edwin gould services for children and families annual report 2007-2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER R E L I A B L E PA R TNER annual report 2007 - 2008 table of contents Message From the Board President and Executive Director 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 Permanency Services Placement Services Placement Services Success Story: A Child’s Journey Foster Care/Adoption Adoption Story: Maria Toccogna Family Solutions Aftercare Program Office of Youth Development and Aftercare Services Never Give Up: Fatima Reid Story Education Committee Education Committee Success Story: A Teen’s Story 16 20 21 Foster Parent Support, Training and Recruitment Reinvestment Initiative Program Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP) Health/Mental Health Services 22 24 Preventive Services United Families Incarcerated Mother’s Program 26 27 Services Training Education Prevention and Self Help STEPS (Services Training Education Prevention & Self-Help) to End Family Violence Children’s Therapy Program Success Story: Cassie 28 Agency of Choice: Rosa Santiago 29 31 32 3 7 40 Developmental Disabilities Services The Presidential Award Fund Development Financial Statement Governing Body R ELIABLE PAR TNER 4 annual report 2007 - 2008 permanency services message from the president and executive director In addition to our donors and supporters, these improvements were made possible by the following New York City Children’s Services and New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) initiatives: Reinvestment for Children and Adolescents; Improved Outcomes for Children, Adolescents and Families; Recruitment, Retention and Training of Foster Parents; Extraordinary Care Giver Training Program and Health Care Enhancement III. The New York City Children’s Services initiatives provided an infrastructure to respond to the challenges of New York City’s vulnerable population in terms of reducing the length of stay in foster care, minimizing lateral moves of children from foster home to another foster home and reducing the use of residential services in order to place children in familylike services. The OMRDD projects resulted in additional training opportunities for staff, improved staff retention and decreased health care costs for our OMRDD employees. Although we have been successful and enhanced our programs, a culture change is required to address the outcomes and time centered services, a change that says time and time again that for our children, one day in foster care away from their families is one day too many, and one more move is one move too traumatic for our children and adolescents. EGS CF There is a disparity in the foster care services between the current culture of performance and the desired culture of time centered performance. To address this gap, this year we completed our strategic plan for the years 2008 4 annual report 2007 - 2008 to 2011, including a Vision Statement of being an “Agency of Choice” and a “Reliable Partner” to our service population, Board, staff, and funding sources. Our strategy is based on a time centered, child/family service delivery system that goes beyond what the funding sources require for our children, adolescents and families, and includes a number of non-financial indicators such as employee client and foster parents satisfaction surveys. As we plan to implement the New York City Children’s Services initiatives for the next 10 years, we hope that the non-financial indicators will provide information about the major trends and issues that are likely to affect the future service development and environmental factors such as the agency’s employees, clients and community involvement. We continue along our path of organic growth of services with approval to implement another Developmental Disabilities Program (IRA), and provide Medicaid Service Coordination Services (MSC). The year 2008 will be exciting and challenging as we compete for New York City Children’s Services initiatives to be implemented in July, 2009, and we plan for our relocation from Rector Street to a location that will address the growing needs of our clients, staff and funding sources. Edwin Gould is repositioning for the future, by building on its past, enhancing the present and working diligently to provide quality services to the children and families. To our clients and funding sources, we make a commitment to maintain an environment which fosters time centered performance and accountability. Again, we express our gratitude to our Board members, staff, foster parents, funding sources and donors, for their past, present and continued support of our children, adolescents and families. Jean L. Schmidt President placement services Formed in October, 2002, the Placement Services Department combines the services of the Home Finding and Intake Units. The Home Finding Unit is responsible for the recruitment of prospective foster homes. This Unit also provides licenses to new foster homes and annually re-certifies licensed homes once they have met all of ACS’ mandated safety requirements. The Intake Unit manages all cases that ACS refers to the Agency for foster home placement. Placement Services maintained an “Excellent” rating on the 2007 EQUIP, which is indicative of the departments overall pursuit for excellence in all areas of performance. We are committed to being a “Reliable Partner” to all that we serve. This is of great importance because as one of the nine agencies chosen to participate in the Improved Outcomes for Children (IOC) pilot program, the services that we provide are being monitored on a daily basis. Therefore, the measures that we have utilized in the past to ensure our “Excellent” rating will serve us well as we are monitored by ACS. The Placement Services Department continues to maintain a commitment to provide quality, reliable services to the vast number of families that we serve in several community districts. We are aggressively looking to recruit potential homes for placement in Brooklyn’s Community District’s #3 and #8 – Bedford Stuyvesant and North Crown Heights, respectively. We do this by developing support networks within the Community Partnership Initiative (CPI) which is a collaboration of child care agencies in those neighborhoods. In addition, we have developed several linkages with service providers in these communities. The expectation is that we will expand our community linkages and increase services that we provide to EGSCF families by joining CPIs in East Harlem, Lower East Side, Brooklyn, and in the very near future the Bronx. At this time, the Placement Services Department is challenged to find better methods of monitoring its foster homes for compliance and safety on a continuous basis. R ELIABLE PAR TNER Edwin Gould Services For Children and Families has undergone significant changes during the last six years. There have been tremendous improvements in terms of the infrastructure and outcomes for our children, adolescents, families and consumers. In addition, we were selected as one of 9 agencies from among 30 to participate in the New York City Children’s Services pilot program called Improved Outcomes for Children (IOC). To the Board of Directors, senior management, staff, foster parents, donors and all supporters who have contributed to these successes, we say “thank you.” Aubrey Featherstone Executive Director annual report 2007 - 2008 5 permanency services permanency services success story a child’s journery Hello, my name is TB and I am a foster child in care at Edwin Gould Services. Since the age of 6, I have lived in and out of the foster care system. I admit that, over time, moving from one home to another has made me bitter. I have always imagined what it would be like to have a normal childhood and live solely with my parents. After a while, I realized that was just a dream and would never be my reality. I was once a child who was failing in school and at life itself. Currently, I am a straight A student with a 3.7 grade point average (GPA). I am also a member of the National Honor Society and a Teen Mentor at EGSCF. Now that I have plans to go to college, I am working towards reaching the goals that will get me there, and I have never felt better in my entire life. I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful relationship with my Birth Mother and I have two caring Foster Parents that I can rely on at all times. Often foster care experiences are associated with failure, so I am proud to share my success story. foster care/adoption services The Permanency Services Department currently provides foster care and adoptive services to 514 children. 438 children and their birth/resource parents are receiving foster care services. 76 children and their pre-adoptive parents are currently receiving adoption services. The goal of the Permanency Services Department is to ensure that no child will leave our care without the needed social services and resources that will support family reunification or adoption (permanency), as expeditiously as possible, while remaining consistent with the governing legislative and regulatory policies. EGSCF is one of nine child care providers that have been chosen to participate in the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) funded pilot program, Improving Outcomes for Children EGS CF The mission of the Foster Care and Adoption Units is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children we serve by providing a network of support, inclusive of community and family members, to empower birth parents to successfully reunify their families and to reduce the length of time that their children spend in foster care. annual report 2007 - 2008 (IOC). In order to fulfill the mandated goals of the IOC, the Agency has devised a comprehensive plan which will enable us to improve our adoption and reunification rate, reduce the number of placements into residential care and reduce the number of residential care days once a child is placed in a facility. Permanency Services caseworkers utilize the Ann E. Casey Foundation, Family to Family foster care model in the birth families’ reunification building process. Under this model, foster parents are recognized as “team” members and, when possible, family visits are held in the foster or birth parents’ community. If the family team relationship is positive, family visits at the foster home are strongly encouraged. annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER About a year ago, I was placed in the home and care of two loving foster parents who accepted me as their own. At first, I was resistant to their love and hard to deal with because I thought they would be like all the others who had let me down. However, they were persistent and never gave up on me. Once I saw that they were truly genuine and really cared for me, I slowly started to open up and became receptive to their love. I no longer wanted to be bitter and cold towards people. They taught me to forgive all of those who had deceived me. 7 permanency