Voters Guide A nonpartisan publication prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area containing candidates listed on the ballots of Union County Voters GENERAL ELECTION Tuesday, November 4, 2014 7am-8pm UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Answers to Questions: You may take this publication into the voting booth with you. THE GENERAL ELECTION REPRESENTATIVE in the U.S. CONGRESS: This Voters Guide lists U.S. offices first, then state offices. The candidates listed are those whose names appear on the official ballot. They are listed in ballot order with the party of the governor given precedence. The option to write in a candidate is available on the voting machine. 10th District Description of office: Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is composed of two houses. The upper house is the Senate. The lower house is the House of Representatives. A majority vote by both houses is necessary to pass a law. Term: Two years Salary: $174,000 Vote for one. U.S. House of Representatives, 10th District includes all of Union, Bradford, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Pike, Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, and Wayne Counties; and part of Lackawanna, Monroe, Northumberland, Perry, and Tioga Counties. All candidates for U.S. Representative were asked: 1. How do you believe the Voting Rights Act should be amended in the light of the US Supreme Court actions? 2. Many voters are concerned about “gridlock” in Congress which has resulted in little action on problems facing this country. What specifically could you and other members of Congress do to improve this situation? The Voters Guide is provided free of charge by members of the League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area. The League thanks the Union County businesses who so generously contributed to the financing of this Guide (see page 5). Republican Occupation: I currently serve as Representative in Congress for Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District. Tom Marino Lycoming County D.O.B.: 08/13/1952 Qualifications: I served as Lycoming County District Attorney from 1992 to 2002 and then as United States Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania from 2002 to 2008. I was first elected to represent the 10th Congressional District in 2010. Education: Williamsport Area Community College, A.A./General Studies, 1982-1983; Lycoming College, B.A./Political Science/Education, Magna Cum Laude, 1984-1985; Dickinson School of Law, J.D., with Honors, 1985-1987 For instance, Section 2 provides the most effective means to block discriminatory voting procedures or impediments. Section 3 grants the Courts the authority to require �pre-clearance’ of voting law changes in a jurisdiction if a pattern of discrimination exists. We should be looking for ways to employ and defend the various other tools provided by the Voting Rights Act to combat discrimination. 2. We currently have a Republicancontrolled House of Representatives, a Democrat-controlled Senate, a Democrat President, and a Supreme Court that is essentially divided ideologically. Needless to say, this is not a recipe for efficient law-making. The good news is that divided government makes us more careful and deliberate – something the Democrat majority in the House and Senate failed to consider when they passed Obamacare. TABLE OF CONTENTS Representative in U.S. Congress: 10th District Pennsylvania Governor Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor 1. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I have studied the Supreme Court’s Shelby County decision. While portions of the Voting Rights Act were thrown out, vital provisions of the Voting Rights Act remain in place. Representative in PA General Assembly: 84th District 6 85th District 6 Polling Places 8 1 3 4 1 I also strongly support a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits so old grievances go away as more new fresh voices are able to come to Congress. © Copyright 2014 LWVPA-CEF US Representative, con't. Independent Democratic Scott F. Brion Lycoming County D.O. B.: 11/26/1969 Education: Liberty H.S., 1988; Wharton School of Business, Univ. of Pennsylvania, B.S.E., 1992 Occupation: Principal, Tioga Resources–A firm that owns and manages real estate, advises landowners and community stakeholders regarding natural gas leasing, and development Qualifications: 20+ years professional career in real estate, energy and international business; 13 years expertise—energy markets and policy; 5 years community support and education to Pennsylvania lessors and landowners; Member NARO–PA Legislative Committee; Pennsylvania small business owner Answers to Questions: 1. The Voting Rights Act should be amended to reflect current factual conditions in the coverage formula such that states and local jurisdictions with significant federal violations of election law are subject to approval of election law changes. Further, the act should be amended such that jurisdictions not subject to approval can be added to the list of states requiring approval for law changes based on new violations. A suitable notice period prior to any election law change and a review of gerrymandering should also be considered. 