COVERING A Panorama Of Local People And Events TOWNSHIPS or HOLMDEL, MADISON MARLBORO, M VTA WAN AND M A I AW AN BOROUGH 9Sth YEAR — 15th WEEK Mrmlm Naltmiil KrillmUl Auoclitloi MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10,1963 The Entire Community . Membnr New Jtr*ey Pruaa AnoeliUoa Faulkner Forum Sena Resignation Submitted To Board Single Copy Ten Cents Package Plant Has State Nod Already All Matawan Township residents are invited anil urged to attend I h e public forum on charier study Tuesday. Bayard I I . Faulkner, a u I h u r of the I-'aulkner Act which sets up and i Queried a.s to reports about it, j Nar/.owich, a board member from! guides the operations and pracApproval nf a sewer "package"' stale health body to withhold a»» j John A. Dugan, secretary of Ihe'llHiO to lasl February was an out-!tices uf charier study commis- plant has already been grunted b y : p r o v a l "is a bit late." i Marlboro Township Board of Eilu-' spoken critic of HID superintendent \ sions, will speak anil lead an Ihe Slate Department.of Health ' o ; M r . c i a r k g U g g M t e ( j , n e c o u n c j i j cation confirmed yesterduy llie and u prime mover of u set of regu-; open discussion of Ihc issue. ! Lake I.efferts Kslatcs inc., Clifton, could call on Ihe state to rescind board was in receipt of Ihe resigns- lalions governing the principal's of- ; Laurence A. I* r i c e, an in- ' for their 315-lot development on its approval pp and nd grant the council . tlon of Robert A. Sena, superlnteii-1 fice in September, 1%'i. I a h hearing, i b but reminded id the h Mafi dent. The board will hold a special, wj,,, M r M a , . , , , ^ ^ |,. av lng the | charter study commission, and ! Samuel Clark, chairman of the awan governing bodv the borough meeling tonight to act on H, Mr.; i ) ( ) a r d | (he differences ot viewpoint , Ihe originator of the invitation Madison Township Sewerage A J w a 5 heard on the subject last year Dugan reported. J clitl not disappear. There was a pro- i lo Mr Faulkner said the infor- j lht) . ril ? disclosed last night so the j when b hKh health h l t h board b d offleeri ffi bon>ii w\ The secretary also confirmed , cessing of teaclier interviews with j matfoi D?riran wHI starl al » <a d l o n o ( lha, M a l a w a " BorouKh | w e r e r a |, e d i n b y D r , R o s c o e p. that Ihe letter of resignation froin j facultv members in conferences: p.m. In th5 audhoriun. if the j ^ n c U J u e s d a y in calhng^onjlhe; Kandle. stale commissioner ol Mr. Sena Is dated Oct. 4 and it is | with ihe hoard's attorney present present ; Malawan Regional High School health, on Ihe matter before ap~ _ T asked by Mr. Sena the resignation j and the rvrari1 declined to approve; pp on Atlantic Ave. A 11 charier l " " f . l la 1 I proval of Lake LefferU Ejtalea take effect Ml days from the dale (l h study candidates wilt he intro- F it til UCLflV I I I (lie iissuance off a coniract ffor the package sewer plant plans waa of Ihe letter. It Is reported he will current .school year to a teacher duced following opening remark* .7 considered, • then lake h k a superintendent's i d ' post' f»r whom Mr. Sena expressed high ; hy Mayor John Marc Jr.. welThe action of the council was alin a school district in Passak: Coun- regard coming Mr, Faulkner lo Malawan so found too precipitate by another ty. Township. , Madison official who stated that ht Mr. Sena came lo the Marlboro Mr. Faulkner's appearance is "there may never be a Lake LefSubpoena Ignored, •School Hysli'in in KtVi as a teaclum; considered an Itonor for Ihe com* ferls Estates" in lhat the Madison principal to fill a vacancy caused niunlly as he limits his public Committee hai not givWarrant May Issue Township by the death al that lime of M i - * speeches to only • lew each en approval to the rnap. This of* Mary A. (.Vine, who beaded llie year around Ihe country. Ills Magistrate Harold Sherman, Mat ficial pointed out out that the the map pr*. pr*. school system many years. lie was prominence as an authority on awan 'Township, consented Tuesday ; scnted s t d by b Mr. M Sharkey, Shk l represenlamunicipal government developed to a fifth postponement in Ihe coun-, tive of the developers, gained Ifchosen a.s a non-leaching principal Final Adoption when he was named chairman of ter assault case of John Savilsky, nal approval after three year* for the 1956-J7 school year, then the New Jersey Commission on LTiffwood contractor, vs. Sg't. was elevated lo the superintenIs Deferred Local Government In I»W by I James C. lloyi, township police. waiting by a 4-2 vote of the towrf. dent's post in October. lf»59. Mr. ship planning board last month anil Cm. A. V.. Drlscoll. Ihe OpSerui taught in several baysliori- : I : IM;II adoption of ,H 1.109,000 bond only on condition that Kenneth E. j the Iwo negative votes were" thoM .school systems before taking tin* ing ordinance to finance a major tional Municipal Charier l a w . Joel, Keyport, attorney for Mr. Sa.: of Mayor John E. Keating and principalship in Marlljoro Town- drainage and rnitd improvement lite Faulkner Act, was passed In vilsky, give the court an afdrnia- j (continued on page four) .; l!ll j project in Malawan Township ship, tion that their side would assume t • j was deferred Monday nielli by Ihe Division CM Opinion all responsibility lor a court reportIn recent years there has been Mai.nvan Township Committee foler and other costs. '1 lie affirmation , Indication of division of opinion be- ion ing a public hearing. j was given. tween Mr. Sena and some board Mayor John Mart jr said a vote The request for a fifth pos'members on school policies. John ,, M nj,, ordinance, which will fiponement g n w out of a dispute: ..^ -. . nance tin* major ixM'liiui of the (continued on page four) >• )• n>/ I $M."i,l)0() project, will be deferred jl y Savilsky Vs. Hoyt Absence Blocks Drain Ordinance A clew twee* el Mala SI., Malawaa by Jwlar Girl Scout Troop M. • • • Responded To Help Marlboro Warned iniil a fi1 Unpavcd Streets To Get Scraping Township Debates Bcaclifill Plans " '••••••'»i'«™i>ip <.( n.e Army Proposal ! Killer's Release Center Ave. "Mess" To Health Board : 'five - iium committee is present. ! Stirs Victim's Kin Stirs Controversy |{"'H'l'nitlt.'VirtHn Nornuwi W'*'»d Piotost against many years of was ii()l present Monday, j Protest is being, taken to Dr. presumed neglect of dirt and gravValue of a beachfill project plan 'Ihe ordinance calls for an expen Corps -l«'m<*s f). (kiyne. director of Tren- el streets in the borough at ths Unbridled Attacks ililuie nf SlfiO.tllM) fin- drainage work lied by t li e L' S. Army ton State Hospital, against the re- board of health meeting Monday of l-liigineers for Matawan Towii and $173.111111 for .street paving. It lease of l-'rank Zasteras, 70, by On Developer Hit aulhoruc* the issuance of 20-year. .ship shonjs In provide protection relatives o! June llc-ndy. a young met with an immediate response inviinst liurricsines n n d erosion in the council meeting the followStern warning that "the law is r>n Itonds. As A result of requests by was tlchatrd ai^iiin Mniwlav iii^lit woman slain in a triple killin;; ing night when Councilman Warren our side" was given by Joseph the Sewer Authority that the pin- ijy tin1 Matawan T(^\wishiji ( imnnil May II). I!WS, by the inmate to I v 1-1. HuUhinson. chairman of tflG rHcavd. His rcli'ase was ordered .streets committee, announced work Feinberg, Perth Amboy, allornev .ing lie coordinated wilh authority ' 11 plans fur IIIKI si'vwr insinuations for Harryy Reisky. ( IIKHIMIII KIMCII. llu; y Railway, y d u v i - Ciiflwood Mayor Join: Mai/, jr. said lie and T ll ': s '! I '- v »y. Superior Court Jud;;c: would starl on grading such streefs, inavor said paving wuuhl bi» "he H l Oak O kwoodd Village Vill nper off .H-lot J. Kdivard' Knight in Freehold af- including Ce-nlcr Ave., one discussTownship Attorney Herbi-ri Route 520 near Route ,14 al a lu-a oli until sev\t*rs ai..- in " ter .Munmoiith t'ounty I'rosecutot 1ed hy tin: Ixiard Smhli were 1told Monduv in Ti Uequesls t.'urlls in£ on preliminary approvalJ heio too that tin project would not be Vincent R Kfiiper reported all tin Joseph Wilson, a member of t l u During thff ptllilii; lu'arni^. the MarHwro Township I' J;nini needed wiimvses in the east' had stalled if Hi'" township failed in .lalawan Borough Board of Health, Republican 'l Hoard when the map came und- I ;V'l prnpertv easements nr coine died in the intervening 55 yeais lold that body Monday he had been I fire of adjoining owners plus an as- Comuiulei" candidate, dci Ijred Ihui up with us sh.ire ol iKuiey for so their would l>e no chiince <>\ uf candidates and the draiiui'.:e J»rni; for [he ( i l l ! tin" project Mr. Mar/, said Ihe pro getiinii a mucili-r t(in\iitiun agains' asked hy I'd residents of Center sorted group of their sympathizers on "upgrading" wood •jcli area would mil work jr,l is "nr>l I Mire thing." in a ii" ZaMrra-. now he has been declared Aic. to bring their plight to Ilia . attention of the health iioard. Mr. •'.ic.k'is curbs afe installed." Mr. ;<iri to iht" Kininiitlee on a meet- ; i " " ' [Xililical tickets. ' "wile. WiUtm staled that the accumulariar/ j^rei-d with him lhat sonu." ing he and Mr Smith had with Mr. l-einber^ warned the advo- .'viao: Za.sieras. eni|iloyed on Ihe farm tions of water in the puddles of Ihii catus nf upgrading that he did ran tret'ts are higher than adiuuru lames H.iukin < hi"l nf Ihe navi- of William Sheppaid in Wickatimk unpaved and unscarified street are f mill inoi'd on page Itiurl intend his client should hecoin." gation divisiim ol the New ,l<'rv.'y in I!WIS killed Mr. Sheppaid and fell by the residents to be Ilia •-["whipping boy" lor [heir political and his wife. Josephine, and Miss Ben- smucc of a mosquito nuisance. He Department ol Conservatio and other purposes. ''We have dy wilh a shotgun when apprehend- asleil that the board either clear Kconomic'. changed our pinna many tinier i New Hearing Slated am- ' ed by Miss Bendy in the net tit away the condition or'ask the borMr. Kunkin suggested Ihe (On,. since licit (when the mnp was first, robbery. But a ruling ol insanity A new hearing on a grievance iniiU'i' lout, al ii similar beach tiuilt anil confinement at ttiL' Vroom ough council lo level off the street filed) in order to comply with your (continued on page four) recommendations and .suggestions." of eight .Slrathnmre residents in Keanshurg lhat has not it-ijiiirfi) building for llu' ( riminjlly insane rnaiiitt'iiance. Mr. Mar/ said. I Dm Mr. l-'einberg added ihut llie. [ will be arranged in the next two at Trenton saved him from the mill'-eii.^n lli'nry liaphagcn. chief houses would be in Ihe 325.(101)! weeks. The Malawan Township electric chair. j Blames Politics class, that they will "be nice I Committee received a letter critit:. .said Keansbmg needs its (conlimii-d fin page tour) Mrs. Maud Presl, Freehold, and homes and you will get good neigh- ( Monday night from eight StrathRichard Zlegler, formerly of Ma' more residents reiiucsling a new Malawan Township special po(continued on page four I M awan now of South Orange, at dale be sit fur their appeal thai Sponsor Mayoralty lice officer Koberl Hayes charged taking protest lo the hospital in ; Monday nlghl that he was threatdeveloper l.evill and Sons, Inc. Council Authorizes frar ol Zasleras vengeance for his ' ened wilh loss of work if he refailed to provide the required Candidates Night 13 per cent land for recreation .if) years loss of freedom. Mis. j fused to nut a Rurlt'w-Mnrz elecPreparation Of Maps use. The Marc Woods Residents' A l Prest is Miss Hendy's younger sis-| tion sticker on his car. Me saM Maynr John M a n Jr, said a socialion is sponsming a "Meet ter. Mr. Ziegler is quoted as at-: he refused and is not working. Borough Kngineer Karl lleuscr Your Candidates for Mavor" night Iributing the death of his mother. ; was authori/.eu to prepare 12 utap.s letter wmtld be sent lc> I.evilt on Wednesday, Oct. 10 61 8 30 p.m. i Mrs. Plioelw /.iegler, Matawan, in ; Me Hated thai the "request" . , , , was made by Township tommilof the new sewer collection system asking the firm lo agree to a new in the liioad Sued School audi- ,1961...'"...a. h , " a r . l . . a U ^ k J K . " u £ h t " " i » « " » • " « " » * r l Ilickman Sept. Another hearing w a s in the borough al a cost of J1M0O time. by report Zasterus was to be retor in in scheduled for last month but 21, and that subsequently Mr. by the Malawan Borough ( ounci! ! Till" association notes hat this i s leased. Mr. Ziegler fears for his Ilickman s a i d C'oinmlllecniaa Tuesday night. The maps, according was postponed when Ihe residents to Councilman l.eon Chrisiinal will asked l»r additional lime to check an "opportunity for all Unrough of i Iwo aunts. Mrs. Presl and Mr*. Daniel 11. Downey, police chairlie of assistance to a sewer as- nmru information. The informa- .Matawan residents lo hear Mayor Ada Stillwell, Matawan, and Mrs. man, warned lhat he would li»s« sessment commission, to be ap- tion has been muriicd mid the .Inhn Applegale and Kdward ' R. Zicgler's 1- children and 21 grand- work if he did nol comply. Roth Mr. Ilickman and Mr. Downey pointed, which will fix individual residents are readv lo proceed, Hymn .speak and answer questions children, vehement ly denied the charges.' levies for the improvement on the letter said. submnifd by the audience. Mr. Downey accused the poOld Wagon f i r m property owners. Ihe committee was unable lo Nut ice Now picking delicious Macln- lice officer of "briii|(lng politic* Council accepted Ihe resignation find sullahle limr for a meet Inn into Ihe police department." Ha New York i'umpik* Express tosh, Oplacent apples. Try our of Patrolman Peter Hallnrk, an- earlier than the proposed dales •aid Mr. Hayes Is "not working" '' It'a different N pointed to the force earlier this except next Monday. Hut they buses, frequent daily service from ; Iresh' cider. Rouie 35, until Ihc mailer Is investigated year. Councilman Warn-n Ryan, adjourned their meeting until *: 15 Kollo's. Commuters buy 10 lr:pj preservative added. •nd "cleared u p " by Ihe police call s'orth of Middletown. chairman of the police committee, p.m. Monday following Ihe Town- book* and sava. For chief and police committee. wjfp—adv 10 COIfax 4-2222. reported that Mr, Hal lock is resign- ship Health Hoard session. ing to accept a jx>st with Ihe Stale Police. An agreement, forwarded hy llie planning board for council approval, which would permit Ihe stale V J to underwrite 75 per cunt of tile $14,000 cost of the preparation of a master plan hy the firm of IVxirman ami Dorram Inc. was relerrcd to the altnrni'V for studv. Of Legal Action 1 M a l W M JMtar Woman's Club e k i r i weedi from hydrant*, # # • Keep Matawan Clean Discuss Organization Of Mnlkal Stuff For Ba)shore Community Hospital In Appreciation f wish In thank all mv neighbors and friend* fur Iheii kindnesses the time of the lire in niy home, especially Malawan Unrough FireCompanies and Police Department, Mntawan Township lire Companies and Police Departrr.vnt. Mis, Dorothy Nf. Sin net t jfp—ndv 111 PUC Hears Plea Pofleri are the result si Business and Professional Woman's Club Contest. The manager anrl engineer (if Ihe West Keanshurg Water Company were cross . examined Monday at a Public Utility tiiinmlniltin hearing concerning an extension of waler service. Examiner Hugh I-'. Fullman Is conducting the hearing on a petition hy William Mohrhulter, M l l.lnt Rd., llolmdt'l Township, who seeks water service either from Ihe West Keansburn firm or from the Slralhniore Water Co. Malawan Councilman Warren Ry- cleanup campaign Is nearly com- volunteered their assistance with • n yesterday enthusiastically prais- pleted hut. that It will continue with the community-wide project were ed residents of the borough, civic variotta civic groups and organiza- the Rotary Club of Matawan, Girl Scout Troop .112. Cub Pack anil organlJatlons and their members tions working again this weekend. .Scout Troop (W, the Manzo Confor what he termed "a tremendous Mayor John W, Applegale also struction Co., McElvainc-Schanck and gratifying" response to the expressed his appreciation and Post 221ft, Veterans of Foreign cleanup campaign underway in congratulations to the committee Wars, Ciir! Scout Troop ,16, Mntafor the excellent organizational wtin merchants, Van Brunt and Matawan. The cleanup committee of Ihe work It had done In a short lime Son Trucking, the Business and to enable the work to be done so Professional Women's Club, (lie The companies contend Ihoy borouih, comprised of Charlei Woman's Club of Mntawnn Inc., are wllMnc to provide the servict tchock Jr., Howard Siegel and dramatically. Couacllmen Warren Hutchlnson and Mr, Ryan aald that marc than The Mutnwon Junior Woman's but that circumstances Involved Ryan, "never could have accom- 29 civic organizations pledged their Cluh, Matawan High School Stu- In Ihe extension prevent them, plished m much to Instill new assistance lo the cleanup campaign, dent Council, Fnriners and Mer- Mr. Pullman said. We«l Keanepride in Ihe community without the "and what's moro, they kept their chants National Dank, the Mnrc burg hold* I h * franchlsa covering wholehearted and Industrious as- pledgei." fn many cases, he said, Woods Association, Girl Scout the area la which M r . Mohrtwtltr alliance of our clllteni," Mr. Ry-volunteers worked more than eight Troop ,131, Explorer Seoul 1'IIHI lives and Slrnlhiiiore hits a water 1 an Mid. or nine hours on their assigned 2.15, It was reported . Flminclti! main acnis* the street from hit contributions to assist Ihe drive properly. In • report to (lie borough coua- projects. o were recDlvr-il, Mr, Kyiin said, Strathninrc counsel Waller An. clt Tuesday, Mr. Ryan said the Among the organizations which Nurtt Givit Report Mrs. Helen Dolan, public health nunc, reported i t the regular monthly meeting of Ihe Matawan Public Health Association tint there wore 10,1 homo and office visits und 20 attended baby clinic In the borough during the month of lhat during Ihe same period In the Old Wagon Fur in August, Mrs. Dolan also reported township there were IIS homo and Freshly dug California Privet office visits and 17 attended baby now available; nlno large sclecllou clinic, of ovcrgrccn*. Route ,15 North nf MIddletown, Notice To Take Out V/ildjuie lo Klwanlan.i moving Charcoal cliickan, fried Shrimp Into our community. Meetings Tuesday 6:90 p.m., Ye Collage or Scallops w, V/V, $1.35, Inn, Keyport. Hollo Post Homo derson cross • examined W e s t Keanahurg Manager (ieorge .S, Klnkade Jr,, and engineer Robert Kaerchi'r. Hold men testified concerning the ciMl lo their firm nf extending Ihe water main from existing facilities In Mr. Mfthr. hutlor's rtmno and the several other home* In Ihe area, which hav« been getting their water from wells, The hearing wa.i adJtiurni'd lo Oct. 21. PROGRAMS UNDER WAY AND PLANNED W JOT Bf Marry S, Wllley, left, president of Ihe Mayshnru Community llnspllal program wilh Dr. Vrnnk Nlemtrow, Freehold, president of the Moiv nml Dr. Iliwnril C. l'lr|HT, right, chnlrmnn nf the hospital's medical j mouth County Medical Society, affairs ciiiiiiiililce, reccnlly reviewed the llnysliore Community Hospital i ntnlls- r>f llie orj'.unl/nlinn of th" The now Biiyshore Community ineiliunl slnfl of tlio new Uiiyiiliotv Hospital will be built on a 15 acre Coinmunlly Iliispiliil were relenseil HItu on ilecrs St. In llolinili'l Towntoday [ollowhiK u meeting of d o - ship near the Garden Slate I'arklors liilerc.ili'il In privileges In tln.i wny. It It being planned to allevinew hospital hold earlier this week. ate serious overcrowding at near- by hospitals and In anticipation of | Iho rapid growth of the nrca. The details aa announced by Howard C. Pleper, M . I ) , of Keyporl, chairman of Ihe hospital's medical affairs committed provide for an ornnnlwd ttfttn stall. "Thll means," snld Dr. Pleper "that every medical mini In the nroa ' I welcome to npply for privileges mid will be granted privileges ua (continued on page l a u r ) . Pag,* Two — First Section THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Cliingarora District Scouts Launch Annual Fund Drive junior Auxiliary Installs Chairman Thursday, October 10, 1963 HoStCSS T « G l i b JK-VP«'t Yacht Club Slates Annual Meeting Engagement Party Held At Poet's Inn In Morganville The annual meetiny and election Robert V, Seber sr.. Morganville, of officers of the Kcyport Yacht Mini Margaret Gohmert wa» forMis. Martin Smilh sr., Morgan- Club «ill be !>eW lomnrruw at Ihe announced the engagement of his mally inntallcd MM chairman of. the ville, was hostess t<i thr social dub Yacht Club at 8:10 p.m. Nomina- daughter, Sarah Ann, to Willard Junior Auxiliary of the Laurence | on Wednesday evening. Games tions include Bernard Delaney. Kdwird Covert at u dinner parly Harbor American Legion Unit 132 Muulecji, fiiven ul Poll's Inn, Malayan, on were played. Mrs. AuguM Bo lilt re- commodore: William at ceremonic* held in the Post r Home. Mrs. Alfred Good, president ceived a birthday gift from her se- vice commodore; ?I:*r\«*% Snii'.h, Sunday. of the Middlesex County American Others attending were Mrs. Wif. cret pal. Tlie table WHS set with rear commodore; Cluirle.s ]Jt.jt reLegion Auxiliary and her ilifl, al j the. fall Ihenie and baskets nf conimti secretary: F. I.. Garrison, lard Coven. Miss Julia Coven, financial secretary; Gary Post, Miss Anna Covert. Mr. and Mrs. an inttalled Mis* Dorothea Grimes fruits and mils were at each place. treasurer: Curl Holmes, fleet capfirst vice, chairman; Miu Judith Harry Conover, Harry Conover jr., Those attending ueic Mrs. Kd- tain, and 1. Morst , measurer. Gohmerl,'second vice chairman; .lames Conover, Misses Julia and vard Becker, Miss (.'ami Becker, Miss Darlene Beck, treasurer; Donna Jean Cono,er, all of NepNominated for stats on llu- bnaid Miss Julia Olsen, iccreliry; Mis» Mrs. llitrry Koiumalow, Mrs. Loins nf governors are Alfred Manville, tune City: Mr. und Mrs. Robert V, Kathleen Carroll, historiin; Mis* Decker, Mrs. Robert Owens. Mrs. Hurry Hoss, George Weinman, Ar- Seber jr.. Robert V. Seller III, Sandra Beck, chaplain and Mis* IVinald Miller. Mrs. John Wilson, :hur Silcox am! I rcilerick Schein. Steven Seller and Miss Rita SoKaren Korkowski, sergeant • al Mrs. August Biililt, Mrs. Martin Tile slate nominated uy the ladies ber, all of Wickfitunk; Mr. and arm*. .Smith jr.. Mrs, Joseph Ijinciirti auxiliary include* Mrs Irene Lnin- Mrs. Anthony Seber and daughter, Mrs. Harvey Bloom, amior adsr., Mrs. Dot Brewer, and Mis. bertsnn, president; Mrs. Harriett Patricia. Freehold; Mrs. Frieda SeVisor, presented awards. Robin Ann .Worse, vue prttiilrai; Mrs. Caro- ber, Newark; Mrs. Vera Brown, Holier! Seber, Kalbbun received an award for line Uuber, secretary and Mn*. Morgunville, and Mr. and Mm. having accumulated 1H0 points Final pliliu wen- I'ninjilcttd for llnlen Ormerod, treasurer. James Burlew, Cliffwood. Miss Julia Olsen received the first I he I'lnh's iinnual trip u> Nou Yo. k. prlaa for having otllacted 1004 cou'I li* meeting will In1 held it •oni aad Mis* Thereaa Rathbun. the home ol Mrs. Joseph Lao/.aio •ctxmd. with 2X1 coupons. Miss Judith Gohmert received* the first prltt for having collected I'M used .Miss Christine Smith has iciurnnylons and aecond prize for IM cii lo her Ivniie from Monniotith UMid nylons was presented to Miss Medical Center where site wd« a Theresa Ralhbun. liulicnl. ••, Alls* Thereia Rathbun also reMiss BiJrlKiry Lynn Smith sprttt Community chalrmea receive imtrucllum from Stephen Pallermn, i are Ranald Cnhani.nK, Union Iteuch; Kennelh Wllley, Holmiiel Townceived her award for the poppy cor. flnanee chairman of the initial Bay Seoul Fund Drive for t'hlngarora [ chip; Harry Seamen, Rarilan township; Mr. I'allfrsnn, Etlward /.Icylrr, the weekend visiting Mr. anil Mrs. Mgt she submitted on the local District, Maamsula Council, Boy Scouts of. America, which comprise* j Mulmmn Township, ami Robert llarlman, Keyporf. KthvMrd, Miinnlajian. level and which also won first eight bayshorc area commuallle*. Shawn ibvve, •• • kk«-«ff meet inn i Mr. mid Mrs. Clifford Kridieiiplace in the county poppy corsage berger and sons, Clilfurtl »nd \:.]. .contest. Miss Ralhbun also received wood, visited Mr. mid Mrs. Warren the award for having sold the rnoM Ilibbells, Wayside. Kim Goetz Has Party Legion Post Plans caitdy during the candy project. Mr. and Mr*. Koy K. Kmli spent On Sixth Birthday For Veterans' Day Mils Karen Korkowski placed Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mm. first lit the-sale of Christmas proiiin Smith jr. mid fjtmify and Mr. Kini Goeli, daughter of Mr. and: flans for Veterans* Day were linil Mrs. Raymond U'etuel. Jecta. Mrs. Jack G<ieu, 15 Beechwoodtnad>. al the meeting of tinLouMr. and Mrs, Martin Smilh s*. Past chairman Miss Kathleen The Fifth District of the New Carroll wa« presented with her Jersey Slate Federation of Wo- Terr,, Matawan, celebrated her! 176 and the I adies Auxiliary held >fL'l";e Harbor American Legion vi;;ii«.'d Mr. uiui Mrs, I'rurjk Smilh sixlli birthday on Oct. 2. An outon Tliuisdiiy evcniny. paat chairman's pin by. Mrs. Kicha joint insl.jllniion in the Legion j ''"'•I 337 held in Ihe I.e^ion Hume Mr. lint) Mrs, Robert Owens visaraVFulham, junior past county men's Clubs has completed plans door party was held and a large president. The next' meeting of the lor their annual fall conference. birthday cake was the lable center- Hull on Main St., Matawan. Giles's : on Suminerfield Ave.. l.uuienci; ited Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Smith on preseni were Past Department of j „.„,„,,.. OnnmBiider Oskar C«hSaturday iveniuj:. Junior Auxiliary will be held Sal- The conference will be held on |piece. j New Jersey Executive'commitice-! Mr. nmj Mrs. I3oniild Miller and tirday *t 1:31 p.m. in the Legion Monday, Oct. 28 at the Magnolia j Attending were Dori, Dcni ami; man Homer .Vlatieson; Past L>e- " l e r l l"rts"lt<lsons Donald mid 'I'lHinias mid M". Horn* on Sumnterfield Ave., LauMarci HatiKer. Jody S»cco, Gayle, j paitrnent of New Jersey Vice Com-! _ Itwas decided In hold service? Inn, Route 78, Malawan with regisrence Harbor. for Veterfttis' Day Saturday, Nm . and Mrs, .Kilin Wilson visited Mr. Donna and Coleen Knapp, Robby mander Basil Slocum, and Pa [ration at IS a.m. ami Mrs. Rnltert tialt'slii, HiKhthCounty Commander Joseph Mein- » al 10.-.T0 a.m. at Ihe Memuriiil town, on F'ridiiy e\'eiun^, Lenox Rd., Cliffwood Beach The morning session will begin Knapp, Charles Sergewick, Jackie lein. }'l.'ii{Ue on Lauren*'** Parkwtiy. A Madison Golden Agers promptly at 10:2* with Mrs. George and Bobby Goelz. Veierans' Day dunce will he held Counly Commander Robert Cinit(Adjacent Iv Kecr«all«B Held en CliUwmd Ave.) Plan To Hold Meeting Nov. HI in (he Legion Courses Start R. Schneider, fifth district vice • • HI* a° hold and the county executive: staff .Sunday, Home from 7 n.m. tn II p.m. The \tVt installed G«irj(e W. Morey sr., as t h e October birthdays or the president presiding. The invocation; j | l O l l O r ifllSS Templi' Sholoin, the Reform concommander: Joseph Hiise;;ian fir.--t '. l' ul)lic i s 'nvited to Ihis open liousi-. members of the Fellowship of the will be given by Mrs. Earnest F. I OPEN AND MODIFIED SHOOTING vice commander and service olfi-', M u s l c W|M .'* 'umished by Jai.H ureKiition servinu (he Matawan arOoMen Agers of Laurence Harbor Foster, president. Woman's Club of ea, tuinotince.t the adult education cer; Vincent Infnsino, second j . , OKen and I be Cavaliers, v c( ••Ml Cliffwood Beach will be cele- Rarilan Township, co-hoxleiui club. At commander; Paid llussey. third ! ''reparations are iK-ing made for course be^n/i last evening «it b:'M) PRIZES WILL BE TURKEYS faialed Friday. Oct. M, at 1:30 Welcome will be extended by Mrs. I A surprise bridal shower was giv- vice .commander; Robert' Zeigler, i l h < ! p " s ( f onimumfers and I'ust p.m. I'he course, which is open lo p.m.. place to be announced. Walt- Melvin A. Philo. president. Keyport ! en in honor of Miss Kit Grey, Key-jfinanc officer; Joseph Compoly, Plesidenl's dinner, to be held Sat- i memlM.'rs only, is beiny eundluMetl er Becker conducted the meeting Literary Club, co-hostess club. ] port, by her attendants, Miss HI- ~" Nov. 3V in the Lffcion Jlonie. ' by Rabbi NWirdeeai Srhreiber, spi:FROZEN AND LIVE TO WINNERS of the orRaniation in the home of Pledge of allegiance will be led by leen Grey. Miss Doris Calandra adjmani; Fiank An§on, chaplain; '1 ickfts may purchased frum iltial Icatlei of the ronj'rejiatifln, at Mrs. Gladys Ehlers, Hillcrest Ave., Mrs. Joseph Eslenes, fifth district and Mrs. JoAnn Applegate. at Ea- Harold Bethel, historian; Richard i.»y post or the Stralhniorc Klemenlmv School. iary member. , Doininy, serKeanl - nt - nrms; and Laurence Harbor. • civics and legislation chairman; na- \ gle Hose Co., fire house. Keyporl. Robert LaMura, ailvocaie. Booby Prize — ) Pumpkin! It was decided to advance the lional anthem to be led by Mrs. ', on Saturday. Your advertisenm-l in this! If you need printing ot any Mr5. Martha Silvers, county aux- paper Waning time of the meeting* to E. J. Kime, fifth district music I Gifts were arranged beneath a will itach prospective; kind, we are here It) serve you. iliary president and her staff offi1:H p.m. to allow more time for hairman; club collect to be led I purchasers in every community tn j Our quick service flnd reasonable ciated at ihe auxiliary installation. the aaciahilily. II was announced by baysbore- area. ! prices will please you. Mrs, Claude Mrideau tvili serve ;i.s Mrs. Marie Hooynwn, membership r y C b »"r!e,Kvere^luitons to bebeo,prtsentesent<' > M ^» O r U ^ V t m ^ e r, a m e ^ Tn.e vice ( president; Mrs.Mrs. Frank ArUJIi. fir.l chairman, thai new procedures for courtesy resolulionslo j , president; William Dunb H d e n f Slephtn iVk dH ick O adlrtiitioit to the organization ire ed by Mrs. Dale B. Otto, president, Nov. 9. tv«s presented with a cor- ! nenworlh. second vice president: being considered. Plans were made Woman's Club of Red Bank. sngp nf blue and white carnation.?. 'Mrs. Margaret McDonald, chaplain; to hold a card parly in the near Mrs. Roy Thurnall. northern vice Guesis attending were Mrs. Pal- I Mrs. John Thaler, treasurer; Mrs. future. president of the Stale Federation ricia Kroeger, Monlclair; Mrs. ' Jumes Martin, historian and secreMrs. Ann Kunli is now convales- will be the principal speaker, Her Rulli Ferrante, Miss Nicki Ferran- jtary and Mrs. Mary U'Donnell, ser cing at her home. 310 Lincoln Ave;, topic, will be "Over The Tea- le, Mrs. Lorraine Roman, Mrs. ; ^eant - at - arms. after a second trip to the hospital. cups." Mrs. Thurnall is a former Florence Patterson, Mrs. Ola Dor!. Thanks Officers Mrs: Anna O'Leary, another mem- state chairman of the American Tina Rosalo. Miss Penny WilIn the absence of the immediah? ber, is awaiting-an* operation in a Home Department and a past vice Mrs. Matawan Borough has always been and is a friendly town. This has been and son. Mrs. Ben Sicinmet;. Mrs. I.ihRhode Island Hospital. The special president for Hie Illh district of- by C'adiKi and Mrs. Dorothy Fnulks. past president, Mrs. 'Ihaler, Mn. William Donnenwonh presented prize was won by Mrs. Antoinette the Slate Federation. » a significant part of its splendid community spirit. H is on important reason for Keyport; Mrs. Mabel Pike and" i Mrs. 'IhaliT's i;ifls lo her retirinj; Heniinnver. Mrs. Ehlers will again Anrthcr Speaker Mrs. Mar|><! Jackson. Matawan; officers, reading a message of its excellent growth and its attracting so many nice people to move here with their entertain the group it her home Mm. Ante E. Bernard, state Dr. Pntricia Alilert and Mr.s. Franliralilude for their cooperation. for the next meeting. chairman of public welfare, will ces Warren. Hazlel. families. This spirit of friendliness must be actively promoted for the benefit of Mrs. Donnenworth also presented di.<Muss "Tlie Challenge of Public Other Gutsis Mrs. Silvers with flowers and Kif'.sall. Such cannot be accomplished by trying to create or recognize any difference Welfare." Mrs. Bernard Is the past Single Vet* Against Mrs. Ann Calandra, Llnion Bewch; and accepted Mrs. Thaler's pasi southern vice president.-.*" in the opinions or rights of the old-timers from those who have recently moved here. Mrs. Mitrfce. Nemeth, Mrs. Helen president's pin, Mrs. Gussie Beil, Other, speakers will be Mrs. JoSplit Of M M Stock seph E. Walsh, stale chairman for Macalik, Miss Ann Maralik, Mis-s immediate pa.M vice, Tha stockholders of the Farmr.-sr the Community Improvement Pro- Louise Medwick, Mrs. .Sophie Bra- presented the Post with u check Your present borough administration ha* always treated all citiiens fairly and I Merchants National Bank of Mal- gram and Ihe 17 district chairmen Cher, Mrs. Irene Medwick, Mrs. tor JUKI, After the formal ceremonies. awan met Tuesday and approved ot the various departments and Marjje Koltrid^e and Mrs, Gert alike. They have done everything reasonably possible to bring our new citiiens tha recommendation of the Board committees of Ihe Stale Federa- Sakowski, Carteret; Mrs. Ann llres- Miss Ellen Karninski. delegate •f Director! to split the shares of tion who will give their depart- ko. Port Reading; Mrs. MarRe Ur- from Ihe local Auxiliary to Girlx here and have welcomed them. They oho recognise the needs of the so-called old* ban, V'oodbridge; Mrs. Pauline j Stole in June at Doug la si College i the bank stock so that 2S shares ment forecasts. timers. They have treated everyone as a part of one family. They will continue will be outstanding In the hands ot< There will be an interlude in sonK llayduk, West Keansburg; Mrs. ' anil Mark Enterline, Boys Stale I shareholders for each share pre- by Miss June Rescorl. Her accnm- Pauline Medwick and Miss Diane i delcgufe from the local Post re-j to do so and promote friendliness. Your support for these candidates is your asPerth Amboy; Mrs. Ed- ported on theii experiences and acviouslyy held. h e . Shareholder** voted' panlst is Mra. Oarleton R. Whartun. iMedwick. Members «f the 14 clubs in the , l h Brigjs, Laurence Hartwr; Mrs. tivities during the week's program. )I4W h h , sharer off th the IIMW II.MW shares surance of a continuance of this excellent policy. r outstanding' at the meeting; Onai fifth district o n expect «n enlighl- (M« y Csi'te, Mrs. Georgia Orb»n, A buffet supper was served during •hare «»» cast aRainit the split enlng and Mjoyabl* day. Lunch-! Miss Carol Orban and Mn. Ajjnes the social hour which followed. eon and registration chairman ••» I Burnoiki, Colonla; Mrs. Ruth Or•ad 15,«5 shares for the split. ban Homemakers should set up rigid The- results of the election will Mn. William V. McLane. pax pres- i . Ml»» Jean Orban and Mia family smoking rules and see that ha submitted to the Comptroller ident of the Woman's Club of Rari- ; Sue Orbin, Rahway. tan Township. j Gifts were sent by Miss Ann Boll. they are obeyed. Thoughtless famiat the Currency in Washington, i >|rr, Mrs. Bertha Alpine, Miss Ju.II ly and guest smoking habits acD.C. and, if approved by him, a: certificate will be imucd ky that of- Now is the lime li> advertise ' Alpine, Mrs. Cecelia Rnlhbirt, Mrs. count lor the largest number of Nce setting forth the effective dale those unused articles for sale. I Mabel Butler, Mrs. Virginia Lala- residence fires each year. Rules • f the split. After that date there A small ad In the classified ] wiec. Mrs. Jfan Anderson. Mrs: should include no smoking in bed, will be m,«m smves of F *. M column will turn them into cash Elizabeth Poma/i and Kenny Med- and safe disposal «f cigarettes and matches. tmnk- stock outstandlnKfor you. wick. Attention f Sportsmen • Plan For Annual Fall Conference TURKEY SHOOT" Veterans Post, Auxilia ry Install Sunday, Oct. 13 2 P.M. For A Friendly Matawan Borough VOTE FOR Mayor Dear Joe, You inquired about the amount of monthly payments to finance your brand now 1964 car. Here are a few figure* you may U M to got an idea. If you need: $3,300.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 Your monthly •ayment it: $73.47 $63.86 $47.91 for 36 month* for 36 month* for 36 months $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $90.78 $68.84 for 24 month* for 24 month* JOHN W, APPLEGATE Assessor Or, you may need other amount* with other monthly payment*. If you come in to the F £ M we can work out the payment* *o that you can carry them each month. Bett regard*, / Your Banker THE AIMERS & jmERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK - ESTABLISHED 18» In Ihe Heart of Mnlamnn and NOW « «*w drlv<--ln Wnn«:h - Rt. « at Lhiyrf 'The Oldest OitnJc In MonniciKh Cottnly" JOHN J. WALSH ROBERT R. COLOT HENRY ELLIS THOMAS A. FRANCY On November 5th Re-Elect The Administration That Brought FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY To Matawan Borough I'nld tar by John W, Appli'KnIo, John 1. Walsh, Hftberl R. Coiot, Henry Ellin, Trwi'iB* A, R u n c y , I Hnvlnr Drive. MnlnwHil. N. 1 J l _ _ 8 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, October 10, 1943 Youngsters Register For HYAA Program Madison Library Enters Contest New Staff Of Religious School first Section — Page Three Mark 50th Anniversary Brown I OHM 4-H j Names Officers The Brnwntown Sod Hoppers 4-11 and Mrs. Bcntley, ail of Matavvan. Clul) held a monthly meeting <tt On Saiurdav Mr. and Mrs. Van,, the home of the leader. Fred Gauh, al their horn.' (or friends and rel.i- ] Rome 516. Tuesday night. The elecnf I hi hi- religious school. j staff nf ! ^ ^ K liVCS Otl I lion of officers was held and they -zekiel ' 4 ' '»<». Ihcy were ;uests : k i l A m was ta tarn iin IIs r al e l .' ' " " honl)r aI dinner I " " {jiven ! Mr. and Mrs. VanBrakle were are Thomas Staubacb, president;! and received his secondary ecluca-,] ''< ''< h o n l ) a I ? pinner married in Matawan by the Rev. (. , hy their son-in-law and uaugtiier, tion in Israel and nerved ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uentley, Van- Samuel Bower on Oct. 4. HMJ. Mr. Roger Miller, vice president: Glenn VanBrakle i.s retired and was asso- Catherwood, secretary and Thomai ciated In business for many years C'appelli. treasurer, with Spencer Trask, a brokerage firm in New York. Later he was David Hauser was welcomed as 3 tnember. Plans were made for employed by Simmons and Mount, i new liernard Klein is a graduate of •" potato' brokers in Cranburv. I " l e c l u l ) members to attend the Le. T h i i deciiion was reached at the regular moiilhly meeting of Hie ^ ^ " . ^ " ^ . ^ ^ ^ r l ^ ^ i i V r M i i d ' r e d i.ulsan. Red" Hank. Mr. VanBraklu i.i J former train- ] hi«h - Rutscrs football game at York, and served in the U.S. Army, i board of trustees of (he library, ;t Thursdav the Vanlirnkles rilman of Matawan Borough. Mrs. Rutgers stadium Oct. 19. The club Me is a graduate of Yeshiva Rabbi' which in sponsored by The Womanniversary lunch- VariHrakle is a past matron o( Sir-1 i* selling candy to raise funds for. Israel Salenler, Bronx, New York an's Club of Laurence Harbor, j l eon party. Their guests were Mr. '• ius Chapter, Order of Faslern Star, the county 4-11 building. The first and holds a Nachclor of Science and Mrs' Albert Woodin|;lon. Cane: Matawan. They wen' both i>radualThe Circle, Laurence Harbor. Mrs. „ electrical project meeting will oa Decree from Long Island Univer- May; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wank, ] til from Malaw.m High School and \ held at the home of John Mauser, David Waison, who is in charge ln(i sity, lie Is a Slralhmore resident, of classifying book', reported an* members of the First Baptist, Donald Nesslage is the leader of that many new reference books married and the father of two chil- j N ^ l l . ' c r o s s w i c ^ ^ M i ' ' am? M r ? C'liuixh in Maiawan. Mrs Van-. (he electrical t;roup. Mrs. Carl MildrC have been added to the shelves, '"' « u « •• , ! Walter Benson liiJpeweU: Mrs! Urakle also is u membi-r of the j ler was nam«l safely leader. gome of which were donated by Others On laculiy | , | a r o l d L l . l v i S | ilo]mk[,n. M r , . R a , , Ladies Aid Society of the church, j _ friends of the Library. They are ihe 'parents of one j 'Ihe Mid-Madison Woman's Club Mrs. l.aiira Grossman holds a , n , l m ] Smith. West Creek; Dr and llachelur of Arts Uvunu- in l-IJti-' M r s . U.Roy Close, Keyiwrt; Mr. ibufihter. Mrs. Uenlley. and have i " i l l bold a monthly meeting Thurs-, During the pasl month, the trusy Oct. 17 al the Browntowii '-an mil Master of Science l > - a ,,,| ,\| rs . i ; j j , a r pjk l? . Mr. and Mrs. Uin grandsons. Peler and Robert day. tees have been rearranging ili'j School al S p.m. nice in Lducalion from Queens , Uavid Martin. Mrs. Bertha Schanck Hentltry. books on Ihe shelves, discarding Cnlleye She laiifthl in Ihe New — The cancer dressing group (if til* duplicate copies, and endeavorin;; l**in A Slralli(\lr'tlli^'orli C'ily schoiil syslrin. A ! Mid-Madison Woman's C l u b alto overcome the crowded condition nmre ri'sitloni. s\w is inarricd and advertise tended a lea yeslerdav at lh< th,) Magistrate Closes Now is the lime to of the present shelves. New slielws luis two cliildix'ii. ' cito Vc a il a'wwa )-,_P<»t : " 1 " . buildins in P i * have been ordered and will he inthose unused articles i.. torr saie., Out Four Cases Mrs. Khoda Alexander holds stalled In.the reference room and \ small ad in the classified MJ SS j o a n Patterson. Margaret Kacholor of Arts and Maslt'r of the adult fiction six I ion. They have Magistrate Ralph S. lleuser jr., ciilunin will turn them into cash: St.. and Miss Susan Martin, Arls Dcurces from Brookl\n Colbeen assisted by Mrs. William activities In Ihe fall and up for programs, among mure than 130 registering i Cheesequake, spent Sunday in LevRegistration for all k'^f, New ^'ork. Sho taught in Ihe Matawan. Thursday closed out the lor you. Weeks and tome of her Girl Scouts. iltuwn. Pa. winter recreation program sponsored by Ihe llolmdel Saturday, are Deirdre O'Keefe and Linda Slaplclon. New York City school system. She ielse of Paul I I . Olshefeskie. U9 September Acliviiy Voulh AcllvHIe* Auuclalloii wa> held .Saturday al \ Looking on are Mrs. (itNirge Slaplvlon, Tracy Staple- is H Striithiuore resident and i s ' Broad St.. Matawan, on counts enDuring Ihe month of September Ihe Indian Hill School, l l a i l e l . Youngjdrr* signing' Ion »nd Mrs. Flnrcnce Knudseii, reglitrar. married wild Ihree children. i 518 books were borrowed from Hie tered May -t by Sgi. Harvey Morlibrary, 22} adult fiction, M adult rell jr., t«>rough |>olice. of taking In 11*57 the township committee non-fiction, 252 juvenile fiction and Township Republicans a car without the owner's confelt that it was imperative to have seven juvenile non-fiction. In ada referendum and have the people Plan Dinner-Dance sent mid hfiitg an unlicensed d i n dition, many of the reference books vote on the matter. A^aiti the were used at Ihe library by i l u er. The defendant iras declared to members of the civics and legislaMaiuwan Town.ship Republicans dents and business people. be oiti of the siale f'ir an extended tion department of the Woman's will send their campaign imo hi^h Mrs. Becker reported that Mrs. A surpii-it' bridal shower was gear with a dinner - dance this period, so the Mjilawan man's case Mrs. George Makuk, president, Club went from dix>r to door enWilliam Chambers has been assist1 represented the Woman's Club of couraging the residents to vote in held Sept. 29 for Miss Louise Wtl- Saturday evening al the Oak Shades, was relened in ihe Slate Moior Veing by cataloging books and has 1 r catalogued 151 books since the last Laurence Harbor at an open meet- favor of the referendum. It was liiims at the Lilhiianian Club, l rec- l-'irehfjuse,|>ai^n manager Nev- hides Department lor determiuai ing of tlm Madison Township Sevv- defeated by 17 votes in Laurence ' Don should he relorn report was submitted at the July hold. Decoration* were pink and in llnale has announced. ! erajje Authority and presented a Harbor, but passed in Cliff wood Dinner is slated for 8:."W p.m. 