The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! Volume 18-Issue 6 October 2014 The Apple Core 14801 N 103rd Avenue Sun City AZ, 85351-1906 623 933 5300 ! [email protected] ! ! !! ! ! ! ! Y’all come! It’s our “Season Opener” Meeting! Apple Macintosh Computer Club (Sunmacs ) Monthly General Meeting for October, 2014! ! “Making Your Macs, iPads and iPhone SAFE and SECURE”! ! Place: Sundial - West Hall! Date: SATURDAY MORNING,! OCTOBER 11, 2014! WEAR YOUR NAMETAG! Time: 8:30 Treats, 9 AM to 10:30 AM Meeting! ! Our October “first of the new season” monthly meeting features our phe- nomenal “professor of all things Apple” This year’s Apple Award Winner Isaac Bonifas. When we asked Isaac for program ideas to open our new season, he immediately said, “Security and creating good passwords!”! ! ! Up In the Cloud! ! ! In May we had an outstanding MacMedia speaker, CJ Crow.! ! CJ spoke of General Maintenance of our iPads and about the Cloud.! DON’T LET THE HACKERS GET YOU DOWN!! ! This is a program you’ll not want to miss! Your own “state of mind” may depend on it!! ! Why? Because once your security has been violated, your passwords discovered & your life, thus, turned upside down, you’ll really wish you’d learned everything you’ll hear at this meeting.! ! Hint: Be ready to take copious notes on your Macbook, your iPad or on your trusty old yellow pad!! 1 iOS means Interface Operating System! ! 1. Update — make apps run smoothly.! ! Apple can get viruses. Need to constantly update your computer.! ! 2. Closing open applications — open ones use up battery life.! ! Tap Home key 2 times . Place finger on each The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! app and move it upward. DO THIS DAILY! ! ! Red X does NOT close program.! ! 3. Turn your device off — at least once a week! ! a. Off — Press and hold for five to 10 seconds! ! ! b. Sleep — Press key for very short time until screen goes dark! ! 4. Batteries:! ! Never leave device in heat. Try not to recharge battery when it still has energy. Wait until battery only has five or 10% cell life left. Try not to use your iPad while charging the battery.! ! Settings:! ! iCloud — completely stored by Apple. Need email address and password.! ! Click on iCloud. If others sharing, have separate accounts.! ! You have five free gigabytes with your iPad. Storage is in California.! ! ! Find my iPad —have to have the iPad on. Must have internet available on your computer.! ! Go to General and set the location and click on Notify Me When Found! ! Storage and Backup — do it once and forget it!! Presidents Corner! October 2014 class and we will all increase our knowledge, strengthen our friendships, and enjoy our computer/iPad/iPhone tips!!! ! Welcome Back - welcome to Sun City and a new Program Year (2014/2015) for all of us in SunMacs. This has been a busy and pleasant Northwest summer for me and Mary Lou and we hope you have enjoyed your portion of “busyness and pleasantness.” I’ve exchanged e-mails with Luanne Hanks and Colonel Dilmore and they have assured me that the rains in Sun City have been welcome and not seriously damaging. Barbara Craft and Mike Erickson are busy with Monitor and Class schedules, so the preparations are underway for an exciting October beginning to our learning and sharing year together in SunMacs.! Please have a safe and delightful autumn, travel gently, and I look forward to rejoining all y’all this October for more exciting, learning time together in our SunMacs.! ! It’s great to be a SunMac-er!! Paul Carlson :-) ! A note from your Treasurer! Luanne Hanks has been filling in for me and our president as we are snow birds.  I will be back by November 1st and would appreciate your waiting until that time to RENEW your membership for 2015.  Thanks to all of you, and a special thanks to LuAnn for all she has done and continues to do for our club.! ! Diane Kilian! ! We are putting together our travel plans to Sun City and expect to be there by October 15; so, I will probably miss our General Meeting on Saturday, October 11, in the Sundial W. Auditorium. So here is my personal �HOWDY AND WELCOME” to SunMacs 2014 and 2015. As always, join a class, be a Monitor, lead a Round Table, lead/teach a 2 ! The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! October 2014 October - 2014 Apple Macintosh Computer Club Monday Tuesday Sundial Recreation Center Wednesday 1 if you have a new MAC and need basic help, PREREGISTER for MAC BASICS Monday-Thursday in the Club Room! 6 No Classes! 