Military Officers Association of America -- One Powerful Voice -- For every officer at every stage of life and career ************ Heartland of America Chapter ***** March 2015 ***** Our Military did their duty serving our country – Our Legislatures need to do their duty And honor the promises made for such service! (Dinner meeting on March 18th) (see inside back cover for details) (ed.- A free drink to first to identify gentleman above at next dinner) Check out our website at or call (402)339-7888 1 The Bulletin Board Is the Newsletter of the Heartland of America Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. Content is from members, MOAA internet mail, MOAA’s Affiliate, and other military-oriented sources. Material used is public domain or attributed as to source and copyright. ********************** Lt Colonel Patrick L. Jones, USAF (Ret) Editor & Webmaster Volume XXIX Number 3 March 2015 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Our February dinner meeting speaker was Col Scott Graham, USAF (Ret), now a GS-15, Air Force Global Strike Command’s advisor to USSTRATCOM. He assumed this position in February 2013. Scott joined the civil service in 2009 after 26 years in the Air Force and four years as a contractor assigned to STRATCOM. Scott’s military service focused on missile operations, maintenance, planning, and command. His final position was vice commander of the 91st Missile Wing at Minot AFB. He also served at Offutt in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) staff, at the Pentagon in the Air Force Secretariat, and later, back to Offutt, now STRATCOM. Scott’s presentation showed how strategic Chapter President, Col Dan Donovan with airpower evolved from the two World Wars, the our speaker, Col Scott Graham Cold War with the introduction of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and the large bomber force on runway alert, to today’s posture with single warhead ICBMs and Naval nuclear submarines always on alert, and with no bombers on alert. Scott incorporated some little-known facts into his presentation. The first was that Gen Billy Mitchell was the first “joint commander” in World War I as British and French aircrews along with US airmen were all under his command. Another was that in World War II, more airmen were killed in 8th Air Force, shot down flying 10 man bomber crews, than in the entire Navy and Marine Corps. The AFGSC mission is to provide combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations--safe, secure, effective--to support the President of the United States and Combatant Commanders. AFGSC manages the bomber and 2 missile elements of our nuclear TRIAD. The nuclear capable bombers are the B52s based at Barksdale and Minot and the B-2s at Whiteman AFBs and the ICBMs are at Francis E Warren, Grand Forks, and Minot. AFWC supports the Pacific as up to eight bombers are always deployed to Andersen AFB, Guam. Scott discussed how this past March, two B-2 stealth bombers flew from a base in the American heartland, dropped test charges on targets near North Korea, and returned to the U.S. Scott’s presentation clearly showed the important role of AFGSC and he also mentioned the increasing need for upgrades on both aircraft and missiles. Both are aging, the missiles are based on 1970’s technology and the B-52 radar, 1960’s technology, and sorely need to be replaced. Unfortunately, funding for these nuclear forces is less than 5% of the Air Force budget and less than 1.0% of the entire DoD budget. We thank Scott for his superb presentation and his responses to some tough questions. As many of you know, the MOAA career transition program conducts about 150 seminars per year at military installation reaching about 4000 service members and military spouses. Presentations cover three major areas of interest to transitioning members: jobs, education, and health care. The Offutt Airman & Family Readiness Center formerly hosted this event at the Capehart Theater. With the theater closed and with the ongoing ACC TAP program, the base is unable to support our MOAA presentation. Our Chapter has volunteered to support this valuable program and we have made arrangements with the Bellevue University Veterans Services Center to sponsor an evening presentation in the Muller Administration Building. It is tentatively scheduled for April 30, 2014. Each year, I am surprised how busy our Chapter Board is in January and February. Frank Hartranft had to document and submit membership rosters to National MOAA and send post card reminders for Chapter dues. Dick Doolittle is learning the new policies on Chapter recruiting and designing a new Chapter membership form, Ron Russell built some traffic cone signs for reserving a couple of parking signs at Anthony’s, Sharon Russell devised an envelope system that reduces the check-in time for a dinner meeting at Anthony’s. And, our legislative activity has started in earnest: Gen Cohen testified in support of Senator Crawford’s bill on military custodial issues; Rene Dreiling and Pat Jones testified in support of Senator Crawford’s legislation for a military retirement tax exemption; the