Mater Dei School Newsletter — — - 29th Jan 2015 Lord Jesus, we ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us. Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open our heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Give us a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with our studies and courage to accept new opportunities. Help us to be attentive to one another and let us experience Your presence in our new friends. Jesus, inspire us to do our best this year! Amen Calendar of Events 2015 o t of po po t t t t fo t w b p b tp t kt t ot t wt Date Event TERM 1 - 28 January – Thursday 2 April 28 January First Day of Term 1 Yr 1-6 28 Jan-30 Jan First Day of Term Prep 2 February Dance Classes starting 4 February Sustainability Meeting 4 February Compulsory Information Night for parents in Yr 4/5 – Digital Citizenship in preparation for 1:1 laptop roll out 6 February Welcome Disco 9 Feb-15 Feb 1:1 Laptop Bootcamp week in Yr 4/5 10 February Opening School Mass 10 February Enrolment Night for First Reconciliation at SPC 11 February Leadership Day Yr 6-Taylor Range 11 February Parent Information Evening 13 February North West District Swimming Trials 16 February P&F Meeting 18 February Ash Wednesday 25 February Met North Swimming 5th March School Swimming Carnival (Years 3 to 6) 11 March Sustainability Meeting 18 March Zone Swimming Carnival 20 March Compulsory Retreat Night First Reconciliation-SPC 21 March Race Day Week of 23-27 Sacrament of Reconciliation 27 March P&F Meeting 29 March Working Bee 1 April Mini Vinnies Market Day 2 April Last Day of Term 1 3 April Good Friday 5 April Easter Sunday 6 April Easter Monday TERM 2 – Monday 20 April – Friday 26 June 20 April First day of Term 2 20 Apr- 24 Apr Life Education Van visit 21 Apr School Cross Country (TBC) 25 April ANZAC Day 27 April Prep Interviews commence for 2 weeks 27 April P&F Meeting 28 April North West District Cross Country 6 & 7 May Mothers’ Day Stall 8 May Mothers’ Day Raffle Commences 7:30am 7pm 6pm 9am 7pm All day 7pm Yr 4/5 Parents All Yr 4/5 All Year 3 Year 6 All 7pm All All 8.30am 7:30am Years 3 to 6 7pm 12pm Year 3 All Year 3 All All All 7:30am 7am 3pm 8.30am During school 8:30am All 7pm All During school 2pm All All Page 1 of 6 Date Event 10 May 12 May Mothers’ Day Compulsory Information & Enrolment Night for Confirmation & First Eucharist-SPC 12 – 14 May NAPLAN Testing 13 May Sustainability Meeting 15 May Gala Sport (interschool) commences for 6 weeks 20 May Zone Cross Country Rain Day 21 May 22 May Gala Sport (interschool) 26 May Met North Cross Country 29 May Gala Sport (interschool) 3 June UNSW Science Competition 5 June Gala Sport (interschool) 5 June P & F Meeting 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 10 June Sustainability Meeting 10 June School Photos 12 June Gala Sport (interschool) 16 June School Athletics Carnival – The Gap State High School (TBC) 19 June Gala Sport (interschool) 26 June Last Day of Term 2 TERM 3 - Monday 13 July – Friday 19 September 13 July First day of Term 3 15 July Sustainability Meeting 20 July P&F Meeting 22 July Sustainability Meeting 24 July Confirmation & First Eucharist Compulsory Retreat Night 24 July Schools Tree Day 26 July – 31 July Catholic Education Week 28 July UNSW English Competition 29 July-30 July North West Track & Field Trials 30 July-31 July Stewards of the Earth Sustainability Festival 29 July Sacrament of Confirmation @ Mater Dei 31 July Sacrament of Confirmation @ SPC 1-2 August 2-6 August 11 August 12 August 18 August 19 August 23 August 24– 28 August 24-28 August First Eucharist Yr 6 Canberra Trip UNSW Mathematics Competition EKKA Holiday Zone Athletics (8 & 9 Yr old) Zone Athletics (10,11,12 Yr old) Multicultural Mass at SPC Book Week Book Fair (TBC) 24 August Book Week Parade Commences 7:00pm8:00pm During school 7:30am Year 3 and 5 Years 3 to 6 Years 3 to 6 Years 3 to 6 Years 3 to 6 Years 3 to 6 2pm 7:30am All Years 3 to 6 All 3pm Years 3 to 6 All 8.30am 7:30am 7pm 7:30am 6:30-8:00pm All All All Year 3- 6 5pm or 7pm 5pm or 7pm Yr 6 Years 3-6 10am All All All 7:45am-4pm each day 9:30am All Page 2 of 6 Date 25-26 August 26 August 27 August 2 & 3 September 4 September 4 September 6 September 8 September 9 September 13 September 18 September Event Met North Track and Field Author Visit-Peter Carnavas Musical Performance for Book Week Fathers’ Day Stall Fathers’ Day Raffle P & F Meeting Father’s Day Feast of Mary’s birthday Sustainability Meeting Working Bee World Teacher’s Day lunch ( for the 5th October) Last Day of Term 3 TERM 4 - Tuesday 6 October – Friday 4 December 5 October Labour Day Public Holiday 6 October