Keeping in Contact with Mobile Sample Members Mick P. Couper and Mary Beth Ofstedal Survey Research Center, University of Michigan DRAFT July 2, 2006 Draft prepared for presentation at: MOLS 2006: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys University of Essex, Colchester, UK July 2006 Acknowledgments We received assistance from a number of individuals who work on various large-scale panel surveys. In particular, we wish to thank Kate McGonagle, Eva Leissou, Tecla Loup, and Mohammad Mushtaq from PSID and Heidi Guyer and Jennifer Arrieta from HRS for their help in preparing and interpreting the data from those surveys; and Hayley Cheshire and Carli Lessof from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, Heather Laurie from the British Household Panel Survey; and Gert Wagner and Jürgen Schupp from the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey for providing information on tracking methods and outcomes for those surveys. We are also grateful to the reviewers for their helpful suggestions on an earlier draft. All errors remain our own. 2 1. Introduction Panel surveys are an increasingly important tool for studying a wide variety of social phenomena. They are particularly useful for studying dynamic processes. For this reason, panel attrition is of particular concern, because of the risk of those most likely to experience change being lost to followup, potentially producing biased estimates of change measures. While panel attrition was long viewed as a unitary phenomenon, recent research has focused on different sources of panel attrition and their implications for data quality. Lepkowski and Couper (2002) offered a general model of attrition in panel surveys, including the location, contact, and cooperation process. This chapter narrows the focus to the first of these, namely the process of locating or tracking1 sample persons in subsequent waves of a panel survey. A tracking problem is generally triggered by a change of address, telephone number, e-mail address, or other contact information. This change in turn is usually triggered by a move—whether of an individual or an entire household—and such moves are often associated with the very dynamics one is interested in measuring in panel surveys. By their very nature, moves are associated with change, and those who move are likely to be different from stayers (non-movers) on several dimensions. Panel member mobility may not only affect data quality, but the efforts expended to find such mobile members may also increase costs. However, panel surveys can—and often do—collect a variety of information that can help predict the likelihood of moving, and reduce the likelihood of location failure given a move, thus mitigating the effect on key survey estimates and costs. To date, however, the problem has received scant attention in the research literature, often being relegated to an operational issue. Our view is that the tracking problem is worthy of research attention, and the purpose of this chapter is to identify gaps in the literature and encourage research on the issue of tracking mobile sample members. How big a problem is it to locate those who move between waves in a panel survey? Based on their review of the literature, Groves and Hansen (1996, p. 5) concluded that “with adequate planning, multiple methods, and enough information, time, money, skilled staff, perseverance, and so on, 90% to 100% location rates are possible.” Similarly, Call, Otto, and Spenner (1982) noted that in most studies it should be possible to locate addresses for all but two to four percent of the panel members. For example, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) needed to track 14% of its sample from 2003-2005, and successfully located 96% of these. Similarly, the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) attempted tracking for 15.1% of the sample from 2003-2004, and located 93.7% of these. Of course, time and resources are not limitless, and even if the proportion of non-located can be minimized, it may be costly to do so. For this reason, advancing our understanding of the tracking problem may inform the optimal allocation of resources for these and many other competing activities in panel surveys. In this chapter, we first offer an overview of the location problem, as distinct from other sources of panel attrition or nonresponse. We then offer a framework for understanding the location propensity to guide fieldwork strategies and identify likely sources of bias. Then we briefly describe two cases studies, examining the extent of the location problem, and correlates of (non)location. We end with a brief discussion of the changing role of technology in facilitating or impeding the ability to locate sample persons who have moved or changed contact information, and offer some thoughts for research and practice. 1 The terms “locating,” “tracking,” and “tracing” are variously used in the literature. We use all three interchangeably. 3 2. The Location Problem in Panel Surveys A feature of panel surveys is that they (attempt to) interview the same individuals at multiple time points, regardless of where those persons currently reside. If a sample person has not moved since the previous interview, locating them is generally not a problem, and the effort turns to making contact with the sample person at the given location. Thus, locating sample persons is different from making contact with them. The former is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the latter. Once a sample unit has been located and contacted, attention turns to gaining cooperation, a process addressed in detail elsewhere. The location problem thus involves two related propensities2, the first being the propensity to move (or to change contact information) and the second, conditional on the first, being the propensity to locate a person who has moved. Figure 1 offers a framework for understanding the elements of the location problem, in the spirit of Groves and Couper (1998) and Lepkowski and Couper (2002). The figure is not meant to be exhaustive, but illustrates some of the factors at work in the propensity to move and, given a move, the propensity to be located. FIGURE 1 ABOUT HERE 2.1. The Likelihood of Moving What is the extent of geographical mobility? This varies both within and between countries. For example, 13.7% of the U.S. population moved in 2004 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2005). The majority of these moves were within the same county (57.8%), and an additional 20.1% were within the same state. However, 18.8% of movers moved to a different state, and 3.3% moved to a different country. The reasons for moving in 2004 were dominated by housingrelated reasons (57.8% of movers), followed by family-related reasons (24.3%), and employment-related reasons (17.0%). The level of geographic mobility is somewhat lower in most Western European countries. In 1996-97, Finland and Denmark had annual mobility rates