its the MTU plugin device that do not allow to getthe phone to detect. Google Page is free and easy to use. Google Page offers 41 page skins (templates) and a simple editor to create pages. Simply add text, upload pictures, video, music and files, click “publish” and your page exists on the world wide web. Google offers 100 Mb of space and is coupled to your GMail account. As with all Google services, there are adequate official and non-official help pages and forumsÐ’Â GPC) which is still in testing phase (Beta). Example: You might decide that your home page layout should have a left column for navigation, a center column for a short explanation and a right column for pictures all on a grey skin background. Your next page might have much more text and you can decide for the left column navigation but to combine the center and right column into one all on a white background. By shifting between the Change Looks and Layout options you can make each page different from the other. You also have the option of using headers and footers when and where you want. More Flexibility If you require more flexibility you can add your own html commands if you are familiar with web design. Simply click the “Edit html” link on the bottom of the Google Page editor and add whatever you need. If you require any sort of scripting such as Google AdSense tm, you can upload html files and link to them. Example. You create a page and decide you want to add Google AdSense in the left column. Simply publish the page and view it online in your browser. You can either view the page source or save the file as an html document on your hard-disk. Using a text editor you can then add the AdSense script in the left column and close the file. Go back to your Google Page editor and upload the xx.htm file from your hard disk. Link to it from existing Google Page documents and you have a custom page. A small disadvantage at the moment is that you cannot use the GooglePage editor to make changes to the page since the editor will automatically strip out the script. This will change. Some users of GooglePages have commented that the editor lacks some fundamentals which exist in GoogleBlog. However, it must be remembered that the purpose of GooglePages is a simple way for people to create web pages for free. Plus, GooglePage is still in Beta and like all Google products, under constant review. How to sign upYou need a Google Mail account (Gmail) to sign up for GooglePage. Currently whatever name you choose for your Gmail account becomes your GooglePage name automatically (Google hints that this will change). For example, if you sign up for a GMial account using John Doe, your free web page will be called johndoe.googlepage.com. The Windows Mobile 7-powered HD7 phone, with a code name of 6HTHD7XM, is shipped with a 4.3-inch TFT LCD capacitive touchscreen running at 800Г—480 pixels resolution. It is driven by a fast and powerful 1GHz Qualcomm QSD8250 Snapdragon mobile processor beating at its core. The device will have HTC's own customised version of Sense User Interface for WP7 phones. The HD7 has separate music and movie players that can render MP4, WMV, H.264 and H.263 video formats as well as MP3, WMV, WAV and eAAC+ audio formats. Superb-sounding audio is provided by an enhanced Texas Instrument chip. There is a built-in microphone plus a 3.5 mm audio jack that provides headphone connectivity as well as acts as an FM antenna support. The HTC HD7 is slightly bigger which is due mostly to its wide 4.3-inch touchscreen. It has measurements of 122 x 68 x 11.2 mm, thinner than most smartphones in this category. The design is stylish and sleek with a build quality that appears to be first-rate. There is the standard WP7 Back, Start and Search buttons beneath the display as well as a kick stand at the back of the device. The HD7 smartphone, like the latest batch of mobile handsets, includes a wide range of connectivity features including EDGE, GPRS, a GPS transceiver with A-GPS support and 3G HSDPA. Additional connectivity options are provided by Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth 2.1 with A2DP and microUSB 2.0. The HD7 phone comes with a new version of Internet Explorer Mobile, which is a definite improvement over the previous ones. The spinal column is not completely solid and there are several discs which make the spinal column what it is. Apart from the bony structure of the spinal column there are also several cushions and spaces along which the shocks are absorbed. There is a network of nerves and which allows for the shocks to be absorbed. These spaces in the spinal column are extremely critical when it comes to the movement of the spine. If these spaces are blocked, the nervous impulses cannot move forward and the blood flow is impeded. For the right kind of blood flow to continue throughout the spine, these spinal spaces and cushions should ideally be healthy. Spinal stenosis is a condition where these spaces and cushions are not healthy. When these spaces narrow down due to inflammation or any other condition that affects the spinal column, the person experiences pain in the back and rigidity due to the restricted blood flow. Spinal stenosis is an extremely uncomfortable condition and needs immediate relief. Spinal Stenosis Treatment is required by those suffering from this condition. Usually, this condition occurs due to the degeneration caused by ageing. Osteoarthritis is another