CONTACT The community magazine for Chickerell and Fleet NOVEMBER 2014 Issue No 456 FROM THE EDITOR: Last month I attended the funeral of Capt Ken Mills. After a distinguished naval career Ken had settled with his wife and family at The Elms in East Street. He opened his home up to raise funds each year for the church and other charities; his gardens were always a pleasure to walk around and he was more than willing to help out with the fete. Contact sends our condolences to his family. This month we are pleased to welcome Mrs Christine Bird as another new agent. However, we are still asking for a volunteer for the Cobham Drive area; otherwise door to door delivery could possibly come to an end for this district. Please contact Peter Critchell on Weymouth 770124 if you can help. If people in Cobham Drive do not get a Contact next month they will be available from Charlestown Post Office and the community fire station in Radipole Lane. As we go to press the road works in Putton Lane are finishing so we all should be back to normal there. Work will be starting soon on a footpath up Garston Hill. Once again we have to thank Stan Groves for this contribution of a ballad by Stan’s favourite poet, John Clare. With November 5th approaching, please be careful with your fireworks and please be aware of animals when celebrating. Next month is our double issue for December and January 2015; please remember to have all your articles for the two months ready for us by November 19th. Thank you! John Dean ********************************************************************* DATES FOR YOUR DIARY NOVEMBER More details inside November 1st: Hot Puddings at Marshallsay Court, 2.30-4.30pm. For St Mary’s. November 6th: Chickerell Luncheon Club November 7th: Tea Dance, Willowbed Hall, 2-4pm November 7th: Quiz Night, Willowbed Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm start. For Kenya project. November 8th: Autumn Bazaar, Willowbed Hall, 2-4pm. For Leukaemia & Lymphoma. November 10th: Chickerell Walkers Club meets, 10am, Willowbed Hall. November 14th: Concert with Brass Tacks Band, Chickerell Methodist Church, 7.30pm. *************************** November 15th, 5pm: Deadline for all ADVERTS including payments and amendments, for DECEMBER/ JANUARY DOUBLE issue of Contact. **************************** November 15th: Christmas craft fair and village cafe, Willowbed Hall. Spirit of Chickerell event. November 18th: Chickerell Town Council monthly meeting, 7pm. November 18th: Chickerell & Charlestown TG meets, Marshallsay Court, 7.30pm. Talk about life on the fairground. **************************** November 19th, 5pm: Deadline for all ARTICLES for DECEMBER/ JANUARY DOUBLE issue of Contact Magazine. The road closure at Putton Lane in October ******************************************************************** INSIDE THIS MONTH Remembrance Day - details inside Stan Groves presents lines from a ballad by John Clare ****** PLUS all the details of events up and coming in Chickerell and the surrounds *************************** November 20th: Chickerell Community Lunch, Willowbed. November 21st: Weymouth West Air Scouts Xmas Bingo, open 6.15pm, eyes down 7pm. November 22nd: Pre-Christmas Bazaar, 2 - 4.30pm. For St Mary’s November 29th: Christmas coffee morning & stalls, Chickerell Methodist Church, 10am to noon. November 30th: Ducklings Christmas Fayre, Willowbed Hall, 2pm. HOW TO CONTACT CONTACT! Editor: John Dean, 4 Rashley Road, Chickerell (01305) 785895. Advertiser, Compiler and Treasurer: Caroline Tomlinson, 29 Fairfield, Chickerell, Tel: (01305) 773502. No personal callers without prior arrangement please. Email: [email protected]. If sending an email, please ensure you put вЂ�Contact Magazine’ and the appropriate month in the subject heading or it will be regarded as вЂ�spam’. NOTE: email attachments for articles MUST be created and sent in Word 2003. Please seek advice from the compiler about ad setting. Simple works best and a simple electronic version works far better than scanned copy. Ads sent as email attachments HAVE to be either a jpeg, bitmap or a pdf if not Word. Letters and editorial contributions, which may be edited, are welcome but anonymous letters will not be published. Letters for the editor, articles and adverts, should be sent direct to the compiler. Please be brief. Note: The views and opinions expressed by the contributors in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor, compiler or publisher. Every effort is made to ensure all information provided is correct at time of going to press. Closing dates for articles: 5pm on the 19th of the preceding month. Closing date for adverts: (including amendments to current adverts) 5pm on the 15th of the preceding month. Please add a contact phone number and/or address if sending via email. Note: these deadlines have to be strict to get Contact completed and to the printers on time. Adverts will not be placed in Contact without prior payment. All cheques for advertisements must be made payable to Contact Magazine. Receipts will be sent by email; if this is not acceptable, please enclose SAE with cheque. Sorry, we have no BACS or card facility. Contact’s Distribution Manager: Peter Critchell. Tel: (01305) 770124. Please contact the distribution manager if there are any problems with deliveries of Contact. Alternatively, you can pick up Contact at: Chickerell Post Office; Chickerell Library; Chickerell Pharmacy and the hairdresser next door; Charlestown Post Office; Wessex Pharmacy at Lanehouse and Alf’s Fish and Chips. You can also view us online at the Chickerell Web Site every month. ************************************************************************************************* USEFUL HEALTH INFORMATION CHICKERELL SURGERY. Tel: 01305 761915. OPENING TIMES: Mondays: 8.30 – 11.30am and 3pm to 5.30pm; Tuesday 8.30 – noon, 2.30 – 5pm; Wednesday: 8.30am to 11.30am and 3pm – 5.30pm (alternate weeks); Thursday 8.30am to 11.30am and 3pm to 5pm; Friday 8.30am to noon. Calls outside of these times: Abbotsbury Road surgery. Telephone number: 01305 780806. GP LED WALK -IN CENTRE: next to Minor Injuries Unit, Weymouth Hospital: open to 8am to 8pm daily for minor ailments and illnesses if unable to get GP appointment or are visiting the area. Tel: (01305) 980000. MEDICAL HELP AFTER DOCTORS SURGERY IS CLOSED: Emergency Care Service: dial 111. This operates 6.30pm to 8am Monday to Friday, weekends and Bank Holidays. If critically ill still call 999. DORSET COUNTY HOSPITAL AND WEYMOUTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL INFORMATION: The Accident and Emergency Department is located at Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester. All serious injuries should go to this department. Injuries that are less serious should attend the Minor Injuries Unit at Weymouth Community Hospital which is open from 8am to 10pm seven days a week. Note: No x-ray facility at Weymouth after 5pm or at weekends or Bank Holidays. Remember: Minor complaints to Weymouth, anything more serious to Dorchester. ************************************************************************************************* IMPORTANT & USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS: ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: PLEASE REPORT ALL INCIDENTS no matter how small IMMEDIATELY to the police on 101. NOTE: the police will be in the Sports Pavilion. Lower Way, on ALTERNATE Thursday evenings between 5pm and 6pm. HIGHWAY ISSUES - Roads, Verges & Hedges, public footpaths, street lights, road signage, winter maintenance and bus timetables - if you have any queries regarding any of these (potholes, a crack in the road/footpath, overhanging branches etc), please phone Dorset County Council on 01305 221020. STREETLIGHTS: If there is a streetlight out please phone 0800 0684145. FLOODING: For flooding problems please call 01305 221020 and for access to sandbags please call 01305 252356. REFUSE/RECYCLING, RUBBISH BIN PROBLEMS: Call West Dorset District Council on 251010 where their Customer Service Staff will be pleased to help. DOG FOULING: To report any irresponsible owners telephone (01305) 251010 and ask for the Dog Warden. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT: Call West Dorset District Council on 01305 251010. WATER PROBLEMS: Report to Wessex Water - 0845 600 4 600. Gas or Electricity problems: Call your supplier direct. - this website has a wealth of information about services across Dorset, including planning applications and road closures, plus links to other websites. You can also report any of the above problems through this website. CHICKERELL LIBRARY. Tel: 760095, 51 East Street, Chickerell, Weymouth DT3 4DT Monday: CLOSED. Tuesday: 9.30am to 12.30pm; Wednesday: 9.30am to 12.30pm. Thursday 3pm to 5.30pm; Friday: 2pm to 4.30pm; Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL WEB SITE – By James Bennett: You can log in at You need to register, which is a simple case of entering your name and email. