NAT:*Lrsora\r t^Y,{+38 uanqIY i$g*o THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXVI-No. NAIROBI, 28th November, 2014 141 Price Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE The State Corporatons Act-Appomtrnent............................. 3 r90 The County Assembly of Kiambu-Special Sittrng .............. 3 190 The County Govemment of The Bankruptcy Act-Recelvrng Order and Credrtors' Meeting............... The Nakuru-Approved Development 3lm Institutions .......... 3230 of Plans ............................ Physrcal Planning Act-Completion The Environmental Management and Co-ordination The County Govemment of ElgeyoMarakwet- Approved lns0rutons Parl 3230-3231 Act- Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports, 3lm .......... Maendeleo Democmuc Party-Statement Expendrture........ The Kakamega County Alcoholic Drrnks Control ActApplication of Licences.................. 3 etc... of lncome and 3235 l9l 3235-3238 .l-ossofPolicies.. The I-and Act - The t-and Registration Addendum, etc. ...................... Act-Issue of 3191 Provrsronal 3t9t-i202 Certrficates, etc.. 3231-3235 TheCountyAssemblyoflsrolo-Apporntrnent.....,................ Change of Names.......................... 3238 3238 Public Servrce Commission-Proficiency Examrnation 3203-3225 Resuls................. The East Afrrcan Communiry Customs Management Act and Limils of Transit Shed. etc ......... .... -Appoinnnent SUPPLEMENT No.160 r 3225-3227 Acts,2O14 PAGE The Anti-Corrupton and Economrc Cnmes Act-Quarterly Report.................. 3227-3230 The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2014 273 NATION.,\]. ('OLTNCIL IiOR I A=,i'I(F.PORTING i,II]RARY [:rse 3 THE KENYA GAZETTE 190 28th November,2014 Nakuru County. declares the institutlons named rn the schedufe CORRIGENDA IN lrgal Notrce No. 20 of 2014. delete the expresslon "Avenue Hosprtal, P.O. Box 327140100, Kisumu" rn the first column and msert lhe expresssron "Avenue Hospital, Kisumu, P.O. Box 3271 hereunder to be approved rnsututions for the purposes of that section. j Name of Factltty MFL Type Bondeni Matemitv Lansalansa Health Centre Kimeswon Health Centre Lanet Clinic /Matemitv Viwanda Clinic (Industria 14265 Trcr 2 Nakuru Town 5009 20299 Tier Tier Tier Tier 2 2 Lakeview Kintnrorn 2 Nakuru East 2 Viwandani Tier Tier Tier Tier 2 Shabab 2 Kivumbini 2 Barut Menenqai Ward 40100, Ktsumu". as IN Gazette Notrce No. 8104 of 2O14, amend the L.R. No prrnted "L.R. 1 27 I 5 I 45 I l" to r e ad "L.R. 209 I I 451 l" 1 . IN Gazette Notice No. 8105 of 2O14, amend the L.R. No. printed as "L.R. l27l5ll485l" to read "L.R.209ll485l" . IN Gazette Notice No. 8074 of 2O14, amend lhe expression printed Land Registrar, Kajiado District,to read"G.W. MUMO" Land Registrar, Kajiado North District". as as "G W. MUMO" IN Gazette Notrce No. 7973 of 2014,amendthe expressron pnnted "CAUSE No. 4'7 oF 2013" to read "CAUSE No.47 oF 2014". IN Gazette Notrce No. 1096 of 2O14. delete the name "Danrel Ogwoka Mandukur" to read"Daniel Ogwoka Manduku". Nakuru West Clinic Bondeni Clinic Barut Clinic Menenoai I I 5008 145575 I 5365 14263 Rhoda Disoensarv Nsendaotrch Disoensarv Menengai Crater Disnensarv Kasaranr Disoensaru Krkonev Disnensaru Tachasis Drsoensarv Njoro Sub Drstrict Hosnrtal Mirugi Kanuki Sub- 17793 20138 20137 zo5t4 2 Kaotembwo Solai Kiamaina T'ter 2 8688 Tier Tier 97$\ Trcr 2 8944 'fier 2 8010 5858 Tier 2 Trcr 2 Njoro t5 r88 Tier Nakuru East r I 2 2 Malewa Wesl Gil oil Subukia/Solai 2 Countv Hosprtal GAzErrE NoflcE No. 8561 Dated the l4th November.20l4 THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT J. (Cap.446) MRJ6254659 County Secretary und Head M. MOTARI, oJ Public Servica. NEW KENYA CO.OPERATIVE CREAMERIES LIMITED GAZETTE APPOINTMENT NoflCE No. 8564 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by State Corporatlons Act, I section 5 (3) of the Adan Mohamed, the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Industnalization and Enterprise Development appoints NIxoN KIPKEMoI COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF ELGEYO/MARAKWET THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS ACT SIGEY (Cap.253) to be the Managrng Dkector of the New Kenya Co-operative Creamenes Lrmrted, for a period of three (3) years 'with eft'ect from I st January, 2015. The appointment of Dr. Kipkirui Lang'at* rs revoked with effect from lst January, 2015. APPROVED INSTTIJTIONS I IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 22 (2t lbl of tHF Medical Practitroners and Dentlsts Act, the CEC, Health Servrcel, declares the instrtutions named rn the schedule hereunder approved institutrons for the purposes of that sectron. Dated the 26th November,2014. ADAN MOHAMED, Cabtnet Secretury, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprtse tG.N. 824 of 2014 Deve lopnte nt. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8562 THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACT (No.11 of2012) THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KIAMBU of of the County Assembly of Krambu and the general pubhc that the Assembly shall have a specral sitfing on Saturday, l5th November, 2014 at 10.00 a.m. at the County Assembly Chamber rn the County Assembly Building, Kiambu, for purposes of consrderatron of Krambu County Frnance Bill, 2014. Dated the l3th November,2014. GATHII IRUNGU. MR/6110342 Speaker. No. 8563 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NAKURU THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS ACT (Cap.253) APPRoVED Facility Name INSTn(moNS PURSUANT to section 22 (2) (b) of the Medical practrtroners and Dentists Act, the County Secretary and Head of Public Servrce rn Ward Sub-CounN Remarks Kapchemuta Dispensarv Marakwet West \rror Complete, Kipsero Disoensarv Marakwet West Sengwer Complete, Ooerational Busreso Marakwet West Cherangany/Chebororu Complete, a Operational Marakwet West Lelan Drspensary Complete, Operational Yatoi Marakwet Cherangany/Cheborors Complete, Disnensaru West Z Cnerational' Kapterit Marakwet Sengwer Dispensary West Complete, Cperational Ieber Keiyo South Soy South Complete, Cperatronal Chororget Dispensary Keiyo South Kaptarakwa Complete, Cperational Kapkonga Dispensary Keiyo South Metkei Complete, Sperational !uguget Marakwet Sambrrrr Disnensarv East 3omplete, Soeratronal Malkich Marakwet Endo 3omplete, Drspensary East Tenderwa Drspensary Marakwet Kerer PURSUANT to Standrng Ofier 26 (3) of the Standrng Orders the County Assembly, it rs notrfied for the rnformatron of Members GAZETTE NoTICE SCHEDI[,E Dispensary SPECIAL SITTING oF THE CoTINTY ASSEMBLY oF KTAMBU to b Operational Dispensary ' ' Jperational Kapyego East 3omplete, Jperational r Dated the 24th November.20l4 MW6254624 STEPHEN BIWOTT. i CEC. Health Serticet, E I g e y o / Ma r akw e t C o untl. I 3l9r THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 8565 Sredrick Mungai THE KAKAMEGA COUNTY ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CONTROL 0.0300 Mususay'Grtaru/842l60 Wainarna Mupusa,/Grtaru/842l61 Daniel Mureithi Steohen 0.0300 Mu euea"/Gitaru/842/5 I Wrlliam Kaniaru Gichun o 0300 APPUCATIoN oF LICENSES IN RESPECT To ArcOHOLIC DRINKS !{]uPusalcitafll842l52 Aenes Wania W. 0.0300 PURSUANT to the provrsions of the Kakamega Counry Alcoholic Mususa/Gitaru/842136A [,e Monde (Foods) Ltd 0.0490 ACT (No.6 of2014) THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KAKAMEGA Drrnks Control Act, 2Ol4 and the regulations therern, the County Executrve Commiftee Member responsible for matters of Alcoholic drinks notifies all interested persons intending to brew, produce, manufacture, import, distribute or deal with any alcoholic drinks in the county or to operate an establishment for the sale of an alcoholic drinks to make an application in a prescribed form to the Sub-county Alcoholic Drinks Regulation Committee in the Sub-county where.the premise is to be situated or the business rs to be catried out. Applications forms may be obtarned from the respectlve sub-county offices or downloaded from the County website. Applicants should submit their apphcations to the Chairperson the commrttee for the respective sub-county as detarled below; of \ub-county Cffices to be Submit Applications Lurambi Iown Office, PC Block B on Thrrd Floor. Iown Office, PC Block B on Thrd Floor. Navakholo Shinyalu CoRRIGENDTIM: Area acquired Parcel No. Lumakanda Sub-County Admrnistrator's Offices. Lumakanda Sub-County Administrator's Offices. Malava Sub-County Administrator's Offices. Mumias Sub-County Adminrstrator's Offices. Mumras Sub-County Admrnrstrator's Offices. Mumras Sub-County Admlnlstrator's Offices. Butere Sub-County Adminlsffator's Offices. Butere Sub-County Adminlstrator's Offices. Lrkuyanr Malava Mumras East Mumias West Matungu Butere Khwrsero Applications should be submitted on or before 15th December, 2014. (ha) o.0967 Dasoretti.Muh.rini./3 26 James Peter/Gichuru Mbote 0.06s5 DasorettiMutuini/309 Kikuyu/Kikuyu Block Rachael Wania Muru 0.015 U63 Samuel Kikuyu/l(rkuyu Block U64 Jeremiah Kranga Ikrao 3 9 VIususa./Gitaru/1659 t{ususa,/Gilaru/165 VIupusa,/Gitaru/ I I 649 )asoretti/Muturni/740 -.R. No.9963 Shinyalu Sub-County Admlnlstrator's Offices /Mwarda\ Lugarr Owner - John Ntuquna Kamau Shinyalu Sub-County Admrnistrator's Offices (Mwauda). Ikolomani ReRistered Dasoretti/Mutuini/7 l 0.0582 Muriuki Kusuru 0.0570 Le Monde (Foods) Ltd Wrlliam Kanraru Grchuru o.0424 [-eah Wansui Githu o.0324 Peter Mureithr o.405-t 0.0604 Stephen Njuguna kihuha, John Newaci Kihuha. Wambui Kihuha 1.4234 Inquiries for hearing of claims to compensation for lnterested parties in the affected land shall be held on Thursday, Sth January, 2015 at the Deputy County Commissroner's office Krkuyu from 9.00 a.m. Every person interested rn the affected land rs requrred to delver to the National Land Commissron on or before the date of inqurry a wriften claim to compensation, copy of identrty card (ID), personal identification number (PIN), land ownership documents and bank account detarls. The commrssron offices are located rn Ardhr House. I st Ngong avenue Room 305. DEGAZE"MMENT: Parcel No. Area atquired (ha) Registered 0wner Kik/Kik/T7l Fredrick Gathithi Kabue 0.0176 ha All parties interested are accordingly hereby notified Dated the 27th November,2014. Dated the 24th November, 2014 RACHEL OKUMU, Counly Executive Committee Member responsible for Alcoholic Drinks Control Matters, MR76254656 Counqn Government oJ Kakamega- MUHAMMADA. SWAZURI, National ktnd Commisston MR16254612 C harrman, GAZETTENoTICENo 8567 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzEmE NoTICE NO, 8566 (No.3 of2012) THE LAND ACT (No.6 of2ol2) IssI,E oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE NAIROBI SOUTHERN BYPASS PROJECT ADDENDI,\,I IN PURSUANCE of Section 2012) al:.d sectron 9 162(2) ot the Land Act (No. 6 of (I) of the Land Acquisition Act (Cap. 295) (Repealed), and further to Gazette Notice No. 3788 and 3789, 2006, the National Land Commission intends to acquirc the plos given below on behalf of the Kenya National Highways Authority for the construction of the Nairobi Southern Bypass. Area acquired rij t Darcel No. Registered Owner Kikuyu/Kikuyu Block l/39 Iames Nsanga Nionde WHEREAS Cobra Management Lrmlted, a limrted liabrlrty company, of P.O. Box 3938-{0506, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor lessee of all that prece of land known as L.R. No. 209/11604, situate in the city of Narrobi, by virtue of a grant regrstered as I.R. 55530/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the sard grant has been lost, notice is grven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days liom the date hereof, I shall rssue a provrsional certificate of title provided that no ob.;ection has been received within that penod. Datcd the 28th November,2014. (ha) B. F. ATIENO, 0.0639 MFJ6r 10330 Re gistrar oJ Title s, Natro bi 28th November,20l4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3192 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8572 GAZL-ITE NonCE NO. 8568 THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 of}ot.') THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20t2) ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Farah Muhumed Musa, of P.O. Box 99207-80107, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, ts registered as propnetor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No, 1271518809, sltuate in Mavoko Municipality rn Machakos District, by virtue of a certlficate of title regrstered as I.R. 13022611, and whereas sufficrent evtdence has been adduced to show that the satd certificate of title has been lost, notlce ls given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objectron has been received within that period. WHEREAS Solomon Gerald Ngwatu Nzano, of P.O. Box 88449, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor in leasehold interest of that piece of land containing 0.2000 hectare or Dated the 28th November, 201 4. C. C. Re KETYENYA, gistrar of Tttles, Natrobi. GAZE.I'rE NoTICE NO. 8569 thereabouts. known as 6312, srtuate within Kilifi Municipalrty tn , Mombasa District, by virtue of a certlficate of lease registered as C.R. I 2856511, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show' that the sard certificate of lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of ownership provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November, 2014. J. G. WANJOHI, Registrar of Titles, Mombasa MR/6254551 GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 8573 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) ISS[,,E OF A THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) KOVISIONAL CERTIFICATE ISSt]E OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Cecily Wanjrru Krragu, of P.O. Box 40, Kerugoya tn the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor lessee of all that prece of land known as L.R. No. 3371156'7, srtuate rn Mavoko Munrcrpality in Machakos Drstilct, by virnre of a certtficate of title regrstered as I.R. 60479/1, and whereas sufficient evtdence has been adduced to show that the said certrficate of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of trtle provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November, 2014. MR/6110372 Re C. N. KITUYI, gistrar of Title s, Natrobt WHEREAS Solomon Gerald Ngwatu Nzano, of P.O. Box 88449, Mombasa rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in leasehold rnterest of that piece of land containing 0.2000 hectare or thereabouts, known as 6313, situate within Kilifi Municrpality in. Mombasa District, by virtue of a cerhficate of lease registered as C.R. 28558/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certlficate of lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a' provisional certif,icate of ownership provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November, 2014. MRJ625455 J. G, WANJOHI, Registrar of Titles, Mombasa l GAZETTE NOTCENO. 8570 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8574 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT IssUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE (No.3 of20l2) (l) Michael Musango and (2) Evelyne WHEREAS Dated the 28th November.2014. MR/6110252 Re g ISSUE OF A NEW CERTIFICATE OF TMLE Akinyi Musango, as trustees of House of Grace Church, both of P.O. Box 32340242, Kitengela rn the Republic of Kenya, are regrstered as proprietors lessees of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 33712940, sltuate ln Mavoko Munrcipalrty rn Machakos Drstrrct, by virtue of a certrficate of title registered as I.R. 8157411, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of utle has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certlficate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period. C N. KITUYI, istrar of Tttl e s, N airobi WHEREAS (1) Fatuma binti Shaibu Shallo and (2) Amina binti Sharbrr Shallo, both of P.O. Box 1302, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as propnetors rn freehold interest of that piece of land contarnlng 0.024 acre or thereabouts, known as Mombasa./Block XLVI 13, situate within Mombasa Municipality in Mombasa District, by vlrtue of a certificate of lease, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certlficate of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratton of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,20l4. A. N. MURIITHI, Land Registrar, Mombasa Mtu6l10473 GAZE.I"IE NoTIcE No. 857I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZEI-IE NoTICE NO. 8575 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 ISSUE OF A [T,OVISIONAL CFRTIFICATE WHEREAS Solomon Gerald Ngwatu Nzano, of P.O. Box 88449, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in leasehold interest of that piece of land containrng 0.2000 hectare or thereabouts, known as 6310, situate within Kilifr Municipality in Mombasa District, by virtue of a cenificate of lease registered as C.R. 2855611, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of lease has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratlon of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of ownership provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. I. G. WANJOHI. Re gistrar ol Ti tle s, Mombuw, oflolZ) ISSUE OF CER.NFICATE OF LEASE WHEREAS T,achuy Kingori Mwangi (ID/5545783), of P.O. Box 30083-{0100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in lcasehold interbst of all that piece of land containing 0.0440 hcctarc or thcreabouts, known as Ruiru/KIU Block 3/2834,' situate in the dirtrict of Nairobi, and whercas sufficient evidence hasi bcen adduccd to rhow that the said ccrtilicatc of Iease has been lost,l noticc i. givcn that rftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the dater hercof, I ehrll r provhlonal cenificatc of'lease pmvided that no objcction har bcln llgolvod within that pcriod. Datcd thc Dated the 28th November. 2014. MFJ6254551 l 1 IssuE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE MR/6110439 ] 2llh Nqvomber,2014, F. M, }.IYAKI,JNDI, MRl62s4592 Iand Registrar, Thika. 3193 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2Ol4 GAZE.I'IE NoTIcE No. 8576 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8580 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ,ISSI,E WHEREAS Agnes Wambui Kamau (ID/1445064), of P.O. Box 311G30100, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0600 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the disfict of Uasin Gishu, registered under titlc No. Eldoret/Municipality Block 16 (Kamukunji)/126, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the-expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title dded provided that no objcction has been received within that period. W. K. SIRMA, Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District GAZE.I-rE NOTICE WHEREAS Alois Auma Onditi, of P.O. Box 15, Rabuor in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.8 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. 8577 G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts. MR/6254616 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 85 8 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSI.IE oF A WHEREAS Beatrice W. Gathirwa (1D14827444), of P.O. Box 60468-00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.69 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Pioneer/I,,lgeria Block I (EATECy7085, and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Milawo Achieng, of Paw Akuche in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that piece of land containing 0.08 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/I(anyawegi/538, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title decd issued thereof has been lost, notice is glven that after the expiation of sixty (60) days ftom the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. M.KIRUI, GAZETTE NoTICE NEw LAND TITLE DEED Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District. MR/61 10247 No. Kisumu/Kochiengl23B2, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. MR/6110434 OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED No. 8578 G.O.NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts. MR/6254616 GAzErrE - NorcE No. 8582 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TIILE DEED ISSTJE WHEREAS (1) Judy Achieng Onyonge and (2) Martine Onyango Ooko Mware, both of P.O. Box 4384, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.304 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Kasule/4841, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Dennis Obiero Odero, of P.O. Box 409, is regisrcred as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.03 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Konyal4726, and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November.2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. J. O. SIGUNA, MN62546t6 G. O. NYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts Land Registrar, Kisumu District. MR/6110467 GAzErrE No'flcE No. 8583 GAZE.I.IE NOTICE No. 8579 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSI,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHERE.AS Tcresa Akumu Oyoo, of P.O. Box 22598, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0180 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Municipality Block 141356, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuc a ncw title deed provided that no objection has becn received within that pcriod. Dated the 28th Novembcr.2014. Ii f MRi6l1044l I. N. NJIRU, Land Registrar, Kisumu EastlWest Districts. WHEREAS Gordon Odhoch Ongawop, of P.O. Box M9, Kisumu in thc Republic of Kenya, is registered as pmprictor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.30 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. KisumuAl/athorego/730, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th Novcmber,2014. MR/6254616 C. O. TIYANGWESO, Land Registrar, Kisumu East/West Districts. 3194 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZEITENoTrCENo.858S GAzEmE l\-orcE No. 8584 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) ol2o12) (No.3 l I ISSUE OF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Krpsyeana Farm Company Limited, is registered as in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng 16.49 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. Kampi ya Moto/Kampi ya Moto Block 6/2tt8, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that lfter the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issut a new title deed provided that no objection has been received \r ithin that period. proprietor WHEREAS Joel Manyi Khaemba, is regrstered as propnetd in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 8.4 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstrict of Kakamega, registlred under title No. Bunyala/Namiamat975, and whereas suftr{cnt evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed is$cd thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the expiration of $xty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provlded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated ,he 28th November.2014. M. SUNGU, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. MR/6110409 ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ltnd MR/6110299 M. J. BOOR, Registrar, Kaknmega Dktict. GAzE'rrE NoncE No. 8589 GAzErrE NOTICE No. 8585 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Nashon Kamau Mwangi (lDl4'733530), is registered as proprietor m absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containin! 0.65 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. Bahati/Kabatini Block l/ll4l, and whereas suffrcient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no obJection has been received within that WHEREAS Francrsl Wanyanya Okello, is registered as prop+tor in absolute ownership rnterest of that prece of land containing t.27 penod. hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Kakamega, regis$rcd under title No. N/Wanga./Koyonzo/1807, and whereas suffi(ient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed isfucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of (ixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provldcd that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. M. SUNGU, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. MR/61t0425 J. M. GATF GMETTE NoTCE No. 8586 ltnd MR/6110450 TE NOI'ICF NO, 8590 ISSUE OF A NEW LAND NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Mwangi Thuku (ID/0346858), is registered as in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0.0474 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under trtle No. Dundon/Lanet Block 9/720 (Z,eylac), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereofhas been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. I (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) proprietor : THELANDREGISTRATIONACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSTIE oF A FUNDIA, Registrar, Kakamega Disfiict. TIILE DEED WHEREAS Joshua Shisia Wesonga, is registered as proprietQr in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 11.26 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, regisfercd under title No. SManga/Buchifr/1293, and whereas suffifient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed i$ucd thereof has been lost, nohce is given that after the expiration of fixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed pro{ided that no objection has been received wlthin that period. Dated the 28th November.2014. J. M. FUNDIA, land Registar, Kaknmega Disbict. Dated the 28th November,20l4. M. V. BUNYOLI, l.and Registrar, Nakuru District MR/6110411 MR/61r0450 GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 8591 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8587 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) (No. 3 o/2012) ISSI.]E OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS IssUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Stephen Ichai Kiurire (ID/13442287),is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.045 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the drstrict of Nakuru, registered under title No Kiambogo/Krambogo Block 211687 , and whereas sufficient evidence has bqen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no oblectron has been received within that period. registered under title Nos. Butsotso/Indangalasia/l698 and Isukha./Kambirill497, and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have beedlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thddate hereof, I shall issue new tltle deeds provrded that no objectioi has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. S. N. MR1625453'1 WHEREAS James Kuya Okata, is registered as propriet<fr in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.0{ and 0.56 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kakarfcga, NABULINDO, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. J. MN625462t M. FUNDrl. lnnd Registrar, Kakamega Di{rict THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 3 195 GAZETIE NoTIcE No. 8596 GAZE,I-rE NOTICE NO. 8592 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 of2ot2) IssT,E OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Karegc Ndiangui, of P.O. Box 10l-10400, is registered as proprictor in absolutc ownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.34 hectarc or thcreabouts, situate in the district of Nyeri, rcgisrcred under title No. KirimukuyulKlr:,algg4, and whercas sufficicnt evidcnce has been adduced to show that the land title deed WHEREAS Bridget Kajuju Muthinja (D17662684), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.10 hectare or thereabouts, situatc in the district of Meru, regisrcred under title No. Abogeta/L-Kiungone/982, and whcrcas sufficient cvidcnce has bcen adduced to show that thc land title deed issued thereof has becn lost, notice is given ttrat aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title decd provided that no objection has becn rcccived within that period. issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration sixty (60) days from thc date hcreof, of I shall issue a new titlc dced providcd that no objection has bccn rcccived within ttrat pcriod. Datcd the 28th Novcmber,2014. S. N. NDIRANGU, Land Registrar, Nyeri District. MR/6254515 GAZETIE Datcd the 28th Novembcr, 2014. B. K. KAMWARO, Land Registrar, Meru Central District. MR/6r 10491 NoflcE No. 8593 GAzErtE NOTCE No. 8597 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ol2) ISSI.TE (No.3 NEw LAND TITLE DEED oF ^ IssUE oF A NEw L^ND TIILE DEED WHEREAS Ibrahim Asman, of P.O, Box 17955-00500, Nairobi in the Republic of Kcnya, is rcgistcrcd as proprictor in absolute ownership intcrcst of that piecc of land containing 0.028 hcctare or thereabouts, situatc in thc district of Machakos, registercd undcr title No. Donyo SabuUKomarock Block U13052, and whereas sufficient evidence has bccn adduced to show that the land titlc deed issucd thcrcof has bccn lost, notice is givcn that aftcr thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the datc hcreof, I shall issue a new title dced provided that no objection has been receivcd within that pcriod, Datcd thc 28th Novembcr,2014. Land MR/5110341 R. M. SOO, s District. ol20l2) WHEREAS Stcphcn Mutua M'Gaiti (ID/20303566), is registcrcd as proprictor in absolute owncrship interest of that piccc of land containing 0.028 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mcru, registcrcd under title No. Nkuenc/Mitunguu/2617, and whercas oufficient cvidcncc has bcen adduced to show that the land title dced issucd thcrcof has been lost, noticc is givcn hat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc date hercof, I shall issuc a new title dced provided that no objection has been rcceived within that pcriod. Dated the 28th Novcmber,2014. B. K. KAMWARO, Re gistrar, Mac hako land Rcgistrar, Meru District. MR/6110408 GAZE'|TE NOflCE NO. 8594 GAzErr-rE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT NcncE No. 8598 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ot20l2) (No.3 o12012) IssUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Margarct Njcri Kimani 0D/22538006), of P,O, Box 255, Kapcnguria in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, is registered as proprictor in absolute owncrship intercst of that piecc of land containing 0.0175 hectarc or thcreabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registercd undcr title No. Kitale/Ivlunicipality Block 2/Tuwan/521, and whereas sufficient evidencc has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcrcof has becn lost, notice is given ttrat after ftre expiration of sixty (60) days from the datc hercof, I shall issuc a new title deed provided that no objcction has bcen rcceived within that period. Datcd thc 28th Novcmber,2014. S. land MR/61 10347 K. BIWOTT, Kitale. IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Paul Nkuubi Atanasio (ID/8304235), is rcgistcrcd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piecc of land containing 3.24 hectarcs or thereabout, situate in the district of Mcru, registcrcd under title No. Nyaki/Giaki/10216, and whertas sufficient evidcncc has been adduced to show that thc land title decd issucd thereof has been lost, noticc is givcn that aftcr the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a new titlc deed provided that no objection has bccn received within that period. Dated the 28th Novcmbcr,2014. B. K. KAMWARO, IAnd Registrar, Mcru District. Rc gistrar, MR/6110388 GAzErrE NoucE No. 8595 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8599 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ20t2) (No.3 ol2Ol2) IssUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Peres Atiang'a Wanyonyi and (2) Reuben Keya Wanyonyi (1D11057622), both of P.O. Box 3057-30200, Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 12.6 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia West, registcred under title No. Trans Nzoia/Sinyercrel334, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. K. BIWOTT, Land Registrar, Kitale. IssUE oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED WHEREAS M'Imuguu M'Mugaine (lDlL6l06724), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.17 hecarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Meru, registered under title No. Nyaki/lvlulathankari/2032, and whereas sufficient evidence has becn adduced to show that the land title deed issued thercof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no ob.;ectron has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. S, MR/6110347 MR/6110408 B. K. KAMWARO, Land Registrar, Meru District. 