Introduction CMake Language Specific cases CMake Tutorial How to setup your C/C++ projects? Luis DГaz MГЎs November, 2012 Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Outline 1 Introduction What’s CMake? Typical procedure 2 CMake Language Concepts Scripting CPack 3 Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure What’s CMake? System for configuring C/C++ projects. Independent of: Platform IDE/Editor Compiler Generates native makefiles and workspaces Some of its major features Open source Simplicity of scripting language Modules for finding/configuring software Create custom targets/commands “Out-of-Source” builds Cross compiling Integrated testing & packaging (CTest & CPack) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Many IDEs, editors and SOs IDE Windows Vis. Studio Code::Blocks Mac OS X XCode Linux KDevelop Anjuta Multi-platform Eclipse QtCreator Editors + Tools + Makefiles Multi-platform Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Compilers Compilers & Linkers GNU Compilers (gcc, g++, asm, fortran, etc) Visual Studio compilers MinGW (Windows Port of GNU Compilers) Intel compilers Target-specific compilers (embedded hardware) Cross-compiling Eclipse + plugins ? Is it really necessary? Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Who are using CMake? Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Who are using CMake? Many important libraries & tools use CMake VTK KDE Blender Compiz MySQL Inkscape Qt4 & Qt5 OpenCV Point Clouds Library Boost ZLib ... Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Why to use CMake? Do not depend on specific platform, IDE or compiler. Many independent builds for each project. Easy to tune specific-platform stuff. Easy integration with other applications like Doxygen. Console and Graphical applications. Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Typical project setup CMakeLists.txt in root directory. CMakeLists.txt files in code directories. src в†’ C/C++ libraries. tests в†’ unitary tests. utils в†’ apps using (or not) the libraries. Procedure 1 2 3 4 5 Go to project path. Create build path (debug|release) & go inside. Run CMake indicating build & source paths. Make or compile with appropriate workspace. Install targets. Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases What’s CMake? Typical procedure Simple example Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Outline 1 Introduction What’s CMake? Typical procedure 2 CMake Language Concepts Scripting CPack 3 Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Code organization Each project in a independent directory. Each subdirectory can contain a subproject. Inheritance of configuration in subdirectories. Order of processing: Root, dir1, dir3, dir4, dir2 Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Source tree & Binary tree The source tree contains: Program sources & headers. Data files. CMake input files. The binary tree contains: Native build system files (dsw, dsp, makefiles, workspaces). Libraries. Executables. Build outputs. Any other build generated files. Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Predefined targets Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Basic variables CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (Debug | Release) Determines type of compilation CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE (ON | OFF) If it is enabled the compilation show all the information CMAKE_MODULE_PATH Path to where CMake modules are located CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Where to install targets (be careful with privileges) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Basic commands Comments with # Project PROJECT( myProject ) Set and read variables SET( VARIABLE ’Ou yeah ’ ) MESSAGE(STATUS ’ VARIABLE : $ { VARIABLE } ’ ) Conditional blocks I F ( WIN32 ) MESSAGE(STATUS ’ ’ Doing s p e c i f i c windows s t u f f s ’ ’ ) ELIF ( LINUX ) MESSAGE(STATUS ’ ’ Doing s p e c i f i c l i n u x s t u f f s ’ ’ ) ELIF (APPLE) MESSAGE(STATUS ’ ’ Doing s p e c i f i c apple s t u f f s ’ ’ ) ELSE ( ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR ’ ’ Unrecognized o p e r a t i v e system ’ ’ ) ENDIF ( ) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Basic commands Messages MESSAGE( ’ I m p o r t a n t message ’ ) MESSAGE(STATUS ’ I n c i d e n t a l i n f o r m a t i o n ’ ) MESSAGE(WARNING ’CMake warning , c o n t i n u e processing ’ ) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR ’CMake e r r o r , c o n t i n u e b u t s k i p i n g g e n e r a t i o n ’ ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR ’CMake e r r o r , s t o p a l l processing ’ ) Subdirectories ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( s r c ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( t e s t s ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( u t i l s ) Modify variables In terminal mode : cmake -D VAR=XXX . . . In GUI mode Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Libraries and applications commands Compile & link commands ADD_DEFINITIONS(в€’D _NDEBUG) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ( $ {PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR } / s r c ) LINK_DIRECTORIES ( $ { PATH_TO_SOME_LIBRARIES } ) LINK_LIBRARIES ( $ { OpenCV_LIBS } TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( myTarget $ { MyLIB } ) Target commands #The f o l l o w i n g commands depends on CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, CMAKE_CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS, #CMAKE_CXX_RELEASE_FLAGS, e t c . ADD_LIBRARY ( myLib $ {SOURCES} ) # The l i b r a r y w i l l be shared o r s t a t i c depending on BUILD_SHARED_LIBS v a r i a b l e ADD_EXECUTABLE( myApp $ {SOURCES} ) Verbose compiling make VERBOSE=1 Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Libraries and applications commands Install commands # I n s t a l l headers f i l e s o f t h e l i b r a r y INSTALL ( FILES $ {HEADERS} DESTINATION i n c l u d e / $ {PROJECT_NAME } / COMPONENT main ) # I n s t a l l l i b r a r y f i l e s of the l i b r a r y INSTALL (TARGETS $ {PROJECT_NAME} RUNTIME DESTINATION b i n COMPONENT main LIBRARY DESTINATION l i b PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE COMPONENT main ARCHIVE DESTINATION l i b / s t a t i c COMPONENT main ) # Dynamic l i b r a r y : DLLs # Dynamic l i b r a r y : so # Static library # I n s t a l l application INSTALL (TARGETS myApp RUNTIME DESTINATION b i n COMPONENT main ) #These commands generates i n s t a l l a t i o n r u l e s f o r a p r o j e c t . #DESTINATION i s r e l a t i v e t o CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX u n l e s s you s p e c i f y a a b s o l u t e path Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Advanced commands Find libraries # I n / u s r / share / cmakeв€’2.8/ Modules o r C : \ ProgramFiles \ cmake \ Modules \ are t h e Find f i l e s FIND_PACKAGE( Qt4 4 . 4 . 3 REQUIRED QUIET COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui ) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE( ZLIB REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE( GTest ) ... # To s p e c i f y o t h e r p l a c e s where t o f i n d Find f i l e s SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH $ {CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} $ { CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX } / l i b / cmake / ) ... LINK_LIBRARIES ( $ { OpenCV_LIBS } $ {QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY } ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( myApp $ { QT_LIBRARIES } ) # V a r i a b l e s d e f i n e s i n Find f i l e s ... FIND_PACKAGE( PkgConfig REQUIRED) I F (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(AVCODEC REQUIRED l i b a v c o d e c > = 5 3 . 3 5 . 0 ) ELSE ( ) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR " pkgв€’c o n f i g command n o t found " ) ENDIF ( ) ... FIND_LIBRARY (ARGTABLE a r g t a b l e 2 PATHS $ {ARGTABLE_ROOT } / l i b ) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Advanced commands Tunning compiling options SET(EXTRA_C_FLAGS " " ) SET(EXTRA_C_FLAGS_RELEASE " " ) SET(EXTRA_C_FLAGS_DEBUG " " ) SET( EXTRA_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS " " ) SET(EXTRA_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE " " ) SET(EXTRA_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG " " ) I F ( WARNINGS_ANSI_ISO ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’a n s i ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’Wcastв€’a l i g n ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’ W s t r i c tв€’a l i a s i n g =2) ELSE ( ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’Wnoв€’n a r r o w i n g ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’Wnoв€’d e l e t eв€’nonв€’v i r t u a l в€’d t o r ) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’Wnoв€’unnamedв€’typeв€’templateв€’args ) ENDIF ( ) I F (WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS) a d d _ e x t r a _ c o m p i l e r _ o p t i o n(в€’Werror ) ENDIF ( ) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS " $ {CMAKE_C_FLAGS} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS } " ) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " $ {CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS } " ) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE " $ {CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS_RELEASE } " ) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE " $ {CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS_RELEASE } " ) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG " $ {CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS_DEBUG } " ) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG " $ {CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} $ {EXTRA_C_FLAGS_DEBUG } " ) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Packaging the project A packaging tool distributed with CMake. It can be used without CMake (file CPackConfig.cmake). To use it with CMake в†’ INCLUDE(CPack). Generators: TGZ TBZ2 TZ ZIP Nullsoft Installer (Windows only) DragNDrop (OSX only) DEB/RPM (Linux only) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack CPack commands I F (NOT CPACK_GENERATOR) I F ( UNIX ) SET(CPACK_GENERATOR "DEB" ) ENDIF ( ) ENDIF ( ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT " piponazo@plagatux . es " ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "My p e r s o n a l l i b r a r y " ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR " L u i s Diaz Mas " ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR $ {VERSION_MAJOR } ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR $ {VERSION_MINOR } ) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH $ {VERSION_PATCH } ) SET(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR " TBZ2 " ) SET(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME $ {PROJECT_NAME } ) # Avoid m e r c u r i a l f i l e s , b u i l d s and vim t e m p o r a l f i l e s SET(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES " \ \ \ \ . hg / ; / b u i l d . в€— / ; \ \ \ \ . swp$ " ) I F (CPACK_GENERATOR STREQUAL "DEB " ) SET(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_MAINTAINER " piponazo@plagatux . es " ) SET(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_SHLIBDEPS ON) ENDIF ( ) INCLUDE ( CPack ) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Concepts Scripting CPack Big project example - OpenCV Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Outline 1 Introduction What’s CMake? Typical procedure 2 CMake Language Concepts Scripting CPack 3 Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Qt Overview Figure: Image taken from Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Qt commands Finding Qt FIND_PACKAGE( Qt4 4 . 8 . 1 REQUIRED QUIET COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtNetwork ) Compiling libraries and applications INCLUDE ( $ { QT_USE_FILE } ) I F ( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) ADD_DEFINITIONS(в€’DQT_SHARED) ELSE ( ) ADD_DEFINITIONS(в€’DQT_STATIC ) ENDIF ( ) I F ( $ {CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} STREQUAL " Release " ) ADD_DEFINITIONS(в€’DQT_NO_DEBUG) ENDIF ( ) Compiling plug-ins #Not use INCLUDE ( $ { QT_USE_FILE } ) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ( $ { QT_INCLUDE_DIR } $ {QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR} $ { QT_QTGUI_INCLUDE_DIR } ) ADD_DEFINITIONS(в€’DQT_PLUGIN в€’DQT_SHARED в€’DQT_DEBUG в€’D_REENTRANT) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Qt commands Generating MOCS SET(MOCS mainwindow . h connectiondialog . h) QT4_WRAP_CPP(MOCS_GEN $ {HDRS_MOCS} ) Compiling UIs SET( UIS mainwindow . u i connectiondialog . ui ) QT4_WRAP_UI( UIS_GEN $ { UIS } ) Compiling resources QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(RSC f i l e . q r c ) Putting all together ADD_EXECUTABLE( myApp $ {SOURCES} $ {MOCS_GEN} $ { UIS_GEN } $ {RSC} ) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Qt Example Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Cross-compiling Independent files for each specific board/configuration Use CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable Example with Raspberri pi (toolchain-rpi.cmake) INCLUDE ( CMakeForceCompiler ) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME L i n u x ) # t h i s one i s i m p o r t a n t SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 1 ) # t h i s one n o t so much SET(RPI_ROOT / home / l u i s / r p iв€’t o o l c h a i n / armв€’bcm2708 / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabi ) SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER s e t (CMAKE_AR s e t (CMAKE_LINKER s e t (CMAKE_NM s e t (CMAKE_OBJCOPY s e t (CMAKE_OBJDUMP s e t (CMAKE_STRIP s e t (CMAKE_RANLIB $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / $ {RPI_ROOT } / SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’gcc ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’g++) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’a r ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’l d ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’nm) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’objcopy ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’objdump ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’s t r i p ) b i n / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabiв€’t a n l i b ) $ {RPI_ROOT } / armв€’bcm2708hardfpв€’l i n u xв€’gnueabi ) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial Introduction CMake Language Specific cases Qt libraries Cross-compiling Example - hello world RPi Luis DГaz MГЎs CMake Tutorial
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