Rockland Family Shelter 2011 ANNUAL REPORT Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Strategies to End Gender-Based Violence Crime Victims Services This annual report is dedicated in loving memory of our dear colleague, mentor and friend Lynn Sheinkin who passed away on August 2, 2012 Imagine a county where everyone works to end domestic violence “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African proverb We all know someone, young or old, gay or straight, black or white, Latino or Haitian who has experienced abuse and misuse of privilege and power. RFS services are life-changing and can be lifesaving, are multilingual and culturally sensitive for individuals and families, both heterosexual and LGBTQ. The art work, featured in this Annual Report, represents some of the winners of past RFS Art Poster Contests. The contest was created by Tracy Brosnan, Esq. of Mandel, Katz & Brosnan LLP (MKB) as a means to engage students in raising awareness of violence against women and girls. Each year, the law firm donates the prize monies for the competition and RFS advocates speak with students in their schools about violence, abuse and bullying as part of the education process of this competition. We thank Tracy for her continued support of this project, which touches many young lives at a critical time in their personal development. Our services and programs are based on the belief that everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes and relationships, and to experience a sense of self-worth that comes from being treated with kindness and respect by individuals and community systems. In the following pages, you will see highlights of RFS 2011 programs and services that demonstrate the need for and effectiveness of our work, which is made possible in part through the generous donations from friends like you! Thank you. Photos by George Pejoves; Illustrations by Shuchi Jani, вЂ�04 winner (cover); Megan CarlГ©e, вЂ�06 winner (p. 3); Rachel Aguilar, вЂ�11 hon. mention (p.10); Julia Seraro, вЂ�11 winner (p.14); Howard Kyong, вЂ�09 winner (p.16) Rockland Family Shelter Changing Our Name “The only constant is change,” wrote the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. Had he been living in the 21st century, he might well have been describing nonprofit organizations, where managing change is a key leadership challenge 365 days a year. Sometimes we manage change proactively, as when adding a new program or service, or planning an event. All too often, though, we are forced to manage change reactively, responding to and coping with external events that profoundly impact the organization and its programs. This Annual Report is our opportunity to convey the changes of the past year, and those to come, to our friends and supporters. And during this, our 34th year of service to the people of Rockland County, we are excited to announce a major proactive change that will guide us as we move into our next three decades and beyond. As of October 1, 2012, we will no longer be known as Rockland Family Shelter, Inc. As of that date, RFS will become the Center for Safety and Change, Inc. – a name we believe better reflects not only who we are and what we do now, but what we hope to become as we move into the future. This decision was arrived at neither quickly nor easily, and is certainly one not taken lightly. Rather, it is the result of a long and thoughtful process begun almost five years ago with discussions Carolyn Fish Executive Director Michael Mandel President, Board of Directors among Board members, staff, and survivors about whether we, as an organization, had simply outgrown our name. Since its inception in 1979, RFS has continued to evolve, mature and expand in ways that we never imagined when we first opened a small shelter for battered women so many years ago. And the more we discussed the issue, the more “Rockland Family Shelter” seemed inadequate to convey the complex array of programs and services that RFS offers. Our new name – Center for Safety and Change – reflects the best thinking of our Board of Directors, staff, Resource Council and clients, as well as the collective input from all of you who responded to the survey we distributed last year. The Center will be a hub around which any number of programs, services, events and activities can revolve, each distinct yet all contributing to the organization’s central mission: providing safety for our clients, promoting safety in our community, and changing how people think and how they interact with one another. Though unrelated, our name change comes at a time when external events are impacting not only RFS, but all New York nonprofits. Fiscal crises in both the state and county government have already significantly reduced our public funding and we expect that trend to continue in the foreseeable future. (continued on page 2) “I decided it is better to scream … silence is the real crime against humanity.” —Nadezhda Mandelstam 3 (continued from page 1) Despite this, so far, Rockland Family Shelter has managed to keep all of our programs and services staffed and functioning and able to meet the everexpanding demand for services that difficult economic times always seem to engender. By cutting costs, expanding our fundraising efforts, and creating new collaborative relationships, our management team has succeeded in keeping our doors open and our programs running despite economic pressures unlike any we have seen before. County District Attorney’s Office has been serving victims of all violent crimes in Rockland County since 2006. Our newest collaboration brings RFS together again with the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office and with many other agencies to serve victims with special needs at the “Spirit of Rockland” Special Victims Center on the grounds of Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern. During 2011, RFS also continued to collaborate with local businesses to develop innovative community RFS has always been a collaborative organization that outreach and education programs for Rockland’s teens has sought to work together with other public and private and young adults. With renewed sponsorship from Orange and Rockland Utilities, for example, agencies to achieve common and/or synergistic goals. presentations by former NFL lineman Joe Ehrmann, founder of Coach for America, at Tappan Zee and North Rockland High Schools addressed issues of poverty, racism, domestic violence, rape, bullying and child abuse with both students and coaches, conveying that by working together we can transform families, organizations and communities into —Henri Bergson safer places for all of us. In May, the law firm of Mandel, Katz and In 2011, RFS and Rockland County Child Protective Brosnan, LLP sponsored our annual Art Poster Contest, Services (CPS) celebrated their 10th year of Ending Violence Against Women and Girls, for the eighth collaborating on Safe Moms/Safe Kids, a program to consecutive year, as well as funded our Mary Weingard help domestic violence and sexual assault victims who Domestic Violence Law Project. Other programming from are being served by the CPS system. Our very first the Teen Dating Violence Prevention Project (TDVPP) collaborative initiative, the STOP F.E.A.R. Coalition, and SAEDA (Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse) has been working with VCS, Inc. and other nonprofits, brought the RFS message to all eight Rockland County public school districts during the year, as well as to government agencies, and private businesses to effect a coordinated, county-wide response to domestic violence students at Rockland Community College, Dominican since 1986, while our Comprehensive Crime Victims College, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Nyack College, as Assistance Program collaboration with the Rockland well as several regional institutions. “To exist is to change, to change is to mature. To mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” 4 As we continued to pursue new and creative ways to overcome reductions in institutional funding, we have been continually amazed at the imaginative and innovative ways friends and supporters have found to assist the Rockland Family Shelter. In the past year, these efforts have ranged from a Yoga for Peace event at Vision Sports Club in Pearl River; to a square dance at the West Nyack Firehouse, sponsored by the Rockland Rockytop Square Dance Club in collaboration with the Resource Council; to the donation of a portion of the gate receipts from a Rockland Boulders baseball game against the Brockton Rox. Along with traditional events like our annual Fashion and Linen Sales and the annual Rockland Road Runners 5K Run/Walk (which celebrates its 25th year in 2012!), these community initiatives helped tremendously, not only in raising funds for RFS, but in spreading the word about intimate partner and sexual violence and the RFS programs and services available to survivors. The imagination, creativity, and hard work contributed by so many each year to help support RFS and its programs hearten us with renewed hope and anticipation for the future. On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the many individuals who contributed their time, talents, and energy to so many events and activities during 2011, including addressing our name change and helping us bring it to what we believe is an exemplary conclusion. We would especially like to thank all of you who responded to our survey and shared your perceptions and ideas. We look forward to continuing to work with all of you as we bring the Center for Safety and Change to the high level of excellence, respect, and acceptance that RFS has enjoyed for so many years, keeping in mind the profound words of renowned U.S. statesman Adlai Stevenson: “Change is inevitable… Change for the better is a full-time job.” On average more than three women a day are murdered by their husband or boyfriend in the United States. Catalano, Shannan. 