3196 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8600 GAzEr-rE 28th November,2Ol4 NoficE No. 8604 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2012) (No.3 of20t2) ISSTIE oF A ISST,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Japhlet Mugambi Srlas (ID/88581l7), is registered as in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.77 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Meru, registered under title No. IgojilKinorol2075, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. proprietor containing 0.895 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of registered under title No. Abothuguchillgarclll42, and issued thereof has been lost, notice is glven that after the expiratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new titlE,deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. B. K. KAMWARO, Land Registrar, Meru District. H. S. W. MUSUMIAH, Land Registrar, Meru Diltrict MR/6110408 GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8605 GAZET,IE NoTcE No. 8601 ' THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No.3 ol2Ot2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE oF ANEW LAND ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Japhlet Mugambi Srlas (ID/8858117), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.45 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Meru, regrstered under title No. NkueneA.,lgonyrl814, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduce.d to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice ls given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. B. K. KAMWARO, lnnd Registrar, Meru District. MR/611045t No. WHEREAS Serah Mutare Mwangi (IDllOl734'73), of P.O. Box 35O-2Oll7, Naivasha in the Republic of Kenya, is register(d as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing l.0l hectares or thereabout, situate in the distridt of Naivasha, registered under trtle No. Krjabe/Kijabe Block 1157, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the lland title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that afte1 the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue arncw title deed provided that no objection has been received within that E6O2 Dated the 28th November,2014. C.W. MWANIKI, Land Registrar, Nawasha Dislrict. MR/6110323 GAZET-IE NOTICE NO. 8606 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o12012) ISSTIE oF A (No.3 of2Ol2) NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Simon Mugambr Muriithi (ID/l3361035), is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece land containing 0.316 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of of Meru, registered under title No. Abothuguchr/L-Kiija/807, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. WHEREAS Johnson Kingori Mwangi (1D13642159), of P.O. pox 27, Naivasha in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietdr in absolute ownership interest of that plece of land containrng 0.{947 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registtrcd under tifle No. Naivasha./Maraigushu Block 212149, and whqeas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title 4eed issued thereof has been lost, notice ls grven that after the sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no objectron has I exp[atrof of shall issue a new trtle been recerved within that penod. fted Dated the 28th NoYember,2014. B. K. KAMWARO, ktnd Registrar, Meru District. MR/6110451 c.w. MwANrKl, MPJ6I10500 Land Re gistrar, Naivasha Disttict. GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 8607 GAZE.ITE NoTIcE No. 8603 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20t2) (No.3 of20t2) ISSIJE oF A ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Johnson Muchai Riungu (ID/7763883), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land containing 0.202hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the district of Meru, registered under utle No. Ntima/Igoki/3095, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November.2014. H. MR/6110408 TIILE DEED period. Dated the 28th November.2014. GAZETTE NoT'IcE |tcru, w[crcas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land titlodeed Dated the 28th November,2014. MR/61 10451 NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Mutwiri Kiunga (ID/2521635), is registe+ as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece ofl land S. W. MUSUMIAH, ktnd Registrar, Meru District WHEREAS Eliud Njenga Mbugua (deceased), is registere{ as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of lfnd contalnrng 5.18 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. Naivasha/Maraigushu Block Vf0, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show ttrat lhe land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that afrer the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issrg a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within tat period. Dated the 28th November,2014. S W. MUCHEMI, MR/6110320 Innd Registrar, Naivasha Disttct. NO 8608 GAZE-ITE NonCE 3191 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November.2014 GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 86 I 2 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20t2) (No.3 of20l2\ ISST]E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Zablon Karanja Mbugua (PP/A1715486), of P.O Box 51446, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.8750 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the district of Naivasha, reglstered under title No. Naivasha/Mwichrrngin Block 4117298 (Mirera), and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to shou,that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objechon has been recerved withln that WHEREAS Jane Wanliku Mwanrkr, of P.O. Box 1424, Nanyukt in the RepubLc of Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership lnterest of that plece of land contarnrng 1.553 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the dlstnct of Larkrpra, registered under trtle No, Darga/Umande Block 5/01 (Kangarta), and whereas sufftctent evidence has been adduced to shorv that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new htle deed provrded period. Dated the 28th November, 2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. S. W. MUCHEMI, hmd Registrar, Naivasha District. MR/6110500 that no ob.;ectron has been recerved wlthrn that perlod knrl MR/6110421 GAzErrc NorrcE No. GAZETIE NoTICE No. 8609 861 3 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 of2Ol2) (No.3 of2O12) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Everlyne Emily Chiteri, of P.O. Box 7202, Nakuru in the Repubhc of Kenya, is reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land contarnrng 0.0431 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the district of Naivasha, regrstered under title No. Miti Mingi/Mbaruk Block 511472, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the explration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no objection has been received wrthrn that perrod. Dated the 28th November,20l4. S W. MUCHEMI. Ittnd MR/6254s 16 Re WHEREAS Ruth Nduta Mwaniki, No. 387-20300, under utle No. MutituA.lgoru Blockl/709 (Leshau Pondo), and whereas sufficient evidertce has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no obJechon has been recerved within that period. Dated the 28th November.20l4- J M. MWINZI. kmd Regrstru', Llrkryru Dtstrftt gtstrar, Natt'asha Dtstricl 86 I O GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 86 I 4 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No.3 ol2ol2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Mbaabu Mwrthimbu, of P.O. Box 756-1M00, Nanyuki in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor ln absolute ownershrp rnterest of that piece of land contarning O.41 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate in the district of Laikipia, regtstered under title No. Laikipia/Daiga Umande Block 4/812 (Nyarrgrnu), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls glven that after the expratlon of srxty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall tssue a new trtle deed provided that no objectron has been received withln that period. Dated the 28th November, 2014 J. M. MWINZI Ittnd Re gistrar, kttktpra Drsrrict MR/6110421 GAZETTE NoTIcE NO. 86I 1 IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEtst) WHEREAS Duncan Nyatha Muthur, of P O. Box 850. Nyen rn the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor rn absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land containrng 0.80 hectare or thereabouts, in the drstnct of Laikipra, registered under title No. LarkipraA.lanyukr Marura Block III/6128 (Sweetwaters), and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new htle deed provrded that no objectron has been recerved withln that period situate Dated the 28th November. 2014 J. M. MPJ61l04l4 GAZE.I-TE No,nCE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSTIE oF A MWINZI ktrkipm Drrt, irt. NO 86I5 (No.3 of20t2) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Phrlip Gichure Mwema, of P.O Box 32-10105, Naromoru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor ln absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.607 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the district of Larkipia, regrstered under trtle No. Larkrpra./Salama/Muruku Block 111217 (Pesr), and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice ts given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall tssue a new title deed provided that no objectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the 28th November, 20 Itrn d Re gistrar, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) l4 ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Stanley Muita Munukr, of P.O. Box 25, Ttmau rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor ln absolute ownershtp interest of that piece of land contarning 1.44 hectares or thereabout, situate ln the drstnct of Laikrpra, registered rmder trtle No. Nanyuki/South Timau Block 2/480 (Etht), and whereas suffrctent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratton of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no ob1echon has been received wrthln that penod. Dated the 28th November,2014. M. MWINZI, ktnd Re gistrar, ktikipia District. J. MR/6110428 of P.O Box Nyahururu in the RepubLc of Kenya, is regtstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng I 201 hectares or thereabout. sltuate in the distnct of Larkrpra, regtstered MR/6110414 GAZETTE NoTICE J. M. IVIWINZI, Registrar, kttkipia Dntncl MPJ6I104l4 J. M. MWINZI, ktnd Regrstror, kt*ipia Distrtct 3 THE KENYA GAZETTE 198 GAZEI-TE NoTIcE No. 8616 28th November,2014 GAZE.I-|E NoTICE No. 8620 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2O12) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ20t2) IsstJE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSTJE WHEREAS Francis Ngunjiri Mureithi, of P.O. Box l24l l, Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprietor in absolute ownership intcrest of that piece of land containing 0.607 hectare or thereabouts, situate m the district of Laikipia, registered under title No. Laikipia/Salama/Muruku Block I/1391 (Kieni East), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, nofice is given that aftor thc expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof. I shall issue a new title deed providcd that no objection has been reccived within that period. Datcd the 28th November,2014. J. Iznd MR/6110421 cAzE'rrE NorcE No. 86 Re g M, MWINZ, istrar, Laikip ia D istr ic t. l7 oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED WHEREAS Anna Njeri Muraguri, of P.O. Box 206, Karatina irl the Repubiic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absoluta cwnership interest of that piece of land conJaining 3.50 hectares o( theieabout, situate ln the district of Laikipia, registered under title NoMutara/Thome Block U3583 (Mathra), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been receivcd within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. land MR/611042r GAZETTE NoTIcE Re g No. 8621 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of2ol2) IssuE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Gcrald Mwihu Mwangi,.of P.O. Box 579-10400, Na"ryuki in thc Republic of Kcnya, is registcred as proprietor in absolute ownership intcrest of that piece of land containing 0.0465 hcctare or thercabouts, situate in the district of Laikipia, registercd under title No. Nanyuki/Ivlarura Block 3/2340 (Sweetwaters), and whcreas sufficient evidence has bccn adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has bcen lost, notice is given that after the cxpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new titlc dccd provided that no objcction has becn received within that period. M. MWINZI, Innd Re gistrar, Laikipta District. J. MR/6t 10428 IssuE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS James Karaya Kiragu, of P.O. Box 81 1 , Nyahururu in thc Republic of Kenya, is registered as prcprietor in absolutc ownership interest of that piece of land containing 3.849 hectarcs or thereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia, rcgisrcred under title No. Laikipia./Ngobit Supuko Block 2/663 (Wiumiririe), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thercof has becn lost, noticc is givcn that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thc datc hereof, I shall issue rew titlc deed provided that no objection has been rcccivcd within that period. I Dated the 28th November,2014, Dated the 28th November,2014. MR/6254517 . Land Rc J. M, MWINZ. gistrar, laikipia District. GAZET'IENoTICENo.8622 CAZETTE NorrcE No. 861 8 (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of20l2) IssT,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WH,]REAS Francis Muchemi Wahomc, of P.O. Box 273-10400, Nanyuli in the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is rcgistered as proprietor in absolut: ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.6 hectares or thereabout, situatc in the district of Laikipia, registered under titie No. Laikipia./Daiga Umande Block 4/1000 (Nyariginu), and wherear; sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title de,>l issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratic,n of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title de:d provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS James Kirago Karanja (ID/6253034), of P.O. Box 564, Thika in the Republic of Kenya, is registcred as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.5000 hcctarc or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, rcgistercd undcr title No. Makuyu/Kimorori Block 11215, and whereas sufficicnt cvidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new titlc deed providcd that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. N. N. NJENGA, Daled the 28th November,2014. MWINZI, Land Rcgisrrar, laikipia District J. M. MFJ6110414 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT land MR/6110368 GAZET.IE NoTIcE GAzErrENoTICENo.86l9 Re gistrar, Muran g' a District. No. 8623 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 ol20r2) IssI.,E oF NEw LAND TITI."E DEEDS ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHIIREAS Peter Magothe Kaigai, of P.O. Box 142-00300, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land conta.ining 0.816 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under trtle No. Euasonyiro/Suguroi Block 91757, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued rl.ereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provideC that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Jemimah Wanjiku Karanja (ID/3679576), the personal representative of Samson Karanja Mungai (deceased), of P.O. Box 5310208, Sabasaba ur the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those preces of land containing 0.895 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, registered under title Nos. Makuyu/lvlakuyu Block l/178 I and 4548, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds rssued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November, 2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. M. MWINZ, Land Re gistrar, Laikipia Distr ict. J. MR/6110428 J. M. MWINA, istrar, laikipia D istr ict. MR/6110327 Land Re N, N. NJENGA, gistrar, Murang' a District. I GAZE.TTE NoTICE 3t99 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 No. 8624 GAZETTE NOTTCE NO. 8628 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) Wo.3 of 2Ol2) ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kimari Marna, of P.O. Box 34, Gacharageini in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ou.nership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.045 and l.17 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Murang'a, regrstered under title Nos. Loc. l9lGacharagernrll'|2l and 1728, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds issued thereofhave been lost, notrce ls grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. WHEREAS David Kaiyian Lantey (ID/104022061\, of P.O. Box 329940511, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that plece of land contarnlng 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate ln the dlstnct of Kajiado, registered under trtle No. NgongA.,lgongl34642, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce is grven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received within that perrod. Dated the 28th November,20l4. Dated the 28th November.20l4. N N. NJENGA. ktnd Regtstrar, Murang'a District :]MRJ62545'12 GAZETTE NoTTCE No. 8625 C. M. GICHUKI. l,ond Reg$trar, Kayado North District. MR/6110348 GAZET"TE No'rcE No. 8629 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of2ol2) (No.3 oJ2O12) ISSI,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Peninah Wambui Munukr (ID/0807003). of P.O. Box 941, Kerugoya in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor rn WHEREAS Paulo Musyoka (ID/24588211). of P.O. Box 105, Namanga rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor in absolute ownership lnterest of that prece of land containing 5.11 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstnct of Kajiado, registered under title No. Kalado/Ivlalfualll47, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce ls glven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containtng O.62 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Krrinyaga, registered under title No. Baragwe/Guamil2038, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wrthrn that period. Dated the 28th Novemebr.2014. Dated the 28th November.2014 D.M KYULE, C. W. NJAGI, MR/61 r0435 GAZE,I-TE I-and Re gi strar, Kin nyaga Distric t. NoTcE No. 8626 Itnd MR16110482 Regrstrar, Ka1rudo District. GAzE-mE NoTICE No. 8630 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of20t2) ISSTIE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISST]E oF A WHEREAS Joseph Munene 0D/080@6), of P.O. Box 17, Kianyaga in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietoi in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing O.43 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Gichugu/Settlement Scheme/I466, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that penod. I Dated the 28th Novemebr,2014. NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joseph Sapar Juma (1D10192478), of P.O. Box 23, Athr Rrver rn the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that plece of land contarnrng 8.09 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the district of KaJlado, registered under title No. K1d/Kitengelal94l4, and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no oblectron has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the 28th November. 2014. C. W, NJAGI, Itnd MR/6254568 GAZETTE NCrIICE Registrar, Kinnyaga Distrrct. No. 8627 P. ltnd MxJ625462s GAZEI-TE NoTICE MAKINI, Registrar, Kajiado District. No. 863I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2ol2) (No.3 ofZol2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssT,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Beatrice Wangui Mwangi (ID/10160576), of P.O. Box 64, Kagio in the Republic of Ke4ya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0 40 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No. Mwerua/Kithumbu/1988, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no oblection has been received within that period WHEREAS ( I ) Michelina Karambu Mbugua (ID/0998944) and (2) Margaret G. Mbugua (lDl65'74752), are registered as proprietors rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land srtuate in the district of Kwale, registered under trtle No. KwaleMnanasrnr/799, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provrded that no objechon has been received within that Dated the 28th Novemebr, 2014. period. Dated the 28th November. 2014. J K. MUTHEE. MR/6110404 Lond Rexistrar, Krmyago District MR/6110260 C. K. NGETICH, Land Registrar, Kwale District. 3200 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTE NoTICE 28th November,2Ol4 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8632 No. 8636 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ot2) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Samuel Kyau Ndunda, of P.O. Box 50, Shimba Hills in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under title No. KwaleMafisini/1{3, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given tliat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Odhiambo Obonyo, of P.O. Box 198, Bondo jn tho Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.46 hectare or thereaboutsi situate in the district of Bondo registered under title No. South Sakwa/lVligwena/381, and whereas sufficient evidence has beeq adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datg hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection haq been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. C. K. NGETICH, Itnd MN6254591 GAZETTE NoTICE Regisnar, Kwale District. No. 8633 Dated the 28th November,2014. G. M. MALUNDU, l,and Registrar, Bondo District. MR/5951888 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8637 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 of20t2) ISSTIE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LoST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Julius Alieth Onyango, of P.O. Box 16, Ukwala in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 1.98 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Ugenya, registered under title No. East Ugenya./Murumbal642, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHERI,AS Gladys Kanini Musembi, of P.O. Box 48231-00100, Nairobi in the Republic ofKenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that apartment No. 7 on the second floor, erected on that piece of land known as L.R. No. 209112387, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a sublease registered as LR. I 12870/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after th( Dated the 28th November,2014. ' D.O.DULO. ktnd Registrar, Ugenya/Ugunja Districts MR/6110319 GAZETIE NOTICE NO. 8634 expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property registef, shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. W. M. MUIGAI, MR/61I0470 Land Registrar, Nairobi. GAZET"I.E NoTTCE (No.3 of20l2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ' WHEREAS Jacqueline Apollo (ID/20830575), of P,O. Box 4238, in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.166 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Rachuonyo, registered under title No. E. Kasipul/Kojwach Kamioro/1804, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Nairobi issued thereof has been lost, notice is given 0rat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. No. 8638 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o!2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LOST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Kijiji Management Limited, of P.O. Box 18-00515r Nairobi in the Republic ofKenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 2091756615, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as I.R. 92859/ll and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyedi and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice i9 given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereofl the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions ol section 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. W. M. MUIGAI, J. O. OSTOLO, MW6110471 GAZETTE NoTIcE LandRegistrar,RachuonyoSouthlNorthDistricts. GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8635 No. 8639 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 ot20l2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Fredrick Omungi Orwa, of P,O. Box 70, Bondo in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.030 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Bondo, registered under title No. South Sakwa/Barkowinil4ll2, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tille deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER, WHEREAS Edwin Kagunda Mwariri, of P.O. Box 75827-00200, Nairobi in the Republic ofKenya, is registercd as propri,etor lessee ol all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 15341, situate in ttre city ol Nairobi, by virtue ofa grant registered as I.R. 55602/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given thal after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, tho property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. MR/6254588 Land Regisrrar, Nairobi. MR/6110328 G. M. MALUNDU, Land Registrar, Bondo District. W. M. MUIGAI, MRi6l10452 Land Registrar, NairobL. 320t THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 CAZETTE NoTICE No. 8644 GAZETTE NONCE NO. 8640 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION (No.3 of2o12) ACT - (No.3 oJ2012) LOSS OF LAND REGISTER LOSS OF A GREEN CARD WHEREAS (l) Praful Kumar B. Panchmatra and (2) Nirup Ama Pratul Kumar Panchmatla, both of P.O. Box 694-46100, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, are regrstered as propnetors of that piece of WHEREAS Mutuku Sati Mukolya (1D18412328), of P.O. Box 1082, Shimba Hills in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in land containing 0.0372 hectare or thereabouts, known as Kisumuil\4unicipality Block 71797, siuate in the drstrict of Kisumu, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued rn respect thereof is missing, and whereas all efforts made to locate it have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no valid objection has been received within that pegrod, I intend to open another land register and upon such opening, the said missing land register shall be deemed to have been cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th November.2014. MR/6110400 l,and Regtslrar, I. N. NJIRU, :strict- Kisuntu the district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Makrvenyenii400, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been 1ost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new green card provided that no objection has beerr received within that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. C. K. NGETICH, ktnd Registror, Kwale District. MRl6254s9l No. 8645 GAZETTE NoTIcE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZEmE Noflcri No. 8641 \No.3 of2012) THE I,AND REGISTRATION ACT OPENING oF A (No. 3 o/2012) LOSS OTT LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Trrstar Transport Limited. of P.O. Box 3552-00506, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containing 0,9 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. Kisumu/Korando/2650, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date I shall rssue a new land register provided that no objectton has been recerved wrthrn that period. hereof. liEw REGIsTER WHEREAS Nadia Holdings Limited, of P.O. Box 31643-00600, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietot in absolute orvnership interest of that piece of land containing 8.09 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kajiado, registered under titie No. Kjd/Olooloitikoshi/Kitengela/2034, and whereas the first edition of the land register showing aforesaid ownership is lost, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show the said ownership and ioss, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I sha1l open a new land register provided that no oblectlon has been received wrthin that period. Dated the 28th November,2014. Dated the 28th November,2014. I. N. NJIRU, lnnd Registrar, Kisumu District. MR/6i 10405 Gazette Notice No. 8415 of 2014, rs revoked A.N. NJOROGE, GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8646 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No. 8642 GAZETTE NoTICE ktnd Registrar, Kajiado District. ][lR.t6254536 (No.3 of2olZ) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT REGISTRATION oF INSTRUMENT (No.3 of2012) Loss oF A GREEN CARD WHEREAS Stephen Mburu Gitukur, is regrstered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 0.170 hectare or thereabouts, known as Muguga/Gitaru/2537, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof is lost and effons to trace it in the office have failed. notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no valid objection has been received within that period, I shall issue a new green card. Dated the 28th November. 2014. W.N. MUGURO, Innd Registrar, Kiambu District. MR/6110402 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8643 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT WHEREAS Julius Ngethe Wangethi alias Julius Ng'ethe Joseph (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 2.03 hectares or thereabout, known as Ngong/Ngong/2591, situate in the district of Kajido North, and whereas the High Court in succession cause No. 666 of 2014, has issued grant of letters of administration to (l) Janet Wanjiku Ng'ethe, (2) Ann Waithera Ng'ethe and (3) James Mwaura Ng'ethe, all of P.O. Box 7172-00300, Nairobi, and whereas the title deed issued earlier to the said Julius Ngethe Wangethi alias Julius Ng'ethe Joseph (deceased), has been reported missing or 1ost, notice is given that afler the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been rcceived within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said instrument of R.L. l9 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Julius Ngethe Wangethi alias Julius Ng'ethe Joseph (deceased), shall be ,lfemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th November,2014. (No.3 tt2012) Loss oF WHEREAS (l) Otto Bertel Richard and (2) Suleiman Mohamed Mwandano, are registered as proprietors of that piece of land krown as Kwale,it,lg'ombenil2452, situate in the district of Kwale, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof is lost and efforts to trace it in the office have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided that no valid objection has been received within that period. I shall issue a nerv green card. Dated the 28th November,2014. C. K. NGETICH, MRt6254522 r G. W. MUMO, Land Registrar, Kajiado North Distict. MR/6110369 A GREEN CARD Land Regisu'ar, Kwale District. GMETTE NoTIcE No. 8647 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Kagrvanja Mungai (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 0.171 hectare or thereabouts, known as Njoro/l.,ljoro Block 5/157 (Ngondu), situate in the district of Nakuru, and whereas (1) Esther Wanjiku Kagwanja and 3202 28th Novemb er,2O1l THE KENYA GAZETTE (2) Sammy Mungai Ngugi are the ultrmate beneficranes, and whereas the said land title deed issued has been reported misslng, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the regisEation of the death certificate of the deceased herein and issue a new land title deed to the beneficiaries thereof, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Iren (ID/10796657), and upon such registration the land title ldccd issued earlier to the said John Muchangi Njue (deceased), shafl be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th M. MR/6254501 w. KARTUKI, Land Registrar, Embu Di*tict GAZEI-IE NOTICE NO. 8651 Dated the 2Eth November,2014. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.1 oJ2Ol2) M. SUNGU, Land Registrar, Nakuru District. MR/6110426 I November,20l4. REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT GAzE'r-rE NcrncE No. 8648 WHEREAS Olando Baridr George, of Sawagongo in the Repfblic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land knoltn THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Kagwanja Mungai (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing 0.055 hectare or thereabouts, known as Njoro/Njoro Block 5/159 (Ngondu), situate in the district of Nakuru, and whereas (l) Esther Wanjiku Kagwanja and (2) Sammy Mungai Ngugr are the ultimate beneficianes, and whereas the said land trtle deed issued has been reported missing, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proLeed with the registratron of the death certificate of the deceased herein and issue a new land title deed to the beneficiaries thereof, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier shall be deemed to tte cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th November,2014. P. A. OWEYI$ Land Registrar, Siaya Dislrict. MR/6110380 GAzEmE NoTICE No. 8652 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) Dated the 2Eth November,2014. M. SUNGU. Land Registrar, Nakuru District MR/6110426 as East Gem/Nyawara 1184, situate in the district of Siaya, and whfrcas the principal magisfate's court at Siaya in land dispute tribunalicase No. 10 of 2010 has ordered that the said parcel of land be re-survleycd and sub-divided into two equal parts, and whereas all efforts mafc to compel the registered proprietor to surrender the land title deed i$ucd to the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expirftion of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objdtion has been received within that period, I intend to dispense wit[ the productron ofthe sard land trtle deed and issue land title deeds t0 (1) Jacton Oyoko Ojero and (2) Alice Olando as per the court ordei that the land be re-surveyed and sub-divided into two equal parts. REGISTRATIoN OF INSTRI.,MENT GAzE,nE NCTnCE No. 8649 WHEREAS Oshwal Supermarket Limited, of P.O. Box 4302, kisir in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that pieqc of land containing 1.8 hectares or thereabout, known as C$tral Kituhr/Daraja Mbill732, situate in the district of Kisii, hafving acquired the said land from Prime Bank Limited by vfutue of the $tter having exercised its powers of sale chargor, and whereas the eviQnce THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ot2) REGISTRAToN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Philip Mutisya Muthusi (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as MakueniUnoal?79, situate tn the district of Makueni, and whereas the principal magistrate's court in succession cause No. 65 of 2Ol2 has issued letters of administration and confirmation to (1) Phiomena Sosi Kziliso and (2) Samuel Mutuku Kavale, and whereas the land trtle deed rssued has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I rntend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registratlon of the sard insfument of admlnistration and confrmation, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earher to the said Philip Mutisya Muthusi (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th November,2014. L, K. MUGUTI, hnd MR/6110453 Registrar, Makueni Distrrct adduced proves that the said land was acquired properly, and fufttrcr whereas the same plot has been physically subdivided into va{ious numbers purportedly Central Kitutu/Daraja Mbili/33 1 9, 3320, #21, 3322, 3323,3893, 3894, 3895. 