COMING EVENTS: Noosa / The Hill Tewantin 8/9 November HRCC Christmas Lunch Hamilton Hotel 30 November See for event information OCTOBER 2014 OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING: Monday20th October 2014, Shannons Clubrooms (5/305 Montague Rd, WEST END ) SEE NOTICE NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Monday 17th November 2014, VCCA Clubrooms (1376 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale) 6.30 for 7:30 October General Meeting at Club Sponsor SHANNONS CLUBROOMS, 305 Montague Rd, WEST END. Plenty of off street parking, Bring your Club Rego Car for a run! BarBQue from 6.30, meeting at 7:30 THE HILL is a joint venture of HRCC(Q) and NBCCC. Over 140 cars to contest 17th running of Noosa/THE HILL. Join us at 6pm on Friday for pre-event drinks and finger food at the TewantinNoosa RSL, Tewantin, and enjoy a great weekend at Australia’s Toughest Hillclimb! See over 140 special cars challenge 14 corners in 1.5 kms of spectacular Gyndier Drive in Tewantin National Park. HISTORIC RACE MEETING DATES SET FOR 2015 At the recent Australian Historic Motor Racing Clubs (AHMRC) meeting, delegates were able to confirm the following dates for 2015. A co-operative attitude prevailed, providing separation from interstate Historic Meetings, enabling Members of all Clubs to compete interstate as well as at home. HRCC depends on strong participation from interstate Competitors to help make our Race Meetings the success they have been, and considerable numbers of HRCC Members travel to interstate Meetings regularly, which helps those organising Clubs and of course a great time is had by all! Queensland: HRCC(Q): TTT (Try, Test & Tune) HRCC SuperSprint Autumn Historics Historic Queensland Noosa/THE HILL 7 Feb 8 Feb 2 & 3 May 11 & 12 July 7 & 8 November NSW: HSRCA: Sydney Retro Speedfest 6 & 7 June Victoria: VHRR: Phillip Island Classic 6-7-8th March South Australia: Mallala – (Replacing Easter Meet) ANZAC Day weekend 25 & 26 April (Observing ANZAC Day up to 12 noon on 25 April Commence at 12 noon through to 9 PM as lighting has been installed for drifting. Dinner break at dusk). See page 11 for AGM NOTICES 1 Contributions for upcoming issues of the Club’s monthly Newsletter are encouraged and may be sent to: The Editor, HRCC Newsletter, P.O.Box 353 of Red HillClub’s Qld 4059, or email [email protected] Contributions for issues the monthly Newsletter areencouraged encouragedand andmay maybebe sent Contributions forupcoming upcoming issues of separate the Club’s monthly Newsletter are sent to:to: The MS Word documents as attachments and digital pics attached as jpeg files would be most helpful. Editor, HRCC Newsletter, P.O.Box 353 Red Hill Qld 4059, or email [email protected] The Editor, HRCC 353 Red Hill Qld 4059, or email [email protected] Deadline: Last day ofNewsletter, the month.P.O.Box MS Word documents as attachments and separate digital pics as files be helpful. MS Word documents as attachments and picsattached attached asjpeg jpeg fileswould would bemost most helpful. Disclaimer: HRCC.Qld accepts no responsibility for theseparate results of digital contributors’ advice, nor does it necessarily endorse any services/products/goods Deadline: Last day of the month. Deadline: Last day of the month. offered by advertisers. It is a requirement that all articles published are accompanied by the name of the author. Opinions expressed in the Disclaimer: HRCC.Qld accepts no responsibility for the results of contributors’ advice, nor does it necessarily endorse any services/products/goods newsletter are HRCC.Qld not necessarily those of Club, its Officers its Editor. made by nor the Editor not necessarily those of Disclaimer: accepts nothisresponsibility for or the results Comments/opinions of contributors’ advice, does are it also necessarily endorse any offered by advertisers. It is a requirement that all articles published are accompanied by the name of the author. Opinions expressed in the services/products/goods offered by advertisers. It is a requirement that allbutarticles published are accompanied by the name of the author. the Club or its Officers. Items originating from the newsletter may be reprinted acknowledgement would be appreciated. newsletter are not necessarily those of this Club, its Officers or its Editor. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are also not necessarily those of Opinions expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of this Club, its Officers or its Editor. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are the Club or its Officers. Items originating from the newsletter may be reprinted but acknowledgement would be appreciated. also not necessarily those of the Club or its Officers. Items originating from the newsletter may be reprinted but acknowledgement would be (2014): appreciated. President Alan Steel (Deidre) 0421 349 950 [email protected] HRCC(Q) Inc Club Officers President Alan SteelOfficers (Deidre) HRCC(Q) Inc Club (2014): Past President Peter Mohr (Jan) Website: 0421 950 [email protected] Website: not available [email protected] HRCC(Q) Inc Club Officers Website: President Alan Steel (Deidre) 0421 349 950 Secretary Corey Hutson 07 39016277 0415 Past President Peter Mohr (Jan) 0412 505 564 010 706 Treasurer: John Tupicoff (Monica) 07 3372 6941 0408 197 Secretary Corey Hutson 07 39016277 0415 505 344 010 Newsletter Peter Walsh (Mary) 07 0419 Treasurer: / Vice Pres: John Tupicoff (Monica) 07 3349 3372 8000 6941 0408 778 197 007 344 Membership Chris (Barbara) 07 0450 Newsletter / Vice Pres: Peter Fry Walsh (Mary) 07 4637 3349 2190 8000 0419 741 778 107 007 (2014): Committee: Richard 07 0408 731 Membership ChrisSteel FryHarris (Barbara) 07 3269 4637 2094 2190 0450 173 741 107 President Alan (Deidre) 0421 349 853 950 Committee: Johann Koelmeyer 0418 144 Committee: Richard Harris 07 3269 2094 0408 173 731 Past President Peter Mohr (Jan) 0412 564 706 Committee: Milton 07 3491 9535 0402 808 Committee: JohannBrennan Koelmeyer 0418 784 144 853 Secretary Corey Hutson 07 39016277 0415 505 074 010 Social Co-Ordinator: Russell Beckman 0458 733 Committee: John Torr 0427 668 677 Treasurer: John Tupicoff (Monica) 07 3372 6941 0408 197 344 Historic Commissioner (Qld) Alan Don (Jill) 07 3366 4358 0401 952448 Historic Commissioner Alan Don (Jill) 07 3349 3366 8000 4358 0401 778 952448 Newsletter / Vice Pres: (Qld) PeterSayers Walsh (Mary) 07 0419 007 State Fred (Del) 0427 State Council Council Delegate Delegate Fred Sayers (Del) 0427 577198 577198 Membership Chris Fry (Barbara) 07 4637 2190 0450 741 107 Club Merchandise Officer This could be you??? Regalia Officer Club Regalia Officer This could be you??? Committee: Richard Harris 07 3269 2094 0408 173 731 Club Ian at Club Photographer: Photographer: Ian Welsh Welsh at Shifting Shifting Focus Focus Committee: Johann Koelmeyer 0418 144 853 Committee: John Torr 0427 668 677 Group Groups A C Touring David Group Registrars: Registrars: Groups A& &Don C (Heritage (Heritage Touring Cars) Cars) David Patterson Patterson Historic Commissioner (Qld) Alan (Jill) 07 3366 4358 0401 952448 Groups F (Historic Chris Groups F& &V V(Del) (Historic Racing Racing Cars) Cars) Chris Fry Fry0427 577198 State Council Delegate Fred Sayers Groups J, K & L (Historic Sports & Racing) David Bruce Groups J,This K &could L (Historic Sports & Racing) David Bruce Club Regalia Officer be you??? Group N (Historic Touring Cars) Bruce Group N (Historic Touring Bruce Dummett Dummett Club Photographer: Ian Welsh at Shifting FocusCars) Group Peter Stewart Group S S (Historic (Historic Production Production Sports Sports Cars) Cars) Stan PeterAdler Stewart Groups P, Q, & Groups M, M,&O, O, Q, R R (Sports (Sports & Racing) Racing) Peter Mohr Group Registrars: Groups A C P, (Heritage Touring Cars) David Patterson Regularity Johann Koelmeyer Regularity 0414 Racing 679 678Cars) Tony Hastings Groups F & V (Historic Chris Fry Groups J, K & L (Historic Sports & Racing) Group N (Historic Touring Cars) Group S (Historic Production Sports Cars) Groups M, O, P, Q, R (Sports & Racing) Regularity 0414 679 678 David Bruce Bruce Dummett Peter Stewart Peter Mohr Tony Hastings [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0417770757 0417770757 0408 0408 060 060 838 838 [email protected] 0423 07 0423 428 428 999 999 07 33784300 33784300 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0417770757 0408 060 838 0423 428 999 07 33784300 [email protected] [email protected] “NO ONE KNOWS YOUR P A S S I O N L I K E S H A N N O N S.” Shannons ADV ½ page �mini Shannons ADV ½ page �mini The passion, the pride of ownership, the sheer emotional attachment – no one understands it better than Shannons. So when it comes to insurance for your special car, daily drive, bike or even your home, there’s only one person you should talk to – a fellow enthusiast at Shannons. And remember, you can pay your premium by the month at no extra cost. So call Shannons for a quote on 13 46 46. INSURANCE FOR MOTORING ENTHUSIASTS | CALL 13 46 46 FOR A QUOTE | SHANNONS.COM.AU Shannons Pty Limited ABN 91 099 692 636 is an authorised representative of AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807, the product issuer. Read the Product Disclosure Statement before buying this insurance. Contact us for a copy. 22 22 HRCC Social Run to include picturesque Esk on Sunday 26th October. Hi all, I have planned our second Social Run for Sunday 26th October. We will meet at BP Service Station, Cnr Riawena Rd. & Perrin Place, Salisbury. At 9 am we will head off on a scenic drive having Lunch at Esk, returning back through Fernvale or some may wish to return via Mt Glorious! Suggest you bring chair, thermos, water etc. This will get the Cobwebs OUT of your Classic! Utilise your club Rego plus have fun. All Members and Friends and all cars welcome especially Classics. To ensure a pleasant lunch, I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU’RE COMING! Please TEXT OR PHONE HOW MANY. Till then, Russell Beckman. 