Matter of Fact February 2015 A free monthly community newspaper for Venus Bay, Tarwin Lower and district. Published by Venus Bay Community Centre.Vol 8. Issue No 2 PIPI SHOCK In an unbelievable turn of events, it seems that commercial harvesting of pipi is sanctioned by Fisheries at Venus Bay Beach and other locations across the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park. The news has come to light over the last week, when a resident came across the following situation: On 22 January 2015 at 5.15 pm at Beach 1 Venus Bay, a local resident and visitor noticed a large, heavy 4-wheel home-made trolley (approx 1m x 1.5m) being push-pulled off the beach by two men. The trolley was full of pipis covered with hessian bags. When confronted, the men stated that it was a commercial catch sanctioned by Fisheries Officer 'Joel'. When it was stated that there was no commercial fishery for pipis in Victoria, the men insisted that they were permitted to commercially fish for pipis. The pipis were then transferred into plastic containers and loaded into an old model Ford Falcon, driven by a third man and parked in the disabled car park. The resident tried to ring the Fisheries line several times but could not get through at that stage. The event was reported to Fisheries at approximately 7 pm and within 30 minutes a return call was received from Toby Jeavons. Toby stated that the above mentioned commercial pipi harvest was legal and sanctioned under an Ocean Fisheries Access Licence. When Friends of Venus Bay Peninsular contacted Fisheries, the following response was provided: Firstly, I can confirm the activity observed on the 22nd January 2015 at Venus Bay Beach One, was a licenced commercial fisher operating under an Ocean Fishery Access Licence. The Fisheries Regulations 2009 outline the 'Activities Authorised by an Ocean Fisheries Access Licence' and also the 'Conditions of Ocean Fisheries Access Licence'. Further to this there are also additional requirements of commercial fishery access licence holders collecting pipis which are outlined under a Fisheries Notice. These include: reporting to Fisheries Victoria prior to commencing any fishing activity where pipis are targeted (Access Licence number, date & time of proposed fishing activity and catch & effort grid zone where pipis are to be taken). Minimum size of 35mm across the widest part of the shell. Commercial licence holders taking pipis in Victoria is certainly nothing new and regulations haven't been amended to allow this activity to take place. Commercial harvest of pipis in locations such as Discovery Bay have been occurring for some years. Fisheries Victoria have recently introduced a Fisheries Notice (12/2014) which includes additional requirements for those Access Licence holders wanting to take pipis. On our Fisheries Victoria website, you will find this under Fisheries Notices under the Legislation and Regulation tab. I hope I have answered some of your questions. If you need further information, I encourage you to contact Chris Angwin, Regional Fisheries Officer - Gippsland 5951 1102 Friends of Venus Bay response: NEW DEVELOPMENT/ COMMERCIAL PIPI HARVESTING in Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, Victoria. Unsustainable pipi harvesting at Venus Bay Commercial harvesting in the identified 'refuge' area of Venus Bay beach undermines public statements made by Fisheries Victoria that the recreational harvest is 'sustainable', as this statement is based on there being a relatively undisturbed healthy population in the refuge area. Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula Inc. are extremely disappointed that this new development has been implemented without any commitment to monitor the pipi population or the broader impacts of intensive pipi harvesting. The negative impacts of pipi harvesting have been well documented by independent studies from marine ecologists, shore bird specialists and others. It is not acceptable that Fisheries Victoria continues to act as a maverick organisation with no accountability for damage to ecosystems. As a community organisation working to protect biodiversity, the Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula Inc. are committed to continue to work constructively with others to achieve improved management of Cape Liptrap Coastal Park. Mae Adams,President,Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula Inc. COOL SUMMER All in all (except for the news in article above), summer was pretty cool in Venus Bay. It seemed that there were not as many folk around this summer, and the issues of parking congestion were not as pressing and access to beach areas was slightly easier. Parks Victoria rangers and Fisheries officers were very visible and were present throughout much of summer, particularly