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'Fatseas, 'M(D, PC Aest hetic PIe,He Sut<;lery тАв Slimilpo l.He' llpowctlon тАв lue, Treatment AesU.etlcl.n Service. ' Blo-lclentJeoll'lormo.... AeplKement Ther.PI' PCA S kin Ca тАвтАв Product. ___________________ www.lnhealthand~w~.~"~";,,~'~'~o:m;:::==================~ Contents January 2014 20 Why Do My Feet Hurt? 3 ME01SO'WeightLoss Thank You to Al l of Our Patients and Supporters 2 2 New Year, New Back 6 Turning Resolutions Into Realities 2 3 Tips to Impi'O'l9 Digestive 8 RelaxatiQll Techniques HeaHh and Optimize Weight Loss 9 Pain Relief: A Nutritional Answer 1a Preparing for the Waning Room 24 Robotic Hair Restoration 12 Got New Tech Gadgets 26 Cyber;<.nife┬╖ A Different Approach to Radiation Therapy This Holiday? 14 Caring For A Patient Wiltl Cancer 28 Taking Control of ADHD 15 A Natural Way to 10CtWSe 80ne Balance, and Physical Strength ... At My Age! Density, Impro~ 29 Be Red Cross Ready 30 Has Your Child's Christmas 16 ┬╖Sunl trumoasa! " Gift HlKt His Eyes? ("" m so pretty! . in Romanian) 31 18 Iva Your Resolutions Sp4rilual Wellness Escap4ng the High Cost of EmoHonalSuffering Right for you? Our # 1 purpose at Cornerstone Senior Services is Securing Your Future. We'll help you keep ev~rythlng you've worked SO h,rd lor. Helpyou mlnlmlzetues. And help you IncrNseyour return on irM!stments. YOI.I d~ unbi~S4!d, resurch-b;tS4!d Inlorm~tion when it CO!lW!S to choosing long term care Insurance, Medicare supplements,. and safe, tax-advantaged investments.. Cornerstone Senior Servkes Is not ,n Inw"nce comPl'ny. We don't work on behalf of any Inwl ance company. We WOI"Ir loT you. Senlorstell us they need straightforward answers to make info<med decisions. Wh~t we've done is Pl'instakingly reS4!irched "II the comPl'nles marketing to seniors. Picked through their plans to find the best ones for every situation. And we've found ,nswers to you.questions. How does that benefit youl We gin you unbklJed ono_rs ond choices. Securing Your Future. Find out mOfe by clicking on "LTCI Answers and Choices", browsing OI.Ir Site, Of requesting OI.Ir Free Report. "!ie<uring Your Future: The Straight F,cu". Services ,til, _,,,.,.. llAlddf. T."n... _ _ M-ti/.zl". (:8n be 10I>n(I in ove, , ,000 Middle Te""","" medOcaI lto<:i1i1ies, ir>clvdOr>g: hOSpital" , <IO<:!<>f1;', Chilopfacl<>f1,' and doInti$! Offi(:8$. Fioo. copy 01 )'<Iur FREE Heal'" & Welln. " Magazine in David$<)<>, Rut~┬╖ erfOf<l . Sumner and W~I;afl'OS<)n Life' Long Term Care' Medicare Advantage Plans Medicare Plescription Drug Plans' Medlcale Supplements Annuities" Estate Planning" Tru sts" Cancer ,---------, Counties_ To get your article publi shed and for ad rate s, call615.714. 30 51 Mill leStubble field @gmail.com CORNERSTONE 6 Health & Wellness Jal\uary 2014 - Middle Te~l\essee Turning Resolutions Into Realities How to remove obstacles blocking you from reaching your goals By Dr. Usa M. Webb and Dr. Kenith L Robins ! fl~n тАв lis< ofNowY~ar" Re.oIUlions is long and can ~ .nxi~ly provoking. Afler Ihe busy holidays, POSIholiday lei down. Ihe frum:lIion of an gym membership or OIher r.mind.rs of f.:;l┬лI "",Iution, an mok~ wlnt.r months fffi hopdns. h', importanllO remember Ih" Ihe No:>" Y.. r i, a lime for people 10 mlcct on the p'" ye .. and commit 10 m:ok po.i,ivelif",yle ch.nges----nOi to serve as тАв cat.lyst f"r sw┬лping eh .... cte' chang<:$. By making your "",Iu,i"n. rnlistic, ,h.re iтАвтАв gre... r chan"" ,h.. you will k""p ,hem throUghOUI the year .nd inc",VOl""/.tc healthy behaviors into your ""eryday life. By Febru.ry we of,.n see dien" th., h.ve mode I"CIOlulion, bUI h."" eilhe" I. nOi begun the work for th. resolUlion 10 rom. to ffUilion or new ~h.vior to b┬лome p.rt of ,heir lif., Or 2. effort, and h.ve alrndy given up. T.ke Ih. pcrson who rтАв ..,lved to =rcis<:----,hen on ,he Ii"" or s┬лond workout o,""rex.rt┬лl, b┬л:>mc ..,rтАв тАв nd tioligu┬лl, and Ihen .... Ih" physiC3.1 ac,ivity "didn't work (or ,h~m'- "Set,ing .mall, .,,':;nable gools ,hroughou' ,he yc.>r, inStcod of a singular, o""""hdminggool on}.nu.ry I can help you reach wh ..""e, i, is you Slri .. for: says p,ychologist Lynn Bulb, PhD. "Rtmember. it i, nOt ,h. Otlenl of the ch.nge Ih .. matter>, bu, .. rher the at< of rerogni.ing Ih., lif"'yle change is imporranr and w",king loward it, one step .. . limc'-' ".,,┬л1 ,,┬л1 So, instead of viewing raolulions as an opporruniry fo, personal """.rh.ul" of ...ry ~h ... lor or pa" of you th .. you di,likc--,hink of ,hem, in"..d, as pcrsonal "cvolUlion" ,t"!" Ih., willl..d ro .u".in.bl~ life ch.ng... Chang<s--wherh┬л ,m.1l Or I'rg<:-"rтАвтАв proctS$ ,h. , takes time, .uppon. and palience wi,h ..,If .nd oth.rs. On"" you're ,cody ro malee a change, ,he difficult parr i. commiuingand following through. Here.re..,me ways th." in".ad of f┬лling fn", .. t┬лl with ,he lack of progrc┬л on "",IUlloM you mode January 1, can "set yourself up fnr .u┬лcss" .nd r""li ... 'lI>,ainabl. personal """"luI;nn": Believe. Believe il Cln be done .nd surround yourself wilh people who .re supportive of your goals. We h.ve o(.. n .... n &mily, frienmo, lmpor,.nl significan' othen who occually de .. il тАв pcrson', p'ogrcss or elfn", 10 chang. wi,h nog.. i'-e ... temenu .uch as ' you know th .. you ""nnol do "x" b┬л:>U$C you h.ve tried '0 do "x" .., m.ny lim<:$ before" or by alling to remembrance .11 ,he tim .. rh .. ~, eflOm ha.. nOi bc.::n ,u=ful. Optimistic but Realistic. Be optimi"i, ,h., you c.n male. chang.. bm al.., rcalisrk wi,h rhe ch.ng<:$ you wont to m.ltc. Th. bes, "",IUlion' .'" specific, rali,,;' and measu .. ble. Using .n ocronym oftcn u...J in bu.iness gool .."ing, ~=-~~~~:~~-=~~::::~~~~~-=S:M~ART, which stOnm for Spe.::ific, Measurable, - Att.in.ble, Reali.tic .nd lim.┬╖..,ruilive, to eval...... nd SCI your goat. can ... iSl you '0 decide upon chang.. '0 m.1tc th .. arc acrually an.in.blтАв. l Make preparation - but don't get stuck in the weeds, Stan to p..ctic. rhe new beh.vior. You cann", juSt ..... Itc up on. mnrning .nd.1I the brh.viots Ihal you h... eng.ged in over. liferime be illltantly "gone" beau.. you .... n 'hry , hould be. So if ,he g<:┬╗.1 were, ""y, 10 eat Iw or reduce drinking, wh., beh.vior will replace il~ A, ,hi. "prcp=rion" ,tage, .r.. nging for тАвтАв uppon .ystem .nd making. public deda"nion is .1.., very helpful '" ...ching you, goat тАв. Mueh like planning for. long journcy_ a fitir amount of planning mu.t ,alee pl.ce co rach ,he journcy's da,in .. inn , Rear .. nge your e"vironmen, and ,u,round yourself wilh lhings 10 remind you of Ihe no:>" brh.vior you .re ,rying 10 impbncm .nd ,oking Ihin!',' our Ih .. <rigger ,he problem. For cx.ample, ridding Ihe hous<: of .lenhol and n,,1 keeping any .round ┬░ju" in ...., ..,rmone might come over" and puning .<icky not .. atound the hous<: 10 motivate yourself can m.k. your environment more conducive 10 mwng ,he chang.. you wam. One ",udyover 30 y. . .. of .........h has found ,h.. ,h.llhcsc: typc$ of ""'cgi<:$.re lh. least frequently used bUI are most ofren ,he mOSl .uccessful in helping ..,m""ne meet rheir g<:┬╗.kl www.\nhealthandwe llness.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M,ddle Tennessee┬╖ January 201" Health & Wellness Action, not reaction. R=arch h...hown ,ha, i,', no. in,ulfiden! willpowe, ,ha, IтАвтАв d, '0 peoplc nOt .c",hing ,hci. go. l. b"t "uher > ..ries of learntd skills ,ha, distingui,h .. people who are тАв ueee ..f,,1 in re.ching ,heir resolu,ion from unsuaC$$ful on .... Come up with healthier ot more posi,ive .hern.,i". Mh.~io", 10 the ones yo".re ,rying 10 change. Rewo.d ,,,e<essc_nd don', reword f.il" ,... If )'ou arc not on ,rock wi,h ,he Mh.~io" YO" need 10 do '0 mee, your roolu┬╖ tion (e .g. losing weight). ,hen withd .... w тАв ┬╖,ewa,d" ,h .. might M usod .. td wi,h lruing ....,igh, kg. no, w>leh a f.vo,i'e TV .how). Rew.rd you.┬лlf when the beh.vi", is on !I.ck and wi,hdrow ,h.. ,cinforcemem when it is olf. l he reword. em be .ny,hing: ,coding. playing wi,h .he dogs, getting. foot m...... ge. It docsn't have 10 be ""pen.ive. Persevere and don't beat yourself up. There will be ob"",les and .IipтАв. Remember ,h., minor mi .... ps when ..",hing your goal. arc comple,ely no, mal .nd O K. It'тАвтАв n erroneous belid ,h., slips k .d inevi, . bly into f.l1s.~ Don', give up complctcly beau┬л you are. brownie .od broke your diet, or ,kipptd ,h. gym for. w.ek 7 bee.u┬л you were busy. E.veryone hu ups .nd down,; ,esolve recover from yo", mist.k... nd ge, b.ck on ".ck. Anol)'"'ing wh., ltd up '" the slip On help d..:reuc ,h. chance of occurring .gain . '0 '0 Ask for support. Acttp.ing help from thO$<: who are .bour you.nd wmli"en help m m.noge " .... cau.<ctl by the new chong.. you .... m.king. If you feel overwhclmtd or un.bl. mee, your gool. on your own, conoid.. ┬л:eking help from <omeone ,hat h.. helped o,h." be .u=ful on ,heir journey for lif. ch.n ge. Psychologi... are uniquely ''''intd to understond ,he conn..:,ion betwlXn ,he mind and body. They an olf.r "ro'ogies .. to how to .dj..., your gools <0 ,h.. they .....".in.ble, u well ... hdp you change unh.,lthy beh.vio... nd addr... b.rri... ,h.. migh, M stonding in the.,.,.y of your goals. '0 Helping You Remove Obstacles If you need help "nderstanding or removing obsracles ,h .. ar. blockillg you from reach ing your go.ls, the profeuion.ls ., Con$ul,ing Anoci',es. LLC .re tr.ill,d '0 help you do exactly ,h.,. For a conlidelld.1 ┬лInsult.,ion, pleuc conlO.. Dr. Keni,h Robin. or Dr. Lisa Webb at 615-310-1491. I . MoI<irC"... _"""'" _ Slid!; _ Psjd ........ ~. -.;t--.opo-or&ll .........""' _ _ """oo::essed 1/5113 2. ~ """" HOw II) MlI<o _ """'" I!eooMions Sti<Io: O&.A ~ on u..... 0<\ 0'00<1." IOlpU _ _ con'If2012/12J 26/h(lW┬╖Ul-"'a ... ┬╖new┬╖)'ea ... '"'I"\iOO$-Slitl<""┬╖wi\II... pt~┬╖ ~1Iioo!<2_lqo,I.. r..... llt<: 28. 2012. _ 116/13. 3.loiol 4Mp"./I_oamtsile;j~2013fO\JrolS. ~~ : ~I/I1/j3. 5. ~ """" Kow '" Mali! _"""'" R........,... Sti<Io: O&.A MIl! on on ~ ittIp"./I_.time.CDrI\f2012/12/ u..... 26/how┬╖h>-",ake-new┬╖)'e.rs-te5OIIItions-Slitl<",, - witlt~~┬╖ ~IIIatlHdiNlqo,I.. T1me.llt<: 28. 