St Louis County, Minnesota School Directories School Directories gleaned from the old St Louis County GenWeb files. Compiled and reformatted to a searchable pdf ~ December 2014 Arnold School, Duluth, MN 1933 Eighth Grade Graduates Amundson, Violet Bartig, Robert Berg, Robert Billeter, Dorothy Bostrom, Gunhild Carlson, Alice Carlson, Allan Channer, Bertha Erickson, Esther Foster, Dora Gorton, Nellie Herstad, Allan Herstad, Joyce Johnson, Shirley Kampf, Roger Lissant, Kenneth Nelson, Helen Palmquist, Albin Solem, Elsie Thomas, Margaret Wickstrom, Clarence Submitted by Shirley Solem Arnold School, Duluth, MN 1935 Eighth Grade Graduates Alvar, Rose Amundson, Alice Carlson, Helen Cooper, Florence Eastman, Roger Forsberg, Harold Submitted by Shirley Solem Frantz, Melvin Goyetto, Wayne Grimstad, Margaret Gunderson, Lyle Hayes, Hazel Johnson, Mary Ellen Oden, Gerdis Otto, Delores Roberts, Harriet Rogers, Robert Williams, Violet Arnold School, Duluth, MN 1937 Eighth Grade Graduates Alvar, Lonis Bostrom, Leonard Christensen, Le Roy Forsberg, Charles Forsman, Harold Frantz, Marion Hackley, Aili Holzmer, Jacquelin Johnson, Maxine Kolbak, Eugene Logergren, Virginia Nordin, Kenneth Otto, Hazel Stein, Charles Thomas, Robert Submitted by Shirley Solem Chisholm High School, Chisholm, MN 1938 Chisholm graduating class of 1938, taken from the yearbook The Ranger 1938, Chisholm, M Aho, Viana Alden, Glen Allegrezza, Dante Anderson, Arthur Arko, Raymond Arnson, Elmer Badiali, Silvio Banen, Betty Belluzzo, Fiorenzo Bartick, Mike Benedetti, Edo Berkman, Robert Bertolini, Helen Bizal, Robert Bobich, Helen Bovitz, Olga Bradach, Edward Bradach, Margaret Briski, William Bukvich, Olga Bussone, Mike Butkovich, Kathryn Cappo, Arthur Cassidy, George Cermak, George Champa, Rose Chase, Catharine Costanzi, Jennie Cox, Robert Cvar, Harry Danielson, Evert Drechnik, Rose Drobnik, Anne Du Champ, Ruth Enrico, Alda Eskel, Arnold Ferrell, Myrtle Finberg, Albert Freeman, Ruth Goroni, Louis Govednik, Martin Gregorich, Frances Grigoni, Frances Groschel, Helen Gumbus, Joe Hakola, Eugene Haley, Charles Hanley, Willard Hikkinen, Irene Hiti, Leonard Hulme, Helena Humenick, William Iannarelli, Orlando Jackson, Roberta Janezich, Helen Janezich, Stanley Jenko, Olga Johnson, Albert Johnson, Ruby Jokinen, Blanche Julance, Kathryn Kellow, Mabeth Kerzie, Steve Kirk, Mary Klanchnik, Ignatius Knezovich, Ann Kochevar, Gertrude Kolodji, Anton Komidor, Isabelle Kordish, Joe Koshcak, Rose Kosiak, John Kotula, Mary Krause, Lloyd Kuriatnyk, William Kusniryk, Amelia LaCoursiere, Shirley Lampi, Elinor Lamprecht, Sophie LeDoux, Shirley Lehtola, Rune Leschak, Frank Lesnak, Olga Lesnak, Valentine Leustek, Jennie Lindstrom, Dorothy Livens, Gladys Logefeil, Richard Lukkarila, Russell Mainerich, William Maki, Ralph Maki, Ruth Marinkovich, Dorothy Marsich, Jennie Mattson, Richard Mattson, Ruth Maurin, Julia Meade, Frances Mehle, Mary Mihelich, Agnes Mihelich, Angeline Mihelich, Ann Miller, Joyce Mitchell, Audrey Mockey, John Mohaupt, Bernice Muscal, Eva Myers, Philip Namisnik, Julie Nickson, Elsie Oreskovich, Margaret Orlich, Dessa Ovuka, Stephen Pahule, Helen Palmquist, Elizabeth Petrack, Louis Petrack, Violet Petranovich, Emil Ponikvar, Jane Popovich, John Popovich, Peter Pospichal, Gerald Powers, Donald Prebil, Alyce Prevetz, Frank Rebrovich, Arthur Regis, Jean Rell, Edward Rintala, Theodore Sachen, Margaret Salmi, Florence Salo, Aune Salonen, Elmer Santi, Viola Sartor, Rose Sartori, Donald Schafer, Hazel Sertich, Julia Setina, Olga Shuster, Margaret Smilanich, Mitchell Stanich, Mildred Steinbrecher, Jack Sterle, Edward Sterle, Mollie Stolcis, Eileen Stonemark, Jean Stonich, Stephen Sundness, Margaret Sutich, Andrew Svetich, Tom Syrjamaki, Ina Taskinen, Reino Taskinen, Roy Toldo, Eleanora Turk, Albert Turnisky, Helen Tusin, Edythe Udovich, Julia Verant, Edward Vicari, William Vidmar, Frank Vitali, Zelinda Vukadinovich, Peter Wadnar, Rose Watson, Helen Wright, Jack Yatso, Mike Znidarsich, Edward Submitted by Mary Lukkari - [email protected] Duluth Industrial High School Class of 1909-1910-1911-1912-1913 I have the "Oracle" for Duluth Industrial High School for the Class of 1913 from my Great-Aunt Minnie Blakney. There was also a list of names for the classes of 1909-1912 but no pictures. If you have a relative that you want me to scan in the 1913 class, I will gladly send you their picture. [Note: 2014, No idea if the email addy below is valid] Senior Class of 1909 Senior Class of 1910 Senior Class of 1911 Jennie Baudin Bessie Brown Thomas Doyle Mary Dunn Katherine Dunleavy Irene Galbraith Marion McCormack Knute Nelson Katherine Neubauer Dorothea Olson Ollie Onsgard Clarence Schermerhorn May Swenson William Wendland Peter Wick Ida Backlund Elizabeth Buckbee George Deatherage Anna Felix Clarence Fleischer Emma Fredrickson Walter Harkins George Highmark Oscar Magnuson Anna Morgan Elmer Nelson Barbara Pecor Inga Slordal Floyd Williams Irvin Mathew Amundson Emma May Anderson Victor Alonzo Dash Helen Marguerite Grimes Fred Henry Johnson Olga Esther Johnson Eva Lucile Ketchum Fred Mattson Hildur Florence Melin Anna Amelia Nelson Ruth Hildur Rennell Ethel Spellman John Lester Whalen Senior Class of 1912 Senior Class of 1913 Isadore Abramson Inez Dorothy Anderson Myrtle Sophia Amundson Minnie Blakney Edna Eliz. Brigham Hildur Eugenia Becks Catherine Gert. Connelly Earl Wildon Brooks Esther Anna Donald Florence C. Brunnell Francis Joseph Her Grace Joyce Buckbee Alance Mable Isaacson Mayme Davidson Julia Anna McNulty George Doyle Anna Mary Neubauer Ellen Engberg Edith Mae Pollock Esther Fieldman Theresa Quinn Florence Myrtle Salter Mildred Eliz. Simons John Everett Simpson Edna Earle Spindler Clifford R. Stowell Roy Earl Williams Eleda Berthena Frank Lillian Frank Esther Florence Giliuson Esther Siguhild Johnson Erland August Larsen Alma Lucy Mattson Mary Elizabeth McVeigh Isabel Eleanor Melin John Hamilton Morgan Annette Peffer Charles A. Pollock John Harold Rennell Harold Sherdon Spindler Anna Katherine Swenson Frances Eliz. Vlahavich Submitted by Sharon Busselle Schuyler at [email protected] Ely High School 1913, Ely, MN Coffey, Angela Mary Freidsburg, Oscar T. Habian, Vincent F. Handberg, Clara Judith Hagen, Pearl J. Hanson, Ernest W. James, Mercedes C. Johnson, Mayme Elizabeth Kayute, Helia L. Knutson, Ernest W. Lindbeck, Elmer J. McMahan, Albert J. Mayer, Rosalie M. Mitchell, Audrey Nankervis, Florence Nappa, Gussie Submitted by: Jan Mackey [email protected] Ely School District Meeting Article printed in the Ely Miner on April 29, 1927 Official Proceedings, Independent School District No. 12 Ely, Minnesota, April 22nd, 1927 Nicholas, Hazel Saari, Mathew Henry Schaefer, Alvin Smith, Florence A. Takkunen, Maedi Florence Trezona, Martha Williams, Vida Mildred Special meeting of the Board of Education for the re-election of a stated meeting was called to order at eight o'clock P. M. by the Chairman, Wm. Olds, Jr. On roll call, the following members were found to be present: --Duncan, Gianotti, Harri, Olds, Slabodnik and Thompson. Absent:--None Application of John Skantz for work as common laborer was read and filed. Communication from the Suomi Synod church requesting the use of some of the class rooms for conducting a Finnish Summer School be granted. Motion carried unanimously. Moved and supported that the requisition for twelve dozen water glasses for the cafeteria be approved and ordered. Motion carried unanimously. Moved and supported that Joseph Schweiger be employed as common laborer at a daily wage of $4.50 per day, effective April 26th, and that John Skantz be employed as a common laborer at a daily $4.50 per day, subject to the call of the Chief engineer. Motion carried unanimously. Moved and supported that the salary schedule for teachers remain as now in effect, except that the salary of Miss Lucy Demulling be adjusted accordingly for the ensuing school year. Motion carried. Ayes:--Duncan, Olds, Slabodnik and Thompson. Nays:--Gianotti and Harri. Moved and supported that the following teachers be re-elected to positions in the schools of this district at the salaries set opposite their names, and that the proper officers be authorized to enter into contracts with those accepting positions:-JUNIOR COLLEGE: Lulu E. Cummins Mary H. Kraft Sigurd F. Olson Elmer A. Pearson J. H. Santo Gayle C. Shirey $220.00 $240.00 $235.00 $210.00 $260.00 $220.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 10 months 9 1/2 months MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL: Gertrude A. Allen Thora A. Anderson Ernest A. Bailey Edward T. Buckley Faye A. Collicott $170.00 $180.00 $160.00 $255.00 $170.00 $145.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 10 months 12 months Elsie M. Doty Esther E. Eby Marvel S. Ellisson Ethel Forbes Grace C. Garland Louisa(e) Gellerman Carol m. Herrick Max M. Herseth Marie M. Hodapp Florence C. Johnston Susan H. Loyald Mildred K. Madden Harry D. Meyer Grace E. Morgan Bernice I. Nolan Rugh I. Olson Anna E. C. Rann Mary Sutton Margaret K. Tupper Gertrude A. Wolff $175.00 $170.00 $165.00 $180.00 $180.00 $170.00 $170.00 $215.00 $180.00 $175.00 $195.00 $175.00 $210.00 $190.00 $170.00 $200.00 $180.00 $160.00 $165.00 $210.