Leisure World News www.lwmc.com OF MARYLAND NOVEMBER 4, 2014 • Published the First and Third Tuesday of Each Month New Leisure World Veterans Project Spotlights World War II Vets Nov. 11 “Veterans Luncheon” at Clubhouse I will be invited to sign up to schedule their interviews. Leisure World Veterans History Project The U.S. Congress created the VHP in 2000 as (VHP) has been formed in partnership part of the American Folklife Center at the Library with the Library of of Congress, one of the world’s Congress to collect first-hand most respected research and remembrances of individuals cultural institutions. The who have served in the mission is to collect, preserve, American military or who and make accessible the worked as civilians in direct personal accounts of veterans support of military operations. so that future generations Initially, the founding may hear directly from them Leisure World group will and better understand the spotlight World War II realities of war. The Library of veterans. Interviewers will guide them through Congress relies on volunteers, such as the Leisure a conversation about their wartime experiences World group, to conduct the interviews. and how their lives were affected. Most Each veteran interviewed will be given a copy interviews will run about an hour and take place of the video and accompanying paperwork. in a Leisure World meeting space. As needed, A duplicate copy will also be provided to the arrangements for home interviews can be Rossmoor Library Guild for a special collection arranged. Each interview will result in a video the guild has committed to house. recording for inclusion in the growing collection Residents who are coordinating this new of veteran’s history at the Library of Congress. Leisure World project are individuals associated with their mutuals, veterans activities, and the Help Get the Word Out Leisure World News: Marian Altman, Larry Clubs and organizations are encouraged Cohen, Norma Flaherty, Joan Guberman, Sally to pass on the information about this project MacDonald, Martha Robinson, Billie Saunders, through their memberships as a way of Richard Saunders. Leisure World VHP sponsors getting the word to veterans who may want to are: The Foundation of Leisure World, the Lions participate. World War II veterans attending the вћ¤ to page 2 by Martha Robinson A Final Flu Shot Clinic 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13 Clubhouse I INSIDE THIS ISSUE Residents’ Forum ...... 4,5 Governance & Information .................. 6 News Extras from the Oct. 28 BOD & FEP Update............. 7 Notice to Residents Residents’ Meeting Facilities Enhancement Plan Be there. Ask questions and get answers on project plans and progress. 3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18 • Clubhouse I, Ballroom See pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 for related matter. Bob Barnett, LW’s First doctor in profile ......... 11 Low Vision ................. 14 Events & Entertainment ............ 18 Holiday Bazaar, Holiday Shows sponsored by E&R & Foundation of LW ......19, 20 Thanksgiving Eve Service at Inter-Faith.............. 21 Last of series on WW II 70th anniversary ........... 8 Health & Fitness ........ 11 Ceramic Club Annual Open House Nov. 13 ... 22 Travel Video London, North England & Durham, 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, Auditorium Clubhouse II sponsored by the Foundation of LW. .....23 Clubs, Groups & Organizations ............. 28 Sports & Scoreboards .............. 44 Classes & Seminars ... 47 Brief Notes ................ 49 Calendar of Events ..... 51 Governance Calendar 51 Classifieds ................. 52 Fun & Fancy In Association with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc. Presents VOTE Tuesday, Nov. 4 7 a.m-8 p.m. Voter Contacts For Election Day Information Precinct 13-54, Clubhouse I Democratic Precinct Chair: Alice Scipio, 301-598-9261 Republican Precinct Leader: Mary Ann Johnston, 301-598-0647 Precinct 13-69, Clubhouse II Democratic Precinct Chair, Joyce Temple, 703-727-3299 Democratic Precinct Vice Chair, Barbara Levin, 301-598-2242 Republican Precinct Leader, Fred Denecke, 301-460-2964 Precinct 13-71, Inter-faith Chapel Democratic Precinct Chair: Rosie Engman, 301-318-4866 Republican Precinct Leader: Fred Seelman. The LW Republican Club is coordinating all GOP precinct matters and may be contacted through Club President Fred Seelman above. Sweet Charity Sweet Charity A Musical Comedy Presented by the Fun & Fancy Theatre Group Nov. 14, 15, 16, 22 & 23 See pages 3 & 18 for who’s who in the show and ticket information. A Musical Comedy BOOK BY NEIL SIMON MUSIC BY CY COLEMAN LYRICS BY DOROTHY FIELDS 5 Performances Only Nov. 14, 15, 16, 22 & 23 Auditorium, Clubhouse II Ticket Sales Nov. 1-21, 2014 Watch for Details! Photo Matinee Venice & China Nov. 9 See page 2 History Project from page 1 вћ¤ and Kiwanis Clubs, and the Rossmoor Library Guild. For general information about the project, this article, and to volunteer to help, contact Martha Robinson, [email protected] or another member of the group you know. To sign up for an interview, contact Sally MacDonald, 301-598-0246, or email Joan Guberman, [email protected]. Sunday Photo Matinee— Venice and China A Photo Matinee by Fred Shapiro on Venice and China will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 9, at Clubhouse II, Auditorium. The matinee, sponsored by Rossmoor Camera Venice by Fred Shapiro Club, will display the interesting photos on a large screen and provide comments about the tours. Admission is free. MVA Mobile Office Returns T he MVA on Wheels returns to Leisure World on Thursday, Nov. 13. The van will be located in the Clubhouse II parking lot and hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Services offered include renewal of non-commercial drivers licenses, Maryland photo identification cards and vehicle registration. You can also obtain a duplicate driver’s license, a certified copy of a driving record, disability placards, substitute stickers, duplicate registrations, return tags, change your name and/or address, register to vote and register as an organ donor. 14011 Georgia Ave. Friendly, personal and professional service! Free transportation home and back when you leave your car for service! •Complete Automotive Maintenance Service & Repair • All Makes & Models • Two Years/24 Month Warranty • Factory Scheduled Maintenance 10% Auto Service Discount Courtesy Check UP TO 5 QTS, 10W30 OIL • Chassis Lubrication • New Oil Filter All prices plus sales tax and shop supplies. Most Cars. Expires 11/30/14 $9.95 - (most cars) Present this Coupon with Incoming Order Expires 11/30/14 Maryland State Inspection! SPECIAL $69.95 Save $10 Expires 11/30/14 Maryland State Inspection Station 2 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 also reduced. They really seem serious about conservation. One area that the committee recommends is the Quick Home Energy Checkup (QHEC). During a QHEC, a PEPCO contractor, at no cost, will assess your home’s energy efficiency, recommend upgrades to reduce energy use and a certified, licensed technician will install up to 12 CFL light bulbs. The homeowner will also be eligible to receive a new waste-saving showerhead, faucet aerators, surge protectors (power strips) for qualifying television sets and other items that will help save energy and money, and help the environment. To schedule your Quick Home Energy Check-up, visit homeenergysavings.pepco. com/quick-home-energycheck-up-program or you can go to pepco.com, click on My Home, select Efficiency Rebates and Incentives Programs, then MD Customers or call 1-866353-5798. Two organizations have been selected by Pepco to execute QHEC as contractors. They are both nearby: Ecobeco (240-396-2141) and Efficient Home (301-476-7680). An official publication of the Leisure World Community Corporation Published Twice Monthly Owned and Operated by BENNY Since 1980 "or ask for my son DAN." $28.95 Includes 30 Point A s fall returns and we realize winter is not far behind, it is a good time to remember that fewer daylight hours means more electricity use for the average LW resident. One way to blunt the increased cost is to use more efficient light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use 75 percent less electricity and deliver the same, or even better brightness than your incandescent units. The government has helped you make your decision in this regard by passing the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 (Pub.L. 110-140). The act authorized stopping the United States production of incandescent bulbs in 2012, 2013, and completing the manufacturing this year. At present CFLs are more expensive to purchase than the old favorites. Discounts can be found, but remember the CFLs’ tenfold lifetime will make their use provide significant savings. Pepco, your electricity supplier, understands that if current demand – which we understand is at peak capacity now – is reduced, the need for more supply power plant units at high capital cost is OF MARYLAND -871-6777 301www.aspenhillexxon.com Tire Rotation SPECIAL! Quick Home Energy Checkup (QHEC) Energy Savings Program Leisure World News L L I H N E P AS EXXON OIL CHANGE SERVICE вќ’ Energy Advisory Committee The Leisure World News is a publication for the benefit of Leisure World residents. Its mission is to provide news and information about community governance and other relevant issues, events, and activities, and to provide residents a forum for their opinions and an opportunity to contribute articles of general interest. All matters concerning the Leisure World News will be decided with this mission in mind. Managed, edited, and produced collaboratively by Leisure World staff and the Leisure World News Advisory Committee [email protected] Assistant Editor: Dee Martymuska • Publications Manager: Miriam Pinheiro Publications Assistant: Kathleen Brooks • Bookkeeper: Angela Bufalo Editorial, Classified, or Display Ads: 301 598-1310 3700 Rossmoor Blvd., Silver Spring MD 20906 [email protected] or [email protected] The Leisure World of Maryland News reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement believed not in the best interest of Leisure World. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in the Leisure World of Maryland News, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers n Fun & Fancy Theatre Group Curtain Time for Sweet Charity by Allan Okin Five Performances Only O n November 14, 2014, Sweet Charity struts her stuff on stage at Leisure World for the first time. While the Fun and Fancy Theatre Group claims to have “no stars” (all cast members “star” in every production), stepping into the very demanding role is Patricia McConnell. Having appeared in monthly shows for the past two years, Pat’s stature was sealed last year when she became Sandy in Grease which became a “hit” under Ron Sarro’s direction and Trish Baker’s choreography. She is certain that they and the large cast will succeed again in Sweet Charity. Pat plays “Charity”—a girl who has romantic ups and downs with three men, but always sees the bright side of love and life and moves forward with the support of some very special friends. Onstage much of the time, Pat often acts, sings, and dances simultaneously. As soon as the show was announced, Pat bought a DVD of the movie version, the CD of the original Broadway score, and watched the Italian movie classic. She watched, listened, read, “over again and again—and again,” she says. For her audition, she arrived wearing a costume almost the very image of that in the original playbill and sporting a heart tattoo just below the shoulder, ready to belt out “If My Friends Could See Me Now”. A Family Affair When Pat was a young, typical middle child, she recalls that she was “always into something to get attention,” whether Nov. 14, 15, 16, 22, & 23 Auditorium, Clubhouse II Evening performances are at 7:30 p.m. Matinees are at 2 p.m. Ticket Sales 11 am-2 pm Clubhouse I Lobby $8 Reserved Seats, cash or check [Friday Oct. 31] & Saturday Nov. 1 Weekdays Nov. 3-21 (except Election Tickets may also be purchased after Fun and Fancy’s monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5 following a preview/teaser of Charity, and one hour prior to curtain time before each performance if tickets are still available. Left to right Karen Poland, Ernie Poland, Pat McConnell, John McConnell. Photo by Marge Mathieu a play, a contest, or a chorus in the small town where she lived. Her mother was her “biggest fan”. With her husband John through thirty years in the Army, she “auditioned here and there, and got into some dance classes,” then “life forces kicked in and performances were on hold.” For “Charity,” her “baby” brother, Ernie Poland, who has also performed since he was five, joins Pat on stage for the first time. Using familiar lyrics, Ernie says, “Theatre is among my favorite things, like whiskers on kittens…” He plays a variety of men’s roles in the show, and is a kind of de facto understudy reading for any man who is absent for a rehearsal. Thus, this show is actually a family affair with Pat’s husband John in charge of lighting and Ernie’s wife Karen operating the complicated sound system. Together with Fun and Fancy’s huge, talented cast, they are bringing Charity Hope Valentine, the lovable heroine of screen and stage, to Leisure World. For more on Sweet Charity cast and background, see page 18 NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 3 Residents' FORUM Letters Resales Fund Is Restricted Money As a resident of Leisure World and Chair of the Community Planning Advisory Committee, I have become increasingly concerned about the misconceptions I hear concerning the use of the Resales Fund to finance the Facilities Enhancement Plan (FEP). The Resales Fund is accumulated as each new homeowner in Leisure World pays 2 percent of the purchase price of his/her unit into it. The Trust Documents state that this money cannot be used for any purpose other than capital Improvements to Trust Properties. This money cannot fund enhancements of any kind in the individual mutuals, which are separate corporations. It cannot even be added to the Operating Budget of the Leisure World Community Corporation. We may, and we do as a community, disagree about how to proceed with the FEP projects, but let us get this clear. Using Resales Fund money to pursue these plans is not depriving any individual or entity of financial support that might otherwise be available. — Carole Kennon Make Your Voice Heard! Leisure World Residents have recently seen and heard numerous suggestions about Facilities Enhancement Plans (FEP) for changing Trust properties. Some urge major or minor adjustments to architect’s suggestions for the Administration Building; others recommend leaving the lawn activities undisturbed; some comment on planning for access to the renovated restaurants; many have given solid reasons for leaving the crystal chandelier in place in a renewed ballroom; parking access is a concern of many; preserving environmental assets concerns others. Many are worried about the cost of proposed changes. All of these concerns— some expressed eloquently; some shouted in threatening terms —are all healthy for Leisure World of Maryland. Too often in the past, residents have taken a “leisurely” approach when asked to help shape the community we live in and love. When the FEP was being developed last year, several “Open Forums” sought input. I attended most of them, usually along with fewer than 30 other residents. Recent Open Forums drew similar sparse attendance. All too often, when discussing plans for the Administration Building, I have heard back, “they are going to do what?” Participation should be taking the place of leisure! As we approach our 50th Anniversary, we have an opportunity to shape Leisure World of Maryland for its next half century. Granted, few will have the opportunity to fully experience the results; but we all have a responsibility to help shape the community for the benefit of those who follow us as residents. That requires participation! We can, and must do better. You should try to attend upcoming meetings of your mutual board, and Leisure World Board of Directors meetings to inform members about your opinions. You should express your views at Open Forums (such as the discussion of the FEP scheduled for Tuesday, November 18 at 3:00 p.m. in Clubhouse I). You should also try to attend the next meeting of the Board of Directors on Tuesday, Nov. 25 at 9:30 a.m. in Clubhouse I. It may be your last chance to speak up on various aspects of the FEP before binding decisions are 4 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 made. There is plenty of time for leisure after we make the best possible plans for the Trust facilities; now is the time for you to help shape those plans. — Bob Namovicz My Turn Let me identify myself as someone who gets nauseous when having to write a check anywhere near a thousand dollars or more. That being said, let’s take a look at this issue of the new Administration Building. It’s more than a place where people work. The bank is a source of revenue; the USPS is a convenience for all. Could some more space be made available for both conveniences and revenue? Since I was in high school, I have seen short sightedness be costly. By the second year of its existence, space in a brand new school space was so short in supply, the cafeteria had to be used for study halls. It was built in compliance with state laws and regulations, OOPS! Since then I have seen the cheap materials used right here in Montgomery County come back to bite the present homeowner. Each of us moved to a mutual that has eye appeal and that we can afford. Whether that mutual is kept up, is up to that group of officers and board. To me the “Town Center” would be a jewel that attracts every prospective resident and should be first class. From what I have seen of management and the different committees, they are trying to come as close as they can. — D.C. Copeland Get the Facts About the FEP and Participate As a member of the Board of directors, I am concerned about inaccurate information being circulated about the status of Residents’ Forum Guidelines from the LW News Advisory Committee T he Leisure World News welcomes submissions from its readers. We will publish as many as possible to reflect the widest span of LW community issues. To increase your chances for publication, please follow the guidelines below: Guidelines for Letter Writers 1. R esidents’ Forum (RF) submissions must be emailed to lwnadvisorycommittee1@ gmail.com or delivered to the LW News Office. 2. RF submissions must state the writer’s name, address, telephone number, and email address, if any, but if the material is published, it will include only the writer’s name. 3. R F submissions must adhere to all General Guidelines, including but not limited to: • Material must be of interest and value to the community, respectful and in good taste, clear, concise, accurate, non-repetitive, relevant, and avoid personal attacks • All submissions will be subject to editing. Writers will have the opportunity to approve substantive prepublication edits. • LW News does not guarantee when or if any submission will be published. • Editing is not to be confused with censorship. LW News welcomes constructive criticism (or praise), as long as it is clearly identified as “opinion” and adheres to all other guidelines for LW News. 4. Receipt of RF submissions will be confirmed by email or telephone. 5. If an RF submission refers to another source, such as an article in another publication, a press release, a legal opinion, etc., a copy of that source must be provided for verification and reference. 6. RF submissions are strictly the opinion of the writer. the Facilities Enhancement Plan (FEP) approved by the Leisure World Board of Directors more than a year ago. Residents have a perfect right to their own opinions, but it is a disservice to the community to disseminate misinformation and/or selective choice of information. Responsible opinions must state all of the facts and not tailor the information or mislead to justify a cause. Bad-mouthing the Board of Directors or the community to serve an agenda or a personal vendetta does not help, and, in fact, hurts our efforts to promote Leisure World of Maryland. Recently, for example, a petition drive was initiated to oppose a new Administration Building. It said that the LW Board voted to spend $5 million dollars on the FEP’s Administration Building as if the ongoing evaluation and decision-making process does not exist. This leaves the totally false impression that residents and resident opinions are not involved. Facts Neither $5 million for the Administration Building nor the estimated $10 million in spending for all FEP projects has been approved by the LW Board of Directors. Only preliminary concepts for most projects, including the Administration Building, are before the Board of Directors. Only the fitness center project has advanced beyond concepts. Absolutely no construction work toward implementing the FEP projects has commenced. In addition to regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, multiple LW advisory committees, made up of residents representing the many mutuals, have discussed and made recommendations on this preliminary work.В Open, advertised forums about the FEP have been held and descriptive articles have been published in the LW News. Participation by residents has taken place with well over 130 written comments presented to your Board. Resident participation will continue to be invited. Information is also available on the Leisure World website www.lwmc.com. Another open forum is scheduled for November 18, 3 p.m. Ballroom, Clubhouse I. That’s a place to find out the true status of the FEP projects and separate facts from fiction. — Henry Jordan, Member, LWCC Board of Directors Fitness First Information in the Leisure World News relating to proposed construction and remodeling projects has left me confused and bewildered. From what has been published, I’m not sure I understand the priority being given to these projects or a timeline for completion. В In my opinion, the most urgent project being discussed and the number one priority for ASAP completion is the fitness center. The current fitness center, a windowless structure with no amenities, old equipment, and limited capacity is aВ disgrace to the LW community and an affront to those who use it. As a user, I sometime witness real estate agents bringing their clients inside the door of the fitness center to acquaint them with what LW has to offer. I often wonder what these clients must think especially those who may have had experience with the many up-to-date fitness centers that are all over the Washington, DC area. While the remaining proposed projects also require prioritization and a construction timeline, there is one, in my opinion, that is open to question. I am referring to the proposed new Administration Building. I think the current building is suffering from a design flaw and with creative remodeling and the eviction of Weichert Reality from its premises there would be more than ample space to conduct LW business. I still can’t figure out why this reality company or any other commercial company should be located in the Administration Building. Perhaps it’s time to let all LW residents weigh in on these issues by asking forВ their vote of confidence. By proposing these construction projects, does LW management really know what LW residents want now and in the future? Assuming that construction funds are available or will become available, it is most important that the prioritization and timetable reflect the interest of all LW residents who hopefully will benefit from these new offerings. — Herbert Morris available units available as a print out. I do not think there is any sales/marketing/business reason to deny knowing where units for sale are--especially if Leisure World wants to attract new buyers. — Janet K. Schlosser New Residents and Prospective Buyers Priorities The Chandelier I believe that higher priorities exist rather than to spend $5 million on the Administration Building for the number of people who work there. Following are enhancements I feel would help new residents as well as attract new buyers as units are vacated through attrition: Make all administrative services available from at least 8:30 a.m. until noon on Saturdays. Make a drop slot outside the administrative offices for depositing co-op checks and other documents of a business nature. Require other services such as the post office and Bank of America to be open a half-day on Saturdays. Do a utilization study for the post office and Bank of America and if not used sufficiently, abolish completely. Install bike lane striping around Leisure World Blvd. to make bicyclists safe from car traffic and an attractive feature to active adults. In every Leisure World News, caution drivers, not bike riders, about bicycle safety rules. Numerous people pull out from the courts without looking. Create precise walking maps that show where various sidewalks and sections of the Broadwalk hook up. The ones given to new buyers are not detailed, and don’t show where paths interconnect. Install separate metering systems in each unit. That way, owners, or heirs, are not paying the full monthly fees for units that are unoccupied, (and consequently using almost no energy) and most important, residents have an incentive to conserve energy. Establish a clear method for people to know when units are for sale. A small tasteful sign or even a small window decal would help. Some residents may want to move within Leisure World, or have friends who would like to move here. Make the list of As a long-time resident of Leisure World, I am very disturbed at the suggestion that this beautiful chandelier could be removed, or worse yet, have its crystals reused in new light fixtures or even sold. IВ would rather see some unexpected force of nature cause it to fall and shatter into thousands of pieces than see its beautiful crystals be transferred into an unnamed fixture in some other part of Leisure World.В There is something ugly and disrespectful about dividing up those crystals and fitting them into some other fixture, or even selling them. Will they be foundВ in a bathroom? In an ill-lighted hallway? TheВ possibilities make me shudder. All of their beauty will be gone. People’s memories live withinВ that chandelier. Is money so important to us now that destroying reminders of days gone by is so valuable? Is there no heart left in us any more? When I moved here more than 20 years ago, there was only a huge round holeВ in the ballroom, with bricks surrounding it, where an occasional fire burned. I remember thinking that someday, a careless person would trip and tumble into that architectural hazard. Finally, the chandelier was bought, installed and gloried in by the residents.В IВ am always proud to giveВ strangers the directions, when theyВ ask where aВ dinner, or occasion is being held. “In the room with the huge chandelier. “ I say and they smile. “This is a place where beauty is valued,” I want to add, but the message doesn’t need to be put into words. It is there in the glow of the chandelier. To those who want to remove the chandelier, it is possible that no argument is going to be successful. To those of us, who value the past,В and have rejoiced in the loveliness of the chandelier, we can only hope that that past will not be demolished in the name of progress or economics. — Mary Zenchoff NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 5 Governance & INFORMATION Dial 301-598-1313 for recorded Daily Events 2014 Broadcast Schedule - Channel 974 Each meeting begins its broadcast on the Thursday the week AFTER the meeting. It will broadcast every day at 4 and 7 PM until the next meeting. Executive Committee Meetings The Oct. 16 Executive Committee Meeting is broadcasting now. Board of Director Meetings The Oct. 28 Board of Directors meeting will begin broadcasting on Nov. 6. Group Email Addresses Residents wishing to contact Leisure World Management, the LWCC Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee may send an email to the appropriate email address listed below. It will automatically be forwarded to all members of that group who have an email address on record. Messages to any of the email groups should pertain only to the management and operation of Leisure World trust properties, services , or activities. Please do not send emails to all three addresses, as there will be a duplication of recipients and will not result in a faster response to your question or comment. Messages pertaining to mutuals or anything else which Management, the Board of Directors, or Executive Committee does not control should also not be sent to these groups. The group email address are: • LWMC Management - [email protected] • LWCC Board of Directors - [email protected] • LWCC Executive Committee - [email protected] BARONESSA ITALIAN RESTAURANT Best Italian Cuisine DAILY SPECIALS Full Bar • Fine Italian Wine Fresh Seafood • Veal Chicken • Pasta • Homemade Bread Reasonably Priced • Cozy Atmosphere 20% off DINNER or LUNCH Max. $20 Discount Exp. 12/31/14 • Limit One Coupon Per table. Not valid with Early Bird or other discount. Tues - Fri., 11 am - 9 pm • Sat - Sun 4 pm - 9 pm Closed Mondays 1302 E. Gude Drive, Rockville • 301-838-9050 www.baronessarest.com 6 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 General Manager’s Report October 2014 Community Topics Finances Year-to-date, as of 9/30/14, net operating expenses are approximately $156,000 under budget. A complete financial statement package is available in the Leisure World library (Clubhouse I), for review by residents. In addition, a complete financial statement package is available at lwmc.com, under the link “Governance/Financial Reports.” Final Flu Shot Makeup Day The final makeup day for flu shots is Thursday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse I. Resident Meeting A resident meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 3 p.m. in the Crystal Ballroom. Information on projects that are part of the Facilities Enhancement Plan will be presented, and residents will have an opportunity to ask questions. Residents who plan to attend should register with the Education & Recreation office at 301-598-1300. Starting the week of Nov. 1, information boards will be placed in the lobbies of buildings where project work is scheduled. In addition, updated status reports on each project will be made available in the Leisure World library. Also, identification stakes will be placed on the Administration Building/ Clubhouse I site, which will identify the proposed new location of the Administration Building and the boundaries of the proposed access road. Lifeline Emergency Call System Update Management anticipates confirmation of the pricing of the new “Go Safe” program will be received the week of Oct. 27. In early November, management will release information and develop promotional material. 