0458733075 HRCC CHRISTMAS PARTY: Sunday Lunch, November 30th, Hamilton Hotel. 2 Course sit down buffet meal, $30 incl a drink. Cash bar. Theme: Work Overalls with a Twist! (Clean overalls decorated in a theme, eg to match your car?) Lots of prizes including best dressed and winners of the legendary HRCC trivia. Enquiries and bookings: Graeme Wakefield: 0400 010 536, [email protected] Paid Bookings essential, please use this form: HISTORIC RACING CAR CLUB of QUEENSLAND 2014 Christmas Party RSVP by printing & completing the details below and forward your payment by cheque or complete your credit card details on this form and forward to – Historic Racing Car Club of Qld, PO Box 353, Red Hill, Qld. 4059 Member’s Name……………………………………………………….. Membership No: …………. No.of People attending ($30 each)………………No of children U/14 attending……. 3 provided cars for display and those who attendedRAAF to help I recentlytheir represented the Historic Club at Amberley base for their annual Big Boys Toys display. th “Historic Queensland” in particular! promote the 37 The history behind the display was that the boys decided to get their toys out and everyone could have a Alan Steel look. The first year they filled half a hanger, next year more cars and bikes were on show and this year they invited number IN of NZ car ? clubs and people with special interest vehicles. As it was short notice I WANT TOaRACE JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015? volunteered to take our Westfield. There are 6 historic meetings approximately one week apart, POSITION VACANT: All proceeds went to Legacy and in HRCC REGALIA North & South Islands. OFFICER addition to a photo opportunity with an FA18, two FA-18s did 3 fly overs at the end of The Club This is an opportunity to run at 2 to 5 meetings? will require a new Regalia Officer for Stephen Wilkins is seeking expressions of interest from those who the day. Talk about Big Boys’ Toys! 2014 may wish to take advantage of Stephen’s experience in organising a This does not need to be a Committee position, the role is Awesome!!! container/s load of race cars across the DITCH. Phone 07 46671867. open to any Member or couple willing to take a little The display was on a Friday and started about 9am and finished about 12.30pm. There were  responsibility for the supply of Regalia, which includes HSRCA Clothing (T-shirts, hats, etc) and assorted items including American and Australian muscle cars, as well as vehicles from all over. There were also heaps of bikes, a drag boat and neat looking can be the public contact for the Club at events, and is ski boat. There was a rally car, dragsters Sydney Motorsport Changes are: diff is Park R160 rewarding in the only assistance youand can give to current and (Steve Read actually started his Top Fuel car – speed gear box from Sports 2000/1600 allowed if 1600 is a SSS with all the required badging and interior. . prospective newfive Members ear shattering), speedway cars, race cars, etc. See 29/30 November Please contact John Tupicoff (see page 2)next forismore detail onDatsun I’m sure the HRCC will be invited again year and I would love to see some vehicles. Helen Hunt for the full current range The five speed gearbox used the one in the 1600 P510 SSS more homologation papers. 2014 Tasman Trophy Historic Race Meeting: badges, magazines, cups, pens, etc., and some Hi All The Datsun 1600 spec sheet to has been reissued on the Web page. coordinating of volunteers man the Club tent. This role this important Club role. Keith Simpson | CAMS Motor Sport Co-ordinator (Historics) Regards, Keith SHIFTING SHIFTINGFOCUS FOCUSADVERT, ADVERT, Please Please SHIFTING FOCUS ADVERT, Please  POSITION VACANT: HRCC REGALIA OFFICER 4 The Club will require a new Regalia Officer for 2014 Simpson has released a new tutorial entitled Four the androle sixiscylinder engine This does not need to be a Committee position, maintenance and rebuilds. open to any Member or couple willing to take a little MICHAEL MEYER ENGINES "15 Save Life" responsibility for Minutes the supply ofCan Regalia, whichYour includes All brands. Clothing (T-shirts, hats, etc) and assorted items including Cylinder head modifications, servicing etc badges, magazines, cups, pens, etc., and some Fuel and ignition instruction repairs and aimed at keeping racers safer by tent. providing on modifications the coordinating of volunteers to man the Club This role Specialising in multivalve Cosworth proper use of restraint technology. Motorsports is more can be the public contact for the Club at events, and is KentThe Formula Ford engines advanced than at any timegive in and history. safety rewarding in the assistance you can to current