ranging from 11-13%, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium had more moderate rates (7-9%), and Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Austria all had rates of 4.5% or less (Gregg, Machin, and Manning, 2004). In England, 10.7% of the population moved per year on average between 1996 and 1998 (Donovan, Pilch and Rubenstein, 2002). About 63% of the moves were short distance moves (i.e., within a local authority district), 21% were medium distance (between local-authority districts in the same region) and the remainder long-distance (between regions or beyond) (Buck, 2000). Reasons for moving were similar to those in the U.S., but varied according to the distance of the move. Short-distance moves were generally related to family and housing concerns, mediumdistance moves to job changes, and long-distance moves to job changes and/or educational pursuits. The causes and correlates of geographical mobility are an area of research in its own right, and we do not intend an exhaustive review here. Rather, we highlight a few points pertinent to the tracking issue. Whether a person or family will move depends on many 2 We use the terms “propensity” and “likelihood” interchangeably to refer to the conditional probability of an event (e.g., moving, being located) given a set of covariates. 4 circumstances. There are more stable societal-level influences such as residential and job mobility and urbanization. These affect the overall level of moves in a given society. In general, societies with less mobility and greater permanence of structures (housing units, addresses) will exhibit fewer moves. Similarly, macro-level factors such as the differential availability of jobs in different regions, changes in housing costs, and other economic changes, may increase the number of moves (Gregg, Machin and Manning, 2004). Quality of schools, crime rates and housing density are also important, particularly for families with young children (Frey and Kobrin, 1982). While the socio-economic climate may predispose people to move, the decision to move is generally made at the level of the individual person or family. The likelihood that a given person will move depends in large part on their current family circumstances, their current life stage, job security, and so on (De Jong and Gardner, 1981; Landale and Guest, 1985; Rossi, 1955; Speare, Goldstein and Frey, 1975). For example, younger people are more mobile, as are those with higher education levels (Long, 1988). On the other hand, those with more tenuous employment or low-skilled workers may move more frequently to find work. The number of years at a residence, household tenure (i.e., whether the dwelling is owned or rented), and community attachments through family and friends may also influence the likelihood of moving. In later life, retirement, widowhood and major health events are important triggers of residential mobility (Walters, 2000). One can distinguish between the overall propensity to make a move, and the likelihood of a specific move. A person or family may be predisposed towards moving, but the move itself is usually precipitated by a particular set of circumstances. Specific events such as births or deaths, marriage or divorce, job changes, and crime victimization affect the likelihood of moving. These proximate factors affect not only the likelihood of moving, but also the circumstances of the move itself. Some moves are planned many months in advance, and the timing of the move and intended destination may be known at the time of the current wave interview. Other moves are more a response to an unanticipated change in family circumstances, employment, health, etc. The latter types of moves are likely to present more challenges for tracking and location than the former. Moves also vary in the number and type of family members they involve. The move of a child out of the parental home to attend college or to enter the labor market is a quite different event from a relocation involving the whole family. Moves due to divorce or separation involve the creation of two new households, while marriage or cohabitation involves the creation of a single new household from parts of others. Moves due to external factors (e.g., job loss, changes in the housing market, natural disasters) may be less well-anticipated, and may leave fewer traces as a consequence. The distance of a move will also have consequences for the individuals involved and may be an important factor in locating sample members. Moving to a different house in the same city is likely to leave most social connections intact, while moving across country or abroad may diminish the strength of those ties. On the other hand, some long-distance moves are undertaken for the purpose of living nearer to family members, and may be precipitated by a specific event, such as a decline in health or death of a spouse. 2.2. The Likelihood of Being Located, Given a Move Different types of moves and movers are likely to exhibit different propensities for being located following a move, and both the reason for the move and the circumstances of the move 5 are likely to affect the success with which movers are located. For example, a name change in marriage or following divorce may make it more difficult to track and locate someone who has moved since the last panel wave. A move following a bankruptcy may leave fewer traces because of the desire to avoid creditors. Unlisted numbers and other means to assure privacy may be associated with such life changes. The degree of family or community attachment many not only affect the likelihood of moving, but also provide more data on units that do move. Individuals with large extended families and strong family ties have many potential sources through which their current location can be ascertained. Those with strong community ties are likely to leave many traces to their new address; they are likely to be politically, socially, and economically engaged in their new community. Their lives are accessible through public databases such as telephone directories, credit records, voter registration, library registration, membership in churches or religious organizations, or children in schools. Socially isolated individuals will be more difficult to track following a move, as will those who withdraw from community attachments. In other words, both the characteristics of the movers and the life events that precipitated the move may have consequences for the ease with which movers are found. In addition, two other sets of factors are likely to be at work in the location propensity. The first relates to structural factors facilitating location, and the second to survey design elements. 