2007. Intimate Partner Violence in the United States. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Shelter and Housing Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing Support Services The only facility of its kind in Rockland County, the Emergency Residential Shelter provides battered women and their children a safe place to live, while they begin the process of recovery from the trauma they experienced as victims of domestic violence, and plan for their safety and stability of their future. The range of services provided by RFS therapists, counselors and advocates include: individual and group counseling; coordination of children services; social, employment and educational advocacy; safety planning; court assistance; assistance with New York State Office of Victims Services crime victims applications; and assistance with transitional and permanent housing. In addition, our Transitional Housing Support Services program helps individuals and families leaving the RFS Emergency Residential Shelter or an abusive home find temporary transitional housing and ultimately permanent, affordable housing in the community. 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Provided shelter to 50 women fleeing abusive partners and their 50 children, for a total of almost 5,000 bed nights. • Developed, discussed and reviewed safety plans with all women and children residing in the shelter. • Expanded activities for children in residence with celebrations of holidays and local trips and outings. Dilcia Suazo, Director of Residential Services Mary Clay, House Manager Yoselin Garcia, Clinical Supervisor of Client Services Margie Hayes, House Manager Claudette Morris, House Manager Jennifer Reynoso, Bilingual Housing/Shelter Advocate Marie Simmons, House Manager Maria Ceci, Supervisor of Client Services Kavita Kunte, Advocate/Coordinator Melissa Almenas, Shelter Social Worker Milagros Morote, Part-time House Manager Marlene Rodriguez, Coordinator of Children Services • Provided 351 accompaniments for residents. • Provided 4,400 advocacies with court, school, recreation, department of social services, medical offices and other agencies on behalf of residents. 6 Somewhere in America, a woman is battered every 15 seconds. UN Study on the Status of Women, Year 2000 “RFS didn’t just help us with emergency shelter and two years of transitional housing. You also helped me regain a lost sense of confidence and to do things that helped make me feel whole and in control again. You’ve helped me learn that my son and I deserve to feel safe, happy, and free, and to live a life free from violence. Thank you so much.” —RFS client D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Children’s Services Safe Moms/Safe Kids and Children’s Programming RFS Children’s Services provide residential and non-residential services for children whose mothers are survivors of intimate partner violence. Services include: individual, family and group counseling; education advocacy with schools; support and empowerment groups for mothers; and activity groups for children. Safe Moms/Safe Kids collaborates with Rockland County Child Protective Services (RCCPS) to provide assistance to children whose mothers are victims of domestic violence. RFS staff also assists RCCPS by providing domestic violence advocacy, translation and court assistance for both the child and the parent. Judy McDermott, Director of Children’s Services Marlene Rodriguez, Coordinator of Children’s Services at the Residential Shelter 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Assisted 150 children under the age of 18 and their families, providing therapy, advocacy and legal assistance. • Provided services such as counseling, home visits and developing safety plans for 69 families involved with Child Protective Services through the Safe Moms/Safe Kids collaboration. “Talking about the abuse helped me to think about what not to do when I am a dad. I will be the opposite of my father.” • Continued to foster cross-trainings with Rockland County Child Protective Services, providing each with enhanced insight and understanding of the issues pertaining to domestic violence and child abuse. • Provided accompaniment to probation and court for orders of protection, custody and support for mothers of children who receive RFS services. • Collaborated with VCS to co-facilitate a mothers support group in Spanish on a regular basis, which was attended by a total of 593 women. —RFS client, age 14 “Thank you for helping my children understand that the violence was not their fault and that there are good people to talk to about their worries.” —RFS client, mother 15.5 million children in the United States live in families in which intimate partner violence occurred at least once in the past year, and seven million children live in families in which severe intimate partner violence occurred. Whitfield, CL, Anda RF, Dube SR, Felittle VJ. 2003. Violent Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Adults: Assessment in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 7 D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Domestic Violence Non-Residential Services Center for Advocacy and Support Services (CASS) The Center for Advocacy and Support Services (CASS) provides non-residential support services for survivors of domestic violence, their children and their family members. Non-residential services include a 24-hour hotline; safety planning; counseling; advocacy; accompaniments; court assistance; legal services; children’s services; multi-lingual/multi-cultural services; support and empowerment groups; and assistance completing the New York State Office of Victims Services claim applications. Vivian England, Deputy Executive Director of Human Resources and CASS Lyn Davidson, Senior Coordinator of Domestic Violence Courts Lynn Goldblatt, Coordinator of Services to the Jewish/Orthodox Community/Advocate Barbara Harrington, Senior Advocate Helga Lamarche, Bilingual Integrated Domestic Violence Court Advocate Belkis Soriano, Integrated Domestic Violence Court Advocate 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Responded to over 1,300 hotline calls. • Developed over 1,400 safety plans for victims of intimate partner violence and abuse. • Worked with and served nearly 600 new clients. • Provided accompaniments for over 1,800 survivors of domestic violence. • Assisted over 100 survivors of intimate partner violence to secure orders of protection. “I have received an excellent service from RFS. In my 38 years of life, I feel I have finally been heard for the first time. Now I feel happy and content. I am looking into the future with optimism.” —RFS client • Lyn Davidson was invited to speak about domestic violence, abuse and the Coordinators expertise in the college classes of Senior Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Parietti and Judge David Fried. 8 Nearly one in four women in the United States reports experiencing violence by a current or former spouse or boyfriend at some point in her life. Adverse Health Conditions and Health Risk Behaviors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. February 2008. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Satellite Offices Spring Valley and Haverstraw Rockland Family Shelter maintains three non-residential satellite offices, two in Spring Valley and one in Haverstraw, to facilitate access to services for domestic violence survivors and their families. Each of the Satellite Offices offer the full range of RFS services that our main office in New City provides, as well as conducting special outreach events and activities primarily for the African-American, Haitian and Latina communities. Nicole Bryant, Director of Satellite Offices Anne Lherisson, Coordinator of Services to the Haitian Community/Advocate Annquette Mackey, Coordinator of Services to the African American Community/Advocate Jomaira Perez, Co-coordinator of Services to the Latina Community/Advocate Peppy Saint Juste, Bilingual French Creole Advocate 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Worked with 255 domestic violence survivors. • Initiated a group for teens living in Spring Valley called Spring Valley Leaders of Tomorrow (SVLOT), with the purpose to arm participants with skills to help them make healthy decisions in all areas of their lives. SVLOT was attended by a core group of 10 students per month. • Facilitated the first Domestic Violence Court Training in Spring Valley to ensure consistency throughout all Rockland County Domestic Violence Courts with VCS and Dr. Chris O’Sullivan. “I am so thankful for what you did. Now my children and I have a safe place to come home to and I don’t have to live in fear anymore” —RFS Satellite Office client • Special appreciation to Mayor Noramie Jasmin and Director of Housing & Community Development for Spring Valley, Rita Grayson, for their continued support and collaboration in providing services to victims of intimate partner violence. Sexual violence is a pervasive global health and human rights problem. The United Nations Development Fund for Women estimates that at least one of every three women globally will be beaten, raped, or otherwise abused during her lifetime. In most cases, the abuser is a member of her own family. GarcГa-Moreno et al. 2005. WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women. World Health Organization. 