The Cross Ss Nicholas, Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church 80 Laurel Avenue Roseland, NJ 07068 Tel: (973) 251 2920 Fax: (973) 251 2921 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 The Nativity of Our Lord Ss Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 80 Laurel Avenue, Roseland, New Jersey 07068 Tel: 973.251.2920 / Fax: 973.251.2921 Table of Contents Hellenic Relief Concert..............................................2 Harvest Ball..................................................................3 Church Christmas Card Order Form.......................4 Church Sacraments and News...................................5 November and December Calendars....................6-7 G.O.Y.A News...........................................................8-9 Stewardship Report..............................................10-13 Financial Report........................................................14 Beautification Committee Update.....................15-16 Pews & Stasidia Update.............................................17 Daughters of Penelope News.............................18-19 Advertisements....................................................20-24 1 2 3 CHRISTMAS CARD 2014 Dear Fellow Parishioners, Celebrate the holidays with the 2014 Community Christmas Card! Christmas is almost here and soon we will be exchanging Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year, with family and friends. To celebrate the joys of the season, Saints Nicholas, Constantine and Helen Church will once again sponsor its Annual Christmas Card. The beautiful card gives you a way to express your Christmas wishes to the members of our Community and make a meaningful contribution to the Church as well. Please complete the form below and mail or bring it to the Church office along with a $20.00 donation for the listing. BE SURE TO PRINT YOUR NAME(S) ON THE FORM EXACTLY AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON THE CARD. For your added convenience, there will be a Christmas card enrollment table in the Sumas Community Center every Sunday following Church Services, starting Sunday, October 12th, until Sunday, November15th. Thank you for your continuous support and may you all have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD SAINTS NICHOLAS, CONSTANTINE & HELEN CHURCH Please print your names(s) exactly as you would like it to appear on the card. NAME(S)_______________________________________________________________ DONATION_____________ Please return to: Ss Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Church 80 Laurel Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068 4 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 15, 2014 CHURCH SACRAMENTS & NEWS Weddings: On July 19th, Peter Allen and Elena Stavrakas; sponsors were Panagiotis Stavrakas, & Stephanie Allen On July 27th, Antonio Kourtesis and Gina Marie Barbieri, sponsor was Sofia Nicol Colantropo. On September 13th, Spiros Gkikas and Kristen Lee Jorbahn; sponsor was Iosif Gkikas. CO N G R A T U L A T I O N S! Baptisms: On July 5th, the daughter of Andrew & Angela Koutoudis was baptized and was named Fotini Garifallia, sponsor was Evanthia Christodoulakis. On September 6th, the daughter of Stephanie Scagliozzi and Peter Recchia was baptized and was named Ioanna; sponsor was Nicholas Scagliozzi. NA SAS ZISI! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT SPECIAL NOTICE Due to the prohibitive cost in mailing The Cross to every household in our SSNCH community, we ask that as many of you as possible go to our website to view the cross or have it sent to your email address. The Cross is available on the website and will be sent to those who have updated their email addresses with the office personnel. We thank you for your support as we move to a more cost effective and efficient procedure. Email any submissions to [email protected] by December 10th. 5 6 WEEK DAYS Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM 3 10 17 24 EVERY SUNDAY Orthros 8:30 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM 5th Sunday of Luke 2 9 St. Nektarios аЦъОУ мЕЙТАЯъОУ 16 St. Matthew лАТХАъОУ ТОЩ аПОСТЭКОУ 23 9th Sunday аМДЯщОУ аПОСТЭКОУ ТОЩ пЯЫТОЙКчТОУ 30 St. Andrew Of Luke Mon Sun the Great Martyr аЦъАР аИЙАТЕЯъМГР 25 St. Katherine 18 11 4 Tue 26 NO Greek School 19 12 5 Wed 27 тhanksgiving Liturgy 9 AM гЛщЯА еУВАЯИСТИЧМ кЕИТОУЯЦъА 9 пл 20 13 St. John Chrysostom аЦъОУ иЫэММОУ ТОЩ вЯУСОСТЭЛОУ (Metropolis) 6 Thu 28 Annual Harvest Ball Hanover Manor 7:00 pm Of the Theotokos тэ еИСЭДИА ТчР хЕОТЭЙОУ Synaxis of the аrchangels сЩМАНИР аЯВИСТЯАТчЦЫМ лИВАчК ЙАъ цАБЯИчК St Cosmas & Damianos йОСЛэ ЙАъ дАЛИАМОЩ 15 8 1 Sat of St. Andrew Randolph, 7:00 PM лщЦАР еСПЕЯИМЭР аЦъОУ аМДЯщОУ/Randolph 29 Great Vespers of 21 The Presentation 22 14 St. Philip жИКъППОУ ТОЩ аПОСТЭКОУ 7 Fri November 2014 7 22 Greek School 21 Sunday before Nativity Religious Education Nativity Pageant вЯИСТОУЦЕММИэТИЙО пЯЭЦЯАЛЛА ТОЩ йАТГВГТИЙОЩ сВОКЕъОУ 28 Sunday after Nativity 15 14 11th Sunday of Luke 29 NO Greek School Christmas Recess вЯИСТОУЦЕММИэТИЙО пЯЭЦЯАЛЛА ТОЩ еККГМИЙОЩ сВОКЕъОУ Christmas Program 8 7 10th Sunday of Luke Mon Sun 30 23 16 31 No Greek School Christmas Recess 24 Nativity of Christ Orthros, Royal Hours 9:00 AM Vesper Liturgy 7 PM г цщММГСИР оЯХЯОР , ЙАъ лЕЦэКАИ ыЯАИ 9пл кЕИТОУЯЦъА 7лл 17 10 3 2 9 Wed Tue Оf our Lord St. Basil the Great H пЕЯИТОЛч йУЯъОУ аЦъОУ бАСИКЕъОУ 1 The Circumcision 25 The Nativity of our Lord Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 10:00 AM цщММГСИР ТОЩ иГСОЩ вЯИСТОЩ оЯХЯОР 8:30 пл кЕИТОУЯЦъА 10пл 18 11 5 St. Savas 4 St. Barbara The Great Martyr аЦъАР бАЯБэЯАР лЕЦАКОЛэЯТУЯОР EVERY SUNDAY Orthros 8:30 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM 26 19 12 Great Vespers of St. Nicholas 7 PM лщЦАР еСПЕЯИМЭР аЦъОУ мИЙОКэОУ Fri Thu December 2014 St. Nicholas WEEK DAYS Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM the Archdeacon аЦъОУ сТЕЖэМОУ 27 St. Stephen 20 13 аЦъОУ мИЙОКэОУ ТОЩ хАУЛАТОУЯЦОЩ The Wonderworker 6 Sat G.O.Y.A. NEWS The G.O.Y.A year is beginning and the Roseland G.O.Y.A is preparing for a year of learning, growing, and excitement. In September, We had our first General Meeting on Friday, September 12th. We began the year with returning familiar faces as well as many new faces, which we are very excited to include into our Roseland family. Vice President James Boffa ran the meeting and all those who attended were excited and looking forward to starting a new year of G.O.Y.A. The year began with the Celebration of the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Asbury Park on September, 21st with neighboring parishes of the Metropolis of New Jersey. From our own G.O.Y.A, we had two divers represent us: Spyridoula Fotinis in the Senior Girls Division and Karisa Taggart in the Junior Girls Division. Many other members of our youth also attended church and participated in a great day of fellowship with other G.O.Y.Ans and community members. As a church, we recently had our festival the last weekend in September. The G.O.Y.A assisted by having individuals volunteer to perform activities such as cleaning up tables, washing trays, and providing general assistance to ensure that the festival ran as smoothly as possible. Additionally, the G.O.Y.A dance group provided entertainment for all who attended, per- 8 by Spyridoula Fotinis and James Boffa forming once on Friday night, four times on Saturday, and twice to finish up on Sunday morning. The performance was the routine