2.2.1. Structural or societal-level factors At a structural level, societies differ in features that may affect the resources available for tracking. For example, countries with population registers usually require individuals to update their address within a specified time after a move. To the extent that such registers are available to survey organizations, they provide an accurate and up-to-date source of tracking information. On the other hand in countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, filing a change of address is voluntary. The National Change of Address Registers (NCOA) in each country are only as good as the extent to which people comply with providing updates and the alacrity with which they do so. Privacy laws prevailing in a country may limit the amount of publiclyavailable information on the whereabouts of its members. There are a number of commercial vendors in the U.S. that consolidate information from a variety of sources (e.g., credit card bills, tax rolls, voting records, etc.) and make these available for a fee. Similarly, legislation such as the Telephone Number Portability Act in the U.S., which permits subscribers to transfer telephone numbers across devices (landline and mobile) as well as across locations, may facilitate the tracking of individuals as the use of such options becomes more widespread. The public climate related to privacy may, in addition, affect the rate with which telephone numbers are listed, e-mail addresses are publicly accessible, and so on. Of course, how these various resources are used is part of survey design, discussed below. 2.2.2. Survey design factors Panel surveys vary on many dimensions, ranging from the tracking or following rules employed, the temporal distance between waves, the time and effort expended in tracking movers, the amount and type of contact information collected in the prior wave, and so on. All of these are likely to affect location propensity. Other things being equal, the longer the time between data collection waves, the greater the likelihood that sample persons may have moved, and the greater the difficulty in tracing 6 those who did (see Duncan and Kalton, 1987). For example, Schejbal and Lavrakas (1995) report that response rates to a second-wave telephone interview were lower for those cases assigned to a 17-month lag (56.1%) than those assigned to a 14-month lag (65.2%) controlling for demographic differences between the groups. Specifically, the percentage of non-working numbers was higher in the 17-month group (12.1% versus 5.0%) as were the cases code as “no new number available” (4.9% versus 2.1%) and “Another household has number” (8.8% versus 7.5%), all examples of a change of telephone number status. Hampson et al. (2004) report on an effort to track elementary school children originally assessed in the early 1960s in Hawaii. Using an extensive tracking process, they located 85% of the original sample. Clarridge, Sheehy, and Hauser (1978) report on a 17-year follow-up of high school seniors, with a 97.4% tracing success rate. At the other extreme, panel surveys with monthly or quarterly data collection are likely to have fewer tracking problems. The mode of data collection likely also impacts tracking success. In face-to-face surveys, an empty dwelling or new occupants can lead the interviewer to ask the current residents or neighbors of the whereabouts of the sample members. A non-working telephone number is much less informative. A mailed survey that is returned without forwarding address (or not returned), or an e-mail message that is undelivered, similarly indicate a contact problem but are uninformative about the current location of the sample person. For example, Hermann and Grigorian (2005) report a mixed mode (predominantly mail and Web) survey of doctoral recipients, with over 30% requiring locating and 11% being classified as unlocatable. The population under study is similarly important to success in locating sample persons. For example, school-leavers, immigrants, and other highly mobile or unique populations present special challenges for the tracking process. Indeed, many of the papers on tracking in panel surveys focus on such special populations (e.g., Coen and Patrick, 1996; Hampson, et al., 2001; McKenzie et al., 1999; Menendez, White, and Tulsky, 2001; Scott, 2004; Wright, Allen, and Devine, 1995). The tracking rules directly affect the need for tracking and the success of such efforts. Some surveys do not track individuals, but rather addresses or housing units. The Current Population Survey in the U.S. is of this type. People who move between waves of data collection are not tracked, but the new residents of the sampled addresses are interviewed. Other surveys limited the range or distance of tracking, for example, not following up on those who had moved abroad or out-of-state. With the increased use of multiple modes of interview for panel surveys, such exclusions may become rarer. However, other things being equal, the more inclusive the tracking rules, the greater the resources expended to locate and interview those who have moved. Other features of the survey design are more directly related to the process of tracking itself. These include the amount and type of contact information collected in the prior wave, and any efforts to maintain contact with sample members between waves of data collection. Finally, of course, the resources, strategies, time and effort put into the actual tracking operation itself are likely to have important consequences for the success of the tracking. In fact, much of the published literature on tracking focuses on operational aspects of the process. However, this literature is dominated by anecdotal reports of what works and what doesn’t, with very few experimental studies of alternative methods or empirical evaluations of the cost-effectiveness of alternative procedures. Examples of papers describing various strategies for tracking include Coen, Patrick, and Shern (1996), Ribisl et al. (1996), and Scott (2004). 7 A distinction can be made between prospective (or what Burgess, 1989, calls forward tracing) and retrospective tracking methods (see Laurie, Smith, and Scott, 1999). The former attempts to update address or contact information prior to the current wave, and may even anticipate a likely move. The latter form begins at the point at which the interviewer discovers the panel member is no longer at the designated address or the contact information is no longer valid. We can also distinguish between tracking done in the field by interviewers, and tracking done by a centralized team of specialists. While interviewers may have direct access to neighbors, family members, etc., and can observe possible indicators of the move, such tracking is typically done on a case-by-case basis, and is thus likely to be expensive. Centralized tracking by a specialized team may make most efficient use of expensive resources such as commercial databases. In addition, databases can be queried for a large number of cases simultaneously, making for a more efficient process. The particular methods and procedures used vary from country to country, depending on the availability of information. The sequence of steps