7 9:00 BEGINNER BLUES-L Sudkamp! 1:00 MAC BASICS 1 of 5 - P Orlinski! C Copeland/! P Dilmore! 13 9:00 SYSTEM PREFERENCES-L Sudkamp! 1:00 SOCIAL-P Dilmore Come join us for talk & Goodies! J Edmond/! T Cherveny! 20 9:00 HALLMARK CARD PROGRAM-P Dilmore! 1:00 LAPTOP BASICS 1 of 3 - P Orlinski! E Ballard/! 27 9:00 WALK IN HELP- L Sudkamp! 1:00 iPAD RT-B & D Monroe! P Carlson/! J Behrens! 2 14 9:00 iOS DEVICES-I Bonifas 3 of 4! 1:00 WALK IN HELP B&D Monroe! G Burks/! C Copeland! 21 9:00 PRINT SHOP RT-P Carlson! 1:00 LAPTOP BASICS 2 of 3 - P Orlinski! J Berg/JVandeMeer! 3 9:00 BACKUP BE SAFE-L Hanks! 1:00 - BOARD MEETING! No AM Class ! 1:00 MAINTENANCE - C Dilmore! P Dilmore/C Cupp! D Tressler/Board! /P Dilmore! 9 9:00 iOS DEVICES-I Bonifas 2 of 4! 1:00 AC BASICS 3 of 5 - P Orlinski! A Townsend/! L Hanks! 10 9:00 iPAD RT-L HANKS! 1:00 MAC BASICS 4 of 5 - P Orlinski! J Edmond/! L Sudkamp! 15 16 9:00 iOS DEVICESI Bonifas 4 of 4! 1:00 iPHONE RT M Erickson! 9:00 ADDRESS BOOK/LABELS -C Dilmore! 1;00 iPAD RT- M Erickson! A Townsend/R Blaess! P Dilmore/S Zuehsow! 22 23 9:00 iPAD RT-I Bonifas! 1:00 LAPTOP BASICS 3 of 3 - P Orlinski! L Sudkamp/! 9:00 iCAL CALENDER PROGRAM L Hanks! 1:00 WALK IN HELP-I Bonifas! /L Hanks! 28 9:00 SOCIAL-P Dilmore Come join us for talk & Goodies! 1:00 GENEALOGY SIG-M Shireman ! P Dilmore/! R Robinson! Friday 9:00 - WALK IN HELP- C Dilmore! 1:00 iPAD RT-B & D Monroe! 8 9:00 iOS DEVICES-I Bonifas 1 of 4! 1:00 MAC BASICS 2 of 5 - P Orlinski! A Townsend/! C Cupp! Thursday 29 30 9:00 MAC BEGINNERS RT-I Bonifas! 1:00 iPAD RTB&D Monroe! 9:00 BACK UP BE SAFE-C Dilmore! 1:00 5 TIPS FOR REUNION-M Shireman! /D Tressler! /S Zuehsow! 1:00 MAC BASICS 5 of 5 - P Orlinski! /J Berg! 17 if you have a MAC Laptop and need basic help, PREREGISTER for LAPTOP BASICS Monday-Thursday in the Club Room! 24 To lear more about your club attend our GENERAL MEETING See details below! 31 SunMacs Computer Club is located in the Sundial Rec Center! Phone # 623-933-5300! GENERAL MEETING-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 9:00 AM-SUNDIAL WEST HALL 3 The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! !Oct. 2014 Class Descriptions
 Address Book: This session is a class on how to best utilize the Label feature of the Mac Address Book.! ! Back Up – Be Safe : Backing up data is always important. Learn how you can do this.! ! Beginner Blues: Find out some things your need to know to work your Mac-- for those who don’t like to read Manuals.! ! Board Meeting: The Board Members meet at this time.! ! Genealogy SIG: This group is for those who are interested in studying their roots and exchanging ideas & researching techniques.! ! Hallmark Cards: Hands on class where you learn to use templates and make beautiful cards.! ! iCal: iCal is a personal calendar application that lets you keep track of appointments, view multiple calendars at same time, share your calendar information with others, and much more.! ! iOS DEVICES 7 • This four (4) day Class is designed for the iPad (some of the settings will apply to the iPhone and the iPod Touch if they are using iOS7):! Day One will cover iPad Basics.! ! Day two will cover Working within the App Store: ! ! Day three will cover Working with iCloud:! ! Day four will cover Working on Line with Safari and Mail:! Come & always bring your devices. ! The iOS 7 classes are one hour long for four (4) days. ! ! iPad ONLY Round Table: Come & bring your iPad. Let’s share what we know about this tablet. Non-iPad owners are welcome.! ! iPhone Round Table: Bring your iPhone and talk with others about what’s good, bad & ugly. If you don’t have an iPhone, come & see what it’s all about.! ! Laptop Mac Basics: Read the description for the regular Mac Basics below. Three sessions not five.! ! Mac for Basics:
 Purpose: (1) To learn the basic functions of the Macintosh computer using OSX; (2) To provide hands on experiences to practice these functions; and (3) To promote a desire to learn more about the many features of the Mac computer.