First Day of Term 4 12 October P & F Meeting 14 October Sustainability Meeting 19 October Pupil Free Day – CTJ Day 24 October Music in the Moonlight 28-30 October Yr 4/5 Camp (Tallebudgera) 1 November All Saints Day 3 November Melbourne Cup 4 November Prep 2016 Orientation Day 7 November 11 November 11 November Mater Dei Dance Concert Remembrance Day Sustainability Meeting 23 November 25 November 27 November 27 November 1 December 2 December 4 December 4 December P&F AGM Leadership Day Yr 6-Taylor Range (TBC) Yr 1/2 Swimming Carnival End of Year Disco Year 6 Graduation End of Year Activity Day Whole School Mass Last day of school year for 2015 Commences All All All All 2pm During school 2pm 7:30am All 7:30am 7am 1pm All All All All 8.30am 2pm 7:30am 8:30am11:30am 6pm All All Yr 4 & 5 All All 2016 Prep All All 7:30am 7pm All day 6pm 9am 12pm All Yr 6 Yr 1,2,6 All Yr 6 All All All Page 3 of 6 P&F Welcome to 2015 It is lovely to see everyone again, even in the flurry of the start of a new school year. The P&F is the more formal structure through which the parents and extended family of the school can work together to support the strategic objectives of the school, its students, staff, parish and parents too, while hopefully having some fun along the way. While P&F meetings carry their own stigma, it is the structure through which parents and the school work together and share information and ideas regarding the school (distinct from individual student communications between the teacher and the parents). If you have an idea or a concern or want to learn more about what is happening then come along to a P&F meeting. We are reviewing some of the P&F operations just to ensure they are meeting the needs of the parent body. 1. Meeting times As evening meetings are not suitable for all, we are going to trial alternating P&F meetings between the usual 7pm meeting time and 7.30am and 2pm. Hopefully allowing a greater number of parents to attend at some time during the year. If this become confusing or doesn’t increase meeting sizes, we will revert back to the standard 7pm on the third Monday of the month. February P&F meeting - 7pm on Monday 16 February March P&F meeting - 7.30am on Friday 27 March 2. Mothers & Fathers Day Gift Stall The Mothers and Fathers Day stalls have been a wonderful highlight of the school year, with the children enjoying choosing gifts for their parents. Feedback last year was that while the stall was lovely, it was maybe giving the wrong message about the need to buy gifts for Mothers and Fathers day, commercialising the day of thanks and not reflecting the school’s sustainability focus. Traditionally these days are about taking the time to say thank you and helping with maybe a hand made gift. A number of suggestions have been made including supplementing the hand made gifts and cards organised by the teachers; fair trade gifts or incorporating the tea-towels with hand drawn images by the children. A survey will be circulated next week to determine what parents would like. 3. Distribution of funds and support of school infrastructure. A substantial amount of time and energy is spent by the staff, led by Kathryn, reviewing the quality of the curriculum and infrastructure at Mater Dei against the strategic objectives of the school and BCAE requirements. A portion of this review is observable in the current building work. As with all education funding is not limitless and there is always a long wish list. A number of projects and ideas were tabled to P&F meetings in 2014 by the school and parents. Current suggestions include: - one of the landscaping projects circulated last year - multi-purpose hall - funding music lessons for all students - renovating & extending the arts class room An information and discussion night to explore these ideas and seek feedback on how the P&F should direct any additional funds it may have beyond meeting its existing commitments will be held in early March . P&F Executive Nicole, Beth, Belinda and Sheleigh [email protected] Page 4 of 6 Class Prep Class Parent Helen Morris Veronika Engeman Year 1 Jodie Beaton Tracey Allen Year 2 Angela Cervetto Emma Matiazzi Year 3 Sophie Naughton Marie Bond Year 4 Rebecca Harris Madonna Manahan Year 5 Anastasia Ellerby Fiona Woodward Year 6 Arts Sheridan Poole-Warren Sandra Kurowski TUCKSHOP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE!! The tuckshop is in great need of some extra assistance. We are quite low in number of volunteers and currently we are unable to fill the roster past the first 2 weeks. If you could find the time to volunteer for even one shift, once a term it would be greatly