Saint Ann Catholic Community Photo by K. Palmer 17111 Jefferson Davis Highway Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834 OCTOBER 26, 2014 Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH PERSONNEL Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor Marie Ascenza, Part-time Choir Director and Music Minister Kris Dagostino, Business Manager Sr. Charlotte Lee, Pastoral Associate Elise Chapman, Youth Minister Dr. Pat Clement, D. Min., Director of Religious Education Judy Hopkinson, Coordinator Elementary Christian Formation Melissa Pakurar: Part-time Bookkeeper Kathy Palmer, Administrative Assistant/Secretary PASTORAL PARISH COUNCIL Eric Ertzner, Chairperson; Karl Stafflinger, Vice Chairperson, Lesha Berkel; Beverly Freed, George Minson, Robert Flores, Pat Ewen, Rachael Watson, Tim Malone PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MASS TIMES WEEKEND EUCHARIST Saturday, 5:00PM Sunday, 8:30 & 11:15AM WEEKDAY EUCHARIST See schedule inside bulletin RECONCILIATION/ PENANCE/CONFESSION First Saturday each month 4:00 PM or by appointment Parish Website: SUPERVISED WEEKEND NURSERY In the school building during Sunday morning Masses. Infant – 4yrs. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact Fr. Lou first when making funeral arrangements (time, etc.) rather than making these arrangements through the funeral home. This allows Fr. Lou to be with the family during this difficult time of decision making and can also cut down on the frustration of waiting for arrangements to be verified through several parties. Joseph Hearington, Chair; Craig Follo, Andrew Short, Frank Nause NORMAL OFFICE HOURS Monday -Friday 8:30am-4:00pm E-MAIL ADDRESSES Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor: Sr. Charlotte Lee Pat Clement: Elise Chapman Judy Hopkinson: Kris Dagostino Melissa Pakurar Parish Email (Kathy Palmer): [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PHONE NUMBERS Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor (direct line)… Parish Offices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Formation Office . . . . . . . Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Lou Cell # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451-9936 526-2548 526-2548 526-1922 526-2798 536-2905 MISSION OF OUR PARISH God calls us to proclaim The Word to celebrate our call in the service of one another. In our call of service we accept the responsibility to evangelize within our own community and beyond… to collaborate in the spirit of ecumenism. As a sacramental people we come together for Word and nourishment, welcoming and celebrating new life through Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. We are a community that celebrates God’s healing in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the sick, and God’s love in the Sacrament of Marriage and Ordination. We recognize the dignity of each person, striving to be a more just and peaceful society. We recognize that stewardship is an integral part of our Christian mission and will commit ourselves to use resources in a wise manner. Something to think about: When preparing your estate, please consider St. Ann, your parish family, in your will. Your gift can help the parish continue Faith Community in the future. FR. LOU’S REFLECTION “Sight used wisely” I remember in the 7th grade Sr. Mary Grace calling my name, telling me to read a sentence off the blackboard. I was terrified because I couldn’t see--and I knew what that would mean: I had to wear glasses. And oh, all those names you would be called, like “four eyes”, “coke bottles”, “blind like a bat”. I did everything I could not to wear glasses. But no, my parents prevailed--and thank God. Sight is one of the most awesome gifts God has given us. To be denied that gift--or to have that gift taken away due to a tragedy, would be a tragedy. Just to see the day: the sun, the rain---snow! Just to see a face---like a friend’s, a father’s, a mom’s, family! Sight gives us an opening into the world we live in; sight is a miracle, a free miracle. You can’t do any better than that. However, there are those who don’t appreciate sight; they would rather use their gift for things that get in the way of the journey to the kingdom. And some people, as well, don’t make the most