Gleanings News DECEMBER | 2014 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY DAY 2015 “AM I MY SISTER’S KEEPER?” Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Epworth Children’s Home 2900 Millwood Ave., Columbia, SC 29205 NEWS WATCH… Killingsworth Christmas Open House Dec. 14 Columbia Dist. Local Officers Training Jan. 10 Church Women United Annual Meeting Jan 23 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY DAY 2015 “AM I MY SISTER’S KEEPER?” Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Epworth Children’s Home 2900 Millwood Ave., Columbia, SC 29205 (803)256-7394 9:00-9:30 Registration (NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION) 9:30 Welcome 9:45 Greetings SC Attorney General, Alan Wilson 10:00 Invocation Rev. Ken Nelson 10:10-10:55 Epworth Update Rev. John E. Holler, Jr. Pres. Epworth 10:55-11:10 Break 11:10-12:05 Workshops (see options below) 12:05-1:05 Lunch 1:05-2:05 Becky Callahan, Director of Safe Harbor 2:15 Tours of Epworth Children’s Home Please invite your state legislators to attend. Indicate below ONLY if they plan to attend. ---------------------------------Cut and Return bottom portion-------------------------Registration Fee $20 (includes materials, lunch and parking) Postmark Deadline February 8, 2014- Late Registration $30-Space limited to 400 attendees Make checks payable to SCCUMW. Send form and fee to: Rebecca W. Eleazer, 5116 Burke Ave, Columbia, SC 29203 (803)754-0942 Name____________________________Phone__________________email______________________ Street________________________________________City__________________Zip_____________ Please check and complete all that apply to you: ______UMW Member & District____________________________________________________ ______AAUM Member & Local Branch______________________________________________ ______Church Women United______________________________________________________ Special Dietary Needs______________________________________________________________ Childcare Needed______Child’s age____ (please bring lunch and snack for your child) My state legislators: Senator______________________________________Attending?__________ Representative__________________________________________________Attending?_________ Please Check ONE Workshop Option __Criminal Domestic Violence ___Human Trafficking __Our Children and Families ___Health Advocacy Columbia District United Methodist Women Slate of Officers 2015 President....................................................................................................................................... Carole Ready (Platt Springs) (H) 803-939 1787 (C) 803-318-684 email: [email protected] 1222 Pembrook Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170 Vice President............................................................................................................................. Sandra Love (Grace) (H) 803-781-0986 (W) 803-476-8253 (C) 803-414-7323 email: [email protected] 107 Hexham Circle, Irmo, SC 29063 Secretary......................................................................…………………………………………….Lynda Smith (Lebanon) (H) 803-622-0709 808 Buckingham Road, Columbia, SC 29205 email: [email protected] Treasurer......................................................................................................................... Debra Schooler (Lebanon) (H) 803-353-9827 (W) 803-798-8935 (C) 803-351-6969 email: [email protected] 113 Meadow Lane Eastover, SC 29044 Communications Coordinator....................................................Rhonda & Sharee Washington (Francis Burns) Rhonda: (C) 803-629-4503 email: [email protected] Sharee: (C) 803-414-4232 email: [email protected] 131 Hawks Nest Ct, Columbia, SC 29212 (H) 803-749-1744 Spiritual Growth Coordinator................................................................................. Betty C. Bradley (Platt Springs) (H) 803-794-8330 (C) 803-466-4446 email: [email protected] 312 Bel Air Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170 Social Action Coordinator.................................................................................................. Cindy Ballenger (Grace) (H) 803-732-1040 (C) 843-599-9379 email: [email protected] 2 Haven Ridge Court, Columbia, SC 29212 Membership Nurture & Outreach............................................................................... Maeward Belk (Francis Burns) (H) 803-786-5659 email: [email protected] 224 Meadowbury Drive, Columbia, SC 29203 Education and Interpretation Coordinator ..........................................Pat Gundler & Jenny Rawlings (Chapin) Pat Gundler (H) 803-345-1339 (C) 803-537-1707 email: [email protected] 118 Greenleaf Cir, Chapin,SC 29036 Jenny Rawlings (H)803-345-3044 (C)803-920-7696 email: [email protected] 139 Water Links Dr, Chapin, SC 29036 Secretary Program Resources ............................................................................ Debbie Jones (Platt Springs) (H) 803-791-8776 (C) 803-622-2701 email: [email protected] 921 Springdale Road. West Columbia, SC Historian ............................................................................................................................ Pat Hoesly (Northeast) (H) 803-736-5507 (C) 803 -608-4905 email: [email protected] 225 Great North Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Committee on Nominations Chair ......................................................................... Addie Mae Jones (Rehoboth) (H) 803-788-1282 email: [email protected] 2336 Hardscrabble Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Members Committee on Nominations Class of 2015................................................................................................................. Tommie Easler (Greenbrier) (H) 803-635-9511email: [email protected] 156 Court, Blythewood, SC 29016 Class of 2016............................................................................................................ Lesley Lampert (Shady Grove) (H) 803-732-3484 1025 Shady Wood Lane, Irmo, SC 29063 Class of 2017…………………………………………………………….………………….Joanne Johnson (Bluff Road) (H) 803-445-7977 email: [email protected] 10 Ralph Court , Blythewood, SC 29016 Class of 2018 …………………………………………………………………………..Judith Smith (Virginia Wingard) (H) 803-269-8130 email: [email protected] 3305 Pine Belt Road, Columbia, SC 29204 Class of 2018 ……………………………………………………………………………………Kathryn Williams (Faith) (H) 803-520-3578 email: [email protected] 308 White Rock Ct, Lexington, SC 29072 Cluster Leaders Cluster 1...................................................................................................................... Sarah Shipes (Shiloh Gilbert) (H) 803-957-4578 email: [email protected] 419 Walter Rawl Road, Lexington,SC 29072 Cluster 2 .................................................................................................................... Vacant Cluster 3........................................................................................................................... Mary Mason (Grace) (H) 803-401-5030 (C)856-340-9044 email: [email protected] 34 Woodcross Drive Apt 208, Columbia, SC 29212 Cluster 4....................................................................................................................... Nancy Livingston (Shandon) (C) 803-920-0552 email: [email protected] 611 Autumn Circle, Columbia, SC 29206 Cluster 5............................................................................................................... Tiffany Jones Phillips (Rehoboth) (H) 803-788-1282 (C) 803-543-9405 email: [email protected] 2336 Hardscrabble Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Cluster 6.................................................................................................................... Dee Mattox (Gordon Memorial) (H) 803-635-4890 email: [email protected] 1989 Old Chester Road, Winnsboro, SC 29180 FAITH ….HOPE….LOVE IN ACTION LOCAL UNIT OFFICERS TRAINING Theme: “A PASSION FOR MISSION” SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 2015 Rehoboth UMC – Columbia 6911 Two Notch Rd Columbia, SC 803-788-2220 Registration 8:45 -9:15AM Plenary: 9:30AM – 10:15AM Workshops 10:30 AM– 12:00Noon The Resource room will be open during registration and during fellowship time. All Local unit officers are encouraged to attend this training. It is imperative that officers new in their positions attend. It is also recommended strongly that officers continuing in their positions attend as well because the District officers may have new information from their training held in November. This is an excellent time to share with ladies from our sister churches. Continuing officers are also encouraged to bring ideas and suggestions to share that worked in their churches that could help new officers. Local Unit Officers Training will have workshops for : President, Cluster Leader, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communication Coordinator, Historian, Social Action Coordinator, Education Interpretation Coordinator, Spiritual Growth Coordinator, Membership and Nurture & Outreach Coordinator, Secretary of Program Resources and Circle Leaders. Columbia District Day Apart Retreat Saturday, March 7, 2015 @ 9:30 OUR THEME THIS YEAR HER STORY Registration begins @ 8:45 am $12:00 Fee Lunch will be served @ noon Being Held at Trinity UMC West Columbia 1132 Gunter Circle West Columbia, SC 29169 Our Speaker this year: The Reverent Rebecca “Becky” J. Shirley Becky is currently serving as Pastor of Platt Springs United Methodist in West Columbia. She was also the speaker at The UMW Spiritual Growth Retreat at Lake Junaluska