appreciated. The tuckshop operates Mondays and Wednesdays with 2 shifts - 8.30am to 11.00am and 11.00am to 2.00pm. If you cannot commit to a shift we are happy for people to be on call as our back up. We are also looking for home bakers to contribute a batch of homemade goodies once a term. For new parents to the school, this is a fantastic way to meet other parents and learn more about your school community. Your child will love having you at the school and will also receive a free ice block or treat of their choice! Lunch is also provided to parents on the 2nd shift. If you can assist please email Tracey at [email protected]. Page 5 of 6 Mater Dei Tuckshop 7 Lynwood Cres Ashgrove West QLD 4060 Ph: (07) 3514 4130 Email: [email protected] 28th January, 2015 Dear Parents and Carers of our Mater Dei Children, A big welcome to both new and returning families for 2015 and I trust you had a wonderful break. For those of you new to Mater Dei, my name is Therese Walsh and I am the Tuckshop Convenor. I have been part of the Mater Dei community for many years with all of my 4 children previously attending Mater Dei. I will be working closely with Tracey Leigh‐‐‐Allen who will be running roster. Together our aim is to provide your children with healthy food choices that will give you a viable option to a home prepared lunch. The tuckshop will be open Mondays and Wednesdays for both morning tea and lunch breaks. First Tuckshop is Monday 2nd February. Attached and on the Parent Portal is the menu for Term 1, which includes instructions on how to set up the App & order. We use an online ordering system via an app on your smart phone or via the following website Cash is only accepted for counter sales at second break. Our tuckshop is a member of the Queensland Association of School Tuckshops Inc. (QAST). It is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the promotion and support of QLD canteens in their endeavor to offer a nutritious, hygienic and economically viable food service. They use The Smart Choices traffic light system which categorises foods in school tuckshops based on their nutritional content with 'green' the healthiest, 'amber' foods to be selected carefully and 'red' foods consumed occasionally. Our tuckshop follows these Smart Choice guidelines as closely as possible resulting in the healthy food options available. The tuckshop can only run with the help of volunteers and your assistance is needed to keep it running each week. It is a great place to catch up or make new friends and your children will love seeing you behind the counter. Morning or afternoon shifts are available. If you are interested, please email Tracey on [email protected] We also need volunteers to make home baking each week. This can be in the form of cupcakes, biscuits, slice or whatever is your forte. We will require a batch of at least 12 items of reasonable size (eg the size of a muffin). Please contact Tracey if you are interested and she will include you in the home baking roster. I can be contacted via email [email protected] or by phone 3514 4130 Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2015 Regards Therese Mater Dei Tuckshop Menu About Our Tuckshop We aim to provide a varied menu of nutritious food options that will keep the children satisfied and working well and give you a viable option to a home prepared lunch. Helping Out – We Need You !!!! Volunteers assist the tuckshop and help is needed to keep it running each week. It is a great place to catch up or make new friends and your children will love seeing you behind the counter. Morning or afternoon shifts are available. We also require volunteers to make home baking such as cupcakes, slice, biscuits etc… whatever is your forte! If you are interested, please email Tracey Leigh-‐Allen on [email protected] How to Order: Please order via the QKR App. No bags or cash will be accepted except cash for counter sales second break. This can be downloaded from your App Store onto your smart phone. The app download should be from the Apple store if you have an iphone or Android store if you have an android phone. • Search for ‘Qkr’. It comes up as “QKR by Mastercard”. Download the app. • Once you open the app, you will need to register. • Open the app, tap on the magnifying glass in top right of Qkr home screen and type MATERDEICPS. The school page should now open. • Register your children • Click on “canteen” to order for first and second breaks. The app will lead you through to payment. Any problems with ordering please email the tuckshop on [email protected] as early as possible on the day of ordering. Term 1 2015 ! Tuckshop Convenor: Therese Walsh Roster: Tracey Leigh-‐Allen Email: [email protected] Phone: 3514 4130 Op We en! Mo and d ne ! sd a nd a ys ! ys ! 