' , ^ 2712 S 3 6 0 100 'J .C ' I .- '. ' ^r ~ ^ 75 5 9 0 2^ ' ' W 2 S / 9 6 W 5 ,S T E ┬г R .\ M I C tC R O G R A P ttlc i A P T .c , I ' ' -------UTтАФ 5 4 1 T y --------" fP ~ ! - I llie fl ' T o d a y тАЩs fo recaist: st ----------------r p a n l j n : l o u d y - w t;th t h - o - c h n n c e - o f -a fte r ^ --------тАФтАЬ ]B y b i c w b c S i l v c r - - 7 - n w ^ i o v y ┬г r s : , ', H i s;!hl ss in th c 5 0 s . L ig h t ^ 'i r o e ┬╗ N c w a , w r i t e r - . , тАФ :--------- A v in d s .-i-m v s in - th c 3 0 !fi - ----------- тАв тАФ ---------_ . - , P 9 g e A 2 _ ------- B Q tS E тАФ I n . a b l i s t e r i nn g :.v c i o j r i i u r s d a y .. G o + . C c c i l A n d r u s k ill e:d d ai S 1 2 7 t r i l l i o n id in g it o s тАЬ fisc al p r o p c r ty - ta x r e l i e f b ill, d e:rrid I f ic t ip n " a n d c h a r g in g it w o u ld p lu n g e th e nk. s ta te b u d g e t d e e p in to r e dliinl N ew jo b s o n thh e w ay ' ' тАЬ In th e n e a r ly 14 y e a r s ttfh a r l . h a y e b e e n Ip r iv ile g e d to s e r v e a s th e ggio v e r n o r o f Id a A c o m p a n y th a t m a k e s a p la s tic a lte r 1h o , I -h u v e n e v e r s e e n a m o r e - f is c u lly ir r c _________j u U iv c to w o o d e n p a l l e t s w i l l e m p l o y c x^ pf c d ic n t- p ie c e o f T W U l T J b . - 'тЦа .................. T ^ tip o n fib lp n n r p n lil jc n l ly 'c a b o u t 2 0 p c o p l b l n TNv in liis4 V cto m c s PageB I - le g i s la t io n ," A n d r u s s a idJ in sa g e. is bt ill im p e r ils th c тАв 'In o n e fell .sw o o p , th is ^________тАФ __ F a tu r g - o r- tf ilu c n tio n - in - ld d .ih a h o .^ lu n R c s th c a n a l'C o T s h o w c d T lff ^ -----l l i i r T w i n t'U lIT CCuT N m p r o v c m c n t t ^ n i t s ^ ^ тАФ -------- a -w in ie F ^ ft-w o rth -o W n c a n a l s y s te m T liu rsddaa>y .' Page B l _ ^ ____ C a n a ls oh d isp li - тАШ T h i s bbill in^ p e rils __ _ rd m :a tlo n ~ ih I d a h o ; ~ tH e f u lu r e 6T^di тАФ i-: ^ n t i r t h e - q u i c k s aa nn d lu n g e s t h e -st a te -ii ┬╗**тАШтАШ d e fic it s p e n d inn tg a n d p a n d e r s t o y e a r p o litic s .тАЩ election*yc тЦа тЦа ;тЦа - _ -[ o f tht* h i i rI'.s .s s p o n s o r s - c h iy f jp c a k e r M ik e - S im p s o n . f l тАЩ a m o n g tlie m I lou.se Spcji 3 = T i i ^ l s r ( R t " T h : t t ' I d a hl o ^V n ^ u s t c e o .n o m ie - . - -1 g r o w r h T v r q u tti'^ c n c rfriT iT c c im n iT p h - n c w - 'T a x ' тЦа A iiilru:: c a llc d тЦаJ r e v e n u e to p .iy f o r th1C e sliifi, s A it a r c c ip c f o r c h a o s . тЦа тАЬ I d a h o h a s b e c o m ec u slio w c a.sc f o r w h a t s ta b ility a n d тЦа c a n b e . d o n e to b r i nlg g al'uMit a 0 g r o w th ,тАЭ h e s a id in h ,is is v y to m e s s a g e . тАЬ I a m r is k a ll th a t w e 'h a v e H c e r ta in ly n o t w illin g to ri тАФ . l a b o r e d . t o b u i l d o nI o n e w ild r o l l o f th e i v ). A Id ah o G ov. C ecil D. / n d ru s тЦатАЭ .s e n d in g s t a t e j nnto h th e Q u ic k san d o f d e r i c iill .sp tic s v 'a n d p a tn n id crs c c /c lc c tio n -y c a r politii:! s h if tin g s c h o o l m a in te n a n c e a n d o p B y sh r ty e ra tio niss fu n d s fro m lo c a l p ro p erty , .u ix e s t o th c .s taii^c ^c. A n d r u s -said.-tiie b ill wv o тАЩui ld h a v c it d ic c ." ' тАв p u t th c s ta te bbuu d g e t a lm o s t S 5 6 m illio n in "yuMi. lii'th i tn c iiu ic 111 thIhii e OOflllliy lill il i d e in o n .stn ile d th e y e a r th e d e f i c i t w o u ld h aly v ie d r u s ' v e to ; b u t h e s;iiil 1 9 9 6 f i s c a l yc; vision." тЦа тАв h e g o v e r n o r тАЩs тАЬ la c k o f visio s w o lle n lo mnoot r c th a n S.I 1 0 ,6 m il lio n , hi I, sa id ._____________ ___________ ^ , ^Please s e e V E T O / A 2 Ihe-taiesтАФ - . Behind-tl тАФ тАФ E o e n ! S h n < ; h n plE-tces-up----p тАФ meeMn complslaint ^ T h e c ity o f S h o s h o rn e w a n t s isom e Je d c o u rs c . e ra l la n d f o r a gollf col Page Bl I T ^aai T h e T im c s-N c w fl a n d A s s o c ia t e d P r e s s m f a m ______ C a p ita liz in g on e ______ late tc a tio r n e y g e n e r a l тАЩs B O IS E T h e s ta o f f i c e f i l e d a c i v i l. c o m p l a i n t T h u r s d a y a g a in s t th e n in e m e mnbbcetrs o f th e S e n a te ta x forr w w r i tin g c o m m itte e , fo \ h a t il c h a r g e d w a s lin g d u r in g th e f in a l u n ill e g a l c lo s e d m eeeetii _ \ w e k o f th e 1 9 9 4 le gтАвisla isla tiv e s e s s io n . " 'A t t o r n e y G e n e r a rтЦаLLaair r y 'E c h o H a w k s a id _ th e c o m m ittc e -m e m ib b cer;rs c o u l d тАШf e s o lv c ; ih e irly m ise ry E a rly lead,jearl: v o lu n ta r ily a d m ittin g ^ d i s p u t e b e f o r e tr ia l byy V' c d in ai f o u r u n d e r p a r L a r r y M iz e tu r n e тЦа th c v io la tio n a n d icrrss b u t h o le N o . 15 a t6 8 to le a d th c M a s te p a y in g a S 7 5 fin e. ...................u a c te d - t lic a tte n t io3n n :b y n iin i n g ..a lo t o f T h c f i r s t m e m b e:rt B v . :o H o f t h e c o m m i t t c c lo p la y e r s тАЩ h o p e s. P a g e 0 1 -----------j/jB S M тЦа ........ p a y 'H is rin c w u s 's t a le S e n . J o h n P e a v e y . D)-- тЦа C a rcy . P e a v ey and t ' - -------' ^ " v S ____ I h c tw o o th e r ------- D c m o c r a t s - o n - t h e тАФ '/тЦа g M ---------c o m m ittc c h a d c a lle d ___ _ _ G la ssjiS _ a n a Vvocation____________ o o n E c h o H a w k to in тЦа c r a f t s m a n , sta in e d * ; -------- v c s t t ^ 3 t ^ h i r - i n e t r t тАФ j F o r a T w in F a l lIs s < ANOYAR┬гNim┬╗ i n]g s h c s e e s o n ly o n i n g , a n d t h e y m a i nn-┬н I g l a s s i s n тАЩt s o m e thiin 3 dd u r i n g a l u n c h h o u r I n t h o M e x i c a n c u l t u r e in ^ t a i n e d R e p u b l i c a n r i o s t h a t a r o I m p o r t a n t In I Sunday. A n d y R o d r i g u e z e xx ppll a l n s s o m o o f t h e s t o r l i Page Cl le a d e r s w e r e r e s p o nтЦатАЩ*┬н I Peavoy le c tu r e . s ib l e fo r th e v io la tioMl n тЦа ~ in c o n n c c tio n w ith th ce H o u s c - p a s s e d - p iB n --------- ^ ^ тАЬ "тАШC a s a b la n c a f ii тАЩтАЩ? c p y la x c u t in sliiU* h is f o r llic la rg e s t p r o p e r ty Y o u m u s t r e m cemml b e r t h i s : A H o lly to r y ...........тАФ тАв - тАФ - ..........w o o d p r o d u c c t- J s - t.ht ih i n k i n g j l j n n k i n g j i тАФ _ _ I tkec ^ o m obw ax^on a b u s ---------тАФ тАЬ I f e d n - littlc - b it- ltk тЦаpesos w e r e u a c d a s c u a e n ' - s e q u e l t o th c 1 9 4 31 -H Hi u m p h rc y -B o g u rt-Iii^ ^ ^ ' ..............................th lT A\ bs s o c i u i e i r S r u d c i n s - o r e 3s iTr r l ┬╗ a r t - o f ^ тАЩ- тАШ - M e x i c n n lw i sp e e d iiig . b i ^ t w a s w h o g e ts a rre-sted too r .s B y M ic k N o im ln g tc f n d iit io n a l ly c y in t h e N oo rnt h w e s l t h r o u g h o u t t h c g r id D c r ^ a n c la sjss ic m o v ie тАФ a tc lc v ith a t gg(o a l is te a c h in g C S I 's traid n d th e L e g is la tu re h a s a n ille g a l m e e tin g , aand T im c s - N c w s w r i te r 1 800s. s io n m in i-s c r ie s . .......... ... ' w h itee s tu d e n ts a b o u t th c lo c a l1 H is p a n ic le,." sa id P e a v e y . w h o l o 'b e h e ld a c c o u n taib b le n p i o n e e r s s a i l e d t o t h e ______P a g e C l * M e x ic a n r w o y e a r s a g o , th e c u ltujrr ic a n d K cttin g m o r e H isppaarn ic s e n - S e n a te to r u n f o r lie u-___ ____ ..T W I N F A L L S - T w is le a v in g th c .siatc*-Sci W a s h in g to n cro o aajst a n d s e ttle d in 1-774. 'dтАЩa s sludenTS^ тАЩ ic w h o h e a r d 's tu f e ?611edтАЩ te n a n t g o v e rn o r . _ o n ly n o n - w h i te p e o pp le thi┬л; ┬╗ T h e flrst liv Iiv e s to c k c o m p a n y in e a st[w u t'S p c r c c n t.o f .C S r .'; timI.l<┬╗rttg le t- g v p :.l,r_P-ri--┬╗;wl.;nt_l>ro S e n . J e s s e b c r a i n sp eaK v a s e s ta b irs h e d b y " M e x ic a n im p a r is o n . c m O re g o n w a s c s lc r a re H is p a n ic . B y c o m j M uu l t i c u l t u r c W e e k ______ T c m J c r r y T w . i s cтЦаS. a . JR - B l n c k f o o t . a l s o _ S o u th e r n I d a h o 's M ^r'StTjdcm s'm afce'Q p 6 7 - jK rc ti f in e d , b e c a u s e il w a s iz a n d h i s v ^ i f e , w n u e-: s h o u l d h a v e b e e n fin w e r e A n ily R o d r ig u e z a: 0 0 s . H is p a n ic s .served in th c тАв I n th c 1800.S e n t b o d y . A c c o r d i n g to th thic I d a h o T w ig g s w h o r a n th c; m e e tin g , O n T h u r s d a y . R; o d r i g u c z w o s t h e l l i a a n d o n U .S . A r m y T h o s e w e re thhe e days SI h a s th c t e r r i t o r i a l m i l i a r tm e n l o f E d u c a tio n , C S I i r a c i e r I n t h a t m e e ti n g ;w H is p a n ic s lu d c n ls тАЬ T h e c e n t r a l c h a ,r s p p k e r a n d s a w a .f q w 1 ic sj tu d e n ts p o sts. icst p e rc e n ta g e o f H is p a n ic T h e c lo u t o f Id aih h o тАЩs U .S . S e n a te d e le e m j тАЩ h e sa id . w a s e c r ta in ly th c p r o0 lte: тАв !тАв lis te n in g to h i s s p e e c: hh iiтАЮ u f c C S I s , . d c n . R o d r ig u e z s a id t h a t w h ile lo c a l H is ny sta te c o lle g e . g a tio n h a s s li p p e d , c┬л o n s id e r a b ly s in c e th e u n io n . J e rr y T h o m e o f N'J aa m n p a , tlie c h a im iim o f , , _, i l e ," R o - p a n tfis a r e n тАЩtt rne p r e s e n t e d in th c lo c a l ' V c тАЩv e b e e n h e r e f o r a w hh il d a y s w h e n F r a n k: C Clh u r c h тАЬ aтАШn d 'J i n r M C ^ 01 to b e in g in m o r e тАЬ C S I is d o i n g a lo t th e L o c a l G o v e r n m lent e n t a n d T a .\a tio n C o m rc in u e z s a id . " W e тАЩv e b e e n h e re : s o m e g o v e rn m e n ts o f th e M a g ic V a lle y h e ex C lu re r e p r e s e n te d th thie s ta te , t o d a y 's e d i- тАв тАвh c y тАЩr c m a k in g a lo t n o :h a n g e w ith in a few y e a rs. H is p a n ic s tu d e n ts . T he} m it te c . s a id h e h a d no tt y e t c o n s u lte d a ll th e e o p le ." p e c ts th a t to ehai e s lo n g e r th a n th c A n g lo pcof to rio l sa y s. u p a; r e d to a sle e p in g g ia n t," o th e r f iv e R e p u b lic:a a n s o n ih e p a n e l a b o u l m c o f th e " W c тАЩr c c o m PageA 6~ тАв o f a d v a n c e s h e r e , тАЭ saTd saT R o d r ig u e z , r e - тАв e ,to ld th e s tu d e n ts a b o u t soo m p a y in g th e p e n a lty . /e s t th a t h e h e sa id . ----------g i o n a l - m a n a g c t - o L jl h ic_I_daho M i g r a n l H k pm >anie h is to r y o f th e N o r th w e - oiu t - o f - f r v c r y - c i g h l T w in--------------1 ^ B u t- tlia yiic - < o n1┬г ^c n1^1$ uic^ t h py w n iiltl C o u n c il a n d a m e m b)ec r o f th e C S I D iv e r- g ic a nnce d fro m U n iv e rs ity d r W /a a sh s in g to iT ------- ^ A b o u t-o n ei -o r e s i d e n t s is H is p a n ic , b u tt lik e t o g e l a la w y e: r aain d f ig h t il." T h o m e lu dd in g ; F a lls C o u n t y>rc h is tojrriia n E r a s m o G a m b o a , in c lu ______ s ity .C O u n c il._______ h e - f i r s l - t o тАФ m iin y -d o n - u viтАЩO o utc ,.h c .s a itL .H e a n d o th e rs , : .sa id .-llW c :rc jlo L g uiilty i lty .Q C a n y th in g , W c r c t . , . . 'O n e o f l h e t o p g;ooaalls T O f t h c - s tu d c n t ------- M e x i c a n - s e t t l e r s - w e r c th e .W c H 'c g o t s ix R c p u b lito g e t lo c a l H is p a n ic s o u t toтАЩ a lly s h o u ld n тАЩt p a y ;.W imoo te r a c ia l d iv e rs ity c u lr i v a te p o t a t o e s , r a i s e l iv eiss ut o c k a n d a r c w o r k i n g t o j ............g o v e r n m e n t i s t o p ro m -------- - l A ^ c e ^ n c o i u i rr t h d i n i n ^ -тЦа th c p o lls . in th e N o rth w e .st. .' o n c a m p u s , M id R e nle e M N a lle , p r e s id e n t o f g r o wтЦаv-wheat P lea a ssee s e e M E E T IN G /A 2 S o m e o b s e r v e r si a rc r a d v is in g P r e s id e n t C lin to n to a im f o r a c o u r t th a t w ill m o r e ----------------c l o s c l y r c f l e c tT h c -;-nna a t io n V d iv e r sc p o p u - тАФ la tio n w h e n h e n ojm m i n a te s a s u c c e s s o r to i;c tirin g J u s tie c H airnr y A . B la c k m u n . тАЩ P a g e A3 H o m e r u n rc c o rd l- hhco ld e r H e n r y A a r o n w ill, s p e n d th e 2 0 tth h a; n n i v e r s a r y o f h is m c r p e d d lin g a u to r e c o r d - b r c a k i n g hlo o tr g r a p h e d b a s o b a lls o3n n at te le v i s io n m a rk c tin g n e tw o rk . ___ ^ 9 * t _____ t\if y lees muH alismgi;TOwing Clintonrpushes^fiMtlTccare visit r4n Kanssas HFeforiHH ____ n g .тАЭ H e a s k e d P re ss ty 's 's la n d fills , fu tu r e o f t h e c o u nity 1 h o w th e g o v B y S ce a n L . M c C a rth y 'P I . тАФ _____ t f tlig c o u n tv dlo o et;sn s тАЩt c lo s c it s 'm a i n l- e o u ld -m a n a g c ---------I i m c s - ^ W ic ld ih 'g 'c h a rta тЦатЦа K A N S A S C I T Y . K n n1.. тАФ тАв H u b B u t te la n d f iill ll b y lo d a y , it c o u ld : i a l i s t i c p r o a n d tic k in g o f f p o in ts o n h is f in g e r s , P r c s i'o u n t y f a c e a n n u a l c o s ts; a s h ig h a s S 2 .5 m illi k c u n i v e r s a l T WVIN I > F A L L S - T w in F a lls Coi d e n t 'C Iin to n p itc h e d h is hi c a lth - e a r c r e f o rm insg a n d m o n i t o r i n g ik e ils li o n f o r m a in ta innin I h e a l t h c ta r c w i t h o u t - - h a s nl o t y e t d c c id c d w h e r e to taki ;n a fte r il f in a lly c lo s p l a n in a T V тАЬ to w n h aa lllтАЭ lтАЭ T h u rsd a y w h e re u p th e d e fic it. g a rb aIg g e a f \c r S a tu r d a y тАЩs fe d e ra l d e a d - , th c o ld d u m p , e v e n a \ тАв w a r y A m e ric a n s d e liv e r e d a h e a lth y d o s e o f Ils. c s. o n - tr ^ w s n t thc-^-------U m ifo'oLLic Io s in g a n tiq u a te d la n d fills . sk e p tic is m . F r a l e y - ' . B u t c o n s t r u c t i oo nn o n . a n e w c o u n t y o lu u nn ty C o m m i s s i o n e r J i m Fr; 2 k - ^ .s r ^ ^ ; 4 ^ A g - g o v e m mmoont-to-run-it,^^------------C i ........W h i l e C l i n t o m n a i t e r -5or -o f - fa c tly f i e l d e d a тАв e la y e d b c c a u s c th e n s u r c la n d f i ll h a s b e e n . ddel s a id T T hh u r s d a y t h a t h e w a s u m 1 C l i n i o nn s a i d , n o t i n g v a rie ty o f q u e s tio n s lh aItt w e n t to th c h e a r t o f n d f l l l c o u n ty s li ll t l o c s, nnoo t o w n th e fe d e ra l n pp r e s e r v e d th e w h c t [hheei r t h e c o u n t y тАЩs m a i n lan< 1 h is p la n p r o b le m s w ilh i h e c u r T r ccn n t h e a lth - c a r e s y s ~ l a f r d тАШif p la llS T o n is:c:----------------------------------------------cтАФ d b e o p e n a fte r to d a y , o f p r i v a t e in w o u ld Wk. s y s t e m ol K l te n i, h e b r i s t l e d a t i t t l!e e ao t s u g g e s t i o n s h i s T h c nc-vn- s i t e - iiss 9тАШ m i l e s s o u t h of=тАФ^ *------тАЬ Wi/c c d o n тАЩt k n o w .тАЭ F r a le y s a id . su r a n c e . p la n w o u ld c o s t jo b s . T w in F a lls , тАЩr c w o r k i n g o n it.тАЭ " W c тАЩrc . " I тАЩm nnoo t g o in g t o le t тАЬ F o r m a n y , m a n y b u siin in ee s s c s lik e m in e , th c F r a le y m e t W eddnncc:s d a y w ith o fT icials - C lin to n . S o c ia l S eo c u rity , g e t in C o(u u nntty o f fic ia ls h n v c s a id th c ccio u n m pp ly a c o s t th a i- w i ll - тАв - : iviisio n o f E n v ir o n c o s t b f y o u r p l a n is s im ill 1m a in ta in its e x is tin g la n di ffiill a t f r o m t h e s t a t e DDiv t y w ill b c ith e r ," C lin to n a d d e d I.. d th e f e d e ra l B u r e a u ' c a u W u s t o e l i m i n a t e jj oo bb s , " H e r m a n C a in , tr o ujbTc nrad o f O m a h a, H u b B u tte u n til a n e w o n e o p e n s5 nr e ar* m e n ta l Q u a l ity a n t AAnnother s k e p tic , J o s e p h C o n n c h i e f e x e c u tiv e o f ilc c r oo ff 'G o d f a th e r тАЩs P iz z a , iein t to d e c id e w h a t o f L a n d M a n a g c rn n ie w ith f u llb lo w n тАв b y . тАЩ d h e w a s тАЬ a p e rs o n liv i n g wii to l d tli e p r e s i d e n t . " W/ hh aa t w i l l I te ll t h o s e s a i d l ,g c r o f m e a s u r e s th c c o uinty n ty m u st ta k e to c o m ^ B uIt^ lL e s R e itz , g e n e r a l m a n a g e l p a y i n g Tor A IDDSS тАЭ a n d w a s h a v in g t r o ui bb lc p e o p le w h o s e j o b s I w illII hhta v c to e lim in a te ? тАЭ r a n d a ic s . W a s te S y s te m s , s a id in a n in ii te r - p ly w ilh th e fe d e rraa l m ltl c are. C l in to n a r g u e d t h a t r ec q u ir in g a ll e m p lo y - h c ailth fbage to B u h l is o n ly T r a n s f e r r in g g aQrb a T h u r s d a y th a t th c c o u n ty' cc o m - ' v ie w/ T th e ir w o rk e r s w o u ld "тАШY y o u w o u ld b e m u c h J jc tte; rr o<f T u n d e r o u r i s i o n ," F r a l e y s a i d e rs t o b u y in s u r a n c e f o Ir ih ta k in g " a t e m p o r a r y d ee ccis io n e r s h a d to ld h im lo s ta r t ta i n . _ C lin tQ n s n id. H e n o t ^d th t a t p rc sc rip - - p u s h - u p - C a i n l s . c o s U o f b u s i n e s s b y o n l y _ p |a j." >f P ^ тАЩs t r a s h to a n o t h e r c: oo u n l y T h u r s d a y . iin d cr'h ls-p lan :---------------a b o^u t 2 p c r c c a L P P d J g cl cd^ t h a i тАЩT d k e e p b u y n ftn ig c w p iilri b e n v a ila b leтЦаiir * * U v c :^ o t.lO ;mn ci c<c l w i t h t h e o t h e r __ fill h e a r ^ u h l , тАФ iT S in g le ' fo c u s . тАв , in g тАЭ p iz z a e v e n a l lh a l ppnn c c . . тАв O3vvcto11, th c to w n h a ll, w ithn it: R e i t z c o m m is s i o n e r s a nn dd ta t lk w ith ih c m 7 тАШ l i e тАШm n o t e x a c tly s u r e w h y ."' F B u l w h e n C n ┬╗ n i n siii ss tt e d t h a t h i s c o s t s in g c h a n g e f o r . . . , P S I is th e a r e a тАЩs .n \a in h a u lc hj,,e a lth c a r c , w a s a r e f re s hhin o u l to m a k e th a t d c c i l r o f s a id l тАЬ I тАЩm n o t a btout n 'T V ^ to w n h a ll ~ ' w o u ld b e m u c h h i s h c r . th thee p r e s 'tlc n l c u t h im -------------sio n -b y -m yftctC ^ -----ie iu ia l g a r b a s e ;----------;---------тАФ th e W h ite H o u s e d c yj, s tr in g o f s k ^ t i - . N o rth .C a ro lin a b r o u g h t a stri C o m m is s i o n e r M a rv in l l c m p le m a n тАв o tV a n d to ld h im t o s c n dd ift c i t z s a id h e is s u p p o s e d to0 im e e t m 10 < h is w a s i n - C o e i i r dIтАЩA :A jlc n e T h u r s d a y o n ________ : c a l a n d e v e n 'h o s tile q u c s tio niss oc n e v e r y th in g . to ils o n h is b u s in e s s . m .V i'llttc w a fc F to .N q rtli K orci ................c o u n t y b u s i n e s s ,s ,b b u t F r a l e y s a i d tic 3 2irm r r W c : i l ^ o r i r p n - " r r o m : ------- 'J S e m t il- to m c . r ild 'ja n i n g .'- - .................. - ........ h ee rr e C o m m i s s i o n e r ' C3 a in is an' o u ts p o k e n c riticr oor i i r k n i S w n - rn ley . m e a n w h ile , h a s s c h c diuu le d a d j d n тАЩ t k n o w , w 'h it." tc H o u s e a i d e s , m . p r e s s c o n fe re n c e t o d isc uUSS s ih c тАЩ N o n n a B l a s s w a s. A T o p e k a m a n c ite d1 тАЬ" pi o o r p e r f o r m a n c e " h e aalil l h - c a r e p l a n a n d W h i l e ^ P " тАЩтАЩ le d h is p a rtic ip a tio n in th ce f o ru m " a - to ta l in o th e r b ig g o v e r h m e n l fp r o g r a m s a n d c itc d c a llo J тАФ S o c i a l - S c c u r i t y ^ w e l f gn rrcc n n d '.'p o rk b a r r e l s e tuu fp /;__________________________ The A s s o c ia te d ev id en ce ___________ O p tim ls m .iii-a A m e r ic a n b u s inncess s e s , c n c o u r a g c d b y a n e x p a n d in g c c oonnco m y , a r c p la n n in g a b i g in c r e a s e In innvvce s tm c n t in b u ild i n g s тАвand e q u ip m e n t. P ag eB4 S e c tlo n A W e a t h e r . ....... .. . 2 ┬╗ N a l i o r i ...... ...........3 J. ; S e c tio n C F e a tu re s ...-1 * 8 D e a r A b b y ........3 O p in io n i ............. 6> l t d a h o ................... 7' W o r l d ...............- . 8 1 C o m i c s '...............6 M o v i e s .................7 S e c tio n D S p o r t s ............. 1 - 4 ' s e c tio n s M a g ic V a l l e y . . . 1 .. ------------- - O b i t u a rie s . . . . . o 22тАФ тАФ , , M in l - :C a s s la ...... 3J B u s i n e s s ............4i тАФ S e t^ o n . L e g a l n o n c e s ..1 C l a s s i f i e d ...... 1 - ^ S e c tlo rT p ^ J I t eo n r e c y c l e d p a p e r . \ W e p rim P l e a s e ri e c y c l e it a g a i n . County^scramb][)les sadline ) meet larndfill dea - IIIIIIUQl^Q^ --------------------j------------ -.1 ------ -тЦатЦа f, тЦа A. ; A-2 ;g. ItJnho Tim os-N ow s. Twin Fulls. Ii Fftflay, April 8, 19iWтЦаi IUjGoyeernoL ^ is^laps^^e t o --- 5 water тАФ signs j stamp 0an many tbiUs pacfc^ e тАФ ^ ; W eathee r 'тЦа> ' тАв тАв тАв A - n d - F U s p e n t o n p r iv a te; hhee a lth in s u r a n c e CIT----------------------------------------------r o f t'lccdy clritditrii, t h e L e g i iilu f w ------- ┬╗------ ^------B O I S E '- C o v ..C e c il A n d ru s h a v e w r u iig lc d o v e r t h e тАЬ c a t IтАФ - i ^ n ^ B O I S E ( A PтАв)) -тАФ H e s till h a s 'in isic aalll y n e e d y p r o A m o n g f u n d " a n d m e d ic ' ...................~ F ~ 3ov. C e c il A n d ru s h a s vi v c 'lo e d 15 b ills T h u r s d a y . A I s 9 0 s 1 0 0 s 1 1 0 s g iv in g s , b u t G o \ O s '1 0 s 2 0 s 3 0 s 44 (0 s S O s 6 0 s 7 0 s 8 0 s is t .th r c e y e a r s , b u t - l O s -D s; r a m s f o r d ie p a st.tl th e m w e r e : тАв - ...................g тАв s ig n e d m o st' oi f iu p a c k a g c o f w a t e r ------- th t o m p o r a tu r e - z o n o s .f o r th o3 d ia y . ' B a n d s 's e p a r a t a h ig hfl U i to r c a c h a c o m ^ тАв тАв ; ' w тАв M o u se B ill 9 1 2 ,-w h ic h w ' o u lii '^тАЬ y. !'┬╗ тДв ^ ^ b ill s d e s ig n e d to C.1SC a lo o m in g c rie.sult, th e c a t fu n d iilli.til in p r o m is e . A s j re.sul h e r n I d a h o ir r lg a ii u u JT liuvi; g J y c ii K U icjicr.i e n ro l тЦа тАШ s is o v e r s o u th c i /ill !!1 I L 'f is-b ro k e , T : g r a z in g m a n a g e m e n t p la n s ' ' % vntcr s u p p lie s . тЦаu . тАв B . i - H o u s o B i lIllss 8< 4 6 a n d 8 4 7 . __ eeir c n c e w h e n iw O o r m o r e^ [ _______________тАЬ W c n r o b a bb ly h a rc f in iin c i n g th e ........................... . llu n d c d t o n r e v e n t ' jf - a n o th c r .l 5 - 2 U .w a t c r -_aa p| p l i e d to - lc a s e - s l a l ^ l a n c l -------: ------- Ic g a l- c a rc c r s of-i w s u its - o v c r- lh e тАФ Z X Z T Z Z ;h c n e x t d c c n d c .^ ' t h e - - b ill ^varhiT T ic3 In t'7 o rc sta l!ii *тАЬ o f-.'ic rh o o l-fu n d -тАФ - t тАФ ^ тАФ ~ ~ l a w y e r s f o Y 'lh llin g -a c тАФ тЩжтАвiitenтАЩotighne.┬╗:sтАЬтАЬ f .'T liu rs 'd a y a's h e a n - тАв ' ' tio ti iis s u c |r a s t h b s e o fH a iliJ: Ic y c o n -" - jn g A n d r u s c a Ulecdd tth e m тАЬ a n u n r e тАв g o v e r n o r s a i dd .^1 [o ffto re v e r in s u la te lig n c d s o m e b ill s in lo si rv a tio rii.st J o n M a rv e l, w ., sc wlh o la s t a lis tic a tte m p t to n o u n c c d h e .sigi r o m i( ? d u t y lo тАФ y e a r t r i e d t o o u t b i d a C h a l l i s ih c L e g i s la i u r e: ffrc i-K \ -r * la w . тЦа y тАЩ ' -' ( тЦа* is e . o u r s c h o o ls a nid d th tl e c h i l d r e n in rna n c h e r f o r a s ta te la n d Icasi A n d n i s s a idd Ih e in te n d e d to s ig n A n d m s c a lle d ^ th e jiK a s iure u r тАЬth e o u r c las.s ro o m s .!тАШ тАв Uic b i l l s . . c v c; n t h o u g h th e g o v e r : : | lihd sa id тАв S e n a te B ill 1 5 9 0 . w h ic h ;тАШ;is тАЬ ? ' \ ' ] тАЩтАЩ G a id la te r h e w o u ld n o l C r e a t T e r r a in R o b b e r y ." liii n o r 's ofT icc said v.' тАв, it e L a n d w o u ld h a v e fro zi ce n s ta te h ir in g f o r Ihe m e a s u r e s u n til n e x t ii w o u l d i n f r i n g e o n thle sig n - s o m e o f th r u s n o te d th a t th e li a tio n tw o y e a r s . A n dIrus tB o a r d 's c o n s titu t io n a l o bjlig тАЬ - тАв w eek. / f o r t h e s a m e L e g i s la t u r ec th t n t p a s s e d th e - , ^ tt<o m a n a g e s t a t e ' l a n d s f< тАв _ A lm o s t a ll o f a d o z e n r e s o lu tio n s тЦаnofit o f fr<KWtf-alno a d dl e dd .- 2 9 L n e w stn lc -------------- ^ roO n a n il b ill s , m iro o uccd iitid pas.sed 111 e m p lo y e e s f o r-тАвthe th e c o m in g tis c a j . th ll e p u b lic s c h o o l s ..' . ' ....................... th e la.";! d a y s , oof f th e 1994 le g is h itiv e тАв h w o u ld y e a r , ^ тАв H o u s e B ill 9 8 7 . w h ic:h s e s s io n , w e n t in in'to cfT cct im m e d ia te l y p r o v id e s p o |;; . тАЬT h is b ill m e:rrcc l; h a v e f u n d e d t h e c a t a sittrr o p h i c ____________ ly. lii im is O lii ic n T c o v c i ^ тАЩo nn hh p: s t r i n ^ b c - l c g - --------------- тАФ T hI T w a ^ тАШтАШn l\i ^ y s ~ a iv ^l i e a r a i c a r e pтАЬr o g n im . T lie l)! A n d r u s s a id p ~ : ' h o c a n тАЩt o r * ' _ .w o u ld J ja v j:j c p c a lc d ^ .i h e _ lтАвтАвm edi- i s l a t i v e b r a n c: h w _ l f= R O N T S : . --------------- тАФ p r c h C T s r v x ^ \*Ah -hcT T T om plex-leg islu-------- тЦатАвтАЩJ тАФ-cc f r i l y - i i e t d y " 'e x p 3 n ^ i r o^ f-rv r ttd p тАФ w a n ^ n tr a k tf d if n c o ie d 4 y -im ro d u e c d a n d тАФ тАФ __ тАФ . тАФ тАФ a id . ' I тЦа I m illio ti тЦа s io n .тАЩ; A n d ru s ;a c a id . r e p la c i n g it w illi S I r c ' тАвтАв _ r u s h e d th r o u g;h h th e L e g i s la t u r e w fth ---------<Srig94 A cc u -W o o th w ~ s w r c m R ^ ------------- тАв I . iiitic ttm c lo r s ta tt d y . _ X ^-W c h a d t o0 Id o s o m e th m g ." A iv ---------Pmasuro тАФ TS>Q*s.. '|g Ld_-. I: тЦ╝ Js u r c d b y to p w wca te r la w y e r s th a t th e ___________ H ~ X ~ B E W E R S - RAIN T-STORMS FLU FU fifilBS"SN O W - K k ' тАШSCT H/GH LOW SHOWl . IтЦа b i l l s w e r e p r o p e r . "'I h o p e U ltiy 'i';; ' CC ooin t in u e d f r o m A 1 ' тЦа ' ' a c t i v i s t w h o hlaa dd s u s p e n d e d m s ir i g h t ," th e g oovvtc m o r s a id , b u t p r e ' ViaA3S0Cial0dPrv:3 l yp c o v e r P e r c e n t I n iiia iv tivc e c a m p a ig n to s e e c h a n g e s in .w a - . . "тАвтАвF o r a ll th e g o v e r n o r 's hyp d ie tin g th e .swk-ceping cc la lu ri e w o u ld d o a b o u t f Id t r i g g e r m a n y la w need fo r w h a t th e L e g isla th e p a s t f e w y e a r s a b o u t th e ni 4 2 .3 4 t e r la w w o u ld SoQllIo 56 42 T e m p e r a tu r e sc, тАЮ ; h1 a d th e p r o p c r t y - t a x reelilieef , s a i d T h u r s d a y p r o p e r ly r ta x r e lie f , w h e n h e 32 su its. S p okono 4 9 32 1 N e w c o m b , R - B u r lc y : liz e n s o f t h a t A n d r u s тАЩ /e v eto to w o u l d j- e in v ig o ' Max Min oopp p p o r tu n ity to g iv e th e c itiz R e p . B n i c cr N In PP ep .W ashington 5 5 47 .50 e lie f . h e r a te h is c r u ^ d e . Albuquo'rquo 70 5 0 ... Friiiay. X prll 8 R e p . G o ld e n1 L in f o r d . R - R e x b u r g , Iidj a h o t r u e p r o p c r t y - t a x reli r daytlmcCTndintTO end high icini)fftIUfi ----------- -~~Atcu-Wcamcr*mrec3┬лfof(fcq ┬░ .. T w in F a ils 1 222Atlonia тЦа 6 3 41 sa id . B u t R a n k in ,a na n i h d e p e n d c n tтАЩc n n bbac a c k e d d o w n ,тАЭ th e s p e a k e r sai a n d S e n . L a iirr d N o h . R - K im b c r l y . iB o slo n 59 4 1 .-32 : Max *lin Mir P cp тАШ d id a te f o r g o v'cemr no r . s a id S i m p s o n Ss im p -so n a d d e d th a t A n dJ nr u s w a s . w o r k e d m o s t o f th e la s t m o n th o f CANAOA ^ ____ ' C nicogo 51 21 ....... ; 5 tr. . th e s e s s io n o n b ill s d e a lin g w ith th e a n d tb e r e s t o f th thee L e g i s la t u r e 's R c Yoslorday 4 9 335 тАЬ m o r e c o n c e r n e d a b o u t th e s t a t e тАЩs D allas 6 7 3 8 -..... u d g e t th a n a b o u t Uie fa m ily Lost yoar 51 221 1 ..... p r o b le m s . l y''s b u d p u b l i c a n l e a dl eerrssh i p w e r e j u s t a y тАв bbuc Donvor 6 5 35... .......... ' Normal 61 332 2 lUt th o r iz e s a r e c h a r g e O n e b i l l aU gcL тАЭ m u c h t o b l a m le e -.aa s A n d r u s f o r th e D o s Moinos 5 6 2 5 ..тЦа-",__..Sunsol lodoy_8:1,2 p jn . igncd-tQ-pump_walcr----┬г - B u t- S t a tc - T r c a s u r c r - L y d i a !┬лтАв.----------- _ p r o j c c t , - d c s i g i ..... |Coouf.DAIen'o|sCтАЩ- | ' тАЩO 'o lro it............... VJS 26'..' J┬о..... Sunrlso tomorrow 7:07 }7 o .rn . b a c k in t o tb ee tu n d e r g r o u n d S n a k e E{jdj w a r d s . a R e p u b l i c a n , sтЦаa?тАЩ licsa n s h a d b e e n s e riI f th e R e p u b)lic Honolulu 82 7 0 ....... L u n ar p h a s o : L a s t qi e r t h r o u g h th e N o r t h wa: w a s тАЬ r e li e v e d тАЭ A n d r u s h a d ' * H ouston 69 4 0 .. a b o u t t h e; bb ii l l , h e s a i d , th e y gyt tc m in s o u th -c c n h ill It w n u ld - h a v e .c a s t_ s.io t m iir h ----- :--------IndiBnapoitsтАФ 4 6 -2 *2 2 -.(0 1 тАФ W buia M ┬╗ C rc cccsscdTathcT'thairad*--------css d o iu b t o n w h e t h e r th e f is c a tra l I d a h o . K an sa s City 5 0 2 9 .. i ^ E d w a r d s jo u m c d 's o th e y/ ccoo u ld re c o n v e n e a n d [hee p la n is to a u g m e n t bb umd g e t w o u l d b a l a n c e , Ed N o h s a id th Id ah o L as V o g o s 7 7 557!" 7 .. i vv c b e e n tr y to o v e r r id e th th ee v e to . : T h o u s a n d S p r in g s :in ^ai s a id , th a t s h e w o u l d n тАЩt h a X L os A ngelos 69 5599....... vlln P ep flow .s o f th e T Max Mil h ee v> o le s to o v e rr id e ," " T lic y h n d th b le to ' is s u e s h o r t- te r m ta x aatn lir ip a M em phis тАв . 60 3 5 ....... 3 6 -.1 1 th e H a g c r m aa nn V a l l e y a s m u c h a s - aubl Boiso 51 36 B uutt w h e n th is b ill first R a n k in s a id . тАЬ B tjojn n o te s t o p a y th e s ta te тАЩs bbiills, ______ Miami B oach 87 7^1 ....... lio 2 8 p o s s ib l e a t U le ie is ta r t o f th e ir r ig a tio n Bufloy .4 7 2┬г m d c re d it p o p p e d o u t , II ssia i d i t w a s b e i n g . ^ I Mllwaukoo 4 3 24 ....... тАЬ 1 c a n 't p le d g e th e fa ith .a n i 2 9 тЦаtr, se a s o n . Folrfiold 4 1 -2┬г j hh bh y th e R e p u b lic a n s h a v e it ," r a m m e d U iro u g тАв ^M lnnonpolls_...... M .3q_... 3 w a te r r ig h t fee f o r,th e _ o f t h c s ta tc - w h c n I d o n тАЩt he 4 2 . 1 0 ................ T h c S 6 .2 0 0 w ..... G o o d in g . 40 X o u ld v e to it." j u s t s o A n d r u s ccou ! N o w b flo a n s M 47 .. w a i v e d a n d S 7 5 .0 0 0 3 7 - .. ._ r c c h a r g tf _ w a ss .> HoQorman 5 3 3^ sh e s a id . J n Boiso I 55* I 0 ilis o fR a n k i n s a ii'd d h1: e h a s c o l l e c t e d Id^oFfltlBl 5 ^ тЦа vf wYj?" тЦатЦа N ow Y ork 58 4тАЩ33 .:-29 ^ n d r u s s a id m e s s a g e s to Idaho Falls - 4 0 3: 3 3 w a s a p p r o p rriia a t e d to f a c i l i t a t e th e A p e titio n s ig n a tu r e s to OklQ homifCity 64 3 0 .,..... Jorom o тАв 4 9 35 p r o je c t. 3 2 ..... ffici ice a b o u l U ie b ill w e r e a b o uu tt e v e n ly a b o u t 1 7 ,0 0 0 c ti I . O m ah a 60 2233....... Id v c lo it p u t th e I P e r cceenntt I n i t i a t i v e o n th e Lowislon 5 6 4la llu r e a ls o e x te n d e d a s p lit a s to w h e t h e r h e s h o u ld тАвll тЦа T h e L e g i s la ------------------------ 6S_3. l{ o t.-H 6 - n c c d s - 3 2 ,0 6 1 ------------t t S------------Pho on U ------------ 7 ┬г _ S56----------6_ ----------- iir o r a to r lu n r o ir "or a llo w it t o b e c o m тАЩiTlS'iV: ------------------ N o v tr m b e r - b o llo t. Plltsburoh , 44 31 .: PocaiBilol S S n W '^*' Malta 47 ^3^ ..... Id ah o ta x v a lid s ig n a tu r e!ss bb jy e a r ly > u ly . ┬░ jR o n R a n k in , th e n o r ih Idi _______________ |.Twin FnlH I S2тАЩ ^ .. m e n t f ro m thlie e S n a k e P la in A q u if e r 3B-1S------ ------------------------ 3X-a< ^ , Portland, Ore. 56 4<33 S -0 6 Pocalollo 4 7 3^ ^ ..... b y 3 2 m o n th ss a m o r a to riu m f ir s t im Rono 58 3I5t. ..... Salm on 5 0 3: X p o s e d b y W a te r R e s o u r c e s D ir e c to r _ S t^L b u ls_ 54 229 9 ..... . _ s u s n l o y _______ 36. 2 : ..... ---------- K c i ih llig - g iniso s o n la st y c a r r 3 . = S ^ S alt Lako Cily 4 9 35'.:-27 - S u n Volley 7 : .....= 44 2 ; W тАЩ A S H I N G T O N ( A P )1 -тАФ T h e ' h a v e a m i l i t a r y o p t i o n , b c c a u s e T w o S e n aite te b ill s r e q u ir e t h e in Wl Snow тАв K┬╗ Sannf PI CJCKfff Cl S o n Francisco 6 3 4 0 . Znowm T-aormi lliun riumii i ghhj n o g o to th e ir p r o ┬н Clilin to n a d m in is tra tio n is caa ilin l g f o r N A T O h a s a .rig ............. CIPMAiXiW.KT s ta lla tio n o f' m m e a s u r in g - d c v i c c s o n . C s k f o r h e lp .тАЬ h e s a id D to p e t m o r e a c c u t he th e Q u ic k d i s p a t c h o f h u ni dd r e d s o f tc c tio n i f th e y aask ______________w f i lk T h e e no a li t c h r c f - N t r w s h c m r - o n ---------- f l┬н U .N . p e a c e k e e p e r s to S e rl> ci r o o ^ : I tio n o n w h a t is g o i n g U.; in tlie m id-50s to m ii - 6 C r a te in f o r m a tic ooir e c a s t s N o tth c m U tah a n d1N Neev ada: GGc o ra z d e in c a s le m B o s n ia a fn d v o w -тАЭ T B S . l i n g o u t o f th e v a s t u n ______in to a n d c o m in sily c lo u d y w iih a c h an cc o f sh' тАЬ W e h a v e aa nn o b l i g a t i o n a n d a U tah - T oday m o stly in e rr d e fe n d intg to h a v e N A T O a ir p o w'c A few d c r g r o u n d a qluu if i c r. T w in Foils, B urle y , R up u j ert, Je ro m e a n d G ooding: Icm o o n rig h t 10 g o in -amn d h e lp th o s e tr o o p s ." . T o n ig hh tt aa n d Satu rd ay rain o r snow'тАв, ^ th e m i f th e y a rc a tta c k e d . the H o u s e B ill1 9 8 6 s e ts u p a p r o c c s s _ T o d ay p:inly cloiitlyy w w ith a slig h t c h an cc o f a ftc n jle. L o w s 35-10. H ighs 45-50. id , i r attiv e o r i c g a l - a p p e a l s - D] e p l o y i n g t h e p c a c cckk c e p e r s C h r is to p h e r salid. cco m in g fo T -n d m in istrn I show cni. IJigiis in ilic 50s. 50s L ight w inds. T o n ig h t an d S: fo stly .'clou dy th is m o rn in g bcc sp e e c h . A n th o n y - L a k c . In a p o lic y spec тАЬтАЬcco u l d b e a b a s i s f o r p o ss ss i b l e a i r h slight c h an cc o f sh o w ers. Lov iflem o o n w h e n t h e w/aa tt'e r d i r c c t o r J s s u e s a day partly cloudy w ilh li s w itl ith on in c rcasing .chan ce o f afli ' w in d y b y afternoon w :c u r i ty a d v is e r , s a id " a i┬╗ W n rre n th e n a tio n a l s<:cur litrik e s,тАЭ S e c r r i a r y .n f S u u : , iic r , w h ic h r n iih l th r c a l,. -i;tr ---------l ^ U тАЩ тАЩJ o r-w a t ci ------------- i>re-3(>5rHtghy49 to - 5 ^ тАФ тЦаwlnicTJDuthwest 2 0 to 4 0 'm p h . ---------------Showers, "AneritoOirwlP TT " c o n t i n g e n t o rf uU. N 7 " t o r c e s s h o u l d CCl h r is t o p h e r s a id T h u r e d a y nigliL ni C a m a s Prairie an d WVood oo R iv er Vnllcy: c ii th e sh u td oloww n o f u p s tr e a m u s e rs . ghs m ostly in the SOs. T o nightilt w in d y >,.moon level 5,500 fee t.'H ighs w ilh a slight chancc o f an a ftcn T ixlay p┬лn ly .cloudyтАЩ wi тАЬ O n c e W e h a v e U n ite d1 N 1 a t i o n s s o o n b e o n its; w aa y t o G o r a z d e ... a s /cl a t Ihc I t a l s o c lariTf ic ie s h o w w a t e r w ill b e sn o w o r rain. S now level тЦаcloudy coldcr jv h h w a sisional io i i.-n WL┬╗ Ho s o o n a s p o s s ib le ." тЦа" 'sIllHiL'r. HiтАЩt li J U1.IIP 50. I s 2 bl, L ow s ?H iftJH -S n tu rJa y .c:o o lltl тЦа (roopr. ih tTft in itn*T 'iVi.lhтАФ wss near o r sn o w sho w ers. L ow )s to lo w тЦа w ith n slig h t c h ancc o) ff rain r; min sh o w ers. H ighs m ostly 40s 20. I lig h s 4 5 t o 50. I. outhern Idalio - S u n d a y .a n dd M^ o n - 50^'. E xte nded fo recast; S Sou :i a slight c h an cc o f m o u n tain si da y pnn ly cloudy w ith n тЦа W e a t th h . e r s u m m a r y to n e ar 40 w est. High.s ii ers, Low.s in th e m id - 2:0s 0 s east ' p rea d in g ved a cro ss Idaho T h u rsd ay s r w ith a A co ld front m oved csl. T o d a y m o s tly c lo u d y w 5 0 s c ast to m id -6 0 s w w c: a d c r s m a - ic le a d e rs a n dI T T hh o m e in to h is o f fic e C o n t i n u e d froi f ro m A l , o ff th e s e s s io n c a m c a s le ad v e r the stale. t. hH ighs ' clo u d s an d show ers oovc 'WS ___ ,_,,cluinccofsliow cR i..L ow s in lh c.3 0 s cast to 4 0 s w est, s s u e . B u t a ll th e o th e r :o n lin u cd in snuilicasl Idah o a s j n e u v c r e d th e ta x b ill to a s siurc u t a v o te . to d is c u .┬л th e iissi ------ Thund ersh o w ers coni ~ - e a n s . - - m d l i h in i . k th e y 'l l h o ld to u g h .тАЭ __ nc m c m b e r s 'o C ih t l '^~ i c (jbiiV ii┬╗itT e e тАЬf r o m ~ ~ * тАЩ /cd-inio-W -yom ing.w luIe-tltc-ren y th e lu ll S e n a te s . m ui m p e n a lty f o r v io la P тАЬbby T lic m a x im тАв ooop p e d i n a s w e l l . m ig h t b e b o th p a rtip s tro o f (lie G em State sawv a Id ecrease in clouds an d show┬л C o n c e r n e d th a t^ th e b ill n is a S 3 0 0 fin e a n d v o id in g th e la w liittiiia l l y d i s p u t e d r e liltce. S e n T w i g g s 'i n lunis w ere light, w ilh o n ly traci b o ttlc d _ u p in th e la x c o m m itt Precipitation am ouni l io m i h c i n g o f J c c i s i ion.s o n o r aciioR S s te m m i n g b<^ t i o n ^ th a t^ h e m e e li n g --------; in-inchrcported.from .staiioE is,fr' n tic ----------- f e w hiindfcdilis o f an-ir - u t o - P r c s i d c n i.P r o - T c m J e nryy T w ig g s p o n e rs* c o n tcm led sn o w r r a n i- th c c fojsscc d - m c e tin g .- In - h is p re тАФ uti p ^ r c o t t o n w o o dтАЩr Idaho, S o m e station s rcportcc I p anh an d le lo e asternn Ii h le a d e r- w a s s u b j e c t t o ti h e O p c i T M e e t l n g l im in a r y r c p5o o r t la s t w e e k , h o w e v e r , pprr o p o s e d d i v e r t in g it to th e a lo n g w ith ihe rain shov ihowers. ! th e e n t i r e c o m m itt e e ! iu r s C o m L a w b e c a u s e thi s h ip c o n tr o l le d S tate _ A lT an s a id d ie c lo s e d m e e ti n g sh :y w ilh a ii c h o H a w k sai Skies w ere piirtlyтАЩ cclou k d y o v e r th e M agic V alley = H ee s a id it w a s o n l y a K o b je c t, w a s p r e s e n t. H m itte e . D e m o c r a ts p la n n e d1 to u rin g th e w o u ld h n v c n o im p a c t o n th e p r o p e r - m Courtony Aainma nnd Allotoy ol Iidatio e rs o f rain o r sn o w fallin g duri scattered sh o w ers m e e t i n g ,тАЭ b u t h e la te r rall m is u n - " P r o T e r n тАЩs m e t ty ta x -c u tU nigg .p . la n , w h ic h G o v . C c - bb ut t b c c a u s e o f a p r o c e d u ra v est or . m id d le o f the d a y . W W:in d s w e re b risk fro m _ ih ei w c d th e e n tir e e p is o d e 'c lo e d o n T h u r s d a y a f te r - ddce r s t a n d i n g t h e y n e v e r g oo tt th e o p - a c k n o w l e d g e d i d ii A n d n is ve(< southw est. a .m ista k ee_ aanrid s h o u ld h a v e b e e n >cm tu ro -in -tlic-statc-T h u rsd ayy_w _ тАЩ as 5 7 .. - n o o n ; -------------- p o r l u n iiy . ----------- ------ -----------_____________^wos ----------------------------- ---------------I>c | тАФ- T h e-hig h c sl-lcn ipStanley cra I n s te a d . T w ig g s c a lle d D Dce m o c r a t- h a n d le d d if f e r ec n ttly . m e e tin a n d K etchum rep o rted1 ih ll e low ingg o n th e fin a l M o n d a y |- y d eg rees at Payette. S tar e st a l 23 degrees. -----------------------n ation T h u rsd ay , the h ig h est te m pera i/military service delivery and |>er week. Sliideni/mil E lsew here in th e enat тАв q weekdays. To report latee news r s a t C o ra l S p rin g s, F la , M aa rq r u c tte . C ir c u la tio n ['p.m. 27.60 for 12 weeks. Soles., j S2.30per week. S27.6i sports results after 5:30 ond on1 weekends, ┬╗ tu r e w as 91 d e g re lo e swtest tem p eratu re nt 7 degrees. prices, A charBC j. -: 'ilson. circulaiion director ccall 733.0931. tax Included in allII above ab< Allen WiUc _____I M ich ., reported the low e levied for all returned тАв tion phone lines are open beo f S13.00.wil) be le\ y C irculatioi : e i v e f r e s h s n o w d 10 a.m, only. If you do nol rc' Iwccn 7 and 1< :------------------- A d v e r t i s i n g тАФ ii d . R o c k ie s re c e i N e w Y oj rr k . N e w E n g l a m paper liy 7 a.m., Call tiic n u n iw Pclef York, advertising dirccior a , N .Y . S tro n g but sc a tte re d th tl u n d e rfolтАЩ^ o u r v c ? T b e A saociated Pre ss ^ertisement. M ill inf┬лm┬╗tioo a n d 1.29 in C h e lse aa,d sI o f Florida, If you wish lo place nn adver w'cndell-Gooding-HaBemiBn Jcrome*Wc ws (UPS 631-080) is pubJ The Times-Newa (I call 733-0931. Classified a d 1. s ..call 733sto rm s a lso struck p Tibincd ads n n g sn o w 536-2533 w llh a c o ld T ro n t to brin 132 T 'l ' hird St. W ., Tw in W h at h a ppened to sp nr n g ? S now ntaтАЩde Ils w ay iht 0931 Monday ihroueli Friday from fro 7 a.m, lished daily al 132 through ;L ow pressure combi) Rupert-Paul-Oaklcy 0 Qurlcy-Rup lo rtlicm R ockics. F o u r in ch esJ o f sn o w (301, by M agic V alley 4 .7a,m .um il F alls, Idaho, 83301 w e s te r n N e w Y o rk . N eew E n g la n d a n d th e Rocki< unlil 3 p.m. and Saturday* from 7 ;k ic s o n to the central an d nortl irk a n d 3 678-2552 I in Y e llo w sto n e N atio n al Park Second-class posiase paid 9 p iin d s -b lc w -th ro u g h thc-Plttins: ads is availNewspaper* Inc. Seco ___ T tm rc.l-'y c tm ng u.тАЩi .-..m mlcfurJ___________ _ ------- ------------ liuhLCntilt ___ 1 a ja .in fo n n a lio n on display ad ns:тАв fell at O ld Faith fu lide. in Colo.^ an d -A fto n rW y o ,тАФ1^-TIj^Tinies-N tw rO fnirtal--------------r t al Twin Falls by'.TI)^тАШ ork, w h ere th ere w as u p to nI fc Bble-weekdoysonly. In w estern N ew Y ork, 18 . 6 foot o f ' Inctiesi'cllT itT clluride, ty an d 4 7 543-1648 i.g u stcd to ' 58 m ph nt H ill C ity ewspaper pursuant to SecY, ciiy and counly newsp icd )gerson-Hollisler Filer-Rogei sn o w , fiv e p e o p le die d in a c c id e n ts o n s lo rm -s lic lic lk cn e d In K ansas, w in d s,g u Idaho Code. Thursda;^ is fr lion 6C -108ofthee Ida ro ad s. B y th e tim e ihc: sio sic n n p assed , 1 1 in ch cs o f snn oo \w h ad m p h at D odge C ity . ssurc How te m 32W 375 ^ helped_clcar sk ies nnd alio illiom lallotlicrareas ........ тАФinday. S3.00 - hcтАЮ.by dcilgnaiedd as the day of the week nToineтАЩdellvery: daily and Sund 1, n e ar N iag ara Falls. T e n inchc __ fallen on_Y oungstow n. ch es fell Su rface high p rcssu ic M i s s i s - ^ - - ^ 733.0931 o mr the so u th e rn Plains in to tllC iticesw illbepublisiied. ^ ek;.Sunday. ^ ^ ic h legal notices lifvndack M ountains, n ____________ __________ rper Week; daily, $2,35 per week: __ lJ_____a iE llM b u rg in llic .A d itw i p c m lu rcs to drop from тАФ S2.00pCTweclc'M ailiubsenption ................ irsday-mom ing.ions musi 1^-------Poilmaslerr|ilea5┬л leasfl-send-changeofB d-тАФ ...... i g la n d , 6 in ch es fell in B iirlir In n o n h e m N ew Eioog' rlin g to n . sip p l V n llcy on T h tilo j ^ w s f o r th e d a te w e r e plo o :s t e d in paid in advance and are ayailc .O. Hox 548, Twin Falls, N e w s r dress form lo; P.O. r V t. B uffalo, N .Y .. and1 E Errie, P a тАЮ receiv ed 2 in ch cs oo ff !sn ow . S e v e r a l r e c o r d CCS ilo ' in E l D o ra d o , b r e a k in g th where carrier delivery is not mi /alwonh. manafcing ediior ' ClarkWalv nin also d ev elo p ed a cro ss seclic S om e light fre ez ing roin ...... . '9 0 r tc o r d ciions o f A rk a n sa s: 30 d e g reHe so t Springs,, b reak in g th e 199C lavc 0 new* tip orw ish to talk lo> тАвтАв idaily nnil Sunday, S3J 5 per wee 0 per CopyHflti ^ B w e i┬╗ w n o rth ern M aine. | week," rcco rd o f 31; 28 in m H o. b rea k in g th e .1939 rcc o rd o f 2 9 : an d w m eonc im in iIhc cdiiorial department, call1 ifor 12 weeks: daily only, $2.80 l MyNmnp┬лp*nlnc, . $2.00 UtOle VaJMy Ni I t a lso ra in e d h e a v/ily ily in p a rts o f N ew Y o rk sta or ;tatc an d тАШ o f 29; 2 8 in Jo n esb olgroth . e 2 8 -d eg rce rircord o f 1990. betw een 10:00 a.m. nnd 5:30) 9$36.40 for 12 weeks; Sunday only, 0. 733-0931 be in c h cs rec o rd e d a t Islan d -P o n d V erm o n t, w ilh 1.32 incl )n d . V lтАЮ 2 6 in M ena, b rea k in g tl f n r- rnoon. Fridav, a th e r┬о a. A p ril 8 . ' s z m iii] тАФ тАФ - J h e - AG CU - W e a t: тЦа тАФ -тАФ T h e T im e a - N c w s a n d A s s o c i a t c d .r t r s a тАФ ' vin g f^t Peacekeepeer plan movi F M eettingтАФтАФ тАЬ14'; juiiipe spen;lpw asj тЦа M ercurj M orning: Jupiter, Ji irs, Saturn M ar ning: Venu^ --------Eveni W TheTIm m e s ^ 'f e w s .. . ^ I; _ _ , I n f e w m atuc g lY ^ - - ^ W ............... LOTTERy S s S S ^ J IER. E A T H i LOCftlFCRtCAST f l i \A M U NA IT YI тАФ OPOO T/ff-p HIC V ____SA mT E : MO7VIES SKILhIN [Li/E & ID RтАФ flE CO AM L ______ _______ 1^ ; тАФ^ t, MOVIEtimNCSlN I ^ 1H6MACICVAU┬гY p c /" тАФ C ┬╗l.et|ACWOTiVlNTS ^lOCAietj MunL ~ .тАв * -------------------------- тАФ -------------- тЦа тАШT r e ? Pr B ^ p r ^ aa - " . 66Pn f i f e l ^ 3 |T t e T a i K 9 N iT hc'fim esN aw тЦа ... ______ r - _____ r~5Hinl r i t.MTt A , - тЦа 6L m ra M riw I 7 * L " *тЦаi I B rie fly/ ' TirriOG-Nows, Twin Twii Fnlli. Idatio A-3 тЦаflaSibrs;' Gourt-^watchei; r & : U r g eIk. s liirtTfb]> i r l j u d pe rules ^ t^ a a lc :JoEdiHaatsEne:SW'lHOH<^ -....illeg тЦа* an cerlin k c s -f in d тАФ тАФR esearchers FfiJay,"Aprit'u, lOlM _~H i-weeps__^__ A I D S - c a i n ill liii l th e A ID S v ir u s ;_____ [Tlc ll.iu l' -------------------------- ^------TJ"lc'cicr;rt app im aiJ-JlK llJ.' l?l. Ti ig h ts A c lio n L e a g u e тАЩs am d ir c c tly c a u s c s c a n c c:rr ,, ai n d th e d is c o v e r y o f f e r si aa po-s-sibilily o f b e l t e r ......... ..... W A S H I N G T O N .( A P ) тАФ- J u s tic e - тАв R e p ro d u c tiv e Rlig A I M - - P o lic e r ite rio r C I l i r A f H ) ((A .rrv o ld o f A r k a n s a s . Ilit ' lis c a se s. I l i i k a r a is e s d o u b3ls ts a b o u t j h e sa fe ty o f m 'e n t w ill J a m e s W a g o n ei'rr w ' o u ld lik e to s e e a Arrv< trc a tm c W f o r b o th disc: H arry A . D la c k m u n тАЩs retire m , nn a m e d . _'n,',i'si lia v c .w a T rrram a i s 'o_L'otidiict_ ce re liiry B ru c c B a L 'bilt.\v;i5 , a jh ir d _ s v ┬г im u n .o r l lie тАЮ S c e n _ S u p r c m c _ s c c o n d ;b la c k . a j тАЩc n e th e ra p y . тАв s o m e n e w f o rm s o f gcni g iv e A m e ric ji th e .y o u rig est_ S d id n o l g u n s w e e p s inII ppiu b lic h o u s in g ^ a to p p r o s p c c i b u t'.said h e di le n d to sa fe r w a y s to S тАШ^ тАШ ih d s o m o -.firsl H is p a n ic aa ss lo n g iis lh a l p e rsiu i a s a T h e r e s u lts , b e in g[ aarn n o u n c e d F r id a y .'c o u ld le C o u r t in a h a l f - c e n t u r y , ahi ih e oth* p r o je c ts e v e n if it rf e s id e n ts s u p тАвiiiit th e jo b . D a y s is b la c k , lln m s . s a i d th e s t u d y тАЩs J;-? tr e a t c e r t a i n f o r m s, o f c a n c c r in A I D S v i c r itm c o u rt- w a lc h e rs . ai'e u r g in g P Pir e s id e n t h a s a тАвтАвd e e p -see aaile d c y n im itm e n t to w aiii ss se a rc h e s, a fed p d il w arriiiiticss si [Sww h ite . тАШ тАв v a c y iinil p r o ie c tin g a ' c rs --------------a iith n r .;. I l m v c rs ltVI oOlf C a lif o r n ia a l S a n F rna nntc i s c o D rs . M ic h a c l ideedd T hursday.,C lin to n -to a im f o r o n e th a t w wiill m u re in d iv i d u a l p rivac exal jiu lg e d e c id w i .i t .. t-ti.iisL- M )┬╗ k e sw ┬╗ itiaa in D ee M c G r a th a n 3 B m c c S h iira m iz u . c lo s c ly r e tlc c t th e c o u n tr y ss d iv e rs e ' Wii'iliiih'.VrlylllUM Jeci.sluii L),;., J )cc M y e rs^ sa id iiiiitsila y .i Oc iir e c t e v id e n c e tKa l w e h a v'C e ;a h u m a n v ir u s c a u sBu( R c i Lcl-.. a fo rm e r U .S. so lic ito r Dot* V iтАв______ [тЦаV n i'i - __A iuliT scii la si I'liiinth'ienipoM I'nni Tl 'a n atn M 11 y in ^ fiii~ A v o ti ------- : тАФ in g - c a r ic c L :th r o u g hh__sS P m c m e c lтАЩi a n i s m тАФ niootr j u M ; i n i d t r c c t f r b y тАЬ I lL w is h J ic ld .p ic k .iiJ тАЩlnck nm a n jir a тЦа'n e iic ra l. ai^ut:il~T s e a r c h e s. ____,__ .tlj n l'.тАЩn тАФ -ly ,-.|u ll< -тАШl ^ a r r r:iiiile.v^. um lu U i s C l L t l s n тАЩc ^ c i i t " U E n iu p a p in c ^ lu lZ Ih u Z r ju u u тАв.тАЬ тАв M c G i ^ th ^ a i d r :-------------;тАФ ^ o f c . lib , a a y p a r u q ila td c T tT iniun'dsu ppresslon',тАЬ 'h b t.n ck "w o m an " to-providt^-^*-rr ic yy a ," g r e a te r . c c R u ih - , c a llin g th e p o lic lic c n io n llis lo c lm o sc Ju.sticc 's s a r c o m a , h o v e lo n g ' i r f i s n n o n p o l i t i c a l -ihicc - 'тЦа" C a n c c r a . I n c lu d i nl gg ly 1 iilp h o m a a n d k a p o s i 's - ; e r a l c o u n t e r p a r t t o c o n snec r v a tiv c S u p r e m e C o u r t ih iiii ih c d a nig g ec rr o l c r i m t n a l la d e r O i'n s b ilrp to r e p la c c rree ti r in g A ID S . B u t m o s t r e s c a r cjh h ee r s h a v e th o u g h t th e b e e n a s s o c i a te d w ithh 1 J u s t i c e C l a r e n c e T h o m la a :s , s a id b r a n c h o f g o vv ccir n m e n l a n d h .is n o p a d i тЦа acli\M t> \" T huuirrss d a y 's r u l i n g usticc H yroii R . W hite. ;unniis iic , ta k in тАЩg a d v a n ta g e o)ff A j I D S тАЩ w e a k e n in g o f fit c l the p optiliilion, bc Jiisli c a n c e n ; w e r e o p p o r tu A m e r ic a n U n iv e r.sity la w ppir o f e s s o r obligiilion lo re;flc . , c o n tim ie d th a t. injiiiiclii>n. injt T lic - i lc p a r lu r c o f th e S 5 -yтАвce;a r -o ld / th e viru.>; itself. r a th e r Ih an b e in g c a u s e d b y tli sa id . . > th e im r a u n e s y s ic m ra lt H erm a n S c h w a rtz . ;a rs ago T h e d e c is io n11 w a s th e la te s t in lacck n iiin тАФ w h o se v eral yeai li.spanic to тАЬ W h at il slioluld u k liMik lik e is ih c very Blla C lin lo n sh o u ld c h o o sc a Hi.s illia rii'j. a i>all!e ih a L liaa s p[i illed c ity offi* ailed liim sc lf a n d Ju slicc s W ill is avui^iiblL-in Ihc legal calle reflc cl lh a t g r o u p тАЩs g r o w in gg :.share o f b e st ta le n t that is lie A m e ric a n C iv il .h a ll Ihe c ia ls a g ain sl llie / {reiinan a iul 'r in irg o o il M arsh; .aid U :c. whi> se rv e d in Urei tthh ee U . S . p o p u l a t i o n . R;c e]p . J o s e c o m m u n ity ." saic vill ClinL ib e rtie s U n ioo nn ,, w h ic h .ir g u e s u r lтАЩs th ree " o ld go a lsтАЭ тАФ wil тАФ S c ie n lis t s h a v e lo n g ,s uu ss |p c c te d b r a in 'le s io n s miiinislTiiiion anil no w is c oour ..W A S H IN G T O N тАФ a n o f th e th e R e ag a n adm iv e u p th e ir c o n c o u rt. -people ilo ii'l ggive : ir a c r 's d is e a s e . SS eeir r a n o . D - N . Y . , c h a i r m a r inue a tie m l to w a rd a y o u n g e r ci Y o u n g tinui . . ' c a u s c th e m e m o r y /lo3SS s s th a t c h a r a c te r iz e s A lz h e ir a C a u cu s, p re sid e n t o ff -- B r i g h a m C o n g r c K K io n a l H i s p a n i c ( i g hhil s w h e i r t h e y a s 7 2 in s litiiii< > n a l r ig <-o T th e c o u r t's a v e ra g e a g e w as g c e s ts b r a in c e lls a rc sa b Q>tag laj ed m u c h e a r lie r b y len i. тАв U nivcrsiiV : Hons:-------------------------o tc in re s p o n s ib le l o r th e icJiO i l o n i y ^ L c a d t r GciiTfeU l''Wt th e s a m e te ll- ta le protei d m lO col. S e n a te M ajlT i O ................. H o u s in g e H ilt C h icc aa gg i . I lh c rs a rc ilio rc in le rc srtd r-wo y e a r s la te r , a fte r C h ie f' Jiislic J o r ta n t b e c a u s e h o p e s o f aa cc u rc f o r A lz h e im e r тАЩs - M a i n e , is h i g h tm - T-wi T Iic f in d in g is imip po: M i t c h e l l . D -W o g y th a n d e m o g ra p h ic s. . c ia ls c o n te n d A u t h o r i t y i iffffiic : iVaai rren B u r g e r a n d J u s l i c e; L I e w is ill e r im m e d ia te ly a fte r il a p.pcj^rs. pe ' тАв lic in c a tc h in g th e kille: m e r i c a n s C l in to n 's lis t oo ff p o s s ib l e n o m in e e s . W C ipp o u t g a n g a n d c lf o r is l o тАЩs lanm in th e c e llu l a r p r o c c s s ' la rk e F o rs y th e o f A m *ow cll fiadтАЩ r e tire d , i h e ^ v e r aa^g e a g e r┬лt.in<t_vvhnt i& .hap p c n in c in ih it r .^ o s s ib lC noTl'iilicc. тЦа I*OW ____________- I f - w c c a n u n d e rs ta oi!> -sh o u ld тАФ I Io ^s-6 0 ,V tu allii: U n lte d ~ f o r I ::if e . ' <aid тВм } in to тЦа s ir iir :iH -l-7 - d r v c l------------------------------ r - r 7 !n r f T - 2 c n v iric l g h o w to interH pn^e^tid ~ U ll u> f i td)r e Jo se C a b ra n e s. .S3. ,dIronped ror e a r ly e n o u g h ..i Wo m a y m o v e d o s c r to I ta m l'n g 1 cliOQFa so m e o n e w h o d o e s nlin o t s e e k in - U .S . D istrict jitd 1 ju stic e s iip i i i c n i v ^ r c тЦа - bbcci i n g ^ r u s l r a f e d тАв' g r ┬л s s k > n r ^ ^ id - D r J a lric ia -Ci тАв тАФ trBlt-the-<ie6<l}y-ppQfiT┬л! ' o u ld - b e ihe c iu irt'i^ ' " W ii h U la ckm un. the ciirreiil ji le g isla te fro m th c -b c flc h 'fls ' aa rep la cc - o f C o n n e c tic uIt,t, w i:hal w ill' b y d r 'a w n - ol U u rr,, l e g a l . p r o c e - _ ^ leg irc Ia n avcriinc y e ars o ld .'llli f ' lire ct th e r e s e a r c h . " T liis I I n s titu te s o l H e a llltTnTyv h crc-c o lle ag u c ft-p c rfp tmn et! -m meei^ t-fo f-tlie -rc U riin i- B la c k rm iin , ih e firsl H is p a n ic /. 'Inccd bv d iires.- - _ - - nhniir M l if hr- is 'f r pln' r b lc - c ;m d id tile ^ 1nc liid┬лтАФ dec! n ." s tu d y p o in ts u s in thlaa tl {lirectio < ^ ^------~ O tl T ^ r po.v*iifah c o u rtтАЩs 'm o s t lib e ra l m e m b er.~ coi .oniecine aniiiiK l tiial at;c, .. :iona - A m c iic a n s -a r ┬г jJ c iic .v c dd Ito h a v e A lz h e im e r'.s, ra l D re w S . -D a y s f it soni M o r e th a n 4 m illio a n d S o lic ito r G c n,e e r; N a l i o n a l A b o r tl ii to n ts - тАЩv ic lim s -a ic - u n a b lc .to . _ T h e i55r o a n h e T T i c m o r y u n til - i ls ^ w H ich g r a d u a lly v?iJ555 n in le s t ta sk . It kUlsJOQ.Q QfLl тЦа' тАФ p f r f n r ^ e v e n Ihfl filmo th e e ld e r lj^ тАвtook-/dl liscover link to AlzheiinerтАЩs A Scientists dis J ghтАФ --------3 taw iiupport higl ~ ~ " F oil: DUI la n g l y s u p p o r t .s tr o n g e r KeillorrrTHrowr a irnm ent says mato OK, gover Genetic tom )ODIGA ^ тАЭ тАвH T fl ^ ____ I-------- NDERSGN'SIGAA LYNWOO lURAVE. (m ___ 1147 FIU D PPIH ITC EH TE irV ^ LYNWOOD SHOP TwinFalls Stores Onlyl scandaliBritish-1-style- ritile tr u th ... th a l th e p e o p le tlie "ic ffitiK n u -.r.:-ii':.s n o s m - f ia l n r o s e cj yu lo r . :il cg u iii g a lm ig p i c t тАФ тАФ ro f v c d a c o u h t fV iS-ncilTnlA 1 ^ it s h o u ld in v o lv e A n o th e r B r itis h s to r y iiiv┬л> M )-y e ar-o ld d e f e n s e o t f ic ia l1 w ' h o s e ty w e ll." a l l s e x i f p o s s ib l e , it 61)-; p a n d I I h in k " I lik e th is p reresident si H s h o u l d be o n th e yyoinuin g f o jm e r lo v e r s o ld tlice n iii n 's li is c o u n l r y d o , " lo v e le lte r s lo a ta b lo id n e wтЦаs [spapcr. тАв m o s t p e o p le inn th f r o n t p a g e s f o r lovi h e liter* ' t h e M i n n e s o tla w r i t e r s a i d o f T h e p u b lic g o t a lo o k al llu d a y s, and J s e r v e d P r e s id e n t C lin loo n : " I Ic is a s o u lf u l тАЩ^ 1 t h e n il s h o u ld h e a;iry ry s ty l e o f a m a n w h o h a d i ii\\-s mo: o st o f h is lif e in th e n iililaa rr y . a m i , m a n a n d he enji\.v s h is w o r k ." o v e r. m - тАЬ H e c a n f a c e: a n y a u d ie n c e w ith - ; K e i llo r r a te d th a l sty le h ig hilyтАЩ. ly тАШ M тАЬ W hen you K ci s c a n d a l m il a s c rip t a n d1 ss pp e a k in s e n te n c e s . ; " T h i s w a s th e k i n d o f sc o p e n a B r itis h H e 's a m a n1 w w jh o c a n w a l k o u t w a n e w s p a p e r y o u pp eeoo p le c a n e n j o y ." h e s a idd ,. h ig h l i al!i : s - i i . g o o d _ l h i i i g j n _ _ ___ i g!h l i n g - t h e - w o m a n - s s taalllc in e u L - .a n d .ta lk . a ild .tlia ------ k i i o w 't h c r c ~ w i i i тАФ llig e i llo r s a id . a t s h e d i d n 'l d o it f o r th e m n o n e y , a d e m o c r a c y ." K ei b e a p r i z e j^n i l th Ihai a 'nd g e l H o w e v e r , inI gg ee n e r a l , h e u d d e d , bb uu tt io p iit ii a ll b 'e h in d h e r a' f o r y o u ." K e ill ilho r w e n l o n . .''g o v e r n m e n t is a p r o f e s s i o n th a t n %vilh h e r lif e , _________ UA o ry -tm .'Q ly rd _ a _ n K n !:__ o,o.n_ 1K< e i llo r c h id e d llie p r e s s flio r t r y - T c tT ttrT n -n tm ic rp e b c r o f P a r liiaa m c n t . f o u n d d e a d ;ill." тАв m ce n 's s t o c k in g s a n d a iinn gg l o k e e p f r o m th e A nmn c 'r ic a n - lo l o f lim e it) k ill .' w e a rin g w o m g a r te r b e ll. ^Hce w a s a m a n w h o p ro m o l e d f a m ii ll y) v a l u e s , b u l w h o тАЩ тЦа I soo h a d a r ic h f a n ta s y тАв тЦа o b v io u s l y a ls H lif e , K e i llo r oobb.se rv c d . " T h i s s toyr y e n te r t a i n e d m il lio n s .. тЦа тЦа o f - p c Q p l c _ fтЦа┬л┬лrr_ d a y s a l n o p u b l i c e x p e n s e w hl iaa t s o c v e r . тАЭ K e i l l o r 9 SLC SL 1 -BOO-72 a-S 746 тЦа| . into call In S a ltt la I k e Glty 486-0125 O utside [_J n o t e d . T h errce w e r e n o h e a r i n g s . W A S H IN G T O N JX A m e r ic a ju S t d o e s n тАЩt k n o w W A S H I N G T O Ng -тАФ A m e r i c a n s i n c r e a s in g ! h a v e a g o o d S c a n d a l, s a y s I . p e n a lti e s f o r p e o p le: w w h o d r in k a n d d riv e , a c c oo rnd in g to a G a llu p su rG ia r r is o n K e i llo r . vcy. тЦа ingg a d e s ig n a te d d r iv e r H e r c c o m m c n d s Ih e r icca n s s a y Ih c y a rc s e le c tin A n d , m o r e A m e ric s ty le . w h e n th e y p la n to dJrin rin k , a c c o rd in g to th e s u r v'ee yy relea-sed b y M o th e rs тАЬ I t 's b e e n a q u ie t v A g a i n s t D ru n k D riving /in g . im p a ir e d d r iv e r s w a s a W h ite w a te r ,тАЭ K e illo r t ig h w a y d e ath s' c a u s e d b y in T h e s h a re o f a ll hb ig to th e T r a n s p o r ta tio n xj, N a t io n a l P r e s s C l u b o n T in r e c o r d lo w 4 4 p e rтАвc c eein t l a s l 'y e a r . a c c o r d i n g tc ;cd . S o q u i e t , in f a c t , t a ir e d d r iv e r s s till a c c o u n te d f o r 1 7 .5 0 0 d e a th s. D e p a rtm e n t. B u l imip pa; m aa n y in n o c e n t liv e s a rc _____ A m c u c a n - p c o p l c _ s c c m _ lin c - s h o w s p r o g re s s тАЬ lo o .m ------------------- B u t w h ile th is d c xc lii tio n a l p r e s itlc n t. b e c o m c f a s c in a te d b y th e . s lill b e in g lo s t." s a idd B e c k te B ro w n . M A D D n aa ti jj, th e y a r c s t i l l s t a n d i n g air rco u n d MsT h e s tu d y f o u n d lh Ih:a t 5 3 p e rc e n t o f A m e ricc aain s ih m k p e n a ltie s f o r m ;a in p o in t ic n in g to a s t o r y w h o s e m d r iv e r s a re n o l s e v e r e e n o uig g hh , u p f ro m 4 8 p c rc en t __________ f ir s l- tim e d r u n k e n dri< 3 h o c j jd . ^ ^ " i n a s m i i J a f i9 9 l , s uir r vv tc y . th e p e o p le 'тЦаl l ' s lik e a c i r c u s w i t h th F o r I h ir d o f f e n sic e s , th e s h a r e w h o f e lt p e:nn aa l t i e s w e r e n o t s tr ic t in g f o r th e s il lin g o n b l c a c h e r s w a i tin . si e n o u g h r o s e f ro m 5i9 9 p c rc c n t to 6 8 p e rc e n t. e le p h a n t lo c o m c o u t, h e: s; a id , a n d )p a ll t h e y c a n s e e a r c p e o p llc st:m d ai in g a r o u n d s e l l i n g c o t t o nI cc a n d y . lle r e d lo s ta y rip e lo n g e r тАФ A to m a to g e n e tic a lly allei H E R N D O N , V a ., тАФ тАЬT h o s e g u y s a r c y o u ." .тАЩ h1 e lo ld a v c r n m c n t s c ie n tis ts s a y , i s s a f e f o r h u m a n s; aarn d -th e e n v iro n m e n t, g o v c i r o o m p a c k e d w i t h r e p o r tec rr s . x r y s to r e . тАФ ----------------------b r in g in g th e to m a toD oo in e s te p c lo s e r to ih e g r o c c r тАФ тАЬ T h i s i s a l o u s y w a yy t o r u n a B u t d e s p i t e th e : c l c a n b i l l o f h e a l t h , n o oo rn e c a n p r e d ic t w h e n s c a n d a l. тАЭ s a id K e i llo r , hhoo s t o f " A in a l a p p r o v a l fro m th e p C a lg c n c I n c . 's F laivv r S a v r to m a to w ill g e t ff in P r a ir ie H o m e C o m p a n io nn '" o n p u b* m in istra tio n .__________________ ___________ тЦатАЩ ; - l lii r r n t l i n . In E n g l a n d , K e i l l o r s a i d , th e m pp ile d f r o m w ir e re p o r ts ^ ________________________ C o m тАФn c 'i'? c p a p r r s k n n w t h a t_тЦаa a scandal___ i _ _ ^ o o S PLAYf ------ тАФ 5 1 2 M A IN A V E ^ H . - Falls Stores 0Only! Jl) HOMETC V ~ff)~ we no F or y o u r c omveitience n C O U P O N -тАФ EDтАв12PACK rASSORTEE j m IK E prgdlUQTS u M m ----- i r тАФ тАФ I тАФ тАФ тАФ тАФ ^ _ -m 199^ . l J , In it ________ i m D n ljJ . тАФ msm тАФ C O U P O N тАФ iFRESirтАЭ IFARM LAN ISTRALW ^ BERRIIESjlFRAt C O U P O N OWI IS H tO>n o ^ # j i тАФ тАФ 1 - | 5TIC: '- тВмi ^ 1 1 ^ 1 4 59if'^PKO. sto i ^^.riGMROZ DZEN тАФ TbakIrVpi iSTRAHWBERRl Y l T w H i P тАФ i C O U P O N тАФ ' ^ I ┬й 1149 тАвe s v tm _ _ _ lof! F o r a la c k p o ti 3.'OR HOT ^MORTErDFuBllf"" il тАШTIlwk'RiG IGATO m - I m O n lllJ [u m rz ;o p /ffl i тАФ C O U P O N тАФ тАФ M00,0> ------ 1 ^ I I ........ ll? тДв -------- 0 0 ^ g, I | _ l _____ . _______________Stg Next Drawinc 13: Frid a y, A p ri I^ ┬г L T ┬лalKFtlls fi W itS S S ij :sm тАФ I'T O P PPING I iEJES. _ тАв GAMIE --------- тАв loFalu B s m im ^ an ' I Itra to lrlj snlnrWcst!-тАФ Hottest Game iii ThcH 59.5 ' Ftiday. AiJfliO. 1Q9.5 is.k laiio тАв A -: T.n)M.;.N,.ws. Tvv,nr.-.ll:;.l( ' --- i ' ;a t u r d a y ^ a .................................. 0URS^9:3aAW I yb5430uPMl^-SPECIALHO PR1L-9-9-0PEN p I . t . { t тЦа25-50%) Intimate:e Appar('el, Acce;?ssories & Fashicons For Her Save' i' p /|L iM 8 M W y ! l g I ______i i _ _ тЦа ".r I тЦа IlJ : j тАЮ i i : L > i f - - e . . . ----------- r r тАФ - - .......... ^ - I----- ----------------- ................ тЦа ^ ~~ SAVE 33 SAVE 30тАШ Doksfor Ju n iors ~ 5 ) % Professional to o - SAVE 3(0% % ~ .......M isses C oordilinates H andbags traw an d Canvas H. Entire Stock Str, n o w 2 1 .7 0 -5 0 .4 0 . C h e e s e f r o m a l a r g e _______ R e g . 31.0 0 -7 2 .0 0 , nc r o m - a - s d e c t i o n __________ c ┬╗ w -6 .7 0 -4 L S 4 _ C h o Q sei iii ------- R e g r 4 0 :0 0 -6 2 ,0 ()r n m w 3 4 .9 9 ^ 7 .6 1 ); C l i o o s e tfO fn jirsele ctG d ------------^----R e g . -19.99-68.(JU, n o)w IS,, s k i r t s , p a n t s a n d b lo lu u ssee s f r o m A i f r ^ - s e le c tio n o f ja c k e ts b r i g h t c o lo r s in a v a r ie;ty ty o f s ty le s ; o f n a t u r a l to n e s o r bi la z z o s w i t h a p r o f e s s i o nr a l a t t i t u d e . d r e s s e s , s u i l s n n d plnal? E H m ner, K o r e t a n d m o r e . S iz e s 8 -1 8 . I m pp o r te d a n d m a d e тЦа, v a r ie s b y s to r e . I m ps co r t e d . H a n d b a g s . J u n i o r s i z e s 3 - 1 3 . I mn ppio r t e d a n d m a d e i n UJSS/ A . T h e C u b e . p o r ts w e a r . in U S A . M is s e s S pc ^t ' 0 I > ' - I--F J Sh _____ / S A V E 3 0 % I тАЭ Si ) A тАв ----------------тАФ M i s s e s B l o u s e s am n cd P r o f e s s i o n a l S e p a nr a t e s Rcfi. 19.99-┬╗8.CX), n o wV I13.99-33.60. , s t y f e o f b lo u ses, C h o o se fro m s p r in g sty cels, rtiissos sizes pon'ls, s k irts a n d jackets B-16. M isses S p o r ts w?ear. e ai V S A V IE E 3 0 % BUY 3 0 % 8 .6 0 . 1.00-98.00, n o w 54.60-68.f Reg.VS.C l e g. ^ ^ 0 0 - 3 ^ 0 a n o y ^ l ^ 4.40 0 -2 5 .2 0 . Rc^ r f r o m a g r e a t s e le c tio nvof______ o тАЩ тАЩ QI jn v o o se f r o m a g r e a t se le cclionof---------ehoosc-i tii s lt y l e s a n d c o lo r s . M is sie es s iz e s ' le r o k e e , s p r i n g s , lOO 0 0 % c o t t o n p a n t s b y C h e rc n'.s s iz e s тЦа e tite s iz e s 4 -1 4 , w o m e n 's 4 -1 6 , p e t am n cd w o v e n t o p s in g r e a t pp aa t t e r n s Iw . S ty le s h o w n f r o m R l 14W-241A f o r s p r i n g . W o m e n 's s iz e!S s 1Ix-S.x is s e s, s , m is s e s s iz e s o n ly . M is s S te v e n - am n cd 1 6 w -2 4 w . I m p o r te d . r c sse s. P e tite amn d W o m e n 's W o rld Dirc Voo m e n 's W o rld . W - S A V E; ,A D D I T I O N A L 5 0 % .................. B e t t e r &t & M is s e s S p o r t I^w e a r C l e a r a n c e . ┬╗.99, 5.00-160.00, sa le 29.99-119.9* O rig . 38.0 .99-59.99. C h o o se f ro m a . n o w 14.9! o f jackets, s w e a te rs, b lo uises, se v a rie ty of 14, тАв p a n ts a nncd s k i r t i M isse s siz es 4-14, cear. ' ctteiL an d M isse s S p o rts\w c тАФ................. ...............Bet S fl GET2t┬лF(^9^99 1 ,G I 9 ear Bras andi Shapew ┬г es. Petite Misses )men's Dresses & W ot A^omen's C a su a l' W < тАЩan ts & Tops Pa w 9 .8 0 -3 4 .3 0 . R e g . 1 4 .0 0 -4 9 .0 0 , n oo w a c tiv e w e a r , C h o o .s e fro m k n its , ac c a s u a l p a n t s , w o v ei n Ito p s , d e n i m s iz e s 6 - 1 6 a n d a n d m o r e . M i s s e s siz* s-m -1 . I m p o r t e d a nid d m i a d e in w ear. U S A . M is s e s S p o r lssw ~ S A V E " 3 0 тАЬA & i t. wear M isses Sportsw t ^ тЦа' - тАЬ -"S > A V E 3 0 % P^eel t i t e S p o r t s w e a r W 3.60. ' {eg. 2 8 .0 0 ^ 8 .0 0 , n o w 19.60-33 Reg Ih o o se f ro m jackets, b l o u es, ^ , p a n te Che le rm ak ers. n d m o r e fro m y o u r f a v o rite тАШтЦатАШnd ite P lace. тАЩe tite s iz e s 4-16, p -s-m . P etite -3 0 .0 0 . E n H rc s to c k R e g . 1 0 .00-30 M a id e n f o r-m* m ' Bali** W a r n e r 's * L ilyy l a n d J y p y L e x l b .r a s j ^ ____ of-Hranceflaj s l i a p e w e a rr ff rr o m B a li a n d P la y te x . S h o w n : B allil i "' B e y o n d B e a u tim l" ^/3354, re g .. 2244 .5 0 ; a n d s h a p e w e a r b r i e f tt8 3 5 2, 2 ,r e g . 19.5 0 . B ra s a n d тАЩDoes not in d u d c value b nтАЩS' s. S h a p e w e a rr.. тАв: S A V E тЦа R e g . 1 9 .9 5 -9 8 .0 0I,, n (o w 1 4.9 6 -7 3 .5 0 . ___ C h o o s e f r o m d r ees s^% j ^ u a l . a n d _ fam o u s m ^ r s s p o r t s t y l e s f r o mn fa R e e b o k ,' s u c h a s D e x te r, Ree N a tu r a liz e r , C o nnnnlile a n d m o r e , M e n 's a n d W o mneenn 's S h o e s, alucs. тАШExcludes spodnl value SA V E 2 5 % ' lO N A L 5 0 % S A V iA D D ltK y IB a l i V M a i d e n f o m t ^ P a n lie s 'b Y O lga* a n aI \M o r e Ju n io r Clearance 1.00, n o w 3.75-8.25. Reg. 5.00-11.00 Tl 5sty le s o f p a n lic s a n d C h o o se fro m b rie fs b y m a n jy f a m o u s m a k e rs in ish ip n colors. S izes 5-8. b a sic a n d fashi ..................... тАв ; ____ In tim a te A paparel. po O rig . 10.00-68.00, ssail a le 6 .9 9 4 i9 9 , ' Ihoose fro m a w id e n o w 3.49-24.99. Cho< тЦа v a rie ty o f cle a ra n ccee rm e rc h a n d ise in colors. T h e C u b e . ' тАвтАв тАв m a n y sty le s a n d colO -------- B m h e ^ ( . . M 2 5 -- 55 0 % Entire Stock*;* M ]> en's & loes W onien's Shoe m g ┬г = LL F R E E IN IDAHO ~1-800-286-4e0'2----S - 734-4800 тАв TOLL MAGIC VA LLEY/M\ A LL , TWIN FALLS тАЬ Ffic/iiy, AprilI 0.-1094 b <in Fiiii'j. Idaho A-5 TimpCтАЩNowr., Twin F k T i^ H i V SK W U R D A ^ A P RR I I I 9 тАв O P !S P E C I A L E N U R S H O U 9 : 3 0 A M1 -1 - 9 : 3 0 I, ' l l l i Kicrcis n:is-F o rK V a O v r Y blo m e rF ^ash& ' Save1 , ' i ' i P M i тАФ ~ rтАФ .. ..................... _______ n T f- , тАв __ I ' _;>' '-,j -S.'.*f W M l m l I L / тЦа ┬╗ Il 7 - 7 тЦа/ / 1 1 I i ^ / K тЦа u /.тЦа'V. : l |^ z jB . m m l/ ; ; fe i -50% SAVE 25-Dress Shirts SAVEWIthtexf Buster B roww nтАЬ & Garter's┬о Selected M en's D . W E 46*gular Price Coordmainate Bedding / % Entire Stock* Regi . O shK osh?H ealth V 1 9.50-29.62. C o n l e r n p-o o rra ry o r w (e a r s e le c tio n -- --R e g -2 6 .0 0 -3 9 .5 0 , n o w : тАФ R e g :5 .0 ( M 2 ; 0 0 ; n o w?33 ..0 0 -2 5 ;2 0 . L a r g e p l a y w n J o h n H e n r y , G e o f f r e yтАЩ B e e n e , 7- nnH C a r t e r 's _____________ tr a d itio n a l s ty le s f ro m - _ f o r j n f a n t a r t o d d l e r s rr gg ii r I s 4 - 6 x - a n d J b a y s - i = 2 ; . l u b .in d m o r e . C o tto n n nn cd c o t t o n b le n d s . тАФ H a f f i a w ^ r V a r s i t y l C s s o r ie s . O s h K o s h b la n k e ts , g b W n s , b o dd yy; ^ i t s тАЩa h d l a y e t te a c c e s; тАв niis h in g s . Ik n e c k w e .in M e n 's F u m S im ila r s a v in g s o n s ilk js 4 -6 x . K i d s w o r l d . n o t i n b o y s 4^7 o r g irr js - h e e ts , l e 7.2D -480.00. C h o o s e sshe R e g . 1 2 .0 0 -8 0 0 .0 6 , s a le m te n t o f p r i n t s c o m f o r te r s a n d a c c e ss ss o r ie s in a l a r g e a s s o r tt m in f r o m f a m o u s - m a k e r s5.. M a d e in - U S A . B e d d in gg . тЦаCK'CS n o l , Sheridan. include i^ilph L iuren o r 51 r ------------- 1 m m V тАФ y ----- ^ '. y ' .. , r;..тАЩ . ^ / I . (____I . s ____ f ym I ( тЦа rj n m тАФтАФ Z____________ r50%тАФ stock Vantage & ---------------- S A V E - 5 0 % 2 9 . 9 9 S> iA V E Y O U R[ Cc H O I C E lbтАЭ Shorts or Levi's┬о silverTabтАЩ тАв 550┬о Bleach Jeans ms R e g . 3 8 .0 0 -3 9 .9 9 . C hhoo(o s e f r o m lo o s e f ittin g , p l e a t e d s il v ee rT r! ab s h o r ts in tain t O l d " i n d i g o . lig h t i n d i g o o r - " I n sita je a n s w i t h R e la x -f it L evi'S* 5 5 00 jтВм IV !B le a c h ." M a d e ta p e r e d le g i n " N e w , . in U S A . T ig e r S h o p . SA V E 2 5 % . . тАШ . - тЦа - I's Sw im w ear -Entire Slock M en's S S V F 2 5 - 4 0 % Entire S ^ Towels by Legacy' in┬о Cannon vien's Sport Shirts Mi ,50-28.50. !eegj . 2 4 .0 0 -3 8 .0 0 , n o w 16.50R in t o r s trip e d g o lf a n d w o v e n PтАЩrrii h i r t s in s ilk , r a y o n , c o tto n co r )n sh i l o l y .e s te r /^ p ttq n b l e n d s. Fn F ro m . тАв -Pp* jGr na n d S ia m ? S a v ile R o w ,. j. ie v e n g e * a n d m o r e , Re^ k eee n 's S p o r ts w e a r . M Entire Stock: Samsonite* S; Luggage , 3 1 . 9 9 - 3 4 . 9 9r intire Slock Savane & Haggar H. Enl VrinM ^Free Slacks r SlALE A Reg. 12.00-35.00, n o wV_9 9.. 0 0 - 2 6 ^ .____^ _ _ W Rleg. eg 38,0(M 5.0b. S a v in e tw ill iin i c tio n o f tees, C h o o se fro m & g r e a t ssee le b ac k -e lastic sty le s amn dd тЦаnany pilealed, ier ta n k s a n d tr u n & in m ai s ty le s a n d ag( lu ip m e n t, biru n ish e d g a b a rd in e ; a lk ), H ^3Sgar co lo rs fro m B cach Ec^ui] )tton, basic pila laiin -fro n tiw ill. I n 100% c otto S p ^ o * a n d C h a m p lion.* io r S iz e s s-xl. lacks. ahndd fash io n colors. M e n 's Slacl Im p o rte d a n d m a d e in 'USA . ' тАвтАв_ M e n 's A ctivcw car. тАЩl i M SA V E 3 0 % Entire Stock* ┬╗ in a R egular Price Chin, K eg."l0.00-500.00, n o3W w '7.00-350.00. 0(X n o w 40.00-162.50. Reg. 80.00-325.0(X casu a l sets, C h o o se fro m fine a nid d g C h o o se from olUr u r ie n tire slo ck of p lac e s e ttin g s a n d o p e n s to c k p ieces, lu d in g S ilh o u e tte 5, Sam sonite, includ a* D F rom Lenox* M ikasa* C ansk, .тАвrand U ltralite. Insignia, O yster a u lto n , W e d g w o o d тАвk co n h a n d . L u g g a g e,_______ N o rita k e ! R oyal D oullc . L im ited to slock o sstto c k o n h a n d . , тАЬ тАв a n d m o r e .L lm lto d to тАв n o ta v a ila b ic innBBi urlington. ioC.MliT)тАЩ Chimv C h in a . *Dck-s not inclucioC. 3-14.00, n o w 1.99-6.99. R e g . 4.00S to c k u p3 oc n o u r a s s o r t m e n t o f tto n to w e ls i n 's o l i d s a n id d l 6 0 % c o tt. M a d e in U S A . B a th S h o'Pp. . s tr ip e s . M S A V E S5 0 % Entire S5 lo t ck R e g u la r P ric e C o m fo rte rs ____ D ow n O 500 00-850.00,n o w 100.00-425.0 Rog:200.0C jn ro m o u r exclu siv e se lec tio n . C h o o se fro turo o f d o w n com cc forters.-All s ty le s fe atu r to n ticking fo r a d d e d 100% c otto Bedding. com fort. . irrfn e ^ am Vo SAVE 3 0 % 9 9 .9 9 c* Crystal Stem ware Entire Stock* * S tic k T-Fal* 8 -Pc. N onstii Bonus Cookw are Set &: B( )0, n o w 7.00-31.50. Reg. 10.0045.00,1 .99. N o n stic k with^_ ! _ _ R q ; J 2 1 2 2 . .n o w 99.99. !_ C lio d ^ fr o m Mvlikasi.'CprhoiiL_______ it; In c lu d e s Resistal* le x tu r c d jniteriors. le n a n d , RCR a n d m ore. N o rita k e, D urant l-cjt. a n d 2 -q t. c o v 'dI., sa u c e p a n s,тАШ5-qt. C rystal. c o v ere d D u tc h o v e nI,, / nncnCT/. тАвC,llkтЦаr\тАвCrvтАв^Ul. тАвCKx-siwl incluiioC.V w ith p u rc h a se : тАвopen fey p a n s. B o n uIS s v\ " C o o k in g W itli T -F all*" l" тАЩ co o k b o o k , (12.95 v a lu e ). F ive-S;ta tarr K itchen. m jL S . . . 7 3 4 - 4 a O O . тЦа T O I ,L L тАв FREE IN ID A H O -тАв 1-80Q-286-4802 1тЦа'тАвтЦа4................. тАв . ----- plo ^ j" m = M тАФ Editor!rial тАФ" y ChilUrch and ij^ed pLoIiti 1 M t i e c C l u r ee I : I H e тАЩS b e e M P d c t o a r ,T b r o w r a n d . c le a n c h e j u s - t o - w I tt i i e A _ j a g W a c t i m ^ '^ I 1 s ? тАФ i i t no 4 th y e a r in C o n g r e s s , b u t T h i s .\v c c k m aa rr lk e d t h e 1 0 th a n - 14t ree . im M c C lu re . C r a ig тАЩs th re e y e a rs in i i i v c r s i i r y o f t hh ee d e a t h o f F r a n k Jin: leen. m a r k e d ' h e S e n a te se e m to h a v e beei C lu ir c h . p c r lia p s; aa g o o d o c c a s io n to ih e o p p o sed . irim a rily b y w h a t h e h a s opp ir 1I d a h o 's s ta r a s fa ll- prii rc flc c t o n h o w far W H P:r in c ip le d ] ;onn . D .C .. in - t h e 13 7T h a t тАЩs O K , to a p o in t.. P c n in - W i is li i n g to J is s e n t is a h o n o r a b l e clo o uu rs e f o r a ft tl th e S e n a te ; tlis y e a rs s ia c e h e le ft g a t i o n in a i m a l ls ta te S e n a t e d e le g a i In 1 9 8 0 . C h u rcch h w a s th e c h a in n a r T s n i y o s 'S if ie d ' reiiig n R e la tio n s C o m - CCoo n g r e s s d o m i n a t e d bjy o f tlie S e n a te -F o rc m n c o n tro U c d ;__________ _ --------- тАФ m i i i e e - a n t l - i h c - N.Nt o J 2 - D c m o c r a L Q n _ D n.viT iin c ra ts a n d in a to w n C w ite ie o n A g in g a n d th e b3y y C lim o n ite s. b o th th e C o m m itte B u t th a t le a v e s th e s ta te: in a weakei^ u ra l R e s o u rc e s p o m E E n e r g y u n d N a tu ra 0 .s.ih o v c J i id L _ r ) o s iiio n -o n p u s h -c o m e s -io тАФ тАФ 5 m u te e . C h u r c ir S3'C'C' o l l c a g u c r i i r r r M f 'тАФp o: r a ? :in g a n d ~~________ __ fvln PcpTniTican n n LTi ------- :------- GUirCi w a s - tlic - N b w ild e rn e ss t l i a o i l h a s b e e n ffo r y e a rs .' тАв tlie E n e r g y C o mmtuu iite e a n d a s e n io r wil тАвтАв "! m e m b e r o l Uie pp oo w c r ia i- A p p r o p r lu liiicnl difTer-_________ a that, d e s n ite th e ir politic ----------------- тАФ ------------------------ tix y n 'fG o m__n_________w iu * iC rтАФwas' e n ces. th e y recognii^e d th aatt rn a y s a y in g )H c h i g h - w a te r m a r k eni ___________ Il w a s a h i s to ric тАФ -I'm f e r ld a h u . -----ie, ih a iu h c T ^ h e y k n e w , fo r e x a m pple IN S e n a te . N o t 'e v e nn d u r in g th e 12 y e a r s e s t w ay to k e e p I d ^ o ^ s w a le r o u Y o f _________ ih a L id a h o - .s J e g e!nndd a ry W illia m B o r a li bbe: n i iiV g'pools e ig n I^ e la tio n s C o m - _ SS oo u th e rn C a lifo rn ia s w imifm c lia ir e d th e I-'oreiy th e d e b a te , ta te h a v e th a t k in d o f ww ra s to .set th e te r m s o f th' in ittc e . d id th e state a ll in c h its , a n d to d o ih thec i r h o m c c lo u t in W a sh in ig g tcto n , s im p ly b e c a u s e cca^ wco rk b e lte r th a n o th e rs. I 'n o n e o f t h e e iigg lh t I d a h o a n s w h o w 10 the. late M i F 1 r o m t h e m i d тАШ 5 0 s to I s e r v e d in t h e S ce n a t e w i t h B o r a h тЦаii\l in itia tiv e '8 0 s , e v e r y m a jo r f e d e ra over picture o f a dcm oral! s ta y e d a r o u n d fo)rr Ilo n g . ter," Tim e ran a covet тАв Ti,c Wl A'hilewaler im broglio musl;1 bbe getting ;ed Ib y a shifty-cycd G eorge C h u r c h a n d M c C lu r e cc oo n c e r n i n g I d a h o , f r o mT\ tth e H e l l s izcd president flanked I B u t b y 1 9 8 0 , Ci: is te r B e rn s te in If-in R ie te d se rio u s:;: It k e e p s in s p ir in g s e lf-i C a n y o n D a m to th e v a s t ec e n tr a l Id a e sp ite th e d o c u m e n ta ry , тАФ тАФ S tep h a n o p o u lo s. D es I h a d 3 8 y e a r s inn (C o n g r e s s b e t w e e n C i institution 'i" in m y favorite A m erican ins w o u ld b e a r wounds ir bla ck -a n d -w h ite photo, it h o w ild e r n e s s a r e a lh a t wi look o f the gritty blai th e m . P o l a r o pipp co s i t e s o n i d e o l o g y h o s, the press, londis old, taken as C linlon C h u r c h 's n a m e , w a s a n1 oo u tg r o w t h proved lo b e five m ont p e r s o n a lly , th e y w e r e C l a n d n e v e r c lo s e pe loblest role o f the press, the T he no' nts w ere ju d g ed b y blemishes eduling problem. тАШCS m brooded over a_schcdul h oo a n s _ - 7 4 c x tr a o r d in a r ily - e f f e c -- o f - t h a i p h i l o s o p h y . I d aih --------- - n e v c r t h c l c s s - a n cx in Ihe B ill'o f R ig h tv i al rp a sirH aiT y T ru m a n тАЩ woutd 'im c s d id n in thc'lcxt o f th e ------is oc w n e d b y gives it aa"ploce | Id be ' - j h e jsjcw Y oA Time p oliucal r c e n t o f w h o s e s ta te is p e harp eye on nent honest by fixing a shar tiv e te a m . тАвtime new s conference, but adow o f die notorious Boss Pc govemme last Clinlon prime-timi th e fe d e ra l g o v e r n m e n t -- m a d e d e liorn o f C h u r c h тАЩs c o n - thi ho govern or aspire to. T lie c o m b in a tio he K ansas C ity D em ocratic' t t тАЩs front-page story had no readers o f die paperтАЩs c is io n s a b o u t I d a h o n o lI m e r e ly b e d,e C a r te r a d m in is tr a t io n ci: : C lintonsтАЩ involvem ent in, tlynd^n tnhngnn_u/finIH h r w ar I bolted i ll the wv┬╗t/┬╗\i/ntrr ┬╗┬╗tc d jnitiing-thflHlMj-had-be тАвcausinTTcy-w cTC-bctTcr-STii md deal shoufd have disqualif le park. Indeed, he w a s^ o ^----------тАФ a n d - a m o n g ih en m fтДв = lc c 'io nfraud. t.a questions out o f the p Clini s o b u t b e c a u s e th e y w e;re re m o r e a s inton from the presidency,тАв th 3vemight W ashington PostWhile House sta ff m eetingsтЦа ^t 8 * persuasive that an over A s to the Wl o n C a p ito l H ill aa rn d M c C lu r e тАЩs in c i- s o ^asm n m n g . ,'oters know was w hen he wai let the vol W hiiewatcr w as proposed as aтАЬ Twrtcd a lO-point surge in tu t e p o litic a lly . A BC N ew s poll rcjwr .s iv e c o m m a n d oolf n a t u r a l r e s o u r c e lu is a journalistic virtue, toe less m N e w Y o r k Timelines N o w c o n g re s s m a n fro m t gs and loan .investigators, ther idng. T he T im es has yet to ^ his job-approval radng a n d e n e r g y issuuee:s m e a n t th a t l i t t l e 3st im m ediately, by T he Wi d a h o w ild e rAlmosi dgen to spell any obstruetior n in passing. o"┬о * report diat poll even :tin g Id a h o g o t p a s s e d aann d M in n e so ta s p o n s o r Idal le g is la tio n alT ectin :ount. som e 20 new s organiza )r S e c r e t a r y тЦа Po-si'scoi abandon its classic the special prosecutor is nail T he press shouldd never nc - nnte s s b i l l s , . . a n d . I n t e r i o r i w ith o u t th e s ta tej тАЩs s ta m p o n it. rs to L ittle R o c k .A rk ., to ; ly a b o u t ru n re p o rte rs ship w ith governm ent. But ....... adversary relationship B n ic e B a b b itt ta lk s o p e n ly i I r тАв that down. T h o s e w e r e thlee dc a y s . 'Jeilhcr th c y r n o r th e stable ┬л a rri'to " 6 b sc iv c a -k in d -o fтАФ~ ihs abdund:'distastc1'orthc-m ,1l la nd: m o rcrN c mioral - perhaps ifsh ouldTIe ear n in g c a ttle m e n o f f f e d e ra h o r R o S t e T h c T S so n s u rre n t s e n a to r s , f re s h ni O f I d a h o тАЩs curr< ivals for the nom ination, nor o f die first couple; the herd nt s o fils o w n . statute o f lim itatiotisol h a t so rt o f тДв I t тАЩs h a r d to i m a g i n e tth: D ir k K e m p th o m e is ihe R epublican P arly cam i m a n R e p u b lic a na E ublicans aro pi}shing W hitccar o f b eing lale to the lynch: :h m ^ Doctrinaire Rcpublii r i li . i r n h n n d ┬░ - t4 H ┬л ^ > a p p e n i┬╗ g .,..w ,h c n C Ig ta n gible-or-w eighly-cnout тАФ тЦатАФ тАФ a l o y a l oppbl;1tion^f-9tund*dsnhanm cai_supi> c uii itтАЩs w ortfir-That-is-their-------ll'C 'iow enng^ l lin e Id a h o in M c C lu re w e re r e p r e s e n tin i c n a .c m ┬л c h 1the election - o r even to en the risk o rrb a c k lflsh rd ie y -------a lo n g тАЩw a y t o g oo;; h1 e тАЩs 9'7th o n th e s e - M lion oul o f die new s pages; the he ro- role and, w hatever the C o n g r e s s . T h e y k n e w W aa s h in g to n . o f an issu O sue. p6n.sibility o f trying to replay тАЩ m ally. n io r ity list. aro funcuoning normal . there w ere denials and stoi a n d th e y p la y e d to w in . Sure, t ly dthe role o f the press. Unplain, old-fashioned political b: L a rry C r a ig , is in h is a r 0 'тАЬ -, But h is not really H is_ c o lle a g u e . le Clinlon euinp, and the comj -from-the believes in a fanU sy that I can be as ludicrous as The' \ less anyone really/ be of-ihe C iinum sl advantageous -----------' -----------------niiluroof :e m o v e d -f ro m -th c -W h iic ------lal editorial clueking-widi shoe .тАШ^ тЦа C l i n t o n c a n b e rem a m an w h o w o u ld n e e d fa v o rs ; t Hillary C linton actually (uj :┬л8h!) H o u sc b c fo ro l9 9 6j,.itit is hardly in the nationтАЩs тЦаho deal lost I тАФ тЦа seem edi rm ooted by the fact dial the resident o ffa t d ie kTiecs.-................ he cbm modities market. тАШ interosttocutllsprcSK ?__________________ nioney._ QQClUr______________ . ______ ^k-ruthcd40-prinl iU .w rongxon ;v e n a ssu m ln 'g ih 'c ^ o S t a ^ B ulev. le y in -------' le hodn'l used he r ow n mone; mueh sancti- siot' тАШhat she h Allen Wilson Putor-Voi Clark WQlwortli Al IS did 16 years ago, how mu Stcpl┬╗on Horigcn fcin rSngclircclor Cl.ntons :heckтАв L e s f e r B e rn sfc in was the editor o f lent - die magazine skipped chi ate dale in a that mvcsunenl CircuUitlon nwnagcr Advcrtluii Managing editor O should it provoke at dii.s late PubHshcr ' mony shi 9-82 and earlier was a staff tie old Ncivsweefc in 1979-8: e W hite House (shades o f the i counuy/ w V here favor-swapping is aa ssiale-house '" S w ith theincV gag: "D o n 'l check it looI hhard,, member at Time and The New York Times, and are a fixture newsmagazine joard and w riters of editorialsтАЩ jnplaee. when: rainm akers an common] TlicтАЩ m m em b e rs o f Ihc editorial boa nmentaiy for die New- York He wwle this comme night knock it dow n").' ley fuels con-- somebody migl law firms, whciy PA C money )hen H artgcn.тАЩ C b r k iV a lw o rirth. th Mark Kind and Steve Crum; ' in big lav ore Sicphei p W a- newspaper Sewsday. 'ay____________________ irt. tinder the headline тАЬ Deep If, Fivti,could-----Fnr iLipaH . IтАФ grtfssiwK тАЩT r 1 i Ik ┬о SKULL^ iI X edia aree overdcoing it o)nWhitttewater I'hcliimes-News тАФ t ie t t e fFiS o nd lh a t every taxpayet-in -------lhat required a bond ing fo r billing Reasonin] compassion Ity w sponsible to them Plea for f ... .┬╗,┬╗ T w in F alls C ounty x a s liable f o r the debt, th ough I nm n o m o re respo тАШa d e q u a t e ? тАЩ [j who is kno w led g e ab le aboul lonseience o f тЦа' A s one whi lid b a c k by ju s t a few docj f ^ d:l aj need to appeal lo the con th an I am to th e d riv e r o f'th thie pickup. S ureiicc to ' b illin g sy ste m , I w o u ld lik c o m m e n tin g on a irc ra ft .ly som e e n te rp risin g law yer ie c o m p a n y h o s p ita l's bii R e c e n tly w liile cor , i , q j r i v y e rw ill fig u re oul iv e r o f a s ilv e r a n d b lu e tors. in M o n ic a .E g ^ 's J c ttc r. :pot, N ev., the new s m e- that : F ord - com m enl.onN a ccid c n is neiir Jtickpoi -l rm ers arc resp o n - pick u pтЦа) w ^ h o rc a r-e n d e d -u blao kk-1966 the A p ril 5 e d itio n o f TAc the S alm on T ra c t farmi in lh a t ----- A cco rd in g to the er 1letter gives the im prossibii en e d o n th e I ihink her idea lhat ih e a irp o rt w as sible. d ia co n v o y e d th e ide: ing. T h is a c c id e n t happem s facility w as to be turned M ustani m rate Times-News, d iis fa la rg ed an entire d a y тАЩs room w ith lhat but w ish to of- тЦа Sincc law yers get their big bucks w hether Uob Bai " a d e q u a te ." I a g ree wi la rton H ig hw ay in Jerom1C e on M arch she w as charj o f d o cto rs. T h e y could set _is_noL_oycr_lo_a_group_of< inutcs,.T his-is ----------------------fo r-ju st-l-hliour-and-10-m ou immentsj-------- ^ sTlh'H Fowri'w drkiHgTiOurs ________ firr the_fol|ow i niii:on5!] тАФthcy-n-in o r lo s c r a la r g e porti o rtio n o fih e a b o y c 30. Icr her тАФ sal anes. U layed until no o n ihe d a y aftci and_nojnfor.^':irue._She slayj ______ тАв _ N ig h llim e _ d c ppaa┬гtiu tc a - r c q u ir e ,spe_cial__j. -polico-w ae-not-nolificd-anc ;',-l-am -w ondering____Thu-pi tiin g -c ls c - lh a u tb e y - w a n lJ ------- - tlg ure-bcing-lQ w yer-fces,-!)bm . so w as actually a fth c 'hh io s p l ~ o nd decide-anything co n sid e ra tio n in ther ee v\ en t o u tsid e visual ref- .how it would w ork to m ake kc ttlie study o f law motion1 w as e x cluinged as far as as in su ran ce baby w as bon to b e dedicated ic d ay know doctors arcc supposed su in ccan n o t be m aintained. ing th e M us- ta lf o r 3 7 h olours, u i w hich is m ore than o ne erencc to th e horizon ige. T h e young m an driving ihc'sludy coveragi m andatory for high school,1, Really, R e, bb ut they a rc h u m w and for p ato helping people, nee provides an incentive foi re fe re n c e , the o n se t o f o f t h e law s is n ot as itnpor тАв W ith o u t v isu alI r< p ortant as b e in g .a tang wa; /as unaw are o f th e extent oo ff dam age to H er insurance nding som e o n e c iseтАЩs m onor sUiy w hen y ouтАЩre spendir a less-lhan-24-hour d n 't w an t to tients w h o arrange an lished a c to r and 'i,is car. sp atial d iso rie n ta tioon n (so m e call it vertig o ) g o od sp e a k e r, an accom ip r. T h e m an e v id e n tly didn crease y o u r w ants. pli: baby. I f M onica h ad g one:hho m e ey, i f s easy to increa eadly w ith resultant com - ?having lim ited conscience. e. W ca n be q u ic k a n d dead тАЩ atching Perry je o p a rrdd iz e h is e m p lo y m e n t oo r d r iv in g for h aving a b Dr. IтАЩm grateful toI D r A .C . E m ery for bringit (24 hours a fter she w as admlilted). p ic tc lo s s o f airc raaft ft c o n tro l in a few sec- ^M ason and M atlock would lid q ualify yo u for record.1. H 1 ow ever, this leavtys m y sson having at 11 p.m . (24 te n d o n o f th e board. Hopeor o n e ing .this .to the attent only been cha rg cd for lessness. It is she w ould have ha ions., everyone cx- _ to payтАЩ ffor som eone e lse тАЩs careles: тАФthe-bar.-In-o-ftiw -gcneration. alw ays fully, the people o f lT w in F alls can still be in rvcr.-n-24-hour. s ta y iS-not.ah \c ira p id ly ris in g te r r a in тАШcept high school dropouts w advan^ d a yrH ow evcj ^-------- - I _ * _ D e c a u s c o f ilie ti wcould be lawyers, beyondd m c w hy an adult w ouldI take cility; - ! length contrbT of t}\is facilir ae tto the tim e lab o r b egins, lc tuation. possible due s u rro u n d in g J a c k pib o t;t r th c -d c ia y -o f-n -n ig h L~_ln v 'o u ld rfrd o -a n y -g o o d -to j 10 sue them as diey m g c.off:a y o u n g person in ih issilu b _________ . --------------o f la b o frcto o nm p n c a tio n s -p h y s ic ia n s тАЩ- d<e c i - ------ M A R JO R IE B A U G H M A N tim e d e p a r t u r e w'oo u ld b e a g o o d o p tio n are very likely poor so the; law r . T.Rh BNNW ALLACE тЦа la' yers could s u e . T w in Falls ilienisтАЩ choices, sions o rp a tic t w h e n v is u a l re fe rc nnces c t a re c ith c r-lim iie d or - each other. io Falls Tw in al any Patients arc allow ed lo be adm itted at igf>*nt T h tis th e' n ro b le m s o f sp a tiu l ------pW IfiH T.SH A .W тЦа , g-a 24-hour p c r iO d ^ d .th e r e tern iin av o id an ce c a n be d is o rie n ta tio n -a n d ter T w in Falls :ense for young ┬л g o e s Bicyclist licen g e on die d a y that a patient room charge ster safe ly a d d re sse d . Egg-. .тАв. ragous for E ast omnensate for that. T h ere s Sd l J l S ____ A ll Ih ls in lh abo a b o u t b ik e p a th s in T w in -W J I M L . C O N D E RI ,v ridiculous-can-T m rbe'^V * iih тАЬu lH h e -lio m tL to 0.9┬о ocate^--------- -- How _ i┬гrx.y-Conley_advoc :finhion o f w hen on e day b┬л canyon nm ,"w byiT ot m ake тАФ тАФ 1>┬о8lns Falls andion the ca t yo u r A pril 4 to be a d e h n тАЬ FDcr y C o n le y , dire cto r EasierтЦаe g g h unts in T w in Falls, yc An o pen le tter to Je rry licensc ju s t like autom obiles bicyclists buy a licei m E asier e g e ""<1 тДв ds. T Too m e. m idnight m a k es die┬о n had a color p icture o f an o f Fish and Gam e: edition ^ o f th e Idaho D epartm ent 1 sense. W ngs? to pay for these thini fo r o th e r h e ro e s тАШ Recognition foi nTexa-s! d e c isio n to w iih - hunt in ' F irst, I a p p la u d y o u r de D L W E PE C K , R .N . :hat It sh o u ld b e th a t g ra d e sc h o o l a n d high. C o a k le y тАЩs letter on M arch d ra w тАЩsupport for th e propos In re g a rd to M r. Coi posed Idaho T rain-j-hc^ co n ly rea so n w e p a y th ee тАЩcoutrag c o o s ........... ____------------- sch o o l k id s wQuldills j!d -p a y -o -sm a ┬╗ -fc e -lic c a s c -----. T la n g c in O w y lie e - Cc ^eiw IS for the _ 3 0 , h a v e n 't th e Jew# ss h ad enougii ,sym pathy. Irig C o u n ty r - A g a in s t- ^ iV ihily lj price for 77ie Ttmcs-NcM cr 18 a n d anybody o v er 1 should p a y an cquiva- : nenition (m oney)? ' :l. P lease giVe , ___ |jтАЮ]g p u b lic ity and rem uner 3it o f local ncw s.w c do gel. 1 g reat p o litic a l p re ssu re ,. yy<o u r d e p a rtm e n t nce-nf money exchat b m obile license. __ ______ тАв LтАЬ 6 E _ _ lc n t.fc e to-an.automj tie recognition o f th e real stood | H ow a b o u t a little to protect Id a h o 's us m on g e t th'c nonare lo c a l n e w s; w c c a n ge by ils resp o n sib ilityy to ;o again, show ing m y ignorani :m pi eo p le (20 m illion sac- wтАв ildlife. . light. Y ou get H ere I go a Sidew alks on one sid e o f th e street could h e ro es - the R ussian Tw in F F;alls new s o n T V every mgl nder th e im pression d ia t th e 1 k p a th s b e c a u s e n obody : G e rm a n a rm y )? B o d ies lease g ive us I w as unde f ^ тАЬ 8b e c o m e th e b ik e i le n . w hy y ou have y o ^ r m m o n ey in T w in F alls, plea rific c d to s lo p th e G I fail to u n derstand, then, ' R e g io n a l M e d ic a l-C e n te ^ ith e re d u n d e r p re s s u rec fro teir DC- wnjkg they all drive rive. w e re p ile d so h ig hII ih tl e tig e r tanks c o u ld n тАЩt w lo new s. T h e re is lots5 ggo in g on in ic V a lle y R f m h u n te rs lo тАЮiore local . o over them . W hy is th is so elim ^ inate R egion 4 predator lohged to the people o f T w in F alls C^ounty. itors in favor o f the jjij.; )wn. L e tтАЩs p ublish it. g e t b y , a ro u n d o r ove JO H N R .C O M^ E IR 1 thought, тАвtoo, tCH that w h en ev e r it w as nnec es-- -тАЩ pheasant, aтАЩ n b h -n a tiv c spei co n y c n ic n tly left o u t co f th e news?. ipccies. If y ou con - f r aAIN CES W A T L A N D - . v e rie n t - T w in Falls______ )rrow m oney for. a n im prove sary to borro from N ei W eim er. Rus- stand j M y p a re n ts c am e fi and th e A ir T win in F alls u p ag a in st G o v . Avndrus nd le T R u ssian people n o t get- Forcc j cial mis.sion, surely sia, p n d I re se n t the to fulfill your ofTieinl .............. tin n th e - c r e d iid u e thihem c . тЦа ' , ah o тАЩs w ild life -s a y you can - on b e h a lf o f Idaho BY GG/A R R Y T R U D E A U w c h a r d g r a ^f тАв- тАв - тАв , тАв ; nd^To th e e x tre m e ly narrox rrovv in te re sts o f a ) o n e s b u r y __________ ~ B u rie y f p w -------- --- . - ..........тАФ solu' I deplore th is political,, shortsigluetl sl тЦа тЦа p eN yev sf^^ ^ THBPIFF&iBNCef ' , lo d eclining pheasantnt jpopulations. The hell. THAT'S tion m m f i A 'i s A N OF C anyon damlage aj paym ents F SALM m can o n ly in crease I 1H5CAFHAL / HAVSyoUBVBR 1 w a s .a ttr a c te d to a p ic tu r e in a re c e n t: , d ecim ation o f p red a to rs; ca id d o e s no th in g lo I тАв e c ological im b a la n c e and > CH eATO ^O Nta^v in g a p ic k u p tru c k d an , T im cs-N cws Show in B Q U lV Jm n / 1 o f declitiing habiI > address the real problem of th e ro ck w all o f a , m ic M II OF"lPiPti'T / ^ i n g p re c a rio u s lyr from fr :st y o u r placing the I /S M M T f coir 6 X ' I INHALeтАЩfWHY I / ' c a n y o n . T h e n I w/as as h o rrifie d w hen I rendI i lat. A n d 1 strongly p r o te s t; jc h an itresponsible I ______ ___ y ' piPN'TH BJusr IA t h a t it w a s th e w-all all o f th e S a lm o n R iv e rтЦа | burden o f ca rry in g o u t such intelligcril R c g |O r r ^ k H H decision on th e backs o f inte C anyon. CCSтАЬW h 'o " k n o w ~ in s ^ ^ ^ ^ H 1тАФE i5h. a n d Gam eTcm ploycCs ..тАФ :---------- ┬е o i┬╗ - ┬л c c ,- l h a v c a - b ill o n -ia y -d e s k - th u tтАФ 7';. S7 bec a u se so m e p eo - - nтЦаo t in the b est interests oo ff Idah'o'residents', -------------gqya-{-ow o-S 12.6.7i h um an jor тАвтЦаwiIdT , p ic , f o r o n e re a s oDn n o r a n o th e r, a re in th e: cither le v . y o u a rc lh e _ _ W ||f l R ig h t n o w , M r. C o nn je a n y o n a n d , by a n a c t o f S a lm o n R i v e r Can> :oop. 1 urge you to - easel in th e p h c a ra n t coo ------------ O o d r w c r c - d n m a ggeccd . T h e a u th o r s o f th eтАв тАЬw rnseless k illing and h a v e g iv e n m e a b o u t the тЦа im m ediately sto p th is sensi J. p a y m e n t s c h c m e h a ' what is right for^all be I n te rn a l R ev en u e SLtn a v m y in c o m e ta x e s . the w ildlife-oT this slate. y j r ,. m e tof n: T h e s o - c a lle d тАЬjuistic s ti' c s y s te m тАЩ^ sa y ^ I aniIтАФ M S R T T rtJR E E N ---------I ^ g u i l t y o f d u m a grin in ig t h e s e p e o p le e v e n1 ^__ Glennfl Ferry a rt Jack p o t airpori i rwiHToiiaTIHoHo 15^7 April 0, 193-f Tim os-Nows, Twin Fjidny, Ap тАв .r iE o K e slA Seryiice 0 /West Idaho/ say!fS ; _ p r o b) le m s If ix e d F Decoraited M arinine Q slflegal alienu ┬г cs the ^ Tlic study cites ' influence of milfnr nr.w Icndcfshlp. ThтАЩnt isi w V hv w c kascd Thuroiay, Mid. _____foe. ----- - W r t 9 H i N 6 - T - e N WP h- ) y - FOTWtтАФtlw ^u d y rfclea uddcd.'' ^ doUiTrs тАФ SrTVTcc-affi^ift}si-whil┬л-*Ji imbcr industry, Inifsjiys ptjrl him . T LOS A N G L E S (AP) тАФ A A dec- citiz en sliip o r deptjr oh for failiiijJ to reform Jhc T h e center agreed in ils rep ions of a criti- administration with some o fth e condusiohi , . is Die "ci┬лy is^a.┬лi the that'even more important im If in lo l _ "I c o u ld n тАЩt g o) on or lik e th is ,тАЭ oralcd Marine turned him'seir n c .o flh e few positive steps ' SJiy:mnny,.of_.,age_ncy. ItI a lso c o n c lu d e s th a t oone - cal report' c(e Ihc scrvicc,, sji . I guess my back -----------ctw ccntirnberindustry ~ aiilluirilics and admitted he w:' iv:isтАЩa n ''L ig h lfo i)n ;.'iid ;- rg u liV agency xclaUousliipтАЬ betu o f Tliomns as the nujv rglstalivc agehda in regard selcciion scle dy havc been CongressтАЩ^leg!; thc problems citcd already 1C IForest.Scrvict manj],^ the wall. I did it offid als und the ' w onтАЩt just gol up against illegal alien, but he probably v chicf. ^ . set by timber chii ......тАФ-------- ; to fo re sls is 'тАв'siibsianllally '-'sii f,.r myo-lf -,n.l my.fnm a.'c-logSinp prn^tnnis тАФтЦаItnr Xaiuily.*' . тЦа I I '-----.. тЦа t n lqiuiieii;----------- --------------:resl.s. тАв .тАв " An 81*pagc report 6 y Ihe Cenlcr-for industo' inieres children is a U.S. тАв lhat in his -"In .speaking ^ ith p eople, I wasg w as Thomas him-sclf llu Sgt. Danny Lightfool. whoI in i.- sta- ., One of his three chil dministration officials dis- . Scrvicc Scr тАв тАв Public Integrity based inI W ashington, , O inton .adm bom ouLsiffe the loyccs he struck by the Forc^ lioned in Danitow. is a native: o f the -.dlizen, but the two.) bo ircsl Service's ,.. lack of (id portтАЩs conclusioas but said firsl firs m em o to agcncy cniplo; gciicy p u l, iL s ^ p u l^ lhc repoi ___ D -C-^-said-thc-fcdcral ngcr is wifc,-Raqucl.ii-------.,-------тЦаountr>-тАФcounlry ore not.-His wi ~naIi;imflsrHcтАЩcntcnyl-,thc-9oi iilJ^ a y lo rrn n 'a d jim c t-------n;' thcrlaw;тАЩ" c r e d ib llir ^ h liU adyrw crc under way al Ihc Tmplofcinirennill'ttr*Dbcy-thi imf b u d g c l-a h c o d o f - th c nne cce d s o f th e. d m g c s alrcad m ai and is .seeking ^ ' il a Bahamiiin citizen )urnalism. at American , ,on a student visa hut stayed afler af 'тЦа profc.ssor o f jour: :re Forest Scrvicc biologist the thc reporrsaid. sleeps agcncy. where ...... nationaLfor??ts.a n d J li^ ggeneral cn ihe Unilfcd States, _ ' ,.-UMiigтАФlegaLniM dcnCiLinil'ii m dтАФ\v in n e r тАФo f " t h c тАФ тАФ-cytiircdrHe-cTiiiMed-i┬╗-m83.-┬╗ cx l-Thomin>-rcplaC cd-D alc-.тАФ-JThff repo rt d c f^ rih e d th c ttrr^viU i!ahe:iim bw ,in3iK uy__ : r _ ' ' " тАФ ^iaclr-W nfd-T S-deputy^Hncctoi~nTHTij:----- itH.'TAngelcslNS-di 'ress-C lu M 'O iin d aiio n тАФ foi -foke-ilocumcrils he said wcfcS ervice as"тАЬan agcncy that is al war W n.shington Pre┬л ih T s y c ^ ." ' Sei y liliberal non- ' Robert,wn ass iSic'fcarir┬л c Thc ccntcr is.a la rg c ly тЦа k M it w;ls "very тАвDonald B, Uxmey s;ii< and nature тАФ one: tlthal mis- ^V/ard. rest Service d o esnтАЩt show with'itsclf wit plied.by n recruiter, up thal examтАЬTlie Foresi profit public interest group .. тЦа тЦа P'i :fool o w o u ld be 'Hie M arines'discovered he'w he as u n lik e ly " L ig h tfo mployccs._ jr-litllc 0 any ire; and m u sic s iLs own cm; es iin g o vern- .favoritism .lo a organization or busi- ireals lie surprising lo me U) incs elhics-rclaled issues his office would breaks the law, places an illegal immigrant in 19тАШJ l., bul b he deported, and that liis eal everybody equally and routinely rou orest Scrvicc employees тАШтАШn need by foun- ness. W c ireal mcnl a g en d ts. ll is fmancc i r e f o r T find so many Fore Lightfoot and his o f his recommend lhal Ligli over its mission to carc w asn'l prosecuted bccausc buc w r unions and f a ir ly .тАЭ UISD SI A sp o k e sm a n T o m - budget [Uld off Ihe record alHiiit w; dations, corporations, labor ┬г speak lH)th on and stay, laiid and in-gcneral sleeps v o u tsta n d in g rc c o rd , said1 C arl family Ik- allowed lo sl aid Wednesday. lan /ays ihey'-vc been iniinihow in many way individuals. . rs, тЦа w e тАЩve had a lorney, "O ver the ye ars, Shusterman. L ightfoot's attoi industry.тАЭ urc Secretary Mike E spy, ind :n limes oppressed wilh has been one Agriculture тАЬFor years Uie scrvicc. ha тАШ :harged number o f aliens gel iin thc military T h c re p o rt, " S le e p in g W ith th c Lightf(K)i's recruiter wtLsn't ch; :cs the agency, was "w ell led, who oversees j-тАЩ o f Ihc m ost m is m a n ^ c dd,, poorly | c ^ i S n 5 Ihcir careers p ut u t,on noiicc for raising orw ilalions and then com c forw ard to adjust .because tiie, statute o f jjriiila Industry: тАЩu ic U.S. Foresi Sen ic problems and challenges Inc [тАвlit lliieiiten the limber -be and co rru p t aware of the { p o litically m an ip u latedJ ai тАвn by free. tssues lhat mtghl they usually gel тЦатЦатЦа. Iheir status and1 the тАЬorest Scrvicc and the need Tim Tir ber Intercsii," wa.? written said in an in terv iew тАЩ had h;i run out. Sliusterman siiid. govem m cnt,тАЭ facing thc For тЦаagencies ih the federal go' 'тАвjvlorwilh 'n d u s try . he ,s:i g ration lo ^l.iv." 1J >┬л.'n ey.siiiljd jd...тАЮ ______ ;------ тАФ тАФ----------Tlie iililitarv told im m iKr; тАФ тАФ ...............тЦатЦа lance lan joumalisl Steven T rT ay I*тАФ тАФ" _ ut they Lightfmit holds. a ^Navy achievch c l p '- f r o n r a 'h a tf ^ d o z c ir officials aboul Lightfoot, but тЦа'he lo g g in g o f n a tio n a l .j .тАвe тАв E x c e ssiv e , lo, did n o th in g . S h u ste rm a n1 sa : id , m ent m edal, three good conduct rcseardicrs. _ тЦа res :he harvest's lh at havc __ j_j |i< ihr; mi-H:ik, twii c i-rlifio 'ifi)-;ites (if com -___________ -LighlftH>lr-2┬лr^┬╗rrcndcrcd-li тАФ T hcice n lc w n tco d cw cd o U nonhem spoiled owl in тАвIciicrs o f.;^ p ic c i':_ tzationтАФ mcndaltt┬╗tT,-sev┬лi.lclu id retirees, threatened the'no Forest Scrvicc.cmploycis and Im m igration ah d 'N afu raltz: тЦа . Fd TlhweslHf^pfimarily-llic------lorious unil com ~S eT ^n :in JT r'I'n csd n y r^ay in gel proccss that rewards , vironmen- risuli of a budget en. He mcndation. H cjiKoJjj congressional staffs and etivi: тАв w anted to becom e a citizer vcls. the ccntcr s;iid, ;)rs :iand Uep, Jerry j jinlkK; j lusands o f hieh haivest Icvd' m iie .^ bl WIiilary superiors It n|so examined thou: fioklM ny.lhry mtglH тЦаhave hq; IQ lirnit iirlRjlion in " H ti.i f i e e t H u i H'H" u u tlnTT -------- " тАЩ" P O ^ T i a ^ O - C ttyW it; io lir^ber targcl.s icscl fuel leaked out o f a gQ "Jt all boils down do tim aicd 30.0P0 gaitons o f dies< g o v e rn m e n t d o cum ents, ca m paign --------- lh/┬╗ nrrn w K'erC tUl CS^m d e c id e w h e th e r to g ra nItt h im Lca-is. R-C.-i)tC ____ gi'ea.iiu]ial t┬╗ gLiilng-rrm progc^d^Tqulckly. spending rceorda-flnd-eongri storage tank, unless dJcanup ca iB tlm o n y :тАФ -------------P>T <iipfrintei\dcnl Fred' -^Bgeftyy- тАФ = water limits affe City faces w; be curtailed. spcdalisl Scoll Simonton invironmenlal Quality water spc State Division o f Envi icnerator lank last winter, from aji^cmcrgency gem said ihc fuel, w hich leaked leal table at 'a' dcpUi o f aboul calclloтАЩs iindcrprdund water tal is silling atop the Pocali 70 feel. Tl,, investigators found a layerr oolf d a y lhal has preventAbout 80 feel down,,] 0 far, ater from traveling deeper. So f Ihe pollution hasnтАЩt cdтАЩthe fuel-laintcd watei lefl thc FBI property. Ttitersiroc] hits easter Gembordder S 1 . тАв J[_ it program ited for dropout Teacher citc ^ тАв The Associated Press тАЭ o rder w as | тЦа T hc Idaho-W yom ing bor isiblc for an iniliativc lo W ASHINGTON тАФ An Idaho teacher responsil another in A shaken again Thursday by ar lots Jn . ip_schopls reoog-____ sh dropouis.is.DnC-ofJ2-cducalor ---------- rcducc- high school.droj at began in тАЬ M тАФ "Ihc jsl Association. Ibi sw arm 'of earthquakes that lucalion by thc ReaderтАЩs Digest nized os heroes in educs the ijc u r D тАЩAlene w as recogthi region on Jan. 30. Hansen o f Project CDA in Coc Director R oger D. Ha ;cy said the ┬╗gram designed to prevent ^ The U.S. Geological Survey in aaltemalive high scBbol progn _______ n i z ^ for launching an -iatcsttcm blorstracfc-aH O rl?mg o u t___ _________________ - . тАФ students from dropping er scale. It L l тАЬ mca.surcd.4,8 on ihe Richter s l 5 b .o o b ...... heir schools receive a total o fr SI Thc winners and Iheii 'ounty in a ^ T . w as centered in Caribou Coi 'hose individual commitw; )rdinary men and women who тЦатАвтЦаniese arc exlraordi ween Soda ' | l | sparsely populated area belwc тАвaordinary challenges and sp ihcm to lake on cxtraoi ments lo exccllcncc drove dn Vyo. M Springs. Idaho, and Aflon, Wy lairman. Sf Grune, the associationтАЩs chair win,тАЭ said George W/.. C тЦа "Only m inor damage, s uich d as bro- тАЬp ilastcr and I ken glassw are, erackcd pin om ebuild- P I ....................... minor structure d.imagc to sor csidenLs-ofтАФ | J | ------------------in g s has bccD-reportcd-by-rcs ed-what c o u ld -^.lh e final------ in. ah o Suprem c Court has closedBO TSF=тЦаThe^dahc f l statement. T thc M B conlrad slayth area,тАЭ offidals said in a^sta ┬▒ arg cs involving the nearly 15-ycar-old 15тАЩ chapter in criminal chai Thc series o f carthiiuakes p Ksman Troy Vance. ing o f Nampa businessr iring 5.8 on 1 1 Feb.'3 wilh a temblor measurii d-:shot-to-dcath-in-hisjiomc_ii --------------- Vance-was-found-;Sl -the-R ichler-scale.-ThurR day Robert-Rkhard-JonwJ-and-------th тЦа тЦаd iargesтАЩw crciilc d rddismisiwd-and-lateMo-fikdrRo isj Lake T shock w as fell as far,away aISs Salt ! degree murder. Witnesses sh [incz were convicted o f firet-dc{ Jose Alphonse M artinc ICC. C iiy , s a id W avcrly P crso o f the n a id up to S30.000 to kill Voncc. testified Ihey were paid arlh q iia k c U U SG S N atio n a l Ear imously against an appeal urt on Thuisday voted unanim< тАв " - The Supreme Court :n. Colo. I M L . Informalion Center in Golden, ife sentenc e . ________ ^ In pholdijighLs convlclion and life --------тАФfiled by M nnincz, upho > D I ' Area residents fikcly are in store for | l | 5 Aug. 2711993, decision тАв le a s ^ a revised version o f ils / Thc court also releas o n added.. I I - ................. even more aft┬лin5hock.s Persbr victed o f firet-dcgree m urc\ invidiort.-JonM also was convic upholding JonesтАЩ convi sed (by. the i p тЦа'WeтАЩre nol 'at all surprise) ibilily o f parole. , __ ^-------- d c L a n iw a is c n lc n cc^dJto fixed life, with no possibil uak c 'o fih k | * a itc r s h o ^ ) fro'ni ah'cirthqua Icciiioh. again upnciu j - z тАЬ ai lad divided over the Jones.dcci Thc court remained keep- n тЦа size,тАЭ he said. "It probably- will v ison writing separate d issi en Bislline and Byron Johnsoi with jusliccs Stephen nth-sтАЩ." L l Q, g ee t a T ing going on for several montl scnls. B ' u y o n e s u i t o r ss pp o r t c o a t - 4 - p a n t s aa lt r e g u l a r p r i c e , heriffM ikcT O Lincoln County Undershe: n 1 0 . O r c l i o o s e _ ^ su ui j t a t gs 0e c o n d o f e q u a l v Hansen said his office in A fton had | | | v ea l u e f o r J u s t $ 1 0 0 damage by I I received reports o f minor dr Y ( o f e q u a l v a l u e ) f oo r $ 1 0 0 . :liberatioas in the secondut added il M r e q uu il a r p r i c e , g e t a ss pp o r t c o a t + p a n t s ( c Mft┬л!nw_jurv.has started dclih тЦаlate Thursdav m om ing, but ----------------MOSCOW тАФ A.M ,r people ,0 I could take a day o r two for Hagedom. g n d a n d s p l i t U ie 6 degree murder trial oo ff William > 2, 4 o r m o re a n d s the ease on Wednesday, ^discover any problems. bur-wom an jury was handedJ tl The e i^ i-m a n , four x)rts of any I I тАв "W c havenтАЩt had any rcpoi closing arguments, afler altomeys m ade: cli ings falling | тАФ Romero Oct. 27, ^structural damage, just thin) accuscd o f shooling JoAnnn Grace C __________ H agedom . 32. isi ac iklti5 TiTnJTiTgaliigrneTDiT=-------^o ff sh elv es, that lypc uf pprb-b lciiT----- a f " --------------bw hoiii'd after a'filg'nnjfTtrfnklt iW 3.' in Ihcir Moscow itains he pul a gun to her ^H ansen said. "I was in miy y n ffic c .lt tends il w as an .acdaddee n t T he prosecution maintai jiju st shook the building agaii and rat- U trigger because she intended to leave him. back and pulled thc trif тАвdegree murder, they musl Hagedom guilty of sccond-de lied the windows," For jurors lo find1 H icc aforethought." he town o f n тЦа At first, residents o f thc led to kill Romero тАЬwiih malice delermine he intended hen the big M aboul 1,500 were afraid whc тЦа mors hit, he - T - temblor and subsequent iremi :тАФ B o is e R e d C said. H I ^ HOURS: .... n T u x oid d co R e n ta ls se is lemponi'rjly closed l o ___тАФ^ ;!I-ihink.peoplc..bcforc_'|Vc ┬гd.Cross blood.ccnici in.BoLwj vcrc visibly__ I тЦа______ ^ ^ 3 l - _ ____ BO ISEтАФ -X htR cd. .v alla b lo ---- M a g l c - V a'al l l e y - Mon.-SaL-!Ul a p.m.---led ippcneil the W l upset by the ones lhal hap{ correct problems d ie d by federal inspectors. ' тАв , I Sun. 11-6 p.m. lah^Stalcsm an, ihe ccnter ^ 1 4 5 5 0 3 M a l l cumcnis obtained by TTie Idahi тАЬNow, talkI 7 3 4 * first go-around.тАЭ he '.said. тАЬI' According lo docun products in the past la n 18,000 uniLs o f blood aiidI blood b! and talking__| H __________ ing lo people on lhc stre d ai has recalled m ore lhan ildinghcrc, I J IтАФ тЦа to' people in Ihc officc'buil'c ^ four years. --------S ingle unit p u r c h a s e s 2 0 % off. ( sin ih c ria lc s.'w irp o tcn tia lly Jj 5s that (thc mostly in Idaho and three oUic they w ere trying to guess The blood, used mo ps and other defidencies. ^ oris bccausc o f testing foul-ups: unsafe for iransfusioris тАв afteishock) re^slcrcd.тАЩ* тЦб H O O D i, we cannot g u a r^ te c 1 0 0 id ccomcs from human beings, v, тАв ' "A s long a s blood Neely said. d Cross spokeswoman DonnaJ N perccnt safely.тАЭ Red C ~ ave contracted hepatitis or тАЭR c'd'C fc^ o flia ya s 's ' a y no onc is know lo hav< тАвus. from blood transfusions poj - HIV . the A IDS virus. problems. old the Boise ccnicr lo cor┬╗d and Last fall, Ihe Food a D rug AdminLstraiion told pmcnl maintenance o r f a r e _ in record-keeping and equipm rect 40 deficicndcs; in ican Red-Cross has voluniarily - d o su re.T h c Americai mply. 10 four weeks to comp >es 15-year-old1appeal i Court close; a ........ esme PORTGCOAT+ P>A N TSI^r o o m urder case ury considers m Moscow jui enter closes 1Gross blood cei ┬╗ tc ^0 ;000for^on 9 upie gets $50,0 Nampa con auction to raise money for na ^Nampa coupleтАЩs battle to NAM PA тАФ A n aui the original goal.,son raised $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 тАФ iwicc Ihc _______ kcep.lhciiiodopicd?pn :p Casey, Ihcir 4┬л-year-old a arc battling lo keep I Leland and Karla Swenson S' tiite woman and an Indian . adopted son. H e iss the it biological son ofV w hitc SQulh-Dakota-wanl Casey the'O galairS ioux Tribc in Sc ------ - Tather. M em bers o ff th . тАв /ation. raLwd on ihe rcservalii le packed inlo the Nampa Qivic vn Ccntcr Tuesday for an Aboul 450 people f 2 ,0 0 0 for a football autorated S50.000, .including $2,0 auction lhal generate incisco 49cr quarterback S tev/ee'Young. graphed by San F rand $3,000 and quilLs went for w ork brought $3; A w rlificate for oorthodondc r тЦа $600andS 800. sed should aboul o jv c r the___ - тАв тАФ Organizer M ike M M jadison said.thc money raiscc the case also.have agreed to Ils. Altomeys involved with the Sw ensons' legal bills, Jiw cul Ihcir fees, w hich v,ere overSlOO.OOO.' ___ - -1.----- ' co u rscs. N (o c a l c h c s . N o c l a.lu i s c s . N o i i n l e s s --ooll'f c o u r s c y o u c o u nn t U n i c s s of* t h i s w eek. h a v e l o c o n i c in th i ___________________ t h e f a c t l h a t y o u ---------- vitli stateтАФ ----:rship settles wi ^ a r d e^ er inlo a selUemcnt atiom ey generalтАЩs Qffice hass entered e B OISE тАФ T he ali< [ne. over a complaint allegime Ford-Linc?3hi-Mercury, Inc. with Mountain Home Law. lahoтАЩs Consumer Protection Lav , ing violations o f Idaht ny Violation b f law, agreed lip, while not ndmilling to any TTie car dealership, wHegftl-^Kpen sei -TliC' volтАФ : r ibufsem ent of iiiv┬╗ tie a t┬╗vfe M d -------------- tapay^SKXXHcinibu ict court conlaias language ent Tiled with distnct тАЩ unlaty com pliance; agreem aj Iging in improper octi and lain H ome Ford from engagir I prohibiting M ounlaii !n the complaint. "p n ic U c c s 'c o v e ^ iritl office said it received com nenilтАЩs c onw m er protection off TTie Qtlomcy gcnen im the dealership. Later, the e w ho purch"<ed vehides from : тАФ f a i n t s fm m p eoplgw for the vchidles! When' colmd demanded extra m oncyriof ' d ea lc r^ ip called and It Internal Revcnyp Servicc led. -the purchasers were sent I I lection efforts failed. jensation. тАв / had received addiiionni compen __' form s saying they had w jrc leporta i тАШ' fVwTi IH=. la n k o f A m e ric a '' ' ' , . '. I - - -A ;e ollsJdQ ho Tlmoo-Nowp. Tw in_^l[s, Friday. April 0 ,1 9 194 94 тАв-* ----- , ^ World Feportedu y - l = ^iiy barsтАЬAtrabs^roiir [Israel-тАФ goldieFS-i^ rcititering] i T i l l e c r aittef dealIth of preesidents тАФPremiei idin i '*! iiop^ n'Hi cd .iimoiiiie e d 'tnr4?tMtf^f iHit*┬╗ iwj тАШ.тАЭ 15f a 1ryT yтАФ i d f r l тАЩctcd тЦа тЦа ^FD ITA TTIsrae l (A P ) тДв >Vs-tIl'm iwi'fRi ihc security." and ctinlribule lo the i o f a car .calm lh(; situation sii licrcd Tliursday to bury the: viclimrf vi тАвIsraelis gatlicr Day ts April J.L J*L -.................... .................... from Isriicji Independence In lic 'amiy barred 1.8 million Palcjitiniaas Pal тЦа bombing, tlic : -support /o r Israel*. __ Itack.тАЩ5,'y,'hic}i underniiiied -sii[ closures- ' Tlie-atta that th e re a rc тАЩa -lo ro f-g u nis-in-n-lt)!s- cntcrine Israel oel for .1 w eek in one.of iui .strictest .sti leeniaking, spurred-calls I'or a suspension of________ . PLO peae. . ever t)f h a n d s a n d w e d o n тАЩ Il rc a ll.y nnr w iiin licr l тАЩLU tin ilici .wliir тЦаnieo^tierh r Itillows iwii mnn: nitncks by lst.iiiiLтАЭiuircl;i- iit;guil.iilt>ii k n o w w htK -is' g i v m g 'dH H U elS 'iU A'est Bank low n o f rom the G aza S trip .and W es n e in w hich an troops fro v h a t rea n ientalists oonr T hursday, including o nt sh o o l a t-w illi a n d fo r wli Jericho. ouu n d e d w hen a so n ," G ^ c y e said. Israe li w ass k illed an d fo u r w e re w.'o ir.i.-;iifi-s i<i bar Palestinians from frot Israel were iht;_____ тАФ H e -n ┬л u l-┬╗ l-w u sтАШiio t-cleu ;u r-i┬г -th e :----- Palestinian oopened p fire at a-bus-Ktopaojioi тЦа;|ncc'Mr!rch-tтАШW n v 'ti? u Jfrisr [r^vTfronrflicTcr^ SlruJrc-St'Slr f Isniei ti┬╗ be empty o f Aral' p r e s i d c ┬л i l a l g i f a r d s 'w/hi r o - k - n r - тАвтАФ ^ w i T p ir ftir ^ ;(T rommi-^sioDCiтАФiiu u x r iciwjtJOaWniigs:.-----;--------------u li;tc u -v u lтАФ тАФrj,ofj^ -unttl-l ii-lnticpeiidene┬л-I3ay.A.Colicc-iiitpped-thti-t'.iibineU m iniiit тАв^ T T ^ n m T in criT w erc a c iinn jg u n d e r fio rity o r 1-----------------------o r d e r s f r o m s o m e a u lfio w ere rogue elem ents. U .N . S e cre la ry -G e n e ra .1 l :B outros B ou tro s-G h ali e x p re sse d h ro r and p ro ftiu n d p e rso n a o v e r the d e a th s o f th e pre .Speaking w ith re p o rte rs in Sp тАЬ *тЦа N A IR O B I. K en y a ^ '/ u m . тЦаR im 'in a iтАЩ inK t r o d p s rree p o r t e d l y 1 тАв C [ p U A k ille d R w a n d a 's a c tfn y iinil th re e U.J^^ s o ld ic rs ' fiS h tin g 'Uiuclicd :d o( f f b y th e 1 Im m M r d e n t s o T " /<7vu il c i H h s " o f I h c p r c ssi'i i-in a susp.i| R w an d u iiiuJ B u ru n d i-in тЦа IM _ 'тЦа.... '> t R ep o rts fro m R w a n'd d a 'тАЩs 'c a p 'i ia i r ' K ig a li, w c r e .s k e t c h y at - n o t c le a r w h o w a s in v o h \ y -----.fiyhling. T h e c a p ita l in n eig h b o rтАвted q u ie l. \ . in g B u ru n d i w a s reportec lUNDi \ b URUI ilic v io le n c e in R wv aa rn d a b ro k e n t J u v e n a l , s o m iiM ^ ^ o u t a f le r P r e s id e n t * w aa n d a a n d i l a b y a r i n i a n a o f .R w P flr.rii> ; Iw tn ry ^ .m rrirn f \ P re s id e n t C v p riiin Ntar^ тАФ U .N . p e a c e k e e p e r s K titiru R U i d i e d l a t e W cc d n o ts d a y R w anda's- g o v e rn m e n t d c w h e n th e i r p la n e c r aI.sh s h cd w h ile m c c In te rn a tio n a le , c il- w y_,jhal c a u sed th e cra sh . j.rp o r t T h e , la n d in g a t K i g a l i 's air] n lif ic d d ip lo m a ts ,'s a id тЦаBelp,(nn 1-orcign M inistc " U w r u id a ii'тАШg n v e r n m o n l S y c ia l A ffairs M i n i s l c r тЦа _Ciae.v-called ^ , , J f - '- t a h o t . a n d [.S for a -strengliu J l ,- l l il l .' I N тАФ p k in K rw a s ^ liu tr d o w ji..' d*T<d;i!<lngvfirhaB-liccTTтАФ ^ihe OTN . тАвuuuiZ13nriirBwnni ''lU oiiitofS 'K aidthE ry-eouk r a i a - тАЩ-------~pTTTcnTTritm-tti--vHse-lUe-,xi ) p re sid e n ts, bolh I lu lu s. 11 I,, I I T h e iwci n ----------- m ntKKi;iTinT7-Tcacn7t ii tiitrn m n тЦаJt,-lf.i:.n tK-w s a g e n c y iTi тАШ.