EDITORIAL I can’t believe that this is the tenth magazine of the year and that I will need to start preparing letters for all of our loyal advertisers to sort out spaces for 2015. We have some more new businesses this month as The Barn reopens at Aingers Green or maybe you need help with Maths tuition. Just turn to page 38 for full information. Autumn arrived briefly in August with perfect conditions for the mushroom crop on the Green to emerge. It is truly amazing what the hunter/gatherer can acquire whilst walking on this 43 acre site. Hazelnuts, wild cherry or gean, mulberries, fungi, cherry plums, and even a few grapes to entice the passing dog walker, all in season. The hedgerows this year are laden with berries and I cannot ever remember such a productive blackberry harvest. Harvest Festival at St Mary’s will be on 12th October this year, details inside. Allotment rents are due on 29th September, Michaelmas, and there are bound to be a few plots available so why not give it a try? Just contact the Parish Clerk to reserve your space. The Village Show was amazing this year with some really top quality exhibits. Many thanks to the Show Committee for all their hard work, to the exhibitors, without whom there would be no Show and to Lynda and her team for the ever popular Dog Show. Similarly the Flower and Art Festival was another popular venue with many talented creations on view and tasty refreshments too. Congratulations to Bentley Green Players and in particular to Sarah White (Alice) and Amanda Powell (Vicar of Dibley) who were suitably rewarded for their performances, see page 13. We are all looking forward to January 2015 I am sure. The Barn Café reopens shortly and we wish Julie good luck with this venture. As with farming having to diversify so rural businesses often apply this technique in different ways. One of our former advertisers was Tendring Post Office which was also a wonderful shop and Deli. It closed some while ago now but The Fat Goose at Tendring has risen to the challenge and will now incorporate a Coffee Lounge and Deli to its award winning restaurant. See page 22. We await this new development with anticipation. 2014 CONTENTS Editorial .. .. .. 1 Letters .. .. .. .. 2 Church Services .. .. 3 Church Rotas .. .. 4 Thank You .. .. .. 6 Deadline .. .. .. 7 Police News .. .. .. 8 Carnival News .. .. 9 Letters to the Editor .. .. 10 Bus Timetable .. .. 11 Dog Show Results .. .. 12 Peter’s Potterings .. .. 14 Show Cups and Trophies .. 15 Surgery News.. .. 16 .. Pet’s Corner .. .. .. 17 Wildlives .. .. .. 18 Running Club .. .. .. 19 Quiz .. .. 21 .. .. 22 Clubs & Organisations .. 24 District Councillor Notes .. 25 Children’s Page .. 26 .. .. Cookery Corner. .. Cricket Club .. .. .. 27 Last month our collating team was severely depleted with only eight people there for the first three quarters of an hour. We are all volunteers some of whom attend every month without fail and others who come along as and when they are able. It may surprise you to learn that we print the front cover on our own colour printer and the text on a separate black and white printing machine. We currently produce 960 copies and that’s an awful lot of paper. WE REALLY DO NEED YOUR HELP. If you could spare some time we would love to see you. Please consider giving us a hand. Parish Council .. .. 28 Pre-School .. .. .. 29 Nature Notes .. .. .. 31 Farming Diaries .. .. 32 History Society .. .. 33 School .. .. 34 Wind Turbine Update .. 36 Hope you enjoy another 38 page magazine, for the second month running. (We have never ever had such full editions. Thank you everyone. Football .. 37 .. .. .. FRONT COVER Mary Maskell PS. Barn Owls have had a BRILLIANT year and I hope there will be space next month to tell you all about it. Great Bentley Show DISCLAIMER Neither the Church Wardens, Parochial Church Council, nor the Editor take responsibility for the information given or views expressed in the Great Bentley Parish News. Nor is any culpability accepted in work undertaken by advertisers. 1 The Monthly Letter October 2014 Dear Friends, October, Autumn, - �Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’. I have always said that I have looked forward to the autumn of my life, when I might have learnt a few lessons and so learnt to live more �mellowly’ and perhaps enjoy the fruits of earlier labour. Now I have reached the �grand old age’ of 64, nearly 65, I wonder just how many, if any, lessons I have learnt and I am certainly not sitting back and doing nothing other than reflect on my life’s work! But then 60 is the new 40 I am told! Whatever age we are, God has lessons to teach us and in order to keep growing we need to heed them. In groups, in organisations, in church even, the old adage �If we do not change we die’ rings true. Learning from what has gone before and building on it we have to adapt to the world around us, living in the present in a way that lays down solid foundations for what is to come, in this life or the next. Perhaps you know the parable Jesus told of the two men, one of whom built his house upon the sand and when the wind came it fell down, while the other built his on solid rock. Much harder to start with - imagine digging the foundations for that one! However when the strongest wind blew it remained firm. Where are the foundations for your life and will they stand strong for this life and the next? Wishing you every blessing in your life-building! Your friend and Priest Pat Fund raising event at Gt Bentley Church 5th - 7th December 2014 A weekend of celebration and reflection with cribs large, small and 'living', from different sections of the community. As you know we are having a Christmas Crib Festival at Great Bentley Church. I am trying to make sure that I do not leave out any group or person or business who are part of this community. The idea is that we each display a crib which if possible in some way reflects who we are. It does not have to be large and indeed you may well have one already which could be put to use. The idea has come from Greccio in Italy , where St Francis first brought together a living crib in the 1200’s, with real sheep, oxen etc. Now there are displays of cribs from all over the world there as people reflect on what it means for God to become man in Jesus Christ. Do join in the fun – for once there is no funding being asked for! I look forward to receiving your form and I will then send you further details. Crib Festival Great Bentley Church 5th- 7th December 2014 I/We would like to put a manger scene (crib) into the Festival Name of group/ individual/family Address .. .. Tel no . Email PLEASE RETURN FORM TO REV CANON PAT PRESTNEY 2, CEDAR WAY GREAT BENTLEY BEFORE NOVEMBER 20TH 2 CHURCH SERVICES AND EVENTS IN GREAT BENTLEY DURING OCTOBER METHODIST ST MARY’S CHURCH CHURCH NEWS SUNDAY 5th OCTOBER - TRINITY 16 9.30am Sung Eucharist & Sunday School Mon 6th 10am Support in Loss Session Tues 7th 7.30pm �Holding On’ Course Vestry Room Wed 8th 10am Morning Prayer 7.30pm PCC Meeting, Vestry Room SUNDAY 12th - HARVEST FESTIVAL 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Service 3.30pm Family Church Tues 14th 7.30pm �Holding On’ Course Wed 15th 10am Morning Prayer SUNDAY 19th - TRINITY 18 9.30am Sung Eucharist Tues 21st 7.30pm �Holding On’ Course Wed 22nd 10am Morning Prayer SUNDAY 26th - BIBLE SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Eucharist Wed 29th 10am Morning Prayer HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday 12th October We need help to decorate the church on Friday 10th October Please bring along tinned or packaged food as these will be donated to the Food Bank. We welcome you to worship with us during October. Morning worship will be held at 10am unless otherwise stated. The leaders of worship are set out below:October 5th October 12th October 19th October 26th Rev John Robinson Chapel Anniversary Rev Crawford Logan Sacrament The Church Stewards Gill Bavister Our Windows Appeal Thanks to all who have responded to this appeal. We are encouraging those who would like to support us, to give a donation. It’s a big project! Thank you! Coffee Morning in September: we raised £140 for Christian Aid. Many thanks for all who supported this event. Next Coffee Morning 3rd October from 10am proceeds for Church Funds. Fund raising for the Banso Hospital in Cameroon. The service on 31st August, taken by Catherine, was followed by a fund raising meal which raised £175. Many thanks to all who supported this event. Our 5 star kitchen! We are very proud of Brenda and her tremendous team who have once again been awarded the highest rating for their hygiene and food safety standards by TDC. Cameo 6th October 6.30pm. A simple meal followed by a talk by Rev. Crawford Logan. Parent & Toddlers This will NOT take place on 9th because our halls are being used for voting on election day. Chapel Anniversary You will see that our previous minister Rev John Robinson will lead our worship and share in the celebratory lunch. Messy Church After school on Tuesday, 14th October from about 3.30 to 5.00p.m. This is aimed at parents and carers and their children. We have activities on a Christian theme and a simple meal together. Luncheon Club 14th and 28th October If you would like to come along to the Luncheon Club please ring 251330 and talk to Brenda. Transport can be arranged to help those unable to get to the Methodist Church. Each week the following events are held at our Church. Ring these numbers for more information Luncheon Club: Alternate Tuesdays 12 Noon 251330 Parent & Toddlers: Group Thursdays 9-15 a.m. 250431 Adventurers: Fridays 7 p.m. 250087. Year 3 to year 6 pupils 7pm to 8.30pm Secondary school 7pm to 9.15pm We host the Village Teen Youth Club on alternate Thursdays during term times. 3 OCTOBER PRAYER TIME ST MARY’S CHURCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SIDESPERSONS ROTA Sunday 5th Trinity 16 Sidespersons Intercessions Jackie & David Thimbleby Jackie Thimbleby Sunday 12th Harvest Festival Sidespersons Intercessions George Wright & family Sunday School Sunday 19th Trinity 18 Sidespersons Intercessions Chris Aplin & Carol Kerridge Chris Aplin Sunday 26th Bible Sunday Sidespersons Intercessions Ben & Angela Wright Nicky Justice CLEANING ROTA 4th Doctors Keeble Court Family Church Sycamore Place The lonely Morella Close Messy Church Linnet Way Housebound Laburnham Close St Helena’s Hospice St Mary’s Close The vicar The Green The grieving Hollybush Hill Churchwardens Shair Lane Methodist Minister Weeley Road The sick Woodgreen Estate Sunday School Sycamore Close Premature babies Elm Close Church Stewards St Mary’s Road Adventurer’s Club Flagship Park Robin Close Air Ambulance St John Ambulance Alcoholics ~Anonymous Explorer Scouts Salvation Army Parent & Toddlers District Nurses Clacton Dis. Stroke Ass. Macmillan nurses Beaver Club Primary School Blood donors Samaritans Alzheimer Society Cub Scouts Childline Children’s Hospice Joseph Court Epilepsy Support Group Brownies Teen Talk Fair Trade MIND First Responders Rainbow Guides Action for Children Clacton Soup Run Local Food Bank Essex Vol. Ass for the blind Explorer Scouts Victim Support Sylvia Adams & Rosemary Newman ST MARY’S CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL & ART EXHIBITION 11th Wendy Smith & Beverley Adams 18th Pat Nunn & Rita Baverstock 25th Linda Hayes COFFEE ROTA 5th Carole & Peter Allington A very big thank you to all the flower arrangers, artists and everyone who helped in any way manning the stalls and in the kitchen over the Flower Festival and Art Exhibition weekend. It was an extremely successful weekend and many visitors said how much they enjoyed the floral displays and pictures. We realised over £1,600 for Church funds. Peter Allington, Hilary Harris & Rita Coles Organisers 12th Pat Nunn & Eve Hickley ANSWERS TO THE FLOWER QUIZ �ISLANDS OF THE WORLD’ 19th Rosemary & David Branch 26th Stephanie Sadler & Maria Pagram BRIGHTLINGSEA FARMERS’ MARKET Saturday 25th October 9am - 12 noon Brightlingsea Community Centre Lower Park Road 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Gt Bentley Guides Hawaii Rainbows Easter Island Gt Bentley Show Prince Edward Island Bentley in Bloom Christmas Island Parish Magazine Phuket Gardening Society Alcatraz Bellringers Mouse Island Conservation Group Great Britain Art Club Alcatraz Sunday School Jersey Carnival Association Lindisfarne (Holy Island) Evergreen Friendship Club Isle of Wight Women’s Institute Mersea Island Friends of the Green Madeira Football Club Isle of Wight Methodist Church Japan Bentley Green Players Isle of Arran The winner was Christine Plummer. 4 CHURCHCARE AND CHURCH TIMES PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION Capture the worship or community activities taking place at your church ChurchCare, in association with the Church Times, is calling photographers of all ages and experience to take part in a competition to celebrate and capture the vast array of worship and community activities that take place within the Church of England’s church buildings and churchyards. The idea is to focus on church activities, rather than buildings - people, not just places. We’re looking for images which reveal any kind of human interaction within church spaces. There are three categories: 1. 2. 3. Worship and prayer: Community activities: “Chelfie” (you, your church and its people). This is for all ages. For the two main categories, entries will be separated into two age groups - those under 16, and those aged 16 and over. Entries will be judged on their composition, creativity and impact and must include people. There will be separate prizes for images of worship and prayer, and images of community use. Entrants may submit a maximum of three images in each category (only one prize per person) which should be submitted via email to [email protected] with a completed entry form (available from www.churchcare.co.uk). Images must be jpegs, and at least 300dpi and 3 mega-bytes in size, and be submitted with the date taken and name of the church. The deadline for entries will be 31st October 2014. The judging panel - formed of the Chair of the Church Buildings Council, the Editor and Features Editor of the Church Times and Eamon McCabe, the Picture Editor of the Observer - will meet in November and winners will be contacted shortly after. With thanks to the Church Times, up to five first prizes will be awarded of £150 each. Winners will be recognised in print in the Church Times and featured on the websites and social media of both ChurchCare and the Church Times. See website www.churchcareco.uk for further details. A Time to Remember As has been the custom in the past we have a special service at Great Bentley Church on Sunday November 2nd at 4.00pm so we can remember those who have died and who we pray are now in God’s nearer presence. This is often particularly relevant for those who have experienced bereavement in the last year, but it is not only for those families, but for anyone who would like to light a candle or have a candle lit on their behalf for their loved ones who have died. You do not have to have had the funeral at this church or indeed any church. All are welcome. Please just fill in the form below and send it back to me by October 25th. There will be a cup of tea afterwards in the Vestry Room. You might also like to know that some of us meet regularly at the Support in Loss Session (SILS) on the first Monday of every month from 10.00-11.30, again in the Vestry Room at the back of Great Bentley church. No need to book in – just turn up! Rev Pat Prestney Name .. I am remembering . .. I will be present and would like to light the candle myself I will be present but would like someone else to light the candle for me I am unable to be present but would like a candle lit 5 MS-UK Wellness Centre Joseph’s Court Ride 100 6th September 2014 Animal Bedding The month of August is usually a quiet time for donations of bedding with the school holidays and people away so we quite expected not to be able to make any deliveries. However we did in fact receive a fairly large quantity of bedding which included two big bags of beautifully knitted blankets thus allowing us to take supplies to the Colne Valley Animal Rescue. Margaret is in her eighties now but continues to battle on under what are extremely basic conditions. It’s a very exposed environment which does not fair well particularly in wet weather. We do worry about Margaret and her situation but she is a very determined lady committed to the life she has known for so many years. She was thrilled with the bedding we took which would very quickly have been put into use. Another recipient was Brenda in Alresford whom we visited on a Sunday morning with a good share of the knitted blankets plus tea towels. In common with all cat rescues she is inundated with kittens, some of them arriving with their mother but sadly too many found abandoned and in a pathetic state. One tiny kitten was asleep on the old sofa in Brenda’s conservatory and was then joined by one of her siblings. A stray cat had been found and taken in not realising that she had given birth which then prompted a search for her babies who when found were in a very weak condition. Brenda took in two and the remainder went to a foster home. They were in need of fluids which had to be administered under the skin, poor little darlings, but lucky to be in safe hands. Every room in Brenda’s bungalow is required to accommodate the constant flow of cats and kittens that arrive on a daily basis, as well as her conservatory and the outside accommodation. Many years of experience has equipped Brenda with the ability to know whether a prospective new home is the right one with the right people and she judges each one on its own merit holding her in good stead. We did not stay long as she was expecting people who having earlier chosen a kitten were returning with a suitable pet carrier without which Brenda does not let them go. It is vital that kittens both male and female are neutered. Kittens can become pregnant from four months old and many people do not realise that brothers and sisters will produce kittens if they live together unneutered. Some will have an unwanted litter which is contributing to a cat population crisis in the UK. Neutering male cats prevents them from fathering kittens whilst he is out and about and less likely to fight thus reducing his chances of getting Feline AIDS (FIV) which is spread by bites. Neutering also makes your cat less likely to roam and lessen his chances of getting hit by a car and less likely to spray urine in the home. We are always grateful to receive suitable clean bedding including blankets, throws, sheets, duvet covers, fleeces, sleeping bags and towels/tea towels but not duvets, cushions or pillows. To our �ladies who knit’ the fruits of your labours never cease to create squeals of delight from the staff responsible for the care of the cats at all the rescues, they are always whisked away to make up lovely cosy fresh beds for their fortunate feline recipients! Your continued thoughtfulness and support helps to keep our spirits up when we see the plight of so many creatures in need and for this we give our heartfelt thanks. Judy & Alan Bishop, 5 Morella Close, 251702 It was a fantastic day with over 20 of us partaking in the RIDE 100, many of us had our family and friends there to support and to help motivate us. The atmosphere in the wellness centre was buzzing; we all cheered one another on and celebrated each individual’s personal achievements. The aim was for us to collectively ride 100 miles, and we smashed our target by achieving 200miles! Most, if not all, of us beat our personal bests. My target was to reach 10miles, which would beat my PB; I managed to cycle a total of 10.7miles. The estimated total money raised for this event is approximately £4500, which will go towards improving the wellness centre’s facilities. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of those who sponsored me; my personal total looks to be over £570! I will let you know the full amount next month, when I’ve collected all the money. I would just like to say HUGE Thank you to all of the people who sponsored me, you have contributed towards helping a brilliant organisation that has improved my life, (and many others) immensely. If you didn’t get the chance to sponsor me and would like to it’s not too late... You can contact me on 01206 252387 Thank you all once again. Yvonne Gibson P.S You can see photos of us all hard at work on the Josephs Court Facebook page. Find us on Facebook. Josephs Court, MS-UK Centre of Excellence Thank you very much to the Bentley in Bloom team for making our village look so beautiful this last summer. The display near the village sign was particularly spectactular. Barbara Fookes Roy Mead I would like to thank all my kind friends and neighbours of Great Bentley, for their generous donations in memory of my dear husband Roy. Many thanks also to my family, friends from Woods pensioners club, not forgetting our friends from the dancing club who were always there for us. A total of £692 was collected and given to the Hospice as a thank you for all the love and care that was given to Roy in the last week of his life. Thanking you all for your care and kindness. Doreen, Roger, Mandy & family Michael (Mick) Baxter Heather and family would like to thank everyone for their kind donations towards St Helena Hospice which amounted to £730. Thank you all. Heather 6 Fashion Show MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES St Helena Hospice is delighted to announce that they will be holding a Fashion Show on Friday 17th October at the St Helena Hospice Tendring Centre, Jackson Road, Clacton-on-Sea, with doors opening at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Wednesday visits fornightly Great Bentley October 8, 22 ... This exciting event will showcase designer and fabulous top brand fashion, with the sale of clothes and accessories following the fashion show helping to support people in the local community. Tickets cost £7, which will include cheese and wine, and can be purchased online at sthelenahospice.org.uk/fashion14. Tickets will also be available on the door, space permitting. NEXT YEARS CATEGORIES FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION OF THE GREAT BENTLEY SHOW Naughty but nice • Reflections • What a mess! • Whatever the weather • Wild & beautiful • Hanging Around • Open (any subject) Leaves Birch Avenue 13.30 13.50 Hall View Road 13.55 14.20 Larkfield Road 14.25 15.25 The Paddocks 15.45 16.00 Crossroads triangle 16.05 16.45 Aingers Green Follow us online at: facebook.com/sthelenahospice and twitter.com/sthelenahospice • Arrives Church Rabbit Many dog walkers, churchgoers and wedding couples may remember a few black rabbits that were loose in the Churchyard. I managed to capture one and named him Spirit, unfortunately the others just disappeared. Sadly Spirit has now died aged 7+1/2 which made him over 70 in human years. He had a good life with me, some rabbit friends for company and free to explore the garden not cooped up in a small hutch all day. He was quite a character and would often come indoors from the garden with his friend Sky to boss the cats who were scared of him but I wouldn’t recommend trusting all cats with a pet rabbit. I miss him a lot but now Sky has taken over as top pet, the cats have learnt not to mess with a small Dutch rabbit with attitude who packs a nasty kick and painful bite to the backside of a retreating cat. Mandy Miles DEADLINE FOR THE November magazine Wednesday 15th OCTOBER Material to Mary Maskell, Caldew Cottage, The Green, 250524 Please mark all material - “Parish Magazine” email: [email protected] AND [email protected] IMPORTANT - PLEASE SEND ALL INFORMATION TO BOTH OF US Great Bentley Website: www.greatbentleyparishcouncil.co.uk 7 Great Bentley Neighbourhood Policing Police Community Support Officer Louise Cox Below is a breakdown of reported incidents for the month of August Road Related -1 A vehicle was located in a ditch on the green – the driver was arrested for motoring offences. FLYTIPPING IF you witness anyone fly tipping you should gather as much information as possible. The type of rubbish being dumped, where and when it was dumped, then contact your local authority (normally the Environmental Protection Department). If the amount being dumped is a very large quantity then you should report the matter to the Environment Agency, National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC): 08708 506 506. The Environment Agency 0800 807060. If there is a large amount being dumped there and then, please contact the police with as much information as possible including descriptions of the people, vehicles involved and a registration. Hare Coursing – 1 Rtc – 1 Two vehicle rtc just outside Aingers Green Nuisance Communications – 1 Silent 999 – 1 Assault – 1 Concern for Welfare 1 Concern for the welfare of an elderly resident – dealt with by ambulance Theft 2 from *Property removed from the glove box and rear seat of an insecure vehicle. A catalytic converter was removed from a vehicle SPEEDING I recently received complaints about speeding in the area of Aingers Green particularly through to the back lanes and back into the village causing a danger to children playing and dog walkers. Both my colleagues and I have been conducting random speed checks throughout this area over the last few weeks. Apart from a handful of drivers who were found to be exceeding the speed limit along Plough Road the majority were driving in accordance with the speed limit. I will continue to conduct these checks as I am fully aware that speeding does occur at different times throughout the day and evenings. Speed checks are also being carried out on Wednesday evenings whilst the bikers arrive and disperse through the village. Theft of a pedal cycle -1 A pedal cycle was left securely locked at the train station on return the bike had been removed by cutting a lock. Theft of Vehicle – 1 A vehicle was left parked in Station Road and was stolen. Criminal Damage -1 Damage was found to a motor scooter which had been left parked in Plough Road area. POLICE SURGERIES A Beat Surgery has been set up in Great Bentley in the foyer of the Village Hall, Plough Road to enable you to have face to face contact with a member of your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to discuss policing concerns you have within your community. The surgery has been scheduled to take place on a weekly basis and it is our intention to honour each one. However there may be occasions when an officer is not in attendance for logistical reasons or incidents and in these circumstances I would encourage you to contact your local officer in one of the following ways.. Neighbourhood Beat Mobile .07801316876 Non-emergency number 101 or via the Essex police website. In the case of an emergency dial 999 If you have any concerns, issues that you would like to bring to my attention, this is on a one to one basis please feel free to drop in for a chat. I will be holding sessions that will be held every Tuesday starting from 23rd September at 11.0012.00hrs in the foyer at the Village Hall, Plough Road. METAL CAN RECYCLING The metal can bank has been reintroduced in Station Road Please make use of this facility whenever possible 8 Great Bentley Youth Club Dates for Youth club for the rest of 2014. They are as follows all at 7pm to 9pm:23rd October, 13th November, 27th November and 11th December Just to remind you that the Club is open for all young people of Secondary School age and is held at the Methodist Church on alternate Thursdays. We apologise for the inconvenience but Youth Club on the 9th October will be cancelled due to the Hall being used as a Polling Station for the local elections. THE VILLAGE SHOW- from the Acting Chairman I believe we achieved our aim to provide you with a very good display of rural activities. It was most important to continue with a marquee full of local produce from our gardens and allotments and a show of the hobbies and arts &crafts we create. I am told we are one of the few remaining village shows to keep a traditional marquee going and the only one in the Eastern Region. Many have discontinued through expense or the effort it takes to organise. However, to see the stunning arrangements in the tent and the happy look on faces of all ages make it all worthwhile. Those who attended the Show may have read the programme and my note of appreciation to an excellent committee. I hope you agree they produced a first class afternoon for us all. What I would like to add post-event is a special thanks to all those people who just appear over the weekend and “offer a hand” and become part of the team. There are too many to name in person and to miss anyone would be wrong but you know who you are. So to those helpful members of the community in whatever capacity you made yourself available – be it putting up tents & tables, escorting judges, helping a colleague, providing technical support, providing the workers with tea (lots), organising or clearing up THANK YOU so much. The title of Vice-President of the Show is not fully understood. You do not have to be on the committee or organise anything. It is purely a Title to hold and by joining approximately 70 others you guarantee the Show’s future as we do have bills to pay. Next year we will ask you to make a small donation of £10 minimum per person. We keep you informed of Show plans and provide you with a free programme and entrance to the marquee. The VP’s I have spoken to are happy just to be proud contributors, investing in our unique village culture. In June we all get together for a relaxed social event kindly sponsored by our President. If you are interested please drop the slip below into Richard & Dorothy Nowak. And, if you would like to join our team of Show organisers please let me know. Note for diaries - Saturday 5th September 2015! Thank you again everyone who organised or attended the Show in whatever capacity – great effort! David Flinn B.E.M. Acting Chairman& Show Publicity Tel: 251485 See our website at: www.greatbentleyshow.co.uk To: Richard & Dorothy Nowak, Fairfield, The Path, Great Bentley, CO7 8PN I/We would like to become a Vice President(s) and look forward to more information. Name: .................................................................. Address: .................................................................................................................................. Post Code.................................Tel No:................................................................... 9 The Turbine Debate LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Having read the first class article in September’s magazine on page 18, how the public are kept in the dark about problems with wind turbines, it brought to mind an article I read in the Daily Express on 25th August, Wind Farms are being paid £70 million to close down as the electricity generated is not needed, so not only are we paying to have these monstrosities erected but also paying owners not to produce electricity. Also I understand from somebody who works in the industry that the maintenance costs for our offshore wind farms are high due to faulty gear boxes etc. I wonder what will happen in the future as they age? My main concern is the thought of having one of these hideous structures overshadowing our village. It seems to me the only people to gain from these things are greedy wind farm owners and greedy land owners. Yours faithfully, Mr D. Nixon We are unable to publish anonymous letters unless the identity of the writer is revealed to the Editor. CALLING ALL SINGERS After the success we had last year we invite you, once again, to the scratch choir. This year the Festival of 9 lessons and carols is on Sunday 21st December at St Mary’s Church, Great Bentley at 6.30pm. We would like to invite any interested singers to join us at 2pm on 21st December in the church. We will practice in the afternoon and then sing at the service. No experience necessary and you don’t have to attend church to be involved. If you are interested can you please ring me so I can get some idea of numbers. Thank you. Fiona Bodmer - 01206 251321 Dear Editor, The magazine gave the impression that the bus did not go to Aingers Green, but turned around at the station. It still goes to Aingers Green, picking folk up who have appointments at Great Bentley Surgery. I’m not alone in being confused. Monday 8th September when I went to Colchester folks were complaining about the bus time changes, especially not going into the Hospital. It means catching another bus and the long walk into the Hospital. According to the bus driver, Horizon buses were going back to the �Knowledge Road’ route past the University. Again, as before, he stopped for the University students but they never boarded the bus. I gather they have passes issued by the University. The bus driver gave the name of the people to complain to: Traffic Commissioner, East of England, East Brook Cambs. CB2 5BF WELCOME AND FAREWELL After 46 years living in St Mary’s Close, Aingers Green, Wendy and Michael Fitzgibbon have moved to Weeley and we welcome Jacqui Vags. We hope you are all happy in your new homes. Polite Request from struggling mature student Any Spanish learners out there who would like to practise their speaking skills. Totally informal, perhaps a coffee and a natter from time to time. John Evans, Guywood, Plough Road 01296 256491 WORK TO 7O. OH NO! Several, including me, copied it down. The bus still picks up outside the bookmakers in the High Street. At last the bus number is now on view. O dear me I thought at 65 I’d be free! To slog to work no more That daily chore. At 65 a pension, oh no~! It seems to 70 I must go. To get my pension, into work I wobble I am causing the Government, trouble. We at 65 living too long. To pay at 65 a pension, to them seems wrong. Forget not, we’ve paid in for it Why should the Government, grab it. So vote for me. Douglas Gibbs No information from Horizon buses was received by the Editor or our Transport Rep. A phone call from a passenger resulted in a timetable being given for publication and this arrived 12 days after the deadline when the magazine was complete and ready to print. We therefore included a minimum amount of information. Apologies for any confusion. A full timetable is published this month on page 11. D. Gibbs 10 NEW BUS TIMETABLE (No bus on Saturdays) Mondays to Fridays (excluding Public and Bank holidays) To Colchester Aingers Green, St Mary’s Road 07.30 09.00 10.30 Railway Station 07.34 