1st Break Mondays & Wednesdays Muffins: ABC (apple, banana, choc chip), Mixed Berry Gluten Free Muffin Iced Finger Bun Home Baking (various lucky dip) Anzac Biscuit Vegemite on SAOs (2) Cheese & Biscuits Salsa or Hommus with rice crackers or carrot sticks Cheese & Bacon Roll Thick Raisin Toast (1 with margarine) Corn Cob Chicken tenderloin (1) (Tomato, BBQ or Sweet Chilli sauce 30c) Mini Beef Pie (tomato sauce 30c) Snack Sausage Roll (tomato sauce 30c) Cocktail Frankfurts (5) with sauce Yoghurt Cup Yoghurt with Fruit & Muesli Custard Cup Custard Cup with Banana Pineapple Hula Hoop Apple 2nd Break $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.20 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.30 $1.50 $1.50 $3.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 Drinks: 1st & 2nd Break Flavoured Milk (chocolate & strawberry) Juice Popper (apple, apple & mango, orange, tropical) Plain milk or Bottle of Water Milo $1.70 $1.50 $1.00 $1.50 Mondays Only Sushi (1 roll) (Avocado, Tuna or Teriyaki Chicken) Pasta with Bolognese Sauce (add 50c for with cheese) Pasta with cheese only Wednesdays Only Fried Rice (with bacon, egg and vegies) Pizza (Ham & Cheese or Ham Cheese & Pineapple) Mondays & Wednesdays Japanese Chicken Curry with Rice Chicken Karaage with Rice Toasted Tandoori Chicken Wrap (Chicken, cucumber, lettuce, raita) Toasted Mexican Burrito (mince, cheese, tomato, lettuce, sour cream) Ham & Cheese Croissant Hamburger (with lettuce, tomato, beetroot & BBQ or Tomato sauce) Mini Beef Pie (tomato sauce 20c) Snack Sausage Roll (tomato sauce 20c) Sandwiches: (add 50c for wrap) (add 50c for toasted) (add 50c for Gluten Free) Ham or chicken with cheese & salad Ham or Chicken with Cheese Ham or Chicken or Cheese Ham or Chicken or Cheese with tomato Vegemite Egg & Lettuce $3.00 $3.50 $2.50 $4.00 $1.50 $4.30 $4.30 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $1.50 $1.50 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.80 $1.50 $3.00 2nd Break Counter Sales (after 2nd bell) Drinks: flavoured milk, poppers & water Ice Blocks Zooper Dooper Various Snack items various $1.00 $0.50 $1.00 SIGN ON This Friday, 30 January 2015 3pm @ Mater Dei Catholic Primary School, outside the hall. Register for dance classes (class sizes limited) Purchase MD Dance gear Ask questions Collect pre-purchased 2014 MD Dance Concert DVD Can’t make sign-on? Please email us at [email protected] MATER DEI DANCE ENROLMENT – 2015 PLEASE COMPLETE ONE FORM FOR EACH CHILD Child’s Name Year/Grade School (if not Mater Dei) Please circle class/es from options below: Monday Jazz Yr 1 3.10-4.10pm *Junior Contemporary Junior Musical Theatre (Yr 2/3) Tuesday Prep Hip Hop 3.10-3.55pm 3.10-4.10pm (Boys: Prep and PrePrep) Jazz Yr 4+ 4.15-5.15pm Hip Hop Senior 4.00-5.00pm (Yr 2/3) 4.15-5.15pm (Boys: Yr 3+) Wednesday Ballet 3.10-4.10pm (Yr1+) Senior Musical Theatre 4.15-5.15pm Hip Hop – Yr 1/2 3.10- 4.10pm Thursday Prep Dance 3.10-3.55pm (Boys: Yr 1/ 2) (Girls: Prep and PrePrep) Jazz Yr 2 3.10-4.10pm Street Funk (Yr2/3) 3.10-4.10pm Hip Hop Senior 4.15-5.15pm Street Funk Yr 4+ 4.00-5.00pm *Senior Contemporary Jazz Yr 3 4.15-5.15pm (Boys: Yr 3+) (Yr 4+) Name of Parent/s Address Home/Mobile Contact Emergency Contact: Email Address Medical Conditions Person Responsible for Accounts (please supply email address if different from above) PLEASE RETURN VIA EMAIL TO [email protected] (Yr4+) 4.15-5.15pm Welcome Disco AT MATER DEI When: Friday, 6 February 2015 Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm Cost: $10 per family (Price includes DJ, Sausage Sizzle & Zooper Dooper Ice-block for every Mater Dei child*) * Please pay $1 extra for every non-Mater Dei child who would like to purchase a sausage. Zooper Dooper ice-block for everyone! “Pay on entry” Soft drinks, poppers, chips and glow sticks will be available for purchase on the night. *Sausage sizzle from 6pm. Ice blocks available at 7:15pm Parents: Please BYO drinks and nibbles. Hope to see you there! Ma t e rDe i Ra c eDa y S a t ur d a y2 1 s tMar c h2 0 1 5 1 1 : 3 0 am-6 : 0 0 p m $ 8 5p pi nc l ud e s : DoombenRa c eCour s eE a s tT er r a c e Cha mpa gneupona r r i v a l Al l da ygr a z i ngbuffeti nc l udes : Coc onutpr a wns , c hi c k ens k ewer s , r oa s tha m, l a mbc ut l et s , por kbel l y , s h&f r i es , c hi c k ens a l a d, homema des a us a ger ol l s , as el ec t i onofc hees es pl usmuc hmor e. . . Ra ffle ,a uc t i on,s pec i a l gues t s , f a s hi onont he el d, al i v eDJ Compl ement a r ybus esf r om r a c