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your details. Once that is done you can post messages on the forum. ************************************************************************************************* THE CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU: is at Chickerell Town Council offices in Putton Lane every other Wednesday morning from 10am to noon. No appointment is needed just call in during the opening hours. Advice is also available by phone on 0844 2451291 or by email: Are you claiming all the benefits you are entitled to? We can help. Advice also available on a wide range of problems including debt, legal concerns, employment rights, housing and consumer complaints. We are a registered charity; our service is confidential and free. ************************************************************************************************* AGE UK (formerly Age Concern): Benefits Advice Surgeries for West Dorset’s older residents: At Weymouth Community Safety Centre (Fire Station), Radipole Lane, on the second Thursday in each month between 9.30am and 11.30am. Strictly by appointment only. Also operates on the fourth Thursday in each month, between 9am and 11.00am at Age UK Dorchester, again by appointment only. To make an appointment for the Weymouth or Dorchester surgery, (Dorset residents only please) contact Age UK Dorchester on 01305 269444 or at Rowan Cottage, 4 Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester DT1 1PW, ************************************************************************************************* THE PILGRIM HOUSE TRUST, Pilgrim House, 1 Hope Street, Weymouth, Tel: 01305 761828. Specially for the over 55s. Rotary Club of Weymouth. Pilgrim House can offer factsheets on everything from TV licence concessions to bogus callers and has an internet cafe where you can get started on computers. ************************************************************************************************* BUSES from Chickerell. For bus timetable information go to Wednesday market bus from Chickerell to Dorchester: This service leaves Chickerell Post Office at 10.10am on Wednesdays and goes via Abbotsbury and Portesham to Dorchester Trinity Street, leaving to come back to Chickerell from Trinity Street at 1.15pm. BUSES from Chickerell to Weymouth: Service 8: Every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime. First bus from Chickerell 06.19. Hourly from 19.37 in the evening until 23.37. The Sunday service operates roughly every 45 minutes. The first bus is from Chickerell at 09.00 and the last bus is at 18.07; the last bus from Weymouth is at 17.45. The last two journeys operate via Westham. ************************************************************************************************* HALL HIRE WILLOWBED HALL AND THE SPORTS PAVILION: The Sports Pavilion, Lower Way and the Willowbed Hall are both available for hire. Bookings must be made through the Town Council Offices on 767458 or through the website: Sports Pavilion - The Club Room and kitchen are furnished and would make an ideal venue for meetings. Willowbed Hall - The hall has a large equipped kitchen, entrance area and cloakrooms. We can also offer an indoor marquee lining. CHARLESTOWN VICTORY HALL, PUTTON LANE:В Ideal for small functions, childrens parties, clubs and band practice.В Monday 9.45 - 10.45: Keep Fit.В Monday Evenings: Line & Partner Dancing with Dixie Six (772668).В Tuesday Evenings: Line & Partner Dancing (Beginners).В Wednesday 10am - 12noon: Coffee Morning.В Wednesday Evenings: Line & Partner Dancing with Dixie Six (772668).В Thursday Evenings: Ballet (with Lisa Crump).В Friday Evenings (fortnightly): Bingo - Eyes down at 7pm. Saturdays: Dog Training with The Pet Experience (Sarah 07769705807). For further details on hiring the hall please contact Joe Castleman on 01305 789125.В В В ************************************************************************************************* BUDMOUTH COMMUNITY SPORTS CENTRE: Kids Club during school holidays; cycle training; children’s parties and facilities that can be booked. Fitness classes: Tone & Stretch, Tuesdays 6-7pm; Legs, Bums & Tums, Wednesdays 6-7pm; Body Sculpture + - Thursdays 7-8pm; Aerobics & Body Conditioning Mondays and Thursdays; Power ChiYoga, Mondays. Airconditioned Fitness Suite. Tel: 830508. Weymouth Tv Centre TV Repairs and sales Free delivery and installation of all purchases Get ITV3 and ITV4 with a Freesat system. “caring for your pets as if they were our own” Tel: 01305 768195 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 83 Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth. Main surgery: 176-178 Chickerell Road Weymouth DT4 0QR Telephone: 01305 784197 (24 hours) Branch at: 86 Mellstock Avenue Dorchester DT1 2BH Telephone: 01305 251632 Clif’s Carpets View samples in comfort at home Large selection of carpet and vinyl Free quote - Best price - No VAT Call Clif on 01305 760774 / 07980073935 NEWS and LETTERS - more overleaf NEWS FROM FIRST BUS REGARDING CHICKERELL: “Service 8 will continue to operate every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday daytime. В The First departure from Chickerell is at 0619 and is hourly at 37 minutes past the hour from 1937 in the evening until 2337. В We have retained the hourly evening service Monday to Saturday for this winter on a trial basis. В If enough people use the service it will be retained all year round, if not it will be withdrawn next winter. В The Sunday service operates roughly every 45 minutes. The first bus is from Chickerell at 0900 and the last bus is at 1807, the last bus from Weymouth is at 1745 the last two journeys operate via Westham. We have also introduced the winter service on X53: В This means that the service is roughly two hourly, departures from Chickerell towards Bridport will be at 0736, 0936, 1025, 1125, 1225, 1325, 1525 and 1730. The last bus from Exeter is at 1730 this will arrive in Chickerell at 2034. В The Sunday service is withdrawn for the winter. В In previous years this service has been paid for by Dorset County Council but this funding is no longer available. New timetables can be downloaded from our website at В Customer services telephone number: 0333 014 3490.” ************************************************************************************************* NEWS FROM DORSET TRADING STANDARDS: вЂ�Good neighbours stop rogue traders’ is the message from Dorset County Council Trading Standards this November during National Consumer Week. Latest research shows that nationally there could be as many as 170,000 incidents of doorstep crime each year. Doorstep criminals exploit vulnerable residents by convincing people to pay for shoddy or incomplete repair work, charging extortionate fees for their services, or threatening residents who do not pay.В Thankfully doorstep crime is low in Dorset and with help Dorset Trading Standards would like to keep it that way. The вЂ�Good neighbours stop rogue traders’ campaign focuses on preventing doorstep crime by encouraging neighbours, family, friends and carers to look out for those most at risk in their communities. Risk factors include cold callers and vans appearing; unexpected work starting on your neighbour’s garden or house; and if poor quality work is visible on the roof, driveway, or property. Your neighbour may also appear anxious or distressed or visit their bank, building society, or post office more frequently. They may even be accompanied by a trader. If any of these signs are familiar then trading standards says you could ask you neighbour in private if things are ok and offer to help or to contact family, other friends or carers. Report non emergency information to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06, or Dorset Police on 101. In an emergency call 999. Trading Standards do have вЂ�We do not deal with uninvited traders’ door stickers available from district or borough council office reception, from most libraries, through the Neighbourhood and Home Watch network, by phoning the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06 or by completing an online form at ************************************************************************************************* HELP WITH FUNDING FOR LOCAL GROUPS: Dorset Community Action is holding it 3rd funding fair on November 6th, offering local community groups and charities the chance to meet face to face with funders and help receive advice and guidance on how to make the very best application for funds. Last year a theatre company went along to the event and as a result won awards from the Arts Council of England, The Heritage Lottery Fund and West Dorset District Council.В The event will be held at the Community Learning and Resource Centre, Wimborne. Groups will be able to talk face to face representatives from The Big Lottery, Lloyds Bank Foundation, The Charity Bank, Virgin Money Giving, Viridor and others. Places are limited. Details: ************************************************************************************************* CLARE ASH GOES TO ICELAND 2014: I am immensely proud to announce that after several months of fundraising, I DID IT! Those early morning starts, several trial walks and Khaki Bo classes helped me develop some level of fitness. I have completed my five day Icelandic trek across the breathtaking, stunning and somewhat challenging terrain in varying weather. With several blisters and a few aches and pains, I have been able to reflect on what has been an absolute privilege and memorable experience sharing it with such incredible people, all of us wishing to raise invaluable funds for Weldmar Hospice Care Trust.В I myself at the time of writing this have raised ВЈ3235.00 and still rising, with the amazing support of friends and family. My sincere thanks to you all. Wendy Blackman, My dearest вЂ�big cus’ you will always be my true inspiration – Clare. ************************************************************************************************* MESS CONCERN: Can I please ask you to put in next issue the dreadful state of the track down to Tidmoor Cove (side of farmhouse cottages) Charlestown, which many dog walkersВ use. TheВ dog mess left there is appalling!