out of sight, relying on their own mindset. Jesus told the Pharisees to see, to see properly; told the former blind man to see honestly; tells us to see correctly, and move rightly and justly. Pastoral Care Please Keep in Prayer Anna Marie Burgess, Nellie Jeannie Burgess, Heidi Gibson, Sylvia Hummel, Margaret Kimpel, John Mederios, Jeff Swift, Crystal Walker SR. CHARLOTTE CONTACT INFO: Sister Charlotte Lee Saint Benedict Monastery 9535 Linton Hall Rd. Bristow, Va. 20136 703-361-0106 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate— St. Ann’s is seeking a full-time Pastoral Associate to coordinate various pastoral care volunteer ministries, assist the sick and bereaved, assess and creatively respond to pastoral needs of community. Salary commensurate with experience. Masters or equivalent experience preferred. Send application, available on, resume and references to [email protected] or Rev. Lou Ruoff, 17111 Jefferson Davis Highway, Colonial Heights, VA 23834. Can You Recognize the Signs of a Stroke? - Do you know how to recognize the warning signs of a stroke? If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the below symptoms, call 911 right away. It is important to seek medical treatment immediately. Sudden Numbness , Difficulty Speaking, Severe Dizziness, Loss of Coordination, Sudden Loss of Vision, Sudden Intense Headache, Brief Loss of Consciousness Protect your health by finding out your risk of having a stroke by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be at St Ann Roman Catholic Church on Friday, November 21, 2014. Through ultrasound we evaluate the carotid arteries for the buildup of fatty plaque, which is the leading cause of stroke. Please note that you must sign up on either the provided registration sheet (available on the flyers) or by calling the special Helping Hands registration number, which is 1-800-324-9458, in order for us to receive our $10 donation as well. If you prefer to visit the exclusive Helping Hands website to register, you may do so by visiting You must sign up one of these three ways in order to get both the $10 discount as well as the $10 donation for our organization. In addition, please take just three minutes to learn more about Life Line Screening by watching this short three-minute video: introduction/ Copyright, 2014, Lou Ruoff Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2. Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed Saturday night . CHRISTIAN FORMATION ELEMENTARY CHRISTIAN FORMATION: ELEMENTARY CHRISTIAN FORMATION: NO Wednesday class November 29th. Sunday classes meet 9:45 – 11: 00 AM. Wednesday classes meet 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Thank you for your generous response to our call for catechists and aides! We’re underway but it is not too late to register your children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is open to all children ages 4 thru 2nd grade. No registration required. Thank you to those who have come forward to minister to the children of St. Ann’s. FIRST EUCHARISTFIRST RECONCILIATION SACRAMENTAL POLICY: Students 2nd grade and older are invited to prepare for these sacraments. Families should be participating in the sacramental life of the church regularly and children need to enroll in the parish Christian Formation program. Call Judy at 526-2548 if you want to register. VIRTUS/ BACKGROUND CHECKS: All volunteers over 18 who work with children must complete a Background check and attend a VIRTUS session. Please register in advance – there is a link to “VIRTUS Registration” on the St. Ann website. Call Judy in the CF office if you need help registering. PATHWAYS: is the diocesan catechist formation program; it is a one-day, instructor-led, interactive program of prayer, learning and reflection for all parish catechists of adults, youth and children. The morning session is: the Vocation of the Catechist, Creed, and Scripture and the afternoon session is methodology for catechists of adults, youth or children. There will be a session at St. Ann’s on Sat. Nov. 15 from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. At the end of the day you are certified. To register go to or call Judy Hopkinson in the CF Office at 526-2548. SECOND COLLECTIONS: JULY – DECEMBER 2014 School Assessment Campaign Human Development School Assessment Catholic Charities November 9 November 23 December 7 December 28 ADULT FAITH FORMATION FOR EVERYONE! For more details, check our website, or contact Pat Clement at the Parish Office Upcoming Events! 