Motoman NX100 Controller HP20 Manipulator Manual Part Number: Revision: 149615-1CD 1 Motoman, Incorporated 805 Liberty Lane West Carrollton, OH 45449 TEL: (937) 847-6200 FAX: (937) 847-6277 24-Hour Service Hotline: (937) 847-3200 COMPLETE OUR ONLINE SURVEY Motoman is committed to total customer satisfaction! Please give us your feedback on the technical manuals you received with your Motoman robotic solution. To participate, go to the following website: The information contained within this document is the proprietary property of Motoman, Inc., and may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted to other parties without the expressed written authorization of Motoman, Inc. ©2007 by MOTOMAN All Rights Reserved Because we are constantly improving our products, we reserve the right to change specifications without notice. MOTOMAN is a registered trademark of YASKAWA Electric Manufacturing.  BP "'$# %JCRVGT +PVTQFWEVKQP The Motoman HP20 and NX100 controller represent state-of-the-art technology in robotics today. The Motoman HP20 is a high speed robot with a 20 kg payload. It has six individual axes: Sweep, Lower arm, Upper arm, Rotate, Bend, and Twist. The NX100 controller coodinates the operation of the HP20 robot with external equipment such as power supply and positioning tables. The NX100 processes input and output signals, maintains variable data, and performs numeric processing to convert to and from different coordinate systems. Furthermore, it provides main logic functions, servo control, program and constant data memory, and power distribution. Please read this manual thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the many aspects of the HP20 robot and NX100 controller.: #DQWV 6JKU &QEWOGPV This manual provides system information for the HP20 robot and NX100 controller and contains the following sections: 5'%6+10 +0641&7%6+10 Provides general information about the structure of this manual, a list of reference documents, and customer service information. 5'%6+10 5#('6; This section provides information regarding the safe use and operation of Motoman products. 5'%6+10 *2 +05647%6+105 Provides detailed information about the HP20, including installation, wiring, specifications, and maintenance.. @u€gx  ‚gsq Gg€u‚‡xg†„ÂGg€‡gx 7tg‚†q„ C€†„p‡i†u€ 4GHGTGPEG VQ 1VJGT &QEWOGPVCVKQP For additional information refer to the following: • NX100 Controller Manual (P/N 149201-1) • Concurrent I/O Manual (P/N 149230-1) • Operator’s Manual for your application • Vendor manuals for system components not manufactured by Motoman %WUVQOGT 5GTXKEG +PHQTOCVKQP If you are in need of technical assistance, contact the Motoman service staff at (937) 847-3200. Please have the following information ready before you call: ‚gsq • Product Type (HP20) • Robot Serial Number (located on back side of robot arm) • Robot Sales Order Number (located on back of controller) @u€gx   BP "'$# %JCRVGT 5CHGV[ +PVTQFWEVKQP +V KU VJG RWTEJCUGT U TGURQPUKDKNKV[ VQ GPUWTG VJCV CNN NQECN EQWPV[ UVCVG CPF PCVKQPCN EQFGU TGIWNCVKQPU TWNGU QT NCYU TGNCVKPI VQ UCHGV[ CPF UCHG QRGTCVKPI EQPFKVKQPU HQT GCEJ KPUVCNNCVKQP CTG OGV CPF HQNNQYGF We suggest that you obtain and review a copy of the ANSI/RIA National Safety Standard for Industrial Robots and Robot Systems. This information can be obtained from the Robotic Industries Association by requesting ANSI/RIA R15.06. The address is as follows: Robotic Industries Association 900 Victors Way P.O. Box 3724 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 TEL: (734) 994-6088 FAX: (734) 994-3338 Ultimately, the best safeguard is trained personnel. The user is responsible for providing personnel who are adequately trained to operate, program, and maintain the robot cell. The robot must not be operated by personnel who have not been trained! We recommend that all personnel who intend to operate, program, repair, or use the robot system be trained in an approved Motoman training course and become familiar with the proper operation of the system. @u€gx  ‚gsqÂÂ! Gg€u‚‡xg†„ÂGg€‡gx 7tg‚†q„ Sgrq†‘ This safety section addresses the following: • Standard Conventions (Section 2.2) • General Safeguarding Tips (Section 2.3) • Mechanical Safety Devices (Section 2.4) • Installation Safety (Section 2.5) • Programming Safety (Section 2.6) • Operation Safety (Section 2.7) • Maintenance Safety (Section 2.8) 5VCPFCTF %QPXGPVKQPU This manual includes information essential to the safety of personnel and equipment. As you read through this manual, be alert to the four signal words: �)'4 9#40+0) %#76+10 NOTE: Pay particular attention to the information provided under these headings which are defined below (in descending order of severity). %"/(&3 +PHQTOCVKQP CRRGCTKPI WPFGT VJG �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ote: Information appearing in a Note caption provides additional information which is helpful in understanding the item being explained. ‚gsqÂÂ" @u€gx   BP "'$# )GPGTCN 5CHGIWCTFKPI 6KRU All operators, programmers, plant and tooling engineers, maintenance personnel, supervisors, and anyone working near the robot must become familiar with the operation of this equipment. All personnel involved with the operation of the equipment must understand potential dangers of operation. General safeguarding tips are as follows: • Improper operation can result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Only trained personnel familiar with the operation of this robot, the operator's manuals, the system equipment, and options and accessories should be permitted to operate this robot system. • Do not enter the robot cell while it is in automatic operation. Programmers must have the teach pendant when they enter the robot cell. • Improper connections can damage the robot. All connections must be made within the standard voltage and current ratings of the robot I/O (Inputs and Outputs). • The robot must be placed in Emergency Stop (E-STOP) mode whenever it is not in use. • In accordance with ANSI/RIA R15.06, section 6.13.4 and 6.13.5, use lockout/tagout procedures during equipment maintenance. Refer also to Section 1910.147 (29CFR, Part 1910), Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA). /GEJCPKECN 5CHGV[ &GXKEGU The safe operation of the robot, positioner, auxiliary equipment, and system is ultimately the user's responsibility. The conditions under which the equipment will be operated safely should be reviewed by the user. The user must be aware of the various national codes, ANSI/RIA R15.06 safety standards, and other local codes that may pertain to the installation and use of industrial equipment. Additional safety measures for personnel and equipment may be required depending on system installation, operation, and/or location. The following safety measures are available: • Safety fences and barriers • Light curtains • Door interlocks • Safety mats • Floor markings • Warning lights Check all safety equipment frequently for proper operation. Repair or replace any non-functioning safety equipment immediately. @u€gx  ‚gsqÂÂ# Gg€u‚‡xg†„ÂGg€‡gx 7tg‚†q„ Sgrq†‘ +PUVCNNCVKQP 5CHGV[ Safe installation is essential for protection of people and equipment. The following suggestions are intended to supplement, but not replace, existing federal, local, and state laws and regulations. Additional safety measures for personnel and equipment may be required depending on system installation, operation, and/or location. Installation tips are as follows: • Be sure that only qualified personnel familiar with national codes, local codes, and ANSI/RIA R15.06 safety standards are permitted to install the equipment. • Identify the work envelope of each robot with floor markings, signs, and barriers. • Position all controllers outside the robot work envelope. • Whenever possible, install safety fences to protect against unauthorized entry into the work envelope. • Eliminate areas where personnel might get trapped between a moving robot and other equipment (pinch points). • Provide sufficient room inside the workcell to permit safe teaching and maintenance procedures. 2TQITCOOKPI 5CHGV[ All operators, programmers, plant and tooling engineers, maintenance personnel, supervisors, and anyone working near the robot must become familiar with the operation of this equipment. All personnel involved with the operation of the equipment must understand potential dangers of operation. Programming tips are as follows: Any modifications to PART 1 of the NX100 controller PLC can cause severe personal injury or death, as well as damage to the robot! Do not make any modifications to PART 1. Making any changes without the written permission of Motoman will VOID YOUR WARRANTY! Some operations require standard passwords and some require special passwords. Special passwords are for Motoman use only. YOUR WARRANTY WILL BE VOID if you use these special passwords. Back up all programs and jobs onto a floppy disk whenever program changes are made. To avoid loss of information, programs, or jobs, a backup must always be made before any service procedures are done and before any changes are made to options, accessories, or equipment. The concurrent I/O (Input and Output) function allows the customer to modify the internal ladder inputs and outputs for maximum robot performance. Great care must be taken when making these modifications. Double-check all modifications under every mode of robot operation to ensure that you have not created hazards or dangerous situations that may damage the robot or other parts of the system. ‚gsqÂÂ$ @u€gx   BP "'$# • Improper operation can result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Only trained personnel familiar with the operation, manuals, electrical design, and equipment interconnections of this robot should be permitted to operate the system. • Inspect the robot and work envelope to be sure no potentially hazardous conditions exist. Be sure the area is clean and free of water, oil, debris, etc. • Be sure that all safeguards are in place. • Check the E-STOP button on the teach pendant for proper operation before programming. • Carry the teach pendant with you when you enter the workcell. • Be sure that only the person holding the teach pendant enters the workcell. • Test any new or modified program at low speed for at least one full cycle. 