2013 Specialist Directory The 2013 Specialist Directory is published by AMA (ACT) Ltd as a service to ACT and region General Practitioners as part of the AMA Family Doctor Week. Alphabetical Listing of Specialists Page(s) Page(s) Page(s) ABHAYARATNA, Walter ADAMS, Emma ADHAM, Omar AHUJA, Roji Rani AL SAMERAAII, Ahmad ALBEKAA, Safi ALI, Sayed ALLADA, Christopher ALLEN, Robert ANDERSON, Libby ANDREWS, Colin ANSARY, Saidul ARMELLIN, Robert ASHTON, Christopher AUBIN, Phil AUSTEN, Lyn BARRY, Peter BASSETT, Mark BATES, Grahame BEEVORS, Margaret BENCH, Graham BENNETT, Genevieve BIKSHANDI, Balaji BLACKBURN, Miriam BRADSHAW, Stephen BRAMLEY, Jenny BROMLEY, Jonathan BROOK, Andrew BROWN, Michael BUCHANAN, Guy BURKE, Bill BURNS, Alexander CARNEY, Gavin CASSAR, Edwin CHAN, Hin Fan CHAN, Keith KT CHANG, Andrew CHAPMAN, Peter CHERIAN, Maya CHO, Carolyn CHONG, Angela CHONG, Guan CHUNG, Meng CHUNG, Robert CLARK, Ian CLOSE, Susie COLLIGNON, Peter CONNORS, John COOK, Matthew COOPER, Michael CORBETT, Mike CORMICK, Wes CRAFT, Paul CRANNEY, Brendan CRAWSHAW, Ann CRAWSHAW, Ian CREER, Rob CROAKER, David DAHLSTROM, Jane DAMIANI, Maurizio DAVIES, Derek DAVIS, Alison DAVIS, Ian DEVINE, Bronwyn DICKSON, David DIWAKAR, Himanshu DORAI RAJ, Anna DREHER, Jakub DRINI, Musa DRUMMOND, Catherine DUNCAN, Iain DUNCAN, Martin DUNLOP, Iain EATON, Garth EDWARDS, Joanne EGHTEDARI, Fardin ELLINGHAM, John ELSALEH, Hany ESSEX, Rohan FALK, Karen FALK, Michael FARRELL, Geoffrey FARSHID, Ahmad FAULDER, John FERGUSON, Alan FERGUSON, Juli FERGUSSON, James FISHER, Alexander FITZGERALD, Paul FOOTE, Andrew FRENCH, Peter FRIDGANT, Lev GAILANI, Omar GALLAGHER, Elizabeth GANANADHA, Sivakumar GARDNER, Ian GATENBY, Paul GAVAGHAN, Terence GILLESPIE, Michael GLANVILLE, Emma GORDDARD, Nicole GORDIEV, Katherine GORDON, Andrew GREENOUGH, Rob GROSS, Michael GUDUGUNTLA, Murali HAMMANS, Paul HARDMAN, David HARREX, Warren HARRISON, Ann HARVEY, Ann HAYES, Deborah HEALSMITH, Mark 10 HEATON, Roger 18 HEHIR, John 18 HEMMINGS, Chris 26 HICKMAN, Peter 26 HILLMAN, Lybus 12 HOCKING, Richard 22 HOOK, Reginald 28 HOWSE, Charles 32 HOY, Charles 11 HUANG, Hsin Chia Carol 31 HUGHES, Andrew 18 HUGHES, David 32 HURWITZ, Mark 31 HUYNH, Tony 25,26 HYAM, Dylan 22 ILA VENKATA, Swarna 30 JAIN, Sanjiv 26 JAIN, Tarun 11 JEANS, Phillip 15,16 JEFFERY, Ian 9 JONES, Peter M 31 JYOTI, Rajeev 11 KARPE, Krishna 31 KAYE, Graham 12 KENNEDY, Karina 17 KENT, Alison 17 KHANNAH, Gagan 21 KHURANA, Gautam (Vini) 18 KLAR, Brendan 22 KNIGHT, David 18 KUAN, Raymond 11 KULH, Mary Ann 16 KULISIEWICZ, Gawel 22 KUMAR, Rajeev 28 KUMAR, Sashi 12 LAFFERTY, Tony 26 LAWIN-BRUSSEL, Christiane 21 LE LEU, Leon 20 LEAN, Bruce 28 LEE, Tack-Tsiew 25 LEERDAM, Carol 25 LEVY, Michael 9 LIM, James 15,16 LLEWELLYN, Huw 28 LOOI, Jeffrey 28 LOW, S Tween 20 LU, Tracey 28 LUBBE, Katherine 28 LUI, Millie 28 MAJEED, Usama 16 MALECKY, George 26 MATIAS, May 28 MAY, Stewart 31 McANDREW, Virginia 30 McCOLL, Craig 18 Continued page 6 2013 Specialist Directory 9 28 18 18 32 25 17 9 10 9 18 31 18 15 22 30 15 12 18 15 25 26 17 12 32 10 12 31 26 9 15,31 22 30 15 32 30 21 25 26 15 26 15 10 10 26 18 17 10 17 21 12 10 17 10 25 25 22 26 26 22 10 17 15 18 21 10 31 18 12 10 10 21 21 20 25 25 9 30 21 10 30 12 9 10 28 26 15 15,16 28 18 9 28 18 18 15,16 20 17 12,15 22 28 17 22 15,17 11 22 11 21 32 20 28 11 9 Page 5 Alphabetical Listing of Specialists … Continued Page(s) Page(s) Page(s) McCORMACK, Rebecca McCREDIE, Simon McDONALD, Tim McGRATH, David McINERNEY, Carmel MENDIS, BK Randev MILLER, Andrew MILLER, Stuart MILOVIC, Vladimir MINITER, Paul MOHAMED, Abdel-Latif MOREWOOD, David MORRISSEY, Phillip MOSSE, Charles MULLINS, Raymond MUTTON, Phillip NEILSON, Wendell NGUYEN, Brandon T NICHOLLS, John O’CONNOR, Simon O’ROURKE, David OKERA, Salim OW-YANG, Michael PARAMADHATHIL, Anil PATI, Nalini PATTISON, Claire PAYMAN, Nahal PHAM, Tuan PIDCOCK, Michael PIK, Justin PISCIONERI, Francesco PORTER, Mark POWELL, Suzanna PRANAVAN, Ganes PRICE, Jeremy RAHMAN, Moyazur RANGIAH, David RANJIT, Sumi REDDY, Murali REID, Kate REID, Robert REYNOLDS, Graham RICE, Jonathan RICHARDSON, Sue RIDDELL, James ROBBIE, Melissa ROBERTS, Chris ROBSON, Stephen RODRIGO, Edirimuni Kalyana ROSIER, Michael RUBA, Jyotica RUBEL, Diana RUUT, Tom SABOISKY, John SAHA, Sabari SAUNDERS, Stuart SCHIMMELFEDER, Arne SHRESTHA, Ganesh SIDES, Nicole SIMPSON, Erroll SINGER, Richard SINGH, Manoj SIVAKUMARAN, Seevaratnam SKEELS, Andrew SMILES, John SMITH, Damian SMITH, Paul SPELDEWINDE, Geoffrey STEWART, Iain STILL, Robert STUBBS, Geoffrey SUBRAMANIAM, Kavitha SUBRAMANIAM, Peter SULLIVAN, Lisa SULLIVAN, Paul SUNDERLAND, Ken SWAMINATHAN, Ashwin TALAULIKAR, Dipti TALAULIKAR, Girish TAM, Sim Hom TAMHANE, Rohit TAN, WS (Ken) TAYLOR, Alastair TEOH, Laurel TEOH, Narci THARION, John THOMPSON, Jennifer THOMSON, Andrew THOMSON, Malcolm TOH, Kai-Kai TONKS, Tony TRIDGELL, David TSAI, Nicholas TSIRBAS, Angelo TUMULURI, Krishna TWIN, Jane TYMMS, Kathleen VAN DER MERWE, Willem VICKERS, Peter VILIUNAS, Vida VRANCIC, Sindy WALKER, Sarah WALKER, Thomas D WALTERS, Giles WATSON, Ashley WEE, Rosianna WHITE, Brian WHITING, Paul WIGG, Susan WILKINS, Peter WILSON, J Dennis WOLFE, Richard WONG, Ling San WONG, Yii Song WOODS, Kevin WYETH, Bree YEAMAN, Leslie YIP, Desmond YOGARATNAM, Ragu YOUNIS, Huda 20 32 25,31 20,26 9 21 10 31 28 22 17 11 9 15,16 17 20 32 30 31 9 20 21 18 16 16 30 25 25 16 18 16 22 25 17 11 9 15,16 28 30 21 32 25 16 16 12 28 22 20 30 25 20 10 11 30 16 21 9 18 20 26 31 17 15,16 26 21 22 22 26,30 11 32 25 15 9 30 11 30 15,17 16 31 20 11 20 28 25,31 12 9 30 12 11 30 28 21 25 21 21 28 31 11 22 9 25 12 21 31 17 31 30 28 12 20 12 21 31 11 25 30 32 17 18 20 Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 2013 Specialist Directory Name Phone, Fax, Email and Website Sub specialty Address Anaesthesia BUCHANAN, Guy Ph 6202 1177 Suite 2, National Capital Private Hospital, Gilmore Crescent and Hospital Road, GARRAN ACT 2605 ELLINGHAM, John ph 6161 9063 fax 6161 9064 ACT Anaesthesia, Suite B1, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 McINERNEY, Carmel ph 6140 4526 fax 6100 9280 [email protected] PO Box 5220, GARRAN ACT 2605 MORRISSEY, Phillip ph 6161 9063 fax 6161 9064 ACT Anaesthesia, Suite B1, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 SCHIMMELFEDER, Arne ph 0418 623 547 fax 6273 8101 PO Box 5521, HUGHES ACT 2605 VILIUNAS, Vida ph 6162 2009 fax 6273 1009 [email protected] PO Box 9533, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Cardiology ABHAYARATNA, WalterCardiology ph 6222 6614 fax 6222 6660 Suite 5, Level 1, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 [email protected] ALLADA, Christopher ph 6162 1886 or 6162 2340 fax 6162 1887 Consultation; pre-op assessment; Pacemaker follow-up; transthoracic echo; exercise stress echo; ECG performance and reporting; 24hr Holter and 96hr event monitoring; ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; percutaneous coronary intervention; pacemaker insertion Canberra Heart Clinic, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, Suite 1, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 ANDERSON, Libby ph 6222 6613 fax 6222 6659 Comprehensive cardiovascular investigations and treatments Suite 1, National Capital Private Hospital, Gilmore Crescent and Hospital Road, GARRAN ACT 2605 FARSHID, Ahmad ph 6222 6613 fax 6222 6659 Comprehensive cardiovascular investigations and treatments; fully supported cardiac interventional service Suite 1, National Capital Private Hospital, Gilmore Crescent and Hospital Road, GARRAN ACT 2605 FRENCH, Peter ph 6253 0177 [email protected] Consultations, and all non-invasive cardiac investigations including stress-echocardiography Fully supported invasive investigations Suite 2, Ground Floor, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 HAYES, Deborah ph 6162 2741 fax 6162 2742 [email protected] Full range of non-invasive cardiology services plus diagnostic angiography Hayes Cardiology, Suite 3/2, King Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 JEFFERY, Ian ph 6281 7774 fax 6281 7773 Clinical cardiology, echocardiography and non-invasive services. Access to invasive services Suite B10, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 O’CONNOR, SimonCardiology ph 6281 7774 fax 6281 7773 Suite B10, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 ph 6244 2178 Cardiology Department, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 RAHMAN, Moyazur [email protected] ph 6285 4588 fax 6285 4708 ph 6244 2222 fax 6244 2249 Consultations; ECG; Holter; ambulatory blood pressure monitor; event monitor; coronary angiogram; balloon angioplasty and stents; echocardiography (transthoracic; transoesophageal; stress); pacemaker implantation; exercise stress test The Cardiology Centre, Suite 14/1 King Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Cardiothoracic Surgery SUBRAMANIAM, Peter ph 6162 0301 fax 6162 2353 ph 6244 3096 fax 6244 4010 [email protected] Cardiac surgery (adult); thoracic surgery Suite 10, 2 King Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Level 3, Building 1, Canberra Hospital GARRAN ACT 2605 THARION, John ph 6285 1866 fax 6282 4117 Cardiothoracic Surgery 28 John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Custodial Medicine LEVY, Michael ph 6207 2846 [email protected] 2013 Specialist Directory Public health; custodial medicine Hume Health Centre, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 999 Monaro Highway, HUME ACT 2620 Page 9 Dermatology DAVIES, Derek ph 6361 9377 fax 6361 9381 [email protected] Dermatologic surgery and Mohs surgery Consulting at: Woden Dermatology, Suite 10, Level 1, Corinna Chambers, 36-38 Corinna Street PHILLIP ACT 2606 Operating at: Calvary John James Hospital, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DRUMMOND, Catherine ph 6247 5429 fax 6247 3621 [email protected] www.drcatherinedrummond.com.au Medical, vulval and paediatric dermatology Referrals are triaged and should be faxed or emailed Suite 6, McKay Gardens Professional Centre, 5 McKay Gardens, TURNER ACT 2612 HEALSMITH, MarkDermatology ph 6230 6030 fax 6230 6040 Suite 2, Level 1, 17-21 University Avenue, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 MILLER, AndrewDermatology ph 6247 5429 fax 6247 3621 Suite 6, McKay Gardens Professional Centre, 5 McKay Gardens, TURNER ACT 2612 RUBEL, Diana ph 6282 8410 fax 6285 4112 [email protected] General and paediatric dermatology; skin cancer surgery; ultraviolet light therapy; photodynamic therapy; vascular laser; cosmetic dermatology; aesthetic injections Level 1, 1 Bowes Place, PHILLIP ACT 2606 PO Box 2086, WODEN ACT 2606 Diagnostic Imaging ALLEN, Robert ph 6203 2092 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Vascular interventions including angioplasty and stent placement; uterine artery embolisation; varicocoele treatment. Interventional oncology - TACE; SIR spheres; venous access & ports; biopsy; pain