Illustrious Sir Dave Johnson Proclaims Saturday, November 8, 2014 Chief Rabban Night See Page 3 for Details Al Kader OASIS Published Monthly Al Kader, Shriners International 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9600 Phone 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080 email [email protected] Subscription Price $5.00/Year ELECTED DIVAN Potentate...Dave Johnson Chief Rabban...Tom Bland Asst. Rabban...John Nerski High Priest & Prophet...Ron Gamble Oriental Guide...Art Hermanson Treasurer...Robert Keller Recorder...Dick Duer APPOINTED DIVAN 1st Cer. Master...Ron Eggers 2nd Cer. Master...Todd Weedman Director...Carl Thompson Marshal...Albert Martinez Capt. of the Guard...Ray Glass Temple Outer Guard...Tomey Greer Chaplain…Carson Bailey Outer Guard...Richard Crist Outer Guard...Skip Weisgerber Outer Guard...Bill Quier Outer Guard...Fred Wendt Outer Guard...Carey Huckaba Outer Guard...Gary Dentinger Outer Guard...John Koch Outer Guard…Zack Balylack Outer Guard…Don Denton POTENTATE'S AIDES Executive Aide…Pete Ohlman Chief Aides…Fred Hardin and Mearl Kroker Aides…Hap Baldwin, Frank Brewington Bob Brown, Mel DeHut, Justin Jones, Keith Leamon, Bob Swan, Chris Woolcock TEMPLE UNIT STAFF Director of Units...Gib Thonstad Assistant – Rick Laird Staff – Phil Strother TEMPLE STAFF Temple Attorney...Richard Lee Temple Auditor...TBA Hosp. Transportation...Dick Duer OTHER APPOINTMENTS Ambassador at Large Skip Stanaway, Kenji Yaguchi Gary Scott...Ambassador EMERITUS Ken Jubb - Photographer Roy Armentrout...Recorder Robert Timm; Ken Jubb...Ambassadors Robert Keller...Treasurer Noel Keister...Chaplain OASIS Publisher...Dave Johnson, Potentate Acting Editor...Dave Johnson Photographer...Art Thompson Items must be received by the 10th of the month preceding date of issue. Advertising Rates On Request “Dave Says...” Continuing from where I left off last month—we still need volunteers for the PACE Program. I have 2 Past Potentates (need 4 more); I have 2 women, 1 from a Club and 1 Past Potentate’s Lady (need 1 more PP’s Lady, 2 Divan Ladies, 1 new member’s Lady and 1 widow); I have 4 Club/Unit reps (need 2 more); I have 2 PR reps (need several more—please see Noble Carey’s article in this edition); I have 3 Membership Committee Reps (I am asking Asst. Rabban John Nerski and Membership Chairman Carl Thompson to recruit several more—if you are interested, please contact one of them. I will be in touch with MWB Wick, this week, for his nominees. Time is short. We need to have these groups identified by 7 November to give Imperial time to send out the questionnaires on which they will base their initial plans for us. Dave Johnson Potentate 2014 Moving on... Lynn and I traveled to Hermiston for the Hermiston Lodge’s reception of the Grand Master. I was pleased with Al Kader’s support of the reception. Those of you who were there were treated to an exceptional dinner, good entertainment and a fun raffle. Plus the fellowship that accompanies these get-togethers is what the Blue Lodge is all about. I have participated in Central Oregon’s Food Caravan since I joined COSC in 2002, but had never been with the Eastern Oregon Caravan until this year. Because we were in Baker City for the Baker Valley Scottish Rite Reunion, the Caravan picked us up there, and the normally 5-6 hour drive to Wilsonville lasted from 8:00 AM to 4:20 PM. At each of the stops we picked up donations and more cars/trucks. By far the largest addition to the Caravan was in Hermiston, where we had lunch at the Elks Club. There we added several cars and pickups, and 2 tractors—1 donated by Walmart and one donated by FedEx. The Walmart tractor pulled a trailer with 40,000 pounds of food. The FedEx tractor pulled a double, and I have no idea how much they had, but both trailers were full. It was also in Hermiston that I was extremely fortunate to experience a “Shrine Moment”. Noble Clayton Orr and I were standing by his pickup, when a lady parked her car in the lot, got out and approached us. She said that she didn’t know why we were there. Clayton immediately told her that we were doing the Food Caravan…and before he could continue, she interrupted. “I’m (neither of us could remember her name), and you took care of my daughter. We were in a terrible accident and her leg was crushed. If it hadn’t been for you, she would not be alive and walking!” She handed Clayton a $20, and started to walk off. He tried to get her name for the record, but she was gone. I don’t know about you, but just remembering “Shrine Moments” like this one brings me close to tears. They happen in parades, and you can’t stop and tell the little girl that is pointing at her brace or prosthetic and saying, “Thank you”, but when you get to experience one “up close and personal”, you know why Lynn and I came up with our Mission Statements—Focus on the Mission, and The Mission is the Kids. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 2 Don’t forget Your Fez Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 3 Director’s Corner by Noble Gib Thonstad Nobles and Shrine Ladies, The month of November is a very busy month for the units as we get ready for 2 big Parades, the fall Ceremonial and Chief Rabban Night. November 11 is Veteran’s Day with the Parade in Albany stepping off at 11:00 AM. This is a Large Parade and the people of Albany really turnout. Shriners in the Greater Portland/Salem area should attend and support not only our Veterans but our Shrine Center as well. Wear your Fez and Shrine Shirt and join the crowd. The Friday after Thanksgiving is the Macy’s Parade in down town Portland. This is the “official” last Parade of our season. Several of our Units will be participating and once again it would be nice to see lots of Shrine Shirts and Fezzes along the Parade Route. Step off is 9:00AM. The Independence Parade is on Dec. 6th and is an evening Parade, lights required. Chief Rabban Night is a special night for the Chief Rabban to kick off his year as Potentate. Please mark your calendars with this important date: November 8th, honoring Tom and Kathy Bland as they kick off their Journey through the EAST. Come and see and hear what is being planned for next year. The following week is busy with Stated Meeting, Unit Head/Divan meeting, and our Fall Ceremonial. Unit Captains, Unit Officers, and Unit Members let’s get those Shriners to be initiated. Remember that “Unit Growth” is part of determining Unit of the Year. The best way to get members for your Unit is to self-recruit. By lining up new candidates for the Shrine by recruiting members to join your Unit. Captains, I hope that you are all preparing your Unit’s resume for the year. The due date will soon be upon us. We will have the categories and criteria available at the November Unit Head Meeting. From what I have witnessed, the Units and Clubs remain the heart of the Shrine Center. Like the Hospitals are our philanthropic focus, the Units and Clubs are the individual members focus and gives value to being a Shriner. Remember that we have 20% of