Volume 26, No. 4 Bald Head Association April 2015 Island Report Communication, Advocacy and Protection of BHI Property Values President’s Letter: Favorite Expression ~Kit Adcock One of the favorite expressions I’ve learned in my years on Bald Head Island is this gem from BHI Patriarch Thad Wester regarding committees: “After all is said and done, more was said than done.” of the beach towards the Shoals Club. The next waterfront project is the extension of the marina entrance, to be immediately followed by construction of the terminal groin. There are certainly lots of committees on this Island. With each new organization added to the mix and as all organizations grow, ever more committees are needed. Communication between and among organizations often passes through many layers to get to the heart of any matter, to obtain answers, and ultimately to get something done. The relocation of the Village dog park next to the Association’s community garden is finished. The Association boat park, located at the site of the old dog park, should be completed by mid-April. The Village is actively working on two ramps at the Creek Access as this is written. Of course, there are always tweaks to be made; your patience is requested as each is addressed. Community input is invaluable in order to ensure these amenities meet owners’ needs. Many Islanders serve on multiple committees and many who are actively involved live off island. Even arranging times to meet can become rather complex. For most matters, stakeholder input is sought. Time slips by with seemingly little action. Often, as the clock ticks by, organizations elect new leadership, committee memberships change and time is spent bringing new folks up to date with what has already transpired. New ideas swirl about and the process continues, perhaps perfected, but assuredly ignited with new energy to get “something done.” Hopefully, by the time this article reaches your mailbox, several major Island projects will be complete. The Village has coordinated with seemingly split-second timing three waterfront projects. The beach re-nourishment is complete in perhaps one of the quickest and most seamless efforts ever. Most of South beach is wide and beautiful and the Village expects the sand to move Eastward to fill in more It is delightful to see so many visible projects come to fruition after so much behind-the-scenes effort. Thanks to all who have worked so hard to enhance our Island paradise. There’s been a lot of talking, negotiating, coordinating, working with various Island organizations and jumping through governmental hoops The Watcher, by Janet Holt Hilton and hurdles. Numerous schedules, including Mother Nature’s, have been accommodated. This year there is concrete evidence of successful committee functioning because “as much was said as was done!” • • • • • • In this Issue: Fuel Surcharge Eliminated - page 2 Thank You – page 3 Wounded Warrior Weekend – page 5 Safety Tips – page 6 Village Projects Update – page 8 Foxes sighted - page 10 April 2015 Island Report Volume 26, No. 4 ARC Corner Karen Mosteller, Architectural Review Coordinator Ode to Spring ~ YEAH! Everyone seems excited that winter is behind us and the trees are waking up. While the T.V. ads are encouraging homeowners to get out in the yard, it’s important to note that here on Bald Head the first consideration regarding yard work is always the protection of the existing flora on your property. Whether in the dunes or the forest, along with protecting existing plants, it’s important that any new landscaping increases the productive natural systems of your own particular mini-environment. “Natural” landscaping can help you accomplish both ends. This means, for the most part, planting and allowing the native plants to flourish of their own accord. There are bonuses that come with staying natural. This approach is opposed to spending a lot of time and money establishing lawn grass or ornamental plants and wasting our most valuable resource, water. Letting nature run its course does not mean total abandonment of planting maintenance. Rather, it will mean a controlled and guided landscape in character with the charm and beauty of Bald Head Island. Hopefully, your landscaping plan will leave you with more time on your hands to enjoy that natural beauty. Landscaping improvements, costing more than $1000 for an existing home, require ARC approval. Also, any approved clearing should take into account the potential environmental impact of the activity and the need to protect plants of special value to the island ecology. This ensures the preservation that is crucial to the delicate environmental balance on the island. Please keep in mind, the understory is critical to the survival of the maritime forest and the forest prevents wind erosion and traps wind-blown sand to eventually