Sierra Club Suwannee-St. Johns Group Newsletter Published monthly except June and August from Gainesville, Florida VOLUME 44 • NUMBER 9 • NOVEMBER 2014 “More Work Ahead to End Mountain Top Removal For Good” by melanie martin T hanks to the leadership and dedication from local organization Gainesville Loves Mountains, the Gainesville City Commission approved a policy under which Gainesville Regional Utilities will avoid purchasing coal mined by shearing off mountaintops. The City Commission adopted the proposed policy in a 5–2 vote. It also unanimously adopted a related resolution that formally opposes the use of mountaintop removal techniques. Jason Fults, co-founder of Gainesville Loves Mountains, led the way to this victory, but says “we’ve got a lot more work ahead of us to make sure that this policy is implemented properly to end mountaintop removal for good, and to help people find smart ways to cut back on their utility bills.” Please join us at our November general meeting as Jason will outline and discuss the following: 1) The steps needed to replicate this campaign in other communities. 2) The need for Congress to sign on to the Clean Water Protection Act. 3) Future campaigns against banks that finance MTR operations (including an upcoming local action against PNC bank.) Jason will also briefly discuss the establishment of the local Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program here in Alachua County. Jason Fults is a native of central Florida and has been involved in environmental research and advocacy for more than 15 years. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Berea College with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology/Sustainability & Environmental Studies. He has worked with environmental NGOs in Australia, China, India, and the U.S., including as National Coordinator of the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC), Volunteer Coordinator of the Community Weatherization Coalition, and Chapter Administrator of the U.S. Green Building Council--Heart of Florida chapter. From 2006–08, Jason spent 20 months in Asia on Thomas J. Watson and William Fulbright fellowships, exploring the evolution of environment and developmentrelated conflicts in some of the world’s most rapidly-expanding economies. He is currently pursuing an electrical apprenticeship through the IBEW NECA Joint Apprenticeship Training Program and has been performing energy audits in Alachua County for the past four years, both professionally and as a volunteer. In 2011, Jason co-founded “Gainesville Loves Mountains” GENERAL MEETING Thursday, November 6, 7:30p.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville 4225 NW 34th Street, Gainesville, FL Gainesville Loves Mountains — More Work Ahead Environmental factors affecting the Free, open to the public! (GLM), a local group of concerned citizens working in partnership with Appalachian communities to end mountaintop removal coal mining and create a prosperous economy and sustainable future for the region and its people. PLUM CREEK UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 INNER CITY OUTINGS UPDATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SSJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BALLOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Been a Long Time Since You’ve Seen a Newsletter? See p. 4 inside. 2 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra ClubNovember 2014 The Chair’s Report by whitey markle BE SURE TO VOTE Charlie Crist’s plan to make Consumptive Water Use contingent upon Minimum Flows and Levels is good news for the springs, lakes, and rivers across Florida. Crist’s environmental record is the best among the last several Florida Governors. If he is elected, we hope to see a lot better environmental protection. And we certainly wish him good luck dealing with the environmental bureaucrats as he has said he plans to do. Perhaps this is the election that will make a real difference in Florida’s environmental politics. Also, it’s election time here in the Sierra Club Group again. We have a long list of good candidates running for the vacant and expired positions. Please be sure to read each candidate’s “bio” and vote when you receive your mailed-out ballot. SSJ Sierra Club Group Committees Fall, 2014 After several EXCOM meetings, I have come up with a chart of the Standing and Ad Hoc committees of the group for 2014. These committees are important and necessary to the group’s function. Notice most of the peo- ple on these committees are EXCOM members, but bear in mind that many committee memberships do not require an EXCOM membership. The more members we get on our committees, the more we can accomplish our goals. Please consider volunteering on a committee. Along those same lines, please consider leading a “team” or local committee to address the issues in your area if you don’t live near