services COMMITMENTS Children served by the Bronx Unit 77 Children served by the Adoption Unit 76 Children served by the Kinship Unit 99 Total Children in Permanency Services Department514 Young Adults attending college in 2007 22 Adoptions achieved in 2006 71 Adolescents adopted in 200612 Foster parents providing care to our children385 SERVICES PROVIDED Foster Care Family visits with children in care The Permanency Services Department realizes the need for birth and resource families to conveniently access community-based providers and services. As a result, EGSCF has joined the Community Partnership Initiative (CPI) Coalitions in East Harlem and Brooklyn. This partnership has afforded EGSCF clients the opportunity to locate community-based foster care and adoption services and, to have family visits in nontraditional venues within their respective communities. Link families with community based service providers Crisis Intervention Educational consultation Recreational activities Family Reunification counseling Family Preservation counseling for children at risk of re-entry Adoption Referral to post adoption services Referrals to Counsel on Adoptable Children MARIA TOCCOGNA – THE ADOPTION STORY In our continuing quest to provide children with safe, loving and permanent families, it is the EGSCF’s privilege to feature Ms. Maria Taccogna as a parent that has really made a difference and is a true “Reliable Partner”. One day, while at work, Ms. Taccogna, a Family Court American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter, encountered a profoundly deaf and barely verbal little boy named Orlando. As she tells the story today, “I felt an instant connection to Orlando.” That connection and her desire to help him prompted Ms. Toccogna to approach the agency that Orlando was placed with at that time, and inquire of the services that he was receiving. It was realized that no foster parent within that particular agency had the ability or expertise to communicate with him. Ms. Toccogna, who at that time was an EGSCF foster parent, reasoned that given the child’s deficiencies and her experience as an educator for the deaf that she was a logical choice to address his special needs. After a case review, the agency and Orlando’s Law Guardian agreed. In June, 1999, all parties involved collaborated to successfully petition the Judge overseeing the case to place Orlando in the care of EGSCF. The Judge concurred and Orlando became an integral part of Ms. Taccogna’s home and life. Under the tutelage of Ms. Taccogna, Orlando gained proficiency in ASL and progressed in school without any academic difficulties. His behavior however presented challenges for both Ms. Taccogna and school authorities. In addition to being deaf, Orlando was diagnosed with having attention deficit hyperactive disorder, oppositional de- fiant disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite these revelations, Maria Taccogna devoted herself to make a difference in Orlando’s life. As a result, she began to teach Orlando to view his disabilities not as handicaps, but as gifts through which he could excel in other areas. Soon, her positive attitude and perseverance began to bear fruit. Orlando showed a natural aptitude for sports. He rapidly became an active member on various sport teams and trophies began to appear in the home. Before long, Orlando was highlighted in the neighborhood newspapers, the Home Reporter and Spectator. Today, nearly the entire wall of the family’s living room bears testament to Orlando’s ability in baseball, basketball, soccer and bowling. Orlando graduated from Saint Joseph’s Elementary School for the Deaf in June, 2007. Shortly before his graduation, one of the goals that both he and Ms. Taccogna had been working towards for nine years was finally realized. The adoption of Orlando by Ms. Taccogna was finalized on August 28, 2007. After many challenges, Orlando and Ms. Taccogna, are now a happy family. He commenced the 9th grade in September, 2007, at the Walden School Learning Center for Deaf Children in Framingham, Massachusetts. Ms. Toccogna reports that teachers constantly compliment Orlando’s academic performance and socialization skills, which they have found to be well ahead of many of his peers. On December 25, 2007, Ms. Toccagna and Orlando were the featured story, “Christmas Day Gift”, on the Brooklyn-based News Channel Twelve network. EGS CF The EGSCF Permanency staff has also collaborated with the “You Gotta Believe” organization to match children over the age of 13 with prospective foster and adoptive parents. In addition, staff has actively participated at the following community events throughout the year: “Wednesday’s Child” Adoption Campaign, ACS’ Adoption Exchange, and the NYC Adoption Fair. Court representation for all children we serve success story 8 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Children served by the East Harlem community based site101 Children served by the Brooklyn Community based site131 permanency services family solutions aftercare program Edwin Gould continues to demonstrate its responsiveness to serving the children and families in need in New York City. Among the wide array of services the Agency provides, is Aftercare for recently re-united families. Aftercare Services are administered through the Family Solutions Aftercare Program (FSAP) which was certified for renewed funding in Fiscal Year 2008. The program’s goals are to expedite discharges from care, provide therapeutic and financial supports, and reduce recidivism of entry into care. To maximize achievement of these goals, families receive both therapeutic and financial support in the pre-discharge and immediate post-discharge periods. These supports are critical to realizing the over-arching goal of family permanency. and a Housing Advocate – expediting housing services through ACS Housing Subsidy Program and HRA public assistance centers. The unit also focuses on children missing from care and has a designated worker – missing child (AWOL) specialist. FSAP Support Groups: The unit engages parents in two main group sessions: 1) the general natural parents support group; and 2) the Fathers Support Network. Generally, support groups meet once per month where parents are introduced to various topics related to family reunification and maintenance. Topics include: domestic violence awareness, child endangerment awareness, employment readiness, housing search and maintenance and substance abuse awareness. The support groups have also met for dinner at fine restaurants and even enjoyed a theater night-out together. Additionally, 12 members of the general natural parents support group completed a 3-part Employment Readiness training and received certificates for 100% completion. FSAP Commitments: From its inception in October 2005, to date, the unit has provided services for 91 families spanning 162 children and youth. It is currently serving 27 families with 42 children. Services provided include home-making, day care, therapy and counseling; substance abuse awareness and detoxification support; anger management, budget counseling and household management. In summary, the FSAP is committed to providing children, adolescents and families with all supports necessary for them to enjoy life as a reunited family, and become functional and stable in their communities. Over the years, research has found that the majority of youth that remain in the foster care system until they reach the maximum age of 21, either end up in homeless shelters or in prison. As a result, the Office of Youth Development and Adolescent Services (OYDAS) Unit has focused its efforts on increasing the number of youth discharged prior to their twenty-first birth date utilizing the Preparing Youth for Adulthood (PYA) initiative, which is an ACS-approved model of service that is based on the achievement of academic/vocational competence; job readiness, acquisition and maintenance; and access to stable, safe and secure housing for transitioning youth. Life Skills Trainings (LST) are designed to enhance services to the youth in education, employment, housing, drug awareness, legal rights, personal care & hygiene, and a variety of independent living skills by nurturing their hopes and aspirations, addressing their needs, and helping them understand the importance of self-advocacy as a preparation tool for graduation to adulthood. The OYDAS also promotes social and cultural development among youth through a series of recreational trips and programs, historical reviews and specific cultural observations. Housing is the most important discharge asset for youth transitioning to adulthood and independence. Through Life Skills Trainings and role play workshops, the OYDAS ensures that all transitioning youth have developed competencies in: housing searches; the ability to identify safe, adequate and habitable apartments; understanding their rights as a tenant and the landlord’s obligations; and how to process legal grievances against a landlord. Employment is a critical requirement to our youth 18 years old and over. Therefore, in addition to conducting weekly LST Employment workshops that teach job-readiness skills and the importance of being gainfully employed, the OYDAS recently hired a Job Coach to build relationships with major employers and create an in-house employment referral system that will be accessible to youth seeking job opportunities. Additionally, the OYDAS continues to maintain relationships with community-based agencies that provide job preparation and on-the-job training opportunities for youth. EGS CF Family Solutions Aftercare Program, emphasizing intense natural-family engagement, now reflects an enhanced outreach staff as a result of resources from the Improved Outcome for Children pilot program. In addition to its original resource team of 1 Supervisor, 2 Case Planners, a Community Resource Liaison and 1 Parent Advocate, it now has a second Parent Advocate, a third Case Planner, a Recovery Coach – engaging families in which substance abuse gave rise to the in-care situation; office of youth development and adolescent services R ELIABLE PAR TNER permanency services 10 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 11 permanency services In response to the PYA initiative mandate to assist youth that are disconnected from the educational process to return to school or draft an alternative educational plan, the OYDAS recently implemented the Intensive Educational Intervention (IEI) Initiative. This incentive plan rewards participating youth who agree to return to school and pursue either their high school or General Equivalency Diploma (GED) with stipends and monetary incentives. To date, 7 youth have opted to participate in this program. Additionally, the Agency has an aggressive tutorial/remedial program that is administered through TestQuest, Inc.; an educational provider specializing in at-home based tutoring, academic and vocational programming, as well as assessment services to students of all