condition which causes spinal stenosis. Sometimes, an accident may cause inflammation in the spinal column, leading to the onset of spinal stenosis. In such a condition, spinal stenosis treatment requires the treatment of the injury and the inflammation. The symptoms and spinal stenosis treatment is based completely on the causes of the condition. If the condition is caused due to a tumor in the backbone, a surgery may be required to treat it. The symptoms of stenosis may also be important in considering the treatment of this condition. The back pain may start slowly when the inflammation is less and as the inflammation grows, the pain in the backbone also intensifies. There are plenty of methods for spinal stenosis treatment. However, there are chiropractors in San Fernando Valley who have extensive experience in dealing with the treatment. Since the pain may be relieved by flexing and stretching, the chiropractor may simply realign your spinal joints to make the movement of blood more comfortable. this also improves the amount of spaces in the spinal column, allowing you to continue with your daily life. As you schedule appointments with your chiropractor, you will realize that your pain continues to lessen day after day. The back and the outer limbs are the first of your body parts that begin to lose their sensations of pain. As the comfort increases, the spine itself gets relieved of the pressure of the blocked blood flow. As the decompression therapy continues, you will feel rejuvenated and find new vigour in the movements of your spine, much of which may have been lost due to the inflammation and the pain. Many a times, we come across a large number of free gift cards in online offers. The legitimacy and authenticity of these free cards is a big question for all the internet users. Well, there are very few but legitimate sources to get free cards of different companies including Apple, HP, Intel, Dell and many other companies. The sad part is many websites are scams that make fool of the internet users by putting scam links that do not offer any free gift items. Apple Corporation is widely known and most popular brand that makes computers, iPods, Smartphones and music accessories. There are several offers that are associated with every brand name. So is the case for Apple, Apple gift cards are prepaid cards that can be used on Apple stores to buy anything. They come in different denominations ranging from $50-$1000. The gift cards have a code number on them that is 16 digits long. All you have to do is to show that card to the cashier and get your desired accessory from the store.Ð’Â There are many rewards websites that are associated with getting free Apple gift cards. These websites offer free Apple cards; however, you need to be vigilant as there are many scam websites in this business too. There is not much that you have to do; all you require to do is to fill some quizzes and surveys. In order to receive your card, you need to have a verified and genuine email address. You will be sent plenty of quizzes and surveys on your email. Basically, they are from different websites that need promotion and need product reviews. The advertisers use this information to market their products to a wider audience. After you have filled the surveys, submit them to the given email address. Make sure you fill the surveys correctly so that when you claim your free card, you are sure of getting it at any cost. Now all you need to do is to redeem your card on Apple store. The Apple store can be accessed online or you can walk by the nearest Apple store to select the product of your choice depending upon the denomination of your card. Go to the cashier and show him the gift card. The gift card has a 16 digit code that needs to be verified at Apple store. Once verified, you can buy your desired product. Getting a free gift card is something all of us keep looking for. Since cards have limited amount on them, they cannot be encashed by any means. If there is a remaining balance on your card, it won't be utilized unless you purchase something out of it. Sometimes, there are very few dollars left on the card. You can pay cash with card to purchase an item and utilize it completely. A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure.The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere, which is the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760mm (29.92 inches) high, i.e., about 1Kg/cm2 (14.71 1b./in2 ). This would correspond to the pressure exerted by a column of air about 5 miles (8 Km) high if its density were constant and equal to that at sea level.This explains why the barometric pressure on the top of a mountain is, say, 10,000 ft. (3000m) high, the column of air pressing down at the top is only about 3 miles (assuming constant density). Actually the atmospheric pressure at any particular altitude is never constant, but varies by relatively small amounts about the average.These variations provide data for weather forecasts. When a rubber suction pad is pressed against a smooth wall, it will remain adhering to the wall. By pressing the pad down flat against the wall surface the air is expelled from the cavity under the pad and a vacuum is formed there. The air pressure which originally acted in that cavity now no longer thrusts against the inside of the pad. When the latter is released, it will remain in the compressed position because the air pressure acts on