09.04 10.34 Sturrick Lane 07.38 09.08 10.38 Frating, Kings Arms 07.44 09.14 10.44 Elmstead Market 07.48 09.18 10.48 University of Essex 07.53 09.23 10.53 Greenstead Rd, Tesco 07.57 09.27 10.57 Colchester, Queen St 08.03 09.33 11.03 Colchester, Osborne St 08.05 09.35 11.05 Colchester, Head St 08.08 09.38 11.08 From Colchester High St, Hippodrome Greenstead Rd, Tesco University of Essex Elmstead Market Frating Kings Arms Sturrick Lane Railway Station Aingers Green St Mary’s Road 08.12 08.20 08.25 08.31 08.36 08.41 08.43 08.47 09.42 09.50 09.55 10.01 10.06 10.11 10.13 10.17 11.12 11.20 11.25 11.31 11.36 11.41 11.43 11.47 W.J. Evans. Guywood, Plough Road 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.14 14.18 14.23 14.27 14.33 14.35 14.38 15.30 15.34 15.38 15.44 15.48 15.53 15.57 16.03 16.05 16.08 17.00 17.04 17.08 17.14 17.18 17.23 17.27 17.33 17.35 17.38 12.42 12.50 12.55 13.01 13.06 13.11 13.13 13.17 14.42 14.50 14.55 15.01 15.06 15.11 15.13 15.17 16.12 16.20 16.25 16.31 16.36 16.41 16.43 16.47 17.42 17.50 17.55 18.01 18.06 18.11 18.13 18.17 Watershed at Home does Christmas! THE GRANITE POST CONCLUSION Last May, a granite post situated on the corner of my property was uprooted by a delivery lorry. The truck, delivering goods to Tesco Express in Great Bentley was one of a fleet of vehicles owned by Palmer and Harvey of Brandon, Suffolk. It clearly struck the post when reversing. The driver, fully aware of what had happened decided to drive off. I posted a poem in the Parish Magazine, sung to the hymn “Men of Harlech” and wrote letters, sent e-mails and made several phone calls to the company regarding the damage. All to no avail. More recently however I have been in contact with the Transport Manager of the company, a gentleman by the name of Mr Paulo Sezulfe who, following his thorough investigation of the matter, has apologised to me for the collision. Furthermore, the company Palmer and Harvey has generously donated £300 to Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, a charity in desperate need of funding. I wish to make public my thanks to Mr Sezulfe for his cooperation in this matter, his understanding of my plight and his commitment to seeking an honourable solution, Palmer and Harvey and in, particular, Mr Sezulfe, I applaud you. 12.00 12.04 12.08 12.14 12.18 12.23 12.27 12.33 12.35 12.38 www.watershedstudio.co.uk Watershed Studio is branching out from its usual art courses. This November we will be running three new taster courses suitable for people with a little or no previous machine and hand sewing experience. Next year we hope to progress to soft furnishing, making clothes, hand sewn curtains, shabby chic upcycling and decorative paint finishes – the list is endless and will be demand led. There will be a choice of projects on each Saturday and you can do as many as you want, depending on how quickly you work. Each is an individual course and you can attend any one, two or three sessions! Saturday 1st November – Christmas stocking, present sacks and padded hearts Saturday 8th November – Christmas table runner, bunting and aprons Saturday 22nd November – Cushions, Christmas or otherwise! Each day runs from 10am to 3pm approx. with a short lunch break. Cost £40 You will have a professional teacher, receive group and individual tuition supported by hand-outs For more information ring Allison Bond on 01255 820466 or email [email protected] Watershed Studio, St Clere’s Hall Lane, St Osyth, Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO16 8RX 11 Great Bentley Show Companion Dog Show Results 2014 We had a really wonderful afternoon and it was good to see so many people and their dogs attend the show; it was especially pleasing, as always, to see many residents bring their pet dogs to the show and great to see everyone obviously enjoying the atmosphere of the whole event. There were 95 dogs entered into the various classes with 234 entries. Thank you to our judge, J “Burt” Weedon, who so obviously enjoyed his afternoon with us; with such large numbers in the novelty classes he still managed to finish the judging in good time. My grateful thanks go to all my very busy team of helpers, to Lesley Shipp, Donna Morphew, Helen McWilliams and Brooke Wingrove, where would we be without your generous help, thank you; also a big thank you to those kind folks who helped put up the gazebo this year. The winners of each class were; Pedigree Classes Best Puppy Sporting Best Any Variety Non Sporting Open Mr Mills – Scottie - Tula Mrs S Cracknells - Hungarian Vizsla - Treacle Ms Gabuthes – Miniature Schnauzer Jimmy Richardsons - Whippet - Flash Best in Show Reserve Best in Show Best Puppy Best Opposite Sex Jimmy Richardsons – Whippet - Flash Mrs S Cracknells - Hungarian Vizsla - Treacle Mr Mills – Scottie - Tula Ms Gabuthes – Miniature Schnauzer Novelty Classes Best Veteran Best Child Handler Best Crossbreed/Mongrel Best Rescue Dog Dog most like its owner Prettiest Bitch Handsome Dog Dog with the Waggiest Tail Dog in best Condition Dog the judge would like to take home Best Novelty Mia Hughes – xBreed - Rosie Armanis – Pug - Polly Miss Charltons - Lexi T Van Roayens – Jack Russell - Diesel Kay Lillingtons – Australian Shepherd - Dash Miss Charltons – Volpino Italiano – Sparkles Causims – Golden Retriever - Lara Working Spaniel - Chester Lorraine Jessops - Pekinese - Leila Mia Hughes – xBreed - Rosie Mia Hughes – xBreed - Rosie Thank you to everyone, and the four legged competitors for taking part and making this such a great event again this year; it was amazing to see the number of people around the ring bringing such enthusiasm and encouragement to the show, and of course well done and congratulations to all the winners. Lynda McWilliams Companion Dog Show Organiser and Deputy Chairman of the Great Bentley Show Winter Table Tennis HEY MAC Starting Oct 1st and every Wednesday morning 10 – 12 Village Hall – Michael Wright Room Great fun and exercise for all you recently retired folk (And you know who you are) We have spare bats and balls So just turn up and give it a go It’s Charity Quiz Night Time! Plough Inn Monday 3rd November 8.00pm start. Teams of up to six players @ £2.50 per player. All proceeds in support of Macmillan Nurses (Specialists in cancer care at home and in hospitals) Raffle prize donations would be appreciated Tom (Quiz master) 12 Bulletin from the Belfrey BENTLEY GREEN PLAYERS This month has been a notable one for the bell ringers as it is 15 years since the current band got together to learn the ancient art. The band formed in 1999 and was able to ring to celebrate the dawn of the new millennium on January 1st 2000. The current band formed as a result of a group of people making a decision that they would like to learn. Since then, the church bells have been rung for all church services. In addition, the bells have rung out to celebrate weddings, festivals and village events. Occasionally, the bells are rung as a mark of respect to a person who has died and are always rung on Remembrance Sunday in memory of soldiers who have died in the line of duty. On such occasions, a leather pad is fitted to one side of each clapper so as to create a muffled echoing effect. On Saturday the 6th September a ¼ peal of plain bob doubles was rung by the band pictured below to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the current band. North Essex Theatre Guild Awards – 2013/14 Last month I was pleased to report the nominations the group had received for its performances of “The Vicar of Dibley” and “Blood Brothers”. We are pleased to announce that Sarah White, who played Alice Tinker in the Vicar of Dibley, was awarded Runner-up for Best Supporting Actress, and Amanda Powell who played Geraldine the Vicar was awarded Best Actress, at the Awards evening on Friday 12th September. Well Done and Congratulations to you both we are all so very proud of you. Lynda McWilliams Chairman on behalf of Bentley Green Players Tel No 01206 250732 e-mail [email protected] We always welcome new members to our group. If you are interested in joining us, we practice on Monday evenings at the church. ST OSYTH BRANCH OF THE BRITISH LEGION For more information please contact: Roger Carey-Smith 07974 711909 Mandy Miles 01206 251382 Are holding their AGM On Thursday 23rd October At 7.30pm in The St Osyth Village Hall Annexe. Anybody is welcome to come along and join us. We meet on the third Thursday of the month at the Working Men’s Club in St Osyth. Please contact Jim Bligh 01255 820161, Robert Morton 01255 224086 or Hazel Ruffell 01206 251111 if you need any more details. Bellinging Day Out A few months ago I wrote about Bellringing as an interesting friendly hobby with a chance to visit and ring in amazing places. Last month I went on a coach trip to London organised by a local ringer who catered for ringers and nonringers alike. The first church/tower we visited was St. James, Garlickhythe, a church with a lot of interesting architecture and a ring of 8 bells. These bells were on the barge that led the flotilla of boats up the river Thames for the Queens Diamond Jubillee celebrations. After lunch we made our way to a small gate at Buckingham Palace to embark on a tour of The State Rooms and garden (to be in awe was an understatement) followed by tea and cake on the patio before ambling through the garden to the waiting coach. On the way home we stopped at St George–In-The-East church/tower Cannon Street another ring of 8 bells. The main part of the church was destroyed in the Blitz then rebuilt in a modern design joined to the original tower which made it look quite odd but still a nice place to ring. I had a brilliant day out with a great group of friends for company. What more could you ask for? 13 conditions which is why you see a lot more of it on north facing walls and hardly any on south facing walls. It is also time to clear the borders of any remaining summer bedding plants, to enable you to finish planting the spring flowering varieties. The longer you leave it the colder the weather, the slower plant growth, and the longer it takes for the new plants to get well established before the colder days and frost of January and February. Similar to the lawns the type of fertiliser the plants need is a slow release type. Traditionally bone meal or any organic material such as compost help to build up the root system. I also use a small amount of the slow release granules. These release fertilizer at a rate determined by moisture and temperature, so they don’t make the foliage grow long and lush when it is likely to be zapped by frosts etc. It will also retain its goodness through the cold weather then let it go as spring warms up. Don’t forget to plant a few daffodils or tulips between your pansies or polyanthus, as these give a bit more height to your displays, and a good variety of colours is also available. Peter’s Potterings Now we move into the traditional season of mellow fruitfulness. Sounds very grand but really it denotes the end of the growing season and the ripening and gathering of the fruit and vegetables (and obviously includes all the farmers’ produce). In the past, the modern ways of preserving our home grown produce had not become common or even invented. 30 years or so ago how many of us had a freezer? Probably only the butcher had one. We had to make do with the traditional methods. How many of you remember stuffing fruit into kilner jars, covering with liquid, heating in the oven etc. etc. Today all we need to do is clean them up and put them in the freezer, and take them out as and when required. Apples were easier to store. We just put them into a large box of straw and put them somewhere cool to overwinter. The fruit needed to be checked to see if any were going rotten, but generally they kept for six months or so like this. Today the fruit is kept in temperature controlled conditions, and, I suspect, treated with something or other to help them keep longer. Anyway enough of this nostalgia - what should we be doing now? Earlier in the year most of us had lawns that looked like straw rather than grass. The rains in August/September greened the grass a lot, and also produced lots of fairy rings of toadstools on the Green. The rings often cause concern to the gardener but they can’t effectively be eradicated without digging up, changing the soil and re-seeding. The best solution is to give the lawn additional fertiliser to make the grass grow stronger, and I pick off the individual toadstools and destroy them while they are still small and have not sown their own seeds. Don’t put them onto your compost heap as this may well spread them elsewhere. Keep cutting the lawn grass as the growth dictates even right through the winter, but please raise the cutting height. Cutting the grass too short when frosts are about is asking for trouble. I shall also run a scarifier over my lawn to remove a lot of the dead grass caused by the July sun so that the new grass shoots have more room to grow. At the same time treat the lawn to an Autumn feed. This feed is a slow acting feed to build up the grass plants over the winter, as opposed to the fast acting green up ferilizers of the spring variety. The best cure for moss is not to keep on killing it, but to improve the soil conditions so the grass grows better than the moss. Improve the drainage. Using the garden fork make holes about 3 inches deep and 3 inches apart and brush sharp sand into them. This improves the drainage and keeps the soil dryer. Moss thrives in moist PETER ALLINGTON BENTLEY IN BLOOM All the pansies and polyanthus plugs have been potted on and are growing well. Please, if you want any pansies or polyanthus can you place your orders early. Delivery will be mid October. Prices of 6 pack pansies (mixed) £1.50; 6 packs Polyanthus (mixed) £2.25. Please phone: Peter Allington 251086 John & Jennie Moss 252182 Any surplus will be for sale on Saturday 25th October from the old village hall car park from 10.00am onwards. Clacton VCH Group Local History Day 2014 And the launch of a new book �Holland on Sea - A Record of the 20th Century’ Displays: Exhibition: Family History: Children’s Activities: Refreshments: Sales items: St James Church Hall, Tower Road, Clacton on Sea Saturday 4th October 10am - 4.30pm FREE ENTRY 14 GREAT BENTLEY SHOW CUPS AND TROPHIES Section 1 1 Allotment holders challenge rosette 2 Jack Wood Prize (£10) 3 Jack Wood Prize (£10) 4 The W.G. & E. Sharp Trophy 5 The Sturdy Trophy 6 The Ruth Sharp Memorial Trophy Best Allotment Collection Best Vegetable Exhibit Best Flower Exhibit Best Fuchsia Exhibit Best Exhibit Section 1 Most Points Section 1 Mary Maskell Shirley Weekes Mary Maskell Not Awarded Mary Maskell Mary Maskell Section II 7 Allotment Holders Challenge Rosette Best Allotment Collection Barry Layzell 8 The RHS Bronze Medal Best Exhibit Section II Andy Owens 9 The John F. Clark Memorial Trophy Most Points Vegetable Classes Barry Layzell 10 The Arthur Abrey Memorial Cup Bext Exhibit Fruit Classes Barry Layzell 11 The National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal Runner-up Dahlia Classes Robert Porter 12 The National Dahlia Society Silver Medal Best Exhibit Dahlia Classes Robert Porter 13 The Peter Duffield Trophy Most Points Dahlia Classes Robert Porter 14 The RHS Bronze Medal Best Exhibit Chrysanthemum Classes Andy Owens 15 The Ray Purdy Cup Most Points Chrysanthemum Classes Heather Baxter 16 Royal National Rose Society Bronze Medal Best Exhibit Rose Classes Andy Owens 17 The Frank Atthill Memorial Trophy Most Points Rose Classes Gillian Thomas 18 The Alfred Harvey Memorial Trophy Best Exhibit Fuchsia Jamie Gillett 19 The Evergreens Cup Best Exhibit Pot Plant Classes Jackie Pinner 20 The Bay Laurel Cup Most Points Pot Plant Classes Mrs T. Van Rooyen 21 The Jubilee Trophy Most Points Flower Classes excl. Dahlias Andy Owens 22 The Friends of the Green Cup Most Points Flower Classes incl. Dahlias Andy Owens 23 The Presidents Cup Most Points Section II Andy Owens 24 The RHS Banksian Medal Most Prize Money Section II Andy Owens Section III 25 The Chairmans Trophy 26 The Floral Art Trophy 27 The McWilliams Cup 28 The Great Bentley Flower Show Trophy 29 The Percy & Emma Abrey Trophy 30 The F.W. Fothergil Trophy 31 The Ross Cup 32 The Friends of the Green Cup 33 Mrs Kemp Memorial Trophy 34 The Harold Lambert Cup 35 London Camera Exchange Runner-up prize 36 London Camera Exchange First Prize Special Awards 37 M E Gibbon Memorial Challenge Trophy 38 Kathleen & Arthur Abrey Trophy 39 The Golden Jubilee Cup Best Exhibit Floral Art Most Points Floral Art Best Exhibit Cookery Classes Most Points Cookery Classes Best Exhibit Wine Classes Most Points Wine Classes Best Exhibit Handicraft Classes Most Points Handicraft Classes Best Exhibit Art Classes Most Points Art Classes Runner-up Photo Classes Adult Best Exhibit Photo Classes Adult Cindy Hardy Mrs P. Last Mrs Judy Bishop Dorothy Richer Dorothy Richer Michael Carrington Rebecca Justice Bronwyn Dunnett Nina Mortens Maurice Clarke Barry Layzell Tracy Wright Most Points in show exc. Sect I & IV Andy Owens GB Resident gaining most points in Show Adult Mary Maskell Most points overall - all ages All sections Andy Owens Children’s Section A The George Mitchell Cup Best Exhibit Judges Choice - Art B The Alison Lingard Memorial Cup Best Exhibit Judges Choice - Cookery C The Marjorie Mitchell