ages who could benefit from extra support. • Supervised a college population of 32 youth • Secured twenty Section 8 Vouchers • Obtained 3 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) apartments for youth • Acquired employment opportunities for 33 youth • Increased the number of Youth in a mentoring relationship from 12 to 15 • Youth contacts rose from 41 to 66 per month • Held 72 Life Skills Training Sessions SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE OFFICE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND ADOLESCENT SERVICES: • Higher Education Exploration & Planning • Career & Employment Readiness • Housing Advocacy • Life Skills Development never give up • Recreation – dinners, trips, movies • Mentoring Coordination • Human Sexuality • Family Planning I can remember vividly the day the Borough of Child Welfare (BCW) came to take my two brothers and me away from our mother. It was as if everything was going in slow motion, the pain, the agony, and the tears. For years that traumatic memory replayed in my mind. From then on things, mentally and emotionally, began to change. I became frantic with anger and frustration. This made it hard for people to communicate with me. My name is Fatima Reid and like a majority of kids that come to Edwin Gould I am a “foster child”. I’ve been in care from the age of six and since that time I’ve been living as a vagabond. I began to move from home to home searching for that loving family that’s waiting to adopt me. The detrimental effects of being taken from my mother started to show through my grades in elementary school. I began scoring D’s and below on my report card and having that “I don’t care attitude.” My older brother, on the other hand, was the paragon when it came to good grades. His grades were always exceptionally high and he always got the attention that I longed for. I decided that I was going to follow his example. I began to practice paying attention in class and staying to myself. As time passed I noticed I was doing exceptionally well. My writing and vocabulary skills began to improve. My Grade Point Average (GPA) has been over 3.5 since I made the decision to do better. As a result, I’ve received numerous achievement awards and Honor Roll mentions. Then I began to receive honors from my junior high teachers and Edwin Gould staff. I was even honored by President George W. Bush because of my good grades. My brother is an inspiration to my grades and that’s the truth. Seeing him deal with our “situation” and not giving up gave me the strength to believe that I could do it too. All I needed now was a family and on October 17, 2006, EGSCF found the Green Family, a home that was willing to put up with me, love me, and treat me like their own. For that I thank the staff at Edwin Gould for never giving up on me. EGS CF Going forward, the OYDAS Unit will take steps to strengthen its role as a “Reliable Partner” to our youth and resource/birth parents by enhancing the array of comprehensive programs and services that are offered in communities throughout New York City. It is our belief that by equipping children and adolescents with the necessary “life skills” and providing unconditional support to our birth and resource families, the OYDAS will guarantee positive programmatic outcomes, ensure performance goals and be instrumental in solidifying EGSCF’s position as the “Agency of Choice” in the child care community. commitments: IN FY 2007 THE OYDAS: 12 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Education exploration, planning and achievement are the centerpiece of EGSCF’s youth development model. Throughout the school year, the OYDAS works in partnership with the Agency’s two “Education Champions” to conduct educational reviews for children with educational challenges and develop intervention plans. Each child is assigned to an Educational consultant and a Youth Developmental Specialist. This year, the Education Review Team helped guide 18 youth to graduate from high school. Of these, 14 are currently enrolled, or plan to matriculate to a college/vocational school by January, 2008. 13 permanency services permanency services education committee The Educational Advocates work with the Department of Education and other organizations, both public and private, to ensure that our youth receive the services to which they are entitled. Caseworkers and parents also regularly seek the Advocates’ assistance when time constraints or scheduling limitations prevent them from devoting the time needed to navigate the educational and organizational bureaucracies on behalf of youth. EGS CF Educational Advocates /Champions seek to inspire, challenge, guide and encourage youth to take charge of their educational future, to aim higher, try harder and see the expanding vista of educational and career possibilities for those willing to accept the challenge. Career interests and continuing education are part of every conversation with youth. 14 Advocates work with Crisis Intervention Specialists, Substance Abuse Personnel, a Youth Development Specialist, Educational/ Vocational Personnel and Parent Advocates to resolve the life problems that may intrude on our youths’ focus on education. annual report 2007 - 2008 The Educational Advocates meet with Agency youth, at an Educational Review where youth are encouraged to accept Responsibility for their academic performance and to set short and long term goals. Parents and caseworkers are asked to Reinforce those goals by supporting and encouraging the youth. Positive feedback as a Reward is an important final step in the review process. a teen’s story These three concepts inform the practice and form the basis of the Three R’s of Edwin Gould’s Educational Philosophy: RESPONSIBILITY, REINFORCEMENT and REWARD. My name is EC and I am an 18 year old youth in the New York City foster care system. I first came into care at the age of 14, and since then my life has taken a drastic turn. I was exposed to things that I had never seen or experienced. I was considered a �problem child’. Like most of the children in foster care I wanted to do the right thing, but unfortunately I had no guidance. Youth without guidance usually get lost, and I was no exception. As the Educational Committee looks toward the future, new initiatives are being implemented aimed at youth who are �at risk’ of �dropping out’, or becoming otherwise �disconnected’ from the educational process. To that end, a special team has been created; the Intensive Educational Intervention Team (IEIT), whose charge is to reengage this population in the educational process through intensive outreach and incentives. Preliminary results show promise and program modifications are being revised to include additional youth. I began using drugs and eventually was arrested. I thought my life would never change. Fortunately, I was accepted into a home filled with love and guidance. Currently, I am on my way to success. I am enrolled in a GED program in which I am doing exceptionally well and have an excellent attendance rate. To help me overcome my drug-dependency habit, I am also enrolled in a 60 day in-patient program at the Arms Acres Rehabilitation Program. Adjusting to the rigors of this program was difficult at first, but with the assistance of the Intensive Educational Intervention (IEI) Team, my foster family and the Edwin Gould Services employees, I have overcome the obstacles. I finally see light at the end of the tunnel. I am now a Teen Mentor and a Youth Advocate for Edwin Gould Services. I plan to go to college by spring or fall, 2008. With such a great team supporting me by advocating for services and accessing programs beneficial to my well-being and educational success, I have been able to make many positive changes in my life. The Educational Committee desires to be, as described by the Executive Director, a part of the team of �Reliable Partners’ to all Agency youth as we strive to help them maximize their educational potential for a successful adulthood. 12 annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER The Educational Committee of Edwin Gould continues its’ drive to prepare our youth for a successful adulthood. The Committee now has two Educational Advocates who work with youth, parents, and Agency professionals to direct our youth toward the educational and vocational opportunities that will ensure a successful future. 15 permanency services relationships between birth and resource families. The Crisis Intervention Unit consists of: a Program Director, Clinical Social Work Supervisor, Substance Abuse Specialist, Foster Parent Advocates, Educational Consultants and Teen and Foster Parent Mentors. Edwin Gould recognizes that all families have challenging issues to manage within their individual households. We understand the importance of maintaining attachments and minimizing disruptions in the life of a child and a family. These issues often transcend from family of origin to family of circumstance. Sometimes, despite the professional and specialized efforts provided to families while in foster care, there may be a need to move a child from a foster care setting to another or a higher level of care; these moves are referred to as “step ups.” Under the ACS Improved Outcomes for Children (IOC) model, EGSCF’s objective is to reduce the number of “stepups” to six per year for the entire Agency and to limit movements between foster homes to no more than two per year, per child. This is the Federal standard. Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families (EGSCF) is grounded in a strong tradition and commitment to providing families with the most appropriate and comprehensive services possible. The Foster Parent Support, Training and Recruitment Reinvestment Initiative Program services are designed to meet the needs of the family, provide children with the best and safest placement while in care, and expedite the reunification process. In April, 2006, ACS announced an $11.5 million reinvestment initiative aimed at providing foster When there has been an incident in a foster home which triggers a “ten day request for removal”, or there is an emergency in the foster home which predisposes the family to the type of stress which has historically jeopardized placements, the Case Planning Unit completes a referral form and submits it to the Crisis Intervention Program Clinical Supervisor. A case conference is conducted between the Unit Supervisor and the Specialist, who will receive the case, on the same day that the referral is received. At this meeting psychosocial stressors or any elements that may have contributed to the development of the crisis are identified. Based on the gathered information, the Unit Supervisor will develop an appropriate plan of action. In line with Edwin Gould’s commitment to providing services to all families, there are additional services in place to support youth and foster parents, while minimizing placements and step ups: Training Services: Since January 2007, more specialized trainings have been offered to both EGSCF staff and foster parents. On a monthly basis, general child welfare and special needs training sessions are offered to foster parents at the Brooklyn and East Harlem office sites. An in-house training that is aimed at increasing professional competency is offered to staff, in order to maximize the potential for exceptional service provision and support to the families. Also, EGSCF staff attend various child care trainings offered by our external funding sources throughout the year. Edwin Gould is committed to its families. The Crisis Intervention Unit, by managing an on call system EGS CF 16 care agencies with new resources to facilitate and strengthen support for foster parents. EGSCF invested its portion, $428,000, to establish supports aimed at stabilizing family-based placements for all youth in care. Therefore, as of July 2006, EGSCF implemented the Crisis Intervention and Foster Parent Support Program. This program is governed by a comprehensive protocol and fluid process that aligns its programmatic goals with that of the Permanency Services Unit and Educational Consultants by providing specialized services that focus on the educational aspects of children and help to build supportive and healthy Clinical reviews are extremely critical in assisting the case planner to better understand the clinical needs of children in care. Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families has established a Clinical Review Team to assess the need for “step-up” care. This review team is comprised of one Director or Manager from each Foster Boarding Home Unit. The team has been meeting at least once a week since January, 2007 to review cases referred by the units or selected by the Crisis Intervention Director. After reviewing the case history and status, specific recommendations are decided by the Clinical Review Team. In many cases, the recommendations have helped to minimize potential “step-ups” for children. Since the clinical review team began meeting, a total of over 26 clinical reviews have been held. through a centralized telephone number that is rotated between the Crisis Intervention Specialists and Supervisor, Foster Parent Advocates, Teen and Foster Parent Mentors are also available on a 24-hour basis to respond to concerns, questions or crises and provide support to teenagers and foster parents. The Crisis Intervention Unit also provides on-site and ongoing crisis intervention and clinical support. annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER foster parent support, training and recruitment reinvestment initiative program 17 mentorship and guidance to teenagers in foster care. Their duties include contacting other teens to encourage them to attend the group meetings. This past year, teen mentors participated in the 2007 Annual Foster Parent Recognition Ceremony and the Foster Parent-Teen Retreat. Teen Support Groups: These community-based support groups, which have been conducted in Brooklyn and East Harlem since September 2006, are where teens in care can come together to express their concerns and offer each other peer support. Teens are encouraged to participate in group recreational activities intended to increase their socialization skills. Presently, approximately one hundred sixty four teens have participated in the teen support group meetings. Foster Parent Mentors: Since February 2007, Foster Parent Mentors have provided support, mentorship and guidance to other resource parents. Currently, EGSCF employs three part-time foster parent mentors who are each respectively assigned to the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. The mentors are available on a 24-hour basis to respond to and assist with foster parent concerns. A key role of the mentor is to immediately contact and identify any concerns a foster parent might have as soon as a new child is placed in a resource home. These concerns are immediately brought to the attention of the Foster Parent advocates. Mentors also assist the Agency by recruiting potential resource parents and appearing at community events. They also attend and participate in the various support groups. In Fiscal Year 2007, ACS has continued to award financial support to the Agency to maintain foster parent supports, training, recruitment and retention. Recently, the Crisis Intervention Support Department implemented “Speakers Bureau”, that will enlist teens and resource parents whose main function will be to participate at the recruitment panels. COMMITMENTS Total number of support groups held per month = 4 Total number of teens (14-21) = 204 Total number of teens who have attended Teen support groups since July 2006 = 164 Total number of foster parents = 410 Total number of foster parents who have attended support groups since July 2006 = 372 Total number of educational reviews since July 2006 = 206 Total number of in house trainings provided to foster parents since January 2007 = 40 Total number of in house trainings provided to staff since July 2006 = 31 Number of cases referred to the crisis unit since December 2006 = 42 Number of clinical reviews held since January 2007 = 26 Total number of interventions/follow-ups provided by the Foster Parent Advocates since December 2006 = 295 Total number of calls received on the crisis hotline to date=40 Teen Mentors: Established in February 2007, the Teen Mentors have been instrumental in providing support, EGS CF Foster Parent Support Groups: In April 2005, EGSCF formed support groups to retain and provide assistance to foster parents. These groups meet once monthly at the East Harlem and Brooklyn offices. Occasional speakers/trainers are invited to conduct trainings on various topics. This past spring an invited Consultant, who is also a therapeutic foster/adoptive parent who has successfully raised seven teenagers, conducted a five-part training series, “Parenting Teenagers.” EGSCF staff and resource parents also participated in a five-part training series sponsored by the “You Gotta Believe” organization, a recruitment agency that focuses on placing adolescents for adoption. This was deemed a very beneficial training by the resource parents who attended and they requested to be provided with more of these specific types of trainings in the future. To date, over three hundred seventy two foster parents have attended the foster parent support group meetings. R ELIABLE PAR TNER Educational Enhancement: Two part-time Educational Consultants are on staff to promote academic development, increase attendance, monitor behavior and support the educational concerns/needs of foster parents, youth and staff. One consultant is based at the Rector Street office and another at the Brooklyn office. They are responsible for conducting academic reviews, assisting with the development of educational interventions and creating support strategies for each child. Since July 2006, the Consultants have completed a combined total of two hundred six academic reviews and provided concrete intervention plans to many youth. Recruitment: Requesting that foster parents bring a friend to monthly support group meetings or provide referrals of friends and family member’s has become the Agency’s most effective recruitment strategy. Since summer, the Agency has held three recruitment events, one in Brooklyn and two in Manhattan, which focused on the recruitment of resource parents for teens. These events provided an opportunity for potential foster parents to hear a panel of teenagers who openly discussed their experiences in foster care, the challenges they face and the importance of having permanency. SERVICES PROVIDED Crisis Intervention (family assessment of the crisis) Short term counseling On call 24-hour services Advocacy for foster parents and youth Drug assessment/referral for adolescents Support for under care workers Support groups for teens and foster parents Recreational/special events for youth Educational consultation/Reviews Provision of training for staff/foster parents Clinical case reviews 18 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 19 permanency services permanency services health and mental services The Health and Mental Health Services Department is committed to delivering quality health and mental health services in a timely manner. Our primary goal is that every child, adolescent or client achieve their maximum health potential and be emotionally prepared to meet life’s challenges. the supervised independent living program (silp) In recent years, the greatest achievement for the Health Services Department has been its ability to provide wrap-around services at the point of Intake. Typically, children who enter the foster care system have more chronic medical conditions than other children from the same economic background. This is usually due to them receiving intermittent or no health/mental health services prior to entering foster care. A significant number of these children tend to have a higher rate of birth defects, emotional disorders and schoolrelated problems. Some of them have unmet or unidentified medical problems. The Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP) is a unique residential youth service program that affords eligible foster care adolescents between the ages of 18 and 21 years of age the opportunity to function semi-independently in an apartment, that can accommodate two youth of the same sex or teen parents with one child, with minimum supervision, as they move towards the permanency goals of independence and self-sufficiency. Most SILP apartments are conveniently located throughout North Brooklyn, and are either within walking distance of, or accessible by public transportation to libraries, churches, mosques, colleges, childcare and cultural centers. • Recreational Planning – Helps youth understand that leisure has a therapeutic value in that it functions as a stress reliever and as a healthy digression from everyday tasks. • Case Planning – Allows for effective monitoring of the case along with the youth’s contribution to plan his/her own affairs. Also, there is an overrepresentation of children needing mental health services in the foster care system. The types of mental health needs displayed by children in foster care are complex. Diagnosis is often difficult because of multiple risks and traumatic experiences. These risks are further complicated by the extreme uncertainty and stress of the children being removed from their biological families and placed in unfamiliar living situations. Many children display disorders of attachment, depression or anxiety. Foster children may be at an increased risk for post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from trauma, or may have self-regulation disturbances involving difficulty adjusting their own behavior to their emotional problems. Prior to discharge from the SILP, a conference is held where the youth is referred to the EGSCF Aftercare Services Unit and provided with linkages to community resources to ensure that continuing supportive measures are in place to assist them to successfully establish good personal lives, as they transition from care to living independently. Eligibility Requirements: Presently the SILP Program provides residential services to 23 youth: 4 young men, 8 single females, and 5 mothers with 5 children. We have 7 residents attending college 3 are in a GED program 9 have completed high school 1 is unemployed 16 are employed Therefore, upon Intake every child/adolescent is examined by our Pediatric Consultant who is also a Neurologist, and screened by a Mental Health Clinical Coordinator who has received a Master’s degree in Psychology and is either trained to be a Child Life or Adolescent Specialist. A comprehensive physical consisting of a tuberculosis screening, lab work, hearing, vision and developmental assessment tests are performed to ensure that any health problems or concerns are EGS CF annual report 2007 - 2008 HEALTH/MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDED • Pediatric/adolescent medical clinic • Mental Health Screens, Psychological and Psychiatric evaluations • Play and Bridge Therapy • Nursing Health Coordination • Mental Health Services Coordination • HIV risk assessments, counseling and testing • Sex Education and Family Planning Counseling • Foster and Birth Parent Counseling and Education • Medical Services – Ensures that each youth who enters the program remains in good health. Medical staff also counsel youth on Human Sexuality and Family Planning. 