2. As a Member of Congress I would reduce gridlock by supporting only serious legislation with positive policy implications that benefit the citizens of the 10th district. I will not support legislation based on partisan principals or intended primarily for partisan purposes no matter which party might be perceived to benefit. I will further seek to reach across party lines freely to advance the interests of the 10th district. nicholas troiano THE VOTERS GUIDE The League of Women Voters publishes this Guide free of charge as a public educational service. Nothing in the Guide should be construed as an endorsement of any candidate by the League of Women Voters. The material was obtained from questionnaires sent to all the candidates and compiled by volunteers from the League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area. Each candidate’s reply has been reprinted as submitted, except to use standard abbreviations, and by editing from the bottom when a candidate’s reply exceeded the word limit. Photos of candidates were requested and have been used whenever submitted. Editor: Liz Clement Designer: Dawn Maneval Thanks to Mary Candland, Marge Duck, Keay Hathaway, Carole Madle, Sue Travis, Susan Warner-Mills and the Union County Elections and Voter Registration Office LWVLA President: Janice Bigelow The League of Women Voters The League of Women Voters is a nonprofit organization of women and men. Its purpose is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League is nonpartisan: it does not support or oppose any candidate or party. It does, however, take positions on public issues and encourages its members to participate as individuals in the party of their choice. League members study and reach agreement upon issues before taking such public positions. Membership is open to all women and men, and inquiries are welcome. You may go to the LWVLA website at: or contact us at 570-524-4439. Contributions to support our educational activities are greatly appreciated. Taxdeductible contributions can be made out to LWVLA Education Fund and sent to PO Box 206, Lewisburg, PA 17837. For more information about the League or to receive material about state and/or federal government, write or call: The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, 226 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102-3220 or 1-800-692-7281, or go to their homepage at: Additional candidate and voter information can be found at: S P E C I A L TH AN K S / FAC T S FO R VO TE RS The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area would like to give special thanks to two businesses who have very generously sponsored the publication of our legislative directory, Facts for Voters, for many years: COLDWELL BANKER Penn One Real Estate MEIXELL-DIEHL INSURANCE regional office for KEYSTONE INSURERS GROUP You may find the Facts for Voters at public libraries, post offices, government buildings, banks, and some businesses throughout Union County. You may also find it online at: Lycoming County D.O.B.: 06/03/1989 Education: Delaware Valley H.S., 2007; Georgetown Univ., B.A./Government, 2011; Georgetown Univ., M.A./ American Government, 2013 Occupation: Self-employed Qualifications: Nick’s experience and qualifications span the non-profit, public, and private sectors: Co-founder, The Can Kicks Back (non-profit); Writer, The Pike County Courier; Visitors Services Representative, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area; Owner/operator, Hot Diggity Dogs (food concession business). Answers to Questions: 1. Government should work to make it easier for people to vote and do more to protect the integrity of our electoral process. I am concerned that the recent actions of Congress, the Supreme Court, and many state legislatures are working against this goal. Many are surprised to learn that there is not an explicit “Right to Vote” in the U.S. Constitution. I would support amending the Constitution to add this fundamental and important right in order to guarantee the voting rights of all citizens, make sure each and every vote counts, and stop any attempts to disenfranchise voters. 2. We are gridlocked because politicians care more about serving their party bosses and campaign contributors than we, the people. In order to change the way politicians govern, we must change the way they get elected. For example, I am running as an independent and refusing special interest contributions so that I will only be beholden to our community. Further, I support a range of political reforms that would incentivize cooperation over conflict and progress over partisanship — including opening our primary elections to all voters, establishing an independent commission to end gerrymandering, and reforming campaign finance system to empower small donors. 