andcars and equipment are far. better,Call the Michael testing is superior and more prospective new Members 0412480744 day and evening. See Please contact Johnthan Tupicoff fordrivers more detail advanced ever,(see so page why 2) are and on co-drivers still for the full current range this important Club role. injured, some gravely, every week. Simpson's ongoing mission to make racers safer is supported by this 4concise and POSITION VACANT: informative tutorial which reminds racers of proven protocol on HRCC REGALIA OFFICER how to make sure their cockpit surrounds them with the proper The Club will require a new Regalia Officer for 2015 equipment, properly installed and used, each time they race. This does not need to be a Committee position, the role is open to any Member or couple willing to take a little responsibility for the supply of Regalia, which includes Clothing (T-shirts, hats, etc) and assorted items including badges, magazines, cups, pens, etc., and some coordinating of volunteers to man the Club tent. This role 4 can be the public contact for the Club at events, and is rewarding in the assistance you can give to current and prospective new Members. Please contact John Tupicoff (see page 2) for more detail See for the full current range on this important Club role. 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE October 2014 Alan Steel Penned by V-P Peter Walsh in Alan’s absence A nother busy month coming up with a lot happening in the Club. First up is the proposed adoption of the Draft Constitution which will be voted on at the General Meeting on Monday 20th October. I can only reiterate the published memo (see website) on the subject and recommend your positive vote for this modern and constructive Constitution. Many thanks to Milton Brennan and the Committee for the work that has gone into this project. Our big event for this time of year is Noosa/THE HILL, now in its 17th running! A diverse field of 145 cars will contest the spectacular Gyndier Drive climb in the Tewantin National Forest. The Hill is a joint venture of Noosa Beach Classic Car Club and HRCC, with Alan Steel being the long time and hard working HRCC leader of the event. There are more improvements to the track and the facilities for 2014 and the local authorities are to be thanked for their assistance, but it’s mainly the work of the volunteers of the NBCCC who drive this project. There will be a pre-event Working bee on Saturday 25th October from 8am and HRCC Members are urged to lend a hand, it’s mainly grass and fallen sticks, etc to be tidied up but it’s a big area and many hands…. Next month’s Annual General Meeting notices have been published on our website already and repeated in this “Historic Torque”. All Committee positions are open for election and while some Members will offer to continue in their roles, we really need several new Committee Members who have the passion to take on a portfolio and make a serious contribution to the present and the future of the Club. We propose in the near future to be seeking assistance with these roles from Members who have a particular interest, eg a Race Group or a promotional role. Your serious consideration is requested. Committee nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary by Monday 27th October (see notices on page11). John Tupicoff is keen to hear from anyone who feels he can make a solid contribution to the preparation for the �Autumn Historics’ and �Historic Queensland’. These are big events and don’t happen by themselves. Some new faces on the Race Committee and the Volunteer list would be welcome. (see bottom of page 6). Many thanks to John Tupicoff, Chris Fry, Tony Hastings and the Group N committee for their background effort to make this weekend’s Ipswich Classic work for the Members involved. You might like to go and watch them play! Peter Walsh  Kind Regards Notice of Meeting (Reminder) Notice is hereby given that a General Meeting of the Historic Racing Car Club (Qld) Inc will be held on Monday, 20th October 2014, at 7.30pm at SHANNONS CLUBROOMS, 5 / 305 Montague Rd, WEST END, Qld Ordinary Business: To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting Special Business: To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolution as a Special Resolution: THAT the members of the association adopt the �2014 Draft Constitution’ with immediate effect. Other Business: Notice issued by: Notice issued: To receive the reports from the management committee following the management committee’s meeting scheduled to convene on the 6th October 2014; and to transact any other business that may be brought to the meeting. Secretary, Historic Racing Car Club (Qld) Inc 4th September 2014 The 2014 Draft Constitution referred to above is published as version #16 on GROUP Sc PORSCHE Notice: Please note that the 911 Porsche Carrera 3.0 I & J series Group SC specification sheet