20 Depending on the outcome of the mental health screening, children/adolescents are then referred to an EGSCF Psychiatrist or Psychologist for an evaluation. If it is deemed that therapy is necessary, a referral is made to community providers. If needed services are not readily available, our mental health clinical team can provide play therapy or bridge therapy until services in the community can be put in place. 15 • RN on call 24/7 • Youth Empowerment Group Therapy for Adolescents COMMITMENTS The Health and Mental Health Services Department has proudly achieved an all-time high of 97% compliance on the New York City Administration of Children’s Services 2006 (PES) Audit for Delivery of Health and Mental Health Services to children and adolescents. annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Under the guidance of nurturing and dedicated SILP staff, youth engage in home and money management skills by learning to budget their bi-weekly stipend and maintaining a savings account. These financial tasks and responsibilities enhance their progress towards self-sufficiency and adulthood. To participate in the program, SILP youth are required to either continue their education by enrolling in an academic/vocational institution or maintain employment, and actively participate in the Adolescent Services Life Skills Training (LST) Program. The following are some of the LST practices that are offered to SILP youth as they engage in developing their ability to live independently: immediately identified. Referrals and follow-up appointments are also made during this visit. 21 preventive services united families EGS CF We provide comprehensive preventive services to a minimum of 150 at-risk families at any given time. Our approach is highly regarded, widely-emulated and unmatched for its integrity and community collaboration. We continue to experience tremendous growth through ongoing Intern Fellowship collaborations with Long Island, Fordham, Adelphi, and Columbia Universities. 22 In the previous year, together with community partners, we served over 200 families and 300 children in the Fort Green, North Crown Heights, Bedford Stuyvesant and Williamsburg areas of Brooklyn. In this regard, the United Families annual report 2007 - 2008 Program does well in meeting its commitment as a “Reliable Partner” to improve the quality of underserved families. Our participants are supported by qualified staff that are fluent in either Spanish or French Creole, and are sensitive to the uniqueness of the population in these communities: English Speaking Families (70%); Spanish Speaking Families (28%) and French Speaking Families (2%). This year, office hours were expanded to include the early morning, evening and weekends, to accommodate family members who work, attend school, or are otherwise engaged in essential activities. We maintain a “Needs-Led”, culturally competent, and community based continuum of services that is consistent with the changing needs of client population, child welfare mandates and performance requirements. We draw on existing resources and the creative potential of our families to build a more vibrant and healthy community. Our services include: Casework Management- Casework management, advocacy and referral services in the areas of child care, housing, and truancy prevention provided by qualified Case Planners in Spanish and Creole; Reuniting Children and Incarcerated Fathers Program and Clinical Consultation provided by Licensed Social Workers. Food and clothing are provided in an emergency basis. services provided Casework Management Services Youth Leadership Adolescent Services Parenting Group Services commitments IN FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007: Adolescent Services- Independent Living Skills Workshops, Life Enhancement Counseling and Summer Enrichment Program are provided to children 13 years of age and over. Parenting Group Services Anger Management/ Parenting Skills Workshops are designed to strengthen parent/child relationships by helping the parent to understand the developmental needs of children and adolescents. Workshops are provided to fathers and Spanish Speaking families. Child care, transportation and food are provided during workshops in our redecorated playroom. Families Served 118 Families who completed program due to achievement of goals 81 Children served 269 Children placed in Permanency services 5 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Since 1972, the United Families Program is a community based service that has been empowering families by realigning preventive services in accordance with Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families and the Administration for Children’s Services’ New Focus Plan. This is established by reducing the numbers of children entering foster care, reunifying families after placement in the foster care system and preventing the removal of children from their current homes. annual report 2007 - 2008 23 preventive services SERVICES PROVIDED Family Case Management Services Crisis Intervention Linkages to Community-based Services Prison-based Parenting Groups for Incarcerated Mothers and Fathers Grandmothers as Parents Group requirement by working one day a week in our program. Every Wednesday, she brightens the day for all of us with her enthusiasm towards even the most boring office tasks that she has been assigned and by demonstrating in so many ways that she feels comfortable just being at the Agency. Program Introduction The Incarcerated Mother’s Program works to strengthen families with the goal of preventing out-ofhome placements for children and breaking the intergenerational cycle of incarceration by fostering the resiliency of children, families and communities. Our youth programs and support groups seek to promote mutual aid and community change efforts to better support healthy development. In East Harlem and on the Upper East Side, the Incarcerated Mother’s Program also works actively with our community partners to increase the quality and availability of support services for all our families. Overview The Incarcerated Mother’s Program is proud of another successful year of working in partnership with our families to improve the outcomes for children and their parents in the communities that we serve. Day to day, our case planners are in constant motion - making home visits, advocating with schools, helping with housing problems, modeling new ways of disciplining children, and providing assistance with social or financial matters, as needed. Families come to our Agency with a myriad of challenges. Our staff is dedicated and creative in finding solutions to their problems while ensuring that the families’ values and rights are respected. Family Recreational Events and Trips Community Education around the impact of incarceration of children COMMITMENTS Families receiving preventive services 94 Children served 213 Percentage of ACS Referrals 87% Families receiving home visits 75% Teenagers receiving after-school programming 20 Children participating in Kids Shine 21 Mothers attending prison-based groups49 Fathers attending prison-based groups17 One of our new initiatives has been the expansion of our prison-based parenting groups to serve fathers. This initiative, which was introduced in two of the local federal detention centers, found that the fathers were eager to learn ways to be better parents, and to be involved in some positive way in their children’s lives. Our work with children has taught us that children benefit when both their parents are actively involved in their lives and that, even from prison, fathers can communicate that they love their children and want the best for their futures. We are excited to continue to expand our group work services to local prisons with the help of our talented Hunter MSW interns. Preventive cases closed due to meeting their goals 83% EGS CF One of the most critical elements of the Incarcerated Mother’s Program’s success with families is our staff’s ability to build trusting relationships, where all of the individuals in a family feel appreciated and safe enough to share their struggles or needs. We are constantly evaluating how well staff interacts with families and methods to improve upon that interaction. This year, there were many stories that demonstrate that the Incarcerated Mother’s Unit was successful in strengthening the family/caseworker relationship. For example, one of our teenage clients chose to do her year-long school related service Youth Leadership After-school Programming for Adolescents R ELIABLE PAR TNER incarcerated mother’s program Client and staff collaboration is also evident when we hold our annual picnic at Lake Welsh. Throughout the day, clients and staff set up equipment, barbecue and clean up in complete harmony. Even after a family’s case is closed, clients return to the Agency to share their good news and get advice on problems that they are facing. This demonstrates that our clients view the Incarcerated Mother’s Program as a “Reliable Partner”, and a positive influence in their lives. Kids Shine Recreational Group for Pre-teens 24 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 25 services training education prevention and self help steps (services training education prevention and self help) to end family violence Programmatic highlights this year include some exciting developments in our Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) program. We were granted additional monies to expand our program to serve clients with misdemeanor charges. This now allows us to work with 80 women a year whose charges are related to their experience of abuse. Our outreach and group programming at Riker’s Island enables us to reach well over 200 additional women a year. EGS CF Fiscal year 2007, has proven to be a transformational one for the STEPS to End Family Violence Program. Our programs have grown stronger and continue to work with thousands of individuals throughout the five boroughs through our education, legal, counseling, and court-related services. STEPS staff are actively involved in numerous coalitions and task forces throughout the city, have a hand in planning major conferences, and are working in concert with several organizations on projects that address the needs of our population. 