тАЬ " T - w e ┬л ' o n 'r t e p h o n e in B u r u n d i 's iti T a ;iz jr ti.i lli:il w a s w o u jd tik e to se e ueffflOT in K w a n d a lak e 'c M n iriS I _тЦа___ n u i e i a n d t h a t th e prc i c .c t h n i c h o s t i l i t i e s in* Kigali airport. тЦа d e a th w a s b e i n a re p o r: ta a t- w J n ;n , llw ir - p la iii : - тАФ 1 boenw uea c c id e n i. 'i'h c r e h a s be in R w anda in a blo o d less тЦа s p r e a d c lh n i c f ig h t i n gj i.int B u r u n d , I 's g o v e rn m e n t said th e j'lj 1973. re a c h e d a p e a c e ac , тАЮ . sin c c the n a lio n 's firslI H ulu p rc si/ a s - s h o t d o w n тАЭ w h ile ' A ugu.sl.w ilh th e тАвform er R d e n i w a s - k i l l e d during: [-.ndinE " bny; u n id e n tified ele m e n ts IтАЩa ifio lic ' F ro n t re b e ls, coi co u p last fall. ' is ta n c e s w h ic h a re s till m ainly o f T u tsi. But llie ct . U ilte r r i v a l r i e s bet> v a r io u s f a c tio n s h a v e f; m a jo rity H ulu and m in e id U .N . o ffic e rs, w h o arc a g re e o n a tr a n s itio n a l { ^Z.SOOTSoldier c g r o u p s h a v e m a d e b;)oth o t c e n t r a l ____ p e a ce k ee p - m enl. :th n ic b a llle . A fric an n a tio n s in lo ethi b r o u g h t j i i to m o n ito r T h e la t e s t a l l e n i p t c o g ro u n d s fo r d ec a d e s. R Rw w a n d a a lso ,h ^ H u tu - TTuu isl pcaciT accord, w ere Feb. 22 a fte r tw o polilicia sio n s am o n g h a s b een to rn by d iv isio c e ssjlo the w re c k a g e anti тАв a ssa ssin a te d . A n estim a te H u tu s o v e r a' p c a c e a c c o i d lh a I Jc o n f ir m w h e th e r ih e civ ilia n s d ie d in tw o y ears rm tenl sig n e d тЦа H a b y a rim a n a тАЩs g o v e rm Ijih o id o w n . ,'i anti n ea rly 1 m illio n w e;re n fo rc eu ------- -with T u tsi-re b c b -b st-yyear:--------------e i: w ; i тАЬn rin r^is c s ^ r c 'p o f le d h e a r i n g from Iheir hom es. :r / i v 7 E l V 1 In W a s h i n g t o n , , I h e a v y . w ec aa p o n s f i r e m o m e n ts r L A lth o u g h T u ts i m a k e; u' p o n iv C li n t o n s a i d R w a n dd aa s ┬╗ c l;n E b e f o r e Ihh e p r e s i d e n t i a l p la n e s popuL.. . ^ 15 p e rc e n t o f B u r u n d i's p rim e . m i n i s l e r . _____^ f [тАЬJ .- *;тАФ cr.t.shr i l , ,lh llici - S r c n c ii- E m b a s s y - in тАФ c_ c o u n iry ' ~ ! . t O тВм. "I u jn r H ie y ^ o n I r()lle c rtlic~ IS so U w itingiy am an a,'""w as s u g lil u u r - ^ - | l d. y,. until P re sid e n t M e lc h io r f t a n d m u rd e re d тАЭ by R wv aanr d an se e n lo i c le a r w h o . if a n y o n e. тАФ __ a H u tu тАФ w o n ih e r rily forces. tro l o f K igali. C . , w a s in c o n tr seek f ji r s l d e m o c r a t i c e l e c llio i n la s t U .N . s p o k e s m a n Joo e S ills sa id In te n s e g. g u n fire an d e x p lo s io n s June. u e e B e lg ia n in N e w Y o rk lh a l thrci a c r o s s th e c i t y . U .N . A f t e r th e a s s a s s i n aal,i o n o f U .N . s o ld ie rs w ere repc e p o rle d s la in jjpo)^cj;man in M o c ta r G u cy c rep o rt- N dadaye in O c to b e r, a n e; estim a te d тАв tH jO , in,K ijjali.._ T h ey . w e rec aтАШW = n тАШly upht^nc early in ih c d a y ,тАФ ith n ic v io ^ -1: ^ ^ -in n ;n o rT p e o p ie -d ie d i┬╗ eti! a b d u c te d by m e. m nib e rs of ,a i d that hat th ere w ere re p o rls o f _ ,le n c c _ a n tl,J ,m illio n fledd to o lh e r ' ......... R w a n d a 's - p r c s i d c n"lti. " * - 8 \тАШ*тАШ.r<l- hou.sc-loMтАвhico u se k illin g s a n d th a t : n a t i o n s . " N 'la r y a m ir a . j3 9 . w a s i n d m in is a lo n g w ith th re e C a b ir тАЩs s t r e e t s w e r e e m p ty e le c te d p r e s id e n t by- Bu B u r u n d iтАЩs n c o n fifm e d l e r s . T h e r e w e r e unC' >r s m a ll, q u ic k - m o v in g N atio n al A sse m b ly in Jai ian u a ry ~as rc p o rls -o f-o th c r-U rN T Tr~^Tnhir~a~rn>yd~AVlThтАФ j jm issin g , b ills siuO. a n d clubs. c iv ilia n 'g t) v e r n m e n l. Tl r h e T u ls i A p t m in is , T h e w h e re a b o u ts o. rf the t a s w c can s e e ,'it seem s slill d o m in ate the arm y. l e r s r e m a i n e d u n ki n co w n . B u t тАФ 'HIp le o n c e : v th fir n ttg e ah yfbr 'a 'xftan} enHtTif.^The O ut u td o IB B IM B o fr ^ ^ m S I m jK M c e r lu u r ~ ^ B K vi┬лg~SBettorris-ce eso u rce be tt va lu able res everuon e~ffbtn <i se w h o mrselfers to those fe s s io n sk help from profei i┬╗ w i t h s. W e'll help you ie a s o n formation and ide )K a n g e ~ . iw~io maKe th a t cKi G H B | | | S p e c ia l Watch for this Sj x t ion-ir r thir Thur aril 1 4 th issu e oof ' I h e mes-News. Tim ^aejFtheori[l^s increasise^inMexdco & n s p i r a M ario*A burlo M artriiez ,;тАЬg } cl c lo se тЦа deiail; dislracl h is . W ci M E X IC O C IT Y (A P ) тАФ in C o io sio тАЩs ssecurity fatal shot. ei i s m i r r h a b it : тАФs u a r d s - itnid d - h c lp th e I rig g c r-m a n ,-. enough-for-thc M exico; political cynicisn dcnlial candiTlic m u rd er o f prcsider losio h as only dale Luis Donaldo Colosi o n the s tre e t d e e p e n e d s u s p ic io n s on lhal unseen hands arc m m;anipulating politics, the p olice andd llthe liv c s-o f _____ human bein g s.* _______ , M exico's- ru lin g p airiy rty , ih e PR I; through has held pow er for 65 years yc: populism , and a blcnd,of.patronagc.-pop тЦа' rVli.AlwJlll.\ .iiu .11 q u iek tff* spiracies. . . тАв believe in )>olilical eonspii ^ R i g h t l y o r w r o n gg lly , m a n y M e x ic a n s b e lie v e lhlaa t P r e s id e n i ' C arlo s S a lin a s dc C oirtari rta a c tu a lly iial e le c tio n . ' Sizes 4 - 7 losl the 1988 prcsid cnnii: j He w as declared the w/inner inr тАФ afler Black. In d itio &: SStto n o w o o d _______________ ................ ^ a c o m p u te r b re a k d o wwn n тАФ w ilh a bare,m ajority. (]ujck w iakc_ i_____ ______________ ...... ._ M cxican s_ arc also _quJ Sizes 8 - 1 4 ------ ---------------- a n y s ig n o f o ffic ia l ccoorrru p tio n o r тЦа" Black: lndtgn\H^-Bl rB ic .ic h -- ------------------ тАФ confirm ation unexplain ed d e a th s 'a s; cc: steim i t s e l f is th a t th e p o litic a l sy stc untrustw orthy. STUDENT _. S a lin a s h a s tr ie d lo s h o r e u p IndiKQ. Black. DDark ar G re e n . Slonew ash -im age by fir^ fl^W I M exicoтАЩs sagging self-im ing co rru p j o r fra u d ulen k n lly c le c ltd ________тАЬ n 'e c o n c m i c тАЭ ^тАФ3 ~ ~ ~govcrhors. b y ' cn d in g 'aan rg"juiiiliiyтАЬth e ~~i IDSI! --------- тАФ R U C rS E L E C T ID r S b b 's + Baggy 5 8 0 's N o r th A m e r ic a n F nre e T r a d e Agreem ent. O ld -s ty le p o litic iain n s arc b e in g re p la c e d a l to p le v e;|s ls by y o u n g , crats although w ell-edu cated lechnocrai in ia p o l itic a l ___ th e o ld g u a r d re m a in ----- forcc.----------------- тАФ m pp lis h m e n ts T B ut th o s e a cco m ||H f h a v e n 't a l l a y e d c y nl iicc i s m a b o u t C oIosioZ i-U w tht_.^___ Policc_have' na'mc_d тЦа ^ v cirin d lv ld ;----------- 1------- тЦа d e f тАФ includтАШI uals in C o lo sio 's m urder тАв ' > ' . in g a f a c i o r / w o r k e rr,, a: o n e -tim e тЦа O rigin.il B uH onT lyтАФ -----------lard and th ree n ig h tc lu b s e c u rity guarc g тЦа fo rm e r p o lic c o f f ic e:rs r s ,. T h e y , s a y m ore people w ere involve )lvcd. fi 1 ' M an y M e x ic a n s s u s fp e c t c s ta b n s ta n iO ld ________ Io_ O unon Fly - B lack & ln< the Jished trolitical g roups,. including in r bbehind those тЦа тАФgovcjrnmcnt ilsclf, w ere . arrested. ' тАЩ тЦатЦа * - тАЬr.tliin k lt- w a s the ggoo v e rn m e n t;''^li, B taclC B lM C liod. O liv e Z ip p e r Fly - Slonew 'ash; s a id P e d r o C h a v e z , o w n e r o f a ___ . тЦа ' ' d o w n to w n n e w s s ta nndd, . '^ T h c r e 's hind th is.тАЭ 1 som ethin g very b ig bchin lowerful p o litiтАЩ тАЬT here arc a lot o f pow ┬╗ . S37.99 ┬лggZ ip p e r Fly ; S lonew ash, B lack osio wa.s talkcal ijnicrcsls. and Colosii тЦа in g to o m u c h a b o u tt dd e m o c r a t i c . JlIbaC -didn'L . 1 rcfo im s," Q ia v e z s a idL.il suit Ihem ."' _______ , - . тАв ._________ lo_ Baggy Fit - P leated T he sev en m en namled ed by authorir тЦа ' тАв l a u l h c sniJ.____________ тЦа тАЬ " I tтАЩs m uch b ig g er lhanI thal.тАЭ th: . . . 1 lis R iv era.said 1 B ank clerk Jo se L u is : - S'Sll'S. S f.o'S & SILVER R TABS________ '┬░ C o lo s io w a s p ro m is in g . to o m any 0 0 m an y encc h a n g e s, an d m ade loo i c oo тАЩs r u lin g m ic s w i l h in M e x ic Inary Party, or ^ -O v e r la n d тАФ _ _ lostitutio n al Revolulidnai B U R L E V - 1263-C 25 Mafii Al┬╗e. W. T W IN F A L L S - 125 PRI. p J lL T f K L S l I X d r e l L . . тАЬO ith S a lin a s,тАЭ_____________JR U P E R T , _ -тАШтАвJJe.w n s b rc n k in g w it ---------l tf r & m r tt r S ti ----------S t f t W h a V e b e e n ^ I тАФ :тАФ RTvcraтАЬ s a io . " l i t o u l d rdered il." S alinas h im se lf w ho ordei tig a lo t-s sa y G o v c r n m e n l i n v e s tij тАФ th e r e ~ 'w a s j p l o m c r - тАв тАв IE l P P 7 I BSSlSA ~M_JVA ^ ANS 5 5 0 JEil % m ANS________ 5 5 0 JEA 2 ^ 5 5 0 & 5┬г 6 0 JEANS d e n iw FiSHORTS-iMK s " S h r in k - to - JEANS MK JEANS,^^ J ^ S S I 5 0 1 PRE-SHRUM I - R eelax ed i F it W SS3 5 5 0 I JEANS i iiose F it - Lo< V iytil 5 6 0 тАв JEANS J SILVER TAB┬╗ ┬л A N S 5 6 0 I1 DENIM SHOORfS^ ) . , ^ тЦа- m IcVialleyf i s c o na p a i i jV m o Y ^' e s t o .'Jf w i n IF a l l s -IflPOUIIm l 4 P l a s t i Ic J h e v aa lle y B y S can L . M cCarthy. Tim es-N ew s w riter ,_XW IN_FALLS - RolLqut o u tjlie .rc d ,^ rp c U ^ тАШ but m ake sure itтАЩs p lastic and 100 percent reS S 9 S ~ I \ - - cyclablc.--. - - '. V . lu rt re le a s e s ' 13y rhld-M uy.'the Tw ini-Falls' Fj area .will be ' ets (U.S.A.) Limit- ^ 9 | H home to Plastic Slip Sheets ed , an in te m a lio n al rhanufi nufaclurcr of, yes. plastic slip sheets. ' . fw in Falls man was rcI 1 , S A L M O N - A Twi vide an alternative P lastic slip sheets providi pending a May leased on S I00.0000 bond b traditional wooden form o f slacking to the irat o f first-degree 17 arraignm ent on a charge c! pallets used for w arehousecSlorngc. SI arch 23 slaying o f his | I m urd er fo r th e Marc! )ss ;said the compaV icc President Bob Ross ! business partner. actn ring-operatiuu.^ [j S M T;kc:np aTigh.-5-2r T y -a c ^ -------; ! Jon M leh acl I'uuki from D enver lo T w in Falls. J ie n B. S w afford, 42, Is. B gW M cused o f k illin g ' Alie will-bc-w orking-inтАФ A b o u t 20 em ployees will ! also o f T w in Falls,>. aaH cr an argum ent at ihw csl C rane R ig * '~ flB lB B 'jheic.cam p sitc.aIom n g the Salm on R iv e r. - тАФ the wcfil e n d -o f-th e Northw lg on Addison Av:sL(o fS h o u p .:_ ._____ _____ __g in g jm d Storage building c about four m iles w est _ J ock C reek Canyon. _ __ _ ei pue W est, j ust west o┬гRock : тАв_ S w a f f o r d d i e d -.oo f a s iiiK lc .t-u n sh o t i wouiuUcLlhgJhtfslтАФ VC |personnel, how- I m W ' Sales and adm inistrative l>e<ircd Tliursday before ! Peckcnpaugii appoai w fo H lie -jlrst-y ea rтАФ '--------------L rcm h rC o u m y rM nagis g i tra tg -Fi ed ' Siiuo k;тАФ ^тАФ i jound over for trial be- ' o f the transition, h e said. w ho ordered him bou: ialy u 9ed4^-WflstioтАФ n r a n c r t f i m l O T r ------------ --[^o'ss ^ i d : тАЩ -------------irl'ja---v tti'at'TO K c^ll ^uIjg ir S --------- " тАЬ T K e T T a le lis K c1n T itinl'lan d tlll w a s tir" [DOo,тАЬ bursnooic saio nc* тАФ тАЬтАв^Wc nrcтАЩtolcfri'g 75010111101 -------r p"'bond be sct-afS5075W p roducls,"'he said, тАв nnd turning it into new proi st and set the bond at rejcctcd the request i Ually friendly and ' -J.", " I t's a very environm ental: 5 1 0 0,000. H e saidJ P eckenpaugh p osted тАв conscious program .тАЭ y тАЩs hearing and was rc______ j9 _____ 1. . . . . __ bond arter TlmrsduyтАЩs ill'w a n t to wof); тАв P la s tic S lip 'S h e e is wvill leased................... ased A m erican Rejointly w ilh T w in Falls-basci and Sw affordтАЩs Peckenpaugh, Swvaftord af and more efilcient cycling to m ake it easier anc g irlfrie n d , V ic k ie: A . Pullm an o f T w in x y clc their malcrifor local businesses to recyc :o sot Falls, had planned to si up a h ot dog stand liv e r at Halfway Gulch als, R oss said. along the Salm on Riv( t cornerstone in the- ^ S S u "W c w ould like to be a co to feed fishermen. aho-Oregon-W ashrecycling cfTorts in the Idaho ington area," h e said. )hone trucks Mutual Telephi amict for the 1993The com pany has a conmi filer office stolen from Filf 94 fis c a l y e air w ith J.RL. S im p lo t C o. o f ; --------------- F I L E R - " B r c a teirrbrcakcrrone-nine'.*тАЩ cl B oise, he saiB. Those w ords on their the fieet radio alerted ;ram w ith Simplot, In a 2>4-year pilot prograr )hone Co. ofilcials that Filer M yiual Tclcphoi Sim plot 1.47 milPlastic Slip Sheeui sent Sii som ething w as w rong n g 'Tliursday afternoon, is, and Sim plot relion pounds o f slip sheets, i e y learn ed o n e o f the - -тАФ A ro u n d 2 :4 5 Ihey for recyturned 300,000 pounds ooff plastic f :rv ice trucks had been c o m p an y тАЩs fo u r servi f cling, he said. > тАв -!V 1 M anager John Gunn, stolen, said G eneral allows the compaLocating in Tw in Falls all , ANOYARENZm** TVn┬╗┬╗.Nn┬╗┬╗ ily was seen throughout The truck evidently w ilh other ny to p u rsu e s im ila r c o ntracls n tr Ic S lip S h e e t s w ill m a nlu u lf a c t u r e i t s a lte r n a t i v e tt<o th o w o o d e n p a lle t In1 1t h i s A d d is o n A v e n u eI W ie s t b i/lld in g un* P l a s tic with the ihieves the area ailer being; stolen, sto food industries, he said. some o fth e m ick 's conlosing o r dum ping son)ise ,fpLre.cruiirnent d e r r e r __________ ____ ____T w j ^ F a l l s ^ a t out Boise on csтАЭa n d a * c lip b o n rd ; .......... .......Tcnts'тАЬ la d d c rs ; conc said Dave o f P lastic Slip S h eets to) Idaho, id Stales has only a lumd;ilcs Tliough the U nited1 Stu :ompany secs annual gross s;ilc lems were found soullilional, T hat trusion, the com Gunn said. T hose ileir conom ic develop- g o t (in1 тАЩT w in Falls) w as cxccptiot M cA lin d in , th e c ity 's ecor ;el imanufacturers, Ro.ss annually, Ross said, _ ful o f plaslic slip shcel ,mated Sugar Co. facloupward o f 52; million mi cast o f the Am algam a deciding factor.тАЭ w as a de m a it director. lain com pelilion comes lion said the industry's main my also takes in almost 5 millio H astic S lip The company f c n tly k n o w n a s b o th Pla: ry, he said. C u rre ' " W c w e re lo o k in g a t b o lh B o ise an d .......... .......... cost $24 000 in 19H9.mcrican-ExтАФ pounds4>fcte^d . (U.S.A,)U m ittfd-antUs-Am c ___________The m ick..w hich1 cc . Twin,тАЭ RQ8s . 6.ii< I^ U h i 9 ku] phi behind the compn'^ __ _________was taken from ripht Main St., he s a id . n y 's o n iccs at 405 Ma; "breaker, breaker, oneAfter li)jaring the: "b the thief, or niije" chatter, Gunnn assumed a thieves, were juveniles iles. / B y .William B ro ck ___ ___ tl . - He disconnected J Ucellular phone in t l i e -- ~ T im t┬╗ -N e w s w riter . could not m ake calls on van so the thieves cou reported finding a ccllu-V, " 'it.'SH erifTdeputies rcpt lal companyтАЩs work ' . ' . TW IN FALLS - A canal i ly afternoon, but G unn .. la r phone T h u rsday a тАФ ia never done..--------=-----------cr iiit came from the van: - ' was not sure wftetljcr ivin Falls Canal Co, ' .v Over the winter, the Twin тАв U~'~ тЦа spent about 5780,000 dollars lars on safety, cnvi^-------- :--------------------ighborhood Rogerson NeigI m provem ents-to-its- -rrrr-тАФ тЦа - ronm enial and delivery impi ng~tonight Watch meeting system. Tlie w eather was mild mi and company " , B y R aym ond D . M VicAlpin e/ Milner Dam all tlie employees w ere busy from1 M residents тАв ROGERSON -iRRogcrson-area oi espondent__________________ _ kl _ Tim cs-N ew s correspc >rilirtg-tt>-pQmpfln^ lip n N o ig h h n rh n n H _______w ny in rnstltrfnrH .тАЩ nrcordi _________in ┬л:i┬╗lling-j M anager Vince Albcrdi. iviied to a mccling at 7 W atch group arc invil nslniclion detay.s on ' HAILEY ^ Conslr ilishm enls, A lbcrdi r P roud o f th eir accom plisi toniglit. iftlfl Itfd 0 T hu redayтЦатАФ ond-othcM onipany-efB ┬л┬лl& ---------* s-pl┬лe-in-ther6rti-4og------тАФ тАвones so far. provides water for '. tour'O f the system, w hich1 pr almon Dam Tload, said , cabin church o n Salm тЦа D riv e rs u s in g : Id Id;a h o 75 th ro u g h illey cropland. 202,000 ncrcs o f Magic Valle; S g t. B ill M c D a n ie l o f th e T w in F a lls iheerm s e lv c s fo r th e y H a ile y b r a c e d th A m ong the higlilighis: epartmcnt. County ShCfifTs Depa struction began this ^ w orst w hen co n stru canal has been re- .тАФ тАв 41 m iles o f m ainline: cn sidenls arc inviled to a H olljstcriarea rcsidi rall > d riv e rs sa id the w ee k . B u t se v e ra iciency. Rocks were shaped for better flow cfTlciei similor m eeting at 7 pp.m, April 19 at Holonly a m inor.incon- . ___ ^ _ construction w as o'nl iks were shorcdjip^- saBBsechnol. ------------------- тАФ__rem oved and eroding banks .lister Elcm fntory.Scho Kt venience. ilong the main canal Several m iles o f dirt road alor 'csidenis interested in a M urtaugh-arca resi( through here every Y "1 tlonтАЩt d riv e th r ved. тАв.. itch group will m eet at тАв тАвтАв-banks has also been improved N eighborhood W atch jgh to gel a sense o f day. but it's enough ty. Ipre-cast concrclc тАв Dozens o f high-quality, lyHall, 7:30 A pril 13 at City h so C le m e n ts, w ho tr a f fic .тАЭ sa id Jaso n __VhcadbcxcsтАЭ h aycbccnji^ialj >talled to deliver wa- ' - - com niulcs from C'nre arcy -at least iw icc a тАФ ------farmersтАЩ fields. " * ^ ler from lateral canals into fan _____ Hailey shop rai raises money 1:тАФ - тАФ w c e k .-" lf this- is as ro u g h as ifg c is , тАв -Several lateral canals and hcadboxcs have _ ii'.ll be a p iccc o fccake." ak limal shelter to support anin ay ffrom roads. As a Vj been relocated farther away on. scheduled lo end тАФJ jThe conslruciion. in ruvhat is being touted as result, a pair o f flood-pronec intersections in H A IL E Y - In wha wnjjAM aROCK/Th* ncnM-NM w il ill w id en m osl o f by la te A u g u s t,тАШw ValleyтАЩs Thrift Store o f the тАЬW ood R iv er Val ral areas should be safer. )ur 1lanes. It w ill also M ain Street to four l i s t e n s a s M a rty G e r g o n 1., th e 9 0 s ,тАЭ th e lo c a l a n im a l s h e l t e r тАЩs icttling ponds have T w in F a lls C a n a l C o . Ma n a gjee rr V in c e A lb o rd J, lo ft, llsl _тАв A trio o f sediroent setti an c 'b c rw c c n -M y n le ----------- ^ ------тАФ irrc lu d c a 'T u m тАЩ la nc' a s tleford.^ тАв a 'p 6 I n tT h u r ┬л c I a y n 'ea Y C a ,------- тАФ тАЬ N dm o n Barkus"-opct jpcns-today:------------------- --- 'тЦа тАвairs, lTieтАЩpc>nds, lo- c o m piaa n y o n g ln o o r , m a k e s a'p " b e e n built west o f Tw in Fall* th lo Silreel on the north Ic A irport W ay on - .....Ills not-fl.pcL5torc._ c._________________________ ' тАФ cnted-on-privQie land,-arer a 1coopcrativc'vcn-...... id itio a before the irrigation sc. seathe south, indcrgiuand in prim e condit 'c fuel that seeped from iind T h e d o w ntow n H Haailey shop at 111 N. tu re b c tw e e n th e c a n al co m pany an d the rem ove gear. Several backhocs weree in [Hailey residentt D Diiana Drussel said :ompany has son hits high1 gc over the years, the cotr storagec tanks t Ilecting donated g oods M ain S tr e e t'is collec landowner.l u r ^ y , cleaning and straightei vait in traffic b ut was tenslie cxpecled to wait bacteria to operation Thurs aboul 550,000 for hungryтАЩ bi from local residentss to raise money for tlic installed COimprove S J l >-up4oos┬╗.ftwl;J .тЩж Tw o weirs have been insi E ltcw hrrc, trnrlnrs u.r.: i:cic------- impr┬лfw┬лd-flt-how-w iW-M┬лJl-┬лh┬╗-constRJo-'------ :тАФ lavo-alroodyтАФ iog4atcr a I< aoalt.^ ana lh┬л-tank6-hav --------------^Animal-ShultoF^тАФ ^ atcr in lateral canals, accuracy for m easuring water iller canals wilh sturdy iriangul; scouring smallei ular lion w as organized. :d. ............... cmovcd. llin g collectibles; sportThe shelter is sellin T he w eirs a re essentiallyy lilow dam s in Ihe ve jgot th in g s p rcity i"I think th e y тАЩve mcrcte headplows. )ther improvement is that conci arcs and clothing. Resiing goods, houseware: f canals. Falls Canal Co. has about 80 f\il ol. T hey arc m oving hillwell under control. - are The T win Fall pl boxes - which used to be cast inI placc cs th ┬╗ _________d ents o r b u sin esses I at w ant to d o n ate cea-and anotlier dozen-seoMn >nal along at a pretty good goo clip ," she said, let-for-getlmg-work- nowrbdi ihop.-The re*тАФtimc-cmployccjj ------- ^ T his-w ar a good-winlet^! d n g pie-casfat'thc central sho] store al 726-6738 or item s m ay call tbee si said. "I w as plca-santly surprised." su r cltcr quality, employees, Ailtcrdi llx was an open w inter sultant: hcadboxcs, h done,тАЭ A lbcrdi said. "It was which ^ o f bcltc lie ja pick up. 788-4236 to schedule le network o f canals in goodI rfC" ;he state Transportails 1to deliver Keeping the r lA ccording to the : and w ? got a lot done.тАЭ m installed on lateral canals are then the ative because urban sprawl is i ,in-ii tii>n D epartm ent, the m ost disruptive cholders. pair is impcrativ for individual company sharehc m provem cnts took water foi ___ S o m e o f th e w in te r impi !s 1registration_____ - S e x offendet-тАЩs -com pany's potential:liability-i ruclion-w ill b c sto rm - --тАФ ; y-iHj --p arta-o f-th e ^ o n stru cl imfpany-cm-тАФcreasing Oie-coi w rh l^ liriria m lc ^ FarтАЭTftronrcaslng-off.-canal-com p lncc-at lhc com panyтАЩs TTw poned for week . nancc shop and yard. at 401 i-floodrhesaid:----------------------- 'тЦа sii'^er placem ent aiid arid w o rk on gutters, hearing'postpo ; thc system- the_evcntofa-flo :s are_still bustljng to hayc-^ iOI 6ih Avc,_W..To: _ployecs' ' . a ir b s and sidew alks. lip . ^ ..... -Tlic prelim inary hcar. T W IN 'FA L L S -- n iHcmale construclion J jW orkers will aller тАЩcd with failing to regis- тАв ing for a m an charged .lain ' 0 ^ cach side o f M air Street lo rcducc ler has been postponed , ter ns a sex ofTender an d busincssthe disriiption to trafTic traf for 0 week, :x p cctin g m an u factu rin g p a r s a i d L a r r y C o p e , p r e s i d e n t co f C l e a r es th a t a re exp B y M ic k N o n n in g to o Fifth D istrict Mlag ag istralc B arry W ood a rg e g o o d s. T h o se item s ai a n d o th e r larg g s F o o d s in B uhl, S prings ivcr. M ain Street will T im c s-N c w s w rite r io*^n ' W hen it is all over, in g Thursday after say' continued the hearing I ly s h ip p e d th r o u g h u n io ic v a l l e y 's t r a d i t i o n a l l y Id a hhio f o o d p r o d u c e r s , th e le w tr e e s , b e n ch e s, alpo sp o rt 2 80 ne K cpt a docum ent tliat a ing he could n o t occc| m ss, C ope soid. _ ____ th e ir tru c k in g firm si s t c m p lo y c rs .- g c n c ra lly' Ship ~(Z b ik e r a c k s a n d;-ddee c o r a liv e - s tr c e l deputy prosecuting nl*' ------- T-W4N t F A L L S тАФ M a g iic -V n llc y -b u s iтАФ b ig g e;si Twin Fnlls C ounty' dc t-F tm c .n "t ^ 6ds~has. sh ip p ir e ip e n d e ai-:тАФ U n iv c rsa l-F тЦа n e s s e s a r e n 't fe e lin g mnuc uch im p a c t fro m f o o d p r o d u c t s t h r o u g h 'i n ddc Street face lift is part J? lights. The M ain Strc nit iQs ovidencc. -тАФ tom ey tried to submit : -W th a -s m a ll-g ro u p o f loc: in g s F o o d s a g r e e m e n ts ^ ;crs th e n a tio n w id e -T e a m ste rs strik e , n o w in tru c k e rrs , h e -sa id .- C le a r Sprinj; M Im provem ent Diskvns supplied byvNorth T he d ocum ent wns тАвted ┬о u tru c k c rs a n d is unafTectc ihips m a n y o f its g o o d s on its o w n in d e p e n d e n t t d u stry e x e c u tiv e s also sh: leration w ith th e Idaits fo u r th d a y , a re a indus тАЩ trict done in coopcra Dakota officials as! pprro o f o f Steven Keith so fa r. s a id1 S am L o w m a n , U n iv e r|ial tru ck s. 5. ent. say. ho T ransportation1 Departm Dt ShoupтАЩs convictiona fo fc r тАЬgrosft sexual imr T h e; 5strik e sh o u ld ,o n ly affc c:tt b\ u sin e ss" W c d o n 't se e m to b ec fe ft elin g it a t a ll,'тАЩ P le a s e S 0 8 S T R IK E /B I тАв late. D eputy Prosecutor ' position" in thnt siate id. John Lothspeich Mid. )nkota docum ent h ad a Bill the N orth Dak n b e r fri>m o th e r docudifferen t cnsc numbc ! _____ f rn mT in Hi tn frw d w ira rg p flrta --------ring pQbtlc laiid;┬╗ llir tJiv iic.\ - t v e r y o nle e W h o U iiiTCPfisrca m se eir l i * O llice, ^ tcr_to тАЬth tl ^ S h o s h o n e U is tn c t bILM B y M ichacl HofTerbcr c o m m e n t p ^ riod'on ihc^ ndi- тЦа A 90-day public con ike this happen, either as ind sting a land transfer to theC ccity b e in- som ething like cnt ^ suggcsti T im cs-N cw s correspondent icgnn A pril I and c loscs Iters B ennett Hills plan bcgn IS ggroups, ought to w rite lettc eludedJ in i its m anagem ent plan for the Ben- viduals o r as kept J u l y l . asking that the option be kc to the B L MLas [ills R esource A rea. . ounded b y federal nett Hill S H O S H O N E - S u rroun "C ouldnтАЩt w c ju sitt ask ai fo r all th e public ive a sin g le opcn .".h esalid. id . n c o ln 'C o u n ty d o e sn тАЩt have ne plans to ask the тАЬ Line land, th e city o f S hoshone unty?" suggested coun' )cn- land in Lincoln Count] m sfers arc included in the Be I f land transl Ition site,тАЭ H aught said, m ent to give it land rccrcatii B ureau o f L w d M anagcmci en.h e y cilm an Joe Andreasen.lan n ow in d ra ft fo rm , lh< B2 urse o r som e other тАЬ A g o l f c o u r s e c o u ld s tre nngg th e n th e n e tt H iils p la O b itu a rie s fo r a m unicipal g o lf cours< e, a " It m ay ta k e th a t m uch to build a g o lf cted u p o n so o n . O thC jw ise, 'be e v en D i- c o u ld b e nctei m y o f Shoshone, and m aybe econom тАФ B3-------_____ тАв Mini-C a s s ia ' o ncd. ' VC. coursc,тАЭ H aught retonc Id ttake m any yeors to approve said.-A- site тАв transfer could тАФ C o u n c ilm aHnaught - K c n nraised ^ Ht the etrich aand R ichfieldiV 'H aught sat s, tl the council en d orsed ' In oth er busin ess, igem ent pla n is designed toI ddc^ronriate. h e T he manage) ^__ ; ____L fig l s l a t l v g l o g r i t y PrtVnrtl__snuthw t T .:r. .. te rm ln c la nId d u^ se o n th e rc so u rc c jire a тЦаI'eed to'w rite n 'lc tsaid. тЦа m celing. Tlie^colincirngi'ee P le a s e s e e G O L F /B 2 ' ^ p ia тАв B u s in e s s ^> ^ тАФ B 4 ------- тАЩ- T o r ---------------------- ^тАФ ; Salmon cdui 00,000 bond man on $101 | Canal ccompanly leads5tour off repairsI] IlaiiileyтАЩs p i "^roacl \work ayed dela] LOtyet fellIt in M ag Valley Truckerrstnke IW c Shoshonlie eyes tlraiisfer cofB L M iacreage]for golf course IS____L l_ i L Z : Z 0 -2 14 ifa, Idaho тАв Friday. Aptll 0, 1994 T imo5-N ow 5,Tw lnFQ lf3,1 Aeti-ga}lyinitlatiive coorddlnator ssays spe┬гakermo]orally soift I GOPPbid ::::_tiinL mtics=^ semai ?hen they realize w hal fe w o< p tio n s u n d e r fed era l reegj u laтАвts lo put pie s u p p o rt il whe Roberts has led local efforts at a n e w s c o n f e r e n c e Ri Idaho Citi* s to re , s a id al ULACKTO O T тАФ T he; ici )ns in p ro v id in g M cdicaid f tions il is,тАЭ he .siiid. IC rm easure on ihc ballot.. тАЬ C urrently* w e 're nol the Idaho coo r- W ed n esd ay ,. "i zcns A llia n c e тАЩs caslcrn Ida said Sim pson has nol forr abortions, at ;n 's sole Robcrt.s also sai Il m av not be the cam paign тАвwtill-n o t-lw тАФ<v>ing-icpre;ien ;cnicd-4i-all-aLJili:'_5!Ll!e_-_lL ------d ln n m r s a ^'.тАЩTpa >- right5-w 0 oppose ld a litr?rusc ^O irT 11' )th< rri!;5uc5rR obcns p n m p io n :* -. don(i.xiiuusli_lgL┬г ......... focn ' ' ilid lo upsin level:" thu m ajor ii>suc in niv IтАЩ.id illy cul______ mpwn^K-cffori_la_draiiiiiiicalJj no^ney io r aborltnTtir: S im p c initiao f'M c d ic a id moi iltspoken opposition lo the 3 1, filed la s t w ec k 'to ; oilts ichaci S i m p ' 'R o b e r t s , 31 Idaho Hou-sc Speaker Miclii' operty taxes by requiring the ted the speaker 's opprope lallentie. A nd he criticizcd wblk-H┬л-j>fiтАФ ctiuUfengo-.'vimj ' Mill"nt' liic" im d'nltT ratJllirschoot-T ipw i'9*Jirb'illтАЬV etpe'cnsy тАв io Tfill rttc rs in posm t^ri to.a" i*)' son. iL B lackfoot d e n tisi,'' AiLnd n d h e p r e d ic te d m o st vrtt .тАФ - n ijry^ Simpson iiiary. iSlS. )V. Cccil A ndnis. lhat costs, Jutie an d-B ingham co u n ticcss agree D em ocratic tiov. llipson a lso is c o n ip le linng g iiis 'fifth le g isla tiv e Butt d o n e.тАЭ- ; " BOISEX AP)) тАФ T he R cpubli-, ___ _ . . Juhii Kut}cns.:>uiij S im p " I t 's th e b e s t Illing h e тАЩs du "H -тАв w o u ld h a v e 'e rre r e atcd th e n a t i o n 's two-iem^ Dem o; Its b e e n H ouse sp ea k e r wтАвтЦаilh ith hisтАЩposition.can b id tg'ou'sl[ tw< noral issues, - t e r m . H e has - hus hccii Mift-on o th e r mor; said. _ _ тАв _ _________ anli-aborlion law. '__ R pjb'crts bi _тАЩni lierc. m ost restrictive: ar " llтАЩs one o f the rea.sons IтАЩn r cs:s s m u n - L a r r y ------------cl n wiMild be sin cc 1992. tjnd his icgislalivc d istrici Dushcd ' C o n g rc But lie'a lso said Sim pson pu e. to see a m bvem eni , Bui "1 w ould like.t .ippi.i:.-i^hi-_lii:ihti r.iti- nlO o d<o u b t.тАЭ R o b e rts s a id . " I n my tu rned lo sem an- ____ _ LaR occo has turn тАвthc~L cgiiili i ' ' тЦа SinipwHWipj M) I w h icl>-AvaW.^ppfo vc d .b : viJl Oe a u) g e t th a l'u ijcC T; nrrt crf~Tip"tt^ t n r* ~ t Ime4)ill, loor-to-door cam paign, ii wi; :c teffort lo put an inilia- doof Jer. -zens A lliancc - tiiroтАЩs tiKisi.powerful leader. ilv hergislature th is year, prim aril) Legi.s Roberts said. irong issue to hil.liim on.", o тАЩs N ovem ber ballpt lhal slror lo bc тАвtivc'^on Idaho's F o r m e r G OPP Lt. ^ G ov. David .тАв. ,"I w ant m ilhing m ore: than th use it is an_ciection y ear an id' thj: 1990 a b o rtio n causc S im p so n ,sa id тЦаSim l i it l l ic ~extenst6tl~orcivil Si pson'L m ot-so^urc. . . - . t 7 ''R o l ^ l i sT~ w ould prbluliil тАв L e r o y T h u rs rs d id a y a c 9 u se d niVyi)TccLuGniLOiM rict.;i; icw-AndniSAVoiild vf.tn it___L d ; flnd-4hтАШp-*uto.haK- knew in k '-ih cm ajo rityro -t f- p e o - - b ilf - w its n n w cfd; :iion tcriiomoscxuals. тАФ - - тАвтАвrdon'rth -j in c ltf d iiig 'тАЬ nTts^ ^ _______ _;_LaK o^co ok incl tc le p jjo n c rights-proteciio ' w ho o w n s a B la c k fo o t Ic p u s tu iiiig S la te * ' - - . ^ тАЬ le'ffdlng-ond '-pus DisтАФ -------тАв - m entsтАЩ -in-a.m lailing-to-lRt ailii 'C trict residents on the availabilicd incom e credit ty o i the earned I incom e taxes for against federalI inc 52,0(M) valid signatures arce jgathcrious crim e and one If 5 saying d ophilia is a serii ds. Jones and M iller have, is op riaie, tliey тАЩre w ron^. Ms. lahoans. , ' LтАв^S-VEGAS (A P) тАФтАв M ayor Jan o n ly inapprop pprove low income Idaho :d by June 21, and voters app cutcd : ls Clark Couniy ered I ut homo- which he prosecut there's nothing immoral about :1, and ih e y тАЩ.re hate and "ibei int focused on the )regon-bascd th e y тАЩre, cruel, Jones has confronted an Oreg 'тЦа H is com plaint f question in 1994 and11996, 1 the: ballot br id cross- districi ;ittomey. cxual activity, lesbianism and ing against both the gov* 'scxu worded the mailvho accused fear-mongering ant┬╗-yay rights activist who uld be w ay LaR occo woi N evada-.C onstitulion w oul ones are running for thec N M iller and Jon ressini*-" тЦатЦаy.lU.тАЩdtc.siiii}-..:!----------oliliciank-u┬гтАФcm ot.oiuiroysd jals do ing, the form att it w ^ as in and the angcd to say that homosexual Tiocrats. Tlie two leadchang tin s ih.it gowmmr a-i RrrM ' M M iller~ said M abon s ciaitr ludcd his picture.tion by supMabon hadd sscheduled a news conproniotiirg child m olcstatior teed to facl .that it includc lidates, b e tiu liliy Ul , iiu 1.4m condone in g G O P candid; lolitical figures in N evada cc rmh/-rQ n f IH.-^hoтАЩv ________ at City Hall to polit тЦа тАФ RrpobHcan-mcmb nosexuals. ference on WVedne.sday et |x>ning civil-rights for homos icr minority groups. diculous State Cheryl L;mu and a Reno As.scmhly-'' olher hild mtvlesliilion arc so-ridii initiatives and Ms. Jones chil( delegation have :ir and тАШT a k e your hate and fear a lake it di.scuss the inii mployco n g ressio n al del Mabon said landlords and emj ns, also oppose the iniMa o in t fo r man Jim Gibbons, lial ihey m ake M ille rтАЩ.s poi Klics in their taxnes told Lon stepped %(Ut oj ff a; City Council meeling that soniewlieтАЩrc else." Ms. Jones used sim ilar lactic i .. тЦа ______ .erss w o u ld bc a b le to d isc rimTiinaie liative. J m: mailings. Citi- to resj^ond lo c o m m e n ts he made- him. Mabon, liead o f the Unitedd Slates Si nc and тАв payer-financed ainst hom osexuals in housing ying moJ l i e initiative is called Ihe Minority again: тАЬTlii.s group has an undcrlyir -id G ov. Bob Miller at a тАЬ1 iically political ii| _ тАв __ anization-for about her afid .. J t i - s is basical zeiKтАЩAIIiancc,-parent organt: i-a┬╗eniplтАФ Status tmd-Gliilcj, TTinTnrwcck.---------- тАФ ti\'a(l\'ation;-lHaRh'cy-doHH-c^i┬╗-a e a r , c lia rg u d ~ тАв 'V:)iiii-gny r 'l ^ i s initTaliveS> in O fegonтАЬ churchтАШea'rircni a p o litic a l y ea ;hnnl┬╗/wnitl<t not be ab le to, teach t ilicrnm m-itinn Sqhnt J-aml-in.__u.-ou!dJcgalizc-dh pcatcd-the^jnim enui-llulтАФ n┬╗-┬л la rrp w ty lo sl the Itlalui,-------------- -Mabon-rcpca ___ Ncvada,-Wa.vlungto┬╗-unU-ItL┬╗: Leroy, w ho narn out homosexuality. Nevada. ^ about pc-' homosexuals in Nc Dlerance." M iller s;iid, adding> lhal I r r ^r.m --gnnr t n _ r-ri nade arc not anyone who ^0jT┬г0sc^jiis_^^ op "The statem ents you mad ; c il A n d r u s and D e m o c ra t C ec -----------fa c e a-th rp e-chhuulllle n g e s in-.rhe - ------G O P conMay prim ary for Ihe i ,_grcssional nomnination, ina /h'6"iSтАЭunopposcd-------------a ts w h o тАв_____ тАв ____ - тАв L a 'R c ^ o, who A T L A N T A f A P ) ^ Cat: rsh rnggcthjffT hc-------------m 'llieprrm aTS^fil oam new ly suburbanizcd are iting the value o f allegations, citing , grow ing source o f hum an i jn slitu e n ts aw are m aking his const ealth ofn the S o u ih w esl; federal hea if. (A P ) тАФ s tru c tu re , a1 cco uple' h u n d red o f ave been reported. P A S A D E N A , C a lif. itcd Press have T h e A sso c ia te lity o f qualifying o f the possibility icials w arned T liursday. IC found in downtown тАв S y m p to m s o f the pla g u e :rs ;and older whiclj can be f .. , --M o d e rn 20-stoj7 towers for the credit o)fu f ujp to S2.364. ats were Before 1977, dom estic cat: ;s, the San F ernando um ans include the sudden oonset r uld collapse L o s'A n g e le s, concrete buildings could ut Ihuman plague; hum; m a k e f a m ilie s Facts about lot k n o w n lo I r a n s m il hh u m a n lie n o rth and O range fever, chills, headache, nau arthqunkcon V alley lo ihc during n m agnitudc-7 eartl ses o f hum an p la g u e o f fc o p p o rtu n ity lo aw a re o f th is5 op igue, the * 3 6 2 case; ilague, such as b u bonic piagi e south. But he said he ih Los AngeCounty to the s< nd s w o lle n ly m p h n o d e s. 1 aji existing faull bene;ilh L tro l an d reported in the U nited Slates sincc and burden." LaRocтАв * ease their tax bur r e n te r s fo r D ise a se C o n tn dings below 20 .stories, ents should seek m edical trc sday. iKlieves buildin ticnt les, scientists said TljurMla officials have i.s' CO said. S tate offi 1944. тАЩrevention reported. Bul sinICC o then, n aly sis lh a l including oldid ireinforced concrete A new co tn p u le r anal en im m e d ia te ly and tell th e ir sued sim ilar stater :atemenis. * F ro m 1199 4 4 -5 3 , o n ly C a li- mlent hey have been identified asi ccarriers four to eight storie.s, . hysician if their pet had reccr ound motion b uildings o fтЦаfo .studied the kind o f groun zona an d N ew M exi- phys long-short confo rn ia, A rizot M eanw hile, a Ic n al lea.st 15 cases. at risk. , ^ anders quake could also bc; at ccn sick. recorded in tho 1992 Land GOP nomination, inc o r e p o r t eed d c a s e s o f h u m a n been lender for Ihc GO Cats pick up the disease from fn R esid en ts i n j h c j s m i ^ w _w_arncd lhat the s_ludy_ ^ id i'c-lcm blor___ Scientistsjvji ---------- and.ihis.yiiar-S-Nonhridi'i y.-challcnged-his-------- ^тАФ --------^Sonny-K in┬л┬лy,-cl cc te d -n e iis o r-ro d e n ls andJ p] a s s - i t ------ p la g u c _ S in ci cc c - th e n .lh e .d is c a s c ____ ilications for areas like aniculariy those in newly dev suggests buildings lhal meel me currcnt also H;ls im plic sn e n ts to p u b lic h a s sp re a d to ta N e v ad a , O re g o n , parti p rim a ry o p ponei m w hen they b ite, scra tc h1 o( r lick prtl Tfr┬╗c^-chniilil-kt, P-------- тЦаclebates.'Burhee-said ^ | c h ..,s o .┬л c o San Francisco, seismic regulations arc at frisk. W a s h in g to)n n ., U lnhn. M n n ta n iu _Qpex] sa n o n e o rih c lum ans. Even the bre ath o)ff an inle area around their houses cl j _________:0^his-k-in┬╗U┬╗f-gr<iunt ;recd. W y o m in g ,. U ta h . C o l o r a d o , the others h ave agrecc ected cat, if it has m outhTlesions. t ' trash, treat their pels w ithI I Hall w as m meore optim istic aboul would du damage lu a significant si O k lahom a. o f tr the nom ination 'тАв icria. T e x a s a n d Ok . A lso seekingg if ran iransm il the plague bacter awntown Los AngelesтАЩ gs. I'm will- the fate of dowi ow d cr and p re v e n t th e anim fraction o f ihe buildings, 1977. 15 ca ses o f hu- pow. :a ts die, ' S in c c 19^ a rc p o litic a l-- aacc t i v i s t H e le n A b o u t h a lf o f in fe c tc d ca vords 'build- skyscrapers, the llu lallest o f which is :om roam ing freely. ing to say the magic won id form er Port of C henow elh and f m a n p la g u e tra t n sm itted by c a ts from nil the disease now is rarelyy 1fatal in Dhn H all, an 73 stories. ' ing collapse."' said John in a g c r R o n M c______ I L e w is to n m ana{ leople. ly tall ones are a lot P'Oj civil engi"T h e really associate professo r o f ci >. th e y Murray, om d e a d ro d e n ts o r fle a s, T h e in cre ase in tran sn iiss ssio n lo ju n k p ile o r a w ood pile outside from lUSC they have lo carry ' тАШ' la IiInstitute o f stronger Iwcaus .......... ^ neering at the Cilifi^rnia an sm it In the G O P' prim pri ary race for iually d o n 't fall ill and tran lum ans is linked to the sub ib u rb an - w h e re ro d e n tss liv 1 e , rig h l al th e ir usual he Mid. "T here's a lot lething rnore " wind load.s,"'hC 'T echnology. " ll's someth to rтАЩs nom ination, the stale auditor': to their ow ners. th ec ddisease i zation o f the Southw est, wh( тАЩhere the -house,".hc said, , lg codes cur- o f reserve slrenj severe than our building c lie a c c o u n t Ron-................. sid en ts. c c rlifie d p u b lic )lag u e is c o m m o n ly fo u nndd , s a id " P e o p le tu rnn lliieir c a is out.' an d ' ' O Oaage rccom m cncled-lhat rcsii For ihe buil S l;^ a rris k ,H = .l KCennelh G a g c . a c tin g .d ireecc to r o f Idwell announced renlly contemplate.тАЭ Pollock o f C aldw th ey b rinlg g iinfected fleas o r a in new ne ly suburbanized areas o f lh e :v isin g building stan. 'm not trying .suggested rcvi Blit he ciiulioned: "I'm free voice ir o u n d the beginning o f toll i est k e e p th e a re a arc he C D C тАЩs plague section. ck to the house.тАЭ S oDuuthw l _____ dead ro d en t back ude-lnrgtft-boflmsrlargтАФ ^ n re - g o ir ^ o тАФdnrds-lb-includt тЦа' 'twтАЩimply our skylincji тАвure b u lle tin bo ard a n d c o m p u te r bi e ir hou.ses c le a r o f Ira sh1.. tre a t " P eople are m oving o ul (In (ll T cm r------ Since 1 944. 3( 362 cuses of-hum an__th.eJl _ cr co lu m n s and an m ofe stabilizing get leveled." lav-to-solicit w ays ______ c if p e ls w ith nbT fpow dcrand nd-pre--------lines on-M ondayJ al a reas), b u ild in g new hou ou ses o r phigue h av e bee leen rep o rte d . In ihe their (t u- 2( ) ^ ^ r y тАФ walls:--------------------------Fm it-n u lj^lo n k cd 'arn ICnlngi i p nuтАШiliilc-hometir-T>w if -rep o rttn g r-th e -ilisтАФ vcnU ----------------------- stsni ^ ovem m cnl. ly falls abuse o ut o f gove: A |p et o w n er w ho suddenly ' ease w a s foundd iiin only three slates; n u m b e r is 2 0 8 c, nauT h e v o ic e nui w ilh fever, chills, headache, izona and N ew M exi- ill wi C alifornia, A rizo coinputer'U ccess 454-1094. T hez co se:a a a n d s w o lle n ly m p h .mn o d e s ' CO. 1-345,-4987... Jmtejy,-____ num ber.is 20.8-34: louId sec k .trc atra cn ijm m ed K 9 8 4 -9 3 , Ihe d is e a s e shoul B ut fro m 198 bein g challenged ju ld тАЩbc Pollock is beir тАЬ w as re p o rte d in 13 s ta te s , a s th e G age said. T h e physician shou la te S e n .. L ynn .b y .jf o r m e r .state Id if th e p e t had re c e n tlyy b ee n _ . . - . bacteri.T m o v e:d d ieastw ard ti) T ex a s lo ld R . SandovalтАЩ Tom inaga fo rтАв the the right to take Mortuary in Ruperl and Mfagdalcna ag ck. the Hansen M .sick, and a s far norlhh aas M ontana. Jo h n T. Haynes ifore the funeral on Monwj o n incu m b en t D Dicm ocral J. D. Few WENDELL Magdalena R.тАв 5SanFe' people in the U niled S ta te s T he pla g u e is unlikely to spread itViloYc (Ted) RUfтАЩIiRT - John Thco'i bvem ber. W illiam s in Nove lurch. doval the p la g u e bec au scc m ost jval, 69, of Wendell, died Thurs ir%^ay. ^a^t o f - th e mlid id -P la in s sta te s' b c- d iec from f JiSJ-Tlmrsday: d┬лy Hayocs. H6| of Rupert, ilicc iw rec- ___________________ pril 7,1994. at the Green Acres!iCare < ly suggests memorial c o n -, April jc to rs in the Souihw cst now cau.sc the rodent; :nts carrying the bac- doctc nidoka MemoTlie family s April 7, 1994. al Ihc Minidi enter in Gooding. :ay bc made lo the Bundy Cente jnize lls .symptoms. G age saic Jing the deer m ouse, ognij rial Hospital in Rupcri of an a extended iribulions may ,d will 'тАШ " I Arrangements arc pending and uuth 'Rnnelt in care of the An Christian Yout! In 1QQ3, i h e r e_were se v en < illness. 'cndch - T o o k - s q u jrre l-u i by DemarayтАЩs Wcr inn Church. U K ) Eighth bc; announced an p lague, iw o o f pri Thc fiinetal will bc held hcli at 1 p.m. First Christian ide sem i-arid regions, o fтЦа bubonic bl d o n тАЩt live outside hapcl. I D t83350. Chap irislian Chureh S l..R u p e d lD тАв ' S;iturcl:iv al the First Christ :pptitic e m ic a n d o n e o f p rrim it a ry sc I G age said. тАвy Hggms oiiiin Rupert. wiUi Dr. I'erry h leutnuiiht. O n e p ci.su ird icd ' rlicuTaTiy sU S Ce p llM e " p neu --------------C ats arc pтАЩa rlit nw a| Ihe Ru-_______________ ^______ ririlinn. HiirinI will' follow a itin g s ix d a y s lo se e k m e ----------------tn th e ol:>i┬╗ue; b a c te r ia , he s a id , w ait! pcrl Cemetery. Arrangemc J - tf r n r r lm p in the c n c . TiTo becofllii lliftLlL d ' uidH W h ile d o g s nlsc iS n ^ M o rtu Ucr liic direction of Ihe Han тАФ _ ary in'Rupcii. memorial conIlic family suggests met ich's Funeral Home in Burley). ----------SPO K A N E (AkP) P) -тАФ The Spokane o f Rupert, 11 loch': Jc lo Harold A. Peterson, P iribulions may bc madc t Ihe First male moose to Wa.sh.' R uperl 7lh Ward LDS zoo is giving a female ,crt. a.m. today. Christian Church in Rupert. Veldon Martin, of Kimberly, r yne Mortuary in Burley). Ve Chapel. (Payne crsiiy for research on llo w F r e ig h t o f f i c c in 1T w in ington Slale Universit .m B I V ee il тАЬhapcl 'C o n tin u e d from alurday. Dayton Ward LDS Ch Salur ____ - - captive animals.-------ills :------- ----- ---------------- ^-----Idaho, (W hite Morti jy Thicmc. of Twin Falls, inI Dayton, D: Ttuary p re sid e n t ol xg Laura M oy' o f o p erations. :r-CharlcR-Robbins-i&---------__ Riw m ond A. Reccc -T b o -iru c k in g - c o m p Q n i┬лjg 9 _ a n d ------ WSU-xescarchcr-C imhi:ii>LCbapcl)--------------------II deficiency lhal cuts dc H o n o rin g a1 n a tio n w id e sT nke. o s t o f t h e i r c u s t o m e r s kk n e w studying a mineral TW IN FALLS - R^yr win Falls. moose in captivity to lifespan o f a moo Is and tl'c ro u g h ly 4000 0 T e a m ste rs in IdaRecce, W . of Twin Falls, i jo u t th e p o s s ib ility o f a ss tr ik e Rula Johnson, o f Idaho Falls Ru rik c-T u csd a y -n ig h t----j, j, j ra J ^ o o sc -g e n e ra lly ______ тАв e a r ly тЦа abouU seven y e a r a J turday,тАФ h o w e n t o n strik __day..A piil,7. iyS4..nl.thc id s h i p p c d t h e i r e o o d s e lu b e rtO rc c n c S c o tl.- o fтАФforme irmcrly of W endeHrlT-"тАЩтАЬ┬о-'"тАЬf lii iItiTwjld. live 15 or JO yearss iii A dm inisiraiio n M edical n a c irC D S C hapel, (ticker crVcll T h e strikтАШcтАЬ i'T iir a f fe c tin g n a iio n a lтАЬ cnou lo u g h to a v o id any deliv e57y*derj memorial scrviee 2 p.m.' W/cen' Ia\k in the W ild sendBoise. "I appreciate Walk Icmorial Chapel in Rigby). s. id . lied M ethodist Church. Mem' tr u c k in g fir miss th a l s e r v e s o u th - lay ssic a u sc d b y th e strik e , he: sa Anangcments are pendli id h; having faith in us lood o f ing her down and (While Moriuiify in Twin ' TTh he International Brolhcrhoi c e n tr a l I d a h o).. :su c h a s C oiL solibc announced hy While h Z. IdcUn Walker, of Jerome, 2 the problem,тАЭ Robw ;a y s . A B F F r e ig h t Teatr d a te d F rc ig h tw la m stc rs' c o n tracts w ith the: rm ajor lhal we can solve: the - TwinFalls. alu rd ay , Jerom e 2nd W ard' 1 Satui day. r S y s t e m I n c .. R o a d w a y E x p r e s s irucik uciking co m p a n ie s ex p iredI 1T u eS ' bins said Wednesday, hapcl,-(H ovc-R Q bertson.Fun Ross-Fontesrof-Pocatcllo.тАФChap :y k illed M orty, the --------------------------Michael-Rw T he d e ficicncy --------in c .-a n d .J t:c llolovw ^ F r e ig l^ S y ste m j alyy.. N e g o tia tio n s b e tw e e nn b o th hapcl in Jerome). erviec 2 p.m.-loday. Dry тАв Chap ering down the strccU--------.............graveside serv g:uninnтАФmoose seen saunlcrini des bfOlcc tlo w n b e c a u sc thc:t Inc. ......................' тЦатЦа siclcs ' M iltb n J .H ili eiery. Boise, (Henderson Creek Cemcie ^rAluskar In theopen^тАФ тЦаorts to o f fictionalтАЩCicclyrAl jp o se d the c o m p a n ie s' effoi Mampa тАЬ R e la tiv e ly ev e ry th in g lhat w a s oppo Helen Ann "Mlmi" Siver, of Na RUPERT - M illon J. IHill. C>'), o f Funeral Home nc in Poeaicllo).. . He e tte le v isio n series up m ore g oods by train andI to ti use ing c re d its o f-thhe ship ivcsiilc s ittin g h e re w as pic k ed u p by c u sid rformerly of Twin Falls, grave iday. A pril 6. and R upert, died W ednesda; )su re .тАЭ M orty, who "N o rth e rn E xposur p art-tim e workers. en S te a rn s at th e m ore I Falls to m e r s ,'тАЩ s a id K :rvice 2 p.m. Saturday. Twin I rmaa Butcher, of Kalama- servii 1994, al his home, ______________ тАв Mark Normi s6 . lived at W SU .w as6. cmeicry. (White Mortuary inI 1Twin o f Idaho Cemc a The funeral will be held hel at 2 p.m. zoo. MiefT.,T^mTTormerly Robbins figuredJoou u t the problem ear-' alls). тАв тАЩ II. loday. 10th Ward LDS Falls) First Christian Falls, 2 p.m. I Monday at the Ruperl Fir: cn a research moose тЦа licr this year when jho Falls, ( B u c k -^ liv a n ' тАвy Figgins and Church, Idaho Church; with Dr. Terry F ed from a cobalt and named Minnie died f T re v a M ae T rautw ein. o f T T IC in Idaho F u l l . s ) , .. T r rficialing. Buri- Funeral Home Paslof John M.irshall offici ---------- 1 copper deficiency.-.The Th discovery came Monalls, graveside scrvice 2 p.m. N Falls, ipcn Cemetery, al will follow at Ihc Rupcr C o n tin u e d from loo late to save Morty iorty. ay. Sunset M emorial Park, T 7 w in jm Bl VS rigley. of Burley, 11 a.m. day, Frienils Dclsa Wrlgl W a n t to ta k e p a rt^ with military graveside: riles. ril alls, (White Mortuary in Twin Fa "W e're happy to participate \ in that icw LDS Church, (McCul- Falls, Falls). p re lim in a ry plai ilan s fo r a h isto ric a l >.m. Sunday al Salurddy, View. may call from 4 lo 8 p.m. ly le let zoos all across J f, wc can ultimately Ihrough the c ity and w a lk in g p a th ihi T o ob tain a copy o f the d ip ll Ih e ir m o o se live-th e co u n try h e lp . ag re e d to a rmio orr a n e ro d in g riv er--B cnnctLH ills-R csom cc.M ani -loiigefr-saW -H ugh-l ^ 'Im h o f rln te rin r d l;---------ap alorig propertyTjcr------ menl PlanтАЩand Envirorithifnlal ~ B ank w iilT n p rap thee W ------ тЦа- тАФ m en Maestes. Jriiien. t t a o r , . W alkin th ' ild zoo. lo nging to Carme ,p.ict Statem.erit, or.to miAc wri e a r in g o n p ro p o se d * тАШcom ' m ents o n the plan, write --------A p u b lic h ea ite to; _____ the c ity тАЩs'zo n in g oram endm ents' tou (I indtor, I Bui:k. West. Planning Ciwrdim Released *ER EOIQNAL MEDICAL CENTEP MAQIC VALLEY REOI . . [cd liltlc com m cnt. A s dinancc nttracicd tffice. aic Ferguson. Roy Jans,ion andJ IbixELM S h oshone D istrict Off Nancy Crariney, Bcs.sic rd in an c e restric ts lot p ( . Box 2 -B . 4 00 W esl F S t . . Peggy d ra fte d , th e ordi y; Roba Cry.stal of Heyburn; Pc L тАШ P.O ii Parker, all o f Burley; F at patients' reque.st. Some names arcc omitted or requires building peri; and coverage and rec I; Zena Schorsch of Heyburn; Gulbranson of Ruperl; Z Shoshone. ID 83352. icw co n stru c tio n , re - j____ m ils fo r a ll new Scotl Warr of Malta. Adzalttcd / 51 feet idditions to .stru ctu re s , a m miin im u m -b u ild in g lo t as 50 m o d elin g o r add Lorn Price nnd Ervin Sears, all of Michacl McSwecney.. Lc re .fc c t. ... _ . - w ilh io l h t city lir limits.- - ___ _ .1. тАФ -..byy . 1120-fceU o r 6 .0 0 0 sq u are i.H all..................... ........ ............. Births uker of Gooding: and Uarbara.H Twin Fnlls: Haau:! Huffukci b v .- -------Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker an 30 perand toтАФ тАФ C o u n c ilm a n H ] a u g h f s u g g e s te d - Mlo A baby was bom lo Mi a x lm u m lo t co v e ra g e is 30 "ofDliss. of jj.┬л )ayley, both of Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dayl crice o r tw oтАЭ lo the or- cent, *nt, and the m inim um size o f i adding тАЬ a scntehc ing existing buildings re:ssii i d e n l i a l h o u s in g u n it is Released d inancc allow inf F \ MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Twin тЦа' MINa>OKAM Stephanie Hollman, both of Tv they bum d ow n o r arc squa; juarc feel. to be rebuill jf thi Edith Albertson and Ste .tAFri/1-9-r^6lMflJ/I^ jme. f Bliss; and Joni Smith of Jeromi tl or* royed. тАв A sccond p ublic hearing onI the Falls; Stanley Carli-sle ofBI otherw ise dcstroj S5pffr<^b┬╗i<^^rfrT \prfrTo.3l'.rwWi┬л┬╗[. - Admitted :d ordinance specifies dinai inancc w ill bc held M ay 3. (; and I T '' pioposcil el C Garcia Jr., bolh o f Ruperl; Dale Mile.s and Joel lEMORIAL HOSPITAL CASSL^MEK " IsvrrrMont-.------- --- тАФ тАФ......... Kntlierine Whalen of44svr тЦа тЦа ___________________ f\Admitted' . тАФ Rcteased-------------------------lobin- ' levarez. Dixie Parker, JJetiy Kob Gabriel Kerr. Mary Neve peri; Wesley Stollcr o f Paul; A nita Baird o f Rupen lelbie Wilkinson and XochitoI DayDi son. Dona Williams, Shelb ie Creek! Utah. Ju-stin Q arretlbf Grouse C ,pril Monies of Rupert. ley. all of Burley; and April d ttth e r ij .. e a k f a s i ______ "Las'Vegaas Mayorr Jones bljiast^Umt States;s Citizensis Alliaiia T^^Seientisists: magniilito a e = 7 ^ ^(sDCpSyf^scats^^irrylmnKtannplagu<e inder Los ^Angeles ' quake ur linan plague ets about hun Faci Death inotices rvices тАЬ Strike:e____ _ S--Spokan me zoo noose gives m ---- to^V┬еSt Golf_ S't RospitiS is iP tF a ju m r a n W B 'fj I ^0 9 19 ' a r тАв тАвry ........................ _________JinLCcuninUL A uutO M Ofanicn ndcm /itdlnStm frifa ZMnlfd uiMlaln 7023nfSt.W. TMtn F┬лU┬л. 10 тЦа S98 BlUgTBI ta w f f B ir a r N i L, . . TV^In rin Falla \ ^ ------- - 7 3 3 -9 5 tC тАФ r ____Opan iv^pniSat11 100 :3 0 a n h 5 :3 0 p n i_ ____ " .........................~v . тАв Trash C ( r, compactor F r***. w Twin s^ ------ !--------- :----------------- - F f k J a iyyr ,^ l V ^ 1 8 9 4 тАФT iin ┬л ┬л i-N o Cj -' тЦа. Z 1 -BriesftyJn-M ii i n " tr u e a ssia -tr i - C a s s j aa s t e e s r e p c n l ^ nr af y e i - b a n тАФ ' . rj-T тЦаCassia M in i- C . . ^ ^ ;chtK >l-board-jcany-i^┬╗-l-in.ti Ic lc h ersiiid тАФ ------- -- ro f s ' c .iji a e c r a c --------------------' тАЬ B t n n n yr r тАФ C assm ' L o tin iy Sdniiir; gfilUUittiOILbCr.;_ ___ )_inchiUe.priiy.er_ at. Ihcir ijr; ___ J____ - ___ ^vyhcllicr'lo.ii viccs. M o t o cc ir o s s c o m i n g t o R Lu u[ p e r t in o i B o a r d 'I 'h u r s d a y n ig hhtt u n a n im o u sly R U PE R тАШ T h e Schnci R'T - M otorcycle riders, kick kict your starters. тЦа1 y o u f -o r d SS i!i fd n iiiiy w il a irriv iiuimm in TitiTvTiniaok-n--------------C:a s s ia X o u n ly C ounly Fa g ra d u a tio n1 c c r c m o n l c s w iih in th e C lo 'ab iitil 4 p .m | F airg ro u n d s from H) ┬г m1.. It t r i c t . T r jjs tc e s f e e l ih c yтАЩ w ill be w ith in , S alurday.a S c h o o l'b iss lr '.anti S u n d a y ., i f sludei^ts ; ' J______ Ihc hotinds> do f ( h e U.S. C o i is lil u lio n if v ole rin rc s -^n c rL a _ t.l.'a :m .-b o iti-d a y .!i. l y c r n nU -w lio w u i . o u c n t ~ тАФ _________' ___ U) havu.prayc [jt-8 -i(.o i.T -p ro m irtcr-R IcE ^ rтАв : 1>e g i n s - iiv children-uges 6 - t o -----------irc-S.*? fo r miullK,4i2-for-*;l┬╗il тЦа: r n Ber3lt0Wrible at^-IH ckcts-ar. id uunder. "rce for children agc^ 5 and D istrict 10, and frc I ~ a Cr'antтАЩcv ilk ilie school districl by the ,Fedcr;il Fei c e s 'u p to ll(eтАЬ 1riSTтАЬ p e a l'iti ihe тАШ>lh C ontest: [ C o u rt.-T h ee tc a se is now u n d e r up'pe.;: sta n ls'c a n sig n up for ra ces' S M E fe w J p l|w J ;u rs, S25 for proS ig n -u p fee is S2I) am ateurs m inute. Si тАв . тЦаh m тАв тАв C ircu it C o uurl.. n tite youth races, Is an d SI for " pee-w ces."тАЩтЦа tit cautioned al th e [ f C hairm an K ent Flelchcr cau T ru stee Ch said. n bo ard m cclin ling T hursday o f ihe comip phlexities o f llte R .ic in g 'those cases can S p o n sio o r c d ITy S o u l h e r n ' IIdd a h o e a ses dealing ing w ilh prayer, and lhal "ihi A sso cia tic tio n . th e racc c o n sists oi f a w in d in g d irt b e reversed." d."rena full o f ju m p s ,)ul one m ile long in an :tren; track abou ;lvcs from supru sle e s distan ced thcntsclvc H O jll C ussiti l^u^ Its. iincluding bolh ' lers. A boul 150 contestants, p r :ty c r does (U i^ m.i S t f i S ______ p o ilin c .u j Jj ,1 ┬╗ut.┬╗f.> ┬╗w n rid>;r^-4-┬лv-4>Jtf cm onics. II. Uic j., ce p lace at graduation cerem dnc.sn't lake said. itia te d by iru sle e B ruce B( m o tio n in iti; B ow en, a d tsc |.,^ se ss.a re aviiilablc for pcoplc-nl UZ WRIQHT/n>┬╗ TVne. ; at every level o f________ -----------:---------- clh im e rw H h t )vided at the r;lce, >ign-iip sh ee ts w ill be provid тЦа thi e .ro g lp n a l l a n dfill a t ^ ^ o h n B u r c h ^ b m ip p aa c ts - tr a s h - ttia t- B ir r io ^^-c c lt v - tr u c k 3 - h a u lo d .in to .th _ po silio n o n\ vw h eth er prayer is included Mn<,t n t h . ----- - = r g o n i p n c J : l;from~-sta ffC M i l n e r B u t t e T h uirresid a v . T h e J a n d lU L o D e nn eo tl ftrrp rm ^ тАФ r z z z тАФ тАЬ ' r 6 U n d l r i g - 8 ix c o uj n t l e s w ill c l o s e F r id a y n nlig h t, to m e e t a f e d e r a l o n v lr o n m e n ta l d e a d lin ee . I j - e g i s i aa t i v e - i b i gI UrTTtq тАвSTTiTTI -------------------- lection with Ihe manufacture of' products p bequest is madee to t( .nursing homes or resi- nccti l a child by a gr.mdpaicnt. .SU143H ~ (Ju (J d lc m ry ancJ R u lcs) тАФ ooT lomposcd of postconsumer or poslin lilies. com] id H um an denliiil carc facllilli S B 1 5 5 2 (C o m m e rce and c h ild v isitatio n rig h ts for Pro v id e s foo r > incss) тАФ Authorizes Board w.ist' [irovidc indi- . HB<iK2 (Biislnc Resources) тАФ A mends law to pn: For TtiuRday. April 7. grandparentss and a: Rrcat'grandpiircnt.'l. Re тЦа M M 1 (.State Alfairs) тАФ AntcndH. dividuals nol of Cosm etology' to refuse to issue or renew '^7inS'< insurance coverage to indiv a n d! R u les) тАФ viduiil vie Vetoed By OOTCinor S B I4 4 0 (Judici.Tty (J luies governing counly iniiiaiivcssiin i d r e f. rone in default on student duie: liccnsc for anyon by employer insurance. .ting for HIV' antibodies or unli- covcrcd co' imVSH (Ways and Means) is) тАФ - Eliminaled RequlrcN icMin; EVERY SATORI TURDAY-11 A.M. :iendums,' cieni igcs formula loan payments. .Sin5t)0 (Educiition) тАФ Change p.-itltls in nil persons confined in local pfopcrty Ijjc s fur school liool maintenance gcnn and hep.iti Miscellaneous-Tools >lion) тАФ Household MlSC( HBH92 (R e v en u e and T uxali Import to pubHBf.H7 (Ju ludd ic ia ry . R ules and H and upcrallons, jails and lequi quires results to be released to used u-<i for dtstrlbuiion of stale supp< lues-Twin Falls \llo i) > тАФ Provides reasonable .A liow s persons w ho are beneficir A dm inistra tion) ciaties o f u ii┬╗ iT ┬л f?ITHERS тДв i: lie schools. ,^ H U 663 (R evenue andd T a x a tio n ) тАФ viclltns. AUCTIONS s of 50-50 HUHTBROTWE evoc.-ible trusts to receive hencnts u a tto rn ey тАЩs fees and costs revoi Icquijcs sup- post-judgm eni all SBISfil (Stale Affiiirs) тАФ Rcq (Transpottalion) тАФ Deletes im Allowed carryover for IS year; 'ears of excessive SBI-J4K (Tr lomeowner property lax deduction; тЦа mpting to collccl on a judg- homi o f electricity and naturalI ggas lo sup- incurred In attempt frorn the highway distribution plier> pli investm enuox crediis, iillocniion frot 8,1994 . FRIDAY..APRIL API HB'HO (Agricultural Affairs) тАФ V encourage the use o f recycled ply pl) information aboul irrigationI ppumping to mcnl. HEIR45 (Slaic Affairs) тАФтАв Provided Pn ih:ii no uccount la enc DemSCaolEkn olDmlcs-HoтАЩj:cfioid daho Rangeland R esources Comr H B69I) (R e vvci e n u e und T a x a tio n ) тАФ Idah m mission -MiStTool IтАЩu Public Utilities Commission. local unli of nuvenimcni may : 1 Tools-llJti^i ,ay adopt un ordi- mnlerlolN. Inanced by voluntary donations. iclion up to S3.IKI0 for legal finar - R eq u ires Allov^s liix deduclii S B I5 6 2 (SI.MC A ffa irs ) тАФ (C om m erce und H um an tiamcnl-/'flni6 Atfiratiamc nancc lo fcgulalc cxploralion in oi or surface minSU14.S4 (тЦа HIIB920 (E ducation) тАФ Exempi ip is from WAaAUtr nses when adopting a child. vices on all -or medical expense o f m easuring devic ln> ftUCTlDNEERS in^ in Idahu lhal confllcis wilh with state Surfncc Resources) тАФ Piovules for regulation o f Insinuation ales tax m otor v e h ic le s used In In public enue and T a x a tio n ) тАФ salci H B 7 I 2 (R e vvet Wilier diversions. n m is sio n s by Der┬╗iKtment o f public pul _________________ moncy_tr.TnsiT chool driver ediiciilion programs.тАФ income fax-eredir for wood* -scho Hemovcsstate-inct --------------- -------- FRIDAY,-APRU тЦа тАЬ 5 ffl5 fiR тАЬ { I iid ic ia r y '" a n d -тЦа1?ulC5)~тАФтАФ ft PlUL 8TM тАв 6 P J t ----- -------ins) тАФ Provided Finance. HB846 (Ways and Means) (Ways and M eans) тАФ P Ptovides Benelil Dinner Auciion lonlor lytiw S:hocss,'er тАв GIB _____ for a liccnsc burnini; stoves. _____________ IIB92f. II clicKk f<.'t тАФiC u m m tu iE __aiiiJ__I1j >jii .i p __ Rccniircs.!i-bflgkt.TotinJ .Re lol iiisl.ini bjclgm uiid cli checksiiit CoSna'is - Misc!sinc-ss) тАФ p ro v id es iliut " p)ii>ccUuic iw ilB 7 2 tt (U usin 10 carry a concealed weapon. review. Resources) тАФ Modifies definilion o f "dis- lO' live decision, nol sulijeci lo judicial judi )utchascrs of handguns in complian ancewiih WAUAUC tU C T IO H E E ^'^ Provides for em p loyees of a com ci pany or corporation putcl SBl5f)9 (State A ffaiis) тАФ Pn :r IPublic Employee Ueiiremeni ns) тАФ Reslricled abled" under HB847 (Ways and Means) V iolen ce -------------------------e d eral Brudy H an d g u n Vi ng w ^ ork solely for tbat com- fede issuance o f a liquor license to a facility doing engineering lent over the con- System. ability lo sue siaic govemmeni APRIL 8,1894 FRIDAY, APf тАвleveniion Act. lied to Slate licensure. Pievi ity. pany iirc not suhjec upi split in owneriihip o f facility sy.*.SB I4 5 H (C (тЦа om m erce iind H u m an тАЩ upon Miluliunal rcquilcmcnl for ;iJ тАЬIhojough" *'11 HB934 (Appropriations) тАФ Appr< propriiites Odl BJHVy&Rusoi SusailKdlv Esiaie-Firm R ules a nd li: ironment)тАФ H B 735 (Juudd ic la ry . SBI575 (Resources and Enviro R e so u rce s)) тАФ R e v ise s n icm b ersh ip o f tem of public education. es-MofltiTCai-Sfosftorw [тАвish and [quipmaH-AnliirjSS-fc i49.77 million lo Deparimeni of [тАв rgc projects Adminisir.ition) тАФ Amends laws on admin- S49.' thal w aler recharge Re ns) тАФ Scl down U nderg ro u nnd d Storage T ank T ech n ic ian Recognizes тАвHD912 (Ways and Means) iamcnl - Afiil C AlhTtliaJiKi ja m ffo r 1995 operations. :ts license suspensions. Gam Idaho waler islration uf drivcis . enhance Ihc full rca liu tlo n o f Id enl 3r leases on state Board. nev^ requirements to bid for k ICTIDN SERVICE -cchnical WEHTAUCni H11B 946 (S la te A ffa irs ) тАФ Tec R ules and HB73H (Juudd ic la ry . SU 1 4 65 (Ju (J d ic ia ry and R u les) тАФ res grazing lands. ihangcs to laws on campaign finan SB16D1 (S ta le A ffiiirs) тАФ- IIn creases A dm inistration)] тАФ Reduces the standard chan hot any perso n c o n v icte d o f iincc conSATURDAY, P ro v id e s Ihni H U yiS (R evenue andd T a x a tio n ) ~ f, Ai APRIL 9.1894 ribulions. loena uiiliiy records in drug tribu sa la r ie s o f m e m b ers o f S Sitale T ax required to subpoei lunslaughter involvlug one o r sal from vehicular mun Exempted pollution controlI etiuipmenl ec)i Coon ptopriates lynn 6 RlUlh C Ofl - Housofiolfl 110956 (Appropriations) тАФ Appti $55,000 per investigations. Commission from S48.4H5 to $5 of minor child cun be ordered Co propeny_tax ifjj>.e^ U> recycle ^c!e certain prod- lH>th jiarenls^ ol edibles r Paul............................... rciilBt for............................-CollcdllJl atXI.tHH) lo Uiiiveikily o f Idaho.Cc. R ules -and -SUHI year. тАв .................. H B 742 (Ju d u d tc ia ry . - . . siijipuil for iliai Child.................... ye; ................................ to pay child silt i;i, Atfvclisemti senwit - Aofil 6 lusiness DcvcUipment and Research тАФ R e p ea ls luw w ith Busi In creases A d m in is tra tio n ) S B lfin 2 (Stiile A ffa irs) тАФ I (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) тАФ d T a x a tio n ) тАФ Slil4()┬лi (J H D 972 (R evenue and k ASSOCIATES .uthori.es ESTES&AS HB9fi8 (Ways and Means) тАФ Aul ;haritahlc devises jusl prior H тЦаte increases icslricllons cin cha salaries of elected state officiate :e pr rem iu m lax A m ends law w s providing for fine for Ihc sal O xem pted from Insurance тЦаlate Department o f Pish and Game i governor from $75,IKH) per yearrto tc SKS.OOO. 10 death, issession of marijuana or drug go' covering siuie or crim e o f posse heallh Insurance policies cuvc f, APRIL 8,1994 !'.!!тАЩ SATURDAY, AI vith federal agencies in preparalio al Governmeol) тАФ Allows with opriation o f HB7-J3 (Local I SBl<i()3 (Finance) тАФ Approp lion Ol an Jjck FullCI EStalC тАв G &HouseholdCCS. p.iruphemalia. other governmental employees. lc-Guns daho wolf management plan. districts to cflTiiain noncon- Idalu Iministration fire protection disi to Department o f Adm _4JudiLiaLyтАФanil R ┬╗ k ^ > тАФ___SI23.000 SI TwlnF rwln Falls ______ HU9S7 (Aprnopria liim s ) ^ тАФ Approotiaicd_____ H B 973 (R e v en u e and T ax a ti liguous teiritory. w on heallh insurance A m ends law i filin g affidiivil hy lele- for information technology. scmenl тАв Auril 7 ~ Advettlscmci e-Aff.-iir<? " 'ClBiifies |re f тАФ Rcdt npm rcтАЩT tn s-----;M B 7 i7 tS t3 t^ ----- SBK)n5' (l-'inu~ii'Jc) A pprtipAUCTIONEERS coverage for^nccdy children, :n. ullocated i SIO phone. --------- WAlTTltnri ie c<impтАЭ ~ lo 2.75 percent for some Inc retailers by an importer. 3I perccnl pe: iblic instruc- milled aid to wine million to superintendent of pubi (0 fund SB14KH (Slate (St: Affairs) тАФ Provides that mi million In currcnt and IV95; budgcLs bu lies and from t,(i lo 1.4 perccnl.lo nics vintner, winery or distributor. i IPRa 8TM -10 A.M. lion for 1995 operations. SATURDAY, APRr shall he included as a lio e Fund. or designee dc Ihe Cataslrnphlc Health Care Pi lies wilh suhsinniinl Idaho Investmei Ih and Welfare) тАФ Provides тАв nies prialcs S21-4 HB752 (Heallh : nenтАЩтАЩ C i HDllfy and Hoop HooiKf. Ulah Community SBlfiOf) (Fln.ince) тАФ Appropri :ivc o f the Pacific N orthw est ns) тАФ Amended rep resen tative HB995 (Ways and Means) Al -HBU75-(Appr*iprii.┬лions)----A l l o c i e s -------Audtcn-H >y-inmatc incdiciit expcnkck ----11 n-Hoopcf, in - ^--------------------on for IVO.I lhal.c.unlies-p-y-i million for vocalioniil education legiontil orgtinlmlion.тАФ mi тАвEcomimic-Regi House BUI 95┬╗. al&o-vcioedJ hy-govcmor.'(o hy iH.5 million lo governor's office f*'r fi scmcnl-Apill? nt the Medicaid rali talc. S8.5 Advctliscmci opernlion.s, ┬лhool O iiirict. SBM91 [Education) (Ed correct <ia$h flow to Ooixe Scho тАФ Dcleicj a limitu- op' WCTIDH SERVICE iperations. I MASTERS AUCl g tic u ltu r n l A ffa irs ) тАФ oper p p ro p ria le s' H U 753 (A rl SB160H (F in a n c e ) тАФ A pp (lon on sch :iolarships ol for d ep en d e n ts o f 'тЦа SB 1342 (C om m erce aan d H um an proptiales тАФ тЦа HB'J7f> (Appropriations) тАФ Appr< :aiii>n of.com m etcial fishH: to Deparimeni oiff iHealth and C larifies applicali :rs und firefighlerk killed u t di&< -SM6.fi.million ..S1тАШ rneral obligation peace officers i -R e so u rc e s)тАФ Allowed gener IPRIL9TH-11A.M. 1тАШ>.3 million for construction o f Inf nfrastrucSATURDAY, APRIl to aquacullure. SтАШ>.3 Division of cries facilities asVrelated re W elfare for l тАШ>95 operalions of' B uly 1. 1990. . W. ubled after July l>onds ┬лo be sold by private negotiation. neg< n SlorwM ddition, K>_-_ _.,Wtii|/rion! Oiyocn Sloi - Motorcycies тАв urc.improvctiienli.anU-U6-bciJ i)dd isporlnlion iiiiil Dofcns┬л)------lure. md DivisionHB781 (Transp, Family .md Children Services am S B 1 4 9 7 (C (' om m erce nnd H um an Pui SB1S39 (Stale A ffairs) тАФ Declared all тАвMIsiL-T*!flF3IIS---------------un, тАв FiotIIuib тАв Mia daho Maximum Security Inslituiion, ^ec for cupies of highway Idabi E sta b lish e s a fee , law Io letjuire that u ofo f Community Rehuliililation. state agency rules temporaryy until un and unlesi тАШ Hcioujccs) тАФ Amend.s 5cmcnl-Apill7 propriatcs AtKtrllSCm Cf HB979 (Approptialions) тАФ Appn h ; Its~ A m ends righl-of-wiiy platsla n d lo rd pro iro'v id c sm oke d e te c to r s in тАвтАв S B l( iI 4 (S ta te A ffa irs ) тАФ approved by Legislature. UCTIDW SERVICE 'тАвortcciion HEWRY┬╗SAUCT :55.4H million lo Department of Coi R ules and S55..H H 7 тАШ┬╗┬╗i (Juudd ic ia ry . Senate Bill 1500 to incorporatee th I ccxccpIfarc) тАФ Created dwelling units, SB lS SO dleahhandW elfan its. Sc: oM99SoperalicVns. ......................... I allowance. A dm inistration))тЦатАФ тАФ Provides coverage lo ' for child tuition-cquiv.-ilency all (H e alth an d W elfare ) тАФ lional lio irllizc health caie S B 1 4 99 (I task forcc and panel lo prlorllij APRIL 10,1994 .nsferr$V SUNDAY, APR HB980 (Appropriations) тАФ Tran? eallh insurance plan when HI tpriales S2.9 children in a heal' SB U ilS (Finance) тАФ Appiopr Provides ncw_fi w^fces for disposal o f ha/.irdous ..... ....... ______CQveraec. . IfaItcr--JaJi^l5t-Bliss. ^BudKciтАФ PalcSlJHi--ilafMTfallci rtiiHorY-frf>m-lTi<itn>r-Ft┬╗nd-lt*-l of a coon o n d m ln - тАФnriH sub miUTon to Bour'd of Ediicjllon for lc?hnolo- coverage Is the subject "two- w'iisle. ' SB1590 (State Affairs) тАФ Imposed 1 Atfvcfllscmct semcnl-Apflia teserve Fund. also requires coverage o f Resc istrulivc order; air starting S B 1 5 0 9 ((SS ta te A f f a ir s ) 'тАФ A m en d s gy imprtivements. " year hiring freeze un stale agencies age iUCTIOM SERVICE тАЮion) тАФ . MASTERS AUCl H B 966 (R e v en u e and T a x a li ent child. ^ H 7prop iia te!\ adopted dependent S B 1 6 I6 (F in a n c e ) тАФ App rcQ uirem ents Its for long-letm p lanning by 'm iipiO JIH ! тЦа MB.тАШ'i5'(B ux|nc? "Vj.KSS'miiiinn ui ruiiirrnnvTTir: e s-|JT тАФ Ueclaicd liiiil stale iigencies u K tru tn u iitc тАЬ :coiini;iliil- "тЦаJ'J A P W L ic ia w тАФ -------ively disadvantaged border com in conditions must be dis- tivel rovements lo ment thal certain i p<irtion of Phase Tliree o f Improv on oi f pharm acy ily reporting,:. poi -arm Madilnery - Dlelrlch there shall be no reduction reas and use revenue allocation' ti iperly is being suld. uIca^ 'Stem. closed when proper Public Employee Reiirement Systi laho under T itle ' SB1S34 (Judiciiiry (Ju . Advenisemci and Rules) тАФ So- Pu icment - April 9 reim bursement level in klalii levclopmenl. Affairs) тАФ Allows under- devc lo HBH35 (Slate: A ___ HB550 fSim pson) - Allowss females I rtlCTlOH SERVICE _____ тЦа XIX of Social Secm ilvA a; _тЦа _______ тЦа-cnllBtl-.zeta.ii Q .iiikr.inccтАЩ: in w fur iinifer;iyc------lo w s liccn sc suspen.sion for seiVc set in Nationul GuaiiJ in eombai d riv e rs; ullov S┬╗lgaedUy Uovemor , ;40,0(K) U) pay allorney fees in Snak lake River MONDAY, APf :r w week for up to one ye.ir. $40.( law. day. 40 hours per APR1L11.1994 Ihe same as allowed by federal lav iver with blood-.ilcohol content Ibc S U 1301 (H e alth andJ W V e lfa re ) тАФ underage drive ^ater right adjudication. Affairs) тАФ Provides thal wate; The BakeiStiop-Hartlton Stioi ix a iio n ) тАФ HBK43 (Siaicc A IIB57H (U e v cn u e and T axi respon- o f at least 0.(K petceni liul Uss than O.HI . Requires putative fathers lo0 accept a( HB99I (A p p ro p ria tio n s)- Appr< propriatcs Aijvctllamci scmenl - April 9 records, otherwise exempt ill lor fuels law certain public tcci Makes technical changes to moloi sib ilily for ihelr c hildrenn ooir risk lo sin g percent. ,18,000 to U eparim cnt o f Correct :cilon fur WAUAUC1 mCTIOWEERS shall be open for inspec- SIH.l nm ission to ftom disclosure,, si (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) тАФ and am u u lh o ri/es stiitc Tiix Comn S B 1 5 32 (J parental rights. rdons and тАЬ ' '" xpcnses of Com mission J o r IтАЩardi und check purposes. expe iidmlnislra- tion for backgrouni! work more closely wilh fuel laxc ii' jgher penalties for drunken dri- wo and R u les) тАФ Provides lough S D I3 0 9 (Ju d ic iary and Y,APB1L13,1994 ! WEDHESDA^G A тАвarole. HBH50 (Way.s '.s an)l a Means)-тАФ Prohibits Parol ilood-alcohol reading ill least lor^ lor o f otlier slates. rules will con- v e rs w ith bloi ______ Provides ihai admlnistrniivee ru _______ piupiiaici__ Dullon Farmi┬гQiiiDiiKnl.t.Jcionie____ Ecui. -----тАФ AniontI ---------- tinueirKffcct-┬лnlt}-;uJy-?T499S letTwnl-Anrit t l ------- тАв тАв , KH).(MK) 10 LcglsLilive Council for тЦа e n u e and T a x a tio n ) тАФ SKH) o o r D i tu k i "^'l MJH70 тАШ(R e vv"^ o f m oney In Schoo (Ju diciary ^ and R u les) тАФ distribution dis in d R u les) тАФ SB153H (J S 0 1 3 3 2 (Ju d ic iary and UCTIQNEERS тАв ires for collection of proper- ess of sludy of the juvenile justice sys foi ula for Revises procedures iw iillowing* peo p le to le av e B Buu ilding A ccouni based on form [lartipeni o f Law A m en ds law Authorizes director o f Depart: IIB993 (Appropriations) тАФ Appr< ly tux on slunding igtiinbcr. I: . Ill average dallyatlendancc. :y ftlrfeiied under in stru c tio n s fi for Ihc disp o sitio n o f Iheir avi 'APRIL 14,1994 Einforcemcni to sell properly f┬╗: :90.tl00 10 D e p a rim e n i u f Purl fs iand Means) тАФ Revises S90. HB871 (W ays _ H ^ I H (Agricultural Affairs)) -тАФ Amends Kci-A o-------------- _fcraaina______ N. Enlcipilses_________ i ______ тАФтАФ _Uniform Ictrealion.---------------------------------... тЦа ----------Administrative Pro* r'rtweduren Acl Id cuI-cih Is . - -Rctn - ( J u d i c ia r y - n n d тАФH ulfls)тАФ l lloa ii i nn ctiiclty liraiitmat.ij: --------------S D l^ sa -c Ju Jrc lB ry тАФand i n d - R u l c s ) - = -------S B 1 5 4 2 -( JlREaulp.-Jcrorpo____________ _____CiBlam.WoiRE( ~nB 994(A pproprinilon^)-тАФ-Appn ;V nue im d-T Jx-atT bnT = -------HI prupnaics Adveniscmcn nds laws un тЦатЦа|IBHH3 (R'e'yer HBf>30 (Education) тАФ Amend attorneys as temClarifies aulhoi Ihorily of counly probation olficmenl тАв April 12 Provides for nomination of alto :54.7(M) to pay salary increases for income .tax credit for put- $54.: irscs. Provides slate ino or elected MASTERS AUDI standards for driver training cours' tU jm pilSraV IC E , mnBlstrate com- cers regurdinp ng imisdemeanor pronatiot)s. sla fwrarv membcm of district mn m^iipp<*inlcd orficiuls................... icd equipment u.'cd in con---itm^f es additional тАв chaw s of qualified тАФ ItB C 33-(nu.';lness)^Provides -----SB 1 S4 9 (J (Ju d rc ia ry 'тАШ and тАЩ Rulc-s)' тАФ missions. . FRIDAY. APR APRIL15,19M of-siale mall ' licensing tequirenienl.s for oul-ofr.s) тАФ S h ifts a A mends lawV providing p label rcqulrementlt-' lio SD 1335 (S iaic Affalr.-i) Mary Lou I a & Gcorpo G ' AtW ns Idaho. service pharmacies operating in Id live d isiric is in on containers rs of u lubricants containing recy- ser prec in ct betw een legislative i Household &Fufnllurc-Buhl & Ft .ules and H B 047 ( J u d ic ia r y . Rul Fremont Counly 10 comply with will тАЬvisible fea- c le d o il., ' AiJrertiscmcr cmcnl-AprlMS Amends lawV con when it (Ju d ic ia ry and R u les) тАФ' Administration) Ad IC T IO N тЦа A ict boundarie-s. SB 1551 (J ______ tw e" requirement for precinct b MASTERS AUCl mCTION SERVICE encc when a the adoption _-shall a h t be coiiiidefcd^undue influen' c ls ___ SDI337.(lilate Affaiis) тАФ- AAllo w s cUsirlb-тАФP /o v ld u jp c:clal.conultlons.for. 1 1 1 0 ,4 9 9 4 une lists lo utility ' ______ ution o f mailing and telephone тАФ тАФтЦа FRIDAVTAPR APRH'15,1934-----------------companies for normal uilllty/ purposes. pu 5vak-TwlnFalls JтАФ ir\ тАв GQtMflovakтАФ SU1354 (Resources and Environment) Env m tho Post Offico In B iu . 2.8 mOMMutfi down old grado. BU* LOCATED b on " i Gunj.GIasswar ssware. Household A m ends law on nor\residcnt lent ta x id erm ist ^ H p B |y i U jcmcnl, April 13 тАв 11 AdreniscrT^ci liccnsc. iUCTlDHEERS" iM t i ^ тАв yB e┬е тАФ Increa.scs periSB136I (State Affairs) тАФ It flH rlfe -┬л ;3 0 A H ---- 1----------office od w hhin which attorneys gei petlE T |T |u l > Eiviit &Carol Caro Hoagiand must review Initiative and referendum refe тАв FarmMai*li>cry -Guns Guns- Misc.-Glenns Ferry lions. UdOT axle, covered top and tack! room n rse tiailar, 6* x i r . iliract pul, tan┬л тЦа Amartcan 4 horsa imcnl-Afltll13 Advtnlicmen SB 1304 (L ocal G over and sink, sleeps six - Newr acamper sr tl trailer. iO', foU dbwi model, huu alove ┬лi тЦа тЦа Ih Colsman camper CT10N SERVICE ^ тЦа WEHTAUCnt Taxation) тАФ Amend.s law on :avsessmeni ide box p i ^ p тАв Bed Inar for Iona wkle wkl box pkkup. k J i |U shell (or long wide the value of subJivislon lots. SATURDAY.тАЩ.APRiL1B,1994 AP A S S A IL S D I388 (Slate A ffairs) тАФ тАФ A uthorizes Ok)-Coflcdjtte-T*^ Falls UCrtlcot-HouxhoW-C J'x12' wlth5тАЩ w a B lB n t.h a ┬л o v ei-T - h rw vith S' wal tanta. has ttmes тАв 10' x Two'12'x M'with esiment admlnlsstale treasurer (o charge Invesin ┬лmcnl-AEtll14 Attvertiicmcn a y ^ p ^ bqxas wif tc w y t^ lte tm m s and t┬╗ vrffl Jm Ml up tor ditfin) тАв Tmo llai 'puhlic'fund.t. * rfT -L okkr tenia (lanttv ______ irmionJcc.fcr.iflvcbiQ3cnl.t>rpтАЬ ? UCT10NEERS ^ -------addier- - тАв тАФ тАв----- ^JMA AUCT pack Do┬╗Br~тАЩ~Pj g tuu┬л тЦаa ┬л bergtts ┬лn SB 139B (C om m erce a n d H um an f ii jV n ^ - ┬лii┬╗he┬╗--TV┬л) brkllM ' id> - Hou┬л bSSES тЦа H>H┬л and Bl lltar chapi - Several oui tcawanls Two pair oflealtMi argirig more for тАФ Resources) тАФтАв Horbids chargi PRIL16TH-11 A.M. 1 be put ' SATURDAY, APRIL tl тАв- Horse hobblsS-i^natLCoIUr.* m l r l Stswvd dlppen n surance based -supplem enial M edicare Insu i(tf&Fiitft(Jj-Fiifni!uro-................ J tra w - =-Vfm&P:flDojhi(tf& ^tree тАв Neckyoke тАв Coteman 3 burm ' togothar тАв II Misc.-Twin Falls J ^ Aulo.-FamiWl: a a r r B i t y p e uK n ^m e -W id B ir a M l. тАЬ l l S n 9 r '( C o m m e r c e a H um an Arfrtrlisemcn nsurers offering R eiouree*) тАФ Requires Insui ScTlDifsm VlCE . ! HENRYтАЩS AUCl to perheallh insurance to provide insurance insi. steering -----------------------^ s k l e curtain, flbarglass top, st< viR 15' fiberglua boat, rMW caipet. U L lOSa HWro SwiR APRIL 16,1994 . . SATURDAY,тАЩ, AP sons who are Insured wilh1 Ihc Ihe insurer and molor and has tu two wheel boai tralii conlroi, 75 hp. inol Tools, > тЦаi_ Robert E. DavissEslalo-Shop, Est policy or' w ish lo convert to anotherr plan, pli Conslrudlon lon 1Items-Jerome11 тАвтАв [ contract. wooden Atfrertlsetntr < ,Cfnenl-Aptlll4 . 0 i8 W ta ┬╗ m tabie (Qood) тАв 8* rdl matal eat* тАв Two wooden feed troughs тАв (4) 12' w S B 1402 (C om m erce a o d H um an I hay manger тАв Steel poet тАв ^ 1 poet WCHON SERVICE ; noden partela тАв Barb 'Mri тАв Small hn ┬лPrt>*r MASTERS AUC: on limited liabilp ' W T T T " . parwl* тАв (4) S' woo ___ Resources) тАФ Amends law I тАвfld io: . 3 .. . . ------------тАв -ff trutod round po┬лl┬╗ r (20) B' u . тЦа Hoo tfooghr-H' 4 ^ til-fc s d box* l-p a m c rsh tp rin тАФ k.тАФ ----- ^ t y c o m p a n l e i and llm lted-pa ;dmaieV3 ton ofQOodCMtedhorsa hay APRIL 18,1994 uy. SA'hlRDAY,', AF n ir o z l tk s тАв (3) 11' 11' corral pci┬л тАв Feed baga - Apfxodma corporation lawi. jscftold тАв Twin Falls ; KllloylDHouscftc nvironnenl) тАФ SB1421 (Resources and E Env - I ;emenl-April 14 1 Gam e L im its m em bers o f Pish ndai blocks - Pipe stands - ^ r ┬╗ l At WCT10N SERVICE ; ilxer. electric metor тАв 22S dean dndai ^ l y i s t i i u w s a term s Com m ission to two terms, changes ch iiaina тАв Od Iron puBey - Main line op; la тАв (Soeet and olhar doon тАв Tlrs chair - from six to four years. PRn.1STT{-10A.M. : fittings тАв melal Impiement a ┬л t - Foik >t1a and SATURDAY. APRIL n тАв C┬лne-t-lonQt тЦа Picks тАв Pipe Unit chair*393iAnmDlHjyi┬лS ┬╗d canvas taips тЦаWooden foWto di >mprBssor (or painting тАв Three good i orchiid -Tractors-Hay S Far Mial harnjwa with draw bar тЦа a d or le cabinet тАв Two s e ^ of 6 ' melal ifltaWe; -Vchm -i Vbilt Mr - Homefito duln taw* (2) T ro ^ l rolotaief, 6 hp. тАв 3' x 4' weWinfl Tbe AasocUtcd Prcu "cieSSSf S SLANEAUC тАФSUHDAYf APRIL Q | bincli Inr I SALETIMIE:1:00p.m, E: PTRAILERS HORSE&CAMPJ - HORSETACK CAMPINGTENTS-I ^ BOAT UVESTO C ock iN OTHERMISCEUJW EEOUSITEMS тАФ ........... тАФ MEKIS IDlE hnpoftant rile U ┬лrhiftg'toiU eab<keit┬лD Check of p u u g e in our mobile (Odety. wd a o o tiik.M ^a)L _ outottfbD okiaodcuecU csoi a n d pleaM n i to help mike ll > ti l e! an S r i ^ ^ a l W P u W iitch- L i b r a i ^ InfomulioHforUj rU i тЦатАЩ ┬╗ H I s ty U -H g b) 3M pMxani тАв Fertlkier s p r ^ rir,, 1 2 'тАв r w sher тАв Some hind toob тАв (10) :i_other weed burner тАв Post driver тАв Plilt. ip..rotoUller тАв Hand 5 gallon wee . _________s__________ ' t e U y ^ i?3rinc-┬╗c┬л тАв AiJ4-Aptni2Ai|Wali]) : ----- IPARKSflui I f l U C ^ C O . ------------ . . . ~ O W N E R : D a l e &U ; a n e S l a n e le Cliecit Day Sala 6t S a ls B u ro g e d tiy M asters e is A a c tlo a S ervice jr m s iC a s lio r B a n lc a b te l . APRIL 17.1994 SUNDAY. APR (1twrtr*┬лw^&wwmoW┬л---------------- renl-Bellevue [ ^ ^ Atfvcftlscmefi ^ orling 5 Goods-Shop ament-Aiiiins ; BIUESTES& S &A ^ C IA m ,_________ тЦа MCUIDAY, APRIL 1UL1BTH-11A.M._______ Fuisaic'STw^ s^mWondflTFmii c u E i a[ - . тАв Mxttincrjinctr-Ha.тАЩsllijn , QoiyCDebom land Atfrtrtijoncfi soncrt-Aprll 16 . тАШ -034-6350 LomarLovolai mCTloil SERVICE тАФ -------S o тАФ ^ - -__ MASTERSJUUr la u ^ r ----------RuportrWWw _________ J тАв 4433 6 ^ 3 ^ - тЦа- - - ^ i ^ a a s a3тАФ- ;- :тАЩ=^6^9---------- : Rupw t тЦа Small cement mixe iS f-W S S -. ahovela - AJr comp Wooden atoraoe c a p rm ro n n itm r I JtXtisiness= r .'- f r i w e s t iE f B e ir to i - ^ u s in e s ^ a iii strzrig ht-gg ┬й O W ^ lJ p ^ l - ndition. :iursday-s jo r oversold conditi long-term (in terest) rates.тАЩ < . - H c ┬╗ t f d '. K ^ g h t . R id i i do'N i ew s Scrvicc t!though th e y u dm jned Thu p a r t o f t lj e:ppirojcctcd rise to tiie auto- lo T he A sso ciated Press ry tbonds w ere, once , ___ ih flow and U.S. Treasury im proving profit.s and cash market dytianiics were not1 rremotely dustry. "C ar kales have re- in m obile iiiiki; s tro n g d e m a n d a lso are m n rh тЦатЦаirr.nLтАЩL -c thnn ilirde st ------------ VVASMINOTUN тАФ Ti tsc-arnom ingloss, risrose over managed to crasc-a m ore investm ent. sivc rally, when th e тАЩDow rc iths ago," she said. m , . trials rose: 1-3 \-l points to close at 3693 s nom y, A m eri- to six month 'b y rtiL* cxpandiniJ cconor 1 n q u arte r p o in t bv ;___ lO T J o J ia v тАЩc_____ ih o f more in); m ore than-flThe rep orts-did not appc; / fhr┬╗ir t)'ir<l r n nnr?pntiwp S Thiirsdav: nning a hit┬╗ inIn oth erтЦаreports re can businc;;.^cy arc plnnr'i! nfigr Federal Reserve -si ┬л k - m a r . , тАФ -~thnn 6 gnincra to evcrv io s c:Lf ____ _inidaftem 0 0 D..n<^p essioo foHowHng a frccfnl1-~tl la tio n 's largest rctiiilcra-rcтАФ- liil dram atic im pact o n tl)0 -5l fo'r'new b .u il d ~ " ┬╗-Thc-nat3 _____ c rca sc 'in iin'osuncnis for speaking = k cf? ^┬л ch ^v asM i┬╗ x ┬л !-flrtc i ility o fth e Chaiffnan AlnnI'Greeaspan, Gr il,,' One caveat about the qualii lier-ilinn-exp┬лie<rM ilcs-forтАФkl thc index 6.5 pcrccnt o f its ------------------s ^ p o n e a -te tie i ~ -----ingH nndcquiprnC T t.тАФ Son Francisco, proved-- тАФ onsum crs. m ore eonfident etery e a rlier thi.s week'. islтАЩHvc trading days: " тАЬ-th t. r c c - d a y n illy ; tccbnicnl1 canalysts тАв to bankets in-.San; тЦатЦа тЦа < * vallie in jiiSf p a n m c n t said- M arch, Con TIiL' C o in m c rc c D epar umincnt, /j-point hike . rumors b f an immi A lte r tw o m oves sincee F e b ru a ry l Analysts | ir-financial security, apparIs ssaid llic quality o f Thurs-тЦа ssaid, w ^ that it lias shown a progrcsplan an 8 per- aboul th e ir < . тАв T hu rsd a y businesses plai J .5 cssions тАФ in tlie discount rate rate to be unfounded. by the Fedenil R eserve to0 :n u d s c in тАв sion o f dcclining-volumc ses; itтАЩshopping enthusiastically b; ly im proved in latc afters , w hich w ould ently w e n tтАЩs cent increase in 1994. wl 1 enjoyed a moderate ractcristics Tlic dollar had cit terest rates higher, stock p тЦа not tlic most bullisli o f charac ing and Was, overall, better r Stef, lc , P " 'f r o o n inidinE capital invest- before liiLste be the biggest ju m p in caf rumors. rom a m a- rally Tliursday on such !i ; i r v a lu e . Miiin W c d j nn e s d a y тАЩs a c t i o n тАФ a l -тАв for f a rally that has arisen froi ninibcr o f A m ericans filing lclost about 9 p crcent o f their ;rccnt ju m p in тАв T he nun m ent since ;m' 11.4 perci: E conom ic stre n g th has,s triggered claim s for jo b less benefits llrst-iim e cl: I9┬л9. and interest I---------- -----------1.000 last w eek, the L abor fcfears o f rising inflation an sharply h igher rose by 6.0( Tlie latest figure is sha ^ Jiite s, a n d b u sin ess invest nt saidthan tlie^csiim atctl 5.44 p crcenl rise D epannicnt iv--y e a r, fix c d -ra tc in o rt- " pp la y e d a k e y ro le in the p ro jc c tc d j u s t тАв T h irty . . tliui b u sin e-sscs-h ad pro r a s e d R.47 nL-rceiil th is, gi were asking an average тАв nst y e a r 's in - ir a w s av eer: oan M o rt- gages, lendersS w( b y th e F e d era l H o m e Loa b; ,nc.HSCs s u r - T h e A s a o d n tedPresa l td S ev eral th o usand busini 4,96 pcrcent, up from w e e k , u p) 1fro m K.0 4 'p e r c e n t la st initial rate o f 4, crease w as 7,1 percent, . ggag e C o rp . Departm ent veyed by thc Com m erce Di ast week. tl: e highest in nearly two v< he h ig h e st 4,65 pcrcent last \ " I t 's c o n s is te n t w ith th e re c c n t w eek andI th T his w e e k тАЩs, level is thc тАвIGTON тАФ T h irty -y e a r, W A S H IN G a r nmonga{{CS. a popular :c o r 'd in g to th e F e d e ra l didarin g th c first quarter off 1994 said perFifteen-year s tro rrue r-tlia n -e x p e ct:ed e d g ro w th in y e a r s , accc since m ortgages averaged1 8,48 I n o rtg a ges a v era g ed 8 .47 si -biU ion-iliis_rised:ri┬╗l<?jnoi .-^ljey-w ould-┬лpcm l-S633-bi ar^^тАв^oTtBnge-<;t>t^>^тАФ тАФ = ;тАФ -tl isc-rtffinancing-^iottgages,-------a'C Cun'D T rrisrтАФH o m trL 6 arr тАвd'Jung'26. ' upiicm-foi~1hoae-ri diTnrig the w eek'ended 'c c o n o m y , .saia"C "wi w e ^ . up from 8 W p ir - cent ci b illio n last Percent this y e a r тАФ Up fro m S 5 8 6 bi ;rc e Secret:iry Kon Drown y icrcentQ ge avcrai*cd 7 .9тАв11 pp. crccn t'th is week, up тЩж C om inerc P r is c illa T n u n liu U o}ff th t e W EFA Jc, aiid the higliest in near- -- 11 992. Il is n c a rly -l-> l^ tii Jld m odem - cent last w eek. le irising investm ent-spcnd- yiyear тАФ on c onstructing ani cc'nt a w eek e a r l i e r ^ ow of,6.74 frpm 7.55 percc'nl points a bove thc 2 5-ycar lo\ тАв G ro u p , a B ala C ynw тАвyd, yd, IтАЩa,. fo re- said o f the - P' - i2:ing-builctings. J c ^ l i h g ;.n , ! cw ,c o m ---.ly -tw g y ^ ni.тАв " тЦа T ltrratc s do n< тАв -- - - : тАЬ^n g p l a n s . ' i r c m r f b i r c c d oil n na^ p тАФ тЦа - " тАФt th e r e q u ip piitiT┬╗j iin ttra d in n oth Bt-ttn.,<<.imi-nt in nnt?hi-irmn4i. nts. ,, rate m ort- k-nown as points. . O n one-year adjustab!.e_n y iie 's a iil sh e WUS'flni -m c n t-a n d m achinery. ff b y-ti┬╗> -r┬лcont-nm -up-inтАФrr tlribuicd n-big тАв ch o k ed off-' - тАв that-thc-govcm m enl-allril (hree.mimilis tl week tage increasse slightly this Fixedi-rate morti LilM llViCXl I W&t s Dow-Jones5 ┬л*Jon┬л>┬лv┬лf┬╗fl0┬╗l0f KGWYORK (AP) тАФ firol D<w.-Jt Essa"'' Loo OoM CW ofiso.45. 040010*..- - London late. U04.03. on $( no ita┬л; 500 O 700 IM. 65 00-109 OO; 700-9 :6 tim B00, Ml┬лa 5-1016 tit 6B0>. per nwvsrwf┬лfoiom. non - no NMA┬лe>ab<e Pan* aflefnoon fiiJrw NMf 00 00-100 00. mo┬╗o,7!Lo,┬╗orne^h^┬л-^Mied10, 0^ w e A 7.00-7.50. mo. 90. of off SO05. FranUun fL>no S304.00. ShoO bred 750.00-114 00per f^ead. ┬╗303.BO.OfI┬╗.45,M04.30_ aieaHerTwn.┬╗3fl3. FreUi neifers: 020.00-l.23d.00 per rwsd. irTloтАЬM.lewh.0'┬╗rMlV3*1O-5in . fтДв lOOO-lDM.mcir, 1 MJUng COM' no Int. KfrBffweH)fтАШ. non iUe A 0 50-0.00. [^i FilmBsqi. PMnundro U04.30. up S040.. Dreeolr^ bull*, rw Inl. Dre mo┬╗Uy0 00, iom*ehiflt'en hK 1001b ┬╗ck┬╗, non┬╗U┬л A ta8┬лca!┬╗d. J305 60. up tO 40. * J1.300 00; NY Handy & Harman taBrte Toptpnnger: * 1 , * ^ тАШD S ; ^ing*r* тАЩ Tof S ┬г04 50. mostly 0 OiO. ocea┬л┬л*i7 WOf>on 50 tb cei- lop NY Engeinafil. 1305.00. up IwelBhl, 70* 30.0CM2.00, nwUy kjp M ┬╗prv>5┬лn: SU60 00, top 100 ┬╗pnngi Mj , Ctuuo o torn. perfiundrsdweH up┬л)42. . NY Enfloinart laUncalea. t-*1,240 00. JW|SB M;j 32U Jun 3000-31.00.OCCBW JOirO TV>ntncJo.eTt.┬л.┬╗fl3.00,oI1 ┬лi3LAprt22. NYCome┬╗┬л}Ud*pot month Special open heifer aaio. open contlgnmeol ┬лDona iB^.┬л>5So0.1ew'S┬л^. OOi Spi OT00^.00, mo┬╗Bj 2 J1.00. can for idvanceO con┬╗Jsinmgnl. Dank 4 p.m. Thu. S304.10. ofT . NY Republic Nauonal Dan┬╗ ,rao 1 ^ 0 ? Is^i'lO тАв3 0S . jI?┬╗ . cl'orao ulnlermoun. JO.SO.'^ POCATEUO (AP) тАФIdaho Fami Duraau li . 2 50 lb w i* . per 1.unflre<fw┬╗KihL 0 PO ZO.OOO.tWO looSSToO. 113*25 (.om S.nclw 4 Co tain U┬╗oiloch lepofl for TKureday. 3,30?,300 QiwljIKjiij (ron S.50-0 00, occationally >tre<ni mani- taui ounce minimum 5.50ulure*bodinoontheCorna┬л ' NEWYORK (APJ тАФFulurei <Ki┬╗iiy_hi0|W jJ0 owiwrrumm^ Ida IgilkMW.oCCatMnsI Idaho Range and Feediot Rapon alauohisr 0 00-0.50, lew k┬╗w, Um (MO* -Che. Am тАЭ B e a n ! 000-000 lb 120.00-121.00; MuoWer hwfon - USOA тАФ mw^^s ^IB120 00-121 OO; feeder aleera 80M50U) _^3^1_тАЭ .01 CMlCA G j^(^jj-O i -1)0.00; la┬л>er.l┬╗lleneOO^ D ) 70.0┬╗-77,5 g c - ---------------------Vir^nyOeiinf Wid.TiiiinS.OSl--- ---------|}5ti?303 00'383 00-^T.W --------------Hoittetfi tlaert no ouoio; aieuBhier Hoitw CrMlnonhom w ┬╗ / l * n t 4ff 7f)1 ifn f!2ft . - uutm; muBnter no queu; leeae┬л-Un B7'oo"3a5 4o E^ тАЭ тАФ !uu-------------5J5' 367.00 307.90 *2*1 io-22 M ' 018 ┬╗aeki non tuo A Wi┬╗con┬╗in qu< INk* YOfli Stock C>Smo;i fcid┬╗, тАвI 20 00;nn┬╗┬лU 10018 90.00 W M 301W тАФ1,┬л L.mrtwJIOOO Aug 300 00 390.00 ido 7.50-OAO; Idano 0.00-0.50. ,2.75 - 02X 8 OM.SO, Colorado i per c┬╗t70┬л) (kAiicUonIn o o 39200 392 00 LIVESTOCK AUCTION -IdahoUveetoc*, loni count: Wltconwi LIV Veiumo U it Cng. Small wnriin. X 270X тАФ03>: Ru┬лMl┬л50Ibcanoni Idaho Fall* on Wadnetday; uaity and comr тАЩpro l(Jor┬╗ pittos cOioclod wwikiy bj; Daan iNnolon 24 00-20.00. Oreoon 24.00, Ida ; Z07 -.D3K .... 27.00-20.00, WfltNm . . _ - T┬лfl^A05 __ .'i!n |;?ox 270X ioaxz 1,111,000 {^v^iтАЩN'e.rt'тАЭ SoOO^ni (┬╗s. U.S DflpsilfT^inil of AcitcuftDTw. Pncir┬╗- - ^ ---eow┬╗ 43 00-31.00: heavy leeden 70.00-00 co┬л 2 57X тАФ 03X 20 00: Cotemdo J5 25 o0U3o 00; Idaho J9.00-fc.00. V/niMoit a . 40000 тАФ1,00 5.00-tl'?00, Js?............................ tiOwiMt lOOpoundt. U.S.No. 1 Msni. faaoars 60.00-100.00: etocker feedara 95.0 noo┬╗100oount.Wl┬╗coft┬╗in13.00l┬╗* X 2 03X тАФ.04 nu┬лMU50lbcailoni m2 тАЬ jWO 03 50 403 50 404,10 - 1 00 heevyholjтАЮn 403 50 403 M txian lu> ana ttoiaga cnarQoi Quotes cuiholllsln leader ┬╗li┬лn 70 00^5 00: hec ioA 'IK "os┬╗l8at┬лj┬оt>c<.i 7K 2 07X тАФ03 14 00; W┬л┬╗hlOQtoo H 407.70 -1.00 >p II 5. Ptoiluc┬лf┬╗ ilosuino rxxo tecanl piico Auo ^ 0< J S K S S S S , тАЩ" тАЭ -тАЭ " K I feeder ileer* 04.00-72.00; holileln|*P>lnff┬лf 4078,100 U>1 i.nlooAiX.15. ^ 2^0^ 72X 2 00 22.00 тАФ03X I<JH 'NnU* тЦатАШO? ColOrBdo 13.0^10 411J0 тАФ1.00 ud.bet>y oSl head 0lBMCMWiSCon┬╗┬л(e┬╗i0 00-0 25 N>t hetfen (Jerome) 1240.00-1420.00 per 3a.fW 7W300 21)v тАФ >l uila.m┬лbon┬╗nc 'A 7*Vf тАФ 03X Roonowmroi 1001B A;noucn n oi!c V ┬╗ 2 50X 2 47X: 1520 415,20 415,40 тАФ1.00 daky cal┬╗e┬╗ (Jerome) 70.00-100.00 per he< WiKj.-eMiM 42.047 , ISfwo). ft ^ 419 30 -1.00 Woa'┬╗cpeninl321,704. upOOO 2 ^ 'S m ^ *ix G r a ir heller* 82.06-07.00; Uoekar heUon 8O.OiO-0 K " " S . - C - . i тАЩi S . , S,000 bu mkMmunc doiloi Mr b u M >тАФ3aa┬╗rMur┬лlrwJinoontf>┬лN*w --. tiock *lo cow* 073-00.000.00 per head; OMyt ┬╗ioU>;le┬лier Wy o t; oens par W *l.nnl liw (juit.ol, ba;'oy,тАШtr.iiiSI'BtaVi.тАШe┬лil┬╗. M=y ...........тЦа; (Jerome) 00 OO-IOO.OO: weaner p^)┬╗ no (jm 2:i23>00 m тАв X- Ptto.Hlw-l.nr laiW.* no quoie. RemafU: Ail ciaaaa* eteae тАв┬л /Apr 6*4,0. M4.0 2.077.400 40 --------- тАФ zVrj ________ Iti┬лat^J27TbJi┬лTS oram-------e Chicago 050,0-601iJ5 25.comJ5 00(15%"Wtu>┬л) Prwc. CHICAOO (API тАФfuture* tradoiQon Ihe C 2^<m.iM ^ ~ H UJJO^^ttlS тАЬ - <>┬╗ - ┬л i Ially By Rnngf.n's s V d : 1.10 ,1.21 S WeO.-D ┬╗<тАв┬л 1.330 locBman'a tnc in Mountain Horrw. quolMl sec o┬лSip 5m :1 moo 1Stockman . Inc. of Djrlay, tD0Of1┬л0 ┬╗on __________ _ CATTIJ , - 5 3_________ ____________ Peg M7 0 ML9_M0_0_M12 M7 0 !S 11:SS \ \ S ! ! g = g c tl Aw'l dniryorv in Moiii.la,n HomOjI201:___ 11 I.II IT02 TT.W тАФ02 тЦа' <0, ^ ------------------ .%iтАФ InrHUI' ,57 -.15 ^T-fi jp-i┬╗.oarAiuu┬╗rci┬лiiv┬лiy:n oc' , ^ 7 0 0 0 ┬л 7- ^ . 3-------------.08 11.14 11.00 1V00 |0 3 -----CCS Chnng* andnwaJpV DcKtlllllori >^y 11.00 0 May ┬░*тДвтАШ тАЬ 'тАЩ q '.^ ^ ^ o r тАШo ^IX 0.J5 - -.0 3 u ;; -S iaK>┬лtno (train X I0 40X тАФ.04X oa 11.10 Auo O^W^ 6 ^ 04^<W oy. no uuolo. n<rwOOP oNiat. no Quale тАЬ V ┬л l e . 17.795 0.34 6 24 8.10 Im I ' i 7 d┬л ┬л ┬╗ o 804.0 597,0 595 2 ^ 3 LO (AP) тАФ loitx) Perm tJuconu [ntstmounfi POCATCUOI BPonlWTTii/rwJ.Ty Apr 74.05 74.83 тАв 74.00 74.00 1,00 - ┬╗ тАв 'тЦа'тАЬ wBd'***┬╗o┬╗21,000 2111 . тАЩтАвтЦа>; bltijjialn tBPO iW^^7 ClXlAuro il"f 0 29H o Wod.тАЩ* *aтАШe┬л 0.000 in i>6cAтАЩ e ut o -тАФwn:i0 wt.out 2 00 (uo 21. Beilcy 4 055' . May-----___^__ ________ Wed,тАЩ┬╗openmill0,70i 112,000 RM; oenap 6 J J тАв -(U J-. 0 J 2 _ 0(I -17 тАФ04X W ^ im -- n .8 9 -S T .9 0 -----.03----- ; Wed'* open M 70.032,-up 050-------тАФ '" U тАФ тАв): (.iM'dri.upr Cures Uum┬л !ul 0.M flJO 0 34X I 'reEDeRcAm┬г. 35 22 05 22.02 22.04 .M IM тАШ .i;: . win!DfJ33(ua Firat InHI 0<i"oc┬╗ii S I I 35 I 22.00 22 04 23 05 тАФTO W Nov 0,05 0 05 3 04 тАЬ :S S i S S 'wiiln'~n┬л8l3OO(una|;&┬╗i┬л>400 тЦа 20 .X 'OOOEN-Wf Handy4 Harmon *.┬╗ve┬╗ Thursday r ┬л l Soc CofB 4 ^icont s[┬╗ino r>0Quote; 11 pofcent winS r тАЩ тАЬтАШ =тАШ^ r o '? : 3 00 07 00I97 xtealed tS470.uo 0.030. m ~ ;t t3470.'i^*^; FaWeaS . .. -.w┬лJ.тАЩ┬╗<^lnli31.2lO ----M ay -. . 01.20 . 81.43 00.07 01.09 - ┬╗ 'i J r T i┬╗r┬лre8iiierinLondon┬╗9,4979 - ---------' .................... - s тАФ - - Thehtfwnpncaferstrwt oj HJ. Hoif'f тАФ I i m " - " тАЩ " 5i 0 _;Vhrie v>hnsl3.50(ilnaay); uney 7^ 01.73 81.0 01.40 0 1тАЩ┬░S ┬л - r^ ui A---- -0110,275, 2M тАФ PORTIANDlaahoPwwrCo. 1.00 UlM02^4^pofconl┬╗eiino 5.70 (uB5); Sao 01 40 614 3093 01.19 3i.тАШi .y. ioo.oo-w.oo 30, upOOM; Fabr*^ed *5,010, I'fK j тАФ= 2 0 тАФ'En^haitiitvor 16,430, u( il: | p ~ 4 r ┬╗ ' тАЭ2 !S тАЬ d7.┬л : K<iy Co┬лp. тЦа OlilO 81.^ 00.70 01.M o'., .Wwb'tMl┬лa023 ' a ┬е ,f, i:!S ^ L ┬╗ u . w -тАв - Lo"0'┬╗i"wFit><тАЩ' ,L тАФ Wuto wfioat cvrl 4 03 (up 31, O nrloy 07 *4 CALDWELLHnbmnThur*C9y┬╗5,44тАЩ8,'Off тАв-' тЦа ┬л7.oa, . ...-y. . 27JQ ...тАФ.13_____ WoO.-┬╗e{┬╗nlnl7, B0!m WOsm┬л**var*poliro(T Urcron Tocfino*Ooy irt-................................ . ' ' ? 0 HтАФ' тЩж>!тЦа' 5.10 (tt^ftdy). тАв --------------- TMuriisoo^Knudttfl-------- ' ' ''тАШ'wed.'t aaiaa S09 P┬╗Ci┬л(XP D(> (AP).тАФDKJs Qi 1.30pm. MOT Thur┬╗<My Wi>d.-iopenlnni,431, up9 . l/K PORTLAND Pnllnc'- тАв i | : | L iv e s to i anivod ot PotUnnd tor tKumoni by loit. , Piico<CoilWlrK /ga, porBuUiol. e┬╗ceploats, com. Baney r┬╗ViF#n┬╗UvesiocJiCo<nmi┬╗┬╗ior)Ca 4a ra -X 21K . -X and uvgnum, I rlr||i pnc┬л> from tns catue wl┬л ne>d ^ 'UWOTWKgon tno Ne*rYork------------2^7 тАв02 N┬гWYORK{AP)-FUW* тАФ 5VтАЬ !тЦа┬╗┬л iwтАЩtтАЭ ┬╗lSl2l 3M Thursday, ii;52 тАШ8l!72 Morcanllle ; Jul ' тАШ 2^/. ' тАФ No1~Hitocli SmlliB F/0 Inc W┬╗d'┬╗┬╗┬лlo* 13.518 24 тЦаK NO 2 gynidO'ni.lticuoa <)┬╗ S - r тАв "S 2ft -----------------S^CMirt^VSivDlrMHaTOTDO a ---------------------------------- -------------------------------oy >0 inland nront ┬о4.OS SOYDEANMEAL Dec 45.03 40;i2 4570 45.9 .700lo000IM.70.7&-e3.S0;ovw 0< 100 ton*: doOM per ion |^.irtni┬╗<┬╗t>┬л┬лortlmfyp┬лDS┬╗ln . 3.p FeB 40.00 40 30 46.0 60dlB┬╗.71.┬╗-7B.i0 !S .S 1?S тЦа : May тЦа 108.40 100 70 107J0 10 K 7 40 тАФ 40 Apr 44.30 4440 44.30 44>┬╗ (┬╗ in . 00 00-101.00: 400 lo 500 Ibi. A| ' . 10 pet pfololn 187.00 -.3 0 Hetfen Uoder400>t 1 Jul <00.70 1B8 00 507.50 1( mCO f ^ тАФ тАФrt)^тАФ 3 < y , 000 kj < -----------^7-5┬╗-<ef. w iea b8-тАЩ<< '[Wed.'t aale* 7.071 тАв ' . 105.20 тАФ30 IB>. 7S SUM.OO, 70( 'iSSuf-i.Uii ii(>yV5 ' ' T U┬лd.'*opimlnl31.057 21K ┬лK 13pap<oIain 00. 03 20 - 30 000 IM. 70.50-75500 1043 15,00 15,00 -.19 WMll PM S4L тАЩ ISSIS ISi Jg II PORKOCLUE8 34;; .X 1 0artc fKrtw >0-52.50. Pt UB{|tye(w>:40.00-S: 2iicg Inc nS t . 1005 10.15 10^19 10,05 15,00 - ,I9 I Oec 103M 103.30 1 0 2 ^ It102 40 - 4 0 40,000 ei*.;e┬╗nt┬╗ per Bl. lapctpfOloln lors: 38.00-47 00 *0 182,40 тАФ.40 CanngfjandcuBon: 1 Jan 183.00 16340 182.40 1{ May 33.7^ 54,90 53 00 04 3 тАв Upelpiotom .00-095.00. Stock COW*. 7S0.00-1 OtMlaloniltoin CaAVilO Jpne┬╗4Co Mar 16500 10500 1B400 It104 30 - M S :i! k; s k JSIn 040I \ ISpcJproloin ,50 C 00-050 00. J>. Coofcstf pa n-350 ┬л-25 S5-i2 KSJ i12,25 May 1BS.M IMM 1SSW If105 00 тАФ1.00 *.40 ^ 1 0 ┬л 10┬л 106 00 тАФ1.00 He┬╗ef┬лta: 5fl.0C┬л4.i OLIS (AP) тАФCtoin rutuiM Triu F ┬л 60.S0 6 o!m m !sO 507 250'lo500IOt 74.50-00 00;500lo Fc MINNEAPO^ тЦа'тАЬ'we<).'┬╗ilMiтАЭ .M5 iOJJ 50,25 Aft 18,55 18,5! Opon Mlgn LXM StSc Ov. 2.00. ovw 700 (M. M 7M тАЬтАвтАЩ0) ^ 72.00 WKl'sopen mi 60.504, up370 Mv S7.00 57.'40 37.00 57,4 WHEAT M DulcTwr bu9<: UI00^s4.00, DO10.62 10.07 10 03 -.19 Wed.-**aJe*4,7n Lo. ClOM Dianoo S.OOO(>uninlr rtnlmOT: a c ^ ^ jn .00-59.00. FMder built: 55.00-! Jvl 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.02 .10.73тАФ тАФ 10----- --------___ VY┬л.'┬╗0PWJnU?-U3._ufJM____ ------------------ ------------------------------------H otw t-┬л00.7d.┬╗ ┬╗.┬╗---------j------------ ---------------тАФ тАФ -irooтАФ18*0тАФ1001------. 1 9 ................ 3 40 3 42 - 3 38 3 3dn-01X Cotnmenia'Cows, o IDAHO FALLS (AP) тАФ T^ufwWt nXsk) pot pncee lor |? .| |? : | S = :|! тЦа , lucari Liveelock Marketing Aiaodarl*y dUBIca, detfv- JEROME - PfOCi^ Iflano-e upp┬лf vsney, F*ll┬╗-Oui>*, 3 44┬░ 3 44K тЦа.of* m2 uon In Jeroms rap^ Mo, Jun Jun DMnik S-F(;;nc ly j j o 00^ 0 0 0 O^^l^ W O^ Jo O0 0 0 137M 137M 13025 -2 00 ns ------- Most actives rтАЬcTni┬лi. Gufl"' ju" 3 57X -01X ..3 MW - 01X 3 04 - 0 2 Wod.'aopon ml n a. CHICAGO (AP) тАФ Pulura* Usd.no al iling in UOMon Ihe CnuooOoardof TrIK3aT^u.. tS┬л O ^. ^ ┬о┬░ Ot┬╗n Hign U┬╗┬л 6┬л8* WWEAT 0,000 bu iMilmuRi; Qonw* per b u M j -0M 'T J ^3тАЬ3oxV^o ^ ┬л X x 33W : X 3; 37X тАФOCX C┬лp 3.37X 3.40 3.30X 4X 344X тАФ01 Dec 3.47 3 48X 3.44X X3.40X-.OOX Mar 3.40X 3.40>( 340H : ins VjS iS'SS'S'iSKsr " S 'тАЭ тАЩZтАЭ'*-' тАШ r Sugar -a'=тАШs ;"gs."┬░тАШтАЩa . a siT-Sis tri-zli sss i ; 31 rest Local interei s K , a' .K K ?!:тАЬ iS ┬╗ : Sn?3S g i : gs yji g s ii i - i l ock S S S ┬л lels Fossil fuel t i i s -iT s IS !!5┬з W-EтАЩ! iii iss B Bis tures Closing futu тЦаirs~!a' S тАЩ S ' тАЬ slii :s тАФ: 3 ^Pptatges------ srsKa""-""."тАЭ.- g Metals -T . OTffTt*wontw┬╗w. -- ewy ----- Demand fiifty nam: Manat OO-TOOeol 0-119 00. Se ed^joeti. W┬лe Ouilc┬лlve┬╗: 70.┬╗11 тАвr, omw┬╗ eOoul eteody. Moeoy mWeO' May Sor<┬╗<>┬╗n┬╗ 0┬о' _a x is. _5j(57 Hong . 05 .......WM'IOM XJ.OO-IOOOOperrwM. He Kor┬л lata: i305.18. ^ S0.20. HeiferCSIvm: IDO .OC TDno* in F>K┬лi. RutMl OurMnk. U S S. 12-Jncticr4MEAT----------------------,-------------------l7500-335.00p┬лn*Bd. Uo 30300 303.00 тЦа1.00~ Started cafv┬л┬л. 1751 --------------5 r -'c 3 T тЦа I mV 3 m ----- ounS m&numrSaiiKI S-lOlomwht>*u cU . ber nuni*>km ^<Jol^^pwb┬л^ lOto500*M r┬╗l┬лt.300Io500)M___ Lo May Coppw 00 BS 8S KMByS.SoTlew ' тАШOpenheUer*'300┬╗ I dre<N┬лH3m.noтАЭ *UeAB.00-a.S0,in┬л 3 405 Apt PlAUnum 4M.OO 4C 00 407┬о30 ' 1:70 iiS?┬о _________ s3-"'5,idтДв " 05, )40. тАЮK┬▒ s s g i ^ yA┬░┬л StockHistings [ KAiS- S.тАЬS i - : тАЬ"=5 тЦа is s ' тАЬ Kaycoipija тАв 11 4435 51*** NpwVork *** li CiS┬лm ' _______ 32 ^ тАв dS h h i .w ┬л '! - i NEWYORKt*P)тАФTt>u pnc*i '0' r<*┬л Yod>Sloe* Eu>w>9< dSSS t 12 9<M 4' ^ p J;4 oSaCol'w M DoimC M 1M3 тАЭ ***тАЭ PE KM Oifl. S. X 0┬лUOn 0┬╗i┬л'a 168 r .H SSS , / S S :X┬╗! X X Dm i i 2 x.ix IX V OranFi M 74 9039 28 тАв I ┬╗тАв<. K OrtWi .44 38 2f35 21X- ) 1 ,_ K . UonWM 20 20 1350 501 __ IKIRjc__11___22.IB13_4iтАЩi l J 1 .1 [XmH┬лm2.54 irx. SтАФ - ' ------- r ┬░ ~ if 4M 3W' -' -.1* Dort>┬лy 58 jji; H--cipsIcbieJ---. 'ji^ 437..ja: |S oSSn 2M ' тАвI,. H CUSEr>9.72 12 1741 тАв 2Z *. !H -oowjm W ii:_ il CPC 1 3fl -18 B77 4M┬╗ тАв тЦа a i V '- . l '. S tl! X r S^w iit b * , AKoa' IW OPJMWM.07.** 1722COT be┬л*7┬л to 1K9 4SX-, AOrtnd 1.97 ┬╗ ┬л ┬╗ ' MX* 77 -1M9 17 ' тАв X H IX X 22 ' 73* eox- JN H ┬л ' J-** IX 16 3 (┬╗ 78X-1* IX 30 3822 B8X*1X c S o r to W '┬╗*7W j S ┬╗ K C┬лiKO *54 4H┬╗ X CaPee160 6079 ┬л -IX CtttPin .86 17 2574 31 тАФ X GMe 04 33 4283 84X Cita .┬╗8┬л 14 6430 1BX- X C1C6U 4061 iX - X OgW ^.M a5 - Rohr sRoKaasl.40 noOaa* JO .. 21 1178 43X* X , 388 9 17. 001 17X< X ........... " тАЩ. E III III 1 5 : ! r 1020 ! S 1013 t7!04 Wed.'* talei 00.420 E*1.*ale* 00,123,., We 10,099. UP3.233 W*d.'*openmi4l0,0┬╗тАШ :fcaao ,01 g^тАЮ Tuc ?T,┬лina ;S S .0 V 5 T,fl тАв< _ 21 764*тАЩ4 _ - t!i B 204 4x 5388 7K- X UAL slS !S r iwi'^ 1.S4 UNOlW " S ' g : тАЩ! SS "S:! S3S*S_ S U3W┬л 2.14 23XтАФ X ' 24 *┬л 'IS t'x CWaPt 15 381 10X* X CiO┬╗┬╗ 38 0090 41 тАв X O w ^ .20 14 2 ^ 1 3 ^ X ISooW 0' тЦа *08 7140 12X 24 1440 31xT X 9 2 3 JS S ^ :H iSScc iwtA 4407 тАЬ tx 2 38 ' 13 810 34X EipCA 770 10X┬╗1-18 1.80 17 31M- 87X- X F'*ii┬╗Pl * ^ ,99 ^kJka .12 31 34 37X┬л X M ^2S^ X 08 *44┬╗ UX^ X тАЩ fтАвi┬╗**nui SS HoeelUl *.78 15 2002 Ho5JPw2 50 тАв 13 5U 4M┬╗ X 2 s s . . тАЩ┬л i W 2 ? x * i '; ; U3F0 OC S T ┬л " i2 !3 ^S тАЭ i ^ '" S S тАЮ 'S , . S UnElee SfePC .l6e 13 2018 23X-X IM ffiw ioтАЭ 2o 'l W 2 ^ 5 1 5K ? Urefffl 1 1,04 10 8W 3 ┬╗ тАФ X . B S 0 0 . UBe┬╗i , 30┬╗ ┬╗X┬╗ X .тАв - fuf iP ┬░ ?^T,5 -l_m2S_i!so-!jQ-m*4 J iM t 1^ li ~ t5__ ^ тАФ i┬л┬гm- 2'*IтАФ !тАФ e -i┬лai-ftiтАФ I Mr-3TK*-X--lOMn 1 - I 2503_-fl2Xf.Jt__ I 13 15M 4W* X g s r тАЬ _ ┬г % тАЭ -S " - 5 aSH) 9-iS^T-tfl 24 2558 28 тАв ┬╗5 0KC0K1.12 13 620 17 тЩж X , 8. ^ ^ 9 MтАШ VтАЩ0 SnefTf l,┬╗4e .17 1217 B OX┬л.X . USJ on^X тАв'luiw n тЦа I 3 T O ^-^^ X :тАЭ 48wтАЩ ..тЦатЦа┬г snanm .65 . ┬л.1^O T -^*^тАФ /artel * 24 , 24 2374 34X* X Ha┬╗Brc 28 g2i.c ^ 14 1 ^ ^ 5 - 1 ' тЦатЦа 07 I?3'r5 saxMx тАФ p-0 тАФ a ----- ijтАФ*i-7n(*-v----------M M -||3 ^ 'MX* X 0 WaeJxM4 IJO 12 1768 S2X* X IW p тАЬ^OT тАЭ xt N ^WadiM mpoigiaer . 343 32 тАв x J8 29 61 13X-X UnpO l 1B 378 vraMI *.1726 48994 28X. X m i.^ X 124 тАЭ ]ssrтАЩi ^ 5 lis* m I = !!! ! WamL 2.4429 2397 81X┬л X haiCdZ S m S K l i ! " ' 'тАв< тАв┬л u1 тАв: 5 cESS.W?тАЩ \ f n w 17>i^*) тАЩ* 23900 32X*X u ┬г S тАШ M 22┬░2U4тАШ 3lтАЭ- I x jS S S zтАЩiS m Sm ^J4 *1*2 669 %i┬╗*x ' kSS** X MmeOep,12 42 12293 42X┬╗ X тЦа. S S S l i тДв cltoS.1.7^ uJJoS 1 ┬л 18 422a 43 . . X I 5; : ^ il тАЩ*23┬о2287*-тАЬ ┬л , ^ X- H anishJll 3┬лa 14X┬╗ * aS oT i M U *(XM mk* 5 ParCan .80 24 8301 ┬л3#KтАФ ┬л MaO? M 23 77 2U* X ' H Hmtfk. M 7T O ^*X xTтАЩx fSS i i M тАЭ t8'4W 8M . AtrRBf ,,- w ,l- 2 LтАФit ^ . S S l M ^3 82ffl IIX* - P┬╗a┬╗n-;13l 10 137 3X┬╗ X w S o , m тАЩ 14lj374.'lixrx ,NTH& SUtTOt . . -┬л1┬л. 31XтАФK . -W┬╗ An'Stn тАв .90 тАв '8 3 * 2 W тАФiIX Konit .78 22 448J JW* li X KS?* iS X i- X C┬лft5oW┬л 1.70 13 1W8 24JII тАФ 130^*7 16^^10 4*┬╗S^X anMtl .34 14 4842 14X- X W* - -AT┬лI McOnO 1.40 11 W^I^IWOX j I4I8I ^K тАШ 13 W28 3M--XX 'тАв H S f r . OtnCo. IJO 12 927 32X-X W A/i┬╗t(Jli1OT JM IS S S i "* тАЬ 3!?? _______ (kran>er40 13 1290 37X. X J J Jjl_ X cwipln JO S5* ' 2J0 15 4WJ SJiJтАФ 3U 15 IM2I тАЬ ixтАЩтАЬ ┬л* X ^ S f v ii тАШ*1M *1^.1тАЩ X X 0┬╗T┬л<*1.S37 13007 3# *li тАЩ ┬л 5 *3?S >Mnac . . . 40 3X┬л X X I S iS e тАЩ 38,^71тАЭ ^ ^ Ueion 3^t тАв ^ ^ тАЩ5 I 49 .1 own# > 1271 4H *X I X* FPL Cp 2 48 -* * 14 2505 33X J . H * 0┬╗rtn 3 70 22 4013 8M* ) 5 S S ..1 6 тАЭ i r ^ тАЩ? 4 ;.; ^ tтАФ IK F┬л<W┬╗ 2215 7XтАФ X lOP u - X cmjuu J ^ tS ┬л *' 82# 7 Wy тАФK F*a┬г>p 21 1885 64*тАФ X uSSnV.80 тАЩ 7 # 9 ^ I * 'Hx-y-55SSd o t X CI┬╗y*┬╗ .80 S 2MaO 40*^ 'X- aP-W404.07-94 17ZIL0T UaU.ISe 18 10833 u97K┬л4X . pnm I Xm i 3 10 XTO'IOOX' X pnwr I1X┬л1 bOflrW. . тАЮ тАЮ t .40e 10 1303 20 T X Ortktt -0┬╗ 18 *'>тАШ* тЦаiiS S 4 i i S S ? ┬╗tj)l┬╗ ^_ X ^ . . тАЭ * * " тАЩтАШ тАв 2 5 2 , CWOfp 10 1B1B7 34*┬╗ : i i i s s r i . i o * ? ? ┬л * ? ;┬л ! V ? sx rтАЩ2% i2тАЩi o W x тАЩтАШ- : .5 5 тАФ tS^n. 2^-^.тАЭ-:^ -^ n tt.A тАФ . S Jf X CUttlf 27 804 64X. 1X --TO┬╗--1^19--(4 PealS/i 73 10X ________ .SS6-3W .-Kwil-X тАФ Ctao. - 1 HJ- TBтАв 490-451- ; ASRKX 9 60 JO <1M g, X. * FltCrJc 1.80, 8 ┬л79 ^ тАЩ IJ. Mn<Pt.2.02 13 118 29 тАФ X I Booco~'^~'^n^4'"^?r~"xтАФ ----g Co┬л┬лUj HEWYORK(AW-TM ryonaf Sctfe X> !X - FlnUU 2 12 <0018 u7┬лl┬л1X* U 807 I j ; ^ X ,pS22fj3┬о тАЩL ? тАЩтАЬ тАЩ┬л I pnawfcrAtnwanBteaiEatf^naa тАв OWQ 8.AM . ID 5409 M┬╗ X U S S тДв :! I Taeow ^ ')(T X Flg^" 40 18 475 38 тАФ J X ' dM^ 1 ' тАЭ t74B 13X jxj*x тАв ' ** j tJSS ?72 16 8577 6MOX AlC Jmmh . c<T┬╗t IM J, i 4тАШ5 I TNIn*! * 29 59 24W X '5 il* 4 ^ 'j ^ ^ 5 r x To┬лP*t JO*______ 22 877 15┬╗________ -------------}] , a ' Conul<.74' 1^ Ots Z&*' I TubUei 123 0 'S-tO *тАЬ ** .1 NLwf*тАЩ ** '* тАЩ┬л 7 '┬л тЩж X U FOodA 81 19 1X*M6 TcWwn 39 1ZX┬л X AU g -j| g S S '-тАЭ *2 " ' M тАв I S ^ i . 54тАЭ тАФ ---Teao.-- тАвтАв0--4┬╗-┬л7┬╗-lUU-X---- Ay. ^ .IX CcraMI.04 10 2508 3S;(тАФ I OT-Cia----------- ┬л┬л7тАФ┬л ----- X-----------IX AP-WSW4J37.941723E0T Raf┬лin 1.40 13 1452 , 84X UmrPal_______ > m --------------------------NMjdW . J A -1 ^ -_ .... S ^ -- >te┬╗┬лeC> 144тАФ 10 ltaM-4┬╗┬╗1XтАФ тАФ jjffiтАЩss:.! !тАв I тЦа┬г S / S ' -I; xi-.'s issriis I 5 S'5^25^5 тАЩiSтАЬтАШ^2 S H'4┬л1^s тАЬJ ? ,K 'S :S ┬г ..... тАЬI f ! !?: S f s . | i | ssS.!? EKS.тАЩтАЭ I H тАЩl g i fc r i i E S .5 SJf fiS S .1 1 I K5'i! !!!iS a:! !a тАЭ ; S тАЩiS 'i S"'" тАЭlSsr2- KKS ,?SтАЩ?.r5 - ^тЦа!S. тАШs Amencan. ^ sal'll,'! ┬г !┬г S .S y,.l!SS:S s [┬л /5 тАвWriB g . : rS*: i -fSSl'тАЬ, ' Z S A s ,i i! f c .:s;ssj ixVx tlx cIlISrтАЩ.┬╗ ja 42072 8QX*1X ~ to d W *┬░1 ' *10 JW) 'sw* X iS ^'.oa , S n 1115 w o .u a"i 8 x."" s i┬г l i:i4 4 . FeaItllPtes m wm in rm rjp n u ffif^ ' f f / / mmmm ~v""тАШ , ' " ri f i ^ , u:.'. '4 - _ тЦа- - ~ - I - тАФ :------------ ' T oiday d тАв R o c k тАШn roll: B oo b b y R y d o il will, .m . d in n e r s h o w p e r f o r m a t a n 8 pp .i _ a n d a n 1.1 p .m ._ clock o d tail s h o w . C a c t u s P e t e s R e s o r tI C a s in o , J a c k p o t , D in n e r s h o w p r ic ee s s t a r t a t $ 1 9 .9 5 ; I . c o v e r c h a r g e f o r t h e r e тАЩs a $ 1 2 . 5 0 ,ci t h e c o c k ta il s h o wV.. 1F o r In fo rm a tio n . LOa______________________ ________ c a ll.-1 .8 0 Q .-8 2 l7 llQ 2 --,тАв ┬зaEi┬╗ uHtay ^ r ZlL тАв R o c k тАШn roll: B eo b b y R y d o il will - p .m . d in n e r , s h o w ^ a n d a n 11 p .m . ciocT o c ilSrslT bw . u a c - C a s in o , J a c k p o t. ................t u s - P e t e e - R e s o r t -tC _ _ n in fiR r shn^M p r i ra ^c c ta r t a t *81fli06i-------t h e r e 's a $ 1 2 .5 .0I ccio v e r t c h a r g e fo r th e c o c k ta il s h o wV., F i o r in fo rm a tio n , ca ll, 1 - 8 0 0 -8 2 1 -1 1103. 02 ' S u nnday d тАв R o c k тАЩn roll: B eo b b y R y d o il will p e r f o r m a t a n 8 pp..m . d i n n e r s h o w a n d a n 11 p .m . c:o o c k ta il s h o w , C a c t u s P e t e s R e s o r 1t C C a s in o . J a c k p o t . D in n e r s h o w p r ic: e s s t a r t a t $ 1 4 .9 5 ; t h e r e тАЩs a c o v e r $ 11(0 c h a r g e fo r th e тАв c o c k ta il s h o w . F oorr Iin fo rm a tio n ,' call. --------------1 - 8 0 0 - 8 2 1 - 1 1 0 3 ._ , ----------------- ^ .C h o r a l c o n c e)rt: r t: T h e C o l l e g e o f ' S o u t h e r n I d a h o C th o r a l C o n c e r t is --------------s c h e d u le d -fo r-S -p),n :m> ^ n -th e -C S I-F in 0 ------тАФ A rts B u ild in g a u d ilto lto rtam . T ic k e ts : $ 2 a t th e d o o r. H K \ ' \ Wm ^ -I" : O p c oi nm i n g ....... it, T w o m o n t h s тАЩ w o rk | w/ e n t in to G o ri p . W1/ a nr r o n тАЩs th ro o pilo lo cc o s ta i n e d gillaass s p r o je c t fo r h o K im b o rly I n ite d M q t h o d j s t ________ - Jsh u r c h s a n c t u a r y .' - B JbeIlca w r W a r r e n 's --------------arflq e f le c to d In a la m b reflG om n 0o n o o f t h o pla a nnio ls . ^NOVARCNZ/nwT)me┬╗M┬╗>n,. тАФ....... AMjy ......................^ . S a t u r d a y , Aip p rll 1 6 , a n d S u n d a y , A p r il 1 7 : T hh e тАЩ M a g l c V a llo y _________E a rly _ l r o n - C o l l e g e o f S o u t h e r n w -w lirb e -h -e ld -fro m --------^ Id a h o C a r S h o w v Tt.. o n S a tu r d a y a n d 1 0 a .m . to 1 0 p .m -------------- f p o m ~ ^ B ^ m H o - 5B- -pp im r ^ u n d a y r r C S f ---------: -------------- ^ p 6 c e n t e r .- $ 5 5- -fo f ( r a d n ltb , $ 3 fo r --------тЦа m o C o m p a n y (in In dlia iann a ). F eatu re s arc s tu d e n t s . iin. B painted and fired in a kiln. I y D enise T urner iak light boxes, w ith Tim cs-N cw s w riter T hc panels are in oak >rll i тАв S u n d a y , A p ril 1 7 : T h e M a g ic by Ron Sum m ers o f interior lighting, built V a llo y C h o r a l e ssp p rrin g c o n c e r t is s e t 0 .. W arren named ren and K enny Crist, H agerman. Steve W arren H A G E R M A N - Gcri O _________ fo r 3 p .m . In tn e C o lle g e o f S o u th e r n d lc d -th c -in s ta lla lio n ^ - v a n c c to G o ^ and---------------~ ^ a B o тАЭofH Q gcrm an7handlcc stam cil-glasS'shop-Advar B u ild in g a u d ito riu m . ' lier i - Id a h o F in e A rts Biil J ^ less is booming. A n1 o p e n hou.se a t th e A dv 'a n c c to G o Tlie stained glass w as ddonated in m em oT ic k e ts . p r ic e d _ aItt 3$ 5 / o r ,ad u lts_ a rid , ...┬гsh eтАЩs done just_thnt..Busincs.s 'V icd Glass Studio is sei for 'l1 to t' 5 p.m. SatStaincc s. A, ry o f the R ev. und Mrs, A W. Jam es; w h o -------a n d s e n i o r c itiz e n s . 4 3 fo r s t u d e n t s an< 190 S. Slate Sl. y.,TliestudiQ -is located nl 19' lusc o f the hcaldiy___ urday. ird iJro m _ 1 5 J 7..I0 - тАЬI th in k itтАЩs partly bccausc served t l t f c t ^ Bbcr ly md ui ui a r e a v a ila b le a l L_ a rrso n -A rts.-th e .C .S ! done in this area,"----- in тАЩHag agcrman:----------------- ----------iam ount o f building being dot 1918. T h e d o n a tio ^ w a s m ade b y th e ir тЦа B o o k s t o r e a n d W e l c h тАЩs M u s i c In A dvance to t her beveled doors . . T he le cvcril is u celeb ratio n o f ;ska. daughter, Thelm a Malesk.-; isaid W arren, w ho opened hei T w in F a l l s a n d W W<e s t O n e b a n k ip ss com petition. J ^ y tU p annual sta in e d -g h ss i ioriifl'is a set o f five G o тАЩsi first f Stage 2 o f the mem'ori; ' Ifor business in 1985. J e rc p n e . nd shop ow ner las also opened a D o o r ]p rizes w ill be g iv en , and stain cd -g lass w in d o w'S. s, tto be installed in S in c e th e n , W a rre n has ----------------- тАв S u n d a y , - A p jrri il t 1 7 : T h e C rirrie ne stained-glass ^ arren-w ill-deiiipllstrate. sheтАЩs taught-more-------Q cri OrW O id o f tlie church. ---------тАФ the-arch-at-thc-north-cnd staincd-glass studio, and she тЦа P r e v e n t i o n c o n c e r t w ill f e a t u r e con&tn Tt^ic mAnlh she's-----__ihnn l*iO p c o p ir h r r fim ft-I h n v i ndo^T e n .fted ,by--------T тАФ ^---------ifa { c o -N o w to h - aaoo<< t-^ e v ┬л -> W a r4 e e f---------[ b e o n d is p la y stained-glass comC osnm p c iito r s тАЩ w o rk w ill be rst 1Baptist C hurch o f holding h e r first annual stai: W arren include the First I . a t 7 p .m . in th e C o lle g e o f S o u th e r n r e n te r o f H agerm an ^ Jgh thc m onth o f A pril.' ISC to cclcbrate. throug F iler, the C h ristia n Ceni ic k e ts , p r i c ^ a t ^ petition, w ith an open house ________ I d a h o g y ^ >f-woHJ-infom i┬╗lio n r0 o n ta6tiiri i------J u dge f o f tho-cvCTt-is-Rii , business hours, noon to .5S p.m p . T uesday ained-glass panels ing bu B arigar, w ho iiesigncd stain ing. . тЦа 'C e n t e r / .r " ''......... Jgh Saturday, at 837-4939. throug )m in C alifom ia and fo r the M G M G rand a n d1 for fo several enter-, W arren. 38. w as bom r i l 1 8 : T h e T w in |tn in c n тАЩ residcnccs in L as V egas. тАв M o n d a y , A p ri he took art classes raised in H agerm an, S She c F a l l s H ig h S c h o o l- S e n i o r R e c o g :s a popular hobby тАЬ I think slained glass is fro m h e r тАвm o th er a nnd b e g a n s tu d y in g n l t i o n C o n c e r t is I: s c h e d u l e d fo r years ago at an art ren said. "Driving staine^-glas? m aking 15 > fo r lots o f p eople,тАЭ W arren 7 :3 0 p .m . in t h e C o lle g e o f S o u th e rn e panels-in-m anyтАФ тАЬ тАФgallery. 1d o w n th c stre e t, you se e p -------------- Id a h o F in e -A rts BBuu ilding a u d ito riu m . lo Later, she taught h e:rr oow n children, now, n e n aboul two m onths to do ------------j,g ,^ g tg _ 3 r ^ 5 3 .f oofr-- a d u lts - a n d - $ 2 - f o r ---------!hom es.тАЭ тАвfoot vcrtiIt too k W nirei :h rfianked by two 2-by-6-fo( тЦаancls-forbosinessтАФ fbot-arch: th stained glass,____________ C___tr. w nrk w ith St WaiTcn has designed pane f the Kim- the w ork tb r the s tu d e n t s a t t h e dIoor. oo idows, for thc sanctuary of.tJ souih* cu'I windc ' c s and private rcsidcnce throughout thr tches, w orked up several deInitcd Mcihodi.st Church. ITic pieces gan w ith sketch' m ering ^rly_y_ni ___________ ┬л W e d n e s d a y , A p ril 2 0 . t h r o u g h __c m J d a h o ^ l^ t_ y c a ra lq n cic._hc^glim ,_ Itcm 3.in_W arrcn!8_sht _shop_range_in_prk:?______ ftcd th e finished pieces out oof___ f тЦаJesus'as-тАЬ signs'and'cniftcd irihg a 'd o v c .'u 'la rrib uTid Jt In fiv e d fffe rc h t тАЩ- fcaluri S a tu rd a y rA p rll 2 233 : T h e C o l l e g e o f -------- p a n e ls f o u n d h o m e s in from SIO fo r e a r rin ggss co r su n c a tc h e rs to e.' cj ia ile l d lasl traditional leadd cam | , c c n d in g in to h e a v e n , w ere in s ta im p. -------------S o u t h e r n I d a h) o D r a m a D e p a r t o. $1,200 for a T iffany lamp churches. тАвound glass is from the KokoThe backgrour id. a 3-by-8- weekend, m e n t w ill p r e s eann t тАЬ S t o o l M a g n o M ost recently. W arrenI created cr amedrgliassbeco)mes accra ilin g s E q^ H ^gennaiLa Open houseeset__ r ife in R o o m 1 1 9 o f th e _________ ||a s 'l a t _ 8 p .m . in F in e A rts B uild inig g ,.'T lc l< e ts a r 8 - $ 5 fo r--------1 a d u lt? a n d $ 3 f o rr ss e n i o r fcltizens a n d ------ -------s t u d e n t s r a n d - a rree-- a v a ila b te - th r o u g h --------1 m ---------------th Q .C S L B n x Q fficc a ^ a i m - 9 5 S 4 , _ . _ e x te n s io n 3 4 5 o r 3 3 9 for m o r e inform a tio n . Chicago T ribune тАШT h e w o r l d i s ec n t i t l e d T h u r s d a y , A jp f l l 2 1 , a n d F r lT w i n F a ll.s H i g h d a y , A p r i l 2 2 :: T to k n o w w h a t H O L L Y W O O D тАФтАв T Tlhe fog w as thick. a S c h o o l M a d rriigg a l N i g h t s a r e h a p p e n l ee id . тАЩ , when w c last saw them. :3 0i p .m .. C o lle g e o f s c h e d u l e d f o r l/.Z v a lk e d arm in arm R ic k nn d L o u is w l S o u t h e r n I d a h o) F in e A rts B u ild in g тАФ- L L ouis Blau, rting their "beautiful ^ along thc tarm ac, siartin a u d i t o r i u m . T ic;kkee ts : $ 5 fo r a d u l t s ictor flew ofT with 1 friendship.тАЭ Use and V Vic H oliyw oodd law Ic y e r w ho a n d $ 3 f o r s t u d ee n t s , a v a i l a b l e a t ight sky. the lights of .their idcals intq the night th e A u d io W a r e , - - a r e a s c h o o l s th with th e id ea c a m e u p wit c o a st' fad in g in thc th c N o rth A f ric a n c(>a t ie R e d H e n in th e ___ __ _ h o u s e , T h e L ittle . . - ^:o0 f;a s e g u e ! тАФ ;aincd-altitudc. Sam,тАШ clouds as_thc-:plane_g_ain klall, M a g ic - V a l l e y M ai a n d a n y M a d lrp la y in g тАЩthe'piim tjrтАЭ w ell,'fie probably w asтАЩpli g r a l. A n y tic k e t s le li ft will b e s o ld a t . ----------- B ut then w hal? iboiitтАЩdetails bf'tKc were 'reluctanl lo talk aboi th e d o o r. " is rreally go lo BrozDid R ick aiid Louis ion w ho m ight play new book, n ot to m ention тАв S u n d a y , A pDrll ril 2 4 : T h e C o lle g e contract in zavillc? Did Sam get. aa record i the roles im m onalized b y 1H umphrey 13og- тАФ JoT S o u l b 'e r n I d a h o S y m p h o n i c ic grow old playing тЦа H o llyw ood, o r d id he ( jul Henreid. Claude art, Ingrid B ergm an. Paul 1 B a n d C o n c e r t is is s c h e d u l e d fo r 3 : toir w in th e Nobci g in j o in ts ? D id V icto R a in s ; S y d n e y G re e nnsstitr e c t a n d P e te r F in e A rts B u ild in g p .m . in t h e C S I1 F the N a zis finally get I тАв Pcacc P rize, o r did the -------------- : L orreтАФ------misis s io n is $ 2 a t th e a u d ito r iu m . A d m him? itu re ." said K raft in тАЬ Its a rom antic adventur . , d o o r . ________ . тАв , lick', o r w as there an- D id Use g et over Rick h er hom e in .0 telephone Intei^icW from' fro hem in P aris?__~........ oilier springtim e for then Portland, Ore, E v e r y w e e k ; T h e T im e s -N e w s since that misty nighl . Jils-bccii.52-ycars sine c r/p ro d u c c r B la u тАЩs тАв K raft, w ho is law y cr/p ............... M a g lo V alley- W feeee k e n d wlH-llst s p e century o f waiting to in C asablanca, h a lf a c e r tte n eight previous , stepdaughter, h a s w ritte te r ta in m e n t e v e n t s d a l a r t s a n d e nn ie le d after perhaps the find o ut w hat happened тАвics w ith titles like bo oks, m ain ly m ysteries M aa g ic V a lley. ________ _ . o c c u r in g in t h e M Hollyw ood ever proтЦатЦа greatest final-sccne Hoi i v e r , тАЭ " B lo o d y тАЬ тАЬ B u lls h o t,тАЭ тАЬ S c r c w d r i' S u b m i t I te m s to to "A rts a n d E v e n ts ," duced. R oy." M aryтАЭ and " L e tтАЩs Rob Roj 1 l1942 film ap p ear In thlO ann o w f a m o u s c lo s in g p r in c ip a l a c t o r s In th o i T h e T I m e s - N eiw w is. P .O . B o x 5 4 8 , o v e r. T h c sequel to T h e N ow th e w a it is ovc d 'a fte y B o fla rt, P a u l H o n re ld , тАЬThey are all n a m e l r drinks.тАЭ she Id Borgmari, Humphroy.B T w in F a l l s 8 3 3300:3 . I t e m s f o r n e x t ing-, in thc form of a s c o n1o0 . F ro m r i g h t a r e I n g r id "C asablancaтАЭ is com ing a rc m a k in g a b ig po in te d o u t. " B u t w e: an :-------тАФ w e e k e n d ' s тАФ c a al il e n d a r . . .a r e тАФd u e -------m oode-for-TV - minis-. ,-Q |a uj d e R a in s a n d a n u h ld oontlflodactor.__ -------тАЬ W arn er b o ok-ahd-a-m n тАЬ novel out o f this'one.'*' W ednesday. cries. .тАв thc com m ercially successful ! P e lievich, also a nove ca to W am - " S c a rle tt,тАЭ the o v c list a n d scrcqntille d lo 'k n o w whal It w wias Blau w ho took .the idea тАЬT h e ,w o rld is cntilli Gone t at |produced s e q u e l to -тАШ'G oi W ilh th c W in d ." T h a.J-w a-cpisod<is-for-^t^tll ............. oolcs. Inc.. tiic com pany that ritcc_\vlio has.w rittcn-cp is E Blnu, a Hollywood e r Boo happened,тАЭ said Louis an copies-nnd-wns-distribulcd ┬╗ltsh th c -se-тАЬ sold -6 m illion I rilm -in-1942-Qnd-will-publis is m S tre et B lues.тАЭ sa id his n o stT c c e n t film r_who-cam.c up w ith -th e -fili ____ la w c r.a n d .p ro d u c e r_ w ics. som etim e in 1995. Blau said saii he w ill in 15 countries, .A p ro ject w as th e sc re e n p la l y for the 1985 iblancaтАЭ sequel. quel s< th J idea for the "Casablo n g re a t sto ry o f u n req u ite d 'a m e r Bros, тАЬ T h is is n g ucc the m iniscries that W an i n L . A . " ___________ dram a "To Live & Die: in w hen 1 first saw il produc тАЬI loved th e m oviec m ^ c r ^ J ic ii.c ^ i;h ._ Q n c jiL th c . c a se o f th e lo v e." said'Q c: ll'k n o w a n d lo v e ^ ------ тАЩT h e ch a racters wc; aall lave loved it thc other w ill m ft ake fo llo w in g thd relca; C2 . V a l l e y h a p p e sn n ! in g s SO.ycars ago, and I have at-work on the Casablanca sctw o w aters al-v im e and w ill follow ' ┬й d itrтАЩ-saW-Blaurwhor-boofcTT J so well w ill be the sam тАФ .-I|,$04inm -I^v┬л*w ┬л(ohedi liv e ly t i t l e d тАФ g e l th is тАФ th e ir fa te ," sa id Pctievic IQ the b u si- - q u e l, te n ta tiv evich from h is Los a n ie r B ooks-is n o t new to itertainment law pracW ar is retired from hia.cntert C 5 тАв -------- iic&.nHd ih Sequel.тАЭ ___ _ C o m ic s тАв h im se lf full time lo n e ss o c f p u b lish in g s e q u e ls,to) I'legendary "Casablonca,I, Ihe _ is d cvoling hil ,n , __________ P le?aassie s e e FIL M /C 3 iject. ' ; тАвтАФ ------тАФMolly^ тАФ тАФ th B -^ sa b la n e a ^ T n o je e тАЬ M o v ie s -" ^nes=тДв iz z iip ^ aiB la n c ^тАЩigetslaij t . ,1 , I - ' тЦаC*2 тЦаall9. Idaho Tlrrioa-Nowa, Twin Falla 994' Ffldny, Ap┬лl 0.103* ' . -Gmwoa-u-p-hesjart-tSirqofe^Rydceti S a illiey happpenihgs------- B y T J e n a r r u n n r r -----------. T im c s-N c w s w riter M y ^ ickets availabh Ip R ydcll icings ---------- JA C K P O T - B obby R> .O n e " --a n d - H H jjjH тАЬS w ip p in- S ch n o l.тАЭ hiit. t. ti in real life. n ted on solid his feet arc firm ly planlci een. K ' 'тАЩ _ g round. A lw ay s have b eer .. тАФ R y d o ll g o t in tcrcK ted t e d in s h o w __ g ro w K t ': * ' 4 ' bu sin e ss w h en he w;us a1 child, ch h ltsd c lp h ia :------W tV ;n g u p 'u i^ liF 'M n ir iir PPm H e -w ould 'sit in fro n t'bitn tli i c T v i r m i ic c t s orsc, iiiulc group mcc Draft hor l-^ t I taMaiii M d t o t тАв 10 people. Food is rticipate.тАЩBring enough for 10 cd to parti i.m . Judging begins )iight in between 6 and 7 p.m. l^sri.Tby~donation:тАФ ... a n ^ eatlniтАЩ will rdllOWrCO;.t lie is invilctT тЦа ^ ^ rcpntnr rnnnlhty mcorillp irc bfcm ado^n, call nday at Ihe resort. For more i w ney at 788-4187. ' . a t c a fe F A L L S '- I'h e .Southern Idah T W IN FA As.socialunninTrchangcd-thc'l . anO Mule As nceiing. This m o n lh тАЩs mcelii mo nthly mci ,nl 'on Ulue L^ikes p,m . todayI al the Sodbu-ster Keslaurant N orth.' тАв тЦа Boulevard N) luring the no-host- A ^ce topics wil! he discusscd durii Several toj cling. Call Jim M iller ar324-7: ^ Uinner mbelii M ag ]' - , s' a R ydcll w ill perform tw o show sh - - -p ^ b b y Rj rday dance _i:: c: iSquares plan Saturdi la y tVirough Siiiiday and Tu n ig h t today iit Wcodd I roHtni N R A - m lects o. ThiiiidA )' Ml C a U ^ ^ P e ^┬╗ l la > ra n h c 7 ltid crM )n ^ regulnp;dancc.fpL^atlllda>тАЬ fth c -io c a ┬╗ rh a p tc rтАШ M┬╗"тАЬ cd a ----------------------- w e n d eElL:b -rA -reg u larm ectin g o f th V J a c k p o i . - ........... тАФ Ca^ino'in'Ja ound. ilanned for 7 p.m, ional Rifle Association is plan n,m, show is a dinner show , aand ihe __ ^ the Nalion js-l>cgin-au7;30.p.nk,-vvitkj>q lu iq uarcsJQ llQ ffing.:.____^ today n't Kay' sh o w is a c o c k ta iF sh o w .. Ticket . I I p .m . shi kIs . For more infor- тАв !тАШ the fu n d -raisin g f''" '? ^ 0 1 0 ^ ,m . Bring'finger foods. jic o f discu ssio n w ill be th( an and Sal- T h e topic , 3 M B ^ D r ic e s - f o rr,liic.dinhcr..shov/tonight ,tl: co llJrjn n n Gray_al 8 29-5912, 12, . iieU lor July 2^ ariluTW cston ;rt at 0 cover - - evenl p1uiine< m rday siart a S19.95; thereтАЩs a S I2 3?U hct Clark at 733. _____ S unday._______ Falls; For m ore in^prmnlinn. .can_Chct rge for o r 1the c o c k t a i h ow . On Si iturday S s t r o mmony club meets Satui jm Neiwir(^h at 734-7891 orr736:ri()5(): 12 thereтАЩs a 1970 o r Tom low priccs.start at iSI4.95: ihi ^ dinner show ers. LStronomy Club will ME - T he M agic Valley Astro JEROM S 1 0 f o r ihhee (cocktail .show. my d ad w as ^ ^ K l || тАЬ Dy the tim e I w as 7 . m 400 S. 1 p,m . Saturday at 747-A'E . 40( :hedules monthly lunc i n c h e o n , . m?et at 8 r reservaDAR S c h i 3re inform ation o r to m ake re F or m ore p e r f o r m in t a k i n g m e a r o u n d toI pi copes, and the stare rogram will be about telcscopi The pro, tions, call11-800-821-1103. 1T W IN FA LLS - T he T w in Fallss C Itapier o f the H S m L:; , s m a ll c l u b s , тАЭ s a i d R yy d c ll in a the program. Call lets w ill be observed afterr tin on Ihas planned its and planei o f the American Revolution Daughters of " W e d n e s d a y p h o n e inite teir v ic w b e 8.324-7606 o r 324-2195. jncheon meeting for 12:30I p.m. p.: Saturday at 736-8678, Petes. тАЬ M y tw e e n sh o w s a t C a c tu s P . T h e r e is aalls o art 1 8 - m o n th - o ld uugg ile d a n c e r w h e n h e fii h'Springs Inn. mom- thought he w as nuts. form ed the тАЬ B irdieтАЭ role, ll foi ┬г in тАЬ ii Jerome g randson. sgrum w ill be a v id e o o f A sh H ollow , a H c l p ^Wagemans celebrate T h e p^og, I-тАФ ------A ti-<H ┬╗m cd-out, DadLkngw lu ir5~Strc^ sci t.a rc .in ^ i--------- n ro m h u mr t^ stopp ing-placc-Gn-the-Orego e^n-T m tW |┬╗-N c j ^ kum R ydell w em . " i th in kriny~rnarrnigc'W n -celebrattH he-40lli-------------ly w hal he w a s d oing. R; n p] a ri, b e c a u s e I n e v e r .тАЬ I 'v e had tw o back surgen' irah Sullivan, the sixth-grade ^ybraska. Saral ade w inner m the re d d in g; anniversary a rs. (Christ Wageman o n to p o u n d o u t s o n g;ss fi o r h o m e - c c s s f u l, in o f Mr. and Mrs. dell said. m ove to the W est co a sl, de History Es.say Contest will1 read re; her w inning . тЦа A m erican Hi :s un 'h e mi Jerom e Civic Club r 2- to 4 p.m. Sunday at tlie: Jer to w n re co rd c o m p an ies l til 1959, :ry lh in g is so p h o n y 'a n iT ' iIt h a sn 't slow ed him dowr I Shirley Heidcmann at 423-53 ;-5 3 ^ Memorial w h e n h is r e c o r d i n g oo ff тАЬ K is s in - w h e re every al Library. . , "d"e7w 1i,. u 1O n M em or>B4'D ay.*Ryd _________ p l a stic ,^ тАЩ R Ryy d c ll^ sa id . rwTn tinH.Tnyf f T'f┬╗rr;;inr ^>m niitiih_w-ei┬гjnarric,d_ 1 тАЮ- .,T^ TiinoT-finally тАЬ iook.тАЩ.i __ - r itrf o r 'rtP W itlC ^ .ankic'j'A-v =TScylTityr4ivcdтАЩn r ---------^ 1 ^ тАФ - = tln u !┬г c s i{ ----- l-A flc r-th a t,-R y d o ll-f┬л c l T ru lily i.s i ^ I тАЩhiladelphiaтАЩ.тАЭ r m p C a stle in A tlan tic ( :n ir in Jerome for the ia.and Idaho and have been .ssociation o f Uni- . Calif6mia. тАЬALLS - Tlie A m erican Asso i r r m illio n Tor* 40 reco rd s, inclu d, lin :i,S; n ,'тАЮ l,ll - n v -N l-A тАв-elwfr-htiii-n. c n , тАЬT h r Rnhh] alnrHny r.t-thc Ad- ' ppM ve frontTcnd specialist years. H e has worked as a froi тЦа p se llin g jin g le s su ch "V 6l gh an 8 00 vcTsU'y Wuiu S to ry ,тАЭ b ein g so ld through zed the big, extended clan Sti characterized ;n em p loyed- * t 4 : g i ^ = тАФ f e us tire stores ilhU HJ*. beeirei at various Restauninf. -dw on-W esl;| R G of L oveтАЭ a n d тАЬF orget Hi num ber d n TV. ;alian.тАЭ In fact, R y d e lfw a s nu has been a houMh Jerom e for 10 ycair;. She: ha riles-a-spcciaLcducation teach acher in Buhl and Scwab ir^; he_tQured- w ilh J i: ic is - s p e n t..........тАФMary. Bnlc ^ r r o u i s R id a rc lli. H is 1But a lot p f R ydcllтАЩs-trmc ┬о uest sjscaker. The w ife.Tliei Xi ^ c a u U i a o g - g i w n - b riheii lal m agician will be the gues * ^ uiiioren, Kjm professional ------- id o ls * ^ n k ic J U a lm u u u L 4n-hU-4┬╗on>otow n , w h e reтАв, 11^,- jo -in t┬лn^^-wifp┬╗leQm ed-<o-cookтАФin. con. For more in- . Fult7. Chi nvited to ihe no-host lunchcor nn ' public is invi тАЬT h e G o ld e n B o v s o fr B n m lsta n d " nw.-H Phil-Ift,.lph;n F.iptps fnn tc -x K ah c irstn m lirrg ^h itu iтАФaiL Jerom e. The cou^ o n hTS~nivnritci and Laurie W agem an, all o3ff Jt -138 a s p o u s e s an , call Helen Lightner at 733-13 itnd m ad e r e g u la r ap pтАв5carances ea m em ories iorm ation.ca O ne o f the his fondest m m other and w atch in g her1 d SSk e llo n T V h is grandn^o Ive grandchildren.th e E d S ullivan and ;<cd Dis and pans. is o f the day w hen, after he :o o k O ff-тАЬ lagic piskns MenтАЩs .Coc WestMa, sh o w s. H e also s ta rre d in i th e film Jells live in a big hou.se on it b ig , th e p r in c ip a l at ew.? o f co n im u rify f, rim c s'/^ e w s w elco m e s n ew s Ljike Recreation T he Tit тАЬ B ye Dye B ird ie" and the stag e p iay тАЮ - Tlie W est M agic L;i ed him lo SH O SHlO O NE l C a th o lic h ig h sch o o l askec rlooking a creek in subur- Ca 5-Ncw.v VallcyH apm:ircr;.-i/ to The Times-Nc ook Off for Satur-.. cvcnfs. 5Send c тАЬ W est S id e Stor>'.i;---------jlimned ius annual M en's Cool; тАФ - C lu b hus p!m тЦа d c lp h fa rit-h a s'a тАЬs u n k c n --p p ce rfo rm ;- ......- ....................... I ja riT h ila тАЩde 83303-0S48. Please тЦа' PO B o x 548, Twin Falls 833i penings, F ed to pa y day at the M Mragic Lake Resort, S o u n d s lik e e n o u g h┬╗ at a tte n tio n to ijy jn g ^0 0Dm, ^, fo u r b e d ro o m s, tw o тАЬ H ow m uch d o w e neec vancc.and include a тЦа icw.s af least n w eek in advani ics arc main dishe.s, breadss and ai side dishes, subm it nci Categories тАвspoil any y o u n g Philad idce lp h ia b o y jc n s , g amle e and ; you?" the principal asked. m usic room s and a yo ached. '. _ ji; um ber where y o u can be reach< lie public is invil- pfionc nun i-serts and hors d 'oeuvres. Tlie d e ll, w ho salads, des.sei but it d id n тАЩt. R ydell, w'h hoo w ill be 52 - b ig k a lia n k itchen.тАЭ " N o th in g ,тАЭ rep lie d R ydt his ju n io r I _ ________ on A pril 26, is a fam ily'mma n . had dropped out o f school h R y d e llтАЩss K tours are short stints on ha igh school year. тАЬ A ll 1 w ani is my higl His stage show features his ye H e тАЩs b e e n m u rrie d to th e s a m e the road. His ring and diplom a." , ^ to his good friend, rir w om an fo r m ore than 25 years, and b ig hits; a tribute tri тАШ i m p a i r e d ! x S O O K T h a t's exactly w h^t ihe: principal { obby Darin; som e com cdy th e Rydells h ave raisedd 2 5 -y ear-o ld the late Bobl kid filling the house w ith _ hhaa d W itin g f o r h im . R obert, a b u sin ess andI ccco m m u n ica- ab o u t h is kids icks C ollege graduate,------- ┬г тАФ S h c -a n d -h c f-h u s b a n d r-uu-- ju n io r ----- -W ixom.-a-Ricks lid R ydclI. тАвT he 'K m cs-N cy тАФ тЦаtio n s m a jo r w h o works-1 ts - f o r a fo o d тАФra p m uslc arid ar a m 'cdleyTroin "B y e тАЬ тЦатАЬ' rm "cIasii o f I9 6 0 .тАЭ said s tu d y in g E n g lis h a l g h e ir fo u r is c u r r e n tly stu< h igh school teacher, and the hig - w ith -g o o d -o ld тАЮ f a s h iQ n c il diH tribuU oa-com pany,-ani jm d _ 2 0 j:y c a c ^ B y ┬л B irdie.тАЭ -------------------------------------'wi r^r i ghfim ~Vniinp in p n n iv e r s itv . H e r тЦа K >^LLS l e d i l u tTlcтАФchi ------TW IfTT A t pride. so p h o m o re . Though R R;ydcll w as know n a s an pri old Jen n ife r, a c o lle g c: sc I passion, hope and ^ book is a story o f led h e r n ig h tm are into Cil C ity. Utah. ____________ W ix o m tu rn e d -Jason is a -hc a h h y , a ctiv c "jo y l iito-u b opk:----------------- -J eart.тАЭ published by the book " T o H eal a H Hci rs iago, 9-m onth-old Ja - old now. and he points to th , T h re e years )lishing, Inc., is availI.; b o u t him - a n d s a y s , ''" S l a r . тАЭ N orthw est Publish so n W ix o m , w a s o n th e v e r g e o f aabi j.'; an inherited heart d is- W iix o m 's oth er th re e ch ildd :re n d id a b le at C ro w le y тАЩтАЩs B ook N o o k in death due toI at Falls. I t's $9.95. dow ntow n T w in F b y h elic o p te r to not inherit the h eart defect. J . C U . .. ease. T ran spported or Lom a Linda University C aliforniaтАЩs Lo ter, little Ja.son received M cdical Center im pre.ssedby 13-year-olds." N ew Y o rk DaUy N ew s S w ilh the h e a rt o f a 2 -y e ar-o Id d u rin g a He credits his first true love I( R ro c k b e a t idnight surgery. a nward sni- harrow ing midr jolting him from his downw тАФ jol tls-a b o u t-a sтАФ . ^ = _______ S x m lish -rc g g a c 2 -Ih la a t4 t ^ p e n my m r a n r lie airr ft'tra n sp la n ts J ie u r e .тАФ W 3ks, he says, com e easily. ral: ra| тАЬShe helped m e to gef< sleddcrs. T h e hooks likely as Jam aican bobslec ago, they w ere even rarW Miit mF ilir Three years age w s-e ea i -v er-y -frin g in g -l^u v тАФ-etir┬╗-a┬л┬╗d-eyes-.Tv^nd-gcUw ------------W cttre a rib b c n irm C:n T n h av e cu m - ''S w e tJ ts iw er. hen w e talk, w e are doing gangs.тАЭ ga ly m p ics and g тАЬ =ge- Wher pctcd in three W inter O 0I> other, T edi W ixom . be- M iase-s sueJa.sonтАЩs moth And'noW , w ith A ce-of Ba; th e D is n e y m elodies." b e e n im m o rta liz e d inn tl a t latio n , g тАЬ" w ritin g aa jo u rn a l to c a lm her тАЮs.тАЭ E k b c f g,'s тАЩs o w n life , in c o n tr a s t, ce ss an d th e w o rld w id e adu com cdy " C o o l R unnings.тАЩ s e wa-s, sla y in g w ith |[<┬л Iways ca.sy. He spent sev- -all all o f th e q u a lm s aboul bein be g pop "C'^CS w h ilec sh opie from the w.is n o t alw; A nd now , blo n d peopl sma Linda. Tlie result, a | | n her son at Lom years m ired in dru g se! sellouts h ave vanished....................... onsQ nants are <^fal o f hisi teen tc -L an d of_Too.Jv1any_Coni J " To H eal a H c a n ,тАЩ. '- i i - L ^ tte-biggc<;tтАФ Iw ok-entitlcd n rrrio re -th a n -n c c tin g 'a l^ тАФ тАЭirfcclsT anlaStrcrllk<nhC do m in atin g B illb o ard тАЩs ssIn g le s T n d ab u se a n d ^ f sale. ;h :skinhead gan&s. H e g ot dream df, .тАЭ he says, adding aa properly now availablee for ly 1little tu n e s liance w ith alb u m lists w ith frotliy silting,in- - .W ixqm ._3.6, w as ra ised J n j u ral_ I w in the w hole bit.тАФ .lh c ft,_-aa nra ic -m e la p h o r; тАЬIt?s like si ....... u n d e rla id w ith -ih y lh mms s - o f - th c is-- caught up>m oiling and I tla h o . S h e liv I r e d in P a u l, f o r 2Vr ' r a aved heads, su ic id a l ten sit side a snow ball and itтАЩs roi from ihe b a n d J r u g s . shav. lands. It's Rnsta-Litc, froj jrlc y for one year, until RjJ тАвI im et the w rong pe o p le ," yoii yo d o n тАЩt k n o w how b ig8 i f s g e t- ycu^i nnd Burli lb u m тАЬ T h e d encies. "I A c c o f B a s e . T h e i r aall w ay in 1986. a she m oved awa W hen you are 11. you are tir ting." 3US single ju st he says. "Wl S ig n тАЭ and iLs eponym ous тАвтАв nailed N o. 1; th e firstI ssiin g le , "A ll Jo. 2. _ T h at.S hc.W im ts.тАЭ_hit No. ----------------- s p r i n g c e l e bbi r a t i o t i s d e s e r v e: s ip e c i a l jst to b'e N o . 1 _________ _______ тАЬ M v am bition w as just a u v i n g i > u n G em n n i n e -L a n e тАЩ> C c di an ir r h p s t s . _ :yboardist UU in G erm an y ,тАЭ say s keybi I тЦа (B uddha) E k b erg w ith a laugh. I; :11 l l , A C d o r . ", . ' ^ ------------ 1'6 h e a r b iib e r g lell 4 B ase nev er m ean t to fo foillo w in lh e -r tracks o f such fellow N Noo rd ic c h a rtR oxette. тАЬW e "Z to p p ers a s A b b a and Ro: d id n тАЩt w ant to b e a popp bb.an d at a ll,тАЭ )om in Tokyo, he says from a hotel roorr rky тАЬ In Sw eden, it w a s jerk y to be in a p o p band." m atio n al sucIn other w ords, interna ly ce ss d o e sn тАЩt n ecessarily ttra n slate on ere co o le r if th e hom e front. тАЬ Y ou w wei T U- t n tin; be ----------------------y o u did dancc~ifln5lcr!W st s.songs.", (Ingin n in g We ju.st d id fast ,1 d e e d a n u m b e r o f tum n ce s o n " T h e тАв'8 0 s g ro u p A S ig n тАЭ recall the c a rly -тАЩ8C - - F l o c k o f S e a ^ ll s ;) , T h e g r o u p f o r m e dd a b o u t f o u r m rg, Swe'deri, y e a rs ago in G othenburg w h e n E k b e rg jo in e d w iith a n o th e r (TnV>┬╗r) __________ ^ ^ тАФ k e y b o a r 4 - p l a y c x ,- l o^ an ;rc i ry-S'uni-5uni ---------tiitie M onda^F viiiny T1 ^ ^ B e rg g re n , a n d h is tw oD ssin g in g s is - ' 11/ 5 pm - 8 pm M ondau-Friday ^ e n i nings ^ ters, L inn and Jenny. T ho u g h determ ined to be a dance Saturdays y am-122 Noon ided to ad d a ac l, the foursoniie decide ntm ent Scheduling ird in a to rfo r Appoint тЦа N urse Coorc V us leir repertoire, few "slow тАЭ son g s to their I coupon Lf?: d look fo r in┬н T h e y did n тАЩt have far to I io, there w ere .. fluences: тАЬIn o u r studio, )y a lot o f reg rehearsal room s used by . , '4 n cy care Jam ajca.тАЭ . _ ___ _____ ----- -~gac. bands>^Qme from Jarr *2 4 ^ e.of anuLane*Cedarr C Chest at | Yotir purchase. E k b e rg a n d J o k e r B e r g g f e n тАФ e m a te ria l тАФ _____ _ ________ тАв , _ _ _ w J i o w ritc.m o st_ o f.ih c..n ----------------------------B a mr n e r - i тАЩi i r n l t u r e . ____ g r o u p s ............ .............. . p roduced so m e o f the reggae reg ahoтАЩs lflrgeat selection o f l aMnet* CedjxT-Chesta I I W e've g o t SoutU em Idah s ite Care U n i t . * ^ j ^ c l u d iin k g an 8 Bed Intensi _____ a n d e v e n tu a lly c 6 -o p)ted tec th e b e a t, . C hoose) e fr o m o veriO note in sto c kl.---------kL ... -I . ~ тАЬ W c started to like it a nd tid I(then) d o it as-g a s to w ith - th if eouf ----------------stotawrttn MupoM T , '- ~ ' ------in o u r o w n s ty le ,тАЭ thee 2 3 -y ear-o ld say s. тАШ latient S u rg e ry Diay Surgery & Inpa, . Sam eD he ^classic EuT h at style follo w s the chy, c lear voтАв ro flu ff form ula o f catchy on and. ly rics c a ls , sn ap p y p ro d u c tio n from one C oa~" 7 тАЬ _ tha^l d o h тАЩt'm e a n much'ffOi f a c t, ly r ic a l ..........p l e t to th e n e x t. (In fa M R l& C T gen reтАЩs prim e vacu ity is o ne o f this ger - rS yS - es trials ofi i chronide! 1infant | IтАЩs Ace ofrBase didiInтАЩt want SwedenтАЩ to play ppop,butllookwhafit happen 1 U Twin n Falls Clinic: &Hospital SE R V ICC E S P RlO J Z ID JE D lie HOURS ySIClAN CLINI тАвPHYJ Daytii ___ _____ Bountiful ZEPTING NEWJPATIENTS тАвACCI ; [OXffiEMERGE] -*443EaHOSE]a iA L ,________ 1 I I i RVICES SURGICAL SEF тАвSl 5PY тАвENDOSCO: |GY ^ -RADIOtOC тАвcharm.s.) stinguishes i t____ .B u t A ce o f B ase distin inding synlhs, s e lf w ith ils Casio-soundi w h ic h a d d a d e l i r i o uusslly k its c h y c o u n t e r p o i n t lo thlee in s i s t e n t fo tr a s p e c ia l' ' rn e lo d ie s . тАЬ It m a k e s fd feelin g ,тАЭ E kberg allow s. A cccredited a - - 3 ; M E v e ry N e?eei d .... ' " S e r v i n l gg t h e M a g i c t3 7 0 0 .┬╗ t (2 0 8 )7 3 3>-; " o l l i V a iUl e y s i n c e 1 9 4 7 " ? i e e┬г 0 - 8 0 0 - 7 0 7 - 5 5 9 >11 Laura I . тАв* ' тЦа . V. r*180 IN S T A N T C R E D IT ' M !! - p B B a E Yorktown Morning- Glory C t J , pakm ont DAYS SA M ^ININ PZMiBirjnnnB iffH тЦа 'тЦаaphy U n it M ammogra & Nuclearr M edicine ORY тАвLABORATO тАвlOPULMONAFRY SERVICES тАвCARDK --------------------------------------* PPHYSICAL-THl ] [ERAPY ; тАв HOMEE ]HEALTH p roJFESSIONALS ION CENTER ETES EDUCATIi тАвDIABEl тАЩ pELLTm T -fBUY-11IT! j g . A T i m ^ - N l ee тАЩw s M C l a s s i f i e d ' W wi I^ilT T ill ^ U lllrasound ln , y , j . - _ ' t тЦа/' .1 -Iw nFjil'jjgnM P .C-3.. , Brieflyy In the aarts c t h e ]ro a ic laiig a l e . IS o n g -^wiitinjEg star OK. ┬о ihows piaiine тЦаIg g 4sh ive w ritlen, lijts lo r gelhe('.тАЩ'tl)cy li.ive B y D enise T urner Ciihb..SyKтАЩi:i. Louise Mandtell,I, Terri Ti T im es-N ew s w riter Marie Osmiind. l^ist ^ J Tiie Whites and Mai or tw o perform ances by TW IN FA L L S тАФ- T Tiickets are on sale now for ed a; new publishing C U year, Dunn si;:iied T W IN F A L L S H 0 ill^y^ II ________ .тАвhc.B.YJU.P.-'llfoO'P^Drit Dnricc_Cq;_______________ ------- тАФ < тАЩ<jf w wrote 'Duddy-.s Hands" as a NTi 2 in tlie fin e A rts ------- : тАФ J h e d n iirr tm iip w ill it oerfom i at 7:3() p.m . Tvlay lows a Ihc coinp;itiv lorir w hich her brolher Ily Dunn will perform iwii sJio' IS iH per (VeiMJii and S?--------D тЦатЦатЦаC enter al the Collcgc.c тАЩc .o f S outhern Idaho. C o st is тАЩi-f or--------hi -~hi; r'd jd w as' imi'i iT.vsed.------------------- fDrscntorcltlzensTTTOi 7OTaenis~3ml m e m b e b u f t the-miKtnryrrT-ickct. he t C:asiii() in Jackpot,Kcsort c:. riler is 7^ Iluiiie loi die sittjjer/songw sitt; form o lh c r Pole Line.R ood. E v c ry r-------- -D unn w en t o n to p e rfo i >ble a l at W ilson Bates oti Po -------- тАШтАЬ this event arc availttble ------------ Xickxa kta-priccii-fur-i litf-тАШTpcdaLji5 cabin.uii-aiiukc-ouL:тАФ !----___ ;t411-ve;ir-uld logI ca! TSonicoifi; Tr oV jO lTils, su d i as тАЬLove i i3*BcH 's l-'amily B ooks, ajin i r n T w 7 n P .aII.s;-W B st тАЬ bb'dyтАЩs B usiness and i ^2,.SLl.an(.L5;,]!i____ ____ .;; ; ---------- r?!tdc-Nashviilc, HтЦаicr iirc┬лS I2 ,: nrc4n-thc - - e r olficcs ' and F a rm e r's N ational L ik e M e ," " O n ly W hen I F e d e ra l S a v in g s am O n e , F irst S ecu rityy.. First I :ktaii'; rmly arc-available-alтЦа l!Ihe H- - ^ucsTj'oui^e behind . C ockt: nd'thcmbiTT:--------------------! md FiisLSecum v-barik-vтАФ - тАЬ StrapgCT:r-ACTTTr:^тАШ-T hnt -------b a n l^ , all in Duhl; We; A'est O ne. First Interstate and lad li:p 'j li.:bllo,^l6^тАФ 1 . тАФ .........- тЦа \ "It s Mil,1(1 aiulIIUluisiic, -said Duiiii..тАЭ".. __ ij.m.uTnr lal bunks, both in W eny nd "A Face ' Your Love Docs to Me" and rU n c and i-arm cr ji iNaiionar тАв m ore in 'fo rn ia iio n o r t,u m ni ake who is sinple. 'TIтАЩm m in Ihe process o f jaol-M a┬лin ^ ^ tate ir in the C row d,"'w iih Mich┬╗ t and F irst S ecurity (Icll; ancl B a n k o f A Anm erica a n d F ir;^ In le rsta 'ations, call l-H(K)-S2l-l 10.1. d rcscrvatii ' huifding on.тАЭ lem bership M N urphy. A long with a mei banks, all in G ooding. ig. . ____________ Between gigs, lhal is._______ тАв ^ .^ l l c J l as 11 . тАв !_< len p frfnrm nt 7-^r [ p m Mi\\y ny in th r ┬г┬╗ymn:tsiiim____ ---------------T h e group-wiil.'aIso. nrm ln g -iip w ard s-n t------ v on and S7 for senior citri rucked u p th ree Gram m y nom inaтАФ - i-jtnr.n is-pcrinrm School. C ost is $8 per person at the B urley H igh Sch iOA-ticVrK ;irr available------тАФlions 1i iindc.wus jiunied-T\)j)lie ro.id_ tjiis year. In' _____ izcns. studenis nnd mil m ilitary, people J l i i i l ey-ShQiA L u n Ihe U2U_dhuws on the r. /ful." Dunn, said, w ill^ j__tiii? tiitshvillc..l 0 .jiiakclkixjuilxl:-i iegin_ touring in Uui n - R v p e r t . _ j - _ --_:mi!lc..VociUiKl-by-thc^c_a _rr ^hc will hegil flJurlcy.and.tlicUTOTcSTOrc-in.. . .a t ihe'B d o k P JiL ziiiriJi counuy music world..:. c _ ad e m y -,.r-.j|;L ^ _ тАЮn iliHi-to :5 'icircтАЩvcryon(rT.vva.s . cou Country M usic in 1986. o f 3 8 dancers and d g h l тАв C om Dancc Co. is a gro u p of T he B Y U Ballroom тЦа'My parents wetc afraid o fr llIhe big. rope, тАвperfectly awful. ul." iw , w ith h e r b and :m bers p f the group arc stage technicians. A ll memi mm said. H er live show lighting, sound nnd1 st: iiad enlerlainnient worlif," Dun D unn g re w up"^! S an1 A / n to n io . A ciuiilly. she ihe w as closer to every ivid ack- 1o-hack hits, IlтАЩs тАв 'ro v o , U tah. T h e gro u p -jm Y m arried "R io." is solid hack' , stu d en ts at B righam ' oung U n iv ersity in Pro' тАШ.'bill niy older hrotlicr w as ni T ex a s, .singing in churchh w ith her fatherтАЩs dream. 11. тАШ-'bu cs a s the w altz, foxtrot. тАЮ other w hile her faiher, aI Church im-packccl. she said. and p erform s such dances to u rs internationallyy ai sincss in*- fasl-paecd and Jam-p m C of jp c o lleg e , sh s e sling and played and settled in Ihc music busir ,er W q >e vw altz, rh u m b a, sa m b a , cchh a-cha, jiv e and paso asier for Having left her ' arner B rothers q u ick ste p , V iennese Christ m inister, led the servi Nashville, so that made it eas group called the Hilltop Na> тЦаvice. guitar w ith a gn ;ar ;ago "to lake lime recoril lahcl'a year doble. Lee W akefield, :ld, professor o f dance at B Y \ U , is the gro u p тАЩs din d . th o u g h sh e iiad them." thei ~ cid w a s n тАЩt S in g e r s . A nd B e in g a p r e a c h e r тАЩs kii arc spccial one^easy, D unn .said, in a Tiiursd Dunn is cur- тАв hra rcctor. T h e performnances an in T w in F alls and Burley, Bu a: h e r ' off and cluai niy brain.тАЩтАЩ out lo pursue 7T o d ay . D u n n 's p a ru n ls are тАвsday phone thoughts o f dropping dn for tim e show s. -----------must ardent suppc'fter.s. often11 1calling replly.Jiiiiking for a n o lh e r re cord rareer, she stayed at Abi=_niu: cxl w e e k тАЩs her musical car< . in te rv ie w cn ro u te lo nex . . llion. call 678-3814. For m ore inform atio iiink she deal. lia n U n iv e rs ity lo n g to titell her whicli songs iliey liii her le n e C h ris iia stop at C actus Petes, but ilt taught t тЦа * Sl ^ ----------------- My i,'.iicn iM.s'h r<>-dt*sfeciMn-ttdrcTtmTTgтАФshn shtrafd'siny iit'.vi: sтАФ ^--------------on┬╗*ugtH*M*Hr<>i !o." she said, "N ow 1 abiirates the last year or so.тАШ' lations, , tDunn, .'?6. freiiucnlly collal: Dry s to rie s and public rclali тАЬ I 'v e h eard al! Ihe gor ilor. T o - 'w ant togeiliaek inlo inU lull bloom." w ith her so n g w ritm g .brotho le tg e , D unn m o v ed to wit s are either A f le r c o lle about how preachcrтАЩs kids ; :vcs is Ihe them e o f th e ____ T W IN FA LLS - M usic for lovers and thieve fo r-this-m onth's тАЬ Evening at the MctJ!,sct_fqr_7jp__ тЦа'' тАФ p ro g m m sc b e d u lc d for lerfonnances Dance troop p schedules 2 pe тЦаBBEf id at Met Gershwins,, Porter ] featured " iVfftrc'G .crshw insrM iles -J T h e niusic o f Rogc 5 g cf5 & H art, C o l c T ^ d i V -f J i ^ C l l form ed by the Concerns gus ffnd o th ers'w ill be-perfor D avis, Charlie M ingus ;uitai>; J e ff Fox on leitor _ тАФ тАФ bnnd.-C onccpts-cons^ n fR rin n Cridcl_on_┬гuij тАв li l h i l .l L . iiJ c s j . i'iiLi' i;r MV'Jic-.-jn. ul dthe H o u n d ." (P is__ тАФ saa:QphoQ e..D eQ ni┬гH -тЦа ' тЦаl,тАЬT'hf I'ox and r f - t h e ^ h a r t s --------- ^tW -irn,.r Ttfi'.. \ ________ тЦа -----------------------.............D n v e W rig h ro rrb a sss:--------------s :.тАв-n:nion'.s' P P O f~ _ v n o n n a ney) ____(i."U (i o ck lU itlo m ." W vt ------W r r lf ly -r>hnrt< frTfJh,-.. g┬╗aiii.s are spcin.wred by '-- = >.e." I'W.imcr)-------------------тАФ J / 'Th e I'i.uiliU-,'тАФ тАФ __ Admi┬гM(┬╗Mfi4Ftte.-4 (Curti)---------------------------------;s|c'en (Cofumbia) (CU m u sic a n d Bruce Springslc b c s l- s e llln g re c o rd e d mi opolis B akery and Cafe \ r t s C o u n c i^ n d the Mctrop< th e M agic Valley Arts 3,"'n ie Secret Ciarclen. (iar .(\Varncr)-------- --7 ."S ta n d in g O u tsid e thee F ir e ." icar in next A lbum s ' v ideocassetlcs a s they appc: )_e second Friday o f each moni 'D isney). an d are presented the s 4,"Aladdin," (Dis Gat Urooks (Lil'erty)" li T heir Hearts,тАЭ Bon- Garth w ee k тАЩs issue o f BillboardI nm a g a z i n e . , l."U )nging1; In k!: A D inosaur'SloMcBride 5,"W eтАЩre Back!: K."Life No. тАШJ." M artina M < io n . (P la l- nie Rain (Capiti pitol) 8 R e p rin te d w ith pcrm issio r\'." (MC'A-Univers; ,ersal) ' 2 .тАЬT h e Si ig i g n . тАЭ A c e o f B ase (RCA) (RC inum sig n ifie s m ore than1 :1 m illion ir ollege C irls." (PlayM cGraw 6."lтАЩlaylioy Colle; y.тАШ'lndian O utlaw ," I ini Mi ifie s m o re (Arista) (Platini :inunO ccio p ie s s o ld ; G o ld sig n ifi ilorful traveling exhibit o n "T h e Basques in Idaho" B U R L E Y - A colo r boy) the R im тАЩ Soutullrack," (Curb)' (Cu ): 3.тАЬтАЩA bove th t'th a n 5 00,000 copies sold.): y , 1300 M iller A ve. T he ^ t^ w ill open Saturday at the t B urley Public Library, 'eleluilv Centerl< !cl: 7,"Playlioy Celel l().тАЬ A Good Run o f Dad! IL uck." Interscope) \ (Deat.h Row-Int isplay in B urley until Ju n e 10. 10 A dm ission is free, exhib it w ill be on displ Dian Parkinson.""(P (Playboy) Clii Black (RCA) тАФ 4 .тАЬA ugust &. E ve ry th in g A fter." Clint A U D IO lirector em eritus o f the Idaho ho Stale Historical SociA rth u r A . Hart, dirc( H."lтАЩenilmuse;тЦа; 2,тАШ 2 тАШ.^lh A n n iversary ,)ws (G effcn) (IтАЩlatinum) C C ounting Crow: Singles , illustrated program al 7 p.m ety, w ill present an ill i.m. to introduce Ihe ex." {/ (AVisicni) тЦаila Paris Swimsuit Video." - {."Beyond a Dre.im." Twil; ," R. Kelly (Jive) (PlalтАв R. K e lly 5 .-I2 Play," 1 .тАШтАШB u m p N ' G rin d ," I o f the historical soc jociely for 17 years, durh ibit. H a n served ass director di ideo Centerfold -lOth y."Plavhov Video (Starsong) inum) .. (Jive) 0 0 k an active part in the histo ing w h ich tim e he took story o f the B asques. He (J .тАЩlayboy) тАв 1 9 9 3 ." Anniversary." (Play 22 .-" rirs i D e c a d e 1 983-1 6 iтАЬ M iisic B Bio x ,тАЩтАЩ'M a ria h C a re y 2 . " T h e -- S i g n , ' A ce oi f B a se :rs io f the B asque M useum and am Cultural C enter Inc. is one o f the founders :n.'lCW arner)____________ ) .......................10."Unforgiven.'l MichaeLW -.Smilh (R eu n io n ).. -------------------(C olum biaX PI; Platinum )---------------------- W it --------_ (A _____ ___in Pf^ifr rhnirpinr m n -o f.th e ja u sc u m .c o m m iiK iiitcc..hc-has-crcaicd.thc.-----0 risla ) (G old)тАФ Ik (ForeRentals ilour o f My Love." Ce33."Free Al l-isiV D.C. Talk 7.тАЬThe Coloi тАв 3 . тАШтАШW ith o u l Y o u -N c v/c e r F o rg e t seen there. interpretive displayss sc I,"'nie l-ugilive." i'e." (Warner) front) (Gold) C o lu m b ia) line Dion (Musi usic) (Gold) Y o u ," M a ria h C a rey (Cc le exhibit, w hich is co-sponsc ___________T he purpose o f the c nsorcd by the Idaho Hu^ o f Fire." (Columbia nolv (In2,"In the LineтЦаof lom ent T oo Soon." Tim 44."G od Is Abie," Ron Keno 8."N ot a Mor - ( G o ld ) ___________________ m a n itic s c o u n c il and ' "тАФ -^I'riSliir^)---- ^ m M m m ," M cGraw (CurK irb) y o f Ihe Bn<^ues and.'th c J ~ 4 . " M m m M m m M m m rNтАЩtnh." OVarncr) TTtSpTtr=------ 3:**l->OToiirimr^'tT yT riO~D V Crash T esi'D um m ies (Arist; ista)тАЭ ' 9 ."F a r l3cyoтАШ lave m ade to Idaho. contributions they havi 4,тАЬThe Good Son. Son," (l' 0 ,\) row) ' e," C elin e (East W est) Ition, call O rtell W ilson at the library al 678-7708. ^ 5 .тАЬT h e P o w e r o f L ove, For m ore inform atio тЦаislance." (Columbia ." Steve 5,"Siriking Disla: f).тАЬW liere M ercy B egins." 10."Live al,t liie li A cropolis," Yanni Dion (M usic) (Gold) TriStar) Green (Sparrow) ,ic) Gre 6.тАЬSo M uch In L^ve." A / ll-4-O ne (Private M usic) W iih o u l a P a c e ," Various 6 ." T h e M an Wi 7,"Songs From the Loft." V CoimUy (Blilzz) (W arner) Artisls (Reunion) 'I-Pcpa feaL " lf lh c G iood o o Die Young," Tracy Art a ................... T W I N F A L L S ^ T Th he C ollcge o f Southern Id Idaho M u sicD cpartm ent.......... 7.тАЬW hatta M an." Salt-N-: .ve Got To Do With 7."W Iiars Love I H."Joy in the Jo u rn e y ." M ichael lateau-Lon-LawTcnce (Alia .tla n lic ) luring Eli V ogue (Ncjfi'Plat ......... ^ ing choral concert fo r 3 p.m ).m. Sunday in the Fine U h a s p lanned its spring . . .U.,тАШ:.(Touchs!()ne).,тАЮ Card (S p a rro w )......................... 0 .............................................. /e.тАЩтАЩ Little Texas (W arn- Car 2."M y U )ve.тАЩ don) (G old) d A rts C enter. N ight." (M CA -U ni(W ord) 8."Judgnieiil Nig y,тАЬAllepiance." Ray B o ltz (тАЩ Girl in Ihc er Bros.) 8."T hc M ost Beautiful G loir. M adrigal Emsemble and id Jazz Choir, all dircct__________ T he C ham ber Choir ;>lding M y O w n ." Lee I10,"Susan A shton.тАШ' Susan1 /Ashton versal) 3 .тАЬ I 'm Hold g T v ith - S u f r ^ tllc r ^ lh e - k oeyboacd,, yl cdTjy Carson-W ongT^ w ill.panicjpJlic__ W V orld." Prince (NPG) A bout N o th in g ," y .тАЬ Mueh A do0 A (A rista)----- -------------------- (Sparrow)_________________ OiE ;'тАШ'R ic h a T d тАФRtiy-PamcH(Ai y .тАЬN o w a n d T a r e v c r ;'тАЩ' u d e n ts p a r tic ip a tin g a rc C: C a rrie A n n e Jo h n so n , in th e c o n c e rt. Studc i;ir)___________ ----------------(-e^jliiMibiH-rriSuic)R each Her A nym ore." ' , 4.тАЬ 1 C a n 't M arx (C apitol) p jlo d a a y -R a tc s . Pcnny-C lil! Mawson. M onica C ook. _N ------------- <=atherine-H olstonr-R w . " (Hullyxvuud)________ ------------------- l┬лA тАШu*n-i┬л-I.aav тАФA ;haw ilMerJufy) ^ u o i o ---------------------------1 0 ." S lrc e t.s o f P h ila d 1 otzner, all o f Tw in L aura A dam s, Ruthh /A nn M esser and S helley ;y M - asque history тАвary displays Bas Burley librai CSI singerss sset spring chon ral concert (, U Lisa G ibbons, S handa Toll 'olm an. Rose L. Cooper F alls; C ori H oltzen. L scr, all o f Jero m e: B uddy C om phcr o f Filer; Jeni I and R andalyn Hauser, berly; R obyn K rivaner o f Bu; M cForlone o f Kimberl Burley; LaD aw n Jense'n, J d ^ s . w i f e тАЩj S haw n J e n s e n ,-a ll'o f-B liss iss and L uis-V arg a s o f -----тЦа S tian c Je'nsei> a n d Sh g. si so-w e didn!l have_____ tion, and - on Thanksgiving. V enezuela. ' " | retu m -T h e te 's an easy soluti( D E A R A B B Y : My wv iif c a n d 1 . r ^ 3 l | ^ K T ;ey d in n e r. M y dad here is an exam ple, g u aranniteed to tim e for a turkey ion-i.s-$2.pcr-persoiL-PiQCCC< -----------------Suggcstcd-donation :ceds.w ill go to the CSI college^...... тАФwent together ihrougljout cc id-w c.are.sliirpaying_____ died-lasi June-and-w stop yy pcrccnt-of the b n ig g crs;---------cr u n d ^_ M usic S cholarship F Fur W e h av e bee n m arriedd )12 years Liis! niom li..w e liad aтАЮ e ar. M y . for liLs funeral. Liis! " W e h av e h ad a -b u sy .yci 5, 7 an d ha v e three chllclren.T iigcs j ir-w ashing n ia c h in c - -----ny hourb._lornado.and our_w husband had 10 w ork so many ldcr ( w e a rc j y aand 9. N ow thai we arc oldc into the next rp at the and garage were; blown hh overtim e that he fell asleep Jrivc seem s bolh m o u r 30s), my sex dri waas killed. w lieel and totaled o u u c a r, O ur 12- couniy. Our dog; w тАвsale o f "N cw ,.W ork" is тЦа _ bIt) be increasinK. and my w _ тАв T W IN FALLS - . A -rcccption and fine arts sa v ifeтАЩs sex . VanBuren . year-Tild тАЮv t ve arc "Odierwise. we a w tlL ^ d .g lu d ______ rhursdajTlritK e'm aln'lob'byтАвat' son w re c k e d liis b ic y c le se t for 7 to y p.m . Thu: 5 fiIin v IH g c -v in ie rR = :-- - jdrive is"dclinitclydffcressiii happy new s,". . . Righl now 1: year-old to hear all your hap] and broke his leg. O ilr 15-yi cional M edical C enter Iter. ------ Wf. arn hnih in gQPtl.h< hcallh.iinO______ t ________ ye;i I duugtiiur ni:iy or may 'iip fhbc c p rcg --------A b h >-. тАШl ^ 'e n e t┬╗T he reception andd ^sil e opens the VijiUlil AHS SlM-spluy 111 llic lubby flf hold d o w n full-tim e jobs, 1 am s, but on a q e A R FRU: noLreceived a bragnani; we are w aiting for the: tlest re- notes, and have nol --------------th r mrHicnl center. T Thh e display features origina inal art by M agic Valley h scale o f 1 lo 10. our sex li ------- , ^ ?R ┬╗ .S TRA T rj^ . L . since. ging newsletter sine тАвst jjuried visual arts tu n ip cilil s u its .' Tl ctuii fui-tl>emT W inwag------- S! artists and is the first lU S T R A T E D : Perhaps-* probably be a .i (.tor iwicc: a luiiiuli^. m o lh erin g iti.ri - C lN D E R E L I^ тАЬ My. moliiei li.id la u i-e im display through July 31. artw o rk w ill b e o n disj vn a fu ll-tim e jo b and ob lc m and has left your w W e 3 is c u s s e d Ihc prob viied. R efresh m en ts w ill be served. T he c v c n lтАЩis тАв тЦа T h e public is invite riagc coun- foF anything els ended up going lo a marri: Vlagic V alley A rts C ouncilII aand the M agic Valley e .sponso red by the Maj w ife with little energy ^ Have you rco s e l o r . -------Sl renter. R egional M edical Cen тАвтАв ste d ih a t.l day o ff now else. ai T h e c o u n s e lo r suggesti considerec| giving her a H my life for w ith th e -housi look for olhcr things in m тАЩ and then, and helping H vice, found dren? I t 's also satisfaction. I took his advi iisew ork an d th e ciiiland short vacations ^ Tfh calcrтАЩs production o f тАЩ a new ho b b y , look up aI sporl T W IN FA LLS - . T Tlh e M agic V alley L ittle T Iso; p o ssib le that som e le children, could rekindle sp and 21 a t W e lc h тАЩs M usic ,s cnl m ore tim e w jih the :heduled fo r M ay 6, 7, 20 ant тАЬ Love LettersтАЭ is schci >ns without the children H L iagi-bJlL j__ - A i i o l b c r the ^all. ' ; in the B lue L akes Mall J TI h is wasj/j:_ry_rcw iaid.u] I om antic re- " p o in tm c n t forletlyour sex life, )d ^w o m an are n eeded fo r the* h c T Jlayrw hichnrw ritten -- w ┬л o u ld 'still like a morcTon r ~ ,тАФ z^i=^A-maiur6=mQn=and srAluminum'Deck . akc-an-up-тАФ - i n. s\ - S H PтАЩEEngine тАв Rear Banger f CaslAl lationship w ith my wife. lic e n se d se xL hougTii:-M t .uditions w ill be held from1 2 lo 5 p.m. A pril 17 al j; b y A .R , G um ey. Audi 3nty . , ttinq Heights тАв 2 Year Warranty ir thc t^vo o fy o u to s e c -a - Picasc d onтАЩl suggest flov owers. can* have too much ch, 210 B lue U k e s B lvd. N. th e E piscopal Church, *J. . blc lay fieturn тАв Mulch Compatible tried these riace to let ilXwith e ra p is t. Y┬л)u b o lh тЦатЦатЦа'd 'dy'. ctc., because I have ir alion, call L ori at 733-9105.I_. F o r m ore inform atio тЦа ch inve.sied in this mar(I also had m n PRICE things w ith lillle succcss. DEERESEASO C om p mpUed from sta ff reports tl withcr. he im m ediD EA R ABB" an affair, and although the тАФ-alc-graij┬гicalion_W Jis_cxci ic ilin g . th e m тАЬ U jn g lin ^_ l ----------------- тАФ----- -----------------^a JBY: ll i i s is in response rrible.) .sci by'braggin, ____________ eguilt lhal follow ed w as lerri e Reader" w ho w as up' _ (ns-y┬л>u-e┬лnтАФ in.sidc ChriMmD тАФ E I h l тАФ iu c k e d - тАФ .................тАФ She-ahouldтАвIng'newslelier.<: s ___ _ ooffer w ould be w elcome. , fin ally g e:lt Ihrough I lhal fascination C o n tin u e d frorh C1 J scnd her-owii-lctlcr in тАФ ., w ith ja c k : bb o o ls an d fin d h e rse lf a p тАЮ тАЮ c:h h boy? Docs she ever learn A n g eles hom e. тАЬT he sam sar e problem ,1 (unrequited love) w ill slill sti c jis l a n a m cthing w ell other than the full pressure lut)c X \ тАЩ SHHP I Kawasaki overhead valuee ful ilm uc 10 CMSI, ---------H hat-problem w ill contin Classified Will Fill A Tim es-News C ise? minum Deck ' . acfe Brake Clutch-┬╗CastAlumini m Europe, nol ^ow -but this tim e in wartime >w a b o u t.C a p t. Louis Rcagger Speed on the no shift* RearrBBa' ill Every Need . Casablanca.тАЭ Compatible ; _ naull? If he hc didnтАЩt join Rick runnjng 7 Cutting Heignts тАв Mulchingg Cc , U n re q u ite d lo v e in, w a rtim e E u - тАЮ ( f ,o ih e wwa ar, did he use his acquired Return . тАв 2 Yr. Warranty тАв 30 Day Retu rope. Good start, b ut then len w h al? skills 10 run run the M oroccan national тАвASON PRICE D E^E SEASi _ Petievich and K raft wo ...........tiiey ce'rtainTy hav e Trlii o t .o f lo o s e A n d that at le av e s V ic to rrlls e -u n d тАФ ends to w ork with. ........................Rick, the lov love triangle to end a ll love _ ____ _ z : _ _ J ^ > J j t R i c k j i n d l Q u ui sisje . a lly .ilo iU тАФ^ _ ; g o t to B razzaville after L aszlo alw ays seem ed like !",? -Y tighl rl.'I .aulle|>and тЦа they jo in up with dc Gaul fellow. M aybe w ith Ihc w ar vn . w ith the F ree French? out o f the: V w. ay, hum anity saved and '2HIPK holerO /H тАв 3 8 тАШ D cck┬л12l/2H Niobel Prize under his belt, W ell, m a y b e 'R ic k w wco u ld ; L o u is perhaps a N ure Lube Engine A Value Full Pressure he_5tbmacb .Xor. ..Vioior-leam! didnтАЩt seem to have th ej im s to live wilhoul-Ilso and lius I тАв 15тАЩ Turning Radius original. m a g n a n im that kind o f thing in thee 01 mco u sly r e m o v e s h im se lf тАв 2 Yr. Warranty тАвтАв30 30 Oay Return fro m th e K i d s . . . ^ F e rra ri? R c - from tlie pici Picture. .................. W h a t a b o u t S e n o rf Fi th e D o g ...fo r SHopf en stre e t? P e r- тАв But w hal ml if R ick and .Use. finally rn em b er Sydney Green? lad Ihe m assive free to relivi live that Paris spring when . fo r th e Tw o o f You! haps by now he has had IVSON PRICES DEERE SEASO jaded for w hen sh e w o re; bbllu e an d th e N azis w ore heart attack he w as hcad( 't stand each other? тАв ling his saloon gray, c a n тАЩt s: w e last left him running ...hr just $49.95 pel ablancaтАЩs b lack . T w o form irm cr lovers w ho realize il and w allow ing in Cosabh n ig h t* , p l u s ta x ow condem ned all had more ore lo do with the hazy light m arket. M aybe he is now тЦа I n c l u d e s a fr e t DRIVEN J U ind the w ine-than w ith true W'fat couscous, o f Paris and to a lifelong diet o f low-fj b r e a k fa s t, cocktail, as happened before. ,d M rs. Leuch'o ^ ? It has I . - W hat aboul Mr. and ^ iR A N T E t 1 тАЬJOHN DEERE 3( 30 DAVNORiSKтАЩ GUARA --------- s w i m m i tog? Did they ever gelf ypaB f t lim "Ulie >тАв A n d ' w hal n Deere m owers'com e wwilith a All new John . h e a te d o u m o o r poo. d ness and learn w h o tracke, ;kcd L a sz lo lik e a blo o d -.. w atch, tw o w atchтАЭ busine anty is available Ity plus extended warranty 2 year lactory warrantтАЩ a n d rela xin g in.Q w e y m ak e il to h o u n d thiro ro u g h C a s a b la n c a ? Y es, - t o t e ll tim e ? D id they to 4 years. Con 3me see...you deserve a Deere!______ Di o v e r s iz e d vm irlpcol. the m enacing Maj. Slrasscr illy buy digital A m erica and eventually iJ 'tu M up'V iclur in d llsc*5~ тАЩM SATURDAY ONDAY-FRIDAY*8AM-5 PM 5 OPEN 8 AM-6 PM MOI --------- w atche s ? - ---------- --------I did he really die? M aybe itc Russian barplane, but d D id Sascha the W hite I JNTY TRACTOR B TRI-COUNT O R ^ y MOT. PliAK n┬л lim to the hospital in time. GEM EQUIPMENT INC. тАв тАв Invtkfi hunt e? L e tтАЩ? h o p e ┬лhcy got hirr te n d e r e v e r g o h o m e? . M m il CHtHUO II. ^ K IcS ll IDELL. IDAHO LLS | [ ^ B WENDEL KIMBERLY R0AD*TWIN FALL: TU 1115 N. CURTIS Ro bout w hat S ial- . L ouis tipped him o ff aboi 1/2 Milo Easiol Cinema 36-6653 ............ ( 2 0 8 )- 3 7 G = 2 7 0 0Iitnjr тАФ kept on тАЬ A ll o f th I e c h a /n c tc r s w ill be тАЩ in w os like, and that SSascha as Ro a d , boisE, ID Call Toll Frcel тЦа R e s erv a tio n s O N iy roe 1-800-824-9519 . 7 3 3 -7 2 7 2 t RickтАЩs placc. b ac k ," said lid P etievich тАЬcxcept-M aj. тАв pouring C ham pagne at Ri w n ┬╗ e .- D r a ^ li┬л gag a r : ^ y тАЩL et s not"forgetтАФYvon a v : 1 -8 0 0 -7 2 7 -5 0 0 2 тАЩs sex dri\ives take cdifferentjpaths Husbanc - ' DeapAhby J" ley artists show V Magic Valley works, J---- ersтАЩ shows durin ing May тАШLove Letter S S t Walk-Behind Mower W m 19 S E L L IT I ! BU^ Y IT ! тЦа 7 ' 3 3 4SB Self-Propelli ;lled xe Walk-Behind1 Mower I Deluxi \ ^ 1 3 -1 -S E L L J ^ L T jJ 59 ^ a H S gW MтАФ тАФ MтАФ тАФ r ' < _ !тЦа тАФ r - f тАФ STX38 Lawn Tractor тДв.*2 2399 C -J Fntls, Idaho Timos-Nows, Twin Fnt Fridny, April 0, 1994 IQC тАв ' El*s daiige c The Flartford Counint ---------- тАФM lU V - J m iU L = J 3la a y id J - c U e r iiu u L is u jl_____ vvliiii In: u^cci to bu, * m .- jji the m idst o f her ^ __ тАв - Sliiickm iтАЩ-Ls.jL-sci.-uis.------ ;;~T ┬лentT -T xpirtivp4*┬лa┬лd lira ilc o n " L a ic S h o w W ith . D a v id suidhom elhingbignifiтАФ ------- -Lcltcrm anr-M ndom ut sui dm , тЦаillv kind o f cncil." she iiberiog how in the old li)lj LcllcnnnnT tcniumlit lis jg uests a hardтАЩlime, * clays lie gave a lot o f his now ," .she "Y nu jusl ki.ss up to0 everybody c ' ' ' A ' ' ; -llia rh ijc s iio w ^ e c m c d тАФ тАФ тАв snL-crcd::cumQliimiiULlh: "vci^' rehearsed," - \ W ^ W S s ^ le n t Letterm an'V tSvers livLMi ih f m ust ard cn must have bucn p.iiititHl.1 Iv by those words, ' j how long th ey тАЩve been fiS B caiusc ih c f kmny ho . Ihinking Ihe .same thing. lg. D ave's different, nains the funniest, m ost тЦатЦа тАв No (lucsliini. He remai: 'in latc-nighl television. ^ . successful cnicrtaincr'in 1 Only heтАЩs older (he; ll turns -17 this m onth), ^ )oul S l тАШl million a year Anti h e тАЩs richer тАФ abou richer, TngтАФ ~ ---------- ^ \T tn ^ M ^ m r tiih s ~ inтЦа[crhl!rsccond-com er IS establishm ent тАЩas you on CUS. h e тАШs about as e ilevision. ' can gel in lale-nighi lelev las finally becom e who Why'.' n cc a u sc he has -----------h cnhvays vv.uiTcd To be, тЦа ^ .T c тАЩrJo h n n y ''C;irs(rn.'' :i /lkl:Kti-fiil rrvelation. ---------- - -Tinii-inuy-com c^ajCou .3hQW_host _______to v ie w e r s o n th ee ;y o u n g f r in g e s o f тАЩ gs ii rn c e m Q v lD a Je -C B .5 T roonrNBC^late-nlotit-tollca: m -VVrW II s nol like anyone'тАвJ j 'd id n ' iтАЩ c p o rtc r.s w o n d e re d a loouuid w h e th e r тАвr- i rep going lo happen, eithcr, cess m ighl dis.e tte rm a n 's big-m oney succes ________ l^v'cn b c l'o re " l .a lle e !S h o w W ilh D a v id ' Le^ll mrcc i iiiii fiom - h ^ w w m anhiv h i тЦатАвmti-fstab- ^StarlErekтАЩ joimmeys intolititerary ^vorlds - T rovga~ ?nnrcinir'= =~iTnyc".Tti r r tt^ ,^ iB h tltT n C f c ? d ^ n r n ┬л '. тАЬ in тАЩT m ucii^l m pro' on the show , turn tor his his band leader. Paul r, acc_^' ~ ^ тАФтАФ----------- madc a difTeYencc S h an er. aiid exclaim , "H iow cool-is that?" IS grow n iip. ............ The show has g' , . r v тЦа Nol very, Dave. N otIt very VC cool at all. yo u r f a th e r тАЩs la te -n ig h t TV тАвThis is n тАЩt you [term ,inтАЩs new. habit o f far тЦа тАШAl.so' uncool .is L etlcrr urs. Y o u 're probably not fai show . I t's yours, every m ovie featuring ^ y )o u r s e lf . _______ ^ callinc every show ,-eve ----------------- ffom-n a i r l s ngr ~ one ot his guests, "a h:ntтАЭ i f cv c n 'i r HтАЩs-a b o m b. So w ake u p ,___ ictte S h o w " c om es to . 7 тАШтАШt hc Jo h n Larroquctte __ L Y o u ^ c .y o u riit s. you m ind.) In ihc old days, yi could have writyour Johnny Carson, . . \ j q ------ And P a v e is yo inzidicckfcmark. тЦа тАв iscтАФ tdn-it-off-'aM -^ouguojni: the show IS ori carlieiTBCcansc ' TliutтАЩs w hy Ihc ivc No longer, you^canтАЩt l^liiy up as lat<;. any mqre._ You have iiaii a тАЬd c c a d c o f тАЬT o p ig.' A nd a flc r m ore than 8 E Q ^ kids'. You haveJ to go to w ork in the morning, Pet T ric k s ." 'a n assort-' lie T e n " lists, тАЬS tupid Pet A ctually, il has ha: all-b cc n part o f a subtle m e n t o f C a rs o n -e s qijue u e n e rv o u s lie s (theand very succcssf is'sful plan, ban d , the teeth suck- тАв backhand .slice lo the: ba the ratings. ; Jusl look at ihc faces), Letterm an is n тАЩt uting, the country-nibe fac lo dale, тАЬ L;itc Show тАЭ has out' Tliis season l o , H eтАЩs m aking it i e selling the w orld on ils ear. p e rfo rm e d A B CC 's " N ig h llin e " and тАШT hhe :nt comfortable, тАФ Toni ghi Show " by b; 16 p ercent and 3 2 pcrcen ^ o u have to g iv e L Leetterm a n cre d it, for pccIiV cly.. M o re " !in p o ria niin l тАв '/ : "m arg ih sV rc spcc H cflrso -u d u lt-w ilh -th e -.--------lysтАФexam plerforbdng-T ia-tlc тАФL e lte rm a n -lc aad> d s ;-l>y-a-w ide-m (irginrs┬лy: ma. A geritleman all the -to oul-of-control Madonna. ^ CBS. in key 18- to 49-year-old and 25-,-lc w ay, Letterm an gave her a good oiie-upping :mographics. 54-year-old demo cr-lcvcl.тАФ us w ithout stooping-to-hcr-lc our liltle tclevision-sliow ,тАЩ- u; This isnтАЩt "our )n. ILcttcrm an-stylc. It-was cla.ssie C arson. s it from tim e lo tim e.___ _J.┬лttien┬лan.calls.it Y T s.c v c fy o 'n c '-w 'OUld o u ) scc rn to - a g r c e f -------^тАФ w illi a capital IiтАЩтАФ " тАШ This is showV business bi 1er Lcttcrm anтАЩs the Best, n┬лpftoo jgst takc*i lookk at a' N ew Y ork T im es rcportei -edge ift; B u th c тАЩsn o c u ttin g -e d j kid anymore, new bbD k.""T he Late Shift, David Letter ftir ^ ,.H g _ r n n 'th r te m H L L E ilL E l^ ^ <>o^'<-T3i>wM.itwt,>fk iir J^iillr ftt --------JltTwrnrYbc:-------------lid Lfocsn iw iini lu be.----iro d u c c r P ete r L assally saic E x ecu liv c proi lishment ffaa n s .c. Ji Just all part o f growtie A little sad. but true. Lille Show " would be a тАЬlittle eplied: " If early on that "Liil ich Lttlterman laughingly repl To whicl ith ing up. p тАЭ th a n " L a te N ig h t W ilh )uy a new m o re g ro w n uup,' icns.vlтАЩll just, you know , buy thal hapocr />g T re k " readers an d m ore b e tw e e n тАЬтАЬ1 im sci*fi fans is. how ever, a , mainstream .so: dispute. H o h u m . A n o th e r тАЬ S ta r T r e k тАЭ m atter o f .some rck k ic-m o v cm cn U ia sJo D g __ Iw slscllcr.------------ -Thc-Trck ---------- novelritnother insliml-lwf isidcred an em barrassm ent A .C C rispin, al been consii T liars-.S a re k ." by A.C ore serious, and longer-laslN o. 11) on th e N ew.тАв Y o rk T im e s by the more Id o' f sci-fi. H ard-co rc scihard c o v e r b e st s e lle;rr 1lisl. I t тАЩs the ing. w orld ~r'eTt~'inrd~" S lar e n c c f i c tu: тАЩ~ 1 t┬╗ h ~ stn lg h rтАЬ Slar~Tr'cTt irs~n~pm lcntaTty a n noying тАФ ic raiio n ' .h aru - rfe k k le s'a ? T rek: T he N ext U enera thal the brand o f S,F. ade; m ore than cull and opine opi cover lo make the grade IтАФ kтАЭ purveys тАФ with its tales 71) o th e r " T r e k тАЭ p aip p ce rb a c k s an d "S tar T rekтАЭ battles and C olum bus-like . de il lo m ass- o f space ba h a rd co v e rs h av e m ade voyages тАФ is an anachronism from market Valhalla. lize th a t 'S t a r the 1960s, . " P e o p le d o n T rcali/.i тАЩocket BooksтАЩ Ryan insists enon S till, Poc T re k ' i.s at leasl a.s big; a phenom i St: T rekтАЭ publishing boom in p u b l i s h i n g a s tl is in -T V a n d thiit the тАЬStar I* scien.i'c fiction, becausc it tn . a sen io r cdi- is helping s film," says K evin Rynn.ople Into book-stores, w here lo r a l P o c k e t B o o k s , th ' e o f f ic ia l draw s peopl JC тАЬthey-'ll be hungry for m ore" exam "Slar T rek" publisher,, тАЬY тАЬтАЩl our average le futuristic genre. f _________ _______'S ta r T r e k ' fan is inn le llig e n t . a n d pies o f the ;t7rTn-.-T7^тАФ litr.-r-^ rK r'n rтАФ Science Fiction M agazine, :a d e rs, b u t i l тАЩs A sim ov'ss S is sc ie n c e -fic tio n read here is a spillover betw een iu y s in ihe sub- adm its iher spread oul to all the guy :rships, but he w orries thal ;ind o f sales w c Ihc rcadersl ^ way. T o get nut the kint тАЬ w ill p ro llfc rn tc to Ls.-you.have_ta__lllx c k !lbтАв^<inVs iu . g el o n a re g u lar ba.sLs,-. extent Ihey will drive m ore ;," .such an ext _ . reach a mass audience," c '!"sci-fi o f f the sh e lv e s. 1 " M a s s a u d ie n c e "' is a lm o s t an h a rd -c o re ertain amount o f rack space u n d e r s ta te m e n t. Ml o r e th a n 130 think a cert, i_loy_t6 'S ta r T re k тАЩ an d ils ------ ::::"T rc k rb O O k s hav c-bbce!i-publisl}ed__hilS_bcen_la ce iffs h o o ts)rA !n h a ris-fin c ;-IтАФ )re lhan 5 5m il- m edia (offs since 1979. w ith m ore ndustry sources ju st d o n 'tt w v ant that material to dis┬н lion copics in print,тАШIndi o re a d u lt s c i-fi fro m the 1.000 hardcover p la c c m on estim ate il tak es 150.0C :k-sales t c r m n k in a c k s .тАЩ* тАФ and-25().^HH)-pnpCTbacirs lugh sw im m in g u p s tre a m I t тАЩs louG Tlte Timc.s list. lie Tfekkic current. A s if the Ctrnt w ith Other against the ' rop o f tides w eren't enough, " S la r T re k тАЭ o ffs h o o)ls. ts , E v e r sin c c present crof ic" w:is relc:ised " T h e S taa r T re k E n c y c lo p e d ia : A тАЬStar Trek: T lie M ovie" c Guide to the FutureтАЭ will . mce an in.sular, Rcferencc ( - in 1979, w hat wa.s oncc тАвтЦаicl-m<mljv-,тАЩmfl tlif ;iiHnbin^U ia f-h u c o m c a. b&out.ni.-.ia. -----------ECTliy ciill .hi cnom cnon. T he ra p h y oiff G ( e o rg e T a k e i тАФ w h o tnic m ass-m arkel pheno ulu тАФ will be p u b lish ed тАЩin six тАЬ S ta r T re k тАЭ film s hhave grossed phiyed Suli ion overall, and O c to b e r.. 7T h e re arc also a b o u t 35 тЦа' more than S500 m illion looks on tape. All lh at 's in ...... ea ch o f the th re e тАЬ S ta r T re k " T V тАЬTrek'.', boo lo W illiam ShatncrтАЩs m em -' ----------s h o w s тАФ ( th e - - o rig тАЩi inn a l T ^ N C T T addition to liis тАЬT re k " y e a rs, a n d the G e n e r a tio n " a n d тАЬ D e e p S p a c e o irs o f his "1 ekw ar'' novels authored1 N in e ") is b ro a d c a st on or m o re th a n -scries o f "T ICC and future Capi. Kirk. w id e . " N e x t by the once 2 0 0 s ta tio n s n a lio nnw cs_can_alsojqok ft)^rw:^rd to __ wiill s o o n .s p in ___ Trckkics_ ----------G en era tio n ,тАЭ w hich..w тАвck: V o y a g e r.тАЩтАШтАЩaтАШ n c w 'T V ure, has consi.s- / тАШS ta r T rek o ff into a m otion picture tenlly been rated amlong oni the top 10 scries andd bbook, debuting in January. w h ic h w/il illl u n d o u b te d ly s p in o f f hour-long T V series inn syndication. s; whole scries o f novels, It'S J in g " th e " S tar another wh " E v e ry b o d y тАЩs readinj ipable juggernaut, l a n d K a g a n , a an unsloppu , tfT re k " b o o k s, say.s-Jari' 'c gj ro w n from one o r two i c ic n c e -fic tio n - " W e тАЩve N ew Je rs e y -b a s e d scic u b ltsh c d in 1980 to m ore autlior w ho w ro te "UJ h ui r a тАЩs''S o n g ," b o o k s pub he scries. тАЬ I gel lh a n 3 0> iin th e n e x t ) 'c a r a n d ' тАЬ тЦа тЦа one o f the n ovels in the : Ryan. тАЬTlie essential ers and doctors, b eyond,"тАЩ says s: fan letters from law yers People think th e y тАЩre aallll b ein g read appeal o fr S*Sl :i r T r c k тАЩ is that itтАЩs good ment, there are good characby 1 2 -y .ear-o ld b o y ss,, b u i t h e y 'r e entcriainmc te rs and il it p re se n ts an o p tim is tic nol." he fulurc.тАЭ W h e th e r t h e r e iss a c r o s s o v e r View o f the New Y ork D aily N ewss edge liich ran on N BC for 11 cd David Letterm an.тАЭ w hich ------------- . audience! T o hell leil w ilh them. ... I d onтАЩt need y e ars befo re L ettermnan an ju m p e d Ship aflcr that aggravation!" n!"-' . }u- N DC passed him lip ass C C;arsonтАЩs succcs-sor. T he rcaliiytiiB ' ^V etsis that' D aveтАЩs douJiBw irs------ Slill тАФ -and.- a r D a vtrwotJltt'sayr^'GorTccl-----------v r\ jirs7iricnoarcTsтАЬ n ^ nt7w'┬л┬лar^ ------ 7--------bic^>rea.sicd:siiirs; this" тАФ I could have U r -me if IтАЩm w rong o n thi; akcrs. the high-budget ratfiei instead o f sneakc S ent(ir ^ fo r-w e t^yiJ }o 3 y r . ------------- WM l K ^ o iQ e- ------------------ jedlc┬о S P o s tu re p t iF rp m O n ly F ~ u p p o rt S e d y тЦа ....... dOMFORTlSERIES MATTRESS тАЭ ? J B S .s ta r tin ig f aat- - ; R eg.'Price S I 49.00 ea.тАв pc._____________ pc. ______ ce тАЬ Tvi/inтАЭe^fTpiece Rog. Price S109.0 0 e e .p r pee. ---------------------------- ----------- ^ t 2 T тЦа! O Full each piecee . R eg. Price S 4 9 9 .0 0 set тАФ t *297 - . Queen Set тАФ RBgrPrfCB-$699:00setf....................................... тАФ ... ........... King Set i J 30 D ay ................ irantee S lee p G uar g ^pneeJ D elivery &i Set-up BaseballQvideo Bilits hbmef^ - ---------- piichcr is"rc a lir2 ip p ln g : r eaa lity c x p e r i______ тАвyou, a lru e .v irl,u a l re ' :i тЦа-......... -^ P * ieel-Rem oval-oii f -------------------------- тАвess O ld M a ttre I K By R oy B aasnvc ...K n ig h u R ld d c rN c w s paapcrs ap V i i d e o - g a m e ---------------rr:z::z:------V o f t h e w e e k ________ 'l^ o n im ts : ScglTGcncsii cm ^ ---------------P r i c e , m a n u f a c tua rrec : ; S fi9 .9 9 . /c r y p la y e r тАЩs rea l s ta n c e , тАв Sega. lid тАв s w in g and sty le o f pitch h a s b eenI . R ecom m ended ag es: s : t8 and, u p. тАЮ K r e d fui or m ore'realism . Thc,'bcUcr )rk s: T h e rulc.s ^ n o>w w y o u r te a m , th e b e lte r H o w the g a m e w orki lical lo Ihc real o f the gam e identicr you w ill reach th e W o rld! 1 S u n iia y . Y ou ............ th in g ,, w h ic h .slartctl Si id th ro w u sin g jj p g . Pay p^. attention lo tlic тАЬ g am e . bat, hit, n m , steal and тАЮ c c h .тАЭ Y o u r c h o ic c s w ill a ll 7 0 0 p la y o r.s i n ec lhu d i n g y o u r s j u j , 5 ;re lany otf-5ca.sori J 5 , тАЮ тАЮ r nlee h ow rea l the c h a lle n g e favorite sia rs w ith man; d ttrad es on all ^ j | | B'y 'c lic k in g on th e w o rd free a g en t m o v e s and B re sa m s i n , I h i s ..o p ,jo тАЮ s " yoii I 2 8 M a jo r L e a g u e tc can scl b a llin g and[ ionr a iig n m c n l. i ; v e ls, sound e ffe c ts andI y e a rтАЩs n ew s ix -d iv is io le :a lly e n jo y Ihc p iтАЮ y .b y -p li c om m entary; tu rn on Baseball fa n s w ill real! play gтАЮтАЮ, тАЬ In T h e B a tt e r s B oa x тАЩ v i c w r h a l n. the strike zonp an d auto - gives the feel o f a 90-m )-m ilc-p er-h o u r fj,.](i|ng by bv c lic k in g O N /O F F .^F or fast b a ll c o m in g at y o tu . A lso te a - j|тАЮ js io n ppl: lay, you have a cliuicc o f i x o r o ld four-division contu r c s a 13 to 1 6 2 - g a im e s e a s o n , ,|,c тАЮ c w ssix hornc run dorb y for 11 I10 8 players, m . W hal th is all m e a n s is backbatting practice and a ballery b 1 cj,;a n cu sto m ize ' Ihc g am e up lhat keeps full statist! istics. ex actly aISs the i pros play o r to your skills. B efore you, p] G o o d p o i n t s , ' b a d ' p o i n t s : ow n real playing тАвame, do os ihe pros d o and A ttentio n to d clall iss nm a jo r league begin a gan itting practicc.тАЩтАЩ It w il! help Is o f 7 0 to 7 9 en ter тАЬ battii w ith p itc h in g s p e e d s < m p h r 8 0 тАШto 8 9 n ip h a rn d 9 0 to, 9 9 .' yOu s w inn g . T h e p itc h in g in - th is m ph. A s y o u ( l h e b y ter) sta n d ready gam e cniii bbie vicious. . тАФ ^ . тЦа . _______ S t o p b y co u r S L E EE P C E N T !^ E R w i t h I ta r g e s t m li a t t r e s ^ s e l e c t i o n i I\ n T w i n F t th e --------------------S a lec n ddsAprU-30,1994 sJ \' w ^Remewiber... ______ ;e n t ^ Z f IlCH m j &m NGS _HO3ME FURNISHINC Gflsfi. v e N o r th D o w n t o w n T w ina F a l l s тАв 2 0 4 M a i n ^Vve. 7 3 3 -7 1 1 1 V : 3i0 - 5 : 3 0 H o u r s : M o n .-P 'rrli. 9 : 3 0 - 6 : 0 0 S a t . 9):3 тАЬWsJiffer'' Y o u S o M u c h T j A for S ega. B aseballтАЭтАЭ ft . \ ' тЦаr тАв > ____________ тЦа ' iT^HI Q.'liiO.iтАФ i-fldiiyTA 'S, Twin TTmt.тАЩs-NowrтАЮ T> F.iII;,; Id.it'O C-G ........... тЦа- тАвтАФ r P o a n u t a - тЦатЦа ....... ^ t __ I : V ~ l Rl/N IN th e ^ il 4 -E 6 M 1 U ^ 4 -^ l ii'r t ^ ' C a lN ^ a n d H 0 b b 0 3 ~ -------H - тАФ J - * 1 тАв 1T-<e U)AT┬гr'S c ?p iN m S I B ^ _____ ^ тАв irs ^ j B H ^ тАвp U M P O O r-lT Ic M X G ^ lr /" f @ - ^ g H i тЦаBy Bill Watlei :erson - '- -^ ^ ( G^Trso ┬г M em <E . . .1 WHE^J rrrw rrr- iN S . r r J 'l A 1 V M FIND - '^ * 7 ^ тАв______ ___2 ___By-Dean-YQungA -WUb-WRlTt ' J ^ ^ тЦа TMESE DUh -_ i- W W M ? -тАФ _______YOU IM 7 < ^ -v тЦа TOWN t┬╗>TlSE R SM тАвW ┬г-TO┬г'- p r ^ 3 W I< e N - ^ ^ 6 JflU.'THE / I тАв^BCfiS tVG -A ' X /T ^ P L U M B t тЦа тЦатЦа i r f - ^ X ^ TrW n E┬г┬л\E.TM mEM 7M 06-H-f^ C o m ic s Cc 1 By., Lynn Lyr Johnston For Bettor o)rriFor W ofso, . тАФ . _ тАЮ . . _ - ^ S y . C h a r i e s M .^ S:chuiz-,.. ct . ' '.. LFor Sldi) By I тАвтАв. I IOOMTTHIIIK I ......... - } - - I jWLU <S┬гE-. H0llEY...I't.L8S m.VEAl.SO.5, H C ^W " B ire:op V f.w F^тЦа[JLLY' TIPEP----- ---------' тЦатАФ - -тАв'тЦа -V тЦатЦатЦа TONIGHT? A / i w ox ___________________ B .C. тЦа ------------- i J _ By Johnny,y Hart EO c o u io ir r ) \ 1 I KNEW HE O eStST A T ^ o-etT E y Tw N is u r . |W ┬л THEN WELL X L 6 0 ) - ~ 'тАЬ^ JITE ,-<SORE, OUT POB A 9ITt LET'S тАв A тАШ ^sr: g-~ s^ ' ----------- ^ = S MgtY^iifiNl'-BROOHAnAтАФ " T тАФ [ j ^ g ^ g / Q 2ia m __________ J/ f |P ^ r _ 5 ^ r |: p тАФ^ ┬╗ V 7 t e r f e A тАФ i ff /pg*v-- .^,0 ________ Donnls tho Monaco M Davis By Jim D i A LO NE ( HA/V1BUR&E.RI . S C*VOU N tV E R i. 0 6 ┬г THO Q iq J E T I 'тАв ( f IT S 6 E P A R A T E P S ┬л -T H e -M E R p y -----------------тАФt - e-H U N T I N & 'INSTINC r s f O FROM-T . iMt y┬л>r . nie: Oo I h*ve lo m o tio n what h┬лpp┬лned h┬╗p wh┬лn M m┬л moron u b otao*^ IM o#rt>*┬╗ wlttl l> ^ ┬╗ 7 тАв e*M ot Kl<}-ni)┬╗d LOM \ G arfield__________ - тАФ L = : = -------^ I ' ^KOUk hjAaha- haha ; ' /тЦаfli .. ^ 31 ^ I r c T h e3 iF a m ily C ir c u s K e tc h a m ' By Hank Ket By Bil E Keane H " " -O ^^.----- O O тАв ( o o ^ cO O O i 1 z / . . - )OlF o l p Y o u r \ \M ^P O firY oU e s iM sT E A P o e J _____ L / i O-EAN CLOTHeS ^ SrUPFiN┬й -TWBтЦаV/A^ iM I vtoU l? / ^ _ . , K S┬г T H A T ? Q B E g A U g ^ ┬▒ -\P R A V J B t? & U K тАФ ^ ''...WRlNk^LE^ A?:B a \ ' ' 0I(5> PART OF TH┬г j 2J fT : : P l flO : f K " (S R U N iS E L O O \^" y J ^ i __________ T By Chance Bro rowne HI a n d L ois_________ ___ ^ z d |= E | |( [┬л He told тАЬB illyтАЩs n o t v e r y n ic eB.. I-leg."m e to b r e a k a -le g i . , " ^ r i ' ^ - ____________ ' l e o TJT. O V E B M f NAP."_______ __ ' ^ s r i:' ┬г 2 ^I тАФ -- _ _ T h e w iz a rd o f Id - - ..- - > ------------1 * ! ' (w o W iiw eJy -- p r -^ --------^---------- ----^>U tP;' ______ - тЦа -' h J H B ,,- A P ^ a ^ .................................... тЦа ----- \ - 4 - G 14 Anilioxlns __ ISH atd togoJ 16 Sooihing тАв>7 E fo o lo n lOFifly-fKty --- тАв* _ _ .20 Mado young '"3 again StM P ^ ~ 1 I, d a J ^ .JI l y .O m a r r Sydney,! 3scope -------------;___________ H o r d s c тАФ тАФ l-Y OU R-BIRTHD AY :------ IF APRIL 8 IS-YO metaphysical.inclina-тАФ ------------ M -]7 - Muny peruins. uf.mcl ____ _ i тАФ - tion decia're you lo3 be iim "old S0UI-."-Y0U тАвтАв ....... e of cncrg)-.-are aware......... - ...........~p<>^scv┬╗ ahundance imilations --y o u .workтАФ ---------тАФ тАЬ "TтАЬ ...of.lim c and.ils-limiia utc. are aeative. pas_ __ well under pres-sutc. :iial. You utc iin origisionate. controvcnial. ------- ;тАФ nai thinker, capabicIcofof bringing order out ns. of chaotic siluation.s. ?1.Aprit n y.Y iiu rie---------------: = = -------A B T F S (\tardIi.?l. People com_ _ _ on cutting edge o f Miciety! stk plenty, you make oihment, "You knowтЦаpier |j j ||H . - l i i тАвтЦатЦатЦатЦатЦа\----------iS'Ofisk' тЦа" ............. }┬л ┬л 10' CRU5T/1C H .iH ACROSS 1 siigni eftaau! V -<: c^KEBft: Of 1TV ----5 Donahuo of lo r .Vir By I D stfuooio5Jq┬г V Hart______ . By. Brant Parker & J ohnny 24 Warns 2B N old0n50 aiming 31 Kind ol palnl l l Z ' ------------- T - M j r ^ I I_______________ q u o o n __________ __________ I : \ \ _________ 33 Olympian qu __ \ 34 Squirm . u u U a p . _ M J l ------- тАФ тЦатАвтАвтЦатАв тЦа 38 Unsoon pan lartlcio ' just being nc;ir you!" u!" ril 20-May 20): Accent M TAURUS (April 2( 40 O utlaws ------------originality, frtsh MartMart repl.icing outwom 41 EnofOy ffcrcnt" love is on hori------- ------ тАЬ machinery. A "diffcrci f тАЩO ^ a/ ^ I 'M ┬л S O lrtS T O S E T I T TM ┬о 42Cup&oaicJ rt-lrue7iiiтАФ iiiiiit/iny;;---------------" - - тЦатАФ тАЬ Ton." Wish, cnme.iтАЭ !! M oM g U A Te p g : eJ e p / egT T W ss ] m y e A l 2 5 .P lE f2C -_''5.ThofQlofa.. nf (Jcrsu'asion surge to J ----- 1----- 1 fiLshion. Powers .of |> " \ 1 ^ 8 тАФтАв тАв^ eT im otsbioat !!_________ --------- ^ - T o H I S H T - тДв olved, --------------------C .lnc. тАв тАФ ------------------- 014 4, / 0 8 / 9 4 - ' forefront.-I-eoinvolvci 01994 TnOirw CorY┬л:e┬╗. I тАвтАв'тАв \ B ┬л 47 Fowl ABnifliil┬╗nB┬╗┬л>┬╗e4 21-Junc 20); Focus on Ived: GEMINI (May 21-: тАЬ ^rttvS/OT Perform Y ostord ffy's PuzzIb Solve , home, security, mari:t _ l i l l building material, hor g i |e ^ 50 H o rd e act 12 Spol on a card sT 52 D angor's stato says. "There is i? u c g status, Canccr native nati ________13.F.QXV____________CT --------- 64 A vow -------______ you-l-┬лm тАЩt tesisll" In-- тАв -.......21 Incroasos 7+ SOTaKon тАФ r\es;w reliable guide, L lf tP T tuitive inlcllcct series 22 Plano part ?4 (sla/llod) nc 21-July 22); Pisces ^ ┬╗ } R |E CANCER (June 2 61 S a lis o a .............aSSom othlnggivon SU .............. . - ^ philosophy, mw)n highliglit.ss travel, tr stago for spocial тЦа 1 C2 Villain onI sl: wnicipation in publishS H H communication, panic toot somico SI J G4Turr^or'5toc impaign. Accent.divcrL HjE lS ing-advenisingcamp;i >y 26 Sharp, suddon'. ^ 65 Hardon by wiosit>i. Gemini domipain . . . 57 D E |L I E sity. intollectual curio; тАФ heal i ng ?7 Phoioolocirlc ^ nario. _______ By.MortW. W a lk er. . e c sou n d oflaa E In Is l┬е1 nates unusual sccn.iriii . B e e tle B ailey io o (-----------coll.-o.g,-------------U irAug. 2 тАЩ'): тАЩ^'m nrtre------------- -тАФтАФтАФ n ------------------ho rse 's hoo sT tIeT O I тАФ IZ U (July 'iirAu; 20 Lad V (5 ^ 07 Cupidity s;iying. "I love thecch ch::illcn gc-th is is my r n i6 S ┬╗ (^ U L P T W w :O M EN P I P N 'T \ f " ^ 23 Small At \- / 68 C oaslor icus on intrigue, gl.imkind o f d;iy!тАЩ' Tckus ) :vcnt 30 Odors Sj BE A TREAT / U U!S E P I D B E O ' G9 School ever appeal, . h M l t I our. mystery, sex appc 31 Monstrous ono H A FOR y o u y ALL L O W E D IN / 23-Sept. 22): Ft)Cus on i T [' T l VIRGO (Aug. 35 Imago ^ ^ DOWN T H IS C L U B ^ i _ / тАФ TH Jgmcnt of your efforls. " n тЦа! pulтАЩlic acknowlcdgmc rs 30 Kind of mask ^ POT 1 Oir. loltors s x c eTi u e writing, fonn alliancc ^ l *Get agrcemenLs inn wri ook . 40 Eggs тАФ IтАФ┬╗ 2'CorlalnloolM/DB/94 ^jтАЮ, ,,ns fnmiliarr ┬л┬лiiib business proce42 Threw I n S I F ^ 'S ,* 'f'тАЭ/ 3 D io sagittarius. another VirSb^^W A L L ig plant 43 Emblem ol 4 Seasoning I dure.s, Gemini. Sagitt aiiof Wales тАФ 5 Movio trailo go play roles. 44 Sang like a bird G Port _ LIBRA (Sept. IV 1V(Qct. 22): Attention 49V anolotlofs тАв ............7P oocogododfloss fl adjustment.----------for*a iCVotves'-aroimd-- domestic dor 56 Laugning 59 Piaco fo ,0 51 Socfot supply 56 -------0 Ms Homo isehold products, dccimusic, large househc outburst drink 52 Uprlgin ---------0 Antolopo, iiarriage. Financial picjmod sion relating to marri 57 тЦа 60 Consum s a v iq ila n r 57 Selves 'fr S ' lO Sullor -articic-volunlarily-rc- - тАФ -sq Sch,-3tibi. - 63'M akoa' ac h oic o turi bright.-Icwt-artic s r s c i i o s -------- - тАФ -sq ~ r -----, 11 Soggym i.is"5------as: Jbran involved. turned. Another IJbra: rhaves , тАЮ ___ , By Bob Th x .23r ^ _ ------- SC OR HO. (Oct.. 2 N ov. 21): MuihF ranK a n d E rn e s t :ry. glamour n s V 'тАвтЦа'i'тАЩ тАв'тАЬтАЭ mys'cry- intrigue, i clc high, ciicunislances J don-l tell all! Cyclc h 1 ^ 1 T H IN K ts, insist on obtaining favor your efforts, ii ^ Alfon-so X<111 lll .served ils King o f Spain ^ p O M i fO X 'S O oJ tt ," Pi.sccs' plays role, "complete sto.ry." F intil 1951. He wa.s tone deaf, -- p тЦа from 1902 unlil m e;G the.se letters in name; i ,P ,Y . ^ fo g 50M f lis side on formal occa.sions fl, Alw.iys at his : (^Nov. 22 -D e c 21): SA O nT A R IU'S S (^ t .inthctn mnn." I^ot c v c ^ ip C Jp was his тАЬanti ., . . W h a t ' s w h a t ?? ........ deadline - valuable Meet challenge of di V> 5 monarch IS hasan "anthem man.тАЭ Dul cus on property, hisic тЦа"* ally surfaces. Focus It ddid. Thai's one. who Iclis. ^ VV' : ┬о * som e do. Or Ghosts were clumsy and .Sil silly, the iisu c s.. scillcmcnl II of..fam o ily dLspulc. lighnesH. in effcci. Stand up Gh P (he-Royal Higl :d, has ihought. It wa.snтАШt until much m lat- Cipricjim involved, h these letters, iniivcfcnt.- ihcy'fc playing the Greeks Gr o and look rcvei tials in name: H. Q. O.Z. Z er in world history, thal other believers b ithcm. cr c National Anthc ;ter. . CAPRICORN (Dei (Dec, 22-Jan. 19): Obryo of the chicken has thc qame qai lo ihink o f ghdsls as siniste ┬░ The embryo giltariiis mc-vsage. Look Bundalion min hint from Sagiitai Q. Which is Ihe concct pronui iw teeth. Thc teeth start, in pcnc to grow " 6 u r Z lA 7 T H i" 1 5 ^ cdiatc, perceivc polen*' o f тАЬCells" - тАЬKelts"- or "ScltsтАЬ77 l>eyond the immcdiai top and disappear. Why? If of I fad. tlien stop A. Hither. Greeks called ther lem "Kel- tial. accept inviuttion ition to travel. Love rc-' .on growing, hens icelh f ;U P , /1 N ┬г > X By Art Sansom s&c h i p . Jt to the lationship sputlers. rs. then tl Kick on track, toi," Germans "Kclten.тАЭ But so scarcc. loi T h e B om L oser lv ^ 5 TH^ they were "Seltes." cactivaied. Favorite projcct rcacti fou canтАЩl name, thc only French Fr ----- } What! You cd .ycuinf.-------- AQTtAPnit; -Oai?___ iw ypyj^BsniF. 2Q.Fcb. m : _________ :jn play ihafdotM i'l hare nt aeEMSITTIKliтАЩ .'THKrtiHOU rw ^lK U fM IV F-lieE , тАЩT m so happy to have ly perform YouтАЩll be sayin g.тАЩ'I't stcts get so Iwred they routinely ins in it? Try тАЬThc C om edysic J l e i ┬л one song V T O S ┬г┬гI*┬г! ^O FfiO R . ___ D ┬л W .T O .( ! IMYOUR WAlTINt BO s;t mistakes!" Focu-S ' тАв potential, chance to correctI ^ pa.< iilxiut three urndes below tlieir pc iil> __ y ofE n ofs." "Singh" fneans "lion-hearlei led." and ' on fnah sJarl. indep< idcpcndencc, cre.itivity, o f 10 cancers are on the j, CWERANHOUR? r <тЦа тАв N ine, out: ol be p.-irticipaling itтАЩs a name l^kcn by all Sikhs. unique style. Youu could coi facc. . better tho'n in "iheater o f the alwurd."* alwi nidcrs tend to lolcnte pain be ho phone in pizza orders in ^ Those who PISCES (Feb, l9.M l9-f ardr20): Individthc тАЩ younger, according to one on more tip Ihc deliverers as thi IJ , Califom ia donтАЩt dor to ccxipcrale legories of. . ual who initiallyy rcfascd rci study o f the matter. In ihc categ era in-other stales. Such were sti w ell as buyers ? O m .^ тАФ You were righl. 1 was n w ho arc will now say. "You grownups, ilтАЩs ihc young m en тАв --------- 1- - th c iin d in g sLiaтАЩ .ia iL nalionw idcsiiryeyjT y* P┬г idox family member rcтЦаsaiiI'lb"appearlcisrablcto-put ut u ir w itlr wniiig!" Unonhodbx o f Ihc product. тАв sa ' welUlcnown1purveyor pu Goal in sight,_ much pain o f the prolonged me iicasurable jaics "fantastic" story. sto :ient Greeks believed in m \ Thc ancier check-<lircctions. _ 5 Q H _ _________^ ____________________ 1_ O U IT A IV JM S t S l N X ^ J ^^aga^ th e H orrible ' тАФ rowne By Chris Bro lHU^AH┬г^ 39 votiicio H K K a^ ^jii ----g4/as---- J i ^ ji ^ '^ S diini jks believedI ghosts j Greel wfpe rue onl'< <s LM.Boyil n m - , M -[- X066T5'WWT1N6KD0W... I n E E ^ rrp I S ' _ i -------------- J-------------- тАФ :тАФтАФ -tтАФ тАФ 7- ^ rainrrd'abo'TilffayrAprti-OrttW'*C-e llmos-Nows, Twin>all ! ityZ-bitce& ihe-diLust^siGenX)reheliLia g a in s t ste re o^types i M 4 a iit ............_K night-Riddcr N ew s SScrvicc cr , I ^ M ------------ -A -n^w rM h┬л;i-J4t>!!ly y w o o d -fid d lc тАФ тАФ .- тАФ-.t- t: тАв W hy il th ill liice s o - c a llc d X . VI ,I . g e n e r a t i o n , th o s e: ' ,lHI) T jiiT lionтАЬ 31 years . Amcricjins bclw ccn 13 and i i s________ тАФ - r L . oup, but docsn I тАв l; ; than any.other agC'group uvies? _______ ^тАЩo to fiiMnrraiion X muvi' IN nag^ тАФ тАФ тАФ ' T his million-doHar ([ueMion ([ui \\ res. dislribuiors . ging U niversal Pictures, e romantic comi o f тАЬ Reality Biles." the rii W in o n a c d y s ta r r in g 2 2 -y e a:ir-old r-i ih rrccent collegc . Ryder and dealing willi тЦатАЩ ~ t!fads fa c in n .M c Jo h s a nd M cD cbl. Ib lj^ v io w c d -u iтАФ -----------lliough-il-wiw-'fitvornbly a - y - ............. k b H ~ \ _____ _____ I R e>e e ^l w o r l d k -:- an d , . ------ тАФ Yet-sencrm ional-crc^lcjitia iona --~ .r -тАвтАвтАв D avid P irn c r.o f Soul . тАШboys su c h as Da E v a n D a n d o o f - th e A .sylum a n d, Ev тАФ d uii.'tguaiJiiltc ered ne is to sa m p le th e ^ H |i i ^ ib ilily , i f one lca|ily Bite.-;тАЭ b y collcge response io'тАЬRca|i newspapers. :fivist Jo n C ow an. 2H, тАЭ H jjjjM i.i Political acfivi Lead ... O r Leave, a H j j H !. co-founder o f L( based youlh-advofcacy W ashington-base ise belie v es the rksis- тАв .g ro u p , likew ise taiioD al.m oyics.shl'uld,. ' ....... J.iuoce.lo.gencraiii a cultural' rather t ^ n a ____ ^^^B B ---bC -pli> ?ctl.in_a_cii te x t. ............. тАФ / - тЦа ------ consum er context. :b eclliin g a g a in it th e I to B g тАЬ W e тАЩre reb stere o ty p es," Cow an Gcncration>Xt st< :'re not a bunch of lazy, suggests. тАШтАШW e're :r si slackers. W eтАЩve been apathetic, loser lg lhat lold for so long ll w c canтАЩl make a тЦаatтАЩs not'lruc. тАв W h difference. T hatтАЩs igh half thi: older gencr-- m H тАЬ llтАЩs ns ihoughl тЦаalSon is Id linig g us u we c a n тАЩt.m ake a lf'Says^------ ^ _ d iffe ro n c e -a nid-lhe-olher-hQ d -l sing anyihing anyw ay, yo u 're not doing when in fact our generation has h i ^ s." volunteer rates." He c o n fe ssssee s th a t h is ow ii f e r r ' ' ------ ^ftroviegolng тЦаppaa s s io n s " a r c - m o r e --------PitmtrUp-thc-VolumcT^^--------_ifldam ed-by-тАЬ P w flA ji||[r n m rтДв ill M H was promoied strong soundtrack andd w st iin a strin g of lo 'ihe max. this lalest Iling ch ro n ic le s . rcc cn l iw enlysoniclhiu] essors "SinglesтАЭ has тАФ like ils prcdcccssi a n d тАЬ B o d ie s R e s t & M o tio n тАЭ тАФ ' failed to strike eitherr a generational uld. тАвchord or box-office gold. opening w eek- тАФ . .. . A fte r a.p ro m isin g cip Jucted f s n mil- _ _ _ _ _ ______ end, the m odestly budue тАЩrossed a disap-' lion) тАЬ R ealilyтАЭ has gros in-in pointing SI8.3 m illion i six weeks, ment ' . prom pting Entcrlainm et W eekly lo ite s th e D u s t.тАЭ q u ip . " 'R e a l i t y тАЩ Bite.' тАв_______ ;lure7l>Ufonly-a------- тЦа ^ 9 тЦатЦатАШT copirilK edrU jc.picIur a c k n o w led g es тАв few w enl to see it.fтЦа ac ' ' A iv e r s a l's vice тАв D ru c e F c ld m a ir. U n iv lg, w nrcsident o f niarkeling. ^ h o no n clheradio station, passipns via his pirate j }cas pro;caai. IJi.it iJic ijH jw i profil, Linklaier indie "Sfackcr.'' the Richard Ric тАФ I'he' тАвtiangcrтАЩo rm onv v titc s тЦа l a l t t f j /тАвIncctr iinnlirmT^ lhat they almost тЦа | f e , V тАЬ .define a generation is iha PtmoccgrlMyUnhxt sw>w piouna w ho lollygag fo forr:a livirig. ^ '' ' тАв ih ey ita b ly tu rn o u t to bc g e n e ric ," altributes тАЬ R eality 'sтАЭ p r o p o s e s N e w s w e e:k k ┬лc r itic D av id ' Cowan, too,), at after graduation. From left,l< 1 0 hard facts a b b u tiifeI af B itesтАЩ features a group3 of i friends facing somo com edy тАШRealityr Bl K to ilc v) tepid box officc 10 the fact that the film A n s c n , 4 8 . Hc.^ c iic s th e тАШfiOs T h e lr r osvorent ind W inona Ryd^r. ihn, Je an a n e Garofalo an was targeted at X > ers, тАЬ and anything Ethan Hawke, Steve Zahn тАЬ youthquake" film.'^. tho thi se self-con. theyтАЩre El fine a generation, fails.тАЭ that tries to define scio u s e ffo rts su c h as "' W ild in the I to som ething thatтАЩs good forir Ihem.тАЭ /h o n o n c th e -. account for 52 52 percent o f ticket buy- l6 Reality Bites" тАФ which тАШTlie Strawberry fo 'тАЩ ev eryy jjo b they see k ," o b serv es!i jappe.il." said Feldman, whi Dying w hal Bul isnтАЩl тАЬReal Strcei.s" ( l тАШJ68) and тАЬTli Murphy confcs.scs to enjoy lo tht? N a lio n a l e rs , a c c oтЦаding rd i po sitio n e d his T V ads ai in prow ho. like m ost o f a dp/.cn1 less 1 Stiller and 2 3 -y c a r-o ld , . lh a t fa ile d to W einer, wl generation also starred Slill S ta lc m e n lтАЩтАЩ ( 1 9 7 0 ) lli he pcrccivcs as the new gc n fo r ih c ir Association1 oolf Theater Owners. But ht im ethings polled, is am biva-- ' jg r a m s c a re fu lly c h o se;n m arket they tar-_ iwcntysonic tim e w ith Ethan Hawke тАФ more a classic lovc appeal to Ihe nichc ma; /, an ___ Art..Murphy, :i industry analyst and gg;a p in H o lly w o o d , th is t-ii lids. тАв .appeal lo 12- to 34-year-ok il тАЬ Reality Bites." тАвul Ilo distinguish lenl aboul I a {genera tio n al m ant.nufaclurcd trian g le than gcted. Ansen is careful Xcrs rejecting producls mnni -Jollywood Reporter w ho X тАЬ R e a lity 's" d irector, B en S tiilef, w riter for Hoi roblem. she says, is lhal the: 60s, il could just as ea.s'R ee a lity B ites," T he proh :rs, 1 have fcsto? In the тАШ60s, . th ese effo rts from "R by boom ers. тАШтАШLike ihe Xers im scif as " a D epression- bj lat the film тАЩs describes him concern thal prom oled andJ acknowledged : c h aracterizes as filтАЭтАЩ w as; тАЬrelentlessly "i тАвcd ;Sandra D ee, and in 3r th e M c ily have starred h ow ever, w hich he cha u g gcsts c o m p c litio n fo r nn<o th in g b ut c o n lc m p i for im primatur m ight gcncr- era k id ." sug; i m ark etedd тАЩтАЩ to h er age g ro u p , "an dJ 'тЦаmajor-siudio lic F Hawn. co n tro l o f t h e '7 0s, G oldie ; тАЬan appealing romance'." en e ratio n c u rre n tly in mcnl dollar is fierce. G assiduously iheir amu.scme a backlash. And he a; o nally. w e d o n тАЩl like to be: ale ; nance is another generation; ,ht bbc a tension between of тАЬThere might ; But one m anтАЩs roman f; has more d e c - H ollyw ood, and 1 sec the failure neration X тАЭ "The X jcncration Ger ind we donтАЩl like lo be sold1 ;avoided ihe phrase тАЬ Gem labeled and er ai and director intended w om anтАЩs lorture. ia al th e ir d isp o sa l,тАЩтАЩ he G en e ratio n X m ovies as a kind o f what Ihe w riter ileasc in le rtro n ic m edia d u rin g his m any prc-rele (W einer makes an cnlhusias┬╗ It scram bling for things.тАЭ (W ly boom ers and w hal the m maarketers so ld ,тАЭ con_________ ulLyuuLUfcJs-uboui.M poetic juslice for those baby boom ers only had p< "B: I views. Bul how docs the; rniain.strcani theorized. тАЩBaby !tion-of-TV-s niclie-niiirkclud_: :r-W eincf_llM ayfae-it.is--------uble, and about lie exccptio ^ c - d i s - тАФ ccdesJcnnifcrJW Ihe rent and guy iroubl Indd - I h c - m a v ic s ,тАФwdiUcтАФ w тЦаcngaging-tiтАФ frc e-T -V -an d c sc rib T in iro v tc -c ,c 1P la c c .тАЭ w hich тАФ un lik e: press | тАШтАШM elro se but bu ilтАЩs the media and being'un d erp aid and underapprecialun тЦаs ancl culturGenerationXXhas home video, video tr u s t o f a u th o rity fig uurre s ,тАЭ he not the m ovie,H ryingrto-get-a-handle--------__ CLflain genem lion's issuESJ lht:'iiiaikcierS iiy ----------- in lrd o -y o u '^ n r t t r s p c Tlwy have otjservco. ol games and pay-ldevision. pa; r s a lтАЩs Feldm an. 45, a g reess :al references? ip p cry th in g c a lle d dram a enacted Univcrs;: ly G e n X o n th is slippe night seeing the .samee di Ir o n ic a lly , u n lik e e a rly onic cnienainm cnt opporw r ite r s an d more ekctroni ! тЦа A nd how d o s c rip iw i nerтАЩs generation d id n 't show ' ma. R yder, w ho that Weinei that w eтАЩre rc^sting.тАЭ_ ....... . by people-like W inona, c h ro n ic le s such as тАЬ T he B re ak fa st Generation X lhat 1 the on avoid the tunilies than th previous generation.тАЭ cl e PG-13 movie in significantt idirectors o f lhat gcncratior as E n te rta in m e n t Ihan you d o ?" up for ihe I I c r 's D ay P e rh a p s , as lo ok so m uch b e lte r- Ih C lu b " an d тАЬ F e rris B u c lle onholcd? A s TlieyтАЩre ilso ;ilsi wary. "W hen m ovies C , bul he also believes "many^ :sligm a o f being so pigeon iccca AKhcr-rWalsh. 2 5 . ........... n .b y .Jo h n .-W e c k ly тАЩs Rebecc; a sk s Je n n ife r W e in eer. r. 2 4 . a yo u th numbers, b ...Off,тАЩ:.w h tc h .w crc-.wrilten. the tag..:JlтАЩs the definitive ...0 <eted lo spe-. -arrive .wilh.thc : long xs m ovies arc markei taycd away from the picturc 1 тАвcs w r itc r a t the peтАШ>ple stay I h e r r e c e n t " R e a lity BitesтАЭ w as s u g g e s te d in h< тАФ colum nist and features Hughes, now 44. "Reality Bi id for a g e n e ra tio n .тАЩ Ihe H story o f and thought il w a s n тАЩt forr ic if ic s e g m e n ts o f th e ppto p u la tio n , , тАЬ N ot trying lo ild-Lcader. becau sc Ihey th ort Lexington (Ky.) H erald'l li H e le n B itesтАЭ post-mnortcm ;lcd becomc instantly su.s- . w riltc n by Ihe 23-y ca r-oold people largelci \ d "baby T hh e m e d ia la b e le d it as a:i Ilabels such as тАЬG en X тАЭтАЩ an did a good jo b th e m . "T nay bc the best w ay to >8-ycar-old target X ers may "I Ihink the m o v ieLdi' Childress and directed by 28id Murphy. тАЬFilms are n o t : C pidous," said ; all lio n X p ic tu r e , w h ile w ez 1boom erтАЭ are going to be allachcd. w ho G e n c r a lio attract them." about show ing collegec graduates g Stiller.____________________ nd people do not respond Si 4 -y c n r-o Id s m edicine and J F c ld itia n тАЩs ! 2 l o p 4 a com edy with broad il was ' _______ arc o v e rq u a lified o rтЦаuurnderciualtfied ihoughl il ~)o m uch]^Pesci ^ J knm y lelves ^ lo c a lvddeo sh< тАФ o f the lime it is Im. ihough 10 bc. bul loo) much mi kids. But the rcsl o f the film ┬л III ' '' ki underlines unwisely intentII on showing the serious ____ unobjectionable enough, ur ui C a p s iu l e r e v i e w s aracicrs!-livcR.тАЩ> n o i- o f ----- -t~fippcur~inтАЬ s r d e ^ r its diarac - W i 11i n m sH w e n nJcjrire-to-fi ------ ,тЦа IJ i-W -тАв тАв . , ------- = lg fr from its ca.st. cspecialbland cncrgctit; ac(ing l indcrful major role for Kirk w arm , cuddly an d 'term in aally affords a wondi ^caton in the lead, does . . - ly M ichael .Kcalc motion piclurc'i. (Grand-Vu Drive-in) Di ivily-t┬╗ld scrap meliil-iyctKin m I Q n cm a)-----------ly caricatured rdaiivcs'vic тАШтЦаMonkey T fo iib lc" (PG;).' ); H b 'r┬л y >тАЬ 'P тАШ rтАЩ8 ,L ist1 _ (R ). A m ost ___ las-u u g h la------;S-Clllind<ir s.. W llh c a c h jth o the r for his .favor._W ith_K -K cilc l is.thc con-artisi who haf ctor. Steven S p id b e rg , as a unlikely director ; M ichacl J. Fox. !тЦа< N ancy T rav is an d jdarling little simian how to cxcel e Mcr adopLs I ' l i s y^ devastating siory o f the pickpocket. T hora Birch lalt 0 , i .l n J - A bo . .тАЮ as Ihe film тАЩs lik a b le , pj o f H olocaust heroes, ad v e n lO rt unlikelyy ol dcconi ty p es. (Je ro m e ||, ihe a n im a l, and an w ild at ┬л тАЬ " тАЬ ;'lly J' er, Ja convivial sensualist, iio retrieve O skir Schindlcr, ensues when K eild ailcmpis u cr me. M im i B ┬╗ntbler┬╗ndwi/ar ariprofiteer w ho rescued Old MenтАЭ (PG-13). Waller |,j his fo rm er p a rtn e r in crim d ended up the only Nazi i.r^i 1.10(1 Jews and en jc r 10 be b u rieil m Parly m em ber ne feu d in g frien d s w ho (Jerome (j Cinema) fount Zion cemelarv. Put P l n . l JerusalemтАЩs Moun ver the same woman ('Anrh___ ___ S N * k ┬л d J 3 jm _ a a w a :_ H i Ird in th e together with care, care emotion and, most :iтАЩs a cantankerous rom p Iinm o l l " (P O -1 3 ). T h e ih lr Mlrainl, this i.s as good a as funny as imporlamly. rcslra :h wil or point, (Moior-Vu тАЬNaked -j OunтАЭ scries U not as hock-filled fiction film onI the Holocaust as wc are th Ih e first tw o b u t is still cho Twin e l┬л a * iL t. lik cly io g c t.fI\v n Cinema) (PG-13). Tlic pair- w ^ ith good gags. L eslie Niel тАЬGuanling; Tess" T aa" (G). A nim ator Don >ut n o t fo r -Thum bellna" Frank D rcbin if-re tire d bui i"B ┬╗ [S llirlcIcy y MiieUiine as a cranky p| ls H a n s C h ristia n B luth p re se:n n ts widow and Nicolas Cage long. jo CTwin C inoiia) тЦа ns.sic laic of a bite^sized . inH ow ard-... Andcr5cnтАЩs.dns.sii i_┬лv..fvi.-r !n<.:nt In charge of - . - J ^ 'J a p e r тАЭ-'(R )-T his.Ron ionj-ta.parcnli.b┬гjiorraal____ }ui~j d a y in little danccr-bom an in.spircd one, and direc- ~tlirccicd ^jj cnscmoic pieciTabotn Charo, Gilbert in cr Hugh W ilson has th e the th life o f a bustling New \York City .-stature. Voiccss include 1 Foray and John Hurt. quirky ^ a f f Gottfried. JuneC F light touch, but this cham- .tabloid ta newspaper and ils qu; (Twin Cinema) . ______ ___________________ ' lakes an unexpected luni can e: bc awfully funny whenI lt_t;ht)oscs li 1^1.1.u is iiiTstrengllis.^fJcromc ________ x ' Los Aflgcles Times L JIw in i^alk тАвтАв M ovies .piayingJU.UicJ] I area this w eek. R eview ss are by the T he Tim cs-Ncws a t i ngs a'rc by N ew v id e o s " " ILos A hgclcs-Timcs and rati so c ia tio n o f the M otion P icturc A sso ;s iiin Tw in Faljs _ ______ . ___ . . N ew vidcocassellcs ___ __ тАФ^ ^ ^тАЩGтАЭ'(K n 1 p ,l-R id d er N e w s :- тЦа ' A - m crici; ............. stores this w eek;---------rt /[>\ -ruic тАЬJim m y H o lly w o o d тАЭ [Video :Wesi. Great AmericanI ^ papers). (Vi' i-b i-.тАЩc ,o ; 'o ; bemused liwk at the would-l тАЬCariilo:8 WayтАЭ llтАЩs flit filling liinl direc- v id eo ). . sm all-soalc. lor Brian De P a lm a тАЩs la 1 test e ffo rl;тАФ " T b e '^тАвBg everly H m b lillc s тАЭ L ily. 'Ihc w orld is a return lo st bling hum or by wrili IS a: and ends inside Tomlin, Clo "CarlitoтАЩs W ay," begins ┬╗loris Leachman. Jim Varney, sham тАвjilcnrm. Len Tliompsoii. RobI 1Barry lA'yinson. Joc^'lтАЩe.sci is _______ 11 tniin .slalion. bccauscc Ihis tl is a movie n-.hnr-y rnl, lhal'sscriously derailed. r. J J k c Ihc TV show, the filmI 'etlcciive as Jinimy /iiiu. ton SdTncidcrl :ial.carccns reck- -version is'^ Imagine: A-'story lhal, s':! good-natured farce aboutI Ihe | break he needs is jusl thi тАФ but ' hi.t-engagiiig- l'^ift'Ji'mfl тАв;-----------ksstyThrongh-impknnritTl .iil.!i, i.l..l jo.iiUJ, simple Uogf has two main characters crs who stumble . ways in ihe he face 1 of _such complexities ilsi 'contend w ilh a minim nlis along in fuzzy definitio ilion and. in the ' snobbery/ and a ind'9 or plVfmbing. Bul; .1grandly, bypasses plaiisibil end, offers a messiige tha that has :ls much although il it provokes p the occasional guf- Cinema) ' ┬л iiv e ┬╗ rPGтАЬA ce Vcntuia: Pel D cttc ,j,c fiin em o tio n al reso n an cec as a: an A m irak [ilm is a one-joke affair, empty schedule. icJ sack holding one scrawny 13). Every body movement as a bushcJ uviiu^coiot" ^rтЦаtteтАвof-JtnvCarTcy.(of.:тАв,ln-U^ ^<1. e'iiiidiicRifr, r wiiniui niui i;tтАШr n n 7 ~ ' j a ^ - raBUi Kbit. . I'G -T K n iB lin tiifd e r rrJ тАвy has polenlial. M cwspapci On paper, the slory li p e rs) (V ideo W esl, G real[ fame) is so broadly cxaggc V B ased on ihc n o v e lss by b N ew Y ork AmcTOn1 Video) Ihe makes goofy Jim Varnc Charles Bronson by c o n x T alcтАЭ Robert D ^ N iro,. sloic : Judge Edwin Torres, "Oir O irlitoтАЩs Way - is тАФ тАЬA Bron drug-dealing cxc h a ^ z pain Ihe laic u f a hardened, dn alm inicri. Does I'alficr know' тЦа ' A movic revolving.around, docs'thc-neighborhood w isc - iprcsencc-as C iirrey's-soii тАФ c o n '-n a m c d C a r lito>- -B B rtgB nic-(A I- bcst.^or'doi bc hell, but his star ascd early frofti тАЮuy 7 Dc N NiiroтАЩs directorial debut is a1 could Pacino), w ho is release i surprisingly capable by.the k eenly ob's pri.son lhanks to a l ^ aa!l blunder h ib se rv cd m em ory piece hyt proves i JackтАЭ (PG-13)] Dull, ploddistrict atlom cy's officc. ;to r Chazz Palm inlcri givenr ing unexpected giggle fils. T тЦаew rilcr-acto n siarring Paul Hogan as a тЦа'тАЬ 8 !" тАЬ uneven, bul his cart(H>nish inliumonncs.. in .IlтАЩs 1975 and Carlilo iio returns to his j^gsh by Dc NiroтАЩs symp;itliclic direc- i i gunslinger and. his mute icrabble sirccispf home, ihe griity. hardscra I Ihc h e artfelt ac tin g o f allI . is nearly heroic. (Moior-Vu I uba G ooding Jr. (Jerom e ;____" D 2 'n M > M i^ D u d a " heтАЩs j тАЮ v o lv e d .тАв C _Spanish Harlem. ItтАЩs a pincc-whcrc pin De Niro plays a proud hus__ e-Tliwilrc).---------------------------TV.rmariiig'cd'loтАЩ wтАШin"re'spcL p e e r from local dnvorw ho 10 inтАШcsтАШтАШto l convince his son ifintI a ^ I n i i n g , overly coiitHve eague i r (P G ). T he ┬л-1 9 9 2 o rig iтАЬ M n jo t LLe touglis ihrougli his brava avado and wit in j, is.bcller i bc re.^pected than lo bc the imprcssivo a i^ popular er lo cquel to Ihe 1989 baseball rgclic E m ilio mcvitablc scqi y world o f guns, r (j, ) nal. O ncc again an encrgi ; (Knighi-Ridder Newspapers) negolialing their edgy w so clobber comedy w ilh a hil ' s a so-so E stevez is coaching hisI {p ccw ec icc drugs and death. merican Video, Video Wc.st) (Great Amei moments, most from Bob It ifilm 's clear few funny mo ngcd, and Carlito fe a r le3s s" s тАЩ Jeff Bridges, Rosie Perez. hockey team, but iho first B ul timc.s have changC' adly muddled Ucckcr aslie tlicplay-by-play announcer is a reform ed man w iih h a new mission: Isabella Rossellini, Ro Tom Hulce, JohnI eтЦаo n c an for values g e u bad gard bul p c n n a n i-b o u n d icma. Jerom e 'h e laggar car-renial busi- Turturro. Peler P< He w ants to buy in io a n c; W eir's unnerving filmI this tim e out. (Twin Cincr jn d ia n s. C h a rlie Sheen; C leveland jn^ D ne.ss in ih c BahamiLS ;ind pursue a sui- ^lars Jefff Bridges as an airline-crashI Cinema) ^sberl.'T om Bcrenger and W eak-kneed Dennis Haysb try, tropical life free o f crime. < All he .survivor w.ho wl com es to think he is aI тАв тАЬ8 SccondsтАЭ (PG-13). V [) their roles from the firsi al hull-riding o 'l'crs rccap tl aboul the laic great 1. It I needs is the seed money. тЦаysuiieminn. Il is an exhausting, cxhilaral- bio-pic ycd by Luke film. (TwmCinpma) Cit p L anee.Frost, playc cx;asperating snga o f how a1 cham M on ey , o f c o u rs cc.. is i a fa m ilia r iтАЮ g aтАЮd ex i DUblfire" (PG -13). R obin like W oody "M rs. Dout Perry (w ho looks _mqrc_li device 10 Ic.st a p ersonтАЩs )nтАЩs morals. The ncar-death c :h expcricncc prompts rebirth, u n't help bul bcXunny in ir bull-riding W illiam s cun' тАв - Guthrie here). Strictly for goodness o f C nrliloтАЩss soul s< IS further B ridges ppc e rsuasively plays the sur-on born in h ig h-concepl riicatrc). (his situation ch a llen g e d w hen liisi law la yer, D avid vivor/savior ior. Rosie Perez strikes a'feso-тАв fans. (Twin Cincnii!, Acc Til orccd.dad.disgmcs.himscIf___ i-a-snlire-il-sтАФhcavcn;.divoro ^ тАФ i); talks-him -tnloтАФ,Ya-тАЮi'c]ior{j----------:KJeinfeld-(Sean-Pcnn).-1 ra'asT gricf-'snickcnrm c'thTrir::тАв .- тАШтАШOTcedy"-(PG -B )r-A s-a more lime with his handed, bul it as a nanny 0lospend s lo her infant, a woman to1 wildly uncWn .nnd hcavy-hu helping him oul n f a veiyv er compromis- ^ |, o has lost ^ -0 G . . тЦа rtdgcfl-ia-cmoii┬лniilly. closerf.тАв ---------- ------------- -ing jam .тАФ .............................. ................. - w hom-Brtd ------------------- ----C L UJ 1B - H - 0 ^ ' E L-- n O I S - E ----------------lOry lovc imercst, ,j,an , q hislis-estranged wife, played by Tlirow in an obligatory :d C Gail (Penelope Isabella Rossellini. Ro R (Knighl-Riddcr a dreamy danccr named get the picturc Newspaper* Ann M iller), aiid youi gi icrs) (Greal American Video, aboiii this picturc. Video West; est). ay lhat pits vice - s k e c tc Like a m orality play i te rr" T ra cy GriffiCh. Jim supposed 10 bc youngs, Charles Ch NopicL-ilorron.Toxic i g ^ | _ T h e _ _________ against virtue, wc ┬╗>re: su as he s ^a sic dump mped hear a .small dcscn town - drow n into C a rliio 's struggle sin le y A r ts C o u n c il M a g ic Valley ^ u n d that creates a ┬е >-our \ycekcnds arc alli vw tlc and no play, it^ time toI kavc it all behind you s u c k c d d e e p e r a n d ddec e e p e r in to the creates a breeding br< dly p re s e n ts ^ proudl> nether world o f crime. тЦаgiant, mulatcd miisqiiilocs. Ri swarni o f gi IdltotsWeckcnd. ^ getaway - the DoubliUte I----- ----------- 1 with thec pcrfcct I i Trouble is. ilтАЩs hardd to ic feel for ihis (K nighl-R R iddcr N ew spapers) (Greal sc, weтАЩll start your day the Doubletree flub Hotel Boise, v but JU.S1 American1 Video, V Video West) guy, who wanls to bc reformed rcfc is cevil ways. For тАЬ C la ssB oi f 1999 P a rt II: The . canтАЩl scom to resist his 3 every morTiing. WheтАЩnтАЭ ........ . тАЭ implim'iailary brSikftist for two eve тЦа тАЬ тЦа тАЩ'''I'hcomi " M Uu !s i c f o r in vwanls lo show S u b slltulie le ::тАЭ S ash a M ilch cll. N ick in.stancc. when a cou-sin ng the family, ki^s stay free ihlyourroom.AndivcтАЩve you I you bring i L o v e r s5 & i T W eves" coasetus C assav etes tcs. S c ic n cc fiction: W hen тАв him off al a drug buy,, Carlito G formed by -cтАЩs Ihc mailer of j,uman teaci to go along. And thereтАЩs achers canтАЩl handle Ihc rowdy )u oi can spend all day at le to extended chcck-out time i 6 p.m. on Sundays, so you s L ifl P erfo hatched a lougli loi his role in the .corrupt; scheme scl high school, a no-non>e City Grcen Belt and the Boise Tbwne Sguarec IMall, Morrison (ienter, Boise Ci тАв----by his sm arm y law yer. -cr. (A ssociated scn.se robot lOl substitute icachcr is' sent in. [Wl sikS,^; f тАФ DHBEEmE] [cooT/^4ZZ.,Mi тАЬAnEveninnigattheMel* ^ ht-Ridder Ncwsnancr^) (Video ---------- :4┬╗ress):<Gfoat.Amrjiai Vlt: , ,, тАФ R,(K aichl-' ^ тАв."T teA g e o fln n o c ea0cC8e тАЩ Daniel Day- Wcsl) iffe r, W in o n a ^ t 'c w is ; M ic h c llc P fec if V id eo W est: тАШтАвD ea d fall;тАЭ union-of direcRyder. The improbablee ui Me.тАЭ wilh Ihc elusive RcscucM e lor M arlin Sc 9 rsesc will dilh Whartcjn ┬л a ,-----------subtleties o f novejist Edilli /cn. Set ,in a gorтЦа Crcativi itive Custom Picturc Framing 'm arriage made in heaven. 'ork in Ihe 18703,' I _______ Wholesale Priccs peouslv evoked New York angle is'c;fpOMd the filmтАЩs romantic tnang ty. The fam iliar тЦа F ) |V f . w ilh unsparing clariiy. nse9-┬╗)HHndivi<tтАФ M '" Scursc&c'thenicitliai iAng┬г Ihc ^ o u p finds - J ual against ihc power o┬╗ff if; nicxt ----- "~3 voluptpou5~new ~con^ ^ >тЦа тЦа way from it all wid nth a Get aw LiblelreatsWeekend nd, . Ddtil CON(JCEPTS W ___ F rid ay 7-9 PM _ nothing'atairA n'aras ydu can Jusl sit back and do noth Suti Vailcy. Of coursc, ydi )Cobte chip cookies, ou with our freshly baked chocola always wcтАЩll wclcomc you HiowrCall-your-oaMlpTO^ional onal or dial usdircctat ~ b o , plan your cscajMTi nT ~ )way to a DoubliHhwts Weekend. 208^345-2002nndgctaw B A .K E R l'NY . ^ C A F E 125 M a lfiA v ┬л .C . Q H D nB B | ~ 20W m B fitw ^iy тАв .i.. :aa for Info____________ __ _ . t ^ тЦа тЦа -------- 1-800-222-niEE тЦа ____ 1 Wrlr fromctxuf w coaif. :omej┬лu ot rorr eODoufcltinr /tottlj/iwi i lo uxlcon тЦа^mmmlrrMtyHWlrnJrrTVTmhiiPr&ln M тАЩ in)' aiJ MiJa>t.__^ i - ' ' fwin Falls. Idaho Tirrios-NcwB, Twin April G, 1994 Friday, Ap WBn l i l W h a ┬гt s j E a t iingJGilI h e r f ClTrape?'^ S r i i a Jl-tO C-7 oca p rise, stretch andd did iv e rsity o f life ni s n 'i m atter. "G ilbert lliatit vw e ' l l M arl l o c o n d e s c e Mid-to isions n f B u t'th a t d o csn' ream like populist m ovie visi BH rio iu sn c ss i.s th e i ls e lf . T h a t varioit s e c h a r a c te r s o r g o . o n s e lIf-piiy f┬н com-, lliesc v jr a l A m erica, from D .W . G riffith GrapeтАЩтАЭ is such a warm,.hFighl. lo s tly , iiioyieтАЩs strength. ' s w i t h G ^ тАЩ e rt ^ .a r e m o V, w ith sucii piK igenl. ja g s .' Izard o f passionate s h o w ,' 3 J o h n F o r d to " T h e W izi ' o pA Tnie-G ^pcтАФ :тАФ p -------T f d t d 'h y H a H s t i w ill;' ll c ' k n r tCTfrrmil'll fe**'-ThF'vr:rta.T d a i z l ^ g g d gtc^hniigj^phrTT-n ; тАФ " W IiJi .s E a iin g ^ lttJ tn ilrt:rfG ra B .ipin dow n, ] u 'c b e a u t ie s a n d s il l i n ecss s o f it's som elhing y o>u'canтАШt le.xpcctcil, wiifidurftJtтАФ athed in and such an uncx s and rollin g co rn flc ld s batl l)ns th e c a s u a l'O ffb e a t b liss o f a ly fro m . (T w in ^ тАв all to w n s. H e giveiT E lld u ia-h o f sum perfo rm .in c e 7byD iC a p rio тАФ thal small :ic cream s and honey golds o: тЦаrunny d ay w h e re cverylh j j ii'ict ylhing g o e s | K Q / . ~ flW B jtio n -o n d b r e a tl^ i . тЦаt * ----- ^------ : you-fo rgivcTi 'lcTt.TCTTtrnltBm:--------r"-------------E ndora isnтАЩt the locale lhal - A sc rc w b u H fu m ilyy-- ct o m e d y - '. il stifled T lic m ovie, like ike тАЬ ItтАЩs a W onderful ^ cbel G ilbert w ants. tlrn m a -s c t- in .th c . r u r n 1.A l.A m e ric a n H H . fl 7, L ife ,тАЩтАЩ- i s a b o u fs m i a ll- to w n 'f a m ily ~ But the m ovie gives uS the M iciw est a n d s h o t by a S : w c d i s h '^ B f e i i ; : ; : : ^ ,e lyrical ohlig alip n s an dJ dream d s o fescap e. b H тАФ a nd d n cin u iu g n p ticT T iiV n ----------- d T p p scrit>e-inтАФ n тАЮ t- tlic ig :s _ n lO o g u a r d ia n 'a n g e l. - J S i r LuvJid 'y ,lie Ibook, that h e тАЩs too lrustr; m o v ie .th a tтАЩs flooded v^ilh тАЩ^the I iraleii io- G ilb e r t's o n ly 'sii Ilh eccenlric тАв тЦаsuWaHoii, ot IlL m " ' 'p'crr^rBrOO- -----------------------see. ec. sunshine, half-barm y delig} ilights. II " thinks, lies in Bleeky. ed ' H O D IN \V 1I.I-1A M S> ^ X -L J IW I C AVRHEV RI en ts a re A nd as Depp pl; plays him, Gilbert is k k r ) SA L LY F IE L D 9O n to p , th e e x te rn a l even ;_Thc s to r y 'is realisiic,, bul bi th e re тАЩs . M o v ii e r e v i e w aHтАФ .MC lh c --a -g t,y -a im o st-nlarcoTizediby-gm ar ----- an-e?nH t┬лU -kkтАШk-fo -itH io Jfap c -fam ily -p rep a rin g -fo r-/ sc a lin g h im se lf o ff rurcly bu 3 g e s-fro m -h eiтАФ Of*! o naa te -in -its тАФm o lh -w h o -ru r ------ w u c k y -H n d c o m p a u s ttjn D O U B T F JR E ^ijiieriejind p e ttin e ss, -co uch. .T h erc -arc h is . 8 th ' b ir th d a y p a r ty ( th e o n e h e from the grotcsijii nd s e tt i n g , liv in g -ro o m^-c - b iz a tr c - c h a r a c t e r s and _ 6 :3 0 i/asn'l supposed to live lo ┬лsee ) 'a iid 'o f his life by ma; n asking ali his, einn_ .6 :3 0 тАвn 1,091. . iw o s is te r s ., 1lo < n g - s u tfe rin g E lv isEndorn, Iow a, population I jilbcrt, in a m ule-headed waj тАЩay, cop- tions. T lia t's why 'hy D iC aprio is^such......... тАФ Am by w orshipper A n y ( L a u p H arrington) 9**^ E ndora probably was intended im ng w ilh h is dork pals, Tuckt :ker V an a g re a t foil тАФ b b cc au se A rn ie, by JJl^ its c r e a to r , n o v e list-sccrc rc e n w ritc r an d p rim p inn g te e n p rin c e ss E llen тАв*тАЩ8 ) y k c (J o h n R e illy ) a n d I B o b b y c o n lra s tr ic ts cvc: v erj'th in g nut, hides ^ Dyfc тЦаofily p o e tic (M ary Khte Schellhardt). Sc lAGK LEMMON P eter H e d g e s , as a goofi! E n i DWraiEBIEBi idcB urney ( C risp in G lover) :r). A n d nothing. VALTER MATTHAU ic h eartland: A nd th e re: тАЩs o n e m o re : 17-yearnightm are v isio n o f the KfUSTYSW/WSOV vc 'also w atch him haplessly jro lh e r A m ie (Leonardo тАЩтАЩy I n the recent rem rei ake o f " O f Mice A.. Dcnsel_y old "slo w " bro N o w h c re s v iJ lc , U .S .A 1 0 :0 0 E n i |. lu to f to w n tc c n . b e lle 1 ^ . - -Md M e n .- John in M ; alkiivich played jlliic-cul-deтАФ D iC aprio). w hho, w ith a m ental a g e . d c toilcd, i l тАЩs a pop-Golliii Juliclle D tw ls) and fum tjlinj тЦа nglytiy iT.n n ) тАЩ frn m (I.T.p--------тАФ liтЦаsac full of-m alconlenl-s. dp dorp cs^se x u ^q ^ i> u g h iy _ 8 j_ ispends the day laughu ex iric a ic n im sc ii iro m aтАЬ ro N тАв GLENN CLOSE r ~ inside, w iihoul the lh< usual sw eet dope ' 11 losers and ing. y e lp in g and ar hiding in trees. For ^ B B P m ic h a e l KEATC . al a dventu rers, poignant lc w ilh B e tty C a r v e r ( n iiy ffa G ilbert, тАЬfam il " is the m ost hateful ^iffiiir MEI тЦа BANDY QUAID oddballs. ^ m a r is a T O M f itc t c ie n b u r g e n ) , w if c o f th e L________ r : Ihc lin e; il w ord in the language. lan A n d s o , a rm a z in g ly , . d o e s . K 5 l ^ * r t A E ndora is th e e n d 'o ff ih nsurance agent. n o v e l is fu ll o f c ris p . ┬╗nsu his ow n w hile K a " E n d o rt o f 9тАЬ Mill CJncma even has a store calledI "E hi In .th is c r u c i b l e o f b aa rn a iity , D iC aprio, w hoI held 'in g e n ;,T h c TOmp^M o n ^tppr;G tP STTS= = ------------тАФ lh t- iir ic .I l- A iid - тАФ -w ilh-; iaU5tn?n?;^jp┬г?:┬гl.┬╗l:tfa.grg┬гl SUN 4;45 DiCaprio hiis'a ___ d o o e d . s c h o o Uiauiieir-ttnt 7:0Q-3:I5_________ ________ _ u g g e st a ru ral H old^n_^'"n тАЬтАЬ My 1 Life as a D og,тАЭ h e тАЩs a ____ R nrnQ, r.m p t y flplH ^ .m D ii^ v w ise c ra c k s ssu. risc lO sc ftf this year. ^ .................... leone e l s e ^ e should j :;J i d n тАЩt. but thereтАЩs somco n n li^hm i i'i] u p luLL tl ;ense o f h u m o r, an d i f hc;^ irccior H allstrom and sen; , the hands o f d iu C TT, s a lu te : Drfrleric ' a te s, w h o p lays life nnd h ope oul o f you, |G ilbcr,t G ra p e тАЭ m ig h t g el i PBtK. 7.' 00-3.- J ^ ------------. h i i scn.sitivec Icam li rU I ' Ju m ssicT S J i тАФ cinem 3lo;;ra- " G тАШ' ti^ , uesp ite m e fact тЦа .----------- B u niitc i)enVC(f> тАФ ii.irfAw tor,i . - i l j ^ u u - ^ h c r ^ c i r NSy I n U r\. Naked Gun n n 3: 3 7:15-9:15 y kv ist- an d - -p i^ u c tio n тАФ p e n tly , s h e .s h a r e d w ardly stoic, inw ardly sarcastic sart 24- d e s ig n e r Blee r n t C a p r a ( " B a g d a d It d o esnтАЩt. ItтАЩs a lovable me ira p h o b ia a n d w as V DAILY 7.-00-SM) . D. ------- ycar-old-gfow ry-srtookbo; iru 'nn im flaw ed one. In his a - & SAT/SUNJiSO-X-Za тАФ r , ib o y ^ ilb o ft-e a fO -тАФ t her T exas hom e,1 G rape (Jo h n n y D epp) wo ly ^ U J X O B. MI " ~ I------------would hnvc . becom cs som ion. H ed g es s h ills sc e n es.a n e ih in g chic,_________ tion us think. Irops alm ost all o l O iiD errsтАЩтАЩ It recalls, fo fc r one thing, ihc lyri; drof rt tGr.ape" m ixes cyriile c k n a r r a tio n ( a n d tw o0 o ld e r m ovies, "G ilbert In th e m o v ie ,-G ilb e rt lives I in a c a l, b a w d y'., im a r v e lo u s S w e d is h alee tim en t, w ise crack s 3 rra a p e s ib l i n g s ) a n d ta ckks s o n a icism and s e n tin d e c a y in g h o u se dominate latcd b y his tow n H allstfoi fo m show ed us in тАЬ M y G jcnoM S4 тЦа lio ihsur- and тАЬheart." lappy ending th at has тАЬ studio annie G ra p e Life a s a D og.тАЩ 500*pound m o th er. Bonn lg.тАЭ тАв hapi DAILY 7:10-3:30 T h e d a n g e rs> in ii th e m alerial тАФ SAX/SUN l;10-3:J0 inceтАЭ w ritten all over it. lusivc b eh eB u t it a ls o l in k s u p w ith th e ancc . (D a rle n e C a te s), a reclusi Iso S:i0-7:l0-9:30 B y M ichncl W ilm ington Chicago T ribune tm rii┬о lifflOlDMEN lfoini""s'ago'ra WhereтАЩsIRicl^ 1 Schhroder? fp T O P тАШтАЩs m o k SI n q I I I N 1 TWO HOURS! I 'p r e s e n te d b y r e l judi _ Jcro m * 4 ^D m lly 7 M )-9 i1 B , N S^V S u n 2:00lA4:30-7:OQ-9:15 ervice K night-R idder N ew s Seivi T h oi n a n d n o w Q W h a te v e r h a p p e n e:d d to t R ic k y ' S icky S tratton se rie s тАЬ S ilv/ecrr S p o o n s,тАЩтАЩ 198 2 -8 6 , S chroder, w h o w as Rickj H [y ssister says an d c o n tin uuee d m a k in g fe a tu re s : in тАЬS ilv e r S p o o n s"? My [^ W O J O H Ns J S O ^ i r d r c ? n r f e w тАФтАЬ Palc-R lder;'~ ;'~*TtrTurphтАШ^ ' s Law " and g ' sars a g o . тАФ тАЬThe Fury." a -------- ^ w ^ L I N I C A Ll--h v p n o t h e r a p i s i : C., D unw l t h N EEW ^ ID E N T I T Y , IN C . aB oody, G a. F A M O U S S1 F O R : H is a b ility to K ------ --------cp" on-cuc-wwhhen he w as sm all an d tIer1D:836!6-* {308l 939-1530Ml 108 s . Young Lane тАв Eaele )n ias a nice young m an. 0H S T A T S : his reputation nosis Clinic of Idaho 20 years of Founder &owner o( Ihc HypnK iRexperience. She has dilined one Dm A pril 1 3 ,............... - - ....... S cxpeticnccD years of teachlnRi Y E ^ : S c h fodcr ' S xJs of regaining control of your life. >70, in S ta ic n IN R E C E N^' y 'of the most successful mcihoiJj o n hold to continj^e aci-^ _ | | j lnnd,.N.Y. as put college on тЦа I EACH S E M I N A R ^ ^ ^ b een in the T V m inisS i c h a r d ing. H e has bi r a Approved by the Amcilcan Mcdic. Jical S 3 9 . 9iu;┬лWL-Vnowoui 5. c s o m e D o v e тАЭ an d T V __ W :ram will work (or you. C ] tie lc ^ ptocrarr Q Airoctattonstnce 1*572, HypiK>si6 S lifer thir. rujMHti'c. II ^ u lo re d p r i- m o v ie s тАЬT bo o Y o ^ n g th e H e ro ," 3l $ ia 0 0 d i5 c o ijn i" wcoller S avciyMfe&eKectivemeihcKJol ever need help Wllh M : Edge';and "T error on ┬л ite ly a n d тАЬO ut on the E s&. l(you,Hlvndtwo S c h ro d e r тЦа v a ic l H dramaticoMy chanRlng altitudes & nroblem, you can ' rS W habit!!' . 'Vciu will Icfivc ti'p Tended h ig h . - n ig hwuy 9 hV 1.'.' -H e-is-now-faiHed-asтАФ iWj 'iJ.i iiinljii.inni'111-------W тАФ S O .O O discount 11 M scmlrurfccline REFRESHED. ier. IB in.iialNOCI!ARCE g s c h o o l in C o n n e c tic ;ul u t w h e n he Rick S chroder you .iitend ^ill thtcc [ a Ir E I^ E D & MOTIVATED. lingle. w asnтАЩt w orking. H eтАЩs sing ┬╗ STOP SMOKING BJ-_Cltntal Hwnothtfflpy 15 0 (xwlilv ^ T i r r E A R L Y ; - T C E A R S :::;Sclirodcr_тАШs :S r a and Keallliylway io inkc irbiiitol cl first sh o w b iz experience nee w as in a / S f F VFl 8 ten he w as 3 ^ -.diapcr-C om m crcial when '^KWrOO*SuftTlnin7:30...... 1 { fr l-w BndTol^^c have uwl her eom m erciQ ls--------m om hs-old~A fter-50-con Sat-SunttflTlnM2:30------'тАФ l i h j - gQj - -^otlM liMihemjcivwlfom the chains oh _____an d .so m c.m o d elin g , hcj) lcJ)rO kcJnlO ._ -IriT ^ n n a k e b f 'T h e ? M K E :DD G U W 3 3 7 r [ ^ | r g - SM- SELF ES~TEEM m ovies in the 1979 rctnak W Oecome the person you always w.in M5-9:l5*Swniin7:┬л I I m g j ghl. H e w en t. тАЩ F8S7:1S Cham p" w ith Jon Voighl. Sol-SunMotinoe2:45 I l[тАШ Pfl | m Wllhthis melhodokhaneineaitliu Last F light ' тАв S oM on to d o features тАЬThee L - T w in F a lls тАв 1 3 7 7 B lu e L ak t "T he ^ тАв 536-: m P U C E : Amerltel Inn -1 o f N o a h тАЩs A rk " and an тАв8000 тАв I-800-822-T W IN Q 7 3 6 -8 ( I'ovics " L illle E arthling," and TV movi = --------Lnfd F nu n tle f o v /' тАЩT wwo o K inds o f ilhjng in ┬гhc , T e rrib le тАЭ a n d тАЬSom ethii тАФ ! I W O M P A Yi II I тАв ______________ . ^ тАФ P IlW n E R & - ,9 3 , тЦа * 4 l E D llW A ^ тЦа I B PD B W -F R E ' iE R Y i P R lH f E ^ O O P : J . m тАв5-;0.7;/0-5770----- ----------------- ^ W m . s r .00 K ids $1. THE THREE ~ ................. ShKD * Kiefer Sutherland 6^ тЦаger Kingl C oupon a t Burger K ^ - P i c f r v p - y o u r J ^ i siscQunt i End┬╗ SundMy 2iiw Dmity _ _ J 2 :3 0 - 2 :3 0 / -;- H E 'S < U T E . H E 'S H r S A K U P T O0 : ____ - D m i l y ----------------- -------------1 тАФ 1;30^.20^S!10'-------------- тЦа l l ┬о MG TESS -E * D*Hy , ILEY M a c L A IN E E j a ____ 3LA S C A G E ------------------------------------ b e ------------------ : ALL NhVil JUKES.----DAILY S:30 7:30-3:30 \L l 1I~ 4 .<DAILY >2:30 )5 .7 ;4 5 I I P -- тАФr ^ - --- S-T7U┬лf------- тАФ S m ^ S P IE lB E H G " ---------- HLiU A 'F ilm B/Sl ---------- DtOrTAL m o n n m n IU u c n B m i n in m X > - DAILY 12:30 3:40-4:SO-7.-pO-9:t5 . n ooi a p m n p A U L h lO < G A N DAILY 13:30 2:40-4:50-7.-00-9:IS J ig h t o n G ,9 3 . EC Q NPS- H B ^H B |B Ik I B┬╗ A Y H . a HHAL WEEK! DAILY t3:4S 3.-00-5:tS-7:30-S.-4S >e im e life rtory of Lane Pw┬╗t. 3.-0 Bated ea the LUKE PPERRY E3 O n c - t h i n lg g stsTriclsTjcivvecn J i m m y a n dd stard o m . Reality. B e g in s 5 p .m . U 93 s / t f i i n P A H тЦа┬гnm Songtv JSKETEERSтАФтАв DAILY t2:30 3:4S I H S E A F O O D 1 IB U F F E T B e g i n sa 5 p . m . ^-J ┬г fiO M ┬г 4 ............................... mSAT/SUN r.-fOO./O 2 : m ^DAILY7:IO-9:30 тЦа2.00 A d u lts S2 3fflz?rovircpxrEEar^Onl^ R w SHOwwatN 0.T7UCK OtaiTAL i r ~ E R тШЕ B t ll l B G E T B U F Tl E T II ^ тШЕ W E E n i\E S P A Y I B r o a 8 t e d C h i c k e n тАв S p a g h e t t i тАв W h liipp p e d P o t a t o e s w i t hll G r a v y тАв R i c e P i l a f r тАв M i x e d V e g e t a b lliee s тАв S a l a d B a r * R l o il l s тАв A s s o r t e d D e sjss e r t s . B e g i n s 5 p . m . T i n J R S I *i A / Y -P R IlW тАв n ^ n '* ' R rH A B IT B e g i nn ts .S p . m . 5 .9 3 ' S ┬йH [E i3 HsiSTERi m ^ h ^ A C K IN'riH - S T S H R I Mi l P 5 p .m m .-lO p .m . - .......... 4 T U E S D AW B R O A S T E D I " E l\ M IIC K Ii: 1 O X V > O X Jr6< 5 L A S r090W 9-------------------- ---------------------------- S I M W A Y -----------------------I T O A Y -------------------- тАФ T U R K E YV B U F F E T B R E A K F At S j T B U F F E T 2 - 9) p . m . 9 a . m . -- 1 p . m . w93 K IR K n ^ w g i iillHlllllIISI F aveti^t-Bai ,--------------- m i c r a b l jJ . F h MOSTLY r i i i n F n n l s IStackLed I n 1 E joEPEsa - CIh h s is u a n тЦа' 'тЦа тЦа . S l a t e r , . ^W DAILY I3:^S'- ------ -----3.-00-S:>5- . 7:30-9:4S ┬л6.S R I B t 1B U F F E T . MH i J .* f t x i l iJ DAILY 3.00-6:151:30-i B e g in s 5 p .m . A m ortocA toT orlloite t( a m U b a c W ┬о 6.93 1AW1MGS3^ gEREEX.DASBLDJR^ H f (J ^ JOHNN~тЦаDEPP ------- jM b p o trN e v J u U тАФ __ ________ ( E V E R Y S U N D AmY 5 8 -2 9 3 7 ^ J U L I E T T E - g g , I A T * -S T I ^ 4 O _______ JB E K r_ l u n b RlAPE m m s m s _ j ___________f ^ u l ________ 7.*00-9:<fl тАв 5 \ тЦа \ - 1 . 4C -0 1 Foila. Idaho tlmos-NovTO, Twin Foi 7 1 1004 . Friday. April 8. IOC . lc .^ a i tc( T o t h e ;r-side ~ th r o Ugh i M u s ic ia n s g a in ^ m ^- tk m h ------------------------------------------- r e s p e cc i t a s a r t i s t s , nl co t j u s t w o m l( e n ' - j p n i ccan such I'orum, bul in a song : P d if f e r e n t.I. 'W e 'ro b e in g tre a te d :is Penthouse - K night-R iddcr N ew s SService cr i::.ai^ (b Iccp )-u n d _ R u u :' тАФ a .la ra c n tтАФ ;тАФ тАФ ----- --cJ.noHu.'Jt a sieroaics.r ------- .--a тАФ ^тАФ - :------ artlsts-and-n - s h e sings, C cxnlosion o f female artists aaboul.indiscriniinale sex тАФ; nK, '-in-J W tw lh1r┬л year? тЦа during thee past p arc listcflfng. er/1 'w ant a ilw.ivs licard il.тАЬ.s;ivs Phair. ' w v hi) tries to win you j^ver __________________ тАв Tvc alw . - . For.a-dian n c,:.; ___ ___ rg a rw h o тАЬ^/oyfFTeOT/The^kfiVd oTтАЬj -w. a 3 -llie fj? .-b c fo r e - i тАФd iuZ j? n - 2 6 .- i ; I i - w jn 'p r c v f o y s y c a fsiTTVCTT'fimc . c ^ J.___ ~тАЩ. 'nrik'csтАШlovcKccftusu4icUjii_j d5 a blip on i h C '^ G u y v i llIec..' il ju s t hadrT't gofre'n .'n fem ale perform er ord;l wish I тЦа ' o n-som elhing like ___ - ".ThatтАЩs the kind o┬г rccor w.x┬лra'cauFC fo r A m e ric at-ready. -n ........... ro c k 'тАШn* roll scene it w a diool,тАЭ says ' / ^ had w hen I was in high sch ol ihrough a cnick that has h : beginning o f a th al. I gol тАв celcbnilion. It w as the b< inado-whoтАЩ. s ................ ... . l i ' -- R iie'tline.-a^niusic aficjon; :c o m e a p r e tty p ro n iin e n t F ..sin cc b ccu movcmcnL . . ' : Li nnow prom otions direutorтАв Ib f m odern it was alw ays there.тАЭ T lic m a le -d o m inla a titc d . g u ila r - crack, bulll it in. W indsor. slatinn CIM X-FM in irik in g fea tu re o f the new rock r id w'as about lo T h e slril drcndicU m usic w orld \ 0 the things "1 totally relate lo C :gion o f w om en w o m e n тАЩss rroc'k is its c o n te n t, both Ontario. give w ay to a new legic nd m usical. T hese are girls; sshe w rile s a b o u t, b u l alll the sa m e and'dirty ;is the lyrical and w ho can get as dow n am /тАв" Mrs who are willing lo crank i;lime, itтАЩs funny, not whiny.' even have a few w ilh guitars ___ guys and w ho m ight eve dent Danny S ri A tlantic Rccords Preside oud through the am ps тАФ ^"just d iffc rc n tth in g slo w yтЦатАФ._ тАв___________ тАШcm up louc lh Phiiir and A . - noltlln-n^^wlui signed both vement kept not like lli^ bljoys.-^rtTcy"Tr-not-tiffiHt┬╗-u>-X o Problem is, the mover тЦа тАФ . F e r r i c k .10~I,l:ms IlilHil ,.. тАФ ^ -----r - \ . happening. . ven the first, notes thal eve A ll o f th e p io n e eтАвrs rs < l t j u s t b l o wW: S m e a w a y t h a t t t i allerw ┬╗ c o f s o - c called = vcrs w as a s ;____________ ^ ------- ^ a r e s o m a n yy --тАЩw o m e n - i n a k i n g jmn u s i c ------ naluicjockc, ------- - T h e - G o g i i n i y i i r i iiTTircdcccip----------------r it* s r e a l l y g o o d , r e a i l y ------- ^тАФ L lia |W ll.iii. c v c n- t^h e- -------- n o v t f . A n d j j ----------------------- su75~ flT - bT1 ^ тАвlit- id in s ------------T a r t m u 6 l C r ^ o o . f тАФ ^ r a s m i a i ----------- hl-gtTl-yr r c Rnr d c d - n c ^ im v h e -ro ck ----------------- ^ ! . wtTi7f(rn~frnm 1110 " ^ ^ ^ тАЬ w a v e r in ^ iu b m ilh anO lllitu R d l l l ranks тАФ evic тАФ bonni( ---------f _____ _______ D x b b ic тАФ tLux-yтАФ nof. " ' тЦа тАФ hiiidsj?iLC.I'h_as S o n ic :m B io n d ic тАФ n o w seem istcd'nnriali; тАФ __ ; 'Youth and the Pixies hoasi ut sex'and play with the same * .тАв- c тАФ тАФ тДв тАФ lik e m u sic a l c u rio s;.. P re c io u s fe w ,sing about ^ . b:iss players. ____________ тЦа *тЦатАв7 as Iheir m ale cuunterparl's.__1 linlain their criti- jsw aeg er a-i have been able to mainl; ^jaFstoiTdTnE:тАФ тАФ4^or^o^tfic; ca rrc g a rd 'o r commeflna' d Hot) Chili more lender emotions. IR.E.M ., Nirvana, the (Red --------------- B u t tb a t.J o u liL aill_ lL h c _ a b o u l to - fnr Iheir me y Jtnllm c;тАФ _______________ I we have here is llie <;bii.suiii-:тАФIpcppcrii. Pmirl'Jiim r l lca r^'n ew m o v e m e n t тАЬW hatw c h a n g c .'T K ir e тАЩs a ncv io m in atcd .тАЭ ^ a lol o f mall: criticsi ov i erw h elm in g ly m ale-do :nsc that fem ale m alion ooff wliat тАв h a ppen in g w ilh a scnsi 1 to \ V / I Goldberg s:iys. "Tliat had t( be rcmew aiting for ... w om eri, ( and a sense lhal said theyy were w rockcrs have arrived an< ay ta le n t is \A / тАв die d . T h a t's n oi th e way :w how to come on strong." 1 w ho knew th e y 're going to stay. aior. ... You V V J around by the creali igc V oice's Robert Christgau1 spread ^ iccupied fo u r o f the Village Fem ale ro c k e rs occi 1 h a d a lo io fp e n l- u p e n e rggy y oul there, in th e la u d e d wrole inI sum su ming up the Pazz & Jop I th e lo p fiv e s p o ts; in leople w ere and e v e n tu a lly th e se pe( V illa g e V o ic e P a z zz & J o p C ritic s results. to emerge." c o n itn d s thal these w om en1 going { ;d llIhe list for her Phair co Poll; Liz Phair topped O n th e O lher h n n d . th o s e m ale :n around for a while, too, bulI b o ld a n d s e x u a lly eexx p lic it d e b u t have b een; id practices ) artists тАФ w ith so n g s and lyville,тАЭ and she that Iheirr nmusic took time 10 seep inio : album , тАЬ E xile in Guyv homophobia lhat 1 counter sexism and he lish songstress PJ the pop consciousness. cor was followed by British undaiion for . ; тАФ m ay have laid Ihc four lad n 't developed an attractive тАв icn-fronled brand тАЬW c had Harvey and the womenтАв тАв--Ihoif female colleagues. w omanhood lhal incorporal---! im age o ff w тЦа ihe Breeders. ivc superstar тАЬA lot o f those allemalivi >ness," she explains, тАЬllic r e; tuning in these cd crassne Rock fans arc also3 lu bands.