est oa f t erpa r t y T i c k et sons a l es oon ( L i mi t ednumber sa v a i l a bl e) CREATIVE KIDZ ON STAGE! JANUARY 2015 Guitar, Piano,Brass,Woodwind and Drum Lessons Mater Dei School Come and join the School Band in 2015! Lesson Structure! All lessons will be held on Tuesday’s during the school term. In our group lesson package, students receive specialist instruction in small groups (of 4-7 students) for 30 minutes per week over 8 weeks for $148. Please see the attached enrolment form. From the start of Term 1, 2015 we are offering all students the opportunity to take one of the following specialist lessons: Flute Clarinet Saxophone Trumpet Trombone Drums/Percussion Guitar Piano • • • • • • • • • ENROL NOW! If you would like your child to participate in Music Lessons at Mater Dei School, please fill out the enrolment form on the back of this brochure and post it directly back to us before Monday the 9th of February. All current students do not need to reenrol! Why play in the band? Current research confirms that the study of music is one of the most effective tools to improve learning throughout a child's academic curriculum. It has been found that many people are unaware of the extended growth potential inherent in the study of music. Music has a very positive impact on every area of study in school. Not only will your child have fun in music, but their social ! Once your child is enrolled, we will email you a timetable at the beginning of each term with all dates and lesson times for your child. You will need to purchase a music book for most lessons and these details will be given to you by the Creative Kidz teacher in the first lesson. Please see the attached form or contact us on [email protected] for further information. skills, communication skills, cooperative talents will all be nurtured! Band Rehearsals are held before school in the hall and these rehearsals are free for students who learn an instrument at school with Creative Kidz On Stage. If you have any questions about the band or music program at Mater Dei please call 0421022818 or email [email protected] Mater Dei Instrumental Music Enrolment Form Please return this form to Creative Kidz On Stage, PO Box 3632, Victoria Point West, 4165 OR fax to: (07) 3821 1518 Parent Surname: ph: 0421 022 818 [email protected] Group Lessons: $148 per term per discipline chosen ALL INSTRUMENT LESSONS: 4-7 students/group and 8 x 30min group lessons per term in each discipline INSTRUMENTS OFFERED: Piano, Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Drums Cost Please choose an instrument(s) from the above list: 1 discipline per week = $148 per term 2 disciplines per week = $296 per term 1. 2. Parent/guardian Details Name: ___________________________________________________ Postal Address:_________________________________ Suburb: ___________Postcode: ________ Home Phone: ________________Work Phone: _____________ Mobile Phone: _______________ Email (home or work) __________________________________ Mandatory (for notification of timetables, upcoming events, etc) Student Details: Name ________________________________________________ Grade ________________ Classroom ___________________ Date of Birth ________________(day/month/year) Gender ____________ Field Office Use Only ID Date Entered INT CREDIT CARD DEBIT REQUEST (Preferred method but is optional – see below for other payment methods) I/We authorize Creative Kidz On Stage to arrange for the above expenses be debited to my/our credit card at the start of each school term. Details of credit card to be debited q Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________________ Credit Card Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: __ __ - __ __ Credit Card Type: Bankcard / Visa / Mastercard Name of Financial Institution (eg Westpac): _______________________________ I/We have read the Creative Kidz On Stage Service Agreement below and acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions in that Agreement. Customer(s) Signature: _____________________________ Date: _____________ Service Agreement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student lesson times for the entire term will be emailed to the parent at the start of each term. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to notify Creative Kidz On Stage at least one week prior if the student cannot make the lesson time due to an excursion, exam or other school based activity. Otherwise, the lesson will be forfeited. All enrolments in Creative Kidz On Stage are ongoing until written notification is received that the student wishes to cease enrolment. This notification must be received during the term prior to the discontinuation of lessons otherwise fees for the following term will not be refunded. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to notify Creative Kidz On Stage immediately if there are any changes to the credit card details and to ensure there are sufficient funds for all payments. Creative Kidz On Stage will keep information relating to your credit card confidential except where required for purposes of debiting your credit card with your financial institution. If not paying by credit card, an invoice will be sent to your email address at the start of term with bank transfer or postal details for cheques or money orders. An $11 late fee (including GST) will apply if this invoice is not paid by the due date. I authorize Creative Kidz on Stage to take and retain photographs, video or sound recordings of my child, together with personal information relating to my involvement in training programs activities and initiatives with which my children are involved (the material) and to use this material as described in this consent. Instrumental Music Program - Voice Enrolment Form 2015 Private or group singing lessons are available - 30mins/week and students receive an average of 9 lessons a term. The cost of each lesson is: Individual - $35.00, Group - (2-3 students) $20.00 Student Name: ________________________________ Class (2015) ____________ Parent/s Name: ________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ Lesson type: (circle applicable) Individual Group Please note that every effort will be made to place your child in an appropriate group lesson if requested but this cannot be guaranteed. Fortnightly lessons can be arranged when required. Mater Dei Vocal Group The Mater Dei Vocal Group is a glee club style group for children from grades 1 to 7, rehearsing during lunchtime. Junior Vocal Group is for students from grades 1-3 and the Senior Vocal Group is for students from grades 4-6. The vocal group provides a bridge between the casual and large school choir, and the one to one vocal lessons, in both structure and cost. The group will focus on a contemporary, age-appropriate repertoire, in addition to learning some vocal technique and performance skills. This group gives students access to a qualified voice teacher and more lowpressure (non-solo), high-quality performance opportunities. Cost - $70/term or $55/term for students already having singing lessons. Student Name: ________________________________ Class (2015) ____________ Parent/s Name: ________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ For further information, please contact Susan Boyce on [email protected] Swim & Co Ashgrove Term 1 2015 swimming classes QUALIFIED COACHES ADULT SQUAD LEARN TO SWIM STROKE CORRECTION SQUAD PROGRAM Term 1 starts Tuesday Jan 27th 2015 and ends Monday March 30th 2015 TERM 1 BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL SQUADS, AFTER SCHOOL LEARN TO SWIM AS WELL AS SATURDAY HELD AT ASHGROVE STATE SCHOOL, GLORY ST, ASHGROVE WEST AND OAKLEIGH STATE SCHOOL, BUXTON ST, ASHGROVE. DAYIME LESSONS HELD AT BARDON GOODLIFE HEALTHCLUB, 92 COOLIBAH ST BARDON BOOK NOW SPOTS FILLING FAST For bookings and information please call Michele on Ph 3366 2612 Mobile 0417003977 Email addresses: OAKLEIGH—[email protected] ASHGROVE—[email protected] BARDON– [email protected] WEBSITE: Piano, Guitar, Drums and School Band Lessons are now available at Mater Dei School- Enrol Now! These music lessons are taught in small groups on campus and are held on Tuesday’s during the school day. Lessons start on Tuesday the 10th of February and there are vacancies for new students this term. If there are any students at Mater Dei School who would like to be part of our fantastic Arts Program please pick up an enrolment form from the school office or download an enrolment form from Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding the lessons that we offer at Mater Dei School please speak with Susan Boyce at [email protected], or Kathleen Smith on 0421022818 or email [email protected] Yours Musically, The Creative Kidz On Stage Team menCONNECT This year’s half day gathering, to which all men are invited, will take place at the parish hall (SPC) on Saturday 7th February starting with breakfast at 7 am and concluding at 1 pm. The theme will be “The Journey through Manhood” and the focus speaker will be Rob Jones a popular speaker at the breakfast last September. Included in the broader topics will be “emotional happiness”, “true self/false self” and “learning to let go”. In our busy lives we do not often get the chance to hear and discuss topics of this nature