FROM our PASTOR ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 JESUS I want to be your God and I want you to by my people. These are the words that God spoke to Moses and the people as he made the Covenant with them. They are the same words which John, in a vision, heard God speak at the end of time. In a word, God wants to be with us not because God needs us but because God wants to us to rejoice in and give thanks for God’s love: God’s life-giving presence. In the very beginning God created this beautiful, good and intelligible world. The author of Genesis tells us that God “used to walk in the Garden with Adam and Eve.” Jesus, the fullness of God’s revelation, walked among the people of his day bringing them healing, hope and new life. He showed us what God really wants. Jesus says to each person, “Come Follow me!” What does it mean to follow Jesus? It is only when we meet another person and catch something of that person’s enthusiasm and commitment that we can follow that person. Jesus’ Spirit is present to encourage and guide us and all others in making the choice to follow him and mature as his disciple. This happens when we begin to trust God as he did, when we believe in love as he did, when we come to suffering people as he did, when we defend life as he did, when we look at people as he did, when we confront life and death with hope as he did and when we pass on the Good News as he did. The saints are examples of those who followed Jesus fully and faithfully. There are certain common elements which we could well imitate. � The saints were people of prayer. They prayed to Jesus. They laid their lives before the Risen Christ in adoration. They asked for forgiveness of their sins. They gave their Savior praise and thanks for the Father’s amazing grace. They laid before him their petitions. � The Saints loved the Mass and the Eucharist for there they experienced the presence of Christ most deeply. � The saints loved the Church and were passionate about carrying on the mission of the Church: proclaiming the Good News of God’s love as Jesus did. � The saints loved their neighbors especially those who were in most need. In very specific ways they started hospitals, schools, orphanages and spoke out for the poor and marginalized no matter the cost. In a word they embraced the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. They did what Jesus described in Matthew 25:31-46. Sometimes we just need to pray for the desire to become a saint, that is, one who walks with Jesus who best teaches us how to love God and love our neighbor. MASS INTENTIONS READINGS Monday, Nov. 10: Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday, Nov. 11: Titus 2:1-8,11-14; Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday, Nov. 12: Titus 3:1-7; Luke 17:11-19 Thursday, Nov. 13: Philemon 7-20; Luke 17:20-25 Friday, Nov. 14: 2 John 4-9; Luke 17:26-37 Saturday, Nov. 15: 3 John 5-8; Luke 18:1-8 Sunday, Nov. 16: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30 Monday, Nov. 10: 9 a.m. Mass — funeral: Alvin Harnett + Tuesday, Nov. 11: 9 a.m. Mass — Ralph Harrison + Wednesday, Nov. 12: 9 a.m. Mass — funeral: Agnes Kusske + Thursday, Nov. 13: 9 a.m. Mass — Bob Sipes + Friday, Nov. 14: 9 a.m. Mass — Dick Gratzer + Saturday, Nov. 15: 5 p.m. Mass — David Carlson + 1 EVENTS FOR THE WEEK ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 Monday, November 10 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 1:00 p.m. CVT: Grief Support Tuesday, November 11 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 5:30 p.m. CVT Chapel: Adoration Committee 7:00 p.m. MR: Chancel Choir 7:00 p.m. CTR: Bible Study WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! With warmth and prayers we welcome you into our family of faith! Jeffrey and Betsy Rucker Richard and Patricia St. George Dan and Kim Shaw & family Paul and Christina Haley & family Wednesday, November 12 9:00 a.m. Mass Nick and Katie Adams & family Rosary Group after Mass 9:45 a.m. CVT sm rm: Bible Study 2:00 p.m. HALL: Veteran’s Assembly 7:00 p.m. CVT chapel: Rosary Group 7:00 p.m. CTR: RCIA 7:00 p.m. CVT: Respect Life 7:00 p.m. CH: Healing Mass Gil Magpantay and Sabrina Tan & family Javier and Sandra Calvillo STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE God Gives it All Then Calls Us to Share THE SUNDAY COLLECTION as of 11/02/2014 Weekly Amount Needed 31,308 Last Week’s Collec on 31,594 Needed Year to Date Actual Year to Date 563,544 508,519 (55,025) Thank you for the many ways you share your time, talent and treasure! Steve and Caytie Galgani Andrew Hofeling and Laura Edwards & family Coffee and donuts are being served by the Knights of Columbus in the Parish Center a er the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses. Come socialize! Thursday, November 13 8:00 a.m. CTR: Legion of Mary RENEWING YOUR FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP TO YOUR PARISH 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 6:30 p.m. CTR: Marriage Renewal 7:00 p.m. CVT Chapel: Charismatic Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. MR: Baptism Class Friday, November 14 9:00 a.m. Mass Rosary Group after Mass 9:45 CVT Chapel: 24 Hour Adoration begins Saturday, November 15 10:00 a.m. CVT: Quilt Club 2:15 p.m. CVT chapel: Benediction 3:00 p.m. CH: Confessions 5:00 p.