Stillington News Issue 240 Website: January 2015 Stillington Local Walks leaflets A series of 8 Local Village Walks leaflets were produced in 2010. The walks are all available either as a free download from the village website or in a printed form for a small charge from the village shop. Now is a good time to review the information as some changes are coming to our notice eg. directional posts have either been removed or damaged and not replaced. Also the village shop was still closed for lunch back in 2010 – it’s now open throughout the day. Please do send any comments or amendments into the village website. Yorkshire Bank Bike Libraries Do you have an unwanted bike? It doesn’t matter if it’s not in full working order. Following the success of Yorkshire’s Grand Depart for 2014 Le Tour, a Bike Libraries scheme has been developed in association with Cycle Yorkshire and Yorkshire Bank. It aims to deliver a county wide cycling legacy for all generations and abilities. All the unwanted and unused “Yorkshire” bikes are collected, refurbished and then loaned for free to people who don’t have access to a bike. See Plough Sunday at St Leonard's, Farlington Want to sing We Plough the Fields and Scatter in January? Then join us to celebrate the start of the farming year at the Plough Sunday service in St Leonard's on Sunday, January 25th at 11.15am The service is followed by an excellent rustic lunch in Farlington Village Hall which includes our renowned homemade soups, fresh bread, pork pie, fruit cake and cheese. Adults £8, children free. STILLINGTON METHODIST CHURCH 14th Wednesday, January 10.00 – 11.30am DROP IN FOR COFFEE Wednesday, 21st January ~ 2pm FILM MATINEE All Welcome Welcome to the New Year 2015 edition of Stillington News. Copy deadline for February issue: Sunday 18th January. NB This is slightly earlier than the usual deadline Contributions by email to (copy to both, please): Howard Williams: [email protected] ST NICHOLAS CHURCH Invites you to a BURN’S NIGHT SUPPER With Ceilidh Band HOT NOT BOTHERED on Friday January 23rd 2015 at Stillington Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm Traditional Scottish 4 course Supper Ticket £17.50 Available from the P.O. VILLAGE LUNCH White Bear Inn Tuesday 20th January From 12.15pm £6.50 2 courses / £7.50 3 courses. Come along for a hearty meal and good company Sports and Social Club Quiz December Quiz raised £243 for the Play Area. The winning team was David Hargreaves, Bob Brown, Janet and David Martin. Next General Knowledge Quiz is Friday 6th Feb. 8.00pm for Stillington Under Fives. All are welcome – either come on your own to make up a table, or come as a team. Hazel Ratcliffe: [email protected] Or hand in your contribution to put in the ʻStillo Newsʼ envelope behind the counter at the shop (please leave a contact name). Photos by email, please, preferably B&W. A Happy New Year to all our readers. Weather Report Stillington Wanderers Rainfall The second half of November was less wet than the first but the total rainfall for the month, at 79 mm, was some 20% above the average. By contrast, up to the 21st of the month, December only had 29 mm of rain, well below average. Temperature November was remarkably mild, with daytime temperatures exceeding 14⁰C for the last few days of the month. Even the night-time temperature remained above 10⁰C for those few days. (The average daytime maximum in November is only 10⁰C, according to the records.) The first three weeks of December have been generally mild with temperatures rising above 10 ⁰C on many days, though there were some sharp frosts in the first half of the month. MT Badgers, Rooks and Chafer grubs continue to damage local sports pitches For Stillington’s Sports and Social Club, the badgers have moved on but rooks continue to damage part of the football pitches. Birds, particularly of the crow family, badgers and foxes feed on the fat white chafer grubs, (larvae of the chafer beetle) tearing up turf and can quickly turn a neat lawn, green or pitch into something that resembles a ploughed field. Hence the angst for Dennis, groundsman at the Club, and also for other groundsmen and green keepers at the Secondary School, Alne and Easingwold’s Cricket and Golf Clubs. Spray can be applied in spring, otherwise there is very little that can be done this time of year. December walks were from Terrington via Ganthorpe with our unseasonal weather still producing hedgerows of blossom, fruit & seeds: seasonal refreshments celebrated the final 2014 walk from Sheriff Hutton to Cornborough with its historic remains under the field mounds and back via Gilling – with different views of the Castle ruins along the way. Next walks are Monday 5th, 19th January and 2nd Feb. Meet