the long weekends. Officers provided friendly advice and checked for compliance as well as being involved in 2 major road block searches with Victoria Police. Overall, it seems that there was a high level of compliance with fishing licence regulations. Visitors to Venus Bay beaches were able to pick up a brochure from local outlets with relevant information about parking, rubbish collection, licencing, toilets etc and this was a useful tool. The Free Venus Bay Summer Beach Shuttle was well utilized again this year, with over 100 people each day using the free service provided by the Community Centre for 17 days over summer. There was much activity at the Surf Life Saving Club with the Nippers program and a range of summer events, and the Community Centre was hopping with children and adults alike who took part in the holiday program with a range of information sessions, Street Art, mosaics, craft sessions a Wildlife information display, a local CFA Fire awareness day with Burn table and, the presentation of the local Flood guide and a Coal Seam Gas information session. On January 21 the Venus Bay Community Centre hosted a presentation by the State Emergency Services (SES) of the Tarwin Valley Flood Guide. The information session provided flood information to the general public for the Tarwin River at Tarwin Lower and Venus Bay. Louise Haughton, The SES Community Resilience Coordinator Eastern region, conducted the session with assistance from SES and Mick Moore, the Tarwin Lower CFA Captain. Over the course of the information session the SES explained the following circumstances that can affect local residents – Prolonged rain over a number of days can cause the Tarwin River to rise and burst its banks. Areas downstream from Tarwin Lower, towards Venus Bay are more likely to experience storm surge flooding which is likely in winter months, when the river is already higher due to rain and king tides are common. It is caused by prolonged south westerly or westerly winds that accompany cold fronts. Riverine flooding usually occurs in the spring or autumn. Flash flooding occurs when rain falls faster than the ground can absorb it, which results in water rising rapidly and flowing quickly. Problems start to occur when the road is flooded and people ignore road closure signs. The river can actually change course slightly as it crosses the Inverloch-Venus Bay Road south of the Tarwin River bridge, near the fishing platforms. This area is incredibly dangerous for drivers as the river is flowing quickly and strong currents make turning around impossible. The Tarwin Valley Local Flood Guide highlights areas most likely to flood and where road closures would be put in place. Whilst the guide was primarily produced for permanent residents of the area it was also vital for visitors. The guide has information, maps, preparation advice and information on what to do during a flooding event and can be obtained by contacting . 03 9256 9450 or [email protected] The Venus Bay Community Centre again organized and ran the 2015 Summer Beach Shuttle Bus service. Now in its third year of operation the Shuttle service proved very popular and was patronized more than in previous years. The service again operated from the Community Centre and followed a route past the Shops before heading to Beach 1, home to the Venus Bay Life Saving Club. On its return journey the bus headed out along Jupiter Boulevard to the commencement of the first estate adjacent to the start of the Tarwin bike track. The bus then turned around and headed back to the Community Centre via Canterbury Rd. This shuttle service ran continuously from 11 am to 5 pm every day from 27 December to January 12. The service was conducted on a hail and ride basis and was offered free of charge. A big thank you is in order to all our volunteer drivers who offered their time up to drive the bus and without whom the service would not have been possible. Over the seventeen days of operation the bus carried 1708 passengers, averaging just over a hundred people per day. At its busiest the bus carried 300 passengers in a single day. Conversely, on inclement weather days or when the weather was milder, the service wasn’t as well patronised. On average the bus route took about 15 minutes to complete, meaning about 23 runs were completed each day during the hours of operation. Feedback was overwhelming favourable and at its busiest our 11 seater hire bus wasn’t big enough for all who wanted to get on board. Whilst demand for the service remains high, issues to do with the bus route, the size of the bus and the ongoing funding of its operation still need to be addressed in the future. Playgroup is an informal session where parents, carers, babies and children aged 0 to school age come together in a relaxed