'fw-u accident cases were dismeeting. Mrs. Florence Holmes reI plaque on behalf of I he chib for an Beach. "/'Ijite and a buffet luncheon w i n wiih Township IVjmmiltee Candi- miised when key wihifsses failed ported that many of the past due j outstanding civic improvement. The The Sewerage Disposal Plant has SLM\'ed. 'die shoiver was given by dales Frank Di?viuo and Si^nuuul to appear. 'Ihey were against Richbooks have been returned but theie plaque was accepted by Samuel been completed and sewers are (JOP sundarilbeareis .ml I . Stun, I I Wyckoff St.. Malare still some outstanding. ! Clark, president of the Authority. ing installed. It is because of this Hie bridal parly. Mrs. James Armstrong, fund- ! Although the Woman's Club had Miss Williams, daughter of Mr. as hnnored quests, l^iincipal speak- j w j u , on a ticket by Palrolmau raising chairman, states that plans I spearheaded the campaign for se»v- long and strenuous fight for sewers and Mrs. John Williams, MOI'KUII- er will be Sun Richard K. Sloul Cai'meu Messina, borough |x>lice. that the Woman's Club of Laurence villii. will become Ihe bride of Mr. and oihej- candidales of ihe cwuniy Au^. 17 and atiainst John MKiarare being made for a card parly in November to help defray the • ers ten yenrs ago and was privi- Harbor is so deeply appreciative Richard Cilovich, sou of Mr. and slale will bv on hand lo endorse ry, Jersey City, on complain! ol ' Philip T. Simnis. Malanau, a pricost of the telephone. Mrs. Watson j Icgod in ihe prusentatinn. Mrs. Mu- of the work (torn* by the Sewerage Mrs. Charles (ilovich. Freehold, Mr. Devino and Mr. Kowalski Dani-iriK has heen .scheduled from vine parly, i.s schedule chairman for October '• kuk listed the following clubs WHO Authority. Saturday. i had paiiicipaled in the effort to 10 p.m. until '1 a.m. to ihr* music Also closed our was (he case of for the volunteer librarians of the AtltMidii^ were: Miss PefiKV Tai- of Ueiiiiiu Scribek and Ins orches- Leslie Wonlley, Malawun. on payhave sewers installed in 'he LauWoman's Club. Fly-Up Ceremony etki. New Brunswick; Mrs. IVti'r rence Harbnr . Cliffwooci Bearh arIra and ii nutlet supper will be inent ol a line ol $100 and JS costs Hayes, Union Beach; Miss Carol served. ea; The American Legion Post 3.12 Held In Cliffwood Jim ticket by Capi. Riiberl McJewish Services Ma^ee. Kreehold; Miss Irene Duv and the Ladies Auxiliary; The Bus! Gnwan, Ixirou^h (Mjli.-e. Sept. 8. .iack. Mor«anville; Mrs. John Wilinessmen's Association; Ihe Lau- A combined Troop Fly-up and ReTwo Area Youths in^M.a. r. Ma^haH so RJV.II* Friday evening services of the rence Harbor - Cliff wood Heach dedication Ceremony was held re- liams. Morfjanville; Mrs. Charles j Dr , MiHavvun. paid $.1 anil $J costs Struthmore Jewish Center will be Republican Club and its Auxiliary; cently in the cafetorium of the Glovicli, Freehiild. Continue Studies held at 8:30 p.m. at the Matawan the Democratic Clubs; the La.i: for oveitlut! inspt'Cliim on litki'i by Others I'roscnt Cliffwood Klementary School. The ; William Vincent Collins is con- Patrolman IVter Hallock. Township Aid Building, Pros- rence Marl>or Kire Company and its opening flag ceremony WHS per! Mrs. John Nimick. Mrs. Waller linuing his college education al Belpect St. and Amboy Rd., Cliffwood. Auxiliary; the Laurence Marhorformed by Barbara Schwuhl, Kathy Zeliroski, Mrs. DoiiKliis Dark, Mis. Iliont Abbey College. lieliuont. Ihe Oncg Shabbat which will fol- Cliffwood Beach Parent - Tcachi.T Plan Car Wash Denver. "Cheryl Olesky, Nancy Alex Sastnkas sr.. Mrs. ('akin N.C., as ,i nieinbi'r of Ihe sopholow is being contributed by Dr. Association; the Linns Club and the Hrienkowski, Coleen Hoyt, Berna- , Reid. Mrs. .William Abate, Mrs, more class The son of Mr. and and M r s . Seymour I I Shore in hon- Needle Craft Club. The Ytmlh l*Vllowshi|> of dt'tte Cnyer, Patricia Nicholson and! Waln-r Kazloski. Mrs. Alex AUKIIII, M r s . M . H C o l l i n s (»f (.lilTu4MK]. ' | . i M t l or of Ihe recent birth of their "WITH JUST ONE rent-sized hom« loan payment'a lliirtk)i' PiKttisuini CornIn March 1953 Ihe Woman's Club Patricia Callahan. ! Mrs, Paul l.awlor. Mrs. KranK he is a graduat of Mal;iuiiu Hi^li niunitv Church will cmiduct a car daughter. organized in order to find a way Traditional "Wings" were pre- 1 V/alker, Miss Carolyn Walker. Mrs. School. month, your money payi off principal and lnter#st^» wash Sumidav. ;i( tin* church on I to net sewers in the Laurence Har- sented to Paula Ceppnluiie. Patricia John Wilson, Mrs. George Mit ia. I'loyJ L. Hrown is ti member of i.iuirfiHf? Parkway from If) n.m. lo meets laxe* and insurance premiums, too—until you ; bor - Cliffwood Beach area. Two C.rey, Janice Kramer, Mina Short Mrs Hli/abelh Robinson, Mrs. tins year's junior class al the Ab- 4 p.m. Arnui^AuiL'nls \MI\H IIIMNI . own, fre« and clear. young |)fople in the area had died ridge, Behrrms. Kathy ;.Michael Scoilo. and Miss Mary bey lie is the son of Mr and Mr;, i i)ui[>lfit'il hy \'f\vy Tuckt'i, advisj of meningitis which was attributed Unickcn, Debra Krancetn. Pat- Spradley. all of Freehold. l-li'.yd K. Drown of '.'II Hmad Si . or, und Mi,is Joanne CiuM')\v;i>. Stop by, ask for full details this week! i to the cesspool .situation. The other ricia Nicholsen, Jncqiieline ParMrs. Robert Ciodlrwski, Tremuii. Mai.ivsiin aiul is A gr;uhiale of R.'d j clubs became interested and, at a .siclt, Donna Assing, Theresa DerkHank C.ilholic High School. 1 joint meeting, were addressed by er, Coleeu Hoyt. Terry Sral/.o, Uen- j Mrs. Rosen Fislier. Moruanville: ! Fred Crocker of the New Jersey ise White. Judy Htjrdeau. Jam* j Mrs, John Kossek, l-ji^lislilortn; On CPA Committee Plan Luncheon I Health Department, who told how I'nnv, Anloint'lte Citii-iti. Jacqueline M r s . Frank Muller and l.lnda Milli other communities had aixom- Hoppes, Robin .Smith, Claire Taj»- j li'f, Jamesburjj. Mrs. Feler lurThe Moilii'is Cluli of ihtt I.JH- RuhtM'l W. »e.-ttit.T. I PA, Maiai plished sewer installations. f-"ol- gart and Margaret Wedemeyer. | lecki. New Hrunswiik; Mrs. John I'tMici! Miii'lK)!' Proii'slant CuiMniuni- W;IM. ha.i bi-en ap|w)inU*d a memj (amisa. Morganvilli'; Mr>. / e m ;iv ChtiM'h will stMvy A .spu^ht'iri Jiff of iht* ( uiKininee on (Viniriiiij lowing this meeting, petitions were Pally Grey spoke on "Why I Want • Draperies • Slipcovers j signed by clubs and residents, and to lx? a Brownie" and Jacqueline I Kdiici/ky, Colls Neck; Mrs, T. hint'ttciin Wednesday, al \2 O'I lotk ' ITS' Arciiunlin^. of ihr New Ynik • Bedspreads • Curtains ; the matter was taken up with the Hoppes and Jai -quell IK? l^arsick ' MiMidinii Mnri;anvill«: Mis. Al PIJ. IHKMI in ilie Wi'l»trr Mult of liie'Slule Snrieiy of ( V n i f i H Public • Shades • Blinds i Township Committee. gave their reasons for becoming i Inn, SpotswiMid: Mrs. Willis Hay.'S. t liurch. .Mrs. (lurry Meiwiri is AITOIHIIHIII V according lo Sainuol Bci"t< S y s t i - m Frd«'ial Ho ; Kllfjlislilnwn; Mrs. Allan. Zelli. •{(•neral ch.iiinmii. -.1. Ouhott, President. Junior (iirl Scouts. Created In IftM 'Moruanville; and Mr>. Andrew Complete Installation Service Mrs. Robert Denver-, Mrs. WilIn June 195-1 the Madison Town' (ilovii'h sr.. Matiiilapan. SHOP-AT-HOMK SF.RVICE : ship Committee created the liam Taj4»an and Mrs. Wiilium i Sending f;ift.s were Mr. ami Mis Sliowstead, Junior Girl Scout Lead! Madison Township Sewerage Auth717-4421 / r e d Mufjee. l-reehold; Mr. and ority. The first members of ihis ers t-onducied a rodctlicaliun cere- Mrs Anliionv '1'aMIUf»'\pn-ius, Hng! Authority were C. Edward Mickey, mony for their troops. Mrs. Charles i lishliiwn; Mrs. M K hael Pussac k Kagnor Wang, Samuel Clark. David Brown and Mrs. James Nicholson Watson and Karl McLau^hlin. The introduced (.heir Brownie Troops af- Morganville; Mrs I- rank Srotto. officers electetj were Mr. Wan^,ter presenting Winys to the fly-ups. Irerhold; Mis> Maureen flinad| bent, Freehold: Mrs. Michael SasJ chairman; Mr, Mickey, vice chairloi;as and C,ur>l Sasinkas l-'rei man; and Mr. Watson, secretary. Woman's Club Members hold, Mrs. William ri'M:.lley. Mor Two years later the township ;.;:anville: Mrs Allieri (iiove. Frei committee fell that a poll .should Report On Conference •'hold; Mrs Aniliew fjlovicb jr., I be taken, and the civics and legisFmlcr, IBS Broid .St., Shrewsbury lation department of the Woman'.'; ' Mrs. George Mukiik. president of Jersi'vville. Miss Vman 'Fiou'la 35 • 1 mile South of Club undertook the lask of polling ! The Woman's Club of Laurence i-ieohold: Miss Sally Vvn\. Murjjanville, Mrs Anihonv Clovic h, , II rd Bank) the entire area, working very close- 'Iliiibor, has announn'd current acly wiih the Seweniye Authority. tivities of the members. She wasI'-refholil; utid Mrs AI •.'•I SuMokas FOR A SOFA Dally I lo 1:11 This took an entire summer, with ; accompanied by three department jr., Ficelmltl. Frl. 'til I Club members calling at every chairmen al t\y; New Jersey Slalt; AND TWO CHAIRS '/•'all Conference, Douglass College, • home. Directors To Meet • on Saturday. Oct. 5. ! iMrs. Makuk attended the work : The hojid of direclors of '['lie OR A THREE PIECE shop on purliiimenUirv (Jiocedure, Woman's Club ol Laurence llarlior will meet Monda> al 7:.H) p.m. in .conducted by Mrs. Car! F. SchonSECTIONAL 'gar. parliiirneniarv cnniitltant in liie home ol ihr pte-iidenl. Mrs. I: the Stale Federal ion. Mrs. David Cwiii(! Makuk. Ill) Ravine Dr.. l\. Wal.son attended ihe civics and ' Malitwait. BUILT O N legislation department wr>rkshop, conducted by Mrs. William A. Nic-i YOUR LOT Slat* Meeting ; ol, .slate chairman of the civics Take the gu««* work '! and legislation depaitmenls. The Ladies Auxiliary of Ihe LaurMrs. Lawrence Moldeu uttcoded ence Harbor American Legion Post out of decorating. Shop r the workshop in membership, at ,'t:t2 will meei Mundny p\ ening. ai in i h i convenience of V\1IHM Mrs. S. Herbert Taylm. b in the Legion Home. > southern vice president of ihe Stale NO SUBCONTRACTORS y o u r home. See what I federation, presided. Mrs. Olga ' Barker, allended the youth <-micolors and patterns comFree Estimates Universal Home BIdrs. | »ervati(iri workshop conducted by Call •Mrs. Conrad ( i . rhrirftiansen, >late plement your decor. . A Remodeling Service LOwell (-4M7 ihainnan of voulh ronsei vatinn. P.O. 1*1 M! Day or Night Rabbi Morton S. Haum, Director nf Education for the Stralhmore The Free public Library of Madison Township has entered a contest sponsored by (he Boolt-of-theMonlli Club in memory of Dorothy Canfield Fischer, it was announced by M r * . Olga Becker, president. Awards ranging from $1000 ;o $50(10 will be presented during National Library Week in April IBM, to the libraries who meet the qualifications of-the contest. Woman's (Hub Presents Plaque ,. Mr ; a n . . . !i,M"' . Ji |mcs Bridal Shower For Area Girl LIBERAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 159 Main Street — Malawan SHOP AT HOME HOME DECOR (AIL 264-7000 CUSTOM-MADE SLIPCOVERS SALE 4 Room House *84 95 Now! '9997. PRESTIGE Georg« Tunnington Succumbs In Miami HKRE'S HOW TO - Save On Meats • C«nt«r Cut PORK CHOPS • Round Roast BEEF 9 Spring Lamb CHOPS • • • Frmh Chopped CHUCK Frtth Italian SAUSAGE Choic. Sirloin STEAK TAKE YOUR CHOICE 'Ib V/ord has been received ot the I death of George Tunnin^lon. a forI resident of Mahiwuii, in Miami, l ; la. on Saturday, Oct. 5. I9fi,1. ' Mr. Tunninyton wns a member of Irinily KpUmpnl Church. Mat• a wan and Ihe tNliisonif l.ftd)»e in Matitwan. He hud rcsifled in Mat! a wan for muny years beforn moving to Florida anil was ti br icklayL'r. Mr, TuuniuKUiii is survived by Ins wife. Mrs. lliinn.ih (Robert, ^luiw) Tunnin^Uin, and a dau^hliT, Mrs. .John Morrison, Miami, mid three «iandchildifn. In "100 Club" FREE I I'KG. SCMICKIIAUS BACON WITH 15.00 PURCHASE AND THIS AD 'Clip Ford Mutor Co, uunounci'd Ihe election uf William .1. Maloiicy, Id Miriam Dr., Matnwan. In Hit! " 101) Club" rnnking hint it lining the tup third ol all Lincoln - Mercury inli'smen. He It employed as a salesman for Wnll - Irwln Mnlnr Co. Inc.. I'riiehold. Call today f o r FREE Decorator advice. THIS EMBLEM No Obligation Shop ond Charge with Unl-Serv. identifies your WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS . . . firms uf pi estlgs In Ihe biininpsi Custom-Made Draperies Selcf'l f r o m n (iolN'Hion Tluil lurludcs I'HIH'IK - Miinds - Over-All I'IMIIM • Solids • and civic lifr of your community I'"IIMT"I;I<<S. INTI;RI:SIED IN PARTinPATINQ Pli>mt Hall: MRS. M. V. VEIL I.IHI'.RI V H-5114 I Valtiiiii'; AJI I IK- NV>v ,Slii«d<M And Color*. S A L K p r i m i NOW. W« Supply ^Kirtwjli" AIMI IIIMIHII Your New DnipcA If Ywir Orit Will I t Rtady On Arrival M O C MEAT MARKET « J KEYPORT C a l l N o w : For De<orator Advice... No Obligation! 264-7000 Fog* Few — First Section 1HI MAT/ WAN JOURNAL, N. S. ^Imtntnl tEtje Keyport Men-hauls Plan Silver Dollar Sto'ccpslukcs reel natieiil care wilh i h r conse- p j t i f n f s :omn ht'conits iht- f o c j l ; po.rtt for p. 'n-nt t.;irt'. S c r \ i . r « ;irr . * • • *Hdwd • » • « •»v»r» rhuririav . 1 Ktvport. alanmoulli Counljr, N. • V BROWN PUBLISHING »ND PRINTING COMPANY * \s placed nn . n ys einhiv J. liatMi Browa. U l l a t - Gtraldina V. Browa. AnocUU Ctfltuf jim ex- j I KA N Y ii«,*te"«,<MrBS« ™.EHRAT10N ran be df-si-ribed us having Mi(.'M.-s, " . M I I in -:«ii in- f-i:imii.i- risen frinn its pagiin origins tn an aura nf sanctity, only to .'.on <if in.'enMv. i.ii.i -;n.:s HI jit-n- lit!) buck into devilry and misc-liief-imiUin};, titiiilly to rt>i-riil ImspiDls in thi lira: (mure. K ; l ; n ., |x'ii>?fii't'nt nii/.imiit; manv veins Inter. Iliat unimm lfcft MatawMn Journal la a oa\Mpaptr 'ol tli« pvoplf, s*.? tha pcopit, aaritorUrn paupla." IU aim la Is «»rvt tht M n mirriati ol U i l a m n <nd rtclr.llv; la procnl all ul lha M W § m lha » « k wllHoui Dtai or urcliiiticc m ctaan. ami*, canitrvativc manual. rMptcUna' lha inaUrnahla rlinu tut cllliaaa. I X Ihtraat making |ta»lf wurlay cf Ui»|i cwilManra. 3 r\' primer "Stomd-clmi PopUia PaH »l Mitawaa, Km j«r««v." plunmn;.' every p.meni r • . i i t r n " * . i , » i rwiin Incomes »n intnihivt i-iic • ft_-slivuy must surely (>•• ifallfju o - n . . . A l lhe dawn ot I unit the i.iss of i:. :\ai •>• | history, wicked spirits and tormenting devil.-- cast their spi-il anil dij!ni'.y, unfortunately ihe by-' on t c i r i l i e d rnniiiins; nn i l l * last tlav nf the tenth tuon<h product in most separaie m e n - , v e . u - i ) e n S i l i n a n , | i e D , . u j ( l i ( . [.O,-(J o f ' l > ; i , h . assembled t h e cart* f.icilnies. Mr. riiesen twin'.. . , , , ,, . . . ., . , slnlul ed mil that the "patient cenier-d wiiLs. CeinWen.'s were desecrated, evil deeds coinhuspiutl" need be more cos;;y milted in the shadows nf t h f harvest JIHJ.HI. and unbridled to construct. HII.I can often be : revelry enabled some aiming the superstitious populace to RaMwiilMlUt far Drpofraaaica l arron U Hmlla* la uw caal al iat » « t aacuptai k j • « • arrar. NATION At Ihp nurtf of non-nursinj: dttlifS, .slif will b? ,'hle to />ro\ idi* more iii- , • ('went bene.i! to lfit* patit.'nt." i I'nder iht'*n concept, iho •ittunHin iMi M4-MM — i . M'Hi:i. U H I I , •and la U W. front * . , Kayport. N. J. lalHcrlsUud Malat Payibla la Adv.nca - i i w (wllhlii ttata) f t at a* M M * * Thursday, October W, 1963 EOiTOtlAL , il1 THURSDAY. OCTOBER I I , le5s l '"M- i nvn'i-oiiK- their fears . . . Allhullmvs' Evening became the He iHiiriit-U out further wmi. v i g i | ( ) f H a l l o w n m . w h e n Pupe G r e g o r y 111 dedicated a ihrotiuh llie use of an:om;ti;tni zm! . , . « .-, , , , . . . « ,, , „ * i proper buiidmn pi.iKi'ainminK. Hi* .d l i ' P t - l ' " S t -P e l « " r » Basilic* to A l l the Saints, in the eighth i number of tmiilovtes pei iwtiejii century, and designated N o v e m b e r 1 as: their collective KmidenU of Matawun Township wilt be afforded a I bed can be reduced finni lhe 11a- holiday. T h e least was extended lo a l l Christendom by wondtrful opportunity to really find out for themselves the ,(ioii»l dvi-ruitt; of 1.5 tu !4 or M Gregory I V in !W4 . . . advantage*, to be offered by the election o a charter study "Since two-thirds *if ilie I:DM^ ill • opijraiiii)! .. niiKlern ho-pi:..! is pa;- J N V ] . L E A S T o n e fiarl of l i w w o r l d . L a t i n A m e r i c a . October commission Nov. 5 to determine whether the present form roil. Mr. l-riesen asserted, lii:s , n, a s 1 ,, 1. ., .. • f government is best suited for the community or whether t ntraiis u more .-llniint upeiaiion • ' • p i e s e i v e d a l l its I'eligiDiis significance. Hiving rise in addition to a melancholy and colorful tradition involving louu, Al Ouldiiiun Jtud Paul Slmman, .Silver Oiillar SwiM'psmkm poster. In order 1 1 1 Iw -"id a balamed •fiothcr form would be desirable ; tliKiblr Mi win, Miuppers must bv present ftir the children. O n the eve of A l l Saints' Day. t.iken offeriniis The information will'come from Bayard H. faulkncr.; ^vt.n MW.Ay f r e € l 0a | l l c k y %hnvpvr ^ c h ^ i , . dr.iKinj ill thr lucky ticket Miinday al S: IS p.m. al l\k\v I K I I I H l)< l lk:il i'< °^SI "''" l o i' s •""' delicate foods are made In "Ins migelilos." •Uthor of the Faulkner Act, which permits modernization Slurting Monday A n d cantlmiln|[ weekly thcn-aMer, M d d l l l tile J. J. NVwtierry I'd. ilort-, Weil l-'rnnf SI. If I lie g y |[ y • ( • U l l ^ l l l | l " « l l « l l ' ^ , l i e >,„,,!, of ( |epan.,l childri-n who are believi-d to revi.sil uf the lickei is mil present, nn mldiliuniil 1119 d atreamlining li f government by b offering f f i a number b of f K«yiwl Kyi lmerch»n(s h (will illg i rnray SIM (h«f holder f amlining ySIM p and of give w«r(h twieuh e i r IImines llallinve. (continued from page onei K I I I I M . . . uaiiuiveen. :is w e know it, wiis introduced l l v r d( Har » « • • P arl «' • * a l « P""nw.Jun .ponsurwl *»lwr dollars will he added lo tlif prit* In b* drawn varioui form* fiTr miinii'.nalilipc to rhn.i^c from in an f f f o r t ' * * beach for ratables. surd «< Hie b.\' the adoption ol pi'in'ltce.v ;i.s.s.>ci;iii>fl w i l h Hie ancient ,; M«ml»y. y Tickei. -jbniiiud on« *««*. torms ror municipalities to choose from in «m eimrt , t'ommliiwf. Si«rt« will ih« rolluwln,; b y (h(( K t f y p a r l H n m i o l o n to function more efficiently. b» . , * •tah Monday from ». a.m. |« I p.m. ami ainuseiiieul paik, while the town-• r i t r s uf Ireland and Gr.-i.t B r i l . i i i i . — where some uf the ion more elficiently b hM d I I • i arr iw KtHtd dlh« h following f l l wx-rk. Slurr owners >l 1 d l l ! Mr. Faulkner has kindly consented to be the principal, tickcla may b* attained al aay itorc dixplaying ihtiheir ili arr not eligible. " ' ""' origin;.) n.uKriliousing is still evident on Guv Kawkes D a v . apeakcr at a forum scheduled at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Mata-' — I Defends IT«iH,sal _ . . r A l t h e r ,),.,„ , „ , t , , . o n s w r , t e ( i ( , , r I n . " N^ppi but wisht-d to avoid <h* wan. Regional High School. Matawan Mayor John Mar*, jr., • William Vanllyke. half uwner in , town.ship'.s bcin^ lak.-n to court. noting the importance of hid visit to Matawan Township at lour corporations which own the! |i>OR M U C H O F tin- rural population of England Scot.Sjiencer C. Kmtoree, another adhlml Ibis time, han designated Tuesday as Bayard Faulkner Day. joining! owner, appealed to Vlr. Hc«- ' i ' V ^ h ' ^ M w ™ ' W : ' I < > S ' : " u l " ' " O r k n e - V H n d Shetland Island's, the And not to be overlooked, is creditable and successful to change his plans uml develop !«...! MndiMiii Tciwiiships.' said lie sp'K'ky nislit was one fur bonfires, divinatinn. pranks and on full . acre rather than half-ai'i* I maintained a beat h at his own ex disguises. fort oi Lawrence Price, one of the candidates foe the charter Vandalism would be blamed 011 the roaming 'l"h» Matawan Borough Fir* D e | department pqiiipm«*ni con lots. He told Mr. KiMsky all opposi- pence but the i:««t was inn greut spirits, and could he indulged in with more or less i m atudy commission, whose interest and sense of responsibility, tion to hi.s plaint would disappear A Wonderful Opportunity 7^"; Z^u^rX^!T'^fy- '» prompted him to extend the invitation to Mr. Faulkner tu speak to the townspeople. I formed Washington Engine C'oniWe urge every responsible citizen of Matawan Township . . A litlle later, in 1877. .11 her M »f- «"'»•* ' V r a n l s prep: td f r ihe " " r t Irtick. The lire polic truck I'rank Gra/juno. a (^iliven t'oin* traffic coneft, lights und mitice leader, chargt'tl the IHWKI liaphagen last week asked thai " ' K ' 1 1 * festivities by i-oliec-ting the ingredients from door to or Ladder, ropes pertaining to ptilice dutie.s. had no rixht to a.:t on the map uniil jthe ccimmiiiee rescind its M.p'nort door — probably the foi .'runners D ( children making their to attend this vital forum, which we are'sure, will prove to! ™",} '"?' ""; Hook """* nnd •"•'•-»«"'•• 1 ;"|« l.iuiiler truck is time developer presented a Stale I V - 'ol the program bul no vine w..s rounds chanting. "Trick or T r e a t ! " . . . This assumption i.s 1 . . . *. * .. .. . r , Al Iliat lime Ihe apparatus wa* lhe nook tir .tit liidders. rail*!v U be a source of a wealth of information and knowledge f r o m ^ n , , , b v 1 W I M J . | n u ^ both M. E. «,i,ipr*d from with 11 ic* small rtKlu foot fnUI. partmi'nl of Health fiiificaiion o( ' 1 ? Vanhvke claimed ihe feder- " ^ "'" * v \ " f ' >» it was only after the vast Irish itnw h i c h voters m a y d e t e r m i n e their decision a t the polls Haley linse Cumpany and Midway |ir>»? from tlir : al agents had sampled water along "iisi'ation of the late 1S0O s tJiat H a l l o w w n became really ^^''^"../ nm his heuehfrunl and as late as lulv popular in this country. .Mischief and outright N o v . S. I Hose Company were formed to j in>; bddtr 10 lhe lofty M It. i-x m i s I a k l ... | 1 | s l 'complete iht prctenl day depart- , tension. It also has two |K>Mabli' - IT found the water to h r sufe. He plagm-d village Hnd city dwellers alike, to the point 'if ^ _ Keil.'rators which pan itit|n |kr a f(K nienl, said he would welcome l o rhruofch Ihe years llie depart- electricity tu two sets of portable ^ * W : . X J » c a l l s i 1 1 ' ' »*••""•' «;»«•"' ^ •'"''lie offictals. Thus an ancient Mr the committee all candidates f o r ! n 1 l : n t went through many I r a n - ! Hood lights and a sniok<- i j n i n r . OI a awart lu in( H.iv water was pillmed. custom ciiiinecti'd with wilcrii'nifl had been pi:r)<ecl and asTo Ihc Editor, mayor and the new Township I siiioim from hand-pulled apparatus ' and is equipped with life 1 in^r mid Gra/idno joined in. cliniinn^ llii* hi>;ircl had * "imiral obligation." I Hans Iroehlirli. iS Ayiuioiit similateii by the I'luncli only tn revert to many of its After many weary month* it Council. The new governing body, to horse-drawn and finally 11) the I jackets lor water rescue. 1 •eeina lhal the Taxpayers of M a r l . will be elected Nov. 5 and will mechanised deparnnent of lodav. j The M . E. Ha lev Hose tru.-k is no rnutiLT whal il.s Je^a] our nii^iil Lime, said ihe projei'i sliniilil he p r i m i t i v e , i n e a n i t i g l c s y , t r o u b l e s o m e i m p l i c a t i o n s . approved if long - rnngt benefits in. bnro Township are to receive re- take office Jan. I . hi-. Today the department is com- a I9.1U Ward I--, f r a n c H" 1 hide pievenlmg pail ut Ihe iown , lief on Ihe payment of unjust taxes Recent community differences on prised of 100 |)er cent volunteer ; pump wliich carrifs 51MI ^allun4. of j l slup 10 the sea M r . VaiiDyiie - r i t n ism was also ni.ide <>! >.;t|. man affirmed Iliat i l would take an \ | i s . Alyi-e l.aihrop, anmher :ulfor lhe year of I H 2 . L e i us take a zoning revisions to convert f a r m s | meniliership, divided into f o u r j w a t e r in the tion.vter tank Tti 1*; • the bay water would 'cut " S I i | l''nienls atlnhuted to bur- allulavit from the side intending to brief "took at Ihe record." to home sites, M r . Lan/.aro said,! equal companies of 25 active mem- j trm:k is equipped v ith a wet uan-r U'i ale of (/pp;fj<li(ig. dt-notuired iht.' aim Tn-aMiie l!ake if lie Tailed to '.'l'r'] """'•lls IneMlav .,s )„- „•. u< ( -ihe uiiness's tesiinionv and Ihe pidi-t-edin^.s a . s out of order as long illustrates the urgency of some) bers. Ka.:h company has an as• pnifiortioner and a foam ^enctator, v 1111 For the year of 19£2 the original continue building his bench luid ' ' " ' l l l l - " l a r k ' C.-unc'Inian court declined to .iccepl the form ! assessed valuations were fantastic, j form of lax relief " a t leant to si^tant dii*;f who must work four inith (if u h i f h lire ncctlt'U in fi^hl as George I . Saaiholt. a ncwlv-ap- eluluuger m;my hiinifs. •olin .1. Walsh was quiit.-d a^ ,-.:y- (1f .il!id.,iit submitted alter this ll.iliy |jo:nti-(l riieiiilit-T. ai-led. She ai'i-us. The l a x rale was based on these 1 .wine degree" for large land own years to attain full chief. j iti|f Muhhom n i l Mi! Mr. Sliarki-y uoidd nfl< r 10 nolle- iwis given. The m a g i s t r a l \U. Tiitphagen saul the he;uii "men ere incomplete charge at a l l ; truck is et(iiipi»'<l with « delnj!'1 t-il Ii 1 in ol a conflict of iriteresl in more SIK.tlflO in .sewer capital said he would order the ease to profantastic values. Later these valua- i ors. pn.'iecl, \\ liich i^; esfiitiaied tn co<l faking a place on ihe tioard when M r Lany.aro said' "As trayor ' a ' a r m s : " " ' fi rt 'S. Besides r o m - i n o / / l e which r a n throw ii|m.;uds Huns were adjusted downward. But improvement lunds lot 1!.«• :ie :n feed without the witness lor M r . !'e was a hot;e laridownt-r WHO the liiwnship J'lli. 110(1 as p j r l ol a '.'.JS (Kunled o u t t S r Ihe taxpayers were required to puy I suppot* 1 am looked to for'lead-! "landing at fin's each chid has : u , 201KI salloiis »f water per nimuu- r m i d beiietn from sales lo devel- Sil'J.'I.Otttl. uottld not pi event •it Joel's side, u n l i ' " the .iiiorney for M r lhe original excessive lax, unless ership At least least I I hope hope .... so beip. At , sp^cific duties, such as inspections.'on a fire if needed. Midway and ;i|)crs. M r . Vnn Kodei k joined lier igbwaler •.lorm dan-.oge , ' | I H , l|e- ' • l | ) " ' 1 ' , " " " " 1 " " ' " " h v " 'l l " ' " ' : " ? S.iv.tsky would accept the alarm ; Wnshingrnn Kn^ine I r u c k I S | u r l ! u they filed an appeal before Aug. cause that is why I am laking '"amienonre of wjuipmen 'lidcil 'in !mh'p Ijuli'iiemlent Dciuoi'i at ' ' ' '''-" ' '"""•''• ' " ' ' " «' l.-rmv lor the delay of one more m ihis. hi'ilding Mr. S.talhoff ri'pr.*similar M)o f;a! Ill-lli Suij; IS. However, they were not ade-step. I want people to know where syMems. am, auxiliaries. • cnlrihut.on is nei'.r to v.:b,»(«l :itn week f<,r tinbringing in a form of stnit-d " a .specific g r o u p " uf land- tu\\iislii|i c-.niiinitl(-e citlidt'lale. OperaliiHi!! Fxplained pumps eo,ui|>petl w 111 2H« gallon holders rather than the people of quately informed, and therefore I stand. But niosl of all 1 wunl urj;ed a pet mam-nl waII tn SIUOIIO. lhe $10 Mil! llgl:;e was ;•-,. .ailllavil the <UUM lel|llired. ihree pumps The operation of lhe deparlnient had insufficient opportunity to file ' lo I do what I regard as my resuon-—— llie township at larj;e picvenl e'osion I't' liudt rfl-'linn^h -Hilled to liase iu'eii m n l , .-rrun by the Board ol Kire O f f i - ' c a r r v I (Kid I .'t l rived at in Mauw:in I H - U I M M I U . l.llfiAL NOTICE appeals. tihility as an elected representative cers which consist of the chief., ;uxi it tni£hl cusl mare thitn the YMi, .Mr. Siiuthoff's u.i.s feel of I'/,-; hose, plus Scott >uin:lif)n ii) )ioii>t'<» in ;JI- t!e\ch (-'luitt'r N.j r.4«l The total net difference between of all of the people." Illit). ileuiand that Mrs. I.athrop prudii-'e Safely ineni i.s fxpi'cn-tl tu he !,ni:ied l l r . r o i Dislin-t S11 2 Ilie original unjust taxes and t h e ; M r . Lunzaro said he will ask member at .large from each com-' mask imwi-r of altomey to speak for \ l i •;. ection .i HKI'OHT I D I'dNDIIION OK I'HK the •*oiiH*v\h;u U-ss than Hid buiid I Township Clerk Floyd Wyckoff to p»ny, plus the Fire Commiuce o f ' m e n . h'AHMKtlS A MhiHCHANTS NAper 111 ii>, I H T year IjfL.iiise ot ' TIONAI. HANK OK MATAWAN IN : issue the invitations to all those lie the Borough Council. These men I Anyone wishing lo joi/i the l l piohlcm. Al Sl'-'D jier h<ri-», TI1K ST.M'K OK NK.W JEH.SEV. era. has suggested. H e said he will meet once a inonUl and decide on-awan Fire Deparlinenl muM In \ny representations in favor of l i u t this would ronie lo the fllllltlll .itAT I'HK l.-l.<l"K III-' HININKSs p fr.uii page one) From Aug. IS, (deadline f o r (suggest the group be called the owner M r s . l.athrnp could proIllb'.lled 1(1 Mr. Walsh, bill it » n u SKI'TK.MIH-'.II 3(1 ' . ' * ' . ,, . a[ion and equipment of • tween the sues ol IS and 1 5 and t l l e p< r ;h;il it does nol hecon.e ft siiurc , l.\ HKSI'ONSK I'd CAI.I. MAIIK filing appeals) I demanded forgive- "Marlboro Fair Farm Assessment the deparlment. They are respnn-: live in If any per- duce no such power of aitorney. -o Th li i the Borough - lor | <me veai. not ihe l o r i l n v n i M I ' T I I U I J . K I I o i ' T I I K Cllllaesi for Ihese unjust taxes, "again. Committee." sibl« lo Ihe Borough Council for, sons are interested applications launched inlo the hitler personal of st;ij;naut puddles. witnhiilion HKNi'V. t'NIJKH SKl.TIOS S21I. John ,\!u!ler, sanilarv jnsjieclui and again, and again," and insisted attack on Mr. Sa.ithdff and his 1110the running of the fire department, are available at any firehimse. Mr riark revealed the < « „ , " * " K V " 3 ' ' l t t said that it v>us oiilv the foiliiitou llves. It could and should be done. Every u h member of the governing body, us Daniel Golden. Souih Ri\er at- devel.ipnteiit of having hud ii d r ".?*or>"":"!" i •!" A u : h ?In;ir -•<:.... «.,»,..„ •/.„• ,. l v arikK, a n d " o u l d be SIW | » r house. well as their legal advisors, repeatlornev, accused the boaid of keep- siiiiimer thai kept the aren from Ilhl • ri pMii'*?h*i of v<• I• iicing a niostiuitu hreeding suiirce ' -^'laikey pr<iix>s«l lo lhe tmrarily said that nothing could be ing insufficient minulrs in lU:sl Not A B..r..ugh Street i " " " " »»« J;l: "'v l«-r h..;,.st. fur the •nne. Five days before Election there was no suitable reference to llul he and l-red Mailer, board i S 1 ' u l r >eiMce. ihe A M I ; l y g.riremarks by hi.s law partner, Irving Day their legal advisors discovered picsid.Mil. agreed there WHS nut ' " ' " l l l t " remainder of i h i ' Slill ' o r Tabman, in behalf of Anton Kckel, a way to remedy this wrong, la ,„ . .. , . . , ,„„,„,,.,,... . Communication I W c d Sircci :• Democrats Open Campaign Hall months later, just before Election, Ihe Township authorities announce, ill be done noon ' Sets Forum: Township Leads Issues Platform Voter Registry There a r . !M< more persons in The Republican Club of Malawan | quarters for Malawan Township will hold its regular meeting open Monmouth (.ounly recislered lo i I" 011 P i " " «>» Sunday at the Cliff- to the public tomorrow at Kr 3(1 p.m. !v0°" ' nn > Over two hundred Demo. in order that the Pariv's candidates I crats from all parts of the town- l l ' i" 11 " 1 !! and paper ,v,,rk a i d a Morgauville owner, in the min- I.inch the lioa.d loulrt do aliuul " utes covering the .ipposuion at 1 gi.lling the street levelled off In servicing of the mams i ins would prior niet-ling Hi lhe U S. Homes A eradicate the puddles as it w the ' " ' » SKiSWI annual gio^s for ihe De\ elupn'eril liacl. Hut George |Misni(in (if Ihe hoiuugh ("enlcr borough hv l!i*>fi. C r e e w , a township cotnnul leeman Hoomtarv la I.; r\\e. lias uevei lieen k-g.dly takenL told M i . Golden tlial Mr. l a bover. I h c i f / u r e Die boruogh can ' Two more nii.sronr. pl-ons vvi-,» man had promised to furnish the do no work nn it Mr. Mullei ion- assailed. One is lhal I .ike 1.elicits SrCitMurv. William Mt-ver, u i t h a finned he had tried vears liefnie is someiwivv a Ijorough It -A ay sleno^i »[>!iic r e i u r d taken jti th<llie pieMMil comictl was in o f f k e lo (niinled tmi that Ihe titie (.f liie 1«>rhearing tintl it harl ool been done gel help lor ihe residents of ( r u l e r uier Fr.inns A. Spinner I si i l . i k e " Y " u \i.ii| get i l in due tune, ' .'we and for l l a r c . i g Hlvtl. and rt l.rfleMs l->!ales land) i«ies to he Mr. (toklen told h i m . " i f we seeluunber of unpaved streeis in his eenleiline of lhe ere* Kind .'it : h» aiea. onlv tn run nun the mad bo'loin of llie lake, as doe* Me lit 10 make a Ji5(l iiansirnpt." Ihis !t-d 10 iiilter a l l a i k (in the block Ibiil the Imriiugh inuld not ' ' t i e for several olN r Mjilron Uiard's ninutes liv ollii-rs who hud.'.|»end uinnev on slreets nut ijevdi tl [Mcpeiiics. assailed its riohries at prior meet- lo it nor impioved for inking w>*r Talk bv < (ium'iliri»n '.v'.ils1! ('! • ings and luid not been i|uoted 1 1 1 Ir. the borough lev it I development in Ihe l e x n :lie full lonle.M of Iheir renuitk.s Mr. Wilson felt Ihis a shameful Rd. area vvas d e c U m l iinfoi'iuled Mavor said he tinted I I .'Juilg a* liif owners of ihe 1'tl hou*. jn so far as Madison v , (iinenied. see pifi sons «ervinji on public Uid es on ( e i i l e i Ave [KJV t a x e s An ordinani'e adoptfd l:i"l dties as "\olunle(-l s" being ' i:ruci aiuond J'itin and J'llKt |MM Imu'-e or nies appiuval of more ili.iM -.»tl0 li-li; f i e d " in ihis w.iv for politiciii anil miitl H \f.\i ;v tn anv one ik'M-lupei nm\ persona) purposes Hiil M i s . K.iu-iii** Uirouyli. su .veil' ciiiillpd in SCT • ' t l i i n w i n " xitKtrtlinitt-^ fo nn•:• n- l><* Idik^son. anuiher >[rtcl.tlor, insi'-led . let's I I f (lei l;n n l hll lh*' housi •> '. n n this i «n rc-nlt in ci !inui»f , ' ' Mr. Meyer was s.dHried and stmnul " t'Tf nf ji | \ pi- i hf* horou^h ((Mild hr pt osit til ion. 7 be i-hnrKed with leprodiicing lhe piouiJ of, f x r r p . ifiiil lh* 1 hai U coininenl. But Mavoi l.iin/aro nol Hnirn! ihey nr.- M*I H^HHIM i^ tlis ed il would take Ihe hiring of a pin fi^uit'd 1>\ iIn* (k'plnrahfc - ftuikni}! each taxpayer must pay a fee of I deadline lfH.U.VJ peiMins were regis| I 0 for Ihe privilege of filing »n ,dancing and refreshments, official-! The meeting will be held in the tered a.« eligible to vote. "appeal" for refund of this unjuM ly began with the arrival of Cov. Hook A Ladder Fire House o n ! Ten ol ilie county's 5.1 munu'ilax. Is Ihe Hate H I poor lhal it must ! Richard J. Hughes, who cume to Broad St. pnlities showed losses in registered charge a fee for correcting an er- Ihe lownshlp for this occasion. The This year's election is of particu- ; voters. They are Ashury Park, ror.-' Surely there must he some le- Governor in a short speech urged lar importance wilh lhe mayor's I Hmdley Beach. Fair Haven, Farmall of those present 10 work for gal way lo permit s blanket ap- 1 seat, two council seats, and ta.x I ingdale. Freehold. Keansbur);:. Key1 the Regular aeal, thereby saving these IM0 tax- the election of all 01 pnsls : piirt, Moiirnonih Beach, Shrewsbury this Novem- collector and tax i Democratic candid aayers collectively (13,(100. Township, and Union Beach. ber ind urged specific support for up for election. i Ashury Park, which also showed (Signed) (•Of* Plalfccin Mayor Earl Moody, candidate for! a loss last year, had Ihe targes! Fred VonRodeca State Senator and .Itm Fur lew and ! The GOP campaign conimittpe drop this year wilh a decrease of John Mfirz jr., candidates for unanimously endorsed a platform 180 registrations. The largest inTownship Committee to give top priority to tax relief crease was in Malawan "lownship He also urged that all vole is through attracting desirable indus- with 1322 new voters. MiddleWHEREAS. Bayard I I . Faulkner. work for and vole for the passage , try, establishment of a tax study tow n Tow nship was second highest v.irh 981 new registrations followed Ihc author of Ihe Faulkner Act, of the Turnpike Bond Issue refer, j commission and speeclv impleine.iby Neptune, with has been invited lo speak at theendum. After speaking, the Gover- tation of a master pltin. new voters. H*l*w*n Regional High School on nor met with and talked to memIhe iaige i n n ease in the number ; High priority platform pledge*; inOctober 15. 1963, at « o'clock. P.M., bers of the group individually. of registered voters in Malayan Candidates Preseai : clude elimination of closed execu- Township icllects Ihe nunibci of acevAiling time, to discuss "CharJJ 1 V * . ' . i ctit i \' in a ree- M I P I - I thiil passes in frirtii nf them. ier Study," and The candidates themselves and tive .sessions at Borough (Council new families thai ha\e inuved into D i d Ii illv <)tf. thU' t h a i IMlUI (rriMiimJed from (M*:* 1 onel meetiiiRj,. improved and enlarged • the Slrathmore - at - MHtawnn deII is imporlanl to , members of the Monmouth County , . , ; WIIKREAS. o'. <T \s iiel hi-r low n^hip ptji : frv " I i i^St'C t nnd i lies, a.loplion of velopment. Well over JOtK) homes have si ton Id svt ve a bench ,\ .in .1111 Ihe citliens of die Township of Democratic organization were also ; . u i state nuiIdinu Code replace ' there have been occupied. I h e led ' Malawan 10 be Informed regarding P r t « e n t » n d P^'nok in the open- « "J'*'" 5,' J'"^ '„., OormniL-k "1'nfMitt, • . ..nvtrn ; in ml1 1111 Ihis subject; ing ceremonies. Mr. Moody, Paul "* standards ma restora- ! increase boosted the number of M'pernti'iuleni at !;•*• \ n i ' ' i " an Ui)fiiiiun-d Irom page ne) tion of memorial trees and preserNow TiiKBFFnRi? i tnh™ Klernan jr.. Cornelius Guiney. I.eo vation of the borough's naturnl as- registered \olers in the township h hnt h !he nuivor ton.- Whcitu.n tikis', ( n , I - . , , ! to 1(448. iiit'nlcd. " W e c:ui'l iU> {•\fi\\h\uy \ » ' H n l A w . , t o a p p < ' » r ;i • n • - \ : n < - - « . sets New ipgistralinn figures in other tconlinued from i I., ( t t K C A r>-[ri>ri f h n n . f . i h i - t ! ^ ' p ' " ' ' l f bayshore municipnlities- are Keyj Ihe basis of his bio M i s i d t ' n i " i i n ' ' l i f f n t n i t })• \yAus a p r o i r « . * '•t-i \ I T . <K • 1 ( I n iiHtul October 15, IM.1, "Hayard I I . •: purl, .1111; liiiinn Uearh. 'J»(I5. perieiu-e and naming Dr. l' Faulkner Day" and urge'the citiOwner Abtolved Of I Raman iownsiiip. 7:105: Maiawun slated iliat llu're wo ltl he fivt .Special thanks went to Kay ;!i;il n n l \ i i v u M M T H i n ; l i n ' " ii i n * " i t n s< i \ n r . t l u i l !.*•. M e .L . | n •»• aens of Ihe Township of Matawan ! H»n.««ll. WI7J: Ke»n5burK, .I.'.M; . j ' " ' ' of M.iff afrilian t'.ts ; u c i m f i n f e d i n \iu> p r o p o • *-d ' * ' , lnm titit^icii 0 > r .ihf«ft),i nto to attend the above-mentioned Stringer and Ihe rest of the Imli'.'s Septic Tank Count I Marlboro Tim nship. JM, a n d I ' • , Staff. A (Vmsu 1 •Mel ing so that they may be in-who did * wonderful job of handlHolmdel Iownsiiip. Itifill. lhe \ i l ; v e I 1 , ; A boartl n l lieallh r-oinplaint •d : Staff. \Ied:c;il S r \ir tn M: S (|m-*-) Mined l i d - v. r i l c i . - . r.* Vi p formed regarding the ahove-nven- ing nil Ihe arrangements. The Cliffwood Inn on Route :IS will ajj;;iinsl K. A lUiyay, Newnrk. JIS id 111.1i! M 'dn ill S M ' I , I t w i u l i i i n d»r *Jfl \i-;w*. in l i ^ t i l nf • h f 1,1 -.1 ! i | | . ttoned subject. serve as Democratic heiidquaners owner of the premises at III Pros- Observer Ar World •hi • : H •k I I The nmnltl- St.'.' ! l 1 t (n;l Hi '. !r. John Marx |r., in Matawan Township for the re pect Ave,, Kiver (iardeos. was • | He also iniuounee,! lb:,t . : , ! ! t ' m« r i ' lo d IiI Sp- ill IT . 1 Mayor, mainder of the campaign. (|iiashcd liy Mcigislralt' Harold Medical Conference vf. \^ fniid he i'\ •' ili'ibli' .11 ' l l 1' i nti M 'hill lir- U H *. • . i l ls!n-d ;li,it lnns£ Township of Matawan Iihertiian. M.itiiwan T uvviuliiii. lues Inu uij! drpa*! int'fiis in i l 4-iki-d li«i« l i ' i i v tin- In-- h«i1 i i i r n i i l f i i ' d KTUOIn addiiion lo fiiticlioning us the Proclamation cw -12 .» ; --.i- r<.n;,,j a*-- 14 and VJMI ,,l n (1 c "fflrtt•' f i n tl!«'liiM • fi liM.WMf 1]' Hlock ll (io:*.7l'.1 !" Disc USS ifSLF'S tely^eS I Ktt" M^^KT^-STT )(l liu -o Filth l)elav In 1 l l f l KIHllH f l!#"f * it •ni eft I IMIia Llin ix f 17 KM (174 '.V « M ' l l %l, I I ' M ' * t f a i ••• • J " . ' • M'-V 111' ' Lanzaro To Form Farm Aid Unit (lay. Chiirlfs .Short jr.. lieallh incenter of operations for the spf-finr, licensed Mr. Hiivay to "Moody for Senate" drive, the Inn l i . i w p<Tin 111 e.l a ^i.pi i*' liink on will be hcadqttarturi for Mr. Burlhe pi emisc4. he nuns tn lia\r OVIM lew and Mr. Mar/.. Workers will flowed ;ind hcinme nuisiim e t n the IV. Hiil rv I'oppk-k. M.iple PI .' •;»!: \If-(l n;i n» . sin JMMV. < l:''V|virl been named n.s an ob-. JIIKI ^vnccnliirv: p''(h;il rn : l.uiml server i n represent the I'niled 1 i>n>. .ind piiilmlcvy. I T PlM|MT Si all's t onimii'ee al lhe I7lh An tiif* hit -ic pohry nual General Assenihlv of the s iha 1 IK ) t'liiimi t'f p Win Id M ( ( l i i « l AssociiiiHifi nl :hc nude ( tf *'(f(V !(1mi'iir h;iv e h llolel ( niuiiirKlore New Yoi|< flct ip of i i(iiv;du.i!« n to is. i\f juiM new hif* ih .isp The :n •>'-v\ < T iho iii'-t.illaiioiiv rotuJ Ilinry ' i d*'t i l l, I-:. I n i p h i i ^ t ' i i priint IMI)'!)! \U-\ii •; CnininiM'' in,in k.ufl t l i . n is f u n l n ' i M i i n i i - Ncur " ' I ' . l'ii'«'Mi i l ;i u t r i n d m i ' t h e nt •<»». ; 'lite St't-nt « • | tun IKI0 nn I Mill IKX> t).i f Mift .ir.n tui #; iwii.!.'.« Ht 1 WAS \u-.n ; ' i c ^i c t * . l u Chief i n unship .1 [MI|I< .-. \\ -JUT. ''* r'je be on duty each evening and all (!:*• v p t m j r . T h e ifl'VOOCi iit,\(f prn J**d ' " (he i / H n p i i i i n ^ J ' i . * t <A day Sunday to distribute liirraturr pt)Sill, i f I I is ptlf IlllO 1-lfiMl. « l l l d t « t i l i i M ( ] ! l n * l , i - •• : > | . n 1 and Information lo interested rrij Mr. Sliori u i l h s il a w i i l w i i n g Mayor Joseph t.anzaro, Marlboro dents of Malawan Township. He ;illtic-k by Niinr.iin .1. I'lirne. K r v iioi r . i i s r H I M * * : , t h e n i i U ' i r p f o m i s ' - s '">^> Uv .niit S*it. t i c ' • • i r \n • H Township, announced loday the ••.\i: fre.shmeijls also will b.1 served. new l.nloi v MI , pin I. on his 1 1 "ili-iil i.ils iis ii heullli formation of • civic coiniMltir to nii ni.-c cur. ui]J lie Vice I'rt'.siri m J.VJJ,ra p'ninlv hv llie r''ni|\ c|,. iii5|K'i'lfir. |T.nle A II11I tin' other promote adoption of Ihe farm land don hcrl K, •liltv nhnsmt. MjiytM" H sislinj! of Aram Cafilaniy s hiHi!t oi''lii iluii irui '• v\ idenee ^uljinittfd tiy Mr. < urt ie assessment proposal to be voied Winner. Dr. R. \ Siiilu*, prcsldcnl , ;ui M.l). of \|;i!,tw nn. Atirith.iin 1 C.MIS ihe Siie -W'r. Iltid his ilii'Mt f<IIIVinri-d the ciiuil Strathmort Man upon at the Nov. S general elfc! Indian Medi rnl Asitii ui S fiillis, M l l of Middlelown, and Mr. Hug.iv hnd Mad Ihe Umk pmp I, nj! prt'iiidenl; Dr. !'ic|ier, wiil lie expnniled for R*ca>iv«i lictniei . Dr. Kd('(-onlinut'il (me) ,erly efpiniF'd out ami H'p.i irf^l nm\ K. Anms. pi ,he lle said llie constilntInnnI change. the |>re|iiii-.!|ion cf medi-'af hv f.nvs OtmiMillrfin.iM Hiirrv I;. fenl nf | tbnl Ihe o u ' i l l o w from the Innli Medical la sllow assessment of farmlands i ialion l.eon M. Constant, C.I'.t'.U., 111. was lo lie atirihiiied I n tinilu. 1 use Anicrjcnn cr. l l u'diild t.iki' only ftiiniticr n'-^nd staff nc^ani/anon planning. at their present vnliie for agrlcul- Sind person In receive the htMii of waliM flowed into the tank by WMA pi.'M rli-ct. I H l l N M I l v-' I t.l I'. II Hlivc Vdlc w hen il m p u - - i n . d in • l\\plains Opcriillnn Ii) I I ' l l ! : \ It h lure or rujrlicullure, instead of HI ante ediiciilioniil ami professiona 11 Irnnnl. At Ihe tiiffiiri^ (if doctors hnii ihc governing rVnly d e l VI lo U'1 • il Mr. Hurray Icslihcd he N V I Mi I', ', f , ' , M ' P I mandatory true value for rom-ilesigmitlon of Charlrred I'roperls liiid nrdeieil the leiiniiis 10 iniive. ft'/tt ihf I ,ik/- LrfU-rn f-Atji-s prt, .< this wtn:k H prr^rntiittnn t>! i)v: l I iilf merclHl or residenllnl dfvelii|inii'in, phiWisnphy bv w Inch (he him|)ital j x i s . i l , M J I ( a w . i n o f f i c e . i l s ( i n d . i l l p n t , and (.'asuallyyUnderwriter, r,a a (i«m CiHinter ennlplliinl 1 ; (if fissilllll filed \% citild he ojM1 nn ed •.