9 D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Special Victims Services Sexual Trauma Service and Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) Sexual Trauma Services assists survivors of sexual violence, their family and friends. Services include the RFS 24-hour Crisis Hotline; counseling; therapy; accompaniment to the police, the District Attorney’s office, the hospital and court; as well as victim advocacy. Our Sexual Trauma Service and Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) Program provides timely, compassionate, patient-centered care to children and adult survivors of sexual assault at both Nyack and Good Samaritan Hospitals. SAFE examiners are nurses who have been certified to perform these examinations, which include identification of injuries and forensic evidence collection. The SAFE program also provides training to police, nursing school students, school nurses and other organizations. 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Performed 63 Sexual Assault Forensic Exams, an increase of nearly 19% over 2010. • Served 326 survivors of sexual assault and provided nearly 300 accompaniments. • Developed a special program to raise awareness about sexual assault for college students in partnership with St. Thomas Aquinas College called STAC Owns the Night, which is now part of the annual college calendar. • Provided nearly 4,000 direct services, including crisis intervention, supportive counseling and therapy to survivors of sexual assault. • Advocated almost 1,400 times for clients. 10 Kiera Pollock, Director of Special Victims Services Wendy Cruz, Senior Coordinator, Special Victims Nathalie Desert, Bi-lingual French Creole Sexual Trauma Advocate & Prevention Educator Jenny Guzman, Co-coordinator of Services to the Latina Community & Sexual Trauma Advocate Tara Healy, Senior Coordinator, SAFE Program Claudia Olave-Guillermo, Therapist Consultant Alexandra Rodriguez, Special Victims Advocate Lauren Steinfeld, Child & Family Advocate/Therapist “From the beginning my advocate showed me genuine concern and determination to help us and guide us … With her help and RFS, I was able to get through my situation and help my child also get through this so we can both move on and continue with our lives.” —J.E., mother of a child sexual assault survivor One out of every six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape). National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey. 1998 D O M E S T I C V I O L E N C E A N D S E X U A L A S S A U L T S E R V I C E S Legal Assistance The Mary Weingard Domestic Violence Law Project (DVLP) The Mary Weingard Domestic Violence Law Project assists victims of intimate partner violence in navigating the often daunting legal system. Two full-time attorneys and a paralegal provide free legal consultation to RFS clients working with an advocate and legal representation in civil cases to income-eligible victims of domestic violence. The DVLP also consults with and provides training and technical assistance to attorneys representing women abused by their intimate partners and liaises with government and social service agencies regarding domestic violence policy and issues. Julie Gamache, Director of Legal Program Nicole Harris, Staff Attorney Arlene Gordon, Paralegal 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Provided 161 free legal consultations to survivors of domestic violence, who are clients of RFS. • Represented a total of 69 domestic violence survivors in various courts and venues in Rockland County. • Presented training for the RFS Sexual Trauma Program on legal issues affecting domestic violence survivors. • Litigated 60 custody and visitation cases in Family Court on behalf of domestic violence survivors. • Successfully assisted a number of immigrant women with processing green card applications under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). “When I left my home with my baby I had nothing. My husband had been threatening me for a long time … the attorney at the shelter made all the difference in the world. I am safe now and living on my own with full custody of my son.” —DVLP client • Represented 47 women to obtain temporary orders of protection. Approximately 20% of the 1.5 million people who experience intimate partner violence annually obtain civil protection orders. Tjaden, Patricia & Thoennes, Nancy. National Institute of Justice and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, “Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey,” (2000). 11 Strategies to End Gender-Based Violence “Clinging to the past is the problem. Embracing change is the solution.” – Gloria Steinem S T R A T E G I E S T O E N D G E N D E R - B A S E D V I O L E N C E RFS Education Programs TDVPP and SAEDA The Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program (TDVPP) is a community education program that offers a series of workshops to every high school in Rockland County on the dynamics of dating abuse, understanding of sexual violence and characteristics of healthy relationships. The goal of this program is to give young adults crucial information that will increase their capacity to be safe and take an active community role in ending dating abuse. SAEDA (Student Activists Ending Dating Abuse) is a DELTA funded program for high-school students who apply to attend a four day, 28-hour training on dating abuse, sexual trauma, prevention, sexism, racism, homophobia and other forms of oppression and the cultural norms that support them. SAEDA students are trained to provide nonjudgmental help to peers who may disclose domestic or sexual violence in their lives and link them with resources, such as RFS, for assistance and support. In the training, they address social justice issues, bullying and learn skills to be leaders, activists and allies. Following the training, many students participate in SAEDA’s weekly and monthly meetings and become trainers or facilitators themselves. LYNN SHEINKIN, RFS Deputy Executive Director of Programs and Services; Rockland Coordinator of STOP F.E.A.R. Coalition and the DELTA Project Nancy Donoghue, Administrative Assistant Nathalie Desert, Director of Education Alma Ryes-Evans, Director of Education 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • TDVPP conducted trainings and workshops for almost 1,800 high school students in eight high schools this year, on topics ranging from sexual violence prevention to dating abuse prevention and bullying. “In such a short time, my outlook on how I thought of myself and society changed drastically and the only way for anyone else to realize how significant the change is, is to experience the emotions firsthand.” • Expanded SAEDA summer and winter trainings to include 48 new students representing almost every high school in Rockland County. “SAEDA changed my perspective on life and hopefully can start to change the views of others.” —SAEDA students Females ages 16-24 are more vulnerable to intimate partner violence than any other age group – at a rate almost triple the national average. U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report: Intimate Partner Violence and Age of Victim, 1993-99 (Oct. 2001, rev. 11/28/01) 13 S T R A T E G I E S T O E N D G E N D E R - B A S E D V I O L E N C E Coalitions and Projects STOP F.E.A.R. , DELTA Project and Engaging Men Program The STOP F.E.A.R. (Family Abuse, Endangering Women and Children, Abuse of All Kinds, Rape and Sexual Assault) Coalition was formed in 1986, as RFS Executive Director, Carolyn Fish and VCS Executive Director Phyllis Frank saw the need for a coordinated community response to domestic violence. Together with legislator Harriett Cornell, then District Attorney Michael Bongiorno and Sheriff Tom Goldrick, this county-wide effort to respond to domestic violence was formed. Today, the STOP F.E.A.R Coalition, co-chaired by Carolyn Fish and Harriett Cornell, develops and implements programs that focus on prevention. As part of the STOP F.E.A.R. Coalition, RFS annually hosts the “How Safe is Our Community” conference, the purpose of which is to provide ongoing training on domestic violence prevention to key community leaders, including elected representatives, judicial personnel, clergy, police, mental health professionals, and others. The DELTA (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement Through Leadership and Alliances) Project is a national initiative of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to prevent domestic violence. Due to the work of the STOP F.E.A.R. Coalition, the CDC selected Rockland Family Shelter as one of the agencies to implement the DELTA Project in New York State in 2003. Coordinated by Lynn Sheinkin, Vice President of the STOP F.E.A.R. Coalition, the DELTA Project seeks to involve community leaders and organizations to promote and create strategies that support gender equity, respectful and non-oppressive environments throughout the community. As part of the DELTA Project, the Workplace Committee, a collaboration of local businesses, plans and implements community conferences, seminars and workshops about domestic violence in the workplace focusing on prevention. The Engaging Men Program, also part of the DELTA Project, seeks to involve men and boys as allies in reaching out to communities to create and participate in actions and teach other men and boys a model of manhood based on positive and equitable principles. 