NEXT MONTH’S EVENTS Knights of Columbus Fairview Council # 4044 1599 Memorial Drive Chicopee, MA 01020 Council Website: Dec 1 Officers Meeting Member’s Lounge: 533-2877 Financial Secretary’s Office: 536-2835 Dec 2 Soldiers’ Home Dec 8 Council Meeting Dec 14 Children’s Christmas Party Dec 15 Board Meeting Dec 22 Council Meeting Dec 31 New Years Eve Party Grand Knight pg 1 Father Guidi pg 2 Memorial Mass Insurance pg 3 Fourth Degree Prayer Intentions 24th Annual Thanksgiving pg 4 Children’s Christmas Party pg 5 Home Association pg 6 Lounge News Cookie Swap E-mail: [email protected] GRAND KNIGHT - DONALD DARCY Brothers, My Brother Knights, The month of November is upon it is with our time of thanksgiving. will celeThese past months have been veryus,busy, Western Night doingWe well. th nd I would like to thank all brate our Memorial on the , our Appreciation nighttoonthe thebales 22 ,ofand who helped out fromMass donating the11sale tickets, raffle prizes, haythen used as decorations. feed thousands with our Thanksgiving feast on November 27th. This is all done through our desire help oneman another themonth, spirit of giving which Fr. my deepest sympathies The Council lost a to very good this in past Matthew Blaney,was I send McGivney’s for each and every to his family.plan He will be missed. MattKnight. stepped up into the 3rd degree chairs as an Outside Guard, was part of the 4th Degree officers and part of the Honor Guard, he volunteered at Bingo, and SpaThese Supper. events all happen with hours of Matthew. planning by dedicated volunteers. I would ghetti I will never forget you, like to see more and more of our members attending all of our events as they take place. If there enough in your day toand assist the planning of an event, participating in the event can Iisn’t thank Elainetime Boucher-Bogart herin committee for doing an outstanding job on Tootsie Roll also beEvery rewarding. Drive. year they donate their weekends to this drive and the volunteers who donated hours in collecting for her is immeasurable. Thank You All for making this year’s Tootsie Roll Drive a great I thank Dave Saraiva PGK and Lecturer Jim McKinnon for a very lively Western Night. A whole success. lot of foot stomping music and great food (what a combo) made for a fantastic evening, thanks guys! For the upcoming events, we are having the Wine and Beer Casino Night on Friday November 1st, a Memorial Mass will be on Tuesday, November 12, Our Council Chaplain, Fr. Matthew Guidi will Again year a along huge thanks goes out to Hebert, Elaine Bogart, PGK, FDD Norm and Grace Fleury lead usthis in prayer with Deacon Pete remembering all deceased members. Italianand Night their entire committee, Ed Paquette, PGK Richard and Virginia Dunphy, Sue Poulin, Mary Bazi-28. in the lounge on Saturday November 16, and our Annual Thanksgiving day meal on November net, Doris Hachey, and Gloria LaMarche. I would also like to personally thank all the volunteers for the time sellinga the tootsie rolls. Council 4044 be proud of on its Wednesday efforts as it My wife Jill,they willspent be hosting Tastefully Simple Party in the should Members’ Lounge continues in6th theat#1 position bythose presenting a check for $13,000 to the Statea wide Officers at the of State November 6:30pm. For unfamiliar, Tastefully Simple offers selection conCharity Ball. CONGRATULATONS TO venient, easy-to-prepare foods designed toALL!!! help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Their products are available through independent Tastefully Simple On an interesting sideatnote Norm (MR. TOOTSIE ROLL) was responsible for $1739.79 in reveconsultants primarily home taste-testing parties nationwide. nue. VIVAT JESU Our Beer and Wine David Saraiva GK tasting was very successful. Ten vendors and numerous sponsors attended the event and our council was well represented by almost all of its officers. A thanks to Greg and Linda Komer, along with committee stalwarts Richard and Dottie McKenna, Roger Fontaine and Ed LeBlanc DGK. pg 7 A special thanks to Deacon Pete Hebert and Ed Stawarz for a beautifully done Living Rosary. The Sorrowful Mysteries were recited, the singing was provided by Gloria LaMarche, accompanied by Lynn Bennis on the organ. The event was well attended. Please plan on participating in our May Living Rosary. Beer & Wine Supporters pg 8 A job well done and a big thank you to Jessica and Kevin Godek and their committee for a fun filled Children's Halloween Party!! Advertisers pg 9 Council Officers pg 10 Volunteer New Year’s Eve Volunteering November Calendar A Third Degree Exemplification will be held Oct. 26th at the Palmer Council and don’t forget our Council will be performing a 1st and 2nd degree Exemplification on Sunday Nov. 2nd. VIVAT JESU Donald Darcy, Grand Knight Page 2 CHAPLAIN - FR. MATTHEW GUIDI My Dear Brother Knights, I write this newsletter with a rather heavy heart. Since I have moved out of Ste. Rose de Lima Parish in Chicopee and been in flux of other ventures and assignments, I have found myself becoming rather busy. My other duties appear to have limited my time with the Knights as well as other important organizations in my life. Before I became both Chaplain and Faithful Friar for 4044 Council and 2670 Assembly, the duties were split with Fr. Roland Galipeau as Chaplain and Fr. Francis X. Sullivan as Faithful Friar. Fr. Galipeau passed away nearly two years ago in winter of 2013. Fr. Sullivan is retired and no longer able to be Faithful Friar. In June of 2014, the Diocese of Springfield received a brand new priest by the name of Fr. Frank Lawlor. Fr. Lawlor has been assigned to St. Anne's in the Fairview section of Chicopee for his first assignment. Fr. Lawlor is very friendly with the Knights of Columbus and has a history of supporting the Knights. I spoke with Fr. Lawlor about accepting my responsibilities as chaplain so as to better serve the Knights since he is very close by. Bishop Mitch and Grand Knight, Donald Darcy also agreed that this move would be a good one. Therefore, this is my final newsletter and Fr. Frank Lawlor takes over as chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Council 4044 immediately. Please know of my love and devotion for the Knights of Columbus. I will continue to remain Faithful Friar of the 2670 Assembly and hope to attend your events as my schedule allows. This was a very difficult decision for me to make but I didn't want the council to suffer in my absence with an increase in duties. Also, I know that Fr. Lawlor is an outstanding priest and know that you are safe in his hands. Please keep all is us in your prayers during this time of transition! In Christ, Fr. Matthew Guidi, former Chaplain 4044 MEMORIAL MASS SERVICE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11, 2014 at 7:00pm COUNCIL CHAMBERS CELEBRATED BY OUR COUNCIL CHAPLAIN REV. FR. FRANK LAWLOR And DEACON PETE HEBERT Please join us with your family, friends, and neighbors For this Mass of Remembrance Page 3 INSURANCE Did you know your benefits with the Knights of Columbus could immediately save you and your family 18% to 93% on final expenses? Example: 50 year old (non-smoker) for $15,000 of coverage – only $5553 That is a 63% discount for $9447 in savings! Find out how much you and your family can save by contacting your Knights of Columbus Agent! Please contact an agent today for your no obligation check up, needs analysis or quote. Permanent Plans – Term Plans – Annuities – 401K/IRA Rollovers - Long Term Care – Disability Income Bill Wisniewski A-K 265-1213 Thomas Sullivan L-Z 534-9609 FOURTH DEGREE Dear Brother Knights, The Ice cream social at the Soldiers Home was great. We had a great turn out. Thank you! We will be at the Soldiers Home again on November 18th. Please join us. We are still looking for someone to take the position of Faithful Purser. We are also looking for help with The Wreaths Across America. It’s always a powerful day and the families are so very grateful. I want to thank some of the Guards for doing a great job at the Wine & Beer Tasting: Ed LaFromboise., Richard Beaudry., Eugene Murphy, and Don Gladu. A wonderful evening was had by all and for a very good cause. Our next Honor Guard rehearsal is November 7th and our meeting will be on the 12th. Have a safe, blessed and wonderful month! VIVAT JESU Scott C. Lafond, Faithful Navigator PRAYER INTENTIONS Please remember to keep in your prayers all of the Brother Knights and members of their families that have passed away, those who are sick and elderly, for all Priests and religious vocations, for the life of the unborn, and remember to keep the men and women serving in