«. ;i*i jn csfnU'fJ " i l • key I n the future t r r u r i l y n o w nunihiTlnn over .MMHI. trcenily u e r e enlrred by Arlluir ( i i i i h c r d (((ititimicd fititn pn^r out') hv Ciftrilnii A. I T U M - I I (if (,<>rdon i h a i r n n t h e t n h j f r t u I U T I I h c i t c | I anal of Marlboro ral pre«ervnilnn pre«ervnlln fM l b ' uhi* '~ " ' iifln 1 N-.i idge, I-Trsl St., t ' l i l l u i K i d . iinil titles- hois. Hmkcvtc, jf nnvon* who n.i " f 1 A. I-'ricMn mid A^voi i:iic« ol W.isli- VI n i M ' i i i i ^ ' i s o p i T i r d l o i c i n . i r ' K ' . W« know II tfidnv," W h e n ih»* m . t n e r \ ,. . \vc\n I(I din pi.'ius wipln'5 lo litiv in jit on, D.C. IIH- Wii^hiiif.'.lim firm r i u i n i l w p u b l i c , n .• ,is n n i f d THa maynr •sld he will invite Uuv tln» u n i n ,i ' t . n • , in* ()' aM meinncrs nf lhe lownshlp con,- I Mr. COIIHIIIII! \H I Nt'W York lilleKilliolls uf pun.htn^ inuli m Ihe ihc hunt fiuin uv nnd keep j | , ninf ho^piUM |iin^i;i in eniiMill;ti)tv l l r r d Of WuhlitK M ' l o . I , , ' l . r d ,M>k ; - . , .tit li irt. M;ii lus pleiiMirc, Ihc liind ,iie nitcrn;ilinn,ili\ fitnui'is uc exmlllee, all members nf Ihe Repnh- Imiker Hssiirli'led with Ihr niiliiin- c oiiiplnlnl against him vvhiU* the di\ :dc it nl Vlr, C l . u k J I - \ . ,il.',I i),.- M m l i M H t ' i i r i i M i h i i . t i . . ' m i ; , .' h m 1 tttmt sriit Democratic extfcirtive ( vi'jd^ s#i'vieifi^ biol.frajje firm of Nicholson complaint bnilifrlit il 51" ifs- fm Silk . A.i lonj^, )ut\\ ever, .is piMtriU.^ (.f tin- •|iiiiirnt . r n l e i r . l ^•wv\:\yi' A u i h n n t v I n n ) l i f r n u i r -0,(11111 ; ^ ,« w i h i t n * . '-• 1 llie f.uicf is inirs, uc .sli.ill Mitnd mr inKpiiiii. rotnmltteeii, offh't'rn of the I'll,, I Henry f.. Woid and l i r c d n f ' v n i l i n i ! ' (in (lit- f i n n i i i j ' j i '•I.;1 W.'icr. Wuythit.i ,• • ;'ik' > line fur scr.tli hitif Mr. (iuilii'il.l|!i' »,nl In Ids pi t'M-nhihiiii Ki Ihi' din' reim Oimmlllw nnd llie Ftiritiifis inc. of l«l Wlllliini SI.. New York. III ilie flue, lei i v Rirr.mli Hi Kiisl . mi r i ij;l)i i . ' ' <)«•'*'I«MIN Mitf) Afi|ir(iv»| iois, M i . Ki ii'MTi * inphiiM/fd ihr Aanoclslliin, nnd renrLisriilallvis of Mr. t'onMHii! inlendn servicing Ins t'laii^.e. \MIS nssisseil }|(l and $;> i i ' i i t r i s l j i n i l i n t ! v i l h l ! t r \u\\\ut n >. ] ' • » ! h i < I I I » | « M n i l i l f • .<•.< ., i<<| ' : , j | .,,'iV,-,' , ' , , " " , , ' , u't ,t 'MI' ',,'t ' I ' I ' I V ' -mir M NJI 1 ph Nftppi. .to fthiiliinj; i i u i i r r , iiHpnrtiuirr of h«Mii>F iMHlrriiik Irw f'lHiinlng Bo»rd. Hourd of I'd Jiff Iniiiiiincr iiisioiners and inn- to.ils for moving fr.uii lime lo : and H i e d r w | c i | M 7 n n 11 l i i i i U H ' . i l M i I M I . I M > , M I « i r H V i ( i : i , ; n , i 1 » - I I . i»."t'Vf / ' . ..»Vni. t " ••' ' >>• ***"• -•' "J»w Mt'rtlinu, am) Iliiurd of Adjustment, Iinil fund busings from his Inuiu In lit* nn Ihi' (la'd.'ii Slnle I'nik jtsNrd \*t, I,(Hi r rru'c Ki tiM'ti, ) tvv- iiiid n*r\ ii'i'ji H\ aitiihlc w lictt need U |ll|. M till! ni III .:il>l| luihl. a I inriH'v for flic pin lining Ah Ilf *lt nnd wheic neidcd hy ihc doc l i ' i r f i n j ' h «.frt r i * \ v t r m as ut'll an other Interested 1 Ill/ens • I (i;i IdailMonr l.«n#, Siiiiiluuon' vvny ill hiftb speed, 'ii")•I'I'I'I'. ", 1.1 ill | M i 'it .Itbrl t' lit*.nil, if (hr niiifi ronld lir uppiow I'd l"i hi OMII'IIc IIIIIIIII' Ihc ties! I M C I i ' l i . i i l i n l i e t i n t ' s\n»' ii> I" join lhe group. (•/!•. • - . ..11. f.iiiiil'Jil, Red liHtik, |>nlil (211 anil t'd willuHii i:(!iii[i)c(c pliuis ,iret pled pOKfiiblc i ( lll'Fl I III' I IIS,<rttt V I ('< 1 ir- I1 Id 11 ' l l . ir"'-' ' iviiiii.'n r',i 1 ' i. piiijcnl nir#'. "Hv pinpt-r Ill-I'arllsan t'limmllle* SI rums fin- (unit's* drlvuiK on ' liv lh»- Dlililirs Aiilhnrlly. Mr. Km- Iplnnninn." Mr. l-iirsen «ilnliwl, "Ihr I . I t i H I i ' id h r w its 1 i . i i c i ii)i|M . V SK )hl» wrrh, why don't Vlei! • 1 H f '' Hf I D A i m l n p ( ( H i i i i i ' i Mr. l.xii/sin, who Is an ludi'iwn .Loiver Miiin Si. Any,.'14on comM-M wim of (lit' opinion H coutii hr*. ' piilicnl ! t'kin u \ v t i " I h r <ii F liV|J' o n i,( [ h r \f>H i Illll V#t ' Il it 'jiili'i' V' 1 .ii> M l . Hill m i n t * hHli:r ctirr. >.\hf i n ( I n n m i i l Hint 1 Hi' . i p p m1v Kn •Win fniiilldnle for iiinyor under look Ihiou^b th» wlndowi . i l ; *" til I'nliuliiiiui iilwun! Clitiv 1 Miiyoi .lof.rph A, 1 mi/inn t;,iid '\v Ihc docldr wih find il ensier In pro df'iHi i i n c i t i Ut i\i lit ,,,,, r t , il«n) V Mr K.lMillI I * of I h i i i . i r k i t ^ t - p h i i i t f i o t n I n wiun ''• III* Inilldc. nri. tht ltiwnnlil|i> iifw fulfil nf fovcin ' your chinch fiinl*. on ••'•jeft VVln > | K i l M t \ tipp'ui'iali'U Lj)' iK'sili(>ii d! Mr vill* , llitil CHIC, nnd i*y nlirv/Dt 14 j i l ' l I ' l . l l . I •'•. u fV w o i k j ' m h i . l i J v won h i ;, r .i j ! i n m i('''iil MI.-( u I t »'d S'|.; 1! . - ' . , :li Package Plant Mai IIMUO Warned .„».,,»,„, lin 1 jji ifiMilved Mt«|'i 1 ii!i S U THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. TrwrnJoy, Odobar 10, I f 6 3 Township History Told At Meeting First S«c«i«n - Pog« Fivt> Matawan Adult Education Classes Arc Proving Popular Booster Program Held By Grange Club Open* Season A Orange Booster program was I Encompassing the needs of the ! held recently in Liberty Grange | "Am I Putting My Best Voice organization and the new building, ; Hall, Marlboro. Approximately 50 and Personality Forward?" was a three • part budget was preparj persons witnessed a pageant, "Pil- impressed upon the members ol ed and read by Mrs. Chailes Rain! The Woman's Club of Matawan, atid, assisted by Mrs. Calvin ! lars of the Granje" given by the | officers and c-onunitlee chairmen Inc. by Mrs, Dorothy A. Voss anO Pcarce, Mrs. William Bowie aid j portraying the Grange as the (am- n'ie'ji7n J. Alexander at the first I Mrs. Bayard Lnmborn. The budget ily, farm and coniimtiuty organi/a-, ,, a rkh of the season held in the > detailed the financial demands of ! dl of the Trinity Episcopal I the Federation and philanthropy; tlon. " Church, Main St. ) administration and operation. Mrs. A Bible cennoiiy was condtieted Tlie importance of a clear voice j Abell introduced the officers for tlie I in memory of the charter and and understandable diction was | coming year and heard reports of I other deceased members. : stressed during the program "Your j the chairmen. Hosiers A program on the coming an-! Voice is You," presented by the Foste Displayed Posters for "Clean-Up Week" in niversury of New Jersey was pre- j New Jersey Bell Telephone ComMalawan were displayed. Tlie sunted, A tableau, "The Great Seal • puny. Mrs. Voss emphasized that, of New Jersey" was shown while ; on the telephone, the spcatjer has club had conducted contest readings, The Garden State y pj i among the studentsof the Matawjn "My "' New Jersey" wer en. A ; thoughts and attitudes to thcTlisten- Regional High School.' Tlie judges, Mrs. Allan Morrison and Mrs. Benfilm. 'This h New Jersey" also j er. jamin II. Dennis, assisted by :a ' At the conclusion The New Jersey Slate" Grange was Imembers were, given an oppprtuni- committee, selected Barbara Fetlt't psstc'r for the first, prize of $5, Ellen ' j ( Schwartz's poster for the second A special committee was electprize of J2 and Richard Haynes' ed to investigate various types' of poster for the third prize of $1. . parent-teacher associations. At this . A membership tea is planned ia time the association is non-sffiliatjamin lloyce represented the the new club house. Mrs. Joseph Opening Message «d but plans to make a decision county organisation. Other guests Pekar, garden department chairIn her opening message. on the type of organization by the Astak MiiKallM ctaMcsi al MalawM Regional High School report ship; Mark Whitney, Instructor; Howard Drake, Malawan Township, were present from Allanlic t.len-1 A b e n i n l r o d ', l c e d her motto forMrs. -he man, announced plans for Mrs. Wilend of the year. After the general * '.» enrolM fw I t different courses thai a n being offered, and Mm. Eleanor Gehricke, Sltalhinore. The spring semester will dola, Moninoiilh and Swedesboro , . , n l , .. L c | . s B e liam Johnson, as l guest speaker, V l a r . . , e , . s Gobusiness meeting, Mrs. George Mc- Above, (left eftIto right).busy al wark wei la the woodworking class, are Mlu •tart ia January. All persons interested In registering for courses in " Mappy Doing it." The club is fac- and instructor for a course in tlowUniw and her committee present- Adele Vtgne, Unto. Beach; Mrs. June M. Dougherty, Malawan Town- the spring semester, may obtain a Ikl tu Iw offered al the high school. Grange as well as other tnciids. Accnrdion solos were given by ing its most challenging year with er arrangements. t ed a narrative of the history of Nicholas Snlvetti and l-.dward Wen-; the new ownership of its first club A covered dish luncheon is planMjlawan Township entitled "A del. ] house. The final title closing for ned tor Monday, Oct. i\ at 12:» I'uge From History." AccompanSeven members were eligible for : the former church hall of the Pint p.m. in the parish hall of the Tr.nied by projected pictures and with silver slal rertifiealcs. represent- Presbyterian Church located on ity 1'piscopal Church. The program Die help of Mrs. .lames Snyder, ing 25 years membership in theJackson St. was signed Aug. 9. will include John Harding Best. Aashe told'of Indians, early settlers organi/ation; The building now is being repaired sistant Professor Kducation at Rutand the beginning of railroads, d remodeled d l d for f occupancy be- b ;ersU University, i i i and who will discul banks and commerce in the area. A .social hour fnllowt.'d. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson I.mill) and Mrs. George Shaw, Redington Mrs. Harold Lewis, Jcrcay City On Thursday, Mrs. Leroy Sickles lore Christmas. "The History of Education" and a Displays of antiques and historical Mr. and Mrs. Waller liramm atShores, Fla., is spending two weeks and Mrs. Kuyimind Smith, Perkasentertained at bridge and the winPlans were discussed for a sliow- talk by the delegate to the Citizenitems were get up by David lingertended a dinner dance at the Nas- ie, Pa., were the Thursday fvenin" Regular WSCS Meeting 1 er for the new building, with a su;j- ship Institute in June at Douglass bretson: Millbrook Farms, Charles ners were Mrs. Thomas Welstcad, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kl- sau Inn, Princeton, Saturday even- dinner guesls ul Mrs. llcriliu Story ' gested list of the needed items to College. The alternate to the InstiSchock Jr., of the Farmers and the hostess, and Mrs. Paul Egan. more Katlnor. Held On Monday Night ! be prepared Schunck. by the building coni- tute will also be a guest. Mi'.'hael Druzbik, Park Ave., is n ing. Merchants Bank; Mrs. Meiindj Other guests were Mrs. William J Rahul, -Mrs. Frank Bliss, Mrs. David Courtney, son of Mr. and Weekend guesls of Mr. and Mrs. ; mitlee. which is beaded by Mrs. surgical patient in Mnnmoutli MediMrs. Donald Robinson was hosSaccone, lifetime resident of the The regular Hireling nl the W.iMrs. (ialen Courtney, Storyland Peter Mrlnick, Schenck Ave., weic ' John I'.gjileston. The American pitality chairman. She was assisted township, and Mrs. Mac Dominick, Clark Moore, Mri. Gerard Devlin, cal Center. and Mrs. C. Karl McDonald, ElizaEstates, is recuperating at home Mrs. John Melnick, Mr, and Mrs. ol the First Methodist Church, • Hume Department will meet Mon- by Mrs. Lamborn, Mm. Louis E. Mrs. E. Murray Tofld, Holmdel; Matawan librarian.' Miss Mary Emma Stack, Perth after being a patient in Rivcrview Nicholas Sawchuk and son Niclm- Matawan, was held in the church clay, and announce plans for theHeiscr. Mrs. Dominick and Mrs. Mrs. Dominick also announced beth'. las, Peahody, Mass. Franklin Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cromwell Aml>oy; Mrs. H. O. Jones, Miss S. Hospital. that the Strulhmure branch library, Monday night with Mrs. Arthur affair. located in lite Stralhmore Ele- and Mr. and Mr*. George Smith Ellen Hancy, Freehold; Mrs. E. tl. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gomllel:, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagi-nheri;, Rissmiller presiding. Mr.s. I-'rank Dominick, Mrs. J. F. Dominick, spent Sunday in Pennsylvania and mentary School, opened Oct. 7. UnSlralhmore, attended homc.roinim? Little Neck,. Longg Island;; Mr. anil j Sweeten .Sweeten led the devotions devotion* and Plan Benefit Tempfe Holds Art Show der the direction of Mrs. Robert dined tt the Collegevllle Inn, Col- Mrs. Ralph W. Hcrrlck, Mrs. J. F. at Penn State over Hie weekend. Mr.s. Harold Koniblau and Selii; | hymn sing with Mrs. Kmersun l.isk Hostcttcr, and Miss Mary Lisk Welser, a committee of women legcville, Pa. Mrs. David R. Kass and chil- Wynn, Hushing, were the recent' accompanying ut llie piano. The Sisterhood of Temple Torah, The women of Tcmplr Sholum, were the guests of Miss J. Mabel from tile association have worked Mrs. Rose Primus, New York, dren, Strathmore, were the. week- guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Norman turkey Old Hridge, will sponsor a smors- Matawan Kcre hoslessci Thursday Future plans include to assist Mrs. Dominick with the was the Monday luncheon guest of Browh for dinner at the American end guests of her parents, Mr. and Rosenblatt, Slrathmmi;. dinner on Klection Day, Nov. Hotel, Freehold, on Friday even- Mrs. Irving Mack, Brooklyn. preparation for the opening of the Mrs. Nit Kippel, Strathmore. Mr. Mrs. Franklin S. Thomp- clam rhower sale. Oct. IS and C|Uh't gastord and antique show at Clare evening at a get-acquainted hour ing, and the group later ployed branch. anil art show at the Strathmorc several days Mrs. Raymond Smith, Pcrka»ie, canasta at the home of Mrs. Jones. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. son spenl p y visiting Mr. day service. Oct. 30 at 10:30 a.m. and Cony's, Routes 9 and 34, on Pa., was the guest for several Henry Kiechlin, Marc Woods, were and Mrs. Alfred Rubens. ocono j he prugrarn chairman, Mrs. Rk I- j Thursday. Oct. 24 at 8 p.m TheSchool. More lhan 100 women atFormer Resident On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Standays last week of Mrs. Bertha ley Seaman, Strathmore, entertain- Mr!. Vincent Wade and Mr, and Mountains before laking u u trip | a rd "Dominy. introduced chapter : siiow will be given by Nan Jnhn- tended during the evening, which M If Story Schanck. Dies In Lavolett* through New Yiirk Stale. | three of "Our Missions Today" as ed and their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mazzone, Brooklyn. I son, lair Haven. Featured will be was highlighted by an art exhibit Mr. and Mrs. ISaynard Smith en-1 her topic. Thomas Francis Mealy, son of Mrs. Bayard l.amborn and Mrs. Hob Mint/, and daughter, WenMrs. Helena (Oschwald) Scluoed- Mr. and Mrs. James llealy, Strath- Mrs. ' many brass and ropper items, provided by the Art Guild of Red lerlained on Saturday for their! Table decorations carried the auLong Branch; Mrs. Max Mintz, Lawrence Lemalre were Ihe prize Bank, and by works of various er, 46,' wife of Robert II. Schroed- more, was baptized Sunday at St. dy, dmiglncr, Carolyn who was crle| p,j jt with colorful arrangeuric-u-brac and an array of other winners on Thursday evening when U n m s r and Mr. and Mrs. members of the congregation. er, 103 fluyer Ave., Lavaletle, died Benedict's Church, Hazlct, by hisKeyport; Mrs. Arne Kalma entertained at brating her fifth birthday. The I menls of leaves and llowers. Serv- ' Reger ami son Michael, Brooklyn. j . Tickets may be obtaintems Tuesday morning, Oct. S, 1963 at uncle, the Rev. Thomas Foye, St. The Regers are future Strathmore bridge. Other guests were Mr.s. guesls were l.ieijc Pike, Holly [„„ Among the types of art exhibited ( ) n ,i,,. hospitality committee 'V 'ailing 7JI-93W Ihere are her home, Mrs. Schroeder was born Andrew's Church, Bayonnc. Mr. residents. were collages, watercolors, oila Johnson Carlan, Mrs. Ross W. Beth Harris. Scott Bell, Martha i were Mrs F.dgar Pike, Mrs. in Newark, daughter of the late and Mrs. Nicholas Calello, Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Waine and Maghan, Mrs. Arthur Hall, Mrs. Uurket. Scott Ryan. Pliillip Mol-| Michael Fo'vinn, Miss Bessie Lyle. limited number of tickets avail- and sculpture. A representative of. Oscar and Anna S. Oschwald. City, served as godparents for thesons Allen and Jeffrey, Brick Charles Perrine, and Mrs. Allan nick, and Margaret Smith. Mrs. Wallace l.yle mid Mrs. Lester ' able. the guild was present to answer Mrs, Schroeder was a former baby, A dinner party followed at the Township, were the Sunday guests J. Morrison. Saturday evening bridge guests Magee. questions about the works exhibitresident of Matawan and had resid- Mealy home which was attended of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barsl, Slrath1 of Mr. and Mrs. I-'. II. Lloyd jr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold C. Qeilz, Tin ncjxl meeting will be Moned in Red Bank before moving to by the godpureriU; Mr. and Mrs. Clean-Up Rummage ed. Hugcrstown. Maryland, spent Ihe were Mr. anil Mrs, Charles C. day, NDV. 4 Mt K p.m. Lavalettc three years ago. Thomas Foyc, maternal grandpar- more. old weekend visiting relatives in theSchock, Sea Ciirt; Mr. and Mrs. Ci. Doreen Gay, elev y year eleven Surviving, In addition to her hus- ents; Mrs. Mary Healy, paternal The Malawan First Aid Auxiliary J. Sterling Thompson, MlddleUnvn; Plan Fashion Show daughter of Mr. and Mm. F Franklin area. fM band, are two sisters, Mrs. Petar grandmother; and other relatives S. has made plain la assist In the Gay, Strathmore. exhibited a Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Frcdda Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ucntlcy, Mr. Robert Zutic Joins Nora, Mefuchen, and Mrs. Emery and numbers of the immediate sculptured At the meeting of The Evening figure called "Boys" Clean-Up Mitawan by holding a y at and son Danny were, tlie weekend and Mrs. Jac A. Cushman, and Mr. Heyden In New York p G.'Wingerter, Fair Hiiven. family. h Hudson Hd P k Library, Libary New New guests of her brother and sister- and Mrs. Garrelt J. McKecn, Park rummage sale Tuesday through Department o( Tlie Woman'* Club the Funeral services will be held Friof Malawan, held in the Midway Mr. and Mm. Saul Rosenblatt, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and York. ork. in-law, Lt. ().g.) and Mrs. James Roert F. Zutic has joined the j Saturday at the first aid head- Hose; Firehouse, Washington St., day morning at 10:30 a.m. at the l;e (le Mrs. Eva Kaplan, Brooklyn, Frcderlckson, Norfolk, Va. Adams Memorial Home, 310 Broad and son-Jeff, Strattimore, were the y " Marketing Department in quarters. Little St. Anyone having J plan* were completed for this cant i{he j | j c l . a c rrmrtUntr toin ,| NM e wU YVrUo r k O(iftirm o r din K K Anthony F'redda, Aberdeen Rd., and Mrs. W. b. Anderson, HackeltsSt., Red Bank. The Rev. Dr.Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. the weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. 1 ^ i^ art c e s to disposn of m a y contact party and fashion show to be held * aa llll announcement Jack Eisenberg, Strathmore. has returned to his home after be- town and Mr. and Mrs. Jose.— " n. Charles S. Webster, pastor of the Granal, Wayne. announcement by byW.(. W.(. DeakyDeaky Monday evening, In the Lavender M:lrlin Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. ing a patient in Monmoutb Medi- Dernber^er. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lesh and chilFirst Presbyterian Church, Red | ,, e . vice Hey-:M r s . P : l r k A v e - o r Room of the Magnolia Inn, Freneau i presideiit-mnrketlnR, i d k t l H Bank, will officiate. Interment will dren Leslie, Molanle, and Robyn, Irving Krauss, Strathmore, were cal Center. Mrs. Phillip Amelia,, Morgan; ' den Chemical Division,, lleyden Mrs. Henry Ahlers, Main St. forAvf., Matawan. The party will p g y formerly of Brooklyn, have moved Mr. and Mrs. Alex Goltz and chil. be in Old Tennenf Cemetery. i E l i Ch M IVtr N v.-port Chemical C h i l C t i Mrs. Benjamin. Dennis, Keyport, iollertion. The next auxiliary meet- start at S p.m. and Betty's Dresa Corporation. 'into -timr-neVhOme-at 115' Cort- dren, Andy and David and Mr. and entertained the Crusader Circle! of Miss Elaine Cherry, Mrs. IV-ter .-'ioining Heyden, Mr / „ -: i n t , w i , , b c held Tuesday, Oct. 22 Shoppe. Matawan, will present fall landt L*ne, Strathmore. ' Mrs. Bernard Goltz, The Bronx. the First Presbyterian Church fashions and accessories. lie was associated with the Nnpco a ig pm SistefltooQ Sponsors . Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lerner and Siitliffe. Keyport; Mrs. Robert MorMrs. Betty Rnsenthal has returnassistant to the daughter Susan moved into their Wednesday morning, and there aiiiniir. ftcyiwn; m u . miucn i»icii-: n i f m k . i l l ( „ ed to A c home of her son-in-law were 1 J members present. position Snow, Dinnor rell.i'ort , e , manager of the fine - . . , , . Monmouth; , , , Mrs. , . C, D.iggeneral ( . n e r a , s asales and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Nat new home on Monday and in the Saturday evening dinnor guests Gentile, Gentile Mrs. Mrs Jean Jean May, May Mrs. Mrs LawLaw °° | , c l n i c n U d i v j,i,, n , evening were the dinner guests of A fashion show aad dinner will Rippel, Strathmore, alter being a Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Gay,of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Fraebe! rence Price, and Mrs. Marty MaA graduate of Rutgers t'niverbe held by the Sisterhood of the surgical patient ia Monmouth Medi- Strathmore. Mrs. Louis Lerner was were Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, honey worn the Tuesday evening sil 1'ucsls of Mrs. William Wright; j -V in Agricul-V with a U.S. DcRrre g g Slrathmore Jewish Center on Wed- cal Center. Mrs. Bella Young, and Mrs. lidilh also a guest. lla/.lct. lure, Mr. /.utic also lias attended nesday, Oct. IS at Magnolia Inn, Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edward Joyce, Sickles. i Mr. and Mrs. th« graduate school of l'"airleigh Mrs. William Miller jr. and Mrs. Matawan. Ticket chairman for theRalph W. Hcrrlck were Mrs. Wal- Strathmore, spent several days Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Lewis II. August Solnntrling were tho prize Dickin«)n University, lie and his affair is Mrs. Arthur Bornfriend, ter Magulre, Houston, Texas, and touring the Pocono Mountains and Plalnficld, were Sunday guesLs of winners on Thursday evening when wite make their hcmie in Matawan. MS-4IJS. Mrs. Arthur Trewhclla and son,visiting the Bushkill Falls last Mrs, J.C. Lewis. Fashions will be shown by Mur- Timmy, New York, Mrs. Kvcreti Carlson entertained week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Lewis at bridge. Other guests were Mrs. Plan Simchas Torah lel'l, Kcyport, a n d hair styles Tlicsdey evening bridge guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Margulies, will be by Fran's, Matawan. Mod- Mrs. Gerard Devlin were Mrs. War- Strathmore, were the Saturday were the Saturday evening guests Jac A. Cushman, Mrs. Howard I Want, Mrs. |Celebration Friday Mrs. L> els will be Mrs. Diane Fallsk, Mrs. ren Vreoland, Miss Esther Blau, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shaf. of Miss Flo Grundrr, Hclford. Carol Krusch, Mrs. Claire Parker, Mrs. Paul Egan, Mrs. Louis Pa/.i- fer, Croat Neck, Long Island. N.Y. Mrs. Joseph Rankl jr., Mrs.Georj;*? Barrett, and Mrs. Leon j ! The holiday of Siinc-has Tnrah Mrs. Lynn Greenfield, Mrs. Lee enza. Mrs. Helen Quinn, Mrs. Kail Lt. Coindr. Stanley Wingast. Ha- George Dcitz, Mrs. Janus Hayes, Christinal. Mr. and Mrs. K. Murray 'Iodd, 'will !> observed at a special fanv Allwelss, Mrs. Connie, llcuser, Mrs. Howard Erdmann, waii, is spending several days at Mrs. William Ohnsman. Mrs. Ku;ily s r i v i c e of Temple Sholcnn of Holmdel; Mrs, William Hitchcock, Mrs. Mike Re/.ak, Mrs, Dorothy and Mr». It. L. Cartan. The prize Mrs. Bruce MacCutseU and'.Mrs. Roy Kaivr, weiejMrs. Alherl M. llaigb, Kcyporl; .Mutaw;in, tomorrow evening al Soloway and Mrs, Bea Gray, and winners were Mrs. Vrceland, Miss the home of Mr. and Mrs. llowaid I cheon. Winter, Slrathmore. ! guests of Mrs, Nicholas Francisco. I and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick lvd- K p i n . at Ihe Stralhiiiore School. children models will be Marci Born- Blau, and Mrs. ligan. S and Mr.s. ! The priic winners were Mrs. Hankl I vrick wen; the Saturday evening A children's party, complete wiiii friend and Cory Schacflcr. Mrs. Edgar Pike has returned Slrathmore, were Howard ' and Mrs. Doit/. Mr and Mrs.Klmcire l / a n v s and refreshments tradition|I ;i»fs!s quests- of Mr home after being a surgical patient j guesls ol Mr. and Mrs. al for the holiday will follow the ,1 \ j r ; KattniM. R. Agncw, Philadelphia, Pa. and! Melissa Leahy, daughter i Monmouth M t h Medical M d i l Center. C t A Phildlhi in Sale Ott. 18-19 anil M i s . William Oliiisiiiun : >.i;r\ ic e. conducted bv Rabbi MorMrs, Bertha Story Schanck w,i were accompanied by their chil-1 and Mrs. James Leahy, Marc I jr.Mr. nnd children « Saturday .it ' dec ai Sclirciber, spiiiuial leader «if I Woods, celebrated her fourth bir!h-j The Ladies Auxiliary of the Ihe Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, dren Howard and David. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Giles Imloy, Main day Saturday with a parly. The;Valley Forgi , and dined at Hie t'nl- tlie coiif'.re;:ati<in. All nicinbeis nf Mori;anville First Aid Squad will Alfred Newbold. Crosswick. le;:evillo Inn, Collcgeville, Pa. coniniiinity a r c iii/ited to al hold a rummaRe sale Friday and Mrs. Miriam Newton and ch:lSt., have returned home from a j guests were Susan Kiick. (iai'V' Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stowv, tlie Saturday, Oct. 18 and 19 at the- first dren Tommy and Virginia, and Mr. vacation in St. Petersburg, Flori-' Maltzman, David and Robert Len-j Cluirchlantl, \'irginia, a r c sp-rulin;; tend the service and testivities. aid building, Tcnucnt Rd. The sale and Mri. Willard Farley and son, da. While there they visited WeekPgel, Blake Fohl, Mary Kay, Amy; a w.-ck at the home of their son-inFriday will be held from 9 a.m. to Jeffrey, Washington, were the Wachi Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-| Welch. Uavid and Ann Uchenict. | Mrs. I Chamber Music Group a p.m. and on Saturday, ,t a.m. to weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.sell lloyle, St. Petersburg; and Peter nnd Lori Ann .Manfred! and I !"* •"«! >lau-hlei Mr ami Richard Korku! Main St. Formed In Slrathmore 4 p.m. W. RuIon Smith. Mrs. lnsiey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laura and Cheryl Wurl/. ,, , ., ... , , ,. , Mrs Jcihn (. l-.gRleston anil Mrs. H. Purdy Tremper, Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Serb! en- jJ o l l n s o n Curtan, members of the Alnati-ur iniisicijini who play Fla. tertained recently at a juvenile Matawan Woman's Club alk-ndcd , siring or wind instruments are inSaturday evening dinner guests | party lor the Melody Federation Day at the Freehold vitud to join a chamber music ol Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brenner, who was celebrating her secnew club-! group which is being fnimed in Slrathmore,. _ . were Mr. and Mis.ond birthday. Gui'sis alteniling i ^!',''"!"„"„ It's oui birthday, but MOU. - " ,. ] Stra'hiiiore. Benson Shultz. .laclcson ileigh's, W ( . r e |.,,rj Ann Serle. Linda. Amy ! ' gel Ihe present*! look Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox. llriclle, | Mrs. Judith Scliilnni, S7 Ivy Ili'l Ray Bicbf r, \a n d ciieryl Dworkis. Sharon and •in/l M r -i.i,l V 1 , . 1>*IIIL,- :\ rt\ U.' Cur.i c at all these wonderful, DOLLAR SKOALS from LOFT'S! T h e Strilhmore Elementary School Parenti' Association held a general buslnesi meeting, Oct. J followed by t look Into the history of Matuwuii Township. Mrs. Edward R. Lewis, president of the association, announced the appointment of two new committee chairmen, Mrs. Laura Carriis, ways and means, and Mrs." Kalhy Duhn. lunch room committee. The bake sale, sponsored by the group last week, realized S174. Other projects planned in the near future include a hook fair in November and'a Saturday movie for children. ' Personal Items About Matawan Residents 103 A Birthday Gift to You-from n u l l . What's R Problem? Juglincj monty e«n h» • preWom. Mo»t ef tht time • im«ll personal \»»n em r)»!p you gat back on «n even keel, Som«tlme« you jutt need lomi advice «n • financial sxobltm. Com* in foday «nd i t t if y#ur probttm can bt lolvid b^ pur low inttreit bank loan. We'd • • q\*4 (• t«lk t» you, TH« MATAWAN B A \ k MATAWAN; -mm JK««KY 13 JM^-H***M*» J C » 1 - * *** « f c * T « # - " *! lleidl Fine, daughter of Mr. and honor on Saturday evt'iiin;; at Mrs. lrwin Fine, Slrathmore, cele- parly held at the home of his par- day. The guesls weic Vincent and brated her seventh birthday Oct. ents. Mr. .iiid Mrs. Walirr Mai/, Donald Clniiile, Morganville; Unite i lie ( ( n i s t i t u t i o n iiiu) i i i n e n d i n e n l s 2 with » family dinner party held Taylor Rd., to celebrate his It'll Smith, Cliecscc|uakc; Mark, Chip' ol I V m p l f S l i o l o i n . t h e R e f o r m Ciiiiat Ye Collage Inn. Attending we:e birthday, flnesls attending were nnd Dreux l-'ei rano, Diane Dici'-n- g r e g i i t i u n s i - r v i n g t h e M a l a w n n j r - : Mr. and Mrs. Fine, Mrs. Bessie Alan Smith, Vic Armellino, Howie in and l.ynne and U>ri Cc-nlile, e.i w a s u n a n i m o u s l y r a t i f i e d at J Stulman. Forest Mills, N.Y., and| Kdi'isiPln. SII-VIL- Lmij:, -'obn Ku/.- Mrs. Vincent Gentile. Mrs. Frank s p e c i a l m e e t i n g h e l d Oi I, I. A f t e r Fiirrano and Mr. and Mrs. Jusepli Miles and Shari Fine. ma, Galen Hnrr. Chick (ienin, Hilratification, I b e n i c n i h T.sliip d i s Mr. and Mrs. leeward l.istfielcl ly Kc-arii.i, Phil Cherry, Martlin ; c u s s i d vari'iil.s pi>>ji,is--d nielliiMt'. and children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Her-Miller, llarriel llaiiiiianii, Linda | Mr. mid Mrs. (.' I) Cicntile and of e l e c l i n i : o f t i t c i s f o r i l l ' 1 c o m i n g > bert Reis and children and Mr.(it'rlnfscM, [.iilirell Chirco. Piit Al-j Mr. uncl Mrs. I-;. W. Currie |i.'iriici- \'e;»r. l'.lerlion<. \: ill ht- h e l d oil nnd Mrs. Robert Conrad unil chil- lcn. Chris Winters and Jackie De- p.ited iii the mixed foursome al the T u e s d a y a I t h e S H a l h n m r e S, hcxil M:inas(|iian River (lull Club on dren, Manhattan, were the Sunday I Sunday mid allemlrd the dinn r. al S p . i n . dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. '.'. 1 ." '."' Mrs. Frodoriek Duileiick. Mr;, Richard Pederscn, Slralhinore. | Joseph flrrnhergiT, nnd H i \ , I'lPlan Succoih Party j Mr, nnd Mrs. Archie Apkarian ; Begins Second Year more Kail nor were (he jiri?" winners on Wednesday, when Mrs. 'I h i s I l i , , r . s d : i \ ' fVi-iiiiig a t H:M Herllu Slciry Sclniiicl; enleiUiiiu'd p . m . t i n ' Sl.^tcrliixHl n l iIn- S t r a ! i i • [ nnd M r s . M a r v i n Puris, Straili al bridge. Oilier guesls were Mrs. i m i r e J e w i s h C e n t e r w i l l h o l d u Georfie f W. Kicth, KHII "f Mr. and more. Frank Mliss, Mrs. W. J. Rabe S u c c o i h p a r t y f o r c h i l d r e n o l a l l M L R i h :tnI :nI A Almrileen l l Lester Riflh, Monday guests of Mrs. Peter Mrs. Mrs. Cierard D Devlin, evlin, mid Mrs. a g e s in t h e n i l p t i r i i o v l u c u n u l t h e nnd-yenr y Perrinn, Marc Woods, were Mr.s Ud.,, Miliuwnii,, Is n C h i l l i e s I-;, l i m i t , l l r i e l l e StrulliiiKire I'.kinenlar) School Florence McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. s'tuclent at Mm Dallas Thmlupicnl Jnlm l.o Basso and Mrs. Felicia Seiiilnarv and Orndunte Sclionl "f 'Ilieolcijty. .IMS Swiss Ave., Dallas, fracassi, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur llenivtt and Texas, lor the srhnol's fortieth Chevalier son JIIIIHM, Illcksvlllc, Loiij! Island, year, which hpunn Sept. 17. were the Sunday dinner guests ol Founcli-cl In I!KM. Onllns SeminMr. and Mr»] James Maher, ary Is the liirfjest tlienl(i«lciilly Slratliinnre. cnnsiTvillvi1, tliMinniinnllomtlv tmWeekend guests uf Mr. ami Mri, nilutecl senilniiry In Ihe United Irvin,", l.cdei, Stmthniore, were Mi', SlMcs, if not lh<* world. Tills year and Mrs. ('Imn Jolinson and daugh- il p.itdbllshi'cl a new recnrd wllh FOR 24 HOURS a tiillll ennillniciit of XK men, 111ter LIIKU West Mlllinitton. « 9' A MILE Mr. Mil Mrs, Wllllani (Mtnwav eluding an enlerliiK class of !ll iml Mr.i, llnmllliHi Walter, Siory- men. The world-wide ministry and apUiul Kiliitea, were ainonn tho Froe Customer Pick Up jllcnts at » dnublfi wedding iinni- peal of Dnlln.i Semliuiry Is seen versury celebration for Mr. andIn the (net tluil the now studc'tils Mrs. William Ottaway jr., who repri'senl 11(11110.1 In 29 stnlos nnd Within 15 Minute. were ci'lebrntlni! their 41st tinni- Ihe District of Ccilumhia, two nrovversury and the Mill annlversiuy Incc.i nl Cniiiuln, Drazll, ('osln ol W. and Mr*. Otlowuy, Story- Rlcti, Gliatemnlti, .lapnn, Th? Nelhknd, at the lluinllloii llouie, erliinds, and Tliu J'lilllpplnu hBrooklyn, Saturday evenlna, lund'i, Other LOFT'S S1 Birthday Specials rJeihe'^Jmriur'of^i'iAl T«a* Seminary RENT-A-CAR SC99 5 PA 7-0479 ( NUT BUntR CRUNCH Keg > I At You Sjve Wt TAMOUS PARIAVS® Kej; il I'l You Save Mr CMOCOLATC CIIIRKIIS Re;j tf •(•( You Save 4')r CHOC. MARSIIMAUOWS K.'"A il I') You Save MATAWAN DRUGS 145. Main St. 566-0021 Malawan THE MATAWAN JOURNAL N. JL Sht — Rrtt Section It Looked Like A Kcyport Score Was In The Making Al This Juncture Thursday, October 10, 1963 Freehold IWoway Winds Up Banner Season This Coming'Saturday I M i mm M tfe* high lUc of Kcypcrt'i w r y agaiiwl Faial ricawal M m ( M l al Ihr right eigr «f the plc/urr. Gull lincmrn r»min|j up . mk <Mta>ta la feto m i M k al* the t*ani quaiitr Samtday al KHS• f u r Bcwcl arc Tain Went (No. U ) , a guard; <ireg Wttwr (Nil. 85), I M A 1 M B driva «aa I * carry (jvvalually I * Ik* Garact tiulla 4-yai4 •n end, and Ken Minify (Na. 72), a tackle. Kmnklc Mirro (No. 47), aa«. (a*, atea. M m Ut a» anpa«<. Oa tfcla kaMan play, Jiat Icalcl Keypart cmlrr, lrU-« hard I * get !• Ihe acme • ! action la inlfrerpt d U v M ) baa d M M I t * ratal P k i u K fatwaraa aarf ia maviaa aciau Item. Wtbrr » » • ! • b* I n * game's central flgurr, Okiag • bouncing Tbanka in Ibr inlrwlucliun af the twin iluublr, Ihr century-old; nalinn. cuniing in I * win driving N'o. », Bake'a Mary. On N'a. 7, behind • a • * • * aUa a l MM IwU ta Ibt haam that Jafca Darrr (Nu. 14), Key- ball ia ih* air in Ike Uul at wcaata »l the gamr In race gualward lor harness tracks al the county seat in enjoying it» grealrM teuton in I'arringlon in Ihe ri|(hl forefront of ih* picture, Georg* Melnar, Cheestfart ajwrtwina, C M tat* * M Bab Harria, a Caraat <Mi aafHy maa Ihc lone ladchdowa thai dwided In* acliaa la la* Gararl nulli Invar. aHea>danc« and pari-mutuel play. Thr piclurr above is «f Ihe finish; Hiiake, is shown driving Earl Klkingliw, awaed by Fred Snuflleaulham, af Ihe Bill Dougherty Aleiuorial Par* Monday, a race run in honor of,Morianville. Molnar, a MaUwan High graduate, received his buMrablt ftnse. The Guilt speed men were the Newark Newt npnrlswrilrr who passed away In July. Casey \ discharge from Ihe armed farces Sept. IS after a two-year tovr «l dvly. Sleagel used til It^ll the K|Mtrl« M'riHri, ufivr a particularly trylny ituy He if yvtling baek inln the ways of haraeaa racing al FreehaM after fh* covered on every play. Griger tailwith Ihe !M«t*, "Dwi|{li«rly Is the only one of y«u I Hani lo tmik t » . " :long hiyolf. Belure going l»io the Army, he was a Ioa»l1lgk! driver. ing Harris ami Sam Kirbinson, N*> The picture shows Hnbrri f'arringlnn, the lop winning driver ul the) nieth. The Gulls ends Tom Santoro ' and Wrber wt-rr blocked put with if|M>rt*i thr inixtd Ira^ne was u*»rti Ralph Manyo was ihe ilifferrme (him. The all-around Golden Falr*Kulari!y, except on that fatal la 11 Bosebo/f 4wards in tfir Miuthrrn division Ja^t M»ar play when Weber picked himself up as Ihe Monmouth Rrpinnal Oolilrn cons athlete racked up 110 yards •A ball bauncing aft • htlmel when a Deerr to Grt); Semenza falcons cruised over Ilif Raritan of hi> team's 213 in xldition to Family ni>sbt baseball awards w'th (.'(Kid rr*.ul(.*'. • 4 f t Jt Hcondi M l ( • play in Ihcpa»§ gave Keyport a first down »'. off Ihe (round 10 b* downfield In Township Rockm 20-7 in a foot- completing t»o paws in that firM On l)it ixHvIinj,1 fomrnittrr, Nef! will be made Friday al 8 p.m. at Hryaort • f t . r i e t u a t I n c h gam* their 9-yard line. But Coach John time te- have the ball bounce into ball liamr at Ihe »tnn«i firlil Sat- j half sortie to chnclunji scores. rrpresrnts Holy f-'amily. Kev. K*:l-ihr Ptaritan Township High School • ( K H S field Saturday tcttlad lam Kclly'a men ruse to ihe ocuision, hit arms. The Keyport interior line urday. Mango galloped away >o The Golden Falcons playtd it un- Wnlly Ncff, Union Beach, re- 'ty. Si Ann's, Georj-.** PyrUnU. .St. Ike arms of t Garnet Gull alaytr t u m h M Steneck. back five yards on was'lrcmendousVeven when V r . n t j l»'» touchdowns early, then r a » d der wraps once tliey had their suf- fcional director of the Mniimouih [ Joseph's; Clint NUGuir** jr , St. by the Holmdtl-Karitan K-l.i Lraauv. ' • f f i a v d !o be Meing anything like a (weep play. Then it was Key-te Mirro had lo be yankfd out be- off lo save himself for thr bailie ficient margin of victory. A hei>;iit CmUrfine's, jind WjJJJain A. f>'C«nearning hit way. The Gull play- pnrt'i turn to spill the brans wi:h cause of the battering he was tak- witil Keyp*>rt this corning Saturday j disadvantage prevented Such.i from County CYO jrw>rt*r activity, an- i on Ihe Falcons' gridiron. The Nork-. j nounced Monday An •.xpamlcil ! nt-ll, St. Mary's. . at, Creg Weber, had only lo ftreak unnecessary roughness, * personal foul costinx them IS yard* and endi'H. never threatening in Ihc first I making a fuller use nf the forward sjxiru program has been appiowdj •a I b * goal line without anyonr ing their threat to the Pt. Pleasant ing. half, iic-oreu in Ihe third quarter .' pass. The Hocket.1 nm.siMrn! /N^nOn the offensive, tht Keys abaaNew Home Field camiag near him for the only iccre foal line when they were set back (VI-I" and kept things even thi/xi^h i)?e j inf: aion); the ground was the more fur Ihe winitr »eason. The C Y O ! Cf Iht contest, Milling it in favor last half. Last year the Kulcons i creditable in the tecund half when for many \vnra had * The Kanlan Tuunship entry n , they had no passing threal iviih af Pi. Pteanant Beach M . discovered how susceptible t heal them 2C-6, so there was an opened. ball league with a diccrsan playN . « Tkru TucWay! Gulls were to operations like nak improvement against ih<* Manfio- I; «hich lo jpread Ihe np|wsition's de- off «tid also a twnvlmK program. the I'op Warner liiothall Leuyue The inference i i that Ihiii wan all rap-Notch fenses. d d d l d h d f f powered force*. y aJatcr tuck. It waf, bad luck for The bowling program will he e.vhnnn- panics this year. The anhciI •KTATISIKS Ntyport a i they hid successfully ed back wilh II In the KHS 42. BuiI from the T. The Red and While pundrd ihis w a r to ini'hule bowl- paied use of the Raman liij;h The Golden Falcons had a M"nre ; Ha i Moll . llrrald 1 ilbvac bailed down the puss, a fourth Keyport was back in possession in j failed to do as well in the second two plays alter lhe opt-ninji kick-i l<*! iny. for pills a* ucll hs U i \ v Hut School field for home yarnn cun!d dawn one from Ban Pourchier to short order when a shovel pass was j half as they did in the first in that <i(f. They brought it out to their; he bi^ innovation in I ' Y O SJHMI.S not be nblaint-d. it \\:is icjxjrtl'ij. 2 Big Culw Ililo! 1 Jeff Patterson thrown from the fumbled and KHS end Ken Thomas I they apparently did not sense thai own .15. One "proliinx" :f 1 this coming winter uill b*- svuinplay : Ihe Gulls had been corrected on sgainsl the Naritan imr* availed GulU 47 to the Keyport Mt-yarcl line was recovering at the Gull 44. p Never leave a portable heater uo2 ajke.-c it » u broken up in the air. nothing. Hut then MJIIJTO < wl ] w i ^ :I'unlj *li The Rev. 1-t-o A. Kelly, Keans- t hapi.-juncd while A is operalinj!. Jumrt Carncr I KumlilM loM The hall, batted down, hit Patteron the pas.voptinn, kc|>! tin- hull Vaiels penall/iil s i b i n ^ , is in chaise of the M*im- A l l poriabU? heaters may pri)«lucr [ , 5 hn 1 1 (7) GREAT ESCAPE" tea'* helmet, bounced ofl into verse play. An offside penally and intermission. -niE Karliyn ini n^ p i 1)jira in. R t*v. Kelly w i s a srnoiis fire hazards if nol detected ( , , cordon , bloekers . Wrl'h. Tin k»r. Kmlfc BiiHHif t •pace and Weber just chanced to be a run on a delayed buck and a While Kevporl did noi beat Pt. : J r m * lh l a! Hos!on ( o ! - in umt. Dn tittl place a jw>rt;ib)tr ll.tilli. O^rji*. Pleasant thenVselves.thcv probably I j ! * P» <" " " " / " " ' « ' " " " - ind running along at the *pot where it keep play made it a new Keyport r ;.w, N i t - - .)•/•.'•• f*>r t h i e f y e a r s . H e ;i healer near curtail)*-, drapes or • that some future rival rf I H,>, a r i K '" "• »"'^"«" «">«"•" came down. So he could become first down at the Gull 20. But here ^showed nincu Mini MM lie imuic n u n i'i . . . , n him. •It 11. Ci.Klian,. ; t h a t t i r r u n ^ L ' i n e n i s hu^r h r t n i'nn o l i i r r fUntniitbU-s. or .'.hrre MHIICDt*-T. Doiwhli* s. nhfii. ' , R l l a n | R Cwuiri* f;rar»t, Vinu«l. the hero of the game without effort the Gulls stiffened, tossed Doerr for lbeir Culls that i. is onlv nec«. i ?, "the Miiiitifl ) u d r d wilh ihr ' J ' r j d f W ; i : d s .SI*.J;» <itH' nrav c<n»e tn ainlml " ™ to "" V injury ' with i l . lluhy Kitsun. U I A I * • r design on his own part. a nine-yard loss on >n attempt *o sary lo wipe out Nemelh and! jjf, ermj4 over nn a faked handdlf C h i b . Sea B r i g h t , l u r t h e use of "A >UMMKH PLACE" fcnlpr ll.nhnt. ris on each play to contain the HurkK Welsh. Slnni?r. I t IB necessary lo say that bad j pass, The Keys iiirrtndervd lhe t h e c l u b jKiol T i n i r \ o u ! s *.vill h e ' Cherry and While. Harris is as shil- lor the extra point. I I I . S i , hick ilid beat lhe Keys. Tor lhey j ball after a flurry nl passing Doo:r belt) us Uillo'As: Kiirilan was Mwnied afler the ty a ball - earner as could be ask- , . . . ,. . . , /. Cl>ui<irr. ItM i.'n. MOF.-.I. W i l . kad t h * better of the going all the ! hit Siege) in the rial on fourth K.M..I (JO) Oct. I'l, •» a.m. for junior .ind Garnet Gulls Beat Keys 6-0 On Break Rockets Lose 20-7 To Golden Falcons CYO Basketball And Swimming j p DHL . * J I i a \ri» i y •" J down, but it was only lo the 19, ed. and Nemeth itiv.IJJ" j> : , . i l * * » t r i d . vl wiffft.rfT f* i off -- the • ma:k - ;:I'nsuin;: Imkoff I list f u l l MIHI hi'.it to MtiiiHinMlh K t Ends - Peru. HU I*-, Sllllpvui, V.'l senior l n ^ h b*>> •* and j i i r i s ; * U i. : 2'!. fre*«(iftian and j,-<»ph*;fii<'rt? Jn^h boys and y i r h . Nov. 1', ^ ( ^ i ades IKI\S and ^it K Rev. Ki'ity start's (!i;s is not : j ("i itlrrs • H'.iim-s. K'-Ic-ki, ty position, ^cttinj; away on a pu it a ieai n•[t,t-*w nn pm'',raiu, thai ,1 , rilaty, let along have a scoring I f u n i b k - d and Joe S t r a t a recover- | port decision not to punt with a is des• j'tU'd fnr tiin-*!1 wil'n .••(tine fftance. „ i ed fnr the Red Raiders at Ihe Gull minute and a half lo KO wilh thei Falcons tln*n went through a prol);r, i*. M. JJtJhh.'wil. I.ui-ai«*lh knuv. 'u'[\]:v o f su nnniMij.'. and <]r.'' cess of scoring n touchdown H plav, — . V.". * • * • " " , „ ; 27. Doerr passed up center to S i w l ball at their imn 3«-Vard line. i..