control Canberra Imaging Group, Calvary John James Hospital, DEAKIN ACT 2600 BRAMLEY, Jenny ph 6203 2030 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au CT and MRI; paediatrics; musculoskeletal Canberra Imaging Group CHUNG, Meng ph 6203 2029 fax 6203 2211 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au MRI and interventional radiology Canberra Imaging Group CHUNG, Robert ph 6203 2039 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au MSK ultrasound; intervention CT; mammography; O&G Canberra Imaging Group CONNORS, John ph 6203 2021 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au CT; breast imaging and fine needle biopsy Canberra Imaging Group CORMICK, Wes Obstetric ultrasound; thyroid; paediatrics; musculoskeletal ultrasound; breast ultrasound ph 6210 5600 Canberra Specialist Ultrasound, 5/3 Sydney Avenue BARTON ACT 2600 [email protected] www.specialistultrasound.com.au CRANNEY, Brendan ph 6203 2020 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Breast screening; diagnostic breast imaging Canberra Imaging Group DIWAKAR, Himanshu MRI; CT; general radiology x-rays; ultrasound; mammography; non-vascular interventions; ph 6239 2946, 6293 2922 fax 6293 1212 vascular interventions [email protected] National Capital Diagnostic Imaging www.ncdi.com.au DUNCAN, Iain ph 6122 7878 ph 6492 4225 ph 4861 3833 [email protected] www.driainduncan.com.au Nuclear medicine and diagnostic ultrasound; musculoskeletal, interventional and vascular ultrasound; cardiac nuclear medicine; musculoskeletal imaging National Capital Diagnostic Imaging, 39 Geils Court, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Bega Valley Radiology, 16 Canning Street, BEGA NSW 2550 Bowral Medical Imaging 70-72 Bowral Street BOWRAL NSW 2576 (Ultrasound only) FALK, Karen ph 6214 2222, 6124 1900, 6293 2922 [email protected] www.ncdi.com.au MRI; CT; ultrasound; DEXA; general radiology; musculoskeletal radiology and teleradiology National Capital Diagnostic Imaging FAULDER, JohnMRI ph 6203 2025 fax 6203 2211 Canberra Imaging Group [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Page 10 2013 Specialist Directory Diagnostic Imaging … CONTINUED GREENOUGH, Robert ph 6124 1900, 6122 7878 [email protected] www.ncdi.com.au Nuclear medicine; cardiovascular CT and MRI; general ultrasound; echocardiography; vascular ultrasound National Capital Diagnostic Imaging GUDUGUNTLA, Murali ph 6244 4334 Interventional and diagnostic radiology Radiology Department, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 HARVEY, Ann ph 6126 5000 fax 6239 4242 [email protected] www.umic.com.au Women’s imaging; pelvic MRI; breast imaging; guided MSK injections Universal Medical Imaging, 1/110 Giles Street, Kingston Foreshore, KINGSTON ACT 2604 Medical Imaging, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 HOY, Charles ph 6112 7160 fax 6112 7161 ph 6112 7060 fax 6112 7061 General radiology; ultrasound; CT; guided biopsy and injection Ginninderra Medical Centre, Cnr Coulter Drive and Nettlefold Street, BELCONNEN ACT 2617 Phillip Medical Centre, 33 Colbee Court, PHILLIP ACT 2606 JAIN, Tarun ph 6126 5000 fax 6239 4242 [email protected] www.umic.com.au Abdominal imaging; MRI; spinal and MSK injections; breast imaging Universal Medical Imaging, 1/110 Giles Street, Kingston Foreshore, KINGSTON ACT 2604 BreastScreen NSW JYOTI, Rajeev ph 0437 370 108 ph 6126 5000 fax 6239 4242 [email protected] www.umic.com.au Guided pain Intervention; abdominal and pelvic Imaging; prostate MRI; GU and GI ultrasound Universal Medical Imaging, 1/110 Giles Street, Kingston Foreshore, KINGSTON ACT 2604 Medical Imaging, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 KUAN, Raymond ph 6203 2027 fax 6203 2211 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au www.ncdi.com.au Musculoskeletal MRI Canberra Imaging Group MOREWOOD, David ph 6203 2036 fax 6203 2211 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au General radiology Canberra Imaging Group PRICE, Jeremy ph 6126 5000 fax 6239 4242 [email protected] www.umic.com.au Breast imaging; breast MRI including MRI guided intervention; guided pain intervention Universal Medical Imaging, 1/110 Giles St, Kingston Foreshore, KINGSTON ACT 2604 Medical Imaging, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 RUUT, Tom ph 6244 2159 fax 6244 2494 Radiologist; all modalities Radiology Department, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 STEWART, Iain ph 6214 2222, 6124 1900, 6293 2922 [email protected] www.ncdi.com.au Radiology/nuclear medicine; MRI; CT; ultrasound; general radiology; nuclear medicine; cardiac imaging National Capital Diagnostic Imaging SULLIVAN, Paul ph 6122 7878 [email protected] www.ncdi.com.au Ultrasound/nuclear medicine; cardiovascular nuclear medicine; vascular and musculoskeletal ultrasound; interventional procedures and paediatric examinations National Capital Diagnostic Imaging TAMHANE, Rohit ph 6203 2031 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Abdomen and pelvis imaging Canberra Imaging Group THOMSON, Malcolm ph 6203 2239 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au MRI; CT; ultrasound; musculoskeletal radiology; spinal imaging; general radiology; interventional radiology (including spinal and musculoskeletal); biopsies Canberra Imaging Group van der Merwe, Willem ph 6112 7060 fax 6112 7061 ph 6112 7160 fax 6112 7161 General x-ray; ultrasound including u/s guided MSK procedures & biopsies; CT including CT guided facet joint & nerve root blocks & epidural injections Phillip Diagnostic Imaging, 33 Colbee Court, PHILLIP ACT 2606 Ginninderra Diagnostic Imaging, Cnr Coulter Drive and Nettlefold Street, BELCONNEN ACT 2617 WONG, Yii Song ph 6203 2017 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Radiology and nuclear medicine Canberra Imaging Group 2013 Specialist Directory Page 11 Endocrinology and Diabetes BLACKBURN, Miriam ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Endocrinology and diabetes Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 WIGG, Susan ph 6203 2019 fax 6203 2011 [email protected] ph 6244 2228 [email protected] Thyroid consultations Level 1 CSB, Calvary John James Hospital, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 WILSON, J Dennis ph 6281 4821 fax 6281 7098 ph 6244 2310 fax 6244 4616 [email protected] General endocrinology and diabetes; endocrine and diabetes disorders in pregnancy Suite 12, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Department of Endocrinology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 General endocrinology and diabetes Department of Endocrinology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Emergency Medicine KUMAR, Sashi ph 6201 6111 Disaster medicine; trauma; orthopaedics; ENT Calvary Hospital, BRUCE ACT 2617 Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Gastroenterology and Hepatology BASSETT, Mark ph 6162 1515 fax 6162 1313 [email protected] www.markbassett.com.au Colonoscopy and gastroscopy Suite A5, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 BROMLEY, Jonathan ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Gastroenterology and capsule endoscopy gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 CORBETT, Mike ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Gastroenterology and capsule endoscopy gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 DRINI, MusaGastroenterology ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au FARRELL, Geoffrey ph 6244 2473 fax 6244 3235 [email protected] ph 6251 0255 Fatty Liver; hepatitis B and C; liver tumours; hepatic drug reactions Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit, Level 2, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GAVAGHAN, Terence ph 6281 4827 fax 6281 6652 [email protected] Gastroenterology; colonoscopy and upper GIT endoscopy Brindabella Endoscopy Centre, 7/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 HILLMAN, Lybus ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Colonoscopy; gastroscopy and oesophageal studies gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 KAYE, Graham ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Gastroenterology and hepatology gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 RIDDELL, James ph 6251 0255 fax 6251 0977 Gastroenterology; gastroscopy and colonoscopy; general medicine Suite 14, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 TEOH, Narci ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Gastroenterology and hepatology gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 THOMSON, Andrew ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au Gastroenterology and ERCP gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 WALKER, Sarah ph 6244 2195 fax 6281 5179 [email protected] Hepatology; gastrointestinal endoscopy GEHU, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Page 12 Suite 14, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 2013 Specialist Directory �A Caring Community’ Providing Maternity, Surgical, Medical and Rehabilitation services to the people of Canberra and surrounding areas. For a detailed Specialty Directory please email Robbyn Nedeljkovic [email protected] or call 02 6281 8114 In the tradition of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary with the values of hospitality, healing, stewardship and respect www.calvaryjohnjames.com.au Capital Specialist Centre ATTENTION ALL SPECIALISTS Part time sessions available at 3 Sydney Ave, Barton with full secretarial & typing support. We currently cater for both medical & surgical specialists in the prestigious Barton medical precinct. A very cost effective solution without the office management concerns. Phone 6253 3399 Universal Medical Imaging Services include: ■3.0T MRI State of the art dedicated Breast and Prostate studies ■Multi Slice CT ■Ultrasound ■Mammography ■DEXA ■General X-ray ■Guided Procedures and Spinal Injections UMI Kingston UMI MRI Calvary Public Hospital 1/110 Giles Street Level 2 Xavier Building (Cnr of Printers Way) Mary Potter Circuit Kingston Foreshore Bruce Ph: 6126 5000 Ph: 6126 5050 Email [email protected] For Patients, Referrers and the Community Gastrointestinal Surgery FERGUSSON, James ph 6244 3592 ph 6251 6261 fax 6251 9767 [email protected] Hepato-pancreatico-biliary and upper gastrointestinal surgery Department of Surgery, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit BRUCE ACT 2617 GANANADHA, Sivakumar ph 6244 2122 ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Hepato-pancreatico-biliary; upper gastrointestinal; bariatic; general surgery Level 1, Building 6, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit BRUCE ACT 2617 JEANS, Phillip ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au General and laparoscopic surgery. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy and ERCP. gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 LIM, James ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Gastrointestinal surgery; laparoscopic surgery; endoscopy Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 MOSSE, Charles ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Hepato-pancreatico-biliary; upper GI; bariatric; advanced laparoscopic surgery Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 RANGIAH, David ph 6251 6261 fax 6251 9767 General Surgery; laparoscopic surgery; colorectal gastro/intestinal; endoscopy Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 General Medicine ASHTON, Christopher ph 6260 4600 fax 6260 4606 General physician; endoscopist and gastroenterologist Suite 7, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 7/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 BURKE, Bill Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 [email protected] Consultation service and full range of lung function testing (spriometry volumes; DLCO; asthma challenge; 6 minute walk; oximetry screening) provided through our affiliated RespACT lung function laboratories RespACT, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 RespACT, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT CASSAR, Edwin ph 6281 1411 fax 6281 1766 [email protected] www.chroniccarecentre.com.au Cardiac and musculoskeletal treatment; rehabilitation and pain management in a multidisciplinary setting at Garran Exercise and Rehabilitation Woden Valley Specialist Centre, 60 Garran Place, GARRAN ACT 2605; Sharp Street, Surgery, COOMA NSW 2630; Doctors Clinic Bombala Hospital, BOMBALA NSW 2632; Main Street Medical Centre, MERIMBULA NSW 2548; Cobargo Surgery, Princes Highway, COBARGO NSW 2550 FISHER, Alexander ph 6244 3738 fax 6244 4036 [email protected] Geriatrics; ortho-geriatrics, internal medicine Department of Geriatric Medicine, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GAVAGHAN, Terence ph 6281 4827 fax 6281 6652 [email protected] General Consultant Physician Brindabella Endoscopy Centre, 7/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 GORDON, Andrew ph 6282 7333 fax 6282 7575 Consultant in General Medicine and infectious diseases; microbiology/microbiologist Suite 19, Upper Level, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SIVAKUMARAN, Seevaratnam ph 6282 0016 fax 6282 9259 General and geriatric medicine; rheumatology, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis 3/46 Geils Court, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SUBRAMANIAM, Kavitha ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] Gastroscopy; colonoscopy; inflammatory bowel diseases; colorectal cancer screening Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 SWAMINATHAN, Ashwin ph 6244 2222 [email protected] Infectious diseases/general medicine; hospital in-patient and out-patient based practice Medical Assessment and Planning Unit, Level 7, Building 1, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 General Surgery BARRY, Peter ph 6253 4122 [email protected] Endocrine surgery; melanoma; breast cancer and reconstruction; soft tissue sarcoma; rare cancers Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 BEEVORS, Margaret ph 4823 0221 fax 4822 5417 General surgery and endoscopy with interests in breast cancer surgery and skin cancer surgery 56 Clifford Street, GOULBURN NSW 2580 CHO, Carolyn ph 6232 4330 fax 6260 5240 General and breast surgery; surgical oncology (breast, melanoma and skin) Suite 4, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 CHONG, Guan ph 6282 1200 fax 6281 1277 General, endocrine and laparoscopic surgery Suite 18, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DAVIS, Ian ph 6281 0455 Colorectal and breast surgery Suite 13, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 FERGUSSON, James ph 6244 3592 ph 6251 6261 fax 6251 9767 [email protected] Hepato-pancreatico-biliary and upper gastrointestinal surgery Department of Surgery, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit BRUCE ACT 2617 2013 Specialist Directory Page 15 General Surgery … continued GANANADHA, Sivakumar ph 6244 2122 ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Hepato-pancreatico-biliary; upper gastrointestinal; bariatic; general surgery Level 1, Building 6, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit BRUCE ACT 2617 JEANS, Phillip ph 6234 7900 fax 6234 7922 [email protected] www.gastrotract.com.au General and laparoscopic surgery; gastroscopy; colonoscopy and ERCP. gastrotrACT, Brindabella Specialist Centre, 6/5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 LIM, James ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Gastrointestinal surgery; laparoscopic surgery; endoscopy Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 MAJEED, Usama ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 ph 6264 7203 fax 6201 6983 General Surgery Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 Calvary Hospital Specialist Clinics, Haydon Drive, BRUCE ACT 2617 MOSSE, Charles ph 6253 4122 fax 6253 2933 Hepato-pancreatico-biliary; upper GI; bariatric; advanced laparoscopic surgery Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 PISCIONERI, Francesco ph 6244 3863 fax 6205 2157 [email protected] www.health.act.gov.au ph 6201 6620 fax 6253 5330 General surgery Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 RANGIAH, David ph 6251 6261 fax 6251 9767 General Surgery; laparoscopic surgery; colorectal gastro/intestinal; endoscopy Suite 20, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 RICE, Jonathan [email protected] ph 1300 204 447 fax 4474 0899 ph 4474 2366 fax 4474 0899 www.capitalcoastlaser.com.au Special interest in vascular disease and breast cancer surgery; endovenous laser ablation; ultrasound guided sclerotherapy and venous disease treatments 6/9 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 22 Church Street, MORUYA NSW 2537 Geriatric Medicine Suite 9, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 FISHER, Alexander ph 6244 3738 fax 6244 4036 [email protected] Geriatrics; ortho-geriatrics; internal medicine Department of Geriatric Medicine, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 KULH, Mary Ann ph 6222 6767 fax 6222 6660 ph 6244 2278 fax 6244 2090 [email protected] Comprehensive geriatric assessment; cognitive assessment; peri-operative assessment Suite 5, National Capital Private Hospital, Hospital Road, GARRAN ACT 2605 Medical Assessment and Planning Unit, Ward 7B, Level 7, Building 1, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PARAMADHATHIL, Anil ph 6244 2926 fax 6174 5600 [email protected] ph 6154 5030 fax 6169 4437 [email protected] Comprehensive geriatric assessment; review patients in nursing homes Department of Geriatric Medicine, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 RICHARDSON, Sue ph 6285 1409 fax 6285 1093 Consultant physician in geriatric medicine; emphasis on ageing well; sub-specialty interest in dementia care, medication management and falls Unit 10, Brindabella Specialist Centre, Dann Close, GARRAN ACT 2605 SAHA, Sabari ph 6154 5030 fax 6169 4437 [email protected] ph 6244 2926 fax 6244 4036 www.health.act.gov.au Cognitive assessments; comprehensive geriatric assessments; falls assessments; general medical assessments in the elderly Suite 11, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 SIVAKUMARAN, Seevaratnam ph 6282 0016 fax 6282 9259 General and geriatric medicine; rheumatology; osteoarthritis; osteoporosis 3/46 Geils Court, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Haematology Holistic Medical Care, 11/12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PATI, Nalini ph 6244 2836 fax 6244 2271 [email protected] Haematology; clinical haematology Department of Haematology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PIDCOCK, Michael ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 2605 ph 6248 0664 Haematological neoplasia; thrombosis and bleeding disorders Suite 3, National Capital Private Hospital, Cnr Glimore and Hospital Roads, GARRAN ACT TALAULIKAR, Dipti [email protected] ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 ph 6244 3965 Haematological malignancy - lymphoma, myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasm, bleeding disorders, thrombosis Capital Specialist Centre, Suite 9, 3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 5 Key Street, CAMPBELL ACT 2612 Hepatology (see Gastroenterology and Hepatology) Page 16 2013 Specialist Directory Immunology and Allergy Medicine COOK, Matthew ph 6174 5586 fax 6244 2892 Autoimmunity and immune deficiency Department of Immunology, Level 6, Building 10, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GATENBY, Paul ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 ph 61745586 fax 6244 2872 Adult immunology; systemic autoimmune disease; allergy Suite 3, National Capital Private Hospital, Hospital Road, GARRAN ACT 2605 ANU Eurobodalla Rural Clinical School, 7 Pacific Street, BATEMANS BAY NSW 2536 Canberra Hospital 14B, GARRAN ACT 2605 MULLINS, Raymond ph 6282 2689 fax 6282 2526 www.allergycapital.com.au Allergy/immunology - adults and children Suite 1, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Infectious Diseases Medicine COLLIGNON, Peter ph 6244 2105 Microbiology and infectious diseases Infectious Diseases Unit and Microbiology, ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital GARRAN ACT 2605 GORDON, Andrew ph 6282 7333 fax 6282 7575 Consultant in general medicine and infectious diseases, microbiology/microbiologist Suite 19, Upper Level, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 KENNEDY, Karina ph 6244 2105 Infectious diseases and microbiology Infectious Diseases Unit and Microbiology, ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital GARRAN ACT 2605 SWAMINATHAN, Ashwin ph 6244 2222 [email protected] Infectious diseases/general medicine; hospital in-patient and out-patient based practice Medical Assessment and Planning Unit, Level 7, Building 1, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 WATSON, Ashley ph 6244 2105 Infectious diseases Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Intensive Care BIKSHANDI, Balaji ph 6281 8100 fax 6169 3070 [email protected] www.nabtcriticalcare.com.au Intensive care 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SINGH, Manoj ph 6174 5228 [email protected] Care to critically ill patients and post-operative patients; MET calls; palliation ICU, Level 3, Building 12, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Medical Oncology ALI, Sayed ph 6244 2220 ph 6201 6645 ph 4474 1592 General medical oncology; melanoma; GI cancer; lung cancer Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Zita Mary Clinic, Calvary Hospital, BRUCE ACT 2617 Eurobodalla Cancer Centre, River Street, MORUYA NSW 2537 CRAFT, Paul ph 6244 2220 fax 6244 4266 [email protected] Medical oncology Department of Medical Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 