following week, Pat and I testified in support of Senators Krist, Garrett, and 3 Kintner’s tax exemption bills. Rene and I hosted a pizza luncheon for State Senators and were surprised when Governor Ricketts joined us. And Gen Cohen has scheduled more trips to Lincoln to visit our senators. Finally, Terri Lehigh and Paula Muth exchanged positions seamlessly and continued our excellent Auxiliary and Personal Affairs’ functions We did lose a long-time Chapter member and a friend to many of us: Col Bud Rousseau, USAF (Ret). We express our condolences to his wife Joan and their family. -- Col Dan Donovan [email protected] 402-339-7888 The Legislative Situation (by Paul Cohen, B/Gen USAF (Ret)) We have been active in support of several pieces of legislation with some positive results, but much is left to do as the session rolls along. Of note: LB 219 (Crawford) The Uniform Deployed Parents Act passed 49-0-0, and forwarded to the Governor. This bill will allow judges to consider alternative custodial arrangements for children of deploying parents. LB 272 (Crawford; Garrett; Morfeld; Nordquist; Watermeir) The Voluntary Veterans Preference in Hiring has passed 2nd reading. This bill would allow employers to give hiring preference to veterans. An amendment from Senator Garrett that would extend the preference to spouses of military members lost to hostile action is part of this proposal. LB 146 (Crawford; Garrett) deals with cremated remains of veterans and has advanced from committee to 1st reading. LB 109 (Crawford) revises the residency for veterans to receive in-state tuition and now is in line with the Federal law that was passed following Nebraska’s adoption of a statute that granted in-state tuition to veterans. This bill passed 49-0-0 with an emergency clause, and is forwarded to the Governor. We have been in contact with the senators and their staffs on these bills and have furnished information that clarified and sustained many of them. National MOAA provided needed information for the Veterans Preference bill at our request. Their help was almost instantaneous and right on point. LB 264 (Morfeld; Crawford; Garrett; Kolowski; Nordquist) is next up for hearing on March 5. It would recognize military training, education and experience as qualifying for credentialing in 36 professional classifications. Nebraska is the only state that has not passed this legislation and we have so informed the sponsor, Senator Morfeld of Lincoln. We have provided significant data to him and will attempt to engage the Governor’s 4 office to at least ask his HHS staff to not oppose this bill. We plan to testify in support and Mr. Martin Dempsey, the DoD liaison for this region, is also planning to attend. Certainly not least, the four income tax exemption of military retired pay proposals continue to generate considerable conversation and debate. Dan, Rene and Pat did outstanding work on their testimony in support of the legislature doing something to correct the current statute. In spite of the Governor’s support and inclusion of $23 million in his budget for this, there remains considerable opposition on the part of members of the Revenue Committee who are focused on property tax relief. We have had conversations at two recent legislative receptions with members of the committee and have their attention. It remains to be seen how the dollars all play out, but we remain cautiously optimistic. Programs for remainder of 2015 (from Ken McClure, Maj USA (Ret)) 18 March, Mark Langan will be our speaker. Mark is a retired Omaha police sergeant and spent most of his career undercover. He has a book out (a best seller on Amazon) called “Busting Bad Guys”. The book is about his experiences. Mark is VP of Operations for the Humane Society and talks about that, too, in his presentation. We are working to bring you an 15 April program by the Raptor Recovery program of Fontenelle Forest.4 20 May, we hope to have UNL Head Basketball coach Tim Miles give us his assessment of the season and the future. Ken McClure, Program Chairman On Saturday June 27, we’re going to see Spamalot at the Omaha Community Playhouse. Again, that is a Saturday night. The College World Series will be over, so no conflict there. We’ll have our usual back stage tour and catered meal. It will be a truly terrific night out. Hope you join us. 15 July is open right now. On August 27 (a Thursday), we’re going to go see the Storm Chasers play. That will include our usual picnic meal before the game. Some of the players we’ve been watching here have been the ones who propelled the Royals to the World Series this past Fall. This is your chance to see them up close for a whole lot less money. Reform, Don’t Eliminate TRICARE (MOAA Legislative Update – 20 Feb) A new report by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) says that TRICARE is in “dire” need for reform in order to sustain the program. The report coincides with recent proposals to transform pay and benefits by the Military Compensation and 5 Col Dan Donovan with new members, Linda Olson, and Navy Captain Mark Olson Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC). Unlike