and friendly environment. Playgroup gives children an opportunity to have fun, make new friends and develop new skills through informal play Playgroup provides parents and carers with an opportunity to meet other parents and carers, make friends and share ideas and experiences Playgroup also allows parents and carers to spend quality time with their children, encouraging, helping or simply playing with their children There are 2 playgroups in our district every week: Tuesday at Tarwin Lower Health Centre : 9am to 11am Thursday at Venus Bay Community Centre: 10 am to 12 noon Come along and meet other folk in your community; bring a piece of fruit to share and gold coin donation. Everyone is welcome What else is there for kids? Maternal Child Health: 2nd Tuesday of the month 8.30 to 12 noon at the Health Centre, Tarwin Lower Child Care Leongatha Children’s Centre: 5662 3533 Lil’ Rascals Leongatha: 5662 5533 Family Day Care Leongatha: 5662 5150 School Holiday Care: South Gippsland Splash 5662 4055 Kinders: Inverloch Kinder: 5674 1282 Meeniyan Kinder: 5664 7316 McKenzie St Kinder, Wonthaggi: 5672 4688 Fish Creek Kinder: 5683 2437 Primary School: Tarwin Lower & District Primary School: 5663 5263 Mobile Library: every second Monday afternoon in Tarwin Lower The Tarwin Football & Netball club are very excited to announce the creation of a junior arm of the club! Our aim is to field an under 11 and 13 sides in the Alberton junior football league. We are actively seeking boys and girls aged 8 and above who would like to get their first taste of football in a safe, exciting and above all else a FUN environment. We feel strongly that underage football is about participation, development, teamwork and fun. As such, our coach Mick Owen will emphasise those points and ensure that ALL boys and girls get a fair go regardless of ability, age or gender. Joining myself and Mick on our junior committee is Kel Aveling-Burston, Tracey Robertson, Melissa Dunn, and Lauren Clarke. We all have a strong commitment to developing kids in the ‘Tarwin way’ and will ensure that our values and beliefs are upheld. Running in conjunction with our junior sides will be our existing Auskick program that will continue on Thursday nights (starting date is yet to be confirmed). We pride ourselves on being a very inclusive, community spirited and enjoyable place for boys and girls and their families to participate in football and netball at a local level. Training for all junior football and netball will begin on Thursday the 12 th of February and our famous Thursday night dinners - $12 for a fantastic main meal will commence in late March. If there are any boys, girls or parents that might be interested in what we have to offer please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime for a chat. Tom Williamson, Junior Co-Ordinator 0438083588 Bookings Wendy 0409 811 157 [email protected] Community Luncheon 114 Jupiter Boulevard Venus Bay Luncheon Dates 2015 3rd Wednesday of Month February 18th March 18th April 15th May 20th June 17th July 15th August 19th th September 16 October 21st November 18th South Gippsland Landcare Network NETWORK NOTES January 28th, 2015 Opportunities for Landcare members and bee keeping Find out what flowers, shrubs and trees can be planted to increase available bee food. Mark Leach, author of Bee Friendly: a planting guide for European honeybees and native pollinators will be presenting at a twilight event at Mossvale Park on Friday the 13th of February 2015. Opportunities for linking with Landcare, in terms of creating habitat for bees and the production of honey from an economic perspective will also be explored on the night by local beekeeper, Howard Stevens. Events and field days Description Time & Date Location Contact Discover Corner Inlet Explore sea grass meadows, fish habitat, shorebirds, mangroves, and coastal saltmarsh habitats. Do you want bees in your bushland? Opportunities for landowners and bees Shade and Shelter for livestock production Thursday Feb. 12th 10.15-2.30pm Old Ferry Terminal, Port Welshpool Kate Williams 56625759 To register click here Friday Feb. 13th 6.30pm to 8.30pm Monday February 16th 9.45am – 2.30pm Thursday 26th Feb. Mossvale Park, Off Leongatha –Mirboo Road Ron Barnacle 108 Anderson Hill Rd, Loch Micahels Super IGA in Leongatha Jenny O’Sullivan 56625759 Saturday Feb. 28th 10.00am 2.30pm Thursday March 5th 1.30pm-4.00pm March 23, 24 and 25th Cost $200. Tetoora Road Community Centre, 14 km from Warragul Rosemary 56595285 or 0447174408 Poowong Football Club Rooms followed by property visit. 