has been updated to allow the use of the latter Porsche SC engine case. Engine to be seal and log book annotated with the engine change. New spec sheet was published on the CAMS Web page 19/09/14 Keith Simpson | Motor Sport Co-ordinator (Historics) Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 851 Dandenong Road, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia, P: +61 3 9593 7726 F: + 61 3 9593 7700 E: [email protected] 5 Check the Club website regularly for the latest updates includes information, links, and ability to download event entries, membership forms, etc. Just click here… CLUB PHONE: 0424 321 072 may be answered by or messages responded to by the appropriate Club Officer. See page 2 for Club Officers and contacts… CLUB EMAIL: [email protected] The message will be responded to by the appropriate Club officer. CONCESSIONAL REGISTRATION Concessional Registration Officer: John Tupicoff (see page 2) HISTORIC COMMISSION: Following nomination by the HRCC, Alan Don has been re-appointed as a member of the CAMS Australian Historic Commission for 2014. Alan will report to Members on Historic Commission matters and seek feedback at Committee and General Meetings, and through the Newsletter. If you need to contact Alan on an Historic Commission matter, please call him on 3366 4358, or email at [email protected] . After many years of very active service Bruce Richards has retired from his role as a Commission member. Membership Officer Chris Fry advises there are now 550 Members and 190 Associates. Please welcome these recent New Members: ---------------____ The HRCC Calendar for 2014…..keep an eye on it, there will be changes! Trial, Training & Test Day HRCC SUPERSPRINTS Lakeside Tribute (N) HRCC AUTUMN HISTORIC WARWICK RACES Historic Ipswich (Gp N, Reg) HRCC –SHANNONS Promotional Display Two Days of Thunder (Gp N) HRCC QUEENSLAND HISTORIC RACES Lakeside Classic (Gp.N) HRCC SPRING SUPERSPRINTS HRCC Annual Trophy Presentation Dinner Festival of Sports & Racing (Gp S) HQ Nationals (Gp N) Ipswich Classic (N, Race/Sports, Reg) NOOSA “The Hill” HRCC Christmas Party HRCC EVENT CALENDAR 2014 Sat 15 Feb Sun 16 Feb Sat 15 -Sun 16 Mar Sat 5-Sun 6 April Sat 3-Sun 4 May Thurs 12th June Sat 21 -Sun 22 Jun Sat 12 -Sun 13 July Sat 26 -Sun 27 July Sat 13 -Sun 14 September Monday 15 SEPTEMBER --Cancelled-Sat 27 –Sun 28 September Sat 18 -Sun 19 Oct Sat 8 -Sun 9 Nov Sunday 30 November Confirmed? Morgan Park Morgan Park Lakeside Morgan Park Queensland Raceway Queen St Mall, Brisbane Queensland Raceway Morgan Park Lakeside Morgan Park VCCA CLUBROOMS Tingalpa Lakeside X Morgan Park Queensland Raceway Tewantin Hamilton Hotel General Meetings for March, May, July and October will be held at Shannons, all others at VCCA, Carindale SOME HRCC MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS. A reminder that current Membership of the HRCC allows: FREE admittance to our two major Race meetings… Autumn Historic Warwick & Historic Queensland. Discount on purchases from our Sponsor Forbes Batteries & Communications, Toowoomba. See page 12. Discount on purchases from Motorsport Accessories, 197 Toombul Rd Northgate, 0420377784. Just show your HRCC membership card and Drivers Licence for these benefits. Discount on most purchases from Repco stores Click HERE to register for your Repco VIP Club Card Shannons Insurance offers 10% discount on Motor Insurance Policies for current CAMS Licence holders, including Officials. Phone 134646. Monthly “Historic Torque” (which you obviously read!) Quarterley journal “The Oily Rag” (Optional) see Membership Officer to order. HRCC NEEDS YOU! 2015 RACE Committee. For the 2015 year the HRCC needs members who are willing to join the Race Committee team. This is a 6 months active commitment to our Race Meetings to ensure we provide Competitor Value at our Meetings. If you are interested please contact John Tupicoff 0408197344 or Peter Walsh 33498000. 6 Historic Racing Car Club (Qld) Inc Trophy Presentation Dinner for 2013 Competition Year. The Collection: HRCC’s Perpetual Trophies. < Queensland Tourist Trophy for Sports Cars Chas Whatmore Trophy for Groups J & K > < Ivan Tighe Trophy for Group S type Sports Cars in Sprints & Hillclimbs < Glenn Seton Trophy for Group A Touring Cars < Lloyd Bax Memorial Trophy for Groups C & A Handicap Race John French Trophy for Group C Touring Cars> < Jack Lacey Memorial Trophy for Group N Historic Touring Cars 7 1 Advertise here…… unite your unwanted with a keen new owner! Just send text and separate photo by email to the Editor at [email protected] We will publish for 3 issues, longer if space permits. Free to Members and Friends of HRCC FOR SALE: PEREGRINE F2 1600 cc single seater. This is a Group Q F2 single seater with CAMS C of D and historic log book and was originally built by Ivan Clencie in Melbourne in 1969.  