В People let their dogs off the lead and obviously cannot see that far ahead or behind when their dog/dogs deposits, therefore not picking up! Many also bag it then decide they won’t carry it on their walk and throw in the hedges or just leave on the ground! This antisocial behaviour is affecting everyone and is making it difficult for the ones who DO CONSIDER others. As a regular walker with my dog, I see many walkers just let their pet off the lead andВ let it run way off, even seen them not pick up. When challenged they do not like it. As a user of this area can I and many others ask those responsible to BAG IT AND BIN IT! – Name and address supplied. Barkingham Palace Professional Dog Groomer вЂ�From luxury dog grooming to short bark & sides’ All dogs and styles catered for Appointments please contact Bev on 01305 771693 or Mobile: 07738214163 Email: [email protected] Website: Based in Chickerell Collection and delivery can be arranged *20% off first groom with this advert* LOCAL DOMESTIC CLEANING for your home. В Covering Chickerell and surrounding areas Reliable trustworthy with long established AL В DOMESTIC В Cand LEANING В for your home. happy customers. ng Chickerell and surrounding areas Great rates and trustworthy with long established Please call Jan : 07718160166 happy customers Great rates call Jan : 07718160166 GARDEN AND TREE SERVICES TREE SURGEON: NPTC Qualified, 10 years experience. Full Public Liability Insurance. FENCING: Feather-edge. Panel. Rustic Chestnut Post & Rail. Post & Wire. Also Hedges Laid PLUS GENERAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE Please contact Stuart White on 775585 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING November & December programme includes: BRISTOL - SOUTHAMPTON - OXFORD STREET - PLYMOUTH - EXETER LONDON: Christmas Lights and Sights A вЂ�DOWNTON’ Christmas Lunch Cruise SALISBURY CATHEDRAL CAROL SERVICE And Magical Christmas Markets at SALISBURY + BATH + WINCHESTER Book on-line at The Heritage Bed & Breakfast 8 East Street, Chickerell Refined and Elegant Rooms Open All Year Let us accommodate your friends and family this Christmas & New Year - Phone us now on 01305 789073 for prices and availability [email protected] MORE NEWS AND EVENTS - see also local groups, clubs & societies LOST FROM LOWER WAY: on September 23rd, Stone (ornament) statue of greyhound type dog, approx. 75cm (approx 2ft 6) tall. Of great sentimental value. Please contact Dorset Police if you have any information. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL COMMUNITY LIBRARY NEWS FOR NOVEMBER: We have just taken delivery of our new printer/photocopier which is available for use by the general public (ie you do not have to be a member of the library although we would like it very much if you did join, which is free of charge and would entitle you to borrow up to twelve books for a three week period). The charges are 10p per copy for black and white and 50p for full colour. We have also installed free Wi Fi - again you do not have to be a member (although again, we would like it very much if you did!). With the clocks going back and evenings drawing in, it is, perhaps, the time to think of taking up a new hobby. Our theme for the month is handicrafts - come along and be inspired! ************************************************************************************************* REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 9th November, 10.50am North Square, Chickerell: Churches in Chickerell are organising the traditional Act of Remembrance for Remembrance Sunday. You are very welcome to attend, what is intended as a community event. Wreathes will be laid, and the two minute silence will be preceded by the playing of the Last Post on a bugle, and then followed by the Rouse, Short Reveille. St Mary’s and Chickerell Methodist will be holding their morning service at 10.30am. You are welcome to join them at Chickerell Methodist Church. At 10.50am both congregations will then join local residents and gather around the cenotaph on North Square for the Royal British Legion Act of Remembrance. After the Act of Remembrance, you are welcome to join any of the Christian congregations in Chickerell for worship. Details will be circulated of services will be circulated at the Act of Remembrance. ************************************************************************************************* COMMUNITY LUNCH IN JANUARY: Dorset Community Action is inviting local community groups and charities that would like to get together, network and learn about support and funding opportunities to a further lunch in Chickerell this coming January. It is part of the Weymouth & Portland вЂ�Working With You’ Community Lunch series taking place on between now and January 2015, being hosted in partnership with Dorset Community Action, Weymouth & Portland Borough Council and WSX Enterprises. The Chickerell lunch is on Thursday 22nd January from 12noon to 2.30pm in the Willowbed Hall. At the lunch, people will have the opportunity to speak about their work and identify areas ofВ support that may be needed. The lunch is free of charge, but booking is essential. В You can register online for any of the lunches by contacting or by ringing the community action office on 01305 250921. ************************************************************************************************* AUTUMN BAZAAR in aid of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research on Saturday November 8th from 2-4pm at the Willowbed Hall. Raffle, tombola, stalls, teas and cakes. ************************************************************************************************* COFFEE MORNING. Chickerell Community Library holds community coffee mornings on the first Saturday of every month from 9.30am to 12.30pm. ************************************************************************************************* TEA DANCE at the Willowbed Hall, first Friday of each month, 2-4pm. ВЈ5 entrance to include refreshments and raffle. ************************************************************************************************* QUIZ NIGHT FOR KENYA at Willowbed Hall on Friday 7th November 7pm for 7.30pm. Come along and enjoy an entertaining evening with a quiz, jewellery sale, raffle and hot meal.В All proceeds will go to fitting out the children’s ward at Baragu Health Centre, a much needed facility for a very impoverished area.В Tickets are ВЈ6.50 per person. Six to a team or make up a team on the night. For tickets Email [email protected] or phone 07512760905. ************************************************************************************************* QUIZ NIGHT by the Friends of Greenhill Gardens in Weymouth at The Function Room, Brewers’ Fayre Pub, Preston Beach Road, from 7.30pm on Saturday 15th November. Cost is ВЈ8.50 to include a fish and chips supper. There will be a hamper for the winning team. Teams of two to six are usual. Email or ring to reserve tickets from Barbara Dubben Tel: 01305 782419.В Email:В [email protected] ************************************************************************************************* OTHER EVENTS IN WEYMOUTH AND PORTLAND THIS NOVEMBER: 5th November: Guy Fawkes Celebrations, Weymouth beach. Children’s home made Guy Fawkes competition judging 6.40pm, Weymouth Pavilion foyer; bonfire lit 7.40pm; fireworks 8pm. 9th November: Remembrance Sunday, Weymouth seafront and Portland Cenotaph. 12th-15th November: WOW Youth Musical Theatre presents Sister Act at Weymouth Pavilion, nightly. Matinee on the Saturday. Tickets from ВЈ11.50. Box Office: 01305 783225. 15th and 16th November: Dickies Weymouth BeachX Quad Bike racing. Postponed from February due to storms. 30th November: Nothe Fort Christmas Fayre, 11am to 4.30pm. Entry ВЈ2.00. Weymouth Windowlicious Supply and Install Windows, Doors, Porches, Conservatorys Repairs - Hinges, Handles, Glass Units website: 01305 562369 / 07882245009 CALL STEWART - FREE QUOTES - NO PRESSURE SELLING 10 year guarantee by CERTASS Cambridge Weight Plan ---------------------- Independent Cambridge Consultant nothing tastes better than being slim Success is only a call away Debbie Ferris 07542 713234 or 01305 787713 RPH READES PLUMBING AND HEATING Ness Cottage, East Street, Chickerell FAMILY BUSINESS ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED 1932 • boiler and combis service and repair gas safety and efficiency checks • landlords certificates • full heating systems • heating upgrades* • general plumbing work • fitted bathrooms from start to finish • competitive prices *UPGRADING YOUR EXISTING HEATING SYSTEM WILL MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY • For a free survey & estimate call Ian or Ann Reade to arrange an appointment on 01305 772099 or 077868 96200 or email: [email protected] Foot Health Treatments in the comfort of your own home Yvonne Le Sueur MCFHP MAFHP Treatments include Cutting and thickness reduction of nails Removal, reduction, relief of corns and calluses In growing nails Dry/cracked skin Contact 01305 784266 or 07886966733 or via: [email protected] Coastline Cottages 2 and 3 Bedroom Luxury Holiday Cottage Accomodation, Weekend, Midweek and Week long Breaks. Winter Let Available. Please contact Jo on 07970 490970 or Gina on 07890 589171 for availability. Coastline Cottages, Chickerell, Weymouth, DT3 4DL | [email protected] | EVENTS, LOCAL GROUPS, CLUBS AND SOCIETIES - continued overleaf SPIRIT OF CHICKERELL: Christmas craft fair and village cafe on Saturday 15th November at Willowbed Hall. Stall rent: ВЈ5. Contact Pam on above number. On the subject of crafts, now is the time to start preparing craft entries for next year’s annual show taking place on Saturday 11th July 2015. We are now taking bookings for the Community Christmas Lunch on Sunday 14th December. Tickets ВЈ7.50 to include traditional turkey with all the trimmings followed by Christmas pudding or fruit salad, coffee and mince pies and entertainment. Contact Pam on the number above. ************************************************************************************************* NEWS AND EVENTS FROM ST MARY’S: Our Harvest celebrations enabled us to take two or three boxes of nonperishable foodstuff to both вЂ�Waves’ (The Children’s Society drop-in centre for young people) and The Lantern Centre (the drop-in facility for the homeless and disadvantaged). We were also able to send ВЈ200 to the Sudan Medical Link from the auction of perishable goods and a small surplus from the Harvest Lunch, after our All Age Worship service. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to our Harvest Thanksgiving. Our Coffee Morning for Cancer Research, held in the North Aisle cafГ© on October 14th raised ВЈ90. Thank you to all the helpers and customers. Hot Puddings for Cold Days on Saturday 1st November at Marshallsay Court 2.30 – 4.30pm. Come and enjoy three puddings and a hot drink for ВЈ2.50. Raffle and sale stall. Grand Pre-Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 22nd November at Willowbed Hall from 2 – 4.30pm with refreshments, tombola, bottle stall, teddy tombola, games, Christmas items, cakes stall and more. (A visit from a well known Christmas character is yet to be confirmed.) Chickerell Academy Choir will be there to entertain us with Christmas songs and carols. CHRISTINGLE SERVICE at St Mary’s at 7pm Tuesday 2nd December. Chickerell Primary Academy will be singing for us. All welcome. NATIVITY TABLEAU AND CAROL SERVICE AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, FLEET on Sunday 21st December at 6.30pm. Previous вЂ�actors’ and readers will be contacted, but if you know of any children who would like to be shepherds or angels or even a king (small speaking/singing role involved) please contact John and Hilary on 772817. Rehearsals will be held at Fleet at 10am on the 14th and 21st and costumes will be available on both these dates. Finally, would you like to help keep our beautiful old church clean? As one of our teams of voluntary cleaners has retired recently, we would like to recruit one more team (usually two people) which would mean that each team’s duty only came round every two months. It usually takes an hour or an hour and a half to clean; no brass cleaning is involved! Ring Hilary on 772817 for more details. Thank you. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL LUNCHEON CLUB: Spoilt we definitely are! The Marquis of Granby serve us some superb meals; Janice and Gordon and their staff are so patient and kind; we are truly grateful. The gammon ham in October was excellent. On November 6th we are having one of our favourites - steak pie and chips, followed by gateau, and, of course, the following month it is our Christmas meal. Can you believe another year has flown by! Have you signed up for our mystery tour yet? It is free to members. All you have to do is turn up on time with a largish shopping bag and that is the only clue I am giving you! For any queries or cancellations please telephone Ann on 783002 or Janet on 750232. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL & CHARLESTOWN TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD: K.Townsend will be talking about life on the fairground on Tuesday 18th November. We meet at Marshallsay Court at 7.30pm. Visitors are welcome. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL COMMUNITY LUNCH, Willowbed Hall: On Thursday 16th October we met in the Willowbed for our first lunch. Thank you for all who supported me in this new venture. It was lovely to see you all. I want to thank the three ladies who volunteered to help. We had not met until 11am that morning but they quickly set the tables and coped well with waiting on the tables so thank you and I look forward to seeing you all again. Thank you also to Brian who has said he will look after the monies; and to everyone who brought raffle prizes and bought tickets. The income from the raffle pays the rent for the hall. We served 42 lunches. We wanted to start off with about 50, to let Ron Beattie, our chef, get used to the kitchen. We can now take more people, so if you want to come, you will be very welcome; give me a ring to book a place on 01305 780243. Those who came to the first lunch will be automatically included for the next lunch, but please ring as soon as possible if you are not coming. The next lunch is on November 20th and the menu is Roast Pork, followed by rice pudding. We cannot offer an alternative. The December lunch is on the 18th at 12 mid-day for 12.30pm and will be a Christmas lunch. I am, as I write, negotiating with Chickerell School to see if we can have their choir to sing carols. Thank you all again and I look forward to seeing you in November and the coming months. Mary Barber - 780243. LOCAL GROUPS CONTINUED AND MORE EVENTS - Events extra after Nick’s Notes NEWS FROM VICTORY HALL, CHARLESTOWN: В Reminder:В Bingo dates for November are 14th and 28th, 7pm sharp. On Friday 26th September, the hall was booked by Carolyn for a Macmillan Coffee Morning. A lot of hard work went into this and she has asked me to thank everyone who helped and those who attended. The amount raised wasВ ВЈ335.77. Well done! The next big event will of course be the Christmas Fayre.В This is being organised by ZOE and is being held on Friday 5th December from 10am to 2pm. Put it in your diary and mark the calendar! All donations for stalls and anyone interested in having a craft stall (ВЈ5 aВ table) please contact Hazel on 786535В orВ Marion on 761744. Regarding the grounds round the hall, these are used by children to play, youths and their footballs and many dog owners. Once again can we request that all DOG OWNERS watch their pooches andВ BAGВ IT ANDВ BIN IT. NO EXCUSE. BINS AT EACH ENTRANCE TO THE FIELD. Make it safe for all to use! Enjoy the continuing good weather, let’s hope it lasts a whileВ yet. As I write this, 85 days to Christmas! On that note; CheersВ -В Hazel. ************************************************************************************************* CRAFTY SEW & SEWS: This club is an opportunity to meet and share crafts, skills and ideas (knitting, sewing, card making, beading etc), in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We will be meeting in the Chickerell Methodist Church Hall on alternate Fridays from 7-9.30pm; entrance is ВЈ1.50 (to include refreshments). November Meetings are - Friday 7th and 21st. Bring something crafty and turn up on the night or contact: Sue 774895, Shirley 837080 or Mary 07800604145. New members always welcome! ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL WALKERS CLUB: Next walk Monday 10th November. Meet at Willowbed Hall at 10am. To the Fleet via Lower Putton Lane, Link Road, Putton Lane, Tidmoor Lane, Fleet Hive, Fleet Lane & back to start. Open to all that want to go - Just turn up on time as we set off dead on time. Any queries ring Brian on 770678. *********************************************************************************************** MARSHALLSAY COURT SOCIAL CLUB: Bingo is played every Monday except Bank Holidays at 7pm. ************************************************************************************************ NEWS FROM ROYAL MANOR THEATRE: Ben Waters, who has played alongside many of the legends of boogie woogie and rock n’roll – including Jools Holland and The Rolling Stones - returns to Portland this November. An Evening with Ben Waters will take place at The Royal Manor Theatre, Portland, on both Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd November. All tickets cost ВЈ12.00. Book on-line: Telephone bookings can be made by calling: 0333 666 3366. Telephone and internet reservations are processed by Ticket Source on behalf of the Royal Manor Theatre. ************************************************************************************************ NEWS FROM WEYMOUTH AND PORTLAND FRIENDS OF JULIA’S HOUSE: It’s that time of the year again with the preparation for Christmas evident including the frantic hunt for the Christmas card list. Once you have found the list we can help you with the cards available both in the shop and numerous events throughout the borough. Supplies flew off the table at the All Saints School Fete and at the recent Community 2000 Table Top sale. Cards will also be available at the next sale at Community 2000, (the community hall next to All Saints Church, Easton, Portland) on Saturday 8th November together with calendars, diaries and ideas for presents. Doors open 9.30am. Don’t forget on November 26th the hospice will be hosting an open day with mince pies tea and coffee. If you haven’t paid us a visit yet ring Donna on 01202 644220 to book your place. On Friday 5th December the group will be running a Teddy Tombola and collection at TESCO Portland. We will also be at Morrisons on December 22nd. Please support these end of year collections. If you would like further information contact Brenda on 783807. Thank you! ************************************************************************************************* EVENTS AT THE CHESIL BEACH CENTRE: Portland Beach Road, near Ferrybridge. Tel: 01305 206191. Information Centre for Chesil Beach and the Fleet. Website: Chesil Christmas Bazaar – Sunday 30th November, 10am – 4pm: Come and support your local wildlife by Christmas shopping with us. We will have local art & craft stalls, binocular specialists вЂ�Opticron’, wildlife books for all ages, nature toys, gifts for the home and much more. Indulge in a mince pie and some mulled wine from the Taste* cafГ© while the children are entertained by our вЂ�green’ Father Christmas or by making wild Christmas decorations. All profits from our shop go back into conservation, so join us & вЂ�shop for wildlife’. ************************************************************************************************* WDHS RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP: The West Dorset Health Service Retirement Fellowship meets at 2.30pm on Monday 1st December 2014 in the Lecture Theatre, Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester.В Talk on Organic Farming at Sydling St Nicholas. NEWS FROM ROYAL MANOR WORKSHOPS, Portland: November 29th: Royal Manor Workshops Christmas Craft Fair at Community 2000 (the community hall next to All Saints Church, Easton, Portland) from 10am to 12.30pm. A raffle and refreshments will be available. Come along and enjoy all the handmade crafts. ************************************************************************************************* PLAYGROUPS DUCKLINGS PRE-SCHOOL: Methodist Church Hall, North Square, Chickerell, DT3 4DX. Tel: 766920. Our website address is Email – [email protected]. Morning sessions – Monday - Friday: 9.00am – Noon or 1pm Full days available on; Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9am to 3pm. Stay and Play with Candice Dennis Wednesday afternoons, 1.30 – 2.45, ВЈ1.50 per adult and 50p per child. Our theme for this ВЅ term is вЂ�Messy Play’ so far the children have enjoyed exploring a variety of pulses, soap flakes, foot print painting, painting with tubes and cars on large paper, some of which is now on display in the classroom. The children celebrated Diwali and our home corner was transformed into a spooky area with, cauldrons, wands, bats, pumpkins for all our young Witches and Wizards. Our annual Christmas Fayre will be held at Willowbed Hall from 2pm on Sunday 30th November where we shall have tables to hire at a cost of ВЈ10 each, please ring Ducklings to book. For further information about registering your child with us or if you would like to pop in to view our setting please call Sue or Kelly. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKADEES: Our Chickadees have delighted in play particularly outside as the weather has been very kind to us. The children and families have collected resources for our autumn interest table and we have made a delicious apple and blackberry crumble which we enjoyed tasting in our snack cafГ©. We continue to welcome friends to our Stay and Play sessions on Tuesdays 10am-12 and Wednesdays 1-3pm, this has been a perfect opportunity for us to get to meet new friends. For any more information please call Clare Ash on 01305 773103. *************************************************************************************************** NEWS FROM CHICKERELL PRIMARY ACADEMY: We are almost at the end of the first half term of this academic year and already there have been many exciting enrichment/extracurricular opportunities for our children to enjoy. We have visited Corfe Castle and local Tudor houses, to name but a few trips. Sports clubs participation has been fantastic and our netball team has got their season off to a good start with a win against Radipole and a draw against Wyke. We held a special Harvest assembly with Father Jeremy and brought in Harvest produce, donating it to local residents in need of some support. We have hosted a вЂ�Day at the Museum’ as part of our emphasis on History within the curriculum – all these exciting events have been planned alongside our day to day job of teaching the children to the very best of our ability. Parents have had the opportunity to visit us through our SNUG meetings and our Open afternoons - we are always delighted to welcome any member of the community in to see what we do. Next half term will see our annual Christmas Craft fair, our Community Party and our productions, as well as more trips out. We hope to see lots of you at some of these! Miss J Harris Headteacher ***************************************************************************************** CHICKERELL YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE: For more information contact full time Youth Worker Jenny Hart; telephone no: 01305 769608 MONDAY: Juniors 6:30 to 7:55pm (Years 6 + 7) MONDAY: Seniors 8:00 to 9:30pm (Years 8) TUESDAY: Seniors 6:30 to 9:30pm (Years 8 + 9). Costs 50p. Joe, the Sports Development Worker from STEPS will be providing Table Tennis Coaching sessions at Chickerell Youth Centre on a Tuesday night up until Christmas.В Young people attending these sessions will be able to achieve an AQA qualification in Table Tennis.В Many of the young people attending the senior sessions last year achieved AQA’s in Table Tennis, Football and Rounders, they also had a lot of fun at the same time.В THURSDAY: Seniors 6:30 to 9:30pm (Years 8 and above). Cost: 50p. Tel. 01305 236 136 Mobile - 07731 846368 Ponderosa UK Stud email - [email protected] web - Green Lane Chickerell. Tel: 01305 776319 PIGEON STUD PIGEON CORN AND ACCESSORIES CAGE AND AVIARY BIRD FOOD WILD BIRD FOOD Free no obligation quotes Fully insured & NPTC qualiп¬Ѓed Open from 9am to 3.30pm daily пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ Climbing and Dismantling Felling | Thinning | Pruning Crown Lifts | Reductions | Hedge Trimming | Wood chipping пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂ‚пЂѓпЂ„пЂ…пЂ†пЂ‡пЂѓпЂ€пЂ‰пЂЃпЂЉпЂЉпЂЉпЂ‹пЂ„пЂЊпЂ†пЂЌпЂЋпЂ‰пЂЏпЂђпЂ‘пЂ’пЂ‡пЂ‹пЂЏпЂ“пЂ”пЂЃпЂЃпЂЃпЂЃпЂЃпЂѓпЂ”пЂ‘пЂ†пЂЌпЂ€пЂ‰пЂЃпЂ“пЂ’пЂ’пЂ†пЂЏпЂѓпЂ•пЂ„пЂЊпЂ†пЂЌпЂЋпЂ‰пЂЏпЂђпЂ‘пЂ’пЂ‡пЂ‹пЂЏпЂ“пЂ”пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂ‚пЂѓпЂ„пЂ…пЂ†пЂ„пЂ‡пЂ€пЂЃпЂ‰пЂЃпЂЉпЂ‹пЂЊпЂЌпЂЋпЂ‡пЂЏпЂЊпЂђпЂЃпЂ‰пЂЃпЂ‘пЂ‹пЂ„пЂ‡пЂЏпЂЋпЂ‡пЂ‹пЂ‡пЂЉпЂЋпЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂ’пЂЊпЂЋпЂЋпЂЃпЂ‹пЂ†пЂ“пЂ„пЂЉпЂЋпЂЃпЂ”пЂЃпЂ•пЂѓпЂ–пЂЏпЂ‹пЂЏпЂ„пЂ–пЂ‡пЂЃ пЂЃпЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЃ пЂЏпЂ—пЂ�пЂ—пЂ™пЂљпЂ›пЂњпЂ—пЂЃпЂ”пЂЃпЂ’пЂќпЂћпЂџпЂ пЂЎпЂ пЂ�пЂ—пЂЃпЂўпЂЈпЂ¤пЂўпЂҐпЂЃпЂ¦пЂ¦пЂ¦пЂЃпЂ§пЂўпЂўпЂЃ пЂЃпЂ‚пЂЁпЂ пЂ�пЂ©пЂћпЂЄпЂќпЂ«пЂ¬пЂЃпЂпЂЃпЂ�пЂќпЂЄпЂ®пЂ—пЂЃпЂ—пЂњпЂ›пЂЁпЂ®пЂљпЂЃпЂ¬пЂ›пЂЃпЂћпЂ›пЂ™пЂ—пЂЇпЂЃпЂџпЂЎпЂќпЂ�пЂ�пЂЃпЂ—пЂњпЂ›пЂЁпЂ®пЂљпЂЃпЂ¬пЂ›пЂЃпЂћпЂќпЂЄпЂ—пЂ°пЂЃ пЂЃ Is your property transaction resting on solid foundations? We have helped thousands of people buy and sell homes in Dorset. Call us at Blanchards Bailey Conveyancing on 01258 483611. We can help. BB_Chickerill Conveyencing_ads_concepts_aw.indd 1 10/06/2014 13:12 CHICKERELL TOWN COUNCIL For helpful telephone numbers please see page two. The office is open every working day. Monday to Friday, 9.30am – Noon. Telephone: 767458 Email: [email protected] Website: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th November 2014 at 7pm. WILLOWBED HALL INDOOR MARQUEE: Have you heard about the Willowbed Hall Indoor Marquee with chandeliers and a twinkling starlight canopy? Now available for weddings and events it has all the opulent luxury of a marquee with the convenience of the warm hall, ample parking, toilet facilities and a professional kitchen for your caterers to use. If you are interested please contact the office on 767458. CHILDREN’S PARTIES: Are you thinking about a venue for your child’s birthday party? We have a special offer on Monday afternoons that could be the perfect solution! At ВЈ40 (inclusive of VAT) for three hours, 1.45pm – 5.45pm, you get the full use of the hall, a large kitchen and, of course, we have the play area just outside for when they get overexcited! If you are interested please contact the office on 767458. CCTV: Just to remind residents that the cameras around the Willowbed Hall and field do work and are constantly monitored. DOG FOULING: Can we please ask that you report any irresponsible owners by telephoning (01305) 251010 and asking for the Dog Warden. Planning applications received since last meeting: WD/D/14/002361: 1 St Patricks Avenue: Single storey and rear extensions WD/D/14/002422: 411 Chickerell Road: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 5 No. Dwellings (resubmission of WD/D/14/000430) WD/D/14/002169: 26 Coldharbour: Subdivide the plot (house & annexe) to provide two separate dwellings WD/D/14/002552: McKay Way, Lynch Lane: Erect industrial store WD/D/14/002621: Chickerell Primary Academy, Rashley Road: Two classroom extension adjacent to previous extension, including associated landscape works Grants of planning permission: WD/D/14/002361: Montevideo House, 432 Chickerell Road: Listed Building Consent for repair & make secure from vandalism the outbuildings; partial removal of render to the SW & NW faces of the main house & re-rendering with a lime render; the re-plastering of 3 internal spaces within the main house, the repair of existing window cills on the South East elevation. Refusals of planning permission: WD/D/14/001831: 49 Marshallsay Road: Extend above the existing garage to provide an annex, forming accommodation for applicant’s son WD/D/14/000897: 22 Coldharbour. Erect dwelling (re-submission) ************************************************************************************************* WEST DORSET, WEYMOUTH