our military safe, so they may return home to their loved ones. We ask that you pray for the repose of the souls of , Brother Knight Donald Gagne who leaves behind his wife Una, Brother Knight Jack Conway who leaves behind his wife Angela, Brother Knight Tom Tucker who leaves behind his wife Anita, Brother Knight Raymond Pepin who leaves behind his wife Nancy, Brother Knight Michael Dubour Sr. who leaves behind his wife Mary. Fr. Matthew Guidi, Chaplain Page 4 24th ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER WE NEED YOU Important: Every year the Job Corps donates the use of their bus. I am in need of someone with a bus drivers license to pick up and bring home those individuals without transportation. The hours are from approximately 11:00 am until 2:00 pm. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Ron THANKSGIVING DAY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, FROM NOON TO 2 P.M. OUR COUNCIL, THE FAIRVIEW KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WILL BE HOSTING OUR THANKSGIVING DINNER. THIS DINNER IS AIMED AT PROVIDING A TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER FOR ANY PERSON OR FAMILY THAT IS NEEDY, HUNGRY, OR LONELY FOR FREE. IN ADDITION TO THE DINNER SERVED AT OUR HALL, MEALS ARE ALSO DELIVERED TO THOSE WHO ARE HOUSE BOUND. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF WESTMASS ELDERCAREAND YOU, OUR MEMBERS AND YOUR FAMILIES. TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE IN NEED FROM THE CHICOPEE SOUP KITCHEN TO THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. IN ADDITION WE PROVIDE MEALS FOR KATE’S KITCHEN IN HOLYOKE AND THE CHICOPEE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB ON THIS SPECIAL DAY. IF YOU ARE OR KNOW OF ANY FAMILY MEMBERS OR FRIENDS WHO ARE IN NEED OR JUST LONELY, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO BE A PART OF OUR FAMILY ON THIS VERY SPECIAL DAY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION, CALL 532-2011 OR 246-5185. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT FUNCTION AND REQUIRES HUNDREDS OF MAN-HOURS ALL WEEK LONG. WE SERVED OVER 3800 PEOPLE LAST YEAR. WE NEED PEOPLE TO ASSIST MONDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY IN THE MORNING HOURS STARTING AT 8 AM AND THURSDAY ALL DAY. WE ARE ESPECIALLY IN NEED OF DRIVERS TO DELIVER MEALS TO SHUT-INS, STARTING AT 8 A.M. DRIVERS ARE DONE BEFORE 12 NOON. ALSO, WE START PUTTING TOGETHER THE “TO GO BAGS” AT 5AM ON THANKSGIVING MORNING. SIGN UP SHEETS ARE IN THE LOUNGE OR YOU CAN CALL P.G.K. RON BELAIR AT 246-5185. THIS IS A REWARDING EXPERIENCE WE HOPE YOU SHARE IN THE JOY OF IT WITH US. Happy Holidays, Ron Page 6 ANNUAL HOME ASSOCIATION MEETING The annual meeting of the Home Association will be held on Monday November 17, 2014 at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held at the Castle of Knights Meeting and Banquet House 1599 Memorial Drive Chicopee, Ma. 01020. Four Board members that are up for re-election have decided to seek another term. They are, in alphabetical order, Kevin Godek, Ed LaFromboise, Steve Martin, and Jim Patrick. PGK Arnold Craven has decided not to run for reelection to the Board. We thank him for his years of service to the Council as well as the Board of Directors. There was one letter submitted by PGK, PFN, Peter Panaretos for election to the Board and there is still one vacancy that needs to be filled. Nominations will be accepted from the floor the evening of the elections. The names of those nominated from the floor will be placed on the ballot starting in the sixth position in the order they are nominated and accepted as candidates. There will be a light buffet at 6:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Paul Phaneuf, President of the Board LOUNGE NEWS We now have the Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket Package which means we can get up to four football games, on any one of our four televisions, at the same time, in the Member’s Lounge. The lounge is open at Noon on Sundays and will close at the bartenders discretion in the evening, depending on the crowd. The Member’s Lounge is there for you to enjoy. Bring a group of friends and enjoy all that the lounge has to offer. Comfortable seating, plenty of room, two free pool tables, four televisions, cribbage boards and other