14 In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published data collected in 2005 that finds that women experience two million injuries from intimate partner violence each year. Adverse Health Conditions and Health Risk Behaviors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. February 2008. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Offered trainings for coaches, teachers and parents led by former NFL player and author of InSideOut Coaching, Joe Ehrmann. These trainings focused on developing skills necessary to advance positive models of manhood, womanhood and respect in order to help transform families, organizations and communities into safe, more respectful environments for youth, women and men. • Through the DELTA Project, RFS and national trainer, author and ex-NFL player, Joe Ehrmann, provided training to Orange and Rockland Utilities management and employees about gender role stereotypes, successful team work and life values, and inspiring a safer work environment. • The 14th Annual STOP F.E.A.R. Criminal Justice Conference featured speaker and survivor Donna Palomba, founder of Jane Doe No More, Inc., a national organization dedicated to creating awareness and breaking stigmas associated with sexual assault crimes. • Together with RFS staff members Jenny Guzman and Jomaira Perez, the Engaging Men Program hosted a conference for male community leaders from the Latino, African American and Haitian communities on What It Means to Be an Honorable Man and Men and Women Working Together as Allies to End Gender-Based Violence. Business leaders agree that domestic violence is a problem that affects their workplaces: 57% of senior corporate executives believe domestic violence is a major problem in society. One-third of them think this problem has a negative impact on their bottom lines, and 40% said they were personally aware of employees and other individuals affected by domestic violence. 66% believe their company’s financial performance would benefit from addressing the issue of domestic violence among their employees. Addressing Domestic Violence: A Corporate Response. 1994. Roper Starch Worldwide. New York, NY. 15 Crime Victims Services “Now I say that with cruelty and oppression it is everybody’s business to interfere when they see it.” –Anna Sewell C R I M E V I C T I M S S E R V I C E S Crime Victims Services Comprehensive Crime Victims Assistant Program The Comprehensive Crime Victims Assistance Program is available to victims of all violent crimes, their family and friends. Violent crimes include: assault, kidnapping, murder, burglary, robbery, vandalism, carjacking, cyber-bullying, and hate/bias crimes. 2011 HIGHLIGHTS • Advocates provided services to 94 victims of crimes and their families. • Accompanied 22 victims to services and provided over 300 advocacies. • Continued to collaborate with the District Attorney’s Office to ensure victims receive appropriate services through the Special Victims Center. • Partnered with the District Attorney’s Office and Good Samaritan Hospital during National Crime Victims Rights Week to present a special viewing of Telling Amy’s Story at Good Samaritan Hospital. In 2011, the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office opened the “Spirit of Rockland” Special Victims Center (SVC) on the grounds of Good Samaritan Hospital. The SVC is a collaborative partnership among RFS, the Rockland District Attorney’s Office, the Rockland Department of Social Services, the Rockland Department of Health, the Rockland Police Chiefs Association and Good Samaritan Hospital. The goal of SVC is to provide services and resources to victims in one secure location through these partnerships. Additionally, an RFS Advocate is located at the District Attorney’s Office in New City, providing services to victims of violent crimes in a timely manner. Kiera Pollock, Director of Special Victims Services Wendy Cruz, Senior Coordinator, Special Victims Alexandra Rodriguez, Special Victims Advocate • Special appreciation to District Attorney Thomas Zugibe and his colleagues for their efforts in assisting with providing excellent crime victims services. “You are such a wonderful asset to RFS and even more, to me. You have helped me to gather strength when I’ve had none, the ability to look at myself and gain confidence in myself, to project what I have inside, and finally realize my own self-worth. I don’t know what I would've done, or where I would be right now, without you and all the others at RFS.” —RFS client More than one in three (35%) of adults are estimated to fall victim to violent crime. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Youth Violence Research Bulletin, 2/02 17 Crime Victims Services “A woman who lives in the shadow of daily violence, is not truly free.” –Kofi Annan C R E A T I N G A N E N V I R O N M E N T F O R S A F E T Y A N D C H A N G E Policies and Funding Our Strength in Numbers – Action to end gender-based violence Part of the work of RFS includes working with local, regional and national committees and coalitions to end domestic and gender-based violence. This means providing the public, law enforcement and policy makers with information, insights, language and skills that lead to a better understanding of the issues relating to domestic violence and sexual assault. Impact through Outreach: RFS staff gave 272 presentations and held 63 events, which reached over 1,100 people, providing education, information and creating awareness about gender-based violence Definitions that changed: In October, Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), an F.B.I. subcommittee, made recommendations to create a new federal definition of rape, moving the agency a step closer to updating the way it counts sex crimes for the first time since 1927. The UCR is the national report card on serious crimes. What gets reported through the URC is how we collectively view crimes in this county. The old definition of forcible rape is: The carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will. The new definition will be rape is: The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. The new definition is more expansive in terms of the offense and does not exclude male victims. With this change, we believe we may get a more accurate number of reported incidents of sexual violence. “I felt safe when I received support and legal assistance. I feel that RFS is definitely needed for women who go through violent relationships, who need to find a way out for their children and themselves. It is also a way for women to become self reliant and stronger from within, regaining the independence that they once had.” —RFS Satellite Office client Bills Signed into Law: Below are some of the bills that were signed into law in 2011 as a result of education programs, provided by agencies such as RFS, now allowing for better prosecution of violent perpetrators against women: • Domestic Violence Firearm Protection establishes which offenses and why types of relationships meet the federal definition of “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” in federal firearms law, allowing NYS to report matching convictions, as determined by the court, to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Individuals in the NICS database are barred from purchasing guns, including rifles and shotguns. • Sexual Abuse, First Degree amends penal law 130.65 to provide that a person is guilty of sexual abuse in the first degree when he or she is twenty-one years old or older and subjects another person who is less than thirteen years old to sexual contact. This offense is a class D violent felony. 19 C R E A T I N G A N E N V I R O N M E N T F O R S A F E T Y A N D C H A N G E Our Fundraising Events In 2011, our fundraising events allowed us to raise much needed funds while bringing awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault to our community, in part through honoring various individuals and corporations who have helped us in this effort. A special thank you goes to the 2011 Chairpersons of each event. Their dedication and commitment to creating a violence-free society has helped make a difference in the lives of the nearly 300 clients RFS served each month. Laura Segall & Elisabeth Voigt, Fundraising Co-Chairs Cindy McMurtrie, Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner Cynthia Diamond, Diane Sussman & Roberta Zahl, Designer Fashion Sale Janet Brooks & Skye Spiegel, Fashion Sale Preview Billie Cronin, Kara Katz & Larry Wolf, Women’s Distance Festival 5K Ronnie Drachman, John J. Manna, Jr. & Marian Rhein, Harvest Auction Caryn and Mark Burke, Cynthia Diamond, Roz Fields & Diane Sussman, Linen Sale Bijal Jani & Richard Rein, Simona & Jerome A. Chazen Business Award Luncheon Billie Cronin & Cynthia Diamond, Barnes & Noble Gift Wrap Jill Kaliff, “Better Things to Come” Cookbook “One hand cannot clap on its own but it needs the —Maasai tribal saying other hand to make a clap.” 20 Rockland Family Shelter Staff Front row, L-R: Venesia Defrank, Candy Pittari, Barbara Harrington, Judy McDermott, Dilcia Suazo, Julie Gamache 2nd row, L-R: Belkis Soriano, Lauren Steinfeld, Carolyn Fish, Elizabeth Santiago, Lynn Sheinkin, Wendy Cruz, Mala Palchaudhuri 3rd row, L-R: Jenny Guzman, Helga Lamarche, Anne Lherisson, Marie Emhardt, Johanna Franjul, Lynn Goldblatt 4th row, L-R: Jennifer Bernstein, Jennifer Reynoso, Margie Hayes, Annquette Mackey, Jomaira Perez, Vivian England, Maria Ceci, Arlene Gordon Left side, top to bottom: Jan Deegan, Nathalie Desert, Kiera Pollock, Nicole Bryant Right side, top to bottom: Lyn Davidson, Betsy Proper, Asia