тАЭ says are very feminine bn sense o f sophisticated crasss bands 1 3W and M e lissa w a sn o -se i d a y s to S h e ry l C row inly d o they r C line o f C IM X . тАЬN ot onl Tien. M en could h av e th e ir ' It fi female rockers fo r w om e Ferrick. O lher current тЦаw :lv :> Inl Qf___________ _ JтАФiK)H?Kolmii>-womcn .in .a .w H atlield. lOCkCTTcro: In c lu d ^ ^ o ri Am os. Juliana Jul Jid.'bul Ihey тАв cock-rock bands o f old dii o u n d a n d he g e n tle m e n ... 1 bands B elly and tu rn aroui K risliii H crsh , the ban id are able to ' th ey a c c e p lc d th a t w om en1 ;.nclually inviie w om en and B c ttic S c r v c e r t. JJaa n e S ib e r r y , b e fo re th< m ininc way, articipate in ihe same deceitI 'wrile songs in a real femi Ilo, Aim ce Mann could part M cтАЩShell NdegeOcello, with som e understandingg and openjal grace.тАЭ w ilh equal and Iris Dement. whal m ade Ph:iirтАЩs тАЬExile inII тЦаmindedness." T h atтАЩs%v, ................ A nd th a t!s.n o t to mtm ention fem ale ir al-ch a n g e-- - ..................... eтАЭ so'special. She SCI out toi r- тАвтАв For C row ; th e ,a ttitu dlin m em bers o f h o t тАЩ G uyvilleтАЭ ________musicians_who_arc_m.e isic.~тАЬ l-thtnk----------------------song-by-song resp┬╗mse'tO theeтАФ rijns"dccperihan'thc-m usi isliing P um pkins make a soi groups such as Sm ashi ilical climate SlonesтАЩ libidinous 1972 albumn itтАЩs due in part lo the polili and W hite Z om bie, oorr singcr-song- Rolling Stc in Main StrccC тАЩ adopting thee c h a n g in g ." s a y s C ro w . 3 1 . тАЬT h e - M a r y - C h a p i n тАЬ Exile on w r ite r s- - s u c h тАФns тАФ imiim in busi_________ C a r p c n m - v v J iliJ S t li^ Co. wagged their tongues тАФ- ness and p o l i l i ^ is chan тЦаpop. ______ Jagger &fe C ______ / , _____________ ' . ------------ hcm:ccn.camilrY po ^ ______ тАвrlOTtnnttttsr^^'nt:----------;------P h a ir is o n th e anO other e тАЬ I 'm h a p p y L iz Ph lun g er w o m e n ,тАЭ P h a irтАв w w o und u p w ith so m ethingg and in olher media, p lan e t, all th e se youn, lal five years n тАЬWhile it's irritating lhal . o f being a woman in rock veteran w ho greater, aa study тАв says Bonnie Rain, a roc! c - .ago-we-could-havc-madc-; ,(.jety----- Guyville.-a-phriiKC-. -------- тАФ .hii.-; m anaged to avoldd bcing'taggcd-asтАФTnale-socii b< ----d records nnd n o one w buidd have h c urdlovcm cnt. тАЬ Il ju st c o in e d bb yj h er frie n d s in th e band тЦа part o f any kind o f movi t iil happens. тАв - -тЦа Ihem. it's still great that mt..thcrc_,arc s o ..U rge Over vcrlcilL_ _ b lo w s m e .a w a y lhat. тАв's so ngs arcT)oth bluiil anddтАЭ C v c ry tim c 'a viahlc-artislsl com es oul-...............T тАЩ^ y ' in gg m u sic n o w . P h a irтАЩs m any w o m en m ak in \ V , ,-riuver denying.lhc.compjcxi-I- .. . it he lp s the cause. A^in d w ilh so ;тЦа_ A n d .ii;s .really g o o3d, d , re a lly s m a rt dclicaic,-ni -^l-think-il-.s------------ Y Y [-тЦа m any o f us'nm und-now rJ c o n tradictions o f h er fecllies and C music, too." is going to be awfully hard Itcto ever push Dme o f her sexual revelations A d d s s in g c r-s o nig g vw r it c r C ro w : ings. Som^ lig h t u p th e p a g e s ' o)ff us b ack again.тАЭ ow is com pletely w o u ld li тАШ'Tlie rcspect level now filt i d QUl W & тАЩs oiiitb ou n t тАШIтАЩ┬о'.┬о' a k i i i g ^TavesT^тАФ---- :----------------------------------~V N~;' ' тАв ------- ;______ ^hoтАЩs m aik in g diinner. P W hca tтАЩs new . ____ _ _┬л______ to wear. W h a t t( - / ' ~W her^rto~buY= / (/h ere tco w ear it esтАФ 7"-" S ith eh omndadi i - - - ............- ..................... SX/h at-s jin ] th e sdtarsT" ' 'O 3 .sA shc-says.^-----------------is------ ::I-know -how -il-w orks, -тАФ -b e -s h o c k:king^^тЦаjus^kccp-wriling-IhisтАФ it тЦатЦаK n i^ O T d d c r N e w 'S'ServlceтАФ s'S тАФ i.A n y spaki,;spi:r?iHn gc etif.rlp r'i'i-------------)f the mounc. тЦа P h a i rr ui n d e r s ta n d s w h y th e see dow n. I'm :it the top o f Liz P h a ir's in love. e c te d , th e n тАЩt .. ta in now ., I - l l .b e rcjec :ausc su c h a stir. тАЬM en donтАЩl ranted about lust so n g s cau --------------- T he w om an-w ho ran icd to prom ilat nice girls from good famI-' -' rediscovered and relurnci nc good m an on ihink that and searched for onc ; n is ju s t to lould ha v e th ese thoughts." n e n c e . T h e g a m e p lain ilb u m , тЦатАвExile on H ies shou her splendid debut albi w o rk th ro u g h it a n d k e e p d o in g s. "B nd Ihc re la tio n - she says. тАШ ut w c do.тАЭ тАвG uyville.тАЭ h as found 1- wlial I do regardless o f w hal kind o f тАв hails from the Chicago subтАв ------------ ship -x h t-w a sJo a k in gp Jifor. D U lsiiic Ihe ...тАФ n ssiftiic d OU u rb o i тАвW Wi n h e tk a . I Ic rtrth C T H s -s n H a s il c h a n g c dd h e r m u s ic ? тАФ ................. тАвcscarchcr'and chicf o f infec- m usic.тАЭ S o m e w h a t.' B u l ih1cC 1fr a n k s e x u a l A ID S resi m aking Righl now , Phair is busy bii is e a s c s a t N o rth .w c s te rnn has n тАЩt b een losl. t io u s dd is _______ lalk o f тАЬG u y v illeтАЭ J^as song.<; fo r an тАв __ тАФ jjX u ;rтАФm or(r.m usic,..finishing-SC sity -M em oriul-H ospital.-IlerтАФ E v id c n c c t h i s ly-ric r ic s c t~ tb " lh c ~ U n iv c r s itj . She says lo Jalbum due out this fall, i Jy: тАЬ I m et him al m o th erisis an art leacher. Phair studтАЬ Chopstick-sтАЭ m elody: o l 'L i z Phnir le e xpect тАЬbasically good ol icd arlatatO berlin College and made a party /I s a id I lik ec tito d o it b a c k ;ae," b ut sh e ' /"A 'T ┬лs -" s tu ff, love a n d m inutiae g se llin g charcoal: d raw lngs h a t тАЩs f in e w ilh a liv in g s w a rd s /H c . s a id 'T h a i new relationA V acknow ledges that the ne she b egan m aking m'usic. m c /'T h a t w a y w c can car (b le e p ) a n d b efore shc 7/ re sh ip тАФ w ith the e d ito r 1o f her firsl s o n g s o n " G u y v ille тАЭ w ere T h e so w atch T V .' '' 1 / .spin on her / f n- . video тАФ has pul a new : d bhy her m usical and personтАЬI c a n тАЩt 'h c lp iU no m atter h o w I inspired ingg sin 'C h icag o V m ale-d o m :tтАФ tтАФ so n g s.----- ---------- -------- ............................ ig s'h a v e p r d f a n P a rd e a lin do this."m y b csf'so n g s ttled state тАФ ' It тАЬ I тАЩm in m ore o f a Settl u n d e rg ro un d rock sc e n e .' It : . . . ly. in t h e m , P h a i rr,, . 2: 6 , c x c l ^ m s _nn^d_uni rcтАЩ o1 r i 9 9 3 s m osl'aC C latm ud" atlackc'd fo r it; w as o ne w ilh a laugh. тАЬ I gel;l a' arc freedom , \n she say s. " T h e re тАЩs m on s a n d s e t P h a ir u p a s an g o in g lo say I тАЩm a l b u m s ; so m e o n e 's a lw ay s goi тАФ m o re jo y , le s s te n sioin n , a lth o u g h ing тАФ b ut not unw illin g тАФ trying to sh o ck . Bul1 I1 ;sw ear to G o d , unw itting sis, to o .тАЭ th ere тАЩs absolute outbursl.* st spokesw om an. songs. It isn тАЩt lo fem inist s ┬╗тЦа these arc my. b e st son ' ' /p j. 0 0 тАв 0 g o ta r a i![se.Q^oo-oтАЮ 0 . _ . r . : ------------------ ---------┬░r hat gam(e is o n . ^ W h o)тАЩs тАЩ o n th(e b all. [pstb out flront Crownnioves froom backup in onc o f her yi C row , plays trum pet on lings you want/Ahd the things "T he lhin| K nigbt'R idder N ew si SSta v i c e laught public a lb u m 's songs. C row tai /c lo . you have I do.тАЭ ^ she lefl for____________ e;. school m usic cl.xsscs untH IWS - тАЬ M ycchhan ctcrs all-scem to be mi.sтАФ : S huryl-C fow k now s all ab o u l rfie ia ck u p ' '( [ '.u T-os A ngeles'. Be'sitfcsi llicT t ;ocicty." says Crowi 3 l.'"T h cy )r w o m en in th e fits 10 soci presc rib e d l o l c s f o r v ' _____ jj In singing, she w;ls able toI ssell songs to o so rt o f c u l-n n d -b ail-w h e n тАв тАв sc e m -to } тЦа ---------m usic industry......... Eric C lapton and W ynonn [ina Judd. *1 ive m oved to Los times ;cl gelloo tough o r p c o p lc -g c u o o Tlie M issouri native V eg a sтАЭ N ow , w ith "L ea v in g; Las I ind e a rn e d so m e close lo)them th .тАЭ A n geles in 1 9 8 6 ond \ t d o tting the playlists on1 ;a variety o f ow like that? тАЬW ell, in my first i c k u p sin g e r for is Crow stella r gigs a s a b a ars in Los A ngeles I lived in in ra d io fo rm a ts . C ro w is e x c ite d ly M ichacl Jackson, DJon on H enley, Rod tw o years id roles in her (h putting those background liffcrent placcs,тАЭ she says wi(h S te w a rt, S te v ie W/ ooirid e r , G e o rg e seven diff ly pasl. тАЬTlicrc w as a lime jn ir San Diego . тАЬ I don't like to have too m any, er and Foreigner, a laugh. тАЬ I Harrison, Jo e C ocker i e ;so n g nnd a i тАЩ w h en I in tro d u c e d th e cd h er a Jackson friends., I1find 1 lhal I changc my phone Tabloids even labeled loud." \ ' people d ap p e dJ really r I have to o jn a n y .p w plie__bunch_of le_ numl>crf when w ------------- love iniercsrduring hh iirr l 9 8 8 lour. n k - a b o u U L i. ' \ sc s Ik s a y s;'тАЬ I d id n тАЩt-lhink life. I c o u ld be a g re at case g o o d , b u t C ro w jn m y lift T h e w o rk w a s goc e people " ju st said 'O h , there arc som s Dr some psychologist, I guess." to b e typecast. study for s found il all too ea.sy I ^ tc t Ihc s h o w ...................... cr here from Las V egas.тАЩ Afi ic w as m C row '.s gen e s; her ...................... тАФ h ire d g u n , y o u M usic "W h e n y o u 'r e aI hi ) m e and .said: id som e people cam e up to r in a sw ing band and iste o f w h a t th e parenls! played p] d e fin ite ly g e l a taste 3W th is so n g tie тАШY o u n u t. P e o p le know m usic businc.ss,тАЭ w ould often ofti bring friends back to the fenlalc role is in theтЦаmi :11 n o w ." ' to ja m . H er ta lh c r, W endell ilways .* ' sh e explains: тАЬT he: so cial lin e s get h o u se ,to im c sN a w , you c a n findi out ( everything you al\V┬г 'W ith T h c T im preliy distorted as to) w wlhatтАЩs pcrroissiuch~nwrc;, /alley. A n d m uch, much enow a^Qut th e M agjc Vc . ___ _wamed to knc ________ ble nod w h ai|s not.тАЭ st call ( 7 3 3 O T 1 ) . A nd get to тЦа тЦа fro m r e V e a l i h r j 2 ┬о C ro w d e m u r s To subscribec t'tcyTTiellfntss^Sew^, just seam y specifics; bul1 the lh( m u sic'o n her. R E W A ^ itiE ic V a llc y r- :------- :--------------- ^ тШЕ .s ic O u b " a lb u m _ , 'T u csdny N ifibt Music ing. тАЬW hat 1 C an | dqes plcnly o f talking. f 5 c a s h f o r u sed articular o ffe rs a D o for, Y o u тАЭ in parti: W c p a y u p to k xual h o rassm en t, g ra p h ic lo o k a t sexua f l y je a n s ^ j a c k e t s _ LL E V I w ith C ro w ad o p tinng g the m a le :-oh. " , Tl Time: lO:O0 am io'5;00 pm spcclive in the coni'e-or .rii8-10 . W hen: Ttichy ihm SuoJay - Apnl 8 r o w 's s o n g s тАФ w B u t m o ? t, o f C rov ,ddiwn Where; P┬лytcM Pmking Loi ai Addia A Dluc Lakw. Twin Falh a tc JU ig h U y b i o - . ___ W i m N G L E R V E N fS IW m r b r o a d c r i n t ^ fALSOBVY LEVI,LEE A^D m b -i'S 'M ^ g r a p h tc a l" тАФ liuVC"l3 тЦаgc.tliewJaxvlillon _________ ings lio n s . A s s h e s in g in h e r h it S S s. r ---------- " L e a v ln g L a s V c g a ss;тАЭ ;'тАЩ th ey 're a b o u t:- W h o StGDie th e bDali. W h o w o n it all. \R D ^ S O V s button1Jl k . J 1 ':: . . . . тЦа ' (Call (733-C0931) тАЩ i. ____________^ тЦаI loptes Aaron1turns saalesmanI on recorrdтАЩsljirthM a y тАФ iviopnii line T .66 6 тАв o n s u cc hh a s t r i c t d i e t , I d o n тАЩt e v e n l i s t e n t o d i n n e irr m i u s ic .' I тАЩm 9 ' тЦа тАФ D etro itt R F a c e C o u rse it Bill K o fe n d e r publiciatE тАФ тЦа' ' c causc people ar .!on N B C тАЩs "Today.............T11he reaso n 1 .say that is bbee A aron also will appear d o nIтАЩt 't have to play a s тАЩlong ass 1 td тАЩd / ' he Mid. show Friday m orning;' pr.peanuts. A fter ~ ir 12 o r 13 years I played for.p T he B rav es w ill ho n o r nsteod o f cclcb ra tin g .the: A T L A N T A тАФ Ins lycr.s arc set lo r тАФ 2 tm n m i r t m s 3 r r o t * game o f the season, j Ijfe." : ants, their sccond hom e gai n r teagtift h nllpiirk. Hnnk ; CTTjtJuni^playtiMтАФ :--------m -sam c::jn :c fpresident uiltrns?i.-.- _тАв a niroirdrd3llIgtETD ;i A aron is a senior vicc rridny Jiaw kin f^ m erchanA aron w ill sp en d Fri ig-hom e n in - h il- -o-could;_be rccord-brcakingh (he JJaA'es..but h ^ lit- тАвтАв w hotant to the president of<hc )pingcham iel7., тАв тАв тАФ arse o ira hom e shopp; тАвs: Juan.G onzalc 2 ^ :;r7~ Ji m-<-o th c r-th a n b d n g 3.- tersi if il they pi'aV<nrfor 20 ycap>: I 'tlo to d o -w ith thc-tcam c -R u th '3 :h o m i;m 'n ,;w o rd -:; ---'-.A a ro n broke B ab e; jriffc thc Tcxns Rangers, K en G rif y .^ r.-o rilie ounty Stadium o n A pnl 8,.'тЦа'm em ber o f tlrc b o n rd . He is also -vice-presi*тАФ o f thi rit Atlanta-Fulton Cou ids o f ih'e Giants opmcnt for the A irport Scatl itlle M uriners, Barry B onds t .'c.s win over the Dodgere.. dent; for business devclopn 1974, in a 7-4 Brave: ,c Bi Bmves, r Ryan Klesko o f the Ihc B raves, is a sub- -undI rookie n ┬нihe m a jo r le a g u e s w illI C h an n el, w h ic h , lik e Ihe E ach hom e te am in Icnsiing System . тАв f prom pted some t sidiary o f T urner Broadcn.s \aro n sa id 'h is consistency pn iry at ils gam e today, but m ark the an n iv e rsarj ink any current players a. He soid he doesnтАЩt think >ple to tak e him for granted. ar o f the celebrations, I тАв Aaron w onтАЩt attend any lis record total o f 755 тАШEach y e a r ihcy looked >itI m y record and "Tom orrow nightt ly I i be on QVC,-*тАЩ he said1 w ill b e ab le to break his cnce w ith reporters Thurs-- hom e runs, am assed in, 23 seasons before his during a telcconfercn P le a s e s e ee A , A R 0 N тАШ/D3 _____ day. тАЬHopefully, w c2 ccnn sell som e baseballs.тАЩтАЩ 1976 retirement. a ," T he A ssociated P ress . ' ' Hank Aaron Home-run king - - ^ - f a s M тАФ Je^me^ Couj u ir tis ┬г lH S ocial x a ti -ro u l S t┬г 0 l lie Assocliiced'Piras b l_ тЦа-A Tir.iisTA n n тАФ r-jq ihis road t o g e t h e r - | j | | | | | H N orm an have been dow n-this a d l e? a d ptrvpsтАФds 5 0 0 yard lews тАЬGf bad m cham pionship is b< before. M ize 's o ne M asters: ch ^ j m O M E '^ ^ c r n bibers c t o f Jerom e C ounan y d isap p o in t- | | ^ H H jw jv st o n e o f-N o rm a n тАЩs m anj try C lu b w ill c o nidd ut c t th e i r a n n u a l a.ryr ro~?iuori"S uiiday,---------тАЬTircnts: : tr work/'socm! I'rom'S a.fii liursday after the M ize grabbed the lead Thui chalter, chairman. announces Frod Burkhal :onaI with a 4-unfirst has d one the h eavy fi round at A ugusta Nationc "T he g reens crew' he ^ ddicr-p ar 68. N orm an w as oonly n l tw o strokes The Associoted Press people to b rin g th e ir work, b u t w e need peo M back. b: sh o v e ls an d ra k e sI aarn d h e lp c le a n u p f-.both m en w ere Y ou ha v e to w o n d er if'.bc id sshrubs,тАЭ Burkhaltcr AU GUSTA, Ga, тАФ Tom Toi Kile called the around the course and a fa ll obout 1987: тАв -- hole "u disaster,тАЩтАЩ It w a 5---------------------------------------s .тЦа tliinking tl ....................... .............. тАв --said..................... ^ T here w as-a 10, tw o0 9s, 9s tw o 8s. five 7s T he social asp ect1 w w:ill be a noon lun* nts asked to bring salcheon w ith participants and num erous 6s. N o t e b o o k - 1P 2 )-yard No. 15 al Au. M eet the par-5,. 500-ya: ads a n d d e serts. T hlie e ci lu b w ill p ro v id e :lub lhat turned some meat. G o lf w ill follow. gusta N ational G o lf Club jfessionals inlo hockT hat y ear they finished 72 holes tied for o f the w orldтАЩs best profes: ned N orm an and boxing smolcer ti e lead. M ize then stunned th crs o n Thursday. Burley slates bo ond playofT hole the 10 with two'shots sto le th e title o n the' sccond N olan Henke m ade the ly at school for next Friday to a 77. w h en h e chipped in fromI 140 14 feet for the into the w ater on his w ay ti ^w inning b ir d ie .- тАв B U R L E Y тАФ T h e5 B u rley h ig h school -. .Pay n e S tcw aP had a 99 w ith tw o waler ta te d ' f o f 7 i30 -p rm r---------- It"m ade M ize тАЩs^carM r тАФ iJBXlny "sm oker is sshs' = nnffTjnlyтАЩnwjOT тАв 4 , ^ 1 balls in the crcek short o f llthe green, )1 gymnasium, April I S a tth e school g; id iadded another had a 9 on the to u rn am en t v ictory тАФ and Constantino Rocca o)ff luily lu at 6:30 p .m. Ringside ___ _ - ,., D o o rsjv ill open at.e jn ocfn ea r-m isses. p a g e in N orm anтАЩs collection тАЬ --w n y to a 7 9 .seating is available. enefits from what 8 us he тАШT m still reaping the bene T om Willson had a .triple-bogey .trip .h ap p en ed h ere in 1987,"тАЩ M ize said. тАЬ IlтАЩs All proceeds w ill go to the Burley footidership but still finchallenged for the leader s.infonrm iion m a y .b e .......... J ............- -ball program . M o te.in shot his 68 ju st тЦатЦа ished w ijh a 2-undcr-par 7( a r70.тЦатЦа ........................ тЦаftin to be le ad in g ." M ize: sh licks at 678-6606. ________obtained from Bill Hick ."jC-j iO to тАФfourjw.ccks.after surgeiy onn hhiis right knee. Steve E lkington also tc o k 'ah 8 and finsst not to rememN orm an is trying his best Ishcd w ith an 81. lies, tourneys W r e s tlin g c lin ic shot over the b er any o f his disappointmlents. ent Greg N orm an hit his5 second set hii.balUrickLed-down this month lasi.тАЭ he said. - тАв_ - .тАШJ d onтАЩt carc about th e post _____set-┬гoiL-yoiitli&-tl rio k -y-w inds.ond_ isappeared. O n a d a y in W hlch-triol' the shaved slope and disap , TW IN FALLS тАФ- K id w restling clinics ftised the w oridтАЩs ; J,тАЩ . iters officials^iifidihai-------__ nj ricklv p in positions confusi re sc hed u led th ro u g h ke a babyтАЩs rcor-ciid,тАЩтАЩ ve o( f A ugusiorrc;тАв slope shoved it was like alls school district and _bijcst players, M ize, a native April by the T w in Falls No. 15, w here he 3uld place the ball on Norm an said. "Y ou could rtment. 'тАШ tb ounded from a bogey ot No city rccreation departm< ers hitting into the w as 'one o f a slew o f players _ the.fiingc o fth e green with wit your hand ond it ___ .._____ Jim e s_ fp rjira c tic:^5, ^ s, slated at O тАЩI ^ a r y _ __% lsh'flr4-underpnr.тАФ ifotcr.'i_ }┬л-5^to-5r45 p .m .-for-*- тАФ тАЬ \i/atcr; \ to blrdle:18 a n d finish' ----- w ould still run in the-wato тАФ тЦа тАФgy m n a siu m r w ill b┬л-; iplained about the. тАв 18-footcr for p o r and тЦаNorman holed an 18-f nd-sccond grades, and . тЦа.,::*'Player after player compla тАв km dergaiien.-first oindre w -h is.b a ll into-the . _ e._.. . w as so exc ited -h o threw b ut n ot M iz e .b r third through sixth -- -- -pin.positions, -j - - ........5:45тАЩto 6:30 p.m . for ju st d id n 't think тАвd v, wiUi 0 70. crowd. N ormon finished тАЬM oybe I 'm dum b, b u t 1I ji grades. also found life danger--------........ Leader L a n y Mize-nlso Miz e said- VYou - - - 8 lttted fo rA p riI1 2 -1 3 ,тАЩ^ тАв th t e pins w ere that tough,тАЩi-M The procticcs arc slo: tw hl o t h e thoughi was . тАв - ous o n tho holc.-He h ltw cre.!!______ ^________________ latches a re planned fo r. . _- .cexpecLthcm to b e tough-hcre, .................19-20 and 26-27. Mate He needed ond to the fringe and a perfect 4-w ood second T hat w os easy for M ize to say. s ly, A pril 23 ot Jerom e April 16 at Kimberly, mnce o n the green, In- -тАв expectcd the ball to bounc eary^. . (only^5_┬гuns. and A pril 30 a tO тАЩLear ilтАЩJ Jilo r m a n r s ir id тАФ тАФ ; тЦа _ _<;iead, it trickled down the slc)pe into ihe wo- тАФ -M o rk -B rio re j-T :w w iin - F a lls - w r c 6 tlin g тАФ тЦатАФ ^ * it w a s :c lj;s 5 r tP jia y ;тАЭositions lhat were prised,тАЩ Mize said. "1 ler. тАЬ 1 was a little surpns 'тАЬTHcreтАЭw ere som e p in posit cMchTwiil conduct the sessions. ' shot.'T hen.lhnfinriif- ------there wcrg six or__________ p^ y to get o u l'o f there тЦа d nnever seen here. ling all-stars seven pin jjositions he had ficull drop and wos happy - Jerom e travelin itts ^ a n M iy . with o bo g ey (6) o n the ho T i i n p ---------- ^ __ - i .lN orm an h ad four m ore putts ----------W hat.m ade \h<i nolU C l o m N itc a n a s o u i h A ididotes for the Jerome JE R O M E тАФ .Candid id ^M ize at 69. It nc northwest svind into than usual was a stout A llem w ere a stroke b ehind :am arc invited to trytraveling all-star team :raged 73.5 in the made o decision to go ____N orm an, w h o has ayerag the player's faces. It mad oтАЩria T p n n rJu n e -1 6 -n t--------- f: irs t ro u n d o f h is 13 p re v io u s M osters, difficult. Also, the pin outs between 9 a.m.. oil for the green in two difil iy c rfr-n in e -lh ro u g h J2 ---------, ------------- Forayih-ParkTтАФPlayci )n-thc-fa^-right-sidc-o┬г------тАФ ^\-as-in-o-lricky-spot-on-tl тАФ strag g lcd-m ightiiy-flgamist-hls'-firsurbund---------------stinform ation from R6d j x . He had six birdies, six bogeys and an m ay ob tain m ore infc APphoto jin 0тАЬ the green. Burk at 324-5730. 70. He hasnтАЩt broeagle for o 2-under-par 70. тАЬ I t тАЩs no picnic to hit y o u r second shot hole during first-round le sand on th e second ho Vatson blasts ou t of the i that hole because you herc since b is first Tom Wi тЦа k e n '7 0 in his first round her , __ short o f th e water on thai Golf Club In Augusta, Ga. ialteam sace 'M osters in 1981. Bills ink special w n th lll sh o t fo r'y o u r h a v e a d iffic u lt d o w play aitt 1the M asters Thursdayy af t Augusta'N atlonal Go jace set by Larry Mize. ------third,тАЭ- said M i2C..the-19 _iaa2-M osicrsj┬▒am pid l┬л two s h o ts off th e pac He m ade only tw o parss on oi the back nine u . - u q 8 2.2 million pact O,ta 2-under:par 7P_and.l -------to repottei$2.; be the toughest тАв тЦа тАФ l l a h d - li тАФ M d finishd m e rb b s c y rb W ie r le on, тАЬIтАЩve always said it can c ipped his sccond shot into.the O R C H A R D PAiiR RIK . N .Y . тАФ S te v e N om tan slappi shot 2 4\ tunder par. bogey, h itting the sond,at 16 and 18. 5- third shot in golf." par-5 hole, but rolled in a 15spccial team s p layer in Tasker, the leading spc W atson, th e 44 -y ear-o ldl iw t> o-tim c w ater o n the par le fc few players to keep and som eT o mI A тАЬ S o m e tim es yo u p la y' good gc K ile w as one o f the save p a r. Y o u w o u ld h a v,>e e, Jiree-year contract with the N FL, signed a thre ad al 4-ilfi- f o o t p u tt to sa' s champion, w as in th e lead blc,тАЩтАЩ Norman-said. M osters ^ slick green, tim es you have to scnunble, 3nтАФ his second shot on the! slic ond he had ju st wOtt )n T gey 8 after thought it w as3 Sunday S the BufTalo Bills on I hursday th a t is re- ' he m ad e a triple bogej ii " I tтАЩs som ething you have; to do in the m ajor ' der*par: until he тАЬ I got lucky,тАЭ K ite said. saic "M y sccond shot ers. He tossed the ball into the o f S2.25 m illion. meed back his firet Masters. portedly w orth o to tal la l┬л in g s a rc n o l in findm gJ the t w alcr at 15. H e bounc ipped up on the green le hil the fringe ond poppe c h a m p io n s h ip s w h e n th ii iiTiilcd fro m e a r to ca r as he selected fo r the 1-under-par тАШcro w d a,nd siliil T asker, w h b 'h o s} been be birdie on 18 to finish at 2-ui Aforst first round in with a bi l;et from the hole. I had ___ an d stayed about.,15.fc┬лJ , synch. It!s probably m y w or ----- - ---------r'w alkW o ffth e ggreen.-----------i ------ - тАФ P r< rB o w l-fiv c -timiie e js -a n d -ln -1 9 9 3 -w a s тАФ disastere going oii." re heard obout all those disa: 't h is tournam ent and y et II w v alk o f f with a 70. atson and N orm an ai 70 were ne S icw an Joining Watsc nam ed P ro B o w l M тАЩV P , w as th e B ills тАЩ son, M ize, N orm an, Payne W a tso is o0 very, very difllcult, тАвd, W a u o n snid "It w as 7 0.'тАЩ 1 , 5 1 -year-old Raymond Floyd, free-agenl p rio rity as _ ihe players T om Lehm an, 5 . biggcst,rem aining_fr< olan Henke w ere am ong the s sw ere fiv es mwo re and.N oli ......... N o rm a n тАЩs ix b o g e y hole. 1 decidcd not to ggoo lfor il but still found ros and" Vijay Singh. тЦаemain uiider. th e n e w ' they stru g g le to rem nadc 10 on Seve Ballesteros it the les at The P layers w h o 'h it i drink at 15. Henke mac th an h e 'm a d e in 72 holes )3 the water. тАЭ Please see G0LF/D3 s a l ( ^ cap. e k s a g o w h e n he the hole. !c. C h a m p io n sh ip tw o w eeks m sta Com piled from B ff a n d w ire leppits тЦа. .m v ntcniion o f eventually ' vn y ears ago w ith the inten I тАШ fering in any oo ff tthose Bubjecls.below Ils own тАвorea ┬л sn тАЩt seem that the i m / g m re S o u th e rn Idaho On the face o f it, it doesn IC V high school m ust prove ils ils re jo in in g th e B o isc-o , standards, the tnbership wos declined o f Coriference. That mem be N C A A is p u ttin g a n u n d ut e b u rd en on a to th e N C A A тАФ w h ic h , ol 1 c u r ric u lu m independent; -ticularly one with a lost year, leovingT w inn Foils Fi prospective athlete тАФ partici the NCAA judge and jury, J course, makess lb itcllo feel they will try ~support. L ik e all lot H ighland and Pocoiclh ^ m o d r c u m of~finan┬гial*Bui ng prevalent righl now is thol f The thinking cost is paid by the NCAA instrum ents, tHTc_os scriminote against some o f I ^la- _the independent route for a y ear o r two. Pf┬лptr┬лck 3 this might.discri pock lnto the C lass A-1 - тАв iool'Cflpltair3'p:m;----------------- athlete. }h r Biirley is comlrig bock тЦатЦаTwIn'Falls dnd'Joromofl high schools. T he NCAA mighi h o тАЩs sm aller higl th is new NCAA tu- division тАФ probobly for good this tim e тАФ B u t a t sc co n d g la n c e , .tl departm ent ot a 50-sluconsider the biology biol ic ot other four, iCe and has to consider d ie "clearing houseтАЭ is putting' i h o o ltc lo w its "core" sciencc ion process d e n t h ig h schoc S p o rts i r c o ┬л B -m cham pioned the Gem , lcMinico,- w hich h a s chi on high school administrate ics and ath- standards ondd ddisallow scholarship entitlenow is a mahool district itself. S ta te C onference fo r"years, r "ye counselors тАФ plus the schoo m d n lh lc tic m cтАЮt becouse5o f it. an Iowa-based oflas rooned pow n in th e honds hani o f the people il T he тАЬ clearing h ouse" is5 ar more, the suggested selectior from here lhat the NCAA haj ┬лholder. It appears fro e ligibility" developi ┬╗f*Oo┬лToum┬лT┬╗tnt supported cariier. 2 p.m. тАФcntfwwl 33, Mattan < fic e that serves as th e тАЬтЦатАШinitial Ini dreadful onus on the coaches izcd Its reason fot^ being. B ill Jones again vandalized HLnoeMjr тАв , S:30 p.m.-Cnwm┬лltXNHLn ;cast five probably will ligh schoo! seniors Eventualjy, the outcast so urce fo r g ra d uating high lirectors because physical anc ; duty in his .b┬╗B.O^ilOo 09W┬╗ a p.m. тАФCntno*! U. txMMI. a m e kind o f conference that are-beintf consideredi for fo athletic aid by тАЬ d i drpment ext hove to cortie inlo som Is in the eye o fth e behi ingsiyou can depend in the nex A m ong things required-by the state to тАв тАЬ allgnm entr They a re reqi) N CA A D ivision I o r II schoc n Falls A thletic D irectorit.a B: s c h o l a r , . ITS Is a lot o f huddling and m ud I for rcprescnta5 0 , com pete am ong themnselvcs sel is the most danger-fraughtM-Jones. di ' ' тАШ sports a nd both sexes'. Pocatello, M inico dling am ong5 HIghlond, H lilion in ju s l aboul all ididate's vital staiistion in state com pctilio It requires that the candid w because h e w ould only hav 'w in Falls high schools. ursc, IS th e Burley and Twii T h emd S somebody w ould b e o u t a tics a rc m ade available to3 thot th office prior to ion sports b ut football. тАв HIGHSCHOOLSCOWS тАЩ this conclusion is the decisioi ┬л0┬╗COUiCE*HIC tw o-edged prom pting thi year bugoboc 10, A very b ig part o f th is is basketball тАФ the start o f his/her senior yen ad his parents w ould be after J n d s u g - o f t h e G em тАЩsSn ta te C onference (B lackfool rita 51 loter be followed sw ord:: S118-per-head fee, o f c ours hy the return o f Burley This first m ailing m ust li and Rexburg schools)I uJ U and that w as all set bymtove. There seems a md n othing Idaho Falls, Rigby Rif st s< scores. gests hi th e before ihc G em S tatec mi b y updated grades and test 0 0 . Tntf requirem ent is a J tw f . h e d o c s k ic k -H ig h laanndd.and P o cateU o p u t o f th' > now thol T w in Falls, u g g c s t c d - ^ ^ P P:^ If Jones goes to o student T ^ l i r i t s 'f l r s C a e ^ M o n rth :-NCAAтАЭs eN if which they w ere charter trlem c student IS n l i j ^ e n t , o f w w an t a re tu rn to the ;____ B u rle v otid M in ic o ' wo him g etting up th e $18 ond ----------Gf------- ----------------- ---ioum hat тАШ.тАШcentral site" an d "to u r am em leeiing in yone w ith even the :n s;L th e .8 tu d e n tJs,u p se t..If that initial' filing for anyon c scenes w ord is the straw tht (ood fathers Behind the si d *9 la te February rather than ihai the awkward topF o rlh e la le jt┬л 6 re jc a ll-i m o s t r e m o te c h a n c e .o3ff ia ttro c tin g a re - .тАв Since ig ond the offer com es, theitiflb 8 c s t'fo r b ro k e th e.c:an a n ┬л r s b a c k w as H ig h la n d тАЩ : ame p er site dow ner o f stlmpl┬л Instfuctloni.' ┬лnd follow lh┬л.tln tjflll seed at hom e, one-game kicker is that each and mol cruiterтАЩ8 eye V and the: kii and ante up fiaunting o fils ilspowerful sophomore fooiba I. fee to covfcr thc fam i ,c the past several years. ^ ^ T T ie 'f iin i filing requires a one-timne e $18 ! cc everyone know s how goo I w ill fill cnit team th ro ugh g hthe fall a t 54-0, 69-0, etc olley sc hools would artтАЩI T h e th re e M agic V Vol together. тАв the expense o f putting'it togi hool com plaining that the star lothers feel their child is, it ii w ith one schoc irity. [ing have the vote supenonty I'uinp 10 athletes, the and file If a school would sign' scorcd seven T D s тАФ includm mily to m ake the decision pani rospective ing h alfback: sc n ig h m e v e r add on-. J h c ( тАв ; ~NC<^~Trcta~Sl 80 an d n iigl 8 on its ow n. High schools ified w grades the last one will w ith 30 seconds left. W ter fo r the ,io n L a rry H o v e y is aa sporfsw Sf he file. Multiply lhat N C A A other ounce o f W o i l ^ the i ihrec-pronged sltuatio le the forms. e. tests. T here is aI kind-of ki r/m es-N civs . h ig h - * d to a la J iU h $ L J I l3 oтАв "other k ic k er is this: all pr< тАФ ^im ee-w veratihow sand-hig Tw s ta ts - -= ^ p 2 " - ^ ~ school*s :u f' h ett . F itbt.'T ^ tir F a lls - le f t- th e G e m ^ u i тАФ . .i O n a U S A . ----------------------- ^ A athletes m ust have 3 I" Codego bMebatl : s i n t Ffontlor Field, ono TroBsuro Valloy vs. CSI __floma.-S.p.m._________ E SP O R'JT S LINE 734-6326 L ,' - EUgibilility тАШclesaring heouseтАЩ pooses mainy probblems Today __ . A ii' V' тЦа' 'V . ) тЦа lappy HovBy , m e ;i-Bravej llpen p uits P liilUte&JlMCc k in to ^ga ^ R o c ld les-btiil i тЦатАФ en Colonido тАв D l-N V (iR (AP) тАФ W/hhe [iaylor lo Rockics m anager Don Bay G reg (he m oiiiul to rc m in 'c si ih ir r is , a im irn u ir a ro se ------ STnndTT-rh:;! re a ch e d n тЦаcrw cn c c nd u u f ------ b o o t - ; _________ ^________ ii N a t l o n a l L eBa a g u e ^ ' V ' g y t ,тАФ | I ^ , \ \ 31 ssingle. H o llin sтАЩ two* I added on RBI irun double in1 the the eighth.extended ihc led to five runs. as. тАШ ;тЦа ik er lip to Mario, and he "I left a sinker teed said. "B ut IтАЩm not hit it o u t,тАЭ тАШRecc "Uiscouragcil.-N Noa ii c u iтАЩ a i is Uixcoui'---------' ^-iNlOfW ^тАФ :--------^ ^ ------ n g e d r W c Mi-gct-il m iH H \ '. - Padres 8 B ra v e s 10, P at тЦб 0 (A P) -r- David JusSA N DIEGO Rockics fans wanictl no part o f the 'single, leading ihe A tl.lth -tn n in g 'sin i llpen alk-r tw o H i h H V icaniтАЩs licleagiiercd bullpe тЦаlanta Braves to na 10-8 victory 'Thursirm ances: But pre v io u s p ilifu l perform San Diego Padres and a day over the Sar ilia t's \vliat ihey >;ol. and anc! the result k<ccp........... .................... ' ^ тАФfour-gnnie-Bwccp тЦа - . was prolK-ialilc.' ^ ^ a S g S S B i ~ S 'a i r D i c g b " k M ariuni* D u iJo an 'iiit :t a a'thrcc.^run j-bltfw a 7-4. le ad . T h e 1 - d eficit,- then-bl' to highlight a ' Jg H . ImtiKT oft' Sieve Reed lo :d two unearned runs in B raves scored t\ in g a s th e fiv e -ru n s c v e n tli inm n ii len lied it in the ninlh on the eiglitli, then l . " 'тЦа y ' oun d ed C olP liiladelphia P h iliics ppoi тАв G ene H arris' w ild il pitch, straight ┬╗ ** orad o 's bullpen for the; third Ih sc o re 8-8 in th e 1 llh , тЦа . . W ith th e SCO lay fo r a 13-8 , ' yaiiie, rallying T hursday doubled ofT rookie A.J. ----- : J l - | ^ i k c K elly dou en d o u s ' vicioi^тАЩ. тАШтАвW eтАЩve gollenn trem i тЦ║IcGqf^тАЩw as intentionally тАФтАв* AP phow Sager, Fred McC ;irters. but our piichint! oul o f o u r startc Justice singled. Follow walked, a nd Just ;to h o m o In th o f o u r th Inn , hullpcn has yiven up 20'-p r o k B o l l s l l d o s a f o l y into qittin g S a n D lo g o 's D orol e n d le io n тАЩs in te n tio n a l : a t c h o r J a v y L o p o z , r ig h^lt, t, canтАЩt make tho tag, Ilo m g T e rr y Pcnd . tliree gam es)." Baylor said -Jgvier-Lopcz-hiU s.ic:ri- .y. ------------------- vvaikrTookie-jQv llli Oc 3-0 . bill T h liri. d a y - 1 - ' if^Mnjj'p-.irT'is-vv'L-.siiuutcllitter T o n y 'fic e fly . In th e seventh, pinch-hit aid R e e d , a s in k c r -b a ll wind blowB a y lo r said any%vay. and a brisk \\ \ v e :h a v e n тАЩt fo u n d anny to n c in Ilio cd a double play.тАЭ Duncan adisc a< ilichael pitched tw o inerro r, und G reg M cM icl ti right choice in that L ongm ire rcaehed on an ei . тАв liuljpen wiio can get som mee outs." s j ij , - I , тАЮ .,s ing tow ard left m ade it m ore so on pitcher, w asi tiie as a sinker inside. A nything ir w in, allow ing on RBI . Dff H a rris , n ings for thee w: L enny D y kstru s in g le d of; g o o d th in g situation. . T h u r s d a y . " T h e o n ly gc 8 -6 entering hit in the alir ir itoday had a chance.тАЭ P hiladelphia, trailingg S e IlO th. B ra v e s s to rte r ' bringing on Reed (O-l). Hee prom ptly s in g le in thic It we could get a ground bi 'e only three ~ "I thought v about this game is we have 'P h illies m anager Jim Fregosi also al Ih e ,s e v e n th , o v c rc a mlie c atkiw o-run was rou.ghed up for six______ Rickv Jo rr .Steve A verv wo liH .тАЬ A prnim il hnll ihnt vi yielded D uncnnтАЩ.s hom er. R r4it;^ng^TKr>-┬л^mтАФtr =rmorttJn┬╗f,M tiis-yf;'r,-Frt;ffl, тАФ - . l aj^ w -in- ihc.latc.iniim gfT':sJfn r th r itiiid - frgnird n v r g ;d on D ave runs тАФ live cam earr eij тАФ Oil fUUr lillii' llT VS up is not what I had in dan di then tripled and scored e h .' P o p u p s , lands 30 rows lort. le n -fic ld .wall aL M ile w w a s a lough- d a y to pileli a ir and shor i:ame in a row .__ __ i t Stoekgr 4 l- 3 imiiDgS,---' ' "__________ H ollin.q* sa c r if i c e J l v ^ c v/in __________ тАв m i'ml.'^_______ w c n t-o u t^ fU ie fc -^ w .----limn'maktf-it-fl-hitier-R-parтАФ w sinki'rrb o cauKCтАФ High-Stndim --------r r 1-WJs-lot)ki┬╗tf-fo ij n-tiin^ Sf=K┬г:тАЩ >I T h e T im cs-N ew s __ ^__ jn e -h a lf innings through Ttvc nntl one ared. w hen it all disappcare ik s a n d .L u p c A ' p a ir o f w a lk ic o re d th e firs t C u r ie lтАЩs d o u b le sco: teir tw o m o r e tw o ru n s a n d a fftc n itc h e r C h ad w a l k s . ,w i n nine pi JIask in s d eliv ered the d e c isiv e,tallies w ith a single. B u rle y c o n tin u eedd th a t a s s a u lt into th e first in n inlg g io f th e n ig h tivai alk s a n d h its c a p . u s in g f o u r w 3 v y A x x M Ol ,o-j<,,nwa.. Je ro m e 7 , B u Burley 5 7 P lr e p s p o r t s . Clfla aifio'"#-тАЩ- Jnf* S┬╗oup, G, ovof JaniamiaClon.0B U R L E Y тАФ T h e Je ro m e T igers 0, 0-0.2. CTiaiiotlo Oovriiy. C. ovof Ang тЦатЦатЦатЦа тАФ N EW Y O R li (A P) тАФ M W ike G aljrley Bobcat.s 7-5 iri a tipped.the Burh 0-┬л. 0-3: 3. Co'iy CSтАШia, (J. ovof EncoS'g.m Oi ond'^ ly T artabull A m e r lle O an L eague fro m 'CUriel u ri and H o sk in s to p ile n atch T h u rsd ay .after|< lego homcrcd twicc, Danny dual tennis mat i up a 4 - Mlead. e тАЮMUM douUlns-Jako C^oney nnj Sumrr d r o v e in f o u r r u n s a nidd B e r n ic mmat John┬лon, nOOn. ovor Dlflko P┬лlerv>rvan() Jomie Kloo \ngels4 y w^ ill en tertain M inico at gO T w in s 7 , A nj B urley W i hom er T w in Falls a t V illia m s h it a th re c -r uun r jтАЬ ." B urley w ill1 invade ir GirUOoijBloi.1 Honnan McKon/┬л and O, ovof Slopnarvo S.icock 0fv3 ┬╗ 4 p.m . Tue ruesday. OOrown, i sc o re d its MINNEAPOLIi OLIS (AP) тАФ Scott Erick__________________ T h u rsd a y as N ew Y o rk si 3 p .m .T u e sd lay.тАЩ ay - (If -inBlon 0-2, O-O, 2. HolK.cc┬╗ ScnmlUl ar rnost~runs al Yankee Siudii dium in 39 son gave up iiI hits' ni bill stni iiclpcd Mill---------Sloroy, 0, Ovnr Casoy Hnip┬лr nnd M,i┬╗ i┬╗oi 00anlovo. (jort nf>Oio┬╗ 1. Cnnt i 0100110-35 1 2i 1┬╗ V WonB, J. ovot Tylor Oa.ifla 0tuna (S-0 0-1 Irst victory. Dave Winfield _000 M5 .-5 3 3 ^ ta as R angers ncsota to its first тАв at, J, ovar Curlia Nialtan 0-3, &тЦа V u"'┬░oT years and routed the Texas ____________ 0, 6^);2.yOyJon┬╗a.J fidailiufg. J . ovfif r.mll MiJiUan . ^ ront ┬лnd Kirby .Puckett two--------18-6.--------------------------------, 0-0, OU. s, who lost their first two nciieJudd, D.ovarLauta Poll G.tlnif>Bie┬╗-l.Cnm(ii┬л 19 h its тАФ for тАШhe Twins, w. , N ew York, w hich had I' Wendell sweeps Buh! Cttfan Cooko. J, Over Manko fomia by a combined 12^3. тАФ h a d n тАЩt games to Cniifomi 100 1-2 1 i Rachallo Ntwrnan. J, Over Tara II in c lu d in g six d o u b le s тАФ lad 14 W EN D ELL тАФ The W \ e n d e ll .mp since a California had 1 ruw un in Erickson's scored as many runs at hom lot ,(3) and Cnuren Hamwy, Nrcely (<| but he escaped trouble until un Dowdio and Oftfil W^kar^O, tw o OoyadoublM-I.Onanl T┬╗ro ja n s p ic k c d u p th e irr first 1 hofl. Toyloi (31 W R#m┬╗┬лy L-Nobm anaomiotnon. 19-1 victory against the Wt runs in the seventh und won vVic to rie s o f th e se a so n T h u rsd a y rnaNolS'3 ovor Kilay Room g _ - Senators on A pril 13,-1955. ofhiscareerJidarLGuthric______ i 5 ^ t JasL_t},e-5oihi5amo o f h f B uhl 9-7 aodJ.r.fnyB.lli.lonfr aftern o o n , k n o c k in g ofT I a G o o d i nn gg 7 , D e c io 5 _ tim e the Y ankees scored Jtlh t s m a n y , allowed Chili Dav Davis' two-ruD-homer. ond тАв ------------------"i/'T ┬░liCTM Tt┬г'n'lw ^-------- ^ 9 -8 . ----------------------^ G O OX D ilN l G тАФ T h e G o o d in g and тАвa pitched pi two innings o f runs anywhere w as a 18-5S тАЩvictory a t Rick Aguilera K e lli M a ttix . J a m ie D C ia s an d 88. one-hit relief forth тЦаor the save. S e n a to rrss w o n th e m a tc h e s th a t тАв M innesota on A pril 18, 1988 r.ra> and Kavin McOonaK) 6-7, 0тЦаntcsted but lost five others K y lc e B e n n e tt p ro v id e d m o st o f w ere eonti T erry M ulholland w on in B r e w e r s 1 2,AthIeHcs2 2 ,. lell batting tl tn u sclc in the W endel to fo rferits itf i n 'a te n n is d u a l w ith the k c e s' d ebut, allo w in g six r . 3 ' K ; S . S S . тАЬ ;S:o. ;EE (AP) тАФ Bill Wegman MILWAUKEE lineup. 0-3. D e c lo T тАШh h uu rsday. li seven hits in 5 1-3 innings. S i ;ame sincc last Moy 30. and in sed oO er .w on his nrstgamc K e n n y R ogers w as ehai m se c o n e r j^un Jaha and Kev Kevin Seiu'cr both hit tw o-........... ow cd C B h l three-plus innings. He allov ---------------------------- -тАФ I tl s the Milwaukee Brewers earned runs iind nine hits.__ e md Athletics-i2*2-Thur^day , _ . ------------------beat the Oakland/ night.^ . тАв B U R L E Y тАФ T h(ie e B u rley B o b c a ts s w o o p e d fro m b e h in d -w ilh ;totn o f t h e sixth live runs in th e button inning to o verhaul Jero Jet m e enro u te Ic-header sw eep to a 5*3. 6-2 doublc-1 Thursday. h e ld B u rley to T h e T ig e rs h a d he "Yaiikeeij s 18-6; R<┬гd Sox sweeji X J2 from 1i lgcrs,: ^^ats=take^ ' r тДв " ' __Soorei^and-StitatSz=: __Red.Sox 9. Tigers 6 I n d i a t t s - ^ r'M M iariners 12'---------------____ n n s T O N (A P I тАФ.T heJlet тЦаND (AP) -*- Jack Morris, ~ __K cvoa-m orc-cxira-bue-biu^ sU ncludias____ CLEVELAND, 4013 Pn*┬╗.30 5 2 20 2 1 PMafB - 4 I t o ---- CJwWaCood 4 0 2 0 тАШsunr,e sum oraKan] 36-42-60 1121 ArtJaeiFoobi Daw- coming ofT hiss worst wo season, pitcHc3 five homcn by Mike Grecnwcll, Andre Ai IOOO AWC 41 12 i ; 5l*rl6 Ra^'c 1 0 0 0 tccic ric*ci ^┬лtOfi, 42.3┬╗-81t тАШтАШ 11 UO┬╗┬лp 0 0 0 0 ┬гl┬лvaElk┬╗'┬лtt 4 110 l┬лr┬╗┬╗ai 5 1 1 ' 8a i .3 a 2 S9<ng┬л┬╗ 4 0l┬╗,ra!r' 00 ngs befori; faltering in the s :y compleled scorelcss innings i? .fl-6 r SI and Tim Nachring, as they son 0 0 0 0 a-lainPyman 4 113 Artrjp 2 0 11 1 l(fr-,┬╗ip UU< u 2 10 0 DiSV^jd DiSV13 0 0 0 0 0 N B A s ta n d in g s nr 3945-64 . season-opening, ihrcc-gamc: S' OOOO Ca,0.*┬лf the Cleveland Indians past s\}eep. sixth and led cti'n d 1110 n┬╗wf' p 0 0 OO.Cimp 01 a 0 0 0 0 0 ,44-WD тАЬ EASriRNCOKFERENCt 10 11 CXwgFardfl 8 22 3 0 0 0OO 1 lo.'dtn irinen 6-2 Thursday night. 16 jh e Seattle Mjmne 23 2 ' тАв O f Bosto'n's 30 hits thisI season, s __________ ^Cai┬╗gau OO S┬лs┬л┬╗ 00 00 _ _ _ n _ _____ 4 .i-U l.-.EttU jp OOOl was'lJrc'nret'ai'ni^t-UiidEr.-:тАФ :тАШ .............................. .. . тАФ iThc-game-was' 41 18 li 17 TrvBtf 10 0 1 have been for extralwses. " ' TcCM s i ' t t ToHa T┬╗ S0 5? ? ┬з R B f f ? .тАвN┬╗.yo.┬╗ тАв a 20- I Brtaip 0 0 0( oolhbrush-shaped lights at, > ners ^тАФ iw ^ the vertical, tooth Detroit also >iad three home: __ Orlanjo O 29 I im M 000-8 ViStnp .0,00,1 0 0 0 1 !. . Tb┬╗ . . тАФ .тДв e r a n d 'D a n тАФ-ne\v Jaeobs Fteld21J21. 334 2&-11 P┬╗x*>[┬л 10 1' r'un'drive'S'by Cccll Fielder 2 0 0 0 1 N^TOt r standings : r тАЭ ~ N H L s ( ^ iM* 131 тАЩ ....... тАв' '-3 J -3'J 3* W ai1.t*┬лrcit2.LCl(t- тЦа UcWdp 0 0 01 2 0 0 0 0 E-5sio)┬л(l| 0P-T┬лui1.t :st Stan Lou Whitak- to 2-0, their best st sincc they won their Bautista, and a solo shot by Lo EASTERNCONFERENCE E S I 13 8 EA9 Caslofi 2fl -11! 3 -tui*(2).u┬лmn(2) Tcuia 44 10 '13 8 Tn(i ┬лCm 1n*┬╗2,N*┬лrcrtl1.2&-tUi OS C21 12-10 ies in Ph.l┬╗l┬лi,┬л.-----first three games ii 1984. '040 тАв **┬лтАв ...... CO). .351 OO i┬╗-e Wnthr.jto'^ тАв ' 21 M 26. ------UME . . x*(l)HK-Cc┬лa>eilll.m'i OWIAW тАв WWA UW maoa M 23 7 107 265 219 ┬гca(1).Pirii3Aii|1).R:┬╗┬лla i-N T Hanjoi ........... ^ ^ ┬л I h U (7) Sf-VVCJrt. W a ^ J lC┬╗-*airtalO. тАвтАвHowje>┬╗┬лY H HER DO SO m.Autfar.(1lOP(-> ^ | l | hMim(l|.lc<^(l). WatAngton тАШiChopj JO , O f S┬╗iC>┬╗>:7 20-K┬л┬╗l :!!! ┬л " ' "g e e 2 0 PKio(t) iin-suur тАЬvj, 'J . H.WC 0 0 0 0 s ; jW dl 5D-00┬л42(21.Plafl* fK┬лJa :ir3e 4 323 RiiQnLCLI 3 I (11.KW(1| &-AO┬╗X.Qan. HY.IHanSan тЦа 5M lU тЦа ┬░ t.3 .2 (┬╗-<Wi┬л-┬лi(11. MB J 1 } 3 DtW тАЩ 7.3 -тАв1 31 31 31 01 (1| r s s 'i ; ; s s nnvl SF-OUuu>.-iccu. PMadeiptwi ImccD.Hcgirar.Atnm __ 3 .1 if l_ _ f t┬л __________ ' 3-;28 41 J1тАФ07-7TT-241-------------- HOUSTON (A P) ------------------------------ranwos-;The iitT' 3 ; 13 ______ ; i - P r o --bt ei e k e t b a l l --------, ---------тАвR F ocKeta scifll tl'uncllbt; teI a! ! L S T / > '' "'тАЩwtaTtHNCONFCKENCC''' 1 0 0 0 0 тЦатЦа ASrt. W fiC тЦа J 1 ' 0 ┬╗*f** тАЩ ' 1 ' . & K*>?5 4 0 ' 0 M lM fiC " 40 27 13 03 275 243 4 1.3 4 e 5 4i i-Ootlon .MUwmt t>┬лf┬лUn ccm O laju*┬лry ┬╗an. 4 0 10 ┬╗4┬╗*r<rt 'point shooting, and Hakec I ].] 3 1 0 0 0 i.UcnIioal W L Put 1.3 I? 6 8 1 3 O┬╗0┬лr. rcift , тАЩ 5 ┬о┬о f J3 :;?sтАЩi s ? ! ! s ninth s tra i^ i at homi: and тАвтАвtriple douwho won theirir nii 1 J 0 0 0 2 тАв wQri got his eighth career ti ;.3 0 0 0 0 ; ________ - '? S . / 'T liu isd a y тАФ in 17flunnii I---- U.tWH...4U.i,.^..L'Jir..'A ' bIC m a 1 3 4 -1 0 2 -v itn o r^ 1 0 тЦа 0 0 1 1 MaiHord ---------- ------------------------------------ тАв uu-r тАв тАв тАв ┬л 50. .0. s 38 M1 iO J' O 10 тАЬ ' ' u^w.1-0 : c W ,, night o ver the G olden S ta te ' arriors. Kcm pCTMU2 b a ^^,fl5i>4^ f^ VtSTERN CONFERENCe 0 = ' ' ' тАв ' " тДв w E r )ViT'-<X┬л SanOago M n 12 14 11 HIlP-{>rOr┬╗i┬л(V┬лUr┬╗) ViP. 87 c e i u '( l 2 o f N e t s 9 3 ,H aawks wi i n 'i S w s e i Toun 4 4 4 2 5 H ouston ^ a d e 75 p erce Utiml I8 D┬╗Ti 9. M ^ 12. ' ' - s r ? ' p ┬╗ or a ., 1 1 2 0 2 0 PaO^OMWon UOmi THERFORD, 'N.J: (AP) тАФ 5..'O lajuw on EAST_RUTHE 112 17) o f its long-range s h o ts Si.S - S n l s t a n d in g'g=┬╗ s^ itcftran ..5a-ir;┬л M '# .7 , ; ! ? ! , ! S S J ! S _ _тАФ had-26 points,-13-rebounds8 and-10 nan had 24 points and 13 re- ' as*тАФDerricLCoIeman: ________ LPIncnri_________ *1. 24_ 0 _____________ Catlasa-o_____ : t --------- 40'2aтАЩ l2 #2 270 250 n --.jr-TMтАФ Lvriro┬лV2┬╗-4wei*rii i W L Pet ca 5J9KL0-1 ing New J(:rscy Nets closer u-S.U┬л(!|.J4Uison high in bouniJs. moving 1 13 CVw┬╗..(1┬╗JB-&┬л(J|┬лft-S. 39 31 10 M.219 205 csists. Houston scored a seas( ┬╗-StL<Xi┬╗ тАв Cac)ani,Wg ' J} 311 ^575 S 4 0 1 000teiMC┬лJ┬╗)*>3t┬л3MS┬лi┬╗MCn ^ ^ 36 35 5 81 238 229 -JUW >.C^JWOo0 erth, ' тЦа ^ LAl┬л>cr┬╗ 33 33 4M <51 21X 3 0 1000 K Vi1'-G┬лHam┬╗ PO-Jl in t b a s k e ts to a playoffbet^. 23 48 0 55 237 327 pp o in ts , an d its 12 3 -p o in Wreioog1 lAClpCxifJ M 47 3 0 IOOO X educed iheir magic number ------ тАФ MCTsmsMo' 24 49 3 equaled the team record se ( 1 4 2 2 2 , ' тАЬ тАЬ= S T r , . , тДв ┬л . тЦа c :ombination ofTlve Net wins . Clf<H┬╗dp ' 2 *000_J__ 4 J 3. 0 1 Fkvld.тАЩ___ тАФ 1991-Qgoinst-Denver^-Th┬й 1 RCR M 10 . T тДв тЦатЦаSB! i i i s 'g i i Warriors Rockets (dump Wa .] -I ------ тАФ>iew ----- тЦаM asters ' Uun 93. DautS} nVrftOtrm* M.rinoiou atOoaion. iSOum NowYcAal PMMa'pn>a. S 30 s n" - _____OCIROt - . DOSTOH C┬л.o:┬╗r┬лl.UVaSCTOTn,-T30piti * r Ira t>┬лUo.l┬╗lOrttn<3o,5Mpm PhiMJ 5 0 10 liucrcJ UirmJ tn ^ SI CtviiV>ng. S 30 &m 5MS mow n * J 2 ' K Cnioso tl InSjru, 0 3Cp m 3 12 1 ┬г0┬лnc( ,1 0 0 0 C<T.11 ┬╗l┬╗ Dai^iuSeatta.Gprn -тАв__________ c,-,uic___i.c-i-a_ftd┬лat ME____ooQo -----------D┬╗"'.-┬лfatl.*-t.stni.'8-┬╗pTT!----raiOKia i I 1 2 vvrnl! Phcw'ii al Saosmtma. 9 30 p m_______ X . # . 4 ! 23 rr>Tm30 <0 0 0 DawItoic p┬л3ti 50 0 0 Tp┬лтАШjnc 1200 Ccccw Si rtiu 4220 ' Ocunft D.┬лUin W L PH J ^ 0 ',^1i,2тАЭ ┬╗ ^ PH U.h>4utM Cl>e*50 M.rvMWli -K.f.w.C.lr Me 1112 Dr)t4c 2 ; 30 2 1 .... 10 0 0 OH 38 9 18 9 2W COO J2t>-┬л Oil 110 30┬╗-┬л T . DoKn Oil DmW2 0 E-Owu┬╗(l| W>-C┬л┬лl,D(a! тЦаn(1),>iV┬лHrtrI?J. , ┬╗ol7,taKti1J .T>-*IV┬╗i^i11 1.┬л->m┬л┬╗ar(1) 3 D┬лr^(1)30-CтДв.~,┬л|1)┬╗┬л CO 1000 тАФ 2 0 1C I 2 33^ 1 2 3 .33 0 ...3. J) '┬░ Z тАЮ 200 1 4 0 2 0 Dttiaiil wrf A L s ta n d in g s CMOMtion Dt┬л┬╗l(:ii0-CV,┬л|11.TVWI sr-c*┬л┬л' ' тАЬ Ow S lM 5 1-3 9 ! i i . ----------- iT 'o" WMtOhnian ^ 2 23 4 i ; ; g w L pa ________Ci.;3rr_a._ ____ . 2... 1_ f тАФ OaUjr.a 0 2 ~ (M CIO ~ K -------------------- 1----- --; ; i Stairs 0 2 ooi 0 1 ! s s ; ! T^wM*/тАв0┬лnaтАв Ne┬лYa┬╗18. T┬╗..ufl r' ' тЦа '' (loslorfi. [Jalrain Ujvwiola NESO T* ^ CUJFOnM UM CK Cwv┬лund 0. Saafiw 2 M.i.tgU┬л12.Clak:ar42 .C ^tf _ JO 2 0 / ^ 5.1= d ____ _тЦа - тАв T n \ D . - ^ (NW ^ a * Kanui Cly K ^looroon 5 1 J 7 wS┬гS 10 0). 12 3S pm UoMui (C┬╗┬л 0.0) at CraooSTOan ┬л o0 o( ;,i┬л s ,- [ ^ 5'тАЬ тЦаJ o t o i I t r ┬╗ . ..... тАЬтЦа - s ; ; 's i f l s Mi>uilcn 1 too 11 2 333 0 ' 3 - 000 00 тАЩ 3 000 WMOMM c┬лtrii).c3-05rci COrM>|i)SO-Can<i).l*C┬лtr e r s n o te b o o k T! s s fc ii I B s c oires---------тЦа re ; i ! w ., f.' H iiii S" ┬░1ii! :h;!! i j ! ' тАЩSs !!!!B> EiHZBS-liitEi c iv l" i w тАЬ o issis тЦа ;;; i 1 BPiencr. 10 0 тАФ ^rm тАФ ...... ...........тАФ ┬отАЬ * ? ]┬з MBOO _______ тАЭ ! тАЩ ! t gaтАЭ J ,g тАЮ e 002 oca-a -> # ^s.i TCXM''- тАв ... . тАв' тАЩ w 'i ? J i ┬з 1 ^1^^ 2 ) HEWTCR gr/ тЦа I ' lems in the opening roundd o n T hursmee p la y e rs 'o f-u s in g th e ----------------------------accused-som (day. тАЩ тЦа I slow s the pulsc-ratc, to тАФ ^тАФ " тАЬ I coi^Idn^t k e e p it iirn s id c th e drug, w hich sic - trees . atting.- ........... ............... ........... t J ack N ick - help then- puttin тАЭ six-time"cliaitipibri тАШ Nick Pricc :c tc took it for about eight '1 laus said. rc h is d o c lo rs sw itc h e d lo m n d o u s," y e a rs b e fo re тАЬM y short g am e w as hor her drug about five years imc w in n er, him to another A rnold Palm er, a four-tim tt h ig h b lo o d p re s s u re , s<a id . тАЬ M y p u tte r h o d th e j u m p s , тАЬ go ^ ouldnтАЩt hold still.тАЭ . ic saw P n ce soid he so 110 positive cffects w in n y w in ^ - f o r h is g o l f ggta m c 'fr o m u s in g -th e B o th sh o t 78 on a sun :ld a n obundrug. blow n day that didnтАЩt yield ┬╗ players w as discussing (dnncc o f subpar rounds. "1 тЦатЦа1 thought I A group oa f p rsтАЭat a a ' W e d n e s d a y -n l^ tтАФ ' w tt g o o d ,тАЭ belo-block'ers ' a s g o m g n o p in y p r e:tty тАЩ N } icklaus said. function when icn Lanny W adkins said, i ird oc f тАШcm before. I d id n тАЩt fo rw ard lo тАЬ1 never heard " I w a s really lo o k in g fi he w as talking about. I iisappointed know w h at Iplaying. IтАЩm obviously dis a s so m e k in d p f su n th o u g h t it w wa: ,n b o jifit." . * rives caught F our tim es NicVlaus dri\ " Jtr e e s o n th e le f t s id e . " - (c o u r s c w o s to u g h , b u t 1 SQlARCERS=Sl9ft*<J Cllrt-----------------______ ,--M j6_76-'-4SJ'5cO TC tntMUcWt.B a t-o^r** тАЬ*┬л┬╗тАЬ тАв t i┬лYoung,t>BMortiJ,Uiair┬╗┬╗┬╗yatr _ .'to u g h er,тАЭ the 54-year-old s i-s a ; veil I drove 37-3^-76 cwiWd said; тАЬ I ju st d id n тАЩt pla y wc J9-38-77 S g to Hx HOCKEY тАв th \ e b all aw ful. 1 k e p t try: 3^30_77 тЦа ig-lm rdcr-and-harder-for. тАФ tickets to actually m ake nto the hallow ed grounds iheir w ay onto atio n a l ofA u g u sto NNati , j! ! ! тЦа ; ! _____ J f f ic ia ls 'a d d e d a n e w rniilHnV fiv тЦа MaStCrS oOff __ things oil '^^y i jn c t rr tMia┬лntt┬лidllnt4N>nt400lor . w rin k le to d det e te c tin g b o g u s tic k e ts 37-40-77 1 0 0 0 0 rack Fanr it. , wiiiraUvGrtlvife u u sun#r T hursday. Each iach ticket contains o bar STAW-fiaetfad Trrrti RKftafda. . s S s ? ┬лi,. IromKaiamuoQ el ITiaInumatalk am o n g ' c o d e th o t is b e in g s c a n n e d b y T h ere тАЩs been a lot o f ta S m t u ards a s fans arrive a l the zcis o f beta- Pinkerton guart th tnMdtf.' awe I e ployers obout the cffeci U-NanMDtrnUWcMman'i Ib lo ck e rs, a p re sc rip tio n d ru g c o m - entrance, 0O3TONU.5 110 Jack.NidCaua тАЬ ' " тАЬ RcMtaA rc*MO-78 batkal&tllcat blood nres4 There w ere I T cjonR lines flt th e,Rotes . . . ^ _ _ mnnly u-scd [Q..trcal high-b. ---------------- S S S S - ^ s S, Crnmwi ^ тЦа^ara^----- r i i ? тАФ b n k iM torawd, haa тАШ fo r th e eorly'ni ly'a rrivals, leaving som e sure. pg┬л┬лf) 10 0 1 ! H ┬░ -a s a g Hmtalla*o┬лilabfB>aNBAdr┬╗ft,_________^ a ~ ~~ TonfferioaTlng~pro~M nc n[TOтАШQ ra c ty ~ O fth e 5pcctatoi. ato rru p set:----------------------------^w y w i ^ 4 S 5 J.. 4 .-R E R 'e a -5 0 -JaaT B Y rjfl-'' 1 -тАЬ ' ------- ; тАФgATTIt........... ..... OfVftWOтАФ S 0 )0 KittK тАЬ re poorly Nicklaus, 1Palmer fart sLiiiLS :i!!| r iii: ^ ' or Charlotte lossc: osses will allow New Jersey clinch its third thii straight postseason' тАв?( IK IX QASEDMi 3#-36-74 -N L box тАФ- . 37.37тАФ74 ---------Ml R┬гOS-Oarr>┬л] Pata Scncurak. 3J-35-74 ONCINNATM XUIMC . . . . .- DnaCli.. . (┬лu.------------caa ft┬╗┬╗Y┬лf┬╗frO┬л1B>0H┬л*Y0rtU4tl.plcN.,on-┬╗ a tn u ┬лnGataoTM'J>.t..................... 37-37-74 iMAmiNS Artwcad mal J┬лB 3┬╗-35-74 FlOfilOAM AI Mr.haaoaaradwwvwiandhaa 35-3┬╗-74 Muta, pitchaf. S S !!i I ounjM 10Edmofilond ma Paerte K ? ss 4IM4-74 CoatlUa(^>a 36-36-74 UnM SSтАЩ !тАЭ IK ,r 37-37-74 WESTCHEST ITKV^I g 1 1 2 D┬лiU тАв Dr dncSoc o( pltytr panonral and 36-36-74 Sicooanli* !;r. SтАЭ S K ? S S r ' - 6 9 0 0 Wj; t-miivKar^pmnlinanagtrand 3<2< MaManaOwaS. 37-37тАФ74 ┬╗tv┬╗l┬╗4co┬╗c 35-3J-74 тАЬ тАФ n il тАв FO O rn^ . k r - i s - ? 'o ^ 39-30тАФ75 U(j L ^ p '' 0000 Jia 36-39-75 nFL-N┬╗ni^S f s s s s s i s ? : - - ! . 37-36-75 oaoafMeouM oun┬лal</NFLPraoarMt, S S ? io a o SSSaoSrt iiCAflDfNAlSтАФ тАв - - ...... S S r S t - S i S ftMtac*. 40.J5-75 dSfFAIODH 3Dtt.LS-Aor┬╗┬л>loUm<┬╗┬╗WlSt┬╗v┬╗ KMwl/ M l o( Un>Yai (At>( тАЭ o(0**aB n Z тАЩi , i ! ! ! f S " ^fa┬╗w.einalh<oa-rta<eon>Mu 2 2 10 Cctndo n000 21} 0┬╗- B (2 1 .ElimoirilStoarr┬л UranRotarU , C-.0┬л*.(11.0f┬лni(2J,Ei тЦа ;!!!" тАЬ ' COWOOVS-┬╗9nad Oaf>1JoftntJon, oOt┬л2 Jir*oOiaU ool 3 05pm |l).CaUncatn V>-Caa┬╗) oaW┬╗a-,┬л┬л┬о<┬лaa,A┬л┬л┬л<J*) Ucrt┬╗i(21.0t**┬╗(l), TommyAaron SaaRt iFlvTWig&0) al Torwito(Lan* am ┬л ro a ^e.w cn u o # 20-R*rt┬л :L*┬╗fOJ3), tmS*** aV lJ* TM J6^ J 5 Uirm.w.CiNai TNattNantton.ouart ┬лJ417) Cl Ou*┬л┬╗h┬╗rt r a MO 4 0 -4 . b^(1|.!>wU|1).l-*4lT C J^ w POll5COnS-Aflf┬╗adlolanTii To┬л┬╗ (*/inivw^ 0-0) tl D txmo;uoy..o. n |U OH Wl CQi-7 Haioaujtv quanafMcH-Rai*a┬╗ad 0|.!>3Spin тАШ Iio.uiracug <3).0*Uff┬╗5ffJ).0>rt┬╗(^ toau, guanacMck. 36-36-78 JSiTfUjaau OaUand rWtk:n0-Q| al M^nnawxa (Ua тДв ^ ^' I ) . a ^ l 2 ) . luw.cfturmsr^**!! тЦа|тАЬтАЬ . ┬г S i ' H . ' ┬г S S ; C FWJET5-5*jn┬лPaJFfa┬╗a,<SaтАв NEWYOWJ so O4|.0dpin ' Xn:tiMri(}).P>xMa{21.WrM A X b o x s c o re s le-KOCKOtSi тАФтЦаwhosc-previous high in-pi p o m ts th is |W>)тАФScornTrxndayi.'lix ' LcnAnoalat AUGUSTA. (Ja (W .1 2 v ic tQ ry berth, r -тАв n iiijs n iij! sseaso n cam e in a 128-11! C(Sm0rt0rt Ifta fl/┬╗1rounil ol BB┬╗aMa┬лa<teoillOufMm┬лnl, >a rch 21, extfplayonbaftr. 0over W ashington on M arc ┬лi.,ard,pa┬╗30-3ft-72Au.<incfto<}pla plar┬л)ontra0.ff2& Cr^aao IdmKin off Clio a┬╗rta(a-amato┬лi) y^Lncftaddm ^u┬╗laNabCMlOoBi Pinuuren sion lead to J a 2 z 9 9 , Mav< TTurada/i Oamaa titended their Central Divisic [avericks 82 33-35тАФC8 12J7-C3 US W I Ptt CO fu!lon*JK┬╗T< CEeiTV-(AP)тАФ KariMal--------0TJ.S4' ┬░ono g am e over Sun A n to nтАЬia---------------------SALT LAKE C J4.J5-CT BOMOOS.O TJ 3 0 1000 TomKil. ,Han!o┬л)2 2 0 1 ceo X Tot Lehmafl and Felton Spencer rvT 255 points, poi | 34-36-70 FlofKJa 3, Pfii┬╗aaWiia3,0a P^4l Knicks 97, Cavaliers 94 ^ 0 ^3 M ^ ^Sitlefoaa '4 , 0 1 17 with 14 rebour bounds as Ihe Utah Jazz flnD,(,o>Ari0┬лla┬л2 тЦа 14-36-70 SILOUU0.W 5┬лi ┬г>┬╗B0 0 3W4-70 . SanJowalVi __ . . . тАФNEW_Y.O}iK (A PJ-:.D crtk alVananrrtf.tn) t l ^ l i ^ r hit__ished w ith.a p per: e r f e ^ e c o r d this .seoson тАв ..eri nnr-nu тАФ-------------33-37-70 тАФ M a тАФ B l ?rOaiTia------------------ r S i 'w ! ^ ----T 'shooting Dallas'by beating iitne'with 6'J against poor-sho< his second 3-poinler of ovcriiti Nollncludad O/aaNofman -82'Thursday night, i'ark ils first Mavericks 99-82' ┬лarlal0,5┬лftl>*so8,11 - seconds left, giving New Yo Pt>.:aO┬л<rt┬╗13.CoMraOo┬л ling forjustjhe third time in ... ' Utah, winning 1 years, тАЬli!)┬о CwW'Paw' movement sseason sweep of Clcvoland in1тАЩ 12 Flor┬лMotLoiA;'Se<┬л|nl i┬г ;i F is h m . Id Dallas to 38 pOTcnl (29D J CafrPUr┬л Harp^r flnlsh'ca withтАШ22 fpoints and 12 gamesTheld IRWMfntnl Mcnr┬лb>rtla┬лтАШ''aa(), 3MO-71 aOamaa [XadFajon he floor. The Jazz wound up oOsatCoiinbiaandSAaliaRMf C son-high 24 of-77) from the fl Charles Oakley had a scoso |alUon┬╗eal(P┬лMajCtvpO┬л┬л┬╗ (>┬л9orTr┬╗W┬╗<-00l┬лl┬л in^v 36-35-71 <J*fniThof┬╗M ' the Knicks, S-0 against the e Mavericks, Mi points and 15 fcbounds for it tna^dO). 11 3SamтАШ CM Ccn SOT EM M F PittUw┬л(Wa┬лnorDJnMcCMm Cc<or┬╗*)iN'┬лd(KI)a1Pttti: 37-35-72 ltotw<i┬л (MGlafion 0).4Upm .fl)alOonnaii(RioO- , PnJ┬╗a┬╗ipr.a(HirtraO-flIal M.38I72 i┬лiCln IJ.JJSpm 39-33-72 liJUtT ijalMou┬╗lon(5┬лtnO*s B-JohnMimi NwYomlKKMnO-OlalM 0 0 0 ' 172 03V38тАФ73 loHaUf 38-37-73 lt-afUivi┬лrt ll Lot AngOol (Atlaoo HtMrtTvnny ^ тАЭM?rS.rO-01.1Lc. 0 0 0 '0 0 30-37-73 leaCoaa 0 0 0 127 ^0 . __ A U G U S T A , G a . (A PP)) тАФ T w o 3┬л.37_73 iD^Ontmm Swi E*.an3┬л |alSarD┬╗90(5┬╗~l┬лi 38-36-74 K - r - " тАЭ"' CJMOTB*' M a s to n su b je cts o f M aste rs lore: Ih a d p ro b Ict San FfsnciKO (Tw. O ^^ai 1 0 0 0 0 0 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -K'n O^iBjpsr^ltjJbKannir-ti ^ r r s ! ! f- i ( 'I ^ Twin Fatis, IcJ.iho D-3 тАв тАЩ ' lprj'IB ,1 994' тЦа Tlm05-NQWS, TwIi Ffid.iy, Api rets eligibbility :hanges ntnight cor)nfijse тАФ C H IC A G O ;( A P ) тАФ тАФ In Hie city H S S I I H I w here Ilis incomjiaralilc ible b.iskctball . a b ility p r o d u c e d ilirc h rc e s tr a ig h t s be been maili)ig'out Tlie NCAA has. i P) '. O o \V E R L A N D PA R K . K an.I. (A isorics as the June lie new' thousands of.advisor тАФ- By B; carcfully following all llic m tnhr;тАФ N flA -drHftrihe-fit-rtilCT/underKr.iduaieN can go iim FuTcs! 'J tr^ V t -TL-Tlllltcr^--------- ^ m UA A dnilt tor Uie iifst time tins on. ibility. taken an c d u a itio n .'effort ... g o in g тАв ithout surrendering Ihcir cligib: ; negotiating rules, dy surover the contr;ict nc, T he N CA A is hoping nobixly . ^ 'ards.w e think can ^ тАв th e whole nine yard ndcrs it by accident. тАв тЦа . fendc n g Ihu .iiip b liuL, W l iv.ir lelp them jnake an тАвaft is not com plicated." saidd R ick' thing .we can to help draft whi(e No. 23 o f the Chicago Chi Bulls, 1." Perko said, P erko, an N C A A legislative: aassis- infonned,'decision." Slill, he did not disappoi ipoint n chillcd ^9 H H on a pcr>- тАв "A lol is going to to depend d nt, тАЬBut all the other issues rclaled rc an d c n ( h u s iu s ( ic c ro \w d fo r the Bb M B > r. ..H h.A ip i I thnt hi-__________ i-it-ean-becomplicatcdiтАЭ тАФ = __ W in d y C ity :c 3 'gainst-_thc-r . . j B C . T ' a ally icopardi 7.o hi s ______ _ st J a n тАФ-docihll-unlD tcnliall^ ^^m doptcd-nl^ust тЦатАФ тЦаL'cglslaT lc ----- r тАФcros5lown G u Iw .'^T c^ h en3ed"in iis eepeligibility," ir y 's NCA A convention is sw uary' 4-4, 10-inning lie. /c u t to.evi.iy..Divi-_.............. !iis-c┬л)lT lic mailings went lg. and sim ple; O ne time in lii;^ Jordan, bound foj'lhc 'th e Class A A [ j H j j U j ^ athletic dicoa gc career, a kid can declaree for a sion I baske<b;ill coach, Icgc B irm in g h a m B a ro nnss on i F rid a y . i m m issio n e r. rofcssional basketball d raftt :as an, rec to r, con fe ren cccc co w en t 2 -fo r-5 w ilh a g a m e -ty in g din;itor and athlete ;itically ' com pliance coordin;i ndcrgraduatc w ithout automati double in th e seventh i iw o .'тЦаWc iric d to hit a d v iso ry p a n e l . ." V ising his eligibility. RBIs, a strikeout and an e n o r the lad.-in- evcrbody w ho inI som so e w a y тАЩwould By Tliursday, five, already ha( outficW. md would share the freshhave interaction and тАЩ lu ding 6 -fo o t 8 C incinnati fi H e d is p la y e d b o th ih 1 s tu d c n t-a th lc te s lan Dontonio W inafield and sQp sc h o -_ in fo fm a tio n w ithh st a b ility and his bascbal ;ball ine.xpcri<o ssaid.' ^ 1 ia, 6-4, and pyrents," Perko lores Jason Kidd o f Califomia, тЦа. more - c n c c . and hisjpere.prcsi; rcscDcc_Diidicd_ ave relatives o r IcashingA thletes can have |r ; 'тАЬ - a nidd 'Yinka Dare o f George Wasl thc-W riglcy Field crowd 3wd to 37,825. тЦа'^l y them in talk-s with .seems gal guardians joinI the >n, 7-1. Tlie biggest im pact ,si тЦа' ton, C h e e rs a n d .stnndin d in g o v a tio n s ;rko said about 125 :n a n d pro teams, :md Perko k c ly lo la n d on fre s h m e n wgre m ostly w hat Jordr jrdan received. ion I schools have of the 300 Division jphom ores. i?fhough there w ere a fc few scattered anels authorized by . тАв тАЬ ff ffer. or. scl up'advisor^ panel If they do not like their offc _____ тЦа boos, perhaps fr6 n ^bbasketball as fans ^ ^ 5 stfvcral-ycarK-ago,--------------tcsx'HftтАФNGAA-lesislulion1 ┬л}┬╗ rrnotT ?crtnkeT trtindcn^dualc =----------- long ing ag ain in .l ee^him Ily nciu.s!i тЦа i' i 'i __"rftTTT 1 jy -p a i ; ----- tj^ llT -c o n s is tming" g cir."3 ' 7 ~people DT^^back^o-schoolтАвsimpty-tJy.; 'I тАФ and faculty. . ' wiihin from the .schoolтАЩss staff st; oninc Ihcir.athlclic director w tioni irning his new J o r d a n i.s still learni IVe oтЦаo n lra c l'a 'd v fc e [ gftiiliiy llie panels iiiii giVe l>тАШtlav.'>! FreviflUSiy. m cir engn lg .тАЭ h c sa id be*-- тЦатАвтАв' n ------------)jamc. " r m im proving." тАвerWujfp-in-conicict_________ red foi tu athlcics and-ev┬лn-J ndcd iheтАЩm inute ihcy dcclarci cnde ------------lore iHfc Biimc xv un uri UHrty 01 -dam . oach Ciin be on the ' тАв negotiations. A coacl thlee ddraft. ___ eras follow ed his every :ry :m ove. . _ 'g _ ul c annnt rrikr p,irt ┬╗at NCA A officials figure, mosl 3Sl alh- in negotiations. тАЬ тЦа тЦа тЦатЦа ihaFi the ninth. Jordan swuni 'u ng weakly ai ^ tM I cmeenf chief David ;y canN C A A enforcem :tes will know all about; They letes two breaking balls from om former m a' Is a misunderst;mdot agree orally or in w ritihg too a pro I^ersi said there is not a jo r leagMC p itc h e r C Cl:h u c k C rim , ___ ___.m M m s w ill reta in the -------------com tain an ing that pro team ontract, and they cannot rctai now in C lass A A A ,, an and then w as , TS id e r g r a d u a te th c y rig h ts to any undei gent. agen called o ut o n ihe veryy next m pitch. _ 'e a r after his-class But e o f d raft unlil one year B l will they, in this new era A fter heтАЩd, doubledd pa.st p third o ff " ' arc the g riK lu a te s. " T h a t use i d to b e th e тАвeedom .of m ovem ent, bew an freec ------- - C r i m in the iicventh..Jc ..Jordan didnтАЩt _^'B ut the contract ends to c:ise,тАЭ ^ r s t ther pitfalls that bring early cn scorc from sccond on )n JJulio V inasтАЩ AP┬╗┬л, ssO ciatio n with w ith thcMHny<^siAA> ___ coollepc le carecr? ------------fly h n ll d n iih lr tn r r I in igered, llial provis iull Will T 1 o rb c -itrrffc c t-------- :тАФ lilig ib ility could be endang Light In a rundown in thee seventh mnln'g agalnsi iтАЩs Michael Jo rd an Is caugl id ithinking the Chicago's raced b ack to second raft. Tlie only way erko said, by such things as тАЬ ac- for this y earтАЩs draft, lit a game-tying Perk also wont 2>for-5 and hit ssic Thursday. Jo rd an al; ____ ball would b e cauRhtt ar iring tho Windy City C lassl and then only Cubs durlr ue is y b o d y thal could continue i; for Ihc Players c tin g a n y th in g fro m a nyl c e p t m ade it as far as third. ird. A nd w hen double.тАЩree to it, and most A.ssociation to agree wishing to represent him. Thiss could i wish in d cd to third, C raig G reb eck g round )cct Ihat." people do not expcct even ven be a soft drink or a ride." >nc o f three W hite S ox er- flaw fla' lesiily field ed tw o hitss in the sin g le , driving in D arrin Jackson Jo rd a n w a s ca u g h t in a rundow n he m ade one 1C 'White S oxтАЩs firsl made a from third for the outfield and on the second n :n S haw on D unston sinout rors. W hen and tagged out. ird, prc- run in the sixth, perfect o ne-hop peg to ihirt ght, a charging Jordan let per Jan led o ff the glcd to right B atting six th . Jordan laying a gam e in a ro m -ad тАФ -Jordan was play e n tin g -W illie r-W ilso n -fro ;o-undcr-his-gltj\T -as-thcтАФvvex inn in g -a g a in stтАФthe-ball-go-i ------------ tc jiro f-th c -u c c o n d -in allpark for the first m ajor league balli a base. . var L a n c e D ic k s o n a n d a fte r-la ln n g third of-foo u r-C u b s runs..scored in vancing efcrrcd to the chase record, and he refer bly not the last. He . C onlinued from D1 1 a g u e tim e and probably /A g a in st a n o lh e ^ iiin o r - -le m e very.insidc, the inning. three balls, the first one ;11.тАЩтАЩ as тАЬa personal hell.тАЩтАЩ is )unced a plans to give his rnew game a year lefty, D ave Otto, Jordan boui en he caught a fly ball in left But when he popped out. aw 35 hom e runs and a ,320 the While Sox late saw as tu rn e d u p s id e went o ff and could rejoin1 th Iordan got a standing ova- high hig chopper to third-ihai wi the inexperi- the fifth. Jori Jordan looked likec ti g c." he said. "T liey'd sec il thi age. 'I'Should have had a vc for a in the season. C ra ig W o rth in g to n 's g lo v e тАШio '" тАЩ*'" he said. "I' sl he sam e in n in g . Jo rd a n C n enccd p lay er he is inI the th( third w hen tio n . In the 'c a r an d sa y . тАШA a ro n ju s l h ' ____________________ I ycai joying the record." peaceful lime cnjoyi lomers and .320."тАЩ hom . A lth o u g h m ain n yy fa n s c o n s id e r R u lh . o n Iho o th e r h a n d , w a s Kiwer hitter. A aron w 'v o rk ^ greater pow lam boyant and played in New nt vw ilh his position R u th тАЩs ^aid he is content - . тАв wvith ill the vaunted Y ankees. R ' legentl baseball history. rycats W CTC Oftcn elevated to h ium. Anderson said he feat: essec and . A naheim Stadiur al classic. In 199(1, T enncs 1-canlLimagir (AP-)------OhioтАФ Rht 1 w as in R uthтАЩs "1 never thought <V fYfig ^ fT n tin [┬╗ sp ^ r^ s w/ r i t e r s . ----------- C O LUM BU S,-O hio-(A I pion C ol- am icipaicd a,sIr eventual co-national cham pi ibicctions " Jones said, cvc fHht>-Big-Tcii-^myjnajoLi3bii l.'" l {liink~nHKrpr o ^ shadow ." he saidTT v'aronsaid. iw o d iid u w o u ld j a i s c !briidu-pLiyiillJ0_U:3i z3 J . ^ g: hoics-to-fill-m------ D on-T ^dcr -------- last-sca^oti but-with-13'hol' ttn m iju :- p tc ttn ie iiii> c f c n ^ ;"anT'pTovide a blggjrr^ p in gate revenues a; State beat Brigham Y oung;"44-28 <= Igc County Sports Authori- Sta ve." year, has been o f the Orange R u th 's proper perspective." the starting lineup this yea vhcn he w as closing in on P ged Stan- payout to e.ich team. tc; 1991 and T e x as A&M edge tagcs the game, iiiiid Ohio 19' Fresno State . ty which .stag offered a spot opposite: Fi firsl game _ ,, for 10-7 in Bill W alshтАЩs fit yland Pigskin Stale w ouldd tm ake the perfect oppo- ford in the prescason Disneyla bnck-with the Cardinal-ia-199: ' [ ........ ............I )92______ _----------: rm o State.iclm ; C alif,- тАФn e n t fo rF resn --------aasiiic'A u g .'2 9 IrrA nahclr rc-guariin----------- ^ uld be very Iiappy to have' 'тЦатЦа1T igskin Chissic-team s-arc ccepts is up to "Wc would . W hether O hio State accc : _ b u l - l a s t . . ______ teed $ 5 5 0 .0 0 0 .Xor_playine,. the team, n th - - O h io State,-,- hhe sjiid by telephone. " If tee --------coach-John Coopcr-and the h Carolina year Soulhern Cal and North < they want lo com c. then ye: :s said Thurs- -they lell us> tl Ictics director Jim Jones s each received $720,000. w e will givee Iihem.ii formal invitalion. euc day. ................. : тЦа . тЦа ic v e rh a d a Big Ten team IF re sn o S ta te , a f iv e -h o ui r driv e But Jones said earlier if tthe coaches ...-W eтАЩvc'ncv n o rc lh an -^L from A nnheim . bro u g h t me uld and players w ant to playy in ir the gam e, and w c would very much like to have fro lepostscafi,0 0 0 when it played in the 22fi. ny opposition one," he did not anticipate any /ears ago. тАЮ ..тЦа...тЦа JglT j son F reedom B ow l tw o ye; strators. L a s t.y e aarr.. N o rth C a ro lin a b e a t soi ------from O h ia State administra ~ тАШ :al 31-9 in the fourth annu- The Th Freedom Bowl is alsoI pplayed at chool year, so Southern Cal _______ тАЬItтАЩs not during the schc 'f l j ' тАвVTO.aij тАФ ' _____ m rned T h ursdny, n oJ t'a l'a s the ~ d o m in a n l player in his,} iis sport ns* .тАвa millionaire m inor Icagi Jordati, n o w No. 4 5,'v wearing Ihc black and w hile o f the i Chicago. тАФ Aaron тАФ Ohio SiJtate offтВмfereiLPigj;skin Chla ssicspclot G o l f ^= Scott Sim pson, who shot a 2 -ovcrICC w a s,o b stru c te d b y 'a S , m a n 's stancc C 6 n tin u e d fro m D1 im o f the par 74. w as an early victin:o v e r and he g 6 t a clu b - pai Australian Ian Baker-Fii No._l, his__ .tuuglLpin. placements._On_N( j,.giving-him Ja-shoLat.lhc__tuu тАШP avinT R u ss C och ran .T Jr ;'l, rolled 4 hit short, chippcd up and firsl fir> putt, from about 25 feet, shml o f Japan | Q jip Beck, Hajim e Meshi; fcct:past.lhe hole, cauglit.thc -- - - - тАв - тЦа A fn c a n G a ry ^(^тЦатАЩ 3 5 . - and 58-ycnr-old Soulh f ro lled a n o th e r 15 fee y ear-o ld A u stra lia n fo l- lope, lop Player, a ihrec-timc.M aslC rn-birdic-oTTthc- pai-5 .sec-тАФтАвedge cd{ o f the-g rc en -a n d -cn d c Imvcd-willfaon, all w ere at 1 under par. nd was on hi.s way to his 10 yards dow n the fair%vay, y, leaving C o y c rn , b .II ond hole and Ja y H a a s , Jim M c G him a chip back. vn round, hin jnd U.S. am a' C lasson, John Huston and n is finished at -----------------teur cham pion John H arris even par. _______ crnhard 1 j D e fe n d in g c h a m p ioo^n'H n f n c s ? " ] g S eEaA T S T Y L E S , G K M A T тЦа f j I J L anger o f G crrnany w,>as as at 2 -ovcrU BSI N O W IN Y O U K VALUi ccO тЩж┬╗ , par 74."as w as N ick'Pricc < fZ im babA V O tllT B M O D E L тАФ тАв-wc.-Nick-Faldo,--John..Da W oosnam all struggled to тАШ "Il w a s a fq u r^c lu b┬╗jw jw ind." said Bakef-Fihch'.'w Ho had 'to to h ii'a "drive 400-yard first % :V MECG E N C Y S U P R E M E and a 3 iron into the 40C Set...........................тАШ229 тАвI V' Twin Se normally have ^ hole, w here he would non тЦаet............ ;.............. ^ \ 5 Full Set a 7-iron ^ c o n d shot. тЦаnSet....................... *399 тЦа V Qvoeni th e h a rd e s t " T h is c o u r s e p la y s5 tl Set...........................тАШ549 King Se ur face on No. w hen the w ind is in your f 1,тАЭ Pavin.said. "T hatтАЩs the way it w as today.тАЭ nnd ' A llcm got so m e sagjce advice ; savvy in sp iratio n fromn hhis practicc .C L A S S I C us jand-AmoJd'------- -------- round w iih Jack Nicklaus Set...........................тАЩ299 U -Jfwin S( ------- Palm er. тАЬI learned from 1plplaying w ith .. _ . / тАЬ \ l J Set................... ........ тАШ399> Jtattack.A u=_ . ┬л V______ _____ Full Set them yesterday,-you d om nJl ,nSet......................тАШ449 I Queen ni said. тАЬY ou A j тЦаgusta N a tio n a l," A llem f \ n d 1 learned J play il conservative. Anc our iron sh o ts ^ that y ou have to hit your Jay after play| ^ X high. I w as pum ped today I -1 1 ing w ith them. It w as an1 inspiration.тАЭ in X L A S S IC o th sh o t7 8 . N icklaus and P alm er bbol , Set...........................'329 fir тЦа Twin1 S at A uT he greens, alw ays a1 factor fa S e t........................ .тАв..'449 ┬з B i S FuHSe. ilc d by so m e g u sla , w e re co m p lic a lc c CTSef.......................'499, 0 Queen even by Ma.s- -----тАФ тАФlough pin-placcm cnts cvc JтАФ ~ had Ihc pin ac G et one Polaris lifcvesl I' lersтАЩ standards. "T hey hai! S tthe lime m catch sIkIu of- Gi when vou lake deiiver\' o f a тАвc I had n ev er the hoitcsi (CSI bouts on waierl 'I'ukc a wl No. 4 in a place w here Sl.fi.sd. S l.7 5 0 or .S I.тАЩ the 1994 Polaris SI..650. SI aid. I(u)k UI th seen it before,тАЭ Pavin said. ; тДв i r a between April 1 and May 31. iin d .tb c new .SI.T750, bo easy." SI-750 ;ii тАЬ I d o n 't think it everr plays p ,ri% per' See the exciiing new I'olarii w o o l TO P fun macliiiics'are pure HiO "Y ou Ibcse fun Baker-Finch said o f the; course. co Minal wiitererufl models al icni! nSel...........................тАШ349 those 4 - and c^cuvmcii are alw ays w orking fo rr th pariiciputini? Polaris dealer.. right now. your Polarii pa '9 ............................. M79 ;e o f where the ____5 ;.an i6 ;jQ Q tcrsJ┬╗ ^ !\u sc^ r9тАФ ven harder to ' pins arc. B ut it w as even placem ents." . day bccausc o f the pin plac ircalio n ea rly N o rm an g o t an indfca lh a l th is m ig h l b e h is y e a r. H e тАФ ^----- p u sh ┬л H iis-te ^ flh o l-o n-N ^ oo .-lrra H lin g - ^ тАФ ----------^ 6 M o n t nR s^ S a T n B ball dropped | It o ff an o ak tree. T h e: b: # / # F A sC s eaviqg him no dircctJy b ehind a tree. leav o f T w in I 1 F a l l s ' shot at the green. 361 4th A ve.WV.. тАв734-4060 ro a c h e d h is B u t a s N o rm a n ap pprc H # wcept тАв b a ll.'a b ro a d em ilc sw | o v e r his acd an official.' -.v r-.......:!:i a U, .........MimL- IV'Lili___ / face, nnd ~Rc turned lOWiiE^ 1 Hu.milOi Mm .M. M'jJ A^,.|-a.H' ----------------- ^ y g f l g , r lyjj IтАЩoUm InJii InJiiMnci 1.1тАЩ. nodded. N or- , w ho sm iled back and no s& S S S G tll PURCV тАвegial OWOHA^K SlVAtUES*!┬о EOIC┬о& M O U S^*lirsETS^ TYRESrSlEj ly A 1997 ^ ~ V o \m Wi a te r e n "Perrsonal 'V nd Get FREE [fevest! i 9 \jaapedtC 19 hurry INN0\ ... ^m ED WM iiE ^ ^^ONLY! ; , . V. . Kiiiiii┬╗iuun 9LPIRI5 ^I/PO LA R IS KAWASAKI/SUZI t i тЦа OashI Jellvery m lтАФM Free De glpand to Magi I RIver Woodl flays I T Jd o re; Mdh.-Fri: a :. o3 f0 a m - 6 p m FURNITURE A N D A PPU A N CE 0MB. IDAHO ^ l / g j j j g ^ S a t . 9 :3 0 a m -3 p m 2 1 3 S . R A IL. -f .1 - a 0 0 - 9 i 8 8 ^ 7 7 7 4 I rтАЬ 3,1994 тЦаinFalls,Idaho' Friday.Apffi0,1 * DтАЩ- 4' Timoo-Npwo. Twin F iev^er forтАв goading5 player -E S E N ^^^onтАЩt sla|ip intervM him тАШC hris Evert* on . тАв' тЦа тАЬI'v e calledd hi R ujiiutlitii^_____ ________ ^ a; c k tn c n тАФt h r r a d i o a nidj d J . c.-tlled him 'C h r is тАШ T h e 6,-f o o t-5 q u 'a rle rb m d o n the Evert' on the TV s h o ^ ' Rom e said. ssto o d u p , p la c e d h is h an :r, тАШ1 тАЬI'v e had to listen to ei^'lhe tw o тАв "He siiid later, ._ rro und tpble lh a t scpa'ralcij years. Ijusjisniippcd.тАЭ тАЩ _ _ R om e. A s'_ihis (or.threc ycai .and sm ash e d .il o ^ c r inloтЦаF тАФ id h e d i d n тАЩt w a n t lb jum ped on R o m e s a id R om e to p p led , E v e re ll ju n m om ents later, P cu ;. iH iim !-N n.-punchC 5 a p p e aarc r d tn - b c ' ambu.sh Everett; f^ T n g 'tZ┬╗"CT(i-U|) lillll.''--------'* тЦа I "1 w asn t tryi: jl r e f e r r in g to" tl tlirown. ' ^ I D u rin g the in te rv iewV o( n .E S P N 2 Il w a s n тАЩтАЩt m e an t as a )m the L os R om e said . ""Il E verett w as trad e d fronJm h im a s тАЬ C hris. light,- Everett ;: I broadcast W ednesday nig anhijod o r a slam on Its Jifter l.ist slam on his m mai 'lbi.1 hib td m p sfw iim i Rt r"Mliy w as goou-naiuroi : V in d u d in g his pride, ll reall season. .Some o f h is critics, L - r'I fil T h c - q u a r te r -^ R v e ral tim e s, I .h im " C h r is liv c r lтАЭ scvc work 'ou.LтАЭ, .. his tough- and it d idnтАЩt worl R om e, have q iic stio n ed h: - 'I H b a c k im m e d i- F ck asked him H. even after ll^e quarterback Rome said he w ill Iry Ihris Evert" M eanwhile, R< m ocking him as тАЬ Chi a le J y lo o k тАв ness, n I stop. Evorott on h5s*show. H e' . ba is s u e , and тАФ - a questionable analogyy consider- to get EvcretlI back I " W c тАЩTc-nol p ro u d oiff w hat hnphe fie rc e st alsd said he; re rc(g re ts p u llin g C h ris ic r c a s in R ly i r r i t a t e d ,'as тАвing -ii E v e rt w a s o n e o f the cxecu- b e c a m e inc: 8 тАФpfr>fT<-'-┬╗┬╗id-Iohn-A~W^nlsh. n 3ryrr- тАФ EN-fn-lniothe-coi ^confrontalioOi ' тЦа urtcinT lrhtston c ring a confer- R o m o p c rsтАв si:is tc d -w ttS rtiis b a n te r , тАЬ 'compclitorij n ~ ' tivc'cditor o f E SPN ; durin pokcsm an said the club .> ^n again un ^ тАЬ A Saints spok' тАФ-rтАЩa rn c d - h im - n o t- to - d { H t~ T lie~iiicident~wg^hliown th r in c id c n tтАФ E v e rett-N var B Z e n c C T u llr-W c n c g r c n tti k c a - s t a t e m c ^ o n - i h c --------тАФje 'J im E v c rcit...a g ain .,"_ Y b.bu u "l> c ttc r7 (aV c 7 0 rтАЬ? t5 ''~ i' le v lslo n 'sta tlo n s'a ro u n dj ith c 'c o u n ~ w i i r n o t m a k e '; II.. o c c u rre d , as I.тАЩn i su rc .Ji 'c rett said . тАЬ Y ouтАЩve been liIry. ESlтАЩN 2 'iV a sp in b ff'oj f ihc'cablc incident:'..... bre ak ." .Even H did.тАЭ ;rsta n d Jim has ap o lo тАЬW c underst:: b lind my back.тАЭ nnetw ork ESPN . It began broadcastas aware that talking bchinc I Rom e said Everc^ll was )j>ofully Jim R om e w ill .gizcd and hoj>of low IтАЩm saying it to your iiing last O ctober. iris E vert on тАЬW ell, nov B he w ould be c a lle d Chri a id N F L sp o k e sm a n letw ockand a p o lo g iz e ," ssai тАЬESPN 2 is a different net ie said. face,тАЭ Rom e s I the air. icw \ ing and G reg A iello. "A s far as w e тАЩre conimiirking, refused to b ack JJ im 's m eth o d o f in |e rv ic R om e, sm H -*i have to say it w as not no w ith m ai-' тЦаnatter is closed, except , a lo n e a p o lo g iz e . T h a t qquestioning is diffcrcTil,тАЩтАЩ W alsh said, cem cd, Ihc matt IS 611 in good d o w n , le t al I icc.тАЭ Rom e said. тАЬ It was Iclerm in e w ho a dvised hi.тАЭ perhaps to dele; тАЬT hereтАЩs o surprise clement. lUSting. It got seem ed to irk Everett even more, I fun. There w as som e jous cw w hal to him to go onn Iho ih sh o w in th e firsl R om e said E verclt knew o u w o n 't say il a g a in ," :llable.тАЭ . ' "1 b et you I out o f hand. T h atтАЩs regrell . place.", тАЩ тАв " . тАЩ d. ecxpecl. I Shortly after E vcrctl cam c; e on the E verell said. S h I B R ISTO L, C onn.'(A Pp )y тАФ ESPN ot discipline I said T hursday it w ill not for tau n tin g I ' in terview er Jim R om e fc m erback Jim I N ew O rlc.ins Sairfts ^uarf {broadcast, I E v e r e tt d u r in g a liv e: I; I p r o m p tin g E v e r e tt toI pr h y s ic a lly Brieiiy^ = | тАФ s ii^ w , ' Rom e cxchanged pleas- ' . = ^ ^ тАвJ ____ u _ I'c p: p ast.lour'yesrsrw fls-- ~ ketball coach at VirgimaтАШ"thc . .M o n k , 36. on M arch U 11,, urging him ' lo rclurh. kc w ith G o lts University. hired Thursday as coach o f Boslon Bos T M n iA M A p p jr ^тАФ - The Indian a p o lis C olls тЦаBut He turned it down. _-jj┬лMipIa┬л┬╗-Bof>-BrewTtrwhi тАв T h e R e d s k in s te a m ; during his four years.. 46-latt-vffar anti w.-w -'^S-71d^ -pl^ h^ Ffc-anlHTY-caivof^f I H a rb a u g h and. re lc j iicWcd uftetrili'e'scasoir тАШ Brown's contract was not rencwi $34.2 miHTpn. m said 5^ Jack Tnideau, the leam Wolff, 39, also has beenI an assistant at SMU, , Thursday. ^ ventu re. I l e-was^headтАФ тАФ тАвW akc-Forcst-and^trBonavenl Icdies-otAiD'S---X a v s 'тАЬN o n тАЬplcln: C h a r l e s l ^ a n n , a f o iu r - t i m e P r o B o w lo r f oo rr t h e W a s h in g to n :licvcd TTie Colls were belii Collegc. coach from 1980 td'1982 at; ODnncclicut Co: - Cha'd Kinch, w ho played тАЬ lv e d t o f r e e u p S 1 .6 millllo llll n f o r t h e t o a m to former to have offered ihe foi R e d s k i n s , w a s w 's aiv /ith w inning programs тАЬHe has been involved with forth Carolina-Charlottc in > Chicago quarterback a two- H l B h ' 1C past and, although s p e n d - o ls o w h o r e . as an assistant coach in the p draft pick o f the Cleveland тАЬ y ear contract w orth S riu n iiy lo d ire c t a ih is w ill bc his first o p plo o rt CARTERET, N J . тАФUDS. Cl He w as 35. [J lapolis , m illion, T he Indianaf Division I program, I have every eve confidence thal Jer hospice care for HIV , ,he w ill bc a b lt-to -b rin g .th in Ihc Final Four for Nortl S ta r re p o rte d T hursi rsd a y . ^ .thec-sam e su c c e ss to . IDS, Henry Jam es, funeral 1 9 7 7 a n d 'w a sa N o . Id ra l The n ew spap er iture,тАЭ athletic director Boston University in the future Cavaliers, has died o f AID I Funeral H om e in Perth ----------H a rb a u g h тАЩ^ a g rn t, 1. Dennis and I are o f the .'H e dfed S unday alhotne. Gary Strickler said. I'B oth Deni h Kinch had been under S te in b e r g ,.h a d so uj gg h f a niversity is poised (o agreem ent that B oslon Univc jj the virus thal causcs AIDS one-year deal. ss ai and its bright future return to ils previous success Harbaugh 2 d ire c to r o f ihe Jam es Fi id of GiantsтАЩ deal [┬░ -round H arb'augh, a firsl-r( is an immediate one." V Am boy, said Thursday.laH< draft pick o f Chicago0 in 1987, became an unre. тАФ Stale officials w ill la st m o n th w h e n he w as s tric te d fre e a g e n t I: e re m o n y onal League officials vio- K H a rd in g w ill m iss ccei He posted a 35*30 record os Florida fights end woived by the Bears. H icn Ihey blocked the problack-lie dinner and PORTLAND, Ore. тАФ A^ bli ir q u e e p la y e r s ;ven-year stint w ith Chicago. a starter during his scve =тАв TA LLA H A SSEE, Fla. ^ hiteJiouse ceremony ncxl t San.Franciaco G iants to -W XI w eek is cxpecled to argue Friday that Nationa '~in ~ t h e тАФ тАв drq w 150 a lh le le s w n o0 _ coTTipeteO c ^ d s k lH S -s e e k -r; / co u rt upnelct b a se b a ll's ^Lilleham m er W inler Olymnpics. r a l H y a i k r g n a r i l " тЦатЦа lated aniitnisl law s when тАЬ тАЬ C o w b o y T in k ta pic T o nya H arding S i e ffo rt lo su b p o e n a ^w on't be one o f them .' IR V IN G , T e x a s -тАФ T h e D a lla s C o w b o y s p o se d -1992 sale o f theirlier aging veterans, (A P ) тАФ T h e fallen on1 their th W A S H IN G T O N (y he sale o f the G iants. The T am pa Bay in te y ts . nm iliee, w hich losl a тЦаyl Johnston to a three-year, The U .S.-O lym pic Com m i signed fullback Darryl the him and retired,I ind the P o sse is B o sticc look l H ogs arc-all g o n e and A n -O sceola C ouniy U.S. c: Supreme Court deci- тАЮcourt battle lo hold hearings }s on oi w hether Harding $4.2 million contract:t Thursday and announcedBowler Charles Mann, nber. T h ereтАЩs no Four-timlee Pro : down to ils last mcmbe II from law s pre- тАЮcould skate in the O lympics, ;s c la im to quash an earlii s, decided nol to invite Nate Newton had agreed to de that Pro Bowl guard N w ill sidelinedi nmost o f the last two seasonss cluc as 10 w ho the quarterback qua ir, records pertaining to the lom: ey general from sub- her to the event, USOC spoke: okesm an M ike Moran s a contract. ee .in ju ries, d id n тАЩt and w as ..............be, and ihc new coachch is from тАФ o f w ith -k nice Supreme Court lasi upheld -j, :d court ruled that a 1922 U.; iwboys, by dayтАЩs end, would social e vent w e are said Thursday. "T h is is a1 so T hat m eant the Cowl freeing up SI.6.millio.n, , _ all p la c e sтАФ 'D allas. ........................... -waived, fre to sion exem pting baseballinfi 1972................... . st sponsoring for ihe Olym pic; team tea and.w e ihoughl... ... have se v en -o f t heir eeight o ffe n sive P ro Bowl :,-the franchiseтАЩs m ost popularif ... Monk.-tl Sm all w onder lhatI the thi W ashington e lyn a question o f the attprтАФ ^we w ould bc well advised'nov n oiio'creaie'fl-dlstrac--.............. isoh under contraci.'ThcтАШ'Iasl vented the Florida atio players from last seasc nd the N FLтАЩs all-time leadingg Redskins may have an identity crisis player and ity to in v e stig a te ," sa id jj^ Id poening records. The Sup his :se rie s o f events," rk Stcpnoski. lion in W ashington fo r ihis holdout is cenler Mark n in g practice. re c e iv e r w v ith 8 88 c a tc h e s a n d 65S as they prepare for sprin vl the antitrust exemption hief in o fjh e antitrust s ection Jkloran-said,from the U S O OCтАЩs C h e ad quarters in pjinduccd-dcpar-тАФ to u c h d ooww j i j nin<-H thp ex o d u s тЦа;_WIlh"lhтАЩc~salary'cap:ii y -geiieralтАЩs office.-|!.Thcy ..-Colorfido-Springa. q si " тАЬRight now ,"lt's p u rely Colo, ^ e d s l d a s ----------r h a r l e~s'Mann' ~Wegnc'sda; day~ rirghtL J'_r~ ~ .~ ^ ^ Z^ I = Moiiicto:leavrf irth e sun and lmve lrc u v -~ ' ney g e n e ra l's au th o rity ^^sEmSiiibrnpUyrTinnotniccd-: er тАФ 'I he Rec i тАФ тАФ .ASHB P R K ^ C =^^VitTMonk,-prD-foolb8ifcsr ^ anti A rrM uiiK , liiL -R┬лdskinfr-4ind Re Jerom e W . Hofftnan, chid 6 . aa<cy c h a rg e in th e J a n . " s^ tla c k o n N a n c y ~ der, declined the latest conikup o f their 14-year relation-'тЦа career receiving leade: :re resem ble the the breakuj Norv T urner now here - тАв in th e Florida jUQmgyLg K e rrig a n d u rin g th e UI.S. .S . F ig u r e S k a lin g ill le av e th e W a s h in g to n cr Monk. 36, rejcctcd c lubтАЩss ship after ; tr a c t o ffe r a n d w ill _ Redsicins o f old. ityJiirts c o a ch ______ c тАвChampionships in Delroil___ , lid W ednesday:--------------- тАШ^тАЬ bred b y'thc exemption'.тАЭ " ' jr-Icaye-itioffcr .9 ^5600,0 G 0 _ тАЬ Rcd.skln5;ihe;teain:saic ........ - -M a rk R y p ie n ,- I hhe c : l 9 9 2 ..S u p e r .. takc-ittor-1 тАФ --------------------тАФ C om piI┬л p E e d '^ o w iie r ^ O T ttтАФ ,s Wolff,' an asaistanf-baa-----. h e-team m ade a 1f firm o f fe fb f.S 6 0 0 ;0 0 0 to Bowl M VP, is slill on the payroll al for w halIt vw ould have been fiis"тАЩ15thh ............T S3 m illion. But aftee r Ifin ish in g tw o season.тЦа'!- Boston .University. ihe lo w e st ra te d ................ ................y ears in a row a s the loтАФ :тАЭ B O S T O N ;e Dennis V N FC , his future .. qua rte rb a c k in .th e NF here also seem s bleak. тЦа as well ^ ' T urner is looking al Rypien F s_stUl_on the maras several free agentsjt: тЦа M a d e I nr┬╗ ' down "nie jo'FтАЩor kci to possibly hold do XтЬУ U .S .A . iust long enough serve as a b ackup just I new sigjial raller., ________ fgr.^im to groom a new tr an Ul ^ as he did Troy Aikman I Dallas, . hird p ick in the -тЦа тАЬB u t d e s p ite ihe ihir r * I & th e R e d s k in s тАЩ -------------d r a f t o n A p rH .^ 4 ,. ;h S----- E x -B e a r sig n s d e a l | - -тАв I ItтАЩs hlog he;?aven in D.тАвC. noImore rs leavin g, -new ^ideH tit^ W ith m an ----goneHRee A inncssceтАЩs H eath hopes o f gelling Tenm Ifer from Fresno S h u le r o r T rent D ilfer :r since Ihe Co lts ' ________ Statc_appear.dimmer_si 0 Atlanta and th e traded Jeff George lo A lingler know h e 's тАФ B engals let David Klinj vulnerable. B O C h in sjo ^a fle r_ IS to helpin g guide D allas I consecutive T u rn e r g e ts his S u p e r B ow l title s , Tu ew te a m F rid a y f ir s t lo o k at h is new voluntaryтАЭ three* w hen he opens a тАЬvoli day minicamp. saw th e m w as iT iF ld s T tim e he: s┬г ie ld in T e x a s fr o m a c r o s s th e ffie ifte r C h ristm a s, S ta d iu m ihc d a y ufte w h e n h is C o w b o y s3 ol o ffe n se scored hand W ashington. ________ four.louchd.owns tp han its w orst defeat sincc IS It tl the Hnal nail in T he 38-3 score put th e coffin o f'R ic h ic: P PietitbonтАЩs one* y ear career as a headd ccoach. Pelilbon mai w ord unlil 10 w o u ld n 't gel Ihe formal o nclu sio n o f the d a y s loter al th e conc son in 30 years. R edskinsтАЩ w orsl season /e 1had an Idea of B ut he had to have ?oys owncTтАЭJeTry тЦа h is-fate w hen Cow bcy J o n e s ran onto the, field fie d u rin g the 10 break up a chat pre-gam e w arm ups to b id IR e d sk in s C M b e tw e e n T u rn e r Tind ------------ Charley-Casserly. Jim m y Jo h n so n ............ A fte r Jo n e s a n d Jin pa rte d w ays, T u rn e:rr rm ay h av e had ul 1leaving Dallas. second thoughts aboul I f so, he w onтАЩt say. тАЬI have the best said la s t w eek jo b in fo o tb a ll," hee si w h e n a s k e d a b o u t th e tu rm o il -------------V alleyRanclK тАФ -----;nтАЩt h a v t the B ut~^ ric-ccrtainly d oesnтАЩt iging John G esek ' players, despite bringin W a sh in g to n тАЩs - ........w ith h im to b o ls te;rr A line and spending agm g and crippled line C a rd in a ls ' Ken $11 m illio n o n ,th e; Cl тАЩll be th e p a ss H a rv e y in h o p e s hlee тАЩl have lacked since rusher the R edskins bav M arshall a year trading aw ay W ilb err W ago. ----------------A l to g e t h e r , T uwici >ehind a t D allas. B ow lers this y e a r beh: Here, he has none. Gone, too, are the last los o f the H o ^ sivc line' lhal car-; the legendary offensive ------------ rie d тАФW a s b lo g lQ n _ >o la f o u r S u p e r тАЩ Bowls. Center B osticc m ra ade his retirelonth; tackle Jo e m ent official la st mon ost o f lost season Jacoby, si(;lelined m ost expected to db ' w ith back spasm s, iss e: the sam e soon. --------------- To m eet the N F I ,тАЩs, tii th e lio n c a p o n p la y e r t R edskins are having to cut their payтАФ r>-.ii h v SIO m illio n . T h e b ru n t has I r iR E s I L 'S T m U C 3 . 5 тАФ B b b m тЦа ┬╗ ! r o n z e ra d ia l e r i c a n u fI o r t S y i l l W e ni o w t r a c t i o n тАв ExC(s e a s o n b e l t e d ra тАв W h1h0 0 t h r i d i n g c o tn f i тЦа c e lle n t w e t a n d -s r p r ic e ] i l t e w a l l s _______ 3 1 .9 a 2 7 .S 9 I - P 155, 3 2 .9 9 ;e 3 4 .9 9 тАЬ - H i . P 175, S5/80R 13 3 5 .9 9 i?;тАЭ ! ' P I 8i5 5 /8 0 R 1 5 3 6 .9 9 2 2 -S 2 1 P I S '5 S ,/8 0 R 1 3 3 8 .9 9 4 i l i i P I S J5 S /8 0 R 1 3 4 0 .9 9 _ .P 2 0JS 5 /7 5 R 1 4 4 1 .9 9 B H IH H P 2 0)5 5 /7 5 R 1 4 4 5 .9 9 P 2 5)5 5 /7 S R 1 4 _________ ; 4 8 .9 9 P235 m s m m pl H H тЦа ^ I I H ^^^тЦа 1 5 5 S R 1 3 ^ ^ ^ тЦа l6 5 R 1 3 ^ ^ ^ тЦа ie S S R 1 5 17 6 /7 0 R 1 3 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 3 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 4 1 9 5 /7 0 R 1 4 ; -r тАв A ll s ' S m . cm 5 H тЦа V \ ^ p ----------------- )тАЬS /75R're i5 /7 5 R 1 5 )5 /7 5 R 1 5 _________ _ :e 7 5/70R 13 44^99^1 P 175/: 13 4 7 .0 9 p i s3s5/70R /: 35 /7 0 R 1 4 4 8 .9 9 p^B5^тЦа 4 9 .9 9 ^ ^ H P i e35 s / :/7 0 R 1 4 pg/ftn P iA . _S2J09 35/60R 1& ------- 6 6 .9 9 35 /6 0 R 1 4 . 6 9 .9 9 P 205/I 35 /6 5 R 1 6 тАФa i.9 9 - ^ 1 P 205/I 1S/6SR 1S 0 3 .9 9 _ _ _ p R ic r ^ B :e ________________ __________ m T lT iiT c T M fS fc M f )5 /7 5 R 1 5 /4 P l y P 2 3J5/7 5 5 R 1 5 /6 Ply > 2 e /7 5 R ie /8 P ly LT22 > 4 6 /7 S R ie/1 0 Ply L T 24 a S /S S R I 6/10 Ply P R IC E >I 'l |; n | тЦа I j^ B J iR 6 2 .9 9 ^ ^ ^ тЦа P ie 5 /7 0 R 1 3 6 9 .9 9 ^ ^ ^ тЦа p 1 8 5 /7 0 R 1 4 6 2 .9 9 ^ ^ тЦа тЦа тЦа P ig 5 /7 0 R 1 4 P 2 0 5 /7 0 R 1 4 _ 6 6 .9 9 P 2 0 S /7 0 R 1 5 ..........6 8 .9 9 7 1 .9 9 P 2 1 6 /7 0 R 1 6 ^ ^ ^ тЦа p 2 2 6 /7 0 R 1 5 _тАв_ : 7 4 . W F a T a I M i V j WJBBb f > j 9 9 !9 9 ^ ^ H 1 0 1 .9 9 ~ ~ SAMERICAH c a r tARElJENTER Cf l a u jLt K i l m b B r i y : B o a d . : ____ I W I n F aall l s * 7 3 4 - 4 2 8 0 ┬╗8u8tor┬╗.l тЦа' 7 3 .9 9 ________ B 8 . 9 9 ^ ^ l Ta тЦа ( - . / S flsB ri: i s, [тЦатЦаvin'H.nlis, Id^il'O E-> fim cs News, [v Announcerments TheTim es^vs . -------------- Tl 3,000 readers a day Reachmotethan53,0 Aprjl U. 120.5 TfKl.iy A| тЦа S s j ^ ju s to n e p iio n e c a li! w ithi ju Z Z Z R V ie _ J 3 M B - : i B j l i l l l l l i l f l i UUl тАЬ r. : : j - 7 --------- тАФ r e c a l l :l 7 3 3 : Q 9 S 1 - d X t Z2 f o t m o r e I n f o r Tm n a t i o n o r y o u r s eei r v i c e - r e p r e s e n t aa t i v e - тАФ B -------- 5anjpS)isH┬л----------------m5( ^ : C(9jnjoiH┬л J _____ w:_ll┬╗neito┬гila-......... ...... тЦа-60. tgjlusiii___ :_______ BO llTijrj AC/jfS тАв тАФ тАФ тЦа тЦатЦаC тАФ r : ┬гiH^aSi'TKr,U------ OOt UmidingUjtriUlt тЦа V 0jj.>ctiwmirtrtm-тАФтАв I** _ 7 T O 5 A lovY^TWI-* - H| тЦа тАв\ ---- W'M┬лiYui;(i/4:cn.......... 1100 n-ijrprjiimH---- ---------- - _ тЦа iOC-Jtiomo'lomrt N. Kl Peoonjis тЦа P no 507 K┬лiyw>nтАШ5unVi'┬лyH┬╗T┬л m taotnmo .. BBO - R A I L I N G S ................. H\ H ydraultc P lp o тАФ -тАв bM I* CinmvCJUIatDrrCf. N _w r!wSiliDic┬л тАЬO M O P SQ U A D . 0 /d W orld F looring^ .S T O P I OM Canptfef. 109 SounJOT GATES R ep airs тАв 5 0 tW ol A TM -llom o a 81 luiwooJ rD O N 'T L E T J U S T Spring has sprurjgl . A rtistry At Sliid AQHA G rullo' IM lтАЩtotr.5┬╗;тДвiw┬лivict? At 811 FEN CES W'0eecan ; fix wheellinos 110 PrMcviCiriSfr^n 5I 8 luMietSCs'prf. Hardwood Installation s|, Lot Ht A N Y O N E try to Lc us loavo your houso stnllion, Poco Buono. pQc 817 5} 8 ItfjlroiAtf Ccna.lvO'iind til lUralsFcrli-'x DRTABLE WELDING in tho field, 813 I^Dwotjljffl 6 3 Acrr┬╗:┬л AId!: 8 Finishing & Rofinishing ^ u ' Mount, Throo Bars 11? lioommjlMVVinlM smolling liko Irish springl. Fir Music . T ^ od W asko. J r ropair your audio. sn withw S 4 tiw┬лn* IтАЩlOpeity fl ith whoeJs on tho pipes, 113 U-dUCj^aS<rvicn Painting (inside & oul) k P┬г DBI5 fjlrfi'irjtani V l( 5 5 Commeitul Prcwity video. & car oquipmont. /AJi area of Magic Valloy brooding, produces 4,13-5545 3-' Swc┬л CHiwlaiy or 733-9460 eves or just cloan-up Bn0 'Wo havo tho factory 5G PPo oto B u tto n 734-5972 326-4185 o r 536-6731 3; Grullo Dunn & Buckskin ___ ' your b one piles B S MM-juili┬╗lnjrr.enis S aulhorizod oquipmont , fo 1 r F roo E sttm n to s тЦа colts, 4 3 8 - 5 5 2 2 . ____ CLYDES a 9 Citcc iQiMimcrl a, e x p e rtiso to d o the 671] Pc┬╗ a тАвJuCTlf. _________ _____< тЦаSp r in k l e r p i p e --------- ^тАФ тАФ ro im nn r D o tnoy?--------m - r7<!?2 r t loolvVjcMnert _ J E 3 H ^ OflTHkVESrCOLOftS NOf REPAIRS C a ll u s 1 s t . тЦа U?3 VirierrloMl/ServKei it o r i o r & E x t e r i o r lnt< 678^71.49____ B^4 VrffOfHuipTOraflV ^ P i Procl8lonVIdoo& Audio тЦа r u s h , r oll & s p r a y , m mn ^ a M i W i K E U i ^ M B ru Ml A<┬╗TW*-.lf3!┬л┬╗vWiAio┬лm ┬лta II mrt deuvered H __ , 7 3 6 -0 8 6 1 ________ __ F r o o o s t i m a t o s _ [ ^ K 2 ' l --------------------------------------------Sand-&-flravelтАЬ-topsoif-----S{ 820 C┬лuect┬лleiiViliutlK тЦа тАФ тАФ ^ R o fo r Q n c o s B h S HARDWARE cloan-up Insido: '' тАв?05 Uer^ji^iou-ja'id ------------Dar[<ina'^?^s!^otc _ ^Spring P| waiisrviindowsrcDninqsr тАФ _____ Ul I Ulll.U-.111WJl┬л ' ____ Z adjn d e r s q n ' s ' ____________ - тАвтАвтАФ - тАФw - o w w r a t ----------тАШ _________ 'te'DoWCWIMiKsrs ----- тАвтАв cupboatos. otc. iMTi ITErtlOR & EXTERIOR SP/7/i NORTHWEST ^ PRINKLER R EPAIR COD ftfTiAf&txjtns __ U parode]your o ld , JOT R┬лUuT3nl\0W'┬╗" .Sphnaclcan-up_ou^dqi 3uso,-tuirns,loutt>Jdgs тАФrSetvice ervicestaft-uiHiriBinlcferw!:-------------___^ ^ 210 ,__________ BM l)rWn┬╗(e&J┬╗E┬л тЦатАв ~ r z :---r COMPANY.-INC.--------->P' ---------- r33^T23g тАФ-----------^ ;'3 8 6 or 486 power C u s to m E x c a v a tin g I hauled, lillinQ. 324-2829 ? 3 mS OpCOftisvKM *^1 nin jiila r nuitilnliln тАЬ ^tnriirup n t _ _________ G raval Snioa------------122!: R o o ^ E silm ato sr Iko Anderson 733^119 -----------------S 1 9 9 .0 0 тАФ ..I-----------;>*, _________ ; S fircinTOtA>S/lrto IJl IIUyaVTlLI fU1U I ' 7 1 Unum* PnsJ┬л┬лn T h o m p so n B acknoo i ^ 010 rJHwiWiUii IMS Tho Computor Place., . b -- _____ 2i8..┬гmelDi1Mf.lAKad_ - s o rv lc ff IW .........-0 1 tirmilef IW"I тЦа . ... тЦа -to u se ^ a in tin ^ mi C12 PntutnlO'Rtrt ^ 1 5 ADDISON AVE U Auto A ui Insuranco quotes. ' 908 MolMltomfillVi CI3 WtnMloFUfll Y o u r P ric o 734-1667 тЦа OOQ StowVcfudevtQwommt independent agcncy. g o30O-S4D0 n por house STA STAN SNOW CPA Many sources lo choose 220 yoar warranty 911 I SStan ta r & S c o tt Snow SAWTOOTH SHEET ---------------------------------S. 912 U┬╗^trTr>J┬лr} | C arbor I n s u r a n c o . E u ro p ean Pointing тАв T a x return METAL ID I-M V A goncy Healing/Air Conditioning 733-2774 Ipreparation C o m p u to r S y s te m s STA H CBA FT C 7 3 4 'B 0 4 - t ^ R efrigeration 331 SuUneuOpOO'lu'i'im тАв Auditing 486 COM PUTER 302 Mwiffrtolojn G lass & alurpinum C o m m erc ial & Financial Planning 303 UoncvWjrtoJ Hard Disk Orivo&CDROM boats. Fishing,'skiing & тАЭ R e sid e n tia l тЦа 3W Invtjlmmts тАв Bookkeeping & B 1 4 - C o lo r S V G A Jf. 701 Auceonj all stylos in stocic. i m ~ ____(208)733:r8.M l. _____ W f _ TATEWIDE PAVING____ ___ --------Rayroll-----------------------300 , BuSJn┬л┬╗to Quanc-J f v lo u s o , D O S , 1C 01 TBOrorM Merccruiser storn dfivo. X ! Irufieullew┬╗ Driveways тАв Farm -arm Accounlino Service ic┬лr AinoiтАЩjrtiiiwiri pForco & Morcury outtjoards. r ^ s W in d o w s тЦа a 1C03 AutMlfl'Bi'HlUM Parking Lots 736-1711 S 1 1 9 9 m low AutmWintM Tony'9 L andscaping __ Full salos &Sorvico. T o ___Soal.Coallng .. 21 219 5 th A v o .E . 2 0 8 7 3 4 5 6 6 3 тАФ m Aulhorizod ropair sorvico for U m H m m M U m h & lH om olm provernonl cR IS A > тАвREE ESTIMATESl! R Mon-Frt 8-5. 1039 Bluo bikes Blvd. N.TF " MERCURY&FORCE All types lawn caro & ^CALL 736-1157 ffS ir " otho is K a ! тАЬ . ithor tim o s by o p p t PRODUCTS. fiomo repair services S more! -----H om o re p a irs fior rm VimVmn тЦа M w im lOlO-MmlPcrUiHl uHARBAUGH MOTORS. ┬л l Scf┬лx┬л/lminjca(m do wtiat you cani do!' o f ati k inds. *W *Wo 1? !lSiтАЩc┬лu.{<┬лrt IBM AutoSovcB " ICS Vac Inurti INTERMOUNTAIN ' i; imiuuan 15 INC. 536-6323 AutoDeUcfs D ALE J5!yrs expof. Free estimates. 13 Pour.ry&ftJt*.tJ m mYSIDDOWAYSCPA no) U s o d .b o ats In s t o c k - : ., ' COMPUTER SERVICE 7 3 4 -3 3 2 2 - 14 BwStiMB in ir m F J r fs m s m m w - .......... ^GonTpotcrtzH-pfopftfftboft" тАФтАФ '0 R ^ b l r . R ocolor & IX. relurn preparation тЦа 734^2939------^ -------- "W o" тАв*<Computer i peripheral repair R oflnish rather than gnnk ookkoeping 'P ayroll тАв Bisir^ ingml syst^ &rK f'^ ----KNUDSEN тАвmove &replace Porcelain. p _a rm S e r v ic e s F тАв Sra busjfi(┬л acarg S bcclieepng -s RAY & SON Landscaplng.& Lai Yard Care ccrar iramic tile, f tjorglass, cutturcd to3U4 - 7 7 8 8 f o r o p p t i Coll 733-4590 CONSTRUCTION Trc Tree i shnjb trimmino, stiimp rnartsi rtsie.maxx arils icounicftops to rrjlj^ patterns &colofs 25 grinding. om Ta>ii>g apps lor spring tc P J I f X J . U M J I J Fl 25 Y RS EXPERIENCE Up Uf to 65% savings! J . C . B U IL D E R S E Responsible, reliable, . icnilaer Icriil &chomcal applications 1, 8 : 0 0 t o 5 : 3 0 тАв S a t u r d JI work lo guarantoodl &gc general yard care. 733-5946 All ali Ccmpimt^onstniclionServiB тЦа all phases of construction. F┬л┬л roo ┬л┬╗Um┬╗t#┬╗ on upgrading 733-5369.Freo eslimatos! ____ Homo building, room " 7; -----------------;-------------------jorbom9orrtnta! proprtiri----- -addilionsrfem odeiing тАФ SHELTON'S TREE тАФ Tho R oflnlahor SHE N ood y o u r lown 30 yrs oxpor. Froo ostimatos, _ D R A G T D A IR Y SERVICE Construcllon & Welding 543-4934 ir d S tr M f W K tr P .O r B C o ll 3 2 4 - 2 4 2 8 C C e ra m ic W o Installer m o w o d th is s u m m e r? tree topping, tree New or Remodoleci iW a llpaper h a n g e r Wo would lovo to caro for removal, chain saw Rnrn┬лi or Coffals rom _>t)Ui A Intorior p a in tin g T w in F a l l s , ID 8 3 3 0 3 Kwc yard, fleasonab'o rales.^T тЦа |тЦа| V 7 7 * 7 j 7 7 ^ ^ ^ B тАФ work yofkr-chi'ub tfioirn ini*;'' . ' ~rnmmor>*ftTXV<ig73n77f).iP ------^ тАФ r, rrStiTOval, h a u l i n ^ r тАФ OTTSr 3J4-5630Bffer5offMMm43. F r e e E s lim a to s 32i ny kind. Yard work or Ropair & hlanufacturo k ^ = = m = famj/yopcrat/on PPROFESSIONAL тАв any JтЦаo h n R ag a n 543-4966 WHATEVER Gatos & Trailers ROORNG& V FREE ESTIMATES COATINGS FRE - 3 8 5 0 N. 2 1 5 0 E. ----__RlcKтАШ5 P ro fe s s io n a l____ H O N E Y D O . IN C . ____ F (2 0 8 )7 3 4 -5 5 3 8 '33-7438 - 324-6641---------- r 33-7221 o r 326^5857 ...... 733: l a O Q K K E E P I N G I тАФ Filer,-ID 8 3 3 2 8 -------- u/S .Word's Home Co'nstnictlon _ Landscaping Lar & Lawn.Core,' M 6 - M 5 4 -------------no Spring clean.up, mowing, , ^ тАЬom P m srdatrtncJuslnal.----------S E R V IC E _ Room additions, remodeling. Spi sidentiai. Buildup fools;........ ....... olectrical. plumbing. No job ' iiInmming. shrub work, тАв C o m puterized _ 0'' 100 largo or loo small. 20 yrs roi rololiiiing, otc. Rots avail, ^ oaks repaired In 24 hrs. . d & L TR EE SERVICE Roasonablo Rotes тЦа orihapod.... Trir 734-3ia0 *тАв734-7698 V E V Z T T I 2 T ! * тАФ .Trimmed oxpor, Fioo cstimalos. 7 M a rg a ro t T u b b s _тЦа fomovaia .stump _ : (2 0 8 ) 7 3 4 - 6 y i Coll W ord 734-6294 ------Inding. Freo esttmatos. ' T h b m p so n 's M owing j H ........... ........................ .. " Th isu ro d . 536-5185 o r Start your rodwoodllwk тАЩ -------------------------------S -тАЩYouCn┬╗r'Em,IUow'Em'. _ , --тАвyo [0x 1 day's p u b licatio n ' "AffofdabijQusinessSyjtBms LAYTON R V s by 1 -; 1-800-536-5185 тАв 3:00 P.M. Monday pro]octnow! 1_2 Lawn sprinkling systems, -Affordabio. roliablo. day Ihrougli T hursday for nox SKYUNE ~ ' R ,vinyl h o u se siding. I-..................................profession^ lawn ca/oservico. .Wo havQ a good prol Sookkeeping-S lax ' e a s o n a b le r a te s . . -,-.5 ifl0 .p ,H ,F rid a y f E x p e rie n c e d . p, iy for S u n d a y ^ publication Coll proparmion* SBA loan F ree e stim ates. R efs. Ci Grog for all y o u r' , (jlection of NEW 5 th ation. тАФ ............... __a pow ;_____ Powor raking, shrub тАв.10:00 A.M. S aluri sslstanco тАв Involco _ Gail 324-2862-Hurry!........ lurday for M onday's publlcali W H E E E S rF R A V E t^ ^ h i m ' colloctions Froo Inltlnr Hantfyman"Sffrv/co" " Ke D is p la y A d s: TтАЬ a rjoi gonora! clean-up. 326-5836 or ovos 326r504S h MOBILE MOWING pтАвXPANDOS y TRAILERS consultation 736-8665 g In slock. " Free fj estim ates a T im es-N ew s' тЦа тАШ w E in s z n ^ M ^ Yard cloan-up. ^ тАвIso largo selection of . ' тАв 3 tinsiness days pi -' C o o llтАЩs T r o o s prior to public'alion.. Call a ' yard work & iTiowing. ? in lo rm a lio n .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ тЦаtriw rlkinn Sales I "- I ^ T' ----A-1 ORYWALI-----------' ;Muriuugti, Hmi!.an,-------^ тЦа HONEY P OriN ertt----------;f es Reoreseniallve lo r more In' 3ED RVs & RV Repairs. Drywall installation, laping & Kimberly & Twin Falls. N o lo b to o sm alll Kii GENERAL H MOTOR Jaxturing-IB ytlexperience.------'r 3 -Caii-DEWEY-TUBBS------7 -734-3535 o r 432-5273- тАФ lARBAUGH ~ ~ IN C 5 3 6 ^ 3 2 3 ^CONTRACTORS Jobs largo or small. 734-6271 ____ Jobs to bid Grog Losslng. owmor . _ Btuoprint copies' C o l o r a d o B lu o . 733-3579________ ------------------------------тАФ - E V EVERG REEN L A W N S I 734-PLAN ----lar o pen ra te s S p ru c o & тЦа S e n io r Di Malntonanco, romodols. , ; Mowing & trimming D is c o u n t- 2 5 % off re g u la r A lu s t r i a n P i n o ------------------------------------^N o l s o n '8 D r y w a l l ^ aaditionsfromthogrouixliip.il Sp Spring cloan-ups, powor , lar o p en rates тАв S tu d e n t [ IDAHO TRACTOR (or Ih spring planting Dr Iho Taping & toxluring, Quality i,'s H 's broken wall fa rt, il you want rak raking, pruning, planting. It D is c o u n t'25% off reg u lar ACCOUNT-ABIUTY SUVACE so a s ;oason. Quality stock ' work ol a conipetltlvo day, $ 8 .5 0 тЦа ilwo'll build iL Wo can handle \ тАв M entor Wood & post control q ,- , &: transplant trai Bookkooping Sorvico , service at rato. Anything from homo ^ job lg or sm. 17yroxp n o ria i N o tic e s 12 lin es, 1 d; any 'Fre estimates 736-6002 'Froo тАЬiiying yY salvage Iraclors, a y s, $ 5 .0 0 cCYMA. GU.AP.AR, payroll тАЮropair to now conslruction. lo a d ers, b a ck h o esrJoo o o ;s o n a b lo r a t o s . тЦа W an te Davo 825-5853 n te d lo Buy: 5 lin es, day: & fork lifts. T r . &ir^venlory, WP 6.0. T e e s 7 '- 1 2 'a t тАв MIko N elson 734-8569 ___; aw ay 3 lines, 3 days тАв F re e Ads тЦа L ost 8 :o ll B ro d 7 3 3 -0889 440C Qualro Pro, Quickon & 1400 N. 1754 E. Buhl T in k e r s it & Found, ite m s to give aw quarterly payroll toports. m N тАв S p rin k le rs * тЦа T T rn iT rT ^ H n O < R T H V IE W PAUL'S HOME REPAIR Jen r a le cDopondablo & oxc refs. тЦа тАвSei T R E E FA RM тАв L an d scap es тАв H тЦаI u h U A U U 'F a u c e t s , to ile ts. S e e o rd er fo rm lo r o m o p e r 543-8491 after 6 or lmBms9 тЦа 5 4 3 -6 7 1 4 тАв P la n ts,& t r e e s * H : . w a to r h e a to r s . -----------------5 тАв G ra d in g тАв K l Ropair & installation. Loacla,roadgi*i(Jer,cany-a3, тАв W a lls & m o re ! тАв тАЬ тЦа Eloctrical.carponlry repair. ...... ................... ............... I _ MOST_BRANDS тАв F a st C ash A ds тАв __ badAK-Bute imairlains _______ I . F r e o . e s t i m a t e s . тАФ - F R E E E S T IM A T E ---------nploSlOOO' -тЦа--- ------------------ ^ S2.75/lii *' Satoilito syslom s * socTimont ponds. Driveway work, 4 2 3 -4 8 4 0 тЦа 3 2 4 -6 5 1 7 'S/line.lOdays.-loritemspiicednp тАв Big S creen TV's тАв q ALAN'S General Carpo.ntiy oravd. ditch removaJ, viii 1/avct. 4 2 0 -4 3 4 0 B onded ____ Is* ' тЦаCamcorders тАв тАЮ тАв RomodalSтАШ Now ^ 670-1614-676^744 тАв G u a r a n t e e d A dsalB s < . Cannot be тАвCarStoroo.& conslruction тАв Specialty {ClRCi^T CONSTRUCTION ----- = EE L IE C T R O L U X G 7 days leg C a r d e n T illin g . тАвloctronic oquipmont тАв .vacuL 5leguiar price/7days (ree on items for sale, acuums & shampooors. - тАв lor sale ads, fldocks, palios. patto covers, ___ L used r WORK OF A R T I a w n m o w in g , тАв Copy a Fax machines тАв ┬л camons.shods. Small lobs ^ e a n '3 E x c a v a t i n g ;ed wilh olher discounts or real eslale lor s central vacuums. P Handyman services P'o w e r R aking, otc. D Sale: a fopairs. 734-3244 ^ Jales, son/ico &'repairs; - Weete must run consecutively. B & R T IL L IN G ^25yrsoxporienco. - Home ropair: Electrical, H , & P a v i n g ------A N D -L A W N -C A R E --------= тАЬ ^umbTng.Tiglit'carporitry:-------^A i ^ ~ w n 7 T T m n H ' v Wo \ do asphalt driveways, Same ~ ^ 2 3 9 D u B o l3 7 3 4 -5 6 0 4 S painting yard & building ) it will be in c lu d e d irt | тЦа Atid S2 for Mcfi3c 'pPa rk in g lots, a s p h a lt f C a llJ P E S ' clean-up. 733-0 9 6 6 ^ la rf, tti i l r m Siirirliy s o it pI a tc h in g , g ra d in g & *тЦа 7 3 3 -2 3 1 8 I^ B lo a v o m o s s a g o тАв H w m A H H . to p s oil- 7 3 4 ^ 2 2 8 I tJlagic V ilu e s _____ ^ lBiwwa|-ii H i m H yES┬л┬г>j 8 "i r = ' i Business Hours: irday, 8:00to10:00 Monday-Friday, i Address: B0)T548;^"тАЬ ; 132 3rd :r i }8 , - LineAds: 30 . i-GelMetAonsjjed e c iils b y calling a Service flepress/ifaf ifadVe. H e w s C u sto m e r J m e s - fle ire. in e s s e тАв Pleise check your 3 ir a il th e fir s t d s y i l a p p ea rs p a r tm e n t , error, report it lo tlu th e C u s t o m S e rv ic e D ep s -- r - -lojeceiiiejrt-siljiisti P.C.M. -1 P R O fosslonol тЦа (Cleaning & Maintenance тАШ " I-Homos, Olficos. Ronlats, Now Constnjcllon. M aintenance repairs. No Job Too Tough! cCall 736-┬л0t2. Rofs avail. Freo E stimatos тЦа of V alley F on c in g for froe estim a te s At Stud APHA Chestnut yJ Toblano ttsIDon by Jet Rapid Browod by tma Brownon, out of Dawns EartyUghlmaro, 3produces color oul ol AQHA P' mares.4 5 5 - 5 5 2 ^ __ S N A K E RIVER .. M E T A L C O . . Melal roofing isidit^.? or 3' .26 gauge &.29 gauge. Star>dard S ctetom trimmade Sta to your spcdficalions. Check to; oour prices beloro you buy. 2 0 8 -7 3 5 -4 6 5 3 o r 2< ___ 1 тЦа80 0 - 5 6 0 - 6 8 1 2 islirien l.------------------------^тАФ so f, re c la ssify o r тАв JkJintes-Newsrei re se rv e s t h f r ig h t'to c e n s o i etiiig reject ar)ycl3ssilieil ie d a d v e rtise m e M n o t M e t i thestinrlsrrlsoftlie ' m m m m B [ . тЦа JO H N 'S Wl WORD'S WORTH SHARPENING pro(e┬╗ тЦаofBSJlonal Word Processing ' SERVICE Rcportcports-Contracts* Mailing Lists arbido & sloel saws. In Resu lesumos*Lottors*Flyors business since 1976. 733-1606 bu 141 B ra ck e n S t. S. isaw saAadiSonAvtEnHlilUQBf) _ тАв -^ 7 3 4 ^ 4 0 5 0 --------- --- -------- ' th e p ublisher. ^ T h e aes-News l W O M E R i S a e a k e r s 5 . S (c h o o l M ^ ICE -U m -it-upth s s s s s s S i _______ тАв i-5375 Bl BUHL 543-4648 тАв RL┬гR 326-5: 'ENDEli 536-2535 ; JEROME/HAC тЦаiAGERAAAN тАв GOODING/WE^ i52---------------- ^------ . тЦа . . -------BURI┬гr /RUPeRTa 7 8 ' 2552 _ _ \ _____________ . . , -J lighway Traffic Safety Sponsored by the National High' HighwayvSalety O ffic e ---------dministralion and your State Hig - f e a L B K 1 ^ тАв тЦа I' J----------- . тЦатЦа - ' ill:;, lo.ilTo TiniVs-Nc'w:,. Twin F.ill:;, l e g a i s ^ A r, n i Ffitl.-iy. April eiu-> ( i rB O u n cem < ................ . e n t s - E m 101-208: loyment ......... 1 ( p l < MEDICAL/ 2063 M .E G A L N O T I C E 104) PROFESSIONAL .EGAL NOTICE LE( .EGAL N OTICe. LE LE SERVICES , 0OEWTAL ' . mpolilivo salary o llo r ^ . Compoi iow od in tho q a m ^ ^ o t _ - ^ BANKRUPTCY: MEETING NOTICE No. 5u7 o~Tfho B oriddciary viow' Jo. 411 'ol]? 'MulMimo-dopondablo pf a tfortiabteaHemative-------- loMul 'win Pnll.r. Id,ih0_ ,. тЦаolof Thn Fnlk. Rurnl FiffI. Twi NA. Apply Jn porson 820- тАв r ' ^ 9 - 0 0 ' A , t f тАЬ o 4 : 0 0 . -(0^2 irgtoppinflcrodilors&bjll ' CNA.^ >UBL1SH: Frld#y; April 1 .pro, jroporty to bo sol^ lo sot- frorr District will hold Iho soc- PU Braow*-AvorSuhlr*43-тАФ rтАФ r ^ -N Q B IU ___ ULAтАФ ------------тАШoirju M*. тАШpivW odnosday. .Apf il тАв тАвтЦа'cestloooni'riwj nt tuiiEUflBiwn sprog ind8:1094,-тАФ sfy uiia'aisnarnijjTr-^--------- P^itt ' 11 i s 'J p a tiiln t-tid n ^ тАФ ' ............................... ... u m toity' muuiiiiu loiтАФ nnt iOl tiaskfofP^nvRow. . тАв, l'594, unlil Iho timo of \Fran R. Komblum 6401 тЩж^ J 8 4 '2 1 - 1 1994 9 DATED this 2nd d.iy of 6), 1' on Tuocdoy, Apr┬╗l ncNOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S DAтАШ Ti) look J t y o u r own Iroul тЦаoubic .m d ntal Assistant. 3 days a . 1 ;nlo on April 9 .1 9 9 4 . , a тАЮlornov o, nt Law 733-5900 Dental, February, 1994. cnIo 12. 19W a\ 7:00 P.M. ot VJ 73 12, SALE тАв Fob ook. Cerllfled In ox; ____ _ k now ' FIRST AMERICAN' TITLETho tho Twin Falls Firo Station aj ordoblo U 10:00 oтАЩclock A,M. on FIR A Q 6 4. tho nnтАЩ^ y n aH ^ iniiofi ^'>pnrl _________ тАв' тАв 14тЩж -7 _ тЦа Th.il vou v n ttt^rlf -nmi n o o n o SOMP'ANV-----------------------1┬╗-┬л luiiu 7, <904. in Iho GXfioO vC O 0--------------:------------- r-TiHW t"bi*d5 aro to bo (or c ash . S E I I ourteam.' Sood into lo ;.. ~ t: w/Darlono Diahl-Nllssan A H b 'E a s t.T w in Fnlii 3 'in;,tho;_oj. il.First.A m ofican.T 't.i .0 тАФ ^------- h a s m 2 d c . i L тАЩL . . ttwtJor<:Doyounftdyou - -тАЩ S 0n nBox r 105. Twin Foils, ID mvfurmcinoy-ot tho Unitod: -A lto , тАв - Classfoom. U m ist OKicor, тАв lowfi тЦа ' Coi Company. 2 G0 Third Avo-- Tm -S o p h o c ic s .......WijiT- тЦа T- "- - тАвтАв^тЦа 'E A S T donl havo timo lodoan тАЬ.J 3303.__________ _____ ' . Statos o l America, at s a id . PUBLISH: Friday, Apn! 1. stat PUBLlSH:'April 0. 10,ond nu( luo North. Twin Falls Ida- PUI yourhoucoorbusinoss? тЩж 75 PL тЩж C3 clinkMl RN-LPN noodod. . ' 1 Quctionsole. . - Let u t holp youf Call 3 IS nnd 22.1994, quci 10. First Amorican Titlo O^J 11. 1094.______ ^_______ f)o, R clinl. тЦ╝A 9 5 2 11 V K Q 10 8 Datod this le t dny of Apnl. , ontoct MR Bodily. Twin : . Company, ai'T rustoo. will . .Laurie. 734-276a.or Conto UNITED STATES . Dati NOTICE OF DEADUNE Coi _______ :> .K 9 _____________ N ;otI,al.pubIio nuclioQ. . ┬л ? ___ __ .'-.DEeARTMENT---------- 1994_________ 19& ______ _______ -'7-734-415*. ovoninna.------тАФ allfcXIinic & Hoapilol__^____ L meed ~ ~E0R 1U NG NOMINAT-__5on -------------4nI-J0 9 6-2----------^ :E 13-3700 0X1206,_______ , 1 Shnron Bryoo. Deputy City тАФтАФ r^o h ip h o st tiiddoT. tor тЦа_тЦатЦатЦа OF JUSTICE___ ____ Shn ___ ING PETITIONS Ihc тАФ тАФ .......... -............Bi Clurk ash, in.jawlul monoy ol . Immigration ond Naiura!-.- - ..Ulur Publjc notico Ir. horoby., cos 3 A N K B U P ,T C -Y --s ;S m тЦатАв P i ide,тАЩ. . . : . . . .................V. тЦа.......-S O U T H -тЦа _ l . .. .ihc.di^unond king offside, Publish: April 7, 1 9 9 4 __________; ho Uniiod Sintos. all poy-AU^Jhaplore 4 AG----- -p o rt-l iznlion Sorvico Pub art-limb 4 тАЭon.cail os i givon, according to Inw. tho 0тАЭ April 8 n 9 3 4 ~ __________ Igh," replied тАв.тАШ |тЩж a K Q IO O 15 horotjy givon ' Apn rolatod c ates 1 noedc ibk) at tho limo ol ealo, - Notico N( тЦаNot neiirly cnouRh, -nnd tho rociulciio nciion ol nbl oeded. Minimum experit____ 4 ----------- ...................... tho Board ol Tfusioos ol ihi _NO.T1CE-OESCHOOI-------------тАФ Froo-T otep^┬й тАФ ^ - once" rice 1 yoor. Compotitivo ,1 Iho following d o 6 crJb j^_ ppijfsuant uf uld havc been------------- --10 B.C.p.B.-So.c.:-------N ----------N o rth r-'T h rg a m c would TRUSTEE ELECTIONS Don 274,9, lhat tho followtF ay. Apply in person at i rbnl property, cituatod m tion -Joint Sehool-Otstrtcr ┬л316. тАФrbi _M -ihc. diam ond--------------- ------- - 7 - 3 __________________-Jo _______rours-if-you-haci-Ukca-ihj ^-776ol00-548-2166 FILER SCHOOL DIS538 Ing vohidos w oro se ize d p laho Homo Hoalth 4 HosтЩжтЦаA K Q Uf Unccin County. Stnlo ol Twin Tw Falls County, Idaho. W mH. Mulberry finesse the o lh cr w.iy,тАЩ ol their u so in tho TRICT NO, 413: ico, 4180noidn. Ruport. | boc Idaho. Ihflt tho dondllno ond on doscribod os follows, bocaiiso 2 2 yra E xp e rien ^ ___ ^ :ir. Vulnerable::BB'o th NOTICE OF DEADLINE commission o( Violation nc South ruffed the thirdd h eart, drew (or filing nominoling poti- to-wit: tocon nl R u s e, 1324faLlSeC:---_pOH-┬лWNe-DEтВмfa^RA--------K Tf lions lor School 2ono t-Jo. Lot Lo 10 o( Woavor Subdivi- q(.| Jth lio lis lop clubs. Dealer: South AfuB-timo.7on-7o((. trum ps, nnd cashod his tion 274(a) of tholmmigrot K TIONS OF CANDIDACY ____ тАФ srortri-ilof. Idaho, oc- tior -4 -B 0 ┬л fd -T f0 9 le 0 тАФo n d -----11:30-10pmp06hioo.0ur _ from .dum m y.тАФ Tbc-bidding;n HLam ondim retal Viow window washer. - tolsCAPandAABBaction and Nationality Act).__-j-|. T H E p g B L ia S H A L L Cryst School Zono No. 5 Board _ -...cording_t0 -th 0 ,o(ficinl tior Sc ----'es-I do windowsтАЩ. Carol ,vc,l A low diamond was ledd (0 l< dum niy's cdnvoybnces aro tTAKE a: N O T I C r t h a l nn Voc est North E ast Tn plat thorool rocordod en Thoso Thi Trustoo is Apri! 15. 1994, rodilod, ExcollontbonolitB ' 6 ubioct-(o.forfoiturD.excopt_l.oio{ 24-4397 for froo oslimato,' ---Bock-3-of-Plotdr-Pni}0-6ub nloctiorx-will-ba_hold _ o n 324 , ^ ______ nuecn and E a s t's king, and ai th c dia-------------------------iss____2 > -------- EiSS------------at-3;30P,M at0^d compotitivo salary. a s p ro v id ed in 8 CFR May 17th, 1994, Tho purNominating potillono tor 13. ro c o rd s of Twin ns um m y's acc. ^ Pass тЦаMatfic'vffiavrflogionai------- -тАФ I iss Pass Pass mond retu rn w ent to ddur Duso cleaning. 0yrsexpor. 274.5<b). Tho Imminration poso ol sold oloction shall Hou: taid 2ono5 con bo plckod тЦатАШ Falls County, Idaho 27-: Modical Conior ' ,i avoid anoth er There w as no w ay lo nvc ond (Jnturnlizntion Servlco ^bo to oloct a trusleo for concoming tho one up nt tho RIchtlold School Information |ni PO Box 409 ' , Ing lead: H eart king p*? Ith could manOpening (INS) is considorlng lorfoi- ^or t Zono 2. to servo for a po- ____ diam ond loser and South District oHico botwoon tho location of tho pfopOrty (IN turo of the eeizod convoyhours ol 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 ' may bo obtainod (rom tun mtJC5Jonaraoani(i!n^<^ тАФu┬лivr flo d - o l- ih H ┬╗ ┬╗ -y w H f ┬о тАШтАЩтАШ-PrDtc age only nine tricks. тАФ. ' ll┬░, ancu5.-flnQ_inuic_Balif^oLZJ)vo tfvo-da t o o t tb aoloc tionтАФ^ - P:┬╗┬╗h-Mo>iUay ihrtp:FririaY;i== = m o r n U тАЩtG fb ,-V h o 4 o - ^ ┬л тАв┬г0E тЦа I fllT H THE ACES * Iri (ron* April 6 IhfU April 15, oforoncos. Call Doo or -----i t Persons seeking election rof' tolophono num ber is othor oth disposal according ncssc aRainst a missi (2 0 8 )7 0 5 -5 5 1 1 , Ac- 10 10 Inw. Any prospectivo.., to ,tho position of trustoo 1994. ^obbio 736-6088, NA or i qc I - nc^-r-,1 -in South. тЦаPa┬╗d.lhlt.^ih.day nl.&pnl, тАФ тАФ ^ frii'n g .lo .ih o Triir.t- potiiionors for rolio( rom shall tw ijii^QcUii.ihn proious boutii iiu id ^r --------------ift4<,reHhai>-Uw-otviouJ rr m m r p m T T n m r ttr s тАФ A ^ poreon iogoiiy qunii- - = тАвTc/cnanui'U'iPynu, Limx ┬йrsuKJ lono ' p|36 " io o r n w c a r e ^ ^ ^ ir Wct. - t t t c s tтАФ ;;-------------^ N orthтАЩs sw liJin j' iu)swi'j " T tT ^Board of Trustooa __________ n n n o n rs a s : 8 2 t CF iiQd ill g.4lh S;., Shoshonp. тАв fini to^hofd tho offim o f . . nILPEHSQNALt^ARE 511 E ; ,~yon 1 7 T T F 2 ----------------- --------3o has thu J ia tmffTd-^i┬╗g,y ,al^*raya .------------:-----Joint Schidl "DIStrfClтАЬ MO: s c h o o l tr u s to o lor Flhji тАФT Yakima Avonuo. Filer, <;/ SERVICES 722S 274.17, S u ch ^titio n s f o r_ -|┬░ [ ever, you can 316 Idaho. 27^ _______score thc gam e. Howcvc тЩж K 9 .тАв J I [>o(fod,immndinic]y^ M 4 :s ^ -_ - ^ ---тАФ .................... -nJtlotjTO7ri9np,'tyiB;3I)l┬╗5t тАФ TO-Rtrhfir>lrt-tdaho----------------тАЬ ts -trs-^-tstrt-wm-Bg-nrgflpr.TDll' '!^.!M ila ^ i ^ D ! ! l m ┬░ i ^ a ----- --NAтАЩs. rr тАФ* 1 ...................тАФ will assist with In NAтАЩs nnd companions for _j -TOBOSH:-Frldpy Apnl ti\ - without covononi or wor- t┬╗to likjdat tho INS ollico o l--_candidacy for that officoтАЬ E xtprCNA ^ now caro ngoncy. f.-,. mmo earo. 733 .8 OIO. nowIn-homo I o r doublcton king wii^iiTE┬гast.-^ тАЬ - -тЦа - -............ .O . Box 112. H avro. ond S u n d a y April 10. тАЮranty regarding Utio, pos- PH.┬л or D o cla ra tlo n s of C ondiтАв x>m in liconsod homo, ono , ContaclJowelotl243 Co should North Soutl >Utfi ' . 19 тЦа To m ake thc game'., Souih Sc __________ so 1994 тЦа session, or oncumbrancos M Moontana. 59501., a n d ^daq< mooting all legal ro- -R oot Lynwood Mall or call >n ono care, CNAstallod, J-IJ should bo (iled within thirty V тАЬ quiromonts shall bo lilod om jnd acc a fte r i тЩж 1V NOTICE OF SCHOOL to sau'sty tho obligab'ons she r33-6849 Mon-Fri 9-5pm._ k cash dum m yтАЩs diamond lnll734-3537,.............. _22i< {30) days o( tho date of with tho Clort< of tho dis_Cnl socurod by nnd pursuant (30 TRUSTEE ELECTION so he cashcs his- 2 + ? draw ing tru m p s. Kcxl. he KKfod Immodiaiolyl CNA's. j, trict ot tho district o (fi┬л lojho lirst publication of this trici SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. to tho power of solo con- Iho S NA's for rosIdenlAl cnro ' |T a diam ond to high clubs and leads-a c 3 CHILD CARE &I. NA catod at 700B STEVENS. 