the outside only and thus presses the edge of the pad down so firmly that no air will penetrate into the cavity, which therefore remains void of air. The external air pressure thus keeps the suction pad firmly pressed against the wall. Difference of air pressure is also utilised when we drink a liquid through a straw. Air is sucked out of the straw , and the barometric air pressure, which acts upon the surface of the liquid in the glass, will force the liquid up through the straw. If a long glass tube, which is sealed at one end and open at the other, is filled with mercury and is then stood upright, with the open end downwards, in a dish containing mercury, then so much mercury will flow out of the tube until a column of mercury not more than 760 mm in height above the mercury surface in the dish remains. The air pressure which acts upon the surface of the mercury in the dish is therefore able to hold up a 760 mm high mercury column. One of the main factors that contribute to back pain that we experience on a regular basis is carrying around too much weight.Ð’Â I'm not talking about carrying boxes are lifting heavy items, I'm talking about the weight that we carry around at all times.Ð’Â If you are just 20 pounds overweight, you may be putting a strain on your spinal column and perhaps even throwing your hips out of alignment to the point where you are going to experience pain on a persistent basis.Ð’Â In order for you to overcome this problem, you need to lose the weight and there is no way getting around that. Think of it this way, have you ever tried to lift a 20 pound box?Ð’Â It may not be all that difficult to lift the box but try carrying it around all day, every day.Ð’Â It won't take very long for you to realize that 20 pounds is actually quite heavy and you will be wanting to put it down rather quickly.Ð’Â The same is also true if you are carrying around fat on your body that does not belong there.Ð’Â It is going to take a toll and many of us carry around a lot more than 20 pounds of extra weight.Ð’Â If this is the case with you, you need to make a change to feel a difference. The easiest way for you to lose weight is to modify your eating habits and to get a little bit of exercise.Ð’Â It is not necessary for you to go to extremes in order for you to do this.Ð’Â Simply work out the larger muscles of your body, your legs and you will begin to burn calories as a result of the additional muscle mass.Ð’Â You should also work on strengthening your core muscles as this will also help you to overcome back pain that you may be experiencing. As far as your diet is concerned, it is really just a matter of simple math.Ð’Â Try to figure out how much you are burning in the way of calories on a daily basis.Ð’Â Reduce your eating so that you are anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories underneath that number every day.Ð’Â By doing so, you will put yourself in the calorie deficit and you will lose anywhere from one to 2 pounds every week consistently. This freedom gives you the opportunity to move and work throughout the house and not miss a single thing. Would you like to hear the football or baseball game upstairs without having to move your stereo up there? Or maybe go outside for a few minutes to take the garbage out. No problem...you haven't missed a thing. Wireless means you most likely have to stay in the line of sight of the base unit. The technology behind this is similar to that of your remote control for the television. The standard range is about 30 feet. Some units are available with more mobility, but signal strength can be lost. This makes most of these units more compatible with home or office use than anywhere else. Girls are girls, and girls love something pink and blue with a splash of white or something floral. May it be buying watches or bags girls love to buy something distinctive; something which serves the purpose yet doesn’t deprive them from their most-sought-after feminine macbook accessories. 13 inch Apple macbook sleeves are now available in passion vine style. Like the name rightly suggests, ladies are in for some sweet, classic looking macbook sleeve made from 100% polyester Sherpa fleece and protective enough to tackle all the daily humdrum. If you wish to gift apple macbook sleeves to your girlfriend or secretary, you can choose the special ladies apple macbook sleeve. Girls love to be included in the supposedly masculine domain of technology and tech accessories. Laptop accessories, macbook accessories, iPod accessories have come across to be common gift items for many ladies today. The apple macbook sleeves particularly work great for this women entrepreneur who is a ladies club member. She uses macbook sleeves along with her laptop tote bag or even her everyday use briefcase. Looks quite snazzy and trendy to be very honest! Ladies Apple macbook sleeves are ideal for protecting Core 2 Duo and Core Duo. They are well-stitched and tailored after considering the dimensions of the 13” macbook. This fits the macbook perfectly. Plus, the Velcro macbook sleeve saves you from the trouble of fiddling with buttons and zips. The 6 inches of Velcro holds the macbook securely and gives you easy access. You can simply use it by itself or team the macbook sleeve with a backpack, briefcase, bag. The front pocket on the macbook sleeve has ample space for your cds, adapters, DVDs, usbs, or even your iPods. Coming back to the material used for girly apple macbook sleeve, if you wish to have something soft and comfortable for your macbook sleeve, the passion vine macbook sleeve is perfect! Apart from the soft colors used for the outer casing, apple macbook is the “just what the doctor ordered” computer sleeve for your apple macbook. Use it for safeguarding your investment. 