It is powered by a dry‐sump Cortina engine with dual 40 DCOE Webers, VW/Holinger gearbox, Tomkinson alloy wheels and near new Dunlop radial slicks.  Car was fully refurbished by Ken Graham (chassis) and Ken Gray (bodywork) in 2006. The car is very suitable for club and hillclimbs and GEAR but has had little use in recent years.  Asking price is $17,500 ono and it comes with some spares including wheels. Contact Jim Templeton by email at [email protected] or 0408 725 743 1980 TIGA SC-80 SPORTS 2000 Keith Carling offers his front running Tiga SC-80 Sports 2000. The car has just been rebuilt and is one of the most competitive cars in the Sports 2000 category. The package comes with 12 wheels, near new wets, 20+ gear ratios & numerous spares. Fiberglass body moulds & a custom built fully enclosed trailer also included. This is a turnkey package to go racing. Please ring Keith Carling on 0438 881 208 or [email protected] 1981 TIGA SPORTS 2000 It wasn’t in great condition when I bought it so in 2010 I had Peter Brennan fix up the problems including some running gear issues, brakes etc. Peter assured me at the time it was ready to race. The body panels are all there but need some TLC. That said, you could probably get it track ready in a weekend. It does not have COD but I have documentation that should be enough to get that process under way. My asking price is $34,000.00 negotiable. This is a lot less than it has cost me but I am interested in a sale sooner rather than later. Located Phillip Island. Bob Bishop ,Rhyll Vic. Mob: 0409 339 135 FOR SALE 1976 CHEETAH MK 6 F2 I have retired from active competition in motorsport and now have for sale my Cheetah MK6 build date 1976 this is unique in the fact it is the only one built in this configuration. Fitted with a twin cam hart 416-B engine and a FT200 transaxle this car was restored by Herb Neil in 1994. Has an extensive list of gear ratios all that you could need for any track in Aus. Spare nose and cockpit cover plus moulds to make new ones. Car is fully sorted and ready to race and is one of the best cars I have driven. I have a two wheel trailer available if required light weight clamshell with tyre racks & electric winch. I also have for sale an extensive list of race tools and equipment including some Golf parts and engine dyno equip. Most realistic offer will be accepted. Contact Russ McBurnie, 0408793695 FOR SALE V.W. WASP FORMULA LIBRE Car fully rebuilt in early 2013: New chassis / new suspension, New 1776cc VW motor Log book. Fun to drive. $12000-00 Tandem trailer to suit: $2000-00 Contact Barry Stewart 07 54851030 Email: [email protected] For Sale: Racecar Shipping Crate I have for sale a shipping crate, purpose built to ship my Lola FJ from Australia to New Zealand and back. The crate is built for multiple use in customs compliant timber with the builder’s documentation. Size is: Length – External 3702 (Internal 3600), Width – External 1602 (Internal 1500), Height – 1636 (internal 1450) The crate is disassembled for easy transport, with all the hardware to reassemble and in good condition after only 2 uses. The crate is located in Brisbane. Price $800 Email Peter Boel [email protected] or phone 0431629434 8 2 FOR SALE: 1982 LOLA 640 FORMULA FORD 1600 A multiple winner at Winton and Morgan Park, this Lola holds the outright FF historic lap record at MP, despite the handicap of 68yo driver Bill Norman. Lots of logbook history, current Cof D, legal SCAT HD crankshaft, centrelock wheels, Bilsteins etc. Please do not send messages; please phone Bill on 0450 449 304 or email at [email protected]. For Sale: 1959 WRM Group L Sports Racing Car. CAMS C of D & Log Book. Only 3 owners to date. Competed in the first ever race meeting at Lakeside Race Circuit in 1961 and at the 50th Anniversary of that meeting: See Richard Croston’s book “Lakeside The Early Years” page 3 and page 104 of “Optimism” written by Dick Willis. Hand formed alloy body over a very strong space frame chassis. Austin A30 front suspension with sway bar, Morris Minor torsion bar rear suspension. A30 diff housing with upper links and Panhard rod. Dunlop 13 inch racing tyres. Powered by a Ford 100E engine with Aquaplane alloy head, twin SU carbies and extractor manifold. Choice of gear ratios and diff ratios. Included are a large range of spares: Engine parts, axles and suspension parts. Also some homemade special tools. Comes with custom built enclosed single axle trailer with electric brakes. This is a fun car to drive, easy to maintain and suitable for historic racing or GEAR events. For Sale: F3 Car & Trailer Beautiful open wheel race car for the “historic enthusiast” Originally built 1974 to F3 specifications. Restored 2002. 