1RGTCVKQP 5CHGV[ All operators, programmers, plant and tooling engineers, maintenance personnel, supervisors, and anyone working near the robot must become familiar with the operation of this equipment. All personnel involved with the operation of the equipment must understand potential dangers of operation. Operation tips are as follows: • Be sure that only trained personnel familiar with the operation of this robot, the operator's manuals, the system equipment, and options and accessories are permitted to operate this robot system. • Check all safety equipment for proper operation. Repair or replace any non-functioning safety equipment immediately. • Inspect the robot and work envelope to ensure no potentially hazardous conditions exist. Be sure the area is clean and free of water, oil, debris, etc. • Ensure that all safeguards are in place. • Improper operation can result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Only trained personnel familiar with the operation, manuals, electrical design, and equipment interconnections of this robot should be permitted to operate the system. • Do not enter the robot cell while it is in automatic operation. Programmers must have the teach pendant when they enter the cell. • The robot must be placed in Emergency Stop (E-STOP) mode whenever it is not in use. • This equipment has multiple sources of electrical supply. Electrical interconnections are made between the controller, external servo box, and other equipment. Disconnect and lockout/tagout all electrical circuits before making any modifications or connections. @u€gx  ‚gsqÂÂ% Gg€u‚‡xg†„ÂGg€‡gx 7tg‚†q„ Sgrq†‘ • All modifications made to the controller will change the way the robot operates and can cause severe personal injury or death, as well as damage the robot. This includes controller parameters, ladder parts 1 and 2, and I/O (Input and Output) modifications. Check and test all changes at slow speed. /CKPVGPCPEG 5CHGV[ All operators, programmers, plant and tooling engineers, maintenance personnel, supervisors, and anyone working near the robot must become familiar with the operation of this equipment. All personnel involved with the operation of the equipment must understand potential dangers of operation. Maintenance tips are as follows: ‚gsqÂÂ& • Do not perform any maintenance procedures before reading and understanding the proper procedures in the appropriate manual. • Check all safety equipment for proper operation. Repair or replace any non-functioning safety equipment immediately. • Improper operation can result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Only trained personnel familiar with the operation, manuals, electrical design, and equipment interconnections of this robot should be permitted to operate the system. • Back up all your programs and jobs onto a floppy disk whenever program changes are made. A backup must always be made before any servicing or changes are made to options, accessories, or equipment to avoid loss of information, programs, or jobs. • Do not enter the robot cell while it is in automatic operation. Programmers must have the teach pendant when they enter the cell. • The robot must be placed in Emergency Stop (E-STOP) mode whenever it is not in use. • Be sure all safeguards are in place. • Use proper replacement parts. • This equipment has multiple sources of electrical supply. Electrical interconnections are made between the controller, external servo box, and other equipment. Disconnect and lockout/tagout all electrical circuits before making any modifications or connections. • All modifications made to the controller will change the way the robot operates and can cause severe personal injury or death, as well as damage the robot. This includes controller parameters, ladder parts 1 and 2, and I/O (Input and Output) modifications. Check and test all changes at slow speed. • Improper connections can damage the robot. All connections must be made within the standard voltage and current ratings of the robot I/O (Inputs and Outputs). @u€gx  YASKAWA MOTOMAN-HP20 INSTRUCTIONS TYPE: YR-HP20-A00 (STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS) YR-HP20-A01 (WITH SLU-AXES LIMIT SWITCHES) Upon receipt of the product and prior to initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain for future reference. MOTOMAN INSTRUCTIONS MOTOMAN-HP20 INSTRUCTIONS NX100 INSTRUCTIONS NX100 OPERATOR’S MANUAL NX100 MAINTENANCE MANUAL The NX100 operator’s manuals above correspond to specific usage. Be sure to use the appropriate manual. YASKAWA MANUAL NO. RE-MTO-A247 MANDATORY • This instruction manual is intended to explain operating instructions and maintenance procedures primarily for the MOTOMAN-HP20. • General items related to safety are listed in the Section 1: Safety of the NX100 Instructions. To ensure correct and safe operation, carefully read the NX100 Instructions before reading this manual. CAUTION • Some drawings in this manual are shown with the protective covers or shields removed for clarity. Be sure all covers and shields are replaced before operating this product. • The drawings and photos in this manual are representative examples and differences may exist between them and the delivered product. • YASKAWA may modify this model without notice when necessary due to product improvements, modifications, or changes in specifications. If such modification is made, the manual number will also be revised. • If your copy of the manual is damaged or lost, contact a YASKAWA representative to order a new copy. The representatives are listed on the back cover. Be sure to tell the representative the manual number listed on the front cover. • YASKAWA is not responsible for incidents arising from unauthorized modification of its products. Unauthorized modification voids your product’s warranty. ii Notes for Safe Operation Read this manual carefully before installation, operation, maintenance, or inspection of the NX100. In this manual, the Notes for Safe Operation are classified as “WARNING,” “CAUTION,” “MANDATORY,” or “PROHIBITED.” WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury to personnel. CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury to personnel and damage to equipment. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. MANDATORY Always be sure to follow explicitly the items listed under this heading. PROHIBITED Must never be performed. Even items described as “CAUTION” may result in a serious accident in some situations. At any rate, be sure to follow these important items. NOTE To ensure safe and efficient operation at all times, be sure to follow all instructions, even if not designated as “CAUTION” and “WARNING.” iii WARNING • Before operating the manipulator, check that servo power is turned OFF when the emergency stop buttons on the front door of the NX100 and programming pendant are pressed. When the servo power is turned OFF, the SERVO ON LED on the programming pendant is turned OFF. Injury or damage to machinery may result if the emergency stop circuit cannot stop the manipulator during an emergency. The manipulator should not be used if the emergency stop buttons do not function. Emergency Stop Button • Once the emergency stop button is released, clear the cell of all items which could interfere with the operation of the manipulator. Then turn the servo power ON. Injury may result from unintentional or unexpected manipulator motion. TURN Release of Emergency Stop • Observe the following precautions when performing teaching operations within the P-point maximum envelope of the manipulator: - View the manipulator from the front whenever possible. - Always follow the predetermined operating procedure. - Ensure that you have a safe place to retreat in case of emergency. Improper or unintended manipulator operation may result in injury. • Confirm that no persons are present in the P-point maximum envelope of the manipulator and that you are in a safe location before: - Turning ON the NX100 power. - Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant. - Running the system in the check mode. - Performing automatic operations. Injury may result if anyone enters the P-point maximum envelope of the manipulator during operation. Always press an emergency stop button immediately if there is a problem. The emergency stop buttons are located on the right of the front door of the NX100 and the programming pendant. iv CAUTION • Perform the following inspection procedures prior to conducting manipulator teaching. If problems are found, repair them immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has been performed. -Check for problems in manipulator movement. -Check for damage to insulation and sheathing of external wires. • Always return the programming pendant to the hook on the NX100 cabinet after use. The programming pendant can be damaged if it is left in the P-point maximum envelope of manipulator, on the floor, or near fixtures. • Read and understand the Explanation of the Warning Labels in the NX100 Instructions before operating the manipulator. Definition of Terms Used Often in This Manual The MOTOMAN manipulator is the YASKAWA industrial robot product. The manipulator usually consists of the controller, the programming pendant, and supply cables. In this manual, the equipment is designated as follows: Equipment Manual Designation NX100 Controller NX100 NX100 Programming Pendant Programming Pendant Cable between the Manipulator and the Controller Manipulator Cable v Explanation of Warning Labels The following warning labels are attached to the manipulator. Always follow the warnings on the labels. Also, an identification label with important information is placed on the body of the manipulator. Prior to operating the manipulator, confirm the contents. Warning label B Warning label A Warning label B WARNING Moving parts may cause injury WARNING Do not enter robot work area. Nameplate Nameplate Warning Label A: WARNING MOTOMAN TYPE PAYLOAD ORDER NO. kg MASS Moving parts may cause injury kg DATE SERIAL NO. YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORAION JAPAN Warning Label B: WARNING Do not enter robot work area. vi 1 Product Confirmation 1.1 Contents Confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 1.2 Order Number Confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 2 Transporting 2.1 Transporting Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 2.1.1 Using a Crane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 2.1.2 Using a Forklift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 2.2 Shipping Bolts and Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 3 Installation 3.1 Installation of Safeguarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2 3.2 Mounting Procedures for Manipulator Base . . . . . . . . .3-2 3.2.1 Installation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3 3.3 Installation Method 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 S-axis Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Fixing the Manipulator Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Precautions to Prevent the Manipulator from Falling. . . . . . . . .3-4 IP (International Protection) for Main Part of the Manipulator . .3-5 3.4 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 4 Wiring 4.1 Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2 4.2 Manipulator Cable Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2 4.2.1 Connection to the Manipulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3 4.2.2 Connection to the NX100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3 5 Basic Specifications 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Basic Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 Part Names and Working Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2 Manipulator Base Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3 Dimensions and P-point Maximum Envelope. . . . . . . .5-4 Alterable Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-5 vii 6 Allowable Load for Wrist Axis and Wrist Flange 6.1 Allowable Wrist Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.2 Wrist Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 7 System Application 7.1 Peripheral Equipment Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.1.1 Allowable Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.1.2 Installation Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.2 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line 8 . . . . . . 