Gainesville. Again, the more members we have working on local issues, the more effective we will be as a group. Standing Committees Conservation: Whitey Markle, Chair (Citra), Maryvonne Devensky, Roberta Gastmeyer, Jon Brainard (Dunnellon), Melanie Martin, Clark Dyals (Yankeetown), Jim Dick (Windsor) Gainesville/Alachua Co. Conservation Subcommittee: Scott Camil, Frank Lineberger Outings/Inspiring Commitment Outdoors: Maryvonne Devensky, Rob Hopkins, Karen Garren, Ruth Steiner Political: Scott Camil, Chair, Melanie Martin, Sherry Steiner, Dan Vasquez, Dwight Adams, Maryvonne Devensky, Frank Lineberger Newsletter Editorial: Scott Camil, Chair, Sherry Steiner, Roberta Gastmeyer, Jessica Newman, Maryvonne Devensky Program: Melanie Martin, Chair, Scott Camil, Sherry Steiner, Roberta Gastmeyer, Dan Vasquez Newsletter Folding: Scott Camil, Chair, Sherry Steiner, Frank Lineberger, Roberta Gastmeyer Environmental Education: Jon Brainard, Chair, Whitey Markle, Maryvonne Devensky. Membership: Roberta Gastmeyer, Chair, Jon Brainard, Whitey Markle Publicity: Frank Lineberger, Chair Website: Mike Wright, Chair Administrative: Dan Vasquez, Chair, Whitey Markle Legal: Dan Vasquez, Chair Legislative: Dan Vasquez, Chair, Whitey Markle, Jon Brainard Special or Ad Hoc Committees Nominating 2014: Sherry Steiner, Melanie Martin, Maryvonne Devensky, Joanne Auth EXCOM Election 2014: Maryvonne Devensky, Chair, Whitey Markle, Joan Adams Chair/Newsletter Editor Search: Whitey Markle, Chair, Scott Camil Electronic Balloting: Sherry Steiner, Maryvonne Devensky, Roberta Gastmeyer, Whitey Markle Visit the National and Local Sierra Club Websites! National: Local: Suwannee-St Johns Group Chairs & Executive Committee Chair Conservation Administrative Program Chair Newsletter Publisher Events Legislative Liaison Outings/ICO Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Legal Newsletter Design Webmaster Membership Publicity Political Chair Environmental Education Whitey Markle 352-595-5131 Whitey Markle 352-595-5131 Daniel Vazquez 352-870-6999 Melanie Martin 352-246-3084 Scott Camil 352-375-2563 Sherry Steiner 352-375-2563 Daniel Vazquez 352-870-6999 Maryvonne Devensky 352-871-1606 Harriett Jones 352-562-6401 Roberta Gastmeyer 352-336-2404 Jessica Newman 904-446-5588 Daniel Vazquez 352-870-6999 Jessica Newman 904-446-5588 Mike Wright 352-372-7975 Roberta Gastmeyer 352-336-2404 Frank Lineberger 352-359-6900 Scott Camil 352-375-2563 Jonathan Brainard [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FOLDING PARTY Interested in hosting a newsletter folding party? Contact Scott Camil at 375-2563 Suwannee-St. Johns Group Sierra Club Newsletter (UPS 317-370) is published 10 months a year, except June and August, by the SuwanneeSt. Johns Group Sierra Club, PO Box 141693, Gainesville, 32614-1693. Nonmember subscription rate is $5.00. Periodicals Postage Paid is paid at the Gainesville, FL 32608 post office. Postmaster: Send change of addresses to SSJ SC Newsletter, P.O. Box 13951, Gainesville, FL 32604, or to ssjsierra. [email protected]. Send both your old and new addresses. PLEASE ADDRESS ALL GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE SUWANNEE-ST. JOHNS GROUP OF THE SIERRA CLUB TO: P.O. BOX 13951, GAINESVILLE, FL 32604. November 2014 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra Club 3 News from the Conservation Chair by whitey markle CRIST: WITHDRAWALS CONTINGENT UPON MFLs According to the Pelican of Sierra Club Florida, Special Edition Election 2014, Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist “supports the right of local governments to protect their local waters by adopting strong fertilizer regulations…, lead a comprehensive state approach to reducing nutrient pollution… opposes preemptive state legislation and rulemaking that would weaken local environmental laws… making Consumptive Use permits contingent on maintaining minimum flows and levels for Florida waters.” According to Chapter officials, this statement came directly from a questionnaire that Crist answered in writing. Apparently Crist is wellversed in the water issues at hand, and has supplied well-thought plans and solutions. If candidate Crist wins his bid for the governorship, we certainly hope he holds true to his promises. I am personally very curious as to how the veteran Governor will go about accomplishing this monumental task. Let’s start with fertilizer regulations: The illustrious legislature passed a fertilizer statute 2 years ago that left the details up to the counties. I.e.: The local governments had the choice of opting in (complying) with the state requirements of the statute or not (maybe developing local fertilizer ordinances). Only a handful of Florida local governments complied. Most, by far, “opted out.” So what looked on the surface like a comprehensive state legislative solution to the abundantly obvious water nutrient problem turned out to be a