the MCRMC’s proposals, which would be a seismic shift in benefits to service members and their families, the CNAS report calls for modest reforms to TRICARE. According to the report, “the core problem is that TRICARE’s fee-for-service approach is subject to the same perverse incentive structures that have driven up health care costs in the United States by explicitly connecting payment to volume of care, not value of care.” TRICARE’s fee-for-service reimbursement model has created volume-over-value thinking that has driven up costs without improvements in outcome or quality. The report calls for DoD to follow the direction of agencies like the Center for Medicare and Medicaid and private insurers by switching from a fee-for-service model to a valuebased model. By rewarding providers based on quality outcomes instead of quantity, TRICARE would be able to control costs. “We’ve seen fee-for-value programs work successfully elsewhere,” said MOAA’s deputy director of government relations, Kathy Beasley, USN (Ret). “The Department of Defense should be more receptive to changes being made within the health care industry.” MOAA thinks that more can be done to reduce DoD’s health care costs without adversely affecting beneficiaries. MOAA’s put together 16 ways that DoD can save money in health care. ( ed. Note: that list follows this article) MOAA will be testifying on health care before the Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee on February 25. - See more at: /Reform,_Don_t_Eliminate_TRICARE.html#sthash.PqiczzLK.dpuf 16 Ways to reduce DoD Health Costs Without Adverse Impact (MOAA Legislative Update – 12 Nov 2014) 1. Work with associations to develop more beneficiary-centric incentives and communication methods to allay beneficiary fears and questions about the mail-order pharmacy 2. Decrease inappropriate emergency room use by expanding clinic/urgent care venues/open access appointments and expanding PCM availability by phone 3. Stimulate use of lower-cost mail-order pharmacy by reducing/eliminating mail-order copays Mary Jo Smith, Shirley Graham 4. Better manage chronic disease by expanding the and Col Scott Graham medical home model of disease management, especially for diabetes/obesity/asthma (to include TRICARE Standard and TFL eligibles); reduce/ eliminate copays for applicable medications to enhance compliance with medication regimens 5. Reform the TRICARE contracting and acquisition process; provide a contractual payment structure that incentivizes positive clinical outcomes based on quality measures 6 6. Eliminate duplicative functions and expand joint-service initiatives beyond those currently planned, including establishment of a Unified Medical Command 7. Maximize use of military facilities (including hiring more contract providers to work in MTFs) to reduce reliance on civilian Prime networks and treat more retirees under age 65 8. Establish data system commonality between military and private sector providers and the VA 9. Change electronic claim system to reject errors in real time to help providers submit “clean” claims and to reduce delays and multiple submissions 10. Simplify TRICARE Prime referral system and pre-authorization requirements to reduce contractor overhead 11. Reduce TRICARE Reserve Select costs by allowing members the option of a government subsidy (at cost capped below cost of providing TRICARE) for payment of civilian employer health premiums during periods of mobilization 12. Eliminate DoD-unique administrative requirements that compel contractors to assume more overhead costs (and charge higher fees) than entailed in other insurance programs 13. Establish centralized DoD “high-cost pharmacy” for central ordering and filling of prescriptions for exceptionally high-cost drugs (AF model has been successful) 14. Realign military treatment facility pharmacy budget process for centralized funding, with greater emphasis on accountability and cost-shifting 15. Test voluntary participation in Medicare Advantage Regional PPO to foster chronic care improvement and disease management programs 16. Encourage retention of other health insurance by making TRICARE a true secondpayer to other insurance (TRICARE now often pays nothing, but paying the other insurance’s copay would be far cheaper than having the beneficiary migrate to TRICARE) - See more at: Military Compensation & Retirement Modernization Commission Survey (MOAA Legislative Update – 20 Feb) MOAA recently surveyed over 7,500 members of the military community on recommendations from the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. Our survey went out to MOAA Legislative Update subscribers, members of MOAA’s Currently Serving and Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Councils, our partners in The Military Coalition, as well as our friends at Two-thirds of survey respondents prefer the current 20-year cliff-vesting retirement system. 82 percent said that the government has an obligation to provide a robust retirement benefit in order to recruit and retain someone for 20 or more years of arduous service. Respondents were split on the idea of a hybrid retirement plan, where servicem embers receive a smaller defined pension with the government providing a portable career device like a Thrift Savings Plan or a 401k-style retirement benefit. 