form the large dunes on the seaward edge. Regarding tree maintenance, the Village has ordinances that protect the trees and the ARC should Page 2 be consulted regarding the removal of trees 3 inches or greater in caliper at 48 inches height above grade. The Village also reviews limb removal and consults with the ARC. It’s important to get approval from both the Village Building Inspector and the ARC before taking any action. These rules apply to existing homes, new construction, undeveloped lots and common area. The BHA Design Guidelines include information on how to bring Bald Head Island’s natural beauty closer to your home. If you have questions about the Design Guidelines or the ARC process, call Karen Mosteller at 457-4676 ext. 22. Photo by Carrie Moffett NCUC Approves Elimination of Ferry Fuel Surcharge The North Carolina Utilities Commission approved a request by Bald Head Island Transportation, Inc., (BHIT) to eliminate the current $0.50 Fuel Surcharge per round trip ferry ticket as of April 1, 2015. The existing $63 Fuel Surcharge per Annual Pass will also be eliminated. The request was made after BHIT’s fuel expenses for the past several quarters were less than previously forecast, largely due to the recent drop in diesel fuel. Contact Joyce Fulton at 910-457-7478 with questions. Volume 26, No. 4 THANK YOU! You know what they say about opinions and the fact that everyone has one. Anyone that knows me knows that I am also happy to share my opinion but rarely do I do this in such a public forum. There are so many things that Property Owners could say about the value of owning a piece of Bald Head Island. Since my husband Ray was diagnosed with cancer in 2013, we experienced the central core value that makes our community so spectacular. It’s the people. It is not just those of us that own property but the people that work with us and for us, the island entities and their staff, the business owners and their employees and the visitors that cherish this island as much as we do. It is all of these people that make up our wonderful community, a community that sets aside politics, special interests and disagreements to wrap themselves around my family and lift us up during a long and difficult journey. So how do I say thank you for an infinite number of acts of kindness, support and generosity. I could say or write the 2 words thank you over and over again but they just don’t seem to cover what is truly in my heart. Since my husband Ray was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus in October of 2013 the outpouring of support, prayers, good wishes, notes, cards, gifts, advice, dinners, food deliveries has been overwhelming. As time went on and he experienced some life threatening complications the acts of kindness grew exponentially from small well wishes to major projects. Ray said thank you many times throughout his perilous journey. Towards the end of his battle he would say, I have no idea how I am ever going to thank everyone. So that in a nutshell is my problem. How do you say thank you to an entire community and beyond. When he passed away on February 2nd this year Bald Head Island joined me and my family to celebrate Ray’s life. The generosity continues and so much of it is anonymous. A long list of names for personal thank you notes awaits my attention. There are just so many more people who selflessly extended themselves to me and my family without giving a thought of being recognized or thanked. My heart is full of gratitude to everyone knowing that you honored Ray and his April 2015 Island Report contributions to the island. Ray worked very hard for the island while working diligently for his client. Ray was passionate about the island and its people. Paying it forward is the best way for me to say thank you. Throughout Ray’s illness he required many units of blood provided by the American Red Cross without ever asking for replenishing the supply. Initially planned to honor Ray but now in his memory I have organized the very first American Red Cross Blood Drive on Bald Head Island. The Blood Drive will be held at the Bald Head Association Building on Tuesday May 5th. Donors must make an appointment by emailing me at [email protected] or calling me at (910) 454-8065. Appointments are available from 10AM – 1:45PM. For eligibility requirements go to: http://www. redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/eligibilityrequirements/eligibility-criteria-topic. If you are not able to give blood we could use some volunteers. The Blood Drive is made possible because of service donations from Bald Head Association, Bald Head Island Transportation, The Village of Bald Head Island, Maritime Market and Delphina Cantina. Unique and inspiring... Bald Head Association Center, the perfect setting for weddings, receptions and events large and small. You