followed in tracking a case also varies from one organization to the next, and appears to be based on experience rather than empirical research. A good example of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) tracking procedures can be found in Laurie, Smith, and Scott (1999). Figure 2 summarizes various tracking strategies used in panel surveys. This list is not exhaustive, but reflects common strategies used in ongoing panel surveys, such as the BHPS, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), the German Socioeconomic Panel Survey (SOEP), the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and Health and Retirement Study (HRS) in the United States. Most surveys employ a combination of proactive, interviewer or field and centralized tracking procedures, in that order. Confidentiality restrictions differ across countries and surveys, and tracking methods must be in compliance with those restrictions. FIGURE 2 ABOUT HERE It is not our intent to review all of these procedures here, nor are we able to comment on their relative effectiveness. Our point is simply to note that that there is a large (and growing) array of tracking resources and methods available, but (to our knowledge) these have not been subject to systematic research about which works best for which types of tracking problems. Understanding more about the predisposing and precipitating circumstances behind a move may be the first step in learning how to use these tools more effectively and efficiently. We believe that prospective methods are likely to be more cost-effective than retrospective ones, given interviewer involvement in the latter. This is especially true if better-targeted efforts were possible. Given this, understanding which panel members are most at risk of a move between waves may help us direct our tracking resources to where they may do the most good. With this in mind, we examine the location problem in the context of two example surveys, both biennial data collection efforts that invest considerable time and effort in locating sample members and maximizing sample retention over time. 3. Case Study 1: Panel Study of Income Dynamics The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), begun in 1968, is a longitudinal study of a representative sample of U.S. individuals (men, women, and children) and the family units in which they reside (see for details and data; see also Hill, 1991). 8 From 1968 to 1996, the PSID interviewed individuals from families in the core sample every year, whether or not they were living in the same dwelling or with the same people. Adults have been followed as they have grown older, and children have been observed as they advance through childhood and into adulthood, forming family units of their own. In 1997, the study changed to biennial data collection. Starting in 1972, an increasing number of interviews were conduced by telephone, with 97% of interviews done by phone in 2003. Computer assisted interviewing was introduced in 1993. Unlike its counterparts such as the BHPS and the SOEP, the PSID follows families rather than individuals. The central focus of the PSID is economic and demographic, with substantial detail on income sources and amounts, employment, family composition changes, and residential location. We use the 2003 PSID family data to explore the correlates of tracking and location in the 2005 data collection. All analyses use unweighted estimates. Without the 2005 wave interview data, we do not know for sure whether or not sample members have moved between 2003 and 2005. We thus use as an indirect indicator of move status any cases that were flagged for tracking on one or more call records during 2005 data collection3. Overall, about 18% of families interviewed in 2003 required tracking in 2005. Of these 1,441 families, only 48 were not located after all tracking efforts had been exhausted. The final dispositions of these cases by whether tracking was needed are presented in Table 14. Families for whom tracking was needed were more likely than those not in tracking to result in a non-interview, due to refusal, inability to locate, or other reasons. Of particular note, however, is the high proportion of families for whom tracking was needed who ended up completing an interview in 2005 (89.5%). This suggests that tracking pays off. However, as will be shown later, tracking can also have high costs. TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE First, we examine the propensity to require tracking, as an indirect indicator of the propensity to move. We examined a variety of predictors of the need or tracking, and retained those that remained significant in a multivariate logistic regression model. Table 2 (column 1) presents the unadjusted percentage of families that needed tracking in 2005, by various characteristics of the family and/or household head as measured in 20035. All of these bivariate associations are statistically significant (p<.001). An additional set of variables were significantly related to the need for tracking in bivariate analyses, but not when controlling for other variables in a multivariate model. These include tenure (whether the home is owned or rented), ownership of other real estate (second home), family income (in quartiles), employment 3 We acknowledge that tracking status is an imperfect indicator of moves, as not all moves require tracking and tracking may occur for sample members or households who have not moved. In the former instance, a sample member may notify the survey organization of a move prior to data collection or a call made to an address or former telephone number may yield information about the sample member’s current whereabouts, thus preventing the need for tracking. In the latter instance, temporary absences due to travel, hospitalization, etc., and/or a change in telephone number may give rise to the need for tracking. Nevertheless, there is likely to be a strong correlation between residential moves and tracking status and, in the absence of complete information on moves, tracking status is the best indicator available for analysis. 4 164 cases found to no longer be eligible in 2003 are excluded from the table and further analysis. 5 A complication of the PSID design is that split-offs from families are identified during data collection; for example, a family that shares a single ID and data record in 2003 becomes two families in 2005. A total of 413 such splits occurred, but we restrict our analyses to the 8,104 families interviewed in 2003 and eligible in 2005. 