that was performed at the 2014 Sights and Sounds performance with additional dances added specifically for the festival such as Tsamiko (тСАЛИЙОР), Ikariotiko (иЙАЯИОТИЙОР), Zembekiko (фЕЛПЕЙИЙОР), and Kalamatiano (йАКАЛАТИАМОР) where parents and festival attendees were able to join in. Overall, all the G.O.Y.Ans that attended were enthralled to assist in the festival and we all had a great experience participating and helping to make it a success. In October, The month of October has many exciting events planned. First, the Mr. & Miss G.O.Y.A Pageant will be taking place on Sunday October 12th at the Pines Manor in Edison. Spyridoula Fotinis will be representing our G.O.Y.A and community with Tony Dedes as her escort. On Sunday, Oct. 19th, the Roseland Greek Dance group will be performing at the Roseland Public Library to showcase our Greek culture through ethnic dances. Next, on October 24th is the first State G.O.Y.A Event, The Harvest Dance, at St. Anna╒s in Flemington. Each G.O.Y.A is asked to bring a canned food item to donate to the Flemington local food bank, which our G.O.Y.A will be participating in. In November, For November, Youth Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, November 16th. Members of the G.O.Y.A will be present in different helpful positions throughout the church. Further, we will be hosting a Loukoumades Sale to benefit our G.O.Y.A program. Thank you for your continued support! Spyridoula Fotinis - President James Boffa ? Vice President G.O.Y.A. NEWS by Spyridoula Fotinis and James Boffa Additionally, The G.O.Y.A will be running a clothing drive fundraiser on November 22nd.All the clothing will be donated to those in need of such items. Please bring any used clothing that you may have to the Church on that day. A bin will be setup for the collection of all items. All help is greatly appreciated. 9 Items that can be collected: ? Gently used clothing ? Shoes and sneakers ? Hats, scarves, gloves, handbags, backpacks, belts ? Toys and games smaller than 2╒X2╒ ? All bedding and towel items ? Draperies and curtains ? Stuffed animals and dolls STEWARDSHIP REPORT By Angelo Kontogiannis Our goal is to meet our 2014 budget and operate our church through Stewardship. The budget is $ 767, 500 and as of September 30th 2014, we have received $ 250, 938. This is from donations made by our generous stewards listed below Mr. & Mrs. and/or Dr., Mr. & Ms.: Abig, Arthur Canticas, Constantinos DiPasquale, Frank Adams, Peter A. Canticas, John Dokas, Esther Agriantonis, George Cap, John Dolias, Mary Aivaliotis, Konstantine Caplanis, James Dourdoulakis, Athena Allen, Elena Caplanis, John Dourdoulakis, Nicos Aloupis, Constance Carreras, Israel Drakatos, Arestoula Amourgianos, James Chambous, John Dunbar, Matthew Anagnostis, Christopher Charalambous, Andronikos Economo, Marion Anagnostis, Louis Chartofillis, George Emanuilidis, John Anastasiades, Athos Chartofillis, Nicholas Epitropakis, John Andrianopoulos, Andrian Christoforou, Eleni Fasanella, James Andrinopoulos, Maria Christopher, Nick Fasouletos, George Andrinopoulos, Peter Chrysoulakis, George Fernandez, Paul Antell, Brennian Churus, Diane Fertig, Peter Antonacos, John Churus, Nicholas Figueiredo, Daniel Antoniou, Andreas Colombaris, William Filippatos, John Antoniou, Joanna Constantinou, Chloe Fitanidis, Achilleus Apostolopoulos, George Constantinou, Dennis Fokas, Katherine Apostolopoulos, Konstantinos Constantinou, Steve Foley, Timothy Apostolopoulos, Tasso Contos, Katherine Forgione, Giuseppi Apostolou, Apostolos Contos, Stephen Fotinis, Panagiotis Armeni, Joseph Cosmas, George Foundoukis, Alexander Arvanites, Demetrios Cosmas, Steve Frangias, Pauline Arvanites, Iris Costeas, Constantinos Frangos, Irene Athanasiou, Pantelis