DAVIS, Alison ph 6244 2220 fax 6244 4266 Breast cancer; gynaecological cancers Department of Medical Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GORDDARD, Nicole ph 6244 2220 fax 6244 4266 ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 Medical oncology Department of Medical Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 National Capital Specialist Suites, National Capital Private Hospital, Cnr Gilmore and Hospital Roads, GARRAN ACT 2605 PRANAVAN, Ganes ph 6244 2200 fax 6244 4266 ph 6282 4831 fax 6282 4117 ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 Medical oncology Department of Medical Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 28, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Suite 3, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 YIP, Desmond ph 6244 2220 fax 6244 4266 ph 6222 6607 fax 6222 6663 [email protected] Gastrointestinal oncology; renal cell cancer Department of Medical Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 3, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Neonatology KENT, Alison ph 6244 4056 [email protected] Department of Neonatology, Level 3 Building 11, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 MOHAMED, Abdel-Latif ph 6174 7565 [email protected] Department of Neonatology, Building 11, Level 2, Centenary Hospital for Women and Children GARRAN ACT 2605 2013 Specialist Directory Page 17 Neurology ANDREWS, Colin ph 6282 4807 [email protected] EEG, nerve conduction; EMG, evoked responses. Botox for torticollis, hemi, acidspasm, headache, trigeminal neuralgia Suite A8, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 HUGHES, Andrew ph 6244 2950 fax 6244 4629 Clinical neurophysiology; nerve conduction studies/EMG; headaches; botulinum toxin injections for neurologically indicated problems Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 McCOLL, CraigNeurology ph 6201 6930 fax 6201 6079 ANU Medical School, Calvary Hospital, BRUCE ACT 2617 Neurosurgery KHURANA, Gautam (Vini) ph 6169 4118 fax 6169 4119 [email protected] canberraneurosurgery.com.au Brain tumour; brain aneurysm; AVM; trigeminal neuralgia; cavernoma; hemifacial spasm; spinal decompression; discectomy Canberra Neurosurgery, Level 5, Tower A, 7 London Circuit, CANBERRA ACT 2601 OW-YANG, Michael ph 6260 4680 fax 6260 4633 [email protected] ph 6925 2070 fax 6925 2448 Neurosurgery and spine surgery ACT NeuroSpine Clinic, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PO Box 103 Deakin West ACT 2600 9 Gormly Avenue, WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 PIK, Justin ph 6260 4680 fax 6260 4633 [email protected] Spinal surgery; brain tumour; carpal tunnel surgery ACT NeuroSpine Clinic, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PO Box 103 Deakin West ACT 2600 Nuclear Medicine SHRESTHA, Ganesh ph 6203 2034 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au General nuclear medicine; nuclear cardiology; PET and cardiac CT Canberra Imaging Group YOGARATNAM, Ragu ph 6203 2026 [email protected] www.canberraimaging.com.au Nuclear medicine; PET scans Canberra Imaging Group Obstetrics and Gynaecology ADHAM, Omar Obstetric care; pelvic pain and endometriosis; prolapse and incontinence ph 6282 2033 fax 6282 2306 Suite 3-5, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 [email protected] www.completewomenshealth.com.au AHUJA, Roji Rani ph 6282 4007 fax 6285 3457 ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 General obstetrics and gynaecology Suite A9, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Suite 16, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 ARMELLIN, RobertIVF ph 6285 1930 fax 6281 6410 Suite 10, 1st Floor, AAS Building, 13 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 BATES, Grahame ph 6282 4920 fax 6285 3265 All gynaecological surgery, especially laparoscopy; obstetrics Suite 9, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 CLOSE, Susie ph 6260 5822 [email protected] Obstetrics and gynaecology; bariatric gynaecology Suite B9, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DEVINE, Bronwyn ph 6163 9677 fax 6163 9678 Fertility; IVF; paediatric and adolescent gynaecology Suite 2, Peter Yorke Building, 173 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 DREHER, Jakub ph 6162 3300 Obstetrics and gynaecology Suite 15, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 FOOTE, Andrew ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 [email protected] www.canberracuresclinic.com.au Obstetrics; gynaecology; urogynaecology; advanced laproscopic surgery; pelvic reconstructive surgery Suite 9, 3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 GAILANI, Omar ph 6285 1813, 6285 3265 ph 6244 2222 Specialises in obstetrics; all gynaecological surgery, both public and private Suite 9, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Urodynamic Clinic, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GALLAGHER, Elizabeth ph 6282 2033 fax 6282 2306 Obstetrics; prolapse and pelvic floor repairs; menopause; general gynaecology Suites 3-5, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 HEATON, RogerGynaecology ph 6282 4920 fax 6285 3265 Suite 9, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 [email protected] HEHIR, John ph 6253 5588 fax 6253 0316 Public and private gynaecology Suite 11, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 KNIGHT, David ph 6174 7591 fax 6244 3422 [email protected] General gynaecology, obstetrics, colposcopy, urodynamics Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Page 18 2013 Specialist Directory Dr. A-J Collins MB BS FRACS Breast and Thyroid Surgeon Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oncoplastic Breast Surgery – including: w Immediate breast reconstruction and breast reduction techniques w Breast Cancer surgery w Sentinel node biopsy Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery Bruce & Barton Address: Suite 3, National Capital Private Hospital Phone: 02 6222 6607 Fax: 02 6222 6663 All appointments 6253 3399 Excellence in Women’s Health, with timely & efficient service Public & Private patients, concessions for pensioners, daily emergency appointments available Co-located day surgery Dr Andrew Foote: interest in prolapse, urinary incontinence, obstetrics & general gynaecology Dr Sim Hom Tam Obstetrician and Gynaecologist ● Special interest in High Risk Obstetrics and Laparoscopic Surgery ● Private and Public patients ● Rooms at Bruce, Barton and Queanbeyan Calvary Clinic: Suite 16/40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 Ph: 6162 0842 (for all appointments) Fax: 6162 3155 Email: [email protected] Web: www.drsimhomtam.com.au WOMEN’S HEALTH on STRICKLAND Dr Elizabeth Gallagher and Dr Omar Adham offer a comprehensive obstetric and gynaecology practice, including high risk obstetrics, advanced laparoscopy, endometriosis, pelvic floor reconstruction, incontinence, urodynamics and colposcopy from Suites 3-7 John James Medical Centre 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Phone 02 6282 2033 Fax 02 282 2306 Additional services include: physiotherapy (Marita O’Shea) who specialises in pelvic floor and incontinence treatment, antenatal and post natal musculoskeletal problems, post natal pelvic floor assessments and nutrition (Dietitian (Lyndall Hayes) who has special interests in pre-pregnancy and pregnancy focused nutrition, healthy eating for weight loss or to improve general health, PCOs and management of gestational diabetes Obstetrics and Gynaecology … continued LOW, S Tween ph 6162 1649 fax 6162 1659 ph 6244 3136 [email protected] Special interest in endometriosis and infertility Suite 10, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Gynaecology; infertility; endometriosis. Laparoscopy and colposcopy Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 McCORMACK Rebecca ph 6162 3036 fax 6162 3038 [email protected] www.gwspecialists.com.au Obstetrics; general gynaecolocy; colposcopy; urinary incontinence; pelvic floor; laparoscopy Gaia Women’s Specialists, Suite 29, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Cres, DEAKIN ACT 2600 MUTTON, Philip ph 6273 3102 fax 6273 3002 Colposcopy/laser; outpatient gynaecological surgery; prolapse surgery; incontinence management/surgery; laparoscopic surgery; specialist obstetrics; treatment of endometriosis, abnormal bleeding, fibroids and menopause 39 Grey Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 O’Rourke, David ph 6285 1930 fax 6281 6410 Obstetrics and gynaecology; infertility including IVF; laparoscopic hysterectomy Suite 10, 1st Floor, AAS Building, 13 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 ROBSON, Stephen ph 6282 3033 fax 6281 2899 ph 6260 3400 fax 6260 3466 [email protected] www.genea.com.au Obstetrics and gynaecology; IVF and infertility; colposcopy & pap smear abnormalities; pelvic floor reconstruction Suite 2, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Genea Canberra, 2 King Street DEAKIN ACT 2600 RUBA, Jyotica ph 6162 0301 fax 6162 2353 Obstetrics and gynaecology Suite 10, 2 King Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SIDES, Nicole ph 6282 5577 fax 6282 5622 ph 6175 9000 fax 6175 9001 [email protected] www.isisfertility.com.au General gynaecology. Fertility management / IVF Rooms: Suite 7, Level 2, 3 Sydney Avenue BARTON ACT 2600 Clinic: Suite 1, Level 1, 9 Sydney Avenue BARTON ACT 2600 TAM, Sim Hom ph 6162 0842 fax 6162 3155 [email protected] Public and private obstetrics and gynaecology; advanced laparoscopic surgery Suite 16, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 TAN, WS (Ken) ph 6162 0582 fax 6162 1659 [email protected] ph 6244 3079 fax 6244 3154 [email protected] Public/private obstetric; high risk obstetric. Obstetric and gynaecology ultrasound services Canberra Fetal Assessment Centre, Suite 10, John James Medical Centre, DEAKIN ACT 2600 YOUNIS, Huda ph 6162 3036 fax 6162 3038 [email protected] gwspecialists.com.au Obstetrics; general gynaecology; laparoscopy; colposcopy Suite 29, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Occupational Medicine Fetal Medicine Unit, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 EATON, Garth ph 6282 9020 [email protected] ph 6230 0200 Occupational medicine; injury and pain management Gadal Chambers, Unit 19, 48 Corinna Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606 - Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Canberra Injury Management Centre, Civic Olympic Pool Complex, Cnr Allara Street and Constitution Avenue, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 - Thursday GARDNER, Ian R ph 0419 236 228 [email protected] [email protected] Primarily servicing Government clients providing impartial expert advice on all OEM matters, including toxicology, public, occupational and environmental health advice GPO Box 2344, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Defence