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. HALL: Booster Crab Feed 2015 “Come Follow Me.” Jesus invites each one of us to become and mature as his disciple both in name and in fact. Stewardship is a door to discipleship and stewardship is a fruit of discipleship. If you have filled out your Financial Stewardship Commitment Card to support our parish, I thank you. If not, I invite you to do so and be faithful in your weekly or monthly donation. Your Stewardship gift is one which should be planned, proportionate and a gift from the heart. Doing this will change your life. Our combined financial support is vital in carrying out our mission of supporting all in maturing as Disciples of the Risen Christ. We have much to do in order to fulfill our mission of engaging the uncommitted, energizing the committed, and empowering every parishioner to share the Good News. Sincerely, Fr. Mike Welcome to our church! If you are interested in becoming a registered member of our parish, please stop by the Welcome Kiosk after Masses this weekend to pick up a welcome gift and your registration form. Special thanks to all of our ministers who welcome new parishioners and extend our St. Charles hospitality. 2 FAITH FORMATION ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION Religious Ed Calendar of Events: November 9: Regular Religious Ed classes & Jr. Hi November 16: Regular Religious Ed classes & Jr. Hi November 23: Regular Religious Ed classes & Jr. Hi November 30: No R.E. classes. PLEASE come to the ADVENT FESTIVAL Jr. High Youth are assisting at the Festival. Check out the November: RE Online at This is a tool for parents and kids encouraging Religious Education at home. You will find a monthly calendar, fun facts, informative videos, coloring pages and more... Religious Education Classes! They are offered on Sundays, September through May and meet between the Masses from 11:15 to 12:15 in the school. We have classes for grades kindergarten through 6th grade and preschool classes for 3 year olds (potty trained please) and 4 year olds, and our Jr. High Youth Group for 7th & 8th graders. It is never too late to register. We accept year round registrations. Families expecting children to participate in First Eucharist should be enrolled in Religious Education by first grade if not attending a Catholic School. Contact Jodie Clark, 564-5185 ext. 3036 or by email: [email protected], for more information, questions, or if you would like to assist with our program. Quilters for “Bundles of Joy” Quilt Club The ministry of Quilt Club seeks to encourage mothers who choose life, sometimes under difficult circumstances, and to support families in need. “Bundles of Joy” Quilt Club gathers every other week (Saturdays) to share fellowship and make beautiful baby quilts and other projects. All are welcome to be a part of this rewarding ministry. No quilting experience or special equipment is needed. If you want to learn this traditional craft or are already an expert, come join us. We gather next on Saturdays, November 15 and November 29, at 10:00 a.m. in the Convent located behind the school. Call Jodie Clark for more information at 564-5185, ext. 3036. Teen Nights in November Teen Nights gather November 9 and 16 and 23 in November. Come to the Convent from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. There will be food and fellowship, games and faith sharing. Don’t miss out. Website issues It has come to my attention that the Teens Program website is not showing updates correctly. A solution is currently being worked out and a Flocknote message will be sent out when it is resolved. Thank you for your patience. Advent Festival The Advent Festival is coming up at the end of this month. Please consider donating your time and talent to this major St. Charles Borromeo Parish event. Thanks In the spirit of this month, I want to say thank you to the many volunteers who have given so much of their time to help the Teens Program be a success. It has been a true blessing to work with so many talented people. I especially want to thank Marilyn Leonard for her generous leadership and support with regards to our meals. Food truly gathers us together. Thank you! CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB Our next Save the DATE: Be Watchful, Be Ready and Wonder is the theme for our 2014 Advent Festival. This Intergenerational Family Event will take place on Sunday, November 30th in our Social Hall from 9:00 to Noon. See today’s bulletin on ways you can help and get involved with this Annual St. Charles tradition. Call Jodie Clark at 564-5185, ext. 3036. ADULT BIBLE STUDY: The Bible Timeline The Monday evening sessions begin at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Center and are studying Ascension Press’, The Bible Timeline: The Story of SalvaƟon by Jeff Cavins, Tim Gray, and Sarah Christmyer Nov. 10: NO SESSION/Holiday—Veteran’s Day Nov. 17: Royal Kingdom Part 2, discussion All are welcome at any me during the study. You may even a end the video only evenings if that is all you can fit in your schedule. For more info contact Jodie Clark at 564-5185 ext. 3036 or [email protected]. 