D╒Angelo, Greg Frangos, Spiro Athanasopoulos, Gregory Dagiantis, Athanasla Furris, James Athens, Lonnie Dagiantis, Bill Gakos, Sophocles Benas, George Dalianis, Dia Gakos, William Bergmann, Charles Dalianis, James Gardner, James Blanos, Marlene Daniskas, Efthymios Gavakos, John Boffa, Edward David, James Gavakos, Margie Boudalis, Steve Delfinopoulos, Miltiades Geannakakes, George Bougades, Stacey Demetropoulos, Elisa Geannakakes, Thomas Bougelekas, Evangelos Demetropoulos, Patricia George, Marilyn Boutsikaris, George Deones, Gregg Georges, Ethel Boyle, Thomas DePalma, Dennis Georges, Mark Bruno, Walter Dessipris, Nicholas Georgousis, Stavroula Buclary, Apolon Di Marco, Stephen Georgousis, Theodore Buldo, Deborah Diamandas, Kostas Georgousis, Vivian Buren, John Diamandas, Stelianos Geotakes, Nicholas Byrne, Brian, Difrancesco, Pauline Gerhauser, Todd Calathos, Charles Dimitrakis, John Gevas, Maria Calicchio, Peter Dionisos, George Gianakopoulos, George Cambers, Betsy Dionisos, Takis Gianakouros, Nick Giatras, George Gil, Eduardo Giousios, Harry Glock, William Godevas, Ioannis Gonias, Dimitrios Gougoumis, Athena Grabas, Gary Graham, Gary Gregory, George Hadjidion, Crene Halkias, Andreas Hanzimanolis, James Haralam, Stephen Haramis, Harry Hatzimanolis, George Hilas, Demetrios Holevas, Jimmy Ilardi, Tina Jankowski, Sharon Janulis, Konstantine Janulis, Nicholas Janulis, Peter Jemas, Peter Jemas, Stella Joannidis, Chris Jovanis, Mary Juvelis, George Kakkalis, Navsika Kakos, Mary Kales, Katerina Kallianes, Chris Kalliavas, Arete Kamberogiannis, Stergios Kannell, James Kantanas, Nick Karasmanis, Nicholas Karchounes, Efstratios Karchounes, James Karvonidis, Louis Karvonidis, Savas Katramados, Peter Kazan, John Kazan, Rose Kazantzis, Eleni Kintiroglou, Constantine Kohanik, William Kokidis, Mary Ann Kokidis, Peter Kolaitis, Jerry Koliniatis, John Koliniatis, Stephania Koliopoulos, Anna Konstantakis, George Konstas, Michael Kontogiannis, Angelo Kontos, Helen Kontos, Nikolaos Kontos, Stelios Kontos, Tria Kontozoglus, George Koroneos, Louis Kosmides, William Kostidakis, Paraskos Kottas, Michael Kottas, Vassilis Koukoulis, Marietta Koukoulis, Pantelis Koukourdelis, Tom Koulosousas, Christos Koutoudis, Andrew Koutoudis, Litsa Koutouzakis, Chris Koutouzakis, Helen Koutouzakis, Helen Koutouzakis, Paul Koutouzakis, Samuel Koutsaftes, George Koutsaftes, Maria Kovas, Antonis Kovas, Maria Kruger, Michael Krystalla, Harry Kyriacou, Christopher Kyritsis, Socrates Kyritsis, Theavronia Lampros, Family Layden, Dennis Lempotesi, Damasko Liakakos, Lele Likos, Spiros Linaris, Patricia Loizou, Chris Loizou, Louis Lombardi, Chuck Loucopolos, Tom Lukowiak, Anthony Lysandrou, Sofocles Makriannis, Kalliope Makris, Konstantinos Mamos, Apostolia Mandarakas, Adam Mandarakas, Pericles Manfro, Pamela Manis, James Manis, John Manos, Patricia Maragos, Elias Maragos, Spiros Maravelias, Paul Markatos, Savidis, Maria Markouris, Argyroula Markouris, Iakovos Markouris, James Markouris, Katerina Markouris, Tony Marmaras, Hercoules Marolakos, Brittany Marolakos, Louis Maroulakos, Georgianna Maroulakos, Harry Marshall, Maria Maselli, John Massaras, Aristotle Mastakas, Chris Mastrogiannis, Michael Meatto, Richard Melachrinos, Roula Meleas, Spyridon Meringer, Thomas Metropoulos, Sam Metropoulos, Vasiliki Meyer, MaryAnn Michael, Eleni Michailidis, Lazaros Micheludis, Christopher Micheludis, Eva Micheludis, William Mihalis, George Mikros, John Miller, Edward Milosis, Athena Miltiades, Michael Misthos, Chris N. Misthos, Panagiota Misthos, Paul Mitropoulos, Spiros Mitsaelides, Andrea Mitsaelides, Laura Mitsaelides, Peter Moustakis, Chris Nicolaou, Christos Nicolaou, Nicholas Nicolas, Peter Nikiforidis, Louis Ntoufas, Konstantinos O╒Dell, Matthew Oliva, Helen