>(•)- liciiin-wii 14 ii « i' n •( 7 ;n;r, i.hji !,'w> A ill have MHIII- . «finiy to have (hem nol t'ounf. Mil-.t* H.i r This could be taken by the Keys ,( o r a r j r s l d o w n „ l h e G a r n { . , G l l I 1 ' MMISTMs itLlo.'r,.. '' \\nr.Ku 2, I..!. ..Il-il;' '•• i ham i- ut i i i y k i i i i i a l.'YO -.w nn : • > balm for a cruel lurn or chance 6 . B u , , h e Keypori ihrust was diillLuccart'Mi bu licit his way off la* kk»»lr.l« K r\| i *rt itnt but (here wus holding ili-ierted u:ui aKiinst them. They had entered the ed when poerr fumbled and had lo in • in in K it-ti m win-n j i i \ f n 11 yuitls. it i i its -Itt-r liHiriMlic.n -• I.: 12 M" came gross underdoes in that the recover at the 11, Doerr pot lo theI' Jlil>. t / n s a m ! ^ i r i s h;i\ f done IWIJII it was no jjotxl. The l-'tlrnns were fi] 4<l Culnrri liiivhir.g K . t \ - I - riling on a conipciitive !KIS:S, jliey ' Garnet Gulls had thrashed Ihe de-7 on Ihe pass - option. Hilly Gcijier Yards 5« j bark ; i ! their i m n 'lit. Man^o ran 45 Yantfi )^).st Hu^turif fending Shore Conference " B " hit up center lo the 5. Hut on four:h should report !heir spec:a!ty ;m ! out of a fake pass play, hut the 11 13 ••ay, had the only two scoring tft chance*, reaching the Gulls 9 yd.which was not enough. Maikii. . Tfti-klm -K in l a c , then h the h 4 4 yd. d line, li i hthe : hull). |{I-MP. la Trouble, Agaia | C;uanlK - Rurkrti. 5nuin, first half. At no time did Ihe Garnet Bui the Gulls were in trouble | belly SITJI'S plays lo net two first i hfth-i. Mart/ Culls ti*t very far into Keyport It,-- r j K ht a w i y a B ain when Nemeth , speed - merchants, playinj! in safe- rtiK.=W champs, Ocean County Central Re- down, Geijier was slopped at Ihc {he times iht?y hnvt * pron.'riurt* usrd to draw fht* Wartlional, 2Mi the iveek hefore. The 4 and the Gulls took over. in it J | tan tli-fftulfrs into a irap c!id nut Commercial League M Yurds Gained PAKRir** Gulls were rnted to run over tlie Keasun I or Program M j set too well with lhe r r f e r r f v The Wilh time running out in Ihe first (J J'i)«.Sf9 Leaders At Plaia Keys accordingly in a hi^h scoring half, the Keys hud one more ! hail was talied back from the end \ef.' (.'Xpiarns one i r a s ' m lor i.(>n] 2 lntci ."•D1**(I came, being far letter off Ilian chance. Pourchier elected lo pass .\u»)U-r J | zone and put down tin !be (iri-t-n 2 fininj.- I'm* pro; 1 ' n i 'o thoM1 who ' nt Piinin )4 Dutrh - Snt'fvh i o n n Coach Stan (Tuffy) Baker's piny- out of his own end zone and the^v•. Di M i i u r I'unu*. Y»ru.*< 3C«3 j and Cray '1b. Falcon rimters had :inui". to l i a i l lhe .Airport I'ia/a have *iad ;t tut-asnre «'f f\p«ri*-nc<* (i; (( IllliU •Ji» of K i r k s , Y a r d * era in weight, depth of manpower Keys had him trapped back Ihero. Numht jiorne loud rum ark* tti nuiktf about ( omini-i'ilal liu'.vhn^ I.t-a^ne ;i f! i- r : 2 i t'f Kuinhlrr. 3 all f J»is, bui they w* r-* ]>M> unk ind and having speed to burn with tvui But they let him get awuy and Timrs 1 [iu* l i r r d s \ u k t»f fijni|if[iutHi. Its .- for trvmns \ M I ! 11 Ii r of r«M).->lti*A Conference running to thi; officials to hr printed. !,k*r t " ' M*'M j p - champs, . . . Dan, he was out to his own 4. In this NiUTlIx M-rord :s ni,,.- «in.s anil t h , - e loss- ' » "y- v ^ " ami .\nui.i |.r.' Ul 3J2 V arris | Passes l o r I irs( U m n fer lo coniptMi* sn if : J ! in*! than I'l. Ptra*»nt ntarh ( f l i. ..„ ,^ ~ . "*"•'•• '" ' r (tarn* il looked as thouch a decisive baiMitld. yet the Keys were lhe |t w o p, lillls h a d mten EfKl> - Jordan. U'rbrr. F r i Slanjm sti]Je<) (he indignation ;/i a w a v fron, J f - o n r I . - i . n i s . lli.iiiti- G l i i " . K n o ; l - . « " » ' • " ' " ' " , '•'";"• wncr team, even if not the scorer. |l h e N ( ,(|a n ( | while- on their'failure loro. : tlie breasts of Monnututii H f ^ ^ o n i l r r a / l S i n n S i m p . I o m 5 l o r d m u l M " " i ; " ''•'•• k >- l l »-' 1 1 '•' " l l 1 " when it was nil over, and Ihe *i<i faniioni with » pa>» to I)*-nn'<i A : i ( X ) i t F l u / a , a i ^ lit-d l o r M I I H U ! Hll Guards Mcsrroll, u \ It1 (o rack up a. safety. Hut the half nifiennce of this became the more could not go out before somebody W 'Simpson, an end, (or a firM do*vn (-*], Htv Krltv ir.miHint i-s, l i t i l.V^ard ' I I , I H - I ) i n M n / : n i i ! i i , I n " . P I . I . r\|H'n«.(-s of holding I ) H ' : I > .. ^ " „ w w d , c a m c ! n i was itictirrinK another 15-yard penF'»uttfii*r. K*n\*ih, Harris : at ihe Green and (Irav • lint-. Next time he kept instead uf P T Ihat-thaOceaa Central learn, so :a | , v l h L , me b y Kevpurtlhal U»ik i P » ; ScliiHil ami Sllllt/.'s (111. 7-5; Kall'i- CoiiteMan!v \%i!i i i i f y n ^ r tlu-ir 1 pas«.ni^ on the rollout and wit* tfir»»hM» by Ihe Gull*. ha«l. in turn,; tht - Gu lls'oui nf lhe tight spot near j and Mi 1-jrl.inil. V r1'11I f u i l u - i s Inifisfmf i.ifton, l ' \ ^fujf>.s DI away for the previously denied " • • o v e r Malawjn M-» i Iheir own «oal line. KIHI.H S«niciua. 'Itiolnai. ScoU iiuicn. Vrt*-:. Mmmmirh ! The game had an oddity all Is( A n dl t w rl)UKl,hmisinK was in evi- Tnilile* wtniamn, Harlnmo. klctlol- touchdown. I.uccarelli (hen drilled"« and Mi!lu»[> ( i l i f v Si'rvirt'. As ri'ir ha-ki-lhall. I n * M r . N'«PIJI. Hurk.'iardl up iht? tnitfdle to make, it a saftown. Thsre were I I aenallrts called „,,„,.,, again ^^ „ „ „ s e c o n d 4-K: Wh.i'u- Ayi-m-y. .l-!l; and d a l r s vup<T\ !sor nf CY') iic(;\!(v ;/l and th» net yardage tosl on P™»l- half upene»l. K»ypi>rt took the kick- I'.udrlls IV>t. 1 .arinki. H . i m . ' . ' i . Jonkinj- 14-0 for Ihe home side. MCM-I.IJ'1-.. I-11. ties camt close lo equalling the net,)>ff o n l v l 0 ^ , c t b , c k(<) l h ( . i r The Rockets M r u b i e d manfully .• Norm \dutialo o l l o ; n s l-o.d i u s * plans will be hi'l.l O i l . 16 i:l HAi-k.< - Di>«rr. Ri>tln-nn. 9i*««l. yardage game from •crimmaKC. !o w n | 4 | o r , personal foul. Beutel , lo j^et out of t h n r i m n territory capiMitd lu^'ii ^ame honors \'.:,h y 'Mt p i n al Si. M a n ' s Srhool, : j Pt. P|p, is'»lll'r .e:iih (! "• l > » • Indeed, for the victorious Culls. ;w o r k t l | l h , n l , k t l ) reverse again : Knpurt » U II »--« TM. Oti'u-n loimoii lin- L'lll/ t'luh :.(•« Mnmnoiilli. Mclnsh nsks their toss of yardage on infractions .a m J | h r K f y ,n a U , , j r s l j . ^ . , , a l i I'lMirlitldiin WeWr. no avail. Htm S.u;hs, quarterback, 1 Ilill Kali'..-. paii'iic^ a m n i p a i m j ; i ' i f i/niiy exceeded what they gained uy! l h f i r i w n jo B u tt l w n l h e Gulls • nffuialH t n an, Vhkilftno. Bvin.-. pas*if.'d from deep in his msn terri- VVITP I-rank !U: jsMire iiuni'cK».*s Hi l i i f 234; 11:11 Ctini-s, '.'X1; ]-xt I n l | i I. a ii-.iio 1 r»shin(( the ball. | stiffened and lhe Keys had to punt . Hflnnl. Utrv. Such a pus* was in*ert'#-p'-><J .'ll.l, l > m M r, i \ ail.J ))!;.'v MI a 'ii'Dir- i»uiii anil ; 21.1. [lob (Jnrluii. •The game opened with the Culls Gelgir *ol awav a u<«jd kick thai bv l.iiccarelli at the H ant an 2!> r i | io i!ci utl- :1 lhi-:r Cainhj :d;.:H, I'l'li; Huns ( i r o y 1\1. be pii'|>.i! 1 brlnsing the kickoff out lo midfle,.l! N t . m t l h cm]ll n o t h a n < l u , , ( l l u . He«l And Toe Club i and run down ' " i h r 10. hut the !i»- on Sunday Rav 'JO'.1; l a i k S nv'-i ^iit'm j;aint-s ^iiouiil In « stirring ninhack by the Speedy ;C u | , 3S > n d l h e P l P | , a , a n t p|,,V! half wliiMle t-fuinOttl before (ft** jllrrnttui* nr Muni1 isrrkd; • rjl); H.T!I Hai-i,,. '.'(I'.'. Hill Dii:.'.-. •'"•'•'"' Hnrrls. The Gulls struck over into je r J h a i J ,o scrambit ,„ prevent » Plant Rally School Falfons totiltt bat away for anoth- 224iin<l I'll.): I « I I f'.i^iini.. Vll'l l l u ^ i Si'iiMin Opener Keyport lerriloryy on (wo plays. yp py K H S r t t . o v , r y a l iMr o w n ri. •' cr ji'.'ocifiy ! r v . Dick i- -lill; H'll l r i - : » . i > l . .'HI ''"' I The Ht*tl and To* Sport* Car But then they were caught m their Me««t • a N Bacli l.;i.s( \ r y ; Si A •-/»•-.< The Ruikets suffered «.irn»ih'*r John W,;ki-Tiv !t\\; lulin ( r a r i : Cluh invite* ouneri of sports cai«, .''I • " l>''1 first infraction, illetial me of lunds, They punted back l» the Keypori I lo enrol! in iheir fifth biennijJ .setback wilh the sran of ihe <ei*- .'11 .mil A l j n t'vlt-.rvm viilamS; Si Ann'** 'Di I i , I V ' ' " ' ' ; and back they went for \S yards. 29. then a piling on penally moved 1 Spnrts Car Rally Srbou) u h u h will ontl half. Thev could not pun andDilllT nf P.I I. Sl-hiH>l In', M-lli-S Kt'.tiT-i),!' - , SI. Marv'*'. Nfi\v Mon>\''-'"* 1 A past downfield d f i d was intercepted d t h eR e J , n d while over into Gull i Mart ut ft p.m., Friday c\*nmj» .it Warren Owens went back lo punt. h:pll nl hli:i ,IIN! Ihr HiHldr Cil.i-v I(iiouri. 1 1 St. J(it.*p)i's. K(".fw»fi; ."""', - ; • ' I . heyport 3». The fearsome ,'t«rri««ry again. But it did Ihe Raidj the Cnit". Net-k Inn. C'omhuti'cl bv leant ro]!rd «i ii'-'.v fnj'h nl L'V.'J Uty r a n u K . l nn»n HfJi , i . Si. C Ciull.s had been contained in I h e i r , „ , n o K O ( J U . A penally, as usual, t champion nillyisis, lhe ruurH 1 will his head nnd he had to make a a i h r f i ' ^ ' j m f MTi<"«. I hr ' i am a:M> iiit''« I- av| Kt'iiitsliur j : ; Si. .) ami**, first offensive Ihrust. , m r d o j f t h» Gulls chances when K'-d Mank a ml H«n\ ( " « w , Kfirni consist of three Kriclay eveninn franiic tldFii u> recover it befoj e c a p t i n i i l tram hi^'h ^aint* hiuiurv Inla GaaV TetrUary •on. r n i c r f d tciiniv they louk over. At the end j fiHSst's. sliort praciice ralli#»*. « 75- [ h e (johlt'n }• nitrons tlnl at l h e R j i r The first two Keyport plays, a third quarter, the Keyport team : mi)*» novire rally, »m! a ^ian* syi- tun 15. Hut it was the -same difOn i*tu!mj.' n will M;m tin*. S J I cronsbuck and a pass, did nol getfailed lo get a first down when they 1 tern* show. ference HS Manyo handed off <o Holmdel Golf Tourney UtlfilV y i.'l i i ( T l . | l u - flTSt M M ) anywhere, But Jim Beulel then had only a font lo y« fur it on fourth I.uccarelli cm a ilrjuv play an<l th*1 ui't-Ki of ih,.s activ : t v tnr I This m a rare opportunity to gain SchaduUd Oct. 19 tame out vf a naked reverse with down at the Gull W. Golden Falcon fullback was crashM I I M T I I T I itt l l j r n t o n y L u n c i . MidfjnicJiJv i n * knmvlrflgf ami f.xperIhe ball lucked behind his hip and Time was consumed by double ing his way jioalwnrd to a third i dlflnw n. v\ :(I Uf iii'\o!ed to ifclf ,p•freaked to a first down al the Gar- penalties on Gull attempts lo punt. ience nrinlnl lo hcjiin enjoying iliis Monmouih Regional io((ch<lown. It The llotmifel "Icuiisiup R**,TM.I ni'jiiM^.' avi'/jj'r'" ]'h#*n h sthr net Gull 4.1. This surprising devel- Tht Gulls Wfre containing the I f a i t r t i K row in-- <if Hdult *tp»rt]i. Ap- made little differencf that the tion t*<irnn»i.ssi<»n will sponsor 'hv will hi* drawn and t nMipi*1 iiion will < phcal'um blanks are •v.'iifable u( 1 opment stirred tha Keypurt side o Keypori ground jame from the T foreff* uf Coach t y Hen*tun missed .trroml ;innu«il UMIJIMJ *! fjnlf 'J'onn• show of emntlaa aiid hope. An now and Nemeth brought Ilieni to 1 your loral spori»i t a r ilralfr, or (he [xiint on thi«i one. nment for l l o l n t d r l resuiiMtt^ and phone the rfjiisirnr at 747-54S7. f f i d penally l and da return loh effside the , n t Keypori 38. Iheir d deepest pene- : their friends Sutuitiay. Oct. if* at r o n s f t of two hov «t. i " o ^ i : is. jm: Rftclivlt ,Sl«rl Moving naked reverse gained a new firnt I trmion'of Keypirt lerrilory all the J^ tt'iH>i'k mum. \hf J o u r n e y w ; ) l one ^ n o - m i t t 1 MI i j u h M - \ . A |».ir down nt Ihe Pt, Pleasant .11. Bui i »am* with liie fourth quarter half MHS JV, froth, be over IX hole*; a! the Old Orchard of fortune. Tnkinjt the pnsuinj( the Keys went lo Ihe well wilh lhe ! ;,„„,. i t , , i h r u s , s i a | | r d at the Key(inlf t nuivf, Kifmiiown. kivkoff out In Ihetr own 23. tlirv plny once loo often, liwt five yards, „,„., j | , m , .vicccssion of running Football sellcdiiIrs for freNhnun ihf r'umny1 iin\f fur ri'^rcviilii' tispii up the third period by t t u i ^ . tht'n were thrown for another loss pluys nnd fjiyi'M* (ciinj«: ut M.iluwun Hi1is (hi 1 - S i t t u i i i n v . He*.ci \ i i i i o n s « n d 1 j^inj through six first downs and : : •nil hud lo punt. The punt was par| |,,i Keys i-hiim-r was »M upjiionnl Hijih S» !KK)I have been an 11 yurih Ut score on iheir oun nt'.- l e e s s h o u l d he n u u l i i l l o t h e p > l f j nounccd hy Hiirry Riz^n,- alhlclii s cotmnita•*• ol Jr'w ivrf^nlxm nm) tlally blocked, Ihc Gulls coming i n - i D V cieice'r Hn<l Doerr on run nnd count, Sachs sen I Brad Powers, to possession on (heir own ,15. i ^ p ^.^.f [ r ( l m , h ( . p . , l s . opium : iUicvUu. 'liw jiivwe.*- will [));iy }'t. Loft in Swatter mut Frank Tlv int-iMim ill f ' O . \Ut\ 14, Mottntl*-! ! Plensnnt Hi-ach nt fuunr, Oct. H ; I't i/es A ill \)v aw iirdeil (or j;t u-s The Gulls sent Harris on hi* way i( o ( i , r f». Mnihuni 4-1. An iiili-ri'i'pmore on tijtmloff* inio (fit* Cioldcn fair a first down over In KHS ter-; t i , m t[ ,)„. <:;nil :12 ended il. Patter- ! Hjiiilan Tn\vn«hi|j. a u a v. Oct.l-'dlcon forward wall through 13 .'in<I net ••rc'fps, ( i m r M to i}u> j i m ', 2\; Kcvjtorf, awity, Ort. 1' N , Madion the fourteen!)! hole jnid l(»i^i",t rllory. Ncmeili reached lhe 45, bill i s o n r , c t d ,)„. | 1U || 1,,,,-k i,, i|u- KcyIhc offii'inls dfterleil a f;'aW)in« '( K , r | ;|7 , • „ „ , , | , i , . r (,,n.s(.,l ti> Weber I Mm Township hinne, Nov. - I ; Wall • plavs nnd six firM downs to the drive on ihc seventti Imlc, (i»p!f M<rnftt<t(i(h Reffioitiil '1. Clvmore (•(itninitdc [iicnthef^ «ct' .Uthn !•:(/• Ibe-fave-imisk infractlt>n and back ' „ t n , « e y i IH, hut then three m n T I Twp., inMiic. N'ov. 11, iiiid Kitimon Ihe Gulls were marched inlo Iheir , passes were bnltrd down mul thrmviiy. Nov. Iff. AH jiiyvr*' j/i'imcs -.mashed over. Owens kickeil the .siiiniiofis, I>nn Kinpsliiiu), Kobe; I own side of the field, lhey Imd id j defenders l<iok over, l i n e ihc Kcis i Jiff it: HO p i n , The frrshniiiti will j point nnd il \\a*i J(i-7 for the ( i o l d r a Hratly nnd llniry Vadas/. P1"1^' ' gambled un\visely, havinu ftiur i tackk' Short' Nekton it) nwny at Falcon*. I h f Hot kem tnid one nutic ^. ,10 p in. Oci, M; T u p . j Then tin* lelnllnllon mi the Key- y.rds tn j n on fmiiili d<i«u Irom JIWJIV it I 111 H.m. Oi-i. | ) i ; Ki'\pnr( 1 chance. Their btR tackle, Cainu-n Steve Nester Heads porl side broke mil, A nmli/ick 'o i iheir own 38. They tmidr naiv .in Hi lionic <ht. ?-1 HI .1 :ili p in ; Wall ("ni'liiififi. (•(•rnwred ft {irtldcn Ft\\mldfu-ld en me lo iinunlil nnd Ihr j | n i -h. It jjnve lhe CiulU the hull T u p tiuay • ! 3:KJ p.m. Nov. I I ,con fiiinl>l«> on (lie lioni(> ! ' i n n ' s 4 | Monmouth Tennis Club Red Ruidrrs were buck nl Iheir | without hi'iiiK pinned deeply hrn'k find K t i m w n hi>mr *1 l);^(l p.m. in thr litsi quarter. Jose Peret, h l e c t i n i i g w i l l 1 held a l Ihc Oi.:ln fl«n 20-yard line on a cllppiiiK ficti- i n ( 0 rhr-ir own icnltory. It the Kockefs 1 specii1 m r r c h i m t cant* Nov. \h. ntT mectinv! of ( h e M o r k t ' o U l t - r * <>l ;' ally. Then the nction ht'iiinif more *lmrilly lo ninllvr whfi) n n»vii«« inio Uif LMtiir u h r n S'.\iinj'er antl the MonniiKJlh I'l-Jims t'lnb, ()u\y,o yniPMHiie, Wayne Sienei'k cut u»- Kcy iWrnre tlirrw PinirchiiT Clynioi'i' ii|i|H'il ,nwl tnrc i h n r w.iv inH pr-'-iridit (Untyv |)i»yU- w c l licM for 18 18 yards on a dtlayiil huck for yank on ci mi iwo allrmpi" lo i d ! 1 Conference Reminder • fur ii f i c i I'nwn, [hen h,id f m i n h t o m r d lit'- n* ^' tpffici'rj. who in .•: down and I n • ' in -.'o ni the MI>IV •Sieve W - . ' r ! , p r r m i l i ' i i l ; A)jin M;i • 1 roujshhoLiMni* penally ( o h\w\\>. I h e his. o w n n-rriiorv. 1 in Siwti v f 'mift i ''lire 1ms iinmouth U i M i i u l .'.*) Itul l!)r ( i n l i l m huniilil, \ ! f ' jii r s H l n i i : Dun K'-l ; KMS first ekiwn ptiMt tin* mitfii'-iit \ M w r i H (>*>•*n PHKH noimri'd HII r> I'liiil i u d i i ^ i liiil io f-'iilrun-i h.iil Ii -.nil M-Hii I'.-iiv, 'i« Ii'ht'i', 11 .'iisin1'.'!1 iind I iirnl K'->iM r l p « . Juhnny D i w r r r o j c h c i l llu? ; ' | ) ) r n mmr Dnil hist i J r * | * f i i i i r wns >> Jtuii), iind 'lie Ki)i'l(w i l l 41 tin n keep piny, unly t<» t r y on f m i i l h d o w n , it wobbly pus*; lltltll'll til V'iUHl MM tlH' s.ll 1 '1 'S i'l rts ' l i n e * \ , i ' . slo|)|ii'd in n l i u r i v . .\ii'inlH<is m o it'iiiindcd thai the ' hiive (ho bull m o v n l down to Hit1 uriuVr pri'SMirr Unit I hi- Keys hiM- iinv i n n h ' i ' in i' IIMIIII. II . -1 i -• It i *i I he Ildllir '.nit- llll'l) [ihi<,-!'il \uii- •iniiiiul (in|)hy tliiuici d i i m c , w l i i - h VU r i f i i f i a u l 2ti->iii'iJ murkiT ns J ! (»••! tUtwn f»l U H r i n i n Mi, - m l y t'. full, h'niiik / . i m p il<> ). • . ' IIJ :') si'ssu-n !n«,l]jj'l| m -tin unt Ihc c l n i l i » i ) l (tJ.sfi c c i r l m i l * 1 Die -lOlJ) nnnih l i l f . I h r • dislHniT . lo - the . n o i i l - i luivo n ?.; riV. «• P j i i i i s o n ' * . li.'imci Sf'iionl I'l i|M'i|),ll. .Ml.MiMiir 't| [|i,i< mi Irsi i he iiniliM MIIIS Hock' 14 (II ;i',v vtMMiiv, will In* ticlil Ot-t uii iit i h r , line pi-miliy for sliiKr.iiiK ''V ll>(< j. Wiimrc off to tltr a r n ^ i»f \'.w »i-l*'- one w ill he |M i null -1 1 n;i ' u- «• ti!*•• <i'u •'<'•'• lor n i n i l n i l , Item on Hit I Connlr v ('kih, M i •< A J i r r Mil- y,nnu\ i'muh HfUKim N*\tif"*r, 'J;ait'r ihjujMum, rcijii/'s's ftJir* U I I I K H I I ii IM'. 1 - •tiili'Uiu- |i,t%Hl-'IrM D o w n I - W Kcy|M>rf ; *MUIL lim< vvlih ;m M-CUIKIS I r f i . 1 lliiil tin- only i r a l ilif. miMiiheis |o i nil her lur infornwi*. *'«* Will (UllV It' I'.-ilH'il Iu I lie pM".'.. , lUhnllli'il H i r O u l K foiintl IhntiM'lvcK i n .i | O n Ihc ijcncrnl piny o l i l w yaini-, fl'H'IH I1 hrKMTt) I 111* I I'll 11 IS Will lion nnd icsn vtniotis for inrmbcrs i and trw Gulls urrf hi u Unm thrir leo tirrrww a new off Ihr hall mill |»il him ikiun in i»lrty i I)II; Kry* ivcic itvttinnUnit on ilv- Ihr iltf-niliii|< pliyHJi iiin tun! i o.u it i l)iii! 1 in h<itl M<in/;n isinhini; Un U l Mfl >t<ri i, »« IMIID ittcrii*T V THEATRE KEANSBURG *.»pcn l-ti. • Sat. - Sun Sninlay Cone, from 2 I* M1 Kidd'it Mat. Sat. 2 I ' M . Now Thru Tues ALSO TARZAN'S 3 CHALLENGERS JAWS mm ict)UE» UMfl im Now Thru Saturday Tinv IJorcilhy McGuir* "SUMMER HACE" Color Extra Fri. and Sat. COLOR ARTOON CARNIVAL STEVE MCQUEEN JAMES GARNER RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH Sun. - Mon. - Tuts "Wives And Lovers F.XTKA ADOKD ATT. MiNDAY MAT. ONI.V "Tanen The Magnificent" "Great Escape" Sayre Woods Theatre ^AYKl•; WOOD 1 SHOPPING C KNIER I A I-7MH Now Playing Shown A l 6:20 ft 9:10 Free Parking j Smoking Section THE GREAT ADVENTURE BEGINS W»TH STEVE MCQUEEN . § * JAMES GARNER 1 X RICHARO AT1ENB0R0UGH COLOR:,.,. P6NHVIS1DN - mm mm JMMS McOUfEH SMKR MIMMOVIII w OEA.N MAflllH - IANATURNER "WHO'S COT THE ACTION?" 7£>:'HN-N:V HI M • i »i NMVISIW „• ( I . - ; fjcBcjr'f '''wr ''*r | r m . c i H'«i.»wiiii) —""1 Mlijril j HAII HOAI) "•A I. M A T , .KillM WAVNIi "l.OMANC III-'.MOS" " H A f A M N A NODIN" THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Ifcurrioy, OcteW 10, 1969 Rockets Open New Field; Huskies, Keys, Play Away; Spartans-Rams Matawan Twp.PW Teams In Split I Jersey Shore League First Section — Pag* Seven Don I'orovfuhio and run 65 yards i date iast Salurday preparing for for llie ionr louchdown <>[ the game. j the, big battle with Mnntdair. BOWLING STANDINGS1 Ocean Central Thumps iYlatawan 20-13 to Metuchen. a team lln.'y quarterback, Binkie Moriarty, back would nut have played for practice hands of the defending Shore Contor this one. Ron Sachs has Ixvn some years ago. then were ripped ference "B" champions. Ocean i.'ulng a good job since .Vlorlarty eml-for-end Saturday by Highland i County Central Regional at the Golden Eagles' field Saturday. Park B-i. Highland. Park Is anolh-i This is the worst setback suffered er team the Bricktowners would! by a Matawan eleven since the in the defensive, leaving .Vloriar- have run over only a few years' ly without having to do more on ago. So fallen are the mighty. Tli" days when the Huskies were lanorkfense than fill the deep safely Spartans «h4iuld be the equal of lin", with Ihe powerhouses of Brick role. Ocean County Southern Re- such Oeoup II combines as Metuch-: Township. gional hns sustained defeats in their en and Highland Park, MI it looks' Saturday it was a one-way shov.. Iv.o games to dale. K e y p o r t like the first big day in gridiron ' as the defending chumps, with lefuiuelched (hem 13-7 and then Ruin- history for the Madison l.ighl Blue \ ttrmen starters al nine of eleven ton opened its season by blotting and While Saturday. positions, dominated Ihe picture .ifter a colorless first period. them out !3-l last Saturday. Rackets Have Chance I.est things be made to look Ion Tie encounter with the Rams harsh for Malawan, it can be said marks this first time this season that this is an even belter Ihe Rockets will not be going into eleven that performed last year. 11 game overmatched. The They are championship veterans Southern forces lost their ace, with another year's experience under their Wayne Wtlsliirt, by graduation aivt Union Beach and Keansbuii .... . . belt's. Nobody . but , Brick three other letttrrmen in the back- nroved no match for Kevport and ' l l , l ™, h l l 1 appears to have a chance 1 1 1 litld. Accordingly their offensive is 1Fair Haven respectively in the lead I"". I "'" " <his writing and the a bit on the.rudimentary- side so , games of Ihe Jersey Shore p,, p i N< clobbering of Maiawan w,l not o ny h season with i Jim i Rubriglu, H b i h Warner League Sunday The Key i far tills P" l n " plus lambaMj.nd Jim Sculba their passing am! | , „ , , Blackbirds rulled over Union > ' " « , l h t , G»ld«n r ; ; l 0 u m r v a ninnin;; backs. 32-S while ninnn;; b c s . The he Ram R mline will I ffeacrh I Beacir:i2-VwhHethe Kiin^bur ' l 'i l " ' ' I n ' 5 ! e a r o n ' r '" w outweigh the Rockets. Hut ihe ! | j | u ( , j c l l n 5 succurr.t>ed to the Fair' '''• ''' * a n t *'llvero lcruised over th's am b Green and Cray forwards ha\ have 1 Haven ^ i ''' ^ **•' '' ' P '"'nH 'lay of the 2!M>. The Sl>i more mobility. "' n n w i " remain the shore fooland y II .should b* a nice ti> , Fair Haven ,thereby' Kn i cteams mn!> lltlIuy Falcons, Birds, Big Scoring Day i.ven s a m e With which to open r,nv l i e d to thi; public. .1 , r i l n , i n U ( . ( l t 0 i l m b | t . a | o n ( , l n c hf-jd of the league. t.asily d't hall mystery of Ihe year. • » • « Penetralln Keyport came out of Ihe Pt. noii^* those of not such formidMalawan's best penetration w a s Pleasant gaine in good physical able Mature, Matawan's Falcons, a heave down to ibn Golden F.agles *bnp.\ FrunUie Mirio. center, was ! hoping to push up with the leaders ' 33 by Frankie D'Apolito, subbing a bit shaken up. but he will be I' made mincemeat of Morgan 40-11, ' for the injured George Morrell. itaciy to no. The Keys feel that land New Shrewsbury passed 'he , George Siebert. hack in Ihe Marnon with their success in containing the j Rarilan Township Rams into ex- j and Steel lineup a (irsl lime this Garnet Gulls' Bob Harris and Dan Unction 27-0. , year, distinguished himself in pass Neineth, Rulph Mango, by himself; The Keypori • Union Beach game i receiving. Jimmy Mclna did a good slone, presents no greater difficul-' saw Ray llalliday take Ihe play j! job in getting loose for downfield ly. Mango is a belter passer titan ] away from the Beachers from :he |;blocking on those few occasions any the Gulls had ond Mike Luc- •start. He scored three times in Ihethat Malawan had anything 10 carelli, Monmouth Regional full-' first half, capping a long march! hack, plunge! up center In unwnfield in the first quarter with ; style than any of the Gulls. ja , 0 . y n r d d a s h j n l o [ h e ,,„,, , n n c ; But defense is not so much the . H e ,„,, | h t . s . , m e i n , h e s ( c o n d . , The Huskies' glaring • , * h «, d(,f w j | | 'f weakness ; , , : P to g o 25-yards after receiving ' season. Ocean Central quarterback, Keys will not wb' U , T-formation pabe able to «o in for i t f o r h i s t h i r d , c o r e _ U n i ( m B e a , h K ( | J , e r K r i n t . V | u s l , ( , | h ( , p a s s . ( l p . assing ana u e e p p r , . s t . m t . d no special threat in Ihe ! lion wilh deadly erfeel once the •flays. Their single wing, nnvipr power #:. :IMI>|J> lumii . stalemated . . punting y duel. of . trie first ' first. i.-i# half. tight,' should be more in evidence quarter w a s a thing of the past. Oat Big Mamenl looks like a ,ti|flu Saturday. It lo g one The F.agles marched gnalward with •••••-the Keys having Ihe ' edge. ' the Beachers had one big mo- along Ih'j ground as the first quarHurl By y l ajj w i n ment in Ihe game. They put on a ter was drawing m a close and ' woes have h b Matawan's beeri conV" daz/.linj; handuff in Ihe bnckfield Kriney struck on a pass to Dewi-y |»unded in advance of the Pt. Plea- early in the third quarter out uf Marvin as the second quarter opBrian Kenny came lo pa-is rant encounter. No George Morrell which ened for ihe first score (if the ball 0 3 ,„ pass ,,.,.,., punt ,,„ and run has now IH*< i " . crossover play to Ed Oster10 me. The, F.agles repeated the enme no Frankie D'Armlitii for ihLi v'dj that caught the Keyport do-, - , ,: , . .:• ., 1 ilulv cither The Dint sized and fenders unprepared and was good, P*""" '" 1 1 -'. 8 , 1 • M a t ' l v ; ? 1 1 c n u l d iiuij u i n i r . i n c pirn . • ' " • " • . , ' • » „ ). r a 7 t v a r d worin» nt-iv " o l t!"1" ! l l u l " a ( 1 '" v i e d posses^punlsy understudy for Morrell has | " •• i>.var(i scoring play. ' Sion From mid'iel.l ihe tl utwlvr beon forced out with a knee injury, j After Ihis one big splurge, the ' mui.ieiu m t tnunuering Central horde moved in. then In addition, the a c e guard, Bernie J Ueachers had had it and they Kriney sen! a crossback heave 10 Fagen, had lo be treated at Paul lapsed into a slate of being buffef- the cutting - over Marvin that left Kimball Hospital, l.nkewood. afti-r ! ed. A Slusarz • to - llalliday hullon- the Mnuiwan deep deft-rise a total Ihe Ocean Central nami'. s u is 3 hook pass for 40-yords ran up thevoid for the j^eeond toLuhdnwn. douhilul starter Saturday. Coach! score against them and a Mike The third Central score of the Barry Rizzo has put logelher it] Phelan Rvyard run from an interquarter came afler a breakawiy makeshift backfuVId of Ron David,. ception finished them off. run by Richie Norcross. Kriney Bob Woolley, Tom Dcvino and Billy I T h e Matawan deprediiiions shovel passed ID Marvin on the Farrell. It is to b« noted three of j against Morgan started early and wing al the M1IS 12 and it was 20-0 these players are linemen drafted; kept going late. Twice the Falcons at halftime. fcir such backfield duty as they can : scored in the first quarter, Jim Recnvtr Fumble perform. Farrell. wh<i has shown j Rice on a 35-yard dash around end \ y Things became even more dull at an unusual adaptability lor pass and Glenn Walls/.ak splitting die intercepting from his tnd post, is center . - the . .. line. This stennd_ the start of [he second half, from of lne looked to do morv of it playing :n touchdown was set up by a fi.Vvard . Malawan standpoint, as Sam Ihe safety role. Me- is II ft. 1 in. tall run by quarterback Steve Long on Oughloii, Ocean Central end. recovand a basketball pbyer. so Coach a krep play. . ered a fumble shortly after the Hizzn is experimenting with him as S»c—a1 Quarter Score* second half kickoff at the Ml IS 19. Ihe possible answer in Matawan's The second quarter wns more Malawan rose up lo pin a loss on deplorable lack of defense in depth. and worse of Ihe first for Morga.i. Marvin, but Kriney then called on Wilbur Underwood ivill take Far- The Falcons' Randy Davis wowed Norcross and the alternate Gold the crowd by first running lii yards a n 'l Maroon ballcarrier romped .n U's usual place u\ end. o ra fourth score. Miiliiwan is hurting along the and then H.5 ynrds from scrimmage. ' {line. I.Ki, where John Bradley 'S Thtr second one was called back on i The Malawan team came up wilh Viil of net inn at tackle. Bui it can- a penalty for clipping. Hut Ibis ; a good runback by Ron David "n nnl bt' un all one-way deal, all bad. iKilhered Ihe Falcons nut at all forthe ensuing kickoff. But the Hus1 45-yard kies had 10 go to the air. Ihe big The M'lroun and Steel gets back .1 Rice cut off tackle for 1 spot runner, Kd Gallo, Saturday. touchdown jaunt after Long and Central ends were swarming in With him available, the Huskies Davis had brought the ball out. over O'Apolito, Huskies passer. ran step up their running attack ui Davis made another of his stu- Marvin grabbed off the pass to mnke up tor their wiM'ful want of pendous gallops from scrimmage David and scampered 42 yards for fussing. In go 50 yards for another Matawan his personal fourth touchdown of Even in the style of play. :he touchdown, then look a pass from the day. Huskies nre hampered. The Key-Long at the Morgan 30 for his own That was enough for both Coach(ort - PI. Plensnnl Beach game fourth touchdown of Ihe day in thees Marry Riz2n. Matawan. anil .1™revealed that defensively the Gar-final quarter. lloyd. Central, and Ihe game was The Keanshurg - Fair Haven brightened by having nearly every Ml Gulls have no trouble containing a single wing power offense, in game uas largely a showing nf lhe hoy on either bench see aciion beIbat they have a defensive line av- fabulous lalenls of the Tigers Mike fore Ihe onesided affair Was over. eraging UIKi lbs. t o Ihe man. RutGalbavy and Dave Snydfr. but aThe Malawan reserves appeared lo OCT 12 stubborn Ktansuurg defrnse put have the belter of the going in this Fair Haven iu as much stress as ballle of 1 he benchwarmcis, but hat any other team this year. Ihis could have been because CniIll* Raritan Ram» still displayed Iral had more third, fnurili mil the quality of greenness. Their line fiflh stringers lo run in lo get replay was nil that could be di'Kirrd, ' ward for diligrnce in coining to but in pa.M defense they had little practice and laking u bruising j to offer against the pinpointed pasi- scrimmaging the vaisiiv 1 es lo receivers under full steam srvrisTits Mat. Out. I ahead nf New Shrewsbury's Tiintny .. , , j Farrell. Three times Farrell hinig MMIIIIK vnrilun,|.« 21* i th« ball right on the hook for his I receivers as they moved (oalwar:!. 1 »-:i7 lunger On Kurgan Froth Grid Squad •AVTIMI H M M M t NACIN* 2 4.1 Hi l > ) '"I. >ufctt FREEHOLO Rutgers foiwiird wall uller the (Junker frosh hud ninrrlii'd downMeld to llu'ir winning inm'lultmn n POST TIMF 2 P I* the third qiiaiter. The I'mn Irnsh ! wcri' Ktnliiined thrrcnflri liul Ku:T W I N D O U B L E j uer.s wns uiuihlv In mount nn offen-1 MlMH VN4*f 14 ntl •dmilttd frMhtll, N. I. •ht'«*Mli k ml«li N»ut« 3J I n irtrr^alrent rail lluu.nt litrni l«die«' Day tvety Thutiday Ladlit admitted ftit Fashion Show at 12:30 P.M. I si\'i' tn cnunli-racl ! the Penn stun Other games lor llie kutgi'm frnsh lire Princeton nl hunii1 th s ;irtf It SII-IHMI. II..1,111 , Si-hull/. Snliiivlirv , read Ihi- clnssifu'd tl Mitt Inal J i l t ' s Si»'ltlrlK ('••'• fTi...k l ) f . ; . , . - s C, 'I'lil'icrs Pcti" s llosiiln > f.tntnc I Alljnln- 1'ilf HltrOKN llll.l.S EAST WOMAN'S j Kn.b-itl* Pure Ural Slaiilrv Stilurll Int. Ck-ijiirrs Ji.rk's Ti-iiun Laurel tlr.uilv KKVrOHT IHSINKSSMKN'S l)rl. 1 W L ' Miurllft.i". :i L.ia»n f 3 | [luck Snillh's I 3 I KrvjMirt Cleantrs t 4 ! Clri-lf rhevmtot • • Fi^nk AT Ji'hn'n Mfirtrii* . f fl i t'nnnty 1 iivrrn 6 1 I Ma I the u J. Gill 3 9 I S u m " . Ktfierul Home 2 10 I — Your advertisement in thli paper will reach prospective ; purchasers in every community in i the bayihore area. Keyport Merchants SILVER DOLLAR SWEEPSTAKES 100 Silver Dollars EACH FREE WEEK IIMIIII,-!'. Beginning Mon., Oct. 14 DRAWING EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 9:15 SHOP MONDAYS 9 to9 ! 1. Obtain your tickets on MONDAY ONLY in stores displaying this poster. 2. To win you mutt be present for the drawing Monday at 9:15 P.M. in front of Newberrys. If the holder of the winning number is not present o\ the drawing the prize increases by 100 silver dollars the following week. 3. 4. Tickets obtained one week not good the following week. 5. Store owners and families not eligible. e. Read The Keyport Weekly and The Matawan Journal for more information. JUST LOOK AT THE VALUES AT THESE PARTICIPATING STORES Waw — F«r .Monday Only Popular - Handy M)>fi«f»y Only l*h All P i p * - 10%«ff SIJSSiUAiVS STATIONKKY While Piiint 5.«)Ji gallon 1.47 AIJMMvS Jahiuon's Htg. l.M N«w Can Monday Only 2 for f».<)9 HIOIIM;N Mwmlay Only " Sneakers Alka-$«'llz<r HAY Monday Only Special 2.69 Full Cushion nllh Arch Support Hill'' Monilny Mtr « to J Sf'rXMI. Only Swret-Orr Wash 'N vi'enr ConlinrnUl r,.E. HmiiM- I ShukK Key port Army Sr. 3.2» (Console S JVJIVV THIS COUPON WORTH $1.00 WITH ANY PURCHASE OF $6.99 OR MORE. GOOD ONLY O N MONDAY, OCT. 14 6 TO 9 P.M. Itaron pkg. I9C — 2IMI pkg. s Pie Servers - Cake Lifters, etc. Sterling Handles 2.65 F.T.I. KKYPOIM1 JKWI'XKIIS LAZAKI/S SIIOi:S Sclik-lilimis II I'M I \ 111. 4 . »/2 x 2592 92e 3/,x 2592 I..M IIAYSIIOKK STAr '» — ChlMr*n'ii Or* n Miimliiy In (I I'.M. M ; l l VI Cellophane I'ape •UV ONK - fiE! ONE FRKK! IJIJANW SHOP AUTO HOYS Sramlt-M anil Sram — Rrf. l.M Howe 79e - Seeonil Pair Ic Smart PUidi — H.I. l.M Vul. BAYSIIOKi: IIARDWAKK (]\v.unvA' 1.17 i»al. Monday M i a I I n ) P.M. Flannel ShirlK Rrt- S7.M M. Aiiti-Fre<r%e Mrn's "D»« Rlvtr" Pittsburgh I PrtiitM* HKDLIvS PAINT STOKK 19.95 Spetlnl (iroup New Kill Skirl. Vulu.i to U.i* \liVS \)\i\V MK'V. 2.«9 Chino Piiiils firay or Tun CONK UN'S PI7I1/S, INC. M W. FRONT ST. Fli'.vO-l-Irm | Hox Spring Heguliir 32.SB <'!-s o r 22.50 WKST FI I'YI'M'11.soirs Shoe Store coming Sulurdiiy. l.i'hlgli. awav, ! Ocl. l!l; l.ulliVHlli', ill hunii'. Nov. M.illi.' (Vntni I; and Columiiiii, iiwny. Nov. 'I. Hiive you utls? MKRCNANT'I t)rl. 3 1 I John Bunger. center fnr Ihe \%2 T . « > l f > - UMIIUHV v. fp|/. Malnv.'iin Krgionu) High Srluml •••• - i l ' l A m t t r . ' . . l , i , \ i . | K i n f t . KnifiMi. K.iilri'k. fonlbull team hus niuile llie (reshilll iillir innn squad nt Rutgers. He pl.i\,<l {'1 i;r*I'.., 1 M.-lna. al guiird fnr p.irl nf I'M- IMIIH' J . Sinilli. Titun. Cinut. against the l enn frt".hnn'n at NVw "»• (i(lll'>. Ilillli 11'llrunswick. Saturdjt.\'. Ihe 1'i'iin l) yearlings won out on grtmnd plnv l2-!)Tttler Kttlgers had liiken 11 hnlf 1111 time li'ail !i li on 11 field vnul. •.Hi. Hunger was sent in In IHIISIIT llie . i i i H . C r u p n . MnlilMiMl. M n m r . (Illv- "Tt«Matfr Mckir Net" OCT. l » MATKKY J f l hm ne nl n o k aRlly a r z h.iok , c.nfincti to lhe sidelines lor lhe a = , „ ,'"•:'.:! „ „ . . . i|m ,,,„ S | u«s a" w T . M a n 7 , ^. .,a y„„.„ i T safay ' " '"-* ' R . ,-ySlu •*?<* * «,nfi1,eU to the sidelines lor ,he m y ass LAST DAY c « Nn. 7 • J. II DahrrflbnrK I>iin> Nn. 10 FiMir Face Mask I'enalllei I Adding us! to their meeting .', The only feaiure marring arring an "ill iiie fact that Mnnciair State s MARNKK SrANIIl ?W n<ffc ( ' V l ' l l l l l - n l .-» Ikl'li-t'.ri .r'lr^j erwise nt,y played g a m e also undefeated, havinj: t.ikt n F..i^t N'lirltirrn Ithltltin wns tin -m|xis:'Kin (if iour penalNext Saturday should be another they did show "a vulnerability to Matawan Township Hop Warner : tics agi'i n v :hr I'eiieans for grab- Si rijudslnirg, Snulheiii Connet-ticui State, ami Central Cimneotifjl •me of those historic occasions for delayed handoffs, bellies and boo:- ptDjf'i teams gamed an even split wi;h : bing tii fui:i' mask. ji:| traced 'o Si.ite all nun camp sn far this .-ea high school football in this area. legs from the T. But llie Huskies j N\..., MIIN'MOliTII I I I I M V ( A l l l l l l l C tennis of the St. Peter's parish. one plii\ U will affect the two newer schools. have no T-formation pass - option ! M»iiii< ] .-.nn. A lar^r hmly of Montclair It is i p' Nt-vv Hrunswick, at the old Mnta- ! thi new field ior thfRuritan Township playilie their firs!! quarterback, MI (here is no induce W wan \l\^\\ field Sunday. t Little Il k n s 'i,nk of ihe M,i;i- • S t a t e iiliiiiini f r n m t h ; s a i t a a r e e x jiame on their new field, opposing; ment for Coach Ri/70.10 change his 12 Nt • p e i t e d t n a t t e n d [!»• h o m t n c m r c t wan Ri II .11.1; Ili^h School, JII^I n i r No The PW (Peewces) of Malawani Ocean County Southern Regional,! mode of attack, inf! o f t h e t w o r i v a l s . of ti;e II I Union IWirh . I'.riuol!.'! •. \ ' r iilirnn nn [he big 1 Township were victors 7-li over Ihe : and Madison Township having its OlMlaok N M Rosy It l-imc Hraiicli .ih Kiimily Nu. 3 Husk:e-. ,: I hi- Slmre l.'onference Petrenns Pecuecs; Mickey Shiive • first victory in varsity football as .t As for the Spartans, their out- 'jll < f . M K A l . JI'.IISKV . Ann's Nn. ] 1 play, .-.' K,- ii-;i(ly for IH'M SunUAUM-'.K I l'.lll-:ltATION Ueiinlu-!'' No. 3 scored thf inuciKlnwii for the Little . p forth to play, of all teams. look is not all rosy either, but it is iMnrr.*ndtty's i2 Ann > N n Sunda.Vv H.-.11IH e unli the Sr*"'^'.von<l Huskie P'-ni-t-i with a quarterback ' South River, on the Hricktowncis a grat deal better than Mau-I > 5 hure K n l C No , 1 B illi*-m N'orlhrnt Division If i; \ not ihu teams '.v;ll kci.-|H.*r in the second quarter. B m n j field. It is a sad day for the once wan's. The bin drawback to ihe' K;itr tljvi'n > 1> l-iiimh N 2't. Kc:u)slitMV it ] return :lv old )iij?h ^ilinnl fieid M.n'\'? ; ;^|>, McNulty niadp tiie extra j>oint. { high and haughty when .Matawan, Spartans prospects auainst | Hivrr I'Uza 2". Itumsitn VJ SI I'rx-r'j , No. 2 for the This proved to he the winning m;ir-: South River and New Brunswick, River is that Bob Chickella, the:r Kevpdtt ;il!. Union Ht-ai-h <i j South Hi\*r f K nl C No. t N'I-V. Wircu-hu,^ 2',. MiinWin I). gin when later Tom Henderson ! St. M.-u-v'i i M i l have to dread the coming of the j s t L , r l i n M w | n g b l l c k o n d e f e n s e w a s 1 ' Ji.M-nh Mttldtetiwn Utt, L<HIK ii fil ,i.!i 11, I Miita.'.iin T u | ) Calh. Men No. 1 1 iirukc through Mmatvan Township Rankl On Defense In next fcimi. p i . Monday. Chickella,: INinlh l'.iTO>u.rh hurl jn ract cl f W. V, Nnrtlirrn Division defenses in tin* final quarter 10 ;:o. S.iuln Amlmy 1. The Maroon and Steel grimly next to Glenn _. - . was the outDavis, \J>\\\1 IIranch nl Mat;iv.;m. for a score. Ihe rush fnr the extra , Upsala-Montclair St. (. S.ivr.MlIc ishnri1 Cam. Men Nf. 2 Moi'Kitn itt Harir.iu Tup. topes it will not be an historic occa- standing Spartan performer on the t S.n-lt-il llf.'irt ' N R ) Ann'f Nn. :i point was stopped cold. j Hiver i'lu/ii ;tt Ke.v |n.[ 1. sion of a different sort, a record field against Sayreville. lie do',*s 1 rnllwi tll^'S N'o. 1 New Shrew i))mr> at Kp;.i,..btira-. lioli R.uiki, Malawan lligh'f S<<nlh*-rn I)i\i-nm: Soulfi Itiver «l In llie midget (III:) years) divi- 1 all-time wnre run up against them not spare easily. t Brnrdiu-f* N o 1 I-'iiir Haven nl Mulr1:t'1<nwi. SI. I ' e l f r s . Sa\i»-vilic at Smini Amquarterback in IU5!I. will be at Hie ^ > shore Catli. Men No. 3 Union Ht-.i.'li Mt Kums.m. sinn, th.' Pop Warner represents-' when they visit the field of the Against ihe loss of Chickella, is Atnrt I St. 2 lives nf Ihe township were beaten j fullback post ivn defense when Uo- Heurt al North h;|ih-riilin): Garnet Gulls. Keyport the offset that Bo Hamulak, the .-k. 2 r i m . I SI. J.nnr^ No 1 J nn ii pass interception, St. Peter's ; saln College hues up tomorrow Al plays at Moomcurh Regional vs. Madison punter and lincbusier will : it'Iv f a i n ilv N.>. 1 und the Little Huskies locked in 1 !H p.Ill , under lhe lights to play ; The Man Mango k Co. The Keypori be ready to so Saturday. Also Hob it pays to be a K<«MI h'fivr MAI KI-.V UKDNKSDA scoreless duel until late in the jneigliiini inj; r 1 \- a I, Muni flair Stiite i wtiile operating an f-|er;iical ap- J battle with the Golden Kagles looks Francisco, the enlongaled end, will LA I) IKS game when a forward pass by'. at Upsala Stadium, Kast Orange Jike Ihe more even match of the pliance. Any change in SIHIIHI. pa1"- | be better off in his pass - catching n John Szyann was intercepted. The I 'lhe Vikings have won both their ticulaily a raspy or uneven nnise. M . i i - K n K . - i - i i - . i l i i . i l day. with an injured finger healed. )(• Matawan Township forces were i games this year Ijy coiufoi table i indicates pnsMbie d e f e n or nnil- W l i . i l r A K i i H y b In the one jjamc on the local For Souln River, the season has y scent', Rarilan vs. the Ocean Rams, been a nightmare so far. TheA name lo forget in what Mat.i- pressing inwards the New Brims- i margins, upsetting SiiMjueh.inna in functinn. Ihe machine .should I"' AS »iii<ui -r ri i r t. 'in! i i iIl l i - Kp At rM I S i r \ ; c f 7 Green and Gray Coach Joe Oxley Bricktowners lost in their opener wan fears now will be a season M wick tenui's j; when the pass i their nptni-r ;itit\ llir-n luiluhllng ll*>- • stopped at once and the trouble in S.ull 7 furmi. was picked off by the Petreans I barl College. They had an open C ve5tigated. forget, was a .14(1 drubbing at the expects to have his T-forniation VW ENNA-JIC'ITICK Shoes %'l Miimliiy Only oNTK SIIOKS 9.99 Uoiisr Sli|i|)cns 1.0U <:OMKOIMM»KI)M: SIIOKS Po§« Eight - THE MAT AW A N JOURNAL, N. J. Nrtt Section Thursday, October 10, 1*43 1 MORE STOREWIDE VALUES BEING FEATURED THIS WEEK! Oil© good linn il> if rie* anullii r You made 0111 M in YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT A&P* U. S. GOV'T. INSPECTED-TOP GRADE YOUNG •gen' Week go over real lii^. 10 we're liolclinp i l b i ! W ' thanking l k i jtV.^'S'. Speeiml Appreciation CCelvbralion! We're V.V« you (or last Hi-rk'n g great inrnoiit liy y offeringg yyou !. " '.';y more of what you like: MOKK A M ) MOIJK MONEY-SAVING VAI.UKS! Tlie shelves in every department arfi fiillystorknl with your favorite foods nt LOW, LOW SAI.K I'KICKS! The Mine's nil and sparkling for your visit. Anil everyone in lli« •tore . . . from Manager on down . . . is anxious to •ee »n<l serve yon again. Do tome in for this special repeat celebration. Thank you for last week — and SAVE AGAIN! YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT JUP< *AAP'« advertised price is a fair, low price for the fin* quality offered. We guarantee that we will not offer for tale the tame brand or item under a different name at a higher price at A A P. Such practices are deceptive and not in the public interest. TURKEYS Air • " Cranberry Sauce 2 -»« 43' Fresh Spring Lamb Sale-All From American Farms YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT A4VP* Itmltu LEG OF LAMB c : r » : - 4 9 C Brisket Beef Ib. l i t l Ckvck—•••• la LAMB CHOPS — 69. > "•8899 »•» 9 9 Breast of Lamb Aatritti * 15 • " " • • " Lamb Shoulders e,£:«X 39: Ib. liptrHlfkl I n i f — T t i •••llty II Ik*. Fftnt Cuti i n 65! California Roast 5 9 ' Veal Cubed Steaks 9 9 c Stewing Veal 69c Meat Loaf '••"•'- 6 9 c Sauerkraut " • 2 Z. XT C CANNED HAMS 6 9 : BACON THICK SLICED \: 99 •••'short Ribs 49* Get Valuable Gifts, tee I SAVE PLAID STAMPS TURKEY ROASTS 89: BOLOGNA 3 9 : Bacon End Slices 45 feMtM*—U(M tit Itrt UMI—4 It • Iks. "liM'-«l|»»" tialltf PltttO BOOf p >k > > ln " - * " | O,~ ib. •r UKMHIMI !» tkt H I M A4P BRANO GRADa A-CHUNK «r YOU NEVER PAY MORE AT A l P* Mat •mlrtf Large Eggs WilJm.f. .!«. • • ( Milt M»l-o-lit—MK««rluf irMfM IkitM Sliced American 49 C Slic.J or Chunk fc " • 6 Danish Blue Cheese 85 Imported Romano ":'.::. lkS5° Provolona Cheese ':z':4 b M c RieoHa Cheese ^ ^ ,1.25 SLICED PINEAPPLE 3 8 9 GRAPEFRUIT BUITONI J££7£L. 3 8 9 String Beam 17 Washed Spinach 19 PINEAPPLE T0M«H»?° 4.L89 Tomatoes .5S! ,t;i9 ASTE PROGRESSO *K 9 s 8 9 Brussel Sprouts 2S SWEET CORN • 10 8 9 APPLES HEINZ KOSHER DILLS ~ 3 9 3:. 25' 2 - 29 GRAPEFRUITJUICE 2 7 3 Fl.rHi C ife. ItHltll «# Itf Ml* •§ # C C c C it's National Apple Week! U. S. I i . 1 GRAIE CORTLANI tmH, MtakM tr Ttfity—11 ••. pt|- Morten Dinners 2 7S* Strawberries 3 Z B9' Hawaiian UNCH 3 ::; 49* •\aVOBBlala\ft' B^lftal wmm^mmt rim Chicken, NwafflakaWaffloa Roaian Ravioli M <b> Ct,..i. n. p -P».I«J inj D.v.lniJ |l/,lb.'| ' Individually Pi Kiaf Crab Meet FHWCIame - CINI ••rk »r Neini Beans Pink Salmon W T«m«U I I U H •Nut FrultJylce am Evans Walnut Dessert Topoiag ',;: 41 * Minute Rice '*;; 47* I^«I..J_P,..C..I.4 Dixio Cups ""'r:,",!:'"1 :,ls',S7« Kitchen Charm Waxed Paper , 20# WoodburySoap H^Xi!.