911 Calls from Clubhouse II At a recent community meeting, a resident expressed concern regarding the inability to contact 911 from phones in both the Fitness Center and the indoor swimming pool. Please be advised that these phones can be used in emergency situations to contact 911; however, you must first dial 9. LW of Maryland Corporation New Hires: Yasmeen Owen, receptionist, Oct. 13. Resignations: Raymond Lee, mutual accountant, Oct. 24 and Peggy Lowe, accounting clerk PPD, Oct. 3. Open Positions: Carpenter, director of communications, security guards, shuttle bus driver, accounting clerk PPD and accounting AR/AP. Independent Member Manage your Cellular Nutrition with delicious shakes, and SKIN Nutrition is a must! Sara Hoffman Your Neighborhood Coach Phone: 240-833-2060 Email: [email protected] Website: www.GoHerbalife.com/shoffman News Extras From the Leisure World Board of Directors’ Meeting on Oct. 28 by Martha Robinson Closed Circuit TV Programming According to a policy adopted by the Leisure World Community Corporation Board of Directors (LWCC/BOD) on Oct. 28, use of its two closed circuit TV channels “must be of interest to the residents at large and be of a non-commercial nature”. The policy also establishes that “programming is limited to events that take place on the Leisure World of Maryland property.” The policy is an affirmation of previous practice. Closed circuit service is provided under Leisure World’s contract with Comcast. Broadcasts of Executive Committee and Board meetings and Inter-Faith Chapel services, provided for some time, constitute the only programming approved to date. General Manager’s Development Plan The Board approved use of “the areas of focus, tasks, and benchmarks laid out in the General Manager’s Specific Development Plan” for the 2014 evaluation process, to be used to monitor his performance and be part of the 2015 evaluation process. The General Manager and the Board’s Evaluation and Executive Committees agreed to this plan. LWCC Finances The General Manager reported an operating surplus of $156,000 for the first three quarters of 2014 due primarily to savings in salaries and benefits. He reported that as of Sept. 30 LWCC has an operating cash balance of about $420,000, a reserve fund balance of about $8,504,000, and a Facility Enhancement Plan (FEP) fund balance of about $5,734,000. Landscape Report During a discussion of a Landscape Advisory Committee report to the Board, which included a list of products, used by LW landscape contractor McFall and Berry, that company’s spokesperson said that M&B uses an organic-based fertilizer, which is different from synthetic fertilizers. Further discussion of the cost of organic-based v. organic products ensued. M&B was requested to prepare a short description of these products. Landscape Advisory Committee Chair Marian Altman also reported that plans are in the works to establish rain and conservation gardens throughout the Cascade Park area (right side with the daffodils bloom) going toward the entrance of Clubhouse I. She expects that basil, parsley, and other annual herbs will be planted for residents to snip and use. Deer, she said, are not known to eat herbs. The Facility Enhancement Plan North Wing Clubhouse I Streetsense, the architecture firm leading FEP development, proposed for Board action down the road ways to create a more inviting and pleasant dining experience. He sees the Cascade Room as becoming a “jewel” of a place to gather with a mix of stone on the walls, plenty of glass to bring the outside in, an adjacent patio, and a bar and lounge area at the interior entrance from the clubhouse. Sketches projected on screens for the Board to see included contemporary light fixtures, comfortable chairs, and a fireplace. The Streetsense proposal also addressed interior changes to the Terrace Room, including rearranging the current buffet for center aisle use and opening up space to the often-overflowing Stein Room. He described adding small additions to the Terrace, Cascade, and Maryland Rooms to accommodate appropriate entrances. The Maryland Room, wedged between the Cascade and Terrace Rooms, will temporarily lose some space if the Cascade expansion concept is approved. When exterior work is possible, the Cascade would recover and perhaps exceed its original size with a bump-out addition toward the back. In discussion about the north wing plans, the age of the clubhouse was placed at about 48 years. Yes, the whole wing could be taken down and replaced, the architect said, if there was an unlimited budget. He believes, he said, that the improvements he suggests are “viable” and realistic and will result in the promotion of “good service, good food, and a good environment.” The Post Office A motion that originated in the Community Planning Advisory Committee to reconsider the option of including a post office in the Administration Building did not carry. That means that the Board’s earlier action this year to maintain the possibility of postal service remains in place as the FEP decision-making process proceeds. Resident Petitions Against FEP Loop Road Elsie Maxam presented petitions opposing a proposed loop road that would displace existing lawn sports. Her 2-inch stack of petitions, topped with a perfectly tied gold bow, contained about 770 resident signatures. Some petitions, which she described as definitely an “unscientific” survey, simply “disappeared”, she said, suggesting that many more people may have wanted their signatures counted. She said that coverage in the Leisure World News, the upcoming Nov. 18 information meeting on the FEP for residents, plus large-scale schematics for residents to view in the clubhouses will help, she hopes, to address the view of many residents that they “have no say.” The petition itself calls for “abandoning the present plans for the installation of the circular drive and leaving the sports area as is.” The proposed driveway is intended to add a drop-off place to increase resident access to the north wing (restaurants) of Clubhouse I. Rationale against this roadway includes, Maxam said, disturbance of the vista from the pool lanai and the restaurant as well as displacement of lawn sports representing “a total loss of $256,000” for the lawn bowls/ croquet court plus the cost of Bocce and shuffleboard courts. The Administration Building FEP Project Manager Nicole Gerke handed each Board member a new binder containing a review of this project. One binder has been placed in the Rossmoor Library in Clubhouse I; Board Chair Barbara Cronin asked that more copies be made available in the clubhouses, and that the information be added to FEP Watch List Updates and Background www.lwmc.com Project Review Binder Rossmoor Library, Clubhouse 1 Nov. 18 3 p.m. Residents’ Meeting Clubhouse 1 the website if possible at www.lwmc.com. An executive summary of the binder contents addressed the original three options, to renovate, expand, or construct a new Administration Building. The summary describes these options in terms of square footage, construction cost, design and permit fees, contingency fees, relocation expenses, and construction duration. Site plan issues are also spelled out in the summary. This document places the cost of the proposed and disputed access/drop-off road at $95,000; its impact on lawn activities is detailed as to size and relocation costs. Board and visitor discussion and questions about the Administration Building focused on the need for updated information about space needs and current cost comparisons for renovation v. new construction. No action was taken. Other FEP Matters Pond rehabilitation project: design work is underway. Crystal Ballroom: community comments on the proposed concept for the ballroom are being collected and discussed with the architect. The update report states that a decision on the crystal chandelier “will be required” in November to continue with development of project plans and that funding will be requested at the November Board meeting for design development. Salt storage shed: this is pending county review. Physical Properties customer service renovation—this is pending a bid process. Fitness Center—design development continues; an inventory of existing fitness equipment is being documented to determine the age and life expectancy for each piece before developing a final equipment list for the project. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 7 “Remember September” by Paul Roberts T his plaintive cry, “Remember September,” is heard throughout the Netherlands every September, since the combined might of the First Allied Airborne Army dropped from the skies in broad daylight in the largest airborne operation of the war on Sept. 17, 1944, freeing the southern populace of Holland from the brutal Nazi oppressors. It is not only a cause for joy but a reiteration of the love the Dutch people have for Americans, and especially on this 70th Anniversary, when my group of eleven Airborne veterans went to the festivities and paid tribute to all those brave men who fought and died in the Market Garden attempt to shorten the war. Ironically, two days before Sept. 17 disquieting intelligence from the Dutch resistance and our eavesdropping came to light. Reconnaissance photos confirmed that elements of two SS Panzer (tank) divisions were not far from the intended drop zone of the British paratroopers, making the whole plan sheer madness. But no one was willing to do what should have been done— cancel Market Garden in its cradle. And so it happened, the people of the southern part of the country benefitting, but the British and Polish paratroopers were crushed, decisively. Led by Brigadier General James Gavin, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, the landings were with little opposition, and right on the landing zone. He was one of the first to jump from a C-47, followed the next day by hundreds of gliders. With them were teams of Jedburghs, an OSS (Office of Strategic Services) component, whose job was to link up with Dutch resistance fighters and supply them with materiel and coordinate their vital intelligence of the enemy. At the 70th Anniversary of Gen. Joseph Gavin suiting up for jump into Holland. Photo from the Paul Roberts collection Paul Roberts at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery. Photo from the Paul Roberts collection this World War II battle, the brave actions of the Dutch resistance were recreated for we eleven veterans of the First Allied Airborne Army, the Troop Carrier Group, the First British Parachute Brigade, and the First Polish Independent Parachute Brigadethe. We watched today’s 8 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 soldiers of the Royal Dutch Army and young 82ndAirborne paratroopers cross the Waal River on rubber rafts similar to those led by a platoon lieutenant named Megellas 70 years earlier. In the reenactment, retired 82nd Airborne Colonel Jack Magellan, now 96 and holder of the Silver Star led the charge—complete with background noises of machine guns and howitzers blasting. Wherever we went, the reception was overwhelming. Visits to American Military cemeteries, such as Henri Chapelle in Belgium, and Margraten, the Netherlands American Cemetery, were sobering, indeed, especially when viewing a dominating bronze statue of the Angel of Peace bestowing the olive branch upon the heroic dead. The Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra appropriately chose Benjamin Britten’s “The War Requiem” to highlight the event’s Liberation Concert. It was so intensely moving I found myself shedding a few tears. The combination of those tombstones and this dedication to the war dead was more than I could handle. The Dutch have never forgotten the sacrifices made by the Allied forces, and have built a culture around memories of American military might. They have formed clubs or associations, similar to our Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. The club members wear uniforms emulating U.S. paratroopers. The only way we could tell whether a uniformed person was a veteran was by age. They drive World War II jeeps, operate Sherman tanks and two and half ton trucks, all having been restored by the world’s leading machine renovators, the Sindorf Corp.of Ter Apel. They have meetings, drill and do what the military does. It’s all in good humor, with no profound or political underpinnings—just a bunch of “kids” who weren’t even born when this all happened, playing and re-living the past. I rode on top of a Sherman tank around the parking lot, and felt secure. And this is done every September like clockwork. All Holland is aroused, stops work for two minutes of silence, and is reminded of its liberation from oppression all those years ago. This is the last of a 3-part series on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Europe. Eyre Leisure World Travel Travel & Tour Department 301-598-1599 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 AM-2:00 PM Reservations can be made Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM-5 PM by calling 301-854-6600 #4 Eyre at Leisure World Travel Office, located in Clubhouse I, is a department of Eyre Bus, Tour & Travel. We offer a full service travel agency that specializes in airline reservations, cruises, group tours, vacation packages, hotel accommodations and auto rental. We have been providing “Excellence in Travel for 60 Years”. Inclement Weather Policy: Please call 301-598-1599 after 7 am on the day of a trip to find out if we have cancelled, postponed or are going. If a trip is cancelled, you will also receive a phone call from us once the office is open. Day Trips 9/11 Memorial and Museum Trip – Sat., Nov. 15 6:45 am-11:45 pm – $120.00 per person The Memorial Museum is an educational and historical institution honoring the victims and examing 9/11 and its continued global significance. The museum displays artifacts associated with the events of 9/11 while presenting stories of loss and recovery. (Security screening on-site.) Includes a $10 Gift Card to Cracker Barrel. BSO at the Myerhoff – $79.00 per person per show Nov. 23 – Bernstein & Beethoven Dec. 10 – Holiday Pops! SPOTLIGHT ON... Travel Show Please join us for a Collette Vacations Travel Presentation on 2015 & 2016 trips Nov. 12 at 1:00 pm in the Maryland Room Flower Show offers an on-site food court and numerous vendors with a wide assortment of flowers and gardening items for sale. The Flower Show ticket allows you to leave and return show. Across from the Pennsylvania Convention Center you can also visit the Reading Terminal Market. This fabulous food emporium includes 80 merchants and many food options. American Treasures, Oaks, PA – Mon., March 16 8:00 am-6:15 pm – $95.00 per person Call for Details! Tea and Tour – National Cathedral, Washington, D.C. Wed., Dec. 3 – Noon-6:00 pm – $79.00 per person Make this your holiday tradition…sign up today! “”JUST ADDED” The Forbidden City at the VFMA Thur., Dec. 4 – 8:45 am-7:30 pm – $105.00 per person Drawn from the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing, Forbidden City will offer visitors a unique journey through a palace once forbidden to the general public, and provide a glimpse into this hidden world through rich and diverse objects from the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties. Featured works include large portraits, costumes, furniture, court paintings, religious sculptures, and fine decorative arts such as bronzes,lacquer ware, and jade. This exhibition explores the significant roles of imperial rituals, court painting, imperial family life, and religion in the Forbidden City. Trip includes: docent lead tour/admission to exhibit and lunch. Donny and Marie Osmond at the National Theater Sun., Dec. 7 – 2:10 pm-7:15 pm – $139.00 per person With a dash of Christmas spirit and their trademark show-stopping production numbers, Donny & Marie: Christmas at the National features Christmas songs and cheer plus hits from their illustrious careers, all mixed with their irresistible chemistry that made them international stars. See tens of thousands of items displayed over three acres on the American Treasure Tour. A 90-minute guided tram tour takes you through decades of American history. Two of the major exhibits are mechanical music and classic preserved automobiles. Additionally, they also have a jam packed display of animated store window advertising, dolls, doll houses, model airplanes, circus, patriotic, holiday items and many surprises. Lunch included. Cherry Blossom Tour – Fri., April 10 9:45 am-2:55 pm – $69.00 per person Drive the tidal basin and visit some memorials along the way! Lunch included at Old Ebbitt Grill. Odyssey Cherry Blossom Luncheon Cruise – Mon., April 13 9:30 am-3:15 pm – $99.00 per person Enjoy a leisurely lunch cruise along the Potomac River for a breathtaking view of the famous Cherry Blossoms. mulTi-Day moTorCoaCh Trips Biltmore & Asheville – Dec. 1-4 2015 It’s a Wonderful Life at Dutch Apple – Sun., Dec. 7 9:15 am-5:30 pm – $99.00 per person Sarasota, Florida Getaway – March, 7-16 Charleston, Savannah, Jekyll Island – April 18-24 Niagara Falls, Canada – June 21-24 – Passport Required Symphony of Lights & the Shanty Grille – Tues., Dec. 9 4:00 pm-9:00 pm – $79.00 per person m This uplifting show for the whole family celebrates the innate goodness in all of us. Lunch included. Start your evening off with a delightful dinner at the Shanty Grille before your “WOW” moment at the “Symphony of Lights.” Sit back in the comfort of our bus as it drives you through this amazing light display. Sight & Sound “Moses” – Fri., Dec. 12 9:45 am-8:15 pm – $133.00 per person Moses is a biblical epic that the whole family will enjoy! Trip includes: lunch at Hershey Farms Restaurant, tickets to the show and deluxe motorcoach transportation. DC Monuments by Moonlight – Sat., Dec. 13 4:00 pm-10:15 pm – $99.00 per person Trip includes: deluxe motorcoach transportation and dinner at Carmine’s. Christmas Cheer Concert in the Mansion – Sat., Dec. 20 10:00 am-5:30 pm – $120.00 per person The raves keep coming in about this popular trip! The Concert Artists of Baltimore present their annual Christmas Cheer Concert. The pre-concert buffet and show are presented in the beautiful Engineers Club, located in the Garrett-Jacobs Mansion. We expect a full bus so register early! “New” Swing Time the Musical & Lunch at Carmines Tues., Jan. 10 – 10:45 am-5:30 pm – $95.00 per person Travel Irish Splendor – March 25-April 9, 2015 Northern National Parks – June 5-12, 2015 Alaska Cruise & Land Tour – July 28-Aug. 9, 2015 Cruises Experience the magic of movies and horticulture as the 186th PHS Philadelphia Flower Show celebrates the silver screen. Lights, Camera, BLOOM! will be unveiled Feb. 28, 2015. The (all Trips DeparT from Clubhouse ii) Easy Walking for 2015 m Casino Trips Harrington’s Casino and Raceway – Fri., Nov. 14 8:15 am-5:45 pm – $42.00 per person $10.00 slot play offer from Casino and Buffet lunch included. Horseshoe Casino – Wed., Jan. 14, 2015 9:00 am-3:00 pm – $33.00 per person $5.00 slot play from casino* Hollywood Casino, Charles Town, WV – Fri., Feb. 20, 2015 9:45 am-5:45 pm – $35.00 per person *Slot play and promotions come directly from the casino and subject to change.* Some trips require a certain amount of walking. The shoe symbol Key: balTimore Grandeur of the Seas – Western Caribbean – April 18 – 10 nights Grandeur of the Seas – Bermuda – May 8 – 7 nights V American Cruise Line Memphis-New Orleans May 8 – 7 nights – Air/Cruise Grandeur of the Seas – Bermuda – Oct. 12 – 8 nights Grandeur of the Seas – Bahamas – Oct. 24 – 8 nights Partake in a “Family Style” meal at Carmines in Washington, D.C., prior to heading over to the Naval Heritage Center for romance and comedy. Philadelphia Flower Show – Thurs., March 5 8:45 am-8:15 pm – $84.00 per person m ouT of provides an indication of how much walking may be involved. More Walking A Lot of Walking For more detailed itineraries, please see the Eyre Representative at the Eyre Leisure World Travel Office. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 9 $&RQWLQXLQJ&DUH5HWLUHPHQW&RPPXQLW\ORFDWHGLQ0RQWJRPHU\ &RXQW\VHUYLQJ6HQLRUVDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHVIRURYHU\HDUV ,QGHSHQGHQW/LYLQJ,QGHSHQGHQW/LYLQJZLWK6HUYLFHV $VVLVWHG/LYLQJ+HDOWK5HKDELOLWDWLRQ&DUH %WWMWXIH0MZMRK—*EPPMRXS7EZMRKW 3TIR,SYWIIZIV]8YIWHE]MR2SZIQFIV—2SSR GSQIZMWMXSYVFIEYXMJYP%WWMWXIH0MZMRKRIMKLFSVLSSH 7IILS[&IHJSVH'SYVXGERGEVIJSV]SYSV]SYVPSZIH SRI[LMPIVIQEMRMRKGPSWIXS0IMWYVI;SVPH 0MQMXIHEZEMPEFMPMX]JSVWXYHMSWERHSRP]SRIFIHVSSQ ETEVXQIRXPIJX 'EPP &DOOWRGD\WRDWWHQGWKHIROORZLQJHYHQWV )LUVW7LPH9LVLWRUV/XQFK/HDUQ :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHUWK#1RRQ 25 :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHUWK#1RRQ &RPHOHDUQDOOWKDW%HGIRUG&RXUWKDVWRRIIHULQ5HWLUHPHQW/LYLQJ &DOOWRGD\WRVHHZK\VRPDQ\RI\RXU/HLVXUH:RUOGQHLJKERUVQRZ FDOO%HGIRUG&RXUWKRPH 6HDWLQJLVOLPLWHG\RXPXVW5693E\FDOOLQJ 10 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Health & FITNESS Leisure World’s First Medical Director Before the First 100 Residents by Auburn Mann A few months ago retired physician Robert Alexander Barnett MD moved from Manor Club across Georgia Avenue into Leisure World. He was Leisure WorldвЂ�s first medical director in the late 1960s and has witnessed the community’s near halfcentury narrative unfold: from its infancy in 1966 when the iconic hollow globe, that greets the endless sea of Georgia Avenue travelers, was just going up at the main gate to Leisure World’s current 610-acre complex of houses, condominiums, townhomes, and apartments and a plethora of amenities enjoyed by 8,000 residents. “Less than 100 people lived here then,” says Barnett. Chuckling at the irony, he added, “Many of the top internists in Silver Spring and Bethesda predicted it would go belly-up within the first 10 months.” Barnett grew up in Bethesda, attended Chevy Chase Elementary and Leland Junior High, but opted to enroll in and graduate from Woodrow Wilson in Washington. As most young men of the times, he was drafted in 1943 and over two years served tours in Germany and Great Britain, as a radio operator in the 8th Air Force’s 305th Bomb Group, which conducted systematic aerial assaults over Berlin and multiple other sites via B-17 aircrafts. “When you are 19, you think you are going to live to be 300,” he said. “You never really think about mortal danger.” After World War II he briefly entertained the idea of becoming a lawyer, but instead used the G.I. Bill to graduate from the George Washington School of Medicine in 1952. “I wanted to help people”, said Barnett, “I felt I could do more good in medicine.” He went on Dr. Robert A. Barnett. Photo by Auburn Mann to intern at the U.S Public Service Hospital in Baltimore and undertook surgical training at Presbyterian Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania. By 1956, he and his late, first wife Bess were experiencing a fair share of adversity. They lived in a Philadelphia flat. Being a young resident, he earned a meager salary of $60 a month in compensation for what he remembers as a grueling 100-hour work week. Bess, who had a Master’s degree in hospital administration from Northwestern University, was able to supplement their income. Barnett laughs as he remembers the reaction of an IRS auditor to their financial status. “He looked at my W-2 form and said вЂ�I didn’t think anybody in the U.S. made that little money.’” In 1964 Barnett returned to Montgomery County to start a private practice and moved his young family into Manor Club. A few years later Barnett received a call asking him to direct the medical facilities across the street at Leisure World where he had practically no assistance until 1970 when a doctor from Montgomery General Hospital joined him. After leaving Leisure World in the mid 1970s, Barnett served for a time as chief of surgery at Montgomery General. He eventually become the state chair for the Commission on Cancer. He oversaw the cancer programs of 46 Maryland hospitals and started the program in Montgomery General, which would become Montgomery County’s first certified hospital for cancer treatment, and was involved in the certification of 178 different hospitals elsewhere in the U.S. He became a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and International College of Surgeons. In 1982, he became the Governor of Maryland’s FACS chapter. “I was the first one from and based in Montgomery County,” he says proudly. Barnett retired from practice in 1996 and spent the next 15 years volunteering at local clinics in the metropolitan area. Barnett may have left his duties at Leisure World long ago, but not his ties to the community. He is now settling into the property that he purchased here and rented through the years. He resides with his wife Carolyn, a former banker, whom he was introduced to as a patient about a decade ago, a few years following the death of Bess Barnett, after fifty years of marriage. “It’s really nice that Leisure World now has so many options for seniors to get out and be social,” he says. “Now I need to go and explore them.” Auburn Mann is a graduate student at the University of Maryland and has offered to write occasional pieces for the Leisure World News. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 11 Migraine Headaches by Arthur Kaufman, MD M Custom Blind serviCe "Quality Window Treatments with a Solid Reputation" Your “shop at home” solution - we do it all - consultation, measuring & installation 301.774.0609 Wood Blinds * Mini Blinds Vertical Blinds * Cellular Shades www.customblindservice.com Fall Spectacular Sale! 35%-50% OFF Select BlindS & ShadeS Offer expires 11-30-14 igraine headaches are recurrent, usually severe, headaches often associated w1th nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound or smell. Typically the headache affects one side of the head, is throbbing in nature, and lasts from 2 to 72 hours. The pain is generally made worse by physical activity. Up to one-third of people with migraine headaches are aware of a prodrome called an aura which signals that the headache is about to occur. The aura is usually in the form of a visual disturbance such as flashing lights in the eyes or an area of blindness, but may include other disturbances in touch or feeling, language, or even paralysis of a limb. The exact mechanisms of migraine are unknown but they are believed to be due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. About twothirds of cases run in families. In adults, these headaches 12 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 occur two to three times more frequently in women than men. Many migraine sufferers are able to identify “triggers” which bring on a migraine. Common triggers include red wine or other alcoholic beverages, aged cheeses, strong smells like perfume, or changes in barometric pressure. Premenopausal women may notice that migraines come right before or during the menstrual period. Women may notice an increase in frequency of migraines during the perimenopausal period, followed by a decrease or cessation of migraines after menopause. Initial recommended treatment is with simple analgesics such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the headache, an antiemetic for the nausea, and the avoidance of triggers. Resting in a dark room with a cold compress on the head may help. Prescription medications called triptans can abort an ongoing migraine. Other medications may be taken chronically to prevent migraines. Most people with migraines have periods of lost productivity due to their disease. However, typically the condition is fairly benign and usually doesn’t lead to anything more serious. However, people with a sudden severe headache need to be evaluated to make sure it is not something else that requires immediate attention. If you are suffering with migraine headaches, it is wise to see a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis and initiate treatment. Dr. Kaufman is a member of the Health Advisory Committee. вќ’ Leisure World Health Advisory Committee Don’t Let COPD Take Your Breath Away! by Vlady Rozenbaum, Ph.D T he World Health Organization designated November as the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month with the World COPD Day to be observed this year on Nov. 19 Coughing. Wheezing. Shortness of Breath For many people familiar with COPD, it may be clear that these are symptoms. But to many more people nationwide, these signs can seem to be from a common cold, being out of shape, just getting older. Therefore, they may be less likely to bring these symptoms up to their health care provider because they don’t think it matters. As a result, many Americans who have COPD go undiagnosed, and their quality of life worsens unnecessarily. Today, more than 12-million people have been diagnosed with COPD and as many are likely to have the disease and do not know it. COPD is a serious lung disease that over time makes it hard to breathe. Also known as emphysema or chronic bronchitis, COPD is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. Symptoms include constant coughing (smoker’s cough), shortness of breath during typical daily activities, wheezing, and inability to take deep breaths, excessive sputum production and feeling like you can’t breathe. If you have these symptoms the best next step is to talk to your doctor or health care provider. “We urge you to pay special attention to how you are breathing, especially if you become short of breath during your daily activities,” says James P. Kiley. “Learn more about the symptoms of COPD and if they sound like you, start the conversation with your health care provider. Talking about any symptoms you may be experiencing will help them help you.” Kiley is Director, Division of Lung Diseases, NHLBI (National Institutes of Health). “COPD is a common disease that affects one in five adults over the age of 45,” he says. “While there is no cure for COPD, early diagnosis and treatment can help people with COPD improve their symptoms, cut down the flare-ups of the disease (exacerbations) and get back to the things they love doing.” COPD can be diagnosed with a simple, non-invasive breathing test called spirometry. If you or a loved one experiences any of the symptoms of COPD, take some time to learn more about it. With proper diagnosis and treatment, people with COPD can live longer and improve their quality of life. Without global intervention, deaths from COPD are projected to increase by more than 30 percent in the next 10 years. COPD is the only major disease that continues to show annual increases in mortality rates. Furthermore, chronic bronchitis and emphysema take a heavy toll on the economy. The national annual cost of COPD is estimated at $50 billion by the NHLBI. You can find out more about COPD by visiting the COPD Foundation at www.nhlbi.nih.gov and www.copdfoundation.org. Vlady Rozenbaum is a member of the Leisure World Health Advisory Committee and on the Boards of Directors of the U.S. COPD Coalition and the Pulmonary Education and Research Foundation. He is also the founder of the COPD-ALERT. com. a member of the American Thoracic Society, Board of Directors of the U.S. COPD Coalition, and the founder of the COPD-ALERT.com, a major national support and advocacy patient organization. He can be reached at 301-598-6693 and at [email protected]. Wills, Wealth Planning & Trusts Phone: 301-518-0423 Email: [email protected] Housecall: No charge! www.battersbylawoffice.com Simple will: $175/person; $330/couple $80 Financial power of attorney $90 Estate and tax planning. Probate: flat fee or hourly, not a percentage of estate. Living will/medical directive Luann Battersby Leisure World neighbor 3510 Chiswick Ct Silver Spring, MD 20906 I also assist clients in other related matters when they need my help. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 13 вќ’ Leisure World Health Advisory Committee Memory Expert Returns to Leisure World by Sandra W. McLeskey RN, PhD D r. Scott Turner, Director of the Memory Disorders Program at Georgetown University Medical Center will return to Leisure World to talk about memory loss on Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. in the Clubhouse II Auditorium. He previously spoke here in June about his research studies. His talk, “Where Did I Put my Keys? – a Presentation on Memory Issues”, is sponsored by the Mental Health Subcommittee of the Health Advisory Committee. To avoid overcrowding for this talk, please obtain a free ticket at one of the E & R offices in the clubhouses. Dr. Turner holds both an MD degree and a PhD in pharmacology and is boardcertified in both neurology and psychiatry. He has been involved in research on cognitive disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and its basic mechanisms, and in the past and currently has conducted many clinical studies of dementias and possible treatments. Dr. Turner will discuss a wide range of topics pertaining to memory loss, including the difference between normal absentmindedness and pathological memory problems, genetic influences on memory loss, how a diagnosis of memory loss is made and how it may progress, current and future medications to treat memory loss, future research directions, and techniques for improving memory. There will be a brief question and answer session at the end of the talk. The Mental Health Subcommittee is sponsoring this talk in response to the mental health survey that was previously published in the Leisure World News. People who returned the survey indicated a high level of interest in memory issues including how to improve memory. If you have not yet filled out the survey and wish to, it is available on line at https:// www.surveymonkey.com/ s/8NTL9LM. Sandra McCleskey is a member of the Health Advisory Committee and the Mental Health Subcommittee. n Low Vision Defining Eye Disease Get The Facts by Janet Morrison H ave you been told that you or someone you care about are prediabetic or have Type 2 diabetes? It is important to be reminded that the serious disease can cause irreversible vision loss and blindness. Diabetic retinopathy often has no symptoms in the early stages; there is no pain and vision may not change until sight loss becomes severe. The good news is, vision loss can be treated—in today’s world— before any severe loss occurs. Learn about risks, detection, treatment and research! 