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 10 months 9 1/2 months 10 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months INDUSTRIAL BUILDING: Joseph M. Flen(?)ing C. B. Hilliard Eugene J. Joncas Thomas J. Murn $260.00 per month for $230.00 per month for $220.00 per month for $260.00 per month for 10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months OLD HIGH SCHOOL Florence G. Bates Marian J. Davis Lucy Demulling Lillian M. Hosking Ann Johnson Clarence C. LaLonde Cecelia M. Nankervis Gunhild Paulson Saima Porthan Mary H. Quinlan Zella Richter Inga Rogstad Marion R. Satterfield $170.00 $180.00 $135.00 $110.00 $170.00 $120.00 $130.00 $165.00 $140.00 $140.00 $200.00 $200.00 $140.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months WASHINGTON BUILDING: Helen M. Anthony Jeanne S. Brouillette Frances G. Campbell $110.00 per month for $150.00 per month for $155.00 per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months Gertrude E. Clancy Kathleen Coffey (?) Edna M. Erickson Elaine C. Fenske Gladys F. Fry Joanna B. Gohla Gladys M. Hawkins Veronica J. Hodgins Irene A. Hopper Inez M. Johnson Loras S. Johnston Marie Rose Kelly Irene M. Mikkelson Marion W. Mitchell Vera M. Nelson Sydney D. Neilson Glenn Powers Adella C. Rudow Rosa M. Schmidt Veronica J. Schouweiler Henrietta Simpson E. May Smith Emily T. Turnquist Mary M. Zgonc(e) $190.00 $180.00 $145.00 $180.00 $170.00 $150.00 $155.00 $115.00 $110.00 $170.00 $140.00 $165.00 $170.00 $155.00 $110.00 $200.00 $260.00 $160.00 $145.00 $170.00 $175.00 $270.00 $110.00 $110.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 10 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months LINCOLN BUILDING Ida Antilla Zella S. Austin Agnes L. Borehardt Marie I. Brainerd Hazel M. Campbell Helia S. Koski Kathleen A. McGuire Gladys Merrill Florence Nankervis Mildred A. Quinn Emily L. Stember Ethel K. Tibbetts Hazle B. Walters $130.00 $165.00 $140.00 $155.00 $170.00 $180.00 $150.00 $155.00 $155.00 $140.00 $155.00 $140.00 $140.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months PIONEER BUILDING Toine E. Ahola Marguerite E. Hovde Gerda C. Lindberg Rose McCarthy Clara I. Powell $135.00 $140.00 $175.00 $155.00 $155.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months Faith M. Walsh $135.00 per month for 9 1/2 months SAVOY SCHOOL Estella M. Dahl Sylvia A. Heikkila $165.00 per month for $170.00 per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months WINTON SCHOOL: Ursula L. Baden Pearl G. Johnson Mildred E. Olson Viola Ritchie Margaret J. Schwarzbauer $140.00 $110.00 $140.00 $200.00 $130.00 per month for per month for per month for per month for per month for 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months 9 1/2 months WHITE IRON SCHOOL Alma E. Turula $165.00 per month for 9 1/2 months SPECIALS: Clara Handberg May Meenahan Joseph Rolando $165.00 per month for $165.00 per month for $210.00 per month for 9 1/2 months 10 1/2 months 9 1/2 months Motion carried. Ayes:--Duncan, Gianotti, Olds, and Slabodnik. Dr. Thompson voted aye on all except Marie Brainerd. Mr. Harri voted aye on all except, Ruth Olson, Marie Brainerd and Hazel Campbell. Moved and supported that the Board adjourn until four o'clock P. M., April 23rd, 1927. Motion carried. J. Gianotti, Secretary Ely, Minnesota, April 23rd, 1927 Adjourned meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 4:00 o'clock P. M. by the chairman, Wm. Olds, Jr. On roll call, the following members were found to be present:--Duncan, Gianotti, Harri, Olds, Slabodnik, and Thompson. Absent:--None Moved and supported that William A. Baldauf be re-elected as high school principal for the ensuing year at a salary of $310.00 per month for 10 1/2 months and that the proper officers be authorized to enter into contract with him. Motion carried. Ayes:--Duncan, Gianotti, Olds, Slabodnik and Thompson. Nays:--Harri Moved and supported that Walter E. Englund be re-elected Superintendent of Schools for the ensuing year at a salary of $5520.00 per annum and the proper officers be authorized to enter into contract with him. Motion carried unanimously. Moved and supported that the Board adjourn. Carried. J. Gianotti, Secretary Submitted by Jan Mackey [email protected] Jan's family members are: Florence Nankervis, Cecelia Nankervis, Inga Rogstad and Marion Mitchell Ely High School, Ely, MN Senior Class of 1958 This information was taken from ""The 70th Anniversary Celebration" of Ely, 1888-1958", in conjunction with the Minnesota Statehood Centennial. Senior Graduates, Ely High School, 1957-1958 "Minnesota's second century belongs to us. Yesterday was yours; Tomorrow is ours." Mary Ryan, salutatorian Ahola, Judith *Ahola, Luanna Anderson, John Annerer, Diane Barich, Bernard *Bartovich, Marianne *Beaty, Maxine Call, Clarene Carlson, Janice *Cerar, Darlene *Chernivec, Gerald *Crothers, Carolyn Delak, Dorothy Deyak, Veronica Doran, Michael Doran, Suzanne Ellis, Patricia Engebretson, Robert Engelhart, Beverly Esterberg, Everett Evanish, John Ferderber, Patrick Gasperlin, Diane Kovach, Bernard *Kovach, JoAnne Laine, Luella Larson, Judith *LeDonne, Judith Levar, Genevieve ***Lobe, Beverly Lundeen, Karen Lundgren, Forrest Lunka, Anne *Luthanen, Theo Makela, Wayland Makela, Weldon Maki, Clayton Manni, Gene Marolt, Dexter Mattila, Richard *McDonald, Sandra Merhar, Margaret Mistek, Gloria *Moroni, Barbara Muhvich, Irene Muhvich, John Pennala, Janice Pluth, James Prasnicki, Stephen Preblich, Rosalie Pruse, Katherine Pucel, David Pucel, Jane Rayer, Anthony Rein, Orvald Richards, Mary Ann Riikola, Ronald Rosandich, Janice Rova, John **!Ryan, Mary Sansted, Marianne Schager, Pauline Seliskar, Judith *Simonick, Sandra Skube, Frank Skule, Mary Lou *Slabodnik, Theresa *Somero, George Theno, Gary *Golobich, Lois Grahek, Richard Haapala, Sandra Hill, James Hokkanen, David Holm, Cresten *Jarvi, Joyce Jensen, Joseph *Johnson, Kay *Klug, Maryella Klun, Shirley Koivisto, John Korkki, Janet Koschak, Thomas Musich, Raymond Nadeau, James Nelson, Scott Newville, Particia Nichols, Mary Ann Nikkinen, Paulette Nirva, Ronald Novak, Joanne Ojala, Raymond Okstad, Marjorie *Olson, Russell Pahkala, Judith Palombi, Albert Patka, Jan Pelto, Werner *Tomsich, Robert Tratnik, Josephine Tuomela, LaVonne Tuthill, Gary Wahlberg, Judith Wahlstrom, Carolyn Ward, Donald Weinzierl, Michael *Whitt, Joyce Williams, James Yadlosky, Larry Yuzna, Raymond Zbacnik, Laura Zgonc, Louis Zupancich, Maria ***Valedictorian **Salutatorian *Honor Students !National Merit Scholarship Submitted by Jan Mackey- [email protected] Eveleth High School - Class of 1938 Eveleth, MN Transcribed from "The Open Pit," Tuesday, June 7, 1938 Margaret Adamic Kathryn Ahcan Bernard Ahlin Roy Amundson Dorothy Anderson Ralph Anderson Ronald Anderson Florence Baratta Walter Barfknecht Pauline Bazil Carl Begich Sam Belcastro Archie Bellucci Donald Berg John Karakas Helen Karisny Carl Karju Josephine Karosich Henry Kauppi Dorothy Kenyon Edward Kokal Anna Krall Carol Krinning Joe Laboda Jennie Laurich Basil LaVine Walter Lepisto Ositha Loehlein Frank Rahne Hilda Rajala Nelma Rajala Rose Rokovetz Vaino Ranta Ellen Rasula Fred Raumer John Rebol Mary Ronzoni Albert Rosati Edward Rupert Gordon Ruud Leo Salmi Howard Sand Bruno Bertucci Margaret Blazevich Velna Bostrom Robert Boyle Peter Bruzenak Kathryn Buncich Doris Buranen Jane Burgett Matt Capan Charlene Champlin Ruth Cherne Vera Chiodini Julia Cossalter Helen Davich Angeline DelViccio Mercedes DeYoannes Glesner Eide Ellen Ekquist Bernard Erjavec Ruth Fogelberg Margaret Fortuna John Franks Herbert Fred Dick Gallup Ambrose Garavaglia Marjorie Goldberg Anna Gornik William Granros Lois Grant Willard Harju Martha Heikkila Shirley Hendrickson Virginia Hill Margaret Hlastala Mildred Ikola Mary Intihar Doris Jacobsen Roswell Jacobsen Donald Johnson Elsa Johnson Willard Luoma James Lushine Herbert McCarty Marcella McDonald Mary Markovich Madge Masucci Jeanette Merandi Jack Miller Mary Jane Moline Donald Moog Dorothy Moore Josephine Motti Janet Murray Eileen Nelson Dagny Newman Harold Niemi Isadore Novak Edward Oberstar Violet Orazem Lorrayne Olson Paulyne Orehek Anne Oven Mary Pasrnich John Perushek John Peshel Dorothy Peterson Lester Peterson Victor Petrovic Fred Phillips Eleanor Pietrantonio Jessie Plattner Frank Plesha Lillian Poznanovic Louis Press Elsie Prinkkila Elaine Prout Frances Sarich Edward Saxhaug Robert Sedey Jane Segal Angeline Semich Katherine Shterk William Shutte Joe Skofich John Spolarich Frank Sorcan Ludvig Steblay Alexander Strand Katherine Sulentich Matt Surina William Takala James Tapp Leonard Tobin Jean Toti Dorothy Udovich Julia Uhan Mauritz Uhrbom Mary Usenik Lillian Usnik Alfred Vito Lloyd Wainionpaa Frank Wilcox Julia Zadnikar Josephine Zbosnik Robert Johnson LaRue Johnston Submitted by: Anna - [email protected] Eveleth Junior College, Sophomore Graduates 1939 Eveleth MN Transcribed from the Hilltop Yearbook, 1939 Ellen El Ahonen, Brimson Paul Anderson, Iron Jennie M. Bartol, Aurora Helen Marie Bayuk, Eveleth Mabel I. Beckman, Eveleth William L. Bernicke, Leoneth Myron Bright, Eveleth Leno Caradori, Eveleth Joe J. Cerar, Eveleth Marie Ciagne, Eveleth Roy R. Coldagelli, Eveleth Arnold DePaul, Eveleth Irma Doris Eide, Eveleth Virginia Farley, Eveleth Julia A. Fattore, Eveleth Mary C. Gerchman, Eveleth Anne F. Gerencher, Eveleth John J. Grevich, Mt. Iron Harry Groschel, Troy Gordon Harrison, Eveleth Frank Ipavec, Gilbert Hubert C. Johnson, Eveleth Kenneth Johnson, Eveleth Irving Kaner, Eveleth William Kastelz, Aurora Arnold Keturi, Eveleth Agnes Kochevar, Eveleth Olaf Kolari, St. Louis River Raymond Korpi, Gilbert Rudolph Kucler, Eveleth John E. Kunelius, Embarrass Arne Lassila, Iron Edward B. Lindaman, Eveleth Edwin Luoma, Eveleth Magdalene McDonald, Eveleth Alice McKinnon, Zim Malcom Mahaffey, Eveleth Mertsy Maki, Aurora