2 PENNSYLVANIA state government Governor ELECTION RESULTS WEBSITE Description of office: The Governor is the chief executive officer of the Commonwealth, administers the laws and manages the financial affairs of the state, has extensive appointive powers, may approve or veto every bill passed by both houses of the General Assembly, and is Commander-in-Chief of the Military Forces of the Commonwealth, except when they are called into the actual service of the United States. The Governor must annually present to the General Assembly a balanced operating budget and a capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year as well as a financial plan for not less than the next five succeeding fiscal years. The Governor can remit fines and forfeitures and grant reprieves. If the Board of Pardons has first held a public hearing and made a recommendation, the Governor can also commute sentences and pardon persons, except in cases of impeachment. The Governor certifies elections for Presidential Electors in the Electoral College and provides Congressional election returns to United States officials. S/he also issues commissions to persons for Judge of the Supreme Court or Superior Court and for every court of record. Term: Four years Salary: $187,256 Vote for one. All candidates for Pennsylvania Governor were asked: You are in the midst of an expensive election campaign. What are your thoughts on campaign finance reform? Republican TOM CORBETT Allegheny County D.O.B.: 06/17/1949 Education: Lebanon Valley College, B.A./ Political Science; St. Mary’s Univ. School of Law, J.D. Occupation: Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Unofficial election results will be posted on the Union County website as soon as they become available on election night. Please visit the Union County Elections and Voter Registration Office homepage at: After accessing the homepage, click on “Unofficial Election Results.” VOTING INFORMATION MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE TO VOTE If you moved or can’t remember where you vote, call the Union County Elections and Voter Registration Office at 570-524-8681 to make sure you go to the right polling place. This information is also on your Voter Registration card. United States Attorney, Western Pennsylvania; Captain, PA National Guard; Assistant District Attorney, Allegheny County; Teacher, Pine Grove Area High School Answer to Question: We must continue implementing reforms to make campaign finance more open and transparent. I would err in favor of broadly construing constitutional rights, especially where First Amendment protection of free expression is concerned. Total transparency of campaign finances and political spending by interested parties is the most effective method for maintaining accountability. It is for this reason the Department of State recently revamped the campaign finance website to provide the public with greater access to campaign finance reports. ABSENTEE VOTING Registered voters who are ill, disabled, or will be absent from the municipality on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot. You may get an absentee ballot application from the Union County Elections and Voter Registration Office, Union County Government Center, 155 North 15th Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837. COMPLETED APPLICATIONS for civilian absentee ballots must be received by the Elections Office by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 28, 2014. COMPLETED CIVILIAN ABSENTEE BALLOTS must be received by the Elections Office by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014. If an emergency arises (unexpected illness or business trip) after the Tuesday application deadline and before the 5 p.m. deadline on Friday, call your Elections Office for information on emergency absentee voting. An emergency application and ballot can be obtained and voted by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 31. Accessibility and Assistance in Voting Occupation: Chairman, Wolf Organization Any voter having questions regarding the accessibility of a polling place should contact the Elections Office. Any voter who has a physical disability that requires assistance in voting or using a voting machine may complete a declaration at the polling place and receive assistance. ELECTION DAY PROBLEMS If your right to vote is challenged at the polls on Election Day and the problem cannot be resolved at the polling place, the Judge of Elections at the polling place will telephone the Elections