1 Curanderismo Bibliography Compiled by Dr. Antonio N. Zavaleta & Rachel E. Barrera November 2003 Updated Summer 2004 Introduction The following bibliography is an on-going part of the El NiГ±o Fidencio Research Project at The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College. It is intended to further our knowledge of Latino health practices and beliefs. It is posted as an educational resource and with the sole intention of disseminating important information. During the summer of 2003, Project researchers, Dr. Antonio Zavaleta and Rachel Barrera began searching for dissertations and theses written at American universities containing the keywords, Curandero/a, Curanderismo, Folk-healing, Mexican American, Latino, etc. The literature between 1960 and 2002 was searched. While this bibliography is not comprehensive it is extensive. Duplicate citations have been omitted. There is a great need for resources in the area of health and mental issues regarding the largest minority group in the nation. On-line sources, reports and books are also included. This document is a work in progress and will be expanded to include as many citations as appropriate on an on-going basis. The research team invites you to add to it by submitting works that have not yet been included. The research team has not reviewed the accuracy of the citations so errors are probable. Corrections will be gladly accepted. For any corrections or additions please contact: Dr. Antonio N. Zavaleta, Vice President for the Division of External Affairs Rachel Barrera, Graduate Research Assistant Office of External Affairs The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College 80 Fort Brown Brownsville, Texas 78520 Phone: (956) 983-7313 Fax: (956) 983-7312 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 2 Curanderismo Bibliography Compiled by Dr. Antonio N. Zavaleta & Rachel E. Barrera November 2003 Updated Summer 2004 Abad, V., Ramos, J., & Boyce, E. (1974) A Model for Delivery of Mental Health Services to Spanish-speaking Minorities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 44, 584-595. Abbot, N.C., White, A.R, & Ernst, E. (1996, May 30). Complimentary medicine. Nature, 381, 361. Achterberg, Jeanne. (1985) Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine. Boston: New Science Library. Acosta, F. X. (1979). Barriers between mental health services and Mexican Americans: An examination of a paradox. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1503-520. Acosta, F. X. (1984). Psychotherapy with Mexican-Americans: Clinical and empirical gains. In J. L. Martinez, Jr. & R. H. Mendoza (Eds.), Chicano psychology (pp.163-189). Orlando, FL: Academic Press, Inc. Acosta, F.X. (1977). Ethnic Variables in Psychotherapy: The Mexican-American. In J. L. Martinez, Jr. & R. H. Mendoza (Eds.), Chicano Psychology (pp.215-231). Academic Press: New York. Acosta, F.X. (1975). Mexican-American and Anglo-American Reactions to Ethnically Similar and Dissimilar Psychotherapists. In R. Alvarez (Ed.), Delivery of services for Latino Community mental health (Monograph No. 2).: Los Angeles, Ca.: Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center. Acosta, F.X. (1979). Pretherapy Expectations and Definition of Mental Illness Among Minority and Low Income Patients. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 1, (4), 403410. Acosta, F.X., & Sheehan, J.G. (1976). Preferences toward Mexican American and Anglo American psychotherapists. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 272-279. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 3 Acosta, F.X., & Sheehan, J.G. (1978). Self-disclosure in Relation to Psychotherapy Expertise and Ethnicity. American Journal of Community Psychology 6, (6), 545-553. Adams, Richard N. & Rubel, Arthur J. (1961). Sickness and Social Relations. In Robert Wauchope (Ed.), Handbook of Middle American Indians (pp. 333-356). Austin: University of Texas Press. Aday, L.A., Fleming, G.V., & Anderson, R. (1984). Access to medical care in the U.S.: Who has it, who doesn't? Chicago: Pluribus. Agassi, Joseph & Jarvie, Ian C. (1973). Magic and Rationality Again. British Journal of Sociology, 24(2), 236-245. Agogino, G.A. & Ferguson, B. (1983). Curanderismo, the folk healer in the SpanishSpeaking community. The Masterkey, 57, 101-106. Aguilar, I., & Wood, V.N. (1976). Therapy through a death ritual. Social Work, 21, 49-54. Aguilar, Ignacio. (1972). Initial Contacts with Mexican American Families. Social Work, 17, 66-70. Aguirre, L. (1978). Alternative health practices along the western Texas border. In B. Velimirovic (Ed.), Modern medicine and medical anthropology in the United States-Mexico Border Population (pp. 60-68). Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization Scientific Publications, 359. Aguirre-Beltran, G. (1963). Medicina y Magia. Mexico, D.F.: Instituto Nacional Indigenista. Airhihenbuwa, C.O. (1990). A conceptual model for culturally appropriate health education programs in developing countries. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 11 (1), 53-62. Alaimo K., Olson C.M., Frongillo E.A., Jr. (2001). Low family income and food insufficiency in relation to overweight in US children: is there a paradox? Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 155(10), 1161-1167. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 4 Alarcon, R. D. (1983). A Latin American perspective on DSM-III. American Journal of Psychiatry, J40, 102-105. Albanese, Catherine. (1992). America: Religions and Religion (2nd ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth. Alcina, Frank Jose. (1972). Los Dioses del Panteon Zapoteco [The Gods of the Zapotec Pantheon]. Anales de Antropologia, 9, 9-43. Alcocer, I. (1938). Consideraciones sobre la Medicine Azteca: Apendice a Bernardino de Sahagun Historia de las Cosas de la Nueva EspaГ±a [Annotations about Aztec Medicine: Appendix to Bernardino de Sahagun General History of the Things of the New Spain]. Vol. 3. Mexico: Editorial Pedro Robledo. Alcorn, Janis B. (1984). Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany. Austin: University of Texas Press. Alegria, D., & Guerra, E., & Martinez Jr., C & Meyer, G.G. (1977). El Hospital Invisible: A Study of Curanderismo. Archives of General Psychiatry, 34, 1354-57. Allen, Ruth. (1931). Mexican Peon Women in Texas. Sociology and Social Research, 16, 131-42. Alpert, J.L. (1997 Sept.). Unsubstantiated Claims of False Memory and Essential Responsibilities. American Psychologist, 52(9), 987. Al Snih, S., Markides, K.S., Ray, L. & Goodwin, J.S. (2001 Jul). Impact of pain on disability among older Mexican Americans. Journals of Gerontology Series A, Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 56A(7), M400-4. Alvarez, (Ed.), (1975). Delivery of Services for Latino Community Mental Health. (Monograph No.2.) Los Angeles, Ca.: Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center. Alvarez, David & Frank D. Bean. (1976). The Mexican American. In Robert Habenstein & Childs H. Mindel (Eds.), Ethnic Families in America: Patterns and Variations (pp. 271-92). New York: Elsevier. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 5 Alvarez, R., Hoyos, L. Dieppa, L., Mejia, K., R., Padilla, A., Torres, C., Trinidad, C., & Valdez, R. (1974). Latino Community Mental Health. (Latino Mental Health Monograph 1). Los Angeles: Spanish Speaking Research Center. Alvarez, Robert R. (1995). The Mexican-US Border: The Making of an Anthropology of the Borderlands. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24, 447. Amaro, H. & de la Torre, A. (2002). Public health needs and scientific opportunities in research on Latinas. American Journal of Public Health, 92(4), 525-529. Amaro, H., Raj, A., Vega, R.R., Mangione, T.W. & Perez, L.N. (2001). Racial/ethnic disparities in the HIV and substance abuse epidemics: communities responding to the need. Public Health Reports, 116(5), 434-448. American Diabetes Association. (1999). Report of the expert committee on the diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, Supplement 1. American Medical Association. (1991). Hispanic health in the United States. JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association, 265(2), 248-252. American Medical Association (1999, June). Folk remedies among ethnic subgroups. [Online] Available: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/print/article/2036-2524.html. American Psychiatric Association (APA). (1980). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Anaya, Rudolfo A. (1988). Lord of the Dawn: The Legend of Quetalcoatl. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Anaya, Rudolfo A. (1984). The Legend of La Llorona. Berkeley: Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol. Anaya, Rudolfo A. & Loemli, Francisco (Eds.). (1989). Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 6 Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. Mastery of Life. (31st ed.). Privately printed. San Jose, California: Rosicrucian Order, A.M.O.R.C. Anderson, K.O., Richman, S.P., Hurley, J., Palos, G., Valero, V., Mendoza, T.R. et al. (2002). Cancer pain management among underserved minority outpatients: perceived needs and barriers to optimal control. Cancer, 94(8), 2295-2304. Anderson N.L.R. & Flaskerud J.H. (2001, April). Reducing health disparities through academic and community research collaboration: reducing health disparities for people with diabetes in a Latino community. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference/15th Annual WIN Assembly, “Health Care Challenges Beyond 2001: Mapping the Journey for Research and Practice,” Seattle, Washington. Andrews, R.M. & Elixhauser, A. (2000). Use of major therapeutic procedures: are Hispanics treated differently than non-Hispanic Whites. Ethnicity & Disease, 10(3), 384-394. Andrulis, D.P. (1977). Ethnicity as a variable in the utilization and referral patterns of a comprehensive mental health center. Journal of Community Psychology, 5, 231-237. Aneshensel, C., Frerichs, R. & Huba, G. (1984). Depression and Physical Illness: A Multiwave, Nonrecursive Causal Model. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 25, 350371. Antley, Mary Ann, M.A. & Antley, Ray M., M.D. (1972). Obsolescence: The Physician or the Diagonistician Role. Journal of Medical Education, 47(9), 737-738. Anzaldua, Gloria. (1987). Borderlands: La frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute. Anzures y Bolanos, Maria del Carmen. (1989). La Medicina Tradicional en Mexico: Proceso Historico, Sincretismos, y Conflictos. Mexico: Universidad Autonoma de Mexico. Applewhite, S.L. (1995). Curanderismo: Demystifying the health beliefs and practices of elderly Mexican Americans. Health & Social work, 20(4), 247-253. Aranda, M.P., Lee, P.J. & Wilson, S. (2001). Correlates of depression in older Latinos. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 20(1), 1-20. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 7 Aranda-Naranjo, B., Gaskins, S., Bustamante, L., Lopez, L.C. & Rodriquiz, J. (2000). La desesperacion: migrant and seasonal farm workers living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 11(2), 22-28. Arcia, E., Skinner, M., Bailey, D. & Correa, V. (2001). Models of acculturation and health behaviors among Latino immigrants to the US. Social Science & Medicine, 53(1), 41-53. Arenas, S., Cross, H., & Willard, W. (1980). Curanderos and mental health professionals: A comparative study on perceptions of psychopathology. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2, 407-442. Arenas, S., Cross, H., et al. (1980, December). Curanderos and mental health professionals: A comparative study on perceptions of psychopathology. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2(4), 407-421. Argandona, M., & Kiev, A. (1972). Mental health in the developing world – a case study in Latin America. New York: The Free Press. Aris, Anthony & Van Alphen, Jan. (1997). Oriental Medicine: An illustrated Guide to the Asian Arts of Healing. Boston: Shambhala Press. Armijo, L.P. (1978). The curanderismo movement in the U.S. La Luz, 7, 21. Arnold, Charles, A. (1928). The Folklore, Manners, and Customs of Mexicans in San Antonio, Texas. M.A. thesis, University of Texas. Arredondo-Holden, J. (1978). La Salud mental de La Raza: Curanderas and mental health centers in two Mexican-American communities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 39/11B, 5532. Arroyo, J. A. (1996). Psychotherapist bias with Hispanics: An analog study. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 18, 21-28. Arvigo, Rosita & Balick, M. (1993). Rainforest Remedies. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press. Arvigo, Rosita. (1995). Sastun. San Francisco, CA: Harper Collins The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 8 Arya, R., Blangero, J., Williams, K., Almasy, L., Dyer, T.D., Leach, R.J. et al. (2002). Factors of insulin resistance syndrome—related phenotypes are linked to genetic locations on chromosomes 6 and 7 in nondiabetic mexican-americans. Diabetes, 51(3), 841-847. Arya, R., Duggirala, R., Almasy, L., Rainwater, D.L., Mahaney, M.C., Cole, S. et al. (2002). Linkage of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations to a locus on chromosome 9p in Mexican Americans. Nature Genetics, 30(1), 102-105. Atkinson, J. (1992). Shamanism today. Annual Review of Anthropology, 21, 307-330. Atunes, George, et al. (1974). Ethnicity, Socio-economic Status and the Etiology of Psychological Distress. Sociology and Social Research, 58(4), 361-368. Atwood, L.D., Samollow, P.B., Hixson, J.E., Stern, M.P. & MacCluer, J.W. (2001). Genomewide linkage analysis of blood pressure in Mexican Americans. Genetic Epidemiology – Supplement, 20(3), 373-382. Augurios y Abusiones: Textos de los Informantes de SahagГєn [Auguries and Superstitions: Texts of the Informants of SahagГєn]. (1969). Serie de Cultura Fuentes, No. 8. Mexico: UNAM, Instituto de InvestigaciГіn HistГіrica. Austin, L.T., Ahmad, F., McNally, M.J. & Stewart, D.E. (2002). Breast and cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women: a literature review using the health belief model. [Review] [30 refs]. Womens Health Issues, 12(3), 122-128. Avant, S. (1995). A look at Mexican-Americans’ diets and diabetes. (http://agnews.tamu.edu/stories/HEAL/diabmex.htm) Avila, Elena & Parker, Joy. (1999). Woman Who Glows in the Dark: A Curandera Reveals Traditional Aztec Secrets of Physical and Spiritual Health. New York: JP Tarcher, Pub. Avila, InГ©s HernГЎndez. (2001). Dispelling the sombras: grito mi nombre con rayos de luz. In Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios by the Latina Feminist Group. Durham: Duke University Press. Axelson, J.A. (1993). Counseling and development in a multicultural society. (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks Cole. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 9 Ayala, G.X., Elder, J.P., Campbell, N.R., Engelberg, M., Olson ,S., Moreno, C. et al. (2001). Nutrition communication for a Latino community: formative research foundations. Family & Community Health, 24(3), 72-87. Ayala, P. (1972, April). Folk practices, folk medicine, and curanderismo on the west side of Chicago. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Miami. Ayala, P. (1971). Curanderismo. Paper presented to the staff of the Pelsin Mental Health Center, Chicago. Ayala, Phil. (1971). Curanderismo in the West Side. Chicago: Illinois State Psychiatric Institute. (Mimeographed). Azocar, F., Arean, P., Miranda, J. & Munoz, R.F. (2001). Differential item functioning in a Spanish translation of the Beck Depression Inventory. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(3), 355-365. Babb, Jewell & Taylor, Pat Ellis. (1981). Border Healing Woman: The Story of Jewell Babb as told to Pat Ellis Taylor. Austin: University of Texas Press. Badr Zahr, L.K. (2001). Quantitative and qualitative predictors of development for low-birth weight infants of Latino background. Applied Nursing Research, 14(3), 125-135. Baekelund, F., & Lundwall, L. (1975). Dropping out of treatment: A critical review. Psychological Bull, 82, 738-783. Baer, Eva.(1970). Inference of Physical Pain and Psychological Stress. Nursing Research,19, 388-392. Baer, R.D., Clark, L., & Peterson, C. (1998). Folk illnesses. In S. Loue (Ed.), Handbook of Immigrant Health, (pp. 183-202). New York, NY: Plenum Press. Baez A., Hernandez D. (2001). Complementary spiritual beliefs in the Latino community: the interface with psychotherapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(4), 408-415. Bahr, D. (1974). Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 10 Bailey, Helen Miller & Nasatir, Abraham P. [1960] (1973). Latina America, The Development of Its Civilization. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Balcazar, H., Castro, F., & Krull, J. (1995). Cancer reduction in Mexican American women: The role of acculturation, education, and health risk factors. Health Education Quarterly, 22(1), 61-84. Balcazar, H., Krull, J.L. & Peterson, G. (2001). Acculturation and family functioning are related to health risks among pregnant Mexican American women. Behavioral Medicine, 27(2), 62-70. Baldwin, De Witt & Weisenberg, M. (1977). The Role of Psychological Factors in Reducing Patient Reaction to Pain. Reno: University of Nevada. (Mimeographed). Ballew C., Galuska D. & Gillespie C. (2001). High serum retinyl esters are not associated with reduced bone mineral density in the Third National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, 16(12), 2306-2312. Ballow, C., & Sugerman, S. (1995). High risk nutrient intake among low income Mexican women in Chicago. Journal of the Dietetic Association, 95, 1409-1413. Banning, J.H. (1997). Comments on researchers’ subjectivity: From "coming clean" to analytic tool. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 17(2), 130-132. Bannon, John F. (1968). Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Barba, Eugenio & Savarese, Nicholas. (1991). A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer. (Richard Fowler, Trans.). London: Routledge. Barcelona de Mendoza, V. (2001). Culturally appropriate care for pregnant Latina women who are victims of domestic violence. [Review] [41 refs]. JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 30(6), 579-588. Barfield, Owen. (1965). Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc. The University of Texas at Brownsville & Texas Southmost College 11 Barnlund, Dean C. (1976). The Mystification of Meaning: Doctor-Patient Encounters. Journal of Medical Education, 51(9) , 716-725. Barrera, M., Jr., Caples, H. & Tein, J.Y. (2001). The psychological sense of economic hardship: measurement models, validity, and cross-ethnic equivalence for urban families. American Journal of Community Psychology, 29(3), 493-517. Barrera VГЎzquez, Alfredo. (1969). Conocimiento EmpГrico y Pensamiento MГЎgico: un Binomio Ancestral. [Empirical Knowledge and Magical Throught: An Ancestral Binomial]. In Mitos and Ritos Huicholes, p. 6-17. Artes de Mexico, Vol. 124, No. 16. Barrera, M. (1978). Mexican-American mental health services utilization: A critical examination of some proposed variables. Community Mental Health Journal, 14, 35-45. Barrera, Mario. (1979). Race and Class in the Southwest, A Theory of Racial Inequality. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Barrett, Leonard E. (1980). Healing in a Balm yard: The Practice of Folk Healing in Jamaica, W.I., In Hand, American Folk Medicine, The University of California Press. Barrio, C. (2001). Culture and schizophrenia: a cross-ethnic growth curve analysis. 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