3 day tour from South Gippsland, Mornington Peninsula to Baw Baw shire. Nicole Walsh 56625759 Saturday March 28th 4.30pm-6.30pm Turtons Creek Falls. Jenny O’Sullivan 56625759 ‘Bee Friendly’ market day stall selling bee friendly plants Landcare Landscape Makeover. A short film and two speakers discussing the positive impact of Landcare Tunnel erosion- getting out of a hole Port Phillip CMA paddock to plate tour. Will be amazing great for those interested in marketing product. Flier attached. Turtons Creek Exploring Flora and fauna of the area Jenny O’Sullivan 56625759 Kate Williams 56625759 Jenny O’Sullivan 56625759 Tackle weeds now With such a wonderful season in South Gippsland the weeds are thriving. We encourage all our landcare members to get the ragwort and thistles out before the flowers set seed. Blackberry is just starting to fruit so the need spraying ASAP. There has been some weed action around Turtons Creek. For advise with weeds please contact Kate Williams. Smarter Farm Planning, Environmental Action and Food Production Nerrena Landcare was successful in receiving funding from the Federal Government’s 25 year Anniversary Grants. SGLN will run a program targeting paddock to plate producers interested in improving environmental outcomes and animal welfare. It involves a 2 day Environmental Management System workshop on April 14 and 15th in Leongatha, followed by an ecology workshop and 6 months later an assessment of their plan. The project will assist producers to promote their stories of locally grown food and how they integrate sustainable production systems and animal welfare. Numbers are limited .If interested please contact Jenny O’Sullivan. iFarm Mapping Course in Leongatha Calculate distances and areas on your farm quickly and learn to create detailed and accurate farm plants complete with fence lines etc. The iFarm course is run over 3 sessions facilitated by an iFarm trainer. Contact the Network on 5662 5759 to register your interest or email [email protected]. Course is run on 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings; March 25, April 1 and April 8 2015, from 6.309.40pm. Cost is $120.00 per farm. Contact SGLN Network Coordinator (Mon-Wed): Jenny O’Sullivan Mob: 0419 153377 Email: [email protected] Landcare Project Officer: Nicole Walsh Mob: 0400 141 929 Email: [email protected] Landcare Project Officer: (Mon, Tues, Fri) Kate Williams Mob: 0428 317 928 Email: [email protected] Please note: Network Notes is distributed to Landcare members, business partners and supporters with an email address. The network does not post the Network Notes to those without an email address. In a world first, the treasured collections of the imperial war museums come to Melbourne….Over 350 precious artifacts large to small in scale with masses of digital technology, the WW1 Centenary Exhibition will enable visitors to encounter the story of the war as never before. This multi-sensory, collections-rich journey will bring visitors face to face with objects and stories that illuminate the experience and personal stories of war, and show how it was fought on such an enormous, industrial and worldwide scale. Bus Trip 22nd April 2015 Call Mike on 03 5663 7173 for tickets, must be paid for by February 10th. $65.00. WELCOME TO THE DISTRICT KIT NOW AVAILABLE Are you new to the area? Want to find out what is happening or how to get involved? Our Welcome kit is full of local information, maps, tide charts, gardening information and a community directory. Come and pick up your copy at the Centre BOOK CLUB IN A BOX….with wine and cheese! Second Tuesday of each month from 5pm at the Community Centre Venus Bay. Our current book is Purple Abyss by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Tuesday 10 February: Venus Bay Community Centre Come along if you would like to join in, or come into the Centre to pick up a copy of the book prior to the discussion. It’s free to join, you just need to bring your library card. SATURDAYS FROM 10 AM TO 2PM Do you need to borrow a bicycle or two? We will soon have a small fleet of bicycles for community members and visitors to borrow for a small donation. We have kids and adult bikes as well as a groovy tandem bicycle. You can also bring your own bicycle in and learn how to repair/look after it, or just to pump up your tyres. Our aim is to repair and refurbish the donated bicycles we already have and to offer these for community use by donation. We hope to provide an opportunity to learn about bicycle repair and to provide an option to leave the car at home and ride around town. Come into the Centre on Saturdays to find out more about SPOKES: our bicycle share and repair project. Plant of the month: Native or White Elderberry Sambucus gaudichaudiana White Elderberry Sambucus gaudichaudiana is an upright herbaceous annual shrub to 2 metres high, dying back to a perennial rootstock in autumn. The light green pinnate leaves up to 35 cm long have 3-11 coarselytoothed leaflets terminating in a single