March 29, 2015 215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Phone 732-449-6364 Web Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor Rev. Jose Fernandez-Banqueses, Parochial Vicar Rev. Maynard Nagengast, OSB, and Rev. Bernard N. Mohan (Visiting Priests) Deacon Michael Keary Weekend Masses Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon and 5 PM (in Spanish) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays after 11 AM Mass with Benediction at 3:45 PM Daily Masses 7:30 AM and 11 AM (except Saturday) Miraculous Medal Novena after Masses on Wednesdays Our rectory hours Monday thru Friday 8 AM-12:00 PM 1 PM-3 PM (Tuesdays until 6 PM) Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM on Saturdays and after 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Thursdays #613 3/29/15 Pg. 2 Mass Intentions Monday, March 30 7:30 AM † Paul Motzenbecker † Donald Healy † Virginia Venier 11:00 AM † Don Curtis † Griffith X. Clarke † Margaret J. Dugan Judy and Gene Mulvaney Jim and Mary Power Rose and Dan Crimmins Janet and Art Ferrante St. Mark's Religious Education Program Edmund and Margaret Burke Tuesday, March 31 7:30 AM † Elmer Matthews † William Pyontek † Everett F. Smith 11:00 AM † Thomas Kenah † Ryan Family † Judy Maniscalco Gerry O'Connor Rose and Dan Crimmins Family Tom and Pam Kenah Marion Bohen Joan and John Blanchard Wednesday, April 1 7:30 AM † Anthony Ostrowski † Don Healy † John Shustowicz 11:00 AM † Stephan and Michael Dushnick † Margaret Mary McDermott † Charlene Hanson Thursday, April 2 Don and Alice Healy Tom and Sara Lynch Family Parents Ertle and Sullivan Families Adelaide Avena Holy Thursday 7:30 PM Mass of the Lord's Supper Friday, April 3 Good Friday 3:00 PM Passion of the Cross Saturday, April 4 Easter Vigil 8:00 PM For the Confirmandi Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord 8:00 AM For the People of the Parish 10:00 AM † Living and Deceased Members of Cronin and Buckley Families † Sister Anne Powers † Florence Beneduce 12:00 PM † Maroon Abraham † Kathleen Lynch † Gloria and Frederick Raffetto 2:00 PM Special Intention Samantha Gonzalez † Rumualdo Astorga Family Family Family Millie and Sally Abraham Lynch Family Family Family Zuna Benitez Family #613 3/29/15 Pg. 3 Holy Week and Easter Schedule Holy Thursday Mass: 7:30 PM. Bilingual Mass with combined choirs of Breath of Life, Ageless Spirit, Adult Tradi onal and Spanish ensemble, followed by Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament un l 10 PM. Note: Those who are parƟcipaƟng in the foot washing are asked to arrive by 7:20 PM for brief instrucƟon. Good Friday: 3 PM. Solemnity of the Passion of the Lord (Venera on of the Cross and Holy Communion). Music by Ageless Spirit and Adult Tradi onal choirs. Good Friday: 5 PM. Prayer Service (Spanish) Good Friday: 7:30 PM. Way of the Cross (CYO presents live Sta ons of the Cross) and Venera on of the Cross. Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Isaiah 50:4-7 I hid not my face from shame and spitting. Psalms 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 I can count all my bones– they stare and gloat over me; they divide my garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots. Philippians 2:6-11 And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Mark 14:1--15:47 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away; for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” Peter said to him, “Even though they all fall away, I will not.” And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you, this very night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.” But he said vehemently, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same. Blessing of Easter Food on Saturday at 1 PM. Easter Vigil on Saturday at 8:00 PM (Bilingual)* with Ageless Spirit, Adult Choir and Spanish ensemble, including trumpets, guitars, and percussion. Easter Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM with organ/cantor 10:00 AM with Children’s Choir and Breath of Life and instrumentalists 12:00 Noon with organ/cantor and small schola choir 2:00 PM (Spanish) with Spanish ensemble *The Vigil Mass will welcome new adult RCIA candidates into the Church. The Mass includes BapƟsm, 1st Holy Communion and ConfirmaƟon of candidates. The Knights of Columbus, Council #3231, will also present giŌs to our newest members. Good Friday is day of fasting and abstinence from meat. Every person 14 years of age or older must abstain from meat. Anyone over the age of 18, but under the age of 59, should eat only one full meal or can also have small amounts of food in the morning and the evening. What’s Inside? Shroud of Turin Talk .............................................. 