Yavorskyy, Marie Simmons Not Pictured: Melissa Almenas, Lea Carnevali, Mary Clay, Josh Corday, Laure Cunningham, Nancy Donoghue, Yoselin Garcia, Nicole Harris, Tara Healy, Kavita Kunte, Michael Micinowski, Milagros Morote, Claudette Morris, Claudia Olave-Guillermo, Alexandra Rodriguez, Marlene Rodriguez, Alma Ryes-Evans, Peppy Saint Juste, Jerry Schulman A Special Thank You to our Board of Directors Front row, L-R: Richard D. Rein Treasurer, Kimberly Campbell Vice President, Michael Mandel President, Carolyn Fish, Executive Director 2nd row, L-R: S. Lisa Hayes, Cynthia Diamond, Laura Segall, Cynthia McMurtrie, Patsy Lisak, Anne Shapiro 3rd row, L-R: Janet Brooks, Deborah Yablonsky, Jill Kaliff, Marian Rhein, Elisabeth Voigt, Diane Sussman; Not pictured: Billie Cronin Secretary, Steven Abel, Ronnie Drachman, Roselyn Fields, Bijal Jani, Marilyn Kaskel, John J. Manna, Jr., Angela Mattei, JoEllen Putter 21 C R E A T I N G A N E N V I R O N M E N T F O R S A F E T Y A N D C H A N G E Our Volunteers RFS could not provide these extensive services without the assistance of our over 400 volunteers! Volunteers help in our New City and Spring Valley offices, provide child care, transport clients, shop for Shelter groceries, organize and staff numerous fundraising events and activities and serve at the Tappan Zee Thrift Shop. They set up tables at community events to raise public awareness and spend time collecting goods and services for our clients and our agency. Volunteers contributed nearly 13,100 hours during 2011. Candy Pittari, Director of Public Relations and Volunteer Resources “While they were saying among themselves it cannot be done, it was done.” —Helen Keller 22 Steve Abel Dr. Madhu Ahluwalia Gina Aiken Trudy Album Melissa Almenas Randy Almonte Rachel Alterescu Audrey Altman Jacqueline Andrasko Doris Anson Myrna Arin Vicky Atzl Delia Azcona Arielle Bareket Beverly Becker Daria Becker Holly Bee Danielle Bell Ellen Berger Shari Berk Ruth Berlin Anita Bernstein Jennifer Bernstein Ruby Black Cathy Boerke Alyse Borkan Candice Boyle Lorraine Bracco Kelly Branco Debbie Bray Shauna Bray Britanny Breitfeller Melissa Breitfeller Thomas Brizzolara Julie Brock Janet Brooks Nicole Brosnan Tracy Brosnan Faige Bruck Natasha Camille Kim Campbell Lea Carnevali William Castillo Bonnie Caul Lynn Cederberg Nicole Cederberg Hannah Cespon Mary Alice Chaifetz Lisa G. Chiaramonte Linda Chisholm Clarkstown North High School, Interact Club Members Shirley Cohen Evelyn P. Cohen Claudia Cohen Connie Coker Peggy Conte Blossom Cook Janis and Bill Coppa Danny Costello Gail Cowit Billie Cronin Christy Curran Monique Dais Joe Dais Candice Daversa Erin Davidowicz Judy Davis Ingrid DeCicco Jan Deegan Venesia Defrank Mickey DeKoven Kathleen Delargy Lauren DeVault Elizabeth Diamond Cynthia Diamond Louisa DiPlan Mary Dixon Rosy Dixon Kathy Donnellan Nancy Donoghue Maureen Donoghue Maura Donoghue Melissa Donohue Delores Doyle Ronnie Drachman Nancy Drennen Rebecca Drugo Olivia Duffany Elaina D’Urso Christian Evans Howard Feigelman Marilyn Fiedler Roselyn Fields Isabelle Fischer Madison Fisher Beth Fishner Mary-Lou Fitzgerald Maureen Fitzpatrick Mike Fleischmann Tracie Florida Carol Fox Ellie France Jessica Franjul Johanna Franjul Jennifer Franjul Pattie Gaeta Julie Gamache Harriet Gardner Alice Gay Martha Geller Elaine Getz Arline Giller Brianna Goldstein Linda Gomez Celia Greenberg Nancy Hausner William Henning Sylvia Wong Hersher Donte Hewlett Diana Hoffman Natasha Hrynenko Esther Hyman Enilda Indyke Betty Isaacson Jenna Isker Alison Italiano Bijal M. Jani Manju Jariwala Bev Jones Shana Joseph Jill Kaliff Evelyn Kaplan Marilyn Kaskel Lilo Kassel Kara Katz Michele Katz Janet Kaufman Terri Kayden Lisa Kelly Marie Killeen Chaewon (Rachel) Kim Audrey Kirschenbaum Sally Kolinsky Lynn Kolodny Karyn Kornreich Estelle Kranzberg Marion Kriegel Therese Laible-Derkacz Eileen Landau Arlene Lander Cheryl Langus Donna Leavy Casey Leibesberger Phyllis Levin Hermine Levine Nicki Levine Irene Lindenberg Sherry Linker Helen Lipovsky Deborah Lipp Arthur Lipp-Bonewitz Patsy Lisak Naydette Lopez Arlette Loraine Tracy Louis Stephanie Low Pam Lupfer Debbie Lurie Amy Maggin Ben Mandel Glenn Mandel Michael Mandel Sandy Mandel Norma Mandel John J. Manna Jr. Florence Manoff Angela Mattei Alvin Matthews Nicole Matthews Mary McCarthy Beth McDowell Mary McFarland Dawn McGillicuddy Chris McGroddy Denise McMillon Cynthia McMurtrie Kathy McNerney Jessica McNerney Jana McQueen Connie Mednick Kara Mega Roberta Mendelson Vita Mendlowitz Marsha Milich Shoshana Miller Alexis Mitchell Madalasa Mobili Kristie Morris Danielle Murphy Lisa Musorrafiti Colin Nagle Felicia Napier Winnie Neal Anita Nessin Margaret O’Donnell Skye O’Jea Marsha Ornstein Keana Outlar Mala Palchaudhuri Donna Parfumi Ellen Paterson Phoebe Peister Roberta Perell Mirna Perez Erika Perez Holly Perlowitz Joyce Perlowitz Candy Pittari Sandy Platzman Marian Pollard Betsy Proper Carrie Pullen JoEllenPutter Donna Rabinowitz Natrisha RamjibthOwens Luci Rawding Jennie Redling Nancy Reif Barbara Rein Richard Rein Fran Reinstein Marian Rhein Brenda Richter Jo Ripa Jean Rittendale Carole Rochlin Marilyn Rosen Meri Rosenbaum Michele Ruina Barbara Russ-Smith Susan Rutkowski Beverly Salm Lily Samett Linda San MiguelGomez Stephen Sanchez Elizabeth Santiago Alex Santiago Raquel Santiago Roberto Santiago Alex Santiago, Jr. Bob Savino Susan Scalettar Joan Schafer Jessica Schaper Millie Schecter Toby & Morton Schiff Valerie Schmidt Jerry Schulman Laura Segall Sheila Servetar Violet W. Seung Fatima Mariam Shabir Anne Shapiro Alexandra Sicher Nikki Siegelbaum Isabel Simon Beatrice Slamowitz Sharon Slotnick Anne Marie Smith Neila Smith-Dorfman Carol Smolar Felicia Somma Myrna Soslowitz Ilsa Spatz Dana Spears Usha Srishaila Karen Stark Chava Steiner Risa Stern Ruby Stone Rachel Stone Rikke Stone Reynaldo Suazo Teofilo Suazo Stephanie Sundheimer Diane Sussman Bob Sussman Maggie Sutherland Kathy Sutherland Holly Talisman Genie Thilo Michelle Timothee Marlene Tolentino Effie Traitses Isabelle Urena Jack Vandervliet Luz Vazquez Rody T. Veras Elisabeth Voigt Richard Voigt Britta Voss Pebo Voss Nadine Wagner Mary Anne Walker Ashley Ward Gabriella Weinberger Marion Weiner Heather Werner Helene Winson Larry Wolf Carolyn Wolf Katharine Wyland Deborah Yablonsky Asia Yavorskyy Roberta Zahl Jean Zambriano Michele Zeppetella S P E C I A L T H A N K YO U TO : • Our Year-End Appeal Chair, actor Michael Shannon and gift matching partner Edward C. Coury. • Our rape crisis and direct service hotline counselor volunteers, whose dedication and enthusiasm provide tremendous support throughout the year. • The members of our Resource Council, a group of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors who meet monthly to advise RFS and actively participate in the movement to end gender-based violence. Members review RFS policies, educate legislators, raise awareness and funds for RFS in our community. 23 C R E A T I N G A N E N V I R O N M E N T F O R S A F E T Y A N D C H A N G E Thank You Donors Every year Rockland Family Shelter relies on our individual, corporate, foundation and government partners for their commitment and enthusiasm for our mission, our work, our staff and the women and children we serve. As RFS continued to work with an ever growing client base, we have relied more heavily on individuals, corporations, foundations, volunteers and public funds. “It is not enough to be compassionate; one must act.” —The 14th Dalai Lama 24 Senator David Carlucci Legislator Harriet Cornell C O R P O R AT E A&T Certified Home Care, LLC AB Plumbing & Heating Abbey Ice Company, Inc. Action Plumbing & Heating, Inc Active International All Brite Cleaning Company Allstate Giving Campaign Avon Products, Inc. Bassett Flowers Beckerle Lumber Supply Co. Inc. Bill of Health Services, Inc. BNY Mellon Wealth Management Bob’s Art & Framing Braunfotel & Frendel, LLC Butler Street Realty, Inc. Campbell Fire Protection, Inc. Citywide ATM, LLC Commonwealth Cares Fund, Inc. Cornell & Cornell LLP Down To Earth Dress Barn Dusty Rose, Inc. Electrolock, Inc. EZ Electric Feldstein & Stewart, LLP Fellows, Hymowitz, Epstein P.C. Mayor Noramie Jasmin Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee Fesco’s Fence Co. Fuzziwhigs Beauty Parlor H&S Sales and Consultants, Inc. Haverstraw Transit, Inc. HBO Hiep Sanitation Huron Towers, LLC Innovative Plastics Corp. Insurance Services Office J. Fox Interiors Jackson Lewis, LLP K&M Newspaper Services Kass & Jaffe Katz Leeber CPA's, PC KeyBank Koblin's Pharmacy, Inc. M&T Bank Mack-Cali Realty Major Energy Services Mandel, Katz & Brosnan LLP Maria Luisa Boutique McCormack & Phillips MidOcean Partners Montalbano, Condon & Frank, PC Network & Security Technologies Newtek Business Partners Supervisor County Executive Christopher St. Lawrence Scott Vanderhoef Nyack Dry Cleaning & Custom Tailoring Oak Beverages, Inc. On Site Confidential Shredding Orange & Rockland Utilities Payserve Corporation Pfizer Plastic-Craft Products Corp. Polylogics Consulting, Inc. Posa Posa Proforma Corp Systems Provident Bank Rand Commercial Services Rockland Boulders Rockland Instant Copy Salon S. Santi Express, Inc. Sterling Classic Builders, Inc. TD Bank The Byne Group, Inc. Thomas B. Corsitto Agency Torsoe Brothers Construction Corp. U.S. Monitor Verizon Wireless Wright Bros. of Nyack Real Estate Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski F O U N D AT I O N S COMMUNITY American Red Cross-Rockland Atonement Lutheran Church Bridge Club Women Who Care St. John The Divine Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club