2012_ \J6fll. ________________________ www.tnhealthandwellness.com ________________________ 8 Health & Wellness Jarluary 2014 - Middle Tenrlessee Relaxation Techniques By Robby Lee Feldmarl, Presiderlt , Trarlquil ityTV S trcss. Just thc word itself is stressful. But treating stress can be fun. easy. and crealive. You're about to sec how. f irst, though, the mechanics of what causes stress. When stress overwhelms your JIC1"VOUS system. your body is flooded with chemicals that prepare you for '"fight or fligh!." While the Stress response can be lifesaving in emergency situations. it Wears your body dowrl when conslantly activated by the stresses of C\'cryday lik Funher. chronic stress can lower your resistance to sickness and disease. in the worst-case scenario contributing to canccr. hear! disease, and depression. Fun and Ells)' WB)'S to Reduce Stress There are many clinical ways to reduce stress and bring back your natural state of mental and emotional balance. Some of the-sc are autogenic methods. biofeedback. medilation. yoga. and Pmnayarna.. These take tnlining. time. and discipline. So. for now. 1C1'S focus on some fun and easy ways to reduce stress. Here'l II limple word Irick to remember willi! we'll tlilk IIbout : R - Rest E- Enjoy L - Leave stress behind A - Art X- The ┬╖ X┬╖ factor R - Rest and relaxation are the easiest way 10 calm down. However. everyone has their own version of these. so go ahead and experiment to find what works best for you. It could be simply laying down in a darkened room and visuali7-ing scenes Ihat you find relaxing like the beach or the mountains. Nature, by┬╖the┬╖way, is One of the best ways to relax. become centered. and even feel spiritually refreshed. E - Do the things you enjoy(and enjoy the things you do). This could be spons. cooking. walking. a hot bath. or anything you find enjoyable. Studies prove that enjoyable activities Can lower blood pressure. slow hean nile. and induce a theta state of mind that indicates tranquility. time with is a particularly eITec- L _ When possible. identify the causes of stress and climinatc or at least reduce them. Many people take their work home with them, both litenllly and figunltively. which can cause undue stress. Many people also focus on Iheir problems. creating what has been called the "negative spin cycle." &> do your best to leave stressful situations or thoughts behind. About Trarlquillty TV TranquilityTV is a 2417 TV chanrlcl that delivers captivating and eviderlce-bascd therapeutic relaxatiOrl film with specially_chosen music. People who suITer physical pain also suITer memal and cmotional pain. as the founder discovered watchirlg his own mother suITer with cancer three different times. This was the inspiration for TranquilityTV's mission of helping sick people feel belter, mOre centered, arld to reCOver more quickly. Scierltific testing shows that Ihis type of therapeutic tool can reduce stress. accelerate patient re<:ovcry. and creatc an envirorlmCrll Ihat makes treatment easier. With optiOrlal "Brarlding Segments" featuring your OWn messages. TranquilityTV can also act as a highly effect;'┬╖e. unique marketing tool. TranquilityTV is used for hospital patient relaxation in the aClUal rooms, in assistcd living centcrs, and in waiting areas like doctors and dentists omcn. 615-780-7280 www.tranqu ilitytv.com A - Art is an evidence-based treatment for stress and can work if you are creating it. and ev~n if you're just enjoying it. This could be in thc fonn of nature scenes, music, even writing. And while wc're on the" As." there's aromatherapy in the fonn of incense or candles. Scents that arc most helpful include lavender. sandalwoo;:!, and cinnamon. TrnnquilityTV has jusl released a mobile app so that you ean take tnlnquility with you. wherever you are. r---------------------------, x- The "X factor" can be just about anything tbat works for you. This can include simply taking time to breathe deeply, enjoying a quict sunset, or perhaps watching a nature DVD with music. So these are some fun and easy ways 10 reduce stress and create a healthier life_ style. Go ahead. experiment with them and focus On the methods that arc most successful. Because there's neVer been a bciter time than right now to RELAX. _________________________ Re ax. Apple App Android TRANQUILlTY!i6I 1'1 buu<tifW┬г~eD rdu<.. WWW., ,."~u;t;,y, тАв.,omJ.pp www.tnhealthandWe~";";.;,;,:,;,;m;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J Middle Tennessee - January Z01" Health &- Wellness PAIN RELIEF: A Nutritional Answer 9 Reducing Pain By Umiting Inflammation Reducing pain through diet begins by limiling the inflammatory process. This is done in 1"'0 main ways: I ) Limiting the majorcauses of"o~idation" By Oavld Sheer, PT. OPT. MOMT. Resu~s Physiotherapy - Murfreesboro 2) Supplementing with antiOllidanlS First. ""C limit o~idizcd oils by ro:lucing the omega 6 fats in our diet. These include sun_ flower. samower, corn. soybean, .:anoIa, and peanut oils. These oils cause inflammation. They present in most of all of our processed foods = including all snack foods.. chips. and salad dressinp. Read the labels. Instead. cat rood with less procesiiing and use e~tr1I virgin olive oil and coconut oil for cooking. e all seek treatment when we are in pain. We wam SQlnCOnc to stop it. As therapists. physicians. and patients. we arc seeking the quickCSl relief possible. Usually. it is in the form ofmcdidne. s~h as pills. injections. or surgery. At Results Physiotherapy. our physical therapists provide relief with "hands-on " manual therapy. e~ereisc. dry needling. and othcr modalities. Now. wc can look to an addi┬╖ tional area to help us relieve pain: nutrition. The Negative Effects of Bad Nutrition In this new holistic health environment. cveryone is becoming more conscious of the negative effec! of chronically bad nutrition . Like the rusting of your car, the body StaI1S a slow process of o~idaTion. We understand it can contribute to high blood pressure. diabetcs. obesity. dementia. ulccrs. colitis. Ctc . What is not well known is that chronically bad nutrition can increase our muscle and joint pain. including arlhritis and fibromyalgia. Second. we can oontrollhe free radical oxidation by taking foods rich in antiollidant~ such as curcumin (turmeric) and quercitin (greenl white tea). These 2 supplements can be bought individuaily. When laken together and in ext'" ,┬╖irgin olive oit. their pOlency ;s increased tenfold . They are two of Ihe best antioll,dant& Imown. Supplemcnt these " 'ith othcr anliollidams such as ViUtminsA. C, and E. Simple Diet ary Changes Can Help Remember. we arc interested in providing health care recommendations 10 supporl Our physical therapy plan . This plan includes retorning you to optimal physical functioning while reducing your pain. Simple dietary changes can help. For funher information on the treatments provided by Results Physiotherapy or to locate the nearest Results Physiolherapy clinic. vIsit us at _ .res ultsphysiothe.,,,.cDm or call 615┬╖373┬╖1350/ 800┬╖888┬╖053 1. The damage to our tissues can oe<.:ur through sudden injuries or gradually with rcpclitivc activilies. When it docs occur, another chemical response starts in our bodies called inflammation. This is a nonnal process of healing and should have a short duration. Sometimes this inflammal<><y response faubook.com / ResultsPhvs1otherapy lasts too long. When it does. the pain can worsen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . \nhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ll results t;, PHYSIOTHERAPY 10 Keatth & Wellness January 2:014 - Middle Tennessee Preparing for the Waiting Room By Rodney Bakken, Director of Operations, Cornerstone Senior Services M y wife nearly died in early NovemOCr. Twenty_six years together, and .....e┬╖ve never had a shock like this! Her body turned suddenly seplic, her kidneys and lungs were failing, and hcr blood pressure was 44 . Thai was just the start of her problems. I've beeome deeply familiar with life in the waiting room. And in the hospital room. Since I mostly work with retired people, I'm no stranger 10 the realities of sickness and aging. At Cornerstone, .....e get to help families prepare for hard times. Help people get their financial house in order SO they Can WEATHER StOrmS like this. BUll nevenhought my bride would get sosick in her early fonies. [!.oy did I get a wakeup call' Now. I'm having to take care of my bride (visiting and sleeping at the hospital so she's never alone), teach my children (we homeschool). handle all the household business. try to get SOme work done, and coordinate long-term care plans once my wifc goes into physical rchab. Basically. I'm doing BOTH jobsofa full_ time homeschool teacher and mom. as ..... 1'11 as a full time worker outside the home. Plus, I'm not nearly as gifted as my wife is in cenain areas of life. So where she excels. I struggle. We complement each other beautifully! When you end up in the waiting room one day, aner reading this anicle, you'll hopefully be well prepared. And avoid extra stress and uncertainty. Roles " Re sponsibilities Gct to know what your spouse does for your family. WRITE IT DOWN! YOU'll be extra thankful for him or her once you realize all the things they do. Some quick examples: thick of things when survival was NOT assured for my wife, I had no clear picture ofwlt.al family business needed to be dealt with. [could have put it together had I been home. Or had my bride been awake. But she was on life suppon. And I was at the hospital day and night. - Yard work - Home repairs - Auto repairs If you're married. chances are you don't know EVERYTHING your spouse does at home. I have huge gaps of knowledge in relation to whal my bride docs day-ta-day. Well, I know WHAT she docs. but not exactly HOW she does it all. I trust her. Shc does her stuff, I do mine. However, ['m having to rec.mstruct her Dlmnal routine. She was in a coma for six days. Unable to help me as [ stroggled to juggle our life. It would have been amazing to have a Set ofdocumenlS prepared JUST IN CASE. Something we could call a 'family responsibility journal.' Things that would guide me in reconstructing what was necessary to have life 'work' in CaSe I was alone. - Paying the bills - Doing the dishes and laundry - Watching children or grandchildren - Investing and insurance - Taking care of older family members or friends Without clear details On the actual nuts and bolts of what your spouse docs. during times of stress and heartache, it will be too hard to put it together. Some things just simply get dropped. Forexample, my electric bill was due three days aner my wife was Life_Flighted to the hospital. [ found out about that when the electric company called me to ask about the bill . [paid it immediately. Yet. in the What's needed is a brief, clear journal detailing EACH "Area of Respons ibility" for each spouse. So one spouse can keep the family afloat if needed. Usc a 3-ring binder to start. BUI start today! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Middle Tennessee - January 2014 Health & Wellness Gett ing Clear 8. Current This idea of a family responsibility journal has gained a 101 of traclion wilh my friends. Some have told me. "I'm MUCH too disorganized to do that'". or "Where would I even START'-"" II's important 10 say Ihal if you ARE disorganized now, it'll be much worse when you find yourself in the hospital waiting room. Here are some ideas of items 10 gel togelher in order 10 make your plan: I. Bills &: recurring business - PUt these all together, BY DUE DATE, on a calendar. It ...┬╖O\Ild have been nice for me to know that on the Sih oflhe monlh my electric bill is due. 2. Bun king &: financial - put retirement and bank account info in a central place. alphabetically. List brief details like "Bob's company 40 I(k) retirement account ." J_ lleulrh &: "'I!dical - lis! all doctors, medications and medical plan infonnatio". Trost me, your husband won't really remember who your OB/GYN is. Write it down, It would help to also have a brief health history written down, like dates of surgeries and health issues. l1's KEY for you to have a Living Will and Healthcare Power of Attomey for each spouse. Wc'lI all end up in the waiting room one day. AI the doctor's office or hospital. Waiting for test results. Praying for someone Ihrough surgery or sickness. Physical life is fragile life. 11 should provoke very little shock. Tragedy strikes - everyone! There is IIOJH for uS all. We do not HAVE TO BE caught totally surprised. Wilh a little planning 'o'e can avoid SOme of the worst shocks. We can KNOW what needs 10 be done so life can rctW1ltO nonnalcy as much as possible in Ihe midst of a tcrrible situation. Wc can receive support from those who love us. We can achieve confidence and clarity, Bul only if we plan NO W whcn life is ┬╖normal.' Let┬╖s face it, it wuld be thaI tomorrow your life could take on "a I\CW nonnal." Are you ready? CORNERSTONE Sccuring Your Futurc_ 11 Rodn"}' Bakken, Director of Operations can really hl!