26 One of our long-standing programs, Stepping Stones to Success, closed this year after a long and valiant struggle to secure additional funding. While we have been saddened by this loss, we view this as an opportunity to reassess needs, build on our strengths, and move forward in line with our mission. Perhaps most significantly, we bid farewell to our founder, Sr. Mary Nerney. After more than twenty years at the helm, she resigned to begin a well earned sabbatical. annual report 2007 - 2008 The Children’s Therapy Program worked with 96 children last year. An example of our work is highlighted in these pages. With an average of 30% of our children in foster care, we are now working on a plan to strengthen our collaboration with the Permanency Services Department. Current and former teens in our Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP) have been inspired to spread the message of healthy relationships and now lead groups at their schools and colleges. Through the RAPP program, we were able to reach over 1,869 teens! And finally, the Taking STEPS and Youth CAP programs worked with over 646 survivors of domestic violence in Fiscal 2007 and provided training to over 100 organizations. We are currently developing a plan to expand our legal services capacity to meet the increasing needs presented by survivors of domestic violence, more and more of whom have been contacting us and seeking help. success story Cassie, age 5, was referred to the Children’s Therapy Program in January, 2005, due to exposure to domestic violence. When Cassie began therapy, she and her mother were residing in a domestic violence shelter. At that time, Cassie was having unsupervised weekend visits with her father as per a visitation order. In sessions, Cassie reported that she did not want to see her father and that she was afraid of him because he hurt her mommy. She exhibited increased anxiety and fears, and was having difficulty separating from her mother. Cassie’s mother also reported that she was displaying increased aggression and uncontrollable tantrums. In therapy, Cassie was able to express her fears and play out the traumatic experience of watching her father hurt her mother. Safety planning was reviewed on a regular basis to increase Cassie’s feelings of safety. Therapy also supported Cassie around the visits with her father and her parent’s separation. Many interventions assisted Cassie in sorting out her feelings about her parents, and determining how she can have a loving relationship with each despite the history of parental conflict. Cassie will be terminating therapy services this month due the reduction in anxiety and increased ways of expressing herself. Cassie and her mother recently moved into their own apartment and are doing well. Cassie visits her father every other weekend and continues to build a positive relationship with him. Presently, Cassie acts like any well-adjusted child her age. She is happy, loves to laugh, play, and just be plain silly. annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Our Teen Accountability Program is beginning to receive national attention. We have had inquiries from organizations in other states interested in providing such a program and have been invited to present at a national conference in 2008. A total of 70 young men attended our groups this year. 27 In recent years, the greatest achievement for the Health Services Department has been its ability to provide wrap-around services at the point of Intake. Typically, children who enter the foster care system have more chronic medical conditions than other children from the same economic background. This is usually due to them receiving intermittent or no health/mental health services prior to entering foster care. A significant number these children tend to have a higher rate of birth defects, emotional disorders and school-related problems. Some of them have unmet or unidentified medical problems. Also, there is an overrepresentation of children needing mental health services in the foster care system. The types of mental health needs displayed by children in foster care are complex. Diagnosis is often difficult because of multiple risks and traumatic experiences. These risks are further complicated by the extreme uncertainty and stress of the children being removed from their biological families and placed in unfamiliar living situations. Many children display disorders of attachment, depression or anxiety. Foster children may be at an increased risk for post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from trauma or may have By Rosa Santiago, Employment Job Coach self-regulation disturbances involving difficulty regulating their own behavior and emotional problems. agency of choice Over the course of my most recent search for employment, I received Therefore upon Intake every child/adolescent is examined by our Pediatric Consultant who is also a numerous job offers based on my twenty years of experience and professional Neurologist, and screened by a Mental Health Clinical Coordinator who has received a Master’s degree qualifications in the child care industry. Edwin Gould Services for Children in Psychology and is either trained to be a Child Life or Adolescent Specialist. A comprehensive physical and Families (EGSCF) became my “Agency of Choice” for a very specific and consisting of a tuberculosis screening; lab work; hearing, vision and developmental assessments tests personal reason. The Job Coach position in the Office of Youth Development are performed to ensure that any health problems or concerns are immediately identified. Referrals and and Aftercare Services provides the opportunity to work with a population of follow-up appointments are also made during this visit. teenagers and young adults that I understand and can relate to because I was separated from a parent as a little girl. Depending on the outcome of the mental health screening, children/adolescents are then referred to an EGSCF Psychiatrist or Psychologist for an evaluation. If it is deemed that therapy is necessary, a referral From the age of six, I lived with my maternal grandmother in Puerto Rico is made to community providers. If needed services are not readily available, our mental health clinical for an extended period of time, while my mother searched for a better way team can provide play therapy or bridge therapy until services in the community can be put in place. of life in New York. I would constantly ask my grandmother for my mother’s whereabouts. One day she gave me a picture of my mother that I still cherish and hold dear. Every night, I included a request to reunite with my mother in my prayers. I often drifted to sleep dreaming of the day that my mother would come back to get me and my sibling. Finally, the day came that my mother sent for us to join her in NYC. To this day, I am thankful to God that my wish to reunite my family came true. EGS CF Since that time, one of my goals has always been to mentor and provide assistance to young people who were less fortunate. I am proud to be a “Reliable Partner” on the EGSCF team and excited to work collaboratively with staff to provide teens and young adults with the skills that will enable them to become self-reliant and successful as they move forward into the workforce and, promote services that will expedite the reunification of children and families. 28 annual report 2007 - 2008 developmental disabilities services Program Introduction The Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) Programs serve a total 32 consumers at seven different locations throughout New York City. These include four apartments at Co-Op City in the Bronx, a single dwelling on Sherman Avenue in the Bronx and two apartments on Riverside Drive, Manhattan. Of these residential sites, six are operated as individualized residential alternatives (IRA) and the other as an intermediate care facility (ICF). All of our residential programs are staffed by direct support staff 24 hours a day; seven days a week. In 2008, EGSCF will collaborate with OMRDD to develop a six-bed IRA program that will serve six male participants in the Bronx. Program Overview RKF (Reverend Kenneth Folkes) ICF Sherman Ave Bronx, NY This intermediate care facility (ICF) is a unique care model that offers a more intense and medicallyfocused program serving eight individuals; four men and four women. The program has been in operation at EGSCF for more than thirty years, and half of its participants came from Willowbrook when it was being de-institutionalized in the 1970’s. As opposed to our other residential programs, this care model allows for a complete clinical team comprising of a registered nurse, nutritionist, recreation therapist, behavior therapist, speech therapist and clinical coordinator, due to the advanced age of the resident population. The clinicians have regular contact with consumers and they play an active role in developing individualized treatment plans to address the clients’ needs. One-to-one treatments and monitoring specific behaviors requiring therapeutic interventions are forms of services provided to the consumers. Throughout the year staff receives training and/or updates on various mental health subject matters. RKF direct support staff (DSP) are well seasoned in their duties and a number of workers, who have been employed for more than five years, have formed long-term bonds with our consumers that transcend the routine staff-to-consumer relationships. Co-Op City IRA Alcott Place Bronx, NY At this location, EGSCF operates four individualized residential alternative (IRA) Programs: two four-bed male residences and two four-bed female residences. The IRA care model allows the participants to receive care and support commensurate to their needs. For instance, some consumers are able to access the community independently. Others receive one-to-one staff support when they are accessing the community. Several consumers receive ancillary services in the form of occupational therapy, psychological counseling and physical therapy. In this setting all services delivered are authorized by the consumer’s individualized service plan (ISP). These consumers participate fully in their community. They attend monthly shareholders meetings and routinely travel to local restaurants, movie theaters, and shops, etc. R ELIABLE PAR TNER The Health and Mental Health Services Department is committed to delivering quality health and mental health services in a timely manner. Our primary goal is that every child, adolescent or client achieve their maximum health potential and be emotionally prepared to meet life’s challenges. annual report 2007 - 2008 29 presidential award 2006-2007 nominees The Presidential Award has been Riverside Drive IRA 157th Street & Riverside Ave, Manhattan At this location EGSCF operates two individualized residential alternative (IRA) Programs; a four-bed male residence and a four-bed female residence. Similar to our other IRA Programs, the participants at this site receive care and support commensurate to their needs. Some consumers receive ancillary services in the form of occupational therapy, psychological counseling and nutritional services. In this setting all services delivered are authorized by the consumer’s individualized service plan (ISP). These consumers participate fully in their immediate community by attending the monthly building shareholders meeting, participating in Tai Chi classes and other entertainment opportunities available to the Riverside shareholders. Consumer Self Advocacy Following a very laborious planning process, EGSCF consumers were successful in establishing their own self-advocacy group. Members of this group meet on a monthly basis. To date, it has served as another vehicle to help our participants assert greater control in the daily happenings at EGSCF that impact their lives. 