13 inch Apple macbook sleeve gives the reassurance and security needed for macbook users. Padded macbook sleeve cushions your macbook no matter how bumpy the road may be or how roughly the macbook is handled. CD cases have cd sleeves, some come in plastic sleeve, laptop computers have laptop sleeves but when it comes to the Apple macbook, Apple macbook sleeves and apple macbook sleeves go hand in hand. In fact, apple macbook sleeves are on the first notebook protection accessories that can be used as iBook Sleeve, Powerbook sleeve as well as an Apple macbook sleeve and in every case, they aren’t bulky, too big or too small for your laptop computer. Gone are the days when you had to use bubble pak envelopes for storing items for shipping, travelling or moving. Gift ladies macbook sleeves to someone dear to you, they will love it for sure. Dress macbook in macbook sleeve and you will see how secure it looks. Businesswoman would love to dress macbook in macbook sleeves as much as housewives who might need to keep their macbook away from dust. Those apps, which appear in most countries' versions of the App Store, do not currently appear in the Chinese version. Another app related to Rebiya Kadeer, who like the Dalai Lama is an exiled minority leader reviled by China's authorities, is unavailable in the China App Store as well. The apparent censorship comes after carrier China Unicom launched iPhone sales two months ago, making regulatory approval of the phone's contents in the country necessary for the first time. At least five iPhone apps related to the Dalai Lama are unavailable in the China store. Some of those apps -- named Dalai Quotes, Dalai Lama Quotes and Dalai Lama Prayerwheel -- display inspirational quotes from the Tibetan spiritual leader. Another, Paging Dalai Lama, tells users where he is currently teaching. A fifth app, Nobel Laureates, contains information about Nobel Prize winners including the Dalai Lama. Test searches done on four out of five iPhones displayed at the Apple Store in Beijing this month returned no results for the term "Dalai." The apps also did not appear for searches done with a computer on iTunes after switching the country selection in the program to China. One of the iPhones at the Apple Store did display the Dalai Lama apps, though it was unclear why. Chinese officials condemn the Dalai Lama as a dangerous "splittist" seeking to separate Tibet from China, and have called him a "devil with a human face." The Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 after Chinese troops crushed an uprising in the capital city of Lhasa, solidifying Chinese control there. The religious figure remains widely revered by Tibetans. Apple lets developers choose in which countries' versions of the App Store to sell their products, but it is unlikely that the Kadeer and Dalai Lama apps are unavailable in China by the choice of their makers. The app about Kadeer was submitted to the App Stores in all countries, James Boldiston, the app's developer, said in an e-mail. Other developers said they could not recall if they had excluded China, but most had other apps for sale in the China store, showing that in other cases they had included the country. "Given that Apple has cooperated with China before (by not distributing games), it's of course very likely that it's Apple, not the developers, that are preventing certain apps from appearing," said one China-based app developer, who asked not to be named, in an e-mail. Games were not sold in the China App Store before recent months. Apple joins other U.S. technology giants including Yahoo and Google that have come under fire for complying with Chinese government demands on sensitive political issues. Human rights advocates criticized Yahoo when Shi Tao, a Chinese journalist, landed a 10-year prison sentence in 2005 partly because of e-mail evidence gained from his private Yahoo account. Yahoo said it was obeying Chinese law by handing the evidence to authorities. The Chinese iPhone also appears to be subject to the country's set of Internet controls known by critics as the "Great Firewall." Searching the App Store for "Falun Gong," the name of a spiritual sect banned in China as a cult, caused iPhones in the Beijing Apple Store to display a results loading screen indefinitely, though no Falun Gong apps appear to be offered in any countries. In contrast, searches for other terms quickly returned a results page. There are a range of Skype headset which are available in the range of $15 to $80. If you read the reviews and check out the comparison chart, it will help you decide which Skype headset is the best for you. The most common amongst all headsets are the Plantronics range of headsets as they are the ones which are recommended by Skype. Before discussing the headsets, let us have a look at what Skype is. Skype helps people to make calls through the internet. It allows all Skype users to call other Skype users. All you need to do is to download the Skype software from their website which is free of charge. As the download is free, the user just pays for their internet