 You must pre-register for all sessions. Sign up sheet is in the clubroom. The classes are one hour long for five sessions.! ! Maintenance: Bring your computer woes to this session and Colonel will help you with your problems.! ! Printshop Card Program: This software is used to make and print professional looking greeting cards.! ! RT: RT stands for “Round Table”. RT’s are discussion groups lead by a Facilitator in which Club Members share their knowledge with other members. A RT about the iPad might discuss how you would use a Map to lay out a trip and navigate through a city; or, an efficient way to search, find and evaluate a restaurant; or, discover how to translate/share e-mails with your Norwegian relatives. It is very important to realize that a RT is not an 4 October 2014 “instruction event” with an Instructor who teaches a class. RTs are usually a small group of about ten people; if larger, the RT would likely break up into smaller groups for topical knowledge sharing. A RT is where you would probably have your question answered and you would most likely answer someone else’s question.! ! Social: Club members get together, talk and exchange ideas over coffee & goodies.! ! System Preferences: System Preferences are used to customize various aspects of your computer, such as the desktop. They also can change how you interact with your computer.! ! Text Edit Review: Take a refresher look at Text Edit Word Processing, a very versatile program.! ! Time Machine: This application automatically saves up-to-date copies of everything on your Mac — photos, music, videos, documents, applications, and settings. If you ever have the need, you can easily go back in time to recover anything.! ! Walk In Help: A club member will be available to help with problems related to your computer.! ! Word Processing RT: A discussion of the various word processing programs such as Pages, or Word! ! Classes - Any classes you would like to have scheduled, please let me know. Thanks.! Michael Erickson mikelid@ya-! ! ! ! The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! A Mac Tip to Accent Letters! Press or hold a letter key, and a little pop-up will appear with a range of options for accent marks. Use the arrow keys to select the accent mark you want, then press the Return key or the space bar to type it. The trick works with vowels and consonants alike, or just about any character that could possibly have an accent mark.
 ! I know I am slow on learning somethings, and lots of you are faster!! But for those of us who take a little longer here is a tidbit that I learned this week.! Keychain seems to work only with Safari. I was changing passwords because of the internet security hacking and when Keychain came on and suggested that I let it concoct a secure password, I let it. It was for But when I used the amazon app to go online the next time keychain was not there to tell me what the password was. So I accessed Amazon through Safari and then it did it. So I deleted the Amazon app and I guess I have to use ! Safari when I want to go to those sites that I let Keychain suggest a password for me. I will download another Amazon App and see if it will remember it with Keychain now, but I have my doubts. I’ll let you know. YES, it has to be through Safari. Works for iPads and iPhones.! Luanne Hanks! ! ! Safety Alert! In reading the digital manual for my new iPod Touch I noted the warning about the magnets in the iPod and the Apple earbuds. It advised to keep these items at least 6 inches from a heart pacemaker to avoid interference with the pacemaker. This warning probably applies to iPads also. Especially, if you have the magnetic cover. ! Colonel Dilmore! ! ! Jony Ive’s new look for iOS 7: black, white, and flat all over.! 2013/05/24/jony-ives-newlook-for-ios-7-black-white-andflat-all-over/! ! ! Sun Mac Club member Rolfe Blaess writes that there is a free download called “Apps Gone Free.” Each day for 24 hours 5 October 2014 they offer six or seven applications that can be downloaded free that day only. Give it a try!! ! iPad i06 Alert: The SCO tutor for iPad is an excellent tutorial.  It offers "bite size" chunks of iPad info with familiar graphics and clear step-bystep directions.  So in addition to the Club iOS (iPad/iPhone) classes, this tutorial is like taking the instructor home with you.  You can learn at your own pace and you can repeat lessons in whole, or part, as many times as you wish.  This tutorial is free!  Hard to beat the price!  To find SCOtutor of iPad, you just open Safari, type in "SCOtutor for iPad", select it, in a moment it appears on your screen, press the play arrow and you are ready to start learning! ! .
 The Newsletter of the Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Arizona! Apple Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City Sundial Recreation Center 14801 N 103rd Ave. Sun City AZ 85351 " October 2014 PRSRT STD U. S. POSTAGE PAID SUN CITY, AZ PERMIT NO. 237 ! ! ! ! ! OR CURRENT RESIDENT Macintosh Computer Club of Sun City FOR SUNMACS USE ONLY Treasurer’s Deposit Date: DUES PAYMENT FORM Dues are $20.00 per person / $30.00 for 2 persons at the same address Make Check Payable to: SunMacs • Give payment to Room Monitor OR Mail to: Diane Kilian, 13017 N. 100th Dr., Sun City AZ 85351 Please Check one: I am a NEW Member Please circle devices you own:! I am RENEWING iMac iPod iPad iPhone Laptop Member #1 - Name Rec. Card No. Email Address Member #2 - Name Rec. Card No. Email Address Address ! ZIP Amount Paid: $ CHECK No. Area Code - Phone Number If CASH check box Monitor’s FULL Name Emergency Contact (Name & Phone Number) Payment Received in FULL Member Initials Dues are NON-Refundable 6 Rev. 1/10/14 R1
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