Fatima Family Newsletter “In Pursuit of Truth” A Message from our Principal Our annual Speech Night and prize giving is the culmination of our Matric Academic Calendar. We were inspired by our guest speaker, Dr Amon Kasambala, to surround ourselves with people who will challenge us and not just those who make us feel safe. He pointed out that making mistakes and being wrong is not final, nor fatal, using Einstein as an example. I was reminded of the following quote: “Kids will take a chance on being wrong. We don’t. We run our businesses this way too – I believe the stigma attached to being wrong is one of the worst conditions to hit the business world. It’s created a body-swerving blame culture. A culture that stays within a comfort zone because outside of that is risky and precarious. Where heads are on the line. A place where internal politics and saving face is more important than actually getting along and doing a job well.” Ken Robinson on Ted Talks We congratulate all our prize winners (see page 2 – 9) and wish our Matrics well. This year, three of our girls have been awarded training contracts with Accountancy firms. Kylie Tregoning, in Grade 12 and Saskia Eggers in Grade 11 with Deloitte and Carey Glover, in Grade 12, a bursary and contract with BDO South Africa. We congratulate these girls! We have had a successful hand over of leadership to our new prefect and mentor bodies and look forward to another year of leadership development and opportunity for our Grade 12 girls. Our Jubilee festivities are done. Sadly! The ball last Friday was magnificent (see page 17)! We appreciate all our parents and teachers who added spice to the year. I particularly thank our PTA and Mothers’ Committee who work really hard at our special functions! Mrs D Horsfall, Principal OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 PAST PUPIL Yente Oosthuysen Yente Oosthuysen has just returned from a climb to Everest base Camp in order to raise awareness and funds for stoprhinopoaching.com and Phinda game reserve. The 18 day trip included Everest base camp and Mount Kallapathar (5,545m) which they summited the day after Base Camp for incredible views of Mount Everest Peak. Yente has obtained her degree in Human Movement Science and is currently doing her honours in Corporate Wellness and intends doing her Masters in recreation therapy for disabled children next year. She served on her residence committee as Head of Community Engagement and went on to run the University Committee of the same portfolio for residences. She currently works as Project Manager for a sport NGO where she manages and facilitates sport and education development / outreach programmes across the Tshwane region. We are proud of you, Yente! ACADEMICS Extraordinary Achievement Awards PART BURSARY & TRAINING CONTRACT WITH BDO FOR 2015: TRAINING CONTRACT WITH DELOITTE 2015: Kylie Tregoning TRAINING CONTRACT WITH DELOITTE 2016: Saskia Eggers Carey Glover Speech Night Thank you to all involved in making sure that our Speech Night was such a great success! We congratulate the girls on their awards! SUBJECT DISTINCTIONS The Following Learners Received A Distinction for One Subject: Kate Becker Mathematical Literacy Alexandra Dain Life Orientation Kayleigh Goodwin Life Orientation Mikayla Leighton Dramatic Arts Tsholofelo Maphiri Afrikaans Asanda Mazubane Dramatic Arts Page 2 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 SUBJECT DISTINCTIONS (continued) Hannah Nel Mathematical Literacy Noluthando Ngema Dramatic Arts Amy Pieterse Mathematical Literacy Raveeshni Ramasamy Mathematical Literacy Lara Stewart Life Orientation Tayla Van Straaten Mathematical Literacy Jenna Weir Accountancy The Following Learners Received Distinctions in Two Subjects: Kedan Camps Accountancy & Geography Claire Johnson Dramatic Arts & Mathematical Literacy Tessa Meyer Dramatic