^" I b i ^ ' Hartz Mountain Dos Yummies 2 ;,:;, 35° Z. mm »'> 59' Halm Chill Sauce f 14.. M.IM - • Por tliAninf pilnfad lurftfl J^arkets I Illu l l l ^ . i . « C | i pi.»fluid Ct i pliltlt • • ' «i, pliilia ™ l : «••• Soottiai Facial TisiHoa Spia I Spaa Liajuie) •etergent Danish FRUIT AND NUT RINO Angel Food Ring "•• 49< Ball Denuts Colgate 7HI CKAT ATUNTIC I PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. W H h Chl«ri«»l Jan* fmrkt Voluttl Iptelil Tkli Wnk Colsf. ' CHERRY PIE J rj:v.,A2::.:.43' frlo«< •! 13* Gomatoah Pia Filliaf urn Whil. .r Colot.d-t ply I Ik. I Marvel Ice Cream Itttait Oanoo NllklM C#||A|||||« 2 2 27' 53* AiPPtas CktiM tf 4 riavtr* Paa t |1*t.14 II. I I . Premiym Saltiaee l.H.d .1< w I M.llo Cheek F«IIO'Nyte(roffM AIM< Grin^ Burry's fiaueho Cookies Blua Boaaot Margarine Boxioo Mineee* Clams Mueller's Elbow Macaroni % i,#(8rTurUy * REO DELICIOUS 100'j MIROIANT SINCI IDS') Blue ChNr l.oM l.b. Baania Flaff Rlaia 400 I fried ffffctiv* thru Saf., Octobtr l l l h In %up*r Mardfti and J«lf-J»rvle« •larti snly In Northern N»w Jfrisy, Orang* • i Rscliland Ceunllai. Tirfo l a t h BatarfORl III. Fimily « i h aid dU f»i AulomilU W.ik.n lib. < I Ib. l All Tuliiidii I'lmliMli, I ir>li Milk mil Alrdlmlin llcvmj-i nauijil Irum 1'liiil Itiniji olat, RARITAN TOWNSHIP CLIFFWOOD KEANSBURG PORT MONMOUTH Rf, 36 and Pools Ave. Highway 35 and Cliffwood Av«. Rt. 36 and Main St. Rt. 36 and Wilson Av«. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. y; <)«tob«r 10, 1963 COLUMBUS DAY PAINT SALE! • U V NOW AND SAVE! OPEN SUNDAY Vl\VI. LATEX WAIX PAINT y*4 h a t tor In • | M d lulex paint at ini.iii « • • itttu y«« (iptelttf (« pay! While nail' »n»<»: Oaea Heck! 89 af nib •( WALLPAPERS Waakablt! HOOF COATING Other Unoifvcrfiscd Morwy-Saversf B»»-MAN PAINT STORE ROUTE IS AT CLIFFWUOD AVE. (A * r ClfHmW SlMffinc Center) Open Tuesday thru Friday Till 9 First Section — Pogt Nin« Use WANT ADS to Buy-Sell -Rent HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE MATAWAN I NO .MONEY DOWN .$700 DOWN I If your credit is good you cun huv i Ibese new ri bedroom homes with • no money down, Incaltd in Union i Beach. Immediate; occupancy, f'oi Brick front, six-room ranch, with | information call Scorns Construeenclosed porch, fireplace, hoi water wjtf heat, attached Karate, best neijih.borhoud. J17,!)75. HAZI.F:T F.II.A. APPROVED VAN'S AGENCY REALTOR FOR SALE FOR SALE l-'LOWKRING SHRUBS; BEST TOP SOIL AUTOS FOR SALE HELP WANTED SCHANCK &, SIHLER SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS USED CARS Larjji'. many varieties, 3 Inr J l Dij; your mvn. MtATM. wjtf : Chicken manure, bine stone, roan '• IflVY 34 MATAWAN - • ' gravel, uashed pr.-U't'l, f.'ind. fil) j Siilurday. Ocio-, Ocio- , | ] r t i ( . , c b u ||diKin)! and backhot KUMMAGK SA1.K. Siilurday. wjtl ber 1'Jih it a.m. to 5 p m. < l 'i ,*fr\ice. Hroiid Si.. Matitwnn, rt-itr I-iist Mvtliodist Chiirdi, finiiinire. cluthiiij*. dishes etr., vp4in«,ortd by MORGANVILLE fcli-n's Club. \v|I(l Mi6-57(J7 QUALITY USi:D CARS P U M P K I N S , wholesale and retail. _ ^W 334 MAIN ST., MATAWAN /•'ace niminkinv. v i M r pumpkins, i ' BILL LANZARO'S AUTO SALES ECKEL TRUCKING CR. MAIN & RT. J6 V H S no down, mm vets J(>(iu down, Indian corn anil Gourds. » I M I : F R E E I N S T A L L A T I O N ranch, 3 bedrooms, modern l.trpe variety shrubs anil PachvALUMINUM COMBINATION kiichen, large living room, full ; ndra. laquire Sigismondi Green- ce,Iar,l»xMKno,; sp,U rail fencing, ^TBOTZU^RZ %Z HWY 34 AND MAIN ST. convenient lo schools. shopping a m i ! ''!'"•*• l 3 " x ' " 4 ' U • K"" ' ' „ ' MATAWAN J transportation, Mihjeri lo a p p r o v a l , : " ' MG-ISM ! T15,nOC. CRANE PATH Tt.'Il, like neie. $: OPEN 7 DAYS | 2 toilel bowls and Milk, SJS I wjlll 566-2224 OPEN EVES 'TIL 9 P.M. STORM WINDOWS ,vj,l — . VOI.KSWACiKN. infi3, 1 dour sedan, like new nnlv l BMH BMH) miles. il Call Cll r»60-4(,.17. 6 FOR $77 F. x c e 11 e n t permanent positloni svailable f"r experienced »ewing machine operators. Single needl* experience preferred. Sorting sat ary J55. per week. Automatic iiv creases. I'nion shop, Paid va> cations and holiday,' .Mattel Inc., Aeromarine Building, Locust St., Keypurt. Call 264-6700. Hjif OPKRATOHS HRtittd, experienced pocket m.ikers VERY high earn: i i ^ s . Gan'-liirc M f g . Co Locust " St., t<eyp(irt. (Aeromarine Complex.) Call 264-1401. wj)5tf Triple track, fuiiy weailier stripped ernuinc Aliria aluminum. F.-Z till CASEY'S AO'CY, DROKF.R «]| tbret*. Oil burner, 4 years ultJ. Can be cleaned from inside. Terms MAZLIi'i and honey net I utiai hmeius, $(HI ur MATAWAN. Gl no down. Four 1IWV35 o p e r a t o r i ! 19.V< ['ORD sedan, runs and looks EXPERIENCED bedroom older hou>e wiih large reasonable olfer. Sertiunal sota 32 Broad St. Sll 1-7M0 Red Bank '• (mod. Sacrifice, S1K5. Call Mli 2C4-M42 on piece work basis; averaging living room, formal dining room, wjlOj with slip cover Sr>0. Call 2C1-O2H!). wjtl Mi41. wjlil $60 to SSI) per week. Under new baths, lull cellar, city sewers I »• j III supervision. Call Jimmy, 264-566*. and water, m-ar schools and shopI R'O'MMAGI-: SAI.I'-: n> i>e held »i T R I : M I : N I ) O U S «avinj!S on doors, 1MK I-ORU 2 door, 6 cylinder. _* will AN UNUSUAL HOME ping, 5512,5(10. Vim's Agency, 2li7 conventional shift. I15D. Call 2C4j Washington |-ji>/iiie Firchnuse, windows, shullers. rnil'f.vork etc. BA RTF.NI)F.R, par111ni(. Ca11 2MMain St., Matawan. Tel. MM-1 SSI. 1 •<M. wjlO l i t t l e Street, Malayan. O i i o n r r Across from Ye Cnilapi Inn. Ki.y1164 wjlO Open seven days. wjlO 3 bedroom ranch in an ideal local l m i r i !l a.m. in port Call 2M-WIT2 or 7bA-'S4'&. IS.r/7 LINCOLN. excellent condition Uir that /isherinan or beach Mill and I'iili. PARTS HOY. must h a v e d r i v e r * wjlll family, l-'ireplace in 21 x Kl !iv- i p.m. "TcFlANCF. OFTTLI Fl-.l IM E tion, new riuifllers. pipes and license. Call 566-1121. wjlO inj; loom. House features a lar^t? MOVING. re(riceraii>r freezer, pus battery. 4'.'.IIOO original miles. Best FACTORY and supervisory perFour bedrooms, kiichen, bathroom, fiimily room, birchwood in li\iriK i ranjie. 7 ptei e dinette set. wrinjjo l l i r , no dealer. Call 56S-7243. sonnel thfat can produce and meel I extra lur^e room, 2 spare rooms, room, dining room and kiichen. i i washer eic. Must be sole), all nuolas. Apply BaUard A d v e r t i s i n g , wjld a long side porch, 1 car parade. Louveted doors on cabinets. Price, like new. Cull 7S7.4M. 133 - 1st SI •• 19,'iti Ford. I door. Mick Tj-5 Good lor handy man. needs some $22,500. GAS RANGK, 4ti'' Deluxe Tappin, 19S6 Hoick 275 : F I F. I. D REPRESENTATIVE H repairs, or can be maile into $75. Call wjlO 1S5 ! Local corior position offered by a I'J'fi Mercury, automatic 2 aparlmems. Located ill Union W A L K E R & W A L K E R i fjJERRY HUTCH.'larjie teak V leading national »ale» jervice orBeach on a corner lot 50 x IWI, Yiibic" hiirT ladiler'back rorker. 3 -38 for 58 Ib. baj: while it lasts. >'JM Station Wapon, Mercury, 295 gani^ation, over 25. married with slick Asking STOOO. Can be seen after , , ,.'i ,« Mnnle r h f s M • AialeasJ at .25 and up nil colors. ID'tf Chevy, 2 door, automatic 300 car. Send resume to Box B in care 1 I p.m., day or niKht. Call 264-1841 Cali. F iivi't lled^e VI to 1 5 inches 2U«li Highway J5 ™ .l, :: beds.' Rugs, "ed! ^ n\ lof thi.^ newspaper. wjlfl for appointment. Immediate oi> .1)7 each by lots of 100. Larye 12 x 14, MiddU'town, New Jersey 14 !l x ](, 11 x 12. 9 x 12 fitlfctitm at evergreens, also leMtil jcupancy. wjlO Hooked rues 8 x 10. Pk-lure (rsnnt-s p. 7 .,.., ; . * . . . . . . . . . . . .eceptionist for pliyPhone: (i71-5.111 HV'V M V Y i;ras* seed in now. Open S t < » is and antiques. Open it to ! i , Shore ' BI-.AI.M j sjfian's office. Typing required. Multiple Listings M4-S7C6 Furniture, Highway 3!i, Laurence daily; Sumluy 9 lo 5 p.m. R;uitan . :Siiine eveninj! hours. Please »end And Trade-ins MATAWAN AREA landscaping. Highway 35. South Harbor. w)in !\IL' 'qualiliraliuns to Box H in care of Send (or Catalug q Ainbuy. Call PArkway 1-0208. . JM4 CHL~\'ROLKT. 2 &«*, Open 7 days M o i i i i . K IIOMF-, IM'I Nashua, i-x39.0(0 ! Ibis nfw.spapef. wjjO One acre with brook, 5 room ranch. wjlf WjlO I uripinal miles, radio «nd cellenl localion. 35' x 10'. imisl i large living r<wm, modern kitchen SALf-SLADY in women and cbilGood Intnspfiriation. Ca | and baih; closed in porch, base- K K Y P O R T . 7""rooms. I'/j baths, sell, bought hmne. Sec .mil r u i k f w Call 2t>4 W f . »jie 1 tnenl. Nice neighborhood, Handy I l " , preferred. Full or part lime. A p . screened porch, baseboard heat, offer. 'man's delight. Asking JI.1,9ii(J. j f!«il) FALCON, 2 <if«ir, standard l''.v Wi-sirc.rh's, 45 W. Front St., pine kiichen, stainless steel sink. LEAVING STATl sewing machine, 1 kiichen set, refrigerator fr#'«.yfr. transmission, radio, heater, 4 ; K e v p i u t . _wj^ ' Call J64-.ri3l2 afler (i p.m. wjlO 6 FOR $72.00 j Four bedroom 2 story house. I n ',956 Ponliuc Ciunlinn. SI-''". I95t> m V 1 " \ ' *«!•[" ,'"u S'!"!^,'' Z '' n-KANlNG WOMAN "l«"heip""wiih ins room, big kitchen, dining ru«m. Ford wagun, e>;ce|lent comlilion, INSTAI.Ll-n condition, J'l,5. Call 56(1-11,3 after , a M , | , , a n i n ( , CM between 6 i.n.l new healing system; 3 acres, nice 5IS0. Musi M-II, Cnll 2 M I W 5 . TRIPLE TRACK i p.m. ivjJO' « p.m.. 1'64 1206. wjlO I area. 2 car garage, plenty irees. K l i Y P O R T , lovely 4 room apartwjlO' TILT TYPI-: PKICF-D for (jiiUk sale. l!i6U P l y > ; $I6.!»U. Ki:CI'.l TIONIST. 5 days a week. 1 WF.ATHI-.R STRIPPED i n f i l l , recently redecorated, b a r d - n o T AIR FURNACT.. also ciimlun i l n m l h 2 dnor sed<;n. 2 lone, ra, , . . , a m. U> it p.m. Must be (?o<nl wood flr.ors, private entrance,; jition nil and gas stove, very reaH)R THIS AND OTHERS dm anil power sleenrifi aad ,, „ , „ , ,,,,. . , ; „ „ y lis( d( rk lAmx CK.AWF'O|!D CROMEY heat and hot wafer sup- ( sociable. Call after (• p.m.. PLiiASI-: CALL pouer brakes. Clean, ( a l l I'M-. wjIO J'HONK 787-2-lltlJ i plied, desirable neighborhood. Call 3870. «11« I273S. ! wjlt 204-0441. wjtf GAS space lieat'iT, 75,01111 II T I'.'s, •MA'll.'RF. mother's helper. c « n 1501 HI'ICK' Special, while, radio i lrans[Mirtii!ir>n. 4 days a week, \ \ i l h ihermMMat: bents 4 ri'Otns, and lu-iiier, while v,;ills, standard 'slay in. }!u<>'l home, good food. Call (JM-'1CK l-:(Jl'll'.MI-.NT, unliiiiili-il S.'l.'i. Call !MX>lh. ivjlfj savings mi new and nseil desks, irai.sniission, tinted windslu'clil. I'Arkwr.y 1 s'iil mornings. wjlO WESriNGIKU'SK lofrineralwr, 111 cl.airs. files, shelving, pails bins Call 2(i-i-U7fil. wjiO cubic reel. I'luloi 20" TV, 3t 'CAKPI..T r leehanicK arid helpers, drufliog eutiipmeot arid etc. U;ilph MATAWAN I1WY 34 volume Fund X- Wu^'iiall's Htn'V- Mi.cci, 2!i!J Washington Street, Key I Top pay, Musso Carpet Service, 566-3311 Furnish** l-Siv\ 4-il?!, w))fj ivirt. Calli'fi-H.ViN. wjif w)W ' merits, : included. Call 2CI. S' -AL I'DINT Siamese kiiiens. MA'IAWAN bir-mess man tleMn.s ! HOI Si:\VOi'K. general cleaninji and all A I1AND.SOMI-: IIICAVY DUTY wjtf' males anil f. 633:1. i lo rent room in private lioine in and ironn:i:. 1 day a week, reft-rCall 2ii4-ii4is. Wjlfl Sliatliniore. Cull .'iWiMTI!. wjlU (r.ce-;. C.-iil r<B-1216. wjlf) ! REALTOR ! ctn'e rixjin.s, lile C;(:NS 2 I(h:ua pumps, ciiihtr 38 HWY. .IB — KKYPORT, N. J . . , HOCSFvVOKKF.R lo clean and help i 2M-19IS ' ballis, f •_• TV, n-.uul service, 1 S.aviiL.e pjump, I Hemliuht. care for young child, 2 days ! A fine custoni'huilt split level. Out- special daily and \veekly rates iiiKlon pump. 1 niiuil m a s t e r moiUl I OR , wecklv. O in transporlation. Ref. I slanding features ore: oil hot waler ; ^ ' ' ^ B * ' , ? , „ ' , Ideal for workers M rille•- 1 2 2 n l l e . ln(|tii re Purlj ft ILL CARK fur chililien in my'S. f .ill 5*6 t*26 evenings. Hill Motel, Route tT'S li (Vein, 11.1 Main St. Miita[baseboard heat, fircplacp. .1 b e d - ' 1 " I Imnit- week days, Ke\/«irt urea. : wjifj wjtl FRF.F. ESTIMATES «|17 ' rooios, lec room, cellar, Irees elc. ."Ifi, Keansbur^. wan. Call 264-3O7S between 7 a m . and COOK, hm"ekeeper. 2 in family, KARL FKANTZ Don't overlook this home. $2'J.«0*>. • c i N D K R III.OCK BUILDING apC p in, wjW live in. Nice living quarters. wjil , . , , , , . „ , proximalelv 20 x 40 feet; suitable IIAVIC n c i f ' A R - - " i l l play - in M i M have references, Call K72r Vuur bantl as substitute (leen- i l l * . _ «)IO Lovey ranch m Holm.lel excellent >m a | n , bmimss „„ m , m a v ,„,• BANK HOOK K-172II Moninoiith HOOF SJIl.N'CLJiS 51.7, ) ptT bundle, roll riKilini; $1.50 HIHI up. Frit ;i«e.•). Call Mfi-MM. w jl.) WOMAN T<"i clean an<l iron. Own location, 3 bedrooms, 1 full ceni- n M r ^ shopping Center'. InCcunty National Hank, Keyport 51.75. asbestos and brick siding $10 nnc l i e baths family room floor g y,_^ „ . v,| • ^ ||a/|fi|_ w j ( f i:xi'i:RiKNtT-:D Branch." Finder ri-turn lo bank. transportti ion One day weekly. lo ceiling fireplace, exposed beams. • a square: also garage dr.ors JM 7.x .,„,, rrc Call M6-K257. wjlfl c-<:< f.IK.nist wishes full «r Relerrnces Slate foyer, full cellar, 2 car AKNOI.I) HOUSE, l'J3 First St. Finer Hoolinj: Supplies. Old Hndge „ married. Call p:ln ljmt, MAI.F. p.vpc-rienced real eslai« ! KaraKC J'-'9.H(IO. Keyport, comforlable rooms in Koad, Knplishtown. Call Gibson ',(,(,-nvn tvjlO' sali^mar. for new branch offic* • Spanish speaking home. Inspect Cr,SJl. wjlf ' ' in M;itni\«*:i. All replies conliWe have approximately 200 lislincs • after 5 p.m. daily. wjtl ilfiiiial. We nre members of 2 PIN D.M.I, machines \M and up: lo choose from. Stop in and sec us.: M.I...S., advances given. Call Mr. 6 pocket slate top |*<ol tables w i l d G A R B K N AJ'AH'JAIKNT, .1 air vim. with set of Ifi hails and accessor- H l ' I L h l N f i L O I S , $10(10 II nil up Thompson. Thompson & Hartell i.MAI'AWAN reasonable, 3 bedroom ditiiined rc«irns and bath (new); electric 5 major appliances wj!8 ies SI50 and up. Shop next to ma.n John Trab a chino. broker, Cliff Inc.. Sllndyide 7-f*(l0. I _hojne. CaM S66-5912. wjlll Main St. between Cliurch and Williorough I'arkinR Lot. Call 2ii4-l.M'i woiid Ave. tun! Archie SI., Clill- WOMAN l"r general cleaning I MATAWAN Borough, 2 bedroom , j S | Keansbur)!, $55. Call fi7-U»(i. wjtl wjtf. WIKMI. Cnll 5116-1737. dav a ive-k. Call 264-1137. wjlO ranch, attached garage, screened uilf HOI'SF.KF.IT'FR. 5 davs per week. porch. Call MG-2.ra. wjld KFYPORT. apartment. unfurn:shCall afler 7 p.m.. 2_M-3429. JvjlO O N T O N " BEACH"' year old .1 beded, 3 rooms, all utilities supplied. NURSI-:S .AIDF.r 12 mrdnighi lo 8 room Cape Cud. Corner lot on wjlf a.m. slnfi also 7 a.m. Jo 3 p m. main thoroughfare. Very low Oil) 2B4-.1729. -lull 5 il.'i." wee-It. Apply in per. down payment for qualified buyer AI'ARTMHNT. 3 rooms and balh. : sun between II a.rr.. ami 3 p.m., or purchase under contract availheal, hot waler and giis supplied Thursday. Friday and Saturday, able. Call Biltner k Carton Agency. IJnoleum tlirtniglioul rooms, p i i •M Mount I'll nsant Manor Nursing M Alain St.. K e y p w l . 264-2*116. vale entrance. Inrjuire 21'l Dork Si.. . WJ17 Union Heach. Hume 38 I rentau Ave,, Malawan. v-jlO I Contractors I Maintenance wjJO APARTMENT. 4; rooms, un furn- Top Soil FROWN'S ___. _ :..-^i SPtXIALS ACiHICULTURAL 1,1 ME A lot of living for just alittle money VUH'II swim before breakfast in Marc Hampfon's own r-ii- >ir .nvimming pool. You"ll enjoy all your favorite .•.puns — boating, fishing, golf, horseback: riding—in ^i>if 'mi's mere moments away. REALTORS ALUMINUM WINDOWS FOR RENT Yo'i'll ,-njoy the bcauiy and convenience of Matawan Ijon'iij'ti -the short stroll to Main Street shopping iiinl liif. «• press-stop railroad station. C30 minutes to I M » I ; . I I . .-0 minutes to New York.) RANKL & WEBER REALTY CO. THE BlLDl-lRBACK AITS. i ! WANTED TO RENT ' Situation Wanted jCARLTON H. V«.i' li v-iiioy the private home-like quality of residing , n M i s - Hampton. Your apartment is in a Georjiian>i.. If. '-:.(oty Colonial, designed like a stalely private Imiiu-. wi'li shrubs and trees at every window. Outside ;r». broad lawns...private, traffic-free streets...picnic m ti \. ith. barbecues. Inside are one and two-bedroom «p.iiincii;i with huge country kitchens featuring * * < • • • • ' • • • < • * • • • Refrigerators..,snack bars.,.airn'lutiimii.'d living rooms., plus many other feature* on 'i-iialfy find only in private homes. < ALUMINUM WINDOW $11.95 LOST Real Estate For Sale .<«* M*ic Hampton Garden Apartments today. h'« on 11 \. coded, richly landscaped acres — adjacent to Hif IkiiioiMMarc Woods comniunity. And enjoy the tntift rle ^ant surprise of all: (lie low rents. l l t « l l siH»,%S...UumitlS rOUR ROOMS...from IMS ••.•"Wag Air CvWUioniag, H u t tmi Hat Wafer. USINESS SE ished. Highway M, HaMet. 2 Matawan, traditional homes. 3 ;j.ijiiites from l.ilv Tulip. A l l utilbedrooms, forma! dining room, full ities included, available November basement, 2 car garage, 517,r.OO and 1st. Call 264-1577. wjlO $21,000. l : , \ ' F r R N I S H F D H p a r t m e n I s. SMALL JOH siT.ciAi.isis BETSY ROSS HOMES AUIOMOUIIF. mechanic, author, ijf-d Kurd Dealer, line mechanic, Additions, kitchens and baths re ; p j l . ( > Kmy. ',0/Mi. 5 days, hospital p modeled. Roofing, siding, com i/ation lier-cfitfi Apply Servit* GHNKItAI. SI-'.H\TL'l-:S CO. plete line of remouVlin;: fervice. j MIC 3107 Manager. 'Inms Furd Inc.. 60 Main riNANCINfi AKRANfiFD St.. Miiiawun. tlnll .W-lSIKl wilO 1 Keyport, 2 family, G.I. No Down, THRU LOCAL BANK VACUUM CI.I:ANI:R SIRVKT:, I Loader, tlo/tr dcrvirc, land clearF.II.A. minimum down. Subject Repairs, hoses replaced, Hoover,! C:«1I_2M-56I1I or 264-4M5. wjlO 5 VI-:ARS TO PAY I lo V.A. and F.II.A. approval. Full ing, top sfiil, fill dirt, rond gravel Klctiroliix. I.euyt. finu-ial l-.hc-j ALSO MATAWAN apartment. .1 rooms price $n,S(IO. iind wa.slifd gravel, I'ARKKR lOAfdil.NG HOME fur trie, WeMinglimiif, Ktiiriioie, Kir-j CUSTOM BUILT HOMES and bath, all utilities supplied by, Co/rrpact etc. f'it-Jt up and de-j HL'Ci> mm and women. Stan 2B4-lfirti — 2C4-II.17 Keyport, 2 story home, 2 baths, L ? i L j ! _ ; ; . _ li'veiv. Call 5(iC 2524. \tii:/,l(l licenswl. Call W6-O611, Malawan, is. balh. needs some repairs, in a resalable TIIRKF. extra large VINCI NT .1. D i C I N N A R O N. J . _ H i.!j" heat and hot uaier all \eitr TI:NNL-NI KD., MORGANVII.LE I neighborhood. SM.OOfl. Hl.Ufi. CONTRACTOR C L H - F W O I ' I ) ilofirding i j o m e for In l'.ovtfy, Historic Matawan Borough around. Asphalt lile ihroiighrnit i 7 l U . D I . i : RU.. HAZ1.KT eldeily n ' n und wt.inen, p r i \ a t « 566-],S'15 Matawan, see it now, ultra modern the rooms. Impure 2(i'l I>ick SI.. M » i n . m '.' ; B I K between Ravine Drive arid Aberdeen Road, and slate quests. Licensed by th» Union Beach. ".\ illl Cnnijilele building line. C.upenrry. kiichen surrounded by livable Matuwan Borough, N. J . Stale, Jiihies I.. l.auMin, R.N., ' IV.r nil model cars. A Com I c y ma y. painting & fchiminurr. ranch home, $17,500. MATAWAN aparlinent, .1 rooms • U I I . D E K OWNER: Howard Sifjel M M tie A M 1 , Chffwood. Call i W Car fi.r vuur lonvrnionco. I.lirrv's' piodllcts, and bath, kiichen completely •.jtse on Premises, Daily anil Weekend* klVIO. wjlf Auto Seal <H\i-rs. 2 Q • .IX'O High EXCAVATING, 1RKCKING equipped. Private entrance, busi( J I K C I I O H ! few J . f M y Turnplk* t i l t 11 cnlo Rout* 9 tout!) .way ;H .-incl Middlesex Ril.. Mala-! w i l l KKI.I.V M'.'\'KKS. U>ral nnd long ness couple preferred. (.'all .r.MTRENCHING nto »o,r« 14 |e Main * t r « t in Matawan. Turn Itft on Main St. REAL ESTATE iliv'.iiice ino\irig. No Job too wan, 24 hour phone service. Cull CARI'KNTKK and building conli ac 51(19. »il0 •c .••win D-'VI to property. OR: Gardtn Slat* Parkway Cult 120 DUMP TRUCKS 1 OP, IIIRH 253 DROAD ST.. KKYPORT • n u l l . IKS I Mini St., Key-port Call SLiiOTIIi. wj i ( lor, J . G. MctrRcr, Florence Ave., <»•« v i , t " i r y n Rd. to Ravin* Drive, Turn right to property, W U N I O N Beach, bungalow. 3 n m n s , '.'G4-i.'lliS. JI' CI.KAN UP KIDS Hfyparl. N'ew homes, giis heat, iileiil f n r ir-liretl rnuple. i K L Y I ' D K r A m y Navy has Swcei111 I T ' I I O N K ANSWKRING HOUSE WH1XKING Located al :ill Front Si., I'nion Orr u o i k rlnilii'S. C i u h a r i t over- allerulions and repairs. Call 1HI \ SKHVICK Heach, Call '.'M liTSS, wjlli 415*1. v. ilf ' I,-I us i"' \ nr Secnlary. no neerl alls, luiulini,' jackets. IIIHIIS. Ivivs' and null's wear, V. I roi.l UNION' UKAf'll house. 4 room*, Rulldo/inp, Ujading service, HARRV M ACK1-.KMAN u> ini^s i i'hv part or full lime 1 St.", KVypoit, J«4-.1W«. njif KlliG. rr enclosed front jwirch. tiujin're dti tKxil.k'-cpinfr. typV 1 Millie . soil, (ill d i r l . road f i a v a l , blur 919 2nd St., I'nion Benrli. » 110 Wlll-.l-.l. CHAIRS, crulchts, l New homes • y« flltc-r.i- i.ig. Call :'i'4-7H>(l. ; ' I WO furnished with light slone and wash grin el. Tree esliSi hi.t.l, etc. for rent or s;ile-. C • 'f-rn I I A I ' I ' V Hi .' 'I'.S NURSI-:ltV tionH - repairs - < ! i housekeeping facilities. Call 2(>4- mates, l:<!i!e ,'il M:'ln«f n I i!in(e<! openiu((tur.ts i n ^ t t d . l - pi,:,-,t rule lile - roofmu 7G78. wjld ( Mfi Minn Strict, ! "if! 5 SPECIAL ON FILL DIRT Slin-Wi'-'l. K K Y l V i R T apartment. 3 large will T A L L :rA 14174 THIS WF.I.K rooms iind baih. prlvale r n l r a n c e . All ulililii'S supplied. Can he seen Hi MH riV.NI US " i " Television afler 5 p.m. al 27 Walling Terrace, Kcyporl, wjlO* i Tile, h n"l« irn and W<JH1 fltvOf» ii x ( d luid pitlislit d. washed C L I I - T W O O l ) Heaeh house, 3 bed . rntt-B. Cull Hub Juhn! rooms. 2 enr garage, f i n c e d ; I ! l l l e stone, driveway g r a v e l , fill I'nr fii.'l efficient radio and tele visinn service cull .Ififi T1K4-1. y a r d . $125 per month. Cull ( i " l - j d i r f , cinrlcrs, Ircfiching iinti bullAll types roofing, siding nnd pit u I 2424 afler 6 p.m. ' i ' ( l i do/ing. I j tir*f. financing, arranged. Trcfi es i MATAWAN. 3 rooiii npartmenl, | tlmaiet. 5(50-1 fiOO I science kiichen, birch cabinet':, j lile bulb, hardwood floors, all ulllf'AL'I, WRIGHT JOHN MILLER TEN EYCK ROKSON INC. NEW imUNSWICK A V E . , itles. References, security Arlulls, MATAWAN October l.iili. Cnll Mli-Llii?, ujin MATAWAN PERSONAL SKRVICE 30 YRS. 1250 s i i o m : 506-3993 • 2192 AI'AKTMHNT," 3 rooms iind halli, j nill c i . i i i \vooi3 n n A c I.K I-NSI.I. BY SIAII-: OF N. 3, wl'l ! Isl floor, furnished or uri'uinisli- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1h>i> il>. IKIIM of l(w nimil •en»«lliiiial Aluminum CombH-Jll LFAKf. 'IO ORH'K rVKillT ed. 2 or 3 rooms 2nd floor. In- ^ |i t ««« X'.MM, « Screen Window we have tvtr had AT inch AKTIirK IIH'llS. NO C I I A l ' d i ; FOR PICK I'P <juir^_205 Main St., Keypurt. wjlO ] A n t i t | U e t Repairs and uprvlcn, TV I'RIVA'IIIN'SIKUCIION INST. TILL; CONTHAI IOUS • I t * M . . , HEAVY DUTY Fmtnt, HEAVY DUTY IRrjITJDlO apartment, privnlo hnlh, installed. 1 H'ny rndlo d l . ' p a k h i d . Would you like lo have it modern ,'iGr,2222 .'.'(iKflANVILIR OPPORTUNITY SHOP cumplelelv furnislieil. Main St., EACH •>!••, I l l « \ V DUTY SUInlcM *<«l Sprlngi. Thli Fine Cnll JM-SIISI. " ' rerjiniir iih» haihioouj m u \tiv, Keyporl, Call F. W. Hillner. 2fi4ANTigUES crist V I' (..liiniit'i,. lt<i>« l« liiftt Track Mad* * l A I C M Aluminum and 1717 o r 264-M1B. wjlO 2H4-7HI2 We buy and sell AnlK|iic Furniture, D r a p e r i e s "r.» t« iHi-m',4 •atlly from the initide. V « wouM riptct HI-:T.T;ORi)," biingaiiiw, S nioins," A L L KINDS nl rarpi-riiry and ma1NST. r I'.rlc-a-brnc, Clilnn, Ciliisn, Dollt needs some repairs, S!ii per W i : IIU'i K SI-I.I. A N Y T H I N G i Mm Aiuk by the dav or m i i l i a i I li (>.< X •• SIM i M n fur a HEAVY DUTY Window iucb OPT. month. Shore Roail Kenliy. 21IH Irwelry, U. S. nnd Forelr.n ntnmps C ,<. C I KADI-.RS. A M K J l ' E S tiiNir.iriti'ed \^oi l;in;,n> ;i;p. C I: 1 r M mi* it, r« ; 0*N'» NOW FOR ONLY lliKliivay 3, i, llnlmdel. Ciill li'/l- Ih- Maltheus, 115 Urondway, Key W. KI-.AN'Slil'RO 'Jfil :\V\ or I'l.','.'',Vi i.l .;.',.', HW'Y. II Your shop nl home service for rus •111(19. wjlll VH7 13114 pint. 2M-Mir,. will lorn tailored ilnipenis Latest put HIOHJ UV l ' l ( K ' i : S I ' A I D 32 Broad St. k i : A N S i l U I « i ' 2 ronm furnished 1 lernf. I.nsy crwiri't *\n\\ah\r Upholstery OI'I'.N !/ TO V apartment, linen, utensils and Vour Advertisement in tinI'roinpl and courteous seivlcc. J'.r R«d Bank -741-7500 III-III furnished. Cull 7s;.:ili:il, w|l(l I T l l l l l SI I-:RY mid furiiilurr i f I reach prospective Iree eslluuilei call. I |H |KKYPORT, a room npiirlini'iil. pri-'; " ' ' ptiil ing All 1 ithl li * and I'hiM ir< (i A.M. (• 4iM P.M. — Wed. anil Fit. 'Ill Nilligiibvile \ iliv I. A Sluing, IMl ! ' I h : VBlf r n l r n n r r , all u l i l l l i t s sup- . , ) U , r himert In (very (Omintiiiily In M 1• K , why lUm 1 Voil * " " " * plied, JIWI per nionlli. refi' eniit'iit. I Winhinginn M i n t , M > | J U I , Cull ' look thld. • l . h «hr w iridouft es.1; | d Mcurlly. Cull 264-J42I.. »Jlf i I'M :u:i,t-., h j t f . y . u r i. bun h . . . from Ihe ins Id*. w-JIO I ihe br.yd.wc TRUCKING AND EXCAVATING MARC HAMDTON SERVICES ApARTMENTS ECKKL RROTHKRS Mitcellaneom i r CONVERTIBLE TOPS ; """"JOK'S STERLING McCANN 264-1376 TOP SOIL DON'S TV TV SERVICE """" DIKTRK'H HKOR. THE MIRACLE WINDOW VALUE 95 W'HKillT & IMILLKU R()OKIN(. & SIDING P.I.I. AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL NOHTK. EAST TV "' WANTED TO BUY KLN'K'K Prown's J 500-5090 Page T « i — First Section HolmdclP-TATo Meet On Tuesday THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N . J. LEGAL NOTICE LPNt Hear Discussion Role In Emergencies Thursday, October 10, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE the estate of Iho «ald Marie Inulse Harriet S. Jlulicn.v. Kciltndel-KeyKelly, deceased, notice f» hereby given port Hoad, Ifoltiulcl. Neu Jersey. to the c m l l i w s ol sutel deceased to Harold J. Itulmifk, 22W Uiurch Mrs. Louis Gilvary, R.N.. head present t i the said Administratrix Stroel. roel. tttahuay. t a h a y . Ne .Tprsev. nurse at Monmouth Medical Cen- their claims under oath within s h Objeclnni-4. If any. fili.uitd lie made Ojl If tnnnrdlalch in willing tu Margaret ter in the emergency room, was month* from this date, P. ViebriH-lc, Cleik o/ Malawun liarbaled; September l:nii. Iftaa guest speaker at the regular meetMildred K Brimrlt ""* ' KUnitO INDUSTRIKS. INC. P.O. Box f,7, ing of Division I t , Licensed PracIJ\- (leoiae I'. Iliilieny. Wifsfiu Avenue I'lesidL-nl tical Nurse Association, held at the Malayan. NtMv Jrisev, AttestAdministratrix YMCA In Long Branch Oct. 1. Mrs. J. Krank WviKatid, K»(|. llnrrlel S. Mubcn.v, Sei-iL-Uirv Gilvary described the role of the li- 3(1 Frum .Slrrel. JH Jf'.OC Kc-.vptirt, New Jersey, censed practical nurse in emergen- Attorney Jtekvri-c timlrivt No, 2 cies. n» tri HKI'ORT OV CONDITION of "The Announcement was made that Di- Statement rrtiulred by tn« Act of Au- MnlitWiin Hank" of M;ii.iw;in, Montutnilh Cttuntv. Net. J.T.U->. ;I ITM?IJI* vision 10 will hold a bazaar starting Kiul 24, 1912, a i amended by l l x •i-ti of March 3. ViX\. mid Julv 2, (H?r of the Kfderal ItesL-ivti System »t at noon and > spaghetti dinner HI LI if cl<ui- o( IMI iitn'ss on September 30. l»4fl and June I I , litftO (74 S U I . liOB) 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24 in the aliowhiK the Ov\iif-it*lil|«. IUWARK- Jy«;t, (jtjijlisfiei* in ai-cariiniive wHU • Borough Hall, Monmouth Beach. nieiit, und L-lreiihilKMi of 'Die M.iU- [-it!! injtdf \t\ tin* h'L'dii itt Reset'VH wan Journal published ueekly at til thi> "district to the After the meeting, re'reslimenis Malayan, New Jeme> for Oclitbcr, provlsiims n( the Fetterui Ittsrrve Acl. were aerved by the hostess, Miss Fanny Crosby. I. 'Jim n a m r i and addrrssps of thv Cash, h a l a n r r i with oiliei hank*. publisher, editor. ni»iiaKinj «dltor. Iti fatxtl tlffflM and l»tiMhi^ UMiK in proc . of I'olli'Clion »[ 079.132,16 (iitvrrnI'libUshar — HroKii'VuhUaMnm and j t I l l l l p < J , Slalos Plan Governor's Ball PrlnlliiK Cninpaiiv. Malauaii. NT J . " " ' " 'ntt sJ-,*s , „ „ wKJUor-J. Hib.1 liro.n. Malawi... , O l » » i & " m For Bayshore Oct. 25 At last Thursday's executive committee meeting ol the llolmdel ^ownshlp P«rent-Teacher Associ»(ton Mr§, Fred Rauffui, president •knounced the next general mee'Ing or the uiociallon will be held Tuesday at I p.m. in the Indian Hill School. M n . Joseph Campbell. M v u n chairman reported that Dr. Donna Jameson, Newark Stale College, will be guest tpeaker, Dr. Jameaon'i topic will be "Elementary Education." M r i . , Andrew Smith, pre-school health ten-ices chairman, staled that Dr. Howard Pieper hai started the physical examinations ol the .first, fourth and seventh grades. Mrs. Robinson, membership chairman, reports 137 paid members to date. Mrs, Waller Therkelsen, recreation canteen chairman, slated a JI l ni ed or J> M b P l B r o w n i dance wa» held Sept. 21 by the * ! oiK"'.^.d^n1.;1;:'"....! Mrs. George F. Carter, president Mi!ii J!. . N j! " lit3.<i4S,6rJ teen-age, canteen with an attendof the llolmdel Township Demoance of 1.12 members. The next dance will be held Saturday with cratic Club, announced at the 13,000.00 cnrportHttn. _ I t j ruw« sari . ( l f l ( « t • , , f J ™ " H H ? ; . . , ! , i " ' , n , . Mr. anil Mr*. Andrew Smith and club's monthly meeting, which was fntist be ttliteil and al»n liiitnedlitrly Mr. and Mrs..Amos Mumford as held Friday at the Township Hall, (liprfiinjpr t!io nirnr* and afldirnkf• ' l,4:i7.»aT.W> (hat a Governor's Ball for thenf dliu-kftnidciH owiurin or hdldfuK 1 < chaperonek. nrrrnh^s it.- rti-d Uayshorc area will be held at Mc- per (.-enl or mor« of total atnount r»f UO.aO. funiiltlio Tw* Films To Be Shown Block. If tiijt nuiicd by • corpuratlon, ! ,tnt.79 Gwire's Grave on J'riday, Oct. 25.tlia< mine!* i n d iddrf«*rs of Ihb In- and At the firm meeting of the Par3,407.02 o.i'tinni tmiHl bit c i v n . If ,Oilier ent-Family life tWo Mm* "Sociable Residents of llolmdel are invited dividual oivriffi hy a pattneisltlp or other uti' < Id Noisy 9" and "Helping the ami tickets may be obtained from int-orporjited firm. Hi* name and ad* : -club members. Orris, ax well at thai of each Inchildren to accept the Dn's" will I . I A I t l t l I IK^ rntfmhti, must t>« KUTH.) j be shown Oct. 2.1 at 8 p.m. In Ihe Oilier business of the meeting dividual mn drp-.slU of tmilMlxi J . MHIJUI UIUWII, Malayan, p j i liipj »hl(i t . vltlual Indian Hill, School with Mrs. I.yle was tK" naming at a nominating j •rtllotui .. i .Tod McCammon as chairman, committee including Mrs. DavidI Mis* Geraldin* V. Brown. K»yporl, ; -j'/i/ie nod ;.viiiH« (l"po»viitiiki.s. |iatl. Mrs, Pastewait, dance chairman. Cohen, Mrs. Walter Smale a n d ; M M MildrtiJ B. H«rrlck, Matawan, mid onip'iriannounced that the eighth grade Archie Price. The committee will j N. J . I, lions held its first dance class Sept. 78 present a slate for election of of- j Mr* r;eraldin« H Cimover, M;.U- DeposlH (.( UaltPd SlHtf.i won. N. J . ! rt with an attendance of 34. Plant ficers at the next meeting on Nov. rliiliirlil Mrs. BrTfilct VV. H. Mount, Wiartlng- J .^.i(;»( a*vtitnst 34').7f>2.9A are being made to Imld a book ton. D. C, ) (jf»|j()<;it + n( Sl <i tr> »nd fair in December. Hostesses for the J. The known burnlhnlders. morl- : 1^ n u , . , ! ! >,<iiis U l l t n , i n d «lh«r n r r u r l l v Holilwa • o, ,',"r \Ji.Mnii« 1 nvriiiimt October general meeting will lie R«d Bonk Catholic " • I n * or holding 1 pCr cent or mo,. • °'i" l l t l "'Tf,'"". , c C the fourth grade mothers. of lotnl arnriunt nf lutndi, mortgages, < t . t t . , U , 930.32 Mrs. Fred Rauffus, Mrs. James P-TA Plan* Program «r other MicutlUm Mie: None \ 'jvuat' 4. Paracraphii 2 and 3 Inrltiri*. In u«i>niili.s. . tv ;j:«)5»a.iT Vam Villas, Mrs. Joseph Campe a s n where tlir jtluckfiulder or **• ! ( -, Total demand bell and Mrs. Waller Therkelson The Red Bank Catholic H i g . entity Jinjder appf^r* upon trie books adeposits f 7fT Krt fit will attend the fall county council .•jchool Parent-Teacher Association ; «I l,ie rumpan.v a i Iruslee or In any ! (i,» To'lal' it'rne " diMx>s!u . f'l.5H::.i;i4.11 on Oct. It, are planning their second annual; other prrsim ur cin p'Miitlnn fur whom hiictt f f d i i i U r y relation, the n»ma fit otiit-r liabl.iUci 72,l0<.T? luncheon and fashion show lo lie !the tru^t<>e i% ictliiK; also t)i? »ta>- i . $7 *().!,6*7.24 incuts iti (ha two p a i i m a p l n KIIOW ' 'j'ot^l f,i WSCS H«ar« Viewi Of held at the Shadowbrook Restaut-I tJii» affUnl's full kn<ml>dK« and be-s • ant, Shrewsbury, Wednesday, «t \ lirf a<i lo t h e c l t c u m s U m ' i ^ a n d c o n - ' ( M ' l l U . ATCOUS'IK 12:30 p.m. j ((Itiniis under u h l r h sU>tktii(ktcrs «nd C a p l l i l : im Comhuin Washington March sccurllv tioldcif Mho do not »ppp*r hlnrk, lot.u p.u value a 2^0 00(1.fW IliRhlisht of Ihe luncheon will lie • 2Wi.000.00 The Rev. James llowell of the[asliions hy Jean Swart/, of As-; upon Ihe l>ook.i of tlir t-Dfiipativ a . : Siirpli" hold nturk anil H>>riirlllea in UiKtKidcd |>roMU .. .. 12l..%51.(>2 I j'JVfmuwan Second Baptist Church bury Park. Hair styles of the mod- lriMt>>M, M r-Jiparily other Ihan thai of a boil* — - •i was the guest speaker at the Octo- els will be done by Alfred Stone fidtl imner. • T U M I Capital A«-.-.,Hiit., ... % 6XI.W7.O2j ber meeting of the Woman's So- of The Beauty Inn, f-'air Haven, | 9. 'I'he avenge tnmiher ol cupl&s ; Total I.lahllltlM ami of each Ixsue of hlf publication aold ciety of Christian Service held at Mrs. Anthony Scatitorchio it or distribuleit, thiouKli tli« IIIHIII OI ; Ac-.-ouiU, St. John's Mtflliodisl Church eduotherwise, lo paid KUliacrttiers tlurlDK ; chairman ol the affair and M r i . : sii-:\Km 4.N0A cational building, Florence Ave. thtt 12 months precedina the dale pledged or **• Key, llowell gpokc on his personal William Kane cu-chairman. Kcser- • hliown above wa«: ( T b i l information , steti alined lo •ei.ina llalillrequired from dally, weekly. »emfobservations of the recent Freedom vatton.H are boin^ handled hy IVIIM. \ i* ltle« mid for oilier pinJolin McGlynn. ] v.eeklx. and triweekly nen'ultapera i :(B4,(hw,(V), March in Washington, D.C. unlyi. 4027. !; .1,. abo J. M A I I E L BROWN, The resignation of Mrs .lean \ it i f lter deduc If you need printing of any KOITOH reneivKi of Gorgune was accepted and tlie Sworn and aiibsi-rihed 1 beToia ni« Ib) Se< i m l kind, we art1 here to .serve you. group elected vice president Mrs. of SepleinbtM . HiB:t. al>ove ar iJtet dedu Our quick service and reasonable thU 30lti dnv 2H.7a4.l2 '• Margaret M SlulK Muriel Ferrari to succeed her. lion of valuation i prices will please you. fMv colninlK.sioii e x p l r « Mav I t . net !•<•!• o f Mrs. I.aneta Ncldinger was electI tun. I ed vice presldenr. Mrs. Marjoric 110 1 f W. Matitiovillf. Vn»^ Plfsidonl • Have you read 111* classified 11 : Ward wag named in charge of arnl itu' «lwi''.ii,inii»l lunik liirelii • ads? NOTK-f, ' (l>-rl.u« that llns r«'P"i I <>' romlllion rangements and supper lor the anTAKK NOTKJK THAT. IIIIIIHO IN- , , n,,,. a ,,il ,<,n«..'t tn llir I w l u( my nual roll call nl the church lo he LEGAL NOTICE UUSTWIK-S. / N C . u coriwtntmii o/ Ilif l.iuiulnli;c Ural hrln-l. . held Oct. 27 at the Central School, Slate or NL-» Jt-isiuj. Tr.-ulniK as C W M ANrtKVIl.t.t: ! MONMOUTII COUNTY 1 MATAWAN WINK 4 I.iOUOli STOIIK. : We. tlio iiiiilfisintii'il <Jir.-, 1 .>rs nlKeyporl. nl t7rc H:l»»t ill SUKROCJATK'S COOflT ! (iii.H applied tn th« Binimiih nl Mal.i- (est Hit' c-'tf ii'ctiim Tables were decorated with au- NOTILT: TO CKUDJTOIIS TO I'HK- :wan fiii- a Plenary Hrtall ni.strtljii- (•'•Jnlitn>ti iiii-l C1IM(,I:I« it tiii> been | aiul t.i ttir l i n l n l tumn leaves and chrysanthemums, j SKNT CLAIMS AGAINST KSTATK ! j [.icense for pieinlse» siiuatf at cxiiminerl l>.v 120 Mam rStieet. M.Hawaii, .Neu Jerin Hue mid Attending were 41 members and iKSTATK OK MARtr. LOULSK KKL- ' ttvy. •••t. DKCEASF.D | Mrs. Joan Allen, Mjdclletown, a ! I.Y, P. J IK)I.I.0 PurKuanl lo the order of KDWAHD ! The names mid residem-** of all guest. A gift was presented to Rev. {C. HROKGK, Suirnifate of the County Iha officers, riiicctors and ntockh'ild.\ rj si it; i.r/ of said corporation a i f " E K AI.ICBNSTKIN Norman R. Riley, pastor. Devo-1 of Monmoitth. thlx day made, nit the(THlieoi-Ke Iliibem. HolindclKe)-Illiri'lmi. application of the undersigned. Mlt- port ftoaj. P. lions were led by Mrs. Jean Riley. I dred Holnultrt, New K. Bormett. AdililntKli a l i i * of f i t ) ],• Vote For The Party 00 Flash . . . Every H Spent On Lawn Care Now S 00 Worth 2 InTheSpring! LAWNS The Modern Way Complete Lawn Guidance Service AVAILABLE THRU Tony's Harris Hardware i Let lint siiow you liow lo grow a beautiful lawn »illioul (lining or I»ii<k-lnoakin^ lalmr - An<l for Ilie "Do 11 Yoinjsclfer" our Scolfs Lawn (loiiiicilor (Tony) will come lo your place and map out a guaranteed program for yon J TONY THE I A W N DOCTOR LET US SHOW YOU SOME OF OUR WORK liManv of llie finest launs in llie Kevport-IMalawan area are our ownl Seoll's and Lawn-A-iMal Program Lawns. That Stands For Action! For The Man Who's Too Busy To Build A Lawn! Lawn-A-Mat Service We. llie Re|MiMu':m caiulidciles in the Borough of Miilawan, in-iist on TOP-PRIORITY- TAX RELIEF, lliron«h I.- An Industrial Committion lo attract desirable industry to the Borough, and 2. The establishment of a Tax Commission to study intelligently income and outlay. OCTOBER SPECIAL AIL FOR • AERATE • RESEED 1 Ib. per 1000 Sq. Ft. • HIGH PRIORITY THE MASTER PLAN, il* speedy im,»,ei,.cii.aiioii. FERTILIZE PRICE INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR 40(W $(.>. FT. Elimination of the abused practice of closed executive ses•ions at Borough Council. The public deserves to know the facts. Improved and enlarged recreational facilities and programs for our young people. Ol 1 LAWN AREA. EACH ADDITIONAL UNN) S^. V\\*'*M. CALL TONY 5 6 6 - 1 0 1 3 Adoption of the State Building Code to replace our ourmoded and outdated codes. testoration of the memorial trees and preservation of the natural assets of our Borough. For Mayor: EDWARD IIYRNE For foiiilcil: GEOKfttt CONNOR • FRANK FITKRANO For Tax Atumtmwi ALFRED ADLER I W T«.v (ollecloi: FRED SMI III / H a r r i s Hardware! no MAIN si. yyg DELIVER HELP KEEP MATAWAN CLEA We Supply Everything But The Elbow Grease! l'Kltl Ad liy RciHibllcmi C'uni|inl«ii Ciimiiilll«a, f.arry Biicco, Clialrinmi. AN • MATAWAN THE MAT A W A N JOURNAL, N. J. TtNiM*«V. Odoti** 10, 1963 Regie*)*! Plan Uni<.'% Mecr fir»t Section — Pag* Eleven Regional Plan Aisoclatlon Prui- I procranis and argued about the ness program designed io ensure j Stewart, Ca., to assist the country • PRregated f242,23H;671. This repCounty Costs Up dtnt J a m n S. Scholl, president of. ' kind of development they would resented .in increase of nearly US the fleet's- capabilities in carrying Ji n repelling apuressurt from "Georlike to see in the 71X10 squnm mile y n Bloomin-djile's. will preside. A report showing that 21 county, million over 1961, largest one-year ^ , T ™ ^ J 7 ^ t \ ^ " " " h e r c o u n area.surrounding the Port of New The all-tliy conference is open governments in Ne.w Jersey cost j jump in recent years. It was alCuribbean depUiyment incluik'd San = *rV* t* tha public. Citizen planning of- York. Juan, Pui'rio lino, and St. l~hom-' T h e tm-rcise is dt-si^nt?t] 10 ieM nearly a quarter billion dollars aj most SM) million more than was Rouiulliibles nt the Oct. 15 conficials, professional planners, civic o! iii«,>s than JAM ruias, Virgin Islands. Thi- I.uce nor-; ;! U . effoci'v^ncss. »f the Air Mobile year was cited today as undersf or-! spent by '.he counties in 1958. theyw«n« (or /Kroup membera and stall and local, ference will talk about how IO inj: the movement lor improvement i mally operates uut ot Mnypon, , [ m C t . p ( i tt!lich e n t a i J s ( h e ( j f M T l l t ! Nev Ir; j - 7 • New York . Coo >lat« and ftderal officials usually ,' achieve (;oals that citizens set for j ot governmental structure and ef-i This week, why don't you M*J.veottlin Region will make up the 660 to TGO'pcrsons wiio their mclropolium area, ways of j Vliiled French Riviera in mass of ru-iii.-t>p!er - borne com- ficiency at the county level. Kx- look through the windows ot I tnakiiiK cities more attractive io I ^;.»»i debated at,themih attend the annual Mittimus. Cuinpkivs Dnsle l j a t troops on inemy positions and |H-mlitures of the counties last yeer- your church . . . from the inslile. Clinrles W. Peterson jr.-, airman, ; live in, developing the outer are,is ; Opiaiona SubtnilUd -,ice of Regional Plan • of (he Region siitisfanorily, retain- U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pvt. Raymond Walsh, M>n i.f Mr. , j i e rerroupinK of the troops for ';day, at the SlatThe citizen opinions on the future , , , < inn the-pleiisanlness of older sub- Charles W. Peterson, 14 Kosemary and lMrs. Albert IVai.M), Fort Lauil- • •""•"«'">"' """"I"" el-s-wm-re. els-wm-re \. New,York, of the metropolitan area were subDr., llazk't, i.s si/rvinR aboard the erdfile, M;t,, has rompleted his Gov. Richard J. mitted lo the Association in last ' urlw, and assuring iinoii iransrxjr- attack aircraft carrier USS Inil.'- basic triiiinnj; m l-'oti Dix ami rs . lation. ?.»k at the Confer- springs Goals for the Region Pr pcruliMice which recently visiU'il bow in t he Illh Signal Ci i ou p a I Bankers' Emergency f , OB "interiUle Co- jett. Those polled met for fh'e Ciinni's, l-'ianct1, in the course of Port Lewis, tt'a.Oi. l i e js ifie^/iNHli) ! Inn the Metropolis." weekly meetings, sow television j Card of Thanki JUT .-ttrri'iu sf\'fti-inon:h cruisi! , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Spat- Booklet Is Popular i The fcmily of the l.'ile Mr. Roccn . ivilh tin- Sixth F l e d in tlie Mctli- : ford, 23h Maple PL, Kcy;>ort, His ' addrt ss i.s }'vt. Kaymond Wtilsh, ' Odiint'Kio wish lo thank all llu-ir ttriiiiifan. Banks in seven states have or; fiiends ami noiplibors for Uu-ir ; Indept'iulcjicr u-;i.s ;ii Cannes • USSHRTU.'IS, M-f>th Signal Co., Illh dt'it'd the "KnuT^fncy JVepared, Signal (jroup. Fort Lewis, Wiishin^1 n*.iuiy kindnesses during ihcir re- [ AUK. .'II tlirmifjli Sept. !i, allowing ness Piojiram" since it w a s pubi cent beit*avt'inL*nl, especially tlio i her i-reunii-n ;l 10-day li«)k at thoi Ion. lished hy N e w Jersey Hankers AsPriests of St. Joseph's It. (.'. Fi'tMK'll Kiviera. Si^lltsiM'inK oppo*"Come, Visit Us In { Grintmitei i'roni School •vorintiim, Princeton, in April. The , Church, Kcypijrt First Aid and tla* tuniiit-a ihcre im:ludi-tl daily lours ; Julius tl. Bfl-pajie sample prt'paredness pro\ Day Funeral Home. . of the I-reiich Mliritilmt Alps, the i Airman J if>( Class Freehold. Sea Selections , wjins—ailv 10' i Kiviera. a fivc-tlay tour to Paris • Daniels. Morn;inville, has jT.uliiiii- j;ram w a s prepared by ihe NJBA and a three-day lishiiij.1 trip in the ed from Ihe Nom'/Mnniivsiixin) Of- I'jni'iffcncy Planning Coinmiitt'e. and Styles A t Sensible i ficer Preparatory SCIIIHII at McCoy | Alps. Unveilin); The " Finer ^f'ney Preparedness : Air Force BaM\ Fin, Ihe airman Prices! An Atlantic Fleet unit, Inde- ' w a s trained in liie dimes and re* Projirain ' incindt's chapters on: The unveilini; of the moninnont pendence normally opcraic.i out of! sponsibililn'.s of Air Force nonccun. Organi/aticm nnd udmintstration of of the late Holier I'inkus, will s ' f1 I k 11 V n S V I missiont-ii OMUI.IS. The course in- file program; personnel participj; lic-ldViii Sunday, Oct. I'd. ijiaj '(it":i 1 I '" ''" '. Fur Trimmed and i eluded sludy in M^:;u)i/;itioii, mait- tion ;md pr< iicctHHV, conlimiity ot j p.m. ill Hell) Israel Memorial I'urk, : 1 a , , | ) s o n | exinijion ' ajicnienl. leadership, miliiary jus- iitrtna^L-nieiit and ;>\'^tv Jie.idUntrimmed . . . ; C(uurlcrs; physical properties: dur>tice, st-riii:ty and huiiian nlations. 