last May. I know that you will enjoy hearing her speak. We are honored and blessed to have her and I cannot wait to hear what she has to say concerning our Theme. *Please fill out and detach registration form below* Form and Fee need to be mailed by February 17, 2015 to DEBORAH SCHOOLER 113 MEADOW LANE EASTOVER, SC 29044 *Make checks payable to: Columbia District UMW* Name: _________________________________________________________ Church _________________________________________________________ Is this your first time attending:_____ Yes ______ No President Greetings Hello my dear sweet ladies, How could it already be November of 2014?? Is it my imagination or do the years speed by faster and faster and faster?? As the leaves turn beautiful shades of red and yellow, my mind turns to our beautiful South Carolina.. As we head into a new year, I can't wait to meet all the new women who have joined in our Circles or in leadership roles with the District. Of course, I love seeing the faithful women who have been serving with us for many years. Every year, God shows us new ways that we can serve him and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. I know he will be with us in amazing ways in the new year. Perhaps you don't consider yourself a United Methodist Women, but are you a woman who cares about others and strives to serve God with all that you have and all that you are? Then God wants to use you to further his kingdom and when you join a group of United Methodist Women, He will use your skills and your enthusiasm in ways that will bless you and empower you as you do His will in helping those in need. Please join the United Methodist Women in your Church and share the journey with all of us as we share the light of our God with our sisters and brothers in need. United Methodist Women ROCK!!!! This year my focus has been "KNEES". After having my second knee replacement, I ask you to pray for me and all the other women at Agape, where we are in rehab, that God will put his healing hands on all of us here!! We want to be able to get on our knees to worship our God!!!! It is hard to imagine how important knees are in our lives!!! I miss kneeling at the altar of my Church during Communion or just spending time kneeling at the altar to talk with God. I pray that all of us can spend time this new year at the altar with God!! Wishing you blessings and prayers for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and a Christmas filled with the joys of celebrating the birth of our Savior. Carole Ready Columbia District President From the Vice President’s pen… I give praises to God for all of His blessings that has been bestowed upon the Columbia District in 2014. We want to hold on to our title of being “The Best District in the conference. It has been a busy and fulfilling time for all of us. Another successful annual meeting was held at Union UMC. Thank you again to Lisa Mansfield, UMW President at Union, and her ladies for hosting our 42nd annual meeting. Thanks to Addie Mae Jones and the nomination committee for presenting our 2015 slate of officers. We appreciate and thank Alfa Tisdale for installing our 2015 officers. Love and thanks to those who have served and will be retiring from their position on the Executive Team. You are THE BEST!! Thanks to those that attended for completing evaluations to help us get it right. We have read your suggestions and heard your requests for visits from officers. We will work very hard to respond to you. We want 2015 to be another great year! Our next HUGE event is officers training which will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at Rehoboth –Columbia. Registration will begin at 8:45am – 9:15am. Program will begin at 9:30am. Please mark your calendars today for Officers training. Please encourage your Unit officers to attend. We want everyone to be well equipped to serve in their elected capacity and get prepared to work in your local units and help to kick your units and circles up another notch! Advocacy Day is Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at Epworth. Hope you will save the date and plan to attend. Registration is necessary. So please watch for the registration forms and get yours turned in to save your spot. Day Apart is coming on March 7, 2015 at Trinity-West Columbia. Betty Bradley is planning a great spiritual retreat. You surely do not want to miss this event. Registration forms are here for you to get registered. As we come to the end of our 2014 year, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for a great year. We are looking forward to a GREAT 2015! Happy Holidays!! Love, peace and grace, Sandra Love Columbia District Vice President Secretary’s Report We are fast approaching the end of 2014. It has been a wonderful year of UMW events. I hope that you