9 status of the household head, receipt of food stamps, self-rated health, whether the head has any chronic health conditions, and Hispanic origin. The remaining variables in Table 2 remained statistically significant (p<.01) in the multivariate model, and the odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals are also presented in Table 2. The Nagelkerke (1991) max-rescaled R2 for this model is 0.17. TABLE 2 ABOUT HERE The results suggest that the propensity to require tracking is higher among households headed by women, racial minorities, and those with lower education, as well as among families who are at an earlier life stage (younger age of head, presence of young children) or have less stable family circumstances (never-married, divorced, separated, families who have split or experienced some other change in composition). Surprisingly, renters do not appear to be at higher risk of tracking than home owners, after controlling for other variables, nor do those in the lowest income quartile or in receipt of food stamps (both indicators of greater risk of tracking in bivariate analyses). Furthermore, both a recent move and the reported likelihood of moving in the next two years are significant predictors of the need for tracking. These variables in particular, as well as others in the model, could serve as leading indicators of the propensity to move, and hence the propensity to require tracking. Next we are interested in the propensity to be located, given that tracking was needed for a case. For the PSID sample, this indicator is highly skewed, with only 3.2% of those needing tracking remaining unlocated after tracking is exhausted. As a result, analysis of this outcome is not informative. As an alternative, we examine the total number of interviewer call attempts as an indicator of differential effort required for those cases needing tracking. After truncating positive outliers (at 3 standard deviations above the mean) we find that those needing tracking needed an average of 13.6 call attempts, compared to 9.1 for those not needing tracking (the respective medians are 8 and 5). Given the positive skew of this variable, we model the log of the number of calls, controlling for all the variables in Table 2 and the results of the prospective tracking effort (see Table 3). Controlling for these variables, the predicted mean number of call attempts is 8.95 for cases needing tracking and 6.92 for those not needing tracking. Tracking thus significantly increases the number of call attempts made by interviewers. However, tracking efforts are recorded in a separate process. In addition to the interviewer call attempts, the cases needing tracking required an additional 10.3 tracking calls on average (a median of 7 additional calls), bringing the total number of call attempts for cases needing tracking to a mean of 24 (and a median of 17). This does not include additional tracking efforts such as Internet searches and other lookup operations. Again, this suggests that tracking adds significant costs to data collection, as reflected in the number of additional call attempts made to resolve cases. The PSID employs prospective tracking methods between waves. These include sending addresses to NCOA for change of address or address verification, and the mailing of a postcard to all PSID families with the promise of a $10 incentive for a returned postcard verifying or updating their address. How effective are these methods at reducing the need for tracking? These are done sequentially, with the NCOA update followed by the postcard address update. The outcome of these efforts is presented in Table 3, along with the proportion needing tracking for each group, and the total number of calls by need for tracking. TABLE 3 ABOUT HERE 10 More than half the respondents (4,428 out of 8,104) returned the postcard for the $10 incentive. These prospective efforts had a significant effect on tracking during 2005 data collection. Less than 6% of respondents who verified their address as correct needed tracing, compared to 30% of those for whom no address updates were obtained, 28% of those for whom the NCOA update was the only source of information, and 51% of those where the postcard was returned undelivered (Post Master Returns or PMRs) or some other problem with the address was present. In addition, those who returned the postcard needed significantly fewer calls to reach final disposition in 2005. The remaining two columns in Table 3 are based on the total number of calls (field and tracking calls) from a multivariate model of the long-transformed number of calls, controlling for all the variables in Table 2 (overall model, F=65.7, d.f.=48 and 8,055, R2=0.28). The interaction term between the result of the prospective tracking efforts and need for tracking is statistically significant (p<.01) and the antilog of each least-squares mean from the interaction is presented in Table 3. Not shown in Table 3 is that these effects remain significant when only examining field call attempts, although the magnitude of the differences between the estimated calls by tracking status is smaller. We see that those who returned the postcard require fewer call attempts, both for those who needed subsequent tracking and for those who did not, in both cases on the order of 2-3 calls per case. Whether the cost of the postcard plus incentive is offset by the reduction in the number of calls depends on the cost of each additional call. The fact that the return of the postcard both reduces the need for tracking and reduces the number of call attempts, suggests that this may be a cost-effective method of keeping in contact with mobile sample members. For example, if we simply assume that the 4,428 who did return the postcard were the same (i.e., the same proportion needing tracking; the same expected number of total calls) as the 1,398 for whom no update was obtained, we estimate over 23,000 additional call attempts, or about 5.3 for each of the 4,428 families who returned postcards. Restricting this just to field calls, we estimate over 11,000 additional field call attempts, or 2.6 calls per postcard return family. To reduce the costs of the postcard mailing further, targeting the mailing to those shown to be at higher risk of moving or greater tracking efforts could be considered. In this case, models like those in Table 2 could be used to guide the decision. We caution, however, that the above results are not from an experimental design, and the anticipated gains may not be realized in practice. 