Weekly Email BLAST, March 27, 2015 Holy Week Calendar This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday (March 29, 2015) Palms will be available at the 9:15 a.m. traditional worship service. At the 10:45 a.m. service, there will be a procession, and everyone is invited to attend. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Connector (by the CMT table and Student Kiosk) to receive a palm. As the service begins, we will process in with the pastors, choir, and leadership waving our palms as the congregation sings "All Glory Laud and Honor." Afterwards, children and students will be excused to their respective ministry areas. Maundy Thursday (April 2, 2015) Please join Rev. Linda McClanahan in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. for our Maundy Thursday worship service. *Childcare for Nursery and Toddler available. Good Friday (April 3, 2015) Join us as we prepare our hearts for the final days of Lent with Stations of the Cross...an event for all ages...we will begin worshiping in the Chapel at 5:30 p.m., have dinner at 6:00 p.m., and then follow a path of interactive, devotional stations depicting Jesus' final days from the Last Supper to the Resurrection. Please sign up in the Café or online for the meal. **In addition, the church will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 4, and Easter Sunday for self-guided tours for those unable to join us on Good Friday. Easter Sunday (April 5, 2015) Our Easter Sunday Services will be at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Church Closed Monday, April 6, 2015 As always, the Monday following holy week, specifically the day after Easter, SPC will be closed on Monday, April 6, 2015. Easter Flowers - March 30 is the last day to order - Continuing Care List Please pray for: Chuck Lowe Harlyn Hubers Kim Fix Zach Malanchuk Lewise Kalsbeek Richard Jones Mackenzie Hicks Ernie Tong Robert Weidner Patty Reinhart Marirose Stiver John Gillcrist Mel Reno Emily Hill Julie Malcolm Mary Read Ron Brady Joe Burnett Skip Rhein Tina Rhein Dianne Harmon Tom Morgenfeld Ruth Gantt Marcia Werger John Taylor John Beil Robbie Koslan David Read Helen Sperling Mary Hastings Betty Richards Steve Krentz Susan Mullen Candy Baker Carol Hunnicutt Barb Sacks Mel Mack It is that time of year again... The Easter Flower order forms will be passed out on Sundays, so you may place an order in memory or in honor of a relative or friend. The flowers will be used to decorate the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, and you may take them home after the second service. The deadline for ordering is Monday, March 30, 2015. All payment and selection information is located on the order forms. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office at 683-0254. Thanks from the Deacons Thank you for the Easter BLESSINGS... The Deacons would like to express their deepest appreciation to everyone who helped make the 2015 Easter Basket project with IHN a huge success. 110 baskets were assembled with snacks, candy, and special items. Thanks to the SPC Preschool for their donations of hot wheels, pencils, erasers, notepads, crayons, and girl's hair accessories. Thanks to the church staff for their help and support and thanks to the congregation. Their generous donations ($1330.00) enabled us to purchase food for the families' Easter meals. This was an excellent project and an outstanding witness of hope and the sharing of God's Blessings. THANK YOU! The SPC Office Needs Your Help... We are trying to update information for our current Military List. Could you please look over the following names, and let us know their status. For example, are they still in the military, are they deployed, do you want them to remain on our list? Whatever information you might have, we would greatly appreciate. Simply email your updates to Jeanne Stevens at [email protected] or Virginia Barnett at [email protected]. Thank you for your time. Sgt. Paul Ryan Keller Sgt. Nathan McCall MM3 Joseph Prickett 2nd Lt. Michael Hills SSG Kurt Davis 2nd Lt. Mark Folchi PO3C James Hough Brandyn LaFarge Staff Sgt. Kelsey Melzer Staff Sgt. Andrew Ruberg LCpl Zachary Sultz Coffee Ministry Needs Your Help... Volunteers are needed to serve coffee and donuts in between worship services on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping, please contact Nancye Rascov at 697-7784 or [email protected]. Thank you! Savannah/Charleston Trip Opening April 13-19, 2015 Due to a family matter, Bev Guenther needs to sell her reservation giving some lucky person the