card games. We also have Popcorn, Hotdogs, and other snacks for your convenience. A great place for a football party or large gathering of friends and relatives. The lounge has an occupancy of one hundred and is perfect for parties of fifty or seventy people. Please call the lounge at (413) 533-2877 and book your party for groups larger than twenty. We can even cater your event using are own banquet facility. The Lounge Committee ANNUAL LADIES CHRISTMAS COOKIE SWAP Join us on Tuesday, Dec 9th at 6 p.m. in the lounge for the Annual Ladies Christmas Cookie Swap. Bring 3 or 4 dozen home baked cookies and display on a platter or in a large container (cookies should be ideally related to Christmas) - no store bought please. After enjoying a light dinner of soup and sandwiches, each lady will select two or three cookies from each kind of cookie and place in a separate plastic container or bag. One lucky lady will win the door prize drawing of a fresh Christmas wreath to hang in her home. Please bring a donation of new winter mittens/gloves, scarf or hat to be donated to Lorraine's Soup Kitchen. The sign up sheet for this event will be available on the lounge bulletin board very soon. Please be sure to register along with indicating on the sheet the kind of cookie that you are bringing in order to try to avoid duplicates. Please contact Louise King at 413-313-3685 with questions. Thank you! VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH The volunteer of the month is Gloria LaMarche., Those of you who know Gloria know that she has a beautiful singing voice which she gladly shares with us at our many events, especially our Living Rosary,. Gloria is a very giving person and always willing to lend a hand whenever and wherever possible. She works Bingo, Spaghetti Suppers, Tootsie Roll Drive just to name a few. Congratulations Gloria, and thank you for all that you do. Donald Darcy, Grand Knight Page 7 NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, CASINO, DINNER AND DANCE The holidays are fast approaching and before you know it 2015 will be here. Once again an unforgettable evening of entertainment, luck, dining and dancing is awaiting you at our New Year’s Eve event. Opening at 6:00 p.m. for cocktail hour, we will feature a Casino complete with roulette table, cash wheel, chug-a-lug and a $1,000.00 dollar raffle, cash bar and platters of Canapés at each dinner table and two open dance floors which remain open all night for your dancing pleasure. At 7:00 p.m., the casino temporarily closes to begin serving a 5-course dinner. Surprise live entertainment and dancing will take place during the dinner. Guests will have a choice of four entrées. After dinner the casino reopens with entertainment by Mr. David Colucci and dancing till 1:00 a.m. At midnight noisemakers, hats, champagne toast and buffet will ring in the New Year. Event tickets are $60.00 per person ( tax & gratuities included) with a $5 discount for KC members only. Ticket sales start December 2nd Tuesdays through Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. in the members’ lounge and at the Banquet Office from 10:a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. See our December newsletter for details on theme, menu and live entertainment. Jackets are required. Convenient free parking is provided. For questions/ticket info contact event chairman Don at 5344749 or go to or or banquet office at 532-2000. Please understand, we cannot reserve a table for you without full payment. So start thinking about organizing your seating arrangements. Members are needed to staff the casino so please call GK Don Darcy if you can help. Dee Darcy VOLUNTEERING As a noun the definition of a volunteer is a person who donates his time or efforts for a cause or organization without being paid. As a verb it means: To volunteer is defined as to give without being asked and without being paid. I hear far too often people complaining about what they don’t get when they volunteer at the Council. I’ve been associated with a few other organizations in my lifetime and I feel the Council is very generous in taking care of its volunteers. If you are volunteering and expecting something in return, or quit pro quo, you are not a volunteer. On the other hand, if you are offered something for volunteering you should