113 (orrod in tho Dood ol Trust advertisomont. ad 411. (01 cati scores ANSWER: : T hree ' clubs. G am e AVENUE. FILER IDAHO, oxocutod by DAVID RAN(i On 22. Mar. 1994 nt AVI dum m yтАЩs queen. Thc queen qu TWIN FALLS COUNTY, ox (1) SERVICES DOLPH CtDNRAD, on un- 10;00 ib AM ono 1980 Lin- no lator than 5:00 p,m.. IDAHO D < w henever W est has thee kkiin g o r when chances a rerc; slill alive. R aise clubs senings available lor cenifApril 1 5 . 1 9 9 4 . D oclarn 24 h I hour child care. ExperiOpenir m arrjo d m nn. a s gg coin T o w n car. C al. 2 Api n NOTICE IS HEREBY m, king and leave J l thc next decision to led CNAтАЩs. Apply ot Magic k Elast has dropped a singleton sin] incod. trust-worthy, with fled C Granior(s), FIRST AMERl- N nfF709, tions forms moy bo ob- on< VIN: tior GIVEN: That tho onnual Gt GI /alley Slallmg. 200 Pnd t; queen fa ils lo partner. ofa. Call 733-9450 ._ Vallc under the acc. The que from tho district o(- rof: CAN t ItiIE COMPANY, 0Y82F627498 qy was seized tainod tair oloction ol school trustoos C> ok nsTruETDorfonho'txmofitтАФ o f -Ihe-doubleton---------------------тЦаolTwiTrFaTriTldahortJintfir-Tit^ Tito:-------------------- ------------------- cCortiliod nursooassjsAvu. I ------------- --------------------------------тАЬ forTwtn-Fatls-School-DrsтАФ toi ns Polling placo for Trustoo jsHions coon for full timo 4 t nnd socurity o( JACK H, an on d C ost Bond roquiroP{ tanllooUngforchUdronto Poslio irict No, 411. Twin Falls on king, but som ething good go( happens Zono f shall bo at FILER jart timo RNтАЩs nnd LPN'o iri f nuutlimi 10 The Ant. PO. Box c< WILLIAMS, and EUNICE mt ment: $250,00 Zor aabysit in my homo. Wookpart 11 Couniy. Stnto of Idaho, w anyw ay. E a st m usl offer HIGH S C H O O L . HIGH3^' vlinidoka Memorial Hospital fc Tcxu 7┬╗:s, ┬лIU> MlMddreurd, y,|| husband and Roforenco Rq Cose ┬л: 944- HH will bo hold on May 17, WILLIAMS, w days, moals, &TLC includMlnid WAY 30, FILER. IDAHO......... ind oxtondod caro lacililv. H :ond diam ond ,uтАЮp^тАЮvciope discard, nnd th e sccon lope for rrply19 1994. nnd Iho pollBolsoid wl w ilo. d a to d J u n o 19th, HVM-00236 h\ тАв W/> тАв - odi - - - andc ., l.M, r.ilur. Sjndlc.l. ^|, Jonlact RoNao Smith, B C opri>*ki. i┬╗i Donna Lutz. Clerk ni 1991.тАЩrocordod Juno 19. Call Trisha 01734-5642. Cent ,Doi oloction will bo opon bo- ig loser disappears. vlinldoka Memorial HospiB 'Filer School Oistrwt 413, тАФ 1991. as Instrument No, (21 ( 2 ) On 24 Mar. 1994. ot File twoon tho hours o( 12:00 ig _____________________ tw consod child coro. Moals Mink ol. 1224 8th Stroot. Rupert B 91004085. D ll roconJs ol b:00 AM, ono 1987 GMC File n oon nnd 8:00 p.m . on 9 1 n c lтАЮ a la q o s.7 3 6 ┬л )9 2 _ _tnl. 1j vfj|l43C-04&l -------5 -R 1500-P!ckup-W ashiw |lonтАФ Oa saldoay. 2Tho abovo Grantor(s) aro 5 j March. 1994. Roa jdlologfcTochnologlst H 55544W VIN: Ma Tho purpose o( soW oloc' PUBLlSHi.F.tIday.A>flLl______ -iG-TER-l'4H8HJ60a808, PU i1l-timtrASRT-┬лoohn<^ltt,------- f i n o r r s f a r t xi-to-oioct o n o -g < 7ir67flft. ' тАвfolHin and 8, 1994.______________ ____ w as soizod ot H ollister, am Tiommogrophy oxporionco . mam trustoo 10 dorvo (or o po- , fIdaho j Codo. No roprosnta1 necessity. Call lor moro Claim ond C ost riod o( throo (3) yoafs from tion [9- is mado thot they oro, Idoho, ric o jond B roq u iro m o n t: 1 nlonrtoilon or send resume tho dalo of tho oloction or aro not. presently- ro- $480,00 0 : St. BonodlctтАЩs F.M.C. who rocidos within Trustoo ┬о' sponsiblo (or this.obliga- pRoleronce j aodlologyDopl. PO Box Caso ┬л: 944Zono No, 1. Only thoso pP i I тЦа I I 1 1 1 'J I S66, Jeromo Idaho 83338 HVM-00240 qualifiod doctors residing тАЬo I ^ 1 тЦа тЦа тЦа 'J M 1 1 m qi *Tho dolault (or which this at call 324-4301 oxt.233. in tho spocifiod trustoo 8o!o ' i# to bo mado io tho , 3 . (3)' On 27 Mor, 1994, at zono may voto (or o Zono f ┬о RN'S N ^wantodi Wolkof Conler. to: 12 12:00 PM, ono 1981 DotNo, 1 candidalo. Legal do- (nlluro nonprofit hospiiol, speciol______ i f y o u a r e u n aa tb le t o c a ll o r c o mQcc b y T h e T i m ^ (1). moko tho monthly In.6 u n .3 lo .h o ic h b a d u ld o h o _ . Izlng in oddlcllon-psychlc-------┬л тАЬ r 1ptlon o t-┬╗ n o is ovoil- -Istallmont of poncipal. in- 2T32 pi 351 VIN: II n a i l ~ t l i I s ~ o r d c r ' oblo itomment. Now taking opN e w s o f f ic e , s im p ly c lip a n d m upon roquost, and escrow foo in JN 1PN 03S3BM 015491 ^ plicalions (or RN's, training_____ Polling placo (or Tfusloo lorost ┬░ plical тАЬ , soizod ot Twin Foils. f o r m t p o u r cclla s s if ie d d e p a rtmm i e n t s o t h a t w e Zono No 1 chalfbo Blekol Iho sum ol $479.78 duo. was w .jb ft-tp th -day .ol. OcW> m :t-d e la y . ^~6 loniuumiy^. 607 G utund ' -S e n d ------feqt┬╗if┬лmorU;тАФ s тАФ MANAOCMEHr - - f Ing^\d. a 8 ^ 5 ^ r calljiid^^ ~ Bicyclo found In Buhl area. ___ of $ 4 7 9 .7 8 d uo on Iho g, S250.00 Bic nt l.flOQ.227.^190, Dodamtion o( Candidacy 19th day. of oach nnd ev- r , Ploasocolltoidontrty. . . aosi osponsiblo loam, manage ------Roforenco Caso ┬л: 944P ir k p e n c il o r p e n b! boQfinfl tho nnm o o( o p rint clearly w ith darl - Please: pi month theroaftor; u> mobile homo pork, mainlain , 543-6009, ____________ fjio HVM-0024S 54 : nominoo lor oloction as oty D7 OFRCE/ (2) comply wilh Paragraph 3 c h a r a c t e r s lawns, light olect.-plumb. 207 1 arc approximately.23 < Found: 2 piecoa ol linoleum lav тАв There ar trustoo must bo filod with A.4. o( said Oood o( Tnjst. ^ ing. Rotirod.Qkny,.Exp.^prp:_ _ ' .. CLERICAL In ing Any p o rson..clairnlr'g Ir TF. To Idonlilv 543-S377 tho Clork oJ tho Elocuon ^ r H n e ' ______________ . _ ,ih iing blank spaces)-pex-l -тЦа-{Includin (orrod, Salary.* SMco-Fax. dminlstroilve Soerotory---------"Found: Malo Heolorrroan ft- - tw no jntbr thiin 5:00 p:m. o n --'┬░ .bo/?rV .do,llnquoncy all -eolzod-convoyonc05..moy__f2] to 310-377^4378, t c - s c h c d u l c _ w h i c h -------whrto-iNf-tfockod lajl.-found,- s oroaumo : i-pay-according-to-ratcNursfng'Administf ation-,-------тАФтАвPlcase-p; ,taxos and assossmohts df-.. ^ ofcall310.S41.7674 commenco judicial forloiNotJohnn/sCountryctom *lhat *soid oloction shall- тАв[тАЬ lull-time days. Roqulfo-.......... locting said proporty. Rpol ,y, turo proceedings in United Qted below. is print( an 93.CaliaS6-2112. bo socrot ond soporoto property taxos nro dolm- g , monts: High school grado- тАв тЦа ____________J b; 32-ADULT-CARE . . JJ]┬о*]; -Staios-District-Court-by.lil:__^ тЦаF6und; Malopup.w hitowiih- 202bailot. ^ P' inn a claim ond bond purAbsohtoo voting sholl bo quont qi for tho first hall o( in| slwro^aw^or oqrvalont'^ tan sp ots. Stovens& H w y i s s l f i c a t i o n | ^ aro flivor for oldotly to work socn suont to e C.F.R. Soction ┬л I r u n m y a d i n c l a s r P le a s e i pormlttod beginning April 1993. j in tho o rig in a l 274.10, Such cloim an d _2l oxporionco, 50 wpm typing lin Stll 326.5042 in rosldontial caro homo. oxm 19. 1994. ns provided by amount тЦб, o( $726,64. plus 2. ond and Word Porloci skills. bond must bo lilod nt (he Lost: to; 3/31 lomalo col. black woflo basod on oxporienco. _____ d a y s . I J'S oction 33-()46. Idaho penalty p, ond intorost. __________ f o r Prefer oxporionco with with whito markings, very op opportunity for advoncoProl Immigrotion and Naturalv > as omondod. Any This Amondod Notico ol ization Sorvico ollico. P.O. etofling-schodullng and n c lu d ln y b la n k sjja c c s.) I Codo. C friendly, S olJorom o. Call mr mont w1tllr^ln.3?4-8S24, Btaf fc I (P rim o n e c h a n iic ic ttc r p e r a p a c e p le a s e . Incl qualifiod (rustoo oloctor Dolault q is rocordod to cor-' *2; hospiiaTrDuiinoaanalunc- .. -hosf .who.ojipocls.to bo.obsont. .roct.lho.jjripInai-Noljco. o(. Box 112 . Hnvre, Mootarw. - _3324-1381. - тАв____________- T^ S H tS U H U R A L------r l l inm _ _______ I __ -fctrsHrrHeteliofVf'inielufe- -203(mrr. thn nictrif-?. nn ihr> ' De p ta oH.' lnM rumofr4-?^e ,тАФ .......... it, I" ............. ... April 14, ol Cassia kTomo^ within twonty ( 20 ) days.of c Sch n au zor. fom alo, salt тАФ -------------1-----------------* o( oloction or who wilt ; .1i9 9 3 0 1 8 8 8 0 ,ro co rd o d tho doio o( tho lirst puWi- q rial Human Re┬н - тЦа I day ?bo uriablo. xperloncod outsldo porson rial Hospiiol. I and pepper, rod collar wHh Exp bocQUSO ol O c ctobof.D cfcom bor 15, ''' _______________ _________ I b sources. 2303 Porko Avo,. I ______________ ^_______ sour cotion of this advortlsoyvaccination tog only. Ctfll lordalry.ailphasos.good loi physical disability or .blind- 1992. i ro c o rd s o l Twin cf r┬╗w┬л'n^sa C a ll3 2 4 ^ fe 2 ._ J lld j mont. Tho cloim must sot n ________________ [ ^n ^ s . 10 g o jo f e Pollino тАЩ тАв' p.ll, noQ.┬л;on.1 attnf fi pm nr ^ m rn .inh/ IHflhn______ f ISigtlPLOtm--------------I тЦа _____________ тЦа_ =ami hond noodod lor grayE |O l 432-S252._______________ Fat ploco moy moKO writiun Tho principal balance is claimed ownership of tho j-^ ------------ T = ------------------------------1FVD______________ ___ ity irrigating &troctor work. opplication to tho Clork o( $54,281,75. $ togolhor with ^con 1. v e y an ce nnd allogo Lost: Male Chihuahua, light 15 l _ L -------------------------orod but not ready lor lullтАвYoar Boroc tho District for a ballot o( jf ion & whho, Adams & Hoy- -% ti louna job with house. thoroon ot 8 % por ^ тЦаI _____ -------------------------------------- s tho kind to bo votod on ol inlorost timo Can 734-5123, timowork? Bo on тАв bu rn .n e o d sm o d ica tio n . ___ тАЮ annum-in Iho omount of 7 ' AMERICAN TEMPORARYI тЦа oloctlonrwhlch-npplicationтАФтЦаj$i:498,68.-a5-otFobrunry--тАШ Form help nootJod. (Of tubo_ AME тАФ Ph>ftsocftll734.A16S--- . -F a claim must bo accomfiaWo'nood data entry dorks. imgalor&lroclofwork. Wo shall contain tho narrw o( тАв1;-t094.^ and-oocruttd-intтАФ^ тЦаMTTfftrtTy-irboft<t-if>-tha-----bookkeepers, socrotorios. -------^ o a 4 2 3 .5 0 0 8 -. . bool tho oloctor ond tho oloc- lorost. ,, All dolinquoncios amount spociliod abovo. small, bull, tiiolopup&yrrwr ~ s тЦаwoTiTprocoaBorsrfooop--------------------------------------------- 1 IE tor's prosont oddross. _ nro now duo together wilh Fann 1!^, collaf.(loffytniroars,& Fr laborers: Shoshonotho form of cash or certionisls. Soosonnl, tompo__ ___________________ тАв 1 DDoiod Ihis 2Sth d a y of a.n y lato c h a r g o s . nd- in whiskors. Last soon on tilied check. If tho bond is rory; PT orFT. You tolfus----March. 1994 ^ 1W vancos to protect Iho so- in !" tho form of a check, It CamoySi.BEWARDIICall ( how much you wont to _ ______________________ _ 1 RRosoStotfons. Clork curity, and loos ond costs тАШmust IJ 734-1934. ^^ milker noodod. must I A d d re ss______ bo drawn payablo to ________ _ worki Board ol Trustoos тАЮ associated wilh this (orclo- Iho Immigration and Natu- Lost: bilingual, 537-6916. ' Tl┬зTwin Lq REWARD! black with erxiak sc Can 734-6452 ; Foils School Distnct -------------------------------------I 1 City/State/ZIp _ rnlizntion Sorvico, whho v chest & foot, Lab Tor- uoj, or ro folp wanlod: Exporioncod in t 678-9295 Burfoy___ Datod: 28 Fob. 1994 , X. last soen on old Bliss noneral farm woik. Hood ir- EOEI тАФ D ftor тАвQg M/F/D/V NEVER A FEE -------------------------------тАФ , r__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ I P hone N um ber_ Norman L. Mercer Hvw. ^ Call 837-4529. K ligation. sprinWors ond Ml- [mmodloto FT oponing lor тАФ 1 Chief Patrol Agent тАЩ ~ T W IN F A L L S B I T ! g Ik), in oastorn Oregon. Call i I S E L L I T ! I U Y ik secfolary-ollico morwoer, PUBLISH: Friday, April 1. ]I m oo n e y o r d e r is e n c lo s e dl ffco r $ ___________ 3CJ Will n il Evofy Nood P ffor f ihonosi, organized, proI тЦб M y c h G c k o rm A T in iu s-N o w s ClassifiocJ A* N IM A L S H E L T E R ^ S oU tM SB ), --------------тАв 8 nnd 15 1094, Vanlod: Dairy hordsperson (qsj no) , (esslonal, doloiled Individ- . j Q Bill m y V ISA oo rr M a s te r C h a r g e (citcinonoi for 600 cow dairy, exportuol with oxper wilh WordNOTICE OF SALE p.oun d & F or A do p tion ,________ I F oncttsi o.nly.^ho.o6ing,fur-_. ._pтАЮf { тАв C re d it C: aa r d N u m b e r______________ -Porfoct,.tolophono rocop-----тАЬ _ _N0T1CE.IS CIVEN.thaiQ_lf I тАФ D ogs-oro lisled ln-Tuo┬╗------тАЬnishod. Send rosumo nor┬╗ buslnoss opnrotions: lion, _Lrrz.T: .i..____ ._'_.E>^p>ra!ion -------------тАФ тАвpublic auction will bo hold , day. W odnosday; Thurs" тАФ _ : Z ' тЦа~i~i ------- ' 304S.230W .Jerom o.lD omc outo noodod. $ 1000-$1200 T. by tho City of Twin Falls, day & S u n d a y T im o sf. mo. ; ___________ rno, Resume to: PO Box Idaho a t 1:00 P.M .. on tN ew s. L ocoiod 139 6th -2B333B. : i u l e _____________ 446, тАв Wonted: Exporkincod 446 TF, ID83303-0446. Saturday. >^ril 9. 1994, at ~ ~ A v o W .. a f le r n o o n s tho Polico Station which is 'o n l y , M on-Fri. C lo se d swathor operator., immc mmodlato oponing for toller ! DF THIS NEWSPAPER ^locolod on Lots 11 through J soll-motivaled.mechnnicol pos position in Buhl's Iriondliost A flEAOEn SERVICE OF ___ C harge p er lin e SaL ^un & holidays. Call u тАЬ Num ber of PDays__________ a 16. Block 74. Twin Falls : -2 2 9 9 lor m ofo Iniorknowlodflo, fot year-round , bank. ban Offico machines and ^ 736 k ..............$ 3.'10 p o r lin o .Townsiie. 0t 356 ThlrdAv! ation. This Is a public omploymont. Call 'c a sh s dtawor oxporionco тАвтАЬ 1 -3 d a y s .......:...... J ,7 m ..............$ 4 .7 5 p o r lin o onuo East. Twin Falls. Ida' 324-7148 lof Inlorviow bovery vor helpful. Excollont sorvico onnounMmont o( 3; 4 - 7 d a y s ............... ..........$ 8 .0 0 p o r lin o twonn9nmlo5om. v vqt ho. ot unclolmod.porsonal wording coriditlons, com8 -1 5 d a y s ........ oroDonv in tho custody ol тАФ ^lolo^bMoftt^ekago Is 0 ^__ __ ..............$ 1 4 .5 0 p o r lin o ----------- -------- 1 6 -3 0 -d a y s r....... тЦа6iH ^ ity-m d~ doim w j-D !r- 7105 ; !M-CHIUK!AJ1EтАФ ^----- =- - i i j S K s J a S f e , PERSONAE" - . тЦа20┬л follows: тАЭ refs: PO Box 466, Buhl, ID _________________________ fofs 83316, EOE____________ ITEMS B Babysitting in my homo, 833 Buy EтАЩola onorny-woight loss Ba _____ _ x $ /lin e __ ___ ,1. lOcompuiors . . cloan A loving onvironmonl. тАв Olfico qu # lin es______ . ,products, discount c o st, cl 4 Clerical posillons. ~ Sutjiotai 2. m on ito rs______ . тАв. ' Ann.-your indopofxjont-di^ ^- w<w>kriflVg-C^.734.a344, Valuosr------T ------------------JaTmsbdioii;oyd$2for Manic-Val EX PR ESS -------= Fof.oa'ciVSunday' тАФ3 .-2 ,t4u>yboards.. tributor 734-6940 anvtimo , c'r wook'. PERSONNEL SERVICES тЦбd in Ag Weekly (or only S3 per \ Includoyouf ad. 4 .5 printers ^Guyn & Gats Dnling Sorvico. 20i 20^ DOMESTIC/ тАШ " Twin FaDo, 733-7300. J: - 5.- Othorcomputof compo- - O oscfiminutlng olnolo? тАЬ HOUSEHOLD b J Buriov. 678-4040 тАв No loo nonts ond accossorios _____________ Tbl.-'l Tlrod ol m ootino airth o __ PT Rocoplionist noodod lor / 8 . 1988 Ford Crown Victo┬н wrong pooplo? Call today Su Super 8 Motol now occopling PJR Vot Sond - 4 ria opplicatlons lor houoo rosumo ''oj in Jeromo. n? ' lo.moet somoqno compalia r J тЦб 'nic'nm anNc^t? SLincoIr*, ' . 5 7. Chairs P.O. Box 548 b lo w lth y o u ll-8 0 0 - 6 9 0 koopers. k Applicant musl be ┬л>8U ^ to;ID2380 тЦа Mail your I H k ^ c u s t o m e: rтЦб Joromo. 83338. . ! 8 . Ropo M i Y w r r dependable ond moturo, -┬▒21; 8227, serving all Southeast d Twin F a lls jd a h o тЦбrdor form to; 9. Cnr chains K тАФ ^ JS E R V IC E Super 8 Motol is now hiring P Idaho, member of Chamber havo h good roloroncos ond Supc 10 . Tripod PT ovodosk clork. Ploaso P ofCommorto.________ ^ .workwoUwithdhora./^(y.' ;.PT sn тЦа 8тАЬ * . . .... тАв 1lirM onoy b o x \ T тАФ :........................ ....... ....... ^ i ^ ^ i n ^ w . 1260'BKio___g -----------------------------------112 . CassottDS and bag тАв - тАЩ тАФ Hontonl Hoalth In lorm aiion _ii n┬░a тАв noiworKHeafihConcoms? L 13. тАв _ . 1 Sultcaso (2) - 14K10-783-6113 тЦа Th Tho Best Wostorn Canyon тАв14.RadтАЩ┬л тАФ тАв -7 тАЬ ' Inn occopling op- 2i3S" 203 PROFESSIOKAL ECOR FOR THE HOME ' S -1 . ELEGANT FLORAL DEC , 15. Eloctric typownlor and \WEDDING O resH s. shoos.. Springs pficailons lor Iho Houso- тАФ Bridesmaid & Prom rentals p c Today's cmptiasis scemt to bo on Vicioiian decor. DESIGNER. DRAFTS kooplng Dopt. Compelitlyo. OES 2 2SV.o(flnvi1tttion3.733-8038 k sofiealoiyourliometnnoad -, 1le тАЭ Ronllstic epoakors B e a u t i f y , c l e aa i r o u t a n d тАШ тЦа' тАв Ma)(in(jthMepnceyaeetssoi POWER Englnoors. inc.'o, wagoo ond attonoanco boPOV 17. > = v > }ei-stmplewiltiourl7-paaD 1 Caso Logic cassono . ot buying Ihem can be super muhi-disciplinod consulting, mu ca&owlth 1 8 tapos t107 SPECIAL nnus applios. Modicol Insurmplalewilliphoio-lllusiralec) c onglnoering ond doslgn ^ G K T Kll).^ , cc lll e a n u p y o u r hh (o m e j u s t b y oncoond401KavollQblo on 18 s. Not only aio ttiese 16 l .2 bats ond 2 toy guns NOTICES Jwth conditions. Roaso apslep-by-sl'ep Insttuciions. limi lim located In thd boautilul 19. 1 Diilosoond CD case _ pioiecis easy to make, butll Ihe ll supplies you need can sS'e l l i n g a l l t h o s lee u n w a n t e d central Idoho mountains, is ply in porson ot 1357 Bluo cei I with vt 12 CDтАЩs ,* be easily oblalned тАв they may m evon tie laying In iho A L C O H O L IC S J LnHOTBWN.Tf:-------------kwking for on Electrical Do-^UNSIOIITI.V 20. 2 Caso Logic CD case bollomolyourcrallbasket., learnthebaslclnsirucilons t< i t e m s i n t h e c ll a s s i f i e d s . signor-Diafter lor its Ekidri^ ^ jV A N I lS t ANONYM OUS flower mrasuiements. with 20 CDтАЩs on'bow lymg. gluing and (l( col Englnooting Group to 206 MEDICAU col 21. _______________ 2 Packard Boll koyboard _ assist in the design ol eloc22. RoQlistte AMffM cas┬н DEKTAL OVEREATERS trienl svBtWP*- UlnlmMmjf----sotto Eteroo Sendctieck to; тЦб KHTl > UpoWg"riwтАШB ^ r ' ono on to Iwo yoors Autocod C ^ IlI тАФ23 . . ------- SCNAтАЩNA f ____ 2 9 acK with h and-toola-------- ----- - ff TOPaagn^gpt------ B-1-tfroxpofienco reoulred: Interablothotoflors solfsotlaoxg тАЩictufing 700 woodworking 224. Contuty AM/FM casP. 0. Box 2383.' (Picl PREGNANCY CRISIS - floction, oxponds тАЩyour graph gn preferablo. Must pos-. sotto steroo . ' Van Nuys. CA 01409 am and handicraft projects) B CENTER I BOSS a strong intorost In n e x t , 2 ^ awaronoas ol humanity, so 25. Groort'pink bag with ' - S\ m┬╗k1: -ondj;Moreiwidlng.oLcom-.___ tQUChos.yourhaartpluaalI_ .am 115 ___ , - T o p l a c e y o u r c ;llaa s s l f i e d A d putors. Electrical (powor - thousumbonofits. Wooro .pu distribution on\pnq.sis) looking for special pooplo dit CPU ^ ! C background a muM. Ouoli- " |!to bocomo part ol our spoboi AfldfessтАФ ------.. 1109 PROFESSIONAL ____ 227. Lock ______ J i od..candIdatoB should----dal cafo gh^ng loanvU.youia тАЬTBTSol pi braes utansils------------------- S ERVICES------тАвтАв ┬л ________ :___________ 2 , ___ CilyтЦа ;тЦа think vou may PO jntoroaod sond soi resumes lo POWER тАФ38^u< oc-m lacQ llanaQ U fi^ тЦаEhglnoorsTfil^'.'. P.O rflox-----Bankruptcy ' li _ Zip- ttItoms .1066, Hall(iyJD 83333.тАЩ Compotitivo rnlos. 'тЦа тЦа pp lo a ^ a p '^ y a t Mt. Viow -10 -Caro-OonlofrSOO Polk-St^ -AHft^Human-fle┬╗oofeo*:-----AH ------- KEVINM.ftOQEfl9----------< E.. An EEO-AA Emolover. , AllomevolUw,.324-4553, E Klmborfv. tho abovo Itoms crw tw , ................... * 0 тАФ -T H E A c is q n ~ ^ p j ^j E _ _ ^ . q p j y v / o l f f . . тАФ . тАФтАв [ LEGAL NOTICE h! a SS'king';-' I тАвN e w s ^ ll W M I I . # ----- . -------------------i,si ___ =┬╗3V S c l i e i i i i T 3 3 - C0 9 3 1 SELF IDEAS I DO-IT-YOURS ' I | 2i to ' I M I jiik тАФ 4тАФ . . lent-Financi Employme B :tion-Real!Estate/Saille 199'J Frfd.iy. Aptii -nF.iH;:,lc!nho g - 3 . ' Trmi~j:-rjcw::. f\% fV.~n !08-502 20 _______________ / i a l - l n s t r u c i -- hoi .e s i-MlSCELLANEOUS------i l l S F 0tr5ai:E ---------------- --------le ig h f s /K E rr ' K OPPORTUIimES ] f vnor; 3 bdrm. 1 bath, ooking lor oxpononcod dioS vidoo morchnndiior. Aulo At m ochanic TRAINEE, Lookii GISTER------ ^TODAV& AQiicullrnl wrilor-odilof.. TMusic . o'yard Wlih fruit iroosr-------------col m ochnnic for honvy Establishodnoilonal.distriboothor mbc dulios. coMsinrtrORK TOMORROW ^ тЦа sirono nnricullrol.bnck' )t cill-do-cn c. NEATI duty nr d u f trucks. Musl hovo u lof hns nn im m odlalo n no-r.moklno. 734.7090. irohouso, conBlru e llon. | JRH round witn Journalism do* Wnroh 000-7S9-S<┬╗2 oviia тАФ ----------- --tools. tooli MurJ bo xUalo lo work ^__ ------- ---------------------------------,K!iT i5!6iy.JdnтАШ35enpo. doTivn ------ Qfoo. 3┬╗-~TTCwfHtnQ-odHlnj t oponlnp tor qualily Indtvld- STOM BUILT HOME , 0тАЬ varioly ot hours, som u u --------- BYponorio. HWrlaVubhsl*-тАЬ rrTwTISwIViawif nccounib Kotchum ry, produclion. CDL driv- I ID lo now InterIrm, 2 bnih. opon lloor тАв_________ S al & S u nтАЩs jn g s тАв . тАв rr jnh lor mnin- I ______ lr)Q nl 20B-524-70Q0. Ask; in Iho Twin Foils 4 Burloy v inwlpn lor Journoym nn gO' TTOT-iotn oak UJjli lul:., '' ......................... тАв тАвтАШ" тАвpim rcu! ------luou, 3 iJjjs fwi v;ou^.' fto^тАФ jEloctnclnn's in propoVnuoli innnco mechanic. | ----------lUlod .JAOtPOLhtlYM y^ ------------bnckg-ioundlo: Box 01872. | (┬╗E50RTCA.';iN0 тАв J/ (, MERtCANTEMPORARY--40, тАФ SI 0 LS-AN6 - ------------ ic .lm cbillno3.conifnl___ busy sooson. тАШ 'SCH0 CHIEF OF POLICE-{Snlory;тАв toil oxporionco holpful. Fax' for'upcominn u c h moro. 560 r . The Tim os N ow s. PO covorlollorS rosumo to; q SERVICES. INC. M*" ;INSTRUCTION. CnlllornDoi726-f5ie, 1EDIATE DOE i quQlillcnIlon-floodi W E H A V E IM M E iJngham. S179.90Q By . . BucWng: BOX548.TF.IDB3303. . !. Ann: Dori 503 G02-3077. . . Coll 734-6452 1 bonoMo), TTio Citx ol Won-. Cornmlc inslnllor w aniod. тАв.тАФ r ^owf^nr7^0(>0^ 0 P _ E N IN j3 .S -A V A^B l^ LB EO B тАФ _ 678-9295 Dutloy . _ . . CallRuHvoi 7.-lv7.tt4.---------Lo.o^ i f o s s i o n a l T r u ^ F ; n ~ t тАЭT )&M/Rt?W<EVEH A FEE . PTQtt ------------ goew toportoTJraTmloty;9lcom- Noodod wilh intJusUlal solos IDICK SIMON TRUCKING or. SI individunl'losorvoasan Dlr iv in g S c h o o l on river, s 75.000 in lUBSTHUTE TEACHER D тАвvers SUB: plox odmlnlslratlvo; supor-I ' oxporionco.-A pplicants тЦа Cook i^Baker "Serve Newhighorpay&cnlo.48 тАв inn.Cnll934-82QC I. qualified inslnjctorsolGooding. ( ns-'.ir.inni nursory mnnnqor, тАв WORKSHOP L ^ il. q visory ond'protosslonal' should bo fosTflts oriontod. тЦа B uspersons "Floorr Cashier* t and Canada, oroal bono.c . Snlos exporienco holplul. ng cInsR A-B-C CDL li1ID E A L тЦаmFallsWnh School. loimg work in planning, coofcJinnlTwin F fHs. 1^800-727-5865 ablo tocnlo.hloor hofsolt _ тЦа SecuriW O fflcer Willing lo train Iho l,AprillClh,9-4, тАв I consc t locnlion or a n o 728 sq__________ ing and d lr ( ┬л i^ 1ho oaiwr . ' _Snl,Ai: 03 woll as tho producl. bo. p, Orivor o poninn for short & ____ji тАФjiCage t a s h l e r тАЮ . ----rnatstot-l--BQQ-gag-eB64тАФ 3mo: LociitDd-nrrvory. тЦа long ha u ls. Nood'curronI I p5.& ,grnn l3nvn il. 10 ,^,|5|bio cc )lo comor lol in 400 bik monl. Minimum qualilica-] тЦа ' s king s opplicalions (rom rosloady bul chollongnn (COL, clonn drlvinQ rocord. Jood-oxpotloncod-fnillwijgbl__ _ тЦаHard C o u n t Team M o iMiddison d js Avo. $4 2.000.тЦа tlonsJnduda.lhQ btLacJnw.-. _ InmacrSnlfli^-fbon ┬╗PBX/ReJervat{onsтАФ p0naible-indi┬еiduAlfi-l0u |_ _ lтАШililipd studofils. ^------------------------------ тАФ soon otitirS- -( -Cnll a3.'5874 f,Oli uosnternppoim meni. -тЦа holporsJor rnnnir nf u .io d тАв anfijfdoiSlirtnrnlnlno n c a d^. - Z- ScofTimisBionJso'naTDsunioi:^ fonnrntra'atMlctfons tlotf-jтАФ тАФ r rr rrrr= ." :*:.-:.. - tttwotk тАвSeam stress oqulpmont.'Wages siifttlng _____emy.or.oQuhfalom^prolora.Drtvors ' oqu s n) rosidontial lochs, Mnry tslstartt , . os ,тЦа тАЬ toT Box 08274, % Tho ^ 734-0500 or _ _ тЦа A dm lnbtrative Assi nl nl$$ 10:55 por hour. Applica┬н bly somo Chiol Iralntng and rWnndv 734-5180. ^ Timos Nows. PO Box 540. 1.800-900-0580 Q A tio тЦаKitchen S tew ard . tivo yonfs or moro oxporlD O N 'T M IS S 'iO'n s nro boing token Twin Fnlls. ID, 83303. through; Job Son/ice. Twin uget now hiring part-tlmo тЦа .Targe onco In polico work. Appll- тАв TH IS. Fnlls. ID, 736-3000 eOE )Osillons available. Early H .posi' cant must P0050B5. or bo) IProduco Brokor: Musl bo Iiicludor, Inconiivu Oonus RE O P P O R T U N IT Y ! ^тАЩnrts counter porson TRAIN┬н norning hours onY, S4.65 B ______ ^ k ) 10 ' тАШ"j!,тАЭ I _ coll-slnnor. with strong snlo тАв ______ 7 3 : 3 -4 3 2 1 ir. a Application available at I Wa hr. EE. j|,j ihis is your nppoMiinily lo gfo.vvandbfiComepaiioflliE ar W E ' H E ......... e e ! oiher misc dulios. Must. >orvico desk..Tarnol, 1611 H JS T F O R Y O U U hnvo autom otlvo. boch, eon'so wiihout rocord off " T o B ^ 3 2 . тАЬjorom тАЩ┬╗. ?0 e oi oiler excellent woikinp |orv lynamic Cactus Peles leami We R E C R U IT IN G .тАв 3lun Lnkns Blvd. N. EOE. % . 83338. .oround . SQlt-atarlor. no droom. 2 bath hom o. cusponcion orfovocfl|ion>. luding meflicai/dental h M :ondilions and benelils, indue " A P R I L 1 0 ;1 1 .тАЩ& 1 2 Vnico lloor plan. Ovor SALES OPPORTUNfTY тАвftmnkinn.734-7090. ' COI anyctatiK ,J U0Ssq.-ft T * nil on 000 floor.--------------growing company look---------- --------------------------- ins nsurancQ and profit stiarint),тАЮ \Many posilions also O A S IS TR A V E L тАв тАФ Applications will bo occoplo<Ji Fast I 3 bodroo no tias g a s hoat and .w i; I n g io lllls a lo s p o s ltlo n . nclude sionificanl lips andd iincentive bonuses. . - inc unlil May3t. 1094. A PkV( VIRGIN RlVERl lili ^PLAZA 1-84 & EXIT ** * , * * * ) . --Oualiliod pofBon.wiitLPxf┬╗'_ _ ---------- AT: Cltyof-Wonde!h-POItnm !lifi Twin Falls and __ тЦа.__________ __ Em ____________ ;mploycc-Biisesji┬г.ayallatil(Ui2] 15TO M. ----------------1B2-------------------H O T E t= e A S iN C ^ ^ ^ I'o cnr'^arngo'.'^nck ' Box 208. Wondoll. 103 тАв fiortco.Inondlyi dopondPROFESSIONAL Pil, Homo n -ilcr areas, d is nil lon ced in wilh 83355-0208, Phono (200)t' ablo. Cotnmlsssion plus 9 : 0 0 A .M . - 6 : 0 0 P.M . OTR DRIVERS BINGO, W LтАЮ тАЮ openinos pleaSe For ludhcr inlormalion about ihese ihi )d piivocy fonco. Saw . _____ 53S-5161: ___________ _ bonolils Avocations, roaW ol ' o Iwo c -MESQUITE-,-----p J - -rnnnhlnhoufiLCnll _ -u Wofelway-E┬╗P^OM. Inr.. nnn 1 ynrdh-┬лhooUlislii┬гa┬лlmiIlIb________ i s : Io-po6so66ion_u oot5 --------------IтАФ Monte yaller Weme Cwtfw.тАФ -3 ;F B X t;:6 6 0 9 = ' тЦа'oftTfO'tvatlon'Clop'.tomTr'' or тЦа^r^'SiofosTW oTiood'oir" = ^ : i [ B e 0 p ┬л 2 ^ 3 8 3 3 тАФ NEVADA-------= = HOMES wood ;ingpi Pricod ol S 0 2 ; 9 ^ *>3&4}777er 324-5566 giusgo snlo w1il>ouI on ad In1 Irinoralod trucking compaporioncod po drrlvors with Is F OR SALE ---------- . teoih -┬л i isl6oKlng fo rth e . botWGon tho hours of 10am a ni dd 3: pm,MoTiday-Ftiday damirind. Cnll us flr^l. 733c;>iift^ fv><iHtf>n nooninn тАв _ nlni; ir etitrr^r|t^^r.nnkinq ---- /1 .alo-p тАЬf^T w b rkтАШ afrd"dfi┬╗oтАЬh ii;td ^ тАФj--тАФL-potei'io torm ot^ od kCRES. hay. orchord, closing, employees. . corwi Expofioocw only (minimum flOB . jioufs.paj'scntoibonofits, тАв iho-lino oquipmoni lo m i- _ 209 RESTAURANT/ jIJ.yoara)Jln B icook8.ai_ -J.Y^7: ing salolllio communicn,тАв Como in and w ep.ggqfc┬лfm i┬лt ftm itila .___ )BE'nf┬░JOHESREALLUUNUeтАФ -------r- tlnn'i n pfQ aro sslyo -o a v ------:b work-anyghiit,.starting F 'Wontod-maiofo-pefsoqjuho- _ -733-0404.. ........... r _ rr i i ┬л-A T & R e A L T V ------------------ Exporioncod.PT wailporsonтАЮ wnge'doponds on exp' I lovo to soli S likoo to moot. perm l!o{DO E),andsom o 734-0400________ тАв -miW-g^>l Hagorman,-----lof ovos ctiitt. must bo ablo - pooplo. Food roulo opon for тАв ol tho most gonorous bono- ~Ask tor Ron. Man/, or Chuck Also oxporiencod g u e e t______ )o open floor plan on to wofk wook-ond. Apply in, room ottend ant (maids) p H liis in tho truckino industry. , Mngic Valloy. Elko, Rono, ot cul-do-sac 3 bdrm, 2 porson aflor 5 'pm otI lu ll day Jnclipot, Koichum & Sun- 637-4975. -----------ih homo. Vnoliod living ri Gooroo K'c FIno Food.'тАв тЦа W tloy Includod, Any nblo Stop 56,0 by and soo aur rocruilor PTSl PJS 48 Slalo corrior basfld S in " acros fijclng Billing >m wilh rock liroplnco, . l719KlmboMvHd, B u t p e r s o n t oil s h ills this wook only! II you aro mlBoiso. looking lor quailtjodlod porsons, sonloro ook. 3 bdrm m obile, 2 iny w ind ow s. 2 0 x 2 0 lied 4 0 0 -6 9 9 's 55,00 1 тАЬo por hour plus tips, unablo to mako it. call 1J'O' ovmor oporniors ol flat East 3rd , 4i wolcomo. Abovo nvorngo ClaMlliod . . . mukoluiion tor Ihi lor appointmont call jllod lamily room with liExcellent wage 4 benefit Jtxjrm 800-302-0934 for moro in- . bod bo oquipmoni. last pay, _ incomo, Producl soils ilsott. anyournoo<l3.733.(ra31._ iry wall, skylights, woodmedical, dontal. _fonini flood 4 0 0 -6 9 9 l ;peckege, ? 7.6357. __________ ninny East 4tti 41 0┬░ bonolils. Call 1-800Excolloni ropoat salos. Ap- _ lormnlion, EOE, >vo. Woll III kitchen, 289-0113, Bud Dodao. vision. SCRIP card. 4 401K 3bdrn rm, 2balh homo or 2 unit vnullod plicanl must havo dopond- Exporioncod c asphalt paving тАФ )nty of c nbinols"plnn. g ; Conlncl P erson n el nood East 5tti тАв 4i4 0 0 - 6 9 9 II.1I.S64.000.736-1897, brary w . 210 SALES nblo transportalion. Call Mr. ond malntonanco persons. TwinтАЩ Twlr F,an5'Counly Is nccoplLaundry room Monday-Friday. 1pm-3pm . 2 bath, must sa lo , ing Irm, slountors. . in .Vorm ans at C onyon CDL rofloirod, DoanтАЩs Soal in┬г npplicaiions lorn Dep┬н hv oslorogo, AC. floa heal, East 6th 4'4 0 0 - 6 9 9 Eloctricai distiibulor In Sun only, 1-600-34^7721. od' c-v.h In TF. 733-7806 plenty uty Appralsor-Trainoo. Tho 1 Springs Inn Wotot, Monday ' r(v<llnn^33-3272.________ Ul) on ono lovoL7'33-130t,. Valloy oroa looking lor oulsu cc o csu l candidate will O 1 April 11th Irom 12:00 to tE xporionced OTR Roofer 71 Navaio Circle oil Cnrsldo-insido solos porson, havo oi^erionco In ngriculVOLUNTEER HANDYMAN li 3:00pm. 734-5000 . *=Drivers noodod. 32 Stnloa тДв тАЩPRICED TO prolorrod 2 yrs oxpotlonco a lloon Lano. o turo and roni e sta to and NEEDED., ,->on, T O D A Y East First 11 0 0 - 6 9 9 & Conado. Now OQUlpmonl. id in rolalod nofd. Ploaso sond ) comlortablo 1600 sq ft 2571LNOWATtlQg.SOON p o,ssess excollont public ro- Nood holp In lown malntoroorr 9- 211 TECHKICAL Kimboriy. ID, Call 1-800P┬░ rosumo with salary roquiroERENT FR EE- 2 bdrm mo In Kimboriy, 3 bod-- -rin goL 1 0 0 -6 9 9 ' ' Snanco ond light buiUing lalion skills. Current drivers IVIain A ve.E 1 i. - : l monts to; PO Box 2203. : 348-2531_______________ 1 down. sms. 2 balh. cozy lamily sELL S 1 bdrm npl up. liconso and good driving mnintenanco.Thoso inter^ Growing olocirical company Koichum. td. S3340. achod om. Two d ock s, groat r ju P B ? carngo. conlrally record Is nlso n o c o sso ry, __ oslod, ploaso coll Tho 57, homo. ____ Milne r Ave. N, 11 0 0 b l o c l < nily Coll DAlQ ON- LIVERE alod . S69.900. AssumтАФA Ammicaft-Rodcroec-at--------------A ppraisal oxporion co is ------- f┬л T i^ S o n c o d p im t ^ a n - ------------------------------- ------fa-8-^iir-m ofloago_ay--------------IMMEDIATE OPENING Exporionced push-pull opor733-6464, ^D ^LE731-2892,Pricod hho o b lu l. Sa la ry $ 1 3 0 0 & approntlco oloctrlclan E $74,500, *93-516 nor. Cnll 736-0970. I___ alor neodod. Send rosumo $ 1 5 0 0 por month DOE, __ -;-i-W ) H h e s e - s t r ┬л e t i --------- TT T^BY SnTER S l6f iir>'B<JvofiTin5S7┬лpreien=тАв o q a -D O E. bo nnlH.p kp,- - to: PO Box S3."C5o6dingriD ' Twin FolisC ounly Human тАФ IfyoiHive-by-anMH ^ m vj availablo. II you aookth o lotlvein th* Burloy , . S3330orcall 934-8464._______R r<ooourcos. Attn; R onoe and vi/ouid like; to I d e liv e r WANTED ^ lO N S T R U C T lO N Rupert market. Must bo u.aft polontlnlforndvancomont, PO Box 126. Twin , Rc I Full tim e mill oporotor. at__.. Robbins. P lo a so sond rosumo with f k no m oro, Horo is the soll-startor. colloao jjrnduID 83303. Twin Foils )lder grandmothorly-lype, _____ least 25 yrs old. must havo___ Falls. V waaoroqulrom onlstoPO' Fa mo you havo boon look;-N e w s тАЬ ^ for 6 mo old. 2'A days po,- Bonut ato proforrod. Wo oro oxis an oqual opportuCc ? T A T ? S ' l TY , CO N Th o-childron-or----------- CDL liconso. 324-8606._______Counly *0 Box 1693 TF.ID83303 }-lorl ponding our sonflcos lo tho n'tlv omplovor. LOOKnO wook. 423-9002 ..................... 3lu l 734-0400 HAIRSTYUST, .___ -Di! indmothorwill bo happy ;o Secretsrlai Day Mini-Co55la oroa. Plonso Wanted exporienco short Third Dlm onsion Culs now____V\ thoir sido ol tho house тЦа A prll27,l994 1 lulltiil now 5 or G W m a, .jnn.foi sond rosumo lo:* haul truck driver. ollora our stylists S our cli┬н 17 RESUME lilo mom and dad enjoy W IN asocrotaryforthodnyтАЩ Tho Timos Nows. Cnn 324-7148. ^ ents a CHOfCE. II you nro ___ and givo yours tho day old J privacy ol thoir mnstor PREPARATION Atlon: JnnolGollin. ito. 3 bedibom , 2 bath. on ostnblishod ctylisl w4h a -------------PO Box 548. ** * * * * - tm aU dining-tfloni-and--------------clienlolo or lust beginning, тАФ 7 3^3--2 0 0 9 lor c u stom ized ___ Sond us your businoss card. Twin PntlsiDB330t.EOE urof.'TnrumtP^Rov'Stotion oat room plus tots ol oxlrn тАЬ Tho drnwlna will bo holdL our now CHQICE.npppln.1:. тАвWffтАФh a v e -a rtтАФim m o dlo lo " тАФ om In unlurnifihod basomont oyatom cnn acoomo^ Id' I Wodnosaay.ftpnTSaj, ' <noleWord.734_S217^ oponing fora qunliliodtoch^ ,Loal" p^nvHnd j | 0 ^eold ont, Boau iilui noulrni тАФ H O M E j grran: n o m R R i m ^ sSlodt^H K ^^^^W o^ior [|! oxporionco proforrod, mi T i iiriii-Tn ' i ' i ' i тАЩ^'n ;!!r 1 sfe'┬╗ h o n e* it^ l┬л 0 lino I Cindy nl 733-1606 doslngod lo holp familios n\] CAROLYN CUTLER (lunrnnloo plus c o mmis- -ExcollBnt-bonoliU:.& _p maculate counl^^2-slorY^ TwIriFflllt. ID 03301 work┬н copo with Iho eollogo finan┬н r733-9026.┬л04.'137 ' sion. complolo bonofifpac- - ,ing condilions. Id 734-6452 cial aid mazo, and fund akgo, on-going company ^Coninct Mr. Chuck Hosman thoir childron's oducation. training 4 eoroor opportuni- ^ at Con Paulos Chovrolot. j?c 212 TRADE Wo nood 2 ononis in Magic .. Il03.7 33-4733,- iih bonulilol iniorior and a тАШ тАвPontint:, GMC True* and - -i -----------Valloy aioa. call 342-7025. igo SHOP. Ifs oxqubito 4 тАв BUILDING in spe c to r тАЭ " - тЦаHlrir>gfor;loodproco5Slng.-' -----тАв'тЦаgeo ; ----------- JR T V 8 3 2 _______ M bQlof0.12. or 1:800:____ ^onl lasl long. Coll Nowl I------ warohouso.-coTTCtruclionr-------TJT CnsBlaC ountyis currontly------ 73:4:6565324:3900-------- ' тЦатЦа3 0 0 * 4 0 0 A d d fe o rirri"Aye7-тДвтАФ^ тАЬ тАШ - - :944-0272 onytimo lor your тАФ NOW $99.000--------------- ST A T E r e a l t y -----r тЦа тЦаmochanicc.'maehinBts. - тАФ taking applications fori n734-0400 inlon/low.____________ carpontry. CDL drtvors. j.-i lull-timo building inspector. 300 . B o r a h A Ave. \ 213 MISCELLANEOUS I _____-T v ^ F d ls733-7300___ .f l: aEET9ALESPOSrriON- -A p plica n ts most hnvo a - OPPORTUNITIESтАФ -~ 3 0 0 - 4 0 0 F ile r A v ve. e тАв > Burley 6 7 M 0 4 0 * No Foo >s, knowlodgo ol consirutfion 0,11543-4371 I Doo to incfoosod flool sa)09, as industry and bo fomlllar ; local doalorship now has Accopling npplicaiions lor on 3 0 0 - 4 0 0 H e y b u r nirn Ave. E X PR E SS aS ti- with Iho Uniform Building { oponlnns for solf-moti101 BUSINESS ^ PER SO N N a SERVICES oogor oi paronl of a child with ith Codo. ond havo oxcollont , _____ 1┬░тАЩ - 1 0 0 - 5 0 0 J a c k s o nDn St. volod individuals with disability 10 bo a RogionnI -OPPDHTUNITIES- - ' . \ Journeym an plumbor di vo comm unlenllon sk ills. A < siiong dosiro to cam nbovo Education Coordi┬н ____ J- -n o o d o d Kotchum -nroa. - -Pnront r тЦа 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 ' Q u in c y/ S┬г t . bo - valid Idaho Drtvors Llconso...............nvorogolnwmos.^Mo^b^ nator lor Idaho Paronts Unif.tablishod usod oppliance ^ ^ lin┬╗l08.l0-praviau.TULuuu:;-IfrA lcajgqultQ d-Sondjtt^-._oQod oay-Q^ii 7RR-9731. = = J -faouildinfl.&-uuttnr~QuOJ i 300 G h e t in^^ v o,.__________ H iss sumo and salary o x p o c taтЦа-...Joumoymnn sleoi sIud^rarlT' oтАЬs, training 4 support to municolo woDwith businoss i opportunity. R oasonnblo.' c S Dxlions to; Timolhy A. Hurst, oro, drywall ha n g ers S ownors. Previous salos oxothor paronis. Must bo able J 7 3 4 -2 3 6 5 orwrito: 1828 ... orCnssia-CoontyCourlhouso. 'тЦа topors . dryvit appli^qilys; poiionco prolorrod. Inlor10 Irnvol 4 w ork54 hrper -rtmbwtT-Hti.' Tr, m m j o r - t ~ " тАФytr - I, 4 0 0 . 5 0 0 тАФ A d d is oM n VA - vO. f y fpp^lntmani J y j .B u ila V iin fi^ lP тАв NNYBROUGHTl 1326 month. Will pr'S'vaavainfng:------Excollont opportunity lor right LO at tions musl bo rocoivod byy 208-322-1885,___________ тАв pFor moto inlormntion. writo: 'E┬л' contact Rick Muollor at th oil y o u n o e d tor 400 B o r a h Ave. A> porson to own 4 oporato sq 5:00o,m ,A oril15.1994. I lo n d s c o p o d , (rult LICENSED ONLY Joutnoy||IPUL, 4696 Overland Rood 736-2480. тАв .. thoir own BBO rostaurant. wc тАв 400 F ile r A.ve. ve LOOK WHAT THE EASTER BUNNY -I man & approntlco oloctiin c o d ,w /lu ll a u t o , 8478, Boiso. ID 83705, HavealIoquip.rocipos4 trc jq . ft., 3 bdrrii. 5 b a t n w ith cions. Kotchum-Sur> Vnlloy Or call. 342-5604 o oa n d c o r if c o l air ^ 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 , H a r r is oon n Ave. wortTi woQthior o n jo y m o n ti l o firop iaco, 2-cor aronrGood pay. Call Monfornpolicntion.______ ^ tr c ?o o s & sh r u b i. I^ullv f o nooc d o irnAve. . ________ Fri.-6-4:30 7fe-4427, ^- BECO CONSTRUCTION .4 0 0 -5 0 0 H e y b u rn S-109, . sp Hotl Newl 3D Sports vid eo QCrin klors. p a t i o . Q o z e b o 0 Local truck dealer, lookeng COMPANY INC. ^ 400 S h o u pI Ave. A cy*. on oiilon in gl G os r iooi. w oCONV od Sportsbarslovoill EN IEN C E. 3 (or exporioncod mechanics, jj is jtaking applications lor tho Ooroo┬йтАЩ A sking 592.000. ┬лLS-10 Locations woitingl o d o n 2.25 a c r e s , fo St. 1 0 0 -4 0 0 V a n B uren un _ ( o llo j^ g ^ ^ W ^ 5 ;^ ^ s p e r s o m ^ W f f l r s p a t a r v ^- ---Tm gino-i.drivalm inJlIPoiL^c 6Krei;uirod . ^ tpiic. N ico b arn a n d onco proforrod. Sond ro- тАвi,, COUNTRY QUIET. CITY 2CO OuicJt rolurn on invostmonll _. .2 5 w Q lu r st^ or oj. тАФ ----------------- . _Qu su m o to: Sorvico тАв*ci crushor operator c Kod ro o m . 1 batti fio m o sliod ' тАФ i:S0┬лt34-9449---------- -- - b d-pQliO :-Zon┬йd-M 2^ -----------these streets a n d ^ __ Mananger. PO Box 1656, *fr if y o u live b y a n y o f thi тАв masler moehanic. DO surveyod. Has w ell & sop lic тАв #SK-134 Wodding Docor rental busiTwin Falls, Id B3303. So Sond rosumo lo; p5?o n s o t u p for o n l m a l s . 2.2E newspapers for ness only $14,000. Coll w o u ld like to d e liv e r PO Box 1768, Idaho Foils. ID S^'ritSkror'SVStom-ercovorod-p Looklnnforonood PC Hmehni 734-4567. B3403. NAILTECHNiCIAN тЦатАЩN e w s тАФ T he Jlm eSтАЩN тАв Aim: Tofk to ront spaco in a woll302 MONEY TO LOAN __ or cnll 200-529.9891. -1991 octablishod holr salon. Call Hoir Etc. Etc. C Ccashiors nondod, must bo___ ┬л NEED CASH? n A venue, E a s t 733-5002 days', or i19 yonr old or oldor. swing ^ We buy notes 4 rent o sln lo , 7 3 4 -/oKon'mopp' 19 __________ We 733-11B4 ovos. &wookonds.- _ ssh ill. Apply in porson nt 326-5040 тАв cbniracfs; Croativo Finnnco Sio "inSBIuoLnkosBtvd N. ' 733.5559 1 2 6 6 A d d is o10 n snarp A Loo'Wno lor all-nround sor- _1 1-800-9^9-^009. iSnarp 733-5559_ ^ 1 0 7 0 B lu e I Insulator noodod; oxport-. vico porson. must bo ablo |n; Slow Hollows 7a4^l'29a"'S!0v0 Ko V Smtin 734-2020 o n co d proforrod, Cnll to change tiros, oil, ilo b o 3uamn HalK>W3 734.1200 GonoStii ibiODanlAl) 734-4044 304 INVESTMENTS тАШ ;1;^ Whilohend Homo 4 Enorhoovy cfuly trucks. Ablo lo V Jonn Etmwwoo 734-1340 BlioSnai McMftSIOJ 733-0070 T w in workvariatyol hours, somo j (IV. 733.9688.____________ JimHMQ 734.7105 tjiny Sm R ooleslnto limited pannor'S5vG.bD3 733.0S90 OoOBiO 1 -D3 8 8 2 Sat & Son. Sond rosumo & Job , ship. lsy┬╗-20% lotum-^inx Opening April 1 5 ,1 or Slevo Dl Luccn 324.C773 TUn McM background to: Box 91072, honnrrt-. 733.9658, 11 p o ssib ly 2 p o op le, wntor % Tho TImoo N ow s, PO ihnulor. Must bo ablo to sor1 .8 0 0 -6 5 8 - 3 Box 548. TF. ID 83303. [vlco. drivo lorgo 4,000 gol 305. CONTRACTS AND MORTGAGES H T Polorblll truck. Desert job roouiros trallor h o u so on Contracts, tnitt doods, purjo b .A p iiI2W u ty 1 . Cottle chasod whole or pan. allotment i^ lly fouling AlWest Ono Bnnk тАФ тАФ IbTJijly 1. sn m o pors'on m O f c D t.800-772-4666 __ could conlinuo on for us as ridor lor mountain olloimonl - ob,-also roquires troilec n o u so ond 2 or moro horcos until Oct IS. or unlil catllo aro romovod from for-' ost, Coninct Vnughn Jons- тАв on,AlCOlD527-M90. Legal brolhel bartondor. permonont gravoyard shih, 3 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 B L-CO . C K w ks, 7 d a y s, then 1 wook E Q U A L H O U S IN G 1 1 otl. i s nnhr. For moro InM< O P P O R T U N IT Y m form ation c a ll 7 0 2 -7 5 2 E C E S S A K Y I ar this - If yoo Uvo B ear I area _____ N o E xX i P E R I E N C E N E ( _ 09t4nsktorD innoorJnw i. real ftstala advortsiog m this I W ied b dolhreriag ......... ^ All and'voD a re tn te restei ncnnpapM is tUt^Hict to ttw FaV Local monulncturlng plant in c o m e o f , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 u l i o n s o ffer o p o te n lio l im tboT Ines-N i i-NcwsI Ha M vrfAfi matos Rkoal t h e s e s a l ┬л p oilill will bo occepting applica┬н 10 advonis┬╗ тАШany preforonco m u sl h a v e a g o o d j tions for production workers to $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 a inn n n u ally . To q u a lify y o u hHMoog(fau>i┬╗r┬л*onbaBndcn on < Mon. April 11th S Tuea racft cdcr. nicJen, tax. twtJcap. b e . a b le , lo fo lloiw w s im p le d ir e c t io n s ro d riv in g r e c o r dl,_mList ,- r April botwoon 9nmstftB. a n3Sonsl oigln. or 3:30pm . 621 Washington'; p ee'o p l e . _. i b le to w o rk closely w ith p an Intonilon, to mako any toch a n d m ust b e a b l e St, Sou lh . Must hovo lo l┬н proloionco. lim.l8tlon or lowing oxporionco: Powor i iiserimlnalion.' Familial status W e offer: = = = = = = T i ttJutte didtxi undor tools, w ood working, pro┬н t ┬╗ ope of | ctio n * manufacturing. 0 T T raining тАв M o d ical a md n d D onlal P a c k a g e du тАв O nt> on-ono r A d v e r tis e rs * S18 living with paronts or legal Must bo ablo to uso 4 road custodian: pregnant womoo^and cut ^ lir o m o n l P ockogo j lion I тАв Excoljonl M тАв P aid V acalio r ta p e m ea su re . M ust bo p c ^ toart^ oBtxV Ofd * h n ^ P* /Vcorking C o n d itio n s тАв ' ioblo to lilt at looat 5 0 lb s. tiW IB.. _______ mnm issions тАв Excollont W O R O L b i тАв Liboral C o m Wuik hum TOilial ft wMion тЦа TNs nowspf^xx w< nrt iTOn^nt^ n dd a y th ro u g h Friday, ordore. N o p h o n e c a ll* >ri a t tho D oalorship, M o n ^ A p p ly in p e rs o n < accopi any advoni^ngtor 10^ D leBiel__________u l a r r a t e s ┬╗ whch 3 o r Ken C h ristianson. j o f f a l l r e g u : 000 p .m . to M a n u o l D av ila c iwaio is n >Uaix)n o( the 1 :0 0 p ,m . fo 5 :0 N eeded: Exporioncod floor law Our raadors aro hereby lify Employer : : m , o lnlonon co p o op lo. D US a t t h e tim e Be su re to iriform I sm Molorj Is on Equal Opportunity iislham I inlormed mat- ad dwellings wagos buBOd oo expor. apadvortsod in W newspaper are ^ovA-tto y o u p l a c ej yy o u r a d i plv nt 130 Bkio Lakoa, feOE on an oqjjl_oppo┬╗turtty Now toking npplicaiions for boas. To conitifi d w i i┬лfflgn yrs or older anyone 60I yr production porconnol.' caa HUO Toflroo al V 8 0 0 ;тВм ^ i l l l . IhflTott-tmo-iolopliiine' тАФ Mott"Thur┬╗r10 hourohrhs;тАФ lUfitcr lor tw hoorrg IrrpwoJ is __ 1^6. por^hour^^A^pjy^ol a h o ^ 3 3 -5 7 7 ^ ^ ^ _ ' 208 PflOFESSIONAL-. тАв 2210 SALES 212 21: TRADE ; . t ^ i s e 'I 'o N e w T T T e iDE2 12_TH t2 - f jW t e c Si lllS тАШ d i ^ S f c r - - 5A BA LA REALTY ^ O n e R o u te Wende S e c o n d R o u te f SSV Tp The Times-i call toll free 536-2535 5. ' CCLEAN S 'тАЭ,; COU NTRY ROUTESAVlA AIILABLE B A R K E R 'j ST/ RT. 833 L . tf, Opportunity Careerd ----- ^ - -- - - J o in .lc la h o ^ a s lEilB^t S nrnwinn automotive ' gro u p as a salesp e on, oroup medical, 401K p lus com m ission, 'acauon pay, Superior retirem ent, vac; ronment. Mustbeweii worldng environ mess minded. Serious .,___dressea,busine: jnls only please. applicanli ni lext. call 733-0931 1 203 estland Hyundai Gary's Wes Btakes Blvd N .r~ n Falls, ID n Webster Dam F I L IE R R O UJ T E r ; I тАв FAIRSTf-REET 1 * \ m D 09Q S_ J I .тАв i bo 111 SO^Moln. Rier. Id тЦа .I i < тАЭ 1 I For Our Senior 1 i : .m m m ^ тАвJAIRGRCOUNDS тАв MAiNSlTREET тАв NORTHtSTREET r тАвPARKS!THEET I ,тАв YAKIMA t f r e dD O f - Y o h IL o o k i n g - F o r A .- J ; B r i g:; h] t e r F u iT U R E ? NOW \ H I RU N G .. тАв H a .LEYREALTY MAGICVALLE -------- -.ill;i, Idiilio E-J Iifiii's Ni'w:;. Iwiti F.ill; Fridiiy, 8.. li i9a-i' тЦа' ' tate/Sale/i=!Rent R e a l Estg 502-612 ' 506 .JEROME HOMES 512 FARMS/RAHCHES 6503 FURNISHED APTS/DUPLEXES тАФ a n d DAIRIESтЦа . Extm sharp 4 bdrm homo in countfY sotting, wtlh (odococ- 3 7 7 ncros.2 hom es!I biick). 1I bdrm in TF, uliis lurn. 53M ). ------------ _ U I H A R ^ N G oratooinioriori nico landftd' corrals, f.lOoI sh o d . TFC mo. Loase & rofs foq. No 2 r.loiy homo wimTrDCJnii:.,' ^ тАЬ^ipJrrgTnh-^┬лi.>kl┬лi.oaJli.----- u;ati-r 70 nc rns ovorlookingg pot^Cnll326-316l. nico Irg kiichon with walk-in . octos plus walof sharos.; In тАв Iho Snakn fti7or '/a rOnqngrf! ^^-Ufurniihodbdim '-liaiCmunrr: -----g┬╗qel{i!wHec<rtten GW o f pl,iiiL-d liiiu 13 Vj.li'ujt!'., fwtf~ .iroa.'ulitily room. loncoO =0'тАЩ Joromo. Mdsl coo lo oppro'foslroam . Ronlior ownodH apt lor a vory quiot potson. i back ud with w ood dock. No sm oking. All ulijs lurciatn|$163.?l00 Pioar.o caH- '543-4930.543-5669 $r>7,OOQ C.illJqnn _ тАв . тЦа7 r\Ishod: IncJudos WD. $300 * .1m.0 ┬╗ L 3 2 4 l5h? 1 .. Appfox.-OOaau-S-oU-aur. SO. ┬░ L-mo.-733-2672 . тАФ1 ^ slw ros ol TF. walor. houso, тАв , ...... S P A R K L I N G тАв jтАЩ 'Joromo; Fiffnishod 2 bdrm g a r a g o .'c o r r n ls .^ h o d . тАв 2-r.iorv coltrtfjo homolocnlt'd тЦа m l. Nico J or 2 rocponr.iblo - g i7 2 600 7 .ll.S 5in ---------------тАФjOITp y o lVCuCKliuill.ifii .5 0 8 k im ber ly /M2 FOnSALE тАЬ _______ HANSEN HOMES ^ Or. abdim . IVibaih. laniily тАФ 513 room, (j.ifafjo, kjicMon flp3 bedroom, 2 bath homo on pir, Pfiq>dfif]Ml. Call nny. y , ? тАЩ,6aercs.J23S4d7_____ тАЬ f -0 1! 9 3 1 - L BUY IT!'ill! 7Fill3 3Every - SELLL IT! B ^N T eed^ - ^ A ' l B A r A BSHBrii I{I^тАШ41!f j ip - fogo, r>o pole, no r.moiung. ACREAGES AND' " Hnlmoniro':. 324.1367 LOTS_______________; _ 604 ..U N F U R N ISH E D _1^_ . ' -------- APTS-'OUPLEXES ' - ' | LOT^ & A CREA G ES: 510 CUT-OF-AREA тАЬ 1 4 2 bdrm cpls L_____HOMES____________ ____ тАЩ.NEW SUBDIVISION, nonh-|. тЦа-.тЦатЦатЦа'LnurolPoikApoftmont'T' oast nros, 10 lots lor homoss 176MauricoSl.N..TF. ' CABIN IN PA RA D I^lI , jnd i duploxos, C hooso your" ________ 734-4195.________ 733-4321 Nowor an oloctric. yoar-r'ound own conlMCtor. -----тЦа homo wilh cfock (font inтАЮ 1 bdrm. dow nstairs npt, no тАв GOOD VIEW. Monndor POTENTIAL PLUS: Chafmi┬╗mPinoFoaihon/illo area. rxitr,. ┬г295 mo 736-1654 Point,2.5ncior., inf] 3 bdrm hom o wilh V.iullodcoiling5,jacur2i ┬╗ 1 bdrm townhouso in rotirop.nrk-likoyafd on nlmoal 3l 1 lub, walk-in closois. goo0R O B E R T J O N E S* mont communily in Filor, acm Wllh 125 lool ol comomihormalnvail.iblo. .iro only r..'asonnblo.CnH f a -9 1 7 7 . R E A L T Y тАвmi)iical If0nla<50 on'Addiddlpan gl Iho outstanding lon2 4 3BEDROOM тАШ r.onEar.1. ROBERT JONES i6 _ 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 тЦаlES ?75.0Q0 3??-?51fi _ TOWNHOUSES , REALTY.733-0'1D-1. - ! lrom$415. 1-800-262-5001 1 SPACIOUS RANCH STYLE тАЬlT 512 FARMS,-RANCHES _┬╗-!_Waihof-&dryof.hooltup-----тАФ .. gX T -lgV l ' ' тАв ~ ____ j m j┬г J W lN FALLS----тАФ --------ANO'OAlRtES--------~ Small yard & storngo 3l>drmfl.2baths,lormal ___ 5 improvod lots in Rogorson.'тАв No polsl 734-6600 dining foom, largo ont-mll cd, Cnfi655-43SS.-_________^ ; 240 acfor., sprinklor iriigalcd, 7 2 bdrm. 2 balh, in 4 plox. Mchon, living foom, lamily t'тАШ'y ; oxcolloni low c o sl wnior, :of, H,ignrm.an; 125x50'lol, cow- тАШ nv.iil now, Cnll 734-7680 or loom with (tioplaco, olfico. idoalтАЩlocation, good dairy iiry nr-w,ilnr rnadv. 352-4401 733 6677 nitor Som. __________ boautilul maluro land'.Mph_ тАв''P- ., tilo^ 'j-n-.U U -lnlot& lalo, iittj------ h o R S E -L 'O V B R S тАФ 1? hrfrm in TF."53D0ri0f 1. or тАЬ _ . тАв n.-.!i-V,n-203i___________ i ---l.or;,ui.J . JT?---ud^o ol buM 1Q(\'l LтАЩrSnwood7it'g637. тАФ 'Lur^'Cbdfm m . W tS'm orwтАФ : hfiek-hnmo-Gtihl-------------clodps ulllillec-fc d c p o siI.,' тАв DBL 8 - Gfado A, good imI'IтАЩ shod! 4 loaling shods, NiM' Prolor no p o ls. Cnll 733503 BUHL/FILER rovomnnts, homo and nplo j ____ 3bcdrQQm.2balhhomD____ - - 3 1 51-ttr.k-iorGtwrnn:-------- --HOMES------------------iUSVVofJeromo : ... wilh caipon, basomoni S 95g_;j3BL.3^SmaiL<?-'тАШl%.4___garaflO Mrrn r -тАФ^OUJEX-UYliiG..^ _ ishop'IPfico.s.r^, . тАФ тАв-'~ b p d rp orn :t-h .ith r< 3fie тЦа ,,ClnnncQmp!t;?i:.i;8:gb ------------duflw ^towtlteotintnq'm ,1 r.Q ft. homo, nowiy romodc тЦа TRIGON - fully oquippod, ,apts. S 3 2 5 4 up, ?d, , ByOwnofiS179.500. olf-d m ustr.w 326 3356 Rolurbishod, cloan, - тАФ тАв lOOncros, Joromo, Shown by nppoimmonl only. dishwashor. Inundry тАЩCall 543-4119. ' ; R O B E R T J O N E ;SS 504 BURLEYyRUPERT Incililios. no pols KimbotlvLol.733-S904. тАЩ Qiiinev 734-6600 ' R e a l t y HOMES Lol lor snlo. now.construc- тЦа тЦа 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 lion. Morningsido-O'Loary ┬╗ C ijdrm; 2 bnih, br.ml. oxcol i y 605 ROOMS FOH RENT districl. 733-2576.________ тАШ localion, closo to school. - T A T i nm r es-News C Classified Wi 94 R E A L T Y - тАФ - e 30'. ; - i-flOO-262-5001 ?->5000 G7G-3t.I7._______ mo rnlos 736-1900" Prims loU 4 lownhouso do-тАЬ MOTEL i ----- I________EXT. 1211________ rr signhomos. Sunaof.l subтАЩ R 1 oom s for rent: C a b le TV i E X C ELLEN T FARM M on Sunriso Blvd N, EXCEL 505 GOODING/ incl HBO. housokoqping, ' i Loc.iiod dor.o lo Wunaugh \c. тАЩ LOCATION, doal w- ownor. V/ENOELL HOMES .f' dirocl dial phonos, Som o : 186 o c fo a ol g o o d farm Save Biff S. Call 736-0346.L. rooms wilh microwaves or ^ ! land. About 4 2 a cro s >s 3 bdrm, 1 bath. 2 comor kils. IS rolrigeralors, Convcr^ionl lon Tako your pick, 3 acros ir. nn' ; pasiufo. Iho rosi has boon near downiown. $00,000, I- downtown location. Dal^ 4 hn zonod R-6 lor molli dwollI ' ! in whont nnd bon ns. Tho C,^llq3тЦа^e3^2SalaSu^. ,jn ing, utils closo by. By own┬н 1- vveokly rales availablo. Call тАФ тАв larm h a s coricfoto main ). 733-5630/tfefef 3__________ or. will carry, only $27,500. 3 bodroom, IVs balh. Inun┬н dilchos nnd 174 shares er ol 734-7720.423-5787 nltorC ' dry,- (ormal dining. 2 car ,0fga- тЦа TFCCwntor, Th o2bd ┬лm intio, (I'ncod yard. On 2 I┬о tols 3ut 515 COMMERCIAL (606 MOBILE HOMES '-тАЩ ; homo, oulhldgs and about in VVondoll. ┬г<<6.500. Coll ' 2 ncros ca n bo pu iehasod________ PHOP-ERTY----------------.J ┬╗al - tC loW 3 Krm mobile h'oniuT" =?тАФ n^ e┬╗w -7a i- ? S 9 ┬╗ ----n r 11 .0 0 0 cq ll, comm orciai BRINGING IN 1950 PER MO j JEAN?E AT тЦа423-5736. J6. oloctricity, 4 ncfos. BurloyOFFICE AND Lfi homo wiiti country living. Ruport aroa. 436-1314. '' 607 ( ng. Fnrm land ex clu d in g 2 om bdrm homo, outbldgs and 2 3 bdrm. Ig calhodrni Ironl RETAIU SPACE R E D U C E D !! ox. ; ncros lor $ 2 7 9 .0 o 0 . s04rm, g.Tmo tm. cn approx. ONLY $ 4 4 ,9 0 0 ;OFFICES $120 up 736.0022 .-icru ol ground, landncapтАвтЦа'P116. Easy accoss, high visiblily, 200-3000 : ni,il ' ing, nlr,o wrih 2 bdrm rcni.il ollico Space availpnvod parking, could bo тАЮ2 тАШ able. Handicap designed^ I .............. hou so in bftck, p lu s. 13. - - *тАв oMicos. For this gr&al ollicfl.' Good location. Lois of^paik-" 1 .icror.. $185,000 (or all or cpaco cnll . . _ will divido pr o p c tly . For ing. All ulils lurnishod. Call I _тЦа morn inlnrm.alion 53fl-2135 SPRING CREEK 733-1874 loave m essa g o I тАФ ------S T A T E R E A L T Y or 734-4411._____________ ^ 3 4 ^ 4 0 0 - _______ ______ REALTORS 506 JEROME HOMES -----тАФ тАЬ тАФ 24QQjiq Ji with 16x14 over- I тАФ LA N D IS hoad doorTnTsb 20 00 Eq1tтАФ | BY OWNER: 3 bdrm, 1 baih. for slorago, porlocl lor au?^ N O T B E IN G _________ latgnJpncod.vafd. oalift. , 'lomolivft^hop-DowfUovjJ__ ----- M A D E -A N Y M G R E 32A-iU3 $5.1,000-o┬╗ot.^ ----- buyyourT-irmnow. ^;U,4UU. 1 0' w ido mobilo lor sa lo . 35 acto farm r.oulhwosi,ooff 1 ,3 0 0 $2500 Of ollor. 734.3540. тАЩтАв APPROXIMATELY ' By ownor; NonI, clcn n 3 ' Filor. Full TFCC wafor SQUARE FEET ON MAIN bdrm, J V.- balh with hoi 'tub, la s: 12x70 wilh 7 fl lip-out. Groat - FLGOH.hall-finlshcdbasQ- . . sharos. m osl loconlly has ------------- G ood""1ocation тЦа nonr nd Lnkos. $ 3 0 0 0 . 3 2 6 -5 0 3 тЦа 4*- ' mont. Located cl 1440 Fitor boon in boons, allalln nnd J_______ -fcci-,oob.324.3703 ovos- .. ;E*-~ тАЭ тАФ тАФ p.1Sturo:CaII RON FREE-- ""AvorEasirRonfnogoiIablo.'' -..................InvMtorsI- .................тЦа тЦатЦа"MAN nl 734-4208. ┬л94-114 1 4 - 1 9 6 8 1 2 * 6 0 , Now c a ip o i,1, тАвCaI1734-S3SQ- T................. ' Two lor tho prieo o l one. now paneling, complotoly "f Commercial building. From: 3 bdrm. lg dining romodolod. Must soo lo ap. willromodollosuit.From.. .. j room kilchcn. 1 bnlh. Back; ofocialo. S9B50. 324-7311.lOOOsqllloeSOOsqft. ' Smallof 2 bdrm, J upstairs, 2 bdrm lully lumishod mobilo 0 Suiiablo lor totail тАв1 down, I balh. Vdry nood homo. $19.500.734-2730._ or ollico space. ~ rental history. Incomc S685 E85 ; S T A T E R E A L T Y Good downtown kwntion- тЦа CASH lor usod yd? тАв_________7 3 4 ^ 4 0 0 ________ mo. $48 500. Interested? CnIIChatlolie 734-1754. mobilo homos. Cat! 324-1288. Jofomn. тАФ T U R N -K E Y [ Brockmans 324-4203. COMMERCIAL J5A LB F A IL E D тЦаdairy Evcrylhinn fтАЩoodod lo FOR LEASE ------- '- тАв 'o n th i5b ti.}afo& m I u:iiT тАШтАШ'I'i ' start your own duiiy, mciuoBluo LokoTBlvan: 33 1051 1 homo in n oxcolloni aroaa in ! ing rolling dairy 4 farming i Dbl wido 1980 Fuquo. if Spaces Irom 600-4000 cq ft uC ' bdrm 2 balh & much morol I iiiif iiiii ^ 1IT innn iri--!i -It "┬л┬╗ni|'nmofit.-0f┬╗40 n c r ca Nfa STAIl'utiiitios in clu d ed with / on ll'o main Itoof and 1000 500 m Joiomu. -i ;.Uin,liion lUrt- 'тЦа $27.0j)0^bo slo ┬╗ o r :C a llS_-r l \onr.o C.ill lor r.itos. . sq . It. in tho bnsom ont. : barn, c a ll p o n s, loaling 2 963 Bluo LaUesUIIICDS:--------R(;,idy for immodinto occu┬н тАвcu- I shod. Handlino irngation. 4 I For salo: 1994 M nilollo. 2n ;spacosnpprox 050-2100 so r vn-'! bdrro. so t-u p in H anson pancy. Wood burning slovO' ovo' I bdrm. 2 balh homo lof ownll Cnll lor your p o fso n n i lor'; n.7rk Call423-6495 _ ir. inctudnd. Call RALPH nl ! o t plus 2 bdrm. 1 balh lor showing, 7 3 3 -9 5 7 6 . Toinl prico3 Is I s ' hirod holp. S130.000, Call 371 Locu┬╗t Str┬лot Soulh . . . .SS9,000.┬л34.007. :┬░I!-,L519-CEHETERYL0IS__ ; . ... Joao733-aS7fl.-................ - Approx !4 2 0 flq li.-W o le r 4 r sowor included. Zoned fo2 adjnconl com olory plots тАв tail light mnnulacturing. plus vnults at Sunsoi MoL ! S A B A L A тАв 2055 O┬лtcrloh A ve.-.................. тЦа morialPnrk.$1950lorboth. 'Approx 1000 cq It. Rocop503-391-9132lordoiails. - тАФ' ilonaieQ.-kitCihon.-mulii-purтАФ R E A L T Y _____ -.ST-A -TE-R EA LT -Y тАФ Compriion'lots, primd locn-' ' 'тЦа pose loom. Fenced & land73'3-4321 734-0400 lion in Su nsot M emorial scaped. Call for details P.irk. $600 o n .733-5994 - .502H oni(ln┬╗RoodS. . . . For snlo nl Sunset Memorialll ;2. story ollico building wilh . PnrV.3comolnryplots. npl. H eal pump, conUnl 736-0840 vacuum . 2 0 0 0 sq ft on 2 lloors. Owner pays utilities, 1 Call lor inlormalion. I r -iS iOrSUPERCi: A ^ X 4 3 X^TT^тАЩ I ji '-i yr тЦа 6 AT r _THISтАФ -fR IC ^ ^ ^ 'o%sa 7тАФ - %2119 ....... i IRUJ f fl n M ONTH PER venlence Group nditioning тАвCruise тАвTilt тАвConvcni ission тАвXLTLoriol TrimтАвAir Cond yl, ┬л5 Speed Monual Tronsmissu тАв4.9LEFI6Cyl. do Air Bag тАвMuch Morel 3nl Styled Wheels тАвDriverтАЩs Sido тАвAM/FMSicreo тАвArgent! " menis of Sfi93&..SI 900 (osh down cr Itodo liodo equity. wymcRlt of S289 iwr moRlh plus sol┬л la> *74 Iwe D cyr FiSI pdyriliSnnnili' = IRRY^ALEI e n d s m ^ ^ n n M i m n I GEM _a33Q32^:nr" m I GEM ................ : : I ' * ; ........ . ' ' S ┬л Sprin ling in Our Field" "Outstandim ' ExcopllonaJ homo, 5 bdrm, 33 61 a c re s farm ground lor . >тЦа bolhs, doublo ear gortsgo,'тАв тАвтЦатЦаrdhl,"ouTfab!ef6rpoiwo'or~ S family loom, firoplnco. chon olhor crops. Cash, ront or H lormlooso. $950 month, ; NEW CON! noooiinto. 934-5582. ┬л THE MANAGEMENT CO, ' I kz hew iiomi (EATunts 3 eto Approx. 138 nc. larm land for noOMturt Fritoi doors leaohig to ┬╗S s FmtiY (UX3UAiio lusttR D[D funtx 733-0739. r ront or looco. Suiiablo lor > ARtOWKODlCK. BlAUIlfUlOUi beets oyjolaloes. ioi!(5тАШ'pflScM"AroNLy'$i^ '* In Jofomo: 1 bdnn - f . $335.тАЩтАв ┬л [i:r uAiitiENwiiu vih^i siC iKC n lco. firepla ce, no p o le.'тАв I UOn{ IKfORUAIlON. >' 1 m iS .,3 eтАЮ J o fo m o . , CCLNHJIWOftKOaiANIORUOn 324-2834_______________Budj, 324-6555VIO ^ S REDUCED NOW T ONLY *99,900!!! ^ Jerome, 1 bdmi, $275 mo -f :n[5 IH IH C C O U M IR T IN It(┬г FlUfi W ltA , . Excellenl potato ground for > .FlooM to flOAUoN 1 1/4 Acnts 13/4. > .......i250dofl.NQ PO l3--------: , So MUCH10 fliJOYwitliTKtS;wwiTMiBinucuo3┬гtDPmu. ww ------ rent; S Burloy oToa,- C tiir ' .'C all 324-3161 . 8ATII5 WIIH BEAinirUlтАЩOAKIII 6 7 8 -7 6 8 3 , 6 7 0 -1 0 1 8 . or p :. r . i ! i , тАШ5,S,;ls┬░K ia V _______ ' flfmmn yiiw or tm uouhiaih s Usually can m ove you PASTURES s ANYWHERE for,(CBS thanI 612 I L rontinfl o truck. Nood FOR HErir ┬╗ -Joad*loCali|.&Ari2------ , : FREE ESTIMATES 6'/ii i acres o llrrlg o led p a s - тАв y Cnll 324.3490. _ lute, nood lenco 734-5265 > N ew 2 bdrm h om o, W-D3 iCoral 4 email paslurokovail* . hook up, now caipd . paikr ir -ablo.-horaoo. . calllo. prico ┬л ir)g, Qppis Included, $500 0 noneliablo. 324.4909 failQ uihh -Xoeuan Lytu V' тАв m┬╗ S4& d ep.734-47S8 1тЦа, ]Irriggtod paslurp: 5 mKos SW' ' тЦа тАФ тЦа 'тЦа -7 S i n , f r тАШ M m tiuriy,""fTum ippnnтАФ > * MolBroquifod^ $40b\*^^^^I.' 6 0 -6 5 pair. S om o cnr> be f.wmhed 736 3907. ^ No pots, 886-2640, J l l I P W >E a r n - ___ yourr trade! rTfdSe TopтАЩ s iwance ^ allou i ^ Top doUat 7arf o r '" ^ ^ тЦатЦа $ 1 ,0 0 0 i d e - i n ! тАФ^ ^ = ^ r n in im u m ^^^= ^^^your tradi trade-in allowance:тАЭ - N --------- *6,977 *6,977 u k iS w ift S ^ H y u n d i Ex *6,977 V *7,977 0 T 7 91 FordJ T ' em po Stt'C a m a ro Z ^ C h e v r o le Icsw ogen.Fox-.--------- *8,977 -.93-V ollcs ----Suzuki Sai k im a ra i 4 x 4 ----- ^ 2 '-90 7 7 a r u Lbyale - ------ *8,977 8 2 N issan 28' 977 :k C en tu ry $*8,977 j O T T 91 Buiek Q S ^ O ld s m q bbile ii C alais O T T 9 2 FordJ IEscort 8 7 M ercury *8,977 $J 8 8 Fordj ' 'IB r ^ n c o i i 4 x 4 8 5 Ford Broni m co I1 4 x 4 - . ^ 3 , 9O T T тЦа *8,977 тАвcury T opaz O T T 9 4 Merci LeBaron ^ 8 7 C h ry sler' h *9,977 fjF m M .................... j R a n g e r XLT 4 x 4 8 4 ^V o lk sw agg e n V a n a g o n *9,977 ,977 vroleff C a v q iie rтАФ - 19,977тАФ тАФ ,977:-!>....... Ota Pickup . M a z d o B2 32200 -------* ,977 *9,977 *M┬лW..................... Ige S h a d o w ^ A udi 4 0 0000 Q u a tro *9,977 .977 ................................ Eda B26<W E x tC a b $10.977 | { ExtCafa 4 x ii......... g 8 5^N issan Exl ,977 v ro ie t B eretta $ ]|10.977 ┬г T T 9 3 Chevi 8 9 T o y o ta Tei rercol . . ^O W 'O T T ~ 9 2 c.......... h evvir o te r iv m tn a ------ 1 0 ,9 7 7 ^ 5 - 4 it4 " " " тЦа ' -------------75-GM C.C25iB! r o n c o ll 4 x 4 .. O T T 8 9 - F o rd ~ ~ 9 | ^ u x u k l Sw 10/977 fT r w M тЦа k s w a g e n J e tta nc bile C u riass ^ 8 9 O ldsm obil 10.977 ,977 9 1 NIsso io n S ta n z a ^ 110.977 C Qt c b 4 x 4 " qO T T 81 C h ev ro let k sw a g e n . P a s s a t $ ^ ^ 9 0 Volkfi S S ^o id sm o bbiie ii c ie r o ............ ^O T T тЦа 10.977 fM t M .......... тАФ _ X p p d g o -C o i 13/977 ,9 7 7 ______ on wagon тАв I57t Z7 ^ MAGIC VALLEY REALTY 734.1991___________ Newly remodeled 3600 sq ft - rciaitDroMiecspacoonAd' dison Avo. Call 736,0994. I Now ollico sp n co lor ront, тАв North TF lo ca tio n . Call 3 734-5681._______ Small ollice in prolessional '; 601 FURNISHED тАШ ollico park. 12x14, $150 in^ R e a llo r s ddulils. 733-2124________ V HOUSES ^ - Topoltho5tnjro.1950M .lt.. ^ Kimborly, 2 bdrm wilh shopP S250.540 6Q. n.$ 1 2 5 ,lim STARTER HOME > ? cofrals. pasture, $650 mo, ited remodeling with lease, cono locAtimi. cinr;( to ^cuMi a'cO '? B56-7181 dnvr, . utils lurnished. Call Archis. AST LONG AI J37.5C0. Cau tJtanA тЦа> Lif-rjirtillS WOlJTL^^^^ Goodman 733-2 0 4 9 or E. flHKr,ilUiJlWlMM(l)(IW!. ^ 502 UNFURNISHED F:^┬╗lkncf 736-6729 - тЦа IE WORLD GO BY ^s WATCH THE 1 HOUSES ; lAA/Avl CAQirjAiWCTf.ucrrwmi s PiAcciui AiiD 1тАШfnffcr riCiA*. - 609 WARiHOUSi? iUAuiJ:;i..тАШ.uiv Cf.u/X inou.j; Spiuco; $ 4 5 0 -i- $300I s M.*тАЩA S K f f s i s r ' " " J^: ' 1202 lA┬лt ┬лl fJitltiy. CCWLIтАЩI ┬лтАЩ0 тЦа STORAGE REmтАЩA L тАЩ dop or 1224 Spruco. $500 93-OOBGQ ' . тЩж 1300 dop. Bon 734-9880^ ; Convonioni location 10x20'c, y or733^X)yo.___________550 mo. Some w/oloclric. s 2 bdrm, $400 mo. Ist-lost + * STASH-rT 734-6462. , doo. No potcl 733-4551. тАв ┬л 3bQ dtoomhom o,8miloaSE E | 611 FARMS FOR I. o lT F ,S 4 0 ^ d m r ┬╗ ^ ^ I u c REKT ___________ ^B H p The Genneral says: rre cleaning tl ...and I Givins You GEM I I S i m ^ ,977 i g c n Q u a n tu m 8 4 V olksw agi 83^H onda Acc U c o rd ^ 2 977 977 9 8 6 f w iubishi M it-M ax PU SRor"""tiac тАЭ' G randA m / ┬╗f15T3 ........... # ┬╗I1545 ........... W / ┬╗I1K>4........... M MтЦа ┬╗>1305 ........... t M ┬╗11S60 . riisoi ....................... 3 8 6 4 , 9 8 6 $ 4 ................ 9 тАв 1I5M ....................... fT r X # тАв tlS74 ┬╗11┬лK........... ┬лiMoo ┬лiisfl7........... *21223....................... 2 $ 5 $ 5 M ┬╗1t603........... ┬╗n8oa 8 тЦа f тЦа I jlA ___ ___ m Pt Ftillii. . r , rridayrApnl nln ;l2 3 -1 " тАЬ Tirncs Ncwr;,-Twn ----- тАв- тАФ . fmer's Marhket leaf Estate,e/Rent-Farn 99 13-703 61; iVAKTTO F IE N r' 'тАЩ тЦа тЦа тЦа DEALERS . 1099 ALTTO A 19 ' -AUTODEALEnS 1099 )9 ALTTODEALEnS 1M9 Al/TO DEALERS тАЩ ^ .тАв ' Iivo lamily jusl moving 4-H QCtivo I roo noodo a hom o / m onB yd fivoolT w inтАЩ_, Fnlis would woul liKo n 3-5 bdrm. Ih. tvith тЦа ------тАФ W6<U0C I I a f IтАФ ""Jw ypvT I u&oтАЩdtuQS soldom JтАФтАФтАЬ^ M тЦа j J V S rx V k. P lo a so call o v o s - тАв тАв drrnk.^pi ______ тАв.__ wants Io roni of loaso Fnmily' wnn 3 4 bdmi houso Filor clonn.*. 3-4 Rota nvnil. 3264925. . ed_Io r e n t .m od a┬лt ____ -VVa^nJod-l A ' - T тАФW----- - тАФ 73;.;ag3 ; k >3^-______ тАв *тАФ - тАв тАв w O /S -J . ' igo. Iparkinfl aroo lof '^ O i onrogo. t |fu ck -l-lfailfl┬╗-flo---------------____ ::------- ------------- тАФ 6┬лml|ru< id ..lO -aQ X _97J49^ тАФ ----------r __________________ ____ opQnd..ic it.N ow s.PO 00* 5 4 B ,_ .. ____ -------1-тАФ .Timot.Nt Twir)Fnllf a S to c k /441T тАШ - Ford . . . Sure it's built b y F P 'A a z d a тАЩs W a r r o a rn B u tt M ' тАв . тАв t y is B e t t e r ! ju c tlb lo . F* C C o v e r a g e W llh Z oro D odu l . ^ a тАЮ S O . C C O ^mile l '.BumpeiJo-Bu.mP.efтАШ are powerful V-6 than anyy Im In porl truck to d a y l o n Nissan or T oyotol ighor towing ca p ac ity ttnon lulo-tocW ng front h u b s l------ ^ S hltfontho fiy4x4-wilh-oulc ^vMI BI ^ -Ins тАв - y S u r T f e - A ||- T hh1 i r 8 r M o 7 e ! ~ - M.S.R.P,--'rs;665= [┬░vo┬гo *J 3,843 i?┬░re S F o r O n l y * 1 2 , 9 9 8 or * 702 CATftE ca t ^ ^ W e ic o m e ! B l v d . T> 1You $ 0 > 1 C b o to w J I ________ _ тАФ >rico-tiтАФ0*^0-trvrotog-^ T g S ^ r ^ 0 - P o w n - r/ /- - ^ - 1 - 9 - ^ m o n t h t----- CAR(NST┬г '//5sr~ ilTNEEEH T I ad ol lof┬╗g^orn catlte lo lOhoadol 324-7292. e/>lvo.^nnvdnv. nny 16 wt^rto lo ^ laco^w irc.acaM n g________ A A K tu TIg M Dta a rf BtJc*:--------r тАФ aldyhoilors. SSObs^ Cftl 6 7 8 - 3 ^ : W i ┬о S . тАШ 5 5 r'тЦа тЦа arted-Hoteloin calvos,-----------------Cnll 934-B134. ilslolnbull catvos. 200[to S250oa324-S41B hrrvHf -'l-.n-- irUnt. n hoilor calvos. S Holstoinhoi n stoof calvos. Bandod itock/44127 тЦа ; S dohofnod. S, nOod grass тАв ste 'OS. !$300 & $425. Call C.llvC5. -4540 morna. ovos and -----423-454C m -tr n _ w t onds n ^ Qf829-S212dnYS. . ild Horolord bulls. Blood M o r e p a is s; s e n g e r r o o m t hi oa n C i v i c a n d S e n Il I I SyroldHt a s o l Awsomo. & Sumitl. ofolla. o n 'd S a tu rn SLI a n d SL2 SI s e d a n ft M ore Inferior c a r gloo 'volum e thon SenJra. Coro 326-5402.__________ _ \v Cnll326e hhorsepow er than Saturnn SL2, SI C orollo. a n d S e n tra G: LX h a s m o re ad ol hoilors pairs. 35tioadol )ef" w a rra n ty In Its c la ss basic 'bum per-to-bum pef' Best b( H u rry c n N '3*-S265.___________ T^ )ld Limousin ronistofd ........ fo r 3yroldLI Win irado. 934-5117 A l l T ht iii s & M o r e ! B ┬лrr Isloln stoor eolvos, 6 -g rC l , 6 Holfilol ^ s e ie c n o n i wooks. c B37-62I2. iks.CnII 5 F o r O inn l y * 9 , 9 9 5 o r ilout pollod horoloTd l >7 V , Big siout itling bulls lor eoIo w* 1 4 4 0 P n ; 'o T , i ^ _______ 0 J X Q y m /' l*l 1 6 9 тАЭ p e r m o n t hT Pricers rrwtnnitAO'iтАЩyooritnB ^ h trтВмftfr6g4-^ .------тАФ yootling rog ~ 5 T ^ ?k?Annus n s.ThobosllO outolour buHs. Th l.cow-tiQrd^Jim Millor._______ _ ____ ___ _______ _____ 10Q.co┬л r. 3264729.__________ Fitnr, 32t ~ '^ )lstnjm lod bull calvos Colsinj Tsalo. , for tall Call 324-7392 or 736-6313. ................. itum ctanodbun calvos Colsttom .............. G I V I C t r u c k Mto. 324-7360 foTMto. B U K iraclorin ofco building Conlracli m a z x s a M T IA C ry co corral lacililios at bodairy compotilvo pricos. CufтАЩ I тАв lowтЦаcom ll ODтАвPicmium ClolhBudct Scots тАвFutly C:or┬лtcd orpci illy-buildina-<uiw.┬гoiui]________ __________ :_____ M o u a ta i тЦа------- -------------- ~ тАФ wnlly-b irson Sliun P o ck ciO Q тАвMV 8 rinen Steering тАвA^otrtictM n iln losat Manuol Dinis Id a lacllnlQ VER&PAS5wD{RAlRfi^ тАШW ki ftcp PkI ---------------------------ii honoWiiofs ┬╗Mony Other Stondcrd Fcotuies irv.^Wondoll. C ontact ______ ┬лPovr┬л Dm Ftoni M t i S 4 8 5 3 5 = = = = p ^ s / ----------- --l55nooa?20a-357-5656 :oji. Ooc┬╗w(oiort roDotw. lomo vrtt┬╗ mo :. invc4co moy tvsi bo ochK* 0┬л┬╗o┬л coji. ' тАв72 monini, 6 ┬лa. O A.C. InS cS 2 f " J SIroo prico QUdo. 31ncJuQo ig...ttrviAaog: roo. s-x>)ocr to tmouQhAprt Utt^.lOM.Prtcaoaotnoinc - O o y oold id fHolstein bull calvos. . . ------------------- _______ _ .SaoprtitttMttacllvotHio ftflto. $100. 536.2928. lor salo. _ -F orsalo; Quality--------------------O. тЦа Holstoin hoilors He 662-3613 ollico 6G 1dffiffl a trodctijuiy. SJCOIttfQEi.rn ofB62-3812homo. 13pamcnifi ius, $ol┬л tu oi S7.47 maiiW^0 ^ тАв2<l┬л┬лpoiTOflBo{S149.43;w jfi. . . . A t R an d y H an sei Itortiritrto fapcyrwliwreW KJdIng L Iv o sto c k ?3-ljS23L^ тАЩ KiW L ^ MSRP *12,605 : K S *11,435 - IBE 2-DOOR I994ASPIH an O LD F r ie n d ... Take; ac N E W Look, a t ai ^ GR/[ANTj^EETERSEN PO N 1 %r333-7445 * -^mo mLYt-^ Mosji..... W тАФ j; \ B lommtsslon Co.________ TAHCE " DSIDt ASSISI^ ROAD тЦаE k i ii m B iiil t CHEVY-CAV ZAUER__Ji Friday. April Bth. Dairy conlo will soil 11:30 AM. Regular sala i E | _ w l l h J n y j i iat i w r F o f d ┬л u r o r t r ni n┬л k p u K h n s e IRT4-DR.LX- 1 9 9 4 ___ _ ^ тАФ REGULAR SALE Early Conilgnmcnt ESCOI _________тАв 150.-200 lbs. 150-; > ctoofs &hoilor^, -ST.-tf4025----------- *306100. _______ -----тАФ - I тАШ/L D MY^ 1 9 9 4 I тАв 0 4 W heel Anti-Lock B ra k e s , . K: ' " тАФ - - тЦа C lear-C o at FinishrтАФ ------------------------ - -Po w er-S teerin g ,-F uulli r w h e e l Covers, Autom atic; D o o r L o ck s * S 1 3 m e b u y e r r e b o t e w hhen financed I n c l u d e s I s l t iim l i n s - R A d f e . S u b j e c t ta tc pHor_salel GGl M A C r D e a l e r R e t a i n title . Plus Tax &Ti MGERSPORT RANI ------------- тАФ HC DRIVE AMIRICAJS w ith hbrkLM.Owrwr 934-4478________ or pairs. Simmontal X roicemor^t-heilof#,-oxcol............- тАв >i: Can 82S4275 ovos.-................... oy boll cahros, cotoan.mi ^ ┬г 6 0 . Cnll 326-5271 тЦа LIMOUSIN B U a S Forealo. E┬лIWh(lo67640&9 _ !!! | -fORONL тАв2<i[ann!ftrfSt??i 400-550 lbs. 400________ b5 тАв 25 Stoor8,700r800 stooi 5 hoilors; 500-600 b s. MOShoii 0 hoilors. 600-700 tt┬╗. тАв too hoi: .young block wtiiio -laee-eewsrpreiHotied--------------horsos jularrunol claughlor cows &bulls. DAIRY SALE spfingors -2 0 Holstoin Hob loreoy Sprmgors. *7Joreo Hobtoin hoitofS. .. . 250-350 t o a ................ _ Sallie Price i s ___ ef^!tosI*W flediic PcmoleNjtoo >ajp * ^ 1 1 CofTrtrience GnjupтАв to d 00 HfWne te (mitior^ тАв┬л tnlwia&ccf .1.9Un4Cyl.тАШ5SpKdWtfiudOO ┬╗ 'ffifliw WrnhH/Vipe*onWogonтАвWAS 5 1 it┬лmg┬╗Wuieluggc5┬лtekonW(jgom тАвJimi тАвPowtf Stettin V miTfflganiiBiy tuiiuir.---------------::--------------------------- jmnim d tn Llvaaloek Dairy. I/O. FridayApriie. 12:00 lon. G ood solOQtlon ol noon. ISO up closo I springors. Conjnod.Klany otW springs . short brod and opon Mora, also conslgr^. 011 :ij354.M 5& ie4. 11-800401-BEeP. тАФ obrod Angus bulls, calv-'' goaao-*-p oilorm an co.----- -!&S336nttof 6_________ mi ' m ~ obrod Black Angus yoarig bulls. Bomon tostod. il?nCnuhom 825-5971. igo bulls, proven quality. i . 2 y rs, Slm m onlol &. . 10,995 . _ _ ^ ^ P r i c e $1C immonlal Rod Angus X, ]hl bidh w olghl. Cnll luiknor's for Inlormflilort l7-47t1or 731-3171. ___ ;s t,-/iP 1 .4 4 3 _ . Red R┬╗ Angus Bulla. Jalvina oaso 4 growth. , 3nWonCnnlo S34-4363. . NO DOC. FEE[ ' =>rice $ 8 9 9 0 Plus tax& titte. h S e v e ra l to C h o o see )from starting a t S a le Pric ------------------------------ Wanlod ntod: Nood somootto lo ko ovor my loaao ol 37X : F=EE! тАв . II call hoilors jmllking). тАв N E V E R O P 'EE N O N S U N D A Y S ou k( koop Iho c&ivos and 1 . You il givo you o l mv'milking Open M тЦа.sure. ┬╗'e<. . S^iii?>mnnl. 208-66^2272 Mon. - Sat. U lanod H olsioin bu lls & Woano ~8 a ;m .-8 p.m. tiHofs. CnI 543-6966. ____ S a t u ┬г d a y _ _ ^ H oTiingsayioia-A T rn os----------8 a.m. - 6 p.m. ulls lor so lo . Glonn Oalo nnfhn┬л 5434131. Hfivlce D a l. N O C .. F E E I DOC ----------------------------- 1 ae┬йRsis┬гw' ^ m . | i┬й.@3 m ig┬е[email protected] i s -Auto.y-A-AirrTiltr!Power Windows, Power Door Locksr AM/FM Stereo, Rear Defroster 3 Hfliiua ODтАвBwtionlc WA/FMf a ┬л tiB*C JUumlnumWh*at┬╗fua Coipoting*60/тАШ тАЬ ^i^EFitngino-YSpceaHfl fltBumpcf ┬╗fuBGnupg тАвMixh Mac! *WAS doge -Pai 5 Sled Rafcl Tifas -Sport Rcw B ____ ... I тАвHondbftjPockoji B ___ ^ I C HPPY^ saie eHti тЦа тЦа IT ! 1 O 99 ┬╗ r a , ┬л sa j^ o v ^ om,. mil. -^O R O ^ . 'тАв v y тАЬ 75flBh(ki*iic┬╗tmdee(7if|'. lirwpticp. CHrr^^ /S'NEVERAOa (S Vour "No Pressu No Hype" Deal m ^ - r n Mon. - Ffl 7:30 a .m .-6 p.m. тАЩ Saturday 7:30 B.m. - 4:30 p.m. 703J DAIRY D H H тЦа . EQUiPfcCMT f ^ P P (5 > f C f Z ^ C H E K / n^ o L _____ ES & SE R V IC : SALE^ jf-P o /o /m o U 5 3 :^ 2 ffa 54=Sluo L^kes N:'at-i F* ^ But nepSr W' -/X j 755^ , f. . _ _ 1' e r ,. mil S StQ-R┬╗o milkir┬╗g OQui^ . 4 unit Bluo Diamond horrmg4Blu< ono stalls. 8 Ion gronory bono ,n to^s with4-CK┬╗lomatto-------- 2 6 4 9 p0 boloro11om. '' 326-4' -1 Ms. Idnho Friday, April a. 199-1 E-6 Timos-N ow a. Twin Fnlls. v\ I n B ^r тАв . тАв- -j. E l i s E E l iI m r M [ in тАв n M W 'te S sw M HONESJTLYBELlil E w Iff aU U W ffi m . iiL i m fS -W iCAUSE-ij i F V E m miBEELSSGI i yaBWYACM тЦа^-тЦаFOi^LSShHAfi :mmALLmis ' -miPMEtlT3l S~ ==Mf:nP┬е=fsffS^j MLITYJl тЦа'тАв yp 'тАвтАв./тЦаsv ' W = тЬУ DUAL AIR BAC 3AGS тЬУ POWER LOCK CK GROUP M m * T T [P E R 2 b I W S i тЦа m H LIGHTGROUP-________ _____ CRUISE CONTROL тАв - тАв TILTSTEERING WHEEL тАвX-22 . B&tfjSB m 9PAZ 4 DOOR jranadSi!*^ ^ QH NI tiVMU DniST, liooa UOUHIIQ FhO (UXSUrSSlON. Affl CONOItlOHillG. ifuxy W, AUIOUAIC liWWUtSSlOH, (WTfl' siUKiiii:,P(MtnEiuws. >Aq q o J e r / M d p r %E: om >A-PRILUDE- 1984 MARAUIS 982 COUGAR I T BROUGHAM XR7 ;тАв OHY14,000 mui:. AUICMJIKiiiwcw IWCU&SION. mOMTMHIl Dn^t, тАв AiHcoHOiiiOтАЩtmo, siiwa'usstm, p?a' CUIf.SPCSn.ICOHOMW, W fERHEAD PRICE: t I THEISEN LOW OVER t m ;Sri"┬╗5""тАЩ- __ ^ m a S9 9 0 I ^ 3 . 9 9f S ID IWu Sgs B . ^ 4 9 9 1O тАвERHEAO PRICE: m - s s s s r ┬╗ A ' s | . тАШS тАЩтАШ' V LOW OVERHEAD PRICE: , 9 THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PRIl 1 9 9 0 CHEVY Y C O R S IC A . fUjeuOSIM. MRCOHDItlOKIW. rrr&rojHOWw. J .9 9 S T┬╗EIS┬гULOW OVERl ERHEAD PRICE: ^^ E i I 5 5 . 4 9 _______ i S i 1991I FORD T-BIRD d THEISEN ggg"" j6 4 9 0 ^ RHEAD PRICE: THEISEN LOW DVERHE ^ 4 , 9 i9 5 1 9 9 0 ┬╗ TEMPO F 0 R D 1 'MOUlilEOTRANSuis'siQH, Onir 10,000тАШMiiES, air, riooR-MOui, IROHI WhEEl DRIVE. PO 'OWEf EftlOCKS. THEISEN ^ J IT O^fRHEAD ^ ^ 6 PRICE: 1991 M IT S U B ISSH H I M IR A G E 4 DOOR. AUIOMAIlC inAIISUlSSlON, .ION, A I IRCOIinillOHINS. тЦаpowfB siTEmTO, TOvrtn 9RA┬лts,-HAD N/<DA Book: (7d60 E L ^ S SSOO 1991 тАв. P O N T I A CC !S U N B I R D .LOW.HiaS.AinCOKOIIIOKlNS.St ┬лS|StEntO SYSTEM. Fun io drive) 2 S S SIGNATURE SERIES Im in.P ┬лn, PiOWERSEAIS, POWER WWDOW^flUISt COklRm. fIR COKDIIIO IIOX XIH IHIIj, ASSOlUmYlOAOEOl SABLE 1993 MlERCURY EI Tiic SPtwiPuTOiAst HA(A JAin iniOUATlCmAKSUOSIOK. URCOKDrTIOItM], onicf cCHmoi.fWuivmnw mrm. fRMi wrni owvt kwh eruflfw. powinenMi]. ehrio IREOSrSTIM&PCMRDOORlOOS. m o v e r h e a d PRICE: . THEISENLOW s 1 9 9 5 S - ^ 9 . 99 9 S 1 9 9 2 MERCURY SAB A B IE L S W G N LOCAt. I OWKIR. lUSGACE RA EEIROSTEfl. Ain AC CK K, D COKOniONWO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE C( ISECONinOl, HASITAllI THEISEN C S d ^ J 2 ,\ 1995 тАШT F l c J L e g e n d CZ oo n t i n k e s . . . O u r m ^ p u t a t i o n M i F ^ la c e Iri T h l ee ^ D'owfitown TwiniiF a lls --T ^ E. Beautiful D ( 1 7 0 1 MAII IN AVE. E m llf^ 1 9 8 8 L IN C O L N T (O W N t A R n тАШo T n H E A D ^ PRICE: For 40 Years3 The. E a sie stt _________ _ / $A 4 t6 M HfAURUS-1тАФ 1 cwitn wnn rnoMTwiEEi drive.. A Aino lITOUATICinwSMISSIOK. | 8 milO& AIRCOKOIIIONlNO. POWERSIIfRlllO < POWEROnAXES. t itssion, POWERsittmKO 4 m m s, I ownti Auio┬л*iic inAKSM tss DOWN 0,A.C, 1 RETAINS REBATES, IF ANY, NO MONEY MOI f f l J / u f e s i h C a r r i s oo n ' s n THEISEN O V E R H ^D ^ - Pf^lCE: тЦа THt 'mCE: THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PfJIL m S 1989 DO)DG B E CARAVAN UK KIKQ IRANSUISSIOK. SUR(0, FRONI WIlEIL Moon RQOf.' llOOn-UOU ll┬л4eWK5. AuiM um TMtussjn. AJOcsmiiQir.o:. powir stiiuu luaiic I f O O jl CWtIRSUfRlliQ&JflAAES, AIRCOHOIIIOlllXO PRICE: AkIOUAIICTRAXSUISSIOK, PO 1987 HONDA PRELUDE ^ 5 ,5 0 i FAcorolla Lewuois WIIHftooBMoumto tawa T O rO T A i T986luiiNCOLN TOWN Cil 39 i wup. fi2. ip,ai ┬лiiL y.v, iim uxjits ip.> lE s E ^ iiiO i 5 9 9 a OVERHEAD * ┬г PRICE: ' W .yiS'sSi IRY 1 9 9 1 M ERCUR -------- ^ T R A C E R тАФ O nY rC E lE B R IT T W G N 1988 CHEV LowUILES.AUIOUAIICIU H lA HS., S., Ain, POWtfl SUtRIXC. lUCCACERACK. .ITIOUlfWOwmi AIRCOHOmMWO. CRUBLCOH Tiis lujunr wto 0 ruiiT FWin SUIS, PCMIR I /I f ^ 3 aS O ^ t >R!CE:___ THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD PRIl m i9 ^ KWMS, tBTSntniJlO. 1 9 9 1 9 m aui c ifu.cMitC'i,┬╗:┬╗cc┬лiii:ui:, pwa aits тЦа D.MARQUIS. ' g r a n d /M-0150 Icnwn.M/TciUATicmiM Msuis$iO SJ K,iifficoKOiiiONiKi;, uns.ouctcoNiRA, .powRSTKRure.roMfleRw: i4 6 ┬г h 0 FnoifTwtffi ORW C RSniRDlO. POTitfl SfUAK. ,T. P PIW AlR IRCDKOinOKaiC, 7WOVERHEAD PRICE: THEISEN LOW ENLO W OVERHEAD PRICE: THElSEh M 9 GE E SHADOW: 4 DR. 1987 DODG . mCWT OAr.T. SPORIYmo (CONOMCU. Ltwu^fs,тДв COUtSiETHSGlOTDOATl 1 9 8 8 GRAND M A R Q U IS jo m L LeMANS ^ o ^ 9 8 3 FORD BRO :ONCO 1 9 9 0 IGEO METRO U PRICE: THEISEN LOW OVERHEAD' PF - P(WTf\ WIXOOWS. KWfRoocn IOCW.AIR 4 DOOR, AIRCONOIIlONDlG,'AmOIMIC, /AuiawTC TiwcuiWOH. *in coxoinoKiM j, AuroMtic intNSussicM, iti┬лisifi smniNG S Euns. Au Tu srrnni MM IT ID ITIONIW:, KWrtRSUtWKIj &BIMrtS. C W THEISENLOW. тАв. ' OVERHEAD PRICE: t iM owtnsnfnu,c, AUTOUATICHVWWiSJOU, *┬л COHDIIKW:NO, fWtfl ................... STOAweaws.............. - P t E O s lE c _ :S _ 1 ^ 9 jM 1 0 N D A f m POWER LOCK GROUP INTERVAL WIPERS i H f lnVFRHFтЦа n i#i iiwtirir m mMW" m iflilV l~ h w I r ^ Iff b l l l l kE kg IH H H H R S R B g ^ w ┬г ^ > a i -------------------- i_ia 1 9 8 8 ^ . I ffl A UTOMA TIC OVERDRIVE TRANSMISSION POWER SEATS & WINDOWS REAR DFFROSTER I VNTED-CCASS POWER STEERING & BRAKES тАФ BOY FOI m ..T ... 2 , t-'FULL WHEEL COVERS POWER LOCK GROUP 1 I . li v i o . I me) sccurily deposll. ido ol S2014, plus (Irslpaymcnl and s 24 months, 10% down cash or trade ICloo ol S2D.77. docs not Includo sales l u and doc QuaranloGil luluro yaluo $11,682, do on ISLONGAS W OWNYOUR mCOUGAR! tn s n ^ z REE:0ILWR=^ '^UW M ATICO VERD R'm ------- ------------TRANSMISSION--------. - = j ^TINTEDGLASS j; . | ^ V 8 ENGINE i r ? S y'DIGITAL CLOCK */тАвAUTOMATIC HEADLAMP I A тЦа S ......... U^IL'T STEERINCWTIEEIT . тЬУ i/tH ty /t l l t A _____ i i S iM ^ mMBSIDE .. If S : i i i ^^^ t m ...b ASSlSTAmSE - I tj iiijLEiig┬гg in I B \'- FORBMOWHL . тАвтАв ------- ------------ INTERVAL WIf WIPERS m U M WHEELS t^'CASTALUMIN тЬУ DIGITAL CLOCK тЬУ REAR DEFROSTER CRUISE CONTROL тЬУ TILTSTEERING A m tB tm S m itS m m U m f - d ^ POWER SEATS & WIND> INDOWS (тАв ; тЬУ>!//? CONDITIONING i тАв тАв/'INTERVAL WIPERS BRAKES тЦа тЬУ P O lV ffl STEERING & BR тАФ r-rt^-CRUISE-CONTROL ------ H3isiE^SS" S 1_ i - AUTOMATIC C C OVERDRIVE ^ = i:] MEW 1934 L. MERCURYSf .... тАШ t p POWER STEEf BERING.. TIQNING..,___ __ . _ ^ C _ , ~ ^-A lR C O N D ina ^ z ! , i ------------j тАвNDOWS-.--------------------------- ^ ---------- 1----------^t/^'POWCftWIND pfJQfJ-J- lEEL DRi Ve . . тЦа тАФ z FILLEDwm y Ib&solik w~' ^ . : : i ^ B r z l .///T/ffi-.H Z e k tZ E ^S : i - 'AOS. S B B a m i m'RED SERE ^ mmtss. iW M li ^ FRONT WHEEL D B m ^ n,iai_r>n\.-jr.nj^iani тАФ -TтАФ----- v^PORT-MAQ-WHEEti POWSR.BRAKES . тАФ ^ UPGRADEO-INTERiOi тАв тАЩ REAR DEFROSTER -POWERSTEERING-тЬУ STEREO CASSETTE тЬУ CENTER CONSOLE --------------- тЬУ UALVbU'tHtAULAM, i тЬУ TINTED CLASS тЦа %/AIR CONDITIONING I тЬУ TRUCK LUGGAGE RA 1 тАв MICHELIN TIRES тЦа t / INTERVAL WIPERS K - o mu o v m V E f ^ S S B S mM B B M l o i m M тЦаs r jn ^ R W w - i 1 1 ~3 b u y A C Q ' ^ rr o z o s s a r ______ ?-7703 тАФ .pnl n. 199.1 I'tjcliiy. Apt Farmer'sj IMarket ,i .1 ^04^705 70 -_________ h e T im e s -N e v v s I B U Y IT - F I N D' . IT - S E L L !тЦа I Tr 3--IтАФ g tIS T O iW E R iE R \n c E ~ t:j r Tiinus Now;.. тАЩtwi Tv/ii'i i F. iII:;, Id .itio'F-1 ............ H ------ RHi-EST тАв704 CUSTOM'FARM тАв SERVICES CUSTOM HAYING ' - I ------ Riclr. PocU 2a^ ':t77,. ' I Cur.tom mochnnicnl . I------- ROCK-PtCKlMG,┬лJilacoof-: тАв ' ^ I WnvnoBowof543-67l9.тАЩ Gfoundwoik. planting. loodor work, m onuro hauling. g. Randy Wonvof. 543-66a6. I Hay retrieving, 2 wido. 1 ion. Cn!l3S6-4342 Marjuro Hauling i ___ D uon a'iC ujlom F orm ln o-I 713-2809 or 436-673S Wo would liko 10 houl . JтАФ ------------ vaufoolnto y w l 1 Plon.-.ncnlU3&:H156. j . I T~ 705 tfтВм 1 TONj CREWCCAB 4X4 "I I -1 9 9 3 ^ M FARM MAQHINERY 4 9 9 4 ^ * O fi NBIRD LlECOUPE 7 . - -тАФ ns. 454 F.npine w ith ^ te n e v a -P a c k n i^ D un) Rp.nr i r Whpo^f;. AHto. Trnns ihL-^ I m o m s r - L o n g ^ ^ T r t ^ l^ тЦа;-------- t winq olofrrovpr59g-45e(}507- ^ g -----------------------------15 .5 X 36* Gnop-orf duals. lo. m $450, Catt'324-2056.. g^nin^l _ v v ith I p n f hher 'II - m r---- IT A L U H h ^ V wFW j ' тАФ * 3 3 , i6 8 8 1 ito Transm ission' Sierra Special, Autc Liter V-6 Engm e Rear Bum per, 4.3 L ______11994 P01\m A C GRtAND AM[ SEDAN ise C o n tro l, E 3 i r , Tilt W heel, C ruise Air lear Defogger, AM/FM тАвM C assette g l __ , Burlov Tractor Salvage Combino&trador parts Paul. ID .438-5420 Farmal M 51850. Ford 3000 ~ S4SOO. Bolh iroclors groat cond. 733-4193.__________ iih Ford Fofouson Iractor wilh chains. S1 SOO-fl2┬╗S460. . Fordson-Mojor diosd tractor. 324-4537 ovoninoa._______ _ . . lH14'SwolhofdoisoI.oxeol cond. Call 536-2500. 7? ^ Inl. model 55 Chtsol plow. 13 It ^ ....... ^chnnka. lnt. 666 iroctor... good rubbor overhaul unSflr 1000 hra. 423-5806 тАЮ JD 3010. good condilion 'n.. ^ ┬г6000. Call 788-30B0. or JD 4 4 4 0 .- now motor 20 14-9-46liroa. Massoy 520 2 0 'disc, hydraulic foldup ;ol wings, M assey 13* Chisel lot plow, Parmo 6 row Boot cutiivaior.lH1404bottom im plow. AC 2 0 'd isc . Sund nd' lie windrow pickup, hydruallc lu. drivon. 1^9-34 snopon du┬н als. 14-S-46 snapon duals, Is, Harrow UoiWr. T-Bor culti7 volor6row . Call436-2176 nftor7ffl?orloavomco. JD 4455 17 hours, now 14.9 1.9 ^ X 46* liroo with duals, exc. >111 cond, W ani lo Soltl $59.300.1-208-226-7010 тАв JO 6 0 3 0 cob. 175 hp. ┬г10.000.Call543-5G43. . HT JO RG630 rolling boan cuftivalor, 6 r o w .3 9 r o lls. rtow }w Rod bu A d barbod wlro, 0 --------- e o o now sto o l 6' p o sts, :g, 324-4290 atlof 6-_________ MF 135. gos. Powor steering . rnulli powor w- duals. $ 3 9 0 0 .1 6 .9 x 3 8 sn ap on an . -du als.$1100.734-6166тАЩ тАФ :тАФ WH-t0 efr-8 tBCtrer'. 4 now . tiros. robuUl lronc.'3400 _ .. . C a li934тАФ i4тАФ -----------5 1 6 0 o f 0 3 4 ^ 1 , тАФ тАв- k тЦатАЭ" ┬е 4 2 0 3 8 ; 'iSTLAND^ 288 ' 74 - тАвEP WAGONEER 4X4 RBAN 4X4 ~ B 89 JEEI [X4 1 90 GMC SUBURl : 'H 8 88<C H E V Y B L A Z E R 4X H-1, l.imitL-tl, 4.0 (.C yl. Rnature Soricb H ┬л43281-1 1 5 j9 ┬╗ 8 g r O B O n i y I6,(KK) ! 3 j9 8 J 4 9 8 J B93H *3988 I s *6488 J HYUNDAI EXCEL тЦа )7377-t ┬л073, 1 тЦа тЦа тЦа 4X4 тАШER4X4' 9 91 ISUZU TROOPEB |┬гj3688J g X I тАФтАФ :MCEXCAB4X4 S I S 27-1, t ' Sl.K _ !тЦа 88 CHEVY 1/2 TON 0>MX4тАФ _ тЦатЦа *12;488i 9 8 8 8 8 M ER C U R Y COI X)UGARXR7 I g s HO? ONDA PRELUDE #4S 014-I, V-8, 19-2, A uto, A/C тЦа /f31U19-: Full Power. тЦа ro w e r Reaullful Car y y o o B S unroof ' 1 4 2 7 /<073y0-l, 350V.-8_____ LACER .1H 91 MERCURY TRAC ' IтЦа ^*398y . il-S O O ^ I 333-2219Z - - TRUCKS тЦа H07399-1, A/C, Kenwooi G reat ncoiioniy, y N ew T ires тАв 3 v B L U IIE ---------- ------------ 1 L A K E S B L V D>.. N . I M p n W07470-0, V-6.5 SpL-al, ' liW o iV I S '! тЦб J List I.on>; J. O .34-2, Koll Har tt451J4. r ------------------ ----------- - . ' ;B '4тАШ тЦа 9 1 - F 0 R D -33 / 4 0 : 0 H 4 X 4 _ H _ тЦа 91 GMC1/2T01 W iper C ab D iesel, X L T , * 0 05 Tr 0 1 0 T T :2 S O тАЬ4 X 4 ^ тЦа # 2 2 3 3 1 1 , Supc ----- тЦа # 0 7 3 8 ┬╗ - 0 , Auto, ----------- ------------ -------- тЦа тЩж 1 0 7)7473-0;FIatbed-;------------4 Larlc't S h o w ro o m $ * j ^ ^ ^ тЦа c o n d ltio m ^ sp e e d ,C asse tte, #42063-1, S Sp ^ H v c ry $ ' N Icc C a r \ i NISSAN PICKUP 4X4 84 NIS ^ lA CIVIC 87 HONDA --------- I I f C t B ^ --------- M Z *17j98M┬г|f f i ^ B ------- GREAT тЦа SELECTIC ^ON H OF QUALI JTY USED CAI \R S Ii U l-e a ih u rl P |A u to .l.lk t 4X4 E I 9 3 GMC CLUB1 COUPE C SLE 9 2 D O D G5E E DAKOTA LE W S I GMCSUBURBAN G fj.s T urbo Picsel S liow room CondlHIon o тЦа ┬╗ 4 3 2 6 3 - l , Auto, 6.S тЦаxtendfd C ab 4 x4, тЦа ┬л 4 3326S-1, 2( ┬╗ 4 5 I 7 M , Ext' io H s le , % > jr. V .8, A u to S 1 99*1 J P rice a fte r R eb e b a te l тАв Hff43247^1,SLH,-.SiRn; h < T > 0 0 r I R - F 'S ------- i '^L A N IX -U -----------тАФ тАФ WESTL H ^ 5 I4 ,6 7 4 тАв zzzizii-z I тЦатЦатЦатЦа M k IM ^ TOl)DAY! fM H ┬л┬╗-i2() 12091-2, Silverado ____________________ n icn V I m m m m .. W a s $ 1 4 ,2!04 0 тАФ --------- тАв P rice a fte r RIc c lb a te ! I H ^E B I - .тЦа I ------------------ p 32V Ly a Q Ml ' Ni \ тАЩO W CL( LOSE OUT S PRICE m W m ' I "19944 GMC 1/22 TON PIC]:kup ehains.Told foadyl6 row iV. . . polalomarkorwith ground id H M -------------- ffmurcquumupuiiipaiiy* drauBc markoro. 6 r┬л5whiliof fi damof dikof. 60 Kw gon, 110-2 2 0 einglophaso. : Davis 35' potato pitor, oxcol (or sood spuds. Sfriglo -------------- shanktippor hydraulic 4 . . . rubbor tiros, Forinlormation, coll 676.9240 or ----------mohiln 4 M 7 1 i--------906 IHC, 2400 hours. Itonl 11 ^ wolghls. 12тАШfollorhafrow. crow loot from & back. CaB 678-7987. Andorson rock rako. oxcollont cor^dition. 68S-2646. nd Buot growers. 18 row. Bond ow Sprayof, 3 Britnnnta 6 row carts, folding bars 250 gal }┬░{ col tank, oloclric valvos, oxcol ___ ______ cond..SS500.-.Q jllLB25_-. 5750 or 420-3161.________ Botlor Built soodcuttor, ~ Scoopy '0" p I W a s S 3 8 ,8388 8 R _____ s r f ^ MB _____ 2 4 2 u i v z i r тЦа' тАШp- aB ai -C ondU ioriing, 2.0 Liter Ut 4 Cyl. Air-^ тЦа Seats, Kn.irds ^ JTHlrS.ONEi H A S тАв Jrans, vory good. Brillion 6 row boan cullivoior, good od H / to n d , W asko rotary PTO dilch cloanor. hoavy duty. Collar vont pipo, 18' gal. 8' T \iL V ' V s o c lio n s . Collar fan. 66' | H blado & o!oc molof. 25hp. oil ono unit. PTO onion top┬н >pper, 2 rcw, flood cond. On┬л 3 3тАЭ4 :^2 I Ion flullbr, odjustablo. hy- m ]1 droullc drivo, liko now. 6 тАШ ; O a n u c o rb lo d o 3 p l.4 2 :33- K l тЦа . 5012┬╗423.S331 ovoa ^ 2 5 Kw gonoralor. singlo i phaso, 120-240 volts. PTO M ' ; Srivo, $1850. Rollor mill, 7тАШ H X 16* rolls lor wot or dry ' com. approx. 600 bu por hr )o. . capacKy. Liko now, $t 100. Call43a-5116. 2 IH 6 2 0 1 ? grain drills. Pro jod Mutual mobilo toloтАв тАФ phone;тВмoJI-8aa┬л32-ofтАФ fтАФ тЦа _________670-3724._______ 3 0 2 0 tfac lor & A IIon fok;o, o, Call 423.4377____________ ^ 336JDbalor.960Caso swalhor, JO sidorako, good cond, Cnll nfior 5pm, ' 67S-5706._______ 415ln1omaliona!rollor hanow. 14'likonow. I m . p Call 423-4464 ovos, 1 4440 JD. 16.9 duals & quad, (wJ r тАв 7 4 C h o v C -e o .1 6 'b o d a h oicl. 3 1 .5 0 0 m is. bolh \ jl nood shnpo. 734-4361 4 J 0 plonlor units. Asking -C12SMi.unlt 934-55ft2. -----------6 IHCr165rplaf>lor-ynittt.-t┬╗V row com-boans roEng cuhlli_______ yiilot-CufLpfllalooj!iatU.nL_ "4-^ rтАФ -r^8085тАФ ^ ----------- 4 row34* spacing, 1тАШAccum -TfQk.-cbmponsolino hlich. :h. тАФ W hiio6row oofnhoodconor' voModio IH 1460,1 Poor' _______joss split c aso conlfllugal jal m :тАЬ -------------------------- - ump. 7 5 hp, 1500 flpm:" gjroihorm.-plaama torch. iCs 1 PTOnonoraiorOnan75 r KW 4 6 0 & 2 0 0 -volt, 3 ' p h a so . Call 32 4 -5 0 1 3 or 324-5537._______________ jr, ^ _______ 6 row Thiokol potato planlor, fi J I I --- тАФ r.iili'.. r.ill Idalio тАв . P-2 _ 195-1 Fiid.iy. Apijl 8. Ii -iFarmer'S-s Market-i\/gtfjiscellaneo(PUS : 715 SWIN┬г тАШ 71 -7711 HORSE тАв 1710 HORSES EQUIPMENT тАФWoanorpigs tor calo. Call doop bay Tobiano, w тАвTlmKuhr^hofsoshooing. hoi _ .&d6-6746. A JscdJl4!i4:тАЩ b n ffo ls a d d lo . | JO Flo*71Giowboan planT ani-I 300 ion moslly 1cl and 2nd,p-*тАФ5t┬лdrCnH-g0e>793-7095:--------nbln. 324-5072___________ doop s6at, oxcolloni conot- тАв=? Cuissitiod . '. . for pooplo I B29-S647 Of 629-5100. ^tfOHA Appondix rogistorod ;or or. ┬г1500. 73-1-S714. тАв lion. 326-4574 o v o n l n g y ^ ovcrYwhorol 733-0331. : =тАФ 6┬лfe┬╗ijeWi>9r5-yi6r$2lOQ-M-. тАФ i Allalln tiay, ton b.ilos.' let $1300; JD boan or. corn orm nko otiof. irnil oxpoilEQUIPMEm~ ~ r-Wanlild: ┬╗ Usod jiornol&'fitoek тАФ тЦа тАФcniitvrnoi, sisoCrHosston~^onc6d. Cair^24-6T25Ti7<nr~ ~ ;тАЩ┬о " ^ 7 ~ F S T m E E D 77 ^i e FARM MISC.тАЩ 101*1 Hydfj) nwing. S2000; I shod*,'Mo^nkoJd. Call . '1907 Circio J, 2 hofco Inn- _ tmilofs.326-b47l. . A tirnctivo 6 y o af olij dark 208-663-4405. ^ HI corn SJD bonn plan|Ofs. i horso trallor. $ 1 3 0 ^ _ AAA Allalla-f.ood dom. fully onclosod. Excol .WWII .V ~ brown, 15.3 H maro, OH X,; тАв______ тАв S900 oa: JD RM coih bean : Gtnnd'Vnlloy corn r-(iod.. cond.$24S0.&it4-7S7tr-------- 7e8-9235:72G-459rd/ivr.. ' 80 Fwd Hareh f(^^ тАФ oiT^T^nmrBTjnsTmrтАФ f orn. croso counlry-Jumping or Adrian. 324-5048 . ___ ___ ^whQch_┬г25J\llalla.cQniaa-laa-тАФ----- Bob Hamlflort Seed Buying tiay on clump, let', 1. oxporionco. $1500. Othor liko now. $ 1,00 0 . \ long7 712 IRRIGATION ' ' (or, $G50;3bnfcuI1iv.Hor,. 'Of.-1 734-3507 cr 733-1477.тАФ тАФ 2nd and 3rd. 423-4377. _ - horses nlso nvailablo.-7fi0horn roping caddlo..oxc. $100; Qriilion rollof hnrrow, AAA allalla frood. local tood eor>d.$7^50 324-4152. __ -1200-P.VC-galodpipOr$U167 y o onn All in rn nrfi'.2 ^ 1 __ !____Calf.35.1,-1266___ ^_ J.BJuiolтАЩhorsQ.tfoininoj-SJilM тЦа ; horso.ltlr. 5lh whool. cloopH, 1260' aluminum gatod 8* ' тАФ ^ : ^ ~ 6 2 4 - 4 5 4 4 0V0f.. тЦа тАв Lof.sonr., Cnll 532-4458 Of, lack cot^nritTiont, now :~ p io o :s n s r ir ;^ r a o 9 g :^ ----- ------ Ceileci SOft-3Gf.-2S2CтАФ -B^nmoa pIpo-forsBHrnnd(^relfffng ttom.- r- n ┬╗ t e - igft00703^5S:g2J3II ^ ^ "sA V EToU n EOUIPMEKT тЦа"тАЬ iTor'shluTMu'crCnkinrn'yrcov-j; -Grnndpa;&-I ^ ?┬лc"-----Annn3T0oae7Tjraworr~ 4 horso, hortolraitor wilh ijf-nnlodpbo. 886-77S2 horsoE, colling ovo(y----------- FROM RUST DAMAGE. CERT. Wrnnnlof. $1.500 I orod ion baloc. dairy finy.,^ our thing lor $ 3 0 0 0 .2 horsos тАвtackroom.$30q0. .... r6 Thurfdorblrd whool linos, SEEADUNDERai002тАФ^ : V.N.S.-A.R.C., SI .45. Cnll all . 7 0 0 tons. Foodorhay,-Ion II (I2& 6yrs.)2horsolrailof. Cnll423-4673 ovoninns. apart roady 10 rido $3,000 Snap Ofi du.ils. 12.Jx30, I -balos, 2 & 3 su in g . Call 3^'^ Moyor'5 Fnmily. ;Charmac 6x20 custom oach. 0011208-507-6356 82^5596._____________ ___I 326-4735 Of 326-4074. ___1_034-4036.________________ - ftnddloa &onnr. 638-5588 Z H or┬╗ es:B o u g ht,to lda n d . goocanock horoo & clock -------------------- :all ' Good tifst outting hiw. nny' traded. J" Wanted; 1068 or 1078 r.lnck- For Rood spud hauling call irailor. 324-2822-_________ pFarmorcl 0* PVC pipo. plus Call 733-6055. 1 or in good condition. ] 677-4S3G.______________ ' amount S75. 733-4174 CirctoJa Logan Coach ' HORSESHOEING . olhor sizos & couplors. also aoi Q( A N nou E S ; CalF9M-5060 Perry ollalln seed, . ! - . - .Hay lor salo. . .....................Hotofcold............... horu& siodctm ilois. . motal WQtor volvos; oto. _ ---- .тЦа S 'M por pound, тАФ Foodorhay.$ 7 5 dolivorod. CnllWadoZolCngor тАв Tim Wilson S34-59S2 Bosl ollor. 423-5525. Ii 1925 Vintngo pinyor piano. тАЩ , WaH┬лirKn<.tnr 543-Kfl15тАвтАФ~ : Alfto dairy (iny lor snloInto ovos 67B-3342 ,= -..original finish, Lots_ol rolte. -----------706 FARM&RAfJCH ------- NowVnBoypKrols------- - 1B u ylh isboaotyn nd onioy тЦатЦа703 FERTILIZER............ '----- 624-4544 or 35I-12B6,~ ' Horso drawn.buckboard. for IMPLEMENTS Fnst Dolivory jihonostnlfiiaoMhooIdtimo ___j AND TOP SOIL Ouality dairy 3nJ crop hoy, 1 or 2 h oroos. S 6 0 0 . 2 - r - : тАФalso'toodtirft:rtocV -cpw тАФ - ^ o c k t t K ir s s o c r s 'P o c r s o r lonK in yo u o o w n ' ofgQB-670-2^5 I a>omo. ]horlky$3200.93i-5467. jjido тЦаLnndscapo quality lopsoll, ol nico pony harnossos. Ill h'ay. Lg or sm b a lo s. !тАв ^sio^N o w id im 5 bar cido Burtaco irrigaiion p'po, тАФ 0 , ; $ l 0 por yd. dolivotod to mi , SOO-709-3868.____________ ponios op to 400 0)5, $350. NoHox N .rako $500J23-.lG73ovo.-:. No, ronotahorco.b otil'c 5* UP 10 24'. 326-S695 тАЩ nroa ot TF. 10 yd minimum Quality hay. good tost, proSol ol whilo harnossos lof _ FORSALE load. Of will load PU. Evos: Rain Whool Lino. largo modiom horso, $200. A lot Wado V loin21%. 1 tonbalos. C otter Burro.w Mochlno, I 73-14.13fior 734-7285 тЦа' тЦатЦа тАв767-91Qg┬л-767-33gOrтАФ тАФ^)l ml6o-tackr-ia┬лhM lft-el-. тАФWhool6r g 0 ┬лd-┬л0 0 <*i'i┬о"-^тАФ U ^ MPTinrjItrpfortg-fippwr: pnftlelQ bQard-ChnlvinnтАФ $^i<nn rn ll ^74-4066 ot __ cnf.; TOP SO IL:$6ayarddol.v. I WEHAULHAY S3fi'2?67 i Standing nl Stt;d. APHA Evoror.iman 10' whocI car; тАФ ch o c n o rt^ tn rT B tja ire ^ .тАФ тЦа734^888:-------тАФ le-x B -lo n o r lln isH o d -o n . ^^1 тЦа r>rPd in TF Call 734-7039. . тЦа -------fi┬лT <<i-<K-3 soetiottsfcloal ------ i^ ta et <x>tM- 4 g3-474 S. .... -тАФ belh-oldoi $0 p er e h aal , тЦа┬╗ ^ J ^------ - harrow. Mh i;;4 nayc.iior. тЦа>^J'f3-POULlHVANO . |┬╗" n w hito"TobiotioM loooufl RflBHfTS.___________ ___ Tmapfs lor snlo or loaso_ ----------- _S.13:5S56anor6pm :----; AND PEEP тАФ I s 1 0 0 0 . 78B-9235 0 vo, or----~ F6x"rtolI6/;-1b.-J tT.'OXCOt - Goosonocks. burrioof nncflT _ Ffooman bnlor. 5050. 6 row EASTER B U N N IE S 7~ Sido s l b o o rd .-2 3 0 yrs .old . Slock, or Homo irallore. тЦаoj ! тЦа 726-4595 davS. ' ... d isp o sitio n . $ 3 0 0 . Call Flal IrdlTtfs IromSlngto тЦа c тАЬ 734-5257 or 733-6493:тАФ ~ _______ loryn'iO CaтАШiU?3-5Q17 J ? a 1! ^ f^d lтАШo olO ^ ' ^ AauI tu T^tdenY Duflls, -j iSummoPBtall ronthl;"S10u 1*^uchfikinfl^iown. Gon-: IC I istcfo p h o y , Wnns 5 bottom hydrnulic $5oach.CallKifnnftor4pm, тАШ J934 -4 7 7 0 or slo p by 33 7 MK Trallor Sale I. $ I.! mo. Pnsturo also ovail. Call tlo & siartod. Call alior 5pm.! 52 i lio rj bales.' ro50lplow.Cnll829-5332 324-2098 тАв :2ndAvofl5inGoodinn. Coll 823-4630. \ 436-4352 or 435-4234.. , 678-5706. . . Ij 733-5203 or 734-4662. or 431-5332 _______ 709 j тЦа 706 FARM i RANCH IMPLEJilEfnтАЩS 70S. f a r m ; mCHlNERY 7710 HAY.GRAIM AND FEED тЦа 705-809 ; - 7 102 APPLIANCES . ' T BOI ANTIQUES 802 eo; Wnshom $135. Dryoro $657 . fAntique show ond tole; Was Rango9$135. Shilo Inn Convonilon Conlor, Shi ______ Also parts for ; 7flO LtnHfiov Blvd. Idaho______ F; Falls. April 8, STRTTrPKTr April 0. 10 Af.1- 6 PM. April App A p p ll^t^ft Rofri^eratlon тАв A t o , i w ie in - s P M.AOP tT t-тАФ тАв gusm n leedl ' FREE. Sponsoro^TIdaUD---------------- a2r2nrf-AV0r9.------------- . тАФ f I Fnil-tVFW P^at44 -----------------тАЬ тЦа Wnio Wnior condltlonor, onviron^ rombvoQ oxisling sc a lo . t sido by sido rol/troozor. 26 K 2 Can John 733-0126 $398. cu. It.. 1 frigidaro o lo c l. 'rango.'Lllton Air m icro-. тАФ .wOYO..,Li^ib?!3fil┬╗'^w;1nu106 CHIL-DRSN'S' тЦа :тЦа ' . .... c o t, 1 c o u th 5 lovoB on T r , тАЩ 'ITEMS' тАвтАв733-4379ntlor4:30pm. . ftmnna w nshor 4 dryor, 9 Air . BabyWuoslrolIor yoars old. nlrfiontl, porloct тЦа Easy Entry swing, & cond,. $200 oa. 734-3875 $40 oach. o r 7 3 3 - im ________ ____ cnii: Snll733-0913ftsk for Aaron. Ffoozor. oldor small chost Ff< jn sso tt crib w - m attross, fiivlQ.$75.5 ^048. тАЬ ^$250. 5 f,l Changing Jnblo. $65. ^GE 40 ' rnnno, clonn, good playpln. pinj $40. Bnhy monttw. __ cond. doiiblo ovon, lots of $25 S ? ^ G alo .$;r 4& -54gQ Jj ttorago-cpaco. $75 or bost _-ollor .736-6714 --------------- 807' 107 CLOtHiNQ-------------- ; тАЬ- HORSES J, APHA mtii┬╗ililil i KIA iii тАЬ T HZZEuZZ3 ^94 ECllPSI┬╗EGS 19< ^ HA5 V o ^ P U R C H A SS .S 609 >09 COMPUTERS u T ~ E D D IC K тЦа1 ZU! be B U IC K , IS U Z I DD! E Y O L D S , B All inventoryy from preevious deal . i / M n y ^ a g ^ . $^^^ drhro, тАв l^; Stock w oshor A dryor, al- 2l86COMPUTER;hard 86C Sti dfivos,-S-pin printt' mond. mid-┬г<2oiooo. Works 22 floppy flc -┬лr,m ouso,colorm on itor, > r; ~g_ronV ^ 24(^ r.bo^^f^e ^ тАФer.^i r ^ T O ir 7 8 8 ┬л $ 7 > T r j-┬лel< - e ^ w 6f┬╗4o┬лd ┬лd..4& 00 ___. ^ 734-9416ovonlno8 I hhomo LAND MOITORS CARY'^'S WESTLi A g g r e s s iv e3 S f y l i n g тАв E t o n o m i t aa ll P e r fo r m a n te ! . / n тАв'O *^┬░u'^Ul┬░ia00*^733^3c73 I_ i ^ ioi^ ith rS b H flo^ ^ m lld s Nico L Nic Maying wnshdr & dryor. d┬оr. o sso o In duaty rooo. 1 yjQ 0.6in734.8G 91 -------womans wodding ring. AsK Rainbow Vacuum Cloanor. fp /{Roso 736-8776. for Likonow$815.734-2195 . )oauiilul wdiSdina drossrsizo ~ Romodbirng'Wtciranrmusr тАЬ-lOrWtX^onJosf^orTVbn-^тАФ I0; -Tntl'nlmnnifnpptjrr^W-Kon'------m тАФ Tndodod. Con 324-5030 t ipi T o r o lflg ^ $'^ 0O ~0T ~ 3A T " ┬л p ------------------- __________________ ^ ^ PRICE! HereтАЩs one eexample! ng tCru^M тАвA M /(M .C a isa l!o_┬╗Alloy.Wlie┬л>*.?TIil___ tte - ............. ┬╗fllr C onditioning I ______ . ______________ ^4 W haol Dl┬╗< B rq k e i,* ┬╗ u ihh Morel ' t a ; TROOPERR 4X 4 N ew 19S9 4 ISUZU тЦа : 7 r .^ 2 2 ; 9 5 0 il Price................... . ; .:r.77^ F a cto ry R eta il al dealer markup) (nQ.addULonai " z _ Z Z Z Z ^ E -^ E ..... -тАШ3116 Nation Discount............. Minus LIquida S T # 4 8 0 0 7 ^ ^ J тАФ fC R -M O K IB тАФ ^ тАФ ^ ^ ^ L iq u id a tk ;229 |w<nujnih, plus k Ics iik. $ |5 5 3 ^ i ~'3SlM┬лp(iyrwnt5cl5229 eposii due al leose inteption. 1Ht S/iWRl Vtf rcfur.dfib!csecu:ir/dcposi 19'994 GALAH┬╗T IS '┬░"тДв^T=9;. ',834 Price........ |r ...................... ........ _____________________ C, 4 D oors INCLU[ JDES: S tereo, A/C, tn fs & H eed s T he P et r lf e i t Balan< e o f W an\ i f{ 2 A T - .-' ___________ } " th is r USED C:AR AND tt* тАвDual Air B ags тАвTilt ng *Cro!<o *AM/FM C oss*tt* *Atr C onditioning тАвP o w er lo ck s &; P Pco w er W n d o w f тАв F o ld in 1gR^ ear S eat тАвMw<h Wore * ^ ^ тАФ _ 9 T F O R D - F ^ 5 0 - 44JX 4 ------- 9 0 N I S S A N ^SEE 4 X V -6 ilns fM8011-1,V- 8 8 00 Mile H / 2 ~ |тАФ n s g8 9 0 N I S SSAA M 4 X 2 _____9 2 CHEVsV Y _S-10 4 X 2 W07392-0, A/C, VC, Low Miles O RD F -1 5 0 4 X 2 9 2 FFO ?87fzz|'lzz3 1тАФ j ; .┬л 0 7 4 5 7 -0 ________ r - - # 0 7 4463-0, 6 Tahoe PER MONTH *36 IcoMpi^cnn of S235 icKindobJc sccuiify ocpci iCCORD 9 0 HONDA AC< 9 1 M ERCURY T O ACER_______ a :o ┬╗07458-0' ┬╗07467-0 тАФ _____ 1987 FORD TEMPO S6888 S O A fifi тАЩ тАЩ тАЩ > ROTWPO /P3099......... #PA45888A.......................... Z O O O 1988 PONT. GRAND AM AM SOOOC 1988SUDAI .......... 5 ^ 9 8 7 #UB60802A... /[047778B......................... IDGE SHADOW IG S A Q A O 1993 DODG 1989 FORD MUSTANG -----┬╗fi24084A_... ---------- ^P00740?A" :....:/.- - :....-----^ iin o T 1991 MAZE 1990 FORD ESCORT ........... 5 8 8 8 8 ┬л0524MA.,..: #W1076-I4A........................ ID < ^ A t\O T 1992 MIT. I. (GAi^NT ^9897 1987 HONDA ACCORD ┬л053154A..... /J004S32A..тАЮ.тАЮ,.^............... ^2995 ^^-^4848 ..^4987 "..^4987 19a7HdNDACRX --------- тАв i t MERCUR :URY SABLE WN WCI ^ 9 9 9 ┬╗5 5 ________________ --------- M C H EV Y CAVAUERRS Ot 9JP9Bm * . ^6847. ....^6849 m a r night! 5AU ENDS MOH HURRY, Sl g f i o b o>CECO<.tVISTA c #3409 #07465-0 '┬░ 7 3 3 ____ ^ 3 7 7 0 - ____ i- 1 8 a 9 3 F O R D T A U R Uu !s #07460-0 I * 1 3 .9 8 8 lJ p i 9 3 d f f i V Y C OOIR S C A #07301 HO HO a SCUTUSSOBIA 92010S< # 0 7 4 0 6 -0 #C ^ 4 6 >6 .9 ┬л0> 439-0 ┬╗5292 5 . L ^ o M iтАФi iB IIIS ┬л 8 9 OLDS a m JTLA SS - IW M iles #07464-0, Low ^ 6 7 7 '3 l _ l 7 тАЬ PA T HffW fB DER sijil fcтАФ #074 4 2 -0 I 4 ,9 M B U IC K тАв E| - t ........ ............... ...............: ............... / \ тЦа ; ┬╗14 .8 6 3 in #07452-0, ------------- All W heel Drive Al n7r9┬лB ' ...J L _ y O p p o r t u tn i iity ! IS U Z U h52&--- 8 0 0 - 8 2 4 - 1i 1310 PO L l ;BUKKCBfTlJRyW CN #07451-0, 1600 Mi. m K iZEHE3 f Z Z i J > S M > flO B IL E тАв : L lJ Kg | | U lM t^ A Ll #4502 ┬╗154 ^ L i f e t i m es t t M i s s T hlis i O n c e I nyA ^ O CADOIACHSIWOOO #07237-0 X ow Ml. 1 Owner M46016-6, Low h IPh 9 2 SUZUKI s w mF T ,no^9izJ ^ i i ^ XmVGRAND 8 4 MERCUI AQUS MARC ! 4 ________ !. nsMo I I 6 0 1 6 - 1 ,4 X 4 i2__L!1L1 ^ff0 7 4 3 8 .0 2 PONT. GRAND AM P( ┬л07437-0 i5S=aBs; ^ 91 O L D S O n b " 9 0 P O N T 'C R A N D T>RIX--------R CRX i 3a__I I__^ Ih DA ACCORD, 0 ^ 4 8 8 тЦа/P005I63A.......... ............... 1991 PONT. GRAND AN RDT BIRD S ] 0 , 8 8 8 /ZC431033A........................ SSANSTAKZASJO SLJIQO J992N ISS/ 1989 MERC SABLE ........ /P3106A........ #P3088............................... ;D S i L 7 Q 7 1992 H0NE 1989 PONT. FIREBIRD |N D A A C C O IiI5,3'488 ....... тАЩ O / O / /UB52101A..... #P3124............................... RD TAURUS $ .| 2 Q 9 4 1990 DODGE MONACO CO S A Q > 1 7 1993 FORD ..... -/P3098.._..... /JA94298A........ .................. T. DIAMANns20 995 c ,o /ta 1992 MU. I 1990-PLT.ACOA1M /JOO2402A..... /P3115A,.;.......................... lO N D A 84 HC r44iT 0 --------------------------------- ┬л3 (# 33403-3 ------ ,-----------------┬╗07'W p O i i i I litiiiin тАФ ""55847 ^0400 ^ x 4 RDa тАФ F Y . M f t l l ) J. ' 1 тЦа K fc I | тЦа' тАШ ^r y, April Q, 1394 v.-r., 'Tv.тАЩin F a lb , !d:ilio. F-3 hmi.T. Nir.vr., i S \ / i i s c e l i a r a тВмe c u s -4M4IE тЦа f I L I N^ ^11I W e o W m miilow l Cleaf W тАвWTRUCKSi V ^ A ┬╗ -^ M E V 1 N E W E X P> I L O R E R S tf a m ' ' тЦа' тЦа ' тЦа : тЦа тЦатЦа ~ r j E W i l T 4 i al ii t f тАЩ D l E S E L SS тАФ t ^ A L L M E B fLi i A B S тАФ : WRAMftgBfi : тАФPHD-gnl┬╗rprlt┬╗┬╗^0^a32- i тАФ O P E K SSi U N D A Y S 'тАв W c'llBtu u ;y Y o n r'Q a .^ TEM PO I тЦа4 T n . 1. F rtm 5 ^ 9 ^ From 1 9 9? 3 C O U G A R S _ 1 i a y _ p o r - f T T O ---------- 3 4 -- i - F a c to ry _______ a n d r y g g i riP fT cd тАФ тАФ ? 3 ~ 9 E Z I n - SS t o r e F i n a n cc ii n g ^ E X P IO R E I^ ^ тАв Lowr M iv ^ : : A u^ o r i z e d S e r ^ H Cl et z E M t e E E E ilc s iE R 0 5 T A R = = ^ Call ,.p|Q тАШcr!p'''┬гniтАЭ^ 3 ┬░ ^ i * ' .iko now 83 Kowasoki 5 000 ---------wntl non, $1700.733-1667 * jKO-nOW njoeHc w h ^ l^ i f - ________ тАЬ"RIcroTompulor ivnc cdnlrol.' . con comploto with battorioc 4 gha chargor, now prico $6500. soil prico $1500.733-2920. ' " Log;Coblnpaekage, S949S. C learan ance \ f4 24'x32' with 6' porch rool, Centei te r ' 7* 7' Swodish copo, saddlo notch nol logs. 2*x6* T4G roof docking. doc Plans, video, loh 4 702 Main Ave. N. . IтАФ I 1 olhofsizos availablo. 733-61 ____ 307-тВмe4.244S. Oil tank, 250 gallon, $75. ____ Can 6 2 9 - 5 5 5 4 . ________ Sriglnol'N ordic Track lor Orio c L ^ w c r cC JN JE R J | i f sale, sai( $200,733-5531 Tho 1 rho wator solution, rovorco osn osis, cizo 6.75' diameosm tor 12 . 5 ' high, 61bdry tor& wolght. noafly now. $ 100. woi -Calfr33-9&1S. -Call JOLI rOLE PAir/TING CLASSES Staning coon ot Wood HolStai }15 LAWN & GARDEN low, 734-3602.___________ 'ow. Jsod shelving, glass chowDISCOUNT . Lawn coro. D?: COSO. Lozlor ond olhor mowing, trimming, cprinklor t^ sh elv in g . GLASS m isc. ropair. Froo ostim atos. , - a, CASES: Fixturo Sourcos, ________ 733.9530. Z _Z In c.. 7 0 2 3rd ST, W est, . -C y ..J y Fin FifctClass Roiolillino.yafd & -Twi Twin Fnlb. ID 733-4466 onrdon work. 733-1169 -----------------------------a j flB H Full Circle Sprlnklort q^b MUSICAL JIB тЦа '^ow Instatotions. ri^alrs & INSTRUMENTS yord molntonanco. Froo ____ jstimalos call. 324-7653. ja^yi 2a.yLOld.Lowfoy.olotrlcorhroooo^oro;----3 n rdor> fotQtilIina_tnfir.oni- - o aafvw-borw r ~HbTb ratias 733-6769. $ 150. 1┬г Cnll 733-8474 Black oloc guitar. F ocu s JD 185 Hydro, 46* dock, now Blac ^ 3000 powor flow b o g g o f, >t2* 30C Floyd Krammor, like Outgoing SWF. 43 P blado. $2600 or bost odor. nov w/caso & Poavy amplinow uli-finurcdT Enjoys camping. o' тЦатЦа -f┬о -l┬лf:-6600-or-o(IOfT-7-36--------------f^ тАФ -Gn┬╗-734-eH0:---- F o i U f o u f e ? : = C a l l . r : r S irnancinBrooitmTmniisicz nkn'fldnnlt- ------------imes. Sooking S/t5WM, 401 caro ft roloiilllnfi Cnll_ -~6722Lorsm Lawn iZ f ____ тЦа тАЮ _ T X lтАФ тАФ ijmovi3rTonnfina:n!p; pos-" тАФ ^lof 0fllimnlciir73y& b6a. ilntlenshlo. VMB 4478 Sibio reinilc n P ^ s o f l a; ^ 1 I S SncrrlicelExcol 6 string Lawn Mowing. Trifnmlng & Si SWF, 28 'тЦа? acousfc guitar, by Gibson, Thatching. Froo ostimatos. a┬л music, dancing, movlon. i ___ __ Likos mu Cnll733-7604.-------- - - groat flfC lono, wUh hard caso.................... ' тАЩ Sookinn ig pormanoni p relationship тАФ $375. 543-4012, Lawn WM. with similar Interosis. Lo' Mowing: Wo'ro taking ____ A wllh SWM. Spinet Plano. $595. on social drinker okay. VMB 0 now Iriwns. Mowing. m M ^ smokof.f. sc ________676-2717 тАв_______ trim ______________________ _ tl m ing, ond cloan up. ____ rosonablo ratos. Call Karii ' holetaleplono*. W DWF, 26 f nnd Kun Kaisor 734-3084. _______ 676-2717. Altractivo itivo, 5'3", 116lb5тАЮ brown _┬л MapIo shndo Iroos, 10-15', hair, oyos. i k aa, Calii.13J^3La]iot M ft-n F n C F ------------^ ^ ------0.┬░'attracilvo malo. 26-34. |Som, 543-6069,__________ sincoro. a тАвEQUIPMENT 0 fc fclalionship. Andy ploaso TT: тЦаpossible Mowing, odging, roio-lilling. __ ihono numbof.-VMB2615 ' loavo phon Sopiota for sale.-Latgo sospinn donn upi 736-62S0 тАв Copi V b o ic e G r e e tin g ol rocondilioned Wood ^Ridino lawn mowor, runs ft / locilon ^ ' Woi Rivor Valloy l_┬░_┬░ - . Arifil.<?nn " . ' ________ j ~ IтАФliyi - OR тАв 4 WHEEL DRIVE тАв 4 DOOR LT тАв AUTOMATIC тАв XLT --------- тАв 42per mo ┬л 3 4 тАЬ A ir -T iM c s r W heel тАЭ^ 3 1 F тАЩ- ┬░ ~ 8per mo I I a 162.тАШ199 Cosh Dovsm, Reduced T o '16,-162. тАЩ,75% APR. OAC. 7 2 months, 7.7S 199 CoiK down, 7 2 months, тАШ19,688, $195 7.75% APR OAC 7.7 Foo not included * Tax, tillo ond DOC F┬╗ s '^'-'тАШ nfr r W ------ тАФ - - I I ^3' Iso n -B ajes^ p 11 - 7 Hand mado bnby'quillsTor -gnto-Catl e7e-75B3.тАФ -gntf Hott Hot tub. soil com,. 6 pornon. loal toal-rodwood covorod. 30' sqk clonn. Whirlpool elec┬н sol! tric ttic range, nimond. Curio linhtod. mirrbfod, тАв cabinet, cab walnut. All items l|ko now, wal C70-C242.________ - тАвтАв '- C7fl jnjut Insulation business Ior solo. Tru Truck, 1 6 'Arksonrblowcr, 5 wot spray oquipmont. S all $6000. Cnll 934-5796. Konmoro dryor. $60. Cnll -y jg V . -----------TTTT Large scroon TV. $700. Alio тАШтЦаe"тАЩ S axop hon e, $ 5 5 0 . VCrtT S1 0 0 . 2 lam ps. $ 1 0 0 . 1 тЦа^DUch-$l257CofoiMablo;----- r-r-r:^ SBO, End tnblo. $60,-eaH_________ N ow W u~jroyosoat7 Guiid^ тАФ733 alorod rockor. $30. 2 wntqr Nu branonowwiihsut^'nbai- o ^ ________7337115.________ Sill's= wuslufn cna'EnriltT:h-------------chow clothes, chnp3,jackFor Snlo: 26C IBM Compnt- HOTEL MATTRESS SETS: F. тАФ nbi on ' MLU'M5mo'fy - ia -тАШтАФ ^ ~ ^^^A^ n-5';'J;^ullT^2^:--------- ^QIack porcolain sink with Mog H Drivo, P an aso n ic ( OuoonS99;King-$90.Call vnnily nnd toilol. $50. Old ^tinlof. $450. Loovo mr.g . 73-1-.1373, 678-4933 Of nontlo donkey; $25 to good i-eoo-052-1 \&i homo with EhottorCall-nf--------;тАФ _5 cQfppulorr. ior cato. ^ Homostnr C o^ u roreenlw ^ ^-j^ R m p izii piIIu.Vfop-------- -тАФ m 10.nm-8pm Mon. & Tuor^. ^ aiiross 4 box sprinn, slill in p lastic, rogulor $ 4 9 9 , S Thurr. ihruSnl. r.nurfor $250. 734-5881. ; Kirby vncuum cloanol with nil 810 FIREWOOD aiinclimonis, $75, Full sizo Cliirotonic mnitrocs and Firewood (or cnkj ns e . bost i;odor etilsrt. 733-0033 1box springs, comploto wiih Iramo & ho.idboard, $275. 5 drawer c h ┬л t. $50. Full тАв ┬╗' 811 FilRNfTURE---................ ' sizo hido-a-bod {Oiirth AND CARPETS тАвтЦа тАЮtones). $250. All oxcol cond JpnghrfroegofTfl)i<~ifn. , ; . / ^avofycioan.CKors. 7 t5 T ^ 7 3 d ^ 5 w.ivo. foclint>r, hicJa-a-bod. comploio bdrm col, chin.i Lg Lq (lofal brown couch, $150. M6d sizo multi-color Horn! vacuum, sov^ing mn^ j closot. couch. $50, Dark Brown vichinoAmiftC. 733-8530. c -n yM o ^ v.^ oatr 4 5 0 -C a lL P a y L ee s s l / jlvDown, 6 0 monlhs,^ тАв8.d88,'199 CojUC ______________7.57%; APR,OAC AP тАШ199 cash cJown. 7 2 months. '12.B 27, M9тАШ тЦа7.: . I n r R ? - TOPAZ o┬о ┬о '__________ ^ ^ S i ^ ' B u y ^I g h i & - 11 " тАв' -тАв l / w h y R ^i e n t & 1993 t h u n d e r b iiid s тДв ----------------- 8 n r -n )R N fT U R 5 -------------- f w .___ . FOR SALE_________1 AND CARPETS 386 SX-16 with VGA moni- !__ Diningroom s o l, $300, Lator. 40 MB. hard drivo. 1 i 129yd3US0dcnrp0lr.till d io s Dalwa nol! club s. MS RAM. Sinr color prinior, down untilApnMOih, S200.C.an734-fe41. ' . bolh ┬лJ00. 543 6547 _____ C a tl7 3 3 -^ 1 A .-------- ^ For sale playhouso, $300. тАФ Call 326-5269. тАв Boloro you buy n computor, . Full sizo pillow top mallrosc & tjox spring, slJl in plasle. F┬лiaaallfii&.CaJLZ3aJiaa.l^._____ nood. hтАЩorsMnIcomputor ^3 Tho Times N ow s, or stop Glass lop Ratan 5 piooo din} oHieo t^tweon 8 nm conculiing. тАЩ Gl by Ihn l T l M EE R C U R I f i L N 809-820 -----------------^---------------------IтАФ H m^atch^novv hou^ n Inow $350. i anliquo bird | ^Quoon r-i:opji!o,y<.lop, . 'cfl[jo'Win26/chaifS,'9'6(5inm maiiross & box spring, still dlos.$1SOoa.324.B563.'-- тЦа In |r Qlosiic $200,7 il-6 S a i тАЬ aSyardi 'UiM CafpUI.M^W. тЦаQiiOOftTitzowatortxidvnttiтАФ 2 8 ' baseb oard ho ators, b bookcoso-hoadboard, hoalS50. Cnll 324-3480. .or. mattress & linor. $75, Cnll 734-4569. тЦа . j тЦа_ . " j 4 ploco black loaihof, тЦаcoctlonal. quoon slo<>por Rq Rocltnor. oxc, condition, $75, 4 roclinor. $1500, c 733-4401,___________ Coll cCall 734-4tM9 or 733-5715. Ton, tong. low armod couch. 5 0 yards usod carpot. $75. 0 5( ovorctullod chair, liko now Call anvlimo 734-7233. co llo o table, all In oxc. c _i eond. 736-1736__________ CASH FOR FUHNrrUHE тАв 1 _o iitom or a houso lull. Wo will Tw Twin sizo pillow top maiiross bo glad 10 gtvo you an on4 box sprimi. still in plastic. & tho-cpol oBlimato for your $ $125. Cnll 7S4-BSB1. qualHy usod (umiiuro. , 312 HEATlNCL&.Alfl . . -SEC6 NOTIWtWROUND - -┬о'' CONDfTIONING 639 N.W athlnplon.TF _____________ :___________ 734-600ff тАФ 3lozo King wood ctovo. rock Tuflt. Sat.; lOom тАв 5:30pm wall & pod ostol. $350 or _ J bost ollor. 43B-fl572 Soofs air conditionor. 9700 ------------------------------- 1 So __________________________-BTU'c..axc_condilion-CalL B 734-3028. $200/o1for, ! t a -W aiting4 i&rfiтАФS o mn e o n e Is^l V o ice In trT odlictior Attroctlvo DWM, 3. _aiL^B5ltja.^fow n.hal. dyod. Sook s qIUqcIIvo ;la3..foman-________ _______ enjoy Iho ouldoo's, moviao, lie oionofe, having-lun lo ntogothof-------------| n \ m c o s z ____________ 'Roal blondo 8 DWF.-25................... ----------- --- j . PfolasslofiB!. nilreciivo 0' ono child, poslllvo, onorgoilc. one ' :oladas and Soeklng WM for Pinn Colai ,^o┬╗^no couflhl In Iho rain. roll VMB a tc h \ Burloy aroo (or ' , OWF. 38. Ilully.taOy. Looking Loo /M, who Is hpnosl ana opon DWM, ^ pow ibte '.тЦатЦатЦа.............................. l : тАв mlallonshtp. VMB 5640 . H on ostS F ,20 20 тАФ Plt>fW hnlrrrinrk browr own oyos,_____________________ * F r e e P r i n t e i dd A d тАв F r e e imbnio OM.-------------------------- --тАФ Socks honosl. o┬лxJ humoi :nnbws.gQ0 d..V2 b-U..r 6!r e - p тАЭ P __ _ -22'29тАЮnondflnkQfтАФwho. тАФ ^ --------------- - тАв - F r e e: e- - M e s s a g e - K e tt ir i e v a J ---------------nulol difwofs, movlo3- VMB powor mowor. oxcol cond. l*;'тАШ X nnonsmokof.'36-45. who P S/DWM, -SIDO.Call 734-6561, -┬г il! ----------------------DWM,40 тАФ henllhy iilestyte.-ouWoots.- тАФ .=2 t i o n P e r s o n a l s > U n c V o ic c In tro d u c ti< n e e in y o u r life. M a tc h j Of. ILooking W c C a n h c l p2 y > o u f i n d a n e w ro m a n c i 611., SSOIbS, truck drtvor. Hii wtion, tr_avcl. VMB 4199___ Hiding mowor. Bho. Iniornn- B20 gjg PETS AND oly. curva(or 0 co-drlvor: ahnpoly. tional, $400 includos lawn RomanUc DWF. 43 ti nor liar in te re s ts , dream .s a n d G o a l s . n ee o n c w h o s h a re s sim ll; SUPPUES lo n d fin k o f.------- c a n p u t yt y o u to g e th e r w ith so m COOU3. hoQithy lody. non( 10 area, brown hair, bluo _5SwooQor. 543-8048, ┬о Now to a 38.40. VMO 0034________ S'fl", onjoys lono wnlks. - тАв Rototlltlnnroartinotitlcr.-j k Mnltosb pups. $175. ' f ' A r ^ O ' ................5'┬о' 2j aAKC --------------- ^--------------OWCM,60тАФ ttc-dm frefr-elc--8 v0 kino-----------тАФ CntlChTCr:>r3g6i3g67^ -~CHn~43g:B093r--------------ctc, ----------Educated, pilot, advonlurc caring mnn_VMB_3094___ тАФ '_______ ' honost,. can S la b s ol shnlo rock, onliro 2 Lab pups. $200, ' Attroctlvo, maturo j r o s w F .a i ,------------ ;---------- ^ smoker. Seeking amaH.. ifim. Ulr bluoтЦатЦа' Tall SWF, 41 тЦа тЦа looso stack. $900 or wall, AKC yollow mftlcs. oyod allractlvo S/DWCF. CF. friond, Groon>oyod bruno motto. Sooks . r p ^ -r* 1 gonlleman. G'2 "., 42-50. ^ bost o llor. you haul. 150 avol. (rlond- SWM, 25-35. who orjo Call 837-4892 or irjoys outdoors. X O X <15-55. who's socuro. travol 5 in d t o . T o R e s p o , caring, sharing, smoker. p Filmoro. 733-2373nnyiimo.- ____ * (i (riondshlp ________ B37-4909.________ shi^. fomanco. moybo moro. mor VMB horsos. dancing, etc.. (Of II social drini Jrinker, romantic, assorliva тАФ _________ or rolattonship. VMB 40 Tractor rololilling. w ood 30 30 gal, тАЮ 0 aidod. Living World )caf, (or doling (olationship. Tr тАЮ a n a d Ci c a ll : mowing, blndo work, corrunoi Country SWM, 40тАЬ^ 40 тАЩa - Burloy DW; }76 ___ ___ n aquarium w- stand, comcatinn, Allol MV 326-4631, piQ, set up & paraphomaSooks, nondrlnkor. rions lonsmokor, Nlco looking, young, ┬г ploto DWF, 30-3 тАШтАв - 2 QCtivQ (emalo, likos Inleiliflc )lllflonl con- (igurod, romantic. Sooi Turl lin,$50.Call lin, 324-2816, 1 - 8 0 0 -- 88 6 2 - 5 5 4 5 , 3 1 8 1._slondor. brown-hairod. Tu powor 10 horso, 36* cut, S3 forovor? and husband, 45-55. versatlons. Is olononoss fi roar yod. indopondont single f' ongino, ubod 3 limos. SAKCminaluro Iho good plus. V M a┬г311-_ArorvтАЩl tho last.yoars1 Ihi ^ F .i d i - a l U s S l .9 9I ppic r n , i тАЮ u , c iOcRing mtoWgcnt. strrcora; ?G00rCaH32g-5271. s i c 5ib a.тАФ 2 4 lu )u rs.M^-F -P : R ain -4 p in , Sat SC Sun yoars? VMB 7330________ ---------------SWM,24,5-11", тЦа i(idenl. nonsmoking genlloyn Coro. Ou.ility caro, low , _ i,i sol(<on(ido ............. Ynrd тАвY o u m u s t b e 18 ye.irs o oarty animal. inoaomo___ Lono brown hair, oa 3-15. (or (fiontJship, possible .eof.t . 733-4219. ---------- 6 2 , dlvorcod and lonoj man, 36-15 ____ Cnll 733-0555 .. I9 shipjyMB_1662_________ -тАФ 'BflShtuI DWM. OIL. 1 5 lb s. Sooking SWF. bidndo.ifr u S iiv c s w ill l i c l p y o i r 'тЦа....... ┬╗ 2 4 h o u rs rt d .i} r 7 'd a yy-.s.Tw cek. ............ .s ; 3 AKC rog, Pomoronian malo 5-50. who ndvonturous relntlon Sookino S/DWF. 35-5C OF, 65 01 MISCELLANEOUS 017 PUPS. $250 67S-3B96 dining out. 2_037_______________ onjoya iravbl. movios, dini _________ ;тЦа w it h y o u r FFRR E E 2 0 - w o r d p r in te d adI тАв B e read y w ith t h e %'oicc ic e m a ilb o x Country g ry girl, enjoys long drives, FOR SALE me Old Bassoti Corrigoe X, Twi'n Falls aroa. VMB 0023 -------55 mo out. dancing, lishing. outSWM. rotln┬╗dprof< n u m b e rs o f a d s th a t in it e r e s t y o тАЮ , o r . ,тДвs('S 'o ┬░ o t n a n d g iv e y onil u t h e in fo r m a tio n y o u spayod lomnlo. housobtoile in gcnefal. Seeking genCountry ladyy Widower, financially 104 total (t, cutting room 4 lor companionship, possi)d naturod, lomporod. good-naiur< kon. has shots, groal with SWF. 50, classy, good n ,lured. Spoking , o rccort iioman, :o r d y o u r F R E E v o ic e "brow se" t h r o u g h w oDmm e n тАЩs o r m e n 's lockor moat rail syslom &. kids. ,,1^ Froo lo good home. тАв05. outdoor, . WojeJ.-iliqrir lionr.hip.VMQ 3651_______ " whilo (omalo. 58-OS onjoya family, homo, outdoors, ou' 5c.nIo. For moro details Call r, nonsmokranch, farm glii type. 50. good cook. g r e e tin g n nidd lis I te n l o y o u r m essa g es. v o ic e gr ee tin g s. Socking (armor, ranchof. no BB6-2144 or 066-2615, SCF тЦа тЦа тАв I B23-4622, _____________ ago unlm- VMB 7274__________ or, wllh nood moralos. agi movios.'dining oul. good jтАФ 6 Chows rogistorod, black 4 Likes mo\ to you. the тАв Y o u cn n q u ic k ly m a k:ce y] o u r sc lec tio n .s ^^755----------.n ,r tb n o 7 c cost o 24 pertanl. VM80327_______ intionjcnSQ o( humor, hon24 vending machinos, could -------------SW cowboy. ^ тЦа' convorsntia cinnamon. 6 wks old, $125 'r'" 532-4124 joking fef male-companion.------b b o oxcollont pon-limo. /F, 21 0тАЩ2", 170lbs.. nonsmi smokor. social advertiser! Pro>093lonal SWF, ------ u s in g }'o iir t o tic h -to n en-e -p h o n e :----- тАФ -os^. Looktr on, lonvomof.r., 35-50, with similar Iniorosls. _C Call 436-1221____________ - ~ IS. dancing and тАЮ , aylng baso- drinker, lovos rodoos. < ' 1 S/(:m. 35-5' 5'4- t25tba..-on|oys ploylni A cockaliolwflhcngo h.ivc a lo u c h - t o n e p lio n c s o n so u n d s, y o u vm B 4070 тЦаking cowgirl or тАвY o u m u st h.iv тАв I f y o u lik e h o w a pcnsoi mclng. pic- country music. Sookin; ball, sklirig. rodoos, dancli 27тАЩ * and ' 7 . ^ : ______________ ___ 27 Fishor TV ctoroo-moniStand. $100, ty, ^3.35. VMB ng honest, country Incllnod lady, : nics. camping. Sooking I lor.