51 percent of people surveyed believed that providing such a benefit would make a service member less likely to serve a 20-year career. 7 Of the active duty population that responded, 71 percent prefer the current retirement model to the MCRMC’s proposal. 53 percent said that they would be less likely to serve a 20-year career with a portable career device. In terms of health care, eight out of ten people surveyed prefer TRICARE for retirees and military families to a health plan similar to what federal civilians use. A resounding 89 percent people surveyed do not believe that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the federal agency that administers the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan, would be able to understand and accommodate the unique needs of military families. Given the choice of a FEHBP-like program, nearly half of active duty respondents said that they would need extensive information on different program costs and plans. MOAA believes that overwhelming choice may be just that – overwhelming and confusing, especially in the face of the existing stressors military families face. Educating beneficiaries on their TRICARE benefits has been a challenge since the program’s inception. We are skeptical that the Department of Defense could effectively educate beneficiaries on an even greater array of plans. The results were mixed on the topic of survivors’ benefits. Under current law, survivors who are eligible for both the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) must forfeit a dollar of their SBP annuity for every dollar of DIC received from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Often, the offset wipes out the SBP annuity for which the military retiree paid. Eliminating the SBP-DIC offset remains a key legislative goal for MOAA. The Commission recommended two plans for service members: The first plan continues to offer the current, subsidized system of SBP coverage. Retirees would continue to contribute 6.5 percent of pre-tax retired pay to SBP coverage and survivors would be subject to the SBP-DIC offset. The second plan would require service members to fully fund SBP by contributing 11.5 percent of pre-tax retired pay towards program costs, but it would not subject survivors to the SBP-DIC offset. Respondents were split down the middle on whether there should be two SBP systems, but nearly two-thirds of people surveyed said they would be unwilling to pay the higher premiums. Active duty service members appeared to be more receptive to the idea of two SBP plans; however, 59 percent said that they would be unwilling to pay higher premiums. MOAA believes that increasing SBP premiums could be a major disincentive for service members to elect SBP coverage upon retirement. While MOAA is thankful for the hard work and analysis that went into the MCRMC’s recommendations, it is clear that considerable discussion and debate is needed on any proposals to change pay and benefits for service members and their families. Congress must carefully examine any proposals that could affect the recruitment and retention of the all-volunteer force. 8 - See more at: on/MCRMC_Survey_Results.html#sthash.BDReGQoF.dpuf MOAA Military Spouse Symposia in 2015 (MOAA legislative Update – 20 Feb) MOAA will host three Military Spouse Symposiums throughout 2015. The first in Virginia Beach, VA Feb 24, 2015, will have occurred by our publication time. Monday, March 23rd 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (Registration opens at 8:15) The Westin Alexandria 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314 Linda Evans, Deanna Fortney, Ginny McBlain, Barbara Jones, & Joan Wicklund This event is free and open to all active duty, reserve, National Guard, retiree, veteran, and surviving military spouses, service members, and veterans. Complimentary food, beverages and giveaways are included. The MOAA Military Spouse Symposium “Keeping a Career on the Move®” will open with our signature panel titled “The Nuts and Bolts of Spouse Employment” will focus on state and federal policies, national programs, installation resources and local employment and educational opportunities that assist military spouses in advancing their career opportunities. Concurrent workshops include: Résumé Writing Strategies for Military Spouses LinkedIn Strategies “Dollars and Sense” of Working Outside of the Home Transition: Life After the Military Home Based “Business In A Bag” The keynote address will be delivered by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21), the youngest women ever elected to the House of Representatives. After lunch, military spouses will lead a “Real Spouses, Real Stories” discussion. Attendees will learn about fellow military spouses who have navigated a wide variety of industries and strategic volunteerism opportunities to keep their careers on the move while "married to the military". Spouses will receive: Résumé critiques Professional LinkedIn photos Stella & Dot accessories Download the MOAA Military Career Events mobile application (search for MOAA Career in your app store on your smart device) for all of the pertinent details regarding the symposium. 