3409, 3410, 3952,3953 and f54, during the period which the plot had been charged for a loan t( the said bank, and whereas all efforts made to obtain the title dee+ in respect of the subdivided plots above from the registered propriftors have farled, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) fays from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been recdved wlthrn that period, I intend to dispense with the production of thepaid land tille deeds and maintain the title number Central Kitutu/Diraja NlbihJ732 to read Oshwal Supermarket Lrmrted for an acreage asihed been indicated on the ground on the maps, and tlre same title dfeds earlier issued to the mentioned numbers shall be deemed to have lccn cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 28th November,2014 D. D. OMOI-I lnnd Registrar, Kisii Disfict. MR/6110375 GAzErrENcrncE No. 8650 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZE'rrE NorrcE No. 8653 (No.3 ol2ot2) THE LAND REGISTRATION (No.3 of2ot2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS John Muchangi Njue (deceased), of Embu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor of that piece of land containing 0.76 hectare or thereabouts, known as Kagaari/Kanja/3408, situate in the district of Embu, and whereas the Hrgh Court in succession cause No. 195 of 2O13, has ordered that the said piece land be registered in the name of Catherine Muthoni of Ireri (ID/10796657), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land by the land registrar have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thrrty'(30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been recerved within that period, I mtend to dispense with the productron of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said grant document and issue a land title deed to the said Catherine Muthoni Aif REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRIJMENT WHEREAS Alfred Nanjelo Osialo, is registered as propriet{ of that piece of land known as East Gem/Marenyo/1696, situate iri thc district of Siaya, and whereas the senior principal magistrate's co*t at Siaya in land case No. 17 of 2008 has ordered that the said land Etle deed be cancelled and revert lt to East Gem/Marenyo/756 andl the original owner William Ojwang Omol, and upon this publicatio{ the land certificates rssued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled ard of no effect. Dated the 28th November.2014. P. MPJ6I10380 A. owEYAi Land Registrar, Siaya Disfict. l 28th November,2014 3203 THE KENYA GAZETTB GAzE-mE NoTCE No. 8654 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS. AUGUST, 20 I 4 RESULTS IT IS notified for general information that the following one thousand two hundred and forty-four (1,244) candidates passed the proficiency examination for clerical officers held from l8th to 2lst August, 2014. The options are indicated against their names. Index No Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR/00000229 Kaara Margaret Wangu Ndugire Alice Muthoni Chepkiror Emily Achipa Elizabeth Mwihaki Natao Mwanaidi Kaskoria Krjiba Faruma Adan Virginia Wanjiru Waiganlo Chelangat Caroline lritich Komen Nancy Jepkorir Magut Nicholas Kiptoo Atieno Angeline Odera Onyango Oyamo Everlyne Kiptoo Josphine Jepchirchrr Opemi Damaris Eseri Mkare Kingi James Wale Pecelina Medza Margaret Wangithi Nduku Goro Agneta A. Everlyne Mochama Job Getiro Wanjre Susan Wamaitha Hussein Mohamed Noor Owino George Okeyo Njuki Robert Muthuri Mwakwera Jane 20070t7985 Interior and Co-ordination 2'148 KARI HR Services HR Services 199fi33724 9602t654 Interior Interior Interior Interior 2003004582 Defence 20070t5755 Interior and Co-ordination I 3859 Judiciary 2007062954 2008021327 2007063706 2007022833 2007015909 2007019864 Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior PR/000,00259 PR/00000260 PR/00000264 PR/00000265 PR/00000283 PR/00000335 PR/00000373 PR/00000386 PR/00000394 PR/00001379 PR/00001396 PR/00001402 PR/00001406 PR/00001407 PR/0000r413 PR/00001421 PR/00001424 PR/0000r433 PR/00001,+42 PR/00001443 PR/00001474 PR/00001496 PR/00001502 PR/00001505 PW00001506 PR/00001523 Tipitip Sharon Momanyi Jones Nyabayo PR/00001563 PR/00001575 Nyakomittah Millicent Kiplangat Joseah Yegon Hilda Rebecca Tanui Chepkemei Alice Mossy PR/00001578 Mwangi Mercy Muthoni PR/00001584 PR/00001587 PR/00001590 PR/00001640 PR/00001651 PR/00001653 PR/fi)o01791 PR/00002072 PR/00002082 Mutua Christopher Katiku Kipkurui Wesley Ngenoh Cyprian Nkonge Gatugi Hawai Kero Fugicha PR/00001 525 PR/000021 l0 PR/00002121 PR/00002122 PR/m002142 Klayi Mercy Salome Kithaka Josephine Njeri Mworia Florence Kithira Masila Nelly Mueni Doti Safia Katelo Ahmed ldris Abdi Kanyumbani Marion Ncabani Waa Winfred Mukii 1990137601 96034097 200800'7'771 1989105277 1980125602 200'7016337 198309337s 2008038552 2008036568 Interior and Co-ordination 198ro33248 200802056'7 2007061518 200802858 I 200804[826 200802057s 200802t725 Almasi Mwanasha PR/00002165 PR/00002175 PR/00002192 PR/00002201 PR/O0W2226 PRJM2425 Abiero Terry Auma Kamau Evelyne Muthithi Ndung'u Charles Gichuhi Jemeli Jacqueline Njuki Annrose Wainmu Ndung'u Veronica Muthoni Kulundu Hillary Wasilwa Muchoki Martha Wanjiku PR/00002,+45 Mosigisi Mary 20090102t4 PR/00002500 PR/00002s I l PRi00002518 PR/00002540 PR/00002545 PR/00002571 PR/00002576 PR/00002586 PR/00002625 PW00002627 Ngore Fredrick Obwori Mark Karani Mwaniki Rotich Cherono Zeddy Chepkemoi Angeline Langat Osoro Isaac Ogotr Ireri Jackline Muthoni Agncs i6rrrunto Nyabuto Sibia Moraa Omundi Gati Esther John Ahmcd Itlohrmcd Ali 2007017236 2007067904 2008021505 2008020088 2008081432 20070t6599 2008008515 200w22674 2008037t74 2008019647 2007022655 2007077448 200801386t 2N9003322 20070t53t5 200802w03 2007018t43 200m83071 t990119221 20070t6r'.76 2N8032r16 20070fi952 Management Management Management Management HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Judiciary 2007015860 96010174 2001016824 2008037289 2007061550 1985016206 Records Records Records Records Co-ordination 200802073'7 2008094760 HR Services Records Management Defence and and and and and and and and Records Management Records Management Records Management Co-ordination 35720 2007063536 2008020818 2007062522 2008028395 PR/00002164 PR/00002328 Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordinatlon Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination 200803 1576 20080097 I 5 PR/00002145 PR/00002146 PR/00002160 PWOOOO2324 and and and and and and and and and and Co-ordination Co-ordrnation Co-ordrnation Co-ordrnatron Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Thomas Catherine Mutheu Mwai Caroline Muringo Mwara lrah Muthoni Hussein Rahma Mohamed Ali and and and and Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination Transport and Infrastructure Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Attomey-General and Department of Justice Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Devolution and Planning Interior and Co-ordrnation Agriculture, Liveptock and Fisherics Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Mining Health Interior and Co-ordination Intprior and Co.ordin$ion Intcrior and Co-ordination Records Management Records Management HR Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services Accounts Records Management Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management Records Management HR Services HR Scrvices Records Management HR Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management Recorde Management Records Management Records Management HR Services HR Seruices Records Management Supply Services Supply Services Records Management HR Services Accounts HR Services Supply Services Supply Services Accounts Records Management HR Services Supply Services Supply Services Records Management Records Management Supply Scwiccr HR Scrviccr TFIE KENYA GAZETTE lndex No ('andtdate Nanrc PF No. PR/00002649 PR/o0002650 PR/00002666 PR/00002667 PR/00002672 Juma Josephine Mutili Atsulu Jane Mohamed Abdi Issak 20080 l 1746 PRJ00002683 PR/00002685 P200002701 PR/00002708 PR/000027 I 5 PR/O0002774 PR/0000280 l * Kago Wangari Elizabeth Manyura Josephine Moraa Wando Charles Obadha Kisilu Dominic Kithome Gitonga Mukami Annrita Kimwele Mary Mbeke Kiri Fouzia Roba 2009007570 2008037409 4123 2007018t71 2007043643 2008037205 2008008426 20090 I 0484 2008002250 200905056s PR/00002809 Kirumba Geoffrey Wanyeki Kasimbu Rachael Ngenr Munywoki Francrs Wambua PR/0000283,1 Mutuku Jayhnous Mvvende 200800'7527 PR/o0002836 PR/00002837 PR/00002866 PR(X)002888 PR/000028e8 PR/000029m Keter Gladys Jeruto 1990114946 2008013188 200900 I 906 2001020141 2009052347 20070t-r986 PR(X)00290r,t PRJ000029 l Mwanzra Jacquelyne Syokau Arvuonda Atreno Judrth Lucas Juma Mboya Karimr Terisina Anampru Kananrpru Elosy Makcna Wano Raha Hussein Nasibo Tuke Dabelo Chepkemor Norah Mrroga Nyanchera Everlyne 20090 r00 4400;1 8 7032258 lnlendr Wakasa Justrne Nyamai Farth Kanrnr Kipsor Chepchumba Doreen Chertrnoh Beatnce N,hber 20090 l 05+9 2008 10441fi PR/00003 r 66 Khadrala Syh'ra Lugalra 2008002276 PR/00003 I 68 PPJ00003 I 72 Murithr Frrdah Mwaran ra Nzyuko Hellen Nthenya Anva Odhiambo Michacl 20070rJ000q I PR/00002967 PR/00002972 PPJ00002978 PR/00003022 PR/00003026 PR/00003044 PR/00003074 PR/00003086 PRi00003l r0 PR/00003 1 l2 PR(rc003 I 44 Karimr Paul Ngunjrri Moses Cathenne Wanirla Halakhe Amina Boru Kamau Alice Muthonr Macharra Rose Wachuka 20080 r 1479 2009002423 t0 2A080?4456 20c)802345() 20080 r 2603 20080 I 2645 200803825 I 200908 I I 42 2009083877 20090468,1 Emrly Enkryiampa Tryo PR/00003250 Ogan Caren Nyabonyi 200w4744e PR/000033u) Jepchrrchir Beatrrce Murndr Stansious Munyao 200s00307 r 20090 I 0052 PR/000033 r r PR/0000332 l Mutua Alex N'lunvalo 20081.1138q PR/00003339 Lrmareng Pkrach Reuben 20080183 I PRA)00-3357 Olnde Leah Nyanchanra 200(x)-+73 PR/(X)003376 PRi(X)00340r1 PR/00003.109 PR/00003.141 PR(X)0034.12 Ombinra Lydr.ih Anupr Kanrnr Catherrne Kosker Joyce Clrerono Rutere Rufus Muruthr Kipronoh Rrchar d Krplagat Emrly Chelangat PR^)0003459 Rahma Mohrnrcd PR()000347-s Edung Josephrne Amarr.r 2009(x)6396 PR/o0003503 lrerr Anderson Nlukl l00trol-r8II PR^X)0035 C)drrvuor Rose Anyango PR/()0003525 PR/(X)0035f{) PR/00003392 l I Interior and Co-ordinatitrn Interior and Co-ordination Supply Services Supply Services Interror and Co-ordination Nakuru County Government Intenor and Co-ordination Defence Interror and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordrnation Agrrculture, Lrvestock and Frsheries Sports Culture and the Arts HR Services Agnculture. Livestock and Frsheries Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interror and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordrnanon Inter ror and Co-ordrnation Agnculture, Llvestock antl Frshertes Interror and Co-ordlnatlon Agrrculture, Llvestock and Frshencs Jud rcrary 200e()tt3322 2009002350 2008020698 PR/00003208 PR/00003228 28th I l8 Interror and Co-ordrnatron Inter ror and Co-ordrnaoon Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Inrcr ror and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordrnatron Industnahzatron antl Enterprise Development Agr rc ulture. Ln estock antl F-rsherre: Ol1rce of thc Deputy Presrdent The Natronal Treasury Industrralrzatron antl'Entetpnse Devclopnrcnt Delolutron and Plannrng Health Natronal Trcasury Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Envrronment. Water and Natural Rcsources Intelror and Co-ordrnatron HR Services Accounts Records Management HR Services HR Services Supply Serrrces Records Managemcnt Accounts HR Sen rces HR Scrvices Supply Servrces Records Mlnagemerlt Records Managelnent ReconJs Management HR Servrces Supply Servrces HR Serr rces Records Management Supply Servrces Records Nianagement Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Accounts Recrrrds Management HR Services Records Managemrnt Recortls Marragement IIR Scrl i:es HR Servrces Records Managenrcnl HR Servrces Agriculturc, LrveskrcL and Iiishenes Attolne)'-Genr-riil anrl Departrnent HR Services Records Management Supply Servrces Records Managernent Supply Services ol Supply Servrces Recorcls Managenrcnt Jushce Interior and Co-ordrnation Envrronment. \\'ater and Natural HR Scrvrces HR Se rr rces RL'sou rce s Inter ror and Co-ordrrration Labour, Socrll Secunt) and Servrccs HR Serl'rces HR Senrces Intcnor and ('o-ordlnatlon Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Records N{anagement HR Servrces HR Services HR Sen rces 20()90012t5 Interror and Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ord rnation Lands. Housrng and Urban Dcvelopment Intcr ror and ('o-ord rnatron Envrronment. Water and Natural Petronrlla Nakhungu Sakwa 2009005991 . Muchrn Margaret Wan.;rru Werreh Dorcus Makanga Mwaura Philip Kamau Kurur Susan Krgadr Engesrah Beatrrce Kipkoech Jemutar Lrnah Macharia Roscniary S'anja Totona Sharon Lanor Wilfretl Kipront) Langat Karkai Ledema Sankalc' Temor Mercy Chesro Osebe Bonareri Joyce Arasa Caroly ne Kemunk) Umaro Adan AL Mayende Davrd Nato 20070633 I 6 200tt0-l8 t 96 Rar 2001062126 200(x)091 66 200706 1039 10070 161.11 200n036770 200r.r0193 t7 It)O1J090 t06 Recilrds Management Records Manag3nrent HR Scrvicer Accounts Rc sourcc s P200003572 PR/00003587 PR/o0003628 PPJo00036.+3 PR/00003664 PR/00003682 PRi00003703 PR/00003735 PR()0003743 PR()0003755 PR/O0003757 PR/000038 l0 PR^)0003823 PR(n003857 20(\'to254'r5 200800789.+ 2009050638 20080 I 2857 2008022048 2008038332 2008030 I 30 10090 I l152 20080239-55 87 l 18.+78 200704-r8.+7 2007023407 200n009244 ds. Housrng and Urban lopment .)r and Co or(lrnatron ror and Co-ordrnatron Intenol and Co-ordrnation Interror and Co-ordrnatron Agrrculture, I-rvestock and Frsherres Interror antl Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordrnatron Interror ancl Co-ord rnatron Interror and Co-ordrnatron Agr rculturc, Lrr estock anrl l-rsherrc: Intcrror antl Co-or drnatron Interror and Co-ortlrnatron Delence Interr0r ancl Co-ord rnatron Interr()r and Co-ordrnatrorr HR Servrces Records Management HR Servrces HR Servicc-s HR Services HR Serl'ices HR Services Records Mrnlgenrenl HR Serl rccs Records Managemenl Records Mrnagemcnl HR Scrvtces Accounts Accounts HR Servrccs Accounts 3205 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Index No Candidate Name PF No Ministry Option PR/00003860 Kimosop Jemutai Noela 200%62407 Interior and Co-ordination HR Services PR/00003883 Jillo CIara Tinlee 200900ffi79 HR Services PR/00003889 Mwachai Asha Mtengenr Asamai Omukaga Maximilah Barisa Hadia Fatuma 2008000 1 35 l 9960238 1 8 Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Accounts Interior and Co-ordinatron Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinatron Devolution and Plannrng Records Management PFJ00003891 PR/00003892 PR/00003922 PR/00003929 PR/00003935 PFJ00003940 PR/00003946 PR/O0003957 Mureithi Ann Njeri Nyambura Jane Mwithaga Kisombe Edwin Mramba Okuku Chrtayi Meldina Khasabuli Elizabeth Majuma Chepkamur Clementine 2008040096 2007060596 2008013926 2007024704 200803205 I 199013706't 20090s0507 HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Services HR Services Records Management Records Management Chepkasa PR/O0003984 PR/00004026 PR/00004063 PR/00004066 PR/00004078 PR/00004089 PR/00004r 20 PR/00004 | 29 Cherotich Loice Chumo Deborah Jeptoo 20070 I 5828 Iseren Martrni Josephine 2008033366 200803 I 356 Obukui Esther 2007025 108 Ogega Damans Kerubo Ndentu John Wanlohi 988043862 2001063633 20080 l 1796 PR/00004 I 54 PR/00004 r 56 PR/00004 l 69 PR/00004 l 70 Mogenr Matthew Momanyr Isamai Ateba Everlrne Momanyr Mary Abuya Nyakerano Diana Marnye Gathrra Farth Nyambura N;rru Annastasrah Wanyrra PR/00004 Rurgu Alice Wacheke 1990026575 Wamai Muchrru Jackline Mburu Johnson Trtus Mrvangi Zernabu Wato Halake Dulo Anyango Lilan Orure Jackhne Kwamboka Opande Esther Nyakerarro Gerro Habon Abdullahr Dagane Khahf Khatra Isaack Hanifa Jamrla Onsomu Evans Meda Evans Otreno Mohamed Omar Krswa Kedrpa Mary Chelatan Wako Mahaza Jrllo Josphat Mwangr Kahuthu Hassan Ah Omar Ramadhan Noah Nasser 2009061401 2007021879 I 72 PR/00004 | 79 PR/00004 I 8 I PR/00004228 PR/00004244 PR/00004245 PFJ00004251 PR/00004285 PR/00004288 PR/00004328 PR/00004339 PR/00004345 PR/00004389 PR/00004398 PR/00004425 PRrc0004435 PR/00004437 PR/00004448 I 2008013421 200801 1827 2009007986 1978062408 2007061796 901 15984 2008030384 2009001841 20090 l 1545 1995013410 2007026277 2008012019 2007023229 2007018363 2001021277 2008021351 2007061657 20101 13677 201005,{,093 2009019593 PR/0000445 I Kamonye Rachael Wanjrru 2008098489 PR/00004453 PR/00004454 Mwangi Esther Wangari Makau Stella Kalumu 20101 14306 PR/o00044-s8 PPJ00004462 201003 1760 20080 I 3798 PR/00004488 Trmbwa Busreka Drana Kamwolyo Angehnah Nthenya Veronicah Muthonr Macharia Wamae Carolyne Makena Ndungu ELzabeth Muthonr PR/00004489 Boye Diramu Abduba 201(n17172 PR/00004501 PR/000045 l2 PPJ00004520 PPJ00004523 20080901 30 PR/00004527 Kiarre Janet Nlen Mutua Vrctona Nzrsa Annette Kerubo Orrba Wandera Anyango Josephrne Robert Wafula Barasa PR/00004529 Juma Emma Sandr 201001488r PR/00004532 Wamutira Margaret Ngigr Charles Gitau Stephen Mwangi Krmana Chebrr Jepchumba Jenrffer PR/o0004463 PR/O0004465 P200004547 PR/00004582 PPJ00004588 PR/000046 I 8 PR/00004625 PR/00004628 PPJ00004629 PR/00004637 PR/00004661 PR/00004662 Henry Mwaniki Wakimiri Dennrs Otieno Bolo Mutar Nancy Chemutai Krbanga Lucas Mugo Karwigi Martha Warnmu 6390 2010110661 2008089927 20101 86260 2010115946 2010173041 2010027135 2009009297 5312'78 2010123575 201m51744 200908 I 299 2008 | 72885 2007024t20 2009100302 200901 1854 Spo4s Culture and The Arts Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Attorney-General and Department Supply Servrces HR Servrces Supply Servrces Records Management HR Seruces HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Servrces Records Management of Accounts Justice Agriculture, Livestock and Frsheries Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordination Devolution and Ptannrng Agriculture, Lrvestock and Frsheries Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinahon Intcrior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Attorney-General and Depafiment Records Management Records Management Records Management Supply Servrces HR Services Accounts Records Management Records Management HR Services Supply Servrces HR Services Records Management Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Services Records Management of Accounts Justice Intenor and Co-ordrnahon Agnculture, Livestock and Fisheries Transport and Infrastruciure Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Education, Science and Technology Intenor Co-ordlnatron Education, Science and Technology Lands, Housrng and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Fiucatron, Scrence and Technology Education, Science and Technology Labour, Socral Security and Scrvices Labour, Socral Security and Servrces Lands, Housing and Urban Development Kenyatta National Hospltal Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordinatron Indusmahzation and Enterprise Development Interior and Co-ordinahon Interior and Co-ordrnatron Sports Culture and the Arts Agriculture. Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordrnahon Interior and Co-ordinatron Attorney-General and Department of Mungami Mbithe Esther 2008022911 2010052295 Adera Erastus 20090 I Rebecca Boit Osir Scholastrca Atreno 20080r2815 20 10050586 Intenor and Co-ordinatron Interior and Co-ordlnatlon Vivienne Kerubo Mayaka 2007 r s3383 Health 11156 HR Servrces Supply Servrces Accounts Records Management HR Servrces Records Management Records Management Records Management Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Records Management Accounts Accounts Records Management Accounts HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management Supply Services HR Services Records Management Accounts Records Management Justice PR/00004667 PR/00004682 PR/00004685 Records Management HR Servrces HR Services 28th November,2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3206 lndex No Candidate Nante PF No. Mintstry Option PR/00004690 PR/00004709 PR/00004712 PPU0Un4726 PR/00004730 PR/00004734 PR/00004738 PRJ00004742 PR/00004752 Gatutha Jackline Wamuyu l,olngolne Narslmor Linet Gababa Guyo Tacho Krmonye Judy Mw*alt Krnartore Eva Dahir Fatuma Abdi Eucabeth Kwamboka Mokoro Auma Jacinta Gitonga FeLx Wathuta 2010051582 Intenor and Co-ordtnatton Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnatron PR/00004754 Kamau Teresa Wambui 2010017009 Accounts Supply Services Records Management Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management PR/00004759 PR/00004776 PR/00004784 PR/00004799 PR/00004802 PR/00004808 PR/00004820 PR/00004827 PR/00004829 PR/00004833 PR/00004839 PR/00004845 PR/00004852 PR/00004866 PR/00004884 PR/o0004907 Muindr Kelvrn Kyalo Michael K Njihia '[om Mboya Oloo Kamau Winnie Muthoni 20100363t2 Agesa Lindsay Vugutsa 200'7022621 PR/00004912 Wachu Nasibo 2007060986 PR700004923 Bundi Antony Mwendia Ruth Ndinda Mutuku Agnes Ndungwa Kalelr Mbatu Julius Mwangangi 20too49941 PR/00004924 PR/O0004949 PR/00004963 Ptu00004975 PR/00004980 PR/00004985 PR/00004988 PR/00004990 PPJ00005020 PR/00005025 PR/00005055 PR/o0005068 PR/O0005096 PR/00005 105 PFJ00005l l5 PR/00005 1 18 PR/00005122 PR/00005123 PR/00005 1 26 PR/00005129 PR/000051214 PR/00005 I 48 PR/00005149 PR/00005156 Kung'u Agnes Nyambura Ondieki Daniel Nyaruri Ongome Godfrey Odour N.;en Nelly Nyambura Kapchanga Kapkanch Hildah Nakhulo Ruth Achreng Okhotso Thecla Bwakali Mwangi Peris Nyambura Kagode Joyce Kadrolr Kimakia Gitonga Srmon Anyango Carohne Emrly Kusa Habiba Osman Mutunga Lucra Ndotu Mohamed Farhiya Adan Hussein Ahmed Mohamednur Abdr Omar Abdrkadir Aden Abdullahr Amey Ondabu Kwamboka Salim Mwanaidi Juma Ali Bintihamisi Nzaro Haji Mohammed Gathun Peter Mbaunt Magondu Rose Njen Kamau Njeri Sarah Krtare Rose Nashrpae Nga'ng'a Regina Wanjiru Maina Lucy Nleri Kamau Isabell Njumbi Kigen Jepchumba Nlogu Salome Mumbr Kagori Nathanie L Kimodo Boro Beatrice Muthoni 200%89394 20|ot14974 2009050573 52934 53574 20rcn3t778 2010172079 2008008638 2010175077 200%67669 20tott4'754 20091 I 1303 20 I 0035798 200'703t400 2007044916 2008024024 2008030554 2009130593 2007060724 20tot13952 2010123787 2010023759 201C036194 2008040680 2008023400 200802 l 856 2010052229 200802 1903 20081005 1 1 200802 I 8 14 2010051639 20r 0036388 200803m87 2007019814 201$52994 201011323',7 200907955 1 2009052321 2008038269 20101 13130 2008014150 20 10050968 2008029692 1982042957 20 1005 I 67 1 2010016948 Agrrculhrre, Livestock and Frsheries Judiciary Judicrary Transport and Infrastructure Education, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordrnation Lands. Housing and Urban Development Agnculture, Livestock and Fisheries Education, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Defence lnterior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnatron Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Lands, Housrng and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interlor and Co-ordination Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior Interior Interior Interior and and and and Co-ordination Mugwe Damaris Wangui 20t0014726 PR/00005230 PR/00005266 PR/00005272 PR/00005287 PR/00005293 Dalal Zulekha Ihrahrm Njenga Margaret Wairimu Njeru Judith Wawira Chelangat Mercy Tesot 2008037556 201oo52774 2009132286 2010052415 20 l 0l 73588 200'7062831 Intenor and Co-ordrnation 20101 t4592 20 10036859 Intenor and Co-ordrnatlon Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordrnatron PR/00005294 PR/00005300 PR/00005302 PR/OOO053 I 2 PR/000053 I 9 PR/00005340 PR/00005359 PR/00005362 PR/00005365 Mwangi Rahab Waithira Macharia Mercy Angela Wanjiku M'aoka Alice Kawira Kormet Kipkorir Stanley Ngetich Mary Nderitu Lydia Njoki 2008024286 2007062899 201005243t 20080899 I 9 Thiong'o Jane Wambui Nelson Cheruiyot Rono 20r0113504 Kurui Kipkemboi Johana Munguti Jane Mwongeli t9'18123903 20101'76120 20 l 0053869 HR Services Accounts HR Services Accounts HR Services HR Services Supply Services Supply Services HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Supply Services HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services PR/00005223 PR/00005208 200808434 I 200808995 1 Records Management Supply Services Accounts Accounts Records Management Interror and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnation Education, Science and Technology PR/00005 I 94 HR Services Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination PPJ00005213 PW00005172 Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services HR Services 20 10036663 2010035942 HR Services Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Ndege Patrick Maina Ayabei Francis Krbett Ngera Nancy Njeri Mutegr Mary Gakii Geoffrey Gitonga Mogenr Truphena Mokeua PR/00005 I 59 PR/00005 169 HR Servrces Accounts Accounts HR Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Services Education, Science and Technology Records Management Accounts Supply Services HR Services HR Services Supply Services HR Servrces Supply Services HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Accounts HR Servrces HR Services HR Servrces Records Management Accounts 3207 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2Ol4 lndex No. Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR00005367 Rukwaro Pcninah Wanjiru Ashiali Jacklinc Musa Iohn Gicheru 2010051605 200908 t304 Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Industdalization and Enterprise Records Management Records Management Records Management 2ffi80l3154 Interior and Co-ordination 46056 2010173172 2010175548 2010053102 Judiciary Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology PR/OOO05/105 Kiame Percr Nderitu Joseph Gathoga Wanyoike Maina Wangari Elizabcth Kipyegon Tonui Daniel Kagwi Beatrice Wangui PR/000054r9 Fclix Kimuyu 201m00m9 PM)0005420 PR/omos438 Chcske Shillah Njamura Veronica Njeri Nyambu Fcstur Mrrdimc 34805 201o114348 2007024120 Kituku John Mzhrt Obwocha Teresa Xanunto 20tw3e123 3gt9 Chepngcnoh Evaline Naibei Chcrop Lily Josephine Ontcrc Gladys Clita Waswa Kiptoo Mariamu Chepkcmoi Saladh Milo Jamila 2m7023tt4 PR/00005370 PMn005384 2m9orc573 Dcvelopment PR^}o(n5385 PR/0m0539r P[U(n005399 PRY0fin5,(X PR/00005447 PR/O0005449 PR/o(nos450 PR/00005456 YN00m.5472 PR100005476 PR/00005481 Prufix)Os4E3 PR/0m054t4 1960009E3 201m06838 201m35772 2010050528 200702n28 State [,aw office East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism Judiciary HR Services Records Management Supply Services HR Services Supply Services Supply Services Intcrior and Co-ordrnation Intcrior and Co-rdination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Inrcrior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Records Managcment Records Management HR Services Supply Services Records Management Records Management Records Management Energy and Petroleum HR Services Agriculture, Livcstock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Devolution and Planning Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Supply Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Scrvices HR Services Supply Services Rccords Managcmcnt Records Management 2008084406 2009003160 PR/00005531 Karimi Gcoffrey Wanyeki Monda Michacl Obwoge Saloe Godfrcy Mwastru Otuoma Antony Oucha Mutune Lydia Ndanu l.ckinampisa Raiback Nixon Belinc Amwrndha Anyugo PR/O0005339 Mwamburi Everlyn Mary 198910@53 Pru0m05549 Maringan Nunai Hrssan Suleiman Aden Ali Elizabeth Akinyi Ouma Taficha Duba Bonr Samoka Ombogo Zablon Mutua Charles Muic Rotich Chebct Emily Kosgei Isaac Kipkoech Mulongo Musuya Lucy Mutwiri Purity Kagwiria Wanyoike Julia Wambui Sylvia Malin& Mutie Tuya Salad Hassan Nasambu Nclly Sitati 2007061500 Interior and Co-ordination HR Services 2010t71934 20t0174631 klucation, Sciencc and Tcchnology HR Services Educadort, Science and Technology HR Services 2008029105 lntcrior and Co-ordination Inrcriot and Co-ordination lnrcrior and Coordination Interior and Co-ordination Interiot and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Supply Services Accounts 40034 PR00005649 PROm05656 Alicc Krgwiria Kigen Lydie Bosirc Lydia Nyabiage PR/000O5664 Mumbc Florence Rehab PRrOUn5669 AIi Billst llrssan z00900n08 200s52680 20tot86222 201fi54o't7 PR0mOJ673 PR^n005693 Golicha Abdirahmm Liben Oftome Julim Ngorcre Mburu Charlcs Oticno 20tot2'3672 201012t955 t99(0.20975 PIrOom56S4 Sungu Atieno Tcresa PnilnmsTol Atieno Lilian Omiti Onyrrgo niEh Achierg Mumbo A*hur Albcrt ZWn5U36 zttot71499 PR/00005491 PRInm5497 PRrumos503 PRru0005515 PMm005524 PMn005529 m,/00005551 Pn/0m05556 PM)0005558 PR/t000r569 PR/00O5581 PRrcom5597 PRrIX[O5599 PR/00O05601 PR^XnO56l2 PR/00005617 PRifirco56l8 PRfino5624 PMXn05630 200qn8283 2AluJ{J4/.70 20ro174924 52633 Education, Science and Technology Judiciary 200106%9t Interior and Co-ordinrtion 791t4509 2010123703 200809830E 2W907%24 2W90t0997 201017fi25 2ffi70ffi63 201fi52669 2W7020506 200908 r508 Environment, Water and Natural Resources Education, Science and Technology lnterior and Co-ordination Inoerior and Co-ordination Interior end Co-ordination Industrialization and Enterprise IIR Services HR Services HR Scrvices Rccords Management HR Services Records Management HR Scrvices Supply Services Rccords Management Dcvclopment PR/00005632 PR,iUnO5692 FI(/{IOOOJT(}B PR^XmJ?n Iudiciary Interior rnd Co-otdinrtion Agriculturc, Livcstock and Fisheries Education, Science and Tcchnology Interior and Co-ordination Intsrior amd Co-ordinetion Incrior and Co-ordination Erst Afticrn Affairs, Commerce and Tourism Agriculturc, Livcstoct and Fisherics Eduoation, Scienec and Teclmology 2o1m51415 2WW91't78 Interior ahd Co-ordimtion Lrnds, Housing md Urhn Godftcy Ambudwe Ayuye Ogola A. Phebe 2009050468 Nyarneo Kcphe Nyrgiro Chcpkcch Evaline Rotich zx)80tI8t9 tttE? Agricultuie, Livesock snd Fisheries Inrcrbr and Co-ordinatirN lntcrior md Co-ordination Judiciery Diena Frith 2959 2W701633t ,0t0t7$m Natlrnal Hospial trruerance hnd Ir(erior and Co'or.rtiltron Intedor and Coordlr5on Agriculnrrc, Livtro* *d Fisheries Education, Scictoc rC Teclmology Ilolr1963 ,trRT96iI It&firrndCo,ffitr h:rirxend Co.u**rr Records Management Records Management Supply Scrvices Accounts HR Services HR Services Records Management Supply Services Records Management Rccords Managemcnt HR Services Supply Services Developmom PRruOOO57I2 PR/{,0mJ728 PR^XX,os730 VR{,m.S73? IRrm005719 Avuoorlak PRIru00574l Oytngt Dorothy PR^XXn5?47 Chaop Dorces P8100005751 Mwanrb,u PRT{XXX)S786 Totoitich Xtrcy 2WW2A46 ?n0,E037035 NdtclhieCrrfar &fi6d 20r03eiE2 Chcptcet{&n tutrmriJa*tlndr; ruLgJt9 6iffiOlmeh**r PR/tO005831 ffogndc tgtfr2,9r6 20tmtlf03 PR00005836 AtuFh.toidtOdrcntf !0r0016930 PR^)0fl)5791 PR/O0005816 PROMOsEIE PR/000O5826 PR/Itr0OSE38 XsyAoottdrrd BI lrtn AErtd frfrckrti t*yral tlt*m Ntufr)Ax lrtciior and Co-ordil*rr H.datr ratf,ht tand&ffftrr$tlh t^c&,Htilslrf Derdopoxl HR Services HR Services Supply Scrvices Supply Scrvices Rccords Managcment Rccotds Manegcment HR. Serviccs Supply Scrvi,ces Records Manegerrent Boeords Managcment Recotds Management Supply Scrvices Acaormts lIR Sctvices R.ecords Management Urraoeamt Aftlc* Afrh€tlrttrcc fflrisdt Erct rnd HR Services 3208 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Index No Candid.ate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR/00005851 Lumumba Atieno Lourine Josphat Catherine Wambeca Chepkemoi Janeth Langat Benard Okworo Okworo Maro Athman Bahola Dahiye Aden Hassan Julia Muthoni Kanyugo Sitienei Cherop Maureen Wairimu Purity Wachera Kithi Fredrick Kenga Kay aa Charo Yusuf Ngumbao Mosoti Edna Moraa Chacha Eric Obanyi Pkemei Alfred Chepkui Murithi Titus Dokhole Dominic Ltalangan 2010050617 2010185974 Interior and Co-ordination Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services Records Management Supply Services HR Services Eunrce Jelagat 20080 I 2807 Sigei Kipkirui Benard Mitei Richard Cheruryot Thoya Joseph Kahindr Nawakan Lopusingiro Joseph Awino Isabella Akello Srmeon Janeth Lalaseri Karanla Eliud Kiberenge Priscillah Wanjra Njeru 2010123494 2008029286 2008026644 2008038049 Mwangi Mary Wairimu Mureithi Ephantus Muriuki Wahinya Lucy Wanjiku Abdalla Zulfa Mohammad Imbudra Eliakrm Serenge Mongeri Hezron Nyamberi 2010051524 19870t171 t 2010036/43 2011241240 2010171544 Ndegwa Edith Wangarr Kamau Jeslina Wairimu Mungai Consolata Wanjiru Ongo Beryl Awuor 201C[53267 Njagi Maxwell Kiringa 2009082871 2010116285 PR/00005852 PR/00005867 PR/00005871 PR/00005874 PR/00005875 PR/0000s883 PR/00005891 PR/00005894 PR/00005899 PW00005903 PR/00005905 PR/00005914 PR/00005925 PR/00005934 PR/00005938 PR/00005944 PR/00005949 PR/00005959 PR/00005960 PR/00005961 PR/00005963 PR/00005966 PR/0000s983 PR/00005987 PR/00005990 PR/00005992 PR/00005995 PR/00005997 PR/00006001 PR/o0006002 PR/O0006007 PR/00006008 PR/O0006009 PR/00006013 PR/00006014 PR/0000601 6 Nyaboga Damackline 200803021 1 201ffi14920 200'7016662 96033211 2010173790 2009002774 2003011432 2009008356 200706fi52 20090 I 0785 2007044932 2007021502 20ro172231 2007020467 20101t3821 2008040729 6922 20t01235t'7 20101 14908 2010186/24 2010174940 201017 t'l14 Kwamboka PR/00006020 PR/00006023 Usama Hamrd Hajr Katumo Josephine Chizi 207WO4412 2010000866 PR/0000602 Makuka John Alama 20rN51922 PR/o0006025 Wesonga Gloria Imai 200908 PR/00006028 Kassim Sylvester Thethe Ngetso Wilberforce Mwakiru Ndune Jonathan Jawe Mutu Alphonce Charo Lhli Muhsin Mbwana Onyancha Happiness Bosibori Issack Halima Bulle Ogari Nyakundi Evans Henry Nyansiaboka Milhcent Ombasa Callen Gesare Leparmarai Fatima Omwoyo Samwel Charles Lalaur David Kamonde 20101t/097 Ngugi Mwihaki Violet 20tot13384 Shisia Quincy Osore Owino Stephen Odhiambo Kigen Fredrick Chemeres Mogaka Edna Nyakerario Omondi Okoth Johanis