Arts & Mathematical Literacy Anna Moretti Consumer Studies & Mathematical Literacy Brittany Mowat Life Orientation & Visual Art Kelly O'Donoghue Dramatic Arts & Mathematical Literacy The Following Learners Received Distinctions in Three Subjects: Katherine Golten Consumer Studies, Mathematical Literacy & Visual Art Nadine Jack Afrikaans, Life Science & Life Orientation Xiao Lucia Ma Life Orientation, Mathematics & Visual Art Kylie-Claire Tregoning Business Studies, History & Life Orientation The Following Learners Received Distinctions in Four Subjects: Isabelle Fouquereaux Afrikaans, Life Science, Life Orientation & Mathematics Merryn Haller Afrikaans, Consumer Studies, English & Life Orientation Stephanie Lathe Dramatic Arts, Life Science, Mathematics & Physical Science The Following Learners Received Distinctions in Five Subjects: Kelsey Daniel Danielle Flood Page 3 Afrikaans, Business Orientation Studies, English, Geography and Life English, Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Visual Art OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 SUBJECT DISTINCTIONS (continued) Katherine Maree Kelly White Business Studies, Consumer Studies, History, Life Orientation & Mathematical Literacy Afrikaans, English, Life Science, Life Orientation & Mathematics The Following Learner Received Distinctions for Six Subjects: Carey Glover Accountancy, Afrikaans, English, Geography, Life Orientation & Mathematics HALF COLOURS & FULL COLOURS AWARDS FOR ACADEMICS HALF COLOURS: (Aggregate between 75 and 79%) Kedan Camps, Katherine Golten, Kylie-Claire Tregoning & Jenna Weir HALF COLOURS RE-AWARD Nadine Jack, Stephanie Lathe, Xiao Lucia Ma & Katherine Maree FULL COLOURS RE-AWARD (Aggregate between 80 & 82%) Kelsey Daniel, Carey Glover, Danielle Flood, Isabelle Fouquereaux & Kelly White TROPHIES The Following Trophies and Certificates were Awarded: NO. ITEM AWARDED AWARDED TO 1. Ashlee Neser Trophy for English Merryn Haller 2. The Trophy for Oratory Excellence in English Merryn Haller 3. Hansen Trophy for Afrikaans Isabelle Fouquereaux 4. Trophy for Oratory Excellence in Afrikaans Isabelle Fouquereaux 5. Leisell Wraith Trophy for Bilingualism Merryn Haller 6. O’Connor Trophy for Accountancy Carey Glover 7. Stylianou Trophy for Perseverance and Determination in Accountancy Kedan Camps 8. Kymm Neser Trophy for Visual Art: Danielle Flood This learner who has consistently achieved the highest marks for History of Visual Art throughout her Matric year Page 4 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 TROPHIES (continued) NO. ITEM AWARDED AWARDED TO 9. Gail Baxter Trophy for Practical Visual Art: This learner who has consistently demonstrated her Artistic ability in Practical work. Xiao Lucia Ma 10. Child Trophy for Visual Art: Sarah Leach This learner who has shown the greatest improvement in her Matric year 11. Price Waterhouse Coopers Shield for Business Studies Kylie-Claire Tregoning 12. Trophy for the Theory Component of Consumer Studies Katherine Maree 13. Langley Trophy for the Practical Component of Consumer Studies Merryn Haller 14. Lesley Trophy for Geography Carey Glover 15. Wraith Jewellers Trophy for History Kylie-Claire Tregoning 16. The Trophy for Life Orientation Carey Glover 17. de Freitas Trophy for Life Sciences Stephanie Lathe 18. David Robinson Trophy For Advanced Programme in Mathematics Stephanie Lathe 19. Salter Trophy for Mathematics Stephanie Lathe 20. Price Waterhouse Coopers Shield for Mathematical Literacy Tayla van Straaten 21. Motala Trophy for Physical Science Stephanie Lathe 22. Baxter-Hunter-Robinson Trophy for Combined Sciences and Stephanie Lathe Mathematics: This trophy is awarded to the Learner who has achieved the highest standard in Life Sciences, Physical Science and Mathematics 23. Ballantyne Trophy for Dramatic Arts Noluthando Ngema 24. Claudia Farinha Trophy for