Cup Best Exhibit Judges Choice - Craft D The Friends of the Green Trophy Best Exhibit in Classes 174-184 E The Longcroft Cup & London Exchange Prize Best Photo Exhibit Class 164 F The James Fookes Memorial Cup Best Exhibit in Classes 168 G The Kathleen Abrey Cup GB Resident Most Points under 5 years H The Friends of the Green Youth Cup GB Resident Most Points 5-7 years I The Aplin Cup GB Resident Most Points 8-11 years J The Fenwick Cup GB Resident Most Points 12-16 years K The Gt Bentley Show Children’s Award Most Points under 5 years L The Gt Bentley Show Children’s Award Most Points 5-7 years M The Gt Bentley Show Children’s Award Most Points 8-11 years N The Gt Bentley Show Children’s Award Most Points 12-16 years O The Great Bentley Show Cup Most Points gained in Children’s Classes 15 Rose Howlett Elizabeth Bodmer Annie Bayliss Ryan Christopher Hugo Arthy Sophie Wright Matthew Whyte Harriet Whyte Brielle Bird Elizabeth Bodmer Hugo Arthy Lucas Maskell Sophie Wright Not Awarded Matthew Whyte Surgery News IT’S FLU SEASON! By the time you read this, we will be well into the swing of trying to get as many of our 3,531 patients who are eligible for this year’s flu vaccination �jabbed’ (eligible children can now have theirs via a nasal spray). It’s always a mammoth task and all of our clinicians work their socks off to make sure as many patients as possible get their jabs before the spread of the flu virus takes hold. We are targeted by the Department of Health to get 75% of eligible patients vaccinated which is not easy, so we really do need everyone’s help to hit this. The list of criteria for eligibility is too long and complicated to list here, so if you think you might be eligible, call us on 01206 250691 to check and book your appointment. We have flu clinics set up for Friday evenings and Saturday mornings this year which should be convenient to more patients than ever. Finally, now the nights are drawing in, so come along to our Patient Participation Group meeting on Thursday 16th Oct at 6.30pm at the Great Bentley village hall. Richard – Practice Manager ________________________________________________________________ To improve diabetic services we have started a new process in caring for our diabetic patients across North East Essex. Most people have busy lifestyles and it can be difficult for them to attend lots of appointments. In view of this we have consolidated the appointments making them more effective. When a diabetic check-up is needed, as usual patients will be sent an invitation to attend a morning appointment to have a blood sample, blood pressure measurement, foot examination; height and weight taken together in one go. These have to be in the morning, as blood samples are only collected once a day at around 11.30 am. Upon receiving the blood results, patients are sent written details of all their test results. If these results are good the patient does not have to come back for any further appointments. In this instance the results will be accompanied by a letter suggesting a date for the next follow up. If the results indicate that a consultation is advisable however, a letter will be sent with the results suggesting a time and date for an early follow up. By having full access to all the results before the appointment it is hoped that patients can think of some ideas that might help them improve their condition. We do not want to dictate changes to a patient – but instead want to work with them to achieve goals that are both acceptable and achievable for them. Of course even if the results show no early follow up is necessary, if a patient still wants to see a Diabetes Nurse specialist, they still can. This new way of working has been successfully piloted in other areas of the country. The feedback has been that the care improved dramatically and patients have become more informed and successful in making improvements to their health. We hope that our diabetic patients will find this new way of working helps them, but we are always pleased to hear constructive comments for improvements. Tracy (Diabetic Nurse Specialist at Great Bentley Surgery) SESAW NEWS Hey ho Folks, some of these Autumn mornings have a nip in them - really encourages a chap to take an extra five minutes, except Mum's foot is still behind me, pushing me out of the door. Mind you I had the last laugh yesterday, it took her two hours to find her spectacles in front of the Rayburn! Now it is time to prepare the garden for winter, remember to check the bonfire for hedgehogs before you light it. They will be looking for a good place to sleep and they are becoming very scarce so please keep these creatures safe. If you are looking forward to celebrating Guy Fawkes night, how about taking the family along to an organised display? You will enjoy a good show for less expense or worry whilst helping to cut down the number of pops and bangs that terrify many wild and domestic animals. It's lovely when another animal leaves us for a new home but sad that some are left "on the shelf". Feline pals, Ace (black) and Bella (tabby), are a friendly, loving pair that have been overlooked for seven months. They spring to the door when people appear, eager to start a new life. I really hope someone comes for them soon and for Tabby and white mother and daughter, Sally and Socks who have waited even longer. Thanks to those who attended our sales and events last month, over £500 was raised and we have received lots of lovely cat and dog food in our various collection bins in shops and offices. Still to come is our big sale at The Old School, Long Melford on 12th October and our Christmas Fair at Leavenheath Village Hall on 23rd November. I can't wait to run off with the decorations when the girls start sorting them. You can be sure when things go missing, they've been pinched by me, Kenny (the Boss) Chihuahua 16 Pet’s Corner GETTING OLD! How old is your pet? Are they getting more health problems or have you noticed any changes? An older four legged friend is not such a problem as a brand new puppy. Most people build up a relationship with their friend over the years from puppy training, exercise etc. There are of course more chances of health problems as they get older, but if you take care and are aware of the likely problems and keep a careful watch out for these there is no reason that your pet should not have a long and enjoyable life. The ageing process affects every part of the body as with humans, the recovery time generally takes longer. The signs to look out for include; Weight loss - it is probably more difficult to see if your dog, for example, has been losing weight slowly if it has a lot of fur. It is not like us humans where the trouser belt perhaps goes in or out another notch, so it is better to actually weigh your animal on a regular basis and make a note so you can see if the weight has gone up or down. The easiest way is often to weigh yourself, then pick up your animal and weigh the two of you then take one weight from another to give you the animal’s weight. Incidentally I use the same technique to check the weight of my suitcase if I am flying anywhere. Changes in appetite - obviously this can affect the weight situation and may just be a case of the animal feeling �out of sorts’ which may only become obvious once the problem has been identified. Common problems are often something like difficulty in chewing food due to problems in the mouth such as painful teeth and frequently this can result in unpleasant smells from the mouth area. Increased thirst - this is usually more easy to spot in dogs than in cats but a change in drinking habits and maybe requiring its bowl to be filled up twice a day instead of the previous once a day. Incontinence - This may be associated with the increased thirst or may be an infection. Regular checks at the Vets will often identify a problem early and an observant owner is a great help in diagnosing problems. Don’t be afraid to ask the Vet about any small problems as the earlier that it is checked the better and quicker the chance of a cure. A great deal can be done to improve the quality of life for an elderly pet. Apart from veterinary medication for specific problems such as arthritis, there are other steps you can take. Physical aids such as soft bedding or maybe a warmer spot to sleep, which can help to reduce morning stiffness in limbs that have not moved much during the night. Incidently please think about how far you take your dog for a walk. I have seen dogs where their limbs were very sore due mainly to them being taken for a much longer walk than usual. As the weather was so nice their owners just kept on walking. 17 Don’t forget the generalisation of 1 year for a human is similar to 7 years for a dog, so whilst you may only feel one year older the dog feels it more. Finally don’t forget the diet. The pet food suppliers now manufacture various foods for a puppy or kitten to elderly pets where the food intake and the ingredients are carefully balanced to give the required nutrients and additives for the age concerned. MARK ALLINGTON 01206 619441 I am pleased to announce that THE BARN CAFÉ at Carpenter’s Farm, Aingers Green will re-open on Sunday 5th October. We will be open six days a week excluding Mondays from 8am for breakfast/brunch and will be serving lunch between 12-4pm. There will be a selection of homemade cakes and pastries for those who fancy afternoon tea. We are also fully licensed. We look forward to welcoming new and existing customers. Julie Nunn BENTLEY GREEN PLAYERS FUNDRAISING EVENING SATURDAY 4th OCTOBER In conjunction with Clacton Lions we are holding A PIG RACE EVENING at Great Bentley Village Hall on Saturday 4th October. Tote opens at 7.30pm. First race 7.45pm. Tickets £6. Please bring your own refreshments and nibbles. To book a place please telephone Stephanie Sadler on 01206 250544 Wildlives Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre �Catkins’, Frating Road, Thorrington, Colchester CO7 8HT www.wildlives.org.uk Opening hours: October - March 9.00-5.00 01206 251174 / 07802 767016 Outside of Wildlives’ hours, please contact the RSPCA 0300 1234999 Back open and busy October 2014 After a couple of very difficult months, Wildlives has fully re-opened and has had a very busy month. Hedgehogs seem to have had a particularly bad year for a variety of reasons. The centre has experienced a real influx of tiny second litter hoglets that have either been abandoned or orphaned. If nests are disturbed by people this can lead to the mother deserting the babies. Do be careful in places that might be potential nesting areas, in particular long grass, and if you do disturb a nest cover it over with grass, using gloves so that no scent is left. If you do this, it is highly likely that the mother will return, but do keep an eye on things to make sure. If you think any hoglets have been abandoned or orphaned, keep them warm with a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel and get in touch with the centre. Some squirrels and birds have fallen victim to tree cutting while they are still nesting and have had to be brought to Wildlives. Please be aware of this when trimming or cutting trees. Other admissions in September were a long eared bat and two juvenile male kestrels. The bat had been the victim of a cat attack and arrived cold and dehydrated. With some intensive care – warmth, fluids and antibiotics – he made a good recovery and Jan, from the Bat Rescue, kindly took him to release him back into the wild. One of the kestrels had been shot through the wing, the other had been struggling to find food and was starving – he is being built up and will hopefully be released back to the wild at a later date. Finally, after 6 months in the centre, Mo has eventually been released back to where he came from. Seal cub A badly injured seal pup was found on Frinton beach following an attack by a dog. Sadly, a number of people chose not to seek help, including the dog’s owner, and it wasn’t until a group of youngsters found him that the centre was alerted and he was brought in for medical care. The pup had numerous puncture wounds around his head, ears, flippers, and tail and extensive wounds in and around his mouth. He was also dehydrated, in shock, and had a swollen left eye. Wildlives provided emergency first aid, started him on antibiotics and rehydrated him. This involved tubing him every two hours which is a two person job and not a mean feat! We’ll keep you updated on his progress. Photos - Hoglets, kestrel and seal cub www.wildlives.org.uk Registered Charity 1104167 Copyright Wildlives © 2014 18 Great Bentley Running Club GBRC For two of us the big feature of this month’s running was the Mountain Trail Challenge in the Brecon Beacons, organised by an affiliate of the Long Distance Walkers Association (LDWA). Although primarily aimed at walkers, (as one may gather from the name) many of us who run have benefited from such events. As big ticket races get more expensive (Brighton Marathon for example is around £75 for a place) the LDWA presentations represent very good value for money. The Mountain Trail Challenge, a thirty mile race, was £25. It doesn’t have the crowds and whistles and bells of the more conventional marathon but this ultra-event has many other things going for it. Once again I was wing man for my buddy Rodger who actively seeks out challenges then lulls the rest of us in with his enthusiasm. My role involves running behind him (sometimes at a considerable distance as he tackles hills like a mountain goat) yelling instructions from the printed sheet issued at the beginning of these style of races while he searches out the route. The race went off from the Grawen Forest Visitors Centre north of Merthyr Tydfil with registration starting at 07.00. By the time we arrived at 07.30 there was a queue snaking all-round the plaza and the girl controlling the door told us that entrants had been queuing from before 06.30. Some people are just too keen. Because of the rugged nature of the event we were sent a kit list and had to produce a day bag on registration. All competitors were supposed to carry a map, compass, whistle, first aid supplies, spare clothes, food and two litres of water amongst other assorted requirements. We managed to share many of the items and cut back on the water to save on weight. Try carrying a 2 litre milk container for a few miles and you will see why! We also took a stock of energy gels rather than food. They are much lighter than a tin of beans! Once registered everyone was at liberty to head off following the trail instructions. The route varied greatly but was never less than scenic at worst and spectacular at best. We left the forest centre through mature pine woods then took to boggy heathland. At an early stage we tackled Corn Du, an ascent which seemed to go on forever, and then followed the ridge to Pen Y Fan. The route instructions, somewhat unnecessarily we felt, noted; “Cliffs take care.” We were only too pleased that it was a relatively clear day with little wind. It gave our stumbles over the rough terrain a bit more than the usual excitement. Winter conditions along the ridge must be quite something to experience. Pen Y Fan at 886 metres is the highest point in South Wales and the view made all the effort to get to the top more than worth it. Not that we hung around to admire the scenery! The run down the side of this hill was treacherous with various conditions underfoot. The worst sections were those which had a mixture of different sized rocks on the trail; this meant that although gravity was shoving us downwards at considerable speed every step had to be placed with some care. This is where Rodger’s mountain goat ancestry stood him in good stead. Much of the route was fairly technical and it was relatively rare to find a stretch which did not require at least some care and attention. On one of the gentler sections we followed a small canal for some 4 kilometres. Fools that we were we soon longed for the more challenging terrain. It was never long in coming. Safety is obviously of paramount importance to the organisers and as a precaution there were checkpoints along the route. At checkpoint 3 the marshals were able to tell us that we were in third and fourth position respectively and not long after we encountered a lone runner as we ascended yet another interminable slope above one of the many reservoirs in the area. While it is great to get past someone it leaves the lingering fear that they will once again make up ground and go by at a later stage of the event. Did he but know it, this bloke haunted us for the rest of the race! As it happens we never saw him again but the worry that he would appear kept us going when otherwise there was the inclination to slow up. As if it made the slightest difference in the great scheme of things but by such foolish notions are runners driven! Towards the end of the route there was a long stretch of boggy moorland to cross. On tired legs this felt interminable but at least there was a relatively downhill stretch to follow. The final 300 uphill metres on the return to the Grawen Forest Visitors Centre were the longest we have ever experienced. At check in we handed in our tags and these were placed on the board. We asked how we had done and were told that we were in the top 65 back. Light