VOLUME 45 # 3 March 2015 34 YEARS AS SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN WE HONOR - BERNICE MARTIN In 1981, Bernice became the Scholarship chairman. She succeeded LtCol Don Irwin, USAF Ret, and has been serving in this position ever since. Bernice now hands this chairmanship over to LtCol John Reeder, USAF Ret. (Continued on Page 2) **************************************************************************************** INSIDE THE TRUMPET 3 4 5 Cover Page (cont’d); Dues Notice; Congressional Addresses; Important Phone numbers and websites March and April Calendars; March Events “In Memory”; Sick Notice; Save the Date; Changes to the Bylaws “Proposed Changes to the Bylaws” 6 Legislative Report 7 8 9 10 Auxiliary Corner “A History Buff in All of Us” New Member Application; Change of Address form1 Flash Box; Officers and Chairmen’s Phone #’s and Addresses 2 Mission Statement of the Sacramento Chapter of MOAA The mission of the Sacramento Chapter of MOAA is to foster fraternal relations among retired, active and former officers of the seven uniformed services, their reserve components, and their surviving spouses. The chapter will also serve and support the military community and the nation, while supporting the mission of MOAA. 1 Cover page (continued) In 1939, just after England entered the war, our Bernice Martin entered the US on our eastern shores and passed the Statue of Liberty. Much has happened since that time. Bernice was widowed two times, her second husband being Col William Martin, USAF Ret. who was MOAA’s 15th president. She has been a driving force to our Chapter and has held many positions. Besides being Chairman of the Scholarship Committee for thirty-four years (since 1981), she has held the positions of 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Director and President of Solos. She has also served on many committees, some of those being the Luncheon and Dinner Committees, the Commissary Force Group, the McClellan Consumer’s Affairs Group and has been an assistant to the Editor. Bernice is still keeping busy with other organizations and groups – her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, Church, the Military Officers Womens’ Club, her Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Chapter, the Lunch Bunch and her group of retirees from La Sierra High School where Bernice was Librarian for eleven years before the school closed and became the “Chautauqua Theatre”. It is no little wonder that she is one of our “Honorary Members.” ****************************************************************************************** 2015 Dues are now past due! The Chapter needs you! We are still missing some of you!!! Please check your mailing label… If it says 2015, 2016 or 2017, you are paid! If not, you should have received an email or letter by this time. If you have paid your dues and the year noted on your label is incorrect, please call Barbara Toyne (916-334-6616) so I can correct my error. ******************************************************************** CONGRESSIONAL ADDRESSES Following are the addresses recommended for Congressional Representatives at their District Offices. Please remember to write or contact your representatives on any current issue. Senator Barbara Boxer – 501 I Street, Suite 7-600, Sacramento CA 95814 – Ph. 916-448-2787 Senator Dianne Feinstein – 1 Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco CA 94104 – Ph 415-393-0707 Dist. 3 – Rep. John Garamendi, 412 G St., Davis CA 95616 (Offices also in Fairfield and Yuba City) Dist. 4 – Rep. Tom McClintock – 8700 Auburn-Folsom Rd. Granite Bay CA 95746 – Ph. 916-786-5560 Dist. 5 – Rep. Doris Matsui – 501 I Street, Suite 12-600, Sacramento CA 95814 – Ph 916-498-5600 Dist. 7 – Ami Bera – Phone 916-544-3273; email: [email protected] ***************************************************************************** IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS AND WEBSITES Eligibility (DEERS)/ID cards Mail-Order Pharmacy Retiree Dental Plan TRICARE TRICARE FOR LIFE Senior Pharmacy Program 1-800-538-9552 1-877-363-1303 1-888-838-8737 Phone #’s on website 1-866-773-0404 1-877-363-6337 Department of Veterans Affairs Insurance Information 1-800-827-1000 1-800-669-8477 2 http://www.tricare.mil/deers http://www.Express-Scripts.com/healthform http://www.trdp.org http://tricare.mil http://www.tricare.mil/tfl/default.cfm http://tricare.mil/mybenefit/home/overview/ Eligibility/Medicare Beneficiaries http://va.gov http://insurance.va.gov CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARCH APRIL 2 MOAA Solos Board Meeting 3 Good Friday 1931 – “Star Spangled Banner” made Passover Begins US Nat’l Anthem 5 Easter Sunday 3 MOAA Board Meeting 6 Solos Board Meeting 8 Daylight Savings Time – turn clocks