{p you think through thesl! issues, lie 's an cxJHrI Q/ planning for ,he JUIU,.." And maximizing Ihl! present. Please reach au' 10 him lodoy with your ques'iollS. Your family willihank)"u in thejUlure Rodney Bakken Director of Operations 615~267-3177 1-800-971-3186 r.bakkenOcornerstonesenior.com www.COm9fStonesenior.com 4_ Family &: Huusehold - galher a list of exactly what you do in areas like, picking up kids and grandkids, friends and family to nolify during emergencies, and even laundry soap used. a. About a week into my wife's ICU stay. I went home to change, and found there were no clean clothes. No problem! ['II do some laundry! Well. my wife makes her own laundry soap. And it was time 10 make a new batch. There [ was. looking at a bunch of boxes of laundry soap ingredients. Wilh no clue how 10 make il. It turns out thaI soap is not necessary. But you get my point. A friend ended up buying uS SOme laundry soap, b, More importanl is notih┬╖i/.g family and friends. II was hard for me to know WHO I had spoken to. 11>e first night in the hospital, fifty friends from chureh showed up. I was lext messaging and calling a huge amount of other people There were many oversights. Like all our extended family. Dad is the youngesl of ten kids. So my family is gigantic. We all need imponant friends, family and coworkers listed in a cenlral place. Pcople love you! They WANT TO '"'~_ _::::~~_ _~::""""""""""""""""~ KNOW if you have an emergency ________________________ www.tnhealthilndwe ltness.com _ __.- ....... .. __ ", _ _ I<CA_. """ _ _ . _ ' 0 _"",. тАв .., тАв _ -----0 _ _ _ .. _ _ So .. тАв .. ...." . " .. _ .. ~KCA NEUROLOGY and N EUROD IAGNOSTICS 3" l.and,um Pl..,. www.kcadocs.com 4323 COroln. ... P.ot.WO)┬╖ Willi.m"", T.,..'., Suite 609 Fronkl;". TN 37067 Phon.: 6'5_~_'Soo ┬╖ F..: 6'5,550.>80, Medic.l Art. 8uildi"S Suit< 84<><> Oorb"ill<. TN 37043 I'bone: 93,.647.2828 . flax: 93 тАв.9(>6.0938 . w.-_Ed> ... . o....J~ . Or.JA ... __ тАв !.fo<ti- . .... G~ ┬╖ IV $oJat;"" , ,..,.... . _ ..... . ForiJIo....JT_ . u,..-_lJtitWjMoOo ! .I . _ MIDDLE TENNESSEE ~ ORAL SURGERY CENTER ~ c...- SlotIonP_, _'OI Spmg .... 1Nl"14 14 Health &- We llness January ZO I" Middle Tennessee Caring For A Patient With Cancer By Eric Vim, MO, FCCP - Compliments 01 Tennessee Comprehensive Lung & Sleep Center I is easy 10 ~ .bsorbed in )'OIIr caregiver role and lei your neNs go unaddressed. When you I.ke Clre of youl'$elf, yo u feel beller and you are тАв bencr earegiver. Taking o;arc of youl'$Clf mIIy seem simple . Bul w~n mosl of your energy is focuKd on someone the. il is easy 10 forgel 'imple WIY' to revi\'e your mind and spirit I Tallt1ng тАв Oiselln ,-our role Your love<! one may wan! to lell people .bout his Or her cancer, or may ask you to share Ihal informalion. Make sun: you know your loved one', wishes so you can offer SUPpOrt if necessary. Do nol share infonnation meanllO be kept privale, тАв Acupr diffeunt re" cr;olls Some people may have inlcnse emolional reactions to the new' and olhen may not Each lime you tdl somoone. you mighl gel. diffm:m and cvrn unc~PCCled n:~lion , Family and friends will need lime to proce$$ Ihe infonnalion before lhey may be n:a.dy 10 otTer support, Coping тАв Aeupt 1111 ,,,.otiOIfS It is normal to feel . wide ranse Ofemolions. AI limes you might menl your role or feel frv.strated. Though you may feel guilty or ~lfish for having 1hc:se feelings. it's imponallt to n:alitt they arc normal. тАв Srll,. poS;til~ This is easkr said than done: but тАв positive anitude CiUl imprm'e you and your Io"ed one's mood. St.ay positive by laking one day It Itime. sening short-term achievable goals. ac┬лpting your limitations. sharing I~ responsibility and keeping your scnse of humor by doing ICtivities you enjoy. Support S)'It.ms Spt(tfic for lung Cane... тАв Aut'pt IIt'lp Help your IlUppoo1 S)'S1C1n ~lp you. Make .liSiof things other people can ~lp with tit e running errands, deaniDa:. living rides or preparing ox. ls, My Fighting for Air Community CiUl help organitt your \'Oluntecrs. тАв Exercise Try to do 5Om<: fonn of activity C'o'ery day. Going on walks is a great way to clear your mind and 10ll'a your stress levels. тАв Su yOll' doctor lind d,nWil fOl" reg.. /II' d.u kllps It is easy to forget about goi ng to the doctor for routine exams and scrttnings when you are busy taking your loved onc to doo;;tor's appOintment'. PnlCtieing preventative medicine will help you stay well so you can be a bettcr caregiver. Lurnlng .nd Support тАв KnoтАв.-Iedgt builds cOlfftd""~e Oflcn people feel like they don 't have control when they an: dealing with cancer. Learning as much as you can will ~lp yoo feel rrKH"e in control of the situ.ltion and f┬лl less stressed. You will also feel rno.e confident when talking to your care team and making treatment decisions. тАв Joilf 115l1ppon , roup Yoo Cln find spccialllUpport groups just for o;arcgi\┬╖er1I. Ask your loved one's doctors if they know of any looeal groups. Also cbeck OUI the American Lung Associat ion', I with locations around and thcir online fOf\lm. The Lung ConnO:Clion. тАв CIIII rile LUllg lIt/pHlle Call the American Lung Association Lung IldpLinc at 1-800-LUNGUSA or 1-80(1-5864872 to speak to someone directly. or submit a question online , Talking with an expert can help ease some o f your fears and provide you with the support you need. _ : _ _ u.ng ", . Ii ... тАв i4sk .1Ie5riollS Evcry qllCStion you have is worth asking. Some┬╖ times medic.l providC"rs don'l bring up topics ~ause they aren't sure )'(lII wanl to heM _bout them. Don'I wail for the doclOf 10 $Iart . 11 o f t~ con\┬╖<:natiOO$. Ask a ll of your questiOO$1J!d make sun: they get answered in I way you undCTstand. тАв See f~",il)' IIIId friellds You might not feel like being social, but the company of family and friends can lift your spiriu and ~lp you Ihrough Ihe day. You may not ~ able 10 sec some in person. Keep in touch through phone tails, emai ls. video chats or letter$. Eric T. Vim, M,D. IIootd C<nil\┬лl In I'IItlDOllary Medici ... Sta,lng Hltalthy тАв Gel tf",ugh sltt'p Aim for 8 hours a day. тАв Conn┬л t "';Ih religion ondf~;lh Religion and failh-based organizations can ~ a souree of strength and support for some people. Prayer and meditation may hdp you cope with ┬╖ 1:.""I';ghf Eat a balance<! diet. don't skip meals and ~eept your el11Olions during this time. Reath OUI to a meals from your support system if you are too leader in your faith community to discuss your & spiritual needs. tired to 0001<.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnllealthand wellneu.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Tennessee Comprehensive Lung Sleep Center Middle Tennessee - January 2014 Health & Wellness OsteoStrong Tennessee Strong Bones, Healthy Joints, Better Balance ounder and owner Kyle Zagrodzky knew the opponunities of the OstcoStrong technology, bioDcnsity, as soon lIS he: $aW it Kyle has bttn invol,1:d "'ith the fil~ industry for many yc~rs. yet when he was first introduced to lhe: OstcoStrong technology in Memphis, he did not believe a machine intended fQf once-I-week use could provide soch results. "11'5 like nothing l'd evcr SCCTl. and [ thought I'd seen it all in the fitness industry.~ he $ayt;. 1bc OstcoStrong technology consists of static ucreises during " 'hieh the client pushes or pulls as hard iii! possible in specific ways. These short bursts stimulate the nerves. mU!iclC$, and bones to provide relief from symptoms of osteoporosis, joint and back pain. r>erve damage. poor po!ilurc or loss of ne~ibility, balllllCc. or stTClli\h . ACC(lf"ding to the company web site. OslooStrong offers a pro'"cn. non┬╖pba.rmaceulical option to prolTlO!C healthy joints, Strong borIes, mUS(:le Strength. and belle.. b;!lllllCe. "We have mcmbi:n from ages 1 to 100 across our franchise network. One of the things people rcally like is that sessions only take about 1 minutes once a week. and that everyone can do their $C$sions _Ming normal e,'cry day clothes," $aid Kyle. -. INCREASE to> .....f Kyle oompan:$ tlw.: cost of doctors┬╖ visits and pro:sc::ripfions to the much lower monthly eost of a membership to OstcoStrong. 1"he COSt of a co-pay is mon: than the ┬л>SI of a mcmbership,M he sllarcs. "We provide an extremely accessiblc. affordable. easy-to-implement modality to address ostooporosis. balance. and strength that is like nothing else that iSlvailable." Kyle has owned and managed he.lth dubs and I software company. but his motivation is helping people addn:ss health issues " 'ith natural solutions in order mccI their optimal health and physical per_ forrnant:e ~Is. 1kcaUS(: of his previous background in the fimes, industry. one specifIC characleristic stood out. This technology is noc a gym, diet, Or drug, but instead U$C$ Ihe body's automalic rnponse Syslcm 10 trigger bone and muscle &>'O\\1h and rcverses atrophy, a loss that .utOllUti┬╖ callyoccurs Ifter about age: 30. "A lot orthings $UCh iii! diet and exercise lUjuirc тАв lifestyle changc,M Kylt 1IIys. '"I can get you results htn:, and you don'l ha,'c 10 change yoor lifestyle." OsteoStrong is тАв simple, effective treatment for pain and many degenerative diseases. llIe office provides a comfortable .tmosphere. and the friendly. welcoming staff takes the time to get to tnow the clients. provide them " 'ith all the infomnation they dC$ire, and guide them through their experience at OsteoStrong. Visit the "'cb site 10 read man: and schedule your appointmenl 10 find rclief. rcnt"'ed strength. and balance. www.lnheallhandwellneu.eom 15 16 Keatth & Wellness January 2:014 - Middle Tennessee "Sunt frumoasa!" ("I'm so pretty!" in Romanian) 15-year-old Moldovan blind orphan Maria saw herself for the very first time! Mana, a 15┬╖)'ear┬╖old blind Ofllhan from Moldo-va, had ooen bli nd and had neve, seen helSell panial alrophy of bolh optic nerves . Even Ihough Maria has been blind most of her life. she is kind and had befriended all of the children at the orphanage. They knew that if they weI"<' sad or nceded somelhing, they could come to Maria for help because she would smile joyfully and do her best to help them. But Maria wanted to be able to sec. At age 15. when a tcen is typically excited and looking forward to a lifetime of happiness and possibilities. Maria had been foreed to live in darkness and misery. and had been told that she would have to remain tbere for the reSI of her life. Born prematurely. weighing only 2 pounds and having no access to proper medical care, Maria became malnourished and her physical dc\"elo~ ment suffered significantly from neglect, which affected her vision most of all, Maria's ocular history included an advanced, blinding cataract in her right eye. chronic inflammation of both eyes, a retinal detachmenl on her left eye (which had left her totally blind in that eye), The Road to Brlng Marla to the U.S. This is where the Wang Foundalion came in . Established by Ming Wang. Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude); PhD (laser physics). Wang Foundalion for Sighl Restorntion (www.wangfoundation.com) is a SOI(3) non┬╖ profit charily, which to date has helped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and 55 countries worldwide, with all sight restoration surgeries perfonned frcc..of┬╖dl3rge. The foundation doctOlS he looked inl0 the milTQT _she stared al;t and studied it intcntly ... and all ofsuddcn ;1 dawned on her that the beautiful girl she saw looking back at her was a<:1Ually herseHl Maria squealed with delight and exclaimed. "Sunt frumoasa!" e'l'm so prcny!" in Romanian). as sm: was seeing heTSclf for the very first time! Amy Grant and Manilla McBride invited Maria 10 a party, which was held in her honor to celebrate her amazing journey f'Qrn darkness 10 sight. Maria, a lS-ycar-old (formerly) blind Moldovan orphan, was just One year away from being discharged from the orphanage (all orphans are only permitted to stay there until age 16). Lacking the skills needed 10 survive in the outside world, she would most likely have been foreed into human trafficking and prostitulion, a devastating falC Ihat many Moldovan orphan girls had experienced. However, fate dealt her a much bener hand' She is now living in a fre<: country where she is loved by all. and she is filled with joy because she has gone from 15 ye3Js of darkness to sight.., Maria CAN now s┬л' Maria's story is one of persistence. love and failhful prayer ....... and God has finally answered her prayer! Maria's Story It has been a lillIe Over a year since Ihe doctors at Ihe Wang Foundation for Sighl Restoration first learned from Steve and Lynn Hendrich ofa young. IS┬╖year┬╖old blind girl named Maria. who had been living in a sp┬лial needs orphanage in Balti. Moldova. tn Ihe fall of2012. Maria's story became the inspiralion and primary focus of the foundation's annual fundraiser. the "EyeBalL" At this gala evenl. over 500 allendees heard Maria's story and were touched by her phOIO, which was projected across the big screen. After that. many kindhearted citizens began a projeCl to assist Maria in obtaining her visa so that she could COme to America and be seen by the foundation to receive surgical treatments with the lalest sight restoration technologies that could possibly allow her to see again' ________________________ Mana travelled around the globe. to Dr. Ming Wang and Wang F<tundatlon 10' sight resto<atiO<l. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l tness.com Middle Tennessee - January 2014 Health & Wel lness Maria had a complK:ated sight restoration SUrgefy. have published 7 textbooks and a paper in the ",'Orld┬╖renowned journal "Nature", they hold several U.s, patents fw new biQtcchnologies 10 restore sight, and they perfonned the world's first laser-assisted anifieial oomca implantation. Upon hearing Maria's life story, the doctors decided unanimously that Maria would be the foundation's next patient, However, the road to bring Maria to the U.S. to be seen by the foundation was a challenging one. Maria's biological mQlher had to be located, and then many allcmplS were made to convince her to allow Maria to tnIve1to Am"';ca 10 receive the ne<:essary treatments, Dr. Wang himself wrote many letters to consulates and embassies asking for help in obtaining Maria's visa. Due to the combined efforts of many caring poople, led by SlCve and Lynn Hendrich. throughout the course of the past 12+ months, Maria finally =eivcd her visa and came to America. Or, Wang and His Team Evaluate Marla Maria arrived at the Wang FouOOatiQn for Sight Restoration On the morning of Monday, October 21, 201), whcrc she unde""ent a full eye evaluation. Dr. Wang and his team diseovered that Maria had lost l00'Y. of her sight in the left eye (due to a retinal detachment), and 99% in the right eye (she could only see light). She had to be 17 led around if she wanted to go anywhen::. Dr. Wang planned a complicated and high-risk cataract surgery for Maria's right cye. The reason the procedurc was SO risky is that she had multiple eye diseases and issues, including a small, scarred and deformed pupil, tight adhesion Qf her iris to her lens, a dense cataract, uveilis, lhe unknown status oflens and zQnular stability, and the possibility of retinal and optic nerve diseases. Therefore, Dr. Wang and his learn had many barriers 10 overcome, each which could cause the surgery to fail entirely. If even one step along the way was nOI successful, Ihe team would most likely nOI be able 10 continue 10 the next step. All the barriers had 10 be overeome successfully in order 10 have a chance to reSlore even a portion of Maria's sight. The odds of Ihis enlire process being successful werc not good, i.e .. similar to lhe odds of tossing a ooin in A happy Maria (wtto now can seell alld Dr. Wang. the air se>.nal times and receiving "heads" on every lOSS, and if e,'en one lOSS resulted in She counted fingers Ihal were held several fe<:t "tails," the game would be over! So in Maria's sirufrom her face, then she looked al everyQne in the atiQn, all of the surgical steps ("lOsses'") had to be room .. and smi led. performed with Ihc utmost p=ision ("heads'") in order for the team 10 complete this complex and When Maria rcrumcd 10 the Hendrich'$ home, high risk surgery successfully. whcrc she had been living for weeks but was now seeing for Ihe firsltime, she marveled at the house So with such high risks at Stake, why did Dr. Wang and all its furniture. She lied down on the sofa, want tQ do Ihis surgery? The reason is that if looked up alld enjoyed counting lhe blades of the nothing was done soon, Maria ""ould lose the 1% ceiling fan, ThaI nighl, Maria ",'entlo Ihe balhroom of sight that she had left in her right eye due its tQ get ready for bcd. She looked imQ Ihe mim)r., gr(lWing, end-stage cataract, and she would then she stared at it and studied it intently ... l1Ien all Qf be completely blind. So the foundation de<:ided 10 sudden il dawned on her that the beautiful girl she meet this challenge, and Ihey embarked upon a saw looking back at her was actually herself! Maria very difficult journey wilh Maria, praying squealed with delight and exclaimed, "Sunt Ihroughoulthe process that God would slep in and frumoasa!" (''I'm so pretty!'" in Romanian). She bless Maria wilh a successful surgical outoome, was sccingh<nclfforthe very first lime! Maria has and bring her out Qf darkness and inl0 sight! finally come out Qf dan<ncss and into sight! Seeing HerselffortheVery FirnTimel For infonnation about the Wang Foundation The fateful surgery was perfonned on Thur$day, for Sight R cstQrat;Qn: www.wangfoundation.eQrn, November 7, 2013, and took over 3 hours to complete. Dr. Wang restored the distorted analomy 180 1 West End Ave, Ste II S0, Nashville, TN, 37203, of Maria's iris and pupil, n.x:<KiSttuctoo the pupil. 61S-321-8881, detached the iris and lens adhesion, remo\'ed the drwang@ wangvisioninstitulc.eom dense cataract, stabilized thc anterior segmenl and implanted an intnlocular lens. God guided the hands Please take a look al tbis amazing 30-se.:ond of Dr. Wang and his team, and they ended up being YouTube video: hltp:llwww.youlube .eoml able 10 miraculously overcome each and every wateh ?v-tm E1We_ xTK8 and story Qn our obstacle 10 complete the surgery successfully! website: bllp:lfwww.wangvis ioninstilUle.oom/ When the palCh was removed from Maria's right story_ mana. hlml eye after surge!)" she opened it and she could see! Maria now can seel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .lnhe althilndwe ltness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 18 Health '" wetness Janulry 2014 - MIddle Te n nessee Are Your Resolutions Right for You? G "'!ling in shape. saving money and m,,""ging Strc$ an: among ~ mo:st popular goals on Arno:ric:aM' New Year ', rnolurion checklists. But if )'OII ' re o,'er age 65, your liSl is likely 10 vary. Many things change ~ we pow older - including our a$.pIl'lnions and prioriti~ So don'l SClIIe for any one┬╖s ite-fil$-aU list of rnoluliOll ideas. Ring in the new year with pis that meet the unique n.ct:ds of your body and mind. (elebl'" (ognltl"e Heal th Most Americans will flood fiY11l5 and fitness tClllm. Bul Ihis year. why nOt wone oul your mind1 Many siudies re"eal lhal mm .. l excn:i5C can help nutin ..in mcrnooy, slow down aging and ev<:tl lid in the pre"cntiOll of Im'ntll health conditions. If you're looking 10 build ~ bmwn in your brain. wmp your mind around these mindjogging goals: тАв Take up a hobby to stimulate creativity and encourage mental activily. Practice the fine arts. pen Ilhon_,tory (or Start. b1oa) or ~autify your home: with a gardming project . RC$Ol vc to stan a proj┬лt. SCI I deadline and dedit ..e I few hours a " 'eek 10 your hobby until you reach your goal. wellncss programs designcd for older adults. Also, online communities and fitness center bu!lelill$ often announce regular ,roup gatherings for тАв variety of actiltit;es. RC$Olvc 10 test your fitllCSl by signing up for a 5k run┬╖walk with a frinId or commit 10 I group " 'ellncss prograntll your Io<;al gym or senior center. тАв Find focus in your fitness rouline. The NIH recommends that seniors concentrate on four key areas to get the greatest bcnc:fits of ellerei..,: balance. endurance, fle~ibilily and strength. , Balanec teehniques. $lICh 15 standing 011 one fOOl, lqt raises. yop and rai Chi, can reduce the: risk offaUs. тАв Endumnce e~=is.cs. such as walking. light jogging, cycling and e,┬╖<:tI ballroom dancing, can hc:lp improve cardiovascular hcalth . , Flellibifity a<;liltities. lOCh IS stn:\ehing. can help improve and pn:iCn'ejoint n1Obility. up 10 at least 150 m;nulcs of cardiovascular excrci5C eYery week and do strength exercises at leasl a couple of ti~ a wcek. &5 encouraged by tho: NEl l. тАв Nourish )'OIl' health " 'ith Citing habits that ....ard ofT ilIlICSI. " simple sv."ap, lOCh &5 removing the salt shalrer from your dining table and switching from white bread for 100% whole grain varieti es, can improve hean h\:ahh. Also. filling half of your plate wilh nourishing fruits and "egetablcs, replacing mon: than half of your starches with 100% whole grain and CIting. mety of lean protein foods can help )'OIl get the balanced nutri lion )'OIl need. If)'Ollr conc:em is caloric control, eat mell~ from smaller plates. lIlCuure your ponion sizes and avoid high...,alorie ~veragcs. Resolve to read the lahels and ingredients ~fore you cheek out of the grocery $lore and cat more home-prepared foods. Also, bt:gin your nc:w routine right by talking to your physician ~fon: makin, lifestyle changes. тАв S~gth tnining routines. with and .... ithout weighlS. can help fmiIY bones and musc:le tone: our body's foundation. Resol,'c 10 build yourself тАв Playing games is another fun way to nourish your noggin. Many online resources, such as the AA ltl", website. host games designed to