AND PORTLAND LOCAL PLAN EXAMINATION: The hearings relating to the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan Examination are due to commence on Tuesday 24th November at the West Dorset District Council offices in Dorchester and will last for three weeks. Details of the draft programme can be downloaded online at ************************************************************************************************* WEST DORSET DISTRICT planners have agreed that up to 170 homes can be built on the site of Weymouth Football Club - as long as a new ground for the stadium is secured first. Planners agreed after hearing that the applicant will fulfil a requirement for affordable housing as well as not develop the current stadium until an alternative is found. It means the public inquiry for the original plan due to begin this month (November) has now been called off - as long as planning agreements between the applicant and the council are signed by the end of October. FROM STAN GROVES: Since my October article re: the John Clare Festival, several people have asked to know more of вЂ�Swordy Well’. The following lines from John Clare’s ballad вЂ�Swordy Well’ I hope will suffice… For passers bye I never pin No troubles to my breast Nor carry round some names to win More money from the rest I’m Swordy well a piece of land That’s fell upon the town Who worked me till I couldn’t stand And crush me now I’m down. Though I’m no man yet any wrong Some sort of right may seek And I am glad that even a song Gives me the room to speak. I’ve got among such grubbling gear And such a hungry pack And if I brought harvests twice a year They’d bring me nothing back. The silver springs grown naked dykes Scarce own a bunch of rushes When grain got high the tasteless tykes Grubbed up trees, banks and bushes And me! They turned me inside out For sand and grit and stones And turned my old green hills about And picked my very bones. I couldn’t keep a dust of grit Nor scarce a grain of sand But bags and carts claimed every bit And now they’ve got the land. I used to bring the summers life To many a Butterfly But in oppressions iron strife Dead Tussocks bow and sigh. I’ve scarce a nook to call my own For things that creep or fly The beetle hiding neath a stone Does well to hurry bye. Stock eats my struggles every day As bare as any road He’s sure to be in some things way If вЂ�ere he stirs abroad. My mossy hills gains greedy hands And more than greedy minds Levels into a russet land Nor leaves a bent behind. In summers gone I bloomed in pride Folks came for miles to prize My flowers that bloomed nowhere beside And scarce believed their eyes. Yet worried with a greedy pack They rend and delve and tear The very grass from off my back I’ve scarce a rag too wear Gain takes my freedom all away Since its dull suite I wore And yet scorn vows I never pay And hurts me more and more And should the price of grain get high Lord help and keep it low I shan’t possess a single fly Or get a weed to grow I shan’t possess a yard of ground To bid a mouse to thrive For gain has put me in a pound I scarce can keep alive I own I’m poor like many more But then the poor mun life And many came for miles before For what I had to give But since I fell upon the town They pass me with a sigh I’ve scarce the room to say sit down And so they wander bye. Though now I seem so full of clack Yet when you’re riding bye The very birds upon my back Are not more fain to fly I feel so lorn in this disgrace God send the grain to fall I am the oldest in the place And the worst served of all There was a time my bit of ground Made freedom of the slave The Ass no pindard dared to pound When I his supper gave The Gypsy’s camp was not afraid I made his dwelling free Till vile Enclosure came and made A Parrish slave of me And save his Lordships woods that past The day of danger dwell ******************* Affordable Maintenance Services (01305) 775787 or 07746853320 ************************************************** Your local Chickerell based handyman ************************************************** Concreting, carpentry inc. door hanging, fencing, grass and hedge cutting inc. brush cutting, pressure washing, painting, paths, disabled ramps etc., Any job not listed please call, I view all jobs - No VAT On Labour Charges Blandford - Dorchester - Shaftesbury - Sherborne - Weymouth - Wimborne Dorset’s specialist letting agent Established in Weymouth since 1985 OFFERING QUALITY LETTING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH 01305 774800 12a St Thomas Street, Weymouth DT4 8EW [email protected] WANTED !!! VINYL RECORDS – LPs – ONE ITEM TO COMPLETE COLLECTIONS CAMERAS/PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT FURNITURE TOOLS/TOYS/MILITARY ITEMS/JEWELLERY/GLASS/ CERAMICS Steel, RSJs, supplied cut to length, on-site welding & fitting service Roof repairs to agricultural & industrial buildings Suppliers of roof cladding (tin/fibre cement) Reinforcing bar & mesh Manufacturers of agricultural builings Unit 2, North Ground Stables, Chickerell Tel/fax: 01305 780708 Mob: 07834984680 or 07921500681 ART – OIL/WATERCOLOUR PAINTINGS/ PRINTS OLD POSTCARDS/CIGARETTE CARDS ВЈВЈВЈ CASH PAID ВЈВЈВЈ IN FACT ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES OF ALL KINDS CONTACT MIKE ON 01305-812472 or 07919076427 ST MARY’S, NORTH SQUARE, CHICKERELL AND HOLY TRINITY, FLEET WORSHIP IN NOVEMBER 2014 Tel: 01305 319369 Sunday 2nd November ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS Thursday 13th November 8am Holy Communion 7pm Holy Communion 10am All Age Service 3pm Service of Remembrance for those who have died (see below) Tuesday 4th November Sunday 16th November: 2nd S’day before Advent 7pm Eucharist with Ministry of 8am Holy Communion Healing 10am Parish Communion Thursday 6th November Tuesday 18th November 10am Holy Communion 7pm Holy Communion SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Tuesday 18th November 9AM HOLY COMMUNION AT FLEET 7pm Holy Communion 10.30AM SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Thursday 20th November BEGINNING AT CHICKERELL 10am Holy Communion 10.55AM ACT OF REMEMBRANCE IN Sunday 23rd November: Christ the King NORTH SQUARE 10am Parish Communion 11.10AM PARISH EUCHARIST RESUMES Tuesday 26th November 2PM - 5PM @ ST MARY’S 7pm Holy Communion ST MARY’S OPEN FOR Thursday 27th November PRIVATE PRAYER 7pm Holy Communion Tuesday 11th November Sunday 30th November ADVENT 1 7pm Eucharist 8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion All services at St Mary’s Chickerell, unless otherwise indicated Regular Meetings: Junior Church - 10am - 2nd & 4th Sundays in term time in church; Bereavement Support and Social Group - Second & Fourth Thursdays of the month, 2.30pm in Marshallsay Court. St Mary’s Photography Club monthly on the last Wednesday at Marshallsay Court Lounge at 7.30pm. Baptisms, Weddings and other enquiries: Contact Fr Jeremy Brading (01305) 319369. email: [email protected] All Souls, 2nd November. If you would like us to pray for a loved one who has died – it does not have to be recently email me their name. Their name will be read out at the Service for the Faithful Departed, 3pm on the 2nd November. ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Please telephone 768356 for details Sundays 11am Worship Service 6pm Young People вЂ�Amplified’ Thursdays 10.30am Coffee Morning 7.15pm Prayer and Bible Study Fridays 10.00 am Busy Bees (Mums and Toddlers) ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL GOSPEL HALL Sundays: 11am Breaking of Bread 3.30pm Gospel Meeting Wednesdays: 7.15pm Prayer, Bible Reading or Address It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118 v 8 В ************************************************************************************************* LANEHOUSE ROCKS METHODIST CHURCH, Lynch Lane Weymouth. Revd J QuickВ В (783049)В В Services at 10.30amВ В В В В В В В В В NOVEMBERВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 2th В В В Mr S MasonВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 9thВ Mr R ScottВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 16thВ В В Mrs A KenwoodВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 23rdВ Revd J QuickВ (Sacrament) В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 30thВ Mrs RobinsonВ (Readers Service) ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1 STAVORDALE ROAD, WEYMOUTH. Phone: 786033 Sunday Mass: 6pm Saturday evening, 8 and 10am.