14 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 The Leisure World Low Vision Group presents this informative program at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12 in Clubhouse I to help our neighbors save their sight or the sight of someone they love. Guest Expert Presenter: Aziz Khanifar, M.D., ophthalmologist/retinamacular specialist. To register or more information, call Jane Brinser (301-438-2599). n Patients’ Rights Council of Leisure World What You Should Know to Help You Make an Informed Decision for Senior Care by Mary Ann Johnston T he Patients’ Rights Council of Leisure World meets next on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 1:30 pm in Clubhouse I. There will be a panel presentation moderated by Kathy Rickard, president of ElderCare Consulting and Companionship LLC, Resources for Seniors in the Community. The panel focus will be “What You Should Know to Help You Make an Informed Decision for Senior Care.” The panelists are William S. Fralin, Esquire, president of the Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm PC, speaking on “Estate Planning Essentials;” Alisa Scheiner, MA, MAGS, president of Loving Decisions, on “Health Care Advocacy, Tips on Talking to Your Physician;” and Linda Ryan, Marketing director for Arden Court of Kensington Memory Care Community, “Solutions for Memory Care, There is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease.” There will be time for questions following the presentation. This promises to be an interesting discussion of issues we need to face and should provide us with answers to some of our questions about senior care. All residents and guests are welcome at our meetings. The Patients’ Rights Council strives to educate seniors on health and end-of-life issues and our programs are of interest to all people who are concerned about how to address problems that may be associated with aging. We also oppose attempts to legalize physician-assisted suicide. We encourage compassionate care for the seriously ill that will allow them a natural death surrounded by family and loved ones. n Parkinson’s Support Group Kathy Morris to Discuss Parkinson’s Screening Tests by Manny Horowitz and Carlos Souto T he Parkinson’s Support Group will meet Nov. 12 at 3 p.m. in Clubhouse II. Please note that because the second Tuesday of the month falls on Veteran’s Day, the meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 12. Our guest speaker is Kathy Morris, a graduate of Ithaca College in 1986 with a degree in physical therapy and a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration in 1994 from the University of Maryland. Her professional experience includes work in the acute care setting at the Washington Hospital Center, inpatient rehabilitation, at the Kessler Institute and the National Rehabilitation Hospital, and home health care with Potomac Home Health Care. For the past six years, Kathy has worked as an outpatient physical therapist with the National Rehabilitation Hospital at Olney and also at Leisure World. She has treated patients with neurobiological disorders including Parkinson’s disease, stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis among others. In addition, her professional orthopedic experience includes neck and back pain, joint replacement patients and those with multiple traumas. Ms. Morris will discuss current screening tests for Parkinson’s disease, including construction and administration of the test. Since balance plays such an important role in falls by Parkinson’s patients and senior citizens, she will include current balance tests in her presentation, such as the Mini-BESTest illustration, Functional Gate Assessment (FGA) Test illustration and the 10 Meter Walk Tests. As one of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may be a voice problem (loudness) and projection, Kathy will discuss the Lee Silverman Voice Training Program (LSVT). The presentation will also discuss services available at Medstar NRH Leisure World. The lecture will conclude with questions and answers, although questions and comments are welcome at any time. We look forward to an interesting and informative presentation with lots of participation by the members of the support group. n FISH FISH Depends on Donations by Beth Leanza F ISH is a volunteer organization that lends assistive equipment to residents and employees of Leisure World. All the items we have were donations. We really appreciate all those who have thought of FISH. We do not charge for this service. Occasionally, we do receive small cash donations. We are a tax-exempt organization, so you can get a tax credit. We cannot put a price on equipment. A tax professional can help with that. We use those monies to keep the FISH office supplied (pens, markers) and we buy the loan forms and labels for the equipment. Recently, we have had an offer from a Leisure World resident to try to repair some equipment. (Up to now, if we got damaged equipment returned, we just had to trash it!) If you need assistive equipment (wheelchair, walker, cane, crutches, commode, bath chair, elevated toilet seat), even if you are planning to purchase it, come to FISH and borrow it first. That way you can find out what features you like or don’t like. You can feel free to borrow one item, return it, and borrow another instead. FISH is in Clubhouse II. We are open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We do close if Montgomery County public schools close for weather, and we close for major holidays. Our phone number (301598-1320) goes to the E & R office. Ask for FISH. Availability of any particular piece of equipment varies from day to day – and even from hour to hour! You can call Beth Leanza (301-598-4569) for more information. THE DENTAL OFFICE MedStar HealtH Medical center 3305 n. leiSure World Boulevard Bennett Taff, DMD Carmen DeVries, DDS Mao Lin, DDS Serving the oral health care needs of our residents for over 30 years. "I am very pleased with the dentistry and personalized services that I have received from dentists and their wonderful staff." Faye Haralamos For Appointments and Information, call 301-598-1015 The Right Care at the Right Place. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 15 Stan Moffson В® Authorized Leisure WorldВ® Specialist #1 In Sales In Leisure WorldВ® A GREAT YEAR SO FAR! “B” Model-Overlook-$219K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,035 sf + Garage ! D L O S ”G”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$399K 3 BR, 2.5 FB, 1,587 sq.ft. + Garage T! C A R NT CO ”H”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$359K 3 BR, 2.5 FB, 1,629 sq.ft. + Garage ! D L O S ! D L O S ”E”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$275K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,354 sq.ft. + Garage ! D L O S ”K”Model-Greens-$274,900 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,520 sq.ft. + Garage ! D L O S ! D L O S ”EE”Mdl-Overlook-$245K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,242 sq.ft. ! D L O S ”M”Model-Greens-$239K 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1,530 sq.ft. ! D L O S “C” Model-Turnberry-$199K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,092 sf “J” Model-Fairways-$199K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,317 sf + Garage “J” Model-Fairways-$195K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,317 sf + Garage “O” Model-Fairways-$185K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,138 sf + Gar & golf crt “Capri” Model-$169K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,415 sf CONTRACT! “A” Mdl-Overlook-$159K 1 BR, 1 FB, 930 sf + Garage “F” Model-Greens-$149K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,115 sf + Garage “GG” Model-Fairways-$145K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,195 sf “Ellicott” Model-$137K 3 BR, 2 FB, 1,340 sf “Berkeley” Model-$122,500 2 BR, 1FB, 2HB “E” Model-Fairways-$119,500 2 BR, 2 FB, 990 sf ”L”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$359K 3 BR, 2 FB, 1,515 sq.ft. ”D”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$268K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,330 sq.ft. ”M”Model-Greens-$219K 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1,530 sq.ft. “Berkeley” Model-$118,650 2 BR, 2FB, 1HB, 1,445 sf “A” Model-Fairways-$115K 1 BR, 1 FB, 850 sf ! D L SO ! D L SO R T N CO ACT! “Warfield” Model-$112 2 BR, 2FB, 1,043 sf “C” Model-Greens-$99,500 2 BR, 1.5 BA, 950 sf “Elizabeth” Model-$89K 2 BR, 1.5 BA, 1,308 sf ”G”Model-Overlook-$339K 2 BR, 22 FB, 1,325 sq.ft. пѓ©Cabot Model-$265K 3 BR, 2 FB, 1,193 sq.ft. ”D”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$219K 2 BR, 2 FB, 1,312 sq.ft. “Raleigh” Model-$78K 1 BR, 1 FB, 990 sf Let Stan Do The Same For You. Call Today! Cell: 301-928-3463 Web: www.stanmoffson.com Office: 301-681-0550 x 135 Email: [email protected] 16 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Stan Moffson В® Authorized Leisure WorldВ® Specialist #1 In LISTINGS In Leisure WorldВ® New Construction Ask me about Villa Cortese V пѓ© “J” Mdl-Fairways-$210,000 2 BR, 2FB, 1317 sq. ft. Updated kitchen, garage space, golf course view, close to elevator. “D” Mdl-Villa Cortese-$219K 2 BR, 2FB, 1300 sq. ft. Hardwood пѓ© “CC” Mdl-Turnberry-$179,000 floors, designer kit. , master BA, 2 BR, 2FB, 1090 sq. ft. Eat-in kitchen close to elevator. ”H”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$359K 3 BR, 2.5 FB, 1605 sq.ft. Table space kitchen, large separate dining room, garage space incl. Freshly painted, new carpet. ! D L O S пѓ©Royal Aintree-$325,000 2 BR, 2FB, 1393 sq.ft. One car garage, updated kitchen and bath, Florida room. ”M”Model-Greens-$219,000 3 BR, 2 BA, 1520 sq.ft. Fresh paint, new carpet. пѓ©Dartmouth Model-$139,000 2 BR, 1.5 BA, 1400 sq.ft. Separate dining room, bay window, patio. ! D L O S ”K”Model-Greens-$274,900 2 BR + den, 2 FB, 1520 sq.ft. Freshly painted, large enclosed balcony, garage space included. ! D L O S пѓ©Huntington Model-$375,000 2 BR, 2FB, patio home. 1410 sq.ft. Florida room, new carpet, 2 car garage. “A” Mdl-Overlook-$159,000 1 BR, 1.5 BA, 930 sq.ft. Hardwood floors, golf course view, garage “C” Model-Overlook-$189,000 space included. 2 BR, 2FB, 1090 sq.ft. Fresh paint. ! D L O S ”L”Mdl-Villa Cortese-$359K 3 BR, 2.5 FB, 1520 sq.ft. Freshly painted, new carpet, table space kitchen, sep. DR, enclosed balcony. Experience for yourself why Stan is #1 in Leisure WorldВ® Call and List with Stan Now! Cell: 301-928-3463 Web: www.stanmoffson.com Office: 301-681-0550 x 135 Email: [email protected] NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 17 Events & ENTERTAINMENT n Fun & Fancy Theatre Group Still in the Spotlight by Allan Okin T here are 25 Leisure World performers in the cast of the upcoming stage production of “Sweet Charity.” Some have been profiled in past Fun and Fancy columns. Besides the feature on page 3 of this newspaper, here are two more reasons to see this show. “Believe it or not,” says Maria Hidalgo, “I have been performing practically all of my life—not for audiences, but for family and friends.” Doing things for others is part of her good nature, but a while ago she questioned, “Who is performing for me?” The painful reality was “nobody.” So Maria set out to “entertain” herself by joining Fun and Fancy, and she auditioned for “Sweet Charity.” These days, she performs for herself to “nourish my inner soul, to fulfill my dreams and to share my hidden talents.” Director Ron Sarro must have sensed this when Maria tried out, because he cast her as one of the Fandango dancers, and she plays the Good Samaritan who saves the leading lady in Act I. Dancing comes easy for Maria, who is serious about learning the songs and her lines, one of which is a riot if you understand Spanish. Listen carefully during the “Big Spender” number. Maria is impressed with the cast’s energy, dedication, talent, and progress, and feels that the show will demonstrate this. Another debuting cast member, Steve Hull, performed in a musical theater production in preschool at age four; he sang and tap danced with a giant panda to “The Good Ship Lollipop.” Steve later sang in children’s church choirs and choirs in junior high and high school. He was in the Accapella Choir and Madrigals. When his voice changed, his music teacher recommended he give up clarinet lessons and join the school chorus; his parents arranged for him to have private vocal lessons and he studied with noted teachers. At Frostburg University, Steve was the first non-music major permitted to present a solo recital. He joined various musical and theatrical groups during high school and college, after which he performed around the region with “The Pickwick Puppets,” his family’s puppet troupe. Following a hiatus of more than 25 years away from the stage to focus on family, career, and continuing education, Steve returned with the music and drama group at Goddard Space Center in SELLING? BUYING? NEW OR RESALE Work with the agent that does it all! New Villa Cortese V Open Saturday and Sunday, 1- 4 pm. Call sales office #115 from lobby phone to be buzzed in. Paulette Tievy Direct: 301.651.3082 Office: 301.681.0550 x 161 Email: [email protected] www.myhomesdb.com/paulette Model O $385,000 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, open kitchen 1321 sq. ft. Model R $465,000 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, library, open kitchen 1538 sq. ft. Model U $465,000 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a library 1530 sq. ft. Model Q $469,000 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 1575 sq. ft. Model S $629,000 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, powder room 1790 sq. ft. All units feature stainless appliances, granite counter tops, full size front load washer and dryer, and enclosed sun porch with tile floor. 18 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 2008. He has also sung with the Chancel Choir of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We are fortunate to have Steve in the “Charity” cast as Vittorio, a narcissistic actor who romances two women at a time in a highly comic scene, during which he sings the musical’s forgotten love song, “Too Many Tomorrows.” Ladies, Steve will become your new matinee idol at Leisure World! News Bits Auditions for Dee Smiley’s December show, “Holidays around the World,” went well with many new entertainers trying out. More about the Dec. 3 revue in the next column. Hold the date! Auditions for the January show, “The Music of Jerome Kern,” will be held right after “Holidays around the World.” This is a joint endeavor by Tash/Okin/O’Leary/ Kaufman; the first half will be a revue of Kern’s songs before “Showboat,” and the second half will be a miniconcert version of the landmark musical. Audition details will be reported later in the month. Plan to try out with a Kern song of your choice. At press time, we are happy to report that Jean McGoldrick is reportedly making a good recovery from her illness reported last month. Keep improving, Jean! We provide painting services for residential and commercial properties. Our skilled craftsmen will treat your home with care. Call us for a free estimate (301) 340-6004 Licensed, Bonded, and Insured Women’s Vocal Ensemble Nutcracker Dreams to Present Holiday Show & Contemporary Masterpieces sponsored by the Foundation of Leisure World and the E&R Department O sponsored by the E&R Department T he E&R Department is pleased to welcome Blake High School’s Women’s Vocal Ensemble to Leisure World on Friday, Dec. 5 at 10:15 a.m. in Clubhouse I’s ballroom They will sing a variety of holiday songs, like Jingle Bell Rock, Shalom and Under the Winter Moon, that you are sure to enjoy. Joining the ensemble is a string quartet and soloist. Tickets, $4 per person, go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 8:30 a.m. in both clubhouses. Please bring your Leisure World ID. Members of Women’s Vocal Ensemble at Blake High School learn the fundamentals of choral singing technique. Consisting of mostly freshmen, these girls are active participants in a multitude of sports and clubs such as basketball, soccer, cross country, Blake Stage Theatre Company, and Debate Team. Membership in this choral group is open to all women and regardless of previous choral experience. Students sing a variety of songs that explore different musical periods and languages in exciting and creative performances! n Saturday, Dec. 13 at 2:30 p.m. in Clubhouse II’s auditorium, members of the Akhmedova Ballet Academy will present a program of classic and contemporary ballet. Tickets, $9 per person, go on sale in both clubhouses beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Please bring your Leisure World ID. The Akhmedova Ballet Academy is dedicated to providing the finest quality ballet training utilizing the Vaganova method with personal and artistic mentoring to prepare young talented dancers to become strong and fully developed artists ready to take their places in major dance companies around the world. The academy is supported by the Akhmedova Ballet Foundation, Inc., a 501c 3 charitable, taxexempt, non-profit organization. The Foundation of Leisure World is a 501(c) 3 organization, which was established for charitable, health, educational and cultural purposes. Contributions to the foundation may be claimed as deductions on income tax returns to the extent permitted by law. Exceptional Physicians. Focused on You. MedStar Health at Leisure World Boulevard MedStar Health is committed to meeting your healthcare needs, providing access to medical experts and quality health services right here in your community. By choosing to receive your health care at the medical center, you can connect with some of the area’s finest physicians in the following specialties: Internal Medicine and Family Practice Nutritional Services Cardiology Orthopaedics Dental Pharmacy Dermatology Podiatry Endocrinology Psychiatry Gastroenterology Rehabilitation Services Gynecology Rheumatology Hematology/Oncology Urogynecology (special gynecology needs such as urinary incontinence) Laboratory Services Ophthalmology 301-598-1590 MAIN LINE 301-598-1510 APPOINTMENT LINE 301-598-1015 DENTAL 301-598-1005 PHARMACY 301-438-6280 REHABILITATION SERVICES 301-598-1581 SOCIAL WORK NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 19 3305 North Leisure World Blvd. • Silver Spring, MD 20906 • MedStarHealth.org/LW Holiday Arts & Crafts Bazaar! sponsored by the E&R Department T he E&R Department is planning a Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair. Join us on Saturday, Dec. 13 in Clubhouse I’s Crystal Ballroom from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Do all, or at least some, of your holiday shopping right here in your own community! Vendors, all Leisure World residents, will be offering for sale a variety of holiday gift items – all new and original. Calling All Arts & Crafts Purveyors You do not have to belong to a Leisure World arts or crafts group or organization, but you do have to be a resident who has produced the items offered for sale. All items must be new and unused. (Note: This is not a flea market!) E&R is looking for all ceramicrafters (poured and thrown); artists, woodworkers, jewelry makers, photographers, weavers, needle-workers, knitters, crocheters, seamstresses, quilters and anyone else who can offer new and original art and craft items for sale. This is also a great opportunity for Leisure World groups, organizations and clubs that create art and craft items to raise money for charitable or other pursuits. Registration will open at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 4 in Clubhouse I. At registration, you will be asked to fill out a form indicating what you will be offering for sale. Payment can be made by check, payable to Leisure World of Maryland Corporation, or by MasterCard, Discover or VISA. To accommodate the greatest number of residents and groups, space is limited to a maximum of 12’ of space, i.e. the equivalent of two 3x6 tables or one 3x6 table and one rack. Tables can be rented $18 for 3x6 and $9 for 3x3. One chair is provided for a 3x3 table, and two for a 3x6 table. The fee for extra chairs is $1 each. A limited number of clothing racks are available to rent for $10 each. Tables, chairs or racks cannot be brought into the sale. (Display racks that fit on top of rented tables may be brought in). Merchandise may not be placed on chairs, next to or in front of tables and racks. Space is limited; items placed around the rented space impede traffic and is a major safety concern and therefore will not be permitted. Beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 13, numbers will be given out to vendors who want help bringing merchandise into the clubhouse. Fair vendors may begin bringing in their merchandise at 8 a.m. The market will open to the general public at 9:30 a.m. Vendors are reminded that they must remove all unsold merchandise and debris (boxes, hangers, wrapping materials, etc.) when they leave. Individuals and organizations are responsible for the collection and payment of sales tax. You can obtain this license at the Maryland state Department of Taxation office in the Westfield Wheaton South Building. Byline: Ernie Pyle – Tickets Still Available from the E&R Department S teve LaRocque returns to reprise his one-man show Byline: Ernie Pyle on Monday, Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse II. Tickets at $3 per person are on sale in the E&R offices in both clubhouses. Please bring your Leisure Steve LaRocque World ID. portrays journalist Byline: Ernie Pyle. Photo by Ernie Pyle features actor Harvey Levine LaRocque as Ernie Pyle, recounting the major events of World War II in Pyle’s own words. The actor becomes the reporter, appalled at the tragic waste of war and the brutal conditions it imposes on the men who fight it, and personally committed to going back to it, again and again, until the end. Most of the people Pyle met on the front lines were men, but this version of the show includes the story of Mary Anne Sullivan, a nurse in the North African campaign. n Rossmoor Art Guild Lectures Continue by Teresa Milne n Ballroom Dance Club Reminder – Last Dance of the Year by Jackie Harrell T his is just a reminder about the last dance of the year on Saturday, Nov. 22 in the Crystal Ballroom from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Music will be provided by Pocket Change. If you are coming as a single, please bring a partner for dancing. Joan Soffer will take reservations. Call her at 301-598-2528. On Dec. 6, we will have a holiday dinner dance. Call Billie Saunders for reservations at 301-598-0120. 20 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 O ur visit to the Louvre will continue on Nov. 13 (second Thursday of the month) at 3:30 p.m. in Clubhouse I. Lectures will focus on Rubens and Flemish paintings, and Rembrandt, Vermeer and the Dutch school in general. All residents are invited to attend these lectures. Come early for socializing and refreshments. n Inter-Faith Chapel Annual Thanksgiving Eve Community Service Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. Residents ofВ Leisure World, the UnitarianUniversalists of Leisure World and Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. We will ne of the special events hear special anthems by the combined for the Leisure World choirs and the Inter-Faith Chapel Handbell community is the annual Choir, coordinated by Kevin Clemens. The InterfaithВ ThanksgivingВ EveВ Service. It is an speaker for the evening will be Rabbi Gary opportunity for all of us to come together Fink. The service will be held at the Interin an act of worship and praise as we give Faith Chapel, 3680 South Leisure World thanks to God for all the benefits that we Blvd. enjoy. The service is sponsored by the An offering will be received in the form Interfaith Committee of Leisure World. of cash donations and non-perishable Participants will include representatives food items. In this time of financial from The Inter-Faith Chapel, the Jewish crisis, many individuals and families find by Dr. Ramonia L. Lee, Minister of Congregational Life O themselves in greater need than ever before. Our offerings will be directed to a local food bank and the LW Committee for the Homeless and Working Poor. In this Thanksgiving season, let us share our thanks as we reach out to help others. If you would like to sing in the combined choirs, rehearsals will be held on Thursdays, Nov. 13 and Nov. 20, from 8 to 9 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Following the service we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship and light refreshment. n Gem, Lapidary and Mineral Society The History and Art of Pietra Dura and Micromosaics by Mary Beth Mason O n Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m., the Gem, Lapidary and Mineral Society (GLMS) will meet in Clubhouse II to hear Diane Grimes speak on the history and art of pietra dura and micromosaics. Pietra dura - painting for eternity - uses inlays of cut stones to create images. In ancient Rome, pietra dura was used to decorate floors and walls. During the Middle Ages, it appeared on tombs and altars. Byzantine craftsmen used it in creating small religious figures. During Diane Grimes wearing a brooch the Italian Renaissance, the comprised of micromosiac art. Florentines made table tops and smaller items in the form of jewelry, wall plaques, garden ornaments and fountains. Micromosaic figurative images are crafted with remarkably small mosaic pieces (tesserae) of glass – or, in later Italian pieces, an enamellike material. A distinctive feature of micromosaics is that the tesserae are usually oblong rather than square. The finest work comprises 3,000 to 5,000 tesserae per square inch. Micromosaic art reached the height of popularity in the mid-19th century when Rome was the center of production. Pictorial landscapes were created in panels small enough to be inset into furniture, jewelry and small objects such as snuffboxes. Diane, a member of our GLMS, has more than 40 years experience with antiques. She owned an antiques shop in London from 1971 to 1973. In 1976, after she moved back to the U.S., she opened Briar’s Antiques in Olney. Eventually she sold her shop and moved to Leisure World. She still deals in antique jewelry, including appraisals and interpretations. Diane’s presentation will feature a slide show, which will focus on miniaturization and how mosaics were usedВ in jewelryВ in the 19th century. She will exhibit specimens of her personal micromosaic and pietra dura jewelry and invites members and guests to bring their own for show-and-tell. The program will be followed by refreshments and a door prize drawing. You do not have to be a GLMS member to attend our meetings. For information on joining the Leisure World GLMS, please contact President Chuck Mason (301-933-3093, sugartree2@ comcast.net) or Membership Chair Mary Beth Mason (240-558-4013, m.b.mason@ comcast.net). NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 21 St. John’s Instrumental n Ceramics Club Music Ensemble Concert It’s Just Around the Corner! by Gail Bragg W Photos courtesy St. John’s Episcopal School sponsored by the E&R Department T he E&R Department is always pleased to bring local musical talent to Leisure World, especial youth groups. On Friday, Nov. 14 at 1:30 p.m., the St. John’s Instrumental Music Ensemble will give a free performance in Clubhouse I’s ballroom. Their performance will feature music you will all recognize and reminisce about, like Gershwin’s ’S Wonderful, chuckle about, like Leven’s Cruella de Vil or Mancini’s Pink Panther or reflect on like Debussey’s Clair de Lune, to mention just a few pieces. While the performance is free, tickets are required, two per household, and will be available in both E&R offices beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Please bring your Leisure World ID. St. John’s Episcopal School has been graduating students of character and faith for over 50 years. Located in the heart of Olney, St John’s draws students from all over the Montgomery and Howard county areas. The school has an outstanding performing arts program called OASIS. OASIS stands for Olney Arts School in a School and features advanced studies in musical theatre and instrumental music. Our OASIS Instrumental Music Ensemble performs numerous concerts each in the Olney area and is noted for its Chamber Music Tours, which bring our students and their music to senior centers and nursing homes. They also compete as soloists in the regional and state Solo & Ensemble Festival for both private and public schools. In addition, they form the core group concert band, jazz ensemble, pep and parade bands. Our ensemble is assisted by our excellent percussionist Tara Close. hat is just around the corner? You may be thinking “a little Halloween trick-or-treat monster,” but I am talking about the Ceramic Club annual Open House! So mark your calendar for Nov. 13 from noon and 7 p.m. and the 14th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.