were able to attend some of them. Many events are being planned for you to attend and spend time with other UMW ladies in our district. I hope that as you plan your new year you will "pencil the UMW in." Thanks for sending in your officer list to me. A self-addressed envelope and the form were included in the church packets from the annual meeting. It's not too late to send in your list. Happy Holidays to all. See you in 2015. Blessings to all, Lynda Smith Columbia District Secretary Communications Contact Information Rhonda & Sharee Washington 131 Hawk’s Nest Court Columbia, South Carolina 29212 803-749-1744 (hm) 803-414-4232 (Sharee’s cell) 803-629-4503 (Rhonda’s cell) [email protected] [email protected] Columbia District United Methodist Women Local Unit Officers For 2015|Return Form ASAP To: District Secretary Lynda Smith 808 Buckingham Road, Cola 29205 [email protected] | (803) 622-0709 Church: ________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ President ______________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Vice-President __________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Secretary _______________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Treasurer _______________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Spiritual Growth_________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________ Phone_________________Email__________ Social Action ____________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Education and Interpretation ______________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Nominations Chairperson _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________ Email _____________ Membership, Nurture, & Outreach _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________Phone: _____________Email_____________ Secretary of Program Resources____________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Email __________________________ Communications Coordinator _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________Phone: _____________ Email ___________ Historian _______________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________Phone: _____________ Email ___________ Treasurer’s Report Blessings to all who have contributed to help your brothers and sisters in need by making and meeting your pledges. Many of you have gone the extra mile in digging deep to help. We are the hands and feet of Christ and when we all work together, we can make a difference. A few reminders as we head into the Holiday Season: Please remember to send your remittances by December 10th, in order for me to process them and give you credit in this year. Please continue to dig deep and help end the year with a gold star from Christ!! Remember many of our brothers and sisters in Christ need our help and as our Conference Treasurer said, "It feels good when we can all celebrate the goodness of God and the small part we had in sharing and caring for all of His People". Also, in order to be consistent with the Conference UMW, we will credit your remittances reported from September 1, to August 31, for the Five Star, Gold Seal Units and Mission Today units. Since we have our Annual Meeting in September, it is easier to track the Five Star, Gold Seal and Mission Today Units to coincide with our meeting. We give the certificates at the meeting so it makes tracking this information more logical. Also, the officers elected at the District Annual Meeting, start their terms in September when the Annual meeting is over, except for the Treasurers, who end their term at year end, in order to close out the year at December 31. The fiscal year still ends December 31, to coincide with United Methodist Church fiscal year. I still credit your remittances in the year that they are given. The only difference is that the reporting for the District Annual Meeting will be from September 1 to August 31. If you have questions about this, please feel free to call or e-mail me and I will be glad to help you figure out the logistics of this reporting. Yours in Christ, Debra H. Schooler Columbia District Treasurer Social Action’s Report Greetings, Great appreciation to all units who received the Charter for Racial Justice Diamond Units Award for 2014. Thank you for all the hard work in accomplishing your goals. The SCCUMW established the Charter for Racial Justice Diamond Units to ensure we strive for unity within the family of Christ. It is important to live a life of color blindness but first we must destroy walls of misunderstanding, mistrust and fear. The SCCUMW Charter for Racial Justice Diamond Unit is an effort to strive for unity in Jesus Christ. I have included a copy of the Charter for Racial Justice Diamond Unit Award form in this newsletter. Please review with your Unit and make plans on how your unit