1 A i n m m Daniels, <m .'tirhouie i-|- Jic.'ilt or nUvrnnie records; collecCarlsnn, Mat it wan. completed his i tctronic ((|inpnient spt-cialisi, ih tion of tii^h items and non-ca^h ; wjiiis—ailv 17 iitrcrafi t m ricr qualificulions re- ; nssititin\ m ihv 'Mih Aruuuvvu items; c u t rut v operations; cus'oliif*r pjriicipatiort; and of!leer .isri'inlv ulicn he lamlrtl a Navy nir• ii n d i-,Iec:romcK Mainienance sijtnr.ients. 1 ht- manual also co.icraft abmirtl the UKS Lexin^ion in i SijuiuJron. ])c i.r- flu* MWI of Mr.v liuns a \aluiii)U* thtLt- n.iui: hibli'>the Gut! of Mexico, Helen F Daniels, who resides on Ucforu making ihe la tiding nt Com* In For A Tad Drive! Rrnwn Hd,. Mnrj-MiiVtlU1. Ihe airsea, lie practici'd on an airstrip also . . . man i.s ;i j'riiduitte of Freehold ashore wiiirh WHS inarkfn! to simuKt^iotKil llij'h .Sc-hool, Votir advyriisrmenl in this , ( late the iisiticuii nreas ot a flight , AU SAFE BUYS paper will reach pu^pecuve deck. Upon fomplctiri^ iho <|iiaii- \ Completi-b .Sub Training fiurchiisers in eii-ry cnmiiuinily in fixations, , flight Ifcnry 1' i.anihwiir, USN, son (if the havsh'tj c a reii. g SUHU-IUS arc j .'ttf 5)P. Colony Park, MOM, PJ St Jl»5. to t"iur mote ailvanccd phases Mr. and Mrs. Thcron 11. Landui wehr of l'4f Catt'Atit: PI., Kfimsbitm, •.cnvcrtible, FOM, P. St. 5HS»: has uruduatt-d from ihe fleet subIfalaxie Sport H.T., FOM, P. St. 24*5. _• Hcturnt'd To Norfolk marine tJ'iiinin^ ;jl Ihe New Ackerson, Van Buskirk Tin VIM NBUD, FOM 235«. "l Robtri S. llama, chief electric* i London, ("onn., Mibniurine base. ; ian's inaie, USN, son of Mr. a n d ; & Elliott, Inc. I . ' O M I V I J W A I - ' 4 - D r . )I.T., Air. Cond 2Z*>. ALTERATIONS ARE FREE I Mrs, Michael J. Batna sr, t 15 Lin-; llelicopler Irainlnji C. P; BAUS1S i ( i M » i'altlane "5MI" 2D, TOM, P. St MJS. i ton PI., Keansburi!, returned 'O! Fr'anris Ni/olek. airman apprtT.;O*I» ii'nlaxie 2-Dr. H.T., FOM, P. SI I7»5. Norfolk, \ ' a . , eariy in .September 1 lice. USN. win of Mr. and Mrs. SAY " H I " TO MOLLY i•'•l.i'liiM 4U Sedan, -FOM 173i. .aboard the aituck aircraft carrier' Frank Ni/o!ek (jf 11 Miidelaino ; USS Enterprise aflcr .spfmiin^ *ov-: Ave., Old Hridjie. rt-cenily reported J<>«f».*(<'ahxie 4-Dr. FOM/P. St 15*. AT I en months in the Mediterrancun. for duty with Helicopter Triiininj; 1O»I> Convtrlible,KOM.f P. St H»E ; J"ht* Enterprise lied up in Norfolk j Squadron Eiaht nt ihe An.xiJiary <•».«:<>'M)cl.uxe 4Dr. St. WaR., FOM IHW 'I on Sept. 4. having b m i ou tleploy- Landing Field l.tlyson I'itkl, Pen-.-. (> 11 Otf Deluxe 41).. FOM IM3. | menl since February. ; Sflcolii. i:\a. KEYPORT <:*««irr 2D Sedan I3.W. ! While in the Mediterranean, she Hllystin :Field is the Navy's only -j was thi? nucleus of the Sixth Fleet's | helicopter pilot training center. It 1'tl.t'CM ]D, FOM I Mi. Insurance Service Since 1925 37 Stokes St., Freehold : fast carrier striking force. Aircraft is named for Navy Commander VOMi i-P. C'try Squire S.W., FOM/ P. St I2SS. — Near RCIHIIC Ave. — I flying from the carrier's deck pro- ,Theodore CJ. F:ily.M>n, ihe first nav1C*O f'snch WaKun, FOM 1IM. | vidtd air cover a ltd potential long- al aviator. Hi1 qualified for Ihe hon- ' 1>M«iM Deluxe 4D.', FOM IIM. 2 niixks o(( I-'rn-hiild Traflic Circle — T.i«v# Circle at "Jurscy rau^e- fctrike capability, extending or in April 1!U1 and was closely asl;rec;i'" Hand. miAf firsL iff: urn Bowna Ave. lo Stakes St. j ihe ran^e and e/'ectivtness of the socialed with the- initial istjiblisii- • S'TUL TZ S" i c . » i » <;».Uxie <O.) FOM, P. St.J ins. !' Sixth Fleet a s a deterrent to war. ;nitnt of flight traminj; fit }*ens.iIOU» Convertible, FOM. P. St MS. MOUKS: l l x l .Mon..Tkru Thun. - Fri. • S*l. lo • .,' Enterprise crew members vi.siltd- cola. : IVIMt i'.tH Convertible, MOM, P.St Hi. j ports in Italy. Trance, Spain, 1©<I» <;<-.!«xie 2D «nd'4D Hd. Tp., FOM. P. St »3». jj Greece and Lebanon. I Takv Fart In rxprclsv i.l.vt'tn.V Premiere 4D Hd. Tp., Full Power IKS. U. S. Army Sf/fcinliMs Four Aboard Krij-ate J a m e s A. Dw:Ker i r , whose lather D M r i . W Y 9P. Station Wa(;on. MOM, P.St tst. Thomas E. Wallace.* .seaman ap- lives at lfi ,l(>hnMjn Terr.. We>t H«*l» 'Vlilane "MO" 2-Dr. II.T., FOM 5»5. prentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kcansbur^, ;wid t.ory Jack sun. D •ft'*l» I.try Squire S.W., FOM 4K. | .lames E. Wallace, 7 Ferndafe PI., South S t . M.nliiw.m, :irr participal. i Cliffwood, is serving aboard the inj* in F-M-irist? Sky Soldier 1. a IX M^M'IJUT 4-Dr. Sta. Vans, MOM. P.'St 4Si. Kiiidetf missile frigate USS Incc day I lth Air Assault Ui\is:on initalilt.»«:•»:» •'Monterey" 4B., MOM 2»5. I which recently complftcd two etiver, whicii is .'ciieduli-d to end j weeks training op(.iratio/)s in liie . Oct. \C>. •• Caribbean. While embarked («n the • The men uf iJic llili r>ivtsittn will ' r*iriJ)b«in jn*" fired b e ik'i>Uiyrtl }<v itcln-aftUT nl the rt>. Terrier {.'.nidi-d missiles Jit hi^h qut'.s! i»f :hc j'fjVfrnment <<f "Stf"»v: j speed target drones. In add it ;on, lining up hotels, entertainment '• arll.'wuJ." a Uyfx>lhi-\)cn\ republic j ; crewmen used Luce's conventional established for '.!;e duration of Mie tnd tiavtl (eieivations takes ju^t , f*un baiierics to praciictf shore vxvi (:*{.' iind lociiicd rif*ar I-u:: t few fTitnules en thp phone. : bombardment nnd anti-Aircraft firSaves hours ol lime and liouL-le ! inp. later en. NEW JERSEY BELL I The ;mining cruise is part of . . . mid with clean*1 r burning, M-MS ' the Navy's continual combat-rcadiWE WILL BUY Iwi. That menus YOU Ret hHlcr heat for U-ss numt'y! FORD StNCE 1904 Ordor ynurs iwfity. MONMOt'TH A OCXAN COUNTY BANK STOCKS £tanmouth and Maple, Red Bank We Specialise in bank, utility nnd Industrial stocks and mutual 347 Maple Fhice, Ktypurt funds. JNQUIRIT.S INVITKD OtPOSITE ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH NO OBLIGATION L GEO. WE.STON d SONS Invi'ttmt'nl Securities (41 Ocrnn A\«-., l.nnR Hrunch Tel. CA 2-KII NEWS OF AREA SERVICEMEN *!>!« ,„. Value Counts . . . Prove It Yourself! - 1964 - fmd$t Falcons, Mercurys, Comti, Lincoln Continentals COATS SUITS (All COATS RAINCOATS Now Located ot 3 E. FRONT ST. MAIN CLOAK CO. FUEL KIDS NGLISH »..«••< A G E N C I E S The Quality Buy InColor TV Phone ahead for reservations independent Servicemen know the greater dependability of HANDCRAFTED TV » JEAN'S YARN SHOP Chemical Th'Womenon Emds fjFeWif Waxing Forever F«)«n i"i*.* ff,Mearrh IjilHiralnrira of W |>lonr*r rlirmtral {• for the4*«lari( Nurltar -Submarinr*, Mitaile •IM) .*»»«• fnilunlrim comet a new iliteovrry io unuiual .|l'«*i<t ••*• iinhelievthle. ® K.. 7 . J- ( S p e c i a l ) — jwltb III original high (lorn unThf m«*i 'ifaBttffiil, tlHie-con-! ritHrrrd by the vipoimre. IJy coiniaiii:i.; . K I « i a evfrv hoiint-holil. i |.arisen, tilth i ) i r l « d , n«ti«nnlly In iti» ifumib, weekly tusk of H'knnwn, clour finer loutiiinn, »»• Hdiiu • i.11 itil|t ov«r, fcriltitiliif, |KIM(I lo the m i n t conditions fit vax'i.f >i-- Iftora. Momfi with 1 the ntu»<! time, dlimpnv&rcd (li*l> ! > . ; • araa* <>l A»i>imll,jnluioM entirely In i h e first four \ l n j i i i i . ' t-<u, rutiter, linoleum imintlm. t i n } ' l i t ' or.) Room It) klU'htni.l Your Door* Mill lift wntprpronf/ llvtiir I M I : t c i e nmiii", v l i t m l l y j I'd tud haliyprout' nlreinvljr chair • « i . c l i e w l f e lo l u r w»x | ri'alnlanl in •lulled Jultm, bulla)t|i!" t o * 1 1 4 . biirnhK iimctitriA. s I»K water, M id*, (.'fir, fcrranfn, nl! fur In ndi'Miil o( <lri'»ry lioiira o!|tvi>e« o( MMI|» and delrnttnln. i.^'druAery. Hrlin d u n f i r * In !f«« thill 60 • I mo Iricrc WHO not ! IIIIIIIIK'K, will nut ililp. |*(>1, trnck, • (>t)d \>* done lu fllnil-. nr lilixtfr, It's unnfUjp EIDS,* is ex• mit« i-^ ' 5ekly drudgery vt t m n e l y lii^h. vltlmut dulling or (mi' Mrs end liiillltiit. Tlilntu yl'llowiiifr with nxflnK. dun- . I I H I : M | bownvnr; There l»|,, I'OHSKXON I'TlOOs fnlnoun IUIU t t i:- r rt In tltljr are«, a new secret furiniila ninny have tried tlifh -1 11 ' aonialiim, * crymat to Iniltnlr lint, of courrc, no tWu Inn c i l l s l f c |n.lf>iretlnii« o n e li'm liprn'uliln t n ' i o p y It COHIII,'. c«- 'lo|i#l fiy HlOTKX-itKMtly, VOtlSF.I.US I'T-IM) )« I A I M ' I K r I', N4wlrk, N..J. and [tort I lied with "/.AI.HA, wnnilrr in i i i « ' , i 'IMA •>> » e other}chciuli-n,] from l i i l ' u i i l , 'provides cniit"r',' \ti >l|f woriit. film imiKlincKx,. AlirHKU>n-renif*t< I Pii'i-'Kl.d,/'l*T.-lflS,' can W l a n c e . ' T e n t « in'iiulei>«inlmt Into|llf«'' I •tlly m i p l M liy ti»«'or»tflrle». hkv« I>HIV«II nil inOt IV r I /"Oi«|i|illti«or. liru»h' crf'»«« In film lift of more thim • >J1 t)|ipif of firxnn: ill IlllltH. l>r <i' • I K • * i ' V vlnrl, vlnylimAmii'.c 1'OIISKI.OS' 1'T-lfiO Is nvnll. On, linotl«K(r.'l In ••<irj'«l«l.flp/ir", Iflllli i, '.trntizn «nd con-i Mark nnd 12 ileronitiiin rolora. »!', with nt leant n t year Ills u p e i t - ' » ('Mill" bni'k «av»r In!miry. y f'T'ldO, mul In innnii-! Thorc la \ l i t u n l l y no limit t o I'OI' < M iiinkera uf iiro'whiil you run cent wlllli I'Dll. l«rl.i. -.Ji fur the I'uliirln. SHl.ON J'T-lOO, Inlnrlnr nr ex(«••!' • f'olnrlii, Icrlor, on nny of huiidrciln of KIM". oilier Mirfni'i'f, Kldlnir, •THIItAnlifl, fnrnt iii/K-hln^ry, IriU'hit, '•He i « ntriil Mutom, Kurd Idlon, ini'tnl rnillriRn. HvliiiiniuK IMilIci 'Icnvrul D.i'iiWiilc!|il)ol«, luitlns, ilnmti tinAfnit>nlx, tlcniu. I'l. rh. W'fcurtniiliome'r' e l r . mid ynu'll linvv A hnrd-Mine I ttf |M ><l • i,r ijriiiiiiinin AvlHll(in,|»t>iiiiiiK II nut. I I T T • Ti- i.ili";?, tlnlnn Carhlilr.l Wnnt (irnnf of l'nitKKI.ON' in ,«. PrniivrticK, Wai-, I'T-lllf) i'lfi>ctlv»n*B«? For a limit. ed limn (inly, you fi«t $ 1.00 off on (4ktrf M ' I ' i» * foti'f. «*li^. I No ha llriil limn In [ a. ounrt, let.1 It on un fur 30 dnyi •imr mi lAh« itniil for yourself lln In* i1«H>r nuil •«r> You nniHt (wllhi.i ,• iniaver. t'OIISKI.ON'hia lOH'i, mlltlli'il "r wir nullioii. I'T U'B inu,n';i a liljih KII"« inlr. ] jeit ileulcr will rffunil ymir Wrlll > nmjllii, loiiglmilIng i money In full on thin money », niwur Imn to Im [mivlhi,' iirTvr (ll«*rfully and Imi. An i H y . <i»toa mofi kecpK your .Vole: Mmlt on Is- o n * (rfnl nr: , IIM .!<«« clear, iliiiul imr rmnlly with nil* ml, M I ' l l V/IJWKr.O.V I'T-IOO t'liti lhl* fill rlpltt iiow M'lillr ft'M 1 Iran 'uiii i.til) to IhduKiiinl ami HIM fri1*!) lu >iiiir mind mul you'll fffiiniiiMt It i iu'va. In min li'nt R)V ni'v-cj*, jitvi-r IIIUP to \vnt fluvrn IHII'HMI,I k ,,l«ar |Hilyiir«lliane nyi'ln. tlialliir « - ' *|ipllm( to 311,0110 pro/ir/'Sslvo MiiHir i n t II,' Tuxiii MIKMIHK In a Our tuithiTrl/ril «keiiiu»;, A yfiir InliT, deulor hi Kcypui-t '» «*<«r II.MII).' IHKUI coiilliiiiKlly Conmcr l.nmhf>r t'i>, l u l i l r n . i l n 1tn»|.wlic< led furk IM FlrM .St. Keyport, N. J. lift In/i »• iiiritfajljr wenr l<y id,WIH <'iir ii'Hili'il aiilllan* and Tlintik )IIII for P'IIJIMK lliln fur. lo, Hid elmi' iinlv. xritn Hill STULTIJr ALL, NEW 1964 Now Open! Botany Yarnt - Needl** Books - Button* • Notions JUST RELEASED FROM OUR WAREHOUSE TO BE SOLD FOR UNPAID BALANCE DUE! ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED YARNS EVEK BEEN A SILVEK BLONDE? IF YOU HAVEN'T NOWS THE TIME TO SAVEI NEW SILVER BLONDING «'<.?'•» WITH STRIPPING a n d TONING N o w J8;5« Retouch Silver Blonding - Now only 10.00 SPECIAL O N FROSTING - Reg. $15 • $12.50 193 First Street, Key port Hours: Tuts, to SM. !) lo 5 — Open 264-6390 T h i n s . Nite t o '.I NO PRINTED CIRCUITS... NO PRODUCTION SHORTCUTS New and Used 3 Room Groups Buy Good Used If you want good used furniture, and can afFurniture jford $5 weekly . . . And Save More {This is what it will Thon - 50% buy) Outfit No. 74631 5 pc» ('berry Cnrdfevan HIM! I Outfit No. 84756 • Hnom Suilr • 3 pc. Mltplf llnlrrmm Suite • 3 pc. l i v i n g R Co in M l * ! • .1 pc. Colonial .SOU lltd Stlllr • 5 pc. Dincltr • Cvpc. Mnpie Dining Kocm 1'l.US — T a h l c . Lumps, l»12 Sutlr Vinyl Ku«i. I'illciHt, i l r . Kmiml hililc ORIRINAI.I V KSS.M 4 1 ti|tlaliM rhnlrf liulfrl TAKE OVER BALANCE I'tusKillcll tflhh'^. Imnpft, rugs, pMlowi j Ori^lnnlJy IKH.M $297. PAY $3 WEEKLY!!! SUBURBAN COLOR TV I Take Over Balance ! $486.00 BRAND NEW - M;VI:R OUT OF OUR WAREHOUSE LOOK AT WHAT U WEEKLY WILL BUY! riKI.lJ FDRNITUNK'X MBl'I.OL'S .1 DOOM HUIWETCEM • K pc. MIKIITII I l i i n t It (Mini Group with tnbltn, l«nip». rugi. • t [><•. Mlnlcin llcil It (mm (lullil. • i pc. Dinrflt. plus rnbhul iiml 9a 12 Vinyl I'l.lS . . . A Guamnlrfd rmnlly Si/cd Hilrl^fr«lor, Only $38B.OO Tills Innlnstlc Vnliii' only nl Field Furniture — 7-11 E. Front St., Keyporr JS4-.KI2O Dully I A.M. In « f'.Af. O|«n •niurMhij and IrUlny 9 A.M. Io t I'.M. mfiplc w«n»crilirt(Jfcoleclhardwood li>li(i«. Bl( 265 II). In. r»cl»n«ul«l |>klur« icie«iv I \V'OW.D PAMOUh IJANDCRAl^JED CHASSIS Connection! In Zanltri't l»ndc r of led c h e i t i t * r * c«t»f<illy P> ^'*>^ h u n d w l t r d , I » f i d i c | j » r « i ) loi Ifreeler opemiing d^pvndiibility. Mnj.fnduttion thorlcutt. Nopfinlmi cttculli. Ho rpfnpromlftM with Quelriy. 7 Outfits To 5e/ect From! Jrw|uIre A* Main WE HAVE 'EM • HURRY INI atawati Lumber Co. Thi Inindlj/ Sutphin Ave. Lumber ) « / ( / 566-4500 Matawctn Store F I E L D FURNITURE THRIFT WAREHOUSE 7-11 E. FRONT ST., KEYPORT 264-3021 - Ask For Harvey .Slur* Hours: Dolly III t — TluirMlny nnd l-rhhiy '111 t Arc ZE M 111 S< •lioolrt 1 v-i) H'li Servire To Do Co lor - 1(1:.< k White TEN EYCK RONSON 283 Main St. - Netir Hwy. 34 Matawun Oprn I'rl. Night - 'M-\DH THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. j t a f T w l v — Hwt SfHon th»r»day, October 10, 196$ REDEEM ADJACENT COUPON WORTH 20e Towards the purchase of 1 -Ib. pkg. LOUELLA AWARD WINNING THIS COUPON WORTH tewaiJt t i n purctiitt *f 1-fc. pkg, BUTTER '/( ^Oj B^Nj LOUELLA PRIZE WINNING BUTTER with purchtu* of $7.50 t mwa ' Horn* — — — _ _ » _ _ _ _ _ . _ „ _ _ _ _ _ Address . Offer Explrei Oct. 12, 1963 Oni Coupo Pti Shopping Family 8 REDEEM ADJACENT COUPON WORTH 20c %3Q0O000fl00ft00DO0O0O0O000OOOOOOO Towards the purchase of 1-lb. pkg. LANCASTER BRAND SLICED THIS COUPON WORTH COUPONS BACON & m KUP LANCASTER BR^NP BQN^JN - . ' towordl lh« pyrchoia el I-Ik. pka> LANCASTER BRAND SLICED BACON with any ( 3 . 0 0 m o t purchat* T I'resh! Vreshl Acme Vrcsh! LANCASTER BRAND 'cr FLAME RED CHUCK RIB TOKAY ROAST ROAST I GRAPES REGULAR STYLE Thru Sot., O c t | » I 963. Quantify ^ FRESH! FRESH! ACME FRESH! MIX O S MATCH! Lancaster Brand Vacuum Packed LUNCH M I A T I KcMt 0 Pimtnia Loaf, Splc«d Luncheon, Bologna, Salami, Plain Loaf. Oliva Loaf LANCASTER BRAND s r s c u L L i PHKI-ARTO RIB ROASTS FLORIDA SEEDLESS ,65c GRAPEFRUIT 4 29' First Cuts Slightly Highor LANCASTKR BRAND SHORT RIBS BEEF , 4 9 o GOLDEN DELICIOUS OR RED DELICIOUS APPLES o.-. 3 . 3 9 LANCABTER BRAND BEffUYER £ . , - _ _ * We LANCAHTEH BRAND RUSSET BAKING BEIF ARM B O l S T _ h f i l e HEO L FROZEN ' Maidmtk BMMAM • •'•*• • • • • • • • • • • i n • pkaL STOUFFER'S FROZEN T I R u.I.# 1 POTATOES 5 - 2 9 LANCA8TKR RRAND CHO3B-CUT BOHELESS ROUST J l o FKUH. RtOULAR "A" » . . LANCASTER BRAND FULLY COOKED l >> BR0UNBBEEF b 4le^ l U N C A m i l BRAND »BOZ«H IMIAT DINNIRS IDEAL COFFEE IMAL TOMATO SAUCE Redeem I hi* Week's Savings Offers from Acme's Bomis Book! •Mvtifiil Staubanrillc, fairlana Pattern SAVE 17 DRINK 40 { DINNERWARE 4-NICI >LACI HTTWt ON YOUR COMPLETI SITTINQ FREE AUNT JFMIWA FROZEN _ 34.'.;?B9c IDF.AL WAFFLES FROZEN, KING SIZE IDEAL WAFFLES BOOK OF SCIINCI ON SALI THIS WEEK WEBSTER DICTIONARY BIRDSEYE FROZEN FRVfT OfOKTML TINYTATERS UCGULAR 93c VM.Uf K L MONTE PEABS 2'^«« STABtTIBt SECTION with R+IHIS • • • k C»«r>*«l l l « l « « lv«t COMPUTI IICTIONI UCEDMN NOI. I » 2 99' |{ BILIIfll ^»W» •AH WITH 1ONUI • OOK COUPON •»•••* wl(l1 ••«(«••'• fittmaUt fcMk A m I M V « l t n /......,. ^; •••- '• • ...,««<i-.-.»».-.-,.-.-. •ATM.SIZE — 2 bar* $31c 1 Ib. pkg. 2/49t J 'Z 3k Siper Sads •ATM SUE Cuhnere IOIIIBI 1^ 28c Vd Detergent 83% ox, $1,27 i ^ 35e bottlt Fab AJAX ) 6 Me 16 lbs., 9 oi, $3.69 5 RIB -Fbor ChBMr l r 19c AJAX X 1 4 M . 27C 4 01 1 S9o POWDER M l l Cleanser Octagon 22' or." bottlo 75c Action Bleach Baggies 21 oi. . pkg. 50 pkg. of 5O'i :c iic Liquid Ajax __ 23 ot. bottlt Deodorant OH „ 7 oi. _ con BUBBLE BATH II OI, bottlt 69c PLENTY OF FREE PARKING — ROUTE 35 and 36 95a FLORIENT LAUNDRY SOAP 3Jc 2le 44 ot, boltla [T-itn>(irniifiinnnwi»«iu Vi Gal. pkg. of ,0 Soaky pkg, $1.15 Dynamo Liquid 36 oi, Bt. , bottlt 09B THE M A T A W A N JOURNAL, N . J. Thursday, Octoim 10/ 1963 COUPON SAVINGS COUPON SAVINGS • • • levera ths punhoN of eooMM Page On« — Swond Stcffoit VUI(B AN»»IE TURKEY m_. Coiipon COUPON 5 ib bag ofSUGAR wwwnin ,M Coupon Good At ^ ANY SHOP-RITI SUPER MARKET 25 1 MY SNOP-ltn SVMIRURKIT WHfM ITIM I I A V A I A M I COUPON U M I T - O M M l FAMILY T * I I # » I I !«#*•« fafwfcyWfM. Oct. 12. W COUPON SAVINGS •"• toward th* purchai* ol ANY GALLON SHOP-RITE PAINT C WHEM ITIM IS AVAILAUI COUPON LIMIT-ONE PER FAMILY 'Ctupan ItpUtt . . . toward t i n purchase of THIS COUPON WORTH -Coupon Good At ANY SHOP-RITE SUPER MARKET WHCtl ITEM IS A V A I L A I U COUPON L I M I T - O N E PEft FAMILY Saturday Hlghl, >cl. VI. I" Couponf*pfr*i Safurdoy fflghf, V ! . 1-- ' Coupon redeemed only on purchait of ittm liilcd, m M m m r f only an purctww a( item Httod, an purchate al item lilted SHOP-RITE! WHYRAYMORE? SNOP-RITE.' WHY tAY MORE FOR FROZEN FOOltt ttUki i Ap»tt, p»t, O Owwy. wwy.> — * . Mmbwtyy, ht Turnovers 4S.99* T • M , Dinners Sft ftf 3!K$1 Pinners C*Mon*wChicken, Cant. . CHECK THE SHOP-RITI NEAREST YOU AND SAVE ON FOOD WITH SHOP-RITE'S LOW LOW PRICES . WHY PAY MOREI UIIY I'AY MORE FOR Hia*>Rit* s7' B l S C U l t S mnnwiK iuchyWhip Whip Topping Cheese Cakes «-* * 59* Coo4Luclior2coMAISw*H Margarine . , 4 £>• *t Ihop-Hit. 100% Pur* Orange Juice 143* •hop-Kit* Corn O i l Margarine »25* YELLOW HAWAIIAN PUNCH W f l f P / l l AfORfi *OK DEM lhe»-»it* Sliced Bacon .49* •win't eVewn •> Steve K49* 49" 4 FISH DEPT. SUGAR S t U r « , »49' Newport Rom! *• 99* SHRIMP k fl£VI£,l'll * HEAVTY »69* AlltS! UvarU-1S.S-oi. N*w Sparkl* D*tan<*r lolll* Reg. 19c Mouth Wash 7 3 ' Rapid Shave .,78* Mmoll>«-Kint Sit* M*g. f •< SHOP-RITE PRESERVES « APRICOT • ORANGE • PINEAPPLE • PEACH . GRAPE JELLY • GRAPE JAM p YOUR CHOICE •olitW We«. »t< Denture Cleanser ',: S5" Hair Spray • 2 t ' 1 0 count FA'EliYTMiS'G'S I2-0L' . WHY PAY MORE FOR FROlWCEf APPLES CRISP MclNTOSH RIVAL BEEF Fancy Rutwtt fcifcln* Potatoes on. 39' CAULIFLOWER SNOW WHITE If. tmt 19 MMIt)ttlln*tw*tllMi>iiail«*ht Ollokw Illh. l«63. Not t . H> r>«v< Wit tl*hl |g Nmll <ua«UI» SHOP-RITE! DtlMMl«*rkltMl«% 3S«i. ImutiltJ Italian t4.i. 1 can !•«« ffJS* IM I 4 ZV«f 1 R a i s i n s sun Maid S a l t i n e s SHOP-RIT? Id. tuppy Jotk S y r u p »" Bv A M J 1r<4rMmEt L A « Jlwf-lilt §r Sldiiiy flT | C C i d l v « 9 i ' * i i > ' ' riixU.lMi/Ulrti^' »•»!!• » V _ _ _« ^ - (MitM «i tk< (.. >( iH i»iu n, • U n a e^M.H.., wKin ««• 1Oc OFF SANK A »" or MAXWIU HOUSC t^i. |.r r #O TT« A « * _ ^ CHAM <. SANIORN fc K TO* Coffee •*< OFF COFFEE SALE!" MAXWELL HOUSE £ D r i n k s WESTFIELD May po Cereal 29 $ Brownie Mix - 4 ; 1 Tide Detergent SI99«, Peaches £Ki7 3'£'."87; N 9 Apple Saucerr: 4 ;.' l 43* Bisquick Mix V:u 4 3 $ Tomato Juice 4 ;i 1 White Tuna . 3 £ 89* ; f CandyColdBars Peppers M ^ r ^ 5 r l Medal, Hecktr or B I*. Bl Cld M d lH Cookies H%:VX t ' 2 9 Anli Freeze Kleer W a x JOHNSON »• 79* Polish 69' Coffee •-tffi*-- "SrVjloyir («li Itllf doiWr (c Oil Cuilloll Mill H ta>< "'|in!i1 i« '" ii[| i"'1' !••<' '<* Shap-Rit* 4,29' Cut Shait Rib Stocks SHORTENING 3 4 9 Ptrmtintnt Iyp« Grapefruit t*r«n*V tr Carrots Ihop.til.f.—.. « Onion SU«k,; t9" SHOP-RITE OOXe» Neille, Hcrihty, Cliunky MO 2 OS ';;•••• PRICED RIGHT AT , Haiti. t«!lj. Vlhili UminViliil PlwUalMtfeN Ground Chuck STEAKS :; Ketchup ptARr* P6 t Tuna Flakes w 5 »1 € Kraft Cmirw Wmomin MkH to O r * r Swiss Cheese 49' Wesson Oil i . Ofcl'i. fitAere Cole Slaw »19 C j Frozen Meats Sm.1l! Canv<ni*nt •oast Beef , 9 9 "• KIM 40.70 count Dog Food Mom* M«*li Cr—m» t Toity oni T«n«Wr •••7 »89' ..39* Italian Sausage .69' Flounder Shouldarfl«akk 99' SHOP-RITE Coceonut Cuitord r R » 69' • * 99' 2ub«°St«aks OCOMA Sweet or Hot Sausage Meat Shuck Road 46-oz. cans WHY PA Y MORE? WHY rAY MORE FOR BAKERY? KL r.iji •*!< tuit u in r-- * • — ' * - " Boneless Turkeys for Turkey Stuffing Armour Star Sdop-Rite California Tomato slant agrl tollin (g^ C o f f e e CHOCK FULL O'NUTS 1 6 9 * SHOP-RITE ROUTE 3 6 KEYPORT OPEN 7 DAYS: DAILY Til 9; FRIDAY to 10; SUNDAY 'TH 6 THE M A T A W A N JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* t w o — Second Section Photographers Protect Customers HVW-M Reports Staff Changes The Hanson • VanWinklc • Mun•ing Co., Malawan announced the ictirement of Waller 1, Ehrlinger, wport manager, who reached the company's normal retirement age (his year. John W. Carton jr., forloer assistant In the export department, was appointed to [ill the vacancy. Born in Pittsburfjh, Pa., Mr. Ehrtinner graduated from the Knoxville Union Ui^h School. In 1926 after a varied business career, he joined the Walter E. Hague and Son, electroplating company, in Pittsburgh as secretary and treasurer, and in 1931 wat appointed assistant secretary and treasurer of The Genuine Motor Harts Co,, of Pittsburgh. At'the beginning of World War II, Mr. Ehrlmner offered his services to H-VW-M in order to contribute to Ihe war effort. He served in Die capacity of sales engineer until 194S when he was appointed export manager, the position he held until his retirement. Graduate Of Kcd Bank Bom in Rumsvn, Mr. Carton graduated from Red Bank High School and the Kcd JSank Business Institute. He began his business career with one of the larger New York printing firms where he was in charge of pj'oduclion control arid order processing. During World War II he served wilh the U.S. Army In the European theater and was decorated by both the American and French governments. ..... Following the war, Mr. Carton Studied accounting and business tow at New York University, and Joined a brokerage accounting firm • I a junior accountant. In May of tltl he joined the sales department el Hanson - VanWinkle - Munning Co., and lerved for 13 years as •ales specialist on electroplating auppllcs. Prior to his present appointment he spent three years as assistant to the export manager. In addition to his business intercat, Mr. Carton has been active in Cily Government. He served for three years as councilman in Rumton, has been tax assessor lince MS3 and a member of the planning hoard since 1954. Join IFF Staff Dr. Ernst T. Tbeimer, vice president of research and development, International Flavors I Fragrances Inc., has announced the addition •f Or. Peter W. D. Mitchell and Or. Erno Mohacsi to the research Half of the IFF • Union Beach Research and Development Laboratories. Both gentlemen will assume Ihe dulies of a Project Leader in the Organic Synthesis Laboratories. Now li the time to advertise those unused articles for tale. A small ad in Ihe classified column will turn them into cash lor you. Thursday, Odobcr 10, 1963 Patterson Heads Scoutcrs' Fund Stephen P a t t e r s o n , district manager of the Suburban Propane Gas Co., Malawan, has been named chairman of Ihv 1964 Boy Seoul Drive lor eight communities. Ihe Scout Drive was started Oct. ;i as part of ihe county - wide effort lo raise funds for the local Munmoulh County Hoy Sccmi vs^iitxi/mion. Mr. PaUei'son is the vice president of (he Karitan Township lUnmi of Kducaiion and a member of 'li.; Key port Kiwanis t'hib. Me hauls the Chingarura DiMricl (if M<mmoull) Council Finance Di vision which comprises the coinmunitii.-s of Rtiritan, Maiuwan Township mid liorouyh, Ilolmde! Township, Key; port, Keansburp, Union H<\jch. ' and part of Marlboro Townsfiip. A .special p l i s kickoff dinner was held at lh'.' C'nhs NVrk Inn. Colts Nt'ck Town .ship, Thui Mhiy. The drive will run through Oci. 28 ami the KO;I1 is $12,000 of thy county's scout budget o! JlJO.flOD. Cites Number Of Scouts Mr. Patterson stated iluu their are now ovt;r 1*J Cub Scouts, Buy Scouts, and HapJurnrs in 'Mf .sjM.m| sorinj» institution1; in the district. JThe district just hr-ld iis fait c:imj poree in the iu>w llolnu!'1! Cmmiv | Park. Over 13 \U,y Scout units ;«>k i part in lliis event. Left to right, Orren Jack Turner, President of the! of Ihe IM'ANJ examining Idlers ot complain! Ilia! j Scouting can make the ihnVjtiit'i' Professional Photographers Association of N e w ! come In daily uguinst Ilinoranl photographers. The in thfi lives of buys ami <cmniu.'iu Jersey; F.inmelt Dean, a manager of the Belter organizalion will come lo the aid of persons viciimiri-d liiis, and llie financial .support of Business Bureau; and Seymour Ring, vice president' by photographic itinerants. Scout'inj; is miiy acnmipli^u'd wlien aH'iiHercsted cili/.'-ns help h> make their local comriimiKy dnu* a stir:* Over 6000 Gaslights School Superintendents cess. Mr. PutU-i-am emphasi/ed. Green Acres Grant Sold In Promotion Schedule Conference Installing crews are in the process o! finishing the erection ef more than COW) gaslights sold during a recent 1(1 . week promotion by Ihe New Jersey Natural Gas Co. The local gas company's record sales are part of ihe national trend to the return of outdoor gasJijjhls for illumination and attractive decor which has seen more lhan a million gaslights Installed in the past several years. New Jersey Natural Gas officials are proud of the part their company is playing in the comeback of the gas industry into Ihe lighting field. As one of them, William J. Miners, assistant vice president .:n charge of sales, pointed out, "When you consider that 100,0011 gaslights were sold in the entire country in that 10-week period, our record of 6015 sales means that we sold six per cent of the nation's total." The national gaslight revival is having such an effect that one manufacturer, Hadco .Aluminum Products Co., of Littlestown, Pa., reported (hat gaslights noiv account for 40 per cent ot its total revenues, while as Jit I le as five years ago it made only electrical lighting fixtures. The new business has been so impressive that the firm recently moved into a new plant five limes the size of (he old one. New Jersey's superintendents of schools will convene in Atlantic City Oct. 22 to 24 lo study ways ot improving instruction in the public schools. The occasion is the 18th annual conference of the New Jersey School Superintendents Assn. at lladdon Hall Hotel. Theme of the conference is 'The Improvement of Instruction: How To l)o It." Dr. Frederick M. Raubinfjer, New Jersey's Commissioner of Education, will deliver the keynote address Tuesday, Oct. 22. His subject is "Pulling Ihe Pieces Togrth. er," according to Ernest Gilliland, Somerset County superintendent nl schools, NJSSA president. Wednesday, the superintendents wlil study ways to improve education for seriously underprivileged children. The speaker will be Dr. Lloyd McCorkle, New Jersey's Commissioner of Institutions ami Agencies. The school superintendents will spend much of the conference in small seminars studying ways lo improve teaching nnii learning in every phase of the curriculum. If you need printing ol any kind, we are here to serve you. Our quick service and reasonable prices will please you. State Police Slate New Entrance Exams Optometrists At Professional Seminar Col. D. R. Capello, Slati- Police Optometrists from all parts of the slate attended a professional Superintendent, today announced seminar at tht Ksscx House Motel, the dates for two remaining tnNewark, devoltd to a review of trance examinations to be held latest advances in prescribing and this >f,Tr, The written phase of th? fitting contact ii'iues. \ exam has been scheduled at Savre. Hi^h)i}»rit of the mtetinfi, «.pon-1 vitie Htjih School, Savrevllle, Oct. sftred by the New Jersey Uptonie- \ trie Assficialion, were papers pie-j 2fi ami Dec. JO. seniet! by t'.\o prominent optnnic- j All voting nun who metM the n c tnsts. \)r. HeiiKiid Donncr of Lon- css.'iry r«'(|(i(renu.*flts may Mke liw don, lCn^iinid, Chairman of the Con. 1written test WUIKHU prior applicatact LeiT- Practitioners Assniiatwi.i j tion. Jnleresicil in ihv Srji.e of London, discussed recent ! e- I'olice as a career should vim ply leport to the nearest examination seatvh in cotiuci lens dt'.sjpn. Or. Maurice G. I'osn-r. Chairman (xtint at Ihe announced time. Hvervone will be notified ny mail of (ho Committi'i* vn Contact Leiscs of t!ie American Optnrm-tric A>- as to the results, and those who stxintiW}, revii.-ned special types of pass will t>e instructed to report contact !»-nscs suited for use by pa- to Division Headquarters, West tients having various forms of c>e Trenton, for the medical and pfi>vdisease or visual defect. Doctors at- cal tests on Dec. 21. Formal appli(erulinj: the nueiinj: included \)r. cations will be distributed to only those who pass ihe three phases of Louis I'raj'er, Keyport the examination. Peace Corps Needs Many New Volunteers Elect New General Of Salvation Army Commissioner Frederick L. Cvutts has been elected as Ih* eighth Generii! of The Salvation Army, according to announcrmenl from The Salvation Army l*i»h Council meeting a't Sunbury Court, London. F.nj*Jand, Oct. 1. Hie new International Leader will .succeed Genera) Wilfred Kilc.King. who will retire Nov. 22 iift.T nine years of leadership of The Salvation Army activities in KG countries. As International Leader, Generalelect limits will be in command ol nearly 'JQ.000 centers of operation conducting a spiritual and social welfare ministry in 140 ianjiuanes. In the United Slates alone, The SuL vation Annv officer corps totals almost 50OI) men and women manning 1.100 evangelical centers and niuif than ^00 instituticis und services. Th'.s week, why don't you look through the windows of ! Real Kstnto Lilting your church . . .from the inside. for sale at this office. C a r d ! 'On* Jv.tre Corps ('!;jn.(!"s UM( it w i i l r t - t j u i t t ' lit I t - a y 'tOOO \ o i t m ( f t - J S Jo n i l - i t i h i - i r ( ; : H \ ' - t s <4 h o M f o u n i i v y.o\i r n i i i ' i n t s in liHJ-1. i h i - s c i v t - d s " i n c l u d e WOO t i ' ; i c ! » - : ^ . 11000 c t i n u i i u n i t v <i«'veWi|ini' nt w m k n -;, 700 -HMlih s v i . r i u T - , , 1.(10 : i i : n i ' i i ! m r ;il technicians anil VOU skilled i r a d c M i i c n , U H I M I C U I K .uid prnir*,. IT*., ?,1HI0 for sccoiuliii v M-tnK>ls, 10011 M r f k - i u c i i M r y i i m l 5i»0 l u c n « l i c j ' f ' s u i n i itjiivf.TSK :<-s. A n ;ul»h. l i i m . i l !>U0 v o l u n t c t ' t v jir su-i-i^d lor >,}\f IICIJIT /if j>b\ ^ i r ; i | , \ i n n a l a m i ; u i u l ! n ! n i M i i"M. Robert A l'oc. CommisMimer of Three Penalized In ( h e ffvJd <••/ h ^ i J l h . />N) m i r . ' - s the Mew Jersiy Department (if ConThree bay si .ore area motorists t»f a i l k i n d s a r e »• c d ' - i l . AfnUhi-i servation anil Kronumic Developj had their driving privilr^rv Mi1*- • 1M)O p e r s o n s w i l l Jil! / w i s i s i»s m c t ) ! ment, announced today (.'rants inlal- ' pended this week under provisions c a l , l a f j O f a t o r y a m i \ - r a y t - ' i h n i inj! $191,418 in Green Acres I of the stale |ioint .system ami man- , c i i i n s , d o c t o r s , d c n i i s l i . a m i v a i n Matching Assistance funds. 'Ihe datory speed plans, 'they it re John : t a i i a i i s . Grants include 5I3S.B2.T to Mim- Ztipko, Old Undue; Lorin Hall. West Keaiisburg, find Willie Hobin- j Have you read the classified mouth Countv. son. Kcyjwrt. ads? 4 jCOifa*-44000* j ' ' rotn> out M*,r HUD on out «ou>n HIGHWAY 35 at BIDIE RD. KEYPORT SUVICW NURSINC H0BI turtkj, Ctliftfnla DOWNTOWNCR MOTOR INN Shnvtport, Ltuliltna PACIFIC HOSPITAL OaMind, C«liloinl« ' i America's leading hotels, motels, institutions choose the best... rONTAINCBLCAU HOTEL Miami Beach, Dorida AUBURN UNIVCRSITY'S M « Jthlttic dormitory, Al>b<m* ' • * ; • SEJtLY POSTUR EPEDIC *'• It's your "best buy,"too, for healthful support, lavish comfort Ci V o Leading institutioiiB ncross Hie counfry look to Posturepedit for the ultimate in sleeping comfort, healthful support, and long term economy (yes, economy; the befit costs only two cents B night). An importnnt reason why is becaui* PoHlurcpcdic was designed in cooperation with lending ortho^ pedic surgeons,assuring correct healthful sleep at fill times. A good reafcon iilso for you (o choose Posturefiedic. The comfort is extra firtn or gently firm—as you like 11. 8t* PoKturepedic today. You deserve the world's finest mnttrts*.! Full or twin ihe, matching foundstlon mm* A nickel still buys a load with a flameless electric dryer Yes, ladies, a flameless electric dryer is one of the biggest bargains in your family budget. It costs an average of only five cents a load to operate. What's more, considering that hanging up clothes requires 220 back-breaking stoops, bends and lifts each week —twenty working days out of each year-an electric dryer saves you time and work too. See your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer and ask him to show you how to "Waltz Through Washday" with a flameless electric dryer. Convenient Monthly Payments •uy with aitwrnnc* from your letcil Rtddy Kilowatt Cooperating Dtaltr who dltplayt thl* •rnblim ,:>. ;' f I'bwm i LIGHT INVLS10R OWHtU [ L t C I R I C COMTAMItS ——;; TTTT - r~r" Arranged for Your Purchatti WEST FURNITURE CO. KKYI'OIM 1 I H\iK r A K K I \ < ; O I T O S I I K S'lTHUO I K l , 261-0)81 OI'KN 3 \ I O J \ I ) A Y A M ) I KIMAY K V I v M V i S IJiN'l ll> 9 IMVI. «*• THE M A T A W A N JOURNAL, N . J, Thwrtdoy, October 10, 1963 Second Section — Page Three The New Jersey Tencentenary those artists whose works are aa» or Superintendent of Schoolt in Now Jeriey Division, N.S.A., at Art Exhibition To Commission will award special Ter- cepled In this regional show to eaRumson, laid these folks are a the Military Park Hotel in Newgroup unlo themselves. He has also ark, was attended by president centenary Medallions to first, sec- ter its Triennial Exhibition to ba Be Held In Area done research work for historians. Annina Moran, Spring Lake: Vice ond and third place winners in the held next April. Information reDr. Wolbach's talk was supple- President Mary Wheaton, Locust; The New Jersey Regional Art exhibitions and several honorable garding the Newark Exhibition will mented with a slide presentation o( Mrs. Mildred Price, Red Bank, Exhibition for this area will be With all the newspaper publicity a Revolutionary soldier; he was held at two art centers. Guild of mentions will be made. In coopera- be made available in January, 1964. Dr, Chirlet A. Wolbich, Rumsoa, these people, their homes and love- and Misi Ruth Collins, Navesink. tion with the New Jersey TercenA bus trip to the Flcmington Fur on the Hendrickson Homestead in born in 1744, and died in 1836. He Creative Art. Shrewsbury, and prominent in the field o( education ly farms. tenary Commission the Newark Have you read the classified Company, Remington Glass Comwas known at "Captain," his Munmouth College. West Long and • retired prolemor of MonMuseum offers the opportunity to ads'.1 Miss Ellen London of Astwry pany, «nd Stengel Potteries will he Holmdel we wonder how much the wife was Elizabeth Stevenson, they Branch, from Nov. 3 through. 24. mouth College, tpoke to the secre- Park, who was awarded the 'Aonreading public knows of the famitaries ol the Monmouth • Ocein mould • Ocean Chapter NSA Schol- held N»v, 2. Crusts are welcome. ly and its importance in Monmouth liad two sons, Captain Daniel (5) A cordial invitation is extended to The next regular meeting will be all artists living in Mownouth Chapter/The Nationil Secretar- arship for the 1963-1964 year was a held Nov. S, at the Colonnade Reshistory. Family records are sparse, and William (6), probably daugh- County and Burlington 3iid Ocean lef Aiiociation at t h e i r recent guest. Miss London is a graduate taurant. The executive committee ters too. Daniel (I) during the Revmeetini in the Colonnade Rwtaur- of Asbury Park High School and will meet at the New Jersey Natur- as is the very beginnings of the line olution commanded a troop of light Counties north of Route 70 to participate in this exhibition to help ant, on the'hiilory of the Penn- is pursuing the Executive Secre- al Gas Co., Asbury Park, Oct. that settled in Mitldletown, in • horsemen and rendered Rood ser- celebrate the 300th birthday of New sylvania Dutch, and the arrival of tarial Curriculum at Monmouih 30. Information m a y lie ob- part now incorporated .into Holm- vice to the patriotic side. Like oth- Jersey. the Amiiti to this country; a fub- College, West Long Branch. Miss tained by contacting Mrs. Gulli del. er oflicers of the Militia he suffered Ject for which he is well known. Eleanor Van Hise, Sea Girl, nlsn Babcock, membership chairman, 8 Hsndrick Ilendricks, the first of great pecuniary loss through neThree original works in oil, wawas present as a guest. Brown'i Dock Rd., Locust. Dr. Wolbach. who alto it a formlh» line that we know much about torcolor (including casein, tempera, Mrs. Eugenia Larson of Shrewslived in Flatbush, Long Island, glect of his private business, devot- gouache, or pastel), drawings, bury, secretary to Mr. Herbert A. O N FAMOUS SCOTT'S PRODUCTS though it is said that his father ing his time and means during the prints, or sculpture are eligible. All j Kenyon, Area Supervisor of How- Industry To Join came to America with Hudson, and seven years of the war to the Am- entries will be reviewed by the j ard Johnson Co., Clark, was install- Civil Defense Test that he liked the country so much erican cause. jury of selection and awards, and ed as a new member during a canthat he jumped ship and remained Captain Daniel (5) was born In dlclighlinB ceremony performed by Major industries throughout the on our shores, probably along the 1780 and died in ISM, he was Cap- those selected will be displayed in the two exhibitions. The jury is the president, Annina Moran, as- slate will take part in (he Stale Civ. Hudson River, until he could bring $2.95 Bag 2JH SQ. FT. PACKAGE sisted by vice president, Miss Mary il Defense exercise Oct. 22, State his family to America from Hil- tain of a company of Militia in the composed of liurgoyne Diller, paintwar of 1812, was stationed on Sandy er and sculptor. Atlantic HighWheaton. As a part of the educa- CD Chief Thomas S. Dignan said land, lie this as it may, we find the PAINTING tion program, Mrs. Helen Pratt, yesterday. Firms such as Curtiss Iwo sons of llendrick, of Flatbush, Hook. He also was active in tliu lands: Adolf Konrad. painter, Flanlielmar. Miss Winnie Castle and Wright, Humble Oil, Johnson and settling in Monmouih in 1692 or erection of the Dutch Church in ders; Abe Liebmann, painter, West DECORATING Miss Eleanor Mateland, Point Plea- Johnson, Del.aval and Dell Tele- W.n, their names were Daniel and Middletnwn. Orange. OR FOR ONLY sant Beach, are attending a study phone Co. will activate their dis- William. FKEE ESTIMATES session each week on accounting aster control centers and move empresented by the Trenton Chapter ployees i n t o designated shelter Daniel purchased land in what HI Ninth Ave., Uaba Beach of NSA. areas at the sounding of the Alert was known as "Holland," part of Leadership Clinic the then Middlelown, and here he Signal at 2 p.m. 264-6158 The Third Annual Leadership The same signal, a steady three died in 1723. lid was a Captain of Clinic, recently presented by the minute tone, will be repeated IS the Militia. Sheriff (1708) and Eldminutes later announcing the end er of the Dutch Church in 1709. Htf of the test. Mr. Dignan said simi- married Catherine, daughter of Jan lar participation is expected n Janse Van Dyke and his wife schools and government buildings Teuntje Thyse l.aen Van Pelt, they where federal approved shelter had eleven children, among them was l)aniel(3). space Is available. Phsntt Dank'K.I) was probably the first The public at large, on foot or Phoning ii tha quicktst In vehicles, ii not required to seek of the family to use the name form wiytoslurtyoufnewiMEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S APPAREL o( llundrickson. He was very active shelter and may pursue usual aci n j to learn whit's ne* tivities throughout the test. Mr. in church work, sometimes preach. it ttu other end of Ilia DRY CLEANING w_ Oignan has asked all county and ing, so that he was generally spokHighway 35 Koyport lint. The cost is taw. local civil defense leaders to turn en of as "Dominie Dan'U HendrickFUR ALTERATIONS DELIVE^ M * Jf»Str B(IL son." He was born in 1723 and died out their auxiliary and regular po(between Haxlet and Middletown) WE ALSO MAKE NEW CLOTHES _ _ „...._. lice forces to ensure a continued in 1738. WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS CO 4-1123 movement of traffic. Daniel's (3) son Daniel (4) was Area Secretaries Hear Educator Old Names In Monmouth FULL LINE ofGarden Supples FALL OFFER If V. EDWARD FRONCEK TO WRITE? LAWN SEED "TURF BUILDER" "HALT" 95' TAILORING sSff AW ALTERATIONS ERAIONS Cerlione's Greenhouses BROAD BROAD STREET CLEANERS ST. - KEYPORT Thank You One andAll A Smart Start For Your N e w H o m e . . . A Bank Mortgage Loan For Your Marvelous Response To Our '64 Rambler Announcement And The Grand Opening Of Our New Shop !! From First Merchants Sound financing is a solid foundation for happy home ownership. Our mortgage men take a friendly, personal Interest in your requirements to assure- that you get the best terms possible . . . with payments styled to fit your budget. Monmouth County's Regional Bank 8 Convenient Community Offices ASBURY PARK • RED BANK • MANASQUAN NORTH ASBURY PARK • FAIR HAVEN HOLMDEL • BRIEIXE Member Federal Roservo System/Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. •SUPER SPECIAL! 59 Oldimobilt Super M IDr. Hdtp. . A/T - R.H. . P.S. And P.B. • W/W.lli. TurquviM s1250 '12 I'ORO (ialaxy 2-Dr. Sedan, V-8, Automatic Transmission, R.H., Color Gray and White, W/Wnlla $179,100 'II FORD <l)r. Falrlane V-8, A/T, White $IJI«.O0 M CHEVROLET HWnlre 4 Dr. Sedan, V-8, A/T, RAH, Green, W/Wnlls »IJ» W CHEVROLET Impala, 4-Dr. Hdtp. V-l, A/T, Pull Power, (irny, W/Wnlls, Mil $1595.00 'M FORD I'alrhinc 5W, 4-Dr. S«lsn, R tyl., A/T, R.H., Blue, W/Walls $1095,00 'H OIIKSMOHII.I. "M- 4 Dr. lltflp., Full Power, MIL, W/WalU, B«lie JtDM.OO ' » CHRYSI.FK Saraloaa, 4 Dr. Htllp., I'.S., P.B,, Rail, W/Walla, Blue and While »I2»5,(H) 'M CHEVROLET Impala Snort Coupe, VI, A/T, R.H., •lack ||]»].M 'H CADILLAC Sedan, P.S., P,B,, W/Walli, Black ItlK.M 'It CADILLAC Sedan Devllle, Full Power, W/Walta, ••H" II7M.M Tbt Atovt Cart A N felt Wllh A M-Day Unconditional Guarantee Lanzaro's OPKN EVKNINflS TIL I UP TO M MONTHS TO PAV AUTO SALES I I I Main St. Malawan Cor. Main a HI. II 566-2224 To Show Our Appreciation KEYPORT RAMBLER Will Continue Our Celebration For One More Week Through Saturday October 12th On All New Cars Sold During This Week We Will Install Absolutely FREE Two Brand New Snow Tires Mounted On Two Brand New Wheels KEYPORT RAMBLER HIGHWAY 3 5 [AT MXMINISIIS] KEYPORT THE M A T A W A N JOURNAL^ N . J. ~" S#COIMI Section Married At St. Benedict's Miss Bacon Weds Herbert F. Brown Morganvillc Girl Is October Bride Thursday, October TO, 1963 A. SehaufUr Joseph A. Schuuiler. 45, of 1« Walada Ave. }Jort Monmouth, died Saturtiay, <X't. 5, 11*3 in Riverview Born in Newark, he had Henry Iirouwer, 78, of 21M Flor- lived in Port Monmomh five years. ence Ave., Raritan Township, died : Mr. Srlunifler was an Army Vet Friday. Oct. 4, 1WJ3 in Monmuath ' c a n c<f World War II and was emMcdit.t! Center. |i'<(Vt'd .is a i ustodji;n at Middit** Calvary Gluirch Wedding Henry Brouwcr Died Friday At • double ring ceremony on Miss Marianne Rappn, dauj'tv.i1 Saturday, Oct. 5, 1963, «t 2 p.m. nf M r and Mrs. frank Kappa, d | in the Memorial Baptist Church, l a s t Francis St., Morpinvilli:. bo-! Salem, Misn Bonnie Elizabeth BaIi tine the hr'ttU- of WilJi.un P. j eon, dtughter of Mr. md Mrs. It Sntunby afternoon, Ori. 5, 1%3 j His wife di^d Oct. 1 ami w;i< bin- town Tow:i.->hi|i Hi^h ScJiiwI. Chester U. Bacon, Salem, wai .11 3 p.m. Jin* brJiJdjiroiiH) i.s tor .•><)}) J Siij"\jv)ii^ ;t:c a .son. Joseph *\. Mited in marriage to Herbert icd shortly before ;;er hut-bund's of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malta, 9 j Franklin Brown jr., *on of Mrs. ' d e a t h . Mr. l l i m n v i r was a retired. Sciiaufler jr. "id a d.iiij;lUerf Mrs, I »st Francis St., Morjjanville. Herbert F. Brown sr., 25fi Broad i i;h''f nl Foil Monmoji'ii iiml w o r k ' i ! Helen Pisiiano. both of We^l I he Kfcv. .losoph Lciinim, riiapSt., Kcyport, and the late Mr. I for liii' Netherlands jiOVernniHtit he. Kean^burji, five brothers, (Charles -, 11 tin U.S. Air lon:e, reicnily p.