outside the White Bear at 09.30. Women’s Institute Well what a great year for our WI. We have had talks on Southern India, York Theatre Royal and York Minster. We have been shown Bulbs and Bedding for our gardens and How our community cares. We have been to the moon and back with our Missions in Space, as well as the beaches and sea shells. When the games came to Glasgow we were shown an insight into the running of them. Everyone enjoyed an outing to the Quilt Museum in York and we finished the year with Fun and Games. During the year we have done many other things including our regular litter pick in March, and also Mary and I attended a Great Food Debate, which was very interesting. April we received the WI Baton which is still touring the country and is due to arrive at the Royal Albert Hall next June for our Annual Meeting. Margaret W and I also saw the baton at Sutton Bank and finished with Afternoon Tea. June saw our regular Ramble, which is open to other WI's. In August we held a flower workshop and picked up lots of tips and ideas. Our WI Show was held in October and we came 4th which is excellent for just 13 of us! The Crafts and Produce were second to none. To commemorate the 100 years since the beginning of WW1, in November, each of us knitted or felted a poppy and made a wreath of 16 poppies, representing the 16 men from Stillington who lost their lives. It was presented to the Church where it now hangs to be viewed by everyone. In December we had our group’s Carol Service which was well attended. Thank you to Eveth who did the events for this year and is now our secretary, a good time was had by all! Thank you also to Margaret J our enthusiastic president and Jillian for all her years of being secretary. Thank you also to Shirley who keeps us straight with day to day running. I must also thank Margaret W for helping me organise this coming year’s events. 2015 Is the WI's centenary year and there are lots of events happening. Our WI will be having talks on Travelling over America, How Hearing Dogs are trained, York the Chocolate city and York Minster. We are also having Beer Tasting evening, Meeting Alpacas and visiting a Windmill (not Amsterdam). We are starting the year with a New Year Party. Our next meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday in February with business at 7pm and an American Adventure at 7.45pm. It is open to everyone and is £3.50 including a raffle and refreshments. It is held in the Village Hall, we hope to see some new faces. Shirley M Parish Council Notes (A full set of the minutes can be seen at the Post Office) MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 3rd DECEMBER 2014 IN STILLINGTON VILLAGE HALL Development on South Back Lane It is understood that a formal planning will be submitted to Hambleton District Council in the next few weeks. When this is received, a Public Meeting will held. New Parish Notice Board Norton Joinery have now delivered the new Notice Board and it will be erected, replacing the existing one at the entrance of Parkfield, in the next few weeks. Stillington Village Signs Village signs are in need of repair or renewal. Following discussion it was agreed that new signs would be the best option. D Hargreaves to co-ordinate. Yellow Lines Outside the School The amended Traffic Regulation has now been granted and painting of the yellow lines will be completed in the near future. Stone Wall on Main Street The stone wall has now been repaired; however it was felt that to enhance the appearance it should be capped. D Hargreaves agreed to investigate and source suitable material. Easingwold Library As a result of on-going efficiency measures NYCC are considering withdrawal of permanent staff at Easingwold Library. Concern was expressed at this loss of service and it was agreed to discuss at the January Meeting. In the Countryside Silent Night! or rather morning of Christmas Day. At just gone 7am, [not bragging] I was in Stillington to put the heating on for the Christmas morning service – hardly a house light shone nor a soul about. Santa must have been and gone by then for he had been about in the night. Near Easingwold, I was pleased to catch the furtive eyes of a fox in the headlights as it glided into the hedgerow. Glide is the word for they can move with no headmovement. Then, a little further on, a bird flew with soaring flight across the car beams, its identity made known by the bright red rump feathers of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker – so they must be early risers. When I got to the sheep, the rooks had flown the wood, they rise early and come to roost rather late on a night; whereas the wood pigeons retire early and get up late. They were clapping