opportunity to be her replacement. This is a very easy process; you simply pay Bev, and we will change the name on the reservation...VOILA!...you get a single room on a fantastic full week trip filled with fun and adventure for only $998.00. Make your decision quickly; we are having our pre-trip information and fellowship dinner on Thursday, March 26, at 6:00 p.m...sure would be super if you have signed up by then, so you may be included in our plans. You may reach Bev at 398-0195. Prime Timer's News Flash... Canada and New England Cruise Royal Caribbean Serenade of the Sea September 15-25, 2015 A Cruise Package Designed for Sycamore Prime Timers ONLY 2 BALCONY AND 1 OCEAN FRONT CABINS LEFT! Balcony: $2764. per person Ocean View: $2168. per person PRICE PER PERSON INCLUDES: Airfare from Cincinnati to Newark, NJ and from Quebec City back to Cincinnati; all taxes; all government fees; port charges; transfers to/from pier; and, prepaid ship gratuities. NOT INCLUDED: travel insurance *travel insurance is highly recommended PRESTIGE TRAVEL IN MONTGOMERY IS THE AGENCY MAKING ALL ARRANGEMENTS - they accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, and AmEx If interested, please contact Irene Strong, Sycamore Presbyterian Church - 513-677-1712 or [email protected] Men of Sycamore... Men of Sycamore - Fellowship Opportunity! The excitement and thrill of college basketball remains in the air! The third round of the Men's NCAA Basketball Championship has already begun. By the end of this weekend the Final Four teams will be determined and will be competing in Indianapolis. The StoneMasons Leadership Team will be hosting an afternoon/evening of fellowship for all Sycamore men on Saturday, April 4. Please plan on joining together with other men of Sycamore to watch the NCAA Final Four teams play in two different semi-final games, beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the SPC Chapel. Pulled pork, baked beans and cole slaw are on the menu. You are encouraged to bring your favorite appetizer or desert to share. You can arrive at any time and stay as long as your schedule permits. If you have sons who are Student Ministries age please bring them along. A great time will be had by all cheering on your favorite team while enjoying good food and companionship. Please join us! Gardeners Needed! Many of our church members and friends have commented on the appearance of the church gardens. More help is needed to keep them looking good! The Garden Group meets on Thursday mornings to plant, weed, prune, and water. If Thursday isn't an option for you, other days and times may be arranged. Watering the plant urns is ongoing, since they are located under a covered roof. If you live near the church and are able to water them one or two weeks in the summer that would be greatly appreciated! Come and enjoy the fellowship and learning opportunities...there is always something new in planting and gardening! No experience necessary! If you are interested, please contact Joan Broersma at [email protected] or 984-4326. Women's Daffodil Luncheon Saturday, April 11, 2015 beginning at 11:00 a.m. Dreaming of Spring? Join us for this Spring event. All women of SPC are invited, and you are encouraged to invite a guest as well to this buffet lunch in Fellowship Hall. The Hall will be decorated with countless, fresh daffodils in many varieties. The president of the Southwest Ohio Daffodil Association, Linda Wallpe, will speak to us before lunch. The Daffodil Lunch is limited to 72 people, and tickets will be available in the Cafe between services (suggested donation is $10 per ticket) this Sunday, March 29. Sponsored by Melissa Wharton ([email protected]). Watoto Children's Choir to Perform at SPC Thursday, May 14, at 7:00 p.m. Host Families needed for Watoto Children's Choir Visit The Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda will perform their "Oh, What Love" concert on Thursday, May 14, at 7 p.m. Through the colorful sounds and rhythms of Africa, the orphan children share their personal stories about how the love of Jesus changed their lives. The concert is free of charge with a free will offering. Eight host families are needed to provide overnight accommodations for 3 or 4 people (2-3 children and a chaperone). Volunteers are needed for other activities such as preparing dinner at the church and selling merchandise. If you are interested in hosting or volunteering, contact Betsy DeLage at [email protected] or 513-288-1161. To see the choir, click here Children's Choir One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, April 5, 2015 Join in and be generous... Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God's love with people experiencing need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development helping people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receive 32 percent. Here is an example of a program supported through One Great Hour of Sharing: Community of the Beloved: Crossing Boundaries The Rev. Amy Cantrell has always felt called to build community with people who live on the margins of society. "I needed to be a minister to people who do not have one," she says. "When I began this journey, I learned the public housing complexes are very isolated--at the end of streets, up against a highway--people do not even know where they are." It was there, in the middle of one of these isolated areas, that Cantrell and Lauren White co-founded the Community of the BeLoved in Asheville, North Carolina. They placed their hospitality house downtown near homeless shelters, public housing, and the bus station, across from a senior center and the employment commission. "Love requires proximity, so we put down roots in the middle of that struggle," says Cantrell. "The solution to a lot of our community problems can be found by creating communities." "But it means developing relationships, and that requires a lot of powerful boundary crossing because of different religious backgrounds, racial disparity and segregation, and poverty and homelessness. But we have a great role model--Jesus was a very good boundary crosser." One way the Community of the BeLoved connects with others is by sharing food through a free farmers market, community gardens, and food pantry. "One of 10 seniors in North Carolina is struggling with poverty," Cantrell notes. "Our city is No. 9 in food insecurity, which is shocking because of how many farms we have, but you can go into a classroom and count every other child as a child who is hungry; more than 50 percent of our children in Buncombe County schools are food-insecure." Families who were helped through the group's transitional housing program helped to create community gardens through a summer camp and healthy eating program. That's where a unique idea was born--a food truck. "It will take fresh foods to kids who are hungry," Cantrell explained. "They can't come to us because their parents struggle with transportation, so we go to them and ensure healthy food is still accessible, even when school is out." "We don't ask if they need it. We just show up where the children are and share food together; we also teach the kids how to cook and garden." That's the project the Presbyterian Hunger Program is financing--through your support of One Great Hour of Sharing. It's a program that will not only feed children but will also create neighborhoods where the children can feel loved by the whole community. "If we are to 'live, love,' then we have to move out and connect with people--that's what it means to love your neighbor," Cantrell says. "In our culture, individualism is celebrated. We don't talk to our neighbors anymore. But in reality, community is a spiritual gift, a powerful thing for all of us." "This area was not a neighborhood when we came here six years ago. Now people are saying 'hello' to each other. Every time we cross a boundary, there is a connection that Jesus is a part of making." Please give generously... Visit the PC (USA) website: (http://specialofferings.pcusa.org/oghs) to learn more about One Great Hour of Sharing. Iberian Vacation... with opportunity for Barcelona extension... Make this dream vacation your reality. Visit the Café for detailed information about this fabulous 13 day trip to Spain including Madrid, Lisbon, Salamanca, Tangier, Morocco, Granada, Toledo, and more, or add the three day extension to Barcelona, and make it a 16 day excursion. A $250.00 deposit will reserve your spot. If you are interested, please contact Ceil Allard at 459-1730 or [email protected] or Lois Borisch at 489-0744 or [email protected]. Children's Ministries Questions regarding Children's Ministries: Jan Ferris at 6830254, ext. 107 Student Ministries Sunday (March 29) Confirmation 915: 9:15 a.m. in the Underground Awakenings, Elevation, and Cross-Training: Following the Processional in the Fellowship Hall/Underground Confirmation 430: 4:30 p.m. in the Underground Check out all of the Holy Week Happenings. No WALK/BABES Wednesday, 4/1. No Confirmation, Awakenings, Elevation, or Cross-training Sunday, 5/5, due to Easter; worship