Army Day AHEAD 7 MOAA Board Meeting 9 Solos Luncheon 9 Nat’l Former POW Recognition Day 10 RAO Meeting 11 1991 - Persian Gulf War Official NO MOAA Luncheon this month Stop Fire Day 19 2003 – Iraq War begins 13 MOAA Solos Luncheon 20 Beginning of Spring 14 RAO Meeting 23 MOWC Luncheon 15 MOAA Luncheon/ Income Tax Day 24 1995 – Kosovo Campaign began 24 Arbor Day 31 1995 – Somalia Campaign Ended 27 MOWC Luncheon ================================================================== March Events Monday, March 9 – Solos Luncheon - Place: SIERRA REGENCY, 1015 Madden Lane, Roseville; Time: Social 11:30 AM, Lunch 12:00 PM; Program: K-9 Warrior Group MENU: #1 Grilled Pork Chop - Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Green Beans. #2 Chicken Marcella - Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Green Beans . *Both entrees will enjoy Vegetable Soup & Dinner Rolls. Dessert: Crème Brule Cheesecake. Beverages: Water, Coffee, Tea (iced or hot). COST: The entrees are $18.00 each. ** Please make check out to MOAA-SOLOS and mail to John Reeder, 7990 Cook Riolo Road, Antelope, CA 95843. Reservations must be in by Thursday March 5th. If your check will be late. Please call John at 726-7667. March 10 – RAO Meeting – The meeting is held at the North Highlands Community Center at 6040 Watt Ave. at 10:30. The program for the day will be given by . Call the Retired Activities Office (916-640-8446) for more information. NO MOAA Luncheon IN MARCH March 23 – MOWC (Military Officers Wives Club) – 11:30 – Social, 12 noon – Lunch. The luncheon will be held at Lionsgate – Ballroom A. No program this month – let’s just socialize and meet old friends and new! Menu #1 – Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken; #2 – Asian Noodle Chicken Salad. Each meal will include tea, coffee, dessert, rolls and butter. Cost of luncheon is $23.00 Please make check out to Genny Luke and mail to her at 8308 Pinefield Drive, Antelope CA 95843 no later than March 16th. If your reservation will be late, please call Genny Luke at 916-3318039. 3 IN MEMORY Mrs. Ginny Parr Survived by her loving husband, BG Joseph Parr, USAF Ret Mrs. Marjory Brodt AUX Preceded in death by her husbnd Ltc Robert Brodt, USAF Ret Mrs. Eadie Hostek AUX Preceded in death by her husband, Ltc Francis Hostek, USAF Ret =============================================================== SICK LIST We have not received any “sick” members names this month. Please remember to send in the names of those who are deceased. ill or just need a little cheering. Contact our Sunshine chairman, Elizabeth Leidy (916-8531570) *************************************************************************************** Special events coming up – save the dates MARCH 29, 2015 - Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Capitol Park, State Capitol, Sacramento CA As you may know, the California Vietnam Memorial Name Committee is adding the names of 31 California Veterans who died while serving our country in the Vietnam War. The 31 names are scheduled to be added to the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial and then unveiled during a ceremony in Capitol Park on March 29, 2015. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHANGES TO THE BYLAWS – To be voted on by members at the April luncheon The Board has recommended the following Bylaw changes to be made to our Bylaws and voted on at the April luncheon. Please make yourself aware of the following page and review these proposed changes. Deletions are in italics with a line drawn through them. Additions are underlined and in capital letters. Thank you. Committee Members – Maureen Caputo, John Gorczyca, Lorna Griess and Barbara Toyne ****************************************************************************************** 4 Proposed changes to the Bylaws IV – Membership Section 5. Regular members and Auxiliary members are encouraged to acquire and maintain membership in NAT’L Military Officers Association of America. V – Voting Section 2. All members in good standing shall be entitled to vote ON ALL ISSUES GOING BEFORE THE MEMBERSHIP Section 4. A quorum shall be the number of members present at any MEMBERSHIP meeting or the total of ballots cast. VII – Meetings Section 2. Regular meetings of the chapter shall be held normally (the last Saturday of) each month except for December unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors. Notice of time and place shall be mailed to each member at the last recorded address at least 15 days in advance of each meeting. Publication of this notice in the TRUMPET will meet this requirement. VIII – Board of Directors Section 1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected officers: President, 1 st Vice President (membership), 2nd Vice President, (programs), Secretary, Treasurer, five (5) elected Directors and the Immediate Past President. The Editor of the Trumpet, the Dinner Committee Chairman and the President of the Solos shall also be voting members of the Board of Directors by virtue of their positions. The Chaplain, LEGISLATIVE CHIRMAN AND AUXILIARY LAIASON shall be (an) appointed OFFICERS and (a) MEMBERS of the Board without a vote. Article IX Officers Section 8. The 2nd Vice President is responsible for RECRUITING AND planning and coordinating chapter events subject to the approval of the board of Directors. This officer shall secure a meeting place for chapter meetings WHICH INCLUDES LUNCHES AND DINNERS. (a year in advance, secure a meeting place for chapter luncheons as required, contract for bands, when required for chapter meetings, and obtain a check from the Treasurer, in advance, to pay the bands for playing. The 2nd Vice President shall also serve as the Chair of the Luncheon committee.) Article X Committees Section 5. The Audit committee shall audit the Treasurer’s accounts and records in NOVEMBER and submit a report to the Board of Directors at the following JANUARY (its October) meeting. A CPA may be consulted to insure proper and timely tax reporting. Section 6. The Dinner Chair, (Dinner Coordinator), subject to the approval of the Board of directors, is responsible for dinner menus, receiving reservations and, in order to give the meeting facility an accurate count of the number of dinners to be served, shall collect the cost for dinners in advance. The Chair shall, following each event, submit all monies received to the Treasurer with an accurate record of all such monies AND SHALL SECURE CHECKS FROM THE TREASURER TO PAY THE BANDS AND DINNERS. 5 Legislative Report March 2015 Col Lorna Griess, USA Ret. The Defense bill deal is out and it is not perfect. There were a lot of divisive issues that were hammered out between the President and Congress. Here is what happened with the key issues: Military pay raise – capped at 1% by the president’s executive authority. Private sector wage growth is 1.8%. This is the second year of capped active duty pay. Basic allowance for housing (BAH) – 1% decrease in FY 2015 with no further decrease in future years. TRICARE – The bill REJECTS administration proposals to consolidate TRICARE Prime and Standard and implement a means-tested TRICARE for life (TFL) enrollment fee (This issue is not gone.) It expands the mandatory mail-order requirement for maintenance medications to all TRICARE beneficiaries beginning Oct. 1, 2015, TFL beneficiaries already must use TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or a military treatment facility to refill maintenance medications. TRICARE prescription fees – Pharmacy copayments will see a one-time, $3 increase for many retail and mail order prescriptions instead of the Pentagon’s proposal that would have doubled or tripled current rates over 10 years. Negotiators were able to keep generic mail-order prescriptions at no cost to beneficiaries. Military sexual assault – The bill includes more than 15 provisions that further strengthen measures to combat sexual assault in the military. (I will have to read this one to see what they will be spending money to do, 15 provisions is a bunch.) Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) special needs trust – SBP payments can now be put into a trust for disabled adult children. “Roll over” Reserve retirement – The bill extends 90-day early Guard/Reserve retirement credit over two fiscal years. Previously, time served on active duty spanning two fiscal years was not fully counted. (Please note that we are fighting much of this war with reserves/guard.) BRAC – The bill prohibits the Pentagon from initiating another round of base realignments and closures. This year promises to be even more uncertain, with sequestration returning and the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission scheduled to report in February. House and Senate negotiators cited readiness concerns as a reason for cutting BAH and capping military pay. This suggests further attempts to cut pay and benefits could be considered in the FY 2016 budget. All this as our President wants to send troops back into Iraq. Our enemy is not cutting back or reducing its troop strength – just the opposite. Support National MOAA as it works with congress to protect our troops. Send in the cards you see in the Military Officer and respond when asked for support. National MOAA will continue to remind Congress that erosions to pay and benefits led to significant readiness problems in the past – it appears we are heading down that path again. 