7-2 Electrical Equipment Specification 8.1 Position of Limit Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 8.2 Internal Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 9 Maintenance and Inspection 9.1 Inspection Schedule (Manipulator in the Home Position: Refer to “Fig.21.”) . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5 9.2.1 Battery Pack Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5 9.2.2 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for S-axis Speed Reducer . 9-7 „ Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 24 S-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 24 S-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) . . . . . 9-8 9.2.3 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for L-axis Speed Reducer . 9-9 „ Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 25 L-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".). . . . . . 9-9 „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 25 L-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".). . . . . 9-10 9.2.4 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for U-axis Speed Reducer 9-11 „ Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) . . . . 9-11 „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) . . . . 9-12 9.2.5 Grease Replenishment for R-axis Speed Reducer. . . . . . . . . 9-13 9.2.6 Grease Replenishment for B-, T-axes Speed Reducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14 9.2.7 Grease Replenishment for T-axis Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-15 9.2.8 Grease Replenishment for R-axis Cross Roller Bearing. . . . . 9-16 9.2.9 Notes for Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-17 viii „ Wrist Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-17 9.2.10 Encoder Connector (with CAUTION Label) . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-17 „ Battery Pack Connection (for S-, L-, U-axes Motors) . . . . .9-17 „ Battery Pack Connection (for R-, B-, T-axes Motors) . . . . .9-19 10 Recommended Spare Parts 11 Parts List 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 S-axis Driving Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1 L-axis Driving Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3 U-axis Driving Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-5 R-axis Driving Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-7 Wrist Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-9 ix 1.1 Contents Confirmation 1 Product Confirmation CAUTION • Confirm that the manipulator and the NX100 have the same order number. Special care must be taken when more than one manipulator is to be installed. If the numbers do not match, manipulators may not perform as expected and cause injury or damage. 1.1 Contents Confirmation Confirm the contents of the delivery when the product arrives. Standard delivery includes the following four items (information for the content of optional goods is given separately): • Manipulator • NX100 • Programming pendant • Manipulator cable 1-1 1.2 Order Number Confirmation 1.2 Order Number Confirmation Check that the order number of the manipulator corresponds to the NX100. The order number is located on a label as shown below. Label (Enlarged View) THE MANIPULATOR AND THE CONTROLLER SHOULD HAVE SAME ORDER NUMBER. Check that the manipulator and the NX100 have the same order number. ORDER NO. NX100 ****** ERCR- TYPE POWER SUPPLY 200V 220V 50Hz 50/60Hz 3PHASE kVA SERIAL No. DATE MADE IN JAPAN NJ2484-1 THE MANIPULATOR AND THE CONTROLLER SHOULD HAVE SAME ORDER NUMBER. ORDER NO. NJ1529 WARNING Do not open the door ET RES OFF TR IPP ED ON (b) Manipulator (Top View) (a) NX100 (Front View) Fig. 1 Location of Order Number Labels 1-2 2.1 Transporting Method 2 Transporting CAUTION • Sling and crane or forklift operations must be performed by authorized personnel only. Failure to observe this caution may result in injury or damage. • Avoid excessive vibration or shock during transportation. The system consists of precision components, so failure to observe this caution may adversely affect performance. 2.1 2.1.1 Transporting Method Using a Crane As a rule, when removing the manipulator from the package and moving it, a crane should be used. The manipulator should be lifted using wire rope threaded through attached eyebolts. Be sure the manipulator is fixed with shipping bolts and brackets before transportation, and lift it in the posture as shown in "Fig. 2 Transporting Position". • Check that the eyebolts are securely fastened. NOTE • The mass of the manipulator is approximately 280 kg including the shipping bolts and brackets. Use a wire rope strong enough to withstand the mass. • Attached eyebolts are designed to support the manipulator mass. Do not use them for anything other than transporting the manipulator. • Be sure to mount the shipping bolts and brackets before transporting the manipulator. (Refer to "Fig. 2 Transporting Position.") • Avoid external force on the arm or motor unit when transporting the manipulator. Use caution when using transporting equipment other than a crane or forklift to avoid injury. 2-1 2.1 Transporting Method Eyebolt M12 (2 eyebolts) (Delivered with the manipulator) A B Eyebolt M12 (2 eyebolts) (Delivered with the manipulator) View E D E C F View F Fig. 2 Transporting Position 2-2 2.1 Transporting Method 2.1.2 Using a Forklift When using a forklift, the manipulator should be fixed on a pallet with shipping bolts and brackets as shown in "Fig. 3 Using the Forklift." Insert claws under the pallet and lift it. The pallet must be strong enough to support the manipulator. Transportation of the manipulator must be performed slowly in order to avoid overturning or slippage. Bolts M16 (4 bolts) Pallet Forklift claw entry Fig. 3 Using the Forklift 2-3 2.2 Shipping Bolts and Brackets 2.2 Shipping Bolts and Brackets The manipulator is provided with shipping bolts and brackets at sections A and B. ("Fig. 2 Transporting Position") Eyebolts M12 (2 eyebolts) (delivered with the manipulator) A C Enlarged View: Section A Enlarged View: Section C Parts Drawing for Section A B D Enlarged View: Sections B and D Parts Drawing for Section B • The brackets in the sections A and B are painted yellow. • The section A is fixed with a hexagon socket head cap screw M8, and the section B is fixed with two hexagon socket head cap screws M6. • A rubber cushion is respectively wedged at the sections C and D. Before turning ON the power, check to be sure that the shipping bolts, brackets, and rubber NOTE cushions have been removed. The shipping bolts, brackets, and rubber cushions then must be stored for future use, in the event that the manipulator must be moved again. 2-4 3 Installation WARNING • Install the safeguarding. Failure to observe this warning may result in injury or damage. • Install the manipulator in a location where the manipulator’s tool or the workpiece held by the manipulator will not reach the wall, safeguarding, or NX100 when the arm is fully extended. Failure to observe this warning may result in injury or damage. • Do not start the manipulator or even turn ON the power before it is firmly anchored. The manipulator may overturn and cause injury or damage. • When mounting the manipulator on the ceiling or wall, the base section must have sufficient strength and rigidity to support the mass of the manipulator. Also, it is necessary to consider countermeasures to prevent the manipulator from falling. Failure to observe these warning may result in injury or damage. CAUTION • Do not install or operate the manipulator that is damaged or lacks parts. Failure to observe this caution may cause injury or damage. • Before turning ON the power, check to be sure that the shipping bolts and brackets explained in " 2.2 Shipping Bolts and Brackets " are removed. Failure to observe this caution may result in damage to the driving parts. 3-1 3.1 Installation of Safeguarding 3.1 Installation of Safeguarding To insure safety, be sure to install the safeguarding. It prevents unforeseen accidents with personnel and damage to equipment. The following is quoted for your information and guidance. Responsibility for Safeguarding (ISO10218) The user of a manipulator or robot system shall ensure that the safeguarding is provided and used in accordance with Sections 6, 7, and 8 of this standard. The means and degree of safeguarding, including any redundancies, shall correspond directly to the type and level of hazard presented by the robot system consistent with the robot application. Safeguarding may include but not be limited to safeguarding devices, barriers, interlock barriers, perimeter guarding, awareness barriers, and awareness signals. 3.2 Mounting Procedures for Manipulator Base The manipulator should be firmly mounted on a base or foundation strong enough to support the manipulator and withstand repulsion forces during acceleration and deceleration. Refer to "Table. 1 Maximum Repulsion Forces of the Manipulator at Emergency Stop" and " Table. 2 Endurance Torque in Operation " to construct a solid foundation with the appropriate thickness to withstand maximum repulsion forces of the manipulator. A baseplate flatness must be kept at 0.5 mm or less: insufficient flatness of installation surface may deform the manipulator shape and affect its functional abilities. Mount the manipulator base as described in " 3.2.1 Installation Example ". Table. 1 Maximum Repulsion Forces of the Manipulator at Emergency Stop Horizontal rotating maximum torque (S-axis moving direction) 8000 N‚m (815 kgf‚m) Vertical rotating maximum torque (LU-axes moving direction) 5000 N‚m (510 kgf‚m) Table. 2 Endurance Torque in Operation Endurance torque in horizontal operation (S-axis moving direction) 1700 N‚m (171 kgf‚m) Endurance torque in vertical operation (LU-axes moving direction) 3775 N‚m (385 kgf‚m) 3-2 3.2 Mounting Procedures for Manipulator Base 3.2.1 Installation Example For the first process, anchor the baseplate firmly on the floor. The baseplate should have enough rigidity, which is 32 mm or more in thickness. The size of the anchor bolt recommended for the baseplate fixation is M16 or larger. Next, fix the manipulator base to the baseplate. There are 4 mounting holes on the manipulator base: securely fix the manipulator to the baseplate using 4 hexagon head screws M16 (60 mm long is recommended). Tighten the hexagon head screws and anchor bolts firmly so that they will not be loosened during the operation. See "Fig. 4 Manipulator Installation Example" for the method.  Bolt M16 (4 bolts) Spring washer Washer Manipulator base 25 Baseplate 40 mm or more Manipulator base Anchor bolt (M16 or larger) Baseplate 375 335 18 dia. holes (4 holes) 200 ±0.1 313 Baseplate +0.018 12        dia. holes (2 holes) 0 375 335 170 ±0.1 60 250 200 ±0.1 60 260 ±0.1 Manipulator Base Fig. 4 Manipulator Installation Example 3-3 3.3 Installation Method 3.3 Installation Method The manipulator can be mounted in three different ways: floor-mounted (standard), wallmounted, and ceiling-mounted types are available. For wall- and ceiling-mounted types, the three points listed below are different from the floor-mounted types. • S-axis Operating Range • Fixing the Manipulator Base • Precautions to Prevent the Manipulator from Falling • IP (International Protection) for Main Part of the Manipulator 3.3.1 S-axis Operating Range For the wall-mounted type, the S-Axis operating range must be ±30°. (Adjusted prior to the shipment.) 