Centre for Occupational Health BP35-5-047 PO Box 7927 CANBERRA BC 2610 HARREX, Warren ph 6260 5757 Veterans’ compensation; epidemiological investigation of workplace exposures; designated aviation medicine examiner Corinna Chambers Medical Practice, Suite 10, Corinna Chambers, 36-38 Corinna Street, WODEN ACT 2606 LE LEU, Leon ph 6281 0373 fax 8915 1551 [email protected] Occupational Medicine; medico-legal opinions; approved medical specialist Comcare; approved by NSW Workcover; Worksafe Vic; Traffic Accident Commission Vic; Workcover QLD Gadal Chambers, Unit 19, 48 Corinna Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606 McGRATH, David ph 6232 5122 [email protected] www.drdavidmcgrath.com.au Spine Physician; Master of Pain Medicine Suite B5, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 WILKINS, Peter ph 6282 1100 Occupational medicine; aerospace medicine; medico legal opinions. Approved Medical Specialist for Comcare, NSW Workcover and Motor Accidents Authority NSW examinations Corporate Medical Options, Suite 4, Level 2, Clinical Services Building, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Oncology Medical (see Medical Oncology) Oncology Radiation (see Radiation Oncology) Page 20 2013 Specialist Directory Ophthalmology CHANG, Andrew [email protected] ph 6260 3222 / 9221 3755 www.sydneyretina.com.au ph 9221 3755 fax 9221 1637 ph 8883 5886 fax 8883 5884 Vitreoretinal Surgeon; macular diseases; retinal tear and detachment; diabetic retinopathy; retinal vascular occlusions The Annexe Eye Clinic, John James Healthcare Campus, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Sydney Retina, Level 13, 187 Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Norwest Eye Clinic, Suite 103, 9 Norbrik Drive, BELLA VISTA NSW 2153 DICKSON, David ph 6248 9555 fax 6247 1267 General ophthamology; cataract surgery; diabetic eye disease Medical Centre, Blamey Place, CAMPBELL ACT 2612 DUNCAN, Martin ph 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au Cataract surgery; eyelid surgery Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 DUNLOP, Iain ph 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au General ophthalmology and refractive surgery Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 ESSEX, Rohan ph 6244 3769 [email protected] ph 03 9929 8666 Vitreoretinal surgery Department of Ophthalmology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 KHANNAH, Gagan PH 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au General ophthalmology and refractive surgery Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 LAWIN-BRUSSEL, Christiane ph 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au General ophthalmology, cataract surgery and eyelid surgery Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 MENDIS, BK Randev ph 6282 1783 fax 6285 1556 Medical retina; surgical retina The Annexe Eye Clinic, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 OKERA, Salim ph 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au Corneal and external disease; cataract; general ophthalmology Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, 32 Gisborne Street, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 REID, KateOphthalmology ph 6244 3769 fax 6205 2157 Department of Opthalmology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 SAUNDERS, StuartOphthalmology ph 6249 6000 fax 6248 8601 Canberra Eye Hospital, 14 Wormald Street, NORTH SYMONSTON ACT 2609 www.canberraeyehospital.com.au SMILES, John ph 6282 1783 fax 6285 1556 Diabetes; eye disorders of the elderly; all patients are tested for glasses The Annexe Eye Clinic, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 TRIDGELL, David ph 6262 5280 Comprehensive ophthalmology including cataract surgery; medical retina Ground Floor, 17-21 University Avenue, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 TSIRBAS, Angelo ph 1300 378 747 fax 8362 9441 [email protected] www.drtsirbas.com Oculoplastics; orbital surgery; reconstructive eye surgery Suite 9, 3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 TUMULURI, Krishna ph 1300 393 543 fax 1300 393 329 Oculoplastic surgery; lacrimal surgery; orbital surgery 9/3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 PO Box 25, WESTMEAD NSW 2145 WALKER, Thomas D ph 6260 8762 fax 6239 6748 [email protected] Consultant ophthalmologist 51 Jardine Street, KINGSTON ACT 2604 WOLFE, Richard ph 6260 7100 fax 6260 8011 www.vistaeyes.com.au Laser eye surgery 51 Jardine Street, KINGSTON ACT 2604 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery COOPER, Michael [email protected] ph 6247 3250 fax 6257 3485 www.surgicentre.com.au ph 6282 2333 fax 6281 5811 [email protected] Dento alveolar surgery; facial trauma; corrective jaw surgery; oral mucosal diseases, TMJ diseases Canberra Surgicentre, Scala House, 11 Torrens Street, BRADDON ACT 2612 HAMMANS, Paul [email protected] ph 6282 2333 fax 6281 5811 ph 6247 3250 fax 6257 3485 [email protected] www.surgicentre.com.au Dental implants; jaw reconstruction; facial trauma; dentoalveolar surgery; oral mucosal diseases Canberra Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2 Geils Court, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Canberra Surgicentre, Scala House, 11 Torrens Street, BRADDON ACT 2612 2013 Specialist Directory Canberra Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2 Geils Court, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Page 21 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery … continued HYAM, Dylan ph 6282 3848 fax 6162 1898 [email protected] www.drhyam.com.au Facial trauma; oral oncology; dentoalveolar surgery Unit 9, The Australian Surgeon’s Building, 13 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 VICKERS, Peter ph 6247 3250 fax 6257 3485 [email protected] www.surgicentre.com.au Head and neck surgery; facial trauma; jaw reconstruction surgery Canberra Surgicentre, Scala House, 11 Torrens Street, BRADDON ACT 2612 Orthopaedic Surgery AUBIN, Phil ph 6221 9324 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Joint replacement and revision surgery; foot and ankle surgery; orthopaedic trauma surgery Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 BURNS, Alexander ph 6221 9323 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Primary and revision THR; resurfacing hip; arthroscopy; primary and revision TKR; knee reconstruction surgery Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 CREER, Rob ph 6162 0807 fax 6281 5779 [email protected] www.drcreer.com.au Sports and reconstructive surgery of the knee and shoulder; joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee and shoulder Suite 5/2, King Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PO Box 287, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DAMIANI, Maurizio ph 6124 1682 fax 6282 8866 [email protected] www.canberraorthopaedic.com.au Trauma; shoulder; elbow; wrist and hand Canberra Orthopaedic Group, Level 3, Peter Yorke Building, 173 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 GILLESPIE, Michael ph 6201 6822 fax 6201 6828 Hip and knee replacement - primary and revision procedures; knee arthroscopy and reconstruction Suite 21, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 GORDIEV, Katherine ph 6260 5249 fax 6282 8313 [email protected] www.katherinegordiev.com.au Practicing in: arthroscopic and open shoulder surgery; shoulder replacement; elbow, wrist and hand surgery; trauma Suite 7, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 GROSS, Michael ph 6201 6801 fax 6201 6802 [email protected] canberrahipknee.com Primary and revision hip and knee replacement; knee arthroscopy 21/40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 HOCKING, Richard ph 6251 6166 fax 6251 6188 [email protected] www.capitalortho.com.au Adult hip and knee surgery; trauma orthopaedic surgery. Suite 17, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 KLAR, Brendan ph 6225 7410 fax 6103 9015 www.brendanklar.com.au Trauma and lower limb reconstruction Level 1, Equinox 1, 70 Kent Street, DEAKIN, ACT 2600 KULISIEWICZ, Gawel ph 6221 9326 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Hip, knee, foot, ankle and trauma Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 MINITER, Paul ph 6253 3388 fax 6253 3788 [email protected] Knees, feet and ankles Suite 1, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 PORTER, Mark ph 6201 6989 fax 6201 6802 [email protected] www.sportsorthopaedics.com.au Sports; orthopaedic surgeon; upper and lower limbs Suite 21, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 ROBERTS, Chris ph 6221 9321 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Surgery of hand; wrist; elbow; shoulder and trauma Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 SMITH, Damian ph 6221 9322 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Knee; hip; sports and trauma Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 SMITH, Paul ph 6221 9327 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Hip; knee; pelvic surgery; primary and revision joint surgery; trauma Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Page 22 2013 Specialist Directory Dr Brendan Klar MB BS FRACS FAOrthA Orthopaedic surgeon Trauma and Lower Limb Reconstructive Surgeon Recently relocated to solo practice and now consulting in new rooms at: Level 1, Equinox 1, 70 Kent Street DEAKIN ACT 2600 Tel: 6225 7410 Fax: 6103 9015 www.brendanklar.com.au Providing on-call trauma services at the Canberra Hospital and elective surgery for public and private patients in the ACT Urgent private consultations available by faxing imaging report and clinical history. Dr Rob Creer Orthopaedic Surgeon Practice Relocation ~ Sports and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee and Shoulder ~ Joint Replacement of the Hip Knee and Shoulder For Appointments 02 6162 0807 Dr Katherine Gordiev Orthopaedic Surgeon Shoulder & Upper limb MBBS (Hons I) FRACS FAOrthA Arthroscopic & Open Surgery of the Shoulder & Upper Limb • Shoulder Replacement • Shoulder Stabilisation • Rotator Cuff Repair • Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist & Hand Surgery • Weekly Sports Trauma & Fracture Clinic • Operating at National Capital Private, Calvary John James, Calvary Bruce Hospitals, Canberra Specialist Surgical Centre • Private & Public patients Suite 5, Cnr King and Denison Streets, Deakin ACT 2600 www.drcreer.com.au Phone 02 6260 5249 www.katherinegordiev.com.au Suite 7 National Capital Private Hospital Garran ACT 2605 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Orthopaedics CANBERRA SURGICENTRE Dr Michael Cooper Dr Paul G Hammans Dr Peter Vickers • Oral Surgery • Oral Pathology • Facial Trauma • Facial Pain Suite 11, National Capital Private Hospital, Hospital Road, Garran • Jaw Surgery • Head and Neck Surgery (Multidisciplinary) Phone: 6260 4777 Fax: 6260 4788 Scala House, 11 