leaflet. Leaflets measure 3-5 cm x 1-6 cm with a tapering tip. The flowers are in branched terminal clusters of tiny, stalkless, fragrant white flowers from October to February, followed by sweet white fleshy fruit that was eaten by Aborigines. In cultivation White Elderberry is a bright shrub for a shady area and prefers moist, well drained soil and part or full shade. In permanently moist shady areas it may not die back after summer and it regenerates well after fire. On hot windy days it can brown and scorch easily if not protected. The fruit can be used to make wine. Propagation is from seed or cuttings. White Elderberry belongs to the Adoxaceae or elderberry family. It was previously listed in the Caprifoliaceae or honeysuckle family. Sambucus is the Latin name for the European Elder and is probably connected to the Latin name for a harp ‘sambuca’. The species is named after the French botanist Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupre, 1789-1854, who sailed on the Freycinet expedition, 1817-1820 and collected plants in the Blue Mountains. For further information please visit FVBP website above. Photo: Lorraine Norden. NEW NIGHT - EXERCISE CLASS Tuesday: Choose to Move F i t n e s s Paige Holness will be running a high energy fitness class this term, Tuesday evening at Venus Bay Community Centre From 6-7pm, cost $10 per class Suitable for all ages and fitness levels S m a l l B y t e s The Control Panel of your Windows PC is the engine room in which the user can view and manipulate basic settings and controls, such as adding hardware, adding and removing software, controlling user accounts, personalising your desktop background and screen resolution, setting up an internet connection and so on. You can access the Control Panel in the Windows 8 Start Screen by firstly pressing the Windows Key on your keyboard, then clicking the Control Panel Tile on the Start screen. If the tile isn’t present then click the down arrow at the bottom of the screen to display All Applications. The Control Panel App is then normally found at the far right of the screen under the Windows System section of the menu. Right click on the Control Panel App and select “pin to start”. Return to Start Menu and click on the Control Panel Tile to open it. Then select the options you wish. Windows 7 Users need only to click the Start button in the bottom left corner of the screen and then locate Control Panel in the resulting pop-up menu. Note that care should be taken by novice users because some changes in Control Panel are irreversible. If you want to keep track of the local weather forecasts and current temperatures etc there are many apps available for your smartphone. One of the most popular available for free download is Weatherzone. It provides real time observations for temperature, rain, humidity and wind and provides 7 day forecasts for 2000+ locations Australia Wide with min and max temperatures, chance of rain, amount of rain, 9am and 3pm wind forecasts, UV forecast, sunrise and sunset times. The nearest weather station data available for Venus Bay are observations recorded at Pound Creek which naturally are very similar. It also provides access to the real time Radar Weather mapping. You can download Weatherzone from Google Play or a similar site. OK this one is for the more tech savvy in our readership. Do you have movies or video clips that you’ve downloaded from the net (legally of course) or perhaps you’ve converted (ripped) your movies into computer files eg. mp4, avi, mkv. Movies files especially are large in size, usually ranging in size from 700 mb to over a 1 gb per file. If you are the owner of a tablet and like to watch your movies on that device you will find that your downloaded movies will take up a large portion of your storage space. The answer to your problem is a handy free program called Handbrake. Just google “Handbrake” and follow the link to the website. Download it your PC. It is a clean, virus free program and can be installed safely. (If you are wary of downloading from the net you can always virus check any program before installing it). Once installed Handbrake has the capacity to convert just about any video format to all modern codecs. Importantly, using one of their presets for Android devices, Handbrake can downsize your movie files to a much smaller size. This is customisable if you wish or just go with the default. Just click convert and about 20 minutes later you will have another version of your movie file, only much smaller in size. Even though the resolution will also be much reduced it will still look fine on the smaller screen of your tablet. You can also increase the volume if you want to watch the video on your tablet without headphones. The result is that your typical 700 mb movie file