fodder for local politicians across the state and a big setback in the battle against water pollution in the Land of Flowers. Then, what will Governor Crist do to reduce nutrient pollution? Completely re-do the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Florida Department of Transportation, and the Water Management Districts? I’m not sure one man can do that much, although it seems that would be a feasible solution. The Adena Springs/Sleepy Creek case may be decided in this SSJ news cycle. This is the biggest decision in Florida’s environmental history if we “win.” If Judge Early actually overrules the St. Johns River Water Management District who granted the multimillion gallon Consumptive (Water) Use Permit for the 30,000-acre beef farm, precedence will have been set in Florida Consumptive Use permitting. Perhaps the Districts will realize the public is actually in control of its water. From then on development, industry, and agriculture will (theoretically) be required to actually comply with the Clean Water Act of 1972 (40 years... no compliance so far). I often wonder what “a comprehensive state approach to reducing nutrient pollution… opposes preemptive state legislation and rulemaking that would weaken local environmental laws…” means. A truly comprehensive state approach would mean… Everybody gets involved in the decision making. Not like nowadays when the Governor decides the agenda and whispers it, off paper, to his respective secretaries, who in turn, attempt to figure out how to implement the good Governor’s mandates and keep their jobs. If you don’t believe me, check out the FDEP Basin Management Action Plan for the Orange Creek Basin (includes Gainesville) which was adopted with no TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) for poor old Lake Lochloosa. There were also absolutely no new strategies, milestones, nor fundings written into the Orange Creek Basin Basin Management Action Plan after 6 years of decreasing water quality in the basin. We have sound suspicions that Plum Creek REIT plays into this pitiful BMAP (yet to be disproved by the state bureaucrats or newspapers). Word has it, Orange Creek basin isn’t as important as some other more recognizable Central Florida’s fluid landmarks. Or check out the Wakulla or the Chassahowitzka River MFLs. Truly comprehensive State decision making would mean the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), for example, would actually collaborate with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DOACS), etc. I suggested in public comment at the FDEP, FWC, DOACS, FDOT, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) meeting on Sept. 27 in Orange Lake that “U.S. 301 box culvert should be removed as well as the Alachua County Dam and the CSX RR trestle at the foot of Orange Lake.” FDOT was supposed to be at that meeting, but did not set foot. Supposedly the input from that “stakeholder” gathering would be relayed to the (State) agencies for reflection and adaptation in the form of an “interagency meeting.” After the bureaucrats are through the process of “gathering public input,” the idea of removing the U.S. 301 culvert will not be forgotten. After Plum Creek Real Estate Investment Trust gets their way in Eastern Alachua County, an already impaired Lake Lochloosa will be beyond redemption. Just a one year delay in expediting the law may make a century of difference in our waterways and fisheries such as Lochloosa. So who knows what a “comprehensive approach to nutrient pollution” would look like in the field. Perhaps new Governor Crist will be able to regroove the bureaucrats. I doubt it seriously. Preemption of local regulations is the name of the game in Florida. Constitutionally, Florida’s counties are “creatures of the state,” and are subsequently subject to the mandates of the state legislature, which means re-elected Governor Crist will have to somehow change the state constitution if he is to fulfill his promises. Such is the dilemma among local government elected officials: Does a local politician vote to restrict his local businesspeople? Of course not. But fertilizer isn’t all when it comes to preemption: We learned all about state preemption when we were going through the Airboat Noise regulation process. When an interest group decides they need an unfair advantage in the law, they simply influence a state legislator to prescribe a “supermajority” requirement on the local governments of Florida. (In order to pass a local Airboat Noise Ordinance in the County Commission, a 2/3 supermajority was required by Florida Statute… for airboats only, no kidding). I suppose Crist will veto all preemptions under his administration… if he wins the election. Rule-making is the process the State agencies go through after a statute is adopted by the legislature in order to implement the statute. The “rule” or procedure for administering the statute eventually comes out in the form of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Such rulemaking is lengthy (2 years average for FWC rules, for example). Governor Crist is an attorney. So, if he is re-elected, he may be able to wade through the piles of rules that related to environmental matters and actually somehow nullify them. I suspect he would need an army of Continued on p. 4 4 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra ClubNovember 2014 Continued from p. 3 attorneys to sift out the chaff. Hopefully, Crist will win the election, and we will get at least a glimpse of environmental reform. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) posturing to permit lengthy herbicide spraying and Mechanical Harvesting program on local waterways. The SSJ Executive Committee has sent a letter of endorsement of Debra Segal’s letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding a 15-year permit to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) to mechanically remove aquatic vegetation for aquatic habitat enhancement, invasive plant management, and maintenance of navigable water at 11 lakes and water bodies in the north central region. Debra Segal is Secretary of the Alachua Audubon Society Chapter. “Specifically,” said Segal, “we are concerned with the FWC’s claim that mechanically harvesting shrub, floating, and rooted herbaceous vegetation will result in habitat restoration. The purpose of mechanically harvesting the aquatic vegetation is for navigation and maintaining open water fisheries habitat. The claim that mechanically harvesting aquatic vegetation for habitat enhancement is incorrect and misleading, and instead, will result in wide-spread destruction of aquatic habitat.” Debra pointed out that several research documents over the years have concluded that mechanical harvesting (plus herbicide spraying) will affect 89 species of birds as well as an “astonishing” number of reptiles that utilize the floating and aquatic vegetation under discussion and up for removal. She also said that although some mechanical harvesting is necessary to maintain powerboat access to the waterways, “...we object to the claim that large-scale mechanical harvesting of aquatic vegetation will promote aquatic habitat restoration. Quite the opposite, it will result in large-scale destruction of aquatic habitat. For that reason, we request that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) place strict limits on the acreage of aquatic vegetation that can be mechanically harvested, and prohibit large-scale aquatic vegetation removal. Further, we request that the USACE not issue a 15-year permit, but rather reduce the duration of the permit to five years. And lastly, we request that the USACE require comprehensive baseline and post-harvesting environmental monitoring of the FWC’s plant management activities in order to document the true environmental effects that are occurring.” Hopefully our endorsement will weigh on the Corps’ decision. BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE YOU’VE SEEN A NEWSLETTER? If this is the first newsletter you have received ever or in a long while, it may be because you have not let us know that you are interested in being on our mailing or email list. Please email or mail us a note with your name and address, a contact phone number or email address, and whether you prefer a paper or email newsletter. Email to: [email protected] OR Mail to: SSJ Newsletter / Roberta Gastmeyer 4118 NW 69th St, Gainesville FL 32606 You may change your preference at any time, but if this issue is the first one you have received in several months (or ever), it will be the last one you receive until next November if we do not hear from you now! Plum Creek Plan Update Following the press deadline last month, the final Alachua County Envision Alachua Planning Workshop was held in the County Commission chambers and it was gratifying to find that so many opponents of the plan were willing to speak out. While the subject was transportation, infrastructure and economic issues, many comments were also made about environmental issues, particularly since the consultant report by Dr. Robert Knight was not available at the prior environmental meeting. Plum Creek (PC) delayed its release for six months since its findings were not favorable to them regarding any additional strain on the aquifer. In fact, Dr. Knight’s report stated that the water level was dropping and being degraded to the point where the aquifer could not afford any further negative impact from water withdrawal. Approximately two thirds of the speakers opposed the PC plan, citing a number of important questions and concerns. They included erroneous job creation claims, lack of infrastructure and potential taxpayer costs, destruction of habitat and the general unsuitability of the location for its desired use. Also included was