then dawned upon them and they asked if we were on the 30 mile route (the course split at one point giving those who wanted to a chance to do a twenty mile walk rather than the full option). When assured that we certainly were 30 mile competitors they became really animated and announced that we were 2nd and 3rd to return for the longer distance. They were more excited than we could manage and informed us that although we were some time behind the first man home, (at least an hour we gathered), he had looked very bad. Did this mean we didn’t look too bad? Perhaps we should have tried harder? Stiff and aching in parts which don’t normally ache we asked ourselves would we do it again. Yes and definitely we both agreed. How often do you get to run with buzzards and red kites soaring overhead? How many times would we ever get to jump over a dead sheep as we had been forced to on one downhill moorland section? How often would we get to stand on the highest point of South Wales then soon after to run along the side of a canal with houseboats and barges chugging by? Look out Mountain Trail Challenge: next year we are coming back mob handed and with any luck someone from Great Bentley Running Club will be grabbing the honour of first person home. Our website at GBRC.org gives details of our weekly routine and there is something for everyone no matter what their ability. You won’t have to run thirty miles but who knows after a few months you may feel that you want to? Paul Carlisle 19 TWO OAP'S IN THAILAND The Traffic in Bangkok is legendary, frequently gridlocked especially at knocking-off-work time. The number of tuk-tuks have been reduced as their emissions of fumes and gases were extremely harmful, so much so that most of the drivers wore (and still do) masks. The air in Bangkok has always been horribly polluted and the King ordered more greenery to be planted, down the centres of the main roads and in roadside pots etc. This helped and the black pall of smog hanging over the City dissipated somewhat. Then the Sky train was built, and we watched this being done over about three years. Again, black clouds of smog gathered beneath being trapped by the huge Stations above. Up and running it is wonderful to use but it is necessary to climb huge flights of steps to reach the stations up above. A couple of token escalators had been installed, but not at every Station, and for some years they did not work, actually, a couple of the “going-down” ones worked, but that was not particularly useful. Last year, we found things beginning to improve and one or two of the “going-up” escalators were working. At Nana Station there is a lift for the disabled, but this has never worked, it seems this was just a token offering. Like so much in Thailand, there is very, very good, and then the other extreme, very, very silly. There has also been constructed an underground rail service. This is something to behold. Deep below ground, air-conditioned marble and tiled halls and silent escalators. Fully automated, one's money is paid into a machine, change given, and a plastic disc issued. This disc secures entry to the platform. Beautifully clean, quiet trains arrive behind sliding glass (this prevents suicide jumpers and rubbish on the track). The glass slides open and in exactly the right place is the open door of the train. A cool, quiet ride – this Country could learn a lot from the Thais. In contrast to the above wonder, one year there was a fire in a Chinese 'restaurant'. The flames and smoke billowed and took hold of the building above. The Fire Service was summoned. Meanwhile buckets and containers of water were thrown, a hose found by someone and eventually the fire dampened down. About three-quarters of an hour later the Fire Service arrived (having been unable to get through the usual jam of traffic). The keen Firemen leapt from their tiny fire truck, little men in very large navy jackets with gold braid (sleeves hanging over their hands, and shabby jeans). Their feet were clad in flipflops. BUT the Fire Chief was splendid in his overlarge jacket and the inevitable flip-flops and an enormous metal helmet atop. Bless them, they were so keen. No-one was injured and a good time had by all. Probably things have improved nowadays, let us hope so. The main railway station in Bangkok is Hualamplong (or Humpalong we call it). This must be one of the craziest and busiest Stations anywhere, but it works. 20 Separate desks where good English is spoken, lots of interesting food kiosks etc. and, down the centre of the main hall are long rows of tall stands covered with school-childrens' artwork. Paintings abound from all ages, colourful and such fun. The trains are like the old American trains about four steps to get up into the carriages, green and red flags still used by the guards and often the Orient Express can be seen and admired. The usual food vendors and dogs are in evidence – a buzzing exciting place. Trains are termed “normal”, “express” and “Rapid”, but they all go at the same speed. The best way to travel in Bangkok is on the Chao Phraya River using the river taxis. They come rushing along to the floating concrete pontoons which are bobbing and swaying, the “conductor” at the back blows signals on his whistle to the driver. The taxi boat is shunted close to the pontoon and passengers leap across from the concrete, clearing the rubber tyres strapped to both the pontoon and the side of the boat and one has to be adept to avoid falling down between the two into the murky depths. On take-off the whistle shrills, the conductor stands on the pontoon and unhooks the rope loop and casually springs back onto the boat as it roars away – we've never seen one miss yet! Disembarking is just as hairy as the boat closes to the pontoon then parts from it with the swell of the water. One's leap to terre firma needs careful timing and both feet need to leave the boat at the same time. We saw one lady hold onto the pole at the back of the boat and try to step across the gap, unfortunately for her the boat swayed out at that moment and she was left with one foot on the boat and one on the pontoon. She executed an impressive display of the splits and was hauled to safety by the crowd of people waiting to board. We have perfected our boarding and disembarking: husband goes first as he has a wider stride, he turns and grasps wife's outstretched arm and on the word “now” she leaps into the unknown and so far has always been hauled to safety with sunglasses, handbag and dignity intact. The “stations” are called Tha's and it is quite easy to get off at the wrong one. We did this one night, it was the last river taxi for the evening and we found ourselves at the site of a very large Temple, it was illuminated by subtle green and yellow lights, very beautiful, and it was inhabited by scores of dogs. All were lying down on the steps in the gardens and inside. These were dogs that were unwanted strays and the monks took care of them. We picked our way unmolested between them and found ourselves a tuk-tuk to get to our digs. We left a donation for these good monks. POT LUCK FOR OCTOBER! 1. For fear of bad luck, how is Shakespeare’s Macbeth referred to in the theatre? 2 In which German city does the �Oktoberfest’ take place? 3 Edward Teach (1680-1718) was given which colourful nickname? 4 Name the film/book in which each of the following ships plays a role, a. Pequod b. Hispaniola c. Orca 5 Which two actors play Lewis and his sidekick Hathaway? 6 What sort of animal is Beatrix Potter’s Mr Tod? 7 Which actor once came in second place in the 24 Hours Le Mans race? a. James Garner b. Steve McQueen c. Paul Newman d. Robert Redford 8 Oenology (or Onology) is the science of making what? 9 Name the two co-presenters of Strictly Come Dancing 2014. 10 Canteloupe, Ogen and Galia are all examples of what? 11 In which city was the original 'ghetto'? 12 The word biscuit stems from the Latin 'bis coctum'. What does this mean? 13 What is the name of the sea strait that separates each of the following? a. Greenland and Iceland b. Mainland Australia and Tasmania c. Sicily and Italy 14 Which US city is served by O’Hare airport? 15 Which famous street in London takes its name from a croquet like game played in the 17th century? 16 What kind of weapon is found on the flag of the Barbados? a. cannon b. trident c. sword 17 Havana Brown, Korat, Turkish Van, Chartreux and Burmilla are all examples of what? a. cats b. cigars c. coffee 18 Who or what performs the waggledance? 19 What is the common French term used to describe someone's bugbear or pet-hate? 20 Who is Jessica's father in 'The Merchant of Venice'? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1. The Scottish play: 2. Munich: 3. Blackbeard: 4. Moby Dick, Treasure Island, Jaws: 5. Kevin Whately & Laurence Fox : 6. Fox : 7. Paul Newman: 8. Wine: 9. Tess Daly & Claudia Winkleman: 10. Melons: 11. Venice: 12. twice cooked : 13. Denmark, Bass, Messina: 14. Chicago : 15. Pall Mall : 16. Trident: 17. cats: 18. honey bees: 19. bete noire: 10.Shylock Caterpillars Baby & Toddler Group. Caterpillars Baby & Toddler Group We hope you have all had a good summer break. Caterpillars has had a busy few months. Firstly by including a display in the education tent at the Tendring Hundred Show and then by supporting Thorrington Village Day. Here we helped with a mini sports day and had a surprise visit from Peppa Pig. She awarded some lovely rosettes from the Village Day committee to all the children and then posed for some popular photographs! I would like to thank Thorrington Village Day Committee for their kind donation. We have already started back at Caterpillars and it was lovely to see so many old and new faces. You are all very welcome to come along. Please see our advert for further details. Please do email or phone if you require any further information. Every Wednesday morning, from 09:30am – 11:30am, during Term time Thorrington Village Hall, CO7 8HQ. Cost £2:50 Per Child, Additional children 50p ** Includes Child’s healthy drink & snack and Adult refreshments. We welcome all parents, carers and families with their babies and toddlers from birth to five years. ** Fortnightly Rota applies.** Fun play and learning in a safe nurturing ennvironment. For more details please contact Jules. Telephone: 07980-188058 Email: [email protected] Jules Pettit 21 Cookery Corner for October with the Fat Goose October is normally all about Halloween and pumpkins but this month we are celebrating the start of the game season with a long slow cooked pheasant casserole. Lean and gamey the meat from a brace of pheasants makes a tasty autumnal treat when slow cooked in cider. Most pheasants will have led an active outside life so the legs can be tough and sinewy unless braised slowly. The breasts are lean with little fat so they need the addition of bacon to keep them moist. Slow braised Pheasant in cider 4 pheasant breasts or two whole birds, 4 large rashers good smoked bacon, 500ml dry cider, 5 shallots, butter, 1 teaspoon caster sugar, 30g plain flour, 7 tablespoons crème fraiche or cream. Heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas6 generously butter the pheasant and then either wrap the breasts in a rasher of smoked bacon or lay two rashers across the breast bone of each bird, place in an ovenproof dish and put in the oven for 25 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 170C/325F/Gas3. Pour over 250ml of the cider and cover with a lid or foil and return to the oven for another 60 minutes. Towards the end of the cooking time for the pheasants, pour the rest of the cider into a pan and cook until it has reduced by half. Thinly slice the shallots and cook in a little butter until soft, add the sugar and continue to cook until lightly caramelised. Remove from the heat and set aside until it’s time to finish the sauce. Check the pheasants, make sure that they do not dry out and add more cider as necessary. To finish the sauce, add the flour to the caramelised shallots, place the pan back onto the heat and mix well together, adding more butter if it seems dry, now add the reduced cider and crème fraiche, stirring well. Cook slowly until the sauce thickens. To serve, slice each breast into about five slices, pour over the sauce and serve with mashed potatoes and buttered green vegetables. The mash can be flavoured with chestnuts or celeriac to enhance all the autumnal flavours. News from the Goose You asked for it, so we are going to provide it. Yes, at long last Tendring is getting it’s very own village store and deli back again. With a bit of shuffling around and another refit we will be creating a village store, deli, all day coffee lounge and much much more, all in addition to the restaurant. Watch this space...... GREAT BENTLEY CONSERVATIVES Well, who would have believed so much could have happened politically in this area since last month? Following the resignation of Clacton's M.P. Douglas Carswell, we learn that Roger Lord has left UKIP and quit as our County Councillor. This has prompted a County Council by-election for our Division, which covers Great Bentley, Brightlingsea, Thorrington, Alresford and St Osyth. The by-election will take place on Thursday 9th October. I'm pleased to confirm our Conservative candidate is Alan Goggin. Alan has the full support of the Great Bentley branch and of our District Councillor, Lynda McWilliams. He brings great strengths and a knowledge of rural Tendring to his candidature having lived and brought up his family and run a locally-based business in the area. He's a serving District Councillor alongside Lynda and is actively involved in community and charity activities (raising more than £500K over the years!) as well as being a community governor for a local special needs school. Indeed, you may have come across Alan before since during his term as Chairman of Tendring District Council he introduced the Pride of Tendring Awards, funds from which have helped projects from a number of Tendring villages, including Great Bentley. Politics couldn't be more exciting in our area: so do play your part at the polls on Thursday 9th October! Pam White Secretary, Great Bentley Conservatives Coppice Farm, Wick Road, Great Bentley, CO7 8QZ Tel: 01255-831567 E-mail: [email protected] 22 THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT Before landing in America the majority of the menfolk (no universal suffrage then!) drafted and signed the famous Mayflower Compact which provided an agreement for the temporary government of the new colony. A modern translation of the Mayflower Compact follows. The original document was lost and although copies were made they differed in spelling and punctuation. However a handwritten manuscript, said to be written by William Bradford is kept in a vault at the State Library of Massachusetts. �In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc. Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth and of Scotland the fifty-fouyrth 1620’ Fun in the Methodist Church Hall To raise money for the Alexia Rose Appeal LEAFLET DROPS We regret that as from this edition of the magazine we are unable to include leaflet drops. (Not even if you are willing to come and stuff them in the magazine)! Thursday 30th October 2-5pm Various activities and items to buy All children to be accompanied by an adult We are however delighted to include your information in the text. Face Painting: Books for Sale: Raffle: Sweets for sale: Crafts: Refreshments HELP ALEXIA WALK FUND My name is Libby. I am 13 years old, live in the village and I am trying to raise some money for the Help Alexia Walk Fund. To raise money for this beautiful little girl, I am offering to walk dogs within the local area or pop to the local shop for you for a donation. I am a responsible dog walker, you may have seen me around the village walking my dog, he’s a beagle called Ramsey. Bouncy Castle and other Activities donated and supplied by GARDEN GAMES For more information ring 250431 Alexia Rose comes to the Great Bentley Methodist Parent & Toddler Group. She needs lots of help and her family are fund raising for a hydro therapy pool and selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery which will improve her chances of walking. Please come and help the Parent & Toddler group to help Alexia Rose. If you would like to support me doing this please give me a ring on 255219 or if you would just like to donate to help Alexia please go to: http:www.gofundme.com/alexiarose. Thank you. 23 EVERGREEN FRIENDSHIP CLUB CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS Instead of being in the garden of Westwood House on a beautiful summer's afternoon, due to the unpredictable weather, Joye decided it would be wiser to conduct the meeting indoors even though the sun was shining brightly. She began by welcoming members, and then proceeded to recount, with the help of photos, the events of her visit to India last March, on the occasion of her grandson Ben's wedding to the lovely Jyoti. We then adjourned to the dining room to partake of the spread which had been laid on by Treasurer Angie and her daughter Lucy. The afternoon ended with a picture quiz and word making competition and finally some of the members related their holiday experiences. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Our September meeting started on a reflective note as we held a minute’s silence in memory of Judy Houghton who so sadly passed away on August 18th. She was a highly respected member of our group and a dear friend to many of us – she will be greatly missed. Thanks were received from St Helena Hospice for the ladies who baked cakes for their successful Open Day held by the Clacton Support Group. Our President, Mrs Paulene Bentley also thanked members who helped on, or donated items of bric- abrac to the WI stall at the Village Show. Our guest speaker this month was Mr Gordon Bailey whose interesting and enlightening talk was entitled �Antiquities – Treasure beneath our Feet’. For many years he has been an avid �metal detective’ and had brought with him some of his more fascinating finds ranging from a 16th century marriage spoon and wedding plate, to a lead crucifix dating from the time of the Great Plague. His love of history was clear as he related facts about the lives of ordinary people as revealed through his many �treasures’. At our meeting on October 22nd, Mary Maskell will be with us to give an illustrated talk on The Florida Botanical Gardens (Beth Chatto’s with alligators) Everyone is welcome to join us so please come along for a free first visit. Joye GARDENING CLUB September saw the staging of our autumn show, with many seasonal entries. The judges were delighted with the standard of those entries and felt that it was an excellent and enjoyable occasion. The October meeting is on 21st when our speaker will be Tracey Coyne from the Anglia Bulb Company. Her talk is entitled �A talk with a Difference’! Bulbs will be on sale. October is also the start of the club season when subscriptions are due. (Currently £12) New members are always welcome. I look forward to seeing you there. Dates for your diary • 2015 diaries need to be ordered from Rosemary .special gold edition • Friday 28th November visit to see Alan Ayckbourn’s play �Seasons’ Greetings’ at the Westcliff Theatre in Clacton .sign up if you wish to go • Christmas Hampers begin at our October meeting .please bring toiletries & Christmas goodies Bob Newman Chairman. Guests are, as always, welcome to attend our next meeting in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on October 7th when the speaker will be Mr Jason Salisbury talking about �Cheese – making and tasting’. ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST Wednesday 15th October Beaumont Village Hall 7.30pm Out and about in Hamford Water By Julian Novorol, noted wildfowl artist Dorothy Nowak ART CLUB Wednesday 19th November 7.30pm Great Bentley Village Hall Bush Crickets and Grasshoppers of Essex By Tim Gardiner th Tuesday 14 October Musical Still Life Tuesday 28th October Buildings in Pen and Ink (projected picture) 24 A FEW NOTES FROM YOUR DISTRICT COUNCILLOR POLLING STATION - County Council By Election – 9th October 2014 Please note that the Polling Station for the above election on the 9th October will not be at the Village Hall. Unfortunately the hall is booked and is not available to be used for the elections. However, grateful thanks go to the Methodist Church Hall who have kindly made their hall available by changing their bookings at short notice. So on Thursday 9th October 2014 please go to the: METHODIST CHURCH HALL to cast your vote (Disabled access is available) Sturricks Lane Development 14/00431/FUL The Appellants of the above application have lodged for an appeal to the Secretary of State on the grounds of non-determination. This means a Government Inspector will now make a decision on the application; the decision agreed by the Planning Committee is not going ahead. I have been informed the Appeal in this case is not going to be a hearing; the Inspector will determine the appeal on the basis of written representations. All representations that were submitted by residents have been forwarded on to the Inspector and I have now sent my own written representation. If I receive any further information I shall send a message to residents, through various contacts. High Barns – Wind Turbine 14/00932/FUL As you know I have requested for this application to be put before the Planning Committee for a decision if the Planning Officer is minded to recommend approval. If this is the case the application could go before committee on Tuesday 14th October, but there is every likelihood, and after discussions with planning, the meeting may need to be held at the Prince’s Theatre in Clacton, due to the expected large number of residents attending. Bonfires I have had concerns related to me recently regarding burning of vegetation etc., on bonfires. I have copied the Do’s and Don’ts from TDC’s website to assist those who have concerns. Do and Don'ts DO NOT burn damp grass clippings or �green’ material as this creates thick smoke. DO NOT burn any oily rags, rubber, plastics, damp garden waste or other materials which would inevitably create heavy smoke or toxic fumes. DO NOT leave your fire unattended. Never leave a fire to smoulder for long periods. Hose it down until cold before you leave it. DO advise your neighbours that you are going to have a bonfire, so they can be prepared in case they have any washing out or windows open. DO choose your bonfire site carefully - away from any trees or fences. DO have water available in case the fire gets out of control. Any further information you may require regarding the legality of a bonfire, especially if there is thick black smoke please log onto TDC’s website with this link http://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/environment/pollution-noise/ bonfires this will inform you of the process if you have a compliant. Coastal Defence Work – Holland on Sea to Clacton I have no doubt you have been reading about the progress that is being made in the local paper regarding the Coastal Defence work. Members of the public have been showing a keen interest in the work, especially recently with the recharging of the beaches, viewing platforms have now been put into place, due to the public interest. The work which is costing £36 million has been achieved by the District Council working with Essex County Council and the Environment Agency - 1000 homes are now going to be saved from the sea for the next 100 years. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns; I am always very pleased to help and hear from you. Many thanks Cllr. Lynda McWilliams Great Bentley Ward Councillor TDC Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Partnerships e-mail address [email protected] Telephone Number 01206 250732 25 26 GREAT BENTLEY CRICKET CLUB Great Bentley captain Joe Fowler was happy to see his side end their North Essex League Division One campaign with an exciting win over Colchester Cavaliers on The Green. The visitors made 175-8 after winning the toss, with Imran Sheikh (4-37) the pick of the Bentley bowling. But the home side made a good start in reply, with Michael Giles (19), Fowler (36) and Sheikh (35) all making decent starts. Matt Fowler fell for 13, though, and was quickly followed back to the pavilion by the returning Johnny Hesketh and Tony King, who both failed to trouble the scorers and left Bentley six wickets down. Rod Fowler (22) and Rob Sanderson (17 not out) steadied the ship with a vital partnership, however, and Billy Occleshaw produced some late fireworks to seal a threewicket victory with two overs to spare. A delighted Fowler said: “It was a nice close game for those who turned up to watch and sealed our place in the division. It was a bit scary for a while as the ball was spinning a fair amount and it was tricky going, but Rod and Rob won the game for us. They didn’t play silly shots like the rest of us. Cavaliers chose to bat on a good-looking wicket but the outfield was a bit slow and we bowled well, but not amazingly.” Slow left-armer Sanderson (9-1-18-1) was praised for his fine spell with the ball and his dogged batting as Fowler added: “They couldn’t get him away and batsmen got out at the other end but 175 was probably a few too many still, although Johnny Hesketh kept well. There was nothing in it for the seamers, though, and Imran and I got into them a bit and we were racing along. But the spinners turned it a fair bit and after cruising along the famous Bentley collapse came back. Rod and Rob hung about, saw off the spinners and brought the game back into touching distance and then Billy came in and hit two sixes and a four in one over to seal the deal. If he had come in a bit earlier he wouldn’t have been able to play like that but it worked out.” Bentley were unable to raise a side for their final league fixture of 2014 at West Mersea, though, and Fowler was a little disappointed. He added: “I always want to play but some knew we were probably safe by that stage and were less bothered. When we’ve had our best side out we’ve won, apart from Halstead away. The losses we had were usually when we had weaker sides. We only played 10 games but the league are restructuring and we will still be in Division One and hopefully play more games. I’ve played 19 times on Saturdays for Frinton this season.” The club are hoping to hold their end of season get-together at the Blue Sari in November, before resting during the winter months ahead of preparing for the 2015 campaign. Fowler said: “Hopefully we’ll get a few more on board and create a bit more competition for places next year.” LEE POWER Great Bentley 2014 Results North Essex League Division 1 April 20: GBCC 180-5 (J Fowler 85 R Fowler 26 Kirk 22) WEST MERSEA 91 (Sheikh 2-11 Sargent 2-13 D Hunt 2-15 Kirk 222 Occleshaw 2-28) Won 89 runs .April 27: LITTLE BARDFIELD 117 (Sheikh 4-17 J Fowler 2-16 M Fowler 2-25) GBCC 119-1 (J Fowler 57* Sheikh 22* Giles 21) Won 9 wkts May 4 (cup): GT TOTHAM 208-5 GBCC 209-4 (Kirk 97* J Fowler 65) Won 6 wkts May 11: Springfield PP, rain May 18: Cavaliers 259-6 (J Fowler 2-41 M Fowler 2-64) GBCC 262-2 (J Fowler 171* R Fowler 35* Giles 33) Won 8 wkts May 25: HIGH EASTER 202-9 (Sargent 3-33 Clayden 2-24) GBCC 128 (M Fowler 38 Bodily 30*) Lost 74 runs June 1: West Mersea (cup) Forfeit June 8: GBCC 228-6 (Giles 110 M Fowler 41 Edwards 27) Maldon 233-5 (M Fowler 2-38) Lost by 5 wkts June 15: GBCC 211 (Nel 58 Sheikh 45 Kirk 31 Brooker 23) Halstead 212-5 (Sheikh 2-71) Lost by 5 wkts June 22: BURES (Ashes) Lost July 13: Little Bardfield PP, rain July 20: High Easter 367-5 GBCC 161 (J Fowler 81 Haxell 30*) Lost 206 runs July 27: GBCC 153 (Giles 49 Thompson 22) SPRINGFIELD 155-5 (J Fowler 2-33) Lost 5 wkts August 10: MALDON PP, rain August 17: HALSTEAD 108 (M Fowler 4-24 Occleshaw 2-17 J Fowler 2-36) GBCC 111-1 (J Fowler 58* Sheikh 43) Won 9 wkts August 24: CAVALIERS 175-8 (Sheikh 4-37 J Fowler 2-56) GBCC 177-7 (J Fowler 36 Sheikh 35 Occleshaw 24* R Fowler 22 Sanderson 17*) Won 3 wkts September 7: West Mersea Forfeit Latest Standings P W L High Easter 12 7 1 Halstead 13 7 3 Springfield 12 6 3 GBCC 14 5 6 Maldon 14 5 7 West Mersea 14 4 7 Cavaliers 14 3 8 Lt Bardfield* 13 4 6 *points deducted. Outstanding fixtures: Halstead v V 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Pts 147 159 139 130 137 116 109 36 Ave 18.34 15.90 15.44 11.82 11.42 10.55 9.91 3.60 Springfield (Sept 20); High Easter v Springfield (Sept 21). 27 GREAT BENTLEY PARISH COUNCIL Community Resource Centre, Village Hall Plough Road CO7 8LG Tel. 01206 256410 Email [email protected]: Website www.greatbentleyparishcouncil.co.uk The minutes of the Great Bentley Parish Council (GBPC) meeting and the Planning Committee meeting held on 4 September together with the minutes of the previous meetings and other news can be viewed on the Council website. Tesco Deliveries - The Council received a complaint about the congestion caused by deliveries to Tesco and resolved to write to the store raising the issue and requesting more consideration. Circus Use of the Green - two letters were received complaining about the site where the circus was located. Tree on the Green; a request to fell a tree on the Green and replace it was agreed. Weeley Bridge - The Council agreed to write supporting the lifting of the weight restriction. Proposed Wind Turbine at High Barns - the Parish Council resolved to make available a sum of up to £5,000 to underwrite Great Bentley STOP Ltd in its efforts to oppose the current application for a wind turbine within the Parish of Great Bentley. Allotment Rents - The annual rent demands will be circulated to allotment holders week commencing 22nd September Planning Applications: Set out below are the planning applications relating to Great Bentley that were considered by the Planning Committee. Planning Reference No. & Email Link 14/01008/FUL 14/01066/FUL 14/01111/FUL Mr R Burgoyne Application Details Creation of a visitor centre in the Tithe Barn, Cart Shed, Dairy and adjacent paddock inc. changes of use to A1, A3, B1, D2 and conference functions wedding receptions use; construction of extensions; internal and external alterations and ancillary works. Variation of details approved under conditions 2 (approved plans), 8 (Landscape Mgt Plan), 9 (vehicular access), 13 (turning heads), & 14 (Traffic Mgt Plan) of planning permission 14/00513/FUL. Two x 3 bed houses. 14/01113/FUL Mrs Vera Palmer Variation of Condition 18 of 12/00955/FUL to allow the existing restaurant to be used for storage. 14/01134/OUT Mr D Shipp, Mr & Mrs D Bennett 14/01180/OUT Proposed erection of 5 detached houses. 14/01182/OUT 14/01243/TCA Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of 0.59 ha of land to create 4 detached dwellings. Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of 0.1 ha of land to create 1 detached dwelling. 1 No. Beech – reduce by half. Address The Priory, The Bury, St Osyth Land north of Frowick Lane, St Osyth Land adjacent Station Cottages Station Road Gt Bentley Former Little Chef Colchester Rd Gt Bentley Builders Yard & Land R/ of The Royal Fusilier Public House Land north of Carpenters Farm, St Mary’s Rd Gt Bentley Carpenters Farm, St Mary’s Road Gt Bentley 20 Cherrywoods Gt Bentley Council Meetings: Listed below are the next scheduled meetings of the Parish Council and its Planning Committee. These meetings are open to the public to attend. Notices are posted on village noticeboards 5 days in advance of meetings. Parish Council Meeting: 2 October and 6 November at 7.30pm Planning Committee: 2 October and 6 November at 7.15pm The Community Resource Centre is staffed on a part time basis only. The opening times are displayed on the office door and published on the Parish Council website. Kevin Harkin - Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council 28 Great Bentley Pre-school www.greatbentleypreschool.co.uk [email protected] Firstly I would like to say what a wonderful first few weeks we have all had back. All children have settled in really well, this includes present children as well as all the new ones. It has also been lovely to start building a positive working relationship with all the new parents and carers too. This month I would like to welcome Rueben and his family. I hope you enjoy your time at our Pre-school and I can promise you will gain lots of wonderful and exciting new experiences. Theme Our theme this month will continue as �Things That Move’. Next month when we return after half term it will change to �Holidays and Festivals’. This will include all the exciting events that will be upon us again as we reach that time of the year – Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes), Thanksgiving, Christmas. Halloween As this festival will be in half term we are inviting all children to dress up in their costumes the week before. This will be week beginning Monday 20th October and will be every day for that week. We will also be doing lots of exciting activities to support this including creative and cooking experiences. We will also look forward to carving our very own home grown pumpkins that the children have helped to plant and look after in our planters over the past months! Dates to Remember Halloween Dress Up – Monday 20st October – Friday 24th October Half Term – Monday 27th – Friday 31st October End of Term – Friday 19th December Best wishes Julie Wiles COLCHESTER SOCIETY OF MODEL ENGINEERS The Colchester Society of Model Engineers have now been showing their work at the Great Bentley Show for many years. A brief history of the Society may be of interest to the village. When there was doubt about whether there would be a stand this year there were some enquiries about how it would be missed by the public. Formed in 1946 the Society originally held meetings in a room at the bottom of East Hill in Colchester. The Society prospered and in 1964 purchased a plot of land of just under an acre off Lexden Straight Road. This was financed by three of the members and was held in trust for the Society. The Society is now a Limited Company with 135 members from all over the Eastern Counties. Over the years members interests have led to the formation of the Colchester Model Aircraft Club and more recently the Brightlingsea Model Boat Club forming break away societies to specialise in their own areas of model making. There are some members of the Colchester club who still make models of these types but it must be said, however, that the most popular model is the steam locomotive and the appealing thing is that you can take the children for a ride behind your