Julian Malec, Leoneth Charles Malevich, Eveleth Arthur Malknecht, Eveleth Eva Martinich, Leoneth Frances Martinich, Leoneth Angeline Mattei, Eveleth Frank Micketts, Leoneth Frank Modetz, Aurora Phebe Molander, Iron Walter E. Morrison, Eveleth Elizabeth Neilon, Eveleth Owen Niemi, Eveleth William Niemi, Gilbert Elizabeth Oven, Eveleth Aldo Palazzari, Eveleth Maxine Peterson, Eveleth Henry Pouchnik, Eveleth Matt M. Prebonich, Eveleth George Rajacich, Eveleth Lorraine Sackery, Chisholm George Sadar, Eveleth John Shterk, Eveleth Helen Siro, Embarrass Bernard Skrinner, Eveleth Doris Stead, Iron Jerry Strukle, Gilbert Gordon Tassi, Eveleth Clement Vandell, Leoneth Elide Varani, Eveleth Marjorie Walstrom, Eveleth Helen Luoma, Eveleth Submitted by: Anna - [email protected] Eveleth Junior College, Sophomore Graduates 1940 Eveleth MN Transcribed from the Hilltop Yearbook, 1940 (alphabetized by transcriber) Ahcan, Katheryn, Eveleth Ahlin, Bernard J., Eveleth Ambrozich, Harold F., Eveleth Amundson, Roy Francis, Forbes Anderson, Ronald J., Eveleth Anderson, Dorothy M., Eveleth Angerilli, Harry J., Eveleth Axelson, Alvin L., Eveleth Belcastro, Sam, Eveleth Brady, Robert H., Elcor Burgett, Jane, Eveleth Capitanelli, P. Arthur, Eveleth Cavanaugh, Edward F., Biwabik Champlin, Charlene, Eveleth Chiodini, Vera I., Eveleth Davich, Helen M., Eveleth Erjavec, Bernard P., Eveleth Evans, Charles E., Eveleth Franks, John, Eveleth Fred, Herbert W., Eveleth Godich, Joseph R., Gilbert Grant, Lois A., Leoneth Gualtieri, Virgil, Two Harbors Heikkila, Martha, Eveleth Hill, Virginia, Eveleth Hjulstad, Herbert, Eveleth Hlastala, Margaret M., Eveleth Ikola, Mildred, Eveleth Jerome, Anthony, Eveleth Johnson, Elsa L., Wolf Jurkovich, Eveleth Karja, Carl, Iron Karosich, Josephine, Eveleth Knudson, Gerald V., Eveleth Mahovlich, Frank, Gilbert Maki, Leonard A., Embarrass Markovich, Mary A., Eveleth Masucci, Madge Elizabeth, Eveleth McDonald, Marcella, Eveleth Merandi, Jeanette, Eveleth Mihelich, Margery, Tower Moe, Russell J., Wolf Moline, Mary Jane, Iron Moog, Donald J., Eveleth Murray, Janet McCall, Eveleth Newman, Dagney M., Eveleth Niemi, Harold, Eveleth Orazem, Violet M., Eveleth Oven, Ann M., Eveleth Pagliarini, Fred, Eveleth Park, Edwin Leonard, Iron Perko, Frances, McKinley Perushek, John, Eveleth Peshel, John, Eveleth Pietrantonio, Eleanore, Eveleth Press, Louis, Eveleth Rantala, Raymond Henry, Embarrass Raumer, June Virginia, Eveleth Rautio, Mary Ann, Aurora Riccelli, John J., Eveleth Sedey, Robert M., Eveleth Shterk, Katherine, Eveleth Shutte, William, Eveleth Skenzich, Mitchell C., Gilbert Smolich, Joseph G., Aurora Takala, William A., Iron Tomes, Arthur Charles, Aurora Toti, Jeanne R., Eveleth Kochevar, Frank M., Eveleth Korenchen, Albert J., Aurora Korpinen, Wilho E., Gilbert Kraker, James A., Gilbert Krinning, Carol, Eveleth Laboda, Joe S., Eveleth Lewis, Patricia A., Eveleth Luoma, Willard, Eveleth Udovich, Dorothy, Eveleth Uhrbom, Mauritz, Eveleth Usenik, Mary Rose, Eveleth Vito, Alfred, Eveleth Vukelich, John, Orr Vukson, Miles, Eveleth Wuotila, Rudolph, Gilbert Zeleznikar, Edward, Aurora Submitted by: Anna - [email protected] Floodwood High School, Floodwood, MN Classes of 1926-1929 Class of 1926 Marie Canfield Pearl Garland Hannah Huttunen Howard Post William Stenback Class of 1927 Luke Dusek Claire Freese Clarence Freese Illae Huttunen Clarence Stenback Submitted by [email protected] Class of 1928 Arnold Bowman Marion Greer Tina Hannula J.Ed. Huttunen Ed Isaacson Henry Kanniainen Ray Mattson Leonard Plotnik Lydia Rahja Elmer Raihala Alexander Smekta Nedville Stageberg Frances Zelazny Class of 1929 Francis Abrams Nancy Auvinen Kalervo Finnila Eleanor Johnson Aila Karttunen Wilford Kespohl Bertha Luoma Evelyn Mattson Aina Nurmi Elsie Nurmi Helen Rahja L. Vienna Sahlstein Tuano Stenback Sylvia Swen Lempi Tabell Julia Tetrick Anna Wifila. Homecroft School, Duluth, MN Eighth Grade Class, 1936 Anderson, Donald Dahlin, Edward Davidson, Kenneth Dulinski, Angeline Fenske, Reginald Gibbs, Merle Johnson, Everett Reid, Peggy Rudd, Donald Seeley, William Singleton, Edith Sundre, Robert Wilson, Chester Thank you to Barb Werner - [email protected] Hermantown Senior High School, Hermantown, MN Class of 1952 Aanonsen, Roger Anderson, Dolores Anderson, Gerald Anderson, Lorraine Armstrong, James Backstrom, Dorothy Bergson, John Berntsen, Beverly Bloom, Carol Brackett, Gene Brecklin, Thomas Buran, Shirley Bussa, Lois Elstad, Marilyn Erickson, William Floodstrom, Shirley Gronlund, Janice Gunnarson, Marvin Halverson, Marilyn Halvorson, Lorraine Hanson, Joanne Hill, Beverly Isaacson, Clifford Johnson, Carol Johnson, Rodney Kristensen, Alice Leslie, Donna Marshall, Kathleen McDonald, Judith Milek, Jean Murphy, Paul Nelsen, Robert Nordeen, Robert Olson, Beverly Peterson, Robert Ronding, Joann Schaumberg, Dorothy Shaw, Allen Sirois, Thomas Strom, Donald Stuberud, Doris Swanson, Allen Swanson, Arlene Tafs, Marilyn Trygg, William Wagner, Earl Wargin, Richard Westberg, Georgia Whitney, Dale Weiler, Floyd Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Hermantown Senior High School, Hermantown, MN Class of 1953 Ahlgren, Floyd Allen, Bill Anderson, Joyce Anderson, Theodore Archambeau, Jedion Baker, Lee Briesemeister, Gerald Briesemeister, Marilyn Drennen, Richard Edberg, Margaret Ek, Ray Engquist, Carole Gilberg, Roberta Govednik, Joyce Gratiot, Violet Gregg, Russell Gunderson, Ardis Hanson, Ronald Hill, Rita Jakubek, Marie Janzig, Marion Jarpe, Jay Johnsen, Beverly Johnson, Charles Johnson, Darrold Johnson, Delores Kaneski, Rosemary Le Sarge, Mary Lofald, Lorna Lokke, William Luczak, Thomas Lund, David MacDonald, Joan Mansfield, Caryl McDonald, Jean McGovern, Benjamin Meirick, Michael Merila, Shirley Monson, Myron Murphy, James Nelson, Joyce Nelson, Patricia Nelson, Robert Nyholm, Carol Omundson, William Paulson, Richard Setter, William Smith, Donna Soderholm, David Sornberger, William Stuberud, Hannah Suiter, Richard Veech, Richard Velander, Dennis Whitney, Stanley Wilson, Lois Zebott, Richard Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Hermantown Senior High School, Hermantown, MN Class of 1954 Anderson, Elizabeth Archambeau, Gene Barthol, Katherine Baumgartner, Martin Benson, Joan Bergson, Ollie Besser, Donald Bloom, Royal Bosiacki, Richard Briesemeister, Janice Chesney, Marjorie Dagger, Sheila Eilefson, Beverly Eld, Margie Erickson, Donald Fralick, Robert Fritz, Artha Grussendorf, Eleanore Gunderson, Paul Halverson, Kenneth Halversen, Roger Hart, James Hockman, Wallace Huttel, Larry Jarpe, Jack Johnson, Jacqueline Johnson, Keith Kallberg, Duane Kellett, Richard Levander, Robert Liljegren, Charles Lindberg, James Lokke, John Luettgens, Floyd Lund, Margaret MacIntyre. Robert Martin, William Medalen, Lawrence Miller, Melvin Nelson, Carol Nusser, Miriam O'Connor, Joan Olson, David Pearson, Marshall Peterson, Carol Price, Claudia Reitan, Roger Ruse, Dawn Ruth, Barbara Ruth, Phyllis Rutka, Joan Saxin, Robert Schinn, Lorayne Sieger, Sharon Smith, Marilee Stuberud, Ottway Thompson, Barbara Wagner, Arlene Wargin, Darlene Winter, Gail Wolff, Warrem Youngquist, Ralph Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Hermantown Senior High School, Hermantown, MN Class of 1955 Ahlgren, Maynard Anderson, Delores Anderson, Donald Anderson, Shirley Ann Archambeau, James Ashmore, Leslie Aune, Mary Ann Baker, Peggy Benson, Mary Ellen Berg, Patricia Berntsen, Roger Briesemeister, Fred Carlson, Robert Carlson, Roger Cederstrom, Sally Davis, Betty Lou Dillon, Nancy Eckstrom, Joanne Edberg, Ralph Enger, Darold Erickson, Betsy Ann Forsell, Barbara Fossum, Dale Fossum, Duane Foster, Richard Gellerstedt, David Gregg, Marlene Gronlund, Anita Gronlund, William Hantelman, Joanne Honkala, Delores Jakubek, Leonard Johnsen, Robert Kaneski, Marion Langlee, Donald Larue, Adele Leach, Daniel Lindahl, Robert Lunda, John Lyes, William Marshall, Rosalie Medalen, Carol Merila, Robert Nelson, Roberta Nicholson, Jeanne Niemi, Shirley O'Connor, Marilyn Peterson, Maryann Peterson, Jean Reitan, Janice Reitan, Joyce Roman, Wayne Ronning, Jack Siemsem, Merlin Sirois, Robert Sirois, Warren Skarp, Joan Smith, Margaret Sornberger, Donald Stebner, Earl Suomela, Ronald Wagner, Martin Wetterlind, Willard Wickstrom, Bruce Witte, Larry Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Hibbing High School, Hibbing, MN Senior Class of 1934 Aamodt, Margaret Aho, Martha Ahola, Walfred Alimenti, Flavia Almly, Glen Anderson, Helen Anderson, Norma Arnebeck, Wallace Aslakson, Hedwie Atkinson, Beatrice Bachnik, Joe Backa, Signe Backstrom, Myrl Baratto, John Basta, Marsha Bauers, Alice Bay, Elizabeth Beaton, Catherine Bebler, Norman Beck, Earl Beebe, Neil Berklich, Mary Bernard, Phillip Blagoue, Alexander Bonacci, Rose Bonaventuri, Ezia Boone, Thayne Booth, Elizabeth Boria, Erminia Borovitz, Anna Boyle, Tim Brklacich, Anna Brown, Elizabeth Bumala, Helmi Bumala, Rauha Chiodi, Mary Christenson, Sylvia Chubiz, Louis Collyard, Mary Cook, Dorothy Corcoran, Marie Coschignano, Angeline Crenella, Juliette Curran, Catherine Debelak, Frank De Coster, Bernard De Millo, Rose Di Giambattista, Ellen Dominic, Harold Dragich, Margaret Drummond, Victor Dyer, Cynthia Dyer, Fred Eaton, William Eddy, Gail Eldridge, Florence Ellis, Harry Englund, Helen Englund, Helga Engstrom, Einar Erickson, Dorothy Erickson, Geraldine Erickson, Gustie Eslinger, Loretta Fearing, Clifford Forstrom, Nancy Frank, Annabelle Freidman, Deanne Gabardy, Joe Geiselman, Veronica Hammerbeclk, Dorothy Hansen, Francis Hansen, Merwyn Hanson, Haaken