Congers-Valley Cottage Volunteer Ambulance Corp Congregation Sons of Israel First Presbyterian Church Germonds Presbyterian Church Girl Scout Troop #6 Grace Baptist Church Grace’s Thrift Shop Haverstraw Seniors Nanuet Hebrew Center National Council of Jewish Women New City Jewish Center New City Park Club New Hempstead Presbyterian Church NYSBOC Rockland County Chapter Orangetown Jewish Center Palisades Presbyterian Church Pearl River United Methodist Church Pfizer United Way Campaign Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Ramapo Lodge #485 Rockland Coalition for Democracy and Freedom Rockland Community College Senior Center Rockland Road Runners Association Rotary Club of New City Rotary Club of North Rockland Rotary Club of Nyack Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Israel Spring Valley Branch N.A.A.C.P. St. John's Episcopal Church St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Thomas Aquinas College Tappan Zee Thrift Shop Temple Beth El Temple Beth Sholom Temple Beth Torah Trinity Episcopal Church United Church of Spring Valley United Methodist Women of Garnerville United Methodist Women of New City United Methodist Women of Suffern United Way of Bergen County United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut United Way of Greater Nashua, Inc. United Way of Morris County United Way of New York City United Way of Northern New Jersey United Way of Rockland County Volunteer Fire Association of Tappan Women's Club of Suffern Avon Products Foundation BJ’s Charitable Foundation The Chazen Foundation Glickenhaus Foundation The Burton & Sarina Gwirtzman Foundation KeyBank Foundation Kurz Family Foundation, LTD. The Ostberg Foundation The David Kimmel Foundation The Hope For Youth Foundation Inc. Mary Kay Foundation The Jeffrey David Walerstein Foundation Wilbur G. Malcolm Foundation G OV E R N M E N T FEDERAL Centers for Disease Control Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Family Violence Prevention Act Office of Violence Against Women US Recovery Act Fund NEW YORK STATE Office of Victims Services Office of Children and Family Services Division of Criminal Justice Services Department of Health Unified Court System ROCKLAND COUNTY Department of Probation Department of Social Services District Attorney’s Office The County of Rockland The Office of Community Development Youth Bureau STATE COALITIONS Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) Division of Criminal Justice Services Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) TOWNS & VILLAGES Ramapo Spring Valley S P E C I A L T H A N K YO U TO Commissioner Sue Sherwood, District Attorney Thomas Zuigbe and Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin for their continued efforts in supporting RFS programs and services. 25 C R E A T I N G A N E N V I R O N M E N T F O R Individual / In-Kind Donors Every year Rockland Family Shelter relies on our individual, corporate, foundation and governmental partners for their commitment and enthusiasm for our mission, our work, our staff and the women and children we serve. As RFS continued to work with an ever growing client base, we have relied more heavily on individuals, corporations, foundations, volunteers and public funds. Individual Donors Steven Abel & Paula Davis Herbert & Lila Abraham Judy Abrams Mary & Paul Adler Dr. Madhu B. Ahluwalia & Thomas O'Connell Trudy Album Joy Alcaro Hon. Victor Alfieri, Jr. Ingrid Allison Alyse & Andrew Alper Mary Alston Rayla & Bill Anderson Helia Fabia P. Andrade Norma Andrews Ann Angarola Virginia Hall-Apicella & Guy Apicella Michele Armenante Nelly Bly & Michael Arougheti Karen & Mike Asch Nadie Atisme Mary Ann Avazian Charles Baken Shelly J. Baker Joan Balfour Fran & Mark Barabell Maureen Barbey Eileen & Ameram Barkai Amy Barnett & Dan Kaplan Virginia & Robert Barrett Lois Barth Lori Barth Susan Beckwith Joan Beers Lucille & Richard Behrens Marigene & Mark Behrens Ellen & Irwin Belitsky Deborah Bell Anita & Jonathan Bell Esther Beltrandi Elsie Benoit Angela Benton Sonia Berah Teresa Berasi 26 Anya Berg Marjorie & Egon Berg Ellen Berger Rochelle & Mike Berger Donna Bergstol Dr. Robert Berk Esther Berkowitz Beth Berlin Rachel Berlin Ruth Berlin Beth & Steven Berman Phyllis & Albert Bernstein Richard Bernstein Drs. Joan & Daniel Berson Lori & Fred Bethon Dr. Peter Birkett Eliyahu Birnbaum Irene Black Valerie Blackwell Eileen & Robert Blair Barbara Blakemore Charles Blank Sue Ann & Mitchell Blas Stella & Irving Blasenheim Marianne & Dr. Harry Bloomfeld Judy Blumenfeld Suzzette Boafo Debra E. Boening Harold Boening, Jr. Cathy S. Boerke Susan & Jerry Bortstein Ana Arango Bossard Lorraine Bracco Elizabeth Bracken Elizabeth Bradley Susan and Eric Brand Brumsic Brandon Enid Breakstone Victoria Breshin Jenny Broderick J. P. Brodie Janet Brooks Alma Brown Jeremy Brown Joyce Clarke Brown Larry Bucciarelli Sheila Buchanan Irene & Mary Burinescu Isabel Burk Janice Van Buskirk John Butler Eraina Butts Lisa Caccamise Edith Caesar Donald Cairns Patricia Caldwell Mimi Calhoun & Dr. Howard Goldstein Mary & Charles Callan Julie Camargo Carole Camberlein Fran R. Camhy Kimberly Campbell Miriam Candaroma Rosemarie Cappello Elizabeth Carl Patti & Robert Carlucci Brigitte Pasternak & Philip Carmichael Shannon Casey Evita Castor Maria & Anthony Ceci Alma Cespon Maryalice & Leonard Chaifetz Elizabeth Chapman & William Munn Alex & Bill Chase Debra & Robert Cherofsky Barbara Chertok Linda & Alan Chisholm Diane Churchill Gail & Louis Cianciulli Ivis Cicchini Anna L. Cicio Phyllis & Dr. Mel Citrin Susanne & Richard Clark Dr. Arlene Clinkscale Claire Coates Evelyn Cohen Connie Coker & Dr. Erik Larsen Eileen Collins Cynthia C. Conine Deneise Connell Jean Marie Connolly & Mark Iannucci Peggy Conte Hon. Harriet Cornell Joanne Cote Alice & Lou Coulombe Edward C. Coury Sandra Crandall Kara Cressman Billie Cronin Pat & Jim Cropsey Barbara & Charles Cross Holly Cuff Sharon Cuff Laure Cunningham Louise & Eugene Cuomo Christey M Curran Maura Curran Dennis Dale Suzane Dale Mary Davey Jan & Niles Davies Kathleen Davies Lynne DeForest Ingrid & Paul DeCicco Jan Deegan Jeffrey Degen Sandy & David Deitch Tara & Joe Delgado Teresa DelGiudice Nancy Deluca Janet Demb James Deminno, CPA, PC Richard Bernstein Drs. Joan & Daniel Berson Lori & Fred Bethon Dr. Peter Birkett Eliyahu Birnbaum Irene Black Valerie Blackwell Eileen & Robert Blair Barbara Blakemore Charles Blank Sue Ann & Mitchell Blas Stella & Irving Blasenheim Marianne & Dr. Harry Bloomfeld Judy Blumenfeld Suzzette Boafo Debra E. Boening Harold Boening, Jr. Cathy S. Boerke Susan & Jerry Bortstein Ana Arango Bossard Lorraine Bracco Elizabeth Bracken Elizabeth Bradley Susan and Eric Brand S A F E T Y Brumsic Brandon Enid Breakstone Victoria Breshin Jenny Broderick J. P. Brodie Janet Brooks Alma Brown Jeremy Brown Joyce Clarke Brown Larry Bucciarelli Sheila Buchanan Irene & Mary Burinescu Isabel Burk Janice Van Buskirk John Butler Eraina Butts Lisa Caccamise Edith Caesar Donald Cairns Patricia Caldwell Mimi Calhoun & Dr. Howard Goldstein Mary & Charles Callan Julie Camargo Carole Camberlein Fran R. Camhy Kimberly Campbell Miriam Candaroma Rosemarie Cappello Elizabeth Carl Patti & Robert Carlucci Brigitte Pasternak & Philip Carmichael Shannon Casey Evita Castor Maria & Anthony Ceci Alma Cespon Maryalice & Leonard Chaifetz Elizabeth Chapman & William Munn Alex & Bill Chase Debra & Robert Cherofsky Barbara Chertok Linda & Alan Chisholm Diane Churchill Gail & Louis Cianciulli Ivis Cicchini Anna L. Cicio Phyllis & Dr. Mel Citrin Susanne & Richard Clark Dr. Arlene Clinkscale Claire Coates Evelyn Cohen Connie Coker & Dr. Erik Larsen Eileen Collins Cynthia C. Conine Deneise Connell Jean Marie Connolly & Mark Iannucci Peggy Conte Honorable Harriet Cornell Joanne Cote Alice & Lou Coulombe Edward C. Coury Sandra Crandall Kara Cressman Billie Cronin Pat & Jim Cropsey Barbara & Charles Cross Holly Cuff Sharon Cuff Laure Cunningham A N D Louise & Eugene Cuomo Christey M Curran Maura Curran Dennis Dale Suzane Dale Mary Davey Jan & Niles Davies Kathleen Davies Lynne DeForest Ingrid & Paul DeCicco Jan Deegan Jeffrey Degen Sandy & David Deitch Tara & Joe Delgado Teresa DelGiudice Nancy Deluca Janet Demb James Deminno, CPA, PC Judy & Bob D'Errico Nathalie Desert Lana Deutsch Rochelle Dewell Elizabeth Di Stefano Cynthia Diamond Shari & Seth Diamond Donald P. Dietrich Judy & John DiLiddo Mary Lou & Robert Dillon Fredy & Ellen Dimeco Alexandreena Dixon Michelle Domond Anna Domosi Maura Donoghue Nancy Donoghue Lori Dorfman Richard Dow Ronnie Drachman Nancy & Robert Drennen Wilhelmina & James Drumm Elaine Drummond Geralyn Drummond Teri Duke Idette Earl & Hon. Toney Earl Kathie Eastin DeAnn Ebener Roberta Ebert Hon. Harry Edelstein Elizabeth Haas-Edersheim & Steven Edersheim Phyllis Eisenberg Judy Eiss Kandi Elahi Monira El-Baz Ann & M. Jeffrey Ellis Ellen Ellis Kimberly Englert Tricia Enquist Dr. Janis Enzenbacher Thamar Esperance Randolph R. Estwick George Ewald Linda & Jonathan Ewig Adriane Fabio Rosemarie Fajardo Frank & Anne Fallon Toni Fallon Susan Farnum Salvatore Fazzi Helene & Howard Feigelman Burt Feinberg Lisa & Marc Feller Maryanne Ferrara C H A N G E Angela Ferrezza Miriam & Allen Fetterman Beverly Feuer Roz Fields Dr. Marvin A. Fier Helen Fischer Carolyn Fish & Irv Fink Raselle & Dr. Edward Fisher Barbara & Bruce Flanz Bonnie Fletcher Sandra Fogelman Michele Foley Theresa Foresta Marsha & Gary Forman Catherine Fournier Lorrie Fox Elinor France Marguerite Franck Susan Frank-Blakeley Susan Frazier Karen Freedman & Roger Weisberg Sandy Friedbaum Jennifer Fromm Lynda & Kenneth Gach Maria Gajda