Torrens St, Braddon ACT 2612 Phone: 6247 3250 Fax: 6257 3485 [email protected] www.surgicentre.com.au ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALISTS Canberra Dr Michael Gilles pie Hip & Knee Replacement C A L V A R Y C L I N I C Hip and knee and reconstructioreplacement - knee arthroscopy n & sports related knee problems Suite 21, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circui t, Bruce Phone: 6201 682 2 www.canberrahi pknee.com Dr Geoffrey Stubbs etal Independent Musculoskel nt me ess Impairment Ass niassa ers, 1 Grattan Ct, Wan Suite 6, Erindale Chamb 0 ph: 6296 604 Dr Rob Creer Orthopaedic Surgeon Suite 5 Cnr King and Denison Streets Deakin ACT 2600 02 6162 0807 www.drcreer.com.au Dr Sindy Vrancic is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises in all conditions of the upper limb Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm Please phone for an appointment. Dr Paul Miniter Knees, feet and ankles Suite 1, Calvary Clinic 40 Mary Potter Circuit, Bruce Phone: 6253 3388 Dr Katherine Gordiev Shoulder and elbow, upper limb Suite 7, National Capital Private Hospital, Hospital Road, Garran Phone: 6260 5249 Dr Brendan Klar MB BS FRACS FAO rthA Orthopaedic surgeo n Trauma and Lowe Level 1, Equinox 1 70 Kent Street DEAKIN ACT 260 0 r Limb Reconstruct ive Surgeon Tel: 6225 7410 Fax: 6103 9015 www.brendanklar.com .au Orthopaedic Surgery … continued STUBBS, Geoffrey ph 6296 6040 fax 6296 7167 [email protected] Independent medical examiner Suite 6, Erindale Chambers, Grattan Court, WANNIASSA ACT 2903 TSAI, Nicholas ph 6221 9325 fax 6103 9032 [email protected] www.orthoact.com.au Spine; sports; knee; shoulder and trauma Orthopaedics ACT, Suite 2, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, TURNER ACT 2612 GPO Box 815, CANBERRA ACT 2601 VRANCIC, Sindy ph 6260 4777 fax 6260 4788 [email protected] www.shoulder2hand.com.au Surgery of shoulder, elbow and hand; trauma; reconstructive and joint replacement surgery Suite 11, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 WOODS, Kevin ph 6124 1602 fax 6282 8866 [email protected] www.canberraorthopaedic.com.au Trauma; sports; knee and shoulder replacement surgery Canberra Orthopaedic Group, Level 3, Peter Yorke Building, 173 Strickland Crescent DEAKIN ACT 2600 Otolaryngology ALBEKAA, Safi ph 6281 7447 fax 6281 7887 Full range of ENT disorders and head and neck tumours. Special interest in endoscopic sinus surgery, paediatric and snoring surgery Suite 7, Peter Yorke Building, 173 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 CHAPMAN, Peter ph 6281 3022 Full range of ENT services; interest in otology; FESS surgery (endoscopic sinus surgery); paediatrics; cochlear implantation Suite 8, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, Napier Close DEAKIN ACT 2600 EGHTEDARI, Fardin ph 6244 3843 fax 6205 2157 ph 6281 3022 fax 6281 4432 [email protected] www.canberrahospital.act.gov.au Otology; rhinoplasty; sinus surgery; head and neck Building 6 Level 1, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Suite 8, Lidia Perin Medical Centre, 12 Napier Close DEAKIN ACT 2600 LEE, Tack-Tsiew ph 6281 3566 fax 6281 3356 Ear, nose and throat surgeon; head and neck surgeon Suite 20, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PHAM, Tuan ph 6281 4075 Paediatric ENT diseases; endoscopic sinus surgery Suite 5/60 Garran Place, GARRAN ACT 2605 Paediatrics BENCH, Graham ph 0421 366 945 fax 9427 1166 General paediatrics Morrisett Street, QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 Garema Place Family Practice, Garema Place, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 CRAWSHAW, Ann ph 6201 6775 fax 6201 6753 Paediatric medicine Residence C, Mary Potter Circuit, Calvary Hospital Complex, BRUCE ACT 2617 CRAWSHAW, Ian ph 6201 6775 fax 6201 6753 Paediatric medicine Residence C, Mary Potter Circuit, Calvary Hospital Complex, BRUCE ACT 2617 EDWARDS, Joanne ph 6253 3011 fax 6253 2530 General paediatrics Suite 5, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 HUYNH, Tony ph 6174 7605 fax 6244 3021 [email protected] Paediatric endocrinology; general paediatrics Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, GARRAN ACT 2605 LEERDAM, CarolPaediatrics ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 McDONALD, Tim ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Respiratory and sleep medicine; paediatrics Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 PAYMAN, NahalPaediatrics ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 POWELL, Suzanna ph 6251 5177 fax 6251 6255 General paediatrician Suite 12, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, Bruce ACT 2617 REYNOLDS, Graham ph 6244 3259 fax 6244 4105 [email protected] Neonatal, child and adolescent medicine Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Canberra Hospital GARRAN ACT 2605 ROSIER, MichaelPaediatrics ph 6253 3011 fax 6253 2530 Suite 5, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 TEOH, Laurel Consultant paediatric respiratory physician; paediatric sleep medicine ph 6174 7550, 6174 7551 fax 6244 3021 Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 2013 Specialist Directory Page 25 Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes HUYNH, Tony ph 6174 7605 fax 6244 3021 [email protected] Paediatric endocrinology; general paediatrics Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, GARRAN ACT 2605 LAFFERTY, Tony ph 6244 2033, 6244 2222 fax 6244 3021 [email protected] 0466 655 068 Paediatric and adolescent endocrinology and diabetes; Please call for all urgent patients, especially suspected new Type 1 diabetes Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 On call Paed Endo mobile for urgent referrals Paediatric Surgery CROAKER, David ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 ph 6244 2222 fax 6244 3021 [email protected] Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 General paediatric surgery and urology with an interest in gastroenterology and constipation Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 MALECKY, George ph 6285 1233 fax 6285 1100 Paediatric surgery; paediatric urology; hypospadias reconstruction Suite B7, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SIMPSON, Erroll ph 6295 9353 Paediatric urology 1/19 Murray Crescent, MANUKA ACT 2603 Pain Medicine McGRATH, David ph 6232 5122 [email protected] www.drdavidmcgrath.com.au Spine Physician; Master of Pain Medicine Suite B5, Canberra Specialist Centre, 161 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 SPELDEWINDE, Geoffrey ph 6282 6240 [email protected] www.capitalrehab.com.au Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including zygapophysial joints, disc decompression, spinal and peripheral nerve stimulator implants; comprehensive physical and psychological multidisciplinary assessment and management of chronic pain 25 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Palliative Care SKEELS, Andrew ph 6264 7300 fax 6273 0338 [email protected] Palliative care Clare Holland House, Menindee Drive, BARTON ACT 2600 Pathology BENNETT, Genevieve ph 6244 2868 Histopathology; cytopathology; dermatopathology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 BROWN, Michael ph 6244 2866 Anatomical pathology; cytopathology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 CHERIAN, Maya ph 6244 2865 Anatomical pathology; cytopathology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 CHONG, Angela ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Histopathology; cytopathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 CLARK, Ian ph 6285 9800 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Pathology; histopathology; cytopathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DAHLSTROM, Jane ph 6244 2658 [email protected] Histopathology. Special interest in oral and perinatal pathology. ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 FERGUSON, JuliHistopathology ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 www.capitalpath.com.au HEMMINGS, Chris Soft tissue and gut pathology ph 6244 2880, 6244 2867 fax 6244 2892 Department of Anatomical Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 [email protected] www.australiansarcomagroup.org HICKMAN, Peter ph 6244 2840 Chemical pathology; laboratory inputs of endocrinology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 JAIN, Sanjiv ph 6244 2869 Fine needle aspiration cytology - breast lumps; lymph nodes; soft tissue; thyroid Department of Anatomical Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Page 26 2013 Specialist Directory Proudly supported by Capital Pathology is a fully NATA accredited medical testing laboratory that has provided quality pathology services to the people of Canberra , South Coast, Goulburn and Snowy Mountains for over 40 years. All our staff take pride in our motto, “Quality is in our DNA,” by providing quality and customer focussed pathology services to you and your patients. Our purpose-built, state-of-the-art main laboratory is situated in Deakin, right in the heart of Canberra. We also have two regional laboratories in Goulburn and Bega. These laboratories are supported by over 300 local staff, an extensive courier network and over 35 collection centres offering extended working hours, appointments and a full range of collection services. Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra Collection Centres Ainslie Shop 9, 11 Edgar Street Barton Suite 5, 3 Sydney Avenue Belconnen Unit 12, North Point Plaza, 8 Chandler Street Dickson Dickson Professional Centre, Cnr Antill and Cowper Streets Garran Cnr Gilmore Crescent and Hospital Road North Canberra Family Practice, 5B Chandler Street Gungahlin Unit 132, Hinder Street Gungahlin Family Healthcare, 2 Franz Borman Close Bruce Tristar Medical Group, Unit 11, 100 Eastern Valley Highway Hawker Unit 7, Birubi Chamber, Cnr Beetaloo St and Hawker Place Calvary Suite 4, Calvary Clinic, Haydon Drive Jerrabomberra Unit 12, Jerrabomberra Shopping Village, 2 Limestone Drive Civic 34 Marcus Clarke Street Charnwood Tillyard Drive Medical Centre, 123 Tillyard Drive Deakin Peter Yorke Building Plaza, John James Memorial Hospital, 173 Strickland Cres Kingston Wentworth Ave Family Practice, 55 Wentworth Avenue Lanyon Unit 5, 3 Sidney Nolan Street Condor Majura Park Suite 2, 25-31 Mustang Avenue, Majura Park Manuka Unit 1, 21 Murray Crescent Philip/Woden Suite 11, Corinna Chambers, 36-38 Corinna Street Queanbeyan Floor 1, 23 Antill Street Tuggeranong Unit 5, Tuggeranong Square, Reed Street (South) Wanniassa Suite 5, Erindale Chambers, Gratton Court Waramanga Waramanga Medical Centre, Shop 1, Waramanga Shopping Centre Woden Brindabella Specialist Centre, Hindmarsh Dr and Palmer St, Garran Please note we also have Collection Centers in Snowy Mountains, Goulburn and South Coast Main Laboratory located at: 2 Makin Place, Deakin, 2600 T: 6285 9800 www.capitalpath.com.au Pathology … continued LLEWELLYN, Huw ph 6244 2882 Anatomical pathology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 LU, Tracey ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Histopathology; cytopathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 LUI, Millie ph 6244 3767 Anatomical pathology ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 RANJIT, Sumi ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Histopathology; cytopathology; haematology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 ROBBIE, Melissa ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Histopathology, cytopathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 TWIN, Jane ph 6285 9867 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Anatomical pathology; cytopathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 WHITING, Paul ph 6285 9895 fax 6281 1941 www.capitalpath.com.au Clinical pathology; general pathology Capital Pathology, 2 Makin Place, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery FERGUSON, Alan ph 6222 6668 fax 6222 6667 Plastic and reconstructive surgery National Capital Private Hospital, Cnr Gilmore and Hospital Roads, GARRAN ACT 2605 MILOVIC, Vladimir Breast surgery - augmentation, reduction, mastopexy, reconstruction; face/neck surgery ph 6260 4882 fax 6285 4266 Body contouring - abdominoplasty, body lift, liposuction; skin cancer excision and [email protected] reconstruction; hand surgery; laser and more www.integrityplasticsurgery.com.au Suite 1, Equinox 1, 70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 TAYLOR, Alastair ph 6282 1177 fax 6281 0377 ph 6282 1123 www.capsclinic.com.au Cosmetic surgery, cosmetic and reconstruction surgery for the breasts, face and body The CAPS Clinic, 7 Phipps Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 360UV Skin Cancer Clinic, DEAKIN ACT 2600 TONKS, Tony Cosmetic/aesthetic surgery; hand surgery; laser skin rejuvenation ph 6282 4868 fax 6282 0377 6/9 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 [email protected] www.canberraplasticsurgery.com.au Psychiatry ADAMS, Emma ph 6162 2830 fax 6162 2831 Perinatal and infant. Mood and anxiety disorders. General adult psychiatry. 3 Hall Street, LYNEHAM ACT 2602 PO Box 55, JAMISON CENTRE ACT 2614 FITZGERALD, Paul ph 6161 3160 Adult psychiatry PO Box 919, DICKSON ACT 2602 FRIDGANT, Lev ph 6251 0222 General adult and child and adolescent psychiatry and family therapy; depression; anxiety; bipolar disorder Suite 6, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 GLANVILLE, Emma ph 6205 1338 [email protected] Adult psychiatry; consultation liaison psychiatry. No private practice City Mental Health, 1 Moore Street, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 HARRISON, Ann ph 0418 625 995 Psychotherapy; transcultural psychiatry Unit 16, Gadal Chambers, 48 Corinna Street, WODEN ACT 2606 HOOK, Reginald ph 6295 9666 fax 6295 8939 Psychotherapy; psychoanalysis 60 Captain Cook Crescent, GRIFFITH ACT 2603 KUMAR, Rajeev ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 [email protected] www.neuropsychiatryinfo.com Neuropsychiatry; mood, anxiety disorders; borderline personality disorder; psychosis 9/3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 LEAN, Bruce ph 6282 4545 fax 6282 4484 ph 6244 3204 Consultant psychiatry 134 Carruthers Street, CURTIN ACT 2605 Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Unit, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 LOOI, Jeffrey ph 6248 6614 fax 6248 7277 Anxiety; mood disorders; cognitive impairment; dementia; neuropsychiatry; short-term CBT and mindfulness psychotherapy; workplace rehabilitation. Accepts new patients for assessment Suite 5, 2 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 LUBBE, Katherine ph 6281 0447 General adult psychiatry Suite 19, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 MATIAS, May ph 6248 6614 fax 6248 7277 Certified older person’s psychiatrist; general psychiatrist Suite 5, 2 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 Page 28 2013 Specialist Directory Capital Medical Supplies – Suppliers of Medical & Surgical Consumables and Equipment in ACT and Southern NSW for over 35 Years. ■■■■■■■■■Surgery Set ups ECG Equipment Spirometers Sterilizers Audiometers Electric Examination Tables Surgical Lighting Consumables – Bandages, Dressings, Cleaning Liquids Gloves, Syringes, Gowns, Over 8,000 stock lines Phone 02 6241 5511 Fax 02 6241 7538 Email [email protected] 71 Heffernan Street, Mitchell ACT 2911 Psychiatry … continued McANDREW, Virginia ph 6248 6614 fax 6248 7277 ph 6201 2351 fax 6201 2352 students only) Child and adolescent psychiatry Suite 5, 2 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 University of Canberra Health Centre, University of Canberra, BRUCE ACT 2601 (UC PATTISON, Claire ph 6248 6614 fax 6248 7277 Child and adolescent psychiatry; psychotherapy Suite 5, 2 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 REDDY, Murali ph 6248 6614 fax 6248 7277 General adult psychiatry and psychiatry of old age Suite 5, 2 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 RODRIGO, Edirimuni Kalyana ph 6244 3214 ph 6205 1338 [email protected] General adult psychiatry Psychiatry Services Unit, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 City Mental Health Unit, ACT Health Building, level 2, Cnr Alinga and Moore Streets, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2600 SABOISKY, John ph 6251 9100 fax 6251 9200 General adult psychiatry; admissions to Hyson Green; medico-legal Suite 8, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 THOMPSON, Jennifer ph 6262 7100 fax 6262 7101 [email protected] General psychiatry; forensic psychiatry; medicolegal reports Level 9, 1 Hobart Place, AMP Building, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 TOH, Kai-Kai ph 0421 771 441 General adult psychiatry; OCD, mood and anxiety disorders Andrew Arcade, 42 Giles Street, KINGSTON ACT 2604 WHITE, Brian ph 6257 1976 fax 6247 1418 Psychiatric treatment of current Defence Force personnel, military veterans and emergency services personnel, especially related to disorders such as PTSD and associated conditions Suite 4, 9 Montford Crescent, NORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 WYETH, Bree ph 6205 2777 fax 6205 2900 ACT 2900 [email protected] General adult psychiatry Tuggeranong Mental Health Team, Cnr Cowlishaw & Anketell Streets, TUGGERANONG Radiation Oncology AUSTEN, Lyn ph 6244 2241 fax 6244 2276 [email protected] ph 4823 7933 fax 4823 7932 Prostate brachytherapy; sarcoma; head and neck; melanoma Department of Radiation Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 ELSALEH, Hany ph 6244 2241 fax 6244 2276 Gastrointestinal radiation; urological radiation; breast radiation; lung radiation; neurological radiation Department of Radiation Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 NGUYEN, Brandon T ph 6244 2241 fax 6244 2276 [email protected] Prostate brachytherapy; genito-urinary cancer; head and neck cancer; lung cancer; gastrointestinal cancer Department of Radiation Oncology, Building 3, level 1, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 SULLIVAN, Lisa ph 6244 2241 fax 6244 2276 Radiation Oncology Department of Radiation Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 SUNDERLAND, Ken ph 6244 2241 fax 6244 2276 [email protected] Radiation Oncology Department of Radiation Oncology, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Bourke Street Health Service, 234 Bourke Street, GOULBURN NSW 2580 Rehabilitation Medicine CHAN, Keith KT ph 6282 6240 fax 6282 5510 [email protected] www.capitalrehab.com.au Pain management; spinal injections; botulinum toxin injections for spasticity; nerve conduction studies and EMG 25 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 ILA VENKATA, Swarna ph 6244 2041 ph 6244 2041 [email protected] Rehabilitation medicine. Rehabilitation staff specialist. Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Calvary Health Care, BRUCE ACT 2617 SPELDEWINDE, Geoffrey ph 6282 6240 [email protected] General neurological and physical rehabilitation assessment and multidisciplinary therapy including botulinum toxin and phenol injections for spasticity. Director of inpatient rehabilitation at Calvary John James Hospital 25 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Renal Medicine CARNEY, Gavin ph 6285 4298 fax 6281 7300 [email protected] Renal medicine; general medicine; law and medicine Woden Valley Specialist Centre, 60 Garran Place, GARRAN ACT 2605 FALK, Michael ph 6244 2056 fax 6244 4627 [email protected] Paediatric and adult nephrology; hypertension; transplantation; pregnancy medicine Renal Unit, Building 1, Level 8, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11, WODEN ACT 2606 Page 30 2013 Specialist Directory Renal Medicine … continued KARPE, Krishna ph 6244 2743 fax 6244 3281 [email protected] Renal Specialist Renal Unit, Building 1, Level 8, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11, WODEN ACT 2606 SINGER, Richard F ph 6244 2222 fax 6244 3281 [email protected] General nephrology including management of resistant hypertension and metabolic assessment of renal stone disease Renal Unit, Building 1, Level 8, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11, WODEN ACT 2606 TALAULIKAR, Girish ph 6244 2821 fax 6244 4627 ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 Renal Medicine Renal Unit, Building 1, Level 8, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11, WODEN ACT 2606 Capital Specialist Centre, Suite 9, 3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 WALTERS, GilesNephrology ph 6244 2046 fax 6244 4627 Renal Unit, Building 1, Level 8, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 PO Box 11, WODEN ACT 2606 Respiratory and Sleep Medicine ANSARY, Saidul ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Respiratory and sleep medicine Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 BURKE, Bill Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 [email protected] Consultation service and full range of lung function testing (spirometry volumes; DLCO; asthma challenge; 6 minute walk; oximetry screening) provided through our affiliated RespACT lung function laboratories RespACT, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 RespACT, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT HUANG, Hsin Chia Carol ph 6244 2066 Respiratory and sleep medicine Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 HURWITZ, Mark ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Respiratory and sleep medicine Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 JONES, Peter M ph 6260 3663 fax 6260 3662 [email protected] www.canberrasleep.com Specialist consultation; sleep studies; CPAP clinic; lung function; asthma testing; bronchoscopy 3/18 Bentham Street, YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 