3.3.2 Fixing the Manipulator Base For the wall- or ceiling-mounted types, be sure to use 4 hexagon socket head cap screws M16 (tensile strength: 1200 N/mm2 or more) to fix the manipulator base. Use a torque of 206 Nxm in tightening the screws. 3.3.3 Precautions to Prevent the Manipulator from Falling For the wall- or ceiling-mounted types, take appropriate measures to avoid the falling of the manipulator in case of emergency. Refer to "Fig. 5 When Using Ceiling and Wall-mounted Types" for details. Preventive support from falling Manipulator base Hexagon socket head cap screws M16 (4 screws) (Tensile strength: 1200N/mm2) Fig. 5 When Using Ceiling and Wall-mounted Types 3-4 3.4 Location 3.3.4 IP (International Protection) for Main Part of the Manipulator For wall-mounted or ceiling mounted types, environmental resistance for main part of the manipulator does not conform to IP54; environmental resistance for IP65 is optionally available. However, the wrist part conforms to IP67. NOTE 3.4 In case of using the wall-/ceiling-mounted type, inform Yaskawa of the matter when placing an order. Be sure to contact Yaskawa representative (listed on the back cover of this instruction manual) to execute a wall/ceiling installation on site. Location When the manipulator is installed, it is necessary to satisfy the undermentioned environmental conditions: • 0° to +45°C (ambient temperature) • 20 to 80%RH (no moisture, at constant temperature) • Free from dust, soot, or water • Free from corrosive gases or liquid, or explosive gases • Free from excessive impact or vibration (vibration acceleration: 4.9 m/s2 [0.5 G] or less) • Free from large electrical noise (plasma) • The flatness for installation is 0.5 mm or less. 3-5 4 Wiring WARNING • Ground resistance must be 100 Ω or less. Failure to observe this warning may result in fire or electric shock. • Before wiring, make sure to turn the primary power supply OFF, and put up a warning sign. (ex. DO NOT TURN THE POWER ON.) Failure to observe this warning may result in fire or electric shock. CAUTION • Wiring must be performed by authorized or certified personnel. Failure to observe this caution may result in fire or electric shock. 4-1 4.1 Grounding 4.1 Grounding Follow the local regulations and electrical installation standards for grounding. The recommended grounding wire size is 5.5 mm2 at minimum. For grounding, connect the ground wire directly to the manipulator as shown in "Fig. 6 Grounding Method". A • Do not use this line in common with other ground lines or grounding electrodes for other electric power, motor power, welding devices, etc. • Where metal ducts, metallic conduits, or distributing racks are used for cable laying, ground in accordance with Electric Equipment Technical Standards. A NOTE 5.5 mm2 or more Bolt M8 (for grounding) (delivered with the manipulator) Section A-A Fig. 6 Grounding Method 4.2 Manipulator Cable Connection There are two manipulator cables; an encoder cable for detection (1BC) and power cable (2BC). (Refer to "Fig. 7 Manipulator Cables (1BC and 2BC).") Connect these cables respectively to the connectors at the manipulator base and the NX100. Refer to " Fig. 8 (a) Manipulator Cable Connection to the Manipulator ", and " Fig. 8 (b) Manipulator Cable Connection to the NX100 ". 4-2 4.2 Manipulator Cable Connection 4.2.1 Connection to the Manipulator Before connecting the manipulator cables to the manipulator, verify the numbers: 1BC and 2BC on both the cables and the connectors of the manipulator. Connect 2BC first, and then connect 1BC. After inserting the cables, lower each lever until it clicks. 4.2.2 Connection to the NX100 Before connecting the manipulator cables to the NX100, verify the numbers: 1BC and 2BC on both the cables and the NX100 connectors. Connect 2BC first, and then connect 1BC. After inserting the cables, lower each lever until it clicks. NX100 side Manipulator side X11 1BC X11 1BC 1BC Encoder cable NX100 side Manipulator side X21 2BC X21 2BC 2BC Power cable Fig. 7 Manipulator Cables (1BC and 2BC) 4-3 4.2 Manipulator Cable Connection 2BC 1BC 3BC Connector details (Manipulator side) Fig. 8 (a) Manipulator Cable Connection to the Manipulator X11 X21 Fig. 8 (b) Manipulator Cable Connection to the NX100 4-4 5.1 Basic Specifications 5 Basic Specifications 5.1 Basic Specifications Table. 3 Basic Specifications*1 Item Model MOTOMAN-HP20 Configuration Vertically Articulated Degree of Freedom 6 Payload 20 kg Repeatability*2 ±0.06 mm ±180° S-axis (turning) Range of Motion L-axis (lower arm) +155°, -110° U-axis (upper arm) +255°, -165° R-axis (wrist roll) ±200° B-axis (wrist pitch/yaw) +230°, -50° T-axis (wrist twist) ±360° S-axis 2.96 rad/s, 170°/s L-axis 2.96 rad/s, 170°/s U-axis 3.05 rad/s, 175°/s Maximum Speed Allowable R-axis 6.20 rad/s, 355°/s B-axis 6.02 rad/s, 345°/s T-axis 9.16 rad/s, 525°/s R-axis 39.2 N‚m (0.9 kgf‚m) B-axis 39.2 N‚m (0.9 kgf‚m) T-axis 19.6 N‚m (0.25 kgf‚m) R-axis 0.9 kg‚m2 B-axis 0.9 kg‚m2 T-axis 0.25 kg‚m2 Temperature 0 to 45°C Humidity 20 to 80% RH (at constant temperature) Vibration Acceleration 4.9 m/s2 (0.5G) or less Moment*3 Allowable Inertia 2/4)*3 (GD Mass Ambient 280 kg • Free from corrosive gasses or liquids, or explo- Conditions*4 Others sive gasses • Clean and dry • Free from excessive electrical noise (plasma) Power Requirements *1 *2 *3 *4 2.8 kVA SI units are used in this table. However, gravitational unit is used in ( ). Conformed to ISO9283 Refer to " 6.1 Allowable Wrist Load " for details on the allowable moment and inertia. Conformed to IP54 for the main part of the manipulator (floor-mounted type only). Conformed to IP67 for the wrist part (IP65 for the main part is optional.) 5-1 5.2 Part Names and Working Axes 5.2 Part Names and Working Axes R+ U+ B+ T+ Wrist flange R- U- U-arm BWrist L-arm L+ L- Rotary head S+ S- Manipulator base Fig. 9 Part Names and Working Axes 5-2 T- 5.3 Manipulator Base Dimensions 5.3 Manipulator Base Dimensions 200±0.1 Fitting surface A 25 60 200 ±0.1 60 Fitting surface 375 335 +0.018 12        dia. holes   0  (2 holes) View 170 ±0.1 395.5 195.5 375 335 313 250 18 dia. holes (4 holes) (for manipulator fixing) 260 ±0.1 Units: mm Fig. 10 Manipulator Base Dimensions 5-3 5.4 Dimensions and P-Point Maximum Envelope 5.4 Dimensions and P-Point Maximum Envelope 1717 807 356 421 0 288 514 459 635 1323 1417 A 2072 C 125 150 105 80 795 87.5 180° 140 ° 760 1003 264 191 150 80 455 P-point 776 155° 11 0° 1485 7 71 R1 505 1 42 R 5° 328 238 135 0 0 R31 4 25 505 505 180° P-point maximum envelope 165° 559 524 View A 807 471 260 917 Fig. 11 Dimensions and P-point Maximum Envelope 5-4 991 Units: mm 5.5 Alterable Operating Range 5.5 Alterable Operating Range The operating range of the S-axis can be altered according to the operating conditions as shown in "Table. 4 S-axis Working Range." If alteration is necessary, contact your Yaskawa representative in advance. Table. 4 S-axis Working Range Item S-axis Operating Range Specifications ±180° (standard) ±150° ±120° ±90° ±60° ±30° 5-5 6.1 Allowable Wrist Load 6 Allowable Load for Wrist Axis and Wrist Flange 6.1 Allowable Wrist Load The allowable wrist load is 20 kg. If force is applied to the wrist instead of the load, force on R-, B-, and T-axes should be within the value shown in "Table. 5 Allowable Moment and Inertia." Contact your Yaskawa representative for further information or assistance. Table. 5 Allowable Moment and Inertia *1 Axis Moment N•m (kgf•m)*1 Inertia kg•m2 R-axis B-axis T-axis 39.2 (4) 39.2 (4) 19.6 (2) 0.9 0.9 0.25 ( ): Gravitational unit When the volume load is small, refer to the moment arm rating shown in "Fig. 12 Moment Arm Rating." The allowable inertia is calculated when the moment is at the maximum. Contact your Yaskawa representative when only load inertia, or load moment is small and inertia is large. Also, when the load is combined as a force but a mass, contact your Yaskawa representative. Load gravity position LB 300 LT L T mm 105 200 W=6Kg W=10Kg W=16Kg 100 T-axis, R-axis rotation center line W=20Kg B-axis rotation center line 0 100 200 L B mm Fig. 12 Moment Arm Rating 6-1 300 400 6.2 Wrist Flange 6.2 Wrist Flange The wrist flange dimensions are shown in " Fig. 13 Wrist Flange ". In order to see the alignment marks, it is recommended that the attachment be mounted inside the fitting. Fitting depth of inside and outside fittings must be 5 mm or less. Alignment mark A 0.5 6 45°  0  50        dia. -0.039 +0.021 6  25        dia.   0 Tapped holes M6 (depth: 10) (pitch: 1.0) (4 holes) P.C .D4 0 +0.012 6        dia. hole   0 (depth: 6) View A Units: mm Fig. 13 Wrist Flange NOTE • Wash off anti-corrosive paint (yellow color) on the wrist flange surface with thinner or light oil before mounting the tools. • Mount the attachment with the mounting bolts (length: 10 mm or less). Failure to observe this instruction may affect the manipulator performance. 6-2 7.1 Peripheral Equipment Mounts 7 System Application 7.1 Peripheral Equipment Mounts The peripheral equipment mounts are fixed on the upper arm for easier installation of the user’s system application as shown in " Fig. 14 Installing Peripheral Equipment Mounts ". When peripheral equipment is attached to the U-axis, the following conditions should be observed. 7.1.1 Allowable Load The allowable load on the U-axis is a maximum of 31 kg, including the wrist load. For instance, when the mass installed in the wrist point is 20 kg, the mass which can be installed on the upper arm is 11 kg. 7.1.2 Installation Position There is a limitation on the installation position. " Fig. 15 Allowable Load on U-axis " shows the distance between the center of U-axis rotation and the load gravity. A W2 Z-coordinate direction W1 220 Limited dimension of Z-coordinate: 400 at a maximum 70 X-coordinate direction 70 Center of U-axis rotation View A Fig. 14 Installing Peripheral Equipment Mounts 7-1 Units: mm 7.2 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line (kg) 30 W1=6kg W1=10kg 20 W1=16kg Weight W2 W1=20kg*1 *1  In this case, unbalanced      moment is not permitted. 