our membership being considered active and 80% of the active members in the Shrine belongs to a Unit/Club. TOGETHER “WE CAN” and “WE WILL” DO IT BETTER. Wear your Fez. Membership by Noble John Nerski - Asst. Rabban Did you go to the Food Caravan? If you didn’t make it try to make it next year because it was an incredible event. We welcomed Hillah back who brought in several cars (first time in quite a while), Central Oregon brought in a total of nine trucks and I can’t tell you how many trucks were brought in by Eastern Oregon. Rumor is that one of the semi-trucks was a triple! Everyone should be out there publicizing the work of all of the Nobles and their Ladies that brought this together. Remember the phrase “build it and they will come?” If we put out a great product people will want to become involved to be a part of it In this case the product is $166,000+ of cash and food stuff for the Portland Shriners Hospital for Children. That is how this relates to membership, if we tell people about the wonderful deeds that are happening and the fun we have in doing it, men and especially their ladies will want to belong. It is still not too late to get the petitions for Nobles into the office so we can vote on them at the stated meeting and get them started on their journey. We have a Ceremonial coming up on November 22nd so we need to get the petitions in as soon as possible. We reviewed the numbers recently and we are still in the running for a Gold Award from Imperial! Wouldn’t that be a great thing, to cap off the year with a Gold Award? If you were at the last Stated Meeting you witnessed yet another fete by Carl Thompson who submitted another six petitions for membership, thanks Carl!! Get out there and get those petitions! Also, if you are aware of a Noble in need who is having difficulty in keeping up with his dues, don’t sit on the side lines, call us to let us know. There are programs out there that can help your Brothers, let’s keep all of the Nobles in good standing. What’s Inside This Month Pote’s Message Chief Rabban Night Director’s Corner Membership Ceremonial Stated Meeting Wild Game Dinner Unit News Tech Tip HP&P Message Club News Al Kader Family Picnic Ladies News Hospital Happenings Annual Notice of Election Public Relations History Display OB Crab Feast Birthday Card Cut the Bull Petition Live at the Shrine/Black Camel Calendar Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 4 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6-7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12-13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 22 Page 24 A Ceremonial to Honor IS Bill Doherty 2005 Fri-Sat, November 21-22, 2014 Al Kader Shrine Center NOTICE OF STATED MEETING Monday, November 10, 2014 Al Kader Shrine - AAONMS Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon 2014 Dues Card Required Doors open at 5:30 PM Oasis available - Dinner at 6:00 PM Ladies Welcome for Dinner and Ladies Program which starts at 7:00 PM. Menu and cost will be available when you call. Pay at the door. 6:00 PM Friday, November 21 - Candidates arrive at the Portland Shriners Hospital for dinner and a presentation/tour of the Hospital. 9:300 AM Saturday, November 22 - Candidates arrive at the Shrine Center for registration ond processing 11:00 AM - Divan Meeting for new candidates requiring vote 11:30 AM - Arch Degree - Ladies and Guests Welcome 12:15 PM - Lunch and set-up for Ritualistic Section 1:15 PM - Ceremonial - Oriental Band and Daughters of the Nile PADIR will perform. Ladies and Guests will be excused for a brief period during the Ceremony 2:15 PM Video on Clubs and Units 2:45 PM - Fezing of new Nobles and Group Photos 3:30 PM - Meet with Clubs and Units in the Sun Room - No-host bar available 5:00 PM - Have a Safe Trip Home Please call your reservations into the Center Office 503-682-4420 By Order of: Dave Johnson, Potentate Attest: Dick Duer, Recorder Proofreaders’ Contest Lady Jan Sundeen and Noble Clem Norton were the only proofreadeers, again, this month. They are having theirnames entered for the finals of the drawing. Chinook Winds Casino Resort 1777 NW 45th Street Lincoln City, OR 97367-5094 Casino Phone: 1-888 CHINOOK (244-6665) or (541) 996-5825 Fax: (541) 996-5852 Hotel Address: 1501 NW 40th Place Lincoln City, OR 97367-4811 Hotel Phone: 1-877-4 BEACH 1 (1-877-423-2241) or (541) 994-3655 Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 5 Wild Game Dinner by Noble Carey Huckaba - If you did not attend the annual Wild Game Dinner at Al Kader Shrine Center on October 11th, you certainly missed out on some mighty fine food and so much fun.The first thing that I noticed upon arrival, was that everyone was warmly greeted in such a manner that it resembled a family reunion. In a sense, I suppose it was. It epitomized the truest form of fraternalism.Yea! Its back! Those Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 6 warm fraternal greetings that made Shrinedom the epitome of fraternities by the turn of the nineteenth century. What’s more, the wild game was prepared in a manner befitting the Waldorff Astoria. It was the best prepared feast in many years, if not ever. And the portions were generous. Indeed, a delicious meal. I still can’t decide on a favorite main entrée between the smoked trout, elk steak, the bear, the quail, the game bird, or the chili? They were all my favorites. Still more fun and excitement was had at the gaming tables, as (continued on page 8) Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 7 CONCERT BAND by Noble Clem Norton The sun shone brightly as the Concert Band played for the Al Kader Family picnic held on September 20 at Champoeg State Park. We opened the ceremonies by playing the Patrol in with the Colors and performing the National Anthem. After the welcoming remarks, we played the Patrol out and then played for about 45 minutes some selections from our "Pop" Book. Many thanks to the Oriental Band for letting us play off of their trailer. Sadly, once again the Black Camel has visited the Concert Band. On September 29, Noble Francis E, Mills was called to Eternal Light. Frank became a Noble in 1992 as a vocalist with the Al Kader Chanters. When that group disbanded in 1998, he joined the Band in the trumpet section, where he renewed his old friendship with Noble Earl Barton, with whom he had played with in the band at Portland's Jefferson High School. Frank seldom ever missed a rehearsal or a performance, until his recent illness prevented his attendance. He was a Past Master, and for many years Secretary, of Portland Lodge #55. His big smile and dry wit will be missed. The Band is preparing for the coming Food Caravan, the Children's Christmas Party, a Christmas concert at Jennings McCall and the 2015 installation of Al Kader officers. Fine for now. CYCLOWNS by Noble Patrick Sheehan Cyclowns are encouraged to be on their best behavior. We acknowledge that best behavior is a relative term and we expect arrests will be made. To mitigate this, we resolved that all Secret