Hanson, Violet Harrington, Ursula Hayden, Lucille Heffron, Madonna Hendrickson, Einar Hill, Edith Hill, Ora Hoikkala, Walter Holmberg, Eleanor Homa, Mary Howell, Mildred Hutchinson, Roland Jackopick, Jennie Jackson, Elna James, Lenore James, Serene Jaskey, Roseline Jenson, Leona Jivery, Blanche Johnson, Evelyn Johnson, Laura Johnson, Norah Johnson, Robert Johnson, Violet Jovanovich, Lucille Jurichich, Steve Kafut, Mary Kalm, Curt Kampen, Doris Kapla, Jack Karlos, Athena Byrnes, Eleanor Caligiuri, Charles Claigiuri, James Caligiuri, Russell Calvin, Robert Cameron, Jean Capra, Aida Laura Carlson, Elvera Carroll, Jack Casey, Arthur Catani, Ramo Krause, Betty Landswick, Luella Laurie, Eleanor Lervik, Toborg Logefeil, Alyce Lynch, Marjorie Mc Dowell, John Mc Kusick, Tom Mc Whirter, Edith Malkovich, Mirko Maracchini, Joe Maras, Mary Markell, Goldie Mattila, Aida Milkes, Dean Minerich, Bessie Munter, Violet Negri, James Nelson, Roy Nyberg, Grace Oja, Helen Olson, Harry Paglarini, Joe Perpich, Joe Ranta, Helen Rickard, Albert Rinkenberger, Adelle Gherardi, Mary Gilligan, Beatrice Giombetti, Tom Goldberg, Gladys Gorshe, Elizabeth Grady, Eugene Grife, Margaret Grillo, Mary Gustafson, Daisy Hagen, Eleanor Haglund, Saili Kurtzman, Gretchen La Tendresse, Arthur Leach, Clair Linjanen, Edla Lundquist, Edwin McDermid, Jean Mc Hale, Edward Mc Murtrie, Edna Majerle, George Manchini, Mafalda Maras, Kathryn Maras, Paul Martin, Linus Meittunen, William Miller, Marrian Monti, Renard Murphy, Michael Nelson, Belva Ness, Kermit O'Donnell, Helen Oldham, Helen Olson, Verna Paquette, Allan Peterson, Albert Raukar, Antonia Ring, Arline Rinne, Aune Karlos, Ellen Kellman, Terolle Keppel, Eileen Kilen, Clara King, Wilbur Kirsling, Sylvester Klasnya, Zorka Klisurich, Nick Koivula, Doris Koski, Laila Kosovich, Kathryn Lampi, Violet Lauhala, Savelle Lehman, Ray Linko, Eva Luzaich, Gilka Mc Dowell, Jean Mc Hardy, Marion Mc Whirter, Bertram Maki, Otto Mannila, Eugene Maras, Katie Marinucci, Enes Marttila, Hazel Mickola, Elmer Minelli, Ernest Munter, Dorothy Nadeau, Woodrow Nelson, Carl Nides, Bernice Ogden, Marguerite Oliver, Richard Oreskovich, Mary Parker, Vivian Pogerels, Ann Reese, Merle Ring, Howard Roe, Willard Rukavina, Martin Ryan, Frances Sabin, Mary Sanborn, Robert Schmidt, Everal Seppa, Eugene Shega, Frances Skorich, Mayme Stenglein, Homer Strafaicio, Leonard Swanson, Dorothy Techar, Rudolph Toivola, Toivo Topinka, Rudolph Uoti, Saimi Ventura, Fred Wallin, Margaret Wendt, Roy Williamson, Ragnhild Zaitz, Mary Loomer, Ardys Russ, Mary Rydosz, Julia Sallila, Irene Satovich, Anna Schmitz, Joseph Severson, Donald Silliman, Ann Spadaccini, Louis Stimac, Matt Strom, Elma Swenson, Darrell Thouin, Majorie Tommassoni, Laura Tumoela, Bernice Valem, Mike Vukelich, George Wellems, Leslie Wickham, George Winsor, Alphonse Zemi, Louise Russo, Alfred Saari, Helen Salo, Marie Savage, Don Selvo, Lena Sharich, Julia Skorich, Julia Sparks, Nora Stone, Marie Sundvick, Howard Tappan, John Timpane, Donald Toole, Albert Tyson, Harry Valeri, Zenobio Wahlstrand, Edwin Welo, Clarence Williams, Grayce Wolfe, Nellie Zubich, Augustina Submitted by Barbara Hutchinson O'Dell - [email protected] Hibbing High School, Hibbing, MN Machine Shop - Class of 1928 From left to right: Napolean Ayotto, Tony Chaidi, Sam Sicilia, Sam Norvich, Frank Bachinick, Alvin Bateson, Joe James, Chas. Moore, Alex Minelli, and Oliver Wang Submitted by Keith Aleckson- [email protected] [From James Moore] Hibbing Junior College, Hibbing, MN Class of 1936 Pre-Business: Aamodt, Margaret Hibbing Braiovich, Mike Chisholm Clymer, Guilford Lamotte Hibbing Englund, Helga Hibbing Johnson, Robert C. Hibbing Pesola, U. A. Hibbing Selvo, Lena E. Hibbing Pre-Legal: Browne, Aloha Nashwauk Library Science: Komidar, Joe Chisholm Pre-Journalism: Brown, Charles B. Chisholm Kenney, Franklin Hibbing Home Economics: Adamich, Julia Bertodatto, Henry Chisholm Carnaish, Bob Keewatin Cox, Bennett Nashwauk Erickson, Dorothy Hibbing Kangas, Richard Chisholm Ring, Howard P. Hibbing Starcevich, Ann Kathryn Keewatin Bonaventuri, Ezia Hibbing Christiansen, Dora Keewatin Eddy, Gail Hibbing Ewen, John M. Nashwauk Maki, William Hibbing Sallila, Irene Hibbing Ventura, Frederick Thomas Hibbing Johnson, Ernest W. Hibbing Griese, Paul Howard Hibbing Lervik, Tobory Hibbing Ogden, Marguerite Hibbing Ciochetto, Peter D. Chisholm Sartori, Marcella Chisholm Dyer, Cynthia Hibbing Thouin, Marjorie A. Hibbing Baker, Virginia Brown, Elizabeth Hibbing Christianson, Lillian L. Williams Hatch, Dorothy Chisholm Sloan, Elizabeth M. Ely Pre-Education: Di Giambattista, Ellen Hibbing Haraden, Anne Chisholm Kaner, Ethel Nashwauk Mason, Thomas Hibbing Vecchi, Mary E. Hibbing Physical Education: Klisurich, Nick Hibbing Steckman, Jack Minneapolis Engineering: Anderson, Herbert M. Hibbing Globokar, Edward L. Chisholm Mandelin, John International Falls Savage, Don Hibbing Waltz, Edward Hibbing Forestry: Anderson, E. William Two Harbors Emanuel, Joe Keewatin Hiro, Edwin W. Chisholm Magnusson, Arthur Chisholm Chisholm Dragich, Margaret Hibbing Lynch, Marjorie Hibbing Hibbing Fennig, Lola M. Bryant, South Dakota Rinkenberger, Adelle Hibbing Gracie, Enid B. Nashwauk Hayden, Lucille Hibbing La Riviere, Freda Keewatin Prosen, Edward J. Gilbert Hakala, Esther Embarrass Johanson, Clarence Sacred Heart Maras, Katherine Hibbing Ring, Arline E. Hibbing Kuntz, Marian Isabelle Nashwauk Waltman, Reuben E. Hibbing Renfors, Theodore Keewatin Doyle, Cecil Keewatin Hutchinson, Roland Hibbing Miller, Arvold Hibbing Silliman, Arthur Parks Hibbing Welo, Clarence Hibbing Drummond, Victor Hibbing Knight, Jere D. Effie O'Donnell, Vencil E. Buhl Stanton, Earle Poster Nashwauk Bonacci, Ralph Joseph Hibbing Galloway, Richard S. Hibbing Leino, Tauno A. Hibbing Maracchini, Joe Hibbing Cusciotto, Paul A. Keewatin Hernyak, Mike Chisholm Levisen, Martin Hibbing Olson, Robert International Falls Pakarinen, Olavi Nashwauk Music: Backstrom, Myrl K. Hibbing Geary, Wilbur Hibbing Pre-Medicine: Atkinson, Beatrice Hibbing D'Andera, Marie C. Keewatin Jackopich, Jennie M. Greaney Nelson, Robert Chisholm Sachs, Betram H. Hibbing Science, Literature and Arts: Bevacqua, Carmella L. Keewatin Lord, Ione Lucetta Nashwauk Olson, Margaret Keewatin Social Service: Berklich, Mary Margaret Hibbing Erickson, Robert Blackberry O'Donnell, Helen M. Hibbing Saarnio, Edwin U. International Falls Beecroft, Kathlyn L. Nashwauk Crinella, Juliette L. Hibbing Berklacich, Anne M. Hibbing Dragich, Antonia Chisholm Magnusson, Arline I. Chisholm Blagoue, Alexander C. Hibbing Gilbertson, Reginald A Grand Marais Nelson, Belva C. Hibbing Murphy, Michael Edward Hibbing Monti, Renard Hibbing Flippi, Catherine E. Keewatin Lukone, Vertone C. Chisholm Taylor, Dorothy Hibbing Lervik, Ruth Hibbing Nelson, Carl Hibbing Boni, Erma J. Chisholm Mahon, Phyllis Keewatin Skorich, Julia Hibbing Erickson, Mabel A Chisholm Maloney, Eleanor Chisholm Submitted by Barbara Hutchinson O'Dell - [email protected] Morgan Park Senior High School, Duluth, MN "Parktorians" Graduating Class of 1943 * denotes individuals in active military duty at time of graduation Adams, Royal Adolphson, Florence Anderson, Vivian Martha Bakaric, Victoria Bauers, Betty Bellingham, Laurel Joyse Bergen, Rose Marie Bergloff, William * Brewer, Robert Budimir, Mathilda Cassutt, Leon Ceskic, Kathryn Joan Coleff, Roza Florence DeMille, Louise Desich, Helen Cynthia Despot, Helenora Dille, Dena Mae Dorich, Catherine Dunsmoor, Patricia Jane Dutton, Claire * Dzuck, Helen Ethier, Eugene Ethier, Lloyd Faustick, Betty Lou Fierek, William * Freeman, Lorene Garfolo, Rose Marie Gerard, Lyle Glusac, Bertha Graick, George Gunderson, Beverly Hegwood, Lowell Johnson, Ernest LeRoy Johnson, Glendon Johnson, Robert Kiehl, Clifford Kremer, Sarah Kriel, Wilmer * Lampman, Walter Larson, Clarice LaRue, Donald * Lee, Virginia Lindquist, James Clarence Lowe, Robert Boyer Maisuk, Olga Mark, Drusila Matkovich, Katherine McDonald, Kathryn McDonell, John McEwen, Margaret Jean McMillan, Virginia Mega, Frank Miernicki, Betty Milakovich, Ann Milne, Margaret Mary Moore, Evelyn Myers, Jeanne Ellyn Naud, Barbara Naud, Rosemary Newgren, Dorothy Nilsen, Audrey Louise O’Bradovich, Helen Olson, LaRayne Orak, Calvin Orescanin, Walter Panyon, Edward Pederson, Estella Petrich, George Petrich, Rose Marie Prettner, Anita Puhl, Florence Radich, Anne Radulovich, Eli Salstrant, Cyrilla Samarizia, John Sampson, Margery Sellards, Eugene Sever, Francis Shelgren, Lloyd Simi, Irene Mae Smith, Noble Snider, Ralph Harold Solomon, Urban Francis Srdar, Frank Stipac, Mary Ann Stipac, Mildred Rosemary Stojevich, Josephine Florence Stoyonaff, Florence Swanson, Bett Lou Thompson, William James Udjur, George Walsh, Cecelia Walsh, Lucille Westlund, Betty Zuck, William Submitted by Barbara Lowe Hively - [email protected] My father is Robert Lowe Morgan Park Senior High School, Duluth, MN Class of 1952 Antonutti, Dolores Bartle, Rose Carey, Betty Coombes, Paula Dezell, Phyllis Dumford, Janet Dunsmoor, Betty Jo Dutmer, Paul Feick, June Floreano, Nadine Foucault, Dean Gagne, Roderick Griak, Donna Halvorson, Harlan Hedberg, Geraldine Hickey, James Hill, Delores Hollingsworth, Dennis Hopkins, James Huther, Hans Karl Johnson, Isabel Jahn, Claudia Kervina, Robert Lang, Loraine Larson, Janet Long, Donald Meagher, Richard Menor, Marie Murray, James Myre, Kathleen Narsevich, Jane Nedesky, Cathleen Nemec, Joanne Orescanin, Janet Papike, William Patch, Edwina Pearson, Lois Peterson, Carol Peterson, Mary Lou Picconatto, Virginia