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To welcome the healthiest possible baby
How and where to make appointments
into the world, you’ll want to do everything
Cleveland Clinic’s Be Well Moms maternal weight
you can to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and
a safe delivery. Optimizing your weight
before pregnancy and continuing on a
healthy path after delivery will create a
brighter future for you — and your child.
management program is offered at multiple locations
across northern Ohio.
Be Well Moms
Visit to find the
location nearest you.
To schedule a shared medical appointment before,
during or after pregnancy, call 216.444.6601 and
ask for Be Well Moms.
Pregnancy puts a significant strain on your body — for
nine months! Like training for a long-distance race, it’s
Karen Cooper, DO
important to get in shape for your pregnancy.
Director, Be Well Moms
Helping you
Achieve the
Right Weight
for a Healthy
Maternal Weight
You can do this by making changes in your lifestyle now
Management Program
to shed unhealthy amounts of weight. Do that before the
race begins, and you — and your baby — will be much
more likely to reach the finish line safely.
How Be Well Moms
can help
Why getting into shape matters
Cleveland Clinic’s Be Well
make a world of difference. Studies show that achieving
MomsSM maternal weight
a healthy weight translates into healthier outcomes for
You will learn how to gain the right amount of weight for
management program will
you and your baby.
a healthy baby and a safe delivery. Our registered dieti-
weight you should gain. Our physician expert will
Optimizing your health before and during pregnancy can
and health before and during
pregnancy, and after delivery.
Too often, women who are
significantly overweight feel
Risks of extra weight
goals and will offer you practical meal-planning tips.
The health risks for women with a body mass index (BMI)
After Pregnancy
above 30 during pregnancy and delivery are serious:
• High blood pressure (preeclampsia)
there’s nothing they can do
• Gestational diabetes
about it — that they’ve tried
• Large babies that are difficult to deliver
Our goal is to educate and empower you to:
• Reach a healthy weight before pregnancy
• Gain the right amount of weight during pregnancy
• Shed the weight you gained during pregnancy
after delivery
• Complicated cesarean sections
The risks for their babies are even more serious:
with a physician who specializes in weight management
If you are a new mom who gained excessive weight
during pregnancy, our physician expert will monitor you
in a medically supervised weight management program
to help you lose your excess weight.
Our registered dietitian will offer you tips on making
easy, healthy family meals. You will learn what portion
control means for you and your children. You will
understand how to read food labels to quickly deter-
• Stillbirth
mine the healthiest food choices for your family.
• Prematurity
Discussion is encouraged at every session. All ques-
• Birth defects
tions are welcome. You may also schedule follow-up
• Obesity
We do this in 60-minute shared medical appointments
explain how weight affects pregnancy outcomes.
tian will calculate your BMI to determine your weight
give you the information you
need to optimize your weight
If you are pregnant, you may not know how much
appointments with our physician expert or with a
registered dietitian before, during or after pregnancy.
• Diabetes in childhood
and a registered dietitian.
In these appointments, you will be with other women
Be Well Moms appointments
who face similar weight challenges. You will hear
Before or during Pregnancy
answers to questions you may not have asked. Together,
If you are trying to become pregnant, shedding
you will learn more than you would have on your own.
excessive weight will improve your chances. Infertility can
A healthier future for your family
be more prevalent among women who are overweight.
In Be Well Moms, we want you to have the
best possible experience during pregnancy and
delivery by achieving a healthy weight — and
ensuring a healthy future for your baby.
Our physician expert will explain how you can improve
To schedule a shared medical appointment
your health to increase fertility and reduce the risks of
miscarriage. Our registered dietitian will calculate your
BMI and show you how to eat right to achieve your
weight goals.
before, during or after pregnancy, call
216.444.6601 and ask for Be Well Moms.