be thankful. The feeling that you get inside and the knowledge that you are helping to raise funds for those less fortunate than ourselves is what it is all about. Remembering, the first principle of our Order is “Charity”. We have approximately 1300 members in our Council. Three hundred or so live outside the area or are disabled and can not physically volunteer. Out of the 1000 members we have less than 200 that volunteer. That means 800 are not participating within the Council. The Tootsie Roll drive was a huge success with only 126 people volunteering and many of them were children and wives of members. This brings me to the second principle of our Order �Unity”. Think what we can accomplish if we were united? I am asking everyone to do a little soul searching and ask, “why am I a member of the Knights of Columbus”? Every month at our weekly Bingo and once a month at Spaghetti Dinner we ask for new volunteers. Some have passed away, some are too old or disabled, and some are just tired. We need our membership to step up and volunteer once a month or every other week a few hours of their time otherwise, eventually there will be no Bingo or Spaghetti Supper, which means there will be no more Council. Fraternally, Kevin J. Godek, Bingo Chairman Page 8 BEER AND WINE TASTING A Big Thank You From The Fairview Knights of Columbus Council 4044 To All of our Supporters THE CASTLE OF KNIGHTS WILLIAMSBURG MARKET K OF C HOME ASSOCIATION JEAN DUQUETTE POLISH NATIONAL CREDIT UNION THE CHORDSMAN BERKSHIRE BREWING CO. HU KE LAU RESTURANT ST. PIERRE-PHANEUF FUNERAL CHAPELS YEE FAMILY AMHERST BREWING CO. CERRATO’S PASTRY SHOP PLANET FITNESS-STEVE RONDEAU GALAXY COMMUNITY COUNCIL LEDGES GOLF CLUB-SO.HADLEY COPPER MOON DISTILLERY CHICOPEE PROVISION FORT HILL BREWERY WILLIAMS DISTRIBUTING CO. AMHERST FARM WINERY COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTING CO. CHICOPEE ROTARY All DAIRY STAR DAIRY FOODS UNITED BEVERAGES SENIOR SANGRIA CHICOPEE SAVINGS BANK BEERS AND STORY FUNERAL HOME TIGER ATHLETIC CLUB PHIL BEAULIEU & SONS ATKINS FARM MARKET Page 9 ADVERTISERS If you wish to advertise in our newsletter a business card size ad costs $120.00 for twelve months. The space is limited so the ads will be placed on a first come basis. We only have space available for two more ads. Checks should be made out to the Fairview Knights of Columbus and mailed along with one of your business cards to Kevin Godek, 11 Bach Lane, South Hadley, MA 01075. Page 10 COUNCIL OFFICERS 2014-2015 Grand Knight – Donald Darcy…………...…….…….…Denise…............,.,...…….534-4749 Chaplain – Father Matthew Guidi…………..………….……..…….……...….....…..739-4779 District Deputy John Hurley…………….…………...........................………………786-1065 Deputy Grand Knight– Edward LeBlanc….….……...Cecile…......………………533-1025 Chancellor– Norm Fleury, PGK, FDD……………….....Grace….....…......….…….592-5190 Warden– Tom Trudell…...…………….……...............................…...……................887-7223 Recorder– Thomas Charette……….……………...……Karen…...….................…536-3419 Inside Guard– Alan Lussier…..…...……………..…..…Shirley…..………….…….593-3589 Outside Guard– David Hachey………...…….…..……………...…..….…....……….532-7173 Financial Secretary- Joseph Turgeon……………........Dottie…...…………....…..536-4302 Treasurer– Edward Stawarz..….....................................Mary....…………….….....535-3105 Advocate– Peter Panaretos, PGK, PFN..……………...Mary…......…...………….538-7748 Lecturer-Jim McKinnon...………………………….………………………...………...272-9925 Trustee (one year)- Paul Soja, PGK,….................................…...……….…..…....374-9205 Trustee (two years)- Ray Cote, PGK,……….........................………….………….272-8208 Trustee (three years) - David Saraiva, PGK………..…Jill....………...…..……….244-9697 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 1st & 2nd 3 Officer’s Mtg. Degree 7:00 pm 1:00 pm NFL PACKAGE 9 4 5 6 Bingo 6:15 pm 7 Honor Guard Rehearsal 7:00 pm 8 11 Memorial Mass 7:00 pm 12 Spaghetti 4:30 pm 4th Degree Mtg. 7:30 pm 13Bingo 6:15pm 14 15 17 Board Mtg. 18 Bingo Annual Election Soldiers’ Home 7:00 pm 1:30 pm 19 20Bingo 6:15pm 21 22 24 Council Mtg. 7:30 pm 26 10 Council Mtg. 7:30 pm NFL PACKAGE 16 NFL PACKAGE 23 NFL PACKAGE 30 NFL PACKAGE 25 Newsletter Deadline 27 No Bingo Happy Thanksgiving 28 29
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