can have a destination event without leaving the country! Bald Head Association P.O. Box 3030, Bald Head Island, NC 28461 910-457-4676 ext 21 or [email protected] www.baldheadassociation.com Page 3 April 2015 Island Report The Way it Was:To East Beach Volume 26, No. 4 Island Service Providers Event There were no streetlights and no fire hydrants, and the roads were not maintained as they are today. Most of the side roads were either unpaved or had crumbling pavement. North Bald Head Wynd led to Federal Road, where it became entirely a narrow onelane path. This was the only way to get to East Beach. Thursday, April 2, 2015 2pm to 3pm BHA’s Association Center Once past the Kent Mitchell Nature Trail you returned to woods,whose foliage was so dense it barely cleared golf cart roofs. It was a tunnel of trees with only a small light at its end where the 20th century lighthouse foundation and oil house sit. Come and meet the businesses that provide service to the island properties. Whether you are interested in HVAC, security, renovation or interior design there will be businesses representing a wide variety of island services. Turning right before the lighthouse base and climbing the hill, you arrived at the Captain Charlie’s cottages. The first of the three buildings housed the BHI Conservancy interns and the classroom where nightly turtle talks were presented during the summer. Bald Head Island Limited donated the use of these facilities to the BHI Conservancy. The Conservancy’s legendary annual fishing schools were also held at the top of this drive. These schools were always sold out months in advance and provided a great way to get to know other islanders, both the “old salts” who taught the program and more recent island property owners and guests. Spring 2015 Island Service Providers Open House~Bigger than ever! Once you reached the lighthouse base, Federal Road veered left following the path South East Beach Drive takes today. Where the East Beach paved parking lot is today, “Access 42”, was a gazebo with two bathrooms and a Coke machine. This was the sole public access point for East Beach. Traveling to The Point back then took some planning and good timing. The only alternative route to The Point was from Captain Charlie’s. Come meet a variety of men and women that provide essential services to Bald Head Island. As of printing we have: The Island Retreat and Spa with aestheticians and a chiropractor, Barbara Miller from BHI Design, James Capps from Pelican Enterprises, Betsy Kimmel – Yoga, Jeremy Downey from A-Wolf Security, Amy from the BHI Conservancy to discuss programs, Darren Witt – Witt Works – repair and maintenance, Greg Kinlaw from Charlotte Grill Works, Cindy from Mannings Pest Control, Nance for HVAC install and service and several more. What made this location so special was that except for a handful of houses further north up South East Beach Drive, you could look out from the gazebo toward both Frying Pan Shoals and up toward Fort Fisher and see miles and miles of unspoiled beaches and few, if any, humans. This view of Cape Fear was then, and remains today, one of the most the majestic vistas of Bald Head Island. When the first murmurs of development of Stage Two were heard, those who treasured this view successfully formed the Smith Island Land Trust to preserve The Point at Cape Fear for posterity. To be continued… Page 4 Photo by Carrie Moffett Volume 26, No. 4 2014 BHI Wounded Warrier photos (both) courtesy of Woody Fulton Wounded Warrior Weekend April 30th – May 4th The eighth annual BHI Wounded Warrior Weekend will begin on Thursday, April 30th with the arrival of five military personnel who have been wounded in active service, plus their families and caregivers, for an all-expense paid respite on Bald Head Island. For many of the troops and their families, this will be their first vacation opportunity since becoming seriously wounded. The weekend kicks off with the traditional community “Pot Luck” recognition dinner that is open to everyone. It will be held at the marina tent site on Friday, May 1st. The participants will spend the remainder of the weekend relaxing on the Island until their departure on Monday. The BHI community is honored to host the annual BHI Wounded Warrior Weekend for the families, caregivers and Wounded Warriors. This event is made possible each year through the generous contribution of financial aid, goods and services within the caring community of Bald Head Island. April 2015 Island Report New this year: The BHI Wounded Warrior Weekend has joined forces with the Halo for Freedom Warrior Foundation. Halo for Freedom is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Texas that will help identify and select the weekend’s participants and connect the participants to sponsors that will help provide transportation to