can receive the award for 2015. May you have the most blessed of New Years and May God lift you up on eagle's wings and hold you in the palm of God's hand... Faith, Hope, Love in Action, Faye Love Columbia District Social Action Charter for Racial Justice Di a m o n d Un i t A wa r d Un i t : _ _ _ _ _ P r e s i d e n t : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Da t e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Submitted by: In order to receive a certificate for being a Diamond Unit, three or more activities must be completed with at least one being from the starred group (first four activities listed.) ____ Provide each member with a copy of the Charter for Racial Justice. ____ Watch a video relating to concerns addressed by the Charter for Racial Justice. [Check out the Conference Resource Center's online catalog for several titles: Select appropriate age group. In the block labeled "description," enter "racism" or "justice" for titles under each subject.] _____ Share articles from Response and New World Outlook relating to racism. _____Give a book report on a UMW Reading Program book that relates to minority groups. _____Give a program on racial justice or human rights from the UMW Program Book (past or current). _____ Give a report to the unit about the experience of attending a music program or theatre performance by persons of a different culture, race, or ethnic background. ____ Send at least one UMW member from your unit who is not a district or conference officer to the annual Legislative Day event. ____ Participate in post card writing to support legislation on behalf of women, children, and youth or social justice issues. ____Have several members from your unit participate in Church Women United activities. ____ Participate in a Bible study on racism. For a helpful resource, see UMW website: ____ Celebrate one or more of the following months: African-American History Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month or American Indian Heritage Month. See: ____ Suggest and plan with your pastor a pulpit exchange with a pastor of another race. ____ Plan an event with a unit of a different race or ethnic background (a celebration, worship, Vacation Bible School, etc.) or experience worship with a church of an ethnic background different from your own and give a report to your unit. _____ Participate in a UMW Social Action Mission Study. ____ Invite a minority person or group to come and speak about their home country. Education and Interpretation’s Report Saturday, November 8, Pat and I attended the Conference training for district officers. In our training session with Sue Owens we were reminded that a big part of our Purpose is to be in mission. We all contribute funds through our circles and units to the five South Carolina missions, but I want to pass along some other ways that you can help. 1. Campbell product labels – The part that needs to be saved is the “labels for education” section and the UPC code from the label. These can be given to Wallace Family Life Center or Bethlehem Center, Spartanburg. 2. Box tops for Education – Wallace collects these and trades them for labels for education with a local elementary school. You may also take them to a school near you that collects these. 3. Pull tabs from soda cans – These can be given to Ronald McDonald Houses. 4. Gift cards – All five mission projects can use gift cards. 5. New/unused postage stamps – All five missions can use these for mailings that go out all during the year. 6. Cancelled stamps for Marion Mission Storehouse – Trim the stamps about ¼ inch around. Do not try to remove the stamp. Sue Owens, Conference E&I Coordinator, sends these to Marion where they are sold to stamp collectors. No metered or nonprofit stamps are accepted. The proceeds are used to ship supplies to Methodist Churches in Zambia and Republic of the Congo. 7. Kroger shoppers, sign up for their community rewards program. Go online to and fill out the form. Killingsworth’s number is 89702. You will be asked for this number if you sign up. 8. Amazon shoppers, go to to sign up for a rewards program. When you make a purchase using your regular Amazon account, look for Killingsworth on the list of organizations to benefit. We also talked about the Mission Today Form. Look for more information in the next issue of Gleanings. In Christ, Pat Gundler & Jenny Rawlings Columbia District E&I Coordinator Spiritual Growth’s Report Can you believe that 2014 is almost over? This has got to be one of the busiest times of the year for me. I have been on the go since the UMW Annual Meeting. In October I attended the UMW Conference Meeting in Beaufort and had a wonderful time. If you have not been, try to make it next year, it will be in the Anderson District which should be a little closer for