1ST Sacraments Parent Meeting – Wed., Nov. 5, 6:30-7:30pm or Sun., Nov. 9, 10-11am. Information for families with school age children in need of Baptism and/or Eucharist. Religious Goods Bookstore at St. Ann’s - Nov. 15 & 16 after all Masses. Advent Wreath “Make & Take” Family Workshop—$20— Nov. 15 & 16 after all Masses. Pathways Catechist Certification – Sat. Nov. 15. School. Registration Required. Ongoing Events- Open to All Sundays – “Catholicism” adult study group. Meets in chapel 10-11am Mondays “Exploring the Sunday Readings” group. 10-11am Meditation Group 6:30p in Chapel Wednesdays – “Bread of Life” study group. 9:45-11:45am. Rm 6, school “Sunday by Sunday” study group. 6:15am in the chapel. Thursdays Women’s Spirituality group. 10-noon Rm 6, school RCIA – 7-8:30pm Parish Hall Faith-in-Motion (1st Thurs.) 7-8:30 Beyond St. Ann’s Walls… 50 Yrs of Vatican II –Tue, Nov 11 7-9 nat’l speaker: Ed Hahnenberg, PhD. at St. Edward, Chesterfield. Free. Cursillo Weekend Retreats: Men’s Feb 19-22, 2015 Women’s May 28-31, 2015 Shalom House Weekend Retreats: A retreat with Pope Francis Nov 7 – 9 University of Dayton Online Learning 5-week quality adult Catholic classes $40 per class Session #1 Jan. 18-Feb. 25Oct 26th-Nov 27th: Session #7: Images of Jesus (Christology), Bible Basics, Intro to Prayer, dozens more available! Diocesan Marriage Preparation Sessions: Sat., Dec. 13; 8:00am—8:30 pm at Diocesan Pastoral Center Thursdays, Jan. 8, 15 & 22; 5:30-9:30pm at Diocesan Pastoral Center MAC Conference: Feb. 12-14 in Baltimore—Mid-Atlantic Congress for parish leadership. Justice & Peace OUR DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY We want to thank those who have been saving grocery bags for us, but unfortunately, we are in desperate need for food to put into the bags. If you could just put a few items in the bags it would be awesome. Our shelves are so bare that it's becoming a real challenge help those in need. If every parishioner would just bring in one food item each week it would make a tremendous difference. And, think about it, if some could bring in more than one item what a difference it would make. Our shelves could go from nearly empty to full. Cold weather is approaching. People need us. Let's not let them down. Thank you for serving the Lord and One Another. Bulletin Deadlines FOR WEEKEND ANNOUNCE. DUE INSERT DUE Nov. 9 Oct. 29 Oct. 27 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Hall Rental Policy New policies have recently been approved regarding renting Condon Hall. The hall fee is now $250, which includes a refundable $50 clean-up deposit. This is in addition to the special events coverage insurance of $100 that is mandated by the Diocese of Richmond. After the event, the hall will be inspected and the deposit will be refunded if all has been cleaned and left in acceptable form. We can only allow one rental per month, and all events must end by 10:00 p.m. For Saturday events, please be mindful of our mass celebration. Music should remain off between 5:00 and 6:15 p.m. As always, the hall is available to rent by parishioners only. We appreciate your understanding with this new policy. Religious Goods Bookstore at St. Ann’s! The Catholic Bookstore in Richmond will be here at St. Ann Parish during the weekend of November 15-16th in the Parish Hall. They will be bringing Catholic bibles, books, music, crosses and ideas for Christmas gifts. This is provided as a service to the community and is not a fundraiser Pass It On ATTENTION ST. ANN PARISHIONERS, our next Pass It On Event is coming up on Nov. 8th! This is a wonderful outreach ministry that we offer here at St. Ann’s to serve children in need in our surrounding community. We ask for your help in two ways: 1)volunteer and/or 2)save up your children’s outgrown clothes, shoes, coats, toys, bikes, baby equipment, maternity items, books, videos and anything child related. Donations can be dropped off in Condon Hall on Wed. Nov. 5th- Fri. Nov. 7th. Donation tax-receipts are available upon request. Volunteers