model. Many members build their model from scratch, but a few make use of the commercial kits available on the market. The high cost and the skill of the member being a major factor on the decision of building a kit built locomotive. Working drawings can be obtained from several suppliers and original drawings of full size locomotives are available from the railway museum at York for the more skilled to scale down in size. The Society grounds have railway tracks in three sizes, 3½” gauge, 5” gauge and 7¼” gauge between the rails. These scales represent 1/16, 1/8, and 1/12 of full size of trains on the main line and are standard throughout the world, and are in use in the USA, Canada and New Zealand. On the Continent these scales are converted to use metric dimensions. There are meetings at the Society Club House on Wednesdays, (all day), Friday evenings and on Sundays (all day). During the winter months the Society presents talks and demonstrations on a wide variety of model making subjects. New members are always welcome to attend. There are reduced subs for students in full time education and for juniors still at school (who must be accompanied by an adult member). Further details of the Society activities can be seen if you visit WWW.CSMEE.CO.UK, OR PHONE 01206 822735 Geoffrey King for CSMEE ltd 29 PLANTS FROM THE PAST ACHILLEA – Yarrow (Family - Compositae) I am sure like me when you think of Achillea you think either of Brad Pitt as Achilles or the Greek who thought he was immortal but died of a single arrow to his heel. Whatever you may think, this plant was named after Achilles of Greek mythology who was told by Chiron that the leaves of this herb would heal his injured soldiers during the siege of Troy. Unfairly, you may say that this plant was named after him and not Chiron but for all that, this plant continued to be used for healing for centuries and had many common names but �Yarrow’ is known to us all. The curse of any lawn is �A. millefolium’ and gets its name from Milfoil meaning a thousand leaved – the red flower variety is a deviation from the white and has long been found in gardens and loved by cottage gardeners. The plant also had medicinal applications and was used to treat boils, bronchitis, toothache and flatulence. Another common name was �Nosebleed’ - Gerard wrote “the leaves being put into the nose do cause it to bleed and easeth the pain of megrim” - perhaps this was pre-leeches! �A. ptarmica’ has the lovely common name �Pearl Flower’ but if you have this in your garden good luck! As flowers arranger we are always pleased to give our friends a piece of this attractive plant (and it is’) – but they themselves want to dispose of it for once you have it – you are lumbered with it. Try digging it up – the roots are everywhere. However in olden days this plant had the common name of �Sneezewort’ as the leaves once powdered down could be used as an ingredient for snuff. Bless you! I have neither lawn nor any pearls in my garden but I do have �A. filipendulina’. What a magnificent plant. It was introduced to this country roundabout 1803; the heads are like yellow saucers on strong upright stems. They are ideal for either the back of a border or, like one of my seedlings in the front where you can really get close to the individual florets. A mistake on my part – but one that gives my husband a lot of “what idiot put that there” and as there is only him and me and it was not �him’ who could it be? I ask myself. It has now been moved! Actually to be perfectly honest, I have another variety which is rather short and when moving the plants they got mixed up – but it has now been moved. The achilleas are so accommodating in the garden. They are not over fussy about the soil or water but they do love the sun and bees spend a lot of time on the heads, giving so much pleasure with their constant �hum’. From my point of view where would you find another flower that dries so spectacularly and keeps its shape and colour. They are also long lasting and in my opinion are far superior to the hybrids that are on the market in colours of terracotta, cerise etc. – which I have found, once moved to another position they go to flower heaven! Think of dried achillea in a copper jug or with other dried plant material. My variety is the strong yellow but there is another called �Moonshine’ – I think I once had this but that was before I started labelling everything so I am not sure whether it is still around. To preserve �Dip the heads in powdered borax and either hang them upside down or stand them in a jug with a small amount of water. The latter method is preferable as it allows each head to retain a perfect shape. If hung in bunches, the stems tend to get imprinted on the lower head and leave a mark”. (My bible – Sheila Macqueen’s �Encyclopaedia of Flower Arranging’. This book has never yet let me down). Sylvia Steed GREAT BENTLEY PARISH NEWS Bibliography: WE NEED YOUR HELP �Antique Flowers - Perennials Enduring Classics for the Contemporary Garden’ by Rob Proctor and Rob Gray Please can you spare one or at the most two hours to help collate our Village Magazine? �Dictionary of Plant Names’ We usually meet on the last Friday of the month (see village diary on back page) Coffee/Tea and nice biscuits provided! Several of our regular helpers have had to retire and we really do need extra help if we are to continue. Many thanks in anticipation. EVERYONE WELCOME The Magazine Team 30 NATURE NOTES Ladybirds Pre-School, Thorrington. Some will have heard of the recent problems with BBC Countryfile’s Grow Wild project. This was a free mixed wild flower seed offer that has turned sour due to unappreciated toxicity in one species. Corn-cockle [Agrostemma githgago], a member of the campion family, an ancient cornfield weed has been wellknown in such mixes. Now someone has found the black seeds can be toxic if eaten in quantity. This highlights the health and safety potential minefield one can enter in promoting almost anything. Poisonous qualities are better known for example in some fungi, nightshades and yew and are accepted facts-of-life. The corn cockle farrago centres on what is known as an introduction. If, a slightly poisonous plant grows naturally less fuss is made than if one deliberately spreads it around. The natural distribution of wild plants is a complicated matter linked to factors like habitat, climate, drainage and soil-type. Much is heard of the wholesale losses of species but there have been additions often as accidental introductions. Japanese knotweed is a notorious example introduced as an architectural garden plant. Accidentals often prove short-lived but some establish, such as hoary cress [Cardaria draba], locally not uncommon on seawalls and rough grass, originating in returning soldiers’ hay-stuffed paillasses from the Continent to Thanet in the early 19thC. Introducing existing native species to enhance declining numbers would appear laudable but raises other considerations with many wild-flower seeds sourced from the Continent. Slight sub-species variation is encountered and the divide between gardening and wildlife conservation increasingly confused. The natural distribution of plants becomes blurred and can lead to a manufactured, “repro” countryside. Encouraging existing local plants to flourish should be the first priority – like late summerflowering lesser calamint on local roadside verges. Cowslips are not part of Tendring’s native flora, yet on the boulder clay towards Braintree they are. Planted in gardens they are fine but not in more ostensible wild places. Long introduced Spanish bluebells raises the problem of a close relation of a native species threatening to take over. The widespread planting of daffodils is no substitute for letting white stitchwort and other spring wayside natives flower. There are parallels with tree planting where a spontaneous seedling tree often thrives better than an introduced planted one. This can lead to the whole issue of bio-security with potential pathogens on imported trees/timber – be it elm, oak or ash. But before getting mixed-up with antiimmigration policies – for plants - it is best to sign off! We hope you have all had a good summertime. We are excited to be back at Ladybirds for a busy autumn term. Children who left us at the end of July are starting the next exciting step in their Early Years education as they joined their primary schools in September. We wish them lots of luck and are very sure they will all have a great time. Our new children are settling really well and we look forward to meeting and working with many new children, their families and friends. �A warm Welcome’ to you all. July: For the first time this year we worked hard to create a fantastic display for the education tent at the Tendring Hundred Farmers Show, Lawford. This was a great way to showcase some lovely art and craft work and photographs to highlight our achievements, both for Ladybirds and also our Caterpillars Baby & Toddler Group. August: We attended Thorrington Village Day with a small display stand and selection of children’s craft activities. We were also pleased to help run a mini Olympics sports event with races for all children to enjoy. The Village Day committee supplied some lovely rosettes for all participants. We would like to thank the Thorrington Village Day committee for the very kind donation to Ladybirds and Caterpillars. We have added some lovely new resources for the children to enjoy and explore. Your support is greatly appreciated. September: We were very happy to be asked to supply a display based on Noah’s Ark, for the St. Mary Magdalen Church flower festival. Children made animals, using special textured plates to accompany the ark and created a rainbow to rise above the flowers. Many thanks to you all for your continued support. With very best wishes from the Ladybirds staff team. Kathryn Long. VILLAGE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON Saturday 29th November Please join us for refreshments From 5.00pm and singing Switch on approximately 6.15pm DRB 31 The Invictus Games Saturday 13th September 2014 Farming Diaries You may have noticed that the gentle purr of the combines has now stopped and farmers are now getting their land ready for the drilling of the next crop for harvest during summer 2015. This may seem a long way off but plans for the cropping have in many cases, been in place for a number of weeks now. A great deal will happen between now when the new seasons’ crops are drilled and when they are harvested. The weather as you know plays a key role in a plant’s development and any deviation from usual patterns of weather can have a significant impact on harvested yields even from such an early stage as drilling in the next couple months. If like we have seen in more recent years we have a poor autumn where we get excess rainfall farmers could have difficulties drilling the crops, they may not be able to apply the crop protection products to suppress and control weeds which would compete against the crop for light, water and nutrient resources. Even if the rest of the year is relatively �normal’ in terms of the weather patterns we would expect to experience the initial set back when the crop was established can have an effect on yields. Another example of how the weather has affected the crops recently, we had a very mild winter last year allowing crops to continue to develop and grow throughout the winter. This meant we experienced a harvest approximately 2-3 weeks earlier than we usually do in this area. Farmers were harvesting from early July where they would normally begin in mid-July. Although harvesting of cereal crops is now finished, the harvesting of root crops such as potatoes are still well underway and will continue into October. Locally in Great Bentley a large number of potatoes are grown but they are also grown across the Tendring Hundred area so you won’t have to travel too far before you see a harvester lifting potatoes from the ground. These potatoes could go to local farm shops, to the supermarkets for the loose or pre-packed market or be sent for processing. In some supermarkets they have the name and the location of the farm on packets of prepacked potatoes so why not have a look and see which area your potatoes come from. Hopefully they are locally sourced and from the surrounding area. Sugar beet will begin to be harvested and again like potatoes you won’t have to travel too far before you see a field where sugar beet is being lifted. It will continue to be lifted until mid January and be sent to the British Sugar Factory at Bury St Edmunds to be processed into the various �Silverspoon’ branded sugar you see on the shop shelves. Having decided that watching TV coverage and cheering our servicemen and women on from the comfort of our sofa was not enough we took ourselves off to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford to see the Invictus Games live! It was standing room only on the train from Colchester but hey we have legs which we wake up with every morning not a special �leg room’ in our home with different sets of prosthetics. It was our first visit to Stratford let alone the Olympic Park and we both felt a thrill of excitement as we joined the throng of people who like us had felt drawn to witness at first hand this unique event. As it happened our arrival coincided with the commencement of the cycling and nothing can compare to the privilege of adding ones voice to the cheering and encouragement as competitors whizz by. Even in an open air setting the noise of the crowds gave you goose bumps. The joy of medal winners when one sees them is humbling and we were able to speak with several of them, their courage and commitment to overcome such life changing injuries takes your breath away. We were fortunate to get a glimpse of Prince Harry as he shot past us on his bike on his way to meet the latest winners! Having spoken to many of the service personnel who were on duty around the park and also the games maker volunteers it was quite clear that the Prince, as well as being the driving force behind the Invictus Games, has been a visible and involved presence throughout. We are so pleased that we took the opportunity to show our heartfelt respect and appreciation to our wounded servicemen and women. We were left in no doubt that all that is good, positive and uplifting about this country was there. The Invictus Games has opened a door that in our opinion the government and the M.O.D. have tried to keep closed to the British public. We were aware of the many service personnel returning from war zones with horrific and life changing injuries and of their unimaginable struggle to put their lives back together again and in turn the toll that it would take on their loved ones. Of course �Help for Heroes’ have played a major part in keeping the profile of our injured servicemen and women to the forefront and goodness knows what the situation would be if it were not for them and our service charities. However through these Invictus Games we have learnt such a lot not least how important sport is on the road to recovery, giving a focus, purpose and reason to carry on whilst also providing a return to the camaraderie unique to our Armed Forces. It is our hope that those who are only at the start of their journey in coming to terms with the changes in their lives are inspired on those dark days when they feel so low that they can, and will achieve great things, living albeit a very different one, a worthwhile and purposeful life. Just before we left the Olympic Park we saw a group of children kicking a ball about and standing nearby was an Army Colonel speaking on his mobile with a black Labrador on a lead at his side watching and wishing she could join in the game. We instantly recognised this dog as being �Fire’ who we had seen in the opening ceremony of the games on TV. She was an explosives sniffer dog in Afghanistan who was severely injured in an explosion and having been nursed back to health now enjoys a well earned retirement with the Colonel. What better end to our day could we personally have wished for than to be able to make a fuss of Fire and shake the hand of the Colonel and let him know how proud we are of our Armed Forces and that we do not take them for granted and are forever in their debt. Vicki Brooks Judy & Alan Bishop 32 History Society The History and Evolution of the Naze at Walton The fascinating headland known as the Naze was the wide ranging topic of the society’s September presentation; and if I start by saying that among the startling things we were introduced to was the left-handed whelk, it will give you some idea of the originality of so much of what we heard and saw from “The Nazeman”, Mike Cranstone – Todd assisted by his wife Sue. By starting at the famous Naze Tower and its history and the hand of modern man on this ancient promontory, Mike was able to show the extent of the erosion and probable demise that nature will impose within the foreseeable future. He cited further examples: the pillbox that strangers might see fully upright on the beach and wonder, “Why build it there?” is just one reminder of how much of the cliff has collapsed, for that edifice was once well back from the edge. Furthermore, a full golf course once covered the grassy fields that stretched far