Pagoulatos, George Paliouras, Dimitrios Pallantios, Peter Palmeri, Deborah Panagakos, Steve Panayiotou, Panayiotis Pantazes, Angelo Pantazis, Miltiades Pantelaras, Nicholas Pantelios, Helen Papadopoulos, Aris Papageorgiou, Dimitris Papalos, Michael Papalos, Stella Papas, Alexandria Papasikos, George Papatheodorou, Janeen Papathomas, Thomas Pappas, Harry Pappas, James Pappas, Kaliope Pappas, Kay Pappas, Maria Paschalidis, Konstantine Pechlivanider, Christos Peepas, Theofanis Petine, Pannoria Pilatos, John Pitsikoulis, Irene Pomaco, Frank Pontiakos, Michael Porfiris, Paula Portas, Peter Potamianos, Spiro Pouliot, Gregory Pouliot, Joseph Poulos, John Prokos, John Prowse, David Pryer, Michael Radeos, Nicholas Radeos, Vasilis Recchia, Mark Rizos, Anna Rizos, Nicholas Rizos, Viki Rodas, Maria Rodas, Marianna Rodriguez, Hugo Romanowski, Richard Rosa, Douglas Rosenblatt, Avi Roumes, Charles Roumes, Peter Roupas, Evans Salamandrakis, Dimitrios Santamaria, Andrea Savage, William Savastano, Frank Savastano, Tonia Savopoulos, Andreas Savvides, Helen Savvides, Mark Savvides, Thomas Scagliozzi, Daniel Scagliozzi, Nicholas Scagliozzi, Stephanie Sciopu, Sima Sergiou, Peter Sernio, Gail Shizas, Gus Shyta, Vasil Sidiropoulos, Spyros Sophos, Chris Sophos, Constantine Soppas, Roy Sotiriou, Gesthimani Spenzos, Pat Spiliotis, Mark Spirou, John Spirou, Stamatios Stathakis, Ida Stathakis, Nicholas Stathis, Constantine Stathopoulos, Diana Stavrakas, Panagiotis Stavrinou, Christina Stavron, Christopher Sumas, James Sumas, John J. Sumas, Robert Suria, Christopher Taggart, Donald Theodos, Gus Theodos, Sophia Thompson, Mary V. Torunidis, Vasiliki Triandafilou, Andrew Tsantakis, Konstantinos Tsetsekas, Christos Tsetsekas, Eddie Tsetsekas, James Tsevdos, Estelle Tsilikos, Gus Tsilionis, Thomas Tsoukalas, John Tsoukaris, Stephen Tsoukas, Minas Turken, Robert Typaldos, Elias Tzemos, Elias Vacca, Peter Vagenas, Kostas Van Seggern, Peter Vanikiotis, Helen Vanikiotis, Iraklis Vanikiotis, Kosta Vanikiotis, Kostas Vanikiotis, Pavlos Vanikiotis, Vasiliki Vardakis, Hope Vardakis, James Vardakis, Peter Vasiliades, George Vasiliades, Leonidas Vasiliades, Maria Vasilopoulos, Frank Viris, James Vovakes, Constantine Vulgaris, Lee Wilcox, Irene Williams, Georgia Wingate, Teresa Xanthos, Gina Yanniotis, Andreas Yanniotis, Denise Zafirelis, Demetrios Zafirelis, Nicholas Zaharopoulos, Kostas Zantopoulos, Katina Zaros, Anne Zavras, Jenny Zervas, John Zervas, Peter Zicopoulos, Vasiliki Zois, Barbara Zois, Gus Zois, Leonidas Zois, Nicholas Zorlas, Anna STEWARDSHIP REPORT By Angelo Kontogiannis 30-Sep-14 0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-2000 2000-5000 5000-10K >10000 49 120 141 38 10 51 18 1 2 Total Pledged: $317,979.00 Total Pledge Funds Received $250,281.00 430 Stewards 430 Average Pledge: $739.49 430 Minimum Pledge: $75.00 Maximum Pledge: $50,000.00 Non Pledge Funds $657.00 21 giving, no pledge No Pledge, No Giving: Total Stwdsp Collected 2014: Number of Stewards: 246 $250,938.00 449 * Quickbook Stewardship Collected $255,513.00 * Quickbook Stwdsp included an extra $4,575 that belongs to 2013 but was deposited in 2014. 13 09/30/2013 $9,720.00 18 stewards gave 0, but pldg Number of Pledges: Total: 09/30/2014 $283,843.00 FINANCIAL REPORT By Peter Sergiou, Treasurer We thank the family of SSNCH for your continued financial support. It is your commitment which has sustained us up to this point. The Parish Council is appreciative for all you have done and continue to do. Ss. Nicholas, Constantine, & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Condensed Statement of Income and Expenses (Operating) 2014 vs. 2013 Comparison 9 Months Income Events Stewardship Pangari 1st Tray Greek School Other Income Interest Income-Ghana Total Income $ 2013 