major concern over the aforementioned potential water shortage increase and related wetlands and watershed destruction. Now the process moves to the Alachua County Commission, the decision-makers themselves, with the first meeting occurring October 21st, following the submission deadline for this newsletter. The meeting will be held in a roundtable format with the County Commissioners asking representatives of PC and the county Growth Management staff to answer their questions about issues brought up by both parties. There is a wide divergence in views since the county staff has recommended denial of PC’s proposal. The reason for their recommendation was based upon both the unsuitability of the plan for the area in which it would be enacted as well as the inability of the application to provide much of the information needed to evaluate the proposal. The wide disparity between the two positions will constitute the basis for questioning. The public has been invited to the meeting but will not be solicited for questions or comments. Attendance will be for listening and gaining information provided. Results will be provided in the next newsletter and should be important to assessing the likelihood of the next step toward approval or rejection by the County Commission. Some of the commissioners are likely to try and resolve differences quickly so that the issue can move forward. Others, including Mike Byerly who has been so outstanding for his hard work at maintaining the Comprehensive Plan as it exists, will oppose further consideration at this time. Ultimately, the result is likely to hinge on the outcome of the November election for the District 4 commission seat being vacated by Susan Baird. Ken Cornell, the Democratic candidate, opposes the plan while John Martin, the Republican favors approval. Those of us opposing this major encroachment on our wetlands, springs and the aquifer need to actively work to keep Alachua as the wonderful mix between urban and rural lifestyles that our current Comprehensive Plan supports. Only an outright denial of the proposal will stop it for now and it will also signify a strong stand by our commissioners to stand by a sound policy which was so difficult to attain. Let’s keep it intact as we move forward working for better environmental policy and good, clean water. November 2014 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra Club 5 Inner City Outings: Connecting Children with Nature We just had a “service” outing with the Gainesville Job Corps on Saturday, October 18, from 9:00am to 12:00. Seven members of that program participated in the Newnans Lake Clean Up, sponsored by Current Problems. A lot of students from UF also participated in that event. We were also joined by 3 Sierra Club volunteers, and we all got to work together. We had great weather, cool and sunny, and walked along the Lakeshore Drive, filling up buckets of trash, including aluminum cans, beer bottles, remnants of plastic bags and Styrofoam containers, and wondering how people can be so careless to just throw their trash off their windows as they drive by… Two volunteers, Dustin and Randy, also hauled up to the roadside 8 huge tires out of the lake water, braving mosquitoes and alligators… I am kidding, just mosquitoes… Do not ask me how these tires ended up there. Then we cleaned up along the shore in Palm Point Park, disturbing some vultures and cormorants sunning themselves on tall cypress trees… A baby alligator, sunning himself seemed perched on a tree log jetting out of the water…was the first alligator seen by one of the young men from JobCorps who lived in Texas before coming to Gainesville. Everyone had a good time being outdoors and doing that project. Thanks to Betsy, Dustin, and Randy for coming along on this outing, If you want to experience some adventures on a Sierra Club Outdoors-ICO, please contact me at [email protected]. Sierra Club Outing Leader Training — OLT 101 Offered in Gainesville on Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014 Outing Leader Training — OLT 101 is being offered here in Gainesville on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 9:00 to 4:00pm. Rudy Scheffer, an experienced outing leader and trainer, will come from St Petersburg to give this basic training. Lunch will be provided and the cost is only $6.00 for the manual… I am looking for an outdoor location to have the training, maybe Morningside Nature Center (to be confirmed later this week). If you took the training a few years back and need a refresher, this is the time to do it. If you have thought of participating in outings, and maybe lead outings, this is also the time to take it… So far we have 6 people signed up to take the training, mostly people involved with the Sierra Club Outdoors – ICO program, but anyone else is welcome. Call me or email me for questions, and to register. Support the Sierra Club