10 0 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 (mm) Distance between Center of U-axis Rotation and Load Gravity (  direction) Fig. 15 Allowable Load on U-axis 7.2 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line 14 wires (0.2 mm2 x 8 wires and 1.25 mm2 x 6 wires) and an air line are used in the manipulator for the drives of the peripheral devices mounted on the upper arm as shown in " Fig. 16 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line ". The connector pins (1 to 16) are assigned as shown in "Fig. 17 Detailed Drawing of Connector Pin Numbers." Wiring must be performed by users, following the conditions below: • The allowable current for cables: 3 A or less for each cable (the total current value for pins 1 to 16 must be 40 A or less) • The maximum pressure for the air line: 490 kPa (5 kgf/cm2) or less (the inside diameter: 6.5 mm) 7-2 7.2 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line Connectors on Connector Base Air inlet: Tapped hole PT3/8 with pipe plug View A Connector for internal user I/O wiring harness: JL05-2A20-29PC (pin connector with a cap)  Prepare socket connector JL05-6A20-29S. Connectors on U-arm A Connector for internal user I/O  wiring harness: JL05-2A20-29SC     (socket connector with a cap)    Exhaust port (air flow): Tapped hole PT3/8 with pipe plug Prepare pin connector JL05-6A20-29P. Fig. 16 Internal User I/O Wiring Harness and Air Line Connector for Internal User I/O Wiring Harness on the Connector Base Pins used 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Open) 2 8 (Open) 9 4 10 7 11 (1.25 mm2) 9 12 (1.25 mm2) 11 13 (1.25 mm2) 13 14 2 15 15 (1.25 mm ) 16 (1.25 mm2) Connector for Internal User I/O Wiring Harness on the U-arm 1 5 3 8 12 Pins used 6 10 14 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (+24V: for shock sensor) 2 8 (Shock sensor signal input) 9 4 10 7 11 (1.25 mm2) 9 12 (1.25 mm2) 11 13 13 (1.25 mm2) 14 2 15 15 (1.25 mm ) 16 (1.25 mm2) 1 5 3 8 12 6 10 14 16 Internal user I/O wiring harness : 0.2 mm2, 8 lead wires                                                    : 1.25 mm2, 6 lead wires Internal user I/O wiring harness : 0.2 mm2, 8 lead wires                                                    : 1.25 mm2, 6 lead wires Fig. 17 Detailed Drawing of Connector Pin Numbers NOTE • The 7th pin and 8th pin of 3BC connector on the U-arm are respectively connected with the shock sensor power supply and shock sensor signal input port of the NX100 controller. • The 7th pins and 8th pins of respective 3BC connectors are not connected with each other. • For the wiring, refer to "Fig. 20 (a) Internal Connection Diagram" on page 8-3. The same pin number (1-16) of two connectors is connected by the lead wire of single 0.2 mm2 or 1.25 mm2. 7-3 8.1 Position of Limit Switch 8 Electrical Equipment Specification 8.1 Position of Limit Switch Limit switches are optional. Refer to " Fig. 18 Location of Limit Switch " for location. A manipulator type with the S- or L-axis overrun limit switch or the LU-axes interference limit switch is YR-HP20-A01. LU-axes interference limit switch (optional) L-axis interference limit switch (optional) S-axis overrun limit switch (optional) Fig. 18 Location of Limit Switch 8-1 8.2 Internal Connections 8.2 Internal Connections High reliability connectors which can be easily put on and removed are used with each connector part. For the numbers, types, and locations of connectors, refer to "Fig. 19 Location and Numbers of Connectors." Diagrams for internal connections of the manipulator are shown in " Fig. 20 (a) Internal Connection Diagram " and in " Fig. 20 (b) Internal Connection Diagram ". 3BC (For internal user I/O wiring harness) 3BC (For internal user I/O wiring harness) Fig. 19 Location and Numbers of Connectors Table. 6 List of Connector Types Name Type of Connector Connector for internal user I/O wiring harness on connector base JL05-2A20-29PC (JL05-6A20-29S: Optional) Connector for internal user I/O wiring harness on U-arm JL05-2A20-29SC (JL05-6A20-29P: Optional) 8-2 8.2 Internal Connections POWER CABLE INTERNAL CABLE IN S-AXIS P P P P 0BT BAT 0BT BAT 1 2 3 4 0BAT11 BAT11 0BAT12 BAT12 0BT BAT 0BT BAT 5 6 7 8 0BAT21 BAT21 0BAT22 BAT22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NX100 1BC(4X10) CN1-5 CN1-4 P CN1-5 CN1-4 +24V 0V 1 3 CN1-10 CN1-9 P CN1-10 CN1-9 +24V 0V 2 4 CN1-1 CN1-2 P CN1-1 CN1-2 SPG+1 SPG-1 CN1-3 CN1-3 FG1 CN1-6 CN1-7 CN1-6 CN1-7 SPG+2 SPG-2 INTERNAL CABLE IN L-AXIS INTERNAL CABLE IN BT-AXES <NOTES> 0BAT1 BAT1 0BAT2 BAT2 0BAT3 BAT3 - For the limit switch specification, the connection ofthe section A is changed as follows: S-AXIS OVERRUN LIMIT SWITCH LA1 LB1 0BAT4 BAT4 LA1 LB1 LA2 LA2 P LA2 LB2 L-AXIS OVERRUN LIMIT SWITCH LA3 LB3 A LB3 L AND U-AXES INTERFERENCE LIMIT SWITCH PG0V1 PG5V1 PG0V2 PG5V2 PG0V3 PG5V3 PG0V4 PG5V4 PG0V5 PG5V5 PG0V6 PG5V6 SLU-AXES OVERRUN LIMIT SWITCH SPECIFICATION - The pins No.7 and No.8 of 3BC connector on the U-arm are respectively connected with the shock sensor power supply and shock sensor signal input port of the NX100 controller. P P P No.20CN 20CN-1 -2 -6 -5 -4 -9 -7 DATA+1 DATA-1 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG1 No.21CN 21CN-1 -2 -6 -5 -4 -9 -7 DATA+2 DATA-2 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG2 PG S-AXIS PG L-AXIS Connected Port in NX100 Pin No. Shock sensor power supply; +24V (1A) 7 Shock sensor signal input 8 OBT BAT P P P CN1-8 CN1-8 FG2 CN2-1 CN2-2 CN2-1 CN2-2 SPG+3 SPG-3 P - In case of connecting the pin No.7 and No.8 of respective 3BC connectors on the U-arm and connector base, the connection in the section B should be changed as shown in the section C below. (Contact your Yaskawa representative in case of modifying the wiring before use.) OBT BAT P No.5CN 5CN-1 -2 -3 -4 6CN-1 -2 -3 P P P CN2-3 CN2-3 FG3 CN2-6 CN2-7 CN2-6 CN2-7 SPG+4 SPG-4 CN2-8 FG4 DATA+3 DATA-3 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG3 P P P No.22CN 22CN-1 -2 -6 -5 -4 -9 -7 DATA+3 DATA-3 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG3 No.23CN 23CN-1 -2 -3 -4 24CN-1 -2 -3 DATA+4 DATA-4 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG4 P P P P CN2-8 U-AXIS OBT BAT No.6CN 1BC(10X4) PG P PG R-AXIS OBT BAT CN3-1 CN3-2 P CN3-1 CN3-2 SPG+5 SPG-5 P No.7CN 7CN-1 -7 -2 -8 -3 -9 DATA+5 DATA-5 BAT OBT +5V 0V P -4 -10 DATA+6 DATA-6 -5 -11 -6 +5V 0V FG6 P P CN3-3 CN3-3 CN3-6 CN3-7 CN3-6 CN3-7 P P P FG5 No.14CN 14CN-1 -2 -3 -4 15CN-1 -2 -3 DATA+5 DATA-5 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG5 No.16CN 16CN-1 -2 -3 -4 17CN-1 -2 -3 DATA+6 DATA-6 BAT OBT +5V 0V FG6 PG B-AXIS PG T-AXIS OBT BAT P SPG+6 SPG-6 P P CN3-8 CN3-8 P FG6 P OBT BAT CN4-1 CN4-6 P CN4-1 CN4-6 +24V LB1 P CN4-2 CN4-7 SS2 CN4-3 CN4-8 P CN4-3 CN4-8 BC2 AL2 CN2-4 CN2-5 P CN2-4 CN2-5 0V +5V CN2-9 CN2-10 P CN2-9 CN2-10 0V +5V CN3-4 CN3-5 P CN3-4 CN3-5 0V +5V P CN3-9 CN3-10 CN4-2 CN4-7 CN3-9 CN3-10 LA1 LA2 P LA2 LB3 A U V P C POWER CABLE FOR LAMP (OPTIONAL) INTERNAL CABLE CONNECTOR BASE CN4-1 CN4-1 CN4-2 CN4-2 SS1 +24V(1A) SS2 SS2 0V +5V P CN4-4 CN4-5 CN4-9 3BC(20-29) SPG+7 SPG-7 FG7 E E E UNUSED E E Base E B Casing E E 3BC(20-29) 3BC(20-29) E E 3BC-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 CRIMPED CONTACT-PIN E E E CN4-4 CN4-5 CN4-9 U-ARM 1BC(4X10) NX100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 SS1 SS2 1 2 3 4 5 6 SS1 SS2 P P Fig. 20 (a) Internal Connection Diagram 8-3 1 2 3 4 P P P P P CONNECTOR BASE 1 2 3 4 SS1 SS2 SS1 SS2 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3BC-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 U-ARM SHOCK SENSOR (OPTIONAL) FOR SPARE CABLE E 3BC-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Casing Base E 3BC(20-29) E E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 SS1 SS2 P P 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 E P P P P SS1 SS2 SS1 SS2 P P WIRING OF 3BC CABLE AFTER CHANGING CONNECTIONS OF B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3BC-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 8.2 Internal Connections 2BC(6X6) E E 2BC(6X6) CN1-1 CN1-1 CN1-2 CN1-2 CN1-3 CN1-4 CN1-3 CN1-4 CN1-5 CN1-5 CN1-6 CN1-6 CN2-1 CN2-1 CN2-2 CN2-2 CN2-3 CN2-4 CN2-3 CN2-4 CN2-5 CN2-5 CN2-6 CN2-6 CN3-1 CN3-1 CN3-2 CN3-2 CN3-3 CN3-4 CN3-3 CN3-4 CN3-5 CN3-5 CN3-6 CN3-6 CN4-1 CN4-1 CN4-2 CN4-2 CN4-3 CN4-4 CN4-3 CN4-4 CN4-5 CN4-5 CN4-6 CN4-6 CN5-1 CN5-1 CN5-2 CN5-2 CN5-3 CN5-4 CN5-3 CN5-4 CN5-5 CN5-5 CN5-6 CN5-6 CN6-1 CN6-1 CN6-2 CN6-2 CN6-3 CN6-4 CN6-3 CN6-4 CN6-5 CN6-5 CN6-6 CN6-6 3CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 MU1 MV1 MW1 MU2 MV2 MW2 4CN -A -B -C -D -E -F No.4CN MU1 MV1 MW1 ME1 BA1 BB1 SM MU4 MV4 MW4 MU5 MV5 MW5 MU2 MV2 MW2 ME2 BA2 BB2 SM Fig. 20 (b) Internal Connection Diagram L-AXIS YB No.26CN 26CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 No.10CN 10CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 MU5 MV5 MW5 ME5 MU6 MV6 MW6 ME6 MU6 MV6 MW6 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME6 BA3 BB4 BA4 BA5 BA6 S-AXIS YB MU2 MV2 MW2 MU3 MV3 MW3 PE 8-4 No.3CN BA1 BA2 BB1 ME1 ME2 ME2 No.25CN 25CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 No.35CN MU3 MV3 MW3 ME3 BA3 BB3 SM YB MU4 MV4 MW4 ME4 BA4 BB4 SM YB MU5 MV5 MW5 ME5 BA5 BB5 No.36CN No.19CN 12CN-1 -2 -3 -4 BA5 BB5 BA6 BB6 19CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 No.37CN R-AXIS No.18CN 18CN-1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 No.12CN U-AXIS MU6 MV6 MW6 ME6 BA6 BB6 SM B-AXIS YB SM YB T-AXIS 9.1 Inspection Schedule 9 Maintenance and Inspection WARNING • Before maintenance or inspection, be sure to turn the main power supply OFF, and put up a warning sign. (ex. DO NOT TURN THE POWER ON.) Failure to observe this warning may result in electric shock or injury. CAUTION • Maintenance and inspection must be performed by specified personnel. Failure to observe this caution may result in electric shock or injury. • For disassembly or repair, contact your Yaskawa representative. • The battery pack must be connected before removing detection connector when maintenance and inspection. Failure to observe this caution may result in the loss of home position data. 9.1 Inspection Schedule Proper inspections are essential not only to assure that the mechanism will be able to function for a long period, but also to prevent malfunctions and assure safe operation. Inspection intervals are classified into six levels. Conduct periodical inspections according to the inspection schedule in "Table 7 Inspection Items". In "Table 7 Inspection Items", the inspection items are categorized by three types of operations: operations which can be performed by personnel authorized of the user, operations which can be performed by personnel being trained, and operations which can be performed by service company personnel. Only specified personnel are to do the inspection work. NOTE • The inspection interval must be based on the servo power supply ON time. • These inspections were developed for applications where the manipulator is used for arc welding work. For any different or special applications, the inspection process should be developed on an case-by-case basis. For axes which are used very frequently (in handling applications, etc.), it is recommended that inspections be conducted at shorter Intervals. Contact your Yaskawa representative. 9-1 9.1 Inspection Schedule Table. 7 Inspection Items Inspection Charge Schedule Items*4 Daily 1000 H Cycle 6000 12000 24000 36000 H H H H Cycle Cycle Method Operation Specified Service Licensee Person Company c Alignment mark { Visual Check alignment mark accordance and damage at the home position. { { { d External lead { Visual Check for damage and deterioration of leads. { { { e Working area and whole exterior of manipulator { Visual Clean the working area if dust or spatter is present. Check for damage and exterior cracks. { { { f SLU-axes motors { Visual Check for grease leakage.*5 { { { g Manipulator base mounting bolts { { { h Cover mounting screws { Phillips screwdriver, wrench { { { i Connector base { Manual Check for loose connectors. { { { j BT-axes timing belts { Manual Check for belt tension and wear. { { { { k { Wrench Wire harness in manipulator (for SLU-axes) (for RBT-axes) Tighten loose bolts. Replace if necessary. Check for conduction between the main connector of connector base and Visual, intermediate connecmultimeter tor with manually shaking the wire. Check for wear of { protective spring.