┬г400.734-4682ntlnr6 jtdoor typo SWM, 20 ti . Outdo sc rv ic e. c t n leave h im o r h er n im e ssa g e . Can 733-9477. 2C35_______________ rosponslblo S/DWM. (orтЦаr iong-torm loi ^ тАв UvQS hor: horsos, has groat sense o( 3 3 pioeoa o( 4' hook and latch Tjr;: roLilionship. VMB 1670 -------------, likos lalklng. travelling. ^ тАЩтАЩ Bollovuonroo, >0. DWM I _ _ __ ________ humof.Jiki pipo. 7 0 Monlo.Cailo.Co- AKC black Lnb pu ps, B old, ir.fshoirdow ^- '---------^ :owboy. Enjoys IтАФ :---------------;тАФ sookmgrSW S' F . iS -24. with samo Dowivto-oorth Ih тАФ Young 49. 5'10". cowl ramie rooting tilos.-85 Lynx _ w r ooks тАЬ' Istlc SWCM, 30 miorosts.vi s. VMB 3930________ . ____'Wagon-SuDftru y jood sonso horsos. animals, done ancing. Sooks Youno SM,2 SM. 1 ________________ Ecloctlctic SWF /DWF. 42. lull-ffl'urod. gwx _ IdoallstI parls. Cnll -o r m o d r dow ~ clnw s to'-' - movod. $150. Groat Eastoi-------------nctgclit:..iirivchiufoтАФDusmo66-<ift of humor. olcJ.taBhlonoiJ-тАЩ od-valuos.-snrn-bum S/OWF.TO^J W9.7ionamoHтАФ ^oVtng'S/D ^mnan, an! 20-25, good_ M wfinihor^cnc Iking companionship тЦа " 7 : z 3 ┬г m _ ----------- тАФ proflom. Cnll 326-3269. lO ly likos out- or, druQ-froo. socialI drlnkor. dri sarno gppgg ol'humor. wliO' wlic likua gomg sookir^ woman n \with an Inquiring somo. onioys c Sooks SJDM. 35-50. who 42. S BтАЭ. lulMigured- Enjoys ^ 5^ d>awor chost ol drawers, тАФ omnntic, lontJcr lov- ratling. Seokir lancing, bil- iniorosls. Joyco. ptoos' door nctWtlos. fishing, danc 3030 call agoin having lun timos, nos, movios, din- mind. Opon to lorr 3, (ishing. motorcycles, ani' AKC,ROTTWEILER child's toy box. handyman ' rolaliorishlp. (flentfship, possiblo po; _________ and (oavo your lolcpho llards.VMB 1701_________ _____________ Ing, heallhy SM,, 330-55. VMB 2663 phono numW. ino! VMB 6767 ogolhornoss. Sooks tall. ? m alo4 lomalo. jack, whool Barrow, also do тЦа pupics: P' m ;WM VMBOSfiO________ , caring S/DWM, smokof t Outdoor typD SWK TT^--------------DWF, 22 22 ' DW W 37--------------- yMB_48p9_ ------------------------ тАФ honosl. . ca hand quilting In my hom e. ------ 324-7132m esa:" ' sleo lly fit SWF okay. lasti asting rolalionship. VMB ^ ys d danclf^g, DWM,3^34 , Phyale . 43, C T . 160ID3., enjoys ifunotlo, 12Slba., 6 тАЩ5". 23510s.... (drug-lroo. nonMoihor o( Iwo. brunt B eautiful b ic o lo r e d Por- . Cull 324-4S77 . Boot riding, ani- 0916 ig. Ilishing. 6M", 105lbs.. brown outdoor activilios. 31. onjoys horseback ho country music, camping. onloys dancing, dilnkof. cnloys, oi lamlly otiontatcd, ont clans, 6w to old, B37-&0B4 rag racing. Sooks non^ . 5x to Snookor lablo compibto F. similar Iniorosls. mals qnd drag los. Sooks se n so ol humor, arils hunting.'romnntic timos. ituro, tosponsiblo Sooking S/DWF. Sooka mature ~"AbbrowlaUon3 malo, 7 wooks, with Chih ossiblo folniionship. smoking. S/D>. jr In Intorosis. alonal. Sooking SF v 1 SWF. 40-50. wilh similar T (riondJhip. po3-. lor (tiendship, pos; 0 jFl-Female (Sl-Singlo (Dj* balls, cuos. rock, now chihuahua, S/DWM. 21-23. lor (rk jll?*; 7.T4.┬╗7J4atior3D[p Iifiht drlnkor.Snoi S i f f i s S J K S 'IdSl6 )-Chrls1lan (J)-Dowish cover A-euthiort-DolivorodJ. S12 тАв Qualiiles. -lof slncofo ta ) lasting Irlond- siblo foiatlonahlp. VMB VME 5574 _____ VMB 1514___ _ VMB 4601________ тАв c . 4Sc o t-u p . $800..BiU.,734- Fom^ Fomalo. 1 1/2 yoar old puro InjjSW F.- aMp..VMB4a90--------:k Wj-Hispanio iWj-Whtio ' B|-Black|l - - - Cut┬╗, ncUve, outgoing llcSWM,-t9^ 3l5Sgto ln s 2 1 m e SWF' "тАв EnorBOtlc r e тАФ ^тАФ - E nthualaanc 7257 or Gono. 734-5084 bro b a s set nouncf, lovos oulgoing, nonsmoking, Ai-Aslon ((NAl-Natlvo American brod an _7 rorSooklng SHM,^ 35 alf. oyos, medium Fun-lovmg. ou 5 T . lOOlbs., good (louro.: blonde, 35. likos 6'4". brown hair .┬лiiтАЮV 5-2тАЭ. bluo-oyod blon g DWF, 5'4тАЭ. 120(b8. NRI-Non f kids on Religious lVMB[-Volco ( VM, 50-60, Nlco guy. onjoysiPK┬░, spi C 77 pcoak dining sol, 3p c, pnKid; $75. Insulated Igloo activo, nonsmoking SWM, Sooks build. Enjoys allII coutdwr octlvlllos. nondrinking outdoors, rodoos., animals. ani ry music, dancino. out- MaiiM* $30. 324-7913 lc. d dancing, skating, baseball, footb ock music, Sooks Ukos couniтДв r 011)011. bocKing gocu,o, humotous. a lio s o t.'A hp Bwnltow woll dofihouw dog who lovos.couniry music, JS. sponlnnoouo wostorn nnd roc thing cowboy. 25-35,0. VMB54t0 doors. Soefelr llios: VMB porsonabto. ODsyool Indoor. oulOoor acllvliios QOlng. undor- g/OM. 28-40, who 0 likos m children. slim_SW, 10^20.' pump, 733-0903. ptoo =roo; Adult lom olo B assot ^inmslji. VMB2t55 _______ ^ standing SHF, 22-35. /M, 33 wi'iM nтАЩPJiJLoi Hound X, 3 2 4 -2 5 4 2 or _______ _ _ 1 SWM -2211-----------------------------0' ovorshot campor. $499, Hoi ^nf nonsmoTiof. nondrinkt Jow toisroa Now Togothor forovor 324-8017______________ _ тЦа, тЦа I, 30 5тАЩ10". 17BI13S.... !sonso o( humor. Philco. 17 cubic, coppof324 dron ploaso. VMB0827 Iking SWM. 23. G'4",. Allractlvo. oulQoInn,I, sincoro. si onost. sincoro. goai-oriontod,, oonjoys running. Social drinktr , . m e bV Pro(o3Slonol. hono tono Irio, $99 543-5868 Proo =roo; Lob X pu pp ios. 9 likos movios, тАв / i y Xr J 'I. 1iso ib s.. Happyw ldowod' m ers. camping, easygoing, romanlic. rorr socuro SWM. 3J, 5'7'i. lonso o( humor, jomantlc dlnni romanlic. good sons old. all m a les. 2 Amana microwavo, pairoxtra -wooka "w┬о' lings. Sooking S/DWF, / . / \ A тАФ An kor. Enjoys 5тАШ7". darVholrod, gi 22-36, (or sorious doinoтАЩfun thing nonsmokor, social drlnkof. movios, dancing. Sooking S/DF 2: Enjoys skiing, old moblnck. 1 cromo color. Call long twin bodo w-lram os. pl**' IB4860_________ 19-28. (riondsh. aship. possible rolatlon- V ^ n T f T vorsalton. lovos country ond wostorn wo: sports, camping, convori music sooKIng fomalo, 24-; 24-36. (or (ong- roloiionship.J/M^ l.->tn aflorneon 934-5384. 340________________ I n i y M qulltod bodfiprond, JilI2 JV-SS. VMB and dancing. Sooking romonco. Sooks aWF, 2V-3 тЦаaecranited-^____ shio.VMD434; VMBOOIS-------------------- LoQOllys. Z 3 3 3 I I B 3 - . ^ J)quoon Froo: Malo ent. nnutnrr>d. do________ down-io-oami WM. 50-!sIsK i i " S caia Irijn dutch ovon 4 ntid- Fr(w: 6060 тАв ____________ lal Roman Catholic ' ' ^ \ j тЦаI5ibx, hazol-oyod. Tradlllonali 0 now Illo Fnlhof, 63-, 215 pnniorishlo. VMS 4783 "ciaw od, all s h o t^ Wk S artad,ouldoorw>nтАФ &WM,-29r-i DWF. 31. 733-3110 ask for Dobbie or !WF. with samo tradlibs..sm ok. ---------- D W FTrr onship wilh Blonder, charming SWI ---------- -poTito, rw ni. 5 b'. I ibibi:; Brand now card tabk> wrth 4 733 dancing, iravol, Sooks compantoni V .^ ^ <7 Bf, call 734-2033 s. who 5'4". ISOIbs.. light w on|oys tho out^or, social drlnkor. Enjoyss outdoors, ov if bt r o w n ^ ,,,. i S i i тАЩi K a ' nonsmtjkor. E chairs, $50. Sow ing ma- _┬г┬г!! hon- liko-mindeo SWF,F, 35-46, nonsmok- tional vlows. 'тЦаg f C g G # ' ^ \ lor, Iravol. arts, lltoraw p la ce s, bluo'-oyod. Enjoys danc reasonably consor- doors, humor, aanclnn, golno lb now osslblo eolation- or, nondiinkor, ro; chino. $50,733-5465, Froo FfOO to good homo: Z blnck i-40. VMB diivos. horsos. SookI turo.VMDDIQC 1QQ Looking for S/DM. 35-4b тАв vatlvo.VMB43l717 4J ton lomnlo dogs. May bo Browning oholnun. commorti Bl coring S/OWM. 22-27. \ ----------------тЦа ^ciBl inonrgrjndorrquoon- -RonwoilfifX.32<U9tS. 5601 тАв iicioj; nan.mjrrifd miltviJkijli ot (h< opprntf \ , l'┬лM>n>ll II nin lot ihf putpoKol irwnJutm, Gorman Shepherd puppios Voit┬л lmn>J┬лcio<il^ cizo bod. l5* rodial tiros. 10 Gorr I.* >llo-rJ ihit doti iwi r┬л ihii riiJfl'"* ┬л' ' $75:532-4475, Rupon 'ICE: I f you have a oU. No ot ┬лck( ┬лillII I" sod biko. Call 733-9094 $7┬г C U ST O M E R SKRVICl iiiinffj inr>itil,c rlKri. People v^, '5 Wr ihit fi/il mminci ilnjp I┬лrifii <tjl public. W < ion┬╗t'iW riciil 1 0 nlii (opr. ervice, pleaic call us I B-* German Short. Hair AKC rog,. Dogroasor or hol lartV. Good Gom question about our lervi' c<KV<>rm(>on┬╗bil.irol ^ D-n ilik, Vo*cr JniioJgiiiofl rf┬╗┬╗┬╗nili TdIIovi ij MVu┬лt tniioiluciioo adl do u >l ihtli o-> Cylinder to lilt tabto, both bot parents hold til los. :-554S. ext. 31B and JL 1l 1i e T i m e s - N* ' ^ e w s s e U 'r 7i┬╗ I ot n'oic .nfe.mi____ cond. C ____ __ toll free at 1-800-862-55 ┬╗iuCI'Bn PttMKlIl II ┬лipniil Kr┬╗KCol 7/┬╗ -- tO 10(O V g u a ra rtla o d ^ h ip . ______________ (lormll l-BUO-┬╗<.i.┬╗ =ip'yo┬╗. тАв "wc wiH'bc Rappy to help^ Diho 537-5737. piiii froo. 800-265-0205, ^ ' " ] W P la c e y o u r Fre. тАвee ad call, ^ 3-9902 1-900-903- . Z .. 3 3 Z E Z Kl.ilio .. Fmi.iy. Apt:rn.I. 1' l o j тАЩl ' ' - ' тАФ 820 PETS AND SUPPUES . ZhGivn nwny: 8 mo mnlo pujsiDic py. r.m fijack, som o b.TDic oliQ dloneo, Isl >'S, rIoGfi'.il Dane puppiOfl. Harlor^rrir. hUck Ror.toH & MtifтАв B20-t002 ^8: ^ '. i\flgscellaiineous-Reccreational-i-ti'ahsportjlation I -------------------------" 1002 11 1002 AUTO PARTS g08 MOTOR HOMES II 1901 ATVтАЩSAND ^ j' & REPAIRS AND a v s тАФi (.10T0RCYCLES тЦа ! Wanlod: Ford 312C .I.D . 01 4 family ynrd sa lo . bring 0 !I ------ . - i992'20'Clas5Cmolor^ тЦа73 тАЩ /i> ton C hovy 4 w hool "тАв -8 9 Virago.750cc.$1500 тЦатЦа C all; rnonovS.it 8-3396 Fillmofii'тЦа substitute lor -G4 PU. Cal homo, liko now conditioni drive, parllng oul. P rices тАФ lirm. C.nll 733-6836 I 54 3 5713. .__________ 916 Dot Mar Or. 529.900, v,np/. Cnll 734-1373. Garngo r..-ilo Salurday-..9j 1. [тАв ask iQf Alnr>. i W.inlori fiood lO x 10or 1C I.........gall 733719^--------------5 V ' тЦа93T V rY3TTT.itia tu-ri. gOOecr-^ ' xSO Uullybamiof wollbu.l J u i i i a b o t h . Th- T oys. hiO's casof $&30 inoavY d^^ on5 0 m is, undor warranty, 1993 3711 R ockw ood 5th : shod. Call733 0182 gino stand, $100. UliliV box whool trailer. 2 f,lido outs, __ _ : cloihos. misc.___________ r_ S5495.Cnll733-a031. wiv,h^r^4^d^or. top &ondi-' ^ with carno rnck lor sm nll ' W.-<ntnf<- Hrwl ri<;pd air con j 825 WAfHEDTOBUY ;B27 GARAGE SAL┬гS CREED WRIGHT Oraw-Tne rociover hitch, liic Lnto modol Chovy PU. $75. - 'C.nll324-7434. тАЭ FACTORY REBUILT fo r all your 350 31 Chovy-$489: 302 Ford^ $489:MQny.m0f0 in stock. -1 aquarium. Can 734-6209. 1__ _ cliny , l.nwn o qu ip .,Jo^ s.;тЦа ' SGOO or b e st o llorT ^ all . тАвCLEANI Low m i lo a g o .g ^ C Grtinidonl! ' PROTECT YOUH INVEST324 4403. тАв . тАв тЦа' 7 r;a┬лah;nl.-ip.-uk.ii;f1,A!-Jla.. ' y jgnluil. Gogd u co 'f 'ricT' 9lLMntQrhomLV lomnlo, S300. , .genorntor. roo! air, sloops $250.734-35j^. тАЬ~ b ru s li 6 n RU S T CHECK.тАЭ irailor. al lo.i-st 14тАЩlongS GV/ GV: ' ing room sol. kilchcft .npplr.. ] тАвiFor sa lo 1962 Honda V45 -< 678 3G54. ___ & misc. crystal, mninrlnl, Corivon runt 10 black prim┬н ft. $5000,324-3317. ^ _ I widn.S13 4744. ' Magna, good shapo. Call JAPANESE ENGINE 4 er. $ IB .9 5 * $3.00 S 4 H S ,POl cr.itl supplies, basknis, onWanlod: Good usud whoo Pifnnh.i Wllh limkJGO: _ _ I R A N ^ > ^ 5 ^ e i n l s _ I_ .^0 95 Idaho s a le s lax. torlainm ont co n io r. TV, [, . i chair 734-3653. - 909-SNOW-VEHIGLES тЦа ^{тЦаHntl┬╗y-0┬л┬╗vid60┬╗VTj┬╗J**n^ i Send chock or MU IU:------- ; T -rrтАФVCRrslrтАЩmorkpybonfdH'jтАФr' I Wantod: inoxponnivo.hulcf :, I ch.ir.sis.ntjw Pnunhco rigid C/ic/n/cW┬╗/7-W*,eOJ-Atlion^ io loo dog houso,-waigbt sol, : Pur.'biod InBf.iOor Potrinvor ANO.EQUJPMEffIL _ pPariing-oui 1871 Plymoulli C p ┬░._ | lor ciiild'.sbunny. 432-5393 i._i-IraauJ,.┬╗klu nlido, t a l Boo'fi.l i i - . . . gym m -lo*kotfi.^dim jyu.тАФ _________ ptipn bofn.3j2;94 N opnu h u a s 3 a , i 6 , , ___ D^sjnr, g^ood 3^8 and .i________s ; тЦа Mr <;i97.5-a37.:E^60. тАФ ' IJ himn^rcl - .:^ n ow niublte┬лr'93-Polgri3,- lifi! -L iyan ici:i?lrt9;W !n ^stor┬л i 800-277-9010 - , Hoc, m o d o r i8 G G ~ 6 ^TGt; ' n┬░V?mh Avo Fast Jnromoi . T '91 Ynmaha, now irailor. IWanl'. 10 soil 06 Honda 125, JSOn.V 734-45┬л9. J------------------------- ------------тАвV 4 whfolor, good shnpo. lit___ тЦа 9 2 - on up. A lso ,.m o didol o Cnll 7a3-5Q-~^5 тАв Mor ! HOLLISTER COMMUNITY | >ics, I 18G0 Honry rillon. A ho 1 House. S600 543-8516 ' Rl'gir.toroO Mafioso puppies, тАв 0. S ' 5om~. 676-60-15.__________ ; Y A R D S A L E S .A p ril8 ,9 |Y,im.iha born 2-19-94, llu'tly, cuto. SPORTING GOODS t992SZ R 600.n ow 910 ' andlO,W nlch lorr.itins. тЦа7 condition, only 2600 miles. , cuddly, rendy lof Enr.tor, тЦа Wnniod. Potinblo, clippin; тАШ HUGE 4 FAMILY SALE Fri S '87 Club Car goll cart, looks ?3f-0. Call 734-9202 ___ r,hoot.4h.53G6336. тАЬ $.1200. 788-5.134 altor 5. 4 rxins liko n^w^52700. Call Tuil , Sal. 8-3. Cornor Maxino & ______________________ .flc ' V/antod:OH Grulln Buchskii ~ni Locusi in Kimboriy. Rom- ' Ron Lhaso Apso pups, TC $85 or Dun-or n Paint. CnI inglon 2 00 w -scopo.W mSiтАЩO.il GSaAliufur.Dr,TF. :'тАв 903 BOATS AND 'i3a.a093.. тЦа___________тАФ ; chosior 7m m .p o o l table, Cnpfi olociric goll cart. oxc. Shiti T;u pups, brindlo. AKC Wnntod: Sh oot m usic- lo MARINE fTEMS Chainsaw.3'xl2'f.wimpool тАв condiiion. $800/ollor. Call tog, 5 whs old, will bo rond тАЮ Don William's son g, 'Jus r;oon CALL NOW! lor pic 7 ) w o ^ d ock ,$350ofb cst.ol- . Harly D avidsonoloclricgoll ----------------on,1!or,3yJ-┬╗.Ji)Uot J^4 ' 733-7gV.i:-------------------^ ' grill, e.ir^tkil.'fishing guQf, for 324-0115_____________. 1334 ?77G ?3?f.________ enrl. 324-7501 тАв_________ clo th o s. all c i: o s . and тАв ------- Wnntod; Singlo Ironl end Ifolor Marcy woighl iraining mnmuch, much morol_______ 15' Larson boat. 55 hp ' 730 Caso or .nny singlo wilh will 821 STEREOS/ тАЭ Johnson w,Irailor 4 canvas crino, complolo w' 3V.-* boll Dnttnrn. 543-5269 2^ HUGE YARD SALE тЦа covor,$ 1990 733-1711 тАЩ. ---- ------------------RADIOS.'COS---------wfilnhis. bonch, accossoOfтАФ ^To>-rbo',:4i┬г!oUics-Ga.'nesтАФ ----- ^ -----WSninOTCrtjuyrlSSwK^or 011 not on k,__ _ .1 sji-Ly.irovtupHJtaiiULiCi. 1 .I coiyiEESEE _ AUTO PARTS тАЩ REPAIRS------------ H MM ikilPSltlK ~ i33┬л3gg┬лgA5!3┬╗&lBlCT Z - ^ 7 7 ^ ~ - r m J l] F il J [I I IB S a l 4 Sun, all day, cornor _ 5 0 hp J ohn son m olor. ' oqulpmont, io sitting siand ol Bluo l nkos 4 Addison. al Calkins Irniler, $3200. 734looi Ln/(70 f?.TOOO 5.1)0: Fri S Sal shoors. wool c.'ird: hoo fJ . ?tl16.or.5-13-5614ovos. - !=!r-hrnrif> n u ck s Unlimited, тАФ on1y,S .^g^ghn-Sl-l4^TF^ тАЬ f^ iw io d udlilonim1fu'u]T:iTr-' L.1тАФ ' w 5iTOa'tg troy:4&hnre.-r q ;o' 150 hpMorcury. now into- j c lu d o s oklnning. loldinn 1.n>. : nfniinrt wnr┬╗r rinht-; Tr.ans )(\rтАФTtg Fand'paint=S38007TтВмftit=:: *~"D0 cn Cnll 513 IS 7 3 3 -5 7 2 3 dnys o l o v o s I I i;hoaih in presontation b o x ,' ___^ ! on P h ^ s a n i RD, Sp o t's ____ . ntior 6om. 423-9052. mr6om.S.13B069. 0. 324-8409._________________ I.I S150:Can324-7434. quo oquip. chain saw, lumiigro. , тЦа WANTED TO BUY: Anliqur тЦа '0 17V,.тАШ Silver Linor. 165 HP.' тЦа1I Scuba Goar usod 1 sonson. irod ' boat, clothos, wood slovo crochetod S ombroidoroc 823 VARIETY FOODS _ 1-0 , good cond . great lam- , I complolo oullil with mons n si s s : 734-0940_____________ __ тЦа lin en s, A old cut g in AND SERVICES in ilv lun. 324-7501___________ ;r wot su it. C osi $2400. will ___ ____ hams. 733-373B. _______ _ 'M oving Sn io ! Sal i Sun N 1984 Cuslom sk iboat, 150 : nos Irom 10-6 at 232 2nd Ave 104 lolal H. culling foom i& Wnniod to boy: Birds, cngos fl- hrs, liko now . 351 V8 . ^ iirs' i apt 2 1, inside il bad woaihlockor moat rail system am i& ospoclally brooding pairs 1911 THAVEL S, S8700 or ollor, 734-8500. , Of. outsidd il nico. Antiques, 1 9 8 8 F O R DI TTi A U ^ S scalo. For moto doimls5 ccna ll, Ro.nson ablo. 438-8093. TRA1L┬гRS _ 734-7474._________________, 1! тАЬ , car. lurn..npoli, misc. 1 9 8 5 F O R( D R A N G E R 4 x 4 R234G22_____________ _ Wnniod io buy: corral posts -------тЦа GL,W oll $ q тЦа .S.it,B-2, 722ChorokooLano 10 1985 2 0 11 Corwin. 163 I I in oood cond. 536-2560 11973Arisl0CT0l. 16тАЩ. s o ll-c ^ c. hours, 260 8 cylinder, oxI rrr t F, Typowriior. book s. VC, . 024 VIDEO Equipped............ J I talnod. alovo-oven. ico box,тЦа _ Wnniod to buy: lorks lor d- tras. 5|^tent shapo. $9,000. ┬░ тАШi ' hand loob, lable saw. bodENTERTAINMENT g o o d c o n d it lo O j e o o or ^ тАЩ 1981 Yamaha moiorcycio SH b II................ dinfi. clothes, moro. ; c.lll 733-6074.__________ i TELEVISION n r S.nl, 8:30-4:30,537 ParkTer- 1989 t 9 тАЩ/b'Bnyllner Cuddy ___ ___ _______ ~ тАЩ 1973- Roadrui>nor. Traveli тАФ тАФ : Warned to buy: Kiddy cartтЦаi!тАЭ lo тАвтАв f.nen 3.fnmilvlots ol misc _ cabin. 125hp. manyexiras. 1993 Echo Slaf 710 sniollil loiiite bicycle. Small boys biko Irailor. S o lf contnlnodI s. U sed crtly 2 se a so n s. Ex┬н svslom. Call 324-7336 ------S o l i Suti: Kitchon appls. Call 543-4555________ тАв ai cellent condition. $8500. : 11 L inens. E xofcycio, Legal 27* f.lilsublshi TV. 9 monlh 1975 R R 2 r trailer, sell conS S тАЩ тАЩ WANTED 1 0 BUY: Old S(,u Call 734-3429.___________ ; тАЩpiJo ; lilo drawors. v a cuum s, 5 old ONLY>$7J5. 734-2195 ininod. 536-6347._________ Dioners, Call 324-113B.;___ I gnl propano lank. 300 gal 2 b oats your choice, com e ; Saiolliio dish w- ponasoni >>d ; g a s lan k. Lnwn m ow ofs. and so o . apt only. Ask lor! j11978 immoculale 27' Torry. 746"^ i Wan ^ i o ^ u y Sm^lold ___________rocotvof, S I500 734-9746 тЦа I S7000.Call733-6511. .0 тАФ _JUununuia-windflW 5 id U ]_ . liU-RarW y, 733,2140 hnmn, nr тЦа ----------------T js^ тАШVCRтАЩ5 ITEm 57930.SO. тЦа chickoncoop. 734-9360 S 0 _ storm windows. Largo don30 733-1623 work. 1;1906 23 (tT r a v o lo io . liko colof TV's $69.50, storo тАв ' now. $10,000.324-B69B 3oys : house. 1 mile E ono block тАв87Boyllner, 19тАЩ,Trophy I f - _ oqupmont, spoakofs,тАЬ'тАШi ml- тЦа Wantod To Buy: Smnll boy ___ ' N ol W osi Ono bnnk. in b ik o .7 3 4 .2 2 li--------------center console. 125hp. VHP. 1i 1988 Alponliie 25 X ^doluxe CfowavQ ovons too. 30, 2 da)y ffj, H.ioerman,_______________ 5th whool. Call 734-5782. тАФ AM-FM. depth, live well, Wanlod io buy: Usod larm 1 9 8 7 TOY( warraniyl EZ-lorms.;. 1 9 9 2 CHEVY AS ill 'Saturday, April 9 . 9-4 pm, a , Bimini Top. Galv trailer, 1990 5lh whoel Tarrl, $3000. lie# . tractor. 60-90 hp. Call MelтАЩs Ouale's Eloelronlcs S6795. Can evenings Cnll 702-755-2243._______1 ; 702-753-7823. ___ __trolling motor, tires, tools,s. 5 Spoed, 1730KlmbBrlvRoodd /Passenger, $ | Q тЦа sporting g o o d s, antiquos, S, 208-676-2675. тАв W antod 10 Buy; Very nic тАв- 1993 Krt. 28*, LOADED. Ha? тАвWnntBd do od orn live .Cossetle........... , : bfaidecfruo. dolhus. dish6aL,A/C... I J j *1' ; 9 .9 Evinrude trolleng m o -' b o o n low od only 3 0 0 ml. тАв s i i o 14 dross lor grand TV's,VCn-s,AAppts. 5on. o s . m ovio pro jecio f 4* I ; tor.Exc. cond. 733-8118. . Can b o c o o n a l, 1857 moihor ol thobrido. ro.isor TVDoetOf, 734-ai88. : scroon, boogio boards, lots тАв i Granada, call 7 34-6541. -------тАв nblo pricod. 733-01 ┬г2----- ---- o l _fn|(;c. Jero m e Goll' m' i j o t Sk i#, -92 7 5 0 S S . тАЩ92 j----- ^734-4060: -----------------nT^diJ0.-тАШ91-X-2r3 ptaeo tfoiiof.-------------- 825 WANTED TO BUYi тЦа тАв - WANTEO-TOP3 , C ourso. entor North HimтАЭ ; -------; Ounloy Spurs & Bits I Fairway nnd lollow sicins. ' I $ 9 8 0 0 or sa le se p a r a te .тЦа 24' irnvol irailor, built in mlтАФ I C.all 734-4999.___________- ; crowavo, AC. Qwninp..fl00di ____________h rl^ny^ : 208-774-2266 to" R Larger non-wofkin тАФ y . _ ^ - ^ _ S p o fla .c n c d ^ W l┬╗ q ^ ^ .,.n(r,r┬╗TVn<-Vr.RJft.Cn e r g la ss hull, iish 4 ski' ;13V 5th whool. Immnculolel lli-----; Cnll734-30-┬╗.___________ ------ , B W N G T H E K ID S ^ 10 [ ; bboat, 90 hp oil injected Mor1 1 oтАЩf moro USED CELLULA . Wanted: Usod cnbinots,.,┬лPтАв ! Self contnlnod w-baihlubap I r.ois,5ubsots.cingk┬л, 1140 cury outbo.ird engine, oloc- ;' chowor a toilet, now tiros, PHONgS.734-B529. -------: pliancos, building m.ntorialr fials. : Hovburn Avo E. тАЩтАФ Itic trolling molor. LawrenceтАЩ тЦаI ┬г8500.734-0722_________ '235- ; 423-5130or 829-5554, -тАФ 'TF A ntiq uos. cow ing ma2 pickup 1 if0 5 ,sii0 LT23' '*тАв Iish & depth finder, lull -13 l-'-Air-SiroAm.-ExcolIoniтАФ __________ Asni6;-aISQ.acouslic.0Uil: тЦа W am od-U sod chitd'9-pley l[g y i; ~Chln7rdi?=hiJ57pictorfn::nnd_?^--~H^v5?:if-5nur:32ir44g7тАФ - r:- c o n d i lio n тАФex tr a sтАФr o a r----------------casoreord lof Hoovof olo^ ' h^f.,rC nn733:0552-----тЦа T A -S U P R A ~ тАФ тАЬ E E M 5 I 0 Y 0 IiA mir.c. H o u s o n o l d it o n ^ тАФ -in┬╗^kaUH-73a^1fn------=-r-bdrm r$12:500,-or best o lтАФ C J H E V 1 M X 4 ^ T тАФ - V/antOd: ucoQ microitsn mi: -berglass,ton d(^┬░w iiha^ тАв ' lor. Cntl733-5369. - .................A ulihly irailor lorn pickuf --------- 'S o p o r - " S ' l ' O тАЩ L m ' Chino 6 sioamor. Cal 73C e c e s s ,, lold down soats^lor Silverodo, powof tako-ihatchor, whoi ' тАв85 2 4 тАЩ A1ponlilo5thwhoel,r ------PB rform cr........ I W j S l e s a i H H i S n H E тЦа beds, 233hp Mou: Cruiser. Barrow, iond m oacurin тАв ^oxeol cond. Cng 352-4401. тАФ Cnlcon Irlr. 543-5004. |, Nico;:.:..!.::.:... jnor I Wanted: Usod opaquo propre i l9 9 5 R u f Avo. E whool n n s lawn odgo Kountry Aire 4011.5th whi. Cnll ; TF Garago salo: Lois ol baby cfson ! joclor. Good condition. Cn *>' R o f u 4 C alorofI* S h o w тЦа . 85slid , Nininturiloiioms. Hudso e p lu s oxlra'6 . Groatli ____ ' & kid's c lo th es, all siz eтАЩS s . It Sat S Sun. all day.cornor/ nkot. I 734-337_l______________ Bay or Whilnoy blanko eend. ┬г15,000.324-5745 Ford тАв S lo v o . i m isc. Sat 9 -2 . тЦа I of Bluo Lnkos 4 Addison. __ _ Call 736-6002._________ _ i Wanl to buy '92 of '93 For : -BG Kit Companion. 19тАШ. soili F -250. 4 x 4 .w -o x to n idod d o : 1201 Sunburr.l,__________ | ! Wanted individu.nl with dosiro. -Children's slurdywoodon contained. AC, slo o p s 5. ____; Totally Awosomol Our mov- ; I to s.nil wookonds 4 month ouldoof play so ts, in good goo i c.ib.Cnll734-07_22.--------J grent c ondition. $ 6 5 0 0 . il itint тЦа ing IS your gain! C lothos I _________ condition. 324-208G. _ od_L_?' тЦа;I 736-4252.QVOS H wkndr. ^ f^lnibofl or Doai u n iiu r'^ 2┬о I Tirne 4 dosiro moro impor-тАв '1 Antlquo 1948 Spartan 24' riohv dual axles, 5 to 6 tt wido t ' sical (juiinr. Call 733-797 i choap. ColToo Irool 1730 r ┬░ I tanl.C,nil Miko 7 3 4 -9 9 8 83 ! aluminum, not soil conl., ; or 733-4216.____________ 121tlonn 543-G249 t T h ' SkylaneD r.9am -5pm .Sat I days. 423-6274 nvns. _ ;тЦа S1150.324-7G20.1 9 8 1 M E Rt C U l RY l,"^, ; only! No oarly birds! ____ I ------- --- Hunling n llo , 2 7 0 , 3 0 .Of тАЩ Cuo Ic illnoon: Mu d f.o ll' j i - ----------------V 5 8 f t t ┬г ER R тВм ┬л R ┬л A e b I -------------~ тАЩr rwm l-nib тАв InsidOfroTTTrtf]ig04_CAMPERS G R A N D M AIR R II S O R -----------------------------3 Z T " 1 9 9 0 30' NuWn travel -------------- - ptnnftfinnr- 937-4535..... . .. 7554 ovoninn'. тЦа r r r T salo'OnbiniomrrTSiroilor:-: i'.trailofbyHrich hiker,load-1] aid ; AND SHELLS j ^TTjr . Wani to buy or irado lor I.n Sharp, тАв ' wood tablo & 4 ch.nirs, gold , тАв Looking lor O sh-K' osI , I o d . u s ed 4 m onths. Call ij-h 1 m odelJocp 4x4 PU. Lort 'rt A t S whiio vanity, radio storoo 1 Busior Brown & churc Loaded!............ I, ; 7 3 3 -3 7 6 4 or s e o at 4100 '^T a : do. in lin o lu efin jo cio d , r o ! c o n s o lo .lo ls o f r o c o r diтАЭs . j 1986 11тАЩ/?тАв cтАЩnbover quoon,y }! CrtTstviow Or. clothing lof boy. Sizo 3T тАв тЦа k;!' '1 so lf-co n t, load ed , m ony j тЦа cylinduf. air. crulso, odomt I Somo antiques, old books. IID 733 6 2 1 5 тАЩ 'тАв_______ fi I mounting accessories. Ex-тАв ,I IMMACULATEIтАЩ87 Fireball. -rтАФr тАв lor, oct. Cnll 862-3691 тАФ I Lots ol misc. Fri 4 Sal, B-6. II col cond. Eves. 726-5733. _ |I 23Mo.-'dod. 733-9094 Old huiinr churn, any ktni m< 1 2332GmndViowDfN. I Old p oliory, su ch, a ' Warn to Buy: Property or ,r"0r : |2 9 It. R ogal cam per. LikeP IтЦа Jwnntyourbu#lncB*l тАвrtiipo тЦа dium sized ollico buildinj n<H' I Yard snio: Bam Sal. Groal RosovilloorHijll. OW colic *1?' I|! nnw $8 . ^ . 734-0372 - 'I Right now. top dollar lor your f'o h I on Kimboriy Rd. or Main S ' buys on cxcoHont qualily ----------odndox, i old phoRograpl ' ^ ' i aroa. ouiiablo lor commo r I good trado-in. Wo are 15 rmn тЦа iunk.477'Filmoro,TP. 1 yr.old lull siz e d cam por11 |I Call 734-6915.__________ TтАФT-; I cial uso.733-8fl38nnylim( lammed full ol now 5th T T ~ ! Yard Salo in Gooding. IB40 | Old iloms wantod: Color! ' WEBUYOLDORENTAL i -wheob and irnvol traitors.тАЩ тАвc f i Elmwood Rd. S a l 4 Sun . kitchon itoms & cupboafi ; 5 I at prices thnt Will RUGS &TAPESTRY'S. 1 9-5, toys, lools & mir.c ' 8 ' 2 0 lh Century lib orglassI- I! 'тЦаknoekyourtocksetr. p ictures or Irnmos, ifc ^ shell plus cushioned intori- . i i S i _____тАФ .Biid. lighl liiluros. rnilro.] Yardsalo: Tools, lablosaws. !-l- i or $850 or best oiler. CnllII';; Como coo why your neigh┬н 5696 -тАв Wfl pay lor rockchucK hidoi i hido-n-bod. roclinof. m isc,-тЦа china, outhouso. 73>669< bors tost Iheir socks to Ty 1 9 8 8 T O Y O IT T AA T E R C E I 1989~H 01 733-5776._______________ ; тАФ I Cnhlirst 736-0645.--------------- ' Fri I0am -5pm ; Sal 9nmBonham at Nelson's RV's, Oregon M ryllowood bdr me 8 '/^:тАЩ cam per with o v o r-: Reliable .t LX; Loaded, тАв lurnituro. any pioco, otioionr ! Wrockod. burnod or mochar I Noon, Skylino Mobito homo. . sh o l. stove, ico box. Sink. : 5309 Chindon. Boise, opon1 Furni-; ically bad. ChovroloUfucK; JCKs.. тЦа тАв today, Sun 11-5. anytime nolly sold nl HooRinr Furr Economy............ O = S300. Cng 326-3145. Low M iles............... 734-7090______________ fayoppointmonl. luru, 1930тАЩS 6 oarly 40'S. 40тАЩ 0 . ___тЦа--тЦа>.000.077-8^03---------B It. cabovor cam pef. good.; ............... 208 436-4443__________ condiiion. 3 burnor,stovo.тАЩ- Usod tenl irailor, good condi-'" ^ 6 W ' B27 'GARAGE'SALESтАЬ ' Propane lurnaco. 733:56( lio dow n s, now curtains.тАЩтАв loin, s le e p s 4. $350. Cnll d.ivs or 734-7523 nvor.. 1 9 9 1 TOYOTA CAMRY ┬г450 788-0802. " 1 9 8 6 CHEVY CELEBRI TTTT:! 1316 Poplar: NEIGHBGF 734-3307 lo.nvnmr-.n. ^ I W W Oooon si20 bod. complolo 4 Dr., Aulomotic, Air, Power Wmdows, !,┬л452A... Hi 11 ................. 5 2 3 9 0 HOOD SALE: Fri & Silt,' Sn 4 Door, Auto. Air, KIto................. will trndo lor w nlof bo April B nnd 9 .8 am to 4┬гpm SL 'тАв 912 LFTILrTY 733-9450______________ 1 9 9 3 NISSAN 4 X 4 PICKU : r r 2 P om lly s m o l Saturdn rday HiT 7J>TT>7TinTT^ 1 9 8 5 TOYOTA CAWR I TRAILERS тАв - Sm all labralory typo Tlurr only, 8am-3pm. 1203 61 .................... ^ 3 8 5 0 (il. SheJ, OiKmWhctb......................: 4Dt., 5 Speed. Power Siccnng hood, call 733-7766 days тАв*yAvo E. On tho comor ofif Gt 733-3599 ovnninns. --------i aAr.hst.________________ 811 overh ea d cam p er, h y-┬н 1 9 7 2 2 4 It o n c lo se d 5lh d whool utility trailer, tandom 1 9 9 1 FORD F -1 5 0 4 X 4 draulic jack, porl-a-potty._ 1 9 8 4 TOYOTA TERCEI W anlod: 150 yards got axlo, roll-up rear door, cin-" 4 FAMILY YAROSALElSa Sal ..... S 3 9 8 0 lully ca ip o tod , 4 burnor XLV-e,Auto.,A.T.................... ............ quihtyusodjjnrpol. Prol SR-5Viian.,V┬лyHI(6............... 3lhsтАЩ 901 ATVтАЩSAND flto sido door. 8 (I wido, 8 (I , r nil 8am-4pm, lools. clolh; stove 4 oven, healer 4 ico faluos. or.iys, maroons. C ' high interior, $ 5 4 0 0 . In┬н is.r MOTORCYCLES mowofs, dishoo, pans.: ho┬╗ SQOO 733-30a0 423-4568. 1 9 9 1 ISUZU TROOPER cludos lolding hitch pen lor -------w.tlort5od. sports c.nrds! 1 9 9 0 TOYOTA TERCEI = Campor shell liis mid-sizedWantod: 35-45 hp oulboa o EE. 1974 Hofldy Davidson, big K.U.SSpoti.UtCoD&mr^ -------pickuo. 432-6629_________ board тАвтЦаoie 1140 Hnyburn Avo . 2 0ooi,Coupo,/jjlo,Ur┬лWjIoJ.... .................:.....= 5 9 9 0 oickuo. 734-1955 boat motor. CaB 536-522i twin sh o v el hond. rebuilt 1981 Bucko oooseneckllai!April ethi9lh.D-5PM : i onginB . n o w p n ln l 4 Fal Custom Topper, lul! siro. . тЦаbod irailoi7-7x 1S. dual nxlo, W antod:4-T235-Rl5or - - 1 ^ 9 3 H IS S A N KINGCAB 4 5or - ST -A N T H O N ySP A R11SH IS L I W l FORD RANGER^ - B o b lanksrKkih * otoo tlart,whilo. $350, Cnll - _______ L-.-^oon5iirtig;E-pty.тАФ y ~ ~ HAl.L~'5a5-2nd-Ai^o-:{ тЦатАЬ ::dxc'oi c o n d : 5 1 5ocr::c a ;i& i ┬г Z 3 i L L ~0ctin,-Vi┬╗y5tai&-;.:.;..-:..... looko 4 runs grunl. fciJt Cari733-644B. _____ bl^ ________ 733-9530.;----------Wondoil.____________ " 324-4511. __________ тЦа7 ^ noodc complolo front ond, iiih SWe-iasloopor campor for W n n lod :6or7fix16ftsto 1stock April 9lh . nnd 10th. 150 4 x 8 ulilllylilr wilh camper 1 9 9 2 MAZDA NAVAJO 41 S5975 83 7 -^ 6 8 . KEE CHIEF syggQ ^ 1 9 8 8 JEEP CHEROKEI тАв lufl.sizo.^hort bod. o x co l-. top. $ 300 lor bolh or sold irlr, 1000 ll ol 3' handlin idlinos Shoup Avo E.___________ Iwdcd, Indwfing Power Socls.............. T 7 T 1978 Yamaha Enduro 100. 6CyL../JrCondifiottr9................ With hsors. ping pong-lab _ sooaraiolv- 733-8038 тАЩ тАЩтАв'.Chin Back yofd snio: S n t. 4.< runs g o o d , g o o d cond. loosball table, 400 siphi - r iGGOKimes, Goodkiicho 5x10' w- 36тАЩ ckJod 4 tailgnio. ' ┬░ $400. Call 423^^4039, loavo 1 9 9 2 CMC JIM M Y 4 X 4 lub┬лw 733-3634________ 1 9 9 3 MERCURY TOPi hoavy duly axle, toolbox 4 -----fnor.ntiQO. 906 GUNS AND 4DrтАЮ5l┬г.lowW!┬л............. - ......... Wanted: 8'xlOтАЩ utility itaili _ tarn. W ? ^ - 1 5 1 2 тАЮ 2Dr,;SfcrtCo┬лpo,5Spo┬л),VC.. Boga Sigmn Phi. bonoliiтАЭ^; 1979.HondaXR80. 00: Cnll 734-5722._________ RIFLES -------r.ago calo lor tho thollof li 0 2 . ;-CO┬лlMyndiiion,_ 1 9 9 2 JEEP CHEROKEE ____ u ___ W aniod-B irda.eyji-itu c 1 9 9 2 TOYOTA COROI tuiplo -bQitorod woman. Sat 0-: Modol 70 Winchester. ........, ..... 5 9 8 5 0 d r o sso r ,' oldor тАв sm om.nll Bioo Lnkos Mall, SpP.┬о"ot 4Doa,Lofido,..,.............................. .. . 4 Door.'Aulo,, Afl........................ : --C a8 543-67S0, 3O-338caIbur,$4B0, тАв pick-up pfo1or4W, sorod by Dnhn Epsilon. ' тАФ Cnll733-1S67._______ rr^ 1985 Suzuki Madura 700 cc,Call 423-6291._________ 1 9 9 3 TOYOTA PREVIA V/ -------- BLOW OUT YARD SALE I 1 9 9 1 MAZDA 6 2 6 4 'r.T, тАв oxc. condition. $1500-ollor. Mosberg Ducks Unlimitod Wanlod: campof lor impoi Fri & Sat only, Houso lu' ....;........ = 9 9 7 0 , low Wes, 7 PiB┬╗nfl┬л, Piwo Vfitdowi, I Under 3<.OOOWts,NADAO┬л SI C II6 7 a J 0 6 2 .___________ lag u ago p┬лmp,3тАЩ diambor. truck call Randy at ; roady lo go! tvofylhlng now lri^ x $275.CalI 733-0118 days dr' i,Tirt4 1 9 8 5 TY 3 5 0 Irail bike,, ovofyfoom,Fir6icomo,lir 1991C A D IL U C FL E E T W 0 тАФ ________ 324-7434. 1 9 9 1 CHEVY CAMAR тАв 734-9544 t^inhlr.. тЦатАФ ARORS 5 9 9 JO se rv ed , 5 m is W , '/тАв S ' Booutiful Cm, Under 19,000 AU┬л,Uolhe : 4 lтАЬ тАЩ i9B 7 K n w n 6 k l4 S 4 .$ 1 5 0 0 , Rugor Rodhawk 4 4 m og. Wanted: cam por tor PU w- тАвJoromo. Or cnll 324-7244. V-┬л,5Spee(!,t-TojB,VC........... $350. CoB Gold Cup. comp.4 0 тАШ bolwoonroar(ondo 5,(,. 93'4-5726 nllor Gpm.______ E slalocalol Loveceat, oil тАФ ┬г500. CnB 734-8609. Cnll 677-3217 altor 2pm. jlo. 4 . 1S92 Hailoy Davidton. 1200 211LтАФ roo. Duncan Phylo inblo, , Wanted good ctonn g u n t & o n d ._ SPORTSTER $73_00. Call тЦа тЦа Wanlod; Chnractof Cook pol'!?;- cha irs, vory flood-com 1002 AUTO PARTSтАЩ;............. r rreportlng oood item# for - тАв in r g .i o.-ElsiP~thoCow 0 0 r 4 3 i-5 sio ~. ' ............... isu yi]___ flpril fl ┬л q 9-6pm'. '44C tH E P A lR S . 0 ┬о' consignmonlol 4 d n f o r m e тАЭ ____ { тАв Barroi$1o6,DovoyCfOci .......... тЦаfockol Soulh 400 Wesl, HovPurn 2 m o to r c y c lo e : S u p ___ M. Terry'e Gur) Repair 2) 900-20 Goodyonr Urea, 4) $ 1 8 0 , D onald D uck тЦа alHinnтАЭ Gorngb S Esloto sale: Ffl F ria good c ond.'K aw Jw ak i, 200 733-CB72. r9 0 0 -2 0 now c o p s, 2)' Pumpkin $120. Rod Ridir cn. ?' S a l. Wator bod. roclino 'fтАЩor. n e o d s now b r o a ^ nnd 000-20 used , 733-0093 or . h o o d $ 1 2 5 , P op i$350 boddlng, A big so lo cslion llc cylindnrc. B o lh 4 2 0 0 0 , " 423-4817. Q00-7D5-S?02 -------misc. 988 Plainviow. Fal Falls 4 ^ .4 0 1 0,o r4 2 3 -5 e6 0 . i L_ ' 907' HOTTUBSтАЩ " тАФ ,' ijtl, ANU KKJLS------------ тАв 350 Chovy short block laclyjin Avo E lo Dffsert Viow Dr itтАФ -82 Honda Goldwing AspenWanted: Oollio or GoWoi nki, -^-1 _ tory- robuiit. S 5 0 0 ox^ Garago Salo. Books, purlurcade 1100. lull dress, oxc. _ ch a n g o . G ood pricoa on 20 condition, S 3 5 0 0 .-81 Ka┬н zlos.clothos.lumliuro,,992 i w ? n e тАЭ D e a l ee rr тЦа тАв g g S -O T 00 0' othors. Highw ay 30 Auto iij^ Minor St. Buhl, wasaki KZ-1100, Ion dress, Wanlod: Froo cloan lill dl 5, Parte. 734-7090._________ -8 0 0 -6 2 1 -5 2 4 7 . Nj f a il s тАв 7 3 3 -2 8 9 1 тЦа 1-8C rallof: Fri.>Sni.8-6pm. ____ S1800, Motorcyk) trIr. $275. 908 MOTOR HOMES , тАв тАв 3 N E STREET W EST тАв TW IN 2 3 6 SH O SH O 7x14WollBCnr┬г)olrall< тЦа 7 3 Nova Slock Cor. $ 6 0 0 ^ 8-2. I Cnll734-2615. c o o k - Garano Solo Sol only.. 8-: ^ r┬╗IH rrnr k^i w n o d .COO jT-r*тАФb*┬лw > llir-O oub Ia.p um pKC. ANDRV6 тАв S SS?:10~Oooi'o r-E )0тВм-fo o . owB a 10 SpooH7Vocuum ciuai loan- .' '┬г57 P olatio '4x2 4 wnooIuT Slovo; Itoms lhal ehowe )Sl _______ hoads Ibar^ $300 m-bost 6lor, 2 5 0 c c racks fronl-bnck. ill 733 ore, llro s, Stalr-m ncio ┬╗ . womnn or Indian. Call 7. 0S3 1977 Rond Runnof. Dodgo ollor. 7?4-4M 2 call afior 6,тАФ cloihino. mcc. 482 Filmort fiore, SI 600.543-5897 ovos, 275, .460. low m ilos,joodljros, -6606_____________ ^ 822 -------- TOOLS AND ' MACHIfiERYтАФ тАФ тЦа ^5965 >3735 ^4990 3.900 3^1r|z i J9830 ^ -H ii ^6940 M27( ; ^ m i I ^9980 I =10,810 2,990 ......=13,850 *...... =14,989 =17,990 тЦаt =18,790 =18,850 L!;^I!,t=19,970 E тАЬ =21,900 Imip nihfit y n u i W I IU IS . r - r : j l u f 1978 CrutwAtr. 21 fl inolor jck. homo, excollenl corWillon., Cnll 324-5662,, ............... .S S g>T O Y Yc Vour "O ld To^ тАФ _ y . .. , . ...... Y ' Tiimj:..r>Iuwa. Twin'FailsrWaho'F-S-------------TWlr ipril O.'lOO'l Fnday. Apr " . 1 r a n s ^ o ri ri t a t i o n 0 ? s2 0 - 1 0 9 9 12 GEO ' 1070r 0OLDSUOBUE 029 CHRYSLER 'l042 VANS S BUSES 'lOM CutlasB Suprem e, 2 dr jOO Metro LSI convcitbto '09 Cutli 977 Chrvslor C ordoba, 93 Go 1986Aroostnrvan.donn. 1977 19 powof optfons; Exc cond 13,500miles.$8000.. allpow. 74,OOOfniIos. original 1 74,C ': sharp, cncw llros.call F 700-olfnr 324-4512 тАв Cnll734-?6?5 $5700-. 2 - 10x156 holo.Chovyliros roo l076Amoricnn clock irir, 48\ 0943 own owner, oxcoliont condtion. . __ 733-C750or733 Z /]' nnd rims. 4 -icy_20,lon 2 тАв yorYy^^^eondjlion.$75Q^^^ l5-pivm w trV cY n gm -SтВм7 r H i 9 ;4 [j.a j g ┬╗ P A ________Z I m O " P L ^ ' i j f H ' , . -tO;e0O on new er>gif>o.-now- -┬л3-Li0 c h n s sls. 31)6 vB. 5^S Z ~ 1977HuborgrndorFAt500,' XLT, PS. trans. lots ol extras. $6500 PS, AM-Fl^sioro. 86,000 . тАв X 46,000 m'ios, all highb' c p o o d ,0 2 0 J irO fi.$ 3 0 0 0 1008 4X4 тЦа ' tur, oxcol cond. now liroo Rndloiof. $75, fionl bumpur, Qrolto.Cni|e37^57^_______mis, mis, brand now llros, oxcol ' )8 Honda Accord DX. 2 Ht4ii ' t i 'j ir H r r .iiiTjm.u'tT . I '7 '' ~ 'in- 1 r r r ir'iT тЦа"It*!*I* j ppp┬еraaongoir35P'тАШ тАЬ sтАЩ COM. 36 Coll Dodgo Visin, brown, ┬гon in d llion. 676-0134 of _rool, nl: jI, nll.wheolilrivo. ouiso, тАв тАФ ! ilV┬л _______________________ 1979 Victor BOO Bowio hy- - тАФYB.ATj^C^OfoalshQpo^ .1 __________ apoKod,whonis.6 тАв5st)d,-$24W,-678-3740тАФ - -_QZ2 ?rrl?00. _______ 5bmid >and cass. w/CQ-adi^of. r r ~drornulcKofr$B500r ig 7 0 r | JтАв S1295orollor.324-B346. f100a o ton Ford '7 3 - 7 9 , S100. 0 0 .__ 1979 Ffoiohtlinor 350. 13 V. inn ilYi nnflnfi .WT i o u g ; тАФ тАФ Muw rtmтАФ ^rrihn'i тАв_______ St'tomalhing 10 mM CalL 324-2103 pvcw. - ___ - a nnort 7 ? Ii I -1 u r j-V 4 I U.ov^y,4x4, MW. Cummins C diosol. toadodi 3-1547 or 73&-9204. ' in# low-coil way . . . with тАв Yorker Brounham ,has Isl W-JEEP , 733-15 hro.S12,000. 1980COSO mllo still on It. h as n o v o s PL. lilt, GтАШ lift, chfomo oxlos. 114,000 m ilos. $ 2 5 ,9 0 0 . ciassinod. 733 0031.; mill r r w ii.6 2 S o h rc .$ i4 ,o o o . 4 5 6 goars, noods molor, 7733-3%1. тАв__________ ^ had 1W 3 AUTOS-OTHER - - - тЦа - -h a i a w rench тАЩ o n - I t , 7 - CJ5 Joop. V-8, bikini lop. i076S PONTIAC 19B2CalorpiIlar VSOCIork P r , 1981 Ford F t404x41ruck . 2 0 ,3 0 0 .0 0 ORIGINAL 20, ----lift. 5000 Ib, LP nas. $9000, тАв wilh plow. 7 9 .5 0 0 milQO. ~ ┬г1500.077-3935 nfini 7 pm тАЬI c l como 1st so rvo. 190 4 ^h> t?000. 324-6S33 _______ . , 1970 GMC 'A lo n . V .8. MILES, rm 91 and can't ------ тАЩтЦа MIL B .44 Cntl431-5510. . lo015 i- AUDI 7-Eonliac 6000, tilt, PW. ______ . Jsa3-C hoxyJM oiLJ5┬гLm :. _ c ___________ , | l 9 B7-┬гo ------fe3S06^2┬╗┬╗U 3. ........... y r iv o w n r o n r w iil-c o in o тАФ тАв c p c fr ta8s-c ti0vr M on ro тАв , ' ' - тАФyriv $3a00 otlf>r. 543-6719. jh miloa. $1995 of bost > l LINCOLN тЦа тАв milna.324-5127:<-тЦа . ^ ;984 Audi 4000 S Quoilfo;^ zjtjo __LтАФ -------OflrlortтАЩloptrrbtncKrlow ih o-h iB h osrtn d d B C zIb e-^ !." ''1?'^ 1984 Kohwonh truck. Inrt-" i ^ a S h o V :' igB_┬гBroncoтАШI17GJcJirini5rr -^T annjfgTTvrTr,----- TSt3I'?-L-inoe1rvTown.Caf'.'uX-тАЬ :7.0-Chovy J.U-4xfU-flL┬╗^L -..Sil .Sih-U f-SB^S^ii^OOQ ^ iiminlinguiiln lU тЦа тЦа mllof;-1owni┬╗r.7^-21gO. ┬г i_ -. тАФ 3oritr400Ctmwmn57l3Tpdrm n . n d ,.b o d y oxc. sh a p o . .Cn Catalino. good pamt, wp-- ----------co ? "Tulltawpko, AM-FM rndlo, [now iFrbs, tun s good, .Cnlt726-18r>4___________ Write Vfito to PO Box 3670. Boise, тАв64-FordTfuck, with campof )llonl condition, low miTos. ^ .V ilstory, fitS ipor Irons, now tiros, oxc. condi$3995.C nll733-3135 5 ----4 tiros. Ru/is $3500oroUor.678-75B3 2. $2800.733-6460.тАв________ J Id.l) Id.ihnft3702-0fi70________ bulli In. color on lop. coll lion, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 , Call 702--------S jatl S $13951 Soo ol: 1027 1984 C hovyV ..lonflnibod тАв 7 6 CJ-7, foally good cond, 103. 1024 BMW ------contalnod, big holding mnK, nr'h, 755-2245.._____________ 1906 C h o v y i ton, 4 6 .0 0 0 H irfcvfflvnf.0f734.7l69. $3.600. C allfe40117. _тАв ' _________________ 1037 milos.bonulilul solid while fpickup. 4x4 d io s o t 50K 037 DODGE ,0 6il, MAZDA $3500. тАШ91 Ford F┬лitJva. ?5 1984 ulility roolor tilr. 46'6', ' тЦа 9 0 535 BMW. Rod i black ____ тАЬ 1 wilh lols ol oxtrasi S6000. rmilos, nowliros 4 brakos. тАв79 JoopCJS. runs oxcoliont. '90 cp . Ilko now , 24,000 mi. 102* wido. good tiroi. oxcol Cnil 436-S5B4.___________ inioiior, low milos. liKo now. '84 C odgo D aylonn turbo. 34 D )very clean , $ 6 0 0 0 . Call uitS olol '88M azada.4r 10811 SAAB S S 3 B 0 0 .тАШS Z Isu z u D lo'*.7 io l. looks oronl. V-8. low mik5S, ini cond. Call B29-5930. 324-4511._______________ "mostly lowtjd. mar^y extras, _┬г┬г $25.500. Cnil 734.4999. no( n o o d sso m o work. $ 6 0 0 . .door, loaded. $3550, PU. with choll good condir - 1989 Toyota pickup EX cnb. 5nab, tooKs fi runs good, Call 1985 Suburban diosol Silvofj┬г5506. C.-.II 734.7669. ^ ^ Call 886-7051 aflof 4pm or Cnil 543-5930 llo n .$ 1 5 0 0 .4 2 3 -4 0 1 0ftoor r 1085 Froighllinor. 400 Cot. тАЬ'тАв . ..v-C. AT. 79,000 mis. $7495. тАЩ.r ic n ow b fok oa, tr c n s .4 nnvtlmnwnnKnnds. ' тЦа lOspooodlroct.aircusponjm . . 423-5S60 loavo msn. Of borJ ollor. Call 734-8239 тАШado. in good shapd, $6200. 7 9 Suburban, oxcoliont con- 1026 BUICK rtch ┬г?000 324-4340 ^ sloM. 63* sioop of. BoDtlc 'тАв 736-7688 nlmr 5pm_________-dition.iondrjdtothom ftx.-- 7 - 7 ^ MERCURY------------------ ^ ........... -'80 Chowy SlO, 4 eyi, 5 spd, тАв -so.il5:$13.000:734-G005.- 1991 Mardo 2x4.'4 cyl.-luol- ~ l e f t iBlkl\0Q} BuickSky^ M i'r o R b < $3500.678-7583ovcs. . . . rod. chorpi $ 4 2 0 0 .^ 8 8 тАФ injoction, cob PтАЩus. 5 cpood. ^1987 GMC Suburban. Sierra 4 . SUBARU lark. 2 ownof. oxcol cond. __ rin┬л┬лlc I findod Immneu- ~ ^ 1. тЦа _______ , тЦа I 19717 -------------=-OotfgirStiaaow, AT, AC.' 4 ~ 8 t Cliuiry DlAZur GHvcfiw^o.i тЦа тЦа F S . P B. Sluruu, t S f W r - t w i^al 60KW gonoralorS4500. 10 тАв df, whho. $3100. Will doal. AC. va. $3900.736-0044, . Come sool 733-4423. Cal'l324-5225. 'lalo cond. now tires, baitory 2 Legacy, white with bluo $40 $4M. C^B 7^"-2M i !тАШ ┬░ _ . and brako.*;. 788-2993. ;------------- -733-1S36of.324^134____тЦа _ KWoonornlor. S900 ofiof.-loadodi Lew milos,тАФ........тАФ тАФ 72 Fordr3/4'ton-ptckup,-ATr 979 Ford M ustang, runs c n ll4 iT fi тАв-________ ' 197C 19 8 8 Ford Bronco XLT, '8 '0'6 Fold FlSO. 4x4. o xcol' r o .eccon c o , d.733,3?0^ _____ 11423-6290.____________ Drivo Q now QUlomobilo fi ' 733-3SB3 57- . PS. SieOO, 734-6432 nood. $500. Call 423-5329. тАФ ^ 1028 CHEVROLET noo cloan.'loadod. $9000. Call _Scond. Cnil 7330398. rfco! тАв71GM C,7500,tnndamdr, 985 Grand Morquis.lyll pny only oboul 'fi tho prico! тАв86' Toyota 4-RunnOf, low _ _ 436-9969 Innvn'moyj'no. '8 97 9 Ford Pinto. $ 3 0 0 or riflhi 4 7 8 , 2 0 тАШ bonrd b o d .тАЩ71 powor. $2500, Coll 1087 T '74 Ford-W┬╗ loft pickup,3fiQ.. 7 TOYOTA тАв' , POf doialb caJ John wttehl milos. ImmacUlnlu! $0750. 1909 lOff CliCFvySorotta. red v^h~ ^ J o l f o 733-7911'. ll тАвтЦаChovyC-60,427.tnndom GMC S -1 5 Jim my. [ 536-64B1. тАШ тАв _______ B0CU73-5797┬лa24^816 J j,,.. V 8 .6 2 ,0 0 0 ocrunlm iloc. 1988 H tinted windows, good cond, тАФ ^ 734-4534 nlinrCom. lin rтАФ -dr. 20' board bod. Call' _t Toyota Cojien, wj^ito, 1 suOQQjifajxc-condto^ S I-G fan d -M atq u it-L S :^ -Cnll3g4>79B8-flhw6pm:---------тЦаJ2a4┬гofdfagQ rL-do┬лlU_.499.}. N FW iVtAZDAS74Suborbfinfno]┬л-тАШt54 mo= $ 4700 C oll 3 24- '74. a. fjfoai cond. $10,900. S7M5Vrrm\''939-6529 ' " тАв , cond. c 0 ^ 2 4 -^ 5 8 ┬░ ^fl3..PW&dQorJQckAC. тАФ NEW B UICKS 3 _74 (Lit bod. 40' good cond, r rn o w p a m t; p osaib JyтАФ - lo 10: iirPonyworX 780-6373 01 -i somo.row milos.oxc, cond, тАЭ 1IJ9 89 Suburban. loodod7 -76&1. 985 Ford.Tempo, now ro- . cruli тЦаuiso, lilt, storoo. loa^od! n/CMf/nflr┬╗┬л.$3500lirm. NEW PONTIACS LOADERS! LpADER'si тАФ- ^. ^10 a-63l6homn. '88 '81 Toyota, 0x1 cob. Iiliod. big ory cloan carl $ il .750. ' 788-63 buill ongino. gront c o n d .' Vor> 500.734-6426._______ J S14.S00.C nll934-456ir 734^793 Ql/os&wkonds. tir^. ALL TH E^N D Y I | ^ тЦа----------T I E V ir Q M e ^ 5=vyO C K W AGEN ' тЦа тЦа . L f M l Tomoo,4 doof.AT.AC. ----------- t 8 S ^ T r t 3 R i n v o i c c l l -2 7 -0 0 0 mil09.-*-cylm┬лlefrSтАФ s ________InTOjco may n ^ o our.oaunl тАФ p-1 ^r S T T P o r B ^ f^ : OOCr-^тАФ тАФ Bhorlbox. Slorra, 35^ 779 9 Z-28,3M ; oxMl cond, Tirln tn rfila r lc lo a d o f, ? -yrfmont's 3^-4?37atior 6 50 0Id 5C uilos8C ioraS. |?'ssVorn n ow 'rob U m r n on ------------I bJWol, 75 Clark iondorralof ----------- --------------- -- 1990 ' тЦа ___________________ 1 9 9 0 U o d g o O nkoioтАШ4x4. _┬гmnlchinfl aholl. 678-8508. CALLNOW!!тАШ 83 E scort, 3 ooor, runs V6 6, Ironl whool dtivo. AC. brakos, $2200 or otlor. Call тАв "'S3 yd bockot wilh cab. now onтАв9 bn 2тАШ Mu#t S o li: 1991 2 w hool wilh ^ choll. 5 spd. low milo^ lFortExpk┬╗orXLT.AT, campor. new OOOd,$lSOO. 733-7892. cfui: uiso control, tilt stooring. 19844 Wosllalia W( 423-4911 aHorSom. qoc 15 ^Ino. Call day or night 208whilo,oxcel cond, 63,000 42 '┬о' dfivo Nissan pickup. Clolh a, g o . oxcol cond. Call 734jtch . brakes, lu llysorW. PL, doluxo AM-FM clutch 86 Thundorbird turbo PW milos, $15,300, Call тАв82 82 Chovy C avallof. good '8 8 Ford f тАФ interior, AM/FM CQSSOtlo. тАв 2050.______________ :od. $ 6 0 0 0 . bost offor. vicod. co 436-0542.________ co OldorMnc hoavy duly, iwln cond. $600 or best ollor. coiu p o . Block, load ed ! cnsilaa otto. 324-4222. 'if oxc. cond. low mileo.S5600 rj 1005 ANTIQUE AUTOS3 1991 F ord,F150X LT4x4, _______ _ 3-8264 msn.___________ 72.000'm iles, $6000. Call тАЩ85 01 Olds, oxc cond,, PL. PW. .? 33-82 od тЦаor bor.t ollor. 886-P363 'jInn with cam por sh oll. SHARP'86 ___ scrow. dump iruck. good 72, Toyota 4x4 oxt. - -CnJ1734.&100_________ Cf SI 32&4276nltnrSom. . p sS. . cloth Intoriof.QSking 84V/W W ┬╗J e tlo . nico.in sid ofi 1.Kk runnor. $4500 firm. 1985 1968 Mustang, rod wiih bl.icli '85 85 Chovy short box, low c( ru iso , a if, all oroctric, _ccnb. $5S00,734-8823 ovo. 3r L9I your dilly ntw ip ipn r I. sunrool. aoreo. luel in). oul.sui n;ns Mac ca b ovor uaclor, I vinyl lop. good ohnpo. mns 93 XL I Fofd Explorer, low $30i3000 or bosl ollor. miiles, oxcol cond, MUST '93 8I 0.000 milos. Good condi- S sih a rp '91 Ford. 4x4. 150. m or work for you . , . ciad ┬╗nd 5 so sod. $2500 734-3093. w /5 . ofonll All original. Call 733733noods ongtno work, ollor. mis. Call311678-7583 SEE! тАв mij: bkn now. 543-5231 XLTLnriot, Call 352-4401. SE 324-3456, ' lion, $13.500.324-7250 ) Via tt)o clossJlitKTs. I Cnl!S77-4M6 тАвi288oflor 7om. 1002 AUTO PARTS & REPAIRS 1006 SEWS & HEAVY' EQUiPMEKT тАв 1007 PjCK-UP TRUCKS 1& 1007 TRUCKS 1966 DodgoV* ion Mnlbod, тАЬ fu n c.g o o d . $ 1 2 5 0 . Call For onto 1971 C hovy'/jlon ?r<4.R1Q7 ovn;┬╗тАФтЦа--------J^icK^u^Go^ 009 100J 1008 tO C 4X4 TRUCKS 1989Chovy chortbox, now llros 6 whools. oxc. cond. 18000 OfBosl. 438-0572. I ^IIB - j m i 't * 1 11 J тАФ ^ CrI - тАФ .J S IGER 1987 FORD RANGE '3 9 8 8 ┬л;i5┬лB,w*ssm5..... laBiiAZERZI Z I - тАФ 1984CHEVY-S-101 = = J 3 9 8 8 -----------VCB3┬л102BrW┬╗S.SmS,-тДв J--------- -H 8 ┬л H M H IR 0 K I /UB;8!lCtt.VttSSS9!S..... PICKUP 1984GMCS-15PI ___________ ' 4 4 8 8 ---------- -f┬╗03l0aBrWAH51!5----1986:NISSAN:iRm -------------- тДв 00┬л┬╗.W 1SS !5┬╗5- 192-eHE-VY------H -___ 1 9 S 2 - G M C J L S O 0b . _ [E W -......M ------199; ----- 1991 CH┬г 4X 4 тАв . S S P O R TT SHORT BOX ^ WM 1 /2 TONI 4X4 ^ >-тАФ ^ 0 7 4 9 4 - 0 ------- --- -. . -_l i B s j тАФ ^------------( w o a w ^ 9 llvcraclo AutO;v\/C, Sllv ----------------8 -Ji07.492.a ____________p j _ 350 50, Low Miles ^ I 4 ,4 S 5 f 9 9 ^ i тАФ ______ тАФ тЦа ______ 1984 CHEVY PICKI CKUP '4 9 8 8 \KOTA 1989 DODGE DAKC I /UA54II0J,W┬╗SS6995 -----------1985fORDBRON() N C O II------------------------тАФ /!0┬л87fJ,WASS6995.... i G ^ X 5 ----------------------тАФ --------------W HORlHiANGl i m i u o K n m m i . ... 1988 FORD AEROS idsTAR ___________ --------------T w i r o s r a c w j i w r r 1g E R 4 X 4 1990 FORDRANGI 15................................................- ........ /CMM7┬лB,WiSSI(l,99S.... 50 4X 4 1990 FORD F-ISO rai3H!A,VttS5I0,99S.тАЮ. 15................................... .................. 10 PICKUP 1993 CHEVY S-10 /f3ll8,W┬лSSIl,995тАЮ SO 1989 FORD F-150 /5..................................................... mi3197B.WiSSll,995.... \KOTA 1992 DODGE DAK C #P007261A.WAS511,995........................................................ ____ 1 ;^ W i 1 9 9 3 . C Hl EE V Y . . I ------------E X T ^ G: A a b --------------f e 3-0 pvT H07493-0 тАЬ тЦа'тЦа ."Z Z ^ ; 2 w n ^ s n y e r ; !d 0 ,,I, i.t)W i.i; M iles, Ix)adet3| 1 2 ,OOOT^i]csтАШ' > " Ei Sharp , : 50 1989 FORD F-ISO (01632(84, W┬╗SSI!.99i 50_____________________ L _ J9M F.qR D,F;2ffl --------------1991 FORDRANGI ┬лB0I9354,W┬╗SSI3.99S ........................................................ WOTA 1992 DODGE DAKI /fAI!21SC.W┬╗SSH,99S-.. ........................................................ [OSTAR 1990 FORD AEROS 7f309;,WASSH.995...... 50 1992 FORD F-150 fW10?;illA.WBSIf,995.. ....................................................... 50 . 1992 FORD F-150 тДв047<4.W┬╗SSIS,99S.... ..................................................... . lOKEE 1992 JEEP CHEROt ┬лC?911i4*.W*SSIl,995,., ......................................................... 1 0 BLAZER 1991 CHEVY S-10 ---------- ^47ran^┬лSIS.^9S5... 0 ~ ~ ' 1991 FORD F-1 5SO /┬лi34124,W┬╗SSI(.99S..., >5....................- .................................... )NCO 1991 FORDBRONI ┬лim74A.W/lSSI7,99S:тАЮ ........................................................ >LORER 1991 FORDEXPLO (aiBt9JA,W┬╗SSie,99SтАЮ.. ............................................тАФ ...... тАШLORER 1992 FORDEXPLO .. ..................................................... (n5l096B.WASSI9,!J7... IDEO 1992 ISUZU RODE ┬л┬л3i6(H,mS19,995_ ........................................................ 1993 FORD F-150 50 тЦа JG1M6B0A, WAS520,995 95.............. ........................................... ┬╗LORER 1993 FORDEXPLO ilM177U.W┬л52┬л,<9S... 15.................- ...................................... 1^8 '5 4 8 8 ' 5 9 8 8 - 1 9 ^ IE E R ┬л 4 '6 4 8 f r . - тАв10 4 l 9 9 rr tF O K I T F t A R l i - ^ ' -i kiiln. liullitif. . J -----^ i4 9 8 8 .;.n Ik-s тЦа тЦа тАв i-ow Mill n S SIID E 4X 4 ff07->29-0 S ipoecl, I.0 W M iles S5S '8 9 9 4 _ ij _ 71 7 ,7 7 5 I L ------------ i 9 9 ^ 4 S U ---------- r l - ---------------1 9 9 2 -N I S S tVN --------T R O O тАвPP IE R P A T H F I N D E R XCI E 0-1 ............. ff3800.1 ti0739K-0 -----------^ ' T u To / M C V m , TW r^fT atiT тАЭ ----- --A/C, C assclte, V-f> * 1 8 , 9 9 ? *19,99 9 4 : 9 . '9 5 8 9 - '9 9 8 8 '9 9 8 8 ^ '1 0 , 4 8 8 '1 0 , 5 8 8 U 9 8 '1 2 > 9 7 W s ;iO 1993 CHEV _ --------------- -E X T .C ::/a h ______ тАв ┬лn7?i2-.: \/C ~ Aulo, A/( )92 HONDA 199 1992 : _____ PKELTJPE________ PJ - ^ 1 6 ; 7 VN M lle^. tta s i( /ill! LOW 5 ,9 9 7 770 7 ~_тАЭ тАв ^ 1 9 9 0 F O IR D B R O N CC OO I I G S H Y U N D A I G ----------┬л-lH 0 5 3 H l' ~ " f S p o c d r тАФ тАФ U -тАФ - _.ff07-122-:0.. . . . . . . _____ ... тАФ 5 9 8 - - # 0 6 тАШ)96H< '6 H 4 ................. - ....................... ^ sh .-irp тАв тАв ' . $ 9 9 тАв - r 5 8 '1 3 , 4 8 8 тЦа ? n rn тАФ I '1 3 , 9 9 8 g '1 4 , 4 8 8 im m m '1 4 , 6 8 8 '1 4 , 7 8 8 ^ _ VY 1 9 9 1 CHEV^ ............... . i si9 9 2 '1 4 , 8 8 7 A07-199H A uto, Low Miles,.EI x tra Sharp '1 5 , 9 9 7 ┬╗15,9? 9 '1 7 , 4 8 8 Jy o t a тАЬ " 1993 SU ZU K I --------G O R O) L L lL A ------------------- -------S W IF lтАФ ---------------------- ┬л 4 H Q 66H I..A A u t n ,.A /C ,_________ _____ ___ --------тЦатАФ ...... -#4 H 0 6 3 H 1 тАФ Good T ranspoi sp o rta tio n T ^ j e e 3 , C asbelto; 10,000 M iles GEQ _ _ _ -S T O R M ------------ - is o o J ------------------------------------------S ----------------------------------- 4 X 4 7 . '8 fl07256-l. A/C, Cassette A/ 8994 * 5 9 9 4 t >94 *29S '1 7 , 8 7 8 '1 7 , 8 8 7 y /1 '1 8 , 8 8 8 hH '1 8 , 9 8 8 S3 ATtinHDER fu r [u e 1 0 7 0 B li R M 825 l v d .N . тАв 733 L a k e s B li All-pfUyH^lut t alcs tnx, ,1ft l l ------------------- SAIJ a j i t i c i i T f t ^-in n o r , f e e .тАФ -----------^ . .. I ^ Friday. Apnl 0 ,11D9.1 as o lls Jd a h o - fin ' тАв. E m " тАШтЦаI ' i j - i '''T iтАФ IL M = - g l 5 - E - y i C s[e - v - B ? 3 тЦаB ┬о B B _ : = IB ┬о i i _ : _ s a _ = > 4 8 gt ; 3 1 H H I SESlft3OTGтВм S P D S K = -2hE S i - ~ t m ^ j; S S 9 K :тАФ s .o c k .7 9 8 : тАв>0тАЭ .................................=..........тЦа -' m iT slS i r 3 ^mnc-f<┬л I'M unlrr┬╗┬лT[(┬л I* a ?Aiy3i^,ys a s s s im m fl-y a a Tr*r.7STi | | | @ & S тЦа w = t t ^ - ...тАФ..................... i~ тАв * y ycQ w ^ .....^ ^ Stoct; tf74si '48B _____ -.................................. ^ & jm m m i .............................................. ^ IтАФ 1 ~ * T g 1c lO D ..................- ....... i ............... S l : 1 1 d @ 88 MS^TOl 0 SE^WSLiS8L.eeiM@MC┬зyP | i82B.......................................... -.- m '91B ............................... - ............. Slock <*9911 ."Fi.TM@llflr3 l ┬й _ 1 тАФI тАФ f 4 1 ----------------i ┬о P I i54B:;T;::.n:-::I::--:-L::;;.... ............. 92 T 0 Y 0 7r /A тВм ┬о R Q L L ^/ m тДв o H B - T ^ 9Z PS.┬еM@IS' B 1 9 992 SUBABiyJ W ^ ┬й @ M $^ P J |- " r p 9 ^ 8 8; b M ┬л ┬л O d .w n. ' M ------- 4 n i j | ^ " ilM j :V ^ Z - Z Z E Z : --------- i s j p i BB m M W S lack f/M 4 1l B ............................................... ┬з S 1 1 ^ 1 I ^ E i-S @ l. $ '* i i 's i c f . f тАФ .1. .^J. 1... ┬л,l. тАЮ . |┬лU┬л, .jJ U.^,U l┬л Unil..uM ,..l.r-l-┬лl┬╗u ... m I45B......................-....................... ' Slock 0945 I ^s R A ' тДв ........ ....................................... g {7 M A ZB A >174,,.-тАФ тАФ _ "' ' 'M m тАФ W "SESEZZZZ l i i r w M ┬й ! M |I ~ тЦа15┬оc/s 1 9 83: 8 m m K~i >145................................. :........... : 1 9 88 9 JEEF W i Q Q r r o S j:i8ioikMSI.:4! ┬л EHESHH^El^ % \ m 2 DODGE PO W ! m 7 - ^ h I Slock ┬л4jc-JQl- n 3 2 .........................- ........... - f P z |H H l 2 9 8 1I . M J5 9 8 13 J im ^Odown . IfOdom A m IM ilM Rebate " Dealer Retaliu n i 7 .тАФ .тАФ ........... ------------- J iid ┬л 5 a ^ ^ 5 p $ ^ ra | N ertlMi di ect T o W pr.S alt r " ^ l e P r iceaf and ;U! Unite Siibjcct' ^ ^ , 3 5 D M 5 5 S ^ a ^ 5 1 Q -2 ] '/ - r T T ^ - тАЮ - . 1 3 ^ 1 тЦа i' 'тЦа is s тЦаas ss >SS'S S $ 4 F O R D F - 1 5 0 CC / C 4 x 4 P . U . $ I d or on approved c re d it' F inancing DaMHJ $ ^ 7834 .............................................. _____ 0 L U M m ^ }2 CHEVY C-J im cm vsH is TmSSGTGWm ic W iS 5 iriB 3 S ┬о i A 'S S 7972 ................................... r ulr VJX. Tji. I>ll┬лfn (UXC) <nJ Dxtrt idcd in lh< mgnlhly |i<}iMnl. fWk Al'K Unlil ┬╗it>|r<t lo plof ┬╗!тАв< ul┬л T<v llllf tn (WA)) <na D*iln I> Inl [iIn Ihi moBlhljr r┬лrwml. fciJS AIH. h rtl5i┬╗) tn nal Iwludnl 'down, nmnnthlx pifitiml J - B тЦа J L 5 ┬о .┬й 4 x 4 : ..$ H A is iis тАв 1 T O Y O T A EXX1T . тВм A B 4 x 4 8 m m : 7618.............................................. Slock ┬╗761 тВм 1 1 I1E ^ ┬о ┬з C E E I m ^ ┬л ......... HTO - ___________ тЦа:..... .......... :-.- _.__ - m 9 2 JEEP W i ic iT P ^ E iC ┬з тВм iC w s@ p.l l A C k i R .... тАЮ > 0 D O D G E R AMf M ┬е 44 z z ^ i r i i тДв ............ -............................... ...... 9 3 ..┬й .i┬о .... i W тЦатЦа ^ 1 5 ............ - ...... -.......................... - d<i~fl.ne┬л,nltilyp.ymci>Ii :;/.t:;;-.v :o ;'.t,t..J t-'^ T - ; '^ .s ~ 'm s "тЦа P.l ^553____________________ __ SI ocM TSS r Mir o.tx. T*v lIHr Ire (W.OOl ind D┬╗il┬л idrd In lh┬╗ monlhly |'*rmrnl. 6.41'i AlтАЩR. j Icoj.c. T<v ┬╗llr (n (>AOC) <nUIlMlrr IX rOIn Ui┬╗ monlhly p*>mrnl. 7JSS Al'R. N (SISOO) tir ni┬╗ ImluM a S : >055.....................-................... - - .... Slock #905 "W O ra j ^ ┬о ^ 6 w * r 'S S ┬г / .............................. . Slock 11908 >081................. .:.:....:...:............... * 1 1\ 4 8 1i j p i 1 9 8 J)O тАЬ Hi i J im n w \Bwrl^dowfl = - ........ " - SS 3S F r r jfn f .s a a a ml.^ @ lim :ii-.... i Slock #4K l'.ll)------ T- m BB i_ s p 0 ^ r r 1 m B B тЦа---- ^---- VN O MAGICVALLEY REALTY \ B I l ;ot the N W c ' vc goi --------- V " ^ \ h o H tlmi r f O T ---------тАФ ------- y'nii nn _ _ \p a g e V e^ TheTln ly ^ =alis, Idaho ^ ^ тЦа M zz II bse^IMOTORS t : sociaii) vative co T h e E a s i ee ^ t P l a c e i n .ri [ERCVRT t h e W o r l d ttco B u y a C a r ! 'i The show address ^t S S I m Mb CENTr *' H f @ x S ^ s to r^ ^ ^ H Page 2^ 'тАФ ^PiM*'' ifc' ........~ H тАФ тЦа' \ yW тАв-' ^ OUTOF YOm L POCKET! тАвFfontWhcclDiivo тЩж Power flraices тАв Halogen Headlamps ' Power MinorтАЭ - Sport Mag WlicclsтАЬ *DualPov rSlfcrino тАв Stereo Cassotlo тЦа" тАв Power Sl 1 Glass тАв Rear Defrostof тАвTlnledGI jded Intcfiof - тАвCenter Console------5lln Tires тАв Inlova! Wipers :fS K !S :w -:!!K S li Der U incentives, 72 months at SI67.68 per Salo prico S9588 alter tactoiy ince of ^ down. OAC.. lax. title and doc feeI ot month, 0.00% APR. no money den Tient. 529.77 not inciudcd In this payiner ju C ^ :HarrisonтАШs T H E I1 S E N ti: m M O Tr o R S > 1 _ - ^ The E asiest Place F o r 4 0 Y e a r s Tl Id T o B u y .A C a r In T h e W o rld ... .. - b ┬╗ s 8 a s 5 i┬г S E S -5 7 ^ > > IE . E .,T w in F a lls 7 0 1 M A IN AVE - . W e e k o f A p r i l 8 - 1144, , 1 9 9 4 Page 2 .______________ тАШ704 HauuserтАЩ puts twist one^ " s h o w^ тАШH e a r t ;s A . & e тАЩ g e ti тАЬ n e w тАЩs l o tT 3 r a ^ R o 1 u d e;= e2 y.................. cowrrtoiy. ? P ta S f┬о OibteVCRI e2i conwrsionI guides......-Page \ Oriobrity 90 j o H i p .................... P a g e3.13 e : e 4t [its TOlendor-Poge Lowl event e 5I Oiildren'spprogramsтАФ Page ┬л9 |hllghtt...-...-Pq9e^ тАФ SppA higlil nKifles^^^.PogeтАЬ - =^i^suniin тЦаitcn^--MOVWTi^ ...J8-29 l ┬л ^ ┬л -------------тАЬf^--Daytinwrii* |eS9 Bngs..... ........ P a ^ Fr-Ktaylirtir je I^TIr listings..........Page _ Soturdgy lh race-relaicd issues large] Jt that characters John Ht T lie Waslungton Post ignored by olher sitcoms. m an, a legislative ait O ne episode, for cxan as enand-Gcorgie Ann Lahli -H earts A fire" has t pie. focu-ses on the discon >eriod. press secretary, tied i t e i ^ a cmcial irial peri( fort o f R ose's sister, a beai Ic a rts k not, then m oved ihi lecsH av in g a ire d "H ca. tifu l. successful busines kтАЩcning from C iipilol H ill e an AfireтАЭ in im early-cveni w om an w ho feels lik e ; :ason. sm a ll-to w n M isso tim e period th is seasi o utsider in both black ar Oman- (Bloodworth-Tlioma.so CBS lias given the rorn; thi primes:тАФhomc-iurO.-Ny.>'pr>* i,i(u<;<HiKxly-a-Iaicc-pm3 -------^--------------------------------------- w h ite so c ie ty . A n o-----------up ~ d c 7 ls тАЬ w ith y o u n g Tlnl niglit.s) bought a newspaper, тАЬTiie wliolc idea grew up o re time slot (Mond:┬╗y nigl decid- thal caHier time slot. -------out u f a n j ccounliint-w ha. fTAfvtтАЩf! <li;iemiinalion to тАФ f --------.L.rinp April before dec les main chaste until m am a^ would call m e several times *'тАЩ8 whether lo renew jld тАФa n d - a _ th ir d .c o n c e r n s jan -^on, . ~ ~~'a' vcar asking why-1 would -jтАФ -jf- - F e n p s jW a lh irrts e i^ n -D f -o v c rT c a lo u a -g u u r< l-in pay storage to r tlie set-TDf Planting "llearts "Alirc--------R!tTcrand-lW%N'cn Ali rly 10___________ f J tyt*тАФ g BiS тАЩ-i - W oahington reccnlly _ '_ v \ tl- lin h c -P.tiiiily.-'-тАЩ-' 'M┬╗>ytr тАФ irnm rm ttidhrxT f-eB -n ig h t promote Ihe show tto t Loaf,' w h o p ro d u c c d 'thrtata t -father-und-Kon o n -a sho тАв p o ten t M o nday-ni] ur- ping expedition, blylwaitially ters whiit will probabl) classic com cdy series dur┬н black comedy lineup cssenti; h тАЬ I enjoy putting a bla audi- 'a do-or-dictcst. ' in g th e 1970s. T h e truj tth ll -in* ^ives the show an1 au r^it'.T Riti.-r .inil IтАЩost nfTc w as he sa y s. тАЬ I c o u ld nn 't 't family on the nij;e thal i vrtiтАФ rTrllcTTTgTiboui im p o rtt div e rg en t view s on --------Fe'^'r to s c ~ n iciTrrnTOWtT тАвтАв lhan chiise away, things, important to then nal lal- Mondiiy nighl iry-oui. away.тАЭ nrevi. Tlie seriesтАЩ original u c--snid-L c┬лr.-71. whose prc Ilbwed тАЬ W eтАЩv e g o l~ f -тАв--------- T |i'iJn :tlie liii;t tim e the ucifd eтАЭ er-eviniinrsToT-''тАЩ'┬╗ " ┬╗d_-QUS-hits include тАЭ MaUd' тАЩs hotc h an c es up at bat v , countant calIiTdrL:w r^тАЬ┬╗*' ^ I t e r ^ s j i n d P o stтАЩs I ---------T llfaugltl. тАв! wuiider wyho" h a "Q n o -P ay 1,1..ck blooclea ciianiciers lo 1 r -~ . тЦа several scries starring bU :d . bul said. In his view, iff tthey lives there now?тАЭ * lelTerfairly unfettered. 104 performers тАФ ''T he JelT ?ed and donтАЩl score subst^tial тАв ' T h u s w as b'orn тАЭ 704 SonтАЭ moved ,me uinvenl ings in lhat period. I H au se r." set in th e sam e sons,тАЭ тАЬSanford and Sc practically lu d to reim 3ig. and "Good Times.тАЭ no d a te liiay get canceled. house where outspoken big┬н ontroits e lf to a c commoci l ie d ' Docs Lear expcct conI j s r a; l d ----- тАЬ hscc-us-eoming-l ot A rchie B unker clashed family viewiiig. Posl me talk .next year, bul-we wai law versy? _ ,said.w ith his liberal son-iti-la%t 'here was even some тАЬ 1 h o p e s o , ' h e sa se c u re lh a l tim e sl Meathead. o f rctitling it.________ rc n тЦаT-nntmvfcfSy SlipCStS P jTTOduc^тАФ l*osnaid.-тАЬl'donтАЩt'bel ----------- BuHhis-tinwHlww-SfC-* Instead, writcr-pio< is p ie a rc th in k in g ab( w oorth-, w eтАЩre figliting with i few tw ists: T h e fam ilyy i: er L inda B lood w тАвcerta inтАФbody-butoiinw lvcs^ black, the tntncr is llbCTaf it and -rarniSSiSimiinic-CCT v e.тАЩ te r b e la u g h in g firs t : and the son is conservative. ^ t " fo rem o sto ritтАЩs a d o g ." тАв i thought thereтАЩs a grca ________тАв lack conflict inherent in a blacl father w h o тАЩs a veterana o f >dof Ihe civil rights battles and o rci Crtlwlilon foe0┬╗ , lu-d тАЭ in is Th.ch-┬╗-niut Vietnam anil w hose son i S; Jr them 4ouri They The Associnted Press тАв LO S A N G E L E S - II ff тАвтАвs p ro d u c e r N o rm an L e a r 's 7accouniam liadnтАЩt been try┬н ;w ing to save money, his new be comedy scries mighl not be on p r e m ie rin g M o n d a y on :ncc f SтАЩ grow ing up to be Clarenci ;fcrI I T hom as," Lear said, refer rin g to ih c c o n s e r v a tiv Supreme Court justicc. l i ll T he parents. Ernest aand n lo h n -- - n'KOcnn тАФ ***тАв *тАФ тЦатЦа ' R ose C u m b e rb a tc h (Joh 't ? '; ............A m o s a n d L y n n ic Gjo odd coua>Kai/nwv f ┬╗ .......... frcy). arc a blue-collar coi p ic m a rrie d fo r 25 y e a r S S U ' U ' ? T h ey're so devoted to socii octal a exM * causes that they named the H n lock g mivT - - I t - 11 тАвso n a f te r a lib e r a l b lo c licie . m S u p re m e C o u r t ju s tic n ┬╗┬╗┬╗тАв тАЭ Thurgood Mareliall.' a wiow тАФ тАЩ* rum CO IW* тАв тАЭ 1! Thurgood M arshall Cun . b e itatch (T.E.-Russcll).is ) is nтАФ g ^ V. idcnt n MC -тЦа ┬╗ right-w in g co lleg e studci ┬╗ тАЮ id тАФ -who;conicnds-bl8cks shou - p тАв┬л jj jj O USA тАФ M fo c u s o n s u c c c e d inlg g in : m it ing тАЬ S ?"* Z U M ┬╗ business and sto p blam M m. a i ┬╗fiv ' Z ' nIT .JT Ihcir problems on rMism. erlyn g _ ┬╗ H is g irlfrie n d . C hcrl] T ie ierm *>тЦа>тАв M a rk o w itz (M a u ra T S┬л S . ----------ncv).-i3 whito a n d J c w wisis h . , -S-TN T______ arovc .ta -m , тАЬ ..........H er p aren ts d o n 't appro' -of-yotiD g ThufBood t :- -nno t ...... t 5 : - S" S P HHtVW M b e a u s e - o f his race, b uj tlbbecause o fh is politics. T htiesces i re n 't m ┬╗o┬л \ nior^Cum berbatchcs ant :h ,cig r ; r-: thrilled about the match, < au WON тАв тАФI тАФ _______ thg . тЦа - f nic kk l c IтАФ ^------T h e sto ry lin c ^vrtn crK тАв leT6-19 stings............ Page i."lS 'Sunday list ^22-23 lisBnqs..... тЦатЦатЦатЦа..Page ;tact_--Mon<kiyJW je2iP2S listings--------Page тЦатДв''S Toesdoyris l u l l I I i r i n n T ______D cKIO. lU y I l S U l i g * '.........r v 5 |f┬л -i W l тАФ ie3g-31_|__ .Poge ---- Thursdayrlistings^,---Ii I . тАЩ/тЦа тЦа . _ тЦа __________ ____ O . _ - .'┬о7 ............... Rivir-Wtnans---* It тАв тАв тАв suttUndin' тАвтАв 5 ^ 1f a тАЬтАЬ _ _ - - Z u \ 1 ...... тАФ тЦ║ O T┬л┬л┬л.U <=тАЬ *тАв ------(lO┬л.Com┬лl,ie>┬лtl┬╗ / a тАв * tV n T ^ TrP┬╗┬л y AduRlansuagi. adun J f altuauan. D H 1:#4(V) 1┬лтАФ n ┬╗ 31, тАв тАФ тЦатАФ _тАФ I тАФ тАФ тАФ IJ тАЭ ┬╗I ,1*. - - - тАФ - ri:; тАЭ - * r тЦа 7┬╗ ' тАФ тАв┬л┬╗ тАФ T -; ~тАФ _ тАФ _ ,i┬╗ тАФ тАвтАв тАФ ┬╗ , 11 10 T7 , caplkin In тАвтЦа>┬л<┬л S s S _ r i тЦа a duftdon - - - rтАФ' I┬о - --- - тАФ ~ / MMiwatena UMo<an r CCnA\g, Uallnv*to>euMMMin ┬л┬лal ctnMbriM i ┬лaW┬╗wi^MUai W wit┬╗┬лl w eUawia. Mayndai aOoMlae^ bfMdcMtan tndrar a e> I WMkout or dalar ┬╗reofWW"l"e prDt.dlM>M┬лMM~aU, mi> local catMepMUrtar quMUgna n┬╗ar a#artl┬╗* Ifi*┬лa CoRlaa^m ho> NHlacia apMlflc righmndho. t b┬лf┬╗c**rsd \ " - ~ тАв ;┬╗ Sim: >* *тАЩ ^┬л┬л I ----------mk: i* тАЭ v┬лi ┬╗ 1ire <^oi !*?________i: ---------i - 1 тЦа B p . fl, CD = V' 7 Z - ^ '1 . g ------------ тЦа - s __. p n n ^ m ------------------------тАФ┬л-тЦатАФ тАФ Mnu1Mn<fU.dl>┬лul>l┬лg hlmMlfMa wom┬лi and ^ ^ *┬о' inrw Kjy S-' u XJwwVCn rx* тАв M > d H a ^SniSSTnirt fgMtfrтАФMiiiii"тДв. J Page 3 Week of April 8 -114,1994______________ 4 re ss co n fe rA : N o t v e ry . T h o s e p rt e n ^ c s y o u r e f e r to n m ^ a r e u s u a lly o n e ssii id e d a f f a ir s w h e re T a y lo r p rom otes h er \ Tc A : T h o s e d is a s te r s h a v e n 't h e lp e d . o w n h u a u ty prfiH - y ^ f th o m n in r c ii^'on ~UUt.S. W hvii li B Q-1 o n g >n g - f o r-iiтАФ B | | ^ | lo j u i c y g o ssip . L iz тЦа n p lc r lif e a n d | H H le lc n d s tu lo o k t h e B l ' so mn e p riv a c y , w h ich o t h e r w a y , e v e n in sh o rt su p p ly in w h e n th e in f o r m a ^ H olly llyw o o d . A m o n g > ' t i o n is , o u t r a g e o u s .......... ti< J ^ thisc o sew h o n o w h av e a n d p a te n t l y m a d e '------an : o n d h o m e s in I__ / s c c o r T a y lo r u p b y ta b lo id s . A n in t, the_. a s w e ll a s lo v ec r , s h e s a y s . In m iy ' up \ тАв B ozen We really like AiDy Grant, z em g n , M o n t.. arc Q: W in s id e r in Ihc w orld is - r o c k ' e v e n t, th e .c o u pl hie b e lie v e .^ in d o in g - in: ^ M e:gg RI y a n , M el G ib - p o s t eerr girl fo r the-religious-i o ld m e .- l'S h e ___ _ o f lu r id g o s s ip s h e e ts to k ly th e y тАЩve c o n v e rte d a inger os g ood. T h a tтАЩs w hy 1. DennifS Q u a id . Idoveni cmenL Is this attractive siog( > so n . I v c iy m u ch as :n n e ssc e p ro p erty in to ju juis t d o e sn тАЩt seem to care: vc tra y e d ? b a m o n Ihcir T en c h a d тАФ K e a t o n , тАФ g o o dly-two-shoes yas sheтАЩs portra; 0 m e e tin g p lac e fo T r te en a g ers. N otirfg lo n g a s h e r n a m e is s p ce lle d rig h t, .S . . . тАв. G i b s o n - K i euffec r S u t h e r l a n d , тАФ G '.S. ' ' - .................. M any o f those sto ries a bbout o i h e r my.-i-, ie in te d th e c o n tr o v e r s yy s w ir lin g a b o u t p o p M: A : B y m o v in g rc lig io u s - o rrie ...................... - B ro o3ko k e S h ie ld s o n d pital sta y s arc ir trnm - sin p o r M ichacI Jack Ja so n ! A m y h a ste n s tc terrio u s ailm en ts an d hospit; flnd-4xMM;iKU┬╗^4ircтАФ тАФ G le nn C loao. C lo┬╗┬╗-an< iia c e a s an тАЬ u n o ttic ia l Fuj a. A m y to dc.scribe th e ph h o u s e , b u t rig h t m e rc ia l p a r tn e rs in a c o f f c er he su ia g тАФH e r.jc ---------i < ism тАФy o u th reac h -o u t c t now тАЭth e тАЬa c tre s s iS 'lni tтАЭLb r A T - s ta r r tf tg ^ iti^ W HmPp i ^ H - h a s - d f a w n - c r i {riiic sk so n F a m ily ccnt^m i^u^rs^'^al T he *Jacks Q! W henever I тАЩ r o iile v a rd .тАЭ__ I___ ||^ E___ ! ^ M j x o m - s . o m c . f npiinrtn______ th e .m u s ic a llтАШS u n se t B oi ld s a n d th e H o n o r s r e g a r d in g ta b looie y lo r.a t a n e w s confcE=__li( r is tia n s sh o w in g L iz.T ayL m e n ta lis t C h rist ---------- Q : 7Actor-comic Ga; G a rry S h a n d lin g e nm e d w i l d l y___ fcclipg s h e 's a c o n tro l__ 'g a r b a g e * th e y p r in t s e;e a p p a l l e d , th a t s h e c n c e , I g e t th e fe< was great hosting the5 G G tm m n y a . S i n c e - ^ w o u ld re c n rH a if h frmlc, w h o trie s t<i a r тАШтАЬ L a r r y S a n d c T S ~ | ^ ~ тАФ J_ w тАФ-fae starB 'm the popular n in g h e r. H o w s u e - _ iM po p hca rtth rolb b P I e te r d ia s to r y c o n c e;m t iie t i n d t i m e t o Qk Z ----------S h o w ,тАЩ* W iien d o c s h тЦа /OS, sh e c e ssfu l is she a t th is? тАФ C .T . C etera. B ut, yes, B ta n d -u p c o m e d y ^ keep polishing his stai is a g c nlu u itin e ly routines? тАФ W.M. ^ H .- w h o le s o m c тАФ t} b e e n a w a y fro m - - A - S h a n d lin g h a s be A m y te lls m e тАФ...... '------" c lu b c o m e d y fo r th ree e y e a r s a n d w as i-n ~ . --------- v e r y w o i i l u d - t n ;*d - b i -rr-.__^_______G a r y .C h a p m a n , ------r- G ra m m y a r-T o -g e l-b ia a cclk - in - s h a p c ,- b e ---------- -rr-. nigle e n tity .тАЭ T h e y <vork and d id fo u r p e rfo rm a n c eess a; t a lo cal L .A . a тАЬ singl h e r тАФ h e тАЩs h e r p roducer-ihan clu b , w h e re h e b ro k e in n e w m a te ria l.' logethe: .. ^ u s e o f th e rio ts, Q: Is it true that becai fires, floods and earthc ih q u a k c s I n C a lio o d s ta rs a r e fle e fomia many Hollywooc io n tan a? тАФ G .T . ioK for places like Moni n n i 14 I 2J3S2nSтАШ M C Tc rg y jS S m ii N ^ -beirrg-done;''----------r<k)ctors-^тАФquestiO fjabie-va h B -------- тАФ Noi-many4>7&rd la c tfla u a ta .-!. hL<ays.--------- a rc c learly Inac have heard about tho 11: new ivs his report He knows In study. s o m e a re u n s a f e тАЭ , o r __ ___ Canadian back pain -chifopractofs,---------- 1 тЦаcom pllca-------may-bfi'nefit-ch r 5 ┬л n тАЬ=тАФ D V BircausB~co b u fth ey prW abl?1 rtsa But it se em iss : so positive u a c to r s tions. the report ┬г y s. тЦа' b e c a u se chlro-pr< ;lpI but wonder wutiL Manoa says 's Ihe found one can't help can1 stop talking abiM have so m e ial evidence d o e s he ha 3ne by a тАЬgood empirical The study - don lerest in giving ire v o r y , personal intere p a tie n ts aro team of Canadiann health ith c h lro chiropractorsrsaa boost? ilssloned s a tis f lo d тАЩ with economists conimls rest is serving "M yinteres 5 Ontario p r a e to r s a n dJ тАЬтАЬc o n s id and funded by iheC tisfied with th e public int in te re st," he ilth - Is___ erably.less satlsi M inistry of H ealt nagem ent" resp o n d s.- тАШ " I t 's тАФ not- тАв itarislve physician manai ------ =тАФ trffSSll on ari bxte sain. Many personal, and nd not family of Iow*back paf rovlow of in te rnlaa tlo n a l nything^_i havo ' pay o u t-o f-plo o cc k e t for s related. II anytl iTiedfcal Itteraturo,. a s well many (m edics Itcal) doctors c h ir o p ra c to r b ills n o t ______ as_in terv io w s wil vith ro in su ra n c e : in my family." Itioners . c o v e re d by Ins s'oarch'crs, practlU ly tbelieves his IHe simply they w ouldn't if it didn't and patients. he evidence is findings. "The i that the help, ho says, Its conclusion:: tl ja c h e d tiy over-powering. ing,тАЩ he says, essho w M an o a , reac best clinical studies I r i n k - O r a n g e J u l i iuuss . . Re-fuel w ith thhe e original energy jlri sk(ed w hy, II Iniversityof . W hen ask itlon by phono at the Uni; pn/Hsp in a l m anipulatl' ir secret recipe to concoc ir favorite fru it in our We ll whirl your f re he Is a th is is .truuee. , m odical O tta w a , w hore ^ c h iro p ra c to r s Iss m oro nyтАЬBe~aтАЬJuliu8. Gourme a t could'only th e icy, cream y tireatтАЩth t;: ys ho is "a d o c to rs d o3nn' 't se e m to id moro p rofessor, says n ie t effective, safer and anga sa y s. тАЬI know it. Mane in other little e m b a rraa s s e d " at ig ic ' cost-effective than meal a t Magi' oin us for a quick andd delicious < hot dogs, too. Joii think d o c toorsrs do know ockpain. hav in g bo co m te chlro. treatments for kM^bac ly ^Time. Every day. Volley Mall. Any >rs are hotter ipion. chiropractors principal proctors' champic Tho report's pri effectiveтАЭ for 10W w here and m ore effc тАЬI d o n 't knov ________jesearchaL -E ran VM anga, тАЬTheir beef is" ludy - 1 did back pain. тАЬTh rs could they got the slud says chiropractors )rs).2l s o . t r e a l _____ ------------- save-huncJreds-olHTi-millionsтАФ n o t - t a l k - t o -_aa - 8 in g le тАФ (chiropractors) of pproblems." other kinds of c h iro p ra c to r oorr p e rso n of dollars a year,, but t jie ro4iy 10-29-33 them , and ccpynomusATcxoi .doesn't slop th e re}..'тАШ Many . w orking w ith thi k now the medical th e ra p ie s ; r M a g ic Vaalley __ Mall тАФ e a n тАв MSrio^s I^ z5zzi a ....... _тАвIB ro ile rw oirks. rl .тАв Ju m p-N -B ei o k тЦа тАв O ra n g e alius^? Bim_Top D eli тАв W ayneтАЩs Woh C oD r b l n C h i r o ppi r a c t i c Ronald-S. Corbin., [D .C . 7 66(0 B l u e L a k e s B lv d . N . . - T . P . 7 3 3 -0 4 1 1 Sun d ay 11 am to 6 pm S a t. 10-am to 9 pm тАв S Hours: M on.-Sa ^ - Week o fA p ril8 -1 44,1954 ,Page4 . ~ lOol Senior ate spec!-' F a llt High School Sb'owTOOm on the date M t is set for e a n sa t RecognitionCoocm ficd. 1116 dlnna show'bbe I 8 in liic Col. (tail show 7:30 p.m. April 18 8 p.m.. wilh Ihc cocktai: Fine iu JEROME - H * Rnvrai HiU fundable lege o f SouthernI Idaho Id, at 11 p.m. Non-rcfur rickcts are S3 Ds xdonFri- /\it.s Auditorium. Tick Bmd will pb y counoy and тАШSfti rcscrvatioas arc required' br ssludcnK at and тАШ6 0s rock тАШn* roll from 8 Jirnia and for adults and S2 for day and Saturday for dim ------ i>,m-4ft-midmBl>t-at D.-ifin's┬л showmanтАФ ih^door.----------------T h e Ifareo rh.-'rpcd. TWIN FALLS-Tl T W IN l-'XCLS' - T O B B I S S t n - f c c - a тАЩill heтЦаch jallay un uic Museum and Ait UaUi Bennuda C ow boys featuring 'K Rcscrvatioas held onlyy orK-half o m ldatx)C3m. тАв Torr O lson w ill play from 9 lime. tl┬╗e College o f Southern Ic Ss^-┬л3 hour beyond reserved lift :ai of closed on pus will feature an exhibit c p.m. to I a.m. at ihc OK Corral . '1 Gala Showroom is do: тАвt -iApril 19 vs may be CS! student art on Kimbwly Road. ' ' Mondays. Some shows r TWIN I-ALLS - FlaahbocJc rvicc only, through May 5. тЦа . limited to cocktail servic will p b y four dccadcs o f classic ice Gill and inBOISE - Vince For nscrvalions or forir more m gucsi rock тАШn roll from 9 p.m . to I ' , 821-1103. KalbyMsttea withI spccial spc ' . тЦа- form.iiion,call 1-800-821 formct.lcail,__ ....... a.m. al tlw Windbreak Lounge.тАФ -тЦаBobby RydelJ will11 pperform - L a r r y . Stewart,-fon тАЬ Of Apnl-'Thc opening ptw| aun Rc<llc5t TWIN F A l.LS - LD S SinтАФ i.iny nnd singer of lhe┬гroup. ----------- tmloy-through-Sunda ~ t┬л c t for-7 p.m. loday----rm il K p.m. f>te.<i w ill hold th eir Spring Iiursday: Heart will perform _..TWIN FALLS-Tlie; N Ntigic Tuesday through TIiu D ance aod PoUuck D inner ni lise Siaic Unifonn April April 22 at the Boise; Valley An.s Ccntcr Art Di; Holly Duim will perfom Tickets afc tiic Twin Tails West Slake Ccn┬н to r n will vcrsity Pavilion.. Ti iS-16; and Danny Maro will rcnuin in the main1 1lobby ' jle nuw. I'of tcr on I lanison Street. Thc din19 S20 and are on sale of the .Magic Valley Rcgi egional pcrfumt April 17 andJ April A ner is set for 7 p.m . Bring a ticket information'. c.ill 3XSMedical Center Thur; ursil^тАЩy through May 1. 17.66- ----------------тЦа'ihrougliM yil:------------L- vicc- .Tlic ilancc will.bc.hcld at_ ._.1101SE- -nwHoiMAn i-7H8:3o:pjn.:Mtisjc-.wili-bc.byjhe_, -8C um -s-l994-95 xxhlEi IbTiionтАФ -t w IN-FALLSтАФ D,.lr PInuN OrrAcstm. A dortv тАФschedule ia ^cl h┬╗-lwgitv iтАШ┬╗^>┬л┬╗^>all.vCnmc Prc%yitiCT . - .iioa.of-S3.50 pcr.pcrson.is-rci;cling-Ceramic----iiure SteveтАФAnnual Spring-Fling montli. ation concert will fcatur qucstcd. All single adults and iful I lap. est." cwton at 7 Show, тАЬA Bountiful тАв'Fahricalcd Nature" will wi bc Waiincr and Juice Newt y and.&imbv Collepe-ofтАФisjwt-for Saturday_ar dispiayW S'atnrdaj-ihrt firoughтАФj^,77\prit-t7irrthcKBol friends. Field tl. TickcLs, al ihe OтАЩConnor 1-ie House, June 5. TIic dispby foaw iises on sтАЮuihcm Idaho Gym. 1 icncml ad- 21st and Bbinc. Ihe U.SCof industrial nuteri: enaism priced at S17.50 for gem тЦа E S S S i S l HI ,vill fcJlutc ilc al Thc The show will contemponiry American1 sculps mission arc available elDURl,E.Y - Country F eel┬н otraiiinmve: тАФlurcr ScwlpntTc^mrcnarun urallStiC Center. VHcorWcii W 'and boiilks, coliipcliliCitn: ings will pLiy from 9 p.m rio> IтАФ IтАФ as. :Hours aic M in in.shapc hiil тАШI тЦаf"'тАЭ Great Amcrican-Video i Twin i f and lake-it ideas. tril 9 nn┬╗l noon )cjiaiiiitdit тАЬ noon4ftjfcpim npni,; homing. liuiii I'uliLL Dqi. 10. A ' -R IC l IFlt-LI) - Thc Bcraiuda Servicc in to 5 p.m.'April 10. , no-liost epiixy. Hbcrglass, hard rdwaVe LorryтАЩs Quick Ser ' CJdwboys featuring Torr Olson 1:30 a.m. Apiil in brunch is set for 9:30 cloth, vrirc cablc. rcsiii. poi [xilycih- uuiii; and DawтАЩs Market Ma Room of Simwill play from 9 p.m. to I o jiv . ylenc, pig iron and asphalt :.ili. llic Hansen. Tickcts arc also alsi avail- 9 in ihc Ftrcsidc Roo LsonтАЩsCollcge at the Slockadc Bar. тАвhe M usic, plot Hall alAlbcttson -anisLs' imcnt is to convcy cy Ixiih ;,blc al the door. Thc TWIN. FALLS - Flashback Icvelitnd llhd. lig away a of Idaho, 2112 Clcve personal and cnvironmi mental. Center will be giving . will play four dccidcs o f classic ,'ednesday and : gtiitar - - - Eniry dates ate Wcdn ^тЦаi^B concerns. ' тАв T.ikaminc acou-stic g rock тАШn roll from 9 p.m . lo 1 away by Tliursday. ^C o. The.tmiscijm is local' lated al signed and given av a,m,-it ilirWimllin;vik U)mi;:cтАФ ^ i< 7+loiir?TтАФw a rtn trm h c rn n c n tTWIN FALLS - Dusty and ages 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Tu. chil rucsday T\VIN FALLS - liie -nie M a ^ imd 50 cen┬л for children ^ B o b b y R y d o l! w ill pp oe r f o r m t o d a y t h r o u g h SSuuin the Nomads w ill pliiy from K frre;; The c'tnl nsconccn 6.12. Under 6 is fm tu s througli Frid;iy and noon on 10 5 vaJicy Chorale spring IrтАЩs d a y a n d T u e s d a y tihhrr o iig h T h u r s d a y a t C a c tu p.m. (0 midnight at SpanbaucrтАЩ.s il 17 ilic We.'lern p.m. on weekends. It >s is is set for 3 p.m, April I in the is sponsored by the Barn. For more inform alion. 3H. P o l e s G a la S h o w r oaooim in J a c k p o t . lub. open on Mondays from m June College of Soullicm Idaho Ida Fine - Idaho Ceramic Club. call 324.7366. Cover cliargc is notion, till Jo For moreinfomut: through August. For moi iiore in- Aris Auditorium. Tickets, T :ost Ls Socicty and architociurjlI hisiohis w;elcome lo attend. Tlie cost J3. Lida Kae S5. ___________ . , тАв early a fiimvition. call I.20K-345ilt-s and S3 Fisk al 459.9733 15-8330, priced at S5 for aduli.s rian. lias photographed ncarl; _ _ S2.50 per pcTMjn. тАвM2 or lirrmiJ or citizens. Rcdford al 362-2-MтАвniesc_ BOISE - тАЬThe AIM l-Idabo for students and senior i Coi- thousand bam.sjn Idatio. nn тЦа ____TWIN FALLS - The Q ii:---------------- wmcd Boolrl^dcbiiiuu,** Amiliiii are available at L n w n / y u lege o f Southern Idaho Cha JE R O M E - T T ieR avtB Hill - The ^W SALT LAKE. cCITY r lal will Hooker's Dozen: M1 1Idaho CSI Bookstore and v V d c h -s 50s Coocrrt is set for 3 p.m. in in ttlie into a traveling exhibit tlial ivillpcrfonii ai Bond will p b y country a n d тАШ50s Is or West Utah Syi┬г?*ony will lues in AriisLs" and Ecccniric Bo rolSlc among seven venues Boobi." Music in Twin Falls c ^ 8 CSI Fine Arts Auditorium.1. AdA dS Saturday at und тАШ6 0s rock тАЩn' roll from 8 8 p.m. today and "The Mission Press and id Firsl One Bank in Jerome. IW . ani mission is S2 at thc door. , . 50 W. 200 S. p.m. to midnight ul Dano's. Jam lishing Idaho linprinis" und "James "J тАЬIdaho Boms: A Vanishi jW IN FALLS - Tlic Tli Twin Capitol Theatre. 50 V Scssioas will also be held. al ppro- Castle Books" will be on oi disH Legacy,*' an audio-visual TWIN FALLS - Tlic Twin om all play S.ilurd.iy througli Ap April 20 if Ida- gram featurini; bams from ^ TW IN'FALLS-OncofJi Falls Seoior C itim is will hoM a ocnlaj- at-llic- Hemingway Wc Vcstcrn тЦа тЦа | eies is - -poruof Idaho, willbcpre&cn th e - ho's tnost endearing legaciea ----- dan ccT rom 2 to 5 p .m /o t thC' cach Studies Ccntcr. cturcs on thc opening nighl o)ff c: vc, thc variety o f farm structui . ccn tcr, 6 1 6 E asiland D rive, JACKPOT - llie folk exhibit. Thc travelingg road rt .Mowing I W e ! led tliat hiivcbeen n part oftheecco┬л Live m usic w ill b e provided Twin perfonncn will perform TH for il . тЦа^ c - show will appear at the: T\ be nomic smjciurc o f the state, and r efresh m en ts w ill be U Secdinner show and/or coi Falls Public Library. 434 S md Arthur A. 1lart. fomicr liirecdin f se rv e d . A ll se n io r s in and month show at Cactus Fetes lorical ond St. E-. through the mo Uld tor of the Idaho Slate liisiori' around thc area ____ invited nnd E V E N I NN (G C L I N I C th ro u i'li I'rid a y M o n d iiy tin m to 5 : 3 0 prn i 8:00 pm mpportant your job and school W c un derstan d h o w im it it arc and h o w d ifficu lt it is IO liteak away iii see a ' doctor in tlie m id d le oo ff illic day. тАЩI'hat's w hy we've nrs'rA 'rum iiy o p e n e d our diHir torymTтАЩaricflm yoi p h ysician w ill bl)c e on < duty to help you. A P P O IN T M r.NITS T S EU-COMMKNDI-D N SW I-LCO M I-: тЦа W ALK-INS r...A /0 < jy Tim rPrias! iV iRi/'rimeCarr... ^- Ispecialize;e I in 1part-y eaf ite andcout-of-stai retu rn s. . I* TFG^ Twin FallsrcCliin ic& T lo sp ital fJ A S h o sh o n e S l E a srf┬╗┬╗ 733-3700 > 1 .8 0 0 -7 0 2 ;5 m ir om piete aterin s ^ l a cnd C a l l t o d aavy f o r p r o f e s s i o n a II J terwice / 3r Any f i y --------- - . q u i cckk t a x p r e p a r a t i o n . . - $ 2 5 . 0 0 1 0 4 0 A ' s - $ 33 55 ..0 0 IC M Q E Z 's-: - l W ' . c a s io n ! ^^ ~ Jl ss c h e d u le s A & B 's - $ 4488 ..0 0 1O40тАЩs w ilh s o offer bookkeeping We also "ft tion payroll,I, h a n k reconciliatic irvices aiuijnQ fe7Z.l тАЩ _______ s e n CC┬гa ll G a r y t o d a y . тЦа F in a n c ia t _ * ,7 3 3 - 8 4 7 i C I S L p -Falls.FI . Pages W e ek o fA p ril.8 -1 ^ тЦа14,1994______________ 0 DEL SABER 11G156 S :0 0 a .m .[B ELTESOROO f 91086 C:30a,m. OXUXA(CC)91C C S BOZO 055595 .7:00 a.m. fD MOUSERCISE ISE (CC) 702359 ___________m _ W ^ O N . LOIS BRAM'S ELEPHANT H TER (CC) 6861 6:00 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) GHOSTWRrTER 6:' TER (CC) 4213 6:30 p m 0 ( 1 3 ) GHOSTWRrTER S:: 7:00 APPLE (CC) 2749' 7:i p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) NEWTONтАЩS APF JOH AND A DAY . 9:35 9:: p.m. f f l WINNIE THE POOH 97 FOR EEYORE (CC) 55639497 H _______ 7 ! 3 0 o m ^ ┬╗ 't iG |^^M OORPHIN Rt PQWEB________ LSlI AM WORLD 244224 O JANOSCH'S DREAM 8:00 a m B OWtJTV (CC) :C) 549156 ┬г TlX тАвQD EUREEKA-S C A Sn ^ 234972' S TI TIME STATION (CC) 8:30 a.m. D (1 3 ) SHINING 60156 WONDERLAND (CC) ID ADVENTURES IN WO 449243 ----------- 0:00ajn .O (13)S E S A M EESTREET S(CC) 75601__ C. тАФ l ___________f f l FRflfifiLE ROCK (co-inrififfl__________ rrr 3 ^ . 9:30 a.m. ID WELCOME TO POOH CORNER .тАв fTC)16&S08 (CC) 450476 CD ENCYCLOPEDIA (CC; 10:00 lu n. 0 ( 1 3 ) MISTER RR ROGERS < (CC) 64865 RELLA TREE 475430 . _______ E UNDER THE tlMBREl . Z . 10:30 ajn; 0 ( 1 3 ) LAMBCHC CHOPтАЩS PLAY-ALONG (CC) 40392 5 (C C )4 3 e n 9 -. тАФ i a DUMBO-yCtRCUS(C m 'JUST SO STOmES 91 ----- - тАФ - .тЦа ----- ^ fi37S*┬╗ViJ^TTTfj ' 'Z Z r Z . ~ ~~ i'ltao'fcm; fD'WORLDOF тАвF DAVID D THE GNOME 398359 OX'160224 : --------- 12:30 pjn. f f l LUNCH BOX DTHE . 1:00 p.m. ID PETER AND T( MAGIC EGO 794330 1:30 p.m. 0 9 WBNERVILLE 639243 ___ f i l S E~STREEnCCr3:?602 ------------3:00>-mrQ(13J-SESAHE-S1 's g M 4 :00p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) BARNEY& FRIENDS (CC) 4408 ------------4:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) ftgAOtWH i 3392 EUMBREUATREE ^ ^ 9 S :0 0 p jn .ID UNDERTNEUI 446021 iWORLDJS CARMEN тАв 0 ( 1 3 ) WHERE IN TKEWI SANDIEGO (CC) E ONE 5:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 } SQUARE 01 TELEVISION (C 0 7 9 7 2 WONDERLAND (CC)m ADVENTURES IN WOI 'pnctocsuR^narai┬╗aarbn & :ooa.m .ffl tL it a u K u u ^l 6:30am . O XUXA91006 S BOZO 955595 '02359 7:00 am . f f l MOUSERCISE 7023 7:1 JH'S ELEPHANT 0 3 SHARON. LOIS & BRAM'S SHOW 265717 77:30 .; a m . a MIGHTY MORPHIN HIN POWER RANGERS 9157C VORLD 244224 EQ JANOSCH'S DREAM WOR 8:00 a m . E0 OWL/TV 54916C 234972 -----ED - EUREEKA'S CASTLE 234{ ' тАв тАв -S;30am..a(13).SHlW NG JlM 1E.SIM1QN E.S 60156 ID ADVENTURES IN WONDEI IDERLAND 449243 JO) 446015 IQ BEDTIME STORIES (Tuo) r iM a t SESAME STREE REET 75601 -----------------------------1 3 FRAGGLE ROCK 4J0iybтАЬ E WE ALL HAVE TALES (Mon) (Mo 077430 ┬╗OOH C_OR N ^ _ 9:30 a m . f f l WELCOME TO POO тАФ 1 5 W 0 8 ------------------------ --45M 7 5 - - ------------------тАФ ErEHC3ffiLQEEDIA:{Fjfl3Sff )n) тАв418237 ___C l. REAL STORY OF... (Mon) )GERS 84685 10:00 am . 0 ( 1 3 ) MISTER ROGEI f f l UNDER THE UMBRELLA JVTTIEE 1 475430 Y 5C 535088 EQ CAPPELU & COMPANY P'S PLAY-ALONG 10:30 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) LAMB CHOP'S . . 40392 - ----- тАФ 1779 f f l DUMBO'S CIRCUS 436779 B3 JUST SO STORIES (Fri)) 91 915175 7698 I тАФ EB WHITE SEAL (Moo) 337691 . fB KINO GRIZZLEBEARD (Tuo) rtu< 804015 cyi PAPA DCAVrn fWodI 371 ED BROTHER AND SISTER H{T>lu) (li 782649 ^STLE 380330 11:00 a m . EQ EUREEKA'S CAST >V1DTHE GNOME 11:30 a m . ES WORLD OF DAVID 398359 APPLE fTuo) тЦа 12:15 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) NEWTON'S API 8009386 50224 тАв тАв тАФ 12:30 p m f f l LUNCH BOX 16022 EMAGICEGG--------------.1:00 p m f f l PETER AND.THE Mi _ iF r t L Z 9 4 ^ _______________ orO S343 f f l RAILWAY DRAGON (Mon) G (Thu) 932443 f f l GO WEST. YOUNO DOG a 1:30^p.m.^ffl BIRTHDAY DRAGpl GpN (Mon) B e e r c a r t o o n s a ir w o e kW d ca y s o n T N T a n d W G N . s F< ^ ^ S f i w S P Yogii B 5:05 ft.m. f S REAL NEWS ) DEL SABER 65373 6:0 0 ┬л.m .IE] ELTESORODE 394749 :) 1760335.36644.81063 . =TWO GYPSY DOGS (M)^1 " 0 3 WEINERVILLE 639243 тАФ ' 6:05 a.m. IQ LEODIDOFTV Q BEDTIME STOI 'ORIES (CC) 495361 9-n p.m. a SCHOOLBREAK: SPECIAL BRAINWAVES 32422 (CC) 70065002 ' (Tuo) 2:00 SP STER ROGERS (CC) 20584 9:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) MIST BIRTHDAY 76151 S FOR Cfi} EARTHDAY B 6:30 a m . O REAL NEWS FC KIDS 622083 . _ 9 4 1 M ______________________ IRNEY a FRieNOS^eC)----------3^ SCIENCEтАФ 0 ;30anw -e(13}┬лA R I iECT34682 3:00 p m 0 ( 1 3 ) SESAME STREE _______ m MADBJMEaBEaCUE CUEiC CU53977.. - H lf fA ir 56497 O SCHOOLBREAKSPEOAL lAL (Tuo) 62638-----------3E(CC) 253536 . 7:00 ft.m. IQ MOUSERCISE ( EOF TOYS (CC) 655774 4.0 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) BARNEY & FRIEI GS ENERGY EXPRESS 30915.536 536246 f f l SECRET UFE< 4:00 RIENDS440S ED T .V .048199 NCE f f l ENCYCLOPEDI :DtA(CC) 958300 . . a m . 0 ( 1 1 ) BILL NYE THE SCIENCt K SJ SPECIAL CTuo) тАв ┬г S IN WONDERLAND ┬о ^H^^SCHOOLBREAK 7:30 a-m. D ADVEKTURESI EHINO THE SCENES (CC) , Y (CC) 77826 10:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) B& (CC) 89208 p.m. f f l WILD SIDE 190809 35519 1 (CC) 265373 12:30 p.m JNBOW 3392 4:30 p.m. 0 ( 1 3 ) READING RAINB Q DUMBO'S CIRCUS (C< EADING RAINBOW (CC) . sjo p.m. f f l ADVENTURES OF CURIOU iOUS 10:30 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) RE^ CC) 80441 тАЩ 2:35 P.IJ 5:00 p.m. f f l UNDER THE UMBRI BRELLATREE 0:00 a.m. a DOG COY (CC) ORGE 35366151 26768 446021. ^ тАЩ^C O M E T O P O OOH H iCORNER (CC) . тАвSOF PETE AND PETE 1:00 p.ffl. jn . EQ LMNO Wrm DINOSAURS ts EQ ADVENTURES RLD IS CARMEN 0 ( 1 3 ) WHERE IN THE WORLD - ----------------- 653381--------- ----- --------------------------------------SANDIEGO (CC)................' 8:30a.m . O'MIGKTYMORPI IRPHIN POWER тЦа , тАШ,1 ┬░ тАЬ1064тАФ ┬о' HInFnVtIME CTATION (CC) "sd m ED ADVENTURES OF PETE ANO ANI 11:00 a m . 0 ( 1 3 ) SHH 6:30 pjn. E Tl T E I^ siO N 5 :3 0 ^ ^ . 0 ( 1 3 ) SQUARE ONE RANGERS (CC) 89712 fE 963557 , '93381 lELLA TREE 916460 PETE! f f l UNDERTHEUMBREU JERVILLE 566958 I .m. ED ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE <E 12:00 p.m. EQ WEINEi f f l ADVENTURES IN WONDEF DERLAND -ENTURESINWON0 :3 0 a .m .(J ] f3(11)ADVENl INCORPORATED (CC) 194156 23985 0 ^RK7S52441 DERLANO(CC) 97118.239 6:00 p m f f l KIDS INCORPORATI WTED (Moo-Thu) 6'0i E l SECRET UF6 OF TOY rOYS(CC) 624977 ^ тЦа тЦа 1 EY MOUSE CLUB (CC) ' l 513782 1:30^^m.^ffl MICKEY n a REAL STORY OF... 50: 563731 66:31 :3 0 ^ ^ ^ ffl MICKEY MOUSE. CLUB CU (Mon-TIiu) m. a BRAINWAVES 39403 . ' 6:00 a.m. 10:00┬л . m . B {?3 0 ( 1 1 )BEAKMAN'S ) BE i 3:00 p.m. ID WILD SIDE SII 619749 m.. Q ENERGYEXPRESS913466 тЦа. 460.58826 6:30 am WORLD (CC) 52600,72460 E PLANET (Thu) 45 4:00 p m GU NICK NE NEWS 2294 7:0i 7:00 p m f f l MUC ROCKSTHE Pl m. ID MOUSERCISE (CC) 737045 ^0 (OF THE LOST 7:00 a.m. 0 ( 8 8 ) 0 ( 3 5 ) CB LAND S O F PETE AND PETE !^ 8 2 a __________________ ┬╗3652 0 9 ADVENTURES m .. IQ DUMBO'S CIRCUS (CC) 643e 5034 7:30 a m (CC) 9204557.65S47. 5503^ 7:30 p.m. f f l WORLD OF STRAWI AWBERRY ------------ 7:31 J) 47923---------*39045----------------m. 0 ( 1 3 ) SESAME STWEET (CC) 4; 0 ( 3 8 ) REAL NEWS FOR 3R KIDS > 63489 ___ SiflOe.m. тАв SHORTCAKE (Tuo) 154675 тАЩOU AFRAID OF THE тЦа ! S:00 p.m. 0 3 ARE YOI TO POOH CORNER (CC) (CC fflWWELCOME I -10:30 am . 0 ' C B ' i a ( T n)ST0RYBREART(5C) ST DERLAND (Wod) DARK? 614294 If f l ADVENTURES IN WONDER 478 тАв. 39547E 30335.67489.76608 тАв' . 400400 DH0USE346361 < 5:30 p m ED ROUNDS m.. f f l UNDER THE UMBRELLA TREE TRJ ------- ------- 0 ( M ) 0 ( 3 5 ) ( S WEEK! EKEND SPECIAL 8:30 am do not want to SIELLyou acari (etohelpyou BlU UYor LEASEone. 'we wouldlike тАвe-тАЭ C 4 L L T O ┬╗LL 1 F R E E 1 -8 M^c:::a u l y l e H C u J iL K I N C a b le v is io n TC I Cal o f Idal d a h o . In c . ^ G o M)l) S'iO N -тАФ I J 5^99^ m i(UACAULY(MlN'IH┬г_ TWENTIETH(H T MfRFOXPRESanSAJOSEPHRUBENfllWU EJACO VOOOWENOYCREWSONOAVU) UCRSE JA UELlNEBROOKES - ~(┬╗OOSON'-ELUAHWO( B .тЦа Stnilonli* Burley, IJWi 0 78-0489тАФ *┬░ "-3^ - '. N ^ Page 6 тЦа тЦа тЦа A P R IL S -H IW el m y - M ! (CffAii^ |V.-nasPn> тЦатЦа_______ lanroaMig B I p W e e k o f A p n i S -тЦаlH ^ KIDS k gr44T2: ! a "Qa^puaim3 aoriM3^ jNBCItan _____________ I (OTAir; "! ^ (lairilnr CaOT Aifr. y- 75205 тЦа\OlfM ------ . lliuUamWu..i|l !i-iiflU f4678 J(CfrAi>} |AI |iirw9a┬гaa - . ... g i tg Bpgw i IlgBhrhcp [atess [40BZ f/i j: 7^^21*311 |KM;i5 |Scs!c j r^et----- .prahKiffASXiUJ.------.Stnm I__________________ _ I _______ iTufM75156 "uMyCMin c t f tj i> is s 2 s u |irjuSiiitT9ic┬╗┬╗ ting Ameflca 'iCS*) CWorfct lAeCWorid [Good Vcfflinc] i AgOay XlM:r|AflCW w r w s u |t┬лwr┬╗M2tt I___________ jNtw*'! CNews ^Th.iKcfning'jiNBCIi j:sa I'lT.W.'J ;!)32:a IIB┬╗4iblf90435SS I___________ Km!UaA2 I ' ioтДв [ bSHm┬╗┬╗38:40fl i iJfW95┬л1 тАв '0crjf┬╗*9iaS76 jNowsMflM ;TodayW:ri: n: I I - J _____ ^________ ?Jt LMatWT? I__________________ ____ ^ . U ILo m Ukjf ┬лters42*┬г.|lr. Befvtden iUavvltio '24330 ~~~lB┬лw5Cg4 i02*3 I7SW0 ' t ;тАЩPctwтЦа<terv ;Xtca3tC88. filntscmr*__ j___________ ^2┬лn iifcuiqoff ' iMeicgiia' n^VM-.---------------- ---- -___________ io Cm Wl SJwc :S Homuig sr>RR┬г CaSHomlng 'nilsH fC r tT S C iS ............ тАФOnySreaB------|eHln┬лaCay [Daytn ?I321M [4U 1┬л 1 : o ga ~5caaanHr ISpoitsantir I moadtrYem┬╗D┬лiffW9 D┬л W [22S72 WioMfl 11917 FsnOyтАЩFcud |847Sa 13 WonderTun k o w s and Ow R cstes 46083^ 3462 I iinj^wcaj^Wt? ABCWwt<l...!0┬л┬лJ,┬лcr..n5'^ MmтАФ n^on 1______ _ _ тЦа xiU flaM m NBCM M r ITcilay W Si Hudb 137 3unrtM┬г}Cea| MT37 --------- ;mi8itgy*7a:r7 - __ ___ 93K3 jPriMhRi5┬л2S3ii Nmsor:!} ,JneCH┬л┬лWgm┬╗iiJ┬л!f5r38 *1 ^ iBnitefted ~HulC^N^ iis texn 1^14 |4┬г jPfx┬╗hF0s┬л46i37 . I7B63 J lf i C Sfa-Jt.'AflCay S2┬г ^ . j S ECWofld ^ trrjin |N w w i7 7 ^ -----------тАв ┬╗mm.i -rr r b g jiB b ^ 1994 I wjS^BTse Priab(e9ftt433it C ascC U iK Sua 'V.tfiel iiflVpSiTIITyCr-WwSirтАФ |:;m;4sr^ тАЬ AflCWertd jg g ~ 'inf Piaqrms |F3r'ta:cn4;u тАЭ AgCayrn:22iCa3*omUig iThii It M o n ilflin ^ii' ! ' ideiGris 'F*BlYltattn;Gd┬лSi l┬╗┬лaiTUflg 32359 TM*a isaeCuD IVxPrwyans Claaae raoT P |aooi a┬гflBEaln232*m тАЬ CasocCiiB a '8 ^ fia |'a |js ]| tmn- j i o ^ ~ H H TS SPORT! VICR;'il?iG3 i' . 'flEEOZA'\K lOVlES' MO^ ' I тЦа' ^ тЦа "wufjoa-' ~ dfCT?3iSi------" .ii---------------ir R ScUtaaSBM - - juw - R ^A X im it ┬╗тАФ p s t w a s i y s s j e s ------------ & 63 6322< j37eS5 nwM┬г3┬г5 aerrtngMewiS {UvnginSM O O ilC o. тЦаa iNemtiourSStaeo |'S0*52CIC21 254ST6 I ScnnUit Sc B97330 S3 j a a ------- |36a43------- isotitiтАФ r-yarsClfti* ~ j s a c y ------- XU7JтАФ .J istU ii2 3 2 r<M laeoTM k-stis'i [ssajst _ i.iot-ge " Roe┬лortFi┬лj jaraiS/yrr 'i'/v.etiPrrjjnrs K to s K y n T o i te Qa┬╗reemm 3*3 ;inS┬лv _______________________ I тАФ -,:________I | - - | 'HoflNUCm m iPjiC?!C(73r! iPasPraTan |?axjf tt Pr>7y , P*j Pn^ar, Pa┬л3 Prograr ^ V ┬╗jPt:g(TOS37446 He ePrapm I P M r n ^ jPadrnTBTt i PanjPxonm iPaiCPxiTan iPaCPn тЦаK 3┬л053'7- тЦатЦа t B S r a W r a C3C 2-тЦа ;y.573e . i┬лyc┬л: ┬╗C┬лi9 o e sa i 635514 тАв I stt3 '[sfieee j;-s7i75 | 23T38S ,. \?JL^┬г. |8eftitt3 anijr┬лSaefWi I anj I t t n┬л S ┬л a ┬╗ (n sex d L iw lS m tMMerMtniOM ~~ тАв f" n тАФ ^ r тАвa Uar f-|F+fwir.v d u x ┬л-T>i Grut U Vctes'w-Sl iF-Ti^rr7j Tsijer U i*┬л┬╗p<r,T-n┬╗axcai┬лr PwiT>┬лGrg┬╗AJ,__ T-a*e* ┬л Te,*ard 1tmo); W-T1* Iim g Port MarfI %3┬лCue S┬лarnBa-Mar(E-'Jt>┬╗T> tCj ........ IVi-Txatr^GfAi-Tit-' m.TTO<nJEMrnnn -----------------~ gnjttjatf-rsr^-T^aywOiJirygffriTi aa-.araefcyOiw l.fatifeltgrf.H xG jUap5850*┬л . -. iMurier.ShaWroU 3S2205 ~ cGjvefiaacc:--------- --- QaattfumU -{C U ka----- - i Ttr a gn Mffia jT m a; '! m M f f i o f s a ~ f,TartM┬лC52g┬л;T8r9M S M ┬л 2 3 tl|W 'W i┬╗C < 3 тАв iri7K тАв'j* iijew | f fls s a ls ft^ E a p N ^ BffTis? a ;c┬лe!rgri ┬╗Se*nf*r ISportMntar ROwsPna I'spett* SpoftKalBтАЩ ISparttctnttf '.тАЩ3TWlPt> tfyiftjpuig iS(>ort*e*rttr S p o r tader t^ lecdHmuo- тАв f r? i'~ c ┬гHM______________ 'WrVBleclartg lOindTIIOK iguii8*┬лak┬лninq^V __________________l_ _____ > . . I тЦаm: j j: j w┬л ^ M a . u ^ i тАЩM S m r r r M !b 3 B b [ [ : : i |^ BS n j o j i ^ f*M jffl a тАв~ a B Ti┬л Ewr/tf 9-fJay rtsut WcrtR lm p .C a j^ 'p iR n m f. )7S4332 Xjds e┬г34X Satsar; SMtsnc7 H e ftd a 78g:go [тАв o | ___ j s |r a W r^ w o n ┬л i ia OM 5 g |5 ┬л B I SHOW iTcoiiJwnf *JCfl lWjftCrtl7┬л.┬лfl I TOOC3ub 667427 p w p ┬╗ 5w Je3 H ^ - Tt^Bwr Bunch 595; 5M43 ijctsoni ______ 6CM27 тАв UxnrrTunajm BtTnOo [2S┬л77 |esM08 . i(.-┬л5)Kjppyr |IThm'tCora- l(┬л)Ut3┬лHouMen't <ith┬╗ . ' ┬гtojr┬╗0┬╗f┬л|; rxjpjryezzTOC PiUri┬╗iKS3M тАв' Cbepnta m nc.*: sn SaloRdt lOoeU aerCindi. 90514 BJ<n8i;43|doaOi ppctBibiafAMtSho' ' s e p t e J siW w ianoseh'i Eareela-┬╗C*sOe?34' 34572 49S jsu┬лC8 ?┬лTt7 jeews , Ona 2UZ2* ________ -}тАв/* ┬л ?ri7a-a 9 ? ^ jcvMc <55 -|j87airs- Ts9t┬л33 Varied Programs 9- Jara9J3i37 T?;; eT Treatr; T-Ncamti; W-Ujfrtr Rtie; Ttv j┬лi┬л205 ISanтАЩt b . im 141S92C ia i |SSSC22┬л QT┬л*oro<Sd o A ┬л M t┬╗ O p u a 'N le^o a io i IS Q v ra a, ]Sab┬лrii&i┬╗ jx su Goocz BCZKXOI {3T224 . тАв , v.тЦаficfC{SC6f.7-**asma ┬╗ [aassos 60S тАв B0H 9┬гS^ j ^ ^тЦа rogl77T3W _______________ > IHwicBci {341511┬╗ S11 |?C2253 I[78^ea6 F┬л┬╗r IB.TSi TM>tny Su>Got tPfugil Gouretd ICifcitHum 3 5 T L^sUakaa '446 . DolTOOSSO Ouba27┬л4e nq*e┬гJM lii 65 WdSl Bvs* BwW┬╗ A ┬л a r┬╗ 251CC5 , tb s. P l . . W┬╗ f/-nacn; ThemCTM.3 ^ i тЦа i тЦа.1 r~ - jffl a GeuniM TdPr> 7*T3 r3┬г337E3 . iij ^ * id B*ylOw*┬╗ |Qtild4lC2C5 a \4ZIVC . {Oi'm q B |d |T y r !ra m n j ^ j j YOeoOodk ._______ PatfPxiTan 's B p im n572┬л |t JS220┬лi nlSupwiMttT] Ttwyuamanislj |Sw*ep73ilI5 160663 S. SJwffli: W┬лr-. ^TfMiPinSтАЩ |7T860t ' acthrt 197717r [72 ijf e s H s I ] AtMna** CounOy TodayjS I2746G6 - Cflft┬╗4146B2 809601 |2? pCH.PJ1H7M ' (boss Benny m T Oarflrt Angebl34<m S22040, (:05)lb8odc7763886 |:^ P cn y U am 27i7392 Lweicotni' uc loinecpa? UiY┬лtlo7%2l Steplca┬╗fit┬╗lto<a60^ R* |┬лna┬╗800M^ (UppdB┬л;Co.|Varie(lPri> p Uuppc(Bj6ie*|Mupp┬лts: grams 915175 |Cj 966663 636156 'тЦа S3S0ea CanW* SHOP 0310C9 C3 тАФ - Pk^ - i Court Pwph'sCoi X o w tG S d o 7 W * ┬л ^ n тЦаSL┬лo rt 78i60 ________ 425663 151576 G<inrtB┬лjn Wood m ^ u 3 r 3 ┬╗ T i ! n D w B b ? fta ^K mtSSi ┬л 3 S * ^ S g 3 7 R o d T PoohCtfTW *40972 тАв U524 -|4733fl1 ' 475*30 eu┬╗ 436779 J<7 CO |430S9S 160400 lyw(tOJO): IWlich h ff__________ ^ s * ^ ; . rsflg________ _______________ atn(9:45) hS S H F ^ f-O m e a i (6:15); iM r y and Tana](SJDtTh(S. lM.Hcrr/sFiJHMe(7J0):r DXT-FarFfomfte F-Rawhide; Wvlinofl j aanAngetTh-USiCeoi ^ 5 ^ ┬г K T , ┬╗ S SrtCtaaTV S _______ Uaa3fgOoiKi(7:15) тЦа >0(6.00)_____________ ' (MStc/Panniu -------------------------------So┬лtotfl.lt' i>i k┬лdo Or T'Ti┬л I S T 5 ^ 1 ' U-yaCwblaABTNe-'ftZtT-MMftM 6s*Vtte┬╗ \f-fwwahar.U*k.'tlt*┬╗<jea^i ┬лToTwt74DlT. F ^ 6 a r w ┬╗ ( M ┬лl);UтВмfeantBdA<ri 0 Ca┬╗┬╗t<t┬лf┬л'j^ 6 ^ i{ 1 1 f i5 m S i┬╗ tt w T l┬╗ C a ┬╗┬╗ тЦа |m | g | y t┬╗ c тЦа (Sg^┬л┬╗fla┬╗i:<ft^ptgtTVTh┬╗Prjie ^ тАвтЦаapiO) |Ur.SW┬╗┬╗aiC73PtW41┬╗ffтАФ f7 _______ |(?00);W-Swin9Kida{a s{9:0S):T>KThaBrt┬╗ тЦа l┬лje┬╗rfff┬лBehekJerp25);T-0r**7v *Bcn (72D}; Uftjciy It T^afle An┬л ┬лxJ { S#~lW h toF ┬╗9 - V┬╗WPn>-x JU jPt' WJrthing b (Vi-nw TVT>^ p;v>l ^ ----------тАв -|B ri^r7t?nt:a >..TbwC┬лlg* jtm T w a f f iw tg ir .tC T : ~tтАФ y┬л) [WDCOU-:---- gQmt4i047 ISOICAI&AS. so *┬лJB)OK.IIBCEU.GOa тАв> cHAwej BROAOCASTo u n ce TM r MFAUS CAf┬лOr BEISCeyED M QoocaicA ┬╗ r u a o o MOTJtEtavE TWtCHAMO. a тЦа тЦатЦаOtBBWOAOCWTOIII MJEiaE.COOO┬лa┬лEMXU.AII AWFIBI _____ _________ r j I nrcHUK. _________ r T W B i g a r i M i B y ^ ------------- j------------ - m v u u r ------I I .y w S M t^ d-. g d - 14,1994 I W eekofA pril8-14, I >S NEWS I WEEKDAY AFTERNOOf JNS ' I MOVIES I I . I SPORTS I KIDS I A PR IL S-14.1994 B " b S g- тАЬ a no m o S d tmi 65473 A* tht Wortd Tumt тЦб Uaoc4&ogcams412JW52ai2L_z; тАЬ AjlhaWorid Tumi 751M Q K KKVI AHUy Chit{Q ┬о drtnSMZt Guiding Light 13601 DarSrtn^TooofTroop ^ ^ G e r a l d o T B g s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Di [hjck3088 |885 I ^ m тАв- 03514 OneUfetoUv┬л03S Bonkin: [baugh 676 ^ ┬лk 5976137 Uatlock' aClauic Out) 5980330 Varied Programj 7790C333 тАв Guiding Ught 24440 Vlckl!4i601 General Hwpltal 70934 Geraido7024 Switne Street 3468? S ' ^ D B IS D p i ue91l' Uurphy 8rown[Deslgnlng ReicueS 5i 59 59446 [women 70427 S99┬╗4 Sally 45330 Sa UauryPovlch 43972 Anolher Worid 78866 uj Headline Newt Day* of Our Uvei 7 7 ^ I (:M)V┬╗M Newt 62150 lH┬л┬╗ Whltrwy 03663 | 720: 72021 IlnyToonArf- [Anlmanlact,"' ~ 1 Love C onne^lG ^ng Pain Paint Designing iTomand iii I " HMtofNIoht' HuRlif,.40M0____ Women4i37 |Kklt2408" ventures ve KTRV EH 6972 |79S3 ' тАЩ Uon4'604O' [53330 3 >тАЩ'<6804 Young and Ihe Rettless 85427 AstheWoridTums3i4t2 5 CithleLm Guiding Ught 51073 Bold, Beautiful Uvo - Rtglf &Kithi KMVT O ID 3I47G 42224 Goof UauryPovlch 78999 G c Troop IBonkers 311 mi 21039 Guiding Light 17427 тАЬ Boldandtht AathsWortdTumt: 44 K)OK O O '' Ba*uttful4311 a i!:; 4494 __ ____ D O тАФ if! -KPVI a 46953 ~A n U yC h ?V тАЩ On8UfotoU┬л469 Q* ┬о тАЩ drtt┬╗73t56 тАв KJR D- General Hospital 55601 b ABCWorld CtiSJicaub" Newt 7160086 6600885 HlghwayPa(rol 88446 M'AтАЩS'H 21663 Rush Umbaugh 59972 тАЬ News 16770 NBC Nightly Newt 57514 OprahhWlnfrey39779 Wl ED " . Batman:! an:S┬╗B88 riesE088 [FullHouse 5972 <onlhePralrte UWe House on тАв 7224 Irefc The Next Genera- J e o p ^ l тАЮ ic!js_t┬лnina. r r r StarTrefc Hew>6682 lion 0577 15779 ' 3M5 StarTIrek: rek; The Next Genera- lion4934 1934 ^ CBS Evening Uurphy Brown News682 2359 Ceraldo49C01 Um: [People's Court ABC Wortdi Sally 70446 fiushUm Sa --------------------------------- bauflh76 h 7034- 6440-----------U┬лW┬╗eG63- Anothw-WoridAtOGft- 5 '5 {:00| RodrfMd IVartaJPrngnm 5C2750 5C2' AtE __ Filet 257706_________________ _ Varied f V Newt 7700 _ ' News2860 Vartcd ProflfafTB(12;00) 355770___ m S I CBS Evening Newt 73798 Connec- PeopleтАЩs Court ABC Worldi LovtCon 17 16408 35392 News 18137 tlon4&40 Women 52514 ( !0 0 ) S o n y i^ H m 3 ┬л y 2 ^ ^ Llvte97330 I a s sa m fiw chn 5 :3 0 Ing Channel: CBS Evening Newt 5205> Newt 156 ' O B m K3tA8 03 03 IQ i n m ID B I rr& -jReadhigftalrt. Carmen - ___Square One ~1_______; тАвтАв-'BafTWY& H37TV7972 Friends 4 ds4408 bow3392 Sandlego0t37| ~ a ~ (:00) Sally 39798 Oassic Oub ADMyChll. OntUfito |Oas ┬о dnn98633S9 Uvt 1717243 6732175 673; - Page? 3 jiahamKarr [Cholestml World CuffIne [Gjih ┬л (t [EasyDoetIt jC rossflr^^ Eartyprime Inside Polilics Ea [293330 day201359.. 561243- . 299514. .. . 540750......... 54 irana 109392 BumtToast DraamUague Sports sOnTap[Sportsc┬лmer Or Varied Prograna UnOut Outdoor ChaD. Bu 13тАФ |217┬л4e- -- ------------------13T1T3тАЬ тАЬ * 84S4CS--------65120'* ^8030 837583 13 W766601 lofdRles 376408 InSearch Of 76 Ponce St0 7 389601 Rockford тЦа Po IToday913682 ... . ....................... Jannlng* тАв PelConnec- [VoricdPro[HomettWe^ Pe Uoneyilne 552595 I [EasyOoesK [GrahamKerr Choletlarol~ WorldICulsIne Cul 486953,_ .,_ 769TOpj____ _ *71^?.тАФ.'________ .......... B l Q} oa E B ^ - ^ s c _ ___ ttenтАШ.767933_lannra-47e934. тАШ97069.. .тАФ Ham*nfl446.-406717-^^-- do 02330-------- 26644S-------j631601 тАФ тАФ 3nm┬л8074r. 000085тАФ тАФ [0023 M-T?w Buecanoor T-Appointmcnt With Danger ES o G9 - j l i l amc _ _ Th;Th8 Qet>hanl M an_ JewTleTae тЦатАЬ Salt^ntury iJoktrтАЩtWlId INew m s SB a p USA . B2S427..- .- [833953 )OUBh2a30ea |Oout snH-tti тАФ ;p.s'ii^rasss. Long, Hoi Summer (5:00); M-Dariing LSIU(5tt)):T-Tho (5^ F-AG*1N┬╗ni┬лJTamio:im┬лir ┬╗A3 Hera (5:00): W-T┬лi PanAley (S┬лl):):Th-TopHat(5┬л)) ThTcoI4┬╗irG<tt (1JOr. W-ASeng li njUBcm rnSurOOOl }63 [Wings 295708 ige NInJa [Teenage Ninja [Wings 547663 IUacGyver 343324 Teenage! $25,000 Pyra- $100,000 Pyi┬╗-[Ua PrwiYour [Scrabble -----------------Iurtki22 I тАФ y 1225234 IiUt!┬гt2M44Q__________ midS5&3tL mld&2098^ <1 Li)Ckfl935H [262359 Daily D w e l l jjoiUtfaiited_ ,HoiJHanlKL73S08fl_______TfabwL IcmiyPlfrerMtf Pauly,azm ┬╗--------B4C44G---------- 100793тАФ ~ (?SmrB37738' ------ - ' [S2G5B2 j~ 5m GrindJsaaiTuaArvlc^fc ;----------- :- --------B179W- тАЬ videoBtock IPrograms 374330 VariedPro nt750540s VIdeoBlock [VideoBlock >ck~ Jam 972021 ThliliVH-1 Coimtiy - 628492-------тАФ f EB " p VHt . 13G427 . 518072I . Iystertes 106330 market jShopTilYou [Unsolved Uyste ofiapoo(Dr.Wto;W-FM) Supernal 3243 LAL1W899663 UoonlighUng61324: F-Outragcl; M-Four Friends; T-Tho fi Drop 811750 a a iD iE i I I uFE TilDawTi________________ Sweep┬╗622866 62: Days Ono SunmecTN^ Hours Td I_______________ i o i i ^ New Lassie Waltons 10015C 0156 PunkyBrew- [BlackStaDlon RInTlnTli irto Popeyo |Thal'tMyDog[Pu; jl'iUakea HeathcUfl [superMarioтАЭ Namt-Tunt Boggle: Inter* Ltl't .10392 815576 . . . [ .................. sler 186576 . 8308S5 - JCop8i03! '205 тАв 107069 тАв [826040 - - tie . e d CO D B l r a PAM тАФ 729330........|┬╗ef}vt168069 Ottl )etl99S934 439330 Brot. B97205 V ldeoPM FU Club Dance 6 3 ^ 4 |[Country Nnn 153 WdeoPUS60717 тАЬ CouR&y Newt aub Danee 52OT53 |S34750 554514 EQ CD GO I D ^ TNN 275595 I_______________ KM50 ' тЦа __ тАв '. Bunny's Mt-Stan iKungf^i Jews' Wa!k;T.T?>oT┬лican;W-Ride~ BugiBun V-T?wlF-Apacho Uprising; J┬лunman-s W ai s; M-Abraham, Part 1; T-Abraham, Part 2; W -TN - - (:00)CHIPt F-Sava9oPampo┬л;^ 7__________ ^____________тАв 827972 CD Q S 3 E b M ;Th-OcfnonSood____________________ Vaquctp. Th-Run ol the Arrow 154708 |Dayo(moTrtlM3;ThIh Var. Programs тЦаrowing [(;3S]Gmwln3 AndyGrtfRlh Savedbytfie [Savedbyth^ (:C5)Gro┬л f-lhi Uai Fronl>amr. U-SpMdnp;: T-The Paf*iM|Bugi Bunny'ICaptaln Plane ijanet Flintstonei [Brady Bunch \Sr Cwt>┬╗aion. W-ThoBkie Knigtt TNThe^'~┬л"l"_.|┬╗3S9mS Rw 6794972 2711156 Pains 2062750 3076009 Bea3888175 BeltS464601 PalftS271 ES BD O TBS 1922359 5300595 Be! B73imo тАФ mo^b┬л┬╗n┬лH ┬л ) ----------------s.unCamIno NotlderoUnl- OcsMuJorts.un Primer DoctorrCifldICi 1161514 CenlzasyDlarDi*^ Cristina23205 Mi Impacio 61330 тАЬ (:00) Lm Dot' iLa Mujer Prohlbldi 6 566 vision 53750 48330_______ mantat88886 8886 EDCD ' m Olanateooea to. iMuppeS y Tunes Looney Tunes Doug 750040. тАЬ B┬лtloJulee [WlldSCraty Saluta Sal Your Hidden Temple LoontyTu n ile 630972 [Hey Oude Welnervllle тАЬ OavlWnome'" Ripper OOG427lLa*┬╗l 408175 484595 4683111 770068 KMt 404350 Shoru Sh< 755595 476570 тЦа BD S CD - - i i NICK тЦа тАв' 398350 тЦа 264068 639243 I J l. ____ ___g f l ^ Jefferrons Chartes Design. W. Saved by Ihe Saved by Ihe I (:15) Tenth In- Stunt Dawgt Fllntstones Fllr M5427 ~ (:00) Newi .. Varied Programs 4454 1B9224 39088 108972 471717 898965 Bell 160953 Bell 10906 _ _ _ JB . ┬о WON _ _ 76^2__ nlnfl22052004 507121 89t _____________ (9:00) Jam _ .. 933137. тАЬ shop'TilYou DfOp70057B do64eco i l i f n i r n 'm g E O r a 03 I D p ~ OISN ' Varied Programs 704330 5 e B w 0 6 u t r a n l 5 M i undiBox ]^ 60224 357640 . [450350 jl602 ^ S cn S r tB ea r t ! c 5 w f li! n M y ij 3 m r v OuadrAtti TMtyPogM 105685 1743922 jl70576 SnW ondT lan^ UnlbrellaTre^ |l94156 I 446021 [тАв ));W-ThoGuyvcr; j arts; T-Mnd Hearts ond Coronets {5fl0); W ISof Boren Munduusen (3:45): F-Thoftrd: тАЬ F M lt_tt┬лyiaO}; H^Utaurmw**; ^g^i5^V3SrThc^^F3aB(5:M)^Th^Cc^rri^a( icia(5:3(^--------- ,----------тАФ тЦа B GD ED si) SHOW тАФ. d;;^T-тВмwrx)U┬лW-TT┬╗eU^┬л┬╗Dnye 0)rnvW5^amesl3:30r.......... тАЩnwAngais :TMoO┬л. ToSteep T'Samanllia (lOO), ));T-UW┬лn$4W4jy IfJOoFTJOeMWBeBtienlCW-wj,,Ver I Ver┬л┬╗m┬╗ (4 JO ). U-The Ten┬╗ M crtX (5 00); T -( ┬╗5┬л,y(1J0):T.T1┬л ryCoodbye F-tOrvCoFeflCl^ACMttrwSu UMiKIWHtyw T-тВмvwyTin*W*SayC< KWotpJOCW-TenTilHon - //4toi┬лc<Uer.ac┬╗ (5:15). TMRwf Rim.Tto/^JiniSCO) Tto oa Bl ' . I MAX UanFfOTCdcn┬╗aal1:45).W-lJr,l>l Ur,Maiwti*(l?:30) тЦа ojoifrffewOttn (12.001;W-Sallrtjy K<WF┬л┬лr. TMbeiK┬лnl(12J0) K┬л F 555o*D pn5┬╗D w U efl2;45W тЦаMonsignor(22S);W- F-Rocky 11(2:40)::U.WMingtoll┬╗lJg┬л13:M|; MM.ThaPutf┬гEyo(2┬л);T+tat W oa e a . I TMc |┬л┬л<^t220V^*ia^Warngn (t2-i┬╗ stw-ftname BnnkdanEyo(2:25);TNPo{J( тЦаo{J(1:15) Th-OME)cplorOT(3: nonbaSRunll тАвrmanll (5:M); M-Rodcy II(5┬л); T-Cannont to(3-<IO);M-T┬╗n'IighlZor┬л:The F-Siperma XQScTnOttstbusten F-Absonco oTMancs тАФ M┬л<rt<TtiaOt:W4aJftogs: = |f S S ! k 3 S S S W-LcMi Potion No. 9; Th^jbyiinth (430) 0)_________ ^ towrdsEnd(3.┬л))_________ i(530);W-L _____________тАв [Movio(3:15)rT-H┬╗t ~ IB a m a e hbo' ~ (3:10)___________ 14451 ~ .-OOOOtKOIWPfttaWWOT-KECg^Tlg rw^tftWyAtUCANNOTiERECaVElJon тАв тАв CHAKKEU'flSoiB&arOUIJBE aimP^FiLEB.' tTOHjB WJE┬╗XI&COOO┬лa,WaKLL ..................... тАвтЦаMCKafiftOAOCMTW [ [ . WTCKOM 1 w u u i f . t u kr T^ ______ r----fAUtHPtWIMM- - тАв _____________┬╗ w v * u g y ___ ^ ____ __ HOOCT _ Page 8 _______ ' Appji. ┬г.тЦа;┬╗< ' CTS EVEMKG________ SPORT tbvIES - ~ ' FTl^DAYEV' BOn 8 :3 0 9 :0 0 ^ 9: 7 ^0 0 ^7 ^3 ^8 ^0 0I KEvre тАв'.тАв.1; тАвJ┬л ^t gnawBaja^-Nrv-M'.'. i3uT* ┬╗L┬╗┬л'-V Uwsrar* c:itewe.-s*-Oagw тАЬ ┬л>f ircs**!^ i':cтАв *r - r - ______________'-g? ^тЦа'-~ тАв'тЦа a| a c cu t -тЦаan-: r ^i.-.Vn|Ch*nnd2 ?c*i-.FtKet'sJV: rv*2e8r┬гt*it S=s=es*B┬╗. dtetei pori^r wr^ infY.~ :, lu: to e тАФ 1>rx5c┬л Chsiw * .hem . Oj r c Week o f April 8-1. -14,1994' 3 ^ M 1 ^ 0 ^ M 1 ^ 3 h^ | W I Hi (a5)Ut┬лSh :C)52229156 iHe┬л22.┬л359 3-W i (CC|: ^fcj; Djt ,.r^ r =r wws;-: тАв KIDS Onlhe l┬╗*u┬л ttong┬л S'? jTr-r;'{CCr53?OS ┬лvt91ir.,Htw*iCQ тАв: *; r t . Kj>тАЬj S--^ R┬лcv Harried-With' & 5 6570525 |g207B66 c n { a ┬л u ic O iA ( J ^ n :K*┬лEWSS35 (;35)Che┬лrt 76717 Progrca)S6┬л224 I___________ (CC) 728767 (li "(Tr06|lnCone*i cett492CSJ3 тЦа |Charfi<R{┬╗S┬лA 909>┬л (Off Air) ;' 1*511 (:05)LataSho┬╗Aiansj-Xe "itaSar* iiu (:151H'A*S1 90595422 8779 0ro┬лa A (CO 72000663 90 (CC) 727877 :, : r.i^r I5JCS353 :&VK3 тЦа"S' Mine iRushL. l(JS)AnenioKa!l( KalHR)n(CC) ;liifT>rt.-Wrt)i (;3S)Nightlir ┬╗5 lt*3rt M , K M :SW t , Sas5 5*5T. S-ite' 2j 7^ ~.Z iC-iiv ^:'ttar┬╗l_we ix-rrtASir =┬лt) 54069 7206412 6397372 ;cs.-i3 (CC) 623540 a p P j a j S " ^ b 'm *V3T:ii.r- ~ :c тАЬ :-тАв MA 6525514 r.h3T4 ]Ke*┬╗i9r5C43'{:3S}Tom9h1 ighlShowA(CC) (:J5)L┬╗teHigMA -.fjsarw -:-C =3┬╗'..тАЩ. a r ' . ' ^ тАЬ -s'.r ┬лff K e * - ; w r - : hrichar.fi; *ic┬л'*<r' eitr a rraw: l-┬╗kb .j 4S3S666 a ! ; O r |[ B |^ G e * r E3;'*тАЬ T!~ j7 y '. T-.-n frt- .'. тАвтАШT r ┬л 17 r>* . ISieeleJnlic*. ICC] Current Affair LovtConnecSi iH igW Ccurt Cop* 0 (C C o-t: r>* ae;' тЦа=тАв 'тАв Ten* 7m &: a 6-ss Csssf. .t-^itt тАвji-o-i; ^тАвHranstf Ten ITATH Ct тЦа ' тАШJiSS , -V ri gr^r !- i "*iiwi┬г┬л тАЩ тАв i n Hi тАФ I /*X┬л |b-|*** I'l ywAlt j j u ";. -Qjy^u 1?!**? rri7 le ra -l 59J lleea I ; :S5eft>jSW тАв. ssftr.ssitf 2i?j:: : jK^Lmy :PrwCTM'~-2┬г.C-'i UriT K ________ -P-' 1 - tWVi-Si 'KviShcwtO ty UastMS--------(:21)UttSbo┬лA: тАв' Tanyyjn 30┬╗┬л8S------BcMcUUCCUHi ^ThtShowA-tfy* /rj5)Tpfrt7>Tl |7695717 -- . WwMwWlUp-. liy LafiyWngUwOr.SheffeSAi-Wc rwyllneiR; Newtnight ShoatttToiS?ort┬╗Ten^^Mon┬╗j dateS30644 . I34___ \pn (R) 665595 d┬╗ iSK.......... ┬л l i u _____ djy.M7934_ BodybuOiSngNPCNatmU тАШ C DiiS d esT w ? " S?orttctrtEf<:&Kn ji BMtbia UpOoMI Urn's Dwaion.(R) 607779 540199 U i TontgM 3&51S6 . AndenlHrtt j rftvplanbfinngAdoa&frTurri#Td A n ┬г┬╗r>mfltl!S┬лl.T?re┬╗ WU-933S rim┬л>Uchin┬лTheS0f>0<ir┬╗ ---------------**966*------- t- iBwrtan laajTsejOoB. rryrUsaaarj resVt;i JOA. ttatXT P e z tr;: rff^jrs ff Ne> -;:a ra-JTT? C ?fa┬лn/.' f.'!┬╗; ZT^tZT y i^ Tbb* KaSmt тАЭre ssr* Df sar e: 5t ┬╗*.<, I27I2 тАв . тАв (CC587750 . tloo712J4 KaniR)n(CCl fitoT R llih L [(JSjAnemoKarTi Nfw┬╗29┬лS07|(:35)Nighto 65205 3701125..... 17Z57i7_______ ________ ___________ (CC) 12SG52 тЦа-u-g;-raDK *7 rw K rx r rtro ff8 X * lif v t nтАЩ iCC>772?2 7 S6S3 icq-iscses M '(:05)La!sSbowAc┬╗SSJU< UJ I h s i t r T - -----┬л ;..- e тАШ n Nn┬л223ri55 1:15)Night 2S4&5:┬г7 : 29064 A (CC)81628535 - 25 C0uft&4290 ┬╗ L┬╗*'тЦа',' ________________ - r a Ea;-;- тЦа'тЦа :*┬г " : ┬л тАФ OLO!_____ js T A .la i? . jo 1 j r o M l t r a t r тАШ'> riT ri'.'. a┬╗┬лn r=ir- Oajna .tf: 2┬╗243 r.iHCTW6SI7066 (:W)C>w* t┬╗rw тАЬonijfe o nen e * yfSsv-1 Ec rra TT a x J c o tr t tffO Z 2 2 3 ]E !Z I!E Z Z H ^ Z Z тАЭ rVfpn - :Waarft Oran-'Profilt fleic<H> Vtl(rtfr<Af- i F i t t o n ^ -^ J ra i^ t.. .KaoiKxan .reCce Cosac. . .K e& U j% S e r ^ a S Cse!^a=a Bc тЦа;a|ffiii3|┬о y osc - 4тАв|?5iiai 5 340W2 s┬г2Si3┬л rsorDCSSU 565934 tsiyz^ тАв тЦа -|37k:x itoTS XV'JZ тАвr.тАЩsas тАвjy.rvtSi i - ┬л 6 ^ SK na * * Ttmt. *<'. PaalKc┬╗тДвiA : i TT f 4 I .!' 5ThiLorq.HaStfmaw ┬лT} S. Hot Summer * тАв * (I95a.Dr3ma)Paal WS┬лW┬╗yH┬╗* ┬╗tv(l^,'Drrrj TJ) JeanS:-maf8 Atoy Th┬лLofi9.H тАв тАв * ,┬╗ to =Stfw tn * тАв * 'тАЩiti. 3┬л7t 5Cflesow-jylfei┬╗rpitamibtn>r.r.923595 92: ffljo e a , r | " ┬л : -'.fr? 'rtjs: yn┬╗ x oxt^ 'a-g rg i g g s u -Sa-'VryTaHjiS-.gK-^ > antoireca -ft*2┬г.ara;3┬г37K llrt^Sa ┬лi. |BadO rsam s**(lS8S.H ori^ i ! ' i 1__1 *┬г {WeioxnebSprrigBi jKSAfe I GoITn: li = ! n -iSe=K Aj; I Break * (1 Honx) Kous Oc Tctti. 0Z44C ___ _ Bnj┬╗AttalHciaalL┬╗tdLiOZ44 -f┬╗ew^>c:j?*jrT. iGoecij r,-V i'^aft-fiinso-----------------------" 853Vlt8slC"тАЭ ~ jw r :тАФ rr6TimrKjpi7r737353тАЬ тАФ 3-JLfcg g g i to y g * g .- - a igg 3-------------------^------------P┬о - S2friP0 ::^3Tr9 so9┬лi ---------------------040 ^ тЦаi ' s L ajyCsrua iS ┬л U y |тАЮ iv ┬╗ - _ тЦа!s┬гr.fc:!...................... l^ .; I f f l |p e | 1 .'{ I ju ra | a p d I b Ib I TAM leajs f f l j r a S * ^ -тЦа Isjo lB ls^ B ij TBS. ! I jfflj^ I p-j UM e '^b->: .Elijnc BooSi^ 37 Elayne BoosJer Party of One"HftkendJitti; H| t┬л r Pisy e< On* :S?epa>;H 'spoflij xlight SuniiayComlcs(R)3S3i37 .137 ___________ . (R)113576______________ 96115t ; WBStorttcWanesSRS┬╗tetiS* ┬л тАв тАв тЦа ( I'SVDrara) тАв? |Pr┬╗aB: - .UntotvtdtfjrCene*4: wthbg-ASlopal iPtMProsram'тАШ PaidPrognni Pa I43&S76. 'u nuhcd Iniinyiometi . jr., 505064 I'JasD w OtTi. l ┬╗ 3 ZiZfO^-a.. T isj S ┬╗ss.. tiX Zatn тАв┬л A i I Uy┬╗L 185972 ?/(CC)627066 [7190Sa 50 ' 700aub .'A rtottedltadcit тАвtii*3S5,OearU ar Uartr Asarro-g .....-TXCk* SskCj ^-rtr rr 'R.^.r-n- TV. I g~ lan. IPaMProgram PaidPrognm 70 EptMdH BigSrothar Uaniacktan. X-g-ia-enc тЦа 2548J? la iB a rew sr c w ^ f x r r e r s T a 446 710682 706514 25 4sai33 Jak┬л 189758 ┬╗ion 19&446 iCoirerylla┬лyd┬лA6cai . ┬л f jtCejrToruytG** c^ C3*T35tтАЩ .'i2rr=5i w n тАЭ MujJcCityTofiJshtGwCarTptie] 3t*] (HI A : l ",(, ^ O r ┬л '= . - 2: dc: c Count: jntryN m Couni/yllinlcVidcoAIbum тЦатЦа H┬╗jr.'. ┬г тАЭ J -r тАв . ... iS) 0n 520682 HoUffR) A 907682 632311 tocnccFcUJi) j тЦатАв Th┬лBeg5E*O g * t { тАШ.3ZZrvl3SftU :y} Uarr Snj┬лr,'7ar>>'a Raeni. Rc Tor. A тАШ Batt=**ar2:n┬лrjs?ith*PofUJd ttf┬╗BuiTingOoon)┬л1 ***(5967,&xn d r m e *qi991,FjK > [liU ndoltN тЦаa t a n a w T c r ^ a c a a i E g s ^siagiTnjyr-, ig 2W0C3 .. :t┬г:a__________: H A se -ia a a a t0 ┬╗ a p fa ┬╗ l m1 ' Th┬л Good GujrtKdSli Bid Gup тАв* тАв* s ( ta 6 9 .C ┬л ; f) [ I b ^ L c ^┬╗'6*scbal 'B i A^rea 9-*}>o z Ln h ty ta1 [> ICritttn2:TTNliataCou(M **(15M|S **( Fron Oodgs Stadum. (U┬╗o)) .. RfCwlUsiwa ^ G┬лe(9┬╗KerrM) ┬╗ sa vi s s s . ..'... _.. .{2511S6 - - >576 ; Gntnes. rroe Apgmaaig. 576576 ;(5iO,Tei?21C┬лc9?3*r J I ^ I b ) );r7|┬лiCK \ix\3 ^S a a n тАЬ in S~.sa T^S^sxi'tVrt77 тАв' ib UitALii^futgStrA-.t {frjcte citH dc Aaar :!SS: 13ers3= 3crr. r xlaRaarc B .HsboireUni. a cc:afa ┬л Parehada Jiio Aleman, A2wto JsjBToa ┬╗ 3e bs yrarsa a * paner sj ┬╗-xr a xrjOt.T2Xi jes [┬лba<K21 I/jbc BC3l.FredcncoVia,-48W27 ' ^rV^>┬╗;U9rt~S Mntfjr :iLm L ┬лLusy Be6K┬лnrtiK ;UjrirTx<┬лf 1 :>┬г*7Tri┬л :ockv┬╗fiOjt┬╗|ctiS(i ┬╗ck Smart [Otagnrt lA.Hltdicodi J Byisscee i:<757c 575 U iizit :Uoen Tit2;< ,1 ;< |1 to fl7 7 iiH ;:7 7 ┬л A 627<C k '40a |9071S6 961576 ' TlwOaHoTM тАвтАвi(t9S2;Trt>vH0K toiorj Ai23tUCedta^!NewtjO:i72ZZ :N-rfi Court ┬г v s 9Scd a ;a es G ssaa lx3S. 731S тАв31S35_____________ ___________ ______________ |77<9a is p o iD ra тАЭ " ]H y D o sew T U d * * (1 ^ }D ┬л sreKdtran.|T)i*U^Oaehs(BBtf ┬л^ 19K.Ccr┬╗f,-5 sSond* Beileza(R) Supennan 372311 "CrfsUftJlRl тАвtWorkJV┬╗ionlCr 667335 S1088 66 F-Tfocp' Lucy Show тАЭ F-тАШ J48GM S24972 tama) tOc'c' ii^ tnmComedyChiblR) A OifogojM >Jo┬лcndth*StKmgM *┬л{*990-0raтДв 96^7: ┬лl.EffliyUoyl.Pa8yKensit.W<6g3 372_________Suthert┬╗┬╗J.E B*>90 тАвтЩж(IWI.COI :om┬лy)CndyWiSam$. : тЦа тАв ! 1 vtofttMNOi **i{13&S.A<Jvenm)K2Ut TTMJmio juiyArtilfcbeT.(CC)3i:ia |5 . _______ |DeanJgm.Sa┬лrrepieggae |i Q 8?┬л3M P?^;t3se?ie [CCl ^ aelC )0u8!ai.DancyDaVaD.(CCl3W0S14.^ ___ lActodOom iTfftw rrflsaj ^ n a s i o r a^TfcBBH; - 1iim ^srn r -r r tr m r s e e ii ' ┬гrtiJa3CiBtiushi.llgyd B tolititIt.**{t932. * <i}vcfaiB) Dm'Tte Qraa- 76917712 13J┬╗ |H┬лa!,VwatlVi(a. 17E7M |*nyrfW Cojk┬╗.l3rfQ┬гn.n4iS3: rtfTw, Pe!wBo)'<. w s M99330 on'V flmn.BBrad Hefton. 6*42175 . ^ T tearT 5 * tiw 5 5 d 7 7 7 7 i^ 5 I DftamOei'f M -------- - E GeiasApd f '5-Co-tSrtPai EzCBUhnForca тАв>*<l993)ThomsjlanGrfтАв HiDtCopB ***(1997)Ed4*Utfphy. Di BmttyHilfa p a _ I ┬л*┬лтАв 7 |te { O ^ Oe/a. Jeaca w es22s0) 54801.18 . |H35*i.a┬╗KBeeas n 951095___________ fc - O a t g e lo ia . AAT2>796____________RomyCox.< a . A (CC) 6704175 ____________Iff a r e a r t - - i тАЭ <= ^ : j sk a isiM jt jAcpiiiEAnM * 7r(J882.0ora}PaJG 0: , **┬╗(1M5) aaPC ffB eT.fcw 'rajHj;>cs T┬л? IA Fev Good Hm tt* ***┬╗ (199Z Drama) Ton Cfuso, Demil*OT.ANsvy iW | J * 9 9 ┬л ia 9 * ^ Jge0968S &k┬╗adartuiia&┬лsR Ksrae Coiarxls t b m x e n . A (CQ 1?M1 n 959330 jwyerfleigtithwUy M7298___________ |OennOose.A95 ](SM) Sop ┬лTsiol~***i |(1┬л0)A -pg(C C )M 77W f l S тАв ^Po6enNo.┬л ┬л.*r>332)TakDoro┬лvlAaexpamena ki, \ m nnwavks w n d n to a BY bochenfi. {CQ 33 Q332S24M ilfn o n a am d o 'j deiSi. n (CC) mt; O .D Sn{^Whlt*F┬лfnalt S; |P oW olH oR *tu m *┬╗┬╗(1S ^ ratrj|B^ I# **i(l992.Suspense)BndgtfFwdT .to?tfer.i3Mntay: rA -ff(CC)4W 6┬л.-._ .......... Fotfa A 1T(CC) 396392 SOI I тАв тЦаCHUKU BftOADC^ O V ^]┬г TW Tl MFAUS aUOOT K (CC8VESKISOKAAEAS. тАв┬лjet┬╗CMDOaLCCOO x tx a ia u o n ^ b o ii^ 'a a K s n ts ciCHAWa... y тЦа ........... VMCTgBBQAaCAnOow Wjia ii~.Boifcbcbooftw ^ ^ AWFUR. .I ┬лTO┬л* _ I____ U V M l┬гr ___ ; - E = ^ g n .............. Week of April 8 -14, 4,1994 F rid a y ________ ' ._ ____________ Page F 9 urto. тАФ i Ouchafme, Paul Morcurtc Tom Konny. (R) 394064 ^ J-i . f f ' OR G I RELDS.OF ARMOR 12:30 a SPORTS LATENIGHT 251644 Tho Impact unfolding toct: WAY ochSATURDA ┬о KOJAK 730422 nology has on future batli' ig NASCAR Grand atlioNoon Q ) Auto Racing N 0 1 SPORTSCEMTER fldds. (R) 798731 250. (Uve) 448083 Natkjnal тАФ Goody'ss 25 600609 S ) MOVIE MUGSVS^ lacing NASCAR < 2:00 p.m. CS) Auto Raclr i g MOVIE SABOTEUR GIRLS * * ( 1 9 8 5 ,C o m o UiBer Gcnuino Drofl .. l^aonai.T-^Be . - ~ * -^ *44842;5u sp e f┬╗6o}-^ dy) RultvCofdon. L-eum XD2----------------Roborl CumminQS, Priscilla lla тАв Bronigan, Sorority sisters lacing Saturday 6:30p jn . IQ Auto Racir Lano. Alfred HilchcockтАШ5 -.. -......concoct 0 mud wrealltng тАв 0)331335 1" Night Thunder. (Live) 3; wartimo thriller about a mu┬н uschem e to sovo thoir cam flcing NASCAR I^V1:30 a m . GJ Auto Raclr nitions worker on tho crossISpus rosidonco from forocli 3 o o d /s 250. (R) Grand National тАФ Goo. counljy trail of nofarioua suro. 676967 |A . 550942 ┬й ALTERNATIVE NA┬н i тАв Nazis. (V) 766847 JAY : SUNDAY Q ) PRORLES OF NATION 587712 Racing NASCAR flAM 11:00 a.m. 1 0 Auto Racl TURE611002 0 3 S ] PAIOPROGRAl odOtySOO. ( U v o ) ____________ WInslon Cup тАФ Food C S MOVIE NOCTURNE 116248,136002 тАвS 141213 * * * ( 1 9 4 6 . Myslofy) P MOVIE MUNCHIES Goorgo Raft. Lyrin Barf Ak .......... (1987. Comody) Harvey lyKo3:00 p.m. CJ Auto Racir H SATURDAY rman, Charles Stratton.i.An Ai dotoctrvp rolonfJossly porтЦа Sli*50200.{Lhro}264 _______suca.lhotnjUibohlnd a._____ ________archaoolooislтАЩ3 Peruvian adnflNHRAWirr-------10:00 a.m. BIQ Boskotbaii Portsmouth In- a nio x - - -3 :3 0 p.m. Q)-Dr┬лgR ttdr -songwritorтАЩs npparont sulpedltlon uncovors tho oxis ll Championship. (Uvo) 558809 m|s_ s t o g j n v i ^ r a U Lw^) .0 413213 -----------┬гi┬гl0.