along the cliffs. It had been designed by James Braid, the five times British Open golf champion and noteworthy golf course architect. Only a small fraction of the course now remains for, as Mike pointed out, something like 40 metres of the cliff has disappeared since he first roamed there as a child some 50 years ago. We are all familiar with the crumbling cliffs that are the present day face of the Naze and its erosion at a rate of metres per year was explained not as a simple matter of the sea attacking them. The structure of the Naze consists of a 53.7 million year old base layer of London Clay which is overlain by a softer “Red Crag” upper stratum which is only 2.6 million years old. It is the permeation of this upper, sand based layer by rain and sea moistened air that is responsible for the collapse of the cliffs. Thus a sea wall solution is not, as popularly supposed, the solution to its problem. Rather it requires drainage through boring into the strata, again an expensive manoeuvre. Conflicting groups with differing attitudes to erosion mean that effectively nothing is done to rectify or allay the cliffs’ destruction. Having described the structure of the headland, Mike went on to show his pictures of the many fossils that he has seen or acquired from the site. Due to a projector problem, Sue his wife had to carry a laptop showing these pictures to all the audience. This she did manfully so that not too much was lost as a result. It was here that we became familiar with the aforementioned left-handed whelk, the “Neptunia Contraria”, to give it its true name, which refers to its spiral twisting in the opposite direction to the norm. This is a distinct species not an abnormality and it appears in the red crag upper layer of the cliffs. Mike has only ever found a couple of these but admits that when you take a party of kids there, as the Nazeman Trust does, they seem ironically to have a much more successful eye. At 2.6 million years old these are youngsters compared with the sharks’ teeth found in the clay below. Sharks later evolved into huge creatures, the megalodon, and the vertebrae, as we were shown, attested to their giant size. An ever popular fossil among the public, Mike explained, is coprolite, which is the scientific name for dinosaur poo. It is a lesser known fact however, that, following a lecture on the chemical content of this substance, it came to be realised how the substance might be used as a fertiliser and, amazingly, the result was the start of the chemical giant – Fisons. An amusing detail he added was that carnivores’ poo could be recognised as it had a pointed end, while omnivores’ droppings were rounded – somehow a piece of knowledge that none of us should be without! After taking us through a wide range of fossils, Mike then moved on to the way the Naze has developed despite its erosion. After the site was bought in 1963 for use as a holiday camp, trees were cleared and natural elements destroyed. But with the failure of the scheme, woodlands have regrown wonderfully well and wild plants like the sheep sorrel and the sweetly scented common gorse have returned plentifully. Species of bird life passing through like the wheatear on its passage from Africa to Greenland and back attest to the fine attraction for wildlife it has become. Badgers and even deer have returned to the woodlands, and birdlife includes the willow warbler, the chiff chaff and most notably the singing blackcap, all of which he showed photographed there. Rarities like the pectoral sandpiper have been seen and the hard to spot shore lark; snow bunting also pass through, even though no longer breeding there. Barn owls have returned too. So the final picture provided was mixed: what remains is doing well in terms of development, at the same time as the acreage of the headland is diminishing perhaps terminally. The evening Mike and Sue had provided had ranged widely over time and subject and the audience thanked them suitably for a most entertaining and educative talk. ********************** For next month’s presentation on Thursday 9th October we welcome Nick Baker of the Rowhedge Heritage Trust. His talk is entitled “Yachting, Shipbuilding and Fishing – a History of Rowhedge”. Visitors are most welcome. Entrance £2 incl. tea & biscuits. 33 October 2014 Where do the doorways lead? The Hall way of Great Roll up! Roll up! Year 5 visit Bentley School is a collage the Circus of topics! Year R are learning about houses all over the world. Year 1’s topic is �Toys’, Year 2 are learning about the award-winning animated block buster name of �Frozen’. Year 3 are looking at �Lego’; Year 4 are taking a trip to Ancient Eqypt’; Year 5 as you will hear are joining the circus; and Year 6 are becoming �Ancient Greeks’. So walking down our corridor you are whisked away to the different topics as you pass each door. We were lucky enough to be able to visit Circus Tyanna on the village green. The class was greeted by Tyanna’s mum, Claire, who took us into the tent to sit down on one the benches. She then introduced us to Tyanna who is 7 years old. Tyanna showed us how bendy she was and did a couple of tricks with a hula hoop. Then we saw Miss Jazz on the silk rope. Afterwards, the juggler came in and he showed us some juggling. He juggled with balls and bowling pins. It was amazing. After the show we went outside to look at the animals. There were ponies, ducks, lamas and goats. We were able to ask lots of questions to help us with our lessons. Thank you Circus Tyanna! Snapshot News: • Where do the doorways lead? • Roll up! Roll up! • Launch of Forest area • Charity Bike ride • Playground Transformation Reece Johnson in Year 6 took part in a 28 mile sponsored cycle ride in Southend on 7th September to raise money for Leukaemia Lymphoma Research. Well done Reece on your latest event and hope the forthcoming quiz goes well too. Launch of new �Forest’ area To launch our new �forest’ area on the school field, we invited all the children to our spin on a �Bedtime Hour’ event where teachers read their favourite book. The event was held after school and gave the teachers an opportunity to showcase their favourite books and a love of reading whilst enjoying the new surroundings. Playground transformed over the holidays Children were welcome to come in their pyjamas, bring blankets to keep warm and it was a whole family event. Families had two �arenas’ to choose to sit in and listen to the stories depending on personal tastes. Children were greeted by a wash of colour and a new surfaced playground on their return from the summer break. Learning through play and offering opportunity for spontaneity in the fresh air. Who said school was dull! 34 DATE FOR YOUR DIARY THE BRAIN TUMOUR CHARITY CRAFT DAY AND FARMERS MARKET Since my daughter Hollie passed away I have been raising money and awareness for the above charity. I have recently become a Headsmart Champion, which basically involves sharing information and promoting awareness that aims to bring down the diagnosis times for children and young people with Brain Tumours. • • • 10 children and young people are diagnosed every week in the UK. It takes longer for them to be diagnosed in the UK than in many other countries. Early diagnosis can improve the outcomesaving lives and reducing the chance of longterm disability. SATURDAY 1st NOVEMBER GT BENTLEY VILLAGE HALL 2pm Did you know that brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40. TABLES £10 or £15 for 2 Over 4,800 people lose their lives to a brain tumour every year. The brain tumour charity do not receive any government or statutory funding and rely 100% on voluntary donations to fund their vital work, so every penny really does count. To book, please ring Rita Coles 251506 or Mary Maskell 250524 Enclosed in this month’s parish magazine is a symptoms card for your information. If you wish to find out more about the charity please go to their website thebraintumourcharity.org, donations can also be made on their website. Or you can donate on my just giving page www.justgiving.com/lesleyglover55 or there are collection pots in the village at most of the shops, pub and restaurant. Thank you for reading Tables are selling well so please book ASAP. The Conservation Group consists of a small number of people who are trying to preserve wild areas of the village for example the heather patch on the Green, planting wild bluebells in the spinney (2,000 to date) etc. Lesley Glover 07530 669761 We apologise for not including the leaflet last month but we were VERY UNDERSTAFFED (minor understatement). PLEASE CAN YOU HELP? WE WILL NEED CAKES FOR REFRESHMENTS AND DONATIONS OF TOMBOLA AND RAFFLE PRIZES. See plea for help on page 30 THANK YOU 35 PROPOSED WIND TURBINE AT HIGH BARNS Letters of Objection At the time of writing, over 330 individual letters of objection have been submitted to the Tendring District Council (TDC). Add to this over 1150 signatures to the petition and this surely gives a clear indication of the level of objection that this has identified in our community. The TDC web portal still seems to be accepting comments so, if you didn’t manage to get your objection in by the original deadline please take advantage of this and do so quickly! What Else Has Been Happening? In the past few weeks our technical experts have been working diligently to analyse the data and statements contained in the application in order to provide us with robust arguments contesting the proposal. Additionally you may have seen our visualisation team plus surveyors around the village during the middle of the month. As many of you have realised, the visualisations provided in the RES application appear to completely underestimate the size and impact of the turbine on the landscape around the village and we have commissioned the leaders in this field to provide “accurate” representations of the turbine using the latest accepted guidelines for this type of work. Their report, along with the other technical reports will form the main part of the objection document to be submitted by GB-STOP on behalf of the village. As you can see from the photograph on the right it is difficult to keep the boys from their toys!!! Many thanks to the Village Hall and the Pre-School for their assistance at this location. What Happens Next The current date by which a planning decision must be made is 15th October 2014. However, due to the Summer holidays, time has been lost in receiving replies to our requests. It is therefore likely that this date may be deferred to sometime in November to allow enough time for TDC planning officers to properly consider the application and our final reports. If this happens we will let everybody know the new date and also whether the application will be decided in public by TDC Planning Committee and where. Fundraising Events This got off to a cracking start with £225 raised at the GB-STOP stand at the Great Bentley Show at the end of August. A further £628 was raised at the quiz night the following weekend. This was magnificently compiled and delivered by Tom Edwards; thank you Tom! It was a fantastic atmosphere and excellent turn-out with raffle tickets being sold at a whirlwind rate. A big thank you is due to all who came, those who donated prizes to the raffle and also to our various individual and commercial sponsors who paid for the hire of the hall and the prizes for the winners. It is anticipated that there will be further events in the future but if you have something in mind, especially if it involves fun, please let us know. If you would like to make a donation towards the fighting fund the following are the GB-STOP bank details:Account name: Great Bentley Stop Ltd – Bank: Lloyds Bank - Account no: 53408560 - Sort code: 30 92 16 36 The important factors are that we have a settled core of players, and that some younger players are being given their chance to impress. The reserves’ in-and-out season continues, and our key issue here is in addressing their poor, and totally unacceptable disciplinary record. We have already introduced steps on match days, and will discuss whether further action is necessary at our next committee meeting. The Vets look as if they may be a force in their league, especially once they’re up to full match fitness. Wivenhoe Vets were runners-up in last year’s competition, and we just ran out of legs after holding a 5-2 lead midway through the second half. At Holland, it was the other way round, as we recovered from being 3-1 down to win 5-3. Its great to see so many old faces back at the club, many of whom served us so loyally back in the day. Some of them look fitter than they did then! FOOTBALL CLUB NOTES Essex & Suffolk Border League Results and Fixtures. First Team (Premier Division): 30th Aug away Tollesbury, 1-1; 6th Sept home Gas Recreation (K.O. Cup Prem Round), 0-5; 13th Sept home Lawford Lads, 6-1; 20 Sept home Earls Colne, 2-3; 27th Sept away Coggeshall Town; 4th Oct away Holland F.C.; 11th Oct away Sungate (Essex Premier Cup, 2 p.m.); 18th Oct away University of Essex; 25th Oct away White Notley. Reserves (Division 2): 30th Aug home Mersea Island Res, 7-1; 6th Sept away Tiptree Jobserve Res, 0-4; 13th Sept away Tiptree Perrywood, 0-2; 27th Sept home Boxted Lodgers Res; 4th Oct home Hatfield Peverel Res; 11th Oct home Dedham Old Boys Res; 18th Oct home Bradfield Rovers Res; 25thOct home Manford Way Res or Old Chelmsfordians Res (Essex Junior Cup, 2 p.m.) Lucky Team Winner September. E. J. Page (Birmingham City) £25. Stoner. All Border League games are on Saturdays, and kickoff at 3 p.m. unless stated. Great Great Bentley Veterans (North Essex Veterans League): 6th Sept away AFC Wivenhoe Vets, 5-6; 13th Sept away Holland FC Vets, 5-3; 27th Sept away Oyster Vets; 4th Oct away Halstead Vets; 18th Oct away Doddinghurst Olympic (Essex Vets Cup); 25th Oct home Lawford Lads Vets. All Veterans games are on Saturdays, kick-off 2 p.m. Kit Sponsorship 2014-15. Great Bentley F.C. say a massive thank-you to GREAT BENTLEY GARAGE, and in particular proprietor Mick Humphries, for sponsoring a new kit for both the first and reserve teams for season 201415. As my old games master always used to say, “Smart in appearance, smart in performance”, and we certainly look the part. First team performances have improved dramatically since the opening two games, with the 11 draw at much-fancied Tollesbury catching the eye. In truth we should have won that game, but just lacked the composure in front of goal to add to our lead. The hosts equalised from the penalty spot with 4 minutes left. The defeat v. Gas was all about a resolute performance from our point of view. Gas are an Eastern Counties Premier standard side, who routinely win the Border League, and we fought every inch of the way to “restrict” them to 5 goals. The 6-1 defeat of Lawford shows that we are capable of scoring goals against a struggling side, while the 3-2 loss to Earls Colne was a game that could have swung either way. 37 Bentley Youth Football. The new season is under way for all our teams. The first round of games was on Sunday 14th September and it was certainly a busy day on the Green. Most of our teams had been given home matches and our Fixture Secretary Phil Carpenter did well to fit all the games in before the 1pm playing deadline on the Green. Both of the full size pitches were in use at the same time and the mini soccer pitch had 4 games on it from 10am to 1pm. When you consider that we also have teams also playing at Strangers Corner, Brightlingsea it means a lot of arranging for all concerned. All the pitches are currently in good condition and a big thank you to Bill Herbert for continuing to make sure all our pitches are marked out nicely before the games. At the time of writing this there were no details on team results for the new season, but we will have updates in next months report. One new change at the club is we now have an appointed fundraising commitee. This is crucial to the future of the football youth club. We aim to have an event every month ranging from the half term football clubs, quiz nights and kids football birthday parties. The email for the fundraising is [email protected]. Thanks for reading Rob Diary for October Thurs 2nd PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, Planning Committee 7.15pm Full Council Meeting, 7.30pm Fri 3rd COFFEE MORNING, Methodist Church p. 3 Sat 4th LOCAL HISTORY DAY, See p. 24 Sat 4th BENTLEY GREEN PLAYERS, Pig Race Evening, V. Hall, 7.30pm Tues 7th W.I. Village Hall, 7.30pm Thurs 9th COUNTY COUNCIL BY ELECTION Methodist Church Hall Thurs 9th HISTORY SOCIETY, Village Hall Tues 14th ART CLUB, Village Hall, Wed 15th ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST, Beaumont Village Hall, 7.30pm Wed 15th MAGAZINE DEADLINE Fri ST HELENA HOSPICE FASHION SHOW, p. 7 17th Mon 20th PRE-SCHOOL Halloween Dress up week Tues 21st GARDENING CLUB, Village Hall, 8pm Wed 22nd EVERGREEN FRIENDSHIP CLUB, Village Hall Thurs 23rd YOUTH CLUB, 7pm, Methodist Church Thurs 23rd ST OSYTH BRITISH LEGION AGM, St Osyth Village Hall, 7.30pm Fri 24th MAGAZINE COLLATING, Vestry Room, 9am Sat 25th BRIGHTLINGSEA FARMERS’ MARKET Sat 25th BENTLEY IN BLOOM PLANT SALE, Old V. Hall car park 10am Tues 28th ART CLUB, Village Hall Thurs 30th FUN IN THE METHODIST CHURCH HALL, see p. 23 38
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