Office. The problem could be resolved by phone if your name appears on the county records. If it does not, you must be given the opportunity to cast a provisional ballot. If it is determined that you are eligible to vote, your ballot will be counted. WHEN IN DOUBT, ASK! Poll workers are there to help you. They'll show you how to work the machines and can give you a provisional ballot if you need one. If you’re at the wrong polling place, a phone call to the Elections Office should direct you to the right one. If you registered to vote while applying for or renewing a driver’s license AND you have received a Voter Registration Card, you are eligible to vote in this election. Qualifications: Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Democratic TOM WOLF York County D.O.B: 11/17/1948 Education: Dartmouth College, B.A., 1972; Univ. of London, M. Phil., 1978; MIT, PhD, 1981 Qualifications: I have a different background that uniquely positions me to promote the values we all share. I served in the Peace Corps, I built a business twice, and I served as Governor Rendell's Secretary of Revenue. Read my story: Answer to Question: I believe stronger campaign finance and disclosure reforms can help reduce the potential for corruption in state government while providing transparency in the political process in Pennsylvania. As governor, I will support legislation to establish a public finance program, set campaign contribution limits, and create stricter reporting requirements for contributions and late filing fees. You can read more about my campaign finance reforms on my website. 3 © Copyright 2014 LWVPA-CEF PA State Government, con't. Qualifications: Lt. Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; President, Pennsylvania Senate; Commissioner, Bucks County Board of Commissioners; Former Member, Bristol School Board, Bristol Township Lieutenant governor Description of office: The Lieutenant Governor will be elected jointly with the Governor in the General Election although candidates are nominated separately in the Primary. The Lieutenant Governor is President of the Senate and Chair of the Board of Pardons. S/He presides over the Senate, but has no vote unless the Senate is equally divided. The Constitution provides that s/he shall be chosen at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term, and subject to the same provisions as the Governor, and that in case of the death, conviction or impeachment, failure to qualify, resignation, or other disability of the Governor, the powers, duties, and emoluments of the office for the remainder of the term or until the disability be removed shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor. Term: Four years Salary: $157,293 Vote for one. All candidates for Pennsylvania Lt. Governor were asked: You are in the midst of an expensive election campaign. What are your thoughts on campaign finance reform? Answer to Question: I support Governor Corbett’s objective of making Pennsylvania’s campaign finance system more open and transparent. We must continue to promote public accountability while preserving the First Amendment rights of all Pennsylvanians. Democratic The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area (LWVLA) is celebrating its 60th Anniversary in 2014. We were founded in 1954 as a provisional league, and since our founding, we have had continuous publication of a Voters Guide. From 1954-1962 the Voters Guide appeared within a newspaper. In the early years it often was a simple listing of candidates. In 1963 the first separate publication was issued. As time went on, the Guide expanded to include biographical information about candidates, and candidate responses to timely questions of interest to the voting public. Information about when, where, and procedurally how to vote was also included. In recent years informational articles have been included on issues such as Voter ID requirements and reapportionment in order to educate voters on such issues. A 1961 newspaper Voters Guide introduced the public to one of our League’s favorite sayings: VOTE, BUT DON’T VOTE IN THE DARK. Republican JIM CAWLEY Bucks County D.O.B: 06/22/1969 Education: Temple Univ., B.A./Political Science; Temple Univ. School of Law, J.D. Occupation: Lt. Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 60 Years of Voters Guide Editors The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area is proud that we have provided 60 years of informing and educating the voters of Union County with a Voters Guide published prior to elections. These publications were made possible by the generous support of business donors from our community. Listed below are the names of the editors of these Guides, many of whom have been editor for multiple editions. Francis Carr Margie Jones Ellie Gersten Mrs.Edward Staiano Mrs.Gerald M. Farkas Margie Maxwell Nancy West Anne Cooper Carmen Arndt Evelyn Schneider Ann Grundstrom* Jeanne Malewski Linda Godfrey Sandra Kent Lynn Henry Kathleen Kaufmann Stacy Hinck* Ellen Donovan Donna Laszewski * editor of multiple editions of the Guide 4 Joan Sinclair Judy Harris Judy Anderson* Linda Naugle Susan Travis* Dawn Maneval Marge Duck Liz Clement* Susan Warner-Mills MIKE STACK Philadelphia County D.O.B: 06/05/1963 Education: LaSalle College H.S.; LaSalle Univ.; Villanova School of Law, 1992 Occupation: State Senator, Attorney Qualifications: State Senator, 13 years; Democratic Chair of the Banking and Insurance Committee; Captain in PA National Guard, 7 years; served in Governor Casey’s Administration Answer to Question: Campaign contributions must be fully disclosed in a timely manner, with steep penalties for breaking the law. I support the prohibition of corporate dollars being used in Pennsylvania campaigns. I disagree with recent Supreme Court decisions that will allow more unregulated money in federal elections. sustaining sponsorship The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area gratefully acknowledges PPL CORPORATION and its affiliates LWVLA thanks them for their generous support of its educational activities. Specifically, a portion of the 2014-2015 sponsorship will fund the upcoming How to Run For Office Workshop scheduled for Saturday, February 21, 2015. The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area would like to thank the following Union County businesses who so generously contributed to the financing of the 2014 LWV Voters Guides. VOTERS GUIDE BENEFACTOR GRAHAM C. SHOWALTER Attorney at Law VOTERS GUIDE SPONSORs ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. H.V.A.C. RAL ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN 230 Market Street, Lewisburg 570-524-2300 VOTERS GUIDE SUPPORTERS Law offices of Brann & Light Andrew D. Lyons Terry W. Light, J.D. Attorney at Law 570-523-3239 B.Z. Motors Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram The Open Door— Framing & Art Restoration Daniel J. Clement David R. Robinson, DMD, Dentistry Coldwell Banker Penn One Real Estate Rose Pool and Patio Rt. 15, Lewisburg Attorney at Law 570-523-3207 Route 15 South Faustina's Wehr's Beverage Art • framing • design 229 Market St., Lewisburg Mifflinburg, PA West Milton State Bank 5 © Copyright 2014 LWVPA-CEF STATE LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES REPRESENTATIVES in the PA GENERAL ASSEMBLY In Pennsylvania, the legislative branch of government is composed of two houses: the Senate is the upper house and the General Assembly is the lower house. A majority vote by both houses is necessary to pass a law. Term: Two years Salary: $84,012 Vote for one. All candidates for State Representative were asked: 1. Many citizens are concerned about the possible negative impacts of Marcellus Shale gas drilling operations in PA. Do you support levying a natural gas extraction/severance tax on gas companies to pay for the costs of protecting our infrastructure and environment? Why or why not? Answers to Questions: PA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REAPPOR TIONMENT Based upon the 2010 Census, Pennsylvania lost one seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The same data is used for State Senate and State House redistricting. In 2012, the Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC) prepared a plan for reapportionment and submitted it for public review. Following appeal by a citizen, the PA Supreme Court decided to delay implementation of the plan until 2014 because it did not meet the mandates of the PA Constitution requiring compactness, contiguity, and integrity of political subdivisions. This year the plan finally passed and will be in effect. PA Senate: Previously, New Berlin and Hartleton Boroughs, and Lewis, Limestone, and Hartley Townships were part of the 34th District, served by Jake Corman. However, the new reapportionment includes ALL of Union County in the 23rd State Senatorial District, which is currently served by Senator Gene Yaw. This is a change for those municipalities mentioned above. PA House of Representatives: The PA House of Representatives now contains two districts in Union County instead of one. Previously, all of Union County was in the 85th District served by Representative Fred Keller. Now, the municipalities of White Deer and Gregg Townships are in the 84th District, which is served by Representative Garth Everett. All other Union Country municipalities remain in the 85th District. 