Ngobia Anthony Karigi 2009011406 PR/O0006029 PR/00006031 PR/00006032 PR/00006033 PR/00006038 PR/00006041 PR/00006042 PR/00006044 PR/00006054 PR/00006057 PR/00006058 PR/00006066 PR/00006068 PR/00006075 PR/00006076 PR/00006077 PR/00006078 PR/00006079 PR/00006084 PR/00006090 PR/00006091 PR/00006092 PR/00006093 PR/00006094 PR/00006095 PR/00006096 PR/00006098 PR/00006101 PR/00006102 PW00006107 PR/00006109 PR/000061 10 PR/000061 I I 11 84 20101t4[63 2008007713 2008014t42 2009130622 20tot'73685 2008039697 2010174291 2008094702 20101t4356 2008039231 2010114827 325tO 20t0t'7t633 20to053770 20t0t72980 201(n53429 201001503 1 Perez Atieno Onyango Omenta Bogonko Joseph Ounga Omwega Sospeter 20091 30659 Okumu Lamon Ochieng Nyauke Mary Adeno Maina Christopher Nzioki Sogoti Rebecca Jerotich Ondieki Kemunto Risper Maranga Stephen Osoro Rop Keneth Oigo Sokobe Stephen Luganje Sharlet Moses Elizabeth Karimi Muruga Joyce Amoo 2010t72744 2010170912 200801 1738 2008022470 2010113318 2011243271 2007018208 2010173978 2008040648 2010172299 2011244303 Educatron, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Transport and Infrastructure Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Devolution and Planning Interior and Co-ordination Agriculrure, Livestock and Fisheries Defence interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Tectmolngy Interior and Co-ordination ' ,terior and Co-ordrnation terior,.nd Co-ordination rterior,Lnd Co-ordination irrterior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Kenya Forestry Research Institute Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Health Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Health Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology National Treasury Education, Science and Technology Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Industrialization and Enterprise Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Transport and Infrastructure Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Intenor and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries F.ducation, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Health Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology HR Services Supply Services Accounts Records Management Accounts Supply Services Supply Services Records Management HP. Services Re:ords Management HR Services Accounts Records Management Supply Services HR Services HR Services Accounts Records Management Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services Records Management Records Management HR Services Accounts Supply Services HR Services HR Services Accounts HR Services IIR Services HR Services Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Accounts Supply Services Supply.Services Records Management Supply Services HR Services Records Management HR Services R.ecords Management HR Services Supply Services Accounts Supply Services Supply Services Accounts Records Management Records Management Supply Services Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Services Interior and (\r-orrlination Records Management Education, Science snd Technology Health HR Services 201 005 r 875 Interior and Co-ordination HR Services 44800 Judiciary . HR Services HR Services 28th November,2014 Index No. Candidate Name PF No. PR/000061 12 PR/000061 14 PR/000061 15 Kazungu Steve Shrda Mwanyika Rinah Mkachia Musya Rachael Kamanthe 20080 PR/000061 16 Kongwe Busara Canana 20 100 I 4988 PR/000061 19 Kambu Boniface Mzozo 20101 14136 PR/00006121 PR/00006123 PR/00006124 PR/00006125 PR/00006126 PR/00006128 PR/00006131 PR/00006133 PR/00006134 PR/00006136 PR/00006137 PR/00006138 PR/00006142 PR/00006143 PR/00006145 PR/000061,t6 Mwamporojo Mzuri Thabiti Mwakida Saveriah Mrunde 2008039053 2010173821 2010174576 2008040892 l4l 84 2010114209 201005 1037 Msagha Ahce Wakesho Wesonga Emily Kandu Mruche Mohamed Ali Wakufwa Wachia Agnes 20 1005 1980 2008013552 Muli Nelly Maingr Kitaka Gladys Wavinya Kithr Florence Salama Mutuku Anne Mutheu Ah Asha Waruguru Francis Ntinyari Caroline 20r1242916 Guto Brenda Kwamboka Manasseh Catherine Mwende Nderitu Nelson Ndirangu Okuta Beatrice Adhiambo 20 PR/00006148 Memeti Daniellah Khatenyela 200m41504 PR/00006153 PR/00006158 PR/00006160 PR/00006161 PR/00006162 PR/00006167 PR/00006170 PR/00006179 PR/00006188 Mutisya David Mumo 1980105709 200707'7480 20101't2948 2008007674 20 10053958 2010172655 2011242194 2010053877 Ingo'lol Pamela Ikachoi Nyabuto Loma Kwamboka Mary Wanjrku Muturi Kisyula Mutinda Willex Mungai Wanjiru Annet Nyambura Alice Wanjiru Muinde Francisca Mueni r0l 85943 2010175255 2010173'766 20101'7 tt46 201010371 l 20lolt39M 2010r'72370 201m,06773 20 10050057 Boba Rukia Abadada Manyala Mark Mutua Chepchirchir Stellah Kuria Samuel Njoroge Mworia Irene Mukuba Atieno Emilly Serfina Onyango 2008040177 2010050170 2010171764 2010170695 2010123541 2010186164 2010031809 PR/00006202 Matathia Keaah Ngendo 20 1000 1561 PR/00006203 PW00006205 PR/00006206 PR/00006208 OkuloMaryconceptaMbele 2010173562 2010176188 2111242152 2010174607 PR/00006212 kna PR/00006213 PR/00006215 PR/00006217 PR/00006219 PR/00006220 Nzioka Benedetta Mutono Kinyanjui Penninah Wanjiru Were Vinter Achieng Naomr Kiluti Muthur Ongaga Miruka Caleb lrsadala Nimmo Marteyian Fardowsa Adan Ibrahim Gichuhi Charity Nyakianda Mwinga Mary Nyanchage Odera Hillary Hajula PR/000061 89 PR/00006191 PR/00006193 PR/00006195 PR/00006197 PR/00006201 PRJOOOO6222 PR/00006223 PR/00006224 PR/00006226 PR/00006228 PR/00006231 PR/00006232 PR/00006235 PR/00006240 PR/00006251 PR/00006258 PR/00006259 PR/00006260 PR/00006263 PR/00006270 PR/00006271 PR/00006278 PR/00006282 PR/00006284 PR/00006285 PR/00006286 PR/00006288 PR/00006289 PR/00006291 PR/00006293 Sharon Riziki Juma Ogutu Everline Adongo Wangui Catherine Wambui Ondimu Kemunto Alice N. Kemunto Machogu Kiore Esther Mumbi Musyoka Ruth Mbindu Ruuri Antony Kinyua 20tt0r'7'720 20 10026985 2010172574 2007043693 20101'75027 2010187450 201017fi57 2010176138 2008022852 2011243593 2010172998 2010123428 20 10036786 2010129589 Orangi Josephine Nyaore Omtatah Geoffrey Akila Katana Parollin Oloibe Lydia Jepchirchir Malakwen Stellah Jepkorir Jacob Omondi Ouma Owino Kevin Odera Aloo James Onyango Makinde Abich Victor Ochieng Emma Sylvia Kihanya Mary Wangari Chege Ann Waithera Otieno Sharon Achieng Abdrahman Habiba Mutua Karen Mwikali Githrma Susan Catherine Muthoni Gitahr Maureen Teresa 3209 THE KENYA GAZETTE Wangui 20 10170556 2010103541 20 l0l 86208 2009111133 2010103745 20tot'|2n29 20 100501 54 46909 201C052'790 20101'73203 20112427'76 20101'15166 20101873'78 2011242',183 20rN36299 20r1047542 201017183'7 Ministm Option Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Records Management Accounts Accounts Supply Services Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Health Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinatron Educatlon, Science and Technology Health Interior and Co-ordination Educatron, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Environment, Water and Natural Supply Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services Supply Services Accounts HR Services Supply Servrces Supply Services HR Services Records Management Records Management Records Management Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services Resources Fiucation, Science and Technology Records Management Devolutron and Planning Education, Science and Technology Laboui, SocraI Security and Services Interior and Co-ordination Educatron, Science and Technology Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinatron Education, Science and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Interior arid Co-ordination Education. Science and Technology Transpon and Infrastructure East African Affairs, Commerce and HR Servrces HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Records Management Accounts Tourism Education, Science and Technology Educatron, Science and Technology Health Education, Science and Technology [.ands, Housing and Urban Development labour, Socral Security and Services Education, Science and Technology Defence Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnation Health F/ucatlon, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Fiucatron, Science and Technology Labour. Socral Security and Services Educatron, Scrence and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Labour, Social Security and Services Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Judrcrary Interior and Co-ordination Education, Scrence and Technology Health Education, Science and Technology Educahon, Science and Technology Health Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Lands, Housrng and Urban Development Educatron, Scrence and Technology Supply Services HR Services HR Services Supply Services Records Management ' Supply Services Supply Services Records Management Accounts Accounts Records Management Supply Services Records Management HR Services Accounts HR Services Supply Services Accounts Records Management Accounts Records Management Supply Sewices Supply Services HR Services Accounts Records Management Accounts Supply Services Supply Services Records Management HR Services HR Servrces Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services 32tO Idex THE KENYA GAZETTE No. PR/{n(x}6297 PR/0m063r r PS/00O0,6313 PMXm6314 PRfl00063 7 PRIXrcO63t9 PR/Om063iO PrufiXX)6321 Nan* PF No. Lful,istry @on Hadondi Bcryl N$wire Mwcndwa Jamaica Mulandi Nzioke Mbitlrc Mary Githiaka Philip Gitau Mutisya Romasia Ndinda Wangechi Mary Waruguru 201m5,()35 201017t243 lntcrior and Co ordination Rccords Menegcment Education, Scicncc and Tccbnology Labour, Social Sccurity end Scrviccs HR Services Paul Julia Kathambi 20tor7t829 m1ffi26919 Candidatc 2010103703 20101 l3l,f8 2008013968 2010172142 PROm06322 Pinya Achieng.Anita Mwei Mary Jepchirchir PMXrcO6325 Mbogo Annic PR/000063:5 Ndicma Edith Chcpchumba mttu7775 PRIXnO63:i6 PR^Xm6340 Titus Mutio Mui6ya Kimani John Maina 2009083097 Pru00(n6341 Mutheki Winfred Kanini Kanyiri Joycc lVangui Njorogc Pancy Niri PRl(m06342 PR00006343 Nlrki mtontrcz ?lJ1ffi269,43 20t0114924 20r0t73,/.57 2010172395 201 1046548 Kadasia BeaEicc Njoki Wachira Rosc lilambui Ndunda Catherirrc Nduku Njihia Benson Chegc Baraga Namubuya Lyndah Andangg Dan Abuya Murithi Bcn Mugambi Ombambo Elizabah Ochanda 20t0174t52 Aoko Frcdrick Oticno Kulova Maxwell Musoc Maindi Ombui Goofhcy Kitcmbc Calcb AgwcnSr 45157 t9970180911 7fr070445t/ 2mBW6749 Musau Alicc'lVrvinya 201@356@ PROmO6367 PMXmO5368 Mwrngi Drvid Minr Mommyi Crnfulah Kcrubo 24rct74225 PR00006369 Agckc Danicl Odinya Kinrmba Jenc lYangui Voldonze Oofto Usiku Kcben& Ericah Nyatichi Obura Mdachi Otieno Kariuki Frencis Ndungu Ndcva Mary Andia Oyoo l'loscs Ochicng 201fiJ2693 2&70/.2176 PR/OU)063,l4 PMn006347 Pru00m63,1E PR/O00O6349 PMXn06352 PR/00006353 PRn00063s4 PRIXn06357 PM)0006358 PR/(Xm06359 PMXm06360 PRqm06364 PR rc006365 PR/IXn06370 PMX[0637r PR/O(X)06373 PR(XXX)6375 PMXXD637, PR/00006378 PMXn06379 PMnm6380 PR^nm6384 PRIXp06385 PR/OffiO63E9 FR100006395 PMXXXb3E PR/fiXD6398 Katana Brian Kezungu Lcnanyokrc Simon Iulius Ouywcn Victor Bonfacc Mutava Nicholes Muua Ochicng Sarnucl Anditi Odhiambo Clcment Verah Odityo PR,MM6{X Ama}e Vinccnt Emong'Onyang PR/00006408 Maioa Isaiah Kigathi Kambo Joscph Macharia PR/(XXD6il4 PRIXXX)6119 PR.(}fin6l2l PR/00006423 PRrcOooAt25 PRrcoooer34 PR/o(m6438 PMXXn644l PR/0m06444 PR/()0m6l46 PR/O00Oel47 PRO000644E Pn00006453 PR.(XnOdKl PRr0000el62 PR/m00e63 Pn/()0U)6|66 PMX[0647t PR,^XnO6472 PR/0m06475 PM)0006479 PR/0000&+87 PRnfin6489 PR^Xn06r9l PR/00006492 PR/O0006494 PMXXn6r96 Paul I{wcu Peul Nzyoki Muathc Mutlina Zpponh Wangui Samuel Ndcgwa Mucma Rose Mwendc Khasiala ViolaKitambc Okumu Samwel Oranla Nzomo James Mutr*u Kagcriza Dainah Kubai Nyauncho Herbert Ong'era Kamau Eunice Wambui Frencis Wincate Mumo Ashiama Atalu Christabel Ongoma Juliet Akinyi Kyalo Felix Mue Ongega Duke Benjamin Nyachwaya Askah Kwamboka Sharon Mueni Muura Oreng Hcrbert Omondi Kinyua Anne Wangui Waweru Bilha Wangcchi Ndung'u Milka Mumbi Sylvia Makcna Meruh Ongonga Lufuta Terrence Nzangi Dorcas Mwcnde Irlengcju Aron Saitoti Kabugi Joseph Wanjohi 20rt2w92 2009083576 2010053665 m10rc3672 20t0t7t3t2 2010031833 201t243579 2010114526 20101 15166 2010121688 201o170603 871 10048 2010103698 20tot7t47t 2010103460 2010103e$ 2010113910 1987027805 20101 13928 2010174966 201t047768 xn9010638 2m9llll25 20070240.39 '98m27245 20t0173368 20101755s6 201m50756 20101038m Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrix rnd Co+rdinaion Education, Scicncc and Technologr Education, Scicncc and Technology hbour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs Blucation, Sciencc and Tcc*rnology L-abour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs I-ands, Housing aod Urtar Dcveloplrcnt Inrcrior and Co-ordinrtioo Nrtkmal Thcasury Educuion, Scicncc and Tcclurologr klucation, Scicncc and Tcchnologr Labour, Social Sccurity ard Scrvi:cs Education, Scicnce and Tcchnology Health National Treasury Intcrior and Co.ordinrtion Lebour, Smial Security and Scrviccs Elucation, Scicnce end Technology Transport and Infrasmrcture Health Judiciary Dcfencc Dcfcnce Interior and Co-ordinrtion Agriculturc, Liveilock rnd Fisherics Education, Scicncc rnd Tcchnology Intcrior rnd Co-ordinrtbn Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordinatim Intcrior end Co+dinrtim Dcvolutin rnd Phnning Blucation, Scicncc end Tcchnologr Intcrbr rnd Coordinrtion Labour, Social Securiry and Servic'cs Education, Science and Technologr Lebour, Saiel Sccurity and Scrviccs I-abour, Social Security aad Scrviccs Interior and Co+rdination Intcrior end Co-ordinuion Intcrio and Co-ordinatioo Education, Scicnce and Technology lands, Housing and Urb.n Devclopmcnt Agricdarc, Livesmck and Fishcrics Intcrior and Co-ordinrtion Intcrior and Co-ordination Dcvolution rnd Planning Education, Scicncc and Tcchnol,ogt Education, S6icnce and Tccturologr Intcrior end Co-ordination Irbour, Social Sccurity end Scrvices 20,)706.3413 Interior and Co.ordination 201o17058t) Education, Scicncc and Technologgl Education, Science and Tcchnology Educetion, Scicncc end Technologr 20lot75/.59 201017?516 201m36281 Agriculture, Livcstock ud Fishcrbs 201m36906 Agricrlturr, Uvcstmk and Fishcrics 2010171324 Elrcatbn, Scicncc md Tcchnology 2011242t87 Hcelth Educatioo, Scicrrcc rnd Tcchno}ogl E<lucation, Scbnce and Tcduologr Hcalth Defcncc 20t0l7l l(x 201o171887 20tt243to6 2007043978 2009003136 201017,1869 20100531 l0 201m51320 45628 20to172922 20t0171390 201t241120 446,ffi Intcrior and Co-ordination Blucation, Science and Technology Interior eod Co-ordinatbn Inrcrior and Co-ordinatbn Judiciary Educetion, Scicncc and Technology Education, Scicnce and Technology HeaIth Judiciary Supply Serviccs Accounts Supply Scwices Supply Sewiccs Records Management HR Scrvices Supply Scrvices Reco,rds Menrgcrncnt Records Mmegenutt Accounts Supply Scrvices Records Mrnagcment Records Menagemcnt IIR Scnriccs Recods Manngenrcot Accounts Accons Supply Scrviccs HR Scrvices Supply Scrvices Accounts HR Scwices Records Managcment Accounts Rccords Mamgalcnt IIR Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Recordr Manrgcment Supply Serviccs Supply Scrviccs Rccords Mrnrgerncmt HR Scrviccs Accounts Accounts Rcco,rds Manrgerncnt Rocords Menegemart HR Serviccs Accounts HR Scrviccs Accounts Rocords Menagcmcnt HR Scrvices Accounts HR. Scrviccs HR Scrviccs HR Serviccs HR Servic'es Supply Scrviccs Records Managcmcnt Records Menagcment HR. Scrviccs Rccords lvlanegcmant Rcco'rds Manegcmcat HR. Scrviccs Rccords Menrgcrneat Rccords Manegcrnart HR. Scn"iccs Records Managcment Records Manegcmont tIR Scrviccs HR Scrvices Accounts Accounts HR Scrvices Supply Scrvices Records Managcmcnt Accounts HR Scrviccs Rccords Managcment Rccords Management HR Serviccs Records Menagcnrcnt HR Serviccs a_ 28th Novembet}Ol{ 32tt THE KENYA GAZETTE Indcr No. Candidau Nanc PF No. Ministry Option PR^m006r98 PMXnO6500 Nzyotalrcrc Mwcndc 201m36134 20t1242238 Agriculure, Livcstock and Fisherics z0l0n4tO2 Inerior and Co-ordination 2010173009 Education, Science and Technology Intcrior and Co-ordinati,on Attomcy4cneral ![d Departnent of Justicc Intcrior and Co-ordination Inrcrior and Co-ordination Rlucation, Sciencc and Tcchnology L:bour. Social Sccurity and Services &lucetion, Science end Technology Education, Scicncc and Technology Education, Sciencc and Technology Education, Scicnce and Technology &Iucation, Scicncc and Technology Frlucation, Scicnce and Tcchnology Agriculturc, Uvcstock and Fisheries HR Serviccs Supply Scwiccs Supply Scrviccs Accounts Records Managcmen_t HR Scrviccs PR/fircO6506 PRO0006507 PMXXX)6508 Boru Shukri Dida Machanja Vrdline Ndiga Kimcu Michacl Musau Njule Sabrnc Mewondo PR/fiXn65G) PeEr Rosettc Mwendc PR.(X[06510 PRrcflN654I Machanje Erisiana Mkandawiro 20l0ll4l28 Richard Njung'c Kimani 20tw52t72 Frcdrick Mutunga Muthenya 201017186t OndickiEdin* Kcrnuma 2010103y)9 Mwaura Samucl 20r0l7r8l I 20101?4835 Yobesh Ongcri Cyrus OngeriRoscmrryNyabokc 2010112532 Waagari Kcnncth Maina 20tol8'1429 Musili Benard Nguti 201o1733I8 Judith Adhiambo Ng'eni 20101?1007 AbduLzhman AMullahi Ali XXD0528([ Matingi Elizabcth Nzula 2m80l163l PR,^XX)O6544 NgcnohKiprotichKenneth 2Ol0J.32l22 PR/0m06545 PR/000065v) Geoftrey Muemi Muatha 2010032r3{) 2009096707 PM)0m6512 PR/00006514 PR/O0006515 PR/O0006516 PR/00006525 Pru00m6527 PR/O0006530 PR/00m6533 PR/00006534 PR/mm6536 201ot14144 2At12,35486 PRIXXn6556 PR XXn6557 PRrcm0656l PR/00m6552 PM)0006564 PR00006566 Mbugua Rose Njoki Nthiga Rosylinc Muthoni Mutua Sally Mueni Nicholrs Mbuvi Muangc Mutiso Elizabeth Mumbc Kaao Tabitha Kayumya Mwangi Wambui Joycc Nyaogan Eunicc Bochabcri Ngugi Rosemary Wrngui PR/00006567 ChcnriyotKiplangetElijsh PR/00m6569 PRO0m657l Mutunga Mutindi 1991077600 Bwangalr Hcllen Winnic Akctch 20l0l l3l 14 KirwaBcn Kipsang 200802?006 PMnm6552 PRJ0Un6554 PMn006572 Winftcd 201m51485 20tott470/, zJoto:22,J/s 20070r9628 aDm2897l 20tot7tzrt z0l0fi7J,&1 MrcIT2540, 200rc15763 Hcalth Inrcrior and Co-ordination Transport and Infrasurrcture Transpo( and Infrastruchue Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Coordination Intcrior and Co-ordination lntcrior and Co-ordination lntcrior and Co-ordination Inrcrior and Co-odin*ion Rlucation, Science and Tcchnologr klwation, Scicnce and Teclurology Elucation, Scicncc and Technology Intcrior and Coordination Dcfcncc Inrcrior and Co-ordination lntcrior and Co-ordination Inrcrior and Co-ordination Inrcrior and Co-ordination Inrcrior and Co-ordination PR/00m6576 PR/0m05577 Kirrcli Ionah R.ogcrs tuo7051429 Sarah Icpkocch Kataron 20101 13863 PRrcOM65EO PR100006587 Kipchirchir Gcorgc PR/tXm05589 Mulupi Merylinc zwwng2 PRO0m6590 Buaki Yego Jorn mtffi2900.2 PR/00006593 PR/00006594 L:ogat Phylis Chcmtai AbIJdrn Ekai Meitha Aticc Christabcl L"*ian Kiphngat Kemboi Chcsos Kibct Philcmon Kipkocch Stcphcn Korir 20r0175108 Education, Scicncc and Technology Environmcnt, Water and Natural Rcsourccs Education, Sciancc and Technologr Educetion, Sciencc and Technology 2010051914 Intcrior end Co-ordination 20rct7?994 Education, Science and Tcchnology Elucation, Scicncc and Technology Judiciary [:nds, Housing end Urbln Developmcnt PM)0006596 PMXXX)65y/ PR/O0m6598 PR0,fin65fl) PR/00m6601 PR/000065ry2 PR/O0m6603 PR/0fin6604 PMXXX)6607 PR/0CIn6608 PR/O0m66ll PR00m65l2 PRrOm065l3 PR^X[O6616 Bwembok 2ffiff).26937 Siriyu Lilian Swali Obuya Francis Jepkcmboi Priscrh Maritim Edna Chcrotich Tirop Ng'arng'rr Srnh Jcbct Koech Judith Jcptcpkcny Johnstom Kipchumba Lrl Kipkiror Haoson Kiptm Maiaa larncs Wrmbugu Mbugur Fetcr Kamru Mrvanit i Michrcl Muthui Rutto Shrdrrck Kipkurui 20tot874t2 mlOl7,1893 52675 2a1firc794 2mm.3t227 2m80373,14 20080982r9 m10r70938 20r0053819 Inrcrior and Coordinati,on Inrcrior and Co-ordination InErior and Co-ordination Education, Sciencc and Technology Intcrkr and Co,ordination mrctt4322 Inrcrior ard Co-ordination m08091605 Lands, Housing and Urban Dcvclopmant Inerior and Co-ordination Inerior and Co-ordination ml0I23rol mtm52fi2 Intcrkx and Coordinrrion Intcrior and Co.ordinetion Agriculturc, Uvestock atrd Fisherics Agriculnrrc, Livcstock and Fishcries Environment, Watrr and Natural PMXXn6622 MuliFelix Mutuku Tindi Benron Mungulc 2m,W2%26 241m53746 201fim435? mp/gl3rJ/'32 PRnXno6624 O*angi GMys Kcrrunto 2rD90A283 PR/00006625 OvinoCarta Nyemsala Nyaa Mwrnmrsi Juma Ikroru Frirta Waihira 3241t r9y)144917 Judiciary 20tot7flr7 Kdrindi Rstus Bareke EosyaBonrya Dida Musa Athman Mwrkumba Kiraathi Brenda Kalrju Iirm Mohamcd Krnclmro 2010103533 Education, Scicncc and Tcchnology labour, Social Sccurity and Serviccs Agricutture, Livcstoct and Fishcrics PMXXn66l7 PMXn0662l PMXXn6627 PR Xn06629 PMXn066fl) PMXXn6633 PR/In006634 PMXXm6635 PR/00m6'636 201m04496 20l0l I'l80l 2010035675 20rm36540 PR{Xn06646 [anvrpncc Susan Krrimi Njin Roecmrry Muftoni Njota Cathcrinc ll,anja PR/{XXX)6647 NjegiElilrh Npru PM)0006651 Susa Orhtinc Mucni 20lm5ll50 PR.^m006653 Mwangengi Austin Kalola 2fi)8011568 PMXXn664l PRi{m0065,14 52617 2010174550 20rm35730, m@I30'16 HR Scwiccs Supply Scrviccs Supply Scrvices Supply Serviccs Accounts Accounts HR. Serviccs Supply Services HR Serviccs Records Managemcnt Supply Scrvices Supply Scrvices Accounts Accounts Supply Scrvices Records Managcment HR Scrviccs HR Scrvices Supply Serviccs Records Managemcnt R.ecords Managcment Supply Services Accounts Rccords Managcment Supply Scrviccs Supply Services Supply Scrviccs HR. Scrvices Rccords Managcrnent HR Serviccs Records Managemcnt Rccords Managcment HR. Servicrs Rccords Managcment Supply Scrvices HR Services Records ldanagcrneat Supply Scrviccs IIR Scrvices Records Managcment Rccords Managcrmt Supply Serviccs R.ccords Managemcnt Rccords Managcmant HR Scrviccs Supply Serviccs Supply Scrviccs Accouilts Rccords Management Rccords Management Accounts Supply Scrvices Supply Scrviccs R.csources Intcrior and Co-ordiaation Intcrior and Coordinatkm Agriculturc, Livcstock atrd Frsherics Agrkulturc, Livcstock and Fishcrics Judiciary Etlucation, Sciencc and Technolog5r Agriculrurc, Uvcstock fird Fisherics AgricultuE, Livcstock rnd Fhhctics Intcrior and Coordination lntcrior end Co-ordination HR Sewices Accounts Rccords Manegcrncnt HR Scrviccs Supply Services Records Manrgemu* IIR Scnriccs Supply Scnkcs Accornb Recotds Managamcnt Supply Scrvices Suppty Scrviccs [R. Scrviccs Ascounts T 32r2 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,20lfi Index No Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR/00006654 PR/00006656 PR/00006659 PR/00006660 20 10187385 Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Health Education, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Educatlon, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Educauon, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Records Management Records Management Records Management Accounts Supply Services Supply Services PR/000067 l0 PR/000067 l r Njeru Mercy Murugr Kinaki Veronica Mwende Mwar Josiah Marna Nthia Janerose Njoki Kilonzi Mounne Munanie Chnspus Matheka Kimeu Amrna Mohamed Godana N.1agr Angela N.;en Kirema Joseph Muriithi Moemi Jason Nyang'wara Onyango Karen Nafula Sirarr Dinah Simiyu Teresa Nasambu Wamalwa Stephen Simryu Joseph Nasiche Okumu Getuno Lameck Justine Nyagaka Mosotr Esther Bwari Kipyegon Betty Jepkoech Jemeli Naum PR/000067 PR/000067 PR/000067 PR/00006661 PR/00006667 PR/00006669 PR/00006675 PR/00006676 PR/0000668s PR/00006689 PR/00006690 PR/00006698 PW0000670r PR/00006702 PR/00006707 PR/00006708 r 2 l3 I 6 PR/00006717 PR/00006727 PRJ00006729 PR/00006730 PR/0000674{) PR700006743 PR/00006745 PR/00006748 PR/00006750 PR/00006752 PR/00006753 2010175336 201124Mt6 2010175695 20101 14039 201ot762'77 I 996003 1 85 20tot74453 20r0114657 200m96650 53493 20 l 003s84s 20 | 005tn73 2010036867 2010186486 20 10 I 748 I 9 20tot75'784 2010123169 20090063 I Mohammed Asha Faiza 2009130'7 t6 Tonui Robert Salad Dido 2008032661 200701 6882 2008026953 2008023654 Nicholas Kipkembor Trtr Washiali Mwanaidi Murutu Naswa Irene Shitanda Christine Muhonja Kiprop Gilbert Kipkosgei Cherpka Krop Dennrs Murungi Kimathi Bemard Muasya Cathenne Kavula Muthuri Catherine Ka.1u1u 2 2010t723t2 2008032522 20 l 0052300 Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination 20tot71332 33891 Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Educatron, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Educa0on, Science and Technology Health Mrnrng Educatron, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Labour, Sotial Security and Services Health Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Judiciary 2010052114 Interior and Co-ordination 199 104 1073 PR-/o0006780 PR/00006781 Tamimi Issa Ali Kipsinon Daniel Lowule PR/00006782 PR/00006783 PR/00006785 PR/00006788 PR/00006796 PR/00006797 Cherono Janet Menya Aoko Ludphine Ramadhani Mwinyi Mwangome Okrnda Celestine Ameyo Chemayiek Danrel Tetee Wamunyole Naliaka Christine Muthigani Jemimah Wambura PR/00006799 Mamboleo Ann Manetta 201m14823 PR/00006800 PR/00006803 PR/00006805 2010123266 2010172883 2009111183 PR/00006841 Limangura Wychffee Loktan Cheserek Nrcholas Krbet Sarunr John Srmon Njuguna Rhoda Mukamr Kaliuntu Josphrne Charles Lomori Chepkopus Isabelah Maramba Japheth Leteipa Mwangi Naomi Wanjiru Achoka Jimona Carolyne Njeru Japhet Kanuki Cheruiyot Charles Kipngetich PR/000068214 Adhiambo Judrth Mandare 20 10173 r 80 PR/00006849 PR/o0006850 PR/00006851 PR/00006858 PR/00006862 PR/00006865 PR/00006866 PR/00006867 PR/00006869 PR/00006870 Kamuri James Gatithi Asuta Nyakundi Robert 200'tot790t PR/00006771 PRJ00006787 PR/000068 l 2 PR/00006820 PR/00006823 PR/00006824 PR/O0006832 PR/00006836 PR/o0006837 Agumba Samwel Odhiambo Lorua Akhal Scholastica Ruttoh Judith Chebet Ronoh JelagatJackhne Korir Charles Kiplang'at Tobosei Peter Kipkoger Mwangi Nancy Wangan Kemboi Hellen Interior and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordination 200803808 I 2011t)47528 PR/00006773 PR/00006779 PR/00006757 PR/00006763 PR/00006765 PR/00006768 PRi00006770 Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Agrrculture, Livestock and Frsheries Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Education, Science and Technology Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Nyaga Jackhne Kanmr Njeruh Murugi Terry Muriithi Purity Krnya Kyambi Fredinah Kavuteni Njuguria Lucy Wambur Kavalu Ivutha Kimanzr Kiyapyap Reuben Kala Chelangat Judith Kirui Nicholas Zakay o l-epany o Oranga Namai Veronica Chemai Lilly PR700006754 Agnculture, Livestock and Frsheries Interior and Co-ordination Agnculture, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination 20101'70996 20tot73619 200800'74t2 201017fi99 20 100521 48 20 100523 r 8 2008028858 2010123478 20091 I I r09 201ot74348 201017 1081 HF 1667 2009047166 2010175750 20ro175302 2011239359 20t 1243973 20 10035803 2009{133722 2009036730 52748 52659 53 l 395 20 r 0035586 2007080007 199@,02s37 2010t76269 20to175360 201C052075 20tot13122 2009130470 201ot74704 2010174796 201ot74843 2010171926 Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Cotton Development Authority Cotton Development Authority Judiciary Judiciary Kenyatta Natronal Hospital Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Health Industrializatron and Enterprise Development Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Educatlon, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Agrrculture, Livestock and Frsheries Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology HR Servrces Accounts Records Management Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Servrces Records Management Accounts HR Services HR Services HR Servrces Supply Services HR Services HR Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Services Accounts HR Services HR Services Accounts HR Services Supply Services HR Services Supply Services Supply Services HR Services Accounts HR Services HR Services Accounts Records Management Records Management HR Services Accounts I HR Servrces I Records Management I HR Servrces t Records Management Supply Services I I I Records Management Supply Services HR Services Accounts HR Services Records Management Accounts Records Management HR Services Supply Services Records Management HR Services Accounts Accounts Accounts HR Servrces Accounts Supply Services Accounts Supply Services Records Management HR Services t= Inder No Candidate Name PF No Ministn' Option PR/00006872 PR/00006877 PR/00006880 Nekesa Rose Morvo Kadam Mngorsho Joel Imbaya Elly Shem 2010174665 ztJt0l't t-|56 199@ r 1570 Educatron, Scrence and Technology Educatron, Scrence and Technology Environment. Water and Natural Accounts Accounts HR Services PR/00006882 PR/00006890 PR/00006893 PR/00006896 PR/00006898 PR/00006899 PR/00006905 Ogara Elvrn 20100527 Apwokha W. Frankhne 2010t72582 Resources Interror and Co-ordrnation Educatron, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Supply Servrces Supply Servrces Records Management PPJ00006908 PR/00006909 PR/00006912 PR/00006924 PR/00006925 PR/00006935 PR/00006937 PR/00006941 PR/00006942 PR/00006945 PR/00006947 PR/00006948 PR/00006950 PR/00006952 PR/00006954 PR/00006956 PR/00006958 PR/00006963 PR/00006964 PR/00006967 PR/00006969 PR/00006973 PR/00006978 PR/00006979 PR/00006981 PR/00006984 PR/000069m PR/00006991 PR/00006994 PR/00006995 PR/00006998 PR/00006999 PR/00007000 PR/0000700r PR/00007004 PR/00007005 PR/00007006 PR/00007008 PR/00007009 PR/00007010 PR/00007014 PRi000070 I 8 PR/00007020 PR/00007021 PR/00007024 PR/00007025 PR/00007026 PR/00007028 PR/00007029 PR/00007030 PR/0000703 l PR/00007033 PR/00007034 PR/00007035 PR/00007036 PR/00007037 PR/00007038 PR/00007039 PR/000070210 PR/00007044 PR/00007045 PR/00007047 P200007051 1. li r 3213 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2Ol4 PR/00007052 PR/0u007053 t6 Joseph Mrllama Obwanda 200701831 I Temoi Selly Chematia Otieno Awuor Lilian Ouma Milton Ochieng Siginso Ibrahim Soba Galogalo Amban Chamegere Steven Amuyunzu Okeyo Jared Amadi Mekel Augustrne Lokortodo Emmaculate Chepkemer Jomo Molvrne Akrnyi Onyancha Lrsper Nyanchoka Bitok Cherotrch Tereza Njung'e Carohne Wanjiru Emmanuel Krptoo Koech Mwangr Farth Muthoni Deborah Nyasuguta Maroko Musyokr Joscph Muindi Nyarunda Ehzabeth Kemunto Kimanthr Lucy Mutheu Wambua Chnt Mutuku Abuko Linette Amake Rosehne Akisai Camilla Rose Opiyo Makena Caroline Kansa Lrhan Kadzo Mghana Agatha Marura Ddaiddo Frankright Nkanone Kalama Mary Masika Ombati Makoyo Nemwel Msrnga Angehna Mshar Matep Kenedy Krpkitai Oluoch Godfrey Odhrambo Mwamgunda Amold Mwakesi Sabuni Evans Wekesa Krmirei Meneto Valerie Mutisya Ehzabeth Nduku Beth Wan.;rru Wanjuku Kavita Rael Kalunda Magige Susan Muhono Kamau Davrd Njuguna Nyaoso Bosbon Jessicah Mburuku Paul M'rbaya Kaunga Wrnfred Kamathr Ndungu Chnstine Wairimu 5365s Kilonzo Jeremiah Kavulai Tharmuta Jane Kendr Mbrna Margaret Kanyua Ndambiri Wanduma Emmaculate Gitura Mrchael Munene Kitheka Peter Mwanftr Nyamu Wrlham Munukr Kiraithe Rodah Gatakaa Kiumo Reinhard Kimanthi Muchamura James Mithika Karanja Nancy Wanjiku Ngera Jenaro Mbogo Kaee Elizabeth Chebet Guyo Fatuma Ali Illow Fatuma Hassan Wanjohi Joyce Wangur Mugera Munrthi G.J. Ongombe Ogendo John Mayira Lrlran Muthoni Kernan Mohamed Jelle Kavai Asrgo ALce Mchawia Beatrice Maghuwa Lopuomor Lochro William Nyamu Wrlfred Mwenda Mrtu Mercy Krnanu 2010175-186 2010052'724 20080400 I 2 200804032 l 20d701 93-35 20t01'75344 2010123240 2010123232 20tol] Judiciary Education, Scrence and Technology Intenor and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordlnahon Interior and Co-ordinatron Intenor and Co-ordinatron Education, Scrence and Technology Intenor and Co ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordrnatron 2010123402 2010173841 2010175522 Educatron, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Education. Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnatron Labour, Socral Securrty and Serviees EducaIon, Science and Technokrgy 3641'7 J 20 I 0l 7365 r Educatron. Scrence and Technology Educauon, Scrence and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Education, Scrence and Technology Agnculture, Lrvestock and Frsherres Kenyatta Natronal Hospital 1772 20101706'79 20too52'732 20 101 73635 20 101 75807 I 996036887 20t0t15629 2007053 I 5 r 53t326 4699t udrcrary Judrcrary 20 10r 864 l 7 Educatron, Scrence and Technology 2009 r 30669 Agnculture, l,ivestock and Frshenes 201017204s Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnahon Educatron. Scrence and Technology Judrciary Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Natronal Hospital Insurance Fund Interror and Co-ordination 20tol7q2t 2001062938 2010112037 54025 2010116104 2007024827 200mo3215 328'79 201005 r728 0590 201005u94 52829 2010115700 2010113295 201011o91o 2010114144 2010170700 201 0053005 Judrcrary 2008023248 Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordrnation 200706060 I Interior and Co-ordination 2009003005 Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnatron 201m52166 20 101 75938 2010172362 2010113504 20l0l7sr l6 20101'73928 2010t'7M3'7 201017 511 4 529sO 20 101 85967 201017546't 2010171099 2010174356 53150 2010186246 2007060546 198203s201 2010174429 53728 2010170653 2010t14623 Educatron, Education, Education, Education, Education, Educatlon, Scrence and Technology Fiucation, Scrence and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Science and Technology Educatron, Scrence and Technology Educahon. Scrence and Technology Judrciary Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Scrence and Technology Judrciary Education, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Health Education, Scrence and Technology Judrciary Educahon, Scrence and Interior and HR Servrces Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management HR Servrces HR Scrvrces HR Serurces Accounts Supply Servrces Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Supply Serr,rces HR Servrces HR Serurces Records Management Records Management HR Servrces HR Servrces Supply Servrces Supply Servrces Accounts Records Management HR Servrces Records Management Records Management Accounts Supply Services Accounts Supply Services HR Servrces HR Servrces Accounts Records Management Supply Servrces HR Servrces Supply Services Records Management HR Services Records Management Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Supply Services Supply Services Supply Servrces Supply Servrces Supply Servrces HR Servrces Supply Servrces Supply Servrces Records Management HR Servrces HR Servrces Records Management HR Servrces Records Management Records Management Supply Services Records Management Accounts HR Servrces Technology Records Management Co-ordination HR Services 3214 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Index No Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR/00007054 PR/0(m07056 PR/00007057 20tottffi7 Inrcrior and Co-ordination IIR Services 53053 52594 2010p27012 49999 Judiciary Judiciary PR/00007061 Lucy Mwari Kirui David Kiboi Murei Vrctor Kipkurui Donald Kimutai Tanui Jpdith Wanjiku Maina PR/00007064 Mwangi Rebecca Muthoni 2009047229 Rccords Managcment Records Managcment Supply Scrviccs Supply Services Accounts PR/00007066 PR/m,007068 Dambala Rhwobha Mathew Njue Bancy Giciku Masya Grace Ndanu Muktar Mohamed AMullahi Marindany Jackline Chepkoech Kalokenu Rusi.i [.eah Abdi Godo Tullu Regina Chebet Rutto Mourice Wanjala Simiyu Shisambula Muyoti Elizabcth Ngei Kipkarat Kapkota 5276/. 