Bald Head Island for the warriors and families at no cost to them. You can learn more about Halo for Freedom at haloforfreedom.org. Please consider making a donation by check payable to Halo for Freedom with “BHI Wounded Warrior Weekend” in the memo. Donations may be dropped off at Bald Head Association (111 Lighthouse Wynd) or mailed to: Bald Head Association, P.O. Box 3030, Bald Head Island, NC 28461. All contributions go directly to support the BHI Wounded Warrior Weekend. Please contact Diane Mesaris at BHA at 910-457-4676 x21 diane@ baldheadassociation.com or John Fisher at fisher5@ att.net if you have questions. g et in good with the locals . A friendly team of Island experts. First in real estate sales since 2007. Full-service rentals. Visit BestOfBaldHead.com, call 910.470.0000, or stop by 6E Merchants Row and say HELLO To YELLOW! ©2014 Wendy Wilmot Properties 114251 wwp bluefish bonaza ad-bhi.indd 1 Page 5 10/1/14 2:35 PM April 2015 Island Report Volume 26, No. 4 Did You Know: Spring Cleaning and Furniture Pick Up. For those property owners wanting to freshen up the look of their home this spring, the Village of BHI, Public Works department will pick up one to two pieces of furniture and take them off the island for a small fee. First, property owners wanting this service will need to call Village Hall, 910-457-9700 to make a reservation for pick up. When Public Works takes the furniture off-island, cast-off items are then distributed to several charities including the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity and multiple churches benefiting underserved children in the area. Remember, they will not take your whole household of furniture but, for $50 will move one or two pieces for you. Photo courtesy of Chris Kostman, AdventureCORPS, Inc. 50k and 51-mile BADWATER Cape Fear Recap The second annual Badwater Cape Fear ultramarathon run was held on Bald Head Island in late March. This year, the race had 115 racers representing 23 American states, Canada, Philippines, and Singapore, a sizable increase over the 80 runners from 17 American states and Canada at the inaugural race in 2014. Thirty-three of 36 finished the 50km officially; only one did not finish. Of the 79 51.4-mile racers, 78 completed the long route and earned the coveted Badwater Cape Fear belt buckle (only one did not finish). It was great day for ultramarathon racing on Bald Head Island and up to Fort Fisher and back along East Beach, with a cool morning and a glorious afternoon. Badwater Cape Fear is the first of three annual races comprising the BADWATER® ULTRA CUP, which includes the 51-mile Badwater Cape Fear, the 81-mile Badwater Salton Sea and the Badwater 135. Page 6 Safety Tips - DIAL 911 FOR EMERGENCIES Bald Head Island is a magical place of extraordinary natural beauty. Please use common sense and follow our few rules while enjoying this fantastic island location. On the roads: • Golf Cart Safety: Speed Limit 18 MPH, 5 MPH at the Maritime Market area • Drivers must be 16 or over and possess a valid driver’s license • No driving under the influence of controlled substance/alcohol • Use seat belts when available • Follow standard bicycle rules of the road - helmets and lights recommended In and around the water: • Be mindful of riptides • Do not venture out onto the shoals • Always swim with a buddy • Watch children and inexperienced swimmers closely • No fishing in fresh water ponds - lagoons • Use red cellophane to cover flashlights at night from May 1st to November 1st when on the beach On land: • Do not feed any wild animals or alligators • There are steep fines for feeding or harassing any wildlife • No fishing in fresh water ponds - or lagoons • Fires require a permit from the Department of Public Safety • Boats must be concealed from view of a public road or the golf course fairway • Golf carts must be parked off the roadways and wynds Volume 26, No. 4 April 2015 Island Report Old Baldy Lighthouse and Smith Island Museum Spring Hours of operation will be: Tuesday through Saturday 10 am to 4 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm Closed on Mondays. Spring Sale Lots of merchandise marked down! Discontinued tee shirt styles 20% off. Come by the Keeper’s Cottage Porch and find great savings. Guided Tours The Old Baldy Foundation offers guided tour packages for both on island residents and visitors and for those visiting the island for the day. It is a great way to experience the uniqueness that Bald Head Island has to offer. Travel this 3,000 acre island with a knowledgeable guide and explore the rich maritime history, stunning natural beauty and climb to the top of North Carolina’s oldest lighthouse, Old Baldy! For those already on the island the package includes a 1½ hour guided tour, admission to Old Baldy & museum and a 10% discount at the gift shop. The tour