178,197 $ 255,813 31,875 10,945 24,025 27,732 10,064 538,651 171,819 283,843 31,662 15,131 20,275 22,943 5,746 551,418 Archdiocese Commitment Salaries & Benefits Utilities Church Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Security Telephone & Communications Greek School Office Expenses Insurance Other Expenses Interest Expense-Unity Total Expenses 52,143 241,618 50,962 62,120 14,154 8,654 3,778 39,043 27,220 17,981 36,605 20,612 574,890 54,600 180,581 45,773 46,342 7,540 16,779 5,117 47,337 28,573 4,131 41,767 2,411 480,950 Net Income (Loss) (36,239) 70,468 Expenses 14 2014 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE UPDATE Below is a list of donors for the Iconostasion. The names of donors will be placed on a bronze plaque in the rotunda. Please review the list to ensure the accuracy of the spelling of your name and advise us of any corrections and/or omissions. Call Edlin at the church office by December 15th, 2014. This is the FINAL deadline. NO EXTENSIONS. Abig, Arthur Anastasiades, Dr. Athos & Tina Andrianopoulos, Andrian Antonacos, John & Eva Antoniou, Andreas & Jennie Athanasiou, Pantelis & Sophia Baggett, Debie Bougades, Nicholas Memorial Bougades Stacey Bougelekas, Evangelos & Athina Buclary, Apolon & Helen Calathos, Charles & Helen Canaris, Cleopatra Cap, John & Helen Carras, Katherine Memorial Carreras, Israel & Theodora Chambous, John & Alexandra Chartofillis, Nicholas & Sally Constantinou, Chloe Cosmas, Steve & Stella Dagiantis, Bill & Maria Dalianis, James & Elaine Daniskas, Dr. Efthymios & Athanasia Daughters of Penelope Delicaris, Panagiotis Delfinopoulos Memorial Delphinopoulos, Miltiades & Dolores Demetropoulos, James & Antigone Dionisos, Takis & Betty Dontas, Dimitrios Fitanidis, Achilleus & Rita Fokas, Katherine Gaffney, John & Alexia Gardner, Dr. James & Kelly Georgousis, Theodore & Vivian Giouvanos, Theophrastos & Jean Gorhan, James & Charlene Hadjidion, Crene Homan, Mary Jane Janulis, Peter & Helen Juvelis, George & Dimitroula Kakkalis, Navsika Kannell, James & Sandra Karchounces, Efstratios & Demetra Karchounces, James Karkanias, George Katramados, Peter & Evangeline Kazan, Rose Kintiroglou, Dr, Constantine & Marietta Kokidis, Peter & Theodora Kolaitis, Jerry & Marinna Konstantakis, George & Nina Kontogiannis, Angelo & Helen Kosmides, William Stacey Kottas, Dr. Michael & Maria Koutoudis, Lista Koutouzakis, Paul & Christine Koutsaftes, George & Deborah Koutsaftes, Maria Kovas, Antonis & Toula Kovatis, Paul & Amy Lampros, Angelique Lampros, Demetra Likos, Spiros & Christalla Loizou, Louis & Sophie Loucopolos, Tom & Katie Lukowiak, Anthony & Antigone Makriannis, Kalliope Maletos, John & Helen Maravelias, Paul & Paraskevi Markatos, Maria Marolakos, Louis & Mary Meringer, Thomas & Despy Micheloudis, Eva Mihalis, George & Kristina Miller, Donald & Sandra Miltiades, Michael & Stacy Natsis, Theodora Nicolaou, Christos & Theoseva Nicolaou, Eleni Nicolaou, Nicholas O╒Neil, Maureen Pallantios, Peter & Harriet Pantazes, Angelo & Ann Pantazis, Miltion & Sophia Papanikolaou, Xenophon & Elaine Papas, John & Panayiota Pappas, James & Sylvia Pavel, Michael & Margaret Peepas, Theofanis & Helen Pelligrino, Donald & Elaine Philoptochos Dorkas Pouliot, Joseph & Maria Poulos, V. Rev. Seraphim Pryer, Michael Reynolds, Barbara Roupas, Evans & Estelle Salamandrakis, Dimitrios & Panayiota Sergiou, Peter & Stephanie Sophos, Chrysostomos & Athena Spirou, Stamatios & Sophia Stathis, Constantine & Florence Stavron, Christopher & Maria Stell, Mary Sumas, James & Helen Sumas, Robert & Constantine Taggart Family Theodos, Gus & Mary Topakas, John Tsetsekas, Christos & Diane Tsoukaris, Stephen Tzemas, Elias & Stavroula Van Seggren, Peter & Georgene Vanikiotis, Kostas Viris, James & Angela Vulgaris, Lee & Betty Xanthos, Georgina Yanniotis, Dionisia Zantopoulos, Ekaterini Zaros, Evan & Anne The following names need to be verified, please send in a copy of your donation to the office: S. Xanthos K. Yatrakis Peter Panagiotou N. Vlachos Pews & Stasidia Update Below is a list of donors for the Pews & Stasidia. The names of donors will be placed on a bronze plaque in the rotunda. Please review the list to ensure the accuracy of the spelling of your name and advise us of any corrections and/or omissions. Call Edlin at the church office by December 15th, 2014. This is the FINAL deadline. NO EXTENSIONS. Adams, Peter & Thelma Krystalla, Harry Anaatasiades, Dr. Athos & Tina Murray, Brendan & Afrodite Antonacos, Dr. Spiros Pantazes, Angelo & Ann Berwind, Joe & Laura Pappasm George & Kay Chambous, Elena Peepas, Theofanis & Helene Chambous, John & Alexandra Sophos, Chrisostomos & Athina Costeas, Drs. Constantinos & Sofia Soppas, Roy & Ann Coulombe, David & Lorie Stitch & Knit Group Couwenberg, Rik & Haroula Sumas, James & Helen Diamandas, Steve & Mary Sumas, Stephanie Dionisos, Takis & Betty Theodos, Gus & Mary Epitropakis, George & Maria Thomopoulos, Christos & Stella Epitropakis, John & Lainie Tsanakos, Costas & Athena Gikas, Panagiota Tsetsekas, Christos & Artemis Hantis, Charles Williams, Georgia Janulis, Antigone Williams, Mary Janulis, Peter & Helen Kintiroglou, Dr. John & Irene Kontogiannis, Angelo & Helen Kottas, Dr. Michael & Maria DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE COAT DRIVE October 5 ? November 16 We are collecting new or gently used Women╒s, Men╒s and Children╒s coats for charities locally supported by the Daughters of Penelope PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT SS. Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 80 Laurel Avenue Roseland, NJ Thank you for your support MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 18 news from the daughters of penelope Our first meeting was on Wed. Oct 1 where we set a tentative agenda for the year. We started the year off with a trip to Grounds for Sculpture. Seward Johnson established the grounds to promote an understanding and appreciation of contemporary sculpture. The life-like sculptures are breathtaking. Visit their website: for details. We are sponsoring community events this fall. October, 5 ? November, 16 we are holding a Coat Drive. Gently used, clean or new apparel in all sizes for men, women and children is welcome. The coats will be distributed to local charities supported by the Daughters. See enclosed flyer for details. November we celebrate the founding of the Daughters of Penelope. The Daughters works to raise awareness and funds for many organizations and ministries. Our most prominent over many years have been Papanicolaou Cancer Research, Cooley╒s anemia, Penelope Home for Abused Women and children, New Eyes for the Needy, St. Basil╒s academy, and Ss. NCH. We also support our high school and college students with scholarships for continuing education. (Applications for local chapter, district and national scholarships will be available.) Sunday, Nov. 16, we will be celebrating Founder╒s Day. Traditionally, on Founder╒s Day we focus on the purpose of the Daughters and inviting new members to join our growing organization. This year we are adding a community-wide event: a Health Fair. Ida Stathakis has chaired health events in the past, and once again has organized a most informative program offering free screenings by health professionals. Dr. Daniskas and Christine Ciprich, RN will perform blood pressure screening, Kurt Schwarz, Hearing aid Specialist; will perform hearing screening, Dr. Antonacos will perform vision screening and Carol Andreou, Occupational Therapist, will perform therapeutic