enhance scniors' mental activ'ty. And, when )'OII're away from)'Olll ,omputer, conlinue to nell your mind's muse Ie; challenge younclf with chess and Sudoku, or untangle SO1m' ....ord problems in the dai ly IlC'wspapcr. Resol" e to ~gin ea<;h morning with. short game to help <:tIhanee your mC11>01)' and coordination . Wel[Oml Ph),sl,ll Wellnln Younger g<:tlerations of""n resolve to get slim. But It your Ige. you WlIIIttO ac:know1cdgc your body's unique needs and focus on maintaining vitality. The Nltional Institutes of IInhh (NIII) recommend! tMt smion get a combination of aerobic Ind strength lraining a<;tivity throughout the week while ,onsuming a balance of nutri<:tlt-rich foods to help prevent and manage chronic illness. [f you have wellneis in mind, make optimal health your New Year's resolution with thelC ideas: Life Can: Center ofliickory W'oods 6\5.501.3500 .4100 MurfrttSboro Pike Ant ioch, TN 3701l I┬гCA.comlhickorywoods Life C.re Center of O ld H ickory Village 6 15.847.1502 тАв Connect ",ilh your wmmunity. Exereising with "SO Robin'KIn Rd. ochtrs is I great way 10 stay moIi'┬╖IIed. Local gyms Old H ickory; TN )71}8 and smior "mters oft ... prO'oidl: group <:>:=:i'IC and I┬гCA.comloldhickoryvillagC' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhe~lth~ndwennell . com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 liealth /I, Wellness January 2014 тАв MIddle Tenrlessee WHY DO MY FEET HURT? By Gretchen Campbell. M.D., KCAMedicai Group T here are lots of reasons for fOOl pain. SOmetimes it is due 10 structura l issues SlJch as fallen arches, it cou ld be due to poor circulation, III it COIJId be due 10 a condition referred 10 as PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? There are other conditioos that can have the same symptoms as neuropatlly. Pinched nerves in the t>ack, narrowing of tile spina l column (spinal stenosis), poor circulation as well as certain vitamin and minera l deficiencies or tolticities. 1t is important to see a neurologist to determine the root cause of jOur symptoms. The treatment of these cond itions is very different, and sometimes ooe person can have both peripheral neu┬╖ ropattr,' as well as other conditions that cause toot pain. H the conditions are not managed properly, they usually eventually pro~ss. DID YOU KNOW? Peripheral neuropattr,' is the NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF UMB LOSS In the United States. Most neuropattr,' goes untreated unW pain is severe. The more severe the oeM damage, the more difficult ~ is to treat Early diagnosis and treatment are very impottant WHAT IS PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY? Peripheral ne!Jropathy is simply a colldition lII11ere!:lt tile nerves have been damaged. 11 is a term thai loosely refers 10 nerve dama~ of all typeS, but in the medical world, \lie typically use this term 10 define nerve damage that starts in the feet and eventually spreads 10 tile hallds Wleft untreated, The typical symploms{and ~u oon1 have 10 haY!! all of these symptoms) are numbness, tingl ing, buming, aching Of stabbing pa in. The pain is sometimes worse al night. Usually the skin is I'ef)' hypersens;iNe 10 touch (so bed linens on jOur feet may be bothersome.) Initia lly. the pain may come and f/.later, as the condition progresses, the discomfort may become constant Nerve pa in can be very difficul1lO manage, especially if the diagnosis Is delayed. If it is identified and treated early. outcomes can be very different left untoeated, neuropathy can pro~ss to cause permanent numbness, weakness and even difficuny with balance. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES? There are many, many potential causes. The most common cause In the United Stales are diabetes and akohol dependence. Other causes include Y1tamin deficiencies, cena in medications, kidney problems and many others. Certain typeS can also be heredita ry. WHAT IS THE TREATMENT? First, JOUr ne!J~ shoIjd e:0fI1ine JOU and try 10 deter┬╖ mine tile cause of jOUf symptomS. ff rt Is cSetermined that neuropatlry is tile cause of JOUr foot pain, JOUr neu~ wi~ then need 10 find out v.tI)' JOU !\aYe neuropatlr! In the first pIa(:e. Don1 accept me<e pain medications alone as ;oor treatment There is treatment direded towards increasing tile IlUmber 01 nerve fibers which can stabilize tile condition and decrease tile risk of ~,Typical medications used to trei!t tile pain associated with nell┬╖ ropatIrf include I'Pbapentin, lyrica, Cymbalta and others. These medications WOlle 10 decrease pain, but 00 not impror.oe tile underlying condition. The tlesI treatment ifMlI\IeS identification oIlhe cause of tile neuropatlr! (~ possible), treatment of tile under'l)mg cause, treatment of the pain (\\'ith one Of a combination 01 tile aboo.e medica┬╖ tions) and treatment with medication aimed at increasing JOUr nerve fiber density which can stabiliZe tile process and ~ tile risk of limb loss. KCA MED ICA L GROU P Or. Campbell began her career as a neu┬╖ roklgist as an associate professor of clinical neurology for vanderbilt University of Nashville TN. She attlined staff appointment at Vanderbilt University Medical C<!nter as well as Williamson Medical C<!nter. After a six vear tenure at Vanderbilt, Dr. Campbell transitioned to her current position as a neurologist with j┬л(A Medical Group in 2008. Shi! remains on staff at Williamson Medical Center, franklin TN, where her home office is located. Dr. Campbell is board certified In neurology, and treats all neurological illnesSE'S irICluding migraines, epilepsy, back pain, ne<:k pa in, neuropathy, pinched nerves, carpal tunnel syndrome, multiple sclerOSis and a host of other conditions . She offers multiple procedures to determine and treat the root cauSE' of symptoms prior to treatment. KCA Medkal Group is also an accredited center for Tysabri infusions (an intravenous treatment for Multiple 5<:lerosis). To schedule an appointment, please call KCA Medical Group at: 615.550.1800 - FRANKLIN 931.647.2B2B - CLARKSVILLE, or viSit us online at www.kcadocs.com . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .... ,i .......... ┬╖ ~ :-, ' \.~ , ClydcO. Southwell, M. D., FCCP Certified!n PuI_ry. Sleep" Crilical ear. MediciD< _ Tennessee Comprehensive Lung & Sleep Center Welcome to Our Practice! BrieT. Vim. M,O. Boof<I Ctrtiflod in I'Dl",o",",. M┬лlid"" Uniquely qualified 10 help you breathe easier and sleep better. Thousands in Middle Tennessee experience difficulty breathing or trouble sleeping. Are you one of them? CALL 615-822-2214 353 New Shackle Island Rd., Suite 140C Hendersonville. TN 37075 www.lungandsleeptn.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.\nhe alth andwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22 Health & Wellness Janu a ry 2:0 I 4 Middle Tenn e ssee NEW O NEW BACK By Chris Taleghani, M,O., M,BA n January I st, for one reason Or another, I'm sure that many of you made a New Year's resolution to stan (or maintain) a more healthy lifestyle-but what most of you probably don't know, is that your lifestyle choices don't just relate to your overall health. they directly relate to your spine health, too. One of the keys 10 good spine health is p",,-cotion, Make better lifestyle choices for better spine health in 2014: LEVEl OF ACTIVITY !'cople who are more active maintain mIlCh better back health than people who spend mOSt of their daysscdcntary, Staying actin, can help you maintain a healthy weight, enhance your mobility, decrease your likelihood of injury and illness, and reduce length of recovery should injury or illness occur, As you age, staying active becomes increasingly impor_ tant. Even small efforts toward a man.: active lifestyle add up. You can take thl: stairs instead of riding the elevator. take a walk with a friend, orevcnjoin a group fitness dass.likc yoga or tennis. WE IG HT People who are ove-rweigh\ arc at a greatC1' risk for back and j oint pain, As you can imagine, excess weight pUIS strain and pressure on many parts of the body, but especially the back. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers your risk for back pain and back injury. SMO KI NG We all know that smoking isn'l good for you- but what most people don't know. is that smoking has a direct impact on spine health. Smoking causes plaque to build up inside of your blood vessels. This build-up decreases the blood supply to many areas, especially areas, like the spine, Ihal are fed by liny vessels, This decrcasc in blood supply makes il very difficult for the spine 10 heal itself. which eventually leads to degenerat ion, and latCT pain. POSTU RE Improving poslure not only relieves current back pain, il reduces the li kelihood of future pain, 100, As We are sitting (or slanding). We lend 10 slowly slouch forward, Try giving yourself a visual n:minder~mething that will cal~h your allen_ tioll from time to time. You can place a colored paperelip on your sleeve cuff, mOve a ring to a different finger Or the opposite hand. Or even misplace somelhing on your desk, sueh as a slaplel, Each lime the reminder objc.:t catches your eye. assess your posture and readju~1. Chris Taleghani, MJ)" M.BA. /JtJa;d Ctnifl~ NтАв ..roslUgei:m Dr. Talegh(Jlli is a board unified neurosu rgeon K'ho specializes In minimally im'asi>,e surgery <J/Jd complex spine and brain condilions, fie receiwd his Medical Degree at Georgetown Uni.-ersity School of Medicine and completed his N<'urosurg<'ry R<,s;d<'ncy training at Pennsyll'(Jllia Slate Miltoll S Hershey Mcd,'cal Cenrer. Fou r clini c office locations in Middle Tennessee Phone: (615) 885-2778 Fax: (615) 986-6052 ~ ,_c_ __ _ _ ~~y fu ~l;i~~s:n~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.