Pat Gallwey Julie Gamache Adele Garber Lenora Fay Garfinkel Lynn Gartenberg Katherine Gartmann Alice Gay Mimi Gelb Ilene Gerber Arnold Gerson Joanne P. Giordano Marcia & Marty Glasser Judith Glickman Bethann Goff Robert Goldberg Laurie Goldin Joan & Steven Goldman Roberta Goldstein Lewis Goodfriend Janet Goodman Joanne Goodman & Bob Thomases Monica Gordon Drs. Susan & Edmund Gordon Dorothy Goren Linda M Gorgorian Nancy Gorman Sheralyn Gottlieb Carol Gould Karen L. Gould Adris Graham-Swift Shari & Vince Gram Lori Grande Janet & Ernest Graves Celia Greenberg Marcia & Elliot Greenberg M. Alberta Greene Gunnel Greenfield Brenda Grier Rachel Grob Ilse Grunwald Junie Guignard Dan Gwizdak Patricia Halo Debra A. Halsch Ronna & Donald Hammond Anita Handel Betty Handelman Kristin Hanley Marie Hanley Jennifer & Andrew Harnett Vivian & John Harnett Dolores & Jerry Harris Nicole Harris Rita Harvey & Neil Berg Dr. Barbara Hayes Leslie Price Hayes & Dr. Dennis Hayes Lisa Hayes Sheri Hecht Gina Reda-Hegarty & Raymond Hegarty Cathy Heider Marcia Heisler Jill & Bruce Heller Maria Chamberlin & Gerard Hellman Marion & Arthur Hellthaler Christine Henderson & David Hazan Genevieve & David Hendin Betty & Albert Hettinger Allan Heussinger Ronald Hicks Meryl & Roger Hirsch Sharon & Stephen Hittman Elizabeth Hobson Elinor Hock Dolores Hodesblatt Barbara & Jonathan Hodosh Alison Hoffman Mimi & Lee Hoffman Christine Hofmann Hon. Nancy Low Hogan Pat Hohlfeld Rose Holland Sondra S. Holt Jeff Horowitz Nancy A. Houghton & Howard H. Brown Dr. Harriet Hudson Rosa Hudson Ann Gilbert Hugel John Hughes & Kevin Carter Nancy Hulbrock Lauren R. Hundley Hon. Frances Hunter Harriet Hyams Esther Hyman Louis Iannaccone Debra B. & Yehudah Inger Nina & Steve Iser Anna Ivara Diana & Sheldon Jacobson Kathy Jaffe, LMSW Honorable Ellen Jaffee Roberta Jahn-Sissoko Gloria M. Janata Bijal Jani, Esq. Joelle Jean Venante Jeannoel Claudette Jimerson Marvin Joachim Kathleen Johnson Dr. Leslie Johnson Miriam & Kenneth Johnson Sue-Ellen & Ronald Johnson Veronica Johnson Lois Joseph Jill & David Kaliff Katherine & Mitchell Kaplan Laurie & Walter Karopczyc Julie Kassel Lilo Kassel Eleanor & Edward Katz Dr. Michele & Barry Katz Marilyn Kaufman Gerry Kaufman Joan Kaufman Hannah Kay Terri & Mitchell Kayden Regina Kelly Rochelle Kepes & Marla Silverstein Eileen M. Kepes Cheryl & Andrew Kimler Iva & Jeffrey Kimmelman Elayna & David Kirschtel William Klayer Patricia Klees Susan Klein Deborah & Thom Kleiner Barbara Kleinman Svetlana Kolesnik Helen Komar Elayne Koppelman Karyn Kornreich Gail & Alan Koss Anthony Koza Donald Kramer Iris & Aaron Kramer Joyce Marie Kraus Jennifer & Matthew Kravatz Nenette Kress Theresa & George Krug Deborah & Mort Kunstler Deborah LaGreca Rebecca & Peter Lang Linda & Rodney Langdon Yua Lapointe Lynne & Dr. Allen Laub Beth & John Lauder Robin & Robert Laufer Profs. Marilyn & Irving Lavin Judith & Patrick Lawler Patricia & Richard Lazar Micki Leader Sande & Gary Lefkowitz Ellen & Steve Lehrman Jane & Richard Lemkin Paula Lennard Maxime Leonescu Evelyn Leong & Mark Hussey Pamela & Jack Lerner Amanda Lettire Ellen & Merritt Levine Nicki Levine Janet & Kenneth Levitt Rhonda & Bruce Levy Michelle Lewis Lana & Dr. Roy Lieberman Dr. Rita Lieberman Irene Lindenberg Deborah Lipp Denise & Adam Lipson Jill & Ira Lipson Gail Lipton Patsy Lisak Tina Lombardoni Rhoda & Martin Lonow Sheryl Santi Luks & Ted Luks Debbie & Brian Lurie Maureen C. Lynch Geraldine Mackinnon Alyssa Madden Janet Madrigal Marcia Malkoff Louise Malusis Carol A. Mandel Norma Mandel, Ph.D. Monica & Joshua Mandel Sandy & Michael Mandel John J. Manna, Jr. Marie Manning John F. X. Mannion Florence & Jeffrey Manoff Diana Marino Mary & Michael Mark Jessica & Victor Marquez Sherry Masters Angela Mattei & Jeffrey Keahon Mary Jane McAvoy Catherine McCabe Lenora McCabe C. Susan McCandless Marilyn & Jim McCarron Michele McCarthy Mary & John McCarville Peggy & Ron McCormack Judy & Frank McDermott Margaret McIlmurray Yvette McLarty Cindy McMurtrie Nancy & Dennis McTiernan Connie Mednick Stephanie & Howard Meiner Lois Mergentime Erin Merriweather Shari Meyer Jean Mian Karen & Al Michalowski Margot Mifflin Ellen Mihovics Adrienne Milich Marsha Milich Feiga Milshtein Fazily Mohamed June & Alan Molof Marlene Mondestin Denise Monteforte Jessica Montello Mattie Moore Maxine & Dr. Leonard Morgenbesser Elizabeth Morris Patricia & Douglas Morris Virgina & Kenneth Morris Susan Moss Norma Moutal Carolyn Mugar Cori & Brian Mullen George Mulligan Ade Mullinax Marla Muni Peg & Jim Murphy Elizabeth & Ronald Murroni Marcia Nacht Adrienne Nadel Rabio & Paul Nagin Felicia Napier Valerie Nathanson Victor M. Nau Alexia A Nazarian Honorable William & Bennie Nelson Joan Neumann Elizabeth Nichols Harriet H. Nicol Karen Nilan Setsuko Matsunaga Nishi Latoya Noel Beth E. Norman Mary C. Novotny Gail Ochenkoski Lynnette Oestreicher Joan O’Keeffe Voncile Oliver Ann O’Malley Detective Sergeant Timothy O’Neill Michele Ornstein Marlene & Gene Ostertag Nancy & John O’Sullivan Jane & Frank Osuna Marlene & Dr. Ira Oustatcher Donna C. Pafumi Ralph Paige Ronda Papp Vickey Paratore Patricia Parker Maryann Pascuzzi Donna & Robert Patch Judith Peacock Adrienne & Richard Peckler Jaime K. Peckler Dr. Phoebe Peister Sally Pellegrini Roberta Perell Rita Perlin, Ph.D. Kathy Perrotte Carole Perry & JD Zeik Margaret M. Perry Bach Tuyet Pham Liz Piccolo Debra A. Piesco Tammy Pinson Franca Piperni, D.C. Candy Pittari Alison & David Place Sandra Platzman Cecily Gottling & Daniel Politi Kiera Pollock Helen & Joseph Pont Selma Porter Christine M. Porto Tanya Powell Karen Pozzani Janet Prata Christina Pratt Frances Pratt Joan Prince Patrice & A. Jon Prusmack Nancy A. Pupino JoEllen & Marvin Putter Dr. Sharon Quayle Larisa Quinn Donna Rabinowitz Ellen Raffman Susan Oelkers Ramos Ellen Ramsay Linie Chang Rand & Joseph Rand Patricia Ranney Betty Rapaport Erika Raser Sydney Ratnow & Steven Ratnow, Ph.D. Bonnie Ray Barbara & Anthony Reale Carmen Redalieu Jennie Redling Debbie Reich-Goldberg & Josh Goldberg Richard & Barbara Rein Ellen & Howard Reiss Lisa & Todd Retallack Marian & Michael Rhein Ellen Rich Linda Richmond Daniel Rifkin Honorable Karen Riley Neil B. Rindlaub Stephanie & Jonathan Ripps Mark Ritchie Jean Rittendale Jo Robbins Marysue Robbins Leslie & Juan Rocha Ligija Rociunas Arlene R. Rodgers Alexandra Rodriguez Honorable Alma Roman Amy Romano Zina & Deneir Rosa Gail Rosen, LCSW & Michael Rosen Jennifer & Stuart Rosen Marilyn Rosen Paulette & Dan Rosenstein Sara & Richard Rosenstock Mary Rosenwasser Kim Adele Rosner Rachel Rotbard Anita Rothbaum Melissa Roy Michael Roy Judy Ruben-Jacobs & Mark Jacobs Ronnie Rugys Michelle Ruina Carol Russell Eleuthera H. Russell Melanie Russell Hildee & Paul Ryan Judith Ryan, MSW Susan Ryan Lisa Saaedra Abdus Sabur Mitali Sachdev Josephine Salas & Jonathan Fox Marvha Samedi Lynne & Dr. Jeffrey Sandhaus Helene & Stephen Santangelo Marie Sanz Sinikka & Robert Sarro Lori Sash-Gail Lenore & Fred Sauberman Dr. Maureen Saunders Susan Scalettar Millie Schecter Elaine Schloss Amalia Schneider Linda Schultz Victoria Schwaid Tammy & Mike Schwartz Laura & Jay Schwartzapfel Edward Schwetz Laura & Peter Segall Deborah Seidman Roslyn Seiler Claire Seward Helene Shames Patricia C. Shanley Anne & Eric Shapiro Lynn Sheinkin, MSW, CSW Renee Sheiowitz Karen & Eric Shepard Clare Sheridan Rhoda S Sherman Tanya & George Sherman Commissioner Sue Sherwood Julie Shine Rosetta Shorte Mary Shustack Paula & Oscar Siberio Kathleen Sibi Helen & Dr. Elliot Siegal Abby Siegel Judith Siegelbaum Noreen Siegelbaum Helen Siegler Carol Silberfarb Joan Silberman Elaine Silverberg Marla Silverstein Isabel & Myron Simon Paula Simon Elaine & Samuel Simon Skye Beatrice Slamowitz David Slater Judy & Marty Small Barbara Smith Homer Smith Neila Smith-Dorfman & David Dorfman Debbie & Paul Smoller Richard Smyth Laura Sommers Marilyn Southren Maria Souto Ilsa Spatz Valerie Stanley Karen L. Stark Deborah Stedge Eva & Ed Steen Hon. David & Karen Stein Robin & Benjamin Steinman Risa Stern Sue & John Stern Yifat Stern Dana Stilley Elena Stoicheva-Egan Patricia Stone Rikke Stone Shari & Michael Stopler Jacqueline Stormes Susan E. Strange-Nunes Deborah J. Stroud Gail Stryker Ferne T. Sturm Patricia Stush Diane & Robert Sussman Ruth Szpicek Patricia Tapen Jaime & David Tashjian Leontine & Morton Temsky Inger & Dr. John Terzakis Susan & Jay Theise Colette Tiktin Michelle Timothee Izabela Tokarski Marline Tolentino Sharon & Bernard Toomin Peggy Tracy Carolyn Trigger Ann Trudell Susan Trugman William Trust Robin Tucker Sara & Bruce Tucker Ellen & Dr. Alan Tuckman Elizabeth N. Tulin Joyce Turnipseed Honorable Scott B. Ugell Annmarie & Bob Uhl Mary Urbach Isabel Valenzuela Hon. C. Scott Vanderhoef C. Vanghan Christine E. Viguie Ann Vitale Elisabeth & Richard Voigt Nadine Wagner Ruth Wagner Samantha Wagner Carol Wall Ann Walsh Gregory E. Walthall Gail Wanger Phyllis & Ivan Ward Ellen & Mark Warner Marlene R. Warren Regina & Hon. William Warren Jerry Warshaw Dr. Melissa & Nat Wasserstein Danielle & Dr. Matthew Watson Bernice Webb Nancy Weber Fern Weil Ruth C. Wein Rhonda Weinberger Dora & Abe Weiner Eileen & David Weinstock Laura & Michael Weintraub Susie & Bob Weisberg Robyn Weiss Debbie & Joe Werner Elizabeth Werner Enid Wetshaus Joan Whitman Kelli Whritenour Jane Willgren Barbara Williams Cindy Williams Carol Willinger Michael Wolf Dr. Cliff L. & Wylene Branton Wood Dr. Diana & Louis Worby Carl Wortendyke Martin & Elizabeth Wortendyke Virginia & Anthony Woznick Deborah & Morris Yablonsky Vivian Yaker Audree & Arthur Yorkes Jordan D. Yuelys Barbara & Mark