Santa gifts be given in the form of bail money. The meeting closed with President Don Hayhurst declaring that if the Kader Clowns show up again he's going to give them all a "Shriner shiner," after which he attempted to pay his tab with irrelevant Entertainment Book coupons he stole from Noble Carl Thompson. Security caught up with Hayhurst in the parking lot and he was compelled to pay his tab in US currency. GREETERS by Noble Don Slezak October was a very busy month for the Greeters. November is looking busy also. Our election of officers is November 3rd. This will be our regular meeting and will be held at the Claim Jumper in Clackamas. This is a stag meeting. We have a table reserved. If you want to be involved in the Greeters plan on being there so you can get your pick of the offices. If you are not there you might not get your first choice. Of course the Greeters will pay. Plan on being here at 6:00 PM. The Chief Rabban Night is November 8th. Doors open at 5:30 so plan on being at the Shrine Center by 5. The uniform is formal i.e. blazer, white shirt, tie etc. This is when we get the schedule for next year from the next Potentate. Cyclowns monthly meeting was held on October 6th at Chan's Restaurant in Milwaukie. 12 Nobles were in attendance including Noble Brian Wright who arrived in full clown makeup. He offered no explanation. Al Kader stated meeting is the 10th. The Winter Ceremonial is on the 22nd. The highlight of the meeting was Noble Jim Lang pushing Entertainment books on everyone with the enthusiastic support of Cyclown President Don Hayhurst, who likes to use coupons wherever he goes. The annual extortion being over ensures the next 11 meetings will be free of Entertainment Book solicitations. Looking ahead to December we have the ABATE Toy run at the hospital on the 6th, Stated Meeting on the 8th and the Christmas Party and Honors Social on the 13th. Noble Tate was kind enough to take notes, but he was not legible – or perhaps literate enough – to make the events of the evening clear. It appears that someone of some importance is visiting the next Cyclown meeting on November 3rd at 5:30 PM at Chans in Milwaukie. We will either be visited by a Pope, Potentate or some type of Pork. Prior to discussion of the Christmas party, our meeting was again crashed by the Kader Clowns. This time, they were duped by Desert Patrol into thinking the Cyclowns were putting on a makeup clinic. The Kader Clowns were turned away when it was revealed they only brought lipstick and mascara. It was decided the annual Christmas party will be at the Old Spaghetti Factory on Macadam on December 1 at 6:00 PM. His majesty the Pope is expected to attend, and members of the Be sure you turn in your car raffle tickets NOW, sold or unsold as the drawing will be during the Chief Rabban Night social. If you didn’t work or attend the Octoerfest you missed seeing the Al Kader food trailer. It was a great opportunity to show the fez and see us in action. Carol Pratt did an outstanding job of manning the grill and keeping the food following. Al Kader has a great location and will be there next year. If you missed it, it is your loss. Wild Game Dinnercontinued from page 7 attested to by the cheerful shouting, the high-fives and an occasional scream by the winners. If you have not attended a special event or a social at Al Kader for some while, you may be missing out on the very things that attracted you to the Shrine in the first place. Wake up…….Smell the Roses! Check out what’s fun at Al Kader…..Your Shrine Center. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 8 MOTOR ESCORT UNIT by Noble Dennis DeSanno, Captain Greeting Nobles and Ladies Here we are October, Haunted House time. We’re had our Food Caravan onSaturday, October 18, 2014, and I want to welcome Hillah back with us again. I’m looking forward to seeing all the Nobles and Ladies. This should be a great time and it’s for a great cause (the children in the hospital). It’s not going to be long and we’ll be having Chief Rabban night, November. 8, 2014, and raffling the Cobra away. All of you who have purchased tickets, thank you, and for those of you have procrastinated please buy your tickets right away. The ABATE run is coming up on December 6. For those of you that have motorcycles and want to have a great ride on a brisk December Saturday please come join us. Tech-Tips by Randy Shepherd, Veara Today’s Communication Back in the day, the phone company was known to charge a price which limited the amount of time one could talk to a relative or friend far away. Think of the changes which have occurred - we can now talk with anyone, anywhere and in many cases as long as we want, as often as we want. Conversation from the US to Israel on a cell phone sounds like you are next door! Communication is evolving. This community event will be presented by Fred Myer and Major Sponsors are Republic Services, Columbia Bank, Andy Green, American Family Insurance, Wilsonville Family Fun Center and West Chiropractic. Storybook land with the Kiwanis Imagination Library program, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue will have their safety house, Wilsonville Community Sharing will be providing hot chocolate, coffee and cookies and collecting food, personal care items and toys to give to those in need. Wilsonville Theater Company will be greeting families and answering questions throughout the day as fun holiday characters. You can see this is a wonderful opportunity for Al Kader to be part of a large community activity hosted in our Shrine Center. Please bring your family, neighbors and Lodge members to this event. On another note I had the opportunity to represent Al Kader at the Shrine Circus and Fundraising Association (SCAFRA) in Greenville South Carolina at the end of September. I presented several workshops on making a Haunted House a fundraising event. I did come away with great information from other Temples that host Haunted Houses as well as other successful fundraising events. Lady Gail also attended with me and we enjoyed some wonderful southern hospitality. With this evolution, it is hard to believe we might think that the art of communication is being compromised, what with all the new software and devices we hear about every day. One might conclude we are losing the personal touch, and that people, especially younger people, have simply lost the ability to communicate. I challenge this - it is simply not true. We in fact communicate much more and with a greater number of people than ever – we are just doing it differently. Al Kader uses several forms of communication to stay in touch, including; website, email, Facebook, and Twitter – to learn more about the technology of today’s communication, visit the following link on the Al Kader website. HP&P MESSAGE by Noble Ron Gamble, HP&P I would like everyone to mark their calendar for Saturday November 29, 2014 for our annual Children’s Christmas Party. This year we are teaming with the Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce to present 1st Annual Santa’s Winter Wonderland from 10:00AM – 4:00PM. Al Kader will have our traditional Santa’s Workshop with photos with Santa. There will be music by our Concert Band and other musical groups will be performing. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 9 CENTRAL OREGON SHRINE CLUB by Noble Terry Griffith IS Dave Johnson was presented with the signed Game Ball by the E/W Committee Chair, Bill Quier, at the recent October Central Oregon Shrine Meeting. Along with the game ball, he was also presented the Champion Award for the “Market Rabbit” he purchased. This has been a yearly tradition for several years, where the Potentate gives money towards the purchase of the rabbit. In the picture (l-r) Bill Quier, chair E/W Committee, IS Dave Johnson and Dave Stephenson, President COSC. year. There were 23 nobles selected from the Shriners total membership appointed this year for this honor. IS Bob Walliker was also appointed to serve again this year. We will donate $50.00 to the Russ George Foundation, a benefit for the Raineer police officer who was shot in the hand while making a traffic stop last summer. Noble John Ridenour will coordinate our traditional contribution of $300.00 to purchase holiday turkeys for the Shriners Hospitals for Children®- Portland at the Food Caravan. Social at the Shrine Center. This is the 60th year for this successful collection of donations for the hospital. We will be combining the Columbia County Shriners November and December meetings into one single meeting to be held on Thursday, December 11th at 6:30 PM. This is because the usual meeting dates would have fallen on the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS CHANGE. Our monthly fundraising breakfast continues on the 1st Saturday of each month at the St. Helens Club Building. Our new signage, shown below, will direct you to the site. Please join us for a hearty country style breakfast to enjoy home-style cooking and social friendships. COSC is also hosting a Donkey Basketball Game on November 22, 2014 and will be held at the Redmond High School. Last year we had a great turnout and this year we are hoping for a larger event. A team from the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office will square off against the Crook County SO, seeking revenge from their last years, loss. LINN COUNTY SHRINE CLUB COLUMBIA COUNTY SHRINE CLUB We had nine children of which we referred five to the hospital, one of which was an 18 year old girl who had a serious problem which needed help. We couldn't understand why this hadn't been corrected earlier and we feel this underscores what we are doing in referring patients to the hospital. Kids slip through the cracks. by Noble Ron Ellenson After our summer recess the primary focus is the fall Club schedule and election of officers. The nominating committee chairman Noble John Ridenour will meet to develop a slate of officers for the 2015 Shrine year. They will report their suggestions and the Club will schedule elections. Our members continue to be enthustic participants of our newly organized Club. The Club plans to sponsor a table at their St. Helens Children’s Fair at their traditional Halloween Health and Safety Fair at the high school commons on October 25th. This community awareness day function has been a highlight of the St. Helens and vicinity for over 20 years. Imperial Sir Dale Stauss, Imperial Potentate of Shiners International, appointed our Noble, Ron Ellenson, as an Imperial Potentate’s Personal Aide staff member for the current Imperial by Ron Henderson Linn & Benton County held their Screening Clinic at the Lebanon Hospital on Sept. 27. We had a total 5 Nobles and 4 ladies. Lebanon Masonic Lodge did their child ID program. We could have used more help to cover entrance doors to the hospital. The pediatricians at the clinics are referring a lot of patients, but are not seeing all of the problems. Talked about doing more advertising, different locations, etc. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 10 We want to thank everyone that was there to help. All the nobles wore their Fezzes and Melinda Schoonover took pictures. SNAKE RIVER SHRINE CLUB by Noble Jay Garrett On the second Sunday of October each year Snake River Shrine Club holds an annual Auction. The auction was started approximately 58 years ago to raise funds with which to purchase food, and items for the annual Food Caravan to the Portland Unit. The 2014 version was probably one of the most productive ever held. We had a 28% increase gross funds. The result of substantial support by families of current and former patients and increased support of the local business community we sold more produce, a golf cart donated by a friend of Shrine, a hand made oak rocking chair and quilt donated by a friend of Shrine family, the very famous jars and jug of honey donated by two suppliers, wall art, tools, 65 gift certificates in the silent auction. The grandmother that won the donated doll house that was raffled off made a very excited granddaughter very happy. Toys auctioned off every year have substantially reduced many grandparents wealth. Baker Auction Company conducted the auction providing many laughs and entertainment while auctioning the more than 150 items donated. A substantial portion of the proceeds from the auction was used to purchase food products requested Pby the Portland Hospital. The next business meeting and dinner will be at the Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Road, (Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman Road), Aloha at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. If anything changes between now and then I’ll let you know by mail, email or phone call. My email address is still [email protected] and my home phone is 503-691-6711. Have a great Thanksgiving. UNION COUNTY SHRINE CLUB by Noble Skip Weisgerber, Outer Guard On September 23 and 24th the Union County Shrine Club had its work days at Bear Mountain Pizza in La Grande Oregon. The Club uses this function to raise monies for the Al Kader Temple. Depending on the vote of the Club membership, the money is either donated to the Temple transportation fund or to the hospital fund. This is also the time when we have the winning ticket drawn for our raffle. This year we raffled off a Henry Golden Boy 22. The winner this year was Colleen Clark, (who I'm told could be heard squealing over the phone all over the Pizza Shop, needless to say she was excited. TUALATIN VALLEY SHRINE CLUB by Noble Herb Richardson Okay, it's November already and time to consider a Shrine Club Christmas Party for next month. If anyone has an idea for a Christmas event theme or some form of entertainment please let President Ralph know now so we can get some plans put in place. Perhaps a singing group or instrumental. Give us your ideas to work with and we'll get moving. We'll plan on having the Christmas party on our regular meeting date of December 17th. According to my calendar it looks like we should have