Plesko, Janet Popovich, Nick Prince, Geraldine Pryatel, Donald Puchalla, Wallace Putnam, Wayne Rask, Clarice Rutter, Patricia Schultz, Patricia Stein, Joann Stevens, Jack Stolis, Paul Strand, Diane Sundstrom, Dorothy Taylor, Richard Vivian, Rae Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Morgan Park Senior High School, Duluth, MN Class of 1953 Aubin, John D. Babcock, Lannon Bagley, Janet Benassi, Joe Benson, Ronald D. Bargstrans, Barbara Bibeau, Joanne Bourbonniere, Noella Bubalo, Dan Christen, Della Corrigan, Paula Damkroeger, William Dille, William Dincau, Bert Engstrom, Jean S. Erickson, Richard O. Fredrickson, June Freeman, John Grover, Dennis J. Gulliford, Shirley Halvorson, Earle Hendrickson, Leroy Hill, Darlene Hopkins, Adine Hunt, Eleanor Jasper, Charles Johnson, Joanne Jukich, Joseph Kennedy, Janet Kilgore, Bernard Kohl, Robert Kresky, Robert Krmpotich, Nick Larsen, Leroy Lemier, Beverly Londo, James R. Maisuk, Dorothy Mae Mayberry, Mary Louise Meyer, Joyce Midthun, James R. Miscevich, Sam Moe, Dean Mullin, Frances Murray, Ann Natali, Roger J. Nelson, Jerry Nickila, Arnold Papike, Audrey Puhl, Phyllis Putnam, Helen Richter, William Ritchie, Rose D. Samarzia, Anton Strand, Rodney Tusken, Charlene Warble, Kay Wedan, Carole Wolfe, Donald Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Morgan Park Senior High School, Duluth, MN Class of 1954 Bakke, Mavis Bastie, Rodney Bergman, Roberta Blatnik, Anthony Bogart, Richard Brand, Alvin Bubalo, Rudy Crom, William Dincau, Selores Dincau, Raymond Economos, Marina Eskola, Jacquelyn Frederick, Harold German, Janice Hill, Alice Hunt, Earlene Jasper, Rose Jukich, William Kahring, Carolyn Kennedy, Faye Kline, Charles Long, Patricia Lukovsky, John Maisuk, Ray Marnich, Daniel Matetich, Carol Michaud, Donna Moran, Joan Myers, Pat Nedesky, Joseph Nemec, Patricia Neumann, Marie Nielsen, Marlene Norgren, Donna Nygren, Gail Odberg, Ann Marie Pepel, Winnifred Pierce, James Plesko, Nancy Seppi. Lawrence Stoner, Shirley Swanson, Mary Ann Torgerson, Shirley Wakeman, Dallas Submitted by Julie Wickstrom Goddard - [email protected] Mt. Iron High School, Mt Iron, MN Classes of 1915-1924 Class of 1915 Apuli, Helmi Beck, J. Lennert Beck, Leo Gagnon, Joseph Hanson, Mable Kangas, Olga Lempi, Esther Mattson, Tuni Peltier, Elizabeth Class of 1916 Endriz, Frank L. Endriz, John D. Gagnon, Eva Mae Hinkley, Edwin M. McCarthy, Richard M. Muench, Henry F. Simonich, John Class of 1917 Apuli, Waino E. Gagnon, Laura V. Hanson, Orville Partanen, Olga Peltier, Margaret Z. Simonich, Frank Class of 1918 Haurunen, Elaine Suoma Jurisch, Miles Keistinen, Aina Marie Lasky, Arnold Lasky, Mae Florence Mattson, Selma Augusta Class of 1919 Beck, Lilliam Augusta Keistinen, Aurora Kimball, Margaret Elizabeth Mattson, Esther Julanda Tieberg, Hulda Emilia Class of 1920 Frasa, Eli Victor Hanson, Ethel R. Lukkarila, Aili I. Pesola, Aili E. Rautiola, Anna Shimmich, Margaret D. Stefancich, Anna V. Class of 1921 Apuli, Karl A. Gagnon, Henry Krall, Margaret J. Lovallo, Joseph A. (Kelly) Mattson, Emil Saari, Ida Evelyn Stefancich, Josephine M. Class of 1922 Bauer, Adelaide D. Eilertson, George A. Johnson, Elsie I. Kleimola, Jack W. LaPage, Mayme M. Lindholm, Vaino J. Niemi, Tuni J. Norman, Beryl L. Peltier, Corinne C. Pesola, Hugo E. Scroot, Selma E. Class of 1923 Apuli, John A. Beck, Clarence Comparoni, Celia Hanson, Bennie Enroth, Helen Harwood, Lester Keith, Helen Kelly, Rose (Lovallo) Kerola, Ellen Lukkarila, Hugo Leppi, Theodore Mattlila, Edith Class of 1924 Anderson, Ward Carlson, Gideon Charmoli, Carmella Dimberio, Antoinette Farley, Ethel Mae Fraser, Glenn Gidos, John Haurunen, Ethel Johnson, Olga Kerola, Theodore Keto, Helmi Kolstad, Arnold Mattson, Fanny Scinto, Daniel Soloski, Daisy Walwick, Anna Krall, Peter Linval, Ellen Lostrom, Elsie Lukkarila, Alice Mattson Arthur Mitchell, Elizabeth Nelson, Elizabeth Paulson, Mildred Perala, Fannie Pesola, Waino Seppa, Iley Shimmich, Amelia Weckstrom, Anna Wood, Minnie Submitted by John Otava - [email protected] Mt. Iron High School, Mt Iron, MN Classes of 1925-1930 Class of 1925 Anderson, Lulu Irene Bianchi, Dewey Burley, Arthur Charmoli, Louis Crothers, Emily Eilertson, Lee Frasa, Ethel Harwood, Geraldine Henry, Edward Laine, Walfred John Lambert, Mary Louise Lindholm, Loury Lostrom, Clara McGregor, Donald Moore, Frank Niemela, Sikri Paoletti, Janet Salo, Irma Irene Schur, Chester Class of 1926 Anderson, Mary Babbini, Edith Barker, Harold Beck, Laurence Bianchi, Margherita Carlson, Esther Drobnich, John Drobnich, Mary Hellman, Oscar Juusela, Toivo Kaihlanen, Arvo Kerola, Waino Lambert, Cecelia Mattson, Ellen Norman, Robert Saari, Lempi Sampson, Mary Sassone, Mary Seppa, Amelia Class of 1927 Anderson, John M. Belpedio, Ralph Cerkvenik, Anton Carlson, Waldemar J. Charmoli, Arnold Comparoni, Julia D. Danielson, Edythe V. Doris, Samuel R. Eilertson, Harry B. Erickson, Paul J. Jr. Grevich, Minnie J. Henderson, Beatrice A. Herrmeyer, George C. Janasky, Gertrude M. Keto, Leah A. Kortela, Iley D. Krall, John G. Laine, Eva F. Leppi, Helia E. Schur, Rachel Vannucci, Carman Vannucci, Raphael Vilsmeyer, Angeline Vilsmeyer, Marcus Zeppi, Nellie Staff, Lempi Wright, Harry Young, Esther Lostrom, Carl O.M. Lukkarila, Helmi E. Martinson, Waino M. Mattila, Lillian E. Mitchell, Mildred Moore, Robert L. Nikunen, Wilho Norcia, Mathew A. Nordeen, Wilner J. Pesola, Leo J. Pogorelce, Julianna A. Rantanen, Tom J. Riccio, Tony D. Saari, Ernest A. Scinto, Rose A. Scinto, Mike J. Seppi, Urho J. Shimmich, John J. Shimmich, Rose L. Simonich, Frances L. Soloski, Thoedore, R Vannucci, Diodato Viitala, Fannie M. Class of 1928 Anderson, Rudolph W. Bakalarzek, Stephen J. Barone, Evelyn M. Beck, Charles J. Brosie, Marion E. Buchanan, Robert P. Carlson, Myrtle A. Carman, Joy M. Cerkvenik, Mary E. Comeau, Theresa M. Doris, Ruby K. Downing, Ena F. Drobnich, Frank Farley, Mildred H. Fiola, John M. Class of 1929 Anderson, Ethel I. Babbini, Alma Jean Bakalarzek, Frances H. Beck, Roland Arthur Bjork, Anfred August Buck, Reginald Joel Buria, Edward George Carlson, Signe Emily Cerkvenick, Ann Agnes Dimberio, Frank J. Dylen, Mayme V. Gulla, Frank Angelo Johnson, Charles Oliver Johnson, Effie C. Jusela, Vera Sofia Class of 1930 Anderson, Clarence Eugene Anderson, Helen Pauline Anttila, Esther Helga Barone, Palma Margaret Bianchi, John Bianchi, Stephan Anthony Buck, Evelyn Alma Carlson, Roy L. Carman, Bernard Ralph Cerkvenick, Florence Stanna Charmoli, James Arthur Charmoli, Glenn Anthony Dimberio, Peter Anthony Fiola, Julius Douglas Gidos, Stephen William Gidos, Anne D. Grivich, Mary A. Haapala, Carl Harwood, Melvin C. Hill, Ellen Johnson, Helge C. Johnson, Ragnhild C. Kangas, Leo J. Kauppila, Helmi S. Keto, Marie E. Komulainen, Thelma V. Kutsi, Ellen E. Lundgren, Aili Agnes Mattila, William I. Meglen, Mary Otava, Kaarlo J. Perala, Urho W. Riley, Glenwood A. Robbins, Viola M. Saari, Arthur M. Schur, Harold E. Setala, Walter H. Shimmich, Anna S. J. Swedman, Evelyn Tuomiranta, Ellen M. Wainio, Ero G. I. Wilson, Leatha L. Kailanen, Viekko E. Kerlo, Edward Nicholas Keto, Heimo Andrew A. Kindred, Herbert Lee Krall, Julia Katheleen Laine, Arne Waldemar Lindeman, Emil T. Lostrom, Ernest Edmund McGregor, Lawrence C. Maki, Arvo A. Martilla, Eino Jacob Mattson, Lillian Alice Mutton, Miriam Mutton Orcutt, Leon Russell Osmonde, Evelyn Ruth Paoletti, Joseph Luke Pesola, Helmi Irene Rossi, Mike John Salo, Inga Samppala, Walfred S. Staff, Alfred Waldemar Viitala, Rudolph S. Vilsmeyer, Clara Helen Wainio, Eva Lillian Warglin, Raymond W. Whitney, Helen Martha Yelenich, Anne B. Grivich, Michael Hansen, Ronald Edwin Harwood, Ruth Matilda Hill, Ida Aileen Hoey, Blanche Louise Hurtig, Ellyn Theresa Johnson, Earl Albert Johnson, Haakon Kauppila, Helen Miriam Lahti, Elma Ellen Lambert, Homer Joseph Larson, Bernice Virginia Lundgren, Sylvia Helen MacGregor, Lucile Miriam Martinson, Sylvia Elaine Meritt, Lianda Ann Moore, Mary Dorthea Nelson, Lloyd Malcomb Norsted, Melvin Woodrow Olsen, Gudrun Sophie Perala, Helvi Marie Rossi, Alcide Paul Setala, Arne W. Shimmick, Mary Katheryn Tiedeman, Sadie Ann Weckstrom, Elias Nicholas Submitted by John Otava - [email protected] Mt. Iron High School, Mt Iron, MN Classes of 1931-1935 Class of 1931 Anderson, Hugh Leander Bianchi, Dante James Buchanan, Margaret Bernice Burley, Marvin Westby Class of 1932 Anderson, Alvin Adolph Babbini, Katherine Marie Bianchi, Theodore Mario Buchanan, Lucile Frances Class of 1933 Anderson, Ardyce Harriet Anderson, Hjalmer Anton Carlson, Arne Harold Carlson, Margaret Lucille Doris, Jane Christine Dylen, Ruth Jane K. Erickson, Erlene Emily Erickson, Richard Fredrick Fabish, Rose Evangeline Grivich, John Daniel Hietala, Elma Sophie Hietala, Elsie Irene Huhtala, Laina Johanna Johnson, Doris Abigail Johnson, Helene Louise Joki, Elina Esther Keating, Rose Jeanette Knoll, Jack Louis Laine, Oliver Herman Lambert, Agard Louis MacGregor, Lester Anthony McLean, Donald James Marttila, Laimi Emily Merritt, Genevieve Phyliss Muench, Fredrick Brown Nikunen, Veikko Olson, Carol Winnifred Parkkonen, Esther Fanny Perala, Elsie Josephine Pesola, Alma Emelia Pesola, Emil John Rautiola, Alma Emelia Roine, Reijo Ross, Alma Ingeborg Rossi, Mary Florence Ruha, Aune Sylvia Ruha, Rachel Mary Ann Saari, Arvid John Saari, Elmore John Saari, Raymond Harold Secola, Michael Antonio Simonich, Johanna Katheryn Webb, Edna Grace Wilcox, Jerome Denton Carlson, Edwin Ludwig Cerkvenik, Frances Kathleen Comparoni, Bonnie Dora Fiola, Clara Florence Fiola, Mary Lucile Gidos, Frank Paul Golden, Betty