with your family at 9:15 or 10:45 a.m. *Kroger Cards must be re-registered every year! To do so, go online to www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Registering your Kroger Card supports Student Ministries!! Please Contact Wendy Grethel with any questions! *For questions or additional information regarding Student Ministries, contact Meredith Reuscher at 683-0254, ext. 108. Adult Ministries Singles Update: Since we have Good Friday Services, our First Friday activity is going to be postponed until April 10. You are invited to join the singles at the new Longhorn Steak House on Fields-Ertel Road. We will meet there at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 10. Questions? Contact Rena Taylor at 9841272 or [email protected]. MarriedPeople E-ZINE is a monthly, online magazine for married people. It's a fun, mush-free resource full of ideas and insights that sparks great conversations and helps you laugh. You will be encouraged; we promise. So, with no sarcasm and just the right amount of enthusiasm - welcome to the MarriedPeople E-ZINE. If you would like us to email the e-zine to you, sign up on the church website or contact Wendy Grethel at 683-0254 or [email protected]. Click the following link to begin reading! Married People EZINE Living Proof Live with Beth Moore is your chance to see her in action at a live venue. Beth is the author and Bible teacher of bestselling Bible studies and books for women. She is the founder of Living Proof Ministries and speaker at Living Proof Live women's events across the US. Her mission is to guide women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father, and she is coming to Cincinnati. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to see Beth live at the US Bank Arena, June 26-27, 2015. Tickets start at $59.00. For registration and ticket information, please visit http://www.lifeway.com/livingproof or call 800-254-2022. "The truth is a powerful tool for life change - the truth spoken in love, taught from a bold and trustworthy teacher will rearrange you". Lenten Study on the Disciples Adult Ministries is offering a Lenten study "Watching the Disciples: Learning from Their Mistakes" This small group discussion is similar and related to the Sermon Series about the disciples and how we can be better disciples in our own lives. The Lenten study examines the 12 Disciples in their onthe-job training to become disciples of Jesus. We hope to find guidance for our pilgrimage as well as help to assess our discipleship. Join us as your schedule allows: Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in Room 120 with Steve Helterbridle or 10:45 a.m. in the Manse with Wendy Grethel, and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. with Missy Iannelli in the Media Center. Please Note **10:45 a.m. Lenten study will not be held on March 29; feel free to attend the 9:15 a.m. class. Saturday StoneMason Bible Overview... Started March 14, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 120. Feel free to join anytime...what is most amazing about the disciples is that Jesus ever selected them at all; among them were a handful of common fishermen, a hated tax collector, and an impulsive political zealot. Who were these men? When you take a fresh look at the disciples, you'll be faced with a stunning fact: the men the Savior chose were ordinary...hopelessly human...remarkably unremarkable, but they were available and obedient to the Master's call. Come and join us as we study "TWELVE ORDINARY MEN", a book by John MacArthur. This class will be moderated by Alan Greggo and Chris Dugle. We start at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 10:00 a.m. sharp every Saturday. Donuts and coffee are served, along with a big helping of fellowship and fun. All men, sons, fathers, grandfathers, youth...etc. are invited to join. Book and workbook provided for $27. Please sign up on the sheet provided in the Café. If you have questions, feel free to email Alan Greggo at [email protected]. "The Life of Jesus, A Study of the Gospels" (a women's small group study) with Rev. McClanahan meets on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. or Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in Room 120. Questions: Linda McClanahan at [email protected]. **Childcare available upon request. Dinners for 6, 7, or 8 - Please see the guest/host chart in the Café for April's information. Singles meet for lunch on the third Sunday of each month following the second service. They meet in the Café first to decide on a