*1 Replace.*2 { l Tighten loose bolts. Replace if necessary. Check for connecVisual, tion between termimultimeter nals.*1 { Wire harness in manipulator (for BT-axes) { Replace.*2 { Battery pack in 11 manipulator { { Replace the battery pack when the battery alarm occurs or the manipulator drove for 36000H. { { { { { { Check for malfunction. (Replace if necessary.) Supply 12 S-axis speed reducer { Grease Gun { grease *3 (6000H cycle). See Par.9.2.2. Exchange grease (12000H cycle). See Par. 9.2.2 9-2 *3 9.1 Inspection Schedule Table. 7 Inspection Items Inspection Charge Schedule Items*4 Daily 1000 H Cycle 6000 12000 24000 36000 H H H H Cycle Cycle Method Operation Specified Service Licensee Person Company Check for malfunction. (Replace if necessary.) Supply grease (6000H 13 LU-axes speed reducers { Grease Gun { cycle)*3 See Par. 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 Exchange grease { { { { { { { { (12000H cycle). *3 See Par. 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 14 15 RBT-axes speed reducers { Grease Gun { Grease Gun { T-axis gear 16 R-axis cross roller bearing 17 Overhaul Grease Gun { Check for malfunction. (Replace if necessary.) Supply grease (6000H cycle).*3 See Par. 9.2.5 and 9.2.6. Check for malfunction. (Replace if necessary.) Supply grease*3 (12000H cycle). See Par. 9.2.7. Check for malfunction. (Replace if necessary.) Supply grease*3 (12000H cycle). See Par. 9.2.8. { { *1 When checking for conduction with multimeter, connect the battery pack to “BAT” and “OBT” of connectors on the motor side for each axis, and then remove connectors on detector side for each axis from the motor. Otherwise, the home position may be lost. (Refer to " 9.2.9 Notes for Maintenance.") *2 *3 *4 Internal cables to be replaced at 24000H inspection. *5 The occurrence of a grease leakage indicates the possibility that grease has seeped into the motor. This can cause a motor breakdown. Contact your Yaskawa representative. For the grease, refer to "Table 8 Inspection Parts and Grease Used." Inspection No. correspond to the numbers in "Fig. 21 Inspection Parts and Inspection Numbers (Manipulator in Home Position)." Table. 8 Inspection Parts and Grease Used No. 12 , 13 14 , 15 16 Grease Used Inspected Parts Molywhite RE No. 00 S-, L-, and U-axes speed reducers Harmonic Grease SK-1A R-, B- and T-axes speed reducers, T-axis gear Alvania EP Grease 2 R-axis cross roller bearing The numbers in the above table correspond to the numbers in "Table 7 Inspection Items." 9-3 9.1 Inspection Schedule 5 4 2 S-axis 1 S-axis 8 T-axis 8 10 1 Note: The manipulator is in the home position. B-axis 14 BT-axes U-axis 13 R-axis 1 14 4 15 1 9 16 U-axis L-axis 11 13 4 12 7 11 Fig. 21 Inspection Parts and Inspection Numbers (Manipurator in Home Position) 9-4 4 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2 9.2.1 Notes on Maintenance Procedures Battery Pack Replacement The battery packs are attached in the two positions indicated in "Fig. 22 Battery Pack Location". If the battery alarm occurs in the NX100, replace the battery pack in accordance with the following procedure: Battery pack Connector base Support Connector base Connector base fixing screw Fig. 22 Battery Pack Location 9-5 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures Battery pack before replacement See the step 5. Connector Circuit board See the step 4. New battery pack Fig. 23 Battery Pack Connection 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn the NX100 main power supply OFF. Remove the mounting screws for the battery pack on the support. Remove the battery pack from the holder. Connect the new battery pack to an unconnected connector. 5. Remove the old battery pack from the circuit board. NOTE Connect the new battery pack before removing the old one so that the encoder absolute data does not disappear. 6. Mount the new battery pack to the battery holder. 7. Reinstall the plate. NOTE Do not pinch the cable when the plate is installed. 9-6 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.2 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for S-axis Speed Reducer Grease exhaust port (Hexagon socket head plug PT1/8) Grease exhaust port (Hexagon socket head plug PT1/8) S-axis speed reducer Grease inlet (Hexagon socket head plug PT1/8) Fig. 24 S-axis Speed Reducer Diagram NOTE „ For ceiling mounted manipulators, the exhaust port and the grease inlet are inverted. Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 24 S-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Replenish the grease in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Remove plugs from exhaust port and grease inlet. NOTE If grease is injected with the plug on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the plug before the grease injection. 9-7 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 2. Install the grease zerk PT1/8 to the grease inlet. (The grease zerk PT1/8 is delivered with the manipulator.) 3. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: 30 cc (60 cc for the 1st supply) 4. Move the S-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 5. Remove the grease zerk and reinstall the plug on the grease inlet. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C (listed on table9) on the thread part of the plug. 6. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the plug. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 24 S-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Exchange the grease in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Remove plugs from exhaust port and grease inlet. NOTE If grease is injected with the plug on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the plug before the grease injection. 2. Install the grease zerk PT1/8 to the grease inlet. (The grease zerk PT1/8 is delivered with the manipulator.) 3. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: Approx. 1440 cc The grease exchange is completed when new grease appears in the grease exhaust port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old grease by color. 4. Move the S-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 5. Remove the grease zerk and reinstall the plug on the grease inlet. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 6. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the plug. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 9-8 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.3 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for L-axis Speed Reducer L-arm Grease exhaust port (Hexagon socket head plug PT1/8) L-axis speed reducer Grease inlet (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) Fig. 25 L-axis Speed Reducer Diagram NOTE „ The exhaust port and the grease inlet are inverted in case of ceiling installation. Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 25 L-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Replenish the grease in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Posture the L-axis vertical to the ground. 2. Remove the plug and the screw from grease exhaust port and grease inlet respectively. NOTE If grease is injected with the plug on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the plug before the grease injection. 3. Install the grease zerk A-MT6X1 on the grease inlet. (The grease zerk A-MT6X1 is delivered with the manipulator.) 4. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: 30 cc (60 cc for the 1st supply) 5. Move the L-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 6. Remove the grease zerk and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw M6 on the grease inlet. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-9 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 7. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the plug. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 25 L-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Exchange the grease according to the following procedure: 1. Posture the L-arm vertical to the ground. 2. Remove the plug and the screw from grease exhaust port and grease inlet respectively. NOTE If grease is injected with the plug on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the plug before the grease injection. 3. Install the grease zerk A-MT6X1 on the grease inlet. (The grease zerk A-MT6X1 is delivered with the manipulator.) 4. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: approx. 560 cc The grease exchange is completed when new grease appears in the grease exhaust port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old grease by color. 5. Move the L-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 6. Remove the grease zerk on the grease inlet and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw M6. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 7. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the hexagon socket head plug. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 9-10 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.4 Grease Replenishment/Exchange for U-axis Speed Reducer U-arm Grease exhaust port (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) U-axis speed reducer Grease inlet (Hexagon socket head plug PT1/8) Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram NOTE „ The exhaust port and the grease inlet are inverted in case of ceiling installation. Grease Replenishment (Refer to "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Replenish the grease in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Posture the U-arm as shown in "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram". 2. Remove the screw and the plug from grease exhaust port and grease inlet respectively. NOTE If grease is injected with the screw on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the screw before the grease injection. 3. Install the grease zerk A-MT6X1 on the grease inlet. (The grease zerk A-MT6X1 is delivered with the manipulator.) 4. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: 30 cc (60 cc for the 1st supply) 5. Move the U-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 6. Remove the grease zerk and reinstall the hexagon socket head plug on the grease inlet. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 7. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-11 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures „ Grease Exchange (Refer to "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram".) Exchange the grease according to the following procedure: 1. Posture the U-arm as shown in "Fig. 26 U-axis Speed Reducer Diagram". 2. Remove the hexagon socket head cap screw on the grease exhaust port. NOTE If grease is injected with the screw on, the grease will go inside the motor and may damage it. Never fail to remove the screw before the grease injection. 3. Remove the hexagon socket head plug PT1/8 on the grease inlet and install the grease zerk A-MT6X1. 4. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Molywhite RE No.00 Amount of grease: approx. 320 cc The grease exchange is completed when new grease appears in the grease exhaust port. The new grease can be distinguished from the old grease by color. 