4. Case Study 2: Health and Retirement Study The Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is an ongoing panel survey of a nationally representative sample of over 20,000 men and women over the age of 50 in the United States. The HRS began in 1992 as a longitudinal study of a pre-retirement cohort of individuals born in 1931-1941, and their spouses of any age. It was joined in 1993 by a companion study, the Study of Asset and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old (AHEAD), comprised of a cohort of persons born before 1924 and their spouses of any age. In 1998, the study design was modified to convert the HRS sample from a set of specific cohorts into a steady state sample that would represent the entire U.S. population over age 50. This was achieved by adding new cohorts in 1998 to fill in the age range (over 50) and by adding a new six-year cohort of persons entering their 50s every six years thereafter. The HRS conducts core interviews every two years using a mixed-mode design of telephone and face-to-face interviews (supplemental studies are conducted in the off-years using 11 mail and Internet modes). The primary mode used for baseline interviews and for sample members age 80+ is face-to-face. Up through 2002, the primary mode for followup interviews with sample members under age 80 was telephone. Starting in 2004, the proportion of face-toface interviews increased substantially so that 65-75 percent of all interviews are now conducted in-person. Although the study began with a sample of community-dwelling individuals residing in the U.S., followup interviews are attempted with all sample members regardless of where they live, including those in institutions, as well as those who have moved out of the country. In the event of divorce or separation of an original sample couple, both members remain in the sample. In addition, interviews are obtained (or attempted) with new spouses, in the case of a new marriage or remarriage. The primary focus of the HRS is on the intersection between health, retirement, and economic status in later life. The survey provides detailed information on each of these topics, as well as on employment history and availability of pensions, work disability and related benefits, family composition and resource transfers, and health insurance and utilization of health services. The HRS focuses on middle-aged and older individuals and, thus, provides a nice complement to the PSID, which includes families and individuals of all ages. As with the PSID analyses, we use measures from the most proximate prior wave (2002) to examine correlates of tracking and effort in the latest wave of data collection (2004). All analyses presented here are unweighted. A total of 12,502 households (representing 18,167 individual respondents) who were interviewed in 2002 were in the sample for 2004. A total of 1,294 households (10.7%) required tracking during the 2004 field period. Of these, all but 17 (1.3%) were located. Table 4 presents the final 2004 dispositions for primary respondents in HRS households by tracking status. Results are similar to those for PSID, although interview rates for sample members who required tracking is slightly higher for HRS (91% vs. 86% for PSID). TABLE 4 ABOUT HERE We conducted a parallel set of analyses as presented for the PSID to examine correlates of need for tracking and effort (represented as number of calls made), by tracking status. There is substantial, though not complete, overlap in the correlates examined in the two case studies. The HRS sample is restricted to households for which an interview was completed in 2002 and is comprised of the primary (i.e., originally sampled) respondent from each household. Unless otherwise specified, the measures represent respondents’ status as of the 2002 interview. Several measures were included to capture change in marital, employment and health status, as well as residential moves. These measures reflect change during the interval prior to the 2002 interview. For most respondents, this is a two-year interval; however for those not interviewed in 2000, the interval is four or more years. Table 5 presents results of bivariate and multivariate analyses of need for tracking. We used the same strategy as with PSID of first estimating a full model including a variety of demographic, socioeconomic and survey design factors, and the estimating a reduced model in which only the significant variables in the full model were retained. Variables in the reduced model are shown in Table 5. All of the bivariate results are statistically significant (p < .01) with the exception of having a second residence. 12 For the most part, the findings echo those from PSID. Focusing first on the bivariate results in the first column, female respondents and those who are not married and/or have experienced a recent change in marital status are more likely to require tracking than their respective counterparts. This is also the case for respondents with lower socioeconomic status (as measured by education and household assets), those who have less stable housing conditions, and are in poorer health. As with the PSID, a recent move (either local or non-local, between 2000 and 2002) is a significant predictor of the need for tracking in 2004. One finding not examined in the PSID (due to insufficient sample size) relates to the Ushaped pattern observed for age in the HRS. Those at the youngest (< 50) and oldest (80+) ages are significantly more likely than those in the middle ages (50-79) to require tracking, with the lowest propensity occurring for those age 70-79. In addition, HRS conducted several supplemental studies on different subsamples of respondents between the 2002 and 2004 core interviews. These included two mail surveys and an Internet survey. Outcomes from the supplemental studies are highly predictive of the need for tracking in 2004. Respondents who participated in any supplemental study were significantly less likely to require tracking than were those who were either contacted but did not participate or not contacted for a supplemental study. These supplemental studies can be viewed as serving a similar function to the PSID with regard to tracking. A number of other variables were statistically significant in the bivariate analysis but not the multivariate model. These include race, Hispanic ethnicity, foreign born, recent widowhood and marriage, household income, employment status and recent job changes, residence on a farm and in a nursing home, limitation in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) or Instrumental ADLs, perceived decline in health in the last two years, and language in which the 2002 interview was conducted (English vs. Spanish). TABLE 5 ABOUT HERE Results from the reduced multivariate model are presented in columns 2 and 3 of Table 5. The Nagelkerke max-rescaled R2 for this model is 0.11. For most variables, results are consistent with the bivariate results. One exception is age, for which the association in the multivariate model is diminished and the only statistically significant difference is found for respondents age 50-59 compared to those age 70-79. Another exception is sex, for which the direction of the association flips after controlling for demographic, socioeconomic and survey design factors. Thus, other things being equal, males are more likely to require tracking than females. In addition, the effect of having a second home is suppressed in the bivariate analysis, and once other factors are controlled this emerges as a significant predictor of need for tracking. Table 6 presents descriptive results for effort, as measured by number of calls. Number of calls are divided into field calls, tracking calls (i.e., calls made by the interviewer or the centralized tracking team while the case is in �tracking’ status), and the sum of these two (total calls). Positive outliers were truncated at 3 standard deviations above the mean. The HRS has a large disparity in effort according to whether or not tracking was required, similar to that found in PSID. Households not requiring tracking in 2004 needed an average of 5.23 field calls, compared to 9.40 for households needing tracking. In addition, households needing tracking required an additional 7.36 tracking calls, yielding an overall differential of 11.53 total calls 13 (16.76 for tracking households vs. 5.23 for non-tracking households)6. This differential is reduced only slightly when examined in a multivariate context, and tracking status remains a significant (p<.001) predictor of overall effort. Thus, as with PSID, tracking in the HRS adds significant costs to data collection. TABLE 6 ABOUT HERE Also presented in Table 6 are means for number of calls by participation in the 2003 supplements. In addition to being a strong predictor of need for tracking, this indicator is also highly predictive of effort, controlling for tracking status. Such factors can be effectively used to identify households or respondents who are likely to be difficult to track. Those cases can then be targeted for centralized tracking prior to or at the start of the field period, reducing effort on the part of interviewers during the field period. 5. Discussion The process of tracking or locating sample members in panel surveys is a potentially costly and time-consuming operation. Furthermore, such cases may have a disproportionate effect on measures of change, a staple of panel survey design. Despite their potential impact on survey estimates, the process has been largely viewed as an operational matter. For example, Eckland (1968, p. 55) argued that persistence in using a particular tracking strategy is more important than the type of strategy, and this sentiment was echoed by Wright, Allen, and Devine (1995). Our view is that many of the sample member moves that occur in panel surveys can be predicted, as can the likelihood of finding such persons following such a move. We argue, consistent with the “responsive design” perspective (see Groves and Couper, 1998; Groves and Heeringa, 2006), that correlates of the propensity to move and the propensity to be located be measured as part of the data collection activities of a panel survey. Such information could be used not only to reduce the costs and effort associated with tracking, but also for statistical adjustment models to account for the effects of such loss to followup on estimates of change. We also believe that preemptive efforts to obtain address updates for sample members between waves, such as used in the PSID, may have benefits not only in terms of location propensity, but also in terms of cooperation in later waves. A similar effect may be seen with the HRS selfadministered supplements. What impact, if any, has technology had on tracking in panel surveys? We believe these effects to be mixed. On the one hand, we have seen tremendous growth in the number and accessibility of databases to facilitate tracking, many of them online. This means that they are generally cheaper, more efficient, and more frequently updated than tracking resources available in the past (see Koo and Rohan, 2000). At the same time, individuals have become more concerned with privacy and, to the extent that they have a choice, are increasingly opting for unlisted addresses and phone numbers. The widespread adoption of cell phones, and the increase in cell phone only households (e.g., Blumberg, Luke, and Cynamon, 2004) presents new challenges for tracking panel members using telephone numbers. However, the introduction of 6 The variables for number of calls of each type are positively skewed even after truncation. Means are sensitive to extreme values and this can lead to an exaggeration of the levels and subgroup differences in number of calls. Thus, the differences reported here should be interpreted in terms of rough orders of magnitudes rather than exact differences. 14 telephone number portability may mean that once a telephone number is obtained from a panel member, it may remain a valid means of contact. Email addresses suffer from even more “churn” or turnover than telephone numbers, and even though they are an inexpensive way to maintain contact with panel members, they may require frequent updating. Despite several dozen papers describing tracking procedures published in the past few decades, this is an understudied area. There are few, if any, experimental tests of alternative approaches to tracking, and few attempts to model the location and tracking process in multivariate analyses. One of the advantages of new technology is the increased collection of paradata (Couper and Lyberg, 2005), including rich call record data. If these data can be expanded to include all of the tracking steps and their outcomes, researchers will be able to better model the process. This will enable us to better understand the relative effectiveness (how successful is each in locating different types of sample persons) and efficiency (how much time and money does each method take, relative to the potential payoff) of different tracking methods. Our hope is that this chapter will encourage others to consider focusing research attention on the tracking process. 15 Figure 1. Factors Affecting Tracking and Location Propensity Person-level factors: Survey design factors: • Lifestyle • Tracking rules • Age and cohort • Tracking effort • Family circumstances • Time between waves • Employment situation • Contact information • Housing situation Circumstances of the move Move propensity Location propensity Societal-level factors: Structural factors: • General mobility • Population registers • Urbanization • Mail forwarding rules • Permanence of structures • Telephone number portability • Access to databases 16 Figure 2: Tracking Strategies Used in Panel Surveys Proactive Techniques: • • • • Ask respondents to provide address updates; requests can be made at prior interview, by postcard mailing or e-mail; provide multiple options for respondents to update address (via telephone at tollfree number, prestamped postcard, e-mail, participant website); small incentive may increase compliance Obtain address/phone information for one or two Contact Persons at time of interview Record pertinent information from prior interview to help identify respondents that may require tracking (e.g., plans for moving, contact information for alternate residences, successful tracking techniques for prior wave)website; provide incentive to increase compliance Maintain contact with respondents between waves (via newsletters, greeting cards for special occasions, postcard mailings, mail surveys); returned mail will signal need for tracking Field/Interviewer Tracking (face-to-face contacts): • • • Obtain new address from present occupants or neighbors at respondent’s former address