– see ad in this issue of the Leisure World News. Notice this year we have added early evening hours for those of you who work or have working family members who would like to attend. We will also have a few members demonstrating some of the techniques used in making a ceramic piece. We may use molds as our base, but the work does not necessarily stop there. So, drop by during the open house hours to meet some of our artists and crafters and see some of the things they have made. Feel free to bring your wallets or checkbooks as most display items are for sale with profits going to charity. If you would like to join us and learn how to craft your own homemade ceramic pieces, we would love to have you. Membership is $10 a year and this includes your lessons! You can also view some of our ceramic pieces at our website. It can be reached via the Leisure World site www.llwmc. com. Select “LW Residents” then “Residents;” there you will see a listing of all the clubs with websites. You can also go directly to http://sites.google. com/site/cccofleisureworld/. We hope to see you soon. Reminder: Community Fair Planned Nov. 19 A Community Fair will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 19 from 9:30 a.m. to noon in Clubhouse I. This is an opportunity for all residents to get more information about the many active groups and organizations in the community. There is still time to reserve a table. Letters and entry forms were mailed out to all groups and organization. If you group or organization has not received one, please contact the E&R Department at 301-598-1300. Personal Care Services In The Comfort Of Your Home • • • • Household chores Medication reminding Daily living and companionship Meal planning, preparation and monitoring of eating habits • Overseeing activities, such as walking, to minimize the risk of accidents Family Owned & Operated Serving Montgomery County • Shopping for groceries, with or without client • Bathing and grooming and general personal hygiene • Help with planning and making decisions • Nursing services and many more! Call for a Free Consultation and Assessment   301.717.2212   www.bestseniorcare.us 22 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News OF MARYLAND Double Play вќ’ Foundation of Leisure World presented by the E&R Department London, North England and Durham J oin Double Play flute and tuba as they present, “Our Silver Season!” Celebrating 25 years as the “world’s only professional flute and tuba duo”! The program on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 4:30 p.m. in Clubhouse I will feature selections from the Baroque, Broadway and Beyond! Tickets, $5 per person, are on sale in both clubhouses. This husband-wife—Patrick Sciannella, tuba, and Amy Ridings, flute—team has appeared in 45 states, the District of Columbia and Mexico. Founded in Arizona in 1989, they now reside in Farmington Hills, Michigan. This will be their fourth visit to Leisure World. Patrick is a 1982 graduate of DeMatha High School (Hyattsville, MD) with both Sponsored by the Foundation of Leisure World Travel Video Series (Free) 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 17 Auditorium – Clubhouse II I bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Eastman School of Music. Amy is a graduate of the Oberlin Conservatory. Their discography includes four recordings: Old, New, Borrowed for Two; Summer 2001; Impossible Dream; and Tunes for Two. Thursday Afternoon at the Movies Diana T he E&R Department is pleased to present “Thursday Afternoon at the Movies.” The movies are shown in Clubhouse II’s auditorium at 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20 is the date for the screening of “Diana” (2013, Rated PG-13 for brief strong language, some sensuality and smoking; 1 hr. 53 mins; not closed captioned). Free tickets, limit two per person, are required; they can be obtained from the E&R office in either Clubhouse I or II beginning Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 8:30 a.m. Please bring your Leisure World ID. Princess Diana, the world’s most-watched woman, struggles to find herself after her painful divorce. In the two years before her death, she embarks on a vital campaign to ban landmines and on a passionate love affair with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. The movies are for your t has been some time since our last trip so we hope that you all had a good rest over the summer and are ready to travel again. This time our guide, Rick Steves is taking us to London and North England. We will visit many of the sites London is famous for— Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guards, the House of Lords and House of Commons, Big Ben and more. We will not miss Westminster Abbey and Soho. After London we will tour Northern England with its picturesque towns, stop at the home of William Wordsworth, view sheep shoring, and tour a slate mine. Our trip to England will end in Durham, an old Norman city. Refreshments will be served when we return. All residents and their guests are invited to attend. There is no charge or solicitation of funds. We hope you will join us. The Foundation is supported completely by contributions from our residents. enjoyment; there is no charge. Be sure to pick up your ticket(s) if you plan to attend. Please note that no one will be seated after 1 p.m. Donations to help cover the expenses associated with the presentations are gratefully accepted. A basket will be available for your contribution. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 23 n JRLW and the Coming of Age Program Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam’s War Against the Jews by David Firestone A uthor and lecturer Mitchell Bard will discuss his recent book, Death to the Inп¬ЃВ dels:В RadicalВ Islam’sВ WarВ Against the Jews. Bard is the executive director of the nonprofit American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) and a foreign policy analyst who lectures on U.S.-Middle East policy. Bard will talk on Thursday, Dec. 4, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Clubhouse I. A Q and A will follow. Tickets will go on sale at 8:30 a.m. in the E&R Office in Clubhouse I for $6 per person, check payable to JRLW. Bard is also the director of the Jewish Virtual Library, a comprehensive online encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture, and a writer, lecturer and commentator. For three years, he was the editor of Near East Report, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) weekly newsletter on U.S. Middle East policy. He has written and edited 22 books, including Will Israel Survive?; The Arab Lobby: The Invisible Alliance That Undermines America’s Interests in the Middle East; and Israel Matters: Understand the Past - Look to the Future. Mr. Bard will Celebrate a Holiday Tradition with the Olney Concert Band from the E&R Department O n Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m., the Olney Concert Band returns to perform a concert in Clubhouse II that is surely a Leisure World holiday tradition. You will hear seasonal favorites, as well as some new concert pieces, that are sure to put you in the holiday spirit. Tickets, $5 per person, go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 8:30 a.m. in both clubhouses. You will want to bring your children and grandchildren to this seasonal event, too. Please bring your Leisure World Id when purchasing tickets. FREE SAFETY & DEMENTIA SCREENING п‚·пЂ п‚·пЂ п‚·пЂ п‚·пЂ п‚·пЂ п‚·пЂ DEMENTIA CARE All-Inclusive Rates Physicians visits on-site Social programs In home Registered Nurse Medication Management be featured on Nov. 16 at the JCC Book Festival. The Sturgeon Queens, a movie matinee, will be shown on Monday, Dec. 22, 1:30-3 p.m. in Clubhouse II’s auditorium. Four generations of a Jewish immigrant family created Russ and Daughters, a Lower East Side lox and herring emporium that thrives to this day. This documentary features interviews with two of the original daughters, now 100 and 92 years old. Discussion will follow. Put the date on your calendar. And do not forget The Outrageous Sophie Tucker film on Thursday, Nov. 6 with tickets in the E&R Office in Clubhouse I for $6 per person, check payable to JRLW. Reminder - Veterans of Leisure World Luncheon by Billie D. Saunders I would ike to recognize the Chair of the Board of Directors Barbara Cronin and the committee for donating their time in helping to put this affair together. We also want to thank the following mutuals who generously donated money for this luncheon: L.W. Foundation, Montgomery Mutual, Mutual 5, Mutual 6B, Mutual 6C, Mutual 7, Mutual 8, Mutual 9, Mutual 12, Mutual 13, Mutual 14, Mutual 15; Mutual 17A, Mutual 18, Mutual 23, Mutual 24, Mutual 26, and Mutual 27 board of directors. For all the veterans who have called and made their reservation, this is only a reminder that the doors will open at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11 and the program will start at 11:30 with lunch immediately afterwards. THE ANGELS GARDEN ASSISTED LIVING HOMES The Angels Garden Assisted Living LLC is owned and Operated by an experienced Registered Nurse and a team of caring staff. We offer Holistic care in beautiful homes settings. Call Us for a Tour : 301-806-0151 Three Beautiful Homes near Leisure World Community! п‚·пЂ 4101 Bel Pre Road, Rockville, MD 20853 п‚·пЂ 14017 Breeze Hill Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906 п‚·пЂ 3200 Bustleton Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-806-0151 www.angelgardenhomes.com 24 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Rockville Musical Theatre presents GREASE Fridays, Oct. 31, Nov. 7 and 14 at 8 p.m.; Saturdays, Nov. 1, 8 and 15 at 8 p.m.; Sundays, Nov. 9 and 16 at 2 p.m. Tickets: $22 Adult; $20 Senior/Student (62+/student ID) F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre Great performances in the neighborhood. Rockville Civic Center Park • www.rockvillemd.gov/theatre 603 Edmonston Dr., Rockville, MD 20851 Box Office: 240-314-8690 n Garden & Environmental Club Native Plants by Arnold Litman A nother expert will enlighten the horticultural spirit of Leisure World on Monday, Nov. 10 at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse I. Mary McKnight, a master gardener since 2004, will present a talk and displays featuring “Native Plants in the Garden – Benefits and Rewards.” Mary’s presentation will explore the many benefits of growing native plants in your personal garden, including reduced use of pesticides, fertilizer and water. She plans to describe species that provide color and interest in the garden from early spring until late fall, including differences for shady and sunny areas. A key part of the rewards discussed will include increased population of butterflies and birds. She has been an enthusiastic gardener for more then 60 years. Mary has had her hands in soil in many states in the Mary McKnight U.S. Currently, she manages the greenhouse at Black Hill (BH) Regional Park. The nature program, operated by Friends of BH, grows native plants for the Visitors Center landscape and for the April BH open sale. GEC is now recruiting for new garden enthusiasts. This meeting would be a good time to bring guest prospects, residents or not, to enjoy the talk and, later, refreshments. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 25 5Star ASP140802-Chef_Ad_R5 10/27/14 4:00 PM Page 1 Meet Aspenwood Senior Living’s Chef Chef Brad Smith Aspenwood Food Service Director Growing up in Maryland, Chef Smith learned to cook alongside his mother and grandmother. After studying at L’Academie de Cuisine in Gaithersburg, he honed his skills at several popular D.C. restaurants. His passion led him to the kitchens of Miami, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City before joining the Five Star Senior Living team. “I love surprising and delighting our residents every day.” ASPENWOOD’S FIVE STAR DINING EXPERIENCE How’s the food? It’s one of the top questions families ask, and it’s why we ensure that every meal we create is Five Star. OUR RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ENJOY: • All Day Dining • Always Available Choices • Favorites designed by celebrity Chef Brad Miller • Over-the-top culinary events TASTE THE ASPENWOOD DIFFERENCE Call today to tour & experience our Five Star dining and Senior Living 14400 Homecrest Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-598-6424 www.AspenwoodSeniorLiving.com В©2014 Five Star Quality Care, Inc. I N D E P E N D E N T L I V I N G • A R E A ’ S O N LY I N D E P E N D E N C E P L U S ASSISTED LIVING 26 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Celebrating 25 Years Exceptional SERVING AREA SENIORS W I T H S AV I N G S A S AS OUR COMMUNITY! TO UR TODAY AND LEARN ABOU T OU R ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS!* A spenwood Senior Living Community gives residents plenty of reasons to celebrate: • Full-size Independent Living • Affordable monthly rentals and Assisted Living with no buy-in apartments with full kitchens • Five Star dining every day • Long-standing, dedicated team *Limited time offer, restrictions apply, subject to availability, offer valid on select units. See Executive Director for details. Call 301-598-6424 to learn more about our savings. 14400 Homecrest Road • Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-598-6424 www.AspenwoodSeniorLiving.com Pet Friendly В©2014 Five Star Quality Care, Inc. INDEPENDENT LIVING • AREA’S ONLY INDEPENDENCE PLUS • ASSISTED LIVING NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 27 Clubs, Groups & ORGANIZATIONS n Camera Club Plan Ahead by Nina Parish T he Rossmoor Camera Club has a few exciting events planned between now and the end of the year. Our Sunday photo matinees continue to be a big hit with avid photographers, armchair travelers and members of the LW community who enjoy viewing some outstanding photos. We have planned one more event before the end of the year. Join us on Sunday, Nov. 16 at 3:30 p.m. in Clubhouse II for a show entitled Venice and China by our own Fred Shapiro. We have also planned one more informative presentation at our regular CC meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse II. For those of you interested in still life art and/or photography, Terry Popkin will present a hands-on Still Life Set Up activity. The meeting is open to all members and non-members. Attendees will have the opportunity to photograph still life set ups put together by a professional studio photographer. Cameras and tripods should be brought to this activity. “A fine photographer must not only be an expert craftsman but must have a unique Photo taken in Portugal by John Fife and creative vision in order to produce the finest photographs possible. Fine art and fine photography are inseparable. My passion for both enables me to produce beautiful images that elicit feeling,” said Popkin. On Tuesday, Oct. 7, E. David Lauria gave an informative talk on architectural photography, accompanied by many photos of local monuments and buildings. Lauria, who conducts photographic safaris in Washington, D.C., graduated from the NY Institute of Photography and studied in Paris under the iconic photojournalist, Claude Bresson. Laurie reemphasized the importance of photographing images either in early n Italian Social and Cultural Club No November Meeting by J. B. sunrise or sunset. He also noted, however, that when photographing white buildings and monuments, direct sunlight will also provide a brilliance to the architecture. He advised us to use the sides of a building as the vertical edges to the photo and that, when photographing a tall structure, not to lean back and snap the picture, but rather to walk a distance away to grab the whole structure in the frame. Adjusting the white balance to tungsten, he said, often will give us a blue sky on a cloudy day. Laurie showed us many hidden gems in D.C. waiting to be photographed and gave us hints for future photographic trips there. All in all, this was an informative and delightful evening. On Nov. 25, the Camera Club will conduct a photo competition, “Roads and Highways.” Remember that you may submit either three photos in the advanced or general print division or three digital images in the advanced or general digital division. If you submit in both the print and digital divisions, you may submit a total of four. Bring your mounted prints on the night of the competition or submit your digital images up until midnight, Nov. 22, to rossmoorlw@ gmail.com. For further clarification on the competition rules, please visit our website, rossmoorcameraclub.com. n NARFE Reminder to Members by Barbara Walter, President T here is no meeting in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. However, be sure to mark your calendar for Dec. 7. This is the date for the Christmas dinner meeting. If you have not paid your dues yet, you must pay them before the meeting. For information, call Jo (301598-4501). Seniorita Sunshine T he NARFE meeting is on Monday, Nov. 17. Arrive at Clubhouse I at 1:30 p.m. for snacks and, at 2, hear the presentation by Dan McGrath, president of the NARFE Maryland Federation. Then, what happens in December? Our holiday party at Nova Europa, date and time to be announced. I look forward to seeing you on Nov. 17. !! Don’t Miss It !! The Ceramics Studio Clubhouse II ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE & Holiday SALE November 13th 12-7 p.m. November 14th 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Warming hearts w/song, dance & laughter! senioritasunshine.com 240-246-5327 28 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 ALSO: Demos of ceramic-making techniques n LW Association for African American Culture Future Fancies, Past Prosperity by Florence Butler I gnore the pumpkins, skeletons and other such end-of-October paraphernalia. Think snow and cold temperatures; they will be here soon enough. And with them come the December holidays to which we all look forward. So here is a set-aside date: Dec. 13. Our annual dinner dance is scheduled for that Saturday from 6 to 10 p.m. in the ballroom, Clubhouse I. Further information (ticket availability date, price, etc.) will be included in future issues of the Leisure World News. Now, for a bit of little-known black history. A skinny child, she was born in Twine, Okla. in 1902. Her family were descendants of slaves and Creek Indians. Her name was Sarah Rector and she became known as “the richest colored girl in the world.” Under the Dawes Allotment Act, Creek lands were divided among Creeks and former slaves. Joseph and Rose Rector, Sarah’s parents, were given hundreds of acres thought not fit for farming. In 1911, Joseph leased Sarah’s portion of land to a Pittsburgh oil company to pay a $30 tax bill. Two years later an oil driller hit a “gusher” that reportedly produced 2,500 barrels a day. By 1913, this acreage was said to be earning $300,000 a year, drawing suitors to Sarah, despite her age. In October 1914, Sarah enrolled at the Children’s House, a school for teens at Tuskegee Institute. At age 18, Sarah relocated with her family to Kansas City, Mo. By then Sarah owned stocks, bonds, a boarding house, a bakery and a cafe in Muskogee, Okla. For the next several years, wrangling continued over Sarah’s wealth, but by 1922, Sarah was able to make her own decisions and she married Kenneth Campbell and had three sons. She eventually divorced him and married restaurant owner William Crawford with whom she remained. When she died in 1967 at age 65, her fortune had diminished but she was still a wealthy woman. To join LWAAAC or renew send your check for $20 to LWAAAC, P.O. Box 12316, Silver Spring, MD 20908. Our board meetings are open to all and are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. in Clubhouse II. Innovators in Memory Care Arden Courts’ mission for 20 years has been to provide a home-like, safe and supportive setting that nurtures the individuality of those living with memory impairments and provides their families peace-of-mind. Arden Courts: • 100% dedicated to memory care • Through experience and research, our umbrella of programming has been carefully developed to maximize our resident’s capabilities and independence • Part of the HCR ManorCare family and continuum of care which includes skilled nursing, rehabilitation, home health, IV therapy and hospice care • For the past seven years the number one reason Arden Courts were chosen by families was based on their good reputation* * 2008-2014 survey data (“excellent” and “good” responses) from annual My InnerView customer satisfaction results. For more information or to schedule your personal tour, call the location nearest you. Experience makes a difference. Kensington 301.493.7881 Potomac 301.983.3620 Silver Spring 301.847.3051 arden-courts.com NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 29 n Baby Boomers Anyone Can Join! by Beth Leanza B aby Boomers usually meet on the first Sunday of the month. However, the next meeting is our Holiday Party on Dec. 13 (a Saturday) at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse II. We are having a potluck dinner followed by music and dancing by Chyp and Andrea. Anyone can join the club! (The club did start with a few people looking for other Leisure World residents who were not their mother’s age, but anyone can become a member!) Come meet the Baby Boomers, either at a monthly meeting or for one of our activities. Our annual dues are only $5. Our web page is easy to find. Just Google BBCLWMD (think, Baby Boomer Club Leisure World Maryland). Our site will be the first hit. Or you can type this URL into your browser: (https://sites.google.com/site/ bbclwmd/). On the website you will find two calendars, hosted (club activities) and unhosted (other activities some Baby Boomers participate in.) Or, you can call our president, Mike Schwartz, for information (301-438-3849). We are mostly a social club: watching movies, playing games or going out to theater events and racetracks. Did we mention that we like to eat? If you are into sports, we usually bowl once a month (fourth Sunday) in Gaithersburg. Want to play games? Come to Clubhouse II on Sunday night around 6:30. A few play on the Wii, but sometimes people bring board games. If you know how to play Mahjong, there is a group that meets Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse II. For information, contact Donna Copeland (240-4330391 or dc@grandmathegeek. com). A few walkers meet at Clubhouse I at 5:15 p.m. each night, Monday to Friday. The walk around the Broadwalk (in Montgomery Mutual) takes about an hour. Each walker goes at his or her own pace. On Sunday’s, some of us take a longer walk (around the LW circle). They meet at 8:30 a.m. starting at Arden Court or at an outside location. (Check the unhosted calendar.) There is a member who leads walks in nearby parks on Fridays, at 1:15 p.m. All ages are welcome! You will walk at your own pace. Bring water. Nov 7: Carderock Park, (Cabin John, MD 20817): just over the bridge, turn right into the parking lot and park near the restroom building. Nov 14: Lake Needwood, (Rock Creek Regional Park, Derwood, MD) Meet in the parking lot near the hiker/biker trail at 1:15 p.m. Go north on Muncaster Mill Rd. to Needwood Rd. Make a left at the light onto Needwood Rd. Continue to the entrance of the park and turn left. Travel several miles to the parking lot. Transportation from Leisure World is available. For information and directions, call Dawn Carlisle (301-598-7098) by Thursday evening if you want to share a ride or check the Baby Boomer calendar for un-hosted events for directions. The local AVA clubs hold longer walks (usually three miles) that some Baby Boomers participate in. You can check the Baby Boomer calendar for un-hosted events where some of these AVA (American Volkssport Association) walks are listed. W hat Makes Olney Assisted Living U nique? Olney Assisted Living is a memory care specific community for seniors with dementia. We provide compassionate care and daily life enrichment programming with the goal of enhancing cognition, feelings of accomplishment, and quality of life. You’re Invited The Diagnosis & Treatment of Dementia: Answers to Common Questions Presented by Terry Ullman, MSW, LCSW-C, LICSW Wednesday, November 12 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm {registration at 5:30 pm} Free event. Light hors d’oeuvres. RSVP to (301) 570-0525. Hosted by Olney Assisted Living at 16940 Georgia Avenue. Take a tour while you’re here and learn more about our new community or call us to schedule your personal visit. Coordinated Services Management, Inc. - Professional Management of Retirement Communities Since 1981 30 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Memory Care Call (301) 570-0525 or visit olneymemorycare.com. 16940 Georgia Avenue Olney, MD 20832 n Comedy & Humor Club Spamalot Adventure Huge Success by Al Karr (301-598-5077) [email protected] O MG! Our Comedy and Humor Clubsponsored bus trip to Fredericksburg, Va., to see and hear the Riverside Center Dinner Club version of the rollicking Monty Python show, Spamalot, was a roaring success. First, because the show was funny beyond description—an updated version of the Monty Python show, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but even funnier (hard to believe, I know, but it’s true) — our group of club members and guests give Spamalot high marks. It was also a spoof of the Broadway Show, Camelot. The cast was fabulous, highlighted by the portrayal of the Lady of the Lake by Victoria, who was also the luncheon waitress for many of us (cast members did double duty serving lunch) and a skillful satirical performance by King Arthur. Victoria wasn’t on stage for all for very much time, but when she was, her excellent singing voice and comedic acting sparkled, figuratively and literally. All of the cast was great, the music was tremendous, the lyrics so fast and funny you couldn’t catch them all. The actors repeated this writer’s favorite line from M P and the H G, when a guard spews a long string of obscenities from a window high up on a French castle, at King Arthur and his men, with one of them finally asking, plaintively, “Is there somebody else that we can talk to?” This will be one of the highlights of this year’s CAHC activity, but we also have occasional luncheons, holiday celebrations (like last week’s Hallowe’en funfest), and a bevy of jokes delivered by our Comedy Clubsters that’s every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse II. At two recent meetings, those who went to the microphone included new member Jim Owen, Herbert Hodes, Gloria Horwitz, Dolly Benoff, Jack Melnick, program chairwoman Irene Spector, president Sam Hack, Marvin Jaffe, treasurer Sumner Levin, me, Roy Rosfeld, Jack Ralph and vice president Mim Parizer, who sang a memorable song. But first, we welcomed word that Fannie Falk, a promising young comedienne, is recovering from surgery. And we sang Pennies from Heaven and Side by Side. Herb told about the Catholic priest who told a rabbi that he should stop eschewing ham and start chewing it, and the rabbi shot back, “I’ll eat ham when you get married.” Gloria: Town’s chief of police asks a man to watch the jail for a while, comes back and finds the man itching to leave to go to a wedding. Chief says, don’t worry, they’ll be in a good mood when you get there.” The man replies, “Don’t count on it—I’m the groom.” Dolly: Woman reading shampoo label, where it says “adds body,” complains, “But we’re already fat.” And Dolly sang parodies of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and You Gotta Have Heart. Jack: Fat woman gets stuck in the bathtub; her hubby can’t get her out. So he covers her most private area with a yarmulke and calls 911. The EMT arrives, takes one look, and says, “We can get her out, but it’s too late for the rabbi.” Sam: One DNA says to another, “Do these genes make me look fat?” Marvin: Billy Bob says his wife gets pregnant every vacation. So, he concludes, “This time I’m taking her with me.” Sumner told of the woman who killed a guy by rubbing him with sandpaper, but says, “I only intended to rough him up a bit.” Roy sang several comedy duets with Dolly and Irene, including one about The Old Lady and the Fly. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 31 n Democratic Club MARYLAND LIVE CASINO TRIP Travel the ICC Arundel Shuttle to Live! Casino Challenge to Voters: Reclaim LW’s Leadership Every Wednesday 11:15am-5pm Friday 1pm-8pm Saturday & Sunday 9:45am-4pm Cost $25 per person. Receive $40 in slot play from Casino. Reserve at 301-337-0517. Pick up / drop off at Leisure World Plaza. The Animal Place Veterinary Hospital 301-603-1223 Full Service Veterinary Clinic *Routine Care *Dental *Surgery *Grooming *Boarding *Acupuncture *Leisure World Residents Only. Pickup & Delivery Service Available on Limited Basis* Arlene F. Gardsbane, D.V.M. 13818 Georgia Ave. • Located in the Northgate Shopping Plaza, near Kohls and Michaels "Nurturing Care for Pet and Owner" Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Tubпѓ Shower Conversions SERVING LEISURE WORLD SINCE 1988 Just completed in Leisure World: Two more custom kitchens, and lots of new countertops! 301-598-8400 MHIC# 36674 32 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Democratic Candidates attend GOTV Leisure World Rally Oct. 16. Photo by Fred Shapiro by Emile Milne A n unusual thing happened in the primary election last June: nearly 85 percent of Montgomery County voters did not show up at the polls, the worst result in the state. In a county that prides itself on its civic commitment, this was cause for fear and consternation among politicians and voters. After all, in the previous general election in 2012, about the same percentage of MoCo voters (75 percent) had actually voted, including 80 percent of all voters in Leisure World. In Leisure World, the 2014 primary results were not nearly as bad as they were countywide. But in a community, probably as well known for its strength at the polls as for its beauty and comfort, the primary turnout of 40+ percent (more than double the percentage in the county) was still disappointing. Even in a neighborhood attuned to the unpredictability of life, cries went up: How could this have happened in a bastion of democracy with a reputation for involvement in selecting its political leaders? The Internet is full of speculation: • Moving the primary date from September confused the voters • The races were less than compelling • The candidates were uninspired or uninspiring • Institutions—from the press to the Chamber of Commerce— fell down on their jobs • The trade unions did not do enough to promote their candidates. Who knows? But no group has escaped blame—especially the voters. And their offense? The Big A: apathy. But before we go there, it is clear voters are worried about a variety of issues: the rise of the Tea Party, cynicism and dysfunction in government, massive income inequality, economic threats to seniors; the crumbling infrastructure and the poisoned environment. Will the voters truly evidence their demands for action at the polls this time? We will see. There is one thing I know for sure: Democrats in Leisure World, who are as sophisticated as they come about their politics, will always consider the alternative, and act accordingly. The June primary is history. Now is the time to reclaim our title as leaders in voter turnout in Montgomery County and Maryland. If apathy is truly the problem, there is a cure. Vote once on Nov. 4 and call to congratulate your favorite winning candidate in the morning. DCLW November Meeting The next monthly meeting of the Democratic Club is Thursday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. in Clubhouse I’s Crystal Ballroom. Featured speakers are Kevin Walling, chairman of the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, and Dana Thompson, director of federal relations in the governor’s Washington office. They will discuss implications of the Nov. 4 general election. n Writers’ Workshop of Leisure World Our Latest Literary Efforts by Mary Zenchoff O ur cheerful group met on Oct. 16, eager to share our latest literary efforts. Ron Davis began with a well-known poem by Leroy Jones about a brutal lynching, describing the shameful death of an innocent man. Ron later amused us with a reminiscence of the “old days” when we did our writing with pen and ink, rather than with the computer that corrects our spelling. “Which world is better?” Ron asked us, “the new or the old.” Danuta Montorfano brought into focus the miracle of a delayed blossoming of a camellia. In addition to giving us a beautiful picture of a flower, she reminded us that emotion can enter our lives at any times. Carlos Montorfano gave us a positive approach to doctor visits. He advised delaying thoughts of being dropped in the “final hole,” rather than dwelling on times gone by in a morose sort of mindset. Joe Brandt provided us with two thought-provoking poems, one on the final end of a man’s life, using the ticking of a clock that finally stops. All the appointments that the man had made went unkept. The second poem humorously presented the picture of a fashion slave whose hairstyle changed regularly, with death finally unable to trail her, always one vogue behind her. Radha Pillai pleased us with an insightful poem, about the various groups in a community, namely: the minority, the majority and the in-betweens. Which group is each of us in? It is interesting to look at ourselves as diverse members, depending on which cause is being considered. Joe Fickey provided an amusing view of the way we see ourselves in various situations. His perspective on the role one plays in time of crisis can be a rat, during wartime, to the relief of the countrymen who are depending on him to help battles that must be fought. Barbara Hill Hudson continued with an insightful description of the way that relationships in a newly formed group develop. Just when you think that you know which two people are going to “click,” you are surprised by the outcome. Grace Cooper reminded us of the reasons why we love seasons during some times in our lives, but find them cause for melancholy at other moments. Terry Laiken wrote a poignant poem that began with a question, “Ask me,” followed by a long list of psychological cruelties. Its ending, “ask me if I loved her…because one day I will die and you’ll never know.” A chilling poem, Terry! Marion Bedell’s tale of her introduction to jury duty in the mid-60’s gave us a fascinating presentation of the unfair ways in which women jurors were treated during that time. Personal recollections like this bring dry stories to life! Verna Denny discussed the differences between two Saturday nights, the first spent with the mother reviewing a health care proxy that will be notarized the following day, the second with the daughter excitedly bursting in via phone and text discussing tattoos. Two generations! Tom Anessi gave an engrossing account of a Vietnamese officer and his adjustment to his country’s changes as his people regain control of their lives and futures. Waltruda sends out a frantic message to Snowden to return her computer if it was transferred to him in error. Sid shared the charming actions of a beloved child as he learns to walk. Our next meeting is on Nov. 6 in Clubhouse I at 11 a.m. Please bring 10 copies to share. sEnior living At its BEst RIGHT HERE AT LEISURE WORLD Club House 1 Maryland Room 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM PRESENTED BY Volunteers of America Chesapeake Points of Light Foundation 3330 Leisure World Blvd., #5-823 Silver Spring, MD 20906 NOVEMBER 13, 2014 • 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths • Well maintained • Lots of natural lighting • Bright dining room with window • Sun-filled table space kitchen with walk-in pantry and window • Garage parking space included Call me for more information or a private tour! Office: 301-681-0550 EunicE PhilliPs 301-455-8167 ATTENTION: ALL LEISURE WORLD VETERANS, CURRENT AND SURVIVING FAMILY MEMBERS VA BENEFITS PRESENTATION We’re never too old to get all of our benefits from Service to our country! Come and learn what you may be missing! Most of us may not even know what benefits we might still be entitled to receive, so come and learn. Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Charlotte Hall Veterans Home of Maryland Light Refreshments will be served For information contact Leisure World Veteran Mike Townshend 301-598-1723 All are welcome NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 33 Long and Foster at Leisure WorLd PLaza Maynard E. Turow Agent 18 years...Listings, Resales, New Sales THINKING OF SELLING?? Or Friends-Relatives Buying? Living in and working in this community, I give you the attention to detail your property needs to sell successfully. I know the marketplace and can bring you excellent results. n Center for Lifelong Learning A Survivor’s Tale by George Birnbaum and Diane Leader, CLL T (O) 301-598-7500 Free brochures, Comps, Layouts, Info Direct: 301-518-3834 [email protected] Website: MaynardTurow.LNF.com he man who now teaches a CLL course on the biographies of individuals, who were influential—and controversial—in their societies, has a biography of his own in the Shoah Foundation founded by Steven Spielberg. That biography began with George Birnbaum’s birth in Krakow, Poland. When he was eight years old, the Nazis invaded Poland, and George and his parents moved to the eastern city Lwow (now the Ukranian city of Lviv). After Germany’s occupation of the city in 1941, the family was forced to move into a ghetto. A year later, he and his mother were rounded up for deportation to a death camp. After the train destined for the camp was full, they managed to escape when his mother pulled George into the bathroom in the school where the remaining Jews were locked up. The family spent the next Red Hat Audiology Change Your Life Many insurance plans, including Blue Cross/ Blue With Better Hearing! Shield, GEHA, and Compass * Rose, now have hearing a pair of digital hearing aids. aid benefits. $400 Off Take advantage of this benefit and call us for more information today! Dr. Gwyneth Newcomb and Dr. Mary Adams Clinical Audiologists Fall Special Free clean and check of existing hearing aids. *Not valid with other offers or with insurance benefits. Leisure World Plaza 3804 International Drive, Silver Spring Email: [email protected] Web: www. redhataudiology.com 301-438-3280 34 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 years hiding in an apartment outside the ghetto. In 1943, George and his parents walked for two nights over the Carpathian Mountains to Hungary. George was 12 years old, and the trip was especially strenuous after his enforced inactivity in that apartment. The family stayed in Hungary until the end of the war; they were among the few Jewish families from Poland who survived the war together. After the war, his family settled in Vienna and George was able to complete secondary school. In 1952, George immigrated to the U.S. to attend Columbia University in New York, where he obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry. He stayed at Columbia researching the 3-D structure of insulin for five years, and then worked at the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa for 30 years, where he continued research in structural chemistry and molecular biology. When George and his wife moved to Maryland 20 years ago, he took courses at the Jewish Community Center on the biographies of famous people. He became especially interested in those people whose careers were controversial. Last fall, he offered his first biography class for CLL, the Center for Lifelong Learning. His research for each person has involved months of work, and one of his students expressed amazement at the wealth of information in his course. He is offering this course, Biographies of Controversial People, for four weeks beginning Nov. 18. See Community Classes and Seminars for details. For more information, see http://www.cllmd.com. If you are interested in presenting a one-time lecture or a class, please send an email to [email protected], or call a CLL member. n Book Club Network What We Read This Year by Verna Denny T his summer the Book Club Network marked its first year anniversary as a Leisure World club. Below is a compiled list of books that Book Club Network clubs read during the first year. The date in parenthesis is when the book was reviewed in the Leisure World News. Pick out a favorite book and start reading! Restless by William Boyd (July 2, 2013) The Ritual Bath by Faye Kellerman (July 2, 2013) The Human Stain by Philip Roth (Aug. 8, 2013) The Round House by Louise Erdrich (Aug. 8, 2013) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (Aug. 8, 2013) Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly, (Aug. 20, 2013) The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama (Oct. 15, 2013) The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman (Oct. 15, 2013) (Feb. 14, 2014) Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks (Oct. 15, 2013) Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford (Oct. 15, 2013) A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley (Oct. 15, 2013) First Class: the Legacy of Dunbar, America’s First Black Public High School by Alison Stewart (Nov. 11, 2013) The Space Between Us, by Thrity Umrigar (Nov. 11, 2013) The Invisible Bridge, by Julie Orringer (Nov. 11, 2013) The Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner (Nov. 11, 2013) Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane (Nov. 11, 2013) Proof of Heaven, by Eben Alexander (Nov. 11, 2013) 1,000 White Women by Jim Fergus (Feb. 4, 2014) The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott (Feb. 4, 2014) Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (Feb. 4, 2014) Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier (Feb. 4, 2014) From the Hood to the Hill by Barry Black (Feb. 4, 2014) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Peel Society by Shaeffer & Barrows (Feb. 4, 2014) Loving Frank by Nancy Horan (Feb. 4, 2014) The Commoner by John Burnham Schwartz (Feb. 4, 2014) (May 6, 2014) The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin (Feb. 4, 2014) (April 1, 2014) The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (March 4, 2014) (Aug. 5, 2014) The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls (March 4, 2014) Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (March 4, 2014) Let the Lion Eat Straw by Ellease Southerland (March 4, 2014) Luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan Vreeland (March 4, 2014) And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini (April 1, 2014) The Color of Water by James McBride (April 1, 2014) Someone by Alice McDermott (April 1, 2014) (July 1, 2014) Personal Injuries by Scott Turow (April 1, 2014) The Good Father by Noah Hawley (May 6, 2014) Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling (May 6, 2014) Waiting by Ha Jin (May 6, 2014) The Death of Santini by Pat Conroy (May 6, 2014) Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (May 6, 2014) The Three Weissmans of Westport by Cathleen Schine (May 6, 2014) A Brief History of History by Colin Wells (May 6, 2014) Three Junes by Julia Glass (July 1, 2014) Gift From the Sea by Anne Lindbergh (July 1, 2014) Tatiana by Martin Cruz Smith (July 1, 2014) Innocent Blood by PD James (July 1, 2014) Missing Steps by York Van Nixon III (July 1, 2014) The Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout (July 1, 2014) The Book Club Network is a collection of book discussion groups. Currently, there are eight small book clubs that are part of the network: five daytime book clubs (“The Page Turners,” “Diversity Strong,” “The Rose Readers,” “The Bookies,” and “The Searchers”); one nighttime book club (“The Night Owls”); and two thematic book clubs (“The African Heritage Book Club” and “The Muse Within”). Note: “Book Worms I,” a long-standing club that was highlighted in the Oct. 7 issue of Leisure World News, was incorrectly identified as being part of the Book Club Network. If you would like to join a book club or have an idea for a new club let us know. Clubs are formed on an ongoing basis. Prospective members are put on a waiting list. When four new people express an interest in a particular club, an organizational meeting is scheduled. For further information, contact Verna Denny (301-5981418, [email protected]). NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 35 n Republican Club Review of GOP Candidates in the Nov. 4 General Election by Fred Seelman F ellow Leisure World Republicans: The club asks you to focus on the Nov. 4 general election. Much can be changed for the better if our Republican candidates are elected. Be sure to vote for Larry Hogan for governor and Boyd Rutherford for lieutenant governor. Larry loves Leisure World. He has already been here three times in 2014 and, during his last visit, took time after addressing the club to talk to the bingo players. He has demonstrated his leadership abilities by running for profit and non-profit businesses. Both he and his running mate, Boyd Rutherford, held cabinet positions in the Gov. Ehrlich administration. Larry has told me personally of his concern for seniors. Boyd and I have also conversed, and I can vouch for his right-mindedness and great ability. Finally, the Larry Hogan ticket has been endorsed by our local Montgomery County newspaper, the Gazette. For the second most important position, comptroller, choose William Campbell. The comptroller is the state’s chief financial officer. Bill was just in Leisure World on Oct. 20 and wowed us with his experience and cogent ideas in the area of finance. Bill is a senior and, therefore, knows our needs and has also been endorsed by our local Gazette. Unfortunately, the club was not able to find room in its schedule for Jeffrey Pritzker, the GOP candidate for attorney general. But don’t let that stop you from voting for him. He has a good reputation and deserves your vote. For Congress, go for Dave Wallace. Dave also visited us on Oct. 20 and impressed us with his wide-ranging accomplishments, valuable knowledge and wonderful enthusiasm. After the meeting, he invited several club officers out for a late night meal at Burger King and provided us with more personal insights. He has hands on leadership experience, 36 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 running his own business for over 30 years and before that working for the renowned research facility, NIH. Pick him on your ballot. For the Maryland General Assembly, select Martha Schaerr and Felix Ed Gonzalez. Martha also addressed our club on Oct. 20. She is running for the House of Delegates and is the only Republican candidate for the three openings in our legislative district. So to help Martha, just vote once for her and no one else. Martha has a long-standing relationship with Leisure World by virtue of her service as this area’s county Republican Central Committeewoman. In addition she appeared on a panel here about why women should vote Republican. Felix is running for state senator. He was invited to the club but a personal emergency prevented him from attending. Felix has served as a county office holder. Vote for both of them. All of our county Republican candidates came to our Leisure World club in 2014. The top one, Jim Shalleck, our candidate for county executive, has been here twice; once to speak and once to march with us in the 4th of July parade. Jim’s address was memorable for among other things his well thought out positions on education and public safety. All the at-large county council candidates—Robert Dyer, Chris Fiotes, Adol Owen-Williams and Shelly Skolnick—came here and flawlessly presented their positions. And our county council district candidate, John O’Malley, did the same. Robert Dyer even came here on July 4th and marched with Jim and club members in the parade. Be certain to choose them on Election Day. Remember, for election day information and volunteering, contact the following as appropriate: Clubhouse I Precinct 13-56 Leader, Mary Ann Johnston, 301-5980647; Clubhouse II Precinct 13-69 Leader, Fred Denecke, 301460-2964: and Inter-Faith Chapel Precinct 13-71 Leader, Fred Seelman, fseelman@gmail. com. All those who volunteered for the June primary election day and any new volunteers are asked to call their precinct leader and volunteer for the Nov. 4 election. Send comments or questions about these or any other matters and/or offers to volunteer - to the club’s president, Fred Seelman, by emailing them to [email protected], sending him a letter at his address in the LW phone book or calling an officer. Join us for another quality event at our next meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 17. And enjoy the dessert that we have begun serving again. n Mt. Scopus Hadassah n Kiwanis Heber Bouland Speaks on October Recap His Book “The Last Trolley Stop” by Barbara Eisen O n Wednesday, Nov. 19, Heber Bouland will speak on his book, “The Last Trolley Stop: Memories of Poverty, Bigotry, and Religiosity in Washington, D.C. and Rural Kentucky during the Great Depression.” He worked for the U.S. General Accounting Office in analyzing community, housing and economic development programs, and also directed relief and development projects in Africa, Central America and the Philippines. Native Washingtonians will be particularly interested in the book. Dr. Barry Casey from Trinity Washington University commented on the book: “I loved it! It is full of historical information, cultural customs, humor, and sensitivity.” Socializing begins at 12:30 and the meeting starts at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse I. All residents are welcome to attend. The Mt. Scopus Judaic Study Group meets on Monday, Nov. 17 at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse I. New members are welcome. For further information call Joan Lees (301-598-3768). Carol Wendkos is our new mah-jongg chair for the 2015 cards. Standard cards are $8 and large print cards are $9. Please support Hadassah by buying your cards from Carol. Make your check payable to Hadassah and indicate how many cards of which size that you want to order. Send your check to Carol Wendkos, 14805 Pennfield Circle #212, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Be sure to encourage all your mah-jongg friends to buy their cards from Hadassah. The deadline date is Jan. 9, 2015. If you have any questions, call Carol (301-598-1745) or email carolwenkos@ gmail.com. Hadassah sponsors many activities to further the worthwhile projects it supports in medical, educational, and social programs in Israel and in the U.S.A. If you are interested in knowing more about our group, call our membership vice president, Janet Lazar (301-598-4066). n Leisure World Gardens Clean Up Time by Mary Lalley W e are into cleanup, clear and remove clutter time. While there are no available plots, there is a waiting list and 25 percent of present gardeners have not renewed their plots. So if you wish to continue to “farm,” please get your application at the E&R office in Clubhouse I, read it carefully, and return it so that Susan Curow can process it and secure your plot and bin for the 2015 season. Water will be turned off at the first frost, but hoses will have already been drained, coiled and stored away. A person is still needed to weed and clean gardens left by people who can no longer maintain a plot. This is a situation to be evaluated by everyone. When maintenance of a plot becomes impossible, it is time to let Susan know so that it can be rented. Be sure to clear plots of all clutter—chairs, lumber and material not associated with gardening. The last meeting of the season is Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 1. Since there will be no more get-togethers for the year, it is an opportunity to gather, share ideas and, more importantly, vote for the board for the coming year. Present members are willing to serve another season, but anyone with a garden is welcome to run for any position; and this position of publicity is always open for a new writer to jump in and bring a fresh prospective to our reports. Think about it! When filling out the application, please include the name of an emergency contact person nearby who would be notified, should a problem occur in the garden. So my fellow diggers and weeders, the season is coming to a close and we should all be cleaning up, moving perennials, redesigning and dreaming of another plan for next year. Stay in shape over the winter, have some good holiday times, and I will see you at the meeting (and maybe in the dirt, too, for a few more weeks). Eileen Lavin, Sponsor (left) with Dr. Corinne Hartin byВ David Firestone O n Oct. 17, Dr. Corinne Hartin presented a broad overview of current understanding of climate change. Precipitation has increased across North America and Europe. From 1970, temperature has increased as has carbon dioxide levels, and carbon dioxide levels are now near 400 ppm. And sea levels have been increasing while glaciers are retreating. The press is now warning that danger to Americans is potentially dire as the greatest near-term harm may be a rise in extreme weather events as more violent tornados occur in a short period of time, while the total tornados per year are similar. Efforts to lessen impact of climate change include use of more efficient vehicles while reducing vehicle use. Also we must increase use of nuclear power and develop carbon capture and storage processes. And increased use of solar and wind power is required. Also, strong methane rules are needed to control climate pollution from oil and gas development, since methane is 86 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. On Oct. 17, Susan Leshner introduced Sherry and Paul Hauser as the newest addition to our club. Syra Weiss reported that, on Oct. 10, several Community Service members went to Our House for a tour of the facility. Our House works with young boys who have been in trouble. It houses about 16 boys, teaching them carpentry, auto mechanics, as well as classroom studies for their GED. Community Service will now be collecting gently used or new books for Harmony Hills Elementary School and cash donations are also welcomed. Members of the James A. Blake High School Key Club bought supplies, including bread, peanut butter, and jelly, to make sandwiches to donate to the less fortunate. The sandwiches were delivered to Shepherd’s Table. On Nov. 7, Einstein and Blake high schools will celebrate the annual recognition of Key Clubs being established in 1925. The Einstein Jazz Band will perform. Our Kiwanis Club donated $1000 to the Kiwanis International Foundation for Project Eliminate, receiving a second Hixon Award. Every Monday night, the club operates Bingo in Clubhouse I to support programs for the children of Montgomery County. NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 37 n JustUs Club Montgomery County Bill Introduced Would Require Board Member Training/Certification by s.l.katzman, President T he online syndicated “JustUs” article, “Grade”A” Certified: R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Truthfulness and Advocacy,” provided the background and need A valon Nail Spa 3846 International Drive Silver Spring, MD 20906 (Leisure World Shopping Center) (301) 598-5780 (301) 598-2000 Mon - Sat 10:00-7:00pm Sunday 11:00-5:00pm www.avalon4nails.com Your Leisure is our Pleasure ! 10% OFF any service for legally mandating training and certification of homeowners association board of directors members. Montgomery County Council Vice President George Leventhal has sponsored legislation by introducing Bill 4514: “Common Ownership Communities-Governing Body-Training.” Upon passage and effective Jan. 1, 2016, this legislation would require CCOC (Commission on Common Ownership Communities) to develop an educational training curriculum requiring training on the responsibilities of directors for all common ownership community governing body members. It would also require a member of the governing body of a common ownership community to complete this training or similar training approved by the CCOC within 90 days of their election or appointment. Those who were elected or appointed prior to the effective date must successfully complete the training requirements within 90 days after the law takes effect. The governing body must certify to the commission, that each member has successfully completed this training and retain a copy of the certificate of completion for inspection by the members of the association for the duration of the governing body member’s service. The sole argument voiced against mandated training requirements is, “if volunteers are required to be trained, no one will be willing to run for a seat.” Those favoring requisite certification say they would be more inclined to serve knowing they were in the midst of others who have been equally informed and educated. The writer and other “JustUs” members hearing testimony held on Oct. 21, 2014 before the Montgomery County Council Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee (PHED) can be viewed online at: http://goo.gl/hra5pK As president of the Leisure World of Maryland resident advocacy organization “JustUs,” I want to thank Councilman Leventhal and his staff for honoring my request and introducing this most significant legislation. (Justice: giving voice to all residents) “JustUs” advocates to enhance the quality of life for all Leisure World residents KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Whether Buying or Selling, let Sue guide you in her 55 + Community of Leisure! Let her ENERGY, 25 years of experience, floor plans, contractors, staging, color brochures, visual tours, website & statistics ELECTRIFY your Real Estate Experience! Sue Heyman 301.580.5556 Office: 301.681.0550 x 115 Email: [email protected] Top 1% Agents Nationwide   Community Resident   Former Mont. Co. Teacher Senior, Relo & Regency Specialist   Riderwood Preferred Realtor #1 IN COMMUNITY LISTINGS SOLD & SALES, WEICHERT 1ST QUARTER 2014! JUST LISTED! $140,000 Greens “F” Popular 2BR, 2FB, model with fresh paint, updated table space kitchen, newer HVAC, enclosed balcony! JUST LISTED! $155,000 PRICE IMPROVED! $155,000 End Brick Condo Townhome Greens “G” Berkley, 2BR, 2FB, 1HB, fresh paint 2BR, 2FB, new stove & carpet, and carpet, updated kit., granite, newer HVAC, fresh paint, splenstainless, carpeted patio, new did view of golf course pond! lighting, view of 17th Fairway! JUST LISTED! $200,000 PRICE IMPROVED! $279,000 Greens “H” with Garage 2 BR, 2 FB, almost everything new, beautiful views & lots of thought put into renovation! Greens “N” with Garage Grand 3BR, 2FB, 1HB, fresh paint, enclosed balcony plus coveted, reserved garage space! MY Sept/Oct Sold Listings & Sales • 2 Cabots, 3 BR, 2 FB, 2 car gar • Co-op TH, 2 BR, 1 FB, 2 HB PRICE IMPROVED! $283,000 PRICE IMPROVED! $316,000 JUST LISTED! $334,995 PRICE IMPROVED! $375,000 Creekside “G” Vantage Point Hi Rise “J” Vantage Pt. W.“H” w Garage Prince Frederick Patio Home Almost new 2 BR, 2 FB, fabulous Spacious and bright, 3BR, 2FB, 2BR DEN, 2 FB, hdwds, marble, Spacious 2 owner’s BR, 2 FB, balcony view, great kitchen and fresh paint, new carpet, custom new carpets, updated kit., large stylish updates, Florida rm, close over-sized laundry room built-ins, large balcony enclosed balcony, great gar. spot to Norbeck Gate & Clubhouse II 38 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 • Fairways “J,” 2 BR, 2 FB, gar • Regency, 4 BR, 3 FB, 2 car gar • Greens “H”, 2BR, 2FB • Greens “GG”, 2BR, 2FB n Rossmoor Woman’s Club Focusing On The Positive! by Ileana Eblighatian “C hange” is the main feature of our time and we must be able to adjust to the fast advancing society of today and tomorrow! Yet aging is a serious and inevitable feature of our life and it affects our response to daily demands. But we all have means to - at least slow down this process. With our life experiences, we can adapt to the exploding new advancements in science, technology and the computer. “Old age” is and has always been a state of mind! With that in mind, the Rossmoor Woman’s Club constantly provides its members with new informative projects that keep us up to date about these changes through trips and meetings where guest-speakers present the “innovations” in his or her field of activity and much more. The Rossmoor Woman’s Club Executive Board members are currently working on our holiday program and are in the process of researching subjects and possibilities. We will keep you informed as soon as definitive decisions are made. The RWC Executive Board members welcomed Alma Melcher, our new historian chairperson/coordinator. Congratulations to Harriett Krakow who won the 50-50 at our luncheon. Meantime, please remember the RWC fruit/pecan sale: Mary Sue Pletcher and Ann Connolly chairpersons/coordinators of fruit/pecans RWC project will offer pecans, chocolate covered and cinnamon glazed, for sale as well as a new item: chocolate turtles candies, from Tuesday, Nov. 18 to Saturday, Nov. 22 in the Clubhouse I lobby from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please note corrected date. RWC’s next event is the Executive Board meeting (Lunch Bunch) on Monday, Nov. 10 in Clubhouse I at 10:30 a.m. Please check for the assigned room on the electronic display in the lobby. All RWC members are invited to attend, listen and/or to make suggestions. American Bath Inc. Professional Bathroom Remodeling and Repair 25 Years Local Experience Bathtub-to-Shower Conversions Full and Partial Remodels We are always ready to listen to our members’ suggestions; working together we will be able to create programs of interest for all our members and attract new residents of our community in becoming Rossmoor Woman’s Club members. The more members in the Rossmoor Woman’s Club the more possibilities to financially help the needy in our area; 85 – 90 percent of the membership RWC fee goes to financially help organizations and students in our area. New members are always welcome to Rossmoor Woman’s Club! Anytime is a good time to join us! Call our Membership Committee chair Janet Soslow (301-598-5490). She will answer all your questions. Please call Janet today and become a Rossmoor Woman’s Club member! Go for it! You will appreciate and enjoy our activities, friendship and goals. We are pleased and proud to inform you that two women received the 2014 Nobel Prize: - May-Britt Moser of Norway, psychologist, neuroscientist, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2014, together with her husband Edward Moser, a Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, and John O’Keefe, American-British neuroscientist. The prize was awarded for work identifying the cells that make up the positioning system in the brain. - Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan received the 2014 Nobel Prize for Peace for her work in helping to promote universal schooling and protecting children worldwide from abuse and exploitation. At just 17, Malala has visited with President Obama and the Queen of England, addressed the United Nations, and become the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize since it was created in 1901. Call for FREE estimate 301-586-8100 www.americanbath.net Family owned and operated NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 39 n Macintosh Club How to Keep Your Mac Operating Effectively O n Nov. 20, our speaker is Jim Ritz. Jim is a long-time member of the Washington Apple Pi (www.wap.org), the local Apple user group founded in 1982. He is also a founder of the MacRecycleClinic (www.macrecycleclinic. org) a non-profit service organization in Silver Spring that refurbishes newer Macs and recycles them back into the community. They also hold walk-in clinics for Mac owners on Monday evenings at their office in Four Corners. Jim will discuss the periodic tasks that everyone should follow to keep their Mac operating effectively. He will follow up with a question and answer session. Today’s Tip - What’s New in iOS8 The new operating system for the iPhone, iPad and iPod, iOS8 was introduced by Apple on Sept. 17 and contained hundreds of new features. I will review the major ones here. For those of you who have not updated, the most trouble free method is to connect your device to your Mac and use iTunes to do the update. That way, the new iOS installer will download to your Mac and not overload your portable device memory. For a complete list of all improvements, look here: https://www. apple.com/ios/whats-new/. Messages improvements • Tap to Talk to send your voice, a video or a photo with just a swipe • Group messaging options to name a conversation, add a contact, remove a contact, or leave a conversation • New details view with Do Not Disturb, location sharing and attachments view Photos improvements • Smart editing tools to adjust light and color with a swipe • Fine-tune controls to adjust exposure, brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows and more Camera improvements • Time-lapse mode • Capture timer • Adjust exposure with a simple nudge to lighten or darken a photo prior to capture QuickType keyboard • Predictive typing personalized to your writing style, and customized based on the recipient and the app iCloud Drive • Store all your documents in iCloud and access them from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC. • Edits you make on one device update on all your devices automatically. Health • New Health app with easy-toread dashboard of health and fitness data • Ability to share health data with apps to provide a more comprehensive way to manage your health and fitness • Add a medical ID with information about allergies, medical conditions, and more with the option to make accessible from the lock screen - very important Continuity features so your iPhone, iPad, and Mac work together more seamlessly • Handoff to continue what you are doing as you move from one device to another • Make and receive calls and send and receive SMS or MMS messages on your iPad or Mac • AirDrop compatibility with OS X Yosemite • New Tips app to help you do more with your iOS devices • Battery usage by app • FaceTime Audio call waiting n League of Women Voters League To Discuss Youth At Risk By Elaine Apter W 40 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Family Sharing • Share iTunes, iBooks, and App Store purchases with up to six members of your family • Pay for family purchases with a single credit card and approve purchases by children with Ask to Buy e have just heard of another school shooting last week. Who are these children that find themselves in a place where they just cannot responsibly cope with their life anymore? The League of Women Voters November unit on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 10:30 a.m. is on “Youth at