5. Move the U-axis for a few minutes to discharge the excess grease. 6. Remove the grease zerk and reinstall the hexagon socket head plug on the grease inlet. Tighten the plug with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 7. Wipe the grease exhaust port with a cloth and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-12 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.5 Grease Replenishment for R-axis Speed Reducer Grease inlet (Grease zerk A-MT6X1) Exhaust port (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) Fig. 27 R-axis Speed Reducer Diagram 1. Remove the hexagon socket head cap screw M6 on the exhaust port. 2. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Harmonic grease SK-1A Amount of grease: 8cc (16cc for the 1st supply) NOTE The exhaust port is used for air flow. Do not inject excessive grease into the grease inlet. 3. Reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw on the exhaust port. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-13 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.6 Grease Replenishment for B-, T-axes Speed Reducers Exhaust port (for B-axis) (Plug LP-M5) T-axis speed reducer Exhaust port (for T-axis) (Hexagon socket set screw M6) B-axis speed reducer Gease inlet (for T-axis) (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) Gease inlet (for B-axis) (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) Fig. 28 B-, T-axes Speed Reducers Diagram 1. Remove the plug on the exhaust port for B-axis or the hexagon socket set screw on the exhaust port for T-axis. NOTE Remove the cover for the B-axis speed reducer. 2. Remove the hexagon socket head cap screw on the grease inlet and install the grease zerk A-MT6X1. 3. Inject the grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Harmonic grease SK-1A Amount of grease: For B-axis: 10 cc (20 cc for the 1st supply) For T-axis: 5 cc (10 cc for the 1st supply) NOTE The exhaust port is used for air flow. Do not inject excessive grease into the grease inlet. 4. Reinstall the plug on the exhaust port for B-axis or the hexagon socket set screw on the exhaust port for T-axis. Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread parts. 5. Remove the grease zerk on the grease inlet and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part. NOTE Mount the cover for the B-axis speed reducer. (Refer to " 9.2.9 Notes for Maintenance.") 9-14 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.7 Grease Replenishment for T-axis Gear Exhaust port (Plug LP-M5) Gear grease inlet (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) Fig. 29 T-axis Gear Diagram 1. Remove the plug on the exhaust port. 2. Remove the hexagon socket head cap screw on the grease inlet and install the grease zerk A-MT6X1. 3. Inject the grease into the gear grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Harmonic grease SK-1A Amount of grease: 5 cc (10cc for the 1st supply) NOTE The exhaust port is used for air flow. Do not inject excessive grease into the gear grease inlet. 4. Reinstall the plug on the exhaust port. Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 5. Remove the grease zerk on the gear grease inlet and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-15 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.8 Grease Replenishment for R-axis Cross Roller Bearing Exhaust port (Plug LP-M5) R-axis cross roller bearing Grease inlet (Hexagon socket head cap screw M6) (Length: 6mm) Fig. 30 R-axis Cross Roller Bearing Diagram 1. Remove the plug on the exhaust port. 2. Remove the hexagon socket head cap screw from the grease inlet and install the grease zerk A-MT6X1. 3. Inject grease into the grease inlet using a grease gun. Grease type: Alvania EP grease 2 Amount of grease: 8 cc (16 cc for the 1st supply) NOTE The exhaust port is used for air flow. Do not inject excessive grease into the grease inlet. 4. Reinstall the plug on the exhaust port. Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the plug. 5. Remove the grease zerk on the gear grease inlet and reinstall the hexagon socket head cap screw. Tighten the screw with a tightening torque of 5 N·m (0.51 kgf·m). Apply Three Bond 1206C on the thread part of the screw. 9-16 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures 9.2.9 „ Notes for Maintenance Wrist Axes The motor and encoder units are provided with the wrist unit. To prevent fumes from penetrating into the wrist unit, the matched parts are sealed with sealing bond. Therefore, if the wrist cover is disassembled, reseal with sealing bond (Three Bond 1206C). Refer to "Table 9 Spare Parts for the MOTOMAN-HP20". Cover Cover jointing face Cover Cover jointing face Fig. 31 Sealing Part of Wrist Unit 9.2.10 NOTE „ Encoder Connector (with CAUTION Label) • When performing maintenance such as replacement of a wire harness in the manipulator, the encoder connector (with CAUTION label) may be necessary to be removed. In this case, be sure to connect the battery pack to the battery backup connector before removing the encoder connector. Removing the encoder connector without connecting the battery backup leads to disappearance of the encoder absolute data. For the battery pack connection, refer to "Fig. 32 (a) Encoder Connector for S-, L-, Uaxes" and "Fig. 32 (b) Encoder Connector for R-, B-, T-axes." Battery Pack Connection (for S-, L-, U-axes Motors) The connectors (crimped contact-pin) for the battery backup are installed at the end point of the motors (marked as BAT and OBT). Connect the battery pack according to the following procedure. 1. Remove the cap attached to the battery backup connector of the motors. 2. Connect the battery packs (HW9470932-A) with the battery backup connectors located at the end point of the cables for the encoder. (Under this condition, remove the encoder connector and carry out the maintenance checks). 3. After the maintenance check, verify that all the connectors are connected and remove the battery pack. Install the caps attached to the battery backup connector of the motor. 9-17 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures NOTE Do not remove the battery pack in the connector base. Encoder connector Motor CAUTION Connect battery to encoder to save the data before removing conector. Motor power connector CAUTION label 0BT b a 0BT* BAT a b BAT* Battery pack (HW9470932-A) Connector for the battery backup CAUTION label (Enlarged view) a: Crimped contact-pin (pin) b: Crimped contact-pin (socket) CAUTION Connect battery to encoder to save the data before removing conector. Fig. 32 (a) Encoder Connector for S-, L-, U-axes 9-18 9.2 Notes on Maintenance Procedures „ Battery Pack Connection (for R-, B-, T-axes Motors) The connectors (crimped contact-pin) for the battery backup are installed at the end point of the motors (marked as BAT and OBT). Connect the battery pack according to the following procedure. 1. Connect the battery packs (HW9470932-A) with the battery backup connectors located at the end point of the cables for the encoder. (Under this condition, remove the encoder connector and carry out the maintenance checks). 2. After the maintenance check, verify that all the connectors are connected and remove the battery pack. Install the caps attached to the battery backup connector of the motor. NOTE Do not remove the battery pack in the connector base. Encoder Motor Motor cable, etc. Wire harness in manipulator Power connector Connection 0BT a BAT b CAUTION Connect battery to encoder to save the data before removing conector. Encoder connector b 0BT a BAT Battery pack (HW9470932-A) CAUTION label 0BT a b 0BT BAT b a BAT CAUTION label (Enlarged view) a: Crimped contact-pin (pin) b: Crimped contact-pin (socket) CAUTION Connect battery to encoder to save the data before removing conector. Fig. 32 (b) Encoder Connector for R-, B-, T-axes 9-19 10 Recommended Spare Parts It is recommended that the following parts and components be kept in stock as spare parts for the MOTOMAN-HP20. The spare parts list for the MOTOMAN-HP20 is shown below. Check the serial number and contact your Yaskawa representative for preparing lead wires for internal wiring, etc. Product performance can not be guaranteed when using spare parts from any company other than Yaskawa. The spare parts are ranked as follows: • Rank A: Expendable and frequently replaced parts • Rank B: Parts for which replacement may be necessary as a result of frequent operation • Rank C: Drive unit NOTE To replace parts in Rank B or Rank C, be sure to contact your Yaskawa representative. Table. 9 Spare Parts for the MOTOMAN-HP20 Manufacturer Qty Qty per Unit Molywhite RE No. 00 Yaskawa Electric Corporation 16kg - Grease Harmonic Grease SK-1A Harmonic Drive System Co., Ltd. 2.5kg - 3 Grease Alvania EP Grease 2 Showa Oil Co., Ltd. 16kg - A 4 Liquid Gasket Three Bond 1206C Three Bond Co., Ltd. - - A 5 Battery Pack HW0470360-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 A 6 Battery Pack HW9470932-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 7 B-axis Timing Belt 80S4.5M653 Mitsuboshi Belting Limited 1 1 B 8 T-axis Timing Belt 80S4.5M518 Mitsuboshi Belting Limited 1 1 B 9 S-axis Speed Reducer HW9381641-B Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 10 S-axis Input Gear HW0304301-1 Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 11 L-axis Speed Reducer HW9381641-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 Rank Parts No. A 1 Grease A 2 A Name Type 10-1 Remarks Table. 9 Spare Parts for the MOTOMAN-HP20 Manufacturer Qty Qty per Unit HW0304302-1 Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 U-axis Speed Reducer HW9280880-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 14 R-axis Speed Reducer HW0381463-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 15 B-axis Speed Reducer HW9381633-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 16 T-axis Speed Reducer HW0382140-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 17 Wire Harness in Manipulator HW0171559-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 B 18 Wire Harness in Manipulator for Band T-axes HW0270954-A Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 C 19 AC Servomotor for S-axis HW0382155-A SGMRS-12A2BYR1∗ Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 C 20 AC Servomotor for L-axis HW0382156-A SGMRS-13A2AYR1∗ Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 C 21 AC Servomotor for U-axis HW0382154-A SGMRS-06A2BYR2∗ Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 1 C 22 AC Servomotor for R-, B-, T-axes HW0382152-A SGMPH-02A2AYR1∗ Yaskawa Electric Corporation 1 3 Rank Parts No. B 12 L-axis Input Gear B 13 B Name Type 10-2 Remarks 11.1 S-axis Driving Unit 11 Parts List 11.1 S-axis Driving Unit 1014 1013 1040 1041 1016 1031 1017 1033 1041 1005 1003 1032 1042 1004 1027 1008 1006 1002 1010 1007 1028 1015 1009 6001 (Zeroing Option) 6002 (Zeroing Option) 1029 1011 6005 (Zeroing Option) 6006 (Zeroing Option) 6007 (Zeroing Option) 1023 1019 1018 1039 1025 1038 1020 1021 1024 1001 1012 1022 1026 1037 1034 1035 1036 11-1 11.1 S-axis Driving Unit No. 1001 DWG No. EZ5036A0 Name Pcs Cap 1 1 1002 CD-31 Saddle 1003 M6X10 Socket screw 2 1004 TA1-S10 Clamp 1 1005 M5X10 Screw with spring washer 1 1006 TSH6-01M Union 1 1007 