-737460---------------------loncu'uPiin attoii'DuutuiuтАЩ ----------- Sa-BEAVIS AND BUTT.тЦа -----" that craves lunk food ond I A46596G ------------'-Antonh?S{Spurs at Houston Ro(*ob.-------.. H E A D (R ).A 0 0 6 H iiтАФ тАЬT. ~ JтАФ miscfljor. ---------3AY - - ----------- (UVorJSlK 0 3 PAID PROGRAM fB MAS ALLA DEL A IBasketball San Antonio 11:00 a.m. ID Auto Rool ^ i n g NASCAR ( E NBA 871422 PUEMTE 174335 o d a ty 5 0 0 .(R ) Spurs alH iH o u ^ .R o c k e ls, (Uvo)_______ Winston Cup тАФ FoodC ______ BD-COU┬╗fraY.NEWS______ ______ SDJDICKVANDYKEтАФ ------------ 800793^^ z iir .: : : ^ r a s ie r o - тДв - ^ ^ - ^ - - тАФ ___ScticduloduTJCortl foviow.тАФ .---------^ 0 6 3 7 3 -------------- -------T) N M to k o t^ l tieinff Sntmr<.TV 6:30 p.m. fT -----------(RV-n-510460------------------------------ ┬й -H E A D U N & W B W S 585638 kooBucto Nicht Thunder. (R)58K EQBOBNEWHART . ... 3637373 SDAY 298002 3F .................WEDNESD/ 619644 1:23 B UFESTYLESOF SUi^DAY K ing NASCAR 3US 1:30a.m . IQ AutoRacln C S HEAOUNENEWS THE RICH AND FAMOUJ 3da 11:00a.m. 0i ( 3 8 ) NBA Basketball Now Srosa Winston Cup тАФ Food Cty 5 0 0 ,(R ) 9490625 _ Actor Ed Bogloy Jr.. octro! Jcks at Now Jeraoy Nets. (Uve) YorkKnk* >86 . 449882 ' тАв 12:35 0 ( 3 8 ) ( 7 ) FRIDAY Loretta Swit. (R) 5213286 IDAY 742861 THURSDA' NIGHT 4 3 5 9 ^ . 35535577 1:27 Q ALF ^ 1 3 7 3 A Basketb^l Now Yort( Knicks 12:38 ti(6a)PAIDT>RO ;-------cycloRadngAM A C S NBAl __________11:00 p.m. IQ Motorcycl -------- 1:30 Q-OVERNIGHT____ GRAM 8521880 J o f ^ ^ e ls . (Uvo) 663229 Supofcro5S-Soikra.-(TB{ (rBpod)467-153----------- ^alNovtJor 0 ( 3 5 ) ( S IN CONCERT T O SOLD ON CHICAGO Q (M ) NSA'BMkolfiall-------- тАФ GO 1:30 D-m. IQ Auto Racin ┬╗cInglndyCo(тАФ 1:30 p.m. O 991S460.4555354 173480 Sltak50200. (R) 91600 6009 PhoonixSi :Sura ot SoaOio SuporSonlca. ItlLjTrlllTJIgtgf Vjr тАЬ------------ ┬о-NHt-HOCK55┬лJtttftn!600 ' DESIRE * * ( 1 9 9 2 .Sus- ______burflh Pengulna ol Now>fJorJc ai w j ^ v i l s . (RT5D2E25 ponso) lonyakobcrtsTNI^ SuperScnics. (Uvo) 393958 AY - . SoatMeSu] FRIOAY EV - Cossavoto3.тАвAv┬лxTO^do- тАФ .......m MOVIE BODY OF Pv. MONDAY 12:30 p . m . ┬о MoJorLoa I flitgiHt Basobail DENCE * * ( 1 9 9 2 .M y^st^>fmlr>o3 to loam wtjy hor ED NBA Boskotboll Oriarxk) Boston Rod Sox al Chic Chicago While Sox. .6 :0 0 p.m. ID flory) Madonna. Wlllom. sistof committod suickJo af┬н f/agfeatN 1No^ York Knicks. (Livo) lid of' (Uvo) 472576 тАв ter sho rocoivod IroolmontI D.ifoo.'A woman occusod ┬лagiH> Baseball * " 5901530 olthy 8:00 pm 'C Q Major Loog using sox to kill her wealth a la sox thorapy clinic, n __ WEDNKDAV" m oy AHarta Bravos at U ┬╗ttAngeles Ai lovor or\snoros hor Qttorrw ______ ( ^ 763397.12. . In nn ┬╗mllr w nhnf gttHiir. 156___ ___________ 5:30 p.m. ( 22 NBA'Sastotboll C hicago. . ir / _..DodQ┬гsa.(Li┬лi)251.156 ______ B D -M O V ltB A IIL E fiF____ Miami HeoL (Uvo) 954482 DAY Buns at Mil SATURDAY THEWORLDS * * ( 1 9 6 11,, (ion. n (V) 9465793 I ftnqtm Rmmhntl SlSSo.m. liH [B_NBABaakettiaU┬гloYElandтАФ Scioneo Fiction) Claudo >373 _ i i i 3 0 j ! . j D i llM a io a e a s o t AUanta Havsta. (Uvo) Ralri^HrCartw. A dodicat* lorn Ct*3┬╗go Cubs ot Montre jntrnal Expos. (Uvo)' CavaDorst 68903690 od sdonlisi is pittod agaixtsl st d o ^ g h ts botweon pianos ┬╗ OS 95123267 A r n o l d P a lm o r , a b o v e9,, pf r a c an unknown onomy from miles fnim oach olhor oro THURSDAY iro 8:00 p.m. CS Majw Losgi oaguo Baseball t i c o d f o r t h o 1 9 9 4 W ass t e r s a t spaco wtion on omwd mowagod by radar ortd comID High School Basketball mAUanta Bravos ot Los Aj oAj^gelos 1 1 :0 0 a jn .O Ih. puiors. (R)401793 toor Is sent to destroy Earth. Classic. (Taped) 915 тАв MogicтАЩsRRourtdball o Dodgers. (Uvo) 726915 t h o A u g u s t a N a t i o n a lI G< G o lf (V) 98454248 EQ S 3 r a PAID PRO┬н AY 729530 PSUNDAY C l u b in A u g s t a , G a ., oo n 1 2 : U Q NEVkTS 94408915 GRAM 294170, 876118. ED NBA Basketball C^hortotlo 1 1 :3 0 o .m .[^ MaJorLooi Loaguo B aseball 6:00 p.m. ED ' 12:53 O PAID PROGRAM 863644 T u e s d a y . D e f e n d i n g cc hh :a m p iChicago Cut┬╗ ot Montro xjtrool Expos. (Uvo) Homols ot Oriondo Magla (Live) 3626712 CD MARY TYLER MOOF ┬╗UKt 95027039 2850266 * o n B e r n h a r d L a n g e r to o k 409335 1:00 0 CROSSRRE(R) 2:00 p.m .C S Major Uoaguo a g i Baseball f S HEAOUNENEWS, 314793 h o m e $ 3 0 6 , 0 0 0 In p r izz e im o n ┬н Atlanta Bnivosal Los тЦаsAngotos Ar тАв I B JEWELRY SHOW-. . - . -5 3 4 4 8 0 9 ...........- ______ ..................... DbdgbfS. (Uvo)'447749 ........................................ 7 4 9 ^ SU N D A Y тАЩ e y f r o m l a s t y e a r тАЩs M aa s t e r s , 1:35 0 ( 3 8 ) JERRY CASE 6866996 eoguo Baseball 10:30 pjn. ID Q PBTA Billiards Wortd d:'a 6:00 p.m. I D Major Leooi 35. . SPRJNGERSchodulod:'! тАв m UP CLOSE (R) 138335. T h o S 8 t h M a s t e r s w illi aaii ir : S a t Ftorida Martins ot Son in O Diego Podroo. Champkx┬л x sh ip тАФ Semifinal. (R) 166768 IQ DEF COMEDY JAM mothor who resorted to0 u r d a y a t 1 : 3 0 p .m . a n d S u n . , (Uvo) 382590 . 130793 prostitution in ondor to eupeui lAY . . 83 MONDAY I-'p ^ her family. 5139083 a j EVENINGATTHEI**.d a y a t 2 p .m . o n C B S . MEN 1 1 :3 0 a .m .(D Major Lo┬л( PROV Host: John Capont s DESIGNING WOME Loaguo Basoball SATURDAY ora. Comics: Frod SloUor. A) ^ 0 6 4 CWcogoCubsolNewYi w York Mels. (Uve) 7 ;45p .тАЮ,.inn ii Boxlr>o Santos Cardona 354644 ____ 95087411 9lfWhitokor.(Uvo)n(CC) ,A\f VS. Pomoll A istefsтАФ 1:30p m O PGA Golf Tho Mosl jn a TUESDAY 17 тАв Third Round. (Livo) (CC) 26668) 6668 K q 5:35 p.m . CS Major Lragi TUESDAY B PGAGolfThoMflsters тАФ TW тЦа rd q S w Frandsd) Giants al Bm/utonu. тАЮ:oo┬╗.m .IB ID Boxing (R)(CC) 858096 Round. (Live) (CC) 718809 y Brovoa. (Uvo) 31028893 B Boxing AnlhonyBoylova. ┬о PGA Goff The Masters тАФ TW ! rd Q 6:00 p j n .C S (Major Laagt r o T ^ ) ' (CCl 701917---------------fl -NewYofkYonkocootCI S ) Boxing Anthony Bdyto vs. 13(11) PGA Gotf Tho Mosters lers тАФ Sox. (Uvo) 303164 Ulh. (R) (CC) 857503 JO^Y CarfGriflilh 7489 Third Round. (Uvo) (CC) 47748S WEDNESOA THURSDAY . SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. a Major U o t taster;тАФ - ---- D BoxinaBort.coopofys______-22:0 : 0 p jn ^ O -P G A Go┬╗ Tho Mast - тАФ C rtcB Q O ^fltN ow 'rt nakL(UvQ).(CC) 633240________ _ Rnal Roundr (Uvo) (CC) 344841 1 8 4 1 _ _ _ ------------------------- 939S89M ------------------o POA Golf The Masters тАФ F Final saguo Basotwll 5:30p.tn. | D Major Losgt .Round. (Livo) (CC) 438039 Toama to Bo A/v)our>coc Dcod. (Uve) FRIOAY C S PGA Golf Tho Masters тАФ тАФ Fmai f W e n o w r e nI tt 'v i d e o s i n o u r Round. (Uvo) (CC) 744887 2:00 p.m. B PGA Golf The Masters тАФ 8 : 3 0 ^ ^ I Q Major U BSfluo s f li Bssoball (Uvo) (CC) 653798 ' IS (11) PGA Golf The Masters :ors-Finol J e r o m ee lI o c a t i o n ! read. (Uvo) S o c o n dRound. ^ Teams to Bo Announcoc B PGAGolfThoMoslors тАФ 7:00 p.m. EB Round. (Uvo) (CC) 354403 441232 Round. (R) (CC) 881779 THURSDAY DAY Socond Ro THURSDAY SATURDAY 2: ffPGASo2:00 pjn . Q9 Senior PGA Goff P( JO B Baseball Chk┬╗Noon ( D Major Loaguo D(66)GolfW ondorfulW orid.' niora Champkxtsh/p тАФ First Rot Round. , kMeu.(Uvo) 11:30 a .m .f l go Cubs at Now York Me 310915 (Uvo)(CC)415S30 (Toped) 13 52279269 ----- --------------JEROME (Tapod) g; WPGAStv.............. 9:00 pjn . EB Senior PGA Goff Pl TWIN FA LLS----------->agU┬лBft┬╗┬лban ......тАФ Q (3 ^ G oioffwondoituiworid, ' 5:35 p m i S Major Loagl : niors Championship тАФ Firsl Rot Round. (R) 329536 San Frofxlsco GiantssatAUanta at M 4 ^ 7 8 WonderW y ^ , ( T o p ^ _ (CC) 406882 _ _ _ 037 CSGoWW H Bravos. (Uvo) 31999337 a Mn im n ? тАвI B E m ArARDPS тАФPH[ZIA'.. - leia s e s $ 1 w ith A ll n e w rc le p o r c h a s e o f m e ilin m o r --------------J a r g e ;e p iz z a 733-5678 ____i P a g e J O ] ~ ~ APRIL 9.1994 I )A'iY M Q R S I N G j .,_ - 'r T s P ODI R f n N E W S _ U I J ilQ V lES_|^-^SA T lJR D A I KIDS ~|1 Week o f April 88 -тАв 1 4 . 1 9 3 4 ] jS ^ M O jO ^ M O jS O ^T ^ a j j n ^ ^ j 3 ^ V g ndFri┬лKl┬╗(CC) тАв (OffAlf) ItofM l тАШ _________________( W тАЮ (Off Aif) тЦб Crer 03016 _ G3330 92flW7y Tamag* Mutant Klf (CC) 40557 onie lAddamaFafli^ Crypttoeptr IBuj >y9814083 1781828 |613 9802248 iWar30064 Btakman'i Wor(dS260e Storytnak( (OC]3033S5 r-8oyt Lattdoftht Weekend 170 |Lwt9204M7 [l760335 fHala. . D┬╗aUnQWWiPIWf>lty┬л647 tf7~ I M 5 ___________ ___________ - , Off Ain |gtoupsinth(iU.SA2111i 63335_____________________ 84828 D DD G3 a 10 KiPT Q iA Guide to [ir iim v e I* iтДв 55 Martha StewartlHavaii A ^1672267 N┬лw* (CC) 673996 tnupllami iLMoUemuld Now(CC) er '"AgD┬╗y66ii5l|W┬╗lISt.Jml. Illvw Honm 97034 32422 [43538 62151I :C) 50441 (CC) 14002_____________ 1 * _________ 5T3M ;CC); UndofUw Weekend Sp┬л3ug┬╗BunrTy4T*Mty(CC) C.O.W/.-8oyt~ .-B. тЦа0 A(CC) Adv.olSonIc Adv.ofSonIc тАЭ (Of!Alr) Cror Lott A 65647 dal38644 J85489 59625; ly A 74083 2 ^ jsas ┬л441 41267 62248 4<H44 Q b Ic q I ^S ^oSyTтАЩ Real Hewt for Aihrenturo, tf┬л.A(CC) [New*30002~ ?ev#npa Today Schcdvlod np* тЦатЦаwdunumal bicytig w d ilw H ^ Hem aaeiW SaturdayJodi ^ HBCHffWтАФ Hwdl 57267r--------- Wdf 03489тАФ 36268 - a ' O B ^ KUAS ED . . BM02 ' 3 14250151 499096 4 12083 ^ тАЭ he C a t- Tiny ToonтАФ T┬╗4Unl*-A┬╗8Wr Bobby*gWottd Eeidttei ntfl-tadv.in W6A.--jKfi-aiy-71~|PW WU74147 CiplalnPUMt Inmifonnwi 8тАФ = [OffAJfJ------ --Focus 0-23967- Advr49170~ (CC) 76248тАФ ------- jAiCG)7d06*- A-<CC)-S тАФ j┬лteftftwi-e9?66- [CC)eo^iтАФ 1*^ _______ ^ 6S118--------- M161--------_____ o O IB E p}''] >CTRV B_______ ____ ____________ тАФ r~ InWon^ Baakman'a StorylHMk Ninja TurtlM. Dennis ttie Adv. In W indFriMd┬╗(CC) . leenagaMutantNIt ^ {OffAlf)------------------------ - ^ jTKfptaflJ- StSrtlwmaM BirfleWwdF id239a5 Wortd5882a тАШ (00)756066 iMeniM 72422 de'rtand2 (CC) 45601 ;C)741C5 (CC) 34248 57402 1 9 ID ID DIpS^ KUVT ED n . _________________^ i .f,HCri,.nrf<ir:n Twrnt^tMtrlantNlt 5тАФ 5*555 g . t^ A !0 , тАв тАФтАФ ~ B тАЬ - - M Ktoic D* :C) 25199 [cc rt^ 3taw ...............................(CC)37083---------Jug┬╗BunnyATweety(CC)_ CO.W.-B otilc jAddamsFami^ Crypt)i┬лl>*f- Bu$ - Athr.-gfSenlc Adv.cfSotifc ^ (O H A if}r .r ._ ----;::тАФ c rp-n-(CQ~ rS i.~ ~ ^ L e t t A 65034 c t a i8 ? ^ ?33n------^171^-W41 12002 24335 ------ tyтАШA'3Ci70тАЬ 79248------- 333 a a qa ' S0441 ' 7 NBC N┬лw┬╗ J*81B2a a a EQ CD IQ Q ' E n j GED!HB3arnr Ado5tBs*ic&fue┬лi тАЬ GEDnaMmj ual bicycics. A (CC) b |3port*Folll┬л ^itunlay Today,ScfteduI┬лl: n┬лwand uflusual ┬╗80 \AW22 692B( Advtmuft 97644 Cal Jreim* D691s|872C7 O f# 86480 Hill* 864 |stuffW 22 61 B'day76151 BlkarHlee 9793 SdencaGuy 5952557 DefalflcJiSo___ 18199 . I Energy Exprat* 3091S MadScienlltt 50539 FisurtSkilinjI 111608--------------X4tan.A (CC)i----- -S7441----------------ConanWariore 76199 SdonceGuy ' 5517---------- 1-------M^ScienlltM__ iiaasH-iтАФ iтАФ . .. 53557 I lull-94 HJw┬╗d^(CCn&┬лn*4No5 5 * 4 O 5 C 0 n S d e n ^ ┬╗ e r BaMbali New* MoneywMk ShowbUTTil* Sty aybn┬лk(CC) RealKmror UomlngNewi Oaybfuk(CC) Sport* Oot*. D┬лylx 31 613335 |wk60&462 [700098 747ni {C0 379489 Weoll975815 14460 Kid* 622083 350354 685793 0PM1373 9W4t taHonal Chanipi-. scenttT BatkotlallPcrtsmoulhlnvttaaot Spoitiman [Sportsman Sp┬лt┬╗c* nitCutKAOutdoofi FUWn'.Hol* Jim Houston FiyFi*hAmer. Sp< 'a. (Uvo) 558809 ra c┬лhip.PfOTPort┬╗mouih.Va.{L M5460 561373 in063 82960^ тАШ ^B11880 JOf┬╗540915 444267; 165248 . l&SDaytil I Ican J ^ Biography Ava Gardner (R)) Eicftmamiand |Am┬лflcan JusAmtrlw Jilno Thc aory o< Wfein lo>ft9 A tfcH f Ed Hdlif>tfvtt8rtei(R)6l7?a6 TlnnMachlne __HniKii fit Pllnfl m<R1 37005? WW Ii Tgeio to israd. (R) 709006 ┬л'тЦа -r - . . JosclMcngeio iJ.rtтАЩ'" rann [Wonihntrildt m5T MaclMuii┬лr PaldProgram Paid Program PaidProj jram jPakf Program iPald Program IPai Jid Program |PaldPn>orani PiWProBfOT тАЭ PildPmgfwi'IPildPrognfn P*id i 0( 633977 51_____ 906985 (RMn4K)] <64996 I [455246 181151 |737489 465625 |4W . M1593 тЦа 718354 708002 M1731 M51116 ill i'┬л Big Night ** A SupermnCatanova'┬лB Millu **>(l962)LaurorK9Harvey.A cmoy.Awomanlm AClrf NamedTiflil 7mMatingS*tf00 **┬╗(1&51)Gcfwr┬лmo5 ~ SpKUIlRmtigator * * Atom 455373 (1954) Bob) Hope. ot 723149 481064__________ Eurasian InTolcyoafalii fa ter a Japaneso woman-452266 jftteambit┬лa)ttgigW M aMfvant48lo ^ (1936)RichartQg.4480iH .- ┬╗i8ih 90),Joanna CassiJy. K Lewis Whee!to(Tfin>rt*{1990)J ]weMSci*nco[Park┬╗rU ;ram |Ho))ywoodln~ WorldWreitilng Fedwatlon Fe jidProsrani IPaJdProgtam iPaidPrognfn тАЬ pSTPropwTTpiidProflTiitr PaidI 035 тАв 99 .. Uatde Lsed*. A(C0729335 |(R)A405426 749199 tidcr 364557 ManiaWmtlng1682606, 68 36828 617151 [345422 тАФ 510489 976441 j&668: errier A- M W ortd (R) IWeth b>Rtock-|Sprl┬╗gB.R┬л.------o^ = dporti A тАФ f n a h s d - A -^W ^TV-JamsCounlitewn ltag: тЦа Up-Serrt in ld w (R) n-415002 --------^-------"" Spood PUoT Top20ViiJ┬л-CiwnW >828- 314064 47 A 275199 (R) A 653828 Bd Beilamy. A 574248 390847 тЦа . 991625 634793 |BJ itfyXwiBltVtwn Spodi^ ___ FathlonTV MyGen^onluyGRnrratlon CourtnH 1^575557. тАв iM y S S T hw mtt TT jWMkMdJui ~ H u iicM U 9 8 l0 ^ [wiiS >TrWL(R) 574609 |345083 365847 356199 TravisTrt . тЬУ ____________________ Sdby Supermir1┬лr , [Uetima Magana Anctacd^ PaldProgram rour Child 6 to Baby^15 anc gnm. PatdProgram PaldProgram Pal aid Program iPiWProgram PaidPropani ~ P M ? m g rm IPildPrognrnтАЭ Piidl Sweep2B23M 1,365151- UaMcRee.(Cqa9544l M899G____ 1 J 6 3 ,9 2 ┬л _ ChM.36: 906557 649625 ]┬л{ 02880 259151 987422 236441 509793 502& Wagon Train 0Irathtr Big VaBtyтАЩJcwney IntoVioBabyRacn Mighty Jungle BJgBrot! C) M*hUd(CC) ThatтАЩ┬╗HyOog M rincaVtUani i u d ^ Babaf(CC) тАЭ P ow e " HuSdW Piinc 369977 lenca*999267 __________ 902731 635422 (R) 659002 Jake 369 9930S3 A 638151 |63! D6606 . R n c 253977 961248 230267 тЦа 536847 506┬╗ тАЭ BO Dane* тАвтАв ftdMattt- IfrfithenBtn-iGfeilOul*-^ iodeoA . . OrUwtoWтАФ Raianttil if in i Mwhanle-H ChampinnthlpRot - ............. . RwnodtUn#. ~ ( O f f A i.l_ _ тАЮ .,- ---------->538 7347M 961609 |dootl369538 wn-363354 [S2455757 15116 614G25 тАв : 846422----- "--------------' Today 635111 тАФ 48, Western) John itdthe FortApaef┬╗e****i1M8.W d ffight of the Wild. Wild Watt *Night West Wa* Won WM. WildWe*t ffi OAdo'TTwSingingVW ' Howtb#Wo┬╗i тАЬ W igonnwtr *.** (1950) Ihoo 5 eyfwtio.6992M _____ Wayne. HenryFonda. SW tyf I 662460 Cadn3'2432B6 CctoKTsGhosree: 14266 X______________661731 Bon Jchuoa 49083002 l5i42i 1977. Fantasy) Tha Last OInonur **(1977 eographle Eiplortr Glart tanuitulas; 0iMmw't WO 0 W r ^ 9618915 -1:05) Nattonal 0┬лos (tS]Bonirua'ToOwnmo WCWPraWn тАЬ RMlNmfor iJonnyOunt (:U^I \tfc.S822lSl ... . тЦа RaadBoon8.-JwnVtnA>t.i . . hofflocantngikayai pUng in M oxica.. (R) (CC) 6612538 -' I0(U3843847 9653977 /Brtf 7077441 тАвтАв __ _______ |WaW PapiSoiwiTi SSTcoT u*Yat┬лlo(R) 25606 [ChapullnCol- [ChapuUn vcfsion. Juogo* y candones. 46199 ITm w o M ICantinflat T.V. 0 Dhwsi тАЭтАЭ JohnnrCinaiM(R}S7t44^ QT┬╗ 7063 ______________________ 38170 тЦа * Of.41170 or.7706: abw6S373 9G606 S f " LoooeyTiwt] Dude(RjтАЬ F555r706967lWUd&Cnir Guts 462538 Hidden Tem^HryDgd 3ablt┬л|Uupptt8abia*|B┬лeU┬лiulc┬л oug342460 Rusratf UupprtBiblf тАЬ Dmnit706C44[Un(itrdog poog XC 664847 ta [Wda 475002 406118 169703 728731 463267 401575 716996 349373 I m ra oa OI j i dsc - тАЭ - n i - тАФ тАв B Q ffi ^ 2= AтАЬ C ffl-M EG i s o sg a VHl ^ B a lB FAy O O M B O a m 'n m a ttjB O ^ 'T K T IB W B o r a TBS D BD ^ UNI ES Q a ^ J L - 4 _____ ^ ' - llP k ------- IтАФ hB won тЦа^DannyBon*. тАЬ C) 414847 l3.Fann R r B u a ln m F ^ H┬лwi(CC)4i WofWTonwf- UAI oa,8OT.6M .. 527M 5............................. GoodFlahlno GoHShow UotorWMTA^ 919557 . 918828911 - 992660 тЦа- Prosram Soul T r^ A 256625 p S fS o 173 . - . тАв ...................... 642373 Energy Expret* 536248 u h o n S w lia B fo w n Alad<8n Umbr┬╗naTre┬л S y ^ t P o ^ T S aS ^ Ij ^ lD u n S o T c ir PoohCorw Un 05)Ug┬л)do(T┬лDGyp(y UoutardM |S 3 ^ i6249T7тАЮ|523e09 K3S96 916460-^------T tltt90ni2 [Toyi62тАШ ^638-jcu┬╗ 268373тАФ 924489-------; 911 >Ogt(R)(CC) 70065002-------(CC)┬╗3638iriy SaeUnflSuun,, 0B2,Coma(^)OoSyi^ iktptfHaty.: HmM-------- ^Rkhanl Scany ┬лra(gMTaP(-** (10BZ a)30566609 _ Dunnfl.4970*4t |**s(198S)a 605624 . James Wood*, Griflin Dur 255183 60i }aU (R) A G98267тАФ ((99ZDrBins)Noa>vHsS>тАФ P┬лfoctOaU< im gfefHo- |ToDi┬╗.-Tftawp(<g i,UfiyGat!ia A 735i(m 5 тАв ,Bm |way.P8>iCocte.U iap o( Iht Human H u tt * * M m Drama famaJJajonScoOlJft Unl>┬лfuI&tW**>(1932) I Hip ,mtParteij(l.PalittBqgin. A (CC| 216170 6170 ,KurtftBM lA215083 |Amt M lra d tB ^ **(tK2.Corngdy)Anj *< IThtDi^ 4 ^ 9 aalReiwle.PattldaNMi.72aM7. . Dotenz. Dean Comc imoron,P4aninUulLA 132286 Michssll a is I S P MAX ln aB ox***('M ' ' |H0MttHn7 Comedy] Dana Garvey. A iTbtUntlnka ilnk^U oDyBm m ***(1964, Muskal 5 )0 5 5 e [ThtMFuglUvtt * *r*(1989.CoiwJy)Ntt i(1 тАЬ OppofturtI)rKnoela**(1990,Cwi ^ S p ^ G Gray.7151731 ny A998575S7 ┬л i y f ^ . A297957B3 Reynold*,i.Ha(VBPre*ne┬╗.EdB<igliiy. Hai ?7 , Nolte. MartinShort AUCC)M292373 (C B ; B H m e .: ,tm^dmehoodtttotoaamaweami) Ww^JohnRgtf. iGal┬╗*it*<19931Jam8*. Syhmtar If ***k(1965)RjtfiardFam┬╗ath.Annph rphansdbMn WhttaFang RaalStb Story I Slay T i ^ * )deo horso mtoacnanpcnfuirpUibttSISS: i n | i a | a ^ h b o ~ . .H*545437i2 тАШ G W . J o t a ^ PPryca. y A inccr99 02 0 i99 oiraanxJoo inr^Q BETu^-* wjB u ie wEwai. 1 . (X COOOMGAM) FUS 0 0 ┬╗1UECEK┬г3U тАвSJO тАвтЦа CHAW^ BROADCASTOUTSO EETMMFA^IS CAKHOTB6RRBVBJW .. . . тЦа ┬л┬лlflCK88┬л0┬л)CAST( WTOWa ┬лJEroHE.(iQOOWO.WE)a)ai a iA w a s i *T ' '1 n WTCKIW i .........I .WL ........ B - ' тАФ r\ ^ r p e ^ n e i ^ wy r y : --------j:^-------a w vAtttY **тЦа"] тАФ ^ / тЦа ' тЦа .......... .________ _ ^ W e e k o f A p r il 8 - 1 44 1 9 9 4 APRIL 9.1994 | M I J ___________________________ vs^xzhm^hzez NEW S SATURDAY A R E R N O3C0 N 1 SPO RT S ,, Country тЦа Tncki2462 o ToB┬лAiinouncad841 8 4 3 S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T S ! oo5 tn5┬л┬╗UasM - TNnl Rouid. Fion Augusts r tsKa&mal Goff ClubInAugus____ ________________ |ta.Ga.(Uve)(C 8)(CC)2a666e ___________ ___ ______________ ' Gotf Wondorlul WoU. (Tspcd) 1310915 s is |PeA6o┬лar)gBPAAU^Opea p^FianTroy, jWWtWortdofSp^ orts(lM) (CO) 9486422 Micfl(Uvo)(CC)e288183 f Dw Uaotr lntro|C┬лit┬╗mpof┬лQM┬╗┬╗w^ M lnESU . ^ b )* D a y 4 A rt┬л < ┬л M in iI 6nw(ngOMM┬лNwAg┬лтАФ {Nw тАв┬л┬лK tonтАФ|T┬╗th┬╗┬лonтАФ I 1982B 61829 ..........~ 93 1 9 !) 41064 55828 . 484) 847 [bary 0 0880 ~Anlma)A(hretv- LHMKtron * * i((1991, l9 Drama) RacanlJi PGAGolfTTnl. ihe Mastcn - TNnd Round. Fton Augusta h aNaticnyOolfQubinAuousтАв Iurw3t644 Simpson, KoiUiChrislcfB acrtsen. 37002 ' la. Ga. (Urt) (0 718809 o)(CC) *"TтДв Gi Wonaorti Worid. (TatwJ) 329538 тЦа GoB J8 IPBA Bowling fiPAAU.S. Open.. orts(Lh┬л)(CC)7621l8 pen. From Tnjy, jMdt World of Sport O f f i KKVI I S MidL(Uye)(C0^111iB ' T r k id s iP a g e 11 ' l j 3 ^ 2 P j l t ^ 2 BL u i?i.'g - [ Baywitch тЦаtehTaiconMaitfcstoтАЩ CBS Evening ig (CC)3373__________ News A 8460 160 (R) 0 (C C Flshlngth gthe Outdoor Who's Bow? iT Wesf819: J193034 Gazatta 6677557 Channel2News 373 ABCWorid News 4793276 Korth)<M Mah┬╗тАФ nrtngUntiтАФ 8erlou┬╗┬л6Aey UcLau^tHi^----Forun89' 18915 WetfafB4109 E064 , Group 8151 Paid Progi togram SayNoTo 45286 Paln34170 Travel Update itT CBSEvenlng" 19373 News 25422 PaidProgi r o^nT ABC Worid 18170 Hews 14354 Star Search (R) A 76606 ITi? n Worid C na n y io msi;Mt)i!ion. ii^ NBA ShmrtimajNBA BaskitbaE kctiFromlheSunnt.(Uvc} Amertcani ttbaOSan Artcnio Spun 81Houston Rockct an GUdlators 18731 HewsB344ir jl INBC NlghtJy тАФ a ~ Ba Q K3BA9fia"^ FlfluitSkiflng rrem V U u f^'Jo ^ illk ie 02480 SSSiUS [News 31408 ^ n _____{ ,S ┬л th P 8 C tfe :**-(195SvUusksl)Ro┬╗6anotoZ2l.Ut:tGaytK i^ n t of National Geographic DesJgnlno [big [WonderYears Untouchables"V S w ^ S H to L A W a id w T ii fSwi es-Voywjf'A(CC) = : a a B e p inir f "; ^CSOtgoCSiTO nw┬╗)flK>s1ovDM(tiaw1 awttMMisUnd┬лr.S23083............... . ........................... ' WywsanA(NenturciтАШTii286- WomeB4i t┬╗4i5I_ A.(CCJ.3┬л1_ S625 -P3i 'Sctm etGuy Paid Program 171)0iLastLaaf L┬╗ iPaldPrognm IPGAGotfTh^ Ta Mastm - ThMRound. FromAugustaa'wasi^CoBCIubinAuguj. N RshSgiS heNextGenera- ' C BSEw iinr StarTrefcTheN l a i D o o i y K i i v T o ' 77828 ^ 62288---------1239212 , --------- 6,680--------- |ta.-Ga,(U┬л>{C< ┬╗)(CC)4n4a3тАФтАв . .Wtstegis iSlS__ NewsA.3189 tlon(R)A(CC) COJ7083. ... [Boj ^ ~X tooOwrYou *┬╗(t99l)RldmdPryCT,( CT,GortoWMef.ACTngtlsl|pGAGo┬лT}MW TwMasSm - Thrd Rouxl Fnyn Augusta3 National N Goff OubhAugos- sS k e ilB ^ E v en in g E N C b S ecr^ ts d the National ___ ~ ~ ~ !lijr."9M34-------- ;---------- |ta;Oa; (IweKft :;r r q o z S O тАЭ ' GoHWoKlerful.WoriiL{Tap┬╗d}3M64ri тАФ .|PMeewUn9 6 PAAUS,0 p┬л(i.l ┬╗ l . fOTvTrayJ----- iMda Worid of ? ------- ^ Mfcfi.-(U>e)(CG)76lt8-------- a . . тАШIjEj w n тАШ BMkitbaD ^ 558809 ra ia o 01 m a a |7SSS47 847 |359625 [757118 _ Ava Gardher, PolittiM^B┬лsto<ComlcRttWf956660' |Ev^ vning at the Improv(R) Stifl C h r o n .[POn i^ of Ka- IWIngt of tht Uiftnff* -ME-тАв 4C87I2 tun 1022G7 102 321 Giganr(R) 180422 - y A┬╗c ' Catanova's Big733MQ UIdnJghtPa(T0IS19422 ^ O ftM UmKs a *M 1S53. Comody) Bob Hope. ~ eyRoonoy.S4a825 : (.GdutyF UwGiioti faiirt^ C87C25 KacUnt f ealag17 ***i(t953,Dr3nia)Wi&unHol IHolden. American jPOW iWs : In'Oefmany iMnfcacyntail sorgoanl Kbaspy.866608 b (:M}тВмprlng ┬╗ w k R┬лvWM HighSete 6$lre#nMTV$toveragfrtifS$tingert3H994: <r S S B B s iu fE -jinSeirchC chOf-Uartlans/Ancjenj HonwAgaln jljHoweAgaln.тАЩ A.LU┬л┬╗'{R iтАШ {ff) 842823------------m rtrj--------- tl Five Card Stud ' tud**(l963. Western) Dean kC mMarljn.830915 Wstlng ***i(t9a2.0rama)JackL k Lennon. Sissy Spacck, John Shoo. An |Wlngs*Ubor Duckman(R))тЦа |V IWebdSeknM ~ Americanwftor dhappoars dtfl^ a Ch Chleanni^afy coup. 568793 . - Pains'762915 (CC) 154480 [(R) [(I A 753267 Z '* _________________ R)'S7S460 iTopit Countdown (R)S bfoneRad ladng Reminglon Parit SportscantereK r6832B8 ' |Dert)y.2ir 211731 B┬лyond2000Az┬л┬╗gnivlty |5ovii jvieUagle [NaxtS(ap(R) KatureWor Worid of UltsuaUhn- UonstacAPortr >ortratt of Stalin bl . simuialor.656444 - тАЩ - |(R)2; rtPoUce 231400 1217860 945151 go(ft)6S75 >57657 BlooA Secret Po WhMlsofTaf' IUicltBehavlor**(19' (l^ToramDi'Rciwl Oavt An Intemai A/P ' ror72a33S " t;ya copтАЩs wife. H (CC) G282G7 Eairaofficer Is sediiccdi by ra u u S p S tto n s ^ tts S jr T ! ^ r i! n ^ 8 o ! h a d e ^ W o I w T ordoId a n E ^ n f l I_____| t77647_____ 450052______|c -[d a y 7 6 8 1 0 9 - ------1S4CC0--------j(CC)J570a3-j4005 0K7------_|769628------- [746135тАФ Auto Racing NASCAR Grand G National - Good/s 250. Fron Bib. ^ Tennis Bausch and LoROOiamplDash Bhips-'Soffltfinal. From way. Tern. (U┬л) 448083 тАв тАв [lollnlenalicnal Raceway Amefialsland, Fla. (SamfrK^ Tape)IM0731 a< ' Inend. Ani. mau 834008 Jonathan R. ^[CerrtafStagt j ^ (R ) |(R)181064 [836825 IWeelrinRa tRodrRsaJWorWVVSlatrAтАФ ^' 3pem (R?-A-------| n 364151 151 360335 . 656880 |3 I5o5 ┬╗di Party 285422 FashionTV ^ 8 9 JcpaltanR. 115644 FM630441 F I [onc*lsKo(┬гnc (Enough **;{1975.Drama)KiADwgS^ Shop'TBYou" i X U w - T t w ^ ^Sof iRises* [Uittoivad, 3S.AtabSmith.Aftnpn>- IToBethel M BM(1992. Orsi^ljnSayWagner. r.~^hcfess An ________My┬╗to80703 [ducermantofar s (or mcney to satis^ hb dpughtor. 374441 <1 wantslorra ImaXe a ruche Inher grandrncthci's empire. plre. 660083 ..тЦа. ^Dfop2830M (00)388002 M-s ToIoYoungRktra-ATW*n(CC) 382828 GuMinoki36M48 ' тАЬ |iBonanza: The Lott Episodes iBlg'^ |VaaeyladyKik>'28l62S S n m Rhw: j ^ The McGregor iBordertawnnA lAMcanSUes 'A Placn to HideтАЩ 276286 j heSlampedoтАШ29346o |(R) A 665538 8 (CC)306373 (C S┬╗B┬лThe┬г B b n b K ir (;00)Wagon TfltaKC73t тАЭ тАЬ ^ E jT T ! P B B B ra W T H ^ 55 CMiliyOirt- UAAToday IIrM l┬╗A┬╗dng ^ TnicUn'USA iT nickP eii^ r iAutoRadngNASCARG(andN^~ la l-M a erT lG o in ^ 83 |(R) A 634489 [674034 ' _ Gentine { I^^ r a 5 < a 0 383118 22<583 Draft SOO. (Uvt ) n 228002L . . _ ___lWiy5230i0 VW┬л>PMn U A 768373 Country UutJcVii Ic Video Album !909t5-- - ......... . .... ___ __________ [Hour(R) A 3909 B |^ a FortApaeh* **** (1 9 4 8 .Wajtam)Jol )John j g Henyfonda. SMriayTempi#. 6B Q288 Wsyne. 689: BugsBunn] jnny'sAIKStars30i4e9 _ B a a m n D ^ g E ID - . UttDlno(aur|TTwLandThaiTlRttFor FofBot * * (1975) Ooog McOn. A WrtiTp SS and vit [ThePMipltThatTlffleForgot * T (1977.SciencoF]cM ^ WCWSatun Murday Night Scheduled; Ousth Rhodes ar &lc Watts 5822161, Isubtnds an island Aod xjMShpre(ii^ w beasts. 7B8S557 F aazengor and Shanghai PieccB. 44761647 847 .................. J64 ............ .................... ┬л.TinSlaa , PBtrick Wayne. Doug McCluro.22500┬л u┬╗ (:00)P^>i 0ndaUaz6760e ^ Solttro 38170 I "@ ┬╗C K P - j H "┬░тАЭ' " LootwyTutm C v tm 832246 iKablOOty a ^ P 8 |H B o |Control4S288]ljnt*Loco I 70170 > )A Gamte Umpio Rafael Indm. Mxibi nbelGuar(Sa.UniMadn┬л n resuolve b muortade una mu^erde bitiaseoftx74647_ d Sida(R) UvtngWtthOlnouun(R] тАЬ AraidJ i IWtMSidi OO |l880M тАв 2236915 100600 u T Ttnthlnning Expos. FromOlyirpieSladiuffl. Hafor Laagua Basaban CNcsgo Cuts at al Montmit I. тАв .____________222181460 (lMi)B51232fl7.__________________ 5!' ThaFHghtolDngons * * i B p 9 B ll& ^ UanyRlvmtoCroas * * .i (1^RotertTay1or.Vbacl(ww& l^ iPs'SoccfidChann'. lo iP i uny her. 988712 73924 jtomboypenuadesananlomany J248 n s^. IW (1963)5394644 --- Nwrs'p48*^ 6|(3 7 3 DSC n тАФ soBB^g .. ^800793 тАв ( R ^ T o n m a T I n ^ y o w llo o ^ ~ ~ ' SSDaytitPtUng a ***(1963.'Advwti pj IB O l 41002 ( S w sm k i^ H M llh in ^ ^ 476C06 | bOS842 iD s iiQ m m E s p N ED S3 iela.rromlhoCijmmll(U.'D) O' ^ D GSra o m CKH arts(U┬л)p:)2253a_____P 5 d ^ ABCWorid Star Search (R).| {R).n.59lS ---------------------------------1441 - - News7825------------- g ^ ^ n s !w r ip F M ┬л M 4 ^ ^ ^ T F Gtotit K38815' 8151 I |G BuenasKot Hots- |No6elereUni-тАШ [ S ib a d o G nts ig ^Intemadon^ das 50116 118 Vbl0n 49002 55568644 [Family DoublalFr^ shmen DM946248 21542 >422 тЦа IwiiatYouDo Tomorrow iw GutS851712 943793 People 002t M2828 RatPatrol 669915 Charies [664460 Charh IriM 1151 91015 Savedbylh ylha BeH650267 267 rbyaGBIandttwUtttoPeople * * *I 59) Albert Sharpo. Sean Connety. 6741915 915 Doug227267 Ift 9* 942064 CalUDftams OfUortar.ReLr F Fortune < Hunt 649151 922996 K 6C3731 Pet┬╗'sDr>gon**i(1977)Mickq lickey Rooney. HelenReddy-A(CC)87i55373 n JeyT Sister Act ***(1992. Coaedy)^ x{y) Whoopi GoU^f-Tw vain____ I Honeymoon InVegas tas * * * (1992) JamesCaan.Aprtwlec) hBMomnHtf ***(1992)M┬лYlS┬╗eop.T DnparaltlySMUng Susan OuStiB< -------berB:UsOTo'SiSifi.'AтАЩ(CQ 97691: 'M I5---------------------i 22K^ 7 [Ews his iSnaeinaIppc ^ game- A' (CO?2 4 8 ^ ________ ^ f l ┬л WtfiTMotf (oaemS HT * *V (19e5)30566a06~~~ iCTienw ┬лrts **-(198iCanedy)J(i┬лTrtMirTEi тЦа Everytbne 4 (1993. F#fiO┬лUtoaBQf_l Jha.Exp^ lallautAseites.io. The.SkiWxwf. Kmi 1-U41989] m SaH0fteM.AhU(ian9Wa 3293880 Snu^k^PrsstoA. A 897460 3? 731 |Busfleld.BcssAnmtnn rong.Ae04373 la.AfyeGros W^OTMohnLuxlV ' tanevlroptaedumpioa n (CC) 24682731 . IRobert Sean Leonard. N sisn throat- ' Ueatballt4 K dy)CcfDy ISwlnglOds **i(1993)Rol :ar(8ai1haianow,Kel{hAnSmriAca:de9o|< Honittrlna |ColaJ┬лnUca(t9e8)'^ )B[Oh.WhataW^t**(1992.Cor7┬╗dy) *11722118 jazznxoic A (00)73294731 *i . H Hakn.RobbieOo(lrano.nie92S004: тЦа [eosthrccHends'liwetofJan BOX7151731 |(nfesortocomes8CCMt) gi┬╗t)oy-┬╗t)teviOilanH. AS6773S57 тЦа apbncPKipU From Another Star * *r Ghostbusten ci no. Tw poke officers by to [ Hyper Sapb kmody)R^6an9ef. iPlayhouaJr* c IbjorUagut Udybugt *(1992.Con; тАЬ CoDisianCours┬л**(1987)JayLono, ^ fdneyPenny.-PG'(CC)70931l8 \Pl 70*3068809 C)55067M4__________ (1986) Syme 3'(CC) 803896 [3817680 tl tndaBotentiibochygw.n-PC(CC)! 2207538 IMd.Jactoe.n-PG.13'(C ETWNFAUS CANNOTBERECEIVEDMSO M ooomo ANDFUERDOHOTRECQVETH>rCHAKNEL'' Ol SOtCAREAl *-JCROME.MEMOai.CO(ni . '-CHAXMELS BROADCAST0UT8OCTW ......... тАФ yWCXBBKOADaUTOMB M B HJStOHE.GOOOOa.WDICCaAM W FILER ^ Tin тАв I KXTGWa I 1---- ~ | ------Mwvaiiv----- ^ ^ W e a r o f A p r i l 8 - 1 144, .1 9 9 4 P a g e 12 MuldooiomdoesnтАЩt ^ ┬г to be jusist a pretty face leedles. disap* Jamal, ilcalhly afraid o f need nily lest, Janet ^ 1 pcafs before taking his paiemily ic Valley and \ is thrilled lo be back in Pine \ P a tr ic k M u ld o o n checks into llie Pine Cone M Moold. Adam тАФ b e e r r p ta y iifg lW S..... in IlMlI - rfratllcsM hg^ncontcioag~Gtan3 s then Lives" for underground tunnel collapses th tries to o n "D ays o f Our Liv :cs Trevor on ^ claw his way out. Janet sees ' c lo sc t o tw o years n n(o w and e>in and lakes j H B I f t television following the cave-in r ch e s t i l l f in d s th e j lidcs as Gloria r a T o ff for the boathouse. She hide? w a r d in g . " D a y sтАЭтАЩ fa fa n s arc iwly avoids a ^ is being rescued but narrowlj / to h a v e p o is e d an d read y ti ars Adam and Fj ' тАв тАв .'.', тАв.7' run-in wilh Trc>'of. Alec hears in f in a lly C arrie an d A u stin for onc ' Gloria declare their undying5 love lo Bianca another. Erica is an^ ish ed. when wh le o f Ihcm w ill make financial dc bas to return to T nvis. She vijiw vis Opal al _______________ ds тЦа ns for the business wilhoul ilic 01 Del offers to Ihe Chicken Shack, where Dc roker. тАв - - John N. Gouda: Idas IncrsтАЩ coiiient. Pres.<mfed by hi.'! brol jffendcd when "[MrtncT write her biography. Del is ofTei m Ihe ' X acccpts BlairтАЩs offer 10 lend him Erica cuts him down. Later, Del Del makes on ea ch olh ney. After receivin g a m yslerii r io u s vow Ihcir tovc forea lells Corvina ' m oney offer to Kendall. Edmund lell >nc.call.-Nora gcts.o conlinuiinccjr nitri the truth.. ------------ that he is-gotng to-ioll-Dimitr Jron'------ o r a n d tliis-w eckтАЩs>s.sttoiyl in c ------------------------------------ тАФphonc.( judge then flics 10 Portland, Oreg inaboul Anton with or wilhoulI Corvina's Co g lo v e r s uflcrтАЩ sneak w ilh V id o r тАЩs former bull iall is siallihg pul. Anton suspects Kendall ^ to spei rom an tic a b o u t lo sh are a ro j)iin. Jc-i'iica iff f i g x-ritlr-.l from icli w-in-┬╗hinking-----______thck m aftiaac bcfim i* 'ili'i iC'lujiiir iT1u ^ ------- w c c k c ilii al llie skT 'III I'liip n- she vahdalizcs Sloan's booili at w hy ; -y l i ┬╗ about rcvcnp e. Laurel wypndcrs on тАФ 'H o w e v e r , t u c a r inint tervenes t Trevor is so'inlercsieiT iti what' whi happens r o i y . ----------------------------------------am M am p ers - w idv-A тЦа bcttvt tii iiriJ JivrVu ld o o n heads for P a t r lc lc Mlu u li a live prcis conference that she will rctun) c a r. L u ca s th en hot perccniage IO modeling and donate a pen Meil warns lo sleep wilh Dru but slv r e w a r d in g t h e lo d g e , d o n n in in{g a s k i F i n d s p a r t revi Ihc proceeds to a rape cris occupied about her mother and.Oli' t тЦа preocci c s< se e him. . l^Ifk m ask w hen lost w decKendall fumes upon hearing E ide arrives to tnke Aslilcy lo meet J u e s t sh o ts, duccs M u ld o o n h as aa b b ig f o i- le d t o m o r e gju lh il pa-. laration. Urooke returns with I his mysicjy woman. Jack inlrodu in beicl lg the lo w in g a tn o n g wvootm c n ^ o f w h ic h h e sandwvichcd pets for Tad. Edmund, wiiliI Corvina. Co ari JoтАЭ to Gina, who rccalls seeing ir k . Ir ish tw c c n c b s s c s . Dimitri lli^t Anion is his son. a ll a g e s . H is d ark man al the rcslauranl. Blade hass 1figwoman lation . Miilendeared U p o n graduati' d oul llial Marilyn is Jack's my.sieri erious g o o d lo o k s h ave cn fiad -foru w n 7, = t A| April nnd Robert fought, and ; lc in As Liike and Laura circle ir closer o ls and read fcr s m o re p rim c-lim e pilots тЦаH tli h o p e s th al lie OtTcr eefully stales lhal her father never 1 ^ibouls, Sniilh ' . Frank Smith's sccfet wlicrcabn forcefu тАв for fo the role llia n ja slh L s _ _ her. Blade orders Marilyn to le le:a v e . cl cnnlrol over . E i l eteern D a v i d s o n ' |ipts logcihcr u ^ liem c to gel ci to her. o f Au-stin xfore. p h ysical ap┬н ,Tt. April rcKilU Robert's actions bci )iiy get into a . - irtriston .i. o n 'D a y sтАЩ R eed on. Tony punehcs P l a y S Kri. is 1that pcanm cc. stabbed him. Mcaiha also iasisis screaming argument after Ton тАЬ Days." bcrt never abused her. Jed ihrills AshiS ' тАШтАЩ T h e r e Damian ot Thc.Ouihack. Mn Victor temporarily moves__Robert L"}-. hc.m ovc5.oui.. Vi and Blade with the ncw j ihat groi - J u g g l i n g -------__ proinpiu perfomwnce ai The C i тАЩo a MarIcna'urKCS Kiiic lb Icy aiiiJ тЦа a rc p le n ty ' OU t-bcbroken-for-ilicir-ncw-Uonicjja p lace o f the m lssing-in-acti lamage, vivian in v ite s .^ - Will'bc ~nll the iris j s ~ o r nicc.s'0 dl 1^1 lowing day, Paul arrives as Chrii ___ Ma[n/Nc^As^n^V|^ws^ihc ci Ijlic IтАЩcnlhmise Orill. Under followi s ib ilitie s . ,ccrow d.i-eli; , ,o_jinnct.atJiu lycflll. th e r e a n d ! . ing Suzanne that shc.wili probably.---------c u T c c lt-iU c r c J tc -h io r c -sc renwmbcn; ll^c clundclicr telling: LJiccicU..lLdl_hypr┬л┬╗i┬╗.-Jolm1 re "he opted Sihai k n ew i f 1 to as a witness. Norman confe!^scs 1 w am in^ from ,j,g roon Miguel is hiding. Dwpiie wan 00m o f the souihem plania- her as f o r the da and Robin rea) ly adw a s to h ave C! fam ily and friends. Brenda i realizes lhal before he was he isis nreally a barber, lisihcr cjuickly ..s o a p ..A s .ilтАЮ . lhal she is a maid, Pete brings Gli icir forbidden u ,jjтАЮ ,he dun] make a dale lo be wilh Ihcir lungeon on tho Tibcton Iv milss lh; ___ a -.lo n g .c a - тАФ 1, тАЮ Biriinc passenger manifcit lhal sIk turned oiilt .l0 VC5,.Sonny_and Slone.,Car was.held al ihc plantatiun. the airi r e e f in Ih is yA \w _ _ 'pnml rnmg ffnm_iliis a t r тЦаS!!;A ia l - I h c тАФn U iO тАФ _ n 'w as b u s in e s s , 1 Iw )3. and her traveling companion IJren'da reads Ned Ihc rioi ac onfronlalion with Siefano. 1993.1 IWO jo b s had lo c o n gr il Williams, --------- trcntTne<tl-of-Lotf.-Ncd-Bfaiials jo-thc joiicc-stalion to ask Paul W did not p n ce n tr a te on From o f Lucy, jcjo h n has IBS contacted the New Orrcluclani forgiveness. In fron ----------------------тАФ ^ -тАФ- o01u t тАФ J ^ b b je siKlls_out hor feelings u Damian. __ m y a c tin g , тАЩ gs^o Police Dcp: i^ tim c n t. While there, she I B i l w way. onyrhous mII from a young RlJj Rldgc (ells Toylor thai he knows! What v тАв h e told us. тАФ-- P 1 a tric k M uld o o n тЦа U g H i i i H 'h an d le sn anony " A u stin lg to man threatening t rape someone. As Car- she: is up lo. He also conv*^ how much m M u ld o o n ---------ously for Au.<;tin to join her _ be wants wan 10 start a family wilh her. He a тАЩs grave and n e waits,anxious 1 uUsurvivor." Dinah L ee visits TrishaтАЩs is'a f i l t e r and ; eri m i тАЬP S a n -тЦаPpi cd ro , a lins how she taught him to opeti ker. When she at Ihe lodge, his car fcrcaks down on the' plains confesses her love for Trucker, ity o f L o s so y s M u ld oon,, "he "hi can take harbor c o m m u n ity iad. Siefano. meanwhile, is about I feelings and how that opcni romantic din- side o f llic road. jui his returns Io Pins, she finds a1 roi If. I1f h e lik c s a typical carc o f him self. 5 Jakens A n g e le s, and w a s a Celeste, his trusted servant can cm 1 enrich a relalion.ship, Taylor awaV [)d wrongly a-iangered tlial Cel her from Curtis awaiting and v ylh in g for, chool he y o u , h e тАЩll d o an an) 3ver, slipped tranquilizers тАв and1 find? fin Ridge pone. Anihony tells M Macy k id . In p r e p sehonsible. Curtis ;. and former love sumcs lhal T ru ck s Is responsi him, sherry to prevent her from thatIt he made olher plaris for tlie even id Ibc c am e y o u . B u t i f y olii.cros.-! ii.c aroa showdown inlo Kristen's shi travels lo Trucker's cabin for m ing. p layed football and him. C eleste accidenlally but1 she and , she lcmpt┬╗-him wilh all kinds o тАв"cul'* fc rrives, he finds disco v ering hirr over Dinah Lee. When he arriv. h e w ill protectI him.sclf hii . a d q it enough at t he h e :sport to ry ai and scn.suous ircals unlil he car :r. [Dcspiic Iiis leaves behindJ a coded journal bearing nary a helpless, injured Trucker. o w lhat lie ball sc h o lthose h e lo v e s.. NNc ?? w in a partial foolbal longci :ker lo the ho s-. John's name, igcr refuse to spend time with I jealousy. Curtis ni.'hcj Trucker th Carrie, the ivcc rsily o f is in v o lv ed w ith ( VoтАЮy arship to the U n iv hen Sally enters Ihe room, Anihi se A Avn lliat his pilal, Alex tells the cdmaiosc csting Austin m ia . H is w riters are invcsti S o u t h e r n C a lif ojm I I I 1 1 'I I I I I M - S Is ,her tliat he forgot aboul dinner' plans p divorcc is final. Sieffi turnss to lo Clay afler isitiv ity than w ithтАЩ m o re sensili lg and g o o d lo o k s a n d1 a t h l c l i c rs .Jason financial help for lie had already made for the evening hearing the news o f Casey and AllyтАЩs enMarty offers yi in Wanda. Rebecca and Pow- hass to cancel their dale. Kan:n ovcrhi n lo h e h as displayed ii the pxsi. thrars build a lso le d him t m odgagcm enl. A va's condilion v 3n worsens a s - ,1,^ stnjggling Wi icyтАЩs conversation with Anthony. Ri rir love for one another. Do- MacyтАЩ; her o ff confess their I Ale* and Kate struggle wiili1 taking lal B u t h e тАЩs slill a pretty prc strong w h ic h k e p t h im in convinced that Eric and SheilaтАЩs r gins as.Viki takes thb wit- is con< life support Meanwhile. Han Harry beckons rianтАЩs trial begin /.. B u l th e in d iv i d u a l witithh d e n n it c тАЩ ns Ihe s p e n d in g m o n e y I ge is issie collapses and is Ibrced riage i in big trouble, Macy opens Avo towards eternal peace.:. Oiarlie O con- тАЮgj;s standrCaisii h at w h e n , id eas o f his ow11." n." Jt il is a c lo r a d m it s that or expecting to see Anthony, but Andrew llfhl she has beenтАФdoor c wilh ,q confess to An fiDnU Angie about tivoiding5 intimacy ml for a liv T h a t i s h oww M 1 u ld o o n lly..nnd_shejs visibly upset,_.Sally Ily cxttskcd what_he d idd f< adical-hormonc-iierapy^lo ..Sally..! him and ihrowina berself mio I work to follow ing a-radi' iiojicr lias her fear o f Anlhony being iiivol i/olvcil" тЦа in g'h e never said m triibilcliiig! s e c s h is A u su h cli vgnant. Cassie lells Andrew plaias o f jicip iicrgel pregr keep ifrom .lh m k jng^ ihe possibility po; ipcaling com- ; ih aanolher woman. She suspccis Macy V ot tdestroy his life anymore with being infccled by flic HIV vims.-lnspircd via -,hat she cannot , ln s lc a d ._ h c _ w o uild ld_ rc p .ly i is th is sa m e appca ghi kntjw'-who this olher woinjin c< 'b y n drrami A loe p t ^ lo tiwn ;lrcn divorce. Nora is concerned' might iwrry A v a l tr a . ijsla for aI dl' ayer.тАЭ тЦа ' b in a t lo n b r тАЩslr c glh and тАЬ IтАЩm a football playc reminds Anthony that he i lose VikiтАЩs friendship after be.. Connor Co bedside ccrcmony, hoping lhat ilia by dijing that she may losi ic h has led , d u cc d him s e n s it iv i t y whhic! fas 110 M odeling introdui ve vwilh Sa lly 's daughter and ha: ' so he will'bc giving herBomcil Max Icams his stock in-' love mcihing to live DorianтАЩs trial.I. N )Ce placed onM u ld o o n th e a c to r to b [ lacy u t o a c t in g a n d Mi oicc bul 10 tell Sally the iruih. Mac :om p lctcly w orthless and choicc vestm ent is con for. Dinah Lee is shocked lo to leani,Curtis I th e lis l o f th e; "тАЬ110 Hotlcsl out 1lo lell Sally the truth when Sallj illy rek n e w t h is w a s w h a t h e rches for S60.000 to pay his about life, frantically searchi тАв w as responsible for saving Tnickcr's Tiu )aytim c TV." zcs lhat she must slop pulling hei rokcragc house. Todd goes alizcs fierself w o u ld like to d o for th e rest B a c h e lo is in Dayi тАЩatti's develop- debt to tbe broki * Shana and t e o celebrale Patti d iilf his bach-ough tliis torture тАФ she knows she (^n bul she gct.\ rid o f him throug rted taking But w h e n asked hom e wifh Lynn he is a o f h is life. H e starlet ntcntal progress. sl w Dot'to mist Aniliony. Macy tells J* numbered. an ailicic in the newspaper fool wheit she seesI on m ore octin g d o s see s aftd g o t c lo r d a ^ v /e tf n any thal he either tell Sally Iji^l. lh ' Tin tijM o ff the police abow thony ajth a lh e ┬л -a s... _ aboutiiim . Lynn. otrt'thcm o r Iheir relBlionship ts; -or S ! - ^ o a c o f .ih e f u 5 t jo bb3 sJijc fludi- 1 Iho actor rq^licd tl тАвBocrto-New-York City to aboui Laura announces thal k ale thal there are 1 them ' J i o n c d fo r: t l i c i ithony.must now^chooM b┬лween l: (|na and Con\ ask-,tLfurious__Anlhoi . Jennifer c a iv .. inyesliBa,tc..LMiw ptfln s in the . _ fnir mfli Bill W-.fc ccarw forall;----------------------------n ttrinding agreement t h a t-o n c c s A ly ^ 'M iln n o V t J C of^ v c Bill, io - M ax t6 sig n n noi find it in her heart to forgi ____ _ J o n тАЬW h o тАЩs the B oss7 o si тАЭ T h is ncarftilu re. b i; Soap studs тАШT h e r e a r e тЦаlenty o f f a c e s -i >ut t h e r e :a n d l тАФ 11 k n e w If I w o a to 'h a v e ~ a lo n g ^ тАФ hi c a r e e r in. t h i s lu s in e s s rl h a d тАФ тАЬ :o c o n c e n t r a t e тАФ th o n m y a c t i n g . тАЩ JjJ r iliE S 3 3 B S 3 H E W e e k o f A p r i l 8 1- -11 4 , 1 9 9 4 __________________ P a g e 13 Q : W c j u s t lo v e d J C a i ^ , the star o f T V тАЩs '^ - I ^ v i n g C olor," in bis mo Pe t De t tive." I s T f a c ^ a 's e q u e l C a fre v V fu tu re ^ ^ --0 ^ . uch o f their own rm cr girl- tlie mother d f h is . 3ttcry in life, vdopcd much isXwo cliil-..,тАЩw o n -u b ig lotti Ocm . Harlin'.s forme тАвreared Rc- and b e lieves in sp reading sign language age for the film, r f T T B friend; and Je ff Golc joldblum , dren, Kentucky-rc d. N ichol- his good fortune me around, es- AKhough тАвmar many signs were ind. D em bc cc a B roussard. IlH iH G eenaтАЩs ex-hu.sband. ighter from peciully to tlie: m other o f his v a ria tio n s s oo f A m erica n , .ill tM and Goldblurii ore: no now dat- sonтАЩs grown daugl ag e is 2 8 - two young childi ildrcn. English andid FRussian signs. тАФ 1 in g . n r H II , s a y ss G e'cna, h is o n ly m arriag W in reb r N ichol-O:. A frie ni d a n d I saw-^' U unicraiid1 Wiltman. __________ vcar--old Jen n ife m c n tio a e d .J 5 n h lr o rmrt she mntn- .ilijy. creaiccTi cd a language o f o r ju s t a ldt~d o ff g ood tttttf hnm [landsome good friend o f Bre lrou.s.sard's, ta in s th a t man an:y o f H o lly their ow n. . YY< our com panw o rl '┬о iтАШ^ f n ^ l i c i t y ? - - C . C ision was underh is tid b it. H unterтАЩs sig35iuin th e film ionтАЩs confusio , h u n k in тАЬ B e v erly rly H ills an d p ro v id e s thi r ,;J v A M i:s very muchlio<n lh c 90210," bcm g the! target tm It Rcbccca, w e re u n f a mlilia ili r to h e r . standable. Hi H unter m ade a o f Jennifer says that level. ^ I r f s home n c is fun ahatecanqiaign ? тАФ lend is p ro fi- p o in t o f ack ic k n o w le d g in g i l l p a rt in S in ce m v frien тАФ 1M C . w h o had a sm all b y s o la r pow<jr. a r assistance when s c oi f lan- W iiunanтАЩ.s ass ' m ay be NicholsonтАЩs тАШTw/o o Jakes" a d e n t in the u5C bikes, o r d r i v c s ^тАЬI"cctlic also guage, I w as wwio n d ^ g l f the acuess wo won her Golden t h e co u p le o f y ea rs1 ago, a car. H eтАЩs b ┬л n appoiiv titled H unter was iisinj ang u n iv c i^ - Globe Aw.ml. m l. and you can h e a r t - m ade another m ovie, o\ тЦа B H H hi ' Uie Santa M onica Moi ^ o u n t a i r t x ^ ^ ^ T ^ 'l ( H g тАв..i, to .d o likew ise im p a g n c ." lyaccqrtedsigns gns.тАФtB .Z . - ex p e ct Jie rr to ih i'o b o f '" T h e B lu e C ham c n c C on scrv an 'cy B oard ird. T he тАЬ , ' J ^ a . yтАв y, o u n g That m ovie w as pa perform ance be p a ^ l y fiA : I d u n te r an and h e r sig n sliould tlie pei nel s e ts ic h a e ig h t-m e m b e r panel vith an Academy ultimillion- language teachc cher, D arlene rewarded with gS i r l s nanced by the mull . su c h policy fo r the organij inization | - - - ┬л e^v e r y * aire actor. Jack f( n, actually de- Award this mo month' feels h e тАЩs Allen W ittman, i 4 t surpr !! p ^ _ lh a t_ b u y s _ n a r k |a n dd..i|n .ih c _ I __________ w ---------- fc ^ -h -T l> , , J S an ta M o n ica Moun )un tains 0 _____ 1 gg fM iy C arrev h -c l. ^ тАФ snd adjuccnt mngcs. 15 i.Bcglcy i , 7^ been be u>v > 7711 f l i t I v , .p ro b also serves on the Los Lo! An- H V тАв тЦб b le l e d тЦа E j , ______ bly be in it. B e lieve it ita l - g cIcfi-E nvironm enta -h -e ^ T t^ m fS 9 B b not, C a n ty h53 been tu u j J hr tTiC om m ission., B B y the ------------m g -d o w n ther ole-fofH S T h e w iy V b c g tc y s s o l aSrrJ5 l in 5 P e rry P Pce o p le pa.s( tw o years bccause, fo r th e w as functjo n m g p erfectly en fo [I; I H W hated th e script. He reh while the community, ilT i J W lil k j ity. as a Ethical Trcatm emt ooff A nilanlly signed on only wh / C a r o C y ti whole, faced delaysS ir "T-gcJ* m als (P E T A ). T he i the producers gave him i ^ тАШo K m k f l tin g utilities ninning lUiON DOUJiR ng after has run ads in the i m / тАШ Miixi opportunity to help rcwi cw nte the January earthqiiakc PRODUCBt* ake. wood trade papers cr n I ^ it himself. Needless to┬░ fSiy * Q : W h a t th is a b o u t in g .P e rry тАЩs ne w fill now t h a l 'i t l s s u c h .a . t ,^ J ^ ,f ~ f i e g n t r P a Y i 8 - t > m i ) 733-9026 y | ~ iiiuiicy-inaker, a sequel тАЬ c i i s n u d e o n th e c o v ee rr o f a to th e a n im a l rigg h tts a c y [i already in lh e works. . тЦа ..8lcazy.8ldn mag?,Caii decepUve C a l l HIB 10 f ^ that tivists,. presents a deo FAX: (208)) 733-6112 7: . Q: A re w c th e o n ly > y1J V b e ttu e ? тАФ B J . . view o f anim al cruel тДв=i'y by p i a c B .y o u r M diton Ave. L ┬╗ Twin F*nt. tdah daho'83W 1 1 Boic174M445Adc v iew en n iio g e t Ibose t A : D o n тАЩt a sk th thia t o f rom anticfzing rodeo , lo ok> altk e c r i ti c s , O e b u s in e s s тЦа Geena. ShcтАЩs-fiirious i IS about ignoring the abuse ,o┬░whтАЭi22 to ' _____ :. S h a lit.a n d - J o c L S I e g i c a rd to d a y ! iv e ro fa тАФth e b ulls and calves, - тЦаh e r picture on the eovc TTiiTfH Up? Wrrfi rtiwr httit t-them t o ----recent-issue-of-somnoth ol ingтАФafe-subiectedto-get-th -------- . heads o fh A ifflo J b ig flu c a lle (i тАЬ Celebrity:^SJ тАвтАвpertbrm.тАЭ A ietter-w tBcbes; tbey-coold pass-1 tS HE n S :E E ss T or - S h i 's shb'CT iii hbthiii; fiiiig but campaign to P eirylias brotbcra.тАФ P J . sn a g o r M | p u rp le u n d e rw e a r.. T u rn s launched. S a le s R ep . I G onera/ Manf A: They*re quite difT< iitier- out-the m agazinc.somi amehow___ Q :_ W lia t!s- th is .* ent^ P5T" pi ta k e n Ja c k N ic h o lso n tryii g o t h o ld o f sh o tss tJ sonal D a v is, fresht ooiu t o f tM vmovie io le s fcH-hli "Ac тАЬB i n S " S t a n d * f o r SSccrr v ic c l 1 1 ^ тАФ IF -' B o s to n U n iv e rs ityy , w a s ftie n d to p la y ? C a n тАЩ Tfc* least j o b тАФ g e t woric o n h e r owi тАЬ t m w orking a t her first[ jo ow n? тАФ I^ E S T H T IV I ┬й 3 )o el. T he A Jl. *> ┬о a s a lin g e rie m odel, ! )a i? d l r e z t l t r a m i A i ii^ u u lie be inn g ::8 - b itr m agazrh'e-'aisoniflted i I jU u H lc _ _ L ent hus- harsh. T h ere is a 26 -y e ar 8 Geena and her current f o oo nm s b a n d , p ro d u c e r-d ire i r e c to r a g e d i f f e r e n c e .hicctw f ecn tljn .rri-- . тЦа / f i i .I I ' TC in to Nicholson, 56i and his lover .R e n n y H a rlin , w ere /ears and тЦа R f l | I V 3 v ie s qiate-sw apping wilhh L Laura o f the last several year ^ rx rx m -J fV' m J .C u tk r W ^ ^ a E M TT ll PO- liJ~тАФ jjj тЦа L - ^ i^ lf c S d ia H s h o w KJHTS ' тЦ║ J ? __ PRluemiEKICHUOHT Ptrt3 S h a llt to tl тАв тАв c r itic s ta r-g a z in Siegel c o m e s in w ithh hh f , 1 own plastic b ag o f popcoi >com. ^ тЦа тЦа тЦа тЦа 9 тЦа тЦа tmim m XsmllMpM'i I chats with other m ^ 'aI peo* pe H nr I s H l teOll lajdWonal re MOvKlAtW pie and is quite gregariot rious. .j | H ^^ / m ^ \ u s niOBtngDBM . . Shalit, o n th e o th e r han [land, L B J ' a Gottra tta AFfiGsidUa ; тАЩ rem ains a lo o f an d usual u ally P ^ ^ B B ? reserves any sm all talk Ik ffor LтАФ | B 4 1 th e p r o je c tio n is t.- H Ve ' тЦа тЦа тЦа тЦа @ aSi f r e e^ тАв c o a ┬╗ " _____u i┬╗ _______ Dccati t--------- dbcRn-t'liko-boing-recO{ BHo^N тАвen.-n O N C A B L nized o r bothered. I f neart te┬лt┬╗ttr┬л IтАФтАв; -^ c o n v e rsa tio n is a b ^ t - n e m ovies, w hich it often I , m iis . FREBPREVIBWAprfl9 rjl9 ┬л n d l0 . 1 0 1тАв heтАЩs bcCT know n to put h . S H O W T IM E 1, .fingers in 'h is 'e a is in aahhiтАЮтАЬ W atch for o r ------m orous g esture that seen - S a turday's тЦаto say тАЬ Include m e out." ffe r ! S peclai Offe. resfl тАв Q : W h e n e v e r y o u re┬л anything a b o u t th at hnnc V id ie o c 3 b l тЦа s b m e 'a c t O T ^ 'B ^ ^ T i ' h l j grea t interest ia e n viroi 5 S i _ _ : . _ _ 7 3 3 - 6 22 :3 0 тАв 5 3 6 - 6 5 6 5 ^ , ^ fro┬╗ piwirw._____ ' тАв'm ontH! c a n s c s - is ^ f wva a} y s - ------------- T A ┬л ity .-^bfa┬╗lutacrtbW6 i ^ ; тАЩ Sl I ONLY Th! I HowтАЩs fAfeS ior ""31SS" ing? 1тАЭ I P KLE >*┬о i r J I ttll S M / ^ AEALTOR ^ i/r y kM w a ftl] ||i LYI -YNN R A SM U SSEN j^ A sso c oaATC B r o k e r /P a r tn e r 1 1 M il тЦаIlLUON DotiAR ClUO bV - * OmC┬г: 73^-WO?. W тАв RESIDENCE: 733-2807 H i P.O. Boxc 174 1 ┬╗ T-t4S Addison Avo. E. тАвтАв Ti Twin Falls. Idaho 83303 I wM - тЦа 11^ [a ic o A ^Ma L f jy I j <0 W**t. Twin F┬лll┬╗, ID B3301 155MalnAv┬л.' __________ J 2 0 8 )7 3 3 :7 3 3 5 _ ^ тАФ 14a EMt'ayne Apaar┬╗on:.^:i::-- ~ - - Lg f m'VCOT fr n m n g'A id X !ettters| -: - H e a n n ( Serifice-and-Rcpair тАФ тАФ Sal csrSei ost Major Brands - C s iS . for Most < HUNG and UNDEMANDING 'yOURJfEARII IS OUR CONCERN* iso ^^ тЦа K S ^ * ? M Im IM Ij I P age 14 , |1 тЦа APRIL9.1994 ' NEW S T ┬л0V1ES T I" mo' lAYEVENING ' SATURDAY Q u toM ileSS ieW om rM R o^^ Jecpvdyt (CC) FunllyMatton Dr.Quli stOooUaab/(CC)4lt8 |Hood*A(CC)t 1*266 S3fl тАШjlStOi Tcmicto. oil* o┬л W┬лf (19W. Drama) Jofu Hoard. Prom l< A lOCT " H m 1448101 WhMlotFor* Spoil* Jad. n 9815712 |esar^H3Bonshlpwi^hht^long^strangod[^ad. ) tun┬лT743533 forges t ^ a O ^ B a ^ - ' - iCI B IQ 1 9 ~ тАЭ Im m m m i n ! Q тАЭ T _ o n ._ n . j D (TAmeittrlWffWin┬л-тАФ ItavmiiMWent ^ t o t a t tuM i^ EuTPpearrr^ m jA i (CCy^egft-jwofthsegeтАФ ( o W a w c e'AWwloinlho *A' тАЬ New* (CC) Movie Show Dr. Quinn, Qui UedlcJne Woman Ro┬лd Home CC)40880 5tOnoLuW(CC)&MGO Hcafn(CC)^ тАв*22335 40015 тАШJuStOi romton.Aioen oil* of War (1994. Dramo) John Hoard. Promb тАЬ Biny0oh'*CourtiyOl4GO Spoil* KKVI EB3 Jad. n 75712 )cs a rtiatimhip with his bng-cstrangcd dad. . Iwgesj mlcRelkfS7e53S rooie. Anliishmanseeksn>-' B**tofComlcl ' Mufphy'*W4T-**(W1)Pclef07ook ID m ID (Q GO ESPN . ji icw. 577809 тАв venge aflcf a U -^ l msssocm his ocw - I' KIDS II 3 -14,1994 W e e k Of A p r il 8 - J m ^ j A r S t T Y o i H T I m C ^nedy) RieJvirt PryChannel 2 RushUm31004 |┬л . Gene Wider. MercodesRinhl. johl. 63248 New* 55644 baugh310 hlng Wild * * * (1986) Jeff DarAils. A^mystery my; lady R) A (CC) ' N e┬л 1785644 Somethlnj [Commlth 'Hero' (R) a rrikf-mannonxj oxecuth^ to adventure. 0.5303151 53 whislaarn 2858557 ------:^|{onAh)тАФ n-------|TBMrrt┬лtBr'[tntJw┬╗te(C^ 56847 93W тАв -[43083 nBerThe 1)3002 A&E 3 I e M ^ * w l G u l d n M ┬л ^ ^ 3) aplUlGang Netrtnljh^TNBwpiiaS Sport┬╗тАШTMlghl[(^pl [490286 |642647 i|738083 -: 455101 [4559^11 4 ^ lJ -. [(R)7 roit tNatonsI Dnisnn Championship - Detroit 460 MjJorlndoofL*cro**┬лN3t Spoit*eenterWl46( 3. (SarrxHUy Tape) 208267__________ Turbos at Buffalo BwK┬гa.(┬г ____________ 5T ) 7 1 ) F ^ 0 T ^ . An Irlshnianjc&kuih. M rflR l-T . ┬лurphy:*.War.** (19711 Comedy on.tteBw issaacTh^'cnnir. 662480___________ venge afler a U-boat massai 581002 li lui4J>Hoild(R)KiT-I22 тАЬ lh.iy'тДвll┬╗r.jM,IWtlH| тАв lUlUli y, Diplomatic Ucense 457861 Sportscenter 3018^ BestcfComlfc-----Rellet 165039 terwr 663G┬╗ >66703 ness o( rape, (fi) 727002 тАв mal* 237644 1002BC тАв . I .Comedy) Bob Hope.- [UveGhMt ~" Oot-Town OflUmlts **┬╗(1953,Co 'sBlgNlght **(19┬╗,Comedy) HMiidnightPT" Idr Aboordl Riding Ihe Rails of Casanova'* Bl< тЦа FlveCardSlud **(1┬╗6e. AIIAbc 542923 I r . тЦа 451557 01549151 M Sckoy Rooney. 524977 Joan Fontaine. 817199 [troll lerlcari Fllni (R) 049002 BoOHope, WcslCfn)DDanMaH)n.8309l5 Anertc LFantasy) Sharon.. I Shop *,(1986) Michael OavMWrtohl,Tvw Tw - I Priric**┬╗Wa┬╗rlof-*s(19M7iif lice [Duckmsn A тАв -j TfMM alibJ^nisi her Reid, RobinHarris. Arap WeWSdeflce " Mou┬╗eP┬╗rtr***{1990)Cftristophefl m m si ]тЦатЦа AMc _ iiwsi ihfws sn Irnpn:^ housa bash. 1575 |LeoJono3.Danj FredstL 371575 тАвeach front biUni boulkjue. 113625 14 (CC) 704129 broUm Inherit a beai ih.ni1!>609 . ... [CC)754444 / sd-[Berrts-eufl.тАЭ ' lishmash cf mctaTs massSu musical modporii'A'" [H┬╗i┬гlia7>g^<BanAm^ om MTVs covcrBgo o( Beavlt-ButL Beavl*-8utt.тАЩ ' Liquid Tekrri- jspoi B ) E B a ] Q g usA " ySpring Break Revitiled H┬лhl>shts fromI 602377 81199 u'Jtions, A 288538 671199 ' *lon237266 3811 6S2004 ., Spring Bnakl9W .n 026280. . ~ Sp6tugl.t-. тАШ 1732400 potllghi тАЩ Top21 CoLinidown(R)73: SpoUlgM Spol untiy Countdown Host Center Stage fllx (^ Weekend Jam 775737 ICountr B B) ca тЦа' WTV . .тАЬ ll 456213 26004 190335 71B880 426( vis 1Tnl(R) 451083 (R) 111828I [Travis im P^Program 170тАФ [PaldPri>gram [Paid Program тАЬ :Out 032847 . . Anything but - Can 4fry Shan. Chin* Beach (CC)-015170 ┬╗y Wagner. PaUacorrvKtas ClrisNlsMOut тЦаw ToBelltoBwr(1992.Dr3nn)Llndsay\ S . ; . , VH1 907949 274335 279915 ling 389731 U ve202ii8 [dllnj jrrpany,93l118 тЦаkiU)Jonslhsn for rocagnilion Intho nxrp tftT Paid Progran evio Paid Program Paid Program )0Ulght(R) CCU-TVA [ZoiaLevid t r The McGregor Counlry Music Spoti Rod Taylor. SrwwyRhrerT " AGathering o(E*g>es ***(1963)))Rod(Hudscn, Ri SD IQ 10 J ; UFE 6- тАФ 201489 ----- 2e0441-_ .... W2395________ Slsmpede'-9┬╗373- 9 1 6 6 0 9 ^тАФтАФ^ - ----------- 647267-------- 666016whBbandr92e944-------- Ss^*TheSto - J; ^^iMiBOTd Airrertewteleaynhert тЦа ED S ^ . ORTS I SPOl le a i Ptckrt Fence* 'Buried Alivo*Tl A ^ n t^ lls ' nger'Tho News(CC) [SporiJBej Walker, Tern Ran^i 1***461382 151 (CC) 44731 ;) 60644 67731 Sat 33151 LongHai>rn(CC)6 *Cro**lng ****(1990)Gobrt>fBymo,/i R)A(CC) SIskelA Ebert Mlder'sCr ^ Commlsh 'HcroтАЩ (R) тЦа06064________ jnderling oDsses an Irish crimo kxd. 220601 - 20625 Italian unde 57118 ay h Night Uvo Host Kefsey Grammer, MuVomcnin New* 28267 Satuntoy i n [Nurses n WInnetka RoadV/or ┬лfotn n lUommletlR) lEmptyNestn ' Entertainment Tonight Rutgcf Blo*┬╗o (iladlalars e s t Owight Yoakam. A 135286 160 siealgycst Lovo'ri(CC) 48460 K3SAS CD 75977 A (CC) 13625 (CC) 64625; [(CC) 96460 iJ ^ Haucf. n (CC) C9002 (c q:) 7; Be*i ntcou[CryptTale* [CryptTile* Ull **i[1990}BoaoMidtcr,Anarr^cnla MostH imled,n._ Seeoe*Fromi M all p*(CC) Cop* "Cops In AmerkalaMojI BaI>ylonSTlomtoltioPufplo' Copt(i тАФ Whorehse------------тЦа тЦа-[59422 --------4S354--------^flnthciranntvo^\94083' тАШ _____________ p!o QiAinqcsbartBi KTKV 3 2>*(R)AтАЩ{CCV'87*2 ' |p A ---------- BPasO-4170- (CC)ei89&-_ ------- COM' sihray Sta┬лon'Hin-nnr(1992)-JufttlO Chri eSfe^vW id тАФ 1 nger'Tho' New* 6 2 4 9 ^ TheR^hr e'AWhoto in me Walker. Texas ^rigi Quinn. Medidiio Woman Road Hora^-^ ~ si SUrTrek: Deep Space Nine Dr.Qui l-G^ 3354----------- bw^ttw - f\ (C-C)-t i u m . m1. jj WowH┬лKH6GHO^aтАФ e*'Voyeur'A (CCi; ┬лb Deep Spaee Nine [Untouchable* тАЬV ngerlhe New* 42170 SlarTrefci e'AWholo in the Walker. Texas Rangi Quinn. Medicine Woman Road Home *A' тАЭ Cni*3den 7CC2S Or. Qui ofAcqutsiton'83354 [oSOaT TlulcsofA :C)7064 Long Hour A (CC):)7828 7 KlOK D I* '^ ' aO Head* C\ (CC) i -Jibj O noL uW (C C )l┬л4 no. An ambitious"тАЭ ***s(1990) Gabriel Bymo.^ R) A (CC) News 6257719 MlilefтАЩ*I Crossing Cr SrrtwTAieen Commlth'Hero'(R) oil* of War (1994, Drama) John Hoard, Pnsrrti тАЬ Star Spoil* St Trek Ttie NextGenerv iKJening crosses on Irish crtno lord. 60904: ┬╗0420 ______ j Italian in k Jad. 0 44199 42606 ya a rdaiiatahip with his kx>┬╗cslranqcd dod. L lion [R} 0.{CCJ.3oa47____ {grgg.1 kii>^jPerni3j^*__ ay fNight Uvo Host KclsoyGrafnrTwr,M7II N┬лw*S(460 Saturday < n [Nurse*┬лfl┬лkJJuRo<┬╗d--WVomlmtnтАФ or ~ Humberl----- iPrtmaSutP^ B l .tto e ^ m n |MommlM(R)-|E<┬╗ptyNe*t7r icsri>inghtVoekamrA-44e09 тЦа ------ j< [Parwef'ijflr'' ^BlC q'COOOZ ,.'?y!. 5 1тАв* Count[y3286 ti( :)1712 jn(C C )y22 [iccr6660 |(R )n4538 (CC) 15 T o n -a * c < U11B170 TyWngWeekendCa^^ P r b n e fIe w n C C n 3 3 5 3 ^ T L ^ :) 1109422________ j___________ |(CC) C Ivo} [Baseball lay Nighl Thunder, FromVentura. CaM. (Uvo). тАЬ Speedweek lAuloRadngSatunJayf [Tonight 323199 |331335 ^Q ]Q 3 ~ ) l 8 ; 3 0 | 9 j 0 ^ M ~ |^ ! тЦб Q} Q DSC Dancln'SpoU imeniw HeeH*w(R) A611538 OpryBack- jOw irsndOpry Stader Bros. Sheby Lynne. iBerBro*. Shcfiiy Lynne, tho Ho* Haw 0V4842B6' 48 [StaBef stag* 754557 | b24: 24737 Amaang Knakh. 474809 M __________ ^ _ 332774 lazingKrcskin. 475538 Amazir 978,Btography) non BoundforGlory ***1(1976, тАв (:10)KongFu'Sunj nondOoud (:15) Kung Fu'The Demon (;05) Kung Fu'Aleihoa* :C16g5623---------------------DJVMCniT3<flnc7RsgTytaccCl6 I I 00^7437809-------------51369165 ........... .............. SKadow*25281441 ;r) Henry ivo) Tentade* **(19T7. Horror) H( Fonda, ]ueB┬╗ebaRAllanta raves al Los Angelos los Dodgen FromDodger Starfem. (livo) Uajort^iME SheSoy Wrten. T*ne Appfoximal limalo. 571593 726915' "тЦа in 290083 тАЬ Lexicon 3?a26[WorW Vision 29 31107538 ^ ^ isj(:45) SuperSibado Sensadonal 3ii U Programa do varladados o>n Oon Francis-" (5:00) Sibado GIgante lntem┬╗ck>RiJ Pi - CO.S55GS644 (5 iiian F-Troop LuqrShowтАЬ Dick Van DykT Unlikely Couples Unlikelyduos team up for forrtmsnce. [A Hitchcock ISuperman D&Stlmpy [AreYou [VeryVeryUnia 'ClaristaEx- iPeU&Pete |Ren&: тАЮ B13403 тАвI [674149 __________467083 , 476731 1_____ 656828 )731 [Afraid? [585828 plain* 949977 903557 230731 ------- Q } a s B i e - ┬г A M тАФ тАШ ^OpryBKk- iGrwdOpry it*geG264W 62era 5) Kung Fu 'An Eyolor an lKungEuDark_Afl3er6C609l5 (:05)Ki ^ _____________Eyo>'тАЩ┬╗0155441 тАЬ rrr ~ i c nguTBSkiangU.S;Of^r^Salute.(U< i (Urt) 111267 тАФ тАЬ BD IB f f l f f l i^i TKT' ' E B G )a iI O ^ THN E B S B fa ^ m тАФ тАФ IT" :i;;. um . S ) BO ED CB 1 0 'r (Q _ waukoe Bucks at Chfcago B(i!$.Freri ChiC ┬лagoSo5um.(U┬л) Dgc |New*(CCJ NBA BsjketbaJI Mlwsu _________ |540712 298002 тАЬ Rat Patrol John MiSs, SyMa Syms, Anthcny Ouaylo. eeCold InAlex ***(1956, Drama) Johr Hm |Ana JIarmy ambiianea officar loamsol a spy In iylnhlsaw ,0OSS8O ........................... 263565 md [Alm o┬╗tPi^ tarioVan Peebles. Fomw soldiors defend Jaitholomow. [ P ^ ^ * * (1993)Marto ntFuglU m **1(1989.Comody)fMI |ColtJusbc┬л(mDnima)Car1Baii ' Uaitbtns4 **(t99?)Caey Thru 5489........... abiadilownshipfranKKKi M<iridera.A.(CC)68004557-_.. . [nant19991652 to. MartinShort n(CC) 30548248 .........., KeHfiAnlrmMkoWlles.A41154. - Peldniy . n 1722118 -- .|NoBa.li . Pondl WWaksr. (Uve) A (CC) 18640967 r┬╗b***{t992) ┬╗7 Sld*Ucks **┬л(1993.Dn 1. Drama) Chudi Norris.' j Fbul Analytb [:omedy)8a|Boxlr)gSaiitDsCenionan!^ ~[S:45) Ghottbutm * * * (1S84;Corr TMc тАЮ | Minay, тАЬ <.36519083 __________ Jonathan Bramfa, A -P >g(CC) g( 0419625 RietaniGare.3( n-P C (CC) 3008803 . . - - тАЬ┬л i [~ m "^T 89 тЦа тАЬ ci "BuiSeyi pj, 660a┬л4 ^ ipsldeOown*** , J i r S I e T l I S r j S o R ^ t o n n e^lT ^ n ^ T T o g a T jV la a D i!^ ^ jto fO i┬╗ n e H T ┬л c tT ┬╗ n ^ M 1 9 ^ . PetaтАЩ┬╗Dr┬╗gen * * i(1 9 7 7 )n F*erie U)873441 lrh.6gT5267 ___________ [557: 5735625 [0UviaN0┬лl0(Kk5hn. 872711 ing Hood (CC) 275625 [paStoEstrh-t (CC) 87155373 Rkfingl aiorsM'l'WWffWfTyswsiny* * *ir(1999)B2y---------*Vi f in o a H ^ тАЬi^ i9 9 3 rc fi┬л i┬л -sia ie r:A 'trA'VfflgrKi'Bnga~[ Hots┬л*lttt r ┬л Wr(l99?)Sti7virMan>rA'samiywanrcmo r тЦа SlfttfA a iReadyorNd" TlnSS sher^A 2313557 _ _ Q l Q I Q I B m 0>3N . - Lq 'busboyJ3eoittaniinaa!┬╗Jonaficc.-Q.(CC)j^ IC) 349246---'-'-тАФ h┬лt5rtjnto.nn,Bixh(te ty>erfi.!i'┬л..OiCC)J2┬л15.__________ ___ _ CwaL tegl^C afT io.Fphy. ***.878315- (CC)7A!<22- SbytUB rama)Frod ttlhe Sooth BMcfi **(1992.Draria stovorTwolurMov- HMlolWn * * ┬╗((1389) (! Patrick Swayze, A hill dan stalks ft in ┬л Worts * * (1990, Comody) Emiio Estove тЦа EwiyTimeW#S┬╗yGoodbye Uenti q U a s f f l ^ show, j ity, 1662170 [WiSixnson. Gaiy Busoy, Vanity, 1 gartjago men snMout loxfcHRStBamr-(<>. 2 ^.22724110 ' mobsterswhokaodtl id lhe> trothcf. A (CC) 904064 тАв - * * (l9 8 6 .0 ra n a )P W ^ Iriggarl aim - NICK ; il WCN Bi тЦа ^K i HBO 1(5: OCTw6i?AUSCA)5wm Ul y~\ тАвVCTWOeiaeiWADCAOTOUTSBCf Tmol тАФ .- ~ ~ '[-T w rrA D acw B D S^ ┬лS CHANNO. NSOMEAREAS. ┬л>JEKWE.WDBEU.,GOOOMOANOFn^OOHOTR┬гCOVET┬╗S OOC LLANDFtfR. n m sijKJEROiiLsooouajNEiffiaL, тАФ ___..M.^iKXBBaaAOCASTPH ! KETCHUH I .......... SUNVAUFT _тЦа _ I 'BURLeV.RUPCTT; n - IтАФ-fAUUHOftUW( ., . ..... r HniMim - ...........U^WTOOVTCAIU P ' - ' * j. . I Week of April 8 -14, 14,1994_________________ ___________________________ Saturday s ________ r ho lums Into D soasooal 00977861 12:30 8 ( 6 6 ) SISKEL & EBERT EfтАЩt Lara ScivxJulod: 'nvocsomo* (Lan Flynn Boyto):тАШRod Rock W o sr(N ┬л^ C o go );*a if(cnT (Math Short):-Sikint _______ ^ n ^ ^ (R tv o f PtKionix). ^ f | I i f J J I M тАв - 1 ^ 0 SPORTS LATEWlGKT z: 72B861 тАв [ill COMEDY SHOWCASE (CC) 24671 b o CROSS TRAINER Q) SURFING World Boctfboard ChampJcnships. CTapod] 384316 f e B ^ V IS AND BUTT. _______HEAD (R) 0 277107 , _ m STAND UP SPOTUGHT _______ Loh Bfomrio<d: Slovo O: Vic __________ ^Page \ 5тАЬ - 15 i y ' s ;C o u n try\In In n woodi 1 3 2 0 O v e ria n d A ve. 13: . тАШ B u rie y . Id a h o ^ тЦа ET m DREAMT1ME4966 m ^ BD PAID PRC GRAM 698497.247107. 330661 ionpoCS GETSMART8123( ^ I S HEADUNE NEWS criminal, G o rm n y CtTofcing - W 'y K en t a n id d IL e e W o o d lan d : O w n e rs pi ! s ..- a ^ i: 4 ^ ^ f f M 0 V I E D 0 t t W P h o n e 6 7 6 -6 0 6 4 _________ L *x(1991.ScioncoFMalc тЦаp ............................ ^ * TlmTliorTVsrson. JacWo I тАвt t Haloy, A diminutive olion Deo olTicef takes on Now ^ ^ l A - S p e c i a li -l - L i m i t e d T i m e 0 ' York's street gangs while тАЩ. f E S s : :: тЦаClf^ III suing on IntcfDalactic crir __________ f r o m III A M 15307749 1:55┬о N E W S99851720 ~ / ^ - тАЬM^YdleyitgomgVt'ire t 2:OOOS1SKEL&EBER EEK^ I;-' Sctwdulod;'Throc5omo' ibic Se n icc OW rSEP& OPERATED C .bic KkJs.a YourLQCALLHIU 202039.279565 INCB SABADOGIGANTEINTERNAaONAL (Unido cn Progroso) P ro s o n t^ por , тАв Y o u ' v e bb le e n t h i n k i n g 'a b o)uUi t Don Frondsco. Con la muska t t тАФ _________ тАФ :тАФ do Franco do \┬лa,-Joso Josor " " тАЬ ' t тАФ n o wwтАЩs ' t h c t i i n c - t o - a c t ! !тАФ тАв -P oeh ivsuC ocotend vB тАФ ^ ~ тАШ2 1 ^ -----------PadTT ^ un Gofifnomoraa LARRY KING WEE cion do Marto Morono *Canlir>END ScivxIuJod: City Wc (bs; con omnjvistas do sus mxjp of youngsters from ┬гU тАЮ F O R O N L ontioos y osconos do sus YorXwtw promote racial po5ailasymas.(R) 561841 H -------ancc through song AndOUSE..... d . ED MARYTYI^MOORE ___ _ PQrformarxas. (R) 37033 O ltc r 186661 WтАФ ------ T O -H O M frW O eo S ^ ^ v c x p i r e s so o n CD HEADUNENEWS r STARS JooyLavffenco _____ 93M497 -------------- -----' rBlossomI, Sally Jossy aJohnw K K K I m '^ ' 1 12:35 ENTERTAINMENT RophDol.BobBaJkor.M┬г jalob' TONIGHT RulgorHoocfdlssW W H B p iB M M M Monroe. (R) 873126 _______CUSS03 his roTo In tho upconv .IQ AROUKDTHEHOl Tn T n w n ^ , mg iwn, surviving (fio iiomo.' 5964855 тАв less ___ F o r le s than 6 S i p er day 0 OD MOVIE TO KILL FO A(CC) 3528661 l a MOVIEAUEN 3 *тЦа*тЦа* тЦа * * (1 9 9 2 , Suspense)AT^ be watchin g ;. ' y o u i could Cf (1992. Sdonco Fiction) Michod Madsen. Laura J , Advenfrv S e w ^ ( son. A detocUvoтАЩs soxual Sigourney Woovof, Chnrks S. Ava 1 1 тДв !. E S тАФ Ouilon.RipfoyralliosaorDupтАФ session wtlti a murder a, suan \ CountryMim of wooponlou convicts m 0 j l tspcni J t Ennrtw jprotod^ I J { ^______ _ ? ^ F ^ ^ N e illc g n y w a dosporuto attempt to kSf tho тАФ I 's 'd in g ln g fS T ie r p5sf:in a ' slngfe. mothiPwfib's' olion staDdno (hofn. A (V) ( P B ^ ┬оS H g U N B C f f ^ x>ut e s tr a n g e d p a re n ts a n d . ------- 7347010--------------.----1994TV ^ram aaboi 66456942 lUr-^I MOVIE55DAYS A1 ' 1 2:4510 MOVIETHEHAND i l e t e e f r t g e s o n . - A B C , ------- * - 1 - l-^ J r ┬╗s PEWNG * * * (1 9 6 3 .AAaim i s ILE ' THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE turo) Chariton H^ton.Av тЦа * * * { 1 9 9 1 ,Suspense) ........Gardner. In 1900CWna, i MR) 1 0 } phy, d o b u tin tW ssd -ficte^ ^ Annabofla SdofTO. Robocm3 Bohrondt and Scan Murphy. a '' . A/norican major trios topi Do Momay.A wxnan posing ^ (51798331. . . Weslomors from Iho violc roslrfalslimoonthok┬╗so.{V ns tho ideal nanny ombarioion on B l SECRETS OF THE ({ of Oiirtoso natiorialisb, (\ DEEP*GreolWhitosofAusa campaign o( tornxтАЩogairtstl o0 J-541039 тАв. & T h c - ' ^ ' ^ c ^ C h haain n c l _____ftEnSyj5h s ,tt┬л w s far hof hus-i┬╗iralla'SctontistsBndcotww тАв S I JU sncEFiLESV ┬лa ^ bonSlS'SVU^u lu^uvullw txintfsdoath. A (VT055D229~ ................... of nipoholpmisopid)licllOfybO--------------------------тЦ║OptlOt elonai P rcm inm C h aaacls man has non ng to (oar ton 1:00 0 ^ 6 3 PAID PRO┬н irpand awareness of tho olmo.( тЦа 1 : lS ^ ^ R E W A T C H A GRAM 68942.609403. тАв tho OTcal wWlo sharit (R) тДв 474519 lock at oducatioruil software NOW ATr O C U R N E W L O C A T I OO ^N 603229 f f l movie FIVE CARD IG * for chiJdfon. (R) 536958 O-W rтАФ S i MOVIETHINKINтАЩ BIG -----------O W ) NBC NEWS NIGHTтАФ ' e . E . - * T w l n F a l l s тАв 7 3 3 l-OM -O i O------------2148 4th Ave. 0STUD,**(1968.W osto jvJof. (T) DESIGNING WOMEN (1986. Comody) Bruco Andt SIDE 361300 RuvTA OoonMdriin, Robert Mltd r c lc s s . ┬о R c m c n ) b c r ...I f iii t ' s n o t I H T , I t ' s n o t wivi ir E son. Nancy Buochlor.TvA Q NEWSNIGHT UPDATE Aprooehofandagambto arvSTRUNAWAYWITHTHE o p t i c a l buddies tako cont 807958 -------------тАФ fortxa to-sofw the mysler ^ .. RICH AND FAMOUS Soap parathfoonotoniy to extreme r a BABEWINKELMAN'S> 11 A hind a lynched caidsnarp 5 vMIo scouring the boochIfor - - - stars FtonoHiMilson and OOOD RSHING(R) 770565 . тЦа hisrivornurdofodocquoTr John Vlscarrfl InJamaica. (R, wim on.-A(V) 452942 :тЦа ID OVC JEWELRY OUT┬н ^ tancos. 937403 тАвR 416855 m TODAYтАЩS WEATHER LET 6760768 QJ QD S I PAID PROG ) AUTO RADNG CM тЦа10 MOTOWORLD (R) 7547749 GRAM211497.611768. NA NASCAR C r a r ^ t o ^ ^ U0U1D TELEVISION r 532652 ^ COMEDY ON THE 521671 ┬╗D^ m ^ W G N E T 435300 h ┬лS65 E u JoW EH oioA Y IN N m r a WEEKEND JAM 9545┬г ROAD HoslJohnByTwftwti 1 0 HEADUNENEWS * * s . *i*s(1942.M uslcallBing 1 IB MOVIE THE BLOB *< Cobb's Comody Qub In San .(R ) 5293720.......................... Itove Cfoaby.FnjdAHaifnjVnofto тАФ S A L E S тАв S E RRVV I C E тАв R E P A I R тАв ------..............(i9SB.Sclcnco Fiction) Stow . . . FrondscaComicalncludfl'.тАФ lul Ing his fiancee, Oman retreat HARUS & V iaO R TORCI RCHES MJLUR WELDERS Chrto Hobbs, David Anthony. i. McQuoon, Anota Corscaul on toтАШhbConnoc┬╗cut/armwt\id' McOuoon rnado Ns sooon Patton Oswald. Grog S H O P R E P A IR F O R CO M P L E T E IN-SH ^ q IJ5 ... n r-in -t.h p -r.n iin miry------ J m S: -H T O^ ┬░ I CALL1 . 7 z z ___________ ~~ j тАФ ^ тАЬ тАв ^ ^ V V p i n a n ccing ir тЦатЦа---------- ' тАФ = c locl<тАФ ------'s D a y is - n e a r - G e t- h s r - c o:olleclibie lt c le a n e d a n d r e p a ir e d toe today. c e n iflc a le s ~ ~ 4 2 3 -4 0 8 0 = 7 ; ------- ArallablB^^ ┬о | Ible /W Avallabli O n All1 .... W e ld e5rs rs 1 ^ I ^ 0 treats rf\icti llectible Clock: IRepair 3 ^ ^2 0 . ^ FETYEQUIPMEMT тАЬ ^SAff! SALES hSEKVlC i v ig | тАв m tEEXTMCUlSHER i MEDICAL CASES ESftLEASES 4 F A L L S тАв 7 3 3 - 9 5 5 3 / F aa x : 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 - 9 ^ A ft r r Houra C aU . 7 3 3 - 9 UnS o r 7 3 4 - 1 6 6 0 ------------- I ^ W |*INDUSTiUALfirMl _____ _ |┬╗CYUNPaSAl┬гS I N F A U ^^ 0 ^ 2 ^ 0 7 тЦа 5 тАв ' | ' | p |b o jc a lg y o B KgTT a i ' ^ ftowisttis Id S ^B i i B B .Zmrw) rcT m lyitto tO тАвтЦа *┬лv> jiB ^ y,1jC0 !OfTA<0 .. ^ . ICWAifJ \'i7^'-M l5St5j ^ jeai q j f l j " ~ | AU i ? - - - ~ jm e E0 ┬лAoain Wlldi┬л# MytWnw (P, 456745 Ho┬лntA( iI1┬л5 (ft) 6110 AMc тАЬ тАЬтЦа ffl ID oa _ m e i┬л ┬╗ 720749 '49 jтАЮ Jame) G^eascn. Joan WooOiur/. toi t922 19229 j(4:00) j j Top 20 Vid┬л9 Countd(Jwn(R) 0619300 - .' vHi S 3 m ID J ES G3 n ' - ifortyKaogttyCM* **{1937 ContU, ┬лtfj) Ttrrytooni. ,jSeootj)fD┬л ES USA тАФ 807120 |4W ta ED Q] e s a B ES FAM ^ тАв тАЭ tnn _ Thitl┬╗VH-lCountry97i2t3 JitBMK*nn┬╗dy83┬╗42 Tos - тАв cp O - тАФ ^ -UN' HICK DB тАв 7151 J810519 Choir 37749 ┬лAX Uan83229 C3652 7759479 80855 (CC) ;i9 тАФ [HomeShowтАФ jjaT ahowtlme ilie h NBAaatkd-------тАФ rT.u^rfDacov^tsarajy-ToajyiTsc' cciBiCSii~tBrettli!rPicvi tCC3тАШ┬л85l9 \irftx-.fl jirfCTf.Tsr^ тЦа-{. ................... ...... }m 774 ____ 7W?1 _ bh┬лn r.fii?yi h. V Wee)rtnft^ . World Soccer Week fntH KBSn N ┬лnS y(C C ) Sdenco-Ttch. View742836 [232792 586687 V 580403 214958 AutoRadng Wrttr55e67i Road to Indy~ A Sporticenti 141213 226213 1 OnthtUenu iSoun urces [R) 45*652 [4939: 3923 Sports Rtportars Skating [Clapprood ┬лd Lifrtimi Uagazine Anchored by Figure F Uve 858311 S316- Lisa Mcficc.(CC) 397300 тАв. 3 : [1938. Musical) ISupafUarior ~ i VW┬╗hUd(CC) That-iUyDog pUni5 nkyBrew- American Healthy Kldi Kid UttieWstBroadway **┬╗(193( Bre*. 383107 17 :395042 A7B1738 тАЩ Her 1 72942 ShirleyT6fnple.JimmyDuranto.60 0.607045 ir 131279 [Baby 126229 (R) A 7729 ullBassmastart TfvcUn'USA r i Truck P ew er'W n ntn n ^ IRATodey- inikMUdng Racediy y7^ tnH^emian [BIUDane* OuLlB A [ a 145300 (R)AS50Z79 79 193724 1 768300 . A 76 767671 [758923 48483C 465316 754107 [/ FlinUton rtone* 9133687 ┬л87 Wild, Wild WetfKoh' Jeniso Dared. ; ^htolGr┬лnWeifwafd the Women ** * * * (t95t. Western] Robert To)tor. Oenis K2W97........................ ---------- (Womenginejtlomefllhei ther maiHrter husbands.-Cofcrtrt--;19S?9 g* |2 ) the Creek * (1984. Comody) Ten Mathe: iCaptaJn Piantt [2 Stupkl Dogi ]: Stupid Dog* (:05) Growing lUpth ;i962)ScoOBa┬лr ilheson.Glwy-soctiing I Zappedl * (19E 8421708 210881B {874G010 30551774 ; Paint 8508010 co:cgi icgianS conpeio in a mUiica raft raco. 393 3931923 тАЩ |WiCisAames.305 P<piSc4tefO(R)27S768 тЦа ............. тЦатЦа LaSwU inU UfM N u w ln F ^ l- Lnicon_30039 >39 1TemaiyOe7 ' la 829'56 tb4tn 15774 тЦа 48107 D┬лnnlt273e07|Un{(ftdog 814132 l┬лrmouM BfoUejulee 0┬лifl┬╗ftt 624519 19 482942 Onl Robert* CfiwUna Undo 2C7381 81 rattfemamkiA^i Johnny Canale* 61I1B05., IB ... .[CalardonTV.. [Control(R) (R) . jUCamlonetii^ManoAlma^ 40942 76855. mada. Los Tlgn┬╗ del Norte. 69519 >519__________ _ ReniStlmpy RockoтАШ*Ufi r O f^ CtariiuEx-. [Pela&Pett iTomorrow IT People 235836, 864497 598942 . plains 473294 853361 , P LoontyTunas e t iLooney Tune* DougM7774 Rugra srat* 103923 2295958 94604 5045 PtoplotoPeo- N┬╗w┬╗ (CC) 8858; 185830 pll275872^ - тЦа тАв' Stax Search (R) A sa 806565 UfeityleioftheRichandF idFa- Silent Legacy Baseball _______ moot (R) 356229 B29564 . . 382381 n ra t^o^u m b ? ┬╗ a ^ Pooh Comer Two Tr w a T lA la d d lr^ ^ M ouM fd T Tw( of тАв Kind * (1983. Fantasy) John Q[|^ Nfirion-John. S700071 тАв [24338749 |CC) 737045i [c┬╗J*643C52_ |c 395478 01)^ Umbn ibrellaTree My Little Pony Secret LH e< jJoonChSiieBrownAIad^ 39474 >743 Tale*4Si229 Tlyi6S577 i5774 [875836 [307213 ~L┬лa(Wft┬лan ; L : 9949213 ^OOlArablan; [Xlghtl 577297 _ [N iilyc*pertonc┬лlfw Bedtir dtlmSto- R ic h a r S s^ Parenthooc iood ***(1989)SloyeMarttn.Al3milyc; ~ r(et4' 1495361-- 562861-------- prcMunKOt ┬л otjasing thiilren. n-wo78720 I Captain Amerv " ConfMiIoni lUinthonliUn * * *tx(lB76)Di^ x (l Hoffman.Agraduout&j-тАв |Hoot┬лotWu**┬╗(1953.HorTor)W H Vncem Wind **(199^)Matawwk iwtoijino. The U?S. sailing 1^ raoa:.тАвTc _ тАЮ 016045 тАШf a Naifwar atmiul. 802039 . . . [f dent bid [ha maty 8 N |Prico. KJrii. Frank Lovejoy. 9062┬г B294....... . towinbadcUnAmerica'sCq I O y. A (CC) 93130381 .............[iC Ica97100749тАШ ; Munich 49C010 ^ CO . . B , |┬л mi n m ^ tmc hbo , тАв тАЭ RrebaltFcr;------I BreatjattWittit fiUi tht Art* Kaaieen Ba3e S05J a! n e UetrcpolOn Ue Th* Great Impoitof * ***(l960)TonyCurtis.-Hait┬лaWcn:A-* [UjscjnriArtlF! nono&igpn^essicinab. 487497 ┬лward54in4 ; W FfW i mereswfei Degas 292861 dropout lives his life impcrsa C oM ┬лSfigM uftr**j ISltUrAi If Ad тАв**(1992.Comcdy)W)ioopiGol(SM *ttwg.AReno n a f f l m m i s H o w ^ j(1^)Kevi┬лvKlif┬╗.-┬л476a┬╗g i┬╗>inQ8fpoM┬лManunloc!ijdeino08┬╗a┬лii UUiftl60327B kwft9*┬╗ii 0 9 01 mNBABasket' m Your Busi- NBA Showtime i ne** 28861 19010 b btfl 742661 : ' jBusiBu iBunny'(Al^tan3lC8Cl g j | WQH - - 874720 8тАЮ ------- itfang2M2M 03 Q ID IS ra D'9N Spoken Wort~ Paid Program r KHL i Hockey 37519 28768 2225132 T a WMk in Rock SprtngBflukR* SporU/ UTVJams Countdown Host тАЭ R ik RavWtad H ^ i5┬л s fron JJTVs ow3g< 3geotS()nngBftJ!i19┬л A60J478 Saiw ofld W __( A 7_┬л>C67 ,____ in _____ (RIACC076B) 323923 _____ Bii Bellamy,.A 399768_____ Jn jJonathan RT-^ TICtl'233774 тАв, Sunday Bfvncti: Brvnch lUyGetwr^on 441661 (R)749300 1123213 IPrincTv. ;тАв Valiant iHuthcJIft 31 682120 |202331 ' iFHoUtom | bM7749 G.T. Am>- tion P^froBW tr PrtffTosr (R)237294 484300 |nte3┬л) 297316 949132 9454( 475652 (R) 862039 (I Great VotesтАЭ ThtCirtRuth **┬╗(1955.CoT. Gxicdy)RD┬╗M PaidinFuU * * i (19 (1950) ReMft Onvninss. Tw sislers bees xcsmo Laughing Towedtna тАЬ < roma.'iScatyinvofvoda Russe3.EfliieAlbefL 157010} d┬╗ith[he5amcmin,92ie0l _ Gravy 828720 Hole 220039 8622768 ' PInli Pinth┬лr A 38374Q Q CE) 0 3 HomAoain (R)49C768 (Off Air) (Off ┬гB┬гa ^ JKL, _ . тАЭ тАЬT тАЬ тАЭ тАв тАЭ JtUont ijU F ^ fte K ^ T o B e A n n e ln jncKl w *40774 42720 [ nichlld WWF_AltAm*ricanWre*fllnflr тАв 1House Parrp тАв ICfilpmui oiunki... S u p ┬л r { G J - ^ I I T .T. (Choitoatarj Teenage HtnjalTetm enagi Hfnii [ftiy BHsy Spi- jProblepLC^ >45 137328 74J743 75158* Tixrtlet 489720 TurlJe rlJe* 591519 der 402671 (CC) 13612i 453Q4S 6120 757768 .. * * тАв *400)jr : ' ------- CD IB C B fflO C D Q тАвhti Boiw Thti 6126 Week 7612 roes al P┬╗i(J Pfogr*ni PaidProfffiffl iPiidPro PfOflfam iPaidProgara PaidProBram m I[PaidProgjani iPaid Program [Paid Id IProgram [Frugal _ CM 07 C68300 389381 <471316 381792 7312; 5J4720 тЦа 0M720 |┬л┬л107 1233 [Gourmet ;, Q fs e D iia Q ;- jg ^ -g aitT ┬л * 'TourUoncy D jy b r S M C C ^ r T w iK ^ o Iyxt^ u k (CO TrmI Gukte lUomingNm тАЩ49' (R) 937300 )747181 ((R) 833316 10775J rtk<MK┬л Jt2749' 282119 тАФ W e e k o f A p r il 8t--11 4 , 1 9 9 4 OrinUty [61720 VieiiM llraidtSr.PCAjtnsidtPCA iSpemcentar SportsWadJy 547471 478 8port*e┬╗nl┬╗f Bodythjpins FtoxWei (R|63IB6J_ . !Ri95J3┬л. _ 701872 172 __ MC942 [5619a V | !g)_65a95a ____ - - w тАШ I li* Week vr┬╗h David BrinUey Dr. JackkVan Va 'PaidProyan J497 C)7i&478 Unpe5849) joaai j'CC) ini Zl 235229 INew* 20126~ Viewpoint ;┬л * ┬л ┬╗ тАв PrmlCCj: 56039 1 497 (CO&3457 _______________ 4W9: ? s c ┬╗ w . (C C jw*┬л552S4 il/ynansic'Lrt^ Go5TBZ7roq7 x c g . 59720 [ingwjxfi dayAj┬╗Soc┬л┬╗ K B C i^ l^ i┬л n iW 0 rE = = = a ra e a a ira c N N KIDS; i lS Robert Schuller 60652 P Preview of :┬╗wr┬л*n Focus 73836 Ulnimaz Eioufjid__ _ j.jStsotPrrttC- 'Fcwvffioda 1H┬╗V тАЬ тАв Homes 59923 тАв S & i' ---------------------- ; 77279|lsn71768 тАЬ 63213 тЦатЦа "USA n. Lov* eUag- FacetheNa- [PaJdProgranT E 1 by 1 nr┬╗60942~ Robert LHestylelt FarraP.*' jCaptain Pimct 'StndjyUomii^ rning Tfe r>┬л d v x 'ftrm 'VS.Ftr 7297 don20590 ' 77478 551381 тАв Sdiullef7i294 aan272g: . (C (CC, тЦаpCitfiU y^n |33Cio C 20382_____________________ ogram PaidPnjgram64294 1RaihnySl -тАв J iAdnx:^"^ Paiil iiProgrira Taberhaeie ' PaidPregn n^ - j T ofi*^5 1 e ┬л y ] ^ 5 5 i ┬╗ ^ - ~ & e 5 r i t orTsnqr^Csr<y^'.тАЩ (OSAtf?---------^ ____________ 7 ' lOuSmiit ^ ' o ┬╗ r a i 3 тАЬ jK T i r / n j'тАШ ' .13 Id | i D ID r a K im C l ;En*r7y┬гx;? rw * si5 ┬л sigAetnck'Stfv ;Dyrjr=jeLn- ,CoodllcrrEngJ w . 33&aa ' ;ingv/rj? Id jyk ceCaate ia y V x e if-ir a Cr┬╗H rtnH nn2тАЩ.2Z\ 'Soo(S┬╗yTo<!jr. W jJStJrri' H oiin. i Z iiu -x a Ii2 ;____________ i y r j X Vm^i'J [5/57┬гiJ lO SKfj-. . .' тАФ.... iffiCKSn > I j┬о B ^ m ^ A 3 S y^, -j y o i SPORTS ' SP This Week With Dav>dBrinUey[^ leylKHLHoekey . DaytOtiCov- Home* 2 ICC) 971*039____________ 227S8942 cry 1668923 ' 35C2S42 & Behind the [Reading RainS n- Shining Time 'uisUfRogefi Baffley& S┬л┬╗as>eSnct(CCH47323 Seenet355l9 bo┬л(H)26768 68 Station S 93381 __ _L ^ H C C l^ ^ Friends156491 561 . тЦаhscrjr^mjrDiisrfnjriC Spoiien.Wc i.Word"' Face the N>. SayKoTo . Number I >tft- H┬лti┬лandCarqStf*liylteTingTh! :<rtsrj<A*ftfttion 95478 Pain 31294 Country*i377, C ;T*iicr<n ICC)┬л┬╗5; MJ213' 61923 ;trw 2;!777 'fitnrrAl ; _____________________ ' 'a j 1 i >e jSiRtayUcrningTV iSpo;C C n T iiS(.aтАШX,;Ci┬╗p-BDa(┬╗тАв ,irncbte* :T * .t? a .X p 7 ilfS p 55254 <S ,Rcies┬╗e774} I :<i IPoe#i S55M (CO 5┬л тАШV.VJ-. TyAi twijTSTTiM CopelandjWeekjy W Mcrnnj t e ┬╗ r ^ тАШUx- itestx Kmwdj G wddi 2225C45 Ktx o f' тАЭ 1 ___ _________ ; 1 тЦаJOatJ) b ______ тЦа*┬╗ )AY M O R N IN G SUNDAY uMOVIES V ' n ^ s ....... P a g e 16 A ?K L 1 0,1 ┬╗< 'anPofr ISwlngKto **┬╗(1993)Rc*wli beri Sean Ltonard. Nazismthreat- [Jezet P o m * * * (1993. Wwtam) Mario Van I ris, HonryFondTA I You're tn the┬╗Army Ajti Now **┬╗j zebel ****(t938.0rama)B┬лtlQ0avis,l тАв bl9KSt8phflnBa)(Mn. tiw, 881 jsnilhfMblondtтАЩIbvofarlaaiTus :musiaA(CC)49i60(>87 Southi n (CC) I50?4a61 jthem belle prcwite a jcalois rhraty, S50: 55076584__________(1941)950ia?lSy s-________ i Family PU^ oum Tnlino I WKhotrt i Traci fUtlUnpn lUiiorUagut [(ilS)^^ raci **1(1983,Dntma)JuddKnch.Aa (1992. Comedy) >cepholpsa[WhlltFang lEncycloped тАвpedla |BufV th*V ┬лn^SU yer*{1M A203C9855 Mcminutfchtor A (orAer vaniihod cMd. ^0' SC958S 13000774 2 800S300 . DirTyn: QS45128 тЦа [302687 058300 [KttoySwinton. A-PG-13'(CC)& OOO. >TYWf FALJJCAHNQTBE R┬гC┬гrVEl) INsbk┬г AAEAS...┬л тАв JEAOUE. nCMDEU.OtOOOlNOAIOfUjaoOMgtRtCCVtTWtCi тАвтЦаCHANKELl BROADCASTOimiDCTVn ┬╗┬лMICK13 BROADCASTOH I INJEB^COOOtHawOmELLA> Nm тАвAXOFIIER. -r тАШKTTCHUM тАЬ . 'тАв w ii.' ----------- --------- tUKVAUJr------- ^:.T^^^SwSSJwuS^ 3 / ____________________________ / "тАв I 'тЦа тАв тЦа : BiirtiilpB^ E3S┬╗=i.......... IU ' 1994 W eek o f A p r i l 8 - 1 4 ,i S ' ^ APRIL IO.1994 1 NEWS T " [ " ' m o v ie s T ~ ^ SUNDAY AFTERNOON " j2 ^ 0 0 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ M H j] T SPORTS T ┬╗age 1 7 '" |~ ' "Pag I KIDS I D \ 4 :3 0 i 5 :0 0 I^ ji 3 0 Channel 2 cu5la.Ca.(Uve)(CC) Emergency Chai . FromAugusta National Golf Oub h Augusi PGA PI Colt ThoKlaslcrs - F┬л┬лl Round. Fn Call (R) 7855 Hews Hew 590 344841 News 2553899 23J6|Slskel&Ebert ABCWorid New (Bhips-FnOT Los Angeles. [News74423J Figure Skating U5. Pn>AmChampionsf icago B!ackho┬╗ts. FromCtaJjo Stadium.~ Fl HHLHockty Los Angolcs Kings at Cttoa 5547710 News6644229 (Taped) 2744300 _______ (Lhre) 2758942 Idaho Reports ~ This Old WaiilvBei Idali keeShop [Frugal VictoryGarT " Heartl'ndQuUtlHofflttiiiie [Yankee [Sowing Witli H A 3720 Scaltlilodel- IComputer ( J o yofPalntinglWatenMlor ^ House9768 Week5213 (R) тЦа Gcurmet(R) den3584 5132 [93283 13 [Studlo&838} Njney59584I 77861 1 p l a r a D m KiPT B lnflS40┬╗Q ^ [Cllf0 9512Q 50213 KewitCC)___ !_____ C^tl^nlnn___Ne┬╗ OTirTonowTtattffa' f i V ii SSSri^ ^ P 13135тАФ ----------W0mefl07e87 131 438039________________тАв son, Caron Spinney, 91382________4. Cwnt┬╗y 9 1836 |(ty) Votaa ot JimHenson edy) Etfwrd h Avenue Irregulars **j(1979. Comedy) jnships. FromLos Angeles. |T┬╗ieNorthA> RguTeSkatlngU,S.Pro-AmChampionsl licagoBlacktoAs. FromChicDQOStadium,тАЬ F <2 NHLHockey Los Ar^gdcs Kings al Chkaj I, Barbara Harris, Ports Leachmafi. 88942 i------_ NK Hemrann,Ea (Taped) 22923 __________ __ 'a a EB KKVI EB (Ltw)225132 (|> тАв I I ofthe Rich and Fa- [HewsB72t3 [[HBCHIghtly hB( baa Phocfli* Suns at Seattle SuperScrtcs..From Ff the Coliseum, (Lh-e)тАЭ Ufestyletof: JwjcfwyNeiTFrom iNBABasketbaaF 1--------------- ---(Ja NBABukottun Now Yotk Knicks at New moos(R)9tS 91565______________________ [News 95720 |472590 !a O O ^ KMAS 8D Mc^ cflttow<anils Arena, (livo) 742S61 Legend Conlln-, тАвTho Tholian WebтАЩ Kung Fu: The Legei :aithy,KimC^1.AwS^ Star Trek *Th : |Hanne(iuln**(1987)ArtlrowMcCait * (1985) JohnStockwcl A high-s-tfwi J R) (C ICC) 8958 ues тАвShaman'(R) Kartha Stewartl My Science Prelect ** < <iuifi. 75403___________ [46403 jcdgets out otconmii. 42768_______ ddowdfosscrtalsintovnwiiiiamaflncqui audwit'sscieneopfpiccl' . ! a B Q Q - I ┬╗ ^ V ed : soc?? sa uguita.6a.(Uvo)(CC') Designing [^ I. FromAugusta Nabonal Golf Club in Auguj kSenior!Championship - I P j ld P r on^! PCA E GqHTho Masters - Final Round. Fi tune тАв. -- Womeft8381 tu rb 9316 . {OflAi^ PeldProgrsffl IPGASw 354403__________________ __ rfew985213 [T7774 3 l o fO D l ID 0 1 kuvt O 64958 - PrevJew Hews ugusu.Ga.(UvoHCC) Golden Giris H e> 316' ~ F PGA GoHTho Masters - Final Round.1. From F Augusta National Goll Ouh InAugu: 92)Jurio Grand Slam G2923 ^ A(CC)4381 '!--------------- ^ тАЬ TiiTlie Rjifway Station Man ***(1992). 744887__________________ ___ ; O KIDK B * Oiffetio, DonaMSuttiertand. 83229 icd/)Etf┬лirt th Avenue Irregulars **n(1979.Comcd/) oosKps, From Los Ajigclcs, [TheNoithA Figure Skating U5.Pr┬╗Amai3nipiora licago Biaekhanta. from Ct o y Siadmm,IтАЭ F ABnrh.inHirrt<l.O0risLC3Clim3n.ai26 тЦа8______________ NHL Hockey Los Afljolos Kings at CJi^ -------------------------------Hcrrmna.H; тАФ {(TaiwPJWJ тАФ ~ B o ~ тАФ"ui3r^ ^(U┬╗e)┬╗W T9 >dIsrael 6958 s.Fft>mlheCoEseum(LMi) NIckHewT tall Phoenix Suns al SeaKe SuperSonics. F IHBABasketfa^ R┬╗tkHhaB Nm. York Kftt ts Jt H N<ew !wJ┬лMY Nets. From^ To B┬л Announced 440774 I тАФ - тАФ Q - r r ^ -m ' & MosSowttnite Ma Arefl3.-(lire) 66322&------ Sports Sunday S(> 7 E d !l!o n (C C )B 7 2 3 8 ^ T w erS^ ^ ^ S e f l n N B A Pinnacle LateE 146478 |l55126 421671 141 159942 *Baseb^ 1 Phoenix imematiorar Sportscenter Ba to Radng IndyCar -Slick 50 200, FromPh INASCAR Sh ^ Artel 81945126 5898346 [81! ecway.Arit (Livo) 264749 Talk 715497 RacC T '(D B ) (тЦб (B ESPN тАЩ (Uva) (U 141213__________________ _ tn(C20855 St(R)24G942 House of Eliotttt in fit W ar Journal *F(edcrirt [Real West (F )rama) Burt Lancaster, Inlantrymen CiviH : Fireb┬╗llFofmi4**A(тАШ0 7 2 ,D rla) a ^Ben Gaz-1 Castle Keep * * * (1969. Dram ugla┬л:(a)234107,-................. PouQiry10^ le d a R'^ian casilo ftomGenTang.-<8l2i3................ ftom тАв. zani. ;E3 f fi B3 ^Ij A4E za Eddie Aa┬лtt 541774 Wortd Secret* of theIDeep Dee Great fari-Ganges Gtoflar 249039 Padflcai:Tales[Maglcal Tal I |Th9v'reOolnQHvTlme(R) Safari ____ twis*^ toiiy'(R)s3G'^ "^''" [470381 let O Union Station тАв 238023 959519 {R)CT4 I ;Q] S3 03 0 9 ^ DSC 23 rama)UutcncoOiiTicr.VivtcnLei9h-.Tho i latKimlltonWeman тЩж**┬л(1941,Orami oCrain,AlanYoung.Atecn^eflap- That * * * 180294 sliYour Margie * * * (1┬л6)JcannoCr: тЦа The Great Man Votes * * * ' Thlsli nance of Lord Hwalio Nelson and Lady Emma Ent Hamillon. 791584___________ Frenctiteacftcr. 649213---------- romr ,95^584 pet develops a cnfih on her Frenc I ** **(1991)RodI [mmm a ┬л c тЦа. {{| (1939) 822768____________ 1^*9^ fiio I Wings Iho [ Deadly Game ijSTDjd [MaforDad [Wings-The JklncyP0i!┬лr,Ari09C''lW!!salu:i(!f )ChrBl> Shoot 19Kill **┬╗(198fl)Sldnc A 403300 1010 G/r 140294 IdyMcDowaJ. A4t " Hou$eP┬╗rty ***(1990,Comody)Ch 0411294 (CC) 238^03 &ff 144010 ounlains. 187823 [(CQ' ---------S) S S ) O Q -U8A- тАФ- JpftgRea,-Rot)inttam┬╗.-n 440687тАФ_______ andafasliigelhnwtl!Hh?J┬╗┬лQ5^ aak W . A 445923____________ fiтАЩ-ghts fromMTVs covcrago ol Spring Break ┬лJUaBo^ SpxiDBaoaK.ReYlslle.dH^tV-g'N = C3fwalinRm-se%7i--------- !W ┬╗w (R) A n 774300 Ies ED SB -тЦа) MTv_____ I Center Stag┬л..L..... oJtheKlght(R)-------iFashien.wZIci lUl cf VH-1208958-----------1Women oJ t 120-,-------------- ; ------------(R)368565 top 21 countdown (R)3M120 [593923 (R [tl4565 = w - i i oO iw - Im tlR)- ~ Hollyw r47l407i=^тАФ - ' тАв ------- ------- , тАЭ E Eight Men Out ^ " ~"V H i 124942 730052 [HltS-A T lT3 ctl76gck-{-Bit┬╗e-Sklei Agiln *jlU119831 S{ Many Hamlin, Robyn Bario. A Wishes of Blily Grier . * (isa^TJrafiaT^ J Sir On.oln┬лl . jof-lo^uo tascBaJi teanTSrasO-------- 4:4ZJ67.I_______ __ [woman bies out for a major-ii тАЬ Figure Skating LA Law'flomancfig t)fook.R:^phMacchto. 508720_________ > Myst 388652 Icy, Hal HoH)root ; The тЦа тАв OrDno'(CC) 775039 |qD O 02 .' r't LIFE - 384B30 ^ Jmali IT ia f тАЬ y D g l.5 ~ g B laE j" McGregor ifUfs-*rr(1959.-OrBm9)tafta^umwrJ┬л jmpeSTTKTTO--------56)Rockliudson.C>irtsae'" ImllBtiwiofUft тАв A795768 SagsTfieSlampe " All ^Mshlp. 765294 ________ 700584 P ^ T! A Thai Heaven Allow* ***(1556)1 Kie daughlors complicato hw women's frienc ffldcnet.871890 Thoir icen-oped Ie s ES B a EB FAM c, jWlnneri (R)7t qitiosm mars a vromanтАЩa tove to o ytfdt Beauty" Remodeling Ueehanlc W HRAToday lO^RacingтАЭ Speed-Beai tr [Championship Rodeo (R) A [NHR 412584' nnem(R) A |Truckln-USA~ Tnick.Eofer~| I Today594i32 780407 4; II78652.,, 413213 492720 "HankParker ISpatttflB aiiStiM I тАвтАв'1 H ----- ----------A i: 0652 тЦа(R) A 401120 487023 | 466045 lartara Hcrjhoy. i |E!g ED Q i 03 r a TNN 2 im ((1994) (Part 2 o<2) RjcftanJ HaiTis, Bartja 226229 841687 48865. jrd H arris, BartaraHcrshey, Abraham Abraham (1994) (Part t ol 2) Ridurt ┬лara Abrahama son. whom they namo Isax Isaac. 772478 lem) TomTryon. Harwj Presnel. Afl Amiy " TheGI┬лyGuys ***(196S,Wc$lcm: jswfeSarah.pqroio [Sarahbean [The bil>!<al sioiy o<Abrahamand his┬╗ lheSlom.575i57aa Ict tB m e a , TKT....... _ ^m frmisiscndunlrain0di7>cnt0n9>'n^┬╗ ifiL**'.(19873_J . . r.TsattnrAnBC!aOod8ea-ftomDo(}3┬л; 5,┬л┬л?on5igu*B┬л*hinAt3nt3tIrr^ wd'bytlie'lBiigs Bunny ICaptaln Planet " P S S585958 тЦа " zappedi * (l9 8 2 [^ B 3 io . IsayM [447749_______________ lil 132300 740470 131G71 ilardeSlempre en jsB ffi] o I S ^ TBS тЦа JMiloAamcs-30551774 . [Belli: NotlcleroUnl- LaHoraEstelard iempreen Domingo 696497 0 M.B. Penta Cortlnent;^, CampcoM-|Sieir 83G________ __ 0 FutW Mcaano. equipos por anunciar (HI J vision-31584 Domlngo9383G " La Camloneta [Domingo DeportlvflK (EnViy0)423i07------- ----------------iniw:DavidKaTOUVs:Kgnny6ayyge.(En\ tobeSu^wPesQUQW --------- g E S тЦатЦа тЦатЦа- | i UNI- тАФтАЬ GGfi┬╗695ro P w r" Gutt 435229" Are Yoii [b iiidSide [RockoтАЩaUfe [Pete4P┬л' [AJSde -[FamilyDouble wid |(R) 346301 5 тЦа Afraid? [(1 xnic Uaic Weiner. 566958 19749 347010 [430045 тАЬ Frttiimeli WelnervllleWrthc^ |G23942 [pare 342565 [0191 (R| fA 401958 Gnfrith.AndyTayWre. StarSearth(R) ┬гeQ ID I NICK 2236565 I ________ latum to Waybeiry **┬лll9B6)AndyGnr jbs al Mcnlroal Eipos. FnjmOlympic StaAum. eriff:407720 тАШ ┬лns to his hometiwn 10 mnoga^ fa sheriff: " Major L┬╗gu* Cubs i IH , тЦатЦа WGH (Urt) 95027039 _________ |o E3 B l I CNN tM jIn e ^ W e lld r p o r n O ^ ^ ^ U n R ^ T lo n e ^ M M E ^ !^ ,774 [ тАЩ _____________ тЦа vlew742836 IKJ (R)4(M039 |2inr7^ Racoway,Tevt. Food тЦа Auto Racing NASCARWWlon Cup -. F c City500. FromBristol Inlcmational Rao ...... 1 - r r - r i тАФ r i n r I IJn Bound-The InHomewardBour !angerB a^ Z ?T o(C C ^ Y d lowitone,theFlr┬╗lNational m S S S r S n W d s T e o r p n M I c k ^ ^IsnpTtyAIIHIloConcert(R) A [Oan^ 1)7445381__________credible Journey itn┬лy * * ┬л CC) [Pari┬л(R)7< тАЬ f lo o S S a n N ih t * * * ┬╗ Fwa '51 [(Cq 425395 , [1C C| 312010 146519 one307410[r┬лted736310 [Club4052Sl (1 **J1892)KtfI KatMyn Grant 5772S7 |Wofi< 'тЦа (1959), I 1. Dan Aykroyd. H--gM ┬лJ> Captain Ren *. (1992, Comedy-Druma) Robert Redfotd. D; ^.Captain Hook kid- j Sneakers * * * (IE CC)583590 r Fantasy) Rciin W>-1iams, Dustin HoBtnan. xjo J93768 Russdf. A (CC) I computer haciers aro an trickodintoespionago. A (CC) 75493: "M wiiBy ]Ho<* * * * (1 9 9<1'theodalPetcrPan.A(CC)306i695a ^ tt* * > (19S6)Al>y ___ Amhony.Aprincotricsto ShortClr^,!: _ _ _ p m n D m ^ l ^ Z_ ! 7┬гM36flZ___ MDstHecWdnwciinc K┬лH-*^ (1983) Ken Marshall, LysettoAna * r┬╗ (19iS,-CamM)() fWcr S K e r s r - ^ 32G2IW9 ___ . A 49927107 . ShCOfly,nj32(i2 s SS m T^ I JftatтАЩa Ne*. Pu┬╗iycat7. * *┬╗ B<rtinna bctTOdiedfroman cSen beast. A тАЬ Captain Amertei **(1990) Matt SaSr skier, T45403 _______ ! ,9710(5749 Peter OTdoie. Romy Sciwtder, it*┬╗(1991)Oon 97i House Party 2.* * (1991),Christopher RcM. I BloodfUt in: Foreed to Fight *┬л '''тЦа _ 1 ' i!Melinda Dlloa Ronny Cox. H (CC)liken тАвlySeeUngSuun ***(1985). ..Hoi 5558 V┬лjlnamvetjloadan┬лs-l0e*peiit*ly8 [тАвThoOragon'WasotL-A B765958 >rislopher Maitin.'A (CC) 65501316 ^ M'cBain *┬╗(1M5)ChrtstBphefWalicw ^rquetlc, Madonna. 93930630 [CW J505213 RwamaAr^ ra IWayoe'f ortiddeflDance *(t990,Orama)Lan laiitonoCctomWandicUitof. O 33505 p a a - ^ 1 TMc J 6) TomHanks. An od execu^ TheFortil [ Nothing In Common * * * (19^1 51248039 nn **(1992)HiHaryW┬╗TA Ufeitorlei1 g. A тАЭ Big GlrU DonтАЩt Cry-They CetEveiT rtage. -PG' (CC) 3228J6 [HerringT TG-13-(CC) 7053590 Itive's parents end their 36-year martii lC3fkig^ . A 8 1 9 t 0 7 600377 disonctiKitfid teco Does fromhor uncsfli (Q i i 01 a | P HBO ( HISCHAHM L _ . тАЮ GOOOm A H O FIER po N O T M CQVE T H IS HHSOICAREAS. тЩж тАв JEROW.WEKOELUCK> ^ TWH fU LS CAWOT B┬г BECaVE^HJ ______ 1┬╗.rm'Mvn<BBninrt┬л!Tom^ sr o w O -ti┬лJg ┬л ^i)Q o o w a :v < B <aiAta^fHgtтАФ ^ ----------- :--------- i T fflcinJUHDWicjgroi ^ IQ s IQ I D ^ DISN = r^ ' j - r - B 5 g g SiT* g тАФ 1 тАФ KCTCWUM ~ -awivAUTf-- j тЦа j. s _ j: ~I NM s~ r ~n Page 18 I MOVIES APRIL 1 0 .19M . 60 Mlnulo┬╗n(CC) 51661 тАФ S -B B p F ┬г o tl-** *' m3 ?5743313 a a m|. KKVI a e|k3sa3 b3 ** jb o iB ia iiQ 1010 o [ D тАЭ Ancient ProphoclM(R) A (CC) 1322S 1229 Week Of April188 -1 4 .1 9 9 4 ' Sports Talk 1842942 Design. W. [6410590 (:35)Cun Cumnt Affair Extra 768 тАв 4409768 nDay* tmien].Acot- New# 14519 Sevan Di rf O Obsession (5994) Vcronka Hamd. Prem Shadow of b ___________ 270399 uabtcrroAodtiyadcfaAgodiTun. A 18774 181 legopfofossai: K f Sup* ^ iSarr42556~' Paid Program 4884782 GoodNeigh- [(OflAlr) [bor# 81590____________ _ (;*5)BunTcf'тАЬ rcfтАЬ [ H I^ (je r 'тЦа Sle┬лi 1789S6S )565 [ 5 1 ^ 3 nlo Kail (R) A(CC) (:35)Ar*enioh 8831310 [Crusader* 78300 j Headline Now* 369701 1 SpacaNlne- U*A*S*H(CC). Cumnt/ At ARairixtra 54359 [Cobra 'Oiomon in the Rough' With iGMrg* Caitln Isiar Tr*k OMp Spj rtin'ContrtrjLiving5lr*gf*- iIanW.iWlth |C┬лJo3(R)n-|┬л┬╗rtin JjKTRv _________________- {R).A.(CC)38; 1)38300---------------------X I 76132 63229_____________ !i07[A(CC)4iM2 l^loiora-(R) A (CCl |(CC)5923 (R)96! 19687 [(R)(CC)1107 Childf┬╗n2107 u1coH.EA.t!{R) A тАв Uniouchable* VoyeuT A (:36) Acapulco ^ n sa cn Hew# 8012800 (:36)Ura( io1hor(19W)lii┬лk>A)i(jy.IтАЩfcmicro.Ai^ uilor,ShaWrotaтАЩN<sMoltt)o David's Uolha * 60 Minute* A (CC) 19342 HurdJ o KMVT m* ^______________________ Coyoie 5C69039 3145229 :) 06042 (CC)5C6< lyfcr hof mcnlaUychallcf^cd son, A (CC) i yolo' (R) A (CC) 83476 fices grtaliy Italbn so<cEcrтАЩ8p3^ wnansacft- News 41942 Tlmo1to IKill **s(1990)Nkx^asCa9O.Anltalia lother (t994) Alley. PromicfD. Aworn тАЬ 60 Hlnirtei A (CC) 55687 Munloi inIor.Sh┬лWrola*Nighio<mo DsvJd'iUothc "V KlOK D*' ^_______________________ Coyoto to encounter leads to trogody. 08270 y te her menlflSydtancrijfod son. A (CC) 1 :)1381 . slonatocr yoto'(R) A (CC)4045 lieo$(pjatlyte 'C ┬л J 9 3 A cD'fc * (CC)4671 ^ ^rpaVldgM ^ = тАЬ=E=i ┬лsolSup*rman(R)52584 ,;:''Kin Q* *rIir5IoP3y3Icdn^ P riS n ┬лrt(C C n 205C ^ |C N NNPrM Pi FfwnP mPovw:yтАЭ50l38i I тЦб S Q S IB j^ CNN тАЩ m m OD I Q p ESPN тЦатАв -B B a J E tt 690229 DSC ^ mor 3 4 5 ^ тЦа*тАЬ тАЬ "T тАЭ |E 8 G 3 m ;: SpoftaTontghtllniii lesa 125010 880300 jnesi 1107 ' kbjor Uagut Bsubaa Florida Mariim : San D┬лgo Padres. FromSon Dlcgo/Jadi /JackMuiphySiadI- Sporac┬лnter32ll0 im al [ill ufTi(Uvc)3a2590________________ ' ThiclwrThanWstv(te93.Susf┬лnse)l ion P Pugh. Idenool ┬╗ ) Therosa Russell. Jonathan Pryro'. Roeoh l l ofo lom apart byjojiouiy rnurdcf. twins r^ 020774^ _________ A*E BI r a IQ 5 m omborqcw R>ri> **.ii(>Qf┬╗.MalihewMo()ino.A^ Ih w ^ rr^ a s over World War II Europe. A 32720 isions . [|:3i)Ar┬╗enioH iioHallTRTA(^ri T7505ET tfyHour Caroline's Comedy: 254^9_________ omicpososasa MyFr 'FivorttaSpy **i(1951)BobHopo.Acomi [spytoc 'to obtain seeret plans for tho U.S. 5762133 ' Vassilva, 513768 Wortd Report Final Edttlo jUon Hosts: Ralph Wengo and Ralltsa Vas: Bawbaii Tonight . iPBTABiD .BiDlanl# World Champi- iPaople'e [Sport*cant*r~ I-Semifinal. 160768 Gann 837478 478 [(R) 633332 |M┬╗ship-┬г 1993. Suspotjse) Theresa Russell. Anathar athan ftyco; Rob^ TWekarThanWaUr(199: t tvn span byjealousy and murdof. 56601 36010 Pugh.k}cntlcallwlnsoioto igrofttwUrftwffy^MC- Itotur^otTWni on. 959377 ;Giflanr[R)97S039 ' |o(lhosaтАЩtt<on.i}: |432I32*- тЦа (JJ UntenStalion ***(1950) m WuliamHoIdon. 1B0294, N┬лw┬╗4057337 (:35)Curr Current Affair Extn jti t U* Program MrtcnirA cot^ Hm 2S37M0 8portiM i тАФ 1(t05) Jack Van- Oesign. W.. -тАЬ тАШjPsW siu do w If o ttt dwaiilon (19W) VOTnSsrHsmof:^ 6446830 impe3730667 9782107 [5931350 isorblcntiiud by a (deranged man. A 30: 303ie . тЦаchltwa44 lo^ pfofcssor h I", AncI┬лntPfophKl┬лi{Rj-A-iCC)55cn O I jStrved latraMiddicman* A(Partlo< B┬лii>gSt liuro < of Sex *Tho Sex jUasterpIectTheati Hatur# Naiuro 274977 !R)(CC) 34126 - [61(CC>a7n4 _______________ , Cyifaa-.(R)1C HB┬лat New# (CC) Sport┬╗B< 29403 320233 lUnansacA- J┬лh┬╗f7195J7Knwi wwy. wemicfo. A won rrtBr.-?fiBW5i*-W8Tinsnr5ii DisiaTMWii WuMe 030958 тЦатЦаy^ to her m c ^ (*a.non9od son. A (CC): Coyote ryotoтАШ (Rf A(CC)47294 tosgnuUy Kimborcrew B┬лn┬л **>(1990)MatinowModir┬╗,Abw HomoVldoos iNewFunnlMt LoltS 'ItSCIark:ThoNowAdvon- M┬лmphifB┬л~n. E03 36543 32_________ ssions over Work) WarilEmpo. A 10132 тЦаM(or Suptimaii (R) 34766 n┬лs 25 mission |p#oplfl 16671 turc* тАЬ SITMinutet 11 (LCj UD5S тАв' b KIDSi S P O R T S 'P l - | SF TOTMnsaa^Tchannel^^ RushlU Unr t^ lA c a p u lc o H lE ^ x S lothtr (1994) Klr^ Premlcn). A won irdor, Sha Wrot* *Ntht ol th┬л Divid't Mothi Murdo ih 30836 [Name; Dcscn Dragon* S8497 97" C)48S5 '|New┬╗ 27310 baugh3( jyly^'iw i^diallenoodson. A(CC) lyoto* (R) A (CC) 7510 Tiecs grtuUy Iw Coyou тАвhyBnjwn (:OS)liUtIock'TheSlaiiorTAT wmbefoow Lew#8983229 lluiphyI B*n┬л **1(1990)UanhowModina.Abon M┬лtnphiiB^' 3651229 |(CC) 1703213 ┬г361 I (CC) 365 ssionsiwcfWorMWafiiEijropo. A 273631 flios 25 mission iliSClarlcTlwNowAdvftiTHomtVldm IAjti. FunniMt Loll S r┬╗sofS&pennan2629045 S092805 turttii rwton'sAp. |butiJoofi<laho тАЭ G Ghoitwrltor Ghoitwriter Nowto ^R13H9 Ia ,6867 3тДв ! тАвтЦа - - !a Q ^ a Bi}KIPT |D^ p DAY EVENING ' s U n DA' I T (R)C5350a a CKMcr. VMen Leigh. Thel Union SUtJonтАЭ don ***(1950) Oman ***s(lM1,0Qma)LaurenaCXi Thai Hamilton Worr ┬л. 260519___________WKamHgWoa den. 979774___________ njmanco ol Lon) Hoft tofatio Nelson and La^ Emma Hamiacn. 2 am .(Paid PropanT igs'ThePerfcdAli- SilkStaJklnBs*W>idi тЦа DoKllyGamo **(1991)Rod- CawC >idCard'(R) iHoIIywDodln-iPaldProg M CIos┬лd(R)(CC) 503749 IsakSlaJkingt' тЦаrogram [Paid Program Paid Program : dyU dJciw O iiO iSoa-___ I_____ Cg)si7iW7 -- n.(CC).69fl6(3t7" --------------- |409S94~ 14------- [887213 ------|l04132.------~ - 8 5 3 5 4 0 ~ r ^ -----.тАв - тАвтАв - -ZZZ. br.(R).A(CC|i тАФ ' RottWortd A |Unpiugg┬╗d A Rockuf :kuin┬лnUfy|Sport┬╗ A 7W039 m n i E i 3 - тАЬE . _ S- 870403,------, 7 3 8a 5 5 _ _ 4 (U .S1S2519 2j тАФ (5:30)Contor SB ' .........H VHI . _тАШ ^0 Stss┬л 3Ca┬╗5 -------f f l IB IB - g mG3n IntMc-Radng iR ievd^A i"* 4194^7 |400740 tw _ tAndy o Gnrrih. 565956 JP ^ {ra ra QI NICK p* " la vOwoN Slate(R)A lUqu 13 Iquid Ttlevl- 120 Uinutaa A 764403 B77023 тЦа slon lon76l836 - тАв SouiofVH-1 тАв1 (R (R) 831720 Stand Up 110749 DISH a hbo lOielt Van DyktlUuy Tyler fliB o b ^ n ^ 176 022213 |436956 Hooro 610470 i Rlcti and Fainous Worid'i B┬лit (R) C┬л5] ^5749 Honwward iToikeltoni Boimd 073045 j(CC) C59605 S Feed Chile 0863822 iin" Paid Program"" тАв pZdPregraffl P aid pirog^ 661120 1748590 499362 G┬л( Smart 246300 KnwBuil Naws(CC) ~ln┬╗UntR*pIay i 8742300 70702377 936749 Avonlea niJTsSangffrTToNigh u r lte ^ r f┬╗ (1 9 8 n 3 y c n ^ ^ ri (( (CC)751590 iRedSleagall,I. A (CC) 6579030 (R) A C┬лpt┬╗inRon **{1992)Kun ChliiCr rcrost I National LampoonтАЩ# l o 5 dWoaponl ^ **> Ru┬лi3'J,-n.(CC15^500_____(R) A 4410565 [nS^rrfoEtftiV ai A {CC)TO ;:)TO53W- n r z Sho(tOn┬╗lt **((1S86)AiV 9toS5 n * * * (1980) Jano Fonda. DoOy Parton. hr nvUng 1. T Thnso on rebd againsl their texisi pig ol a boss. 474^ SJxwfy. A 32027300 wnwnr 474403 , (&45) WcyTwтАЩtWorid **>(1992. Ckrwdy) oth MtoMyws. n 'PG-13'51246039 NHRAToday (R)A-lfl4M8- тАв RJ* JdeBeyondVengeanca **>(1966.W┬л Western) Chuck Connors. Micfad Rennie. Ini^ NIght-Gon Ouils jilawi asadc a buflatohunter a# he retun# an# homo. 10053836 ..........тАФ __ 43031518- iNiUona ksnai C┬лogr┬╗phlc Explorer Tho Liatania;i; submarines. sub iPald Program тАЩ iPrindpat MtSeS [SLJudoKos'pltat:RaM'тАЩ тАЬ (CC) [Network Earth RIneta^onda iJk 754671 671 >9636 492294 cr┬лt40104 88412C 1296 11042 Againtt Time 750855 TlMBInlt ***t(1963)RodTS)lor,rf> JW HodmAsman f f town is ottxiiod by thousands o(Ibirds. shore tiin 5089045 I JohnQttMn (CC) 181774 (OfUndc initoWI)- iRolandlUrtln Busm isttn pe*(M<auty AiMrfcu Sporti Cwaleai licaite A 76446497 Going Out n IICreatOuf. Road Test Sp┬л -Jl.-----------------------W*y 3813000 ┬╗0n9┬л U l jdQor*861316. M┬╗g.-i32a30 - 57.13 r.1310_____________________ 8C^1_. 5 ! ^ l . . .: _ , (R).A.77938l| Lucy Sti rsiiow 707058 056 тАв ILovoUicy [430774 тАЬ5 M AX ^ m ." -P I w c . Hltffl !ngram,|┬гald?togn(iU{rald Pro^sm^ n^jPaMPfoOnm^-----IdikaBwta. EflMfrearanulEaldftBgi (R) !) 776768 7 280326 1293166 . .. 687300 479508 [655830 )hnAnkefJohr berg 103 763294 KickNtwt 3432<)4 ia m J IB n Ben Kaden 670381 Vlft┬╗d┬лl do 19947* TItulareiD*- Ondi I d┬лi Mar Giatudo on vivo dcsdc Chiio eniFcbfCfo Ftb nda llu (R) 349403 os.clI;^6simoquinIoaAodorcsliYal. 16403 ┬лtOe5.< 103 pofthro<24B55 sjow _ o inTouch3l630 163iy) Dreamtimo A 112617 FUl ir557Strr-r ffMMna-Jam-sswosтАФ Clmira Infra- iLentoLoco 9┬╗J1tl 20740 1G22t> B m SD ^ tt. lB┬лavL*-6utL B┬лavlv8utt. 140774 7658C0 KungFu * * * (1971. Atfvcnluro) David avid Carra- More Dead Tlun Alivo * *тЦа(19( (1969)ainlWaIkof.Agunsiingcf ^rtinn B^fyy ntjnKt ---------- >|oinsati3voSngsinivasa;haps la ip sh ^ . 4001749 Th┬лBimonairv **i(t9S7) 13 esia J W lloO na (R)22C740 тАЩ Kolocauft (R) ( ^ 1 ^57315671 i i - - f B I B f f lH D r a тДвn E seg fjoMth! lathjnR. |&e6C67 iC67 * BghtUanOut * * * (1968) John C:usact.Ei9hlfaafplaYefsarB um PfatlfMMa^ ┬╗0aUnaAnehorod.by' ClapproodтАФ -UF6- тАФ тЦаSaceu$bd bl mrcuwng tfioSVoridSeflw..423671 42: Lisa McRoo.r.(CC) (CC 492774 тАв Lhre 082855 FAM ___ ED IS m m m FU 220565 Drafi Tfinet 5692 19294 lA. Hitchcock Supemun nan 941500 0540103 Eiuei ue# Coin' On (R) 810478 Powerwaik Plu* 655904 Nochede' deVaJ- WortdVIsion 12687 Slempr┬╗4>om. ore* 47851 7855__________ ^ ___________ 538879 F-Troop 323045 [Lucy Show ' 479478 P aid Progi^ 200430 Lifeatyleti fe* ofthe Rich and Fa- Ko|ak4ii300 OO mou┬╗(R)2 :R)220590____________________ in n lo P o o ^ G w J ^ n d e S o im 5# o^ r ! d T w i d e ┬л c ^ j l r i r i S I 5 ^ ^ |5563: C39497 [Man'* CreationтАЩ (R) A 26!! iratlen(R)599l32 269749__________ . [Huileal Hlflratic A bodyguard fait# Children of the Com >dyguard * * s (1592)KevinCostner.Abo rniliiTheFlnalSaertnce TheBodyj >ingBf-octrc┬╗h9musltn<octn(CC)537 15373300 **(1992)Tcn┬л┬╗Ki I Knox. A (CC) 085942 [forlhoiingt r*(1S83. Horror) iMcBaln *>(19S , (1991) Chrtstophof Walken. Vietnamvrts l┬л 3loadanss-|Cai}dym>n **>(1992,H I.Hcrrtt)Vtfgii^l^ o jChrfstlm **(1 sauHooaCotont liornbiancSctalcr. A 53074107 |K┬л┬лhGorton.1. A 34827213 sen. Tony Todd. n(CC)|7826749тАШ 78: I BuffythaVam^raSlaytr ^(1^ Jverturo) Richard r(1992.Comedy) ~lDan9erTiutTouch(1t laxtherrlFlftalllKaion **(1985.Adv8ni (1993) Lou Diamond PhKlpi Aradio sax B |KrtslySwitnson. A-PG-13'(CC)6 young. John Erkacn. A W 158749 158:c)645478 |apistoetslnvoh┬л)wilh vith a deadly u-con. 'R' (CC) 419310 rTmFAU.┬╗W┬лCFfBeflECaVH)wioi :__ ┬╗t n n MWFn B┬╗fl*ncAgwffw>64w -80igTwe*i-rt ┬╗JbajME WEKKiircg55i SCHAKNELтАЭ;';"' WKKNOANOFIUROOHOTREd^TKISC I______ 1 i w 5 y !┬л w i┬г w M j^ - I' I, B udir.m rcR t. . , ICopandaHair**! * (1903) Burt RoynMs. Nor-1 Tha Dlitln' C┬лnedy)Edao *tlngu[*h┬лdO*ntS┬лRan ***(1992.Com :)G tnan d. Gddenii. aтЦа┬╗(CC) (тЦа 0434403______ тАвтАв Murrfiy.lJU . Une Snith. Shoyl Utt Ral(<uA (Cq G224g6ig.r.~.^--------- *┬╗MCXtSBRmDCASTW| W i o nJERQUE.COOOOiaWEKDaLAT .ANOFUR. тАв I K7TCKUM. i suNVAurr тАв I тЦа lir'uT-ntiffikLiwiliiMrtiin*! 1 ^ ^ тЦа. - . \ W eek o f A pril 8 - 1144; ;1 9 9 4 ------------------^ ,EageJ.9_тАЮ_ _ p тАФ Sunday тАв CQ a 's тАЭ fT h is w S n S a v e up m PAID PROGRA 30614. 287695. S03: i i v тАЮ _ t o . $ 2 5i iO o n _ тАЮ ^ ^ 608166.-2e9053.-65( B ( 3 8 ) NBC NEWS V g JB L Sound^ EE I ffe c ts NIGHTSIDE 838527 Q BOTH SIDES|22!9 2 S 2 7 M u s ic a n dI M o v ie s , J a ROBOCOP: TH idEffects Music тДвтАЬ S Stotwi┬╗.SoundE Robocop. Dian _ i_________ thn Chftlrmnn comtw awcwt^ik o -i f e a y a . - . T .- -fodDctediblfi.j┬╗n gong torrortzlng tho тАв. )undEffects sound..AddSouni of Old DotrolL A .9g6^ 3Q┬░ o KOJAK 6231B8 M Movies lo turn yourlVlntoa yoi m SAMPLER 672( . ONE hofno theater. Thenmalto Tht Q FLEX MAGAZII WORKOUT 402099 irclesswtth ?Trt┬╗jp your system wireli B 3 CAROUNEтАЩS C ' SoundEffectsMag DYHOUR Comics;.. David. Chris Hobbs, IS, Bob -------------Zany, Wondy Kamot ........ ' S t 1 Oarroll Hammond.. Host; H 281546 ------- ------тАФ Richard Jonlr<R) 28 B l BLACK ^ T E TUfod WTiaijkcfoato I H H kbraham It's JsJftfioy w rnnoangourrnindt. en assassination of Abr rdabfo home Uncoln byJohnWilk y granted til our whho$ form tlfonl^ /ilkos SoundEffodsUwYgi Booth. (R) 256850 thoa(cfspoa*ofsyst( ysto/n.* f f l MOVIE MY FA_ _ iiO B I I & S P ┬е - * - r T , . Comedy) Bob Hope, s ) m ^ P A iD ^ ___ Lamarr. An Amoric.;i: . T tortainer imporsbnjt< 2 ||^ = 1 7 3 0 K i m b e r 30 r тЦатЦатЦа.^ ^ 76C546. 753072. 571430 1 spy in ordorto obtali tain QD DRAG RACING Unitod тЦатЦа:тЦатЦа} cret plans for the Un NHRA Winston Invitationa onal. r: - ' aiiirt : Statos. 1497035 a s auti , , r* " 7 0 4 : H a u s e r тАЭ ? .j- Johri />ono8 (R) n 465966 f f l WEEKEND JAI lAM' 12:3SB (6B )H O M E A N D who'moves ┬░ r m e d i a n l c E r n e s;tCumbierfeatch, o ┬л "8072 GARDEN SHOW849232< EB CAMARA INFR bm : In to t h e h o m e o n ce c e occupied by the Archie) 0 ( 3 5 ) [6 ] ABC.WORLt GANTI 429782 7. B u n k e r f e m ily - C B BSS . NEWS N O W 7470S917. ES HEADLINE NE - 3 \ L E N N O 40377091 _________ 3 5 0 8 81 7........ . . ra] COMEDrSHOW-тАФ d' s l a m V ^ Qsln1:05 B ( 6 8 ) GRAND <Jof haifdressor boconios Ir . . two Marinos o co iso d 0 . CASE (CC) 3417701 sh A u sPLAYfiRS CHAMPI .0 volvod vflth a roguish >Pi3AY booting a comrado lo mnv . ONSHIP PREVIEW dnntti woro fnllnwion t ^ -----------zKrarcg--------------J, A тЦа havo murdofod a pair < 1/ commandorтАЩs orders, f 12:45 [ S MOVIE A FEW (V 116086898 GOOD MEN * * * K Q MOVIE FATAL B( 0992. I^ m a| T ^ ^ >________ LU992^Sji520nM ) LInd o vo Blair. Jerome EhTors. A Navy lawyer trios to p tw o . 1Z;30 0 ( 3 8 ) ES HEADU N EN EW S630701, 9361169 Q SPORTS LATEKIGHT 122183 a g g W 0R U 5 t o ┬н 614 m o r r o w 25695. 119614 _ _ [ ┬г ) KNOW BULL (R) -------------J--------------3t)/as0 " CJ m o v ie THREE WISHES FOR JAMIE Jock * * - . (1986, Fontnsy) Joci IS. tA W.irdcti. SiQvon Rlm kus. ^rtg (oity quoon grants a youns Irishman throo w ishes. B.isod on 0 book by Clinflos O'Nool. n 7602904. . . . .................. (3-M O V lE HELLRAJSEF SER' тЦа III: HELL ON EARTH * * (1992. Horror) Doug * * Brndloy. Tofry Fofroll. Tho 13 sodistic Pinhoad rocniils fresh souls to populafo his othcrwortdy homo of pain and lorturo. O (V) тАФ 1 O' ...M beriyRoad- = - Twin F a lls;тАв7 -7 3 3 4 9 1 0 , w a n a Since 1909 RIZEI ) w ith a n y c a s ┬╗ e t t ( u ^ ^ ^ l lyer p u rc h a ┬╗ e _ malkinS p g T B 1тАФ тАФ-s u p p u c B oning H eatihhg i & A ir Condition = r ^ U P y t h o n s ........ & 4o=S50(trebatc=OB on : тАв тЦа = p ti ;nt difying equipmen quali gS? purchases. A P '.y тАЩ B o a s ................M 1 9 тАЬ 1 I ┬л p o n c --^PTrcESSTiR^BERE! ' ^ ^ ^ v i d l o C an *s is o t t e w ith :r p u r c h a s e тАФ S I 99t W a ter T u r t le s ............ - - - ^ 6 . ^ l E ^ O I I N D ~n┬╗'s┬лmid6>. 3 ox T u r t l e s ................. 2 1 M tтАЩ M oi _ S p c c ia l e n d s.. M a y 3 1 , 1 9 99 44 ' ctтАФ Wt& U SM tal iciamai:! тЦа ? )' in O a ┬г & ) . iD t e r m o n iiia iii' _ _ 7 3 3 ;2 6 2 4 _ _ ┬╗tors Pricess From Th(leisen Mot p K 5 w vOverheacId M eans bLow ?84 MERCURY ' I9 7 7 01D SH I W 9 8 A u tn m a lic power M ^ W ' 3 тЦа тЦа I CUT TO... ^ 1 9 8 9 F OMR D d to o r TEM PO 4 D j p s $ tP O H T U C 198 sV 5 4 D O O R TOP OPAZ4DOOR ^3998B 986 , UHCOIM 1 9 8 8 'f O R D TAU RU S 1 9 8 77 D 0 D C E I 0 W 4 D R . s h a d o 19t TOWNCAR T( i1 9 8 8 O I D S M O B Ht iIe C U T IA S S m ^ 9T i > тЦа 7 7 0 0 M a in A l тАФ C O U G AI R !00 . i 450j| ^S S O O fe 7 0 1 - T ^ J 9 8 2 ' M E R tC 0 URY 1 9 9 0 C HrEm I C O R S I CCA A il B E E : . l - 8 0 0 - 3 1 6 ^ B^ : 7 7 0 j L T O U - F B _ P a g e 20__________ A GARROTC UHPIO RAfadHlndnn. Inc <200)IB Sat.2 . . . . . AllRAIiAU <1034, Ooma) (Part Part 1 o( 2) 12 00) ID Sun. 2 p m 007010; U*n, lon.12:00pjn.BC5017 ABRAHAM (Itm . O.viu) (Part: i'aH2ol2) R>d>anl Hams. (2.001 ES Sun. 4 77247a: Tm. ua. 113:OOpjn.31(X>9a AOSSNCE OF WAUCE # тАв OS тАв (1901, Drama) Paul N┬лfcfnan, Saty F┬╗ta. -f>C' {/Wufi lanouAQe. lanfl attuH ulu-itiacn. m u violona)) [2:00) ID Frt 1 p.m. 3: m.307021 ~ W eek o f A pril 8i -- 1' 4 , 1994 m COHFESSIOKS OF A SERIAL KILLEf LLER *K(I092, Hor;age. ndult smjations. ror) Robert A Dumj -R' (Adjit language. omi OmpMicv^ctonce) (t:30) 03 SaL4am.Gl: n.G15045 THE CONQUEROR * * ( 1 0 5S0O,,/Advonluie) John D-Wed.-12:30 a,m, Wayne. 6u*an HeywnrO.-(2:00) ffl-Y 251820 CONSENTIHO ADULTS ** x (1(1092. 0 9 Drama) Kovin Klino. Mary Ekzabeth Mattrantonio. fT (AduH (Adu language, adult Mudton*, bflol nudity, wolonec) (1.40)0 3 ) 0 S┬л.4:20tjn. 05470055 CONSPIRACY **(t039.Adverture) lure) ASan Lane. Linda H.^VT.1 fi o n iin M┬╗n 4 II m Roberl Duval Lukai CONVICTS * * (1091, Drama) Robi !I984049 H.aa┬╗-N/r (1:35)10 Thu, 5:30 p.m. 09041 imody) Ourt RoynoJdj. COPANDAHALf * * (1003. Comod ^Jorm.V1 D. Golden It.-pG-(Violonee) (1:45) 1:45) l a Sun. 9 p.m. IM34403 CRACKER: ONE OAY A LEMMING NG V WILL FLY (1003. i^lory) Robb┬л CcAone. (2 00) O Tue. Tue. 7 p.m. 101947. I?*' II p.m. 054300 CRITICAL C0NDITK5N * * (1007. 07. C Comedy) Richard lage. ndult WuiiUnna. >ryor. Rachel TKctin. тАШRтАШ (Adult language. fтАЩlyo nJdW>ier>co) (1:45)10 Sun. 3:43 a.m. tt 11, 11323033 CRHTERS 2: THE MAIN COURSE: **┬л* <1000,Soanca Ficu -Icijon) Scott Cnmns. Uv)0 Curta. (2.00) .00) ICD Frl. 11 p.m. 25^576 M IH B **imiaeO,r4nU*,)Jc*nN<rrtle, ┬л!┬л, Er┬л: kfle. >-(y3fl34flt................... f-" ' тЦа . - r r - r - Q . . . , olence) {?15) Q Mon. 305 pjn. U: A0AIN8T THE WALL *тЦа┬╗тАв% *.┬л (1094, Ornmn) Kylo тАв тАЩ 03 Wad. 2 a.m. HacLacWan, 5omue( L Ja<*son. (1.M) (1. 7625T40 12. Dmm.1) DoroOiy WdMn AOEOFCON3EVT *^(1Q32.D (1:16) m W┬╗d.4:lS┬л.m. U422W0 MO ALIEN WTRUDEB Hr┬╗ (1003,I, 56 ScMmce Fidior) (}iT^ Doo BEST T 0OF THE BEST 11 * * (1093, Drama) E'lc Wllliami. -RтАЩ (AcJull lanpuaflo, adull idull siuatlons. violnnco) Rctioits. PI>!i5) Pl>a R┬╗oo. -R' (Adon lnr>OU┬╗Oo. QfOP'^c vtol violenoa) ___ (1:35) 03 Ffl. 3:┬лS a.m. MS437 143712: Thu. #:10 a.m. (145)03 TTi BEVERL ERLY H n jj COP II **┬╗(10fl7, Corpedy)! Kdy) EddM , ALIEH 3 ┬л * * (10S2. Sclenc Jeneo FiUion) Stooumoy Murj^ry, Ronr ?onr7yCo┬л -R'(Adull lanfluaoe, adw┬л Muat<┬л atior>*. nu- ' Woav┬лf, Cnanea S. Ounon 'H' (A>^jUB┬лp┬╗Bo, <Ju┬л adu" wua- ,jjy. vioiaia)) na>) ( t u s i o FrLlO:3apjn.07Ut75 . lion*. Dtoohic violonco) (1:55) 5) B oa Sal. 12:35 a.m. 010 CIR 004UI942 ' (1092. Como. 3mody-0rama> HiOary Woll, David Sirainaim 1808007 _______ тЦа Uan Mowbray. (1:15)0 Sat. 4 a.!m. Ca08( ALIVE **тЦа. (1003, Drnrrn) i>) Et Ethan Hnntko, Vrnconl (2 00)03I Su J50714тАЭ ^ Sun. 11:30ajn.010l07;Thu.10ajn. 8507! Spano,-R'(V┬л*>nca) (2:101 IB Tua. 7u┬╗. 3:49 Bjn. 025ID023, THE B:LU0N BIU DOLLAR HOOD **% (1078.. Comedy) Cor тАв тЦа ' (. H t a Won.Sp.m.5S88(}9l ray. WJ Com. 'C (1'30) Q Tue. 2 p mr 433522, 43; A / ^ тЦа TVnConwoy. re (1050, Qfama) 3a.m.l7060( 0600 009, Hormr) Starr Arv DANCEOFTHEDAMNED тАвxllOOg. irecii. M (Aduirtonouago.' oduftiiualions! on*: hodrty^violoneo) H r - M a | P * P . тАЩ .1 iM uo KAiHE * '*>tim i/:M ia5!yr w iy & 0710M O.TvilMcCaA. :>┬╗um (2 .0 0 )0 Sun. 9 p m 665960 155)10 Wed. 12:30┬╗.m.271(i58l ALLTMEWAYHOWE **x(1IX (1063, Drama) Jean S>mBtLLYTH (1000, rTHEKIO **┬╗(1M9.Wostorr)ValK*no*. DANGEROUS PASSION * * M OO Drama) Carl ___ Bion*. BoOert Pmslon.-(?┬л)) D Ffl. Frl. 3 pm_3227J7, 8:M _cnn J aUl>u..12JQ u n ______ O.Ti┬╗*,.t0:}Spjn.02Mai2___ тАв---- pm'STftMO------------------ ------" тАв тЦа ' DINGO t0309 0 * * (1D91. Comedy) Cin^ Willloms, n rC b 'a y i T T j l l l ^ P ^ ^ H g B ALMOST AH AMOEL * * ┬╗┬╗ (1000, (1 Comedy) Paul Rj,Kho. PC PG' (Mild violence) (1:30) B3 Frl, 9:03 DANGEROUS TOUCH (1093. Suspen┬╗ penso) Lou Diamond Hooan. Ehai Koleat W (AduS larva anguasje. vWence) (1:30) 0500514 'hAtn. -R- (Admt lar>Quaoe. aduH sbiabcns. cto, nudity, videnco) . O Frl7:Mpjn.001┬г05.W*<La┬лjn. ajn,0SS220 THEBIRC ':13*Lm 0076502 ^,00)0 Swn.9p.m.4l0310;T}iu.13:1Si UROS ***ii(1003,Susoen9e)RadT┬╗>4cr. ALMOST PREGNANT * ┬л ( 1(1032. 0 Comedy) Tanya piHodnm.-PC ┬г PEOPLE *** DARBY O-flILL ANO THE LTTTIE PI . -PG-13- (2.001 D Frt 4 p m 553224;тАвBS i' s i RoCntls. Joff CoriMvy. ~R' (Adun l a ^ 1059. Fanlan) Abert Sharpe. Sean Conner onery.-C (1J5)D 5089045: Tha 8 a m 47101 T: 4 a m 280M8 1808 (t:3S) a Sat, 12:03 a.m. 100010 a t 3 p m 8741015.3:30 t m 4304801 JIROS fl: LAND-a END <1004. Honor) Orad n a Jonrv-. J ^ O M |p f r, 80037775 nedy) Jule AreJ/ws. i OARLINOULI * * * (1070. Comedy) S) D S a t 3:45 a m 423IS300; Thu. 12:10 2:10 am r y flj- ^ THE AMABNO OB. CLITTERHO RHOUSE * * * (1 0 3 8 . 531780M .m. 770121.9 p.m. ' OCX Hudson. (200) 0 Mon. S p.m. 1 C o m o iJ y )^ ^ 0. RoUfwon, Clare Ti irv Trevor. (t:30) QJ Frl. THE BLA SLACK MARBLE * * * (1000. Drams) < a) R Roberl v a A DAVIO-S MOTHER (1004. Orama) KM Kli^ABw, (2:00) Paula Prcniiit. 'PG* (2.00) Q Tua.. 10 10┬л.m. ^ T y J t,- . AMERICAN SAMURAI *% (100 J S S f тАЭ- 'тАЩ" 1 Sun. 8 p m 4055; C l Sm. 8 p mL30058; 30S O l S ^ a_____ Dmdlgy. -R' (ASull lanQunao, vioton^, *┬╗n┬л┬лl_U;30).Bl_TBu-------- OLACKBf m 13811 0(11)6un.8pmB<iiW2__ __ KBELT * ┬╗ (1002. AMTSUre) Don-The>OragonOra 10;┬лpJ!i:B211207 nr^iooSTsaenCT ~ ' (Adiil languaoe. nduR ┬╗┬лu8lic┬лj.>W i'utf'ty. тАФTH eO A Y -O T T H E T RlFnD a-*^ ud'ty.ylg--------тЦа тЦа AlBTYVii I F IM?. rr-s Ann.iT-n ┬╗he-frli-ie!4<hKmrew┬╗tr9--------------fO┬л) Slopheti Macni, R- (AduH larrgua iguaoe. aduS ailuauont. ni cg┬лS nTHE BEASTS AHO CHILDREN * * x ( l p m800503 ml ^ r ^ l e vtolanca. nuOily) (1:40) 1 )S0 Wad. 2:20 a.m. Orama)D.┬╗yM THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD BULL V -nx * * * x < to 5 i. l oa i l ..T i s ChriBtophorUoyd, PP<o to rB o y lo ,M lc h o ┬л l ┬╗yUumy.D┬лiy Roblni.-PO' (1:45)03 M cienes Ffdton) Micnael Rennie, Pauioa>Noai,'C Noa P A 381937S3 (1J0)03 Konton and Stophon I n F u r s t, c lo c k w ise AMOSAANOREW * * (1003. Co tL 9-JOa m 728647 L Comedy) f┬лolaaCaoe. OUND) VISION VI тАв * (1091. Sutpenae) Lenny Samvol L JadiMC.-PC-13*(A<tuR langu тАв from top Ion, s ta r InI 1T h o D ro a tn T o o m ' 0DAYBREAK * * * (1003, Drama)) Cul CUM Goading Jr.. Dbomh SlioBDn. -NR- (Adifl lar>gu9oa, adun a vWerxs) (1.40) Q Wad. 10:43r a.ni dra Katy. -R' (Adult larvuaga. adult sAMllon*. sAm violence) s r r ; - 7 s s , r c ; : g r . i ┬г noa) s ; (IJO hO Moa 3:35 u n . 3309300 n USA. ' S3G4000; O Mon. 12:20 p.m. 500 50024237. 12:S0 a.m. OUNK( OF 0> AN EYE * * (1002. Adventure) Mid JO) O Thu. 3:39 a m 3230113 . ,_____________MJO) Michael ' \ ___ 7Sfl274ra_-................... . ____ - ....... Pare. JarmsLe DEAD END .* * * ┬╗ (1037. Drama) I) Hu Humphrey Oogart. Lee; -ff (AJu8 tanDOBOO.-^totonai) (1:35) 1:35) O CANNONBALL~RUN'lf r n " * (1004, Comedy) Burl - тАв AMASnSUCiTi * * OVjO. Om D r^iTngnd BofBman. Wad 2JS pjii m .-^1┬╗4.-i-a-m.----------pji┬гBO7B343S:T0;55pJll.CCW73M-------Heyrwidi. PC' <Adult1ano<^ S m . mid violonce) (2.00) O (2.00) Q Mon. 10 p) m тАШ.410430; Tua. S a m THE OLOl ILOB **┬╗(ID58,SdencaFlctlon) Sieve leve Me- Frt. n JO p m 502072:Tue.^ i.p m l 7 0 ( I 7 0 OEADLV GAME * *_^88l. Syapcni ipcnse) Roddy.┬╗!le-_______ eiaCcraeaul. (t:S S )0 Bat 1 a m 4041687 1687 CAPTAIN AMERICA **.┬╗ (1000. Adventure) Matt THE ANCELS WASH THEIR FACI P-AUaC_*i┬╗.t>,[iaM, Art.an┬╗iCTMot┬л^ тАФ 3a>v ┬╗i. r o :i3:j<iBnanim┬╗j u a g a rw a a e T n :*!) m 'g is :тАФ ----- rr┬╗)-*fn OhandarrftgraW Wmuji:~P dy) WUIlam Holden. DEARWtFE * * '┬╗ (1040, Comedy) V alU(3a5> a We<i.4|MiwM13056------" 11rl9>ffCVM*T*l> pjtl. 708139 DflCT * (1P80. Adventura) Don 'The OraoonOra< g f a iAMf l m * * / i an: 002,┬гomadyH<┬л. ┬л W I , Mar___ r--.iuui.' un snort -P&13- (Adul t┬╗<guai uage. adun iBuatWn. bnel nudk ^ (2.00) a Sat. 11 pjn. BS46; 00 Sat11:30ajn.30034 SM. BLOOOFta -DEATH BECOMES HER-┬л * * (1003.' ┬л2,-ComedrtM<iryl ' 3Ft5Tm: FORCED TO FKWT *k(ID91.Ad> ty) 0 .0 0 ) 0 Bon.B pm 983: a3390 " I ' ' APACHC UPRISING * *(10M reep. Oruca WUa*. -PG-13- (Adult l ┬лтЦаguage. ^ adua *U<aWJ, W o ┬л e m ) ^ C┬лtтАЮ ,0 W TTTw 1 ┬╗DraQon' Wlaon. -R- (Adu┬л language, I.Advanadun otMtMEL CARA PARCHADA Jl , JuM o; Aleman, (1 :3 0 )0 Ffl. houn.OeFortOKsBey. (2.-00) O Frt 2 na. vWlence) (200) B3 Sat 12-JOpma262947 20 rt3pjn.0MS70 uoOcna. vtolanc 4ence) (1 :3 0 )0 Sun. 4:43 p m 6785050.4 150.4:50 9:30 p m 480437 APPOWTMEKT WTTH DANGER 4orrt>r) Chrtilopher R * * * (1 6 5 1 . Drama) iS ^ ^ b S 08; o ? !89 Toe. 3:33 a m 3300771 DEATH DREAMS * * H <1091. Herrt CASANOVA-S BIG NI0H1 WT *ik (1054. Comedy) Dob Alan LsM. PhylUi Cavort. (1:30)) B >eve.MatoHeloenbergor. (2:00)0 Thu,] o Tue. 12:00 p,m. OLOWN A h u ,7 p m 200443 HAWAY **<1093. Suipenw) Corey H< >y Halm. Hope. Joen FontM. <1:30)) O B Sat 10:30 a m 723140, S 2S0305 DELTA HEAT * * (1002. Drama)I AJa AAlhony Ethvards. man. -R- <Adu┬л languaoe. aduit dtuason*. nw ┬╗.no<┬╗y. pm6l7100 nco Henrtkaen. TT (AduR language. aduA AAENA *tk (1DS9. S<ienu Fiction) FKtK Pam Sattecfleld, S o S r ┬л ? tJ n ^0 ) O Uon.2;30┬лmSt2703 тЦаdull sttuatiens. vio* CASTLE KEEP * * * ( 1(1000. Drwna) Ourt Lancaalar. QaudIa OvttOwi. 'PG-IT (Adult languo r.fluaoe, adult ┬лtuaOO┬л. <ce) <1.3$) O Wed. 7:29 p-m. 1501S503 503 . ILUEKNIGKT * * K <1075, Drama) 0┬лorge__PciixFalk..<2JX) G.0 O Sw ki p brta(nudSr.vto>┬лnce) (l:4S) ES SM.12: 'DEMON'SEED'*** (10T7.'Sd*nc< lance FteBonjJur.0 тАЩ 'тАв тАФ Ker┬╗w>r,Atel JexRoca).-(inn) 0-W ed'I1:05uK:4000; >000700 CATTUANNICANOUTr TTLE BRirCKES * * M 1 0 ┬╗ T '' c i(Istle.Finz ^ - ARTISTS AND MODELS * *┬╗(1 ( ┬╗ (1055, Comedy) Dean OLUE SXa Weaver. (2:00) ID Thu. 12.-00 L-00 p1 m 270240 SMESAOAM тАв * (1083. Comedy) HaryH rryHarrv Weitem)Owl LancMter. Jot┬╗i S in SavBoe. VG' (1:40) O Tue. q[ Martin. JorryLmrt*. (2.W) ┬╗ FrLSpjn DENNa THE MENACE **(1087.0x1 Comedy) VldorDI. тАЮ l┬л,R┬л;,nDarto larta (2:00)0 Sun.3:30p m 500350 7:20 ajiv 00745734 ASPEN EXTREME *tk<1S02.Dr┬╗ Ala.PattldaCtMn.'O- (t:┬╗) Q SaLSpj Drama) Paul Cm*. P┬╗body OFEVDENCE OF 8 p m 0075207 * * (1002. Mytlary) Madcr ladonru. CHAINSOFOOLD * ** (1080. < Drama) John Travolla. lar OoTQ.-R-(Adull languago. adul tfusBc DESIOKMOWOMAH ***<10S7.Ca m┬лBon*. brief Bud┬╗y,vto- VtUemOaioe-f тАЩ. Ccrjedy) Gregory M. -R- (AduR languaoe. adul iAiauooa. nudty. wtty. VV Joey Lawrence. -R* (AduH lani languaoe, adult utuailon*, vlolanea) Frt┬╗>ffl.00eCW,e;4 I, ft49 p m 0700440 - S o i S 10) i l O Frl. 1:30 a m IM057D3 . d . .Laurw Dacel (3:00)0 Tue.12;3Sp. 29 p m 2314000 lence) < 1 4 0 )0 M oa4J9aj' ┬л m 80030015 DESPERATELY SEEKtNO SUSAN ***X(10a3.Com* THE BOD^ ODYGUARD * * ┬╗ <1002. Sujpente) Ka .)Kavtn CHARLEY OKE.EYE * i* <1073. Watlem) Richard тЦб y) Rosama Arguene, Madonna. PC-IT (A IT (Adult language. Coatncr. Whtnt Mney Hoiralon. -R- (Adu┬╗:lan(^w(^. adul il ┬╗it vtu┬╗< Roundlreo. Roy Thlnne*. < 2 <2:10)-Q Mon, 9:20 p.m. jitltuatkra brier nudly, violence) <1:55) 5 5 )( 0 Sat 10:33 BABES IN TOrLANO r <1034. Fantaty) Sian Wm. violence) c┬╗) (2:15)119 Sun. 10:30 p m 5373300;I; Th> Thu. 9 32077600 rv 30500000; O Sun. 1:3S p m 03330872 0872--------------- --тАв Lwrv<.OI┬лv┬лrHan>y. <1:30)0 Men. ┬л . 