and Get New Customers Ad prices for single issue: 1/8 Page: $35 1/4 Page: $65 1/2 Page: $120 Full Page: $175 Ad prices for 10 issues: 1/8 Page: $315 1/4 Page: $585 1/2 Page: $1,080 Full Page: $1,575 To advertise, contact Roberta Gastmeyer, 352-336-2404 ICO and SSJ CALENDAR OF OUTINGS NOVEMBER 8—Walk led by a ranger on La Chua Trail (8:0012:00) with Job Corps. NOVEMBER 8—SPIDER Walk with Jon Reiskind at Split Rock (9:00 to 12:00) with SWAG group. SSJ OUTING, Saturday, December 6—OCALA Caverns (a few spaces are available). $10.00 donation. Contact me for details and to register. [email protected]. Reaching Out: Environmental Education During October I had the opportunity to present my PowerPoint presentation, “Seven Wonders of the Suwannee St. Johns Sierra Club” to the McIntosh Garden Club in their lovely historical community center. I also spoke to the Homosassa Springs Kiwanis Club at Neon Leon’s in Old Homosassa. If your club or group would like to hear the presentation, please email me at [email protected]. I would also like to hear the environmental problems that you are having in your community. I am booking presentation through the end of May, 2015. It can be as brief as 25 minutes or in full length takes 50 minutes to one hour. Jack J. Fine, Esq. Cherie H. Fine, Esq. A. Daniel Vazquez, Esq. Martha Ann Lott, Esq. 352-376-6046 6 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra ClubNovember 2014 2014-2015 Sierra Club Nominees for the Suwannee-St.Johns Group Executive Committee Scott Camil gram Committee. Gary Green [email protected] Roberta Gastmeyer Scott Camil is a Vietnam veteran who has been an activist for Peace and Justice for over 40 years. As a strong advocate for the environment, he’s helped elect pro- environmental candidates. As a member of EXCOM for the last 12 years, he has served as the newsletter Publisher. Scott has been the Nominating Chair every other year, and is the Political Chair. He serves on the Events and Program Committees. Scott is the President of the Gainesville Chapter of Veterans for Peace and is the Chair of which has been educating the public about Plum Creek’s disastrous plan. [email protected] I am pleased to join the activists and concerned citizens of Sierra Club. I moved to Summerfield in the fall of 2005. I retired from 30 years with United Airlines, mostly served in the Chicago area, where I was born and raised. I believe we are all here for each other and to do our best to repair the world. Cofounder of Tri-County Unified Progressives I have sought to bring cohesion and connection to our area’s Progressive groups. I am a member of the Marion DEC, The NAACP, Interfaith Alliance, Awake Marion, Marions United for Public Education, Spruce Creek Dems and now, Sierra Club. Dan Vazquez [email protected] Dan Vazquez is a graduate of the University of Florida College of Law. In addition to receiving his juris doctor, he graduated law school with a Certificate in Environmental Law and Land Use Planning. Prior to joining the Gainesville trial law firm of Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, Dan was a law clerk extern for Florida Supreme Court justice Jorge Labarga. He currently practices personal injury and wrongful death litigation in Gainesville. On Excom, Dan serves as the Administrative Chair, Legal Chair and Legislative Chair. He is also Vice Political Chair and is on the ProUnlock the beauty of your plants naturally • Grows Your Plants with Less Water • Adds Organic Matter to Your Soil • A Renewable Florida Product Available at ACE& Independent Garden Centers I have been an active Sierran for more than 25 years, SSJ Group Treasurer and Membership Chair for too many years, and have served in a variety of other positions. I have a broad understanding of both the environmental challenges we face and the many administrative requirements of the Club. I am willing to continue to work with ExCom and those who provide vocal advocacy for the environment whether or not I am elected to ExCom, however, I would love to see someone volunteer to be Treasurer or Membership Chair. James Dick James Dick is a retired Environmental Services marketing and sales manager and former Army officer currently writing stories about animals, God and nature and political thought. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The American University, Washington, DC and a Master of Public Administration in Environmental Administration from Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA. He and his wife provide a loving home to many deserving animals on their rural homestead. His philosophy is that all living things must be treated properly as God’s gift to us of dominion over them requires. Jim is a coordinator with Travis Mitchell Travis Mitchell studied history and organic crop production at the University of Florida graduating in 2008. He has been working for Florida Organic Growers for the past 5 years on a variety of projects from launching and managing the Alachua County Farmers Market EBT Project, helping co-found the urban gardening network Grow Gainesville, managing the Downtown Farmers Garden and installing GIFT Gardens across Alachua County. In 2012 after raising $12,000 using online crowd sourcing he founded Porters Community Farm, an urban farm which grows food for charity and hosts a community garden. Along with organic agriculture Travis enjoys bird watching, and bicycling riding. SSJ Needs You! Seeking Social Media/Member Communications person(s) to energize our local presence and encourage our members and the general public to get involved! We need a volunteer to turn a critical eye on our current media outlets and then, using and improving on these tools, create a strategy to engage the community in our environmental efforts. You will be working as a team with the other committee members. While this may include some of the following tasks, you should feel free to present a plan that you think can accomplish our goals. • Update design/layout of our current social media tools (Facebook, Twitter,, Website, Mailchimp) and add additional social media outlets (YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Instagram) as appropriate. • Develop and implement a strategy for integrating our multiple social media platforms to allow for easier posting of information across outlets. • Analyze websites for errors and ensure content is current and relevant. If you are interested in getting involved in your local Sierra club, contact us as [email protected]. November 2014 Suwannee-St. Johns Sierra Club 7 SUWANNEE-ST. JOHNS GROUP SIERRA CLUB ELECTION FOR 2014-2015 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Each year, the Suwannee-St. Johns Group of the Sierra Club holds elections for Executive Committee (ExCom) members. The ExCom makes decisions concerning the Group’s policy and direction, and it represents the Group on a local level. We have a total of 11 ExCom officers serving staggered two-year terms. This year we will be electing five officers. We do not elect members for particular positions, only as members at-large. Then the new executive committee appoints its members to the various positions (e.g., Chair, Conservation Chair, Secretary, etc). Voting Instructions: Indicate your choices by checking the line in front of the names of the candidates. Each member may cast one ballot, voting for no more than five (5) persons. Joint memberships (as indicated by a “J” after the 3305 on the top line of your address label on the back of this page) are entitled to two votes. The second column on the ballot is provided for this. Do not vote twice if you do not have a joint membership. Mailing Instructions: Remove this page from the newsletter and fold the ballot so that your membership label appears on the outside. Place the ballot in an envelope and mail to: Sierra Club Election Committee, C/O Joan Adams, 2507 NW 24th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32605. Ballots must be received by December 4, 2014. Please be sure to mail your ballot in time to allow delivery by that date. Or turn it in at the December 4th general meeting. If you have any questions about this procedure, contact Maryvonne Devensky at [email protected] or 352-8711606. To protect your confidentiality, after confirming your membership, election committee members will remove the label portion before opening the rest of the ballot. Ballots will be counted on December 4 after the General meeting about 9PM at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 4225 NW 34th St in Gainesville. The ballot counting is open to all Sierra Club members. Use this column for single memberships or the 1st voter in joint membership households. *Vote for up to, but no more than, 5 candidates* _______ Scott Camil _______ Jim Dick _______ Roberta Gastmeyer _______ Gary Green _______ Travis Mitchell _______ Daniel Vasquez Use this column only for 2nd voter in joint membership households. *Vote for up to, but no more than, 5 candidates* _______ Scott Camil _______ Jim Dick _______ Roberta Gastmeyer _______ Gary Green _______ Travis Mitchell _______ Daniel Vasquez NOV. 13—SSJ Sierra Club Executive Committee meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m., at the Santa Fe College Downtown Gainesville Campus board meeting room. NOV. 6—SSJ General Meeting, Thursday, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville. See Pg. 1 for details. NOV. 1—Sierra Club Outing Leader Training. See Pg. 5 for details. NOVEMBER 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Suwannee-St. Johns Group Sierra Club NEWSLETTER P.O. Box 13951 Gainesville FL 32604 Periodicals U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gainesville FL 32608 Explore, enjoy and protect the planet 3305
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