Practical Dramatic Arts Asanda Mazubane 25. Sutherland Trophy for Dramatic Arts: Kelly O’Donoghue This trophy is awarded to the Learner who has a Passion for & Stephanie Lathe Drama and Commitment to Excellence in Performance Studies. Page 5 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 TROPHIES (continued) 26. The Candice Quamby Trophy for Music: Merryn Haller This Trophy is awarded to a Matric Learner, preferably experienced in two instruments (voice included), who has used her talent at school and as an asset to the school’s cultural department. This year the trophy is awarded to Merryn Haller for her outstanding leadership in the voice section of the choir and for contribution to Fatima music by playing the piano at the choir warm-ups as well as sharing her violin and piano talents on special occasions for the school. 9. Gail Baxter Trophy for Practical Visual Art: This learner who has consistently demonstrated her Artistic ability in Practical work. 27. The Heather Andrews Memorial Trophy: Daniela Mendes This trophy is awarded to a Matric learner who, while at Our Lady of Fatima has been selected to represent the school at higher levels of Sport thereby promoting our school. This year the trophy is awarded to Daniela Mendes for her selection to the KZN U19 Touch Rugby, KZN U19 Soccer & Umlazi Cross Country. 28. The Bridget Haynes Ten Brink (1966 – 2004) Memorial Trophy is Kamryn Smith awarded to a Grade 9 Learner for Altruism. This trophy is awarded to a learner who cares for others and is sensitive to the needs of her class mates. She has spearheaded her class’s charity drives and has worked tirelessly in support of the sandwich drives. 29. Kerryn Druce Trophy for Courage and Determination 30. Andrea Phillips Trophy for Empathy & Responsibility: Noluthando Ngema This trophy is awarded to a learner who displays a strong awareness of her fellow being and the needs of others. She must also be responsible and able to handle her life well. 31. Horsfall Trophy for All-Round Achievement: Carey Glover This trophy is awarded to a Matric learner who has made the most significant contribution to this school through her achievement in Academics, Sport and Cultural Activities. Her Altruism is also recognised with this award. This year the trophy is awarded to Carey Glover for achieving an aggregate of over 80%, being a valuable member of the 1st Swimming and 1st Indoor and Outdoor Hockey teams and the Umlazi crosscountry team, as well as her participation in House plays and Interact over the years. She has also been an exemplary role model as Executive Head of the High School. Page 6 Xiao Lucia Ma Tsholofelo Maphiri OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 TROPHIES (continued) NO. ITEM AWARDED AWARDED TO 33. The Humanities Trophy For Exceptional Service: Merryn Haller This trophy is awarded to a Grade 12 learner who has achieved highly in the Humanities over her years at Fatima and brought honour to the school. It is awarded to Merryn Haller for her involvement in house plays, (both as an actress, dancer and a Director), in Debating, Choir and Chamber Choir as well as for her high level of competence in her piano and violin performances. 32. The PTA Award: Grade 8 Ferreira This year the trophy is awarded to Grade 8 F for their enthusiastic response to any appeal made during the year and as such have been an example to the rest of the school with regards to the Fatima spirit of outreach. This is an award made to a class or a group of learners who, during the year have displayed a marked degree of public spiritedness. 