will be reduced to around 200 mb, therefore tripling the capacity of your tablet to store movies. Your original movie file will be untouched so you can play around with the settings until you get the desired result for your tablet. Handbrake is quite user friendly and the resulting output will please most users. Tarwin Lower & District Community Health Centre Inc. 19 Walkerville Road, Tarwin Lower VIC 3956 Telephone 03 5667 5680 FEBRUARY NEWS NURSE ATTENDANCE - The District Nurses conduct daily clinics from 9am-11am Monday to Friday. The Nurses are able to provide a range of services including blood tests, wound management, taking specimens for pathology and provision of general health information. DOCTOR’S ATTENDANCE - Dr Grimes provides consultations 11pm–3pm Wednesdays. ACCUPUNCTURE Manage your medical conditions. Reduce pain levels, re-energise and much more. Dr Kam provides acupuncture consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am-5pm.Consultations are bulk billed. NATUROPATH - Fine tune to good health the Natural Way with Maxine.Consultations Mondays 9am-5pm MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH - Clinics are held on the second Tuesday morning of the month. Appointments must be made prior. Phone the Maternal Health Nurse on: 5662 0853 PODIATRY - For further Podiatry information please phone the Health Centre: 56675680 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST - Talk to someone. Debbie Birkett, is available for consultations on the first Tuesday & second Friday of the month. Appointments can be made by phoning 5662 4800. NURSE PRACTIONER - Need medical help? Saturday Clinic 8.30am-1.00pm Nurse Practioner’s Clinic on Saturdays. See Deb Garvey instead of waiting at the hospital for hours. This service is available to our local community, holidaymakers and visitors, on a day when it is often difficult to access a doctor elsewhere. Book Now 5667 5680 for appointments Mon-Thurs. Leave message on answer machine if Centre unattended. If you require an urgent appointment after bookings close, please call Deb on 0467 841 782. Nurse Practitioners are very highly qualified and are able to provide a wide range of services: Medical assessment, Diagnosis, Chronic Disease management, Contraception Advice, Prescriptions Investigations (e.g. blood tests, specimen collection, order X-Rays, pap smears, prostate checks etc.) Treatment (vaccinations, wound dressings, minor limb fractures, minor cuts and abrasions, urinary tract infections, referrals etc.) Infections (cold and influenza symptoms, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, middle and outer ear infections, school sores, simple gastroenteritis, skin conditions and rashes.) Occasionally, some procedures may be charged. Please phone the Tarwin Lower Health Centre between Mondays and Thursdays on 5667 5680 for an appointment for the following Saturday. PLAY GROUP - Tuesday mornings at the centre Play, giggle and have fun pre-schoolers, bring Mum or Dad along too! We have toys, books and things to do. Large grassed area, play equipment, sandpit and picnic table in safely fenced area. 9am-11am each Tuesday morning at the Health Centre. For more information please contact Tracey on 0402995063. RESUMES TUESDAY 3rd FEBRUARY 2015 HAPI - C’mon beach babes, tone and flex those muscles while having a laugh in this friendly group. You have an opportunity to get fit and stay active in an enjoyable atmosphere through the HAPI program. Gippsland Southern Health instructors provide an exercise program for seniors. The physical abilities of the individual can be discussed and put into place within the group setting. Sessions are held Wednesday afternoons. Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm cuppa and a chat afterwards. Phone the Health Centre on 5667 5680 for further information. FRIDAY FRIENDSHIP GROUP. - A new year of trips, chats, shared experiences and snippets of wisdom. New members welcome. For more information: Contact Michelle Tonello 5654 2791 or phone Tarwin Lower Health Centre on 5667 5680 This group meets every week on Fridays at the Tarwin Lower Community Health Centre. 