is offered on Thursdays at 1 pm- Adults (13 and up) $25.00 and Youth (3-12) $20.00 – RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – 910-457-7481. We also offer a package for those visiting the island for the day from the mainland. This guided tour includes all of the above with ferry tickets. The tours are offered on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday starting with boarding the 10:00 am ferry to the island – Adults (13 and up) $50.00 and Youth (3-12) $40.00 – RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – 910-457-5003. April Island Events Island Service Providers Good FridayBHA office closed Spring Litter Sweep BHI Artisans Show May Island Events Southport Nature Fest May Cardmaking Class Annual Gala River Cruise Smith Isl. Art League 4/2/2015 2 pm 4/3/2015 4/4/2015 4/4/2015 9 am 10 am 5/2/2015 5/6/2015 2 pm 5/16/2015 5 pm 5/23-24/2015 Old Baldy by the Numbers $11,359.14 Cost of the first Bald Head Light 1794-1813 Years the 1794 Bald Head Light stood on West Beach $333.33 Annual salary of 1st lighthouse keeper Henry Long 36’ Diameter at base of Old Baldy 5’ Thickness of the walls at the base of Old Baldy, up to 20’ high. $15,915.45 Cost to build Old Baldy 109’ Height above sea level of Old Baldy’s lantern room. 108 Wooden Steps 8 sides, 6 windows, 5 landings 1935 year Old Baldy decommissioned 1975 Old Baldy placed on the National Register of Historic Places 1985 Old Baldy Foundation forms 1988 Old Baldy relit with a symbolic light 2017 Old Baldy turns 200 Page 7 April 2015 Island Report Volume 26, No. 4 Update from the Village - On the Village projects… ~Chris McCall, Assistant Village Manager and Shoreline Protection Manager Corps 2015 Channel Maintenance Dredging Update – Great Lakes Dredge & Dock have completed dredging operations as of earlier this week. The contractor is still underway with removal of shoreline pipe from the beach strand as well as dragging the beach to smooth it out. The project fill limits extended along South Beach to the west end of Brown Pelican Trail. As reported earlier, the total amount dredged from the channel was approximately 1.4Mcy (million cubic yards). The Island Package Center continues to move along… anticipated date for opening is still Spring 2015 Village Terminal Groin Project – Due to the Corps dredging project having finished much sooner than historically, Village staff will also be meeting with the contractor, Orion, to discuss specifics of the construction of the terminal groin. First order of operation is for Orion to install a “temporary trestle” just around “the Point,” along the southern end of West Beach that will be used as an off-loading system to receive supplies to construct the terminal groin structure. Page 8 BHI Creek courtesy of BHI Limited Construction is currently underway for the new Creek Access Ramp and Launching Apparatus. After some delay as a result of weather, the retaining wall and a portion of the ramp are being torn out first with the new section of the ramp, walkway and launching apparatus coming soon. The dock is open but please use caution when in the area. Expect the project to take about 2 weeks more or less. Marina Jetty Wall Extension Project - Village staff will be working with the contractor early April to hold a pre-construction meeting to discuss specifics of the jetty wall extension project which is currently underway. The contractor, Orion, is currently mobilized to their mainland location and are preparing the geo-textile grid mattresses that will be used as the base for the rock to be placed on. All of the work to extend the jetty walls will be performed from the contractor’s barge and will not interfere with daily ferry transportation operations. Volume 26, No. 4 April 2015 Island Report Offshore Energy Development Community Forum Monday, April 6th at 9am Association Center Organized by the Bald Head Association and the Bald Head Island Conservancy. A community forum on offshore energy development for BHI property owners on Monday, April 6th at 9am at the Association Center. The goal of the forum is to inform the BHI community on the environmental and economic impacts of wind and oil/gas exploration. Contact Carrie Moffett at [email protected] or Suzanne Dorsey at [email protected] with questions. Collaboration by Bald Head Association and the BHI Conservancy 910-457-4676 • www.baldheadassociation.com 111 Lighthouse Wynd, Bald Head Island We Need Your Connections!