36530 PR/fino7058 PR/00,007070 PR/00m7072 PR/fi),0O7076 PR/m007079 PR/00007081 PR/00007089 PR/00007090 PR/Un07091 PR/Un07092 PR/U)O07093 PR/00007096 PR/fi)oO7097 PR/00007100 PR/oUn7106 PR/00007107 PR/000071 l0 PR/000071 l l PRi00007l 12 PR/000071 l3 PR/m007115 PR/0O0O7I 16 PR/000071 l8 PR/000071 19 PR/m007r20 PR/m007121 PR/0000?122 PR/(Xn0Tl24 PR/00007125 PR/00007127 PR/m007r28 PR/fimo7129 Karuri Lydiah Warukira Kibet Edwin Kiprop Mayech Chepkopus Emily Kiratu Nancy Wanjiku Ngetich Jepngeny Daisy Kwoma Naliaka Edah Janet Onypngo Denis Yara Arot Kennedy 0uma Oludhe George Opiyoh Hellen Oringa Maina Jane Waiyego Muriuki Maurecn Kagendo Mbaka Florence Murugi Njeru Timothy Nyaga Ngari Michael Njure Wanjohi Susan Wanjiru Wanjohi Charles Kogi Gichohi Stephen Mcmc Kaanuni Pcter Mutemi Munyi Cathrinc Marigu Kiboi Anthony Ndirangu 200512m12 5423'7 201N27208 55487 2009082677 52730 55233 2002n 33817 2011240327 46828 s2722 2466/. 53184 34910 2010171730 Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Environment, Watcr and Natural Resources Judiciary Judiciary Health Judrciary labour, Social Security and Services Judiciary National Treasury Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Hcalth Judiciary Iudiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Education, Sciencc and Technology 20t1017329 Interior and Co-ordination 201?frOgt44 [.abour, Social Security and Services 20t2fr3'%22 Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination Sports Culture and the Arts Intcrior and Co-ordination 20080t4/J37 20tm3&14 201 1301305 2012034367 21t12M23 Hcalth 201m37026 2012035571 Intcrior and Co'ordination Inrcrior and Co-ordination 26234 Judiciary 2010036597 2010052130 2012n36792 20r2n36iJ45 Agriculturc, Livestock and Fisheries Intcrior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Agriculore, Livcstoct and Fisheries lntcrior rnd Co.ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination PRlO0007l 32 Mwangi Beatrice Muthoni Njoka Gladys Nyambura Kahagi Hellcn Gakcnia Ithagu St€phen lrungu PR/00m7134 Nyamu Eddah Gachukia 2008008735 2010173889 PR/mi"'r7135 Stephen Kavithi Mwanzia 2011238943 PR/00007136 PR/00|'I)7137 Chaling'a Teddy lrwis Nyamu Benson Mutuma Inrcrior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination PR/offn?138 Muchirih Janc Ngithi 2012033862 2012008505 53752 PR/(XXI07l39 PR/m0071,10 PR/00007141 Mutea Rael Kananu Ttribu Mukomuga Damaris 200w24359 2m.W24228 Rose Karwitha 2048414441 Intorior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination PR/oflD?143 2010t71942 PR/000J7145 Muchiri Jemimah Njeri Purity Kendi Igweta Wanja Dorcas Nyawira PRI00N7l46 Otieno Peninah Anyango 20120337t1 PR/00007149 Maina Beatrice Wambui 2011235195 PR100007150 Ngumbao Mary Kadzo 20tr234%t PR/00J07151 Patrobas Owiti Oguma 2010171023 PR100007152 Ondoro Anyango Joyce 201r214',t65 PR/UXD7l53 PR^n+)07l54 201 20338 I 7 PMxlr)C7156 Tirmuti Eunlce Wangari Muindc Caroline Syevutha Kimani Joram Kiarie Ichaba Lilian Mwari PR/00u)7 I 57 Mark Kyalo Nzioka 201n22123 PR/00u)7158 Samuel Wairegi Wahome 20t1235479 PR/00fi)7159 Kisang Kcnneth Kimutai 2011235246 PR/00ff)7160 PR/0000?l6l Ogara Florence Agutu Nyakoa Sarah Etaba 20o"tO27809 PR/Omr)?162 Kirui,Ann Cherotich 2011234823 PR/0mo7163 Ouma Peris Adhiambo 20090501 17 PRl0m07t54 Kibor Jepusal Gladys 20tt23v93 PR/00007130 PR/00m?l3l PR/ofiltl7l,l4 PR^)0l)07155 20s]052622 20rmsl2U 2010173595 20120340't6 2011239431 2012035297 2012009093 201n3v37 Education, Scicnce and Tcchnolog5r Attorney-Gcncral and Dcparftient of Justice Judiciary Education, Scicncc and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Attomcy-General and Depanment of Accounts Records Managcmcnt HR Scrviccs Accounts Records Managcmcnt HR Services Accounts Rccords Managcment Records Management Records Managcmcnt Records Managenrent Accounts HR Sewices Records Managcment Rccords Managcmcnt Rccords Managcment HR Scrvices Records Managemcnt HR Scrvices Rccords Managcmcnt Supply Scrvices IIR Scrviccs HR Scrviccs Records Managcmcnt Rccords Managcment HR Sewiccs Rccords Managcmcnt Supply Scrvices Rccords Management Rccords Managcmcnt Reconds Manegcment Supply Scrviccs Rccords Managemont llR Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Accounts HR Scrvices HR Sorvices HR Serviccs Accounts HR Serviccs Rocords Managcmant Rccords Managorncnt Rccords Managcmcnt Records Manrgcmcnt Rccords Managcmcnt Supply Scrvicos HR Scrvices HR Scrviccs Iustice Attomey-Gcneral and Dcpartmcnt of HR Serviccs Justice Education, Sciencc and Tcchnology Accounts Attomey4cnoral and Dcpartmont of Rccords Managemont Justicc Intorior and Co-ordination Supply Serviccs labour, Social Security and Serviccs Rccords Managemont Interior and Co-ordination Accounts labour, Social Security and Scrvices HR. Scrvices [,abour, Social Sccurity and Services Accounts Attomey4cncral and Dcparancnt of Accounts Justice Attomey{encral and Department of HR Scrviccs Justicc Interior and Co-ordination Accounts Interior and Co-ordinetion Rccords Management Attorney-Gencral and Dcpartmcnt of R,ecords Managcmcnt Justicc {griculturo, Uvestock srrd Fish€rios Records Managcmcnt Attomcy-Gcneral and Dcpaftnont Supply Scrviccs Justice of 28th November,2Ol4 Index No. Candidatc Name 32t5 THE KENYA GAZETTE PF No. Ministry Optian Atsorney-Gcncral and Justice Attorncy4encral and Justice Attomcy-Gcnoral and Justicc Attomey-General and Justice Departnent PMn007l65 Kariuki Margaret Wanjilu 2011235277 PM)0007166 Kamau Joseph Kariuki 2011235373 PR/fimo7169 Rosc Khavcre 2011235335 PMn007l70 Mulethia Naftaly Fclix 2011234892 PR/O0007171 Ngigc Emily Mukami 20t2033824 Interior and Co-ordination Attorncy-General and Dcpartmcnt Justicc of HR Services Dcputmcnt of Rccords Managemont Departmant of Supply Scwices Departmcnt of Rccords Managcmcnt HR Scrviccs of PMXn07l73 Muindi Eunice Nzilani 201 1235188 PR/00m71?4 Ngugi Elizabeth Nduta 201n34994 PMXn07l75 Magana Sitawa lacklinc 20110477M PR/0m07177 PR/m007179 PR/fino7180 Dhuong'o Linet Herenia Rubang'i PetcrWawcru Mukhwana Martin Wesonga 20120r 1559 2012033608 PR/00m7t8t Sambai Janc Wamaitha PR/m007rE3 2007026162 PR/00007184 Kevogo Lilian Vutare Catherinc Awino Yogo PMXm7l85 Mutyauvyu Stcphcn Nzioki 201zmfi12 PR/m007186 PR/(Xn07l87 Wavinya Maurecn Nzighe Kipkosgei Nolson Cheruiyot Ngcno Samwcl Kiprotich Ndcgwa Samucl Kinyua Mosc Edimond Mascsc Kamutu Pcler Kamau Kamcti Elizabcth Muthini Kirui Mcrcy Chcbct 201M8529 201m52708 PR^XX)O?2m Oticno Bcryl Rosc Adhiambo Obcndi James Abuogo Robi Mudida Bcnard PR/00m7201 I(amau Lucy Wanjiru 201?n,999r PR/fimo72(x 0346 PMXm7210 Mwerekanie Benedict Buoga Silas Ouma Kcli Bcmard Muonga Chcmtai Camlync Chengc Chazima Humprcy Felix Odari PMXmT2lr Mwonga Stcphcn Mui 20t1235/0/) PRnom72l2 PR/m007214 Lumbasi Manya Haji Yusuf Sameon Magambo Abafti 201ot154't5 20to175328 Blucation, Scicncc and Technology Education, Scicncc and Tcchnologr PR/0o007215 Misigo Fclix Mulago 2012009024 labour, Social Sccurity and Scrvices PR/0m07216 Monica Wambui Mungai 2011235s51 PRn00072r7 Ometho Jack Opiyo 2011235304 PRIXnOT22l 20101 PMXmO7224 PR/00007225 Omondi Cascy Adcro Wrngechi Lcah Wakiuru Mworie Charlcs Mwangi PR/(Xn07226 Lucy Waithcra Mwai 20rt235619 PR{rc007227 Kilcnyct t.conard Olowuaru 20t1237082 PMn007228 Kariuki Mary Nyaguthii Njinr Joyce Kanini Osilimong Evcrlync Nckesa Kababu Vinccnt Oticno Okuta Ircnc Apondi Waithira Elizabcth Njeri PR/mm?l89 PR/00m7190 PMm007l92 PMn007194. PMXnO7l95 PMm007l96 PRruO007197 PR/(XX)O7199 PR/o0007207 PR/0m07208 PR Xm07209 20t2033653 2010t13570 201m52847 1995084675 2008008078 2010r7316/. 201200m48 Interior and Co-ordination lnndsJlousing and Urban Dcvelopmcnt Rccords Managcmcnt Accounts labour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs HR Sorviccs Accounts Intcrior and Co-ordination I0torior and Co-ordination Blucation, Scicnce and Tehnology lnrcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination Attomey€cncral and Deparuncnt of 2012033,/.20 2007018795 Intcrior and Co-ordination 45393 201 123531 I 201 1301970 20n235506 2012434538 201t234758 Account-s Supply Scrviccs Records Managcmcnt Accounts Rccords Management Justicc Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination Education, Sciencc and Technology labour, Social Socurity and Serviccs Judiciary Labour, Social Sccurity and Serviccs Attorncy4cncral and Departmcnt of Justice Inrcrior and Co-ordination lntcrior and Co-ordination 20lzn884l HR. Scrviccs Lands, Housing and Urban Development Univcrsity of Kabianga l.abour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs Surc law office Interior and Co-ordination Attomcy-Gcncral end Dcpartment of HR Scrviccs Rccords Managcment Records Managcment Rocotds Managemcnt Supply Scrviccs Records Managcment Rccords Managcrnent Supply Scrviccs Rccords Managcment Accounts Supply Scrviccs Rccords Managcment Rccords Managomcnt Rccords Managemcnt Rccords Managcment Rccords Managemort Accounts Justice 20t0t7t285 201zJ.3ffi mlm35t46 Attorncy-Gcncral and Dcpartment of Justice Justicc Education, Scicncc and Tcchnology Education, Scicncc and Tcchnology Intcrior and Co-ordination Atorncy€encral and Dcpartmcnt of Justicc Atorncy-Gencral and Dcpartrncnt of Justicc 20tot73902 Education, Scicncc and Tcchnology 201?m8670 Intcrior and Co-ordination 201t23929t I-abour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs Kenya Mcdical Training Collegc &lucation. Scicncc and Tcchmlory Education, Scicncc and Technology Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordination Health PMXm725l Emuron Kcnncth Ekalale Kipycgon Kocch Ronald Mwaura Josephinc Wanjiru Yeswa Brian Reagan Njiliman Kadima Srcphcn Munyendo Muhandia Lydia Ogallc Bcnad Okochi Shanyulr Rosc Ingasiani Shuma Jeckline Ahrka Nyutu Feris'Wambui PRJ{)0007252 Yarmw Markaba AMullahi 20rt235520 PR/OffiO7254 FR/(m007255 Mulei Bcnjamin Mutiso lrvu Esthcr Nzula 201m50730 PROmo7235 PM)0007237 PR/O0007238 PR/0m07239 PM)00072'10 PR^Xm7244 PR00007245 PMXn07247 PR/0m07248 PMXn07249 PRn0007250 2012035095 20tm36189 2008050251 20lot7lfig 2010174500 2012,J34545 2007t5319't 2O112394:93 2007017189 and and and and Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Coordination Intcrior and Co-ordination 20tnt$6 labour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs 2012iJd0.296 Intcrior and Co-ordination AnomeyCcncral and Dcpartment of 2012034850 Supply Serviccs Records Managomcnt Accounts Supply Scrvices Attorney4cneral and Department of Account! 201zJ36987 PR/00007232 \ \ I 154 Justicc Intcrior Intcrior Intcrior Interior PR/(Xm7230 PR nm723l I 7 Anorncy-Gcncral and Department of Rccords Managcment HR Scrvices HR. Scrviccs Accounts Rccords Managerncnt HR Scrviccs Accounts HR Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Rccords Management Accounts Accounts HR Scrviccs Records Managcment Records Managemort Accounts Supply Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Records Managcment HR Scrvrccs HR Scrviccs HR Scrviccs Justicc Intcrior and Co-ordination Intcrior and Co-ordinetion Accounts Supply Scrvicos I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 3216 Ind.ex No. PR/00007256 PR/00007257 PR/00007258 PR/00007259 PR/0000726O PR/00O07261 PR/00007262 PR/00O07263 PR/00O07264 Cand.idate Name Kanuki Sanin Uni OchakaCharles Odhiambo Amogola Alumasa Jasper Mutemi Naomr Nzambr Murage Jackline Nyaguthii Mwangangr Serah Nduku Odhrambo Mary Mwandisha Salome Mkanlumwa Mrntstry 2010173839 2012008663 2011241062 2012034723 201203369l 2008011431 2012008687 201'1238936 Education, Science and Klbuga Kihoro Dorothy Wairrmu Kithweri Duncan Krthrnl PRJO0007272 Masakha Nancy Omondr Donald pvoooo7274 PR/00007275 PR/00007276 Kirui Felix Mbiti Peter Musyokr Makinia 5026'7 2011240156 2011240409 2012010578 2012008485 2012034932 2012036836 PWO0007277 LumadiJoyce 2010170904 PR/00007278 Oenga Srmon Mironga 2010175580 PW00OO7279 Muchembi Naliaka Lonah PR/00007281 Mutrtu Millicent Muthonr 201 1301829 2012033475 PR/00007285 Ndirangu John Ndiritu PR/00007286 Odhiambo Rhoda Mrlhcent 2010186215 2010050659 PR/00007287 Emu Johanwalter Omuse PR/00007289 Muchiri Margaret Wanliku 2010036566 PR/00007292 Makhanu Jackyline Nanjala 200m61304 200'7023504 PR/00007293 Njeru Eunice Wangui 2010175483 PR/00007294 Momanyr Joshua Ocharo 20 12035300 PR/00007295 Kamau Grace Wathithi 2012035393 PR/00007297 Munyao Rose Kanyiva PR/00007298 Mundra Beatrrce Wakuthr 55356 2012033780 PR/00007300 Thomas Naftaly Juma 2012035386 PPJ00007301 Obunde Jacrnter Akoth PR/00007303 Kibet Cleophas Kipkemer 2010172663 20lDl73ll4 PR/000073M Ndichu Samwel Njuguna 2012035191 PR/00007306 Kevogo VrctorGwage PR/00007307 Elizabeth Shivinza Musonye 201C056194 2010031998 PR/000O7308 Rono Joyce Qhepkoech 2011235417 PR/00007310 Abdallah Hafsa Aluvala 2012036223 Musau Kioko Tom PR/000O731 1 PR/00007312 Nyakwanga Obwocha Benard 2010170881 PR/00007314 Francis Sabwamr Wangila 2008023905 PR/000073 16 Mwandembo John Mwandoto 2012004841 2012035982 PR/00007317 Krpyego Kipkosger Ben PR/00007319 Muhoro Peter Wambugu 2012036925 53207 PR/00007323 Hassan Mohammed Noor PR/00007324 Mohamedrashid Yakub Issak 2O12O423O9 2007016248 PR/00007327 Mohamed Bille Yussuf PR/00007328 Obuya Vrvian Achieng 2012034874 PR/00007329 Namulala Naliaka Racheal 20120345'16 2012034956 PR/00007330 Cheruyot Kenneth Langat PPJ00O0733I Rongoei Nancy Chelagat 2012008581 2011237044 PR/00007332 Adow Hussein Ahmed PR/00007334 Motanya Geoffrey Mokoru 2007062263 PR/00007335 Warigia Peter Wambugu 2011243346 2010176146 PR/00007337 Odera Wrnnre Raza 2012035800 PR/00007338 Karbolo Sioya Jack 2012036521 PR/00007339 Githumbr Amos Murruri PR/0000734O Githui Elijah Wachira 2An$6612 PR/00007345 Mohamed Hahma Abdullahi 2010175506 201 1237099 PR/00007346 Namasake Caren Salome PR/00007273 Option PF No 2010051532 201124418'7 2012008769 2012034792 Ochieng James Okoth Mateya Geoffrey 198fi25729 Nyingi Cellestine Musyawa 2012033735 Njuguna Anthony PR/00007265 PR/00007267 PR/00007268 PR/00007269 PR/00007270 PR/00007271 28th November,2014' Kiprotich Nyamu Muthun Tony ImbaliBevarlyn Khatr Intenor and Technology Records Management Co-ordrnauon Co-ordination Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Interior and Attomey-General and Department Justice Intenor and Interior and Labour, Socral Secunty and Interior and Labour, Socral Secunty and Interior and PR/00007355 PR/0O007362 PR/00007363 PR/00007364 PR/00007365 PR/00007366 PR/00007367 Toro Edwin Kahugu Tola Joseph Pakia Nagule Kimani Beatrice Muthoni Njonge Mirriam Njeri Mutiso Stacy Mumbua Alukwe Melkzadeck Wachira Joyce Wanla Adoyo Kenneth Okoth Srgrlai Japhet Kiplangat Malio Laura 2012035906 2011235602 2012006827 2011244132 2011244125 201N53275 2010172809 2012045253 2009083314 2008036932 I Records Management HR Services of Records Management HR Servrces HR Services Servrces Supply Co-ordrnation Judrcrary Health Health I HR Services Co-ordrnation Co-ordination Servrces i Records Management Servtces Supply Services Supply Services Co-ordination Accounts HR Services Supply Servrces tT9.:l,I:l't* and Urban HR Services Development Interior and Interior and Interior and Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Education, Scrence and Education, Science and Health Interior and Co-ordrnatron Education, Scrence and Supply Services Accounts HR Services Technology HR Servtces Technology Records Management Technology Records Management Records Management Records Management HR Services Interior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fishenes HR Services Agriculture, Livestock and Fishenes Supply Services Interior and Co-ordination Records Management Education, Scrence and Interior and Intenor and Technology HR Co-ordination Co-ordinatron Judrcrary Intenor and Interior and Co-ordrnation Co-ordrnatron Education, Scrence and Education, Science and Interior and Technology Technology Co-ordination Infrastruchrre Infrastructure Transport and Transport and State Law office Interior and Co-ordinatron Education, Science and Interior Interior Intenor Interior and and and and Judrcrary Intenor Interior Interior Intenor Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordrnatron Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordrnation Co-ordination Co-ordrnatron and and and and Interror and Interior and State Law office Interior and Health Co-ordrnation Services HR Servrces Services HR Services Supply Services Accounts Records Management HR Services HR Servrces HR Servrces Supply Services Accounts Accounts Supply Services Supply Services Accounts State Law office tTo:],!:lt** Development Health Health and Urban Co-ordrnauon Co-ordination Co-ordrnation National Treasury Intenor and Co-ordrnauon Intenor and Interior and Interior and I Accounts Accounts Education, Science and Technology Accounts Interior and Co-ordination HR Services Records Management Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Records Management Education, Science and Technology Accounts Attorney-General and Department of Supply Services Prisons l Supply Services Accounts HR Servrces HR Services Supply Services Records Management Supply Servrces Records Management Records Management Supply Services Accounts Technology HR Justice PR/00007347 PR/00007350 pR/00007353 Records Management Supply Services Records Management Health Records Management Supply Servrces Supply Services HR Servrces Accounts Supply Services Accounts Records Management :. r t I I ! I I I ' i I I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 3217 Index No Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Option PR/00007368 Mwendia Daisy 20tt234830!: Attorney-General and Department of Supply Services PR/00007369 PR/00007370 Edward Nyadrmo Ochra Vrolah Kimitei Jepchumba 2011231102 2011235722 Attorney-General and Department PR/00007371 Jepleting Evaline 20n234861 Aftomey-General and Department Justice State Law office of Records Management Records JVlanagement Justice of Records Management Justice PR/00007372 PR/00007373 PR/00007374 PR/00007375 PR/00007376 PR/00007378 PR/00007379 Kangogo Krpketer David Kibagendi Joseph Ragrra Krbet Emrly Jepkenei Mitingi Shrrley Kabrbr Ngigr Paul Njuguna Maina Albert Zachariah Cheptoo Lilian PR/00007380 PR/0000738r PR/00007382 PR/00007383 Ndung'u Esther Wambui Mathen Susan Nyambura Melly Richard Kiptoo Ongeri Dennis Momanyi PR/00007384 Chepkelyo Robert Kipruto 201t234727 PR/00007385 Kuni Michael Muthama 2010171528 PR/00007386 Mwangi Mary Muthoni 20t2007055 PPJ00007387 Akoko Boniface Otieno 2010to3452 PR/00007388 PR/00007389 PR/00007391 PR/00007392 PR/00007393 PR/00007394 PR/00007395 PR/00007396 PR/00007397 Samuel Osiromo Emusugut Ngome Dorothy Mutrndr Ngetich Susan Jemutal Onyango George Ogutu Ndung'u Hellen Chepkemoi Mbuthra Damans Njeri Owitr Johnson Ngala Ondan Catherine Kemunto Munyao Stephen Musee t99fi24173 20tr24w85 2010175409 2012036754 20 I 2008889 201017583 I PR/00007398 Ng'ang'a Sarah Wambur 2011235448 PR/00007399 PR/00007400 PR/00007401 PR/00007402 PR/00007403 PR/00007404 PR/00007406 PR/00007407 PR/00007408 PR/00007409 PR/00007412 PR/00007413 Njihia Esther Wangari 2012n367t6 Shuma Irene Murando Mohamed Soud Bunda 2012038709 2012035975 2012036761 2012035831 PR/00007415 Njuguna Nellie Njoki 20t2007062 PR/00007416 PR/00007417 20r1239157 PR/00007419 PR/00007420 PR/00007421 Kazungu Nelly Nyevu Komora Jemrma Hadunga Namiti Mark Torh Said Hagerera Nuru Hillary Kasikaw Slrmor Maghanga Pamela Ethel PPJOOOO7422 ChepkululCharlesKiprotich 2012006930 PR/00007424 PR/00007425 PR/00007427 PR/o0007428 Owrno Victor Ochieng 2011235208 Mwandawiro Henry Mwangemi 20I2O404O5 KwambarKrplagatlronard 2012036970 Omondi BenedictOkoth 2009083699 PFJ00007429 Chebet Caroline 2008100121 PFJ00007431 Gitonga Jane Muthoni Vitta Thomas Nyondo Macharia Chris Kimingi 2012033297 2010175954 2012035r08 Bifwoli Silas 20t2006752 PR/0Q007418 PR/00007432 PR/00007433 PR/00007434 \ Mwangr Lydiah Njeri Wachira Peter Waithaka Nyenya Ivuti David Adipo Brenda Atieno Cherono Sammary Nzivo Wycliffe Wambua Ochreng Raphael Otieno Kansa Martin Juma Onguso Nelly Iminza Juma 1990025854 201204fi94 2012009175 20t0tt4p47 2008041'7t'1 2012036994 2012006947 201203s879 r 0l 75988 2010170491 2012038696 20 20r130r994 20101'74877 2012034716 201204'2r'.29 201203383 I 20to172825 20t2035242 20101 74568 2011240505 201or76227 20r1241086 2011239931 41412 2011235397 2012007980 PR/00007435 PR/00007436 PR/00007437 PR/00007438 PR/00007439 , Nyongesa Edwin Warui Stanley Kinyanjui Ochola Eunice Achieng Wairimu Mary Wanjiru Omboro William Ouma 2007064118 2010113342 2010114673 2012035999 2012035122 PR/00007440 Kahindi Nelly Kahunda 20t2006992 PR/0O0072141 Komen Lidiah Jepkorir 2012008923 Labour, Social Security and Services Interior and Co-ordination Labour, Socral Securiry and Services Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Educatlon, Science and Technology Educatron, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnation Attorney-General and Depanment of Records Management Supply Services Records Management Records Management Accounts Accounts Accounts Supply Servrces Records Management Accounts Supply Servrces Records Management Justice Educahon, Scrence and Technology Lands, Housrng and Urban Development Industnahzation and Enterprise Development Interior and Co-ordination Health Labour, Social Security and Services Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnation Labour, Socral Security and Servrces Education, Scrence and Technology Education, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Attomey-General and Department of Justice Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Pnsons Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Education, Scrence and Technology Interior an$ Co-ordination Education, Scrence and Technology Health Education, Scrence and Technology lands, Housing and Urban Development Labour, Socral Security and Services Health Health Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Director of Public Prosecution Interior and Co-ordrnatron lnterior and Co-ordination Natronal Treasury Lands, Housing and Urban Development Probation Department Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnatron Lands, Housrng and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnatron Lands, Housing and Urban Development Labour, Social Security and Services Accounts HR Servrces Records Management HR Servrces Accounts Records Management Records Management HR Services Accounts Records Management Supply Services HR Services Records Management Records Management HR Services Accounts Records Management Supply Services Supply Services HR Services HR Services HR Servrces HR Servrces Supply Services Records Management HR Services HR Services HR Servrces Supply Servrces Accounts HR Services Supply Services HR Services Records Management Accounts Accounts Accounts Supply Services Records Management HR Services Accounts Records Management HR Services Records Management HR Services HR Services Accounts HR Services HR Services THE KENYA GAZEf,TE 3218 28th Novembet,Nl4 Iadex No. Candidatc Naau PF No. Ministry Optiott PRitXm7442 Tsuwi Sephcn Kahindi mtz,J}ffi3 InErbr md Co-ordination 20101 15174 Interior and Co-ordination lands, Housing and Urban Ilcvclopment Supply Seniccs Rccords Managerncnt Rccords Managemcnt Okrla PR/00007,143 Philcmon PR/00007444 Nyukuri Bridgid Nangila 20lzx)nmo PR/00007445 Kihiu Horcnsiah Muthoni Kinzi Cathcrenc Kahai Ndolo Achieng Edwina 201017.063 20tzJ33502 20tt24tr/.3 Intcrior end Co-ordiution Hcalth 2011239t71 Labour, Social Sccurity and Scrviccs zotl2399N 20100361 l8 Hcalth Agriculturc, Livcstock and Fishericc Education, Scicacc and Technologl lnerior and Co-ordination PM)om7458 Jcmutai Nancy Omechc Eucebcth Moraa Sikhila Hcnry Wanyama Osutwa Okuku Ambrose lv{ayoyc Gibson Job Rioba Maurice Wambun Ambuso Collins Bcn Wawcru Ruth Wrruguru Sirgoi Nclly Chclagat Weihcnyr Shcm Ndirangu PR/(Xx)o7460 Yatorlcmosop PRO(X)07,162 Mulumba Joscph Ngcto 2011235215 PR/IXm07463 PR{XX)07,t65 Kanyi Pctr Kinyua Kitoto Victor Oticno 2010053ffi3 Inrcrior and Co-ordination IIR Scrvicrs 2010172346 Educetion, Science and Technology Luds, Housing and Urben Devclopmont Health Attorncy4cnenl and Deparrrncnt of Accounts Supply Serviccs PR/(nn7446 PR/00007.t47 PRrcOm7,l48 PRiI[OO7450 PMXm745l PR/00m7452 PMXn0%53 PR/00007454 PR0m07455 PR/IXn07456 PR/(XX)O7.l57 Ulirn 2010170687 201?,J35273 20lol7@81 20t06'29824 2012033533 56750 2m8013934 20tot74209 PM)o(n7467 Brraga Erick Muchassy 2009m5756 PR/{Xm7470 Srcphen Okodr Oticno 2011244238 PM)0007471 Muthec Kithim Susan 20r 1235633 PM)0007472 PMXn074?3 BoitChcmutai Viola Echenjc Mrrtha Awinja 20IAn0334 PRO0007474 Omrr Ya'qub Abubakar 2011234796 PMXnO7475 Anisa Ibnhim Ahrncd 2008037695 PMXn07476 Ronoh Bcrnrrd Kiprorich 2011235342 PR/O0007478 2010174495 PR/(XmO7484 Migan Nicholus Otieno Obicrc Calvin Onyango [.cngirae Jonethm Meina Kithonrc Pcer Mutinde Kinyanjui Lucy Wanjiku PR,tXno7485 Khaoye Hopc Nanjelr 2fl)90t1231 PR^XXU'tt7 Elmogc Mohrmcd Drkanc Chonriyot Robcrt Koach Mero Uphaniah Towesh 2011243586 Olum SeimonRet Magen Evcrline Kemunto Muengart Alilbnhim Krolc Frreji Rrhid Kimuyu Stcphcn Muli PR^XnO7479 PR,tXmo74E0 PR,Um?4E2 PR/O()0O748t PRIXm7489 PMXm749l PRUnO7492 PR,^Xn07493 PR.^XmO7494 PRJ{Xm7495 PR/O0007496 MbeoAnyangoMilM 2012036963 201fi52499 20tot75{/.t 20t?,J.33728 mtzwJ6o'l Education, Science and Technology Educatioo, Sciencc and Technology Education, Scicnce and Technologr Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Inerior and Co-ordinatioo Education, Sciencc and Tcchnology Anomcy4cncral and Dcpartment of Justicc Attorncy4cncral rnd Dcpartrcnt of Justke Interior end Co-ordination Auorncy-Gcneral and Dcpartment of Justicc Education, Scicncc and Tcchnobg5r Intcrior rnd Co-ordination Elucation, Sciancc and Tcchnologr Interior and Co-ordinrtion Inrerior rnd Coordinrtion tndusridizrtioc end Enrrprise 53930 Judicisry 201ot72427 Educetion, Sciencc and Technobgy Educatbn, Scicrcc and Technology ax)900cns 201m53453 20101750t5 Hcalth Dcvolution end Phnning Interix end Co-ordination 201130zJfl/2 Education, Scbncc and Tcclmol,ogy Laboor, Social Sccurity rnd Scrviccs 41527 Iudiciary PR/(Xm75(}2 Mburugu Erick Mwirigi Roba Jrrsen len Noor Issack Maalim 2Qtt23%2 Labour, Social Security and Scrviccs PRO0007503 Mwmgi Jrnc Wemukore 201 123s708 PR{Xn07$4 Ouma VinccntOchicng Kolaoi hisca Kachuchu Bryr Jrnc Krda 2010173156 52798 Iudiciery ml0l71984 Educetion, Sciencc md Tectmolo5r 201fr3ffi1 PM)m07sot funweyi Silvia Mugoshi OmarReaudhrn Komn 53663 Intcrior and Co-ordinrtion Iudiciary PR/00O07509 Mwagudi SolonooChcrgo 201123%2 PROm075l0 PRiIn0O?5ll Bati Nrmwczi Mrurccn Anm lrenc Adhiembo 5367t mtn39,.24 PMXn075l2 Annc \llenjiku Krriuki 2ff)9084019 PMXnO75l3 Buyr Sclla Hrigwo 201o175823 PR,tXx)075r5 Naisirc 201 1234854 PRIXnOT516 Shrffi Rashid Sdim Khamis 201201 PRlO0m?5l? Kingi Kwembolo Srrah 20n23mJ1 PMXm?519 Shcikh Husscin Marsh mt?,J34843 PMXm752l Ali Adrl Hessen Ndiangti Cerolinc Wambui 2ffm37433 PR(m075m PMXn0750l PRI)0007505 PMXno7506 PR{Xm75O7 PRiIXno7523 PR^XX)o75z5 R.uth Retoc r8l9 20090894t3 Mirghhan l4ilison 2@803fi)t3 PR Xm075r' PMXm752a Joycc Kedzo Baya Munyubu Merthe Ndila 201017 r308 PMXn07529 Gikonyo Prtrbk Kiboi 20t1234789 201200t625 Records Managcmcnt HR Scrvices Supply Scrviccs Actounts Accounts Rccords Managcmcnt Rccords Managerncnt HR Scrvices Rccords Menegcrnant Accounts Accounts Supply Scrvices IIR Scrviccs HR Serviccs IIR Scrvices HR Scrvices Accounts Devchpnrcnt 48757 2011239924 Accounls Iusticc Sports Culture and Thc Arts Intsior and Coordination Hcalth Judiciary 20tor7%27 Accounts HR Services Supply Services HR. Scrvfoes Supply Serviccs Supply Serviccs Accounts Accounts Accounts Supply Serviccs Attomcy4cacral and Dcprtmcot of Supgly Scrviccs HR Services HR Scrviccs HR Scrvices HR Scnices Accotrnts Supply Scwiccs Supply Scwiccs Rccords Mrmggm€ot Rccords Managancnt Rccords Managcmcnt Supply Scrviccs Accounts Iustice Education, Science and Tcchnologr Supply Scwiccs Accounts Accounts Supply Scrvkcs IIR Scrviccs Strrc [-aw officc Judiciary Lrbour, Socll Sacurity rnd Sc*icrs Trcasury Educatkrn, Sciencc and Tcchnolos/ Auorncy€cnaal end Dcpartmcnt of RecoldsMrorgemt HR Scrvices Supply Scrviccs Acclunts Rccords Managcrncnt Rccords Managemnt Justic.c Labour, Socid Sccurity eld Scrviccs Attonrcy{crcrd md Deparrmcnt of Iusticc InErior and Coordinetion Inrcric end Co-ordinetion Intcrkx md Ceordinatfum Intcrior and Ceordinatioq Education, Sciencc and Technobgy Inrcrior end Co-ordiaatioo Attorncy4cncnl and Dcpartmcnt lIR Scrvicrr Supply Scn iccs IIR Seniccs HR Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs HR Scrvicvr Supply Serviccs Rccodr Menogcmcnt of Accotnts Justicc I lakr No. PR )0007530 PR{XnO753l PM)0007532 PRO0m7533 PR/O0ffi7534 PMXm7538 PMXm7540 PR/(XmO7542 3219 TIIE KENYA GAZEf,TE 28th November,2Ol4 Candidate Nanc Ombogo EuniceAolco Abdi Abdullah Husscin Diba Mohamed Dokata Mrro Halubva Lydia Muriun gi Kagwiria C-arolinc M'murenda Kirimi \Uilliam Onguso Emily Bosibori Maina Phylis \Yambui PF No. Mlnisry Option Supply Serviccs Accounts HR Scrviccs Accounts Supply Scrvicrs HR Scrvices HR Scrvices Records Managcmcnt Rccords Managcmcnt mtn{/.rc3 Hedth 20tM2323 Inerior and Co-ordination 20r2,J.t6292 2010175001 2010121939 Prisons Education, Sciencc and Tcchnology 2m7016913 20t017561 I 201TJ35204, Interior and Co-ordinetion Intcrior and Co-ordination Erlucation, Sciencc end Technologr Intcrior and Co-ordination Anorney4errcral and Deprrtrncnt of Justict Inrcrior and Co-ordination Supply Scrvices lnerior and Co-ordinrtion HR Services PR/0m07545 Muriuki David Kinyua 2o11235328 PR/00007546 mlvM2413 PR/0m07548 Ndivo Lucy Mueni Onsase Petrick Kcmosi PRO0007549 Muya Susan Wangcci 20r 123?013 PR/0m07550 Kimctu Cathcrinc Ndunge Musyoka Brian Mumo PRrOmo7552 Kituyi Bcverly Ninah 4966g 2012034569 2012028387 Judiciary PR/O0007551 PR/O0007553 Atito Collins Jeophrey Ochicng Mutwiwe Victor Muthoka Mutuku Bcnjamin Mulingc 2010123fi7 Attorney-Gcneral and Dcpartmcnt of Inrcrior and Co-ordination Agriculture, Livcstock uld Fishcrics mtn3641a Prisons 2012035355 Inerior and Co-ordination 20r0174990 Erlucation, Sciencc and Technobgy 2012008574 2012036583 Inrcrior and Co-ordination Inerior and Co-ordination mtl24J79 Heslth Simiyu Isaac 200$39095 mt?,J33D13 Interior and Co-ordination lntcrior and Co-ordinetion PR100007565 Nyabwarrya Ghdys Kwamboka 201mfi29 [.ands, Housing and Uftan Devclopment PR/m007566 Nycndc Odalo Milkrh Dianr 20t12352E/ PR m07567 Mrhu Peul Njcru 2010176219 PRJtXno7568 Lcjaras Peul Lemuna 20rt23%57 PR00007570 PM)0007571 Yeno Sclly Muthamia Frith Krgwiria 20100536il PR/Q0ffi7572 Nyoro Annc Waithen 201r23s455 PR100007573 20090E 1417 National Trcasury PR/00007576 Michuki Flore Nkirorc Karanjr Janc Wangari Keino Ezckicl Kiplimo 20t?,J3/.292 20I017201 l PMXm?577 Nyaga Lydir ?Jtx36t27 Intcrior and Co-odination &lucrti,on, Scicncc end Tcchfiobgy lnrcriot rnd Co-ordinetion PRfiXm?579 PR.0m075t0 NaomiCherop Chordc Musyoka Ioshur Kioko 4t6U Judiciary mtx34432 Intcrior and Co-ordination PM)0007582 Njrc Mmtui Nyrga 2010103680 PR',{Xm?583 Kiptm Ftcfrick Kiplimo 2W70d:IJ.33 Defcncc PMXn075t4 2m&)99t75 m/0d00?585 PR.00m7586 Arnine Abdille Unshur Masei Ctcmtai Emily Dcvolution and Planning Intcrior and Co-ordination Chclrnget Bcsy PR^Xn075E7 Mutigr Jacklinc Karambu PR{n007590 Joscph Mwclcm Sittee PR/IXn0?592 PRfim7593 Chcrneli Nancy Arigi Amon Onyango 47523 2012008454 s2706 2010186253 2010173059 PRJtXm7597 Amokc Lilian Awuor 20120361 PR.omo7598 Omarwa Nyahurc Mwita 20t1215222 PR/00007599 PR,1IXm760l PR{XnO?6(}2 PR'^Xno?604 20lmsl45l PRmm7605 Gichuru Ken Gitonga Odeny Rac.hiz Ochieng Munyua Loise Wacekc Njongc Stcphen Kamau Cathcrinc Natongit Ekwam PRfXnO7606 Kibowcn Kibct Mathcw PRj(Xm7607 PM)0(n7619 Nyamu AnthoyGithinji Esinycn Lokui Petcr Ng'onycrc Hildcr Bungei Nicholas Kibct I-csinge Jamlick Kahura Tcresia Wanjiku Adan Zarah Moharncd Clara Mucni Kamami John Mwcndwa Muthcngi PM)0m7620 Masila Agncs Ndungwa 20ran696l PM)0007622 Geoffrey Kanrga Charles PRfXXn7623 Kiboro Lucy Wacera PR/00007624 PR/O00O7625 Den Odhiambo Ogiri Mary Wahito Ndung'u PR00007626 Kimaoi Feter Wug'anga 2010173716 PROmO7554 PRrc0007556 PRrO0007559 PR/00007560 PR00007561 PRfiXno7562 PR(x)007564 Pn m007575 PR/{Xm?6ffi PR,^Xno7609 PM)0m7610 PMXrc076ll PMn007613 PRAXXU616 PR^Xn07617 Githua Nancy Nduta Abidan Bonifacc Mbae Nzomo hideh Mumbua Gaichu Margaret Karnene Niri 2m90E4607 mlm403t5 l0 Accounts Accounts Supply Scrviccs Accounts Accounts Accounts Supply Scrviccs Supply Scrviccs Supply Serviccs Supply Scrvic'cs HR Scn,iccs Supply Scrviccs Attorncy-Gencnl and Dcprrtnent of HR Scrvices Jucticc Education, Scicncc rnd Tcchnology Anomey-Gcncral and Dcpartncnt of HR Scrviccs Records Manegement Justice lnrcrior md Co-odination Accounts Accounts Nrtional Tlcrsury Attorncy4cnerd rnd Departmcnt of HR Scrviccs Justicr Indusridizrtkm and Enteryrise Accounts Supply Scrviccs Records Managerncnt Rccords Mrnagcnrcnt Records Managerncot Records Mmagcnrcnt Records Menagcmcnt