their wings as I walked along the wood, getting off to take a Christmas lunch on somebody’s rape field. They are hungry beggars who eat their own weight in food daily. They are fussy too: only liking low grown areas of rape where they don’t get their feet and feathers wet. Over the last few weeks, large flocks have come into the area; these are continentals and if food is available, will stay whilst spring. To return to walking, checking the electric fence round the field, a number of pheasants decided it was maybe time to rise and shine as they launched out of some thorn trees and an old cock loudly proclaimed his displeasure at being disturbed so early. Then it was home for breakfast at 8.20am. "Thank you" for your continued support. Lorraine Chamberlain would like to say a big "Thank you" for the support and generous donations for her Coffee Morning in aid of Pancreatic Cancer Action UK in November. The event raised £420 which has gone to fund research into this specific cancer. Thanks Thanks to all for all the prayers, good wishes and support given whilst I have been under the weather. Carol Marsh White Bear Pub Quiz Sunday 25th January In aid of Stillington News Last week, out shooting, a hen pheasant rose out of some scrubby cover flying through the lower branches of an ash tree. It lighted on the top most branch, surveyed the scenery, selected the least dangerous guns on the shoot before launching into the strong wind and flew like a bullet with four cartridges fired and not feather displaced. The moral of the story is �look before you leap’ if you want to see tomorrow. I have never seen Hazel catkins so far forward as some have already blown, some dusting our sideboard. Usually, in a mild time, they half expand and then bide their time for warmer days. On Christmas Eve, three hares were running like �March hares’ so there will be some early leverets this spring. The rooks are tidying up their old nests, ready for nesting time. Ten days before Christmas, a whole host of blackbirds descended and set about our berried Holly in earnest. So I had to grab some quick – some went on the ground in an outhouse, the other went on the floor where the field mice said �we like berries too and thank you for leaving it so conveniently handy’. Well a happy New Year and keep looking and enjoying our wonderful countryside. R & MJ HEATING OIL If you require a delivery of heating oil, please let Maureen Linton know by Friday, 16th January preferably by e-mail: [email protected] or 810082. A SECOND STILLINGTON OIL CO-OPERATIVE? Open meeting: 7pm, 13th January, Village Hall Maureen Linton has been running the Stillington Oil Co-operative very successfully for several years, saving its members up to 12% per order. However, her list is full and Maureen has a waiting list of names wishing to join. More Stillington households and businesses may wish to join a second Oil Co-operative. If you would like to join a new group or find out more, all households, businesses, clubs and outlying farms and houses are invited to attend this open meeting. Have you got ideas for Stillington News? It’s six years since we took on putting together the monthly Stillington News. The primary aim of the News is to publicise upcoming events in the village and provide reports from village clubs and societies and the Parish Council. We hope you find it an interesting and useful aid to living in Stillington. After six years, it’s time to look for fresh ideas and support in continuing to produce something that people enjoy and want to read. We’d be interested in talking to anyone who wants to help. If you are reasonably comfortable with computer word processing you can help in preparing items for the News. If you’re familiar with graphics and page makeup, you can influence the whole look of the paper. We work as a team, using email to collect and co-ordinate content. If you’d like to become part of the team, please contact Howard (811278) or Hazel (810006), or to our email addresses on the front page. Hazel Ratcliffe; Howard Williams VILLAGE DIARY: (VH = EVENTS AT THE VILLAGE HALL) JAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 General Knowledge Quiz 8pm Football v Gillamoor [away]; Dominoes 8.30pm Tea Dance 2-5pm Stillington Wanderers 9.30am W Bear Dominoes 5s & 3s v Station [away] Indoor bowls 2pm VH Bowls match 7pm VH Parish Council 7.30pm VH Pool 8.30pm Sewing Class 9am-3pm Happy Hour 2pm VH Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Baby and Toddler Group 10am VH Pool Finals Night 7.30pm 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CHURCH SERVICES METHODIST CHAPEL Minister: Stewards: Rev. Elizabeth Cushion Robin Jackson Bob Brown Sally Gall Services & Preachers Jan 4 United Epiphany