Zacheis Adam S. Zahl Lynne Zaklin & Richard Gelb Roberta Zampolin Lori Zawel Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski Lee & Dominick Zernone Michael Zivotovsky Joan Zuzolo Wendy Zweig Joyce Clarke Brown Build-A-Bear Workshop Isabel Burk by boe, Ltd. Cable Beverages, Inc. Cambio America Carole Hochman Design Group Carousel Cakes Casa Mia Manor House CBS Home Entertainment Central Park West Elansio Cesaire Edward Charkey Charlotte Tarantola Jaslin Chopra Christ’s Ambassadors of Charity Inc. Cockpit USA Cole Haan Beverly Bozarth Colgan Columbia Sportswear Community Crochet Group of New City Library Confetti Party Decorating In Kind Didi Conn & David Shire 5150 Martial Arts Connected Apparel 525 - America Home Cookie Girl Bake Shop A&P – Valley Cottage Carol Corker AARP Crochet Group Costco Abercorn Place Cottage Lane School ABG Accessories CSEA Local 918 Abigail Rose & Lily Too Cub Scout Troop 46 – Lorette Adams Den 16 ADH Health Products, Inc. Curio Apparel Mary & Paul Adler Emmanuel Taft, CVS Adrianna Papell NYC Collection Daisy Troop #40028 Aimee Z Et Cie DP Dog Training Alfred Dunner, Inc. Daniel M. Friedman & Alice & Olivia Associates, Inc. Amy Brill Sweaters David’s Bagels Antrim Playhouse Dawson-Forte Cashmere Appaman, Inc. Kathleen Delargy Arleen Bowman Boutique Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Tom Artin Photography Depeche Mode Atonement Lutheran Devo, Inc. Church DHS Technologies LLC B&G International Suzanne Diaz Backpacks for School Disney Theatrical Group Baggo Imports Divatex Home Fashions Julie Bargmann, Kathi Dolan D.I.R.T. Studio Donna Degnan Company Bath Body & Candles Dress Barn Bee Darlin’ - Be Smart Jack Dub Bee-Alive, Inc. Dusty Rose, Inc. John Beerman East Ramapo Teachers Katrina Beglin Association Rena Berger Echo Design Group Dorothy Bergmann EllEss Design, Inc. Ernie Bergmann Egg by Susan Lazar Amy Berks Lena Eisenberg Birchwood Center Elmwood Playhouse BKg & Company Joel Epstein New York, Inc. Eva’s Catering BlankNYC Eyespy Baby Blu Fig Eyevolution Optique Boardwalk Empire Emmanouil Zervakis, Productions EZ Electric Cathy S. Boerke Honor & Richard Fagan Georgette Bogdanowich Jeff Fields Deanne Bongiorno Financial Network Julie Bouchet Steve Fish Lorraine Bracco Flax Designs Flavia A Bronico Fleet Street Ltd. Flower Shoppe New City Fredy Dimeco Associates Suzanna Frosch & Blake Tovin Janet Garcia-Levitas Garden Club of Nyack Wendy Gates Tina Moss Geiger Claire Germanakos Tara Gildea Tara Gilroy Luz Giraldo Girl Scout Daisy Troop # 40724 Girl Scout Troop #40667 Girl Scout Troop #40168 Girl Scout Troop #40183 Girl Scout Troop #40264 Girl Scout Troop #40608 Girl Scout Troop #40734 Girl Scout Troop #40753 Girl Scout Troop #40754 Girl Scouts Heart of Hudson Go Lightly Apparel Deborah Goodman Grace Church Siobhan Grace Grandview Great Plains, French Connection, LLC Betty Greenberg Sharon Greenblath Michele Grisanti Betty Handelman Hanky Panky Jennifer & Andrew Harnett Eileen Harris Suzanne Hasz Haverstraw Seniors S. Lisa Hayes & Janet Prata Margie Hayes Marilyn Hazan Hearthstone Alzheimer Care Heritage Quilters of the Hudson Palisades Hilton Pearl River George Hodosh Associates Ellen B. Holtzman, Esq. Mary McGinty Hudson House of Nyack In Private Inserra Supermarkets, Inc. Iriniri Design of Nyack Iron Mountain J. Gallery Manju Jariwala JCC Rockland, Inc. Jessica McClintock Joanne Powell Jowanio Senior Program Jr. League of Westchester -on-Hudson, Inc. Kakiat Elementary School Jill & David Kaliff Judy & Steve Katten Mercedes Kent Komar KPMG LLP Ellen Kurz & Thomas Cosgrove La Regale LLC La Terraza Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 2 Lafayette 148 New York Lafayette Theatre Michael Lang Rebecca Lang Lanterna Tuscan Bistro Joe LaRose Laura & Steve Lasky Late Night with David Letterman Laurel Plains Elementary School Lauro Chiropractic Office Law & Order: SVU Productions Law Office of Maurice Giro, LLC L’Azur Med Spa Donna Lembo Library Association of Rockland County – Youth Services Linea S. USA Link Elem. School Liquorland GenaLisa Lingerie Liz Claiborne Stacy Logan Love Notes Love Quotes Lucky Magazine Lynn Ritchie Fashions Ms. Janet Madrigal Magaschoni Showroom Maggy London International Ben Mandel Sandy & Michael Mandel John J. Manna, Jr. Manny’s Barbershop Marabella Designs Marcello’s Ristorante Maria Whittingham, Maria Luisa Boutique Adele Marino Carmela & Rocco A. Marino Sherry Masters Katherine Matheson Matta New York Mary McCarthy Rose Meritz Saundra Messinger Modell’s Sporting Goods Helen & Donaold Mondschan Moschino Motif 56, Inc. Nicole & Thoman Mullin Munno’s Italian Import Deli Murphy & Weaver Murray's Chicken Nanette Lepore Nanuet Hebrew Center Napoli’s Pizza National Council of Jewish Women Ted Neuhoff New City Florist New City Library New Hempstead Presbyterian Church New York Country Club Linda & Joel Newman Not Your Daughter’s Jeans Police Chief Kevin Nulty Nyack Homeless Project Oak Beverages, Inc. Robert O’Connor OHM Studio, Inc. Carol Olori Ooh! La La! Couture Orangetown Jewish Center Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Deirdre O’Toole Palmieri Wines & Spirits Laura Panek Barbara Paone Steven Paraggio John Parnell Sandi Partridge Party City – Nanuet Maryann Pascuzzi Pasta Cucina Yvonne Pastolove Jill Patruznick Peace of Cloth Pearl River Florist Pearl River Mart George Pejoves Photography Peking Handicraft, Inc. Pinky & Vintage Don Showrooms Posa Posa Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Project Linus National Headquarters Public Clothing Company Shari Pulido JoEllen & Marvin Putter Q’Doba Mexican Grill Amber Ramirez Randa Accessories Red Hats of the Hudson Valley Restaurant X Karen Reynolds Marian & Michael Rhein Riviera Fashion Sunglasses & Accessories Rockland Bakery, Inc. Rockland Center for the Arts Rockland County YMCA Rockland Driving School Rockland Rocky Tops Rona’s Rosenblum Jane Roth, MSW Sylvia Roth Susan Rutkowski Kathy Ryan Sabra Originals Safdie International Silvia Samuels Sanctuary Home Furnishings Sara Mique Clothing 2011 REVENUE Francine & Michael Satran Amy Savoury Lily Sayag Sbarro’s Scarlett Fashion Schneiders Salzburg Inc. Seven Windows Showroom Rajendra & Daksha Shah Anne & Eric Shapiro Barbara Shikitar Shoshanna Showroom Shubert Theater Organization, Inc Ilane Simon Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Israel Small Steps Homer Smith, Jr. SML Sport Ltd. Carol Smolar Aileen Spool St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Star Ride Kids Starbucks New City Nancy Steher Risa Stern Steve Madden Handbags Patricia Stone Stony Point Conference Center Stony Point Florist Stop & Shop Supermarket - Nanuet Stop Staring! Designs Storage Post Suffern Hope & Peter Streisman Suburban Propane Miriam & Lawrence Suchoff Suffern High School Suffern Jr. Woman’s Club Talbots Tama Tanowitz Temple Beth El - WRJ Temple Beth Sholom Joyce and Vincent Tese The Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Flower Shoppe Emily Theisen The Cheesecake Factory The Little Bake Shop The Museum of Modern Art The Things I Love Rhonda & Harry Thorne June Tierney Totes-Isotoner Trinity Episcopal Church Troop #40908 Troop #40692 Cadettes 6th Grade Michael Tropiano Cyndee Trussler Tusk Ltd. Matilda Tyson Union Restaurant & Bar Latino Van Tassel Cleaners Jessica Vaughan Adi Velery Verizon Wireless Victoria’s Secret Elisabeth & Richard Voigt Waldorf Derm & Laser Barry Warnor Warwick Reformed Church Susan Watson & Norton Wright Nivia Wattley Weichert Realtors Carole Weiss West Nyack Elem. School Wine Enthusiast Companies Woodglen Elem. School Deborah & Morris Yablonsky Organized Oasis Lynne Zaklin & Richard Gelb Carol Zane Lisbeth & Jason Zeides Heidi Zembriski-Erickson 2011 EXPENSES $2,276,078 $98,500 $666,614 Government Corporate & Foundations Donations, Fundraising & misc. $2,562,844 Program $582,831 General & Administration $80,093 Fundraising $3,041,192 TOTAL $3,225,768 TOTAL 79% of every dollar is used for provision of client services. Volunteers contributed the equivalent of $265,275 through 13,100 hours of assistance. 75% Government 22% Fundraising & Donations 78% Programs 3% Corporate & Foundations 18% General & Administration 2% Fundraising 25 Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Strategies to End Gender-Based Violence Crime Victims Services Our Name is Changing, as of October 2012, but Our Mission Remains the Same We are a non-profit, grassroots organization serving survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Our mission is to offer services and support that promote safety for women and children while challenging and changing the social systems that tolerate and perpetuate violence and oppression against women and others who are oppressed. In a society where gender-based violence is a historically rooted and pervasive reality, we are committed to offering services that are relevant and respectful to the diverse communities we serve. It is the vision of the Center for Safety and Change, Inc. to help create a society in which all individuals can live with dignity and equality, free from fear, violence and oppression. “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” –Gloria Steinem “RFS will become the Center for Safety and Change, Inc. – a name we believe better reflects not only who we are and what we do, but what we hope to become as we move into the future.” —Carolyn Fish and Michael Mandel 9 J o h n s o n s L a n e , N e w C i t y, N Y 1 0 9 5 6 • 8 4 5 - 6 3 4 - 3 3 9 1 • H o t l i n e : 8 4 5 - 6 3 4 - 3 3 4 4 Visit us and Please donate at • (after 10/1/12)
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