3 book club meeting will be November 19th, 2014 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the School’s Teacher’s Lounge. We will be starting to read books from the Pope’s book list or books about him for the next 2 reads. Our next book is entitled “Lord of the World”, by Robert Hugh Benson. This 1907 novel is apocalyptic in nature and the Pope referred to it as “prophetic” in light of our modern cultural situation in a homily he gave late last year. Fr. Barron comments on the book in his blog at Books are available for pick up in the Parish Office (suggested donation $10.00). Call Jodie Clark for more information at 564-5185 ext. 3036. FAITH FORMATION ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 COME PRAY THE ROSARY WITH US. Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Convent and after the 9:00 a.m. Mass weekday mornings. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharis c Adora on begins at 9:45 a.m. Friday in the convent chapel. It concludes at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday with Benedic on. Everyone is invited to a end the school’s Veteran’s Day Assembly on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 2:00 p.m. in Feist Hall. Veterans and ac ve duty members from all military branches will be recognized and honored. Please join us! Calling all Volunteers….You can help with organizing and delivering the Thanksgiving Holiday Baskets….No need to sign up, just join us and stay as long as you can: Packing, Sor ng and Coun ng Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Friday, November 21, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall Feist Hall Feist Hall DELIVERY OF THANKSGIVING BASKETS Saturday, November 22, 2013 8:30 a.m. Feist Hall Grief Ministry: Poinsettia Project Sign up now to help in December. The week of December 8th volunteers will deliver poinsettias to parishioners expressing our community’s care and concern to those who have had a loved one die in the last year where the funeral was held at St. Charles Parish. The parish provides the poinsettia and the information you will need. If you would like to serve as a minister of the parish and deliver a plant (Gig Harbor and Tacoma area) please contact Renee at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or [email protected]. This is a special ministry where volunteers bring compassion to our fellow parishioners at the holiday season. FYI: Due to the holiday schedules, St. Charles will not be serving at Na vity House in November or December. In prepara on of the cold weather coming up, please con nue to donate socks, blankets, gloves, chap s cks, and coats to Na vity House. 4 Mr. Dan Hill, Principal Dear St. Charles Borromeo Parishioners, The month of November crept in, and our school celebrated another First Friday Mass together to bring in the new month. November is a great month to be working in a school, with our assembly for Veterans on Nov. 12th, and Thanksgiving on the 26th. The hallways are decorated with Fall colors and we can feel the chill of the coming winter each morning. The kids always offer prayers of thanks during November, and it is important that we teach and instill in them that the credit for our blessings goes to God. We always seem to remember to pray when things are going wrong, when we are sick, or when the chips are down. Those are very opportune times to pray, but praying when things are going well is just as important. At the school, we give thanks to God every day, for our food, our warm coats, our nice school, and the great teachers that do so much for our students. The virtue of the month of November is "Love" and to feel God's love is a wonderful virtue. The Saint we celebrate in November will be Pope John Paul II. I hope you celebrate the month of November the same as we will, by giving thanks, by loving our neighbors, and by showing each other that we can, and should, make a difference. Like John Paul II. Have a great weekend and week ahead. We have Monday and Tuesday off to honor our veterans, and will be back in action on Wednesday. Please come to our Veterans Day assembly on Wednesday at 2:00, and please keep our students, and teachers, in your daily prayers. Sincerely, Mr. Hill SOCIAL JUSTICE ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 The Food Bank Need US Especially During the Holiday Season: Thank you for helping those in need through our food bank AND contributing to our holiday food drive. Here are this week’s special needs. Cereal Peanut Butter Jam/Jelly Canned Meats Canned Beans Ramen Noodles Don’t forget to purchase and donate Fred Meyer scrip. Using the scrip gift cards helps us to supplement our food donations. **Please be sure to drop your food donations in the collection bins in the church. The parish office does not have storage space to collect donations. Thank you for your continued support of our Food Bank!** Weekly Rosary! Join the Knights of Columbus each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in praying the rosary. During the month of November we are praying especially in Thanksgiving for our family, our Church, and all God’s blessings. If you’re attending the 10:00 a.m. Mass, just arrive a few minutes early and make our prayer to our Blessed Mother part of your weekly prayer! SCRIP is available after the 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. weekend Masses, in the Food Bank. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY 40 Days for Life: THANK YOU! THANK YOU—to all those who witnessed and prayed in this year’s Fall 40 Days for Life campaign. We know of 6 babies saved through this year’s effort and thank God for this blessing. While grateful for the lives saved, we are also know of the Lord’s great love and forgiveness for those involved with abortion—be they the babies’ parents, the medical professionals or others. Visit to take hope in the many stories of healing and mercy that have taken place the Rachel Vineyard Retreats. See the announcement below to learn how you can participate in such a retreat. Save the Date! For the past several years, the Respect Life Committee has sponsored a prayer vigil for life starting at 9 pm on the night of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8) until 1 am on the morning of the Feast of St. Juan Diego (Dec. 9). Set the time aside now and plan to join us. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion Grieving your abortion losses is one of the most important tasks you will do in your lifetime. It starts as you stop denying your pain, and it continues until you reach a point of reconciliation. - A Season to Heal by Luci Freed & Penny Yvonne Salazar KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS next meeting will be in the Convent on Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 7:00 p.m. 4th Degree Knights Assembly: Monday, November 17, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Convent. Please keep the following in your daily prayers for healing: Holly Weller, Mary Jayne Colbo and Joseph Rusinko In addition please pray for our family members deployed overseas: Cdr. Bruce Clark First Lieutenant Alex J. Pfannenstiel Specialist Niall Brady Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat to begin the process of healing your loss due to abortion. Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) Music is what feelings sound like. ALTAR SERVERS November 15: 5:00 p.m. Ben David Nadia Testroet Abby Dupille November 16: 8:00 Nina Dahl Larkin Daly Claire Bailey November 16: 10:00 a.m. Peter Carrell Bea Pugeda Nick Bates November 16: 12:30 p.m. Sean Ylecupidez Carter Price Luke Weller St. Cecelia Sing You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. “St. Cecelia Sing!” Come to St. Charles All are Welcome Saturday, November 22nd is the Feast Day of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of the musician. We will be hos ng a fes val of music in celebra on of this ministry in our church at 9:30 a.m. Church groups/choirs from around the archdiocese will present music in a spirit of sharing and celebra on. Following the “Sing!” enjoy coffee and cookies in our Parish Center. Call Susie Fujita (253)759-7924 with any ques ons. Come support and enjoy the varied music of our rich heritage! 5 WHAT’S HAPPENING ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PARISH FAMILY November 9, 2014 To Serve Others Is To Serve Him… Please fill a grocery bag recycled from home with food items. The food distribution list can be found in the bulletin and in the church. Together, we will be providing Thanksgiving Dinner and food for a week to over 135 families. Please bring your nonperishable food donation to the church and place the donation into the collection bin. There is also a collection bin in the main hallway of the school. Donate a Thanksgiving Meal in Memory or Honor of someone special... This Thanksgiving you can feed a family of four a Thanksgiving Dinner. Please consider making a $50 donation in honor or memory of a loved one. The donation forms can be found in today’s bulletin or in the back of the church. Thank you for your generosity. BAPTISM PREP, FIRST EUCHARIST, MARRIAGE… If either you or your child is planning to prepare for a sacrament in the upcoming academic year, please plan on attending the class, “Maturing and Living as Disciples Together through our Sacraments” with Fr. Mike on Thursday, NOVEMBER 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center as part of your preparation process. Dinner is provided. Childcare available with advance notice. Please call Jodie Clark to RSVP @ 564-5185 ext. 3036. How does a person become Catholic? How does a person return to the church? We welcome the opportunity to share our Catholic faith with you! For more information please call Renee Stocks at 564-5185 ext. 3037 or [email protected]. Annual Holiday Market is coming up Nov. 21-23 The Market will feature Fair Trade and locally-sourced products. Located in the Great Room at Catholic Community Services, 1323 S Yakima Ave. Fri. Nov. 21, 4:00-7:00 p.m., Sat. Nov. 22, 3-7 p.m. and Sun. Nov. 23 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Our God saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit cf Ti 3:5 Thank you to all who donated with such generous hearts. The Mission collected 104 various sized toothpaste, 168 adult toothbrushes, 25 children's toothbrushes, 30 washcloths, 10 hand towels and 36 containers of