*Brown. ; fort.1 ennnnu so K.iiitan Tounsiiip nnd lul.vuiii S« haufier, lrvin»:on; 1 •\ turned from 1'iu'ito Rico, perform. J J 15 y e a r s ;i(io Mr B:mi\\IT W:IS Hi-ihrrt <\ Si-h.uifli'r. San Difj'O, The Rev, Glenn Abbott, pastor, ed tin: double rmjj ci-i('inon> in St ; ; bom in Rotterdam, He!land. He Calif.; Ailur: A Schuufler. Bloom. •erformed the ceremony, assisted John's Church, Marlboro. d:id Arthur Srhaufier, Union; j was ;t c o m m u n i o n ! of St. Joseph's field. By the Rev. Charles E Tilton, I The bride was j*iven in marriage a S ; *UT. Mr«. Frederick T. SchovliChurch, Kt'Vport. Waverly, Pa,, formerly pastor of j by IUT lather. She wore a full. 1 ner, iJ«ri Mofifnotith, and live the Salem Church. Mrs. Ralph Surviving. are two lnoiht-rs, Pet' length jyjun of silk oij'.an/a OV-T Reeves, Salem, presided at the coner a MI! .John Hrmiwiw, bo'.h in Holtaffeta. Thi* fitted bodice was deaote. and accompanied the soloists, land, .ind c-ev»'ral :vt r e s and neph- ! Funeral services Here held Tin's signed \vi(h a portrait necklim- and Miss Claudia Seagreaves and Miss day at 11 a m . in the Scon Funeral ews. ltxij; lap'jrcd sleeves, and ihe .skin I Jacqueline Knable, both of PhilFuneral s».-r vices wt-re held Tui's- iliimi; Weifoni, with llie Kev. WiV featured an embroidered. <>IH;H;/;I ! adelphia. 1*. Uisjtrove. pastor of New day at (S; U> fruni ihe Hedle b i n ' sheath panel in the front and ;t full The bride was given In marriage ]-"un'*!iil Home. Kryport, to St. Jo- Monmmiih Kaptist Church. of(ic';.UI chapel [rain. Her fin^eriip ieri^;ii my, M u i . ' i l W : K in F . n r Vjt*\v Ci-nu-fcy her father. Her gown, which seph's (.lunch wht-re a requiem j veil of illusion ft-)) from ;i rmjlunnv] the designed and made, was white m;tss WHS offered at !* a.m. hurm\ !ei•'. . M :ild!f/t<>\\ il. 1 fort-head lu-adpii'ie of M-tjuins and ' pcau de soie, the bodice of which was in Ml, Dliv.l Cemet'TV, Mid- : pearls and sin: cai i ird a heir:I rank II. McLaughlin was styled with a scoop neckline, shaped h(MK{ii('t of white eantaiioin; ; l-v>U'k il. M t U u j j h i i n . 104 So»:h trimmed in Alencon lace, studded j designed around a -.Wiite pi.iyer Sn-piiiTis A \ e . Souili Aniboy. t!i J d Miss M;uy Jane ( i r a h a m *i(h pearls and sequins, and long Miss Mary Jiine (ir;u)iiin, Kpi inj.* StilHKlii>. (Vi. ?>. I'^.'J i n ' Smith tlceves. The full skirt also was Hil! Ril, 'CherM-tjiKike. died nl Aniboy Mt-imiriJ] Horn in trimmed with Alencon lace and apj Maid Of Honor ! hoini' Siiiuiday. Ot;t, 5, VM'J, after J a n i e s b u f ^ , in- was the son of ihe pliqued with pearls and sequins R o v Tnipani, Unin:i, u . i s !: ii lonj! illni'v. Mtv- Oraham, who , h u e M r . iind M i s . John Mcl.avij'hand ended in a chapel-length train. ! the maid ol Iionor for IUT COUMH. ceJrbr,<!rd her MhU hirthtJay *«n lin. Her shoulder-length veil was at'. The bridesmaids wen* Miss Dianr July :U. l%;t. had li\»*d with her , A retirfil m t l l u r i ^ l u of the H t r tached to a crown of pearls and Fiirris, Miss Rose Rapp;i. cousin nl nierr, Mrs. ADD J-'VJJJS, ,'or !ht f:i.'j: culcs Po^tici" Co., in* also had b e i n (he carried white roses with tufts • tfm hri((e, and Miss < fi:u lu'te Mai- 1 ('ini)ioyi'd i>v i h c C n y of Soutii Am•JU years. C>f chrysanthemums on a nihte. la, sister of the hrid<'jMonm, .ill hny. Mr. M c l . a u ^ h h n w a s u c o m . j of MurgjmvMK* and Miss On off* AnStslcr Is Maid Of Honor Miss (ir<i}><'in) »-is l^orn ;n Kt-vmini ii" ant uf Si. M a r y ' s Ch-in !i, derson. Freehold. : . Miss E. Martha Uacon, Salem, ["Xir;. Site was a comuuinicaiH nf St. 1 { Detachable mer^kiffs icvciicd Was the maid of honor for her Amiirose ('hnrc)j, Say re Woods Souih Ambov, iuul of ihf \h<<y N a m e Society and the Ch j lice lister. Her copper-colored peau Souih. • their floor - length fclu-allt {.-owns of j MR., MRS. A1.IJIK1 MAl'M) JR. Club. de note gown was fashioned with t /jrct'ii taffeta, .siylrd w'nU scoup 1 Shi- was ihe (Jiiu^hier of the late* Surviving a r e his wife, .\trs. !-*tna b o a t neckline, threequarter| necklines and lnnj< filled sleeves, i Miss Carol Hmbnra Olah. 6 Wai-1 Miss Nanry Meltler. Union Death J a n u s and 1 li/abr'h (Hoyle) Gra:\»o kfiglh sleeves and a bell-shaped ! Circular veils fell over iheir man h- nut Ti'/r., Jveypori, (Jau^htrr of i and Miss Linda Matuui, Krarnv, ham. Surv ivin^ at e tt-veriil oliier ma (Le-.Ms) Mcl.uu^hlin; <f.'iuj,'?urr*. Mrs. Frank McCarthy full-length skirt. She wore a matchsister ol tinhiidc;:!(>oin. were Ihe : ing rose headpieces and they car- Mrs. Rcnee Olah, Laurel Ave., nieces and nepheu .s. and M r s . Jiimes McCarthy, South ing headpiece with a short veil, and \ riod tutse^ays of jjreen and while Keansburg and; Andrew OlaJi,' j>mvns anc s\m\xty. 0)i rv >o»«. Cieor^e H., carried a bouquet of rust-colored carnations. I ; rf-fhold; F r a n c i s II. and Ha:»i!<i Chrysanthemums with contrasting JaniL'.sburji, became the bride of; cd like tt honor attendain'5, ex-' j Three year old Hriiajina, ribbons. r t Colonia, was (he flower j;ii I. She Albert Maund jr., .son of Mr. and cep: (ha; tlii'ir chapel - succp [rains ( Nt-i!if Uremian, Union !leach, and '.-*•} j C o i o The attendants' gowns were fi'll from the shoulders. They car-1 •'\,h,i I wor a white eyelet over tureen laf- Mrs. Maund. 41 Rutland Ave., hud cojoniais of bruiw.e' Mi s. Ann D.n k, i-'reeliold; t w o Myled similarly to the maid of feta knee - length dress u iih « Kearny, Saturday, Oct. 5, l%;i. Tlie KeyjMHi. Ijuriiil wus in Si. Joseph'* iirdtlier.s, William. Fret-holtl, a n d honor's, and all were made by the MRS. WILLIAM I). WRHillT .scoop neckliiu- nnd >hort s!".•*• \<-v Rev. Jlarry R. I'inr performed Ihe Cemetery, Keyport. : ( "t\ .1Y11' S, Tirriiion; 18 jrrandchil* • bride. Miss Alice Achenbach, A tiny veil was iiitachi'd to her fa- double ring cen-inony at 3 p.m. in I'oiir - year - old Deborah Naiareth, Pa., wore light green; ' Miss Miriam Joyce Brown.' Keanshurg. Miss Judith Brown. led bow headpiece and she carried ("alvary .Methodist Church, Ki-y Davison. Cliffwood Beach, was the dren ;tm 1 Mx I'trat j'.r;i1 ndchildrt 1 !). Mrs. I honias I'uiintri^hani Miss Susan Clapp, Bloomsburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jlazlet, sister of the bride, wa.s (ho a basket of fcreen and while car- port. flower >;irl lor her cousin. She wore Mis, Catherine ( unnin^hani, .>.'). ( I'uiin. ii ^ c! v ;< i s v.i. re held -st fa., gold, and Mrs. Robert Walls, Brown, 51 Cornell Dr., lla/.lel, and junior bridesmaid. Their royal him; nations. a knee - length blue nylon dress ol 'I'l IV-den Terr., Keamy, died' fi:30 Ji.ui W i •diH-Miity fnmil ;!»• (inn* Philadelphia, dark green. They William IX Wright, weir married gowns and headpieces were styled The bride was given in marriage with lace trim, matching shoes and Thuisday. Oct. H. l'K;:i, at her; (htnn }-'u I H T .tl l i o n i f , S< ui[h Ambov, Uncle Is Best Man wiih u s • '((',nn hty.h (cqii;e:ti rri;i^s • o r e matching headpieces and also Saturday, Sept. 28, 1963 in St. like the honor attendant's and iliey by her father. She wore a flour- accessories ami a blue tuilt* picture home uf a h*-art attack. a! ' l a m . in Si. Mary'v Hunch. Inlurried rust-colored chrysanthe- Benedict's Church, Hazlct. The j carried royal blue half-moon cas-1 Louis Kappa, Mor^iinvilli*. um:le ii'iigth lace iiowrt which teiminated hat. She carried a -miniature starIh Mrs. Cunnin^hain was born in cades with identical floral arranj-e.; < > f *-' hride, was the best man. !cj MjenE ','. : i;l in C;»]v;t;';:' Cc'iK-'ery, m u m with contrasting ribbons. in a chapel sweep. The fitted f>od- hurst colonial bouquet of blue and ih i d i l f l l bridegroom is the son of Mr. ami d Scotland and lived ;n Kearny 37 I'.u lin. ' I U.sliennj: were 1-riink Stark. New ic« had a scalloped neckHie and white po!ii|wjns. Miss Sylvia Armstrong, Canton, Mrs. William Wright, Dock St., Un- mciu. years. irk; Vince/ti K;(ff(>;i, hro'fi cap sleeves uJuch int.'t file !ou<; I).md .Maund, Kearny, brother of Cousin of the bride, was the junior ion Beach. Albert Wenzel. Union Reach, was l}mns;i I) anitl I). Uinoar Sr. 1 Surviving are her husband, j of the bride and Knbi-il Robei t l-.lhinatchm;; nuns. 11 e r shouliinthe bridegroom, was the best man. bridesmaid. She wore an oyster The Rev. Gerald Callahan per- the best man. Ushering were llnw- ei 1 iXmi.-l I). K.nt'iir sr. . ; : i . of it? both of MorjiiinvJllL*; iind Aniim l' , *n.i;t)i veil of Wench ilhiMon ft *) Vshvnnu were John Walsh, Linden Thomas Cunningham; a daughter, (own, designed like the other at- formed the double rini; ceremony ard Mallary. South Amboy, stepMata'A an, t I;n! Fiidiiy liio.uf S l l Mrs. Joan Leier, Rullu-rford; three! from ;i crown (if pearl • .studded and Peler Kimopko. Key port. tendants, and carried a cascade of at 11 a.m. and celebrated the nup- brother of the bridegroom; Robert brothers, An^tis Machines. I'aiani- ni^'ii!, (Jet, 4. I'ltCl ai Ins home, On Motor Trip rust chysanthemums with con- tial mass which followed. Brown, Hazlcl, brother of the 1 Pvlor Kappa, Mor/umvilJe, am*. petals and she carried a Mnrhur-.l Cr unhurv, h< colonial l>oui|uei tif Mephanolis, After a reception in the Ameri- US'. Colin Maclnnt-s. NV.\ ;irk and Horn ;ti .: im d.i \t-ais. ' h,»] ;<v-d trasting ribbons, The bride was given in marriage ! bntie; l l c n o r Uiir/.elli, Astoria, in (if the bride, was tin.' i itij.*. bearer. can Le^iun Hall, Keyport, the cou* John Mnclnnes, Keyjxtrt, and iw«i iit MainHarold Dai Icy jr., Rnndleman, by her father. She wore a silk or- • Quf-cns; Wallace Cook, Queens; j A reception followed in iht* luif white roses and pompons. Mr .,; i d grandchiJdr(-n. M r v Kmey r had ci-!r. Miss I.)i;i]H' Kii'h y. 1 la/let, was jile lelt on a motor trip, For travelN. C , served as best man. Usher- Banza gown designed with a modi- i Richard Huskins. Michigan; and Hesliutr.ini. Madison Township. ! luated i:;it-i<- filKh w i d t l ;ii;: iinn:\< i'!r • l'"or tlieir weddmg trip to Paradise the maid of honor. She \*.ore » floor- ing, ihe bride wore a brown suit, Services were held Monday ;-.N Ing were Chester R. Bacon, Salem, fied •• • v-neckltne, • •. . Vnni? O'Hosky. Ihuan Hf rich. edged with reern 1 Valley in The Pocnnos, the hii-le length blue sfititi ^own. The fitted matching accessories and a white lernuon at 2 p.m. at Armiiujie in-.' smy )n Julv Me, Hini'iir \\\ts <t lor» brother of the hride: Daniel Wil- broidered lace and long tapered Reception At The Oaks met' nii-imbr •v . » f t h e Wnslnni'iii.T len;;:h orchid rorsaj;r. When they return, neral Home, Kenrny. liams, Pennsvllle, and J o s e p h sfeeves. The skirl featured a but- A reception followed in The Oak.*;, wore a light blue wool -,iiit. black botlice had three - nuarter . iVn;;:h I l;ire Co, accessories and a while m r l u d cin- sleeves .ind the IxiII - shaped skirt they will reside in North Arlington. Thompson, Philadelphia. terfly btislle back and terminated Middle!own. For tbeir plane trip '. sage. !Mrs. Kdwanl U. Crear Survi1 featured a fh.ijxl s\vet*]> train atWhen they return, they will Titu bride and the bridegroom Mrs Dor. The mother of the bride chose » in a chapel - length (rain. Her lo Bermuda, the bride wore a black Mrs. Violet Crear, 74. of 80 Mam! oibv (Wilson) Kinear; two ihue.;i. fern green crepe dress, which had French illusion veil was held in 1 suit, royal blue velvet hat, black : reside in iheir new lioinc at in tached to the waistline. A cid' arc fjraduatt's ol Keyport rli^h h;trIt's /imnicr. Malaveil fell over her malcliing crown •School. The hrule is employed bv St., Keansbur^ died Saturday, Oct. Icr.s, Mr a lace top with a satin cummer- place by a four - inch headpiece ! accessories and a corsage (if white . Hamillon Ave., Mnrgiinvillc : H(G3, in Ivy House Nursinj' wan. aiu Mrs. William Hdwards, bund, beige accessories, and a cor- of seed "pearls and droplets and she j "'chids. They w ill reside in I-limh- i The bride was graduated froui of pe.icl - stnddr(} pH;(l.\ utul >he Iht* Kearny l ir.u National Bank 5, Home, Middlciown. Wichita. Kan.; four sons, Daniel • the Freehold Regional llij.'.!i School carried itstarhursl colonial bouquet and the bridegroom is associated sage of cyrr.fcidium orchids. The carried » missal adorned with " * ^- •• of blue and white vomports. I with the Kearny Smelting Co. Born in Kiilield, England, she I). Uine.i jr. .inti George Rinear, aruJ bridegroom's mother selected a white orchids, roses and carnaThe ** <''np!'»yc'd '» *he ncanmtiny, " couple art"" graduates of Kev- ' lived in Keansburi; -10 years. Sin- M a l a w a n , Sgt. William li near, U. pink and green floral print on a tions. " (lepnr)mt'nt of the Central JciM-y port Ilijih School. The bride is cmwas the widow of Kdwaiil R. C'riiir. S. Air I n i c e , slaiionid in Rt-no, background of white brocade, green ployed us a private secretary by lUmk, Freehold. Matron Ol Honor Mrs. Crear was a nn-mber ol t|-.e iN'ev. and Millaid Rinear, I'ailin; accessories, and a corsage of cym- Mrs. Charles lloip. New York. the National Slarch nnd Chemical A graduate of .lonalhan Dayton | Mr. and Mrs. Richard 11. Perkfour sisters, M r s . l£|sii> Slocuin Melhoihst Church in Keanshurt:. tmfium orchids. Regional Ili^h .School. Sprin^fii-Jfl, ar . .,„,, cousin of the bride, was the matron Corp., New York. The Miller j ins, Harri«ni, Ohio, are the !'. ,... . ." i Surviving are sun'., Alan I-.. Ned Hank: M r s . Wiliiam I'hilliin Leave For California servedd three years of u four- ,! the bridegroom served four h th of honor. Her street - length emcr- has . .. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miller, Riu-1 ents of a dauchter burn Oct. 2, 1!IG.1' frear Keansbure, and (Clifford and M r s . Citorge Hailey. Keypoit, A reception followed the cere- (till Krecn orj-anza shcalh had « J l c i l r enlistment m the U.S. f.oasl : in Ihe Air H.rce mul i» emplnyd dolph PI., Hazli-I, lire parents of a in S Mn.spital. Cinrinn;ili. ) Crear timl Mrs. \ l a i y Hai.'i-y. IJnr'Ut; s ip; mony in the social rooms of the matchinB floor . icnglh omskirt Uuard and is Matlontd at Battery by Industrial AtctssoneF, Inc.. daughter born Tuesday. Oct. k, Ohio. Mrs. Perkins is tiw former i dangl'' Karitiin 'Vow . Ueorge Kln'-ar. Pott Mon. Miss Alice C church after which Die couple iell The filled bodice was slylcd'with | ' ' " • * . N ( ' w V o r k , Malawan. 1!)C3 at Riverview Hospital. Miss Roscmarif Nicora. daughter I Kransburg and two gruiidUiiidreii'. mouth and 13 j:randch,ldien. fcy automobile for San Diego, , , low square K lneckline ll:tllll| and threeuf Mr. and Mis. Andrew Nicora, i j ) K (uneral was held Tuesday at Private 1 services were DePedro Calif., where they plan to live for | < 1 U i , r l c l , , ^ , l n ,| c e v , e ,•5. She wore « | ] p , m , j n Hrdlle 1-uneial Home. Ill-Id MM!,.); ning in the JifdltUSN r-T 2 Mario D. DePeilro nnd Lloyd. Ktl., Matuwan Township. the next several months. For m a l icliin): ^ chin), m>x w i pillbox with a circular ; l u n i ! i i ! I l i u n i , V-indi'venliT I Kcyimri, with the Kev. II. H. Me, Malawan, with the Mrs. Del'edro are parents nl a traveling, the bride wore a cran- veil and carried a half - moon cas' . ' , , , ; • Connell, pastor of ihe Keun-burg IU-v. Kobei t L. Atldiss. pastor of the daughter born Thursiliiy, Oct. .1, berry wool two-piece dress with cade arranged with one large A son was Ix.rn to M_r. and Mrs. Methodisi Church, officiating. Bur- First liaptM Church, Matawan at Patterson Army Hospital, black accessories and a corsage of flreen chrysanthemum In the cenRalph Vandevenier, 4/ S u o s e t j | ,„ . f e m e l e r y . ' otliciatinj:. llutial was in Kos,:h:l| i n W i l s F a j r v i l w J'o. t M h white roses. ter, surrounded with cascading Ave., I . n u m i c e Harbor, nn .Sept. | Mjddlelown ; Ometerv The bride graduated from Salem matching pompons. V Shumock 23. I!M3 in St. Peter's General llo<High School. Class of 1960, nnd (he The bridal attendants were Miss mt Mrs. Harold Shumock. (utill. Pennsylvania Hospital School of Linda Wright, Union Beach, sister r A\e.. Matawan. lire the Nursing, Philadelphia, Class of I9fi,1. of the bridegroom, Miss Janet Wagner p of H daughter, born in The bridegroom graduated from Ischen, Lodi, and Miss Mary A son was born Sept. M, IP.63 lo Perth Aniboy Hospital. Keyport Jllfih School, Class of I9.W, Lynn Hughes, New York, cousins Mr. and Mrs. lulward Wagner, 'JS iVuvatin end is a Petty Officer Firs! Class of the bride; Mrs. David Pangborn, Barkley Kd., Old Bridjje in St. Pet;:;ir( r was born in Perth e r ' s General Hospital. Jn the U. S Navy, in which he Keyport and Mrs. Robert Watson, Jlu'pital to Mr. and Mrs. has served for seven years, lie Nov.ihn, 3 Oregon Avi*., Is attached to the USS Pine Island, Young man, Hiirrison, and five grandbiisc-cl at San Diejio. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Young, H children. Creighton Circle, Old Bridge. Tavltir „.- !; Ihc parents of a daughter oorn >n Mr. and Mrs. i:in:er Taylor, 2S? Mrs. James Connelly llanLnp lilvil., Malawan. are the j Perth Ambuy General Ilospiial on Funeral services were held Satparents n( a (lacij;.'iter, horn Tttes- Witlni'sday, Oft. 2, I9C3. urday from the Wadsworth Funerd.iy, I 'el. l!Ki3, in Riverview al Home, Belleville, with a mass at Mrs, Henry Brouuer Young ll(j<|llM). Funeral services were held Fri- D a.m. in St. Mary's Church, NutMr. anil Mrs. Kenneth Young, 74 Aiy at 1 p.m. In the Bedle Funeral ley, for Mrs. Marie Theresa ConJohnson First St.. Kcyport, are the parents Home, Keyport, for Mrs. Martina nelly, (i8, wife n[ James S. Connel A son was born Wednesday, Oct. of a daughter born Saturday. Oct. (Kneute) Iirouwer, 84, of Florence j ly, 9 Myrtle Ave.. Belleville, who 2, l%'.{, in Rivervimv Hospital to 5, 1!IO3 at Riverview Hospital. The Ave., Rarilun Township, who died j died of a heart attack Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnson, 13S j b a , , v t . i f ,| w d s j ! t p i l u m t ; s „„„ M Tuesday, Oct. I, 1963 at rjor home. [Oct. I, 19fi3 in Clara Maass Memorl-.ssex Ave., West Keansburg, Io u n c c s . M r J . Young is the former The Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor i i:d Hospital, Hellcville, after a long (iulridge J Miss Janet Raupp, tlaugliter nl of St. John's Methodist Church, of- ' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Josi-ph Gutrid^e, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaupp, S2 ficiated. Burial was in Green Grove | .Mrs. Connelly was' Ixirn in I'ill.sWiishington St., Kcyport. Mr. Kmpuli St., C.'liffttood, are Ihe pavCemetery. | Imrgh and camp to Hellcville from | enis of a son, Ixirn in Perth Am- Young is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Brouwor was born in Drcs- } Irvington in 1!MI. She was a nirmGlenn Young, Suiibury, Pa. Hospital. tins, Holland, and had lived '.n \ bf r of Ihe Rosary Society of St. j •• . - . - - - • r — - - . . . ...-*. . - - , , , - ^ , . ^ n i i i ^ i | i ^ | ( ,»|J?>?> / \ l l v . C ^ . V . M ( | . I ' I I » \ I I T I , » i ^ i / i ^ t ; i ^ t J i ' i ' i ! t < i j Wedding At Grace Chtireli l l a / . M <.ill Is \ U \ ( \ r Funeral Services : Karitan Township about 00 years. ! "Mary's Church. Mc(ii>H'nn Surviving are her husband, l|enllurlew A ".on was born in Perth Aniboy Surviving, in addition to her lutsiy Brouwcr; two daughters, Mrs. j band, are a son, Maj. .lames (). j Hospital lo Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilitam Mr. and Mrs. James Burlew, David W. Baker sr., Keyport, and I Connelly, stationed at Fort Dix: McGowan, 4 Eisenhower O., Mat. South ("oncourse, Chffwood. are the | Mrs. John Burlew, Malawan; two i a daughter, Mrs. John R. Watson. av\ an. parents Satur-, t off duugbier d b i burn b S t ions, Isaac Knettle, Raritan Town- : lla/Jel, and six grandchildren. day, Oct. S, IWi.l in Rivert lew Mauser »hip, and Peter Kneute, Belford; A son uns burn Wednesday, Oct. liospilitl. • brother, Jacob Van Grol in Hoi- I Andrew J. Borst 2, IW;.I to Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jind; a sister, Mrs. Susan LnGras- | Funeral services were held at 8 Kilr Mauser, 21)1 Hroad St.. Malawan at If in Holland; 10 grandchildren : n.m. from Ihe John J. Ryan Home A son was born Saturday. Oct. , Monmuiith Medical Center. i n d 13 great-grandchildren. I fur Funerals to St. Ann's Churih, 5, 1WI3 lo Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 MRS. KDWAKI1 SIM riV. Keansburj;, where a requiem high i ilunler Kclr, Frnnl St., Keyport, in River-1 Herbert B, Thompson ] mass was oflered at 0 a.m. lor M r . a n d M r s . R i c h a r d H u n t e r , view llospitnl. J Miss Cnlhcrinc G. Gulden, daugh- ials of yellow and while rose?, Funcrnl services for Herbert B. ! Andrew J. Borst. 72, who died 1 Woodland Dr., Clilfwood lieach, Linda Shcft/, Newark, sister of Thompson, 55, of Shorcland Circle, Thursday, Oct. 3, l!Ki3 nl his home, ter cf Mr. and Mrs, f-"riincis Golden, a r e i h e p a r e n t s of a d a u g h t e r b o m Laurence Harbor, who died Tucs 2it Main St., Keanshurit after H long : l ; r o n t S t . , U n i o n I l c a c h , b p c n n i ' . 1 the hriile^rnom, the juniur in M o n m o u l h M e d i c a l C e n t e r o n Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yankowday, Oct. 1, JfWI In Jersey City. , illness. Muriai was in National t h e b r i d e of M a c h i n i M M a t e 3 ( ' prinress p r a n ol orchid l a i e and W e d n e s d a y , ( I d . 2. I M . ski, Ifarrlsuti Ave., Union Hcach, were held at 2 p.m. Friday after- i Cemetery. Beverly. are the parents of :t daughter born I ' . i l w a r d S h i ' f l / , poll (if M r s . J o h n mile over taffcin \\ ill) puff sleeves. Mickey noon »t the Armilnge Funeral j Horn In New York City. Mr. A s o n w a s b o r n in M r . a n d M r s . in Rivervit'U' Ho.spltnl on Sslniday, Home, Kearny. Burial was in Ar- ! Borst had lived in Kt'imsburg -'M N i d i / , 11,1 I l i n i i n p A v e , N e w a r k Her orihid h'.'atlp'cce was sivlcd MRS. WAVNK NICHOLAS PKRHV Oct. 5, 11163, like the ('h e r a t t e n d a n t s ' a n d s h e j J a m e s M i c k e y . 20 C a l l D r . . l l a / . l e t linjilon Cemetery, Kenrny. years. Ite upn5 a velcrnn of Wt>rld a n d t h e l a t e M r . S h i - I t / . pearl ir(Mi) wjih r i h u u t | u e t of y i ' l - ! on W e d n e s d a y , Ou't. 2 , 19fi.l in HivMiss Dnrlf Ann Ackerman, i Slic ] T h e R r v . l-:idridj;e C a i n i i l i e l l . p . ^ - c.inii'd Surviving are a son, Herbert B. War I. Dalloil low and • h i t •uliir veil am! i.arrir ervi-w Hospital, Thompson jr., a daughter, Mrs. IsSurviving is his wife, Mrs. Annl u r , | > r r ! i i n n e d tl;e t i o u b l c rinj'. c(-i'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dnltiiii. j ilaiiflhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ch,i:les ina^lclnnf flower (iirl fall basket of >:uld i h r v a n ' . i n : f-nuiMV »[ !:.)(! p . m . in r h e ( i / ; i r c abella Walton, nnd his mother, (Washor) Hoist. J. Ackerman, M7 Middle Kd . Ha/Ilium Twilight Ave., Keansburg, a m tin; Ciitht'iiiit' ( nle. Union Heaeh, ! Methodist Church. Unmn lieach, m e n u and auuiinn leaves. Mrs. Isabella Thompson, all of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Blum, parents of u daughter born Stuv lcl, and Wayne Nirlmlas P e i r y . sun niece of the hrnlejjronin, w a s the ! .Sund.iy, D e l . S, IWii. MKs I'erry llridt'iniald g l.miii Allocco Lnurcncc Harbor; two brothers, 13.1 Heachway, Keansburc, are (he p day, Oct. fi, Iflfi.' I l Ri Riverview i>f Mr. and Mrs. llruce Perry. 57 The Iniili'imaid. M^« Catol P f Thomas Thompson, Laurence Harl^uni'ial services wpre held Sat- ! I ' h e ' b r i d e w i n e n - o i t e d b y W i l - flower j.',irl. She wore a \ cllnw prin- pnrenls o( a daughter Vxirn W't'dneri- Hospital. Hudson Ave., West Kr-ansiiur;j. ITS< j'.own willi lUmr li'iieih skirl iv. West Kf.uiOiurj!. sisiiT ol ih bor, and John Thompson, Summit; urday at S:.'«l ii.m. from the D.iy l i a m l l e i l l e l e . C o l l s N e c k . S h e w o , •• dav, Uil. 2, I'tfi'.i in Rivcrvii.'tv f/os\vere married Katurdav ir.nrnni(;, bViil p o o u i , and Ihe juiotir bride 1 two sisters, Mrs. Isabelln Murray, I'uiieral Hnme, Keyport, and nl a l a c e a m i t u l l e J'II'AII u v r r l.ilfi'l.i anil puff sleeves. Her vellow heatl- |iiliil. Kckerl Otl. 5, 10C3 in Holy 1-amily Churih, maul,' Miss Susan IVriy, W". Kearny, attrl Mrs. Jcnnctlc Cos- j &;'.HIa.m. n requicn: mass was nl• , i c c c n t c i l li'.' b o w s dii.v n ! l i e ftcinl p i e r e li.ul il lii iel \ I'll :ml! she c i r A son was born to Mr. and Mi*. ! Union lieach. 7 hi' Rev. John Mee Furninlo Ke;tn<.l)tir(!, aim « "Olel of ih i fi-reil In St. Benedict's Church. The ( H i e d lM«lii'e h a d a s r n l l o p e d lied a basket of roselies. Herbert Erkert. Willowhrnok Dr. s , i | j | i n , l net K l i n e a m ! IIMIJ: t a p e r e d Josejili ( n | r , llnion Beach, brnlh•\ son ivns horn Thursday, Oct. I linn officiated al the double run: liiiili'i'tonm, wine ensemble", urn I Hii/lel, lor Louis Allocco, til, of lla/.let, nn Sumlny, Oct. G, 1W3 In ])'".., inoriy and celelMiiied HIP m/p l.'ir lo Ihe liiiinir »w»l>, in ye!. 1114 Second Aviv. Asbury Park, ^ s l r e \ c s a n d ! h e I'ull s k i f t c a s c a d n l er - in • law of the brlde(;ionin, w a s .1, 196.1 in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fur- Riverview llospilnl. ' m a s s . and r a i n e d lall baskets of ru 1 ' who collapsed while at work nn i n t o a c h a p e l I r a n i . H e r l u i | : e r l i p - Ihe best m a n . Uslierini: were Joiin inaln, I'liincis PI., llazlet, In RlvcrSe/eH'c/, H a / H ; Slcpheji Shefiz. vk'H Hospital. ! l e n i i t h v e i l " f i l l u s i o n fell f i o i n » The bride w»j divert in mar- toloieil iiii>'.aiiiheiiHiiiis and nu (he Hayonne ilock.i Tuesday, Od. Frelnl 1 riage by her father. Slu1 wus ni- tumn l e a s e ' . I, l!)6.1 nml died shortly nfleiwnitl 1 c m \ i n nf pi i i r l i / ' ' d in iinj'e b i n - Antlinnv Shell/, a n d Mu'hael Shell/, Sickles A son was bnrn in Mr. «nd Mrs. I'nii.ii lii'aeh. nil lii-olbi'j's of Die I luinliis I'eii v , W f s l l\'"ao'.|uirj at liityonne llospilnl of a heart s m i t s .'UKI s e e d pr.irls . m i l s h e n>i- hillle;M'Oom A »oii w a s born (n Mr. and Mrs. Clyclo Frelnl, Church St., Matn- llied In a weddlnx (town of Im n e d a c o l o n i a l i H n i q u e , nf ^ . n d i ' i i i . i s jxirietl silk organza over lilk. trim- •ierved as IK-SI man for Im hiolbf ullnck." Inlenuciil was In St. JoChinlcs Sickle*, Mil Shore Rd., wan, In Riverview llnspital on J Joseph Cole Jr.. Union Hench. nieil with Alcnc.nn l a r e . Ihe litand Anthony Allocca, Ni'pluni', (ou fii'ph's Cemetery, Keypnit. Oct. 3, Monday, Oct. 7, lf«J. nephew nl the b r i d e p m i n i , w i n Hi" Union flench, on Thursday, SlMcr m Mainm Of Mciiuir It'll bastiue Imilire w a j ilrsifined sin ol Hie lii'ide/mina. win an ««h (torn in Andover, he wits the son ISlti.'l in Monmoulh Medical Center. W. S. WALLACE wllh n porlrait neckline «n() Jonn Mrs J o s e p h ( o l c , I ' n i n n H''iii ' i , iiiiimr uslier and David Cole, Union er and John Mi Nolly, Malntfar I'edm/n of the liilo Dornenlro mid Manuel nephew of the jiolnlcil sfeevM. 'Ihe bell • shaped a e n i i s t i i of I h " h t i ' f e , f>va^ a ytr.tti Niiiinan u n * Ilic m a l l nn of IIMIIDI* for h e r Iteai li, ani'ihcr t'LOTHINO Muuro Alhicco. A iliui|:hter was horn In Mr. nml Mr. and Mrs, F.rnesl Pctlrazn, 32 siMcr. H e r llini|.|eii)'.lh j ' n u i i n l li: idi'j'ionm. served us linj.' Itearer. l ishei. ' ' " ' e u l e J n l u c e rriolif a n d Surviving are liis ivlfr, Mrs Ann ;ur(iuol>.e n y l o n o i ) ' a n / a wa 1 - (!e- ,' i(c.c|i(iiin I (••lei >hs. Kichnrd Noonon, UN Pine St., I-nst Front SI., Keyport, lire the I Mia and Boyt' Furnlshlnn A f t e r « f e r r p / i i ' l l .11 I h t Moll' Alloccn, nnd seven brothers, Jerry s j ' . n e d w i i l i a l a c e I x i d i i ' e , s n u i j i A l e i e p l m n lollowcd in tile P a l m . L'nion Hench, al Perth Anib'iy Gen- parents of « d m i R i,i'.r U ) r n Satur-! ' upl. P i l e h e r I n n , K n l H a n k , llie day, O i l . 1, IfllJJ in Monmomh ' Alluccii, Kcyporl: fiilisllno Alloc- l i e r l i l i i i r a m i c a p ^ I f c v e s . (trj:,ui/.i el I mill:''', Kl .msliinj;. I ";• 'i.ij Hospital. m s l l| l 1 ! ,'l l o r ,i vv/'dd.Jij 1 ' ! ' p " , " ' \ " , " " " « ' " I ' " " ' ''V •' 1 Mulical Center. co, of llalv, who K vistlng in this r u l l l e s li iitinii <l (hi 1 liai'k o l tin lull inn,or n ip. Ihe hrule w o i e a blue r.iiciie of crushed orrnn/a and liu" . I n t u i t . i J n R . P a W h e n | | | | - V l l ' t l l l l W, rr«M M. Kryporl Knitelhilrdl country, nnd five other brothers hi of'iliUiAi <knl A e u n i h n ' veij h}) II I m i l l liiarls aiTesMiries and a 'in'! s 'ie carried a p n y e r bonk on Mr',' |>l,ili In i i " ule i nllv II. Wnlier* Mr. and Mrs. Donnld V. Enf,i"lItaly. hiHi was placed u huge i llils.ll I while inses. o \ c t h e r O u e e n ' s ( r o w n nf m a l r ' i IV.i,In- I'aik W ' •! «• A son n was as born brn m m Mr. Mr. and M Mrs,! rs,! p g u 'lardi, Kl) I, did Driil^e, ore the Ihe bliile atlellded CllVller 111,'h in;' v r h e l slnililnl mill rluii' Wa lll e r s , l l c d l t i U d . , )lnt< ii < '-'if V»nnlhiMt«iun u c c e n l e d w l l h 'I he l u u l e H . I ' i ' l a i , ..I lie ^^^b. I > ' _^u_ parents of n diiujjhlcr born in Si. l i d w i i r dd W Sc'n'il, t i i -.i'\ l i l y , and is emplnv. slniit .-. S h e I , I I I :cd ,'i t ' o l n n i n i h n u ( l.iss j J elcr's (ji'iierul llospilnl nn Scp'. let, In R i v e r v i e w l l n s p i i a l o n S n | . ' w i n l c l e a i h e i i ' d c i i r n i i l i o n s a n d a n , n l hv Mallei X.- i n , Kevporl. T h e t|iiet uf p i n t , HIM! n l u l e I O M S . i i r d a y , O c l , 5 , 11103. tnuii* l e a v e s , I!IVI, i u i d is i i o n t'l i h e nffi 23, MX hi KII->'.I<Mon. wlin ^vas jji'iidualed 1 t h e li- iilat i i l i e n d a i i l s in i h e n u n - 1 VH J u d i t h Aekeinian, Iln/lcl, o f l . i f v l u l i p c i i p ( " I . H « l r m l » I leeholil Ki'iiiounl II I f: h ,,,, S'.yiunnskl DpMnrsk'O, b<v,v w i i l d i n j ' u r i c Mi^>. C , n o ] Slei- limn sslsler of the the bride, bride, was w a s Ihe Ihe mnid I lie liriili'iinii.iii, a I'l.idiiiilf i A son W(m born in Mr. nnd Mrs, A ton wits iKirn i» Mr! and Mrj. of h l l l e , I liunil h e m h, vtlin v . m e fu|il,l, ; S r ! il, n ii florisl. He id setvliic g honor, l/er g m m Has lii\li lii\li niciu Kltt|:« C o l l e g e , W i l k e s . I j j i r r , P rrd|!»r S/vniait.skl, Koulc 'il(. Milliinii M i s Sliplun Shell/. a l i i i i i y f i i r ( u l i s l i n i i i i t in lite U S , Willlnm rji'Mtilslcn, 123 l.tiurolhumt j llalfela, lfl •.tied . llength, h myled l d uiih In J u n e IIKlll. Is einplnyi-il hy I! in I'ltkln lloAplliiJ, on Suliir. U r , Cll/fwuoil Bench, o n S u n d a y , j n r o u n d ' w r k l l n e , Illicit • i/imnw U S l!c,icli, i.|i I n uf Ihe muff, N ' . u v m i d i» . ' i H l l i m e d i i b o m d Hie I>rf>urliiii-nl of l l e n l l h . I ' d If MAIN ST. TKI. CO * 4 S « KF.VI'OHI , n , n n, Oct. 0, 1K3. Oct t )!M)3 I H l v k H i l l ' l l b l 'M' V.OII |IJM|IH>IM', III! > l U l l i d l USS' Hum, Nuiloll<1,Vu. »-ltirl. '.-nlion n n d W e l l n r c In N e w Y u i k &li'Cvu «ml a bell Oct. t, )!M)3 In Hlvervkw FORMAL WEAR TO HIRE Studios CANM0 W10WNGS A SMCIAITY Thundoy, Octotm 10, 1963 THE M A T A W A N JOURNAL, N . J. Wed In, Laurence Harbor Raymond Leavy, Matawan Resident Engagements their dauphltr, Eileen, to Dennis KrT;r. son of Mr. »nd Mr, Ed- , , En*H»h-VHc«nip Mrs. Helen Bracken . ^ l ^ Z ^ ^ ' X ^ Weds George Wirth Slat-Carman ward M-iH'tu'r, 1027 Beach Dr., t m e n , 0 | her liaujihier. Miss ElizaMr. and Mrs. John H. Carman. Cliffwood Uiach. • beth Vrlcamp. lo John F.nRlish. son 333 Front St., Union ner-:i, anMiss Ku-rslead is atiendinj; Mai- | <lf Mf- a n d M r * - J a " i « English sr., nounce the engagement of their awan Rit:iuiu.l Hi(;h School. Mr. j 2! ^fj^'"yc*!caillp ^'"'Va'duaie of daughter, Sara Ann. to Fnmk IZ. ' : Keyport lli^h School, Class of IM'.1, is ( i i i p l o \ i d b \ ihi L h j r m Candy Stas, son of Mr. and .Mrs. lidward ; Raymond A. Leavy, 72, of Texas Bd., Matawan, died Thursday, Oct. 3, 1963 at Monmouth Medienl Center. Mr. Leavy was born in South Amboy and had been a resident of Matawan for the past 30 years. Prior to • his retirement seven years ago, Mr. Leavy was an Inipector for the N.J. State Milk Control Board, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Marie Leavy; five sons, Raymond A. Leavy jr., Edison; James P. Leavy, San Dieuo, Calif.; Thomas F. 1-tavy, Malawan; Edward J. Leivy, Toole, Utah and Paul V. Leavy, Marlboro; six daughters, Mrs. Michael Craycard, Redwood City, Calif.; Mrs. Orover K. Smith, Rochester, III.; Mrs, Joanne L. Hitler, Colls Neck; Mrs. Herbert Crawford. Smilhbiirn: Mrs. Albert DlPane, Hagerstown, and Mrs. Jo«tph Kbuten, Long Branch, and 12 grandchildren.' Funeral services were held Monday at 8:30 a.m. from the Day Funeral Home. Keyporl, and at 9 a.m. « high requiem mass was offered in St. Joseph's Church, Keyport. Interment was In the church cemetery. II. SIUK, 4 Ned Dr., Msta.w.111. Miss Carman was graduated from k'e\port High School and attended Trenton Stale College. She is employed as a service reprcscn-; iaiiv(. by ihe N. J. Hell Telephone: Co. Mr. Slas was graduated from Wuodbridge High School and Linuiln Technical Institute. He is employed by 10ft! Corp. as counter : . manager. A spring W'edding is planned. > i Lompdin A b i r > I'.irK Mr 1 ivli ii, a u i a d u i l e nf K j i j Sept. :•«. I W : I . Anmnrncement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Helen Bracken, 211 Park Ave., Union Beach, to George Wirth, 417 Ii.iyvie>v Ave.. Union Beach, in Holy Family Church. Union Beach, nn Sept. 2S, 19S3 at 1 p.m. The Rev. John Wthan oflicinted at the ceremony. The bride was escorted by her son, Richard Bracken, Union lkach. After the ceremony, a dinner for the immediate families was held at Ihe Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Door Busters FRIDAY and SATURDAY John F.gnatovirh 3rd, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Louis J. b'^naiovich jr , j 4JH Palinor Ave., West Keansburj;. Miss Willkomni all ended Wed j Hank Catholic \\\y\\ SrluKtl. ! Mr. 1-l^niitnvirJi a'Hncicd Keyport j Mj^li Si h(Kil and is affiliated with j his father in the cninnn rci;il fishing business. They plan a 1M4 ut-ddln^. Knit-ger-Kicrstfad Mr. and Mrs. h'rank. Kier«tr;id, fi88 South t n n c u u r s e , Cliffwood Hi'dch, announce ihe cn^anement of .MEN'S - BOYS' ENSEMBLES SWEAT SHIRTS 2 : 3 BOYS JACKETS 8 9 7 SPORT SHIRTS 9 9 ' IOO'/P Cotton Hooded Sweat Shirts. Gray • Red - White • Blue Illack and Green. Boys Sizes S-M-L and XL. Wash and Wear • 100% Cotton Flannel. Colors, Plaids. Sizes 6 • 16. MEN'S 1 Mile South of Strarhmore Exhibit. C \ Rt. 34 — Matawan here's wishing you a Bon Voyagt •ml our planning makea It right! You're sure of (un on that cruise or ocssn voyagt »hen you count on us to ninke •ill the arrangement). Call 566-2192 or 3993 GALE'S ^ ^ ^ ^ ZKMTH'S MOST POWERFIL KYKCLASS HKARING AID* If youVn trkfd Hie ityln of >n f y f g U i l hranng aid L'tit could never find arm In m»«( your nerrii. Ilirn Ity Itn Dyna n*nRt. You'll *n|oy its Iff mendtiu^ p f l n r m c u e . . . youH ndnuii! it * »1ini, 1rlm linrs. You'll b* rrnnnc*d tltflt hrrf n\ Iml i i what you've i.f*n lor H"K for In ii hmniiB «nl SPORT SHIRTS 100% Cotton • Woven Plaids In a wide assortment of handsome colors. Sites S-M-L find XL, TABLE RADIOS 1 7 77 RCA - Motorola . (ivncrnl Kleclrlc - Westinghouse Clock Rnilloa. Table Radios and Portables. All nl this one low, low price. MEN'S SWEATERS 5 99 Pullovers nnd liullon-Down Cardigans. Wide wisortment of styles, pnllerns and colors In Ibis upeclnl group o! Mveatcrj. Sites S-M-L and XL, THY IT TODAY! r. IN Oil CALL 10* DAILY DELIVERIES 26 W. Front St. - CO 4-2000 Easy Charge — Free Parking At Rear Brown Travel Bureau Open Friday Evening B»I ('.lit: V.llry • <MI - 211 Mnlib si., r . r r h Amko 1 l l r u X n a r . Kt>|iull — Nlchl L'Jlli: CO 4 3*31 electric rate reduced i total electric homes and apartments DltUfi CO. 11 W . I m i l l S I . , K c v p i i r l | S > k l l(> I V I . I - I I I Nal'l llalih) KEYPORT Cost of Klcdric Healing Comes Down Here's (he big news ilial so many of our clcclric healing customers have been wailing for! At a time when the cost of Ii\ing continues to skyrocket upward, we're pleased to announce a decrease of almost twenty percent in the cost of electric heating for residential customers served under the Company's Total lilectric Home Rate. The reduction will apply to all of our electric healing customers living in Tola I lilectiic homes and apartments. The reduction, effective October 1, 1963, will lower the Company's Total Electric Home Rale to 1.4.V per kilowatt-hour. In addition, the reduced rale includes a special provision for electric water heating-500 kilowaitJiours a month for only J .3c per kilowalt-hour, which makes electric water heating a bigger bargain than ever. The new rate also permits the use of a quicL-rccovcry water heater, which is smaller, costs less to buy and is more convenient to install. New Horizon Seen With over one million homes in the United Slates being heated clecincaily, ami more than two thousand in Ihe area served by JCJ'&L-NJI'&L, it is evident that today's modern families want the advantages that only flamclcss electric heating can offer. So if you're thinking of building, buying, rcmodeling-or even renting an apartment-please call us. We'd like to give you the details about our new icduced clcclric heating rate. Simply dial our nearest business office and We'll be happy (a provide you with more information. Jfrivm ISURGKAL I APPLIANCE llur lumr I<lr4jillylii|: In AM lv|<rR *:11rKIrJiI A|i|illlli>M and HAlMirnll KEYPORT HARDWARE COMPANY T)IE URGI-ST VARlltTY OF HARDWARE, TOOLS, AND PAINT IN THIS AREA Rale Reduced (o 1.45* Per Kilowatt-Hour ^ ^ Wide Assortment of J. J. NEWBERRY All Khirfi of Iniuranc* HOUSLIIIII.U H IIMTUHB n»i:i.i.iN(,s If jour rar Is luiurrd nltb nl joar Interests will be promptly carttf for. COSIEKKNCE CASUALTI COMPANIES and •TANUAKII STOCK riKB CO.MPA.NIEI III Knti 11. KorffH Ttt. CO 4-2SC* or CO 4-JM1 .MISS PHYLLIS A. WILLKOMM • WEEK-END Cotton Jackets with Knitted Collar ami Pockets. Detachable Hood. Quilting Lined. Green and Gray. Stees 10 • 16. ROYS' 1 I.ANNLI, J. J. HALEY Insurance - Real Estate Dietrich Trailer Sales 1 Miss Murray is employed by the 1 ! Lily Tulip Cup Corp.,' llolindel, I: arid her fiance is employed by iMujjloycd hy C'arr Awning and'••I*11'1 ' i l ^ 1 Sd»K»!, Ci.i^suf li*ji). .& j lihn.l Company in Perth Amboy. I ^np]o V *d hy J, J. NVubmy Co., ; Charles Hevshi K Co.. Newark. Thf rotiple |)I;HI a wedding early i A l m J w ' '-'Jit«nK is planiicil. ! A j.-fbruary wt-dtlinj! is planned. • .'I'M summer. 787-0047 "INSURANCE^' IKAVEL TRAILERS . FLOWER CENTER Bank. The couple left for a w e * ding trip to Canada and plan ; • reside in Union Beach. PACER and 11I-LO .SI menu e-M u r ra y Mr. and Mrs. .lames Murray, 726 Park A Y C , Union Iieach, announc- ' <(i the engagement "I their d.iugh-; I ter. Arlene R., 10 Angrlo S. Sim-1 ' rime jr., 217 Ituntciilon St., New-! ' ari:. at :i party aitended by 100 gursts at the Harris Gardens Fire i Co. lin-liMiive, Union Ik-ach on William M. Metsger William M, Metier,. 79, of The Bronx, N.Y., a former summer visitor of Keyport, died at his home Coverl-Sfber on Sept. 24, 1963. The engagement nf Miss Sarah Mr. Melsuer was a member of Ann Seber, daughter of Robert V. j MRS. KOHICKI l \ QUADK JR the Fordhanv Methodist Church, Seber sr., Teniirnl Rd., Morgan- I where he was a former organist and also served as an elder of the M i s a Grruldinc Sdilklitinj:, Janice Quade, Laurence Hnrbor, church. lie was a member of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wahtr sisier of the bridegroom, lotk'n Fraaklin Lodge, F6AM. Mr. Mets- Schlichting, 94 Laurence Parkway, green chiffon. Miss Debra Scbliciitf<T was the son of the late Capt. Laurence Harbor, became the bride ing, Hayonne, the junior brides•ixd Mrs. Abram Metsger, who re-of Robert F. Quade jr., Saturday maid, wore peppermint green chiftided on Florence Ave., Keyport. afternoon, Oct. 5. I!H>3, at 3 p.m. in fon. Miss Linda Schlichting. HaySurviving are his wife, Mrs. Ma- St. Lawrence's Church, Laurenci' onne, the flower girl, wore kelly fcel <Herbst) Metsger; a son, Ro-Harbor. The bridegroom is the son green chiffon. Both are nieces of l e n W. Melsi>er, Lake Mohawk. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Quade the bride. The aliendnnts carried sr., 215 Hillcrest Ave., Laurence cascade bouquets of fall - colored and three grandchildren. Harbor. The Rev. Waller Slatterv, Fuji mums, and the flower gill Interment w a s in Roscdalc, pastor, officiated at the double ring carried a basket of mums and pomBloomficld Cemetery. pons in the fall colors. ceremony. Walter Schlichting, Rayonne. The bride was given in marriage Percy .1, Churchman of the bride, was the best Percy J. Churchman, 386 Stan- by her father. She wore a Ion;;- brother man. Ushering were Robert Magesleeved gown of pcau de soie fe.iford St., Perth Amboy, died ThursLeo Carver, an;! Geoige (jar«iay, Oct. 3, 19B3. Born in England, luring a basque waisl, scoop nuck- man, risen. Charles Savnia, cousin rf Mr. Churchman had resided in line and front panel of Alencnn the bridegroom, was the ring bearlace. Her fingertip - length veil of Penh Amboy 4G years. French illusion was attached tn a er. All reside in Laurence Harbor. He was a member and trustee of liered crystal headpiece and she A reception was held in the VetFirst Presbyterian Church, Perth carried T cascade Ixmcniet of car- erans of Foreign Wars Hall. Amboy, nations and stephanotis. Cliffwood. For tlieir wedding trip Surviving are his wife, Mrs. An- Miss Diane S/umski, Laim-nec to Miami Iieach, the bride ware .1 toinette (Mikolajczak) Churchman; Harbor, was the maid of honor. two - piece aqua larninali'il Mill two sons, Leslie, Laurence Harbor, She wore a keily fircen'h with black fur-trimmed collar and and Frank, North Arlington; a satin gown designed wilh a sconn black ucet'vsurii:*. She wore a daughter, Mrs. Mary Paulson, Lau- neckline, princess waist and cape white orchid. villc, nnd the late Mrs. Seller, to j rence Harbor; two stepsons. Rich- back. She wore a matching hradThe bride and the bridegrr-om V.'illard luhvard ("o\crt, son of Mr. 1 ard and Francis Tiewski; five piece nf green satin leaves wilh a were graduated from Snyrevilk" and Mrs. Willurri divert, 77 Steiner | brothers, four sisters, all in F-iig- circular veil and carried a cascade High •School. Mrs. Quade is cm- Ave, NVptune Lily, has been AM-I laml, and seven grandchildren. bouquet cf fall colored Fuji mums. ployed by the Insurance Company nounccd. ' Bridesmaids' (imvns of North America, Newark. lK?r Funeral services were held at II Miss Seber was graduated from • The bridesmaids, who wore simi- husband is employed by S. Haydn Matawan Hi^h School and is cm-1 a.m. Monday at the Koyen Fuwral Chapel, Perth Amboy, with lar gowns and headpieces, were & Suns, Newark. ployed by Lavoie Lal)oratorics', Wlien they return from their wed- Mm Danville. Miss lilaine DeFort, South Amboy, orange chiffon; Miss lleienc Beers, ding trip, they will reside at 131 Mr, (.'overt is employed hy CoKearny, lopaz chiffon, and Miss Monistown Rd., Chces-equake. veil's Hell iteration and Air Conditioning, Neptune (Jty. the Rev. Arthur E. Matott officiat- .his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph '• K|{natovich-Ui]lkoinni \ Molnar jr., Perth Amboy; a sis-1 ing. Raritan Lodge No. 61 Mr, nnd Mrs. K. Willkomm, M F. & A.M., Perth Amboy, conduct- ler, Mrs. Kli/abfMh Iln!oj;h, Perth ' Ha/el PL, Ha/let, announce the tn* ed Masonic services Saturday ev- Amlxiy. nnd five brothers, the Rev. Ka^ement of their daughter, Mi»5 Kichard Mnlnar, Homes tend. Pa.; , ening. Joseph Molnar jr., ]3rountown; Phyllis Anne Willkonun, to Louis i Julius Molmir, Matawan; Arpail Frank Molnar Sr. Frank Molnar sr., 42, of 265 Molnar, .lolinslonhurji, and Stephen Frank & Mary Strano Barricelli [ Molnar, CheescquHkc. Grace Si., Perth Am boy. died Thursday, Oct. 3, 1!W3 at the \'ei-j A high mass of requiem was o(311 Carr Av«., Keantburg fered Sundiiy in St. Michael's Hun| erans Administration Hospital, ^arian Church, with his brother, I East Orange. Born in Penh Ani- the Rev. Molnur, pastor of St. Mar. Flowers for Wtdriingt, | boy. he was a resident of ihe area j caret's Church in Homestead, offunerals or any occai all his life. ; fieialinfc. Funeral services were* in sion - Aho cut floweri I Mr. Molnar was a veteran of 1 charge, of the Mitruska Ftini-ri! World War II. ! Home, Penh Amhoy and inierIM EMBER OF TELRFI.ORA Surviving are his wife, Mrs. : ment wfis Monday in Sf. Mitha'.