3 p-m. 737004; Tue. THECHEYCHNEKJD ** ((1033, Wetlom) Tom Keene. THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN AN * *X (1002. 3RROWERS *-**-<1973. Fants>y)et)dM ; тАФ lt30┬╗jn.4l1S60-------tWoAJ- (1,00) O FK.4am703080 medy) Eddio Murphy. Lane Smith. -R<Ai language, r (Adull BACK TO BATAAN ***x(104: (1045, Aifvenlur*) Jc*┬лi ' Pert TammyrGrlmoa. Gfl <IJO) Q Wed. 2 p m 0343209 CHICAGO JOE AND THE HE SHOWGIRL ***<1000, ja situations) (3:00)0 Sun. 10:43 p m : m. O 0240052 ue. 8:30 pjn. OSOSGO OOUNOFO iFORCLORY тАв**%<1D70.DK>vsphv)Da Wf>no.AnD┬╗nyOulnn. (2.-00) O Tu*.( y)OavW Drama) KWerSuCwrtand.Emay r*, Uoyd. (2:00) O Frt 10:30 * " DOCTOR oC MORDRID * * ( 1 0 0 3 .. Far Fanlasy) Jenrey RonnyCox. ( 3 : 0 0 ) 0 J a l . 11:133 p.m. p. BAD DREAMS * * (1088. Horro lorrof) Jenniler Hubin. Carradlne,- Ro p m 004003 Combt mbs. Yvwta Nlpar. -R' (Adult language, adun adul (Ituatloft*. v( .507440 01005025 CnKaAbtnS. (3:00)0 FrLllpjn.507 CHILDREN OF THE CORN RN H: THE FINAL SACRIFICE olerKS) rwe) <1:15)0 Thu. 10p-m.7450000 I FY 1TRACKER- * X (IQ92. Orama) Lotan OAOOEOF SOJENCE: MAMAC COP COI la * (1003. Itor. BOUNTY otanzo * * (1092. Horror) Terence Knoit. Kn Paul 9<fterrgr. -R- (Adult OQ DODOECfTY * * <1030.Wcstom)en i) Errol Flynn, Ann adiM tSuBtnm, Bmpntc lJ>ma9 T4R- тАв(A(Adull c re┬л) Robert Oavl. TT (AduRlanguaf^, adi┬л tooouioo. vBlonco) (1JO) O M Mon o a l lanouaoa.irapftevWorKo) (1:3 1:30)n8Sun.Op.m.005tM2 Shond┬л >ndan. <1:45)0 Men. 10:35u n . 410003 [100332 4030812 ajn.2IOia4 ┬л4otone┬╗ <1:30)10 Men.2:09ajn.4030 CHIHA O'BRIEN 3 * * X <1001. Drama) Cynthia oO DOLUMAN *x(100t.Sctenc┬╗Flcoan)n n) Tim Thomenon. 4AMED Co A BOY N AM CHARLIE BROWN * * * (1000. BARSARIAKS AT THE OATE * * * (1003. ComedyO.ComRoOvoclc. Richard Norton.-R-< , r <Adull lantnMoa. adult sllua- -R<Adiil -r^ tartguage. adult utuation*. grapM vh тЦаcvtdence) (1J5) CO. 1 W <┬лuS Lv<ouooo) edy)Vo┬л┬╗┬╗olPi olPolef Rabbin*, Pamet,nFertn,-0- (1J0)| Drama) Jamet Gamer, Jcnathan Piyce. JO) O uoTB. vldenoe) (1:30) 03 Sun. in.3:5Sam3345001 Sat 1:40 aun. 15307740; Thu. 11:90 ┬╗ aa;m 65030260. . . . Tue.┬л p m 574183 5741 (1:55)03 SM. 9:20┬лJR. 00020190 CHRISTTNE * * (1083. J. IHorror) KeiUi Cordon, John 8:33 pjm 03173153 9 p ROM BRAZIL <1092. Ooaimontary) -NR(Ad BATAAN * * * (1043. Advonlur inluro) ftobott Taytor, . тАЬ ''тЦа8 fW I r (┬лun Slockwen, -R' (Adun languaae. le, violence) (1:50) O Sun. 00 OONT TELL HER ITS ME *┬╗(1090.C X). Comedy) Steve dull tltuallonv nud┬лy) <ti15) 03 Tua. 1 a. m 173500 lanouaoo, odull Thomai MAcM, (Z30) ID Tua. S pm 1 1 a.m li;40p.m.34027213 GutlenC lw * ^ ^ t^ l3 '( A J u l sBuaSons) <1:45^1 ┬л5^C3 Wod.,3:30 ;l┬л 0 . A<MK,b^) tau. ┬л тАЬ ┬л 5 BATTie OP BRITAIN A CHRtSTMAS STORY * * * (1083. Comedy) Peter pm 3 0 ICCAHEER * * * <1030, Advonlure)F(M) rsncB OiMer, Michaal Coln┬л. 'GтАШ (2:15) 5) O fl Wed. 3:09 *jn. . Billinoitoy. Darren MeCavin, тАвPC -p. (Adull languape) (t:45) THI DOUBU O KID * * <1002. Advi THE _ _ Morcfi, FranciJlui attaCaal. (2.3 0 )0 Mon. 11:30ajn. 5255( 0273m j------ ;-------- -------------------- . i^550a^ . O.Mon.-lJ0pm.7466702тАФ mrBnBma-N?fliMir-TO-TT.iAjun Uiojj ----------- BATti r W TWE-WORIoa-*'*!! ___ _ aTYOF,HOPE * * * |1 (1(┬╗i;0raTO)>.^>o┬╗nt C Spano. ' lonc┬╗i ( ┬л) <1:30)0 Fi1.3pm 305311 THE VAMPIRE SLAYER * (1002, Comoc Oon) Claude Raina. Oii Carter. (I:SS) 0 Tony Lo Blaneo. -R- (AduH lang injjuage, adult tJluaOorlj. vK>DR DRACULA RISING * X <1003. Horror; >rror) Chililophar ten VG.13(Adun langvaQO, vloh>noe) (1:3 MM54340 . . . lenoa) (2:15)10 Wed-3;55ajn im 80430799 AlUna. тАв * (Adu┬л language, aduH sAHHlon*. na, -R I. gra graphic vWlenee. u n . 545126.7:30 p m B45476 THE BEASTMASTER * тАв (1082 1082. Fanla.y) Marc D CLASSOF-44 **(I073,C ly) <1:25) n Men. 3:93 a m 17337B93 3. Comedy) Gary Crime*. Jerry nudly) 93 * * * <1091. Dr┬╗na) Warren Beatty. Am ^el .┬лpjn:iM 70a тАЮ OIKMV *┬л SMoar. Tanya RoberU. (2J0) O FrL S p. Houaer. (3,00) (33 Wed. 2 mjo .. m.S512&<, THE THI DREAM T E A M -*** (1080,, gnwdy-Drama) Co. languao*. adul ┬╗┬лuatlor>*. vWloOM) (12 BEASTMASTER 3: THROUGH THE HE rPORTAL OF TIME . 2?T^┬о ^ ^ Vdu┬л тАв CLEOPATRA * * * (IDO: D03. Drama) eiiabeth Taylor,' Mk^-uel umIKeaton. ChrmopherUoyd <2.00)01 Op.fg 00270503____________________ *K (11701, Fanbtty) Marc Stnger. (2:19)1 19) O Ffi #:J0 p.m. _ _ RWiardBurton.t;-(4:15) O Tt Thu.9:49am6W80350 174030 1034361 O H COCKTAIL * * ┬╗ (1008. 3. Drania) ( Tom Cniite. Oryan DRI DREAMS OF DESIRE * (1009, Adult). fult) Man Greene, Or┬╗ma) Oa┬лJ Nfven, BEIOVEOEKEMY **┬╗(103a., On (AdJI co Dro┬лM┬╗. f r (Adun lanouBoa. adu alcontenl) (1:30) idult sKUabons. nudJly) (2:00) W тАЩ (A < language, nudrty, g t r ^ aerual OrtanA/wme. (1J0) O TTtu, 0:30I ┬л.ni ┬л.m. 480240. 4 a.m. CAOED FEAR' FE/ * ┬╗ (1002. Drama) Kmten Cloke. 'I O Frl. *тЦа9- -R' OS Tue.'IO p m B24744 B1M7 . (AduKlanouuaoa, Wed.- COLE JUSTICE (IDOa. Drar ┬лma) Cart BartHotomew. 'NR' DUE DUELATOIAOLO * * * <1000. Weslem age, adun UhiaDonc.v<tfenoe)'<M5)0I W *i 3lam) Jamea Oar┬л17, AdvoWure) Oonj/. 10:30 p.m. OMM BENJt THE HUMTEO ***(1007, UM35 ni. vWenca) (1 35) |Q Sat m#. Sidt (AduH languaoe. adult tlUiaDani. Sidney Power. (2-00)0 Frl. 12:00 pm m 151040 t tn. 0379030, ):30 am, LA CAMIONI RadSloa9aO,iy (1:3!) ID Sun. тАв p.m. 0! lOMETA ORtS Marto Almoda. (2.00) Q I Sun. Su 12:l┬╗p,m. 50773557, B:30p.m i.m. 4119460; Thu. T:05 pjn. ' DY1 ROOM ONLY. ** X (1073, Sui| 0Y1H0 Suipense) Ooni 500320(30. . ____- __ _ .42MI03u :...-;........... ... . 19┬╗jn.60319. тАФ , - -, ...............................Leaehn chman. Rea* Marlln.-(1;30) O ' W Wee efl.-┬╗:90p.m .- тАФ S eiN CANDYMAN THE BEST UTTLE WMOREHOOSE I T C X A S**┬╗ IAN * * * (1002, Horror) Vitijlnia Madiei >dien.' ~ COLLISION COURSE * ** (1067, Comedy) Jay Leno, arton. (2:30) D SaL Tony Todd, W r (Adkit (A languaoe. adi/t vtuaUona, gnplac (1082. MuakaO Burt Reynold*. Do┬лy Parlon *c w VICK Palllonta -PC' (MJd vtolcnee) .) (1 :4 5 )0 SA 2:15 p m ._H;W i.m,821J10_________ ________ ._ .. ...................... .teiCB) (t;40)OO Sun..10pm7B20749___ ________ ............S5007644............. тАФ ___ a s E a s ., .'. . ^ ^ 9Kml!' / 2^ nf 1┬░ ; W eek - o f A p r i l 8 - 114.1994_____________ 4 21 тЦа___________ Page P L 8I p m 67040; QD Frt. 8 p m Waoner, (2.00) 0 (38) Frt. 72332 093. Suspense) Marlee Maam. -R-.' HEARNOEVU. *┬╗(109: D **K (1077. Advenlum) THE EAGLE HAS LANDCO i a) (1:50) ID Thu, 3:39 a.m. (Adun language, violence) nd. (2:45) IB W m L 11:20 lUh┬л< Cota. D o~" Suttwtand. 00032467 p m. U7C'>400 ____ HEAVENLY DAYS_ * *тАв (il(U4,C<ynedy)F<iborMcCoo 108S. Drama) Jom CusKk. ~ H ^ B 9 tlGlfTMeMOUT ***(108fl :30) 6B Frt. 8:30 ┬гm. 205224-----H ar<dMoffy,Da(t>araKalo. (1:30 SJO C^vto Cl-oco. (2:30) 0 Sun. S JO pjn. 423071 . ON EARTH * * (1002. Homx) HELLRAiSERBI: HELLO ElOHT O'CLOCK WALK * тАв * (1QS3. Myilsry) Doog Oratloy, Terry Farol.I. f-R- (AdoR language, aduS ailua'Donwll. (2:00) Q ) Fti. 2 тЦа тЦа I H (un.vi3 AKonborooo". Camy OOon 1 5 )0 Sun. 12:30 a m 2807053 L M tnrn.oraphic violence) (1:35) im. 70iS57 Salire) Dosun Xoftman, C┬лena тЦа тЦа 0 HERO * * H (1002.SI ej HOURS TIL DAVm *r* * ┬╗┬л (1000, Drama) Robert uoe. vkMnce) (2.00) O WmL ST jIIj H Ckava. 'PG-13- (Ad^ lanouao T1ui.2pjn.237a┬л0 R s S S iV Ur>:^ P┬л┬л smuts- (2-00) O Tiui. SZILSSi:^ 11am247481,flpm(U832: 1329 _ -OP-THE-WORID, * * тАФ [тЦа' m , ----------- CCEXNOR.-ptJWT tABY-OF'! HlCHUH'tiHUUND WW m. 6.G. |1M:. Doorapny) Jaan Slapklon. 6 Ma(*haa. 'Ct (1:5S) *' I ver.MegW┬лnef.'PC-(2 00)| тЦб Fri. 5.03 ┬л.m.708lM56 THE HINDENOURG тАв* *i ( (1075. Drama) Georoe C. THE ELfiPMAHT MAN * * ** ┬╗ (1080, Drama) Jonn тЦаj┬о Tua. 10:30p m 309580 Seta. Anne OancTon. (2.30) C HiA A/itfeny Itopkinj. (2:30) OB Tlui. T┬╗ 12:00 pjn. 097714 HOLIDAY INN * * * ┬╗ (1042. Musical) Omg Crosby, r . . J im. 7053500. Thu. 11:4Sajn. 48402713 >1 * * ┬╗ (1073.Atf┬лnturB) 6uft.4p.^ EMPEnOR OF TW6 NORTH rt1:30am0n8G1 W&bsoa FredAstart. (2.00) *a Sat 1 lEVCRYOUNO * * * (I092,Fantesy)MolC 7 :3 0 ,D W ┬л L 1 tO O .jn . lr┬л M.wn. Emesl Oo'gnine. (2:30; ): THE ┬лo) (1:45) HOMEWARD DOUND: 1 INCREDIOLE JOURNEY | H 00 Cons. PG' (Adua lan0830┬л. mid vWflnco) VoKaa of Mjcnaol J. Foi. Don * * * (1003, Advanlwe)) V , 10 a m 3400430,7 p.m. OS072SO OTMES * ┬╗ (1M7. FanUrty) O M n. ^ ┬л TIIE EMPEROR-8 NEW CLOTM Sun. 5 p.m. 073045. 2:05 a.m. 4mWayne, Ameche.'GтАЩ (1:30) E l Su rr APACHE ****(1048,We-.lorT.)JohnV. ┬л . 22 p.m. 073095, 3 :┬╗ ^ n . SrfCac-jf.W Mon. 0321250 onda. ( 3 0 0 )0 SaL 10ajn.C90280 :GAS * * * (1092. Comody) W i i?nio тАв xfy) J.vne* HONEYMOON IN VEG; tTYNAUCHTYGlRLS * * (1037. Comedy). Comody) M^arlda ENCHAMTEO APRIL тШЕ *┬╗┬╗ (1091. (1 le. -p(Vt3- (Adull langunge, nduR M g Caan. NUaias Caoe. n, Joan Woodbury. (1:15) ES Sun. 5:15 S;1S a.m. It ;2:30 p m 240600; Wad. 2:15 n^Jwiiiwn. Joan PlownoM. "PC' { utualior^t) (2.00) 19 SaL e T M ou.T iispjitisew w B184808 . K J imalPerrv' 'p.m.2081038.10;*}p m 818 STERтАЩliKD'LAURlE * * ┬╗ (1975.'Oriima) Comedy) Soan A┬╗Un, Paiiy тАв ^OSTE , fantasy) R o ^ WiJiams, D u s U n _ r^ _______CNCIH0.MAH_**.t1W7,Cpn !. HOOK' * * * tI091,F< ┬╗nH┬лr┬л<wod.-(2 0 0 )0 W*<UJO^un.77i ┬л ) t2:JU) O'Sim.'^JrOS-pjn. Sinm 'PG' (Adull languooo. rnkj vK 0 Wl Wasjon Hoirmii: PCfMM'vaend.) JRFR)END9 * * * ┬╗ (1001. Drama) Cnwo 1l:M ┬╗.m. 2200M. t:30 pjn. C0SS4>070 ilont (2 30) 03 Mon. 2 p.m. 237000 <ER * ┬╗ (1030, Comody) Oort DOOYE **(1000, Orama) JodlTtxHont EVERYTIME WE SAY OOOOO oEclholdl HOOK. LINE4 SINKEI 3OINOOH30 **(1008, Comody) Slovo EO FlepMo h. 'PG-13(Adun lanfluao#. 14 OOIJ a m 050770 Tnm lOnVj. CHJlma MafwllKh. 'P WhoeW. (1JO) m Fri, 5aji Aihbrw*. (1:30)0 Thu.8 pm .452917? (1-4SI tm S a t 5:30 p.m, -------- THEHQTROCK * * тАв*> * (1072, Com┬л?y)Rot┬╗ert Rodr - t-o wa u e s T-Of pAKAPtae ┬╗ ┬л * ( ^>99 t Man O ut:-------------G.13'fVo- lord. CootQOSoQal. (2 UU) U Ocp┬лrd┬лw, Amiand Ajsanle. PC.13 ┬╗(1030. MyWery) Nil* Note, vwluro)┬╗C┬лR-d Oo EVCRTOOOY WINS *>H(1tr un тАШ HOUSE OF WAX * **H 'i (1053, Horror) V n a ^ Pnco. g>undoy n ig h t o n L ifotim o. 2 3 0 ) 0 Thu, Ba.m, 031705 I Sun. 7J0 a m 000294 DrVj Vitvct. (2.00) CD W*d r pj ,0- Drama) P"y┬лoKiiVPC' (1JQ )D S *_* * JtosK D тАШ^ , тАЩn :EHDLY.EER30A8I0N_* s is miVI -------- ┬гVH.-8PtRIT6-^-.<t┬л┬╗,Momji flthleen Ttimofr M^iwiol OoutjUa-'PC- (Adu Comody).CJ┬лlslO(inot_,yjnk i j 'S r e i " ----'HOUSE PARTY-* *.*-^18┬╗0r * joper. OoftXhy UcGtSra- IT5SJ (S Mon. "┬л:┬лтЦа ED S┬л.8p.m .1l9009;3un.l1 ^K*enco) (1:i5) D rtT10:35 p.m. 355005: .r,) (1 WB14-.............. .......... Liiflvago. 0>apnicviolonc┬╗. nodrif) ( 35) iQ Frt 2J0 a.m. n┬лl, llobin Hari┬л:тАШ(2.00) Q Dona JGZESEL * * * ┬╗ (1030. Drama)) D ol Davis. Hervy ENDSANDLOVERS * * (1031, Dr.vna) Lm (1W3, Adventure) Thomas FRIEND 6504 тАШтЦа'^imi^E PARTY 2 *r** (tool. Comedy) Chnslophor EXCESSIVE FORCE ┬л*(![> onda. (1:45)m Sun. 8:35am &50765B4 ┬лVJolpheMon)ou. (1:]5)ffl Sun.4 ┬л.m.07024 **<. Reid, ChnMopr┬л┬л MartJX.-n-0 V(AduSbnguaQe.nduRMuatJC┬лs) (Adun lanouago. ┬╗)u┬╗ ┬╗тАЬ>┬лтАв dwof.AJoi i.n Cnri'J', CnjBtiM le┬╗<s. 'R' (Mi THE SOC TAPES SCANDAL :Ca Frt,0 FU1a EXPOSURE: E D5501310. l:30a.m, 0351540 H Uy.t, y┬л>i┬лcc) .(1:301 ffl 1*0(1ul0pjn.0311M . 10 (2.00) m \ (1092. Comody) Slovo Marlin 1202570 . . (1909, >ramn) Orar: Vanosia Wiloms, Li┬╗a H.irtm.w (2.0 ptn. 7217┬╗I.W*d. 12:13 ajn. ┬г202! 4<chael Diehn. Matl K2 * *H (1992. Aflyonluro) Michi m (M5492 languago. aduR srtuauons) (2.00/ 30, C Corrvody) John Travolta, Mon, 7ppm THE EXPERTS * * (1680, Haven, 'R' (Adufl languago, violenco)I (2 00) O Thu.# NNY ABOUT LOVE * * (tOOO, Comody) )U┬╗00. mJd violonca) (1:30) FUNNY Aiy. C>┬л┬╗. тАЩPC-ia' (Adult UmBuaO' Lahti 'PC-13' (Adun LinoonO┬л. Wider, Chrr-bno Chrt jn .501337 .' HOWARDS END * *r**4(1002. Dr┬╗m.i) Anthony Hop- ajn Q Sai. 4 p.m. 097400 тАЩama) Ri^plvMnxtto. THE 145) *тАв (2.30) O Tu┬╗, 3pm7l51(>4 T KARATE KID **% (1004, Drama iu┬╗[>on┬╗┬л) Pderr Coyole H' IjOos) (1 45; 0 Mon. 11;43a.m.48Miiei7 EXPOSURE *x(1WI1.Su┬╗l>. A I.fit All kim. Emma Thompson.-pGтАЩ I ┬╗ge, v(o┬╗ofW>) (2.10) lorlyuH *Par MorM -PG' (AduS langunge, ^NYFACe ***(lD57.Mu-JMl)Fr^Ml.┬л ;OPLE FROM ANOTHER STAR B Tu..10;19am3709t031..┬л;S0p-m.2: (150JC9 FUNNY (A.*u:i lancvjaOO. MuS tnuatlOftS..gmpncvwlenos) grni iV o T hyper SAPIEN; PEOF m.22105630 iellJtt,l(iOO) m Thu. 7 p.m. 405705. lion)Jlyilnay-Ponny-JtldtyJauaтАФ IB ,1 Ji-.-11 ....тАФ тАФWtilHO 5TRE┬гT┬л-*i;TlWi;0rama): jiajUmadPOTjR- i-g;;.-yioio-Hcont:4sria-sac-4тАФ^ WuB * 1 Lmou'>ao, adufl muaPora, bnel_nud┬╗ty. CYTOF TOe STORM * ,┬л┬╗<тАв hT(1092. Sujoonie) Dennn 172714. Jd.ty,vt0l┬лnce) (1:50) тЦаe r r ^ V ^ 3 < W t 3 t 3 тАШтАШ^ ~ J ^ H i uaivviolonco) ("1.35) 6 To*. I1:*0 S *< * * * (1040, KINO HEARTS AND CORONETS q jlKal) Alco lEOANG-SALLHEPE * * * (1043. Mu┬лal EYESOFTHEDEHOLOCRI **(1092.Honw)Joanna * :omody) Alec Cuhness, Oenms Pnco.. (2 00) Q Tue-5 omphlc ^ cam, IтАЩ-icuU, Mat! McCoy. 'R' (Adull lanouago. lane :┬лm┬╗n Miranda. (2 00) ┬гB To.. S p.m.,270218,0 27C Drama) John MJs. ^I.m. 4J0090 ICE COLD IN ALEX ***(1058. * тАв тАв 1130) BJ Mon. 8:25 >m. 85400540 a i8:W ┬лtl1a.m .34┬╗77 , >ama) Frank Snavn. тАв тАв pjn.307211 at0;30pjiv0050fl0 H 0S40_________ KINGS GO FORTH * * * (1050. Dram inr. aimon S,trta Symi'l2 30) Sat TE II * * * (1090, Honor) tOuH Tilpp. * * (1091. Drama) Robert Davl, 127 GATE ony Cuitts. (2:00) 03 FrtT1 pm, 703427 at. n (Adull limouaoa, adull eilunlions, vio (1070, Orama) Dustin D S┬лL 12:00 p m 028207 [,KRAMER VS, KRAMER * * * * (107' B 1Tl┬╗.ie:40pmfl1110314 uage. aduR sJtualxns. (oflman. Meryl Suooti. f ff (AdoR language i-i IMFTATIOHOFUFE **4* * (1059, Dram.1) Lana Turner. тАЮgтАЮтАЮ THE FALLEN IDOL * * ** (I04fl, Drama) RatpH (t:35) (тЦб 3ATHERIN0 OF CAOLES * * * (1┬г┬╗3 C 344072 X))QO A GAT m, 1:30 p m 705294, brwf: тЦаnefnudSy) (145) O Fri. 0:30 a.m. 33440 fi?rS44 John Cavin. (2.30) E l Sun, Kcluroten. Dobby Horvoy- (2 00) G Tu┬л.2ajn.02a220 u-JVIl.J?┬лT┬╗y1i┬╗ <2M) O M O p m. D :O C MafShaa. lyseBo An. **s(1009.DramoIClonnC┬╗┬╗o,____ t KRULL * * (1083.Fnnln8y)KenMan DraтДв) Frpa RqO'Hu'JX ------------ A FA┬лILV-UPS┬╗┬г-OCWN_ftJ RDNIMO * * *11062, Woiumrcfiue* Co Spm-49927107----------Ailutllanouncoriidutt'Wtualiorw) S5v 1>G'-(V.bl┬л┬л,r(2.151 m-SunrapJT GEROI M-.wi), lloion Kayet. (2.00) ClI Sat 9* 11:30 p.m. B7J14) DoYl (2 00) CQ Thu.┬л:3Sp.m.40BDfl20 M09,We<l.6;V5 a m 2740410 ,KUNO FU * * * (1071. AdVontura) jra) ID┬╗vM Can┬╗d┬лl, A *< * * * (iaa3.Dtama). .KamalaPffi ________ FANKY AND ALgXAHDER 0STTIUSTERS-*"**-11t*>4,-Comechr) 6< k (1092- rantasy) AJexartdm Pau^ тЦа tarry g 4 a i a - ----------- -----p -S u n . 8 tni'.-<g40: 7*35rBBuG3i5rS3urBm:--------G)10S1 1'wn.ii Ajh┬лvi. D5f3"Guv5nT7┬оL kroyd -PG' (Adofl lintpuoe. volenco) (2.00) C :30) O Fri, 6:30 a.m. 400972 _ on. 4 a m 10054030 ' OaflAyVOy Robert ForeIw.-PG.t3-(1:30 Uxn.bnelnu(Uv) (3.1S)fD Won-4 * I(1000, Ofomal Donovan Loildi. тЦа┬╗QP? rvamj' Tom Cnjim.__ J;45p.ra. 3 T,-v>'> Tire IN CROWD_ *_* Kidmon. TO-IT (AjJult togw ---- im v piuT H -**'< 'rT nnc .ran^ TOODavW Boie.~ Jeir тАФ J, Richard Allonoorouflh. (2.00) (23 FrlI p.m. Ftl. S INTHESOOP * * * ( k.┬лo) (2.30)0 Ff1,t30┬лjn.322' Kfer Connelfy. 'PC' (V┬╗┬╗on┬л) (2┬лl)TLr jR Ilanguage, vttienco) (1:30) na 0 CROWD * * * * (1 0 0 7 . 701595 rnmntlvl Sejmour Ca┬╗M>l. 'R- (Adult FAR FROW THE MADQWO Cl '17705 .OERSLEEVE'S GHOST <тАв'* w2l┬лpm075455 Dangerfwld. D'nma) OtftstM, A!^ Batm. T LADYOUGS * (1002. Comedy) Rodney Ron Peary. Marion Martin. (1:15)60 lilon.Sil '*тАв ┬о ' * тАЩтАЬ* тЦа ^ тАЮSj ft,a . 9,15 a m. INSPECTOR ┬лEN┬г INERAL ****(1iU0,Muslcal)' it 12:00 p m 803990; ┬╗m. 158*!?5T............................. *. (200) SS W ┬лl 2 a m 307801 ^ PO-t3-(A*iuRtenouage) ( t:X ) ia Sat 12 pente) Linda OWr. TT (Adult tSOOSTO01 I тЦаramalLAu. DonnyKaye.WalterSloai*. I FATAL DONO (1002. Su┬╗pen┬╗ Wad. 1 p m 352752 3IRL NAMED TAMIKO * *┬╗ (1062, Dramt LVEI-* * .\ (1are. Omma) Talom . тАФ (1:30)0 A GIRI fVamnl .Vwi Sfvm w -1 ^ ' ' -IMTSRNAnONAL-VELVI Lvvuaoo. ado* eiluallons. tirtol'nud^y.vWenoa) nod t^^mg^wtaeouEwcC' * * (i mTl3. o w .-PG -(┬лu# languaoe, nSldvK> Uwoy Franca Ni/yen. (2.'00) Q) Frl. 1 p.m. .m.OC9021, 0 oTjaal. auuaohof PKimmoi adiA sRuotions. nuoi__, ronco Kwi Sun. 12:4Jam 4000540 xsnce, D 4ly Zane. -R' (AduR language, adi^ 1_ ,02230 :19 p m 24455701; Tue. 8JO a m 1W2. 5u┬╗i┬╗nM) CWBUno s*t┬лajn. n.┬л ┬о ┬╗*on.9:1J THE FEAft mSIDfi.* * *M(1C y) (1:25)0 Mon. 2:30 ajri; 5314012I ECIRLRUSH **┬╗(1055,Corr┬╗dy)Ros.Jn ^vna IWt- 27700070 THE Cl * * (1075, Sdenco laPf.OAWMcDemoB. (?.00) ffl ffl TT>u.7pjn.(H1l53 ' LAND THAT TIME FORGOT *1 r (1005. Advenlure) Chock Noms. -kSCT) 'THEDoug d┬╗Albert. (IJO)ffl Sun.8:30wn. 157010 ** * n (1002. Drama) Tom um.EMu/ n ,.i INVASION U.SX *(тЦа A FEW 0 0 0 0 UEN * * McCkire, John MeCnary. (2 a0 0 ) 0 8*12:05 ENOARRYOLENROSS ***┬╗(1092,Dra (2 0 0 ) 0 Mon. 8:05 p m.3063093 3C t Un languaoe, aduR altuaUoo*) CLENC Criyijo, Oomi MOWO. -R' (AduH s.m. 7005557 J.-K* Lemmon. Tr(Adu┬╗lanow*9e) (1:45) ffi son. S *x(1059.Setene┬╗Fletlon)John P-"^, j) IU ihvISIDLE INVADERS тАв 177. Fantasy) Richard m Frl, 9p.m, p#cmo.J.-┬╗c 12 30) Q Sun. 12:45 ┬л.m. 732710K 732) THE LAST DINOSAUR ,* * (1077. I i┬лma03┬гr7J10............... . ... ^jBWM.JowiVanAflt (2flO)тВмB Sat10:┬л -Aoar. (IJ5)CB Frt.l40┬лJ ^ 3flSajn.l 10:05 a m 5622151 .....~ wrzoa EGLOfWWYS * * * (1005.We┬лom)T┬лn TOT Tryon, island OF THE BURf IRNIKO DOOMED * * * (1 0 0 7 . W "THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS * * * (1092. A<hnnTHE Gl ss DAYS AT P┬гKINO * тАв*** (1003, Advootura) CMrl^ S ; S n 2 % IB sun. 11:lS am 57515708 XH lee. Peter CusNng. (2.00) CD lure) Dantel Oay-lewia, Madotmno Stowe, ))6D тАвOM. 'R* (AduR cRuolon llcslcn. Ava Cofdner. (3.00) SI Sat tia jn . 704644,2 |t┬╗rvO Prosi ilHOAPEI * * (1081,Comody)Tor>yOortia, pm. 200473 DOINO uns.'traohtc violence) (2.00) O Tua..11 111 _________ am,541030. *PG' (Adufl lanouOQO) (1'30) 03 Frl. 0 pjn, 8! SuVponii) Richard OeVia. VC J75. Conwdy) SWnoy FINAL ANALYSIS * * * ( 1[TptO.тАЩ 1 ......-L E T S DO IT AGAIN- * * * (1075. E GOLDEN VOYAGE Of SWBA0 * * M (1974, 1 ^ Fer>Kitjiwoe.oi)ulltiKaoeira.bnef-- тЦа thCC< 10) (:(200) ca Toe. 7 C┬лro. nm Dunoer.-'RтАЩ(AOiAtmoo) PoiUor, OJ Costly.-PC-(AduS LinouBOO) ^ P W IP Law, C a┬л l┬л Monro. (2:15) ID1 Thu Th >J0 L11;4Spm305l0003 wjrtJofinl p.m. nu┬л,ty,vwton┬л) (2:15)01 S┬л.11: B.m. 329000 ' . JAGOEOEDGE * *m ┬╗ (1085, Drama) Oenn Close. Drama) WBem Datoe. i5,A<Jv┬лrturt)R)eMfdYounB. p m 3^509 ' UGHTSLEEPCR * * * (1992. Oran FINAL MJSSKM **(t&S5,A< lage, nudity, violence) (2.00) 03 I Ondge?. R-(Adull la ^ a o ' GUYS AND THE HAD GUYS *┬╗*┬╗(1009. *┬╗ UQO, adu┬л aituatton*. oraP*┬л . th eECGOT C< Susan Sarandon. тАЩR- (MuB .language,. sduR adi altuattons, v<oJdin Enoon. W (Arti# lan^WQO. Frl 11:30 p m 059330: W┬лl. 11 Suti SSIDIFH. jn . 158740;W .<tl2J0ajn, -comody)R Y) Robert M.tiJwm. Coor^ Konnody. (1:^) f lence) (1 :45)0 Sat3:05a.m. 1D017407 тАЩ^07 _ . тАв r<oi┬лncii) (I JO) oa Sun. 11 pjn. 1 J33153 leno INCYJONES *тАв** &I1100 U3TEH UP: THE LIVES OF QWNCY тАв4 * (1092. Myslory) Andy Garela. OlOfltaphy) JENNIFER OGHT * IE 0GREAtI u POSTOR * * * (1000. t.OlO C ^rank 5┬лatfa. -PC.13┬лiQuaoe,aduRUualiCRS.nudfy,vl. (tog 11000, Documenlary) Oumcy Jones. Frank F)RC.ICeAKODYNAIIfTB* * '* (1D90, Corn┬лJy)Ri┬╗w * ┬░ тАЩth'e 2 UmaThuntan.-R-iAdirtlant Mawon. (2 00) ┬г3 Sim. 0 a m 487497 48, difltmuofts) (1:45) ffl Ffl TonyCurtu [AdKI languaoe) (200) D Mori. B:J0 a m 304701 I.Wo, Suri Oeliicrta. -PC (WiA i 1:20 a m 00477050 (Adt olonc┬╗) (2:15)0 Thu. 1:2t 11;1Sun. 07225205 V ^ j jo h n JESSK┬╗ * * M J ^12. Comedy) Anglo DWJnson, MaoEOREAT MANVOTES * * * ┬╗ (1030, Dmra *┬╗ (1072. Drama) Den Gai- *тЦа thEOI Wed. 1:30 a m 030288 FT F1RE0ALLFORWARD **X in 111 a.m, rtosChovaltf. (2:30) IB W' lis m E ] ,ora Virolnia Waldler. (1:30) ffl Sun. Jun.llajn.541774 Oarrymoffl lENILE * * ┬л (1005. Advonlun) U i am.Ed0WABMn (2.00) Q Sun. THE JEWEL OF THE I Uon. 54; Omma) Ten flan, Pete* 022708.I M < 0:30 u n . 031527 nRSTBORN * * ┬╗ (1B04;t artin Sheen. 10717 TH^G Woaw. (200) aa FrLBajn.71071 5430 A FISH CALLED WANDA * * ┬л* * ( 1088, Comody) John LoтАЮ|,Go┬╗t pente) Rod QT ^ (Adun lanouaoo. adwR тАвnuaqu ,lt Cioowi, Jvnio L┬лS CwW, -R" (Adi >ncb) (1:30) su┬лgw.Li┬╗ ixyn. vKMncs) (2:00) a Uon.u9p.m.e75500 9p тАвlDiy-StortHondo4.ShpOHV8 {VengiM ' Q Z [1000. Waslom} Deon q s a tl: . FrVECARO8TUO.**(10┬л IW) Anffwny тАвтАв X afofSup8riof6-iltpMiJdunfl . E g g :ajL .9 p.m,-630016.-2 a m GUILT тАв B a iH o WthUoda lysHmfoi HeooTrwnaium.-(2 00).|B :a*t \, \ ┬╗ 8MnaOfl┬лw', (2.00)0 Tha 12:00 aum. j^ e09480 037403 ┬л y -d ┬л k тАвZone Sion, , (i/aaH тАв i P i i ufiible.ftsiliwl, XenoY* mSwTS W AW -*T*- nO M rW j^┬╗-V ┬лi an m -..___ V R * * ┬╗ ( l 0 6 2 , t > ┬╗ 2 ^ ^ '**OUNU FIVE CIaYS ONE SUMUCR ) ┬й W ad2 pjn. 820232 TabHuntar Corwiorv.D┬лt┬╗y0mn8cy. (2:00)┬й Mark HarM. .V 0, C Comedy) Oennit tH6 O' FLASKOACK * * (1090, n ju w . a┬лu┬╗ aluaoor*. vo- yManWu. Kioter Suffwtend. -R' (AiMI *an┬╗M g r , lonca) (1:55) O W┬лd.5:09a.m.Oi ntETUOKT OF DRAGONS AiRBar, (1:3S)C1 SaLII Vscei or Janw* E┬лt Jgno*. JM iF LE * * * a m 53045*4 FUOUT TO TANGIER *-*it <1001^^. ^ ,! ^ ) HRM2I5POA Fortfaina. Jabc Palanca, (1:30) O lu┬л li^ i l w . adult U ^ I , t>┬лaf FURTWG * * * (1 0 0 2 .Dnn .M on.l:30am N┬л┬лton.-R-(Adun Uuallena) _yi50).ID (1:! тАв3772I8J-; * ( 1BOO.Dcama)Lj┬╗i┬╗H┬л. t S r ^ A S r H^URKS (1OT3. My.lafy) THC FOROOOeN DANCE * < (1l4S) O * itng. 'PC-tS- (Ad┬л la n a i^ .., #di5#_Mi┬лtlon┬╗)_ Mu тЦа |H RMONY 215 ^ HONDA HARJ 222EEn sr: SK ...iTM NEW S ' M I OVIES ^ T ^ d a 'y e v e n Tn g M O N DA 1 SP O R T S SF r [ K IP Si i | 8 ^ 3 0 | 9 j 0 ^ ^9 ^ 3 ^ ^ 1 0 jO ^ M O j3 H Free C hannels T Week of A p r ils1 - 1' 4 , 1 9 9 4 1 )tl2 a jn i. S tjR w h ^ ^ JteShow(Slki jllatTted-Wth e *Ti ^ ^ S o n n e l J (:J5)UiteJ Northern Eiposun U w ph yBnrn|H8┬╗ts/u!r┬л fo^ Jeopanlyl (CC] Ro┬╗oann┬л Eveoing IS) ((R) A (CC) |8279556____ |6214096 :C)589a |Hew┬л 2175275 Progress) 40 ||n'iCC)8275 andaPrayaтАШ n(CC] i t 3332 (CO) 250____ . |R) (0(^ 9140 4J5________ 'AlcreMa) 5had┬л3 тАФ 5poBJpfOnтАЬ ----------heen |CbssleClut){Jotf┬лdn herтАЩsWeek N m 8870701 (:35)Cheei ro9237 . ' SpomghtOhllotftei KSCSpa 27092: N┬лwt40S2C2S Wheel of For- Kow'lnStyJe(Jo^ln In! 2707633 Pipgress) 9775140_________ 256610? I (CC) 7770: 2712701_________ iress) 2723817______________________ tuno 1773807 Progress (Ofl Air) Charlie Rose A 24492 9n1911-1M9(R)(CC)21017 O ^ ea toM cT тАЩ ChinabiRevohrtlon HeiVLehm Miwihour (CC) rn Ffy Aw┬╗ypDc Look&Cook ButioeuRe- lUcNtil 07140_____________________ n _____________ st fc s - n ( c q 9 6 5 M ___ ^31<a sa4S2 F H iT (;05}U ┬╗S l┬л┬╗M f^ C Q l!Ii тЦаy^AWino ' IHew┬╗(CQ-' |i35)lirA^ fiinfl-------[ T o n o u n ^ autphy Brown H┬лti(CCr~ NeiiTCC] Evomnj ~pa9M 6 I ^ тАШ 509C9S 7 2 9 4 8 8 7 9 ___________ X ) 59350 8436275 (CC)7509( 091 n(CC) 72098 ond a Prayer*. n(CC: de773┬л3 |(C0)13633 (R)(C0)BC091 7G0M M121 Shad┬л7 0 HallA (CC) ightline RushL [(:J5)Ar*enloHa igh&igforeo Uvrted-Wth (:3S)Nlght J **┬╗(1990)CMriioShccn.And4ofigh' 0nc(00)eo492 . N┬лySEAtS * lUnW -W loi Curt┬╗nt Affair DayOiv 994968 4155148 8735188 32689 (CO) 4994! io Esslcrn lerrarists. A (CC) 13576 raclslMdSoEs 730M 100)07633_________ cmlgMShow A (CC) (:3S) Late Night UndaGrayTA Hewtl8l7256 (:35)Tonl┬л ITruOi; Broken Pledges (19M. Drarnajli iJi Prince iFreshPrtnce UomentdTful Newi7i09S Entoitalnmwl FrwJiP 52_____________________________ 4467782 (her fights lo prevent hazing deaths. (CC)113550 i: It 9t459 grieving moOicff TonigM 95275 40411 ri(CC) jCurrtnlAffair Love ConnecxtGenersNight CourtтАЭ Cops A (( tstrsght-lacodlccn- IStar Trek: The Next ( kySwines* ***{1383)TomCn*se.AsW WwdcrYMf* lil'AтАШS'H(CC) RhlcyF (1972) 55928 (00)20966 tion 23186 9966 . 46053 55701 W169 tlon(R)n(0C)599( A(C0)44t6! n(CC)Biaa 2 u o ?9┬л тАЩQCisinvchtdwilhaFrosUuio. b┬л тАФ SweaOngteil----------(:06)LM┬╗-snow{R)-A-(cqтАФ reтАЩAViiiio^ News 72C1102 (:36)Che* nmlHeartsAfire. . HorthemExposure' rUng___ hu H au ser.. lUurptiyBmm Hem 1166 WhMlofFor- Ev┬лnlnc . leu 5590305 701'638 50807527 CO) 51324 . (CC) 47011 66 A(CC)470i [and a Prayer* A (00 deC5┬лG (CC)1922 [R)(CC)2966 tune 1838 Shjde ( iS w i r {J5)LaleShow.(R).A.(CC)_ тАЬ Harrted,,jw .th_______ re'AWingтАФ Hew┬╗ 2162701 (JS)WgM swii HeartsAfte- HorthemBcposore' ning------ 7M H┬╗utef~ llurptiyBrown Cheef┬╗(Parir EVenmt 6201522 1241940 22072071 __________ Court 124 CO) 2324 CC A(CC)5701 jandoPfoy┬л'A(CO be 7546 (CC)782 [R)(CC)39C6 of 2) (CC) 898 Shtde? lo iiall A (CO) iSijftT RushL [ :35)A^riioHa ^jJhbngfcrcT Mew*3306643 (;35)Night l┬г * * i 119901 Ch-K lia Sftcai. An cM a fflh Ofvi(r.n)?4?sfi Ww5┬гALSJ! Ertertalnmenl' Curi┬лntAft┬╗ir ItoyOrv ------------------------------(CCj w i r to Eastern tcrrcrists. A (CC) 17332 ndsMddloEa tonight C324 (CC)0184 _____ ight A 1049701 onlghlShowA(OC) (iJS) Late Night" > ^ 5001071 (J5)TonI{ fTruth: Broken Pte<>ges (1994. Drama) LMaGrsy.A Un ihPrince [Fresh Prince MomentolTfui Mewl 1492 Roieanne Fre┬╗hP 33 139188 __________ 7526633 6 - ........|l2 M _____ -Atoa--n-.- - 2 2 se llg g ig ii psiiigsi |iiliiB i niiisBii C a b le C h a n n e ls ISiSBSBH тЦаsgSQgiii тЦаsSgllQIi тЦа liiriH M R iiiB a HlgliiBBi PtltnKwnlCC) 697782 7 l5 I a lM (^ W w i5 n )l^ ^ LanyK ) 580576______________I __________________ (CC)Sa *285184 lortey1ine(R) Newinlght Sport* Tool^jlloo 99527 963237 тАв 366275 |609i 5555 Tonight 9M 5portseentef89696( Locnli Ohanponship - FnaL FromAm<4ails-[Basebaa liH тАЭ Air Races iTennlsBjifldt^Loni тАв тЦаTop8)2i9l69 ___________ |Ton>ght_________________ I 312695 land. Fla. (SamwljyTof f-Shark Ter." rsterin432782 W ikUlfe Uystertet*S {todiHo)me┬лUy*tertet |LoYejoyll)f┬╗ter " DjvWLWolperPfwents: |Sf┬╗ioe !452┬лQ- , _______ forD3n9┬лBcacJi:4l 302_ _____ PynmJdM69┬л___ _____ <56302 )lzTo- Lany KbigLhre(R) 216966 n w S S d e u j ShowtizT тАв2985 ________________ тАв. |date302367. djy07298 Im Brickyard ite____ Brickyard [indy 500 Film" upCiose [951522 [302237 7878709_____ 167066 ntti!___ Sherlock Holmes BysteriesтАШ LovejoyWy*David LWolpef Presents: _ .,|te tiet122103_______ ___ ___(R| 681250__________ _____ PyiamU.455031______ Arrterica Coast loCoasl(R)1 [Fronflersof fA k Trans- Fwest.of Fear 437'^ OOFnSnEcTwTeM FfonlieiiolFDghtV IILK&llutley Beyood2000Ft iFUgM 137015 ______ G90188_________ _______________p┬лlfcrAr(R)427flS - nemee304!┬╗ ^(fi>6WMтАФ thMQ: With a Song In My H ┬л r t*r** * * (1952) Susan, Canody) Julie Androvrt. A Germai Why)SusanHayтАЬ DarHngUi * * *┬╗(1970. (1 111 Song In Hy Heart ***(1952. Biograph ~ 0┬╗fllngLEl***(1970,Com- WWii 411 Hjyward.OavUWayne. 736411 vhandsorrwAlMpnry. 806343 fans Inlove withhtfh [],DavW (Kty)JulicAfldrcws. 778121 irart. D Wayne. Rg┬лyCat)0un.7B2Sl2 In- [PaidPrograrT Odd Couple [HoHyKxxTbT flngs A (OC)lQuintuml^p-Roberto-. >g**ScfvoaPi┬л^ WlngsA(CO)jWlf>i MWieitlbgFedertUon: [SakSlaDdi^ ~ Hun5er.SfNWroto*Fami)ySo- WotfdV ra 320763 15 363188 aider 584879 W695 ary 27.198T A 635445 >960512________ 3S1343 : 6W vlayHlBhlR┬╗w2S5904 (R)n(CC)960 octsтАЩ (00)682850 Mofula) A 184169 ative Nation A 440237 DreamtimeAl ┬лvt>ButL Jon Stewart [Altem ^ :)AS98459 тАЩ Be<vto-Butl Bea^ тАЭ "T ^ ^ Citwaft(R)n I PrtM.Ttae n BflWM____ S2B33--------CR)n S23C33-------------------------------- --- 144140~----- 2S21 >in<u> тАв i4 ┬╗ Suna┬╗yC┬лBie┬╗(R^ia3 grCT(R] 331775тАФ S┬лrtym botr3ll┬л ^ ^ SmaiyCofrra " Vtdeo Block |Jm20G27S B284K I___________ тАвonwthing-MoteuinтАФ jP a id P ioaa-fP g ^ aldP rogr^--------ltr┬л0527тАФ Onsofved----- [TWrtyscwi -4i[19egrDrama) ' - /y j a iS 11E* Exposure: The Sex Tapes Sci(K U ~*ii ( тЦа Si┬╗tm -Eijgnog* (CC) 222492 I FuD 946725 тЦа 9tanr(Cq4S5169 124411 __________Byit.505237. Wondertan тЦа B ijw n jn g rto Hjrtrrun. 645492---------------------------am n o Qub cMan- [PaidProgrwi PakJProgratT stEplsode* BJgBrother Hanlactt 00817 тАЭ Bon anaT hel^tl |Twaubs9oai " Holoc┬╗nt(R](Psl2o┬лS)e9916e 01411 156343 128237 X┬╗3 тАЬ M e 525091 lionSOH тЦаBushw┬╗dwre700S oeTWaRCeeinsHR)-----------wiflHV HueifrOty^eAlgMAeyfrtoeTV lountryHcwe CeiebfftietOfhti9*XW<i a t a ti lonJgHKjyftSiSrWafliUJiimmr - csH)ffl┬╗ixirruiae]tvi|H)nIuitiii< | a 709594 ^) A 951053 345343 ______________ [(R)^ !t40 D56508 442140 jy.AbbcklarrSy, тАЬ m l Boy * * (1972. WosternjBa Cosby. A fianJRa┬лaroe.AUnlcnAniiy |Ban┬╗*d irCharley On┬╗тВмye **(1973) Rchar )w Y cr1( Krido. Frcm UaiSscn Square Gar~ NBA B┬лtkelbtfOi1xdo Magic ot HowV (make a horne InIhe Artata desert 92073 207343 triesloma deserter and on Indian bor>don Ihe open cp Iral 32677898 den.(Uvo)S90l530 es. FrientDy Per*. jhic Explorer The Lioitania; submarines. |(:05)Kadonai Geographic lljn * * * (t9 8 4 , Drama) Martin Sheen..An Ar apartrTb.Afcfmef09CflJgoesirto]TheGuafdljn " lm ┬╗lonU5A. *(l9e5)Chuc*Noais. 43802541 (R)(CC)8927148 rts thire 0 rrdltatlstic teorty guanl 2 3 5430 ^ m nfs lenarts odion Mtwn Russians Invado U.S.. 3963C9S 39 iv T Cristina(R) SaCnde |(:45)Wor1d^ iflck┬╗&pedal(Rj jNotlckro U n MIda ^ del.Uar 7836707 I iu 2 4 8 9 a ....................Cri*tln3:E┬лfl^ -IL b A lU M Puente 34324 jCteriu CB тАв 03715676 ' Belira sion 1761169' vision 80237 33540 F-Troop 5 S 5 r ~ Superman LueyShowr M Smart | Dragnet'Ad. |AHlleJ]┬л DlekVmOyke Get rveLucy iBobNewfurt UanrTyter^ [HvyTyler 'PartrtdgeFtm-IUodi&ICftdy I Love I 768909 . '7 710072 9G0275 8C689' ViCD'32987? 338527 337 lllcwe 1B7072 715527 18* 1817 . 814237 Hoece 185237 11/827701 | b18053 109817 nHestot A Norman VarLofd * * * (1965.Drama) Chartlon He jnerflencyтАЭ OddCoopU TheWarl 1148527 Night Court En┬л Susponso)LoniAndefson. New┬╗(CC)l*a ~ Sony.WrongNumber **i(19e9.5u! тЦаan. 078782 andaPrtid^inbjaflovCTflvwman.1 aU5041G9 875169 . .. . blighland ............. - - I 42754C . . C*U " Jenningi ConneciKomeUatten' PriCof miiii|Biii liBllSSi pilliiaii liisiiSSi Car1Woinfl3tj&,HiHog)reolLl4y69a тЦа P r e m iu m C h a n n e l s 956) IngridBergman. An anvwsiac giri T t o n w o o d ince Charm- Anastasia * * * * (1956) I Theatre The Throe [AvonlM'Effler Print w T lftW fp n ic Id leT M ^ Chjrtle |Yr┬╗. 621630 claims to be Iho heir lo Iho the IRussian thrw┬л, A416430 :CC)153459 [ing-(Cqi33C95 B90' (CC) 533546 UaieRgs(CC) ratedS13782 |ciub537362 895898 kJ2: Two Shades of (i993)ThcxnaslanGrif- |W3dOrchid2: )srcomeso( Excessive Force * * (19 rve **1(1992) Albert Fmney.AlociKkdor ^la1csBfons^^lMaroll^o^5 RlehlnLwei тЦа TheVabchlPjpen **┬╗(1972)0>iart┬л 1991)A 852817 i(CC)8Sli68 ┬╗ua**(1991 , Wi;CharioOoLcwfa.A(C( herparofto'divTOi. A (CC)269I4362 , Aiwpoinl.9423140 apedjlngheft soen trani inf(yirierJoscf^ VatatfiTt viow iso:A :zi:piffl5ixR inSsV fnтАЩw 2.siiwiggTTgfr.? i >i┬лia.*i*:(53Sa.C ^TW inC{ccso: Fraser. A . ^ | A Fish Called Wa┬л iKiolTlet ***{1992.Dfama)Bfor┬╗(lanFf3S тЦа -nwTenth Montti'┬л t s (1979) j SdiM CO)729256 5508 son Ford. Anne Ardw. A (00): ts ntcod up with)ewei thieves. (CC) 875501 LaidonlmYefgotsr ┬╗ endures aftt-Sctnttisni Ota 1950s prepischod.847850 schc Carol BunotL 527459 youti┬й a .Td Drama) Joe jrvivocT ^iePubUcEye * * * (1 9 m I^Drano) Ethan Hawte. PUnfrcash surriv 191) Miranda RktiardASve **1(199::^ C ram3)Timfn|Ench┬╗ntidAp.a **s(1991)┬╗ ' IntaniationalVelvet ┬л*>(IS78.Drami (CC) 12351492 тЦа Pcsd.B3rtanHershcy. A(CC) llocamibafcsm. n-(CC) 5888001 :)lS689<5g areloradlorcsatllc 701тАЩ |M┬л.JconPtowttftn(CC)l5< OTtoA CWjtDpher Plwmw. 24455701 Iin iPolntNo cod's Oi-Comedy Houn George Carlin * * (1992) Clinl Eostvracd. Oinl Easltnod' M93Qslestplot Unforglven * * * ┬л rtvtfVoimg ***(1992)UelGisson.At93 "(S^t) Rodcyl ***(1979) IFoftw 1761B251 1 at Paramount 8360250 a Qfona9ed(|uOTan-Tr(CC) 4010091 C)624064 car^┬╗^rr^ngpcrt^aao ikcnslnmodeflHtoyAmtrta. A'PG'{CC)g SyHv^ S B i o n e . Are3053 |3┬╗akcn HBCH*KKEL..V_ . . cooonc AKOFOER00 NOTRECEIVETm t e T┬еIWFAU8 CAXWn BESECEJVED KdOKEAREAl тАв тЦаJERO┬л.WEWeXCOC iiAM in m i '________ ffOWgl WJEBOIie.COOO┬л6.WEHOQi. ^ #.|eO(BB┬лOADCA5TOW I KCTCMW LTn тАв j тАФ s a u r .R u m Fr ' T- ^ I------ / - + ------- iUMVMlTf-----w o ......... .............KUJCHIVBWBfтАЭ IlllllSSi p d i zj.. 1=тАФ:^ P a g)b e :23 W eek o f A p ril 8 - 1 4 , 11994_________ 9 Ionday___________ _ Mor тАв 19 THE MINUTE 27989589 AY SIDE 29401676 I 12-30 тЦб SPORTS UTENIGHT 682015 Q SPORTSCENTER BOBKEWHART E headunenew s тАФ S' Blocal f fls rs s s , ' тЦа┬з M i '^m s acocK 11 EWS ma)Joan Sovoranco. Bill: Zone. A lonely housowifo frusifolions load lo o prov i-feFre(ie 4 9 ^ 4 ) e le c t тВм d f.W .c h a s e _ ^ тАФ a s E C im O N E R ***H (l?; Riimosr. McffifliSU ------- KlcfonMooro P e r ^ ^ a i тАвA V i eiiosundomwwataypsyatrtsVstfoalmonlofaOi^ ------- turtood RAf-vtatyan.(V).. SSSSSHтАЭ I I2 '50ca M OVlEAMOSiANj4DREW * * (1933. Comody) Nicolas Cago, Somuol L Jackson. A famous Wack tt-nicf Is pinnod down by flunfifc Qflcf noighbore mtotako rty him (ofoburolarinWsnowty purdissod homo. A r SAMERICACOASTT ifutlon" тАФ SueWflliams. ! . - C h i n a in R e y o f t I t h e w r ite r o f-W e d n e s< I M a o Y e a r s ." p r o d u c e s v<e n ls ' in C h in a b e t w e e n 1 s tu d y Of histo rfc?lev J a i cOASTEvotyyoarmofo тАвтАв lhan 3 million tourists con secthoCrondCanyonbi rail mulo ofon foot. (R) ^ ; 1911 and 1949. PBS ----- ┬╗ тАЬAvonlea" ,тАФ.S.a,i ^ n r a l^ a r a h Over a300 channels) OTadio~stations тАФand"~TOO A S LOW A S Etes M O^ , o .A .r. \'irt st t M >OBOCPOnCY^Ji te n w ith l h a s o n (Jain FERENCE 354763 0 S ret c f a tw o -p a rt e p is o dle e .. n e w m in is te r o n I h e f 7102__________________________ _________ CT DREAMTIMESnn se L s. g g ^ ^ U N E NEWSтАЩ " / k n CLAK15A ^yo7-W тЦа 90' IB DRAGNET 460090 rs S i h ea d l in e NEWS O iS N . ----------------------- m^UP^CLOSE (R) 5 7 6 056 ^ 9104725 0 ALL-STAR TRIBUTE: Wiliam HoMon. Joan nr, 1-12 H ALF 6504034 ND Couifiold.AblustcryJudgo s TO WOODY GUTHRIE AND f i I m Q OVERNIGHT btows a gaskol when ho LEADBELLY 172909 alur0 3 MOVIE BADGE OF O MOVIE BOUNTY IB AL^O RACING Salur ca^^htThundof.(R ) . TRACKER'*K(1992.-0┬л>r^ Was____(V)417744 ^ mn) Loronzo Lamas, MattWaa Dto тАв It f wn r a PAID PRO-----------Hu afcA b amtyJttinlaL^PCto S _______ B-MOVltiLIECDNG Ns g r a m 7M 560;35!909, ?**(1992.0ram oyNjoaTi----------oat rcvcnno for tho munlor ol Ns ...... b roO w ijM ltw as^ toio^ fy " S r o v i r A N M ^ r o ^ тАФ Dsjainst an Imprisonoo hoodtudenl TODAYS WEAтАШ mbfll and on African studc FATHER - - - H m - n 2 1 9 1 6 4 --тАФ olfifst 77512096 BD WILDUFE MYSTERIES is тАФ 2:13 0 C SS NEWS UP jpTO orid WEHTE 538034 Remote beaches o┬л tho worid inIB DICK VAN DYKE D . ________ ________ ^oW somo of Iho most danwfiito. m ato ond sharia (R)75630S m FOREST OF FEAR Sinco 1965, tho tioore of In┬н yivo dia's Sondortan fofosls t w c takon tho Uvos of almost 400 тАЬтАЬ ......... }367 >AID p W k / S S S 5.250386. "' K srsrsfc . PR'S lir & F T S FOR MOTHER DAY 5908299 m MOVIE RETURN TO BOGGY CREEK **H f1977.Advonturo) Down WoBs. Dana Pialo, WhJo searthlngforalogondary monslof t> a LouSslatOlJiii ou Ihroo children aro cau┬г .inohumcano andmeoior 4BUSHR0D * * s ( 1 9 7 4 . iia WMlom) Max Julion. Vonotla _______i.uGoo A vooQoful lawmiw ilM Q ^ 'c ^ S F fR E T R l 745164 donor and ttvoafT airw ilh apa^ 4812 hiswlfo, n(V )SJ1481. f f l MOVIETHERAINMA IflAKmody) *┬оERS*:i(1935,C omod Bcrt Whodof. Robert ┬лrt iblocon Woolsoy.TwoomloblO' mon bring Ihdrrainmak mnc h l n o s l o g i ua^ oC r . nlowtwo^usfstiymsT , ------ ^j-iO^ofMOVlE.THOMASlNE^ тАв ta ) NBC NEWS NIGHTW AY E M O V m BLOWN AW Corov * * (1993.S usponso)C o ^ KainrGofey R w lm an'A ,n i i S e T H E W i C J ^33---------; l ady * * (1 9 8 3 . Comody, Foyo Dunaway. Alan Balos sonal integrity oftof ho SfaitK In 17Uvcontury England. L o * Baitiara Skelton Is a C f , , . r t i ┬╗ l w s 99.95164 lOS 2:00 O LIVING IN THE'90S , . 12:35^005) r a WORLD NEWS NOW 31036639j J0844763 01361 ral LATER Schodu w lb m iia c tw Martin Mull. neG68198.44a8638 тАЬ 12:37 Q N E W S 3 5 K ^ ------12:38 0 PAID PROGRAM - ^ ^ 1 5 9 ┬░ тДв тАЬ тДвтАЬrr-' i i B s i i S i R 's r ^ i l PAID PROGRAM 677163.226473 GJ COUNTKYNEWS Sdiodulod: o look ol Iho WiW WC51 CluD in Phoenix, (R) H тАв ^ __ тАв _____ 0 тАЩ X g jA T E i-L lT E . T E C H N C 3 1 .0 E lo s 1-800-843-88C >eniJenl upw .ncvoMrigjeeouW.actw srsMтАЭ'"' )U R S E LERr THRUUST YO x rtJM to fijJ ^ u m b ito jt^ 2 ┬г l^ m r S Ik K S A R r if t,, dronwoitlngloboodoptot ^ men ig kin gw o m ei E ^ m6 ┬о тАЩ d ┬з ┬л w ifeL ...... , i :0 B O ^ U I R E H A T y W ┬╗*% (1949. Comedy)------- EH M DUNENEW S L. , I RT T0 COMIFO f o c t F or: leading In B e d -------V a tc ftfn g T.V. t e l l e v e b a c k o r legr sslt r o s s 4-2400 тЦа -IIP -----^TwinX^Long *899> C O M P L E T EE ! I d. e 2 S i d e b y S id тАФ M a k e - A - K tiig .S i I J I _________ _________ ' i ______ тЦа MWILEBEDSr u m EIACTOP r EVEBTOi V MATTBES n M on.-f fl. a ┬лm m J n o o fv S p ii^ l . Page 2 4 ________ I -- N ^S I T i6i p . m . APRIU1;,H84 I 6 :3 0 JV I e T I MOV I ^ ^ EVENING TUESDAYf E - RTS F T I SPOR' KIDS- I M 0 j 1 0 j 0 ^ M 0 j 3 30 0 M Week Of April 8 .-1 .-.14,.1994 I........ l^ 0 ^ M l j 3 ^h 2 a j m . h lR u sh L ^ ^ ?Show(Lonki [Mankd_Wlth[Ri . U ┬╗i*i (1994. ┬╗a m ) S te a l GWs. Twt jo911(R) A(CC)954i S*pant┬лdbyMu [oiieeca [0070170 [01 Joopafdyl (CC) Romnn# n R┬лcuo9 105* N┬л┬л3H2W 7 PtDOnJM)(R)A(CC) HH] ;h DmmuftWd ono'a husband. (CC) 0305 orelmplicttedlntti 9 0 0 _ .. : 1C C )S69..............,. Hfi -l^iihfi4Qa744_ тАЬ Haws 6847473 1:35) Ch┬╗i┬╗ (Lenin ProgfBSs)27707a,5 Jc Club Clastic Club (LoH 74305 _______________________ [{CO 727743 Htws 839783T Wh┬лl cf Fof- Clastic C (Joined in ess) 2790589_______________________ [un┬╗4G92229 ProgreiS) тАЬ (C (OffAi?) >Stocy So AfUr Goodbye: An AIDSi Story Stc CharileRos* A 12102 rinaKick [AIDS Resaarth:TlicS lallfLahror Htwthour (CC) Nova 'Can China 1 tho GrahvnKerr'i Bu┬╗ln┬л┬╗┬╗ R┬╗- tt┬╗cN┬лW A (CC) 82763 09812 |Far(CC)89670 J_____ Habiir(CC)698l 3724- pert 7305____M164___ a D m jo e l W Klleh┬лn kiui ~ 0 Design. W , _ . (;WU┬╗Sho┬л.(R) A (CC )~ ry,┬лft┬лk┬╗.jr i S ^ ( c c > - ^ |ft3a t f H i ~ ┬╗' J1238C8------ 'тЦа rc367 7 2┬╗8i5l . . N ^IC C ) Hcw┬╗(CC) Rm w ┬л9 (R )ait,t;)liiw ┬╗ S*p4l*WLyMu 1102 8403047 (CC)75703C j Inthe nxr tg of one's husband. (CC)0410 areimpOcalcdlnt 58251 72&31______________ тЦаHairA(Cq jhtiifw RuiiiL l(:35)ArtenloHaii тЦа(CC) MarriodW ith (:35) NlghUii l)|Coach(R)A [Comody Showcase (C fou┬╗[R)|Ph┬лnom(R)A Rotaanno(R) |c M500 295S7S0 8795560 Mirricd...WiUi CumnlABalr FuHHou! 54103 (CC)27945┬г Jl (( (CC) 13038 67096___________ ;C)18163 (COSC831 A(Cq27831 eb 43307 i (CC)C7W7 n(CC)1 )ht A oight Show'A (CC) (:35) Late Night r 8793102 *36 News 1884026 (:35)TonIgh Lam>- Datallna A (CC) 6503 )Uf┬лA SacondHart John Lano. тАЭ John 3 I. New┬╗4i909 " EmcrtJiflinent GoodUf 4434454. qu┬лtta7t580 10725 тАвIC 54473 quctto 254733 |q Tonight G5589 (CC)107 > iTtewtoKlll тАЭ1 1 t Genera-тАЭ HIght Court Cops Ai(CC) (C( iCumnt Affair LoveConnoc\repcrtontbolRS. StarTrtk:ThaN┬лrt& hCentral Roc(R)7\ FronlPagcArep[(CC) 02638 tion 60164 i***450<2 Wondof Yoars MтАШAтАШS'H(CC1 South C┬л 34763 10163 22 tion A (Cq 30386 e/7 8 9 3 (CC) S541 A (CC) 10522 A ((CC) 6305 6&57 ^MoneT ID IQ тАФ KTRV ^ jA Foftver Knight ┬л┬лrs (:06]Lat┬╗Show(R)A(CC) ~ F Tvmsislen Nows 1500314 (:36)Ch┬лen rt Himlor (1994. Drama) SharonGloss. Twi ;u*9l1(R)A(CC)3G560 SoparaWbyHi :. [R)S567D77 B1270js0S74209 ................ : (1 N ┬л┬л77fa WhoclofFor- Rmcu*! 3096 -тЦа тАФ ........ -(CC)4761g d h 1tho ani toi()licaUidin 1 rminjcr of cnoтАЩs husband. (CC) 230! r a ID ID KM V TjffljтАЭ tuntBOlS ~M aSedTwith ' jtit (;OS)LataShow(R)A(Cq~i TwiftslslM N*WS2I39473 (:35)Hlght jy Munlor (1994, Drama) Sharon Gloss. Tw ;ua911 (R)A(CC)3367~ SoparatwlbyMi 546152[56377283 ___________ |o6105304 N┬лwi763 Chc┬лrt(P3ft2 RoKuo! 83, Court 5546 din tho rnuntercf one's husband. (CC) 683' . _____________ wn liT 'nIiC T lftd In t тЦаrff)(CC)g05 --------1 GeneraH ┬╗w i/w ji┬╗5 fMJItlghtJi R) |Coadi(R)A [StarTrafcThoNenG Houso(R) IPh┬лnom(R) n RosMnna(R7 66812 [3609763 1621305 Entortalnnunt CurrctrtAttalr Foil Hou 812 (CqW688 jtion(RrA(CC)e5e_^ :C) 8367 (CO601S A(Cq 70155 (Cq6522 o тАвтАв KPVl | o j TTonl8W6251 0f (CC)42Q1 H (CC) ghl iA 1616473 night Show A (CC) (:J5) Lata Night 0950 iNewt 0306283 (:J5)Tonl9l тЦа"johnU floOat8lln┬лA(Cq709J H┬лwt.iM7__ Rawanntt A . GooddUf# U: A _ SccofldjUH John Ljni>-_ s _____________ [ _________ ---------------7593305тАФ :i: тАЬRrp?' o i --------------10763---- -ib* A 1183 cpt^21B3 iтАЬ quatu~i2ia~|" :iтАФ _ тЦа'тАвтАвтАвi r ;cq225t?тАФ (CC)o7( i^_┬░_iZEE E┬░ZZ!EB| I D ffl KKVI | |433 тАФ lo Q d Ib тАв DDEQK38AS ED -- B la m a -тАв: ~ - D eqIeQ is s i CNN 10 O) 03 ID ES ESPN BDQJQD тАв" A4E m ca m - auc ____ SSSiiiS^SS LanyWngUwP) 707763 TwortdwWeU? \\ [data 886874 ____________ P U PRCA RocUoDUe National, flNBAToday(R) Up Clos* J, (Uvo) 1 FromJadoon.Misj.52,1305 [< NHL Hodcoy Ttamj to Bo Announced, (U 252305 |27e670 Tonight nBWlU'F}y(1993, R) Cndttr. One Day a Lemming W Blo8raphySidCaes3r(R) 3)Ro┬лjioColtrano, WlWUfo MysHries (R)90372T (RI ekan Ott* Day a Lamming Will Fly (1993) Rc 4388 Mystery) Robbio Cottane. a&436t тЦа BlogiaphySidCac^MlcST ICnclw тАв 506812 yoy-Oia! 161947 - тАФ -тАФ )craidtnwislhoappnrenltukadapfo14-yoy" ........... Rtzocrs Monster A Portrait ot Staliniln|TerniX{^ In . Inventlon(R) [NortStep( jOThiSdcrdomo TtrraXlR) [┬лi┬╗^ Ccnnoe- [Animals lB┬лyond2000Tli тЦа Jonnlns* HQ34 I89S454 1807102I_____ Blood: Mnd Control 165763J 157394___________ 33.____________ 26ai64______ 54U1 it;tm02 ' STWa тАФ |lime┬╗.0081181 Danny SrtndaT A Song l┬╗ Bom ***(1948. Comedy) Ct Ift ***(1943)AlicoFoyo.Caft7wnMtfai nyKaye.Afugilhir ThoGanj'sAl Hot ;ong Is Bom * * * (1 9 ┬л . Comody) Danny K i ' Kay┬л.Vfginti Maya 294980 ' TlwGing'iAllH┬лrt * * * ASont bos (or a chorus girL382216 r.523947 AsoWef vailing his┬╗tather la fff dupes a nwicpfPleMOf Into hiding hcf.52< (IW)AteiFaYO. 276216 sjoQCfd ~ Odd Coupio i CountsfStrlk8'JhoHr(R) W ln g sA (C q [1b^g s A (CC) jOuantum Leap A (CC) dng AnOwny Bo/l┬лvs. Carl 6ri┬лh. (IM) (Cq (Cq 703047 ' " Uurtof.Sh# Wrote Tho Sawd Boiltig 702B31__________________ 708042 i2l64 546454 826102 1521 OlMjfdet* 160947________________ Ithr* Nation A 000104 тАв Dreamtimo A 6651386 oavls-ButL T JonSlawart Altemathn Baavls^tl Baa^ [UquidflCtvlvr ISIalo A ~ тАЬ ?t PiimaTlm* (^304M7 )5270 (R) A 675160 a 935562 635947 [7052 tion 185205 53┬л [AllNlghtorS20^ | 5^5 Sunday Comics (R) 80530 ┬лilc┬╗(R) 882454 S┬лxSymbols60221I Sunday Cofflla " VMeoBlock |Jam740i64 ^ y K b J u w a M R io n n i ^ ^ I&S2015 __________ I тАв . Sport┬╗Tonlghl[y^ InoJlnnRn*****'^^ 7096 449102 831034 [1C70! ,561763 UT": Spoftie*nlar30554i UTo5522 day 425522 Basabaii Tonight. a. m f f l e s O Q USA тАФ ^тАФ a a ID IB тАЬ тАЬ TV ------------ ~ ----- o a (O {Q ^ ({1 vi . UFE Q jf S O a E B ^am ------------------ -- r 3i02W I ------ e ┬╗ 3S0744 тАв Unsolvedrgh. A Dado County UnsohredMystorios' xpaakablt Ads * * * (1990) JB CbybUBh.; " Sht┬лr┬╗-Good Help Ij Hard 10 lU ntfi MytL381152 __________ __ i<anj cpcratof is suspected rt chSd abuse.1.310251________ 3i( F Findi, (CC) 715657_________ daY-or itEpItodo*~ Gig Broths <57034 Bonanza:The Lost! |700ClubX7W тАЬ Holocaust (R) (Part 3 of 5) 36C305 тАв347270 Jake781108 тАШRock-a^yoHoss'i' SI sm [PaidPJogwrT tomething 'CaT.tania'-^- iPaJd PrograjT iTWrtysom 340042 15096______________ 699270 [(CqoiSO m 700 Club [PaidProgram PaUProgram ManiaccUanUi 438969 86706 600522 693096 [slon4867i a.WatBCo!lns.(R) WthTrT MuslcCHyTonghtAlabama.W. ountryNew* FullAeceu:OnTourWlt^ [Cou :sic City Tpnlght Alabama,WtfliCoDins. A |ClubOanco(R) A 185454 " Fl FullAcc┬лs:OflToorWllhTf- lU uiic 2560 A 538541_______________ ----------. " тАЬ тАЬ_ ^ J ( R )^j4 2 6 8 1 2 lshaYoaiwood(R)6i256( --1 тАФ 1^ 1725 ^ -' . тЦаe. ISlrom Force * * ( 1958, Drama)VkaorMaturo. hwture)JctinWayno.An I Tank Fon i.Aljbcrt TayWTTlwnas m M . Uoyd Nolan. AK BicktoBatian ***i(lW 5,Adrti ~ E Bataan * * * (t┬╗43.Ai)venturo)Robcr 6907042 enn.Li)dataPakgzi. 7183522 ' 'ortJWarll.950560 LeoGenn. nvaston. 173580 ______________ Amaican trains Fiippinos duringWort SodMldieretJYtogemoJapaneioInvaa ^ ler. Duncan Regehr. the Kid **┬╗(1989.WesWn)Vo!KJmer.C 'cstcfn)SucyKeaoh.The BlOythel ThaLongRldtn ***(t980,Wosl ICOGtoUaJAflarta erawn FromAllantJful~ hUor Lugut Basoball San Francbco ( 62W612 sunt of the Infamous outlawтАЩs exploils. 62┬╗ a the OWWesL 4925676 Anoccoun James and Younger gangs Uxrorbo Ih ^ion County Stadium. (Uva) 310268033 тЦа_________________ . on |Crittina(R) Saioiide t(:45) LaxlcofT 'lftadelHar4i85639 pacto Edldon Hoc- Notidtro Uni- Vlfti irls┬л 89270 fpJimafimpact! тАЭ lil*┬╗AlUdfl1Pu*nt┬л37134 CUriJJ 937B2348 BePea 1721541 K vi┬╗Ion7S589. tumtliigB ~ P-Trc┬лP_________ s.H┬л.rm┬╗n LueySbg┬л__ M SmartтАФ |DngnaPA┬╗l|ArHlSchci f----- ly┬лryTy1┬л-= DIdiVaADyfc* <M SVfftDcyтАФ IBotrfttwtmt- ManrTy┬╗┬лtтАФ тАЬ P┬лtfidg#Fam.|U┬лk4Wndy-i0Vff 155936 14 261251 413812 i49676 [896096 тАЩ 805744 SI64 Moort 664299 299034 549 .9744 [374104 M oO fB 645164 Ily i^ 394928 378960 66974 ^C.ScoO-Amon {Indenburg * * s (1975. Drama]GoorgeC >rim┬лsutp┬лci CourtTV:ln- ^^*Hlnd iikcyPartt(Uw) M┬лw*(CC) Prif rankfic*ot ChicagoWhIto Sox. FromComhlic) " Major U┬╗8U┬╗ Basebad N┬лr Yorii Yank [ht. 3369589 } prevent tabotoje on BwdltlflMe's flight. R) A4&5ll6[tidft335096 IrieslOFn BW703 -(R) тЦа тАЬ303164___________ Ba go ra g E TMH __ I,l.┬╗hq┬лwgg^Pii-?-'i.^^тАФ тАФ ----------7 ED e s O) ;; TNT ----------- ii E B E D O B D ra tbs Q OJ I" UKI m EQ IS тАШ :;тАвтАв wck ' тАЬ I B тАЭ' I ; l.Adventura]John reatlon I KlgharOreund * * (1986.A d> J ^ r G u e st YotamHa; A Gift ol Creat .6enajLjC2S31-------------- - Denver.Meg WiOnarrOsykl^ r50760'' тАШ .тЦа(R7B23347----750 , Drama) TomCntoo.An arroganl )wng jLov* Street тЦа)SeanAsti^ Codctall **┬╗(1988.0ra |Encinol*┬╗**(t992,Comcdy)S тАЭ Wnd Hurt! and Coronrti Robo irmand bartender uses his ctiami I good looks. A B24744 ____Potiy SNOT. A (Cq 605544 Bbara Crampton! A (Cq 762831________ Bsba тЦа _ тЦа ****{1&┬л9)438096 ' jk*.itU992LD2Q!?l____ Dom A lnwywf itiefreaC oiby.-Tw -jJaggadEd^^ (IMS, OfBma) ┬лf┬╗DdTrA8ar*rr(1975)'3kln8yPo┬лiefrl тАЬ Uptown Saturday NI9M * * ┬╗ L┬лf┬╗ _______ Day-Lewts. A (00296473 S ' ' тАФ murder case. A (COJ42725 ge.329S09 |lorherc!ienilnomu cflMligafttlefstqsavBCwlraouMedlodBO.a (1974) 32661744__________ caea~ T ^ non IShoтАЩa G e t^ in i* * i (1990.Horw)LoubTripp,Sknon **t(t989,Comedy]Nick [Gatall (iMacdilo.NortyuW Tliw FuaW wIri hiKtfataKId ***(1984.Drams)Ralphfcto " Busty ***(1991)W anwT Thai olds. A61116314____________ тАв. 82658077 rt. A (CC) 8751544 Reynolds [rWlo, MartinShorL 'ar Morta. EteabeBi Shue. A 22165638 m тДв c _ тАв BMtty.n(CC)oa2765C2 тАв |-Pari [ National Lampoon's V trto ^ n * * * ('┬╗ 3 . i(1993, Drartu) Chuck Nonis, MajorrLugut. U )omoi^)JohnRitlcf. SWaWck* * * t(5 .Comedy) IStiyTurwd * * (1992.Com┬л (5;J0) CwnonbaURunll *(lSft4.a 055134096 r2i63 Cc┬╗r┬╗edy] Chevy Cha┬╗e-(C05i L IA тАЩPG'(CC) 8865047 [2 77721B ) 860812_________ [JcnaOian Brandi P8mDw┬╗te.ATG-(CC)8┬л тАв But Raynokls.-PG-(CC) 170670 [Q O CD q ] ^ hbo t; OOOOHOAM&ni┬гR 00 NOTR┬гCE┬╗S TW IWSCHAWffl.--------------------тЩж w aH 0ltt,t┬лW ┬лlt;a ttOETWNFALLSCAKNOTBEROBVEDIKSOKEAREAl n! ' тАв.ciwiKELBBTOADCAJTOUrSJOC ELLAMOpg l arOHBl WJEROIg.COOClMC.WPg)EU ______ , wWCKgBaOADCASTO Q E B dlbm D )S N miid,Ch┬л1l┬л Brown (196?) _ PeterRobUns.GlennG8gcr.574i83 ^ ^ B S J o d l S y S w ? Ch*fl f, f┬╗tnl754819 |Cluti564ai1 36201 7. ------- to ! ^ ^ S e ,d o e w ^___________L ,.,w g B S * > a a тАФ тЦаt I 01........ KBTCHWM ...................atlHVALUV 1 тАв тЦа iiil W e e k d f A p r i l 8 - 1 4 , 1199 9 4 _____________ тЦа H тЦа тЦа тЦа тЦа тЦа ^ 12 30 Q SPORTS тАЩ^UTENIGHT 157874 QJ SPORTSCENTER -------- 13 M V I 6 NERVOUS-. ffcK S ┬╗ * ┬╗ ( 1 9 9 2 Com cOy) Bill Pullman. Julio Brown. Unfofosoon mishaps complicate o har- il тЦа i l тЦа ' тЦа lomplsTffliup J piono <0 Rio wiin his morriod m lsliL-ss (V) 9586690 BJ MAGICAL WORLDS Tlic bcliovore in C hinese BucJdliism practico foscirniingand som olim os 3(H>cking custom s. (R) . 517232 g ) BOXING Anthony Boylo vs. Carl Grtlfilh. <R) .(CC) 857503 f e PAID PROGRAM 3 тЦа I Ew m n тЦа i H тЦа I n тЦа i B : n K K T E^^COUNTRYNEWS Schcdulod; Robert Duvall. TOk Speelnr* тАШтАФOld--------- ^ e O B NEWHART 51507-1 E HEADLINE NEWS by Stalin--------------------------- Bolshevik idaals by 99356655'---------------694961 ll intont of D9936 twists tho orldnal mi S 1:55 NEWS 997999 EB HEADLINE NEWS rolution. IC Iho Russian Rovolui 2 :00 0 ( 6 8 ) CLASSIC 3535961 1 (R )716042 CLUB 2440110 ' 1:05 0 ( 3 ^ JERRY 5L1CY E '9 0 S f f l PUBLIC POUC jary: D LIVING IN THE 'J SPRINGER From Januai CONFERENCE 875706 87┬г ┬╗lo(R) 408771 тЦа тЦа child victims of street vio (E :262771 Er a DREAMTIME MOVIE SCARElonco. (R) 7657665 MD PROM EN-^тАФтАвCR O W -*.*-S.(19Z 3J - (┬л } DESIGNINGWOM┬г 122329. - тАЬ GR A ^72M SB,*1┬░: ma)тАШG eno Hackman. > AM Pacino. A grtjff ox-cor 1:08 0 PAID PROGRAM f ^ ^ A R i s A e 591313 g ,: on ex-seam an s h aSr eS: f o ? 9008597 664313 Whiio I d DRAGNET 66fios of adventures whi 1:12 B ALF 5571706 p i HEADLINEтЦаNEWS________ NE тАФ ..............travclioQ -agoss.A asi тАФ z l o s ' i ^ s s r N B c TiEWS^^тАФ ^E ' S O e ALTHтАЬ a NDf fFli f . ^ VflLLIAMS TV 511394 NIGHTSIDE 80511 NESS 5895771 CRET ADFALLEN ( S MOVIE SECRI cam s BD MOVIE THE FAI ( D NHL HOCKEY Tea 385, Como5 DraMIRER * * {1985, IDOL * * * ( 1 9 4 8 . D to Bo Announced. (R) Ison. dy) C. Thomas Howell, Hov mo) Ralph Rlchardsoi 101023 of JipioLori Loughlin. A, sorios SOI DffBobby Henrey. A dipl' Q | NEXT STEP An off derstand:loartho romantic misunden ;A. m at's son trios to cloc road whoolchalr; NASA. sn on 10 of ings rosulls whon o family butler's nam e ( (R) 236461 elotler falls 6 anonymous love le (R) murder, (V) 828226 0 JON STEWART (R lands. A PORInto tho wrong hon< O l MONSTER: A^ P' A 68722C тАЬJ IN fV) 57973145 ROTRArr OF STALIN ir s 0 3 GD PAID PRC rOOGES Id K Mind тЦа ^ - T H R E E STOC 58, BLOOD тАЩStnlin ond 135400. 765058 erslon of 94202329 Conlrol' The subvers 689684 -------ra-MARY-TVLER MOORE 234023 I/S CT IjEADLINE NEWS 1:35 CaT NBC NEWS NIOHTSIDE 29478348 ' . тАв 1 -3B n NEWS700657C '7 0 6 _ O-.:- -1 :4 0 g - M O V I E EYE OF THE STORM n r * s (19 iliing I r i l w e o n тАЬS a n ie Dir-' i tiv e c u ltu r e s a fte r fallii Su spense) Dennis Hop f e r e n c e ." C B S . TlOtOl Lora Flynn Boylo. A me on tho edge of tho Mo): Oosort provides n bloa* I HEAD(R) A 9506B4 barriers of poverty ond iroviRAM soWng for a strandedJ Ir nor0D m PAIDPROGRAl racism on his way lo inlor itorloler ond hor two mystoi impl103936.952042 national fame a s a chofnf o u s hosts, A (V) ┬з B MAS ALLA DEL on cyclist, A 927416 тАв36061313 lOM PUENTE 916313 l a MOVIE BOYS FROh 1:45 a NEWSROOM nonI B DICK VAN DYKE E BRAZIL (1992. Documer tafv) A 10 Tient'-Tw o te e n s тАФ on e K p re m lM fJie v v -tre a lm e :h . left), th e o th e r ( :a th o lic -------- tt77Tm3тАФ ----- --------------- - ige 25 Page ____________________________ TU6! r u e s d a y _____________ тЦа v C fl i ~ S 12:35 0 ( 3 5 ) C5] A^C WORLD NEWS NOW 14880351.40811435 Q {3 8 ) ┬о LATER A 1412010.4375110 0 MOVIE THE OVERTHE-HILLGANG * тШЕ * (1069, Comody) Waller Brennan. Pot OBrion. A .......... (ifoup of foUrod T exas Rnngcrs allempta to bringg im 1-1,u nnH nrr^or If) a WoStom ---------- lown. l { ,2 1 li5------------------- Sral South American Iran 12:37 Q NEWS 355927055 M тАШvestltos living In Rio do 12:38 O PAID PROGRAM Janeiro, 0022435 3543435 тАв 5 3 WILDLIFE MYSTER 12:55 CD MOVIE THE lies Vic Hisiop of Australi тАв NIGHT WE NEVER METr is respocted for his work * * ,(1993. Comedy) capturing sharks, dospilo Mnlihow Broderick. his controvorslal views. (I Annabclla Sdorra. Throo3 strangers oharo an opartтАШnd тЦа H I ^INVENIтАЩON A fiber . monl in Now York City ond ' cotiTuio Knovroactrottior тАв тЦа o^nfrтАЭ^ ^ f o w t io c a U o n wittiouractaailyTTiooting:" .to periorm togemor; tho i A (V) 48416961 ) ventor of Iho Steadi-cam 1:00 Q CROSSFIRE (R) 156771 EN ┬о ┬о M 0V1ETW 0T1CKC9 ] DESIGNING WOMEN CTS TO BROADWAY ' 238416 тШЕ * s(1 9 5 1 .M u sic a l)T c ID JEWELRY SHOW ┬н Martin, Janot Leigh, CASE 66916S4 slnaors so o a ray ol hop' (Q UP CLOSE (R) In thelf future whonthoir 963023 )F Incompolont manager CD MOVIE TRACKS OF prom ises Ihem on oppof GLORY (1992. Drama) nH. o n ce on q popular lolevi Phil Monis, Cameron Dody ' sion show. (V) (Jo. A lum-oMho-contury ' m BEAVIS AND BUT black alhielo breaks.tho - t m e n t N eML tNVEST N Stocks тАв Bondsi*тАвC D s * M y i u A iF iim s * A N^NUIIIES S ir ____________ ^_ тАФ OU UWANTTOBUYACAROR ABEYOUSUREYO TRUCKWITHOUTCHECKING USnRSt? * I JEEP G;JherokeeE u l l f' тАЩjo rg e ------ -------f t ho N ow York Stock E xchar M o m b o rojftI ^0 thori 4 50 O fncos Nationwldo Mora the тЦаM ^ 3006 |m i|jl *m - ^ / S A I U R DD /A Y r A P B l L 9 , - l ┬о COFFEESHOP ' тЦа .IPCiOWA-O CtNwa┬╗tSo>w.iocMomDorSir^ S _ Z s u m d aW h , IM.153-CLZ I |> A PR IL l O , 1 9 '9 4 'N _ COFFEESHOP Sorted lfom:11:30-5.00pm FOOD 'N ' A BASKET SEAFO J cOHVPnTOHCEKraH" 1 1 r - /S'yESTMENTS SISCC m !Si7 8 202 S h o s h o nn ee St. E. тАв Twin Falls. Id.. 83301 7 3 3 - 6600 1 9 тАв 1 - 8 0 0 -2 3 4 -6 0 1 9 : .тЦа N olson тАв F ro d1Nc f c | : = = 7 ┬лG rE dw ardt тАФ RfiRlsEYlNN: Kelly W ard C raig N olson L&REDO a n UMES A V AIliaU M s i m o l ONE OF 13 CHEAT CAB ' with a scono and com on Iho cob. SorvodIwill icKEHWSBurrnr (Hid W Bftad J _______ _ _ Jewd┬лS.FfBsfiEato)┬г Searai Vese┬гa6Ht o t isanJftocs o af liCOFflESHOROllliDKSElif?! m m AliOlNOURC FWDAY. , LUNCHEONSPECK ScTVDfl (imu; '11;30 o.m тАв 2w Sloak Sandwhl Sllr-Friad Chhke * тАв" Broiled Haltbul тАв All so rvo d with frosh i fi,'" " ' Yoor C b ek * Jv>t $5^95 VBtrieyta-OT.BiKtiHlloM-': SEAFOOD BU f ) K t e 7 j s - & C H 0 C a0 A l B= $6.95 , Crab H a lib u l. S p l u s a ll I h e I n m /77/nosand im ^ d e s s e r t buf f i /l n n - '3 S тАЬ,B iJ d g e tliliilel-'2 '2 9 ┬╗ ' ' Burieyln S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ тАФ,.PncaiaxiUini - ; Page 26 " A P m i1 3 .lW 4 lOVIES I 1 1 NEWS . 1 I MO^ I 6 p .m . I 6 :3 0 I 7 :( I 6 iPAY EVENING TODNKD^ lj8 j3 ^ ^ M PORTS I I SPI I KIDS' тЦа r WeekтАЬ^ 'A p n r 8 тАв- 14,1994 C ^ M Vith RushL iteShow^enin [UafTicd_With News A (CO Channel 2 (:3$)Ute 6178240 SS)(R)A(Cq [5328482 Hew*2110619 Progress)' ~ ClastleClub. :he┬лn...[NowlaStyl┬л{Joinodin ....... 1 In Progrtsss)S S M e w w s |J5) Che┬л K6W In Style (Left h i^c Club (Jcmed in Progress) 9040400 2437646 N┬лw*2G92049 WhMlofFor- Cl┬л┬╗lc '2741077[ProgteSS)^0684 тЦа (C072T4 2750145________ lUn0 744GтАШM1 (Off Air) Chartle Rose A 64874 :) 54481 wgiaphle "Jewel* Mao Yeai> A (OC)! :N┬лIIXehref Hewsheur(CC IKatlonalGwgn FvEasUm B u iln m R ^ HaeN┬лll F┬╗f u __________________ oflheCaribbeai i>aaas*al5L35┬г--.. Cookety 7CM2- port┬лW------ ififlLJs i KIPT- ( D C0( f ' Design. W . ~ тАЭ J^AтАЩS-H (:051 Lata Show (R) A ( C c j~ U:35)rA= ┬лHh*NlghtyOosl AUIouailallasJJc r\ irolHewttCCl nyiKCClIToniTum's trrthfr┬лeat┬лWi = 5 i i S 3 ┬л 6 = |^ = = Nowi (CC) NoW*'(0:) NinTiri r^13?|72802023 тАв_________ 8470019 (C0747C (CC)020S8 79394 77 Thumb' 57077 Loto'(R) H1 (C( 64313 55065 28077 lio Hall A (CC) 41ghtlin┬л RushL [;35)AJwnloH :)G6868 Mafrt┬лt..with (:35)Nlgh [These Friend* Turning Point (CC)( nt If ImThunder Alley Home ImMaiTlod...Wlth Cumrrt Affair Horn* 1043892 16250972 8762232 55313 (CC) 104: 71 ofMlr>B 26526 __________ _ >8.25333 [n(CC)48313 prove. 11771 IS KKVI ┬г s 3107? 3,( (00)22329 prcve.: <ight Scheduled: 00- ronlghlShowA(CO (:35) Late Nighl viuary-AтАЭ Now* 1771400 (:35)Tonl 0 4C 40874 Uw& Order-Sancfi fllved MysHfie* A (CC) Now A (CC) iUghLAe760874 Nows 39019 Eniertainmenl Unwlvi Qo tressJudJhUgl' 4338226 (CC) 57110 20___________I________________ ^ K3BAS BD Tonlght40771 08220 ICC-1 Empefo7 A (| 0 0 [Currant A f ^ LovaConnecixtGenera- Night CouH Cop* A aceтАЩFbtog With Dis- Star Trek; The Next тАвerty Hills, 90210 тАвCmncii Helros* Place' North 054648 WonderYoar* H*AтАШS*H*E(}- Bovetly (CO 82752 Hon 58874 K) 18085 199555 1 (OC) 17930 .. Oofl A (CC) 20400 aslerтАШ (R)A{Oi A (CO) 3084 Wifta'4930 Timo-(R)A(CC)09936 o*(P ktrv cD'n' Crime CheenтАЭ (;06) Lato Show (R) A (CC)i) OWS A (Cq N┬лW┬╗ 5861526 (;36)Ch*i oflhe NightтАШA i ^ ┬л Houri Moiing N Nii inyтАЩDadiJy [Tom'Tom's In th# Heat:old Ntwt S042 Wheel of Fof-_ Hanny тАШ ________ 5461849 4S0S042 50761771. . - . ---------------- [C0-1S6! S(CC)10j)W , . , 99918tfi5sr4752 ThumS'B706. LovcтАШ (R)n(C< . . Um#63!M. [)cJtbst D *<┬лVT Oi NightтАФ (;M)UtoShow(R).A(CO_ -N c w r A i^ N┬лwrtl0ei45 (:3S^N(g^ rsnmrrngtirAKis <┬╗Houi*┬╗jMngf<c my 'Daddy TotnтАШтАШTom's ' IHTKeHeSrsni 6172066 'N owT m ChMf*(CCr Nanny80672495 Court14805404 48! 0 0 4674 3058___________ if┬лI*5752 Thumb'418 Love*(R) H1 ((0( KIDK D*тАв . тАв 232 DcafKl iloH allA(0O Hlghtllne RushL l(:35)Ar┬╗enloH 0 7593G' New* 1906067 (:35)Hlgi IThese Friend* Turning Point (CC) iTim^ Thunder Alley Home Im* Enlertalnmont CumnIAffair Hemcli 8382684 3676435 ' - 1698077 . _ _________________ (0C)M8: ve.5394 A(CC)4394 prove. 40422 |of Mine 6077_________________ : _ Kpvi 0 ^тАШ Tcnight tb 70&B (CC)eilO prove. I HlglnaUiwiuieO. j;.' ficmorjmтАФ N m jty n o s (:J5)Ton: tolvcd Mystorlw A'(Cd)''' tiOTi A (CC) iH 1Lighl A 1083145 ______ ft77. wgsJudnhUs! тЦа NmW?o__|Ro┬╗SW''┬л_0 ___ ______ , _ _ _ _ _ 75600774 ----тЦа (CC) 66232--------!тАв . (CGI 0700 7734B tiy-Daddy TonTTomTnin lh# Heat of th rcM'6220 Thumb* 690 Lovo*(R)A(CC тАв FтАЬ ------ !b O S 3 O !a a ^ Q a r a a is iD ~ . P D EDO -------------------- Nff I a I rin _ _ l a m m m a cnn "тЦатЦа p E I i n i l Q E B ESPM - I h* QB EE 0 3 ASE ItU T ^ u !7 w n 9 L !v a (R M W 2 k lo n e y llM m N S w ^ ^ 0 180990 SportiTonlghllHoi ^ w n ju ra S p fw o n !^ ^ lUrtyK 134771 ,| S61313 I&25023 [day 0347 391901 [561 :) 949042______________I___________ |(C0)S4 ST [Sport┬╗e*trte7 .BeAnnouncod. (U V O ) 441232 Milor League Bmbafl Teams lo Be Announced. (Uve) 030084 тЦа Major Uagu┬л Baseball Teams lo BeI An 273771 Woridwlde Up┬н date 273801 J48 300139 lAmerican Justice (R) 034348 It -SharkTer- тЦа[Civil War Journal (R) 30C [War-Wolfpa(*:Tho IWlldllfeMyiterie*' i┬лr1canJustJc┬л30lB68 iMaslenofWaj "civilWafJournal028004 i Amtflc cF ^(R)390752 em/-^M*iC . .-ror.ShaikFre┬л┬г|f Hiddcn'Encm/BV^ ir Tho Yak Beyond 2000 A petsonai hovwPortraHofthe WingsoftheRedSUrTT 100 408348 Living Planet A Po iConnK- jMa^aHiiti^r Bcyond!0004 ^ JfnnlnQt тАЬ Homo Hatter* PelCoi craft. 536752 )5604 3. (R) 308771 ^-Ju ngle-3p 56 Ma*tenofWat 664337 Prinianew┬╗(CC) 506368 ____________ __ rLa BS na' Ta r c~ s ~- o ~┬л -~^7 5re W o a CD A(i(C b s i E B a m USA ┬о ID ID ' i'Jr тАЬTV tra ID ' uFE r----------------E lE o c Q iia m 'тЦатЦа p O J B I C D E тЦа ┬г fam TWN EB g j m th t IfB B Q O IE )^ TBS ^ es ___ in E EB E S . . . . .-------wfl ^ Uvlng planet:' Earth 769581 ^usoll KiUHjy-тАФ I--------My Cal Sa(***(1iM 2. Mus* Payi aaMatura.AnacTin Pan Alley *r** * (1940, Musical) Alice Fayo. John Payne, rGalSal ***{lM2)RltaH3y┬лrti.V┬╗3a_t Sutton. 690665 MyGa 50597 wcflh. Vidof Mature. John Sutto md a singer soek'fame h New York. 7605' me.'90586┬л Two composers and inlol Paul DresserтАЩs riiolosongwnltng fame-i counlo sr [Odd Couple ┬лHsto - Ccuntefstrike french Twin* Wing* taion Four mental Wing* A (CO) W li A (CC) [Quantum Leap'Motwrts ,e Dream Team ***(1989) Mictod Keaton [275269 тАЭ Murdef.StwWrote'TtwDcad TheOi J3481 (R) 276348 550481 Live-May 4.1985-0334C 174936 тЦа 393329 ^ us find ihcnfflslvcs loose in Manhattan. A1 17^ Frie*(CC) 551930__________ liCfUtfi Tiallve Nation A io448i iDreamtimee A 9899?3 Beavls-flutL Jon Stewart [Altsmaii тЦа90s|S┬лxlnth< *90* Beavis-Butt. Be; iinlhe'90s(R)A 823l45 ISexhilheWs тАШ PrimoTlme A 104042 S┬лin 289787 (R) A 550787 577329 962850 28! IV485394 [tum9htatJI730aS---------- -ai4BтАФ -------S┬лni,yComi┬л(R)J6s: omlc*<RH7e484тАФ S*xSymboU3G21 -------- LstmdayCwnIc - Vkfeo BlockтАФ jJsm-233329тАФтАФ ~тАФ " Tin Pan Ai!e7 AIlc┬л Faye ,тАв * * 981313 220145 it w iu n u n n nittijw A-Note.-Apn v flte^ Un*elv*dlty┬╗t>iw ?eryl>6d/Wlnr┬╗tnT'9!┬╗:fclys!Bty) ffek-No тАЭ Sitter* iw Jea$i^tlics Aioi. 'I^ve^' ........ T75i?5 ------ B0551V тАв - - | MysL 505619 ?3220 csbgaics a psychialrigтАЩs flrisV mtfder. 72322i Frankio and Tc<ldy. 282974 |ifrvcsb! iram 700 Club lacUan[Paid Program Paid Program ost Episodes' Big Brother " Maniac J 738023 BonanuiThe Losl 700 Oub 7380 тАЬ H Hol┬лau┬╗t(R)(Part4o(5)737394 538356 i 465665 617963 368941 521787 Jake 552145 tlon46i Tha PiisoncnтАЩ 821 luiod: NlerBeotEdfFame MuslcCltyTonlghtSchedulod Evening of Country Great*: A Hail of Fai Ed- lCIubD┬╗nc#{R) A 5724M 117 jslc City Tonight Scheduled: Killer Beac EdтАЭ Country Gr┬лaU Hall of Fame IMusic n. (R) A 832868 die Raven, Hank Thompson. (R Celebration (R) A 042110 i R3Yen,HankThompson.-A 3063&4, ICelabration 959481 . [a-oRJ * * * (1961,Drama) ^ flc fleeing The Sin* of Rachel CadaI ** ^cm) John Wayne, WanJ Bond. Outlaws flmao) John Wayne, Lauren BacaH. A merchant ma 3Godfathefi * * * (1948,Wester тАЭ BloodAllay **>(1955,Advef'turo)J( ch,106597 Angle Dickinson. Pelor Finch, i ^mottier. 47323058______________ Irino help? Ctiincse peasanB Kcape Cot Communists. 54612055_______________ across tho desert come upon odyins leH [The Eagle Hau Landed * * V ig. Two Now [Dying Room Only *k*%(1973,Susper┬╗e) *i id Laurie **┬╗(1975. Drama) Petty King, salAtlanlaHawks.Fromthe IFosterindLj 769400 ~ NBA Basketball QoveUnd Cav^en sl ┬╗ Martin. 6102431 тАв (1977) 62769' 333 ac┬╗lsLcachman,Ros$W poiicenwn are klled Inon ambush, 775533: Yotk City poiio 0Omni. (Lfrt) Ga9030!)0 WW.lCri┬╗tlna(R) ' fSaionde (:45)Woi1clVi VIAadel Mar 7939351 nalisimo 00090 [NotlderoUtlP IVli trtsa&oo^ ^ SensacJonalis 5313 93670820 ~ hUs AIU del Puente 31428 Clsrti Bellen slon 1625313 vision 30961 ' f, __ ? J lUacyTyler .ove Lucy iBobNewhart MaryTyler тАЬ Partridg# Fam-lHofk &Mlnd^ ILo┬л 5941 IMoore 148706 I0?33 |785771 Moore615941 Ily87a435 |6097B7 |91033 :) 182901 тЦа liam i Heal-From Mbtni Arena. N┬лw┬╗(CC)i8 тАЬ NBA B┬╗k┬лlb3l Chicago Bulls at M iam i N WCN -,-тЦа (I [UW)0544B2 nick Inside PGA 839356, I iw Paid Program illchcock Superman Lucy ShowтАЭ Get Smart [DrasnefJuve-[AHIlch Dick Van Dyke Gt 640191 sot 761706 817139 281413 тЦа |nil0тАЩ 29C313 372901 759961 28 3ragon' Wilson, A kidiodfist * (1989, Arfventure) Don The Drag' Renegad┬л-HonaBound'(R) Bloodfi NightCourt R┬л thcr, 3'10348 !Ttakes on the fighlof who kilted Ks brother, 365752 33 (1961, Drama) Eh*> Torkel> sday Weld. 830936 ) 737055 [Prasley. Hope UJnge. Tuesday (CC)73 6sCoan,Apftv3loeye neyrnoon in V eju * * * (1992) James Ci Honeyr 61859936 a his, fiancee ino poker game, A (CO ei.a toseshi: l a m EZQ^ oko,|Exce**hre ged Fear * \ (1992. Drama) KrW en cSkoT **(1B9Z Comody) Slovo Caged ------- Fore* 6282578---------= jm i V Keith.тАЩftay Sharkey.-A 6639435--------ojCawerTO455--------------- DavltfK alic. 725684 Bi┬╗^.5eyTTtti q Iq . S mm cConwdy) A 32039410 [chaeo 92. Adventure) Michael iendefend iBIlnkofanEyt **(1992.A 1993) M ario Van Peebles, Former soWiefs rama) Anthony EdP o m ***(19! ^ lio c I D elUH ttl** (1992. Drama 60947394_________ " ThiLonflGoodby* ***┬лn973)EII |pare.JanbL8e.A(C0MW pfcomKKKraldera-A (C 0 1451233 rv ( C 0 15616503 Hblack tewmsNp fcl |wads,UnceHewtaan. A(C Gould. SUfling Hayden, 9301597 m тЦа TMC ^ тАв G ndefi [Crypt Tale* Dream On (R) [UnySanlef 192) Dustin Hcffcnan, A homeless Vietnam ll Hero **┬л(I992; lyper Siplen: P*opli Ffora Anottwr St┬╗ir**(198e.Sdenca *i (5:50) Don't Tell Htr ire M* jwyp* i5329 831714 329 |(CC) 112418 (R) A 35532 a hood's bravery. A -PG-iy (CC) 848329 (B68 lakotcreaiorahi Cion) S┬╗<tneyPenny. A -pG' (CC) 33004868 .. ┬╗┬╗(1990)TG-13'3076394 |naiof тАвTW $'cK┬лHa.~' тЦа тАЬ тАЬ i . O O O O O IO AXO fll┬гR 00 H O T RECaW T h inSOUEAREAl ┬╗.JEROie.W W ┬лr┬л B D e ^ y m ^ N O T ^ ra c s ___ i.auHnasflJtoADCAST.ovrjw DQIWFILES. CTOW a WJEROWjCOOOW&WDOa тАв .WCXtSBJWADCASTC ^ ^ M rtieB relm l^ndelllnnT hl^^idE┬лth(R)A K K W iInw fp^lekiyM ouse Charll 12752 |4a0<00 | b60C936 , f┬╗t┬╗d4n930 |ciub504410 7427i iWceflTurner.A eggy Sue Got Married * * * (1986)Kflthlcei " TlnAntnltWashThtifFfCM Pegg n an Qoes back 10 her seniof year Inhighijcheol.,181226 tdx ** * (1939, Drama) 708139 .. >wmai тАЬ urage: The MaryTlwmMStoiy AMoth┬лтАЩ*Coun reWoodard, A (CC)37t3l3 *fH(1989)AHreV iw**(1993)Nicala5Ca9e. Amo*4Andrew ion. A (00)8372619 . Samuel LJackscw y srn )0>W ' i Ttr * n тЦа тАв' kBTCHtW . m n tiT .iw fo . ...................... auNVAuzY . .......MUUHflVWm- Tiii IтАФstDsanrafflB S O T S Itrn P>aagg e 2 7 ------------------------------ Wed fednesday----- r i 9 9 4 - - : ................................... T тАФ W ^ k of^Spfll 8 ^ 1 4t,1 sa M l 3439733 1 :0 5 0 ( 3 8 ) JER R Y SPRINGER 7 6 2 4 3 3 7 DESIGNING C R WOMEN 4 6 1 8 2 4 0 тАЮ I D E E ;Pp F R I E D S H R I M PтАв O 1:08 B SQ UIRE NA' K [E N F R I E D S T E A lKK O R тАЮ тАЮ -_ C H IC K ------ URAL II 9 0 7 5 2 6 9 тАФ 1:12 H ALF 5475571 I P H IC K E N & S H R IM P M 1:30 a OVERNIGHT I 7132714 U IZ All D in nlee rr s S e rv e d W ith S o u p S / I f o i WILLIAMS TV ----------- lOg-^ O f r S B l a djrr Pl o ta to e > O r - R lc e r ~ l тАФ 3 ^ 0 8 5 ---------------------------T O -A U T ^ R A C IN G .. " S T U ilS f^ la o , тЦа i___ jf? 'ujSj D A NC E OF )F THE DAMNED * x (19S9. Horror) Storr An----------dronll7Cvril-0'RoiH)[^A-r sa PBS 1 I chi 1 3 3 3 1 1 = . H I wfth d estin y by o lon oly younfj vam piro in co;irch of com p on lon - ship. (V )2 7 1 6 5 B 1 . i n MOVIE JA G G E D EDGE * * s (19B5. Drnma) G lonn C lo so . JoffBrltJnos. An attor┬н ney fa llsin lo v o with h<Srclionl. тЦб S a n F ran cisco (low spapor-publlahor ______ who mny b o a m onlpulativo murdoror. f \ (V) 9886375 CU MOVIE FINAL MISSION * * (1 9 8 5 . _ F ood City 5 0 0 . (R ' 449882 EQ JO N STEWART RT (R) A 1 4 7 1 5 3 тЦа r a o n 0 3 PAID m PROGRAM 6 8 7 3 3 7 . F 1 5 2 0 8 5 .1 4 9 5 1 1 ,CA A, r G I MOVIE J E S SIC * * H (1 9 6 2 . C om od Angio DickinBon. Mo H co C h o v a llo f. A m| lt |o c . _ ____ w ifcL bocom os.lho.pt of iu si for tho m on a 3mon jea lo u sy for tho wonr of a sm aii Itailan vill; 93 8 2 8 8 ------- B 3 - M ARY TTLER ^тАФ MOORE 7 1 8 5 3 0 fiQ . HEADLlNE NE' тАЬ ------ 5 6 4 6 2 6 9 -----------------B 1:35 0 1 N BC N EW S ^ K NIGHTSIDE 2 9 3 6 5 8 g. I 1:38 B NEW S 78969573 OM ^ K E 1:45 a NEWSROO: 99323337 e g MOVIE WIDE.SSA R тЦа U G A SS O SE A * * H :,fтАЮo z ?.>тЦа'' .тАв} (1 9 9 3 . Dram a) Karlr ll-). I Lombard. N alnanlol o ia n d ^ '-тАЬt Parker; Superstition v o o d o o form tho boi ^ a o Z e d d n g . p te tu re ┬л .a b o vfe, e . тАв тАв! L тЦа !тШЕ -cri: tV тШЕi 'V M ! / ^ I N G IN YOUR^ I CANS FOR EXTRA 1 $ CASH $ I I lтАФ a Wlicrc Fashion. 1. T Quality St Expcri тАвJ I r A FoUow-UpCarc _ # --------\ . . . Make-thc тАв I j r O P T I C A t , DUfcrcncc! y |┬л o ii.- F r t.V ^ J ^ 9 t0 0 тАв 6H)0 ;io * w l S a tu r d a y ---------------A nerMlo┬лu r s b y ^ A p p o I n t m e n t _ ^ ! s -80NUS-PER POUND On Aa Aluminum Cor┬л┬░ I 'OeCopsihiVcnodKn I I CrrnoiddAxartiDdJdod Cim^MuiodhCaVObnWti - ^ ^ o u n t a i n^ I W e s t ' S ^? ┬╗ 1 V a ^ resents P^roudJ ifP re : V -M- -M - тШЕ тШЕ iV | yHOURS\ t ^ ┬л 525 BLUE: LAKES BLVD.iS... ^LLS тАв 734-EYES T W I N F A I miceri ^ U v e In Con тАв H ^ ^ f i T тАЭJm c e N e W . :тЦа G lass s e s inI >h o u r! i -V f тШЕ E 3f IN FALLS CRIME, TWIN TIO N bITION ASSOCIATI ^ PREVENT Young. Joh n E ricson. ______An ox-cop an d form or тАШ - тАЬ .iarvotorcin aooKa roiorvcngo aga in st a murdorous gan g lod by an old Gficmy from h is d a y s in V iolnam. n ( V ) 6 8 1 1 9 9 a ) MOVIE THE C O N ┬н QUEROR * * (1 9 5 6 , Advonturo) John W.iyno, S u s a n Hay┬н ' ward. A m ighty M ongol ------ worrtof-kldnaps.lbo , d.Tugtilor o f o'poworful Tartar kino a n d s o lz o s ;? ? ----------- uunKgr o r n ii n i inptiu : n n t ^ fo u r d oy u m a nt a ry. ^ i to j^ ir r in e d Iri W CT ; m adw om an's daugi* ( V ) 251 8 2 0 SSish. ┬етЦа ^ who m arrios an Eng @ PAID PROGRAM . in W o n d e r ia n d тАЬ тАФ The^ R e d ' тАШ mon in J a m a ica . AA (V) тАЬ ==T┬лAdvan┬лiiM ll1' 197D17 Is 24563998 lion E l COUNTRY N E W/ S s Q u e e n 's c o n s tru d id r o f a royal te n n is c o u rt is , 1:55 NEW S Schodulod: tho Hlghs h u t d o w n w h e n thh e W a lru s d isc o v e rs a rare 99766608 w.nymon, A 8 1 2 3 7 5 ERIOR ^ r a MOVIE ULTEF isee s . DISN.__________ тЦа . p la n t o n th e .p re m is CD- BO B NEW HARTr ----------------- M 0T J V E S T T * -n1932; 9' тЦатЦатЦа 902801' ------- ----------Dram a) T h o m a s lar -----------E 0 H E A D L IN E N EW SA JR) * * * % (1 9 3 7 rD ram c jm a ) Griffith. Mary Pa'flcr S P O R T S AMERICA ( 9292085 Humphroy Bogart, ir Kniior. A orivnlo p y i 1 ? -If? B I ( 3 S ) m A B C__ тАФ =--------- SvMs-SWnoyrVoungi j*^ ' w im inuriinl .n la Ira r a m ih -s= WORLD NEVVSNOW CING sioTs in on E ast River IVDio nroos lo protoct ao jourHOLLYW OOD'S KIN тЦа1B185563, 4 0 7 1 5 2 0 71 3 S743 Slum fighl to ovorcom :a*as- тАв \A тАв ┬░ 7 .┬░ nalisl from Yakurfl* OF LAUGHTER 83S7 0 ( 3 8 ) @ LATER fS ihoir onvironrnont. (V] (''> snsslns. n (V) 6 D WILDLIFE MYS. тШЕ Sciioduiod: o c tr o ss-a, uu -. I 52 B 47820 TE RIES D ivors R on ┬г It^or Carrlo FIshor. A\ !/okoтАШ* E ┬░b I a VIS a n d V alorlo Tayior provoK ' 5 7 1 7 0 2 2 .4 3 4 2 8 8 2 'rdo? BUTT-HEAD (R) A ^ .................... тАФ Q Shark attack In ordt 12:37 Q N EW S to stud y Iho croaturo: тАв -35496578^------- -------------.. ┬й ┬░ffl-P A IO -P R tQo-- тАФ 12:38 B SO L O F L E XтАЩ- - ^ GRAM 4 3 2 7 3 3 . 4 336559 65 ^ " S тАЩs o F T HHE E >Et. 3447207 : R ED ST A R Tho YoK 1:00 0 C R O SSF IR E so m o lim o s roforrod ti YKE ( R ) 62 3 9 9 8 0 3 tho R u ssia n HurriID SAM PLER c a n o . ( R ) 6 0 9 4 4 3 J E ND 1EW5 6G68356 6 3 HEADLINE NEW ┬о MOVIE DEAD E ___ o SHOOTING,______ ---- ____ imily I Limit. Good For Tho Enliro Famil) N o Lirr ril 3i 30.1994 J - 8:30 PM Mon.-Fri. Expires April o n .^ ir m Steve Wari e i^ ~ 7^994= ^' = ? Ettm ^ B ^ B i c o ufCEOFsтАЩo iim V T IC K E T S ; ' * 7 . - S 0 ^. C e n e r a l-* lD A ^ V ie Music Center will be xM iig away a . Ttikaitiine acoustic sguitar iтАЬl' ~ тАЭ sisiieJ & siyeii aivay/ bbyy '^ ____ S la тАЩC-Wariticr.aLtJie:conccil. co. Arimhslon * T w in F a llss T h e M usic C e n te r - ~ f m - тАФ . . V ideo.W est rican Vijjeo / 1 ^ G re a t A m erici ^ Buhl Buhl Police Di D e p t. тАФ 7 ck Servicc U rry 's Quick^ H a n sen -------- D aw T W ffrkei ket -y f тШЕ V ffтШЕ ^ ^ - A - -* r тАв y f 'At (- IN E ! YiiSM BES m a n d j b ath Exira sh a rp h o rm e fea tu rin g 2 b ed ro oDms I itc h e n , la rg e ';fW ^ r 1 4 0 0 s q . ft. U p d a te d k b o a s tin g o v er su n H t la u n d ryy ro o m , b a s e m e n t, m a irin te n a n c e fre e ..-JT " ' тАв le. W I U S E L L A J i. . ex te rio r, g a s h e a t, o v e rs iz e d g a ra g e . 1 ,5 0 0 -C A U NOW . FAST AT $39,! S S I D 7 3 4 - 8 7 5 4 o r 7734-6500 3 ASKTOR SidLCQ тШЕ -Ufl __ W e e k o f A p r i l 8 -- 1 4' , 1 9 9 4 Page 28 R.viaran StfrpLrTTLEHEROCa * *-, {1OT1,, Or.ima) Ot: iM. 12:00 p,m, 37002 u>n. KoUiCrvKlenMn. (I 30) B SM-тАШ UTILE MlSa DnOAOWAY * * (1030, Muelcel) t;30) B) Sun, a.m. SlMikry Temple. Jimmy Ouianlo. (┬╗iM 007W5 >H(I073, My┬лery)ElDon THE LONG COODOYE 5) 0IQ Wed, Coula. Sl┬лMino Hayden. 'R' (1 55) OM1507 TH6 LONO. HOT BUMMER тАв ** ** (lOU.Oranu)Paul B H I H H Nowmnn, Jonnno Woodwnta. (2:00) (2:01 60 F┬╗l, Sp-m, J 0 3 T 0 8 ,p .m . 023505 ------- TH6 LOHO RlOERS-*.*-*-llO.(laQO^Wealflinj.Slacy... тАФтАФHcnaRTiFSijCwmBinn^KgOCrBI ^^тАЭ 577297 :K3 * * (1090. Comedy) D.vm OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS -13' (Adult langu-igo, ndutt s<iu.v Carvey, RoOert loggia.-PG-i: a.m. 7052072; Sal. 9:10 a,m, lions) (1:45) (D Fcl. 11 a.i 20705703 U * * jk (1070.Comedy) Jack ------- THE OUT-OF-TOWNCRS :00) ffl Sat 12:00 ┬л.m. 542023 тАв Lemmtti. Sandy Demis, (2:00 Orama) Beau Bridges, OUTRAOEI * * * ( !(1080. ( Frt2p,m. 400175 ^ ^ 1 Roberi Preslon. (2,00) ffi Ffl * * * (1000, Comedy) тЦа- f M THE OVER-THE-HIU. GANG OJ L*4m, (1:30) r a Tue. 12:39 a-m. W S S m Wanof Drennan, Pat aSnen, тАФтАФ тАЭ ] 1521130 тАФ------! - OVERSEAS тАв***(1090 1070, WelIcm)KuftRuJ' Qg'Frl, 6:19a.m. 12I(^SSa THE LONGEST DRIVE **(1070 d,12:30p.m, 1017030 тАв (1:45) C3 W┬╗<J. 12 Fnnlmy) Petof Fificfi, LNt LOSTHORIZON **(I073,Fnnl UIlmnnn.-G' (2.20] ff> Thu.<;45p.m. ;i050. Orama) Robert Cummtngs, Tue, 2:2} pjn, 00485522 ^ ^ PAIDINFUU **┬╗(10; Suspense) So-m Young, LOVE CRIMES **<1001,Sus[ ITER IN A DOX * * тАв (1091, Comodr) Spak3n>g Spal 3un,Ba.m.02l061 ^ ,jjaboth Scott (2.00) EB Sur PnUick Oeopn 'R' Unguago, ┬лI D;4S a m, jj^g PARADISE COKNE NECT10N * * (1070, Mystery) C o , тАЭ тАвS13'(AduB br>gufloe) (1 .3 0 )0 Sat 1D;4S vwlenco) (130) B3 fri.2;M┬╗.m. tCOl ( 2 .0 0 )0 Tue,.1lrt)Sa-m, H :om )0┬л 0^u┬л^EO┬лn,Mar,Ou┬лy, LOVE POTION NO, ┬л **(1092, тАв DEAD THAN ALTVE * * (IDC9. Woslom) ynn, Sftfxita DullOcV. 'PO-n' (Adull la PAREMTOOOO * * ** l (I960, Comedy-Orama) Slovo .040. 7;15 pjn. 420715(3. Uom) (1 30) ID Frt- ┬л 07UM0. S i ! ? ? o K E ? W e тАЬl S ? ? S i i l┬л S S'.T O . Martin,MaryS>9orilwgt┬╗n.-PC тЦаPO-13тАЩ(Adurt kmguoge.-mM тАв┬лтАФ Wed. < pjn, 772077 .30 BJn. 14075720 H Johnson, (2.05) ID Sun. 9:30 meOvl Painck Dompjey, f*Y * * ┬╗ ( 1(IDB9, Ornmo) A┬╗ro Woodard, A.J. John LOVCRDOr * * (1000, ComoO' Stan- H Wed. 8 pjtl. 37 t313..3.a,m, 446337 _ ------- PARIS.TEXAS * * * ( 1(1004. Orama) Harry ------Kalo"JflcVM>ft.'TC-13тАЬ (AOU!t imousi AduR language, adult sjluaUxu. pV ' <G; VIOLATIONS *H (1005, Comedy) John lohn MmNaslatata KlnUL 'R' (Ad " i i K тАв (1 4S) Q Mon, 1:30 p,m. 3370607 1.3:50 a,m, 20747400 1 :3 0 ) 0 wielnud-ty) (2:40)Oa Toa.3 3' (AduU longuaflo, nduR jilunllons) (V30) 01 Orama) WiDlam Russ. Glenn n, 512068 PASTIME * * * (1901. age) (1 :3 5 )0 Wed. 12:50p.m, ^ i r s GIRLS * * (1005, Comedy) Rum1 Cordon, Co. piyn^ner.'PGтАШ(Adult lar^gungt Comodif) Joan [jranioai Ugan. (2.00) O) Fti. 1 a.m. 076907 MAID'S NIGHT OUT * * (1930, (IS H┬лm T-ITnln^ UIIMfHIF :hif ┬лi * <lfla7. Comedt) Harvey Kotman. (, тЦаn, (2.00) ^ pat WOT OAMES * * * (1002. Suspense) Hamion U fi ITOI) Blair Orown. 12 00) ^ тАЬ rt.Sa-tn. alra 87000* MAJORHY RULE (1OT2, Dfam.1) l-ord. Anno AJUUll, H ll'WuH I i e) Poler Men, 11 pjn. 729250 PHV'S WAR * * (1071, Advenlure) P GQ W e d - t^ . 170374 cl┬лel m PACIFIC * * (1056. Adven7809,1# PEARL OF THE SOOTH THE UAUOUDIKJNI SHOP *I((tOOO,Como<Jy)M '9 ;┬гsn PhilDpa, (2.00) S J Sat 8 p,m. 97780! ima Uayo_UJQl-*B-Men J 0 _ ┬╗ t e - . iure).Oennl*.UorBan.-JflromU b. 111035-----------------pjn.8624a8тАвтАШ-тЦа-Oav<dW*.0M.-┬л-00)ffl SeL9jKm.U тАв тАЬ 'FtophoW 2. We┬╗1oin) Dill Cosoy, y y oOG OG TOE THIEF * * (1075, Comodr) Ow. ajn.7074B1 ' MAN AND DOT * * (1072. VS UWIEO * * * (1080, Comedy) Ffl.e p jaL3111M. 31l PEGOy GUE GOT MARI CeoTDsSpea. (2,10) ID Mofi.lOiJOp id bbBBobat! R odford p la y s a g iftod Cage. 'PC-13тАЩ (AduR language. RRobert ot Kalhieen Turner. Nicolas Ca THE MAH FROM COLORADOтАЭ * **┬░M0┬л , WoMom) ?|S?2?,'m !^ Frt 2 p m 000000; Wed. 7 pjn. p,^, W ORnc'sW * * ┬╗ (1051,Comedy) Dobh W) Hope,- oduR Muauorn) (2:00) GI Fr o rtu n o to bo45) 01 Tue. 1:4S p.m, u y pAVO Glenn Fwd. W*Jlom HoiOon. (1:45) ila y o r w h o o v o rc o m o s m iafortu 3. 1 a.m. ,61220;Thu.iajn.074289 norr,, (2:00) O l 8un, 7 p,m, 570213. S0320C70 ┬╗ m o a blB -loaguo s t a r In 'T1,0 ho N a tu ra l.' _ nME FORGOT * * (1077, Sc*- COn THE PEOPLE THAT TM THE MAN FROM LARAMIE ****H(1055,Weslem) * 9. Daug McClura. (2:00) fO Sat -rh p ,,o m ovio a ire T h u rad o y n igj h tt o n HBO. тЦаlaywwth, enco Fldion) Patrick Wayr┬л.C AL SAL * * * (1042. Muteal) Rita Hay* 7 00) f S Ffl, 11:05 aJTi. MY OAL J s im Glewiul. Anhu> Kennody. (2.00 , 11 p.m, ^05 pjn. 2250004 turo. (2 00) ffl Wed. 7 p,m, 005068,11 0575332 Vtdor Mature HE CASE OF THE DEFIANT ,mCHINLOVE ***(1992. Drama)/ PERRY MASON: THE ┬╗iwi}y) Andrew McCartJry. 090005 na) Albert Fmney. Jil MAHNCOUIN **(1007, Comoa ┬╗ Fiction) OAUCKTER **H(1000. M kiR *snuatiora) (2:00) CIENCE PROJECT * * (1005, Sdon┬л^Fk n.7&403 MYSCIEI aaytjurgh, 'PG-13' (AduR lanouago- *JuR Kim CaRral. (2.00) O Sun. 2 pjn. 75 D Sun, VMjg^^(1:45) IB Mon. 2 i D Mon. ┬лJ0 a m 504014.8:09 p m 2340302 2340 )rama) Edwanl C. RoCxnStockvn AwoD. Oanlella Von Zemett, (2:00) O : MANPOWER **K (1041. Dram i2;00 p.m, 42 1,4276B RI06 DEYOND VENGEANCE * ** *┬╗ (1006. Wetlem) un.Goor9eRnn. <1:45)01 Wed., 7:20 7:2i a.m. S3402023 CASE OP TOE FATAL FASH. _TwckCorvKxV. тАЩ PERRY MASON: THEZ C **% (1055, Weslerr) Michael RanrH, ( 2 ^ ))B0 Bun. 8:49 pjn. тАв MANY RIVERS TO CROSS *1 Ourr, Valene Harper. ^10053830 ION * * (1001. MyttefV)) Raymorxl R Rotxifl Tajlof. Eleanot Petkof. (2 00) 0 CD SaL p.m, .C2409M0 J ,) Tommy тАЬ RIDE. VACWERO * * * 0 ┬░^ - astern) Robert TeyW. E AND HAYES * * (10&3. Adventure) To тАЩ iiiujrr e.T ur'ael &'K55le ,' VG''tVi51eniJf тАШ(.J' .OOтАЩ RM nJ^H elan Roddy, CG'*(V:V 5r0^8a7.*4l35 p'im! тАвR-(AduB Urxjuabe, aduJl 0. Western) Tkn HolV RTOGIlANOe PATROL **(1050.W Jason Scoa Lee, A m PanDaud IT (< dLm. 401450 " im ┬о ,4715733 ?1B170 USiardMartn. (1:15) ffl Wed,3┬╗m471 tituauonj) (200) 63 SH.BBjn.21Bi: 3NAU LAMPOON'S LOADED WEAPONnтАЩ-P&*T 1 i ADISE *тАв (1091. Adull) Linda PLEASUREJN PARAD >ynedy) Tom Crutje. * *H (1963. Oyne UARATHOKMAN тАв * * ┬л ( 1 0 7 med,)EmJ<.EM┬╗┬лi. Samuel LJaduon, P< e. nudity, .trono sexual eomenl) IMwcea J fttSKYBUSlNESS Drown, -R' (Adun language.. i^ur4'CiJe"тАЬv !olтАШ^:S.). Honman. Uurooeo Olivtor, тАЩR' (A fluH De Momay, (2.-00) B Mon. 7 ppjim 44109 Sun. 7:30 pjaCO5304 J9459020 (155)10 T┬╗iu.2:3J*in.3!M A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT * ***% * (1092, Drama) (2.00) O Sun, S;30 a.m. 002030 ONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION * *тЦа┬╗ * (1083 (1 M * * ┬╗ (1093. Drama) Drtdgel ┬╗ lgтАв Sheflef. Brad PitL 'PC' (AduB langut POINT OF NO RETURN inguago. brief nod.iy) MARGIE * * * (1040. ComwJy: Chevy Choe. 0┬╗┬лxV O'Ar^geto, (Adu* lar>o. (AduR 13000774- ForxJa. GatirW Dyrpe, 'R' (A < teiguage, ftdus snuatwn, 2 ;1 5 )0 Thu. 9 p m 7340578 Young. (2:00) ffi Sun, 1 |>,m. W iion┬╗.nudM (1:40) c a Sat 4:05 aJ-w 13001 0 ) in Fn.11pjn,306302-.M<^ (2:15 ' bnofnudity,vtoler>┬╗) (2:00)1 18. Orama) JmOavts, ___ -XKMaZ_______ ___________ _ Spjtu 55134090____________________ rRedicrt----12:1S┬╗>V CM5C7BT~------r'(1090. Corned^) Calhof. ---------------lilASTERS OF MENACE * *(┬╗ ┬г HATURAL * * * (1 0 W , Drama) RoOer1Re< Alan ArtJn, R┬лa Moreno, koo Scot Brady. (2.00)0 Frt 2a3ajti.24(W POPi * * * ┬╗ tio io .cComedy) o. idence FleOon) Oon ino Elad<. OavM RAM^e. 'PG-O (Adu * * ┬╗ (1093, Sden jvoB, 'PC' (Adutl language, adull eluaUona RobirTOuval m 54238705 . RODOTWARS ' -C (1 :5 5 )0 Thu.1:19pm (VWeoee) (1:30) IB lenco) (1:4S)ia Wed. S:1S (un. 32030410 320: kmml (2 M1 . 30) fla Thu. 12:30 pjrv 065240 UE ADVENWRES OF THE AL- ┬лchael тАЬ ch Paul. DartMfa CramplDn. -PG' (VW тЦа_ _ THE MAT1N0^8E^0N_* *┬╗(l051.0rama)Cene r SEALS * tta.(iiKin, AdvBButoixtmy a >t.EADeR^MHWPCWINq~1*OM rui T |l fTT i).aytvcs1ar Slaanna, тАФ тАФ ROCKY II-* * *-4ie70rOrama).┬гv: aHllMgJlO) m35H<a┬лi I p тЦаu,13570: iaiiii siiii r 'P O ^T in^^i55Ft3:05r┬╗' IPullman, ' languoge.adullaltuaUonj) (1: r ) CnrtUophef Walken, W тАв MC8AW *11(1091, Adventure)┬й rOUSTICKS * * x (1092, Compdy)IJ<dPull r307790S: o Hon. 7 a m 03270402. 9pmS7D4540 9 ju 12:30a m p o s s e * * * (1903.' ) (V 4 5 )┬л ┬╗un.11:40 (Adult IanROYCE (1P>4. Advwaura) JamesI Oelushl, Del m. W (Adu┬л lar^guaoe) (1:35) Bl Tue. 12:10 SlacMi BakMrW. TT (Adult e 40) O Fri. 9 p m graphic vWeneo. nudity) (1:40) b7 QSOCflOO sjuaoe. UEAT0AL1.S4 * x (1092. Com Us oi S m Thu. 8 p m 8208482 Comedy) Corey FeWman тАЬ^ ex Tr OF 01 KIN * * ┬╗ (1005, Drama) Palrtek Sw тАЮ,nu┬лty) (1:30) m Sat Uam S c тАвon. e i 'R- {Mult language, adull ┬╗┬лuaBor┬╗, vWl RUN OF THE ARROW * * ┬╗ ( 11058. 0 ┬л Westeni) Rod W (Adul tarouaoe. adufl MuaUons, m. * ┬╗ (1089, Fa┬лa┬╗y) Sharon Lee Steiger. I PRINCESS WARRXmI < h u .2 p m 789288* SatS p jn .004004 9JO pja17fcl10 2 2 Charlas Oronson. (2:00) Q Thu, i -to ~ ┬╗ J2 ┬л j) f f l S A 1 1pjn.371575 ^ ┬л0,Orama)Mat┬╗>ewMo. UEMPHIS OELLE **>(1000, tr OF THE GENERALS * * * (IM7,.Mytlecv) Myi roUEN ON TH6 MSIOE * * * wm 1-93 pm. PRISON STORIES: WOI Clno. Eric Sloia, (2:00) 11(00)i) sun. Su B P J - 2/30301; 'oole, Onw (┬╗unr, ( 3 .0 5 )0 Sun. 11:93 Chcax), Lokta Davidovich. (2.00) (lOgi, Drama) Raa Domti Ct 0 ( 3 5 ) 9un.Bp,m. 10132; Cto Sun.┬л aenKfjR^SrtCuSv" SABOTEUR * * * (1B42.Su┬╗2^ Suspense) O Frt 7 pjn. 430000 HCNATWORX **(1000.тАЬS Cor x n S ^ i 'E r n f c E ^ ^тАЬ niтАЩgSirOFTOCKUNTER t C * * * ┬╗ (1055, 5u┬л. J1W3, Drarfi^Slavw Raes6┬╗etc,_min, TUngSjPrisclPa Une, TO ' (2:00) iOo FrL 12:30 aum. __ ^..HWATEWAR3,.1┬╗┬╗J1' Chamo Srwen. -PO-ir-CAdcIt lang, Rc*┬╗┬╗n. She*ey wmior^-(┬╗)45) 0 - W ^ ┬╗ ncc) (1:30)81 Son. ilS a j R . ,,766< -R- {AduR lartwiva- violeflct r ir 4 m T rJ. 3;3┬░0*p.m, (1:45) O Sat. 7:19 p.m, 227341 VesMn) Joel McOea. , .SAOOLETRAHP * * * (1050, West* NWMT ┬╗VE NEVER MCT **┬╗(1993. S432IB3 1003. Comedy-Orwna) Paul New- wan WandaHendrU. (1:30) (3] Th<>-2>^1.800041 B0( iS :l IREAM * * * * (tOM, Mat^SS&S A MIDSUMMER NIOHrS DRE^ Orodartck. Armatjolla Sdorra, V: (AduRтЦа lanff lure) OnW CariBdlne. SAFARI 3000 * * <1081. Adventure) on. (2;10) O Thu. 9:90 a.m. ' man. Edward'C, Robinson. l'Tue.12:95ajn.4a4ieooi daHaviIland. (2:30)13 (v40)BD'Tu 1 9 a m 88115300 StockardChav^mg. (2:19)0 Sat2:19aJ 8 * * * (1060. Comedy) Jarw Fonda. Ddh 8. Musical) Nal King R (1001. Drama) Domain Olehir, ST. LOUIS OLUES **┬╗(1058.M in i┬г R ^ c R O S s m o тАв * **┬╗ ┬л ({1090, Drama) GabrW to_*p&(Ad.I lAdun iwouaoa. adul tAiatlont) (ZOO) OB K S. ' " ;. C200)ID Frt.7pjn.-72060. U a m 588481 JO. 2 ajn. 877025 Cole Cole. Pean Bailey, (1:30) ffl Wed. 8:30 Oyma. AlMrl Finney, (2:00) 0 1 3 5 ) 8aL 10:35 p ,r^ pjтАЮ.474403 KJ3 idy) IMartha PiimpтАЬ . . . . Susoensal___ THE PUOUC EYE **<* * {1092. Drama) Joe Peso, ... aAMANTHA.*,k┬╗ (IDOL Comedy) /AV-TOTTteATALADY-*** (106fi.Suso - - 220eO(Mr(a6.t10iM┬л┬лn.OOI┬╗┬лa jlenei)' (1:40)-ffl- MonTZ P-mJтАФ Dermot Mulroney. тАШPC (2┬л0) IS -Tue..33 pp.m 4 87015 237000 Oartwa Herthoy, H' (Violai w.Georoe Segal. (200) ffl Tl~.-2ajn.1. 233 Sle┬лe' ( MINE OWN EXECUnONEA * i* * H (1047. Orama) insasy) Oudkiy Moorv. BANTACLAUS * * ┬╗ (1085. Fansas! Rafl.Lyt┬╗i 3003411,1l!l0pjn.l23514l (2 00) f f lM o n .2 ^ rURNE * * * (1940. My┬лlory)OoofoeRa*l. OitfOOta Mefodim. Wonin Moore. (2( 2:00) ID Wed. 9:30 17400 PU99 >H BOOTS * ** %(1988, Fantasy) Chrtslopher John^JU^.-PC'(UiW vlolenea) (2:00) 0) a FrL7pjn.eS2001,12:30un.73740C 433U57 ^ Walken. Jason Connery,-Gy (1 I :3 0 )0 Ffl 2 pjn. 537392 AVENUE IRREGULARS * *┬╗┬╗{1070. ┬╗( 92, < Comedy) Ami Odenz, ^ t KE*NORTH O MIRACtE BEACH * * (1092, Johri SATURDAYNKiHTFEVER * * ** (1077,Drama) (11 ┬л iaI[3 5 ) Herrmann. Oartiara Kama, (2,00) iUoru.nud.ly) (1:J0)Ca comedy) EdMrd Ed. Doan Camwon, fJR- (AduB ailuflUoni un language, aduI *┬лTravdla. Karen Gomey, 'PO* (Adun la Trav m. 88042; (D Sun. 4 pjn. B120 ' Sat Bajn. 132260 тЦа2343S тАв uatons) (2.0 0 )0 Wed. 11:30tJti.42343 3STARK * * * * ( 1 0 8 1 ,Ad┬лKv uaU STAR * * ┬╗ (1043, Orama) Dana Dan AqlESS **>(1M t.W ┬л1- ┬отАЬ"to E ^NORTH o1 RAIOERS OP THE LOS1 MIRACLE IN THE WILDERNESS 0. AdvenlUfO) Robert I SAVAGE PAMPAS **M 1000.A . Alen, -PO' (AduR language, vto1, (2.00) O Thu. 10:35 om) K(l┬╗ KnaWIoraofi. K)m Callral, C turn) Harrtson Ford. Karen A* n e Oailar, (2.00) BB Fri, 2 a.m, 0290103 I Taylor, Marc LaviTonca. (2.00)0 Fri..12Mp.m.427150 12:1 pjn. 725604 Tayl 1IN0IH COMMON * * * (1080, Comedy-O dy-Orama) |┬лnce) (2:W) 13 WecL7pJi p.m.oiW3se la) Cerw Hackman, Ai | SCARECROW **┬╗(1073.0rama)0 noNMAN * * * (1002, Orama) Tom^SJUTj THE RAILWAY STATIO UIRRCA nUAOES * тАв(1 0 0 1i1,Su┬╗per┬лe)OoUflSr>ep, S' ka, JacUe Cleaaon. -PG' (AduS langv┬╗┬╗go,.aduJsnuadu (2 .0 0 )0 Tue. 2 a-m. 010435 .j.qq, lertand, (2 00>ro Sun, 11 a m Padno. Pad m. 087508 juu, cnftsUa. OonaW Sutnen part. Jen Conaway, -Nff (AduR anguage, aduB tituaOoni. тАв:00) e a Sun. 2 pJtt 322830; Wed. 7 ajn. 0< (1900. Comedy) OeOe SCENES FROM A MALL ***(1901 t:1SaJn, 00132700 DWOOS * * ( lB 02,Su┬╗pw┬╗e)JohnShoa., r┬лa.Jenny <J3220. 0 (11) Sat 10:38 p.m. p.i 4033004 rwdifr.vtoteoce) (t:35) US Tua.2:1Si ipm04063 * ┬╗ ( 1035. Comedy) DertWheokir. MKlier, kS Woody AJien.' (2,00) O Sat 9 pjn ,ma) .tort Lemmon, S.t┬╗y laSStNG * * * H (1062. Oama) ______ тАв TOERAINMAKBIS- *┬╗ 1, (2.00) S3 Tue,┬╗ a m 007200 amo) Brendan Fraser. SCHOOL TIES ***{1092, Oramol .778307 (1:30)m Mon.2;30mjn.T7 SpaaA, (2:30)01 S┬л.2pjn.S0a W (2.00) O vW (IOOO' ^ e d y Orama) Mnt< ali Oamon, -PC-IKAduS language.. vwiencs) MISTER JOHNSON * * H (_tO -------uarw rncA iN * * (t(1992. Sosperwe) John Uthgow, M MoB,-7-p.┬╗rM7┬л┬л^^----------------------- aOUR-WU3i┬╗┬╗a.-Tne┬╗тАФ Mw ----- PWcfPioansn,-TO r ^ T Mar' -~ LoK rD iw fc ^ 'ririM UuingnQum?B, тАЩt' a Thomai ENRTS FUU. HOUSE * * * { l ^ . 6rt┬лi┬╗ SECRET ADMIRER **(1005, Comedy) Coc 'O.HENB :19 p.m. 12350424 BB FfLTJOaJn. 05090470 w T n t kjr┬лe) (1 :39 )0 Tftu.t1:1S тЦаge.nudUy) (1:40) O oe. Oalo ftoboftaon. (2,00) D Mon, r7:30 i 074, Advenluia) Charles M MonrtJO. HLUS * * (1091. Drama) Jacfyri Howei. Ho┬╗ Len LoogNin. W (AdJl lariguage. THE RAPE Of DR. Vnt HR. MAJE8TYK. * * ┬╗ (1074, Tue. 2:09 u n . 57973145 quage. aduA Uuatiera. vt- 774640 тАв 00)03 Tue.2pm J50015 Tue - Branaon,Allattle<l.'PG'(Mul1lanouj( 004, Drama) Sharon LttllTS **% (1053, Comedy)Oot>Hope. fc SEPARATED BY MURDER (1004, o f f UM TbS m o 951, WeUem) Tyror* Power. 5uoleocQ) (2 ┬л ) a W .4 1:30 p m 04102; ffl Sal, 12:30 p.m. 348625. 10." ? 2 (2:00) B Tua. 8 p m 0305; OB Tue..l T ,957. er^n.) Alan Freed, " ^ n .y , (1:30) (1: Pii. 8 a-m. 072350 ^ Cleta. ii^ROCKAMO.ROa *┬╗(1957 unHoywanl, (1:30)0 Pfi. pm23090 Cfl Tu*.8pm 6831: 0(1 1 ) TM ,8pm :S * * ┬╗ (1002. Drama) David 10 (1 :3 0 )0 Fri-B-J┬╗am2S1S95 c m H a^ REO SHOE DIARIES WAT A NIGHT * * (1002. Comed,) Cow SEPTEMBER AFFAIR * * ┬╗ ( 1^ 05!0 . Orama) Joan R' (AduR Iwguaoe. aduB sauatKins, UR.8KSFFW0T0N *** (1 0,044. * 4 Drama) Oe<leDavrt, ) O Sat DucJwny. Drtgni┬оOalus "R'( tftrane. PG-13тАЩ (Adun tituatlcns) (1.35)01 Fontaine. Joteph Colten. (1:4S) ffl . тАв jn ,2091106 Fen a ┬лjn. 04108000 noddy) (1 :5 0 )0 Thu,4aji Clauda Rakit. (2:45) O Tu*. T:M , 1892S004 R i* * * M ┬л 4 , Orama) l.M P -"-'B ***(1977, Advtirturo) 07724038 077, >4┬л F Ferter, RETURN TO DOGOY'CREEK Cl FOaOW THAT BIRD I^JVINKLE 00E8 TO WAR EXPLORERS * * (1900, DrnmaJ J0┬╗┬л SESAME STREET PRE8EHIS: FOU тАвC-(Vk3lwo┬╗ (1:30)(D.Mon.2 Roth WarrkJC ( (,тАв35) 01 D┬лTi Weis. Dana PlaW -CSpmMtmonij_'PG'(Adjillanouoge,v^oiereo) (i J * * ┬╗ {1985, Comedy) Vok┬╗┬╗ of J n Henson..Carrt>i Herv a.m. 460104 ajn.7(B4W11 . 2._______________ Aey,-{2i)0) B Sun, 12:Cttpjn-ai3a2.тАФ EN PPLEOOBSJtW*. Ora- -ThU. JWy "* * ┬╗-t19e6rC┬лtiedy) A o d y --^ ' ~~ HTTIIIITM: BAOKEN )W.M>┬╗тАЬ ------HgTVRHTOMAYBW ^ ls" N O T M C W O H "* T im ^ ) ( S 8urt3 (u n.49n20 ............ _ 141.............Ort┬лft.OonKr┬лrt┬╗ (200)Q тАвтАФ A ] tlnda 0┬л*V. J tM > B(3a> ┬л ┬л i iaSmi0.;-{2J0)B3 Sal. 1:30 pJn. 374441 ay) Voieas THE REVENGERS * тАв* * ┬╗ (1072. Western) Wifcam Hok┬╗- H j NH3HT8 * * ┬╗ ( 10S9, Fantasy) \ rama) ChrHlopher Reeve. тАв 1001 AftUIAN Aft >) ffl Thu. 11:05┬╗Jii. 0344424 1* r 1 1 a ,m , en. ErmtOorgnlrvi. (200)1 iguage, nuOtty. vlolenee) . of Jim BтАвau*. aat KaDiryn Grant, (1:30) ID Son. 11 m O, Tim fcWrxrton. "if r┬гVтАЬr-f;тАЩ'ir -Si TKe.BDAaMum┬гR┬╗_* *.1.1?M, 9; тАвassi ri тАЬ K S SтАЩo l'T ?.';,тАЭ тАЩ ._________ P'aa g e 2 9 тЦа W ee k o f A p ril 4 - 8 J199 9 4 a-m- 7347010; Thu. 2 a.m. vtoler>ce) ( 1 :3 5 ) 0 S a t 2 a-r 7212370 TOO MANY GIRLS * * ┬╗┬╗<<1940. MusteapUnla Bal. 251:W ┬╗d.6 DetlAmai. (1 :3 0 )0 Toe..1;30p.m,W 1: u n . 402459 MusKal)FrodAUaire.G<r^ tOPHAT * ┬л '* тАЩ1(1035.M l Rooan. (2 00) O Thu. 5 p mi.l3O402,Spm22a0C0 1 >sy) RobUi WilUama, Mki\ad TOYS * * (1M2. Fanlasy ┬лo) (2 00) O Thu. 3 p m 1*1 (1003. Achrdflture) ) ID Tito, 10:39 p.m. . OF A DOUBT * *T* * (1043, SusponM) (2:00) ID Fri. 2:30 .SO *тАШ" s h m S ┬л o fo b 5 E S S io h (iomw. jSusponu) Veronica 1BH4: H.vne(. {2 00) D (3e) Sun. BpJn. 1B T1 OD 8on, Bp m * (1080. CoinoiJy)TnKy тАЬ тАЩ she-s o o tta h a v eit language, camu John*, Tommy Rodmond HKka.тАЩR'(Adoa i^ IB Tu(, 12:19 a,m. ┬л(!uM silualiont, nuBlly) <1:25) IB тЦа тЦа RrI S B B *тАШ*тАШsH ┬л┬╗TTOraJ. **X(1008,A(Jy 1 ____ ' )2. Orwna) PM Moms. (200) тАЭ ^ ^ C K S OF OLORY (1092. O Tm . 1 a m .9274to nTES **H (1902. Science TRANCERS lit; DETH UVI nieSm.lh.-R-(^langua()^ FWBn)HmTT>omertor.Mebnie >nce) <l:^5^Q Uon. 3:20 adull Ulualtons, ofaphlc vtolcne jtopher UIAN II * * * :тАв (1000, FarUsy) Chnttop^ su ps тДв jlanco) srnol Kidder. 'PO' (Adult aduations, violenc ReevaJMaroo Frt.5pmiO n440 C l ICION Frl GrarM, * * * ┬╗ (1041, Su┬лper\io) Caiy Gra ,r>e. <200(0 Tho.l:30am251370 Sean 0 KIOS * * % (1D93. Drama) RnBerlI Sa SW'NO I' toleoce 'sih ' t AKE3 a HOUDAY * * ((1030. Orama) Con. aununn Q aU > . 10 a.m. il..┬лU)Bow┬лa. Basil RaBibooa. (155) W^*тАЩB*OsLm'.'36oтАЭ M35 W┬л SINCLfl WHITE FEMAUE *k**>┬╗ (1002. Su31>┬лn┬╗┬л) 40100007;reSTCRтАФ* - * 'v - (1905.. Drama) Rlctic rlnn. "R" (Adull rar^Buage, SYLVCS U;WO┬лt Fonda: JofTOifef Jflion L^fv , M e┬лu CJlxul. P6' (Adofl lanouaot,. ntW > ┬╗,;un flualions. vWoneo) (2.00) G3 f< 1 5 )0 SaLT;1SiiH.e05.12025 . SIKS OF DESIRE * * (1002, lA ^**<i (1905, Drema) CarroU Baker, Gebtge Geoi diA languaoe, adurt MuaNek Co*3BYtrl┬л. 'N ^ A Frl. a ^ 12:45 2.00)0 Frl. 2 a m 444246 ___________ am. 70330712 Mjftara . (2.00 toi: nuci^. vMenM) (1:3$) I S Frl. 1 lE * * * (1001, Drama) T^Ie&HS OF RACHEL CADE * 230) CO Wad. 11 p m Ano'" Dickinton, Poler FInen. (2:30) CFORCE * * (1056, Drama) Vetor Maturo, I TANKFO тАв 5 ) 0 Tue.l0:j0pjn.7103522 ^lure) HuriyrBY Dogail- f>nn (1:45)1 _______ nm ncco 11Adwec^^ ) I*tin U . ^ ISam _ . TtN lAU locen. (2 00)01 Tut. 12:15 ┬лJ uyJ'i'*^ Whoopi GoldorfbeftRolAw). RoU (I.4 5 |ia Wed. 3:30 p.m. 613C0S5 SISTER ACT * * * (1tW2,, Corned,) Co< Slicll<ry ACLES * * (1D77.Hortor)HcnfirFom┬╗.Shc >0).|D. Sat. 4:30 p.m. itNTACL тАв -bo'.j, Magjle-Smim. тАвPC'...<2;00).| 2 0 0 ) 0 8*t-11pm6716M o;flUI5:Siill.┬лim.803270 ^ riHTH MONTH * * * (1970. Drama) piiol I )3. Fantasy) Tlm c^B ^r>roiBurTHE SKATEBOfcRP KID (1003. F M <hoO (2 00)10 MO(t 5 p m 527450 :30) IB Sal. 2:30 p.m, n*n ,<eiOiM <l 1 n -ioi tnw PG'(AOutt lanoui*0┬л) 0:30) fERROR *H(19C3. HortorjporljKailon. 'тАв (1 09, C Otama) Timotfiy D.Uy. _ ┬░тАЩ^VnAKE TREATY **┬╗(1909, ST cA N ^ '* (1000- Woilom) AuOiO Muri it.Ba.m. 125140 THEtTEX CrnmrwvoOu^ (2.00) 0 J Mon. B. c S l ? " (2.00)0 Tu.-2pmM 14M ┬л * ┬╗ ( 1002,Ad┬л.nluio) jyo^rttkcr* SHAXEEATER m... H19 LAW ┬╗0O. odult ┬╗Kual┬лnj, v┬л> r HAMILTON WOMAN * * * ┬╗ (1 W 1 ,D lumn^o Lnma┬╗. 'R' (Adutl bnflunoe. ' irn Tm .. 75557GG0 , тАЮ,тАЮf,nrn Okver. VLIon Lolflh (2:30) O Sun,I, 3a fp.m. irf┬лo),(l:35Ha Tho. 12;J0a.m,765 RoMrt 7(,,jM,9p.тАЮ . ,,o тАЮ5 SNEAKERS * * * { 1 0 0 2 ., Comedy-Dramal Cof :Adull THERE ( IE C'OE^THE NEIOHBORHOOp * *LVтАЮ <H HrOlord, Dan AyWoyd. 'PO-13' (A Uul Uv>gu.iflo, vwlonco) jSit 0.wel┬╗, Cnmenno O'Hara. PG-13- (^/^5n 7 ^ i:25)IQ 8un,2:3JpmTM0370a l'4 5 ) 0 Thu.7;15p.m.22520, - тАв SNIPER * * (100J, Ofan┬лi)Tom s s THICKEF T i iiM ; vioicnCT) : THAN (WATER KER (1093- Susoensa) l^oreLi The Thu. 1^30 P.m. /тАвj-?iin ┬лтАв (Aijult lanau.->o┬л. w6lefw┬й) (<.00)03 ┬л>) ........... тАЮi Ruaan. (30C 4fll?<M0 тАШ ^ o .: . . , i50 a,m. Lon i idi. (1:65)10 Thu. 10:30 Lor Chaney Jr. (1.45) ID Tho. 12.S0 c.;i.-i[rfvy>PaulNo>*man, P*of An^di. ( ┬л. 15790708 51070950 ┬╗m,6l77280;O Frt. 12:┬лSp.m. 15; IK^OIO * jj^SO. Comodyl Bruca AnOar Comedy) Joir tHINKIN SOMETHING WILD * * ** (1060, ( 10:30 pm- ,jo O )a) SJ D,inicl3, Melnnio Giinilh. (2.00)I H(C8)-Sal. O HASmE*ftBUSHROO **>. THOHA! MCniSI Comod,) Danny \Vooetla MeOoe. (2.00) ID Mon. 12:40 A SONO 18 DORN * * *r Ct04a*<┬г I Tue- 7 p.m- 529047,11 osjooic EC FUGITIVES * *тАв. (1009, \ s^o,^. XX-. тАвPG-13- (AOutt lanouago. m .ld ^ o n ^ I -------SORRY. WRONG NU┬лOER[ ***┬╗(1009. SoJpenM) 9:0: a.m. W292373. 0:50 p.m. 30540246. Ti Lon, Anoer^o, Cart WcMaut). (2.00) (2.1 Cfl тАЬ O"- ┬оP "тАЩ- m Sat 9:03 S!i. 875154U7UM I0^IHER3 * * ┬л ( 1 0 4 0 ,W ┬л W ^ JO ^ nn┬╗┬л┬╗n **1100? On s t.┬л GunentWJ. 'PG' (┬л┬л" тДв ""* тАЬ SlSpjn. 32027300 Chuck NoriH. aiOEKICKS W *┬╗(1003,DDrama) ra I Sat. 10 p m 0410023: Jon-Vhan Ow>┬лr┬╗.'PG' (1;*5)I0^9* ^ot. 12J0 pJit. 4710MT. 8 p m KJG5 Pyj P.?.*'!'-*?тАв": SOUTH PACIFIC * * * < 1TToSd,' 05 2 :0 0p.m. 023063 Drnii),M┬лlGoynof. <3 0 0 ) 0 Sat Ut1 R ** * (1030, Myalery) тЦа SPECIAL INVE8TI0AT0R )0)fB 44┬лl04 (tcMtd Ooc. J. Carrol NaW'. <t00) fi 8atS┬╗mDon Baker, SPEEOTRAP **┬╗(l078,AAtf┬л>nUiro)Joo tf┬л >Sam-04l3S06 TтДвDaly. <2.1X))iS ┬╗oo.11:OS┬лJ SPOlli OP WAR (10M. ( hfama) ^ < John Heard. (2 00) 0 (M )S ┬л .7 p .m , 0815712: 00(35) ( 3 Bat 7 p-m- 75712: yrf wi3MC?FyR*тАЩr┬лтАЬ "='*^*.:i.H"'┬░. F┬╗" ^ViitevaniiniKuj. ii.i3) O "8тАЬ'^;тАШ J Werdon 7602004 тАв* MOM THE THREE THI WISHES OF DILLY OWE" * stin * тАШ 1^0 Deny Bockloy. Hal Holbrook, (2 00) S3 Son. DramajBott) p ^ . 506720 Im IR m IHU CAST * * ┬╗ I 'f s . 74&M3 THUNDI U Deborah Kart. (2.00) EB Thu. 8 a.m. 7 4^ AWnLadd-0 Wl Kilmer, THUNOI vMlenca) r a aflunw pa>iaтАЩ,j g T (AoJt l i F ^ i i i j r w p w i a ^ 3 :1 0 ^ .0 8 0 ^ JRDER * * (IWO- Mysleiy) rrway. (1 :1 5 )0 Wad. 5:19 Bonita GrartvUle, Morgan Conwi a.m.lC(M014S THE TURNING POINT ^┬╗ * * (1952. Mystery) vroam EB Wed. fl:30 aJn. 542394 Holdon A^eilsSmith (1:30)0 lOVIE * * * (1063, Fanlasy) TWILUSHTZONE: THE MO' >G- (Adull languaoe. vtoUnai) John uihowr. ViC Morrow. PG - 22076237: Thu. 8:30 p.m. ------- Fli-photo' ' -ALKWITHMC * * (1092. TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WAI lanouaga. aduS Mysiory) Shoryl Lw. Mora KWiy. elK R'(Adull glU vos' SolO wed. 3:35 a,m. rtJn S h o r t s ta r s In тАШn i r e o FufllU tituslions, nudity, vidonco) (2:25) (. vlo C h a n n el. 05(┬╗7733 lay a n d T u o o d ay o n T ho Movio 1063. Fantny) John Travona^^ Ufday TWO OF A KIND * <106 jloatkjns. viotenca) (1:30)0 -PC' <Mull languaoo, ┬╗d(it mu wdy) IVAYNC-S WORLD * * ┬╗ (1002. Como^l Mika My┬лra, OS sjn. 5700071 WAI Sat 10 p m 072712: Sun. S:05 adu silualions) 3ADWAY **H (1051. Musi- Danaa CCarvoy. 'PG-13' (Adull bnguago, adull TWO TICKETS TO BROAI igh. (2 00) m Tua, 3p.m, (1:┬л5) C TтАЮ~v Mnitin, Janol Loiflh * M 7750^'' ' тАФ- тАв XasDoTolh, (2 0 0 ) 0 Frt,┬╗pm,0377K тЦа F i H ^ Ncblasl Westward the women .* * * (1051, <io; Western) 0 -l-S o n _ J a Jti.,___ lart Taylor. Oont50^0areBt-(? 35) O the UGLY DACHSHUND Comedy) W U r S NEW. PUSSYCAT? * * S 1(1(19CS. 9 Jones, Suianne Pletholto. 9200330,4:30 a.m. 5207422 (0 Son. 1 p.m. ar ^ 1a% Palo. O'Toolp. (2:00) O ULTERIOR MOTIVES *a ** (1992. Ornmn) Thomas Inn Pojo' S ┬л3 Sotportse) Joanna cn n h , Mary Page K┬лH┬лr. .тАвR' 'R' (Aflull lnnou.igo. violence) 14jWHEELS OF TERROR * * (t090, So┬л. WH 9 a-m. 729335 ( 1 :4 0 ) 0 Frl. 3:55 a.m. 224282200; Wad. 1:55 a.m. Cassidy ,sWy,Maroe Leeds. <2 00) HI SatlOa-ir (1009, ConvKlyWHEN HARRY MET S J ^ Y * * * ** 1,'' 52647620 WHBiBy uhoERFIRE * * * * (111003. 9 Drama) N┬л* None. Gena Jit Lv>gu┬╗ge, aduR mai Crystal, Mog Ryan. -R (MuR W 10:30 p m 207705 Drama! 57 Hackman. (2,30) C0 Thu, 10:. Western) Dinl East- tiIu.M┬л ilom) Robert Wag- тАв тЦа ^ I tV f W niER**"* ┬╗ M055, Westa^^ UNFORDIVEN * * * AduH ** (1992. langu.->go, wWt siluntxjns. WH 1027409 JofviLond <145)03 Sat11┬л.m.4027i *┬л*>тАв Oerw H a e ^ . 'fT (Mi ┬╗ p m 4010001: Toe. 5:05 am, rw' rwhite ,^ Adventure) Ourt LIOHTNINO * * ┬╗ (1973,, A .d' тАШWO"'"' ea ┬л┬╗"тЦа ┬╗ P jn language, aduH t42<05C2 *J10M, Dr.;n^y W.tom Hj^ - R a^ ^s , A ZO il^___ ______ ***f omody) Faye pui>'^^WICKCD LADY * * (1B03, ComO( ┬о":3oplnI^07S774^ c,y,AJan Bates. (2.00) (51 Mon. 2 a m 11 Su^pof^┬╗o) Kurt awny, I UNLAWFUL ENTRY iRlar>auao┬л. ** * <t (1992. 93, tDrama) Kaima WIDE SARGASSO SEA * * ┬╗ (1003, adult Mualcns.nu. Wl Ru-.┬л┬╗,RayLWa.-n_(AauRl dity, slrDr┬л soiual nbard Nathanioi Partner. тАвNC-ir (Nudity, ri. 4 a m 215083 Lombai тАв.m. 24503900 .lenLvWlono) (1:40) O * * * (1 0 M , conlenl ^ - i s s s s a s - b OLLYBROWH ; 001, Drama) Elvis WILD Marvo Ptosnell. (2.10) CO Sat Wl IN THE COUNTRY * *(1001, t i p.m. 030930iBloy, Mope Lange. (2.00) O Wad.:. 11 Ptnsloi 1 * * * (t990,Drama)J.nCl.iy. тАв *:30a. тАШ┬оv5iLb┬░OMt┬лIO 2: TWO SHADERSI OF OF BLUE * * D Toe. 7 p.m. 31K51 WlDrl<m.-i) Nina SOTmaszko, Hugl>04. "R' (Adult 191, Wendy igHug seiual conlnnt) UKTAMED HEART тАвt ** * (I90j.-.0r┬╗ma┬╗ Cnrijtian (1091, ifluaoe. aflull silualions, nudity, strong s< 13' (Adutt L-mguage, (KMl/Jtu.v lanfli^ 9┬╗t-7p.m. 349240 (2W00)) E Mon. 11:30p-m.052a 17 [1904, Corned,i'TnTHHlIioio'r STnS ^'u^O )'┬й , t<ai1 MaJden -PG' (AduJTlnr>guaoo- violon 1 5 )0 Sun-9 a.m. er'&or'PG-13'(Adiin languaoe) (215)B .130301 03130: тАвama) Jett Ondgas. WINTER KILLS * * * (1070- Orama im. 401302 x┬лhy Matone. (2.00) O Sat 12:00 ┬╗m.RS *'*┬╗(lD72.Dmma)Charte┬╗ w m i A SONO IN MY HEART * ** ** (1052. DiograTHE VALACHI PAPERS (2.00J.O_Bon-7----- ly) SuDon H a^artf p a ^ W┬лyne._(2.0( .(Kllin.'PO- <2.05) O тАЬ ^";JтАШ._pny)┬г Cronson, Gerald 5. O Loooti prT v 0 4 2 3 j^ ^ _ ^ - ^ uspensa) Melista 0.-0rwna) W┬лBm ilOert-Onnkman, (1:30)03 Frt. 4:30 p.jn. m 305034 3 C4t>er (1953.-0 ?7c;тАЩi2i"-*i:-TPS=Or;m .)N┬л>U.aCag G>WITHOUT A TRACE * * * ( 1 9 6063, 3 , Drama) Judd TIUETC тАв* (1040, Wolleinl Tim Holt, W OnoPwrnmoo*. (200) O ┬╗┬лL3Spm.OOCCOO pJ )0270; a WAGON TRAIN * * ,go. iadus snuauons) n l , <20C)CH Sun.,10;30 p-m. 00271 n<*. Kato Nofl.g.->n. 'PG' (Adutt t.inouaoo. Jo┬╗<n R┬лer, Pam anjarto^Oiar B Tua. 4 a.m. 0729503 STAY TUNED * * (1002, Comedy) Con .r- c,v┬л MailhaOOl┬╗a3┬л. (1:15) *ffl* (1050. Wirstom) Ben John- (2 00) O Sun. 7 ┬╗m. 500565_________ (1 ) 0 S a t 10a.m. ji-.12:00┬л Oft┬╗bo┬л. TG- (Mild ┬╗'┬г!┬╗'тАЩ┬л ) ;30p.in. < тАЩ :тЦа:3 0 609012 M^T ***<1040,1 a n m' WAGONMASTER 0* *Fri;4:0}itm-4DOft3OO2 TINayne. FAI a(LLEY^ 141000: Tu┬╗. 10 aJTt. 572270.7;J0 p 1 :3 0 )0 Wad. ┬╗ p.m. 001313. 9 son,JoannoDru, <1.55)0 I **┬╗(1090.Comedy)Tcn M Adventure) Rod john Payn┬л lOHT THE STEEL LADY * * ┬╗X (1953, (' c~wt, WATnHOFORTHEUGl 316420 Cameron, TahHunlef. (145) D}67.Tue.llSajn.,14072505 Tu tH ,YOU-REINTHEARMYHOW * * ┬╗┬╗(194l.Canody) 'T1N8TAR **N (1057. Weslam) Henry nry F Fonai, , MftcUme. PC' 'PC (1:35) ffl Mon-3:40 pmTHE Til ] Sun.10:M am STEELE JUSTICE **<1007./iA<Jvontuta) Martin Kovo. rpenon* (2.00)┬гB T hu.3pm 173443 J тАв Anthony Per Ik* DramalChyw Hflsa 'i s " s s ; " ┬╗ 'r s . s s ┬о (2.00)0 FH.1J;00am 12712- * * (IBM. Watlsm) Tim. - ..T O DBE ?>..тАШ: * 11965FтАЩ -'::*^ '^ . . ! ┬░ ┬о w I w a r l o r d * *)CJ) E 'THE DEST (IPW, IWflWr.BanyStfS- " Mon-1D:J0pm07II7B2 yW l ┬л * * ┬╗ < 107l,Woslem)CnmWfl: {TORMOVCRWYOtilM * тАЩ Tho,S:30┬╗m60fl5TB Waflner (2. 31 Lmdsay , . Molt.RldufdMarlin. < 1 0 ) )f f l^ u 2)l->na-ay wAROAKES * * * < P 1(1963. Drama) Malthow Bnsdorsn ,( 1 ^ ) O Thu. 12:3S a m I K K63^ TO BE 3' (Adun Umo┬лaa┬л. vtoienco) 5TRAKJHTTALK * * l┬л 2 wn. ┬о - Comody) DolV J┬╗mo┬╗Wood*.-PO- (1:33)10 Satl r . <тАЩ n s ; " ' . , . тДв ! A STRANGER AilOKO US тАШ THE WATERDANCEE*^?**** (1002. Drama) Eric 08 D┬лK>. (1:55) IB (Adull MoBlion*) ( l ^ ) P-тАЭ"тАвZAPPEDI * (1962. Comedy) ScoH 3-(A(JonianguW,adJl┬л. JC-13-(Ad MclorM Cnffllh. Erte7^at WJ.1T A *IM┬лd┬лin SloM.HeV>r)H^WyWua ,on. 10:35 ┬╗.m, 30551774 S S ^ i & ) (2:00)0 Frt.L4:4 4:*5.p.m. 06090S5 ┬о=тАЭ ;1S im . 30253060 Son. nu^ty)(t:50)IBTu^3:1S ID35. Orama) May Rob┬лn. , T O ^ тАЬ otW IOERSALL *┬╗<1M5, (Adui lanouaoe. adutl a┬лua┬л┬лi.. тЦа JI10 __________ (l;15) ff l Tu#.t*5aJn.5311B110 -fi Sdney Poiuet. D.P C o u ^тАвтАвPC' '┬л ( 1 4 5 )0 32001744 !o c a iTI^ 1T h e T irmes-Ngw s 5^ I P a g e 30 ' 1 '^ n e w s ' ' T ' r . . .. APRJL14.1994 m Mlo v ie s " I ........ THURSDA DAY EVENING | SPi iPORTS I I K id si " I W e e k o f A p ril 8 --1 4 , 1 9 9 4 \ I, JwpanJyl(CC)RoMjnnen 0A(CC)3795 Trap*7rlogo*Ai(C (<C)3559 Channel2 (:35}nsShowMI^^TErrier!^ W HhRushL ChirlM riWy^oOiYajrHoScsV Lati I&623694 6145912 тЦа ┬л3 (CC)755 (CC)7375_________I______ News^191 Proytss)(R)A(Cq. ess; mule 77 SpoaighfOtuU^' Cheer* ISpotUghtOn:Mother'sWeteir ek classicClub тАЬ NowiSUCTCl WhMlofFor- CU l Club(JoinedInProgress)9617172 >mer'sWe*k- M┬лwi87i89i7(^Chi " (leItlnProycss)22650917 Is tun┬л17411S3 (CC)7723C45849|(JoinodinPnjgrcss)9013356 2404318 seIAG9240 hoIIdahoReports ┬лy┬╗tetylItBpocU ┬╗orseVII MasterpieceTheatreMid kkJcmarcfi A(Part1o( jCbarlleRo>se ~ClMItalian BuslnnsR*- тАвcNolVUhrtfNnnhouriCCIOutdoorIddaah wxM 270S |A4530 'GrcelisBearingG тАЬ IM9 portSSIl J89098 Sift iltsтАЩ27682 6)(CC)39801 wKou5ts*A- Ey┬╗^ogy*H=HGGJ<5882-^ ^=^ TfBps^rtsge*-7vliC icC)83848"fHwiceC)- тЦа|(:i5riF rA'TtHt^) tanShew(RTirm^ ;) [Itolun.w. ------тАв Nm(CC)-^ Ch┬лl*ty^h^< ri*t. A )6'>462 [4150912 тЦа 34627 56207 (CC)C 83871B1 (CC)7743i0511 |72879795 ┬лiso^MuijCf^ PrimetimeUve(CC CC)45820 Uanied-WIth(:35]N mgilii^ loHallA(CC) ~ RMditvJwHTCurrertAfWr ByrdiofP rdt afadiM-WCasaEs BWlandтАЬ*Scm lgl RushL |(:15]ArseniloH Cl a ES KKVI CQ to jnann' H(CC)2360B A(CC)32356 0|n{t23559тАЩ (CC)J450I Tsuw 32917 (CC)534418004 5509264 66CG004 . lgighhitA8664646 Albout jVfit>5┬╗'Ro/ SdnfetdTn┬╗ ho iFrasierA LALaw*SilcncotIsG ls oldonтАЩA Mews1748172(:35)TonightShowA(CC) (;35)LatsNM "K0w┬╗i480l- EiTtHtthimwt Haid dA a a a w i u i a s i d3 * 43059598 337 (CC)84172 [CC)434C2 TonlgM34563 You(R (R)9C9t7 Craz/34527 Ubraf/72;3 ec- uiltyCoft. npsoniA Slnbad*Adcf>- InLMngC :oolor Hetman's StarTrekTheN┬лoit it Genera- NightCourt Cops A(C тАЬ- W oiri rA*S*H(CC) Siril^ i C) [CunentAlbir LoveConnle^jG iB a 3 IS ^ KTRVES "71o0n0d*e3r5Y [CC)03173 Uon48998I sd┬лnc*00466 :)5 11 719t (CC )5(627 tion*3375 (R)(CC)4375 [HeadA3882 lionA(CC)8588822_____B9269 тЦа 08917r rttty i C)93284 Traj>sTil3go*A(C (CC)87240 Hews4ll0838 (:3$)CShhe< eers" (:06]L8teShow(R) A(CCiTтАЭ ) barkJustlee тАЬ S┬л260 WhMlofFef. ChrU l)'BothYourHouses*A EyetoEye>A(C tfS IDIDIDIiii KMVTID MS32714 50736443 ................. (CC)~463: (R)5421221 тЦа :))99J8356 *^ tutwWO (CC iig iit (;0 5 )L ateS h o w (R )A (C C :) ) ManM-Wlth (C C )9 1 3 5 N e w s 2 0 0 0 9 1 7 { :3 S )N lg li rijty -B o U iY o ifH o u se s* A E yotoE yoA j iA (C C )9379 T ra p t' T ria 9 0 'A (C тАЭ N e w s 2 6 9 C h M n (C C ) ho тЦа; KlOKDтАЩ Court01┬г9067659921707 6149738 )4(801 тАвтАЩ______ M9_____(CC:)4 :C Rw┬╗dlng,Wril- CumnlAfUr ByrdtrfP ti araditeTA.Casa'Ej' Blrdland*SontasandUuddcn*тАЬ PrtmetimoUveC iieehUine RushL f(i35)AiIenlio ioK Hall A(CC) T)63648 Newt4928909(:32)W I a a . T- Kpvi тАв'lJia4085 1592849_ [CC)8a59356 3S: 3570207 (CC)5337 TsuiniuanirA(CC)67462 A(CC)4318882 - W8w┬╗{H53 -R ┬л W ftft┬╗ -^lib ┬л U U :))9-jFrasl┬лr-A---liAlJi тАвa:uiiLU't!.тАШ n o i" KiFi O I' ^_____ tCC)3733.__ Y 07..-|(CC)S424-^ (CC)Sfl714___ ┬лl(r: H9_______________ Ib U F o -i _ a _ E 0 ^ m 1"ff тАЬ . Prtm┬лi>e┬л(CCnMJ8^^nS^ Sport!TonlghtlUon btzTo- LarryKingUvi(R)6522C9 TlSgUw(^Soon!)jw^ rs4l8C27 :))4 43;2207_______ I__________ 788998 |70m 3:тДв ** 301Kw'**' day3I0& 10646 dat*724080 ______ ______ |(CC id MoicreydeRadngAMASu^RxahotseOT perтАШ s^ofTalia iBoiingBcrtCoopcfv vs.rLanyOonakl(Uvo)(CC)633240 Baseball SportKefltef24i091l7 Biiebaii Uoto┬лom rl< 7G90M I _Tonight ____________ Tonight |l328200 nDssScrlos.407153 9*St313803 ┬лtThoOaitonGang* iHlg,h hlig lightsFromtheRoyalB┬лl-|Symphony'In InW Vhite(R) W UdllfeMysteries>(F {R)881559 RealWest'ThoOanonGanrg* Hlghnght*FremIheRoyalB┬лa(-l-SymphonyIn mwm a&e тЦа. 4R0o2a1l9W WWti577134 1 icteas: B853y 8617B5 (R)884640 let(R)218527 adfleaifalwMovieUxtic [Machin nee ChallengeSharkShootosFim Mysterkw* Honwwcffcs HotwMafftf* P┬лtC w 1 1 m ! i 2543^ P ┬л e' ' > 4 2 0 M t8 i WwM146^ [489:240 fooEsooraSSrST^TOl ~(R)267B2Q (R)2M172 ' UonM: 7762M 752606a usic opHat **rki(1935.Mu┬╗ FunnynyFtee ***(1957.MuslcaJ)FnJdAstaalro..Aphologtaphor TopHU***s(19; [1935)FredAstaire.Awomanmistikiaitto tho FunnyFace***(1957.Milu sical)frodAstaire, !, AMC " ^cTaO AudreyHepbtfn.KayThorrpesorL FradAstsn. 130462 tunsa: sasalcswcmankilosgtaniorDusmodct.465795 idont;tyo(adamrro rromancingher.228066 n.172714 jn d -(R ) C o u n te ritjik fl тАвC o n te n d e r" (R ) тАЬ H u n te r, S h o T nal C u rT h e F o ti,A n o g o ra p h o W c тАФ S eriio r'p G A G ^P rcASOTknamvS^^ G R [OddCoupU eF earln sld e *** (t9 9 7 )C M s(in o U h ti. A OSffl Q] o ra USA ^km*(CC)7^503 rtrtjoi 30roomta(wrnaiovolentstr3f┬╗gctj.0411153 153 (CC)406ea2 . . . [647337_____. . . 759770 " P rfm o T to io n 2 W 1 M _ L Q jR M lW o rJd A B eaY M utt.. lB uvis4utL_|JonSttw * ┬л ait ..lA tte m a ttv i _____ тАв e N a tio n A 8 8 8 9 9 8 iD rum tim eA A S 5 08240 . . . ___ ......_[R ┬лjlW gridj:> , m B] f s uA (R)A947714 ___ _ ' 9e56^9'-. тАв 964356___ 573153 66577C068 "vWeoBlock IJan63528a SundayComIc icaa(R)760288 SexSymtwb7404┬л4 2< SundayComic*(R)743511 jADNighter491173 _______ ffl . S ^ a260103_____ ^ - S ^ *W crt┬╗ijd~┬╗y(COтАФ}t3^ ^Omn *'┬лi(1991)Chrisli:f)hcrRcovnit.-) e*2.38578 Unsohred jThWyso irB-fPaaPfOBfirf---------n.-AwtfoTtairm linso^ Mysterle wcnethlnJi*ThoRanrts'lPaJffProyia" S ┬╗ тЦа ~ 5 ufT ~ ┬о 660153 stehat hasmadocontactwithN┬╗tatodaughtcf.290443 Hyst952646 AroCotr^*(C rr^ C)886530 579462 391778 I H o k icau tt(R )(P art5 c(5 }2 W S ii . 1 7 0 0 Q u b 2 0 5 2 4 3 0 B onantc T h e L o tt E rtE p iso d es K g B ro th er M anlK :llsr> lb . iP aM P ro g ran T P aidP rogtir^ mтАЩ TOOai* B O B a B FM┬л тАЬCassio'225004 _____ Me949173 sion958M 6:620 587:a6 [573288 733991 'B aitanlbntfr┬лa& thellan- lUuticC lieOtyToBigMPhyttsDiQer.A899559~|aubDaftee'(R) A753040 ICow unrtryNews BarbaraMandr*9&theiM Harv i Music^Tonight Phyllis[┬╗┬гr. U┬гr.(R)A409065 B B I H | B | i TON g; Ctf┬╗nsi┬╗t┬╗f┬╗n316849 I :)A3800G6 drtllSister*A767066 _______________ h ┬л Baskci&aa OiatlaQo Kcmots ot O Ortj rtandol-laoic.FromOrlandoArena.(Un) 0) T)wGoldenVoy>gtofSlnbad***s(1974.Farrtasy)John ISevenSSm ei toCalab **s(1963)RodTa)fcr.S er.SirFrancis тАЩ n IB f f l E8 i g IH T ' NBA 2тДвS502C0 PhaipLaw.CaroEnoMunro,TomBala iker.32509443 Drakepilu knderst^eas(f^tadenSparishships.236E90068 тАЩ KaforLeaguoBastbaOSanFranciscsG X)GantsatASanlnBravca.FromAOartl^Puut- GerDnlmo***{1962]ChuckCcnnn(ots.KamalaDcvI.An Hlradehi lcm)KiisKristtflcr-тАЩ e~hithtWlkiemes* **>(1991,Weste rn) r a s D O B n┬╗ a tonCovnlyStadium.(Uvo)31090337 ApacholoaderwagesapersonalwarooaM r0| thoU.S.4889020 son.Klm 71Caflran.JohnDennisJohftstoa8155;3 35S8 'm┬╗Ani(WPuente77530 jcuJ^ 1┬╗a4i0G6 ....... . iNott- .тАЬ Blenvenktos. iNotldefoUt>|. fW T ISatende KifSiWorM^yt|'yitlfHL(RJl_ __ ____ - am - 1| - тДв - тАЬ OO-f:>'./!in uUlAn-wife AadelMar1234S63 ------------ Ii . тЦа[Mutv^Coii. BeBS= [tmil I6P208J5 5-"B3CTC592 ~ ' PtrttMseFam-lMorkSUndy IL^ wLuey. |Bo6No*h*rt UaryTyier~ HaryTylcr OlekVanDyke Gets ItSmart jDragnet lOtdiw hcock Superman LucyShow~ F>Troop m IB m . |! j HICK lly26S4G2 25C714 5302686 252998 |MooreS1CC!0 068 UooreS26443 137240 |4871878J82 Torocry* 17835781 149085 [391846 199370 Kewi(CC)55C G2┬╗608 тАЩ Bifldit'BflrttMOrtJIhoSMirA/>OcrnтЦа\55iM ! 207 ^ Nlght,Court HlgBhhlianderTlteSerft*-Color UnderlS Hacackman.Wartests Fir* ***i(t9S 3) Nick Hofio. Gone M vvGN.......^ B65207 . |o<Auulthatty'(R)A732648 jtholwcso ( o(fithroo corssporidonts In FCcaragua. 207: 207795 тЦа MdsbKOtpnui^^ ?RoelI*thenanet{R^ n3nM195a)SloveEd!S rSIidlannLrrtlTfS^ JtotothTB^TR^IShadowdiOw I Doubt**** _ _ S┬л820------ тАФ jDapiW^ht)CPb0lrook.(CC)4S2917 тАв |(CC)l)824424 |l74627--96873r|crub-9590eS-}{CC)I55W ----_... ------- тАФ |(tW3)Ter┬л^ aWrtgili7S358 C o n v ic tJ * *(1991. D ra m a ) W h teU to L g h tn In g * * i(1 9 7 3 )6 u rtR o y n o ld 3 .A .An(oi-conhelps lRoyca{1994.AdransnlL lure)JamesBtfushi,MiguelIAmerfcan anS:amural *>(t992.Adventin)Davv1U dlB |l lnUD ^ ^ |a s D e B i ||s H o w ^R obertDuval, n 6984649 jredora falo toaenBhfeaXniflmoortthinatlng. A62 6255442812 Ferrer,PttofBoyle.B 8208462 тАв_______Bradley..M MaarkDacascm.A6211207 i1853912 ___ r n f c g j - тАФ ~ 7 1 r┬╗ C o e H heM ^h b o ft> o e d -* * -(t6 9 2 .-C S o o ┬л w e d y lJefl----2b┬╗B w lygiw dj**i A W v w R u n o T h ro u g h tt -Uiowg ┬▒ ┬л ;i!8 9 fc6 w p en ┬л lJ{ eY ift C ostnetJftS M teeyikiutaH , K .тАФl-& rfp e r <t8a3)J9┬л--=-- -I0|0 ^KAXr ** ***┬л('19^2)07349578 jOanto.' CJS.CathoffwWafXAlCC)22526578) bodyTonjbOsIcrIh .(CC)4812998 hoshger-actnssshemustprotoct A.(C CC))220842 9e/c^.A(CC L ortzon ** (t973)Poter ColtIJu:ttica(1988.Drams)CarlBartholomew H. lOonman*i(199I.SdoneoFKtio?fT i r~ r ~ JfcT ^ LaoitH ')rm|DoctorUordr1d'**(in mUShgow.LoOaтАЭ" 932):J |Ril*kigC*ln **V992)JolnL F inch, n 41711849 [KeilhlA AnnidrswrUkoWios. A0400C27 Thomerson.JaddeEadHaloy..A6331173153 JefteyCor^ A74506B08 [OavidovWtA(CC)123┬╗424:4 b | . ┬о SI Fix uj lT┬лHng┬лZoBrTholW Horlt ***(IS83.Fanla-]S(d*Ucks**i **s(1993]ChuckNorris.AyoungtnisfdIm Intagines BestoflheBestn ** (1993.[^)Eric [DetCorowtyтАЭ |lDanger.Tch HBO . [jb ij^rtRtfi !/)JohnLjft0ow.n W ?GтАШ(CC)8G7970S he's0moviehC cfO tp-spartnor. A-Pg(CC)83919795 Roherti A'RтАШ(CC]0211085 Jam8095820 17550738 ┬гTTVV FAUSCUOfOTBEItECSVEDMS M SOUEAREAl *тЦа JEROME.WENOEU,GOOD *тЦаCHANHB3 BfKUDCASTCXnS&E Im iOOOOl0ANDRL┬гRDOM OTRECEIVETW S 3CKUMEL тАФ rтАФ┬╗┬╗WCHaB80JU)C*STxJB┬╗Ig j i g a ^ 'c o c c w c , w a p & n j ------------------------- -------I ^ WTCM*J . __ n тАв I BUBuy.RUPeiir^ ' ..... I --;$ ┬╗ iV A iu r._ . тАФ - : -. 3 ' тЦа ^ J > f f lk W y w M ___ ____тАв 5 5 ! ^ ^ ^ iflij 9 ? ┬░ ┬░ E f c z ^ a i W e e k o f A p ril 8 - 1 44,,1994_ ~ ____________ ^age 31 __________________________^ T ilh u r s d a y four od with the woiraro ofpf f< waifG gols involved fn(1 a m ngo war. 800641 IQ QVC JEWELRYr OUTC LET 5839115 LFOR 0 3 MOVIE TO KILL F e) * * { 1 9 9 2 , Suspense) ura . Michael M adsen. Laur: Johnson, A detective's ual o bsession with a murder m suspect lh ro alo n sto )o тАЬ dte┬╗ his easo-and hfa ni A (V) 7212370 RROR E J MOVIE THE TERJ oris * h (1 9 6 3 . Horror) Borf Karloff, Jack Nicholson NapoloonlcoHicorfind! id s docaption ond h o n w who :;,r n тАЬ pursues a beautiful woi lo her cfumblifM seasic casllo, (V )4 6 6 ┬л 1 : T тАШH i:C H A U E N B E IS n Shooters* Jack and Jol McKenney shool foolai 0 myriad of sharks. (R) 767776 m MOVIE NO WAY' 'TREATALADY * * i (1968, Suspense) Rod SQ 12:30 a SPORTS LATENIGKT 869680 m SPORTSCENTER 677573 Q ] PACIFICA: TALES KS FROM THE SOUTH SEAS Twilight of Itto G ods; Sur> vivol a l Soo: Tho Mormald ________ ^ m m ┬г .jR ) ^ 6 2 7 W PASSION * * ( 1 9 9 0 , Dra┬н ma) Cort Woathors, Billy Doo Williams. A aocijrity exex┬н port IfTvokos Iho winlh of o dangoreus cHmlnol wtton ho tho onlore Inloon aflalrwilh tho' 399 cHmolortfawifo. A 719399 m PAID PROGRAM 655486 ------------ BD'COUNTRY NEWS (R )R)тАФ n 387134 m BOB NEWHART 453080 E S HEADUNENEW S 9269757 TRIKE a j COUNTERSTR ,rton Munroe Port< (fvlortoi Downey Jr.) t ^ e s3 his hi oxin show to ploitattvo lolovlston s o sm now low's w hen ho SI ears well... -thoropulatlonofaa w 359912 liked senator. (R)) 3! тАЩROGRAM m QD PAID PRC , 30 689399.234450 IONS E S JEFFERSON 458776 HrrcHED ALFRED HrT :n t s COCK PRESENT 894554 e s HEADUNEE N EW S 5187115 W h U e u s in i n g ih is p ro g ram , IL O S E F A T - B тАЩ y'OU... ot iS~ I E L M I N AA 1T E H U N G E R P A N G S F E E L G R E :AA T & M O R E E N E R GS E T I C I o f f 4 I n c h e s a n d W p a umn d s ! " I = i i - S l o r i a j i f - T U m F a ltl es -тАФ ________ 7?dfl077fi 4n7ft?n7Q psychotic kiiiorof d d c r H (3 8 )┬о later a women drosses In vorii ..........- 9 0 1 ^ 3 4 .4 3 1 9 5 5 4 ,.............. diSQutsos a nd d u d e s o ES MOVIE YUMA * * x sislonl dotoctlve. (V) тЦа (1971, Woslom) Clint WalkIlk237950 Of. Ban7 Sullivan. A U.S. m PUBLIC POUCY marehal ha s his work cul ------------- -тЦатЦа CONFERENCE 72266 out for him taming a wild 13405 r a DREAMTIME 213 ffonbortown. 1558283 GRAM m E l PAID PROGf 12:37 a NEWS 35456950 ' 693592.789365 12:38 B PERSONAL POW┬н CSlr^, E SCOTT RO SS -S: ER 3414979 S e x 'A lo o k o lsa fo so * 12:50 I Q MOVIE SNAwhothor ifs really work KEEA-TCR III... HIS LAW J - '. '' G uests: Or. fvlichael G( ________ w '' f1992.Advonturo) jp .- тАЭ тАФ--------HietrrKatyn f ^ raonoiтАФ Lorenzo Lomas, Minor (vluv -**. I Mlchaol G ross. Roger tain. Vlotnam vot-lumod-viga tt'' - . ' McGuinn. (R) A 9479 7950 z тАвi J u l I e t 'a n d M ^ s e n eet'8 t 'i rMahon U so a u t,' tha la ilanto Jock Kolly w agos war m CLARISA 642047 K ^ tV ^ K e n m lH iM a c M llla n ,: ; T t e i ^ chpreoflrapH┬о against a gang of outlaw : |H ,D R A G N E r81 5 04 - I f M7 S t e r e o blkora. n (y ^ 5 5 5 7 6 6 0 r A & E r . '- " eS HEADUNE NEW! ED MOVIE-THIEF OF !l=.Sani-CD niPthlL:тАФ тАв j r r h o - B ) M s o f earadiM P j тАЩi?-----5168080 DAMASCUS * * ( 1 9 5 2 . : T V . (Je nI-' 2 :05 0 ( 3 8 ) NBC NEW┬г d ----------- Advcntufo) Paul Honmld..............B u s f l e ! d ) . t i f o . t O . K 9a<ih^ri<^_ers'FiOTny тАЩSQ----- --------- -------------------------io IT J NIGHTSIDE 8055573S ind r i i i ^ S y 5 r e e n ) ,w li5i: ________Lon C h a ^ Jr, Sinbad. Al-ntferLovfrHew ltt)enti 3┬г 5 ________ F eatures_________ _ _________ B THREE STOQOE ' ' are unaw are o r an cm ? ^ ^ 94166573 broadca.st stu-reo"soi s o i J F loin forcoa to oppose a 2 : 1 0 ┬о TODAYтАЩS W E/ mn____ a f t t e , M u ra y J B m g ! sloi тАв 3;jack A /X m o)nilor n il pand тАв on-scrvcn clock, slocpand wkdtod rulor in this A ra b la =------------ 77443912.------------------a lB f l n n h n i i t = ^ N ┬л ┬л iw a n t3 6 ┬л M 0 7 a 9 S 0 = nTot┬л'corilroirWodL-lF26251. St "379 | - -RCA-___ 26тАЭ* '.'i ^ U p .-rO = -┬лl.irnMtniefi-┬л-r┬лimo C R O S S ^ (R )\ ____ room.ABC. T h e MINUTE 278104( >405 . 2:25 1 0 MOVIE ALM02 ( 3 KOJAK 529318 PREGNANT * тШЕ (19S HOWIE SPENT OUR SUMSUI I D AROUND THE 1:12 O ALF 5435950 4800 iL EYM ALL TWIN FALLS-734-480 vjrts' iWAG/C VALLE Comody) Tonya Robot PER MER 80413592 HOUSE 6635028 1:20 S MOVIE JENNIFEF ? jтАв_________ I тЦаREE IN IDAHO тАв1-eOO-2B0-48O2 it^ b ^ rOLfPRE JofI Conaway, Fertility I B U P CLOSE 912399 EIGHT * * (1 9 9 2 .M y sto i ............ io m s to o d to fise tlo so f f i WILDUFE MYSTER┬н t* Andy G ard a.U m a Thur┬н rro> ijMtienl ' 580 adventuros for on impc 1:55(8) NEWS99726080 IES John and Noroon man, A mavorick cop'a roE тАШ9 *00S wife OR a 8ingle-mlnd& 2:00 O UVINQ IN THE McKonny follow ond film ' assignm ent lo Northernn ColC quest lo boar a child,l.(V) C n I m ony shark sp o d o s dospllo тАЩI'o ifomla lo ads to on Invostlg 80937775 | ^ 1?J||SADDUE thodafw ofs. (R) 161738 tkjn o fa b ru la l sorlosof ODAY 2:30 a SHOWBIZ TOI 1 ^ P * * * (1 9 5 0 . тАв ED MOVTE MAGIC Cam>┬нтЦа killings, A (V) 9 0 4 n 9 5lo0 ]. (R) 454950 Western) Joel McCrea. ora tricks that glvo (ho iflu'тАв 1:30 Q O I^RN IG HT ________ Wands ram -тАФ rrai-N B C -N E W ST nG f Hendrbc-An tmam тЦа Sloo ottmJfKreaso-Of ------------ 710948*----------------------trustSlOE 30776 bilious ranch hand onlrusi ________In fltrw < R ^ S 6 7 ^ 3---------- ┬о _ A U IO JlA C lN G Jndy; m R E F L E C nO N S ^N C a r тАФ Slick 5 0 200, (R) THE SILVER SCREEN: . 916009 ROO STEIGER Actor Rod┬░ I Q MOVIE SUSPICION Sloigor talks a boul his rolos , P r i m ei C E N T E N N IA IAL o f f e r s 3 I----- T V- .. тЦатЦа 1тАЭ * * * x ( 1 9 4 1 .S u 6 p o n s o ) in such da ssfc films o s -Tho Cary Grant. Jo a n Fonlaini 2 b a th s . b e d ro o m s. Pawnbrokof' and *0n Iho' Alfred Hitchcock's OscarA rch ed w in d o w s apcfenlcd W alorfronr with Irflorvkwor ?rt winner a bout a wom an wt scats & .^ u lie d fr n fi^ Richard Brown. (R) 534660 9 I w A vindow scc . su sp e cts that h e r husbanc l ^ ^ ^ p e c i a*тЦа m BEAVIS AND BUTT-: _______la t&Uing.tarDUCtor hor. 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