6 Auxiliary Corner Maureen Caputo By Kathy Prout, Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee - “What Not To Say and What To Say To A Surviving Spouse When a death occurs after a sudden or long illness or a short or long marriage, the surviving spouse has suffered a huge loss. It is never easy. Out of sympathy and good intentions, family and friends sometimes say the darndest things. As a surviving spouse, I have heard the following comments and many more. It is my intention to provide you with not only what not to say but also some tips on what to do and say instead. 1. “I understand exactly how you feel because my [substitute any noun other than spouse, including cat, dog, etcetera] died.” Nobody knows how another person is feeling. Every relationship is different. Instead, say one of the following: “I can’t imagine how you must be feeling,” “You must be so sad,” or even, “I don’t know what to say.” 2. “If you need anything, let me know.” Recent widows/widowers don’t know what they need, and they won’t call. Do say, “May I take you out for coffee?” “May I run errands for you?” “May I bring you a meal or babysit?” or “May I stop by and visit?” 3. “He/she is at peace now,” or “At least you were prepared,” in the case of a terminal illness. It is never easy. When death is sudden and unexpected, do not say, “At least he/she didn’t suffer.” The surviving spouse thinks, Maybe he/she didn’t suffer, but I am suffering. 4. To a younger survivor, people say, “You are young, and you will move on and find somebody else.” Naturally, the surviving spouse cannot imagine life with anybody other than the deceased spouse. 5. Asking any survivor about dating is just as tactless. Do not say, “When are you going to start dating?” or “Will you remarry?” 6. To an older widow, people say, “You were so fortunate to have had such a long marriage or to have known each other so long.” It is never long enough. 7. “Did he/she leave you a hefty life insurance policy?” Unless you are a very close family member, the family financial advisor, or an attorney, do not ask. 8. “It has been a while now. Aren’t you over it yet?” Don’t be afraid to talk about the deceased, as memories are with the survivor constantly. It is comforting for the survivor to know others have not forgotten about his or her spouse. Tell him or her, “I remember.” Everybody grieves differently and on a different time line. It can take six months to several years. Accept where the survivor is in the process. Do not assume the survivor is no longer interested in couple’s activities. Your invitation might be declined, but it will be appreciated. No matter what, remember to be there for a surviving spouse and stay connected. MOAA’s Web Base has other great resources for surviving spouses and their friends and family members. Get more tips on helping a grieving friend and reaching out to friends or find book recommendations for surviving spouses.” 7 THERE IS A BIT OF HISTORY BUFF IN ALL OF US! Here are some interesting tidbits that just maybe you didn't know. In the late 1700's, many houses consisted of a large room with only one chair. Commonly, a long wide board folded down from the wall, and was used for dining. The “head of the household” always sat in the chair while everyone else ate sitting on the floor. Occasionally a guest, who was usually a man, would be invited to sit in this chair during a meal. To sit in the chair meant you were important and in charge. They called the one sitting in the chair the “chair man.” Today in business, we use the expression or title “Chairman” or “Chairman of the Board.” ************************************************ In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many freighters carried iron cannons. Those cannons fired round iron cannon balls. It was necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. However, how to prevent them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a square-based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four resting on nine, which rested on sixteen.. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one problem ...how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding or rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate called a “Monkey” with 16 round indentations. However, if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it. The solution to the rusting problem was to make “Brass Monkeys.” Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and much faster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron cannonballs would come right off the monkey.. Thus, it was quite literally, “Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.” (All this time, you thought that was an improper expression, didn't you?) ******************************************** Early politicians required feedback from the public to determine what the people considered important. Since there were no telephones, TV's or radios, the politicians sent their assistants to local taverns, pubs, and bars. They were told to “go sip some ale” and listen to people's conversations and political concerns. Many assistants were dispatched at different times. “You go sip here” and “You go sip there.” The two words “go sip” were eventually combined when referring to the local opinion and, thus we have the term “gossip.” 