Devclopmcnt Judiciery lnrcrior end Co-ordination Judiciery Edrution, Science and Technology Education, Scicnce end Technology Intcrior and Co-ordinrtion Anomcy4eneral and Departnent of Records Manegemcnt HR Services Records Managcmcnt HR Scrvices IIR Scrvices HR Scrvicqs Supply Scrvices Rccordr Manegtrncnt HR. Scrviccs Records Management Justicc 201?0.34590 lntcrior md Co-ordination Educrtkrn, Sciercc and Tcchnologr l.rbour, Social Sccurity end Scrvices Intcrior and Co-ordination 53443 Judiciary mtn45239 201121y253 2009061396 Intcrior and Co-ordination Lrbour, Social Security and Scrviccs Agricultutr, Livestock end Fishcrics 20tot7ft37 Education, Scicnce end Technolog5r 2010171683 2012ID897E Accounts Justice Supply Sariccs Accoutrtg Rccords Manrgcmcnt Supply Scrviccs HR Scrvic'c.s Rccords Managemant Supply Scrviccs HR Scrviccs Accourrts Accuonts HR Scrvices HR. Scrvices Rccords Manrgcmort HR Scrvices 2007023067 Intcrior end Co-odination 5323t Judiciary 20l2,JS5317 201m51508 Intcrior and Co-ordinatioa Inerior and Co-ordination 48375 Judiciary 20tm34172 Intcrior and Coordination Accouns Lands, Housing and Urban Devclopmant IIR Scrviccs 20t?,J35n/0 Interior and Co-ordinetion 201?007048 l-ands, Housing end Urban Dcvelopment Supply Sewiccr Records Managemcnt zot1214772 State Law 201201 163l Labour. Social Sccurity and Scrviccs Education, Scicncc and Technolog;r officc Supply Scrviccs HR Scrvices Supply Scniccs 3220 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Index No. Candidate Name PF No Ministry Option PRJ00007627 Kinyan;ui David Njaraganu Ndungu Penina Wambui Sawe Dominic Kibet Wanyonyi Ehzabeth 20t2035595 Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Supply Services Records Management Accounts Records Management Supply Services Supply Services HR Services Accounts HR Services PR/00007628 PR/00007629 PR/00007630 PR/00007631 PR/00007632 PR/00007633 PR/0000763s Hassan Gabon Alinoor Maina Job Kevin Mugo 2012035002 2012036494 2009084386 2011241226 2009084255 Treasury Health National Treasury State Law office Intenor and Co-ordination National l7 Elizabeth Anyango Asin Oduori Fredrick Obuori 20 101035 PR/00007636 Mutuaruhru Mary Wangari 2011234885 PR/00007637 PR/00007638 Oyugi Jackhne Dorcas Mechengi Falth Mukomunene 20t01'70611 20120337'73 PR/00007639 Sikuku Pauline Nahaka 2011235359 PR/00007641 PR/00007642 Nyanjong Henry Ouma Oliacha Esther Lyna Kong'o Drsmas Okumu Osumba Agnes Auma Owiti David Okumu Onyango Aoko Imelda John Odhiambo Were Ted Onyango Otreno Mwita Elijah Ogaro Nchaiyua l.ekakeny Andrew Odeyo Salome Amondr Kinoti Carolyne Kathambi Kivala Mathew Munyoki 20 101 8736 Mulinge Dennrs Nthiwa Munyao Samuel Mbila Kuori Alex Githinji Gichuhi Francis Mwangi Karanja Isaac Kariuki 2010057142 200801 146l 2009083738 Korkapel Benjamrn Chopir Mollo Elizabeth Akmyr Mahero Mary Juma Kwemboi Tereem Godwin Patrick Ndumra Gitonga Tasur Talengo Benson 200803 1843 23t97 Attomey-General and Department of Justlce Education, Scrence and Technology Health Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Educatlon, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Judicrary Judiciary Education, Science and Technology Education, Science and Technology Health Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination National Treasury Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Kenyatta National Hospital Kenyatta National Hospital Judiciary Judiciary 201203688 I Prisons PR/00007674 Ngrla Mrchael Munyaka 201t234878 PR/00007675 PR/00007676 PR/00007677 PR/00007678 PR/00007679 PR/00007680 Mutegi Nancy Kawira Alex Pamela Mwendwa Thiong'o Margaret Waithira Mwito Lydia Kawirania Muchai Judy Wanjftu Muugu Janet Wanjiku 2012033766 PR/0000793 PR/00007645 PR/00007646 PR/00007&7 PR/00007648 PR/00007649 PR/00007652 PR/00007653 PR/00007654 PR/00007656 PR/00007657 PR/00007660 PR/00007661 PR/00007662 PR/00007663 PR/00007665 PR/00007666 PW00007669 PR/000076?0 PR/00007671 PR/00007672 PR/00007673 2012038778 Attomey-General and Department of Justrce Educatron, Science and Interior and i 2011241219 2010113481 2010172524 20t01'73342 20t0175679 20101 14005 20t0052821 55 178 s3914 2010174592 2010174186 2008050 l 56 2N)'7064{t3'7 2012045417 530789 529794 53011 Technology Supply Co-ordination Attorney-General and Department of Justice and and and and and and Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior 201200u92 2007046984 20120354t3 2012034836 2008008696 Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordrnatron Co-ordinatron Co-ordinahon Co-ordination Services Records Management Records Management Records Management Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Records Management HR Services Records Management Supply Services Records Management Supply Services Supply Services HR Services Accounts Supply Services Accounts Accounts HR Services Records Management Accounts HR Services HR Services HR Services Records Management Accounts Accounts Records Management Supply Services HR Services HR Services Supply Servrces Accounts The following three hundred and eighty three (383) candidates failed to attain a full pass in the examinations. They are required to re-sit the paper(s) shown against their names. Index No. Candidate Name PF No. Ministry Remarks PR/00007644 PR/00007578 PR/00006691 PR/00004507 PR/00007477 PR/00005817 PR/00007313 Okoth Rael Atieno Kipkemboi Bemard Malakwen Egadwa Dennice Mutange kkoko Mugesa Raphael Aduda Lilian Anyango 52861 Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interiorand Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination State Law office Judiciary Health Office of the Deputy Presldent The National Treasury East African Affairs, Commerce and Tounsm Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Devolution and Planning Sports Culture and the Arts Attorney-General and Department of Justice Aftorney-General and Department of Justice Attorney-Ceneral and Department of Justice Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination ' Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interiorand Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordination Agriculturc, Livestock and Fishenes Education, Science and Technology R7D R7D R7C PR/0000691 1 PR/00002802 PR/00004786 PR/00005358 PR/00005429 PR/00006281 PR/00006292 PR/00006309 Mutai Kipkurui Dallingtone Walukana Nangila Lilian Amina Rashid Garat Everlyne Muhonja Kisia Mwalili Millicent Mutheu Muruah Alice Nyokabr Catherine Muli Ndinda Rose Nleri Karanja 200q1to24 20101'74754 2010123583 2010173554 2010053550 2011235575 5227'7 200'10'73793 Kubai Jane Karimi 2009067677 1989098674 2010001529 2006038750 20101'70522 Safia Fugicha Dabasa 200809847 PR/000071 17 Muli Felis Velesi PR/00007148 PR/00007206 PR/00007352 PR/00007634 PR/00007640 PR/00003972 PR/00006122 PR/00007486 PR/00002463 PR/00006857 PR/00007012 Khadudu Kevin Chengo Purity Zawadr 2011301292 2011235424 2011235695 2011235626 35990 2012034278 2008007640 2008039045 Ireri Eric Kithiny Ngumbi Daniel Mavua Wakhisi Martha Namalwa Kilonzo Veronica Mwongel Nyerere Yassin Sald Basara Tonny Caleb Kivole Elizabeth Mwende Dida Sadia Hassan Kinyuru Doreen Gatwiri I 20rctt4pzt 2008028963 200901 1503 20 10173855 R7A R7A R6, 7D R6,7D R6,7C R6 R6 R2,6 R6 R4,6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 28th November,2014 3221 THE KENYA GAZETTE lndex No Candidate Name PF No Mtnistry Remarks PR/00001515 PR/00001614 Ondiekr Anne Bosibori Kengere Joash Onkundi Nyamboga Milkah Kerubo Otreno Doris Akeyo Mosabi Marwa John Adhtambo Beryl Nelly Langat Hellen Chepkorir Wabomba Manyonge Moses Mwangi Leah Wambui Agonya Oire Albert Mbuthra Nyambura Jane Makana Jedidah Nakhumicha Omukaga Patncra Ijutu Chongwony Rhodah Chemtar Kanar Cherop Penrnah Manyola A. Naomr Katialem Sarah Chepchumba Wamar Betty Nasrke Okumu James Opryo Chemaryo Mrllicent Sausen Serena Jemmrm Aminasiwa Anthony Kibet Mohamed Kasay Addow David Kengere Ombaso Ouma Martin Josiah l 9860 r 6607 Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation R6 Transport and Infrastructure Interior and Co-ordrnation Judiciary Judicrary Interior and Co-ordrnation Defence Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordrnatron Judiciary Transport and Infrastructure Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Labour, Social Security and Services Health Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Information Communication and Tecluiology Fiucation, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordlnatlon Health Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordination Judicrary Judrciary Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnatlon Interior and Co-ordrnahon Education, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnatron Health Land Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordinatron Labour, Social Security and Services Judrciary Judrciary Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Fducation, Scrence and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnatron Industrialization and Enterprise Development Health Interior and Co-ordrnafion Interior and Co-ordination Attorney-General and Department of Justice Interior and Co-ordrnation Devolution and Planning Agriculrure, Livestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Health Interior and Co-ordination Land Housing and Urban Development Defence Land Housing and Urban Development Health Transport and Infrastructure Judiciary Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Agnculture, Livestock and Fishenes Labour, Social Security and Services Educatron, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnatron Labour, Social Secunty and Services Education, Science and Technology R6 PPJ00003688 PR/00006080 PR/00006900 PR/00007 I 05 PR/00003461 PR/00005999 PR/00006062 PR/00006558 PR/00007325 PR/00004865 PR/00006688 PR/00006703 PR/0000 r 394 PR/00005957 PR/00006861 PR/00007077 PR/00007423 PR/00007426 PR/00007588 PR/00006532 PR/00007342 PR/00005541 PR/00007349 PR/00005832 PR/00006176 PR/00006846 PR/00000243 PR/0000396r PR/00007360 PR/0000 l 552 PR/00006939 PR/00007 104 PR/00007603 PR/00007283 PR/00006300 PR/00007344 PR/00007318 PR/00007390 PR/00007618 PR/00004973 PPJ00006030 PR/00007430 PW00007465 PR/00007469 PR/O0007497 PR/00007655 PR/00006902 PR/00006906 PR/00006916 PR/00007581 PR/0000 l 382 PRJ00001428 PR/00000252 PR/00000287 PR/00001411 PR/000020r9 PR/00003910 PR/00004326 PR/00005984 PR/000061.{4 PR/00006 l 52 PR/00006210 PR/0000621 1 PR/00006242 PR/00006255 PR/00006298 PR/00006299 PR/000063 12 PR/00006324 PPJ00006351 PR/00006393 PR/00006431 PR/00006442 PR/00006443 PR/00006456 PR/00006473 Mitei Kipkemoi Isarah 960M199 7906s475 2008037807 s3891 531@ 199fiO2634 200'7043596 2008 I 73093 2007028295 25018 2010015023 20 10050667 200'7021675 200'7021661 198 1008594 2010123274 2009010329 10112428t0 2012036569 32q50 2O1O[J32994 201011'2841 200'7025904 tc))50'72589 200800794 I Gathonr Margaret Wan.;rku Wachira Jerioth Wanyugu Nyabonda Ong'ono Akuma John Machukr Kemunto Rose Chelugur Sally Jelobotr Magut Eusrlah Lohma Mary Chenangat Ng'alamoi Cheptoo Dorcus Samburmo Chengek Felix Kharinda Chemai Kennedy Waru John Nginga Hiribae Hadija Koshi Roba Galgalo Jarso 200m96773 201t244194 Mutio Domiulah Nzilani Nancy Moraa Morang'a 20t0r'74699 Asrla Hirbe Worqu Theresia Muthio Martin Nakitari Eunice . Marabi Ogusini Rhoda Tsumo Mwanakombo Masudi Makopni Fetty Ehakim Nyagah Catherine Njokr Adede Elizabeth Akinyi Ngechrr Jairo Chepkuto Cheruto Marshana Limangura Winsume Yano Krhmo Odhiambo Sellah N'gwono Aketch Jacquelyne Otieno Gakii Purity Lucy Wangur Mwangi Mutua Peninah Mwikali Mohamud Fozia Zamzam Chebri Ngetrch Margaret Wambur Wanjiru Owuor Joel Omondr Muiru Moses Wambugu Mukimu Dorcas Kawila Muchori Agnes Wambui Churu Kenneth Kagiri Angwenyi Justus Omwoyo Yegon George Bichir 25319 2008020923 20 10053788 2008037182 2010123282 53'136 53029 2008023890 200106t041 2008040193 2008037467 2012033413 2009003055 20t1243644 20 100 I 71 80 20080 I 3439 2010114796 201W27038 26739 38t26 2007021659 2007063968 2007061437 19890301 l 3 2008021319 97078840 508042 2007061330 2008029252 200808 1034 2009002279 2009011642 201036574 2010114932 20t1243699 200913 1558 200q)06184 1996038067 Alio Ibrahim Hassan 20t1047566 Amana Malika Boukheit Mwaura Kennedy Kariuki l,okarach Ekiru Rrchard Kinoh Boniface Bundi Kamau Benson Karurru Margaret Munjiru Mwangr 2011242909 Muthiani Mwelu Mary Andrew Mutuku Kasivu 20 101 8617 Mokaya Kwamboka Chrrstrne Patience Kawira Grtonga 2010032t64 53401 2010036362 20 10035659 19781 13306 l 2007019369 2010103478 2010174908 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R5,6 R5 R5 R5 R5 R4,7D R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7C R4,7A R4,7C -R4,6,7C R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,6 R4,5,7D R4,5 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3222 28th November,2Ol4 Index No. Candidatc Namc PF No. Ministry Rcmarks PM)0004193 Mutungi lames Muli SofiaMohammcdAbdi Kariuki Ndcritu hancis MrthekaAnnrstaciaMutanu Kivalu lackson Maluki Nzoka Urbanus Musyoki Njcru Gladys Karuana AfandiJacquelineAyo MunywokiMerthaKabengi Maluki Rhodr Mwangi Gedson lrungu 2M7019652 20r0103737 2WW27276 Interior and Co-ordination l,abour, Social Sccurity and Scrvices lntcdor and Coordination Intcrior and Coordination Education, Scicncc and Technolory. Interior and Coordination Health (Kenyatta National Hospital) MakuyuMilliccntGacheri 20ro175871 2010123559 201n36209 Irterior and Co-ordination 201m32950 PRO0007J4I PR/tO007557 PR/00007569 PR/m007596 PRO0U)4382 PR/00005m4 PRrO0m598E PR/O$07320 PRruUn7322 PRO0007341 PRO0007343 Ndungu Michacl Ndichu Mutiso Norah Katilo Kabutu Jamcs Chimba Judiciary Judiciary Kenya Medical Training College Attomcy-General and Dcpartmcnt of Justice Intcrior and Coordination Health Education, Sciencc and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Elimlim Paricie Arot TimothyChelakongBunnen Nyang'oriEdnaKemunto MascseMokciraJackline Abdulla Hashim Mohamed Kofa Awadhi Salim 53508 Sports, Culture and the Arts Judiciary R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 20101 14615 Intcrior and Co-ordination R.4 201t234't4t Attomey-General and Dcpttmcnt of Justice Transport and Infrasructure R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 PR Said PMXn065l7 PR00006570 PR/Offi06650 PROfin6665 PRrcm068l5 PR/O0006955 PR[00O696E PR/OO007059 PRn0m707l PRO0m?202 PR;I)007213 PRO0m72m PMX[O72t4 PR/O0007290 PRr000072D PRIO0O073O5 00007535 Mungai Sarah Wanaga Njuguna Narrcy Nyambura PR/00003932 PR/00005430 PROmO7499 PRO0007518 PR/0ffiO7526 PMnm5932 PRi0m06648 PR/00C[66fl Ali Fatma Hussein Dzombo Ncme Mohamcd Ruhhia Shee nm6383 FRmme$2 PR XXn667,l 2010050706 ntn$288 20fi30?/J26 20r1243980 2010t7324s 2008084309 96018017 200fi2w4/. ShadrockPriscillaMedza [email protected] Mahu Mwanamisi Suleiman 20r1240441 41331 2010171049 LekambuleRakcli Jitloh Eunice Hadara Ali Abdullahi Ali Abdi Jenani Wako Musaani Phocbc Mwikati 200$lrE38 2010t7t74t 20101 14916 21D8008434 20tt24ot87 20fi242269 20tnn20t GakurieJancNjoki 2mfi21369 Timado l:kuti Jamcs Golo lbrdrim Hassan Nyandwaro Norah Mmaa 2012006E41 l,uvatiParickEsenclwe 2m&)E1660 KibomaMargaretBosibori Omondi Emily Adhiembo 2001070n20 2007064003 Meshombo Joyce M*umbo Odera Michael Ouma Ombongi Kcrubo Olphr Aryango lacl Okumu zwmr23/J2 200910(}110 Oyunge Ircre Odawa ?0rct266,96 2m,W2t210 Pft/0mO578O PR/O0ffi6088 AmmdiLiliwr PR 20071 10030 201 1237068 20r?0rnEz FRO00O3?92 PRO([)5?57 l 45709 53948 AdanAhmcdOmar AMi AbudullahiBilleYussuf Nyegah Paulinc ttanja Diana Caiti Kinyua Kasimu Crispus Makeu Miriti Judy Kenario PR^n005691 529E1 AMisalam lbren lbrahim Sutaw Hassan Abdullahi Hussein Abdisemet PR/(nm7O43 PRnm07075 PRiIXn07l88 PR/00007536 PRrc0m7539 PRO0ff7558 PM)0007659 PR/00001513 PROO00I527 PRAX[O1569 fnOm02037 2010175394 2009002651 2010031964 2008020046 2008040258 1981 I 31606 2007016638 20120'11223 2012008810 PRrO000e$0 lilachirrhneWrithcrero PR^rcO0el8l GitongaMiriamWachetha PR O0006EE9 Rukwaro Esthcr Waqiugu PR/O00002E2 20lm5l3l2 Susan Adilmbo Ochiarg Oticno Aoto Millta 20090r0963 20o7ttE224 201m04446 ?otm.272W LntingamoiNicholasRutto 201o123258 ?Rl0{JtJ{J|l245 ChiroMiriam PR/00007681 PMXX[O23I PRl00OO3l84 PR/00003243 PRI000O36E0 PR^D0O3804 PR/00003E63 PM)0m3937 ?0tot757tt 20tol73.376 20tot23216 mt0174982 19900E1t26 Marrcn Atieno Tilla 20101 14576 OnsongohSarangcEvcrlyn Okumu larcd Nyagar Machule Mogeka Fercr l-arem Margract Narib 2010174380 322227 ChepngenoJean Ole letutit Montoi Orclangat Joycc Kosgcy Judiciary &lucetion, Scicnce and Tcchnolog5r Agriculturc, Llvcstock snd Fkherics Educatioa, Scicncc and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior rnd Co-ordinstion Hcalth HcaIth . Inrcrior ard Co-ordinrtion Interior and Co-otdinstion t ands, Houring and Urtm Dcvclopmebt Agriculture, Livestock ard Fisherics Itrteriot md Co-ordination Stato Law officc R.4 R4 R4 R4 n4 Intcrior and Co-ordinrtion Intcrior and Co-odinrtion Agricultrc, Livcstock and Fisheries R4 R4 R.l R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 labour, Social Sccunty ud Scrviccs Sports Culturc and dc Artr R.4 R,4 Interfurr and Co-ordination R{ lnterim md Coordinrtion Iudiciery Education Science rad Tcchnology lntctior md Co-ordination Education, Scicnce and Tcchnologr Blucation, Scicnce and Tcclmology Blucation, Scicnce end Teclrnologr lntcrior and Co-ordinrtiem Healft R4 PRi00007l0E PMX[07358 PRO0m765l Hrelth R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 Rit R4 R4 Interinr Interior Intmior Interiot Interior Interi<r 20tol1tlm Zpponh Bonercri Lrbour, Socid Sccurity and Scrviccs Hcd0r Blucetbn, Scicncc rnd Tcchnology Inrcrior rnd Co.ordinrtion Environmcnt, Wrrcr and Naturel Resourccs Intcrior end Co-ordinetion Intcrior and Co-ordinrtion KARI Odira Auma Dorothy Owade Georgc Bwire Odhisnbo AEgc Gladys Mokcire Obunr labour, Social Security md Scrvices labour, Socid Sccurity and Scrviccs 200E033154 2008030326 PRrc0O06845 PR/0000?193 Co-ordination Co-ordination Co-ordination Judiciery 200E0141 PR/0O007109 KipkaniaDorbKapchangr Co-ordination Co-ordination 7092 20tor13182 lE NyaigotiRoscNyrrchrma PR/q[06t79 and and and and and R4 R4 R4 R4 R,l R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 fi223 PR/00006697 PM)00ffi7E4 Interior Interior Intcriot lntcrior Intcrior 2ffiW2zJ9& 200,8,3a287 HarisonKipkemoiKigono 2ffiW24rc9 Komcn Cathcdnc lebet NW2v173 Interior ild Cosrdinrtion Education, Scicnce erd Tocfurology Health Intcrior and Coordinrtion Educetion, Scicncc rnd Tcchnology and Co-ordinatbn and Co-otdinrtion R,4 aM Co-ordination ard Co-ordination R4 R4 R4 and Co-ordination R.,t md Co-ordination R4 I I Index No l3 PR/000048 PR/00005224 PR/00005246 PRJ00005259 PF No. 2008030 Kamau Elizar Waitherero Cherotlch Keter Albinah 200'7023481 200803 I 835 20080331 88 r 98 2008022022 PPJ00005366 PR/00005480 lrnarroshi Jackline Naanyu 2008089804 PR700005487 PR7000058ss Chelangat Gladys Talengo Shankil Lawi Onchagwa Doricah Nyanchama Metet Joseph Kipkoech Koech Walter Kipyegon Larus Jemmimmah Sianoi Maina Junior Antony Marna Esther Nyaguthii Felistus Wilson Lesaaya 20070r5250 PR/00006100 PFJ00006914 PFJ00007333 PR/00007354 PR/00007359 PR/0U]n,3T'7 PR/0000741 r PR/00007449 PR/00007490 PR/00000232 PR/00002617 PPJ0000262r PR/00006599 PW00006706 PR/00006840 PR/00006884 PR/00006886 PR/00007205 PR/00007220 PR/00007229 PR/00007241 PR/00007243 PR/00007302 l5 PR/000073 PR/00007520 PR/00007522 PR/00007667 PR/00000241 PR/00001 596 PR/00002151 PFJ00002152 PR/00003720 PR/00004397 PRJ00005443 PR/00006582 PR/00006606 PR/O0006609 PR/00006839 PR/00006928 PR700006934 PR/00007049 PR/00007069 PR/00007085 PR/00007410 PR/00007574 PR/00007595 PR/00007182 PR/00005 l 32 PR/00007664 PR/00007498 PR/OOOO6200 PR/00007 | 68 PR/00007234 PR/00007483 PR/00007361 PR/00005671 PR/00007612 PR/O0006407 PR/00005567 PR/00004002 PR/000075 14 PR/00006r05 PR/00006652 PR/00006892 PPJ00005499 PPJ00006915 PR/0000 r 652 PR/00001654 PR/0000293r \ Candidate Name Chebet Kilel Sharon Kiru Rose Chepkemoi Konr Krpkrur Philiph Chepngeno Lucy PR/00005364 Busiener Joan Jeptoo Kabutiei Simon Kipruto 2008030t22 20tot'7568'7 2009111298 2007075802 20070t5802 200802t995 4758t [email protected] 53532 20t1243668 20t2038792 Lunani Mwanza James Nafula Brigid Wakhanu 200706043 I Angima Hilda Ndiwa Siphrose Chepkwemoi 2008050 2001020080 r 69 Mwanja Chepkemei Linet 2007021706 2008023882 2007067742 2007021625 Wafula Sabaya 20070 I 5705 Oroto Linus Nobert Wasike Joakim Wanjala Simiyu Hildah Namubuya Ndegwa Ben Otenda Kitaa Adongo Victor Nandwa Njiliman Winston 2012039862 Walukhu l,eonard Njalale Asena Joseph 3223 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Lijodi Kirwa Kipngetich Morgan Morko Edith Chebet Chebet Dianah Kamolo Wasike Gaudencia Nakhone Cheprgh Florence Serut Josephine Chematui Kipkemoi Festus Ngetich Cherotich Abigael Bor Anne Chepkemoi Bamo Rael Krpkemboi Samuel Chepkoech Kosgei Tororei Elizabeth Kokor Franciscar Akai Kaipalam Philemon Dorcas Chepkoech Kemei Cherotich Emrly Chebet Irene Kapelikenei Chepoghisio Selina Kiptoo Jerotich Joan Naisiala Pauline Koileken 20 1 20 10585 R4 R4 and Co-ordination and Co-ordinatron and Co-ordrnatron and Co-ordrnation and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination Education, Science and Tecnology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Education, Science and Technology Judiciary Health Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Health Health Intenor and Co-ordination lnterior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordlnatlon Intenor and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Agriculture, Livestock and Frsheries Interior and Co-ordination 53061 Judiciary Judiciary Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination 53702 2012010592 1996121030 2007061681 2008039794 2008037241 2008029309 2007063829 200802'7098 2008033374 20101757"16 200702fio'7 2007026r''21 2008038073 2008028036 2011244149 F-ducation, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordrnatron Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordination and Co-ordrnation and Co-ordinatron and Co-ordination and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination 20to123135 Health Health Judrciary Health Educatron, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination Educatlon, Science and Technology Judiciary Health Attomey-General and Department of Justrce Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Health lnterior and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordination Information Communication and Technology Agnculture. Lrvestock and Fisheries Attomey-General and Department of Justice Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordrnation Intenor and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination 20070624t7 2008020753 2008022844 Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination 201124m67 38647 20t1212252 2010172956 Kirorei Robert Kiprotich Kiplangat Ngetich 200803700 I Mwashao Catherine Nyambura Fardowsa Osman Adan Onyancha Kepha Waweru Christine Waiyego Ochieng Willis Nyandere 20 1005307 Njuno Peter Kiarie 82066163 20101728'75 Selian Kuyiato Rose Remarks Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior 2010036126 2010113790 2010111722 2012035468 20 l 2038805 Jepchumba Grace Cheronoh Norah Ngeno Juhus Krmutar Hassan Hajira Ali Abdihakim Issack Adan Meshack Otieno Oliech Onchrri Moses Obunga Sard Arsha Mohamed Bakari Lua Sofia Rono Chebono Veronica Musyoka Dorcas Mutindi Kisaka Sylvia Vivran Cherotich Fridah Chelang'a Oendo Jane Kwamboka Ondari Linet Kemunto Mtnistrv 15754 I 20t0175425 33655 2011241093 20112357 l5 201t24331s 20 I 0054069 20080r 1982 006 l 39 7394 1986122026 20101'7 1413 2007025645 20 1005 1 354 20tot'74314 t99fi30297 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R.+ R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R3,7D R3,4,6 R3.4, 5,7A R3,4, 5,6, 7D R3,4, 5 R3,4 R3,4 R3,4 R3,4 R3 R3 R3 R3 F.2,7D R2,7C F.2,4,1C R2,4.7A R2.4.6 R2,4, 5 R2,4,5 R2,4 R2,4 R2.4 3224 THE KENYA GAZETTE Index No Candidate Name PF No. P200004568 P200006139 Kanyiri Alice Wambui Mungai Nancy Njeri 2008032 PR/00006328 PR/00007082 Chepngeno Ngetich Issack Alikher Ali Kasina Elizabeth Nzivu Katana Joyce Rutuba 20lL235640 PR/0000 l 367 PPJ00005074 PR/000061 t7 Muthini Sarah Nduku Ndoro Lucy Simeon PR/00007468 PR/00006053 PR/00007253 Adnan Tima Mohamed Roselider Achola Owino Ochola Otieno Bob PR/O0006944 James Krpkulei Maiyo Mulongo Grace Drana PR/00005078 PR/00005707 PR/o0006003 PR/00007219 PR/00006975 PR/00007 176 PR/00007 r 26 PR/00005003 PR/O0007668 PR/0000 I 390 PR/00001410 PR/00003092 PR/00003322 PR/00003663 PRi00004604 PR/00004 I 68 PR/00001-175 PR/00002401 PR/00003266 PR/000075-r7 PR/00004446 PR/0000740s PPJ00005756 PR/00007594 PR/00007266 PR/00003632 PR/00000261 PR/00007291 PR/00006103 PR/000073s7 PR/000030s0 PPJ00007203 PR/000072 I t3 PR/00007233 PR/0000 l 497 PR/00007 I 72 P200007 178 P200007547 PR/00007555 PR/O00075211 PR/00005566 PR/00007544 PR/00007658 PR/00006680 PR/00007282 PR/o00076-50 PR/00007086 PR/00007336 PR/0000669s PR/00006726 PR/0000 I 490 PR/0000 r 564 PR/0000-5947 P200007133 PR/000075n9 PR/0000759 l PR/00005970 P200000400 P2000036 l8 PR/00007223 PR/00007296 PR/00006686 PR/0000624t PR/00005976 PR/0000534-s PR/00004412 PR/000027ri8 Oyroma Caroline Justine Cherop Chesekut Ombati Davtd Nyaboga Kamau Samuel Mwangi Mamgr Thomas Kamakia Hussein Shurie Feisal Chesir Justus Kipruto Puler Rosemary Maitei Wrnnte Lebah Onzere Kanyaru Hellen Wamaitha Gladys Chepngetich Krnyakr Lrnet Gatwiri Omar Nasteha Hussein Ntrbuka Wrnnloy Munjuri Ahmed Trma Shally Nyaga Dorcas Wanja Mate Irene Mukwanjeru Mrvrrrgr Doreen Kanyua Toel Japhet Ayienda Chepngeno Flora Mrrram Jebet Chesang Christine Rotich Krpkemoi Lang'at Geoffrey Vrctor Krpngeno Korir Kurgat Davrd Kipmosbei Erasmus Muteshi Shikutwa Langat Rrchard Kibet Laban Phmo Kaprom Danrel Cheruryot Mutai Masar Alfred Psamiy Kamoet Moses Krpkoech Mukoya Francrs Brvire Lugalra Esther Kavetsa Gatheca Elizabeth Wanjuhr Makena Brenda Mblrugu Kamau Catherine Wairimu Sang Elphas Krpkemer Barawa James Pala Jattanr Hadrla Boru Ceorge Mutun Mwathi Allan Mwrtr Davrd Mosetr Emmah Kemunto Mutar Benard Bonyo Colhns Matunga Ojwang Odhrambo Paul Eric Cheruiyot Jepkemor Doreen Ofusa Leonard Mutogo Robert Tukai Mang'oli Wamila Puyaka Agnes Cheyec H Baraga Everlyne Tum Joyce Jeptoo Murungr Pnscilla Minko Lomarpong Damans Chepyatich Krplagat Samuel Rotich Jematra Josphrne Chelal Roba Wako Gurgurro C)mare Joel Everltne Ogaro James Mose Abdr Salan Ibrahrm Ochreng Errck Samuel Ahana Vrctor Ochreng Obure Husselin Fatuma Hassan Krmondo Naomi Wanjiru Mwango Almeida Makori Muthurr Everlyn Naitore 66 2010173106 I s5453 30534 2008039443 2008007543 20t01'1264'7 201t235739 20t0052936 20112195'15 20101'72223 2010027004 20r1242889 52942 20070 I 8070 20 l0l7 103 r 2011240954 2007016696 2007020302 2008014029 2009002944 2007067857 2009047376 200906 l 354 2009002140 198206 I I -5-5 199@40632 200'70620'77 29729 2010123753 2007063560 2010114122 2008037124 20112403'72 20t1231119 2002000569 86020214 1982t11285 2007025637 2008028303 37730 200'7021510 2007021641 2010027054 82031465 2011234809 201 1239239 20120?4778 20t2035144 l 990078255 960Ms2t 20tot7 1536 20t 1240t49 20to173287 201000169 20 l0l 73805 23391 28th November,2014 Ministry Remarks Interior and Co-ordination R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 Education, Science and Technology Attorney-General and Department of Justice Judiciary Judiciary Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Education, Science and Technology Attorney-General and Department of Justice Interior and Co-ordination Health Educatron, Science and Technology Labour. Social Security and Services Health Judiciary Interior and Co-ordrnatron Education, Science and Technology Health Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Environment. Water and Nahrral Resources Agriculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Judiciary Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Educatron, Science and Technology Intenor and Co-ordination Health Attorney-General and Department of Justice East African Affairs. Commerce and Tourism Intenor and Co-ordination Lands, Housing and Urban Development Interior and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Judicrary Intenor and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Labour, Socral Secunty and Servrces East Afncan Affairs, Commerce and Tounsm Attorney-General and Department of Jushce Labour, Socral Secunty and Servrces Intenor and Co-ordinatron Intenor and Co-ordrnauon Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordination Educatron, Scrence and Technology Health Educatron, Science and Technology Kenya Urban Roads Authority Educatron, Scrence and Technology R2,4 R2,4 R2,4 R2,3,7C R2, 3, 5,6, 7C R2,3,4,7C R2,3,4,5,7C R2,3,4,5,'.lC R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 RI,7A Rl,6 Rl.6 Rl, 6 RI, 5, 7C Rl,5 Rl.4. 7C Rl.4.7C Rl,4,7C Rl.4.6,7D R1, 4. 6 Rl,4 Rl,4 Rl, Rl, Rl, 4 4 4 Rl,4 Rl, 4 Rl.4 Rt, 4 Rl, 4 Rl,4 Judrcrary Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordination Intenor and Co-ordinatron Intefl or and Co-ordrnatron Educatron, Scrence and Technology Interror and Co-ordrnatron Judrcrary Rt,4 Health Rl, Judrcrary Rl,3,5,7A 19106 Defence Judicrary R1,3.4,6 R1,3,4,6 55584 Judrcrary Rt, 3, 4, 5, 7D 20 101 75653 Educahon, Science and Technology Devolution and Planning Agriculture, Livestock and Rshenes lnterior and Co-ordrnation Interior and Co-ordination Interior and Co-ordination Rl, 3,4, 5,6,7D R1,2,5,6 R1,2.4.7D 20 10053738 200803820 r 2010n53431 199fi33782 2007022744 2008012924 2010173897 2012040234 30186 06578 18702 2003004532 I 987 I 201002t339 199612m92 1998006082 87101 104 200906r9r4 Rl,4 Rl,4 Rl, Rl, 4 4 Rl,4 Rl,4 Rl, 4 Rl, 4 Rl,4 3, 7A R1. 2.4, 6 R1,2.4.5,6,7D R1.2.4 I { 3225 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 Mini:trv lndex No Ctutditlute Name PF No. PR700005570 PR/0000024{) Orvour Ceorge Omondi Fatuma Gamana Ibrahim Hellen A Ochanda 85099783 Lands, Housing and Urban Development Rl,2,3, 4,5,7A 960-s 1007 83035026 2007063332 19841207i9 Interior and Co-ordination Devolution and Planning Intenor and Co-ordination State L.rrv olfice Rr,2,3.4.7D RI,2,3,1,6 Rt,2,3,4,5,6,7D 200-r004-10 Defence PR/0000590 r PR/0000198s Wilter Teresa Oseko PR/00000401 PR/0000732 I Caren Grchana Onden Nrcholus Kipyegon Mutar Margaret Cherop' Kichamu Wycliffe Chweya Weru Cyrus Wachira Guyo Safo Ali David Kimutai Cheborge Maina Cecilia Wangari P200007356 P200007600 PR/00007 1 23 PR/00005593 PR/O000023.1 Ptu000061 96 PR/0000_s l 00 PR/0000.+55 r Susan Srdr Kopulo Saney Lul IVlohamed Bakari Juma Kadhi Jane Nduku Ndunda PR(X)004778 PR/00005.rs5 PR^n007 r r4 2008021991 Intenor and Co-ordrnatron 4,5.6.7C R1,2,3, 1985033193 2005046 l l 6 200901 l73l Defence R1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Herlth R1,2.3,4,-5 I r 988034863 20 101 7048 3 9507331-s 20070 l 9l _s7 19s30-l()426 201 1238950 201 123-s25-l 201 1235537 201 ll35t9l PR/0(X)0l.t7l Orvrno Otieno Oscar Wandera Akinyi Phoebe Krmoloi Stella Pangole Dennis Kiech Chrrchrr Ambrose r\hmed Baru aqo Abdullahr Ahrned .{bdr Noor PR/000057M r\bdrnzak .A.bdullahr Srgat l0 005109 PR/00004003 Maarufu Munrra Abdalla Abdallah Abdullah Mrkidadr Mrvakrretr Samson Mghalu Erna Suhrra Komora Abdullahr Ibrahrm Hassan [-adhan Adan Mohamed Mbabu John Nkonge N.;rru Joyce Wanla Krrea Marhn Krnyua 1990t49121 PR(X)007 I +7 PR/00007 r 67 PR(X)U)7109 PRAXXX}7.]26 PR/00007,161 PR/o000 lLl04 PR/O0006486 PR/00006980 PR/0000746+ PR/00001-s I I PR/(X)005620 PR/00006749 PR/(Xn07 l.r2 PR(XXX)7 I 9 I PR(XXX)7.543 M(n-fl s 201ll35-r80 20091(x).1.16 t0080196r Muriithi Muchiri PRr(XXX)5765 Vrctor Omtrndi C). Adhawo Aketch Netto Otreno Oreu Danrel Kukutra Sadalla Srmon Kapker Akrnyr NHlrcent Munyanv a Krmar George Teker Chebet Wrlham Chesergon PR,,(X )006-5 t{.1 Sunr PR^XXX)6777 Ony.rprdr PR/00(x)7042 PR/00007242 PR/00001.18.r P200007.il31 PR/00(x)0J t0 PRrc0005916 I 1007016191 1 C Mathe* I 201 10471 37 20101740r3 988008,+98 1008020 I t7 20 I (X)54085 t l9ri9 r "+59n.l 20 I .1.10 t66.5 ?012046121 201200'7079 200si.t87662 20101 15182 2008020907 2007 I 8680 1 9960 I 2ti75 2(X)702 I 560 l(x)rJoIlri99 ?otull t706 G Ekrrenye 200130 I 966 Rl. Rl, 3 2, 3. 