had first nominations for Tualatin Valley Shrine Club Officers for the year 2015 during the October meeting. At this month's meeting we will have a second call for nominations and then a final vote and election in December. The installation of the new club officers will take place during the January 2015 meeting. I regret that I will not be able to attend the meetings in November or December this year, but Maureen and I will be on our long awaited cruise to the Amazon River and Brazil. I will promise a travel log and maybe some video when we return. We hope that you have an amazing Thanksgiving Holiday and a wonderful Christmas party. We will see you in January 2015. The winning ticket was drawn by one of our local hospital patients, Braden Trice. The Club raised $4,596.00 for the Transportation fund at AL Kader. Happy Thanksgiving Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 11 Al Kader Family Picnic We decided, early on, to try a different venue for the Picnic this year. After searching around for a place that would hold what we thought was going to be the usual crowd, and a place where we could cook our hot dogs and hamburgers the committee settled on Champoeg State Park. It is quite a drive to get there, and the logistics required to get the food, tables, chairs and the OB float there Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 12 were considerable, but very well handled. Our hats are off to those that made it happen. The usual crowd didn’t show up. We only had about 80 folks. Those who made the trek to Champoeg had a good time. The food was great, and the mood was relaxed. Both the Concert Band and the Oriental Band performed on the stripped-down OB float. However, because of all of the issues, and the lower turnout, I have been told that we will probably be going back to Oaks Park next year. Thanks to our Center Photographer, Art Thompson for the Picnic photos. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 13 Nydia Temple No. 4 Daughters of the Nile by Queen Judy Smith Fall has come rushing in with gusto for Nydia Temple No. 4, Daughters of the Nile. In September we had 6 of our 21 Official and one Unofficial visit to the clubs. At those meetings we received sewing items for the Portland Hospital and monetary donations for the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. The foundation is the way the Daughters of the Nile may contribute monies directly to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. October brings our annual fundraiser with Shurtah Club of Al Kader. It was “A Night at the Speakeasy” and we heard that fun was had by all. We do not know the financial numbers yet, but the dinner, music, casino, and “mug shots” were a huge success. There are more Official Visits this month and most importantly, the visit from Marsha D. Sowers, our Supreme Queen. Supreme Queen Marsha SQ Marsha is from Nebraska and and Queen Judy Smith during her year will visit 136 temples and 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children. October 22 is the date of her visit to Nydia and that day she will witness a ceremonial and then be our guest of honor at a banquet. We are also honored to have the Administrator of the Hospital, Craig Patchin, IS David Johnson, Potentate of Al Kader Temple, and Michael Wick, Grand Master of Masons in Oregon be our guest speakers at that event. The next day, Supreme Queen Marsha will visit the Portland Hospital before going south to Medford for the Official Visit to Zuleima Temple. BREAKING NEWS: It was announced at our October stated session that our Cruise to Alaska brought us a donation of $500 to our Nydia Temple general fund and $2000 to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. Thank you Past Queen Paulette Schlee from Nydia Temple and the 64 Alaskan Cruisers! The Forget Me Nots By Lady Janis Ferlisi Our last get together was on September 24th and it was at the Golden Crown in Beaverton, we had a very small group, but we sure did enjoy ourselves. We discussed where we would be in October – Gustav’s in Tigard – and talked about what had happened to most of us over the summer plus what everyone knew about missing members. Slips were pasted out to come up with ideas for the next year of restaurants and everyone wanted to take the slips home and decide and let me know. We will discuss this at the October meeting. Remember your ideas and I’ll see you at Gustav’s – at 1130 AM, in Tigard across from Washington Square by Red Lobster on Greenburg Rd. – 503-639-4544 Al Zahrah Court #58 Ladies Oriental Shrine by Lady Nora Timm, PHP Al Zahrah Court initiated 3 Ladies at our High Priestess' Official Visit September 13th. We welcome Linda Tate (Milwaukie); Linda Stauffer (St. Helens); and Margaret Vockrodt (Longview) to membership with us. Following the afternoon Ceremonial was a really fun time at the Spaghetti Factory with some of our Nobles and husbands also. A special thank you went to the Ladies of Ahmes Court from Seattle who visited and performed a skit which the Ladies of our Court haven't seen done in over 15 years!! It was fabulous, very well done and a surprise for our Candidates. 8 of our Ladies attended the Western Area Organized Units Meet in San Diego September 17-20. Some even braved a bus tour to Tijuana to see the new Ambulatory Clinic of the Los Angeles Shriners Hospital. The ways of doing business at Shriners Hospitals is ever changing and this will make it easier for the Mexican children to have follow-up appointments there instead of sometimes difficult and time consuming border crossings. We plan another Ceremonial to initiate more new candidates whose petitions we received in February. It's not too late to get your petition to one of our members. If you don't know a Lady who belongs, the Shrine Center office Ladies can assist or you can call our High Priestess Rayna Keller (503) 679-1045 or Nora Timm, PHP (503) 318-2750 or our Recorder, Lady Julie Penge, PHP (503) 990-8555 in the Salem area. Come check us out - we are having lots of fun and fellowship! Or see the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America website. Save the Date - December 31, 2014 The event is a New Years Eve party to kick off the year of fund raising. It starts about 8:00 PM with drinks, hors d'oeuvres, prizes, raffle and music. The entertainment is going to be Billy and the Rockets and a breakfast will be served about 12:30 AM. La Quinta is providing discounted rooms and a shuttle to and from the hotel. Price for the event is $30.00 each, all inclusive with a single person with the hotel is $100.00 and a couple is $130.00. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 14 HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS-PORTLAND by Pat Grennan, Director of Community Afairs Hello Al Kader I wanted to let you know that the ABATE Toy Run is on; scheduled for Saturday December 6th, 2014. Last year’s event was a much scaled down one, due to very bad weather. ABATE was given permission to run a much smaller parade this year, it will be handled like a “memorial procession” and will be a much shorter route. We will say a prayer for decent weather…as that may ensure bigger participation than last year. I hear the Al Kader Motor Escort group has already been contacted to participate in the �scaled down’ parade…and a big thank you from ABATE for their assistance. Please share this information with your membership as there may be questions as to whether the event is on. We have already been hearing inaccurate rumblings that the event was cancelled again this year. “Nay, Nay”, I say!! ANNUAL NOTICE OF ELECTION by IS Dave Johnson, Potentate Notice is hereby given that the meeting for the election of Officers of Al Kader Temple, Shriners International will be held on Monday, December 8th, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Al Kader Shrine Center, Wilsonville, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to elect the first seven Officers of the Temple for one-year terms and the four representatives from Al Kader to the 2015 Imperial Council. 325.11 Election Regulations. (a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a Unit, Club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited. (b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office is prohibited. (c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election. (d) Notice. At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section. (This requirement is deemed satisfied by this notice.) Amended 2011 Public Relations by Noble Carey Huckaba Want to make good things happen? If you read the potentate’s column “Dave Says…” on page 2 of the October OASIS, then you know that Al Kader is breaking new ground in public relations as a new approach to attracting quality members while also improving our public image. Edward L. Bernays, the father of modern public relations, coined the phrase, �The Engineering of Consent.’ In fact, in his book by that very name, this is how he defined PR. “Public Relations is the attempt, by information, persuasion, and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution.” Al Kader is forming a Public Relations Committee charged with establishing a PR program with four goals. (1) Attract quality members for Masonic Lodges and Al Kader. (2) Give the public a positive impression about Shrinedom and Shriners Hospitals. (3) Develop a membership relations program to inform Shriners about International Shrinedom and Shriners Hospitals. (4) To accomplish PR projects for the Illustrious Potentate. If you would like to be a part of a committee that will provide a brighter future for Al Kader Shriners while you learn about the fascinating field of public relations, then contact Al Kader Shriners and express an interest in the PR Committee. Or, if you have questions, contact Carey Huckaba via email: [email protected] or telephone: 503 842 5326. Al Kader History Display by Noble John Smith, Historian WOMEN SHRINERS? Al Kader Shriners History and that of the World has been touched by many heroines. We have several Masonic Family Women’s Groups. Even many of our Shrine Hospital volunteers are WOMEN. Al Kader has been so touched. Our sweethearts attend our Shrine practices, iron our Shrine uniforms, go to our parades, decorate our Shrine tables, fix many of our Shrine meals and do so much for us. When we call Al Kader Shrine, we usually first talk with a WOMAN. History teaches us that most Shriners and Shrine events have a Shrine sweetheart supporting us, yet unhonored. History challenges all Shriners to honor their sweethearts. Help us write or document Al Kader History. Tell us your ideas by calling Al Kader Shrine and asking to talk to a Noble. Call 503-266-2163 (a woman may answer) or 503-682-4420 (Al Kader) or email History at [email protected] (a woman may read it first). Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 15 Don't Miss The Al Kader Oriental Band's Annual World's Greatest & Best Fresh Crab Feast A Sit Down Affair At Al Kader Shrine Center Saturday – January 15, 2014 Cost Is $30.00 Per Person (Bring your own crackers & picks) (Breast of Chicken will be available as the alternative choice of entree.) Tables of eight or more may one name - and full payment table reservation. Seating is and prepaid reservations are ets will be sold at the door. be reserved in must accompany limited to 400 a must! No tick- This event ALWAYS sells out, so... get your reservations in early! Tickets are available from any Oriental Band member or by calling your credit card (Visa - Mastercharge only) to Ted Schoessler at 503-682-4420, or by calling Ralph Jubb at 503-255-3367, or Wade Robley at 503-786-3680. Checks payable to the Oriental Band may also be sent to the Attention of Ted Schoessler at the Shrine Center, 25100 SW Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9612 There will be a Raffle and Gaming with many prizes Invite your friends and relatives to this great event Doors open at 5:00 PM All net proceeds benefit the Oriental Band & Al Kader Shrine General Funds. Payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution. Al Kader OASIS - November 2012 - Page 16 Noble Winford H. Dillard Named Shriner of the Month Noble Winford H. Dillard, better known as “Wink,” of Egypt Shriners in Tampa, Fla., has been named Shriner of the Month for October 2014. The award program was developed by the leadership of Shriners International to honor outstanding nobles who demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to both the fraternity and its philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children. in Tampa, Fla., Named Shriner of the Month his cost. Today, Noble Dillard continues to organize all the patient transportation trips, which add up to about 15-20 hours per week. He keeps one van at home, and another in the eastern part of Polk County to better serve the patients and their families. The Epitome of a Shriner In addition to being dedicated to the transportation of patients, Noble Dillard is also a devoted volunteer at the Tampa Shriners Hospital. For the past six years he has volunteered in the seating department, which manages the selection of wheelchairs, seating technologies and components that meet the anticipated growth needs of the patients. He has a regular full-day weekly shift with the department, and also comes in to work additional days when he transports patients to the hospital. So far, Noble Dillard has logged a total of 2,164 volunteer hours at the Tampa Shriners Hospital. An Important Asset for Patients and Their Families Noble Dillard was born in Welch, W.Va., where he married his Lady, Willa, in 1960. They have three children, nine grandchildren, and five and a half great-grandchildren. Not long after Noble Dillard moved to Lakeland, Fla., he joined Egypt Shriners and the Lakeland Shrine Club. There, he met Noble Don Markell, who had been transporting the children of Polk County to Shriners Hospitals for Children — Tampa for many years. Noble Markell was very ill, and he recruited Noble Dillard to take his place as the