8 NEW MEMBER APPLICATION Do you know of anyone who is eligible to become a member of MOAA? Please use this form for NEW MEMBER only… MOAA Sacramento Chapter ATTN: 2015 Membership PO Box 917, Carmichael, CA 95609-0917 NAME: _________________________________________________ PHONE # __________________ PUT IN ROSTER; YES___NO__ ADDDRESS:_____________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________ PUT IN ROSTER: YES___ NO ___ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ______________________________________ YR. RETIRED: _____________ SPOUSE’S NAME: ________________________ BRANCH OF SERVICE _____________________ RANK ___________________________________ Regular Member (20.00) Auxiliary Member (10.00) “Spouse:) Scholarship Fund: (Family) Scholarship Fund (ROTC) Family & ROTC (Split 50/50) Total ______ ______ (Spouse of Deceased Member. Put Officer’s name under ______ _______ _______ ______ (Cut here and mail to Post Office address) (Cut here and mail to address below) Have you moved, changed your phone number, email address or whatever? Please fill in this form and send to: Barbara Toyne, 7301 Arutas Drive, North Highlands CA 95660, so that your Trumpet will arrive at the correct address. Please fill in all information. Thank you. Changes will be noted in the Trumpet. Name _______________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Phone # ______________________________________ May use in Roster Unlisted Email ________________________________________ May use in Roster Do not use in Roster 9 MOAA NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE Military Officers Association of America MOAA Sacramento Chapter PO Box 917 Carmichael CA 95609-0917 PAID Carmichael, CA Permit NO. 167 Address Services requested FLASHBOX – MARCH, 2015 3/9 MOAA Solos Luncheon (Pg 3) 3/10 RAO meeting (Pg. 3) NO MOAA Luncheon this month 3/23 MOWC Luncheon (Pg. 3) Officers: President: – WO4 David Kilborn, USA Ret 916-985-0778 1st VP Membership: Maj Michael Noche, - USAF Ret 916-244-5031 2nd VP Programs – Open Position Co-Secretary LTC Marvin Neill, USAF Ret 916685-9878 Co-Secretary: LtCol Penney Beamer USA Ret 916-797-1252 Treasurer Mrs. Barbara Toyne – AUX 916-334-6616 Directors: Mrs. Maureen Caputo, AUX 419-9713, (2 year) COL Lorna Griess – USA Ret – 419-4074 (2 year) Ltc John Gorczyca – 916-941-0614 (2 year) LtCol John Coze, - USAF Ret 916-485-6949 (1 yr). Col Nenita Daquipa, MD – USAF Ret – 916-791-5510 (1 year) Committee Chairpersons & Assistants Dinners - Advisor: Mrs. Maureen Caputo, – 419-9713, (See Trumpet for Scheduled Hosts and Hostesses) Legislative: COL Lorna Griess – USA – 419-4074 Luncheon: LtCol John Coze, Col Nenita Daquipa, COL Lorna Griess Hospitality – Mrs. Nell Johnson & LtCol Joseph Huard Personal Affairs: JROTC: Maj Michael Noche, - 916-244-5031 Army ROTC: Major Abel Hernandez Air Force ROTC: Major Chad Messinio Scholarship - LtCol John Reeder, USAF Ret – 726-2667 Ass’t: Capt. Ken Sanders, USCG Ret,MAJ Jerry Yellin, USAF Ret., Mrs. Barbara Toyne, Aux. , Bernice Martin, Aux. Sunshine – Mrs. Elizabeth Leidy – 916-853-1570 Aux. Member Advisory Comm. – Chairman Mrs. Maureen Caputo, Aux.; Mrs. Bernice Martin, Aux., Mrs. Barbara Toyne, Aux. Travel -: Trumpet Editor: Mrs. Barbara Toyne, Aux – 334-6616 Ass’t: Mrs. Bernice Martin, Aux, MG James Delk, USA Ret Historian – LTC Penney Beamer, USA Ret. 916-797-1252 Web Adjutant: COL Herbert Holeman, USA Ret – 739-6949 Board Members by virtue of Position: LTC Marvin Neill, USAF Ret 916-685-9878 (Immediate Past-Pres.) Mrs. Dee Denny AUX 916-916-363-2537 (Solos President) LT Jim Hulin, USNR -916-531-5098 (Chaplain) Mrs. Barbara Toyne AUX–916- 334-6616 (Trumpet Editor) Other: McClellan Retired Activities Office – 916-640-8446 CMSgt George Moses, USAF – 916-640-8445 Navy, Marine Corps Reserve Center – 387-7100 Army National Guard – 854-3277 McClaskey Graphic Arts – Printer – 277-6629 *Non-Responsibility Clause: All Travel events and activities sponsored by the Sacramento Chapter of MOAA are for the convenience and pleasure of members and their guests who desire to participate. The Chapter does not assume responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants, passengers or their property. The Chapter is not responsible for any damages in any matter pertaining to travel or other activities. WEB SITE: www.sacmoaa.org 10
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