us. November 8th was District Officers Training for all the Districts in South Carolina. This is always a time of worship and fellowship and learning from women who are dedicated United Methodist. We have 12 Districts in SC and each District has a Spiritual Growth Coordinator. Out of the 12 we had 10 attend training, this is just one example of the efforts put forth by United Methodist Women. We thank the women of Chapin UMC for all their hard work and good food. We will have training for our unit Officers on January 10th 2015 at Rehoboth-Columbia. We hope to see everyone there. If your unit has not elected a Spiritual Growth Coordinator, we encourage you to do so, in training she will learn what her responsible are to your unit, plus she will meet and learn from women whose goals are the same as hers. In this issue you will find the registration form for Day Apart. You do not want to miss this one. You ask for more about women and we listened. This is going to be a great day of fellowship and worship. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God loves you, so do I. Betty Bradley Columbia District Spiritual Growth Coordinator SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT REGISTRATION FORM SC United Methodist Women Spiritual Growth Retreat May 1-2 and May 2-3, 2015 Lake Junaluska Conference Center – Lake Junaluska, NC Send $10 ($15 if commuting) with this form. Make checks payable to SCCUMW Gathering and singing (Begins at 3:45) SEND TO REGISTRAR: I plan to attend: Elizabeth Duncan _____ Retreat I 45 Foreman Hill Rd _____ Retreat II Bluffton, SC 29910 843-757-3352 NAME_________________________________E-MAIL____________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE_______________________CELL PHONE__________________________________ DISTRICT_______________________________CHURCH__________________________________ I am a 1st timer______ I am under 40 yrs old _____ ___Check here if you are a Commuter. It is required that you add $5/person ($15 total Registration) fee if you are not staying in one of Junaluska's hotels or lodges (i.e., The Terrace, Lambuth Inn, Lakeside Lodge, Apartments, Mountainview or Sunnyside Lodge). Commuters will not receive confirmation. Remember to make your own hotel reservation. IT IS “IMPORTANT” THAT EACH ADULT SEND A REGISTRATION FORM AND FEE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE CUT HERE AND SEND ABOVE TO REGISTRAR- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOTEL & RETREAT REGISTRATION WILL BE IN THE BETHEA WELCOME CENTER (Take Exit 103 and drive about 1 mile until you see Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center front entrance gate on the right. Turn right and Bethea Welcome Center will be on your left. ***IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE*** Hotel Check in is after 2PM; Check out is by 11AM Retreat Registration from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Program Resource Room located in the located in the upper level of Harrell Center (across from the gift shop). NOTE: The Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center's Switchboard number is 828-452-2881. Please leave this number with your family in case of emergencies. EARLY ARRIVALS If you are coming early for Retreat I and want lunch on Friday, which will be served at Terrace only, the cost will be $12.00 and meal tickets should be purchased at the hotel front desk. If you are coming early for Retreat II and want lunch on Saturday, which will be served at both the Terrace and Lambuth Inn, the cost will be $11.00 and meal tickets should be purchased at the hotel front desk. RETREAT LODGING INFORMATION SC UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT Session I – May 1-2, 2015 and Session II – May 2-3, 2015 Lake Junaluska Conference & Retreat Center Lake Junaluska, NC 28745 (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY) *You may make your lodging reservations at Lake Junaluska by either: Calling the Lake Junaluska Reservations Department at 800-222-4930 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The room block for this event will only be held until April 1, 2015. Please make your reservations before that date. Booking online using the Lake Junaluska online reservation system: The online link is not available at the time of this publication. The form will be online soon with the link. Meanwhile make your reservations by phone at the number above. *Please have your credit card ready at the time you make your reservation. A credit card is required upon check in and will be charged for the remaining balance at that time. ===================================== 2015 RETREAT RATES** **ALL RATES INCLUDE ONE NIGHT’S LODGING + 3 MEALS (Dinner, Breakfast and Lunch). Given below are the DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUAD OCCUPANCY RATES: Terrace Hotel (2 queen beds + private bath): $91/person, $73/person, $66/person Lambuth Inn (various bed types + private bath) $87/person, $70/person, $64/person Lakeside Lodge (2 dbl beds + private bath) $73/person, $64/person, $58/person Junaluska Apartments $69/person, $61/person, $58/person Mountainview/Sunnyside Lodge (dbl beds and bunk beds + private bath) $69/person $61/person, $58/person (Children 11 years old and under who stay in the room with their parents are free and children 5 years old and under receive meals free.) PLEASE NOTE: RETREAT RATES DO NOT INCLUDE $10.00 REGISTRATION FEE. PLEASE SEND IT WITH YOUR REGISTRATION FORM! Message from Secretary of Program Resources Hello my fellow reading program participants! I just want to reprint some of the information from June as some of you may have missed it. As many of you already know, the reading program year has changed. This change comes to us from the Conference level and seeks to present reading program participants their certificates from the current year at the district meeting instead of presenting the certificate for reading done the previous year. Your reading program will cover September 1st each year through July. This gives you a bit less time to read, but I know that you are up to the challenge! I will need the reports from your reading program coordinator by August 1st each year from now on. I know that you may not be able to get the new books in time to read all of your books in the new reading year, but it is still okay to read from the four previous years as well. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me. The best way is by e-mail at: [email protected]. I just wanted to say how very proud I am of all of you! This year we had 125 participants and that is the most I have ever had! Great Job! There are some great new books on the 2015 list. I hope that you can come to the Officer Training meeting in January so that you can have an opportunity to see some of the new books and get any materials you need for your units. If not, you can shop on-line at I would like to recommend one of the new books in the Youth category, Leadership Development. Remember you can count Youth books! This book is about a young teen-aged girl who was home-schooled and lives in a dome-shaped house with solar panels and a composting toilet! Along with learning about eco-friendly lifestyles, the book is also informative about the bullying of kids who are different in high schools. I work with kids who are bullied in my job and know that this is a real issue for kids today. Have fun reading this year! Respectfully submitted, Debbie Jones Columbia District Secretary of Program Resources Membership, Nurture, and Outreach Report UMW wants you to be counted! It is once again time to complete the 2014 Membership forms. The presidents, MNO coordinators and everyone involved in membership development are to assist in getting every local unit to report their membership. In the Columbia District, the SC Conference reported 66 churches and 58 charges at this years’ annual conference, however, only 47 churches reported UMW membership to the Columbia District for 2013. The Columbia District UMW would like to get 100% participation from every church for 2014, if you don’t have a unit, report that information as well, maybe one could be organized at your church or charge; you can contact the Columbia District MNO coordinator for information. The membership form is located in this edition of Gleanings and also can be found at . Completed forms are due February 25, 2015 to the newly elected Columbia District MNO, Maeward Belk. Her contact information is 224 Meadowbury Drive, Columbia, SC 29203, 803-786-5659 and email address is [email protected]. So, make sure your local unit gets counted! The Columbia District 2015 Local Officer’s Training will be held January 10, 2015 at Rehoboth UMC-Columbia. The UMW is evolving and changing to become a more flexible organizational structure, by attending training you will be aware of the changes and can share the information with your local units. All local officers are asked to attend. UMW is marching towards its 150th year, it’s more important than ever that we value and take pride in being members and that we seek to bring others into this great organization. What UMW offers to its members and those UMW serve is a unique relationship that blesses all involved! Peace & Abundant Blessings— Retired CD MNO Erica Chalmers Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator 2014 Local Membership Census Form Unit President Address: City: State / Zip: Phone: Email: Local Unit Name: District Name: Conference Name: Reported by: Phone: Email: Numbers of Members as 01-Jan-14 New Members added Numbers Lost by Death or other Reasons Total Members 31-Dec-2014 0 Unit