1200 cc 3K Corolla engine. Elfin Formula Ford body. Custom built enclosed tilting trailer with electric winch. Enquiries contact: Lloyd Muller 0412 468 415 Specifications & History: For Sale. DATSUN 280Z. Group Sc Well developed, well known car, many podium places, holds class lap records at all 3 Qld tracks, and 0.2 second off Winton Long record! Comes with spare set of rims with current spec Group S tyres, & other assorted spares. Can supply second LSD diff, c/r gearbox, and a ready to assemble second fully developed race engine. The body and engine can be further developed. Has had fresh Les Collins Racing full head and valvetrain rebuild. Sell at $45,000 (extra drivetrain components negotiable) Contact Jason Lea 0403 071294 or 0426 269091 For Sale: MAZDA RX7. Group U Sports Sedan Ex Bruce Smith Fully rebuilt, fresh 13B PP engine, c/r box and 4.8 LSD Harrop full floater 6 link rear end. AP four piston calipers and vented two piece rotors all round. New rims to original design, new slicks fitted/supplied, including some intermediate wets. COD logbook application submitted, and COD number issued, comes with extensive documentation, full history, original build photos. This car won Div2 Qld Sports Sedan Championships, and is a faithful restoration. Located Brisbane $25,000. Jason Lea 0403 071294 or 0426 269091 FALCON GTHO PHASE 1 Replica. Group Nc Race Car Log Booked for more than 30 years, not raced the last 8; only hillclimbs, regularity & sprints. Fully restored body and glass, rubbers, etc, Alloy cage (pre rule change). Historic registration. Mod plates to suit. Possible to drive on street. Russell Jones 351 ci Windsor. 500hp at the engine on 98 or 525 on avgas. Build sheet available. Is it a real GT? No, it started life as a Fairmont. It is faithful in almost every detail. For more info and photos [email protected] or 0408 737004 For Sale: Enclosed Tandem Car Trailer Trailer has dropped floor for storage, large tool box, Hayman-Reece load levelling hitch, winch and extended ramps. Manufacturer was Car Trailers by Chris, always garaged, in perfect condition. Asking price $7,000.00 Pete 0417758833 9 3 Asking $20,000 ONO. For more information & photographs contact David Bruce 0417770757 or [email protected] Historic Racing Car Club (Qld) Inc. Minutes of General Meeting th General Meeting. 15 September 2014. VCCA Clubrooms, Carindale Due to the Trophy Presentation Dinner the business of the September General Meeting was held over to October. This Weekend! Come and cheer your HRCC mates on, great spectating at QR. Racing Cars, Sports/Racing Cars, Historic Touring Cars, Regularity Trials HRCC helping you get more track time: HRCC at Ipswich Classic Racing Cars and Sports/Racing Cars Queensland Raceway – 18 & 19 October 2014 Regularity Trials HRCC has booked two event “slots” for Ipswich Classic, one for combined Racing Cars and Sports/Racing Cars, the second for Regularity Trials. HRCC’s Historic Touring Cars will also be competing at this event. Eligible cars: Racing cars and sports/racing cars of CAMS Fifth Category Groups M,O,P,Q,R,F,V & invited cars, Invited Regularity cars compatible with Fifth Category. If you have any queries regarding this event please phone me, mobile 0450 741 107.Christopher Fry, HRCC Membership Officer Email enquiries to Alan Steel: [email protected] MG CAR CLUB NEWCASTLE WITH THE HELP OF OUR SPONSORS ARE PROUD TO HOST the DAYDAWN ELECTRICAL AUSTRALIAN HILLCLIMB CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 30th / 31st October, 1st / 2nd November 2014 For information: Saturday 15th November "Retro Rock n’ Roll Night" 4pm-10pm Sunday 16th November "The Gold Coast Car Show" 7am-3pm Info line - 0439 170 882 Info Line: 0498 054 140 Motorclassica, Australia's premier exhibition of unique, collectable, contemporary and historically significant cars and motorcycles, returns to Melbourne's Royal Exhibition Building, October 24‐26, for its fifth and biggest showing yet. The event has become a mecca for automotive enthusiasts, featuring special displays of automotive memorabilia, models and other collectibles alongside the cars. This year's Motorclassica will celebrate the centennial of Maserati and half a century of the Ford Mustang, as well as "50 years of Speed" with a special display dedicated to Donald Campbell's dual World Land Speed and Water Speed records set in Australia in 1964. 1 10 HISTORIC RACING CAR CLUB (QLD) Inc. NOTICE of a GENERAL and an ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (2014) Notice is given that a General and an Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 17th November 2014 at the Veteran and Vintage Car Club rooms at 1376 Old Cleveland Road, Carindale, Qld, 4152 commencing at 7.30 pm. General Meeting Agenda   Ratify the Club’s business during the period ended 30th September 2014. Ratify the appointment of the Club’s Auditor. Annual General Meeting agenda      Receive the Management Committee’s Report for the period ended 30th September 2014. Receive the Income and Expenditure Statement and the Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the period ended 30th September 2014. Receive the Auditor’s