\nhealthandwe llness.com - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Middle Tennessee - January 201 4 Health & Wel lness 23 Tips to Improve Digestive Health and Optimize Weight Loss By W~liam Noois, M.D. , FACG D uring the holiday season. many people make a New Vear's resolution to lose weight Once the holiday parties have ended, it is not uncommon to be faced with unintentional weight gain. 11 is common for many people 10 stan a diet at the beginning of a New Vear in an effort to lose unwanted pounds. However. many diets do not address many of the factors which play a role in promoting healthy weight loss. which can be su~tained. The digestion of nutrients OCcurs in the small intestine. Alterations in the function of the small intestine may limit ones ability to losc weight. Research studies are being conducted looking at the role of s mall bowel bacterial overgrowth. possibly contributing to weight gain. Small bowel bacterial OVergro",h may lead to thc production of methane gases which Can delay gastric motility and potentially lead to increased absorption of calories. Recent evidence also suggests that maintaining the ideal ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria is impor_ tant in achieving weight loss goals. Many diets do not address the imponanee of fiber in achieving weight loss goals and maintaining good digestivc health. It is also imponant to detenninc if medications that you are taking Can hamper your weight loss effons. Cenain medications. such as tricyclic antidepressants and conicosteroids. can lead to weight gain. Below are some tips which can improve overall digestive health and optimi"lC weight loss goals in the New Year. Make a food diary and write down everything you eat: A food diary will f{)1"Ce you to record your caloric intake. This will also give you an idea of what unnecessary calories are being digested and potentially hamper your weight loss effons Drink water: Water in"eascs your metabolism. Make a goal of drinking 64 OunCeS of water a day. Studies have shown lhat drinking tWO 8 ounce glasses ofwaler before breakfast. lunch and dinner will aid in weight loss. Preloading with watcr will help you feel the sensation of fullness faster and will make you less hungry. Reduce the portion sl:reoffood: If you reduce the ponions of food consumed by 20%. you will notice a reduction of bodyweighl. This can be achieved by using smaller plates with meals. When dining out. ask the restaurant to put half of your portion in a container to take home. Most restaurant ponions are much larger than what is recommended. Increase fruit and vegetable Intake: Fruits and ,┬╖cgetables contain a large amount of fiber. Fiber helps optimize digestive function and can also give the scnsation of fullness . A psyllium fiber supplement Can also be helpful in achieving the recommended daily fiber goals. It is recommended that men ingest 38 grams of fiber a day and women consume 25 grams of fiber daily. Engage In regular exercise: Ellercise is a great way to improve digestion. Resistance exercises and increased cardiovascular activity can increase the transit time of food as it moves through the digesti'┬╖c tTaCt. Ellercise also strengthens the digestive muscles which aid in digestion Dr. Norris is a rwti,-e of Delroy Beach. Fl~ lie It'Ceil-ed his undergraduate degru from MOrFhouse College and gradl/ated fron] Meharry Medical Cal/ege in 1999. His imemal medicine I"tsideney ,,"tlj" completed at the Unil-el'$ity of Tennessee-Memphis. He spent nine years in the United States Army. His medical carur began at 1"011 Compbell. where he sen-ed as the Chiefo/Medicine dUTing Ihe last year of his lOur. 111' subsequemly com plcled his gaslroenterology fellowship at Ifuller Reed Army Medical Ceme~ and became board certified in Gastroenterology after his /raining was complete. He ..┬╖as selected for and co",┬╖ pleted on AiAonced Therapeulic Endoscaf'Y Training Program at Ihe Uniwrsity of Mary┬╖land. The """,ainder ofhis military carur was served al lfulleT Reed Army Medical Cemer. where he ,,"tlj" Ihe Dilt'ClOr of t.┬╖ndoscopy. III' held staffappointments al GOO'KelOwn Unil'el'$ity School of Medicine and at the Uni┬╖ formed Sen┬╖ire! UniWf"$ity of Ihe llealih Sciences. Dr. Norris is an Operation Iraqi Fl"tedom ''eleran. sen┬╖ing a combal lOur ,,┬╖ilh lSI Caw]lry Division in 2009. and is a Bran;;e $tar Medal recipient. After his military caru~ DI: Norris relocaled 10 Middle Tennessee. Ifis office is locoted on the Skyline Medical Cemer Campus. anil he is on Siaff at Skyline. I fendel'$on~iIIe and Cemennial Medical Cenlers. Eat small. frequent me~ls: Instead of eating three meals a day. increase your mcals to 5 meals a day, of smallcr ponions. This will keep your metabolism up and increase encrgy levels. which can promote weight loss. Incorporating these changes into your weight loss plan will promote healthy weight loss and help you achieve good digestive health. ________________________ www . tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness.com To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please c all Norris Gastroenterology Group at 61 5-6 12-4998. ________________________ 24 Keatth & Wellness January 2:0 I 4 - Middle Tennessee ROBOTIC HAIR RESTORATION By Angela M. Scanlan, PAl Medical Group O ne of only 34 ccnters in the world to offer this technology, PAl Medical GrouplWcGrowHair.com is excited to introduce the ARrAS robotic systcm which helps deliver the futUfC and gold standard in intelligent hair restoT1ltion today. ')..'\.RTAS'" H AIR RESTORATtON REDEFINED Think back to your first introduction to robots. Was it Dr. Smith┬╖s robot on wSt In Space, R2D2 and C3PO in Star W;m;. the robots in the JC\soos or the ro┬лnt Pixar animation film. WALL. E? Or maybe you had a completely diffcn-nt first rncounter with robots that was not related to film and cnten ainment. Whatever your first experience with robots has been. robots ha~e always represented intelligence, progress. the future and advancement. "The truth is. today'. robots an: fully functioning, refined and highly technological maehincs that can reproduce the same outcome over and o,'er without mistakes. RcpC1ition and consistent prreision are hallmarks of robotics. Robotics arc used for many good works ranging from saving livcs, improving quality of life, saving time. making your coffec in the morning before you wake up. to assi~ing surgeons in procedures from hean transplants to hair transplants. ----- 1IfodpIont .... 9 _ _ 111M .... I_t.Ia< What Is the ARTAS system and how does It work? The ARTAS system is a 2Ist-cen1Ury state┬╖ofthe-an technological innovation that was designed by medical imaging and robotic expcns in collaboration with leading hair restoration surgeons. advanced digital imagery and plttis;on to safely and effectively dissect and extract healthy, viable follicular units accurately and consistently. hundreds to thousands of limes in a single session. The ARTAS Robotic System's proprietary algorithms result in a nearly undetectable donor area. which meanS no linear scar. FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION {FUEJ REFINED FUE is a tcchnique that has a rooted history in hair transplantation whereby individual hairs are haf\/CSlcd from what is callcd the donor area. With the innovation of robotics, ARTAS has now refined this FUE haf\/csting technique with the most precisc cxtraction of any FUE mcthod. In the past. it has been painstakingly tedious for the surgeon. who must cxtract by hand each indi_ vidual hair one by onc with a biopsy surgical tool PAl MecIcaI Grtq:I Nash~ ARTAS by Restoration Robotics Inc. enables hai r or automated machine. until reaching the desired Angela M . Scanlan restoration physicians with the power of advanced number of follicular unit hairs to be transplan1ed. PAl MecIicaI Group Many potential problems exist with this process. imaging and plttision robotics. It docs so by using !,oIedicaI CoottI<>aIO<~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.\nheal\handwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WeGrowHair.com FREE SEMINAR $1,000 saving for both eye for attendees! 3D LASIK (18-60 YO> 3D FOREVER YOUNG LENS SURGERY (40-65 YO) 3D LASER CATARACT SURGERY (60. YO l. Thursdays, January 9th and February 6th at 5:30pm 26 Heafth /I, Wellness J a nu a ry lOI " . MIddle T e nn e ss e e Cyberknife - A Different Approach to Radiation Therapy By James R. Gray, 1.10, Radiation Oncologist, Temessae Oncology 1┬╗1 radialion treatments today arc dcli,'eI'td by machines called linear accelerators. These machines generale Ihe high_energy, dccply penelrating x┬╖rays used to trcal cancen. They are designed to guidcand control Ihese x-rays in order to direct the energy to Ihe JUmor and avoid ineidemal damage to healthy tissues nearby. This requires advanced engineering for precision, accuracy, reliability, and, above all. safely. The classic design has been a gantry-based model. allowing the radiation beam to be rotatcd around Ihc patient, bringing the beam to the target from differem angles. For mOSI appli_ cations of radiation treatment, this machine design has worked Quilc well, and has been finc-tuned through dccades of researeh and application of computer eonlrol. W hat 1$ Cyberknife and How Does It Work? However. Cyberknife represems a significam dcpanure from Ihis basic model. This device borrows robotic comrollechnology from The aUlO_ mOli"e manufacturing industry and uses complex, computcr-guided robotic anns 10 position both the p'l1iem and Ihe linear accderalor. This vaslly expands the number of positions and directions from which the radiation can be aimed. SimultaneollSly, the Cyberknife uses a paired ~_ray imaging system to precisely identify the position of the target - the tumor - and communicates Ihis po-;;ition infonnalion 10 the robotic ann ,ontrolling the accelerator. This has led to an unprecedemed combination of accuracy and nc~ibility, allowing The radial ion on,ologisl 10 bener focllS radiation energy on the tumor. even when it is moving. Tumors don'l always stay pUi. Since our bodics an.: dynamic, moving to some degree even when we are at rest, the: tumors within US move - from day to day. or even from one minute to the neXI. Some JUmors. such as in the IWlg or liver. will move with a rhythmic variability as we breathe - making our lungs expand and contract. In order to ta.gCl these tumors, we have generally accepted the need to treat more healthy tissue surrounding them 10 makc sure we encompass the range of their motion. Cyberknife impro"es upon this idea with motion tracking. focused while the tumor moves. Think of walching a boal moving up and down on waves and trying to spray-paint jusl one spot on the side ofthc hull - you have to watch the mOlion and mOVe your ann with the rhythm of Ihc wa"es! Cyberknife allows us - for the firsltime cver through robotic technology - 10 monitor this motion and mOve the beam to compensate and stay on target. Motion tracking technology has improved our ability to intensify r.diation doses safely to a lung tumor, and this allows us 10 delivcr the treatment more quickly and efficiently, while simultaneously improving our ability to control and eliminate a tumor. This same principle applies 10 1"'er lumors. since the liver mo,'CS in similar fashion duc to motion o(lhe diaphragm. As a result, some JUmors can now be c1iminalcd withoul surgical removal, with markedly improved rC!;ults Over prior non-surgical treat_ ment using this new technology. Cancer invesligaTOrs are now trying to son OUi which lumors need to be removed, and Which can be treated with this improved technique. This idea is only 10-12 years old. So the Jong-tenn experience in treating prostate cancer this way is lacking. BUl5 yean;expcricnce willT this approach seems 10 suppon our calculations that this will safely and effectively treat proslalC cancer, using a shoner, more convenient trealment than wc have typically used. Q,.,going research will clarify this over the next few yean;. Careful Evaluation Helps Determine Best Treatment OptIon So is Cyberknifc the new and best way 10 deliver rndialion trcatment? In some Cireumsllmces, yes. BUI patients must be carefully evaluated to see how their cancer should be trealed: smgery, radiation therapy. chemotherapy. etc. MoS! paticnts who require rndiation treatment are still beSI lreated wilh our classical ganlry-based accelerator machines. Howcver. for somc. thc precision and tracking capabilities ofCyberknifc otTer a substanI;al improvement in our ability to trcal thcir cancer and allow them 10 move on with their li, 'es without complications from treatment USing Cyberknife to Treat Prostate Cancer This lechnology has also impacted how wc look al Ihe t",auntnt of prostate CanCer. Many lreatmcnt options have been proven 10 be successful, including surgical removal, external beam rndialion treatmenl. and radioaClive seed implantation. However, all of these carry certain inconveniences and side effC{:ts al a minimum, and possible long┬╖tenn damage risks. But in cenain ways, prostate cancer is very different from most cancen, requiring uS to re-think how we lreat it with rndiation therapy. Most caoc"... an.: best treated with a grndual treat_ ment using multipic fractions or individual daily treauncnts ofrndiation. This opTimizes the killing effect 011 lITe cancer cdls while pro1ecting the: hcalllTy cclls nearby. SUI prostatc canccr is differen1. We now know lhat p!'OS\ll.te CIl/lCCf may be better killed with f"",'cr. la.gcr rndialion lrealmenlS. requiring only aboul one weck oftrealTTwnt Motion Tracking Technology www. t"oncology.com inslead of nine ",ecks. And OnC of the besl ways MOIion tracking allows Cyberknife to identify the Tennessee Oncology, 300 20th Awlnue HortII, Suite 301 to deliver Ihese few, la.ger lreatmcnts is wilh an poSition of the target tumor - including both ils cxtremely focused, motion tracking system such H,slMlle, Tennessee 37203 po-;;itiOll in thrcc.