10.30 - BUS PICK UP CAN BE ARRANGED. The group caters for older people who have diagnosed health conditions, or who are socially isolated and family carers. Activities are stimulating and enjoyable and include quizzes, guest speakers, discussions, games, musical entertainment and fortnightly outings. A meal is provided and a small fee charged each week as a contribution to costs. RIVER AND DUNES BOOK AND DVD. Copies of the River and Dunes booklet and DVD of the November 2013 performance have been selling well. We are very pleased to see so much interest in our local history and the personal stories of our residents past and present. If you would like to order a book ($20) or DVD ($12) please phone the Community Health Centre on 5667 5680 or Dot Kennedy on 5663 5370 MEDITATION CLASSES with JANET - Take time for you. Relax. Expand your consciousness. Connect and become aware. Mondays 7pm – 8.15pm. Meditations will be seated or lying down. Wear comfortable clothing. Bring water bottle, blanket, mat/support cushion. $15.00/$10.00 HCC pw, Call Janet for info or just turn up – 0407 626 027 *Information flyers can be picked up from TLCHC. LIFE DRAWING CLASS Are you interested in Life Drawing? We will hold life drawing classes for a 6 week term staring MONDAY 16TH FEBRUARY from 6pm to 7.30pm. Renowned local artist Kevin Mortensen will lead the classes and there will be a life model; classes will cost $20 and will include materials. We need at least 6 people to run the class, so if you are interested, please contact Al yson on 5663 7499 or [email protected] Aussie Hits Show with Issie Dye Date: February 26th Time: 10.00am admission for a 10.30am Showtime Venue: Inverloch community Hub Tickets$13.00 per person including morning tea Tickets will be available at the door, carers with groups are free of charge. To book you seat please call the Inverloch Visitor Information Centre on 1300 762 433 or contact Issi Dye on 0417 752 042 Brilliant women deserve recognition Nominate a woman who inspires you for the Telstra Business Women's Awards. More information Tarwin Lower Health Centre are presenting an ART & CRAFT SHOW, LABOUR DAY WEEKEND 7th and 8th of March 10am-4pm. Two Days to present your creativity and talents to the visitors and community. All levels of expertise welcome. Entry: Gold coin donation as a fundraiser for the Health Centre. Tea/Coffee and biscuits provided. For exhibition details please contact Dot Kennedy: 56635370 or phone the centre School Terms for 2015 Term 1 28th January 4th April Term 2 22nd April 27th June Term 3 14th July 19th September Term 4 6th October 19th December Toora to Welshpool Rail-Trail opening 7th February A celebration of the opening of the extension of the Great southern Rail Trail between Toora and Welshpool is planned for Saturday 7 February 2015. This celebration will take the form of a family fun day at Sagasser Park, Toora, with a free barbeque and children’s activities from 11am, followed by afternoon tea at Welshpool, in a marquee to be located at the Park area at the current end of the Rail Trail. Who gives a crap Last year the Community Centre purchased toilet paper online from Who gives a Crap. This organisation make all of their products with environmentally friendly materials, and donate 50% of profits to WaterAid to build toilets in the developing world. This is what we have contributed to by buying their Australian made product. Community Markets 3rd Saturday Foster Farmers Market Foster WM Hall 8.30 – 1pm 1st Saturday Koonwarra Farmers Market Memorial Park 8am – 12 noon Every Sunday Kongwak Market Kongwak General Store 10am-3pm Last Sunday Inverloch Community Farmers The Glade, Inverloch Market 8am-1pm 3rd Sunday Inverloch Farmers Market Inverloch 8am-1pm 2nd Saturday Korumburra Coal Creek Farmers market Korumburra 8am-1pm Pick up one of these free posters for your home from The Centre MATTER OF FACT If you would like to contribute an article or some community news or information to our newsletter, we would love to hear from you. [email protected] If you have an interest in helping to produce and distribute the newsletter each month, please contact Alyson on 5663 7499. FIND US ON FACEBOOK: The Centre’s Regular Groups Food Culture program Mondays 10-1 Life Drawing class Monday 6-7.30pm Crafty Girls Tuesday 12-3 Computer classes Wednesdays 11, 12 and 1pm. Cook n Book Thursday 10.00 to 12 noon Broadband for Seniors Public Internet access by donation Book Club: 2nd Monday of the month 5-6pm FITNESS CLASS TUESDAY 6-7pm Contact details for VBCC Inc VBCC is at 27 Canterbury Rd, Venus Bay Ph 56637499 Send mail to Post Office Box 786, Venus Bay, 3956 Email:[email protected] Web site: Office open Mondays, Wednesdays Thursdays from 9.30 to 3.00 (and many other times depending on activities and volunteers) Venus Bay Community Centre is supported by: South Gippsland Shire Council;Department of Human Services (Victoria) and the Commonwealth Government Our Website is You are able to find current and back issues of Matter of Fact on our website. Please contact us if you wish to be on our email distribution list. O P S H O P O u r C o m m u n i t y R e c y c l i M o n d a y , W e d n e s d a y , T h f r o m 1 0 a m H n u t O U R S g O p S h o p r s d a y a n d o 2 p m . i s o p e n : S a t u r d a y We are always looking for volunteers to help in the op-shop, come and see us to find out more
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