2. What are your top three legislative priorities for Pennsylvania? REPRESENTATIVE in the 84th Legislative District Includes Gregg and White Deer Townships in Union County, and part of Lycoming County. Republican GARTH EVERETT Lycoming County PHOTO ID INFORMATION A PHOTO ID IS NOT REQUIRED A permanent injunction against the PA Voter ID law was issued by Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard McGinley in January 2014. Judge McGinley called voting rights "irreplaceable" and decided that the law violated the fundamental right to vote protected in the State Constitution. Although the law was enacted in 2012, it was never implemented due to legal challenges by a coalition of voting rights organizations, resulting in three trials and a preliminary injunction before the permanent injunction was issued. NOTE: The first time you vote in your precinct you are required to show ID, but it doesn’t need to have a photo on it. Education: Montoursville H.S., 1972; Penn State Univ., B.S., 1976; Penn State Univ., J.D., 2000 FIRST-TIME VOTERS AT A PRECINCT Qualifications: Officer US Air Force, 20 years; Municipal Solicitor, 12 years; State Legislator, 8 years 2. My top three legislative priorities are: A) Fiscally responsible budgets that balance the needs of all Pennsylvanians; B) Provide every child in Pennsylvania with a great education; and C) Develop an environment that fosters economic development and prosperity for small and family owned businesses. D. O. B.: 01/28/1954 Occupation: State Legislator 1. We already have a per-well impact fee to pay the aforementioned costs which has brought in $530,000,000 in the last two years - most of which has gone to municipalities and agencies impacted or involved in the regulation of the industry with the rest going to non-impacted municipalities and environmental programs. Before I could support a gas extraction/severance tax, I would need assurance that impacted municipalities and agencies would continue to receive the same share of the proceeds that they now receive under the impact fee and how the remaining proceeds would be spent to protect our infrastructure and environment. Democratic KRISTEN HAYES Lycoming County No reply received REPRESENTATIVE in the 85th Legislative District Includes all of Union County EXCEPT White Deer and Gregg Townships; also includes part of Snyder County. Republican HAVE ID AND PROOF OF ADDRESS WITH YOU! Voters appearing at a precinct for the first time must show identification (ID). If you registered by mail, the first time you vote you must bring a photo ID, or other ID that shows your name and address. Sample valid forms of ID include: a valid PA driver’s license or PA DOT ID card, any other photo ID issued by a U.S. or PA government agency, a Voter Registration ID card, a valid U.S. Passport, student ID card, etc. If you do not have one of these forms of ID, call the Union County Elections and Voter Registration Office at 570-524-8681 to get a list of additional, acceptable forms of ID. 6 Fred Keller Snyder County D.O.B.: 10/23/1965 Education: Shikellamy H.S., 1984; Don Paul Shearer Real Estate School, 1995 Occupation: State Representative, 85th District Pennsylvania General Assembly Qualifications: Elected to State House in 2010; Township Auditor, six years; manufacturing experience at Conestoga Wood Specialties, 25 years; member/ deacon First Reformed Church; life member National Rifle Association; member Central PA Chamber of Commerce, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce and Middlecreek Valley Chamber of Commerce; coached youth soccer, softball, and Little League Baseball; den leader/merit badge counselor, Boy Scouts of America. Answers to Questions: 1. I voted to increase well construction safety and collect additional revenue from gas producers in Pennsylvania to protect our environment and infrastructure. The Act 13 impact fee provides dedicated funding for: Conservation Districts, DEP Environmental initiatives (related and unrelated to natural gas) and county/ municipal governments to address local impacts. Candidates advocating for severance tax haven’t mentioned using the money for the environment or infrastructure. They want more money deposited into the general fund to increase spending on initiatives unrelated to the environment or infrastructure in Pennsylvania. Environmentalists should be fighting to keep the Act 13 impact fee in place. 2. We must address the public pension crisis. The commitment to retirees and current employees’ earned benefits must be honored while providing future employees a way to save for retirement. The system must be affordable for all taxpayers while discontinuing to mortgage our children’s future. Continue to create an environment that promotes responsible business growth/development to keep our families in Pennsylvania. We must address the growth in spending by local school districts; annual spending increases that continually exceed the rate of inflation causes property tax to become unaffordable for our senior citizens and working families. CONTRIBUTORS The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area wishes to thank the following people for their generous