MAY, Stewart ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Sleep disorders and thoracic medicine Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 McDONALD, Tim ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Respiratory and sleep medicine; paediatrics Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 MILLER, Stuart ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Sleep studies; clinical sleep medicine and insomnia management; diagnostic and pressure determination sleep studies Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 NICHOLLS, John ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Full range of respiratory disorders Equinox Specialist Centre, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 TEOH, Laurel Consultant paediatric respiratory physician; paediatric sleep medicine ph 6174 7550, 6174 7551 fax 6244 3021 Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 WEE, Rosianna ph 6282 4955 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 All areas of adult sleep medicine - sleep related breathing disorders; hypersomnias; parasomnias; sleep related movement disorders; insomnia and circadian rhythm sleep disorders Canberra Sleep Clinic, Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Rheumatology BROOK, Andrew ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 DORAI RAJ, Anna ph 6230 6306 fax 6230 6307 9th floor, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 TYMMS, Kathleen ph 6230 6306 fax 6230 6307 9th floor, Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke Street, CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 WONG, Ling San ph 6269 2455 fax 6285 1608 Doctors’ Priority Number 6269 2488 Equinox 2, 24/70 Kent Street, DEAKIN ACT 2600 2013 Specialist Directory Page 31 Sports Medicine HOWSE, Charles ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 Assessment of musculo-skeletal injuries; ultrasound guided injections; shoulder hydrodilation 9/3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 HUGHES, David ph 6214 1578 fax 6214 7913 [email protected] www.ausport.gov.au Musculoskeletal medicine; acute sports trauma Chief Medical Officer, Australian Institute of Sport, BRUCE ACT 2617 REID, Robert problems ph 6281 7388 fax 6281 7338 [email protected] Diagnosis and treatment of activity-related problems. Treatment of sports injuries and STILL, Robert [email protected] Orthopaedic surgical assisting PO Box 3970, MANUKA ACT 2603 Urology Canberra Sports Medicine, Unit 3, 6 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 AL SAMERAAII, Ahmad ph 6201 6620 fax 6253 5330 [email protected] Uro-oncology; minimal invasive surgery; endourology and laser for stones and prostate; reconstructive urology and urethroplasty Suite 9, Calvary Clinic, 40 Mary Potter Circuit, BRUCE ACT 2617 CHAN, Hin Fan ph 6253 3399 fax 6253 3900 Pelvic uro-oncology Capital Urology Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 9, 3 Sydney Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600 McCREDIE, Simon ph 6202 1100 [email protected] Prostate cancer; renal stones; laparoscopic surgery ACT Urology Group, Suite 2, Ground floor, National Capital Private Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 YEAMAN, Leslie ph 6285 2984 fax 6285 1029 [email protected] Cancer prostate and urinary tract; stones; incontinence male and female; vas reversal; laser prostate surgery; reconstruction including prosthetics Suite 22, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, DEAKIN ACT 2600 Vascular Surgery BRADSHAW, Stephen ph 6282 2263 fax 6281 0494 [email protected] Treatment of carotid and aortic diseases (open and endovascular treatments); venous disease; peripheral arterial disease; renal access Suite 13, 5 Dann Close, GARRAN ACT HARDMAN, David ph 6260 5250 fax 6260 5240 Aortic and carotid disease; varicose veins; diabetic foot problems/wound clinic; peripheral arterial disease; hyperhidrosis; medico legal Suite 4, 12 Napier Close, DEAKIN ACT 2600 NEILSON, Wendell ph 6244 2222 Open, endovascular surgery; interventional vascular radiology Canberra Hospital, GARRAN ACT 2605 Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 2013 Specialist Directory Your Private Hospital for Personal Treatment • Latest Technology • Exceptional Facilities • Private Single Ensuite Rooms Purpose built five floor acute Medical/Surgical hospital specialising in: • • • • • • General Medical General Surgery Day Surgery Plastic Surgery Intensive Care Coronary Care • Cosmetic Surgery • ENT • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery • Neurosurgery • Angiography • • • • • • Oncology Orthopaedics Cardiothoracics Rehabilitation Urology Vascular AND if you don’t have health insurance you can pay for specific procedures or treatments to ensure you get the highest level of care and your choice of doctor, at a time and place that’s convenient to you. Cnr Gilmore Road & Hospital Road Garran ACT ph: 02 6222 6666 www.nationalcapitalprivatehospital.com.au AMA Staff Assist – helping you get the right staff for your practice This new fee-for-service initiative has been designed to assist AMA members recruit staff. For details on this service please contact Christine Brill on 6270 5419 or by email: [email protected] Membership Rewards Program Partners ~ 10% discount* n Belluci’s Restaurants (Phillip) Ph: (02) 6282 1700 & (Manuka) Ph: (02) 6239 7424 – Award winning, casual Italian dining. * conditions apply. n Bond Hair Religion (Kingston) Ph: (02) 6295 8073 – Bond Hair Religion is committed to creativity and service. Let us listen and look after you. n Botanics on Jardine Florist (Kingston) Ph: (02) 6295 0221 – Exceptional design for all occasions, including event hire. n Crabtree and Evelyn (Canberra Centre) Ph: (02) 6257 7722 – Bath and body products, gourmet foods, candles, home decor, and gifts for any occasion. n Electric Shadows Bookshop (Braddon) Ph: (02) 6248 8352 – Specialist books, CDs and DVDs (including rentals) n Evo Health Club (Barton) Ph: (02) 6162 0808 – Hotel Realm. n Hotel Realm (Barton) Ph: (02) 6163 1888 – Accommodation only. n Jirra Wines Fax: 6227 5171 – You don’t need to go to Tuscany for good Italian wines. Canberra has a climate very close to Tuscany’s. n The Essential Ingredient (Kingston) Ph: (02) 6295 7148 – Inspiring great cooking with ingredients, books and cookware. * conditions may apply. These benefits are available for 2013, as at 10 November 2012, and may be subject to change. Jirra Wines Jirra Wines Careers Advisory Service Are you are a doctor looking for a change in career, in either the clinical or nonclinical setting? Not sure where to start and how your current skill set will apply? Contact your AMA Careers Consultant via the online feedback form at: http://careers.ama.com.au by email at: [email protected] or by phoning our hotline: 1300 884 196 Doctors’ Health Advisory Service (ACT) Here for you and your needs The DHAS (ACT) provides peer support for you and your family. The DHAS (ACT) provides a protective environment of anonymity, cultural sensitivity, confidentiality and discretion. There is no charge for using the DHAS (ACT). la stressful incident lviolence or trauma in your workplace lworkplace issues such as bullying or harassment lworkload concerns lfeelings of stress or inability to cope lburnout lyour professional life lyour career plans lpersonal issues lyour well-being The DHAS (ACT) is a group of experienced Canberrabased general practitioners who are committed to providing support to colleagues and their families experiencing difficult times – which may include: The DHAS (ACT) can link you with expert services and resources according to your needs. Privacy and confidentiality are assured. The DHAS (ACT) is fully supported by, but operates independently of, the AMA (ACT) Ltd as a community service. DOCTORS’ HEALTH ADVISORY SERVICE (ACT) Your colleague of first contact 1300 853 338 – 24 hours It’s always the right time to join the AMA Further information on the benefits of membership can be found at www.ama.com.au and www.ama-act.com.au or by phoning the AMA ACT secretariat on 6270 5410 Get your entry in for the 2014 Specialist Directory The AMA ACT Medical Specialist Directory will be published as a service to ACT General Practitioners in 2014 and distributed with the “Family Doctor Week” edition of “Canberra Doctor”. All existing entries will be automatically included, a confirmation letter will be sent to all doctors to allow for updates where necessary. For new entries, the application form must be completed. In order to be included, it is mandatory that you have recognised and registered specialist qualifications. AMA membership is NOT a requirement for entry in the directory. For further information call 6270 5410 or download the application form from www.ama-act.com.au Copyright of the Australian Medical Association (ACT) Ltd (AMA ACT) All ACT doctors with recognised and registrable Specialist qualifications are invited to be included in the 2014 directory. Forms can be dowloaded from www.ama-act.com.au Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct and up-to-date. AMA (ACT) accepts no responsibility for errors or ommissions that may occur. Errors, additions and omissions should be notified to the AMA (ACT) secretariat, PO Box 560, CURTIN ACT 2605, Phone 02 6270 5410, Fax 02 6273 0455, Email: [email protected] AMA membership – the gift you give yourself Australian Medical Association (ACT) Limited ABN 29 008 665 718 PO Box 560, Curtin ACT 2605 Level 1, AMA House, 42 Macquarie Street, Barton ACT 2600 Phone: (02) 6270 5410 Facsimile (02) 6273 0455 Email: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Personal Details Given Name(s): ________________________________________ Surname: _____________________________________ Preferred Name if different: _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________________ Male: n Female: n Preferred mailing address: n Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Preferred mailing address: n Practice Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Web Address: _________________________________________ Mobile Number: ________________________________ Qualifying Degrees (Date & Place):_______________________________________________________________________ Postgraduate Degrees (Date & Place): ____________________________________________________________________ Registration (Date & Place): ______________________________ AHPRA Number: _______________________________ Practice Information: n Private Practice n Salaried Practice n Specialist Practice n General Practice n Doctors In Training Previous Membership of the AMA (State & Year): ____________________________________________________________ Other Relevant Information (including languages spoken):_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
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