so this is a great opportunity for men in the parish and beyond to take time out and reflect on some important matters in our lives. The cost is $20.00, please RSVP Mike on 0459 992 228 by 4th February for catering purposes. More than 50 men attended our inaugural half day event last year and were very glad they did. Page 6 of 6 27 January 2015 Dear Parents and Carers Please find attached a summary of responses received from the two major parties to issues that we have put to them in the lead up to the State election. The full response from each party is available on the QCEC website. We are grateful to both parties for their responses and we provide these responses to you as voters to inform your own decision making as it relates to Catholic education. We urge you to consider the responses provided and the impact each party’s proposed policies may have on your child’s education. We have also received responses from the minor political parties. These responses are also available on our website. We welcome responses from all parties. Yours sincerely Mike Byrne Executive Director Queensland Catholic Education Commission Queensland Catholic Education Commission GPO Box 2441, Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph +61 7 3316 5800 Fax +61 7 3316 5880 Email: [email protected] Web: Carmel Nash Executive Director Queensland Federation of Parents & Friends Federation of Parents and Friends Associations of Catholic Schools in Queensland GPO Box 2410, Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph +61 7 3336 9242 Fax +61 7 3236 1293 Email: [email protected] Web: UNIT Executive PRIORITY URGENT – For Circulation CIRCULAR No: 2015/014 TO: DIOCESAN DIRECTORS QCEC COMMISSION MEMBERS PRINCIPALS OF RELIGIOUS INSTITUTE SCHOOLS QUEENSLAND LEADERS OF RELIGIOUS INSTITUTE SCHOOLS QUEENSLAND OTHER AUTHORISED ADDRESSEES FROM: Mike Byrne, Executive Director TOPIC: State Election – Response from Political Parties for Publication DATE: 27 January 2015 Dear Colleagues Attached is the summary of responses to commitments sought by QCEC and The Queensland P&F Federation from the two major political parties relating to the state election and an accompanying letter to parents and carers. Could you please forward this to Principals so that they can pass on to parents as soon as possible for their consideration prior to the forthcoming election. The full response from each party is available on the QCEC website. We have also received responses from minor parties and these responses are also available on our website. Kind Regards Mike Byrne Executive Director SUMMARY OF RESPONSES TO COMMITMENTS SOUGHT BY QCEC AND THE QUEENSLAND P&F FEDERATION QUEENSLAND STATE ELECTION 31 JANUARY 2015 1. 2. AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY RESPONSE Link to full response from ALP Annual per student funding that keeps pace with the rising costs of education LIBERAL NATIONAL PARTY RESPONSE Link to full response from LNP If elected Labor will continue the existing method of providing state funding to Catholic and independent schools through the basket-nexus formula. As the cost of educating a child increases in the state system there will be a commensurate increase in per student funding to the Catholic system. Queensland Labor appreciates that the schools planning process currently underway has widespread support among education stakeholders and we will continue this collaborative process. We also believe there is an appropriate role for government to provide capital grants to the non-state schooling sector for the construction of new schools and upgrades of existing schools. A Labor Government will provide an additional $37 million ($25 million for the Catholic School sector) in capital grants for the non-state schooling sector in each of the 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 financial years. The LNP Government supports the right of parents to send their children to a Catholic school and recognises the responsibility of government to provide an appropriate share of capital funding for those schools. The Future Schools Fund will include $700 million to provide up to 22 new schools across the state, ensuring that we plan properly for a bright future for Queensland kids. A re-elected LNP Government will be informed by the current policy framework for capital funding and other capital contributions to government, Catholic and independent schools on the basis of the recommendations provided to the Government by the Queensland Schools Planning Commission. Proposals for capital funding from any of the three sectors will be considered when the detailed arrangements for the fund