-I's Dorothy Molnar; two daughters. ; Cemetery. Mrs. Beverly Ware, Railway, and Mrs. Michael Kntransky, Pcr;h This wetk, why [Ion t you Amboy; JI son. Frank Molnar jr., look through the wimlnws of Perth Amboy; four grandchildren; your church . ..from the inside. THURSDAY Second Section — Pag* Fiv* JCM NJP4 jrnstYctNTnM PDWfR t. Lir.HI wrw j m r . t r POWID I IIGHT IMVtSlOHDWNED ELECTRIC COMPANIES . THE M ATA WAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* Six — Second Section ! Church Services Announced For Bavshore Area Friday at 2:30 p.m. the cherub choir will rehearse. A memh£rsh;p class will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. On Sunday there will he church school at 9:45 a.m.; morning worship at 9:45 and It a.m. and at 7 p.m. the B.Y.F. groups will meet. Monday at 7:30 p.m. the Deaconesses will meet and at it p.m. the .Sunday School teachers and officers will meet. The Monmouth Association midyear rally will be held Tuesday at Calvary Baptist Church. Uelmar. The Women's meeting will begin at Dafte* Hefcrew CmkjrtgailM 2:3*1 p.m.; dinner, 8:39 p.m. follow. Braac St., Keyparl ed by Ihe evening meeting. Rabbi David Silver Mali I t * M s t w a a Jchavah'i Wllawues The Trustees will meet WednesShmlni AUeres 8th Day Succose. Rev. Carroll B. Hall, Keyporl Csnircgatiaa day and prayer meeting will he Thursday morning a service will i Rector Klagfem Hall, 51 Dlvl.ioa Si. held at 8 p.m. Thli Sunday, the Hlh Sunday af- be held at 8 a.m., Yizkor memorial Thursday. Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. Circls The ministry school will begin at ter trinity, matins and Holy Com- service. Simchas Torah. Services will be 7:25 p.m. Thursday and will be 2 will meet. munion will be held at 7:15 a.m.; family eucharist and church school, held Thursday evening at 7; 3ft followed at 11:30 by the service Calvaiy Methodist Churcb p.m.; Friday morning, 8 a.m.; Fri- meeting with the theme "Take •: IS a.m.; morning prayer and serThird St., Keypart mon, II a.m. and evening prayer, day evening, 8:30 p.m. and Sab- Courage to Preach God's KingRev. Harry R. Pine, bath morning, Saturday, It a.m, dom," based on Pa. 31:21. 1:30 p.m. Pastor A Bible lecture <if timely imporHoly Communion will be cele- (or juniors. Youth choir will rehearse ThursThe Board of Trustees meeting tance will be delivered at 3 p.m. brated Wednesday at 9 a.m. and day at 7 p.m. anil adult choir, 3 Sunday. The Watchlower Bible on Friday, the Feast of St. Luke, will be Monday at 8:30 p.m. There will be an Adult Hebrew study will commence at 4:15 p.m. p.m, • t 6:30 a.m. Sunday at 8:30 n.m. there will ; Saturday there will be a chil- Education meeting Sunday at 7:31) with the study titled "Drawing dren's confirmation class at 9:15 p.m. lo decide convenient time and Courage From the Word of God." be a service of worship and ser. At 8 p.m. Tuesday "Let Your mon, "We Need To Live Our aim. and the youth choir rehear.sjl, program for those participating in the course,.All residing in the arei Name lie Sanctified" will be stud- Faith"; church school. SI:30 a.m; '10:30 a.m. ied at llic Bible study centers at service of worship and .sermon, Sunday afternoon at 5:30 p.m. will be welcome. Kingdom Kail, Keyport; 3 Atlantic "How Stupid Can A Man He," there will be the first of a series MMmmilh Reform Tempi* Ave. and 331 Wilson Ave.. Mata- 10:15 a.m.; youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Of three parish suppers anil at 7:30 i n Sycamar* Ave., Shrewsbury wan; 2 Calt Dr. and 4fi Clement',; and a service of worship for the p.m. the Junior Episcopal ChurchRabbi Richard F. Sielnbrink Lane, Garden Trailer Park, Haz- Kastern Star Chapter of the eighth men will meet. Sabbath Eve services will be let; the home of l.eroy polk, Rose clislricl with the Rev. Mr. Pine On Tuesday the A.A.i will meet held Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. St., Cliffwood; 82 Raritan Ave., preaching al 7:30 p.m. This ser •t 9 p.m. During the service in honor of Kcansburg; 8 Monmouth Ave., Port vice is open to the public. Trinity Men's Club will mest the Festival of Simchas Torah new Monmoulh, and the home ot ArthWednesday at S p.m. Girl Scout troop will meet Monmembers who have joined the con ur Palmer, North Centerville. day at 6:30 p.m. and there will bu Boy Scout Troop 232 will meet grcgation during the past year will a monthly meeting ol Ihe Women's Thursday at 7 p.m.; senior choir be consecrated inlo the congrega Temple Shalom Society at S p.m. rehearses, 8 p.m. and adult confir- tion by Rabbi Richard I'". SteinThe - Reform Congregation mation class, 8:30 p.m. Tin* Women'* Society will hold a Slrathmore-At-Malawan brink. The Sabbath candles will he rummage sale on Tuesday und Rabbi Mordecai Sciireibcr kindled by Mrs. Robert Woolf. The First Metheaitt Clmreb Wednesday. Sabbath evening services will bu pulpit flowers will be dnnatcd by I 147 Mala St.. Malawaa Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gorlin. The held Friday at 8 p.m. at the StrathOn Wednesday al H p in. there Frank E. Sweeten, Minister title of Rabbi .Steinbrink's sermon more Elementary School, Matawan. will be a seminar in the Old Undue Saturday, J a.m. to S p.m. rum- will be "A Prejudiced View ol Re- This will be a family service includ- Methodist Church for women's somage sale sponsored by the Metho- form Judaism." ing the children which will be fol- cieties of the New Brunswick dii dist Men at the Carriage House on The religious school will meet on lowed by a Siinchas Turah party. Ilia. Broad St. Saturday from 9 until 11:1J a.m. The; public is Invited to attend. First Unitarian Churcb Sunday, 8:45 and 11, worship ser- During the Sahballi Assembly new l or information about religious Of Monmoulh County vice. Music by the senior, crusader students in the religious school will school and adult education conRed Hank Y.M.I.A. and chapel choirs. A supervised be consecrated by Kabbi Sleinbrink tact Mrs. Allen Pearl, 39 Idlebrook Rev. Harold K. Dean, Pastor nursery is available at the second and each new student will be given I-ane, Sfifi-QOI. Remington llobbie will speak at service and a junior church is con- a miniature Torah. First Presbyterian Church the 10:.1(1 a.m. service on the topic, ducted for other children under the On Sunday representatives of the "Heresy In Will Century America," auje 10 years. At 9:45 Sunday congregation will attend an execuRoute 14 and Franklin St., a look at the life and spei-ch'-s 'if School with classes for all ages. tive committee meeting of the N.J. Matawan Robert Inger.scill. Coffee and fellowThis Sunday will us Pal Dongil Council of the Union of American Rev. Chester A. Galloway, ship hour will follow the service. Day. At 5:30 p.m. family night fel- Hebrew Congregations, at Congrc Pastor The church school will have a spelowship supper will be held. The gation Anshemfetch in New Uruns "Three Things I Wished Jesus cial music program for the kinder program will be by the committee wick, Had Not Said" will be the paslor's gr.ide. on pastoral relations as a "welcome On Monday Hebrew Classes will sermon topic at the 10 a.m. wor- garten through the third A business meet in;1, of lhi» conback'" to the parsonage family. meet at 4 p.m., confirmation class ship service Sunday. The sacragregation will be held at tin! Old A district preachers' meeting 6 p.m. ment of baptism will be adminisWill be held Monday at 10;30 a.m ; On Tuesday the Board of Trustees tered1 to the following children: Mill, Tinlon Falls, at t p.m. to consider a report of the trustees on Laytonian Club meeting at the will meet at 8:30 p.m. .lames Malcolm MacDonald, son of home of Mrs, George Hamilton, On Wednesday members of the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick MacDon- building plans. Jackson St., 8 p.m. The discussion gro'ip. "Introduccongregation will attend a premier uld, Sayreville; Karl Thomas Hess, Tuesday, 6:45 and 9 p.m. church performance nf a new sacred ser .son of Me. and Mrs. Hubert Hess. tion To Uiiitariamsni" will me,-t bowling'leagues, and S a.m. study vice at Lincoln Center in New York Moryanvillc; Scott Frederick Bless- Monday at S.M p.m. at 111.; honn on "Our Mission Today." City. ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Mr. and Mrs. August Stuart. HI Wednesday, 2:45 p.m. junior choir On Thursday the Men's Club wil Messing, Ha/.let; TCKICI Uaird Kem- Wilshire Di'., New Shrewsbury'. rehearsal, 7 p.m. prayer and med meet at 8:30 p.m. in the school merlinjj, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I Persons interested in lindmg out itation in the sanctuary and 8 p.m building. Koinmerling, .Slralhmore; j about Unitarianism are »e,Vnm«. commission on. membership and lietli Alice Quinn, daughter of Mr. j A religious education committee The Holnide! Church evangelism. and Mrs. William Quinn jr.. Mata- | meeting will IK- held Tuesdav at Rev, Andrew A. Burkhardt, Thursday. 6:30 p.m. chapel choir wan nnd Robert Kmery Horn, son S:30 p.m. at the home of \lr and Minister rehearsal; 7:15 p.m. crusader choir nf Mr. and Mrs. Emery Horn, Mrs. Walter Marvin, 243 Kingfis-iSunday School will be held a llaziel. rehearsal and 8:30 p.m. senior er Dr., Middletown. 9:45 a.m. At the 11 a.m, worship Choir rehearsal. The church auction, open to th*The Men's Club will meet for service, the sermon will be "Wha The first chowder sale of the sea. i public, will be held Saturday. Oct. son by the W.S.C.S. will be held do Ynu Know?" The consistory oi breakfast in Fellowship Hall at 8 1 Ml at the Gould farm, MiddJetownthe Reformed Church will meet im a.m. Sunday School meets at 10 1 I.incroft Rd. at 10::tU a.m. Friday. n.m. Nursery care is provided every Sunday morning for children St. Mary's Episcopal Church under three years of a«e. Adult East Front St., Keyport Bib-In Class mppt.s at 11:15 a m . Rev. Henry A. Male, Rector Tlio Senior Hi^li youth meet for St. Anne's group will meet Highway 14 (Mar Main St.) Matawait, N. J. Uible Study and fellowship at 7 Thursday at 2 p.m. and in the evenRev. Chester A. Galloway, Minister p.m. ing Boy Scouts. Troop Tt4 will imv. CHURCH SERVICE - H:M A.M. 1 lie Westminster Circle meets on at 7 p.m. and St. Marys group a! Monday at R p.m. at the liomn nf 8 p.m. Sermon Mrs. Robert Ashworlh, 283 Main Holy Communion will he celebrat"Three Thing! I Wished Jems Mid Not Said" St.. Matawan. The Hoard of Tries- ed I'ridjy at ti:3it a.m. tees moot at 8 p.m. On Saturday Junior Altar Guild School of Christian Education — Each Sunday On Tuesday the Christian Fduca- and the children's confirmation 1.0:00 A.M. — Three years through 8th grade tlon Committee will meet at 7:110 class nil! ini'i-t at !t a.m. At 11:15 A.M. — For adults • study of Book of Jonah Sunday then- will bij morning p.m.; Hoy Scout Troop 73 ;it 7:.'lu 7:00 P.M. — All high school youth prayer at 7:4fi a in.; Hoiy Comp.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Brownie Troop will meet on munion, S a.m.; family service and church school, \):'M) a.m.; Hoiy Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Intermediate Girl Scout Troop Communion and address. 11 a.m. meets on Friday at 2:?,0 p.m. The and senior F..Y.C. al 7:30 p.m. The vestry will meet Monday at I Junior High youth will meet for j crusader rehearsal at 0:30 p.m. 3 p.m. The Mat vct^-s wiil rehearse | and for a country style frolic at Tuesday at 7: 15 p 111. I 7:30 p.m. Holy Communion will be celeBayvlew Presbyterian Church brated Wednesday at •) a.m. and in the evening junior choir will re; Clllfwood Reach i Kev. David L. Bucci, Pastor I The Women's Association of liay| view will s|Ktnsnr a "((ol*)" dinner | Saturday at (i p.m. in I-VMu-.vship | Hall. F.veryone attending is asked ! to come in "llot>o" attire. ! Church School meets at !l:30 a.m. 1 Sunday. "God's Cardiogram nf Man" will be the pastor's sermon topic at this Sunday's II a.m wori ship service. Senior lli«h Fellow| ship meets at fi:3(l p.m. and Junior ' High Fellowship meets at 7 p.m. i The trustees will hold their monthly | meeting at H p.m. in the conference room. On Monday the Deacons will hold a meeting al 7:110 p.m. at the church. Wednesday then: will be n Bihk study at the cottage at 7:45 p.m, Cr*M O( Clary Lutfcma Ctarek • » . SmduMre SchMl, Matwaa Rev. Richard A. Wceden. Pastor Sunday School will be held at » a.m. and the lint year confirmation clan will meet •( the tame hour. The church service will be • t 10:30 a.m. when the amiton will be "Knowledge" by the Rev. Rich•rd A, Weeden, miffion developer, •nd the choir will ling. A eolfee hour will follow the aervice. The services will be held at the Strathmore Elementary School, Church It. and Lloyd Rd.. Malawan. mo Mrthafat Chared Rev. Frank E. Sweeten, Minister Blbl« Study conducted by the pastor Thursday 7 p.m. On Sunday 9 a.m. worship service . and sermon by the pastor, tola by Ernest VanCleef anil Sunday School, 10 a.m. •Monday, 1 p.m. Women's Society of Christian Service will meet in Ihe church. Thursday beginning at 5 p.m. roast beef supper in Fellowship Hall. amm mediately after this service. Sunday evening at 7 p.m., the Young People's Society will meet at Fellowship Hall. Monday at 1:30 p.m., the Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Bradley. Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., the Rifle Club meets on the indoor ratine. Thursday at 7:45 p.m., there will be choir rehearsal. New members received into the fellowship of the churches on Sunday were: Reformed, Mr. and Mrs. David Clausen: Baptist, Vincent Stewart and Miss Bambi Stewart and Holmdel, Harold Willgerodt. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WE Thursday, October 10, 1963 hearse at 7 p.m.; senior choir, 8:15 welcome to becomt acolytes. Con- Kla| Of Klnfi Lutheran Chvcb p.m.; adult confirmation class mil tact the Pastor. Bayvlew School meet at 8:30 p.m. and the A.A.s, On Tuesday at H p.m. 3 study Cherry Tree Farm Rd., 9 p.m. group will he held and topic of disMiddlctowt Bible Baptist Church cussion will be "Our Mission To- Rev. C. Roger Burkina, Pastor (A Regular Baptist Church) Sunday School meets at 9:30 day." This is the third meeting and Middle rid., llazltl anyone may attend. I a.m. and morning worship is al Aev. D. Ross Brlttain. Pastor On Wednesday, the W.S.C.S. is | 10: 43 a.m. The llev. D. Ross Uritlain will bring the message, "King of spansoring ,< jewelry display. j Emmanuel A.tsembl? Of God Jews" at the communion service' On Monday al 3 p.m. regular i til Pal:ner Ave., Keaatlnirc Sunday ct II a.m. Bible school conRev. Harry Johnson, Pastor venes at 9:45 a.m. with classes fur monthly meeting of the W.S.C.S. ; Sunday School is a. 9:45 a.m ; all ages. Evening worship service will be held at the Church. morntns worship. 11 o'clock; cvwill be at 7 p.m. with the mesangelislic. service, 7:30 p.m. The llie Faith Retormcd Church first Sunday of each month there is sage, "The ITnd of a Kingdom." Middle Rd. and Poole Ave. a Communion service at 11 a.m. The quarterly business met'tiii;; llailet of the church will be held Tuesday Wednesday evening will be Bible t 8 p.m. in the church. This will Rev Theodore C. Muller. Pasto; Study and prayer at 7:45 p.m. On Thursday confirmation class be followed by the tneor|>oration Young people's service is Friday 2 will meet al 7 p.m. The junior svening at 7:30 o'clo"k. meeting. Cottage prayer meeting will t>e choir will rehearse at 8 p.m. Port Monmoulh Miitlaa Wednesday at S p.m al the lioni'-' Confirmation class I will meet Community Cl.urch of Miss F.dilh M. Lufburrow. 53 Friday at 4 p.m. The Fvery Mem I Main SI. and Lydli. PI., East Lincoln Ave, Ailanlic High- her Canvass committee will meet! Port Monmoulh lands. The pastor will be in at ii p.m. Rev. A. Donald Maf:aw. Pastor charge. ( On Sunday u junior department Choir practice is he'd Thursday session tif Sunday School will l « at 6:45 p.m.; mid-week Bible study, Second Baptist Church included with the legular service,, j 7:4-5 p.m. Mi Atlantic St., Keypart Sunday School classes are held at Sundjy School meri* at 9:30 Rev. Nicholas J. Tats, Pastor !t::ltl and II a.nv. Morning worship | a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; evThis Thursday al H p.m. the set vices also are held at 9;.'10 and 1 Women's Progressive Club will II a.m. The pastor's sermon topic' ening service, 6:30 p.m. Monday the Young Teens, IAH meet at the church. Mrs. Bessie will be "Prayer That Means Husi-J Club and Lilt'-" Folks Club meel al ness." The junior choir will sing 7 p.m. Jackson Is the hostess. Prayer meeting will be held on ihe anthem at the S:30 a.m. service The l.utheraa Church Friday evening ut K p.m. Missouri Synod The morning choir will hold a The senior choir will sing at the ; Tinlon Falls Public ikhaal chicken dinner on Saturday at the II a.m. service when the sacia-1 Keyport Civic league, starling at ment of baptism will be adminis j Rev. Daniel D. Rcinheimcr. Pastot tered. The senior youth fellowship j Sunday School and Bible Classes 12 noon. Sunday School meets al 9:30 a.m. will meet at 5:30 p.m. for a ct)v •re held at 9:30 i m. Sunday undei Morning worship services stall at ered disli supper and program. tht direction ol Arthur Bitter, au II a.m. Holy Communion will be Theodore Chandler, a junior stu-| perintenJent. The morninB worshis obsers'ed at the evening service, dent at New Urunswick Seminary, j will be held at 10:45 a.m. with ser starling al 7:30 p.m. will be assisting the pastor on Sun-j mon by the pastor. A nursery »erv Morning choir will rehearse Mon- days until May. Ico Is available. Communion terv day at 7:30 p.m. Youth choir will 'Ihe Hoy Scouts will meet Mon- Ices are held tt» first Sunday ol rehearse Tuesday at 7 p.nv. and day al 7:15 p.m. every month. senior choir will rehearse WednesOn Tuesday Ihe Brownies and the day at 8 p.m. C!ill Scouts will IIA'IM at 7 p.m. Browfitomii Community Church There will he « meeting <»f the Broarnlown Union Sundi) Schoa) Reformed Church ot Kcyport Sunday School Teachers al S p.m. Route 18, Hrownlowo Warren St., Keyporl Wednesday. Rev, Francis Cantel, Pastor Rov. John II. Sharpe. Pastor Sundjy School Is held from 9:4S The members of ihe Ladies Aid Morganvilte Mefiodlu Cfcurck 'o IO:.|.i a.m. and the church serFar and Near Society will meet al Morgaavilla vice ii from 11 a m . until U the Church House on Thursday at R«v. Fred 11. Uoweti. Paitor o'clock. Everyone Is cordially in7 p.m. Church services are held on Sun vited lo utieud. The first meeting of the season of the Good Ft'lloivshrp Club will »e day at 9 a.m and Sunday School Fourth Mt. Pitcaira held at the Church House with Hit! 'iieeu at 10 a.m. Spiritual Church Algers, Camerons anil Kennedys as i Pentecostal Church 2M Shore Rd., Union lleach hosts on Friday at 8: lfi p.m. Union and Sidney Ave., Itev. Katherine, Miller. Pastor Sunday School will IM held at Union lleach !&::i(l a.m. Morning Worship Servici! Services are held on Sunday ana Mrs. Isahelle Wood. Pastor with sermon by the p.tsior, 10: l.i On Sunday there will be Sunday fhursday evenings «t 8 o'clock a.m. and meeting of the Intermed•nd on Friday afternoons at 2 p.m iate Youth Fellowship at the ; School at il:45 a.m. and morning, worship, 11 a.m. Prayer time will Church House, 7 p.m. Lutheran Church be held al 7; 15 p.m. An evangelisof the Guud Shepherd First Church Of Christ, Sclenlltt tic mceiim; will be held at 7:43 School No. H p.m. j 84 Broad St., Keyport Bushnell Hd., Sayre Woods South Sunday s e r v I c e und Sunday Prayer, praise and scripture tiniej Rnv. llailey Meyer, pastor School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, testi- will be held Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. • Services are held al Sch'iol No. mony meeting H p.m. Reading room 18, Sayre Woods South. Family DiSayrc Woods Baptist Church open Wednesday und Saturday from ble hour is held at <J:lft a.m. Sun| Routs 9, llrowntown 2 lo 4 p.m. day and family worship service, Rev. Richard Jones-, Pastor The obliteration ot evil in the 10:.Tl ,i in redi'inpnve and heating work of i Sunday School meets at 9:45 with , Midweek service Is held WedChrist will be emphasi/.ed at all I1 a class for each mctnbet of the i nesday at 8:15 p.m. Christian Science diurcht's this family; morning worship, II a.m.; j j .'veiling gospi.'l service, 6:45 p.m. | Sunday. SI. Benedict'! ChurcJj Mid-week prayer and Bible Study i Scriptural readings include this Holmdel School verse from Hphesian* (5:8): "l-or ; is held every Wednesday »t 8:00 Bethany Rd., llolmdet ye were sometimes darlun-ss, hut ! p.m. Rev. Udward P. BUska, Pastor now a n - y e light in the I.oid: w.t!k Masses are held Sunday it 7, I, : David's TahcrnacJ* as children of light." 9, 10 and II a.m. and at 12 o'clock ; Clllfwood A related p,',v hum the noon. Christian Science Ubxlt*K>k will he Elder James Most, Pallor Confessions ar« heard In the read: "Let uriM'llishncss. goodness, | Sunday School Ii al 10 a.m.; parish honnj Saturday* between 1 nitMcv, justice, health, holiness, i morning worship, 11 a.m. love -- Ih-' kingdom of heaven l- i On Wednesday evenings the tarry and 9 p.m. reign within us, and sin, dise:H-_ , St. Jouph'i Church and tleath vvill diminish until tlT'y i service is at 8 p.m. Maple PL, Kcyport finale,- disappear" (Science and Church Of Our Saviour Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, Pastor Health with Key to the Scriptures ; Cheesequake by Mary Uaker F.ddy, p.'JIS). I Rev. Charles F. Walling. Vicar Masse* will ba held Sunday Tim Bible Lesson ii entitled: i Sunday s c r v i c e i a r e held at 7:30, morning at 7, I, 9, 10. 11 and V "Are Sin. Disease, nnd Death and !l..')0 a m . On Ilin first, thi, J o'clock. Grace Metluxlist Church St. James PI. l/niun [teach Kev. Eldrich C. Campbell Pastor On Sumlav ai "I:.10 a.m. church S'/luyi,' uill b e hi'U '.'.ith classes for all age-.. At !>::w and II a.m regular church worship will hi- In-Ki A nursi-iy is pnividi'd a: II a.m. Si',. vice topic is "('o-wotkt'fs wuii Chri>t." '1 hi.1 youth p r o g r a m will follows: Junior M'.'lh'Hli.^t Youth Fellowship will In- h"ltl al 4 p in , H p i n . , in!'1! oH'diate M.Y.t-". and at 7,:til p m. senior M . Y F On F r i d a y at S p in adult m r i n b e r s l n p c l a s s will b e held fur ill persons who '.visti t o unite with ill;; church on Ucl 21. and filth Sunday* t h e r e will be H'lly Communion al the 7:110 and !t:.'i1 a.m. services and on the second and fourth S u n d a y s morning p r a y e r is ii"ld al II:30 a.m. Church school n i f t i at 0:31) a.m., g r a d e s one thioiigh fu'.ir and at 10: |5 a m . . ; g r a d e s ;.-'< ; ftuiy (oiniuiinitin v.ill IJI; ce!'.'- ' braled at (i u m and I'ridav ut II a m. Full Gospel C h a p e l 157 Main SI. K c a n k h u r g lowship, 6 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study it helj Wednesday at S p.m. Strathinore Jewish Center Matawan Township First Aid Building Prmpecl Ave. and Ainboy Rd. Cliffwood Rabbi Joseph Harris Services will be conducted Friday evenings at S;30 p.m. Keyport Witnesses At Bible Assembly Over 100 persons from the Keyport and surrounding areas trivelcd lo Springfield this past weekend to hear the leclure "The Bible Triumphs in a Scientific World." Tlia occasion was the three-day Bibls Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses held at Ihe Regional High School, drawing a crowd of 236S persons. Victor Timpanaro, conductor of the Keyport Bible Study Center associated with the Keyport Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses wj» in charge of the local group. I.yle Ii. Reusch, a traveling minister of the Watchlower Society and district supervisor in the Keyport area, gave the featured lecture. "Does Scientific Fac: Clash witli the Bible?" asked Mr. Reusch. Quoting from scientific authorities, Ihe speaker then said, "evidenca based upon observations, logic, mathematics and the laws of nature insures that Ihe Bible is correct when it speaks of a First Cause that always existed." St. Thomas Plans School For Laity A School for an Informed Laity, featuring lectures on such topic* ai spirituality in suburbia, interracial justice, over-population ami alcoholism, is being inaugurated this week at St. Thomas School, Old Bridge, by llu- Rev. Thomas Dentici. assistant pastor of St. Thomas'. The series of four courses entitled! "Practical Piohlems of Christian Living," "Inquiry ('(Hirst' into thn Catholic Faith." "Theology for Lavmen" and "UiidiTstjiitli'ig the Bible" are open to Iwth Catholic* and non-Catluilics A small registration fee is charged all Catholic parish members; niin-C.uhohcs are admitted Irre of charge. •'Our purpose is in emphasi/.e (IM importance of tn-ing informed." says Itev. Dcnlici, "If people aril not knowledgeable on these subjects. Ihi.'y can't he much help id Ihcinwives or to olliers these dayi. Kwryiine has an obligation to be informed " Two Baptized Sunday At Lutheran Church On Sunday George and Jeffrey Harrington were baptized at thu Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Marlboro • Malawan. The Cross ol Glorv lield its fifth service Sunda/ with an attendance of 117 at sem:;e and I'l children a: Sunday School tvi()t eight teachers under the supervision ot Mr. and Mrs. Kennetli Rolnus'in, KeyiHir! High School teachfis. A ini'i'iing ot the planning board will b" held Tuesday ai H p.m. Dr. Ralph Dover, regional director, will be in aUi'tidanct". There will he ,l discussion of ihe future permanent .silt- of tii-1 church New member* of tiic !*uid are Karl liaer, Motganvilli-; Kurt Carlson, Mfltawjo; N'ortiert Dohn, M.itawan and 0. John Reed, II.I/U-. St. John's Methodist Church } Tlii si week, why don't you Central School, Keyport Ri»v. Norman P Riley, Pastor i1 look through tin- wimluws ol Identical services ore field San- your clunch , . . from the inside. day at !):30 and 11 J in.; church school sessions. 9:30 and 11 a.m. First Spiritual Churea Oi Divine Rate 171 Main St., BelltrcJ Rev. Phoebe Dailey. Pastot Services are livid Sunday at I p.m. nnd Tuesday at S p.m. Rev. Robert II. Kalis, Pastor Sunday School meets at 3 o.m.. Maranatha HaplUt Church with an adult Bible class. Sunday llolmdcl - Keyport ltd. and .will cover (he lives and characters; Urailley lane, of many New Testament charac-, llaziel ters. Kvangeiislic service ii at j Rev. Bruce'.i, Pastor 7:30 p.m. j Sunday School meets a: 9:45 ! 1'rayer servic* la Tuesday at 11 a.m.; mor/iing seivice, II o'clock; Hoys in grades i through S ar.> ; p.m. I evening service, 7 p.m.; youth fel- DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED o n KI. HOURS Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Fridays 9 A.M. to 9 P M. Closed All Hay Wednesdays Saturday 9 AM. to 2 P.M. 30 W. Front St., COIfax 4-2020 Kcyport ? WE SUREWOULD... certify the cost of gas heat Just «sk for a frM Heating Survey of your home that' wilt show you "How Little" Suburban Propane Qt» Heat will cost... When you change to Suburban Propane Gae Heat we'll certify the cost In writing.- | First Baptist Church I 212 Main St., IMalawan • Rev. Robert W. Adiliss. Pastor : Junior choir will rehearse Thinsi day at 7 p.m ; senior choir. 7:45 p.m. and at S put. the missionary promotion committee will meet in ihi* church house. DESIGNED FOR AMERICA'S YOUTH WATCHMNI* SIllnlMi $018 ,'lloTM strumin DETMLS TOBM HIGHWAY 35 CUFFWOOD, N. J. 566-6200 04$ Service Anywhere Su b u r b . m P r o p<i n «• KEYPORT JEWELERS 29 W. Front Keyport 264-2008 Brltlfrovlow Apnrlmonl.i !s toenfed nenr tlio contw of Keyport within wnlkinx (listimco of Ilia downtown nlio)>p!nK nre» and l l NOW RENTING One and Two Bedroom Total-Electric Apartments iir lu-filinif conccfiteci In tlio ceiiinjt'conlrollod by lndlri t h l OPEN FOR INSPECTION 9 to S MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Another Total Electric Apartment Served By JCPIL Finland Walnut Streets, Keyport, New Jersey i BRIDGEVIEW APARTMENTS THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Itrarafey. Odofcr 10, 1963 NJEA Supports Bond Referendum Second Section — Page Seven The new roadway will consist of Wickatunk Rd. intersection with th» 12 inches thick, bitumin- route. ous stabilized base course six inchImprovements will be made on es thick and a bituminous concrete locul roads which intersect with surface three inches thick. The ex- the route. On the Robcrtsville-Old The State Highway Department isting roadway will be resurfaced i Bridge Rd. and on Freneau Rd. aw subbase eight inches thick will be announced bid* will be received Oct. 2-1 on the first of three pro- and both roadways bordered with i topped by four inches of bituminous stabilized base course and a threejects for dunli/utiim of a !).!i mile inch thickness (if hjtutr.inous conportion of Route l.'.S. 9 between throughout. crete surface, White concrete vertiR a m p s , turnarounds; and jug ban Koine 18 and Toll (Jute Corner in Middlesex and Monmouth Counties. dies will consist of stibbase eighi . cal curb will border Ihe roadways. Work on the initial 4.4 mile pro- inches thick, bituminous stabilised S On Union Mill Rd., Tennent Rd., ject will cons-ist of diuili/ation of course MX indies thick and bilumi-1 and Mnrganville Rd., 1] tlti' t o u l e from I!K- intersection wiih nous c o n c r e t e surface t h r e e i n c h e s inches thick will h« topped by six Route 18 in Madison Township, thick b o r d e r e d by white c o n c r e t e inches of bituminenis stabilized Middlesex (' o u n t y. s o u t h s a i d vertical c u r b . A p a i r of left - turn - base course and n three inch thick: M a r l b o r o Township lo jug handles will be c o n s t r u c t e d at ness of bituminous concrete surSouth Milford Hrook in M a n a l a p a n the i:ite-rs.Mtio,'i of the route w i t h ' face. The roadway's wilt be borderFreneau Rd. enabling traffic on ed by white concrete vertical curb. T o w n s h i p , Monniouth County. At present, one lane of Route 9 j the highwayy and on the road lo trallic is. ranied in each direction, connect fret ly and safely under the Open Fund Drive noithhoiind and southbound, on ie- protection of traffic signals. inlorced concrete pavement. A new The Monmouth College Alumni More Jug Handles j roadway will be huilt to carry two "Operatie>n TeleAnother pair of left turn jug han- Association's lane's of northbound traffic. 'I he exphone" fund drive opened its first dles will be built at the intersec. istiiij; roadway will then be imsession of the month - long camproved to carry two lanes of smith- tion with Robertsville - Old Bridj'.e paign Tuesday ni^ht with a total of ! bound traffic. The roadways will be ltd. I he bridge carrying Union Hill iWi in pledges from its alumni. Rd, over Route 9 will be widened separated in some locations by ;i Last year, the opening night to'al concrete median divider and in oth- and an interchange will be built to was S350. K. Murray Todil, Holmer local ions by .'! r.rass median di- permit traffic fin the road and on del, college trustee and general the bridge to connect. The culverts vider. which carry the route over Pine chairman e»f ihe institution's major Traffic Pal (ems lliook and Pine Hrook Hranch will building fund campaign, greeted During construction of the new be extended. volunteers, both alumni and stunorlhlwitinil niadway, ti.idW: will reA pail of jug handles will be liuilt dents. main in ihe present pattern o;i the between Union Hill Rd. and Pine .ulw.iy. lii'th directions | Rd. to provide an intermedIf J'MI need printing of nny '• e.l' irailic will [li;n be shifted to tluri iale turnaround facility for Route; kind, we are here to serve you. I new roadway while the existing !) traffic. Improvements will b e ; Our quick service and reasonable i roadway is being improved. ' huilt at the Gordon's Comer Rd. - i prices will please you. Sen. Stout's Family Poses For Portrait This Year Call For Bids On Route 9 Work "Sorry. No room." Unlesi (hey •re expanded at once, New Jersey's public colleges will be sending many more notices like this to qualified high school graduates, warns the New Jersey Education Association. And the $750,000,000 •late bond issue Is Ihe only current proposal to finance college expanflon. It will provide 1133,000,000 for this purpose. A cumulative surge in the size ot high school graduating clatses •tarts next June, the NJEA note* in its magazine, the NJEA Review. The crop of babies born in 1946, Ihe year after World War II veterans began returning home, will turn IS Ihji year and are high school seniors. In New Jersey, th* Class of 1964 will be 13,000 larger than the Class of 1963. The following year will sec a further increase of 8500. Many of them will want to go to college. 'The size of high school classes will keep growing until, by 1870, 27,000 more students will be graduating than graduated this Juno. According to state estimates, 25,000 more qualified high school graduates will want to attend New Jersey public colleges in 1970 than did this year. Cites Earlier Issue The NJEA Review notes that In I9.r>9 the public approved a $(iO,000,000 bond issue that has since enabled the state to double the size of Its public colleges. Yet, one state college last spring had .1200 applicants for 710 places, and at Rut-' gcrs University, 11,500 qualified j high school graduates applied for I 330(1 places. I The. NJEA Review says, "If New' Jersey's public colleges are to admit their share of the larger freshman classes that will pour out of the classes of 1964 and '65, they must know now that builddngs are coming lo house them." Census Bureau Will Check School Numbers The number of Americans enrolled in school, as well as the numbers employed and unemployed, will be determined from qucs. The Sloul family pictured at their West Allcnhursl home. Standing I hulding II momth old Nancy. Sealed arc Dick jr., nine; Susan, four; tions in the Census Bureau's Octo- left to right are Penny, IS; Tucky, I); Betsy, 15, and Senator Stout I and Mrs. Stout. ber Current Population Survey, it In 1951 Richard R. Stout emerged ; Investigating Commission, t h e the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the | Company, and a member ot the was announced today by Director John G. Gibson of the Census as the victor of a hard - fought Youth Study Commission, the Mu- American Legion, Reserve Offi-1 Bejard <if Directors ( I the National Bureau Regional Office at Philatlel-1 primary battle to carry the GOP nicipal Law Revision Commission, ctrs Association, the .Military Or-1 Conference of Christ mis and Jews, Code der of the World Wars, a Trustee Inc. The Senator is named to the phia. Sample households will be in-1 banner as Ihe candidate for ihe the Uniform Commercial lerviewed locally and in 356 other! State Senate representing Mon- Commission, the New Jersey Ter- of Ihe Monmouth County Historical former Nancv Tuck r of BethleH'lected areas of Ihe country dur-jj mouth th County. y He was elected that centenary Commission, and the Association, a Trustee of Filkin hem. Pennsylvania, ; ml they reside Senate Committee to Investigate .Memorial Hospital, a Director < i k h was returned td t TrenT ing next week. in Ocean df>f in O c e a n Township Township w with their famij year andd he to o n ffo r l w 0 m o r c l lo n n s bb t thhc v The school attendance i ' V "'-' the New York Pint of Authority. the Central Jersey Bank and Trust' ly of five girls and a ixiy. Headed Riparian Study will cover enrollment at each level i crs. n Now. in IM3, .Sen. Stout is He served as Chairman of the ill school and in each grade or I *W> a candidate and is running year, and other facts among p ,; r .| on his record of legislative achieve. Riparian Rigltts Commission and as an extremely active member of sons five to 3-1 years of age, includ- i menl. according In the OOP Camthe Beach Mrnsion Commission and ing the number of young persons j Pa|K" Committee. not in school who arc not high] Sen. Stout has served as Majori-j the Atlantic Slates Marine Fisherfchnol graduates. Inquiries madeity Leader of the upper house and j ies Commission. In I M the Sen>n the October 1!K>2 Current Popula- ! as President of the Senate. He was ator sponsored legislation which top Lg lion Survey revealed that about 3 I also acting Governor uf New Jer- day '--- *is helping ' '- : :.;-...:..... short? municipalities million persons 16 to 21 years old. ] sey on a number of occasions. Sen. in their fight against pollution. or about 20 per cent of the civilian Stout has served on all of the maA veteran of World War II, he noninslltutional population in Ihnt j jor Senate Committees, judiciary, began his political career as a age group, had not finished high | appropriations; highways, transpor- founder of the "Young Republicans tchool nnd were not then enrolled | lalion and public utilities; state-, of Monmouth Counly." and in school. • ; counly. and municipal government; elected president of that group in A number of families in the Oclo- J federal and interstate relations; la- 1949. It was just two yeais later ber survey sample will be asked ! bor and industrial relations; and that the voters of Monmouth Counabout their plans to purchase auto- public safely, defense, and veter- ty sent him to the Slate House as their Senator. mobiles, houses, and major house- ans' affairs. Sen. Stout headed the Slate's Sen. Stout's family has long been hold appliances during the next Atomic Energy Legislative Comassociated with Monmouth Counly. few months. Similar questions on consumer buying intentions nre in- mission and has served on the His forbears were among the first eluded in the survey four times a Woodrow Wilson Centennial Coin- men to set fool here. Born in Ocean mission, the New Jersey Welfare Grove and graduated from Nepyear. tune High School, he also added diplomas f r o m I.awrenceville, Princeton University, and Rutgers Law School befoie joining ihe law lirm of Stout and O'llapan in Allenhurst. The Senator is the thiid generation of his family lo practice law "Sav With Safeco and his recognition in this field includes election as President of Auto and Homeowner Polities" the New Jersey Institute of Municipal Attorneys nnd as President of the Monmouth Cnunly Har Association. He is alsn a Member of the American and New Jersey Bar Ass/K'intion. MATAWAN 138 Mam St. lOwell 6-0003 He is an exempt fireman, an F.Ik. a Lion, a Mason, a Member of . M l i | 1 - H ! t I £ 1 1 1 1 - * > J t 4 1 I j » a , t l l J W t i l l } I t D l t t Our business offices will be closed Friday, October 11, 1963 in observance of Columbus Day a * MIVISTOI-OWNr.0 l l t C T I I C COMPANY l Now five kinds of Chevrolets for all kinds of people! r, Ross W . Maghan Agency Real Estate—Insurance Most Wanted features at a M[W C H C V U U MA1I8U SPOUT COUK MONEY SAVING PRICE.' General Electric FILTER FLO automaticWASHER WASHES BIGGEST LOADS TRULY CLEAN— SAVES WATER IN SMALL LOADS! TMs big 12 Ib, capacity Filter-Flo Washer's Deluxe Feature* include 2 Wash 4 2 Spin Speeds, 3 Wasfi Cycles, 2 Wash and 1 Rinse Temperatures, Activated Soak Cycle, Unbalance Load Control, Water Saver Load Selection,, Safetyy Ud Switch ft Porcelain Tub ft Basket. •Minimum A.l.ll M t t l h W ' t a J 1 * ! EASY TERMS! AA» Sec us for pricM and (rrms on a wide selection of General I'.lectric refrigerators freezer*), runges. wanders, dryers, difthwilshm, room air conditioners, 'IV nnd slereol M&M ELECTRIC APPL, Inc. 136 MAIN ST. • MATAWAN • 566-2277 JKT-KMOOTH l.r.M'KV CIIKVKOI.KT-For hmiry-lovinic people. Hich new styling, finer appointments in nil futir mien and 15 models. InclmliiiK those dnzzliiiR nt-w Super SporUl ilngincs and trnrisniiesiun.s t o maleli your |><rjonal Instes! NKW CUKVKLLK-Kor p.iMwIl.inir peo|,](i. A tnlully now kinit t>l enrnll wrapped up in MJHIIK tluit iiinlefn expensive rnr« jealous, Chevvllo attves every |iur|ioM willi DircM? wrics mid 11 rncdflc, and ft lull clinioc of »m:inc nnd tramniissipti leanisl ' CIIKVV 11-1'or prncticnl jnojdo. Chvvy II vitlt new |V8 power* (op« nil tliri/ly earH for fun-on-s-nliwutiinK, S l h tlio iliocntriDg further with 4- and «-cyliiidtr tiiKini-.r Chevy II'» nix iiiodtls in two t«rie« all act Ilk* they're blgftr, more nxpensivo CRrs! CORVAIK-Kor fun-loving p«opte. Mor« fun tlian «ver from Cnrvalr'i new LJEKSP f urine I .Sarn* t'orvslr handlim »nd tilling «M« with a drosueii-up %{ look In 0 models-iacludtog th« 160-lip Tuibocharged Sfiydem! COllVETTE-Fof iporls-minded people. Corvette noi rlde.i toficr, mnoolhcr— but lotos non* ol i(« Riulo btcauir 1U lili: V8 ofTero rcieionn from 210 to 375 hp'l V»nt to Kit toRflhcr with other car-loving people! Q,_ •cu your Chevrolet dealer... In likes til kind*! ' See five tnfirtly different fines of cars at your Chevrolet Showroom-CHEVROLET, CHEVEtlF, CHEVY n , CORVAIR A CORVETTE DAVE GIBB CHEVROLET 110 Main Street Matawan 566-1040 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. f a y Eight — S»eond S«cHe'n FOOD' IS A BARGAIN You save more with Grand Union's LOW PRICES plus the bigextra...... Triple •$ Blue Stomps! % SilVE?525 WON Mrwri » any • n r l YrtvMi to TOftAY-COMPAMD TO I t 4 7 - ' 4 1 •URcuttmuiwoaii mi* Houm fMI rooo we i c u Todty't contumvr work* ftwir tiouri to p»y for • month'i aupfily of food." COSTS l i l t In terms of p«rcentl|« of •ur cuitomer* Incomt •p«nt for food,* 1 Thursday, October 10, 1963 am MOWS, SUPERMARKETS IM7- Tor Your Shopping Convcnitnc* O AUDA1TSATVMAV COLUmUSDAT Stock Your freezer—U.S. Choice—Packer's Top it rands! 1050l.rSTAMPS DELICIOUS—TENDER A ! " ? LEANTENDM— BONE IN M •r ' I0MT ma 1H:::.: ANTI FREEZE Coupon good thru Sat.. Oct. 12th. < BONELESS Ib. ,: TOR B R A I S I N G — L E A N '•- Ib. mutes ,' BONELESS Brisket With this coupon and purchase of ONE 100 pack box TEAPOT TEA BAGS Coupon good thru Silt.. Oct. 12th. t COUPOH >t«CU>TOm>| SKI lM*Itr> TERRiriC TOR QUICK PAN FRY With this coupon and purchase of ONE 1II). can BUTCHER'S PASTE WAX Coupon K<i»(! thru KjitjMlct^Zlh. I 11*11 O>I(COUPONP(ICU1TO»!1 I tiln FIEEIH ktnut With tliis coupon and purchase ot Six 16-03!. cans FRESHPAK APPLESAUCE Coupon good thru With this coupon and purchase of Any bottle GRAND VITAMINS 'I Coupon good Iliru " S i i l . . O c t . IL'tli • With tills coupon arid purchase of' ONE 25II). box GRAND . Controlled SUDS Coupon Rnod thru LEAN CHUCK • BONELESS—NO FAT ADDED Jfc^k * . Grass Rib Roast Rib Roast I ss ™ Z9l Round Steak Shoulder Steak PEItrECT TAM1LY DINNER BONELESS TENDER ib. BONELESS BONELESS-TOP LEAN-SHORT CUT LEAN TRESH , BONELESS BONELESS A A CLEANSER 2 - 28 C ^AP PADS 2 ^ 4 7C ' ' vs73 -65C A A ib. A UPTONS' UPTONS TEA TEA BAGS BUTTER »Mtf J f c ' lC" - 66 TOMATO SAUCE 10 r : : 8 9 c MARGARINE 3 ^ 4 7 C CREEN GIANT SWEETPEAS BONELESS-TOP BONELESS-TOP j^a, -t BONELESS RICTKR.SP.ES 2 rRCSHLY GROUND BONELESS _ LEAN-MEATY A C Y D O U S . O OUTSTANDINCLY DELICIOUS rANCY NEDIUN Frozen Specials! 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T i l (1 W i t h Ibis c o u p n n a n d iiurch.'isR o t B TWOliilii/M'iinsSAI.TF.KKA- U l W i t h Ilii'-. c d i i p n n in.I | i " n l i : n p o f H TWO .'In/. u;\<\>-. MM.ANl U I ' W l t l i t l i U coupiwi m u l i m r c h a s c o t ONKI)0ltlc o( HAN itlUii"ON'" Deodorant CLAM(*"ii|i'inCHOWDER..O. DRESSINGS ,.,!!.: i!nml thru . ( I I I . U l l i . ('inipi.ii it'io'l t'-iii I I ,' l . ' H l I 11 Ml r UNI COUPON PI t ( USIO GRAND W A Y IIK.1IWAY HI - DISCOUNT CENTER KI ANSIUUtf; VLsIt Yuur Tfl|>lo-S Kvdi'inptlon Cuntut ut 282-1 Muln Slrfcl, KcanslmrK — Open ITidny UU II I'.M, All lU'ili'in^lluii (.oniui. Am CluvcU (•(Mipnn I'DIIII Him . Oi t K'lh.
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