В В В ************************************************************************************************* CHICKERELL METHODIST CHURCH 9th November 16th November 23rd November 30th November Minister: Rev Jean Quick Services at 10.30am Rev Jean Quick (United with St Mary’s) Rev David Bumphrey Mr Mark Barnsley Mrs Molly Shereston L.I.F.T. meetings will be on 12th and 26th November at 2.30pm CHICKERELL METHODIST CHURCH NEWS L.I.F.T. (Ladies in Fellowship Together) will meet on Wednesday 12th November at 2.30pm and Wednesday 26th November in the chapel. We usually have an interesting speaker and finish the afternoon about 3.30pm with a cup of tea and chat. The charity we are supporting is Wateraid and there will be a bring and buy table at each meeting. We are arranging a Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Inn, Knights in the Bottom on Wednesday 10th December. Names will be taken at our November meetings. The Craft and Chat Group will meet on Wednesday 5th November at 2pm and Wednesday 19th November. New members welcome. Bring your own craft or perhaps learn something new from time to time. The evening Crafty Sew and Sews Group continues to meet in the hall on 7th and 21st November at 7pm. On Friday 14th November there will be a Concert by the Brass Tacks Band, with items by our own Choir, at 7.30pm. Refreshments and raffle during the interval. No ticket needed – all are welcome. Choir Practice will be at 7pm on Monday 17th November in the Chapel. Interested in joining? New singers are always welcome. Please phone Rosemary (776994) for further details. Our Christmas Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 29th November from 10am – 12 noon with the extra stalls and refreshments in the chapel and a seasonal raffle and sales tables in the hall. As well as Fair Trade (including Christmas Cards), there will be craft items (from Crafty Sew & Sews), wooden items, bead jewellery and other stalls to tempt you. There will also a bead necklace-making table with instruction for any young people who would like to learn this craft. All are welcome – come and meet your friends. A note for your diaries: Our Carol Service will be on Wednesday 17th December at 7.30pm. NOTE: Weymouth Bay Methodist Church, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth holds an evening service every Sunday at 6.30pm. All are welcome. ************************************************************************************************* CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH вЂ�THE LIGHT’ St John Ambulance Hall, Westwey Rd, Weymouth, DT4 8SU. Welcomes you to our Sunday Services 6pm for 6.15pm start. Spiritual Healing every Friday 2-3.30pm Parking available Please visit our website for more information ************************************************************************************************* SMALL MEDITATION GROUP. All welcome. For more information phone Jim 01305 772428. Chickerell village. ************************************************************************************************* DID YOU KNOW THAT: In July 1923 the then Prince of Wales, (who was to become King Edward VIII and the Duke of Windsor after he famously abdicated in the 1930s), visited Weymouth. It was part of a west country tour. Prior to arriving in Weymouth he had opened the new Territorial Army HQ in the county town, met author Thomas Hardy at his home, Max Gate; taken a look at Maiden Castle and dropped in on the Upwey Wishing Well, sampling the waters. Peter Kerr Weymouth & Portland's Electrical Independent Superstore For all your home appliances and audio visual equipment. We offer 18 months interest free credit sts. Free Same Day Delivery on stock items. Domestic Electrical Services Over 30 years experience at H W SMITH & SON Repairs to; Cookers, washing machines, tumble dryers, nightstore heaters, vaccum cleaners etc. Email: [email protected] Tel: 776394. Mobile: 07939 287752 The Marquis of Granby Tel No: 785149 Portland DT5 1BW Easton Lane Opposite Esso Garage Ample Free Parking Tel: 01305 820138 Open every day A good selection of freshly cooked hot meals and bar snacks available Mon-Sat 12-2 and a selection of grills, fresh fish and vegetarian dishes served from 6-9 Carvery: Sundays 12-2 and 6-8 plus daily menu Cotton & Son Your Local Independent Family Owned and Run FUNERAL DIRECTORS Jane Cotton Dip FD Margaret Sherratt Dip FD Milton House в–Є 1 Milton Road в–Є Weymouth в–Є DT4 0AZ Tel: (01305) 76 76 76 • • • • • PJD Garden & Landscaping Service Phil Durrant 07917 134405 01305 814883 [email protected] Fencing and Decking Planting schemes & plant supply Hard Landscaping Hedge Cutting Garden Maintenance & Clearance LOOK BACK TO NOVEMBER 1982: • There were three winners to the guess the weight of the marrow competition at the Fairfield harvest lunch. The weight was 32 pounds and it was donated to the residents at Westhaven. • Chickerell School PTA was seeking wool and material oddments to make items for the school’s craft stall at the Christmas bazaar. The bazaar included a prize draw with the winning ticket receiving a meal for two, the value of ВЈ25.00, donated by the Porthole Restaurant. • A Pyrex teapot was the third prize in the raffle in aid of Cancer Relief. The raffle was part of the auction held for the charity at the church hall in October. • Chickerell Carnival Treasure Hunt attracted 19 cars and a motor-bike. The motor-bike riders received a consolation prize. • Chickerell Post Office advertised as part of its prices worth noting section Burton’s Hippodrome biscuits all types - 15p a packet. • The star attraction at the Concorde Inn’s Guy Fawkes Night party - The Woodland Brothers live. ***************************************************************************************** NATURE NOTES: What has been seen in Chickerell: As I write, the first Redwings have been heard overhead; their thin, squeaky calls in the night sky are one of the signs that winter is on its way. One or two pairs breed in the UK but the majority of the birds you will hear are from the continent. Around the size of our Song Thrush, to which they are related, Redwings are remarkably good looking birds, with a bright pale stripe above their eye and a slightly paler stripe below it, making them look a little like they are wearing glasses! There is usually a rusty red вЂ�blotch’ on their flanks, just below the wing, but, if you get close enough, or watch them through binoculars, when they fly, you can see where they get their name from; the whole of their вЂ�armpit’ is a lovely rusty red.. fantastic! FIELDFARE Their European cousin, the Fieldfare, is much bigger, around the size of a Mistle Thrush. It has a orangey chest and a grey head and rump and tends to favour open fields, where it can often be seen standing tall and straight, as if a guard on sentry duty. Both birds will eat berries and can sometimes be seen in large mixed flocks, a little later in the year. BUSH CRICKETS and BUTTERFLIES Even though winter visitors are arriving, there are still plenty of signs of summer still to be found. If the temperature is approaching double figures you can still hear the occasional chirp of dark bush-crickets in the hedgerow. Find an ivy bush that is in flower and you will be amazed at the number of bees and butterflies (often, but not always, Red Admirals) that are busy topping up on the nectar and pollen from the flowers. For many of the bees it will be some of the last food they eat, as many die as the colder weather bites, but for butterflies like the Red Admiral, they build energy reserves that will see them through the winter. Look in your garden shed (in those remote bits you don’t clean) or in your loft and you might see one hanging there motionless; they are in hibernation and probably won’t wake up until some time in the spring. They can sometimes be found like this in the summer, and usually in response to a hot, dry period, when they are trying to save energy and waiting for the cooler periods. When they do this they are, technically, вЂ�aestivating’, not hibernating, as they can wake up much quicker. ***************************************************************************************** THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH: Sometimes the world can seem an unhappy place, with wars, famine and pestilence almost always in the news, and little news that focuses on the good! So how are we to cope with all of this? There are many therapies, exercises and programmes that might help, but I think we need to cultivate the habit of doing nothing, of staring, of simply not doing anything! I don’t mean, by this, that we should simply be bystanders to the world’s events; far from it - but, if we are to play our full role in a caring and sharing society, however wide that society might stretch, then we need to find time to re-charge ourselves. To rid ourselves of the day to day stress that fills out modern day lives, fills them so much that we can’t take in the problems of others, we are so full we can’t care! In recent years there is a growing body of evidence that access to green, open spaces helps us do just that. Fifteen minutes вЂ�outside’ and our heart rate goes down, our muscles relax and those hormones and pheromones that drive the modern stress filled world, start to fade. We are lucky in Chickerell that we are surrounded by countryside, and even in the вЂ�depths’ of our village, green, open space is only a few minutes walk away. But even if you are unable to walk that short distance, green, in your garden, in your kitchen or on your window sill can help. Even if you can’t be amongst it, looking at it (and not the telly!) will help your mind, soul and body cope better and, by feeling better inside, we are able to better help others. As a famous poet (W H Davies) once said – вЂ�A poor life this is if full or care, we have no time to stand and stare’. A poor life indeed! Better By Far Your friendly, local, long-distance taxi service: вЂ�The farther we take you, the more you save’ Sensible airport rates for up to six, in air-conditioned comfort. All usual air & sea ports covered. Specialist in longer journeys. For bookings or enquiries Call 01305 784559 or visit ADAM SIMMONS B.D.S DENTAL SURGERY 452a Chickerell Road Tel : 782927 All aspects of Dentistry Evenings & Emergencies Heritage Dental Health Ltd Emergency nos: 07980491029/07887296652 The Lugger Inn В© Linus Moran Photography Tel: (01305) 766611 XMAS PARTY BOOKINGS NOW BEING TAKEN DATES AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT DECEMBER BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT QUIZ NIGHT - MONDAY 3rd November starts 8pm MUSIC NIGHTS Saturday 8th: STEREOIRONICS Friday 14th: JOLLY BOYS Saturday 15th: ROBERT BROWN (ACOUSTIC) Saturday 22nd: UNDER THE CAROUSEL Friday 28th: THE CRACK TWO FOR ВЈ10 MEALS STILL RUNNING FROM MONDAY TO SATURDAY CARVERY EVERY SUNDAY MID-DAY TO 3pm MONDAY - CURRY CLUB TUESDAY - ITALIAN NIGHT WEDNESDAY - STEAK NIGHT Exclusive Hire of these stunning secluded gardens for your Civil Ceremony - ВЈ850 Marquee Receptions available PUTTON LANE, CHICKERELL, WEYMOUTH DT3 4AF TEL: 01305 785150 NICK’S NOTES ON THE NIGHT SKY Although the other planets of the solar system can be easy to see, Mercury is not. Part of this is its small size (it is only around one third as wide as the Earth and nearly 20 times smaller in volume) but also because it orbits the Sun very much closer than the Earth does (less than half as far away). The result of these two things is that it is often lost in the glare of the sun, so close to it that, by the time the sun has properly set, and the sky is dark, Mercury has also set. Every so often, however, with the вЂ�celestial dance’ of the planets, the Earth and Mercury are positioned in such a way as to make it easier for us to see the inner most planet, and in early November this is exactly what happens, with Mercury being in its most favourable position, for observers in the UK, this year. Get up a little before sunrise during the first week of the month and, provided you have a reasonable low horizon in the east, you will see Mercury low in the dawn sky, with the star Spica just below and to the right of it (Mercury will be the brighter of the two). SPICA To be sure you are looking at Spica, follow this simple guide. First find the Big Dipper, then, as we discussed last month, follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper away from the bowl of the dipper, and continue that curve for a little over the same distance as the handle covers. That вЂ�arc to Arcturus’ will land you on the orangey red, second brightest, star in the northern sky. Now continue that curve for around the same distance again and you will find Spica, the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo, although it is considerably dimmer than Arcturus (it is actually very much brighter, but is very much further away!) METEOR SHOWER Another thing to look out for this month is the Leonid meteor shower, which reaches its peak on the 18th November, around 1am. You can easily find Leo, as it is a large constellation below the bowl of the Big Dipper. The meteors associated with this shower are the remains of comet Temple-Tuttle and there can be as many as 20 an hour (although typical showers will be around half this) and sometimes they leave brilliant trails across the sky. Simply find yourself a dark site after midnight, face east and wait for the sky to light up! COMET Finally, an amazing first will happen on the 11th of the month; we will realise a long held ambition and land a space probe on a comet (not a bad feat as they will each be travelling at around 135,000 kilometres an hour!). Launched by the European Space Agency 10 years ago, Rosetta has looped around the Earth several times over that decade, the gravity of the Earth acting on it like a sling shot, moving it further out each time until, earlier this year, it met up with its target, the snappily named comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The probe that lands, and its parent probe which will remain in order around the comet, will then travel with the comet as it begins it close approach to the Sun, and will monitor changes to the comet. As comets are believed to be вЂ�left overs’ from the formation of the solar system, this close encounter will tell us much about how the Earth formed which, in turn, may help us understand how planets, and therefore perhaps life, might evolve around other stars; cosmic stuff indeed! ***************************************************************************************** NEWS FROM CHICKERELL UTD FC - The Stalls, East Street, Chickerell Chickerell lost their last game 4-3 away to the Balti House who are now unbeaten as league leaders. Chickerell had the chance to take a 2-0 lead but missed a penalty that allowed Balti House back into the game for a best of seven goals victory. Chickerell’s new found linesman, Steve вЂ�Ginger’ Hoare, may have flagged himself out of an award after giving a goal that was plainly 2ft over the line to the Balti House. However Chickerell have chance of a revenge win, after beating Ferndown 8-0 in the Dorset Senior Trophy. The Chickens have been drawn away to the Balti House on 8th November. Meanwhile the Reserves enjoyed a fine 4-1 victory away to local rivals Portesham and also find themselves in a re-match on the 8th November in the Dorset Intermediate cup. Note both of these games will be 13.30 KO, so book your travel early to avoid disappointment Scoop ************************************************************************************************* EVENTS EXTRA: Weymouth West Air Scout Group presents its Christmas Bingo at the Scout Hut, Granby Close, Weymouth on Friday 21 November 2014. Doors open 6.15pm, Eyes Down 7pm. Raffle and refreshments available. Due to our increasing numbers, we need to fund-raise В for additional camping equipment including an extension to our Catering/Dining Marquee. TURKS HEAD East Street, Chickerell *THAI NIGHT* AUTHENTIC THAI FOOD ALL YOU CAN EAT! ВЈ12.00 per person Friday 14th November from 7pm Reserve your Table now! CHRISTMAS PARTY BOOKINGS NOW BEING TAKEN Also open for Christmas Day lunch Reserve your Table now! NEW WINTER MENU NOW AVAILABLE WITH OUR NEW TAKEAWAY MENU All enquiries: 01305 778565 ADVICE 67 St Thomas St, Weymouth DT4 8HB and Challacombe House, Beechwood Square, Poundbury Dorchester DT1 3SS FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES вЂ�Trading Standards approved’ Tel Paul on 01305 772518 or Mob 07879 022133 CHARLESTOWN MOTORS Tel: 782410 MOT Only ВЈ40 – while-u-wait* *ВЈ5.00 off with this advert Service and Repairs All at a sensible price • CAR WASH • CALOR GAS • CARAVAN & CAMPING ACCESSORIES Chickerell Road, Weymouth PAINTRITE DECORATORS ADVANCED CITY & GUILDS CRAFTSMAN COVERING ASPECTS OF DECORATING INTERNAL/EXTERNAL • WALLHANGING SPECIALIST • PAINT EFFECTS • TILING DOMESTIC: COMMERCIAL: INDUSTRIAL TEL: 01305 788693 MOBILE: 07779 279550 EMAIL: [email protected] Julie Booth Julie’s Helping Hands Always Ready to Help 44 Fairfield Chickerell 01305 520699/07729 426965 [email protected] or see Julie’s Helping Hands Facebook Page ADVERTS AEROBICS and BODY CONDITIONING classes held Mondays 7.15pm to 8.30pm at Budmouth Community Centre in Dance Studio and also Thursdays 7.15pm to 8.30pm. Contact Jo Damen (01305) 815847. ***************************************************************************************** POWER CHIYOGA: Mind/body workout. Improves flexibility, strength and tone. Mondays 6pm-7pm Budmouth Sports Centre, Wednesdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm at Chickerell Youth Club, Rashley Road. Contact Jo Damen (01305) 815847. ***************************************************************************************** MOBILE MUSIC: Piano and Music Theory lessons in your own home. Local teacher. Phone Rosemary on 07866726599 or email: [email protected] ***************************************************************************************** GRASS CUTTING by Simon’s Yard Maintenance Service. Established 15 years. Tel: Chickerell 830310. ***************************************************************************************** TWO SEATER RECLINER SOFA - black leather with beige trim, ВЈ175. Contact Sharon Eaton 01305 520765 (evenings only). ***************************************************************************************** A SPACE THIS SIZE is a 1/5th size box horizontal (can also be vertical) Costs are: ВЈ19.00 per issue ВЈ95.00 for six issues ВЈ190.00 for 12 issues All discounts must be paid for in advance Deadline for adverts and payments is 5pm on 15th of month prior to month of publication Please make your cheque payable to Contact Magazine See inside front page вЂ�How to contact Contact’ for more details ***************************************************************************************** • • • ALL FENCING WORK UNDERTAKEN NO JOB TOO SMALL SHEDS & BASES INSTALLATION SERVICE Tel/fax 01305 789107 or mobile 07764612448. EmailВ :В ACORN FENCING [email protected] HAVE YOU EVER WANTED A HOUSE REFURBISHMENT PROJECT IN CHICKERELL? PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FROM ВЈ285,000 SEA BARN FARM Frozen beef available from either Bagwell Farm Shop or West Fleet Farm Shop, Fleet Road. Joints, Burgers, BBQ steaks.В Either call out and see us or phone us on Contact Jo Warren on 01305 771273 for further details 01305 782218 STUART EMANUEL PAINTING & DECORATING of Chickerell Tel: 01305 750812 Mob: 07759 264658 Local Accountant 01305 459059 Setting up your own business? Need a hand with tax, VAT, business structure etc? I have over 20 years of experience and am now building up a local practice based in Chickerell I have low overheads and can offer an informed personal service at very competitive rates (no VAT). New and growing business particularly welcome Fraser MonroBSc FCCA Chartered Certified Accountant See Websitewww.frasermonroaccounting. Email [email protected] • • • • • • • • Advanced City & Guilds Qualified Over 25 years Experience Interior & Exterior Wallpapering & Coving General Building Maintenance Public Liability Insured Free Estimates OAP Discount VAT FREE!
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