Risk,” a look at what is being done on Montgomery County for those children who seem to “fall through the cracks” of our education and mental health systems. We are looking forward to an informative discussion on another timely topic. The Rossmoor unit of the Montgomery County League of Women Voters meets the second Wednesday of the month in Clubhouse I at 10:15 a.m. All meetings are open to the public. Our 2015 calendars are available. Those of you who are annual purchasers know how informative these calendars are. They list all the important county phone numbers, libraries with hours and addresses, elected officials and more. And the most popular benefit of our calendars is that you can erase on them. The full size spiral calendars are still $7 each. We also have some twoyear pocket (2015-17) calendars at $5 each. Calendars will again be available through Gold Castle Jewelers in the Leisure World Shopping Center. For more information about the League of Women Voters, calendars, school Board debate, meetings, etc. please contact Elaine 438-8707 or the League office at 301-984-9585. n NA’AMAT RBZ n Jewish Residents Upcoming Events Eat, Pray, Learn by Althea Steinberg P lease note: the November Hawaiian Experience in Leisure World has been postponed due to slow response of reservations. This New Years Eve, Na’Amat will ring out the old and bring in the new year in a very special way. The event is open to all so if members expect priority, they need to make their reservations as soon as possible. To start the evening off, all participants will board a coach bus at Clubhouse II and be on the way to the Signature Theater in Pennsylvania, to see a new musical based on Barry Levinson’s hit movie “Diner”. Then back to Leisure World to enjoy a light fare: cake, coffee and tea. For those who like to bring in the New Year with alcohol, a “cash Bar” will be available. For more information, contact Jo Ann Cadeaux (301-438-0737). Flyers will be sent out and reservations will be accepted with payment. Details are available in the Club Trips section of the Leisure World News. On Wednesday, Dec. 3, our chapter of Na’Amat will hold the annual Maj Jong/Card Party. Please put the checks and the names of your group on one paper and send it in with the checks. You will receive a flyer with more details to follow. Plans for a day bus trip to Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens in April are being finalized. More details to come. Although there will be no general meeting this month, there will be a board meeting. If you would like to become more acquainted with our organization’s mission, it would be interesting to come to a board meeting. You can meet some of the officers and committee chairs who are responsible for all the plans and activities that are the big fundraisers for each year. The board meets in Clubhouse I at 10:30 a.m.; upcoming meetings are Nov. 18, and Dec. 16. The meetings are open and new ideas are always appreciated. Remember, when you attend these events you are enjoying yourself as well as contributing to Na’Amat, RBZ’s fundraising goals to support the important programs for the children, families and women in Israel. This is an important time to keep up our support. Goldie Hutt has new 2014/2015 Entertainment Books for $25. Call her at 301438-9626. Chairperson of the C0mmittee for Volunteers thanks the following members who helped too prepare the latest mailing for the RBZ chapter: Harriet Chaiken, Dottie Dolinka, Charlotte Eskin, Audry Frank and Joan Margolies. Any questions? Please call Co-Presidents Ruth Reid (301598-4051) or Trudy Stone (301-438-0016). For membership information, call Helen Fried (301-438-3325) and Tribute cards, Harriet Chaikin. by Jonas Weiss J RLW offers a full palate of activities in the next few weeks, including a Sabbath celebration, a Sunday brunch with entertainment, and the remembrance of Kristallnacht. “The Outrageous Sophie Tucker,” a documentary film about the vaudeville and television star, will be shown on Thursday, Nov. 6 at 1:30 p.m. in Clubhouse II. Tickets are $6, available at E&R, with checks made out to JRLW. A Conservative religious service is Friday evening Nov. 7 at 7:30 in the Inter-Faith Chapel. The service and Oneg is sponsored by the Jewish War Veterans. Rabbi Gary Fink will officiate and Gary Loube, son of resident Milton Loube and an active participant in the Maccabi organization, will speak. A Saturday morning service is Nov. 8 at 9:15 in Clubhouse I. Rabbi Fink will conduct the service and comment on the Torah portion. Jerry Miller will do the preliminary service and Hymie Rosenberg will chant the Haftorah. Kristallnacht, the terrible night that presaged the start of the Holocaust will be remembered and memorialized on Sunday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. Egon Guttman is the featured speaker. A repeat showing of the DVD on Israel is Monday, Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse I. Tour the country with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Our monthly brunch with food plus entertainment continues with a program featuring the return of Cantor Josh Perlman of B’nai Israel congregation. This will be in Clubhouse I on Sunday morning Nov. 16 at 10. To make a reservation, send checks of $10 per person made out to JRLW to Shirley Gordon, 15311 Beaverbrook Court, Apt. 3A, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Send donations needed for the Torah fund (with checks made out to JRLW, $25 minimum) to Annette Cooper, 15107 Interlachen Drive, Apt. 812, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Donations for Yiskor, Kiddush, an Oneg, or general tzedukah should go to Susan Weiss, 3739 Glen Eagles Drive, Silver Spring MD, 20906. Foot, ankle or lower leg problem? Call our podiatrists today, our practice has been serving Leisure World 27 years! Dr. Freedman and Dr. Venegonia (301)-598-0130 Leisure World Plaza Professional Building 3801 International Drive, Suite 204, Silver Spring, MD 20906 On the Web: www.footandankle-usa.com Did You Know? You can put your worries behind you!! NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 41 Your Old Friends from Cathy Gilmour Real Estate - Dedicated Since 1965 to Serving This Wonderful Community - We Are Now Long & Foster Real Estate - Come See Us HOUSES FALCONCREST – Fabulous detached house located in THE REGENCY. Four bedrooms, 3 full and 1 half baths, including spacious owner’s suite on the first floor. Master bath has separate shower and soaking tub. This was the builder’s model and contains wonderful upgrades, beautiful millwork, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, fully finished basement w/bar and additional upgrades, two car garage. $825,000 CABOT – Located in MUTUAL 9. Bedroom #3 has been modified to a lovely, open den/sitting room. Two bedrooms, two full baths, living room, dining room, bright kitchen, lovely breakfast rm, flagstone patio, storage +, 1 car garage. $289,500 BRISTOL – Two bedroom, two bath bungalow in MUTUAL 11 has updated kitchen, private patio with views of trees and green space, new HVAC, freshly painted, clean and ready to move in! $154,900 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS G - In the OVERLOOK, 7th floor. Golf course view, everything you would expect and so much MORE. Immaculate. $299,999 H W/GARAGE – On the 6th floor in FAIRWAYS SOUTH, this apartment has light on two sides with windows in the updated table space kitchen and dining room, updated baths, bright enclosed balcony, garage space. $185,000 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS C - Second floor condo in beautiful CREEKSIDE. Nice upgrades, corian counter tops, maple cabinets, builtin microwave, glass-enclosed balcony with pleasant views, table-space kitchen, master bedroom with bath, second bedroom with tub bath. $265,000 HAMPTON DELUXE – Located in MUTUAL FIVE, this two bedroom, two full bath garden apartment has light on two sides, cross ventilation, glass-enclosed balcony, ready for your personal decorating touches. $97,900 J - Panoramic golf course views from this sunny 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment in GREENS II. Bright, enclosed balcony is accessed from both living room and 2nd bedroom. Master BR has walk-in closet plus another closet! Table-space kitchen. Approx. 1300 sq. ft. of living space. New carpeting, fresh paint. $164,000 EE - Located in VANTAGE POINT WEST - Bright and beautiful fourth floor unit, amenities include marble foyer, gourmet kitchen, enclosed balcony, 9 ft. ceilings. MORE. $239,500 F - Great opportunity in Bldg. 4 - THE GREENS - updated kitchen with newer cabinets, appliances and flooring. Updated baths, new carpet, fresh paint, great view. $134,900 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS A - In VILLA CORTESE, Bldg. 2 - 3rd floor location w/ powder room, great updates, enclosed balcony table space kitchen. $140,000 F - Two good-sized bedrooms with en-suite baths, table space kitchen & separate dining room, raised terrace accessible from enclosed balcony - a seldom available plus! Easy access to rear door of building 4 in THE GREENS ll. $149,900 ESSEX - 1,014 sq. ft of living space makes this the largest 1 Bedroom in MONTGOMERY MUTUAL. Beautifully polished wood floors, bright and sunny balcony, private laundry, close to Clubhouse I and Metro Bus stop. $60,000 C – In OVERLOOK, two bedrooms, two full baths, open table space kitchen, living room, dining area. Enclosed balcony faces northeast, giving you morning sun without excessive heat during the rest of the day. $205,000 AA - In VANTAGE POINT WEST – 3rd floor apartment has powder room, large table space kitchen, new wall to wall carpeting, flooring, paint. $139,900 CEDAR - Located in Mutual 22 – THE PINES – 2 Bedrooms + Den, 1-1/2 baths, newer HVAC, newer flooring, enclosed balcony. $105,000 Don’t you deserve SOMETHING NEW? VILLA CORTESE V To learn more about this unique opportunity in our wonderful community, call or e-mail Maynard Turow direct – 301-518-3834 e-mail – [email protected] website – MaynardTurow.LNF.com COME JOIN US We are always looking for real estate agents experienced or not. To learn more contact: Susann Haskins, [email protected], 301-907-7600; Leon Nasar, [email protected], 301-907-7600. 42 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 RALEIGH - Located in MONTGOMERY MUTUAL, light on two sides and cross ventilation! Freshly painted, some new appliances, serene view from 1st floor patio. $71,000 THREE BEDROOM APARTMENTS B/H Fabulous - The combination of two units - HUGE - 3 full baths - two balconies - with different exposures - all rooms are spacious - wonderful views from excellent 7th floor location, elegant finishes and updating throughout. $399,000 Free Notary Service by Appointment for Residents! Please call and ask for Maynard Turow. WE HAVE MOVED to Larger Quarters to Better Serve You! aВ¶b Come and see us at 3836 International Dr. aВ¶b We are easy to find - located between Gold Castle Jewelers & the Dry Cleaners G W/GARAGE – On the 3rd floor in VILLA CORTESE. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full baths plus powder room, master bath has soaking tub and separate shower, beautiful view from the large enclosed balcony, separate dining room plus table space kitchen. $359,000 CAPRI - Large apartment with new wall to wall carpeting, fresh paint, new stainless steel range, refrigerator, dishwasher, electric fireplace, enclosed balcony, covered parking. Move in ready. $165,000 P w/GARAGE - on the 3rd fl. in Bldg. 5, FAIRWAYS SOUTH - Glass enclosed balcony accessible from LR & BR #2, table space kit. 2 1/2 baths. $295,000 G - Very spacious, located in VILLA CORTESE. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, powder room, table space kitchen. Master bath has soaking tub and separate shower. Beautiful view from large enclosed balcony. And it has a garage space! $385,000 M W/GARAGE – Located in beautiful CREEKSIDE, this fabulous 3 bedroom apartment is loaded with upgrades. Hardwood floors, new carpeting, freshly painted, lots of extras, home warranty, and an offered $3,000 BUYER SUBSIDY at settlement! $432,000 RENTALS LANDLORDS: Our quality of service will please you. List with us and make your property work for YOU!! TENANTS: Rentals can be hard to find but we work with you to get the job done. Call Slavka, our rental specialist, or email her at [email protected]. C - In Creekside! Two bedrooms/2 baths, upgraded kitchen, Corian countertops, maple cabinets, view of trees from glass-enclosed balcony. $1,700 + utilities F - Sunny 2 bedroom, 2 full bath apartment in The Greens has enclosed balcony, new carpeting, flooring, and lights. Great closet space! Scenic view. Pets considered with additional deposit. $1,500 + electric FF W/2 TANDEM GARAGE SPACES – Located in VANTAGE POINT EAST, two bedroom, two bath has open floor plan with large rooms, table space kitchen, ceramic tile entry, kitchen, bathroom & enclosed balcony floors, great views. $2,000/mo + electric + gas F – In GREENS I, Beautifully remodeled, renovated kitchen, light Pergo flooring, neutral carpeting, glassenclosed balcony, beautiful view. $1,600/mo + electric Why Not Give Our Agents A Try? Haola Assani-Pio - [email protected] Peg Beck - [email protected] Eve Burger – [email protected] Barbara Dashiell - [email protected] Andrea Essex - [email protected] Jean Griffifth [email protected] Dan Harper - [email protected] Eileen Kane - [email protected] Kathleen Kane - [email protected] Slavka Novakova - [email protected] Frank Sergovic - [email protected] Frances Silk - [email protected] Maynard Turow - [email protected] Dedication Does Make A Difference! Why did Richard and Ann move to Riderwood in Silver Spring? For worry-free living in a great location! Richard and Ann were already living maintenance-free, but they wanted to find a community where they could feel completely secure about the future. At Riderwood in Silver Spring, the Houghtons enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having a full continuum of health care right on campus. Living at Riderwood has also given Richard and Ann the opportunity to pursue their passions and live life to the fullest. “There are so many activities here,” says Richard. “I’m taking five classes.” “I’m in two choirs,” says Ann. The Houghtons also love dining at the different restaurants on campus. “It’s a wonderful way to make friends,” says Ann. See why your friends and neighbors are choosing retirement living at Riderwood. Call 1-877-871-5213 for your free brochure. 10023849 Silver Spring | EricksonLiving.com “The transportation here is wonderful. You don’t have to program your life around a schedule. You go outside, and a shuttle is there within minutes. ” Richard & Ann Houghton, Moved from Leisure World NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 43 Games Sports & SCOREBOARDS n Chess Club Oil Prices, Wonderland, and Chess by Bernard Ascher I t happened while you were on vacation in June. The international Energy Agency reported that the United States had surpassed Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest oil producing country. New technology used in locating and drilling for oil has made this possible. The world is now awash with oil. Prices of crude oil (once higher than $100 per barrel) are coming down sharply (approaching $80) and prices of gasoline at the pump (once reaching $4 per gallon in various states) are sliding down gradually (toward $3 and below). The Organization of Export Producing Countries (OPEC), the global cartel that raised prices drastically in 1973 through use of the “oil weapon” (a trade embargo) has done nothing to halt the price decline. OPEC members are in disarray. Saudi Arabia and Iran have refrained from cutting production. Russia (now the third leading oil producer) is being hurt more by the drop in oil revenues than by economic sanctions imposed by western nations for Russia’s aggression in the Ukraine. So, where are the trumpets? The parades? The music? Where are the cute majorettes with long legs and short skirts? Why are we not dancing in the streets? Where are the politicians? Where are the speeches? Why is no one taking credit for achieving energy independence? Why is no one proclaiming victory? Mission accomplished? As Alice discovered in Wonderland, in this world, things are not always the way they appear to be. High oil prices made it economically feasible to use horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to extract oil in the first place. If oil prices were to decline to a certain level (perhaps below $70 per barrel), it might become necessary to close some wells, thus reducing supplies and hurting the Coming in 2014 The E&R Department of Leisure World is pleased to provide the following programs. Fri., Nov. 14, 11:30 am St. Johns Instrumental Music Ensemble Wed., Nov. 19, 9:30 am-Noon Community Fair Thur., Nov. 20, 4:30 PM Double Play, Flute & Tuba Fri., Dec 5, 10:15 am Blake Women's Vocal Ensemble Sat., Dec. 13, 2:30 PM Akhmedova Youth Ballet Academy Wed., Dec. 17, 7:30 PM Olney Concert Band Holiday Concert Watch the Leisure World News for more information on these and other upcoming programs throughout the year. *Sponsored by the Foundation of Leisure World. 44 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 economies of North Dakota and Texas, two leading producers. Although consumers would profit from lower gasoline prices, investors and oil companies would suffer losses in profits and asset values. Pension funds would drop in value. Also, environmentalists are opposed to fracking which, they claim, contaminates the water supply and makes the ground more susceptible to earthquakes. Politicians do not want to lose the votes of environmentalists and may not be willing to promote higher production levels. Moreover, many analysts believe that the current price decline is a result of reduced demand in Europe, China, Brazil and India, rather than an oversupply in the market. Lower oil prices are a signal that the world economy is weak. Prices are expected to rise again when economic activity increases. Celebration of energy independence in the U.S.A., therefore, may be premature. In Wonderland, Alice now might be overheard saying: “Cheap oil makes us yearn for the good old days when prices were higher and times were better.” Unlike tourism, travel and transportation, chess is not sensitive to oil price changes. Games at Leisure World continue regardless of the price level, as in the game illustrated on this page. In this game, Black has just promoted a Pawn to a Queen and White’s King is in a very precarious position. What is White’s best move? The answer will follow our reminder that the Chess Club meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1-4 p.m. in Clubhouse II. Membership is free. For further information, call club President Bernie Ascher (301-598-8577) or Activities Chairman Pat Leanza (301-5984569). (Look for us at the Leisure World Club fair in Clubhouse I on Nov. 19.) Answer: White can win the game simply by moving the Rook to a1, checkmate! So, do not wait for oil prices to drop further! Do not wait for true energy independence! Do not go dancing in the streets! Play chess now! n Bridge Club Gala Dinner by Aaron Navarro T he LW Bridge Club held its annual gala dinner on Oct. 15 to celebrate a great year of bridge and announce the winners of its annual tournament championship. Over 70 club members and guests were in attendance, enjoying the festivities, entertainment, good food and dancing. Our own wonderful organizers Abigail Murton and Dora Levin emceed the gala. Roz Dixon, our club director, made a heartfelt speech thanking all the members for their participation and presented the championship trophy to Doug Brasse and Merrill Stern (see picture). Finishing second were Bill Hudson and Diane Keiper. Tied for third were Don Jacobs, Elly Gotkin, Sue Swift and Aaron Navarro. Lots of door prizes were also given to a number of lucky winners. All in all, it was a fun evening to be remembered till next year. See you all at the bridge table. n 10 Pin Bowling League Come and Join the Fun by Rita Mastrorocco T he league is based on handicaps with averages for the bowlers ranging from 71 to 199. If you have not bowled in years, come out and join the fun. If you are interested, please call Rita (301-8149196). The league standings as of Oct. 17 are as follows: the Just Wonderful in first place; the Huggers in second place; and the Pin Busters and the Winners tied in third place. The week of Oct. 10 top scores are as follows: Scratch Game – the Wild Things with 692 pins; Scratch Series – the Winners with 1,900 pins; Handicap Game – the Wild Things with 887 pins; Handicap Series – the Huggers with 2,542 pins; High Average Men – Denny Woolaver with 202 pins; Scratch Game Men – Steve Mueller with 235 pins; Scratch Series Men – Denny Woolaver with 640 pins; Handicap Game Men – Steve Mueller with 264 pins; Handicap Series Men – Denny Woolaver with 688 pins; High Average Women Judy Callan with 184 pins; Scratch Game Women – Judy Callan with 189 pins; Scratch Series Women – Judy Callan with 553 pins; Handicap Game Women – Lilli Metzger with 252 pins; Handicap Series Women – Rita Mastrorocco with 692 pins. The week of Oct. 17, top scores are as follows; Scratch Game – the Winners with 736 pins; Scratch Series – the Winners with 2035 pins; Handicap Game – the Winners n Bridge-Duplicate Tuesday & Friday by Ileana Eblighatian Partnership necessary to play.Need partner? For Tuesday and Friday games call Rosemary Marks @301-598-2405 with 918 pins; Handicap Series – the Winners with 2581 pins; High Average Men – Denny Woolaver with 199 pins; Scratch Game Men – Steve Mueller with 246 pins; Scratch Series Men – Steve Mueller with 687 pins; Handicap Game Men – Pat Leanza with 286 pins; Handicap Series Men – Steve Mueller with 774 pins; High Average Women – Judy Callan with 180 pins; Scratch Game Women – Chris Porter with 219 pins; Scratch Series Women – Judy Callan with 515 pins; Handicap Game Women – Chris Porter with 267 pins; Handicap Series Women – Rita Mastrorocco with 704 pins. Hunan Delight Featuring the Finest in Hunan, Szechuan, Mandarin Cuisine Unique Low Fat Menu No M.S.G., Less Salt, Less than 2% Oil 301-774-7944 - 18220 Village Mart Drive, Olney, Md. 20832 10% OFF 10% OFF DINNER or CARRY-OUT DINNER or CARRY-OUT to Leisure World Residents May not be used for lunch. May not be used for lunch. to Leisure World Residents With This Coupon. With This Coupon 2014-2015 College Performing Arts Series RECKLESS Written by Craig Lucas Friday, October 10, 2014 North-South East-West 1. Anna Pappas - Bob Bridgeman 1. Sue Swift - Susan Weiss 2. Elly Gotkin - Angie Riani 2. Lori Hegel - Saul Penn 3. Graham Hartwell - Mel Schloss 3. Shirley Light-Lois Stirling Tuesday, Oct0ber 14, 2014 North-South East-West 1. William Hudson - Diane Keiper 1. Doug Brasse - Merrill Stern 2/3. Donald Jacobs - Elly Gotkin 2. Jerry Miller - Gerald Lerner 2/3. Aaron Navarro - Sue Swift 3. Paul Chassy - Reina Chassy Friday, October 17, 2014 North-South East-West 1. Victor Stewart - Rosalind Dixon 1. Betty Hollrah -Joan Marie Thomas 2. Diane Keiper - William Hudson 2. Susan Weiss - Mildred Lieder 3. Lois Stirling – Elly Gotkin 3/4. Saul Penn - Lorraine Hegel 3/4.Jim Anschutz - Robert Kerr Tuesday, October 21, 2014 North-South East-West 1. Saul Penn - Donald Jacobs 1. Jerry Miller - William Hudson 2. Al Levin - Arthur Podolsky 2. Elly Gotkin - Lois Stirling 3. John Ryan - Alfred Caponiti 3. Gerald Lerner - Marlys Moholt November 12-15 at 8 p.m., November 16 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 Regular, $8 Seniors and $5 Students RobeRt e. PaRilla PeRfoRming aRts CenteR Montgomery College • 51 Mannakee St., Rockville, MD 20850 www.montgomerycollege.edu/pac • Box Office: 240-567-5301 NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 45 n Golf October Scorecard by Rita Molyneaux 9 -Hole Ladies enjoyed fine weather for the Step Aside Scramble on Oct. 14 where Mary Lee Amato, Abigail and Joan Reynolds teamed up to win first place with nice 40s. Mary Wells, Barbara Bynum, Shirley Gilmore and Donna Duke claimed second with 45, followed by Linda Andrews, Marilyn Sebastian and Doris Desantis in third with 46. Lois Falck, Pat Weingart and Mary Helen Byrnes were right on their heels with 47 for fourth place, and Nedra Duffy, Ruth Cougnet, Helen Montanaro and Lexie McMahon closed out the field with 48 to take fifth place. No ties! The following week, these ladies lucked out when their Mystery Hold turned out to be #16. Barbara Fisher and Joan Reynolds shared the first place honor when they both scored 28. Following the trend, Lois Falck, Jessie Warr and Marylee Amato tied for third with 29. Marilyn Sebastin, Mary Helen Byrnes and Nedra Duffy took sixth, seventh and eight with 33, 35 and 38 respectfully. Linda Andrews and Lexie McMahon tied for ninth with 40. The day was breezy and cool, but at least they got to play. L.W. Men were weathered out on Oct. 15. And then again, on Oct. 22. MISGA –Sperry Says: On Tuesday, Oct.14, Leisure World fielded two teams at Montgomery Country Club competing in the annual MISGA Division IV Pro Am tournament.В This event is to honor the Division IV Golf Professionals for their help and advice in the conduct of MISGA events throughout the year.В It was a great day for golf with the weather breezy and very comfortable, and the course almost dry with carts allowed on the fairways, despite the rain from the day before. Fourteen teams competed in the step aside scramble. The Leisure World teams were ably led by Pros Alex Lively (Red Team) and Matt Hill (Blue Team).В Amateurs on the teams were invited from winners and runners-up in the Leisure World Men’s Championship flights first, with volunteer alternates filling in as necessary.В Red Team players were Club Champion Runner Up Bob Elks, along with Doug Brasse, Frank Riffle and Joe Boland. Blue Team players were Club Champion Doug Allston, along with Jack Frensilli, Sam Choi and Sperry Storm. The Leisure World Red Team competed well with a tied score of 68 for sixth place.В The Blue Team placed tenth with a score of 70. Kenmore Country Club won the first place prize with a score of 61. 18-Hole Ladies – The weather and the course dried up enough by Oct. 23 so the 18-Hole Ladies were able to tee up for their final event of the n Thursday Afternoon Ladies October 16 First - Beatrice Sherman, 4050 Second - Helen Hughes, 2170 Third - Ruth Herr, 1820 October 23 First - Lois De Santo, 4970 Second - Rae Minushkin, 4570 Third - Beatrice Sherman, 3360 46 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 year. The field of 20 gathered for their ABCD event, playing nine holes, cart path only, before adjourning for their also final luncheon/meeting of 2014. Once again, first place resulted in a tie between two teams: Team K.C. Choi, Ursula Costa and Nancy Furdock, and Team Susan Kim, Kazue Waller, Ronnie Nisbett and Barbara Peters, both teams scoring 39. Third place went to Mary Ko, Mickie McGeehan and Joan Sumner with 40, followed by the team of Kathy Frensilli, Jane Hughes, Priscilla Schwab and Muriel Peake at 41. Beverly Haas, Young Sook Lee, Marylee Amato and Judy Mofffson’s 43 was good for fifth place. L.W. Golf Board of Directors Annual Meeting was held on Oct. 16. Wrap-up reports included the following information: 2014 Champions - 9-Hole Ladies Jesse Warr; L.W. Men Doug Allston; 18-Hole Ladies K.C. Choi; 9-Hole 2-Lady Team Shirley Gilmore/Doe Mccarren; Men’s 2-Man Team Tom Moriarity/Bob Koubek; 18 Hole 2-Lady Team Mary Ko/K.C. Choi; Most Improver Golfers 9-Holes Linda Andrews; Men Kevin McMahon; 18 Hole Ladies Kazue Waller; 2015 Chairmen - Ruth Cougnet; Bruce McKay; Jane Hughes. Some Questions/Comments: • Why isn’t there more grass on the fairways and greens? • Why not change the policy re Cart Path Only to improve pace of play, i.e. re-access conditions during play? • The main goal of the 2015 Renovation Plan, scheduled to begin in October 2015, is to improve drainage of the course, resulting in better course conditions and increased pace of play. • Promote awareness of deer tick threat. • Why are 9-Hole Ladies given dispensation from the annual membership fee? (This will be looked into.) • What is done for guests who consider joining the golf club? (There is a three-month trial membership.) • Will cart paths be repaired? Yes, about half of them. • Tee box stairways will be replaced during the winter months. • Two dogs are currently keeping the geese away. • Golf storage room and lockers will be painted and new carpet installed. • New maintenance program – Email Doug or Alex when golfers notice maintenance needs. • Rumors stating that the golf course is closing are not true. And so ends our 2014 year of organized competition and most other golf activities. However, during the offseason both men and women will be able to sign up for play on Wednesday mornings, weather permitting. Remember, beginning Nov. 15 the computers will be closed for recording scores, but will reopen on March 12, 2015. Have a good winter. n Friday Bridge Club October 17 First - Bob Stromberg, 3,430 points Second - Jerry Weiss, 2,920 points Third - Mort Rudo, 2,810 points Fourth - Sam Einbider, 2,650 points October 24 First - Betti Goodman, 3,440 points Second - Jerry Weiss, 3,420 points Third - Irwin Bauman, 3,120 points Fourth - Barbara Marcus, 2,830 points Community Classes & SEMINARS No sign-up will be taken for any newly advertised class before the date of the issue of Leisure World News in which it appears. All sign ups begin at 8:30 a.m. in Clubhouse I and Clubhouse II. Residents can register for themselves and two other residents. Please bring your Leisure World ID. If required enrollment is not met five days prior to start date, class will be cancelled. ***Please note fees for non-residents: add $10 for 1-6 session classes and $20 for classes of 7 or more sessions. *** Payment can be made by check or credit card (MasterCard, VISA or Discover) in Clubhouse I (daily) or Clubhouse II (M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.); no cash will be accepted. Checks must be made payable to Leisure World of Maryland Corp. Please sign up in advance of the starting date of the class since instructors need to know how many will participate. Note: Registration will not be accepted nor refunds issued after the completion of two sessions! Leisure World does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in admission policies, education policies or programs. EDUCATION NEW – Internet for Everyday Use: This is a hands-on course, sponsored by the Computer Learning Center, on the everyday use of the Internet. The Internet Explorer browser basics and the use of Google to obtain simple information and to search for useful Websites will be covered. You will learn to do the following online: using Web email; locating addresses on maps and finding road directions; finding travel resources, booking flights and hotels; shopping online, particularly on Amazon; finding all kinds of information on Wikipedia, and medical information on Mayo Clinic Website; Playing YouTube videos for entertainment; using photo sites to upload, share, and print photos; using the county library, registering for courses and trips offered by county’s Recreational Department, and downloading IRS tax forms. (Social networks are not covered.) Participants should have knowledge of computer basics. Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning on Thursday, Nov. 13 through Dec. 4 (no class Nov. 25 or 27, Thanksgiving week), 3:30-5 p.m. in the Computer Learning Center. Fee: $15. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Biographies of Controversial People I, a CLL course: This is a repeat of a previous class that was very popular, with comments from participants on how interesting the stories of the people were and the amount of historical information presented. People discussed are: Menachem Begin – a guerrilla fighter who became prime minister; Armand – made a fortune from business deals with the Soviet Union and Libya; Lise Mitener – co-discoverer of nuclear fission and Chiune Sugihara – Japanese diplomate who saved thousands of Jews during World War II. Instructor George Birnbaum obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry from the Columbia University in New York. During the following 30 years, he was engaged in research on structural chemistry and molecular biology, first at the Columbia Medical Center, and then at the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. Twenty years ago, he moved to Maryland and became involved in seminars at the Jewish Community Center in Rockville as a student, a lecturer, and currently a member of the Continuing Education Committee. For more details on this and other CLL courses, see our Web site at www.cllmd. com. Class meets Tuesdays, Nov. 18-Dec. 9, 10-11:30 a.m. Fee: $18. Register: Clubhouse I. EXERCISE NEW – Move to the Beat, evenings: If you do not like to exercise but know you have to keep moving, this is the class for you. If you are coming home from work, this is a perfect way to unwind. Stretch, dance and move to familiar songs (singing along is allowed). Nothing to remember; just follow along. However, you must keep moving, at a pace comfortable to you. Grab a friend and join Gerry and you neighbors as they “Move to the Beat.” For more information, call Gerry (301-438-7452). Class meets Tuesdays, Dec. 9-Jan. 13, 2015, 6:15-7 p.m. Fee: $39. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Tap with Gerry, Evening: Tap is back! Men, women, come and join “Tap with Gerry” as she introduces you to the fun of tap dancing. The first half of the class is for beginners where they will learn basic steps and combinations. The second half of class is for the more experienced tap dancer. This is a way for the “performers” to add “tap” to their resume. Be adventurous; grab a friend and come “shuffle off to Buffalo.” For more information, call Gerry (301-438-7452). Class meets Thursdays, Dec. 4-Jan. 22, 2014, 5-7 p.m. Fee: $45. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Mild Exercise: All exercises, seated or standing, are led by instructor Shirley Lloyd. Class meets Tuesdays, Dec. 2-16 and/or Wednesdays, Dec. 3-17, 11-11:45 a.m. Fee: $18, 1 day per week; $30, 2 days per week. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Ba Duan: The world’s oldest exercise for seniors and those who need to restore a normal, optimum state of health. Participants will learn to combine joint movement and breathing to improve balance and to augment core strength. Limited enrollment. Class meets Mondays, Dec. 1-Feb. 2, 2015, 4 p.m. Fee: $15. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Beginner and Advanced Tai Chi: A must for seniors! Tai Chi builds strength in muscles and bones, promotes a healthy heart and is fun and easy to do. It improves endurance, flexibility, breathing and circulation. The class begins with 30 minutes of stretching and muscle strengthening exercises, which promote greater agility, better posture and strengthens muscles. This is followed by meditation for 10 minutes and Tai Chi for 20 minutes. Tai Chi is the best way to improve balance and coordination, thereby decreasing the risk of falling and fractures. This Tai Chi program was created and taught for 15 years in Leisure World by Grandmaster Jin Pal Kim. The instructor is Steve McCleary, a student of Grandmaster Kim for six years and a practitioner of Tai Chi for over 20 years. Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, Dec. 2-Jan. 29,2015, 9:30-10:30 a.m. (Note: No class Dec. 25, make-up on Dec. 26; no class Jan. 1, make up on Jan. 2; no class on Jan. 20 or 22.) For more information, call Maureen McCleary (301-598-1145). Fee: $30 for 1 day; $50 for 2 days per week. Register: Clubhouse II. NEW – Gentle Yoga – Wednesdays & Saturdays with Marilyn: Yoga is a holistic system that combines movement, posture, breath and relaxation techniques to improve overall health and well being physically, mentally andВ spiritually. A consistent yoga practice has been shown to increase mobility, strength and flexibility, and to provide skills to cultivate a peaceful mind in the face of life’s stresses and challenges. This class is designed for individuals with some ability to get up and down off the floor and can be adapted according to the need of the practitioner.В Beginners and ongoing students are welcome. Bring a yoga mat or blanket to the first class.В Class meets Wednesdays, Dec. 3-Feb. 11, 2015 and/or Saturdays, Dec. 6-Feb. 14, 2015, 9 am. Fee: $80/1 day, $140/2 days per week. Register: Clubhouse I. Zumba Gold with Denny NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 47 – Mondays or Fridays: This program was designed for the older active adult, a person who has not been exercising in a long time or individuals who may be limited physically. The biggest difference between Zumba Gold and Zumba Basic is that Zumba Gold is done at a much lower intensity. It is just as much fun just not as fast! Zumba Gold utilizes the same great Latin styles of music and dance that are used in the Zumba basic program. Class meets Mondays, Nov. 24-Dec. 22, 10:30 a.m. or Fridays, Nov. 21-Dec. 19, 1 p.m. Fee: $31.25 for 5 sessions. Register: Clubhouse II. Chair Tai Chi with Robin: This Tai Chi program is a simplified form of nine basic movements that can be repeated and performed with varying levels of complexity sitting or standing. The program is directed at improving balance; increasing strength, tone and range of motion in ankles, knees, hips and trunk; improving circulation of blood and lymph; promoting general sense of well being and energy and decreasing muscle pain. The program is also good for quieting the mind, soothing anxiety and improving mood. Instructor Robin M. Hartman, CHHC, RYT, PTA is a certified holistic health coach, registered yoga teacher and yoga therapist with a diploma in nutrition. She is licensed to perform physical therapy in Maryland and is certified in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Tai Chi for Balance. She is available after class to answer questions or can be reached by phone at 240-350-8820. Robin also maintains a private practice for home visits. Class meets Wednesdays, Nov. 5-Jan. 14, 2015 (no class Nov. 26, Dec. 24, Dec. 31), 2-3 PM. Fee: $100. Register: Clubhouse II. Ballet Barre with Betty Smith: Join Ballet Barre with Betty for a great time improving posture and toning muscles while moving to classical music. Learn basic ballet positions and combinations. Betty is a certified AFFA group exercise instructor, Leisure World resident and has 20 plus year working in health promotion and fitness. Class meets Wednesdays, Nov. 11-Dec. 10 (no class Nov. 26), noon or 7 p.m. Fee: $39. Register: Clubhouse II. Stretch, Tone and Strength Training for the Active, Working Adult (5-6 p.m.): Join our fun exercise class utilizing a variety of equipment for the active adult. This dynamic strength training class will develop a body instilled with power and one that can move with ease and confidence. Get stronger, steadier and more balanced as you develop new body awareness, flexibility and control of “usable strength.” Weights, bands and balls are provided and a mat is recommended for some floor work. Modification can be made for the individual exerciser and all are welcome to join in the fun. The instructor is Linda Ginsburg. Class meets Mondays, Nov. 10Dec. 15 and/or Wednesdays, Nov. 12-Dec. 17, 5-6 p.m. Fee: $45, one day per week, $65, two days. Register: Clubhouse I. Club Trips Next deadline for trip submissions is Thursday, Nov. 6 The trips listed below are sponsored by Leisure World groups and organizations and not by Eyre Leisure World Travel. These trips are open to all residents, not only members of the specific club. For information, contact the person listed with each trip. (Do not contact the Eyre Leisure World Travel or E&R Office.) Leisure World clubs and organizations that want to be included in this column must send a typewritten submission to the News by Thursday at 4:30 prior to the deadline. Due to space limitations, the Leisure World News reserves the right to edit or delete submissions. You may e-mail your information to [email protected]. Please Note: Member/Non-Member pricing is at the discretion of the individual clubs. Atlantic City Monday, Nov. 17 – Wednesday, Nov. 19 Join the Jewish Residents of Leisure World in a 3-day excursion to Atlantic City for only $154 per person (based on double occupancy; add $76 for single occupancy). This trip includes motor coach transportation, 2 nights lodging at Casino Hotel, 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner, gaming with a complimentary $20 casino bonus, and sight-seeing in Atlantic City. Reservations should be made with a $75 deposit to Sue Sandler (240-242-3742) by Sept.11. “Diner” @ Signature Theatre Wednesday, Dec. 31 The scene: Baltimore. The time: the 1950’s. A group of boyhood friends, obsessed with girls and the Colts, has reunited at their favorite old hangout to celebrate the upcoming wedding of one of them. This is “Diner.” Barry 48 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Levinson and Sheryl Crow have joined forces to create a musical adaptation of his iconic movie, which will have its world premiere run at the Signature Theater in Arlington, Va. Na’ Amat has been able to obtain tickets for the New Year’s Eve performance, Wednesday, Dec. 31, and we invite you to join us. Our bus will leave Leisure World for the theater promptly at 6 p.m. Following the performance, we will return to Clubhouse I to complete our holiday celebration with a reception featuring an assortment of hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The price of $119 includes the theater tickets, transportation, reception and all gratuities. For further information, call JoAnn Cadeaux (301-438-0737). This is certain to be a sell-out, so act quickly! Attention Travellers! All Leisure World travelers, please note that no group on travel can park more than 12 vehicles overnight/long-term in the Clubhouse II parking lot. Also, parking overnight/long-term is at the owner’s own risk. Brief NOTES Clubs & Groups Short Story Group: On Nov. 5 at 11 a.m., Janet Schlosser will lead a discussion on “The Second Tree from the Corner” by E.B. White. On Nov. 19, Sumner Katz will discuss “The Farmer’s Children” by Elizabeth Bishop. The Short Story Group meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month in Clubhouse I. For information, call Sylvia Stoff (301-438-9613). Knitting Corner: Join us the 2nd and 4th Friday at the Inter-Faith Chapel from 10 a.m. to noon. Our next meeting is Nov. 14. Bring your knitting and enjoy the conversations. We have patterns and yarn for your project. Yarn donations gratefully accepted. Call Joan (301-438-1486) if you have any questions. Quilting Group: Come and join us for fun sessions of quilting, sewing, knitting or any needlecraft in which you are interested. We meet in Clubhouse II (in the MultiPurpose Room) every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Come for all or part of the session. If you have unfinished projects with which you might need some help, bring them and we will put our heads together to help you. Our next meeting is Nov. 13. Call Marianne (301-598-0444) for more information. Stitching Group: Needlepoint, cross-stitch, and more. If you enjoy stitching or would like to learn, we meet in Clubhouse II (in the Multi-Purpose Room) every 1stВ and 3rd Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon.В Come and share your finished work and enjoy stitching with us while we learn new skills together.В Call Audrey (301-598-4903). Clipper Workshop: Clipper Workshop is recruiting members to help assemble clown hand puppets for Holy Cross Hospital. They are used in the pediatric and emergency rooms. No special skills are needed. Some sewing skills are necessary. We need a sewing machine stitcher. Bring a bag lunch (we will eat in the lunchroom). We meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in Clubhouse II from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or any portion that you can devote to making a child smile. We are looking for donations of cotton fabrics, stuffing, thread and iron-on facing. Contact Joan Mahoney (301-438-1486) or Jane Brinser (301-438-2599) for further information. ModelВ Railroad Club: The Rossmoor Model Railroad Club is located in the basement of Clubhouse II. We have 3 operating displays: O, HO, and N gauge. Over 700 sq ft. Club members get together on Mondays and Wednesdays, from approximately 6pm to 7:30pm. On Thursdays from approximately 2 to 4pm. We run trains and/orВ work on scenery, track, etc. Our monthly meeting is the 2nd Thursday of each month at 4 p.m., Clubhouse II. Call Marilyn Chmielewski, 301-438-3259 for further information. All are invited to our annual “Winter Open House” on Saturday, Dec. 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Amateur Radio Club: Calling all hams! All resident amateur radio operators (hams) – or would be operators – are invited to join in business meeting/operating session the second Tuesday of each month. We meet in the “Ham Shack” in the basement of Clubhouse I at 2 p.m. For information or to learn more about Amateur Radio, call Bryan West (301598-0137). Stamp & Coin Club: The Stamp and Coin Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. in Clubhouse I. Members discuss their collections, including first day covers, day of issue programs, yearbooks, coins, medals and more. Also, they bring in their stamps for “Show-andTell” and hold an auction of members’ stamps. A door prize of a gift certificate from Coins of the Realm in Rockville is awarded at each meeting. All residents and non-residents are welcome to attend. Annual dues are $5. If interested, contact Mason Goldman (301- 598-6749). Wood Workers Users Group of Leisure World: Leisure World residents interested in woodworking and woodcraft are offered the opportunity to visit and join the woodshop. The woodshop is located on the lower level of Clubhouse I with entrance from Gleneagles Dr. The shop is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.3 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-noon. The shop is well equipped with hand and power tools needed to work with wood. A reasonable annual fee provides access and membership to all. An experienced monitor is on duty when the shop is open to assist members with their work and provide instructions on operating and using the hand and power tools. Members are often willing to repair and refinish projects of Leisure World residents for the cost of supplies. For further information, call the shop 301-598-1308, John Van Dyke (240-650-9165) or Alan Pechner (301-598-2824). Hispanos de Leisure World: This is to remind residents who are Spanish speakers that this club continues to offer cultural activities such as movies (every month), bingo and other table games on Fridays at 3 p.m. in Clubhouse I, plus other opportunities to meet and socialize, such as the annual “Fiesta de la Amistad” and Christmas dinner. The annual membership is $15 per person. If interested, please contact our president, Jose Soto (240-3081262) or vice president, Elsa Fowler (240-780-6320). Centering Prayer: Join our group of centering prayer practitioners on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. at 3588 Gleneagles Drive. Centering prayer is a method of silent meditation, where you rest in God without saying anything just happy to be in God’s presence. Our intention is be aware of the presence of God and to welcome the action of God within us. Beginners are welcome as are people of all faith traditions. For more information, call Eileen at 301- 438-0422. Call for Open Prayers: Share your intentions via prayers. Join us—share and receive inspirational goodies; birthday blessings; name day, etc. remembrances. Old prayers, new prayers, original prayers, traditional prayers. We meet Thursdays, 2-3 p.m., Inter-Faith Chapel. Questions? Call Deb (301-332-0361), Anna (240-669-6546) or Miriam (301-801-4499). Games Monday Night Bingo: No Bingo Nov. 3. All residents and their guests are invited to play bingo in Clubhouse I’s Crystal Ballroom on Monday nights. Play begins at 7 p.m. A $500 jackpot is available each week as well as a 50-50 drawing and 14 cash prizes. All proceeds benefit the service projects of the Kiwanis Club of Leisure World and charities within Montgomery County. Come join the Kiwanis Club in an evening of fun and fellowship. Wanted! Mah Jongg Players • Looking for three or four Leisure World women for Mah Jongg game at home. Call Bea (301-438-8420). • Beginners wanted to learn Maj Jong call 301-598-3438. Bridge • The Wednesday Night Chicago Bridge Group is looking for new members.В The group meets every Wednesday in Clubhouse I. Play begins promptly at 6:45 p.m. Bring a partner and be ready for a few hours of friendly games. Questions? Call Doug (301448-8708). • Men’s Bridge seeks players. We meet Mondays and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse II. No partner needed. Please, no beginners. • Thursday Ladies Bridge welcomes more card players. If interested, call Trixie Lopes (301-598-1945). Poker • A few openings available at the Greens. Thursdays 7-10 p.m. No prior experience necessary. If interested, call NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 49 Earl (301-438-2822) or Al (301-598-7133). • Men’s Poker are seeking new members. Play is daily, beginning around 9 a.m. in the Game Room in Clubhouse II. Pinochle Players: If you enjoy pinochle, please join us at Clubhouse II Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call us at 301775-7238 or 240-669-8720. Scrabble: Have Scrabble game; will travel to Clubhouse II, Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Call Arlyne (301-438-7442) if you are interested in playing. Cribbage: We meet for 150 minutes of competitive fellowship Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. in Clubhouse II. We have cards and cribbage boards, and would be pleased to teach you the game. It is a mixture of rummy and pinochle and is pure fun (we do not even keep score). For more information, call George (301-598-9747) or Bill (301-598-7270). We look forward to seeing you. Jigsaw Puzzle: We now have a jigsaw puzzle table in the Clubhouse II lobby. Please feel free, at your leisure, to work on it. Shuffleboard: Outdoor Shuffleboard is a great game that is suitable for all ages and skill levels.В В From novice to seasoned, all levels welcome!В Play Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. on the Shuffleboard courts located next to Clubhouse I. Bocce: Anyone can play bocce! Once you play, you are hooked.В Bocce requires little athletic prowess, it is a game of skill, focus, fun and teamwork.В The game is also simple to learn. Come out and give it a try, meet others doing the same! Bocce is played every Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the court next to Clubhouse I. Duckpin Bowling: Join us for the Duckpin Mixed Bowling League Mondays at 12:30 p.m. at White Oak Bowling Lanes, 11207 New Hampshire Ave. We need bowlers of all skill levels and will welcome you into our enthusiastic group. We carpool regularly so non-drivers need not stay away. Call Grace White (301-438-7892), Bud Money (301-949-1599) or Flora Wolf (301-598-5807) to join as a substitute or regular bowler. Tennis: Looking for tennis players (USTA 3 to 3.5 level) to play Doubles or Mixed Doubles every Saturday and Sunday morning (9). Please call Sam Verma (240-669-8504) if interested. Fitness And Exercise Club (supporting all Leisure World physical activities): Membership is open to any resident interested in either attending an existing activity or in creating a new activity. No membership fees. Sign up by e-mailing your name to LWMDfitness@gmail. com.В The club is looking for a representative from each mutual to help us communicate pertinent news through their mutual newsletter, bulletin board notices or mutual meetings.В If you have signed up but are not receiving any e-mails announcing special programs or updating on the progress of the new Fitness Center, please resend your e-mail address. With flu season approaching, it is recommended that all Fitness Center users wipe off the equipment that you are using, before and after each use for maximum protection. Four CPR classes have been completed with approximately 60 participants becoming certified in CPR and AED operation. New classes will begin in spring 2015. If interested, e-mail [email protected] and you will be notified of future class dates. If anyone is interested in joining a small committee to research the viability of having a miniature golf course in Leisure World or any other outdoor activity, please e-mail Richard Sherman at [email protected]. Health and Well-Being Patients’ Rights Council: The Patients’ Rights Council of Leisure World meetings, the second Wednesday of each month, will resume this month. The purpose of the council is the education of residents on end-of-life issues and to voice opposition to the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. The council provides wellqualified speakers on these critical issues and encourages compassionate treatment and care for vulnerable individuals. Contact is Mary Ann Johnston (301-598-0647 or dancinliz@ gmail.com). 50 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Stroke Support Group: The Montgomery County Stroke Assn. (MCSA) meets monthly from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday in Clubhouse II. Stroke survivors and caregivers are welcome. No registration is necessary. For more information, call Irene Spector (301-598-8103). AL-ANON Meeting: AlAnon (for family and friends affected by alcoholism) meets Fridays at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Grace Church Parish Center (near Leisure World, enter through the back door), 15661 Norbeck Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20906. For more information, call Mary Ann (301-598-0647). Alcoholic Anonymous (AA): Newcomers welcome. (If outside LW, check in at the main gate.) Meetings are: Mondays at noon (Step Meeting) and Thursdays at 6 p.m. (Big Book) in Clubhouse I. Any questions! Contact Don (301-598-3176). Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA): FA meets every Wednesday, 8:30-10 a.m., at the Overlook, 3100 NLW Blvd., in the party room. For more information, call Bea (301438-3093). Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support: The Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. in the InterFaith Chapel library. Please note that on the 1st Wednesday in November, the 5th, the church will be closed. We will not meet that day. For more information, call Sunny (301-438-2446). Free Blood Pressure Testing: Free blood pressure testing is available on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9 to 11 a.m. in Clubhouse I. Medicare Benefits Counseling: Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), a Maryland/ Montgomery County agency, provides free individual counseling to help with your Medicare problems, Medicare Part D, Medigap choices and the many incoming savings programs. Call 301-590-2819 to make appointments, 4th Tuesday of each month 10 a.m. to noon in Clubhouse I. Notices Wealth Management & Estate Planning Clinic: SPC Financial, Inc. Independent Registered Investment Advisor/ SEC conducts a Financial Wealth Management ~ Estate & Tax Integration Clinic in Clubhouse I every Friday morning from 9:30-11:30 by appointment only. We plan, develop, integrate and advise on comprehensive financial and tax planning issues. To schedule an appointment, call the E&R office in Clubhouse II (301-5981320). Be sure to specify topics of interest. Estate & Tax Law Inquiries; Long Term Care & Life Insurance Inquiries; Wealth Management & Tax Integration Inquiries; Charitable Gifting & Transfer of Wealth Inquiries. www.spcfinancial.com, 3202 Tower Oaks Blvd., Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852 (301770-6800). Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. State Law: When operating windshield wipers, headlights must be on. Headlights must be in use between sunset and sunrise. Searching for LW Chamber Musicians! Call Millie Perlow (301-598-6647) or e-mail [email protected]. Please note which instruments you play and your telephone number or e-mail so that groups, time and places can be arranged. Lost and Found: The FISH Office in Clubhouse II serves as the community’s Lost and Found. Each month, one of our members goes through the items turned in and discards the oldest ones. The discarded items are donated to a church or thrown away. FISH has all sorts of items: car keys, umbrellas, books, jackets and lots of other clothing. Rossmoor Library: is located in Clubhouse I right off the main lobby. The hours are Mondays 1 to 4 p.m., Tuesdays to Fridays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Leisure World Post Office: Located in the Administration Bldg., it is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., MondayFriday, and provides stamps, mailing boxes, certified and insured mail. Payment by check or cash only. It cannot provide Express or International Business services due to local restrictions. Calendar of EVENTS Sunday, November 2 Clubhouse I Have a Happy Day Clubhouse II 2:00pm Baby Boomers Group 2:30pm Fireside Forum 7:00pm Baby Boomers Movie Monday, November 3 Clubhouse I 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 10:00am 50’s Trends to Remember Class 11:25am Parallel Narratives Never Meet 1:00pm Paintbrush & Knife class 1:00pm CLL General Meeting 1:10pm Comparative Religions Class 2:00pm LW Chorale 2:20pm Connecting to Jewish Roots Class Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers Class 10:00am Clipper Workshop 10:30am Zumba Gold Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Chess Club 4:00pm Ba Duan Exercise Class 6:30pm Pocket Billiards Play Tuesday, November 4 Clubhouse I 7:00am General Elections 9:00am Blood Pressure Testing 9:30am Art Class/Any Medium 1:00pm WC Techniques Class 4:30pm Lawn Bowls 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 7:00am General Elections 11:00am Water Exercise Class 1:00pm Non-impact Fusion Water Class 1:30pm Comedy & Humor 2:00pm Digital Photography Class 3:00pm Aqua Suspension Class 6:15pm Move to the Beat Class Wednesday, November 5 Clubhouse I 9:00am Bocce Ball 9:o0am Gentle Yoga Class 9:30am Water Colors/Any Level 10:00am Scottish History Class 11:00am Short Story Group 11:30am Na’Amat USA Meeting 1:00pm Oil/Acrylics Class 2:00pm Book Club Network 2:00pm Compassion & Choices Group 6:45pm Chicago Bridge Clubhouse II 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Ping Pong 1:00pm Get Wet N Fit Water 2:00pm Chair Tai Chi 3:00pm German Conversation 5:30pm Aqua Fit Class 7:30pm Fun & Fancy Theatre Thursday, November 6 Clubhouse I 9:00am Shuffleboard 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 10:00am Painting for Everyone 10:30am Essential Tremor Group 11:00am Writers Workshop 12:30pm Ladies Bridge 1:00pm Oil/Acrylics Class 3:00pm Stamp Club 4:30pm Lawn Bowls Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers Class 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi Class 10:00am Stitchers Group 11:00am Water Exercise Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Non-impact Fusion Water Class 1:30pm JRLW Movie 3:00pm Aquasize Class 3:45pm Balance & Stabilization Class 5:15pm Tap with Gerry Friday, November 7 Clubhouse I 9:30am Basic Drawing Class 12:15pm Kiwanis of LW 1:30pm Watercolor/Any Level 2:00pm JustUs Group Meeting 3:00pm Hispanos De LW 7:00pm Friday Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi Class 1:00pm Ping Pong Group. 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Zumba Gold Class 1:00pm Friday Bridge Club 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation Saturday, November 8 Clubhouse I 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class 10:00am Open Art Studio Clubhouse II 9:15am Shabbat Services 7:00pm Going It Alone Social and Bingo 7:00pm Baby Boomers Movie Sunday, November 9 Clubhouse I 10:15am Jewish War Vets Clubhouse II 3:30pm Photo Matinee 6:30pm Baby Boomers Group 7:00pm Kristalnacht Monday, November 10 Clubhouse I 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 10:00am50’s Trends to Remember Class 10:00am Garden/Environmental Club Meeting 11:25pm Parallel Narratives Never Meet 1:00pm Paintbrush & Knife class 1:10pm Comparative Religions Class 2:00pm “Ernie Pyle” 2:00pm JRLW Video 2:20pm Connecting to Jewish Roots Class 2:00pm LW Chorale 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 7:00pm Bingo Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Chess Club 2:00pm Chair Yoga 4:00pm Ba Duan Exercise Class 6:30pm Pocket Billiards Play Tuesday, November 11 Clubhouse I 9:30am Art Class/Any Medium 9:30am LW Gardens Meeting 11:00am Veterans Day Brunch 1:00pm WC Techniques Class 2:00pm Amateur Radio Club 4:30pm Lawn Bowls 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi 11:00am Water Exercise Class 1:00pm Non-impact Fusion Water Class 1:30pm Comedy & Humor 2:00pm Digital Photography Class 3:00pm Aqua Suspension Class 3:00pm Parkinson’s Support Group 6:15pm Move to the Beat 7:00pm Camera Club Meeting Dial 301-598-1313 for recorded Daily Events Governance Calendar November 2014 ADVISORY COMMITTEES Community Planning November 3, 10:00 a.m., Sullivan Room Education & Recreation November 4, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse I Emergency Preparedness November 6, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse I Audit November 7, 2:00 p.m., Sullivan Room Physical Properties November 11, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse II Foundation of Leisure World November 12, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse II Budget & Finance November 12, 2:00 p.m., Sullivan Room Security & Transportation November 13, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse I Landscape November 13, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse II Golf & Greens November 14, 9:00 a.m., Clubhouse I Restaurant November 17, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse I Government Affairs November 17, 2:30 p.m., Sullivan Room Energy November 18, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse I Resident Meeting November 18, 3:00 p.m., Clubhouse I LWCC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE November 14, 9:00 a.m., Sullivan Room LWCC BOARD OF DIRECTORS November 25, 9:30 a.m., Clubhouse I 3:45pm Balance & Stabilization Class 4:00pm Model Train Club 5:15pm Tap with Gerry Wednesday, November 12 Clubhouse I 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class 9:30am Water Colors/Any Level 10:15am League of Women Voters 1:00pm Oil/Acrylics Class 1:00pm Low Vision Support Group 1:00pm Eyre Travel Show 1:30pm Patients’ Rights Group 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 6:45pm Chicago Bridge Clubhouse II 12:00pm Ballet Barre 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Ping Pong 1:00pm Get Wet N Fit Water 1:00pm Stroke Support Group 1:30pm JRLW Movie 2:00pm Chair Tai Chi 3:00pm German Conversation 5:30pm Aqua Fit Class 7:00pm Ballet Barre 7:00pm Lapidary Club Friday, November 14 Clubhouse I 9:30am Basic Drawing Class 10:00am Book Club Network 12:15pm Kiwanis of LW 1:30pm Watercolor/Any Level 1:30pm St. John’s Ensemble Concert 2:00pm JustUs Group Meeting 3:00pm Hispanos De LW 7:00pm Friday Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 10:00am Chinese Club of LW 10:00am Book Club Network 1:00pm Ping Pong Club 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Friday Bridge Club 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation 7:30pm Fun & Fancy Production Sweet Charity Thursday, November 13 Clubhouse I 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 9:30am Flu Clinic 10:00am Painting for Everyone 12:30pm Ladies Bridge 1:00pm Oil/Acrylics Class 4:30pm Lawn Bowls 7:00pm LW Democrats Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers Class 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi 9:30am Quilters Group 10:00am MVA on Wheels 11:00am Water Exercise Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Non-impact Fusion Water Class 3:00pm Aquasize Class 3:30pm Internet for Everyday Use Saturday, November 15 Clubhouse I 10:00am Open Art Studio Clubhouse II 7:00pm Going It Alone Social 7:30pm Fun & Fancy Production Sweet Charity Sunday, November 16 Clubhouse I 10:00am Jewish Breakfast Forum Clubhouse II 7:00pm Baby Boomers Group 2:00pm Fun & Fancy Production Sweet Charity Monday, November 17 Clubhouse I 9:30am Stretch & Tone Class 1:00pm Paintbrush & Knife Class 2:00pm LW Chorale 2:00pm NARFE Meeting NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 51 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 6:00pm LW Lions Club 7:00pm Republican Club Meeting 7:00pm Bingo Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers 10:00am Clipper Workshop 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Chess Group 2:00pm Chair Yoga 4:00pm Ba Duan Class 6:30pm Pocket Billiards Play Tuesday, November 18 Clubhouse I 9:00am Blood Pressure Testing 9:30am Art Class/Any Medium 1:00pm WC Techniques 4:30pm Lawn Bowls 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi 11:00am Water Exercise Class 1:00pm Non-Impact Water Class 1:30pm Comedy & Humor 2:00pm Digital Photography Class 3:00pm Aqua Suspension Class 3:30pm Internet for Everyday Use 6:15pm Move to the Beat Wednesday, November 19 Clubhouse I 9:00am Bocce Ball 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class 9:30am Water Colors/Any Level 11:00am Short Story Group 11:00am Community Fair Day 12:30am Hadassah 1:00pm Oils/Acrylics Class 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 6:45pm Chicago Bridge Clubhouse II 12:00pm Ballet Barre 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Ping Pong 1:00pm Get Wet & Fit Water Class 2:00pm Chair Tai Chi 3:00pm German Conversation 5:30pm Aqua Fit Class 7:00pm Ballet Barre Thursday, November 20 Clubhouse I 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 9:30am Painting for Everyone 11:00am Writers Workshop 12:30pm Ladies Bridge 1:00pm Oil/Acrylics Class 4:30pm Lawn Bowls 4:30pm “Double Play” Concert 7:00pm Woman’s Club Program Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers 9:30am Quilters Group 9:30am Beg/Adv Tai Chi Class 10:00am Mac Users Group 11:00am Water Exercise Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Movie/“Diana” 1:00pm Non-impact Fusion Water Class 3:00pm Aquasize Class 3:30pm Internet for Everyday Use 3:45pm Balance & Stability Class 5:15pm Tap with Gerry Friday, November 21 Clubhouse I 9:30am Basic Drawing Class 10:00am Book Club Network 1:30pm Water Colors/Any Level 2:00pm JustUs Group Meeting 5:00pm Hispanos De LW 7:00pm Friday Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 10:00am Chinese Club of LW 10:00am Book Club Network 1:00am Ping Pong Club 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Friday Bridge Club 1:00pm Zumba Gold Class 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation Saturday, November 22 Clubhouse I 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class 10:00am Open Art Studio 7:30pm LW Ballroom Dance Clubhouse II 7:00pm Going It Alone Social and Bingo 7:30pm Fun & Fancy Production Sweet Charity Sunday, November 23 Clubhouse I Have a Happy Day Clubhouse II 10:30am Jewish Friendship Group 2:00pm Fun & Fancy Production Sweet Charity 7:00pm Baby Boomers Monday, November 24 Clubhouse I 9:15am Stretch & Tone Class 2:00pm LW Chorale 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 7:00pm Bingo Clubhouse II 9:00am Senior Sneakers Class 10:30am Zumba Gold Class 12:30pm Men’s Bridge 1:00pm Chess Club 2:00pm Chair Yoga 4:00pm Ba Duan Exercise Class 6:30pm Pocket Billiards Play Tuesday, November 25 Clubhouse I 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 1:30pm Comedy & Humor Club 1:30pm Stroke Support Group 2:30pm UU’s Meeting 6:15pm Move to the Beat Class 7:00pm Camera Club Wednesday, November 26 Clubhouse I 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class 5:00pm Stretch & Tone Class 6:45pm Chicago Bridge Clubhouse II 12:00pm Ballet Barre 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Ping Pong Club 3:00pm German Conversation 7:00pm Ballet Barre Thursday, November 27 Clubhouse I 12:30pm Thanksgiving Buffet 2:30pm Thanksgiving Buffet 5:00pm Thanksgiving Buffet Clubhouse II Closed Friday, November 28 Clubhouse I 2:00pm JustUs Group Meeting 3:00pm Hispanos De LW 7:00pm Friday Duplicate Bridge Clubhouse II 11:00am Ping Pong Club 1:00pm Chess Club 1:00pm Friday Bridge Club 1:00pm Zumba Gold Class 3:00pm Yiddish Conversation Saturday, November 29 Clubhouse I 9:00am Gentle Yoga Class Clubhouse II 7:00pm Going It Alone Social 52 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Classifieds ESTATE SALES ESTATES WANTED – KENSINGTON Antique Village. We buy items or estates for immediate cash. 35 years experience. Call Georgina. 