1 TOLIGHTHA SMALLS , OCTOBER 2006 Nominated by Ponzetta Howard & Jamise Merchant established to recognize staff for exemplary performance. This is the Agency’s way of recognizing staff, Services Provided 1. Residential Habilitation 2. Medicaid Service Coordination 3. Transportation Services 4. Nursing Services 5. Speech Therapy 6. Physical Therapy 7. Occupational Therapy 8. Psychology Services 9. Recreation Therapy 10. Psychiatric Services 11. Nutrition Services 12. American Red Cross Certified Training Provider for EGSCF employees and the general public . 2 CARMELLE TEHE, NOVEMBER 2006 Nominated by Mojisola Obadeyi 3 JAMIE SCHOELLER-HUGHES, DECEMBER 2006 Nominated by Laura Lombardi bringing their performance to the attention of others, and saying thanks for a job well done. 4 DULCE NAMIS, JANUARY 2007 Nominated by Josefina Branford 5 KLECKNER CHARLES, FEBRUARY 2007 Nominated by Everson Gibson 6 MICHELE AGUIRRE, MARCH 2007 Nominated by Everson Gibson 7 VICTORIA EDMOND, APRIL 2007 Nominated by Amelia Swanigan 8 MARIA MAGNY, MAY 2007 Nominated by Anneris Paulus 9 JOHN FOWLER, JUNE 2007 Nominated by Sharon Merritt 10 AILYN JIMENEZ, JULY 2007 Nominated by Sharon Merritt 11 LIZETTE SANTIAGO, AUGUST 2007 Nominated by Barry Alicea 12 HEATHER THOMPSON, SEPTEMBER 2007 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Nominated by Aubrey Featherstone EGS CF Industry Leader Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families is a trend setter in the area of assisting the developmentally challenged. All of our IRA programs have a certified bed capacity of four or less. This is in accordance with OMRDD’s mandate to promote smaller (six beds or less) community residences. Also, EGSCF is now an American Red Cross Certified Training Provider for its employees and the general public. 30 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 31 Supporters fund development Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families is funded through New York City and New York State contracts. These funds, however, must be supplemented by additional income to meet the current needs of the children and families that we serve. Therefore, we depend on private individuals, corporations and foundations to help support the quality services and programs we provide. You can get involved by participating in special events: • “ARTrageous” Gala Dinner & Art Auction • Holiday Toy Drives • Celebrity Hosted Events • Sponsored Corporate Events • Volunteer your time and/or service Kevin W. Corrigan Will Cotton Willa Cox Zephrine & Evelyn Cummings Tatziana Dambacher Mrs. Edith D. Davenport Dani Davis L. Gene Davis Bob Roberts & Lauren Day Graziano & Valerie De Boni Louis Demarco Mike DePaola Joel Derhick Dave Devries Carlton Dewoody Lena Diab Bernard & Eliz Diamond Jason Diaz Edward Dibenedetto Jeff & Helen Dilandro Ms. Julie Blackman & Mitchell Dinnerstein Peg DiOrio Alan & Elizabeth Donenfeld Naomi Donne Sr. Virginia Dorgan Christine Dowling Steven Drobny Nicholas Dubrul Keith Dupree Roberto Dutesco Rosemarie du Vigneaud Vincent du Vigneaud Richard Easton Rev. Norman C. Eddy Malcolm Edgerton Jared Eglowsky Shawn Ehlers Bryan El Castillo Mark Ellman Holly Ericson Roy Essakow Jonathan Faekas John Faltings Arlene Farenci Peter Farol Charles Fazzino Heather Fazzino Alistair Featherstone Annette Feierman Elizabeth Fekkai Leslie C. Feldman Joseph Fichera Christina Fikaris Joel & Adele Fine Claudette Fink Valentino & Christopher Fobes EGS CF We all agree that children are our future. We want them to grow up where they know happiness, believe in themselves and look to their future with confidence and purpose. Please join us in our mission to help enrich the lives of our children. You can help when you provide: • Financial Contributions • In-Kind Contributions Penny Aaron John & Jill Adelman Niraj Agarvir Hamilton Aguiar Jamie Ahn Michael Albert Jeanine Alfieri Lila Alizadeh Hunter & Victoria Allen Rose & Michael Allocca James Cavello & Margarite Almeida Domingo Alonso Judge Ancako Nejma And Ted Anderson Thomas Andrews Gerald M. Appelstein Rose Arce Frank Arends Linda Argila Elliot Arkin Michael Arsham Andrea Joel Arshaw Elisabet Asch Sheri Babb Racheal Bachnr John Backus Christopher Baechle Donald Baechler Marissa Banez Craig Banks Merrill Banks Michael & Candace Barasch Clay H. Barr Clifford Basonner Michael & Audrey Baumgardt Alex Beard Peter Beard Frank Begley Ian & Crystal Behar Claire Behrlel Christine Bell Uzi & Cecilia Ben Abraham Elayn K. Bernay, Ph.D Josh Berkowitz Elizabeth Blaney Ross Bleckner Natexis Bleichroeder Jeff Blind Peter & Emanuelle Block Nilda Blomberg Jill Bock Ilan Bohm Ann Boland Eric & Adrienne Bolling Michael Boris Brian Bortonazzi Daniel Bowers Erica Fogg Boyer Steve Boxer Chip Brady & Allison Weiss Brady Micheal Brancati Peter M. Brant Cariya Breemen Barbara Brennan Christina Brens Romero Britto Randall Brockett Cathy Brower Jeffrey & Kristin Brown Paul Brown Kabel Brumberg Nancy & Larry Bryant Henry Buhl Edward Bulgin Janna Bullock Marsha Burnett Patricia Burnham Liza Buzytsky Helene L. Byrnes Rose Caiola Louis Cameron Robert Campbell Silvia Campo Eneas Capalbo Hyacinth Carbon Chuck Martin & Desiree McCartney Martin Nicole Caruth Bryan El Castillo James Cavello Christine Cea Pedro Ceron Kamali Chandler James S. Chanos Alexandre Charriol Amy Chase John Chimples Brooke Churchill Ann Chusic Christine Chwe James Clooney Karen E. Coe Dominick D’Alleva & Robin Coffer William & Anne Cohen Barbara Cole Kirstin Cole Stewart Lane & Bonnie Comley Richard Cook Noel Coppersmith John & Wanda Corcoran 32 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER Sincere Thanks to Our Supporters and Business Contributors for Their Generous Donations Through-out the Year. 33 annual report 2007 - 2008 Haifa Ijaz Walter Iooss Anthony M. Italia Michael Jacobs Richard & Amy Jacobson Patrick & Brooksany Jewell Michael & Macon Jessop Bobbo Jetmundsen Robert Jetmundsen Adriene Johnson Michael Smith & Lisa Johnson Donald Johnston Alice & Paul Judelson Roy A. Judelson Lisa Kalis Barbara Kallvaria Barbara Kammerer Howard T. Kaneff Sr. Kathleen Kanet Jeffrey R. Kaplan Paris Karaahmetoglu John Karabelas Partsa Karra Diana Kashan Jeannette Kastenberg Michael Kaufman Steven Kaufman Andrew & Katherine Kellerman Angelica Kerr Lawrence G. Kessel Shahrzad Khayami Tessica Kim Pam Kimnel Deborah Kind Elizabeth & William Klemperer Vincent Kondaveet Costas A. Kondyis Jeff & Justine Koons Yvonna Kopacz Mark Kostabi Richard Kramer Melissa Krauss Regina Kravitz Jerry & Suzan Kremer Stephen M. Krupa Kathleen Kuhlman Juris Kupris Hillary Lallier Evan Lamberg Lisa Lamberg Elizabeth Lamers Jennifer Lancaster Dawn Landa Jack Laroux Greg Lauren Adrienne Lawler Janice Lawner Allan Lazare Arlene Lazare Melissa Lazarov Danny Leopold Shaler Ladd III & Lilia Garcia Leyva Alan & Diane Lieberman K. Ling Joseph V. Lobuono Keith Locker Christopher London Bernadette Longford Linda Luneau Geralyn M. Lyman-Kurtz James L. Nederlander & Margo MacNabb Shana Madofe Peter & Marion Madoff Stephen Maguire Evangelia Liana Makkos Liana Makkos Thomas Makkos Polly Marans Michelle Marie Lennox Marshall Jordania Martin Linda Mason Joseph & Dorothy Mattia Peter Max Eliot Mazzocca Elliot Mazzucco Raphael Mazzucco Caroline Alexa McBride Maura McCormack Robert McDermott Victoria McGarry Kevin S. McKenna Lucinda McKenna Patrick McMullan Richard Medley Christine Mehring Bob & Liz Ann Meier Bill Meissner Kim Meissner Alicia Pousada Mejuto Wendy Meltzer Chandra R Melzler Rose Memelstein Lauren Meshel Rockell Metcalf Suzanne Metz William Michaelcheck David Migdalek Mark Millene Jon Miller Pamela &J. Travis Millman Eric & Stacey Mindich Robert Mitzman Todd L. Moberly Susan K. Montgomery Iris Moore Nina Moore Raymond & Jacqui Moore Gregg Mostrocviti Karen Myrie Catherine Needham Lance Nill Philip S. Noble Jayne Nussbaum William & Michele Nuti Alene & Donald Olesen Yoko Ono Kimberly Onorato Jeffrey & Djida Oppenheim Nancy Orbach Austin Palmer-Smith Glen Palmer-Smith Tacho M. Sandoval & Dawn Palo Damian Park Erik Parker Jed Parker Stuart Parr Robert Winne Parry Karen & Paul Addison Picciani Karen Pavlin Alice Pearce Lawrence Peck Rand Peppas Marco Perego Kristin Pereira Anton Perich Tristan Perich Guy Philoche Rachel Pine Rita Pinto Stanley & Gloria Plesent Robert Plummer Miriam Poirier Christopher & Kim Polony Lisa Pomeranty Albert Popa Dalton Portella David A. Post Donna Poyiadjis Roys & Danna Poyiadrs Gregory & Gianna Prime Cianna Prince Eleanor Propp Susan & Peter Purdy Arturo Quiros Jennifer Rahman James & Ann Rambo Treisha Ramcharan Friedman Billings Ramsey Gary & Colleen Rein Dannah Ressler Stacey & Corey Ribotsky Denise Rich Craig & Debra Rietmann Marisa Rieue Antoinette Ripinsky Grace Robb Andrew Roberts Luis Rodguez Todd & Carole Rome Dora Romero Kevin Roon Lori Rooney Rhonda B. Rosen Diane Lenny Rosenblum Sheila Rosenblum Arnold Rosenshein Jason & Beth Rosenthal Larry Rosenthal Craig & Carrie Rothfield Gerald & Cynthia Rothstein Joel Rott Catherine Foti & Steven Rudder Marira Rust Martin Saar Andrew Sabin Charles Saffati Esam Safi Dina E. Sarti Joseph & Jennifer Saul Michael Scanlon Lynn Corwin & Charles Scardino Paul & Jane Schindler Daniel & Laura Frerer Schmidt Jean L. Schmidt Diane Schueller Charles Schwab Cathy & Charles Schwartz Iris Schwartz Maria Sciotino Laurence Scott Wendy Frank & Doug Scott Ryan Scully Cassandra Seidenfeld Vody Seki Eileen Serwer Carol Shapiro Arthur Shapolsky