34. Certificate of Recognition for Loyalty, Contribution and Service Lara Stewart to the School 35. The Robinson Trophy: Alexandra Dain and This trophy is awarded to a Matric learner or Learners in Kayleigh Goodwin recognition of their dedicated service to the School. This year the trophy is shared between Ali Dain for exceptional service as Head of the Junior School and Kayleigh Goodwin for her consistent commitment & dedicated assistance in many areas of school life. 36. The Principal’s Award: Noluthando Ngema This award is given, at the discretion of the Principal, to mark outstanding service, leadership and commitment to the school. This year the trophy is awarded to Noluthando Ngema for her passionate & creative approach to developing school spirit thereby igniting a passion and pride in her fellow Fatima community. 37. The Lucina Augustine Inter-Class Trophy: Grade 8 Bennett An award is made to a class or classes in the High School & Grade 8 Ferreira which are adjudged by the staff to be the most co-operative, responsible and reliable. 38. The Inter-House Shield: 3rd Place: 18 Points – St Anthony’s 2nd Place: 20 Points – St ’Patrick’s 1st Place: 23 Points - St Stephen’s Page 7 St Stephen’s (23 Points) OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 TROPHIES (continued) NO. ITEM AWARDED AWARDED TO 39. The Elana Stalmann Trophy for Good Fellowship: This Trophy is voted for by the learner’s peers. Jenna Weir 40. The Sister Catherina Trophy: Brittany Mowat This trophy is awarded to the Matric learner/learners who & Jenna Weir reflect the Ethos of our School 41. The Price Waterhouse Coopers Trophy: Kelly White This Trophy is awarded to the Matric Learner who was placed Third in Grade 12: This year it is awarded to a learner who came to Fatima from Virginia Preparatory School. 42. The Yvonne Eldon Trophy for Proximé Accessit or Runner Up to Danielle Flood Dux, goes to a learner who came to Fatima from The Kings School – Robin Hills. 43. The Catherine Haarhoff Trophy for Dux: This year is awarded to a learner who has been at Fatima from Grade 1 to Matric. Carey Glover TOP LEFT PHOTO: L TO R: CAREY GLOVER, (DUX), DANIELLE FLOOD (PROXIMÉ ACCESSIT), KELLY WHITE (THIRD IN GRADE 12), DR AMON KASAMBALA MRS HORSFALL & DR KASAMBALA TOP RIGHT PHOTO: L TO R: JENNA WEIR, SISTER CATHERINA & BRITTANY MOWAT (THE SISTER CATHERINA TROPHY) BOTTOM PHOTO: MATRIC TROPHY WINNERS Page 8 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 Final Matric Assembly Awards NO. ITEM AWARDED AWARDED TO 1. Trophy for Prefect of the Year 2014 Noluthando Ngema 2. Trophy for Mentor of the Year 2014 Alexis Steenekamp Leadership 2015 Captain = C: and Vice-Captain = V: HOUSE CAPTAINS St Anthony’s C: Tayla Van Der Vyver V: Alex Cholokh St Patrick’s C: Carla Da Costa V: Kayla Coetzee St Stephen’s C: Sisanda Nxumalo V: Martine Meekers SPORTS CAPTAINS Cross Country C: Sarah Fetter V: Sarah Hansen Hockey C: Tayla Van Der Vyver V: Kendal Gorlei Netball C: Charnel Ueckermann V: Zamantungwa Khumalo Soccer C: Shaina-Rae Krummeck V: Lara Ogle Swimming C: Natasha Ribeiro V: Tayla Van Der Vyver Tennis C: Kendal Gorlei Touch Rugby C: Carla Da Costa CULTURAL CAPTAINS Captain = C and Vice-Captain = V YDC = Youth Development Council Choir C: Nikita Köhler V: Robyn Jones Debating C: Sarah-Jade Mckillop V: Robyn Jones YDC C: Lara Ogle Hall Management C: Chaney Chetty V: Dineo Ntsalla Head Altar Server C: Claire Cottingham Media C: Grace Lehnerdt V: Hannah Brandsma Spirit C: Shaina-Rae Krummeck V: Carla Da Costa Page 9 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 MENTORS 2015 Grade 1 Davies Chaney Chetty & Claire Cottingham Grade 1 Taylor Alexandra Cholokh & Lara Ogle Grade 2 Lange Kendal Gorlei & Jessica Johnson Grade 2 Hauptfleisch Megan Fletcher & Shaina-Rae Krummeck Grade 3 Ainsworth Simone Hoaten & Sandiswa Mbatha Grade 3 Oosthuysen Tara Benzimra and Chelsea Bergoff Grade 4 Angel Carla Da Costa & Sarah James Grade 4 Carrington Tayla Creed & Samantha Stark Grade 5 Wilkie Amy Grey & Londiwe Zwane Grade 5 Visagie Monique Jackson & Courtney Sykes Grade 6 Beetge Amber Henry & Leah Sanders Grade 6 Cubitt Erin Lionnet & Akshaya