HW0305812-1 Holder 1 1008 M6X15 Socket screw 2 2H-6 Spring washer 2 1009 TA1-S10 Clamp 1 1010 M5X10 Screw with spring washer 1 2 1011 M12 Eyebolt 1012 PT3/8 Plug 1 1013 SGMRS-12A2B-YR1* Motor 1 1014 M8X25 Socket screw 3 2H-8 Spring washer 3 1015 HW0304228-1 M base 1 1016 M5X10 APS Bolt 4 1017 HW0305809-1 Cover 1 1018 M16X20 Socket screw 1 1019 2H-16 Spring Washer 1 1020 MSB8-15 Shoulder 1 1021 HW0400645-1 Lever 1 1022 M5X10 APS Bolt 6 1023 HW0100545-1 S head 1 1024 HW9381641-B Reduction gear 1 1025 M10X40 Socket screw 12 2H-10 Spring washer 12 1026 HW0100544-1 Base 1 1027 M8X60 Socket Screw 3 1028 2H-8 Spring Washer 3 1029 M12X35 Socket screw 9 2H-12 Spring washer 9 1031 HW0304301-1 Gear 1 1032 M6X60 Socket screw 1 1033 2H-6 Spring Washer 1 1034 TSH6-01M Union 1 1035 HW9406775-1 Cover 1 1036 M6X8 APS Bolt 2 1037 NB-0640B-0.27 Tube 1 1038 HW0304221-1 Cover 1 1039 M6X15 Socket screw 2 2H-6 Spring washer 2 1040 PT1/8 Plug 1 1041 UKM6-01 Union 1 1042 NB-0640B-0.2 Tube 1 6001 HW0405202-1(Zeroing Option) Plug 1 6002 HW0405203-1(Zeroing Option) Gasket 1 6005 M4X8 Screw 2 6006 HW0404492-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 6007 HW0404495-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 11-2 11.2 L-axis Driving Unit 11.2 L-axis Driving Unit 2019 6010 (Zeroing Option) 6009 (Zeroing Option) 6008 (Zeroing Option) 2020 2022 2035 2014 2016 2021 2013 2015 2030 2018 2017 2036 2037 2003 2002 2004 6011 (Zeroing Option) 6012 (Zeroing Option) 2012 2010 2001 2009 2008 2011 2007 2006 2025 2024 2023 1023 2024 2032 2025 2031 2026 2023 2027 2033 2028 2029 2029 2034 11-3 2028 11.2 L-axis Driving Unit No. 2001 DWG No. PT1/8 Name Pcs Plug 1 2 2002 PT1/8 Plug 2003 M8X25 Socket screw 4 2H-8 Spring washer 4 M8X25 Socket screw 4 2H-8 Spring washer 4 2004 2006 HW0304229-1 M base 1 2007 SGMRS-13A2A-YR1* Motor 1 2008 M6X90 Socket screw 1 2009 2H-6 Spring Washer 1 2010 HW0304302-1 Gear 1 2011 Y426012.5 Oil seal 1 2012 HW0401506-1 Plate 1 2013 HW0304226-1 Support 1 2014 M6X10 Socket screw 2 2015 HW0304227-1 Cover 1 4 2016 M6X8 APS Bolt 2017 M12X35 Socket screw 12 2018 2H-12 Spring Washer 12 2019 HW0100546-1 L arm 1 2020 HW9381641-A Reduction gear 1 2021 M10X35 Socket screw 12 2022 2H-10 Spring Washer 12 2023 M12X40 Socket screw 2 2024 2H-12 Spring Washer 2 2025 HW0404196-4 Washer 2 2026 FCD-31 Saddle 1 2027 M5X12 Socket screw 2 2H-5 Spring washer 2 2028 TA1-S10 Clamp 2 2029 M5X10 Screw with spring washer 2 2030 M6X10 Socket screw 1 2031 HW0305813-1 Holder 1 2032 M5X12 Socket screw 4 2H-5 Spring washer 4 1 2033 HW0305698-1 Cover 2034 M5X12 Socket screw 2 2H-5 Spring washer 2 2035 2H-6 Spring Washer 2 2036 TA1-S10 Clamp 4 2037 M5X10 Screw with spring washer 4 1023 HW0100545-1 S head 1 6008 HW0404522-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 6009 HW0404493-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 6010 M5X10 Screw 2 6011 HW0405202-1(Zeroing Option) Plug 1 6012 HW0405203-1(Zeroing Option) Gasket 1 11-4 11.3 U-axis Driving Unit 11.3 U-axis Driving Unit 3002 3003 3034 3016 3004 3001 3004 3005 3018 3020 3019 6016 (Zeroing Option) 3018 3020 3019 3009 3021 3008 3006 3007 3011 3010 3022 3033 3015 6024 (Zeroing Option) 6023 (Zeroing Option) 6022 (Zeroing Option) 2019 11-5 6018 (Zeroing Option) 6019 (Zeroing Option) 6015 (Zeroing Option) 6017 (Zeroing Option) 11.3 U-axis Driving Unit No. DWG No. Name Socket screw Pcs 3001 M8X30 4 2H-6 Spring washer 4 3002 HW0404656-1 M cover 2 3003 M4X10 APS Bolt 6 3004 PT1/8 Plug 2 3005 HW0100729-1 Casing 1 3006 HW9280880-A Reduction gear 1 3007 M8X45 Socket screw 16 2H-8 Spring washer 16 3008 M4X65 Socket screw 1 3009 2H-4 Spring Washer 1 3010 M14X35 Socket screw 6 3011 GT-SH-14 Spring Washer 6 3015 M6X10 Socket screw 1 3016 SGMRS-06A2B-YR2* Motor 1 3018 HW0404196-2 Washer 2 3019 M10X40 Socket screw 2 3020 2H-10 Spring Washer 2 3021 ARP568-258 O ring 1 3022 M10X20 Socket screw 1 3033 2H-10 Spring Washer 1 3034 M4 L washer 6 2019 HW0100546-1 L arm 1 6015 HW0404491-1 (Zeroing Option) Base 1 6016 M5X16 (Zeroing Option) Socket screw 2 2H-5 Spring washer 2 6017 MS4-10 (Zeroing Option) Pin 2 6018 HW0405202-1(Zeroing Option) Plug 1 6019 HW0405203-1(Zeroing Option) Gasket 1 6022 HW0404523-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 6023 HW0404494-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 6024 M5X10 Screw 2 11-6 11.4 R-axis Driving Unit 11.4 R-axis Driving Unit 4033 4012 4032 4031 4029 4074 4036 4071 4008 4030 4010 4029 4009 4058 4005 4042 3005 4006 4007 4056 4072 4066 4035 4057 4043 4044 4011 4003 4075 4076 4027 4073 4026 4037 4022 4034 4023 4060 4055 4039 4025 4040 4051 3014 4046 4045 3012 4062 4024 4067 4021 4065 4015 4020 4013 4019 4016 4004 4017 4014 4002 4001 4070 4069 4068 4018 6026 (Zeroing Option) 6025 (Zeroing Option) 5046 11-7 11.4 R-axis Driving Unit No. DWG No. Name Pcs No. DWG No. Name Pcs 4001 M6X65 Socket screw 8 4060 HW0304930-1 Support 1 4002 2H-6 Spring Washer 8 4062 6811LLU Bearing 1 4003 M5X20 Socket screw 4 4065 M4X20 Socket screw 2 2H-5 Spring washer 4 4066 KQE12-03 Union 1 M4X12 Socket screw 4 4067 2H-4 Spring Washer 2 2H-4 Spring washer 4 4068 M4X20 Socket screw 2 4005 HW0305305-1 M cover 1 4069 2H-4 Spring Washer 2 4006 M4X20 Socket screw 12 4070 MS4-10 Pin 2 4007 2H-4 Spring Washer 12 4071 2H-4 Spring Washer 1 4008 HW0404196-5 Washer 1 4072 PT 3/8 Plug 1 4009 M6X20 Socket screw 8 4073 M4X12 Socket screw 2 2H-6 Spring washer 8 2H-4 Spring washer 2 M6X30 Socket screw 3 2H-6 Spring washer 3 4004 4010 M4X45 Socket screw 1 4011 M6X6 Socket screw 1 4074 4012 A-MT6X1 G Nipple 1 4075 TA1-S8 Clamp 3 4013 HW0381872-A Cross roller bearing 1 4076 M4X8 Screw with spring washer 3 4014 M6X35 Socket screw 8 3005 HW0100729-1 Casing 1 2H-6 Spring washer 8 3012 M4X16 Socket screw 4 HW0404503-1 Saddle 1 2H-4 Spring washer 4 4015 4016 TC941045*A727* Oil seal 1 3014 HW0404179-1 Support 2 4017 HW0403857-1 Shaft 1 5046 HW0100623-1 Uarm 1 4018 HW0405201-2 Block 1 6025 Plug 1 HW0405201-1 (For zeroing spec. only) Block 1 HW0405202-1 (Zeroing Option) 6026 1 HW0304318-1 Housing 1 HW0405203-1 (Zeroing Option) Gasket 4019 4020 HW0304085-1 Shaft 1 4021 HW0304914-1 Support 1 4022 HW0404503-1 Saddle 1 4023 M4X20 Socket screw 2 4024 M4X12 Socket screw 2 2H-4 Spring washer 2 4025 HW0200530-1 S cover 1 4026 HW0404919-1 Support 1 4027 M5X16 Socket screw 2 2H-5 Spring washer 2 4029 HW0381463-A Reduction gear 1 4030 HW0404403-1 Shaft 1 4031 AE1314J1 Oil seal 1 4032 HW0304932-1 M base 1 4033 HW0404402-1 Shaft 1 4034 2H-4 Spring Washer 2 4035 HW0404900-1 N base 1 4036 M4X10 Screw with spring washer 4 4037 M5X16 Socket screw 4 2H-5 Spring washer 4 4039 TA1-S8 Clamp 1 4040 M4X8 Screw with spring washer 1 1 4042 M5X8 APS bolt 4043 M6X6 Socket screw 1 4044 LP-M5 Plug 1 4045 M5X35 Socket screw 2 4046 2H-5 Spring Washer 2 4051 M4X12 Socket screw 2 2H-4 Spring washer 2 4055 HW0404918-1 Support 1 4056 SGMPH-02A2A-YR1* Motor 1 4057 EZ5036A0 Cap 1 4058 M6X20 Socket screw 6 2H-6 Spring washer 6 11-8 11.5 Wrist Unit 11.5 Wrist Unit 5045 5005 5069 5068 3005 5002 5001 5003 5046 5011 5006 5070 5007 5008 5055 5057 5026 5008 5005 5007 5044 5070 5045 5006 5064 5003 5037 5038 5039 5043 5071 5035 5048 5034 5013 5014 5019 5018 5063 5040 5049 5036 5010 5041 (Zeroing Option) 5071 5009 5067 (Zeroing Option) 5016 5047 5017 5015 (Zeroing Option) 5062 5042 5061 5012 5071 5023 5032 5050 5029 5053 5033 5020 5021 5022 5031 5024 5028 5027 5025 5066 5065 5052 5026 5030 5060 11-9 11.5 Wrist Unit No. DWG No. Name Pcs 5001 HW9406556-1 Support 1 5002 M4X12 Socket screw 2 2H-4 Spring washer 2 M5X20 Socket screw 4 2H-5 Spring washer 4 5005 HW9200798-1 Cover 2 5006 SGMPH-02A2A-YR12 Motor 2 5003 5007 M4X16 Socket screw 2 5008 HW9482727-A Pulley 2 5009 HW0404543-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 5010 M4X8 (Zeroing Option) Screw 2 No. 5052 DWG No. Name Pcs M5X16 Socket screw 2H-5 Spring washer 5 5053 M6X6 Socket screw 1 5055 M6X14 Bolt 1 HW0405202-1 (Zeroing Option) Plug 1 5057 5 M6 L Washer 1 HW0405203-1 (Zeroing Option) Packin 1 M5X16 Socket screw 4 2H-5 Spring washer 4 5061 M4X12 Socket screw 8 5060 5011 80S4.5M518 Belt 1 2H-4 Spring washer 8 5012 HW9381658-A Gear 1 5062 LP-M5 Plug 1 5013 M4X12 Socket screw 4 5063 HW9405791-3 Housing 1 2H-4 Spring washer 4 5064 6811LLU Bearing 1 HW0404606-1 Cover 1 1 5014 HW9405452-1 B cover 1 5065 5015 HW0404544-1 (Zeroing Option) Cover 1 5066 HW040605-1 Plug 5067 M6X6 Socket screw 1 5016 HW9482725-A Pulley 1 5068 TA1-S8 Clamp 1 5017 M5X16 Socket screw 1 5069 M4X8 M4X16 Socket screw 4 Screw with spring washer 1 5018 2 2H-4 Spring washer 4 5070 2H-4 Spring washer 5019 HW9482218-A Bearing 1 5071 2H-5 Spring washer 3 5020 HW9405199-1 B nut 1 3005 HW0100729-1 Casing 1 5021 SP-0120** Shim 1 5022 HW9481180-A Bearing 1 5023 M5X16 Socket screw 1 5024 M5X12 Socket screw 8 2H-5 Spring washer 8 5025 HW0304232-1 Shaft 1 5026 TC60747 Oil seal 2 5027 HW9481187-A Bearing 1 5028 HW0304233-1 Shaft 1 5029 S75 O ring 1 5030 HW0304087-1 Housing 1 5031 HW0382140-A Reduction gear 1 5032 HW0304086-1 Housing 1 5033 HW9381659-A Gear 1 5034 HW9482726-A Pulley 1 5035 M5X20 Socket screw 1 5036 6002ZZ Bearing 1 5037 6901ZZ Bearing 1 5038 6814ZZ Bearing 1 5039 HW9482668-A Oil seal 1 5040 HW9381633-A Reduction gear 1 5041 HW9405792-1 Housing 1 5042 HW0200451-1 Wrist base 1 5043 M5X16 Socket screw 11 2H-5 Spring washer 11 5044 80S4.5M653 Belt 1 5045 M5X12 Socket screw 24 2H-5 Spring washer 24 5046 HW0100623-1 U arm 1 5047 M6X6 Socket screw 1 5048 M4X16 Socket screw 13 2H-4 Spring washer 13 5049 M4X12 Socket screw 4 2H-4 Spring washer 4 5050 M6X6 Socket screw 1 11-10 MOTOMAN-HP20 INSTRUCTIONS HEAD OFFICE 2-1 Kurosaki-Shiroishi, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyusyu-shi, 806-0004, Japan Phone 81-93-645-7745 Fax 81-93-645-7746 MOTOMAN INC. HEADQUARTERS 805 Liberty Lane West Carrollton, OH 45449, U.S.A. Phone 1-937-847-6200 Fax 1-937-847-6277 YASKAWA MOTOMAN CANADA LTD. 3530 Laird Road, Unit 3, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 5Z7, Canada Phone 1-905-569-6686 Fax 1-905-813-5911 MOTOMAN ROBOTICS EUROPE AB Franska Vagen 1039854, Kalmar, Sweden Phone 46-480-417800 Fax 46-480-417999 MOTOMAN ROBOTEC GmbH Kammerfeld strasse 1, DE-85391 Allershausen, Germany Phone 49-8166-90100 Fax 49-8166-90103 YASKAWA ELECTRIC KOREA CORPORATION 1F Samyang Bldg. 89-1, Shinchun-dong, Donk-Ku, Daegu, Korea Phone 82-53-745-7844 Fax 82-2-784-8495 YASKAWA ELECTRIC (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 151 Lorong Chuan, #04-01, New Tech Park, Singapore 556741, Singapore Phone 65-6282-3003 Fax 65-6289-3003 YASKAWA ELECTRIC (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. No.71, Jalan Bandar Rawang 2, 48000 Rawang, Selangor D.E., Malaysia Phone 60-3-6092-1377 Fax 60-3-6092-6377 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TAIWAN CORPORATION 9F, 16 Nanking E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei, Taiwan Phone 886-2-2502-5003 Fax 886-2-2505-1280 SHOUGANG MOTOMAN ROBOT CO., LTD. 7,Yongchang-North Road, Beijing Economic & Technological Development Area, Beijing 100076, China Phone 86-10-6788-0541 Fax 86-10-6788-2878 YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION YASKAWA Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications and improvements. C MANUAL NO. RE-MTO-A247 Printed in Japan April 2005 05-04
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