9 Sign up and invite all of your #MilSpouse friends to join us who live in the area! The final Symposia will be in Tampa, FL - October 2015. Stay tuned for more information regarding this event! - See more at: Kudos for Our Membership Efforts Our Heartland Chapter has been recognized and rewarded for its recruiting efforts. MOAA notified us that we were the leader in the recent membership competition and are rewarded with a financial award. Special kudos go to Frank Hartranft and Dick Doolittle. The money is nice for it helps pay our bills, but the real important reward is that we gain new members, help inform more veterans, and increase our significance to those in legislative bodies. All members are encouraged to bring in new members. MOAA’s New Membership Model The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to support military officers and their families at every stage of life. MOAA plays an active role with Congress on behalf of the military community on issues that affect the career force, the retired community, and veterans of the uniformed services. In addition to representing your interests before Congress, MOAA offers a wide range of personal and financial services exclusive to MOAA membership. Whatever the stage of your career, your MOAA membership delivers benefits geared specifically to you – and your family. From active-duty service through retirement, MOAA can help you make the most of your career as an officer. When you join MOAA, you become part of the strongest advocate for our military’s personnel and their families. The stronger our membership is, the stronger our voice becomes . Consider joining today because every voice counts. BASIC Three Membership Levels To Meet the Needs Of All Officers Features of each Membership Level No-cost electronic membership designed for today’s junior officers. 10 PREMIUM LIFE Full access to MOAA’s career resources, countless discounts on products and travel, and access to all of MOAA-exclusive publications and news updates. Receive all the benefits that PREMIUM membership has plus exclusive privileges and benefits. Full access to a wide variety of member benefits for today’s career officer. Free Membership Dues 1 year - $40 2 years - $75 3 years - $98 Dues are based on your current age New chapter members receive a voucher good for one year of chapter dues. New chapter members receive a voucher good for two years of chapter dues. Support of critical advocacy efforts to protect the benefits of the entire military community Electronic access to several of MOAA’s news updates Discounts on products and travel Career transition resources 1. MOAA helps transitioning officers by hosting career fairs, résumé critiques, training sessions, and much more. Expert advice on your military pay and benefits 1. MOAA's team of highly trained professionals can help you receive the military benefits you've earned through one-on-one counseling. Financial planning and investment advice Military Officer magazine Access to all MOAA-exclusive publications Scholarships, interest-free loans, and grants 1. For children of MOAA members seeking undergraduate degrees. MOAA Chapters 1. Take advantage of the opportunity to get involved and meet fellow officers in your community. A PREMIUM or LIFE Membership makes it easy. Dues vary by chapter. Bonus travel rewards and discounts Initiation fee waived at the Army and Navy Club of Washington, D.C. 1. Protection for your spouse membership benefits transfer to your spouse should anything happen to you. Add your own voice to the fight 11 SELECT YOUR MEMBERSHIP After filling out some basic information below, select your membership level by checking one of the boxes and providing your payment information [ ] PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT Method of Payment [ ] Check (please make payable to MOAA) Name ________________________________ [ ] Discover Branch of Service ____________ Rank _____ Charge my card $ _________________________ [ ] Retired [ ] Active Card number _____________________________ [ ] Former [ ] Reserve [ ] National Guard [ ] Surviving spouse [ ] Graduation Year (Cadet/Midshipmen)_____ Email Address __ __________________ Address ______________________________ City ________________ State Zip _______ Phone Number ______________________________ To ensure deliverability of MOAA communications, please provide a personal email without a ".mil" domain if available. We value your privacy. MOAA does not rent or sell its members' emails to third parties. If you include your email address, you will receive e-communications from MOAA as a member benefit Visit for details. [ ] One-Year Premium Membership $40 – Surviving Spouse- $37) [ ] Two-Year Premium Membership $75 - Surviving Spouse - $68) [ ] Three-Year Premium Membership $98 - Surviving Spouse - $88) ***************************************** [ ] BASIC MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT *email address required for Basic Membership. Do not use “.mil” email Send to: MOAA, PO Box 1488 Merrifield,VA 22116-9820 Spouse email _____________________________ Your spouse has access to all of your MOAA member benefits. For faster service, call (800) 234-MOAA or visit Chapter Name __________________________ Dues to MOAA are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes. Annual Membership dues include a $12 subscription to Military Officer Magazine. [ ] LIFE MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT [ ] Visa [ ] Discover (6622) LIFE Membership Dues: based on your current age to MOAA) [ ] MasterCard [ ] AMEX Expiration date ____________________________ Signature ________________________________ [ ] For my convenience, please charge each year's dues, at the then-prevailing amount, to the credit card listed above. Spouse Name _____________________________ Method of Payment [ ] Check (please make payable [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] AMEX Charge my card $ ____________________ Car d number _____________________________ Expiration date (mm/dd/year_____________ 50 & under $693 Age 66-70 $501 Age 86-90 $191 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 61-65 $654 $616 $564 Age 71-75 Age 76-80 Age 81-85 $431 $354 $270 Age 91-95 $118 $72 Free Age 95-100 Age101+ Signature _______________________________________ EZ Pay with 10 convenient, interest free installments You will receive monthly invoices and your balance will reflect credit of any unused dues paid on your current annual membership. [ ] Enclosed is my check (payable to MOAA) in the amount of $_______ (1/10 t h of my dues) [ ] Charge my card in the amount of $ ___________ (1/10 th of my dues) [ ] Visa [ ] Discover [ ] MasterCard [ ] AMEX Car d number ______________________________Expiration date (mm/dd/year_____________ [ ] Check here to have your credit card automatically charged monthly for the remaining installment payments Signature _______________________________________ 12 Heartland of America Chapter Military Officers Association of America P.O. Box 1756 Bellevue, NE 68005-1756 LOCAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Heartland Chapter members must also be a National MOAA Member) Membership: _____Initial Annual local dues ___$20.00 or _____Renewal ___$10.00(new ones after 1 July) ___Aux. $5.00 ___Benefactor Donor: $50, $100 or more___________________ Last Name ____________________ First Name _______________ MI_____ Nickname ___________________ e-mail _______________________________ Street Address ________________________City _________State___ Zip_______ Phone(H)__________________W________________Cell____________________ Rank ____________ ___Active Duty Service __________ ___Regular ___Reserve Retired___ NOAA___ ___Nat'l Guard USPHS___ ___Former Officer Spouse's Name___________________________ National MOAA Membership # ________________ Life Member? ___Yes ___No Brief Bio: (entered service: branch: assignment summary: Interesting career anecdotes: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________ 13 Date______________________ CHAPTER SPONSORS 14 Cell Phone: 402-598-7916 Email: [email protected] Office: 402-778-1212 1405 California St. Omaha NE 68154 BEARDMORE In Memory of Ben F. Comstock More and More…. It’s Beardmore Brian Kucks Chevrolet Sales Manager Phone 402-734-2525 Toll Free 800-734-0271 Fax 402-738-7615 Email [email protected] POW WWII 8 Dec 1941 ( taken prisoner at Wake Island ) Past National Director AMERICAN EX-PRISONERS OF WAR 2806 Nottingham Drive Bellevue NE 68123 418 Fort Crook Road North, Bellevue NE 68005 Protecting Your Future With Jay DiBacco 15 Your Ad Could be here! Call Dick Doolittle at (402)557-6780 Reserved Parking NOW Available !! (no one thought it would ever happen…. Though many of us need to park closer to the door because of medical limitations, handicapped parking is very limited at Anthony’s. (and there is no assurance that those limited number of spaces are really being used by authorized drivers; This editor has personally twice seen young apparently healthy drivers park in those slots with no handicap display) BUT, our erstwhile dinner planners have done it!!! WE NOW HAVE TWO SPACES !!! Read & heed the info below – pj We have two "reserved parking" signs we'll be using at Anthony's from now on. The reserved parking spaces are for our mobility- limited members, on a first come, first served basis. Use of these spaces will be on the honor system to help our members who need to park as close to the entrance as possible due to medically-related conditions. The MOAA reserved parking space locations will vary from month to month due to the other events hosted by Anthony's. We will attempt to find spaces as close to the Anthony's main entrance as possible but members will need to look for our reserved spaces. The signs are mounted on orange cones and will be placed at the entrance of the parking space. The driver or passenger must move the sign to the far end to allow the car entry. When you sign-in for your meal, tell Ron & Sharon you parked there. If you wanted to park there and none was