are needed 10am-8pm Wed. Nov. 5th through Fri. Nov. 7th to help with setting up Condon Hall as a children’s store, and then again Sat. Nov. 8th 7am-2pm during the event to assist the families receiving the donations and help the event to run smoothly. Please email [email protected] with questions and look in Condon Hall for the volunteer sign up sheets. Advent Wreath “Make & Take” Family Workshop! Does your household have or use an Advent Wreath at home? If not, this workshop is for you! On the weekend of November 15-16th, families can drop by the Parish Hall after any Mass for 15 minutes to make their own Advent Wreath and bring it home! All supplies will be provided, including the Advent Wreath prayer. Only 25 households may participate and must register in the Commons or in the Religious Ed. Office. A fee of $20 covers all materials. A sample Advent Wreath is on display in the Commons. For more information, contact Pat Clement in the parish office. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS (Fiscal Year: July 2014 – June 2015) Week of: 9/28/2014 In church collection: EFT Collection We Share Last Year 9/29/2013 Weekly Budget YTD Collections thru 9/28/2014 YTD Budget YTD Difference $11,849.95 $7,099.40 $2,835.00 $1,915.55 $13,004.99 $13,461.54 $159,873.67 $175,000.02 ($15,126.35) READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday 10/27/2014 Tuesday Ephesians 4: 32—5: 8 Luke 13: 10-17 Ephesians 2: 19-22 10/28/2014 Luke 6: 12-16 Wednesday Ephesians 6: 1-9 10/29/2014 Luke 13: 22-30 Thursday 10/30/2014 Friday 10/31/2014 Saturday 11/01/2014 Sunday 11/02/2014 Ephesians 6: 10-20 Luke 13: 31-35 Philippians 1: 1-11 Luke 14: 1-6 Revelation 7: 2-4, 9-14 1 John 3: 1-3 Matthew 5: 1-12a Wisdom 3: 1-9 Romans 5: 5-11 John 6: 37-40 Upcoming Retreat at Shalom House—Nov. 7 - 9. A Retreat with Pope Francis. Who is Pope Francis and what is his message for us? In his exhortation, the Joy of the Gospel, he invites us to embark on a new chapter of evangelization. Come discover your call to mission, discern the Spirit's call to you as we pray, study and learn from our Holy Father, Pope Francis. To register or for more information, call Shalom House at 804-8836149. Go to for a registration form and for additional retreat opportunities. The Stuart Avenue Players of Saint Gertrude High School present the Broadway musical Little Women, the beloved classic based on the book by Louisa May Alcott. Shows are November 7-9, 2014 at 7:30 pm on Friday and Saturday, and 2 pm on Sunday in the MPR at Saint Gertrude High School, 3215 Stuart Avenue. Tickets are $5 at the door or available online Contact [email protected] for details. THIS WEEK AT SAINT ANN CHURCH MONDAY –OCTOBER 27 9:30am 10:00am 6:30pm Night Manager, Mike Uzel Line Dancing Scripture Sharing Meditation Group TUESDAY –OCTOBER 28 10:00am 12:15pm 3:30pm 7:00pm Condon Hall Chapel Chapel Night Manager, Edgardo Scian Staff Meeting Game Day VCU Tutoring Parish Council Admin Hall/School Rm 7 Condon Hall WEDNESDAY–OCTOBER 29 Night Manager, Beverly Freed 6:30am 9:30am 2:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm Bible Study Group Bible Study Hand Bell Choir Choir N. A. Group THURSDAY–OCTOBER 30 10:00am 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm Night Manager, Karl Stafflinger Women’s Spirituality Eucharistic Outreach Training RCIA Eucharistic Outreach Training A.A. FRIDAY–OCTOBER 31 Chapel Rm 6 School Worship Room 7 School Condon Hall Chapel Condon Hall Rm 5 Night Manager, Bill Berkel N.A. A.A. Rm 7 Dbl Rm SATURDAY–NOVEMBER 1 ALL SAINTS DAY Set Clocks BACK 1 hour 8:00am 4:00pm Cursillo Prayer Group Reconciliation Chapel Chapel SUNDAY–NOVEMBER 2 ALL SOULS DAY 2014 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE: “Women on the Way” - November 8, 2014 @ 9:00 am - 4:45 pm At the Greater Richmond Convention Center. $35 general admission; $15 college students. Register online at CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE: “Lions to Lambs” January 10, 2015 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. Register at lionstolambs2015. MASSES FOR THE WEEK OCT. 27 OCT. 28 ______ 9:00am No Eucharist Scheduled TUES. WEDS. OCT. 29 9:00am THURS . FRI. OCT. 30 _______ For Mark Ramey пЃ• By Genevieve Ramey OCT. 31 12noon For Roger Demers