are established. The capital funding to be made available under the Future Schools Fund will be an additional investment by a re-elected LNP Government. The LNP Government is committed to ensuring all Queensland children receive a first class education, regardless of which sector provides that education. We support parents' right to choose the school they believe will be best for their child and consistent with their personal values or faith. The LNP Government is committed to continuing its close engagement with QCEC to ensure that Catholic schools in Queensland have the certainty they will be able to continue to provide Queensland families with an affordable and high quality choice when it comes to education. Increased capital funding to deliver the additional student places required to meet the needs of Queensland’s growing population 3. Support for Students With Disability (SWD) In government, Queensland Labor will examine the possibility of creating teams of specialists to ensure all children in our state, whether they are educated in state, Catholic or independent schools are assessed for disability support and are provided with the help they need. The LNP Government is committed to ensuring that all Queenslanders are provided with the appropriate support to enable them to achieve positive educational outcomes. We are committed to further consultation with QCEC and the independent sector to ensure that students with a disability continue to have access to high quality specialist staff, and are open to providing access, support and advice on a fee for service basis. Re NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme): We welcome the opportunity to work with QCEC and other key stakeholders in the education sector should we be re-elected. 4. Support for Vocational Education and Training (VET) for secondary school students A Labor Government will invest $34 million to rebuild the Queensland TAFE system. In particular we will invest $5 million over three years to increase the number of courses available through VET in schools. 5. With respect to accessibility (to VET) for those living in regional and rural areas, Registered Training Organisations (RTO) will often offer training delivery in a variety of modes and formats and online delivery is accessible for many qualifications. In relation to the options available for female students under the Employment Stream …… our VET Investment Plan is reviewed every year and these concerns will be given due consideration ahead of the release of the 2015/16 VET Investment Plan. QCEC currently receives $866,200 annually. We are committed to actively reviewing the VET allocation beyond 2015. Parent Engagement Strategies The Catholic sector is seeking a commitment from the next Queensland Government to: work collaboratively to support strategies to enhance parent engagement across all Queensland schools provide $250,000 in funding to enable the Catholic sector to roll out its recently developed framework for parent engagement, including a bank of resources and standards that enable schools to measure their success collaboratively devise and support a program of research and planning to further connect schools and playgroups and assist parents with the necessary tools in the vital first three years. Queensland Labor is encouraged by the ongoing research and evidence which The LNP Government welcomes QCEC's desire to work collaboratively to support demonstrates that strategies to involve parents in their children's education have real strategies to enhance parent engagement. and lasting benefits. This includes empowering families and providing opportunities for them to be engaged in their child's learning, and enabling regular and valued two-way communication with We will work with the Catholic sector to design and support parent engagement parents and communities about children and their school. (We).….look forward to strategies with an appropriate program of research to analyse the efficacy of further consultation as we work to finalise the Queensland Education Accord and our particular actions. A Labor Government will make available $250,000 over three shared vision for the future of education in our state. years to the Queensland P&F Association to roll out its parent engagement strategy With respect to your request for $250,000 in funding to enable the Catholic sector to roll in Catholic schools. out its new framework for parent engagement, we will be making new policy announcements to enhance the LNP's strong plan for Queensland over the remaining days of the election campaign.
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