patient transportation driver for the club. Taking over the responsibility with immense enthusiasm, Noble Dillard made his first trip in May 2005. The number of patient transports began increasing, so Noble Dillard recruited several more drivers and co-pilots to fill the growing needs of the program. An avid Corvette enthusiast, Noble Dillard was having his personal car serviced at Stingray Chevrolet in Plant City, Fla., when he approached the owner regarding the patient transportation program. As a result of the conversation, the owner said he would donate gasoline to fuel the hospital excursions. From then on, the patient transportation drivers would fill up the vans at Stingray Chevrolet, allowing the money saved to be used elsewhere. In 2010, Noble Dillard spoke to the owner again about purchasing a new van to replace their aging one. The following week, the owner donated a van to the Lakeland Shrine Club to help them manage the increasing number of patient transports. The patient transports continued to grow, and two years later, Noble Dillard convinced the owner to sell the Club another van, at Noble Dillard also collects aluminum tabs and cans, and so far he has brought more than 120 gallons to the hospital. He also collects cans from the local golf course, as well as his subdivision, and sells them to raise additional money for the Tampa hospital. Noble Dillard also takes the old batteries from the hospital’s seating department, sells them and donates the money back to the department – to date, the donations have amounted to more than $1,000. He also assists with car show fundraisers and volunteers with the Lakeland Fire Department at their annual open house, where he shares burn awareness materials with the community. The impact of Noble Dillard’s many activities on behalf of the fraternity and its philanthropy is immeasurable. He used the knowledge that comes from having a degree in mechanical engineering from Virginia Tech to initiate a mobility equipment service that accepts used equipment, reconditions it, and then donates the equipment to children who do not have the financial means to obtain it. The service, which started out to include just walkers and manual wheelchairs, has grown to also include power wheelchairs, scooters and various accessories. According to Craig Kraft, the seating coordinator at the Tampa Shriners Hospital, “Most wheelchairs cost from $500 to $5,000. Noble Dillard helps us maximize our resources to help more children who need seating and wheeled mobility equipment here at Shriners Hospital for Children — Tampa.” In addition to the obvious tangible benefits of his efforts, Noble Dillard’s hard work provides an example to look up to, which inspires and motivates fellow members, creates a positive impression in the community, and, in turn, strengthens membership. According to those who know Noble “Wink,” he truly loves volunteering, and his dedication and commitment to Shriners International and its philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children, are the personification of a Shriner. Congratulations to Noble Dillard for his achievements and for being chosen Shriner of the Month. Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 17 Al Kader Nobles Celebrating Birthdays in November Donald Leonard Gavin Kurt Louis Jack Richard Charles William Edward Jon Gary Kivel David Doughton Cardwell Reid Wiskoff Clark Mcclary Riggs Edgar Moore Osgood Mitchell Dentinger Wilson Potter 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/5 Diecel Gulbranson 11/5 Jeremy Ward 11/5 Lyle Brown 11/5 Allen Kirk 11/6 C. Shelton Jones 11/6 Carl Shoemaker Ii 11/6 Paul Branham 11/6 John Meadows 11/6 Nathaniel Pratt 11/6 Curtis Hanson 11/6 Earl Burdick Jr 11/6 Dr John Wallace Ii 11/7 Ronald Henderson 11/7 Joaquin Reis Iii 11/7 William Phillips 11/7 Thomas Hembree 11/7 Jack Clubb 11/8 Wayne Dennis 11/9 G. John Heddle 11/9 John Stobie 11/9 Loren Caddy 11/9 Gordon Johnson 11/9 Wilbur Jessen 11/9 James Johnson 11/10 Keith Lucas 11/10 Nathan Reddoor 11/10 Steve Rutherford 11/10 Michael Ryan 11/10 Paul Giepel 11/10 William Taylor 11/10 Jack Clarence William Joseph Vern Paul Roger Robert Arne Glenn Donald David George Donald Michael Duane Dennis William Kenneth Howard Andrew David Ronald Rusty Joshua Lawrence Marvin Elias Gary Eric Lanterman Hoffman Jr Drake Kaufman Harris Kirk Baker Gamble Jylha Clark Copenhagen Stephenson Larsen Baxter Haftorson Drushella Hutchison Garrett Harnden Haynes Brawley Larson Collman Aldrich Tucker Wacken Law Plascencia Briggs Lovelin 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 Mark Sanders Thomas Killion Gerald Maurina Hollis Bolton David Mccall Hewitt Hillis James Hussey Nels Edlund William Shearer Walter Brashers Morton Mcgee Larry Maine Lawrence Mulock Rick Schleining William Warnock Jesse Jones Ralph Osvold David Clark Rodney Moore Eugene Winters Tony Ziegler Gary Garde Dennis Thonstad James Anderson Christopher Warren E. Ned Snow Charles Farrell Lewis Finley Kent Mehrer Stanley Clifton Saturday, November 1st Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 18 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/22 11/22 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/28 11/29 11/29 11/30 11/30 Kids with physical disabilities are twice as likely to be bullied, according to our friends at the National Bullying Prevention Center. At Shriners Hospitals for Children®, we get to know thousands of patients who are coping with orthopaedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, burns, or cleft lip or palate. And it breaks my heart to think they may be subjected to abuse when they return to school. Help us take a stand against bullying at Visit today! I’m so proud to have former patient, award-winning actor, and Shriners Hospitals for Children Love to the rescue® Ambassador RJ Mitte serve as part of this effort. RJ has spoken eloquently about his experiences: “I was born with cerebral palsy, and my disability made me a target for bullies. I was harassed, knocked down and even had my hand broken. But, I was lucky. I had my friends, my family, and Shriners Hospitals for Children to help me become stronger — inside and out.” That’s why Shriners Hospitals for Children’s care doesn’t stop at the hospital door. We go into schools to teach our patients’ classmates about how everyone deserves respect.Together, we can #CutTheBull and put an end to bullying. We have the ability to make a difference. We can embrace others for who they are, not who we think they should be. Visit to learn more and sign the pledge! Please share this special message with your friends and family today. Sincerely, Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 19 50/50 50/50 2014 (Rev 2013-50/50) Shriners International Shriners International 25100 Parkway – Wilsonville,Oregon Oregon97070-9600 97070-9600 25100 SW SW Parkway AveAve – Wilsonville, Office (503) 682-4420 Office (503) 682-4420Fax Fax(503) (503)685-5080 685-5080 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Caravaners Golf Club Initiation full, must accompany Petition and be may be by paid by or Visa or MasterCard. The special is $50*.balance The firstofyear’s dues will dues be prorated Initiation fees, fees, in full,inmust accompany Petition and may paid Visa MasterCard. The special 50/5050/50 fee isfee $50*.The the first year’s and Imperial based on date of initiation. The $20 Imperial Per Capita tax must also be paid - $5 Hospital Assessment which is included, is tax-deductible. *Cost of Fez not included (Felt - $123.75, Velour - $153.75, Fez case+accs - $35) Ceremonials will be held on May 18th 7 and November 22nd 2014 Anyone desiring to schedule additional Cold Sands initiations, please contact the Recorder or Potentate. Total 50/50 Fees for Initiation - Shrine Year 2014 ...