Irene Mary Gulla, Antoinette Marie Hoey, Jack Francis Hyle, Irja Gunilla Isaacson, Bernard Solon Jackson, Elna Mary Jarvi, Elma Elain Johnson, Henry Floyd Kangas, Lila Helen Keto, Waino Henry Alex Kindred, Vivian Margaret Komulainen, Hilma Helen Lostrom, Mytle Ellen Lungren, Eino William Maki, Taimi Dagmar Marincel, Matthew Peter Muench, Arthur Joseph Mutton, Leslie John Nelson, Elma Susan Norcia, Peter Alfred Norman, Donald Lawrence Olsen, Fredrick Olaf Olson, Carl Stevens Olson, Clarence Everett Orcutt, Kenneth Giles Otava, Oliver Waldemar Pearson, Leonard August Robbins, Berniece Theodore Ross, Gladys Lillian Ruha, Calervo Alexander Saari, Helen Juliet Samppala, Lila Lillian Sassone, Ann Kathleen Schur, Burrell Elizabeth Carman, Lawrence Philip Charmoli, Mariette Ann Crothers, James Richard Dimberio, Rudolph Martin Doris, Melba Pauline Dylen, Marive Louise Eilertson, Murle Elizabeth Forsland, Audre Clarence Gagnon, Melody Lucille Grivich, Anna Lucille Grivich, Joseph James Grivich, Mary Louise Grivich, Michael Peter Gullekson, Carl Leslie Hansen, Ferne Irene Harju, Kathryn Orvokki Herrmeyer, Vernon Henry Johnson, Oscar Gustaf Kauppila, Helmer Oswald Koski, Walter Helmer Laine, George Isaac Laine, Theodore Frederick Larson, Lucille Marie Lund, Evelyn Myrona Makela, Rayno Markus, Taimi Sylvia Galli Menelli, Sistie Steven Merritt, Ora Virginia Muller, Raymond Leroy Nenonen, Lillian Violet Nordberg, Gene Rundle Nordeen, Roy Edwin Olson, Elaine Genevieve Otava, Gertrude Kyllikki Pejavich, Robert James Pesola, Ida Mary Risku, Alfred Evor Salo, Alvar Jacob Secola, Ferdinand Phillip Shimmick, Elizabeth Agnes Seppi, Auni Staff, Grace Marie Stauty, Gladys Gertrude Swedman, Lillian Vilsmyer, Margaret Therese Yelenich, May Agnes Class of 1934 Anderson, Anne Elizabeth Anderson, Joyce Melba Bianchi, Ludwig Dominic Bianchi, Victor John Canute, Marjore Mae Cerkvenik, Frank Fredrick Charmoli, Louise Mary Comeau, Harry Joseph Conaway, Gertrude Marie Crothers, Ruth Hope Erickson, Ruth Clarice Foss, Helen Lucille Francovich, Mary Agnes Golden, Katherine Etta Grivich, Katherine Louise Harwood, Dorthy Marion Hoglund, Eleanore Esther Huhtala, Onnie Victor Johnson, Clifford Charles Johnson, Naomi Johnson, John Russell Jokinen, Sylvia Matilda Kauppila, Rayno Nestor Komulainen, Minerva Bertha Koski, Esther Vienna Lahti, Elmer John Lostrom, Walter Daniel Lundgren, Ellen Esther Marincel, Anne Pauline Marincel, Mary Elizabeth Therrien, Maxine Ellyn Vanhala, Mona Jean Viitala, Ellyn Irene Viitala, Julia Dagmar Wick, Evelyn Lenore Wilson, Violet Eleanor Class of 1935 Anderson, Edmond Morris Anderson, Irene Jennice Babbini, Jack L. Barone, Carl Vincent Brozich, Charlene Buchanan, Dorthy Rose Burley, Ruby Jeanette Carlson, Carl John Charmoli, Alfred Michael Dimberio, Margaret Carmella L. Dodge, Isadore Mae Doris, Geraldine Alta Forstrum, Olavi Oskar Fox, Robert Phillip Gagnon, Francis Mose Gidos, Mike Mathew Grivich, Nicholas Michael Harwood, Mildred Vivian Keto, Sylvia, Tellervo Koskela, Laila Ilona Laine, Alvar A. Laine, Armas Anthony Lambert, Jeanette Freda Larson, Carolyn A. Cecilia Lahtinen, Eino Victor Lukkari, Dagmar Margaret Makela, Bertha Violet Maki, Otto Michael Maki, Toini Mary M. Marincel, Michael Anthony Markus, Ina Martinson, Helen Irene Meglen, Louise Lawrence Muller, Dorthy Eileen Norcia, Leonard Nicholas Nordberg, Enid Ruth Norman, Carole Lois Olsen, Ingeborg Randine Perala, Eino Henry Perkio, Betty Ross, Florence Greta Rossi, Mobello Michael Ruha, Corinne Emilia Saari, Kenneth Vernord Severson, Vera Mae Simonich, Fredrick Paul Vanhala, Enid Lorraine VanPelt, Donald Francis Vidmar, Mary Celia Viitala, Elma Kathryn Voss, William George Yelenich, Stephana Angeline Yoki, Vienna Katherine Martinson, Lyla Elizabeth Martinson, Signe Marie Moilan, Theodore Andrew Muench, Katherine Josephine Nelson, John Jalmer Nelson, Sadie Mae Nenonen, Arnold Edward Norcia, Mary Bernice Orcutt, Leslie Vincent Pejavich, Jean Agnes Pejavich, Nicholas Nick Perala, Saimi Evelyn Rautiola, Elmer Henry Saari, Sylvia Julianna Schur, James Louis Staff, Toivo Armas Stauty, Edna Irene Vidmar, Anne Angeline Weckstrom, Eva Alexandra Wick, Harold B. Submitted by John Otava - [email protected] Mt. Iron High School, Mt Iron, MN Classes of 1936-1940 Class of 1936 Anderson, Arthur Raymond Anderson, Helen Helmi Anderson, Lyle Milton Bergquist, Bert Arvid Bergquist, Harold Hjalmer Buria, Rose Elizabeth Cerkvenik, Amelia Louise Charmoli, Patsy Peter Class of 1937 Anderson, Edwin John Anderson, John Alfred Anderson, Ruth D. Babbini, Caroline R. Barone, Genevieve Lucille Beeman, Fern G. Carlson, Doris E. Carlson, Esther A. Class of 1938 Anderson, Byron Kirk Anderson, Esther Emelia Anderson, Joyce Vyola Barone, Leopold Jerome Bergman, Robert Edmund Buffetta, Frank Bruno Cadeau, Kenneth Gerald Carman, Katherine Mary Ann Eklund, Alfred Waldemar Emerson, Charles Ralph Erickson, Janet Louise Forsland, Carolyn Emma Grevich, Stephen Robert Groves, Madge Leona Harper, Irene Bernice Heisel, William John Huhtala, Lila Anne Jackson, Virginia Johnson, Harriet Alberta Johnson, Henrietta E. Johnson, Raymond Leslie Jusela, Larry Jalmer Koski, Hilma Ellen Lostrom, Paul Edgar Lundgren, Gertrude Elina Lundgren, Lila Irene Maki, Waldo Arnie Marincel, John Joseph Marincel, Mary Margaret Meglen, Ann Therese Moilan, Vivian Elvira Morgando, John Darwin Nelson, Averil Venetta Nelson, Edwin Martin Niemi, Walter Henry Norcia, Lena Lucille Olson, Cyrus Robert Pearson, Raymond Clifford Perkio, Ailie Riccio, Daniel James Rossi, John Michael Sanderson, Virginia Mae Seppi, Eino Martin Severson, Howard Albert Shimmick, Irene Josephine Sorenson, Robert Roy Swaim, Nellie Mae Swedeman, Florence Alma Carlson, Lester James Cerkvenik, Rose Marie Charmoli, Edith Marie Charvollotti, Anthony Mario Conaway, Geneviece Lorraine Dimberio, Tony M. Fabish, Joe Theodore Fiola, Albert Thomas Forstrom, Orva Ivar Foss, Mildred Juliette Fox, Margaret Delores Gidos, George Gordon Grivich, Ann Elizabeth Grivich, John Joseph Hautamaki, Rudolph William Hoglund, Evelyn A. Johnson, Edith Marie Johnson, Gladys Marie Kauppila, Verner S. Lahti, Edwin J. Lostrom, Florence Esther Lostrom, Ruth Viola Ludenia, Genevieve Barbara Makela, Alice Maki, Tyyne Mariette Norlander, Alton L. Norman, Betty LaBelle Olson, John Ragnar Olson, Norman A. Olson, Homer J. Otava, Bertha Miriam Peterson, June Catherine Pevach, Daniel Theodore Ranta, Wesley Edwin Riccio, Rose Marie Roswold, Edith Delois Roswald, Raymond Roy Saari, Phyliss Lorraine Salo, William Roy Samppala, Florence Fannie Dean, Earl Vincent Dodge, Gene Kay Doris, John Kenneth Downing, James LeRoy Dubruiel, Leona Patricia Filander, Will Emil Foss, Hartley Emerson Gagnon, Alice Anne Marie Giru, Alfred James Grevich, Eleanore Lucille Grivich, Mary Janet Gulla, Della Josephine Gullekson, John Victor Hagbloom, Dorothy Virginia Hagstrom, Rose Viola Johnson, Chester LeRoy Johnson, Marie Olivia Johnson, Ruth Evelyn Jusela, Walter Leo Koskela, Ernest Kovich, Anne Angeline Laine, Elsa Alyce Levin, Evert Johnson Lundberg, Ralph Donald Lundgren, Lillian Marion Marconett, Bert Junior Marincel, Anne Elizabeth Martinson, Edwin Richard Martinson, Lynda Miriam Matson, Jeanne Elizabeth McCarthy, Melodie Blanche McLaughlin, Richard Hennie Merritt, Florence Belle Morgando, June Angelita Norcia, Rose Marie Nyberg, John Stanley Oettel, Richard Rienhart Olson, Esther Regina Radcliffe, Pearl Carolyn Riccio, William Lawrence Terrio, Harvey LeRoy Wainio, Eli Edwin Ernest Schur, John Michael Secola, Orlando Albert Shimmick, Lillian Eleanore Susnik, Angeline Josephine Sy, Keith Lorean Tyberg, Jane Geraldine Vidmar, Teresa JoAnn Viitala, Esther Viitala, Everett Mathew Vukelich, George Joseph Wayrynen, Viola Florence Whitehead, Rose Esther Wickenheiser, Orlee Catherine Wilcox, Robert Elizabeth Yelenich, Rudolph Paul Yoki, Helvi Class of 1939 Anderson, Beryl Alice Anderson, Erma Louise Anderson, Lorraine Iona Barone, Olga Josephine Bean, Ardith Joyce Beeman, Myrtle Mae Begich, Ann Marie Benzing, Millicent Jane Bergman, James Albert Bianchi, Dominic Stephen Bianchi, Sylvester James Carlson, Lloyd Segard Charmoli, Carmella Clara Dimberio, Virginia Marie Dimberio, Wallace Vincent M. Ellison, James Karl Fabish, Florence Violet Fabish, William John Franich, Minnie Lucille Giru, Marie Anne Josephine Groves, Theodore McAllister Riley, Joyce Arbutus Rossi, Elmendo John Roswold, Edith Lelois Schur, Beulah Gertrude Seppi, Ilmer Edwin Staudahar, William Albert Stauty, Vern Edward Stauty, Vivian Elveria VanPelt, Olive Marjorie Viitala, Verna Hagar Wayrynen, Edwin Ernest Class of 1940 Anderson, Katheryn Gaile Babbini, Dorothy Alice Bean, William Douglas Buffetta, Katheryne Mary Carman, Edward Frank Charmoli, Louise Mary Ann Dodge, William Horace Emerson, Ruth Agnes Franich, Verona Marie Grevich, Angeline Marie Ann Grevich, Katherine Cecile Groves, Frederick Arthur Hansen, Danita Maree Hoffer, John Richard Hoglund, Richard Hjalmer Hurtig, Ethel Elizabeth Korpi, Eila Vivienne Kosevich, Lorraine Muriel Koski, Fred Wesley Koski, Tillie Hazel Lehto, Violet Helen Gulla, Joseph Raymond Gullekson, Walter Kenneth Hansen, Robert George Henderson, Leile Adele Hill, Dorthy Ellen Hoffman, Lily Edna Hope, Jeanne Virgil Jacobsen, Peter Jacob Johnson, Kenneth Harold Johnson, Marian Matilda Kangas, Bernhardt Arthur Keating, Edward Stephen Kovich, Joe Mike Kutsi, Bruno Otto Lostrom, Harry Theodore Magajna, Esther Mary Maki, Oiva Orscar Marincel, Jennie Lucille Marincel, Katheryn Louise Mattila, Delores Elizabeth Mattocks, Eliner