<limcnsional space as well as ils as Cyberknife. Phone: &l5-329.j)S70 IToM Free: 1┬╖87H ENHONC rolalion on th= axes - and keep Ihe radiation beam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.tnhealthandwe llness.com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TENNESSEEONCOLOGY L' results " PHYSIOTHERAPY Physical Therapy with a 'Hands-On' Approach ' 1W>d.┬╖On m.nu .. t ....... py combillO'd with.n i<"ldivi<l ..... ,i'ed . ... ┬л;~ P'09,.m. Restore YOUR CONFIDENCE. тАв Trw ' Point o.y N..-dlir.g тАвтАв aila.,... ' Most in,ufO"".' now . lIow W!┬╖,e!c<,. 1to phy1i<.l thet.pyw,tI>oot тАв physi<"n', orde<. Live life on your CNm terms with personalized short -term therapy that fits your unique lifestyle. ContO(t u' today for dn appointment Visit us for more information and a complete list of clin ics. iA www.resultsphysiotherapy.com 615.373.1350 or 800.888.053 J .f flli Ufe care Center ci Old Hid<Dry Village 615┬╖847┬╖1502 IlCCA.com 1250 Robnon Rd. IOid Hidcory. TN 37138 ! CONSULTING ASSOCIATES, LLC STOP Osteoporosis Mental health solutions . for li/e Dr. Kenith Robins Dr. Robins has ova.- 2{) years experience assisting men, women, ch ildren, and famil ies make positive life changes. Over his tenu re of health care practice he has worked with career ar.d life stress management, chr<)nic pain cond ~ions. depression, anxiety, and adult focus and attention concerns, life changes associated with weight loss, fam ily member concerns after a loved ooe has been depklyed. and assisting famil ies w ith stressors and emotions associated with ag ing family members. Or. Robins can help you or your loved one to develop solutions to get your life. relationships. and career back on track today. CONSULTATION AND PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES, AND FAMILIES ... 615-310-1491 Call our offices today - staff available 2417 for scheduling. Many insu rance ar.d EAP program benefits accepted . www.tnhe~lth ndwellness.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _____________________ .. CiniCal 28 Keatth & Wellness January 2:014 - Middle Tennessee Taking Control of ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder By Jason B. Bour, Gertnied Ufe COach, A New Beginning COaching An AOHD Coach Can Help You Achieve Your Goals An ADH D Coach can hclp you in every aspect of your life to achieve your goals. Some of the areas an AOIIO Coach can help include: Job & Career Education Personal Growth Money & Financcs here are several ways 10 lreal Allenlion Deficit Hyperactivity Di$Order (AOHO): medication. cognitive behavioral therapy, neurO feedback, holislic treatments. relaxation therapy, meditation. or a combination of Ihe above. One of the newer ways to manage the symptoms of AOIlO is ADHDCoach ing. Relationships Health & Fitness Personal Organization тАв QualityofLife What is ADHD Coaching? AOHD Coaching helps the client to learn how 10 control AOHO instead of AOHO controlling the elicnt. In ADHD Coaching. the clienl will work on building structure in their lives. break old destruclive habits, and form new productive habits to improve life at horne. school, Or work. ADIID Coaching focuses on the obstacles that the disorder puts inlo your life so you can move forward and improve your quality of life. In order for the coaching process to be ctfe.:tive. the client has to have a desire to improve their lives and be commiued to moving forward. Sessions are usually conducted by phone in Ihe comfon of your home. face to face in the providcr┬╖s officc. or by video conferencing, and usually stan out on a weekly basis. The client will work on specifk tasks Ihat should be completed by the nexl session. Coaching is Not a New Concept The cwching procc$S is not a new concept; it has been arollJld for ye~. In tbe 1980┬╖s, top level exeeuti,┬╖cs used EJceeutive and Business cooches 10 help funhcr Iheir careers. As coaching became more popular. people started using Life Coaches to improv<: their livcs and achieve their goals. Many people from all walks of life use a Life Coach for many reasons. You mighl be a small business {┬╗'>11Cf trying 10 grow your business, a collcge sludent wanting 10 improve your grades. a couple wanting 10 improve your n:lationship. or you might want to get into better shape SQ you usc a coach 10 help wilh your health and fitness goals. Recently, due 10 changes in the wor1c;place and economy. pwple Staned using Life Coaches to help with ealttr goals. An ADHD Coach is a Life Coach that speCOACHING & REI.AXATION SERVICES cializcs in Ihe ADHD di$Ordcr and thechalN o w Offe ring Rekki and Raindrop Technique! AOHD and Life Coaching Can Improve Your Life AOHD Coaching is nota substitute foryourcurrent treatment. and best n:sults are achic,┬╖ed when used in conjunction with your present treatment. Some AOHO Coaches will even provide feedback to your medical provider that will allow your doctor to beller evaluate bow well your prescribed medi_ cation is working. ADHD Coaching does not l\X[uire a diagnosis or prescrip1ion in ordcr to get help. and you do nOI havc 10 suffer from a di$Ordcr to use a Life Coach to improve your life. A New Beginning Coaching offers both Life CoachingandAOHO Coaching. To learn mon:o call Jason Bour al 615-534-2500. Or visit uS online at www.newbeginningcoaching.net. .... ,....-- Life Co l-\uHD Coa RelilXa"tii<)n Therapy BE Gl~*"GS Jason B. Bour, CLC is a Certified Life Coach through the Life Coach Institute specializing in ADIID Coaching. Professional memberships include Imernational Coach Federation. NAMf. Nationol AS5ociation of Cogniti,-e-Behal"iorol Theral,iSI, and Ihe American Association ofChrislian Counselors. your life. lenges it places_ _ In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ www .tnhe althilndwe ltness.com ~~6=1~5=-~5~3~4=-=2~5=OO~==========::=~~~ M'ddle Tennessee - January 2014 Kealth &- Wellness Be Red Cross Ready 1I0w do I p n!pa re fo~ a power outage ? T.. 1><11' p~n"'f"u , f....... k тАв тАв p ' he r..lIo ..┬╖;"Jt ~"p pl !<.o 1.. I" '" hun .. , Wh a l s h ou ld I d o d uring" powerolt '''ge? o I.,....SU ....... II'H"1! ""'. food wilh 1<0111. _or;n ,he ~1Or";1I1:Hp_ ........ "". ~ pcrioo;I or,l ... dunJl& o ~"."...."" U .... """ .. r.......... r.......... ihlтАв . a ""'" ,....... ,..... ond _<IDondoood .. much .. poooibIe. fl ...... p<ris/uoblo Ioool from the ~"'" "" "nOP<nO<! chtd< ''''' i"' .....1,.." ...... u~ or_ '0 .... ~,~ .."rokI."""", sakIy. '0 ... ,,,,,.th.ron''''''0'!I'''''l' """,...,dn.,.. ki' "it" o,h.,.., """"Ii.. in , , _ "fa p ... r ".",,,,,,,,,,,.<1 Put lo n ~ '''''''lIO: dol''''l'J'Iy "" ..,,.,,..lioo, 2┬╖""",,, ..PIlI>' lor "".... r ' w.........-plIoo ..... """""...... doy(3┬╖ boono) , FO<><I_""".~, "')"0- P"l""" il..... (3..day ..ppI,,' lor_ion. тАвтАв - " <oWlY fot bonIo) тАв Fla<h11sJ>' (1\'QTI1, Do '"" .... ""od~duri"l1 ~ """_ ... _ d... ,., .~ u:r.".. ri<I< ofji..,J тАв 1I."ay-......- ... boOO--muok.....,INOM ",..,m Radio. if ""';bl<) тАв "-,, ... bon ..... , fl . . .id ki, тАв M""i<01ions 11-<1apul'J'ly) .nd m┬л!kal ".ms ' Mul'i.",, _ _ tool , Sollnalion.Dd ~ "I~ i'..... , eop;..of ~ 010<>0 ....... (m┬л!i<a'ion Iiot.Dd p<rtl .....' 1lltdi<alIIl/ormo'kHl. ~ to _ , bI,,~ .....1Il00'... bu" ....,. poI;,;e,;) тАв c.J1 pilon. wilt. ''''T''' ' ~.rnlly .nd~_"'" in/ormo,,,,,, ' fu,." ""'" J Ir_inJ'OU.homeis~I"" .Ionrioc-pow<.-.d.lire-. in ins ┬лIuip ..... ',""""'OO"- to indud< bockup _~ inyou тАв .......ation plan. J K"'IIa non_ .... '<!<phon< in)'O<O. home. II is liko-ly '" work..,... whon the _",Is"",. :l K>q>""" ..... "" .. nklull, ."""'~ J .J """... '""'" .... _ .J Throw._ anyfood , .............. <>qKJOOd _W\II ..... the~lor_ ..s .. (... 11" !J I>o!ffull) illhe _ """ ....... i ..I000;0,,, _. ll.. }<IUf"""~_ond + American Red Cross _ . - . .... "..,....,.lOOlooc. boc1 .... ......... _ _ m_ .. n"."F>W'oI$ ""idly. Some Iyp<f 0( boc1erio. P┬л>d"", to><I .. ,110, ,"nnot be~ b}'0Jdd,.. Pf"I'Ore._ U K<q> food In . dry,....coI opot ond ~ I, .. . 1I1;,n... CI Iff"odinthe_iorokl<rthan..".Pond .... ""'~"" iI.)'O<O can - . . it. CI If I"" .ro not ... re food isrokl """"'" , .... FJ edri",, 1┬лI ~ i"m.fl' iIo ""","",ure ..ith the food the ..... 'k' ... Th"""ou'''r Iooolo (.......,. poul'ry. r.... , CI Tum off . Dd U"pl",.n un~ oI┬лtri<ol oq<ri""""'" l~ _i,~ l_._ . . _ . . _, . . " .- _ondl<ftq..,.)thot _ _ ~ .. t<rtlj><o1ol.- hIsJ>oo' than ..". P (0' C) lor тАв """" ............ ond ony food oho ..... on 01┬л1_ .... "n...... CI Tum off ... dis<on......ny.ppliOll<fl (IiIoe .. ""..~ ~ ... <ioctn>nicJ- j'IIU ......, .. illl ..┬╖..... ''''' p<;OW<1" ....., 1M. "1>tn ".".... 00 . . . . bod on, ,ufl<" "'" spik<s oon do""", <quip"","" .J I... "" .... w ..... J ,Ith' '"mod ""OOj'llUll ........ Cot"tion: Cotrbon Monoxide Kills .J ''''''''''~ '""""'" boo:k "", Elirni ..,. "n~┬╖ ...... I. oopKiolly ~ <Of. ~ lIsJ>ts..-ill "" "'" ond roodo will be_1<d U.I Of: ~"" ..'n .. ... r"b' J Sudden power outages can be Wh", uoinI. ponobI<"""""",".~ theoqui_)OU want to_dir┬л1ly ,,, ,he ooll<tson theV"""',or. Do not ron ..... . boono┬╖. .J.ctri<aI S}....... _1"'_ s ..,.,. ..... _to<. ~ll .....p "''''''' ... 01 m pooIl .... J'O"OP<'IIO. po ... <... ..,.,..)-bumi"1!deviceo inskle. home, Pno&< тАв .....,.....". "",,'bpke'" OIly "."iol~┬╖<n<_ . .... y from <loon., ";'-"and ,..." .. tha, oould olJow carbon 0ll0II0Xide1O """'" indoors. "","nd lo<a,. ""i, ..... a TIl< primat)' houJds 'o,void ......... 1>011\1 .11....... _ l o r oI┬лIricity.....'1"' ... _01:.ro carbon 0ll0II0Xide poiooni"". eIo<tri< obod< . t>d ,,,,,,,,Il10-"... ,,,. J If""' ..... ~pltiJl&. long lime. " a power outage Is 2 hours or less, you need not be concerned about losing your perishable foods. For pr0longed power outages, though, there are steps you can take to minimize food loss and to keep all members of your household as comfortable as possible, .. <I<tmni .... iIo..!tty. moy !ook.Dd Otndlllt>t, bol ~tho)- ... "" ...... .. :I If iI Ioob Ii.. ''''' 1"""<1' QUiai'< will <'>lni ..... ~ .<loy. ,.;,., .... fotl"'" f""""" i,..".. ~ Som<_ \J S ............ Ioool ... ...tyon .