2, 3, R1,2,3,4 Agrrculture, Lrvestock and Fisheries Defence Educatx)n, Scrence and Technology The Natronal Treasury Intenor and Co-ordination lntcnor and Co-ordination Transport and Infrastructure Interror and Co-or dination Attornel -General and Department ot Justlce Attorney-General and Departmcnt of Justrce Attornel -General and of Justlce ,{ttorne\'-General and Department of Justrce Sports Culture and L,re Arts Intelror and Ctr-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordlnatron Interror and Co-ordrnation Interror and Co-ordinahon Lrtenor and Co-ordtnatlon Educatron. Scrence and Technology Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordinatron lndustrralrzahon and Enterpnse Developmenl Health Intenor ald Co-ordinahon Lands, Housing and Urban Development The Nat;onal Treasury lntenor and Co-ordination Interror and Co-ordrnatlon Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Interror and Co-ordrnatron Intcrror and Co-ordrnatron Intenor and Co-ordrnatron Educatron. Scrence and Technology lntenor and Co-ordrnatron 2009083283 Muigai Raymond Njenga Remarks R1,2,3 Rl.2 Rt,2 RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI R1 RI R1 R1 RI Rt RI RI RI RI kr RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI KriY ReJe rrul Priltet I t0l 2 201 (1ls Contprr I sort \ub 1t't Ls -l _l0l 1 401 5 501 6 601 Conrnrunrcatron Skrlls Organrzatron and Funct'ons of Governmenl Pul,irc P,elatrons Gcvernance and Crvrl Servrce Regulattons Offrce Practrcc' Busrncss Calculatrons Rcferr4l Paper code Opnonal .subject,t 1A 101 1B 1C 1D t02 Accounts Supply Services Human Resource Scrvrces Records Management 701 104 ALICE A OTWALA. S wcte27il4-15 t L' r t' Publt G^ZETTE NoTICE No tu r t I C h u'J t u t t' e, St t t'tt t' ('rtntrnt:.sutrt 8655 THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY CUSTOMS MANAGE\IENT ACT.2OO4 APPOIJ\TNIEN'I \IVI) PURSLIAN I I to sectton I I t I ) of the East A LII,'11 IS titcan f'()r)rn unlty ()I '|RANSI I STILT). ('LISTC)\IS AREAS ETC C'ustorn s Ma na gcmcnt Thc place specrfied ln the first column ofthe Frrst Schcdule, as a transrt shcd r\ct 200.1. th e Commrssrone r of Customs Scrvrces appornts for the purposes ofthe Act and lrmrts shall be those sct out m the sccond column ofthe Schedule 2 Thc placcs spccrfied rn the first column of thc Sccond Schedule ol'Cuskrms areas for the purposes set out rn the third column of the Schedulc. hrnrts shall be those set out ,n the second coLrmn of that Schedule \ 3226 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 FIRST SCHEDULE (a) Appointment and Limds ofTransit Shed Place Limits Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Limited The area onPlot2376 SEC V/IVIN within the perimeter wall marked drawing deposited in the offrce of the commissroner "A" of the architectural SEcoND SCTGDULE (b) Appoinhnent ofEntry and Extt to andfrom Customs Area Limits Place Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Limited The area marked commlssloner Purpose "B" on the architectural drawing deposited in the office of the Entry and exit (c) Appomtment of Places for Exdminatrcn of Cargo Place Limits Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Lrmited Purpose The area marked "E" on the archrtectural drawing deposited in the oflice of commrssroner the Examination of cargo (d) Appoinfinent of Places lor Storage of Cargo Place Ltmfis Purpose Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Limited The areas marked "D" on the archrtectural drawmg deposited in the offrce of the commrssroner Storage of contamerized cargo (e) Appoinhnent of Places for Storage of Motor Yehicles Place Limils Purpose Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Lrmited The areas marked "C" on the architectural drawing deposited in the office of the commissroner Storage of motor vehicles (fl Appoinlment of Places for Scanrung Purpose Messrs. Regronal Logistics Centre Limited The area marked "H "on dre architectural drawing d€posited in the office of the commissioner Scanner (g) Appointment of Places for a Cusloms ll'arehouse Purpose Messrs. Regional Logistics Centre Limited The area marked "G "on the architectural drawing deposited in office of the commissioner the Customs warehouse Dated the 25th November,2014 BEATRICE MEMO, PTG/0000935 GAZETTE NOTICE Commissioner, Customs Sertices Deparlment. No, 8656 THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY CUSTOMS MANAGEMENT ACT, 2OO4 APPOINIMENT AND LIMITS OF TRANSIT SHED, CUSTOMS AREAS ETC. PURSUANT to section 12 (l) of the East African Community Customs Management Act 2OO4, the Commissioner of Customs Services appoints: l. The place specified rn the first column of the First Schedule. as a transit shed for the purposes of the Act and limits shall be those set out in the second column of the Schedule; 2. The places specified in the first column of the Second Schedule of Customs areas for the purposes set out in the third column of the Schedule, limits shall be those set out in the second column of that Schedule FIRST SCHEDULE (a) Appointment and Limits oJTransit Shed Interpel Investments Limited Transit Shed The area on plot No. MNA/I3749,3760,2821,2818 and 2817 within the area bounded by perimeter wall of the architectural drawing deposited in the office of the Commissioner l 3227 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2Ol4 SEcoND SCIEDULE (b) Appointment of Places.for Handling and Storage of Motor Vehicles Place Limits Purpose Interpel Investments Limited Transit Shed The area marked "A" and "E" on the architectural deposited in the office of the commissioner Handling and storage of drawing imported (c) Appointment of Entry and Exit to motor vehicles andlrom Customs Area Place Limits Purpose Interpel Investments Limited Transit Shed The area marked "B"on the architectural drawing deposited in the office of the Commissioner Entry and exlt (d) Appointment of places for Customs Warehouse Place Limits Purpose Messrs. Mitchell Cotts Freight Limited The areas marked 'G' on the architectural drawing Customs warehouse deposited in the office of the commissioner (e) Appointment of Places for Examinatron ofCargo Place Limits Purpose Interpel Investments Limited Transit Shed The areas marked "C" on the archrtectural drawing deposited in the office of the commissioner Examination ofcargo (fl Appointment oJ Places for Storage of Containerized Cargo Place Limits Purpose Interpel Investrnents Limited Transit Shed The areas marked "D" and "F' on the architectural drawing deposited cargo in the office of the commissioner cargo Gazette Notice No.284l of Storage of containerized 2O06, is revoked Dated the 25th November,2014. BEATRICE MEMO. PTG/0000935 GAZET|E Commissioner, Customs Services Department- NorcE No. 8657 THE ANTI.CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC CRIMES ACT (Cap.65) EACC/FI/INQ No. THE ETHICS AND ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION T}[, TItrRD QUARTERLY REPoRT FoR THE YEAR 2014 CoVERING hRIoD I ST JULY, 2OI4 To 3IsT SEPTEMBER, 2OI4 The Ethics and Anti-Comrption Commission is required under section 36 of the Anti-Comrption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003, to prepare quarterly reports setting out the number of reports made to the of Public Prodecutions under section 35 of the AntiComrption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003 as read with section I I ( I ) (d) of the Ethics and Anti-Comrption Commission Act, 201 I Director . Section 36 provides that: The Codimissioh shall pre,pare quarterly reports setting out the number of reports made to the Director of Public Prosecutions under section 35 and such other statistical information relating to those reports, as the Commission considers appropriate. 2. A quarterly report shall indicate rf a recommendation of the Commission to prosecute a person for comrption or economic crime was not accepted. 3. The Commission shall give a copy of each quarterly report to the Attomey-General. 4. The Attomey-General shall lay a copy of each quarterly report before the National Assembly. 5. The Commrssron shall cause each quarterly report to be published n the Gazette. This report is therefore made pursuant to section 36 of the AntiComrptron and Economic Crimes Act, 2003. The report covers the Third Quarter of the year 2014 and is for the period commencing lst July,2014 to 30th September, 2014. \ 47 l2O 14 Inquiry inlo Allegations that the Machakos County THE Preamble l. INVESTIGATION REPORTS COVERINGTHE PERIOD 1ST JULY TO 3OTH SEPTEMBER,2014 Assemblt Irregularly Single-sourced Su,ty Second-hand Inptops for County Representatives at a Cost of KSh. 75,000 per ktptop The investigatrons established the members of the Machakos County Assembly Tender Commlttee resolved that direct procurement be used in sourcing for the laptops and the committee engaged a firm that had previously supplied five lap tops to the county, to supply 60 laptops at a price of KSh. 75,000 per laptop. Investigations revealed that Tender Committee flouted procurement regulatlons ln uslng the direct procurement method without meeting the pre-requisite requirements for the use of direct procurement. The fact that the financral year was coming to a close was not sufficientjusfification for adopting the said method. Investigations further established that the firm that was awarded the contract for the supply of the laptops was not qualifred as they used false documents when submitting their bid for the 5 laptops. A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 24th September,2014 recommending that the suspects be charged with the offences of careless failure to comply with the law relating to procurement of goods contrary to sectron 45 (2) (b) as read with section 48 of the Anti-Corruptlon and Economic Crimes Act, Wilful failure to comply with the law relating to procurement of goods contrary to section 45 (2) (b) as read with sechon 48 of the AntiComrption and Fronomic Crimes Act, Fraudulent practice in procurement contrary ro section 41 (l) and (4) of the PPDA and Uttering a false document contrary to section 353 of the Penal Code. On 21st October, 2014, the Director of Public accepted recommendatron for prosecul.ion. Prosecutions 3228 THE KE,NYA GAZETTE, EACC/FI/INQ No. 40/20i lnqarl of a rnrnrng company farlure to lvhich the conrpany's mrnrng hcence 3 utto ,,lllegutions oJ llltsapproprrulton ond Fulse .,\r L'ounttn,q oJ lnprest ltt a Cusloftp, Sen,u:e OJ/it<'t of the I'ortth Eilirrprls(' The rnvestrgatrons establshed that cusk)mer servtce olltcet took att rmprest of KSh. 2,3,1.-1,000 for purposes of organtztng a \ensltrratron forum rn Kalamega from lOth to I lth October. 2011 lt emerced that the officer mrsrepresented the sums of noney that wL'r!' pard to the partrcrpants rn allowances Investlgatlons further establrshed hat the offrcer also came up with flctrtrous names <lf persons u'ho u'ere hsted as particrpants in a bid to justlfy the payments The rnvestigatrons sho'rved that the suspect spent KSh. 1,483,925 and not the KSh. 2,231,125 that she surrendered after the sensltlzati.on forum. The suspect could not therefore account for KSh .747 ,2OO. A report rvas comprled and forwarded to the Drector of Publrc Prosecutions on l6lh September,20l4, recommending that the suspecl be charged wrth the offences ol Fraudulent Acclursrtron of Public Property contrary to section 45 (1 (.r) :rnd decetvrng a Prrncrpal contrary to section 4l of the Antr-Comrption and Economtc Cnntes Act. 2003 2O11, the Director of Pubhc Prosc<-'utrons EACC/FyrNQ/43l2013 lrreguiar lYrthdrattol oJ KSh I 1.5 l'hllrcn the Managitg Comrnrssioner oJ the Kenut Meal (-orrunrssrott lnqutry tntu Allegotions oJ (KMC)fi-om the Connursrctt's Furul Kttt' dernrnd h,rLl been nrade as rllcgcd was compilcd and tbnvardcd to (hc Drrector of Pubhc Prosecutrons on ltth July. l0l-1 recommendrng that the Ile bc'closed rvrth no further actron. A report On 6th August. 20i-1. the Drrcctor,rf Pubhc Prosecutrons retumed the file and advlsed that lurther lnYcstrgatrons be carrred ou:. cR 021/20/20r4 cF, MSA, ACC 5/20r4 Irtqutry mto Allegations of Corruption Against a Revenrrc Officer, Kenya Re: enue Authorttt, 'fhe ulvestlg.rt,ons estabhshcd that the suspcct, who rs a rcvenlle olficer at the Kcnl'a Revenue Authonty, coruptly sohcited for a benefit of KSh 300,000 rn February, 2014 from the complarnant as an rnducement to release the complalnant's goods rvhtch were betng held rn a tt'arehouse A repr)rt rvas comprled and tbrwartled to the Drrector of Publrc Julj. l0l-1 rirth reconrmendatrons that the suspect bc chargcd wlth the oflcnccs of corruptly solicrttng for a beneftt co|trarv k) sectron 39 (3) (a) as read rvrth sectron 48 (l) ofthc AntrCorruptron and Economrc Cnmes Act, 2003 On 1st August, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendatron for pl osecu The rnvcstigatrons estabhshed that on 27th Aprrl. 2012. thc Chref Frnance Offrcer at u as revokcd Prosecutrons on 8lh acecpted rceommendatlon for proset ution bt would be rcvoked The offrcrals however reported the after the licence The rnveshgJlron drd not rcviral any evrdcnce to prove that the DevelopmL'nt Fund On 8th October, 28th November,2014 KMC and the suspect, the Managrng Commrssroner tlon CR I45lI6I/20I4 NAIROBI ACC. 11 I2OI4 at K.M.C., signed a letter addressed to K.M,C. bankers requestrng the bank to make a payment of KSh ll.5 mrllton to the Chref Finance Offrcer for the purchase of hlestock Investlgatrons estabhshed that whrle the practice was that a chcque be rssued, the sartl rnoncy rvas rnstead pard to the \uspect rn cash and not to the ('href Irrnanee Olllcer as rt had been lndlcated rn the lettc-r Thc' suspect drd not aclnouledge recerpt of the money nor did the cashier gencrate an electronic u,rthdrawal shp. Horvever. lnvestrgatlons estabhshed that indeed the Managrng Commrssioner withdrew the money from the K N{.C. account. At the time the suspect received the money. the K.M.C account drd not have sufficient funds, Nonetheless the bank pard the suspect the money on the basis that an RTGS was expected from the K.M.C. Co-operative Bank Account, lnquiry mto Allegations of Corruption Against hlo Members of the Nairobi City County Assemblv. A repo( was compiled and forwarded to thc Dlrector of Public Prosecutions on 2lst August,20l4 recommending that the suspect be charged wrth the offences of unlawful acqursltlon of pubhc property contrary to section 45 (1) (a) of dre Anti-Corruption and Economic Crrmes Act and abuse of offlce contrary to sectron 46 of the sard Acl, A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on22nd September,2014 with the recommendation that the case be prosecuted to its logical conclusion. On 9th September, 2014, the Director of Public Prosecuttons returned the file and advised that further investigations be carrred out, The evrdencc gathered establrshed that on I lth August, 201-1, the suspects comlprly sohcrted a hcnefrt of KSh 400. (X)0 from the crrlplarrrants as arr rnduct-ment.o as to rnfluence the tlclrberatrons ol the Plannlng Cornrrlttec of Narrobi Crty County Government wlth tr vrcw to stopping any plz[rned demohtron of stalls at Saika Market $tthrn Konrarock Ward. Investlgatlons further established that the suspects comrptly received a benefit of KSh. 140,000 from the complarnants. The suspects were arrested and charged wlth the offences of sohcrting for and receiving a benefit contrary to sectron 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (l) of the Anti-Comtption and Economic Crimes Act No. 3 of 2003, On 7th Octobcr.2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecutlon. CR,2l8l53/2014 CF. NYERI ACC No.3/2014 Inquit2 tnb Allegations CR. 122149312013 NAIROBI ACC No, 2012013 oJ Corruption Ag,ainst a Forest Ranger, Kinale Forest Station Inquirt into Allegations oJ Corruption Against Taxes at Kenya Revenue Authori4, a Manager, Dome stic The investigations established that the suspect, who rs a manager, Domestic Taxes at Kenya Revenue Authority cr-rrruptly soLcited fbr a benefrt of KSh. 15 million from the complainant on diver se dates as an inducement to reduce the amount of tax payable by the complarnants' firm. Investrgations also established recerpt of a benefit by the suspect. The rnvestigatrons established that the suspect, who is a forest ranger at Krnale Forest Station conuptly solicited for e benefrt of KSh. 15,000 and KSh 13,000 respectively on different dares from the complainant as an inducement to release the items he had impounded from the complarnant, Investigahons further established recerpt of a benefit. A report was comprled and forrvarded to the Director of Publtc A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Prosecutrons on 8th July, 2014 wrth recommendatrons that the suspect be charged with the offences of corruptly soliciting for and receiving a benefit contrary to sectron 39 (3) (a) as read wrth sectron 48 (l) ofthe Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act. 2003. On 9th October, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecutlon. Public Prosecutions on 2nd September,2Ol4 with recommendations that the suspect be charged with the offences of com.rptly' sohcrtrng for and receiving a benefit contrary to sectlon 39 (3) (a) as read with sectron 48 ( I ) of the Anti-Comrptron and Economic Crimes Act, 2003. prosecution. EACC/INQ/NOnst2ot3 Inqutrv- inn Allegduons of Corruplrcn Agarnsl the Cabmet Secretart' Jor Mtning The repon recerved by EACC lvas that the Cabrnet Secretary for Mrnrng had solicited for a benefit of KSh 80 mrllron fronr the offrcrals On lst August. 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for CR l15/6712014 NAIROBI ACC. No. 6/2014 Iruluiry lllsgations of Impersonation of an EACC lnvestrgator m76 lnvestrgatrons establshed that the suspect called the complainant, the Governor of Bungoma County and passed himself off as an rnvestlgator allegatrons \irth EACC rvho of conuptrou. The rvas rnvestigatrng the Governor on KSh 100,000 from suspect demanded I 28th November,2014 3229 THE KENYA GAZETTE the Governor so as to come up wrth a favourable outcome. The suspect later met the Governor and agarn represented himself to the Governor as an investigator with the EACC. The suspect was arrested. receivrng a benefrt contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read wrth section 48 (1) of the Anti-Com-rption and Economic Cnmes Act. 2003. A report was comprled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on l4th Jlly,2014 recommendrng that the suspect be pros9cutron. charged with offences of impersonatron and extortion. On 25th July, 2014, the Drrector of Public Prosecutions retunred the file and advised that further investigations be carned out. cR. 145/l l8/2014 CF. NAIROBT r0t20t4 Inquiry into Allegations of Corruption Agatnst Public Olficers in Nairobt City County A report was compiled and forwarded to the Drrector of Pubhc Prosecutrons on 17th July, 2014 with recommendahons that the suspect be charged wrth the offences of comrptly sohcrtrng for a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (l) ofthe Antr-Comrption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003. On 5th August, 2O14, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecutron. 4120 I 4 lnquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against Trafic Officers and Employees of a Prwate Companl- Attached to the Manakani Weighbridge The investigations established that the suspects, who are traffic police officers and employees of a company contracted by Kenya National Highways Authority, on 27th April, 2014, comrptly solicited for KSh. 100,000 and received benefits rn vanous amounts of money from thc complainant as an inducement so as to allow five overloaded lorries to cross the werghbridge at Malakani. A report was compiled and forwarded to the Dfector of Public Prosecutions on lTth July, 2014 with recommendations that the suspects be charged with the offences of comrptly solciting for and receiving a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (l) of the AntiCorruption and Economic Crimes Act,2003. On l9th August, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecution. CR. 145/1412014 NAIROBI ACC. No. ?/2014 Inquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against a Senior Clerical Oficer, Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination oJ National Government The investigations established that the suspect, who is a senior clerical officer comlptly solicited for a benefit of KSh. 8,000 which was reduced to KSh. 7,000 from the complainant as an inducement to release an Alcoholic Drinks Licence. Investigations further established receipt of a benefit of KSh. 7,000 by the suspect. A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on '24th July, 2014 with recommendations that the suspect be charged with the offences of comrptly soliciting for and receiving a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (1) of the Anti-Comrption and Economic Crimes Act,2003. On 8th August, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecution. No 4/2014 Perjormance Contractmg Offcer, Multi Media Uruyersity The investlgatrons estabhshed that the suspect, who is a performance contractlng officer at the Mulh Medra Unrversity corruptly solicrted for a benefit of KSh. 20,000 from the complainants as an inducement to allow the complainants take photographs at the Inquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against an Assistant A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 6th August, 2014 wrth recommendations that the suspect be charged wrth the offences of cormptly sohcrtrng for and agreeing to recerve a benefit contrary to section -39 (3) (a) as read with sectron 48 (l) of the Antr-Comrption and Economrc Crimes Act, 2003 On Sth September, 2O14, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecution. cR. t45ts6t20t4 cF. 3t20t4 Inquiry mto Allegations of Inryersonatnn oJ an EACC Int,esngaor Investigations established that the suspect called the complainant, the Managrng Drector of Geothermal Development Company and passed hrmself off as an investigator wrth EACC who was investigating a complainant on allegations of cormption. The suspect subsequently met the complainant rn the latter's offrce and agarn represented himself to the managrng drrector to be an rnvestigator with the EACC. The suspect went further and showed a fake EACC staff ID to the complainant. The suspect was arrested by EACC officers in the complarnant's office. A repo( was compiled and forwarded to the Dlrector of Pubhc Prosecutrons on I lth August, 2O14 recommendmg that the suspect bc charged wrth offences of impersonation contrary to sectron 34 of the Anti-Comrption and Economrc Crimes Act and- uttering a false document contrary to section 353 of the Penal Code. On 15th September, 2014, the Director of Pubhc Prosecutions accepted the recommendation for prosecutron. EACCNYR/OPSANQ/2/2014 Inquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against a Ward Administrator Attached to Kieni West Sub-Counq, Ofice, Mwetga The investigations established that the suspect, who is a ward administrator attached to Kieni West Sub-County Office corruptly solicited for a benefit of KSh. 3,000 from the complainant as an inducement to release workshop tools which had been confiscated, on the insEuctions of the suspect, by the sub-county enforcement officers. It was alleged that the complainant did not have a trading licence. Investigations further established receipt of a benefit. A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 19th August, 2014 recommending that administrative action be taken against the suspect. This was for the reason that the complainart had after the suspect's arrested written a letter indicating that he did not wish to proceed with the case. On 7th October,2014, the DPP instead advised that the suspect be charged with the offences of corruptly soliciting for and recei"rng a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) of the Anti- Com.rptron and Economic Crimes Act, 2003. CR.71314912014 NAKURU ACC. No. 3/2014 cR. t6t t7 8t2014 MILIMANI ACC, 9 t2014 Highridge CP..735112012014 NAIROBI ACC. Inquiry into Alleganons of Corrupnon Against a grounds of the unrversity. The lnvestlgations established that on 9th June, 2014, the suspects, who are public officers at Nairobi City County, comrptly solicited for and recerved a benefit of KSh. 30.000 from the complainant as an inducement so as not to demolish a perimeter wall erected at the complarnant's premises. cF.. 021 I 19 I 20 14 ACC. On 5th August, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendatron for ChieJ, Sub- location The investigations established that the suspect, who is the assistant chief, Hrghridge Sub-location comrptly solicited for a benefit of KSh. 5,000 from the complainant as an inducement so as not to demolish a temporary structure the complainant had erected for charcoal business. Investigations further established receipt of a benefit by the suspect. A Report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutrons on 24th July, 2014 with recommendations that the suspect be charged with the offences of comrptly soliciting for and lnquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against Police Constables Attached to Salgaa Police Post The investigations established that the suspects, who are Police to Salgaa Police Post corruptly solicited for a benefit of KSh. 5,000 from the complarnant as an inducement not to charge the complainant with a traffic offence. Investrgations further established receipt of a benefit. Constables attached A report was comprled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 28th August, 2014 with recommendations that the suspect be charged wrth the offences of comrptly sohcrting for and 3230 THE KENYA GAZETTE recerving a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (1) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act,2003. On 7th October, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendatron fo1 prosecution. CR. 145/151/2014 CF. NAIROBI ACC. No. 1512014 28th November,2014 STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF FILES FORWARDED TO .I'HE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS Total No. of files forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions 2l No. of files recommended for prosecution l8 Inquiry into Allegattons of Corruption Against a Trafic Police Officer Attached to Milimani Police Stanon No. of files recommended for administrative or other action No. of files recommended for closure 2 The evidence gathered established that on 18th July, 2014, the suspect solicited from the complainant a benefit of KSh. 20, 000 so as not to charge the complainant with the offence of using a mobile phone whrle drivrng. The suspect was arrested and charged wlth the No. of files recommended for prosecution and the cases are already lodged before court l6 No. of files where recommendation to prosecute accepted 16 offences of solicitrng for and recerving a benefit contrary to section 39 No. of files where recommendation for administrative or other action accepted 0 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (l) of the Antr-Comrption and Economic Cnmes Act No.3 of 2003. No. of files where recommendation for closure accepted A report was comprled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 3rd September, 2Ol4 with the recommendation that the case be prosecuted-to its logical conclusion. No. of files returned for further investigations On 21st October, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecution. No. of files where recommendation for administrative or other actlon not accepted CR.0321412914 KISUMU ACC No. 3/2014 No. offiles where closure not accepted Inquiry into Allegations oJ Corruption Agoinst an Intern Chnical No. of files awaiting Director of Public Prosecution's action 2 No. of frles where recommendation to prosecute not accepted 0 Oficer Attached to Kisumu East Distrrct Hospttal Dated the 24th November, 2014 The investigations revealed that the suspect corruptly solicrted for a beneht of KSh. 25, 000 from the complainant as an inducement to facilitate obtaining blood for transfusion for a srck child. The investigations further established that the suspect recerved a benefit of KSh.3,000. A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions on 9th September,2014 wrth recommendations that the suspect be charged with the offences of comrptly soliciting for and receiving a benefit contrary to section 39 (3) (a) as read with section 48 (l) of the Anti-Comrption and Economic Crimes Act,2003. On 9th October, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendatron for prosecution. wG/oo940/14-t5 Sec GAZETTE NoTICE. No, 8658 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap. s3) RECEI\'ING ORDER AND CREDITORS' MEEilNC (Under Rule 145 oJthe Bankruptcy Rules) EACC/INQ/I/2014 Debtor's name -Patrick Maina Thuo. Inquiry into Allegations of Corruption Against a Senior Snte Counsel at the Attorney-General's Office Addre The investrgations drd not establish that the suspect comrptly solicited KSh. 200,000 from the complainant so as to expedite Date oJ filing payment of the decretal sum in respect to a case where the complainant had sued the Government of Kenya. The investigations also failed to establish receipt of benefit by the suspect. Date of A report was compiled and forwarded to the Director of Prosecutions on 4th September, 2O14 recommending that the closed wrth no further action-. Public file be On 15th October, 2014, the DPP accepted the recommendation for ss. petition.- lzth February, at 2O14. Milimani. order.- l7thMarch,2Ol4 No.-6of 2O14. Cause Whether debtor's or creditors Act or acts oJ petition.-Debtor's petition. bankruptcy.-Inabilrty to pay debts. Date of first creditors meeting.-2nd December,20l4. cli..760t467t2014 ACC NAKURU 5/2014 Ve The evidence gathered established that on lTth July, 2014, the suspect demanded from the complainant a benefit of KSh. 10,000 as protection fees so as not to shut the complalnant's filling station. The suspect had claimed that the complainant had commenced the business -Businessman. Court.-High Court of Kenya kr s t day Environment, N EMA, Nakuru. -P.O. Box 33E-201 17, Naivasha. De sc rrytton. closure. Inqutry into Allegations of Corruption Against the County Director oJ HALAKHED. WAQO, Alf c et r e tary / C hi eJ Ex e c utiv e oJ fi I i n g p r o of of d e b t fo r ms. - 2nd December, 20 I 4. - l st December, 2014. House, Ground Floor. nu e. -Sherra Time.-2.30. p.m. last day of fling proof o_f debt forms. Dated the gth October,20l4. MARK GAKURU, MR/6t t0419 De p ury Offc ial Re c e ive r. wlthout informing him as the County Director of Environment. Investigations further revealed that the suspect corruptly received a benefit of KSh. 10.000. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8659 The suspect was arrested and charged with the offences of THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT soliciting for and receiving a benefit contrary to section 39(3) (a) as read with sectron 48 ( I ) of the Antr-Comrption and Fronomic Cnmes Act No. 3 of 2003 and comrptly offering a benefit. A report was comprled and forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutrons on 12th September,2Ol4 with the recommendatlon that the case be prosecuted to its logical conclusion. On 7th October,2Ol4, the DPP accepted the recommendation for prosecution. (Cap.286) CoMPLETION oF PART DEVEI,PMENT PLAN (PDP No.321/2013/03 Jor Existing Site Jor Siaya Institute ol Te c hno lo gy, S ruya Municipality ) NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned part development plan has been completed. I The development plan relates Council of Siaya. Copies of the part to land situated within Municipal development plan have been deposited for public inspechon at the offices of the District Physical Planning Officer, District Commissioner and Clerk of Municipal Council of Siaya. The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at offices of tre District Physical Planning Officer, District Commissioner and Clerk of Municipal Council of Siaya, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any intercsted person who wishes to make any rcprescntation in connection with or objcction to the above-named part development plan may send such reprcsentations or objections in writing to be received by the County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 92540600, Siaya, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such represcntation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the 27th June,2014. C. W. MATHENGE, for Director of Physical Plainning. MR/6110379 GMETTE NOncE No. 8660 THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT DP Nos. 326120 I 4l I I, 326/20 141 I 2, 326/20 I 4/ I 3, for Existing Site fur Residential Plots and proposcd site for Khajiri Farm, respectively) NOTICE is given that preparation of the above-mentioned part development plans have been completed. The developmcnt plans relates to land situatcd within Garissa Town. of the part devclopment plans havc bccn dcpositcd for public inspection at the offices of the County Physical Planning Officer, Garissa, County Govcmmcnt of The Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (MOIED) is the proponent of the Master Plan for thc Mombasa Special Economic Zone (SEZ). It is one of the Kenya Vision 2030 flagship projects aimed at transforming the country into a newly rndustrialized middle income economy providing hrgh quality life for all citizens by the year 2030. The Master Plan for Mombasa SEZ targets about 3000 acres property owned by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPS) and situated in the Dongo Kundu area of Mombasa Coirnty. The site can be accessed from the Mombasa - Lunga Lunga Road, tuming off at the Mtongwe Comer and the proceeding up to the Comer Mbaya , thcn proceed by dirt road all the way to the Mbuta Medical Ccntre which marks the eastcm limit of the Master Plan area. The Northcr and the Wcstem boundary of Dongo Kundu id defined by the Port Rcrtz and Bombo Creek shorelines, The land use plan for Mombasa SEZ at Dongo Kundu has taken into account the following: (c) The status of Mombasa Port; (b,) Promotion of prospectivc manufacturing industry in Kenya; (c) Introduction of multi-functional land usc; (d) Cost competitiveness by minimizing thc eanh work volume for land reclamationi (a) Rescttlcmcnt f) CoMPLET,IoN oF PART DEVELoPMENT PLAN Copies Strategrc Environmental Assessment Report for the Mombasa Special Economic Zone Development Master?lan. The SEA findrngs are also expected to integfate the existing sectoral plans and programs to establish sustainable economic zone development mechanisms. Garissa Officcs and the Garissa Sub-County Office. The copies so dcposited are available for inspcction frce of chargc by all persons intercsted at offices of thc County Physical Planning Officer, Garissa, County Government of Garissa Offices and thc Garissa Sub-County Office, betwcen the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any interestcd person who wishes to make any representations in connection with or objcctions to the abovc-named part developmcnt plans may send such representations or objcctions in writing to bc receivcd by thc County Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 252, Garissa, within sixty (60) days from the datc of publication of this notice and such representation or objection shall statc the grounds on which it is made, A. K, A. ROTICH, GAZET,IE NoTICE No. 8488 TI{E ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT (No.8 of 1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AI.]THORITY DRAFI STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR MASTER PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF MOMBASA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN\ITATIoN oF PUBUC CoMMENTS ail 43 of Environmental (Impact Regulations of 