Report on the books of account. Appointment of an Auditor for the coming year. Election of members to the Management Committee. HISTORIC RACING CAR CLUB (QLD) Inc. NOMINATION FOR POSITION ON MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2015 Only current financial members are eligible to nominate for these positions ___________________________________________________________________________ Given Name Surname Of _________________________________________________________________ Address Is hereby nominated for the position of ____________________________________________ (Insert either President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Executive Committee Member). I, _______________________________________, hereby accept the nomination. x_________________________________________ Nominees signature PRINT NAME Proposer SIGNATURE __________________________ _______________________________ Seconder ____________________________ _______________________________ This nomination must be in the hands of the Secretary, HRCC(Q) Inc, PO Box 353 Red Hill, Qld, 4059 by Monday 27th October 2014. __________________________________________________________________________ Expressions of interest for other important Club roles Newsletter Editor Group Co-ordinator (Specify Group …………….) Membership Secretary CAMS State Council Delegate Regalia/Merchandise Social Secretary Other ………… _______________ _______________________ NAME 2 11 _________________________ SIGNATURE COMPULSORY THIRD PARTY (CTP) INSURANCE We are reminded that a CTP Rally Extension is required for any vehicle with Queensland Registration which is participating in any motorsport event anywhere in Queensland, as the Act defines SHANNONS LEGENDS OF MOTORSPORT debuts this weekend. Allan Moffat is the featured guest in first episode of new series. This weekend is a special one with the debut episode of a new television series focusing on the rich history of Australian motor sport - Shannons Legends of Motorsport. Host and Executive Producer Neil Crompton, co-host Aaron �road’ as any area with access by Noonan and respected motor sport director/editor Nathan members of the public. This includes car parks, pit/paddock areas and even the Prendergast have combined to help bring the rich Seven Sport track itself. The CTP Rally Extension is not motor sport archive to life. an option, it isepisodes illegal andinfinancially The first of 12 the series airs this Saturday 19 July at 4.30pm on 7mate and features a very special guest foolhardy to drive at an event without one. four-time Bathurst winner Allan Moffat. “As per your question, yes, these rally Filmed in front of a live audience at Bowden’s Own Car Collection on the Sunshine Coast, this special episode takes extensions are required for events as it usextends down memory with one of the true icons of Australian motor sport. the CTP lane insurance to cover The four-time Australian Touring Champion sits down to talk us through all sorts of topics married up with the driving conditions outside of theCar normal fantastic library the Seven Sport vault. cover. Iftape there was archive to be anofat-fault Aaccident, familiar face, Markhadn’t Oastler, also stops by and focusesyou on may the famous Coca Colasome TransAm Mustang that MoffatCTP and you organised a rally extension, be found to pay liability.”………….Suncorp raced in the late 1960s andcontact early 1970s forms part of the Bowden’s collection. Just yourthat CTP Insurer (check your Rego papers for details). The of Motorsport team has spent hours hours in organiser the Channel 7 library in Docklands, Melbourne, and ThisLegends DOES NOT APPLY TO UN-REGISTERED CARSand as the event arranges appropriate cover for these vehicles has turned out some real gems - all sorts of vision unseen in years and much of it long forgotten - until now! Of course there will be plenty of old favourites in term of vision as well - plus a special guest from Moffat’s Ford factory Falcon past will stop by for a chat on the couch. Saturday 19 July at 4.30pm on 7mate and replays on 7mate. Check your local guide. Reference for CAMS latest requirements for Helmets, Protective Clothing and Devices. John French reunited with three of his early Sports Car drives: At 2014 Leyburn Sprints, John French, famous for his exploits in his Holden FJ and several sports cars, and no less so for partnering Dick Johnson in the True Blue… years,Oh wasyes, re-united with these great Beautiful one minute, it does rain incars. Queensland! Pic:Saundo 1962 Turner Mk2 (Steve Purdy), 1962 Centaur Waggott GT (Bevan Batham), 1967 MG Midget (Nev Mansfield) Pic courtesy of Trapnell Creations. Parting shot: FORBES FORBES BATTERIES BATTERIES half half page page Advert Advert    FORBES BATTERIES half page Advert PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 12 3 12 12 3 12 12
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