Type Are you a: Local, Cluster/Charge, District or Online Unit:__________________________ Instructions: Fill in your information and insert your numbers into shaded area. Formulas have been created which will calculate figures. Send copies by February 25, 2015 to: Maeward Belk, CD MNO Coordinator [email protected] 224 Meadowbury Drive, Columbia, SC 29203 803-786-5659 Church Report Francis Burns UMW will have their annual Christmas program on Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 4:00pm. 5616 Farrow Road Columbia, SC 29203 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF COLUMBIA Annual Luncheon and Meeting Friday, January 23, 2014 PLACE Brookland Banquet and Conference Center 1066 Sunset Boulevard West Columbia, SC TIME Registration at 10:15 AM Program at 11:00 AM COST: $15.00 DEADLINE for receiving $15.00 Registration is January 8, 2014 Offering proceeds will be donated to Family Promise of the Midlands TO REGISTER Please send check or money order payable to Church Women United to Ms. Joann Grant, Treasurer, 9190 Windsor Lake Blvd., Columbia, SC 29223. Telephone—(803) 462-6851 Email—[email protected] CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF COLUMBIA CALENDAR FOR 2015 CELEBRATIONS JANUARY 23 ANNUAL MEETING & LUNCHEON Brookland Banquet Center 1066 Sunset Boulevard West Columbia, SC 29169 FEBRUARY 6 BIBLE STUDY Heyward Street UMC 2501 Heyward St. Columbia, SC 29205 MARCH 6 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER TBA APRIL11 SPRING LUNCHEON TBA MAY 1 MAY FRIENDSHIP DAY St. John’s Episcopal Church 2827 Wheat Street Columbia, SC 29205 OCTOBER 2 HUMAN RIGHTS CELEBRATION Northminster Presbyterian Church 6717 David Street Columbia, SC 29203 NOVEMBER 6 WORLD COMMUNITY DAY St. Paul AME Church 835 Kennerly Road Irmo, S. C. 29063 Celebration Registration and Refreshments at 10:30 A.M. and Program starts at 11 A.M. (Exception: Spring Luncheon time is 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.) COLUMBIA BETHLEHEM COMMUNITY CENTER’S VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES (beginning January 2015) “EVERY CHILD DERSERVES A SMILE!…so on Saturday, March st 21 …”COME AND WALK A MILE”, then sign up to… Help CBCC stock the E.E. Taylor Elementary School “winter clothes closet” two times per year with these requested items: (children’s underwear, belts, socks, t-shirts, mittens, hats, gloves) Assist with summer camp activities (arts, crafts, puzzles, storytelling, outdoor games, and simple sewing crafts). Call the Center today: (803) 807-9582 or sign up at the WALK on March 21st. CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014-2015 December 14 Killingsworth Christmas Open House 3:30PM-5:30PM January 10 Columbia District Local Officers Training Rehoboth-Columbia Columbia District Executive Committee meeting – Immediately following officers training 23 Church Women United Annual Meeting Brookland Baptist Conference Center 10:30AM Registration February 24 Bishop Road Show Columbia District Shandon UMC 6 Wallace Family Life Special Emphasis Church Women United Bible Study Heyward St. UMC 10:30AM 17 SCCUMW Legislative Day Epworth Children’s Home March 6 World Day of Prayer 7 April Location TBA Columbia District Day Apart 10:30AM Trinity West Columbia Columbia Bethlehem Center Special Emphasis 21 Columbia District Executive Committee meeting Chapin May 1, 2, & 3 Spiritual Growth Retreat Lake Junaluska, NC May 16 Come Together Be Together St Mark UMC Taylors, SC June South Carolina Conference of UMC Annual Meeting, Florence, SC 16 July Shandon UMC Rural Mission, Inc Special Emphasis 23-25 Mission u Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg, SC 23-25 September Columbia District Executive Committee Meeting Mission u Youth Event Killingsworth Home Special Emphasis 19 Columbia District Annual Meeting Shandon UMC October 20 Columbia District Executive Committee meeting November Bethlehem Center Spartanburg Special Emphasis 7 SCCUMW District Officers Training Shandon UMC 12 December Killingsworth Holiday Gala Seawells, Columbia, SC Killingsworth Christmas Open House Non Profit Org US Postage PAID Columbia, SC Permit No 163 Columbia District UMC Rhonda & Sharee Washington 4908 Colonial Drive Columbia, SC 29203 Address Service Requested Addressee Street Address Suite 555 City, State 55555 One Woman" reminds us that together, we can overcome violence and discrimination against women and look toward a brighter future: "We Shall Shine! ONE WOMAN… One woman at a time. We are One Woman Your victories lift us all. We are One Woman You rise and I stand tall. We are One Woman Our dreams are mine We shall shine Shine, shine, shine -by Beth Blatt Remain as One My Sisters, Rhonda & Sharee Washington, Columbia District Communications Coordinators
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