Jane McDonald, Teresa Mary McLaughlin, June Edna Mellin, Miriam Katherine Muller, Grace Ethel Nelson, Eugene Douglas Nelson, Ina Sophie Norman, William Roland Roy, Eva Lucille Beatrice Ruha, Esther Amelia Saari, Dorothy Lorraine Samppala, Edwin Sylvester Sanderson, Russell John H. Ulicsni, Rose Margaret Vidmar, Helen Joan Winquist, Virginia Lagne Yelenich, Paul Joseph Yelenich, Peter Lawrence Risku, Arvid Bruznak, Pearl Marincel, Madelyne Helene Markus, Sadie Julia Mattson, Marilyn Joy Menelli, Lawrence Vincenzo Moore, Jean Cora Nelson, Evelyn Hilda Norlander, Alvin Milton O’Niel Joseph Jeremiah Orcutt, Vernon George Rikala, Emil John Saari, Walter Jack Shouse, Henry Ford Tero, Melvin Carlo Terrio, Alice Hilda Winquist, Carl Roy Wonser, Florence Irene Woods, Marian Claretta Yoki, Albert Valarian Submitted by John Otava - [email protected] St. Mary's Hospital Nurses School Graduates Duluth MN, May 1924 Alexander, Ninette Anderson, Margaret Carrell, Marie Cashen, Helen Cleveland, Josephine Doran, Mary Finn, Monica Fischer, Hazel Helwiski, Claire Hendrickson, Ila Holm, Margaret Johnson, Alma Kessler, Cecilia Kitowski, Aurelia Kitowski, Melania McCusker, Helen Pfeffer, Isabelle Pikka, Anita Poupard, Jessie Spencer, Gertrude Vicovatti, Sophia Wasdahl, Mildred Weigert, Henrietta Zien, Helen Submitted by Shirley Solem St. Mary's Hospital Nurses School Graduates Duluth MN, May 19, 1927 Bordeaux, Ethel Callahan, Francis Carrell, Margaret Carroll, Catherine Coleman, Lucille Crotty, Rosella Gablou, Leone Geram, Josephine Golla, Elsie Hermes, Eva I. Klune, Caroline Kuelthau, Emma La Londe, Victoria Lampert, Minnie Lindgren, Edith Maddy, Eunice Mattson, Hazel Submitted by Shirley Solem McGivern, Ann Mooney, Clara Musich, Catherine O'Donnell, Pauline Olson, Esther Polaski, Claudier Quinn, Francis Ralstakka, A. Senia Ryan, Margaret Shanahan, Mildred Simonich, Mary Skule, Julia P. Slaughter, Helen Sullivan, Margaret Theofreda, M, Sister, O.S.R. Zwicky, Zelia TOWER-SOUDAN SENIOR CLASS Of 1916 Class Flower: American Beauty ~ Class Colors: Red & White Class Motto: “Impossible” is Un-American Class Officers: President, Amandus Halvorson ~ Vice President, Hazel Martin Secretary-Treasurer, Ida Thorpe ~ Poet, Adolph Naslund Historian, Ragnild Nickolson ~ Valedictorian, Adolph Erickson Salutatorian, Amandus Halvorson ~ Highest Ranking Girl, Alta Howe CLASS ROLL Branwell, Helia Martin, Hazel Eikrem, Florence Murphy, Lillian Erickson, Adolph Mutka, Nick Hallock, Ethel Naslund, Adolph Halvorson, Amandus Nickolson, Ragnild Hill, Hellen Osterberg, Esther Hill, Lydia Sovde, Esther Howe, Alta Talle, Jennie Kitto, Mintie Thorpe, Ida EX-MEMBERS Berglund, Rudolph Limstrom, Hildur Ericson, William Murphy, Leonore Forss, Adeline Pearson, Edwin In Memory of Hepola, William Wahlstein, Lillian Johnson, Helmer Williams, Fred Williams, Hattie Submitted by Robin Karvonen [email protected] TOWER-SOUDAN JUNIOR CLASS OF 1916 (Graduating Class of 1917) Class Officers: President, Bella Thomas ~ Vice President, Olga Lofgren Secretary, Gilbert Larson ~ Treasurer, Reuben Lindquist CLASS ROLL Bodine, Esther Kitto, Alberta Bowman, Jennie Larson, Gilbert Carlson, Harold Lindquist, Reuben Chiabotti, Ida Lofgren, Olga Congdon, Guerdon Napier, Lloyd* Hepola, Matt Nelson, Cella Hepola, Hilma Nelson, Selma Howe, Inez Olson, Hjalmar* Jacksha, Mamie Pederson, Ruth Jeffrey, Owen Peterson, Evelyn Johnson, Elsie Sipola, Helen Johnson, George Sipola, Ina Johnson, Nannie Sovde, Elsie Karvala, Helen* Thomas, Bella *left school Submitted by Robin Karvonen [email protected] TOWER SOPHOMORE CLASS OF 1916 (Graduating Class of 1918) Class Officers: President, Fritjof Peterson ~ Vice President, Anna Jacksha Secretary, Jacob Hallock ~ Treasurer, Ellen Bystrom Sergeant at Arms, Jacob Skala ~ Class Advisor, Miss Williams Class Colors : Orange & Black CLASS ROLL Bystrom, Ellen Jackson, William Peterson, Fritjof Hakala, Helen Johnson, Hjalmar* Pearson, Elsie Hallock, Jacob Kuretich, Annie Skala, Jacob Helstrom, Carl Merrill, Eugene Thorpe, Arnold Jacksha, Anna Naslund, Ames Weinzierl, Aloys *left school Submitted by Robin Karvonen [email protected] TOWER FRESHMAN CLASS OF 1916 (Graduating Class of 1919) Class Officers: President, James Eden ~ Vice President, Gladys Merrill Secretary, Fern Peterson ~ Treasurer, Morris Howe Sergeant at Arms, Russell Thomas ~ Class Advisor, Miss Williams Class Colors: Maroon & Gold CLASS ROLL ~ *left school Aronson, Beda Keskitalo, Helga Aubin, Eunice Martin, Albert Bystrom, Lillian Merrill, Gladys Corser, Adelbert* Osterberg, Florence Corser, Alger* Palmer, Walter* Eden, James Pearson, Elmer Ericson, Lillian Peterson, Fern Gruben, Ella* Sovde, Adelaide Holter, Walter Stefanich, Annie Howe, Morris Thomas, Russell Jackson, George Weinzierl, Edward Johnson, Viola Wiseman, Myron Submitted by Robin Karvonen [email protected] Swedish Parochial School Duluth, St. Louis Co., MN Swedish Parochial School of St. Bethany Lutheran Church, Duluth, St. Louis Co., Minnesota June 17, 1901 - August 9, 1901 presented by Titus Anderson, Teacher Pupils Class A. Ella Johnson Josephine Erickson Alma Peterson Lydia Johnson Marie Johnson Ida Anderson Christine Soderlund Edith Ryden Anna Nordstrom Selma Timanson Hulda Johnson Ida Johnson Edith Carlson Esther Olson Carl Palmquist Emma Jepson Anna Anderson Florence Nelson Olga Nicholson Olga Dahl Clara Swenson Hjalmar Holmstrand Odelia Olson Lillie Larson Alma Olson Ateley Anderson Emily Hanson Arthur Johnson Sigrid Nelson Ruth Cassel Class B. Esther Carlson Jennie Swenson Ivar Anderson Arthur Soderlund Oscar Carlson Arvid Carlson Blanche Erickson Willie Anderson Elvira Horngren Alfred Swantstrom Ellen Dahlin Oscar Anderson Arthur Johnson Selma Granfors Adolf Sjoberg Esther Johnson Esther Anderson Edith Akerman George Larson Anna Olin Ida Vilander Selma Nygord Hilda Johnson Tilda Soderlund Jennie Johnson Arthur Johnson Esther H. Johnson Albert Peterson Henry Anderson Evir Wolean Eddie Nelson Hildur Anderson Anna Norquist Lottie Swenson Delia Swenson John Thoreson Victor Nelson Gotfred Lilyman Esther Nelson Emma Swenson Alice Johnson Agnes Erickson Agnes Wedholm Eddie Anderson Arvid Anderson Hildur Fahrman Class C Alfred Sundholm Esther Gransfors Florence Johnson Daniel Olson Arthur Hallgren Alice Headsten George Wallen Adolf Lindstrom Edward Anderson Gilbert Wester Mabel Ahlstrom Curt Akerstrom Bror Akerstrom Oscar Larson Victoria Benson Peter Hanson Hilda Carlson Jennie Samson Annie Peterson Alfred Lindgren Hulda Olson Hulda Wallen Carl Hogberg Edith Sundholm Carl Cassel Ernst Samson Edwin Swenson Josef Backman Alice Anderson Ernst Norquist Ralph Johnson Ida Peterson Helga Erickson Class D Carl Swenson Selma Mattson Class E Vendla Erickson Agnes Peterson John Olson Earl Miller Emma Nelson Einar Holmstrand Ernst Hammar William Anderson Mabel Hallgren Anna Ekstrom Gertrude Fahrman Clarence Lindskog Elsa Johnson Paul Johnson Lambert Sherman Andrew Vilander Edith Lindstrom Lily Rosenquist Martin Vilander George Peterson Martin Carlson Arthur Peterson Arvid Johnson Mamie Nelson Lillie Dahlin Ruth Swenson Gustaf Gustafson Gertrude Erickson Edith Hallgren Oscar Hogberg Lillie Tengblad Oscar Johnson Irene Week Hilda Granfors Annie Larson Victor Benson Ernst Vedholm Ernst Henrickson Harry Anderson Oscar Johnson Alma Johnson John Lundstrom Albert Ekeroth Clarence Johnson Maria Norquist George Volean Willie Engstrom Signe Gronlund Bernard Gustafson Arthur Nelson Effie Lindahl Leonard Lilyman Class F Carl Anderson Leonard Peterson Arthur Tengblad Olivia Larson Annie Anderson Henning Lindgren Hulda Hegstrom Emil Wallin Willie Tengblad Alice Wallen Theodore Broman Hulda Engstrom Gustaf Olson Eunice Willner St. Mary's Hospital Nurses School Graduates, Duluth, MN May 1930 Duluth Herald, Friday, May 8, 1930 - page 18 {picture appeared in paper} Note: 2014, Genealogy Bank does not have the Duluth Herald Members of the graduating class of the St. Luke's hospital school of nursing, whose commencement program will be held Tuesday evening at the United Baptist Christian church, include the following, left to right: First row--Misses Alice Gilling, Sigid Yderstad, Marion Melton, Ruth Johnson, Irma Brunelli, Helen Ulvila, Annette Gulliksrud, Edna Medjo, Nellie Swenson and Ruth Pennie. Second Row--Misses Edna Trevarrow, Beatrice Rydeen, Clara Kuerno, Ruby Anderson, Ilo Strickland, Clara Olson, Rosine Schneider and Constance Bredeson. Third row--Misses Rachel Middaugh, Margaret Ness, Martha Holmstrom, Muriel Bradley, Margaret Robins, Anna Amundson and Ann Nelson. Other graduates, not shown in the picture, are Misses Dorothy St. Mary, Hazel Smith, Margaret Lundberg, Helen Appleby, Isabel McDonald. Submitted by Shirley Solem Virginia Senior High School Commencement Virginia MN June 7, 1929 Class Officers: President - Harold Engman Vice President - Grace Halliday Secretary - Elsie Niemi Treasurer - Olga Jensen Class Motto: "We Build The Ladder By Which We Climb" Class Colors: Royal Purple and Orchid Class Flower: Lilac Agriesti, Mary Jeanne Aho, Aune Ida Marie Anderson, Irma Lucille Anderson, Mabel H. Bloomquist, Inez Evelyn Brude, Alice M. Bruneau, Ethel Lilliam Canossa, Ida Delores Johnson, Earl Arthur Johnson, Harold Ernest Johnson, Hida I. Kauppinen, Elma Aline Kehoe, Elinor J. Kehus, Irene Elma Kenner, Saragrace Kirkman, Gladys Elvera Niemi, Hilda S. Nikka, Archie A. Norby, Mabel Noyes, Virginia Eileen Nykanen, Holger O'Leary, Kathleen Marie Olsen, Rhoda Marguerite Paciotti, Lenore Carlson, Florence Olive Charlesworth, Robert William Chilcote, Lydia