hand massage for chronic pain management and stress release. Literature and brochures will be available for you to help manage your health regimen. We invite all of our Ss. NCH family to avail themselves of these screenings. ?Just for fun? we are going to the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse and plan to have a holiday gift wrapping table at Barnes & Noble, Livingston Mall. Looking to 2015, we will have our traditional Valentine╒s Basket Raffle and Koulourakia Bake Sale. As always, we welcome new members. See any member of the Daughters for an application. We meet on the first Wed. of the month@7:00 coincident with our Brother AHEPAns. To the family of Ss. NCH, May the Peace, Joy and Love embodied in the Christmas Season be yours through 2015. DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE #701 19 The Hellenic Relief Foundation In cooperation with Saints Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church ? Roseland, N.J. Present a concert of ?Love and Solidarity ? ?г ацапг лемеи....г ацапг екпифеи...? WITH GRIGORIS MANINAKIS - THE MIKROKOSMOS ENSEMBLE AND GUEST VOCALISTS 2nd generation young Greek Americans ANNA ELIOPOULOS & ELENA TOUMARAS Saturday December 13 at 7:00-9:30pm ? Reception to follow Donation: $60.00 per person - Checks payable to Hellenic Relief Foundation Location-80 Laurel Ave ? Roseland ? Sumas Community Center For Information and Reservations ? 973-303-2550 or 347-201-1821 ? 100% of the NET PROCEEDS WILL BE USED TO BUY AND DISTRIBUTE FOOD AT CHRISTMAS TO FAMILIES IN NEED IN GREECE - Local Greek merchants used. 20 If you have an announcement for THE CROSS, email [email protected]. Entries for the January / February issue are due DECEMBER 10TH. Late submissions are NOT accepted. Thank you. Dr. Spiro Antonacos Optometrist Eye Disorder, Infections and Disorders Eyeglasses & Contact Lenses 466 Pompton Ave (Rt 23) Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 T: 973-239-8381 582 Central Ave. East Orange, NJ 07018 T: 973-673-7700 21 22 Submissions for the Jan / Feb issue of THE CROSS are due on DECEMBER 10TH. Email all entries to [email protected]. Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Special Occasions 16 Eagle Rock Avenue, East Hanover, NJ 07936 973-887-2682 If you would like to promote your business by placing an ad in ?The Cross? please contact the church office at: (973) 251-2920 Shook╒s Cedar Grove Funeral Home, Inc. 486 Pompton Avenue (Rt. 23) Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 (973) 239~1489 Fax (973) 239~2628 Farmer Funeral Home 45 Roseland Ave. Roseland, NJ 07068 (973) 226-1111 Fax (973) 228-9741 Joseph M. Shook, Jr., Manager & Owner, NJ Lic. No. 3612 Patrick J. Farmer, Director, NJ Lic. No. 2798 SS NICHOLAS, CONSTANTINE & HELEN GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ROSELAND, NJ 07068 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WEST CALDWELL, NJ PERMIT NO. 1026 OR CURRENT RESIDENT SS. NICHOLAS, CONSTANTINE & HELEN GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION Mailing Address 80 Laurel Ave. Roseland, NJ 07068 Phone 973-251-2920 Fax 973-251-2921 Website Presiding Priest V. Rev. Archimandrite Seraphim Father╒s Email [email protected] Father╒s Phone 757-375-4382 OFFICE STAFF Secretary Facility Manager Office Acct. Caretaker Helen Janulis Gerry Dendrinos Edlin Nicasio Aldo Tapia PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Council Philoptochos Religious Education Greek School G.O.Y.A. Bookstore Choir Chantor Knit and Stitch Greek School PTO Pantelis Athanasiou Eleni Michaels Victoria Kantanas Rita Fitanidis Spyridoula Fotinis Vasiliki Fotinis E. James Vardakis George Papadopoulos Loula Stathakis Stella Themopoulos
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