Makhan Grade 7 Köhler Kayla Coetzee & Sisanda Nxumalo Grade 7 Steyn Jenna Coetzee & Grace Lehnerdt FP Library – Mrs Concer Courtney Pottow & Erin Wright PREFECTS 2015 Saskia Eggers Emma Macdonald Natasha Ribeiro Page 10 Sarah Fetter Sarah-Jade McKillop Christin Samuel Robyn Jones Martine Meekers Tayla Van Der Vyver OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 EXECUTIVES 2015 Head of Sports: Charnel Ueckermann Head of Humanities: Zamantungwa Kumalo Head of Junior School: Sarah Hansen Head of High School: Nikita Köhler CULTURE & HUMANITIES Humanities Representatives 2014 SA PERFORMING ARTS: Marianthe Panas ETHEKWINI YOUTH CHOIR: Paballo Kgware KZN YOUTH DANCE: Samantha Melis FINALIST IN KZN JNR BEST SPEAKER COMPETITION: Samantha Melis FINALIST & WINNER IN KZN JNR BEST SPEAKER COMPETITION: Sabrina Miljus Gateway to Fame Congratulations to Marianthe Panas for winning 2nd Place in the Gateway 2 Fame competition last Saturday! Well done! Art Exhibition Our Art Exhibition evening was a great success with a large variety of themes shown and many diverse techniques and material on display. Well done to our talented and imaginative girls, especially the Matrics! A big thank you also, to Mrs Hicks, for all her hard work preparing for the Exhibition and for teaching the Matric girls throughout the year, including school holidays! Page 11 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 SPORT SPORTS REPRESENTATIVES 2014 South African Representatives SWIMMING FIGURE SKATING SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING Senior: Emily Visagie Senior: Simonn Erwee Senior: Teal Muirhead LIFE SAVING KARATE GOLF Senior: Kyéta Purchase Senior: Tayler Brandsma Senior: Brittney-Fay Berger Junior: Tasmin Tennant KZN Provincial Representatives SWIMMING Senior: Emily Visagie, Natasha Ribeiro, Claudia Coppola, Tracey-Lee Meyer, Casey-Joy Knott, Tasmin Tennant Junior: Stephanie Tennant, Tamryn McKie, Rachael Moreira EQUESTRIAN SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING Senior: Kedan Camps, Mikayla Leighton, Robyn-Lee Bester Senior: Junior: Jordan Coetzer, Taylor Ross, Jodi Lee FIGURE SKATING GOLF Senior: Julia Durant, Alex Van Staden, Simonn Erwee Senior: Junior: Nicola Van Staden Teal Muirhead Brittney-Fay Berger NETBALL Junior: Jodi Lee (U13) ACTION NETBALL RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Senior: Charnel Ueckermann, Chelsea Granger, Claudia La Fleur, Kwanele Mkhize, Micaela Webster Junior: Tasmin Jakins, Meghan Young, Kate Montocchio Junior: Anita Janse Van Rensburg, Carolyn Gore KARATE Senior: Tayler Brandsma, Savannah Brandsma LIFESAVING Senior: Kyéta Purchase Page 12 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 KZN Provincial Representatives (continued) TOUCH RUGBY Senior: Naomi Maujean (U15), Hannah Maujean (U15), Tayler Brandsma (U17), Hannah Nel (U19), Daniela Mendes (U19), Charnel Ueckermann (U19), Brittany Mowat (U19) TENNIS SOCCER Senior: Kendal Gorlei, Gabriella Latham, Samantha Schnell Senior: Daniela Mendes (U19) KZN Regional Representatives / (KZN Southern Coastal) eThekweni HOCKEY Senior: Naomi Maujean (U14A), Sarah Rich (U14A), Bella Thompson (U16 non-travelling reserve) Junior: Kirsty Bell (U13C), Samantha Cook (U13C), Stephanie Phillips (U13C) TENNIS Senior: Kendal Gorlei, Laura Hulley, Gabriela Latham, Samantha Schnell NETBALL Senior: Caitlin Slade (U14), Micaela Webster (U14), Kwanele Mkhize (U14), Laura Hulley (U16), Charnel Ueckermann (U16) Junior: Anita Janse Van Rensburg, Cailin Prinsloo, Rachel Wilkinson SWIMMING Senior: Casey-Joy Knott, Claudia Coppola, Courtney Horn Junior: Tamryn McKie, Rachel Moreira Umlazi District Representatives HOCKEY Senior: Nikita Köhler (U16), Stacey Ward (U16), Kayla Jones (U14), Sarah Rich (U14), Naomi Maujean (U14) Junior: Kirsty Bell (U13A), Megan Coreejes (U13A), Stephanie Phillips (U13A), Samantha Cook (U13B), Nicole Lombard (U13B), Michaela Daniel (Development) NETBALL Senior: Micaela Webster (U14), Laura Hulley (U16), Charnel Ueckermann (U16), Ashley Spence (U17), Tsholofelo Maphiri (U18), Daniela Mendes (U18) CROSS COUNTRY Senior: Naomi Maujean (U14), Sarah Fetter (U16), Daniela Mendes (U19), Carey Glover (U19) Junior: Tyra Fenger Page 13 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 North Durban Zonal / District Representatives HOCKEY Senior: Jordan Beetge (U14), Kayla Jones (U14), Sarah Rich (U14), Naomi Maujean (U14), Nikita Köhler (U16), Bella Thompson (U16), Stacey Ward (U16), Tayla Van Der Vyver (U18) Junior: Ashley Berger (U13B), Megan Coreejes (U13A), Courtney Hill (U13B), Cailin Prinsloo (U13A), Tannah Swart (U13A), Nicole Lombard (U13A), Kirsty Bell (U13A), Samantha Cook (U13A), Stephanie Phillips (U13A), Rachel Wilkinson (U13B), Michaela Daniel (U12) NETBALL Senior: Jenna Coetzee (U17), Zamantungwa Kumalo (U17), Akshaya Makhan (U17), Amy Pieterse (U18), Shenà e Thompson (U18) Junior: Cailin Prinsloo, Olivia Springate, Jodi Lee, Anita Janse Van Rensburg. CROSS COUNTRY Senior: Naomi Maujean (U14), Sabrina Miljus (U15), Jessica Van Heerden (U16), Biance Nieuwenhuys (U16), Sarah Fetter (U16), Sarah Hansen (U17), Daniela Mendes (U19), Carey Glover (U19) Junior: Tyra Fenger, Tamryn McKie, Emma Slack, Olivia Springate, Kyleigh Van Der Nest SOCCER Senior: Busisiwe Khoza (U14), Rebekah Grossi (U14), Hannah Maujean (U15), Jessica Pretorius (U16), Brittany Swart (U16), Laura Hulley (U16), Lara Stewart (U19), Daniela Mendes (U19) SPORT – HIGH SCHOOL Golf Our Fatima team comprising of Courtney Sykes and Brittney-Fay Berger had a fantastic day yesterday at Kloof Country Club where they played St Mary’s Kloof. They played in light rain and made a great pairing (both girls playing below their handicaps) beating St Mary’s very convincingly. They had a lot of fun and the final score was 23 to Fatima, 18 to St Mary’s. Well done, girls! Great to see our young golfers out there! SPORT – JUNIOR SCHOOL Senior Primary Team Tennis Hannah Bowes, Emma Stobart, Gabriella Koenig and Nicky Lombard represented Fatima in a tennis match against DGC. The girls played well and the final result was a draw, as both schools had won the same number of games. This is a good start Fatima Tennis players! Keep it up! Page 14 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 Grade 6 & 7 Ladder League Tennis The following girls have entered the Ladder League this term: Robynne Bloch Hannah Bowes Jayde Emanuel Lexa Gorlei Gabrielle Koenig Courtney Hill Hannah Hirst Lauren Hohls Ashleigh Hold Nicky Lombard Cailin Prinsloo Tannah Swart Emma Stobart Jenna Surmon Rachel Wilkinson The aim of this Ladder League is two-fold. While we want to provide a competitive opportunity for our budding tennis players, we want to also provide a platform where those who have displayed good potential for the game, can learn the “nitty-gritties” of tennis etiquette, rules and scoring. The girls will play three singles matches against each other each week. On Saturday, the 18th October the first round of the Ladder League was played. However it was called off after the first few matches due to rain. The girls are in the process of catching up these matches at break times. It was such a pity because each player brought a good vibe to the courts, despite the weather, and all were looking forward to lovely morning of tennis. The results of the first few games were as follows: Gabrielle Koenig Lauren Hohls Hannah Hirst won 6 – 5 (a very close match!) won 6 – 0 won 6 – 3 The girls aim to accumulate as many points as they can along the way, resulting in a champion and runner-up by the end of November. The real champions at the end of this League will be the girls who have progressed and learnt new aspects of the game. Good luck to all the girls as you get through