Morning Prayer at St Nicholas No Evening Service Jan 11 Evening Service - Rev Elizabeth Cushion Jan 18 Evening Service with Communion Rev Vivienne Firth Jan 25 Joint Covenant Service at St Nicholas Rev Chris Ellis & Rev Elizabeth Cushion Feb 1 Bible Study  821460  810250  810543  810374 9.30am 6.30pm 6.30pm 9.30am 10.30am ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST RC EASINGWOLD Priest: Sunday Mass: Vigil Mass: Confessions: Website: Fr. Leo Chamberlain  821295 8.30am & 10.30am 5.45pm Saturday 5.00—5.30pm Saturday ST. NICHOLAS Vicar: Church Wardens: Rev. Chris Ellis  810251 Muriel Law  810484 Michael Turvey  810473 email: [email protected] Stillington and Benefice Services: Jan 8/15/22/29 Prayers 9.00am Jan 4 Epiphany Morning Prayers 9.30am Jan 11 Holy Communion Traditional 9.30am Jan 18 Benefice Family Eucharist 10.30am Jan 25 Covenant Service 9.30am ST. MARY MARTON Services in a Celtic Tradition Church Sally Coomer  810891 Wardens: email: [email protected] Michael Carter  821428 Jan 4 Jan 18 Feb 1 email: [email protected] Celtic Christmas and Epiphany Eucharist Celtic Reflective Worship Marmalade Tea Benefice Celtic Eucharist (Candlemas) ST. LEONARD FARLINGTON Church Margaret Singleton Wardens Sally Downing Jan 11 Shortened Matins Jan 25 Blessing of the Plough + Village Lunch 6.00pm 6.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 878735 878745 11.15am 11.15am U19 Football v York Cubs Dominoes 5s & 3s v Angel [away]; Ladies’ Darts Indoor bowls 2pm VH Oil Co-operative Meeting 7pm VH WI 7.15pm VH Pool AGM 8pm Sewing Class 9am-3pm Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Baby and Toddler Group 10am VH Football v Snainton [away]; Dominoes 8.30pm Stillington Wanderers 9.30am W Bear Dominoes 5s & 3s v Blacksmith; Ladies’ Darts Indoor bowls 2pm VH Monthly Mtg 8pm Pool 8.30pm Sewing Class 9am-3pm Happy Hour 2pm VH 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEB 1 2 3 4 St. Leonard's Flower Rota We would like to invite two or three more willing people to join our Church Flower Rota, one simple vase of flowers, garden or florist variety in the Hayes window, is all that is required, for one month in the calendar year.If you feel able to help, please ring Sally on 878745, or Margaret on 878735.... THANK YOU ~ to all those individuals and organisations who have, through the past year, contributed to the ongoing costs of Stillington News. Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Baby and Toddler Group 10am VH Burns Night Ceilidh 7.30pm Football v Heslerton 2pm U19 Football v Dringhouses 2pm Dominoes 5s & 3s v Black Horse Indoor bowls 2pm VH Gardening Club 7.30pm VH Pool 8.30pm Sewing Class 9am-3pm Martial Arts 5.15-8.15pm VH Baby and Toddler Group 10am VH Football v Duncombe Park [away] Tea Dance 2-5pm Stillington Wanderers 9.30am W Bear Gardening Club Committee 7.30pm Pool League Game 8.30pm St Nicholas CHURCH CLEANING 29 Dec - 10 Jan 12 Jan - 24 Jan 26 Jan - 7 Feb Mr & Mrs Tominson Mrs R Bresnen & Mr C Torlesse Mrs S Thompson & Mrs C Cookman FLOWER ROTA Jan 25 Mrs J Ingham St Nicholas 200 Club 1st Prize £30: Mrs A Carter 2nd Prize £10: Mr G Fulford, Mrs G Dent Runners-Up £6: Mrs A Carson, Mrs K Darlow Dillon, Mrs L Roche, Mr Eldred, Mrs J Ingham Drawn by "Our Ernie" Saying �thank you’ Happy New Year! This seems to be the season of new year’s resolutions and starting again. A time of looking ahead for what the new year brings for us. I am sure that in the next few days many of you, like me, will be filling in new diaries as you make plans and appointments. For me, this is also a season to say thank you. As a child, I was always encouraged by my parents to write letters to say thank you to people who had given me Christmas presents. So this time of year has memories of carefully composing letters. At the time, it seemed like an effort, but I’m sure the letters were appreciated, and I still try today to get in touch with people who have sent gifts. Saying thank you is often something we forget to do. So in this new year, I would also like to say thank you to you all, not just for your good wishes at Christmas, but also for your support throughout the year. It is much appreciated. And as we start a new year, let us also remember to say thank you to God, for sending His Son into the world, and for all His many blessings to us. As we move away from Christmas, we leave the story of the stable behind for another year, but the baby it remembers and the good news it celebrates is not over but goes with us into the new year. Jesus came into the world to bring love and joy and peace for all people, for all time. That is definitely something to say thank you for. Elizabeth Cushion.
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