floss. Together we are making a difference! Healing Mass with Fr. Dwight Lewis Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Praise and worship music begins at 6:45 p.m. here at St. Charles. There will be prayer ministry following Mass. Sponsored by Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Legacy Society: Have you already named the parish or any Archdiocesan organization to receive a gift from your estate—even if it’s a contingent gift? If so, you are a member of the Legacy Society, an honorary society established by Archbishop Sartain to acknowledge and thank those who have made gifts to a parish, parish school or other Archdiocesan organization through a bequest or other planned gift. To enroll in the Society, go to the Archdiocesan planned giving website ( and complete the Legacy Society enrollment form. Planned gifts may be in the form of bequests, charitable gift annuities, trust arrangements, life insurance policies, or gifts through retirement plans. You can also enroll in the society by contacting the parish Planned Giving Office at 253-564-5185 ext. 3102 or [email protected]. BAPTISM CLASSES Are you expecting a baby or do you have a small child under the age of 7 that you are interested in having baptized? We require attendance at 2 classes to prepare for this sacrament and offer them 4 times a year. Our next session will be in November. Please note date changes from those that may have previously been posted. Please call Jodie to register or for more info at 253-564-5185 ext.3036 or email her at [email protected]. We will meet in the Parish Unity Center on the following dates: November 13, 2014 7:00-8:30p.m. November 20, 2014 6:00-8:30p.m. Class: The Theology of Baptism and The Catholic Parent Class: Maturing & Living as Disciples…. Children welcome, but no child care available this session. Dinner provided & childcare available at this class with advance notice. 6 THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS ST. CHARLES BORROMEO’S 2014 THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKET DRIVE IS UNDERWAY! Through your generous donations of food, time and money, we plan to provide a Thanksgiving meal along with food for one week and household supplies to each of the 135 families referred to our parish. We are asking everyone from the parish, school and religious education programs to partake in our food drive. Please put your faith into action by bringing in an item listed below beside the first letter of your family’s last name. A-C laundry Detergent & jam D–F Spaghetti pasta products & liquid dish soap G-I Canned spaghetti sauce & peanut butter J-L Cans of stew & chili M -O Canned fruit & vegetables P-R Canned soup & tuna S-V Boxes of macaroni and cheese & ramen noodles W-Z Toilet paper and jello We will be collecting food through November 16, 2014 Please bring your donation to the church at any Mass. God Bless you for making a difference. 7 Thanksgiving Basket Volunteer Opportuni es NO NEED TO SIGN UP…..JOIN US…..BRING A FRIEND Packing, Sor ng and Coun ng Wednesday, November 19, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall Friday, November 21, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall DELIVERY OF THANKSGIVING BASKETS Saturday, November 22, 2013 8:30 a.m. Feist Hall ——————————————————————————————————————— Christmas Basket Volunteer Opportuni es NO NEED TO SIGN UP….. JOIN US….BRING A FRIEND…… Packing, Sor ng, Coun ng Wednesday, December 17, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall Friday, December 19, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Feist Hall DELIVERY OF CHRISTMAS BASKETS Saturday, December 20, 2014 8:30 a.m. 8 Feist Hall This Thanksgiving you can feed a disadvantaged family a Thanksgiving meal in honor or in memory of a loved one! Follow these easy steps to your Thanksgiving Gi : • Write a check for $50.00 payable to St. Charles holiday food program. • Complete the Thanksgiving Memory Meal Form on the reverse side and drop it in the collec on basket, at the school office or at the parish office. We Will: • Provide a family with a Thanksgiving dinner in honor of your loved one! • Include a card with the meal to indicate to the recipient that their holiday meal is being provided in memory or in honor of someone special. • Provide a suggested Thanksgiving prayer with the meal. This is a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone special while providing a holiday meal to someone who might not otherwise afford it. 9 Thanksgiving Memory Meal Form PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE DETAILS I am enclosing $50.00 (Checks made payable to St. Charles Holiday Basket Program) Please provide a family in need with a Thanksgiving Meal in honor OR memory of a loved one My Dona on is in Memory or Honor of: (circle one) (name) My name is ________________________________ My address is _______________________________ I can be reached at ___________________________ PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE DETAILS Please submit the form to the parish office. You can mail, drop in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office no later than November 10th. 10
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