this tennis. The next round of matches will be played this Saturday, starting at 9:00am. Senior Primary Swimming On Tuesday, 21 October, the �A’ Swimming team competed in a gala at Atholton Primary, against the North Durban schools. Our Fatima swimmers were outstanding! In my short time at this school, I have never felt a team pull together and egg each other on so positively, and have so much FUN! I have never witnessed a team beating everyone else by half a length and sometimes more, in so many events! It is extremely evident that the efforts the girls have put into their off season training had already started paying off! Well done to you all! The challenge now, is to continue building on this solid platform, in preparation for the galas ahead. Each gala that we enter will be more demanding and I have faith in our swimmers and their ability to rise and be noticed in this tough arena. Our swimmers were placed 1st in the following events: U10 – U12: 4x25m Butterfly U10 & U12: 4x25m Breaststroke & the 4x25m Ladder Relay Page 15 U11 & U12: 4x25m Backstroke U10 – U12: 4x25m Freestyle OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 I am very proud of all the girls who swam in this gala! Kirsty Bell Natasha Baldwin Olivia Campbell Nicky Challenor Neve Cusens Tegan De Jongh Jayde Emanuel Tyra Fenger Carolyn Gore Kate Hansen Paige Horn Shana Hurndall Tamryn McKie Daniella Moreira Chelsea O’Brien Regan Pearson Aimee Roux Olivia Springate Rachel Van Der Merwe Milla Van Der Sandt Tamryn McKie (U12) participated in the Seagulls Swimming Gala at King’s Park and achieved the following medals: MEDAL / RESULT EVENT Gold 50m Breaststroke Silver 50m Backstroke Bronze 100m Freestyle 4th Place 200m Individual Medley, 400m Freestyle, 200m Freestyle & 50m Butterfly 100m Breaststroke Breaststroke Relay 100m Backstroke 50 Meters Freestyle Well done Tamryn, these results are wonderful. Keep it up! Senior Primary Indoor Hockey On Tuesday, 21 October, the U13 �A’ played an Indoor Hockey match against Chelsea �A’. What a match it was! Another proud moment for Fatima sportswomen. We narrowly lost the game 2 – 3. A wonderful start to the Indoor Hockey season! Junior School Figure Skating Nicola Van Staden represented KZN in the Cape Inter Provincial Figure Skating Competition this past weekend (17 – 19 October). She was placed 2nd in the Under 10 Juvenile Girls section. She received a Silver medal for her efforts. Well done Nicola! Keep it up! Dancing Giorgia Kahn took part in the Natal Festival of Dance Competition during the holidays and achieved 1st Place for Groups Modern Any Age, 2nd Place for Groups Ballet Any Age, 2nd Place for Duets Ballet, 3rd Place for Amateur Modern Solo 12 – 14 years and 3rd Place for Modern Groups 18 Years & Under. Well done, Giorgia! These are wonderful results! SA Gymnastic Games – Cape Town Kate Montocchio participated in the SA Gymnastics Games in Cape Town from the 6 – 12 October 2014. Her results were as follows: Rhythmic Gymnastics – Gold medal, Hoop Group – 1st Place, Individual Free Dance – Bronze medal and 5th place in SA overall (U13, Level 5). Congratulations, Kate on these great results! Page 16 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 FATIMA PTA JUBILEE BALL (TO ORDER PHOTOS CONTACT EILEEN SAMMONS 072 954 2500 / [email protected]) “On behalf of the guests at our table, I would like to thank the committee for the absolutely wonderful evening on Friday. The Ball was so very well organised and we enjoyed every aspect of it ~ the beautiful tables, the groovy music, the delicious food ... It was faultless and it was such a credit to our beautiful school. Let’s not wait another 60 years before you host another spectacular evening.