~ Today, we are facing two huge challenges: two wind turbine farms planned off Bald Head’s shores, and exploration and potential drilling for oil. To preserve what we hold near and dear about the Island and to have our voices heard, we must work together to maximize our six degrees of separation. Who do you know? Please contact Carrie Moffett at 910-457-4676 x21 or email her at [email protected] with any suggestions or contact information. There will be several opportunities for property owners to engage in the process analyzing these two proposals so stay tuned for information about how you can help. Page 9 April 2015 Island Report BHI Wildlife Caught on Camera By Courtney Spears, Coastal Ecologist, BHI Conservancy Volume 26, No. 4 encounter them in the wild. Without human intervention, like feeding, coyotes and foxes will avoid human contact and will maintain a healthy distance. While our wildlife projects are still in process, we have captured quite a few of Bald Head’s residents on film. As we learn more about the movements and status of each population, we will provide updates via www.bhic.org. Interested in conservation? Become a citizen scientist! We have several opportunities for families to get involved in science and learn more about the unique habitats of Bald Head. For more information visit http://www.bhic.org/volunteer-possibilities. Spring is bringing Bald Head to life! Our wildlife cameras have been deployed for several different projects including the deer management project, fox survey, and coyote survey. Coyotes (Canis latrans) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are important predator species and help keep small mammal populations in check. Foxes have been slow to repopulate after disease wiped out the population here a couple of years ago, so it is great to see them on Bald Head once again! Presence of these predators could help control the population of the invasive roof rat (Rattus rattus), which is part of the reason we are so keen to study the predator-prey relationships on the island. Coyotes and foxes likely came down from Fort Fisher via the land bridge that connects Bald Head to the mainland. Although it may seem alarming to see photos of these predator species near residential areas, you are unlikely to Page 10 Hop into Turtle Central Gift Shop this spring for great deals and new merchandise! Our new SCOUT bags are here. Receive a free gift with every SCOUT bag purchase. We still have many 25-75% off sale items throughout the store for the bargain hunters! Our toy section is ready for the Easter bunny with new toys (including a great golf cart), plush bunnies and more! We look forward to seeing you this spring season! All proceeds support the Bald Head Island Conservancy. We are open daily from 10 am -5 pm. You can also shop online at BHIC.ORG/STORE. Volume 26, No. 4 Card Making Class April 2015 Island Report Spring Island Litter Sweep Wednesday, April 1st 2 - 5 pm at the Bald Head Association Center Join Pattie Caban for this fun class on card making with stamps! Class size is limited to 8 individuals and the fee is $25 for 12 cards (4 each of 3 different designs). All materials needed to complete the cards are furnished. Contact BHA at 910-457-4676 x21 with questions. Beach Clean-Up - Saturday, April 4, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Public Safety Department “Fire Station” Please come volunteer to pick up litter on BHI. We have gloves, big litter bags and grabbers. Participants will be treated to coffee, donuts and Easter candy. Prizes for the most unusual litter found. School community service credit for kids!!! Sponsored by: Sponsored by: BHA’s Communication, Education and Recreation (CER) Committee BHA’S Natural Resources and Beautification (NRB) 910-457-4676 • www.baldheadassociation.com 111 Lighthouse Wynd, Bald Head Island 3rd Monday Community Potluck Dinner 910-457-4676 • www.baldheadassociation. com 111 Lighthouse Wynd, Bald Head Island BHA Activities at Bald Head Association Yoga for all levels Mondays & Wednesdays 11:45am to 1pm. The daily drop in fee is $16.00 Discounted fees are available for weekly and monthly participants. Laugh & Breathe Yoga Class Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00 am – 10:00 am Fee: $16.00 per person. All levels are welcome to attend. Call Betsy Kimmel at (404) 426.7515 or email her at [email protected]. Pilates Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:45 - 11:45 am 8 Session Card $120/ Walk-in fee $17 Monday, April 20th 6:00 pm at the Bald Head Association Center Plan to join in the Community Potluck Dinner social held in the Generator Society Hall. Bring an entrée, side dish or dessert to share and your own beverage. Paper products will be made available. Contact FA McLeod at [email protected] for additional information. American Mah Jongg Thursdays 1pm to 4 pm Card Making 1st Wednesday of the month 2 pm to 5 pm Class size is limited to 8 individuals and payment is due the beginning of the class. The fee is $25 for 12 cards (4 each of 3 different designs) and all materials needed to complete the cards are furnished. Contact BHA at 910-457-4676 x21 with questions. Knitting Wednesdays 9:30 am to 11:30 am All skills of knitters are welcome to come and join in. Sponsored by: Sponsored by: BHA’s Communication, Education and Recreation (CER) Committee BHA’s Communication, Education and Recreation (CER) Committee 910-457-4676 • www.baldheadassociation.com 111 Lighthouse Wynd, Bald Head Island 910-457-4676 • www.baldheadassociation. com 111 Lighthouse Wynd, Bald Head Island Page 11 April 2015 Island Report Volume 26, No. 4 Chris Hutchens Branch Manager, VP of Mortgage Lending P: 910.344.0304 C: 910.231.4375 F: 773.357.4643 [email protected] www.guaranteedrate.com/chrishutchens 1123C Military Cutoff Rd. Wilmington, NC 28405 Guaranteed Rate NMLS: 2611 • NMLS ID:117377 NC - I-113842 - L-109803 Pack light. We’ve got it covered. 