2003, the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has received a Draft PURSUANT to regulation 42 \ and Audit) of kayas; Necessary infrastructurc utility and facility. functions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port. Free port. Free trade zonc. Industrial park. MICE area. Tourism parks. Service area. Natural gas powerplant. Transmission line. Entcrprise areas. Rcsidential area. Communityrcsettlcment. Mombasa southern bypass road. Zone connection road. Utility arca The primary goal of Mombasa SEZ Srategic Environmental is to provide a high lcvel of protection to the cnvionment by intcgrating cnvironmcntal considerations at the earlicst stage in the plan-making process with a vicw to promoting sustsinable development and informing thc draft development plan of Asscssment (SEA) any significant environmental impacts. Thc spccific objectives for this SEA Study are: (a) To identify (D) To (c) To formulate a set of measures to address thcsc priority concerns and to take advantage of opportunities that will fur Director of Physical Planning Assessment settlers and conservation The proposed Mombasa SEZ will introducc the following Dated the 3rd September,2014. MR/6l10454 of informal and (Cap.286) (P 3231 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 environmental and social priorities and key linkages befween environmental protection and trade growth in areas influenced by SEZ; assess likely significant effects of SEZ devclopment on these environmental and social priorities and kcy hnkages; emerge from SEZ development, considering institutional and financial conditions needed for implementing such proposal; and (d) To recommend mechanisms that will enable future adjustments to maintain and promote sustainable and equitable in response to phased and gradual economic/trade growth devclopment of SEZ. (e) The key potential negative impacts and the recommended mitigation measures for Mombasa SEZ Master Plan development and implementation are highlighted below: Category Potential impact Recommendations . Site disturbances from. Optimization of Natural environment survey and related survey methods. activities. THE KENYA GAZETTE Slope destabilisation in. Soil and access to existing Livelihood stabilisation the Port Reitz area. measures. Sediment generation. into port Reitz from Physical detentlon construction works. Minimization of soil generatlon from construction and site 28th November,2Ol infrastructure. Restoration Plan Reforestatron I of of Mangrove. sediments Pressure on resources and water. other. nafural resources. setting of. Hydrologrcal changes surface/ground water due to qarthworks. . in Earthworks dry Reforestation of of water Securement Mangrove. and restoration pond for Adophon of cle4rer storm water. Surplus soil generated. construction/ explortation of sorVsand for landfill works. . wtth. Interference ecological systems and in biodiversity mangrove and tidal flat areas. productron systenls. ofcut earth volume and filling Equation Generation . Introduction of. invasive/alien species in volume. the. physical landscape Nuisances conservatron Potential for marine. in drsasters. Mangrove Reforestatron Plan accidents. Increase in emrssron of. Conservation of energy at SEZ Green house gases. transportation Screening of original sites of materials. Identification systems. Social environment Minor accidents dunng. Safety survey works. communrcatlon lnd training. and preservation of Safety measures ;.g. aesthetic areas. PPEs. Public anxiety and. concems over changes to m and construction crew and schedule OSH concems. sensitive plS. labour. Adopt fire Proper managenPnt of worldng Control traffic routes conditrons. Avoid or Occupational hedth minimise project and safety tralnrng. transportation through community Provisron ofPPEs, Compliance areas productron systems. Installation exhaust of gas treatrnent facutles. osHA,2007. Others . Disconnect with the. Coordination dith planned other related proj*ts developments eg. Water supervised by supply project financed Pollution from. Development of construction and Waste Management operational wastes, Plan. waste oil and spares Reductron and by World Bank. Information shadng freqrtnt and consultation among the related Proper management wastes. Adoption of cleaner production systems. Development of to comprehensive RAP for Dongo Kundu Lvelihood, village life the includrng. County Govemnant and o6er stakeholders recychng ofwastes. of all types of 1nd enforcement of Adoptron of cleaner SEZ, disturbance consultatron i of project-related prevenhon strategy. receptors. of people. disclosure and pu$ftc labour camps. mrnimise the effects to the Informahon Socral impacts of. Local sourcing of constructron device method, livelihood resettlement. and transportatron route etc. to and property to create for Management of Optimisatron of Displacement systems Reforestation. and. odour from construction haflic. Establish monrtodng biodiversity. osHA,2007 increased wlter environmental water pollution, noise work and adeqqate during EIA,{IEE. compensatory - dust, air,. Adherence and vibrations Install waste To be srte spedfic Enhancement of Create buffer zone. Pollution control effluent. treatment facrlitiet. construction materials. . Alterations of of water and sewerage. . Destruction of. Preservation of biodiversity held in highly prioritised sacred groves and reservoir of undisturbed bush lands. CWSI Coordination *it}r other master phns for the tlty development fnd resources provisiclt. season. channel from Liaise with agenoies and projeots Interference wrth the. flrght path to Mombasa Mor Intemational Arrport and other Coordination the other With exis(ng facilities functionq exrstrng facilities around SEZ. Impacts on Kaya forests. and local manne Reconnarssance survey 4nd { preservation of and spiritual heritage e.g. wrecks at Port Reitz. historical sites . Preservation of accessibility to these sltes The full draft strategic environmental assessment for the Mombasa SEZ Development Master Plan is available for inspection during working hours 3233 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 at: (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi. off Mombasa Road, (b) Cabinet Secretary, Mrnrstry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development (MOIED), Social Security House, P.O., Box 30547-00100, Nairobi. (b) Stakeholders' engagement to deliberate on the Proposed Red Coral Development plan and identified alternatives; (c,) Analysrs of the envilonmental and socio-economic baseline data to identify trends, opportunities and constrains in relation to Proposed Red Coral Development plan; (d) Identification, predrction and qualification of the signrficant environmental and social impacts of the Proposed Red Coral Development plan, evaluation of alternatives including their direct, secondary and cumulative effects, and selection of suitable alternatives that enhance environmental and social benefits; and (e) Identification members Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision making process regarding this SEA Comments can be e-marled to and for. brodiversity appropriate that measures guarantee ZEPHANIAH O. OUMA, Jor Director-General, National Environment Management Authority the protection of th". physical biological and envrronment Marntarn as much as possible the nanrral drainage systems and patterns; Begin landscaping activities as soon as construction begins; and Set out a landscaping plan GAZEI-IE NoTIcE No. 8489 for re-vegetation of disturbed areas and THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT pnontize mdrgenous THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Energy resource management AUTHORITY Conserve energy. resources equlpment specifications to by regular malntain efficiency in combustion and reduce carbon emissions; servicing to 43 of Envrronmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, of 2003 the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has received a Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report for Proposed Red Coral Development rn Limuru, Kiambu County The SEA findings are also expected to mtegrate the exishng sectoral plans and programs to Use environmentally friendly fuels such as low establish sustainable urban development mechanisms. sulphur diesel; and The primary goal of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) s to provide a high level ofprotectlon to the environment by integrating environmental considerations at the earliest stage in the plan-making Minrmrse the period for machinery rdling and access to services and employment opportunrhes. The Proposed Red Coral Development SEA study entailed the following: (a) Collection of basehne informatron on the physical, brological and socio-cultural environment as identified during the scoping studies. This also included extensive review of legislative framework with the bearing on the plan and assessment of its save Create awareness to staff and other establishments within the development the need to conserve energy; The Proposed Red Coral Development plan proponent - Red Coral Properties Limited is ln possesslon ofa 387-acre parcel ofland on the outskirts of Limuru town and rs desirous of developing the land to meet the growlng demand for housing, commercial and light industries developments away yet proximal to the Nalrobr Crty Centre. Red Coral Properhes Llmlted has thus commrssroned a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the proposed development master plan. The ob.lective of the Proposed Red Coral Development plan is to provide a quality envrronment which affords pleasant, clean and safe mixed commrmities for living, work and play away from the Capital City. Execution of the plan will contribute rn the meeting part of the housing demand in the Nairobi Metopohtan region as well as provide choices and options for existing residents wishing to live in a high quality environment provided with a wide range of amenities and easy to on fuel; rnforming the draft development plan of any significant environmental impacts. compliance wrth the legislation; and manufacturers and, with a view to promoting sustainable development Ensure the use of rated equrpment in welding and Malntarn equipment PTJBLIC CoMMENTS PURSUANT to regulatlon 42 of related works; DRAFT STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT FOR PROPOSED RED CORAL DEVELOPMENT IN LIMURU, KIAMBU COLTNTY I}WITATIoN oF trees and shrubs rn the chorce plants. (No.8 oft999) process enhance opportunities and Coral Plan Physrcalsettrng Provide [email protected]. MR/61 10376 to Management Recommendahons Strategt of the Proposed Red The National Environment Management Authority rnvites of the public to submrt oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of thrs notice to the measures The key potential management strategles and the recommended activities are highlighted below: Category (c) County Director of Environment, Mombasa County. of mitigate adverse impacts. Install and maintain energy efficient appliances e.g. rndoor hghts and outdoor security lights; and Continually seek avenues for energy conservation as rntemational best practices evolve. Air Quality, Norse vibrations Abate pollution of. the atmosphere by and reducing emissions and Sprinkle water on work areas and materials heaps to minrmrse dust emissions; prevention of. Maintain equipment nolse pollulon equlpment and vibrations manufacturers specrficatrons servrcing to and emtssl0ns; to by regular marntain combustion in reduce efficiency and carbon 3234 THE KENYA GAZETTE Use 28th November,2Ol4 Seek approvals from rclevant authorities befort abskaction of underground environmentally friendly fuels such as low sulphur diesel; water; Ensure there is no burning of waste rs done on Monitor site; records; Providc appropriate PPEs e.g. dust masks & ear Harvest storm water to supplement other sources mufls to site workers. Install portablc hoods to of watcr; shield compressoni Establish silt fcnces; other small equipmcnt and stationary wherc Channcl construction wsters to scdimcnt traps; nccessary; to Endeavour Recyclc and usc Incorporatc norse abatement devices; fucks mctring for all areas; and Encourage all stakcholders thc Coral to conscryc wlter through awarencss programs; othcr noisy equipment; not in use; out Install and maintain low volumc fixtures in toilcts, consffuction work during thc day only; Ensure maintenancc of baths and other wct arcas; rcgular gcncrators and ttre incincrators Use rccyclcd and harvestcd clcaning storm watcr and watcring the lawns; and in to maintain high combustion cfficicncy; Ensurc the Continually seck continual avcnucs for planting and maintenance of vegctation to act as gonsorvation out noisc and cxccssivc vibration monitoring and mapping as found rppropriate; and Soil resource managcment of Prcvention degradation of soil rcsourcc . Develop and managom€nt obscrvc traflic manSgcmcnt plans Maintenance of vegctation that attcnuatcs noisc within thc dcvclopment. traflic spced a managcrncnt plan that catcm for vehicular and pcdcstrirn traffic associated with the crcatc buffcrs and bcrms during landscaping; IdcntiS fertilc soil bonowpits near the site; dcvclopmcnt; Ensure immediate conhoVwaming signs; and Ensure Set Allow scdimentation of construction waste waters to minimise the amount of during soil lost constnrction; up traffic Advance discussions with Kcnya Railways to makc thc railway sEtion a rcality for thc dcvelopmcnt. construction compaction; Health and safety Provide propcr safety equipment, facilities and conditions that will eliminate the risks to all Comply with OSHA 2007 rrlevant and othcr legislations that govcm health and safcty at workplaces; Access to tlrc active Oils, fucls, paints and all construction sites shall be controlled by hoarding thc hazardous materials should be stored well to avoid leakages and spillages; posting waming signs to Implement erosion Provide and sedimentation controls and ensure prcper disposal of waste waters. consumptlon levels in the development obstructionl and Dcvclop and maintain Usc the excavrtcd soils to vehiclcs usc predetermined tracks to minimise soil lowering the Ensure construction vehiclcs do not crusc nuisance through limits; sitcs; Conscrve water resource through as evolvc. Traffic revegetation of the disturbed Water resource management ncw water intemational bcst practiscs carbon sinks; Carry Red in Encourage drivcrs to tum off vehicle cngincs whcn Carry water accounting systcms and Reduce idling time on machinery, reuse construction wastc waters; equipment installed with a water consumption and maintain and Apply measures for preventing soil erosion; Avoid extavagant use of water and avoid wasteful use of water; construction sites and the gcneral public; appropriate signage and waming in the potcntial risk areas; hovide appropriate PPEs to staff; hovide first aid facilities and train workers on emergency response e.8. First aid; / 323s THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November.2014 Provide adequate sanitary GAzE-mE NoT,ICE No. 866I facilities; Develop and implement MAENDELEO DEMOCRATIC PARTY STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3OTH JIJNE, 2014 a detailed site specific Emergency Response Plan; and Raw materials management Conservative use raw materials- of. Source Interest received Members contribution Total income stringent inventory mechanisms; Order materials as per construction requirements; Manufacture building elements off-site and deliver to site. Management Identr$ a temporary holding area for Ensure waste generated is adequately construction wastes; managed and Recycle and disposed off Ksh. Income Political parties fund Implement Waste Notes code of practice for safety at work places. constructlon materials from registered and approved quarries and sand harvesting firms; reuse construction wastes; pile-up Avord of construction wastes and dispose off the non recyclable/reusable the Expenditure Administrative off well rn Ksh. 73r,343 63 ,t,0, expenditure 4 Party promotion $ advocacy Total expenditure Surplus/deficit for the year Balancc sheet Assets Non current assets Property, plant and equipment 2 325,000 731,406 271,916 95,500 316.015 433,326 367,4t6 (42,416) (1 749,34t 7,93s) 387,335 462.6t3 30,960 30960 Total assets 57,704 57,204 444,539 493,573 Represented by; M4,539 493,573 Current assets Cash and bank balances 3 Accumulated fund As at I July Surplus for the year As at 30th June soonest possrble; Wastes should be disposed 2014 2013 Comply with the requirements of the ILO 395,289 413,224 (42,4t6) (39s,289) 352,873 395,289 AMISI OMUKANDA, MRJ6254606 Party l-eader desrgnated disposalflandfills sites; Ensure proper acqulsltron of construction materials to GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8662 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED avord left overs; (Incorporated in Kenya) of durable and long lasting matenal to Ensure use Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi avoid regular replacement; Pursue waste minrmrsation at source pnnciple by zero generation, reductron. Reuse and/or recycle; . provide mechanisms b segregate wastes at the source, temporarily storing at transfer statrons and final drsposal in a desrgnated srtes; and . ensure regular mspectron and mamtenance of LOSS OF POLICY Poltcy No.3579520 in the name and on the liJe of Regina Chemutat Chepkonga. APPLICATION having been made to thls company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Lrberty Life Assurance Lrmited wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duphcate policy wrll be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactlons. Dated the 3 I st October. 20 I 4. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MR/6110336 Head of Customer Seryice, Libert".t LiJe. drarnage system and waste water treatrnent plants. The full draft strategic environmental assessment for the proposed red coral development plan is available for inspection during working hours at: (a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839-O0200, Nairobi. off LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Mombasa Road, (b) Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Water and Mineral Resources, N.H.I.F. Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Nairobi. (c) County Director of Environment, Kiambu County. The National Envronment Management Authority invites members of the public to submlt oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of pubhcatron of this notrce to the Director-General, NEMA, to asslst the Authority in the decision making process regarding this SEA Comments can be e-mailed to [email protected]. SALOMEMACHUA, MR/6110384 GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 8663 Jor Director-General, National Environment Management Authority. Head Office. P.O. Box 30364-0OlO0, Nairobi Loss oF PoUCY Policy No.8119483 in the name and on the life of ktise Mogere Tinga. APPLICATION havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 3 I st October, 2014. - KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MR/61r0336 Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty Lifu 3236 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAzE-mENOflCENO. 8664 28th November,2Ol4 GAzEmE NoTIcE No. 8668 LIBERTY LIFE ASSI,JRANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Narobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi LOSS OF POUCY Loss oF PoucY Policy No. 6915763 in the name and on the liJe of Fidelis Wangari Macharia. Policy No. 8143404 in the name and on the life oJ Julie Nichesa APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice is given that unless objeltion is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thiny (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 31st October,2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. MR/6110336 GAZE"I.IE NoTIcE No. 8665 Dated the 3lst October, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, MRy6l10336 Head of Customer Service, Liberty LiJe. GAZE-ME NOTICE NO. 8659 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED LIBERry LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi LoSs OF PoLIcY Policy No.8117846 in the name and on the liJe oJ Clifiord Okllo Rachuonyo. LosS oF PoucY Policy No.6989255 m the name and on the liJe of Jamillah Vuhugwa Mutiemani. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thfty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 19th November,2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head oJ Customer Service, Liberty Life. MR/6110455 GAZE.TTE Lugonzo. NqlICE No. 8666 APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Lrmited within thuty (30) days from thc date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 3lst October, 2014. MR/6r 10336 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364{0100, Nairobi - LoSS oF PoUcY in the name and on the life of Sarah Nungari Nyoro. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future nansactions. Dated the 3lst October, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head oJ Customer Semice, Liberty LiJe. MR/6110336 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, C ustome r S e rvic e, Liberty Life. -oJ GAzEnE NoTIcE No. 8670 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED Policy No.8119786 Head Loss oF Poucy Policy No. 8123479 in the name and on the life of Peter Kibuthu Gathara. APPLICATION having bccn made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objectien is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thkty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all futurc transactions. Dated the 31st October,2014. KRISTOPHER KII.IYANJIJI, MR/6110335 Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty Life GAzEmE NcncE No. 8667 GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 8671 LIBERTY LIFE ASSI.JRANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED (Incorporarcd in Kenya) Head Office: P,O. Box 3036440100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Loss oF PoUcY Loss oF Poucy Policy No. 8139472 in the rmme and on the life of David Mwangi Policy No.8132998 in the namc and on the Warutere. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgcd to Libcrty Life Assurance Limited within thkty (30) days from thc date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as thc only document by the company for all future fansactions. Darcd the 3lst October,2014. MR/6110336 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Service, Liberty Life. liJe oJ Rhoda Mukami. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbred policy, noticc is given that unlcss objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will bc issucd and shall be used as the only document by the company for all futurc transactions. Dated thc 3lst Octob€r, 2014. MR/6110336 KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty life. 3237 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2Ol4 GAZE.|TE NoTICE No. 8672 GAZETTE NOTICE LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LIMITED No. 8676 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobr Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi LOSS OF POUCY LosS oF PoLIcY Policy No. 6920792 in the name and on the liJe of Mary Nyokabi Thuo. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited wrthin thlrty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 31st October, 2014. Ndichu. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objecuon is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactlons. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head of Customer Semice, Liberty Life. MR/6110336 Policy No. 160-1829 in the name'and on the liJe oJ Sandra Wanjiru Dated the 13th November, 2014. J. K. MITEI, Underwriting Manager, Life. MR/6110386 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 8673 GAZE.TTE NoT'ICE No. 8677 LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE KENYA LMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-00100, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobr LoSS oF PoLICY Policy No. 6903457 in the name and on the life oJ Philip Wanjohi Wambugu. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to Liberty Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only document by the company for all future transactions, Dated the 3l st October, 2014. KRISTOPHER KINYANJUI, Head ofCustomer Service, Liberty Life MR/6110336 LOSS OF POLICIES Policy Nos. 121-7274, 125-4879 and'122-25623 in the name and on the life of Carolyne Wanjuhi Muthumah. REPORT having been made to tlris company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 13th November,2014 J. MR/6110386 GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 8674 U nde cAzErrE NorrcE No. 8678 CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporited in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 30375-00100, Nairobi Loss oF PoucY Policy No. Loss oF PoucY Cu20ll2l46 in the name and on the life of Grace Mwihaki Policy No. 16l-6546 in the name and on the liJe Ng'ang'a. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, ttre original having been reported as lost or mrsplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within ttrirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. of Withiegeni Kibatha. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within ttrirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used as the only valid documents by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 12th November,2014. JOAN NJUKI, Life Department. MR/6110385 K. MITEI, rwritin g Manag e r, LiJe Dated the 13th November,2014 J. K. U nderwriting MR/6110386 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8675 GAZETTE NOTICE CORPORATE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED MITEI, Manager, LiJe. No. 8679 UAP LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 34172, Nairobi Head Office: P.O. Box 23842-O0100, Nairobi Loss oF PoUCY LosS oF PoUcY Policy No. CL120117882 in the name and on the life of Mary Wangari Kanyutu Policy No. MU00004466 in the name of Ahmed Mahat Mohamed. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuance of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the l3th Novcmber,2014. Dated the 12th November,2014. MR/6110385 JOAN NJUKI, Life Department. MR/6110449 ERIC AYUGI, Claims Assistant. ,I l 3238 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZE|TE NoTIcE No. 8680 GAZETTE NoTIcE 28th November,2014 No. 8684 CANNON ASSURANCE LIMITED CHANGEOFNAME Head Offrce: P.O. Box 3021G{O10O, Narrobi NOTICE is given that by a deed polt dated l6th Jtme, 2014, dufl executed and registered in the Regrstry of Documents at Nairobi. {s Presentation No. 3227, in Volume Dl, Folio 205/2598, Filc Nf. MMXIV, by me, Kral Leon Padri, of P.O. Box 62000-{0200, Nairofi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly knowr as Leon Oywaya, formalfo and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of my former nart Leon Oywaya, and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Kr{ Leon Padri, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons lt all trmes to designate, descnbe and address me by my assumed nanp Kral Leon Padri only. I Loss oF PoLIcY Policy No. 108-28563A in the name oJ Immaculate Berruce Kibaki. IT IS reported to the company that the above numbered life policy is lost or stolen. Notice is given that unless objection is lodeged to the contrary at the head office of this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a special policy will be issued to the life assured. Dated the 7th November,2014. KRAL LEON PADRI, O. MAGOIYA, Ope rations Manager, LiJe Business. MR/6110436 MR/6110337 Jormerly known as lcon OywayQ. GAZE.I-TE NoTCE NO. 8685 GAzErrE NoTICE No. 868 I CHANGEOFNAME ICEA LION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 19th June, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nakobi, at Presentatfon No. 1897, in Volume Dl, Folio 3561346, File Nor MMXIV, by our client, Marcia Juliana Chepkirui, of P.O. Box 16949* 00'100, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Juhanf Chepkirui, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the us( of her former name Juhana Chepkirui, and in heu thereof assumed and (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 46143-0010U, Nairobi LOSS OF POLICY Policy No. 026/AEN/035555 in the name of Nyiera Timothl' Abinya. NOTICE having been given on the loss of the above policy, a duphcate policy wrll be issued and where applcable any benefits due wrll be paid out unless an objection is filed with the undersigned wrthrn thirty (30) days fiom the date of this notice. adopted the name Marcia Juliana Chepkirui, for all purposes an{ authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describ( and address her by her assumed name Marcia Juliana Chepkrrui only. SANG & LANGAT, for Marcia Juliana Chepkirui, Jormerly known as Juliara Chepkirui. Dated the loth November.2014. Advocates MUIRI WAICHINGA, MR/61 10351 Manager, Ordinary LiJe Operations. I0,{W6t10424 GAZETTENoTIcENo 8686 GAZE*T"IE NOTICE NO. 8682 CHANGEOFNAME THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (No.11 oJ20l2) THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF ISIOLO APPOINTMENT PURSUANT to the County Governments Act, 2012, section 13 ( I ), the County Assembly of Isiolo dunng rts srttrng on Thursday, 20th November, 2014 a12.30 p.m debated and approved the report of Isrolo County Assembly Service Board appointing Mr. Salad Boru Guracha, the Clerk of the Isiolo County Assembly. NOTICE is given that by a deed polt dated 10th October, 2014J duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Narrobi, as Presentatron No. 3365, in Volume Dl, Foho 361/3405, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Esther Wanjiru Solomon Njuguna, of P.O. Box 90152-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Esther Wanjiru Solomon, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Esther Wanjiru Solomon, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Esther Wanjiru Solomon Nluguna, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Esther Wanpu Solomon Njuguna only. MURUGU, RIGORO & COMPANY, MOHAMMED TUBI BIDU, Chairman, Isiolo Counry Assembly Servrce Board. GAZETTE NOTICENO. 8683 Advocates MR/6110415 for Esther Wanjiru Solomon Njuguna, formerly known as Esther'lVanyru Solomon- GAZE.TTENoTTENo 8687 CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE rs grven that by a deed potl dated21th October, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry ofDocuments at Nairobi, as Presentation No.3479, rn Volume Dl, Folio 36513472, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Kamlesh Dattani, of P.O. Box 46585-00100, Nairobi rn the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Kamleshkumar Jitendra Dattani, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Kamleshkumar Jltendra Dattanr, and m heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Kamlesh Dattanr, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address hrm by his assumed name Kamlesh Dattanr only. MR/6110338 t Dated the lSth November. 2014 Dated the 24th November,20l4. MW6254603 i CHANGEOFNAME Notrce rs grven that by a deed poll dated 7th August,2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Na[obi as presentation No. 1075, rn volume Dl, Folto 1'72/2627, File No. MMXIV, by our chent, Samuel Gichuru Ngatia, of P.O Box FRANCIS KINYUA" KIRANGA & ASSOCIATES, Advocates for Kamlesh DattanL Jormerly known as Kamleshkumar Jitend.ra Dattani. 800, Narvasha in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Samuel Munee Wamboo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Samuel Munee Wamboo and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Samuel Gichuru Ngatia, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to desrgnate, descnbe and address him by hrs assumed name Samuel Grchuru Ngatra only. Samuel Gichuru Ngaua, formerly known as Samuel Munee Wamboo Advocate MPJ6254622 for I I I 3239 THE KENYA GAZETTE 28th November,2014 NATIONAL DEYELOPMENT PLAN 2002-2008 Effective Management for Sustainable Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Price: KSh.150 TREASURY MEMORANDUM OF THE IMPLEMBNTATION STATUS ON THE SEVENTH REPORT OF THE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE Volume II THE KENYA COMMUNICATIONS ACT (No. 2 OF 1998) 1999 Transfer of Assets Telposta Pension Scheme Price: KSh.200 - Transfer and Vesting of Assets and Liabilities The Communications Commission of Kenya and the Postal Corporation of Kenya - Transfer of Employees of the Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation THE REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL TOGETHER WITH THE APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS AND OTHER PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND THE ACCOUNTS OF THE FUNDS FOR THB YEAR 1996t97 Price: K9h.5,000-per set of 5 (Kenya Gazette Supplement No.59). Volumes Price: KSh.55O SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 1 OF 1999 ON NATIONAL POLICY ON WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TTIE KENYA COMMUMCATIONS ACT (No.2 OF 1998) Transfer and Vesting of Assets and Liabilities Telkom Kenya Limited Ministry of Water Resources - (Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 59A and 598) Volume I (59A) Price: KSh. 1,300 Volume I (598) Price: KSh.20O REPORT OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE ON THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR r995t96 Volume II Price: KSh.9O0 Price: KSh.500 3240 THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE ECONOMIC SURVEY,aOII Price: KSft. 1,000 THE FINANCE BrLL,20t4 Price: KSh.235 28th November,2014 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TOI THE KENYA GAZETTE THE following notes are for the guidmce of persons submrttrng rnclusron rn the Kenya Gazette, Supplement,etc "copy'fot l (l) The Kenya Gazette cottainsNotices of a general narure whrch do noi affct legrslation. 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