Beth Sharp Jason Sheller Midco Shibata Aleta Shipley Stanley &Tracy Shopkorn Deborah Shure, M.D. Rochelle Silpe Tabitha Simmons Lisa Sinclair Gregg Singer Lisa & Alexander Skora Hunt Slonem Michael & Iris Smith Stephan & Lynn Solomon Vanessa Solomon Chevalier Richard Louis Soloway, KTJ Dame Donna Anne Soloway, KTJ Jalaine Adamson Sommers Scott Sosnik Lori Sprows Fred & Jacqueline Stahl George & Elena Stephanopoulos Illysa Sternberg Kristopher Stillwell Linda Stocknoff Howard & Nancy Stone Michael J.C. Stone David H. Storper Charles & Allison Strout Donna Sullivan Theresa Sullivan Brett Surerus Glen & Eslyn Sylvester Kathleen Tait Stephen Talasnik Stephen Talasnik Steve Tanger Leonard Tannenbaun James Walter Tar Gloria Tarigo Mrs. David Tenney Robin Tewes Elizabeth Thompson James V. Tigani Jr. Jeffrey Tillou Gilliam Tollam Brett & Emily Topel Lawrence Traub Michael Troker Diane Tuft Spencer Tunick Peter Tunney Seth Turkeltaub Alexandra Tyler Andy Valmorbida Dax Van Aalten Barbara Van Buren Monique Van Vooren Christine Volkmar Henrik & Viktoria Von Siemens Mary Ann Wall Scyatta Wallace Lou Wallach Milton & Caroline Walters Wesley Wang Craig Warwick Gregg & Debra Wasser Bruce & Claude Wasserstein Marci Waterman Dave Waxtel Paul Weinberg Boaz Weinstein Allison Weiss George A. Weiss Joel & Andrea Wernick Gary Martin Wexler Sandra Josephine White Kehinde Wiley Shelby Willcox B. Victor Williams Ken Witler Myles & Barbara Wittenstein Adam Wolfberg Sherry Wong Wayne Wright Sharon Wyse Robert Yaffa Rober & Jill Zarin Robert Zelman Debra Zitrin Companies & Foundations Alice Claire S. Montgomery Trust Align Construction Anonymous Annunciation Church Anthony Coopers Com Bellringer Communications Inc. Biscotti, Toback & Company P.C. Black Agency Executives Black Equity Alliance Blue Star Jets Bricklayers &Allied Craftworkers Buhl Foundation Bulgin & Associates Construction, Inc. Caiola Family Foundation Canisius College CFA Capital Partners, LLC Chiaroscuro, LLC Church of the Epiphany CIBC World Markets Cilibrasi & Associates, Inc. Complete Office Supply Warehouse Congregation of Notre Dame Coutts And Company Craz Woodworking Associates, Inc. annual report 2007 - 2008 R ELIABLE PAR TNER EGS CF 34 Carol Fonde Christopher Forbes Wendy Frank Daveed D. Frazier Alan & Nancy Friedman Christopher Gallardo Annabelle Garrett Carolyn Gartner Hugh Gavigan Sandra Gebert Ursula Gebert Joan Berger & Elie Geiger Jordan Gerber Anna Gerzon-Rolnick Marjan Gharajedaghi Barbara Gibbs Sean Gillooley Michael Gitlitz Mikel Glass Samuel Glen Deanne Glover Andrew Goldberg Allison Goldenstein Sandy & Cori Goldfarb Marla Goldwasser Joseph K. Gormley Austin A. Graham Louis Grandelli Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Greenberg Val Guilford David Gullez Arnold S. Gwirtzman Henry & Shirley Hackel Teresa Haft Stephen Hannock Al Haranek Vanesa Hart Rose Hartman Kim Hatchett Henry & Patricia Hay Robert Hay Christopher Heath Caroline & James Heavey Stephen & Julie Heavey Gerry Heimbuch Michelle Heinemann Pomm Hepner Sara Herbert Gary Herman Susan Hermanson Fancine Herndia Anne D. Herrmann Geoffrey Hess Tracy R. High Isabel Hilborn William T. Hillman Gerry & Patricia Hirschhoon Louise & Paul Hogue Rebecca Holmes Carrie Holt John Hook Stacy Horn Elliot Horowitz Richard Hoyt Rick Hoyt Stephen Hubard Lucia Hwong-Gordon 35 Del Bello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP Deutsche Bank Disney Worldwide Services Inc. Doubledown Media Duane Miller III, Builder Dupree Excavation, LLC Eos Airline Evergreen Partnership Feldman Realty Group Fidelity Charitable Fishman, Roth & Chase, LLP Fleur De Lis Interior Desi LLC Fordham University Campus Ministry Fortune Society/Fortune L.P. Fund for the City of New York G’s Payables, LLC Gerbert Contemporary Gallery Gillian& Sylvester Goya Foods Icon Custom Construction Services, Inc. IWC Schaffhausen Jacombs Investments, Ltd JEC Consulting Corp. Jeffrey R. Kaplan Charitable Fund Kevin Harrington Plumbing & Heating Inc. Kimberly Allan & John Arena of U.S. Trust LDI Color Tool Box Leroy Street Studio Architecture Pc L.H. Reporting Services, Inc. Lido Stone Works Loebs & Gordon Poolcraft Luttway M & J Management Corp. Mabel B. Fischer Grant Foundation Man Group USA Marco Marlborough Gallery Mary Clancy Charities May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. MCEV, LLC. Mechanical Association of New Jersey, Inc. Merisel Americas, Inc. Morris Marketing, Inc. Munro Bank Murray Hill Chiropractic P C Nederlander of New York, Inc North Sea Plumbing & Heat NYC Council NYC Human Resources Administration NYC Office of the Criminal Justice Coordinator NYS Department of Labor NYS Division of Probation and Criminal Justice Alternatives NYS Office of Children and Family Services NYS Unified Court System Ocean Electric Corporation Old World Moldings, Inc. Palm Bay Imports, Inc. Peconic Ironworks, Ltd. Pepsi-Cola Company Precision Excavating & Drainage Corp. Purcell Associates of Nevada, Inc. Radiant Drywall &Insulation Corp. Refinance.Com Regional Programs, Inc. Reilly Woodworks Rich Duda D.Q.G, Inc Rudin Management Co., Inc. S & S Supplies Corp. Sabin Metal Corporation Scoop Management, LLC SDJ Group, LLC Seymour Feldman Foundation Inc. Shelter Alliance Skody Scot & Company, CPA’s, P.C. Smart Choice Communications, LLC SMG Marketing Group Inc. Society of the Sacred Heart Solutions from the Heart, LLC St. Vincent, Milone & O’Sullivan, Inc. Stedawill Art Foundation The Center for Court Innovation The Charles Evans Foundation The Choral Society of Grace Church The Church of the Heavenly Rest The Congregation of Notre Dame The Junior League of New York The Lincoln Fund The Louis R. Cappelli Foundation The New York Community Trust The Scone Foundation The Sills Family Foundation The United Way The Walt Disney Company The Whistler Family Foundation Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner, LLP Tri Star Construction Corporation Trot Trading Corporation United Nations Federal Credit Union Valentino W & G Service Company, Inc. Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC Wachovia Securities Inc. Warburg Pincus LLC Weber & Grahn Conditioning Corp. West Hampton Glass &Metal, Inc. financial highlights year ending june 30, 2007 revenues REVENUES Permanency Services12,348,842 Preventive Services (ACS)1,679,443 Preventive Services (Other)1,740,048 Medical/Mental Health Services1,118,694 Residential Programs3,492,667 Group Homes681,689 Other Programs 836,593 Fundraising Revenues1,624,495 Contributions and Other Income 444,871 TOTAL REVENUES $ 23,967,342 expenses EGS CF R ELIABLE PAR TNER Programs: Permanency Services11,287,504 Preventive Services (ACS)1,533,981 Preventive Services (Other)1,774,256 Medical/Mental Health Services1,099,554 OMR Developmental Disabilities Programs3,307,419 Group Homes602,432 Other Services 775,798 Administration1,767,434 Fundraising Expenses 911,305 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 23,059,683 36 annual report 2007 - 2008 annual report 2007 - 2008 37 actual revenues by program (unaudited) Fundraising Contributions and Other Services $1,624,495 Other Income 7% $836, 593 $444,871 3% 2% Group Homes $681,689 3% statement of activities year ending june 30, 2007 revenues OMR Developmental Disabilities Program $3,492,667 15% REVENUES Permanency Services $12,348,842 51% Medical/Mental Health $1,118,694 5% Programs: Permanency Services Preventive Services (ACS) Preventive Services (Other) Medical/Mental Health Services OMR Developmental Disabilities Programs Group Homes Other Services TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENSES Administration $1,767,434 8% Group Homes $602,432 3% 38 annual report 2007 - 2008 11,287,504 1,533,981 1,774,256 1,099,554 3,307,419 602,432 775,798 $ 20,380,944 program support services REVENUES Permanency Services $11,287,504 48% Management & General Fundraising TOTAL PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES Net Change in Assets $ 1,767,434 911,305 $ 2,678,739 $ 23,059,683 R ELIABLE PAR TNER EGS CF Medical/Mental Health Services $1,099,554 5% Preventive Services (Other) Preventive Services $1,774,256 (ACS) 8% $1,533,981 7% $ 21,958,920 1,974,879 33,543 $ 23,967,342 REVENUES actual expenditures by program (unaudited) OMR Developmental Disabilities Program $3,307,419 14% Govt. Revenues (Including Pass Thru Funds) Public Support Misc. Revenues TOTAL REVENUES expenses Preventive Services Preventive Services (Other) (ACS) $1,740,048 $1,679,443 7% 7% Fundraising $911,305 Other Services 4% $775,798 3% $ 907,659 annual report 2007 - 2008 39 governing body OFFICERS AS OF NOVEMBER 1, 2007 GOVERNING BODY OFFICERS AS OF NOVEMBER 1, 2007 Jean L. Schmidt, Esq. President Robert Schanz Vice President Judith Benitez Treasurer Mary Ann Wall Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hunter W. Allen Joan Berger, Esq. Nicole Caruth Violet A. Chandler, Esq. Peg DiOrio Malcolm Edgerton Jr., Esq. Denise M. Grant, Esq. E. Eldred Hill Karen A.N. Myrie, M.D. Michael A. Neff, Esq. Beth Sharp Scyatta Wallace, Ph.D. B. Victor Williams Myles Wittenstein ADVISORY BOARD Myrtle Butler PROGRAM STAFF Aubrey Featherstone, MPA Executive Director Everson Gibson, MPA Associate Executive Director of Programs Alan Meltzer, MBA, CPA Associate Executive Director of Finance Josefina Branford, BA Assistant Executive Director of Finance Laura Fernandez, LMSW Assistant Executive Director, Programs & After Care Services Suzanne Tow, BS Director, Human Resources Llewellyn Bishop, B.Sc. Director, Information Technology Laura Pires-Hester, Ph.D. Barbra Louis, Ed.D Mildred McGee EGS CF Lloyd B. Solomon 40 annual report 2007 - 2008 Karen Horne, RN, MS, MPH Director of Health & Mental Health Services Ronnie Aikman, MSW Assistant Director, Permanency Services Marie Merelus, MPA Assistant Director, Permanency Services Yannick Krueger Assistant Director, Health & Mental Health Services Linda Argila Consultant, Fund Development Veronica Rojas, M.D. Psychiatric Consultant Oliver M. Crespo, Ph.D. Psychological Consultant Manuela Robles, MS Director, Permanency Services Emmanuel Bruno, M.D. Sharon Merritt, MSW Director, HomeFinding Services Peter Klainbard, M.D. Pediatric Medical Consultant Lucia Rivieccio, LCSW Director, STEPS to End Family Violence Donna Whyte, BA Coordinator, Quality Assurance MR/DD Amelia Swanigan Director, Incarcerated Mother’s Program Rose Nantongo, LMSW Director, Training/Foster Parent Support Unit/Community Engagement Avery Fuchs Jane H. Goldman, Esq. Joseph Spooner, Ph.D. Director, Supervised Independent Living Program Wrickford Dalgetty, BA, JD Director, Office of Youth & Adolescent Services Zephrine Cummings Educational Consultant/Champion Barbara Gibbs Educational Consultant/Champion Michele Aguirre Coordinator, Quality Assurance Sandra Glover Office Manager Sharon Pyle Assistant to the Executive Director Barry Alicea, MSW Director, United Families LEGAL COUNSEL John Eyerman, Esq. Kleckner Charles, MPA Director, Residential Services Heather Thompson Editor
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