240-6459029. (1.2015) CASH FOR ESTATES – Jewelry to furniture, collections, accumulations. Buy out- clean up. 301-520-0755. (12.16) FOR RENT GORGEOUS FF MODEL in Vantage Point West. 2 BR, 2 BA, 1,315 sq. ft. Garage parking, golf course view, open kitchen, large enclosed balcony. Master with step-in shower. $1,925 per month. Call Roberta Campbell, Weichert, Realtors, 301-681-0550 (office) or 301801-7906 (cell). (11.4) H UNIT IN GREENS II - 2 BR, 2 BA, 1,225 sq. ft. Garage parking, golf course view, multiple exposures, large enclosed balcony, Pergo floors. $1,600 per month. Call Roberta Campbell, Weichert, Realtors, 301-681-0550 (office) or 301-801-7906 (cell). (11.4) GORGEOUS CONTEMPORARY, oriental accent dining room table with four cushioned swivel chairs. Use closed, or with two leaves to seat eight. Call for appointment in the Overlook, 301 908-2284. (11.4) THE GREENS LUXURY highriseВ spacious 1 BR located on the 7th floor, hardwood living room, washer and dryer in laundry room.В Immediate move-in.В Please call 301-768-0000. (11.18) 3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL bath w/ garage and storage room.В $2,099 per month. New carpet, paint, appliances, view of pond and golf course. Pet allowed additional $100. 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath, $1,400 per month. All utilities included. Pet permitted, $50 additional per month. Long & Foster 301-548-9700. Contact Greg Marinik 240-994-5258 or Eve Marinik 301221-8867. (11.4) FOR SALE 2007 HONDA CIVIC LX – Four-door, 90,500 miles, MD inspected, four new tires, automatic, power windows, a/c. Leisure World car$7,990. Cars wanted. I will buy your car even if you don’t buy mine. Dealing with Leisure World for 38 years. Licensed and bonded. Cash or cashier’s check for your car, van or truck. I also detail cars. Please call Marty Salins at Auto Plaza, 301-3251973. (11.4) 2004 FORD FOCUS – Automatic, a/c, like new, only 12,700 miles. MD inspected. $7,500. Leisure World car. Cars wanted. I will buy your car even if you don’t buy mine. Dealing with Leisure World for 38 years. Licensed and bonded. Cash or cashier’s check for your car, van or truck. I also detail cars. Please call Marty Salins at Auto Plaza, 301-325-1973. (11.4) 1999 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE GLS – Six cylinder, loaded with leather, like new, only 79,900 miles. MD inspected. $4,999. Cars wanted. I will buy your car even if you don’t buy mine. Dealing with Leisure World for 38 years. Licensed and bonded. Cash or cashier’s check for your car, van or truck. I also detail cars. Please call Marty Salins at Auto Plaza, 301-325-1973. (11.4) FOUR CEMETERY PLOTS at $3000 each. Discounted to $2,700 each if two are purchased and to $2,250 if four are purchased. With the purchase ofВ all four plots, a garden can ben added through cemetery management. Exact location is Block 5, Site 1,2,3,4, Lot 235.В Call 240-355-5339 for more information. (11.4) PARKLAWN CEMETERY – Block 5 (double depth) (two burial rights). W “C” Bronze 24 x 14 w, vase and granite. A vault for each site. $5,800. Call LM, 301-929-9443. (first thru 12.2.14) RIVERSIDE ROLL-TOP COMPUTER Desk – Rich cherry finish – all wood. Ht. 48”, W 56” D 30”. Features include rollout writing surface, keyboard drawer, miscellaneous compartments. Asking $350. Call 412-427-2940. (11.4) FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT for Mobility Needs – Lift chair/recliner; black faux leather – Less than one year old; from nonsmoking environment; lovely and comfortable, $350. Adjustable bed with Tempurpedictype mattress – New condition—used only five months; foot and head raise and lower, $400 OBO. Motorized Wheelchair; Hoveraround MPV5 Mk2 – Excellent condition; used inside only; manual, battery and DVD included; easy to operate; less than two years old; $400 OBO. Transport Wheelchair – Folds, foot rests detach for easy loading into car; light and easy to move. Walker with seat – Excellent condition, $40 OBO. Walker (no seat) red. $30 OBO. Call 240-388-5029 or email [email protected]; local Leisure World delivery is possible. (11.4) TWO BURIAL SITES at Parklawn Cemetery, Viers Mill Road. Nice location at edge of driveway cemetery drive $7350. Will sell for $3500. Better now than later. 301-438-2004. (11.4) HEALTH CARE SERVICES The Leisure World News will allow only those advertisers who show proof of certification to advertise that they are “certified nursing assistants.” ELDERLY CARE: OVER 10 years experience. Great reference. Available for long days or nights. Can drive. 301806-3691. (1.6.15) “A” HOME HEALTH CARE for Senior Citizens – Care you can trust and is affordable. Reliable and qualified aide and nursing staff available. Companionship, personal care, meds, housekeeping, shopping, driving. Full/ NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 53 part-time or live-in. Flat rate for live-in care. Call 240-533-6599. (11.18) VICTORY HOME CARE – Quality, affordable care you can trust. Loving, dependable caregivers for hourly, live in/out. Licensed, insured, bonded. Services include medications, bath and personal hygiene, appointments, meal preparation, housekeeping, laundry, errands. Very low rates. Call for free assessment (301-740-7667). Visit us also at www.victoryhomehealthcare. org. (1.6.15) LOVING HOME CARE – “Care you can trust and afford.” Companionship, hygiene care, meal preparation, housekeeping, errands, appointments. Loving, dependable caregivers for FT/ PT or Live-in.В We offer a flat rate for live-in care. В Low rates, no deposit required. Call 301-490-1146. www. lovinghomecare.org. (1.6.2015) ADVANCED NURSING & HOME SUPPORT: Serving residents of Leisure World for over 20 years!В Call for a special, reduced rate for Leisure World residents only.В Mention this ad to get your special discount.В Call today for your complimentary inhome assessment. 240-430-1500. (8.18.2015) CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANCE/ Home Health Aide Caregiver – I have proof of certification, license and 15 years of experience. I’m looking for a fulltime private duty job. I will provide health care services, tender loving care to you and your loved ones. Companion, housekeeping, daily grooming, personal hygiene, shopping and doctor’s appointments. Excellent references. Please call Bola, 301-9965180. (12.16) SIX YEARS of progressive experiences as CNA, LPN & RN student with practical clinical experiences. Very passionate person that has worked with seniors in providing exceptional support, promoting wellness activities and planning customized programs. 240-478-4741. (11.4) MORNINGSTAR HEALTH Systems Inc. – We provide quality rehab (OT, PT and speech) for homebound patients with skilled needs. We also offer certified nursing assistants and personal care assistants for more individualized attention. Our mission: to provide quality service with the utmost integrity. Medicare/Medicaidcertified. Some private insurance accepted. For more information, call 1-888-336-2040. Email: [email protected]. Website: MorningStarhealthsys.com. (11.18) HOME HEALTH AIDE –Looking for a dependable, reliable, caring, loving, kind aide with over 15 years experience working home health and hospice care? Licensed CNA, GNA, CMT, patient care tech. and pharmacy tech., first aid and CPR. Current background check. Available days or nights. Will transport and run errands. Currently working in Leisure World. 240-6217747, 240-422-9266. (12.2) GNA CERTIFIED – OVER 10 years experience, elderly care. References available. Drives. Florence, 240-2774053. GNA/CNA – NINE YEARS experience. Can drive. Available Monday through Sunday. References available. Call Jane at 240-486-1614. (12.16) CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT offers care an help to your senior loved ones day/night/long/short hours. Have great references, great driver, 21+ years in this career. Help with both medical and non-medical care. Meds reminders, doctor’s visits, activities of daily living, etc. Price very reasonable. Call me (Kadie) at 240-421-4993. References, contact Jacklyne, 703-6775741; Etta, 240-438-7443. (11.4) GNA/CNA – LICENSED and insured. Over 20 years of experience working with the elderly and patients with hospice, dementia and Alzheimer’s. Sadiatu Kabia, 240-605-3719. (11.4) EXTREMELY RELIABLE CNA with over 25 years experience proving care, companionship, personal healthcare, shopping, running errands, etc.; seeking weekday parttime evening hours. CPR/first aid, medical technician certification with excellent references. I live within three miles of Leisure World with my own transportation. Contact Debbie: 240715-2403/[email protected]. (12.16) RELIABLE, SERVICE-FOCUSED, tactful and diplomatic CNA/GNA with over 20 years as nursing professional. Tender hearted, enthusiastic and dedicated lady, seeks a private homecare position. Excellent references. Please contact Norma at 240-472-8834. Available for immediate employment. (12.16) CARE SERVICE BY LW resident of 13 years. Bachelor’s degree in health ed., recreation, biology, & P.E. (pre-med). Master’s degree in counseling; 14 yrs. experience. Advanced first-aid. Book for 1 hr. $23, 2 hrs. -$22 per hr., 3 hrs. -$20 per hr. Also will do food shopping and driving. Call Suzie 301-438-3968. (1.6.15) NURSING ASSISTANT SEEKS job to work for loving family, 24-hour care, live-in/out, night/day or weekend. Over 16 years experience. Excellent references. Phone: 240-688-2119 and 202-250-0837. (11.4) ELDERLY CARE – GNA. Over 14 years experience giving care to elders in nursing homes, hospitals, private duties at Leisure World. Compassionate, reliable. Available flexible time. Call Ellen at 301-5809808. (11.18) TWO, MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, caregivers team who took care of my wife for years, available. Great team – have vehicles and drive. Call Dr. C. Schoman (301-598-5962) if interested. (11.4) LOVING, RELIABLE, CNA, ALZHEIMER’S, dementia, Parkinson disease, CPR certificate with 15 years experience. I am highly qualified for homecare. I worked in Leisure World before and Sumner Village for four years with Ruth Olearns. I am available immediately to work fulltime day or night. I have a clean driving record and have stellar references. Connie, 240-425-2221, [email protected]. (11.4) 54 | Leisure World News NOVEMBER 4, 2014 HONEST, CARING, licensed CNA, Med. Tech. Available daytime, nighttime and weekends. Hours negotiable. Good ref. Brenda Young, 240-277-0496. (11.21) I’M A CNA WITH 25 years experience with a good reference. I have been in Leisure World for over 10 years. I live right behind Leisure World which helps if you need even on call basis. Please call Olivia at 240-277-2452 or 301-598-3080. P.S. I have my certifications. (11.4) NURSING ASSISTANT, home health aide caregiver with years of experience in elderly care. Good reference upon request. Live in Aspen Hill. I can be reached at 240-722-7967 or [email protected]. (11.4) HOME HEALTH AIDE seeks short hours with Leisure World seniors. Previously worked in Leisure World since 1988 with nursing agency. Chores include meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, personal care. Very caring, reliable, understanding. Lives in Glenmont. Available for interview. Call Rita, 954-274-6052. (11.4) I’M A CNA/GNA with 10 years experience looking for work. I’m honest, caring, committed and love taking care of the elderly. Call Amy, 240-471-3937 or 301-947-1373. (12.16) RELIABLE AND CARING nursing assistant with reference available for work and can drive. Please call Rebecca at 240-701-8169. (1.20.15) CAREGIVER FOR IN-HOME Care – Certified CNA & CPR. Three years experience. Light housekeeping, assist with meal preparation and personal care, companionship, medication reminder. Available for long hours I treat you and loved ones with respect. Excellent reference. Biruh, 240-6020539. (11.4) MY NAME IS TIBEBE Asfaw. I am a wonderful caregiver with 15 years experience. I am looking for a live-out job. Contact number, 240-429-2265. I am available now. (11.4) CARING, COMPASSIONATE, loving person with a CNA and 10 years experience seeking a job to care for your loved ones. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 240550-6212. (11.4) IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a caring, loyal and genuine nurse to take care of you or a family member, I can be reached at 240-515-4547. (11.4) ARE YOU LOOKING FOR a loving, caring, reliable caregiver/companion? Look no further, I am the right person. Good references and rate. Call 240552-4222. (11.18) HELLO I’M YENI ROMAN and first aid holder. I would like to offer my services, I’m available most of the time including weekends. More info.: Please callВ 301-310-1277. (11.4) HELP WANTED SEEKING A PERSON to make follow up to ensure the customers are happy with the work performed. The pay is $13. per hour and the hours are flexible and will be no more than once a week. Ask for Gary McKee:В cell 301-7858580, Preferred Automotive Assoc., 12356 Wilkins Ave., Rockville, MD 20852. (11.4p) ВВВВВВВREAL ESTATE LONG & FOSTER REAL ESTATE. Come see us in the Leisure World Plaza - located between Gold Castle Jewelers and the dry cleaner. В See our full-page ad this issue. (12.16) A WISE CHOICE. Call me. Marilyn Rubinstein of Weichert Realtors. Your expert in this great community. Top 1% Nationwide. #1 Office Producer with over 40 years of experience and hundreds of sales right here. Call me for a free market analysis. Please call and we’ll talk. I make buying or selling an enjoyable and successful experience. Call Marilyn today – 301674-1288. (12.16) THINKING OF SELLING your home or that of a relative? Business in 2014 has been brisk. Inventory is slowly increasing. Days on the market remain less than two months! Prices are stable, call for specific stats on your property. I’ve loved living in our community for over 10 years. Meet me at the Plaza office or our satelitte office in the Leisure World Admin. Building. I know all the floor plans and how to price them! In the first quarter of 2014, I was #1 in community listings sold and sales for Weichert. I love to list…especially close to home! My color brochures, multiple websites, staging techniques and new visual property tours display your home and community at its best. My weekly reports detailing web hits, showings, & competing properties keep you updated. Call for a free competitive market analysis. References available. Sue Heyman, Top 1% of Agents Nationwide, Senior & Relo Specialist,В 301-580-5556. IT’S A “HOT” RENTAL market in Leisure World! Looking for unit owners and investors who want to earn income from their property. Call Eve Rados Marinik, 301-221-8867, Long & Foster Real Estate, 301-548-9700, [email protected] or Gregory Marinik, 240-994-5258. (2.2015) SERVICES ALTERATIONS - 27 years experience in Leisure World! Men’s & woman’s garments picked up and dropped off at your convenience. Very competitive prices. Call Mimi, 301-990-6468. (5.2015) LOCKS - Deadbolt locks installed, or your present lock re-keyed. Special locks for people with arthritis. For free estimate call Glenn Murphy at OLNEY LOCK SERVICE, 301-774-7727. 10% off with this ad. (11.8) KITCHEN AND BATHROOM Remodeling – Cabinet and countertop replacement, and bathtub to accessible shower conversions. Please call Joe at JML Remodeling. 301-598-8400. Serving Leisure World since 1988. MHIC# 36674. Thank you. (2.2015) COMPUTER SERVICES – Problem with your PC or Network? Computer Systems Engineer will come to you with help. Home, Business. Call David G., 301-642-4526. (2.2015) HOUSE CLEANING – PROUDLY serving the Leisure World community. Quality service at affordable rates, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly intervals available. Please call CC & Son for free estimate. 301-253-0544. (2.17.15) PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY MEMORIES! Don’t let your precious photos be forgotten or fade over time.В В I’ll transfer your photos, slides, and mementos to a CDВ so theyВ can be easily shared with friends and family. OnceВ they’re scanned, IВ canВ bring your photos to life in a memorable DVD slideshow that will make aВ creative and unique gift for any occasion.В В Call Kim at Virtual Computer Services, 301-4383140. (12.16) SMALLS & SMALLS MOVERS, LLC – We conduct every move with care – all your items are treated with utmost respect – small or large – prices to match the items. Insured notary. 240286-5854, [email protected]. (2.2015) COMPUTER LESSONS / SERVICESВ - Need help with your computer? Training, new computer setup,В troubleshooting, installation.В Lessons at your residence at your convenience.В Teach basic computer, email,В surfing the web, Windows 8, photos, digital cameras, smartphones, and more. Patient trainer willВ sit by your side and teach you in plain English - no technical talk! Shopping assistance for all electronic & computer items.В Senior specialist since 1996. Senior discount. Call David at 301-762-2570.В ComputerTutor (4.2015) LOCKSMITH – 35 YEARS servicing the community. I pay particular attention to detail and always leave every space immaculate. I wouldn’t settle for less—you shouldn’t either. If you need me, I’m right around the corner in Longmead Crossing. Licensed, bonded and insured. I look forward to serving you. Steve Allen, 301-346-9380. (2.2015) DRAPERY CLEANING – Sheers only. Take down – rehanging/no charge. Free pickup and delivery. Free estimate. Call Barbara, 301-384-4390. (2.2015) ALICIA’S CLEANING Services – Good references. Good rate. Once a week or every two weeks. 240-286-3807. PC REPAIR/ELECTRONICS Installer - $50/hour. Clean up viruses, spyware, diagnose hardware problems, install PC’s/printers, set up secure wireless laptop/PC connections. Son of a Leisure World resident. Gary, 301-3393544. UNITED CLEANING GROUP, LLC comes to Leisure World! We’re happy to help by offering our cleaning services 7 days a week. Want your home looking spotless? Call United Cleaning Group today at 240-4645104. (12.16)В DOG WALKER – LW. Resident. Experienced dog walker. Will walk your dog on a regular basis or as needed. Rain, hail, sleet or snow. Not feeling well? Unable to walk your pet? Very reasonable rates. Call Chris, 703965-4863. (first thru 1.6.15) SPRINTER MOVERS – 1-888-4730110. Call George. Local moving company. Full packing service available, reliable, experience and gentle with your furniture and cherished possessions. Friendly, caring, professional manner. www. SprinterMovers.com. (11.4) CLEANING SERVICES – Two honest women with seven years experience in cleaning houses and apartments. Good references. Good prices. Free estimates. Please call Rosibel at 301655-4576 or by email: benitezbely@ yahoo.com. PIANO LESSONS - Karen Wood has taught piano to adults for over 35 years. Bachelor of Music, piano major, voice minor. Students are guided by standards of National Guild. Call 301512-8883. (11.4) A+ COMPUTER SERVICES. Free inhouse diagnostic of your computer, Printer, or basic set-ups. A+ certified, virus removal, back up, and retrieve important data, photos, and music. Also will teach lessons on Microsoft Office and basic computer skills at your home. Alex Nowrouzi, (301-312-22770. I reside in Leisure World. (5.2015) FREE NUTRITIONAL TESTING! (Medicare) Personalized Nutritional assessments. Low energy, focus or memory issues, intestinal problems, diabetes, cancer survival nutrition, cholesterol or other medical challenges. Ask for senior discount. Call Marietta Amatangelo, MS, RDN, LDN, licensed nutritionist, at 877-4280555, or email [email protected]. (11.18) HANDYMAN! LOCAL RESIDENT needs odd jobs, home improvement work. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Call Kevin, 1-240-305-0708. (11.4) HOUSE CLEANING – Weekly, bi-weekly, free estimate. Young responsible person, experience in LW and very good references. Good price an accessible schedules. Call Samara, 240-701-9435. (12.16) HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND handyman services. 301-399-4803. Realty-Maintenance.com. Painting, flooring and general maintenance. (12.16) CARE SERVICE BY LW resident of 13 years. Bachelor’s degree in health ed. Recreation, biology and PE (premed). Master’s degree in counseling. Fourteen years experience. Advanced first aid. Book for one hour, $23; two hours, $22 per hour; three hours, $20 per hour. Also will do food shopping, driving. Call Suzie, 301-438-3018. PET SITTER (PROFESSIONAL 10+ years experience) – Loving, dedicated, reliable senior will care for dogs, cats, birds and other small furry animals. Daily dog walks, cat visits, in-home sitting for vacations, middays, evening feed and walks or business trips. Leisure World references. Insured, bonded, member PSI. Call Eileen at 301-442-3989. PET SITTING & DOG WALKING The area’s #1 fully insured & bonded pet care service for 10 years. We provide live-in pet sitting and private midday dog walking with just us and your dog. Visit our website at www.cpup.com. Contact the owner direct at 301-699-1133 or cpuppetwalks@gmail. com. (12.16) HOUSECLEANING – Great references. I will thoroughly clean your home for a fair price. All supplies included. Please call Sara, 240-4772104. (1.6.15) NOBODY CAN BEAT MY PRICES! – Don’t take the risk if you have a wrinkled carpet to trip and fall. Ten years working at L.W. Good references, painting and general home improvements. Small jobs welcome. Handyman. Special discounts. Call Jesse Morales at 301-747-5054. (11.4) EASY LIFE ERRAND SERVICES LLC - We are in business to help you manage your to-do-list, and give you that peace of mind to enjoy things that matters to you most. Whether you need help with grocery shopping, picking up or dropping prescription, or just need a companion to talk with, Easy Life Errand Services is here to assist you. Our services are affordable and tailor to meet each client needs. To learn more, please call 240476-9677 or visit our website www. easylifeerrandservices.com. (11.4) WANT TO RELAX, HEAL & distress? Try therapeutic massage. We will come to you. Now accepting regular customers. 240-277-7971. Licensed, insured and board certified. (11.4) HOLIDAY SPECIALS! AVON makeup and more.В Through the end of December 2014 you will receive 20 percent off your order ($20 minimum). Call Dottie todayВ to getВ yourВ free AVONВ catalog:В 301-8711513. (11.4) UPCOMING EVENTS VETERANS DAY EXPO – 10 a.m., breakfast; 10:30 a.m., expo; Friday, Nov. 7; Riderwood, 3120 Gracefield Road, Silver Spring. To commemorate the sacrifices of veterans and provide information to them and their families. John F. Kennedy High School will serve as the color guard. Surprise guest speaker. Representatives from local government agencies will provide information. (11.4) SENIOR SPELLING BEE – 11 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 8; Olney Library, 3500 Olney Laytonsville Road. If you are a senior (age 55 or over) register by Nov. 3. Limited competition slots. Grand prize for first place. Fee: $25. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library, Montgomery County. Reception with light refreshments follows. 240-777-0020, www.folmc.org or email [email protected]. (11.4) We’re Going to Broadway!!” with special guests, Afterflow Quartet. Tickets: $15. Call box office, 240-3148690 to reserve or book online at Rockville.ticketleap.com. Tickets also available day of the show. Visit us at www.homchorus.org or call 301-2301444. (HOM info line). (11.18) CONCERT – 1 and 5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 6; Immanuel’s Church, 16819 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring. The Wonder of Christmas with The National Christian Choir. Kathy Bowman, director; 170 auditioned voices, full orchestra and fourth annual Children’s Christmas Choir. Tickets: $25, Director’s Circle; $18, general admission; $12, children (12 and under). Call for group rates. Order tickets online at www. NationalChristianChoir.org or call 301-670-6331 or 800-599-4710. By mail: PO Box 1600, Germantown, MD 20875. (12.2) CONCERT – 3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 7, Montgomery College Cultural Arts Center, 7995 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring. Piano Society. Free. (12.2) PUT THE MUSIC YOU love back in your life! Enjoy live jazz and swing on the first Friday of the month at Hollywood East CafГ©, Westfield Wheaton Shopping Mall, 7 to 10 p.m. Listen to the Night & Day Combo perform the classic standard songs of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, from Cole Porter, Gerswin, et al. Great music, great food, no cover charge! WANTED FAST CASH FOR USED CARS - Big dollars paid for your used car! Over 40 years experience serving Leisure World. Leave message 24 hours. I will come to you. Cash or cashiers check at your request. I can also help with your new car purchase, any make or model! Md. Dealer #U2927. Call Marty Salins, 301-325-1973. (c) THE HOUSING UNLIMITED, Inc. Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have donated the beautiful furniture, in the past that was used to furnish the houses provided by the organization. We are again accepting furniture, in good condition. Please call the Housing Unlimited, Inc. office at 301-592-9314. (c) BUYING JEWELRY , MILITARY items. Cash paid for silver, gold, coins, pocket watches, vintage wristwatches, art, Asian antiques, guns, knives, estates, collections. Call Tom, Silver Spring resident, 240-476-3441. (1.2015) HEART OF MD WOMEN’S BARBERSHOP Chorus Fall Show – 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22; F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, Rockville Civic Center Park, 603 Edmonston Road, Rockville. “We’ve Done Rockville… NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Leisure World News | 55 Karen Rollings Sherry Felice 3410 N High St Olney, MD 20832 301-260-7700 Kathy Workman A Sampling-As reported MRIS Statistics for Properties Closing in your community October 10, 2014 — Present Address Subdivision Asking Price Closed Price Style Beds Full Baths Half Baths Days on Market Seller Subsidy 3310 LEISURE WORLD BLVD N #704-6 FAIRWAYS NORTH $319,900 $320,000 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 3 2 1 3 $0 3330 LEISURE WORLD BLVD #5-304 FAIRWAYS SOUTH $295,000 $290,000 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 3 2 1 107 $0 3330 LEISURE WORLD BLVD #5-1029 FAIRWAYS SOUTH $119,900 $110,000 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 1 1 0 24 $0 15100 INTERLACHEN DR #4-709 GREENS $199,900 $167,000 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 3 2 1 144 $0 15100 INTERLACHEN DR #522 GREENS $169,900 $169,900 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 2 2 0 13 $3,400 15115 INTERLACHEN DR #3-106 GREENS $120,000 $120,000 Hi-Rise 9+ Floors 2 2 0 13 $0 3321 LEISURE WORLD S BLVD #98-2B MONTGOMERY MUTUAL $66,000 $66,000 Garden 14 Floors 2 1 0 7 $0 3703 BLOOMSBURY CT #26A ROSSMOOR MUTUAL #13 $250,000 $250,000 Patio Home 3 2 0 57 $0 15311 PINE ORCHARD DR #87-2F ROSSMOOR MUTUAL #19 $152,000 $151,000 Garden 14 Floors 3 2 0 19 $0 Do you love living in Leisure World? Our potential buyers would like to hear why! If you have an opinion, we’d love to hear it! Drop us a letter or send us an email! We have a buyer looking for a 3 bedroom (or 2 bedroom with a den) home in Mutual #19!!! If you or someone you know has a home they want to sell, please give us a call! [email protected] 3410 North High Street Olney, MD 20832 Serving Montgomery County for 30 years! We are the company for all your flooring needs. Carpeting, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic, Marble, Commercial, Residential. We do it all! We carry major brand names in carpeting and hard surface flooring. For your convenience we also sell and service most major brands of vacuum cleaners. www.carpetandvacuumexpo.com 18167 Village Center Drive Olney, MD 20832 www.carpetandvacuumexpo.com only for purchases over $1000. Offer not valid with any other offers.
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