restaurant. All singles are welcome!! Beth Moore Women's Study Children of the Day: 1st & 2nd Thessalonians will be studied. Meets Wednesdays in Room 120, 9:30-11:15 AM. Adult Ministry...it's never too late... to join an Adult Ministry Small Group - Continue your spiritual growth! There are a lot of options: Adult Small Group Calendar: Take a look and see if anything inspires you; everyone is welcome to attend. On-line registration is available, and you may purchase your books in the area outside of the Music Room Sundays, 10:45-11:45 a.m., Room 120, Study: Book of Judges, Leader: Randy Gross Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m., 2/8/2015-4/12/15 (Easter off), Room 223: Financial Peace University, Leader: Neil Gartner Mondays, 10:30-12:00 p.m., Room 120: What's So Amazing About Grace, Leader: Marilyn Poe 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Room 120: Women of the New Testament, Leader: Claudia Gross 3rd Tuesday, Harmony, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Room 120:The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury, Leader: Mitzi Green Tuesdays, Lamplighters, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Media Center, II Corinthians, Leaders: Don and Joyce Dunham Wednesdays, 6:45-7:30 a.m., in Room 120, Men's Bible Group, I Corinthians, Leader: John Strong Wednesdays, 9:30-11:15 a.m., Room 120: Beth Moore, Children of the Day, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians will be studied. Leader: Jenny Ellsworth **For additional information regarding Adult Ministries, please visit the display in the Cafe or contact Wendy Grethel at [email protected]. Prime Timer Trip Opportunity: JUNE 16 & 17 BARDSTOWN & LOUISVILLE -- HERE WE COME!! Sycamore "Out 'N About" travelers: IMPORTANT NOTE: We have 6 openings for a short travel distance adventure filled with a variety of interesting places to see and things to do at a very reasonable cost. It will be a very memorable, enjoyable time. Curious? Interested in additional information? Is your June schedule opening up and you are ready to be "OUT 'N ABOUT"? Look for the blue poster and the informational flyers in the Cafe on our BARDSTOWN / LOUISVILLE trip. The total cost for this two day, one night excursion is only $265.00 per person double occupancy and $335.00 per person single occupancy. I will be at the Welcome Center Café area on Sunday, March 29, and April 5, so come see me; you will be glad you did.!!! Want to know more "RIGHT NOW," just email ([email protected]) or text me (513-720-6771). Have a blessed day and be a blessing to others. Irene The Media Center's Suggestion of the Week: Lord is My Shepherd, The Kushner, Harold S. 248 Kus The author demonstrates how this sustaining work can help readers cope with every aspect of life, from mundane jealousies to the death of a loved one to unimaginable tragedies of global proportions. Check it out! Additional Childcare Available: If you are interested in participating in any of our Sunday morning classes and workshops, please note that we now offer a supervised area for preschool age children and older during the 9:15 a.m. hour. Please sign in at the Nursery. For questions, please contact Julie Smith at [email protected]. Lawn Fete Collections Items for Lawn Fete and the Spring Sale can be dropped off at the storage facility at any time. If the building is closed, just put the item on the porch, and it will be moved inside the next day. Pickups have started. If you have questions, contact Doug Gausmann (683-8614 or [email protected]). Follow Sycamore on Twitter: If you want to keep up with the latest happenings at church, just follow us on Twitter for photos, events, and inspirational thoughts--@SycamorePC. Sycamore Public WIFI Log in to Sycamore's public WIFI anytime you are at the facility. Search for the SCPublic network, and access it with the password: scwelcome. Deacons of the Month The Deacons of the Month for March are Linda Hill (740-503-0061) and Gary Hester ( 513-677-9368). Active Military Service SSG Kurt Davis, US Army National Guard 2nd Lt. Mark Folchi, USAF PO3C James Hough, USN Sgt. Paul Ryan Keller, USAF* Brandyn LaFarge, USN Staff Sgt Kelsey Melzer, USAF MM3 Joseph Prickett, USN* Staff Sgt. Andrew Ruberg, USMC LCpl. Zachary Sultz, USMC Sgt. Nathan McCall, Army* 2nd Lt. Michael Hills, Army* *Deployed Sycamore Church | | [email protected] | http://www.sycamorechurch.org 11800 Mason Road Cincinnati, OH 45249 Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.
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