910-457-7450 | 8 Maritime Way | www.maritimemarketbhi.com Page 12 Volume 26, No. 4 April 2015 Island Report Leading You through the Sale of Your Property One Step at a Time. When you’re ready to list your island home, homesite or shared ownership property for sale, turn to the company that knows the lay of the land better than any other—Bald Head Island Limited Real Estate Sales. Along with a complete understanding of market conditions, we bring a comprehensive marketing strategy to maximize sales results within your time frame. For a free comparative market analysis of your property’s value, email, call or stop by our sales office near the island ferry landing. 4 Marina Wynd | 1-800-888-3707 | www.BHIrealestate.com | [email protected] If you are currently working with a real estate broker, this is not meant to be a solicitation of your business. Page 13 April 2015 Island Report Volume 26, No. 4 Distinctive Design Custom Built U NIQUE S TYLE 4 Merchants Row behind the Hardware Store Page 14 AND C OMFORT (910) 457-4497 ~ April 2015 ~ Volume 26, No. 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 5 6:45 Sunrise Ser.(Old Baldy) Communion 8:30 & 10 am Rev. Dr. Robert Lewis Presbyterian 6Offshore Energy 7 Forum 9 am - noon (AC) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Flow Yoga 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45am-11:45am (AC) 8 ARC Mtg 9:30 am Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Card Making Class 2 pm - 5 pm (AC) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) April 2015 Island Report Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 Men’s Bible 11 18 Flow Yoga 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:4511:45 am (AC) Service Providers Open House 2-3 pm (AC) Maundy Service 4 pm (VC) Flow Yoga 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) COC BOD mtg. 11 am (AC) Mah Jongg 1-4 pm (AC) Good Friday BHA Holiday Office Closed 4 Litter Sweep 9 am -12 pm (PSD) BHI Artisans Show & Sale 10am-5pm (AC) Howl at the Moon 6:30 - 8:30 pm (access 39) Study 8 am (AC) BHA Board Public & Executive Session 1 pm (AC) 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 Flow Yoga 22 23 Flow Yoga 24 Men’s Bible 25 28 29 30 Flow Yoga Notes: 8:30 am Rev. David Woodhouse Methodist 8:30 am Rev. Jack Karpenske Church of the Brethren 26 8:30 am Rev. Rockwell Ward Presbyterian Yoga 11:45 am (AC) BHI Club BOG Mtg. 9 am (Club) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) 3rd Mon. Pot Luck 6 pm (AC) Deadline for 5/1/15 ARC Mtg 27 Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Flow Yoga 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) Flow Yoga 9 - 10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) AC (BHA Association Center) BHIC (BHI Conservancy) Club (BHI Club) VC (Village Chapel) PSD (Public Safety Operations Building) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Yoga 11:45 am (AC) Flow Yoga 9-10 am (AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) Mah Jongg 1-4 pm (AC) 9-10 am(AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) Mah Jongg 1-4 pm (AC) 9-10 am(AC) Pilates 10:45-11:45 am (AC) Mah Jongg 1-4 pm (AC) Wounded Warrior Weekend Village Council Mtg. 9:30 am & 2:30 pm (AC) Study 8 am (AC) Chapel Concert 7:30 (VC) Standing Events: • Alcoholics Anonymous—Mon & Fri, 12 - 1pm, Association Ctr. Contact John B. at 454-9251 or [email protected] • Knitting—A group of knitting enthusiasts meets every Wed at the Association Ctr., 9:30 - 11:30 am April 2015 Island Report Bald Head Association Volume 26, No. 4 P.O. Box 3030 111 Lighthouse Wynd Bald Head Island, NC 28461-7000 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BaldHeadAssociation.com Phone: (910)457-4676 Fax: (910) 457-4677 SHALLOTTE, NC PERMIT NO. 43 ŬēȅȠǤįȃȵƥȠǤDZįƈŊȃȰŬȓȃÝȃǤįÝƈȃįDZȅÝȅįȃēƥƎLJÝƖȵ that stays with you for the entire island ownership experience: sales, rentals & decor. mikemohler kurtbonney rentals kaysparks rentals sales adamrowe rentals tiffany emilybonney rentals coreyboyett design design RENTALS: 910.457.0544 www.tiffanysrentalsandsales.com SALES: 910.352.1928
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