пЃ• SAT. NOV. 1 5:00pm SUN. NOV. 2 8:30am For Jerry Cassidy пЃ• By Debbie & Tommy Nolen For Saint Ann Parish MON. 11:15am For Charlene Gordon пЃ• No Eucharist Scheduled For Frances Egerf пЃ• By Andy & Zaida Eger 9:45am 10:00am 6:00pm Elementary CF Adult Ed. Living Life on the Edge School Chapel H/W/S 2014 RED MASS - The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, and The Saint Thomas More Society invite everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and fellowship at the 31st Annual Red Mass and Dinner on Friday, November 7. Rev. Msgr. R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond, will celebrate the Red Mass at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Benedict Catholic Church, 300 North Sheppard Street, Richmond. Dinner will follow in the Halsey Lecture Hall at the Virginia Historical Society, across the street from Saint Benedict Catholic Church. The keynote address will be given by Mark Rienzi, Senior Counsel at The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, representing the Little Sisters of the Poor, and by Sister Loraine Marie Maguire, Superior Provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Dinner tickets are $50.00 each. The Saint Thomas More Society is an educational, fraternal, and service organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information can be obtained from Society President, James Schliessmann, [email protected] or 804-873-1035. Saint Ann Parish Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Monday November 17th Mass 6:00pm Followed by Dinner in Come join us as we Celebrate and give thanks Bring a side dish to share Turkey will be provided Sign up in the commons Condon Hall With the generous support of our Knights of Columbus ALL ARE WELCOME! HOW MANY WAYS CAN YOU USE FEED YOUR FAITH GIFT CARDS? Why Should You Use Feed Your Faith Gift Cards? AT THE PUMP AT THE GROCERY STORE Because you are going to buy certain items anyway…… BUT when you use our gift cards to make your purchases, your Saint Ann Church Community receives a percentage of what you spend. п‚ЁпЂ You get full purchasing power for each dollar you spend. п‚ЁпЂ You don’t have to go out of your way to participate. п‚ЁпЂ It’s convenient and easy to purchase gift cards after WHEN CLOTHES SHOPPING DINING OUT any weekend Mass (except, of course, for major Catholic celebrations such as Easter, Christmas and Passion Sunday). Every time you shop, dine out, fill up your gas tank, you can be making a contribution to Saint Ann Parish!! What a great way to support your church! And…. You can re-load your Kroger gift cards at any Kroger Customer Service desk, and St. Ann Church will still receive the offered percentage!! Stop by and talk to a Feed Your Faith representative and find out what we have to offer!! Feed Your Faith Gift Cards are AVAILABLE At the Parish Office!!! (During normal office hours) PLUS…. Christmas, Easter, Birthday gifts, back to school, baby showers and Much, much more!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. “Your Community Hospice since 1995” Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Family Owned Since 1952 COLONIAL HEIGHTS ~ PETERSBURG 804-526-3400 • Hospice Services • Bereavement Program To learn more, find us on: 3916 S. 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CRAIG MINGLOSKI to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 • 800-566-6150 St. Ann Parishioner в– в– в– в– Windows Vinyl Siding Trim Vinyl Railings Entry Doors Gutter Guards в– в– ST. ANN REFERENCES AVAILABLE 804.520.9791 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Michael R. Hanley D.D.S. Readings • Reflections • Prayers HANLEY FAMILY DENTISTRY 13295 River’s Bend Blvd. Chester, Va 23836 T (804) 530-3539 St. Ann Parishioner Advertising Sales DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. $55K to $60K earning potential BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available If interested, call Bob Bober 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to [email protected] 034900 St Ann Church In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? St. Mary’s вќ� Memorial Regional Richmond Community вќ� St. Francis For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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