5 Don’t Just Be a Bystander!....................................... 5 On Good Friday, Find the Way .............................. 6 Regular Features ■ Liturgical Minister Schedule 4 ■ Pray for Military 4 ■ Prayers for Healing 5 ■ Week at a Glance 5 ■ Community Activities 7 ■ CYO News 7 Bulletin deadline: Monday at 2:00 PM (except before holidays) Joanne Gibson, Editor Diana Zuna, Associate Editor Email submissions to: [email protected] #613 3/29/15 Pg. 4 Next Weekend’s Liturgical Minister Schedule Easter April 4/5 Easter Vigil 8 PM Sunday 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Sunday 12:00 Noon Sunday 2:00 PM Special assignments for Easter Vigil Tom Hayes Bob O’Neill Patrick Ahern Leo Hurley Richard Siderko Harry Dunne Ed Robinson Usher needed James Revel Jim Mulvihill Brendan Heslin Usher needed Silvestre Fierro Filegonio García Miguel Ramírez Anastasio Paz Readers Rose Crimmins Jamie Heaney Ann Carville María Valdez Raúl Pérez Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Rose Crimmins Dan Crimmins Tara Malia Marianne Sheridan Nancy Schatzman Barbara Kane Carlos Zuna Francisca González Martha Rojas Altar Servers Meghan Gallagher Evan Crilley Ellen Boyle Christina González Jose Alberto Kelly Medina Brianna Alvarado Sandra Jiménez Luis Jiménez Margaret Price Organ/cantor Victoria Napolitano Claire McGowan Jillian Ludwig Children’s Choir Breath of Life Pam Pertgen Organ/cantor with small schola choir Néstor Román Espíritu de Vida Ushers Cantors/ Choirs Helen Foerst and Joan Murphy Altar Ladies Readings for the Week Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Holy Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21. Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Good Friday: Is 52:13–53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1–19:42 Please Pray for Our Military on Active Duty Col. Thomas Crimmins, USAF, Cpl. Ian Michael Rivera, USMC, Staff Sgt. Carmen Maffucci, USAF, IS First Class Brian Maffucci, USCG, Lt. Nicholas Guariglia, USMC, Specialist (SPC) Colin P. Marvel, US Army, Lt. Commander Brenden Piccolo, USN, Major Sean P. Cox, USMC, Major Kevin Ward, US Army, Lt. Robert J. Bennett, USN Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to add a name or change a rank. If you do not have email, please call the Rectory at 732-449-6364 x100. In Loving Remembrance We ask your prayers for our beloved parishioners, family members, and friends who have recently died. Our parish family extends its sympathy and assurance of prayer to their family, friends, and to all those mourning the death of a loved one who died, especially Nelda Ragan and Mary Birle. May the Lord Jesus sustain them with His peace. Please note: Due to early bulletin deadlines, the Easter bulletin is already printed. Cover art: “Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet” by Ford Madox Brown (1856) is available at Wikimedia Commons. Upcoming Special Collection: On Good Friday, April 3rd, an offering will be taken up for Peter’s Pence, a pontifical collection for the Holy Land. Last Weekend’s Collection $10,244.00 #613 3/29/15 Pg. 5 Parish News and Upcoming Events Easter Egg Hunts This Sunday! Easter Egg Hunts Palm Sunday, March 29th, after 10 AM and 5 PM Masses. This year, bring children directly outside and CYO teens will take them to join their age group! Don’t Just Be a Bystander! Because of Easter, St. Mark's Altar Rosary Society will have its April meeting and luncheon on the 2nd Monday in April, April 13th, following the 11 AM Mass and Rosary. The guest speaker will show attendees how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Shroud of Turin Talk Dr. Larry Mueller, a St. Mark’s parishioner and thoracic surgeon, will offer an encore presentation from his unique perspective of “The Shroud of Turin” on Tuesday, March 31st, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM, here at St. Mark’s. A thoracic surgeon is a medical doctor who performs operations on the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chest. You won’t want to miss this amazing talk! Explore the Shroud in Detail A new app, called Shroud 2.0, is available for iphones and smartphones at us/app/shroud-2.0/id614248391?mt=8. The app is the result of a digitalization process