Google day @ BilKENT

Google day @ BilKENT
google Culture and Careers
come and meet us to learn about google,
our culture and what we look for in
candidates. we will also discuss career
opportunities and student competitions.
WHEN: Mon 10-Mar, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
WHERE: GSTMF - FFB22 Conference Hall
session open to all students - Please bring your CV
CSI (Creative Skills for Innovation)
learn how to achieve innovation success
through specially designed process in a
reduced time frame with CSI workshop!
WHEN: Mon 10-Mar, 4:30pm - 7:30pm
WHERE: GSTMF - FFB06 Conference Hall
Online registration:
Deadline for Applications: Fri 28-FEb
CV Tips
Please bring your CV. You can find
valuable CV writing tips by watching this