connection and can then make international calls for free. The basic problem of Skype is that one user can only call other Skype users. Skype out is a service which allows users to call normal telephones. For this service, the charges are on per-minute basis. There is a switch (like the ones in Global phones) which is used in order to terminate calls. For more information about this, you can visit the Skype website. We will discuss how to spot a Fake Sennheiser headphone and steer clear of such dealers. We all know how the replica and fake markets are growing by the day. And everyday people are duped of trust and money. In this article I will share some facts related to buying an original Sennheiser headphone. If you are someone who needs headphones all the time, and if you learn to spot the fake Sennheiser from an original, it will help you forever. The electronic market is overflowing with new products being launched everyday. Each one is upgraded, improved and better than the competitor’s. Whether the product is really as good as it is made to sound or is it the sound of good copywriting skill that is doing the trick is best left to time. A good product in the end will stand out on its own and will be accepted and demanded by people who know the value of good product. Apple iPhone 4g is the brand new popular trend within the technologies world and that we have a way to get our fingers on one for FREE. Apple is seeking a few people, just as you, to offer the iPhone a test run and send in some feedback on methods to improve it. Individuals offers you the iPhone 4G totally free, all you have to complete is apply it and provide them your opinions on the item and in give back you'll be able to keep the new iPhone 4G without having spend anything at all out of pocket. Looks to me as you find out a lttle bit much better than they are doing in this offer. There are numerous companies available which will "give" you their own product for free, however when it comes to it they're requesting for money in some manner or another. Apple isn't seeking money, they're merely using this limited time offer to see a few of their highly valued customers to provide them feedback on their particular fresh Apple iPhone 4G and can pay back you with your own Apple iPhone 4G, free of charge. This offer will simply last for so long, so you should take action now. Apple wants your support and is resorting to providing their item away to get it. Perform them and your favor and follow this kind of offers for a free apple iphone 4g. Do not delay; take action now, before Apple reaches their feelings! Move get a brand new free Apple iphone 4G at present! Here's your great ticket. There is little thought given to the humble mailbox. Mailboxes are always there for you when you need to collect an important letter or package. Commercial mailboxes are available for those of us looking for a professional image, or those who are just dealing with a lot of business mail. If you’re not a business owner, you might want to consider your own residential mailbox. Your residential mailbox is a thing that you should take pride in. There are USPS Approved Commercial Mailboxes, which might cost you a little extra, but they’re worth it. If you’re dealing with any sort of important business mail, your locking mailbox must be trustworthy. If you’re after a locking mailbox, you don’t need to spend a fortune to get a nice, modern mailbox. Do you need a wall mount mailbox? It’s their business to know mailboxes and sell mailboxes. They have locking mailboxes, commercial mailboxes, residential mailboxes, modern mailboxes. There are so many mailboxes to choose from, when you shop on the internet, that it would take 100 pages to tell you about each one. Go and check out the internet to see for yourself. Sometimes when you just want to listen to some music alone or when you do not want other people to know what you are listening to, you may want to consider using headphones. Nowadays, there are many types of headphones available in the market to choose from and one of them is “Cordless Headphones”. Some wireless headsets use infrared rays for receiving signals, like a remote control. These have a limited range of receiving of a maximum of 30 feet. Cordless headphones, on the other hand, use radio waves. The headset should be adjusted in frequency with the base station so as not to interfere with other devices. These headsets have a greater frequency of up to 2.4 GHz and can reach up to 300 feet. While there are many places from where you can buy your cordless headphones, there is need for you to buy from a trusted dealer so that you can be assured of quality. When buying cordless headphones, you should consider the following: Are they comfortable? Do they stay securely in place for long hours? Are the headphones flexible and unobtrusive? Are the volume and other controls easily accessible? Is the sound quality on both the lines clear? Radio Parts, one of the leading electronic stores of Australia offers high quality cordless headphones to make your life easier. Radio Parts also offers the best quality wireless audio video transmitter, portable DVD players, LCD TV’s, car TV antennas, CCTV security system equipments, wireless AV senders and much more at incredible prices. If you want to buy professional cordless headphones online, please visit the site http://www.radioparts.com.au
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