~or ~ot>d{_. .J P""""'' ' . r",,_ {""til ......... _ido ......... _,..t_ .....-..y le-"'oryour ....... ;n and ou"""" >Io<piJl& 0'"" to pn7'"ido .. rty ""'_from ....r iooo),sudo ..... disW .... ..po ... "" the Aln<ri<an IO.od aoo.. Safe . nd "'til W'" <ito ",ollobio oh┬л>uV< Jt<dC; ..",."", .. lot """fAmily ond _ ' - ....... ,.,... ""If,,,,. I1),,,, I",,~ In....... -=-. coU ,┬╖8w>┬╖,a'--I'<H ) 'o.-.po .. ;"" ... h,-,;! don' ....... or , ... , .... on un ...wol <><100-. roIotor ill doubt. throw k "",I '"",u"," ,,1>tn ..... aft┬л\>Si"ll1oool from .... Let Your Family KnowVou 'J'C Safe _,f.mOly. 'o ..... _ . . " . F ( .┬╖ Cjfot.hours ... hom ,he _ . A fu~ тАв Ionricion. M.......... , .... ''''' """"",lor is .. ,"" for the"....... tha, you ,hillk)'O<O will .....t. Ifyooorrommullity,,~ . a Do not """" ony<l<rtricol "....... ~ .... and I<o<p >"'" family .....)' from , ....... R<pon <Iown<d "."....,;... '" ,be oppropr!o .. ofI'>CIob In ,""'._ ~..-illI:Hp_rokIlor "<I~..1q u o ┬╖ _ 11.. , """,,,,,,,, Wi,., ,..... ''".'''''0'''....'')'0<0 an quid</)' I do when the po"" r conIes ba d : u n ? Power Outage Checklist frustrating and troublesome, especially when they last a f IJ Onoor_<OOItrs_I"",p<n<;"" $I}" " - " ".,.,.... wor\:. wril, \~1 lal sh ould 29 ""min!; or ""'-"rn","'il\l carbon ........,.;.10 тАв Energy Conservation Recommendatlona D Tum off lights and computers when not in use. D Wash clothes in cold water if possible; wash only fuff loads and clean the dryer's lint trap after each llse. D When using a dishwasher, wash luff loads and use the light cycle. If possible, use the rinse only cycle and tllm off the high temperature rinse option.when the regular wash cycle is done, jllst open the dishwasher door to allow the dishes to air dry. D Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient compact ffuorescent lights. CI If''''' ......... monoxide . lonn "",nda, """"" ""id</)' toa f.-...lo ai.",,"lion ""by OD _ " windowor_. "",<loon J Call lor h<lp from .... r...Jo ai, Io<a1ion ond ..,.,..;" , ..... un'U <m<fVII'"f """""n<l oni .. to..w, }",", For more infonnation on disaste r and emerge ncy preparedness, visit Red Cross,org. Copyright c 2009 br the Americon Na_ Re<:I eros> I Stock No. 658564 ________________________ www .t nh ealth and we llness.c om ________________________ 30 Keatth & Wellness January 2014 - Middle Tennessee Has Your Child's Christmas Gift Hurt His Eyes? High-Powered Handheld Blue Laser Toys Can Cause Serious Eye Injuries R esearehers beiieve greater public awareness and governmental inten'en . lion is needed \0 prevent a potential epidemie of ocular injuries. Exposure for even fractions of a second to high-powered blue handheld laser devices Can cause serious eye injuries, according to a study recemly released online in Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The rescarchers ha"e concluded that tbe wide avail_ ability of these devices, which are often marketed as toys, could Icad to an epidemic of ocular injuries, and greater public aw",,"ness and government intervention should be encouraged. Safety Notifications Issued The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Laser Institute of America and the American National Standards Institute have all released safety notifiealions to the public aboulthe risk of injury flVm handheld lasers with an output power of more than five milliwallS. 1bc natural plVtcclive moxhanisms of the eye - such as the blink reflcx - are ineffective against these lasers, and scvere retinal damage may QC<;ur, even after momentary exposure . Studies have also shown that blue lasers are more likely to cause retinal injury compared with green or red lasers. Yet, there are blue laser devices sold widely on the Internet that resemble laser pointers with lower wattages but actually have an output power of up 101200 milliwalls. Case Histories After witnessing a rise in the occurrence of eye injuries caused by these lasers and to betler illustrate the dangers Qfthese devices, researchers in Saudi Arabia documented the case histories of 14 young males, ages II to 30, who sought treatment for these injuries from January 2012 January 2013. a retinal disruption and a cavity in the retina. On ly four eyes (29 percent) improved spontaneously with increase in vision, whereas 10 eyes (71 percent) required interventiQll, includ_ ing vitr┬лtomy (surgery in which an operating microscope and small surgical instruments are used to remo,..; blQ<X\ and scar tissue that accompany abnormal vessels in the eye). Hospital Collaborative Retina Study Group in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. "The difference betwecn these new high-power laser devices and tbe lowpower pointers cannot be overe1l1phasi:red and government action such as banning the importation of these high -power handheld laser devices, laws for assault or malidous intent and a general public awareness campaign may be warranted." Each Qfthe 14 patients in the study had sustained injuries to one eye . Four of the patients suffered a full-thickness macular hole (break in the part of the eye responsible for detailed, central vision). The study, High_Power Handheld m ue laserAn Epidemic of Ocular Injuries OIher macular injuries documented in the study "High-po"'cr handheld laser deviccs may Icad Induced Maculopathy: The Results of the King included hemorrhages in different retinal layers, a to an epidemic of ocular injuries that requires Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital Collaborative macular puc ker (when cells proliferate on the anentkm at diffen:m levds: wlVte the study's Retina Study GlVup, was published on the Ophsurface of the retina, causing visual impainncnt), thalmology websile. autllors flVm thc King Khaled Eyc Specialisl ________________________ ________________________ www_tnhe ~ lth ~ nd w e l lness . com Middle Tennessee - January 2014 Kealth & Wellness 31 Escaping the High Cost of Emotional Suffering Conquering Stress with Trust By John Robin Murphy D epression ranks first and Anxiety ranks fiftb as the most costly disonl= in terms ofheahhcare costs and loss ofproductivity. ' In our Biblical counseling model at Rock House Cemer, we see that fear about provision is one of the most common causes of those emotions. MQst of us ha,┬╖c experienced at least a bint Qf worry about money Qr financial prQvision. and many have suffered greatly from it. Disputes about money destroy marriages and financial stress creates physical and emQlional symptQms that medicine can never fully resolve at the root level. That┬╖s bttause it is a matlcr of trust. IIow would it change your life today. right now. if you actually believed that God is trustworthy to take care of your every need? Let's be honest. it would be a complete transf'mnation Qf the quality of yQur life if you were to neVeT fear for financial provision and you never allowed money to become an idol. The problem is Ihal we are addicled 10 the broken promises of this world for Our peace, and we are ignoring Ihe promises Qf the loving, perfect Creator of the universe. You may respond with the thoughl Ihal you lruSI GOO. thinking back on all the times you have prayed 10 Him for the things YQU need . But praying fQr somelhing Ihat we believe will bring us peace is nOI trusting. Thai is praying your will and God┬╖. po",┬╖,r. That is you making your peace contingent on His performan" al your "dance"┬╖ Thai is nOI trust. That is nQI peacc. Is God Trustworthy? He says He is. The apostle Paul was specifically addressing Ihe issue Qf prQvision when he relayed Ihis message from GOO 10 you. He [God] Himself has said. I will not on any way fail yQU nor give you up nor leave you withQut support [I will] nQt, [I will] nOI, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nOr forsakc nor let [you] down (Relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly nOI!) Hebrews 13:5 AMP To break free of our control and truSI God, we have to first be willing to behevc that God's plan for our li~es is belleT than our plan. We all have within us a sel of needs Ihal. when filled. wiH complelely satisfy ()Ur longings. The struggle is believing that God knows beller than we do what ;1 will take 10 satisfy uS al the deepest level of whQ we are and Ihal He knows beller whal we need in order tQ be whole. Obviously. this 'S aboul much more lhan lhe need for provision. If you are willing 10 pray Ihis prayer. you can have less worry and anxielY Ihrough a new fQundation oftrust in God. He will be faithful 10 hear your praycrs and respond. Ueavenly Falher. I proclaim Ihal only You an: lrustworthy. Please forgi~e me for trusting in the world and being salisfied wilh c()Unieneit wellbeing. Forgive me for lrusting in myself and trying 10 control my circumstanCeS in a vain al\empl 10 acquire YQur promises Ihrough my srrcnglh. Forgive me for depending On money and other Ihings in Ihe world 10 reach a place of peace tMI only You can give me. Fathcr, I proclaim that You are the only true GOO. and r ask y()U to gi~c me Ihe faith and the courage 10 disregard whal the wwld truSIS in fw peace and 10 complelely rely on You, cleave 10 You and reSt the wbole personality of who I am On You. Lmd. please remove from me Ihe ways r have suffered from depending On the world and my own conlrollO anain peace in my life. I ask You 10 fill me with a supernal ural peace in Ihe midsl ofthe cireumslances of my life. Father. I ask for Your strength 10 hold on 10 my lrust in You despile Ihe pull Qf my flesh and the wisd<:>m of Ihe world Ihal rejecls You and challenges my failh. Lord. thank You for loving me and promising Ihal You wiH never. neVeT. never leave me helpless. Lord, open my eyes to sec and my hean 10 embrace how You will work every difficult situation in my life for my good. I pray this in lhe name QfYour precious $Qn, Jesus. I Sour┬л: L-oeppko R. <I al .тАв ppl4(J..I~2. Results of " .."oy of IQ oom~ ;" ..ith 144.000 rntploy<es from 11\0 fol┬╖ lowing busi,.... sect.,...: manuf",,!"';"&. ,cI~ IIMpi┬╖ tahty. energy. oon, ultin,a 0IId in, """,", It is Qur calling as Christians to believe thaI God is truslWQfthy and Ihat His promises are real. II is our choice. 205 P\::wIeIi Pla~ I BrenlWOOdTN, 37027 I 615.369.0668 I _.RockHouseCenter.com ________________________ www.tnhealthilndwe llness.eom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Don't let Chronic Pain hold you back! Chronic pain is something you don't /lave to live with ... Comprehensive Pain Specialists has cutting edge treatment that will help}(lu manage and eliminate chronic pain. By combining tradition al, advanced and regenerative pain-management techniques, board certified anesthesiologists and pain medicine physicians strive to provide effective and compassionate pain management for a broad range of pain syndromes. PrOViding patient care in multiple Middle Tennessee locations Athens ┬╖ camden ┬╖ Centennial ┬╖ Clarl<sville тАв Columbia ┬╖ Cookeville Dayton ┬╖ Dickson ┬╖ Franklin ┬╖ Gallatin ┬╖ Hendersonville ┬╖ Hermitage . Maryville ┬╖ Mt. Juliet ┬╖ Murfreesboro Oak Ridge ┬╖ Skyline ┬╖ Springfield ┬╖ Tullahom a Now Scheduling Patients in Savannah, Bartlett and Jackson Offices. f). CPS COMPREHENSIVE PAIN SPECIALISTS Toll Free (855) 615-PAIN (7246) www.cpspain.com
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