$50.00* Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ __________________ Check No. _______ Please charge my Visa/MasterCard No. __________________________ Exp. Date ______ Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 20 Permanent Contributing Member A Contribution That Lasts A Lifetime The Shrine offers Nobles a chance to be a life member of its hospitals! Through the Shrine’s Permanent Contributing Membership (PCM) program, you can purchase a certificate for $150 relieving you, as a Shriner, of the annual $5 hospital assessment for life. This contribution is deductible as a charitable deduction. It’s an excellent way for you to support the World’s Greatest Philanthropy. Your membership adds to a special endowment fund which directly supports our hospitals. This means your gift will serve for generations to come because only the income from the gift will be spent annually to help our hospitals. A Noble contributing to the fund will receive a certificate suitable for framing and a dues card bearing a special seal indicating he is a Permanent Contribution Member. The PCM is an excellent gift for fathers to give their sons when they become Nobles, wives to give their husbands who are Nobles, or units to use as a special recognition for outstanding Shriners who are officers or volunteers. Application for Permanent Contributing Membership to Shriners Hospital I hereby request the honor of becoming a Permanent Contributing Member of the Shrine Hospitals. Noble’s Name ___________________________________ Date Submitted ____________ Street Address ________________________________ City _________________________ State __________________ Zip __________________ Phone No. ____________________ My payment of $150.00 made out to “Shrine Hospital PCM is enclosed. This is a tax deductible donation in lieu of the annual Hospital assessment which will not be added to your annual dues in the future. Please return this form and your donation to: Recorder, Al Kader Shriners Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 21 Al Kader OASIS - August 2006 - Page 2 Adult Living You Design! T Now offering Memory Care. he Jennings McCall management has more than 80 years of experience in caring for the needs of aging adults. Jennings McCall — amenities, choices and individual services suited to your needs. Assisted Living supports your choices, enhances your dignity, and ensures your privacy and individuality. Retirement Living provides a life of independence, confidence and freedom. Contact Tina Purdy at 503-357-4133, or by email at [email protected]. 2300 Masonic Way Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 Where Good Friends Gather to Dance! Marianna Thielen Vocalist Supreme Will Join The John Bennett Dance Band "The Best Damn Dance Band in the Pacific Northwest" a dancer's quote Sunday, October 26th PLUS! A "Silent Auction" will be going on to Support & Help "Owl Be Better With Music", a Volunteer Group that gives a "Party" each month For The Children at the Shriners Childrens Hospital. Great Location, Beautiful Ballroom and Plenty of Free Parking. $10 per person Recommended More If You Wish, This Is A Fun(d) Raiser You Know! Down Beat 4pm No Host (Adult Beverage) Bar & New Salad Bar Net $proceeds$ go to the Shriners Oriental Band Live @ the Shrine Dance Center Information??? Call: Earline @ 503-789-5608 Frank Mills 9/29/2014 Culbertson, NE Donald Swan 9/22/2014 Portland Stanley Timmerman 8/211/2014 Corvallis Robert Wagenblast 10/06/2014 The Dalles Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 22 Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 23 Al Kader Shrine Shriners International CHANGE of ADDRESS Name _____________________________ Old Address ________________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ NEW Address ______________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 497 PORTLAND, OR 25100 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Dated Material Please Rush Please add Telephone # ( ) __________ SEND THIS COUPON TO: Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 (503) 230-0500 Your Home Window and Door Specialists Locally Owned and operated NO Subcontractors Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers. We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers. We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors. 14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267 (Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee) CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice November 2014 December 2014 Friday, November 7 Chief Rabban Set-up Saturday, November 8 Chief Rabban Night - 5:30 PM Monday, November 10 Stated Meeting Doors Open 5: 00 PM Monday, November 17 Board Meeting- 6:30 PM Thursday, November 20 Unit Head/Divan Meeting - 5:30 PM Friday, November 21 Dinner and Hospital Visit 6:00PM at SHC - Portland Saturday, November 22 Winter Ceremonial Shrine Center - 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday, November 29 Kids’ Christmas Party Shrine Center - 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday, December 6 ABATE Toy Run - 10:00 AM Parade of Lights Independence - 5:00 PM Monday, December 8 Stated Meeting Elections! - 5:30 PM Saturday, December 13 Christmas Party and Honors Social - 5:30 PM Monday, December 15 Board Meeting- 6:30 PM Sunday, December 21 Divan Appreciation Dinner - 5:00 PM Stockpot Restaurant Wednesday, December 31 New Year’s Eve Party It’s only one step from Apron to Fez! January 2015 Friday, January 2 Divan Fellowship 6:00-8:00 PM Saturday, January 3 Rehearsal Installation of Officers 5:00 PM Saturday, January 10 Hillah Installation of Officers 5:00 PM Monday, January 12 Stated meeting 5:30 PM Friday,January 16 Club/Unit/ Divan Networking 6:30 PM Saturday, January 17 Club/Unit/Divan Training 8:00 AM Monday, January 19 Board Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday, January 24 East/West Football Committee Meeting Prineville- 8:00AM Monday, January 26 Divan Meeting 6:00 PM Thursday, January 29 Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday, January 31 Oriental Band Crab Feed 5:00 PM Nile Shrine Center Potentates Ball 6:00 PM Al Kader OASIS - November 2014 - Page 24
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