contributions since our Voters Guide of Fall 2013. We very much appreciate this financial support to increase voter participation, to keep the electorate informed, and to take action on vital political issues. SUPPORTERS Janice & Frederick Bigelow Marilyn Brill Liz & Daniel Clement Martha Donahue Kathleen & Anthony Fornataro Marty Gates & Swan Stull Marie & Larry Ginsburg Margaret Greaves Patricia & Hood Johnston Virginia and Fred Kessler Rebecca Mauch Pamela & Paul Mauger Nancy Neuman Cindy & Dick Nickelsen Sally Nyquist Judy & John Peeler Sallie & Jack Pyper Cynthia Smith Margie & Douglas Sturm Susan Warner-Mills Martha Zeller Beverly & Thomas Zorn CONTRIBUTORS JoAnne Lyons Carole & Ronald Madle Diane Meixell Marilyn Murphy Betsy Noyce Susanne Pugliese Elsbeth Steffensen Mary Suttles Susan Travis Chris & Neal Woodruff Gail Zimmer Owen Anderson William Becker Joyce Betz Ann & David Goehring Deonne & Robert Gronlund Ann Grundstrom Jane & Ellis Harley Keay Hathaway Lesley Livingston Patricia Longley Mary Lotspeich FRIENDS Walter & Allethea Bruce Judith & Richard Ellis Pat Fisher Bruce Jackson Linda Korb Martha & Charles Root Sharon Silberman Cindy & Richard Skelton Anna Weist Democratic michael sundberg Union County D.O.B.: 12/30/1963 Education: Jersey Shore Area H.S., 1981; Lock Haven Univ., B.S./ Social Sciences Secondary Education, 1985; Master’s Equivalency in Education Occupation: Teacher Qualifications: Teacher of PA State and Local Government, U.S. Government and the Government Process for over 25 years Answers to Questions: 1. I believe the gas companies, like all major industry and corporations, have a responsibility to the environment of PA and need to be held accountable for protecting it. I also believe that any tax levied on the natural gas industry needs to be carefully crafted to make sure that the burden of the tax rests with the large corporations responsible and not be allowed to be simply or easily passed on to the middle class and the consumers in the form of higher prices. They must pay their fair share for the opportunity to prosper in Pennsylvania. 2. If elected, my number one priority would be to return the funding to public schools that has been taken away by the last administration. Increased class sizes, teacher’s jobs lost and increased strain on the local tax systems through higher property taxes have been the result. Our young people are our greatest asset and their education is most important. My second priority would be to help find ways to keep our youth here in PA with greater jobs and opportunities. And third, would be to decrease the burden on the middle class which continues to struggle under the current administration. MichaelDSundbergfor85th YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE ... SAY SOMETHING! 7 © Copyright 2014 LWVPA-CEF PO LLI N G PL A C E S Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. LEWISBURG 1 Senior Center, 116 N. 2nd St., Lewisburg LEWISBURG 2Union County Court House lobby, 103 S. 2nd St., Lewisburg LEWISBURG 3 Larison Hall, Bucknell Univ., 521 St. George St., Lewisburg LEWISBURG 4 St. John's United Church of Christ, 1050 Buffalo Rd., Lewisburg BUFFALO 1Township Bldg., 2115 Strickler Rd., Mifflinburg BUFFALO 2The Youth Center, 3150 New Berlin Mtn. Rd., Lewisburg E. BUFFALO 1Township Bldg., 589 Fairground Rd., Lewisburg E. BUFFALO 2 Public Library for Union County, 255 Reitz Blvd., Lewisburg E. BUFFALO 3 Donald Eichhorn Middle School, 2057 Washington Ave., Lewisburg E. BUFFALO 4 Weis Center, 525 Weis Drive, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg LIMESTONETownship Bldg., 3840 Wildwood Rd., Mifflinburg MIFFLINBURG EAST Mifflinburg High School, 75 Market St., Mifflinburg W. BUFFALO Township Bldg., 577 Johnstown Rd., Mifflinburg GREGG Warrior Run Fire Dept. Social Hall, 188 White Deer Ave., Allenwood HARTLETON Union Church, 115 Catherine St., Hartleton HARTLEY Community Center, 1724 State Rt. 235, Laurelton MIFFLINBURG WESTFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church, 404 Market St., Mifflinburg NEW BERLIN Community Center, 318 Vine St., New Berlin UNION/ Township Fire Company, UNION 40 Municipal Lane, Winfield INDEPENDENT KELLY 1Township Bldg., 551 Zeigler Rd., Lewisburg KELLY 2United in Christ Lutheran Church, 1875 Churches Rd., West Milton WHITE DEER 1 Municipal Bldg., 2191 Creek Rd., New Columbia LEWISTownship Bldg., on the Village Green, 116 Maple St., Millmont WHITE DEER 3 Community Park Bldg., 992 White Deer Pike, White Deer WHITE DEER 2 New Columbia Civic Bldg., 224 3rd St., New Columbia WHITE DEER 4 St. John's United Church of Christ, Social Hall, 214 Tabernacle Rd., New Columbia If you are reading this Guide and find the information useful, consider joining the League of Women Voters. Contact us at: 570-522-9254, [email protected] or 8
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