Mae Christopherson, Ralph Hane Corgan, Mary Bartley Crist, Leita Evalyn Cundy, Lawrence R. Cuppoletti, Bruno Rudolphe T. Degrugillier, Paul David Devich, Steve Mathew Duhant, Helen Teresa Eldien, Florence C. Elkington, Alyce M. Engman, Harold Anselm Engman, Walter Sigfred Erickson, Ilmi Luella Erzar, Stanley F. Flemming, James Emmett Garon, Eleanor Gillespie, Harry William Glumack, Sophia Marian Granholm, Edwin H. Gunderson, Vivian Gladys Halliday, Grace Caroline Hedman, Cecilia V. Heikkila, Gertrude Sylvia Hendrickson, Vendla Marja Hill, Theodore R. Hinchliff, Daisy Alice LaVerne Ilse, Elvera Bernice Jacobson, Kermit G. Jarver, Anna A. Jensen, Olga N. Kizenkavich, Marian Magdeline Klefler, Ernest Henry Koebensky, Anthony M. Korting, Viola K. Koskela, Wagner Elmer Koski, Gertrude K. Laakso, Edward O. Larson, Alice Marguerite Lassilla, Vienna M. Laukka, Irene I. Lindman, Arthur C. Lox, Edith Evelyn McDonough, Mary Patricia McQuade, Helen Irene Mack, Raymond Frederick Magagnini, Fred J. Makela, Marion I. Maki, Fanny I. Maniko, Hazel Helen Matkovich, Ann R. Mattson, Russel F. Michals, Leona Constance Milroy, Mary Mobroten, Ruth Mildred Mobroten, Tilda Josephine Morton, Virginia Claire Murray, Enid Kanetta Myrvold, Trya Pauline Nelson, Adeline Nelson, Jane Nesbitt, Reuben Andrew Niemi, Bertha E. Niemi, Elsie Johanna Pearce, Edward Harold Pearce, Raymond Walter Pelto, Olaf John Pera, Erma LaVerne Perras, Raymond Walter Person, Melvin G. Phillips, Impie Marie Poupard, Mamie Prijanovich, Rose Teresa Raihala, Irma Tellervo Reinke, C. Alanson Rorvek, Mabel Eleanor Rosenberger, Anna Malinda Ruha, Nelo Henry Russel Salmela, Elsie Salminen, Harold Armas Salminen, Theodore Adolphe Sippola, Suamma Helena Sirvio, George O. Sisel, Lucille C. Skarp, Edward Sloan, Amy H. Smegal, Eleanor R. Sooger, Signe Marie Stapleford, Ethel A. Svedberg, Bayert William VonMehren, Ann Marie Watson, Hugh M. West, Carl Gustave Westby, Jessie Virginia Marie Wilkinson, Raymond John Winkler, Arthur Eldon Virginia Senior High School Commencement Virginia MN June 7, 1934 Class Officers: President - Alfred Skarp Vice-President - Elizabeth Ann Prince Second Vice- President - Conrad Peterson Secretary - Eleanor Robinson Tresurer - Charles Prasky Class Colors: Blue and Silver Bronze Class Flower: Pink Rose June Graduates 1934 Aaseng, Fay Evelyn Anderson, Emil C. Anderson, Fern Ione Anderson, Luther Elvin Babiracki, Genevieve Helen Babiracki, Hedvig Bailey, Monica Loretta Belay, Fred Lawrence Bergerson, Berger Berglund, Ruth E. Bochna, Anthony J. Bodell, Burnette Bosshardt, Marion Norma Bradish, Violet Buck, Jeanette V. Buvarp, Esther Norma Burton, Carol Lorraine Canelake, Helen E. Carey, June Patricia Carlson, Alvina E. Carlson, Ferne Dorothy Carlson, Reino W. Cerquettini, Cledo S Chilcote, Max E. Hickox, Marjorie Hunter, Mercedes Harriet Jacobson, Leone Margaret Jensen, Richard E. Johnson, Esther V. Josephson, Gustav R. Kaminski, Chester John Karakas, Ann M Koebensky, Pauline Therese Korting, Willard P. Koskela, Mabel Anna Koski, Lillian Eleanor LaBeau, Lester F. LaPatka, Rose Marie LaVigne, Howard Joseph Lahti, A. Eugene Larsen, Milton Chester Larson, Jack E. Laspi, Roy M. Leighton, George Benjamin Jr. Liming, Charles A. Lonnstrom, Afilie Marie Luke, Jack Lloyd MacVettie, Ilene Claire Pfeifer, Chauncey L. Pietrini, Theodore Joseph Pineo, Carol Mae Prasky, Charles Prince, Elizabeth Ann Raukar, Rudolph F. Reed, Marcus A. Renzaglia, Zaida Marie Richards, Mary Richards, Roy A. Robinson, Eleanore Jane Rodby, Stanley Edward Rodorigo, James V Rothnem, Nordis Russo, Amelia A. Russo, Carl J. Salo, Lempi I. Scholtus, Lucille Carol Schultz, Natilie Muriel Shapiro, George C. Skarp, Alfred B. Smith, Charles H. Smith, Edith Josephine Smith, Marguerite L Cimperman, William J. Coning, Doris Geraldine Cosgrove, Lillian Mary Cox, Chester Charles Dahl, Howard P. Devich, Aurora C. Doane, Dora Lenore Dougherty, June Alice Downing, Florence Virginia Dwyer, Catherine Virginia Egan, Jennie E. Engman, Catherine Virginia Engstrom, Bernice M.C. Engstrom, Lucille O.V. Erickson, Lempi K. Erickson, Lorraine A. Erkkila, Edna M. Erkkila, Ethel E. Fayone, Ann Delores Frederick, Maxine Gabrielson, Karen Eleanor Gasparich, Annie T. Gentilini, Johanna M. Granger, Gael Gloria Guralski, Lucille Gussmann, Delores Barbara Hagan, Kathryn M. Hall, Jack H. Handberg, Beatrice Marion Hansen, Nadine A. Harris, Dorothy N. Haryn, Vieno Hawker, Allen Buell Heelstone, D. Margaret Heitkemper, Eleanor Doris Hendrickson, Vivian M. McCullough, Malcolm S. Mack, Dorothy Ann Magill, Marjorie Blanche Maki, Ellen Marrie Maki, Helen Ruth Maki, Mayme Matilda Makie, Aune Martin, Arnold William Martin, Russell J. Mather, Jane E. Matko, Olga M. Matson, Kendrick Boyd Mattson, Lorraine L. Mattson, Myrtle Pauline Meehan, George J. Michalowski, Helen Ann Miltich, Anna Mae Minelli, Charles Mykra, Olga Helen Nelson, Dorothy Pauline Nesbitt, Arthur H. Niles, Walfred Niska, Gladys M. Nivala, Oras B. Novak, Luverne C. Olson, Martha I. Pakola, Edwin A. Palm, Esther Violet Partanen, Jorma O. Pazzelli, Jessie Marie Pelto, George E. Person, George W. Peterson, Conrad R. Peterson, Elsa Ruby Peterson, H. Victor Petroskey, Jane Violet Smith, Mary Lee Solberg, Louraine G. Spehar, Anna T. Starkovich, Thomas M. Stepich, Josephine A. Stickney, James Arthur Stickney, Mary Jane Suliin, Anna Lydia Swanson, Edmund A. Symanski, Florence Thayer, Arthur F. Thomas, Frances A. Tillman, Bernice Tomazin, Ann T. Tulpo, George A. Tuomi, Hilda Miriam Tuominen, Veikko W. Turino, Jane Caroline Vack, Donald J. Vail, Byron J. Vail, Dorothy Elaine Vanderbloom, Alta G. Vanecek, Agnes Mary Venaas, Margaret A. VonderHaar, Alphonse J. Vranicar, John Joseph Walden, Ellen V. Warren, Harold Francis Westby, Arline Whitney, Evelyn Ethel Wicklund, Viola F. Wilcox, Lawrence F. Williams, Ina T. Zadra, Margaret Washington Junior High School, Duluth MN 1929 9A Class Roll Abernathy, Pauline Hall, Arthur Abrams, Helen Hanson, Erling Abrahamson, Elna Hanson, Jennie Adelson, Sylvia Hanson, Muriel Amundson, Lester Hanson, Rockford Anetil, George Harvey, Harry Anderson, Jean Haskins, Wendell Anderson, William Hayes, Thomas Andres, Dale Havdahl, Fred Anseth, Dorrisy Hecken, Otto Apostolakas, Virginia Helpa, Joseph Bachke, Clarence Hervola, Gust Barker, Milton Hessert, Mary Bartell, Helen Hewitt, Clarence Bate, Catherine Heetanen, Allie Behring, Marjorie Hill, Bjarne Bemke, Dolores Hill, Vera Bennett, Eathel Hellquist, Gladys Berg, Arthur Hoar, Nancy Berg, Jennie Hole, Lucille Bergal, Freda Ignasiak, Edward Bergal, Bennie Irvin, Robert Bergman, Ray Jackson, Beulah Bernsten, Raymond Jacobson, Eleanor Bertossi, John Jacobson, Helmi Bjornstad, Martha Johnson, Arlene Bongey, Arlene Johnson, Freda Boushala, Violet Johnson, Gladys Boynton, Lucy Jane Johnson, Helen Brown, Marie Johnson, Howard Brown, Merle Johnson, Ida Buchring, Anna Johnson, John Burns, Emmett Johnson, Lillian Carlson, Edith Johnson, Myrtle Carlson, Gertrude Johnson, Raymond Miller, Joyce Mondow, Bud Mrozik, Robert Muckart, Margaret Nelson, Ervin Nelson, Helen Nelson, Loyd Nelson, Aileen Nossum, Margaret Nyman, Margaret Nystrom, Lillian Ogston, Allen Ogston, Lauren Olson, Helen Olson, Margaret Oxman, Fay Palmer, Sterling Pappas, Henry Patterson, Edward Peterson, Margaret Peterson, Orville Peterson, Roderick Peterson, Vivian Pringle, Mary Rahko, William Randall, Floyd Refseth, Betty Reitan, Evelyn Rhode, Robert Rich, Louise Richardson, Grace Rinne, Irga Robinson, Edward Rodahl, Arthur Rogers, Adeline Carlson, Lillian Carlson, Ruth Cartier, Joseph Chatovitz, Liby Clark, Courtland Curtiss, Neal Cyrol, Adele Cyrol, Chester Dahl, Lester Davidson, Burton Drewett, Esther Dunlop, Dolline Drydahl, May Ekroot, Raymond Ellingson, John Emanuelson, Jane Even, Martin Evens, William Farrell, Gordon Fastovsky, Freda Fleer, Beatrice Forbort, Gladys Forsberg, Evert Forsell, Thora Foster, Muriel Fostoff, Harold Fredrickson, Ethel Fredrickson, Gladys Fortin, Helen Frehse, Mary Jane Fuhrman, Bernice Glazman, Betty Glockle, Lovella Goldfine, Minnie Goldsmith, June Gordon, Julius Grandell, Adolph Green, Ida Johnson, Stanley Rogers, Marcellus Johnston, Dorothy Round, Irene Jones, Herbert Reeden, William Jones, John Sage, James Kahring, Kathleen Sahlman, Vivian Kanen, Nellie Saloski, Jeanette Kari, Eugene Shea, Patricia Kelly, Pat Sher, Jane Kern, Lyle Silvonen, Suto Knucky, William Singer, Rosalyn Knutson, Orton Sink, Josephine Knutson, Ray Slotness, Elna Koutsoyan, James Smith, Herbert Kovack, Olga Smith, Mildred Krovitz, Ann Snyder, Alice Kucharsky, Margaret Sorman, Harry Kurri, Dora Sproal, Jean Kurtilla, Ellen Staubs, William Kutz, Beatrice Stenberg, Edith Lahtinen, Arthur Steinle, Arthur Lappi, Lauri Stevenson, Harriet Lamke, Myrtle Stewart, Marvin Larke, Isabelle Strum, Dorothy Larson, Harold Summers, Adeline Leiness, Pearl Tangen, Helen Lent, Genevieve Teske, Dorothy Levendusky, Bernard Thayer, Camille Levy, Evelyn Thompson, Vivian Lind, Olga Tinseth, Conrad Lofgren, Alice Toivenen, Edward Lofgren, Eleanor Vanderburg, Naemi Lovell, Carl Walsh, William Lovald, Henry Walczak, Teresa Maki, Arne Ward, Ruth Marcovitch, Sam Whalen, Ruby McComber, Charles Williams, Ruth McGill, Elva Wilkes, Ralph McKellops, Colette Wilson, Allen Grinde, Loyd Gunderson, Helen Gunsolus, Harriet Hagenson, Dorothy McNulty, Helen Medlin, Jethro Meidal, Chester Miller, Florence Wilson, Charles Wilson, Elinor Wilson, Torrance Wold, Lucille Submitted by Wiley Spencer Fulkerson - [email protected]
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