that recomposed 1,649 photographs into one single 12 billion pixels image (72 Gb). These new images of “The Shroud of Turin,” along with scientific and theological interpretations prepared with the Diocese of Turin and the International Center of Sindonology, dispute earlier findings to date the shroud from between 300 BC and 400 AD, in the era of Christ. The high resolution image also purportedly shows nail wounds at the wrists and pinpricks around the brow, consistent with the "crown of thorns" mockingly pressed onto Christ at the time of his Crucifixion. While many experts have stood by a 1988 carbon-14 dating of scraps of the cloth carried out by labs in Oxford, Zurich and Arizona that dated it from 1260 to 1390, this testing was done with infra-red light and spectroscopy (the measurement of radiation intensity through wavelengths). The tests also reaffirmed the 1988 findings where traces of dust and pollen on the shroud could only have come from the Holy Land. Prayers for Healing Patrick Wypler Efraín Montoya Virginia Barnes Michael Sheridan Anne Fleming Enedina Marquez Richard McCarthy Maralyn McKeon George Lister This list of parishioners, relatives, and friends are in need of your prayers for healing. Please note that the pastor’s policy to ensure the consent of the person whose name appears here requires that only they or a family member may request a name be added to this list. Spring Cleaning? If you have any gently-used or new spring-weight clothing for babies or toddlers, our Spanish ministry has a great need! We also need clothing donations in styles for teens. If you are looking for a way to help the poor in your community this Easter, we always welcome donations of new clothes and small kitchen appliances in working order for our families. Please bring your donation to the church basement on Sundays at 4 PM when volunteers are on hand to sort and distribute them! Readers Needed Readers are needed at all Masses. Volunteers are only asked to par cipate in one or two Masses each month. Our readers o en find the experience is especially rewarding. Please contact Donna in the Rectory at 732-449-6364 ext.100. This Week at a Glance Weekend, March 28/29 Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunts after the 10 AM and 5 PM Masses. See left for details on changes this year. Monday, March 30 Rosary makers meet at 1 PM in the Church basement. Tuesday, March 31 Dr. Larry Mueller presents “The Shroud of Turin” at 7 PM in the main Church. (See left.) Wednesday, April 1 Holy Name Society meets at 7 PM in the Church basement. See Holy Week Schedule on page 3. Rectory office will be closed on Holy Thursday through Easter Monday. #613 3/29/15 Pg. 6 On Good Friday, Find the Way The Stations of the Cross 13. His body is taken down (also known as the Way of the from the cross (Luke 23:53) Cross) is a narration of the 14. His body is laid in the tomb final hours of Jesus’ life on (Matthew 27:60) earth. They reveal how Jesus And the Scripture-based version of was willing to set aside any St. John Paul II: privilege of Deity in order to provide a path to salvation 1. Jesus in the Garden of through His sacrifice. The Olives (Matthew 26:36-41) biblical Stations shed light on 2. Jesus betrayed by Judas the tragic role of the various (Mark 14:43-46) characters involved, and the 3. Jesus condemned to death struggle between light and by the Sanhedrin (Luke 22:66-71) darkness, truth and falsehood. St. Mark’s CYO and Spanish Ministry invite you to join 4. Jesus denied by Peter They all participate in the them on Good Friday at 7:30 PM for live Stations of the (Matthew 26:69-75) mystery of the Passion, taking Cross followed by Veneration of the Cross. 5. Jesus judged by Pilate a stance for or against Jesus (Mark 15:1-5, 15) (Lk 2, 34). 6. Jesus flogged and crowned with thorns (John 19:1-3) The traditional form of the Stations show fourteen 7. Jesus bears his cross (John 19:6, 15-17) stations placed in the same order, as first appearing in Spain during the first half of the 17th century (especially 8. Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene (Mark 15:21) in Franciscan communities). Next, they appear in 9. Jesus encounters women of Jerusalem (Luke 23:27-31) Sardinia, at that time under the dominion of the Spanish 10. Jesus is crucified (Luke 23:33-34) crown, and onto Italy. There they found an effective 11. Jesus promises the kingdom to the good thief champion in St. Leonard of Port Maurice (1751), a friar (Luke 23:39-43) minor and a tireless missionary. He personally saw to the 12. Jesus speaks to His Mother and His beloved disciple construction of 572 Stations of the Cross, including the (John 19: 25-27) famous one erected inside the Coliseum, which were 13. Jesus dies on the cross (Luke 23: 44-46) done at the request of Benedict XIV in December 1750 14. Jesus is placed in the tomb (Matthew 27: 57-60) to commemorate the Holy Year. In the traditional form of the Stations of the Cross, however, stations 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 are not explicitly biblical. In 1991, St. John Paul II instituted a new series of fourteen Stations of Cross, each of which was based on Scripture alone. However, Pope Francis has reverted to practicing the traditional form as follows: 1. Jesus is condemned (Luke 23:24) 2. Jesus carries his cross (John 19:17) 3. Jesus falls the first time (By inference from stations 2 & 5) 4. Jesus meets his mother (By inference from John 19:25-27) 5. Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross (Matthew 27:32) 6. Veronica wipes Jesus’ face (Not recorded in Scripture) 7. Jesus falls a second time (Not recorded in Scripture) 8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Luke 23:27-31) 9. Jesus falls the third time (Not recorded in Scripture) 10. Jesus is stripped of his garments (John 19:23) 11. Jesus is nailed to the cross (Mark 15:24) 12. Jesus dies on the cross (Mark 15:37) In 1st Corinthians, St. Paul says, “...but we preach Christ crucified.” Why does St. Paul preach Christ crucified? Through the power of the crucified Christ on the Cross, the bonds of sin and death are broken. “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” St. Paul explains that an empty cross has no power. The Cross that bears the beaten, ba ered, and bloodied body of Jesus Christ, however, that Cross is the “power of God.” The Crucifix reminds us not only of God's power, but also His love for us–giving His only bego en Son up for suffering and death. #613 3/29/15 Pg. 7 CYO News and Lenten Schedule by Mary Reilly, CYO Director Sunday, March 29: Easter Egg Hunts after 10 AM and 5 PM Masses. Volunteers should arrive by 9:15 AM and 4:30 PM. 7:15-8:30 PM. Dress rehearsal for the Stations of the Cross. All cast and crew members from CYO and the Spanish ministry must attend this rehearsal. Thursday, April 2: 7:20 PM. CYO volunteers for washing of the feet must report to church no later than 7:20 PM for the evening Mass of the Last Supper. Friday, April 3: 6:30 PM: Final run-through for the Stations of the Cross. Present the Stations of the Cross followed by Veneration of the Cross. Many thanks to all who worked at the soup kitchen last weekend. Special thanks to all who stuffed the eggs for the Easter Egg hunts and to the parent volunteers: Lou, Christina, Rick, Maureen and Patti! A warm welcome to new members Lauryn, Peter, Danny, Madeline, Katie, Jenna, DJ and Pete. It’s great to have all of you in CYO! PLEASE COME TO THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS THIS GOOD FRIDAY AT 7:30 PM, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you, my CYO angels! Mrs. R. [email protected]. Community Activities DOVES Seek Donations of Household Items On Saturday, April 11th, 11 AM to 2 PM, the DOVES will collect bagged household items in the St. Denis School parking lot, 119 Virginia Avenue, Manasquan. Proceeds will benefit the DOVES 8th annual summer mission trip to Richmond, VA. The following items will be accepted: coats, bedding, drapes, purses, linens, towels, stuffed animals and shoes. Please bag the items securely. Receipts for donations will be available. Start cleaning out those closets now! For details, call Pat at 732-528-7347 or email her at [email protected]. Respect Life Committee Looking for New Members Monmouth Coastal Respect Life Committee (MCRLC) consists of six Catholic Churches in our area. The Committee meets the First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 1st, at 7:30 PM, in St. Catharine’s convent, Spring Lake. MCRLC’s mission is the protection and defense of all human persons from conception to natural death. If you feel a call to this mission, you are most welcome. For details, email Mary Reilly at [email protected]. Michael’s Feat Michael’s Feat Annual Gala is being held Saturday, April 11th, 6-11 PM, at the Sheraton Eatontown Hotel, Rt. 35, Eatontown. This special celebration raises funds to help families with seriously ill newborns. Featuring premium open bar, formal dinner, entertainment, gift auction and more, it is quite a treat for a feat! For information regarding sponsorships, donations and tickets ($125 per person), visit #613 3/29/15 Pg. 8 Iglesia de “San Marcos” Apostolado Hispano Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor Rev. Jose Fernandez-Banqueses, Vicario Parroquial [email protected] Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 122 Misa Dominical: Domingo 5:00 PM CONFESIONES: Todos los domingos de 4:00 PM-4:45PM. También pueden llamar a la rectoría en caso de emergencia ext. 122. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Los padres de familia que deseen celebrar el sacramento del Bautismo. Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. CLASES DE RELIGION: Se ofrecen clases de Religión todos los domingos antes y después de la Santa Eucaristía desde los grados: (Pre-k, K hasta el 8th grado). Para los adultos se ofrece RICA en Español. Las inscripciones se llevan a cabo cada año entre los meses Mayo a Septiembre. Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas que deseen celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, Para más información llamar a la oficina ext. 100. Horario de oficina en Español: Lunes, Martes & Miércoles 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Diana Zuna, Apostolado Hispano [email protected] Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 100 Fax: 732 449-1646 MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Les invita a las personas que deseen cantar otocar cualquier instrumento musical, les invitamos a que se integren al coro en español de San Marcos, la persona Néstor Román. Vengan a cantar al Señor Jesús. CIRCULO DE ORACION: La Renovación Carismática en el Espíritu Santo “Al Encuentro con Jesús” te invita a que vengas a encontrarte con El Señor Jesús a través de oraciones y alabanzas, ven y gózate en la presencia del Señor, ahora con el Ministerio de Música Carismática: “Sembrando Esperanza.” Te esperamos todos los días viernes a las 6:30 PM. No faltes, Cristo te espera Salmo 150! Alabe al Señor todo ser que respire! TRANSPORTACION: Ofrecemos transportación a las personas que viven en Pt Pleasant, Brielle, Manasquan, Sea Girt, Bradley Beach & Belmar durante todo el año. Mandar un texto o llamar los domingos a Diana Zuna al 908-783-4221 antes de las 2:00 PM si necesitas este servicio. Domingo de Ramos Lecturas y Calendario para esta Semana Primera Lectura: Isaías 50, 4-7. Los sufrimientos de Jesús son narrados por las palabras de Isaías. El elegido de Dios ha recibido injurias y escupos. Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 21, 8-9. 17-20. 23-24. Dios mío, Dios mío, por qué me has abandonado? Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 2, 6-11. Jesús, siendo Dios, no se aferró a sus condición divina. Se humilló tomó la condición de siervo y se hizo semejante a los humanos. Ante su nombre todos deberán arrodillarse. Evangelio: Marcos 14, 1—15, 47. Narración de la traición, condenaciones, sufrimiento y muerte de Jesús. No hay amor más grande que este. 30 Lunes Santo: Is 42:1-7; Sal 27 (26):1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11. 31 Martes Santo: Is 49:1-6; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38. 1 Miércoles Santo: Is 50:4-9a; Sal 69 (68):8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25. 2 Jueves Santo: Termina la Cuaresma a la puesta del sol. Misa del Crisma: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Sal 89 (88):21-22, 25, 27; Apo 1:5-8; Lc 4:16-21. Cena del Señor: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Sal 116 (117):12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15. El Triduo Pascual de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección del Señor Misa Vespertina de la Cena del Señor. 3 Viernes Santo de la Pasión del Señor. Primer día del ayuno pascual. Is 52:13—53:12; Sal 31 (30):2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42. Presentación de las Ofrendas para Marzo 29 Carmen Medina y familia El Camino de la Fe–Introducción a la Doctrina Católica ¡! Atención Catequistas, los registros para la Certificación de Catequesis, ya esta disponibles desde ahora ¡! Estás clases serán por la Internet y estos cursos duraran 7 semanas, las fechas disponibles son: April 13, 2015 Junio 8, 2015 Agosto 31, 2015 Para más información y registración, por favor hablar con Diana Zuna. #613 3/29/15 Pg. 9
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