available, tell the Russells. If they do not have two names using them, it means someone else parked in our slots and we, Anthony’s, & the offender will have a discussion. – Three cheers for Ron & Sharon Russell 16 17 2014 Donations for Scholarships Donald J. Bacon, Robert Bailey, Mary E. Bezy, Larry R. Bradley, Wayne W. Brunz, Edward L. Burchfield, Richard C. Carver, Paul G. Cohen, Trudy Conley, Richard P. Connell, Michael J. Cook, Charles W. Davis, Thomas E. deShazo, Jr., Martha M. Didamo, Daniel J. Donovan, Richard N. Doolittle, James P. Drake, Rene’ F. Dreiling, Mark Dreiling, Norris N. Erickson, William H. Ernst, Douglas A. Frost, John S. Graham, Gloria A. Harvey, David L. Heer, John L. Hinton, James E. Holland, Shirley A. Hoover, Benjamin C. Hull, Terrance J. Hummel, Cynthia L. Keyes, Terri A. Lehigh, Roger P. Lempke, Warren D. Lynn, Paula R. Muth, Sandra Wees Nieto, Owen L. O’Saunders, E.Gordon Pahre, Dick L. Parcher, Sheree L. Patterson,n Doran G. Post, Clifford L. Pratt, Earl D. Rogers, Lamont E. Rousseau, Betty A. Salistean, Rita J. Salucci, Francis Sewell, Mary M. Shaw, David Sidwell, Beverly A.Snowden, Mark A. Spadaro, Ann Carolyn Standerwick, Lyle H. Walker, Lewis M.Weigand, Everett A. Wrage, 1 Anonymous ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ May They Not Be Forgotten The men and women who have answered the call and paid the ultimate price so that we and future generations could have the freedoms so cherished by human beings. We must ever be vigilant and prepared to defend our way of life against those who would deny it. Callous politicians, power hungry egoists, corrupt individuals, adversarial religions, and even our latest self-oriented generations pose grave threat to the preservation of what many take for granted. Every citizen should take a few moments from time to time and reflect on the benefits we have in our country. They should give thanks to those who have served and preserved our way of life. Hopefully, they will also pledge to do their part to keep it so. – pj ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wandering Mind of An Old Retired Guy Sometimes when I don’t watch TV, don’t have a good book to read, and the weather isn’t good enough to go outside…… I pick up the newspaper, which I already have read and look it over again…. At least the pages I usually skip the first time. You can find some good stuff to lighten your mood or at least stimulate your mind. Such as: Wanted – A Human Cannon Ball – Must be willing to travel! Amana Washer-$100 – owned by a bachelor who seldom washed! Waitress Wanted – Must be 18 years old, with 20 years experience! Tired of working for $9.75 an hour, we offer profit sharing and flexible hours, starting at $7 to $9 an hour! TODAY IS THE OLDEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN, YET THE YOUNGEST YOU'LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY WHILE IT LASTS. 18 Heartland of America Chapter Military Officers Association of America, MOAA Dinner Meeting – Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 Anthony's Restaurant (72nd and F Streets) Registration and Social Hour Begins at 6 pm - Dinner at 7 pm Reservations are for meal selections only, and should be e-mailed to our central e-mail address or phoned to Ron and Sharon Russell. Please specify names of attendees, meal choices and include a phone number in case we need to contact you. Reservations should be in by Monday night before the dinner! If you must cancel your reservation, please call Ron or Sharon at 402-297-4244 prior to 4:00 pm on the day of the event; otherwise the chapter will be charged if you are a NO-SHOW and we will send you a bill for the cost. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 402-297-4244 Meal selections are as follows: 10oz Prime Rib w/ Baked Potato and Corn O’Brien- $35.50 _____________- With Chocolate Ice Cream - $38.45____________ Chicken Picatta w/ Herbal Red Potatoes & Corn O’Brien - $23.65 ____________- With Chocolate Ice Cream - $28.60___________ Chef Salad - $14.45 ________- With Chocolate Ice Cream - $17.40________ Payment will be collected in the party room. A pre-made-out check to Anthony's is preferred. Cash will be accepted but it slows down entry and causes lines. Thank you for your support of this procedure. Note: Prices include tax and gratuity. Program Mark Langan is a retired Omaha police sergeant and spent most of his career undercover. He has a book about his experiences that is a best seller on Amazon. It is called “Busting Bad Guys”. Today, he is VP of Operations for the Sharon & Ron Russell will welcome you at the door! Humane Society. Remember the expression, “The more the merrier”? We ask you to help make our monthly meetings even merrier with your presence. We strive to provide three things, camaraderie, a good meal and a stimulating program. We’ll do our best to provide the last two, but only you can increase the camaraderie we share. Please attend! 19 Nonprofit Org Heartland of America Chapter, MOAA P.O. Box 1756 Bellevue NE 68005 Nonprofit Org US Postage Paid Omaha NE Permit No. 1448 20
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