“ ~ Chinelle Gaspar “We danced the night away like overgrown teenagers and we all relished partying with so many fellow guests that we knew. Well done and congratulations again to you and your fabulous team” ~ Abby Waller “Thank you for an amazing, well organised evening. What a special treat for us all.” ~ Marilyn Whiteford “It was an absolutely fantastic evening. I think an Annual (or at least every second year) Parents Ball would be well received.” ~ Candice Gerritsen “Absolutely fantastic! Well done to all! ~ Anonymous It felt like we were all teenagers again, dancing the night away.” ~ J Thank you to everyone for making it such a memorable evening.” ~ Linda Creed Page 17 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 �THE GUARDIAN’ All parents are invited to attend the free talk by Marc Hardwick from The Guardian on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 from 6.00pm – 7.00pm. The following topics will be covered: “Understanding the challenge of modern parenting compared to years ago; knowing your child’s friends and parents; peer pressure vs the child’s level of maturity; alcohol/drug stats; sexual consent; legislation regarding when teens are accountable for actions i.e. criminal offences; rape vs statutory rape; cyber-crimes and sexting; parents and boundaries. GRADE 1 – 7 SCHOOL CALENDAR (24 OCTOBER 2014 – 3 NOVEMBER) FRIDAY 24      SATURDAY 25     SUNDAY MONDAY 26 27 Don’t forget your fruit and sandwiches for the Sandwich Drive Grade 1 – 3 girls to be fetched at 12.30pm Grade 4 – 7 girls to be fetched at 12.55pm Grade 6 & 7 Study Skills Course at 1.00pm U10 – U13 Time Trials (by invitation) at Fatima: 1.15pm – 2.45pm Grade 6 & 7 Tennis Ladder Challenge at Fatima. Starts at 09.00am. [By invitation] U13 �A’ Indoor Hockey Tournament at Maris Stella: 8.00am – 1.00pm Grade 1 Hockey at Riverside at 9.00am (not compulsory) Grade 2 & 3 Hockey at Riverside at 9.45am (not compulsory)  SP Tennis League:  TUESDAY 28    WEDNESDAY 29   THURSDAY 30    FRIDAY 31      SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 3     A Team at DGC at 2.30pm  �B’ & �C’ Team League Practice at Fatima at 2.30pm PTA Meeting at 5.30pm Grade 1 – 3 Special Assembly. All parents are welcome. Grade 6 & & Study Skills course at 2.00pm U12 & U13 Indoor Hockey at Danville at 3.00pm Grade 3 Tennis vs Rosehill at Fatima at 2.15pm (CANCELLED) Marc Hardwick Guardian Talk in School Hall at 6.00pm. All welcome. School Mass at 7.00am. All welcome. U10 – U13 �A’ Clifton Gala at 2.30pm U12 & U13 Indoor Hockey at Danville at 3.00pm Don’t forget your fruit and sandwiches for the Sandwich Drive Grade 1 – 7 Mass at 7.45am Grade 1 – 3 girls to be fetched at 12.30pm Grade 4 – 7 girls to be fetched at 1.35pm (Week 2) Grade 6 & 7 Study Skills Course at 1.40pm U10 – U13 �A’ Umhlali Gala at 9.00am 1st Holy Communion at Blessed Sacrament SP Tennis League:  �B’ Team vs DGC at DGC at 2.30pm  �A’ & �C’ Practice Matches at Fatima at 2.30pm The Grade 8 – 12 school calendar is on the following page Page 18 OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390 GRADE 8 – 12 SCHOOL CALENDAR (17 OCTOBER 2014 – 3 NOVEMBER 2014) FRIDAY 24 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 FRIDAY 31 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 3 Page 18      “In Pursuit of Truth” Don’t forget your fruit and sandwiches for the Sandwich Drive Grade 8 – 12 girls to be fetched at 1.00pm (Week 2) No Action Netball matches Indoor Hockey at Maris Stella: Times TBC Touch Rugby at College Rovers: Starts at 2.45pm  PTA Meeting at 5.30pm   Marc Hardwick Guardian Talk in School Hall at 6.00pm. All welcome.  School Mass at 7.00am. All welcome.  Grade 10 & 11 Exams begin  Don’t forget your fruit and sandwiches for the Sandwich Drive  Grade 8 – 12 girls to be fetched at 1.45 pm (Week 2)  Golf vs Westville Girls’ High at Kloof Country Club at 3.00pm OUR LADY OF FATIMA DCS ● Volume 4, 24 October 2014, Issue 3 ● [email protected] ● (031) 563-5390
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