Leave letter for present occupants or neighbors to forward to respondent if they are reluctant to provide new address to interviewer Send letter to R requesting new address and phone number Field/Interviewer Tracking (telephone contacts): • • • • • Try all telephone numbers available for R (cell phone, phones at primary and any other residences) Check current listing for any changes in area/city/region codes Check with operator or directory assistance for any changes in phone numbers Call people designated by R as potential Contact Person(s); conduct same phone # updates if unable to reach Send letter to R requesting new address and phone number Centralized Tracking: • • • • • • Search available databases for respondent, spouse or other known household members or relatives (e.g., Insight is a primary database used in the U.S.) Google (internet) search for respondent name and city, especially for an unusual name Check birth/marriage/divorce records if information is available on line Check property ownership of last known address(es) Search records at administrative level (state/region), e.g. voter registration, motor vehicle registration, court records, etc. Use available administrative resources to help locate respondents (e.g., health authority, governmental department) 17 Table 1. PSID: 2005 Final Dispositions for 2003 Interviewed Families, by Need for Tracking Tracking needed No tracking Disposition Number Percent Number Percent Interview 1289 89.5 6528 97.8 Refusal 98 6.8 124 1.9 Tracking exhausted 48 3.3 0 0.0 Other noninterview 6 0.4 11 0.2 Total 1441 100.0 6663 100.0 18 Table 2. PSID: Percent of Families Needing Tracking in 2005, and Odds Ratio Estimates of Need for Tracking in 2005 from Multivariate Logistic Regression Model, by 2003 Variables Characteristic Unadjusted Percent Predicted 95% Needing Tracking Odds Ratios Confidence Interval for OR Age of Head <30 31.1 --30-39 18.9 0.68 (0.56, 0.83) 40-49 17.9 0.71 (0.57, 0.88) 50-59 12.7 0.67 (0.52, 0.86) 60+ 9.5 0.45 (0.33, 0.62) Sex of Head Male 16.1 --Female 22.7 0.77 (0.65, 0.93) Race of Head White 11.9 --Black 27.9 2.02 (1.75, 2.33) Other 22.3 1.80 (1.45, 2.22) Marital Status of Head Married 12.6 --Never married 28.1 1.17 (0.95, 1.44 Widowed 12.5 1.12 (0.79, 1.60) Divorced 22.2 1.56 (1.26, 1.93) Separated 28.8 1.41 (1.04, 1.91) Age of Youngest Child No children 15.0 --<7 24.0 1.33 (1.13, 1.58) 7-12 19.0 1.33 (1.09, 1.62) 12-17 19.7 1.55 (1.24, 1.93) 7 Splitoff Indicator Reinterview family 16.4 --Splitoff from reinterview family 34.6 0.90 (0.66, 1.24) Recontact family 34.3 1.82 (1.34, 2.48) Family Composition Change No change 15.1 --Change in other than head or wife 18.5 1.08 (0.92, 1.76) Same head, different wife 24.9 1.34 (0.98, 1.84) Wife is now head 26.7 1.51 (1.07, 2.12) Other change 33.1 1.73 (1.30, 2.32) Education of Head 7 Reinterview families are intact families that were interviewed in 2001 and again in 2003. Splitoffs are family members interviewed in 2001 who formed a new family in 2003. Recontacts are nonrespondents in 2001 that were interviewed in 2003. 19 Less than HS HS Some college College graduate Postgraduate Number of Vehicles in HU None One Two Three or more Type of Dwelling Unit One-family house Two-family house, duplex Apartment Mobile home, trailer Row house, townhouse Other Head Hospitalized in 2002 Yes No Moved in Last 3 Years No move Moved in 2001 Moved in 2002 Moved in 2003 Likelihood of Move in Next 2 Years Definitely will move Probably will move Uncertain Will not move 24.2 18.3 18.4 9.6 10.4 1.31 -0.99 0.63 0.76 (1.12, 1.53) -(0.83, 1.17) (0.49, 0.80) (0.57, 1.03) 30.8 22.0 14.4 10.4 -0.83 0.71 0.57 -(0.69, 0.99) (0.57, 0.87) (0.45, 0.74) 13.6 26.5 30.1 23.3 22.3 20.6 -1.44 1.39 1.52 1.41 1.31 -(1.11, 1.88) (1.18, 1.64) (1.21, 1.90) (0.96, 2.05) (0.75, 2.31) 22.3 17.6 1.33 -- (1.09, 1.61) -- 13.9 21.3 25.9 30.9 -1.14 1.34 1.32 -(0.92, 1.41) (1.09, 1.65) (1.11, 1.56) 32.1 21.5 21.0 13.6 1.72 1.25 1.33 -- (1.46, 2.03) (1.03, 1.52) (1.08, 1.65) -- 20 Table 3. PSID: Effect of Prospective Tracking Efforts on 2005 Need for Tracking and Predicted Number of Total Calls in 2005 Result of prospective tracking Number Percent Predicted mean number of needing total calls* tracking Tracking No tracking needed No update 1,398 30.2 20.92 8.12 NCOA update 2,002 27.9 21.17 8.62 Postcard returned: updated 1,171 12.1 18.81 5.60 Postcard returned: verified correct 3,257 5.5 19.38 5.76 Other (PMRs, etc.) 276 51.1 20.15 8.21 (n) (8104) (8104) (1441) (6663) * Estimated from the antilog of the adjusted (least squares) means from a multivariate model predicting the log of the total number of call attempts (field calls + tracking calls), controlling for the variables in Table 2. 21 Table 4. HRS: 2004 Final Dispositions for 2002 Interviewed Households, by Need for Tracking Disposition Interview Refusal Tracking exhausted Other noninterview Total Tracking needed Number Percent 1182 91.4 79 6.1 17 1.3 16 1.2 1294 100.0 22 No tracking Number Percent 10319 95.9 421 3.9 0 0.0 18 0.2 10758 100.0 Table 5. HRS: Percent of Households Needing Tracking in 2004, and Odds Ratio Estimates of Need for Tracking in 2004 from Multivariate Logistic Regression Model, by 2002 Variables Characteristic Age <50 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ Sex Male Female Marital Status Married Partnered Separated Divorced Widowed Never married Other Divorced in Past 2 Years Yes No Education Less than HS HS Some college College graduate Postgraduate Household Assets Lowest quartile 2nd quartile 3rd quartile Highest quartile Type of Dwelling Unit One-family house Two-family house, duplex Apartment Mobile home, trailer Other Percent Needing Tracking Predicted Odds Ratios 95% Confidence Interval for OR 20.5 11.6 10.0 9.8 11.6 16.9 2.01 1.39 1.12 -0.85 1.11 (0.89, 4.54) (1.11, 1.74) (0.94, 1.33) -(0.69, 1.04) (0.82, 1.50) 9.8 11.4 -0.83 -(0.73, 0.96) 6.3 15.8 19.0 16.8 13.5 14.6 12.5 -1.76 1.76 2.00 1.96 1.80 1.65 -(1.18, 2.63) (1.12, 2.76) (1.63, 2.46) (1.65, 2.34) (1.33, 2.42) (0.36, 7.58) 32.8 10.5 -0.46 -(0.30, 0.70) 14.0 9.3 11.3 8.7 8.7 0.84 0.70 -0.88 0.91 (0.68, 1.04) (0.58, 0.85) -(0.67, 1.16) (0.68, 1.23) 17.3 10.0 7.6 6.4 1.87 1.38 1.12 -- (1.496, 2.34) (1.111, 1.71) (0.900, 1.40) -- 8.3 9.2 19.4 11.9 16.8 -0.83 1.44 1.09 1.48 -(0.57, 1.22) (1.17, 1.76) (0.82, 1.47) (1.17, 1.87) 23 Housing Tenure Own Rent Other Has Second Home Yes No Moved in Last 2 Years No move Local move Non-local move Self-Assessed Health Excellent or very good Good Fair or poor Participation in 2003 supplements Not contacted for supplement Contacted, did not participate Participated in 1+ supplements Mode in 2002 Face-to-face Telephone 7.7 20.8 14.6 -1.50 1.16 -(1.22, 1.85) (0.93, 1.44) 11.1 10.7 -0.62 -(0.48, 0.81) 9.7 16.7 16.2 0.76 -1.26 (0.60, 0.95) -(0.96, 1.66) 8.0 10.3 14.3 -1.21 1.37 -(1.03, 1.42) (1.16, 1.60) 12.2 17.4 7.4 -1.28 0.57 -(1.05, 1.56) (0.50, 0.65) 13.5 10.0 1.34 -- (1.14, 1.57) -- 24 Table 6. 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